JoshsouthheadVods – The most ILLEGAL start to 1.20 Hardcore Minecraft!

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During transmission okay it seems as if everything is hunky-dory why did I just say hunky dory I don’t know but you know let’s give it a shot well I had forgotten how beautiful Minecraft music really was it’s beautiful probably let’s do it for hours you know but

We’re here to play hardcore and I hope you guys all enjoy this is your daily dose of Internet no it’s not like him what am I saying wait where’d the music go oh huh no no the world has not been loaded in and I’m already villagering you know I’m not

I’m gonna manifest it no villagering for me is that an ocean whoa wait am I allowed to move is it is it gonna like is it gonna this is a death trap like if I like break it I’m gonna die am I if I move will it break

I kind of forget how this works wait am I stuck guys I’m gonna run for it nice no gravel death in the first second let’s go I do see an ocean ruling on the right but do we have a boat a boat would be quite nice at this time

All right that’s that’s dirt right or is that huh did I had to swim I might have forgotten how to swim how do I do this thing where I like I I do the thing okay and then there we go there is a ruined portal over there nice hello what

Are you streaming on Twitch I am how goes the business like when you made that first sound I really thought that was a drowned I was like foreign Statuses now what is that about well yeah I’ve titled it Greg happily more this is a good guy before chest yo what it hello who goes there huh who goes there is that Toby is it is it worst boat ever what wait I just put his Lane

Wait that’s the same chest what am I doing lame boat Miranda how goes the business though very nice Pants I already yeah isn’t this like week one yes it was my third day of class that that that’s unfortunate did it go well at least it was easy very nice in in another in a later class the classes are like in blocks one of the classes is like three weeks

Long so I’m gonna have a lot of fun oh that’s quite a short amount of time yes Oh what when do you begin working like near campus it’s been like October I don’t talk because we have to get like trained and stuff okay yes but I will be around I will be around okay wait do you usually play like when you play Survival Minecraft do you usually

Play with the music on Like the game music yeah like the game music yeah I usually do not I don’t know why you might look like oh for Minecraft music is banging it is I kind of forgot how very nice it is wait I have me and Toby asked you about the infinite monkey theorem question yet

Oh my God not this again I feel pain it’s it’s quite an intriguing question no are there really no other nail clipper I don’t want to wait till next week it’s Tuesday unit what British removed wait like on maps is like Britain actually called Great Britain or is it just called Britain

Or like I guess like on on like Google Maps like does it when you hover okay like isn’t it like if you zoom in on a certain part it’ll say like Great Britain oops that’s the wrong continent so it’s United Kingdom England wait just it is just England okay but I

Said it’s something so great about it it shouldn’t be called Great Britain yeah it’s true England whales Scotland Ireland all right you are yeah born and raised Oscar wait he’s in Australia okay uh earnest smoker yes oh I suppose if Toby comes on and then maybe cabin we could Wars but I think

That we said not uh wait you’re in a six year program right um you’re entering almost halfway indeed foreign I have an important question all right so say like if you smell something bad in your house you’re obviously gonna like investigate it right like if it started smelling

Like a like a dead animal in your house you would probably go look for the source of that smell right okay now what if there was like a really good smell like suddenly out of nowhere it just started like smelling like vanilla it’s out of nowhere

And it’s not like too strong but it’s like it’s good would you investigate it or would you would you just leave it there um probably depends what does it depend on if I’m in bed or not it’s not just like for like a few seconds it’s like days it’s there it’s

Permanent it doesn’t like increase in Scent or anything I don’t sure okay I I would definitely investigate any smell that enters my home I mean even if it’s chocolate ice cream I’m I’m not gonna I’m just gonna let it happen so why is it there well it’s just chocolate smelling but yeah

I’ve never really sniffed ice cream so like I don’t know I just I just eat it okay but at least I don’t know but people who just leave smells in their home unintended a little a little worrying yeah I think I don’t know if it’s working it usually

Does not work no I’m not on Discord wait on Twitch yeah the twitch yes I am playing Genji right now if I play Genji and also put on Twitch my computer will probably yeah that’s fine that’s fine yeah is gentian like I I say this Loosely but

Is it like fortnite where it has like seasons and stuff no okay okay not and there are events but not in that way okay hello Josh hello Josh yeah tell me I can hear you yes how goes the business Josh okay okay Josh yes what what do you want oh hi hi

Josh oh oh oh now you can hear it okay okay hello uh hello wait did I stream Josh I’m gonna I’m gonna like grind until I lose let’s go let’s go I I keep like getting mad though and then I stopped caring and then I lose a bunch of points I’m good

Oh what are you at right now I’m at like 1100 I think oh seriously like around that’s a gut I mean you’re still around like where you left off for the last time I heard oh my gosh oh YouTube I’m also streaming Josh uh what you’re streaming or what twitch I think

Wait I’ll join your chat and you join my chat in the morning yeah yeah wait what am I doing on top of a mountain what am I doing here I should just not be here I’m going to leave goodbye goodbye goodbye wait he friendly skeleton what

Oh no the dogs the the the doing I just Luigi protect me I agree I just murdered a fisherman he he will never see his family again that’s pretty unfortunate how do I get bones skeletons oh okay I need to ask you a question I just asked Miranda this but now I need

To ask you are you ready yeah no I’m ready okay all right so like say like you’re you’re at your house right for like a week right and then suddenly on one day you just start like you just start smelling something like bad you would like investigate what

It was you what it what’s causing it right no no it’s a good question if there was a bad smell in your house you would investigate it right you would try to see where it’s coming from I would investigate the smell I’m not going to just deal with this oh okay

Okay okay that’s a very normal thing to do okay now what if there was a good smell like vanilla it’s not like two because it’s good yeah no no no no no no no no no no just like ice cream no Josh Josh you blew out your freaking money

Why do I need to investigate it it’s good it’s not like it’s like pausing me grief but like say you wanted to make like a vanilla like hey you can’t even know if it works because this your house is just all vanilla that’s a very specific scenario

But then like the time wait vanilla cake that’s not even a thing is that not a thing I guess I guess it isn’t it [Laughter] wait would you seriously not investigate the cause of the vanilla smell you need to investigate it you’re not worried where it’s coming from like what

Strange thing is causing that I mean I really just don’t care but Josh why do you ask guys oh yeah why do you ask because today I just have started smelling chocolate not villain vanilla chocolate like the floors oh Cherry nice sorry uh but like the floors the floor Cherry no

No I found a cherry of Charlie Grove yes yes yes yeah but no uh no my house is not something like Charlie’s what are you guys talking about it but like my floor has started smelling like chocolate like I bent down to pick up something and then like I saw the

Forward I took a nice whiff and I was like where is that coming from so have you investigated I have I cannot find the cause I don’t know what to do that’s unfortunate well then you didn’t investigation I didn’t what no it’s not unfortunate it doesn’t matter it doesn’t matter just find the

Cause I don’t wanna I don’t want to permanently be smelling chocolate so it’s so so the difference here is that you don’t think it’s a good smell because you don’t no it is a good one right there just because something is good it doesn’t mean it’s good wait what trident yo yo

I don’t understand the question I need to hear your response too okay okay did you hear the question or you want me to say it me yeah oh no okay okay so say like there’s a like you’re just home and then suddenly you smell something bad you’re gonna investigate where it came from

Right I mean sure you know what I’m not investigating in either situation yes you are you’re not if it smells like raw and flesh in your home you’re going to look where what what’s causing it rotten flesh I can’t I’m playing Minecraft you know where my inspiration from that game

But you need to get them saying like like rotten meat like old chicken how about that like you’re gonna you would investigate with it you would investigate where that came from right you’re an old chicken I just died you deserve that you deserve that you just okay why were they mad at me

Want to be an old chicken you’re an old chicken I don’t know I don’t even know what I’m saying Okay so we’ve been so you said that if it started smelling bad you would invest me okay but now wait who who is this uh Jason oh I’m sorry I’m sorry it’s you guys

Kind of sound kind of alike sorry wait who did you say wait what I thought that was on it’s Jason you know yes wait no no wait I might just admit this or not I forget how this works sorry okay say uh yeah say it like stop You start smelling vanilla in your house just suddenly would you investigate the source of that I mean if I’m alone then you know why would I be smelling vanilla but you don’t know why like suddenly in your house just everywhere starts smelling like vanilla would you look for the source was

I mean it could be a mouse it’ll be weird though time out what mouse like like I don’t know like if a mouse like suddenly like not open a bottle of vanilla you know like what like on told me one time no no so on told me one time like how like a

Rat got into his fish sauce like in his house yeah I don’t know he could probably ask him one time why it was crazy I know it’ll be weird though but you would investigate right yeah okay nice that’s a very insane thing to do thank you see Toby you’re you’re incorrect

I mean that’s just my opinions but it’s the correct opinion I’m correct I didn’t understand no if there’s any smell regardless good or bad that just suddenly that just suddenly enters your house you should and see what the cause is Josh should and do are not the same

That’s not how the saying goes it shouldn’t could or I’m sure it could be a burglar opening like holding an open bottle of imitation vanilla whoa [Laughter] during that burgling people with a vanilla bottle vanilla extract foreign I I don’t understand how people just do

Not look what the cause is how do you just let that happen that like comment of scenario where you have a smell with your house it’s smelling like chocolate there’s chocolate everywhere how I mean I don’t know but I also don’t care if your house just started smelling like

Chocolate you would just leave it yeah no that’s that’s crazy [ __ ] it’s a good smell Josh give you an example to illustrate my point okay yeah go ahead the light in my room has not worked with us two weeks I haven’t done [ __ ] about it so you really think I’m gonna go look

For chocolate do you really think I mean but like a light bulb is not what I mean I guess it is more that’s way more important that it’s smelling like chocolate but like usually people do replace it like pretty well immediately I think that’s just you foreign

You should care that’s kind of important no okay okay I I don’t know what you want me to tell you why I don’t care about this chocolate so you think I should just let my house continue smelling like chocolate um I that’s not gonna happen that after

This stream is done I’m going to investigate where the chocolate smell is coming from investigate the smell yes you never know chemical equipment yeah your house is on fire that’s why what’s it opening it busted open the chocolate scent flavoring thing I don’t know or Willy Wonka put his Factory underneath your

House I I wouldn’t mind that I wouldn’t mind Josh’s house smells like chocolate albums [Laughter] I don’t I don’t know what to do I think I need to get rid of the chocolate smell whoa big mountain have you started running yet yeah okay nice nice I’m painfully slower I don’t know what’s going on don’t just [ __ ] me oh no I’m sorry I saw a villager oh okay

Wait how do you saw how villain what oh oh no that makes sense I I didn’t understand the question okay like when I spawned in this world I’m currently playing in like I spawned like right under gravel so I thought if I moved like the gravel would just fall

So I just stood still for like the first couple minutes wow I forgot how gravel were because you don’t usually don’t see it like free-floating like no you do you can that’s why it has like the little particles oh my God I’m mad wait what wait Emerald or it can be exposed exposed

Like emerald ore can be exposed on the side of a mountain it’s just like juice I’m all right yeah there’s just two emerald ore that I can just see on the side of this mountain I’ve never seen that before it’s kind of cool I forgot

But then yogurt has been in there for a week we need to eat it so yeah oh what’s up um ocean oh okay okay wait what am I doing okay no oh my God I have so many cookies I don’t want any more these cookies are awesome they they found the YouTube powder

Um okay I have another important question unrelated to chocolate or vanilla it’s a completely different question are you guys ready yeah okay uh I’m ready like in most like not like okay like in most like movies or novels that you read like the main character is the protagonist right like

The the hero or like you know the good guy right everyone’s ever as soon as you start talking everybody in my house decides to talk at the same time like spot that apart it’s a very silly question but like like in like books and like movies who’s this chicken like in books

And movies you see like the main character is usually like the hero or the good guy right like the protagonist right it’s like what’s like a famous uh like okay let’s say book specifically what’s like a famous book where the the main character is a villain what’s like the first thing that comes

To mind it’s not really a it’s not a it’s not a genre they don’t really write books like that they don’t always like the boy in some way are you are you sure most yeah most of the time yeah really really um actually I guess it’s not always true

But it’s usually can you think of an example where it’s not true third movie of polamagi model kamagika the main the focus character is indeed the villain um I I can’t say I know what that is but yeah sorry well these two are basically the same one of them is just almost

Black but it’s blue and the other one is black this one okay yeah yeah what about YouTube do you have an example in mind no I have a pretty notable example are you ready no Greg Heffley is not a protagonist he is an evil child he is kind he is kind of terrible

Literally an antagonist yet he’s the main character he’s not only like dumb he’s like mean he treats his best friend as like a servant he’s the biggest an antagonist yet the whole story is about him and that novel is he must do something he does some but the majority of the time

He’s just a bad guy but that’s what I’m saying that’s what I’m saying there’s always like something they do that’s but it’s usually like in the case like like the good usually outweighs the bad in this case it’s it’s not enough he’s touched a bad guy like he’s very very not nice Josh

Every time we get on a Discord call yeah yes I keep these things just ready to talk about [Laughter] it no more video games or would you rather have games unlimited games but no more games after considering both options I think I would have to go with the unlimited games but no games

Oh unlimited games what about that that option is to wait here uh it’s just like I would have unlimited games you know that sounds quite nice but but wait no but no backed up with no games I just accidentally hit the bees they’re fumbling at me what does it do like they tumble

When they attack you they like tumble in the air seriously would you rather have unlimited bacon God I gave the answer what was your answer I said the unlimited games but no games but you don’t get games with that option that is true there are no games but consider this unlimited games oh

Now that does sound nice oh that’s true but but I know there is also like no games but like I think the unlimited games like offsets that a bit you know a little yeah yeah I think it makes it worse but but what about the unlimited about the unlimited bacon I actually did

Have bacon today I’m like I think unlimited bacon would just be too limited you know what I think I did was it unlimited it was okay it was too much it was too much it was too much I literally suck at Minecraft I’m like running around doing things that’s

Exactly what I’m doing I don’t even know what I’m doing I’m just exploring I probably should advance tough stop talking an iron pick it’s Luigi and then iron iron I think it is ironic I run wait what laughs let’s go ironically okay I have another important question that I just thought of

What is the fish that is in the Minecraft like oceans what is like the the common fish there not the Cod such as what is it called oh my God not not the comment it starts with s what is it starts with C it’s Cod no not Cod not Cod

The other one uh uh you’ve asked me this question like a hundred times I don’t know what you’re talking about I need to hear your answer just say just say it just say it say it say it no say it no why not no because whatever I say You’re Gonna

Choose the other one as your option no I’m gonna say the correct one no if you say the correct one I’ll agree with you Paul correctly you’re the one who pronounces the L and salmon right wait what are you saying foreign wait I I’ve seen this work before how do I do this

No no wait no no no no no no no no put me out no no I’ve seen this work that’s what they’re healing up nicely what they lied Bedrock I don’t know can’t you like pick up younglings in a boat yeah young wins I swear you could if you just boat them

Mama Bear how do I what do like kids like nowadays wait tell me I’m just doing a assist Loop right now I’m trying to get the kid but the mom was in the way ask me but the mom okay no I’m gonna I’m gonna take please

Come with me I’m gonna take this kid where is this thing oh why are you still in voice call okay okay let’s go kidnapping time I’m really not even I haven’t even touched the kid wait I wait what did I just say wait a minute Yes kidnap let’s go let’s go let’s go okay Dad let’s go wait it’s actually a kidnapping it is you wanna see your kid again yeah yeah wait wait everyone you are great you are great I am Greg I think Greg the child is a mere walk away

That there’s nothing you can do you just have to get to live with it you no longer be angry with me you know I’m gonna be angry at you polar bear I’m the mama bear now that’s right yeah that’s right get back wait actually let’s take a visit to your child come on

Oh no you gotta catch me oh no bye bye Mama Bear bye bye fast and water fast and water it’s okay kidnapping complete foreign huh wait there’s more polar bears I’m just gonna take all the kids I’m trying to take all the kids let’s go

I need to like warm up before I do this all right I don’t need any warm up from kidnapping let’s go okay I’m just gonna have a bunch of dociles come on mama bear where are you going oh it’s just too easy if they’re in boats will they like grow up

I think so dang it okay well whatever I definitely I’m just gonna build okay whatever I say involving the world children is gonna sound weird so I better just not say anything I’m just gonna stop talking wow oh I wait this is like a crazy amount of polar bears there’s only two children

Though but they’re now removed from the community so this is the ideal Community just no children dot dot very docile peaceful people they accept my flowers this is so nice it feels good to improve the community you know you’re improving it oh so you even understand read it Greg Heffley

Read a diary Wimpy Kid and then you would understand what all right all right yeah read The Chronicles of Greg Heffley then you would get it this is kind of beautiful well that’s already been made he he wrote he wrote it Greg Heffley wrote it okay what the third child is gone

They’re so bad foreign the Diary of a Wimpy Kid was guess who it was written by Greg Heffley yeah he he wrote his own story that’s awesome it’s it’s a diary I don’t know what you’re talking about kidney yeah Mr Kidney himself Jeff kidney yep

Oh my gosh the mama bear does a lot of damage I might not survive Oh my God I think Mama bears three shot you this is kind of crazy hey I’m going to the right Mama Bear sorry accurate to real life one shot you in real life this is awesome I’m just removing the children they are isolated Josh what what animals do you think you

Could oh I like squashed it okay I think I can beat a monkey not not like a great ape but like you say a parakeet yeah I actually think I could be a parakeet with my eyes closed They’re small just one little Squish and they’re done I don’t know I think it’d be a close fight if I was strapped down to a chair how would that parakeet kill me it’d be a close one Tell me how a parakeet would kill me I think it’d be a close fight it could it could like Peck you and that’s it that is it you listed all of its powers it’s quite the high velocity of x like what’s your pecking velocity

Try like zero it is zero it may be one like maybe like one one mile per hour what are you pecking with um I’ll pack with something yeah I I wouldn’t lose against the parakeet okay oh yeah but I think I could beat okay let’s do something more challenging

Like a like a monkey like a regular monkey it would that would be a close fight because monkeys have like they don’t cut their nails they don’t like they’ve like almost like fangs did they bit you or scratched you it would hurt a lot house cat Josh yes house yes okay not easy

You make close fight no I can’t just say that about everybody every house and no a house cat pretty close but even like a German Shepherd I think I could be whoa because you just have to not let it bite you like if you if you land like one good kick

It’s a bull claim okay Josh uh grizzly bear no no I’m definitely gonna die that would be probably a close fight I’m what don’t you think no I would I would die death probably closer than the parakeet a little bit you’re trolling don’t you think I’m lagging what let’s go lagging wait

What happened oh my gosh Josh my brother saw Charles Barkley today actually gosh yeah are you serious yeah it’s on maybe not today but okay it’s so pretty cool though yeah I I I’ve seen Charles Barkley too have you now I’m I made him a Hosey okay all right wait are you actually

Serious you saw Charles Barkley yes I have a picture with him what wait I think you did show me that I think he did yeah yeah that is cool no it’s not cool excuse me okay I guess it’s not cool it’s not cool I’m trying to like focus and also troll

You at the same time it’s not working oh my gosh I’m maybe I’m not mentioning this I keep almost dying and I haven’t done anything meaningful in this world okay very cool you know what time to take it seriously we’re gonna find along we’re gonna go to another

Feels so sluggish like I can’t like I can’t like click the buttons no way another child I think you know what time it is come on all right God this is too easy where do I leave the child is it worse to leave the child by itself or leave it with a different parent what is it worse to like kidnap it out and leave it with a different parent or leave it by itself you should uh oh um

Does the parent look friendly let’s take a look let’s take a look the parent is standing on two blocks yeah wait what this is not even the mother it’s a different mother no it’s not friendly I’m leaving yeah I’m just gonna abandon the child okay what a beautiful game foreign

With your infinite monkey theorem right they did they did yeah okay I wait did I tell you like the flaw I found in your your monkey Theory you have infinite monkeys yeah but it doesn’t mean you have infinite typewriters no that’s included it’s not included yeah you didn’t see

Like the promotional deal uh buy one monkey get a typewriter free so I guess if you have internet typewriters no wait why are we back here again it all returns cyclical we’re gonna talk about this every single time we’re in a call we have nothing else to talk about apparently

Well your address talk about politics Josh would you rather have board games this is just that Josh Josh is live I I might not be for long wait this is hardcore okay I I think I stated this like half an hour ago but okay you’re not good

Enough for a hardcore that’s just rude that is unkind yeah you know what you’re gonna join these polar bear children very soon this is the sixth one I think that I’m just the children what what are they giving oh wait I should orphan them yeah what am I doing

Wait another child just spawned in you’re gonna join as a brother you know they deal damn it right not if they’re dead This is the most like fulfilled I felt in a long time in this game you know what I won’t even leave this kid I’m gonna trap this kid in obsidian no I should not I did it oh my gosh I’m so mischievous really and all the all the parents just become

Friendly after they lose their children I wish that was like that in real life wait a minute that implies things I no all right Josh have you been doing this in real life uh Josh this is why you went to work at chop hey yo it’s just a farm okay I I I’m gonna stop talking foreign child could be I only work will ever be done I just keep traveling to different like continents and more and more children keep appearing I think this is my destiny

I don’t have food there’s literally three children here they should have known better than to be here yeah you know I’m gonna try to I’m going to try to gather all the kids together let them let them learn a lesson I just made I just made I uh

Did you know statistically orphans are less likely to use their parents insurance you didn’t just say that’s that’s statistic the statistics checked out they do they do I I talked to the guy and he confirmed this oh boy kid get down I’m gonna have to Orphan this child

Are polar bears endangered like in real life yes you know they won’t answer don’t add sharks to Minecraft they don’t want people to hunt them and then like actually hunt them but people like already they do no there’s no people don’t want like they’d probably be a neutral if they did

They really can make them awesome because do they think people who play Minecraft are hunting sharks they’ve literally said that they’re not adding sharks because of that because they don’t want to go to hunt sharks in real life yeah I did see that but that’s like maybe that’s not a correlation

Between people who kill sharks in Minecraft people I mean they had a dolphins so there can’t be a correlation have dolphin killings risen in the years that Minecraft dolphins have existed yeah there’s no way no I don’t believe that but Dolphins don’t sharks help soup

Shark fin soup isn’t that a thing no but shark suit yeah like shark fin soup I’m just quitting I’m I’m gonna end this stream I’m not playing right um no then then people would want to hunt them to kill them what what yeah what’s the yeah but no that’s real life that happens

Okay my brain doesn’t work there okay right now dude I think like 10 children are gone that’s funny I’ve never even seen this many polar bears in my life and now there’s there’s less okay one more child and then I’ll I’ll leave them alone wait Josh I’m gonna watch this stream wait Josh

I am I’m gonna mod you uh let me just get somewhere secure uh uh okay how do I do this I like I actually don’t know how to do this I got my name what like mod uh wait am I how do I check if if I’m live

Wait am I how do I check if if I’m live just just click on your profile I guess wait how do I mod click on my name there is no option what I can there’s no option oh wait there is option okay okay let’s go you’re modded let’s go wait Josh

Yes wait can you why’d you type mod I wanted you is there I don’t think the problem is wait Josh open your F3 screen okay all right open your app boost screen I did I did oh stop moving stop moving okay okay okay Josh southhead what what are you looking for

Look it’s it’s Josh southhead what are the chances what are the chances one in four actually the chances are one and four okay Dodge open open your application okay Captain Obvious thank you colonel colonel observant that thumbs down wait what okay I’m Gonna Leave the children how is how is Colonel spelled Colonial

Oh yeah why did I pronounce that yeah it’s called Colonial it’s Colony yeah hey you have to pronounce the L in Colonial what’s this word Colonel just like you have to pronounce the L and s-a-l-m-o-n in in white Josh yes what’s going on Josh okay I’m not lagging you guys are just

Trolling no I won’t fall for it you actually literally fell for it the first time but you didn’t do anything you didn’t say anything afterwards you just like you just say you need to be like oh I got you so I can just assume that I didn’t get got so nothing happened [Laughter]

Why don’t you have any emotes in your chat what I can’t use any Josh humans what oh resident sleeper okay I think I’m gonna I’m gonna find a lot before I should actually progress now that all the children are gone like I think like when children are in

The game they like lag it out you know so you just had to yeah yeah wait what what could you say that last part again I they had to take a vacation permanently and not returning home um foreign I could like ban people now we cannot ban you from your own chat try

It wait no it’s not possible right I have to try it anyway wait there’s a a guy what’s he doing here you cannot ban the broadcaster that’s dumb that’s incredibly dumb wait fire Coral block What’s So Fire about it You think you’re so funny huh the llamas there’s llamas I’m gonna have to leave them alone for now guys I’ll come back for you report Josh South said violence or Thor um can you can you mute me yeah can you mute me terrorism I can I can report you for terrorism

Okay that’s that’s episode two Pokemon now okay I’m gonna do that no it hasn’t happened yet what oh all right you get pretty actively banned with terrorism wait I think you can but wait don’t I’m just free yeah yeah you know what I’m just gonna go caving I’m gonna play it risky

Try yourself I love the name oh yeah why don’t you marry it all right what else can I do wait so you like ice cream right I’m not answering the question do you like ice cream I’m just gonna assume you don’t have you done something yes

I I guess I don’t like ice cream then Manchester kind of whoa okay are you gonna jump me oh you’re not let’s go I found a dungeon oh awesome sorry The Zombies spawned and then just fell and he immediately became no longer a threat let’s go find a dungeon this

Looks like an interesting cave whoa music disc nice it’s time to see it name tag nice okay let’s see cook our food wait isn’t there like cave music I thought I was gonna be scared it’s not scary they lied they lied well everything’s cooked already okay is that me what tell me

I can hear my voice hi Josh okay you’re having like a conversation on yourself hey Josh how are you I’m good how are you Josh I think you’re really good at Minecraft oh thank you do you really mean that I did mean that yeah Josh it’s such an awesome guy foreign

Wait how big are mine shafts what I haven’t explored a mine shaft in a long time very beautiful it keeps echoing okay already wait you have like six viewers now Josh you’re joking you’re actually joking I I’m literally like gaining your viewers if I didn’t are you serious Toby

Yeah I’m serious I actually don’t believe you well it says it says two for me it says two honey oh it’s just foreign what um Bed Wars wait actually I’m down like yeah we could play Bed Wars I’m down all right are you serious yeah sure I yeah okay

All right let me know when you’re on I feel like this was a good enough start to the hardcore World children removed Some Coal was mined that’s about it Josh would you rather have unlimited toast I’m I’m already gonna stop you there no I don’t want toast I want the other option

But unlimited bacon wait okay hold up okay unlimited bacon butt over the toast do you need me to repeat the question I I think I think you might need it I thought you were pretty Crystal but I think you might would you rather have unlimited toast but unlimited bacon

I’d rather have limited bacon but a large amount of posts okay not only have you changed it from unlimited to large amount but yeah I okay let me let me think about this in the first case I’m getting unlimited toast and in the second option I’m getting unlimited bacon

No no no no no the first one there’s a drawback that you get unlimited okay okay I understand that’s like the consequence the second one you get unlimited bacon but the drawback is you get a large amount of toast um I think I’m gonna have to go with the

Unlimited bacon but the large amount of toast I think that’s a good answer it’s a good answer yeah yeah it just makes sense yeah this is a good view to end off on I can see the Cherry biome from here all right you’re not on all right give me one second

This is incredible really what happened to my stream now is it just gone I quit the game oh wait who who is that is that me no it’s not me whose face did you put in chat resident sleeper what does that mean it’s I don’t know

Wait you type Josh is out there Josh North head Josh westhead Josh you have one viewer like what happened to my craft is it not working anymore I think I have to redo uh how do I even do this anymore um okay let me change the title

I don’t know how to change the title um oh no that’s report live stream I’m actually not sure I didn’t though so can you as a mod can you change it I think you might be able to I I definitely can but I don’t know exactly

Okay I’ll figure it out figure it out oh I’ll join in a second wait okay uh uh uh uh uh okay um how do I wait what was I even trying to do oh yeah change the title okay no longer hardcore now to bed Wars you joined yeah yeah okay

How do I paint jobs or yeah I’ll play doubles I really don’t I don’t know how to change it okay whatever no let’s watch it it’s okay can you invite me I did we’re in doubles okay okay thank you I’m not in the game right now no uh

I’m not lagging actually I just I’m in my basement uh wait like okay left my what my team crashed why am I lagging hello yeah you’re lying no my game crashed let’s see around this okay wait no this was one day ago are you there’s more the [ __ ] boom number three on trending

And like how many views does it have 32 million in One debt what that’s crazy I no I I don’t this it’s not like it’s just my game Crash I’ve never had this happen before wait I’ve almost done okay wait I almost no okay I’m coming

Back I’m coming back I almost had it one sec two one sec foreign so I shouldn’t be lagging anymore but we’ll see what now what happened what huh okay I don’t know what happened now wait let me can you check my stream is it what is happening now uh

Is it just a black screen it is okay okay can you invite me please I did in the game I’m not I’m not in the game you’re in the party I’m in the park I am okay I see you you just you died oh never mind okay we’re at time to Wars

We have to change uh has controls Sprint uh what is Sprint okay wait Josh have you seen that those like Instagram videos of the turf the racist turtle okay no I’m not I’m not joking I’m not joking yeah what is going on I can’t run wait I actually cannot run what is

Happening wait hold on one side Josh is an important question I wait no Oh that’s oh Sprint okay okay yeah yeah ask it again please sorry sorry have you seen the in like the videos of the races no okay I’m not I’m listening to my questions

Have you seen the videos of my racist Turtle I have not sadly no it attacks black shoes oh wait no no I have seen this I have seen this and you definitely send it to me before no there was one where this dude put black tape over his white shoe and the

Turtle was attacking it and then as the turtle was attacking he took the tape off I just got hit off he took the tape off took the tape off and the turtle stopped it just and they’re coming yeah oh they’re a little good wait no I’m a little kid I’m lagging

Okay nice nice Toby fine just take it it’s fine you it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay we killed them it’s okay I’m literally giving it to you They’re coming they’ve tint okay bro why do they have tint let me know when they’re here all right um they tended I somehow I somehow clutched enough let’s go I have no idea how I busted up you’re kidding gosh are you dead yeah yeah we’re gonna play okay

Okay I’m gonna get water so okay oh water’s only two seems to be sick damn I mean yeah it is it is fairly unused that’s actually really good because I use water all the time yeah you do use it yeah but like I guess I’ve never I

Don’t usually see other people using it that often yeah yeah I’m just like I just go against the grain oh okay yellow white white they just got our bed I I got one no he’s he’s playing games he gets unlimited video games no don’t let him just let split

Nice there’s like nothing there but yeah okay incoming ink he’s he’d be on top his name is Esteban yeah oh yeah yes like Eric yeah Esteban oh my God where should we go Josh let’s go to men get stuff go to Mid okay yeah since our

There is what there is one guy just hopping around here he be up and around well it’s just gonna try to kill us a little unfortunate well he wants to play games nice okay okay I let’s go very nice very nice okay we’re good we’re in the clear okay there’s nothing here

Someone’s been here we could go to gray wait let’s wait let’s wait just wait we’re gonna get a whole here you go to the other side okay okay okay and then get the way get go to the other side and then like keep going around and I’ll get the one

That you’re at right now no okay okay I understand what I’m saying no I don’t but I’m just gonna keep running yeah you’re about to get that one and then get the one no stop stop you told me to keep moving I got it I got it

There’s a guy behind me now now I need to come towards me no I’m gonna go towards me there’s a white man oh okay I’m gonna I I do you just abandoned me no I didn’t the guy was still chasing us so I I turned around to deal with it it’s unfortunate um

It’s okay we didn’t start yet we didn’t start we’re about to start our first game big Juan join big Juan big Juan 131 wait I just I’ve misspelled horribly wait why is the Gen so fast what I I beat Juan wait he knows Josh come come on wait okay I’m going I didn’t defend the bed but I could come with wait you honestly I’ll go up go up up or or not okay I’m heading back because they’re just gonna get the med it’s currently undefended oh I’m gonna try to do a sick play

Sick play Let’s go okay I’m just gonna cover it in wool oh you got it all right okay okay we’re okay we’re okay they’re tinting they’re tinting okay I’m gonna go get water he’s trying to punch me to death who does he think he is nice like it was very stupid well

All right let’s go no that wasn’t very nice I wouldn’t say that’s a big one yeah but no not a big one yeah come on that’s that’s a big one you know did you get there bed yeah oh they’re dead no I’m just I’m picking a visit hi guys let’s go casual okay

I’m heading to Mid from our Island okay wait so we might have to worry about big one big Juan is just slaughtering people I think okay I that’s [Laughter] Okay I put like a stack and a half away wait where are you are you are you in mid or any mid okay okay um I don’t know who to go for it you’re gonna check out big Juan the screen going no Green’s just camping let’s go

Who to go for I don’t really know Oh I know aqua’s been taken interesting but yellow is still alive I’m gonna go for yellow actually dare I do a little trolling I have eight diamonds please uh I got fireballed that’s nice in so long you even played bad words yeah I’m playing it right now wait join us oh I’m

In a game right now I’m playing alternate okay okay wait are you on Hypixel yeah I think so yeah uh oh this is my last game I’m so tired okay that’s fine I miss big Juan crazy wait were you killed by a big horn No Maybe okay I actually don’t know stop

Oh my okay yellow’s big camping no yellow is big camping that’s a good split but I don’t think he’s even green green Green to your help bad God I’m gone that’s gone what am I even aiming yeah I can’t do this I don’t have the like the the fast twitch muscles for uh

Bed Wars anymore where did they go they’re all gone from senior year you’re not in you’re not a senior senior year high school at 60. see what is this what is happening what what’s happening I don’t you know I don’t like the recent Trend in the Scooby toilet videos where

They just get rid of the [ __ ] like uh uh CBD toilet skippity bop bop they got rid of the song oh yeah it’s just lower now you know it’s completely different there’s no more there’s no more like Skippy dancing toilets like that’s what I really like yeah in fact I’m gonna

Get risk the copyrighted copywriting copyright I don’t know but we’re gonna watch a Scooby-Doo toilet on stream on stream wait it’s definitely not allowed right no definitely not but I I doubt that uh the [ __ ] boom will care world skippity toilet yes yes wait this is insane season 19 all episodes what wait

57 part two when I saw that actually I’m gonna watch the most recent one I didn’t see that yet there’s always a bigger fish Josh is that how the this isn’t it the same there’s always like a bigger fish to fry or is it just there’s a bigger fish

But that’s what skippity toilet is always a bigger fish wait of course I’m right what do you mean are you wait are you were you serious or were you joking I was I was serious I thought this sounds is every single time you think you’ve

Seen it all they just come up with a bigger one well yeah it was like with like more gadgets every new skipping toy just has more yeah did he okay yeah this is this is I’m what I’m currently watching the most recent episode it’s Jason absolutely oh this episode is weird

Are they sabotaging their own leader now who is this old guy is this Joe Biden America can be summed up in one word have you seen that club Toby yeah I was in like with a millions of times America can be defined in a single word excuse me [Laughter] oh that’s funny

That is very funny oh wait okay this is this stream is horrible it’s just expanded whoops whoops wait when does our Fantasy League start I think soon right I actually don’t know soon I think Josh can you look in Minecraft related and tell me if this makes sense to you I

Will be looking I Toby if there was an infinite monkey that’s him this is the monkey yeah dude he’s so drippy he knows what he’s doing how does he have more drip than me [Laughter] monkey it’s not fair Rose Joe Biden funny moments what is a gaff there’s a gap

An unintentional act a remark causing embarrassment to its originator a blunder hmm interesting wait I want to see there’s no way right ah okay okay so I had another question I wanted to ask everybody but I forgot I had another important question did it have we already talked about vanilla

Yeah yeah we have yeah yeah I I wouldn’t I wouldn’t but you should oh but oh actually okay this question is not as important it’s more like a just a question but you are aware of like of what a housewarming is right uh yeah okay so how like late into that person’s like

Living at that house it’s like say how long after they have moved in would it be too late to give a housewarming gift um wait why is it called a housewarming oh man I’m playing Ace Attorney because warming the house with your gifts I don’t know well what if it’s summer no

It’s tension farming called house warming wait I was right the English term housewarming is descended literally from the act of warming a new house each guest would bring firewood and you’d burn the firewood let’s go they do that and if they do that in the summer

I I guess so I don’t know they’re like they’re like yeah sweating in here but we’re gonna murder yes so I need to know how how late can it be uh years where are you serious two years personally it’s a year after a year it’s a little late I I mean

Oh wait oh no a better way to Josh I heard the wait I’m sorry I’m I I don’t care about your question I have a better question what I have a better question so okay go ahead how long this is actually a very good question all right how long okay if everyone just

Like stops me like no one ever sneezed again how would take the notes well that is a good question oh my God isn’t that a good question whoa um because like because like sneezing is just so background like you just hear a seize you’re like oh right the sneeze

But then you completely immediately forget about you don’t like go into like a public space and like you’re like oh when am I gonna hear a sneeze I I do do that on Saturdays but like not a Saturday yeah I understand no but like and also like you don’t

Think about yourself like I can’t tell you the last time I see it was probably recently but I don’t remember that is kind of right yeah I can’t recall it the last time I sneezed huh I think it would take I feel like it would take forever forever like huh

Because I feel like wait go ahead go ahead maybe it would take like until a new generation is born and like I don’t know it’s not that long that’s crazy no no and then they’re told that like sneezing is the thing that happens but then they’ve never

Experienced and then like at some point they all collectively are like what what is a sneeze I think because there’s like some people like in your life where you can like tell or like that you know sneeze a lot right no no I feel like I know

I don’t keep track of who sneezes the most and that not the most I’m just saying there’s like people you know who just be sneezing on the other side of the coin on the other side of the coin who like when and where do you think like the loudest sneeze ever was Gwen I can tell you I can tell you I know I know I know I have the answer you have the answer okay have you heard of Mongolian throat singing that’s not a sneeze Um no this is relevant have you heard of it Mongolian throat singing oh you’re you’re not in the top ten no you have not you’ve not heard me Steve I think I have I feel like I would have like commented on it if you were it’s

Like it’s like a screen it’s like a stream okay the loudest people are like the like the little like kids who like we go like that and make it like that’s what that’s what I do those when fathers exist are you sure well that is true yeah they put their whole

Lungs into it what does Mongolian throat singing have to do with this because it was those guys have just the biggest longes and throats it’s so that just means like a sneeze sometimes would be crazy so wait who was the guy who like ran the [ __ ] Empire Genghis Khan yeah

Him yes I think he had the loudest sneeze okay all right yeah but I think I can get behind that yeah but I I actually I actually think the loudest knees occurred probably occurred by a Mongolian throat singer in Mongolia interesting is that a good answer no no [Laughter]

Okay I think it was amazing the other day the other day I sneezed so loud like the walls shook what I’m not joking what dang I guess I hear you sneeze I’m definitely gonna try to notice it now let you know next time I’m going to preemptively tell me Josh okay get ready

Oh my gosh wait there was another one too uh I don’t remember what it was all right I I’m gonna leave I I’m so [ __ ] tired have you actually heard it before it’s actually beautiful Mongolian is it it is you do it again I’m not good and I’ve never done it

Before but this is my rough interpretation That’s that’s probably nowhere near it but imagine that but just better all right yes ah I’m so glad that I kidnapped all those children that was wonderful yeah is that how you felt when you did it Josh when you did that yes wait what did you just saying

Wait no have you seen the Barbie movie yeah I’ve seen it yeah I thought it was very good I thought it was very good I get to see it I got to see it I like I liked the the Ken uh uh what do you call it when you like so

No it’s not it wasn’t really a solo it was a whole Musical I thought it was fun okay Ken has his own song nice wait I just realized he’s putting sunglasses on top of sunglasses that’s awesome wait Josh can I direct you to the Caleb server really quick I I

Might not hit it oh I’m not in it anymore am I yeah I’m in it can we spam the Caleb I’m not gonna expect wait how is what is this from I don’t think they’ve even been alive but they could all just be deceased somebody joined recently no that’s not true

Cheesecake consumer is new but that is fairly recent actually July 25th oh but then he immediately left oh he left yeah yeah that sounds about right but when was the last time Caleb talked did he ever talk okay I don’t think anyone has ever talked in the server it’s crazy

Oh no they sent they sent like oh yeah they haven’t ever exchanged the words wait what okay do you see this BME Pain Olympics 2009 wait what what is this Like torturing food foreign but Toby oh the guy the owners the owner of the servers users username is Caleb server that’s his username Jeremy T Jeremy okay yo wait Jeremy T is in the wait that’s so funny what he’s in the he’s in he’s in the computer science club

Like Pitts computer science club are you serious yeah wait that’s actually that’s pretty crazy because this Caleb could have just been anyone it’s not that crazy because this is a server it was a server that was on like the the um the pit like uh I thought you just

Found a random server that had the same profile picture it was me it was it was hard to pan oh this guy’s getting a rock climbing Club I like let’s go I could know these people yeah you could possibly see these people yeah guys that’s that’s very funny oh did you see

The Jay schlatt video I sent to you did you see that yet no when you get the time you should watch it it’s pretty funny wait which one which one the one he talks about Hot Pockets for 15 minutes oh I will watch it I meant to watch it it’s pretty funny

Yeah yeah yes oh I found Jeremy this guy wait are you in the rock climbing server are you in it yeah I am yeah has he ever talked in it Jeremy I’m not sure I will see I don’t think so no come on Jeremy thank you um okay I’m gonna I’m Gonna Leave

Okay good night all right okay I suppose I will leave as well good night Jason and Miranda oh good night good night guys uh stream thank you all for watching hopefully you enjoyed the kidnappings uh I can’t promise that there will be less kidnappings next stream but probably not more so

I hope you enjoyed goodbye

This video, titled ‘The most ILLEGAL start to 1.20 Hardcore Minecraft!’, was uploaded by JoshsouthheadVods on 2023-09-12 02:56:00. It has garnered 32 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:48:42 or 6522 seconds.

Hello guys, after seeing all this nonsense about people trying to get the BEST or FASTEST start to Minecraft hardcore, I decided to take a more unconventional approach. That’s right. Kid nappings. I hope you all enjoy this start to my hardcore world and you can expect many more funny moments in future streams.

This was streamed live on twitch, watch me live probably on Saturday nights at:

This is a Hardcore Minecraft Let’s Play in the 1.20 Trails and Tales Update! This video is a similar genre of video to many popular Hardcore Series by Minecraft YouTubers like Wadzee, SB737, Fru, Kolanii, Not Brock, Rekrap2, and others. This video is a Hardcore Survival Challenge, but isn’t a 100 days challenge, or a Minecraft, But challenge. It’s also not Hardcore Minecraft is Literally TOO EASY… (#1), I Survived 100 Days in HARDCORE Minecraft…, LUCKIEST START EVER in Hardcore Minecraft! (Episode 1), I Had The PERFECT Start in Minecraft Hardcore! (#1), Ep 1 : Minecraft 1.20 Hardcore Survival Let’s Play. This also isn’t a video on one of the many popular SMP’s, such as Lifesteal SMP, Dream SMP, or Hermitcraft.

0:00 stream begins 8:48 good Smell question 14:09 the second iteration of the Good Smell question 14:56 I blow up my microphone 18:00 the third iteration of the Good Smell Question 28:14 the Greg Heffley question 31:46 Unlimited bacon but no games? This question sounds too familiar 34:43 you pronounce the “l” in Salmon 35:53 the first kid napping begins 40:00 the second kid napping 41:55 the third kid napping (This is getting too easy) 42:20 the fourth kid napping 43:20 What animals do you think you could pick a fight with and win? 48:00 The fifth kid napping 49:34 It all returns back to the infinite monkey theorem 50:00 the sixth kid napping 51:52 kid gets trapped in obby 53:26 the seventh, eighth, and ninth kid napping 56:05 the tenth kid napping 58:28 joshSOUTHhead 58:56 you pronounce the “l” in colonel 1:03:00 why don’t you marry it then 1:05:25 josh talks to josh 1:08:41 unlimited toast but unlimited bacon or unlimited bacon but unlimited toast??? 1:10:33 done episode 1 of the hardcore world 1:16:06 the questionable turtle and wars begins 1:17:45 NO SPLIT!?! 1:21:24 Ignore toby 1:23:49 bed time 1:27:23 where am i aiming?? wars session ends 1:28:13 Skibidi toilet lore 1:34:23 what qualifies as a housewarming? 1:36:20 tonys genius question: how long would it take to notice if everyone stopped sneezing? 1:38:44 when and where was the largest sneeze?

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    Shocking Dad's EPIC Minecraft Skills - Switch Edition!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Gameplay | Nintendo Switch @minecraft #minecraft’, was uploaded by Proud Dad on 2024-05-20 15:00:14. It has garnered 34 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:49 or 529 seconds. Exploring the Endless Creativity of Minecraft on Nintendo Switch Minecraft, the game that has become a cultural phenomenon, continues to thrive on the Nintendo Switch platform, offering gamers an expansive world of creativity and adventure. With its blocky, pixelated charm, Minecraft has captured the hearts of millions, transcending age, gender, and gaming experience to become a beloved pastime for players around the… Read More

  • SECRET Spiral House Found in Minecraft?! DJ and Monkey’s Epic Adventure

    SECRET Spiral House Found in Minecraft?! DJ and Monkey's Epic AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey Found SECRET SPIRAL House – Maizen Parody Video in Minecraft’, was uploaded by DJ and Monkey on 2024-05-07 17:00:35. It has garnered 21526 views and 145 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:42 or 1122 seconds. JJ and Mikey Found SECRET SPIRAL House – Maizen Parody Video in Minecraft OG Maizen Channel – #maizen #jjandmikey #minecraft #video #minecraftvideo Sneaky Snitch by Kevin MacLeod Link: License: Read More

  • P.N Journy: EPIC Tree House Build 💥 #minecraft

    P.N Journy: EPIC Tree House Build 💥 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Simple Minecraft Tree House ❤️ #minecraft #minecraftbuilding #minecraftshorts #minecrafttreehouse’, was uploaded by P.N Journy on 2024-05-13 14:17:53. It has garnered 2832 views and 60 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftsurvival #minecrafthardcore #shorts #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #shortsviral #shortsyoutube Hardcore Minecraft Days 2000+ Trailer | Pankha-Booi | Facebook Page FINALLY I ESCAPED FROM GRANNY’S HOUSE | GRANNY 3 I BEAT Garten Of Banban 7! (FULL GAME ENDING) We Played The Weird Steam Game Again 100 MEMOREST Vs GOD BELLENOIR! 😱 PALWORLD | Techno Gamerz | #56 I BOUGHT A… Read More

  • Minecraft Madness: Epic Mansion, Secret Base, Cliff House!

    Minecraft Madness: Epic Mansion, Secret Base, Cliff House!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Gameplay Fun, How to build a Mansion, How to build a Secret Base, How to build Cliff house’, was uploaded by Minecraft Junction on 2024-06-07 16:57:13. It has garnered 29 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:14 or 134 seconds. **Minecraft Gameplay Fun!!** Welcome to an epic journey in the world of Minecraft! Join us as we dive into some exciting Minecraft gameplay, filled with adventures, creative builds, and handy tips. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, this video has something for everyone. Remember to subscribe,… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Mobs IQ Test! 😂 #Shorts

    Insane Minecraft Mobs IQ Test! 😂 #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft mobs IQ 😂 #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by BrickBoY PLaYZ on 2024-01-13 03:30:31. It has garnered 2530 views and 82 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:52 or 52 seconds. Like and subscribe for more amazing Minecraft videos and short comment which type of videos you want next time! Minecraft Minecraft shorts Minecraft videos Minecraft world Minecraft survival Minecraft creative Minecraft hardcore Minecraft logics Minecraft facts Minecraft unknown facts Minecraft horror facts Minecraft funny videos Minecraft memes Minecraft graphics Minecraft shaders Minecraft texture Minecraft RTX Minecraft SMP Minecraft moments Minecraft rarest moments… Read More

  • Batya Mine

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  • Constructia Freebuild – Creative, Semi-vanilla 1.20 with WorldEdit, CoreProtect.

    Welcome to Constructia Freebuild! Constructia Freebuild is a small, laid-back, freebuild creative server where you are welcome to join and build with others. We have two worlds to choose from – one with normal vanilla terrain and one that’s superflat. Our server offers protections such as the CoreProtect plugin for real-time rollbacks, anti-exploit plugins, and world backups for exceptional circumstances. We want our players to have the freedom to be creative without any restrictions. Join our Discord: Server IP: (1.20.x) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Bloke tried to slay me

    Minecraft Memes - Bloke tried to slay meIt looks like Blud needs to work on their PvP skills in Minecraft! Maybe they should stick to building instead. Read More

  • Neighbor’s Portal Upgrade: Hotter than a Cat Nap!

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  • Bedrock Pickaxe & Time in a Bottle! | Minecraft Submerged #7

    Bedrock Pickaxe & Time in a Bottle! | Minecraft Submerged #7 Minecraft Submerged: Exploring the Underwater Questing Modpack Embark on an exciting underwater adventure with the Seaopolis Submerged modpack in Minecraft. Dive into a completely customized world teeming with unique mobs and structures, all set beneath the ocean waves. From the overworld to the nether and beyond, players will navigate a challenging survival experience unlike any other. Survival Beneath the Waves Players start their journey in a small room submerged under the sea, tasked with not just surviving but thriving in this oceanic realm. The Seaopolis Submerged modpack features classic mods like the thermal series, opolis utilities, and strainers, offering… Read More

  • Ultimate Lag Fix for Minecraft Mobile

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  • Monster Party with Prof Mush! Subscribe for 1v1s and more!

    Monster Party with Prof Mush! Subscribe for 1v1s and more!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴HIVE LIVE WITH VIEWERS BUT SUB = SUBSCRIBE (parties, 1v1, cs and tournaments)🔴’, was uploaded by Prof Mush on 2024-05-05 17:29:28. It has garnered 299 views and 30 likes. The duration of the video is 03:01:37 or 10897 seconds. hive is live chatgpt is taking over now… Title: “HIVE LIVE WITH VIEWERS – Minecraft Adventure Awaits!” Description: 🔴 Greetings, fellow Minecraft enthusiasts! 🌍✨ Get ready for an epic journey as we dive into the blocky world of the HIVE LIVE WITH VIEWERS livestream! 🚀🎮 👾 Join us for a pixelated adventure where the Hive Minecraft… Read More


    UNSEAKABLE FAN'S TERRIFYING MINECRAFT SEEDVideo Information This video, titled ‘ScArY MiNeCrAfT SeEd’, was uploaded by unseaakable fan on 2024-02-26 21:53:34. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:24 or 564 seconds. not for kids Read More

  • 🔥ULTIMATE Minecraft Wood House Tutorial!🔥

    🔥ULTIMATE Minecraft Wood House Tutorial!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘How to build wood tutorial house⚒️minecraft ⛏️ subscribe, like share channel.’, was uploaded by magnate_gamer on 2024-05-11 05:40:00. It has garnered 130 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:29 or 329 seconds. I will make wood tutorial house We are playing mane game after so long sapoot my gaming videos (like .coment .share and subscribe) Instagram- Facebook- Distord- Twitter- Other channel About me. My name is jakariya khan, I am from West Bengal and i am a student. Now I am pursuing YouTube. I make family friendly clean comedy gaming videos… Read More

  • EPIC Police Station Build Challenge – Minecraft Battle

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  • Insane Moments in Minecraft Bedrock Montage

    Insane Moments in Minecraft Bedrock MontageVideo Information This video, titled ‘silly watch–minecraft bedrock montage’, was uploaded by rabbitpierce on 2024-03-10 00:09:47. It has garnered 58 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:29 or 209 seconds. i took a long time editing it because i took alot of breaks n between soyeah #combo #football #fr #hivemc #minecraft #pvp #subscribe #footballshorts #messi #zeqa #montage #montageedit #minecraftmontage #minecraftedit #mcpemontage tags (ignore) Minecraft PvP, Texture Pack, PvP Texture Pack, PvP Resource Pack, Minecraft Texture Pack, Minecraft Resource Pack, PvP Textures, Minecraft PvP Textures, Best Texture Pack, Top PvP Texture Pack, PvP Pack Showcase, Minecraft PvP… Read More

  • INSANE REACTION! Minecraft Pros Dominate Dungeons

    INSANE REACTION! Minecraft Pros Dominate DungeonsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Akhirnya VETERAN Minecraft Bermain Minecraft Dungeons!’, was uploaded by Budi Kurwan on 2024-05-22 16:03:47. It has garnered 128 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 02:18:23 or 8303 seconds. Don’t forget to Like, Share, Comment and Subscribe. Activate Notifications so you don’t Miss the Latest Videos! This content is very suitable for those of you looking for entertainment and to accompany you when you are eating, coming home from school or after other activities. Donate to Budi Kurwan : Saweria : Youtube Membership : Social Media & More : Instagram:… Read More

  • Unlock the Hidden Realms of Minecraft! #shizo

    Unlock the Hidden Realms of Minecraft! #shizoVideo Information This video, titled ‘Lp.#ТаинственныеМиры Майнкрафт #shorts #minecraft #таинственныемиры #майнкрафт’, was uploaded by Kseouse on 2024-04-22 11:35:37. It has garnered 442 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Welcome to the beginning of the third season of Minecraft with mods on my channel. This season’s build is exclusive, created by me and my team. If you like the videos, don’t forget to like👍and subscribe to the channel, because this is a huge motivation for creating content and improving quality! Playlist with this Lp. – (Minecraft Modded Season 3). _____________________________________________________________________________ Hello everyone,… Read More

  • 🔥HellFrozen – EPIC Mountain House Build! #shorts

    🔥HellFrozen - EPIC Mountain House Build! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Mountain House Tutorial🏠 #shorts’, was uploaded by HellFrozen on 2024-03-10 16:59:55. It has garnered 117915 views and 7583 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. ⬇️ Download Build ⬇️ –My Socials– –Music– #Minecraft #MinecraftBuilds #Minecrafttutorial Read More

  • Joker Jhanju’s Ultimate Push-up Troll Face #GOALS

    Joker Jhanju's Ultimate Push-up Troll Face #GOALSVideo Information This video, titled ‘Push-up troll face #shorts’, was uploaded by joker jhanju on 2024-06-14 08:35:50. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft thumbnails how to make minecraft thumbnails cringe minecraft thumbnails how to make 3d minecraft thumbnails cursed … Read More

  • Vanilla MC

    Vanilla MCA truly vanilla experience, online. Using a minimal list of plugins MC vanilla’s goal is to curate a truly vanilla experience. Read More

  • LAB SMP Semi-Vanilla Whitelisted 1.21 18+ Dedicated

    Welcome to Labcraft! US based server offering a community-driven survival experience with mods and datapacks for added enjoyment. You can join with a vanilla client as well. Features: Great community with top-notch builders Player driven shopping district Movable Tile Entities Cosmetic mods (Armor Stand Editor, Colored text, etc.) Player Heads Bluemap (3D map viewable on the web!) Discord / Minecraft chat bridge Creative Server with world edit Quality Ensured: 20 TPS average Active Development Helpful staff always improving the server Accepting to all types of players No redstone restrictions Laid-back rules: Just be mature and use common sense. Interested in… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “EnGrish or SpIcY? 🔥”

    Minecraft Memes - "EnGrish or SpIcY? 🔥"Well, I guess in Minecraft language that would translate to “I score 1734” but in English it would be “I’m not sure what’s going on with those weird symbols but I’m pretty sure they’re up to no good.” Read More

  • Last Minute Fright: Herobrine Haunts Minecraft Mod!

    Last Minute Fright: Herobrine Haunts Minecraft Mod! In the land of blocks and mobs, a player roamed, Collecting food and resources, never alone. But as night fell, strange sounds did appear, And a mysterious figure, Herobrine, drew near. Knocking on doors, causing a fright, The player’s heart raced in the dead of night. With a flash and a grin, Herobrine did show, Leaving the player to wonder, where did he go? So if you dare to play, beware the signs, For in Minecraft, even legends can come alive. But fear not, brave players, for the adventure’s still in sight, Just keep crafting, building, and exploring, day… Read More

JoshsouthheadVods – The most ILLEGAL start to 1.20 Hardcore Minecraft!