Video Information

Okay hello hello what’s up don’t worry I want pause the game in one second I got to pop out the chat for the people watching what’s up we returned with episode 2 started streaming a lot earlier in the night which is just better for me personally play for more

Than like 40 minutes yeah oh I just got the notification on my phone let me set it to live chat and make sure everything is good when watching Okay let me look around a little bit I want to see the quality I tried changing some quality settings here all right my phone’s lagging I don’t know if that’s my phone or my stream we set to 144 up hope everybody’s doing Good everybody’s doing good it says excellent connection so I’ll take that right take a sip of my chocolate milk it’s a little late but I don’t care chocolate milk is eternal all right I don’t have anything I need to equip my stuff yeah we I think that my stuff is in the chest

Somewhere mhm okay near a bunch of like dger let me remove my dice oh here it is played D and D earlier today okay yeah where is oh whoopsies okay where’s my at is over here this is my stuff right here yeah I think so I have to rearrange all this stuff Again all right boom okay let me let me put some stuff back here get so much stuff in this mod it just like your inventory immediately fills up yeah well there is a backpack that we can get get for some extra inventory space m i see look at the

Crafting table oh my goodness there’s 183 Pages yeah there’s a lot of stuff in this mod do I want to let me search let’s see here always have this I need to have food ready try to think of anything else I don’t know why the music randomly stops

Is that like a design choice or don’t know because to be honest with you I’d prefer the music just playing at all times because I like it it’s very enjoyable I don’t know if there’s any like um copyright stuff cuz I didn’t bother to look on my YouTube to see if

It was copyrighted so yeah we’re just going to row with it cuz I really don’t [ __ ] care it’s not that I don’t care about copyright it’s just that I don’t care to look right now so I don’t [ __ ] anything up so oh a d you can make a diamond bow

That’s fire look at that there’s a pickar rang did you see that the piang yeah Diamond like Boomerang oh they made another right Stone great sword no I’ve always been confused why they never added like higher tier bows I mean I know that like you can get

Upgrades for the regular bow that make it really strong but would be cool if you could get some higher TI of it ancient Crystal helmet plus 15% protection from Magic damage there’s so many oh an emerald bow it doesn’t really tell you which one’s better though I

Don’t know if there’s a difference like maybe yeah maybe with an emerald bro maybe it like enchants your arrows so like they have some sort of green magic you know could be something like that yeah I was reading one of the mods was um it added like tear to netherite and

Like like the I think there was like Emerald gold and diamond and like they did like I saw that like Emerald it like pacifies Enderman and then like there’s one that like pacifies Phantoms and like a few other different things I like counters yeah all right I’m trying to

Find remember those like class crystals that or whatever I want to try and find those New Gen Hammer Can’t you search so many weapons I I’m searching but there’s nine pages I search class but then if I hit space like there’s nothing so um see berserkering

Paladin Mage oh myth oh myth roll I forgot they it’s not called myth roll it’s called myth roll again I’m I’m assuming that is for copyright purposes here hold on let me let me click on this mod let’s see awaken NE choose orb hold on oh here we go

I don’t see the class shoes orb in the crafting table you have to make it somewhere else maybe it might be hold on uh can make it out of copper diamond and flowers it says I don’t think there’s a way is there a way to like keep the music

Running all the time or is that just like more of a bug I I oh spider I don’t know again I read some but I don’t know how I mean maybe I I might have to like look up a video or something or we just go into creative and spawn it that’s

Lame [ __ ] [ __ ] you although it did say that you’re supposed to get one at this whenever you first spawn in but we never did we never got one so maybe it’s bugged or we did something wrong that’s my guess let’s see here oh on I’m going to go into creative and see

If it actually exists real quick I’m just going to do some some XP coin farming while I’m waiting for you yeah I’m just I’m just looking and seeing if this exists here we go now I have a full okay it’s not Here it’s funny whenever I get third I’m playing in third person right now and literally there’s just the smiley face staring at Us got to eat a lot of food in this game to heal it’s a little it’s a little bit more difficult To a well I found I guess to cast spells you need a spell book I just saw that that makes sense it’s like kind of like it was thing hey yo what’s good Fellas get any research between the stream and now what’s up Cobra King yeah to demon did a

Lot of research after the stream yeah like the one mod there’s like classes that we can get but you need like a class choose orb I don’t really I’m trying to find it it says that you’re supposed to spawn with one but we never did and it also says that

You can craft one but I’m like can’t find it even like I just went to creative to see if I can find it and I can’t so like I don’t know if it’s like or something but there’s that one let’s break this oh there’s the terror cards oh I

Died ow it hurts there’s there’s instruments yeah I mean was a sax the voice of God what the voice of God excuse me it’s an hold on it’s it’s like an instrument well what I’m not going to spoil anything I’m just looking through the creative inventory just so that I

Can see what’s all here jelly torch this is this is laggy did do you find Fire and Ice anywhere what was it Fire and Ice that’s what Cobra King has I’ll check real quick during alphabetical order OU bro what the [ __ ] you doing uh it

Looks like Fire and Ice is not in this Fire and Ice is not mod list an egg crafter what these I I don’t know what the [ __ ] some of these things are would be real excuse me how did I not hit that what does the voice of God remind

Me of the voice of the devast voice of Devastator from Warhammer 40K I haven’t really played a lot of Warhammer 40K um James what need have found something a little funny what did you find make sure that I don’t [ __ ] die die die die good good gravy

Oh eat [ __ ] eat [ __ ] Okay quick quick get every get everything get everything good boom boom boom boom I don’t know fill out the inventory space bro I infinite fire what the [ __ ] James my headset died oh I was like oh God what I got the cat Des I I don’t

Even know how to describe some of these things I’m seeing I got a tarot card there’s like a bunch of in oh you did there’s a bunch of [ __ ] industrial Machinery bang strike scroll level one scoll schematic Canon what is this two create a deployed schematic in the World uses items from adjacent

Inventories and gunpowder as fuel you made like a schematic of something and then have this cannon like build it for you cuz that’s a little funny if that’s the case all right James look at this I found an ancient to and it gives plus one Smite I don’t know I guess I

Can just put that on a weapon that’s my guess my sword’s about to [ __ ] I’m going to get out of creative you left oh this isn’t good James you’re oh my goodness you’re lagging like really bad hold on like you just found the crate mod yeah that’s one of the mods I saw

That that’s that’s one of the mods in the mod list timed out I don’t know if you hosting is I mean maybe we could try to get the thing to work with whenever I join so that you can host you want yeah CU it’ be a lot easier okay I

Mean what is this you you gave me jar of xenon gas what I have I have a jar of gas in my inventory I’m going to I’m going to create a world all right I’ll we’re going to call it the force thing see if it works he poop squidy BR he hea

Yeah squidy BR yeah that’s what I’m talking about so I’m going to start in survival and I want to allow chees this okay I don’t know what the xenon gas is but it sounds scary whenever I it it does sound scary all right let me save and

Quit I got to create the world while I am I’m going to eat this uh while you’re that I’m gonna read more about the mods yeah Nature Valley uh soft bake muffin bar have you ever had those before yes very good this is a blueberry iron

Spells and spell books here we go oh there’s a video might as well watch it while make this one yeah hold on let me do that sorry for the technical difficulties just that toad demon to’s internet for some reason at this time at night is like inconsistent I don’t know

Why or maybe it’s because you’re host Me Maybe it’s going to struggleing maybe it’s creating that’s a is that a black hole excuse me what a black hole I saw somebody a black hole somebody made it use the black hole spell in this video well I mean those ex okay okay okay James

Oh this is the mod that adds all the that we found okay I’ll join I invited you hold on slash hold oh [ __ ] hold on slash okay mode so Austin this one thing this says that you can add Scrolls to your spell book using an inscription table so we need to remember

That okay slash oh whoops SL game mode creative all right switch the game to creatives now how do I search items I don’t know worse control how the [ __ ] does that work there’s an anvil I I guess I’ll just use an Anvil all right James I’m ready are you joining yeah I was just okay I’ll okay so we need we need to find a spell book which I don’t know how we find a spell book but we need to find a spell book we need to get like an inscription

Table and there’s also this stuff called like Arcane essence or something like that that drops from enemies that we can find in in uh different places when we loot I hate that we can’t just use game mode one and game mode zero for switching gamees anymore yeah it would

Make our it would make everything have to type of old thing yeah the reason we have to do this is because for some reason with tow demon his I know if internet or his computer but like for some reason he falls through the world when he first joins

One so the only solution we could find is by putting a horse with a name tag where he’s standing and then it fakes it figed that one out last night before we started streaming it took us like over an hour to try to get everything to work right so tell me when you

Join uh can you invite again I’m not oh wait I can join just do multiplayer hold on yeah you can if you hit multiplayer and then go to friends then you should be all right I’m connecting right I’m assuming you’re going to I don’t know if you spawn if everybody

Spawns in the exact same block if it if you there you are horse his name’s bruh another horse his name’s also bruh no they’re not standing on top of you another horse his name’s BR too go back fall through the map go back go back yeah

Go oh the horses aren standing next to you I think you have to have the horse standing where I spawned in like before I join oh that’s what I had to do whenever you join can I like use a saddle and just like stay on the

Horse does that work you know if that works I I didn’t do it that way for me the horse just stood where you or see the thing is that I spawned on a tree so it was easier for you to do it yeah you spawned on a tree so it was pretty

Easy hold on let me build a little box yeah we’re getting all fancy out well tell me when I should join again oh well the horse is dying poor guy what the [ __ ] is killing this [ __ ] okay hold on go back [ __ ] my my infernal Contraption am I good to join you can

Join my infernal Contraption am I going to see whenever I spawn in it’s just a [ __ ] wooden [Laughter] box and while I’m waiting here we can all oh yeah direct standing directly on top of you with a name tag Little Genius player we’re going to have my face stare at at the

Viewers see when I’m talking to the viewers I can just going third person I’m a genius oh I’m still falling through the map hold on hold on hold on if it works then if it works then it’ll just like it’ll just oh you left the game good [ __ ]

God is just going to happen again why why I still don’t I still don’t get it and apparently this has been a problem for like over 10 years that’s never been fixed maybe just keep joining until it works thoughts yeah I’ll try I’ll try that I’m just going to

Disconnect cuz I’m like you I’m still in the game even though you told me that I disconnected yeah it’s going to eventually just kick you out again I think we got a horse named br oh oh poor horse Okay horse we got two horses named brother I’m so

Sorry horse I guess I’m just going to have to send sorry buddy there’s two ores stand on top of you just give it a minute just wait until it actually kicks you from the game thoughts okay maybe maybe if I break the block beneath you should I do that me it probably won’t

Hurt it says you left but but just give it give it it oh I’m oh bro’s going to die sorry Budd I saved br’s life can I get another horse in there without it dying please that’s a baby horse we named the baby horse bro and I fell in we’re

Good The Infernal Contraption maybe I need need to break the room that will that work don’t know oh there goes the baby horse how the [ __ ] is this not working it’s kind of annoying I I I don’t know like it’s just you joined I’m loading and there I go I’m falling once again

Hold on hold on let him cook I’m just just SP a bunch of horses in the hopes that something happens it sounds like a cacophony of hores good God come on your name is bruh I can’t believe this where were you stay standing whenever I spawned into the world

Fully I was kind of near you okay I’m going to stand in here with you why can’t you put a saddle on the horse maybe you had uh I think you have to tame it before you can put a saddle on it whoops just a dude what’s up just a dude

Whoops accidentally join I see how it is right let’s uh come on there you go I got this I will drop a [ __ ] anvil on you I’m a little late Austin hear me out the block that I spawn on what if you just like dig down to like the bottom

For like super deep thoughts oh you want me to I mean this isn’t working so just like dig down really far and bring a horse with you I don’t know know all right I’m digging I mean I hate this you know what I know it’s I don’t understand how like cuz

Like there’s literally forums from like over 10 years ago of this [ __ ] happening and it’s like never been fixed it’s just like the I guess it’s just like a the way that Minecraft works they would have to like completely like uproot the game to fix this issue so they said [ __ ]

It now bro remember your first live you mean my first Minecraft live you mean that one I’m digging down I hope I don’t spoil anything for myself I all right I’m going to try join but I’m still digging down oh maybe you’ve dug down enough I’m going to try

Join in I’m digging down all the way she I was oh my God James there’s I’ve joined oh I’ve oh no Jame oh there we go I broke all the way through the uh the layer the bottom layer into the void Maybe put a block down here though there we

Go okay and I missed all the others damn can’t believe it oh there you go what did I disconnect yeah okay what’s the deal what’s the what’s the deal with this I might it might just I might just have to host and it’s just like we deal

With you can’t do this to me James Austin you cannot do we can’t play together James we got this remember the last time we tried giving up I know you remember I do all right now James all you got to do try joining again all you got to do first of all sorry

Horses I might have just killed the horses in Cold Blood I’m Only Human After All there’s some scariness it’s night time my bad bro should have at least been there yeah you should have jump in there do more of a normal array here we’re going to do this we’re going

To we’re going to succeed how the [ __ ] are you in the wall this is is [ __ ] up um what what get back in there we go can we do this then we push the horses in no no oh you son of a [ __ ] go in oh I’m going to hold on go

Go Ming horses I don’t know just join all right hold on N bro what are you trying to do so there’s so toad demon has something wrong with his computer don’t know what what’s going on or it’s just like I don’t know or it’s just like the way Minecraft interacts

With my internet or something like basically whenever I join somebody I fall through the world for like 30 seconds and then my connection ‘s out and issue for over 10 years and it’s never been fixed yeah it’s some weird issue and the only way you can fix it is like if you

Download a mod but we tried downloading it it didn’t work or you have to get like something like horses or villagers I think and then just kind of like have them stand near oh you left hold on hold on hold on work I’m going to cook I’m cooking I have another

Idea only other way Austin like James join okay I there’s I’m like going to hit the entity limit man that is BS what are you doing while I’m trying to join I started spawning villagers oh it’s George you’re just surrounded by people surrounded by villagers I mean if this I mean if this

Doesn’t work then I I don’t know what can I rename the villagers am I allowed to do that all right go yes I can hold on hold on I’m cooking I’m cooking this is going this one’s going to work falling into nothing shut up shut

Up oh there goes the world I can’t even see it anymore sh sh you’re going to you’re going to just immediately oh never mind you left I’m not giving up I’m not giving up you’re joining Austin only other way I could think of is if you were to port forward like you did

I’m not port forwarding that was that was hell James bro might need to give up no I’m not giving up join if this this this will be the last time if this doesn’t work then this doesn’t work doesn’t work then I just I guess I’m just what about TP the TP doesn’t work

It just forces him to leave the game yeah cuz the thing is is that I’m standing there on his screen but on my screen I’m falling through the [Applause] map there I [Applause] go no [Applause] void said you left the game you can’t be this can’t be what if

I just keep making worlds until it works thought Austin Austin James listen James listen James if we can get it to work on my world it’s going to be so consistently good it’s going to be good if we can get if we can get it to work we get to work hold on

Okay let’s see going to see here the [ __ ] is that what is this that’s a bunch of trees those trees look crazy you never make more Wes for that small issue no I need to prove that it’s that it can work again it’s it’s a matter of

Principle [ __ ] this pisses me off I know I just don’t I don’t know I really don’t know what the is I just don’t understand how this could be an issue for over 10 years and it’s not fixed bro it’s em mojing I don’t I mean I don’t

Know yeah but it was like before they were even like bought out from by Microsoft it was an issue it’s true it didn’t work for the first times and you give up listen but the last time we tried it’s called Minecraft dark edition I don’t I don’t know what

Mod made it this unless this is like what a modded like a sort of like mod interface or something I don’t [ __ ] know all right James I guess just I guess invite me am I inviting you n bro no excuses I don’t [ __ ] know I just what it said whenever we loaded it

Up I can’t believe this bro and the thing is this even CU whenever we did Minecraft realms like last year it even did it on that yeah so that means that it’s a you problem and I mean that in the nicest way possible wait what about your render settings

Like maybe do you think maybe some of your settings are like weird I I looked at them and they’re all like normal all right here let me invite you my my biggest guess there you go I invited you your Wi-Fi good or n okay let me

Join oh it just says can’t connect to server it said that for me too but I could still join but I don’t know if you can it says it just says can’t connect the server oh okay okay oh wait hold on hold on wait wait wait wait wait wait wait just

Connecting probably the Wi-Fi I mean yeah it’s probably it’s either due to bad connection or there’s some weird issue on his on toad Demon’s PC specifically that’s causing this which I don’t know what it would be at all because there’s nothing there’s barely any information on the internet about

This yeah like I tried researching it but like everything’s dark nothing oh I’m falling I’m falling yeah that happened last time though I know I’m just saying I got to tell you what’s up I mean just like give up w but we want to play Minecraft we can’t

Just give up oh you left no bro I swear to God so we got lucky is that what I’m hearing we got lucky that time we just get lucky wait does that mean that if you keep trying to join my server enough it’ll work that could wait wait James

That could be what that means this whole stream is just going to be hting me to try to join I mean James can you go and task manager real quick yeah hold on all right what’s and go to go on task manager when you open

It up you see how there’s the tabs at the top go to Performance okay and is there a place where it tells you like the your Ram’s like uh megahertz or whatever Uh see yeah it’s at 3200 MHz okay so it’s it doesn’t seem to be your doesn’t seem it must be some sort of connection thing then cuz I was wondering if like maybe your RAM was like really slow for some reason maybe you had some sort of like weird driver

Issue or something but if that’s not how when was the last time you updated your drivers um they probably do need update but it hasn’t been like super long I think I did it in like uh like November this is just sad yet annoying I know it’s sad and annoying now I can’t even join tow demon cuz I guess we got lucky the one time that I joined here try joining again maybe it was just or maybe it was just bad luck whenever you

Joined or maybe it was just bad luck it’s Perman bad luck well yeah but you know I don’t know here I’ll put I’m going to put xenon gas on top of where you spawn well that doesn’t sound very nice there you go have some Zine gas I’m falling through the world maybe that’ll

That’ll help I’m falling through the world look at me I’m falling I’m falling look me falling I’m not the bad luck bro I didn’t say you were the bad luck I’m just saying we have bad luck still falling it said you left it almost caught itself I saw it

Like try to render and then it just failed again well James did you ever delete Minecraft fully and redownload it the time that you tried yeah I did okay I was just curious I didn’t know if you did not like I I don’t know what else I

Could do at this point bro you must dude you’d have to go into like the config files or something like that yeah and like change something that we have no idea to oh my God I can’t believe this I I hatte it here I can’t believe I can’t believe this been

Streaming for what I’ve been streaming for 40 minutes and there’s only been about 10 minutes of gam playay at the beginning we should have never we should have never left whenever okay but how am I supposed to know that how am I supposed to know

That okay hear me out hear me out hear me out hear me out hear me out hear me out hear me out hear me out I make a new world create new world oh in all Cavs please for the love of God Work Notch uh it won’t let me type

Anymore where’s hard mode at okay loud cheats more World options I know game rules anything the game rules that maybe is [ __ ] the I know it’s not this this is just what is this I don’t know what that means it doesn’t matter I’m creating a new

World just stuck trying to play the game yeah I am just stuck trying to play the [ __ ] game H to like I said I just I just don’t know what else I can really do at this point I eat my vitamins today I don’t know I take my vitamins today

I know I the vitamins are stuck at the bottom of like the you know like there’s like the plastic thing they’re like stuck at the oh no this is sad it is sad my game works fine I just want to mention that and it works my game works

Completely fine in single player too like I don’t have like any lag issues whatsoever this was like an issue before we even downloaded mods yeah even in like vanilla Minecraft like this they the first vitamins eat these ones are going to be a little bit more

Annoying all right here let me let me save and quit let me know whenever I can join it’s rendering like the world is being created go there are my other vitamins let’s go it’s like at 31% never mind yeah let everything render in or if I just stand

Still I mean maybe that’ll help who knows oh there’s a building at the top of that Cliff that looks Sick I know I really don’t know m this better work it should it better work holy [ __ ] [ __ ] am I doing the horse thing or should I just stand here and just hope that it works just stand there and I’ll try joining and if it doesn’t work try the horse

Thing and if the horse thing doesn’t work then I don’t know happy Sad [ __ ] is happening [ __ ] work or I’m going to Cy metaphorically look at this you see the frowny face this is how I’m feeling I’m sad but you see if it works then boom I’ll be happy I’ll be smiling again if this doesn’t work then only option is port forwarding oh

I’m but I know you absolutely not going to do it I remember how you told me that that took a toll it was so an it was so annoying and Asing but I never had any issues whatsoever whenever we played on that well you join back

Here all right I’m stand right on top of you hopefully I don’t know maybe that works look see see we’re happy everything’s good very loud yeah bro if not we’re just going have to play a different game yeah might just have to play balloons balloons or like Risk of Rain or

Something like that oh you left oh for [ __ ] sake okay okay hold on hold on hold on I’m going to cook I’m cooking I never give up I’m in the indominable human Spirit that’s hello can you hear me I accidentally muted myself yeah never look at me like that ever again that’s too bad okay hold on all right he’s cooking hold on give me a second so we get the horse spawn egg okay and we get the Villager spawn Egg we get the name tag get the Anvil the anvillain we get grass Blocks place an anvil we do this we do this we should we we’ll name it Bruh Bruh okay cool break that now we spawn a bunch of villagers we spawn a bunch of horses all right James just join I’m

Just spawning stuff yeah if this doesn’t work we play [ __ ] balloons or some [ __ ] yeah age which is unfortunate because these this mods seem really funs like if the game’s not going to [ __ ] work then spawn more villagers fun villagers falling no you’re going to get it this time you’re

Going to get it this time you’re going to get it this time you’re going to get it this time it’s fine you got this you got the no everybody’s walking away from you no no no go back you son of a [ __ ] go back I’m liking the game there’s so much

Go help him spawn in do something the indominable oh he left look at this look at this I moang can you please fix this get off your ass and fix this this is bad it’s been in here for a decade we can’t even fix it over 10 years has have been fixed

Can’t even play can’t even play the game with my friend how unfun is that maybe hold on hold on hold on I’m cooking again give me a second one more time James one more time [Laughter] bro every time I’ve heard let me cook it hasn’t worked one more time just one

More time this is one more time okay becoming deranged I am becoming der slipping away every time I join the void is just eating my [ __ ] brain cells I don’t know what else to [ __ ] do God star I’ve been staring into the abyss so long I’ve lost

Myself you better lose it move movement moment one oh yeah let him cook let him cook look let it no no no you’re going the wrong way you’re going the wrong way spawn just spawn just work just work just work just broke pleas Work Work Work Release Me

Release release me Release Me release me come on just work all right [ __ ] this we’re playing balloons we’re playing balloons I’m going get a drink and then we’ll play balloons we’re playing balloons I don’t care I’m sorry you probably can’t see anything right now yeah it’s just a black

Screen hold on I’m pulling up balloon tower fence six this is just give me a second this is pissing me off God damn it those balloons tower defense six it’s a fun little game a game where the the multiplayer will actually [ __ ] work on it unlike the the the

[ __ ] multibillion dollar company that isang Mojang is an indie company Ninja Kiwi has a better [ __ ] multiplayer system yes I can hear it let me is it working there it is all right I’m going to go get a drink and then we’ll play don’t even know that it’s a Godly game

It’s a very good gamej needs yeah they do need to [ __ ] do something they they haven’t done anything for 10 years they need to do something I need to bring attention to this I need to start an issue yo somebody somebody clip what just happened in the future and then get

Mojang to [ __ ] fix it cuz it’s annoying I wanted to play their game and they literally forces to get off the game so what’s This I don’t know which hero maybe I’ll use quiny are you kidding me nothing gets past my bow either they do something I do something to them listen listen what I’m we just we got to we just got to complain enough until they fix it it’s

All we got to do hold on I need to change the thumbnail and stuff this is [ __ ] in in all caps we play bd6 because Minecraft won’t work and now I’m sad here we go all right I’m back I’m getting on balloons camps on yeah and the thing is it’s not like

My Wi-Fi doesn’t have like the download speed for this cuz I had to update balloons and I see Network’s using like 155 megabytes a second but it can’t [ __ ] load a Minecraft world so I don’t know I’m upset but we are playing balloons so that’s always a plus BLS is a good

Game my user ID is is bulk no I’m on the bulking bro took the bulk too far you took the bulk too far one’s better than this yes oh my God I don’t know we’ll just do hash gaming Ash I don’t Tower Defense Tower Defense

Is tower defense is a good one let’s see balloons tower defense six the [ __ ] am I supposed to do for my thumbnail bro you know what I’ll just use my thumbnail that I used for the vid for the for the one video yeah he hey that’s being smart

Why aren’t they going to make it so you can play the community maps on balloons because there’s so many fun M Len listen you know what’s ironic they’re going to add it before Mojang fixes their multiplayer yeah true so I I’m not even going to complain I’m not even I’m just

Happy that they actually they they care about this game Ninja Kiwi where’s my balloons thumbnail Ed it should be here somewhere there’s AI images oh right [Laughter] here bro so I forgot how funny some of these [ __ ] maps are people have made like my wish orders shipping route and it’s just the a map of the entire world like three or four of us were we going to do if it was good and it’s just the [ __ ] troll

Phas believe the changes sa properly all right James you can host it all right now all right or should I host it no I’m hosting out the spite oh okay I’m using Quincy I’m so pissed I’m using [ __ ] Quincy out of all of the heroes I don’t

Care the code code is oh c TS e what was it o h c p s e hey buddy you should probably close the two things you know cuz I’m such a huge streamer and all yeah we’re going to be getting griefed griefed in balloons I remember whenever you just like imagine griefing

In balloons if you grief in ball like if you troll somebody in balloons then there’s seriously something wrong with you like I don’t I like you there’s this is such a genuine wholesome game like if you ever decided to do something like that like you should just be

Sad let’s see all right let’s play on a let’s play on a map that’s chill and fun park path yeah hold on I’m I’m going to pick a map hold on I want to be happy I just want to be happy it’s so hard to ask for something

That functions we’re playing on Spice Islands why does for the merchant Men Let Me Roll a D20 will Mojang ever fix the multiplayer problem if I get a 15 or above they will no if I get an 11 or above they will Austin what if I just

Lock you in the circle here thoughts how about we how about we don’t what if I just like confine you no how about we don’t James this again this is such a weird Maps fo we can do that I mean at least where there’s space right again what if I just confine you

If you if you confine me to that mortal coil then I will make it my mission to be as useless as possible while not griefing We R the the L because we just took a [ __ ] massive L yeah we wanted to play Minecraft and here and guess what a a

Cool modded minecra and here we are most the top selling game of all time and it can’t have a functioning multiplayer system oh so I have the this isn’t good cuz you’re the one that likes to use [Laughter] Merchant okay um much does this cost that’s like extremely expensive what the [ __ ] just

Give me a Target there he is God I’m ready that was a hammerhead shark did you see that yeah I was about to look at that I’m backing up the rear James you know what I’m going to do I have all this space and I’m not going

To I’m not going to place a single Merchant man it’s fine I have more than enough up here to place ch evil [Laughter] rout yeah I mean I got to apologize to anybody who who joined expecting Minecraft because o Jang won’t fix a [ __ ] issue that’s 10 godamn years

[ __ ] old so now here we are here we are playing balloons which I Love Balloons don’t get me wrong I’m not trying to say balloons is a B I was in the move for some modded Minecraft CU it’s some it’s an S tier game we were playing Minecraft because we wanted to

Play Minecraft first time playing it in months and and what what welcome do we get hey you can’t play with your [ __ ] friend Sushi time Sushi Time got my first Buccaneer I’m just I’m at a loss yeah uh I feel defeated I feel defeated as well like I I’m I smell the stench of defeat smells like [ __ ] yeah smells like [ __ ] feel like [ __ ] I’m going to cry I create a YouTube video video what is mojing doing question mark it gets like 3 million views or we just this bug has been in Minecraft for over 10 years oh bro that video would actually get so many views like

Genuinely oh right oh wait I forgot that I can just do [Laughter] this I place my [ __ ] actually the Buccaneer’s backing up the rear he’s a beast he’s Boast there we go let’s go James I know that you don’t need it but I kind of need it do you know what I’m going for James five stars the pirate lord cuz I am the pirate lord I Am Lord look Dad I’m Monkey De Luffy [ __ ]

Off I’m monkey [ __ ] off I’m monkey deffy yes what did quiny say yes or he this is some goofy ass laugh for me he said yes I feel is the word back yeah Vex jaded here we are in the year guys guys listen we’re we’re in the year 2024 when was Minecraft

Released like 2009 when was November 18th the first version you were right first version in 2009 I think its official launch was 2011 it went through two years of alphas and betas so we’ll say 2011 give us the benefit of the doubt 13 years since Minecraft’s been

Released and yet they haven’t fixed the issue James yeah like I saw like forms and [ __ ] from like 2011 people talking about this issue and fix still hasn’t been fixed to this day man I guess get good get better wi-fi bro I guess or like for whatever reason

My Wi-Fi is just like you know we’re just like not going to function whenever you play Minecraft I mean that did happen to me whenever I played League remember that Lally like yeah yesterday heck maybe that maybe that’s it bro careful with these come on come on are you kidding me nothing

Gets past my bow uh I’m already having more fun playing this game and you literally just I’m not even doing anything this is literally number simulator this is a number simulator this is how high can how I can we get can we get much higher we get much higher we get much

Higher so uh watch you when you see the next Moab oh it’s days are numbered oh it’s days are numbered next Moab you see it’s going to get sent to the shadow realm every whenever I see the the buccaneer pool a MOAB I just imagine Patrick getting pulled by getting Last by

No SpongeBob that’d be a funny edit just no SpongeBob SpongeBobby look at this I wonder what the next episode of the SpongeBob anime is going to come out he he said it’s coming out soon he released the uh the opening like the next opening or

Whatever I watched it when it came out I was I’m very excited cuz I know that uh Dennis is in it yeah Dennis oh I might need to start an elite Defender she started never mind okay I something tells me I don’t want to know it wasn’t that bad but I’m

Just I’m I choose I’m going to choose the peaceful route cuz I’ve already chosen violence I want to choose the P4 route I’m a nice guy I’m a good guy you know I hate it here duality of man sliced and diced Duality I didn’t even I was reading so I

Couldn’t boom yo what’s up boys what’s up Nelly what’s going on we were we were originally going to play modded Minecraft but guess what our multiplayers yeah we’re we’re a little defeated right now we decided to play balloons to make ourselves feel better man [ __ ] that Moab in particular yeah God

Damn I just want money oh yeah you know what would make me feel better since Minecraft isn’t working is if I had a million subscribers and I made $10,000 a video if I had that not asking for much Minecraft is where it’s at I agree it is when it works thing yeah

When it [ __ ] functions properly [ __ ] mojing there’s like a weird multiplayer like very Niche multiplayer issue that’s causing toad demon and I the other guy that’s in this in this video stream causing him to it’s causing him to essentially fall through the map and we can’t play together cuz he

Literally falls through the map and then he gets disconnected from the game and the only way you’re there like only two ways you can fix it but the first way didn’t work for us and then the second way um worked once and then it just didn’t work anymore so now we’re just

Here been in the game for over it’s been like in the game for 13 years yeah Mojang hasn’t fixed it but it makes sense that they haven’t fixed it because especially nowadays where they literally release like one thing every six months and it’s like 5 minutes content come on

Oh that was a little delayed I’m not going to lie that last one is going to be scary oh yeah we’re good we’re good Fu that Moab chilling what a drag that that’s BS yes it’s BS so we’re just we’re playing balloons and playing balloons to heal our souls

Do I need help beating the elite phase boss for the achievement I don’t know how to fight the boss I’m going to be honest with you sliced and I haven’t done any of the boss events except for the very first one that they introduced to the

Game sliced and diced hold on let’s see what should I buy I need 6,000 more to get the Pyro Lord red for a lot of times yeah you have here Austin you should have enough now lowkey hard oh thanks for the money and now I’ll repay you within the next 30

Rounds yes now I can get more Merchant man I am Quincy I am Quincy son of Quincy I hate it I why did I pick Quincy of all the [ __ ] Heroes cuz you were feeling a bit deranged at the moment I feeling a little little jaded oh man I regret

Everything this I decided to stream for fun we were supposed to have fun playing Minecraft and listen I have fun playing balloons I don’t want to say the balloons isn’t fun it’s just that we were in the mood for playing Minecraft cuz we hadn’t played it for you know

Months all right but here we are BFB incoming yeah BFB incoming [ __ ] that BFB see that thing get dragged to the shadow realm I beat the normal pH with what is that 3 million money no VT or even a third Paragon damn I’m assuming that’s impressive I’m assuming that’s

Impressive I don’t know well I’m just I I’ve never fought it so Minecraft brings back some great nostalgia oh yeah we were going to we were going to have so much fun does I always go back though [ __ ] that [ __ ] bfp oh I your days are numbered your

Days are [ __ ] numbered your days are numbered I was going to say something but it was a bit sussy so sliced and diced not really impressive I see we need to uh we need to continue with the uh balers gate play through we do I’ve been wanting to play balers gate I

Used a 204 banana Farm in the in the start oh okay I don’t know what to do I am hungry for vengeance that’s me after not being able to play m I want Vengeance usually best for starter I am hungry for vengeance I want Vengeance you know what BFB incom good

Bue coconut trees damn you know what I’m going to do boom never let him know your next move never let him know your next move come on you know what let’s do rubber rubber to Gold maybe I’ll get some extra money that way zg Vengeance yes I want Vengeance

You know what [ __ ] the zomg ow I just hit my toe off of my desk okay now we free play and we try to lag the game as horribly as possible we free play and we take our anger out on these in adamant objects we we show these balloons it

B oh my God I just can’t I just can’t believe that issue has been in the game for 13 years I can’t believe pled us for this long I have been plagued I hate it here sliced and diced I to hate it here I hate [ __ ] the fact that Mojang hasn’t fixed

That it’s quite a travesty a trag yeah it’s a bit it’s a bit ridiculous bit crazy in it brav oh God he’s becoming British no it’s fine sliced and diced what should I do y are trying to get level 100 monkey buck in your paragon I mean we’re gonna

I mean we’ll probably get the Paragon it just that we kind of we’re just kind of playing something chill because we’re mad we’re trying to be happy like I like like I said we’re taking our anger out on these [ __ ] balloons yeah he B I need to I should have put the py

Lord down where this big fish how much is this this is kind of expensive I’m poor well it’s never too late to start a merchant man business sliced and diced oh I bought the wrong path look at that look how weird that Merchant man looks oh that

Looks so weird that looks so weird yeah we’re going to keep them we’re going to keep them cuz it looks weird sliced and diced look at all the look at the sheer amount of grapes that are being shot I like how you go from I like whenever you get aircraft

Carrier and you literally become an industrial like military aircraft carer and yet you still shoot fiery grapes at your enemies think about that for a second living in everybody’s heads rentree Living Like Larry Living Like Larry listen I might have to start Living Like Larry not sliced and diced

M there we go we got some we got some influx of cash I wish I couldn’t God just part the the heavens and say fear not Lads for I have fixed the issue for mojing I went back in time and I fixed it and changed

The timeline but no oh no God was like you stay down there abandoned forever you have been forsaken your sins are beyond the grace of God what the grapes do I’m confusing what they what they’re used for well apparently they’re good at slaying balloons I mean I feel like if you shot

A a flaming Grape at a balloon it would it although but the thing is these things are destroying moabs in I mean these I mean o hold on all right okay now we I’m done holding back now I get the yeah now we get the Flying Fortress hold on how

Close are you to getting it I’m like half I’m a little a little over half one how about I give you all my money okay all right I’m like 10K away so at the end of this round I’ll get it fire damage equals good DDT damage yeah cuz

Ddts are like they’re like large lead balloons but very fast there we go did you get it okay you need to donate me 30,000 back cuz that’s how much I gave you okay I’ll give you that in like two and I’m extremely poor compared to

You you’re like the us a few years ago and I’m just like I don’t know I’m just like a third world country am I getting the wait am I actually getting this bonus here I think you are okay and I think whenever you make your own stats so big fish big fish oh

That’s the wrong one whoops Big Fish well I might as well buy it whenever the uh the carrier Flagship shoots it looks so cursed cuz like the the like darts and grapes just like come out of [ __ ] nowhere yeah our uh our ship’s bonuses

Do stack so let me me place a uh pirate seriously dead does your carrier Flagship have Cam detection no I like actually I blinked I blinked and looked over to take a sip of my [ __ ] and I looked back we was game over some water all right so what’s the plan all

Right here we’ll do a different map see now I don’t feel as upset anymore tomorrow I don’t know I mean if we could get Minecraft to work no way the camo for yeah I forgot sorry yeah actually that’s not my fault that’s your fault that’s on you you’re the one that also

Hard to uh oh this is the new dude did you see the new dude corvis I did yeah he looks funny he looks menacing you need you need to use doraldo so we can get the the figure the figure me okay do four circles let me create would love to see some Minecraft

I would love to play Minecraft don’t get me wrong I would yeah if listen if Minecraft was a [ __ ] functioning game that’s what we would be playing right now James do four circles four circles all right hold on hold a bunch of farms on it let’s go that means money money means happiness

Right money buys happiness that’s what they always say you see again if I had a million subscribers and was making thousands of dollars per video bro I’d be so happy right now I’d be fine if Minecraft didn’t work but I’m not I’m a small streamer which I’m fine

With I mean it’s not that I hate being a small where oh there’s four circles all right uh the game the code is ohs mww all right four circles it’s time yep use 203 Farms okay I like the 203 Farms the auto Farmers nice all right I need $30 just

Give me $30 just give it to me right now needan $30 $30 then wish I put Geraldo maybe in the Middle where like you can’t really fit like or should I put Dart monkey middle at your serviceful tip by the way thank you I’ll give him you guys just gain an

Extra sub love the stream by the way thank you for subscribing my friend y let’s go it’s always good to see people join we shall bring this we shall bring joy and happiness to the land yeah I will complain to Mojang until they fix the

[ __ ] issue I do not care I will soy Jack I will become aack will become a soy Jack if I have to I’m just going to put this here for now okay here’s what I need I need 800 bucks what $800 just just 100 just keep donating money to me just keep donating

Money as we go okay I gave you all my money just keep donating I don’t care I’m keep I’m just going to keep spamming the Donate button to annoy you okay more more more no just keep going just keep going just keep going I’m close close to getting

The money give me the money give it to me boom okay all right we’re good we’re good we win spam farms at tful by the way oh yeah we’re going to put Farms I just wanted toy buy the Quincy action figure because it’s it’s glorious I like

Buying the Quincy yeah it’s best Tower in the game yeah look at him look at him he’s just a silly little guy look at him just spinning down there 8382 yeah we’re going to sell it like pretty late did I pay you back I don’t know I

Don’t know if I pay you back I I still need I need to get Benjamin boom boom boom the RS have been reversed boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom I’m just going to keep clicking until you get it boom boom boom boom boom look at that we’re metag

Gamers I’ve joined you I’ve joined you we medic gaming Balloons we’re medic gaming did you get it yet uh now I now I can get it here where should I put Benjamin you didn’t go put in the corner or the [ __ ] Corner over here poor guy look at look at this dude look at him up up here where

Shame po efficient past the 80s yeah we’re going to we usually sell it on a pretty high round or we’ll just sell it when we absolutely [ __ ] need it like when we’re like holy [ __ ] we’re going to lose if we don’t sell it and then we sell

It geraldo’s going to beast on him you don’t understand all right well James is doing the merchant man strategy I’m just going to put down like one Merchant man you’re going to be money making this time cuz there isn’t a ton of water on this

Map so I mean you could also put down Farms if you wanted to I mean unless you would to defend I’ll defend if you farm oh okay oh boy it’s 2:40 in the morning could have been playing Minecraft could have been playing Minecraft at this we could have been slaying a

Dragon I like the stream expect of MRA I’m off for today guys good luck Farm up thank you thank you Nelly I appreciate the sub and and you sticking around for a while no here we’ll give we’ll give Benjamin a friend up here give him the sniper monkey there it is

I shouldn’t put this form down here I regret everything it’s all sadness and darkness could have been slaying a dragon think about that we could have been fighting jogger we could have had I could have chosen the Paladin class spell book I could have been I could have been a paladin James

Literally could have been a paladin literally but God was like you know what you know what whenever I create the fabric of the universe I’m going to have the Developers for Mojang completely neglect this one multiplayer issue I will never I will never let that down that’s all I’m going to say there’s

There’s not a world where I I ever let that go you know I’m like the you know like there’s like the ghosts which like they the reason they don’t pass on it like is because uh is because they have a regret or something like that yeah like I’m

Going to be like that where I’ll never let this go and I’ll permanently be pissed I’m always I’m always raging like I’m a barbarian in D andd I would like to rage I think I’m going to I’m going to upgrade this farm and then I’m going to

Save up for the bottom path St Shenanigans you doing good you’re going you’re going to be able to get semi-auto by round 40 possibly I’m not sure does that mean how much does it cost uh it’s like 4.5k I probably need a little bit of money boom there you go what is That fabulosa remember Whenever game developers put their heart and soul in the games I do Indy developers still do unless your Riot games or Mojang or blizzard they’re all Indie companies they’re all small Indie compan they’re all small Indie companies that have no budget or resources to meet any any high standards are good

Promises simple I go to school and become a game developer here we go now we got the we got the the Str I am hungry for vengeance I have something new I have something new ah there you are are we struggling at all uh for a bit but I’m about to be able to get the uh how close how close like you to reaching the upgrade 2K like NBA 2K is that what you mean oh hold

Up there you are I was like oh no let him cook how do I cancel all right look at this you want to see the greatest defenses of all time you ready for this [ __ ] boom you see that silly little guy boom look at this look at these

Silly little guys look at them sliced and silly little guys silly little guys they’re just silly they’re just funny little guys all right now you buy the jar pickles slic and going byy the jar pickles wait bro you know what that means balloons called lethal company think about that they knew it

Was right yeah there you go there’s the jar pickles and there you are there you go you happy now I am better my Empire I’m not going any higher upgrades until I fill this entire side up so sorry sorry about your Lux scbe you’re pushing your Lux sco you’re pushing your Lux scbe

Fizer there you are ah there you areil my dirt give Geraldo the J pickles oh look at me it Buffs the turrets as well sliced and died careful sliced and died that’s what makes Geraldo strong is the fact that he’s broken that’s why he’s strong sliced and diced gaming insights with

Austin yeah that’s what I’m talking about what I’m talking about Baby Baby Oh look The Quincy action figure got buffed by the jar pickles it’s getting power it’s going Super Saiyan James quote Dragon Ball uh hey it’s me Goku good God the world we live here’s the Scoville

Pepper look it’s little fire Spirit look he’s just a silly little guy look at him look at him floating around look him floating around like he like he’s like he’s King [ __ ] he’s cool like he’s a cool little guy he’s a cool guy you are a there you

Are here here’s another jar pickles brother this is no place to die come along with me in the butterfly well done my friend one of my favorite me Canyon animations is the Adventure Time One the way that he literally just goes from being pure metal to just go along

With me the butterfly come along with me look into my eyes princess for I am the judge and the Executioner s and I mean that one’s so good the Jimmy Neutron one the uh what’s it called I mean like all of them are pretty good the Dragon Ball I

Mean yeah all of them are good but like the Goku CH I need you to throw this senso beam into my mouth into my mouth what can you do that for me Chi-Chi Goku you’re scaring me where’s my to give a cornhole what of you lost in the game of cornhole

What how I said how much of your lost in the game of cornhole chg I don’t know Goku you’re scaring me I want you to throw this sensu Bean into my mouth like like just so deranged he he like literally act voice acted it so perfectly too I think I

Think something that nobody ever mentions is the fact that Mikan does such a great job like actually voice acting it you know like yeah hey you want to get big kid want to get big kid I do anything you know as long as it’s within I can

Eat anything I want as long as it’s within my Mac kid you can build some more Merchant men after you get a spectre yeah here here’s money well congrats happy birthday and dice Happy Birthday J you need to get camo detection for the plane here I got you

Oh I can’t I can’t build a slic and died that’s kind of poopy it’s so poopy there go sliced and diced dude doesn’t this ring right here look like it’s happy down in the bottom right look like it’s smiling fish the bull look yeah he’s got like a mustache and he’s

Smiling here let me give it some eyes oh my God look at it it’s smiling come along with me and the Butterflies I’m sorry I’m going to say it for the rest of the stream now along with me de Harvey s you don’t know B do you

Remember that remember that we had watch that in school you know what’s funny I never did that project I never finished it I was like I don’t feel like doing this sh I can’t take this [ __ ] no more man I watch your TV show all the time

Chris handsome I watch your TV show all the time you see I called you Chris handsome now listen I like you and I want you you can do this the easy way we can do this the hard way the CH is your we won’t be doing anything anywhere bottle I see you’re

Choosing the H power sliced and I’m a warrior I’m a warrior we won guys we won simple we play lethal compan don’t temp me I don’t think I too late for that game Sho scary you know guys I can we not play Black Ops zombies it gives me Nightmare

Zombie scare me Mom you know why I don’t flush the toilet because the sound scares me the sound scares me you want to jar pickles I can’t wait to have some of these pickles bro Oh no I got my head stuck on the pickle

Jar what was the one was like oh no bro is that the is that the pharaoh’s curse or whatever whatever and it’s just is that the curse of the pharoh no way man imaginary technique purple sliced and diced imaginary technique purple I sell the action figure should

We see how expensive it’ll get how much is it worth it’s worth $132,000 that’s a big chunk of change you know what I’m saying look at look at the Battalion look at the firing squad no the firing squad it can’t be stopped look you see how op these Spike factories

Are yeah it look how happy the spike factories are they’re so happy they’re so poopy should I actually I’ll just play sound like the three different like ship types you ain’t ready for this but I’m about to I’m about to lag the game pretty badly oh God what are you going

To do oh it’s happening oh goodness [ __ ] my goodness big fish big fish thank you thank you ah there you are you know what they say sliced you know what they say you know what they say ready say chocolate and they say well and well the rest is history

History knowing you the rest something good good all the time let me let me ask you subing oh God somebody watches and be like what the [ __ ] are they talking and dice yeah if if you know you know if you understand that reference then there’s something wrong with you because there’s

Something wrong with us s and right yep with me see look the smiley face now has an eye patch which is the one the left and a black eyy friend damn he he’s getting his [ __ ] rocked bro he’s a pirate Lally pirate look look how menacing he’s going

To look he’s he’s a cyborg now look at him he’s got a bionic eye okay nobody’s going to really understand what we’re talking about so we’re being goofy eh sliced and diced all right here’s what you do Austin you give me money whenever you have enough so I can get a flying

Fortress I can get the Flying Fortress I like the flying Fortress you got to get a Goliath doomship I have something new you got to get the Goliath doomship have you thought about that you thought about getting a Goliath D sh why are you speaking why you speaking

Like you know me man we bro why you speaking like you know me man we’re making this place hell slic and Di you want to talk about game that has visual clutter lon’s Tower def fense six yeah very underrated game for visual clutter I’m going to make it

Worse okay that I’m about to make it worse Jam you ready for this oh no Sky Shredder and what is that butterflies James I will get the Flying Fortress it’s fine with me now I need the Zar bomba bomba slic and dice visual clutter simulator right here

You want to talk about another game that has a lot of visual pollution is Borderlands 3 when you get to the end game yeah and you have all of the explosion like the radiation explosions stuff it is the visual pollution B so he can get real bad whenever you’re doing

Like the takedowns and stuff but that game is fire I don’t know why people dislike that game people dislike that game are not slic and people disliked it because the story was nowhere near as good it’s more which is true which is true I can’t I can’t deny that but the

Gameplay itself is just better I don’t care what anybody just better actually I do care what people say but not enough has improved gameplay in mechanics from the previous one I mean they literally took what was good about the previous game and just made it better except for

The story made it worse but the DLCs are pretty on par in my opinion I think people like the old DLCs more because of nostalgia reasons but like the the DLCs on Borderlands 3 were in my opinion very good thank you come again what do we need what do we what do

We need what are we missing What’s your deal close shooting in the Flying Fortress sliced and diced I got it I got it I got it I have 200k sliced and bomba how much is the GL Doom sh like a Mill Ooh didn’t they make it more expensive didn’t they like literally

Nerf it I like how they balance this game this game has better balance than League of [ __ ] Legends and OverWatch I can’t believe it I balance than most other competitive games competitive game whatsoever how many characters in the OverWatch roster like I don’t know probably like over 30 or 30

Something there’s like 23 car uh 23 monkeys and then there’s all the there’s all the heroes right and this game has better balance and they consistently balance it more then League the Indie company Riot games the Indie company that is Riot Riot games this just the complaining stream I need

To just vent Among Us I’m sorry I don’t right you that listen listen listen I got to get it all out I got a vent Among Us I you see I have no words better not have any [ __ ] wordsc I’m about to [ __ ] blow gasket bro I’m want to cry I’m literally just

Going to I’m going to go in the fetal position and cry I wish the economy was better also you you know what you know what James if I had a million subscribers right now and I made thousands of dollars per video then you know what I wouldn’t be I wouldn’t be

Too too uh angry about Minecraft not working but guess what James listen and I’m happy with the progress I’m making on YouTube I appreciate all the viewers you know I just like it I it would just be nice if there is 999,000 careful and uh what 400 of them well that’s like

400 400 no 300 368 or 61 something like that’d be a million I’ll get there eventually though I believe in myself I think one thing that causes people not being successful on YouTube is they either just expect it to happen or they don’t believe in themselves it’s

Like either it’s either you expect it to happen right so you pick up a complacent or like what round you go into what’s up gaming War Lord we’re just going to however High we can we’re just kind of chilling we’re going to get like the what’s it called the Glide doom ship get

The paragons I can notice some frame rate dropping yeah it’s getting you know what my frame rate hasn’t dropped at all I think that might be because of the new CPU yeah that’s probably true bro new Bro upgrading C your CPU Godly move honestly I mean I had just

Spent hours taking apart my PC and installing my new motherboard and CPU which was hell but you know what I’m I’m I’m reaping the rewards of suffering suffer as I have suffer as I have that’s going to be me campaign listen if once if we don’t ever get

My suffer as ier as I am you see you know like for us we try joining a multiplayer game and like you just fall through the map or whatever for them it’ll Lally just be they go to work and then they I’m going to make them whenever they lay down in their beds

They’re going to fall through the Earth they’re just they’re going to glitch through their house I just can’t believe that didn’t work I can’t believe that’s been in the game for 13 years I know it’s a little baffling at this point I just want to what if I just become a big

Streamer become just what’s up oh that’s W is it pronounced woab wo plays something random cool name we we are in fact playing something random as we were this was originally a Minecraft stream but God said no much is the how much is the action figure worth worth 385,000 is

It call me wool boy wool boy or just wool is wool boy like the fool thing or just wool and you called me boy boy shout out to God of War great game Godly game series I like that I like that how you said Godly Master ultimate Master

Chef get a Buccaneer Paragon by the way oh yeah we will actually that reminds me we our bomba SLI and where’s the where’s the buccaneer at we just we just start getting some pops for this so then we can get a high level cuz I forgot that you have to do

That I’m just going to get CA detection big fish big fish bomba okay big fish sliced how many pops do we have 8 million on that lad 7 m we need 21 I think 21 million is when you get the highest bonus what Paragon do you like the

Most I’m a big fan of the bucan Paragon I really like goath Doom though two my most used like Towers yeah either the Goliath doom ship or the buccaneer whatever the buccaneer one’s called on the Navar of the Seas Buccaneer per I remember when it first came out it was so

Op yeah I can hook the bad balloons so good sliced and diced it was so good that they had to Nerf it when it came out I remember that you remember that whenever they like nfed ital like every other competitive game I know it literally takes it it takes an

Average competitive game like two to four patches to Nerf their new character and this they nerfed it like not even a week after it came out like how about that bro it’s is that crazy to think about okay I have 800k should I get a Navar it’ actually

Be better if you had the Navar wouldn’t it cuz you’re like kind of up you want to get it thing is that I have no way of getting money other than this uh well I can give I can give you money that’s why I was asking oh yeah if you if you want

Us to get an abar then is that enough yeah uh do one more there we go all right we’re not going to get a very high level in that AR no but eh [ __ ] it it’s not like the main boost your Paragon with in-game cash and

All really yeah wait you wait you can do that I didn’t even know you do wait hold on what wait I haven’t been buying the [ __ ] the parag oh wait actually you might have to buy the N I forgot to buy the you know the Paragon uh the Paragon totems from from

Geraldo oh yeah you’re right I forgot about those true caus like the same amount as the Nar when Che 5 heli pilot is nerfed only once in 28 updates see it’s fine though it’s fine is fine this game is more well balanced than League of [ __ ] Legends and OverWatch to and OverWatch

Bally every other competitive and Apex Legends you mean bottom 05 what’s the Candi Commander I have barely used the command I remember I used it before all right James buy the Navar I bought an extra totem well you buy it do you want me to boost it or do you want me to

Just buy it why would you boost it wait what can you how can you boost it you could spend money to boost the Paragon tier okay here’s all my money cash all right I’m I just going to boost it all the way yeah just go for it bro all

Right okay 52 ain’t bad but now I’m broke so H it’s fine you make a [ __ ] ton of money I’m broke and then now we can we can get the the doom ship they’re doomed us up rubber band of Doom rubber band of Doom what’s the best

Tier five you mean tier five in general or like tier five for the for the heli pilot I mean cuz if it’s in general then it’s probably what the Sun God right true sun god get wizard Paragon after oh I I really like the wizard Paragon too I forgot that that existed

On we got to play some Wizards that’ll lag the game cuz the Necromancer like how our goal is to just lag the game as much as possible we might as well it’s fun just pushing a game to its limits wait did they buff the range on the on the wizard monkey

Again on the remember when they nerfed the range yeah Fenix Lord Better legend of the Knight is the best legend of Knight’s cool cuz he’s Batman I can’t even I can’t afford wizard Lord Phoenix I’m too poor sliced and died can’t do this to me do this to me I started this company parted this company you know how much I’ve

Sacrificed 052 wizard is the best where the wizard Lord Phoenix is pretty good although the Necromancer is very good to I I think all of them are pretty good Arc Mage is good Arc Mage kind of sucks against uh what does it suck against single Target or like a bunch of

Them I don’t know Ultra Juggernaut eh I don’t know if the ultra Juggernaut is worst I think the plasma monkey fan club is a lot worse than the ultra yeah cuz like I mean it’s like it does decent damage but like it’s so the fact that you have to just keep activating it

And then it’s useless for that entire time until it gets activated again glue storm glue Storm’s actually pretty good I think it’s I mean it’s not the greatest but I think it’s it’s kind of funny when you use corrosive blue with it calling the the Phoenix oh yeah I

Forgot to buy the wizard Lord Phoenix there we go now we got two of them bro I’m sliced and okay the Quincy action figure is worth almost 600k which is good I think we should wait until it’s worth like a mil I know cuz then we can buy the goli doom ship

Immediately the G or not or the Navar yep it’s already at 22 and a half million pops good Lord sliced and diced no pass yeah yeah I mean it technically does bring up a useless Dart monkey into a plasma monkey which is pretty cool but the thing is is

That I don’t know what the cool down of the ability is but it’s kind of like just kind of like uh I kind of hate having to activate ability yeah it is funny if you get like is funny you know I I did try to cover

The map entirely in Dart monkeys and do that before like try to like get as you know like them and you know what let’s just go through the let’s see let’s look at the tier fives here let’s see let’s look tier FES are pretty decent

B sliced and died I don’t know how good the mortar is nowadays I like the Morts either really good or really bad just depends on what they do I am hungry for vengeance and wait for the Super Monkey Paragon I wonder I mean that’s that definitely is going to be the one they

Add last but oh yeah they’re probably going to add that one last cuz it’s going to be the most broken one for sure can’t wait for the glue Gunner Paragon slic and Di the glue gun or Paragon might actually be really good I feel like it would be it could be

Depending on what they do with it okay cuz here’s the thing if it combines if it combines kind of like the properties of like everything else right think about this for a second if you look at this so it has Bloon solver which does good damage right glue storm which hits

The entire screen and then Super Glue which literally can just glue so strong and temporally immobilizes all affected balloons and has like the Rel the Moab glue bro that could like be [ __ ] like crazy good right I don’t know I feel like that’d be kind

Of funny I guess it’s the best way to say it most broken one is the Beast Handler yeah Beast Handler I remember dude Beast handler was so I don’t know what they’ve done to it the Megalodon seems way more expensive than it used to be I don’t

Know I remember the megalon was super broken when it first came out best Paragon Spike Factory I mean Spike Factory could be the best one if it like has yeah permanent super mines that cover the entire map like by default that’s kind of funny stream’s current bit rate is low I

Don’t care if it’s why did it tell me that it’s low might be because things are getting a bit laggy I don’t know I hope it is that’s what I’m going for hopefully my CPU doesn’t just explode that this is a good test this is good

This is a test this is a test of metal will my CPU survive does he know does he know okay where my Wizards at Ma just perfect this is 810k this gives 700k get wizard Paragon already listen listen we got to save money it’s all about money saving the action figure is worth

$700,000 the action figure look at the look at all the price appreciation op we’ve only waited 169 rounds nice I kind of want to I do want to get the wizard Paragon but if I just James hear me out I get it now sliced anded I you could

Get it now or we save up for the Goliath doom ship I want to get the wizard wizard sell the rare action fig yeah but the more money it makes the better it’s all about greed yeah one thing about us when we play this game is we are [ __ ]

Monsters like we will sacrifice runs to make money you know what I’ll buy it sliced and diced 27 that’s [ __ ] ass sorry I forget how does this work again I don’t remember I remember I looked it up it’s been a while it just there’s two forms this is this looks like the

Phoenix form I don’t know what this one is isn’t this one the beam is it like a beam or something like that sliced and diced beam it’s the beam oh um M just perfect this what is that is that just a is that a is that a wedge of

Cheese in a dinosaur with its mouth open so it’s the dinosaur eating the wedg of cheese look at that that’s a that’s a good one I like that one slic and we just keep summoning something’s fun I enjoy this this is fun my game’s lagging oh you want your game to lag hold

On oh my eyes Jesus [ __ ] just got I just got a flashbang right James now we do the long track of saving up for the doom ship you should probably get some money making I was thinking about that I might buy some banana Farms oops here here’s some money here’s some overhead

Here what should I do I’ll do the monkey the lucky Wall Street get vtsg what is that vental true sunun I don’t have a door though you need a door for that I think Benjamin and S would be a good match because Benjamin slicing a dicing and I can cut it

Kind of question is that wait what says do you think Benjamin S would be a good match because Benjamin says slicing A dicing and S says I can cut a tomato you’re talking about in game then yeah sure kind of the voice lines match up kind of got the same Vibe going on

Whenever Benjamin’s got the the sushi times SK Sushi time sliced and diced Perma spike is Nerf but it’s still top five how because it’s very good that’s how very specific such a genius at this four boom send in the send in the zomgs there you go five five Central

Markets I think is enough slic and dice you know monkey wal Tre can can pick up bananas and radius really is that actually true what is it I never knew that it says you know monkey wall streak can pick up bananas in radi James put down a

Normal banana Farm real quick and see if it picks up bananas uh see the issue is that I can’t fit any right that’s a cool fact though I never knew that I guess because I whenever I build a wall sh I always build like the

Other like the markets so I guess I i’ never like realize it where’s my boy get a paragon you just we don’t have enough money we’re poor I have 200k let’s see toad demon to to demon got 36,000 Cal market so the next one we’re going to get is the

Doomship which is a mill diced sliced and diced we all buy more banana Farms so I can make more money you got to spend money to make money Adventure capitalist remember that game yeah they always said that that was always their wise words of wisdom whoopsies oh did it

Again damn damn straight sliced and diced you ever met somebody that says damn straight unironically no what’s the worst Spike Factor tier five ooh I don’t know I mean the issue is that the top path is super expensive if money isn’t an issue then maybe the middle

One we’re actually here we got a good test yeah like if if money isn’t it like if money isn’t a factor like the actual price itself then like the middle path probably in turn cuz it’s probably the weakest Cheese Factory yeah one they had the cheese factory to the game

True I used to hate the drip but then it grew on me it grew on me like carpet yeah the carpet spikes is the worst if money isn’t a factor the top one kind of sucks if we’re talking about like going through the first like 80 rounds because I mean it’s so expensive

They can’t even get it but when money is an on Factor then certainly the middle middle path Perma spikes are just op sliced and diced I know that Perma spikes do eventually like you know uh despawn after a while like a really long time imagine if they made it they’ never did

So then your game would just Perma lag just be a bunch of different assets just sitting on top of each other Perma spike is bad past round 120 sliced and diced five rounds it was a lot longer than that I guess I was wrong buy a Super Monkey with no

Upgrades all right if you say So as you wish as you wish I’ll put him up here too right here he’s the Vanguard he’s right at the front look at him dog sliced and diced up dog dog that’s what their name is Da AWG dog it’s a picture of a dog guys which is the worst

Paragon I mean probably the dart monkey right yeah probably the dart monkey I’m not a big fan of the boomerang monkey Paragon but that’s just more like a preference thing I think D the music they always hit with the music yeah shark F shark F get NG Paragon the engineer

Paragon’s funny we’re going to get the doom ship though once we’re not once we’re not poor enough it’s expensive bom bomba B is the engineer Paragon 700 [ __ ] I thought it was a lot less than that sliced and make a super Monkey Paragon I would if it

Existed I mean there’s the true Sun God we don’t need the true Sun God we’re Gods already make it Super Monkey Paragon and all and all sub [ __ ] all right and that’s when we find image of monkey Paragon yeah this when I mod the Super Monkey Paragon

In what if I just went and like photoshopped just right now went on and just like photoshopped the pictures oh sub though hey thanks dog let’s go name is just dog yeah seeing somebody with like uh like a one word like a really like short one word

Name is pretty rare nowadays I feel like it’s like on a video game you know like in Minecraft like the original dog and like cat names are worth like thousands of dollars like you can sell them for like thousands of dollars cuz people they’re like really desirable

Names oh my God my [ __ ] screen just the visual pollution in this game is UNM matched it’s l the unmatched power of the S yeah I don’t know many other games that have like more visual clutter than this game there’s there’s prob RIS risk rain is a good one oh I got

A who did it thanks dog thanks for subscribing bro cheese monkey yeah when’s the cheese monkey going to come out when are they going to add ratou to the where’s the Ratatouille Crossover at I want to see ratou he pop some balloons like why can’t I see Remy like where’s

Linguini Alfredo at Jac custo skin Ford Church Hill when I think of jacqu now I think of my D andd campaign yeah man we’re sigmin rip nobody even knows what we’re talking about Sigman is a character in our D and D campaign that died poor guy let’s

Go almost around 200 only a few more rounds to go we’re going we’re scaling look how much health we have 2,359 I know we have over 2,000 like like not even Mo can’t even yeah we can take old DDT won’t matter what round do you think

You’re going to get to without the true Sun God I don’t know maybe 250 right yeah we’ve gotten around 250 before is said why is there not any ring sound I think it depends so on YouTube it’s weird some people has the notification for I think it depends if your account is like

There’s like a I know there’s a setting that like Pro I don’t know it’s like almost like your account’s private for some reason I don’t know how that works some people when they subscribe at Works some sometimes people don’t like I have a phone account that I subscribed on I didn’t even show

It what are you what you doing we’re just we’re just chilling see okay let’s start let’s get the story from the beginning so we originally were going to play Minecraft right we downloaded a mod there’s like it’s like a mod pack like 240 something mods in it which turned

Minecraft into like a fantasy RPG like there’s like dragons and like mythal and stuff like that and like magic yeah you could be like a mage or like a paladin or a barbarian like that type of [ __ ] and once you [ __ ] know it toad demon he’s been dealing with

This weird glitch this happened to us months ago whenever we played uh Minecraft but we started playing it when he joins his game doesn’t render in fully so he falls through through the map like he just falls through and he’ll keep falling until it disconnects from the

Game entirely and he can’t play the game like every time he tries it it doesn’t work in in multiplayer only in multiplayer only so yesterday we got it to work or I joined his game cuz it also happens to me when I joined his game and

He hosted it worked okay so we played for like you know 45 minutes I streamed it yesterday and then today we tried doing it and I left just to test something out and when I tried joining back it broke and it doesn’t work anymore we can’t play

Multiplayer with each other on this mod that’s really fun and we got so pissed we went on balloons because balloons makes us happy all right Austin we can get the uh we can get the Flying Fortress now I think we oh okay the Goliath doom ship do we want to add any Paragon

Tokens or anything I bro I don’t give a [ __ ] sliced and diced whatever I’ll spend all my money to upgrade it Minecraft crashed and you can’t play it that sucks I feel I feel for you and play balloons more oh yeah we play a lot of balloons

It’s just that we wanted to play Minecraft in that moment you know but we were we were prevented we got the doom ship it’s level 78 that’s pretty good that’s not bad okay I got no money to buy balloon hard defense 6 how much is balloon side defense six

On Steam isn’t it like $1 it’s normally like 10 or 12 bucks but it goes on sale for like five bucks all the time yeah just buy when it’s on tail $20 sliced and diced which is better Rod or man Rave Doom you mean ra$ when you bought it excuse me how was

Balloon 20 bucks am I crazy did increase the price again maybe they increase the price sliced and diced I don’t really know how good the ray Doom is cuz I never I barely ever use it I always use the mad though it’s kind of mid to be

Honest guess to to demon is spoken sliced and diced in His Infinite Wisdom tow Demon’s Infinite Wisdom it’s it’s mid I mean it’s all right we’re going to lose we’re fine we’re fine what mode is this hard mode yeah hard mode sliced anday Doom is better get it get every tier five

Dling don’t think that’s easy I mean hard mode isn’t very difficult sliced and diced more like when you get on like chimps and stuff like that the chips isn’t really that hard as long as you play it right there pretty like Surefire tactics I am hungry for vengeance I am hungry for

Vengeance check on your Super Monkey gotcha it’s got 24,000 popped it’s doing God’s work 24,000 look at look at this lad look at him he’s the Vanguard he’s crazy with it hell yeah indeed I am hungry for vs the top G and you right dog knows what’s

Up feels like up dog in here slic and dice up dog buricks or Tu are those uh are those balloons YouTubers I don’t uh I don’t really watch balloons YouTubers unfortunately I can’t give my opinion on that I’ve heard of the second one though to old trick is balloons battles you oh

Balloons battles we you know what’s funny is I redownloaded that cuz I wanted to make a video of toad demon and I battling each other being [ __ ] at the game I am going to download it soon I am hungry for dude it’s like 800 megabytes it won’t take very long

And okay so what’s the next paragr get maybe the engineer yeah I think engineer you have any of the engineer upgrades and I actually don’t know you got to dude if you don’t you got to get uh I don’t have the tier five upgrades for him you’re cring how could you do

This how could you do this man how could you do this is that larger service here I can now change put right here in the front sick ngg Paragon you should do more live stream sliced and diced live NG Paragon live I gots live steam I just see live live live

Steam what device you using I’m playing it on PC I’m streaming through my what Bo before we get the master builder you were correct you were you were right in the same okay hey who should I Ultra boost um you Ultra boost this uh Flying Fortress over here where in like to

Where’s the landing there it is there it is oh I’m mobile I have it on my phone this is a very fun mobile game thank you send the Army the undead Army the legion the We Are Legion reminds tell your friend to gift you monkey dollars give me money oh yeah here I’ll

Give you money give me money give me money slice and Di need more we’re actually not that we need like 70k so we’re actually surprisingly close do another Ultra boost Ultra boost your Elite Defender make it shoot faster yeah we’ll do that till we get to

What 10 stacks on the on thec foress oh yeah let me get the let me get the [ __ ] where is this master builder out here take all my money bro look at that 49 that’s not bad what it what it do Yugi what it do is that what it is what it do

Y SCE and dice got I put all the the turrets down boom boom oh I forgot to do the ultra boost all the way oh might be that’s on me that’s all right I’m just going to put the beam down here beam I wish you could lock the beam in place that’d be

Nice be I am hungry for vengeance slic and get legend of the night get a z00 dart monkey down oh I’m way ahead of you bud look at that you see this you see this Dart monkey right here 4,000 pops had it since round one he’s carrying he’s been carry us the

Entire time he’s the true hero beasting my game’s uh my game struggling a little bit let me turn my fan off let me let me get my let me let me let me make it struggle a bit more sliced and diced it’s [ __ ] freezing cold where I live

But the fan I need extra air flow it’s all about that air flow when it comes to computers when is this over jover it’s jover it’s so jover sliced and legend of the Knight just 100 monkey What wave does this over I mean there’s no I don’t think there’s a

Limit even the Navar can’t compared to the 000000 dart monkey I agree the Navar the Navar is like oh my God I’m geeking we get a legend of the night though slic and dice do I get the top or the middle path for the legend of the night uh I don’t

Remember say balloons just f with garbage the garbage HP path Goda all right now once I have 216,000 then I’ll buy the The Legend of the Knight I am the Knight I am Batman you know that I’m Batman you already had a Super Monkey down top yeah but that’s the 0000 Super

Monkey that’s carrying I can upgrade him he doesn’t upgraded sliced and diced you got to understand it’s to send a message on toad demon let’s what let’s let’s talk about something interesting man we got to entertain the viewers okay what do you want to talk about those gas prices am I

Right no way you just said that Batman but a gamer I’m sorry I wanted to sound like the the most typical [ __ ] middle-aged person no offense to people that are middle-aged because that’s not what they say I just wanted to be [Laughter] mean what’s your favorite video game of

All time and why that’s a good thing to talk about well whenever it came out it was Skyrim okay that game is a bit outdated nowadays it’s still fun though people hate on it and it’s like yeah if it came out today it would be considered boring

But for the time that it came out I think people it’s less about hating on Skyrim more about hating on Bethesda not changing their design Philosophy for yeah that’s agree with cuz like I because I mean listen I like Fallout 4 but the only real Innovation they made

At all with that game is the weapon system cuz you could upgrade them like C like upgrades and that’s about it the build system is good though that’s something completely new they did gaming warlord said btd6 cuz monkey game mhm true right I bought a legend of the night I am Batman

Who the best tier zero sliced Farm best tier zero is oh no nice best tier zero is The Alchemist cuz he’s got that he’s got that potion hell yeah sliced and diced this is why I like small streamers they actually read my comments see what I’m talking about yeah that’s a

Good thing about being a smaller streamer is that it’s a lot more personal easier to interact yeah a lot more personal like I’m practically I mean we’re playing balloon so it’s a little bit different like I’m prac just staring at the game yeah the game plays itself for the most part

Yeah like we’re to the point where I don’t even have to pay attention to playing the game itself triple o tower that can pop camo leads a triple tower that can pop camo leads sliced and diced is there one am I missing the is the can the mortar Do

It um yeah the mort can Pop lead I don’t know about camo though I don’t know is there any that can pop camo leads that’s a good qu that’s an excellent question is there one sliced and diced ah man on scale of 1 to 10 how much does everybody in chat like

Water same with you James oh water is a [ __ ] 10 out of 10 exactly I don’t understand how people can’t like water talk about why the [ __ ] the ice monkey 540 it’s so useless I actually like the higher tier upgrades but at the beginning like you would never want to

Buy an ice monkey like at all triple o Tower can triple zero Tower I should probably be using my abilities hold on what the spruce what the deuce we have over 3,000 lives slic and we’re just we’re just moving different I’m moving different I’m moving different I got no tier five ice monkey

Man there’s some tier five ice monkey upgrades that are good like the hold on hold on hold on I’m cooking the ICI pale is good it’s not good late game but it’s it’s it’s good like if you get it like you know I like it I enjoy that one I

Don’t know about the other ones though I don’t use them ninja monkey can check on Super Monkey and make it faster sliced and diced make bro faster how do I do that got overclock him you’re right oh I need to buy a new overclock give me a second what do Yugi

Yugi Yugi o o seven uhoh we might lose oh spam all the buttons we lived yes the Navar the Navar sliced and diced thought that was it I want to see if we can at least make it around 250 that’ll be good I’m going to try to remember using my abilities more

I’ve been reminded also the uh Legend of Knight has like that portal at the very end all right we got to keep boosting the the regular Super Monkey boost boost boost boost boost if you both get Ultra boost it will make it faster well guess what toemon doesn’t

Have Ultra boost unlock cuz he’s a Craton oh I’m like 5,000 XP away from unlocking it he’s a balloons peasant Nar new carry it’s Batman tell your friend to get the Venge true Sun God make my monkey get more range okay hold on don’t worry dog I got you there

We go epic range it’s so epic so epic now this is epic now this is epic wrong button hold on I got to keep boosting boost Super Monkey get Energizer sliced and oh yeah hell yeah brother get my dling monkey Dave Dave send in the calvary send in Dave where’s the

Dartling Gunner at here we go we’re sending in Dave and can we lock can we can we lock in there we go lock in we have Dave locked in Dave is locked in now this is epic portal should be up again good we get the get out of jail free card keep

Boosting the monkey that 84,000 pops it’s like pretty good actually all right round two get him camo detection Dave needs to see camos unfortunately there’s no place to put a you know what Dave’s fine he could the the the Energizer will reveal the camo balloons Dave does not need to see

Camo Dave Dave is fine Dave is beasting on them I Nam my Super Monkey Bob no call of arms glob yeah BR get Advanced targeting yeah but what if Dave doesn’t want Advance targeting Advance targeting Dave already has enhanced targeting built into himself he’s built different Dave is built different look

At him look at him sitting there in the picture look at him he’s a rizzler sushi is power Sushi’s power sui his power okay okay Super Monkey we’re two we’re two things away from getting it fully boost I can barely see anything on the screen Yep this is balloons Stant 6 for

You this is balloons Jus power my Dave wants to be good as Ray and doom upgrade it to5 you know what since I have the money cuz I’m not poor anymore Sushi is power Sushi is power yeah here you go Dave is Dave has been there like an advanced Target yeah Target

Independent I have to De the work for him that’s what I’m talking about baby baby how much further do we want to go I don’t [ __ ] know do we flip a coin I don’t know what we’re flipping for but maybe I’ll just flip for something flipping coins is

Fun sliced and diced all right James how about this we flip a coin oh [ __ ] we flip a coin Sushi is power head heads we keep going for like another couple rounds Tails we sell everything what you sell everything and we leave it up to Dave and we leave it up to

Dave Hold on turn the turn the round turn off thing turn off auto start yeah hold on heads 500 Tails 6 oh we lost anyway hold on let me flip the let me flip the coin the go okay it was head so we just failed well guys we naturally failed anyway let’s

Go 250 that’s not bad bro that Navar did 973 million pops he almost had a billion pops well this is the end Dave carried us at the end he was the only reason we were in Dave Dave was the hero that we spend 1 million cash and one around that’s ironic my stats

Are yeah I also got that yeah I know mine are too hey I’m want to end the I think I’m going to end the stream here cuz it’s getting late and I want to lay down and sleep it’s 4 in the morning right now so I’m a little tired but thank you

Everybody that showed up to the stream there was we got we got some we got some good people in the Stream today sorry that rough it is the it is the end of the stream dog thanks for stopping by dog gaming warlord warlord Wool Wool plays something

Random it’s 1: p.m. for you it’s 4:00 a.m. for me but thanks to everybody stoping M chatting you know it makes the streams Fun Since I’m a small streamer but uh yeah I’ll probably stream again I don’t know when I’m going to stream though maybe tomorrow maybe in

A few days I want to play Minecraft Minecraft’s the next one I want to play I know I’ll see you guys later we’re we’re not giving up on Minecraft we will try to get it to work I’m emotional support helper thank you bye-bye goodbye see yeah

This video, titled ‘WE PLAY BTD6 BECAUSE MINECRAFT WONT WORK AND NOW IM SAD’, was uploaded by Kaleidoscope500 on 2024-01-15 09:12:05. It has garnered 59 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:36:06 or 9366 seconds.

We downloaded a mod pack for Minecraft called Eylisia Apparent and turned Minecraft into a true Fantasy RPG like Dungeons and Dragons! UNFORTUNATELY MINECRAFT MULTIPLAYER DOESNT WORK PROPERLY SO WE PLAY BLOONS TOWER DEFENSE 6 Like and subscribe for more!

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  • Minecraft Mayhem: The Server That’s Dumber Than Dumb

    Minecraft Mayhem: The Server That's Dumber Than Dumb In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, I stumbled upon a server, like a wild dream. The players were quirky, the builds were absurd, But I dove right in, ready to be stirred. From pixelated cows to towering castles, Every corner held surprises, like hidden tassels. I laughed and I gasped at the chaos around, But in this wacky world, I found solid ground. With each new adventure, my heart skipped a beat, As I navigated through challenges, both bitter and sweet. But in the end, it was all in good fun, In this silly server, where… Read More

  • Unveiling the Dark Side of Minecraft Speedruns

    Unveiling the Dark Side of Minecraft Speedruns The Darkest Reality Of Minecraft MANHUNT SPEEDRUNS 😂 || Minecraft Are you ready to delve into the dark reality of Minecraft Manhunt speedruns? Join us as we explore the thrilling world of Minecraft and uncover the secrets behind this intense gaming phenomenon. Unveiling the Truth Behind Minecraft Manhunt Speedruns For those unfamiliar with the concept, Minecraft Manhunt speedruns involve one player attempting to complete the game while being hunted by others. The tension, excitement, and strategic gameplay make it a favorite among Minecraft enthusiasts. The Intense Gameplay In a typical Minecraft Manhunt speedrun, the hunted player must navigate the… Read More

  • Crafting a Cherry Blossom Home in Minecraft

    Crafting a Cherry Blossom Home in Minecraft Exploring the Cherry Blossom House Tutorial in Minecraft 1.21 Embark on a creative journey with the Cherry Blossom House tutorial in Minecraft 1.21. This enchanting build combines the beauty of nature with intricate architectural design, offering players a unique and visually stunning project to undertake. Step-by-Step Guide to Building the Cherry Blossom House Follow along as the tutorial takes you through each stage of construction, from laying the basement floor to adding the final touches of greenery and decor. Here are some key highlights: Step 1 – Basement Floor Start by establishing the foundation of your Cherry Blossom House… Read More

  • Surviving Hell Rock: Minecraft Series 1.21

    Surviving Hell Rock: Minecraft Series 1.21 Welcome to Minecraft 1.21 Episode 1: A New Adventure Begins! Step into the blocky world of Minecraft as a new survival series unfolds in the latest update, version 1.21. Join our protagonist as they navigate through the vast landscapes, mine resources, build shelters, and fend off dangerous creatures. Let’s dive into the exciting journey that awaits in this episode! Exploring the Unknown As our character spawns into the world, they are greeted by endless possibilities and challenges. From lush forests to towering mountains, every corner of the map holds secrets waiting to be discovered. The exploration begins as they… Read More

  • PondFairyVods: Pog Games Galore

    PondFairyVods: Pog Games Galore Welcome to Pog Games 2: A Minecraft Puzzle Adventure! Embark on a Puzzle-Filled Journey Join Pond and Majikz in Pog Games 2, a Minecraft Puzzle map that will challenge your wits and creativity. Dive into a world where puzzles abound, and every corner holds a new mystery to solve. Get ready to test your problem-solving skills like never before! Meet Pond and Majikz Get to know Pond and Majikz, the dynamic duo leading the way in Pog Games 2. Follow their adventures as they navigate through intricate puzzles and unravel the secrets hidden within the map. With Pond’s fairy-like… Read More

  • Unveiling the Origins of Demons and Magicians

    Unveiling the Origins of Demons and Magicians The Origin of Demons and Magicians in Minecraft Unveiling the Mysteries of Minecraft In the captivating world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds, the latest episode titled "Origin of Demons and Magicians" takes players on a thrilling adventure. This Minecraft animation, accompanied by an enchanting soundtrack, delves into the origins of two powerful entities – demons and magicians. Exploring the Depths of Minecraft Lore The episode introduces viewers to a rich tapestry of lore, shedding light on the origins of demons and magicians within the Minecraft universe. As players navigate through this immersive storyline, they uncover the secrets… Read More

  • Ultimate Farming in Minecraft ATM9

    Ultimate Farming in Minecraft ATM9 Minecraft All The Mods 9 (ATM9) | Mystical Agriculture & Mob Seeds Farming Join the Minecraft adventure with ChevyCoolWithIt on Twitch as he delves into the world of All The Mods 9 (ATM9) and explores the fascinating realm of Mystical Agriculture. In this VOD, witness the mastery of farming mob seeds and learn the best strategies for resource gathering and seed automation. Exploring Mystical Agriculture Delve into the mystical world of agriculture in Minecraft with the Mystical Agriculture mod. This innovative mod allows players to grow resources like never before, including mob seeds that can yield powerful rewards. Discover… Read More

  • Crafty Mods: Fabric Modding Minecraft 1.21.1

    Crafty Mods: Fabric Modding Minecraft 1.21.1 Exploring Modular Mods in Minecraft 1.21.1 with Fabric MC The Concept of Modular Modding In the vast world of Minecraft modding, developers often employ a modular approach to creating their mods. This involves breaking down a large, complex mod into smaller, more manageable components, each handling specific tasks within the game. But is this method truly beneficial? Should modders opt for modular designs, or stick to developing all-in-one mods? Potential Benefits of Modular Modding One of the key advantages of modular modding is the ability to streamline development and maintenance processes. By dividing a mod into smaller parts, developers… Read More

  • Fireball Wipes Out 3 Ranked Players!

    Fireball Wipes Out 3 Ranked Players! Minecraft: Exploring the World of Blocks and Adventures Embark on a journey through the pixelated world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. Dive into the realm of blocks, monsters, and endless possibilities as you craft, build, and survive in this iconic sandbox game. Discovering Unique Servers Explore a variety of servers such as Na.Minemen.Club, Play.Hypixel.net, Play.Bridger.land, and esta.land, each offering a unique gameplay experience. Whether you’re looking for intense PvP battles or cooperative building projects, there’s a server for every type of player. Gaming Gear for the Ultimate Experience Equip yourself with… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Is this truth or cap💀🙏

    Fact: This meme is so good it’s breaking the score scale. It’s like the Michael Jordan of memes. Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft’s Battle Royale

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft's Battle Royale In Minecraft’s intense battle royale, Friends compete, hearts set to prevail. KZA_, averalls, obvlogan too, Spricc, osomad, cactixz in the crew. Figfen joins the epic fight, In this virtual world, under the night. With swords and shields, they clash and spar, Crafting strategies, near and far. Each move calculated, each step precise, In this pixelated paradise. Watch ’til the end, the battle unfolds, As friendships tested, and stories told. Subscribe for more, join the fun, In Minecraft’s world, under the sun. Join the Discord, stay in the loop, For more adventures, more Minecraft scoop. Thanks for watching, thanks for… Read More

  • Players outsmart traps like a boss! #minecraft #winning

    Players outsmart traps like a boss! #minecraft #winning "Me: sees a popular trap in Minecraft Also me: avoids it by running straight into a different trap It’s all about that element of surprise, right?" Read More

  • Crafting a Sassy Minecraft Cottage

    Crafting a Sassy Minecraft Cottage A Beautiful Minecraft Cottage – Easy Step-By-Step Tutorial Embark on a creative journey with this simple 15-minute Minecraft build tutorial! Whether you’re a seasoned player or a beginner, this step-by-step guide will help you construct a charming cottage in no time. Let’s dive into the world of Minecraft building and unleash your creativity! Materials Before you start building, gather the necessary materials such as wood, stone, glass, and other resources. These materials will form the foundation of your cottage and add character to your creation. The Base Begin by laying down the base of your cottage. Create a sturdy… Read More

  • 100 Days in Minecraft: My Mind Was Taken Over

    100 Days in Minecraft: My Mind Was Taken OverVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Spent 100 Days On An MMORPG Minecraft Server’, was uploaded by BeenTaken on 2024-09-22 14:55:21. It has garnered 32595 views and 949 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:16 or 2296 seconds. I spent 100 days on a Minecraft’s BEST MMORPG Server. At first, I barley survived by killing low level bosses. Slowly but surely, however, I worked my way up the TavernMC food chain. I didn’t have the luxury of using my main account, BeenTaken. I had to completely start from scratch. And in the end, I accomplished wonders, obtaining some of… Read More

  • Sneaky New Update: Minecraft Hardcore 1.21

    Sneaky New Update: Minecraft Hardcore 1.21Video Information This video, titled ‘First Time Playing The NEW Update! | Minecraft Hardcore 1.21 | S9 E9 #minecraft’, was uploaded by Mr. Unprofessional on 2024-09-23 12:30:21. It has garnered 860 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:10 or 1630 seconds. First Time Playing The NEW Update! it went well… all the way up till I went back for the thumbnail and died!!! Ugh what a disappointment! but! We got one under our belts. Trial Chamber #1! Complete! #minecraft #trialchambers #update Join Us on Twitch! Temporarily Taking a break from streaming, Taking Care of a newborn… Read More


    INSANE MUSIC SYSTEM in MINECRAFT! 🔥 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘BEST MUSIC SYSTEM IN MINECRAFT/MUSIC SYSTEM OF MINECRAFT #minecraft #minecraftshorts #trending #op’, was uploaded by SUMITXGAMING on 2024-04-30 07:25:35. It has garnered 4178 views and 119 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. minecraft minecraft challenge minecraft but minecraft animation challenge animation mcpe love story family friendly funny monster school minecraft monster school minecraft 100 days preston comedy minecraft hardcore monster school challenge trolling funny minecraft pocket edition minecraft pe adispot 100 days minecraft minecraft manhunt albedo op minecraft mod peppa pig huggy wuggy fnf mod hardcore minecraft minecraft meme steve… Read More

  • Shocking: Breaking Every SMP Rule! #Minecraft

    Shocking: Breaking Every SMP Rule! #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘[ Breaking every rule of notice smp ]#minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by AllMC_Gaming on 2024-03-07 01:11:38. It has garnered 204 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:11 or 971 seconds. Description: 🌟 Welcome to Crafted Ventures, where the enchanting world of Minecraft comes to life in pixels and polygons! 🌈 Immerse yourself in a realm of endless creativity, daring adventures, and captivating builds as we embark on an epic journey through the vast landscapes of this iconic sandbox game. 🔨 **Masterful Creations:** Join us as we delve into the art of… Read More

  • Insane HermitCraft Secrets Revealed!

    Insane HermitCraft Secrets Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘What makes HermitCraft different from other Minecraft servers?’, was uploaded by Λsk Λbout Solutions on 2024-05-24 06:27:53. It has garnered 7 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Unveiling the Unique Magic of HermitCraft 👉 Magic of HermitCraft 👉 Discover what sets HermitCraft apart from the rest – a tight-knit community, high-quality content, and a focus on creativity and collaboration. Join in on the magic today! Laura S. Harris (2024, May 14.) What makes HermitCraft different from other Minecraft servers? 🌐 AskAbout.video ✋ Disclaimer: This video, titled ‘What… Read More

  • Ultimate Battle Royale Victory – POV: You vs. 3 on Bridge

    Ultimate Battle Royale Victory - POV: You vs. 3 on BridgeVideo Information This video, titled ‘POV: u win a 3v1 bridge fight…’, was uploaded by Air_Clips on 2024-02-17 05:53:28. It has garnered 206 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. go sub to main channel ​⁠​⁠ #minecraft #bedfight #minemenclub #hypixel #pvp other tags lmao minecraft,hypixel,skywars,minecraft mods,minecraft challenge,handcam,mousecam,keyboard asmr,keyboard sounds,keyboard and mouse,mouse sounds,keyboard and mouse sounds minecraft,glorious model o,itzGlimpse,bedwars,hypixel bedwars,keyboard and mouse sounds bedwars,ducky one 2 mini,butterfly clicking,bed wars asmr,keyboard and mouse sounds,bedwars asmr,dragclick,clicky,asmr,family friendly,bedwars with handcam,iAim,modded keyboard,gamakay tk68,thocky keyboard,badlion,client,badlion client,jitter click,how to pvp,pvp,amongus,prediclips,maafer,pando,arctic,speedrun,clutch,block,block clutch,insane,shorts,youtuber,shorts youtuberlunar client, badlion client, forge, 1.7.10 forge, 1.8.9 forge,… Read More

  • INSANE Challenge in Minecraft – NO TOUCHING COLORS! #shorts

    INSANE Challenge in Minecraft - NO TOUCHING COLORS! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft pero NO puedo TOCAR los COLORES de tu FOTO 23 #shorts #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Alexpolu8 on 2024-09-11 03:38:27. It has garnered 8817 views and 838 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. TODAY I BRING YOU A NEW MINECRAFT VIDEO I HOPE YOU LIKE IT AND IF YOU ARE NEW SUBSCRIBE ❤️ #Minecraft #yunque #yunques #minecraftmod #colores #inmortal #MinecraftSurvival #shorts #snapshot #minecraftupdate #mojang ——————————— —————————— 🚀 | Subs Discord | https://discord.gg/zphSjBEzpZ 🚀 My Texture Pack | https://www.mediafire.com/file/ln8ptdsxlbpp0yb/AlexpoluTexturePack5k.zip/file 🚀 | Twitter | https://twitter.com/Alexpolu8MC 🚀 | Twitch | https://twitch.tv/alexpolu8 🚀 |… Read More

  • BECOME UNSTOPPABLE on EnchantedMC Dungeons!

    BECOME UNSTOPPABLE on EnchantedMC Dungeons!Video Information This video, titled ‘HOW TO GET OP ON THE *NEW* DUNGEONS SERVER! | Minecraft Dungeons | EnchantedMC’, was uploaded by Zap on 2024-07-31 22:44:45. It has garnered 3352 views and 89 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:02 or 962 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftpe #shorts https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNoGQWMXMGrWbZmGYkz6VpQ/join *Server Discord*: https://discord.gg/enchantedmc *Java & Bedrock IP*: zap.enchantedmc.net *Bedrock Port*: 19132 Series Playlist: soon Welcome to our latest Minecraft adventure, where we explore new Minecraft servers, including the most thrilling OP prison servers and skyblock challenges! Our video takes you inside the newest OP prison, showcasing the intense escape gameplay and strategies… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Moments at Ender Cup in MCC-Live!

    EPIC Minecraft Moments at Ender Cup in MCC-Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘MCC – ENDER CUP! (MINECRAFT POV)’, was uploaded by Twitch vods on 2024-07-28 16:00:07. It has garnered 3322 views and 78 likes. The duration of the video is 04:19:51 or 15591 seconds. on TWITCH VODS Read More

  • Cool-People

    Cool-PeopleWelcome to Cool-People, a Minecraft survival server, hosted for the discord cool-people community. Trade with npcs, claim land, work with other players to create your dream builds and gear up. The server is Java and Bedrock compatible but requires you to join the cool-people discord server and link your account. mc.ppl.cool Read More

  • LittleSMP – smp vanilla whitelist 1.21

    Hello everyone! My name is Yani, I’m 19 years old and I would like to introduce LittleSMP Part III, our Minecraft community! This SMP server has mods to enhance vanilla gameplay. The server is currently under maintenance to prepare the new world and ensure optimal performance before launch. Visit our Discord server for information on server changes. On the server, you can do anything from playing with others to forming clans. All activities are allowed, except for hacks or unfair advantages. Join our Discord server and send a friend request to “yani01” to access the server. Let’s have fun together! Read More

  • Avalore: Fantasy Roleplay// avalore.net //

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.18.2 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.18.2 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: mc.avalore.net:25586 (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Sorry, I had to flex

    Looks like this meme scored higher than most of my exams in school! Read More

  • Stick Tricks: Minecraft Animation Delight

    Stick Tricks: Minecraft Animation Delight In the world of Minecraft, a stick was the key, @XeartrikYT claimed @goldcacho3459 with glee. An animation so funny, it brought a smile, In the land of blocks, where creativity runs wild. The audio used, a mystery unsolved, If you know the creator, the credit will be evolved. Tags like #minecraft and #animation in sight, Bringing joy to fans, both day and night. So let’s keep the rhymes flowing, the story alive, In the world of Minecraft, where adventures thrive. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition

    Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Warner Bros. Malaysia Minecraft Movie Teaser

    Warner Bros. Malaysia Minecraft Movie Teaser Welcome to the World of Minecraft Get ready to dive into the blocky world of Minecraft like never before with the upcoming live-action adaptation, “A Minecraft Movie.” Warner Bros. Pictures and Legendary Pictures have teamed up to bring this beloved video game to the big screen, starring Jason Momoa, Jack Black, and a talented ensemble cast. A Magical Adventure Awaits Follow the journey of four misfits – Garrett “The Garbage Man” Garrison, Henry, Natalie, and Dawn – as they find themselves transported into the Overworld, a strange and imaginative land filled with challenges and wonders. To return home, they… Read More

  • Uncovering Top-Secret Alchemy Lab in Minecraft

    Uncovering Top-Secret Alchemy Lab in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, Hidden Alchemy Lab’, was uploaded by Gunsmoke1084 on 2024-09-25 15:20:11. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:28 or 388 seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate Modern House Build Day 4 | Minecraft

    Ultimate Modern House Build Day 4 | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘DAY 4 | LANJUT BIKIN MODERN HOUSE | #minecraft’, was uploaded by Bang RA on 2024-02-27 02:05:16. It has garnered 49 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:49 or 1249 seconds. DAY 4 | CONTINUING TO MAKE A MODERN HOUSE | Minecraft Hello, Welcome to the Bang RA Channel. On this channel we will play the Minecraft game, brothers and sisters. I’M TRYING TO BUILD MY FIRST UNDERGROUND HOUSE | CREATIVE MODE MINECRAFT Donation Link: https://saweria.co/rizkyagustian Link Server : Rzkyyyy88.aternos.me:51683 Jangan Lupa Dukung Channel ini terus ya Subscribe ✓ Like ✓… Read More

  • GRGAMERZ000’s Insane Solo Minecraft Stream! 😱 Streaming with Turnip 🎮

    GRGAMERZ000's Insane Solo Minecraft Stream! 😱 Streaming with Turnip 🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Hindi Minecraft : 😄 Happy stream | Playing Solo | Streaming with Turnip’, was uploaded by GRGAMERZ000 on 2024-06-05 19:36:44. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:05 or 305 seconds. Hey folks! Watch me play Minecraft! Join my Club on Turnip Talib: https://profile.turnip.gg/PnUj8Wn5U3LZz5V6A Thank you for watching my Minecraft stream. And for all the support you are showing! 🔥, If you liked my stream, please like and subscribe. It motivates me a lot. 🙂 And share my channel with your game friends. 🙂 See you on my… Read More

  • Insane Battle: Billy Arm vs Semlaki Reich TUNNEL Challenge

    Insane Battle: Billy Arm vs Semlaki Reich TUNNEL ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Billy Arm vs Semlaki Reich TUNNEL Bau Challenge in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Semlaki on 2024-05-02 13:39:56. It has garnered 168856 views and 5455 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:28 or 2128 seconds. Semlaki and his friend Billy are doing a Billy Arm vs Semlaki Empire TUNNEL building challenge in Minecraft. The safe house in a tunnel – includes traps, parkour and many other things that the other player has to do. Who will build the safest and largest Minecraft house in a tunnel at the end? Will Semlakis Pro Family win? Will… Read More

  • Minecraft Launcher Error Code 0x80072efe FIX – Shizo TechFixIT

    Minecraft Launcher Error Code 0x80072efe FIX - Shizo TechFixITVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Launcher Not Launching Error Code 0x80072efe On Windows 11/10 PC FIX’, was uploaded by TechFixIT on 2024-07-07 15:41:16. It has garnered 118 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:44 or 464 seconds. The Minecraft Launcher Error Code 0x80072efe typically indicates a network-related issue, often related to connectivity problems between your computer and the Minecraft servers. Here are the main causes and their explanations: 1. Network Connectivity Issues Unstable Internet Connection: An unstable or weak internet connection can prevent the Minecraft Launcher from connecting to the servers, resulting in this error…. Read More

  • JesterCraft: JJ Finds Twin Sister in Village! Is it a Trap? Mikey to the Rescue!

    JesterCraft: JJ Finds Twin Sister in Village! Is it a Trap? Mikey to the Rescue!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ Met GIRL WOMAN TWIN SISTER in VILLAGE! CAN IT BE TRAP?! Mikey SAVE THEM in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Jester Craft on 2024-09-22 21:00:19. It has garnered 2413 views and 49 likes. The duration of the video is 01:03:21 or 3801 seconds. JJ Met GIRL WOMAN TWIN SISTER in VILLAGE! CAN IT BE TRAP?! Mikey SAVE THEM in Minecraft – Maizen This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen channel : @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, don’t forget to like and subscribe! Read More

  • EPIC Modded Minecraft with X33N & Mithzan! 🚀 #Sponsored

    EPIC Modded Minecraft with X33N & Mithzan! 🚀 #SponsoredVideo Information This video, titled ‘PROGRESS CREATE MODDED MINECRAFT@Mithzan | Sponsored Stream! #Sponsored’, was uploaded by X33N on 2024-05-12 04:53:53. It has garnered 1271 views and likes. The duration of the video is 06:29:09 or 23349 seconds. Other Live streams: twitch.tv/X33N Read More

  • Insane Live Roblox/Minecraft Server Comeback!

    Insane Live Roblox/Minecraft Server Comeback!Video Information This video, titled ‘Live de Roblox / Minecraft server voltou’, was uploaded by ITZ´s on 2024-07-28 06:56:48. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Kronus: RARE POSITIVE ENERGY Minecraft Stream! 😱

    Kronus: RARE POSITIVE ENERGY Minecraft Stream! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘ĐÂY LÀ MỘT STREAM MINECRAFT TRONG SÁNG VÀ TÍCH CỰC #vtuber #vtubervn’, was uploaded by Kronus【Vietuber】 on 2024-09-25 15:54:37. It has garnered 12681 views and 767 likes. The duration of the video is 02:15:03 or 8103 seconds. — Donate to Kro here: + Playerduo: https://playerduo.net/62e7d4b353b9095d2c55aeb8 + Streamlabs: https://streamlabs.com/kronus2/tip — Social Media: + Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gaming/kronusgenovius + Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@kronus_genovius — Hashtags: #vtubervietnam #kronusgenovius #vietuberproject #vtuber #vtubervn #minecraft #superhardmode Read More