Join the Dark Corrupt A Minecraft SMP Live Now! Anyone Can Join

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Cheeky fall gu sound effect oh wait I had no webcam back then what the flip that’s so weird oh wait I had no webcom back all right next stream I’ll next should make you what what what the what what just happened all right give me guys a second just

Setting up some things I’m going to unwi list the Ser in like a minute please remind me cuz I probably will forget uh I think this will be either the second last or the last fsmp stream before it’s poured to the new server which we’ll be able to handle like way

More things cuz as you may know Ser expiring on the 10th and stuff and so we’ll need to process it next week um so yeah just currently sewing some things out give me a moment not too many things left so what’s happening with my unbanning uh bro you literally know it’s literally

Like end of December bro oh so it’s not like April or nothing no that was a joke is this Java exclusive no no no you can join on Bedrock it’s a crossplay server don’t worry it is indeed a yeah I’ve got I’ve got all in the pin comment I was

Thinking wait did I not put in the pin comment but no it is indeed in the pin comment thankfully so yeah you can join on both bedrock and Java basically um just find some things out okay if I got everything up yeah everything’s up ah yes the mossy cobblestone

Experience that’s what I was doing yes I remember morning morning to you Ezekiel well currently right now it’s afternoon 1 hour to evening but indeed morning I’s really short it’s like three it’s like four hours that I don’t think Microsoft favors Bedrock as much anymore but you know what

I have you mean actually no to be fair I guess they make more money from Bedrock to be fair uh that’s probably why maybe sell hand I know 128 what selland 64 cell hand 15 solid stuff right there phenomenal check balance okay yeah we’re going to be here for a bit um do I not have a crafting table or something what the hell thank thank you is a kill I literally responded to you but bottle of water there you go bottle of

Water depends what you what you prefer I guess oh P Peanut’s gotone full balance for you oh de oh no I thought there would be an argument in chat about this no so sad it’s my birthday today happy birthday radical happy birthday mate hello there alfis

Uh so I’m going to get like two pickax es because why not H the question is do I continue with like Mass mossy cobblestone I think we continue what even is like the way to break it is it like this yeah it’s this yep it it’s 100% this

I’m so excited to be attacked by Vias and ionic 6 again I don’t think Vias and Ionix are probably going to attack you cuz they’re they’re busy playing the fortnite Battle Royale new season yeah it came out today I had a little had a couple cheeky rounds with it it is very

Confusing but I think I’ve got a somewhat gist of it but it is very it’s very weird to say the least it’s very weird like some of the guns like three guns are really op like you can tell by how op they are oh it’s are you actually going to play because it’s

Old play the event at 11:00 p.m. and and damn oh is he actually on right now oh my God damn did you really not enjoy it that much damn I thought it was like a little bit weird but like damn why was there Lego oh Lego’s coming on like the 7th of December

Dark is one of the slaves in a slave Colony kind of yeah pretty much now it’s pretty much what we are so sad P down your weapons oh yeah bro they were all playing fortnite a moment ago damn was it Damn but I’m actually apparently actually but actually good news everyone uh OG fortnite will apparently be actually unironically returning uh on the uh what’s it um yeah next year I don’t know when but apparently it’s coming back next year so that that’s some good news I can’t lie it’s just being a

Little bit a little bit weak this latest uh thing it’s just it’s just a bit mid but I haven’t fully tried out the game but so far it’s just been a bit it’s it’s it’s a little bit in a state right now I’m going to be

Real they just have all these names for like the most dumbest of things uh let me uh make two shovels actually actually yeah I’m just going to start using Stone shovels I’m not going to waste iron on this it’s just not worth it are you send the IP oh it’s in

The pin common but I can get it up and post the entire thing in a chat in a moment why is dark mining on our cave uh money and building blocks pretty much pretty much that and it’s taking 16 years uh where even is it it’s over here isn’t it

Just make sure you add the server uh if you were trying to play all right here you go uh yeah everything’s working just have to double check one more time let actually check SLT yeah 24 out 24 the bosses are too op bro no Peter

Griffin like I mean if you get like two people beaming him with SMGs you can beat the uh you can beat the bosses but you need two people like focusing on nothing else but beaming uh the boss’s head it’s outrageous even the mini boss the mini bosses that you just can’t beat

Them on your own literally like if you try and solo those bosses good luck they regen their Shield yeah if you leave them no it’s oh it’s so bad but I mean I haven’t fully explored the game but from what I can see I probably won’t

Be uh sweating out this game it it is a little bit of a story side you’re already silver three wait you just unranked already oh my God if I do unre like I think I’m on oh my God that’s going to go so badly I’ve updated

My texture pack nice nice nice epic Ted epic epic um did you make the server crack cuz like no no it’s not crack the port at the end usually means cracked for Java uh no it’s not cracked yeah it it’s not cracked mate it it’s always been like

That well not always but like ever since the server but it’s not crack though crack can’t join uh yeah that’s a couple clay blocks uh there just loads of claim in this cave like Jesus Christ like what is this cave like what is this it’s 20 second 6 seconds long wa

Oh bro someone’s messaging me about the economics test oh my God I going to continue revising St after the Streamline shoot my class check Discord you know I’ll watch it like a little bit but I’m going to have to like mute it yeah okay I can watch it like in mini

Screen just going to have to mute it I’ll just have it yeah I’m just going to have to mute it okay okay big cave okay Castle okay what are they expanding okay yeah that’s I remember that’s the red capital okay are they expanding the monastery or something oh is that the

Oh damn so are they they’re like um what was it expanding the um like main building type things interesting it’s a whole new oh a whole new map Oh I thought they were just like building up like the um what it the regular um the regular things they’re adding a second

Map to the game that’s good that’s good that’s good adds a little bit more replayability Factor okay I’m just going to throw these these are just poo waste just a waste of space in my inventory though I’m very surprised why there’s just a massive clay cave here does not make any

Sense but there is a for five sakes how does that even keep falling down just check if it even got damaged and it did not it just keeps falling down for some reason you can now make who bit worried because it doesn’t have a glass it might get

Damaged yeah a little bit worried about that no I guess that’s supposed to look like that it’s just a bit weird look at it like that yeah yeah it’s supposed to look like that just a bit weird Okay slightly worried about this computer needs that glass casing

Uh wait did I miss anything uh nope wait yeah I’m on all messages you can now make buildings of engineer and leveling every five levels gives a skill point nice uh which you can use to make your life easier phenomenal uh the other Hunter skill which also lets you fish

And hunt a fish Hunter very hard to hunt bear okay and hunt rabbits solid I just do I just joined and died can you get my stuff in the caves where are your coordinates in the caves cuz like I I um I have no idea where you

Died I like have no idea like I I’m going be real with you I have no clue where you died cuz like I’m in like a really weird cave cuz like I have no idea where you died so like I know you died from what I can

See in a cave but there’s quite a few you get what I mean be a bit of a challenge and now and some and now oh and now some of an ability that makes you approve or disapprove double the worth it normally is interesting that that actually makes

A bit more sense so now you’re going to have corruption and oligarchy yay we love corruption and oligarchy I mean if you want to like go through this cave you can but yeah I have no idea how I got into this cave in the first place that’s that that that’s a major

Issue could probably imagine Uh Oh no you’re quite close here um let me got one two three 4 oh I don’t actually have enough Moss ooh that’s not good that’s not good don’t approve that ah okay Hunter can now see a lot of deer in their map with a skill fair enough I

So they’re doing like a mega update I see Interesting U let me cheuck those oh no okay I’m like two Cobblestone short okay let’s make some mly Cobblestone and sell it sell Hand 62 okay that’s calm inventry now have a reason to be in a formation since footman and Military classes get a buff when they’re together and you can give skill points to make it stronger that’s quite good I don’t know why I why it would be called it

Antartic I don’t know why I why it would be I don’t know why I uh Denmark regenerated yeah but like the resources underground haven’t and it’s not really regenerated ated if you look there’s like uh multiple things have it broken yeah it’s it’s not really it’s not really regenerated yet I’ll come and

Take a look in a moment just need to dump all this do I know I have like a furnace or something no I don’t okay fantastic all right I’ll just dump all this then uh yeah okay I’ll dump it all in there C accept uh wait what what TP accept yeah

TPA Vos did it just get cancelled last minute how fud do I exit the walls of the nether I can’t find actual land in the nether uh I have no idea man no idea who made this who has made this cuz as you can see uh as you might

Be able to tell here guys look there there are many different holes showing that the underground is not is not in a good good State at all it’s like completely obliterated so yeah this land this land’s a bit poo because of that it’s it’s it’s a bit it’s a bit destroyed

It’s not very good let me check SL balance okay that’s good going to be quite a bit uh inventory now a reason to be in formation since footman and Military costes go Buff when they’re together and you can give skill points to make it stronger nice uh lag I’m not lagging

Currently but there might be uh everything that was built before it was before it was claimed regenerated oh what the flip uh P has a skill peasant has a skill tree which lets you eat worms if you’re hungry interesting some I’m gathering stuff uh like more resources

Getting with mining so it’s slavery and every 16th row of blocks just doesn’t regenerate at all yeah you can tell that it’s been nuked and the bit of like the resources and stuff are a little bit h a little bit destroyed a little bit gone to say the least

Okay so I need to go get a bunch of coal no Cobblestone H do I continue with this or do I go for better resources H decisions decisions decisions I think it’s better to go for better resources yeah I’ll just drop all the these off oh wow we actually need to make more

Stairs wow that’s no idea okay guess I’ll make some stairs then do we seriously have no resources oh my God we don’t that’s not good all right I’ll just gradually take all the pumpkins real quick and then sell them so I’m gathering stuff like more resource oh yeah and peasants can now

Arm cannons ah little bit strange that’s the case but okay and I guess it makes it less boring I guess but uh that kind of makes no sense but you know what I I guess they got some magical training last minute okay I’ll put the harnesses as well in

Here I’ll just keep the glowry have we so all the pumpkins okay so SL cell hand 32 oh H yeah you might as well just yeah you might as well just uh how do I describe it just make an auto farm at that point just a bit yeah there’s no

Point manually farming pumpkins then good to know well now I know that’s the case uh yeah I ain’t autof farming pumpkins anymore that yes yes ninja that is true our Lord and savior yes indeed okay all right I’m guess I’m just going to mine straight down if I die H

Well that’s unlucky I guess I really cannot be asked I’m just going to go straight down can’t right now I’m lagging yeah no no you don’t need to make don’t you don’t need to make one right now it’s not really urgent it’s just like yeah there’s no point like manually getting

Them cuz it’s just not really that much that’s kind of what I mean I guess oh crap T spawn t- spawn oh my God where’s the te- spawn okay wait I can I can save myself just About how do I find an End Portal uh I mean they’re like they’re around like the map pretty much yeah um yeah there’s a few around the map pretty much wait do you mean to me what do you mean uh you just look you got to kind of

Look at the 3D blue map and then you can see different End Portals um on the surface of the map like on the surface surface yeah there’s three yeah there you go Dr P yeah he’s got Dr you know I’ll just set it up at a different location so I don’t get bloody ended in two seconds it’s just just no ideal o okay yeah this is the level ah yeah not fun yeah that’s going to take ages just to get any of those uh not fun m

Oh basic Cannon training they cannot fire over just reload maintain a cannon they add hot coco which heals you even if at 50 HP nice I know Railways are kind of a waste of stuff but we could finally finish the one connecting Europe to Britain from Cornwall I mean if you want

To if you want to build start constructing that Al how we meant to get heart to the see oh I saw a desert temple on the SMP like what I mean is like I experienced one I have no idea where I experienced one though that’s the only

Problem do I want to go west or do I want to go East I think I’m going to go East uh uh no I don’t think you can make a hard the sea can you um civilians also have the ability to buy from sh have the ability to buy

From shops for 200 they have a skill tree specifically about o now you got skill trees shops like investing into other shops and so for so forth if you own a shop then you can get passive and a little from people buying off your shop interesting um hello there sleeps uh or

Hello there sleeps how are you doing on this fine afternoon also you can invest in your own shop to get more money level one gives 20 it gives 20 a minute level to 25 or 430 per minute and they cost 150 coins each solid you need Buri Treasures for them

Lucky uh that’ll be slightly than uh difficult do I strip mine for diamonds I don’t think this will be very fun to strip mine for diamonds oh yeah the dr’s dropped shells but my afternoon is Splendid thank you for asking no problemo sleeves but how are you doing on this fine evening

Then oh God do I strip mine now that is the question do I have the patience to do that or do I just keep going like one by one one just like this oh well this is it’s just one Diamond great oh that’s great that’s fantastic all right

Okay uh do I no I don’t I can’t really be asked I’ll just uh mine like this then let’s mine from one side of the world to the other side with this why does vio sound like a brand of vegan products kind of does actually in game obviously kind of

Does and interesting do you know who has access to the portal uh I have no idea who’s claimed any of the portals I think Creeper’s got one I think if he still got one uh yeah vas probably has one uh I don’t know who owns the last one still hasn’t been

Contested the event was good look I found it a bit it was a bit short the Eminem part was a little bit underwhelming but I did like the uh Lego the Lego and um reference to the OG thing and other and uh rocket League you own the shop until you leave

Or some other Nation gets your L even though you can join the team if you have the skill also you can get XP from claiming your money you can collect with other RS it gives no XP whatsoever uh you can keep the shop even if you change your classes that’s good

So you don’t get completely screwed over that’s good to know all know that’s for rap tastics traveling from one side of the map to the other I’m going to have so much deep slay so has anyone meant to make a conduit yikes that’s not great we have four now who made that L

Who’s made that oh my taking out the sweats TR my he missed he missed a great um vas missed a great point he could have used in as poutine not maple syrup uh there are two special currencies belt uh bear pelts and and Military hearts that you can get from killing military

Classes and collecting their hats and bear pelts easy but you need the skills for both of them interesting can I ask S to get one from create creative for a St oh my God why does it always slip off like that so annoying don’t do that no no

No no no no no no no no no don’t do that thank you everyone in this server has got a mental disease I agree ninja and Shez how’s that happened both of them give stuff like Katana and bment for sergeant that’s good more features I mean you can ask solid from C

But he might not receive he might not give you know for a certain price who knows oh it’s raining outside I do basically he wants to be able to buy a half the sea because you can’t get one in the game for a certain price okay I actually cannot be asked to

Do this this is just too inconvenient h cannot be asked um might start making the ground cuz just so it would be just much just much more entertaining um right can I like smell some iron please yes I’m kind sick Cobblestone yes no I can just make iron pickaxes though that’s worth

It oh yeah I can just straight up start digging up this mountain I need the door as well for expansion purposes so this is fine have fun with f makers so there’s only one half the sea in the map and set up some treasure that that involves everyone who decides to come into

Conflict I mean a problem with har the sea is if you want to you might you kind of want to few to make like an underwater breathable area that’s the problem kind of need a few yeah I’m going to have to completely reshape this area great cuz there’s a bloody Mountain here

They but okay how much dir do I have okay I’ve got actually a decent amount I can start using that then start sewing out this area free storm in game what in fortnite freeze storm what the hell the hell is a freeze storm that’s what I don’t understand what is a free Stone

Catastrophic weather alert oh dear oh no and iroll as well oh no I’m out of uh I’m out of this okay I guess I got to keep removing this mountain then actually I might make a cheeky Comm check where’s the uh okay that’s actually quite reasonable right now make this a limited time

Poll Flip’s sake Minecraft stream right now no way can’t believe it I don’t think I spell believe right it Che oh fud I did I’ll delete it later do one hard the SE in every content there for conflict and efficiencies and but to be fair most

People will want loads of parts of the seeds at some point so they can build quite a few underwater uh breathable areas it’s quite a few uses you can use them for but usually in large quantities that’s the problem as that is the main issue 99 people don’t know what this um this

Item exists think it’s probably more they just don’t have any use for it it’s more yeah has it has it only very specific uses so I’m going to start replacing the ground with um dirt then there’s a real ton of skill trees in Empire Clash that I cannot explain with writing

Rip that’s kind of a that’s kind of a rip then oh no no more Empire so sad cuz we got quite a bit of coal I’m kind of all right I need to go get myself a uh a shovel then oh my God I’m constantly having to make more and more shovels it’s

Unreal okay two more shovels made all right let’s get to digging I say um radical if you can actually know to be fair you’ll need tons of redstone Farms I was going to say if you can potentially start working on auto Farms that would be very nice yeah that’s quite expensive mind

Uh the Caspian Sea floor is completely made out PL Seriously now this is way too complex a floating island just spawned now I’m defending a flag wait in fortnite what bro how long are they keeping the season up oh my God they put weights I can’t lie with with the season they should just gradually start adding

Things in not like a million things at once oh that was in the last CH wait what when was this mango when was this never seen it this is ading ties now he knows where my base is I mean you can like look on the um you can look on the um blue

Map yeah you know you know you look on the blue map right explosive you you you know that’s a feature right just in case Alo there are Guardian spawners really cheeky Guardian cuz they brought everyone back with a simple fortnite gameplay and sty but sent everyone

Straight to a complex game with tons of features yeah they they’re going to not have uh too many players uh after this uh that he not good no I had invisib no no no no no but so that I can does it actually remove your player icon on the map if you use

Invisibility potions so were you constantly taking 8 Minute invisibility potions every second every 8 minutes i s you can still see that on the map I could be wrong F sakes I TP something and immediately falls off um how about every full Minecraft moon a

Har the SE spawns in a a dungeon like structure with all seven continents therefore efficiency every full but like so like every night I mean that could work but is solid can solid be asked that is the question question that is the big million dooll Question I may not be able to write it here um why is W acting like I’m going to use my ad account to come I know I think it’s more he’s saying that you’re going to use your admin account to be able to find where he is and then you

Can kill him on your regular account the main problem is that finding where he is that that’s his point um mide cheap ENT is reaching paranoid levels I used to endure l i don’t have access to the nation menu could you you can do SL end spawn and no one could can

Turn it off SL nspawn wait what do you mean EX exactly Dr peanut uh uh Jesus Christ uh M drop fizer beggar lucky prospector stason warer Jesus Christ that’s just a bunch of different changes and stats that that that’s the peasantry interesting has a lot of changes in stats spawn

British fudge me I can huh that’s weird huh well maybe that’s maybe potentially a good thing that only admans can do that maybe that’s a good thing but actually maybe not who knows that’s kind of crazy you can go to someone else’s location oh no but then

Again we’re Allied in the same Nation aren’t we oh no we’re Allied in the same Nation all right teleport to Vos then if you can do that teleport to Vos I want to see if this actually does indeed work all classes do not have that skill tree yet but

Soon I mean if they get them eventually then that that’s pretty much it then have to do all [Applause] this oh this is eight man this is eight so much just to knock this down literally so much oh yeah and interesting maybe you don’t want to have

Nations maybe you don’t want to have a nation sometimes cuz if they can just do that it’s a bit bad they can just instantly get to you why is it only my nation I don’t know oh did you not did you not turn off public on your nation I think you I

Forgot to turn off public oh no that’s not good for you oh there you should probably turn it off I don’t know why I genuinely need somehow more um oh I’ve got more dark okay [Applause] [Applause] this is good oh my God Jesus Christ This is actually

Unreal how much the bloody just change the landscape of this area my goodness I’m I’m going to be a right M and I’m going to do this streaming Earth smpp right Now I’m just going to oh there we go there we go I I I ain’t reading all that first I ain’t reading all that I just felt like that well he actually took his time out of the his fortnite game to come and actually say no wow that’s funny read it

No it’s too too much uh I have sent you all classes and their abilities from Farm that’s that’s way too much to read way too much way too much man way too much skill tree there’s a Wiki someone’s made a Wiki for it d I’m actually slowly changing up this area oh my

God uh also you can now beg for money as a peasant 1K coins every 24 hours so if you just keep begging you can get money bro free money exploit so sad no FP we willing to donate you money then yes so how do you determine 1K coins every 24 hours

No one to be fair that feature is going to be like used by no one because like no one’s going to give anyone money no chance no shot pal no shot it’s just going to be a bunch of people now just begging in game that that that’s what

They bought into this game there’s a bunch of people now going to start begging for money damn what Empire Clash has become guys oh no Le I’ve got somewhere to dump all my um dirt somewhere useful at least where I can dump all my dirt Jesus Christ another tree oh my

God there you that’s I’m out now to get that much done last time I think it was more complicated so I feel like now it’s just going to be Insanity that that’s what I feel like what’s going to happen now with the begging since they decide to add that

Not a very smart addition but you know what okay it’s going to make so many people so annoying and be like give me money please all right you know what I’m going to have that many shovels cuz trust me they’re all going to break you see log the time you are paid

And when it’s 24 hours you can beg for that amount ah interesting I’m saying what was added to Empire Cloud ah okay probably going to make a bunch of comy blocks here and then I might go stank Petersburg and start building up stuff [Applause] there this is a crazy amount of renovating

But it’s needed Merchants have their skill tree now which lets them carry more could you sign a trade deal for for Coke I’ve got like No Coke if you mean to buy coke from you uh I don’t know but if you mean selling Coke I haven’t got

Any I haven’t got any I haven’t got a farm going we need to make a farm now stuff I’ve got I don’t know how to do that though that’s cuz I actually start planting them I’ve just been trying to get space and stuff right

Now I mean to buy some now right now I I’m kind of all right right now when you do Empire Clash I don’t know if it gets picked in Roblox that’s why you want to sell it I see oh [Applause] dear H gr bro that is some coke to say the

Least you saying 499 for a gram of coke coina tell you one how eigs work all right thank you Yuki so you get political power every minute all right even if you’re not King uh BOS okay I managed to dig got that much look at that phenomenal work from Daniel right

There poor Daniel Evans isn’t getting uh people to be able to expand corn War so sad he’s going to have to make do with what he’s [Applause] got hello there sepharim how you doing mate all right yeah how much oh wow I have a lot of D

Okay all right let’s keep making it a little bit better uh should I get R Moss if I if I can be honest I might get R of moss I’m good greater sarapin um uh you get more political power if you capture core territory okay you need

Amount of you need a certain amount of political power to start an edict Al you pay a maintenance the edict okay three to 4 ecks I’ll explain all right okay uh okay what no thank you I don’t need to get flooded thanks my economy might soon be based on drugs

Of course of course of course it’s going to be based on that PO trying to sort out all this ground is actually such a thing have you laid in your room at night staring at the ceiling and see random colors moving and think what it’s going

On uh I mean that that can happen if you like if if I if I like you know like when you like shine like a bright light goes into your eyes and you see like that purple bit I mean that can sometimes happen I mean

Uh i’ like I I I don’t know how to describe it but I’ve had like something similar to that um if you like stare long enough kind of like that if you stare yeah if you stare long enough you start seeing some interesting things happening you start getting like tricks

In your eyes and mind and stuff it’s a bit weird not fully sure why that’s the case I thought maybe it’s cuz I’ve not sleep maybe SLE maybe but sometimes it just happens I guess when you um uh what’s it yeah just stare at the ceiling for long enough or just stare at

Something for long enough so why can Vias read messages ah I think it’s cuz he’s on he’s cuz he got his admin account right now in game yes why am I not surprised first edict is like last stand it cost 100 political power and zero upkeep okay CU all team members a

Hunting rifle if they don’t have a gun but you can only have one territory left of your Capital must be getting captured can only be used once per round all right interesting interesting Interesting so one territory left oh so what what what if you’re like what if your last territory is your Capital can you just immediately do that then even though it isn’t the last St you can just call on it get those benefits bro then you might as well just try and

Pull that off as soon as you can cuz then you can just rush you can use that like like a rush ability cuz everyone’s going to have like if your if your team’s quite big then that’s fantastic I really Tommy and Tu are legally Mar what you mean in

Minecraft I don’t think that’s happened in I don’t think that’s happened IRL bro I’m going to be real I I might have missed like a whole like I don’t know few videos but damn okay checks out I guess no IRL H where say send me proof

Of this I I need to find this out I need to have to see it for myself you know you mean like for 38 minutes like uh what is it what’s his name again uh crap what’s is it it’s like a Tom guy that’s his name all he like married a member of

The royal family for like 38 minutes something like that activate milit a political power to upkeep it does will import five free muskets and unlock five footman classes in the conscription Center when past generates one extra musk every 5 minutes while active that’s decent Japan’s looking beautiful uh let me actually check what

You’ve done to it since last stream since I think it will have rendered that you have indeed made you indeed have made a house in wait actually yeah he’s made it Japanese style as well fair enough Asian style uh oh someone’s made B yes T has officially managed to get to Portugal interesting

Interesting okay yeah digging up all of that flattening all of corn is going to be a nightmare to say the least but we can do it let’s do it let’s do it may maybe I won’t fly in all of corn we just like the parts we’ve got

Makes you work fast I mean I’ve got a bit of it prank for on Maring T he signed the papers he signed the P but I Mean I mean here’s the thing I mean is like but here’s the thing H guess like they might have signed papers but are they like official official cuz like I mean I mean since it hasn’t like had like a massive ceremony or anything I mean interesting uh well uh I guess congrats

To them I guess uh but eh I mean wonder how that’s going to affect them I guess in future but I mean since since it was I guess a prank I mean I think they can just dismiss him at any point to be fair to be fair I think they probably just

Going to dismiss him like in a Minute like he was annoyed I mean since they didn’t actually have like the consent of the passord I don’t think I don’t think it really would go through legally guess you could say unofficially Big Balls by I see zq thanks for stopping by appreciate emergency defenses uh 50 political power two

Upkeep adding a resource to the project will count as of three and 7 one accoring to the projects will be half the normal a price all Gates will be instant your ped damn um oh oh no that’s not good oh dear wanted Tom to survive I mean he can kind of just do

It I mean realistically I think it’ll probably be a running gag for a bit but I mean realistically you could like just sue the guy if you ever wanted to but I don’t think you’ll just do it I think it can just get null and voided anyway cuz I think that’s like something

That happens with um what is it Mar certificates and stuff yeah marage certificates yeah they don’t yeah they kind of just don’t get they get like taken with a grain of salt like if there’s like being no like like official like uh commemoration and stuff if there’s like no official

Commemoration then it’s kind of then it kind of just gets null and voided at any point if they wanted to um increase Agri encourage agriculture 30 PP two one upkeep 50% increase in Farm resources and W cage mining 30 PP one up ke 50% increase in mine resources

Solid prove your speed with by 30% you’re just trying to advertise it to me um martial off 50 pp2 up keep only military costes are allowed to vote in elections or buy gun of fair enough hello sleeves Welcome to our flattening experience that’s pretty much much what’s happening right now it’s

It’s just getting flattened yeah there’s no other way to describe it it’s just it’s just getting flattened right now Jesus Christ I a few flowers all right other case of like I can’t I don’t know if I can be honest just kill ted bear feeling good I mean decreasing the competition I see

Oh oh oh dear I thought Vias was going to keep him in that box for that long oh no every bedro player to f off no that didn’t ban me from playing I would wait what is worth every dime well uh unlucky uh I guess I might have no other choice

But to go grind for uh stuff cuz this is I cannot be asked um yeah just is going to be quite the pain where are diamond locations um bro I think probably people have already nabbed those though uh okay what yeah so different points in Africa uh yeah lost South Africa right

There there’s a few over there might do that do I have the iron though ah no my iron just got oh no it’s no I’ve got full iron armor to be fair uh I guess I think it might be worth it actually just to go straight and do a little bit of a

Exploration mission it might be worth it last time I was in the Stream thing I was named pomp um I don’t actually recognize that name sorry mate don’t recognize that name apologies man pump you sure um stream’s not Dy on my screen I’m back just had some fresh steak and rice solid

Mate solid solid solid steak and rice fair enough uh it’s quite to be fair steak and rice it’s different usually have steak and yeah usually steak and potatoes to be honest but yeah can imagine it’s probably quite nice to do a Minecraft stream of the man

In fog try doing a Minecraft stream of the man in the what is the man in the fog what we made a big base also I trust no I do not trust some people now yeah I wouldn’t re I would always take everyone with a pinch of salt the worst you I

Find is democracy 30 pp1 upkeep revolutions cannot be declared and elections are free I mean no no revolutions can be declared that’s just unlucky actually no oh to be fair the next ruler can just straight up just desolve that to be honest can’t they just straight up dissolve that in like two seconds

Wait is sleeps going to Scotland is is he going back to his homeland ain’t no way I’m witnessing what I’m witnessing he’s going back to his homeland what what is this sleep’s going home find annoying that can just TP to anyone for his admin account to find on

Him I don’t yeah I I I can’t lie is if he is actually doing that like right now I can kind of believe it um then yeah solid may have to actually remove his admin account at some point if it if you are actually also time to complain now

Ninja okay then that’s pretty bad then o that’s not good oh I need to go uh West uh yeah if I hear a few more complaints then uh yeah I’m not I killed Ted just s my room no I think I think they’re talking about other

People does a bit often he did it to me earlier before lunch o um oh oh dear solid uh we appear to be getting quite a few complaints on Vos rro oh no oh dear he’s he’s going to gay men me for this

But like I mean I I kind of have to do it for the server I’m sorry I’m I’m so sorry no I’m so sorry mate I’m head out see I see a sephin but if everyone’s complaining about it now then seriously uh you’ve not done a good

Job unless he can’t use I mean he kind of would be using his Advantage if he ever wanted to taking cornwal oh no there goes cornall guys oh no I had a feeling you would do that I have a feeling oh guess it just had to happen wait why am I going

Southwest I’m I’m bugging out right now I took bort I made it town did you make it like Lisbon and stuff troops shall join all right well we we’ll have to see we’ll have to see is as they say we’ll have to see oh okay radical my advice is like

Don’t be in uh uh don’t don’t be in uh Cornwall uh if you’ve got any stuff I would say try and uh seek refuge in another country and leave the town um yeah like take anything of value and just dip you probably got like 30 seconds what’s Conwell oh it’s a you

Know um it’s a province in England on the south uh West but uh in game uh it’s basically in England you can just see um yeah uh basically you know where Vios is just go like a little bit South and a little bit West and you’ll see

Where it is so uh yeah he he’s uh vas is coming to um g game end our town yeah uh I’d say evacuate that’s what I’ll tell you you you probably haven’t got much time to be fair is VI the guy in London oh no he’s in

Um York kind of near York to be honest my knowledge of towns uh on the Southeast are quite uh quite bad Southwest I know quite a lot not even Southwest it’s more like West the east east and west like mid mid East and Midwest no not New York if you want to

Know what new why what why New York is called New York is because there’s a York in England and that’s where he is is Ish is yeah he’s just in York that’s what just basically just look where Vias is on the map and there you go do you want to set up

Afghanistan I mean I could I could for the funny oh that that it literally looks like a crap hole to be honest oh my God saying up in Afghanistan just sounds just seems very depressing oh it just looks so it’s so bad there’s like nothing good there like probably resources yeah but

Like it’s fuding sand and that’s it oh server shut down I was midair using my light chat oh there how do I get a job pleas uh you uh actually no I could just write like this so how to be able to get a job you

Do SL jobs space join if you’re looking on stream and then uh you can get two jobs no sorry three jobs sorry three so I’d recommend Explorer because you get money for just walking around then there is Miner so type it in like this and then

Uh and then you can pick one more um because Miner is literally just you get money for Mining and placing rails and then I put wood Cuts if you want to chop down trees so what’s a new server IP oh it’s it’s it’s all in the pinc and it just crashed pretty

Much is the cooko the foot of Britain yes sou Southern Afghanistan it’s still fudging desert it’s still desert oh man I’m sorry to those people who live in Afghanistan bro it’s literally desert desert desert desert desert desert desert desert there’s a little bit of water here and there but

It’s literally just desert like there’s no other way to describe it it’s just flipping desert oh yeah service proper proper fr may you tell me where I am uh I have no idea right now since it’s crashed yeah so are we going then uh I was thinking about getting diamonds first but never

Mind um yeah Afghanistan’s so bad okay there’s like two trees in a really random oh no that’s Pakistan no that’s Pakistan never mind Afghanistan’s so bad uh I could go oh I could go Syria uh Syria or Iraq actually yeah Sy Lebanon Syria is isn’t that bad to be honest

Turkey is pretty decent uh it’s a nice little area in Georgia uh I could go St Petersburg or mamans or some crap hole in um I could go Russia to be honest just some random crap or in um in Russia I’m I’m going I’m going I’m going to start

Looking for cities in Russia real quick wait map of all cities in Russia all right okay okay there’s there’s that one on the east coast uh you could go morans could go uh yes some snowy sh um W there’s actually not that many cities up north there’s only like you

Got mermans you got Angar nman d d and Anda there’s like none in like the yakata region there’s like apart from obviously yakata Yus I can’t say it it feels like that that’s the point to make uh sh everyone’s fine and no one’s hacking move Ras is up and now

He’s pretty much running chelin uh let me check chelin where is that Bloody H can I like have like an easier map to read please can they like not get okay this is way easier to read Jesus Christ okay that’s way easier to wait what are you saying oh where’s

Ssk it’s actually not even Rec where even is it oh there’s oh near Kazakhstan and stuff thinking about going like Arctic Circle but ni oh chibin oh wait no that’s not the one right oh yeah there’s a lot down there I guess I’m not too surprised there’s a lot of cities down

There uh I could go Magadan uh nor norisk I could go norisk I think I’m probably going to go like noralist location uh yeah I guess I guess I can go to Lake Bal how fuding far is that though oh my God that’s so long that’s actually like

So long where’s that Lake even on the blue map oh my God it’s actually yeah that’s actually pretty interesting but it’s it’s bloody far we we kind of Crossing into China so actually yeah actually have an idea where I want to go a massive Lake there it’s a bit a lot of

Spruce oh there’s also no there’s a bunch of green as well it’s just it’s kind of next to China which isn’t very ideal uh yeah I can go there some green areas oh actually no I I have a better idea never mind does yeah this has just got a fat River there

As well yeah actually know I have an idea where I want to go it’s actually like where none of the cities are but yeah there’s a lot of people that you already know can’t hack yeah it’s it’s kind of because of the anti-che you can’t really

Hack to be honest wait so now that kind of means uh oh God how the fudge am I going to do this no I don’t want to travel across the whole bloody world no thank you um yeah no thanks I don’t really want to travel across the whole world so

I’m going to have to go through the med oh my God that is literally the other side like in in all cases it is literally the furthest point I can kind of go War he’s fighting oh since I removed vas’s up he’s like um he’s Game ending me yeah not surprised

Yeah tried giving that warning but I’m not too surprised yeah bit tired uh bit tired there mate yeah bit more on Minecraft all see Ninja fair enough I don’t know if you’re still if you’re going but like not playing fair enough hey dog D this time remov his

Operator cuz everyone in the server was complaining he’s abusing it so cuz he’s like finding out where they live sure they were fine you can the Visa and TP to the Middle East request the Visa I mean I would I would love to do that now how does the visa application work

I mean lebanon’s decent it’s kind of like uh I don’t want to get bummed it’s kind of like the case I don’t really want to get bummed right now oh it’s cuz there’s like a there’s like the M there’s like a mushroom biome and stuff like in a certain area and that’s

Kind of cool um from that uh uh actually no there’s plenty of territory what am I saying it’s perfectly fine I just need to okay well that who’s next to me huh so 12 500- 7,500 okay so 10K blocks wait what what what Whata what

What what the what the FL what the fudge disabled thank you no no no no no we are not having any of that okay yeah sure T oh I actually survived that wow that’s kind of surprising oh I need to turn off my coordinates

Sltp n g what why can I not TPA uh oh you might not be in the game uh that’s probably why teleport to me now Vias is close how am I meant to teleport to you you’re not in game I’m probably dead but I mean I haven’t really got anything so

I’m I’m waiting I’m waiting let’s have some C and start traveling across real quick I’m going to teleport to you when you’re not when you’re not in game it’s kind of impossible isn’t V anex and con no I think he’s going for me first I mean my loot is a bit useless but

I I’m tired turning off coordinates have I saved the screenshot okay I’m dead I’ll go Dr bre and distract the manlet could I could do that okay where the fudge am I oh interesting okay uh where was he no he’s just in Cornwall what he’s in Cornwall he’s just ending My Town that’s

What’s happening TP to ted bear for fun no I don’t think I want to uh how am I going to get out of here yeah this is the way Phenomenal no idea how deep I am how much Sil fish is here but you know what we we we roll with it we roll with it you got to get me out how am I going to get you out of there you’re in vas’s personal prison

I’m dead yeah I saw I I did I did try and warn you to get you get out of there I said that you had like 30 seconds I had a feeling you would do that I think I think I’ll have to go Boat Boat trying to find something to oh oh oh

No oh oh oh oh no then it might take me to the end yeah actually might be quicker to go to Japan though I don’t really care if you kill me sleep I have literally nothing valuable but don’t please don’t but like I mean you really could like in two

Seconds thanks all right I’m I’m I’m I’m going try and oh wait oh thanks appreciate it all right I’ll need to uh get going then what oh oh wow I’m down oh no oh no oh I can’t use that command anymore you have perms I have power oh okay

Okay okay that’s a cages oh well I’ve lost my town so they’re too op uh yeah use an elytra you mean me okay how do you expect me to get an elytra I I I I I just want to know how how do you expect can

You can you have accepted that TP I need that stuff uh I couldn’t I don’t have the ability to do that just screw off to flipping Fiji or something I mean that’s kind of what I want to do but like I don’t think I’m going to have that

Ability to send back to the start yeah well actually no this actually might be somehow closer than uh son Cor are are you at the surface explosive because yeah I need like a bow or something okay sure slash give um Dr peanut Dr P oh no pay sorry pay SL pay. Dr peut

To TPA do Dr peanut please I need I need I need I I I I just I just want to live I just want to live in peace at this point i’ I’ve given up I just I just want to I just want to go somewhere basically retirement there’s

Nothing we can do at this point okay cheers I might need I might need a tree hi uh oh no uh hi why did you have 60 crafting tables well enjoy them uh oh fud he’s just joined and cheese can can you like accept it yes I’ve gone away

Yes yes all right now now now now I’ve got to somehow get the fudge out of here uh do you have like a bow or something that’s Lally all I’m going to need can I get a bow I have nothing to Lo all right uh oh yeah I put it in here oh

Yeah oh yeah that was smart of me to be fair that was smart all right I’ll grab like uh I don’t I don’t really want to use any of that uh do we do you have like five pieces of wood can I just like borrow five pieces

Like I mean borrowing it’s kind of like I won’t be able to give any of it back but like five pieces legs I I I I I now must leave before you get bloody invaded I can see why you are on the map then come kill me then come kill me come

Kill me come kill me I should have given you invisibility ah well never Mind come kill me then you won’t where is he yeah he’s not going to come kill me I know he won’t he’s not going to try it or maybe he where where’s he oh he’s probably just stacking up on Rockets yeah here here he comes here he comes he’s coming oh

No oh dear oh then I might as well just go east we have nothing to lose yeah I’m just I’m just going to go on like the wildest Goose chasing inter man no no no oh crap how can I like hand this to you be the bro you’ll just kill me there

Anyway uh we have we are willing to make a digital with in I out if they research creating real life C girls we will take down this what the what okay good know accept oh God how how are you going to be able to how are you going to be able to save

Me roll wait where are you oh you’re invisible aren’t you I’m not going to gra I’m sorry radical I won’t be able I Won’t Be A to Z you unless you’ll find out where I am does that remove me from the map holy fudge it does it does it gets

Rid of me from the map uh I don’t know how expensive these are Andes but if you can supply me with tons of these I’d very much appreciate it nuclear lab in Idaho and steal personal information of researchers seem is about right you guys set up your own bases chill out

I’m just going to enjoy him trying to find me let’s see will he be able to find me though that is the question yeah he could literally can’t find me yeah I can’t I can’t see myself on the map it is all good then what do you mean wrong researches how

How does that work okay good to know oh I ready to take another one oh yeah he’ll probably just try and find a boat won’t he he’s still trying to find me there’s actually no chance he’s still thinking he can find me oh so entries

Let me know wait will you be able to supply me any more of these or is that like it cuz uh yeah once once I’ve got about like 20 no about like 32 minutes yeah I got 32 minutes of uh ability to hide that is definitely a problem

How will nuclear scientists create C I mean I think they’re just these hackers might not be the smartest people Lo logically no might be a little bit fudged but it’s okay I I can last oh my God ah stretch all right so I’m just going to let it keep going and let’s hope

That for for I’m still going guys bely is there even more overpowered in this SMP yeah well I don’t know about banning them it’ll be I’ll have some problems from some people but I mean that might be a good idea who knows there’s a very easy way to escape oh for you

Yeah that is a very easy way to escape trust trust trust our planes oh my god I’ve got two minutes is fine all right it’s calm they are a fast way to travel easy to get I mean I don’t know if they’re easy to get but yes fast way to travel very

Much let me see if I drink one of these to reset to 8 minutes Fu it just resets to 8 minutes that’s not good cuz I’m going to go AFK in a second for a bit I’m just going to keep traveling my God can they just hold on why is this so

Hot sick phenomenal not touching it not touching her who nuked us again no uh Vos is uh ensuring that I get exterminated I will return but yeah vas is wanting to exterminate me so good luck you guys basically I’m having to invisibly for Dark Being incompetent silver you

Couldn’t even face Vos you’re having to bow down to him be is checking en’s Land wait enes then don’t join oh God yeah yeah they’re finishing off enes now why Vio nuked us because he want he wants to remove any competition then shall the U then shall

The UN then attack him we did we lost everyone’s giving up the one he was stupid enough not to bro he would have just invaded us anyway Sila we would have just been invaded anyway that would have been the new strategy it would have just taken

Like a few more days well actually you could say theoretically there’s a chance they might have not but then they would have probably realistically if even if we didn’t get nuked they would probably still invade us any way being attacked sorry enes I thank you for your sacrifice but it

Might be in vain actually you should have prepared for anything though I mean to be fair alfus you wouldn’t think that two people can take down the entire world realistically you were nuked a time ago you should have seen another attack coming yeah but that was from Earth Sol

It’s true that I should have put maybe homing missiles down but realistically would be I’m pretty sure we have the manpower to kill him we have saved up to get nukes and endgame him we we don’t have enough money Joo I have 500k I don’t have two

Mil I don’t have enough plus you could have homing and and we would have been attacked and yeah alus we had literally the entire world you should have known you were a prime target yeah but then he’d get bombed and there you go but what do you

Mean yes I should have put a homing missile down but to be fair that wouldn’t stop they wouldn’t stop it though cuz you know how how in uh those missiles they do 200 block radius you allow them into your base but there was no warnings what do you

Mean you didn’t say they’re probably going to attack us we’ been giving you more time to strategize and organize okay I guess that’s true but like to be fair it’s like the whole world M on my pumpkin farm but we were then attacks yeah that’s pretty much we the reason why I

Think they mainly attacked us is cuz we were starting to get really wealthy and so that would have been a problem we started getting automation going also just for fun that’s the other reason why but realistically you wouldn’t think the whole world would lose you could have easily taken them down how nuking

Them they have anti probably they have um heing if they don’t that would be very surprising how could we have easily have taken them down we literally used the whole world on them we warned you that’s a bit sus for them to demand this

I did not see that I must have not paid attention stop ignoring you just said hello my White Citizens oh what happened oh viegas is just now killing everyone on the game yeah he’s he’s just wiped out enes um yeah and so I’m I’m currently just hiding

Now you could have won if you all in a formation I guess that’s true we should have organized more but yeah and a plan what would have been the plan cuz H you’ve got the power of hound sight How would how would you be able to do it

Now you have the power of hindsight what would you have done if you just say better formation better plan what do you mean still standing uh good luck that’s all I’ll say good luck if you’re planless then you’re CH and corpses well plan doesn’t always work does it if they’re better than

You so yeah and chees is just getting finished off now I li to them but what if there’s like no one left realistically never has plans he just takes us because that’s always worked bro again you got to think about it again the whole world but we still that

Then again half the people we had were didn’t have equipment and then uh others didn’t actually one had the equipment but didn’t want to fight um yeah you could have tried to separate them and kill iron and hold off Vos that’s kind of what we were doing but

The problem is that they have more sets then they just come back again with a new set and then that’s it no absolutely no one in this war planned anything yeah literally no one kind of did it was just like kill kill kill after iron is down that that’s what

We did they just have more sets of equipment Al forus they just what do you mean that’s what we did but then we were running out ourselves there’s like no plan at all it’s like just you feel like it you know oh crap uh then you should have more that’s the

Whole world did you concentrate on building why did because we thought we were just like op I guess you could say well why didn’t even think about it well yes in hindsight right so you know so I can I can understand your point you have a you have two people that are probably

Going to get bored at some point and I’m going to Nuke you when the world wasn’t even unified it pretty much was it was just like yeah it pretty much was it pretty much was Alis that that that’s the funny part it pretty much was Alis if you knew the situation fully

It pretty much was you just don’t know what people are thinking behind your back I guess you can say though I’m not too I I would have expected more from Earth Sully as Vengeance but Earth suly didn’t have the money you got to make sure everyone’s

Unified kind uh it kind it kind of was I mean how how do you how do you determine everyone was unified I can’t go inside their head if they get bored for one minute you can’t really go into someone’s head and decide like and figure out if they’re bored for one

Minute and then they’re going to drop a nuke it’s kind of it’s kind of difficult I’d rather blame the cowards and Traders there were a lot of cowards well not what by I say a lot i’ say important people who were cowards when I say about important I mean they had like

Equipment like we had more brave people with Iron Equipment sometimes apart from obviously ted bear and best creeper they were doing phenomenal work right there you could have tested their loyalty I mean like it’s a good point like in hindsight but realistically I didn’t really think about that back there

Could say well you should have you might not be wrong but how was I going to know that I was I going to remember realize that would have been an important thing to do at the time yes if I had the knowledge of what I have now yes it’s not it’s not to

Full the bigger they are the harder they fall I mean the question is how you going to dig down big you should prepare for everything yeah yeah obviously Al is the yes it’s a good point I I should prepare for everything from now on yeah yes I I have learned because we have

Lost with everyone together uh what’s your command to do your thingy uh what do you mean exactly like TP to me uh TP to your town spawn create a town um join a job yeah know who’s with you and who isn’t yeah it’s it’s a good point cuz

Some people are just like with you like temporarily you got to know who’s like your actual people who stick with you and those that are just only there cuz you’re the one in power yeah I mean you can’t trust anyone fully but like I know who I could trust a bit

More cuz we have similar interests but yes I’m pretty much a little bit screwed and chees has uh been defeating I don’t know if they’ll bother knock out Australia then again they are not online so I think they’re kind of fine don’t think they’re really going to go anyone

Else apart from maybe when they find me but that’s really about it what does Vos have he has iron who has got the same equipment so you have two people at the exact same equipment he’s got Earth Solly allied with all his people um and silver being neutral I guess yeah

Yeah TP to town oh uh Slash uh so I’ll just type it in chat basically it’s SL t-space spawn just remove the dot that’s it oh delete I mean My Town doesn’t really exist Does it oh crap oh whoops I didn’t realize you were still in that town whoops whoops whoopsies

Should always expect how someone will react dark oh yeah I know I know I know I know I know I know I just thought I could abuse my YouTuber power which really actually worked literally all the time but no did not work this time I know who they’re going for is me

So I know in like 3 minutes I’m basically screwed but like I mean there’s kind of nothing I can really do I got teleport into lava oh fudge whoops I didn’t really I thought I thought it already got taken so I was like I need to delete it

So yes basically I’ve lost there’s no other way to describe it I’ve lost for a while but this is like a massacre oh yeah he’s also got sleeps yeah it’s pretty much GG there’s no other way to describe it it’s just GG we lost now oh yeah yeah there’s no way we can

Win there’s no other way to describe it we literally can’t win economics with war like how like bro you’re pulling all these processes out but how are you supposed to exactly do I know you could just say make a bunch of farms but what if they do a preemptive

Strike how are you going to be able to do that then you could say oh but how why don’t you preemptively strike them but what if they do that and it’s like bro there a lot of hypotheticals you don’t know exactly when they’re going to do

It you don’t know when they’re going to do it so being a to balance economics immediately with war is not going to happen I don’t know if this I don’t know if this is a wise decision for creeper but could I uh uh yeah this might not be

A good idea for creeper to be honest I was going to say could I join him but then he’s probably going to get invaded in two minutes if I join why am I not surprised if he joins he’s getting fudging annihilated kill yourself

Br oh I tried I why am I not surprised I mean it’s kind okay so they’re going after them now oh Dear oh my [ __ ] god oh I’ve got like 25 seconds until he comes kill me where even are you in the map I have no idea I’m just I I kind of know where I am but that’s about it so so he just finished off Earth Solly now he’s finishing Earth

Sol right now so who’s left it’s just Australia and all a bunch of new l so I wonder except now yeah sure I have no idea where I am but I’m probably going to die in a minute oh wait have you got more if you got more um more Vi what’s

That need to grab that potion now drink drink drink drink drink okay okay just just about got that just like literally just got that all right okay you you you you drive you drive you drive Andes but you’re going to need to probably start driving soon

Crap I’m in I’m in I’m in all right start driving mate we’re going to have to find somewhere there’s nothing we can do I told you I’m s he’s going for you next I didn’t know he’s going to actually go for you but I had a feeling

He’s going to get bored he’s going to wipe out someone so H I’m going to I’m going to do a little guess I’m going to assume he’s going to go after creeper potentially if he gets bored so after Earth suly if he gets bored I don’t think he’s going to go after

Sleeves yeah I doubt I don’t I don’t think he’s going after sleeps so yeah no he’s he’s clearly going after Earth that makes sense so who so I feel like his next Target is probably going creeper but since I’ve said his next Target is going to be creeper he’s probably going

To go after someone else but who knows at this point I’m just going to join enes or whatever Adventure he wants to go on literally wherever entries goes I’m going at this point some people roll and organize them reward them for phenomenal work that’s kind of what’s going to have to happen next

Time but yeah at this point Los server will greet the bricks of Open Arms that that that’s if they get even a chance to build up realistically what’s going to happen is V is going to kill them all and keep them in the cage that’s what’s realistically is going to

Happen but realistically actually no the because they only want to get rid of me they actually might just straight up like just join and just enjoy earning a world maybe no realistically I don’t think they’re going to want to join like over I think realistically they’re just

Going to join Vios or maybe just say vas you should join us depend it really depends what it could happen come to Massachusetts probably going to get wiped out if we come to Massachusetts I don’t want to get like you destroyed mm I’m going to be following entries cuz

He’s pretty much been the only reason why I’ve been alive for the last 30 minutes we’re on This Road Together the good men who fight for wrong causes and corrupt men who cloak themselves in righteousness each one to convin thank you for the quote choco my advice mate get yourself some equipment everyone

Just get yourself equipment well dark the enemy of my next season oh dear I mean I did say because there is no one protecting if he gets B cuz he’s not me I I see I can’t be going around demolishing Villages unfortunate I am the streamer so I’m

Currently R oh wait how many minutes I’ve left I’ve got five minutes all right calm I don’t care I died 15 minutes 15 times in the last 5 minutes all right Me Maybe I don’t want to go there sorry man maybe I don’t want to go there

But either way what I’d say to you guys is I can’t help you right now but if you want to assist um get yourself equipment yeah that that’s literally all I can tell you make sure you’re stacked that’s literally it and if if a time comes if if probably not but if 1%

Chance there is a time we can do it then we’ll do it then let’s do it but I don’t think it’s happening realistically you guys are going to need to W grind for a little while to be able to even have that possibility I’m going to go get myself something yes

Which one do I left on my invisibility okay 2 minutes 30 seconds I mean he could jump in lava but he proba survive there’s a bed Dr SMP creeper getting pushed back by Meat shields in a bed I mean it works on lifebo cuz numbers are super

Op I just realized the heating in my house has been T was turned off so it’s bloody was freezing cold wait what’s happened wait where are are you going here yo enes you here yo enes yo en you good en he’s just left me on a boat all alone oh de it’s

Quite sad oh de oh no H oh here you are crazy yeah we’re currently having to uh run for our lives right now but we we we we there’ have been two big guys and those two big guys have been literally everyone okay and so we’re currently having to

Scour around the world for a new place to hide from the from the mega gamers so Sly not suly but never mind Europe going to be part of Japan so yeah I think it’s just going to be me and enes for a while Korea joining Japan no I think Korea’s been literally

Eaten I swear Korea’s just been turned into a puppet I thought they were invading them though what I’m so confused I wonder now how does invisibility help in the boat or in the middle of the ocean so you can’t be seen on the map silver Silvera you can’t see someone with

Invisibility on the map that’s the problem is that we might run out of invisibility so we got to find a place out fast and start producing tons of these things the main objective is just going to be to create tons of these look try and find the silver on the

Map I Jo get mon no unfortunately choco it’s just going to be me and enes for a while cuz we haven’t got enough dark we need some someone that can grow carrots okay if we can get carrots supplied I might just TP to them then okay so we need carrots okay unfortunately

Chocolate I’m going to say you will need to grind on your own pretty much because we we will not have unless we get enough invisibility potions we’re not going to be able to have it because the problem is is that we need people who be able to keep taking invisibility potions um at

Good time which I think is just going to be me and enes cuz I feel like it’ll be too much to um yeah yeah choco get carrots actually you yeah choco where’s vas’s base it’s in England it’s the big dome the choco main objective I need for you is get carrots

Tons I don’t care care how many carrots you get literally I literally your objective is carrots get as many as you can if you want to help us you we we need carrots mate you can just wear a Wither Skull and you won’t be seen what you can just be seen on the

Map though that’s the point of why we’re using invisibility voluntary exile huh kill a raid Captain if you want to get put into a box you get to England where the Dome is on the map though trust me you’re going to get probably put in a box got two

Invisibility potions left including the visibility I’ve got right now until I run out that’s the problem Alis we need things to be able to hide Us in the um drinks we need carrots if if you want to assist us we need carrots that’s L uh if

If NES can tell me any other ingredients that we’ll need to get cuz literally it’s just going to become invisibility over invisibility over invisibility over invisibility over invisibility I just thought what is the perfect idea I’m scared DCA people are dying yeah we can’t have no match

Golden carrots and spider eyes is that it interesting not fermented spider eyes yeah we’re going to need fing tons of those oh but um and she if you’ve got an Ender Chest I will be able to assist you quite a lot just letting you know I have loads

Of my stuff still on that Ender Chest okay good sick almost all my inventory was in my end chest just far apart from my armor and pickaxe Axe and sword I’m still standing better than you ever did bro you’re literally getting taken in as a refugee you had to disband

Pong yangang bro but at least you’re at least you’ve uh temporarily uh survived that that that that’s better than nothing we have mods for the new season of our first can we just have a normal S&P please I’m fine with Mod but Earth is just too

Small I mean wait the next Earth s SMP is going to be 50% larger now may think oh that’s not much it’s it’s 1 to 500 that’s going to be fudging massive that’s going to be the biggest jump we’ve had yet it’s basically what you would yeah it is

Huge I think Peach wants to be yeah I I I I I Peach will enjoy getting spawn kill uh did you see my plan uh uh one piece Mar uh Marines one piece Marines what they do that that that’s the plan all right very good plan very good

Plan but I’ve got the gold then um um um en so all I need to get is carrots okay all right looks like it’s not going to be that bad you’re uh yeah pretty much enes you’re going to be you’re going to need to be the us and figuring out where the

Hell we’re going you’re trust in Alliance of sleeps me oh no I’m no I I I at one point yes I don’t know why but if you mean uh you mean alfus oh dear never mind that’s alfus okay have op people plus executions so how would that how will that assist

Me how will that assist me that is the main question yeah the next off SMP is going to be way way larger and just get people off your back I mean if you mean get some op people I mean here’s the thing they’re just going to get spawn killed oh

Crap and yeah and cheese and cheese and cheese and cheese drink man oh my God that was way too close I wonder will sleeps actually keep to his word with peach if that’s the case then fair enough but I’ve never known that man to ever keep his word

Ever but maybe Peach is that one exception we’ll find out we only got one more so we got about like less than six we’ve got about 15 minutes and cheese well for me specifically I’ve got 15 minutes until I go get seen so I don’t know where we can go but may I’m

Going to need you to find somewhere huh I never thought Vias would actually maybe viegas is being peaceful with some people interesting either way Dr P we will have to see we will have to see maybe um Sev can keep his word once vagos is being peaceful

What vus is handing out armor to oh he’s he’s creating a new world order I guess never mind guess we’re just going to have to uh hide away so yeah when when we’re on the last potion um entries we’ll need to we will need to have found somewhere unless

You’ve got more you can supply Me In the Journey or as I become a liability little bit of a liability not a single instance of you being betrayed by sleep he interesting interesting interesting as you can tell guys still okay I’m going to drop that war breaks out I have no interest in

It you can see guys DCA struggle for survival continued trying not to get killed in the first few minutes of every gr do Bedrock spawn and damage rates transfer to the sub what you mean huh Bosnia Balan live holiday Ops 2024 water tanks bro dark Pina is asking the spawn

Invincibility in the server since Java has bed not like do Trident do like five damage on Java but a on Bedrock oh no I think it’s all Java so Tri will probably do five damage next time on Doc on the run will he make it to his destination or will he fail

Trying to reach it find out in this episode we’ll find out though to be fair dead dead dead dead dead I don’t know why AR is asking for TP I’m not accepting TPS anywhere to me do can you come to my base if a sadly I can’t man I’ve I’ve got to survive

Unfortunately ah interesting I might not take him for now maybe maybe eventually Mel maybe but to those guys um you don’t want beas to uh win uh can you get us carrots though just carrots carrots and spider eyes are what we need that’s pretty much a well fermented spider eyes if possible

Basically sugar so if you can get some sugar cane basically just sugar or sugar cane um watch how else do you make a fermented spider ey crap yeah cuz oh dear yeah I’ve got I’ve got literally like 10 minutes exactly until my invisibility runs out uh enes

So you got to find something watch playing on on Roblox he is playing a dating RP or something okay oh dear that’s not good they used to be the strongest unenchanted weapons for like three years they did netherite sword damage damn okay damn interesting you still

Fine one day guys one day we’ll reach the destination either way enjoy looking at the C for a bit oh 18 hours ago oh deare I’ve got a few things to respond to then later oh no no no fortnite chapter 5 is here oh my God that’s going to be more

Recommended for a bit as you can tell guys I’m currently just trying to get past the uh the legendary um escaping experience leter confirm he’s in a kid’s game oh no bro a yeah keep moving man keep moving yeah keep moving man keep moving I I I literally that’s my last one by

The way and so you’re we going to need to find where the hell we’re going not relatively soon dark where are you going I have no idea we’re going somewhere though uh not moving yeah they didn’t see okay good we’re going to need to find a location soon or you oh

Actually we’re going to be a finor we are going to be a little bit finto I’m going to going to fill up my water bottles right here there we go we won’t need to make any new bottles now bad news is uh I have literally got 6 minutes before I run out of

Invisibility I’m going to find something then we oh dear when will SMP V3 startop who knows one day it will take a long time it’ll take a long time before it starts though that’s the thing I learned 250 words when oh yeah I can do all the legendaries for

Um uh how long do I’ve got 4 hours oh no you know what my no I actually might try and get all that XP oh my God no I I actually might try it I might try and win the competition guys you still need Nether Warts for in

VI no no way wait do we wait no I think he’s got Nether Warts I hope at least doesn’t allow gorilla Warfare also do not allow people to TP during combat oh no you oh Oh you mean TP during I mean you can’t leave combat now alfus like if you’re

Fing you’re not going to be able to TP out what the fudge is that either way man we Running Out of Time power you’re going to need to find something got four minutes before I’m out of uh in this question is do I remove people from the map question mark question mark did

We do that let’s find out hello there camo I am currently on my great uh Escape because uh beos has demolished quite a bit of the worlds uh pongyang has fallen from what I can see apparently uh oh no he didn’t join oh Earth suly refused the offer no

Way bro I’m literally running out of of clock bro you got to find a location and fast start making in this disabling the player markers on the map might be a good idea I I I would say probably potentially might need to happen who knows un unless we make some complicated

System where you can only see people you are Allied to or something like that create shops in your city and sell stuff with the money you get make create shops in the city and sell that the problem with that that’s going to take ages I don’t know if Sol is going to be

Wanting to be asked to do that why are we going backwards um since the economy is funny also make it so you can ask people for a trade agreement with people the problem with that is that’s going to be uh you going to need to get solid to

Be asked to do all of that which uh is going to be very difficult uh if you if you want to do that you are going to have to uh convince solid ah I’ve got two minutes until I’m done and Cheez I’m running out of time I don’t have any more

Parts I literally have no more parts I literally got two minutes and I’m done literally done for you are solid for me I do not I do not think you will respond to me I mean here’s the thing that’s like very complicated I swear to make it work so

That’s I don’t think he’s going to want to spend a couple days on maybe not a couple days but at least like a lot of hours doing all that I don’t think he’s going to want to do that realistic only one thing that loads of people want at a

Time I mean those things already exist yeah but I mean you’re going to have to have something that works well and is balanced that’s the problem I mean you could say oh but this one’s balanced with all the with the on the server hm I don’t know so solid um Alf is suggesting

Um remove uh remove the map or at least remove where people are in the uh are are in basically remove um being able to see where people are on the map um do not allow people to TP during combat also make it so you can create

Shops in your city and sell stuff of the Mone money you get since economy is funny also make it so um so you ask people for a trade agreement so people can buy and sell it would also give people more ways to use money yeah that’s what he

Said I check it like every 15 minutes sick hello there mm so uh oh wow uh uhoh do me and cam are offering money to change the stream to Roblox now I mean it’s like the last hour I can’t really be asked it seems complex to code I’ll

See if if the plug-in exists probably is a plugin that exist but problem is is like yeah how you going to make it work uh let me check how many hours of the stream oh it’s been 2 hours and a bit uh about like yeah about like

15 okay doc I’m doing plan C just going to see something real Qui quick the oh wow we were doomed my do really didn’t get that far oh dear well looks like I’m a bit doomed yeah 15 pounds yeah for an hour and 30 uh doc I’m a safety I’m a safety

Place is that good in a safe place is that I mean I don’t think it’s safe from Vias the light ring there though obviously I w’t extend it probably so okay that’s probably not good are you doing Roblox tomorrow uh yeah I don’t know what was the plan here with

Enes but kind of screwed right now uh uh yeah that didn’t really work I hate to say it didn’t really work just TP to me what why I’ll get [ __ ] I’ll just get nuked I’ll get game ended if I do that but actually that might be a safer

Place than currently where I am or is it yeah they’re both not that safe to be honest how oh you just TP to spawn spawn huh you found nether Woods nice pretty solid stuff right there um question is what do I do you know what mm I might actually just

TP to you sltp mm you know what I might just do that hello am I stuck or something what the hell all right that’s yeah let’s go east okay I’m going to go East for a bit oh God there’s creepers everywhere this is not fun I’m a safe Haven I don’t know if it’s fully that safe though that’s the problem oh well that was very smart Daniel evens it’s actually the opposite way around yeah yeah it’s literally the opposite have gone the opposite way what am I doing dark died oh no basically we we

Fully uh we fully lost iPad um Vios and uh Vios and friends are fully Supreme basically yeah I had none of my useful things for 7 minutes till Vos arrives there’s at least 5,000 blocks away I mean have you heard that he’s gone elytra that’ll take 30 seconds

Maybe less maybe like 20 it’s not I know he’s got like an outpost relatively close by I’ll get killed very quickly that’s kind of the problem I will get game ended very very very fast that’s that’s the main issue pretty much it’s realistically I am not living I’m there for very long America Statue let’s go play chess no I’m just going to go find a place to be basically my my retirement area Daniel Evans Daniel Evans is giving up Place pretty much peanut sleep came and dark they don’t that’s because they’re not they’re not me that’s cuz they’re not

Me the problem the problem is um they want to they want to kill me that that that’s like the massive difference they don’t want to kill them they might at some point but like right now actually not sleep sleeps they they sleeps their friends with but problem is

They don’t like me very much that that’s like the main main issue they’re they’re not big old buddy old poers of me that’s the problem see if if if it was like the case where I we are big old buddy or Pals it’d be fine but we’re not really

Big old buddy or Pals so that’s the main issue since we’re not big old buddy or Pals I might die you know I probably will die I’ve been given enough time I will definitely die that is the main issue I’m probably just going to go and uh basically have like almost a

Retirement home um in a specific area wait there’s a creeper that’s not going to be fun so I’m going to need to somehow jump there we go sick there you go made that so I need to travel a good cross read The Clash Empire skill tree

And read it to us um and show it to us I will do that soonish the reason why I say soonish is because I’ve got to make sure i’ I’ve harded that so I remember to do that um but I will do that once I am not a

I’m going to get blown up in 20 seconds scenario basically you know when I’m not going to get blown up in like 10 seconds then I’ll be fine Jesus Christ oh can I be mod I appreciate you asking but unfortunately no Jesus Christ there’s so many creepers I need to uh eventually I

Appreciate the two EUR Alis I appreciate I can’t how am I going to read my MC chat I can’t I can’t I can’t I really can’t though I really can’t I really I really can’t I’m currently running for my life I I really can’t though oh get some wood some saplings

And some D yeah I okay I got that yeah oh and it’s crashed oh dear oh chat validation what is it yeah it’s crashed okay good to know good to Know I am America read it all depends what exactly is that skill tree actually it’s not that bad okay um okay all right of course instant gaming is giving me civ6 ads no thank you go away ads oh no this is on um what’s it Microsoft Edge I’m not reading on

Microsoft Edge all I’ll just do it here uh okay read what each class will do uh sure okay farmer section one Miner mine safety training CL for minimum drop for mining fertilizer plus one minimum drop amount for farming weed beggar can still on the ground and beg for coins Max of

1,000 coins per 24 hours section two lucky prospector plus one maximum drop amount for mining stone Mason 50% extra Stone while mining worm meter randomly collects worms from the ground as you walk around one worm equals fart plus five hunger okay worms dislike pave roads though section three minus Union

Spawn with an iron pickaxe instead of a rusty one Lumberjack plus one maximum drop for wood cutting um expert farm hand plus one maximum drop amount for farming wheat Forester plus one minimum drop amount for wood cutting resourceful resources donate to Capital upgrades count is twice as much

Four times when emergency defenses edict is are active Union member disapproving the monar has twice as much impact calm courage pass fast travel is free section four efficient arms plus 15% damage with civilian grade melee weapons Master Baker get double bread from baking lives off the land kind trees will also drop

Berries section five minus touch 5% chance of gring one gold when mining any node basic militia training spawn a free pitch for conscript combin use inventory muskets can take important muskets from the Quarter Master defense training can clean reload and fire defensive cannons uh all right so that’s peasant uh okay so J

Then uh section one Jon skill tree one meter randomly gets ones on the ground that can eat scavenger have 10% chance of of getting r resource when depositing a body uh premium burials depositing bodies of noble cost will yield 10 extra coins section two one man’s trash have a

The chance to get a random tool or civilian weapon when depositing bodies one one% per body at deposit time holding 10 bodies equals 10% chance rats back on the menu collecting rats gives you a rat meat rat meat has 50% of the effect of cooked meat but 5% of giving

You the plague ah okay uh what if I made you read the vaporean I can’t sadly I mean I don’t know if I can I is that I will have to find a um a I mean if you you can if you want though I’ll have to probably find some censored version or

At least censor it D can you re join I can’t right now I’ve got to read this uh because of um donation um one man’s trust have a chance of get a random yeah steel wheels janitor cards can hold five extra bodies better shovel spawning with

A better shovel that lets you clean up trash piles twice as fast section three loot to gain another 10% chance to get a random resource when depositing a body 20% total Grave Digger can dig Graves to deposit up to 10 bodies fancy coffins get five extra coins per body deposited

Section four center of the reaper locations of dead bodies are marked on your map rat catcher can set up traps to catch rats Max one per Life while will work similar to General Flags diamond in the Hast stack have a 5% chance of finding gold while cleaning up Tres FS

Tombstone cover can create a tombstone of your own custom grave Sid and customize what it says boosted immune system can no longer get the plague what oh okay I guess that makes sense uh Cannon polisher get one po polish bottle per round you can use to polish a cannon

Polished cannons can skip the clean Barrel step when reloading all right section five rat Stakes rats drop cookable raw meat instead of rat meat huh gives you better rat trap that can hold three rats instead of one bigger rat traps um Catch and Release you can pick up rats cages and place

Them in other locations to release the rats porn broker get another per chance to get 10% random res get another 10% chance to get random resource when deposing a body uh 30% total uh okay Hunter uh section one knife polish start with an iron knife instead of a rusty

One track AER in a 100 St radius will appear on your map there will also be a small x-ray glow when one comes into range cires can build Pia um Can Build campfires in the wilderness to cook meat all right um ma is it possible you

Can toast it can you toast it can you toast it toast toast yeah I’ll be back all right sorry guys I I’ll come back in a Second e okay everyone I’m back I won’t I want uh yeah it’s biology right okay I need I now need to wash this bottle I agree I’ve met uh hello hey Miss Mrs deons is a nice woman I agree I’ve met her oh yeah you have oh yeah

You have haven’t you casar look at this guy tell you actually so weird for not playing fortnite I mean I did like this morning I had to wait so long in Q tell your mom to freak off look at this bro I look look look she’s nice I appreciate it

I appreciate can you toast can you toast it toast cop a biology no basically she’s asking did I do any chemistry revision I already done my chemistry test I’m done biology revision you play five minutes with me in LOL LOL XXX no I played beforehand with um mango a guy in chat mango

Actually no he wasn’t playing never mind he was just in the VC I played with Vios um I played with a guy called um solid R bran chat and wait no did he did he actually even join no actually no no I just played with Vos cuz they were

Still they were still installing their game I forgot cuz they were in the VC no I didn’t they were still in the VC I only played with Vios for like three four rounds I’m currently in the fortnite cues still born b b oh not after oh God not born after yesterday

Jesus Christ all right I’ll be back I need to quickly wash this cuz uh me know dodgy people and then I’ll continue Reading e All right guys so what’s all this BN born again but yeah how how is how is LOL XXX casker How is you still playing are you two still playing after all this time damn 7h hour fortnite sash what sh you sing no oh that’s a good point can’t be asked sometimes you

Know can’t be asked the Walton fck oh my God after that all my days I’m going to enjoy is this the uh the turkey I need to know which ones are turkey on I need to leave my mom half of these yeah there this one’s a turkey one I right come just got

A it’s a good point how am I going to rip this okay there we go I did it that’s actually was not as hard as I thought it would be that’s cool yeah this is the turkey one you know why people hate turkey so much it’s really

Good I know people say it’s dry and stuff but me just like have some gravy if you want in game yeah it’s kind of safe there there’s someone living there though well sorry the they’re living in Palestine well Alis which one is shorter that’s the question oh watch no I can’t watch sorry

Never mind guess I’m going to have to continue reading then start with an iron knife instead of a rusty one during 100 St read this appear on your map then they will with small X grow when it comes into range campfires can build campfires in the wilderness cook meat campsites will also

Be able to be used upgra future skill SP with Rusty a as well section two get a fishing rod when you used to catch fish wow each raw meat you cook yields two cooked meats instead of one can ping the locations of enemies to show on your

Teammates map for 30 second gives a spy glass tool that can be used to do this campfires in your campsites will get you a Soup pot this pot can be used to craft antas stew which requires raw meat and de antas antas CU will heal twice as

Much as cooked meat um rabbits um has a chance to catch rabbits when placed in the woods section three best layer do 50% extra damage to Bears Pelt carver can trade in be first for Unique Cosmetics of the magistrate like a bear skin Cape hunting rifles have 50% increased accuracy a c upgrade

That allows you to tempor S cook me and lever in it and you will be able to access this you you can grant permission to for to temp for teammates to users yes be Back I returned I can’t really watch videos unless it’s on the reaction stream otherwise I’ll have to otherwise I won’t be able to show up do 50% extra d the Bears can train in bare FS for Unique Cosmetics the magistrate like a be skin Cape hunting rifles do 50% increased accuracy C Gite

Upgrade that allows you to Temporary store cooked meat and lever in it only you will be able we’re going to all right Alf how much will you give me if it’s copyrighted I need insurance I need insurance my friends I will need insurance I will show you if it’s copyright by the way

Don’t worry okay 13 minutes um well actually to be fair for two years no actually I won’t really do all of that I’ll probably only yeah probably not um probably only do um the rest of um um rest of farm and then I’ll probably uh just uh call it a day yeah

Call a day for that how much we to finish W files 3 uh that will actually be qu that’ll be yeah 10 quid bro 10 Quid how long is one that is the question how long is one how about the Gaza Strip is it safe bro there someone lives there there’s

Like four people who live in the Gaza stripping game there’s like four people there okay I can watch a five minute one you have you send me the link though that that’s one need the link and that’s basically it yeah rip wait do fortnite actually have a 3

Minute Q five how’s have a 3 minute cu no 3 minute 30 minute okay we’re just turning us into a reaction stream all right calm all right I shall watch this video then sure sure sure yeah okay it’s being shown I need to OB my way literally going to be eating on stream

Jesus Christ but just to show I’m actually reacting to it so this is explode Dynamite on Roblox Empire Clash engineer update Okay okay wow okay okay so that will definitely assist with sing if you can but like on the bridge it’s not going to I mean uh I guess that does help but I mean oh oh oh not very family friendly guys is just going to be peaches in a

Personal stream kind of yeah we was going to play fortnite but the que is an hour long all right you know I’m actually going to in a moment I’ll check how long the queue is for myself I’m not going to obviously wait for It okay wait wait pause so they just said n screw the defenses let’s go okay okay they got them yeah oh okay all right fair enough then I was going to say I mean just didn’t just didn’t seem very point it just seemed like you might as well just place a wall

Like in front of wher Warriors of stone tonas today I am here with the development team and I’m excited to reveal some of the new content coming to Empire Clash this latest update has a massive focus on the engineer class with a brand new skill tree improvements to

The Cannons and many new buildable props hey guys all right so to get us started what are some of the big things coming in the new engineer skill tree the engineer skill tree is largely focused on the because I logged that all my days you know I might as well just have

Fortnite in the back background just like queuing cuz Jesus Christ I didn’t think that many people would want actually be playing this update the new engineer deployables the center of the tree focuses on skills that unlock these deployables are you still doing half SMP well keep keep it up in the background

But um it’s basically got turned into a reaction stream yeah such as the siege engineer skill that allows you to build Siege ramps and the palisad ability that allows you to build enclosed wall the left side of the tree is focus on skills that make getting resources to build deployables

Easier lastly the small right side of the tree includes some of the combat and discipline skills found in the other military classes all right so we’ve got new buildings but right now I can only so are build limits going to be raised what’s going to change with that

The build limit has been increased to 10 with every additional 10 levels adding another 10 builds to that limit meaning that a Max will be able to have 20 structures on the map at a time has been increased to 10 with every additional 10 levels adding another 10

Builds to that limit meaning that a Max Level engineer will be able to have 20 structures on the map at a time what the MAF muffin all right so what are some of the new structures I’m going to be able to lag this I mean build for my team

Engineers are receiving a variety of covers barricades and walls to enhance their territory defenses some shoot through deployables include sandbags window walls Cannon walls and even a bunker I know you would love some for some Mr B darkr oh my God now you’re ready to meet

Mr B again oh God Mr B so you wouldn’t mind us turning the Roblox stream tomorrow into something else for the last hour I mean if I get bribed yes pretty much I don’t know way fortnite’s got one hour que though that’s crazy fort building is now possible with the new

Deployables such as basic walls a watch Tower and a mini for Deployable ever struggle to climb those flimsy Siege ladders if so you’re in luck two Siege deployables are being included a Siege ramp and a Siege Tower have been added for easier access over enemy walls but that’s not all for you farming

Enthusiasts out there we added a small medium and large garden plots these plots will allow you to grow berries from wherever you choose to construct them I’m looking forward to seeing all the cool forts you guys can come up with all right so currently in the game it’s

Hard to build forts and make the items attached together so is that going to change in this update along with better building collisions included in the new buildables there’s going to be three new wall variants that will enhance your ability to create your own unique fortifications all right so we’ve got

The ability for engineers to build all kinds of cover but how the heck am I going to hide behind it new Army drills have been rolling out to the soldiers Stone tonus and they are now able to crouch to crouch simply they never were able to crouch oh I guess yeah Crouch

Button on mobile upon doing so your character will Crouch down reducing their visibility to the enemy however your movement speed will be extremely limited while crouching so be careful wow with crouching it will be easier for players to take cover and defend key objectives all right so to keep all the

Little timmies entertained I heard there’s new explosives coming in this update do you want to tell us about those can shells are new ammo type that will explode on impact button made just like Tim entertained I heard there’s new hey relax relax Chief relaxs our new

Ammo type load on impact Buton made just like any other ammo type they’ll be effective against both infantry and structures additionally powdered kegs are a new Deployable that can be ignited by F this is what I’m a little bit interested of damage oh oh you can’t instantly place it be careful that your

Teammate are the on wow okay they’re they’re a bit they’re a bit enough they’re a bit weak you can just shoot the guy they start trying to like wow it’s cool to see all these changes coming to the engineer class it’s cool another problem though I’ve

Got way too much stuff in my inventory and my B fault and haven’t been able to use it this is very days of having 173 worms in your inventory that why you playing Roblox oh no I’m watching a Roblox video because I’ve been given two are no more now you can delete Bank

Items inventory items or tools that you know anyone can igny anyone can give materials to the cake okay well that’s it for this update I can’t wait to see all that you guys create with boomba bomba okay well I think this means continuing with f SMP unless I get paid

By camo uh thing to watch Walton files I guess are you watching Robos oh bribery um did he announce console support yet no no not to this day I don’t think okay I’m going to make sure I have to switch to my other accounts for obvious reasons wait oh my god fortnite oh

No I mean I remember watching these ones a while ago yeah two years ago but I haven’t watched one like ever since I kind of finished them oh my mom plays sister location Jesus Christ I never knew he did that what8 pounds I won’t be able to watch

The whole thing for 8 pounds but I’ll be able to watch uh a good portion of it all right let’s do the math okay did did eight bit Ryan oh my God he did a reaction of course he did so it’s 1 hour so 60 minutes actually wait 59 minutes 59

Minutes divided by 10 is 5.9 so 5.9 minutes so nearly 6 minutes each so if we’ve got eight that means 59 minus 5.9 5.9 and then 53.1 minus 5.9 which will equal a time of 47 minutes and 20 seconds okay I’ll do a quarter then meth you better make that price High cuz

Warm files is a well either way D we will do a Roblox tomorrow a stream tomorrow yes potentially okay guys here comes the Walton files part three so obviously offens and people will be still up in the back around either way let’s Go hello there um random I’ve not seen you in while how you doing Ma math blend ofr some BS math bro it came out of my no it’s literally that’s kind that’s kind of how it works cuz it’s like I no cuz I’m trying to figure it out because if um10 is an

Hour yeah if 10 is an hour oh yeah and he’s giving yeah he’s G he’s giving 8 I just need to figure out what is 10 minutes out of that and then I minus that you know 42 42 minutes and 20 seconds of Mr Bon I know you’re so

Excited thank you for the aounds I love Mr Bon he’s so nice to meet bro what do you mean by potentially potentially Okay yeah I I I agree I I I I agree with what just happened yeah yeah I I I I got I got I understand like the the plot development oh he’s 22 years old okay oh oh no potentially offensive message potatoes well stay in mind were they

They this was definitely like their nightmares and they just felt like train turning it they just wrote down what was in their Nightmare and just started like making a series on it that’s pretty much proba what Happened not completely wrong Ninja Beta tester golden ticket I need to take this down and so I will return with more Mr bonds because uh this is getting cold so I need To e e okay hello hello hello everybody my name is mar welcome back to Five Nights at phrase 2 let’s continue all right I’d rather watch a man coming into a house and trying to chop okay okay this is the game I wanted to show you something this is the game I wanted

To show you C it’s about anything SC very very curse guys very coose gaming H love the Alis um Mr Bon Mr Bon B yeah I played it for a while thought you would enjoy it thanks also uh they installed the machine in the basement of the building

Not so long ago so please try to be careful the janitor told me these are H and Del oh I see H expensive no terrible yeah let’s go pig bang event oh my God is your actual name Daniel no it’s it’s David yes I see your name over there so

Do I start D EV is just a character let’s go right so you got to choose a name now I see your name over there yeah but the idea is that you played the game from scratch I see uh put my name over here then so [ __ ] [ __ ] I can’t go

Back huh they swore no all right gang gather around all right gang what is it Mr B Mr B oh don’t tell me you guys forgot about today oh oh I know I know ask me hey you any else aside from Benny all right bu why today is the annual fruit

Festival we do a huge party on the restaurant every year man what face I forgot about that oh Heaven me too well I’m sure this party is much better than last year’s rat well I need all of you to figure fruits in these baskets you guys want fruits right uh

No oh he evens what are we going to do what oh no is the fruit Festival cancelled Mr V help but notice you guys need fruits real quick my bonds filled with all kinds of fruits say why don’t you guys do me a small favors and I’ll give you all the you

Need yes B vure I love barns I want to see the pigs and the chickens and the animals and the Barns and the P all right Pete we fun all of us Oh Billy is not looking too good oh Billy not looking too goodat the hippo you know something I like about

The game is the uh the artwork I don’t know why but there’s something about it that seems uh really familiar to me oh Mr Bond has had personal relations I should show you the control so you don’t have a hard time playing later on all right okay okay so you use this

Thing to move around Mr Bon M Mr Bon is networking trust and you use these buttons to interact with you know I’m going to stand up while watching this video guys you’re just going to see Daniel EV standing up was in this bed all right all right all right every

Bunny Bary looking like he took too much coffee Billy Billy’s not looking too good Billy’s not looking too good guys Billy Billy is not looking too good finished I saw a ton of AR xqc as reaction that’s literally me at this point I I I I relate to xqc right now Trust oh my God my God oh my God oh and it crashed a couple of times too that’s strange but then again the game did clarify it was a beta test when we turned on the machine yeah when BSI installed these machines they clarified that as well but here’s the thing these

Glitches are very creepy I’m totally honest um that’s why I wanted to show you this in the first place I know you’re into that into wait oh I don’t think they were talking about BSI I think they were talking about BDS I mean that company has been pretty relevant these past irrelevant didn’t

You hear what company what happened some weird scary app there was one employee that drove to some Forest not too far he they got TR he hasn’t been seen oh no already fast bear did it no the word got out quickly some family members say it this his fast day and he

Want to turn oh my God why what the why are you dancing I have no idea at this point I’m just moving around cuz it’s bloody cold actually that that that’s actually the reason it’s cuz it’s bloody cold right now in my room so I’m literally just

Moving around just to like generate heat and all that I don’t know sit down you look like you’re extra special I’m joking I’ll I’ll just stand I’ll just stand here mening I mean it’s been a while since he was last seen right Brighton’s not that big of a toal

Anyways location reveal who knows who lives in Brian guys it’s been a while since he was left who lives in Bri brial anyways they would have found him by now you’re literally a natia you know I might just go get a oh yeah actually you know I might I might

Just get get a Cod give me a sec I’ll be back let me get yellow yellow yellow his D Evans in his coat hi guys reminds me of this other girl don’t mess with Portugal right now we got two new houses and only one person owning Portugal what happened to like the 50

Guys you were going to get bro all right guys I’m now in my t-shirt you know I’m n guys you got to understand I got to wear this for the video you got to understand there’s more right Brighton’s not that big of a town anyway bro it’s actually kind of big

Though remind what the hell actually this is 1982 guys it could be small back this young employee named Ashley Young Adult very pretty young what are these descriptions man urban legend around here why people say she died no this this isn’t even like my proper like Co I actually would wear

Outside this is just like if it’s really cold and stuff and like I can’t be asked to wear the other one so cuz I’ve literally wear like almost every day zip it Dan oh yeah yeah zip this bro this ain’t even like you know I actually

Should I bring the actual other code out actually it’s a bit probably wet from this morning that is the question you can’t afford heating literally can’t it’s so so fudging expensive no do do do get your lab coat on as well for extra warmth oh yeah I’ll get I’ll get that on as

Well all right okay extra warmth guys oh oh my god oh this is actually so much of a challenge for me to do this is actually so bloody challenging oh my God how how have I made oh it looks so autistic but you know what it looks so [ __ ] autistic but

You know what I I don’t care let’s do it let’s do it let’s roll with it oh my God oh my God I’m I’m I I look I look like I weigh like 600b now because of this oh my god well I I forgot I also need to do

One more thing as well I need to do this too oh my God this is phenomal phal stuff what I’m making right now oh my God I I don’t know if I should completely like was it get my my other Cod then put on my lab Co then I put on

This Cod because then I would look even larger but I think I think I think personally the drip on this is immaculate ubiquitous in fact I may even say look oh my God guys I’m I’m I’m I’m looking extra drippy guys swap the code in the labco oh my

God truly truly it’s different oh my God what they even look like I can’t even tell fudge me no but to be fair somehow the lab coat can fit this coat on top which is shocking do you have like a bandana or a scarf okay if I’m going to go find that

Balaclava real quick uh I don’t have I uh yeah balaclava let me find it hello there Tucson how you doing remember was like the middle of Afghanistan even though it’s like- 10° celsus as my room is the coldest in the house right now I don’t know how that happens you had two

Glasses on top of each other yeah let me get the Bal clava oh God this is actually so difficult to put on oh my God okay I’m going to go find like the B lava real quick it’ll take a bit to be Hest I’m going need to take my phone

First oh my God okay let me go get it let me go get this e all right guys secured the batt of clover I’m going to now need to oh actually no I’ve got a better coat I’ll be back I’ll be Back oh dear whoy sh I can’t man I can’t I can’t it’s too funny looking at it oh my God this looking rather cold right now I don’t even know if you guys can see me [ __ ] son drunk It’s Soul tiger oh you’re Soul tiger too son oh my

God uh explain what’s going on BL CL you look like Cookie’s drawing yeah this is literally darkest t Road man drug deal okay wait I forgot I forgot the most important part of it the drip is unreal I even got a lab don’t he you won’t want to mess with this

Person he’s got a lab coat oh oh dear it’s too funny man it’s crazy it’s crazy actually you know what we need we need we need to go we need to go we need to go all in oh my God how am I going to even

Tell this is like this is how to suffocate yourself to tutorial oh my God all right bro is in the to it’s literally dark C remember this is his look during his first face reveal no I was I was I was wearing like that desert hoodie if I

Remember what happened to the F SMP why is no one on server it’s cuz I’m not playing it’s cuz uh people have brib me to watch videos so because I’m not playing I don’t think anyone’s playing maybe I don’t know should we do DCA B clava reacts I think the glasses doesn’t

Really look too it kind of looks like a joke with um with um glasses on B lava reacts guys it looks so goofy as [ __ ] Bro I’d have to wear a coat and thenone so I’m going to wear coat to be honest uh no I can’t be asked it’s just it’s

Just so it’s just so annoying to well uh dark is is this the continuation of the reaction series yeah all right guys so I’m back uh I need to I’ve always been here I just need to uh just sort out some things real quick before I continue the reaction stream

Because as you may know I have to take my lamp Co just now but yeah okay yeah oh what my coat’s fine what bloody lovely you better get to me after this is it’s been well no this is literally supposed to be FMP stream but because of um bribery it’s it’s basically just

Turned into reactions from that’s pretty much what it’s become now all right now I can just sit down in peace all right sorry everyone is there actually no one on the off SMP let me check oh my God why does my phone don’t want to stay there for like two seconds stay there

Please oh no is it closed no let me check and then I’ll continue I just need to check this is there actually like no one on right now fix face cam yeah I know I know it’s it looks a bit weird right now no there’s still people on the

Fsmp all right guys so I’m going to do another xqc or every reaction stream uh moment where I just eat on fudging stream while watching this vid that’s literally what I’m going to do just start fudging munching while while reaction is going all right guys most say she was privately bued privately

Buried yeah I don’t know why Man story to get little kids away from that forest and we should probably just continue with the game yeah who wants to hear about this kind of [ __ ] while playing some child’s game right you good Sophie oh yeah I was just

Thinking about um buing his Nal wol yeah anyways so do I have to like do I have to go to a certain character or ah um if you get close to a certain character it will let you access their level phenomenal oh okay can we can start with

The gameplay um explaining can we get to the scary stuff I don’t like this one looks boring I agree a she’s my favorite character oh well it’s up to you really apples I like app okay apples B the voice acting unre one okay what make a

W uh see I told you this game was a little broken I can tell you know I keep thinking they already broke bunny Smiles it sounds so familiar bunny Smiles this game is bringing back so many memories oh memories wow sorry um sorry I’m crying stop crying no no no not at all

Sophie however I do uh I got to do some other stuff I got this one essay I need to finish I’ll see you around PE Burger F you eating oh I’m just eating spaghetti meatballs and broccoli pretty much well you’re not excc please react I am excc that’s why I am

Now hey Ministry uh these days they all be buggy on lunch bro you know they were predicting this look ever since 1982 they they were telling us it’d be buggy on launch they’ve literally been telling us this since 1982 and we haven’t been listening it’s actually so

Sad you remember that cancer drink from that one part oh my God I don’t I don’t even know if you did drink actually I think you might have drank it I I I I don’t see like the making of it process but you know what well well done people

Just talk to me in case you have any questions regarding the game okay yeah yes hi B wait shouldn’t you be in the barn with the rest of the game yeah everything put there supposed to this fight but most of the stuff I need is located in a ridiculously

Complex puzzles say you help me out to solve the puzzles solid all right first we need to get the party hat that should be in the track oh oh finally some spooky stuff the game’s just bugging out is she just playing on her own now oh my God what is she Doing I swear these people have like no Instinct known to man like no survival Instinct it’s just been taken away from them these people just never were born with a survival Instinct like what is this yeah F now six a good set play tastes delicious bro you must have

Messed up your like um stomach or something off they use dark’s design for a character in oh [ __ ] what the hell ALR the [ __ ] have you been Experimenting all right first we need to get the party hats they should be in the basement this game is very broken more than I thought well done well done great observation skills right there but now you’re playing on your own without your friend a bit weird bro

I’m waiting for some more things to react to react to about cuz right now all I’m seeing is gameplay right Phenomenal Okay great knots and Crosses Jesus Christ when skip skip skip when does this stuff get good oh oh my God there we go how can you be this bad at this game honestly I just don’t know how it’s possible it’s like salty chocolate balls I I with

Greek well no no no shars out for no Shars oh what’s that oh goofy little face they wouldn’t Hur they wouldn’t Hur a Fly this person again just has no survival Instinct what is this person doing they have no survival Instinct never mind never wow did they at least quit the game oh my God exactly happened yesterday I don’t know the game just it just crashed I was playing and the game

Just kept showing weird visuals weird visuals bro that was so weird like if I was being told something I guess like a message yeah he he he’s he’s a bit socially awkward ninja don’t worry he just he’s a bit camera shy what is going on maybe what so you think this game is

Haunted what’s this about what’s the oh yeah we watched we watched both of the previous episodes yesterday pretty much like a message maybe what so you think this game is haunted or something I don’t know time where I was playing and there would be times which I would do certain stuff

Ninja’s drawing parallels now and yeah pretty much as a very much any it’s getting very late you sure you want to play right now why not just wait so we can play oh my God I mean you can go to sleep if you want Jenny all right good night my God

What is with the survival Instinct in these people start this what about the other files I I want to I want to see the other ones oh naughty Naughty look don’t tell me I lost all my progress cuz I I’m not entering that cloud level again you stupid think this is a safe where the glitch occurred and I really feel like I should dig deeper into this expecting to see a bunch of glitches since like the

Safe bile is corrupted so yeah wow wow Huh I I have no idea it was like the last episode when when this woman just goes down the like the the creepy stairs and then puts the cassette tape in the literal horror movie Enemy type clown and he like ah no why am I dying it’s like bro use your brain don’t

Put the cassette tape in wait till they are back with you at least then you have a one in four chance of surviving those are pigs oh oh no pleas pleas I know someone who looks like that Fe all right I need you to pay attention to what I say and follow the

Instructions I gave you okay so first of all do not open the cages unless I tell you no but I I I can see where you’re getting at alfus I know you haven’t met him I can see where you’re getting at but no they look like another

Animal this is someone in my current school when I think I I open the cage I think it’ll be really funny I think it be really really funny yeah I think I’m going to open the cage now yeah bro why are these Goofy horse pigs oh no smash smash is aill 100% all

The pigs have escaped to the Hipp house there’s a hole there’s a go you know I’m I’m sorry okay off okay okay to the hi no no not Henry it’s not Henry it’s not someone it’s not someone I talk to I’ve just seen them look like that just say

It looks like they each entered a different door to find keys for each door any day come oh my God sh look DCA logic if if it if it’s if it’s the if it’s not a guy right I I was going to I was going to say if it’s not blood related it’s

Read to dat but no I’m then that can be gay no offense um so in my personal humble opinion if it’s not broadly related well just if it’s if if it if it’s female not broad related Daniel Evans here he Comes okay got to find the keys for these doors no not not not a furry just just for follow those rules there’s a red head but there’s the oldest person I forgot the name I haven’t watched Family Guy to be honest okay got to find Evan’s worth their 12

M in desperate times you must keep your eyes on the prize no but if they’re 12 as much as I would say Zam no not for me too too young unfortunately I hate to say it’s I I I I have standards unfortunately as much I I might have to

Add a new variable to my um to my to my list of if it’s if it’s blood related no if it’s if it’s if it’s a guy no and if it’s under if it’s under 15 that’s also a no oh no sorry sorry sorry I I forgot

Sorry sorry sorry I forgot 11 or under I apologize 11 or under I made a mistake sorry it needs to be single digits guys you got to understand single digits is the best trust Doug you should under 16 dog no Fe oh oh oh oh no I see what

You mean Ninja oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no Daniel Evans is going to jail

After that one oh no I forgot oh no I’m a major minor we they’re they’re off limits Now wait that’s just the consent him I can’t I can’t I can’t I can’t be hon like B look it’s bad don’t be like Peach yeah okay I I’m I’m not I’m not that far gone youum bunny I’m I’m sorry I was just trying to help it looks like they each entered a

Different door door we have to find keys for each door they’re finding Keys now first we’ll have to catch the pigs I think me I wouldn’t be wanting to catch any of those pigs okay huh got to find the keys for these doors so so Alf you just go for anything that’s dead

Damn all right fair enough I guess I’m already starting to notice a few errors mate oh this p actually like got like several cases of brain Rod they are so dumb it’s hurting it’s actually hurting my brain please got to find a way to get to it

Though dead but no you can’t go for anything that’s alive because it breathes then it doesn’t fit you a blunder guys oh no take This Alis I thought that’s perfect for you [ __ ] it worked this person is just too good this is some amazing Minecraft Gameplay I was playing Minecraft earlier but I have been bribed to watch um a considerable man of this man’s necrophilia yeah he he like he he like

He likes it decomposing you know it he’s he’s looking for that penis he really wants the penicillin badly he’s going to go for anything that’s de decomposing that penicillin Mr 14 oh no keep them 14year olds away Mr 14 stay away oh wait wait so you like it really dry

Is what you’re telling me you like it really dry am am I hearing correctly you just want it as dry as you can if it’s like a desert if it’s if it’s like if it’s got that sand you want that you want that crusty sand oh oh all right uh

Um just not by humans Alfred oh no it just on the right yeah there we go oh my God it’s a project playtime reference wo I noticed that these Errors Act in a certain way as if that unknown error mentioned earlier was something or someone trying to talk to me or trying

To give me bro why is it got like three eyes what’s it going on with that no you must be you must be mistaking it you must be mistaking it um camo you see that that that’s just too that’s just too big I think that’s I

Think it’s more relating to you Cam I think I feel like it’s a bit more like like the relation like I think this is like a long distant family member camo of yours dog you should take a threeyear silence for everyone’s sake for the Earth’s sake three years

Silence oh yes just just so I so I don’t like yeah it’s for global warming got to understand because then I don’t exhale carbon dioxide yeah they were eaten but differently hey yo that’s kind of that’s kind of crazy especially because these interact with the characters

Could I’ve also noticed that I talk to myself a lot like it’s literally me it’s me oh my God yes yes yes oh okay maybe not that tech support audio log number three uh June 30th 1974 J’s birthday party finished an hour ago I decided to stay

And help the employeers clean the place this week is uh strange strange especially the opening uh I find it weird that they open the place even though Mr woned a few weeks ago I hope he’s doing all right oh he’s doing fine I’m pretty worried about it seems very concerning no

More yeah that’s not woman’s voice I agree I didn’t to call it the plan uh this was the first and I feel turned out pretty well it didn’t that well animats oh my God first somewhat normal looking animatronic things easier to noce these uh especially in

B oh that’s not very normal uh the lens weren’t moving properly they look stiff and stiff bro he needs to do some yoga he he need he needs some hydraulic therapy right now he need some hydrotherapy get him some Hydro didn’t even show up I’ll the restaurant when

I’m finished I’m sure it’s not going to take I wonder what happens next stab stab stab stab jump scare he’s dead oh oh no Mr Bon No Hello hello hello rat Industries so we continuing with this um no survival Instinct video as I’ve been bribed eight poundings to be able to do this the Earth SMP is very much open but yes I I’m I’m continuing watching um me losing faith in humanity by uh how little they want to

Live okay and it’s called red eyes woo they he need some sleep you know it’s got bloodshot eyes now but how how is your volunteering rat how was it oh dear oh what’s that supposed to be okay that just looks like a horse I can’t breathe oh horror movie Trope another

Seven it say is not used is only used for comedic and entertainment purposes nobody has been oh okay okay dark what do you mean they were the they were the same thing what do you mean what oh wait wait hold on hold on guys let’s rewind let’s rewind guys what

Yo it can do that hey that’s crazy hit me out I’m joking I’m joking you just made s what how does that Work huh okay I don’t understand also the the volunteering was terrible really was it that bad I’m quite I’m oh my god oh I I’m not looking forward to when I have to be asked to do volunteering I’m just like as long as I get like a chill kid then

I’m fine then I will start putting a very extremist views into the head so if if if if I have to do volunteering like that peer mentoring if I get a chill kid I’m going to put some really extreme ideas into the head and just see how it goes it’ll be really

Funny in game obviously in game in game definitely just not IRL trust trust me I think the P present had a person inide chat I think they ate a person no fetish no no oh k okay what okay what but that was very confusing and

Scary it felt like I was being told a story or a certain event I mean this person’s just got an addiction to pain it’s literally me I’m joking I’m joking I’m joking I’m joking I’m joking yeah hey look it’s K’s mom forget a lot of stuff joking joking

Jing like I started taking I wasn’t asked one of my parents has has a job in my Hockey Club so I was forced wait so you had to teach them how to play hockey or like how old were these kids like just asking for no no seriously but um how old were

These kids if they were that bad did you actually have to teach him hockey that sounds actually quite bad it’s so la hunting or something why they still playing I don’t know they’re just brain dead oh of course that triggered a neuron activation in alfris of course that

Did oh my God so like oh Jesus Christ Alf you into some interesting things reason but wow I really 50 hot dogs don’t think I I don’t think I’ve ever seen some be a to take 50 hot dogs at once it was a Christmas fair thingy it was

Just a bunch of random people usually under 13 years old though so you had to deal with like me like mentally mentally gifted yeah mentally gifted children let’s say so I don’t get this this stream yellow symbol mentally gifted children we love mentally gifted children oh so what did you even have to

Do did you just like stand at like a stall or something and then you just have to like stand there in the cold and just was like looking at them like buying stuff and realizing you’re not going to make anything that’s an 86 uh that’s an 86c timeout pal he’s talking

About oh oh no oh no so playing CU wanted yeah kind of Thompson do not touch no touches guys no touch Che at one point a group of like 10 to 13y Old start walking in you were into no no no no no wait continue the video wait wait wait

Oh since I brought this out I’ve got to make use of it was it was it just 10 to 13 year olds that look like this I know how terrifying oh my God guys oh my God W they um they just stood in front of a store for like 30

Minutes oh D you were just terrified oh no so scary guys look at my Halloween costume woo I volted to look after people with severe mental issues illnesses and I get to T to a refugee is like the is is the refugee like chill like like they’re not like

Like annoying and stuff I think isn’t that like the same kid that like ghosted on you and you weren’t able to play Minecraft for a bit so you just were like bro you’re just like you had you you were waiting for them and they just never turned up I’m not scared of them

Mugging me I’m scared of them judging me what were you doing what were you doing that’s Judge worthy did you just like I don’t know like like look at them like look at just stare at them you just stared at them aggressively is that what you did

Oh oh no oh no I don’t like that one I just got a Dem from Peach saying he was timed out may ask I know how long this timeout is so demon draon the reason why he got timed out is because he said he basically pach was talking about his

Fantasies of enjoying 50 hot dogs at once with kid kids so basically translating into Peach language into written form he’s saying he wants to fit 50 hot dogs and kids so he got timed up for 86k seconds that is all you need to know Ninja can verify this

Statement uh that’s all you need to know I just sitting down on my phone is it like when when a person walks by you just stop you just you just get you just pull out that phone and start looking at like some random apps just like a I’m I’m being a normal

Person right now don’t worry please don’t look at me Dam the refugee definitely hates me what did you do did you just start being like ah you shouldn’t go back you just start pulling out some interesting uh interesting jokes like you should go back to bed oh God that

24hour all right thanks for the number of hours belong to peanut no I was taking a break I didn’t have food all day they all sauntered over so so what were they doing in that 30 minutes I know they were like hanging around but did they just like start talking like

Entitle like entitled chill CH entitled chickens or do you mean entitled children making fun of Mr 11 and actually being into kids I think actually being into kids is actually the main thing entitled yeah do you mean entitled children oh God uh thankfully I’m not doing volunteering right now I

Will have to do volunteering at some point I should have done it at that Sunfest at our school that would have been so easy um but you know what I I might do uh peer mentoring if if it’s history then that will be so good like literally

Peer mentoring me history or politics I don’t care one of those two oh my God I will put extreme ideologies into their heads I hope my school’s not watching cuz you know I will I will ensure they do some funny things that’s what I’ll do

For p mentoring I will I will teach him great things I will get him to read multiple extremist ideology books I’m joking no it would just be way more easy cuz I can just like waffle cuz I know it that’s pretty much it do not

Uh did you not volunteer on opening no I I I did not I need I need to cuz I think it’s like 40 hours right I’m running out time I want to help them get good grades they just don’t seem to care about good grades is a bad combination I mean isn’t

That actually no a lot of people I know who do tutoring they actually are doing toring because they want good graes but a lot of most people when I think of people get tutoring especially in my old old school it’s literally their parents forc them cuz they’re just

Bad which I nearly which I had technically cuz I was bad at my somehow got six but there you go Peach wants you to check Discord what is your problem bro yeah for legal reasons it’s a joke for serious reasons please don’t please don’t please don’t actually not give me

The history volunteering job it’s a joke uh for legal reasons plona BR I couldn’t be asked I I was just feeling like I you know I want to go home home you know I promised myself I’d go to bed then it then at 11:00 p.m. I still

Haven’t gone to bed though good news is I don’t have to go to school tomorrow woooo let’s go we got free food but you said you were hungry for a while so yeah that part was the issue oh no let’s continue a video is this like an oh

Relax pelix pelix why is their name p Felix has been acting weird oh no that it’s not even oh okay that is Felix it’s just literally written like a pee okay has been acting weird lately he’s been drinking more than usual there’s like actually like three

People I know who are Day Day alcoholics it’s actually such a Brom they just drink whenever they find alcohol oh my God so I went so on Thursday I went to like my old school’s like um GCC award ceremony I somehow managed to get champagne cuz I look like I’m going

Through a midlife crisis cuz of me wearing glasses my hair and my forehead size uh and um and um there’s a lot of things that make me look like I’m going through a midlife crisis so I somehow was able to Waffle my way into getting champagne accidentally I was trying to get like

What was it B Noir elderflower press or something like that cuz that’s way nicer but I got champagne and I was like okay didn’t it wasn’t actually what I was going for but you know what okay I’ll I’ll take it it wasn’t what I was going

For but you know what I’ll take it either way um this guy one M bro this guy actually needs to get help I swear to God this guy just drinks beers on school nights what’s he doing he he’s literally begging me for the champagne literally begging me I

Just gave it to him cuz it’s just like you know champagne it’s like just it’s just not as nice as like bflow benoir edlow pressing he literally begs it for me and I like got I was like half half like the like you know you know like a champagne glass like half

The champagne glass left I just gave it to him at that point I was just like like bro he’s just been pestering me like give me the give give me the champag so oh my God I swear to God it’s like that like people actually have the special issue bro just why um

Accidentally waffling your way into champagne so the way I accid waffled my way into champagne is I actually really wasn’t actually trying to get champagne what I literally did was like which one is which one is Ben what let me search it up actually to to um to give you guys

A bit of what what I was actually going for Bon elder flower elder flower PR yeah this stuff so I I I was trying to I was trying to get this stuff because this stuff is so nice they have like other different flavors like like literally this stuff this stuff is so

Nice literally so good I was trying to get that and instead I get champagne I’m like oh it’s just these are nicer I just don’t care but this guy’s an alcoholic I swear to God so I was just trying to get that and then they then I was like which one is

Elderflower and which one is uh alcohol and they the teacher just looks at me like I don’t know and I just take it I’m like please just be this and I don’t get it it’s so annoying you see like you see if I was an alcoholic the ability that I look

Like I’m literally going through a midlife crisis would work so well but I’m not and that’s a problem and so I wasn’t able to get what I was trying to get does I have alcohol not no this is non-alcoholic like I If without alcohol I wouldn’t care it just tastes nice but

I guess that would be more annoying because I wouldn’t be able to get it very easily um but it’s it’s just nice it’s just good these used to be so expensive they appear they appear to be dropping down the prices now it’s like I think it’s cuz they have like a lot

Going on yeah it’s like 22 now s they used to be like6 I swear plus doc redeem the banana fortnite emote go to redeem and type in banana all right why not yeah yeah sure I can’t spell fortnite to save my life I I always call it

Fortnite wait how do I redeem wait I need to redeem oh my God it’s tuna bear what happened to Minecraft S&P 4 hours oh I played that for a bit but then uh I got um basically what happened was I got bribed basically £2 and8 to watch videos

Yeah pretty much that’s pretty much it it’s still up right now by the way you could still play and you gave it to him yeah cuz he kept pestering me like this guy won’t leave me alone he literally wouldn’t leave me alone like I can’t believe he was that desperate for

Champagne like bro like it’s like it’s not that good I hate to inform it’s not that good like it might be like a sh like a news literally like a news like um news flat it’s just not it’s just not as good at least compared to what I could

Have gone hello the the bit boy uh do not going to lie you’re kind of cheap what do you mean what do you mean oh do you mean like I just let him have it I was oh oh oh oh you mean for the um Oh you mean to

Uh switch to uh to reaction basically yeah pretty much it’s com even here I think he left maybe uh what do you want oh uh no I think no I think I think it’s the kids part entirely alfris I think it’s the kids part

Entirely oh oh and he’s gone oh no oh no so wait where do I even redeem but no to be fair it was kind of uh last bit to be fair uh redeem okay slash redeem oh do I actually have to sign in oh my God I can’t honestly be asked fine

I’ll sign in fine it’s worth it guys it’s worth it it’s worth it guys it’s worth it to be honest oh and then I have to type in the bloody code I received oh my God this is actually so long I just wanted to like

Do this in 3 seconds but of course I have to sign in so many things I have to type in my security code okay there we go access code so is it just is it just whatever this is Ban yeah it’s it’s obviously worth it to get the banana emote

N and redeem can can I can I just get it activate yes please BOS I got it woo woo woo all right guys so I got the banana emote who cares really um by the way is the uh yeah it’s still W right let me let me just double check cuz I might

Play for a bit longer I don’t know um uh uh I mean I could save like the rest of the wall files for like another another time cuz like I clearly want to just like go back to this so I’m just going to quickly uh switch back real

Quick so I’m going to switch back to this please keep watching Mr B no let’s continue with Minecraft S&P for now let let’s continue with Minecraft SMP everybody I think Minecraft S&P will be fun you know oh actually that’s going to take a while to reach actually yeah I got a continue

Then uh DCA December 23rd I’m just here just busy right now okay oh fair enough oh okay never mind should we uh should we continue then oh crap let get blown where do you want to go anyway I want to go to like one of

The seven Great Lakes in um uh it’s like I get I guess it is in America but it’s very close to the Canadian border I kind of just want to like do the retirement PL for uh uh DCA rfmp new civilization there so retirement plans is because

Like I I’m just I’m literally just going to go complete isolationist at that point just going to chill there at that point but you I see a bit right going head all the way here who is loaf III that is the question welcome to Lake bico cu ah it’s

Just too bit too far plus this looks actually kind of nicer and I’m also way closer to it right now main reason this cuz I’m way closer to it oh is it Breezy as well what’s your opinion on vas and ionics uh I don’t I won’t hate them if they don’t kill me

Please don’t kill me please I just I just want to I just want to live in peace just live and chill I ain’t going to mess they probably if they wipe out everyone else they’re going to go after us anyway please don’t go Canada I don’t think it

Is in it’s not in can well some of it technically would be in Canada but I’m where I’m selling is in America so there you go I mean how am I going to be able to pull that off ted bear it’s a very good question how oh

And I just went the I just completely removed all my progress well done Daniel Evans I just went right back to the start well done well done um hold on and how are you going to be able to pull that off Ted how are you going to pull that

Off the carab beines there’s no one there I mean there technically um uh well actually technically there’s two people technically there I mean you’ve got gaming strike who’s very close to the Caribbean edge of Mexico yakatan and you’ve got Barbados that sounds going to be fun hello there the gamer son I think

This is peacha but still how are you doing welcome back did you know there’s a free Lego skin in fortnite all you have to do is link your Lego account oh my I’m tempted I need to create a Lego account then fge yeah but there’s literally people

You mean like cuc and all that I mean I mean to be fair I can like go uh I mean it just becomes more mid if I go if I go I can go way further cuz Canada and americaas are very big by the way I could go way further but I feel

Like it’s just going to get very mid very quick I mean to be fair there is like that river that goes all the way down there yeah it’s just really far Long Island USA yeah yeah yeah I swear I don’t even have a town yeah I don’t have a town how am I

Going to be part of a coalition I might actually banned for a whole day what do you do uh how about joining golden h i I kind of want to set up my own uh town you know kind of want to set up my own little retirement my retirement town

Oh oh he’s getting timed out for 86k seconds oh no collaps so far that’s because I keep getting invaded this is literally just cuz I want well to be fair it’s cuz I removed Vegas’s op and that’s why Cornwell got destroyed that’s literally it but I kind

Of had no other choice no one else had the balls to do it no one else has any balls to remove his operator no one no one has any even when they know it is right what happens oh I feel like just like continuing with

This dark isn’t 86k um a bit too much cuz you know oh I mean n Ninja’s dishing it out I would advise speaking to ninja yeah I would recommend saving some accounts for tomorrow otherwise Ninja’s just going to keep purging them just because of now so like you’re not really

Bad but he’s like timing you up 86k seconds on your accounts so I’d advise you don’t lose all your accounts otherwise oh oh no oh it’s not me it’s not me it’s not me it’s not me it’s not me it’s not me it’s not me oh no oh no uh uhoh uhoh

Uhoh uh oh uhoh uhoh uhoh uhoh uhoh still going to fudge kind of yeah pretty much oh so everyone’s getting time down in chat let’s Go’s getting time down chat oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh Oh I thought it was going to go I

Was like oh God bro you are playing why am I bouncing oh cuz my phone’s on my space key what the [ __ ] Just Happening the mods are going crazy they’re timing out everyone everyone’s getting timed out oh no uhoh uhoh uhoh need their own personal help yeah they they need seeking professional

Help professional help is indeed necessary access to your Ender Chest I mean I’ve got another person who will give me access to end the chest CU dead B you’re going to you’re going to have have have a very convincing plan oh but I’m going to have to restart my whole

Journey if I go there I have to restart my whole journey oh that’s going to be so annoying fine actually is it a good idea maybe not right now yes likee yes how are you doing on this fine afternoon Ike oh no balls oh no there there there are two plans for

Um currently right now when the fsmp goes down because obviously fsmp V3 is not happening for a bit um um when the f s SMP goes down um there’s like either we go back to that Bedrock s SMP or we do the largest Lifeboat Crusade known to man where we

Try and set up many different communist regimes in multiple servers at once though to be fair we’ve got to separate ourselves from communism we’ve got to separate it into the DCA Channel kind of Communism so then people will recognize our communist symbol so then we successfully colonized Lifeboat but

We’re only going to be able to do that if we if you guys are able to gather enough people who can enslave in game Sorry socialist worker people give people their uh their uh personal um personal abilities yeah I still got to keep going

West I mean you can do that if you wish to stop to stop them but we we obviously we we’ve got to somehow pacify the lifebo population not on just one server we’ve got to pacify the lifeboats population on literally try our best to pacify on every server possible like I

Mean literally we we will have like we’ll have to have somehow conquered all of Lifeboat somehow 24hour stream yeah there’s some people actually just doing it for lifeb for the funnies but we we we’re going to need the we’re going to need the help of many different

People to be able to colonize all of Lifeboat we’re going to have to build the camps the gags to be able to keep all the people in I bad idea how about no what not not to uh colonizing all of life but No n saw we set up a that that that that that’s kind of that’s kind of the plan Dr peanut though we might need the hammer and sickle to uh uh to assist with a thread it’s been for hour just make a new Bedrock SMP oh do you

Mean that one uh a new Bedrock SMP bro I mean that’s going to get like bombed in two minutes that’s literally going to get bombed in like 1 minute literal tops yeah here’s all the water okay yeah here we go so this this is where I’m going to probably continue on

We would need to we would need to take all of them not just one not just two every single one uh you can send stuff if you want silver or after the stream yes sure um we should do it right now no no we’re not going to worry the um time cuz

I have I need to do a Roblox stream after some point in Peach has asked me to tell you he hopes you acally drop your swarmer in in sand oh oh oh no it’s getting aggressive now all let me check the fortnite um uh Q times just cuz I hi it’s an hour

For some reason and now I actually just want to see it to believe it there’s no way it’s an hour Q time absolutely no chance you do a Roblox stream when tomorrow I haven’t done a Roblox stream in three weeks you know that’s bad that bad for

DCA let me check is it 30 minutes or will I just get in instantly let’s find out will I just get in instantly oh wow I might actually just be getting it instantly wait oh yeah it’s 30 minutes it’s it’s literally 30 fudging minutes you are completely right that is longer

Than I had to wait for getting Eminem oh oh my God don’t do Roblox for two months no cuz then my channel prob will die cuz realistically if I just have it on one specific stream type then uh gg gg for DCA cuz like I mean MC oh my God

Minecraft is literally not going to be back for ages yeah that’s definitely will kill the channel yeah no bad idea bad idea very bad idea poke means cookie got cancelled oh no FR what the flip Russia United Germany is that historian accused of Plagiarism doc we are in the same queue bro you got to be fortn iting me oh my God in said Ro I don’t have the time to do a random game stream I have to like do so much to do that no fortnite chapter 5 is insane gone wrong

I got my first win doc could we maybe test something tomorrow oh God there’s a lot of people requesting a different things um depends what it is potentially who knows cuz uh I got to do revision as well so yeah oh okay oh Ki did say F when of the chapter oh my

Oh who even is this guy um should we do a 16 Play N I’ll probably be ending the stream now I just wanted to see this que to be honest um on the stream a new system to play uh pick games okay okay that would be very

Interesting all right let me know uh let me know it on Discord Dr Pina but yeah I need to end the stream now thank you guys for stopping by I shall see you guys uh tomorrow with uh Roblox stream have a fortnite batt but still that Rob is boring and full bad games

You have better options gotic sh sh is like dead for that godic phone no gotic phone how about no oh no oh oh No oh no don’t let me join your party next fortnite stream I may eventually May potentially do a funny fortnite stream it’d be really funny but who knows I will need to start swing out my stream schedule otherwise I’m just bad so thank you guys for stopping by I shall see you

Guys tomorrow in the next video bye-bye for GU stream maybe maybe maybe a full gu stream I need to start actually being an active streamer again guys DCA active fortnite stream

This video, titled ‘🔴Minecraft SMP Live | 4 Hours Minecraft Survival SMP Playing With Viewers – Anyone Can Join :)’, was uploaded by Dark Corrupt A on 2023-12-03 19:43:58. It has garnered 207 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 04:27:09 or 16029 seconds.

Paypal: (if u wana help me fully without the cring 30% cut Youtube does xd) Discord: Thumbnail Artist: @darkcorrupta Live Minecraft Map: Earth SMP Rules: (Failure to comply to these rules will result in a ban) 1. No Hacking Clients/Cheats (No Exploits or abusing Of Glitches) Members: Thank You For Supporting The Channel 🙂 (Your Support Actually Helps Keep The Channel Running Through Funding 🙂 ) Last Updated: 19th Of November 2023 2. Use Common Sense

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Da Big Uns: N0h4xzjustsk1llz: (6 Months) Choco: (4 Months) Camohere: (2 Months) Scafary: (2 Months) Sleepzzz: (2 Months) JustAMango: (2 Months)

Da Ladz: No one 🙁

Da Boiz: TommyInnit: (20 Months) Water Con: (2 Weeks)

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    OniMcWhat is OniMC? OniMC is more than just another Minecraft server, it’s the start of a dynamic gaming network. We’re launching with the BoxPvP game mode, but that’s only the beginning. Our vision is to create a diverse network of game modes, ensuring there’s something for everyone. Why Play on OniMC? Early Access: Be among the first to experience OniMC by applying for early access. Help shape the server and contribute to its development before the official release. Community-Led Content: Your voice matters! We actively listen to feedback from our community to enhance and refine the server. Network Expansion: OniMC… Read More

  • Flare SMP – Semi-Vanilla SMP – whitelist

    Join a Relaxed Long Term Community! About Us: The Flare Community and its Flare SMP were founded on April 14, 2023, by Antimony_Sb and a creative director. The server offers a relaxed semi-vanilla experience in a mature environment without a planned end. What Sets Us Apart from Vanilla? We offer unique features such as Dynmap, Bolt, mcMMO, GSit, FlareDeathMessages, Pets, Cosmetics, Decorations, and more. We are an international community with English as the primary language. We have a summer event starting soon and are developing a second server named “Flare Adventures” inspired by MMORPG games. Feel free to drop by… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – MADE THE ATHER: THE MOVIE

    Minecraft Memes - MADE THE ATHER: THE MOVIELooks like someone needs to pass Minecraft spelling class before they start making movies. Read More

  • Crafty Campus Capers: Cube Xuan’s Minecraft Mischief

    Crafty Campus Capers: Cube Xuan's Minecraft Mischief In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Cube Xuan brings laughter with every surprise. Funny animations, jokes that ignite, Bringing joy to all, day and night. From classroom tales to songs that adapt, Cube Xuan’s content is never flat. So join the fun, hit that subscribe, For a daily dose of humor that will revive. In the realm of gaming, where stories unfold, Cube Xuan’s channel is pure gold. So dive right in, let the laughter ring, With Cube Xuan, happiness is king. Read More

  • Minecraft meme: Hot shorts, hotter blocks!

    Minecraft meme: Hot shorts, hotter blocks! Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftshorts Read More

  • German Cantu: Minecraft Server Priority!

    German Cantu: Minecraft Server Priority! Exploring the Exciting World of Minecraft Servers! 🔥 Embark on a thrilling journey through the vast landscapes of Minecraft servers, where endless possibilities await! 🌍 Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer to the game, there’s something for everyone in this dynamic virtual realm. Let’s dive into the exciting features and experiences that make Minecraft servers a top priority for gamers worldwide. 🎮 Creating a Gaming Community One of the most captivating aspects of Minecraft servers is the sense of community they foster. Players from all walks of life come together to collaborate, compete, and build lasting friendships… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Survive the Ultimate Invasion Experience

    Join Minewind: Survive the Ultimate Invasion Experience Welcome to, your go-to source for all things Minecraft-related! Today, we stumbled upon a thrilling YouTube video titled “I Survived 500 Days of THE INVASION (NOT MINECRAFT)” that got us thinking – what if you could experience your own epic battles and adventures in a virtual world like Minecraft? Imagine facing off against overwhelming alien elves, equipped with advanced tactics and deadly drones, just like in the video. Now, picture yourself exploring a vast, open world where you can build, survive, and thrive alongside other players who share your passion for adventure. That’s where Minewind Minecraft Server comes… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Modpack Madness! KeyDevy RLCraft Ep. 11

    Insane Minecraft Modpack Madness! KeyDevy RLCraft Ep. 11Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: RLCraft | Minecraft Modpack Series (Episode 11)’, was uploaded by KeyDevy on 2024-07-16 19:46:48. It has garnered 86 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:38:58 or 9538 seconds. *Overview:* I’m playing RLCraft! This modpack is hard, intense, and filled with lethal mobs. My goal is to survive and progress within this tough world. The gamerule for InventoryKeep will be enabled but the rest I will have to solve on my own! _______________ *Socials:* Instagram: _______________ *Want to leave a tip?* – _______________ *Go check out my website!* -… Read More

  • Samurai Paws Survives Scariest Minecraft Mods

    Samurai Paws Survives Scariest Minecraft ModsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Surviving the SCARIEST Minecraft Horror Mods Ever! (You Won’t Believe What Happened)’, was uploaded by Samurai Paws on 2024-08-09 04:00:21. It has garnered 14 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:02 or 542 seconds. Dive into the terrifying world of Minecraft with me as I tackle the scariest horror mods ever created! 😱 Watch as I encounter spine-chilling creatures, explore haunted landscapes, and face unimaginable horrors. Will I survive the night, or will these mods be too much to handle? Join me on this thrilling adventure and find out! 🔔 Don’t forget… Read More

  • Insane XP Mob Farm Build | Minecraft Ep.2

    Insane XP Mob Farm Build | Minecraft Ep.2Video Information This video, titled ‘I Made XP Mob Farm | Minecraft Survival Episode – 2’, was uploaded by Neoblade on 2024-07-10 13:29:37. It has garnered 143 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:26 or 1226 seconds. I Made XP Mob Farm | Minecraft Survival Episode – 2 In this video I will made a xp mob farm in hard difficulty after 2 Years, will I be able to do this successfully ? find out by watching full video. ➽Devices➽ Mobile :- Redmi K20 Laptop :- Dell Inspiron 5577 Microphone :- Vivo Mobile Earphone (Rs-250) Mouse… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build SEVEN – Ultimate Stone House Tutorial

    Insane Minecraft Build SEVEN - Ultimate Stone House TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Small Modern House Tutorial🏠 | 簡単!石で作る小さなモダンハウスの作り方(現代建築)’, was uploaded by SEVENのマイクラ建築 on 2023-12-22 10:00:20. It has garnered 42537 views and 538 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:13 or 373 seconds. It explains how to make a small modern house made of stone! Not only the exterior, but also the interior! ——————————————————————————— [Subscribe here] ——————————————————————————— ■Videos uploaded so far ■Twitter ■instagram #Minecraft #House #modern Read More

  • Insane GTA V Hack: Play Minecraft on Windows! Easy Tutorial

    Insane GTA V Hack: Play Minecraft on Windows! Easy TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘wie kann man auf Windows Minecraft spielen? so geht es Tutorial’, was uploaded by Alexander Gta v online on 2024-08-13 11:52:24. It has garnered 10 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:32 or 632 seconds. Read More

  • Robby2002 tells terrifying tales! 😱👻 #trending #YTshorts

    Robby2002 tells terrifying tales! 😱👻 #trending #YTshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Scary Stories. #scarystories #trending #ytshorts #youtubeshorts #story #youtube #minecraft’, was uploaded by Robby2002 on 2024-09-22 15:55:01. It has garnered 21 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. Read More

  • Mysterious Nasquik in Minecraft 🎃 #herobrine

    Mysterious Nasquik in Minecraft 🎃 #herobrineVideo Information This video, titled ‘q es esoo?🎃 #herobrine #minecraft #twitch #horrorcraft #minecrafthorror #dwellers #horrorcraft’, was uploaded by Nasquik on 2024-07-12 14:26:05. It has garnered 503 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:41 or 41 seconds. Read More

  • Epic Showdown: Spider-Man & Miles Morales vs Minecraft Creatures & Sharks!

    Epic Showdown: Spider-Man & Miles Morales vs Minecraft Creatures & Sharks!Video Information This video, titled ‘Spider-Man and Miles Morales vs Minecraft Creatures on Sea with Shark in People Playground’, was uploaded by Gaming Plus on 2024-09-17 15:30:26. It has garnered 22167 views and 206 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:14 or 494 seconds. Spider-Man and Miles Morales are going to war against Minecraft Creatures as a team, there are sharks in the sea in this war. A great battle awaits you in the world of People Playground. Will Spider-Man and Miles Morales defeat Minecraft Creatures ? You should leave a comment for the sequel of the video “… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Sweden vibes with Toastaku!

    Insane Minecraft Sweden vibes with Toastaku!Video Information This video, titled ‘sweden (minecraft lofi)’, was uploaded by Toastaku – Topic on 2024-08-23 06:04:55. It has garnered 7 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:57 or 117 seconds. Provided to YouTube by toastaku. sweden (minecraft lofi) · Toastaku minecraft sleepy lofi ℗ 2024 Toastaku Released on: 2024-03-01 Main Artist: Toastaku Producer: Toastaku Composer: C418 Auto-generated by YouTube. Read More

  • Hypenos Network

    Hypenos NetworkHypenosNetwork sunucumuz hakkında; HypenosNetwork sunucumuz 2024 yılında kurulmuş olup yepyeni yenilikler ile birlikte oyunculara eşsiz deneyimler sunmaktadır.Yönetici ekibimiz yıllar boyunca Minecraft serverlerinde çalışmış olup çalışmalarını bizimle devam ettirmektedir.Sunucumuzun ana hedeflerinden birisi oyuncuların Minecraft dünyasında daha neler yapabildiklerini göstermektir. Yönetim ekibimiz ve yetkili ekibimiz 6 kişi olmakla beraber gece gündüz oyuncularımızın neler daha fazla dikkatini çekeceği üzerine çalışmaktadır Ekibimizi kısaca anlatmak gerekirse Mimarlar yazılımcılar ile doludur. Haydi sizleri birlikte sunucumuzda güzel vakitler geçirmeye davet ediyoruz. Read More