JWhisp – Minecraft: Defeating the Dragon & Getting Rich! – Survival Let’s play | Ep 7

Video Information

Hey guys what’s up j wisp here and welcome to episode 7 of the minecraft survival let’s play here we are back in our world so lately we’ve been working on a lot of enchanting stuff we have a villager trapped in a house over here that will give us a mending book

And we also have a full level 30 enchantment table and because of that i want to do some enchantments but i don’t really have a lot of xp and there’s only two real ways i like to get xp in minecraft the first is obviously defeating the end dragon

And the second is to make a super efficient xp farm but the only xp farms i find that really work super well and that i like making are enderman farms and i can’t do that until i defeat the dragon so today we’re gonna do that we’re gonna defeat

The dragon off camera a little bit i’ve been doing some enderman hunting and then i went to the uh fortress right near our nether spawn right over there and got some blaze powder and blaze rods so we’re all set the enderman hunting was also pretty fun because it got me some xp

And i did do one bow enchantment to level 30 and i was able to get a pretty decent bow we got power four flame no infinity unfortunately i would love infinity i don’t even care about flame but it’s still pretty good i also made some arrows we have some spectral

Arrows from one of the chests in the piglen bastion but i also made some arrows because we have tons of feathers from this chicken farm right here and then i just dug up some gravel for flynn so we have arrows we have pretty much everything i need

So i want to get myself totally stacked and i’m going to go and just defeat the dragon now what i want to bring i want to bring some water buckets with me i also want to bring a few okay here it is i want to bring some cobblestone with

Me i want some building blocks so i can take down those towers and once we have all of this i think we’re pretty set some people like to bring potions with them uh i’m not too worried about that let’s just make these eye of enders and start heading towards the portal i don’t

Have too many i didn’t want to do too much enderman hunting but 25 i feel like oh they’re okay we’re lagging i feel like 25 should be enough oh no wait come back i want it no uh i feel like 25 should be enough because we can hopefully collect a lot

Of them i always end up getting more than i need so we just need to head this way hopefully the stronghold isn’t too far but i’ll update you guys once i get there all right so i’ve been traveling around for a while we’re really close to the

Stronghold it’s like right on top of this island but i found a few cool things so there’s a ruined portal right here under the water i don’t know i haven’t seen something like this before this seems kind of weird but i just want to come in here and rate it all i want

To take the gold blocks and whatever is in the chest so i mean that was a pretty lucky find hopefully there’s some other cool stuff we can also find down here i’m not sure let’s go up for air really fast okay we’re okay but yeah i don’t know i

Just thought that was interesting because we have this and there’s also something interesting right over there that’s going to make my life a lot easier what do we have in here i’ll take the flint to make arrows actually i’ll take the iron nuggets i’ll take the apples anything else i

Want um oh actually i will take the silk touch shovel just because i don’t have anything silk touch yet but i was looking around seeing if hopefully i wouldn’t have to dig and thankfully i don’t have to dig too much because i was looking around the island

I didn’t see any entrance to the stronghold but right under here under all these plants there is a tiny part of the stronghold now most of the stronghold is underground i think probably but there is a little bit right here and i’m super excited about this because finding a stronghold underwater

Is a super rare oh there we go it’s a super rare occurrence in minecraft so okay we’re in we’re in here let’s see hopefully we can find something cool oh oh my gosh there’s an abandoned mine shaft right next to this stronghold i feel like i just keep getting so much unbelievable luck

It’s crazy in minecraft okay where was that one chest oh this is kind of weird okay there’s a lot of stuff around here i want to be careful there’s a lot of holes i just want to find that chest man where was it i think i saw it right when i was

Coming in is it oh there it is okay let’s snatch you uh oh piercing and breaking up okay i don’t need the piercing i’m getting shot at let’s try to go through other parts of this stronghold and see what else we can find because there’s an abandoned mine shaft

That’s spawned literally like right inside of this so i’m hoping it didn’t mess up the stronghold just ender pearls okay i’m hoping it didn’t mess up the stronghold spawning too badly hopefully it didn’t affect the portal at all because sometimes when two structures generate on top of each other one sort of

Takes dominance and takes control um and they can tend to break each other so what’s our y level okay we’re not low enough for diamonds unfortunately but this is kind of cool they’re just intertwined within each other i really like this let’s see anything nearby i think that

Chest might be the one we got let’s see i really just want to find the portal because this is so weird this is like totally destroyed there’s just this cave this mine shaft i can’t even see it like look the stronghold’s right there but like so is this mine shaft how do i

Jump down here without dying let’s just jump in the water oh my gosh this is insane i mean i’m not complaining like this is pretty cool but oh my gosh this is crazy those of you using this seed uh have fun because this is insane hopefully finding the portal won’t be

Too bad though usually it doesn’t take me too long i’m just going to go through here hopefully steal all the stuff from the chests too i’ll take the apple so we can make golden apples let’s see is this just lava i think so more parts of the mine shaft

Because if certain rooms of this got destroyed that really sucked because it seems like there’s lots of holes and stuff this isn’t a complete stronghold just because the mine shaft kind of messed it up like here’s is this a furnace minecart what is this i don’t

Even know what’s going on i haven’t seen this before in minecraft but this is pretty cool oh no this there is a chest oh wait how do i okay there we go uh oh name tag i’ll take that okay let’s also take the torches so i can actually see what’s going on

Okay so this is the abandoned mine shaft i don’t want to explore this yet but i might explore it later to see if we find anything cool um more of the stronghold this is insane i don’t know what’s going on okay there’s another chest like this stronghold is totally destroyed

So i’m really hoping it doesn’t mess this up because if i have to find a different stronghold i’m gonna have to travel literally thousands of blocks away and just hope i’m far enough from this one that my eyes of ender won’t try to navigate to this okay seems

Like i’m just going in circles here so i’m gonna try to find the portal and uh hopefully hopefully things work out for me because i really don’t know what’s going on here i was having a lot of trouble finding this portal and for a minute i actually thought

Maybe there’s just not a portal like honestly i was searching through here for so long going through every door literally probably for the past half hour because this whole thing is so confusing and then i had an idea and if you look at my subtitles maybe you saw it i turned on my

Subtitles and thought what if i just look for silverfish sounds because if there’s a silverfish that means i’m probably close enough to trigger the spawner and that i did and once i just kept walking towards the sounds we found it so here we go we are i’m

Actually going to break the spawner i don’t i don’t care about silverfish um damn we only got one eye in but it’s okay we don’t need the rest of these here we go we have the portal i’m gonna block up the lava because because i don’t like it but i don’t know

It was taking me so long so hopefully that’s a little tip i never thought about doing that i always use subtitles in minecraft i’ve never thought about using them to find the stronghold though i seem to always have trouble finding the portal so i don’t know it worked out for me so

Let’s head in and uh hopefully hopefully we don’t die let’s see okay oh we’re far away from the main island i want to be careful here i don’t want this dragon to hit me off here we go we’re in the end okay let’s be really careful i want to turn off my

Subtitles in a second so we can do that let’s head up here though and kind of get a good feel for the area turn off the subtitles and i guess let’s start this fight my inventory is also completely stuffed with all this random stuff i’m gonna throw i don’t need that for now

I’ll keep the ender pearls i have to keep the water down here i also need my blocks i guess i want the ender pearls are probably useful i won’t need my axe i’m just trying to totally organize my inventory think of everything i’ll need i need food for sure

We have the arrows i’ll also equip the shield i have two shields that’s cool um and i think we should be good i just want to be very careful i don’t want to accidentally die here do do something stupid i really just want to defeat this dragon and get all the xp

So we can do tons of enchanting and get totally stacked with our armor and weapons so okay how many of these iron box boys do we have maybe if i just get on top of the tallest tower that would be our best strat so that i

Can just shoot the rest down so i’m gonna head up here this dragon’s trying to get me hopefully he doesn’t knock me off i’m just gonna try to play it safe enderman don’t look at me okay we can do this i hear the dragon he’s close i’m scared i’m getting

I place the water just to be safe okay oh no she’s coming for me oh but the endermen are chasing him too okay be really careful want to be safe about this okay oh that did a lot that did a lot okay we can hopefully shoot down a lot of these from here

Without any trouble i don’t want to waste too many of my arrows on this so i’ll try to do my best oh okay we’re having good shots can i get this one is it too far come on please please please don’t be too far

No i got it oh i got it look at that okay i might be able to get all of these except for the ones with the iron bars let’s see this one might actually be too far oh i got it okay so we have that one in that

One and those are the only two left so let’s use the water to get ourselves down and we should be okay this will also protect us from the endermen okay we’re doing pretty good so far i feel confident are they coming from here are they coming for the dragon i don’t know

I’m just gonna keep running i’ll look down hopefully they don’t see me i’m getting attacked by something it’s probably the enderman we’re gonna just have to build up to these towers so i’ll play it as safe as i can are there anyone chasing me oh okay

There’s one he’s mad at me i’m sorry dude i’m just gonna ignore him for now i think we’ll be okay oh i forgot one thing i totally forgot about bringing glass bottles for the dragon’s breath that’s the one thing i always forget about okay um water okay my water just glitched out

I was gonna say i don’t know what happened there but uh well things could be worse okay what do i do about this i sleep make it daytime i think i think i have an idea okay i died i didn’t expect the dragon to knock me

Off i was just trying to go down okay let’s do this let’s gather all the extra resources i have make our way back i don’t think this would be too bad though i think we’ll be okay and the reason i think we’ll be okay i

Don’t know why i think we’ll be okay i don’t think we’ll be okay we can grab our stuff i think what i can do i know my way back to the portal it was sort of a far walk however i should hopefully have enough food for my farm

And then all i have to do is just quick jump into the end get my stuff and we can defeat the dragon that was really dumb on my part honestly i should have been more careful i forgot the dragon’s breath had a little bit of a sort of knock back

Effect unless the dragon hit me i’m not sure i think we’ll be okay though i’m not too sad about losing those 27 levels because once we finally destroy this dragon it’ll be game over we got one of those towers we only have one more left actually let’s just use

Our cooked chicken i won’t bring all of it in case we die again because my inventory is pretty full besides this what do i need i need a few other things let’s bring some wood because i’ll need a boat and then let’s bring this pickaxe and i think with this we’ll be okay

Okay we made it back i mind a few random blocks because i realized yeah there we go i probably need some blocks to get back if i die again i’m just going to give up because i’m not a good minecrafter but let’s see i think oh i might need some more blocks

Actually i think we’ll be okay hopefully i can just grab my stuff hopefully it hasn’t despawned i don’t think it’s been enough time for it to despawn but let’s see where did i fall i think i fell off of that tower with a big cobblestone pillar please no enderman come for me

Oh yes there’s my stuff why do i have so much stuff over here we’re gonna need to take some time to organize my inventory so let me just grab everything i can just be careful though okay here’s most of my stuff i don’t even think i’ll be

Able to pick it all up because my inventory is going to be full okay the dragon’s shooting at me i have to move oh please give me a chance i just want my stuff okay here let me just get rid of these random blocks i don’t have time to look in my inventory

Oh boy this is this is this is rough okay i’ll get the golden apples let’s get the cobblestone what else do i need do i need anything else i think we’re okay what else do i have in here okay let’s see protection one boots protection one helmet

Come on give me my stuff if i just watch it d spawn i’m gonna be so sad okay the dragon’s chilling down there we should be good hopefully this stuff fizzles out soon there we go oh he’s not happy okay mlg water bucket there we go okay let’s grab this stuff now

All i’m gonna do is encase myself so i can totally protect myself um i want my axe thanks and i want my shield cool okay we’re good so okay i think we’re okay i’m just gonna do this really fast hold on we should be safe inside of here

Right nope okay we’re not safe we’re not safe i just want to protect myself i want to organize my inventory so i’m okay okay let’s grab the chicken instead of the bread this will keep us fuller longer what do we still have to do there’s one tower left it’s this one okay

Let’s get this tower and we should be okay let me get my cobblestone out i have the water bucket i’m gonna eat a golden apple just because i’m low on health i’m taking this seriously now thankfully we got the golden apples from the chest here i’ll place this water down here

Just in case just so we have it in case i do fall i’m not taking any chances this time okay i think we got this i can get away from you please okay we’re good we’re good let’s grab this water and i think we’re set i think we can now

Focus on okay this is the correct sword we can focus on just killing this dragon right no more regenerating here’s a random ender pearl i’ll take it where’s the dragon at let’s see if we can get a couple shots on her so she starts hitting me come on

Okay i don’t think there’s any more pillars for her to regenerate from let’s just keep running away from this my accuracy is so bad oh my gosh okay there we go we just got the ta game achievement beautiful the bow does a decent amount of damage

So i’m cool with that most of our damage though is going to come from when the dragon lands and we can hit it with our sword so let’s try to see what we can do maybe i’ll just wait for the dragon to land and purely hurt it once it comes down here

Come on the only thing we have to watch out for is when the dragon shoots us into the sky at the end of this we have to be really careful we gotta hit it from the back no pun intended come on where can i hurt you i

Don’t want to get too close to your wings you hurt too much there we go okay we’re doing good damage i think we’re set Okay dragons okay good the dragon was about to fly off i think we’re good are you gonna fly off now no okay we got enderman let’s place this water get away from me there we go okay we can take care of the enderman once i reject who’s the one coming for

Me where are you you want to fight bro come fight me okay maybe you shouldn’t fight me oh we have too many enderman now okay let’s place this water here how many of them are mad at me i just want to fight the dragon i don’t want to fight you

Okay let’s regenerate to full health first dragon’s gonna shoot it up so we gotta move let’s head over here away from the dragon dragon’s almost down to half health so i think we’re pretty much okay i can take on the two enderman i really wish i got a better sword before i did

This maybe that’s my only regret okay just come towards me fight me like a man oh this is not my day is it not even gonna lie at this point i’m just embarrassed i should just make a montage of all the times i die i hit underground though so hopefully i

Could be okay i also got one swing on the ender dragon on my way here i just made a new set of iron armor and then threw half my drops off the edge because i didn’t want to deal with the full inventory hopefully we’ll be okay now i’m kind of

Embarrassed because normally i don’t die this much but then again i was thinking about it normally i don’t fight the dragon until i have full level 30 enchanted armor and weapons so for me uh it’s a little bit of a risk but you know what i’m fine with it it’s

Still going to be worth it we’re going to get the xp and we’re going to kill the okay that definitely hit and we’re going to kill the dragon get away from me man just let me kill you it’s not that difficult come on it’s not that deep

Oh please okay we got one hit on him we’re gonna do we might be able to if we can get a few good bow shots we might be able to finish off the dragon after it lands one more time maybe two more times max so hopefully the dragon will come down

Soon i’m really hoping i don’t want to waste all my arrows what is he using okay i’m not sure which arrows it’s using let’s see come on come down here dragon okay we got the particle effects will be okay shoot it a few times hopefully this will be the end of it

Watch the dragon shoot me into the air and kill me again i’d be really mad okay let’s get away from you oh the dragon didn’t even calm down okay oh my this is this is so tragic i just want to kill you man give me the xp

Please i’m trying my hardest here i i look like such a minecraft noob because i can’t even kill the ender dragon just trying to be as careful as i can maybe i’ll just take him down with just bow shots only who needs a sword honestly just bows only okay this is definitely

The end of the dragon right here can i hit you from behind or no okay that’s a no what come back here okay you know what the dragon won’t land for me it’s bows bows all the way unless i run out of arrows which i’m about to oh my god

I’m gonna have to need like one more arrow to be able to kill the dragon i can’t miss any shots i’m just gonna wait for the dragon to get closer i have two arrows we’re doing great wait can i pick up some of these oh wait i

Can look at that i can pick up my arrows i forgot about that okay maybe we can finish this dragon off some of the arrows are far away as long as the endermen don’t come for me oh okay never mind they’re coming for me right as i say that i jinxed myself

Okay i need to get to a flat area that i can place down water anywhere okay let’s go over here instead i’ll drag him i’ll place the water eat a golden apple we’ll be okay dragon’s so close though maybe i should just go for the dragon

I don’t even know okay here we go and the water won’t spread why is my game glitching so much thank you oh my gosh this really this game does not want me to win today minecraft just wants me to die okay hopefully the dragon doesn’t shoot

Me or else that could do a lot of damage to me let me just kill you please it can’t be that many hits to kill them is it okay the dragon’s coming i might have to move soon okay we got one down okay ender dragon’s far away

How many swings okay let’s finish off this dragon right here right now please please please don’t fly okay and you flew away i have three arrows can i finish this fight in three arrows is the main question here this game really does not want me to win

Of course the water had to glitch like three times today would you get away from me oh i hit it how’d i hit the dragon oh like one more hit in the drag instead okay the dragon shot me let’s eat some chicken take care of this enderman one more hit

I have one more arrow i don’t know if i can do it though the dragon shot me again i’m eating my golden apple okay i think i can pick up this water look i’m trying to kill the dragon enderman i’m doing you a favor literally one more shot in this dude’s

Dead maybe two i have to land this i really can’t mess it up i just have to keep looking at the ground please don’t fight me i’m not here to hurt you i can’t i feel like i can’t look at the sky or else the dragons oh the endermen are gonna kill me

Please come down please if i can get a clear shot maybe just maybe are there any more arrows lying around here please please just give me an arrow okay you’re up there i’m so stressed right now please be flying down please just come down please let me kill you

You’re so close i hate this so much this is the worst feeling ever oh now we got two endermen three endermen coming after me look at that new world record right there i’m so stressed i just want to kill this dragon it’s going to take too long

Yeah just kill yourself with the water please if i come out of the water where you guys be okay i only have one golden apple left i have to be really careful if the dragon lands maybe i should just go for it no i really have to kill the enderman first

How many hits with this bad diamond sword is it gonna take i really don’t know okay the dragon shot me gotta run you can place the water elsewhere okay we’re okay dragon stay away from me enderman come on fight me where’s the dragon i don’t trust this

One bit i don’t trust this at all i’m really trying my hardest here the dragon’s gonna shoot me again okay time to run i feel like i’m really trying my hardest here i definitely should have had better armor or weapons we just have to keep moving

We can’t ever stop okay we got one down where’s the other ones okay you know what let’s just go for it come here dragon fly down oh i missed of course okay if i can get like one good hit on you oh no please please let me just kill you man

Who’s all coming for me is it just how many under me two one more than one that’s a lot more than one oh boy no okay if i can just kill the ender dragon will the endermen stop attacking me please i’m trying to save these boys and they’re just trying to kill me

Okay maybe they’ll lose interest who knows dragon land please let me just kill you i don’t have any golden apples i don’t have regeneration i’m just watching for when the dragon shoots i’m gonna move place the water again and then once the dragon lands i just

Have to hit the dragon once and we’ll be okay all i hear is countless enderman trying to kill me okay i can’t i can at least try to take him on a bit oh i’m just pissing off a lot more interview this isn’t good this might be another death for me i

Really don’t know okay dragon boy is coming down here enderman you should get mad at this dragon and not me because i’m trying to save your life right now okay we did it we did it please please stop hating me please can i just fill this up with water and

They’ll stop attacking me okay look at me go okay i think i know what i have to do okay we did it we did it okay end screen go away i i need to live the endermen are going to kill me please wait what oh because i was in the bottom

No i have to go back just to get the xp oh i got some i guess i’m at level 26 now okay well good news is the enderman won’t attack me but i’m hoping the xp is still there that’s all i want this was hard for me okay let’s see

Okay with my head held low i’m not gonna look at any enderman but we got this i really didn’t think about that i’m like wait why did i just teleport and then i’m like oh cause i placed my water in the portal but it’s fine because

I was safe and those endermen would have killed me but at least they did okay so we have the portal over there i’m just gonna head in the portal really quick i might be dumb i just want to check if there’s any end cities like in my immediate view i’ll go and

Raid them but if there’s not then i won’t so let’s just see i don’t have my water so i’m good i got to be extra careful with these endermen if not i’ll just run back in the portal and we can do some enchanting that was too stressful for me i’ve never had such

A rough fight the only worst fight i’ve had is the one time i defeated the ender dragon using only pumpkins that was a big mistake though oh spawn me right on the edge do it okay let’s turn the render distance up all the way and give it a sec to load in

Maybe there’ll be an ender’s end city nearby i doubt it it doesn’t look like it i’ll give chunks of time to load oh wait okay so i have to just oh there is one oh and there’s a ship oh but i can’t really build over there i could use ender pearls

And just hippity-hop my way over i think that’s my maybe what i have to do i can also just like mine these islands a bit right and get blocks from this and eventually i guess just build a ginormous bridge but that’s what i’m gonna do because i’ll be able to get an elytra

And it’ll be totally worth it and it’ll be easier to get back here once i have this bridge built so i think we can do it i’ll be as careful as i can and hopefully we don’t die hopefully we get some good loot okay so really i just built bridges

Until i felt comfortable ender pearling over but i’m gonna keep looking at the ground hopefully we can get this i’m not too worried about shulker boxes right now i don’t even tend to use shulker boxes really so i think i’m just gonna get in

Get as much loot as i can and get out that’s really the plan right here that’s how we’re gonna do it all there’s tons of shockers get away from me let’s just make our way in i’m gonna do this as fast as i can i’m pretty lucky though i mean there was

One this end city literally right near spawn and of course it has the ship so that means we get the elytra and also the dragon head the dragon head i really like to decorate with uh the ship is over there let’s just explore this tower first

I just want to get in here and get out i’m not worried about loot at all or drops i i mean well that’s what i am worried about but i’m not worried about anything else i just want to do this as fast as i can okay there’s the ship i just don’t want

To die i don’t want to risk it let’s see is there anything worth getting up here except for these shulkers i also have a few ender pearls left so i can just enter pearl from place to place wait is that is that another end city

Okay i don’t know if i want to raid both today just because i’m pretty low on food and i want to be careful also if i drop down one of these it could be the end of me okay i wanted the shulker to hit me on purpose

So that i could fly away and kind of see what’s around here okay so there’s no loot in here however this is a pretty big end city there might be some loot in that side place let’s just enter pearl down there there also is probably loot in those towers

Hopefully we have something pretty good let’s check over here okay no loot it is there was an entirely separate end city which is crazy why are there two right next to each other right next to spawn that’s not allowed to happen usually i have to search for like three

Hours just to find one of these end cities so okay actually shulker help me levitate up here let’s do it let’s just get all the way up some of these might just not have chests though they might not be big enough to have chests they might be too small

Let’s head for this place first though let’s get the electrode the electro will help i’ll equip it and then that way we won’t uh we won’t die from fall damage really hoping i don’t fall into the void here that would be the end of me for sure

I have ender pearls though so i might be able to clutch it if i do i’ve only died like this once so i’m really hoping i can be safe how far are we okay i’m not gonna risk it with the end of pearl i’m just gonna build all the way over

Well at least as much as i can maybe the shulker will hit me and then i can just levitate my way there we go hit me please okay let me levitate this way get me on the ship okay there we go shulker’s really helping me out thank

You bros all right let’s be careful i don’t want to die from fall damage now all right let’s get inside of here see what we can get let’s take the potions i definitely want those my inventory isn’t too full i’ll kill this shulker okay there’s the elytra that’s all i ever wanted

Okay let’s see oh fire protection okay i’ll use this helmet for now i don’t need this old iron helmet um let’s see only iron stuff this is a pretty good sword but it’s only iron but honestly it’s better than our diamond sword so let’s use it

Um i’ll take the gold don’t care about the frost walker and then there we go we have the elytra now i know i don’t have as many protections using the elytra however it should help keep me safe in case i am to fall let’s get the dragon head what

Oh my gosh my inventory’s full look at me i’m such a professional all right it’s fine we’ll be okay let’s just get hit by a shulker there we go we can ender pearl our way back hopefully let’s see did i miss i missed a lot i think

Hey i got an achievement though look at that all right um were there any drops in any of these towers i really don’t know i’ll just go through here really fast and hopefully we find something cool all right i teleported back with the portal i just wanted to get back here because i

Was totally out of food um we had some bad luck and some good luck so within that first end city and i’ve never seen this before maybe i just got unlucky i didn’t see any chests except for the ones that were on the boat besides that i literally didn’t see any other chests

I searched the whole thing maybe there was one or two behind the corner i just didn’t see however we did get pretty lucky because when i went to the second end city there was actually another boat hidden on the other side that i couldn’t see so this time i made sure my inventory

Wasn’t full i got the dragon head i got the elytra it had a decent amount of horse armor i also got a saddle uh we got a shovel with just mending so not that good but i decided to take it uh there was an efficiency for diamond pickaxe so now that we have

This fellow efficiency four we can combine them and then i think do i still i really hope i still have it yes my fortune three pickaxe so then we’ll totally have a god pickaxe there’s also some diamonds and some random stuff like that so we’re all set i just ran out of food

So starting to get worried i don’t have enough shulker shells for an actual shulker box but i wasn’t too concerned i also ran out of ender pearls but thankfully i had that stack of cobblestone on me so i could just build from the end city to the second boat

Now that we have all this though let’s use there was this little chest right i don’t see it anymore uh i have some wood there we go let’s make a separate chest just for now i’ll make a ton of chests because i need them i need to build a

Storage room soon let’s just place it here throw all of my crap in here because we need to do some enchanting and we need to get some better stuff here the first thing i definitely want to do is make this god pick x where do we go efficiency 4

Plus this efficiency for and then my fortune and we also can make new diamond armor and tools we have pretty good sword pretty good bow i’ll keep the bow on me where is it i need i need sticks okay there we go so with these sticks we can also do some fun things

Let’s just make one sword for now because who knows we might get a good enchantment i’m not sure do i even have an anvil i thought i had one in here do i not have an anvil did i put it in the enchanting room i don’t remember i

Thought i had one i don’t even know if i have enough iron for an avl okay i do oh i have one okay i don’t know why it was in there let’s first combine all this stuff so we have first to do the efficiency pickaxes seven levels okay and next we have the

Fortune three okay 13. it’s going to take a decent amount of levels but there we go we got the god pickaxe and then next let’s just enchant a full new set of diamond armor hopefully we can get some pretty good enchantments i have a decent amount

Of diamonds so i’m not too worried even if we don’t get great enchantments usually any level 30 armor is going to be okay do i have any chicken left okay i got a little bit i used most of it from all dying so much from the end dragon let’s

See let’s do some quick enchantments hopefully we get some good stuff i’ll start with the sword let’s see looting knockback okay i’m not a fan of knockback unbreaking respiration oh wait i actually don’t really need to enchant a helmet i forgot about that thorns and then fire protection i’m fine with fire protection

I usually don’t like it on armor armor but just on one piece where’s the helmet i got oh this is an iron helmet but this iron helmet has unbreaking fire protection respiration and aqua affinity so i think i’m actually going to use this iron helmet oh wait no i have this

Diamond helmet i equipped it already this one has fire protection unbreaking and aqua affinity it has curse of binding i know i shouldn’t have equipped it however it’ll run out of durability eventually and these are some still pretty good enchantments but next let’s put on the thorns too

These boots are all right we have so much fire protection i want actual protection where are the two diamonds i got let’s make one more chest plate and hopefully we get some actual protection from this i don’t think i’ll have too much trouble finding more diamonds for armor

I’ll just i’m worried about xp okay here’s some actual protection there we go protection and thorns two we can get thorns three if we really want but there we go we got him okay now what else do i have let’s put all this back let’s sort of get sorted here see what

My best armor and weapons are i have the smite looting sword i have the looting and knock back i think i’ll go for smite looting for the extra damage we have the mending shovel i use that maybe the efficiency one pickaxe i’ll enchant tools later i’m not too worried about tools

I want to get my armor first but besides that i think we’re pretty all right we have food from the chickens like an afk we have two elytras so we’re pretty set i’ll keep the elytra on me i need to make myself a new shield which kind of sucks

But pretty good i can use this efficiency unbreaking on probably a tool maybe i’ll use it on my shovel and i think we’re pretty set next thing we have to do is just make an xp farm enchant a bunch of items to get some really good armor

And then obviously we have our mending villager chilling in this little house over here and we can get mending books from him when the time comes i’ll give this chicken his freedom but anyways guys that’s going to be all for this episode i really hope you enjoyed

I tried to make it not super long because i don’t know i just prefer shorter episodes but anyways if you enjoyed it consider leaving a like and subscribe hopefully all you guys using this seat also can also have the amazing luck i believe the structures generate the same on the same seed

So you’ll also have a really fun and interesting and also labyrinth of a stronghold as well as two really good end cities right near your spawn but that’s gonna be all for this episode i hope you enjoyed this is jwisp and i will see you guys all in the next one

This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Defeating the Dragon & Getting Rich! – Survival Let’s play | Ep 7’, was uploaded by JWhisp on 2020-10-27 02:35:01. It has garnered 168931 views and 4848 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:09 or 2169 seconds.

Hey guys what’s up JWhisp here and welcome to episode 7 of the Minecraft 1.16 survival let’s play. In today’s episode we defeat the dragon and get some good loot!

Seed: 876937612057148683

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  • Eqlipse Ruins Minecraft Fun 🔥

    Eqlipse Ruins Minecraft Fun 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘How to Make Minecraft Fun Again (by ruining it…)’, was uploaded by Eqlipse on 2024-07-27 22:37:32. It has garnered 34555 views and 2132 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:15 or 1695 seconds. You ever find Minecraft boring and burnt-out after just 2 weeks Well Have I got a solution for you… (its awful) SUBSCRIBE TO THE BONUS CHANNEL: @eqlipseagain3350 MERCH STORE: https://eqshop.live ||| 10% off with CODE: ANTE UP Join my Discord to Play this Monstrosity: https://discord.gg/xAPDH4uQnj This video was just for fun and if its not obvious a joke please don’t hate… Read More


    ULTIMATE TOWER BUILDING & TREE CHOPPING IN MINECRAFT ONE BLOCK EP 2Video Information This video, titled ‘Make a tower around the block and expand tree cutting area MINECRAFT ONE BLOCK SERIES EP 2’, was uploaded by NOXX CRAFT on 2024-09-21 12:30:30. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:42 or 642 seconds. 🔥 Noxx on an unforgettable Minecraft journey as we dive into uncharted territories and face off against fearsome creatures! Join us in this epic adventure filled with laughter, excitement, and mind-blowing creations! 🌍 Explore vast landscapes, unearth hidden treasures, and build magnificent structures that will leave you in awe. From towering castles… Read More

JWhisp – Minecraft: Defeating the Dragon & Getting Rich! – Survival Let’s play | Ep 7