Join the Festive SMP with LandonDid!

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M I think I’m streaming on let me check my channel Graphics uh yeah it’s at the top all right festive keep my ass all right new timeout links you can time out people for up to 24 hours let’s go I’m gonna use that all the time what

All right it’s my thing is stuck on the multiplayer screen because I don’t have anything else showing but uh United said probably not yo chubin yay all right Ana Ana’s here Bear’s here uh G is not here G said he might stream so I’ll message him all right the server should be

Up oh there’s no place like oh here’s bear all right let’s wait for everyone I guess I don’t know oh never mind we’re just going to start oh let’s start I guess no wait for me wa a minute oh M’s Mandy’s deafened oh I’m getting shot oh

Wait what’s I wait are you op still um intense we should we should make it daytime for the first La bro it should not be night time already it should not be night time already it’s winter so it starts oh yeah it starts at night that’s the it’s

Intentional you know oh my God I’m getting killed by the skeleton don’t I don’t want to be the first to die oh my gosh I’m at three health I killed the monster you’re actually using the thumbnail my yeah I am of course I like the thumbnail okay it’s a good

Thumbnail did you think I was being sarcastic or something no partially partially bro it’s a good Thumbnail is that United stop killing it and runess I’m joining I’m joining all right all right all right actually need took a screenshot yeah yeah is my mic good yeah it’s fine do I look my mom my mom got me a new headset I up my mic was it’s I’d

Say it’s I’d say it’s worse than normal but it’s not bad is it is it is it manageable though it’s manageable yeah we can we can definitely make out what you’re saying running away pretty far away uh we’re not doing the server has a big small

Border I know but I’m around the Border you will not get far mess up my wheel no bro I’m at one cuz of the zombies I just woke up you’re welcome you know hey bear oh wait I’m I can’t tell if I’m lagging or if Bear’s oh yeah bear is the one lagging

Okay is oh it’s crashing a ton or just now my is okay uh I’m just breaking down trees I okay the the have reach the zombies have reach oh damn that sucks I can use curs I use Cur oh my God I’m trying to find blah blah blah I need

Food so we’re not lot of right uh you can I don’t care but as long as you’re not killing each other it’s kind of It kind of defeats the point is it on uh 1.20 point2 killing’s allowed if both people no I didn’t want it to be night time we

We forgot to fix it oh my God there’s a zombie outside my base you may not rest now monsters my God great idea great idea did Mandy just say gay Oh I thought that was Mandy just Ana no wasn’t bro starting this on night time is awful I’m sweating so hard

To try not to die I can’t get any F I’m not good at the game so I don’t yeah it’s okay is is it just me or do the zombies have like insane reach or Thorn what are you doing got it I’m just a pro at this game I don’t know what

You’re talking about I have a raw chicken where I have no idea they might have died they might have di intense when we turned on the high tick speed the monsters probably all instantly killed them monsters don’t oh they don’t oh okay well then I’m done

Now we had to turn it to high tick well the new update like in a newer version they do yeah the new hi yeah yo yo I got a gift for you I got a gift because it’s Christmas hot Christmas where’s the village I can’t find

It go on a high oh you found one oh they’re just inside their houses I think you need oh sleeping through the night okay it’s how many people are sleeping is it just me oh well it’s daytime now yay these are the particles what I can’t

See any how many turn your particles to lower one second wait wait I’m going to turn my particles down particle where’s the particles at I got to install my res yeah just turn it to decreased you’ll be able to see more can I use x-ray no obviously

By the way just telling you if you see grass somewhere you can’t go to it meteor can I can I use meteor client no let’s try not to kill all the animals guys by the way uh they don’t respawn we should make a giant Empire aant empire make a giant Empire and exclude

From it good idea good idea these ideas are a peak I need to find a mountain to get stone so I have a monopoly on pumpkins you can just sure buddy sure you have a I’m definitely not minding pumpkins right now a doop a yes A duopoly mine all the

Pumpkins dooo this friendly server is becoming a monopoly already I found a black duopoly is a real word look it up buddy we diplomacy duopoly diplomacy like the game the video we should uh risk we should make risk and like take over land real all

Right I found a cave oh and I already have I’m gonna tame a wolf boring no tiny oh it’s meant to be so that everyone builds close together it’s not a competitive uh nobody has op as of now but it’s me me and intents are the operators right no if we need if

Someone’s x-raying we’ll op ourselves all right guys listen to the server rules no griefing no cheating or hacking PvP with consent blah blah blah who needs consent exploting bugs respect each other do not say racial SLS that’s the hardest one for you to follow I feel targeted

IED yeah yeah yeah so if I see the hard right now do I get what about me what if I you’re black right yeah uh softar softar soft I’m not no exess no exess no I forgot the again oh wait you said I can say the S softar one bro one

Okay that’s your that’s your one pass not Hawk not Hawk that’s that’s your one pass bro I’m the hold on wait can I use my soundboard S no why my S you can use your soundboard when the voice chat mod is added so not everyone has to hear it here you go

Chest Stone oh my God four quarters I’m Bo I’m booting up my St board right now I looted the village for like their potatoes there’s aill chasing me I didn’t think about this actually being harder because mobs don’t die in the I my game uh yeah uh intense could

You check on that in a second chubin having image FMS I won’t say anything bad okay okay okay we’re not say if you believe we’re not going to have a re of 2 HC say food I’m to break yeah that’s why we let’s not kill

All the animals first goal is to make a farm like a community farm so you don’t die allar over 30 pieces of meat I have you have 30 pieces of meat save save at least two of each animal bro we need to build Noah’s Arc we need two of each two of each

Species no it was two of each species I think it was seven it was two I think look it up it was two it was like seven it was two get out of I’m Sigma correct male I have sweet berries if we lose all the other animals we can survive off the

Sweet berries I guess oh I have carrots I took I have carrots too oh I have a potato I almost cooked my last potato I’m just going to keep that for future good seven potatoes are a good food source we can just use those hey who’s in Paris nope do not I’ll do

No it wasar oh yeah that’s one that’s one he’s in Paris I don’t have a grass block oh yeah an can someone check my chat real quick because I have to Tab out and it takes like 30 seconds and then it takes 3 seconds to get back in it lags just from

Hawk oh hi Hawk I love you spent that like 20 minutes hi Hawk 20 minutes ago I’m even sure that my username is um I’m not even sure my username is Ching muffin oh isn’t oh yeah it’s not it’s an e girl skin can you read your

Uh no I can’t someone else can I thought that uh name that bro I I need a second monitor so bad I actually have the ability to use one I just don’t want to I don’t have that account anymore bro is no longer chub and muffin he his enti identity was

Stolen the okay now that we now that I’m thinking about there’s a limited amount of coal on the server so we got to find we got to create like some sort of fuel I’m going to take all the in the server anybody else bro he definitely just put the N word in my

Chat okay buddy okay accid an accident I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt turn off your soundboard don’t use your sound bro I’m hoping that YouTube does not have Auto stuff bro tell me if my stream goes down cuz I will have no idea

Bro what did you say DF I mean hot I’m sorry okay what’ you say DF oh nice I wish you’d find never mind fine all right uh did live a lot of I am live hey I’m live your tra do that you know keep the keep the um what’s it called yeah yeah

Yeah make people happy you you be the little clown of my voice chat do I haveen even any moderators to deal with what Ching does while I’m completely blind and can’t see my chat he’s going to be like you know you can use your I can but I’m not going to leave my

Phone on for hours don’t look don’t look in your I guess that’s a good point that’s okay please all right so I’m opening YouTube name Rea br’s name is chubin reacts how about do you react to getting banned oh thought you going to say bang okay okay buddy he’s advancing to a new

Level bro I have found barely any iron I’ve just found lava and crap I oh I found iron right as you said that you should look in your YouTube chat yeah you said gulp chat I’m looking at it right now I can see what you’re typing oh [ __ ] no moderators hooray you should

Make me a moderator did you no Over My Dead Body make me a moderator yeah not happening uh Hawk not happening that’s like some that’s like if I was to add someone who remove my one hey hey hey hey he you know why I wouldn’t make you moderator your really delayed yeah

That’s that’s so it doesn’t lag keevin since I don’t have any like mods or anything I can’t use uh optify torch movement thing I’m a a I won’t can you ban people from a stream or can you only like oh you yeah you can try them out so they can’t

Chat but you can’t like ban them right they can’t they can still view it yeah probably there’s a creeper in the way and I don’t want to die when the sigma’s got and a you have four viewers hey I’ll take I’ll take shut up four of the viewers are me

DF hey hey hey to that one person viewing you should totally join the smv it’s one of the people in this call probably guys I found a dungeon the other people people we support bro has 1.6k subscribers and three people 1.6k subscribers does not mean that people show up to a stream bro

The reason Reas why they’re all bed I posted a lot of shorts they’re all children nobody will ever use it ever again and proba oh yeah I told people that like kill their families or like beat them or something if they didn’t subscribe so it’s definitely

Children bro I can’t find a good cave so I’m just going to I already have enough iron to do the basic stuff really I’m going to viewbot your live stream oh do definitely do that I’m GNA get banned because of you bro don’t do that I do

Not consent to this YouTube for future reference I do not want to get view all right bu he said yes I don’t want to be viewbot it no VI bot the stream bro they’re going to think that wait it does you it’s not like they know if it’s me talking or not it

Die if I get banned I’m actually going to be so mad bro no you’re not jesr you could say you’re so hry it’s the right isn’t it an announcements or server info server info I think I don’t know ask intense o I found oh I found a

Mob spawner let’s go I think that’s desty no do not destroy it that’s our only XP farm bro destroy it destroy it no I’m not destroying a mob spawner bro desty I already destroyed the other one did you we need to get rid of all them did

You yes killed oh my God I hate you bro of course bro do not destroy mob spawners oh my gosh you’re like no I disconnected please don’t please don’t Hawk please please please please please please please please please please please please please please I’ll give you a

Berry I’ll give you a berry I’ll give you a Barry don’t don’t we’re play a game called how close can I get no we’re not gonna we’re not going to play this game I don’t like this game is there a limit to what skins I can put

On I’m going to mod abuse on please don’t please please don’t what skin can I use please don’t go leave leave get out of here I’m my mob spawner um unrelated but what are your coordinates right now I don’t know why I have kill yourself no I look like an E with this

That thought you were TF is definitely going to destroy it now bro you you might have a little courtesy and not destroy it but like toy me me a little bit but TF 100 come destroy wait look please please please please bro we this can benefit us it’s

Right below the village as well bro this all right what’s your this going to benefit all of us 873 bro spider anyways that’s a good one it is a string bro for wool for bads spider spawn naturally if you give me like 20 diamonds I will bre I will pay you later what’s

The what’s the difficulty right now you have diamonds already bro I don’t even have armor help me behind you please I’m getting Jump by skeleton please I I have leather armor is that you okay and I have nothing oh you got you got chubin muffin back I thought you lost the account

No I gave it away I I still have the info oh ho I’m eating his I need to Bro didn’t actually give it away you’re just stealing someone else’s account now I need to find a Cave of some sort bro help I’m getting touched good for you you deserve

It I I found destroy it number between one and Two okay well screw you I don’t know bro at this point oh more diamonds bro what kind of cave are you in did you say how many times have I touched someone today no yourself I don’t oh well that is I am somebody uh at least

Six away what what it just ran away I hit it the monster spawner ran away no the end oh more diamonds bro oh my God he’s going to have every single diamond on the server what the hell oh I found diamonds oh man well I already have

Five you sweating so hard oh my God I’m just going to mine down the diamond level I guess bro this server is so much more dangerous than I thought it would be because it’s constantly snowing do mobs like come out more when it’s snowing or something I feel like

That exist cuz no they just don’t it’s probably the world oh yeah all the mobs are being concentrated to the small area that’s what it is all right well our goal should be to light up the server like nobody else so many diamonds holy cow this is a huge ve you’re lying now

I’m not joking someone’s around me breaking blocks hi this is me hi yeah I can see your name I need some uh there’s iron I’m going down right now you can follow me we’re about to go get some guys lot some iron not giving any here start digging start digging down

That way not straight down I got now what I got3 I got 13 Farm ahh okay okay yeah I don’t know what you’re talking about whatever I’m going to mine all the dirt yeah keep mining Miner Bo what me right now uh intense could quickly who is BEDA 100

100 bro who let bed 1,000 join bro totally not youy oh I told I told wait to I I invited toasty and then puppy and then he said Can puppy join and I was like maybe a wh yeah there’s a whit list I said maybe puppy could join just let him

Join the Discord but I forgot to tell he said he said who’s that that’s not puppy it is it’s hter Poppy bro as long as he’s not that bad bro should I put it in the white I’m Hood summer 45 real bro he’s Hood simmer 45 guys this guy’s this guy knows those

Streets I thought there was a white list there is a white list there is intense white list it’s lit it’s him yeah it is him look at his usern it’s 100% it’s him it’s fine it’s fine for now as long as he doesn’t do anything stupid we won’t ban him he is in

Innocent until proven guilty he’s got to be proven guilty though very quickly guilty until proven innocent uh you’re innocent until proven guilty but Sab is here yay ready to get Absolut [ __ ] on by me it’s a peaceful server if both if both people consent it’s both people consent person yeah get

Abely [ __ ] I’m exactly bro exactly Diamond has full diamond armor the server just started so long I’ve been making a farm I’ve been making a farm okay so you’re x-raying that’s guaranteed no I can do that bro it’s easy just cre A yeah that is easy you’re right but um what are you tear Ted huh are you tear tested what do that mean okay so I don’t want to hear this cringe freak that’s are you ski or what bro English are you Sigma by the way I’m speed running is

Sigma or Sigma uh there may or may not be a thing an end portal so I don’t know you can sweat if you want I don’t care but as long as you don’t use it it’s kind of pointless I found a okay I’m I’m just mining CLW right now I’ll

Come down in a second it says it says don’t join the server if you plan on sweating I’m not not planning on sweating I’m planning on I I I’m fine if you sweat as long as that’s not your only goal on the server bro don’t destroy don’t destroy

It domination you want to PVP buddy oh it’s not necessarily not necessarily that’s not a say no say no say no say no say no say no all right where’s the cave where’s the cave here oh I found a I found another route I’m just going good on this for

Now is it should connect I think uh it’s like it’s 600 blocks so 300 by 300 I can see the edge of the world everywhere bro yeah it’s meant to be small it’s so everyone builds together it’s not competitive server I want people like build roads between their bases and

Stuff I have three pieces of come oh there’s Mandy Noble you guys should go like your stream no she’s probably streaming uh M mid tier mid tier mid tier all right so she would get sh on got it got it got it yeah by a pvper but she’s not bad at the

Game bro is sexist bro is sexist let just say you would win let’s just say say no to PVP guys he’s not the car to say no to PVP let’s go get I’m that is not how it works okay I’m not GNA say that actually

No stop no stop you job come on come here bro Hawk this is not a competitive server you don’t need to hide this stuff why did you invite me to the server you this was the most mistake no why why why why why’ you do this why’ you do this to

Yourself did are you killing Mandy right now bro don’t kill Mandy okay there we go BR if you if you see a guy named Seb run away hey hey I’m live by the way yeah yeah okay heard what he was saying yeah no was saying he was saying you sucked at

The game cuz you’re a female game the woman said you suck their game me just whisper to me okay was it a SL on this guy yo yo yo yo who cheating SP who in Creative who in Creative okay so that’s the end portal of the server where’s the general chat

Minecraft chat everyone look everyone look in M intense they already found it bro what are yall doing why is it up there uh there’s no end portal on the server we’re pretty sure so we just put it up there and hope that someone would find it at some

Point oh there’s no there’s none inside the Border yes every everyone look in general everyone look in general I can’t look in general whoa Ana what is it puppy oh don’t don’t destroy itak the freaky boy okay let’s see I see someone’s name tag I see someone’s name

Tag is it Blow ground a maniac I need help down I don’t know where you are okay come back up hi Sab I think that’s you am I below you I’m going down to deep SL do you oh yeah that’s me I don’t consent to PVP Aon but I oh yeah okay

So I don’t have Tores more Diamond make some I’m I’m mining right now I got 42 iron I’ve got 64 and I not find a single piece of coal bro you can’t find it at a certain we ain’t giving you stuff they killed all the animals took all the call wow sh

28 said I’m about to finish everywhere in my chat server so give me a moment I forgot to you know what’s doing right now he’s doing role play what a freak am I right so when you join the uh server you should be able to um they’re about to start bullying you

You may want to mute all the freaking animals let me make a link for found it let me Ed first if I don’t find a piece of Co let me go back to oh gosh this is so dangerous are having now oh I found someone’s bridging in in a big

Cave if I do not find a piece of COA by the time I pickax bre quitting the server n damn bro you’re you’re too low in the world you’re probably too low to find Co that’s just one who is tow cheese monster up who are these people oh it’s It’s

Finn picka broke it’s fin is that the person Mandy just invited fin oh it’s Finn oh it’s fin okay okay okay I think I did it correctly all right ooh I found I found a m shaft oh let let me know if this server somewhere I’m taking all these rails bro

I’m I’m going to build a roller coaster right now it does we not going to build a roller coaster I am going to build a festive roller coaster you my message okay you looking kind of suspicious buddy make sure people know it’s uh what’s it called okay it’s Java only got Diamond you

Might XR no it looks kind of suspicious too intense you want to watch the guy uh badw he has made oh yeah I remember he made a hack clim for Rainbow Six okay so he might be a guy to watch out for hey when you go to the console could you

Also opt me cuz there’s a lot of people on the server I might as well have op right now damn I’m streaming I’m not going to cheat while I’m streaming Bro I’m the owner of the server what the hell of course I want off who is I have no

Who oh it’s someone from Mandy’s stream do I think you can whitelist them for now we’re oh I found diamonds about all these people uh anyone who asks for an now just Whit list them okay yeah but then we’ll we’ll filter it out later we’ll make people do a uh Google form later

I’m at the spawn uh someone give me the Corin like where you guys are uh we’re all separated mining right now separated okay so do our own things I your name tag back oh you did there was a different path in this cave that I really want to take a bit too far

In you can find the entrance at the top you’ll find I’m talking about I am inside the m and I can’t I found a lot of diamonds go that way okay I’m not a sweat but I’m going to grab these cobwebs because I’m pretty sure you can’t craft them and they’re good

Decoration I’m within I I’m walking in the M shaft right now so I don’t know I found a m I’m in the M shaft right now too there’s like two I think two M uh o hey what’s your favorite color my favorite color is whatever what’s the whatever clothing color you’re wearing

OCTA that’s crazy okay I think it worked okay so okay I know Otto Oto told me I shouldn’t invite him but he joined on his own so you know watch out for him uh Octor told me bluntly that he was going to sweat so you

Know I think I did all right he was like I’ll be blunt with you oh my gosh oh hi you just got if people join the voice chat Can someone say something because I have no idea cuz I’ve I’m stream uh I’m I’m doing it all right that’s where I’m at right

Now I’ll probably move oh creeper oh man how big is theorder uh three 300 by 300 You full diamond bro what the hell oh hi oh glowberries like just took Dage wow this server is actually holding up really well with this amount of people wow that’s a lot no it’s it’s

Pebble host 5 gigb Ser Pebble host Pebble host is good bro they they’re cheapest and they’re very reliable the thing is they do make you pay for a lot of stupid things that most servers give you for free that’s the only Annoying Thing yeah that’s my uh down low

I big part cut off all right so I don’t have any food do you have food I all right yeah it’s uh 35 negative 35 I have three pieces of bread right now so I’m going to have to go up at some point no I have a bunch of food all right

Yeah the monsters are concentrated to a very small area right now so the mob Farms will be very efficient and the I want what if we instead of like build some people instead of like building multiple bases like build one big base for a a couple of people a massive multiple rooms you

Know o more diamonds so much bro who is Yo intense did do check him out did you check bed weather out already could you op both of us real quick yeah yeah yeah you check him out first I’ll just check out people from time to time uh n bro we’re inviting random people

Right now and we aren’t using Google forms we have to be checking on people who we don’t know I’m not going to check on like DF obviously cuz I know he’s not going to cheat but installing now all right buddy all right check on DF I’m

Checking no I could care less if if DF if DF cheats I just wouldn’t invite him to another server not that hard o I got a am I op yeah okay yeah just private message uh don’t private message me actually cuz people can see that diamond boots all right just check

On them from time to time doesn’t like cover me diamonds no it’s one piece oh wait who’s right here I just got hit by a poisonous spider and didn’t get poison yeah here I not I found a spawner for spiders is that good enough yeah that’s good enough to

Survive you’re so lucky you found that that’s like a rare chance to get that bro I found one of those um cobweb rooms and I’m just grabbing all of them bro I’m going to be have all of the cobwebs my diamond I’m good I can find

My own oh I I claim some of the spider uh already uh oh o the tree breaking sounds scared me so much care I think I have one spider it’s an I mean octo just said every time someone speaks in chat it kicks him from the call somehow really I don’t know

Why maybe it’s like maybe you put on like priority speaker or something I don’t know that’s definitely happen I don’t know how it works though Hi H there hello I just grabbed all of the you want some cobwebs I have way too much here’s some

Cobwebs oh can I have some food can I have some food bro I need food how did you almost get kidnapped blood what do you mean oh the YouTube channel that’s a cringey video don’t watch that oh like either way shut up I was taking notes dude I want to know bro

I was just a kid and I grabbed a random guy hand and he didn’t let go he just kept on walking with me oh that’s weird yeah so basically I accidentally grabbed on to a guy who I thought was my dad I can’t tell me what he said I can’t Tab out without

Lagging said is he banned is he banned yet bro that’s yeah there’s a couple people who need to be checked on and that’s one of them we have core protect as well and we can roll back stuff but people do so it’s fine I should be one of them here uh

Maybe not confident in that choice yet but yep I’m lost I’m lost to buddy I’m trying to find my cave the one I came from uh I can’t find it goddamn M where are the more diamonds bro D oh yeah it’s so close yeah ooh big cave I’m at The Cave

Area where the at oh I found the world Porter in the cave go ahead and get out of my cave before I come up there and murder you please come up there you’re below me all this yeah no I did not miss all of this I was lighting up can I have a

Lot of it yes we can split it oh that’s a d XP wait no you can get to full iron I’ll help you get to full iron but then I’m taking half of it after that why is there oh wait these are bridges and torches I’m not going this way it’s probably all

A don’t destroy spawners DF we need desty all the why would I not bro XP Farms basic XP Farms I we I don’t want to I don’t know want to build a um Enderman Farm I don’t know who else does but this is even either

Way this is way too small are we going to build an end farm bro I don’t want to that’s why I said that hey hi ano is there an uh someone already found it there’s an in Portal like 100 blocks above spawn guys I have a question yeah what

Uh so so on the server you cannot steal and killing right you can kill if people consent all yeah so like if you’re if you want to get in a duel with someone that’s fine but like if you can’t just jump somebody sadly I see okay okay yeah yeah

So fighting is allowed it like you can if you and your friend want to have a small war that doesn’t hurt other people and doesn’t grief the server that’s fine okay you can’t grief the thing is you can’t you can’t you can’t grieve someone’s base hear I would this ain’t your cave okay

So my game is crashed but I hate to tell you but that was my cave for a portal anyways while you’re here give me food where are you bro I don’t even know where oh that’s bear okay I thought you talking to me no comat block all I’m going to start

Going up hwk I have enough yeah I need you to smell with me oh oh wait I found iron say oh yeah Mr bear I would prefer it if you uh hand it over some some of your valuables bro trying to rob people just say no

Heyy oh I just stole your iron one second my bad that was impulse no you don’t have anys let’s grab this Redstone we might we might be able to build stuff I don’t know something with it oh anko’s above us it’s taking everything within me not to say

Something don’t I’m not Landon not to at least thank you thank you for trying why it’s my eye okay fine no no problemes my iron okay that’s all you’re getting I don’t have that much that was half of my iron y bro why didn’t you make it like who’s

Breaking block who’s drowning above us someone’s drowning uh let’s I’m going to save two of my diamonds for an enchanting setup wait El is in the ne is someone in the nether bro speed running the game oh intense um this is I’m going to let you have this

Choice but should we should we not allow elytras I would say no don’t be weird how are they going to benefit us they don’t benefit us but the thing is people who want to be annoying yeah but like people can build paths between bases use

Horses it’s so much more fun bro it kind of ruins the spirit of the server having aely make all right just you can have nether Bridges sure if you want to travel the server one blocks quicker then that’s cool I have just enough go ahead and do

That just know elytra you can beat the Ender Dragon if you want I don’t care or take the XP of it yeah we can add that to the rules later yo how many people are on three six wait oh nice and the server’s handling it perfectly I’m running so

Good um good job on killing all the animals yeah I told them not to sorry we have we have potatoes like I’ve literally traveled the entire map I found melons if you find animals don’t kill them please just like in prison them the problem is I’ve been starving for the past like 10

Minutes yes I left bro I’m somewhere else now I’ll come back one of the ways I don’t know now I I’ve been running around found you who might do you want to exit now or yeah all right let’s just same I’m out basically out of food a

Friend I got bones we can tame wolves and breed them I have 25 of those let’s live in that open area where we can just build a house or something we need to build a massive Christmas tree as well you know this this is not going to lead us up let’s just break

Up break up yeah let’s break up yeah oh you did for me for me for me okay okay buddy okay I just went down this way to see another you bu I’m going further bro hold oh Village okay we’re not leaving bro we’re not leaving oh never mind this Cave’s been

Taken never mind that hasn’t been taken that’s just generation GL squid big cave leave the VC but I’m stay in the game okay okay understandable bro I did not think the surf would have this many people online especially when it started and had like five people oh yeah suc yeah yeah

For and intense was like be careful the server will most likely crash Mr Andy Noble doing down here Mandy Noble does not want to fight you oh yeah they’ve looted this bro there’s nothing here uh someone the Cobblestone all right let’s just go up l

L l I think there’s a secret Among Us what I think there’s a secret owl an owl I’m trying to sa you someone here what do you mean bro are you talking cryptic now what if we what if we did a thing where intense what if we randomized it

But what if we added like some sort of impostor systems there’s like one person they got to figure out who the Grinch is Before Christmas that’ be so stupid I think Mandy or the person who’s currently with Manny is trying to speed guys H that’s fine if they want to as as

Long as they don’t ruin it for other players well I mean they took every single B Village I could care less unless I took this and I’m just like special I feel like you took the BS yeah you did you are themb all right let’s go up to the surface hot no I’m

Special needs I’m almost out of food and we’re going to die down here if we don’t um I’m out of food and there’s no food on the surface I’m going to go up to the top and plant potatoes so I found something food f f okay intense if you find them just bury

Them underground bro don’t kill bro we shouldn’t have killed the animals I am committing a holocaust I don’t care I need my do not please bro more more F the eradicate I can give you guys potatoes I can make potatoes I will bro not now though I I will Farm

Potatoes the like a thousand no bro that’s not fun and neither is having no food yeah but you shouldn’t have killed all the animals that was their fault IAL guys I see food outside the Border okay lead it lead it lead it lead it lead it lead it fishing rod fishing rod

It lead it with foodside the you can’t fishing you can lead it with food though what food we can’t even find carrots or anything look huh I already I have I have plantables in my inventory we need at least um what’s it called Sheep so we can get wool I need

Wheat I need wheat more than anything wool is good for building we need it oh my God I’m so [ __ ] dumb what am I why am I not doing that oh my god oh where is it where is it where it where is it I’m like burning I don’t want to die

Yo I just I just built up super far and I and I and I came out where me and Hawk were before I just what the hell bro wait I can’t call that cuz that was more than 45 seconds DF I mean Hawk I just

Dug up and I ended up back where we started okay bro I’m not [ __ ] G bro I sound crazy my world’s on fire justone and they just disappeared why are you joining and leaving I almost died in lava oh he’s he’s already in the nether bro no a

Stupid spider pushed me in a nether portal and almost me into lava I’m creating mass mass food crisis I’m creating a mass food crisis fight me on it bro’s already rushing nether armor I ain’t get ne armor this is a peaceful server competive uh they’re not being I don’t think they’re trying

To se definitely is I love how there everywhere oh yeah I being competitive but the thing is them having nether armor won’t do anything other than assist them and not dying to zombies they’re not going to use it for PVP unless people I lost everything that sucks [ __ ] gravel is everywhere

Where who got to be gra like right above me holy cow I’m still alive I’m that trick works every time so nice finally daytime we should add a music bot to the Discord server that constantly plays Christmas music on like one volume so it’s like background music for our lives game

Yeah I’m eating rotten flesh maybe I should add a Christmas music in my background make sure it’s not copyrighted no like practically everything like every bro I dug up right next to a lava pet speed let go sweet all right yo Hawk are you above ground

Now oh I found a chicken chicken chicken chicken where are you to you oh my God I found a chicken oh yeah we we took all the Bro there’s there’s no grass intense there’s no grass on the server that’s why I’m creating if you did you find seeds did you find seeds oh

My God wait wait did you threw them out keep seeds keep seeds oh my god oh oh no that’s my thing hey hey hey hey keep the seeds keep the seeds that could have been bad maybe I should go over here oh wait chickens take melon seeds and stuff I

Have Mel seed it’s fine wait wait wa wait fish spawn in the freaking water you just got to break the ice I think oh thank you yeah they do all right yeah all the water ice is over instantly so you have to be you have to build stuff

In houses and stuff or next to lights like right above me time all right who has another chicken cuz I just found one I can breed that oh I found a second chicken oh I’m so Dam it I love gravel all right I’m taking these chickens away do not kill horses we can

Breed them oh we’re at 16 okay if we find them unlikely oh water interesting jump in there of course should I build inside the for I think I’ll build inside the forest actually wait maybe I’ll come down here and see I’m too much of a Minecraft gamer I’m

Too good of mft Minecraft gaming real oh hi oh thank you thank you okay so there’s iron down there that’s a oh great great great great okay so caves are only going to last today all caves will be yes fck ano no no I lost everything everything spawned

Already lovely I’m trying to find a I’m trying to find a place to build I guess I’ll just put these chickens in a temporary hole do not kill them please these are my property killing is stealing killing would be stealing if you took it that’s that’s

Stealing yeah no uh if if if diamonds run out villagers if you need to uh there’s there’s there’s like two villagers on the server but even if there’s not villagers you can make weakness pots and Care things I’m not hey can I get some IR later uh I don’t have much there I

Have oh well let’s go mining again I’ll eat this apple here why the [ __ ] an end in boat yes make sure if you find any mobs that could go extinct keep them bro okay did you kill a sheep no bro I don’t have please don’t oh my God BR you don’t

Understand I’m okay I’m so alive I would rather everyone in the server die than to kill the Sheep found a chicken you’re dead I found a chicken too yay BR I I I I have two two chickens already so it’s good okay don’t kill chickens if you

Find them in a cage locked up bro those are mind oh my goodness holy C hey how do you how do you make those tables and I’ll give all right I’m starting a public um ground for planting sitting here waiting Seb was blown up by creeper yes bro I’m I’m

Stuck on zero food because you dumb ass has 300 but 300 that’s like nothing bro this was bigger than we wanted it to be oh my God oh my God you’re so [ __ ] rard bro where’s the village wait wait we have like no food here oh there is food there is food I

Already found some bro he’s lying we will have to make farm on yeah that’s what I’m doing right now we already have chickens he raed that sounds like a all right I already found chickens if anybody else finds other animals we need to work together to save them bro where the [ __ ]

Is it’s near Central Point of the map near I’m trying to get water bro’s already going to get ne right you should you should come up and help used ender dragon or can we not do that H if you want but that’s kind of annoying I don’t want to like ruin it

Though I can’t find the village where is it it’s near the it’s to the right of the central point of the map I just want the damn egg damn get the [ __ ] out of here sniper okay after this I oh will this freeze if I put it okay I

Need to put a torch under near it so it doesn’t freeze over okay there we go gra this I’m assuming how do I okay I’ll place this okay well I will go here take my okay you have to keep your Farmland lit as well so it doesn’t cover with snow oh

Boy oh boy I’m looking for the village and I still don’t see it I’ll see you later don’t don’t destroy any items that are necessary see you thank you for joining where okay well I guess I I’ll go back and then oh of course I fall off the tree that’s

Greato a chicken in the nether let’s go let’s go keep it keep it keep it please oh my God bro oh yeah we can get chicken jockeys and stuff so chickens aren’t like a crucial thing put in the chest um where our house going to be and then

Yeah I’m trying to build the light out for it maybe I mean later if you want to fix it you can fix it it’s probably going to be ugly okay this snow is actually being so annoying bro I want to put it might have despawned bro it might

Be I don’t feel like it’s safe though hold on where that where I don’t see the village it’s middle of something it’s not in a forest it’s not in a forest if you go to the area that’s not Forest you will definitely see it if your render distance isn’t low everywhere Forest

There there’s a lot there’s a lot of spots that’s not Forest you’re on the wrong side of the map go to the other side of the border the problem is there is no mobs there are mobsf no Farms either yeah should we try to get the farm situation uh villagers

We can get for wool we need to work on farms I think that everybody needs to come back and help on that we all need to work on this because if I’m the only one working on this people are just going to kill animals thisa make yes you can you can you can

Okay okay I found a wolf but he died fell off all right don’t let wolves die please um okay I will at you in a second okay watermelon seeds I’m about to die um maybe I should make so if you guys find normal seeds in a chest keep them cuz any type of

Seeds it depends on your location bro okay I’ll give I’ll give you the cords bro of the village there’s nothing there by all right need V for the Villers all right there might be some here or you could just cure a monster not going to oh hi Mandy I’m at

The Village right now oh hi hi all right um how how would someone already have Diamond they’re speed running I uh if you look over there if you want to help me out with this I have some I have some plants growing you can use any of the

Seeds just make sure none of the seeds go extinct because I found watermelon seeds those are rare um there’s one seed going here and if you go over here some there is a box has chickens in it over over that Gap there’s a box underground that has chickens in it that I’m

Breeding up so that we can actually like go back and really why is tow cheese monster gray whatever okay but we are going to breed them oh okay okay CH do you have any food uh barely any I have seven carrots I help that’s okay that’s

Okay all right just try not I’m actually going to try not to run that much um think I’m probably good Farmland back to the Village here all right she was building a penis all right okay does the farm need to be bigger um the farm will I I will grow it

But that’s just temporary so that we can actually get the food the food situation is a big deal I someone might have already taken them great people are sweating super hard right now and D oh it was probably he someone probably killed them it was probably uh the guy who Rage Quit it’s

Probably Seb I don’t you’re not hard stuck bro just go mining yeah I lost I’ll be honest with you I lost so much oh my gosh the the Minecraft music randomly just yeah maybe in the village there might be some did he take my stuff I didn’t oh

Shoot oh yeah I’m about to die hung great I’ll go to the Village yeah I have to go to the Village here uh on let’s see there’s any maybe I’ll put my stuff in a chest and then just let them kill me and then I’ll get my

Yeah we just need to get the food situation under control once we get Village and stuff it should be fine cuz we can potatoes are good food SS what’s that exposion careful do you have there come in come in oh YT you there oh hi Mandy um here’s some

Carrots that’s half of my food I have two more carrots you got it okay thank you yeah I got it we got this maybe I’ll just die by a zombie and then yeah do you want me here do you want me to kill you do you

Have a bed oh yeah we don’t have beds because Seb took all of them and we don’t have sheep because Seb killed all of them oh my God I hate him why did he do that bro it’s because of Seb he joined then started be like blah blah

Blah and killed all the monsters killed all the animals IDE all right I’m going to go into the forest and look for animals who has wheat we definitely need wheat intense give me some give me some please oh my God okay is there a way to get seeds from

Wheat or do we need the seeds to initially start it yeah you need seeds I thre SE oh wait wait you did oh my God somewhere around the I don’t know oh you threw uh then they’re despawned by now okay if you’re looting M Shaft or something and you

Find wheat seeds that is vital import found I found the wheat seamn oh I didn’t think about how destroying wheat seeds would impact this okay here okay you know what we should do to stop people from grinding too hard we should make it so that the villager any villagers are public domain to

Everyone yeah that’s what I’m okay yep no I have the no we’re not going to cheat like that we he has villagers okay the first thing I did when I logged on server was I chaotic put two villagers in under I will chest I’m looking for animals right now

Did I find a sheep no I didn’t it’s everything is snowy nobody has food bro because Seb killed all of it oh time to kill myself oh I found a wolf I’ll tame this guy what everyone’s doing hey why is this chest open okay do not kill my wolf I’m

Going to breed him because he’ll be one of the few wolves in the server and people can take their own from me no bro there’s multiple wolves probably not yours can’t you make a wol using string yeah you can that’s why we need the spider spawners that’s a good point

Thank you to Mandy’s viewer who just said that Hannah was Hannah thanks Hannah I’m dying uh you have to remember where you if I go down there I’m gonna die I can’t go down there I’m going for it all right where I’m trying to find an animal bro what

What was that uh low he okay oh I found another wolf let’s go oh wait where is it this here guess you also need meat to do the wolf so we can get chicken I guess the chicken is are going to be our main source of meat I guess I want a fox

Right I want a fox okay say that slowly I want a box okay I don’t know why wait where I’m looking for intense has it he’s going to probably set up a hall I’m trying to go to the nether oh I can’t go to the I’m just trying to get

F’s yeah intense intense if you find another animal for the love of God don’t kill it quit being a sweat for a second it hurts all of us go to the ne if I go to the Nether and find like uh one of biome things where are you

I I it doesn’t matter where I am I’m looking for an animal right now oh we have mushrooms okay that’s good oh I found another chicken but I already I already have three chickens so we can breed those you need seeds to breed so I have

I have seeds of I don’t have wheat seeds but I have normal seeds no normal seeds are wheat seeds no I have like I have like um other types of seeds okay there we go should be fine do ferns give you seeds oh I got seeds I got seeds oh ferns give

You seeds and we we didn’t destroy all the ferns on the server the reason that we destroyed all the grass on the server using a command was so that all the snow wouldn’t look weird but we didn’t think about it all right I’m going straight back to

My base area around the cor time I don’t even have food Mandy are you farming at the place that I was before uh I’m about to okay cuz I’m going to need food when I get back girl else I’ll die I’m about to but I

Might see we don’t have a bed we really need a bed though cuz uh yeah we we need sheep later few days later it’s going to be what what’s that flying thing call oh yeah but we can make beds with string if it’s necessary because sad ruined

Everything by trying to sweat I have I have a bed all right I took all the things in the village and hit oh you took all the beds okay I didn’t take all the I just took all right intense if you find a spawner for um spiders set up a

Spider spawner and then make BS with that grass yeah I have to do everything oh yeah you can bone meal grass oh my God Hannah is the smartest person what the hell Hannah’s bro Hannah’s single-handedly saving this entire server Hanah I have tamed three dogs with three

Bones bro I am the dog do you need a string we need string yes keep all the string you f yeah okay I have two of them oh I found another chicken the the fact that I’m going outside finding chickens gives me hope that there’s other Mobs no don’t kill all the animals so you can make those it’s I don’t have enough of a good gear to uh kill them and I’m about to die oh I have a good food source I have a food source I’ll just St here what is the food

Source no I L I am getting attacked with no food so I can’t do anything bro if you would have made the a little bit b a little bit longer we could got beehive in I have a beehive in sight just don’t destroy it I found a beehive just now

What I found one outside the Border okay well it doesn’t matter because you can breed bees and build artificial Hive so it doesn’t matter to be morning soon so I should be able to oh my God but we have villager around here are they safe [ __ ] is that thing yeah the

Villagers are safe right now I need to get back to spawn bro I’m going to die no I didn’t I still have the carrots BR I’m so close to death I want bro nobody listened to my warning about the food crisis that was going to happen if we kill all the

Animals and then the food crisis happened like what why why did you guys do that though I told them all not to and then s leaded an army of people to kill all the animals sure go ahead and do that good idea um Farm I need to go to it let’s

See do mards I see I see okay I’ll go to Landon’s farm and work on the farm Mandy can I entrust you with something give you a job yeah I’ll give you a couple bones to help with it um you you will single-handedly save the

Server if you do this I’m going to give you three wheat seeds make grow those until we have infinite uh I’m GNA here’s I’ll put them in this chest okay sounds good okay your your goal is you’re going to be our um you’re going to preserve every type of like plant because we

Already have most of them okay so it’s very possible make the let’s see where does the wheat need to go I’ll put it here oh I I broke the potatoes too early we only have one potato currently so keep that alive also yeah yeah yeah do I have have what

You have a bucket yes I do I’m about to plant some uh no get your own give me a second I got do something real quick to okay that didn’t kill me is there any water around for fish oh gosh okay I need to okay so I hate you um just Jing with

You let me go over here and then I’m back suffering here uh what do I need oh all right I guess I’ll we can’t really do much until that we have food because I can’t like move around you have those things spawn what no it’s because of the Border

Okay I should should have made the a bigger right no it’s not it’s not a problem with the Border sides it’s a problem with carrots we have enough I made the wrong thing okay all right I’m gonna go grab some water and I’ll I’m gonna plant the wheat seeds

Separately because those are very important we definitely need them okay I’ll plant the near the chickens so I can keep breeding the chickens while building up a source of bread I have so much how many bones do you have cuz I can Quicken the process

If you have tons of Bones two two B okay go can I have them this is the wor over here behind you probably won’t be at the worst if someone didn’t well no I’m talking about like oh yeah uh here’s to the people complaining about the Border that’s liter the oh I don’t

Need that right now uh to the people complaining about the Border it’s because people ruined it it’s because people didn’t listen now we have to deal that complain about having a challenge what complain about having a challenge well this is a new challenge so now we

Got to deal with this so it’s fun I guess our goal is the food CR wait it dry up so quickly okay uh oh you need you need I have a water bucket right now but um do you have iron if you come over to me I can give you some iron I

Don’t here come over yeah I uh across the valley like that thing where I showed you the other thing would be I’m get B can’t run yeah just walk I’m in the I theat you know what’s funny I’m better off in the nether than I in an Overworld

Oh yeah totally the Overworld sucks you can get so much food in the nether you can get like pork chops and those things respawn I’m pretty sure so where where are you I don’t see you uh oh okay I’ll come over to you yeah it was over you

Remember where I said the chickens were I was there oh there okay I went to a different direction oh my gosh I’ll I’ll to your farm I do need a little bit of food so I’ll just grab some of those carrots we have enough there there’s the

Berries oh the berries yeah yeah I’ll take those yeah yeah get the berries I also have some I’m going to leave some of my stuff in that chest could you hold on to it for now what okay my wait is there a world B in the

Nether I don’t think so and I’m not sure did you just die no there’s so look at this uh I can’t let me let me uh uh I’ll SC in yeah one second let me give you I’ll put I put three iron in the chest where can I get some water uh oh

There’s lakes and stuff if you want to go to those what in the world what happened do you see how much lava there is without any Island uh not sure it’s like this it’s like this I don’t think there I don’t think there’s a world Border in the

Nether yeah but why is there no Island I the bridge the bridge we didn’t edit the world at all so that’s natural generation okay let me go get some water who’s this oh Sho hi Sho that is notal that not normal just look for the dog I can’t see it right

Now though um all right the dog but it doesn’t make sense either hey Lena do you know where’s any water uh she was giving us saplings I don’t want to go down here on the Fortress okay intense you know you really should be helping with other things than

Beating the under dragon I know I know I know bro we have we’re in a food crisis and we’re all about a die now I haven’t died yet uh there’s there’s water over near the if you go into the forest to the right of where the chickens are

Okay cave I’m going to explore it but it’s on the water I’m about to go work on the farm for the wheat oh I’m stuck I’m stuck in the cave oh this well I couldn’t find any water so I have some just come over to my base I’m

About to my little area I’m about to have a ton of water cuz I’m about to duplicate the water so that the problem the yes the the oh my God my water froze already oh this so stupid I’ll just yeah you have to make sure the

Water is next to a torch or something coming coming about the portal is it even in here yes the portal is on the map it’s above spawn someone already found it thank you uh so make sure there’s always a torch next to your water sources

Okay yo HW okay well I I will go did you just get backcock I can’t even tell I’ve been here for like 10 minutes oh I I can’t tell because of the streamer mode yeah I know you haven’t been talking all right dogs come here I was

Literally here’s the farm okay now I can work on the farm oh I could I couldn’t oh maybe I don’t know I don’t I I can’t tell who’s talking anymore we’re in a food crisis you can’t tell who’s I just joined l oh you did gasing you okay I can’t

Tell I didn’t hear you that’s why I said I didn’t hear you talking I didn’t get gaslighted I feel like M right now okay so the ice is covering the my water sources so quickly so I’m just going to place slabs on top does it does it cover if it’s below

Uh you know I’m going to search out to make a how do I hey intense could you bring back glow stone I’m going to put that below the water sources in the farm so it lights up the area and to stop mobs and it won’t um hurt anything see wait can zombie villagers

Spawn naturally yes we already have villagers we already have villagers intense is working with them we don’t need villagers right now just work on farming naturally I am not farming bro you’re going to spend the next 5 hours working on that instead of farming almost you’re gonna Farm villagers and

You think you won’t die doing that we’re farming right now uh we’re working on it right now yeah okay okay that’s making a villager farm isn’t going to help with that okay I just kill every single time that works I don’t know why I did it like

This one I’m actually I need to go to sleeve soon we could get farmer villagers but that won’t give us animals we need the animals yeah but it us food so like cows I’m pretty sure are out of the picture we can still get wool because of the um

Shepherd yeah get so much getting dark I will leave that there and I’m leaving where did you mine I’ll be right uh you uh I m I don’t know I didn’t even mine up I just mined straight up yeah so I’m I’m going to go into water

Cave I haven’t even worked on a base I don’t even know I where I want to build a base I’m just working on the food crisis cuz no one else will no I’m Mor oh you will yeah you you’re the only person Landon do you think

Uh do you think uh wait this man’s speed running with me hold up yeah he has been yeah uh I have to stay inside the village it’s getting dark and then there’s nothing I can do who has a bed who has a bed to sleep bro Phantoms are spawning cuz someone

Took all the beds no oh I that’s what I’m saying bro where’s the string you had string oh come to the Village I’ll give it to you no we didn’t but we didn’t expect someone to steal all the beds and us and kill all the Sheep so we

Don’t have anything how many how many stre do you have can I have none make a bed sleep I’m pretty sure only one person needs to sleep oh yeah I don’t know the percentages but you should be able to see I would but my Pi okay damn

It I’m going to Village intense do you have beds bro y’all need to quit speed running my God we are dying here never mind I don’t have string anymore they’re trying to go to the end as quick as how much string do you have two wool okay come up do you

Have four string no only two only two I got to go kill spiders yeah damn this sucks bro why do they need speedrun it’s annoying have sleep so oh thank you okay let’s go yeah thank you thank you he’s not even in farming continue all right I’m building the

Other farm right now I need to grab the did I place the stuff already or did someone take it okay uh do you have bone uh no I just use I have a ton of bone meal which I’m using it right now oh you’re using it right now okay oh you’re

Oh you’re already farming the seeds right now yeah okay I’m going to I’m going to I’ll grow this as much and then no you’re joking me wait one second we need to get fortune on our hose by the way did you step into a W Rose no I

Accident where would there be a Wither all right I’m going to maybe I can dig ho here all right so this is how much you’re going to have the the rest of this is for me the six seats I’m going to place them over here for a better like more

Sustainable area dude not IR me this is not Center I hate okay let me make a center okay so our main we need to like finish getting all these seeds and distribute them and put them in everyone’s houses so they don’t go extinct and everyone will have a source

Cuz like if one of the sources of seeds gets destroyed all of them do all right there we go Ste all of them from everybody yeah and uh even even if you’re joking don’t promote that mindset cuz people literally already tried doing that and Destroy we don’t have cows or

Sheep anymore in the server who’s trolling they’re all g n that’s not against the rules so doesn’t really matter uh water do you have any more water 1,10 – 439 I have water in my bucket but there’s here I’ll show you where the water is oh

Okay why is this so far away it’s not really that there’s also water in the thing come here come here where just take the water from here under here can you oh it’s already this part’s already ice but uh just take water in the middle then you see in the

Middle of that yeah just take water okay thank you some of it’s still turning to ice so I got to be careful for that I got once um intense brings back glowstone if I hope you I’m like living in danger the whole time we’re getting closer to being able to live sustainably

We don’t have food yet but we will yeah we also have sweet berries enough to live off of oh yeah I could yeah I might eat some of that to make I don’t want to get too close all right so I have wheat so if we

Find I’m going to go looking for cows I’m going to hold that hope that there is still at least one or two you want do you want me to guys to like bring you these pigs because there’s like two pigs here you’re lying but but if you aren’t

Yes no not there are okay if you are bring them back bring them with you please don’t kill them unfortunately I cannot you’re lying okay no I’m not they’re here I just don’t have carrots okay well I have carrots tell me the carts don’t leave them 1063 negative 100

All right please don’t be lying put them in a hole put them in a hole I’m going to grab carrots and come it’s kind of hard all right a dang it I keep doing that yeah well just keep them in your sight all right okay w a speedrunner died let’s go I’m

Speed running faster than he is both people who are speedrunning need to quit oh my God it’s not helping not actually I’m not actually going to beat the end I have everything I need to be you want to you want to make netherite armor or something on a server like this

Oh all right I got 22 carots I’m coming what’s the cords type them in chat uh 1,00 negative 100 negative a th000 or a thga 100 1,00 negative 100 okay can I craft something here like a I’m going to something is it at the Village or no it’s not okay like a

Slab that way I swear I feel like Hawk’s lying but whatever cuz I thought there’d be two pigs in one spot but it’s worth it’s worth getting trolled to go see a pig nope negative, I mean 1,100 negative 100 uh yeah wait you cannot place that torch on

Top of us I’m at the cords or a th negative 100 what a th negative 100 you’re not here I am 100% here I don’t see well my exact okay give me your exact cords here 11505 11050 wait say again 1050 negative 105 1050 negative 105 yes oh I see

You are there actually pigs bro yeah you’re so capping bro oh I heard a peg wait where show me I don’t I lost you I don’t know I kind of forgot bro I heard it where do you think they are stupid how do you make I killed them you know what all right

Thank you oh my God we got pigs go can you can you make it your goal to go find other animals take these I have another goal don’t please don’t all right these are probably the only pigs left on the server we can’t kill them got get paid

For that I’ll pay you don’t worry bro you’re helping the entire server and yourself bro we’re stopping a food crisis me and Mandy are not getting paid for this bro to live in a foodis who me and are saving the entire server right now yeah you exclude me from that

That’s bro you said you you said you wanted to get paid you’re a contractor you’re not saving the server I’m a contractor I only di because okay if you hired a Hitman to kill Hitler who’s the real hero the The Hitman who got paid or the guy who hired the Hitman uh Hitler

Hitler Hitler are earlier guys I’m trying to make this look nice so that where is the water cave oh my God huh why is there Sandstone at spawn who got sandstone and made it nerdy of course I like to get all right so we have pretty much everything we

Need now to create reliable food sources uh the world border the world I was the one I was heading to bro I didn’t see where you went bro said oopsy oopsie the [ __ ] is in chat’s uh so are we Banning that guy or is that like oh pleas if that’s is

That like a rail it’s probably not but he’s like cuz it looks pretty damn real how would that be real uh uh maybe it is that looks pretty damn real like if I was to fake it I would do like a generic street name that’s not a

Generic street name you don’t like Theo cavier or Woods that’s not a generic I feel like that’s real oh yes I’m looking it looks very nice I like the Emoji look pretty nice little bits man we won’t talk about how he is Con continuously exposing his Chords it’s a

It’s a server that has a small border and it’s meant to be a peaceful server so the cords don’t matter oh yeah you can report people on shot now from the server you get actually Bann you get banned for Minecraft yeah yeah a lovely of course I miss where the [ __ ]

IR yo Raybon oh wait is Raybon even in the game okay now Raybon if you’re still in the Stream you can join the Discord and you can type your IGN in there and you will get a you will get access tomorrow you’ll have to do a Google doc

Google form though um right now there’s no real um thing for it yet but there will be so you’ll just type your IGN in in there for now oh lovely I lost all my iron all right uh do I want to build an actual good pen or like okay I’ll just build a

Pen oh who has a bed can someone sleep again you’re going to have to ask DF to do that is Finley with us with us what you mean is he like on our team we don’t have teams think yeah I see him making is my

Int fish what did he do I’m getting I know but I I need to work on the farm right now I will oh wait yeah let’s intense can you disable Phantoms I totally forgot that they I thought it was about sleeping like if the entire server sleeps but you have to personally sleep

Yourself that seems kind of stupid yeah let’s disable Phantoms do you remember what Phantoms are intense oh yeah turn them off they’re only but that’s how we get some of the potions no we’re not getting feather falling prisons shut the hell up everyone can agree Phantom’s going to oh

There you go yeah it’s a glitch with the Border because it’s on halfway through the Block it’s really weird where’s my slash game Ru how do I do the game rule for Phantoms site uh what insomnia what’s it what’s the game rule for Phantoms yeah

If I’ll give you a diamond if you kill both bigs insomnia insom in there’s no insomnia yeah maybe I’m not doing do insomnia do insomnia there we go false there we go oh this water pocket I turned off Phantoms that’s way too annoying to be on this

Server look it’s sh I do agree yeah yeah kind of ruins the pl especially for a server where we don’t have beds what is the thing in the chat all right so uh I can’t tell if that’s serious or not so let’s just no why intense

Bannon should we I think she was she was talking to me by the way can we do we have to play something here or it’s like like okay this should be he wait the cat survived the cat survived the fall companion that really help they are almost extinct trees oh

No wait can the mobs not go through this come here why is there water oh baby can baby can baby can all right could you place a fence there make one maybe have fence I’ll make one as soon as I die the first time I should [ __ ] kill yourself okay

Oh wow all right Flash B before you kick he’s doxing people about to say monkey yeah he’s going to that’s po we as well bro at least don’t he died as well I don’t think he was going to try again oh let’s go look at L’s Farm yeah he join the VC yo

Buddy what the flip bro bro you knew the second you joined the server you were already on thin I with all of us bro and you start doing that all right buddy all right what are we to foto what do we doxing bro spamming emails while everyone’s

Live streaming is not okay you’re live streaming yes multiple people are yeah that’s true who is NS Nexus is that someone who just wanted to be added yeah okay probably came from a stream I’m going to wait for everyone to do oh in Nexus can I get wh listed I put

My name in a wh list I yo yeah we whitelisted you you can join up then us next us D’s Nuts yeah you can you can get wh listed join the Discord in the description I’m going to go I’m going to go I’m going to go hide in the house I’m

Going to play fortnite in all right you can do that uh yeah the the white list is in the description yeah yeah sounds good sounds good who is what do you mean yeah L is live streaming yes I am what Hannah you going to go to his live streaming instead of

Mine hold on guys might want to turn chat off what do you mean I fell in lava oh leave rejoin leave rejoin int use the TP command nobody can see no no no no I’m not doing that I’m not cheating I would call him out instantly nobody know you just got out

Of the laa that’s all thaten I already did get outa exactly it’s Nexus join the game Nexus left the game okay uh the farm so far look pretty good I mean yeah all right so I’m going to move this I think why is there a tree around don’t spam chat

Guys all right all right we’re all good Nexus Nexus said he’s got to remove a mod real quick he’ll join back probably all right make sure to read over the rules it’s not a competitive server give you a job uh go out and try to find mobs that are maybe extinct cuz

I thought these pigs were extinct I ran around the server so no F we need we need sheep we need sheep especially sheep are our main priority cuz those are very important cows are also so for milk cuz milk’s impossible what uh that’s that’s all the food in my

Inventory I’m what do I’ll just I’ll just kill any animals please do not not uh I have carrots actually you want them me yes no I have carrots too I’m using okay oh yeah yeah just keep keep at least two enchanted golden oh yeah yeah totally totally totally good point

That’s honestly smart to air yeah my meteor client was interfering Okay Nexus okay buddy yeah just join without meteor client Maybe okay I I’ll I when I with me I just had to disable some options and let me Jo good boy good boy honestly I don’t

Care if people log on with those clients as long as it like cuz they’re just normal clients that have modifications but like as long as you’re not using the modifications like how you don’t get oh who this oh oh never mind some gu toe tow Chester

Monster I spell said his name wrong he gave he gave me oh nice nice he gave me 14 uh bread sweet he probably he’s probably got a better Farm than us going right now do you do you want chickens uh we already have some chickens but if you want to bring back

More that’s fine I can’t really all right one second the farm looks PR good uh ising she’s streaming on YouTube I’m not going to do it right now yeah I’m streaming on YouTube oh my dog hopped in the boat and then I all right I guess I’ll just go work on

Other stuff other than this cuz now this just involves a lot of waiting that’s honestly smart I don’t think we have any um all right I’m going to go work on building house is this it says don’t my my don’t take it’s my I I don’t think has uh any bone

Meals do you still have any bone meals uh I don’t in fact come on so oh yeah I could ped yeah yeah yeah yeah Hannah I think I know what you’re were saying yeah yeah but right now we need the seeds for the farm first poster

Come okay right now we need uh the sea for the farm first and then we can do don’t take please it’s my it’s all I have I won’t it all right so we have bees on the server don’t kill bees bees are don’t kill bees what about

Like fish can I kill fish uh actually don’t because I don’t know I think fish respawn doe fish I know I know um squid respawn that’s how squid Farms work I don’t think there’s such thing as Fish Farms so oh otherwise would be to no there is a way to bre them

Right bucket of uh fck of fish no no I’m stupid make a f but it’s C me a lot of wood for you don’t have to build it with wood build it with stone bro don’t de don’t deforce the entire server okay I made it please DeForest the entire server I actually

Only oh hello goobert how are you doing bombo clat yes oh my God I’m so hungry what’s the server’s IP join the Discord in the description and put your IGN inside of the thing and you will be added tomorrow there will be a um everyone will everyone who’s not trusted yet will be

Removed from the white list and we will create a Google um Google like question air thing for you to reapply yeah tonight would be the night to do so cuz after that we’re going to be very strict on the rules and you will be instantly banned oh yo Dutchman all

Right I know him but I don’t know yeah oh I found a flying Island that’s cool playing real bro uh I’m in the forest running around looking for a creature that isn’t in danger you should do a last Del I should at some point I might use sub servers

Once I figure out how to do subers where are you uh what is it found the I found the island what oh I’m here oh hi wait oh c my bad I need more food do you have any Shu I don’t know if you can hear me but Shu

Better be lying he just messaged me I killed the pig is in your farm bro if he’s if he’s not uh I have okay I actually do have some there that’s all I can really give right now thank you even though you have 14 I

Didn’t have 14 I had 14 before now I have seven left and I’m priority yeah I have nine diamonds on me I need to be make sure I live I don’t have a base yet two three four five six all right sh just said he’s not lying I’m

Going to go back real quick on the server right now oh yeah that’s because of streaming after stream on Twitch has goober um I mean uh is is intense still in the call right now uh I don’t know I don’t know let me check all right I’ll add you real quick

Goobert just you wait said just you wait just you wait the server is growing all right IGN’s I uh hold on let me goob D goob all right let me go to pist someone sleep goob the goo all right goob you have been added to the server all right

Panai no no your pigs are land land and make a fishing rod rod rod also make a computer for bone meal sapling Not seeds I think you’re when the lagg what do you mean someone killed my there all right no I think I think they just disappeared when the server

Left the server’s off one second it’s probably Jing by the way you’re still alive no no no no yeah it’s puppy um someone’s yeah I’m aware I wonder who yeah it’s poy to the something what what happened to the server uh I turned it off one of

Our um people who we don’t like as much as other people is dsing I don’t like him at all puppy’s an ass um bro all right yeah uh you’re sure it was a dosing intense yes okay yeah I I I turned off the server inst yeah I just deactivated

The server bro what’s going to happen server’s off I’m sorry Hannah all right so is it Hood simmer four five4 yeah he ran a bunch of airs and he crashed it h no I I I didn’t he didn’t crash I turned it off the second

I saw D no there was errors before you turn oh there were errors but I turned it off yeah I made sure that he look at the console it wouldn’t do that I’m going I’m a look I’m a look I’ll look look at that so many errors the air

It was saying I I had added someone to the thing it said the errors and it said this isn’t a bug don’t report it yeah it was the server lagging or yeah the server like dipped to about 14 TPS oh was was everyone else lagging everything was lagging oh okay

One second oh yeah yeah cut so you know what’s funny wait wait I want to ask toasty does he know puppy in real life because you know that’s actually illegal illegal it’s very illegal and you know what you can do you can go to

Jail I’m s it’d be fine it’d be a fine but still sending you know let’s let’s screw this guy over oh bro my stream is so delayed bro yeah yeah so the stream might end I’m probably going to still play on the server we can deal with this tonight but

Uh I’m going to stop the stream I will see you guys I’m assuming Pam fat is Hannah all right well

This video, titled ‘Festive SMP (You can join!)’, was uploaded by LandonDid on 2023-12-17 18:37:35. It has garnered 76 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:52:23 or 6743 seconds.

I am playing on Festive SMP a christmas based minecraft server that you can join,

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    Join Minewind: Experience Minecraft Like Never Before! Welcome to! Are you a fan of exciting adventures and stunning visuals like those in the teaser trailer for the upcoming ‘Minecraft’ live-action movie starring Jason Momoa? If so, you’ll love the immersive world of Minewind Minecraft Server. Join players from around the globe on Minewind, where you can embark on epic quests, explore various biomes, gather resources, and face off against hostile mobs like Creepers and Endermen. Just like in the movie, teamwork is key as you uncover secrets about the world’s history and your true destiny. Experience the thrill of creative world-building and the power of… Read More

  • Ultimate Guide to Minecraft Licenses!

    Ultimate Guide to Minecraft Licenses! Exploring the World of Minecraft Licenses The Rise of Minecraft: From Obscurity to Global Phenomenon Back in 2009, the Swedish developer Markus Persson, also known as Notch, created Minecraft. The game’s open world, limitless possibilities, and gameplay quickly propelled it to immense success and popularity. But did you know that Notch didn’t finish school and faced personal struggles? The journey of Minecraft’s development is truly fascinating. The Battle Between Piracy and Minecraft Licenses While some may argue that Minecraft can be easily pirated, understanding the value of a Minecraft license is crucial. Dive into the world of digital keys,… Read More

  • Unbelievable Aatrox Tarra 9 Grind on Hypixel Skyblock

    Unbelievable Aatrox Tarra 9 Grind on Hypixel SkyblockVideo Information the other day no do you know I I remember this guys guys chill out we’re live now yeah no it’s it’s play the baby hurt you it was the child’s fault are you still atro grinding for Terra 9 I still atro grinding for ter 9 actually Dam that’s so cute of you Luca screen shot when you give away please ma’am never again ma’am now my WiFi is decent maybe are you sure maybe y me to tab your stream for you Koolaid give you watch time yes please yes please yes please you know once… Read More

  • Exploring the World in Minecraft – Epic Adventures

    Exploring the World in Minecraft - Epic AdventuresVideo Information sausage gracias thank you welcome welcome good day good evening magy with a with another gift a beautiful gift 51 you broke the 50 streak now it’s 51 thank you so much you can even to night links too zero L yes Regular Music let’s go to regular music why am I in this very atmospheric like the world is ending kind of songs let me hold on I paused this let’s go to normal fun time music oh like this this fun music fun hanging out music in a in a world with friends yes a Hy… Read More

  • INSANE Gold Farm in Skyblock! 😱 | Minecraft Java

    INSANE Gold Farm in Skyblock! 😱 | Minecraft JavaVideo Information This video, titled ‘Granja de Oro en mi Skyblock Cap 6 | Minecraft Java’, was uploaded by Kagua on 2024-03-29 01:08:08. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. How to make a gold farm, good people, in today’s chapter I will show you my gold farm on my skyblock island, I hope… Read More

  • Chubby Wizard Gets Crazy in New Modpack – nfarttester Returns!

    Chubby Wizard Gets Crazy in New Modpack - nfarttester Returns!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] hello everybody the sound’s kind of loud lower this bit hold [Music] up that looks more like it oh my God hello everybody can’t see [ __ ] it should update is it not updating let me check it updated you guys are lying to [Laughter] me thank you Maji 16 months you request the return of onion guess what in this mod pack I think you can grow onions so you know what that means you guys better be ready oh my God we’re going to make automatic onion Farms e 14 months are… Read More

  • Unbelievable twist in Divine Journey 2 – Part 27!

    Unbelievable twist in Divine Journey 2 - Part 27!Video Information here we are again with more Divine Journey 2 all right all right so um I hly was not able to do much uh in between times however I did however notice that this excavator is now finished and this is our total yield of lapis iron and even sulfur all right so sulfur will definitely you know go ahead and take care of that oh actually I’m going have to go and insert this uh manually here for this one oh actually do I do I really want to have like that copious amount of sulfur in… Read More