Jyrz Streams – Minecraft: AOF6 (Part 28) – Brewing With Create

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Hey stream how’s it going um we’re back with Minecraft I was like falling asleep not falling asleep I was like spacing out during the intro it’s like not usually what happens um yeah I don’t know I feel a little often I think it’s allergies like I had to take some like allergy medicine

Earlier I had some like there’s like a like a bloom out here pollen Bloom whatever you want to call it I think that’s what it’s called what do you mean whatever you want to call it it’s called a pollen Bloom um yeah this happened this has been

Happening like the last couple days just like ah my nose just killing me and like you know and I feel it like my throat and stuff uh sucks anyway I took some medicine a little bit before the stream so hopefully that kicks in and I feel a little bit better but anyway um

Gonna be doing some more create stuff I kind of want to try to do some potion stuff um I saw that you could like brew potions with create and just have like tanks full of potion and I think that’s kind of neat so I think if we can Farm

Some potion that would be kind of cool just to have like a bunch like I think I can do like a healing potion like the health one shouldn’t be too hard to do but it’s gonna be a lot it’s gonna be a lot of steps to get to it I think but I

Have kind of an idea on how to do it uh right so let’s do that what I think we do um I can pull it up so I got the seeds I don’t know if we had melons I bought a seed that was gonna be slow go but uh I

Got some carrots here let me see so if we do is it healing or just health eel there we go so what is this oh come on game there you go Alaska menu okay that’s instant Health too wait what is this I don’t know can I wait can I make that

Oh that’s a different thing okay um yeah well we’re gonna be making well I want to make the breakable one but I think we need this anyway so it is gonna be a bit it’s gonna be a couple steps let me see how do I do this okay so we need

We can do this so filling by spout so if we fill a glass bottle by spout it should give us a breakable version I think but also you can do that with the regular potion so I’m not actually sure I get this breakable version in this way I don’t know um

We can make the potion here so if I can find there’s healing and healing too um so the first step for healing is water plus a glycerin glycerin gold melon um I think right is that right hang on did that actually show it yeah so it’s the melon

Um no it’s awkward potion and melon I thought right ocean viewing motion of healing potion of healing potion of healing okay so it’s just no that gives me mundane okay that’s what’s this doesn’t directly show me the recipe it just kind of shows me all of

The recipes and I gotta find it okay that’s what was throwing me off I knew that was wrong um but what I need here right the steps to do this okay potion of healing is an awkward potion plus the melon um that’s not too bad

This is just the melon with that I can do that through shape crafting that’s not too bad uh gold nuggets I can get from Soul Sand I think will solve my issues because I can get Quartz and I can get gold nuggets so if I make sand as I’ve been doing

Uh use a what is it it’s the the blue flame campfire if I blow that onto Sand it turns it into Soul Sand I think if I then wash that it turns into quartz and gold nuggets um I can take the quartz and turn that into um it was

Things what do I need into the bra for the brass things the you know for create I can’t remember what it’s called um and then or electron tube I think that’s what it is something like that and I can take the gold nuggets do this shape craft the melon from a melon farm

Um and then an awkward potion is another word so I can just do another word Farm water’s easy um yeah it’s like I have another work Farm a melon farm uh the gold farm that also doubles as a quartz Farm and that’ll get me the first

Part of this I’m going to do the second part with the glowstone dust that’s a little more complicated I think um yeah I don’t know if I can directly just do this is there a way to farm this there was a way that’s right that’s why I have the carrots

Um I do a potion of night vision and then spout that onto cinderflower I can get Glowstone and Cinder flower I think I can make it I don’t know if it’s just crushing Netherrack it’s mainly crushing another wreck um I swear there was like another way to make it

There might be I forget um is there a way to make Netherrack well I guess we’ll have to get there when we get there but like I was pretty sure pretty sure there was a way I forget how I was gonna do it but I think there’s a way to actually make um

The cinder flower I think I kind of forget now or was it something else for glowstone there was like something that I saw that I could do it and I was pretty sure it involved the carrot now I kind of forget how I was gonna do it um that’s that that’s packing

Pretty sure this is the way I was gonna do it how do I make Tinder flour I think there was a way I guess it’s just that I don’t know I thought it was like flour and something well I’ll have to find out I guess because sometimes this doesn’t show all

Of the recipes this shows like some of them okay well we’ll get that let’s do the first part because at least then I can do like the potion of healing part um and then if I have to upgrade it using another rack which I have plenty

Of anyway that’s not a big deal I have tons of that anyway um so we can just do that but uh yeah let’s do the first part first so I need to set up another wart Farm which I haven’t actually done yet um which I think I have netherwort somewhere

I just don’t know where it is in all of this um so that melon farm and then the gold one that shouldn’t be too bad I already have a sand farm so if I just take from that because I don’t need that much sand for the TNT I think it’s producing enough

So I think if I steal from that I can make uh a gold and quartz Farm trinkets so wear wood where would that be what were that I think I played another rack um I don’t know guts literally just all guts yeah it doesn’t seem like she like mixes stuff really so

Do I not have no I’m pretty sure I grabbed a bunch somewhere would she have considered it food maybe it’s in the food there we go there we go okay I got that that’s good enough um I need Soul Sand for that right or so I think it’s sand pretty sure okay um

So I think with that I can do can I do that with a um what is it called the Harvester I think you’re right the the spinny lawnmower thing remember the lawnmower can I pick it up with a lawnmower I know I can pick it with a plow but

Didn’t you want that ah come on buddy why do you gotta be here also looks like my thing is still working that’s good I had to repair it yesterday I um I realized I needed more power on the uh the pumps back here the lava pumps I

Put a little windmill back there and then hook that into it so I got that running at a higher speed now so I think it’s like fully going um Maybe actually it looks like it’s still not I want it to be like fully backed up on

On lava right like that’s not that’s not coming through that’s the weird bit right like that’s not that’s not going all the way through and I thought maybe it’s just because it couldn’t pull that much but I put these down here and none of these are full even though the top bits

Seem to still have lava in them right that’s what’s confusing me is like those cauldrons seem to still have lava but it’s not they’re not going down into things like I want them to fill these tanks these tanks are not I should not have made these that big but

But um yeah they’re not like going down in there I don’t know if that’s a problem with how I did the pipes or something else should I should I like replace those I don’t know I’m not sure why they’re not um why are they not going down

I would think these are working right these pumps should be pulling unless these pumps are pushing and pulling in maybe that’s why maybe no that’s that couldn’t be it right hmm I was like maybe these are pushing the lava through the pipes that way and so those pipes in there are full and

So they can’t drip down if I need to I guess I can do this later the steam engine is running I just want to make sure it like runs fully fully I’m wondering if I should instead move these pipes to the bottom of these tanks so that it allows the uh

Lava to actually drip down into the tanks I think that’s a better idea is have it down along the bottom of the tanks even if it’s like the underside actually that’d probably be fine have it run along the underside and up I think that would work better probably because these are full but

That’s not and so I think that’s a problem it should be like pulling it out as soon as this is full up I don’t know um but yeah I’ll solve that later I’m tired tired of working on on that I am out of food again where did all my food go

Um excuse me excuse me where’s my food I made a bunch of toast of jam is the toaster Jam jammed I know someone did something up here someone put some like barrels at the top of my stairs and now I’m wondering if they like grabbed a bunch of the toast

Which is not a big problem I made it for everyone but I’m like wondering if someone grabbed like a ton and like moved it somewhere because that would be a little bit weird on that factory line I don’t know well it’s mostly here that’s fine um yeah I don’t know

Interesting uh let’s just go check to make sure my bread is actually going maybe that’s that could be part of it like maybe maybe something is stopped in there it could be the sugar I know I’ve had problems with the cane Farm because um of my TNT Farm

This is like taking all of the uh the sugar cane out of that so maybe it’s just like I don’t have any sugar let’s go find out Um looks okay to me that goes to the trash I was like maybe the trash is backed up it doesn’t look like it um yeah we got toast that is toast I know the problem that happens here is if it gets backed up the bread line becomes toast

Right like that and so then it doesn’t actually flow through which is an issue I should make this I should make this like bread and toast so that lets the toast through um that’s probably what I need to do there so okay so I don’t have any Jam is this little

Strawberry dude yeah it’s the sugar isn’t it no oh why is there paper in here that’s the issue there we go oh I when I did the steam engine one time it went backwards and some of my stuff backed up I think this filled up

With paper for a little bit like I had it got a couple pieces of paper in here I think that’s what happened from the other thing it went the other way what the hell it’s a problem dude I don’t want slime balls on my conveyor belts Yeah you can just stay there that’s fine oh God guys seriously and this is just full up there is no I don’t know I need to make this go to the composter but the composer is full do I just put lava here I guess I suppose I don’t know I wanted to have

Another composter I guess I need to pack the composter stuff down um into like bone blocks but I guess that would still only just be buying me time yeah there’s that’s what that was happening with my food thing it should have been like full that was a problem anyway I’ll just leave that

As it is it’s fine there’s a couple of pieces on the on the ground I hope that doesn’t cause a bunch of lag probably not I think it’ll be okay but I might need to fix that later too I need to figure out what to do with the

Composter like it’s got so much compost in it I don’t need that much bone meal I don’t know what to do with it like is there something else I can do with bone meal I don’t know and that’s still going ass making charcoal again um right so I don’t actually know

Oh this is good this is actually going um right that’s my read Farm is this still working I think it is it looks like it’s working as long as that’s like hmm as long as that’s actually like down there like that looks like this might be about to fire already

But it doesn’t look like much has actually grown down here I thought of a different way of doing this and I think I might do it later where I make this like extra long and actually do a minecart Contraption you know where it goes along and cuts off the tops of these things

Um because the Piston one I you know it’s old school I like it it’s reliable I think the other one might be better um and it’d probably be a lot cheaper I can get these Pistons back and do it use them for something else that’s a lot of Pistons

Probably don’t need that many especially if I extend it like if I extend that form that gets even more expensive um but if I do a minecart Contraption it wouldn’t be as expensive okay so that’s still working that’s still going that’s good lots of iron here

I need to figure out where I’m going to do this potion Farm um I don’t know like I’ve got this room here or train tracks so I think I might do it somewhere down a little bit more and then do another line down maybe

Uh how do I well I need to do multiple Farms is the thing so if I do another wart Farm somewhere um I guess I’ll do another windmill right I’ll do another windmill farm thing for the netherwork I’ll make it decently big that requires me actually having like a

Good large space for that which means I need to plan out an area how big is this wall that’s a three okay that’s the center of that that’s there that’s the wall then if I dig from here let’s go one more over so if I dig if I dig from here

And then do this large tunnel oh oh ultimate updated with the thing I wanted nice that’s what I’ve wanted this whole time I wanted a large tunnel three by three tunnel dang dude they finally put it in thank you kindly if stone block is for drip Stone around here um and then we’ll

I don’t know that goes down to something how big do I want this I guess this is actually fine I’ll dig it out from here then down and around I’m not actually sure how big I want this really maybe something like this this is um stuff in here

I need to remove all this lots of stuff in the walls um yes Another War melon the melon should be too hard I think that uses uh a saw blade I think that’s the thing with ultimate I like sometimes I wanted to just grab everything that’s why I like using the drill

Or going through walls and stuff because it will it doesn’t care what is around it when it does the 3X3 it just goes it’s a little bit nicer for doing this kind of stuff whoops this one actually kind of cares what it is and that’s probably that’s probably enough for now

Probably oh I was almost right on almost and then we do this one I go oh because it’s doing a 64 right can’t dig more than 64. they’ll all take it Arch tunnel get rid of this I need to watch my durability on this pickaxe it’s got a

Lot of durability but I’m also like worried I’ll stop paying attention to it and it’ll break and it’s uh I mean it’s not super expensive it is kind of expensive it uses a bunch of netherright um now the right doesn’t use has to be take another right pickaxe and then you

Make netherrite iron and then netherrite gold netherrite emerald and emera and another right Diamond so that’s I think this is five at least five netherite I think to make this thing that’s super expensive but it’s like inconveniently expensive where I don’t want to uh break it you know

Like I could make another one but also it’s it it’s Enchanted so I mean I don’t have to go through the enchanting process again luckily I I carry a bunch of uh XP things on me XP nuggets from um brushing up oars and such and create but that’s not too bad either to

Um to enchant stuff because at least I have excess XP which is nice you know okay so we got ourselves a room I’m just gonna make this look not like a cave not so much cave-ish I mean it is but a little less uh beaten up Okay so let’s do hmm

How am I going to do this netherwort I probably need a good bit of it I can do the melon farm and the netherwort farm at the same time I think right because I could do like I don’t know do I want to do a piston or

A Gantry going back and forth I think I would do a gantry probably yeah I’ll do a Gantry um I can do that Minecart thing I was talking about where it just kind of sweeps back and forth I don’t know will that connect that should connect something I don’t

Know I’ve never actually used one but I think that would work if I make a minecart contraption um it just sweeps back and forth along the top of a um like the the another word Farm on one side and then the melon farm on another strip so it just goes it’ll saw blade

Through the melon that should give another word enough time to grow as it’s going as it’s sweeping back and forth and then um and then somehow dump that off and then I’ll do like a two brass funnels or something or tunnels either one to sort out the the netherwork and stuff

I think that’ll do what’s going on here with my oh I have no signal I know I have no signal what the hell I am streaming right I am alive right uh I am connected here it is streaming oh I realize my phone has no signal I’ve got no Wi-Fi

What’s going on here is it just my phone oh there’s there’s the Wi-Fi that’s weird it’s concerning okay I think we’re good I think I’m good okay that that was weird uh yeah so I guess in that case I need to make a long strip

So let’s see how do I want to do this how do I want to do this after the potion on this side so if I do also what I find funny is I’m doing like I have these night vision goggles on so like I never put torches down so if

Anyone ever visits it’s probably like spooky as hell [Laughter] right like I just realized it’s super dark around here I think I brought sinuses down here before to get some iron and it’s like she probably followed me through here she’s like why is it so dark I should probably put some lights up

But like I see perfectly fine so I have not been putting lights up I should probably should probably um anyway let’s do like as long as I’m within the radius of my what the hell’s going on up there that’s the issue right there I don’t put lights down

Um but as long as I’m within the radius of the town here um I’m pretty pretty good I’m pretty protected with that giant torch and I can put more of those down too let’s do oh good oh good there’s water oh good it’s a lot of water uh okay

I wish I had sponges I do I wish I had some spoons there’s water okay good luckily I can just do that not a big deal all right um this is probably enough I think I can extend it that’s kind of the thing I like about this Minecart thing is it would be

Pretty inexpensive to extend that’s how I was thinking about the Gantry I’m like I just have to keep making gantries and extending the thing um and then have some sort of like thing at the end that says oh it’s at the end now reverse Direction but if I just do a

Mine cart going back and forth I can just extend the track yeah so let’s do that um where do I want it from let’s do it I want like a decent walkway in well let’s just say it’s from here if I can get over that way let’s do um a row of three

For that I need to when do the melons um they’re gonna need something on the back of them they might I don’t want them to grow into the wart I think okay if I do melon here and then like seed seeds and then the melon will

Grow here so it’ll pop on those sides right so will the melon grow on uh grow but will it just show up on any block I think it does I think if there’s like Stone so I could just put the dirt here right then plan for the melon to be there okay

I think that’s right um One Two Three or up in a wall there for now it’ll be like you can walk in here see all that going on and then turn here and then the potion stuff will be happening somewhere this way somewhere okay so I actually need like this other

Row here taken care of up up get a tunnel go bash that out fall down here that’s cool um right and then that’s where the melon will be here this is where the seeds will go and then this is where the netherwort will go okay I’m wondering if I should actually have

These combined but I think it’ll be fine I think if they’re combined it’ll be okay right because I know the melon will slow it down but I don’t know I could do two mine cards I guess do I want to do too I just want to do the one I don’t know

Let’s just fill this in for now first let’s just do this I can figure out if it gets like jammed up on one now I see it shouldn’t though I think if it ack flows I’m gonna have to do some sort of thing with the funnels that if it

Overflows it just keeps throwing stuff into like a lava pit or something you know I think I can do that I think if I put two two tunnels or yeah two tunnels together to sort the stuff out um and then have one of those to have like an offshoot

So the fronts of the tunnels will say like netherwart and melon uh so in another word another word goes through one uh the melon goes to the other and then if it backs up I think if I’m if I have it set on not round robin I forget what the setting maybe it’s

It’s not split one of the settings it should throw that into the trash it should go out the side if I have another thing that’s not filtered it’ll prioritize the filtered sides first and then if that overflows I think it’ll push it out the unfiltered side I

Think that’s how I have my wood Farm so I’ll have to look at that and see how I did that because that’s basically how I’m gonna do it um and then I’m gonna have the mine cart that’s the wall so I guess the Minecart’s gonna have to run here

Oh I think I did this too far back Um let me see this is going to need some place to go up onto actually I can do it like I can have it run along this right if I have the minecart run along this um I can have the saws and stuff dip down I was gonna have to just run

Parallel to it but I think I might have it up a little bit and then have it kind of go over like an arm go over and then have the tools actually drop down below the arm I think that’ll work it would be fine there we go hey so it’ll run along here

I know I need a little up thing at the end needs to go up um I think that’s where it’s going to connect with thing it’ll offload up there yeah so let’s see um how do I make the little assembler thing I haven’t actually made a cart assembler art

Uh where is it where is it no could be back here somewhere I’m like I’m blinding it as always where is it there it is heart assembler it is logs and a site okay that’s easy oh it’s log I don’t even have the endocyte on me

Right I’m doing create stuff and I never actually went and got my tools and the site still not backing up what’s the power at it seems to be like pretty consistent yeah so it’s like the last steam engine the last two like kind of are on it’s fine

Because like you know I still have plenty of power but I would want to get that working I do go a little nutty on my power usage though I should probably try to be conservative at times but eh it’s fine oh my god do these things spawn because

It’s dark is that is that why like do they spawn in the dark the slimes I don’t know why the big torch doesn’t keep them away I guess it’s counting them as a what did he do oh yeah he just made a iron one I wonder if it’s

Counting them as like not aggressive but they are still annoying um oh yeah and then I run all the way back here for I still need to I think other stuff how how do I set this up actually I guess I can put a cart assembler and then take it away

I don’t actually know um I don’t know I guess it’s fine I’ll figure it out I I sought to build the two saw blades and the three other things these things the Harvesters so I need three of those okay let’s go back again I need to make this like a for real title

This was like a janky shortcut I made but I need like a real tunnel um that and then I need what else what else do I need if I need a these chassis foreign yeah I think that’s all I need from here actually I could probably use these item

Vaults now I made that I can probably have the farm go into the vault so let’s see so it’s two iron per Harvester I need saw blades which is so I need three for that uh oh no I need yeah well that’s a normal one but I need three squashed ones

Uh so two three so six and six yeah actually I think that’s right that’ll do and dump off this paper you need like a trash can down here I don’t know if I have any more cactus I can make a trash can it’d be better than having just like a

Lava pit I don’t like the lava trash cans I use it for the other things because it’s cheaper but I think for my purposes I just need like an actual trash can we have Cactus I know we do but I don’t know if I have any in here I have cactus uh

I don’t I don’t think I do what is that noise storm out there fluid trash can see there’s a regular trash can that’s what I need down below I need Cactus for it though I think in Capitan has all the uh all the cactus he’s the one that made the trash can I

Think she has the stuff somewhere that’s not the right cactus there we go how do I make trash uh stone blocks Blicks bricks oh I need um a chest first best there mildly expensive for a trash can we got a trash can I guess it’s not really expensive but

I guess what I mean is like wildly complicated for a trash can now oh I need a mine cart I guess I don’t need to I can make one um if I use a mine cart with a chest in it does that count as the storage I assume it does

Do I have I don’t assault generator oh interesting wait what other generators are there now I’m wondering okay just basalton Cobblestone I was I was wondering I was like could I generate any other blocks that I need what does Basalt do what can I do with Basalt um that makes something

Frost plate oh it makes like the different uh I thought that was Netherrack I was like what I’d rather be super happy um does Basalt make anything useful to me I don’t and I look like another rack I was really hoping no not really I don’t think

Yeah I’m pretty sure it’s just it’s just that’s what it is that’s okay but if I need Basalt at some point there’s a generator for it I wonder why you would need that why would you I don’t know I guess because you can the Cobblestone one seems useful

For more maybe it’s just like a decoration thing like the intention of that was to have like unlimited blocks for decoration Maybe I saw someone make a um a flying machine that like laid a bridge and I think it used like you know the normal generator with like lava and

Water as it moved along but I guess you could use that instead have the actual generator with a create mod make a bridge oh you know what I just realized I failed the other side I failed another word sign up with dirt it’s like what am I why do I have Soul

Sand on me I wonder oh my and y’all stop this nonsense Please see if I fill the set in with dirt I wasn’t even thinking okay fill it up with the correct material I think it’s the correct material yes there we go all right already growing a bunch that out because I’m going to need to put the arm there uh

Uh right so how does this how is this gonna okay I think it’s anything attached to the cart assembler right so if I put oh right um it’s going to attach to the top of the mine cart how is that going to work so if it’s

Going to be attached to the top of the minecart actually it’s one block up anyway so I guess I just have it run parallel anyway right so I don’t need to have that here I think it’s just gonna run along here anyway probably and then I can put glass up

Keep myself from bumping into it or the slimes hopefully that is an issue all right so I need rail I think I still all have some up top I can make some let me dump off some of this right now real quick nice dump all this okay all this back in here

Oh that’s right I had the trash can down here too I guess I’ll just put that there I don’t know throw that away that’s it kind of wishes this was the trash can from Raph where if you put something in it it didn’t immediately destroy it it

Kind of sat there and just put the next thing in or whatever it’s fine oh yeah I need to get the stuff that and then it was three of these yeah three Harvesters and then with those I think that’s right I think that’s right okay and then I need the rail

Which I could just make more and I will but I need to see if I’ve got any first um do I make the whole thing powered I guess I could I might as well this power like full powered rails I think the power rails make it uh the assemble like the machine go

Faster I think I think it do more fast foreign I have regular rails and I turn those into other rail Howard rail no I was like maybe nice if I could like convert them but no it’s an activator rail Hector what does this do I don’t know what does an activator rail do

Detector sends off a redstone signal if something’s on top of it but what does an activator do I’m not sure it looks like it’s got some sort of redstone on it hmm I don’t know what the hell is this spectral rail oh controller rail indirectional power rail cable of fine

Control over Minecart’s movement speed oh I see oh interesting and my nose is still okay so I need old Redstone and a torch they take a torch do I need a torch I don’t even know what did I say like that that oh that eh stick a torch stick okay that’s probably plenty

Okay I’m all by myself in here what the hell are they fault what happened I just like lagged my way through the floor okay interesting um yeah let’s see if I can put oh my goodness Okay um let’s make chess put it in the mine cart I think right yes and then how does this work oh wait that’s Oh shoot that’s the wrong that’s the wrong number that’s the wrong place you go this way and then up one yeah up one here up right and that should um

Uh I think that still have to go up okay I can okay it’s been a while since I’ve done anything with Minecarts so I kind of forget okay so that should go up uh well actually then I want this to be one more in right

Yeah because then I want it to go up here Pop That there so it should oh let me get rid of this wall huh yeah whoops there I should go there um that’s where the the mechanism will end so it’ll go up right yeah and then on this side same dealio

I need to go up here oh right I know I need I still need to keep that huh I guess I can actually move this back one for aesthetic reasons Bop that for this row I didn’t need to get rid of all that hey so you put this here broke that ooh um

Actually I don’t have any of this powered that’s right I need to this in here how far does the power is it 8 or 16. two three four five six seven eight it’s more than that no that is that’s about right okay so at least move back two right here

No oh because the oh because that’s in the way oh that’s interesting oh that has to be powered that’s weird what does that do if it’s powered though does that not let things through that’s not actually powering that um that’s weird okay I don’t I don’t know

I guess I have to put a regular one there for now of which I didn’t bring any because I didn’t think this would be an issue but I think it’s going to stop as soon as the rail as soon as the cart goes through there hmm that’s odd well

How far in this direction does this go then I think that’s still right one two three four five six seven eight okay so it is eight um two three four five okay I’ll leave that there I guess um one two three four five six seven eight

I’ll put it yeah I’ll put it here and Boop okay so that should be all powered up technically the other side should be two but it’s not uh let me go get the other rails because that’s real weird let me get the regular rails and then I’ll replace them

Hopefully I can do that fast enough because that’s really weird I would assume the power would have gone through the assembler but maybe it doesn’t and then what happens if the assembler is powered does that does that stop a cart I guess I could find out here huh um

Yes okay oh it has to be powered oh attached oh if it’s powered it attaches okay and disassembles if it’s off okay yes yes I got that rich in the minecart will let you carry the contract it elsewhere oh so I can actually assemble it somewhere and then place it down oh

Oh interesting okay orientation settings oh can I not put a cart or a chest in here ah okay got a lock rotation that’s good to know that’s really weird why would you have two I mean I know you could do it but it’s really Bizarro okay an unpowered or controller other carts

Will be held in place until it’s powered oh I see that’s the oh okay uh okay that’s interesting well um I need these other ones let’s just do the regular ones for now and then try to swap them out I guess I mean I guess it’ll still work it would just

Uh hold it there now I’m not even sure if the cart will work because it seems like it puts something in it looks like a mechanism in the cart I wonder if even having like a cart um what having the uh what is who posted it what the hell oh

That’s a uh that’s a dwarf meme so it’s almost a weird Meme and I didn’t understand it until I realized because I posted it in the the mine the Minecraft Discord but it was about um eeproc I got really confused for a second I was like what let me hear

I need to put my wrench our movie mode always Face Forward well wait pause actors while rotating lock rotation yeah so I have it just constantly the way I want it to be we have that and then that should um let me put the saw blade here what did I do oh blade

Yeah right and then three Harvesters oh that has to go on something okay so then hmm how an hour okay oh no brown girl how do I do this I don’t really know if I do so this one I need sticky wait do I have slime balls

On me look at that those guys came in handy but if I do that and then I put down oh but it’s still um Harvesters can’t Harvesters can go can I go upside down no you have to have something against the back of them um it’s gonna be a little weird

I want them here it’s gonna work then this sticky I don’t have enough chassis hmm how am I gonna do this I don’t really know I think it has to be built up along the top because that’s where it sticks to um um okay I think if I do that

That sticky I can put regular blocks behind it and glue them together I don’t know how do I make more chassis I kind of forget chassis it is logging into sight okay I can do that so then um rotate the other way rotato I don’t know

I was like maybe if I have it as a backing now it has to go over the top um that’s a one drop that to one the Harvesters on there okay so that grab that wrap that to three okay so that’s holding that you should all be together

Um I don’t think are any of these sticky oh I think this one is or should be not though I need to remove these again because that this needs to be sticked and then we do that oh is that why because I did that yeah I did stick it but okay

These need to be secondary chassis then right well then yeah uh I’m confused okay so bog Punk right now that you’re grabbing that um and then these should be acting as one so that doesn’t need to be sticky because they are all together and then stick stick stick Harvest Harvest

Uh that stuck to that that’s all together so it doesn’t be sticky I guess this one doesn’t have to be sticky either that’s it no I think I can just rotate that right these should all be together oh okay so that should actually be one assembled that’s glued to that one and

Then these are glued to that um and then these need to be stucked probably stucked and sucked do it there whatever and then saw blade oh blade oops I think that works Maybe that passes through now I need to do regular rail for now I need to put

Block up here oh really this hmm I don’t know and then this has to be powered right Howard probably yeah yeah okay I guess I guess it can’t be I guess it can’t be a chest one probably let’s see go no I was because of that that’s an angle it

Can’t go through right whack oh then you know what I can just do that oh wait no I can’t uh put that there and then just power that up my cart go cart oh I also need to take this back rotation power that back up I think it’s powered here we go

Right but it doesn’t have uh oh it didn’t it didn’t bounce ah okay I’m gonna have to be fast on this I think that oh you know what I didn’t do oh I didn’t put a storage on it also it’s not actually harvesting are these not full maybe those are full

That’s probably why um put the thing on it great does that break it foreign okay oh um I forgot to put a chest or something on it you put a vault on it does that work I don’t know it’s probably better just to throw a chest it doesn’t matter

Thanks I’ll stick you this on oh I need to put um connect the thingy too have one of those portable something right um this one shoot in that okay I still have some more shoots I’ve set that up um the cart should connect on the way back

Oh does that only make one oh some reason I thought I made two all right attach that to it then we attach it to the other side that should offload it when it comes back good okay all right y’all attached now that should be good Um my cart go art in oh right I forgot to power it okay now we go take that off oh right attached to that I was like why did it pause there why did it stutter that’s really weird I guess it worked I guess I don’t need

To actually have it go up I suppose it just goes back and forth it’s so weird it like hits it once kind of bounces off the wall comes back hits it goes again um now is it actually picking up anything oh God it pushes me yeah that’s fine all right

That’ll do that I guess I don’t need to actually have it go up at the end here it seems to be working just like that so I’ll take that that’s cool um a little a little weird there that’s okay I’m still not sure if it’s actually working

I’m gonna have to oh I don’t have water that’s that’s what I forgot to put in good uh um okay I need to put water in here and then water log that with slabs on top yes gotta Dodge because I don’t know how to pause it my bucket huh sink and

Oh you know I think I’ll throw my buckets into the uh the other thing it I’m glad to see the contractors actually like moving that’s cool you know I don’t know if it’s working yet oh it did work okay cool it did work really why am I doing why am I running

Back for there I can just do this ah just gotta crawl just crawl at least I can just kind of bump it to get it started again if I do hit it thank you I need to make that entangled tank for infinite water quote unquote infinite water bucket

I think the the last mod pack we had had that kind of a bucket I think was called like a water bucket or something like that okay that’s good kind of funny how it like clicks into place on that thing some people might ask why do I have a

Diamond hoe like why waste diamonds on that you know you know because I can um I don’t have any slabs cool um I need to go I have a thing next door that’s making slabs really come on yeah that’ll do all right so that should be waterlogged [Laughter] it’s just passing overhead

And Back Again come on go okay uh let’s fill in that netherwort spot there realize it’s still not full and we do the melon seeds I’m gonna have to come back occasionally for that Bops me oh good it’s gonna go it’s gonna put on the other side cool

It’s all right as soon as I get melon I can like you know get more seeds from it we’re standing here it punches me it goes through if you’re standing here just Bop just it punches me against the wall what if I’m like here he’ll hit me

No like if I’m just right here punch me off I am melon can you grow like I can get it to this part but it’s just not actually growing now um how do I get it to actually sort um that’s the thing now I don’t actually have that part figured out

Actually I don’t even have the stuff for it so let me go clean up a little bit and then uh grab actual like belt and other materials let me go dump off the rail I think I’m done with the rail and I’ll get like the belts and stuff

Set up and the funnels and the tunnels and whatnot um yeah so that’s another wart done that’s the melon started um so that’s the first part that I need like a mixer and all that let’s get it sorted first um I don’t need that now foreign don’t need that now oh God

Dump it all off or whatever it’s fine there throw that in there uh rail and then I think we’re good yeah fine with that back down here grab um shaft gears belts all that good stuff if I have a couple of tunnels I’m gonna need two tunnels a couple of funnels probably

And load that up uh that more rail down here bill yeah that one maybe that I think that’s good I think that’s good there’s a regular tunnel I’ll bring that just in case I have no like funnels down here no flat ones no all right it’s fine I can build them

Oh every time I come back these little things need to stop all right so um uh yeah funnel off the back put a chest here no I should be okay oh if I do this and then that oh that needs to be out one more huh yeah or over one more

If I do that and I put a funnel on there oh okay so that should offload onto there um I guess I’ll have to go that way then I’ll have this do a turn right yeah and then I’ll attach another belt to that one I need to put that that

Gives me two that’s perfect so it goes in the back um I need something on the side here that dumps it off into the trash can I think that works anyway right so if I have like a little bit of a trash thing here could be all right um I do like this

Break the bottom ones you probably just put like a lava thing in there I think that won’t run out um where’s my I have very much lava in here do I even have enough I do I have like seven buckets so if I do this okay so now that should run out that

Side um and anything that runs in there should burn up okay then um I need that melon to grow pretty please already please you need to actually get the filter going you know like why is that not growing now oh I just realized I need to put um that

And I gotta do the same thing on that side too and the mail in grow please oh it doesn’t need light oh it might need light I just realized that that’s an actual plant unlike everything else that’s like a weird thing I think that needs light to grow that’s probably what’s going on

That would make sense you know oh dude I need to yeah once I figure out how to get Glowstone which I can do a night vision potion uh which is again another gold Farm in the carrot Farm um that’s not too bad if I and then I pour that on the cinder flower

So for that I’m not sure I’m actually not sure how I’m gonna do that whoops oh well the waste of slabs I know well I guess that’s I guess that’s that hopefully that’s enough bully I need a bunch of uh glowstone that’s the thing like once I can get that

Glowstone dust even though it’s for the potions if I can make it enough of it um that would be nice because I could actually light up everything I can light up my whole base and not worry about anything like I don’t want torches everywhere I do like the lamps around

Wow that’s still hella dark oh is it because they’re slabs yeah I think because they’re one up in there they’re not actually counting as light that’s the thing right I think I ran into that before because they’re slabs they’re technically like not up in here they’re not actually like showing

Something like that something wacky like that I think they’ll be fine um how am I gonna do this I guess I could have waterlogged no slabs instead I don’t know if I have enough though I think I do when he ate yeah I think I’ve think I have enough I better get smacked

There we go that working no probably no is that lighting up I feel like this is having the same issue or it’s not actually lighting up I feel like that should be lighting up more or what it is right how do I I have no idea whoops

I just need that melon to grow man Ella needs to grow please um okay I can do it along here that’ll do I think well that reach there it should I don’t know if that’s enough light like I never know there hey so that I mean that should be lit up I think

I don’t know I mean it’s decent right and the melon grow please doesn’t need to be on dirt pretty sure I’ve done this before I think it’ll grow on anything I think the melon will just like pop out onto whatever solid block is next to it it’s pretty sure

Maybe it just takes a while because it’s just one one melon can’t make it grow any faster please grow I Need You Now oh one here no I think the another word’s gonna be first so I can do that melon will be second then that’ll offload there um

I need melon on this one but I don’t have one why did I grow pumpkins up top I should have grown melons okay well let’s just um how am I gonna do this let’s do it I need a water I need to get like the pumps again

Do I need to put a tank maybe I could I could put a tank with like an infinite water source and then a pump pumping water from that infinite water source into the tank uh from the tank it’ll then pump that into the into a basin with a mixer on

Top Nether wart will go in it’ll get mixed up that’ll make an awkward potion uh I have another pump come off that with another tank so I’ll have a tank of awkward potion from that tank it’ll get pumped into the next basin where the water no the watermelon has to

Be first made doing glycerin melon listening glistering gliss I don’t know so then I need to make the gold Farm now what would be the better way of doing it like I was gonna do the sand one I think the Soul Sand to make the quartz I guess that’s the better that’s

Probably the way I want to do it um yeah yeah probably I just think that melon can I get a melon my fear is this gonna grow and it’s gonna cut down by the saw and then I can’t actually get it come on come on out out with you melon grow

Damn it bro foreign Ty please just want a melon man I’ve gotten more seeds I guess I could have gotten more seeds actually dishonesters have any melon I may it is time for thievery it’s okay I gave her a stack of iron blocks like I can’t complain

She got a bunch of iron out of his I paid for this in advance that’s what happened it’s not theft it’s repaying alone do do Melon I swear to God Capitan oh that’s actually real it’s just like okay she got a pumpkin I don’t see any melon I don’t think anyone had any melon because I had to buy my one seed from the market there I don’t think anyone’s been growing any melon huh well shoot

I don’t really want to use up my emeralds on melon I guess I have to swear if I’d buy these and if I go down there and the the melon is grown be mad that’s what’s gonna happen you know that’s what’s about to happen now I bought them that Melvin’s gonna be grown

When I go down there you know that’s how that’s gonna work [Laughter] I figured like I’d bone meal one and then I’d get the melon and then I would you know break that one I get a bunch more but now I paid for him I bought five an

Emerald for a seed is so much can I make emeralds can I print money oh still not grown my bone meal girl there it is how do you like force it to grow a melon can’t like bone meal it more can’t force it to grow melon leaves grow melon oh wasn’t that growing

I gave you wander I gave you slab it should grow on the thing right am I doing something wrong does it have to be on a solid block or does it just like is it because it’s a slab it’s not gonna grow onto it time to check the wiki

Because my knowledge of Minecraft is not great and now I’m like wondering if I did something wrong I’m pretty sure it’ll grow in stone I’m pretty sure I wonder why it’s not growing also I realize on the way back is that gonna bump into the melon and stop

Because there’s no saw blade on the back I need a saw blade on the back it might oh that’s right I can’t open up Firefox while I’m streaming I do Opera GX melon please melon please like watching waiting for melon that’s the problem with the filters like you can’t uh

And set the filter without having the item I mean you can if I made a filter guess I can just do that uh Minecraft melon okay uh um right how do you Ali say Ellie C thank you I don’t know why the thing didn’t go off

There there oh there there you go that was weird I’m trying to figure out why the melon did not grow or did it grow they didn’t grow yet why melanogrow now let’s take 10 to 30 minutes to grow oh wait no that’s the stem uh Mountains wait this is weird

Rodney Marshall what up how’s it going um questioning how melons work let go uh block is not empty or the block beneath is not an appropriate block wait what oh does it need to be no uh uh not empty or the block beneath it’s not an appropriate block wait does that

Mean okay so I do need dirt next to it I thought I could grow on on uh one question if you allow me to ask sure why is it not I guess maybe because it’s the stone I guess I have to put um I guess it has to be dirt

Let’s try that that’s the only thing I could think of it’s got to be dirt I promise you to face being a live stream or any challenges you have being a live streamer um what what DOTA I guess it’s I don’t know I want to say discoverability but that

Could also just be me complaining you know like maybe that’s not a real problem maybe it is um I’ve been doing this for I don’t know a decade over a decade oh no oh well okay that’s a problem that’s a problem um I wasn’t paying attention and

And you know I’m at where I’m at where I’ll be doing a stream like this and no one’s really here I mean you know a couple people show up and it’s always nice but that’s I think that’s the main thing how do you get people to find out about you right

Like graphic designing or logos maybe animation I feel like that is the least concern for a small streamer um but for me personally I am a uh I am a professional graphic designer so that is definitely not an issue on my part but yeah I don’t my personal opinion is I

Don’t think that’s a concern for a small streamer because why worry about the uh the decoration when no one’s really here first part is try to get people to actually like be there I think I don’t know if necessarily I mean Graphics probably do help to some degree but

I don’t know it’s a complicated question that I don’t know the answer to and I don’t think I ever will because who who knows can’t give advice from my side because uh I’m clearly doing something weird and wacky let’s see can I do like a dirt slab that is a thing

There is a dirt slab uh let’s just give that a shot maybe that counts I don’t know I it would probably count as dirt let’s find out I also forgot I could actually pick up the uh whoops we’re gonna pick up the thing the mine cart that is Handy so that is definitely

Um is that growing I don’t know yet eh maybe police I would assume it’s tagged with dirt it should have the dirt tag right it should behave as dirt so and it play it’s take 10 to 30 minutes or is it the stock to grow

Maybe it is a full melon maybe the melon does take like 30 minutes to grow and that’s why I needed more seeds uh what a pain what a pain what a pain what a pain let’s have this contraption still hopefully it goes down okay

I can at least hold on to it for now I suppose and then place it down again when the melons maybe possibly grow maybe possibly okay so for now let’s let’s figure out this first part uh um I need to do a water source even a water source with a pump into a

Basin so I need a basin uh where’s my stuff so if I do this yeah that’s a basin I need to do a blaze burner I do have my charcoal so I’m going to use that as the fuel or the blaze burner throw the charcoal in there that should last um

Got a fluid tank of a filter um let’s see what else we got what else yeah we need this oh I need this that one okay I think that’s good inventory is filling up I wish I had a bigger inventory I know I actually don’t have a second backpack

I could make a create backpack why why haven’t I not done that I forgot I had a second backpack or a third rather I don’t know can you stop can you just leave Foreign okay so the Mountain’s gonna be a bit um yeah where’s my wood do I have wood here no I think I put it in here let’s turn this into all that more shafts um one of these plus one of these gives me a pump so then um

The netherwort I guess I can immediately let me extend belt I can’t because I don’t have any belts cool that got my inventory is full already and that out I need to do basin here funnel on this side goes in and then I need to put a pump on that

Side so actually that can go back in um right yeah so pump out I need to pump in as well so I need two of these right so I need to put a pump in from here I will put a tank here yeah okay

Um I guess I can actually let me do that and then make it let me do like this oh I don’t have enough okay never mind I don’t I forgot how many I actually had all right that’s fine um okay go and then we’ll put a little infinite water source like we’re

Underneath it right so with the pump there whoops there there we go and then we put the water under it somehow in my bucket um and then where’d my sink so if we do that that’ll pull from that spot there into the tank that’ll fill that up easy enough

Okay so that should pump into there um this needs to come out then into another tank right there yes I can without a pump it into there so that should be the awkward potion now um oh yeah I need to pump that back that needs to have the blaze burner under it

Okay so then somehow I need to feed that I don’t like that it looks at me it’s a little weird um how am I gonna feed it it’s a thing oh Emma I guess I can put an arm right here or somewhere oh because then once I have the awkward

Potion I need to do another potion setup um so the Mountain’s gonna go down that way where it should meet up with the golden nuggets from some place I need to solve that part too um and then what’s that the glistening melon I’ll have to come back this way

Um so then what I can do is that’s there um I can do another basin trying to think in advance I can kind of you know I’m going a little bit backwards here and put another base in right I think if I put this here in the Basin here right then I can

Pump in from this side directly into it no there we go okay so then that will go into there right um that’ll have a mixer on it which I’m going to clear some ceiling space for that um and then I think it’s done for the most

Part so I could put a mechanical hand here a mechanical arm here um and that’ll actually show off of this gear which would be Andy I don’t know how I’m gonna do those ones though that’s like a weird angle thing yeah how am I gonna do that one I don’t know

Realizing that that’s a little awkward of an angle for the small gears ah I’m gonna hook that up if I do any of that ooh that no I mean that would kinda do it hmm okay well I need to do a mechanical arm I don’t think I have any more

Uh Precision thing so I need to go make some gold plates fill that up I do want to make like an andesite maker I think there’s a way to make and decide I think it has something to do with Like Flint and Cobble or something like that

I need to relookup how to do that um let me see what do I got in here I have I don’t have any in there got nothing in there okay so I made I made it all uh or is it all in here 26 28 oh okay no it’s in here

So it takes five passes I can make five of those mechanisms for now that’s fine I’ll I have to make once I can get like an andesite maker then I will make the Cog wheels and stuff and send it to that so I can just like pump out and the gold

If I get like a good gold maker I can uh flatten that and have that sent here and it can just make as many thingies as I need these don’t turn to trash the soothing sounds of poverty pop yeah there’s one that’s two that’s three that’s four that’s five yeah no trash

I love it when it’s not trash okay so then I need a mechanical arm mechanical arm that brass three brass okay and that squish I’m going to dump off this stuff I think I’m good on pipes for now I think I’m good on that uh I don’t need that with that

Uh probably don’t need the item vault and come back for it if I need it I should make that create backpack I don’t know that’s the backpack the Villager one that’s okay fill it up with the essentials or something you know am I running over here so it’s like that that brass case

And that right yep so there’s the arm um yeah so I can put down my charcoal box somewhere and then it’ll feed the thingies the burners I have to also consider that I’m gonna have a third one later or making the oh my God how do I keep slimes from spawning down here I need to consult a Wiki again Oh yay I need seeds throw up there you go slowly slowly ago all right that go in there um because that’s health potion too that oh you know what I just realized I do need more uh uh thingies because then that’s going to come out

Into another tank I think yeah so I can make the health potion choose uh so I should get the uh pump and the thing the tank I can make more tanks later actually I don’t think it’s that hard I think it’s just what copper and two copper plates I think

No way that’s pipe fluid tank oh Barrel that’s what it was it was barrel barrel that’ll do two more yeah let’s do that the tanks don’t need to be that big oops what am I doing do and then this and I have one extra Barrel I guess I can just make another Ankh

Might as well that was man Holland’s like really messing with me it’s obnoxious um yeah because the next part would also be the same thing I think you mix the first health potion then with um the glowstone right but that would be the next part would be um another tank here

I forgot the pipe good I’m gonna go into that tank and then it’ll mix with the glowstone or it should anyway right yeah oh wait um offload that’s not gonna cook let’s put this fluid tank as a placeholder right then that oh here then that go there go to underway where

Is my Ranch okay so then that flows into there that’ll be the health potion that’s the health potion yeah so water um awkward of potion one and then that goes to another thing like here right another basin and that’s where the other one will be that’s where um

I was potion two gets made and that comes out another pump and this comes out here bunk to another tank where health potion two is and then that goes to a spout into bottles that’s another thing but I think that’s it for burners right and the reason I needed to do that

Was so that I can just set down my thing here full of charcoal uh which I can just put like here yeah so oh can I not right I needed to actually have that come out I think I can’t directly select the chest shoot oh wait I think what I can do

I need to have something as an in-between I think if I do a funnel on this going up with a block above it I think that works or even a funnel no because the funnel will just start spitting out items even if it’s not on a rail I need to put this

Uh with a block on top I believe is that it can’t go anywhere I do that and then I put a funnel on top it does just float up there which is kind of obnoxious but all right uh or or if I have a Depot next to that if I take this and

Have it output like put a funnel and then a Depot there I think it will just keep the depot filled I think I think it’ll just output on the depot instead of having a floating item loading item is bad people good because floating items will despawn after a while

But the depot should hold that I think that’s right I think that’ll work if I asked um I put the chest above Depot funnel chest no it don’t work um why that no work why why why if I do two funnels will that work like if I put it

I put a Depot down in here will they extend like that I do that and then I put a funnel I don’t no I don’t yeah no I think that only happens if they’re sideways but I don’t know if it’ll actually send them out I think it needs a belt to drive it

So um I think I can have a belt driven from over there that kinda hmm yeah if I put a Depot here and I do put a belt um here right um and to extend that out a little bit right so I can put the chest River went still there

But in here I got too many places where things drop into this here with a funnel coming out here and when that starts rotating that way as it needs to it should stop on the depot I think that’ll do so take items from Depot give to Blaze burners bam there okay

Should be set so now it’s tied to that one um now I somehow need to tie all these together somehow I’m still not sure I’m gonna do that hmm because also the mixers have to be up here and they also have to be driven by gears oh man okay

Mechanical mixer uh then the Whisk that is one two three four five iron so I need 15 iron smashed put that in there and then I’ll try to figure out the gear shenanigans yeah it’s gonna be weird to try to get them all to run on the same thing don’t know mashie

Here’s some of this out that’s it all right I think I put this drill in there okay a little bit of that pokey pokey I don’t have any more small ones oh right I need more casings soon I hope there’s a way to make andesite I think there is melon

I get that only get two I only got three it’s an insult there more melon please more melon if you please oh uh uh like clear the space above this thing okay all this stuff nothing in there I don’t have nothing in there ah somehow I missed all the basins that’s interesting okay

That’s clear up there so then we put the mixers in at that don’t pop there all right now the hard part now the weird part how do I hook all of this stuff up because these are all gears I don’t really know you know do that I think that’ll combine that there okay

That should drive them all I think yeah that’ll drive all the mixers now I need to somehow drive the rest of these things how am I gonna do this how in the world am I going to do this um um huh I could maybe

I’m like maybe I can do kind of the same thing but I don’t think so that’s because they’re all in parallel like that these ones I could hook those ones up like that’s easy those ones I could hook up so if I do that um I can have these above whoops

Ah this is wacky hey if I do it and then I do that and then I put a shaft there okay so those ones are taken care of kind of sort of this one needs to be powered I guess any of them need to be powered I guess I

Would try to power that middle one um I got a gearbox there yeah okay I can do that uh I hope I need to power this one too let’s make a gearbox I’m gonna put a gearbox in the center right rotate that okay so now that’s doing that one and that one cool

Um it’s going along into there the arm isn’t going to get powered hmm how the hell am I gonna do this I made this so compact it’s kind of a pain kind of obnoxious how am I gonna do that bit hey that one there with another shaft

Going to that one right so then there uh I can put that there so that’s all connected okay so that side I think is connected that is connected that one I think they’re all technically connected up to each other now I need to run power somehow to this one that one

Dude that one and oh I need a couple of gearboxes I think that’s the only way I can reasonably do this I’m gonna need to yeah but I don’t have any more casings so time to make a couple I guess and all this in the casings and then get the get this okay

I think I need three whoops all right let’s figure this out so that connect up to that um right and then oh I think it just all has to be your boxes okay so now that’s connected to that let’s connect to that that’s over to that

Um shaft here your box here or do and then oh shoot that’s not gonna work there though how am I going to connect that Center one up I don’t know hey phone not right now I’m trying to solve a puzzle okay well if I do gearbox

Here all right so now that that is connected to that shaft so now I need to connect this one to there which I think I can do that right that’s connected in um next that in right dude that’s connected there if I throw one more here um and then one more yeah

I think that’s the right order I think that works there I think they’re all connected now I just now have to drive any of them and it should work and then I’ll have to change like the direction of these pumps and stuff now that works so all right which one do I drive

Um I’m still gonna send power in here somehow let me connect all these belts are connected not these ones um but I can do that with felt out and then another gearbox so many gearbox not enough wood so then that connects that that one still needs to be attached to um

I don’t know which way these things are gonna be going that’s gonna go that way so then this one should be going the opposite way I think I think this is going to go that way and then I need to attach somehow gear this all up to

Maybe this one this one’s like here next to this so if I do like a big gear maybe like two of them right if I do this to that possibly I can then do that and no oh because there’s another thing in the way it needs to come out here

You know a pain hmm I’m gonna go diagonal that no that’d be that’s that’s weird uh yeah I guess I just need more I need one more the two just in case I do that oh wait no that’s right okay that that this is a big uh it’s a big mess

I think it works the center part’s a mess the rest of it I think is fine okay now I need to somehow get uh Power in I also need to get this like fully fully melloned up oh nice you got bone meal it’s good another melon see that now they’re

Growing now I have enough stalks actually get some melon growing that’s a good Pace you know I should also go grab some uh some more bone meal up top I have a lot we’ll do that and then probably that’ll be all good um I have power like next door so I can

Just kind of send it through the wall I think right if I send it through um maybe I can’t oh I guess I can that shaft I think I can just send straight through and then I think if I put that on a speed controller

It’s kind of cheating but I like it like I can just send something to a speed controller and then just set how fast I want gears to be what do I need uh what did I come here for um oh yeah the um bone meal foreign making more because that chest up there

Is also filled up I need to I know it’s kind of a waste um if I put a door there it won’t do this anymore I don’t want to break that block because I do want to keep these amethysts here growing I think that works I think that’ll keep that from growing there

All right so if I go off of this shaft here any more andesite I run through this stuff super fast yeah so now that’s over here I just have to figure out how to get this plug into anything Let’s bring it over here and then Elvis bastard do I keep slimes from spawning please God So annoying down here I really thought I was gonna have the problem when I first started the server that uh I was never gonna have slime balls I was never gonna find slime because that’s usually the problem I have in these things and now I have like

The first thing I did was generate a slime farm before before the slimes even like were spawning down here and then after I finished that farm constant slimes just an annoying amount of slimes and it’s it’s like the worst the game is taunting me I knew there were gonna be this many

Slimes I would have made a slime for grew at all the thing is I don’t have the glistering melon part yet I don’t know what to do um I guess I can grow or not grow I guess I can set it up as if that part was ready I need another mechanical arm

Um a bunch of brass filters probably no maybe not I don’t know how to actually set like our recipe is made on that thing on those um gear things actually no I think I can hmm yeah okay I think I can set it up in a weird wacky way

Yeah I think that’ll work had an idea for like I don’t think it has to be set like if it’s a three by three I don’t think it has to be set in that way because they’ll all come together so I’m thinking if um would it work

Would it work if I set it up like one two three uh one two three I think this one has to be here with a cover in it where is the I think it’s a cover right is it something like that placard at three brass nuggets okay

There we go oh it lagged out because Ryan there joined if I leave that I don’t actually have uh uh I don’t have a melon on me melon I think that should work melon grow I need you what up hey bro how are you doing pretty okay

Where am I from I’m from uh California at the moment in Cali you know nice and uh let’s say warm it’s not it’s actually been kind of cold I mean relatively cold our cold is probably most people’s warm oh but for me it is I mean it’s a nice temperature

Nice enough that I don’t have to worry about anything noticed I think the melons yeah the melons haven’t grown on the sides I don’t think these dirt slabs are working I think they don’t grow on slabs I’m gonna have to do water underneath aren’t I I think so um okay

Oh it shouldn’t be too bad yeah they’ve been growing weird here how’s the weather there um right now I think it’s a little cloudy it’s not too bad it’s pretty good whoops Pedro how’s it going it’s going okay um mess around with some potion stuff I’m trying to figure out how melons grow

It’s the dumbest thing like I’ve got the hard part done it’s like how do I grow melon you know it’s always the dumb stuff like this that gets me like I can’t just have it easy run this on PC or console I am on PC

This is a modded server I don’t know if you can have can you have modded on console I don’t think you can no because that would be Bedrock right punch this out oops Arnold Donald Donald Jason to whatever yeah I know that they weren’t growing on the adjacent blocks that’s the thing that’s why I’m like trying to redo this I think it’s because I had them as slabs I’m pretty sure I’ve done that in the past but for some reason it’s like not going now

I’m not sure oh I’m drowning let me wear my bucket dream looks very attractive and it’s going very smoothly I guess it’s going okay not too many people have been in here yet besides a couple of the uh the normal twitch designers I don’t know that’s all I get I always

Get the uh the graphic designer guys on Twitch they’re like you need art I’m like no I I think I’m good did I just bucket the netherwort how did I do that do I have my breathing apparatus I do but it’s not full I’m gonna use that right now I’m just gonna

Oh my God T-Mobile not right now by the way you haven’t noticed something uh oh what what is noticed should grow on slaps that’s what I was saying but it wasn’t doing it earlier unless I was just very um I don’t know maybe because the slabs were waterlogged

I’m not sure but for some reason it didn’t seem like they were growing on there um so I’m gonna move the water under the farm which I think will still be fine and then I’ll just fill it in with dirt up top and that should like solid dirt blocks that should work

Your channel why don’t you get yourself custom oh there we go I knew it just on Twitch um and no I got I’ve got an animated intro and this is my overlay I’m good I do the uh do my own stuff I do actually I don’t do all of my own

Stuff I got sinuses doing other stuff not I don’t have her doing stuff I ask her to and she’s really nice about it she does all the character art around the place it’s nice uh let’s see let’s see what was I after um oh right I’m just gonna fill up my my

Tank here it’s funny it’s like making chocolate berries and chalky milk now I’m working on vending machine today oh cool chalky milk I’m not too concerned with food now like I got my I got my toast with Jam I’m cool with that I think I don’t know

As far as like easily craftable foods without plates I think I think the toast of jam might be the better one I’m not sure like let me see um chocolate covered berries so that’s three and a half and five and a half nourishment so I think the toast Jam still

Right there’s a toast with Jam is four and a half food uh hunger filled but 14 nourishment and the nourishment’s the really good one because that’s like actually health you got avocado toast and that one yeah see that’s five and twelve I think the jam still beats it out just by like a

Hair but avocado toast is still good upgraded logo banners or anything I mean oh that’s true no you’re looking on kick that’s right uh mine’s a little bit I just set up the kick I haven’t actually moved the banner stuff over there yet that is right

Um my banner on Kick is not complete uh I have the InDesign file like ready for it I just have not actually put it together that’s been on that’s been my bad how do I oh right because I already have that on I couldn’t just pick it up

Uh there we go okay breathing at this point I’m gonna provide the best quality stuff I mean I don’t think you can beat a cheaper price of free are you doing my own stuff is free that is the cheapest price I could think of I mean it’s all good I’m just saying you

Know like I’m taking care of on my part like I’ve been doing this for like a decade I’ve I’ve got all the templates let’s leave one because I do want to test out my hypothesis hypothesis and let’s uh let’s start bucketing this there’s my stone the water is pushing me

The wind is pushing me swim I think I can actually uh uh enchant this water tank I realized I saw that create had a couple of other um like enchantments and I realized I’m like that’s not for like anything and then I was like oh maybe it’s for the

Create equipment maybe it’s like I can increase my air tank capacity I think that’s what it is I might try to do that later because if that’s the case that’d be cool I just wish it went into the backpack slot not the chest slot can’t tell like I’ve already filled in

Actually I could probably just do this for the top can’t I yeah I can just do this from up here and then figure it out there we go that’s easier why was I doing it the hard way because I do everything the hard way thank you and then a Boop Okay so

Uh that should be taken care of over here now if I miss the spot that’s okay because it should fill in itself now just the other side got some slow because I’m in Soul Sand good oh this isn’t awful at all why does the soul sound like grab me and

Then not is every time I use a bucket yeah it’s like every time I use the bucket almost there damn it picking up all these Nether Nether Wards I don’t need okay so that should now be done there too all right oh oh no it doesn’t work oh I’ve soiled it

It does have to be next to it doesn’t it I thought I could do it underneath uh uh Why why okay well uh rip I know where did my thing go there okay let’s give this a shot again maybe maybe I was maybe I was just impatient bro row [Laughter] like these have been sitting a long time that I figured like the tick the next

Tick should just like grow a melon on there why why okay how do I or okay I can do these tracks on slabs I could put the water over there I think that’s close enough that it’ll get the rest of this right I think so I think that’ll work

Let’s oh except for the Redstone uh well that that should actually still be fine because the water should still be a close enough proximity I should still work okay so then um go listen with dirt here water in the next bit slap that and then I think we’re good hopefully

Maybe I don’t know better be I don’t know why the slabs weren’t working it is a mystery to me I guess it still could be just uh me being impatient can’t rule that out but that’s that would be weird melon see it’s growing on the on the dirt there

And then if I slab that I can put the tracks on top of that and that should work see the mountains are growing now the slab I don’t know why I don’t know I’m pretty sure I’ve had them grow on slabs before I just don’t know why it wasn’t going before

All right so that’s doing that I got some metal on here I can finally actually like finish this bit off here thank goodness okay one meal these up and then I can put my Contraption back down and it should probably maybe work I don’t know I don’t know how about

Putting these back down if it still works okay about to find out yeah it’s working I don’t have the saws on the back I hope I hope that’s not an issue on the way back I hope it doesn’t bump into melons it might I may need to put another saw on the back

Bit of that we’ll find out here in a sec actually I guess I can just down uh that’s what happens okay I just went through it it doesn’t care that’s cool that’s good that’s actually pretty perfect oh God oh it’ll just pass through uh going backwards that’s fine

Um right now I need to connect this up which I think how was I gonna do this um at and then that’s going the wrong way so I can put two small gears there and that would that would work I don’t want to hook it up yet

Um because the melon’s just gonna go flying out somewhere so I guess I can put in a chest for now as just like a buffer I could put a chest here or something item Vault I think the vaults hold more I’ll put a vault down there just a

Single block it’s fine I don’t need like a a big capacity I just need somewhere so it doesn’t go spewing out onto the floor even if it backs up that’s okay everywhere with these little boyos the single one of these and then put two funnels on there well I’ll put

One for now and then when I need it I’ll put later I put another one all right that should be working hypothetically everything should be good kind of let’s set down this item vault I’ll put it I guess I’ll put it here I’m gonna put the funnels kind of next to each other

A little more uh Aesthetics I don’t have that come out okay well that will be for whenever the melon section is ready all right so I should be able to hook this up now that fingers crossed it all okay that’s coming out that’s going oh I think I wanted to put

Um hang on wait a minute I think I I didn’t goofed a little bit not goofed but I wanted to put a speed controller that’s right I have them uh I don’t have the Precision ones on me okay let me go grab that real quick I’m gonna put a speed

Controller there and then that way I can actually control how fast all the mixers go which really sing is how I have all of these steam engines uh I think I could probably Max the speed out I think I’m okay to do that of course this kind of as laggy for me over

Here I can’t look these things frames drop any one of those um and then it’s just is it a brass casing or is it an endocyte no a brass okay we throw one of these down it should be a big gear and I think I can just put a

Small gear down next to it or no that’s not it’s not gonna be oriented the right way let me figure this out um right yeah because if I do that yeah the big gear has to go the other way but hmm I needed to go that way that is going the right way

So Felt it felt it whoops there there we go okay so now that’s rotating now I can just uh crank this up a little bit there we go so now that’s going to move a little faster if I needed to change I should be fine um now the thing is

Why is this not moving uh oh I think because I extended the belt out that’s right okay there we go yes I know that’s all moving um this one Yeah same dealio because I extended that out okay so now we got to make sure these are all moving the right direction that’s going that way that’s going that way these are all backwards which means the one of the water is probably backwards yep there we go that should fill up with water

Okay we should pump it into the basin I’m now an ally of Yoshi’s Kingdom does that work yeah so that’s just good that just destroys whatever is overflowing which I know is kind of a waste but I can’t oh open trade oh I got you we got open borders okay so that

Yeah because this is backed up that’s going to send this into the trash that’s basically what’s going on um I know it’s a waste but it’s the only way to get this Farm actually kind of working I guess I could put another little um container but whatever

Yeah see now the melon goes in here and then when that fills up the rest of melon goes in the trash I think I have enough another word that I don’t have to worry about running out um actually this should have already oh right so the pump going into basin there we go

There we go that should why is it not mixing it should be water and another wart is it pumping water out why is there water in here what the hell why wait a minute can I do a filtered pump that’s what’s going on I can do a filtered pump right or a

Filtered pipe or something right she oh no I made this too Compact and now I can’t do that oh no oh smart pump there’s a smart pump is there a smart pump please be a smart pump Jesus Christ mechanical Palm uh um there’s a smart fluid pipe damn it

I can’t have a smart pump but I can have a smart fluid pipe but because of the way I did this because of how compact I made this I can’t actually put it there damn it no I have to I’m gonna have to do some weirdness

You need a pump on the fluid pump wait what pipe on the fluid yeah yeah I know yeah I know I know uh uh okay can I make a 90. please let me please let the uh smart fluid pipe go at like a 90 degree angle what have I rot upon dessert is

Troublesome Troublesome pipe I need I need three one two three yeah I need three Smart Ones oh my goodness how do you What just happened in my chat it like rolled back where did where did your messages go weird I know it’s fine why not just use the sink for water I don’t need to I’d like I’d rather keep the sink for myself I don’t want to have to make

Multiple sinks when I can just do like a little infinite water source like that’s fine um that’s not hard that’s not the problem there you have two I mean it’s fine well because I might need water for other stuff I like carrying it so that I have

An infinite water source with me at all times which I am going to make a entangled bucket to have an infinite bucket that’s what I’ll probably hook the sink up to but yeah that’s that’s what the sink will be for later it’s not that’s not the problem right now that’s just uh

It’s just that I have a water tank so I can pass water into the one um even if I set that water tank as the sink it would still pass water through all the other tanks and I don’t want that so I need that plus the plate so I need

Three of those mash them down steam engines are like destroying my FPS around here hey all right so let’s figure out new puzzle start new puzzle start though I’m not gonna go into next degree I’m sure I can even set the filter actually set the filter for liquid

Uh um okay I’m gonna have to remove these anyway oh God ah Jesus shut it down shut it down turn it off can’t okay you can make her go real slow who would have thought breaking the tanks would spew water out everywhere okay um what I can do

I can move the tanks up yeah I think that’s what I’m gonna have to do I want to move the tanks up or down I can probably put them down um and then right run pipe so I’ll put the tanks in the floor I think and I should solve the the issues the

Ever-growing issues I was wondering what was going on it should have made that making that potion but because it couldn’t actually offload the potion it couldn’t make it how is that still spewing oh because there’s still water in this okay um that oh that’s true too

Um that has that has water and an awkward potion interesting so what I do is I do that um it needs to pump out right so ah shoot was this pump oh I I think if I move oh God going out everywhere that’s okay let it let it drain the water I guess

Okay that should be drained that’s okay if it has water I just need to get the awkward potion out does this go had a 90 degree Bend probably not no okay so then I need to put a pipe here that bends to put a tank in the middle is the thing if I

Okay wait what what if um how do you set a filter for this thing fluid filter do I need a bucket of the stuff applied filter to Smart fluid pipe but how do it how does it know what what fluid I’m looking for how do I set the filter for fluids

Do I need to make a filter you set the bucket of fluid okay I get water that’s water I don’t want water um I think I just got rid of my awkward potion yeah I don’t think that worked I think I don’t know I think I might have to do

A filter like an actual filter filter but I I think what I can do is I think I can put the tank here and then put the pump on that side and the pump should pull it through the tank Maybe yeah I’ll have to make the filter I didn’t want to because

It’s fine it’s not even expensive I don’t know why I’m complaining about something that’s not even that hard to make for some reason in my mind the filters are too like annoying to make but it’s literally just like a filth it’s like a piece of wool do I actually have some on me

I do I already have the stuff for it anyway like what am I what am I complaining about is it um I promise I don’t actually know what to drag into the filter iron nuggets I forget yeah okay I have too many things on me do a glass bottle is that

I didn’t have my armor on search this track so just drag the um bottle I don’t know if that’s gonna work either though because it’s not a bottle I guess it will it has to right figure it out real quick let’s type in awkward yeah I guess so see I was

Expecting it to look like the the like the weird liquid just effect I guess it’s gotta be that that’s the allow list okay you have a chocolate bucket filter okay right it looks like liquid but it’s yeah yeah that’s what I was thinking is that it would look like that but it’s not

Showing up in here let’s let’s just try this and see if it works did I set all of these to awkward but I did ah what get out of here I don’t know if that’s going to work um but I guess we’ll find out then if I put a tank here

And then I put a pump here will this should fill up the tank I think as it should act as a buffer I don’t know if that’s gonna work I don’t know if that logic pans out find out real quick okay so that does have awkward potion in it

But it’s not flowing through I don’t think that filter’s set right um could um on this one I can say don’t do water I could do that that doesn’t solve the later problem um air there’s a thing for air but there’s no hmm what if I just put like all of them in

Nope still not going through why I wonder if that’s because here no oh oh it did okay yeah yeah it’s because the pump isn’t pumping into the tank okay so that actually did work okay I just didn’t have the tank set up correct got it all right

So it did actually go in here but then I can’t do like a tank full of awkward potion it’s just gonna have to I’ll figure out how to play to pump it into the thing um right okay Um oh right okay I can do it like that where if I do if I do that that probably won’t actually push that in but oh God this is gonna be like a redo of the setup I was like but if I add like a pump

Going up to a tank and then down into the pipe again even though these are connected oh you know that would probably backflow uh uh hey you [Laughter] okay well um that doesn’t necessarily have to be over there it just won’t let stuff pass through it so if the pipe before it

Shouldn’t have any water in it because it won’t have a pump on it so it should allow me to do that up to a tank right um be able to put the tank up here three I can put oh my God it’s again it’s like

The wrong I had this all set up for these pumps and I gotta get like rid of these pumps ah hey let’s just let’s just take this all down I said a brain puzzle from earlier not um I can leave that because that works uh but that stuff that one’s fine

Okay let’s just set this up correct with all the the right um pumpages one two three pump up to that right oh wait no um needs a filter on it I’m so set on having a little in-between tank like I really do want one though not even necessary uh um

What if I do it like that okay so like a pump oh wait I saw that still doesn’t help I need to put the thingy I need to put the filter somewhere that’s the whole problem that’s the whole issue I can’t block this belt okay so it needs to go up there

Um but that within I need to put the filter Ear up there where did my other filter go did I eat my filter it ate my filter oh that’s weird when I got the pipe bag I ate the filter hmm that kind of sucks okay um ah shoot now that’s gonna be don’t okay that’s not actually connected there

That’s fake that’s actually connect to that um oh but it is actually connected to that so that works okay and then that will drive the other one okay um and then we go over and down and there there okay technically that should probably work uh uh probably

I think after there’s that weird awkward thing over here now um that’s full of awkward potion this one should be the health potion one if we do the same weirdness over here that this one to elf potion potion of healing that one that one I think I probably just need

The one but you know just in case go and then pump up there I don’t have enough of these angst that’s the problem I make another one of these tanks oh it’s the barrel thing stalking what up would you consider yeah [Laughter] no I was at a sport what do you mean who

Are you competing against what I’m stalking okay what the hell what the hell um let’s see what can I get rid of I don’t need what I might need that testing something how’s it going [Laughter] popping in here with your uh questions at the very least at least not a

Question of hey do you need graphic design work you like I’m not even that’s so I try to be nice I do I because I don’t know some of these I think these people are real I don’t think they’re Bots but I’m like mildly I’m getting a little miffed and tired of

Having to constantly be like no I’m good ports don’t need competition isn’t that what makes it a sport what’s the challenge amount time endurance how would you win you need graphic design work get out don’t you’re like one of the few actual humans that are here

Why do I have a blue what the hell how did I get that warped netherwart what the hell I don’t know I got that um okay so I cleared that what did I need oh yeah the barrels um so I need five more so I need 10 of these wished

Yeah it was weird like I I started I have another stream up well I like I have restream right so I stream on like whatever platforms I kind of think you know might be all right because with my numbers it doesn’t really matter like zero on one is the

Same as zero on another so I’m like you know what let’s try to get at least like the name out there as long as it’s like showing up on different platforms maybe someone from one will then be like oh they’re on Twitch I’ll go over there that’s the

Thinking I don’t think it works but I saw that kick was a thing and it kind of reminded me of mixer yeah I know but um but I was like let’s give it a shot and I was like oh it’s probably free of the graphics people nope nope they still

There they still there I shouldn’t hate my own kind but but I also already do the things that they do I don’t know I think what’s going on here why is that stopped why is that stuck why is that stuck oh need a little bit of a push oh there’s

Probably a slime or something in here I bet there was a slime there you’re competing to see who finishes faster duh I think there was a time in high school where some drummers did that allegedly I have no idea I heard that um because we had to like when we went on

Trips to different places to play like competitions or uh like marching parades whatever who you know we’d have to share rooms so there’s like four of us to a room you got to pick who you’re with and allegedly I had heard through some people that like some of the drummers

Had done that where they like got together and like jerked off in a circle to see who could finish faster or something I was like what the is wrong with you speaking of jacking okay [Laughter] that should be good there and then um yeah we do that flip it

Thing down flip it and reverse it oh oh my God thank you gift wait oh okay gifted oh thank you I saw sinuses and I was like I think she might have also at some point [Laughter] nice subject transition how is that I know I don’t know I don’t get the transition

But thank you Applebee’s is working out then the gifting thing always like nope what’s going on I guess we do that and then this is this should be a health potion too I don’t know where that other filter went they’ve been paying me the wrong amount what

Do you mean they’ve been paying you the wrong amount they just got it they just gotta fix it wait does that our so they were paying you less than you were supposed to I’m I’m about to fight someone give me their address I’m gonna drive over there I’ll fight someone the hell

You’re supposed to make 15 they’ve been paying you 14.50 what the hell do they like reimburse the the unpaid 50 they better have okay I’m gonna fight someone they’re reimbursing okay that’s good because I swear like I that was almost like oh yeah no they made a mistake and

They they upped the pay but because it was never that amount at the first point they’re just like eh that’s just what your wage was I was totally like waiting for that to be the the story you know that beat someone up you missed out on 200 bucks 200 bucks you need

Yeah that’s whack though that’s that’s dumb How do they how they do that oh wait I can actually have this one I guess it got fixed that’s better than what I thought was gonna be you know sad if I unlock the wireless Redstone yet yeah I’ve used it everywhere

I’m pretty sure is that we like uh transmitters or is it or is it this thing the Spectrum one I’ve used the transmitters all over the place there we go I’ll just do that that’s going to be health potion too so I want as much of that as possible yeah glad that’s resolved

You’re in caveman time still what the hell is all you make is food nothing wrong with that but that’s all it’s like your main crafting thing is food okay so that’s all hooked up in there that’s actually better looking than how I had it I want to quit and become a competitive

Master feeder hey if you can figure out how to monetize that then go ahead fully support that like you figure that out and then you’re set to do no for Minecraft Farmer restaurant engineer as a hobby I’m like only doing Redstone stuff not Redstone but like create and Redstone stuff

Oh that’s right I can’t actually get that there um oh I can belt it actually that’s what I can do only fans I I guess you’re right but like does anyone I don’t know I feel like a male only fans isn’t that popular you know oh that’s that’s not spinning right um

So that still has the awkward potion in it so is that pump not working then damn it damn it that doesn’t work does it should at least pulled awkward potion out I think because this isn’t the way the pump isn’t pulling that out hmm called speed baiting oh my God that’s so good

[Laughter] would it be a light class middle class and heavyweight well there’d have to be cross-dressed uh actually that would probably work with some uh unfortunately no see they couldn’t just cross-dress you know the cross dress as like Felix or something you know like one of those anime characters

You’d have to be like one of those you need a filter on the basin uh Sully’s not a headache at all it’s the only thing that’s actually the problem is that first one because it’s the the other ones I can actually pull out here but that one has the watermelon

Going along it and that’s that’s the problem um okay so we do this let’s do something funky let’s pull it down and around yeah I’m gonna have to go under this thing I think that’s the only way to do it I’m gonna have to go like down and around and up and over

My um oh there it is whoops yeah I think that’s how it’s gonna have to be it’s gonna have to wrap around like that oh it ate my filters again can’t just uh uh it ain’t my filters again uh all right every damn time that’s really annoying

I’m gonna try it with just the one yeah I think it didn’t matter which bottle I used okay so that now should be there um I do okay actually that that’s not so bad because what I can do is then take these as I had them and

Then do that as the buffer right and I can put that in there okay and then I can gear that up that’s actually not that bad looking at it trapped a phantom cool okay so now that go in there and then we need to put that there

Um I can do the same thing here where that comes out so that I can put the tank here um yeah that look at the tank here one two three that’s what I thought I dig down like that do like how that ended up where it’s like perfect uh positioning um

Let’s move that here or I’ll do it the same wacky way where I’d have the pipe go underneath so that I can do what I did there I don’t like that I like that those are driving each other bomb is here wander there um fine

Oop okay so then that go down and Ober two three bump in there pump right there here right here I like that and that should go in there and then oh there’s awkward potion in there damn it how is their awkward potion in that one because there’s no filter on this one

But it’s it slipped or flipped through and then this one on this one and that go here um yeah up here I guess and then I can do I want to block that though let’s put it here if I can and I is that uh doable yes all right

Um it’s just a little bit awkward I guess it would have been nicer to have it over there I’m gonna get the gearing still and okay I could have it go into this no that’s that’s too much um I just I don’t like that this doesn’t have a 90 degree Bend in it

This is fine I guess I’ll just do a three on this one I wanted to do like the big tank because this is the big one you know this is the this is the final I guess I could just dig out some of this wall here let’s just do that okay um

All right so then we’ll do the big tank then I can just put a gear in here there so that drives that that drives all that uh oh that’s on that one that should have the upper potion there so nothing in here yet that does have

Awkward potion I need to remove that can I just bucket it out yes yeah okay that worked so what am I wait oh yeah and then out to there okay oh that has awkward potion in it I need to get these spinning yeah somehow um way somehow

That is spinning all that up there um the water is the water pipe spinning no water pipe is not spinning then do I get that connected in this one I think around it that it can connect to easily not really I think if I have it go out to the side Maybe

Yeah I can hook it up with this one okay so the water should be flowing into there nothing should be flowing into the other ones right no okay good uh yeah because that’s got that so how do I drive it from here or is that one

Just shaft off of that one I think and that’ll drive this whole section I know this is gonna be kind of wacky but I’m just gonna do it like this who needs belts when you can just put a ton of gears so that’s driving that that’s driving that okay those should all be

Right way now I need to get this one powered and I think we’re good then if I do I might have andesite what the hell oh go get some more I’m gonna do a big big geared like double big gear to rotate it um and then the small gears I think that’ll work

You can adjust the speed either I think it’ll be fine double big gear as long as I don’t connect anything to the shaft of the big gears the speed should be the same this is looking dumb but you know what it’s fine I tried to do it as compact as

Possible and still got really silly two big ones here um and then we do that yeah like that I’m short one there and that’s rotating the wrong way it was sort of a 50 chance that it was gonna work um okay so that uh uh

Oh it is filling up Okay cool so I just increase the speed and that should work and so that should fill up with awkward potion that needs the melon so that’s the next thing I got to solve ah I just made this real difficult on myself didn’t I because I still need to

Get I need to get a conveyor belt oh god what have I done oh I’ve blocked the entrance that I intended to have for the converter because now this conveyor belt is when the melon comes out and needs to go get golden gilded whatever and then it needs to go into here uh

Oh but I can’t do that because then I need a belt coming in this way and they’re gonna hit uh mechanical arm mechanical arm it’s fine [Laughter] mechanical arm solves all why is there an awkward potion in here how did that get in there um

Why is that oh wait did I not set I set the filter on this thing why is awkward potion going in there not going in there oh wait a minute it’s passing through still why that goes in there why is this not um why is this not filtering awkward potions in there

Why is it making its way still through what the hell why is the filter oh wait is it like backwards if it’s backwards oh I’m guessing the direction actually matters that’s probably why take the thing out ah damn it man stupid filters just disappear no one told me these were directional

Oh come on go on there there you go oh now it’s got water in it funk okay so let’s just tear these tanks down but I’m back nothing’s flowing in there nothing’s in there that’s got water that’s gotta go awkward potion okay and then that should be filling up with that’s water okay

The sh should be on an awkward potion no Maybe good why does this have nothing in it now um what’s in here nothing okay that’s all clear why does this not have the awkward potion in it why not who are you not I guess what I can do off of this is

Actually have it go down I can do a diagonal actually I can do a shoot couldn’t I I can do a shoot yeah let’s do that ‘ll go in there and then I’ll just shoot it down and that’ll go across to somewhere over there that way I have

Room to bring it back on a conveyor belt in here that’ll be working oh now it’s got awkward potion cool cool cool it is going it’s just it’s logo because I have everything turned down and that has awkward potion what the hell what are you that’s the allow list you

Why is it go no what is it doing why why is it training what’s going on what the out what recipe on the basin oh wait you’re right wait why did I then I didn’t actually need these on this one no I do need it on that one that’s right

Because it’s going to contain two different liquids at some point right damn it why is it like like is it clear the thing has a filter to not let the liquid out why is it still that’s so weird like it shouldn’t work that way you know

Can’t just be me I can’t just I can’t even put this on this one real mat yo what up I am solving I am having crises foreign to millions of melon it did oh great fantastic amazing science is fun you do it with that what do you put that away

Dad pee pee away oh I can move that over there actually I can put this oh God oh God uh there that should scoop it up though I don’t think it’ll actually stop it from wait a minute let me figure out how to how to do this um how to do this smartly

I think I have to drag it out to here yeah that was a funnel we could get rid of that put your PP away and I put the health potion on this one I can I can spell okay well if that’s actually gonna do anything but let’s find out like I don’t

Know that I don’t know man okay so it’s filling up with awkward potion don’t you dare drain day no see it doesn’t work didn’t matter it went through I I have a filter pipe I have a damn filter pipe why it’s like the filter doesn’t matter it’s taking off

I don’t think no because that’s going in yeah let’s go in there boom boom um like it could be the direction of this but it was still draining through I think oops wait hang I gotta take the filter off oh is it this way I swear right now it’s wait is it

Not working see I swapped them around no it’s still draining it doesn’t matter the hell what the hell yeah that’s going in there that goes in there hmm the filter the smart fluid pipes are not they’re not doing it man they’re not doing it not working doesn’t matter which way I

Put them it just it lets the awkward push pass through regardless I could try um uh putting this in here making it a deny or some watermelon and see if it why would I what okay wait don’t say anything yet don’t say don’t speak

No it’s big I know just what you say it I think that worked I think it’s making it a deny worked just don’t let awkward potion through I think that worked oh that’s so dumb the allowed the allowance is supposed to be only allow that to pass through wait did it

Go through oh okay no it didn’t so that’s so dumb [Laughter] so wacky why okay whatever that seems like a glitch to me that seems like a glitch I don’t know okay so then let’s I did taking out you put a loud ball you can’t get a bucket the bucket

Now when you put the potion on there it said it says it in the thing do not allow or it says like you know the potion itself you can’t get a bucket of that when you put the potion bottle in there it just says it’s the potion like

That’s how it was worded on there but oh God damn it again it eats the filter if you don’t take it out first that’s so annoying Okay so deny awkward and health potion one I gotta do it backwards I can’t just say allow only the one so I say deny

The first couple steps if I did right yeah okay so don’t let the other stuff through I guess that’s how you have to do it all right well I guess that’s it that was annoying as hell it’s really dumb you would figure like the allowance on everything else I’ve done any other

Filter thing works that way do not let anything except for the allow list through some reason the fluid one it’s like whatever let everything through especially the thing you put on I don’t know I guess I was gonna drain the awkward potion out then actually see then why does this one

Work that’s the weird bit right why does this it’s allowless for the awkward potion but really the way it should be is it should be deny water I get like oh yeah there’s water uh yeah there what oh you can’t put water in interesting yes or deny water

Okay so that I think that’s working now I don’t have the other bits done yet so that’s uh all right well we got that situated why is there a melon in there [Laughter] I didn’t know what it was gonna do okay so it’s draining that good uh all

Right so it’s gonna fill that up then in the meantime let me just throw all this melon back on the conveyor belt right over here for it to sort uh that and that oh God I have so much melon I do need some of it I’ll keep that one for testing porpoises

That’s good all right so now the thing is stable and shouldn’t shouldn’t Fall Apart probably is fine all right let’s work on the Melvin bit now oh let’s up this that’s fine all right let’s go test my hypothesis I think it is not melon but melon and

Gold oh yeah no that’s that’s the correct thing yeah it’s just that the melon I have a melon farm there to then turn it into the Melt the gold melon but it like hopped over a thing because I think when I broke the chest it all exploded everywhere

I just now have to test if this will work um right so what we do that comes together go up that knows I don’t think that’s yeah no that should work and then that should it’s gonna output up there weirdly actually let’s switch that around let’s have that come together come down

Uh uh there and then this should just pop out I think so let me hook this up real quick anything been real quick who knew pop that on right okay um and then we need to fill that up with gold I have let’s see I do this no

Ah because it has to compress uh on the melon okay um I’m trying to do this in like a weird funky way um because uh uh I don’t want to make that many breaths but I guess I could just do it I don’t want the the hand

To have to do all the work because that’s really slow I want to import it onto the sides let me just look up how these things work because I know there’s a way to tell it exactly how to like if you push it in through the side and you tell it to skip

A section uh where these things that they are oops God damn it real now where did it go I lost it no um there it is okay it’s school time yes yes you can do that um exit at any side right it’s because I had to go into the floor

I don’t think so maybe right uh yeah before starting okay I don’t need that though right you can insert it like that ah it can be combined Ah that’s how you do it okay oh oh can I oh okay so if I combine the outside oh then that’s way easier

I think that’s what I was looking for yeah and then that’s okay so I just have to um I just have to connect the back sides of all these guys that means I need to move this out for testing so it’s actually easier if I do that that that that whoops

So I should be able to connect these around there and so now if I have a side input of the gold nuggets it should fill the outside and then the middle bit I can feed directly with the melon that should do it yeah okay that’s way easier than how I was trying

To do it with the covers and stuff um so the problem I guess I still have is that I don’t have the gold Farm yet that’s probably what we have to do next time this create stuff takes a while it takes a little longer than I thought it might it’s fine

I find it fun I know it’s missing that one mil in there I’m not gonna try to fix it every time we try to fix stuff it just takes forever it takes up too much time that’s going through yeah okay good that’s all working now that’s good um

I need to drop this down bring that over I’m gonna have a gold Farm somewhere I can do an entangled chest there to bring the gold nuggets back over here so actually then I could probably do it right here if I have an entangled chest it doesn’t matter where I put the melon

Um yeah but then how Okay the output has to go on the side so how do I get this to input then so if I do here right okay combine them no I can’t combine them from the front I do it here oh I should probably flip this actually

I have that there uh how do I get to go sideways you’re the best way to I guess I have to do another belt going that way kind of uh bothersome but okay or if I just do it this way no I need to go in the center somehow

So I need to uh wherever the output of this is needs to be the center of this so if I do um can’t have it go that way could set this up again uh further back no I can’t because that needs to be visible mechanical arm always a mechanical arm just the way

Just the best way to do it no it’s not but it’s just the I don’t know how to fit it in mechanical arm I can um yeah I think shoot or just a funnel on the bottom probably just a funnel on the bottom hmm three

I think I can insert it from the front right I think it’s just like how do I connect this if I drop it down I put a um a thingy um what the hell what am I thinking of uh not a funnel now I’m like I can’t even

Think of the the Minecraft term for it the other thingy a hopper jeez yeah Hopper there it’s like I could not I’m I was like so into uh the create stuff I could not remember what a hopper was called laughs if I do that and then um I could just Hopper it over

You make wooden Hoppers if it’s one item only saves you material oh yeah no I can but I think the the problem with that too is that I think wooden Hoppers are slower I think it doesn’t matter I have so much iron I have an iron farm it’s

The same cost to me now they cost literally the same amount like wood and iron I think I might no I don’t have more iron than I would but sometimes it feels that way uh so up up over and down over over right that should work

And then with this oh wait I gotta hook these together first foreign oh no I can’t oh God I have to blow up the melon thing again all right because you can’t actually access the chest and empty it first it just has to blow up nothing in there

Okay nothing in there cool that’s fine snack to connect connect nope okay so that should be good there knock that in put the Vault back on top there we go that worked uh I think I might have been able to do that from the front no I can’t oh well

Let’s go dump off all this melon again melon melon melon melon melon there you go it’s just it’s burning the melon I can’t fit it also it’s just destroying it now all right so then that actually I should probably have it go up on the top one

Put my sh Wait I didn’t put my shield there let’s have this all go up up up up up up up and then over okay so up up it all goes up and then over pops out here so that I can have it go in there um felt belt in

Let me do that and decide in you go basically that’s going that way I need that to go the opposite way actually that would work hook up a small gear here because it’s already oh I already have one it’s all right there so now that goes that way so when

That’s done that should pop out onto there let’s give it a test oh well that did work one it goes to all of them cool well that’s what I wanted to know and that does in fact work so now I need to gear that up somehow and somehow hmm I need to

I’m gonna have to rotate something I don’t think I have any gears going oh no I have this one I can do it right there yeah I can do a shaft there and that there you go oh yeah I think you’re right I think it does go on

I was putting in line with the belt uh or with that okay that should still work uh let’s get another shot here oops not that one and then the magic of click nope what the hell the center one maybe it’s the center one oh I think it’s the center one

I think it pushes it onto the block next to it a little confusing on the orientation but it’s okay I have plenty of gold it’s so much gold right again there you go that worked cool and now that should have made oh that’s red push me healing this should suck the

Potion of healing through would be I’m aware figured it would be in here now I think it lingers for a second Maybe and can you go can you go through and you go through out my god oh no this is gonna be the opposite problem now where it won’t I’ll

Put the potion that I want ah [Laughter] drop a glass bottle what drop a glass bottle why why I just got it to not push out the awkward potion and that will post it won’t pump out the healing one why like I have the filter the filter sucks

Who said to use this filter it sucks it doesn’t do anything I can’t rotate it oh I can’t rotate it in the pump after the filter there is a pump after it’s over there it worked earlier I don’t know maybe the pump is too far from it I don’t know what the hell

Does it fade like I wish there was an arrow on this filter like which way which way is the the filter is supposed to face like that’s actually can I just check this does it have a does it have a Ponder or whatever it is there Ponder let’s just find out how

This works basically the source they can specify the type of liquid to extract yeah in theory with any item containing the okay but it’s further down advisor it will only let matching fluids continue right okay that’s for sorting that’s fine um right so I’ll pumps one in the other

Right so I have it on on that what was the orientation of this um at the beginning yeah so it faces away from it right like that I guess yeah I guess I’m gonna have to just bottle it and then use that as the filter because I don’t think

I don’t think it’s working where I use the uh the filter filter I don’t know why do you feel no fill up with the how am I gonna do with this I want the healing one what the hmm like I know the pump works because the potions were moving over before

Yeah that’s going the right way peeling on Basin I do I do I do I do yeah there’s another filter on there I mean it wouldn’t make it if it wasn’t on the Basin that that the recipe that you put on the Basin is the one that says make this and only this

So it made the healing which means the Basin filter does work but now for some reason these smart pipes are not working um it already it already made it it’s in there I just I’m trying to to then pull out the potion of healing uh which should be on this filter

Oh no this is the do not do not let the awkward potion through like right that’s oh maybe you can’t do a deny on it no but that did work oh see then I let the awkward version through God damn it see it is working but why maybe there’s something in the tank

Maybe there’s like still this is like the slightest non-reportable amount of awkward potion in the tank over there and so it’s not letting it through that’s what I’m going to assume is the issue here when you ah hmm yeah I know I was about to I was going to say okay

Uh yeah I’m thinking maybe maybe there’s just like the smallest amount in that tank wait almost did it okay so then let’s put it back it was the right one right yeah make healing potion too eh eh hey man okay no motion making in great socks it’s really annoying

I have it as a deny um take that off take that off um don’t know why it keeps taking the awkward potion and not ion of healing flat away uh uh okay so let’s Swap this around again now I guess I don’t know it’s not gonna work healing allow um

Maybe it’s that maybe it’s the ignore let’s do respect data respect the data doesn’t want no it’s not it’s not let’s see like what I’ve double triple checked okay let’s try that now maybe if I do respect the data these backed it okay that’s that’s what it was I think

What happens with these filters is they default to to ignore data or whatever it is and I think the attributes line upwards they’re both potions or maybe they’re both liquid and it lets it through you gotta put respect it which is not the default because I think that that messes it up

On other filters okay so that’s the issue the whole time it was the push of a button clear that out put into two say allow respect the data whoops I took that off for a second and this thing filled up there we go okay yeah that works so you gotta respect the data

That’s real dumb but okay at least I got that now and then I might as well try to fix it here we do awkward allow respect there we go that should now only allow oh God I’m stuck to allow that through awkward potion through there awkward potion here um in there

Healing potion acupuncture fills up good motion of healing should go down there you go granny the potion of healing good make another one good here we go getting somewhere getting somewhere so now I need a gold Farm that’s a completely different uh monster cool so that does work

Motion of healing filled up in there and it’s good um this seems to be stuck again I wonder why oh you know what it might be running out of steam because I didn’t um I didn’t put the end bits up it should be going up which I don’t actually have the rails

Anymore to do it he’s tough yeah but that’s not farmable that’s that does technically work but I can’t Farm tough the the way I’m gonna do it is I’m going to do um what is it called it’s not uh cursed it’s um this one the soul campfire so um if you crush

Cobblestone you get gravel right I think if you crush gravel you get sand I have that going on here so I might funnel off the sand from here because I this isn’t actually that bad um then if you uh low the the Flames from the soul campfire

Onto the sand you make Soul Sand if you then I think wash the Soul Sand it turns into nether quartz and gold nuggets and then I can take that that nether quartz as well and then turn that into the um these things the electron tubes so

That’s like a two for one is basically what I’m gonna go for is it’ll it’ll make the gold nuggets for that over there and then I’ll take the uh the nether quartz and then make a bunch of like electron tubes through a farm thing too I don’t know if I can make um

I skip a step in there no you know that’s that’s right yeah um yeah so that’ll give me the health potion one to get health potion two is gonna be a little trickier but first i’m gonna worry about the Soul Sand thing um and make a nugget Farm

Is that way it can just constantly keep going you know like that’s that’s what I like I know in here you can like Crush certain things to get nuggets like I know the tough works but then I can’t have like a resupplyable thing I have to

Come back and like dump that into a chest or something and I don’t like doing that if I can find some weird hacky way of having it like infinitely produce that’s what I prefer and I found a couple of things I can do that with so which like

To get health potion two is gonna be hella hacky because to get that you have to add um glowstone to the health potion one but you can’t like you can’t really Farm glowstone not really um or can you I’m gonna be trying a thing nice yeah that’s that’s the other

Thing though is I don’t know I’m gonna have to figure out some way of supplying it with an infinite source of Netherrack so I think um because if you crush Netherrack I think it’s Crush you get cinderflower and then if you dump uh potion of night vision onto cinderflower it turns into glowstone

So I have I can do the same nugget thing with a carrot Farm to make that and I can make the the potion of night vision uh and then spout that onto cinderflower to get the glowstone to make the health potion too problem with that is I don’t have the

Infinite source of Netherrack that I want but I might be able to do something there I’m not sure I think there is a way to do it um I might just have to do like a quarry over in the Nether and then have that pipe back I don’t know if that’ll work though

Uh uh he’s like I can do this one the electric Quarry I’m not sure like I have a bunch already so that’s not that big a deal I can just apply it with a ton of Netherrack because I have a lot I guess they’re not

That big a deal like it’s easier to get Netherrack than it would be to get like tough or something because Netherrack is everywhere in the nether I can just run in there and get like a couple thousands of it so that’s not too bad but it’s still to get the glowstone

Because the glowstone is harder to get the Netherrack so if I can get Netherrack and turn it into glowstone that’s much more magical to me get out of here this guy is always there is and I need you to stop being here stop it stop it go that way thank you jeez

This guy I’m gonna make this one uh it’s six okay one more and then I got glass somewhere where did I use it all did I use it all oh I guess I used it all oops oh well I was gonna make that big door it’s not a big deal I guess

Dump off a lot of this my backpack that one now what is it in here wait isn’t this backpack I don’t know which backpack I have it in is it in here not that one that’s different crafting table one oh thank you very much I have so many backpacks

I have three on me right here and I have a fourth one in one of the backpacks thank you it’s only left it in here totally not confusing at all there we go so I could just throw uh I’ll put it I’ll put it here wait why can’t I put it here

Uh that’s a slab but it’s there oh must have been something else in the way it scared me oh the Torches are there uh there’s the door there we go and then I can probably put blocks above that ours are so cool now I’ll just do that

I’ll come back what is that soapstone that’s fine there you go that’ll keep them out [Laughter] um right okay I got that oh yeah let me go stock up on iron real quick let’s see how much I’ve actually farmed at this point I bet it’s a lot I hope it’s a lot

It’s all right good enough for for what I need most of the time it’s nothing crazy but it’s all right all right let’s take all this let’s do what I do best and blow some stuff up I uh yeah we’ll blow this up real quick and then um I’m still terraforming for

The other thing like I’m still waiting to the point that I can actually like build the thing over there I I like I do the create stuff so I don’t have to do the menial digging over there or quarrying over there um and then in the meantime it makes TNT

Like I have a farm making TNT so when I’m done doing create stuff I can go back over there blow it all up oh I move this in here and then um and then I can get some stuff done without having to actually do it which

Is the whole point of like automation I think is do stuff without actually ever doing it why do I have if it’s all over the place I’ll clear that out later hey we foreign stuff yet like that’s still that is what I’ll continue when um when I’m done like terraforming this

Thing over here when I’m done with this trench we this Pedro stuff this is looking different every time I come over here I think Vicki’s been uh and messing with that I’ve been trying to make that place look nice which is cool it’ll work out because I’m gonna be using that as kind

Of the the bottom of this trench over here which I’ve been slowly chipping away at ever so slowly let’s just set down a ton of bombs it’ll be fine should I just do like a center maybe I’ll just do like one big one here in the center

Let’s try that I’ve been doing like strips but maybe it’d be better if I did like just a real big one here in the middle foreign like everything flying right like that would work it’ll get it’ll make a crater I know what I want uh keep expanding out from here

It’s like another little crater over here anyway there’s like a high spot it’s not quite a nuke but it’ll do just completely oh no matter how old Minecraft gets like I’m not old but like you know no matter how long you play Minecraft um making large piles of TNT I don’t think ever

Uh becomes boring this is forever one of those like Minecraft things it’s just like yeah I’m gonna set up set up a bomb right now let’s just blow up a crater or funsies I might be getting a little too close over there draw was it gonna fly over there anyway um

It’s off so much okay let’s try to run a line I’m doing this chaotically but also but some thought just a little bit okay and that’s I don’t know that’s a little bit close to that I want to get rid of this this rock over here but I don’t know if

I want to get all that dirt kind of as far as I really want to push that all right okay um had a good bit let’s go down a ways I’m gonna bomb this out all right go this way a little bit we’re blowing up right now what’s up hey um

You know like none of them are gonna go be going to be where you want them probably not but you know it’s fine it’s probably all right let’s actually even let’s do a tower I know they’re not gonna go where I want them but you know it’ll be good enough

Let’s do this too Tower right in there like I want them to kind of blow out sure I don’t want them to go too far out the sides I want them to go like further out that way but I know they’re all gonna go like that way

It’s fine if they can just like drop if they can keep bombing down kind of what I hoped for once there’s a drop I know it’s probably not gonna happen but we’ll see how this goes we’ll see how this go I just want to bomb out as much as I can

Before I come in here with the pickaxe I don’t want to ruin my pickaxe I have a good one for this like I can take out huge swaths pretty quick but not all of this gonna break the server uh Slash save all it’s fine oh God okay we ready uh

Uh God let me move this wrong button [Laughter] oh that was fast I don’t even know did it clear that much I think it cleared a good bit maybe that wasn’t even that much like I swear TNT does not blow up especially with stone stone is just so resilient against TNT

Well it’s been taking me so long to do this like I have so much more to do ah Adrian do you want to just like query this out for me I don’t want to sign up to Corey over here uh uh I could I have all the stuff over

There it’s just such a large area it doesn’t seem that big but like it is I need to have this all the way down to the water TNT is not cutting it I need nukes I need nuclear power oh you know what I should have done I

Should have just dug a minecart drill yeah I mean you know go for it I guess that’s the same thing as a TNT but I need a lot of drills no I guess I gotta go back and forth that’s a lot of rails uh I guess I guess I can do that

Yeah I’ll have to because that’s not not really I mean I guess you make an auto drill I know real looping with a counter outer but it needs to go so far up and then oh that’s that’s still a lot of drills I know make an auto drill

Oh I see it to me like the plow in place but like I needed to turn if you drop 50 items it will go 50 times um but I mean like that area is big you know what I mean like even an auto drill if if it’s going in one straight line

That’s either going to be like a massive wall of drills or um or I don’t know or it has to go zigzag back and forth if it’s a zigzag back and forth then I don’t know if I can do an auto drill where it places down the uh the paths

And drop mine cart assembler and rotate it with wrench uh um I guess I mean it’s it’s this whole it’s it’s quite wide and then it’s gonna be below the sea level it’s gonna be all the way down here so it’s either gonna be like a massive wall of drills

Or it’s gonna be one like really tall one that has a zigzag a ton you know like that’s the problem I’m having but then like I don’t know I could just suck it up and do it this way like I have this I just uh

I can just do this this is gonna eat through my pickaxe like super fast right because I could I can dig out 64 blocks at a time with this thing it’s just it’s gonna eat through this durability they have made Elon musboro machine Already episode one you can deploy a tunnel I guess

Hmm I don’t know I don’t know what the best way of doing this is I thought about doing the Quarry but it’s just such a long a wide thing he’s such a big wall of drills like one thing too like what do I use the drills for after that I don’t know

I don’t know that’s why I was just like I’m just a vomit and keep bombing it but it’s just not enough bombs I need nukes I need big Firepower I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know how I’m gonna do that I was just like I’m a terraform it’s gonna be easy

I should have just I shouldn’t have I should have gone around now it’s like too late now it looks awful I gotta finish what I started I’ll come up with something I’m sure there’s like a good way of doing it anyway guess I’m done here um I’ll uh

I’ll be back tomorrow I suppose probably um yeah like I finished what I wanted to do on stream I might just like clean up a little bit or something but I gotta make food and whatnots now so yeah if I’m on tomorrow we’ll do what’s the next part I gotta do oh yeah

I gotta do the sand thing so we’ll figure out the sand uh make the gold basically make the gold nuggets that’s what I’ll do tomorrow if if I’m on probably will be I don’t know I’ve I still have like stuff to do but I’m waiting on on things I had to fix up

An espresso machine but it doesn’t have a plug so I can’t actually test it until I get the plug so I’m waiting to get the plug to then test the machine so it’s like I can do stuff to it but like ultimately I have no idea if it’ll work

Until I get the plug so I just wait till I get the plug or you know it’s like that weird procrastination thing where I’m waiting on one thing to actually get it done but like do stuff ahead of time but do I want to do stuff ahead of time

If I can’t actually test it until later anyway uh I don’t know so until I get that and I’m just kind of like yeah I’ll stream and do create stuff if people want I don’t know I’m I don’t know if people want to see all the factory stuff it doesn’t seem like

It I have a lot of fun with it um but I also know that there is a decent Community for the create mod so I’m just like do people want to see more of this or not I don’t know um anyway that’s that’s for another time we’ll uh we’ll do the sand stuff

Regardless either tomorrow or Thursday or something anyway I’m done so uh I will uh see you later all right okay by stream

This video, titled ‘Minecraft: AOF6 (Part 28) – Brewing With Create’, was uploaded by Jyrz Streams on 2023-04-01 17:00:32. It has garnered 21 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 04:46:20 or 17180 seconds.

Create mod lets you automate potions, but no one told me how complicated it would be. Let’s solve a puzzle of my own creation.

All of Fabric 6: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/all-of-fabric-6

Watch LIVE on Twitch & Find Me Online: https://jyrz.crd.co/


Art created by: Sonisis: https://twitter.com/sonisis_ catsupy: https://twitter.com/Catsupy_Art Was: https://twitter.com/itsmeishmi

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  • “Intense Battle: Girls vs Boys 😱 Who Will Win?” #shocking #minecraft

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  • Minecraft: EPIC April Fool’s Day Special – MUST WATCH!

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  • Nuclear Vampire God’s Epic Minecraft Mob War!

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  • Stardew Network

    Stardew NetworkOur server is focused on providing a welcoming and enjoyable experience for players looking to engage in survival gameplay. Our goal is to eventually expand and offer a variety of game modes, including Factions, Skyblock, and more. While we have some additional features to enhance your time on the server, we strive to keep things balanced and not too overwhelming. We hope to see you join us and become a part of our community! play.stardew.net Read More

  • Forever SMP Semi-Vanilla Whitelist 1.20.1

    Welcome to Forever SMP Welcome to Forever SMP We are a new server looking for enthusiastic, loyal players. We want to build a new community and we are looking for you. We use the same mods Hermitcraft uses to enhance your Minecraft feel. Plugins Used: Stackable Shulkers Tweakeroo Friendly /co i Rollbacks Player & Mob Heads No Phantoms! Instead Get Membranes From Bats! Universal Dying And many more… Fabric Mods: Carpet Mod Custom paintings and pumpkin head textures Simple Voice Chat (Optional) Required Mods: We also use some required mods like the crafter and extra blocks in the upcoming update!… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Ban Basic Minecraft Meme Templates

    Petition to make a rule: if your meme template isn’t Minecraftified by u/xurpio, you’re out of the club. Sorry, we only accept top-tier meme crafting here. Read More

  • Dave’s Got Got! SMP Showdown

    Dave's Got Got! SMP Showdown In the world of Minecraft, where adventures are grand, Dave’s been got, pranked by a clever hand. Duo SMP, the game they play, With tricks and laughs, all through the day. Kroberto’s the mastermind, pulling the strings, Creating chaos, with laughter it brings. The viewers watch, with eyes wide, As Dave falls for it, taken for a ride. If you want more, check out the stream, On Twitch, where it’s all like a dream. Subscribe, like, and join the fun, In the world of Minecraft, where pranks are spun. Follow Kroberto on Twitter and Tumblr too, For updates and… Read More

  • An ancient Minecraft meme reborn! 🔥

    An ancient Minecraft meme reborn! 🔥 Remember when we used to spend hours building elaborate structures in Minecraft, only to have them blown up by a creeper? Good times. Now we just watch short videos of people recreating old memes and wonder where it all went wrong. #MinecraftNostalgia #CreeperProblems 🤣 Read More

  • Unleash Your Immortal Minecraft Skills on Minewind Server!

    Unleash Your Immortal Minecraft Skills on Minewind Server! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and most exciting news from the Minecraft community! Today, we want to talk to you about a unique Minecraft server that is taking the gaming world by storm – Minewind. Have you ever watched a Minecraft video where the player seems invincible, where dying is simply not an option? Imagine a world where you can’t take damage from cacti or drown in waterlogged sleeves. That’s the kind of experience you can expect on Minewind Minecraft Server. With a wide range of custom features and challenges, Minewind offers a truly unique… Read More

  • Building a Stylish Resort at Lake Resort – Minecraft

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  • Duck Goes Crazy! Minecraft RPG Madness!

    Duck Goes Crazy! Minecraft RPG Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Dungeons & Heroes RPG – I made Minecraft A RPG!!!’, was uploaded by Rude Duck on 2024-05-26 19:01:54. It has garnered 160 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:57:02 or 3422 seconds. Dungeons RPG Series Heroes- Vein mine with no enchantment, wands, wizards, and you play it in 3rd person. link for the game https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/dungeon-heroes Read More

  • Curse of Thomas: Minecraft Lego Moc

    Curse of Thomas: Minecraft Lego MocVideo Information This video, titled ‘Cursed Thomas.exe Minecraft Lego Moc’, was uploaded by LIKEBRICK 2 on 2024-01-08 10:03:26. It has garnered 1686 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:00 or 300 seconds. #lego #minecraft #thomasexe #thomas #legominecraft #minecraft LIKEBRICK 2 will guide you how to build a Thomas exe character in Minecraft style. ————————————————————————————————————————— ● Thanks for watching, please subscribe, and have fun building! ● Parts are listed in the video. ● LEGO model designed by me and filmed in the BrickLink Studio app. ● Video is copyright of ” LIKEBRICK ” channel. Please do not… Read More

Jyrz Streams – Minecraft: AOF6 (Part 28) – Brewing With Create