K – Lowe – There’s a Lanternfly Infestation at my School | Minecraft Hardcore Season 4 |

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Oh wait you can see me anyways I know I’m late it’s not my fault entirely uh just so you know where is screenshot shortcut anybody else noticed that Windows redesigned the uh like when images aren’t completely loaded yet they um don’t have the same image like it’s

Like a new image but it looks older it looks like it’s from like seven it’s like it looks like it’s from like 2009 it’s not good um let me see what do you mean oh I’m not signed in that’s why I already have an account let me just sign in there we

Go now here we go I got to make the thumbnail my bad okay it’s my bad it is it is what are we on 33 episode 33 is that what we’re on right now 33 uh 53 33 that would that that’ be well unfortunate actually I remember that low the episode numbers okay

Outline no black and then the internal is red and then it has a drop shadow that is no it reset my H bro I pay money for this why would you reset now I got to find it again maybe if I do this maybe if I reload it no

It’s cuz I you know I I know why it is cuz I’m pretty sure it was stored in my uh cash and that’s why I did that here you go boom can I turn down the opacity Jesus Christ and then make this a little smaller okay um and then oh I should get

A lantern fly PNG actually I know this one’s better found a better one apparently there’s a lot of lter fly pngs I thought that might be a little difficult to get but it was not there it Is there we go now that’s a good thumbnail change okay hello welcome back to another episode of Minecraft Hardcore Season 4 um let me pop out the chat because it’s going to have a new link so I got to copy it I got to put it in here

Yeah hi glitch hello and it’s working on here too so let’s go and I changed the the text of it which you know in hindsight I didn’t have to do because uh I’m not doing any of those Revival production streams anymore because nobody wants to watch them so why would

I I mean I guess I could document it for myself but you know it’s it’s really lonely that it feels like recording a video and it’s just like I’d rather not if I’m I just want to focus on animating but whatever whatever let’s go let’s go in Minecraft let me move this over

Here just so that I can now it’s it going to capture It no why do you keep popping out Minecraft well I go F1 and then I capture it like that oh yeah 240p baby and then I go f 11 again there we go there we go there we go there we go and then let me get this back

Up no but it’s doing that thing where I can’t see my own Mouse again no ah this is why I don’t like screen capture no I didn’t mean to quit the oh God this is going so well this is going so freaking well obviously um but I guess I could play it like This you will not say your excuse for missing L okay but that that looks ugly it has like the borders on it and everything but then if I go if I make sure this is up and then I go into f11 no it’s still doing it and you can’t

See it on there it’s it’s lagging so I guess yeah but game capture H game capture has its own problems but I I’ll use game capture hold on you know why this is happening cuz I use streamlabs OBS I’m that one [ __ ] that use to streamlabs OBS um I could also use display

Capture display capture sometimes works also but uh let me let me try game capture let me get a screen capture let me just try oh I found it real fast actually hold on let me put it back to this yeah it does stretch this is stretched a little bit but it should

Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes okay okay we’re good and I can see my mouth and everything’s working okay welcome back welcome back people uh if you notice that all of the hardcore live streams are not in the uh hold on let me sleep real

Quick you’ll notice that all the hardcore live streams aren’t on the front page of my uh Channel and it’s not intentional I’ve tried literally everything I cannot get it back up there it says that they’re there but if I go on my phone it’s not there if I go on my

Computer it’s not there if I go on my MacBook it’s not there is it there for you glitch because it is not for me and I don’t know what to do I was thinking about making all my hardcore stuff public on like legitimately making them public um like what the [ __ ] is

That like I I don’t I think that might be like a YouTube Thing I got a new cap on my um water bottle I’m testing it out cuz I broke my other One I I don’t have to worry about it spilling out but like drinking it not as much uh but what are we talking about today first of all we’re going to be doing a little bit of work on this um getting a little probably a little Shrubbery Shrubbery in here making a

Couple houses I think uh for the the villagers uh probably gonna put like a some type of gate around the whole thing I don’t necessarily know how I’m going to do that yet I might make it like iron bars um just so they don’t uh like they can’t

Fall down cuz that’s like my main like problem with it is like that they could fall down you know yeah freck it I have infinite golden apples I’ll put my saturation at maximum um but so I’m thinking that possibly we could do some iron bars here um but iron bars like them raing

Skills okay we don’t have to talk about that um um what do you think I mean we could do it I don’t have an iron farm that’s kind of the problem so I say possibly and now this might be a little bit of a of a of a change right

Cuz we’ve cuz I’ve been working on this island for a while for like a couple months just cuz I haven’t been on this world a bunch um but I kind of want to stream it more now that I’m on here like I really love being on this world a shoot

Um what if we buil another Island over here so that it’s more than 100 something blocks away from here so this would be the Villager Island which is fine but then we build another Island over here and this island is like a okay um this island is more like mechanical like it

Looks uh baren we could even be like a bad lands biome or something like that um we could even change that to a bad lands biome honestly and just have like I just had a really good idea okay it would involve removing all of this dirt that we already put here

But what if we made this a bad Lance biome and had dark oak fences you know how uh the M shafts there use dark oak what if we had dark oak like fences around this whole thing so it seems like a like a hard off wild West where do I even know where a bad lands is in this world like I have no idea do I even have like I mean I have building blocks obviously but like and I have Spruce but I I don’t even think I have I have dark oak but I would have to go

Is this filled up that’s not what I meant to do uh ah I guess I’d have to go find a okay why is this in the third one and not the second one but I guess I’d have to go find uh a bad lands in order to do

It but I think that’d be super cool I think that’d be way cooler than like doing it like the way I was going to do it before cuz it was just going to be like standard like this but I’m thinking screw that let’s make it something cool uh

So I’m sure I could find one I’m sure there’s one near there’s like a desert near my house I’m sure I could find one this is where I mind out like copious amounts of dirt for everything um I’m sure I can find one real quick this uh it’s actually a pretty good fitting

Music oh yeah there’s a wut there I forgot about that man this is old terrain this is 1.6 terrain oh hi horses oh I remember there’s a mega tiger right here I know I got to have a a bad a bad bad lands near here cuz there’s like a

Desert and I think the desert goes into that but I took a bad route cuz I kind of looped to the side so we’re going to have to restart once I get back to my base which should be right around here if I remember is it good if I insult you in

My next video sure um speaking of videos uh I know I said I wouldn’t make any more videos until Rev episode 4 is done but like I’m feeling really motivated to make a video and it sucks cuz like yeah damn I want to make Revival too I’m motivated

To do that as well but like dude this channel is so successful I feel bad not making [ __ ] for it you know like bro 10-year-old me 11-year-old me would lose my mind if I had a channel like this I’d be posting like every day but now that I have

It it’s kind of like you realize you have something to the point where you realize oh is this truly my dream is being a Minecraft Youtuber truly my dream no no uh if you want I can help you out with it I can’t do much cuz I got my own

Stuff but I can definitely help I mean that’s fine I’m thinking more of uh I’m dropping the PNG tuber thing I think that my video style that I used for the tu31 video considering how well that video is doing and how relatively little editing

It took to do I mean I did have to find the editing really came down to finding like sources for stuff like I had to like write down uh video like I had to like write down uh some links to videos that I downloaded and then used as like

The roll footage I had made sure to credit everybody uh with what I was doing and that kind of oh God there’s got to be a bad LS around here somewhere Jesus Christ oh dark oak dark oak dark oak we also need that why why don’t we collect that while we’re out

Here um but yeah that was like my main that was like my main issue with that uh what whatever I was saying whatever I was saying before um or not my main issue my main like thing where I was just like okay I can do this right

Because I really like my tu31 video like actually right into because then we around where your videos are a lot more chill right so I’m like flipping between like a couple images and you know um I could write like cuz I I was going to do

One on like the geology of Minecraft and you know I have a lot of down time um when it comes to like all of my the reason I was able to make those videos cuz I had a lot of downtime in between classes um but now I actually sorted my

Schedule so I don’t have that I just have like two full days where I have like no classes and then uh three days where I’m just like at school for like seven hours um to be fair I do like my schedule you know a lot of people would be like Cen

You’re insane why would you want to group it in like that I’d rather have days where I’m doing maximum effort and then days where I don’t have to do Jack like today I woke up at like 12:00 and took a shower and then I ate

Lunch and then um I went on to stream and I would have streamed at 8:30 if I had a functioning intestinal system but I don’t so that’s why we started streaming late um speaking of which is it on my Discord did it release that I was

Streaming cuz I I don’t know if it did um but I didn’t check I got to get more people on the streams again man like I got to get like a a group of like people on the streams again um and your Channel’s doing well glitchy Burger so like

I’m thinking we could blow up together you know I mean I don’t know how well your last video did I don’t know if I’ve watched all your recent videos I think I have but I might not have I don’t know I’ll check after here I like to stay caught up but uh hello

Sheep it didn’t really what oh it didn’t wow hold on let me get it let me get it let me look up the wow I guess no it’s cuz the the government didn’t doesn’t want you to know that there’s Lantern flies at my school and that’s why it didn’t all right there we

Go maybe we’ll get no the music wait wait I’m sorry I’m sorry no what have I done I’m still live okay okay we’re fine we’re fine we’re fine uh I may or may not have uh cut off the music that’s my bad hold on I hit I accidentally exited Google

Chrome if it ain’t Nintendo it’s not stream Tunes okay we’re good we’re fine we’re fine we’re fine that didn’t happen anyways yeah last video got 300 views but didn’t do to despite that a lot of growth from not a lot of growth from it

Dude it is no I say this for myself too it is so disheartening when you make a video and it doesn’t perform well like dude I think that’s like the number one impact on my that was like the number one impact on my mental health

Last year was me posting two videos in a row and then both bombing and I think that’s why like you you’ll know see you’ll know when a YouTuber makes a good video because they’ll start posting like crazy after they make it and then they’ll bomb and

Then they’ll be at like Square zero in terms of motivation because like dude that is such a fast way to lose motivation and you really shouldn’t think about it that way but dude whenever I get a video that doesn’t perform well it makes me so sad I’m like I did

That for nothing you know what I mean that that’s the that’s the the mindset you and you really don’t have that mindset okay I had a very very very broken mindset uh when it came to making YouTube videos back in before I had 1K before I had a semis successful Channel

Um it was literally a mentality that was like self-destroying and uh would I have a channel if I didn’t have that mindset I’m or would my channel be as successful probably not but I do regret doing that because it caused me so much like pain and stuff for all that for

Basically deciding well that’s not you know cuz I don’t want to be a Minecraft Youtuber uh you know like it’s not like I’m a like I I do want to be a Minecraft Youtuber I guess but I don’t want that to be like what I’m known for or what I

Do what my like job is like I I want to be an animation director I’ve been very um open about that um but making YouTube videos on the side isn’t you know a bad idea for me um I have interesting things that I like to

Talk about um I just have to make sure I’m doing it out of I want to do this and not like I feel obligated to um but a part of wanting to do something sometimes is you feel obligated to like I want to make Revival episode 4

But I also feel obligated to make Revival episode 4 because I promised that it would be good and uh I want it to be good and I owe it to my not only to everybody else but to myself to make it what I think it could be and so when

It releases people are going to be like dude I was just going to show my dominance I forgot I had an elytra on my problem thing is cuz I was forcing videos cuz when I do videos to it’s not cuz I enjoy videos the videos will do

Worse than they got Ed that’s the difference between you and me Kayla you’re part-time nerd while I’m fulltime but you also have like a legitimate chance of like straight up being a Minecraft Youtuber you know like from the beginning my quarrels with it I kind of knew that I was if anything

I would have ended up like like a streamer or something but like you know my ability to create Minecraft videos is decent you know um I’ve honed that trft for a while and I still think some of my old videos I still think like the freaking video I made with you guys

Where we uh tried to to beat Minecraft like hardcore multiplayer I still think that like that is a very well-made video to this day right and that’s the same time I made Rev episode one so it just shows you like I perfected the the craft

Of a good paac YouTube video um a while ago and then I changed up my content style and I had to learn to adapt to that and then uh with episode three of Revival um despite the visuals near the beginning not being really great and the story being kind of mismatched but for

Revival episode 3 standards I still think that it’s pretty good you know like in terms of like pacing um and Direction uh Direction minus the effects I did not do the effects Direction well I will own up to that but in terms of like actual pacing um I think it’s fine

And I learned how to Pace an episode of a of a show and you know that gives you more experience in anything you know cuz like you think about it like some of the directors like the the animation directors or just like the actual directors of like an fullblown anime episodes

Like if it’s their first rodeo it is their first rodeo they’ve never directed a full animated project before of that caliber or that scale but if I single-handedly direct uh I single-handedly directed Revival episode 3 right and granted most of the stuff was done by me so it doesn’t fully count

As like I guess directing cuz I who who am I directing but myself but in terms of like episode 4 in terms of how many people I’ve gotten involved with it for like the music and like the story and like all of that genuinely genuinely Revival episode 4

You know actually just finished the cut of glitch well not it’s not completely finished I still got to do like part of the end of it um where glitch is like absorbent detailed like I feel that obligation say but yeah yeah like again obligation it’s something I’m

Going to feel it’s something that most people are going to feel and you know a lot of YouTubers are just like oh I really I have to make sure I’m sitting and enjoying my videos but like obligation isn’t necessarily a bad thing it’s not necessarily a toxic thing there’s a

Difference sorry I got my hair just went in my eye there’s a difference between obligation and um H damn I was going to say something really insightful but then I forgot what it is hi nice sir uh obligation and OBS obsess obsess being obsessed because you don’t want to be

Obsessed with how other people are going to perceive that video obligation is fine but you have to be very careful you’re not taking it too far and and destroying your own stuff like oh I got to make a video or I’m worthless you know that’s a bad mindset

To have and a mindset I struggled with a lot and still struggle with a lot especially when it comes to Revival episode 4 cuz there’ll be days where I just sit and I’d be like I am completely worthless if I do not make Revival episode 4 and it’s a hard in a vacuum

That seems like a pretty easy thing to Shake in terms of like you could be like oh why I have so much else off to the table but for me I mean Revival episode 4 is my like final chance to pursue my dreams you know um

It’s not like I don’t have a plan B like I have a stable job like it’s not like I quit my job for this it’s not like i’ die if I never made Revival episode 4 but like I would have to kind of accept

That uh I won’t be able to do the things that I wanted to in my life and that would be tragic like I feel like like you know how uh Luffy I know I’m bringing in one piece but like Luffy it said that like Luffy doesn’t kill because he has like a

Good heart or whatever he doesn’t kill because he wants the the people who fights to watch their dreams get crushed he thinks that’s a fate worse than death um in that scenario when his dreams are when their dreams contradict with his um obviously he’s still a good person but

Like if you’re like enemies and he wants to see your dream Get Trust because he literally believes that that’s worse than death um and to that honestly a little bit I feel like like if I had to live my entire life from now on knowing that I

Can’t make um Revival season 2 uh I can’t make uh uh the legend of goofer I can’t make my schools supp portal all these ideas in my head for shows that I want to make like even 20 30 years down the line um I I you know I that’s like a fate

Worse than death and that’s not saying that I would like stop living or anything obviously um but you know I would be very sad and I don’t know I I man I just please don’t tell me there’s a bunch of Oak blck you freak you freak

You do I really need all H why are they in here I don’t need you they should be in the I got it well actually I could put it in building blocks a little bit put the rest of building blocks cuz I will use them as building blocks

Actually so they should technically be in the building blocks thing and not in Wood I mean it is wood but I’m using the wood as like building blocks in this scenario and I mean this wood is for like anything really I mean uh there we go I like

That just like that and then I could put uh o in there too is it really night again already damn forgot okay glitch that’s I realized that having a totem and having it be gold text is probably not a good idea I’m going to go back to White all right we’re back to White say something that’s like not what you’re saying right now come on bad lands bad lands bad lands bad lands bad lands just a little one oh whoa this must to be Noo-noo that was a mangrove and I can feel my frame rate

Tank cuz I’m generating new chunks it’s so I have fast Ram you’re installed on an 870 Evo like shut shut your ass up this is a SD car you tell me you’re having trouble loading in some new terrain like give me Micro stutters on this

Beast of a PC that I completed oh yeah speaking of that uh the reason I didn’t stream last time the last two times is because uh I ran out of storage so much on my main Drive uh at streamlabs was installed on that drive and I knew that

I was ordering a new one so I didn’t want to install it on but go anyways um um I didn’t want to this is so beautiful holy crap damn I was just trying to explain like stuff that was happening and oh and there’s a freaking okay that’s that’s sick anyways um

But yeah I was uh I I I knew that okay I I I’ll talk about in a second um I knew that I was uh going to get a a new drive and I wanted streamlabs to be on that drive so that it could start up

Quickly and that it’s not on my hard drive that’s like four four or five years old and just in case like all of my good [ __ ] I have that saved like all of Revival episode 4 not only do I have it backed up to Google Drive and Adobe

Creative Cloud but I have it on a brand new SD card um all the art and all of the the stuff on there um the only thing that’s stored on my old drive is the raw first three episodes like the actual physical like ground zero for the files of the

First three episodes which I will change shortly I’ll get them uploaded to uh either I’ll put them on my 870 Evo or I will get them uploaded to Google Drive I don’t think it’s like utmost importance that they’re kept I mean unless the Revival channel gets like straight up

Nuked uh I don’t think that’s like a huge deal um but having those having it in its raw 4K version you know not like the YouTube compressed version although you can ask YouTube for like the 4K version even if it’s like locked at 720 um how’s school been though I’ve

Personally been loving it this year despite the fact I’ve been dreading going to it every day um it’s been good I have one class tomorrow at 11: I was going to go to a festival uh but the friend that I was going to go with um

She got sick so we’re probably not going to do that um but in terms of like actual school like it’s been going like fine um doing drawing classes I’ve been having time to animate on Revival I work over the weekends which has always been just like annoying because that’s when I

Get the best ideas uh but I’ve kind of reconed a little bit um I started taking my Sketchbook to work and so in the downtime especially on the day cuz one of the days I’m I’m there by myself I could just go in uh like just draw do art figure stuff

Out like you know it’s interesting the one thing that I don’t like about my school right now it’s infested with Lantern flies and you don’t know what those are cuz you’re Canadian they’re not in Canada yet but they will be so flies right they are a tye of fly flies are

Everywhere they’re they’re designed to everywhere but the thing about North America is that in general everything in the ecosystem is smaller than it will be in Africa and Asia and there is a reason for this it’s in the thumbnail there is a reason for this uh there was an

Extinction over that mostly affected uh the uh North American and South American continent which is why why you’re not going to find as big of animals in North and South America as you are in say Africa and Asia right there used to be like 250 different types of elephants um and now

It’s down to two the African and the Asian elephant um they still have giraffes we used to have giant slots we used to have stuff that could rival the size of giraffes and elephants but they all went extinct about a million to 750,000 years ago science lesson over

That means means that everything in that ecosystem is bigger so in China they have Lantern flies which are a fly but instead of it being you know the tiny bit you like this we have horse flies that are about this big Lantern flies are about this big this entire

Thing my thumb they’re about as big as a cicada and they live live in the hundreds and like they will occupy a wide area with the amount of they have so they’re not like piled on top of each other until they do they don’t pile on top of each other

And then one day you’ll see 200 uh just chilling right next to each other 200 of cicada sized bugs just chilling there and it’s so hard to stop them from spreading because every time like when they’re pregnant they they don’t make maggots like uh house flies do here they

Literally just like poop out their eggs on a tree and it’s the same color as the bark and it survives all through winter and you have to like take like a saw to get that stuff off so um basically you’ll know it’s pregnant cuz when you kill it it’ll L like orange

Um it is up to us to just kill all of them just exterminate them right and a lot of people on on my campus don’t take it seriously I was about to say the name of my K that would have been crazy that would have been wild a lot of people at

My campus don’t take it seriously uh but I do I stay up and I stay murking those stupid oh something in my mouth uh those stupid Lantern flies um and I have killed thousands of them and you mean you really got to step on them I mean they got they got like observation

Hockey uh like legitimately they have like observation hockey um so like they’ll know like just like a fly you know they’ll know when you’re about to step on them so you got to step on them fast you know you got to Blitz them right to to counteract their

Their observation hockey so that’s what I’ve been doing I’ve gotten really good at killing them um I perfected my flick to the point where I’m flicking so hard that I can actually kill it with one flick if you hit it just right you could literally rip off its wings and

It’ll die a slow painful death instead of like a really fast one which you know obviously it’s not like Lantern fly’s fault that they’re here so you know I feel a little bad for making them suffer but there’s so many of them that expected me to go in and Crush every

Single one it’s like that so I’m just like right with them like full like tensing up every single muscle like like literally my entire arm like I’ll have that like tensing up like you see this like it’s just like crazy and now I don’t have any type

Of build call this a sleeper build if you want I’m kidding it’s not a sleeper build let me see hold on all right chat we got to we got to we got to know this is like my normal or here let me do it with this one just cuz it’s better at

That yeah see nothing nothing on that feel like it’s is that more to find am I right I think maybe I’m just better at flexing my right ah the text is in the way let me see if I can move over oh no the text was just making it seem bigger than it

Was no I do not have any muscle whatsoever but yeah this one no they’re about the same yeah I just have no muscle whatsoever and I also had a wider out so that’s how what gave it the divot but yeah no but yeah using that

Pow bow you know oh I thought that’s my scar I got it from touching a muffler wow look at it anyways um back to Minecraft um that’s like my main uh thing which is just like I I am the girl who exterminates all of the

Lantern flies I would I kill them I murc them in front of people like people will see me on there and they’ll be like they’ll be like Cohen there’s a lantern fly there and I’ll be like okay thanks boom boom boom and I kill those things like there’s no tomorrow

Um just take this one all right and you know it’s tough it’s freaking it is a hard life to live committing to the extermination of lantern flies is a hard life to live no denying no denying it is a hard freaking life you know like it’s not

Easy being the the the killer of lantern flies uh cuz they’re big ass bug whoa that ruins all the way up here holy how this isn’t even near the water no that is definitely ruins it’s not even near the water that’s that’s actually crazy like yeah the nearest water is like right over

There that is straight up strange oh but this is a nice open field for all of this I don’t know why I did that anyways I don’t know why I squeak that that was for no reason okay so that should be enough of the red terra cotta and so we’re going to get the three colors we’re going to use is yellow and white I think that

Might now that I’m thinking about it I don’t know this is that ooh but this dark one we could also get some of that so I’m thinking a little bit of a white accent but we’re mostly going to stick to so another color maybe oh the dark the dark

Gray I think we should get I I think we should get that instead of the the the white I think the white is is too much I think the yellow is a little too much um so let’s let’s let’s see what we can do about that I say we get this more

Saturated one I don’t know what this is called cuz that one’s just Terra Cotta this is orange terra cotta okay I say we get a lot of orange terra cotta and then we get uh a lot of like dark gray terra cotta uh and then we can make the houses out of dark

Oak and Bricks possibly but we could have like a dark oak fence and then that’ll be how that’ll work and then but under it it it’s Stone you know because like under Mesa bomes it’s also still Stone um and then we’re going to need some red sand too so actually the whole thing’s

Not going to be terra cotta a lot of it’s going to be uh red sand so we have to be mindful of that so I say we get a lot of this and then we get a lot of uh the gray terracota and then we use those

Together um not what I meant to do also such a good sound of keyboard that’s great anyways um and I’m not running my air conditioner right now it’s cold enough that I can do that I mean it was 90° like two weeks ago so that was not it was the hottest days of

The year uh but they’re over now and so it’s going to slowly get cooler and I really don’t like that cuz I’m not a big fan of I think fall is okay when it’s cooler out but like then it starts getting cold and you’re like like one the fits get more like

The fits aren’t as good like winter fits I mean sometimes there are some good winter fits but like it’s hard to have good winter fits cuz like it’s not it’s like anti you know they’re like baggy clothes so you know like there’s just like you just look like an

Orb of like a certain Anish like it’s not as good it really isn’t unfortunately unfortunately bro that’s the most white I’ve sound it in a while unfortunately it is not good unfortunately it’s not good okay put that here see Ah that’s okay there’s the thing once I get into this

Register it it kind of just wants to stay there you know like when you’re singing in your voice and it wants to stay there even though you can hit that note under There yeah kind of like that or wants to stay there o and then you get to the Dy mommy one the Dy mommy one that’s when it’s like deeper like you’re doing the the Cambridge the same as it would be for like a woman but you make it

Deeper that one’s where it’s at Honestly that one’s where it’s at oh all your YouTubers who do like the Dy mommy like female voice like n uh not really NAD but some other YouTubers they do it right here that’s where they do it and you could tell hello GL hi you didn’t hear

That I was giving them instructions on how to do a Dy mommy voice cuz this is mine where it’s like really raspy James Charles as well I mean it’s like deeper but then that kind of hi sisters James Charles this is more like this but I don’t know I’m not a James

Charles voice impressionist um but yeah that’s like the the semblance of like a dmy mommy voice because it’s supposed to be lower but yeah you can fall into the uh the the the start talking like a gay dude but that’s kind of how low voice cuz like

The gay dudes try to sound f feminine with a low voice so if you do feminine talk in a low voice you’re either a dmy mommy or gay no like you know they they they they very similar in the way that they are designed so you really just have to

Distinguish for me I always keep my voice here uh because it has a little bit of raspiness so it’s a little louder it’s a little bit more protruding I don’t like my voice being soft now let me drink this first I’ll show you I I had like a whole conversation about It like if I have my soft voice which I can’t do very well right now I don’t know why technically if you could see I can even see it on here I’m talking at the same voice like at the same vocal level as I am when I’m talking like this but one of

Them sounds a lot louder it goes through the air more it’s more understandable I already talked about Lantern flies [ __ ] you missed it you you missed the lantern fly talk I’m not talking about those anymore they’re gross they’re icky that’s why that’s what I want to do

Every time I see a freaking Lantern fly and they’ll fly on you oh my god there was one I was walking with one of my friends and it freaking flew in her hair and then it and then another one flew one of my other friends and he was freaking out and so

They were both freaking out and so I tracked down the lanternfly after it flew away and I exterminated it like I normally do and I was a hero also speaking of being a hero well not a hero but like popular I guess um I don’t know

How the I I I could not for the life of me tell you how this happened uh but I became popular in music class like I have a I have a a music class which is like intro to like music and like sound production which is good

For It’s like because I wanted to take it so I can get better at using like uh more audio equipment to make sure everybody’s voice lines in Revival episode 4 sound good even if they’re glitch mic and they have a terrible mic and refuse to do the voice lines

Correctly but you know it came to my benefit because if I stuck with the granted by the Ender Dragon that would have been a lot of [ __ ] real quick so you know I’m not I’m not mad about that but uh because bro since episode three Revival’s writing has took such a

Drastic turn I mean I guess I could have made the Ender Dragon stuff work but it works better as granted by the gods because you know with the lore that we discussed in glitch uh things happen but you don’t have anything that’s like capable of like being changed in episode for I mean

There’s like not a lot like you don’t have a lot of voice LS if anything your voice sl’s repeated the only one I won’t forgive you for is you’re as useful as a gold pickaxe like yes I get it gold pickaxe can be no they can’t no they

Can’t there’s no excuse to have a gold pickaxe ever unless you are like super low on resources or something I don’t even know but like I was about to say you were like oh well they can’t be no they can’t no they can’t you liar you scumbag no they

Can’t anyways uh but you changed it to Gold pickaxe and you would not you refuse to record the lies this is this is for you future people who who who this these are my senzu allegations if if senzu ever gets into like hot water about something these are my allegations

Against him he refused to say the gold pickaxe line and to this day I still think that it was a funny line and he refused to say it yes they get no they’re not no they’re not they can’t even mine diamonds they they die they go in 32 they go in 32

Freaking hits and they’re gone even with Unbreaking three they’re still absolutely abhorent there is no excuse these are my allegations against zenzu take it out you will did it work in my favor sometimes with the Ender Dragon stuff yes absolutely is it infuriating when I had

To make him die in the the first episode because he wouldn’t send me the voice lines and when he did he just went and I quote ra ah ah that should be good enough and then stopped it and I was like that’s not good enough and he said

No it should be you little you little prick you little you little prick you little bum face you little you little maggot but it’s okay it’s part of it but I made it so that your dialogue I mean you could probably find something to but like your dialogue is so unimportant

That like I could change all of it and it it wouldn’t change much you had you had your whole ass Arc okay you had your whole ass Arc you had like three episodes focused on you so you’re you’re good you don’t need more focused on you you’re chilling okay

So uh terracotta orange terra cotta so let me put that in here oh it’s almost 10:00 I usually stop streaming at 10: but I’ll keep streaming for a little bit I’m in the mood um going P is faster than Diamond show is netherite bull crap I don’t care how

Fast it is now it would have some Merit don’t get me wrong it would have some Merit if and only if they made they they upped Gold’s durability just a tiny bit and they made it able to instamine without a haste to Beacon if gold could instamine without a Hast to Beacon which

Speaking of that we need a beacon in this world holy crap then I could See then I would see your point but considering it doesn’t no that was a joke nobody uses gold pickaxe you’re as use you’re as useful as a gold pickaxe wooden pickaxes are very useful you can’t beat the game without a wooden pickaxe well I mean you

Can if you get a stone pickaxe from like a Whatchamacallit but like in beta in 1.0 no no you needed a wooden pickaxe or you couldnot beat the game straight up someone’s going to take this clip and they’re going to beat the game without using a wooden bag they’re they’re going

To beat the game without using any wooden wood at all they’re going to be like okay well you could find this in like a a village and then you go to the Nether and you kill them with your fist and then you can go in there so like but

Like that’s like the most integral thing that’s like the first thing you get in a uh Minecraft world is a wooden pickaxe and you were just like no uh gold pickaxes are more useful than wooden pickaxes like you can kill an iron golem for an iron pick ah shoot you’re right for that

You’re right for that uh but like most people make wooden pickaxes when they’re playing Minecraft that’s like the first thing they make and you know it’s the joke still lands because yours usess says a wooden pickaxe implies that K was useful at one point but then isn’t anymore but that also considering how

Ridiculously strong they both are also doesn’t technically make sense and another problem I had with that is when I said it’s been fun working with you for the past 5 years I don’t know why I specified 5 years like it’s not a problem per se if I could I would have

Made it so that Kay and uh Ender met a lot younger but I’m kind of stuck with that which again isn’t a problem but that just means that the timeline is a little bit more condensed than I’d like it to be and for no reason cuz like what

I could have just said for the past few years like I didn’t I didn’t even think about that when I was doing it at the time I was just like oh I I I had no idea what the back story between K glitch was I was open about I was like

I’ll figure it out later which is fine like yeah I’ll figure it out later like okay you’re allowed to do that as a story writer you’re allowed to figure stuff out later especially when you’re as dumb as me right but for that I just specified five years for no reason so I

I that’s what I’m trying to be more careful about now it’s just like not trying to like specify things for the sake of specifying things like as a character in episode four that I can go to a lot of depth on um I think I have a general idea for how I want

Something to be with the character but you know what I’m not going to show it it’s just going to be implied so like if I have to change it I can change it um Revival got the narrative pits of dragon Ball’s Android Arc okay listen it’s not

That bad okay uh it’s not that unthought out the first episode was that that uh unthought out but like the difference is is I’m not making okay here’s the thing here’s the thing the difference between uh Revival and just like writing off the top of your head is that Revival

By the time episode 3 was done I had a I had a decent idea of where the story was going to go uh it’s switched a lot since um that but like I mean what was it remember even like glitch I could tell you this if somebody Clips us in the future they

Going be like damn this is like some Hidden Lore but remember when we were talking about like this was episode this was like before episode one part three this was before chapter 3 we were talking about I was talking about the race to z00 right and it’s not what it was

Before absolutely not but the same thing the same general plot point is happening you know they are oh I don’t even you know or I’m I’m going to keep that close my but like I was talking about that in episode one right the specifics of glitch oh yeah no that that was yeah

That that was a lot uh but in episode four I took the chest pieces that I was given and I made it work for what the power system is and in episode 3 I couldn’t explain that fully because I didn’t introduce experience yet and I didn’t want to show off the power system

When I had a character that actively broke the power system which is another like problem uh with Revival like one of the main problems with Revival is that the first character I introduced breaks the power system so I couldn’t introduce the power system with that character um

Which is why I’ve introduced it in episode four so it’s a little bit more understandable I guess you consider that a spoiler like if you want to consider it oh my God are you kidding me um if you want to consider uh glitch breaking the power system a spoiler uh

Sorry but uh you know in terms of that I’ve written a lot now I will say I will be honest season 2 is written season 3 I have a general idea for what’s going to happen um and then see season 4 is realistically going to be the last

Season um so I’m planning Four Seasons originally I planed like a 100 episodes and I could technically expand it out to that if I did the original race to z00 plot um and and then I had a I had a plot with um originally there was going to be uh a bird

Race but that one’s still up in the air I I don’t know if I’m gonna do that um and there was going to be a whole Arc uh involving a another like a really powerful uh person um I even gave him a name I think

I don’t know I I don’t I don’t think it’s going to happen straight up just because of how long it takes to do like Revival I wanted to shorten it a lot and like so see 2 is the most well written so far is is the least shown in I should

Say it’s the most just like concise plot well it’s a little bit shown in in the fact that it’s like kind of disconnected from like the plot of like committed um or like taking down committed I mean it’s connected in the way of its like morals and themes but

Like in terms of like uh actually taking down committed does it actually contribute to that in any meaningful way not really but I think y’all will really like season two uh when it comes out but I this this is why like I’m showing you stuff about like oh bird race blah blah

Blah blah blah blah but I I keep season 2 close to my chest ain’t nobody know nothing about season 2 except for my tale I did tell him the entirety of season 2 um but it wasn’t completely finished then so he does think things that are actually not in the story cuz I

Shortened it um and made it a little bit more simple uh because I one individual should ain’t bad as long as it’s well written that’s I like Dragon Ball Z too much um just like the Android Arc it went from Android 19 Android 17 to perfect some you can’t spell perfect

Without him also I’m looking back at my Ender channel for a new video and how did you become friends with me when I sucked that much I don’t know I suck I suck too Shen ain’t bad so long as it’s well written that’s why I like dvz so

Much right but there is uh some Shen things that I don’t like to fall into uh like um random what is it called a Damon X Maia D X Mia Makia I don’t know uh it’s when there’s like they introduce some like thing out of nowhere that makes the

Character like more powerful like I want I really hate that and I really want to avoid that um and it’s not glitch is not that I don’t think technically because it wasn’t a the power system wasn’t established like if I established the power DSX Machina makina I don’t know if I

Establish the yeah I think Damon X Maia is like a game or something anyways if I would have establish the power system and then introduce glitch then it would have been but since I didn’t establish the power system and you guys have no idea about it it’s not because he’s just

Another strong character to you guys right but once the power system gets explained you’ll be like oh yeah glitch is literally everything that the story goes against and I mean that’s true because glitch isn’t even he he’s your character you know we we we talked about

How your character is going to fit in there we talked about the story that you’re writing I don’t know if you’re still planning on uh doing that comic I did enjoy the first few uh comic strips that you made of it the only problem is you’re going to get those out

A lot faster than Revival and you’re going to be so far ahead where like K and the crew are still going to be in dock town you know I I I made it very clear that season 2 takes place in do Town um episode 4 I can say this as well

Because you guys have seen the the Snippets of it uh the first part of it takes place in dock town um and it looks terrible because I didn’t know what do town was going to look like when I originally storyboarded that but that’s okay uh it’s a flashback

So the reason that you can’t make out any detail for what do Town looks like is because it’s a flashback totally not because I am just bad at Art um okay so that’s three different types that I’ve gotten a decent amount of let me see do I need anymore we’ll

See if I’m going to make it I need to get my project sorted out first because I got to finish Minecraft tourament first don’t worry you’ll get invited okay I’m down to do a Minecraft tournament you know I’m down to do a Minecraft tournament also look at my

Skin I don’t know if you guys have seen it oh God I should keep I just realized that could have been like serious ending if there was like a creeper behind me or some [ __ ] oh my god oh I had a totem anyways look at my

Skin it’s so not detailed but I love it all the same like you would think that because I’m good at designing like characters that i’ be good at designing uh like Minecraft skins but you’d be wrong this is some very uh flat colors but at the same time

I kind of dig the flat colors so like this is based off I have the outfit actually it’s like behind me somewhere um just like a crop top tank top top uh with uh shoulders out because I have broad shoulders you kind of want to hide your broad shoulders when you when

They’re like really broad because you don’t want to see like that see like right now if I have the these out here um I guess in this shirt it might make them look a little bit longer uh just cuz like it just like feels longer cuz you

Don’t know when the the shoulder ends but like if you have this you’ll have a definite answer to when the shoulder ends and the arm goes out uh which sometimes help but anyways to that it’s like green and then I have like these like almost fully sized jeans on like

Jeggings um which is like super cool um I think we should probably get a little bit of should we get a little bit of cuz this is the color I think we’re I think we should get a little bit of the yellow and white cuz we have like well we have

This color this color and this color it’ll be very muted so I say we get like I say we get two stacks of the brown two stacks of the white and two stacks of uh the the yellow and I think that’ll be good and then let’s get like a crap ton of uh

Uh uh red sand and call it today um definitely not the video I thought it would be but uh next live stream um Tuesdays so stuff has changed Tuesdays used to be really empty for me but like they might be less empty but I’m not sure

Cuz I’m technically in an art Club but I might not be in the future um I genuinely one there’s a couple people in there that I really don’t like and two I genuinely don’t find that much enjoyment out of the art Club um which is sad to say you know I I’ve

Always dreamed of being in a in an art Club in my old high school but oh shoot I already am I already at two stack let me get three because that that that seems a little low um I probably won’t use all these is that does that sound bad I I

Don’t know I think I think you’re I think you’re over hello iron shark eight um I think you’re over doing it cuz I I don’t think that sounds that bad I think you’re making it sound more bad than it sounds if that makes Sense I’m just mining some uh stuff so I can make a good base a part of my base part of my floating island base like you see in the thumbnail I didn’t say nothing man well I you’re you’re making it sound worse than it is you know

Like it’s not that bad okay I’m just going to leave this here actually actually I’m going to fly over Here so a second play to well too soon after uh September 11th in terms see if I made that joke in like December I don’t think anybody would care but uh not now not now yeah let’s let’s not do that [Laughter] Out no my last rocket I’m G to have to walk over to my Ender Chest now that’s a pit full he’s like no no way he’s like no way you just said that anyways Fat Tuesdays what is Fat Tuesdays I single-handedly uh killed 2,000 Lantern flies at my school because nobody else

Will cuz they’re all cowards and they have nothing on my power listen here when you get as powerful as me you have to realize that you have a duty to protect others and when those Lantern flies came and fell down I knew that I had to

Act oh my Lord does this guy not know this guy doesn’t know about Easter oh is this like a religious thing is this I should know this my dad’s a pastor my dad would be very disappointed in me if this is like a religious thing and I don’t know okay we’re just going

To ignore that for now oh the speed Rock oh oh oh oh oh oh oh I haven’t uploaded in 6 months oh oh oh I mean I uploaded the application video but oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh dude I’m like killing it right now speed

Running it’s before l oh okay yeah I should know that a fat D day did sound familiar but I thought maybe it was a Canadian thing I don’t know I didn’t know you’re a religious glitch I mean I guess I never really asked but uh uh you

Know I’m not super religious myself so I just I I usually assume most people around me aren’t which is funny cuz you know pastor’s daughters curse you know that’s just how it is we’re never religious which is funny but well it’s not funny but it’s the

Truth well I don’t want to say I’m not religious at all I’m just like like you know I’m just not like super into it like you won’t really catch me praying that often and like I’ve tried I just Don’t oh I’ve been SP on my Thro before I don’t feel M religion I’m the but I find all the ones made other people to be biased so you’re agnostic you you believe a God the sometimes I feel like not agnostic but um the version of God

That I think of in my head is ultimately moral and the god that people picture in like most religions isn’t even though they say that he is but like as long as hell exists God is Not moral is my main point that I try to explain

To everybody um but also the fact that we suffer at all but she like ah but free will but God made the rules so why would he make Free Will and not do that but that’s nether the there I have nothing against people who are oh man I got

Like I got four Stacks each see I lose my trade of thought yeah I guess that’s a good that’s the way of putting it but then it wouldn’t really be hell you know when we say hell it like the way it survived then it wouldn’t really technically be hell where is my Ender

Chest I think it’s over here um so for that I wouldn’t even I would even consider calling it hell if it got to that point like we’re just like that but I don’t know I think that should be enough to cover an island should it

Not I mean come on it has to be like there’s no way it isn’t oh shoot I need firework rocket do I have any more firework Rockets ooh I am running one that I need a sugar cane Farm that’s why I there’s so much stuff I need in this world like dude I

Miss hardcore Island hardcore Island had a sugar cane Farm I mean I do have a sugar farm but it’s like really basic uh where did I see that thing full of uh sand that was flat I know it was somewhere maybe it’s over here More have to earn it that’s sound bad but you know they have to earn my forgiveness see that’s like my problem like bro I didn’t choose this you know I didn’t choose to live holy crap what the freak dude Noah no I take back what I said on a

Random Youtube survey a couple days ago 1.8 is the best update what is this this is the coolest thing I’ve ever seen in my life Loki loky I redact my statement about 1.16 being better than 1.18 um I was lying also [ __ ] think there some abandoned treasure find some damond uh

Let me sleep first dude fine I’ll kill you or kill yourself I don’t know I I don’t know forgiveness that’s too heavy it’s too heavy for a freaking Minecraft thing listen there’s like two things I talk about every once in a while I’ll get political and then I’ll talk about

IBS that’s it that’s all that needs to be talked about for me you know that’s a good conversation in my book okay I have a question for you glitch Mr YouTube do you think my channel looks better with all of these unlisted in a playlist or do you think my channel

Looks better with these uh public I mean I haven’t uploaded in a while but I also haven’t done Minecraft record in a while so I guess but like it’ll look like my uploads like it’ll count as uploads it’ll count as watch hours cuz right now they’re unlisted so

They don’t count as watch hours they don’t count as anything because they’re unlisted and if I made them public that’s like 20 extra views or at most like sometimes even 100 um more than I would usually get you know the only thing is is like okay

Here’s the thing I I did make them all public before um and one it kind of messed up the order so I can’t I have to manually sort them in the playlist section now because I can’t do it over published um but it also means that it hides my

Actual like videos like do you remember tu31 which that’s not the name of it anymore but it was originally the name of it um like dude I collected way too much I I already know it I already know it cuz I just realized that half of this going to be red sand

Anyways like I collected way too much it’s okay I can put them in chests it’s fine it’s fine but yeah no but they also appear in your uploads like I would agree with you if if there was a separate live Tab and it does that but it doesn’t they appear in

Your uploads as well cuz they’re technically uploaded cuz they’re made public it’s dumb it’s so stupid but I’d agree otherwise but there’s no need for that anymore cuz that’s that’s why that’s that’s why lwig used to keep his stuff like that too and I saw that there was a

Live streaming tab when I was like hell yeah it’s going to keep my videos and live streams uh different but then it didn’t I I undid all of them and then in my uploads it had all of the live streams and I was so pissed because

What’s the point of having a live tab if you’re going to put it in my uploads they’re not uploads they’re live streams did you do live stuff on senzu hold let me look at your channel real quick sorry guys I’m looking at his channel I got I gotta check now I gotta Check that’s not your Channel What all right all right all right fine fine fine fine fine fine you win you win you win I’ll try it tonight and I’ll have it in the live section and I will instantly get 4,000 public watch hours because 53 episodes of these at the watch hours I get that’

Be great I’m kidding but you know if I have these public they might grow my channel actually like I mean my channel originally did Minecraft hardcore and I know a lot of the people on here subbed for the uh information videos but also people who watch those do watch

My past year okay um people who watch mine also watch uh my live streams like cuz they like interacting with me you know they’ll be like cuz they know that they can they know that I’m a small YouTuber and they know that they can and I don’t

Know if that’ll be the case in the future but like it’s it’s it’s it’s good about being a small YouTuber like I’ll say this like dude you get so many Subs per video when you’re under 1K like you get a noticeably jump in Subs per video

But right after you reach 1K it kind of drops off the face of the Earth which is why I’m uh only I’m not even at 1.5k and I should be at like 3K by now if I actually committed to uploading but I didn’t so it’s it’s it’s mostly my fault

But you know uh part of that is just based off of uh You know people don’t want to sub when their number doesn’t make your channel go one Higher you know what I mean cuz you can’t see it anymore that’s the one thing about it you can’t you can’t tell that your sub is making the number go up because every 10 people the number goes

Up not every one person and that’s the difference but yeah tonight I tell you what I’ll keep the Minecraft hardcore playlist just cuz you know having it as the playlist is nice um but I will make public all of the live streams and I I don’t know because that

I think making upload makes it like a video and not a live stream because it was originally unlisted but I I don’t know I’d have to check I’ll check with this one like if it’ll say uploaded or streamed because it wasn’t uploaded so why would it be in uploads that that’s

That that was my oh that was my like one big gripe I’m like YouTube it is not an upload if you are going to make this thing why would you make it so that I’m going to finish off this uh this place with some more sand

Um why would you make it so it’s uh in the upload section if you have a dedicated section for live streams and that was my main problem with it but yeah having it public that would help so much like that would give me so much more reason to stream because it’ be

More views more watch time hours more all that and it would it would show YouTube Hey this channel is still active so you can still promote my videos cuz in technically the algorithm doesn’t account for that but uh inactive channels don’t push uh they don’t push the videos as

Much cuz like why would you push videos for a channel that won’t make more content you know what I mean you’re making people sub for a channel that they’ll never use VI again or they’ll never see videos again and like every once in a while they’ll get like

Recommended a video but like if I’m constantly live streaming then it’s going to be like oh okay well this person’s still making content which I am still making content on a consistent basis it’s just Revival episode 4 you know which I cannot wait to show people

I might stream it I might like I’m going to Premiere and I might stream my uh like I might upload like it after I cannot freaking wait for people to see episode 4 it’s going to be so much fun here’s my thing despite the fact I’ve

Been deleting my channel if I don’t get enough numbers I’m I’ve learned to not care about my numbers my enjoyment passion ultimate makes a better experience right but like after every live stream you unlist it and then you don’t get any of the views and you don’t get any of the watch time

Hours you know how that feels it doesn’t feel great you know like I’m not going to pretend like um I’m not affected by numbers at all um I don’t have the numbers up when I live stream anymore though like I don’t check how many uh people are viewing that’s

Like number one mistake of uh streamers which if I did I probably would have ended the stream like I don’t even know how long ago like I mean it’s 10:30 uh I should probably end it soon but I’ll end it after I finish this chest but uh yeah that’s like one of my

Main things for streaming do not check how many people are there uh but you can kind of tell how many people are like commenting but you were here the whole time so that’s why I kept streaming but today this one will be my test I’ll see

If it pops up in the live stream Tab and then I’ll pop I’ll uh do another one see how that one goes um I might have to do them in like order though might have to like make them public from the beginning like Co and L and the starting at Co and

Low and the occasional mending book and working my way up um see how it uh comes out cuz I don’t know why but the Minecraft hardcore play playlist isn’t there um and so I’ll customize my channel and put it as like like live streams and then uh go from

There but only only public my live streams that are Minecraft hardcore so it seems like I’m relatively consistent when I do but other than that I could do like live streams on like MCC and stuff but I might unlist those just because like ah well that’s not my Minecraft

Hardcore stuff that’s the stuff that I want to be public and you know the other stuff you can watch but it’s unlisted like my old videos you know the after a live stream is done it’s about as relevant as an old C video in terms of like how YouTube treats it for my

Channel which you know isn’t great I think that should be enough to fill up this Ender Chest it is not enough to fill up this it is enough to fill up this Ender Chest it is perfectly enough almost all right I’ll make it back to the base and I can do the Outro SCH okay guys people are actually talking to me it’s wild dude I don’t know how I did it I am popular in my music class I don’t know if I brought this up before but I’m popular in my music class I don’t know how I did it I

Said nothing to anybody we had a thing where we were supposed to like show off some of our like composed stuff and I was on band labs and I was just freaking around on band Labs but I didn’t know that I was supposed to like submit it or

Well I did but like I I didn’t think about it I just like emailed it to him and then after I emailed to him I was like a sh Wait is he going to show this in class right um I I do okay so I did and no joke

After I did that five people okay I know that’s not a lot but like the class is like 15 people so like a third of the class just came up to me after class and started talking to me about like music and stuff and they’re just like yeah can

I have your Instagram you’re super super cool and I’m like the you made I’m super cool what do you I make Minecraft videos and I saw that and they’re like talking to me and they’re like I really like your music it really sounded like somebody was about to die and I was like

That’s morbid but thank you I guess um and from there it just kept going I was like dude cuz it was like five people like I was like okay it’s not like it was like the four people who were like in the in class and then after that I

Saw this uh there was this other girl who was uh like um it was like after cuz you have to like open the door go out you like two screen doors and so I held the door open because there’s like two of them and that’s just how it is you hold the door

For one and the other person holds the other one and she started talking to me about it and I was like damn what the what is this what what what is this what what is this really is that what happens like there’s no like popular kids in uh

College it doesn’t work oh my Lord oh my Lord I wow okay there’s a lot on here all right hello hello hello hello bang oh crap there’s another creeper right here dude I’m not like shot in way too long for this goodbye going to land in the

Water man wow my aim is so bad wow it’s been really long since I’ve done this you could tell cuz I used to just one see wow this is bad that’s that was that was terrible um so I guess next episode we are going to work

On replacing the uh dirt here um we’re going to replace it with clay uh that’s crazy all I had to do was just be a dumbass yeah literally um but yeah I got people like talking about like they’re just like wait you make like I got people talking about like my animated

Series and stuff I was like yeah I make a a show called Revival and I work on like soundtrack for it cuz that was like we introduced we were like oh why’ you want to take this class and I was just like oh cuz I wanted to get you know

Better at like not just the music but in terms of just like actual like compo like um doing sound stuff like sound effects stuff like that and I wanted to make sure that it was at its tiptop shape before I did anything um you know I’m I’m not sure why I still

Use this for experience when I have like an entire uh mother freaking oh Vietnam flashbacks that not having a totem of undying in my hand I’m just going to do that right now just cuz you know I I don’t trust that this was buil all the way in one dot 17 I believe Hey oh man and the I I know I don’t come here for streams because the sound hold on that’s not what I wanted to do there we go anyways guys mostly glitch mic I don’t know if a couple other people went in here I wasn’t checking uh thank you for

Watching the stream uh it’s been fun it’s been fun you know have another thing back we’re going to try to put this public and then I’m going to see if I can public a and we’re going to see if I can uh publish all of the other ones

Um and uh we’ll see how that goes cuz I think it might work differently if they’re unlisted and then you put them as public they might like in the dates where they’re published that might I I remember that being like a whole Fiasco um but we will

See uh that’s about it holy crap my shovel is already almost complete come on let me let me get it complete just for the just for the the the giggles I guess this is why the XP farm is so much better than the freaking Bob Farm because it’s it’s already

Almost and it’s not even in my off hand you know like I don’t even have to have it in my off hand I can just have it in my hand look at this look at this come on come on come on come on more pigment

Come on come on come on come on come on yeah yeah there they are there they are there they are technically they’re supposed to have like Grinders on the side of here so that they don’t get Stu but I didn’t do that uh you know I think maybe I did on the

Outside I I don’t remember but it oh shoot my bad I was collecting The Experience wrong there we go all right I’m out of here see you

This video, titled ‘There’s a Lanternfly Infestation at my School | Minecraft Hardcore Season 4 |’, was uploaded by K – Lowe on 2023-09-15 17:18:16. It has garnered 43 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:36:07 or 5767 seconds.

Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/k-lowe

make sure you join my discord: https://discord.gg/UzdQgAx

  • FLYING HIGH: Minecraft VR Elytra Adventure

    FLYING HIGH: Minecraft VR Elytra Adventure Exploring the World of Minecraft in VR with Elytra Embark on an exciting journey through the virtual world of Minecraft in VR with the exhilarating experience of using Elytra. Join the adventure as our protagonist sets out to conquer new heights and challenges in this immersive gameplay. Conquering the End and Beyond After a successful live stream featuring the defeat of the Ender Dragon, our intrepid player decides to embark on a new quest to acquire Elytra. The anticipation builds as they venture into uncharted territory, ready to soar through the skies in VR. Thrilling Elytra Flight Experience the… Read More

  • Uncover the Hilarious World of Minecraft

    Uncover the Hilarious World of Minecraft The Fascinating World of Minecraft Good morning everyone, I’m CrizPlay. Today we will immerse ourselves in the wonderful world of Minecraft. If you’re new to this game or just want to find out what makes it so special, you’ve come to the right place! A Brief History of Minecraft First, let’s go back a little in time, when Windows 7 and XP were still used. Minecraft was created by Markus Persson, also known as Notch. The game was released in 2011 and has since grown to become one of the most popular games in history. The World of Minecraft… Read More

  • Experience Sky-High Adventures on Minewind Server!

    Experience Sky-High Adventures on Minewind Server! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and most exciting updates from the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video showcasing a unique flying minecart creation in Minecraft. While the video itself may not be about Minewind server, it sparked our interest in the endless possibilities that Minecraft has to offer. Imagine being able to soar through the skies in your very own flying minecart, without the need for mods or complex installations. The creativity and innovation displayed in the video inspired us to explore similar experiences in the Minecraft world. If you’re looking… Read More

  • Exploring the Twilight Forest Cavern with S5João

    Exploring the Twilight Forest Cavern with S5João Minecraft: Exploring the Riches of the Twilight Forest with S5João Welcome to the enchanting world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. Join S5João as he delves into the depths of the Twilight Forest, uncovering treasures and facing challenges along the way. Unleash Your Creativity One of the most captivating aspects of Minecraft is the ability to build anything your heart desires. From humble cottages to majestic castles, the only limit is your imagination. S5João showcases his building skills as he constructs his dream home in the Twilight Forest, a sanctuary amidst the… Read More

  • Infinite Craft Mastery: Rhyme Time Blast

    Infinite Craft Mastery: Rhyme Time Blast In the world of Infinite Craft, where creativity reigns, We build our dreams with blocks, breaking all chains. From towering castles to sprawling cities so grand, Every creation is crafted by our hand. Join us on this journey, where imagination takes flight, In this digital realm, where everything feels just right. So grab your pickaxe, your sword, and your bow, And let’s embark on this adventure, with no limits to how far we can go. Subscribe to our channel, for tips and tricks galore, To help you build, explore, and so much more. Infinite Craft awaits, so let’s dive… Read More

  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Experience

    Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Experience Welcome to Newsminecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With an exciting and dynamic community, Minewind offers a unique gaming experience that will keep you coming back for more. But why should you join Minewind? Well, imagine a world where you can explore, build, and survive in a challenging environment filled with other players. Minewind offers all of this and more, with regular events, competitions, and updates to keep things fresh and exciting. Whether you’re a hardcore survivalist or a creative builder, Minewind has something for… Read More

  • Minecraft Enderman Challenge: From Steve to Ender in a Snap!

    Minecraft Enderman Challenge: From Steve to Ender in a Snap! In Minecraft world, where blocks abound, Our hero takes on challenges, all around. Becoming an Enderman, a new quest to pursue, With skills and wit, they’ll see it through. Dodging creepers, and zombies too, Crafting tools, to see them through. In the dark caves, they’ll mine and explore, Finding treasures, and so much more. With each new challenge, they’ll rise to the top, With friends by their side, they’ll never stop. So join in the fun, and watch them play, In the world of Minecraft, where they’ll stay. Read More

  • Bunker Zombie Apocalypse: 100 Days Survival Challenge

    Bunker Zombie Apocalypse: 100 Days Survival Challenge The Ultimate Survival Challenge: 100 Days in a Bunker Zombie Apocalypse in Minecraft Hardcore Embark on an epic journey with our fearless duo as they face the ultimate test of survival in a zombie apocalypse within the virtual world of Minecraft Hardcore. Join them as they navigate through the challenges of rebuilding a bunker into a fortified base, all while combating endless hordes of zombies that grow increasingly difficult with each passing day. Surviving the Zombie Outbreak Our brave adventurers, accompanied by other survivors, must decipher clues left behind to halt the spread of the zombie virus in the… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Endless Adventure!

    Join Minewind Server for Endless Adventure! Are you looking for a new Minecraft server to join and explore? Look no further than Minewind! With a vibrant community and endless possibilities, Minewind offers a unique and exciting gaming experience for players of all ages. Imagine building your own world from scratch, just like in the YouTube video “100 Casual Minecraft Days.” From humble beginnings to epic creations, the journey is yours to take on Minewind. With features like custom plugins, events, and a dedicated staff team, there’s always something new to discover on this server. So why wait? Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and start your… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Epic Challenges and Surprises!

    Join Minewind Server for Epic Challenges and Surprises! Are you looking for a new and exciting Minecraft server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With a vibrant community and endless possibilities for exploration and adventure, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your creativity and connect with fellow gamers. Imagine a world where challenges are around every corner, where arrows rain down from the sky in a thrilling display of skill and strategy. This is just a taste of what awaits you on Minewind. Join us today and experience the excitement for yourself. To join the fun, simply enter the server IP: YT.MINEWIND.NET into your Minecraft… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft SMP Drama on Day 38!

    Insane Minecraft SMP Drama on Day 38!Video Information This video, titled ‘UNFILTERED SMP DAY 38 | JAVA + BEDROCK + MCPE | #shorts #publicsmp #manishunfiltered #minecraft’, was uploaded by Manish Unfiltered on 2024-05-17 14:14:58. It has garnered 399 views and likes. The duration of the video is 04:03:45 or 14625 seconds. UNFILTERED SMP DAY 38 | JAVA + BEDROCK + MCPE | #shorts #publicsmp #manishunfiltered #minecraft 😎JAVA : PUBLICSMPS01.aternos.me:50937 😎BEDROCK/PE – PUBLICSMPS01.aternos.me 😎Port: 50937 #publicsmpserverminecraftbedrockedition1 #publicsmplive #publicsmpminecraft #publicsmpserverminecraftpe #publicsmpserverminecraftbedrockeditio #publicsmpserver IN THIS LIVESTREAM I AM PLAYING MINECRAFT GAME WITH MY FRIENDS 🙂 WE ARE ENJOYING THIS GAME A LOT THATS WHY I THOUGHT I SHOULD STREAM… Read More

  • Ultimate Survival House Build in Minecraft #41

    Ultimate Survival House Build in Minecraft #41Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft : Buildings. Building a house for survival #41’, was uploaded by Builder on 2023-12-28 16:52:10. It has garnered 65 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:16 or 2296 seconds. Dear viewers and subscribers of my channel, a moment of attention! Preface: Among you – subscribers, there is a subscriber who planted the idea under the past video to build a monument to Lincoln… BUT, in this video I decided not to build this monument, because I do not want my channel to shine such a famous person like Lincoln, I… Read More

  • Haunted Minecraft House Tour! Watch the Mine Exploration

    Haunted Minecraft House Tour! Watch the Mine ExplorationVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Colorless #002 : the house has windows and the mine started’, was uploaded by Miss Halloween on 2024-01-13 21:20:56. It has garnered 171 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:25 or 1585 seconds. in this series there are ALMOST no colors, today we’ll start mining hehe 😀 Texture Pack: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/… Mods: https://essential.gg/ https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/… https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/… https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/… Read More

  • B.H.L.Gaming’s CRAZY Minecraft Shorts!

    B.H.L.Gaming's CRAZY Minecraft Shorts!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by B.H.L.Gaming on 2024-03-09 06:13:50. It has garnered 565 views and 29 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. minecraft #shorts Game  Name – @minecraft  (Bedrock Edition) Hashtags:- #short #shorts #minecraft #gaming #minecraftshorts #minecrafttrendingshorts #montero #lilnasx #shortsfeed #kingfox #story #story shorts #trendingshorts #trend #ytshorts #youtubeshorts #game #tiktokshorts #minecraftstory #gamingminecraft #minecraft Tags Herobrine😈Vs Null Vs All😏Mob Who is😱The Powerful in Minecraft villager Herobrine Vs Null Herobrine Vs Notch Herobrine Vs All Mob Herobrine Vs Steve Steve Vs Null Steve Vs All mob Steve Vs Notch Notch Vs All… Read More

  • Saving Village in Minecraft?! Watch & Learn with Mr India Gamerz!

    Saving Village in Minecraft?! Watch & Learn with Mr India Gamerz!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Save My Village 🔥@minecraft’, was uploaded by Mr India Gamerz Shorts on 2024-02-27 11:12:45. It has garnered 480 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:41 or 41 seconds. Hello guys it’s Minecraft player aahil and free fire player come and play with me @technogamerzofficial @ujjwal @ajjubhai @totalgaming @smartypie @gamerfleet @anshubhisht @anshuvlogs @notgamerfleet @mrindiagamerzshorts @youtube @skibiditoilet @yasrtv @bardach @hakaitv @desigamers @desivlogs @freefireofficial @illegalmoon . . . . Fans 💫 please support me we are team if you join Mig army you started the game I talk for last subscribe 😄 please… Read More

  • 24 Hour Roblox & Minecraft Stream w/ Subs until We DROP! 🚀

    24 Hour Roblox & Minecraft Stream w/ Subs until We DROP! 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Streaming Until I pass out! Yaezer’s Live Roblox & Minecraft with Subscribers!’, was uploaded by Yaezer on 2024-05-03 20:30:31. It has garnered 1074 views and 43 likes. The duration of the video is 01:56:29 or 6989 seconds. Welcome to the ultimate late-night gaming extravaganza! Join Yaezer in an epic livestream adventure as he dives into the virtual worlds of Roblox and Minecraft, accompanied by none other than his awesome subscribers! Get ready for a night filled with laughter, thrills, and endless fun as we explore, build, and conquer together. But wait, there’s more! This isn’t… Read More


    AlfredDS & I MINECRAFT REUNION - RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Flee For Your Life (Synthesia version) Minecraft Parody ft. Bart Baker (2012) [HD]’, was uploaded by AlfredDS & I Reunion on 2024-04-08 20:04:26. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. I heard someone singing their song “Don’t Stop Me Now” by Queen or something like that, so I told Minecraft to make a Parody … Read More

  • pandemonium.games

    pandemonium.gamesComputer gaming leveraged to create spiritual growth, video entertainment, online parties/calling/chatting for self and community entertainment, self governance, self sufficiency, rites re-establishment, the general saving the world. Mini Games – Spectre & Hide and Seek – more soon. pandemonium.games Read More

  • yeCraft semi-vanilla whitelist 1.19.2 18+

    Join Our Small World Server! If you’re looking for a fun and modded Minecraft experience, look no further! Our world focuses on exploration and construction, with the addition of Create mod. There are no strict rules, just a rich world waiting to be explored. Message me if you’re over 18 and interested in joining! Read More

  • DexusLand

    DexusLandGet ready to immerse yourself in exciting challenges, unique events and lots of fun as we compete for exclusive prizes. From rare items to valuable resources, there’s something for everyone!Don’t miss the opportunity to join this adventure full of prizes and fun! See you there! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Why hasn’t this been fixed in Minecraft yet?!

    It’s like trying to find diamonds in Minecraft – some things are just hard to fix! Read More

  • Crafty Clicks: Level Up Your Minecraft Thumbnail Game

    Crafty Clicks: Level Up Your Minecraft Thumbnail Game In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Thumbnail tutorials to help you survive. With just 10 minutes, you’ll level up your game, Creating thumbnails that’ll bring you fame. Follow along, step by step, with a grin, Crafting like a pro, let the fun begin. Editing apps and tips to make it shine, Your Minecraft thumbnails will be divine. On Instagram, follow for more inspiration, Join the community, it’s a celebration. So grab your tools, let your creativity flow, In the world of Minecraft, let your thumbnails glow. Thanks for watching, stay tuned for more, Minecraft adventures, we have… Read More

  • Warning: Skibidi Portal = Instant Regret 😂

    Warning: Skibidi Portal = Instant Regret 😂 “Imagine accidentally stumbling upon this secret Skibidi portal in Minecraft and suddenly your character starts busting out the dance moves uncontrollably. Talk about a surprise twist in your gameplay!” Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Challenges and Rewards!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Challenges and Rewards! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and most exciting news from the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about an exhilarating Minecraft server that is taking the gaming community by storm – Minewind. While watching a recent YouTube video about a Minecraft race with a 1000 TL prize, you may have been inspired to join in on the fun and excitement. And what better place to experience thrilling adventures and challenges than on Minewind Minecraft Server? With a vibrant community of players, unique gameplay features, and endless possibilities for creativity, Minewind offers… Read More

  • Mastering Trades with Fletching Table

    Mastering Trades with Fletching Table Minecraft: Mastering Archery with Fletching Tables and Villagers! Are you ready to take your archery skills in Minecraft to the next level? Look no further than the Fletching Table and Fletcher villagers! In this guide, we’ll show you how to craft a Fletching Table, recruit a villager as a fletcher, and unlock amazing trades that will make you a true archery master in the game. Crafting a Fletching Table First things first, you’ll need to craft a Fletching Table. This special crafting station is essential for working with fletchers. To craft a Fletching Table, you’ll need four planks of… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Adventure: Building Chitos_off and Mile Serv with Wayrox!

    EPIC Minecraft Adventure: Building Chitos_off and Mile Serv with Wayrox!Video Information This video, titled ‘live minecraft survie et après on construie le serv de chitos_off et mile’, was uploaded by Wayrox on 2024-04-01 00:32:29. It has garnered 98 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 01:42:03 or 6123 seconds. hello you well so what are you doing dude subscribe seriously dude! click it quickly to see https://discord.gg/QHFAcHqF Read More

  • Console Edition: Minecraft Players Beware

    Console Edition: Minecraft Players BewareVideo Information for [Music] 12 years ago something legendary happened because Minecraft released on the Xbox 360 for 1600 Microsoft points many myself included purchased it on day one and found a copy of Minecraft which wasn’t just a plain Port but instead had lots of features specifically tailored for the consoles this originally included a map when you spawn so you could see your way around the world and find your way to your friends a tutorial world so you could all work out how to play the game together and finally achievements something sweet to go after and… Read More

  • Unbelievable loot spree with MINIXERO on lifesteal.net!

    Unbelievable loot spree with MINIXERO on lifesteal.net!Video Information This video, titled ‘Looting poi (lifesteal.net)’, was uploaded by MINIXERO on 2024-03-10 14:17:37. It has garnered 186 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:10:57 or 7857 seconds. Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP members. This SMP is like LifeStealSMP and OneTrySMP, this is the hardest Minecraft Sever ever! and it is also a lore-based server in the MCYT community. I hope you enjoy this video. Not only that, this server has the elements of school SMP and… Read More

  • EPIC Astrox3D Minecraft SMP Join Now!! 🚀

    EPIC Astrox3D Minecraft SMP Join Now!! 🚀Video Information wait wait hold on I’ve been muted what’s up guys today it’s about to be a crazy day you know I’ve always wanted to have an SMP I’ve never done this before totally okay hold on me let me put up like everything hold on am I live am I I don’t see it so far oh never mind I do hell yeah logging on all right awesome sauce I mean that would be cool all right let me start the music let me start the music allow me to uh so we you know we gota we… Read More


    FALCO BUILDS EPIC HOUSE IN MINECRAFT SURVIVAL!Video Information This video, titled ‘I MADE MY HOUSE IN MINECRAFT SURVIVAL SERIES (EP 2) | Minecraft Survival Series’, was uploaded by I.M FALCO on 2024-03-04 12:46:25. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hello Friends Welcome To My Channel If You Are New Then Subscribe My This Channel And Like My This Video.In This Video I … Read More

  • Insane Subway Surfers gameplay like never before || Watch now! 🚇🔥

    Insane Subway Surfers gameplay like never before || Watch now! 🚇🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘subway surfers game || #shorts #subwaysurfers #games #ytshorts #short #viral #W’, was uploaded by Gaming shorts for you on 2024-05-09 01:45:00. It has garnered 1175 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. subway surfers game || #shorts #subwaysurfers #games #ytshorts #short #viral #w games minecraft gta 5 gta5 poki game pokemon online games car games gta v gaming pubg chess subway surfers free games video game solitaire steam rummy valorant rummy circle the last of us ninja pokemon cards gta ludo king dinosaur game chess online ludo game… Read More

  • Insane Prank: Blue king fooled with fake corn? 😱

    Insane Prank: Blue king fooled with fake corn? 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft | Fake Corn Prank😂 #shorts #minecraft #viral #hacks #minecrafthacks #prank’, was uploaded by Blue king on 2023-12-26 08:13:30. It has garnered 2591 views and 70 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. Minecraft | Fake Corn Prank😂 #shorts #minecraft #viral #hacks #minecrafthacks #prank Read More

  • INSANE! Build a Small House in Minecraft in Minutes! Step-by-Step Guide

    INSANE! Build a Small House in Minecraft in Minutes! Step-by-Step GuideVideo Information This video, titled ‘Build a Small House in Minecraft: Step-by-Step Tutorial and Blueprints’, was uploaded by Game Tp on 2024-04-29 15:17:08. It has garnered 119 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:42 or 162 seconds. In this Minecraft tutorial, learn how to build a small house step-by-step with detailed blueprints to guide you along the way. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned player, this video will help you create your own cozy home in the world of Minecraft. Watch now and start constructing your dream house! Video Script! Welcome to our Minecraft tutorial… Read More

  • “Mind-blowing Minecraft memes in 60 seconds!” #Minecraft #memes #shorts

    "Mind-blowing Minecraft memes in 60 seconds!" #Minecraft #memes #shortsVideo Information h [संगीत] This video, titled ‘Minecraft With Intrusive Thoughts Meme #shorts #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #minecraft #mcpe’, was uploaded by Mklord on 2024-04-22 14:36:10. It has garnered 2730 views and 70 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. #cosplay #roblox #shorts #anime #robloxoutfits #robloxedits #outfitidedas #jojosbiazzareadventure #ytshorts #brookhaven #brookhavenrp #mineceaftshorts #minecraft #minecraftpe #mcpe #mcpehindi #minecraftindia #minecraftmeme #minecraftanimation #minecraftlive #minecraftsurvival #minecraftbuilding #minecraftvideos #dream #technoblade #wilbursoot #tommyinnit #georgenotfound #minecraftclutch #technogamerz #carryminati #yessmartypie #loggyhindustanigamer #chapatihindustanigamer #himlands #himlandss5 #himlandsnewseason #blackcluegaming #shorts #funny #gaming #minecraftjava #anshubisht #rlcraft #crazycraft #trending #trendingshorts #bbs #beastboyshubminecraft #beastboyshub #ytshorts #mcpememe #trends #fyp #viralshorts #viralvideo #viral #dantdm… Read More

  • SleeveIt Pixelmon

    SleeveIt PixelmonSleeveIt Pixelmon is finally out! Perfect for beginners and full of competition for veterans, SleeveIt Pixelmon is THE PERFECT Pixelmon Server for ALL players! We’ve worked our hardest to keep things as simple as possible, by cutting out unnecessary GUIs and complicated markets, we’ve made sure that any beginner can have fun on the server and experience Pixelmon without getting overwhelmed! Why we’re different than other servers: – EV Training Room – Boss Room – Dens Room – Real Player Gym Leaders – Real Player E4 + Champion – Server EXCLUSIVE Fully Custom Pixelmon! Join our server and become part… Read More

  • All the Mods 9 – Modded SMP

    Welcome to our Community! We’re actively seeking new players to join our close-knit community. Our server boasts a dedicated group of friendly and helpful players who are always eager to assist newcomers. Our servers are run on a fully dedicated server with high-end hardware. Modpack Version IP Address Fantasy MC 2.8.1 FantasyMC.SilverKeepMC.com Explore more servers on our server list. Join our Discord! Discord: https://discord.gg/5qQzfJyNju Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Minecraft: Editions vs. Versions Debate heats up!”

    Minecraft Memes - "Minecraft: Editions vs. Versions Debate heats up!"If Minecraft is Minecraft, then does that mean Minecraft is also Minecraft? Mind blown. Read More

  • Crafty Creations: Minecraft Skin Made Quick & Easy

    Crafty Creations: Minecraft Skin Made Quick & Easy In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Crafting your skin, let your imagination take the reins. Open your browser, to Minecraft skins dot com, Click on editor, let the fun begin, no need to be calm. Tools at your disposal, to edit and create, Make your skin unique, don’t hesitate. Download your creation, with a click so fine, New skins to explore, in the latest section, divine. For private servers, download with glee, For public servers, use the link, you’ll see. If this video helped, give it a thumbs up, Subscribe for more tips, don’t interrupt, just sup. Read More

  • “Blow up your ex’s house with a TNT-powered vibrator in Minecraft” #hot #lol

    "Blow up your ex's house with a TNT-powered vibrator in Minecraft" #hot #lol When you accidentally put a Duracell battery in your TNT in Minecraft and suddenly your explosions last for days. Who knew batteries could be so explosive? #shorts #meme #memes Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Exclusive Capes and Gifts!

    Join Minewind Server for Exclusive Capes and Gifts! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Today we have some exciting news for all Minecraft enthusiasts out there. As Minecraft celebrates its 15th anniversary, Mojang and Microsoft have prepared some amazing gifts for all players. If you’re a fan of the game, you definitely don’t want to miss out on what’s in store for you! From special capes to exclusive discounts, there’s a lot to look forward to during this 15-day celebration. One of the highlights of the anniversary event is the release of three new capes, each with its own unique design. These capes will be available for both Java and… Read More

K – Lowe – There’s a Lanternfly Infestation at my School | Minecraft Hardcore Season 4 |