KaNukei: The Ultimate Minecraft Pro?

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Swift did you bring your coffee I brought my coffee today well I here here’s the thing kuki I don’t drink coffee that’s why you spill it of course yeah of course of course I I get my cup and I make sure it’s really hot and I always make sure there’s like I don’t

Know like my uh like a very close family member like on my on my right side and I purposely like oh oh goodness oh goodness oh my okay can we all do our punch sink now yeah yeah yeah okay are you guys ready to punch your microphones yeah all right yeah on go

Okay okay three two one Go awesome awesome that’s great that’s great did no one missed their punch right I hit it was on go right I crit my microphone yeah a jumping crit yep I PE critted mine your your mic’s critting you back I peed on it oh anyways welcome back to another

Episode of the coffee spill um this is episode two we made it past episode one so we made it I can’t believe it it’s truly been an honor this this is the most consistent I’ve ever been in in months it’s crazy I well really I mean it’s also been the most consistent kuki

Has been in months too isn’t that right um yes yes I haven’t uploaded in such a long time it’s so bad yikes well um our first guest for our second episode ever his name is kuki he’s a Minecraft guy I am he um he create he creates videos streams events I know him

As like a Minecraft event player but you can what what do you do what do you do man I that’s actually really surprising because like I wasn’t an event player until Crown Quest and Crown Quest is still like the only known event that I’ve played and up

Until then a lot of my a lot of My Views and a lot of my subscribers came from Minecraft civilization events I would play in those I would make videos on like what my experience is what my point of view in that event was like and then

Those would like pop off after the main video on the event was released so that’s where like a good 6,000 of my subscribers are from um that’s where a good like half a million views on my channel are from is just from those events do you ever think

About doing that again yeah I’m I’m actually I’m actually in an event right now I don’t know when this podcast is getting released but I’m in an event right now uh Friday this Friday is what we a for at least yeah so still won’t be over by then but once the event’s over

I’m going to make a video on this event that I’m currently in um as long as I as long as I can make a good story out of it it’s always about whether or not a good story comes out of the event um but I think this one’s going to be pretty

Good and I’m yeah I’m going to be making another video on this but I might wait to release it until the main guy who’s running the event releases his videos does he does he have any like roles on that like is that a role that he does no

I’m like there are a lot of creators who are like okay you can’t release your POV until my videos released or don’t record your POV or actually not a lot of people are like don’t record your POV um but a lot there are a few creators who will be like

Don’t don’t release it until I’ve released my video the the guy who’s running this event his name is Ish is 13c um he’s not like that he he’s good if you release it whenever nobody’s nobody surpassed his videos in terms of views no matter when they’ve released it

So like I don’t think he has anything to worry about you could be the first you could be the first yeah well I’ve released videos before his videos before and like they only got up to like 20,000 views until he released his and then that’s when they started to pick up

So you think it would be smarter to release the videos like after he publishes his yeah so what I’m thinking is based off of the last event he did where a lot of people like made their own videos they basically did what I did but from their

Perspectives and it seems like the best time to post it is like very soon after he releases his I might do mine like a day or two before just so that it can start getting out to the algorithm and it can start getting out to like all my

Subscribers who know me for that content and it will start boosting me and then when his video releases mine will be the first to be recommended because it’s been doing so well like in the two days before that oh yeah yeah that’s you’re going to dominate YouTube it’s

Just going to happen it’s it’s all in the analytics and timing and that that’s that’s the that’s why I have a hard time but like I I had this long time long issue of posting I always have to make sure it’s like like the perfect video

Whenever I post it but now lately I’ve gotten over that problem and I and I could just post like I can post lower quality videos that aren’t perfect but you know there’s still main Channel worthy yeah that that Jigsaw video I uploaded that was like Mr wide quality

For the longest time in my head but then I was like you know what I’m just going to post some on on the main Channel then it did it did pretty normal yeah I I think it’s really important as a YouTuber to sort of like strike the balance between consistency and quality

Because I I used to do consistency I used to be like okay I have to upload a video like every week and like they did all right but like nothing was ever really breaking like 200 views not often anyway um and then I switched to Quality and the the views I started

Getting like over a thousand and I’m like damn that’s that’s kind of cool like um but then then I had like one quality video it was I I tried to do a Pixelmon Nuzlocke and I put a lot of effort into making that like a high quality video

And it just kind of flopped and oh tragic I I just don’t think I had the audience for it so I I think it really is just finding a balance between quality and quantity there’s definitely a formula there’s definitely formula I I don’t know if there’s a

Formula I think it depends on each individual Creator and like what they’re comfortable doing what their skill set is you know like I will say like there’s a there’s there’s a there’s a formula but there’s a formula for your specific audience and what you’re trying do yeah uh like the the specific people

You’re trying to get to be your viewers your audience yeah it’s it’s about finding their Rhythm and giving them what they want the most Swift what do you have to say absolutely you’ve been quiet sorry my dog’s been kind of going off so I have been muted for part of this yeah you

Should him out oh you’re right crit dogs dude crit dogs well okay so kuk I have to say so we have a we have a Google Docs just list of U of like a variety of topics and I had crit dogs on there at one point and I just deleted

It do do not crit dogs well I’m going to edit it to where you say please do crit dogs please do and you can’t do nothing about it um I just remember the one time you told me to [ __ ] my dog and cuz he was getting

Into my hot chocolate and like he can’t be drinking that cuz he’s chocolate and he’s a dog so I had to like throw him off because I was also like mid PVP fight and I felt so bad about it afterwards oh gamer a poor guy I mean

The gamer life he doesn’t he doesn’t need coffee though how is gamer Gamer’s good Gamer’s gamer gamer gamer is my dog wait no no no that’s not his actual name is it no it’s his online name okay yeah like my my family couldn’t decide on a

Name for a long time so like I needed a way to introduce him to like viewers and stuff because he was he he was really little he was a really little puppy so he would just be chilling on my lap when we first got him and I’d be playing

Games and like he’d be sitting next to me and he’d like whin sometimes and my viewers would be like oh who’s that and I’d be like oh that’s and I had to come up with a name name so I’m like I I was in the habit of calling everybody Gamers

At that time yeah so I was like oh that’s gamer that’s gamer that’s awesome if what what games would he play if he was you know um is is peon everything simulator out yet no not yet I’m okay okay um as you can see I tested it out whenever we

With your miced my mic oh my gosh anyways anyways anyway um on to the next topic I I’m really curious on this on this question um kuki is definitely like whenever I join Crown Quest I like to just observe everyone’s like uh usernames like on their channels and everything

And yours is definitely more interesting than others for me personally how did you come up with the name kuki so um this is actually a question I really like talking about um so back when I was like 16 or something I I was trying to like consolidate all my online names into

Like one brand name cuz I still had in like the back of my head that I wanted to do content at some point even though like I wasn’t actively doing it yeah um so I wanted like one brand name and I want something that like really represented me but still sounded

Cool but like that would still sound cool in like 5 years from now I wouldn’t look back and be like Oh XX assassin ninja 7 you know so um so I I thought about it for a little bit and I wanted it to be something that was personal to me

And this is kind of a trend with my family that they have a really hard time naming things so I did not have like they were not settled on my legal given name when they first gave it to me so I had a lot of nicknames for like the

First year of my life you couldn’t change your IRL username no yeah I couldn’t change my IRL username um but but they weren’t completely sold on it they ended up sticking with it because they did like it but they they they used a lot of nicknames for like the first year and

And a lot of the nicknames stemmed from like baby speak so like yeah the it it it started off I think with like Nana NCI or something like that and over time that just kind of morphed into like kuk and then kuki and so like looking back

On it I’m and so when I’m like all those years later when I’m trying to decide on a name I remember kuki because they’ll still call me that nickname sometimes yeah and so I’m like thinking about it and I’m thinking about like how I can

Stylize it and it it’s got like and I was like oh it’s got the word nuke in it that’s kind of cool so I thought okay this is is something that I can go with for a brand name so I I said it to kuki um stylized between a bunch of different

Things I really liked the Kingdom Hearts games growing up so there’s a lot of like Japanese influence going into what I think is cool I liked Bionicle when I was younger so that kind of plays into like the capitalization of the name and and all that sort of like mushed

Together to create kuki that’s that’s like that’s definitely one of the most one of the more original creative processes of coming up with a name uh cuz I know for me my first online name whenever I played with my friends and stuff online it was the video gamer 21 yeah

What a guy dude I play fortnite with that guy I would watch that I would watch the video gamer 21 okay okay okay yeah we don’t he’s he’s gone he he he never needs brought up again he’s retired he’s retired video gamer well if we’re if we’re talking about it my my

First username that like I came up with it was on my it was on my Xbox 360 right and space ninja and ID that’s what it was space ninja 90 y sounds like a slash disguise name on MCC Island I had that going for a while too like that is

Literally the name that I gave for like for the example of what I wanted to not do yeah hey I came up with that when I was like I don’t know maybe 10 around that range it’s the classic like uh prebent like you know that you know like how everyone like

Creates their like Clash of Clans name yeah back back in the day and that’s that’s like most Gamers like uh origins of their usernames mhm and I I had another one cuz cuz I was like well space ninja 90 you know I’m kind of growing out of this

So I want to try something new and I was in e8th grade when I came up with this name right okay I used word generators like verbs and nouns until I got what I wanted and I came up with your average salad and I had that going for a while

But then eventually I think it was around 2018 I finally decided you know what we we got to be real about this and I was talking to my friend about it and he’s like what about not to Swift and that was that here I am in the flesh salad 5

Years no way more than five years later like no yeah five years later it’s been a long time coming but I’m happy with it I think it’s got a nice ring to it and I don’t ever plan on changing it not too Swift not too shabby not too

Shabby yeah and while we’re talking about origin um I kind of want to go to a new topic now I I have this on the list um and I kind of wanted to talk about how me and kuki met CU we’ve known each other okay okay what year do you

Remember what year we met kuki yeah I want to say it was like 2021 geez man that’s like that’s like almost 10 years ago yeah it was it was it was a time so it all started right okay I I’m I’m going to get to kuki but in order to get

To kuki I have to start somewhere else we need backstory right so I was on this SMP U it’s called the boss ladies SMP and I found it cuz me B me and my friends we we ditched this other s SMP we got into because it was just kind of

Lame we didn’t really like it so we made our own called the boss ladies SMP and through that I met this guy named tasty moist Bagel because I played in one of his events because one of my friends from that SMP was friends with him and he made an event called total drama

Minecraft I actually won that but then uh I became friends with this Bagel guy and then he h hosted this thing called the fun sphere and it dude this thing is crazy so it’s a Minecraft event but like there’s um originally it was supposed to be only 12 participants but they upped

It to 16 because of kuki because um kuki was in a group of people like in this finalist to get into the like the real finalists I guess and everybody was getting along super nice and bagel he just really liked all of them so he put

All of them in yeah I didn’t even win Bagel just liked my personality and wanted me in the finale that’s awesome I I met kuki when he got into the finale but we didn’t really like talk until the actual finale and he arguably won that I won’t

I won’t talk about it but he he arguably won it you could say there’s there’s some uh there’s some controversy surrounding that but I won’t I won’t say anything I mean unless you want to go right ahead but we well I feel like we have to now you know like okay well how

Does how does the server work how does that event work not like a server it’s like a bunch of mini games okay yeah and if you win the mini game you you have this immunity right yeah and you get to vote somebody out and everybody is associated everybody is associated with

A Col almost it’s Survivor almost you get voted out you you can do like a challenge you sometimes to like stay in if you pass Survivor Redemption Island yeah so I was voted out one time and my it was a finish the lyrics Challenge and it was

Um Fallen Kingdom it was Fallen King and I did not know the second verse Kingdom um so I had to like look it up during the event which was never like explicitly outside of the rules but like you kind of can tell that it’s not something that like you’re

Supposed to do and yet you did it and and yet I did it not because like I wanted to like cheat anybody out of the grand prize but just because like I was at the time I was planning to make a video off of the event and and I thought

It would just be a really lame ending to the video if I just got voted out Midway through and I thought it’d be way funnier if I managed to like stay in even if it was like a little legit and he never made that video I I looked up I

Didn’t I never made the video um but I looked up the lyrics um I sang the lyrics I I did not sing them like in tune to how the song was so I don’t know how I didn’t get caught there but they they pushed me they they kept me in and Um I think I got voted out one other time and I had to look up the lyrics or the answer for that too and but I I I made it past everything else and I got to the finale The Final Duel I won The Final Duel and like right

Before The Final Duel I messaged bagel and I was like hey just letting you know I did look up the lyrics to like oh yeah because like I’m I’m not gonna like you know like I said it was it was for video I didn’t want to actually like

Cheat anybody it was for the for the cont for the content so that um there was a whole controversy started around that and it ended up with you know basically I was like okay I concede just give the grand prize to the the runner up ah okay and that’s what

Happened and that’s what happed that’s it’s it’s funny that you bring that up because the next question I have on the on our document here is are you able to do you still remember the second verse to Fallen Kingdom right now no oh dang I was so I was you should

Have been prepared for that dude like it’s been a long time coming I made this whole podcast I I made friends with wub duub I joined Crown Quest just for this very moment if if I had out for every time somebody asked me to sing the second verse to

Fallen Kingdom i’ have two nickels which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice what a time dude that that was a great time everyone I want everyone who views this video remind kuki in his next upload in the comments like ask him what the second

Verse is just just do me a favor I’m not going to remember it just paste the second verse to Fallen Kingdom in the comments for me yeah he me that I think that’ll be much better for helping me remember and it’ll also be really funny to anybody who doesn’t know about about that

But so I met kuki from that event but we didn’t really become friends from it you know we just we were acquaintances I’d say yeah we we knew each other and I was looking for other content creators to like network with at the time and then bam Here Comes deadly disasters season

One my own personal event kuki applies a few other people apply but kuki is basically the only person online and we just have a lot of time to spend with each other because it’s a 100 day event what explain it more to those who don’t really know about like what the event is

Yeah it’s 33 and a half IRL hours yeah that’s a very long time but um obviously in multiple sessions I think there were about seven for the first season and the second one I believe but um it’s like so it’s it’s 100 days long and there’s four different regions and in each region

It’s like a a team of a set amount of players and there’s like a theme to the region and that theme correlates with the Region’s Temple and basically on day I think it’s on day 40 it was for season 2 there’s there’s walls separating every region but on day 40 half of them

Dropped oh and then on day 50 all of them dropped so you can interact with everybody there’s a big temple in the middle of the map and a lot of crazy stuff happened it was a it was a pretty cool event that sounds awesome it it was a pretty great

Time actually was there Temple at the metal to participate during the first event no not not during the first one yeah but I like talking about the second one cuz the second one was way way better like a million times better than the first one so the second one was a

Lot of fun but it also helped that we had people besides youi and Lucy up yeah what we a goo for you know parts but yeah it was the first one wasn’t all that but I I’m glad to see how it’s improved who was the who was the person

Who introduced the other to joining Crown Quest me I introduced kuki because they followed me on Twitter and I was like hey this looks really cool so I sent it to kuki and I was like maybe this is something we could apply to yeah Swift dm’ me and was like Hey I applied

To this you should too and I saw and I’m like H somebody just trying to be MCC like this is kind of cringe I’m not going to lie but it’s free content all apply so I did and the rest is history well speaking of uh Crown Quest yeah

Where we’re all crownquest players here and W and and and lately lately kuki has been popping off in Crown Quest yeah 30th and Titans baby pop off let’s go we can we can ignore that hey I know how 30th feels I know how it feels all

Right we all have that one bad event yeah if I’m gonna have a bad event I wish it wasn’t en Titans but I understand it being en Titans at least it’s non- Canon at least true true um kuki explain Crown Quest now Crown Quest is an event with 40 individual Minecraft

Players heading into in teams of four to Duke it out in a series of mini games are you reading something no I’m not oh keep going to to Duke it out they earn coins in these mini games where they can buy equipment for the final Coliseum a PVP free-for-all where all 10

Teams will go up against each other and the last one standing wins the whole event so basically a better version of MCC yeah yeah basically a better version of MCC true true yeah yeah yeah um but how many Crown Quest events have you been in every single one except for

Three that was the first one I won too kuki wasn’t there when I won now all I’m saying kuki wasn’t there when I won my first time and I’m technically not playing this time around cuz I’m a commentator oh sooh and something I’ve also noticed every both times I’ve won one one person

On our team has really bad weather the night before so that’s already a coincidence to me winning and then we have that other thing I think I think this might be kuki big break dude this could be it this could be it I looking at the roster I could see kuki getting

Like first and div not no lie no lie I think it’s possible it’ll be difficult I I could see it happening I mean you got second in Crown Quest 6 and you weren’t even that far off from first I don’t know there’s two really good indiv players in this event those being

Dolphin man and Toff Toff is like crazy Toof goes like top three in like um Mayhem and like other events like I did see to’s parkour time player yeah they they beat dolphin man’s parkour time on the practice server like they’re crazy good it’s absolutely insane but yeah

You’ve been doing really well recently and there’s also a lot of tier lists going around right there’s always there’s always Crown Quest tier list always the tier list drama where would you consider yourself don’t say anything else other than S tier all right go honestly I

Would put myself at the top of a tier I I don’t think I’m s tier I think an S tier is able to like carry their team if there is not another s tier on the team and I think it’s been proven that I can’t do that maybe maybe it’ll be

Different with seven because I think I’m with like two other a tiers on a b tier which is still a really strong team but personally I see you as an S tier like the bottom of s I think you’re at the bottom but I think you’re there any

With s is a compliment you’ve just done so well individually and the only time you’ve done bad was when you had almost no time to practice and you were subbed in that’s the only time you’ve done bad in an event so I really think um I guess

Except for like the the first three Crown quests after after one I I was like a mid also it proves that you were getting dramatically better with with each each one you know I do agree that I’ve gotten better I I am proud of that

I missed the days when I was better than kuki there are like only like a handful of crown questers that dramatically get better with each event I mean I feel like everyone does but there are those who like I consider myself one you definitely are like from your performance in three to your

Performance in Titans just like massive Improvement nearly 100 coin difference yeah um but yeah yeah there’s there I I I do consider I see kuki like being the top of that list of being better and better and better each time in a can event I’m the opposite uh oh because I’m stealing

Your skill oh no I’m always like I always average in the teens and my best placement was top 10 but then KRON West 6 came and I got 30th and I’m kind of falling off but that’s okay because I’ve I’ve got something cooking up during December and it’s going to be pretty

Crazy so maybe during Pantheon we’ll Crown Quest Pantheon we’ll turn that around I’m very excited for your Pantheon team have you have you leaked that to the general public yet uh no I have not no one no one knows okay kuki knows kuki knows no one knows I want it

To be a surprise me too me too I’m not saying a word yeah I’m not I’m not going to say anything just yet but that would be that’s actually going to be a really fun video announcement if you don’t like tell people who it is and they find out

During the video right like a Super Smash Bros character release dude there I’m I’m gonna be excited for like the watch parties for the application videos I so excited to do those that’s so that’s gonna be such a fun time because I’m GNA free stream content I’m so excited oh my

Gosh it’s uh it’ be I mean Randy was right it’d be it’s like MCC Rising but you know Crown Quest I can’t wait for the tier list for the applications and all the salt that will come from that oh my gosh yeah who or not sorry not who

What is what would you guys say is and we’ll go we’ll go one at a time is your favorite Crown quest game including benched games any version of any game so you could like for example Crown Quest 2 conquest or like crownquest 3 conqu you know any version of any game let’s hear

It well I I want to say first um we are getting dangerously close to being a side quest podcast right now question it’s okay this is one episode this is one episode yeah yeah yeah that’s fine for better um yeah I do say I do say uh I’m might have to say

Tectonic no no you have a lot of fun in tectonic I mean it also gives me like five heart attacks at at at the same time each time um it’s either tectonic or a IUS Icarus is is a very hot one right now I would I at the risk of sounding

Basic I would agree I think Icarus is my favorite right now I think it’s tied for my first so I’m I’m going to do a little explaining Icarus for those of you who are unaware it’s a it’s a PVP like survival games but it’s in the sky and

You have elytra is a few fireworks and you can get better loot by looking around the map each kill is a certain amount of coins but you also get Survival coins and you also have a Riptide Trident CU there’s a bit of water on some places Lots ofy use your

Rockets for everything yeah I I really like Icarus I think it’s tied for first my other game that is tied for first is Gauntlet because it’s so like team based and I I just love that aspect of it it’s the team game fun I’m there’s a little

Bit of a bad taste in my mouth from Gauntlet just from like the expert parkour on the like that I’ve had to do in the last two events um the NEOS the ne the latter NEOS the NEOS were fine but like having to like I don’t

Know just like break your spine to grab those ladders in those events it was yeah disgusting that first jump around like the first ladder Neo is that a lad Neo would that be counted as one I don’t think it’d be a lad Neo I think it’s

Just like a that 180 ladder crap that that I cannot I couldn’t do that jump I could do every other jump consistently just not that one I could never do expert difficulty I’ve always done a hard the first ever time I did easy but just cuz I was I

Wasn’t good at parkour and all that stuff but every other time I’ve done hard difficulty and I just I don’t see myself doing expert but maybe maybe in Pantheon we’ll see it the gauntlet is so annoying to me because like me and my team will like especially the last two times we

Would cook through like the the the all the obstacles we would get to the parkour we would be like the first team to get to the parkour and then it would it would just be the final the final expert parkour that would slow us down happens to the best of at least you

Weren’t Diamond Dolphins during Crown Quest Titans o rip diamond at least you weren’t them they took 10 minutes on Expert I believe yikes I think I’ve done expert three times I think now and I the first two times I did it somewhat pretty fast uh both parkour and obstacle level thing

But for Titans I may have slacked for like an extra like one minute or two minutes in the final parkour so I I feel kind of bad for that I made mine on the second sh but I also rebuilt mine so just because I didn’t want a repeat

Of crown Quest 6 that’s the only reason why I did that I probably would have rebuilt mine in practice but like they made it harder by changing the expert and not telling us how they were going to change it in the non-canon event because they were like oh we’re g to

Make it easier and then they proceeded to not make it that much easier for Titans it was slightly harder in my opinion it was slightly harder it looked like it because that angle was a tighter angle it was it was a much tighter angle and like yeah the ladders like cut cut

Cut each other off I don’t know yeah insane abely okay enough about Crown Quest yeah uh talked about that too much um where uh Swift swift so this do you have any ghost stories or any like super actual experiences of any kind huh um did I say Swift name yeah you did I

Was a bit confused but I answer anyway okay yeah um no I think ghosts are afraid of me so they start to like steer clear I’ve never had like a paranormal experience oh really like nothing out like nothing strange you’ve seen nothing that made you like think what was that or something

Nope maybe it was all gamer I know one really scary experience that I had I um I was going to Chicago one time to like meet up with this guy I had met online right and he he was really scary yeah like I met him and he he was just like

Terrorizing me the whole time call actually now that you mention it something similar happened where like it was it was Chicago for me too I was going there and I saw this like very very pale very skinny like man watching me like all day it was kind

Of crazy what did his hair look like was it nice uh it was like kind of longish um it was up sort of like like half up half down um it wasir going I’ll admit it was pretty good hair yeah it’s even longer now pretty handsome guy I’ve I’ve heard

But yeah I don’t really I don’t really have any scary experiences do you wub Dum I I have a few not directly at like I I didn’t directly experience them myself but I’ve had some stories from close family members but uh I do have one where I

I had sleep paralysis or I almost had one um like twice uh first one I uh I escaped it through sheer willpower but the second one I wasn’t so lucky um okay I’ll tell you about the second one so this got there’s gamer this Vibe got

Uh got really creepy C cue the creepy music thanks editor wub that was pretty creepy okay okay here we go so this was uh last year I recently moved I just did not want to sleep at all it was that time of my life so

I I there would be like a period where I would just I would just fall asleep randomly um like throughout the day every time like I I laid down or whatever and I it was it was during the night I walked into a room and I laid down and

Half a second later I was just unconscious and I don’t know if you guys know like heard any other sleep paralysis stories but often times they feature this huge like demonic shadowy figure in the corner of their eye or something that happened to me and um

I so I was aware that I was sleeping right like it was a weird self-conscious like like astro Projection State I was in and in the corner of the room I saw this very tall very skinny dark shadow that looked like a man and I started freaking

Out I was panicking I was screaming on the inside but nothing was coming out um no yeah that was me my bad yeah yeah yeah so kuki right he whenever I saw him in the corner of my room he got into a Crouch position and took in a and like

Started walking towards me it was and he he like he looked like he was about to like start sprinting and that’s when I I was like oh crap oh crap oh crap I just started screaming at the top of my legs on my head but nothing really came out

Eventually I woke up and I Shrugged it off uh walked inside to my aunt and she’s like ah yeah wow that’s um but don’t forget when you go to bed that’s why you should always keep an ender pearl on hand cuz you never know you never or a

Boogie bomb it it sounds like you were visited by an Enderman like lowy tall shadowy figure that’s yeah that’s an Enderman I throw pack a boogie bomb or an Ender PE next time like Swift said throw it on that shadowy demonic figure and it’ll turn from sleep paralysis to just an awesome time

Yeah dancing with your sleep demon that would be kind of hype not gonna lie oh yeah that’d be kind of hype we could stream that let’s make it happen let’s make it happen let’s make it happen kuki i’ just stay up for as long as he

Can um okay so if got any more topics buddy H um not off of the top of my head but I wanted to ask kuki if he had any anything he would like to bring up or anything that we’ve talked about that he wanted to add on to

Um that’s a good question I I know that wdub and I have kind of been talking about like YouTube stuff a little bit at the start of this podcast and I know that you have a video coming out soon is there anything on that you’d like to touch

On oh me yeah or what okay cuz we both do um well it won’t be out until the middle of January is my expectation maybe early to Middle January is what I’m going to give a guess to but it’s something that I feel like I need you

Know not only I don’t want to spoil the topic of this video it’s it’s a Minecraft video I mean it’s kind of expected but I don’t want to spoil it just yet I’m going to be I’ll post a clip on my Twitter soon because I I know

Just clip I’m going to post it’s going to be great um but I I’m very excited for it because I feel like not only is this video I just think it’ll it’ll be a nice first video like a first real video to have on my channel I’m already

Learning so much and I haven’t even finished the intro so using what I learned from this video and seeing how well it does I’ll be able to like learn more about what I should and shouldn’t do for my bigger video that’s coming out next year um deadly disasters if I ever

Get around to editing that we’ll we’ll see we’ll see that’s that’s definitely advice I would give to like anybody who’s like an aspiring content creator is to like not expect your first like at least your first three videos are probably going to be bad but that’s because you’re still learning how to

Like edit videos and like how to do effects how to storytelling shots compos position all that stuff so like it it the best way to learn all that stuff at least in my opinion is by doing the the mindset that I want to because I I feel like the best

Mindset going into like if you actually want to become a YouTuber for like full-time career going into it with like a huge like learning mindset is is the best advice that I feel like I can give like watch like you know as you’re watching your favorite YouTubers ask yourself why

They’re doing everything they’re doing um why this why that how uh and that’s what I do every time I watch a YouTube video nowadays I’m like I’m always analyzing it over and over again what’s what’s uh what’s one of your favorite videos that you’ve seen most recently and something cool that they did

Oh oh so hm that’s a good question I watch a lot of YouTube let’s just say that I I have so there’s just a lot of things Um I will tell you a channel that I’ve gotten back to and like I’ve went back and watched like all of their older videos and modern videos to compare and contrast and to see how they edit everything mhm um so fortnite’s on the right right yeah true and along with fortnite there’s big

YouTuber this big YouTuber man his name is ceday what you know what’s crazy I’m I am also re-watching his content would you believe that yes that’s that’s crazy dude oh yeah Cay is actually so funny to watch like I I love like I like to make

My own style obviously or I try to but I also like to implement like other styles that of other YouTubers I watch I like to think of my channel as like a mix between like like schlat Cay Vanos Gaming uh freaking uh technoblade uh just like just like a

Huge jumbo pot of like all these all these YouTubers that I watch to be honest I feel like that’s what most YouTubers are is like they were inspired by some particular part of like their favorite YouTube channels and all of that comes together to create like an

Own unique individual brand I think it’s very rare to see someone who’s doing something completely original that no you go you go I feel like that raises the question what um what kind of inspired you kuki to start creating content like why did you want to um why did I want to

Um how did we miss this question okay um came up with it how real should I get here like should we get really real or like just it’s okay my channel it’s okay if you save my channel yeah yeah it was uh or mine it was wub duub even though I didn’t meet

Him until like well after Crown Quest 3 which was in like March of this year like a month or two ago okay get real with us man we the real deal all right so for a little bit of backstory I was homeschooled all 12 years up until

College we we had just moved and this was when I was like um 15 I want to say we had just moved and I had like no friends and it was really hard to make friends because you know homeschooled there’s not a lot of things for me to do in the area that

We moved to yeah so it was just really rough and I just like a year or so before we had moved I had gotten into watching like gaming content like uh nobody’s probably going to remember this but no boom um Parker games the Cube SMP I started

Watching a lot of their content uh I don’t know if you’ve ever heard of grape applesauce uh no okay nope um but I I had been watching their content and like I really enjoyed it then um you know when we moved and I I didn’t know anybody uh a lot of my

Social interaction became like sort of that PA of social interaction between viewer and Creator you know yeah and I I think just spending so much time in that area with like that being my main Social Circle more or less um was like Hey I should maybe maybe I should do this I

Mean like I feel like I have a good skill set for that and Then I feel like it definitely helps if you like you know you grown up watching all these YouTubers and everything and you just you just know how it is from the start you like you get it yeah so so at first my parents didn’t let me my

Parents didn’t let me for a while basically I had to turn 18 before I actually uploaded my first video um and uh then when I did that I also saw content creation as a way to like you know like legitimize like playing games going forward because like as as

I’m growing up it’s like you know is this really something that I can like devote like a good portion of my time to when there’s like so many other things that I could also be doing with this time and so content creation like not only is it like a monetary a

Possible source of like monetization um but then also like there’s just like a lot of people that it touches in the same way that it sort of touched me when I was younger when I was like lonely and didn’t really have anybody to interact with those creators

Were there for me and I am sort of able to do that and give back to like people who are feeling like a little bit ostracized so all of that sort of mixed together and that’s why I keep doing content creation nice nice what a what a beautiful answer I’m so touched I’m

Crying I can tell what about you guys I’m a little I’m a little bit curious how did you guys get into content creation mine is I can tell Swift story oh okay go ahead he accidentally pressed uh the stream button and he said well um you know I I’ll just keep going

Oops I you know I won’t stop now yeah yeah no that that’s it that’s it never looked back I just really liked watching Minecraft creators when I was younger uh DanTDM you know he he was probably my biggest the most but classic he was the

One he was the childhood one for me cuz everybody you know they have their stamping or their whatever that that was m that was mine and I I watched him so much and he he got me like to get Java Edition Minecraft and I’m like you know

What maybe maybe I should try this and I did I also um screen recorded with my phone me standing up on the other side of my room playing on my Xbox 360 playing Minecraft dude I can’t dude that I feel like every YouTuber our age that’s into gaming like us that every

Single person has done that before I’ve done that y I’ve recorded my 2DS screen while holding my phone like 12 Ines above it like I can say I’ve never done that what I’ve never done that unfortunate but then again I did get into like content

When I was like really old so I was able to like look up oh how do I actually like how do I actually like make this video how to actually like record my screen in a way that doesn’t look like I’m a 12-year-old trying to like well

That’s exactly what I was I was a 12-year-old who was trying to be that guy I miss the Bandy Cam and the fraps days video recordings I used to use those it would be so funny if somebody did their crownquest Pantheon app with Bandy cam oh my gosh with like the logo

On top and everything oh my gosh dude you take it one step further like have their phone recorded dude I that’s an IDE idea that’s an idea well we’ll see we I don’t know we’ll see for like for like a charity event or something just stream on the phone oh my

God oh my gosh dude hearing all the keyboard noises and everything that would be horrible for well for my answer I don’t think I answered um when inspired me I started watching YouTube whenever it back in like 2012 or 2013 is whenever I consistently started

Like I got I got hooked on it mhm um my first I still remember the very first video I’ve ever watched uh in like where I watched it watched it and um I was in the car passenger seat and I wasn’t doing anything I was probably drawing or something or reading

And my dad handed me his phone and he just put on like he just looked up like Minecraft or something that’s how I was playing and behold Sky Does Minecraft um he was the first channel I’ve ever gotten like uh who I’ve consistently watched and you know Stampy

Lad from there uh exploding TNT from there peanut butter gamer from there Game Theory like it all like just spiraled uh you know I know skyo Minecraft got into like a little bit of trouble recently is but like he always does content was like pretty funny for like the time and

The age like I I remember watching it and I remember getting like a pretty good laugh of it back when I was like 15 or 16 yeah that’s that’s how I learned my swear words wow I dude I was watching a Scott’s Mine video with uh one of my friends at their

House their parents were their parents were not at home thankfully and he paused the video and went to go make some macaroni cheese and I said bro like f you oh my gosh I was like I didn’t know what that meant like I was like so funny haha

Funny word I’m G I’m gonna say it to his face and he was like dude you just sweared at me I’m like what I’m confused like is that bad yeah I think I think that’s a really good example of one of the reasons why I try not to

Swear on my channel because like there’s such a wide range of people who watch especially Minecraft content there’s such a wide age range that like I don’t want to be the channel that the kid has that a kid has to feel guilty about watching because I swear in it

Yeah because I remember that would happen to me I’d be like watching a video and I’d be like oh my parents would like not appreciate the square words coming out of this guy’s mouth and I would feel so bad about it and I just I always appreciated it whenever a

Creator didn’t swear so I tried going into it to not be a creator that swears and of course there’s only so much you can control when you’re like collaborating with other people but like I can control what I say so um okay we’re reaching to the end of

This uh I do have one more very special question from the [ __ ] up lore for any wub yours out there you’re gonna you’re gonna love this okay so you know you know silverware right I know what you know silverware right superware no I don’t think so silverware silare yeah

Yeah silverware okay yeah yeah you know like a fork yeah yeah knife you spoon spoon Spork and rare PES no no don’t no no sporks no sporks are you listen carefully you can you can interpret this to however you want there’s no like specific guidelines to this there’s only two there’s only two

Sides are you on team fork or team spoon I I have to go with Team spoon yes I’m also I’m also the team spoon you could probably eat more stuff with Fork right yeah but I feel like the quity we’re getting like philosophical but this one the quality of things you

Can eat with a spoon is just so much higher in my opinion applesauce you can eat cereal you can eat like soup you can eat ice cream you can eat like oh like cake you typically eat with a fork but you could eat it with a spoon like those aren’t mutually exclusive um

But yeah cereal is like 80% of my diet at some points in my life so I’m team spoon so so spoon has a spoon was he he’s been there for you spoon has a special place in my heart What About You Swift why uh I just I think spoons are

Cooler dude like you know they’re they’re put together well you have these Forks they’re all separated and angry and they’re like they have all the prongs but a a spoon is just all together nice and Compact and I also really like the point kuki made with um the foods just being

Better well I I have been in this long fought War for this for this question I’ve asked many other YouTubers this I am personally team Fork all right and hear me out hear me out hear me out killing link you can kill so much easier with the fork than a

Spoon that’s I’m saying maybe spoon is a blunt force of weapon the fork can stab stab yeah like kuki said if you’re weak okay okay yeah I mean I’d like to see you say that to my face after I stab me with the fork after I spoon after I

Spoon you buddy wait wait I I do want to didn’t realize what I was saying I do also want to point out that a comically large spoon is a very funny thing a comically large Fork is just a trident it’s just a pitchfork like there’s nothing funny

About that yeah I mean if you enlarge a fork and put Riptide on it you can go you can go far you can go far in life that’s true well um wait wait let me cook this really quick right that gave me an idea really quick before we end I have a

Question for everybody here including comment this too for all you listeners what enchantment if you could enchant any part of you what would you enchant and what enchant would it be let’s go rip tide where my fist I feel like your feet would be better no then you could get around I

Swing I swing like Donkey Kong I have it wet and I launch yeah that that’s actually a really good point but I I can’t do it too high or right I just platter platter that’s why you need feather falling on your feet yep well well I can only have one enchantment

Though so uhhuh um it’s the risk I’m willing to pay question what does like what effect do enchantments have on like your brain So like um what sharpness gives you fast reflexes or maybe it just makes your head turn into Phineas [Laughter] because I I’m I’m lowkey thinking that

I’d like to like enchant my brain with like mending or Unbreaking or something I feel like that’d be really useful to have yeah imagine your like mind doesn’t get doesn’t like deteriorate with age and you’re just like I mean you’re just able to like keep a young mind

Forever I guess but like that’s not gonna like overcome your physical attributes yeah but like there’s no enchantment that’s really going to overcome your physical attributes unless you like enchant your entire body with mending but I I feel like that’s off of the table oh my gosh I I feel like I feel

Like you need that kuki with how old you’re getting it’s true it’s true grandpa getting getting up there my my my lower back kind of hurts when I play games for too long oh man um my answer to this question punch two on one of my pants any one of

Them I don’t care CU not punch they’re basically the same thing right but I feel like punch just it flings you back further than knock back punch only works if you throw something at somebody I think oh okay so may maybe we’ll go knock back then knock because

Sure like sharpness or like power is cool cuz it it hits more but it’s so funny just a FL someone away like if I don’t want to talk to you you know just get out of here little bro then shove them halfway across the street right okay I feel like you would

Like fire aspect on your hands though oh my God I’m not really a violent person imagine slapping a chicken and like it automatically chicken nuggets I could make a business out of that yeah you could you would be able to cook so easily slapping your food hard

Enough you have to come up with a catchphrase as you slap it too like let’s cook let’s cook that’s intimidating I don’t want to go near you I I do not want to Dap You Up oh wow you dap someone up they just spontaneously [Laughter]

Compose that was a good one but I think think uh I think it’s time we um oh wait one last thing I I could I could also go with swift sneak that’s me so I can just Crouch and like role play what kuki was doing in my

Sleep paralysis oh yeah and just like creep people out just like Sprint at full speed while crouching that would be funny okay okay okay well um kuki that is it for today do you have would you like to shout out anything anything yeah yeah I actually want to leak an upcoming

Event that I’m planning on hosting oh okay it is a Minecraft civilization event much like the ones that have done very well on my channel but the thing is is that it’s going to be using the cobon mod and I still have a lot of work to

Figure out it’s it’s it’s uh it adds Pokemon to Minecraft ah okay so there’s still a lot of technical stuff that I need to figure out I’m hoping to have it ready to go by mid to late December um and I definitely want to run it before winter break ends yeah

But I am working on that I’m working on the coding stuff behind that I need to get in touch with some of my team for like the people who help me runov and stuff and I I haven’t told anybody about this because I don’t want anyone to steal the

Idea I mean I’ve told some people but I haven’t like publicly announced it yet yeah and uh yeah so I I’m leaking that on your podcast for anybody who watched all 1 hour and five minutes stay tuned that I’m I’m working to get that out within the next month or so so

Applications will be out before then nice nice um well that has been another episode of the coffee spill we made it two episodes in I hope we make it a third eventually it will it’s gonna it’s it’s gonna happen it’s gonna happen y’all better subscribe to the coffee

Skill podcast right now right this second if you haven’t I see you I see you I’m going to appear in the corner of your room like I did for wub duub and then I’m going to Sprint ited with Sni yeah um but yeah please leave some uh uh

If you if you want us to talk about a specific topic or answer a specific question there’s a Discord Link in our description or you can comment it down below anything is cool um that’s about it thank you for watching bye bye can you say bye thanks for having me

Guys bye okay this is a really weird way to say bye I had to burp we’re done we’re done

This video, titled ‘Is KaNukei The Next S-TIER Minecraft Player? – The Coffee Spill EP 2’, was uploaded by The Coffee Spill on 2023-12-01 12:00:33. It has garnered 61 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 01:04:54 or 3894 seconds.

Is KaNukei The Next S-TIER Crown Quest Player? – The Coffee Spill EP 2 This episode of The Coffee Spill, the gang talks about YouTube, Crown Quest, and… Sleep Paralysis? huh… weird…

Check out The Coffee Spill Discord server!! (in the comments)

GUEST: KaNukei: @KaNukei

Check out the Hosts below! WubDub: @WubDub NotTooSwift: @NotTooSwift

#WubDub #Nottooswift #Thecoffeespill

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    Insane BrownCraft Party on MooWz Server #shortsVideo Information [Music] all through [Music] SW [Music] [Music] yeah This video, titled ‘BrownCraft – New Years Party | #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by MooWz on 2024-01-10 07:00:06. It has garnered 713 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Hai, I’m MooWz. A demon child who sealed in the darkness of the shadows. Hopefully you Enjoy my video. Thankyou~ ✦─◆── ·「Social Media」· ──◆─✦ ✦「Discord」: https://discord.gg/Esey9KYf7k ✦「Twitter」: https://twitter.com/MooWzCh ✦「Youtube」: https://www.youtube.com/@MooWzCh ✦「Instagram」: https://www.instagram.com/mowejet/ ✦「Threads」: https://www.threads.net/@mowejet ✦「Tik Tok」: https://www.tiktok.com/@mowejet ✦─◆── ·「Support This Vtuber」· ──◆─✦ ✦「Trakteer」: https://trakteer.id/mowejet ✦「SociaBuzz」: https://sociabuzz.com/moowz ✦─◆── ·「HASTAG」· ──◆─✦ General: #MooWz Game: #MooMabar Music:… Read More

  • Exclusive: Win Freebies in PrinceMJ’s GreekSMP Livestream!

    Exclusive: Win Freebies in PrinceMJ's GreekSMP Livestream!Video Information guys anyone look at my HP acknowledge this this amazing I don’t know HP bar I wouldn’t really call it amazing but yeah guys welcome back to the Greek SMP if you guys want to join the giveaway which is mentioned in the title and also in the description read the description there’s the giveaway rules there okay I’ll be announcing more of that in the OR at the end of this live stream what is this this looks so weird this is it looks like man bro someone someone throwing Trident someone throwing Trident at me it… Read More

  • Insane Rezero-inspired Shader for Potato Phones!

    Insane Rezero-inspired Shader for Potato Phones!Video Information Halo guys ketemu lagi dengan gua si A di game Minecraft Pocket Edition lagi tuh guys jadi video kali ini tuh gua mau nunjukin teksture pack gitu kan I wan to show you texture pack you know Anjay jadi ya tumben banget ya biasanya on kali ini tekstur pack gitu ya jadi tekstur pack-nya itu adalah shader gitu guys kurang lebih shader gitu guys jadi ini cocok banget ya ini cocok banget untuk hphp kentang seperti gua ya E 30 FPS juga gak nyampai gitu guys RAM 2 G 3 giga ya jadi E shader ini itu terinspirasi… Read More

  • Arcturus Factions & KitPvP: Custom Enchants, Payouts, No Resets, Semi-Anarchy

    Arcturus Factions & KitPvP Server IP: play.arcturusmc.xyz Arcturus is a 1.7.2-1.20.4 Java Minecraft Factions and KitPvP server. We never reset our map and have custom anti-cheating solutions in place. We’re looking forward to seeing you on Arcturus! – Arcturus Development Team Server Features Custom Prebuilt & Purchasable TNT Cannons Dungeon-like Darkzone PvP and grinding Custom Enchants based on PvP/move Quick Links Website: https://arcturusmc.xyz Discord: https://discord.gg/KnuqDcZDEu Changelog: https://changelog.arcturusmc.xyz Note: Paypal FactionsTop (IRL $$) Payouts every month! Some clips by our players: https://youtu.be/XFbwxSlnkU4 and https://youtu.be/UzwGt8xe0nI Server IP: play.arcturusmc.xyz Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Poem of the Day!

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Poem of the Day!Why did the creeper write a poem? Because he wanted to make a big “boom” with his words! Read More

  • Craft a Smile: Zoonomaly Portal in Minecraft

    Craft a Smile: Zoonomaly Portal in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, where monsters roam, The Smile Cat Monster makes its home. With red eyes and a feline face, It’s a boss that you must face. Crafting a portal to its domain, In Zoonomaly, where it reigns. With obsidian and steel, we build, A portal to make your heart chilled. The final boss, the Smile Cat Monster, In its lair, we dare to venture. With villagers and iron golems in tow, We face the beast, ready to go. In a friend’s unique house we find, The monster lurking, in its mind. A battle ensues, with fox… Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Wither Storm Memes 🔥

    Spicy Minecraft Wither Storm Memes 🔥 Why did the Wither Storm go to therapy? Because it had too many issues to handle on its own! 😈🖤 #minecrafttherapy #witherstormproblems Read More

  • Outrageous Minecraft Moments

    Outrageous Minecraft Moments Minecraft Moments Out of Context Nicco’s Wild Adventure Nicco finds himself in the midst of a thrilling Minecraft adventure, only to be interrupted by his wife’s unexpected panic attack when faced with an Enderman. The chaos ensues as they navigate through the game’s challenges and surprises. Unconventional Situations In the heat of the moment, Nicco and his wife find themselves dealing with unexpected scenarios, such as letting creatures make babies in their house. The comical dialogue and reactions add a unique twist to their gameplay experience. Emotional Rollercoaster From moments of laughter to sudden panic, Nicco and his wife… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Multiplayer Lucky Block Fun!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Multiplayer Lucky Block Fun! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, your go-to source for all things Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fun and exciting YouTube video titled “Bangla Multiplayer Lucky Block Fun – Let’s Play Together! #1.” While this video may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it definitely captures the essence of what makes Minecraft so enjoyable – playing together with friends and having a great time! If you’re someone who enjoys multiplayer gameplay, lucky block challenges, and trending Minecraft content, then you definitely need to check out Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community, unique gameplay features, and endless possibilities for adventure, Minewind… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Build, Craft, Conquer

    Crafting Chaos: Build, Craft, Conquer Welcome to the World of Infinite Craft Step into the expansive universe of Infinite Craft, where creativity knows no bounds and endless possibilities await. In this virtual realm, players can unleash their imagination and build, craft, and conquer to their heart’s content. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer to the game, there’s always something new to discover in the ever-evolving world of Infinite Craft. The Joy of Building and Crafting One of the core elements of Infinite Craft is the art of building and crafting. Players have the freedom to construct anything their minds can conjure, from… Read More

  • Dronio’s Anvils Rain Down in Minecraft 😱🔨 #shorts

    Dronio's Anvils Rain Down in Minecraft 😱🔨 #shortsVideo Information Minecraft Но с каждым лайком падает наковальня О’кей я заспавнился и теперь я вас очень прошу пожалуйста не ставьте лайки Ладно давайте добудем дерево и что зачем вы поставили лайк наковальней падает очень много скорее бежим Кстати а наша единственная цель – это найти один Алмаз вроде бы Вы перестали лайкать и кажется я там вижу деревню И что Зачем вы опять начали ставить лайки скорее прячемся так я вроде бы выжил и что посмотрите там голема уже придавила Вау здесь есть кузница в ней у нас О Здесь есть кирка так я предлагаю отправиться в шахту This… Read More

  • Pushing Limits in Vanilla Minecraft

    Pushing Limits in Vanilla MinecraftVideo Information and good morning oh you you’re still in bed hey I’m just getting up myself oh my God stretchy MC stretch pants dude hello demro good morning how did you sleep at least hello Triton so’s up two cats one dude hello put yes SS up yeah what up Mr big guy how you doing brother how’ you sleep how you doing hello Cat good to see you coconut oil in the morning ah wakey Wy I’ve missed this intro song though Bacon’s old intro song my fingers are like calloused playing guitar taking the day off yeah… Read More

  • “Pro Gamer Kartikay Conquers Desert Temple in Minecraft!” #gaming #shorts

    "Pro Gamer Kartikay Conquers Desert Temple in Minecraft!" #gaming #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘When Noob Finds Desert Temple #minecraft #shorts #short #trending #technogamerz #gaming’, was uploaded by God Gamer Kartikay on 2024-01-11 18:30:34. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Subscibe for more Videos LIke this. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Wood House Build In Minutes!

    Insane Minecraft Wood House Build In Minutes!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to build a Wood House in Minecraft part 2 #shorts #short #minecraft #tutorial’, was uploaded by BriceHere on 2023-12-25 04:30:11. It has garnered 472 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. Thanks for watching, don’t forget to Subscribe and Like for more videos like this 👍🦄 How to build a Wood House in Minecraft Subscribe : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOqb… Follow me on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bricehere/ #minecraft #howtobuild #tutorial Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Diamond Mine Battle!! #MinecraftMadness

    INSANE Minecraft Diamond Mine Battle!! #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information [संगीत] मैं दो जन्मों से माफ्ट खेल रहा हूं लेकिन मुझे आज पता चला मा में तो डायमंड भी लेने होते हैं तो आज तो मैं डायमंड लूंगा माइनिंग करके अरे वाह कितना प्यारा डायमंड है अभी मेरे पास दो पिकस है एक है बुदन पिकस दूसरी है स्टोन पिकस वदन पिकस काफी हल्की होती है स्टोन पिकस तो भली होती है तो मैं तो वुडन पिकस से ही माइंड कर लूंगा अ मेरे डायमंड कहां गए ये जलूल इस डायमंड की गलती होगी बहुत एटीट्यूड दिखाता है ये डायमंड आज तो काफी टाइम बाद डायमंड लेने आया… Read More


    🔥 INSANE MINECRAFT DAY 2: CRAVING MORE LOGS 🌲Video Information [Music] a [Music] n [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello hello hello hello welcome um hello it’s been a while uh I have been Not Dead uh I got a new job and well not a new job but like a promotion to my previous job um so I’ve been kind of busy with like six hour day work works and Sunday was my only day off for a little while so I kind of wanted to not stream for a little bit but I am back and hopefully I will do Sundays um as much… Read More

  • Exploring Shizo’s Epic Pillager Base! Ep. 13 #minecraft

    Exploring Shizo's Epic Pillager Base! Ep. 13 #minecraftVideo Information welcome to reaction seeds let’s go do you like the Cherry bioms I was give this seed for Bedrock Edition I leave it right here on the screen here we go okay we spoon in this area okay we have a cherry bioms okay and go to exploration these are ooh wow guys look we have a beautiful Cher beum we have a big Village and we have a Pillager base but guys look at this Village it’s very very big we have more Village do you like it guys subscribe and leave a like if you know… Read More

  • Dg Six – CRAZY Minecraft adventure LIVE!

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  • Shocking Collab: TeeHiggz_Gaming & CaptainSparklez 2010 Hit Song #nostalgia

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