Julien Azelart – I Survived 100 Days in ONE CHUNK in Minecraft Hardcore…

Video Information

Hardcore minecraft is already a pretty difficult challenge if you die you die forever but what if i could make it even harder by trapping myself in a single chunk oh my god this is how i survived 100 days in hardcore minecraft in just one chunk first things first though i

Gotta chop down a tree turn it into a wooden pickaxe mine down to get some stone turn it into some stone tools and now i need to get myself some food there’s pretty slim pickings in this world oh but there’s a chicken okay if i

Can make a little hole for this guy to go into come on chicken nice and now i can just wait for it to lay some eggs so i can get even more chickens but for the time being i’m gonna go around the world and punch all the grass so i can get

Some seeds oh i already have seven seeds that’s crazy i’m gonna make a little farm over here but since i don’t have any water it’s gonna grow extremely slowly so the next thing that i’m gonna do is mine down to hopefully find some iron for a bucket and maybe some water

But before i go down there i’m gonna craft a furnace chop down one log and then smelt it up to get some charcoal you know what let’s do two actually oh i just heard the chicken lay an egg okay let’s test it out okay no luck

All right i have two pieces of charcoal now and i’m gonna craft some torches now i want to light up this world as fast as possible because as soon as it becomes nighttime all the mobs are gonna start spawning up here there we go that should

Be enough to stop the mobs from spawning and now i can go back down here to hopefully find some iron and water okay i finally found some coal that’s great now i can use it to craft even more torches because the last thing i want

Right now is for a bunch of mobs to start spawning in here this coal vein is actually pretty big that’s amazing okay there we go i got all the coal mined up oh is that iron it is okay perfect we got three iron that’s enough for a

Bucket now let’s see if i can find some water oh i hear a zombie okay that means i’m getting close to a cave oh there’s lots of zombies oh gosh it’s already dangerous down here since we’re in such a tiny world all the mobs that would normally spawn in a big world get

Condensed into this tiny little chunk so usually the caves are completely filled with mobs oh there’s so many i’m gonna definitely try to avoid that oh i found more coal ah most of it’s outside the border though oh is that drip stone it is oh there must be a drip stone cave

Down here oh and there’s moss it’s a lush cave too oh there it is it’s half lush cave half drip stone cave oh but i see water how can i get down there safely can i place blocks next to these i can okay now that i’m here i can grab

Some glowberries and use these for food okay we’re gonna have to kill this zombie oh and look at all this cave over here that we can’t explore ah so sad oh there’s more iron right here but most of it’s outside the border ah no i want to

Mine the iron please i’m gonna grab my iron turn it into a bucket and let’s grab this water down here there we go all right i kind of got everything i need down here so i’m gonna head back up to the surface just to be

Safe i still hear a ton of mobs next to me that’s crazy i’m terrified to explore this caves later on i wonder if it’s nighttime yet okay it is night time are there any mobs up here okay it doesn’t look like it looks like i did a good job

Lighting everything up let’s check on the chicken any more eggs for me sir one more egg okay let’s test it ah but i finally have some water that i can plant for my crops there we go this should start going a lot faster now now

While i wait for all this to grow i’m gonna go ahead and chop down some more trees and hopefully i can get some saplings while i’m at it too okay i got one jungle sapling and one oak sapling okay so we know the trees aren’t going extinct anytime soon which is good all

Right we finally have some more space oh there’s some cocoa beans right here can you do anything useful with these i don’t think you can i successfully survived my first night that wasn’t too bad ah there’s logs outside the border that means this tree will just stay here

Forever that’s so annoying all right i have just one more tree to cut down and there we go the entire chunk is cleared out wow this thing is so tiny okay with everything cleared out i’m gonna plant some more saplings all right i have plenty of saplings plant some jungle

Ones as well and i guess while all this stuff is growing i can go back down to the mines and see if i can find any more stuff there we go i got all my irons melted up and i’m gonna craft an iron pickaxe just in case we come across any

Diamonds i have two apples and six glow berries that should be enough for food for the time being i just noticed this tree is so ugly outside the border it’s never gonna go away it’ll just stay like that forever before i go down i’m gonna craft the chest real quick and empty out

All my extra stuff there we go all right we’re ready for another adventure wait i have one extra iron i have an idea since there’s probably gonna be a bunch of mobs down there i’m gonna go ahead and craft myself a shield there we go now

I’m like two percent safer i hear a ton of mobs right here so i think i might want to light this up oh there’s a creeper okay let’s put a torch in there real quick no don’t explode please okay killed the creeper oh the skeleton this is so scary all right i think

That’s it in terms of mobs i’m gonna use my f5 to look around i’m gonna light it all up so no more spawn in the future and look at that we got some coal i guess that was worth it even though i almost got blown up by a creeper all

Right i’m down at y16 now and i’m gonna start mining for some iron because i want to get some full iron armor as fast as possible there we go got some iron okay is it more than one it is okay it’s an eight vane awesome we got eight more

Iron that’s enough for at least a chest plate all right i mined everywhere at y16 and i only managed to find eight iron so i’m gonna go down a few more blocks and keep strip mining okay one more level of strip mining done and i couldn’t find any more iron so i’m just

Gonna head back up to the surface my crops are doing fairly well a bunch of trees grew whoa look at that and let’s go check on the chicken oh he has an egg for me okay please still no luck i guess we’ll have to stay

With one chicken for now but i did get some more iron so i’m gonna smelt it all up oh no there’s more logs outside of the border now it’s going to be so ugly why do all these oak trees keep growing so big oh it looks like i have my first

Fully grown crop oh an egg let’s try it out one more time come on you know maybe if i can get a flint and steel i can burn this stuff outside the border but that’s a problem for a later date i can barely keep up with all these trees

They’re growing so fast oh look at that we have one more wheat the farm is expanding slowly but surely do you have any more eggs for me nope no more eggs come on chicken please lay some eggs and this bird over here is just vibing wait

It’s levitating it’s a magic bird i’m on a mission to get rid of all the dark caves in this world now i think there was some more down deeper so i’m gonna go down there and see if i can place some torches inside okay i hear baby zombies i should be really careful

Because these guys can go through one block caps oh maybe i shouldn’t i don’t know i’m scared i hate baby zombies maybe i should try to go from the top down that way the baby zombies can’t come up to me all right i think i’m above the cave but i don’t really hear

Anything i swear if i die to a baby zombie i’m going to be so mad okay oh oh it’s a big cave i might be able to use the skeleton’s arrows to kill the other mobs yeah if i let the arrows bounce off and go down like that they’ll fight each other

Ow oh gosh they do a lot of damage when you have no armor okay it’s kind of working all the zombies are dead oh i got a potato it’s working i did it okay let’s get my potato before it despawns all right i’m gonna go back to the service now that was enough

Adventure for one mining session okay we got a bunch more trees that grew and some more crops are there any eggs yes there’s one egg please still no luck i’ll get there one day and i also have enough wheat to craft my first piece of bread let’s go ahead and

Also plant this potato here we go and i got some bones from killing those skeletons so i’m gonna turn this into bone meal and look at that nice let’s actually bone meal the potato there we go now we have three potatoes perfect look at the farm it’s really coming

Together and while i wait for that to grow i’m gonna go ahead and chop down all these trees using that bone meal was amazing and i need to get a good source of it so i think what i’m gonna do is go up way in the sky and build a mob farm

That way all the skeletons that spawn i can use their bones to get bone meal now this should be enough blocks but i’m gonna go back down to the mines and get a couple more stacks that way i can be sure to have enough and while i’m at it

I can also mine for some more iron too all right i’m down at iron level and let’s start strip mining i’m making pretty good progress gathering up my blocks but i still haven’t found any more iron oh right as i say that i found some

All right i’m going to gather up all my blocks oh the chicken laid another egg for me can i please get another chicken please oh my gosh okay these four blocks are the center of the chunk so i guess i’ll just build the farm going up from

Here oh you know what before i go up there i have to gather up some water i’ve only found one source so far let’s check down here is there any more water over here oh it’s just outside the border can i pick it up

I can’t i think i have an idea if i make a composter just like this then i can use my extra saplings in it okay hopefully i have enough okay i got one bone meal now i can grab this water and i think if you place water down i’m

Gonna do it down here because i don’t want to wash away all my crops then if you bone meal the bottom of it it grows kelp does it oh uh that definitely did not work maybe it doesn’t work anymore i don’t know okay well that was a waste of one bone meal

How can i get another source of water i really have no idea i guess i’ll have to go back down to the caves to find some this is exactly what i didn’t want to do but it has to be done i need two resources of water to make an infinite

Water source and i don’t even know if there is more water what if that’s the only water source in the entire world that would be a disaster i guess i’ll keep mining down right here i really hope there’s more water wait is that iron oh it is it’s iron i didn’t see it

Last time so at least this mining trip wasn’t totally useless okay i guess we’ll keep going even deeper oh no i hear a baby zombie sounds like there’s more caves down here which i guess is good because that means i might be able to find some water but also bad because

That means i’ll have to deal with baby zombies oh he’s riding a chicken wait can i bring this chicken back up and breed it yay okay hi chicken oh no there’s a creeper i just got completely jump scared don’t explode please oh god okay well the chicken’s dead now

Now is there anything else down here all right so far i’ve done a pretty good job of lighting up all these caves that means my mob farm’s gonna work even better now okay i hear more mobs and unfortunately i also hear a baby zombie so that means there’s definitely another

Cave nearby i swear if a baby zombie just comes running at me i’m gonna cry oh it’s a dungeon there’s a mob spawner wait what oh there it is it’s a zombie spawner okay not very useful but i’m gonna place a torch on top of it hello

Friends okay you guys need to all die maybe one of them can drop me a carrot or something all right let’s see what’s inside these chests oh a name tag okay what about in this chest a golden apple that’ll be super useful actually because we need this to kill a zombie villager

More bones okay i can’t really grab all this stuff right now so i’m just gonna leave it in here oh my gosh are you kidding me diamonds outside the border come on it’s taunting me but i did find lava looks like there’s actually quite a bit i need water not

Lava all right i think i may be out of luck in finding water so that might actually be the only source of water in the entire world so i need to be extra careful to not lose that but before i go back up i’m going to grab those bones

Actually because i want to try that bone meal trick one more time because i don’t think i did it right because i’ve done it before but i probably just did it wrong at one time i’m gonna try this one more time now i turn this into bone meal

And if i bone meal like right here okay it works okay nice so watch this now i have a water source right here and i have even more water sources okay finally we have more than just one source of water i just heard the chicken lay an egg please oh my gosh

Guys we’re never gonna get any more chickens this guy just lays dud eggs they don’t work all right and there’s one more thing i need before i can start this and that’s a bunch of trapdoors all right 42 should be good i’m gonna put away all my extra

Stuff and it’s time to start building this farm all right 22 blocks all the way up let’s do it and 22. all right now i just have to build out this way all the way until i reach the border this is going to be where the water streams are

Oh no there’s phantoms ah okay it’s only one i might be able to deal with this guy i forgot after three nights they spawn oh okay he needs to not knock me off i’m gonna go like this and like open some trap doors that way i don’t fall off and

Boom oh i didn’t hit it ah okay and boom oh i got kind of low there oh hopefully none more spawn when i’m working on this i’m so glad it was just one because if it was like three or four i probably would have just had to run away all

Right all the water streams are done now i have to build the walls around the water streams oh no there’s more phantoms okay uh it’s three this time okay i need to go oh no we might have to finish this when it’s daytime and all these trees should keep

Me safe from the phantoms i guess i can tend to my crops i’m gonna cook these into some baked potatoes and we also have some more wheat okay the phantoms are burning perfect and i have some baked potatoes all right let’s go back to the top all right now we need to

Build these walls up too high being extra careful not to fall off because i’ll definitely die if i do now normally in regular survival this design is actually really inefficient but since i lit up all the caves down below and we’re in such a tiny world this is

Actually gonna work super good okay now i just have to build the spawn platforms and there we go now i have to build up the walls around the whole thing okay there are the walls and now i need to build the roof and i’m running low on

Blocks oh gosh i hope i have enough i’m also gonna place in the trapdoors and i don’t have enough how wonderful i just need six more there we go that should be enough trapdoors okay the roof is done and i’m gonna go up here real quick and

I’m gonna place a few torches so no mob spawn on top okay it should be all done i’m gonna open up all the trapdoors oh wait i forgot something since we couldn’t make this the full length the water kind of pulls in the middle right

Here and i have a solution for that it’s a little bit janky but it works what i need to do is craft some signs now if i place a sign right here then i can do one on top one right here one right here and then one right here there we go the

Water doesn’t flow to the center it should be all ready to go now i’m scared i hope this thing works oh wait no no no no no no no it killed my chicken oh so annoying you’re dying for that get out of here oh my god now i don’t have any

Chickens wow i didn’t know ocelots could just spawn like that rip the chicken he didn’t lay any eggs but at least he was a good chicken until a poor ocelot murdered him now is this thing gonna work there should be mobs coming down by now but i don’t know why they’re not why

Are there no mob spawning okay there’s no mob spawning up there i’m gonna try to reload the world and i’m actually hosting this world on a server so hopefully it works i don’t know what’s happening why is it not working all right i’m gonna build a pillar going up

From here and then i’m gonna place ladders going up and this will be my way to get in and out of the farm i’m gonna build up like this and then maybe they’ll start spawning below me oh a phantom just spawned oh god this is bad okay i’m gonna ladder clutch

Ladder clutch ladder clutch okay the mob farm is broken guys i don’t know what’s happening so this is actually my second attempt because i died in the nether on my old world and i built the same farm in that world and it worked so i don’t know what’s happening in this world oh

There’s more phantoms oh no oh no oh no time to run away oh what the heck oh i forgot i didn’t build all the ladders wow that could have been the death of me right there all right things are going downhill quickly my chicken got murdered and the

Mob farm doesn’t even work all right i tried to restart the server one more time it shows that there’s skeletons up in the mob farm okay so maybe it is working maybe the server was just glitched out oh oh it’s working i’m gonna craft a sword

So i can kill these guys yes it’s working oh i got another potato okay i do need to raise it up a little bit though because they’re dying when they hit the ground okay here we go we have a working mob farm all right i’m going to

Use this farm for a few minutes and i’m going to see how much stuff i can get and as i’m waiting for all these mobs to spawn i’m going to relocate the farm because it’s kind of in the way of everything and i think underground right

Here is going to be a great place for it that way it’s out of the way and i have even more space to make a big farm and since the world kind of slopes down right here i’m also going to have to do a bit of terraforming shouldn’t be too

Hard though this world’s pretty small all right i’m almost done clearing out this entire section and there we go it’s all cleared out and i’m going to mine out all the stone that way the entire bottom layer can be dirt wow oh my god look at all these mobs oh my gosh

I wonder if i got any carrots did i get any carrots no okay but i do have 13 string wait i can make three pieces of wool okay you know what that means i can finally have a bed it just became daytime though so i guess i’ll use it

Tomorrow night but that means we can finally skip the night and avoid those annoying phantoms all right back to mining out all the stone oh it’s thunderstorming that means i can skip the night all right all the stone is cleared out and i’m just going to

Place a whole bottom layer of dirt okay it’s all hoed and it looks like it’s saturating all the farmland which is great it should be all good to go i’m going to plant everything all right i’m going to bring all my farm stuff down here and i also want to make some more

Chests okay i’m going to put two double chests right here this is where all my food will go all right it’s a brand new day and i’m gonna work on clearing out this entire area up here because it looks pretty ugly and disorganized now i wish i still had my chickens because

Then i could make a little farm down there for them but i don’t have any chickens left i might not get chickens ever again but we can at least hope look at this i have two stacks of bones that’s crazy let’s turn it all into bone meal and bone meal my crops

Okay here we go gotta make sure to give my potatoes some too from that we got 58 potatoes that’s pretty good and i got over a stack of seeds from that if only we had some chickens to feed these seeds to okay there we go everything is all replanted

And i’m also gonna chop down all these trees because i think i have a better place to grow them since i’m not using any of the space on top of the mob farm i’m gonna use that to grow trees i feel like that’s kind of a more efficient use

Of space i don’t know why but it seems like the only oak trees that grow are the super tall ones i mean i’m not complaining all the extra wood is great but they’re a lot more difficult to chop down wow these big oak trees take forever to chop down it’s crazy and of

Course since i’m using crappy stone tools everything just keeps breaking but it’s definitely better than wasting a bunch of iron all the trees are cleared out i just have to wait for these leaves to decay but you know what they actually might not because all these logs are

Still outside the border okay i think it’s time for an experiment all right i have some gravel here and i’m gonna mine it until i get flint there we go we got flint all right now i basically got a free iron from a zombie so i’m gonna use

It to craft a flint and steel and i wonder if i can set this stuff on fire can i i can’t okay um what if i go like this i build up and then i set this on fire will it spread outside the border oh yeah it is it’s

Working okay if i can burn down this super ugly tree that would be amazing okay i’m on fire i’m on fire ah this is amazing i can finally get rid of the ugly trees outside the border but look at that it’s all gone wow okay i wanna

See if it’s possible to burn this down hopefully it isn’t a total disaster okay it seems to be working i’m gonna light this on fire right here this is also working oh i hear a witch inside witches are actually extremely useful because they can drop sugar and since i don’t

Have sugar cane that’s kind of my only way to get sugar okay no sugar just a stick oh no it’s burning down the big tree okay well i didn’t really want that to happen i can see a lot more now all right now i’m going to craft some chests and i want to

Get my stuff more organized i’m not sure if i want to build a base just yet so i’m kind of just going to put some chests in the corner over there and that should be good for now okay i got everything organized now let’s go make our tree growing platform oh there’s a

Lot of spiders what the heck oh it’s getting clogged with spiders i’ll deal with it later i’ll put all of these ones as oak saplings and then we’ll just wait for them to grow we have our little tree farm up here now down below things are looking good yeah look there’s basically

No mobs coming down here now it’s totally clogged up with spiders now i need to be extremely careful because spiders can actually hit you from pretty far away i need to make sure to bring my food and i’m gonna go up and see if i can kill the spiders they usually all

Gather in the corners yeah you see that see this little black thing sticking out that’s all the spiders in there yeah look at that there’s so many in that corner it’s usually pretty hard to kill them without them hitting you and i’m gonna have to do it from over here wow

That is an insane amount of spiders and spiders may not seem dangerous but 20 of them hitting you all at once that’s a definite way to die yep see they can hit me from there that’s crazy i couldn’t even see them but they could hit me oh god yep there’s

A lot of spiders okay i need to be careful hello spiders there’s like 50 of them in that one corner okay i guess i’ll just snipe them like this until they all die and then what’s great is i can also use their string that way i can make some carpets

So i can spider proof the mob farm if you hold your arrows down for longer does it do more damage i’m not really sure if you guys know please tell me because i don’t know if i should bow spam or if i should wait for it to draw

All the way back what’s the best way to use a bow okay last one there we go wow cool i got all the string everything’s been collected and i’m going to close it all back up 45 string okay i can craft 11 wool and with that i can craft a

Bunch of carpets now i’m not sure if that’s enough let’s go up there and see if it is oh look at all those mobs if i fall in there i am 100 dead now to spider proof i have to make sure that there’s not a two by two space where any

Spiders could spawn okay we’re not gonna have enough but we can at least get started okay that’s all i can do for now but we can always wait for more spiders to spawn so i can get even more strings so after having built this and i have a

Pretty steady supply of food now i think it’s time to go to the nether but before i can do that i need to make myself some iron armor i have enough for a helmet chest plate in boots so i just need seven more iron to make some pants i’m

Gonna go back down to the mines and see if i can get seven more iron all right here i am now i’m just gonna start a strip mine oh there’s iron nice wait please don’t tell me it’s outside the border oh no oh there’s so much outside

Too okay well four that’s better than nothing we just need three more now that shouldn’t be too hard to find right yay we got some more this was actually a great place to mine all right i’m almost done with this strip mine i doubt i’m gonna find any more but you never know

Okay that’s it i didn’t find any more but it’s enough to have a full set of iron armor all right let’s smelt it up while that’s smelting i’m also gonna have a quick nap oh just kidding there’s monsters nearby okay there we go leggings a full set of

Iron armor i’m officially ready to go to the nether now to go to the nether i’m gonna need to get some lava oh i also need to find some diamonds too because i don’t really have any diamonds to mine the obsidian so we’re gonna have to do that before we can go ah

Oh my god wow okay um i think i’m gonna try to avoid the lava all right i’m down here at bedrock which is where diamonds are the most common and i’m just gonna mine until i can find some i hope there’s even diamonds in this world because diamonds are pretty rare and

There’s a pretty good chance that none ended up in this chunk i really hope that’s not the case though oh here we go okay that actually was not too hard to find okay we got one two now i only need three to make a pickaxe so any extras

I’ll come back and mine them once i have fortune three because diamonds are extremely limited in this world so i need to be careful not to waste them all right i forgot a crafting table to craft a diamond pickaxe so i gotta go back up to the surface real quick time to craft

The diamond pickaxe there we go all right let’s go gather up some obsidian and i’m actually gonna go this way back to where the spawner was because this is where some of the lava was yeah here it is now i’m going to get 14 pieces of

Obsidian 10 for a portal and 4 for an enchanting table there we go 14 pieces all i need now before i go to the nether i need to make sure to have enough food so i’m going to gather up all these potatoes and turn them into some baked

Potatoes oh i hear a witch let’s see if this witch can drop me anything good still no sugar all right now for the nether portal i think i’m going to build it underground i’ll make it look nice later but this will do for now now i

Want to bring a bow to the nether as well now i think you can just combine bows in your inventory like this yeah okay now we have a fully healed bow and i’m gonna bring all of my arrows too and before i go i want to craft a second

Shield as well you never know my shield might break here we go i really don’t know what to expect hopefully i don’t instantly die so we’re in a fortress i chose this seed because it had a fortress in the nether so don’t think that i got super lucky besides that i

Don’t know anything else around here all i know is that there’s a fortress now it doesn’t look like there’s any mob spawning which is good let’s break inside the fortress oh there’s a chest what’s inside oh in other words two diamonds nice some iron and a golden

Sword a golden sword is worse than a stone sword what that doesn’t make any sense now i got another wart and the only thing that i need is a blaze rod because i need to make a brewing stand now i don’t think any mobs will just

Spawn if i’m right here so we’re gonna have to dig up into the roof so they can spawn below me because mobs can’t spawn within 24 blocks of you so we have to go at least 24 blocks up oh there’s brown mushrooms okay it’s perfect it has

Everything i need okay but i forgot one thing though if a bunch of mobs are spawning down here that means they’ll go through the portal and then they’ll end up in the overworld and they’ll destroy everything and probably kill me too so i’m gonna have to relocate it to

Somewhere up here that way no mobs can spawn inside and i’ll make it a three wide portal that’ll look kind of cool let’s light it and i want to see if it links imagine it puts me like outside the border and i just die okay it works

Let’s go back okay perfect it looks like it links properly now i guess i’ll make a staircase that goes up this way that’ll be my little afk spot and i’m going to block all this off so i don’t want any mobs coming into the portal let’s go 24 blocks up stuff should be

Spawning underneath oh yep i hear blazes there they are hello blaze friends okay i got one blaze rod there’s one more over here all right i’m good to go i’m gonna leave we did it a successful another mission there we go oh no the mushroom’s outside the border

All right i’m gonna stay here until i can get some sugar ooh another witch it dropped glowstone but still no sugar and you know what’s crazy out of all the zombies that i’ve killed i still haven’t gotten a single carrot zombies drop carrots right i’m not just imagining

That i’m pretty sure they do but apparently not in this world oh a zombie villager look okay i’m gonna hit these guys with an axe oh there’s two of them oh my god wait that’s exactly what i need okay um i have to somehow go up

Here and i have to stop any more mobs from falling down so i’m gonna block this off like this and then i’m gonna selectively kill all the mobs inside of here except for the zombie villagers no oh my god i killed the wrong one ah okay well we still have one

We’re underneath this so it won’t burn from the sun um i need to find a place for it real quick i’m gonna build a little zombie villager enclosure right here okay this should be good for it and then i’m gonna put a roof on top you

Know just in case okay he’s holding an item that means he won’t despawn please be smart there we go oh wow okay i trapped my first zombie villager now i just need to get one more wait that’s a zombie villager there’s already another one all right i’m gonna block it off again why

Are they just like falling down all of a sudden i didn’t get any and now there’s just a bunch i’m gonna actually turn on hit boxes for this because i i want to make sure to not accidentally kill it again i don’t think they despawn if they

Wear armor right all right buddy come chase me and he’s gonna go like that and there we go okay wow that one was easy i hope he doesn’t despawn i’m not entirely sure that they don’t despawn if they wear armor but oh my god what the heck what just

Happened what there’s mobs everywhere now maybe a skeleton shot a creeper and then it blew up that was almost a disaster thankfully i wasn’t near the creeper when it blew up i have all the pieces to the puzzle except for one sugar i just have to wait for a witch to

Spawn and hopefully drop some sugar oop i just heard a witch okay come on witch please drop me sugar yep no sugar okay we’ll have to keep trying oh my gosh i finally got a carrot holy crap let’s see how many zombies have i killed i killed 274 zombies and i

Just finally got my first carrot that’s crazy but now that means i can finally plant it and it looks like these guys haven’t despawned yet that’s a good sign oh there’s a witch drop sugar please ah just a stick there’s 60 spiders up here oh my god look at that that’s crazy oh

Oh oh see that this is why spiders are so dangerous when they’re all clustered up like this it’s crazy whoa wait diamond armor oh my god wait what if it drops diamond armor it’s a full diamond zombie that’s pretty rare right and it didn’t drop anything that’s great

Oop i think i just heard a witch oh it’s a zombie villager should i save it there we go okay there’s a witch ah okay i dropped bottles that’s actually good because i don’t have any bottles and i also don’t have any sand to craft bottles so i’ll take it two bottles

That’s pretty good let’s put those with the rest of my stuff this is everything i need right here okay another witch only a stick come on i just want sugar another day another mission to clear out the spiders except this time i’m going to be spider proofing because i

Definitely have enough string now oh my god look at that see how fast they hit you that is insane holy crap good thing i had a shield right there all right that’s all the spiders and now i can spiderproof this once and for all and done it’s fully

Spider-proof now all right we still have all of our zombie villager friends look at them one sugar and i can cure these villagers and this world will be changed forever because once we have villagers i can get access to so many more items i can get

Access to food i can become rich on emeralds it’s just going to be amazing so we need to get this sugar all right this is going pretty slowly but i have an idea to speed it up i’m going to grab all of my blocks and i think i’m

Actually going to add a second layer on top of this which theoretically should double the rates ah there’s more logs outside the border why these stupid oak trees keep growing logs outside it’s so annoying all right here’s the last piece boom now i just have to open up all the

Trapdoors and we should be good for a second layer oh it looks like our other two zombie villagers despawned so i guess they do despawn if they’re wearing armor so it’s only if they hold items that they don’t despawn okay so we’re gonna have to get a second one that

Shouldn’t be too big of a deal i mean i say that but it’s taken me over five days to get a sugar all right it seems to be working pretty good not sure if it’s any faster but at least it’s not any slower oh yeah it’s definitely going

Faster there’s a lot more falling now wow i just hit level 60. that’s crazy 60 levels without a single sugar oh my gosh yes finally two sugar oh finally holy crap now i can start curing the zombie villager but wait i guess i need to get a second one too but at

Least we can start the process now what i need is one blaze rod well i guess two blaze rods i’m gonna need three cobblestone let’s make one brewing stand let’s place it right here and then i have my bottles and then oh i need to fill them up with water actually then i

Need one nether wart wait no i don’t need another wart i just need a fermented spider eye okay and we need some blaze powder to power the thing and this is gonna make a potion of weakness okay it worked and then i can turn them into splash potions with a piece of

Gunpowder and there we go we have splash potions of weakness and then i’m gonna need two golden apples now i remember that i left one down in the caves down here because i found one golden apple down at the zombie spawner so i’m gonna go grab that and while i’m down here i

Can also mine some more gold to make a second golden apple because we need one golden apple per villager now down here in one of these caves i remember seeing some gold it was this one down here yep here it is okay hopefully there’s eight four five okay there’s only five i’m

Gonna have to mine a little bit more oh here’s some six seven eight okay perfect i have eight gold and now i need to go get the other golden apple here it is awesome all right let’s go back to the surface i finally have everything i need

Now i just have to smelt up this eight gold and while we’re at it i can start searching for a second zombie villager i just killed one oh my god what am i doing wait i think i just heard one fall yep okay we got one no don’t explode please no plea

It literally just got killed by a skeleton why first it was the ocelot that killed my chicken and now it’s the skeleton that killed my zombie villager what’s going on meanwhile this guy’s over here just waiting to be cured i mean look at him he’s practically begging

What why did that just happen don’t worry i’ll get you a friend soon okay just hang in there oh a waste just drop more sugar for me okay so why is it when i need zombie villagers i’m all of a sudden getting a bunch of witches saw me villager oh my god

And there we go okay splash potion of weakness here we go and two golden apples one and two it’s working oh you know what i need more beds for the villagers and since i spider-proofed everything i’m not getting any more string to make wool oh look it worked one is cured i better

Make sure he doesn’t attack that one yay we got two villagers all right i need to go un-spider-proof the farm and while i’m waiting for that actually i can make a little place down here for the villagers i think it’ll be on the same level as my portal but i am going

To have to move this portal though because it’s kind of in the way and i think i’m just going to use my diamond pickaxe to make things go faster we have villagers now i can get infinite diamond pickaxes all right i got this section done and i’m gonna take a quick break to

Go check on the spiders okay so there weren’t any spiders actually so i think i have to kill these mobs down here to open up the mob cap all right back to clearing out whoa what is this it’s a water cave remember at the start when i only had one source of

Water this is where the rest of it was hiding i guess all right there we go it’s all cleared out now i can just bring my villager friends down here since it’s night time i can lure them with beds we’re gonna go one at a time

Yay okay i got them both down here safely i want to block this off so they can’t go anywhere and now i’m going to go check on the spiders so hopefully i can make a second bed we’ve been spending a lot of time with this farm i

Guess this farm is just the beating heart of this world it gives me everything i need all right so we have enough for two wool blocks now we’re almost there we have enough for a whole bed but if i’m gonna breed villagers i’m gonna need a lot more than just two beds

So i’m gonna keep at this for a little while longer and see how many beds i can get all right after a little while longer i finally got some more wool which means i can craft four more beds also i have a ton of wheat right here so

I’m gonna craft this into bread let’s go down to the villagers and see if i can start breeding them okay here food all right i don’t think they can breed at night so i’m gonna do some farming until it becomes daytime i have plenty of bones here to turn into bone meal let’s

Make all these crops grow nice and fast because i’m probably going to turn these villagers into farmers so i want to have some stuff that i can trade them wait have these guys been breeding oh it just happened okay look at that it worked let’s go back up here to harvest all

This stuff because it’s all fully grown now thanks to my infinite supply of bone meal okay so for some reason my recording broke again so i’m going to tell you guys what i just did i gave all my potatoes to this guy and then i got myself a shepherd and bought some wool

From him and then i used it to craft even more beds oh they’re breeding we have another villager so the next thing that i want to do is make a micro crop farm because farming all this stuff is great but it’s not very efficient before

I do that though i need to turn this mob farm off because it is so loud so i’m going to go up to the farm and just place a bunch of torches inside okay the mop farm is officially turned off so i can finally stop hearing this

Insane amount of lobs 24 7. oh there’s a witch there’s two witches wait there’s three witches there’s four witches wait what the heck how are there so many these guys have so much health holy crap they keep drinking their little potions of healing oh my god they have so much

Health there we go all right now what i need for this is a bunch of redstone i only have four and i think i’m gonna need more than that i remember where some redstone is done in the mine so i think it’s all the way down at bedrock

Level so we have quite a ways to go i think it was this way yeah here it is okay let’s mine this all up 31 that should definitely be enough now what i need for this is one dispenser and two repeaters we have plenty of bows to

Craft the dispenser and for that i’ll also need some cobblestone and then for the repeaters i’m gonna have to smelt some up into regular stone now i’m gonna go like this and build it up right here and if i remember correctly it’s two repeaters like this or redstone dust

Like this now to get it started i just have to place and break a torch really fast there we go now if i place my dispenser right here okay it gets powered now i’m going to go over to my bones and grab a bunch turn these all

Into bone meal and load up the dispenser all right now if i just hoe the land in front of it like this there it goes oh wow it’s fast we’re gonna be so rich i should have enough potatoes look at that that is an insane amount and it didn’t

Even take me that long to get that many all right the villagers aren’t awake yet oh there they are and they immediately go to breeding okay well i’m just gonna spam you some stuff here i’m gonna level this one up too that’s enough for one more bed let’s go ahead and craft it

Let’s see what his next tier is oh he actually sells beds for just one emerald okay that’s three times cheaper all right and now that i have villagers i think the next thing to do is make an iron farm now i’m gonna build this thing

Way up in the sky that way it’s kind of away from everything and i have plenty of cobblestone to do so and to get the villagers all the way up there i’m just gonna make a little staircase like this and then i’m gonna continue it like this

All the way up and seeing the world up this high really shows how tiny it is like because look at the border it’s just literally right there all right now that i’m up here i’m gonna make a little tiny holding area for the villagers and

I’m gonna add a wall to it so they don’t accidentally fall off and die and because it’s daytime i’m gonna have to lure them with a job site block so i think i’m going to use a composter for that looks like it’s working so far i’m

Going to block this off right here so we can’t go back down now i’m just going to repeat the same thing until i get to the top welcome to your new home i’m going to bring you a friend real quick don’t worry now to make things faster i’m only

Going to bring two up there because then i can breed them to get a third one oh and i have to be careful because this is all dark so mobs could be spawning up there and killing my villager okay i need to go fast okay it’s working wow

That was not nearly as bad as i thought it would be all right i’m gonna make my way down here and i’m gonna gather up all the stuff i need i need water and i also need lava so we’re gonna have to head back down to the caves to get some

More here i am here’s the lava yeah there’s some right here nice and now i need to find the center of the chunk these four blocks are the center of the chunk so now i’m gonna make the villager pods i need to be extra careful to not fall oh my gosh i’m

So high up here and i don’t even have my water bucket on me what am i doing i’m gonna bring my water just in case i fall okay all three pods are built oh you know what i forgot we have to get a zombie up here i shouldn’t be too hard

If i just make a big dark box up here one should probably spawn so before i do that i’m gonna head back down to get some more bread okay i’m back up here i gave them some bread and it worked okay perfect everything in this world so far

Has been built out of cobblestone it’s incredibly ugly but until i can get some better blocks this is just gonna have to do for now i’ve built this farm so many times i’ve practically memorized it wait i hear a zombie wait what go away bye bye now i think i’m gonna make the

Iron golem killing chamber all the way down there that way i don’t have to come back up to access my iron but for the time being i think everything is good to go i just need to put one zombie right here once this villager becomes an adult

We’re all ready to go so i guess while i wait for the villager to grow up i can go down here and make the iron golem killing chamber all right with this out of the way now oh okay there’s phantoms oh there’s a lot of them oh my god oh

There’s so many there’s like five of them okay i should probably sleep yep this is the center block right here and then inside of here there’s going to be a bunch of signs now i can place the lava on top that’s where the iron golems

Are gonna fall into now to go all the way up to the top get the villagers moved in and find a way to get a zombie up there and then up here i’m gonna build a dark box and then hopefully a zombie will spawn inside there should be no other place in

The entire world for anything to spawn so all the mob spawning should be condensed to this small little area i’m gonna build a little box put a roof on it it’s completely dark now and i guess we’ll see if anything spawns this should be far enough oh there’s a zombie i hear

It i’m gonna give them some items see if one can pick them up let’s go like that okay now in like that oh my god i’m too good at this okay wow uh that was easy can you pick up items please tell me you can ah it’s not

Gonna work we’re gonna have to wait to get one that can pick up an item i forgot you need anvils to rename name tags and i don’t have nearly enough iron for that ah oh my god oh there’s a zombie already in there what can i pick up items oh i

Can’t pick up items either what about if i give it armor can you put that on okay it can oh and i picked up an item okay and before i open up the villagers to see him i’m gonna tear down this whole platform because if i don’t iron golems

Are gonna spawn on here oh my god what did i just do i’m so dumb what a stupid mistake okay well i guess we gotta try again i thought i was breaking the block behind it but i guess i messed up and accidentally broke the one underneath

And you know what since it just died it probably dropped my armor too so at least i can get that back don’t explode please oh god okay well there’s more creepers oh my god ah don’t explode this is a disaster that went splendid okay i found a zombie down here

Maybe i’ll just have him follow me all the way up if he can pick up blocks i’ll keep him okay he picked it up you are the chosen one hopefully he doesn’t kill me oh god okay well now i just have to get this guy into here now it’s gonna

Make him flow right into there okay wow that was uh really easy boop okay the zombie is in and if i don’t accidentally kill the zombie like i did last time we should be good to go ugh i can’t wait to finally have some iron to make some good

Tools all right it’s all torn down now i just have to head over here open up the little slots next to the villagers so they can see the zombie it’s this one this one this one and it should start working right away it doesn’t seem to be

Working i think i have to raise the spawning platform up by one block that should be pretty easy to do and this should be good i really don’t know why it’s not working oh it’s working it’s working look down you go okay i’m gonna make my way down destroying all this stuff

Yeah it’s working i keep seeing them fly by me and we’re gonna expand it like this just one block out in each direction all right placing all the signs now i can place the lava it’s working it feels so nice to not have to use stone anymore this reminds me of my

Speed running days murdering iron golems for their iron all right now i’m gonna head back up here and i’m gonna tear down the rest of the staircase nice 44 iron and with this iron i’m actually gonna craft some hoppers because we need a bunch of those so the iron doesn’t despawn

With every new iron golem that falls down it can be used to craft some more hoppers finally i can finish this iron farm and done and after having taken a quick nap in this nice villagers bed i’m gonna work to get some more villagers and get them all upgraded this guy tries

Wheat let’s go grab some of my extra wheat and i’m gonna use it to lock in this guy’s trades i guess i’ll give these guys some bread so they can make me some more babies and then from the shepherd i’m gonna buy some more beds and before you know it there’s gonna be

A whole ton of villagers down here now i think i’m gonna repurpose this area down here because i don’t really need a farm anymore especially with that micro crop farm it makes things go way faster what i was thinking for this area right here

Is i want to turn it into a fishing spot now the way that fishing works actually got changed a few versions ago so you need a big body of water in order to get treasure boots so just fishing in a little one by one there’s no way you’re

Gonna get any books or any of the good stuff and you know what this actually might not be big enough i think i’m gonna have to do this somewhere deeper if i go down this way underneath the villagers i should be able to clear out a pretty large area down here and since

There’s nothing below i can go as deep as i want all right i got this whole area cleared out and now i have to mine the spot where i’m going to fish all right i’m almost to the bottom here i’m going to place my first thing of water

Oh yes i need a second source of water and i’m also going to craft myself a fishing rod okay it looks like everything is source blocks so i’m just going to fish right here in the center let’s see if it works okay here’s the second one

I got fish now my main goal with this is to get an enchanted book that way i can disenchant it and use it to craft an enchanting table and if i get three books then i can craft the bookshelf and i can make a lectern to get a librarian

And villager it’s kind of complicated but trust me it’s gonna be worth it so far i’m still only getting junk loot so i’m gonna wait here for a little bit longer and see if i can get any good stuff okay i just got a saddle and a

Saddle is actually treasure loot so that means that this little setup right here is working okay it hasn’t even been that much longer and i already got an enchanted book now i don’t really need any of these enchantments so what i’m gonna do is head back up to the top here

And i need to craft a grindstone let’s disenchant this book and now i think i have two extra diamonds yes i do and i have four obsidian now i can craft an enchanting table actually wait is this a good usage of my book i kind of don’t really have any bookshelves so i

Won’t even be able to get any good enchantments now i think i’m actually gonna save this book that way i can go get two more to craft the bookshelf that way i can get a librarian villager now this is definitely tedious but a librarian villager is gonna be so worth

It oh i just fished up a rod that has the luck of the c2 on it now this fishing rod only has nine durability left so i’m actually gonna go check on the iron farm and see if i could have enough iron to make an anvil that way i

Can repair this thing oh i hear iron golem still dying oh my god holy crap that’s working so much better than i thought let’s repair this one and that’s actually the first time i’ve used any of my 70 plus levels now i have enough durability on this fishing rod to go for

Quite a bit longer alright it’s been a little while longer and i haven’t had any more luck in getting any more books so instead i’m going to work on getting more villagers and whoa these guys have really multiplied so now what i want to focus on doing is getting some of the

More important villagers like tool smiths and weaponsmiths because when you max out their trades that can give you diamond gear and even though i just got access to infinite iron i think it’s time to get some diamond stuff all right i’m gonna need to craft some blast

Furnaces and then we’re also gonna need some smithing tables i also need weaponsmiths do those guys use grindstones i think it’s grindstones okay yeah this is a weaponsmith toolsmiths and then these guys are armorers now i just need to get some emeralds all right so now i’m gonna go

Back up to the micro crop farm and i’m gonna farm some stuff to sell to the villagers i have things for you to buy okay we got 36 emeralds now can i get these guys to level up oh i just got scammed oh my gosh i guess we got to keep repeating

This process until i eventually get some diamond gear from these guys alright i just did another round this time i included wheat wait please i’m gonna try to level this guy up again i’m just gonna get scammed again okay i just got scammed mark my words one day he’s gonna be

Trading me diamonds all right the sun’s coming up so these guys will soon reset their trades but for the time being i’m just gonna continue to grow some wheat i’m going through so much bone meal i might have to restart the mob farm here soon another round of farming done and

Let’s see how much money i can make down here okay i got 32 emeralds i can finally level him up let’s see does he trade iron yes okay so when they buy iron that’s gonna make everything go way faster now i already have tons of iron

In my iron farm and there’s no way i’m gonna use all of that so we’re gonna use that to get emeralds instead wait oh there’s an iron golem stuck up there that might be a problem yeah i haven’t gotten much more iron since when i last checked okay well we’ll have to deal

With that later but for the time being i think i have enough iron to level this guy up yes okay i’m gonna let him level up please have good stuff oh oh it has unbreaking and protection that’s amazing oh look at that full set of diamond armor that’s so good the

Helmet and the chest plate are not that great with their enchantments but the leggings and the boots are actually pretty good now i’m gonna use my emeralds to upgrade the other one there we go nice little upgrade for you okay now he buys this stuff now he should be

Upgraded leggings and boots ooh dove shredder that’s not bad ooh this little diamond hoe i think i’ll buy that i’m already overflowing with items oh my gosh i think i’m out of bones yes wow i went through all of my bones okay well i guess it’s time to turn back on the mob

Farm okay make sure all the trapdoors are open we’re good to go okay i just heard some mobs so that means the mob farm is working pretty good but yeah that iron golem is still stuck up there i’m gonna have to go all the way up yeah

Look at that okay he’s stuck right there i think i know what to do now right here is where the iron golems get stuck he’s right on the edge of this block he’s on like the very last pixel i’m just gonna push him off so he doesn’t kill me then

I’m gonna go like this oh no the water’s going down it’s gonna drench my lava so now they can’t get stuck on it and instead they get washed down like that yep see they come down nicely they try to go back up but they can’t because

They get stuck on the water there we go all right i have to go down and get one more piece of lava and now all the way back up one more time wait is there another one stuck up there i’m gonna go back up to the top and i think i have

One more idea about how to fix it i wonder if i add two more fence gates to the side of this like this and like this and then i open them up and then if i add water like this that way it flows straight instead of kind of out the side

Here i’m gonna go like this and maybe if it curves like that it’ll work oh god that scared me i swear every time my tool breaks i get jump scared i’m gonna sit up here just for a second and i’m gonna see if it works all right it looks like it works i’m

Gonna go back down don’t be annoying phantoms please i have a life to live no okay oh oh my god good thing i wasn’t too high up i also need to get some more bone meal so i’m gonna have to use this farm for a little bit to get some more

Bones it got me villagers it got me bone meal it got me food it gives me everything all right villagers i have some fresh iron for you oh diamond pickaxe with efficiency three i think i’m gonna have to buy that oh a smite two sword that’ll be pretty good for the

Mob farm i think i’ll definitely have to buy that these leggings are pretty good as well there we go our first diamond armor gonna buy these boots all right you know what i think i want to turn this farm into an automatic farm now i’m pretty sure if these mobs drop to their

Death they still drop their items so i’m gonna lower down the floor so they drop to their death and then i’m just gonna put some hoppers underneath coming back up here to check on the iron and it looks like we actually have some which means the farm is still working that’s

Good i’m gonna use this iron to make some hoppers that way i can put those hoppers underneath the mob farm now i’m gonna extend the walls going down like this okay let’s see if this works they don’t instantly die what okay i might need to craft campfires i think

Campfires are crafted like this let’s grab four campfires if i put them on top of the hoppers it should work like that all right let’s do a quick test yep just saw some arrows go in we now have a fully automatic farm all right now that i have the mob farm

All set up and the iron farm is also good to go i’m gonna head back down here and do some more afk fishing since that way while i’m fishing those farms can also run in the background and it’ll be even more efficient now i really need

Those last two bucks so i’m gonna stay here until i can finally get them oh i just got a mending rod that means with my anvil here i can combine these and now this will never break i’m still waiting on those books though it’s taking quite a long time wow that took

Forever but check it out just kidding i still haven’t gotten any more books i’m gonna take a break from this and work on the villager area up here oh look at that there’s a cat wait i have plenty of fish let’s see if i can tame this cat hello let’s go

We have a cat okay i don’t know what i’m gonna do with you right now so i’m just gonna leave you down here but i need to go work on these villagers up here it’s getting extremely chaotic so i’m gonna relocate the villagers that have jobs up

Here to where the old farm was and then i can build them little areas to live all right i’m gonna break all the job sites that way i can use these to lure the villagers then i’m gonna get rid of the rest of this dirt but i’m gonna have

To get rid of this iron golem i don’t know how i’m gonna do it without dying so i guess he’ll just stay here for now to protect the villagers and this diamond shovel makes everything go so much faster let’s place the job sites up here just temporarily that way the

Villagers can come up oh here they come wow that was extremely easy oh these ones are trying to pathfind up there that’s not really gonna work out is it and then as for these guys i need to just block off this area so they can’t pathfind all right move out of the way

Now they should be forced to go up the stairs yeah there we go okay that was pretty easy but this guy oh what are you doing why are you like this he’s just looking up at it he doesn’t know where to go maybe i can use a fishing rod to

Lure him all right oh okay that broke my rod alright well at least we have these ones up here and it’s a little more organized now now the next villager that i want to get is a mason that way they can give me some better blocks i think their job site is

A stone cutter and if i remember correctly a stone cutter is just like this wait no maybe it’s stone yeah i have to use actual stone alright a stone cutter for the mason i hope this is the right job site block it works let’s level you up alright what are you

Selling okay chiseled bricks interesting i know they’re coming down no what are you guys doing don’t come back i think they’re coming down because it’s about to be nighttime i just separated you guys ah it’s chaos maybe if i break all these beds they won’t come back down if

I place down all the beds and see which ones come up i can then break the beds of the ones that don’t have jobs and then place those downstairs okay now i can target the ones that don’t have jobs like this one now i’m gonna place their beds down here hopefully they’ll be

Motivated to come back down all the villagers with jobs are up here now and then all the villagers without jobs are down here now i need to make a better system for these guys so they can’t just keep escaping so i’m gonna grab some fences and maybe some fence gates that

Way i can kind of block these guys off like this and it’s nice to do all of this at night that way the villagers aren’t just roaming around there we go and then i’ll put a little fence gate right here and then i’ll do the exact same thing down

Here and there we go now i don’t have to have all this dirt covering up the stairs now since we’re in the process of revamping i’m also gonna turn this into a proper staircase and i’m gonna use some actual stairs okay now i can get in and out much

Easier now while the villagers are still asleep i’m gonna work on their little pods i think i’ll just use fences for this i don’t know we can make it look better later on all right let’s play some jobs right here i think i just have

To place a block like that it’s kind of extremely very ugly okay we have all these ones right here wait if i place a block over his head then he still won’t be able to move i’m gonna do that for these guys too just place a block over

Their head that way i can get rid of the block above their job site block like this okay it’s coming together this iron golem is looking at me like what are you doing to these villagers i have just one more left he just walked right in thank

You for being so cooperative there we go okay i got all the villagers trapped and i think if they don’t have access to beds then they’ll stop spawning iron golems hopefully that’s the case and i’m all out of food real quick so i need to go make some i’m gonna fire up the

Little micro farm and i’m gonna use this to grow some potatoes let’s go trade a little bit i only got three emeralds that’s great you know what let’s go check on the iron farm it’s been running this entire time that i’ve been fishing so if it hasn’t broken that means there

Should be a lot of iron for me oh yeah but i hear iron golem’s dying that means it’s been working all right who wants to buy some iron i think you guys do and then you over here i know you want to buy some iron i wonder if i can use

These 39 emeralds to upgrade my armor some more i don’t really like this fire protection and projectile protection that’s not the best oh this has pro 2 and respiration this is pratu okay these ones are pretty good i’m gonna buy a chest plate for now because those give

You the most protection and then 24 for a helmet let’s try to upgrade this guy first he can buy iron now i’m gonna buy diamond axe i’ll get rid of my stone and iron ones let those despawn now i want these guys to reset their trades so i’m gonna have a quick nap

Now i’m gonna grab some seeds so i can make some more wheat that way i can breed some more villagers with bread all right let’s craft this all up here friends have bread there we go instantly we’ll let them make us some more villagers down here and let’s go see if

These guys have reset their trades yes okay now i can sell them some more iron it’s a little expensive these guys are resetting their trades nice oh they’re charging more now it’s six iron for one emerald all right now i should have enough emeralds to finally get full

Diamond armor now there we go check it out full diamond armor and full diamond tools too that wasn’t too hard to get okay who wants to buy some potatoes oh and i just upgraded them too oh golden carrots okay that’s actually going to be a pretty good source of food nice now we

Don’t have to worry about using baked potatoes for food now next thing i want to do wait what is the next thing i want to do wait a minute i think i just did something bad oh i think i traded away all of my carrots oh no i need to find

My carrots where are they hopefully there’s some in here oh i don’t have any carrots all right well we’re gonna have to find a way to get some more somehow hopefully a zombie drops one here soon because right now i accidentally made the carrots in this world go extinct

Okay well we’ll deal with that later i don’t really need carrots right now now i can feel a lot safer going in here to clear out the spiders when i have full diamond armor and diamond tools now since this farm has been operating pretty much automatically i want to

Spider proof the top part so that way i don’t ever have to come back up here and surprisingly there’s actually not that many spiders they must just be despawning or something i don’t know oh look at that golden carrots they’re so good spider proofing should be pretty

Simple i have plenty of carpet right here and then i can also buy some wool from my shepherd builder down here oh he sells carpet how convenient now i can go like this spider-proof the entire area there we go it’s all spider-proofed all right now that all of my farms are fully

Automatic i think it’s about time i start cleaning up this area and maybe i need to build myself a house too i’m almost halfway through this hundred days challenge and so far i’ve just been living out of all these chests now i want to build my house up here so i’m

Going to have to relocate this mob farm and i’m not sure if i want to do it way up higher or if i want to do it underground but since it’s automatic and using campfires i think i can just shorten the space right here and make it

So they die kind of up there i think that’ll be a better idea but before i even touch any of this i need to go back up here and turn the farm off all right i’m going to light all of this up and let’s see if i can clutch this oh i get

It the mob farm should be turned off now and i can start destroying all of this and with the maul farm up higher too it’ll be nice not hearing mobs dying all the time i really hope that mob farmer is adequately lit up because imagine a

Creeper just drops down on me okay it should be all done i wonder if this is going to work this bottom layer is basically useless because of the campfires okay i definitely need to lower all this can i drop down from up here and not die i might try to mlg

Water on top of this i’m gonna have to lower this whole contraption down just a little bit i forgot the farm is on right now okay oh god okay i really hope they die and don’t all right i think that’s all of them oh no i really hope there’s no

Creepers i need to place on the campfires as soon as possible okay and then close this off and i really hope the campfires aren’t too bright now okay i checked the light level and it looks like only these little corners are where mobs can’t spawn so that’s not too bad

All right now to build my house i’m gonna fill in this whole area right here with dirt to make it nice and flat i’m gonna move the micro crop farm down to where the afk fish spot is this will kind of be my little farm area we’re still missing carrots though but we’ll

Get them eventually okay a totally flat world a perfect canvas for building a house i’m going to leave these chests here for now that way once i have my house i can bring them inside this is kind of our main entrance to all the stuff below so i want the front of the

House to be facing this way so the back of the house is going to go somewhere over here i don’t want to make it too big because we don’t have that much space but i’m going to make it kind of a box like this all right now along the

Base of the house i want there to be some cobblestone i think then i’ll just do some regular logs like this this is really looking like a 2012 minecraft house right now now i don’t have any sand so i can’t really use glass windows i’m gonna have to get a little creative

With that i’m gonna make the roof out of deep slate wow that looks very bad what was i thinking i don’t know how to build guys this house might be too big actually i’m gonna make it smaller that looks a little better i’m gonna try the

Roof again and we’ll see how it goes it’s not as boxy and weird looking as last time and then for the side roof i’m going to be using slabs instead of stairs that way i can kind of make the roof step down a little bit i feel like

A brand new minecraft player i’m still learning how to build it’s not terrible but it’s definitely not great okay it’s coming together somewhat the roof is done the texturing looks somewhat alright okay how’s the house coming along it’s very much a box but it’s better than nothing for our small little

World if you guys know any building tips please let me know i’m desperate instead of windows i think i’m just going to use some fences how would it look if i did this um it looks weird but i’m gonna go with it it’s not much but it’s something

Oh you know what i have plenty of iron so what i can do is make some lanterns that’ll make things look slightly less ugly i think we’ll add some lanterns inside there we go this is our little one chunk house now i just have to get all my chests moved into here that

Shouldn’t be too difficult what are you doing up here oh he was attracted to the barrels wait did i leave something open down here oh they’re getting out like this hopefully when it becomes nighttime he’s to want to come back down oh another cat hello cat oh he’s going to

The cat oh that’s cute i’ll try to tame this cat later but i’m almost done relocating all my stuff okay there we go everything is all organized now i have some fish right here so i’m going to try to tame this little cat wow this is taking a lot okay yeah we have

Two cats now let’s get this cat out from the bottom over here and i’m gonna bring both of them back up here are they broken what’s going on come on cats please okay well my cats are kind of broken i think maybe it’s the world

Border i don’t know okay i got one cat we’re gonna let you sit right here i guess this one wants to be with the villagers so you can just sit down here and watch over all the villager friends okay all right now that i have my house

Built my villagers taken care of i think it’s time to go back down here and continue fishing because i really need two more books if i can get two more books it’ll make everything way easier because then i can get a librarian villager and then with the librarian

Villager i can buy bookshelves so literally getting two more books will solve all of my problems so i really hope this doesn’t take forever okay we got a saddle that means the treasure loot is working so i’m gonna sit here for a little longer hopefully by the

Time i’m back i’ll have two more books oh i just got a look at the c3 and lure three rod okay i’m gonna combine that with my current one oh that is so expensive okay well we have the levels there we go now i have a maxed out rod

This should be a lot faster and also i managed to get one enchanted book so i only have one left to go i’m so close oh i just got a bow wait what’s on it ah just cursive vanishing that sucks i thought it was gonna be good oh i just

Got another bow hopefully it’s not cursed vanishing this time oh power four okay that’s pretty good but i’m still waiting on that last book i just got another fishing rod oh okay this one has unbreaking three on it i wonder how expensive it’s gonna be to combine them

Oh my god 37 levels okay i don’t think that’s worth it finally oh my gosh i got the two other books oh that took so long but trust me guys it’s totally gonna be worth it i’m gonna head back over to my house area over here and i have my third

Book now i’m gonna come back down here don’t mind if i just steal your grindstone real quick sir and i’m gonna disenchant these books now i can grab some wood wherever it is wait where’s the wood and now i can make a bookshelf and then with this bookshelf i can make

A lectern finally now i’m gonna come down here and these guys are still sleeping so i’m also gonna take a quick nap because it’s been a few days since i’ve slept and now when they wake up here we go we have a librarian okay and look at that a librarian sells

Bookshelves now i finally have an infinite source of books and i don’t ever have to use that cursed fishing spot down there anymore okay i’m just gonna use this bookshelf trait i used all of my emeralds ouch but i got eight bookshelves i’m gonna go back up to the

Other villagers up here and using all of my iron from the iron farm i’m gonna get even more emeralds wow that’s a lot of iron now they’re charging six oh my gosh is this inflation in minecraft let’s see if they’ve reset their trade yep they have still getting scammed though six

Iron for one emerald come on guys i can’t afford that 33 more emeralds i’m gonna go buy some more bookshelves now what i can do is come back up here and then using my two diamonds and for obsidian i could finally craft myself an enchanting table there we go but i guess

My enchanting table will go over here for now i’m going to set up some bookshelves and this is definitely not enough for level 30 but i’m gonna see what i can get for now looks like i can do level 20 enchantments okay now right now i don’t really have any lapis but i

Think you can buy them from a cleric i’m not really sure i’m gonna try to place this down see if this guy wants to take the job i guess i’ll buy redstone and i think once you upgrade them some more they sell lapis too you’re charging

Eight for one now oh my gosh well it’s kind of my only source of emerald so i guess i’m just gonna have to pay these high prices now i’m gonna try to upgrade this cleric villager yes okay awesome i can buy all of this to upgrade him some

More oh i can sell rotten flesh i have so much rotten flesh look at all this stuff this will be great to make some more emeralds all right now with all these emeralds i can go to this guy and buy some more bookshelves looks like he

Just sold out we’ll have to wait till the morning for him to restock but i can place these down here now gets me up to level 24. okay we’re almost there you need to go back to your bed sir what are you doing up here don’t do this to me

Please why are you becoming a fisherman it’s night time okay well i guess this guy’s just gonna live in my house for now all right i’m gonna grab the rest of my rotten flesh and with this rotten flesh i’m gonna bring it down to my cleric and i’m gonna trade it thank you

Very much sir i’m gonna relocate these guys to the top here i’m gonna get it all set up so that way when it comes morning time i can get them all in there nice and safe so the cleric is gonna go right here and i guess we’ll put the

Librarian right here oh this guy’s going back down all right the villagers should be awake now there we go he’s going to his job okay now our cleric is good to go let’s try with him some more and boom and boom he’s selling more bookshelves

Let’s go see how many more i need for a max enchanting table do i need just one more oh no there it is level 30 enchantments now what’s going to be the first thing that i enchant i kind of want to try to get fortune 3 on a

Diamond pickaxe so i’m going to use my old broken diamond pickaxe over here it doesn’t have any enchantments on it but if i can get a good one on here then i can combine it with this one all right let’s test it out now if it just says

Unbreaking three does it have a chance to get me other stuff oh efficiency four oh that’s pretty good okay so that’s better than this one so i’m gonna disenchant this one now oh feather falling okay i want that fortune two again what the heck two fortune twos

Wait what i’m gonna add one more bookshelf i have the amount of books to do it maybe that’s why it’s only saying fortune two let’s try again it’s still saying fortune two huh is this broken it’s only giving me fortune two i think i’m gonna disenchant to be honest oh

Eleven iron now oh my god that’s so expensive this guy’s charging nine that’s the cheapest price okay wow i am getting scammed okay i got silk touch efficiency four that’s not too bad we’re gonna keep this as my silk touch pickaxe i’m gonna go disenchant this one and

We’ll try for fortune three on this one all right fortune three please why is it only giving me fortune two is it broken or something maybe i just have to do two fortune twos okay that’s actually not bad guys why is it giving me only fortune two do you know because i have

No idea i’m gonna disenchant all these bad books and i wonder how much it cost to buy a pickaxe 29 okay i just need a few more emeralds i have more things for you to buy now i can buy another pickaxe now i’m gonna go straight to

Disenchanting it and then i guess we can try for fortune two again it’s a brand new morning let’s see if anyone decided to reset their trades this guy’s still sold out and they need to wait for this guy to reset his trade i don’t know if he’s broken or something or what’s

Happening but maybe i just have to leave him alone for a while or maybe i can get even more clerics but i don’t have any more blaze rods to craft any more brewing stand so i’m gonna have to go to the nether i’m gonna bring my ten

Obsidian and i guess i’ll just build my portal up here that way if anything terrible comes through the portal it won’t go down and kill all of my villagers let’s do it i don’t think there’s anything that spawned so i’m gonna block this off go back all the way

Up here and wait for some stuff to spawn below me oh yes i hear blazes i have my powerful bow that’s going to be great for fighting these things they must be inside the fortress okay i don’t see any magma cubes that’s amazing magma cubes are literally the worst okay they’re

Over on the other side let’s shoot him did he drop one okay he didn’t there’s one more though okay he didn’t drop one either so we’re gonna have to go back up and let some more spawn again oh i hear weather skeletons oh there’s one right there gotta watch out for these guys

They’re right outside my portal good thing i blocked it off because they would have walked right in and then been on the other side to kill me once i went back home oh i got a blaze rod okay i’m gonna try for a few more blaze rods

That one dropped one too i’m gonna run grab this blaze rod and i’m leaving ah run away even though i have full diamond i’m still terrified but now i have two more blaze rods and that’s enough for two more brewing stands okay he resets gonna buy some until he levels up i’m

Gonna buy some more lapis okay i have 12 lapis now now with this 12 lapis i better be able to get something good wow okay fortune two i was about to say why is it saying only fortune two but i can combine these two now to have fortune

Three okay that’s a pretty good pickaxe and since we’re anviling things i’m gonna add feather falling two to my boots now i’m less likely to die from fall damage and with this fortune 3 pickaxe i’m going to go on a little mining trip and see if i can find the

Rest of the diamonds in this world now all the way at the bottom there’s one more diamond that i saved so i’m going to go to that first and i also saved some gold over here so let’s make a quick pit stop for that nice i can

Maximize the amount of gold i get now we got seven gold from that okay not too amazing but better than just three oh there’s lapis right here okay oh it’s outside the border no i needed this okay i still got 24 though if i remember correctly all the way down here was it

Over here yeah here’s the diamond okay and i only got one from that wow fortune 3 works great and i’m going to continue mining down here just for a bit longer and see if i can find any more diamonds oh look at this there’s more lapis how much do i

Have now 62. oh yeah i forgot about that there’s diamonds right there outside that sucks all right i’m back down to bedrock level and statistically this is where i should find the most amount of diamonds so i wonder if i’ll be able to find any all right i’ve mined the whole

Perimeter so i’m going to start my strip mines now oh look at that more diamonds nice how many did i get 11. i don’t really have a need for diamonds anymore in this world because i can get diamond tools and armor from villagers so i guess i’ll just save this stuff maybe i

Can use it for a jukebox but besides that there aren’t too many uses for diamonds with all of my diamonds harvested i’m going to have a quick nap and now that it’s the next day i want to focus on getting some more librarians since i have infinite access to

Bookshelves now oh just kidding i’m poor i can’t afford them i need to get some more iron to sell oh their prices came down oh it’s because i bought other things from them and with these new emeralds i’m gonna buy some more bookshelves okay well i guess just one

More bookshelf but now what i can do is come over here and grab some slabs and make another lectern and this time i want to focus on getting a good book trade maybe protection four i’m gonna reset this villager until i can get either protection for or maybe feather

Falling for or just something good oh look at that feather falling four okay it costs 38 emeralds but for the time being i’m just gonna lock in their trade with the bookshelf and then i’m gonna go back up to the mob farm grab all of the

Bones that have come down so far which oh wow it’s quite a lot can i hit an mlg water i can now i’m gonna come back down to the micro crop farm load it up with some more bone meal and i’m gonna farm some potatoes that i could sell oh my entire

Inventory is full that didn’t even take too long but i got 16 emeralds i’m gonna buy another bookshelf and with these two bookshelves i can make some more lecterns who wants to become a librarian you do i’m gonna try to get protection for i guess i can do two at once this

One just keeps oh mending oh only ten emeralds oh my god that is so good okay i need to hurry up and lock this trade in i don’t have enough emeralds right now but i’m gonna go back up to the iron farm hopefully there’s enough iron up there to trade which one

Of you has the lowest price three the prices have come back down mending i can buy two of them that is amazing i’m gonna save these for now because my tools don’t have any of the ideal enchantments on them but now that i have a mending villager a feather

Falling four villager i need to get a protection for villager are you joking i just got a second mending villager ah they’re all going to sleep okay i’m also gonna go to sleep too hmm power five for 64. nah that’s too expensive how is it that i can get two mending villagers

Basically in a row but not even get a single protection enchantment like i haven’t even gotten protection one two or three let alone protection four come on villagers please give me good trades another mending villager oh my god three mending villagers and yet no protection really a fourth mending villager come on

Okay honestly if i even got protection three i would be fine with that because then i could just combine the books wow i just spent the entire day doing that and i still didn’t get any protection i guess it’s time to sleep maybe once the villagers wake up they’ll change their

Mind oh looting three wait i’m gonna go back to my iron farm see if i can get some iron to trade for some emeralds okay just over a stack not too bad now to trade it with these guys yes looting three awesome i got looting three okay

Well at least there’s one positive about this now we try for protection for guys i feel like i’m being taunted by these villagers i just got three protection enchantments in a row but they were all blast protection or fire protection not a single regular protection come on

Everything takes longer in a one chunk world it seems wow that’s my fifth mending villager mending villager number six honestly i think i’ve seen every single enchantment except for protection mending villager number seven i think i don’t know i’ve lost track by now alright so i guess i should give you

Guys a little backstory of why i need protection so my plan is after this to go to the nether and farm wither skeleton schools because i want to fight the wither but of course i can’t fight the wither without protection four because otherwise i’m just gonna die so

That’s why i’ve been trying to get this but apparently it’s impossible is that eight i think that’s eight mending villagers oh my gosh another day wasted oh i’m so annoyed okay i’m leaving we don’t need protection anymore i guess i need a break from those villagers i’m

Getting way too annoyed okay i forgot to record this last bit oops what the heck oh that’s bad but basically what i did and what i forgot to record is i built this little contraption for the mobs to fall into that way i can kill them by hand and

This way i can hopefully get some carrots from a zombie oh my god no no not my house this is a bad idea terrible idea actually oh it barely blew anything up that’s nice this is the disaster guys i don’t know what i was

Thinking what i need to do is go up here and i have to connect this all together i’m scared oh no oh my god this is so bad what am i doing maybe i should have gotten that blast protection after all there we go wow whoa i got

Music discs oh because some skeletons must have killed some creepers oh i wonder which ones i got i got stall that one’s pretty good wait i need to empty out my inventory everything is overflowing now i want to grab the rest of these before they despawn what is

This another stall i also got weight okay that one’s fun and i got far nice let’s repair my roof real quick boop i’m a little preoccupied right now so the music discs are just gonna go in here wait should i put looting three on my sword let’s see how expensive it is i

Kind of don’t really need smite too so i’m gonna disenchant that real quick let’s see how much it costs to put looting three but first i wanna check my enchantments hmm sharpness three i’ll deal with that later let’s put looting three on it boop six levels okay now i’m

Even more likely to get a carrot but look at this i’m getting a ton of bones that’s pretty good although this might be taking a long time at least i’m still getting some good stuff okay i have an idea when it’s night time and all the villagers are sleeping i’m gonna try to

Get a carrot but when it becomes daytime and they all wake up i’m gonna try to go down there and get protection for that way i don’t have to skip any nights and i can maximize my time because i still have to fight the wither and i feel like

Getting those wither skeletons goals is going to be pretty difficult so i need to save as much time for that finally oh my gosh no no no way oh my god the creeper exploded the item why does everything have to go wrong i was so close okay well it’s daytime now so i

Guess i’ll go try the villagers instead i just had such bad luck up there please give me some good luck down here oh my gosh protection for finally oh 14 emeralds too that’s actually not too bad okay i need to give you some of this thank you very much and then i’m also

Gonna go back up to my iron farm and see what i have up there as well wow that took forever but we finally got it oh plenty of iron in here as well okay things are somewhat turning around ah four iron that’s great that’s not

Even a scam anymore now i have over a stack of emeralds and i’m gonna go up here to grab a book because i know i have one extra yes okay i’m gonna buy one bookshelf then i’m gonna break the bookshelf to get the books and then i’m gonna buy

As many protection for enchantments as i can there we go i got four okay and i can put it on all of my armor that’s amazing i can’t believe how long that took and i don’t really care about any of the other enchantments protection’s kind of just the main one right now so

I’m just gonna go ahead and add it looks like it only costs four to add it that’s so cheap okay there we go full protection for armor finally oh i see a music disc oh it’s strad that’s my favorite one wow i’m actually getting quite a collection of music discs look

At this i already have five of them i wonder if by doing this i’ll be able to get all of them okay i’ve officially made it to one stack of days let me celebrate my one stack of days by getting a carrot oh my gosh look i’m

Gonna head immediately down here to the micro crop farm and i’m gonna farm some carrots hello villager i finally have some carrots for you oh feather falling four i haven’t gotten that yet have i i need to get 38 emeralds and then i can get feather falling four

And i actually need to buy a bookshelf because i don’t have any books and feather foaming for now i have everything on my armor that i want protection for on everything and feather falling four on my boots that will definitely keep me what just happened well as i was saying

Uh that will definitely keep me the most safe oh no okay i need slabs i need slabs it’s urgent oh it’s a creeper ah oh my god there’s so many creepers what is happening oh my gosh this is a disaster do i have an iron golem down

Here wait why is it not helping and slab why is the iron golem not attacking them this iron golem is useless what the heck wow i literally kept that iron golem down there for the sole purpose of protecting the villagers and it couldn’t even do that and okay that’s all patched

Up now and i guess this cat ran down here because it was scared of the mobs or something but now i think i’m ready to go to the nether i have all of my enchantments and maybe i should get a little bit better of a sword though

Let’s see if any of these guys sell swords weaponsmith sells swords okay i’m gonna buy one and i’m gonna disenchant it okay looting three hmm do i try it maybe it’ll have other enchantments oh my gosh wow that is almost a perfect sword that’s so good i’m gonna

Disenchant my other looting three sword now and i’m gonna try to get sharpness four again that way i can combine them together to get sharper’s five look sharpness four that’s perfect i do need a few more levels though so we’re gonna open up the pit of death whoa look at

All those music discs i’ll add these to my collection i can go back here and get sharpness four oh and sweeping edge three that’s perfect now i can combine these two costs 19 levels and there we go that’s basically a perfect sword and i think i’m going to be in the nether

For quite a while so i’m going to grab up these carrots and then use that to get some more food nice i got over a stack that should be enough for a good another adventure yep i have two power twos okay i’m gonna try to get power

Five power four plus power four is power five but i’m out of levels luckily the pit of death is working very well now i can finally combine these and there we go that’s a pretty decent bow and i also brought an insane amount of arrows this is gonna be quite the adventure guys

Okay here we are so to make this easier i think i’m actually gonna destroy this entire top section first that way i can also gather up a bunch of nether brick and then with all this nether brick i can use it to make somewhat of a spawning platform below me and that way

I don’t have to worry about things spawning at two different levels which should definitely make it a bit safer for me okay the entire top portion of the fortress is gone now and now i’ll connect all this up together to make one big spawning platform this should

Hopefully make the farming a lot easier and definitely safer there we go i have one big spawning platform and then to prevent anything from spawning in here i’m gonna try to light it up but i don’t even know if that’s gonna do anything and then i’m going to make a staircase

That goes up like this and now i kind of want to work on clearing out this entire roof area that way i can be all the way up there and i can see what’s happening below me okay this is going a little slow but i think i have a better idea so

I’m going to mine it like this and then i’m gonna leave just one layer below me oh is that lava oh no it’s my old staircase okay wait by going up here stuff’s gonna spawn underneath me yep there’s stuff up here now just to be safe i’m gonna fill this all in

Oh my gosh yep okay it’s chaos down there and i think i’m also going to have to relocate my portal too luckily i have efficiency this time so mining obsidian is going to go way faster i need to make sure not to lose any obsidian though

Because this is all i have oh my gosh wait oh no i don’t have a flint and steel okay this is bad maybe i’ll just have to wait for a blaze to shoot at my portal and hopefully that’ll light it i don’t know i made a pretty bad mistake guys

Well i guess i’ll just finish clearing this out for now because it’s not like i’m gonna be able to go home anytime soon okay and that’s exactly why i wanted feather falling four before i came to the nether there we go the first layer is all cleared out i’m gonna come back

Up here and then i’m gonna do the same thing for one more layer oh my pickaxe is getting a little low if only i could go back home and put mending on it and once this layer is done it should be tall enough to have stuff start spawning

Below me the blazes are already coming up trying to fight me i need to see if i can get one to light my portal and i’m gonna make a little platform up here then right here is where the portal is gonna go let’s see if i can lure a blaze

Oh my god look down there that is insane i’m just gonna let them keep trying to shoot me and hopefully they miss and it lights the portal oh oh oh wait why is it not going what my plan has failed oh my gosh it worked i can’t believe it

That was a little too crazy i think i’m far down enough for nothing new to start spawning so i’m gonna get rid of the blazes and i should be ready to start fighting everything else oh my gosh look at this oh my god what here they come

It’s gonna be a little conveyor belt of wither skeletons hopefully one of them will give me a skull oh my god i got one that was really easy now i just need two more what am i gonna do about all these zombified piglets they’re kind of clogging everything up should i shoot

Them wait i want to try something here they come oh my god it’s practically a gold farm a zombie what how did a zombie get in here look at all that loot down there i don’t want to jinx it or anything oh look at this guy he’s trying to kill me

Okay this is going surprisingly well now i don’t want to jinx it or anything but i think we should have three skulls in no time wait how are you outside the border there’s a pivot up here what just happened i’m very confused wait when i was down there i hope

Nothing spawned up here and went through the portal that would have been not very good all right that should be enough for now so i’m gonna head down to this little section that way stuff can stop spawning i’m gonna pluck off each of the blazes this is actually a pretty good

System pluck off all the blazes with my power five bow and then kill all the wither skeletons with my looting three sword when they all start shooting sounds insane holy crap ah this is actually kind of fun just having like millions of blazes shooting at me especially because

I have protection 4 and i don’t really have to be extremely worried what would be nice right now is fire resistance potions but unfortunately i barely have any netherwort okay there’s plenty of weather skeletons so i’m going to pluck off the rest of the blazes the skeletons are all fighting each other

Oh my god let’s farm some skulls come on guys well there’s so many of them oh i got another skull okay i have two skulls now i just need one more and i guess it’s good that i’m getting all this magma cream too because that can be used to craft fire resistance potions

Whoa look at this oh oh my god holy crap what happened why are there so many this time i don’t know why so many just spawned but this is insane i think that’s actually the most places i’ve ever seen in minecraft ever even more than like a blaze farm or something

Crazy gold farming and wither skeleton skull farming all at the same time so close but yet so far okay if this does not give me a skull i am gonna be so mad i mean look there’s literally like 20 skeletons the odds are pretty high oh i

Just got one okay did you guys see that it’s like a wither skeleton inside of a piglet what the heck oh it’s wearing the skull oh my god that’s so weird i didn’t know they could just pick them up like that that is the weirdest thing i’ve

Ever seen i’m gonna take a screenshot time to die i need my skull back thank you very much okay we have three skulls okay now that’s the first of two ingredients that i need to fight the wither the other thing is soul sand and i actually don’t

Even think there’s any soul sand in this entire nether but lucky for me you can trade with piglens to get soul sand i’m gonna see what’s down here because i hear actually a bunch of piglets and since i’ve been kind of farming gold from these guys the whole time i

Actually have quite a bit of gold so i should be able to use that gold to go ahead and trade with piglets if i do this i get an advancement but let’s see if he can trade me any soul sand i think i’ll just kind of do it like this until

I maybe get some i don’t know i think soul stand is fairly common okay i don’t have any gold ingots but i do have plenty of gold nuggets and i need to go back to the overworld real quick to grab a crafting table then i can use that to

Craft all of my gold nuggets into gold ingots i haven’t been back yet i wonder what’s on the other side oh my god look at this what the heck how did that happen let’s grab a crafting table there we go now i’m going to place this crafting table right here grab all the

Rest of my gold nuggets turn them into ingots okay 31. i hope that’s enough to get some soul sand i’m going to put them into a trading pit yep go inside oh my god there’s so many whoa and then i’m just gonna give them all the gold i feel

Like i’m speed running right now let’s see what they trade me here we go soul sand we got five i would like a little more that would be nice okay we have 11 soul sand now the mission to get soul sand has been successful now i have

Three netherwort but i haven’t had any soul sand to grow more of it but now that i finally do i’m gonna head back down here and in this little dark corner over here i’m gonna try to grow some more now that i’m back here i’m gonna add

Mending to both of my pickaxes oh that’s not how you do it oh it only costs two what just happened what why are things exploding up here and i keep getting music discs for some reason i don’t know what’s wrong with this mob farm but seems to be very broken let’s put my

Pickaxe in my off hand and i’m gonna gather up some xp to heal it up this is going very slow i want to try something else i’m not sure if my iron farm was working the whole time that i was in the nether but let’s go see okay it clearly

Was oh i have so much iron now what i can do with all this iron is trade with my villagers and that will also give me a ton of xp i wonder if i can buy any more mending books i have five mending books now so i think i’m actually going

To add that to all of my armor pieces because my armor is looking a little low after that crazy nether adventure i wonder how much this will cost okay only three oh it’s actually pretty cheap full mending armor and i have one more book so i’m gonna add it to my sword

Let’s heal up my armor and my tools real quick but what would be a better way to do that is go to the nether and kill all the nether mobs because those actually give more xp especially the blazes any more things for me to kill for xp give me xp

And it looks like that xp healed up my armor just a little bit all the netherrack has been safely saved this is precious stuff in a one chunk world and i’m gonna go check to see how well my stuff is growing down here um it hasn’t

Grown at all does it have to be dark for it to grow wait how does this work i have no idea how to farm this stuff maybe it needs to be like super dark i’m gonna try to just grow it right here on these three blocks and while that’s

Growing i want to focus on making this look a little bit prettier down here i have just one mason and he doesn’t really trade many good things so i’m gonna try to level him up i have plenty of iron to trade with these guys that way i can get some more emeralds and

Then i’ll use these emeralds to upgrade this guy please something good polished diorite okay i guess i’ll buy some just to level you up brown terracotta and light gray glazed terracotta let’s buy some of this to level you up too okay and now he sells blocks of course i

Think that’ll look cool would using chiseled stone bricks look good for a floor i don’t know it’s certainly better than this though i’m also gonna buy some blocks of quartz then i can use this to start making it look a little bit better oh you know what i’m also mining all of

This stone with a silk touch pickaxe so that means i can come back to my mason over here and sell out to him for some emeralds i think i’m gonna use these blocks of corks to go over their heads like this then i can buy some more and i

Think i want to make the roof out of course oh my it why why does it always just explode like that what is wrong with this thing as i was clearing out the roof i had a change of heart i’m actually going to use some deep slate for the bottom of this i

Think that’ll look better than this chiseled stone bricks look just a little bit weird oh yeah that looks way better already and because these villagers are actually in their own little pods i don’t really need this fencing here anymore and this iron golem is in the way again sorry friend the villagers are

Looking at me like what are you doing let’s see if this guy has reset his trades yes okay i can buy some more blocks of quartz it might take a while to get enough blocks for this ceiling but i can always get more masons too there’s the floor it already looks way

Better and in doing that i got plenty of stones so i’m gonna sell that to this guy and buy some more blocks of quartz okay i only have 24 right now yeah it looks pretty cool but right now what i need to do is get some more stone maces

I’m gonna get maybe three more that is so loud you know what i need to spawn proof this real quick okay everything is all lit up let’s go finish off all these mobs oh i finally have some peace and quiet from all those mobs all right i’m gonna place some more workstations like

This i’m also gonna need to grab some fences oh wait you know what would be cool instead of using fences what if i used deep slight walls let’s get half a stack of those and i just had to carefully replace these without the villagers escaping yeah look at that it

Looks way better let’s see if anyone wants to become a stone mason nice oh pink glazed terracotta that looks kind of cool i think i’ll buy some okay let’s level this guy up one more time okay he also sells blocks of quartz nice kind of an expensive building material to be

Honest now this is going to be a kind of a continuing project a work in progress but let’s go see how the netherward’s doing okay it’s growing nice so i guess it just had to be in the dark i’m gonna grab the rest of my soul sand and i’m

Gonna make a little bit of a farm down here and while the nether wart is growing i think i’m ready to spawn the weather i’m definitely not doing it here in the overworld because i’ve kind of built a lot of things and i don’t want

It to all be destroyed so we’re going to be doing it in the nether now for the first time fighting this thing i kind of just want to spawn it in the bedrock because i don’t really feel entirely prepared to take it on 1v1 this still

Has a chance to go wrong because i don’t think i’ve actually done this before okay i think right here might actually be a good spot i don’t really know if this is correct but i’m just gonna do it It looks like it’s at least inside of the bedrock okay i think i did it right wait where is it going here it is oh um oh what is happening i guess this just kind of stuck huh that was actually super easy but don’t worry i’m gonna be fighting it

Later without trapping it in the bedrock i just didn’t really feel that prepared right now but i still wanted to get another star that way i could make a beacon now getting those three skulls earlier was actually not too difficult so i should have no problem spawning the

Wither again i’m back at home i have my netherstar in hand oh wait you need glass to spawn a beacon how am i gonna do this wait can you buy glass from librarians i think you can right i’m gonna try to trade with them to see if i

Can buy some glass i totally forgot about that all right i need to see which one has the most experience these guys are all novices but the one i have upstairs i think is an expert he’s a journeyman okay but once again i’m out of emeralds so i’m gonna need to come

Back down here to the micro crop farm and farm up some more stuff please trade me glass oh maybe it’s the next level okay i guess i’m gonna buy some compasses ah all right i guess i just have to try with a different librarian villager which one of you is the most

Leveled up uh my mending village was pretty leveled up this is gonna take a long time to get some glass but it’ll be worth it because with that glass i’ll be able to craft my beacon now i also need to get some bones so i’ll spend the rest

Of the night gathering up some now instead of getting all my bones from the mob farm which is actually going pretty slowly i’m gonna go back to the nether to kill some more wither skeletons that way i can also farm for some skulls at the same time and wither skeletons

Actually do drop a pretty good amount of bones oh my god holy crap it’s just a wall of blazes wait a second hold on hold on i have a potion of fire resistance at home i should definitely go grab that oh you know what i have another wart now so i

Can actually make potions i have plenty of magma cream plenty of blaze rods but not plenty of bottles but it’s fine if i use all of them because we’re gonna get some glass from the villagers soon anyways and then we can use that to craft more bottles so with all of those

I’m gonna craft up some fire resistance potions there we go awkward potion and then magma cream potion of fire resistance and i’m gonna make them the extra long eight minute duration kinds okay why is this exploding why there’s stuff overflowing everywhere okay we got some fire resistance potions i’m gonna

Actually craft up some more almost there now i’m ready to go having these potions should make killing the blazes a lot more enjoyable let’s drink one of these oh my god there’s so many holy crap holy crap yeah we definitely need fire resistance for this look at this oh my

God this is actually crazy come on blazes i’m here to get bones and widow skeleton skulls i don’t care about blaze rods just go away oh i got a skull and the zombified pilgrim’s wearing it look at all the blaze rods just littered around the ground how many bones did i

Get 30 that’s not too bad and we also got a skull so it was definitely worth it look at all these wither skeletons let’s see if we can get some more skulls and i got another skull already the way for me to tell if i got a skull is if a

Zombified piglet picks it up and puts it on his head that still is just so funny to me it looks so weird like that because the ears and the nose still stick out that’s hilarious i have two skulls now i’m actually doing pretty well on bones now i’m not sure if it’s

Way faster than the mob farm but it’s definitely more fun let’s wait for some more things to spawn and i’m back at it again i haven’t gotten any more skulls yet but i am getting a lot oh well right as i say that i get one wait the wither

Skeleton is wearing the skull whoa that’s weird yeah look at that it’s head is bigger so this one’s wearing the skull that’s so weird is that a new thing i don’t think i’ve ever seen that before but as i was saying it’s going very well i’m getting a lot of bones and

I also just got my third skull so with that i’m gonna head back to the overworld and i need to get that librarian villager leveled up and then i can turn all of my bones into bone meal and i can start farming some more okay i

Have over a stack of emeralds now looks like he’s discounted a little bit we’re getting closer i really hope this one trades me glass i think i just have to buy three more books and then he’ll finally be upgraded i have been getting a bunch of coal from the wither skeleton

Farm so i might as well trade that now that my coal is finally renewable i don’t have to feel bad about trading it away for emeralds okay 23 emeralds and done okay let’s see is it the next level that they trade glass i don’t know i don’t think it worked i think it’s

Supposed to be unlocked at the journeyman stage why is it so impossible to get glass okay somehow i forgot to record this but check it out i finally got glass and then i used it to craft a beacon that was kind of an important part and i’m sorry i forgot to record it

But now i’m going to go back up to the iron farm and see how much i have because then i can use that to craft iron blocks to power the beacon okay there isn’t that much because i’ve mainly just been using all of it to sell

For emeralds but i do have 18 blocks now to make the beacon though i’m gonna have to tear down the mob farm since it’s gonna be in the way of the beacon beam i’ve gotten basically everything i need out of this farm and i can also relocate

It underground the iron farm can stay though since it doesn’t take up the entire sky and i can position the beacon beam to go around it alright here we go one of the first things that i built in this world and i’m tearing it all down alright i’m almost done i’ve torn down

Basically everything except for the water streams and the drop shoot this actually took quite a lot longer than i thought it would okay how am i gonna get over here i’m gonna try to go like this and the world also looks way better without this giant cobblestone box in

The sky and there we go a fully destroyed mob farm i just have to get rid of this up here on my roof it’s entirely filled with items i guess we’ll just have to go like this okay i sorted through all the important items everything else can just despawn over

There and i’m curious do i have every single music disc i’m going to organize them and see if i do i have every single one except for 11. and then obviously i can’t get other side or pixstep or 5 because those are unaccessible in this

World but all the ones that you can get from creepers i have okay that’s all taken care of and now i’m going to relocate the mob farm to be underground and right here is going to be the perfect place i just finished up the outline for the farm now all i have to

Do is finish the inside now it looks a little bit weird in some places like this and that’s because i had to account for the staircase coming down it still should work just fine though all right now to add all the spider proofing okay there we go just gonna need to stop the

Water from flowing with all of these signs now i can go back here and finish the drop shoe area i’m gonna be using campfires for this so i wanna make sure that the drop shoot is deep enough that the campfires don’t light up the inside

Up there i’m gonna light it up for now so i can see but i’m gonna build a little bit of a tunnel going this way and this is where our existing staircase is so i’m gonna make a second staircase going up and this will be the one that

Leads to the mob farm all right i’m gonna set up the chest and all the hoppers and now i can place the campfires on top like this and it should be all good to go i’m gonna head back up to the top and i’m gonna see if everything’s all good there’s still some

Torches in there so i’ll have to take those out to turn the farm on the campfires are deep enough that it doesn’t light any of this up which is amazing and then i guess i’ll go down to make sure it’s working okay it’s working now it’s fully automatic so i can just

Let it run in the background and then i’ll have a bunch of loot waiting for me whenever i come down here so with that all taken care of i’m gonna find a place to build the beacon and i think that place is gonna be right on top of the

Mob farm all right we’re at y34 so i’m gonna go back up to the top and find a place for the beacon beam to come out of it has to be a spot that avoids the iron farm so maybe somewhere like right here yeah i think that would look cool so

We’re gonna need some glass to separate this stuff it’s gonna need to be some glass right here and then there’s also gonna need to be some glass right there okay yep that looks straight up to the sky and then i’m gonna dig all the way

Down until i hit y34 okay y34 here we are i’m going to clear this whole section out now or at least a section big enough for a beacon now i don’t think i positioned this hole correctly because if i get a full power beacon then i think it’s going to run into the

World border i’m just going to see how big this has to be actually okay yeah it would have to be this big which means that the center would have to be right here okay so we just have to move the beacon beam over by one if i stand right

Here and if i look up yeah we’re fine it doesn’t interfere just a very slight miscalculation placing the beacon and then underneath it i’m only gonna have enough blocks for a level one beacon right now it’s better than nothing wait why did i not get the advancement wait

What don’t you get an advancement if you make a beacon if i break this and then if i place it again do i get the advancement what why is it broken maybe i accidentally placed it earlier or do you even get an advancement i don’t know

Yeah look bring home the beacon it says i haven’t gotten it yet well even though i didn’t get the advancement we finally got a beacon i don’t really know what i want to put on it right now speed is kind of useless because we’re in such a

Tiny world so i think i’m just going to add haste to it oh it looks very cool this world’s starting to look a little bit nicer now i still have some random stuff up there i’m not sure what i’m going to do about the iron farm yet

We’ll deal with that later but for now i want to finish building this room i think getting quartz blocks is gonna be way too difficult since i’m already struggling to get emeralds and these things are really expensive so instead i’m gonna find a different block to use

You know maybe i should use polished diorite alright i have 32 right here let’s see how it would look i don’t think it’s too bad actually having a little bit of texture makes it look kind of cool and it’s also significantly cheaper than using quartz blocks i

Actually don’t think i’ve ever used this block in minecraft okay i had enough for about two-thirds of the ceiling so now i need to come up with a way to get some more emeralds i’m gonna sell some sticks oh and i also have a lot of iron oh and

I also have stone wait okay i have plenty of things to trade i really should cure these guys but i couldn’t be bothered it’s too much work we only have 15 days left so it’s not worth it to build a huge contraption to cure these

Guys but i have a stock and a half of emeralds now it’s pretty good and there we go i just have to fill this in with some quartz and the room will be complete okay nice it looks a little funky but it’s better than dirt and grass now something that i’ve been

Wanting to do for quite a while is make a jukebox i have basically every single music disc except for 11 so i’m gonna craft one that was a good use of one diamond i’ll place the jukebox right here and what should be the first thing

That i play i really like strad so i think i’m gonna play strat first boop nice this is some very relaxing music to empty out my inventory too this music disc is so good i love it definitely my favorite of the old ones how much more

Iron do we have 38 cool all that iron should be enough to craft 23 more blocks nice and with those 23 more blocks i’m gonna go back down to the beacon and add them to it is it gonna be enough to fill it in ah we’re missing just two to make

A level two beacon okay it’s day 86 and i think it’s about time i start preparing for the wither fight my nether ward down here has been doing very good even though i only harvested just 10 right there wait what and with all this nether wart i’m going to craft up some

Potions now i don’t really have many of the ingredients to craft some of the better potions but i do have the ingredients to craft strength potions and that will definitely be useful in my fight against the wither lucky for me the recipe for strength potions is blaze

Powder and i have a ton of blaze rods i also want to make strength two potions so i’m going to be using glowstone dust to upgrade them there we go potion of strength let’s get a potion of strength too but i do need to go to the nether to

Get some more soul sand because right now i only have the skulls but not the soul sand to spawn the wither i’m gonna grab the rest of my gold and i actually have 16 gold ore and if you pop this into a furnace you can actually get one

Gold ingot per gold ore which is much better than the few nuggets that it would normally drop i’m also gonna craft all of my nuggets into ingots as well as my raw gold into ingots as well let’s head over to the nether oh wait i forgot

I tore down my portal i need to rebuild it oh there’s so many mobs down there oh my god yeah look at that how am i gonna make this work if i drop gold down will it work i got soul sound already and once again i feel like i’m speed running

Fighting just one wither that’s kind of boring and kind of easy i think i want to fight more than one wither at once because it is only day 87 and i have plenty of time to prepare for this fight so i think i’m going to spend a few more

Days gathering more weather skeleton skulls and i want to see how many i can get if i can fight maybe two maybe three withers at once i feel like that would be a real challenge i’m gonna stash away all the stuff the piglens traded me and

I’m gonna grab some more arrows and i’ll head back to the nether to gather up some more skulls okay let’s see what’s going on down here okay let me drink my potion of fire resistance and we’ll get to work plucking off all of these blazes it

Still amazes me every single time i do this just how many blazes there are i cannot believe it and also while i’m down here farming for some more gold will definitely be useful that way when i fight the wither i can use golden apples oh i got a skull it’s funny the

Way that i can tell if i get a skull now is if a zombified piglet picks it up and wears it it’s like a blaze machine gun this bow is probably the best thing that i own in this world aside from my feather falling four boots time to farm

Oh i got a skull oh the baby’s wearing the skull oh what the heck ah there’s so many i need to run away these babies are so hard to hit i got a little close to dying there but i did get a fifth skull so i think it was worth it all right

I’ve been at it for a little while and i’m all out of fire resistance potions and my bow is actually looking pretty low what the heck but anyways what i think i’m gonna do is head home put mending on my bow and craft some more oh god and

Craft some more potions of fire resistance and i’m gonna head down to my mending villager and i’m gonna buy a mending book now i can add this to my bow oh it costs 33 levels holy crap okay well at least i had the levels that was insanely expensive there we go let’s

Head back to the nether for just one more day and i want to see if i can get six wither skeleton skulls and look at all that xp on the floor just waiting to heal my bow look at that my bow’s already healed nice i think i just got a

Skull i didn’t wait what i thought i saw one oh there it is okay the wither skeleton was wearing it look at the little baby wearing it that’s so funny six weather skeleton skulls i think that’s good for now it took quite a long time to get those next three so i don’t

Think i’ll be going for nine and plus if i fought three withers i’d probably die to be honest all right let’s head back home let’s just beam this guy away bing day 90. i’m gonna craft up all the nuggets i got into ingots okay 22. then

I’m gonna go get some apples and i think i should be able to craft just a few golden apples one for each wither i guess now apart for some food i think i have everything i need i’m gonna grab my emeralds again and i’m gonna go buy some

Food from these guys oh wait he sells glistering melons wait i can use these to make potions over generation all right i’m also gonna buy some more glass give me all the glass you have thank you now i’m going to craft these into glass bottles fill them all up with water plop

Them in here and craft up some potions of healing oh they’re called instant health potions okay now i’m going to use some glowstone to make them instant health too and then some gunpowder to make it splash potions all right i’m gonna craft up six of these and realistically i’m probably only gonna

Use like two or something but it’s nice to have the extras and there we go my inventory to fight the wither now the next thing i have to do is get the materials to get up onto the nether roof i have ender pearls i have ladders but i

Need to get some more obsidian to make a portal i’m not sure how much i have right now oh i have nine okay so i only have to get one more i’m gonna head back down to my lava pool over here and get the last piece of obsidian that i need

Sounds like the mob phone is working pretty good why are there so many glowing sacks it’s a mob farm and a glow squid farm all right i should be getting close to the lava down here yep okay it’s already obsidian for me here we go 10 pieces and i could not forget to

Bring a flint and steel because otherwise i’m gonna be stuck on the roof forever flint and steel here we go the sun is setting so i’m going to have a quick sleep and here we go oh there’s a piglet up here ah he’s got a fire aspect sword okay

Here’s a good piece of bedrock right here and i just need to build a ladder going up to it before i go i have to make sure 10 obsidian and a flint and steel okay the last thing i want is to get stuck up there forever here we are

We’re on the roof this is gonna be scary guys okay now to just get the weather set up why am i doing this here we go go okay i need to stand back for the explosions and then right when they’re about to go i’m gonna drink my potion of

Strength okay here we go okay here they are uh i’m not even landing any hits okay there we go okay i gotta eat my aim is really bad right now oh god okay finally i’m doing some good hits okay one of them should be on half

Health soon okay i’m gonna focus on this one first it’s easier to fight one at a time okay this one’s almost dead oh so am i oh my god i gotta eat this one’s almost dead oh i’m getting sent up okay i killed one wow this actually seems way easier with

Just one now and i’m actually landing my hits now for some reason it’s almost on half health here we go ah easy peasy here we go and done oh my god that was intense i got kind of close to dying there and like i said i knew i wasn’t even gonna use these

Potions can’t believe that that was actually successful that was pretty intense oh my god i just had a heart attack i didn’t see my flint and steel i thought i left it at home that would have been terrible now the real question is where are these portals gonna link did i just

Kind of get rid of all of my access to the nether oh no i didn’t okay so it looks like it ignores the portal on the roof that’s nice okay we did it i fought two withers at once now my iron farm has been going the entire time that i’ve

Been doing all that i’d imagine that there’s quite a bit of iron waiting for me oh my armor took quite a beating especially my helmet look at that half health oh yes there is quite a bit of iron i’m gonna hit a celebratory l okay well i started i was gonna say i’m

Gonna hit a celebratory mlg water all right let’s turn all of these into blocks of iron ooh 56 and then i’m gonna grab my glass and i also need to get some more obsidian i’m gonna turn these into beacons as well so i need to go

Back down to the lava pool to mine up six more obsidian too bad my haste beacon doesn’t work down here but efficiency four does make it go quite fast all right and now to just turn these two into beacons there we go two more beacons now i’m

Gonna jump back down to my beacon and i’m gonna expand it to hold two more beacons i’m not even sure if this is gonna work because the iron farm might be in the way but it’s still worth a try then i’m gonna get started on level three i’m not gonna have enough blocks

For it but i’ll still just add these for now this is a pretty chunky looking beacon and i need to clear out a path for their beams oh yeah i think i’m gonna run into the iron farm oh no they both work okay perfect now i’m gonna come back down here

And put some effects on them i’ll put resistance on this one and i’ll put jump boost on this one i’m slowly closing in on some good beacon effects i just need to get some max level beacons so i can get the best ones and today i’m going to

Work on fixing up my villager setup there’s quite a bit of guys that have jobs down here and this is where they’re supposed to be so i’m gonna get them moved upstairs i’m gonna break all their work stations all right let’s move the workstations upstairs but i have to make

Some more pods over here so for that i’m gonna need some deep slight brick walls the librarians will go right here i’ll have them all in a row like this all right guys path fine to your job blocks please that was very easy there we go in

You go but there we go i got all the librarians in now i just have two more fletchers to move i’m gonna build them stations over here oh it’s uneven that’s gonna bother me why wait how can i make this even oh i hate it oh this is gonna

Annoy me sorry guys but it’s just how it’s gonna have to be just don’t look too close at it let’s put the two fletchers up here then we’ll let them path find to their jobs now what are the other villagers that i want to get i

Have librarians i have all the guys that sell me tools and armor i have farmers i have masons i think i’m gonna try a butcher butchers use smokers let’s see what kind of trades these guys have hello does anybody want to be a butcher down here there we go oh rabbit stew i

Don’t think i’ve ever tried rabbit stew in minecraft how is it is it good oh it’s pretty good let’s upgrade you i’m curious to see what you have next oh don’t go to sleep now please oh he sells chicken a butcher’s kind of useful the villagers are all going to sleep so i’ll

Do the same now after seeing this cooked chicken it reminded me of something remember all the way at the start of the world when i had that one chicken and it got murdered by an ocelot now ever since then i’ve always wanted a chicken in this world and we never had the

Opportunity to get one so i think i’m gonna go ahead and try to get one so i’m gonna head down to the mob farm and i’m gonna convert it into a manual mob farm and baby zombies riding chickens do spawn occasionally so i should be able

To single out the chicken and rescue it yeah see how there’s chicken and feathers in here that means that chickens are spawning but i mean they’re just instantly dying to this so i’m gonna get rid of these campfires right here and turn this farm into a chicken

Rescuing farm all right i wonder how long it’s gonna take to get a chicken oh my gosh i just found a chicken but i killed it on accident okay i still haven’t found another chicken yet i’m really regretting accidentally killing that other one come on mob farm

I need to rescue a chicken please oh my gosh look a chicken okay i need to be extremely careful not to kill it okay i’m gonna turn on hitboxes actually just to be extra safe if i kill this chicken i’m actually gonna cry okay i see it

Right there i need to make sure not to hit it at all and before i do that i actually need to make sure no other mobs come in here i’m gonna block off the drop shoot there we go now nothing else can come down i see it oh my god one

Last zombie okay and then there was just one chicken oh i need to not hit the chicken i need to be careful okay oh it’s annoying okay i did it i have a chicken now hello oh yes it’s working now since this chicken spawned with a zombie on top of

It it actually has the same spawning rules as a hostile mob so i need to be careful that this thing does not despawn i actually have a load of name tags so i’m gonna use those to name the chicken and that way it will also never despawn after my first chicken being brutally

Murdered i finally have chickens in this world again here we are all right let’s grab a name tag as soon as possible i really don’t know what i’m gonna name this thing what should i name it um oh this is so hard i don’t know what to

Name it i think i’m gonna name it e it’s an extremely stupid name this is the best that i could come up with guys all right i’m also gonna grab some fences and i’m gonna make a little enclosure for this guy come here e you guys know how like people in like

Youtube live streams or just on comments will just comment e i’m naming the chicken after all of those people all right i have the chicken now i don’t know if it’s gonna lay any eggs i mean it should be just a normal chicken so maybe it will but i’m gonna give it some

Seeds oh look at that it loves me and i guess i’ll wait to see if this guy lays eggs but for the time being i literally just noticed this but i don’t even have a floor in my house i can’t believe i didn’t notice it all this time so the

Next thing i’m gonna do is add a floor to my house when i was down there at the mob farm trying to get the chicken it just dawned on me i was like wait i don’t even have a floor in my house all right what should i use i want to use

Something cool something that looks good um oh should we be weird and use that pink glazed terracotta wait would that even look good let’s see okay now that looks really stupid let’s see what other kind of terracotta the masons are selling okay he’s selling light gray glazed terracotta would that look cool i

Don’t know i don’t like it looks kind of ugly to be honest i think i’m just gonna go with some good old deep slate bricks and i’m gonna turn them into slabs so i can get even more out of it it matches the roof everything looks nice i think

Our chicken has the same problem as the one that we had at the start of the world it’s not laying oops it’s not laying any eggs my house is somewhat a little bit more complete i’m gonna do a little bit of landscaping around it because i want things to look nice and

Polished i’m gonna just do a little bit of bone mealing around here nice yeah look at that i think i’m gonna grow a tree somewhere that’s not exactly what i wanted but that’s fine i didn’t want the tree anyways i wanted the leaves i’m gonna craft some shears and gather up

All of these leaves and i’m gonna use some leaves to kind of decorate the outside of my house leaves make everything look better oh it’s thundering outside okay i’m gonna sleep real quick all right back to the task at hand i need to get some shepherd villagers i only have enough string for

Two but that should be fine let’s come down here and turn two of you guys into shepherds oh that is a lot of iron i’m only gonna turn a little bit into emeralds just enough to upgrade the shepherd please give me white or red wool please please please ah cyan wool

Oh okay i got red wool that’s actually exactly what i wanted i’m gonna buy four of these and you guys will see why i’m doing this very soon but i still don’t have any white wool ah all right instead of white wool i’m gonna be using polish

Diorites and i also need to find a way to get yellow wool instead of yellow or orange i think i might just use magma blocks oh god this is gonna look so janky it’s gonna be funny though and then i also need to buy some polish diorite okay and then i need something

Black um black terracotta i just need two pieces wait is this really black this is not black oh black terracotta okay i thought they meant black concrete i was like that is brown this mysterious thing that i want to build is gonna go on top of my house oh this is gonna be

So hard to make i really need something yellow it’s not gonna look good unless i can use something yellow oh i can use hay bales i need to come down to the micro crop farm here and i need to grow some wheat this is the last project that

I want to complete in these hundred days and i really want it to look good you guys will see what it is very soon trust me i’m trying to keep it a secret why have you not laid a single egg i don’t know maybe it’s because it’s spawn as a

Hostile mob but after a long day of preparations i have almost everything i need for the secret build i just need a few more things and one of those things is actually oak wood this is definitely gonna look extremely janky but it’s the best i can do in such

A small world all right i’m gonna get started on the build i’m not really following a tutorial or anything here i’m kind of just looking at a picture so this might turn out horrible and then along the back sides i do trap doors oh my god

This is gonna look so funny okay and then on top of here place some blocks yeah i think it’s supposed to go like this i think it’s going fairly well all right now i start building up the shape of it i don’t know how this is going to

Look this already looks very interesting okay now the photo that i’m looking at i’m not really following the exact proportions so i think this might end up looking pretty pretty weird oh no i’m out of polish diorite i need to go buy some all right you guys might already be

Able to tell what it is so i’m going to try not to look at it until it’s done because if you look at it it kind of looks like what i’m trying to build and i want it to be a surprise now we add the black terracotta the proportions are

So wrong but i’m just gonna roll with it gotta make sure to put a torch in here so it doesn’t become a mob farm and then one on top as well okay you can really see what it is right now so i’m trying not to show it i just need to go under

And add the red right here okay i think the build is done it’s night time so i’m gonna go to sleep and i’ll show you all on day 100. okay it’s day 100 it’s time to show off the build so first take a look at this okay soak it all in just

Really make sure you see what it looks like now look at this oh wait it actually looks good wait what i did not expect it to look that good this is kind of my first time seeing it too whoa wait it looks really good it’s

A little chicken i gotta get rid of the leaves next to it whoa that turned out actually way better than i thought using those hay bales for the beak actually worked pretty good i really did not expect it to look that good i’m really glad that i didn’t use magma blocks but

Check it out we now have a giant chicken shrine commemorating our long-lost friend who died all the way around day two may he rest in peace alright that was a hundred days in one chunk this was actually so much fun and i was able to

Do so much more than i thought i was gonna be able to and i really hope you guys enjoyed this video as much as i did but with that being said i’ll see you guys all in the next video bye bye say goodbye

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days in ONE CHUNK in Minecraft Hardcore…’, was uploaded by Julien Azelart on 2022-08-04 15:00:20. It has garnered 704881 views and 5342 likes. The duration of the video is 01:50:46 or 6646 seconds.

Today, I survive 100 days in Hardcore Minecraft in just a one chunk world! This hardcore survival challenge is insane, and every resource is limited! Mobs spawn like crazy, and getting resources is a real challenge. Similar to skyblock or other small world challenges, some resources are totally inaccessible, and almost all of them are very limited. This makes surviving much harder, and arguably more fun! I hope you enjoy the video!

Become a channel member for exclusive perks!⚡️https://www.youtube.com/c/JulienAzelart/join Discord!⚡️https://discord.gg/kBwzdgTzgq Other socials⚡️https://linktr.ee/julienazelart

Where I get my music: https://share.epidemicsound.com/95bjp4

Receive 25% off your first month on a server from Shockbyte with code “JULIEN25” !! https://shockbyte.com/partner/julienazelart

Email for business inquiries: [email protected]

This is a Hardcore Minecraft video, a 100 days or a Minecraft, But video. This video is also 100 days but it’s a single chunk, and I survived 100 days in Hardcore Minecraft in just one chunk and 100 Days but I Can’t Leave This Chunk… This is a Minecraft Hardcore survival challenge, a Minecraft One Chunk Challenge in 100 Days, Minecraft, But I Can’t Leave This Chunk (#1). This is similar to skyblock or hypixel skyblock other world border challenges like 100 by 100 by Yeah Jaron. Also, aCookieGod and NiftySmith have done similar challenges, but in this video I use a world border, which makes the challenge far more difficult.

#Minecraft #Hardcore #LetsPlay #JulienAzelart #100days #onechunk

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  • Minecraft Madness with Yu Q. Wilson – We’re Back!

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  • Moonbat smp

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  • Bifrost SMP – Semi-Vanilla, Whitelist, Events, HermitCraft-like, 1.20.6, 16+

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  • TreasuryCraft | 1.20.6 | Economy | Rank System | Custom Plugins | Custom Gear | Friendly Community

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    Minecraft Memes - Flaming Torch-tastic!Looks like this meme is really lighting up the charts! Read More

  • Mastering Ender Tower: Level Up in Minecraft 1.21!

    Mastering Ender Tower: Level Up in Minecraft 1.21! In Minecraft 1.21, the Ender Experience Tower shines, A place to level up and enchant, a true goldmine. Gather materials, do your homework, and build with care, Soon you’ll be the master, with tools beyond compare. Redstone mechanisms, a collector to create, Skip if you wish, focus on the Tower’s fate. From zero to enchanting master, a journey so grand, With each level gained, you’ll rule the land. So subscribe, like, and share, spread the word around, Let’s dive into Minecraft, where adventure is found. From weapons to armor, and creatures to explore, In this blocky world, there’s always… Read More

  • Shulker sent me spicy meme drop! 🔥

    Shulker sent me spicy meme drop! 🔥 Looks like even Shulkers are getting in on the meme game now! Watch out for those surprise airdrops, you never know what you might get! #memeception #minecraftmemevasion Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Trading Glitch Guide

    Ultimate Minecraft Trading Glitch Guide Minecraft Trading Duplication Glitch Tutorial (Multiplayer) – Java 1.21 Are you looking to gain an edge in your Minecraft multiplayer experience? Look no further! This comprehensive tutorial will guide you through the steps of a working Minecraft Java 1.21 duplication glitch. By mastering these techniques, you’ll be able to duplicate items efficiently through the trade GUI, giving you a significant advantage on your server. First Duplicate Items Glitch One of the key techniques in duplicating items in Minecraft Java 1.21 involves manipulating trade packets. By carefully timing your trades and utilizing specific methods, you can duplicate items seamlessly. This… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Debut! Must Watch Proplayer102’s First Day #viral

    EPIC Minecraft Debut! Must Watch Proplayer102's First Day #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘my first day in minecraft. full video in channel #minecraft #shorts #viral’, was uploaded by proplayer102 on 2024-04-25 12:43:43. It has garnered 176 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. 1. #Minecraft 2. #Gaming 3. #VideoGames 4. #Adventure 5. #Building 6. #Survival 7. #Crafting 8. #Exploration 9. #Creativity 10. #Multiplayer 11. #Redstone 12. #Mods 13. #PixelArt 14. #BlockWorld 15. #Sandbox 16. #Mining 17. #Construction 18. #OnlineGaming 19. #VirtualWorld 20. #IndieGame 21. #Community 22. #ResourceGathering 23. #BuildingBlocks 24. #OpenWorld 25. #Imagination 26. #Gameplay 27. #Architecture 28. #Fantasy 29. #DigitalArt… Read More

  • Chiefxd Takes on Skyblock’s Scariest Mod

    Chiefxd Takes on Skyblock's Scariest ModVideo Information This video, titled ‘Conquering Minecraft’s Scariest Mod in Skyblock’, was uploaded by Chiefxd on 2024-05-17 16:21:28. It has garnered 70143 views and 3783 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:41 or 2081 seconds. This is the FINALE of scariest skyblock video series ever! The man from the fog is terrifying and herobrine constantly haunts my world. Why did I think to add them BOTH to my minecraft skyblock world…. this isn’t going to end well…. After watching Calvin play with this horror mod and his video titled I Added HEROBRINE to my Hardcore World.. Minecraft: From The… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Bingo Challenge – EPIC SMP Gameplay!

    Insane Minecraft Bingo Challenge - EPIC SMP Gameplay!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Played Minecraft Bingo on This SMP’, was uploaded by Extreme Jay on 2024-06-13 16:15:06. It has garnered 77 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:45 or 405 seconds. I Played Minecraft Bingo on This SMP In today’s video I hosted Bingo but in Minecraft, and it was pretty intense Enjoy The Video!!! Second Channel: ​⁠@ExtremelyJay_ Geography Channel: ​⁠@ExtremeGeography_ Loyalty Public Discord Server: https://discord.gg/JRfEAKGszE Discord: https://discord.gg/5jP4BHMX8E Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/Omittedjay Other Loyalty Members: ​​⁠@tom4thew1n25 ​⁠@AtomicTheEnderman ​⁠@clash12391 ​​⁠@StarZDunkZ ​⁠@JustRyne ​⁠​⁠@asgardzz ​⁠​⁠@axaven ​⁠@SurRisen ​⁠@Axolox_ ​⁠@bladestorm1745 ​⁠@estaexp ​⁠@Jplays225 ​⁠@EnriquePig ​⁠@Clydenical ​⁠@zackYT_ (he also let me use… Read More