Kawaii Cabin Building in Minecraft – Ashezi

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[Laughter] oh lovely frak oh um hi fuzzy that’s kind of more of a fuzzy right than a Kermit I was trying to do a Kermit but it came out as a fuzzy fuzzy talking in third person easy um but man it’s been a long time um K Kermit the uh frog here hi

Um kit are you okay no um Miss Piggy um um she took the kids no no I can’t believe it I can’t believe she took the kids you’re cooked I can’t believe it that uh that really sucks Kermit um what can I do for

You um maybe if um I could uh maybe ask for um a little smoochie E I mean yes I don’t know what I don’t know what I’m writing here I don’t know what what story I’m Weeping at the moment oh my gosh my God no shut up shut

Up shut up shut up shut up I the kids so I said cuck so fast in the Stream it was like I have this thing where say cuck every stream frame one frame one cuck wait okay so can can you specifically say like what like what

What what word are you saying here what do you mean like how’s it spelled c u c k oh cuck got you uh-huh yeah get cucked okay what what kind of word is do you not know what it means well no but like that’s not really what I’m asking

But like what I I don’t know what question I’m asking to be honest with what are you asking I don’t know I just I’ve heard the term before but I I I I don’t know like is it is it like a swear word or no it’s like an action it’s an action

Oh it’s a it’s a a verb you BL someone like if you block someone off like they cucked you like they blocked you off they stopped you from doing the thing okay okay interesting oh okay so whenever I say like I got cucked and like and it’s

Referring to like you know I’m playing something and something like in the game like kills me or something I’ll be like oh my God it freaking cucked me ah n n okay I get you I get you yeah yeah I see now I see now but you know

With that out of the way with that little with that little education little thing from Ash how about we jump into Minecraft that’s not the original meaning of the word okay fine I know the original meaning but yes Minecraft oh well I don’t but that’s fine woo

Minecraft you’re fine you only gets to know like the later meaning I know before didn’t before I think it was like very not safe for work I think oh is it a not safe for work term it might be ow what was that what did you do that what what did

You what I got hurt that was you why did I get hurt did I have like a leg cramp yeah e no another the morning leg cramp freak yeah when when you like wake up and you’re like a let me stretch my Ah that’s exactly how it goes down I’m

Like oh let me let me stretch my leg out real quick and I’m like oh my god oh oh pain suffering the paid why are there’s so many zombies zom zombie please stop oh no creeper oh man get out all right I need to collect my carrots

So I can sell them to the villagers to make so much money and then I could put them into a into a great business deal a greater a great a great business deal yes that’s my goal and this thank you I don’t know where I left off on the

House I was doing I think it’s the inside I was doing but I’m lazy man it looks nice sheesh the what the the yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah the one you were working on last time I oh I remember now yeah I was like I was like what house I was like I

Don’t I don’t remember what you were working on last time but now I do I remember I scared you in here shut up oh ow e little scared rat oh I need another thing right that’s oh you need a trap door door ah your leg it’s CAU a bear trap

Get out of here no I need like the last thing of this leg quiet quiet I want to hit you so bad quiet [Laughter] quiet running for your life from sh above my God that is the greatest thing ever I I hope everyone in chat has seen

That before actual cannibal shy of buff it’ll be scary if somebody just didn’t know what that was I feel like I feel like it’s like a ride of Passage you know in life you know I just feel like that’s the case case what do I need planks Case yes so many crops so many crops to harvest not you actually farming couldn’t be me I don’t Farm in this game I’m the farming boy I’m a farming boy I love to farm I’m just I’m just a little farmer boy I like to Milk The Cow get the

Chickens I was just a little farmer boy but then all of a sudden I met this really weird anime girl and then I got the power to kill God it’s pretty Crazy no comments on that I guess yeah we’re just going to not talk about that what do you mean it was a good it was a good story I was weaving there oh yeah pretty good pretty good yeah I think I think he would become a bestseller at

Some point you know I think I’m going to call it uh my my hero uh cattal Damia that’s going to be the official day there we go lower that down oh wait yes look at all those chicken I was you know my brain my brain’s really confused why is it

Confused probably cuz I got like no sleep but that’s fine don’t worry about it everything’s diob bu it’s fine I you know everything everything is awesome when you’re part of a team everything is AUM not the kagle not the kagle the crra the kagle the kagle

What’s a kagle that’s the whole point of the movie I’ve never watched The Lego Movie what I’ve never never watched The Lego Movie oh my God Onie putting that in the List this is I think I think I’ve just gone like I’ve unintentionally gone out of my way to avoid every Chris Pratt movie that’s not Chris Pratt yeah it is he’s the main character oh is he I couldn’t tell yeah he’s the main character he he didn’t sound like Chris

Pratt to me when I watched it I think it’s like I think it’s the only role he’s ever done that people actually liked to such it’s good movie just going to put the Lego Movie down on here oh I can update the list now perfect trolls I woke up 2 yeah trolls

3 Lego Movie that means you have to watch the Lego Batman movie Lego Batman is really good I watched that in theaters uh I know movies no no no no no no no no that’s all I know it’s a good movie okay what else do I need movie I mean I do

Like Batman of the Batman’s cool I do I do like the I do like the Doro dork KN I like The Dark Knight and um The Dark Knight Rises they’re pretty cool they’re they’re pretty neat not going to lie they’re pretty neat what can I say I’m just a fan of

Quality quality get it koala koala oh my God like I’m going to die okay how am I going to do this Frick I can’t believe it The Dark Knight arises I mean like I I love The Dark Knight I mean it has its problems of course like the the trilogy

But like you know mainly The Dark Knight Rises being the worst one cuz I don’t know what they’re going for there but still it was enjoying W enjoy these enjoy these nuts ah wrong way I need the other way I’m just saying The Dark Knight

Rises is like I I don’t know what the deal is with that movie it’s kind of just all over the place it doesn’t even feel like it’s done by the same people B is just over here like go with them uh I got this letter from Commissioner Gordon that says that

Um he did a lot of bad stuff and you shouldn’t trust him and everyone’s like oh my god did he really do that that’s crazy like what Gotham more like gotam more like gotam I I’m just so surprised like if someone came in and and and committed an act of like you

Know uh you know of like a a severe crime and exploded a football field and killed all the players and was like Hey I’m going to hold you all captive but by the way the police officer like the police commissioner he he’s he’s a bad

Guy I got a letter here that he says he’s a bad guy and everyone’s like oh my God I mean I have no reason to not trust this guy that like committed an act of terrorism right before our eyes you know like he seems like a trustworthy dude like what what do you

[Laughter] mean I’m just saying you know I I wouldn’t buy it but that that’s just me personally you know yeah yeah yeah exactly blows up a whole entire stadium and he’s like nah bro trust me I got I got I got the good I got the good facts Sor trust me [Laughter] Bro wow maybe it’s just cuz they’re hot do you think Bane’s hot Bane is hot wait I don’t remember how Bane looks I me I just say he’s okay I I mean I it’s hard to tell cuz you know it’s covered up by the mask that’s what the point of the

Mask is it’s so looks hot that’s what the point of the Mask is though is so that he looks hot you know people with mask like everyone thinks that people with mask masks look way hotter like that’s just like a rule of thumb I guess

Yeah I don’t know I just it it’s just it’s interesting to me you know it just like because the eyes because it f it makes you focus on your on the eyes and the eyes are the gateway to the soul oh I get you all of you have mask

Kings I mean you know it’s fine people like what they like look nice on people I think it definitely can why why is there oh wait did that happen yes let’s go they sell Pumpkin Pie and Apple what the that’s not what I want at all you

Know I want to sell stuff to you I want to make make money off of you you little word we’re going to have a word we’re going to have a word but yeah you know what you do make a pretty good point I’m going to be honest no one

Cared till I put on the mask yeah the entire the entirety of Gotham are like what do you mean he’s a he’s a criminal he destroyed so many things no let him cook let him cook let him cook blood Bane cook but yeah that’s like that’s like my

Main thing with with it that I find hilarious also the fact that like in the original version you can’t even hear Bane like half the time that’s also very fun am I doing this wrong I feel dumb what my door isn’t like opening like I put a door and it doesn’t open is

There like a block blocking it I don’t I don’t think so that would be the only reason I could think of but it should still be able to open you know are you crouching and trying to open it at the same time no I don’t know uh here let me let me

Put the door like by itself oh did you get the power saw no you can only open steel doors with buttons I left it outside I I put the I put the thing on the door with the magic marker okay go get the power saw shut up

Drake we have a problem Oh do we oh my God Josh oh I miss it shame that Drake Bell is um not optimal anymore he’s not optimal he’s not an optimal gamer optimization Drake Bell can can we get can we get uh Drake Bell in uh Windows borderless 144 uh Hertz real

Quick can we optimize him real quick could we uh could we do a little stress test on Drake Bell real quick They bumped at it yeah they’re no longer s tier anymore they’re a tier they’re not meta I’m coming to bed I went to go sell with the Villagers freaking when metas Scot existed holy who’s meta Scott that the last like the last final boss of Scott Pilgrim oh was that their name metas

Scott oh no it wasn’t but like if I say like if I say what it is I’m I’m just just like oh no I might say it wrong [Laughter] oh got you got you no it’s been uh I I don’t remember name super well so all I

Remember is Scott well okay I called Scott in Scott Pilgrim versus the world like I called him grommit because his roommate was Wallace and like that’s my brain just worked in a weird way so I’m just like oh it’s Wallace and grommet so I called him grommet for like a good

Half of the movie and I’m like ah Gromit he is time in a little little dog you [Laughter] stop but True what are some other movies I got to put the FNAF movie Down freak A the FNAF movie I do need to watch that I need to watch the FNAF movie movie me too even though I don’t I don’t think I like it to be H what do you mean

Well it doesn’t have Markiplier so that definitely deducts some points yeah yeah yeah you won’t go hello everybody my name is Mark abler and welcome back to the movie theater oh my God M that’ be cool oh my gosh Mar player how go how was it what the movie

I haven’t seen it so I don’t Know or maybe Scott Pilgrim versus the universe maybe that’s what they’re asking well the next one’s called Scott Pilgrim take not takes the world oh shoot I forgot what it was called I keep I keep saying Scott Pilgrim versus the universe like my brain thinks universe is there like I

Don’t is there like a comic named that that I heard about at some point let me look cuz it’s the world right like Zao yeah that’s the movie name yeah okay I don’t know why I I think I think for whatever reason um the universe just

Popped into my head and it won’t the univers poped into my head I know it’s awful like there’s so much stuff in here my god oh yeah that’s uh that does exist oh okay cool oh wait no it do I thought I was going oh no well I’m going

Crazy yeah you’re cra I’m going crazy for these great deals like uh anyway I had nothing to follow that one up with okay I’m glad you tried at the very least come chill and watch block game while watching block game wait what oh while playing block game yeah yeah

Yeah I was doing that with Baler yesterday I’m trying to figure out what to do cuz I don’t have a plan I prob one before I probably should have thought of one before we started streaming but like yeah my brain has not been working optimally today oh so like I don’t

Really know to optimize your brainn you you should have like thought of something though you know that I probably should have you know that we do this weekly random stream and it’s mostly always Minecraft until like next thing yeah well I don’t know like maybe like what what is there to

Do I don’t know I can make more pathing like I don’t know create creative oh my gosh no not creative creative Minecraft no oh my gosh I can’t be creative oh that’s too much pressure I can’t be creative I’ve heard about tear down it seemed pretty cool it seemed pretty

Neato um I’ve not played it myself though I’ve watched other people though I need Sand thank you I’ll be here all night okay slay oh my God like King I can’t believe it you’re going to be here all night wow what a hard worker oh god what have I done with all this wood wood would you rather okay have infinite

Game but no no money or infinite game but no game wait what wait have you not heard that Meme before no I was just like okay and then I thought about what you just said this like what what the heck yeah know that’s exactly what it is

Onie I’m playing mind games with me right right now I am I’m always playing mind games that should not be anything new to you it is new to me that shouldn’t be new it’s new big some of blowout woohoo big some of blowout I don’t know why that’s

Been that stuck in my head ever mention it for no reason yeah I just mentioned it randomly like it popped into my head I don’t even like frozen to be honest with you I know I just keep thinking of that one guy Yoo big Su of blot we’re going to watch that

Guy I don’t want to watch Frozen I don’t I I can’t I it was enough pain to go through trolls like just trolls I’m not going through Rock trolls they’re not the same oh yeah it’s infinite yeah infinite bacon but no games or or uh infinite games but no

Games that’s what it is bacon yeah bacon because you know everyone was on such a bacon craze like back in like 2013 or whatever dude why was is bacon so popular like there was bacon Band-Aids bacon whatever I was just like I have no idea like the bacon industry that was a

Conspiracy by the bacon industry I’m 100% confident you know you know what the you know what the bacon industry was thinking of when the memes were very popular what woohoo big sum of blowout stop I hate my sense of humor sometimes I just have one joke and I just I just

Stick so hard to it and I just H yeah there was so many like there were so many bacon things there was bacon toothpaste soda like who wants that like Bacon’s good bacon bacon tastes good unless you’re vegan I don’t yeah I guess but like like I don’t want it in like

Every single product that I own you know yes you do no I don’t I don’t need my wounds to taste like bacon yummy slurp slurp slurp M gang gang yum yum never slurp slurp slurp my wounds again again never do it again why Nots because it’s like really weird and

Like literally I’d rather die you eat your wounds yeah sometimes you don’t it’s like an anime character you know like like like you know Orochimaru from from nuto whenever he bleeds he’s like you know that that’s exactly what happens I don’t know how to feel about you saying that right now what

Nothing I just don’t know how to feel you know do you ever feel like a plastic bag drifting through the wind waiting to start again um actually it’s wanting to start again um not that I’d expect you to know that’s true I did say it [Laughter] wrong God

Do the why is it always why always like tired when when we Stream So I I’m in this like weird goofy existential like plane of existence where I just don’t know what to do M yes delicious wound well you know what the solution is sleep

What no I couldn’t I could not I could never I could never sleep I would never sleep so slow as to lay my head against a pillow sleeping is against my nindo my ninja way know yeah nindo you know ninja way no ninja way no that’s what they say in

Naruto my n my ninja away I don’t know what I don’t watch Naruto I don’t know even if you don’t watch Naruto that’s like common knowledge like that’s not common if I didn’t know it it’s it’s pretty common they literally say it like in every episode

Of like the first bit of Naruto I don’t watch Naruto he Naruto changes his nendo like every two episodes between you know hard work sometimes this is nindo but sometimes it’s like not backing down on his friends but sometimes it’s like you know killing people I don’t know what about

Someone who never watched a single episode of Naruto what the freak okay all you need to know is that Naruto is um Jesus of ninjas oh okay got it and I’m not even joking that’s like that’s like just the truth oh oh he’s B he’s yeah he’s just like God basically

Oh you know just don’t worry about it don’t don’t sweat the details it’s fine also I got pumpkin pie from a villager pumpkin I did that pumpkin pie you haven’t seen it either I’m not going to lie like the early like the original Naruto before shapin really good and like the first

Half of shapin also very good the second half yeah they they just didn’t have a plan there was no excuse there was no excuse how dare you fall asleep you’re weak well it’s night time Silly Billy and that’s not going to stop me from doing what I do best that’s right

Craft craft I’m just kidding I’m coming over mine mcra this is mine Minecraft Minecraft m in craft Minecraft I can’t believe it you didn’t craft that mine you dug it there’s mines hidden all over the place holy smok Batman everywhere I can’t believe this what are

We going to do what are we going To I love that sound so much it’s so good mine mine mine mine I’m going to like annihilate my brain don’t do it why you’ll die and if you die in the game you die for real I didn’t like that sound what was that I don’t know what was

It I didn’t hear it so I have no idea I have no clue what you’re talking about I might go I might go cave exploring I think that’s what I’m going to do think I think an Enderman spawns near me but I heard it yeah it’s teleporting oh that’s fun

Oh nice oh Enderman are cool it scared me though cuz all a sudden I just hear like and I’m like I was inside my beautiful house alone teleports behind you Alid leave me alone I don’t want to be here Please I have a wife and kids oh cryo cryia we’re matched we’re spicy you’re matched you’re spicy W I’m the Korean barbecue kind of spicy uh what kind of spicy are you Korea I I love how you’ve like semi adopted like my my phase where my brain

Is just like I don’t have like a funny end to this so I’m just going to go hello hello hello hello we spy I see oh so many cow hi cow hi cow hi cow cow you cow we smile hello Lori that’s how I feel right

Now cow cow cow there we go I’m out your emojis are really cute okay we’re good I was a I was a little bit trapped in a in a invention of my own creation woohoo speak some of blood why would you do that to me I was looking at my other

Monitor why I will kill you about it don’t don’t kill me no don’t do it I’m as spicy as ice water you know what that’s fair I water I need to make a shield I don’t think it’s sparkling water sparkling water is kind of spicy

Though not going to lie is it well cuz it’s like carbonated so yeah in a way not spicy spicy like it’s like it hurts your throat it’s not really what I would consider spicy you know I considered carbonation spicy when I was a kid I know it’s not really spicy but like you

Know I gu you know I guess it’s fair what was I doing I guess that’s a fair opinion to have I don’t know I I I’m not you wow that’s crazy believe it or not I know it’s pretty crazy I’m not a fan of sparkling water whatsoever I like sparkling

We I am a fan of it but specific ones cuz crazy every brand is different lroy I hate the way it tastes but I do like bubbly I lroy is like an extremely polarizing one I know like people either adore lroy and it’s like oh the nectar

Of the gods or people despise it with their heart and soul yeah and like you know act like it wronged them in a past life you know there’s this one sparkling water called Sparkling Ice that doesn’t taste like sparkling water at all it just tastes like a really nice like Italian

Soda oh interesting yeah know I I’ve only tried like a couple of Sparkling Waters but I’m just like ah like it it doesn’t taste good well I don’t know I had like a grape one recently I remember and I’m like ah this tastes like just watered down grape medicine yummy like

Ah this is just like the worst experience you looks like they would die for chocolate I’m not much of a chocolate eater actually I’m actually more of a chocolate eater than ashes how do you know that c throat like something else unsay so what do you what

Do you yeah I don’t want to know I don’t want to know yeah I can’t I can’t really like I can’t handle sparkling water I just won’t enjoy it you know and that’s the thing it’s like why would I spend extra money on stuff I wouldn’t enjoy that’s

Like why I don’t drink like alcohol you know our tastes are very different tast I hate the taste I think that like you know I don’t even get a buzz from it like no matter how much I drink so I’m just like yeah I don’t really get any

Benefit from this not to say that getting drunk is a benefit I I don’t think I would like the feeling of being drunk but like I know a lot of people just drink it for that purpose and it’s like nah not for me oh wait I’m so dumb

Wait hold on oh I’m silly what I forgot that last time I discovered that there was like a very easy path to the m shaft area oh yeah it’s the the hole that I have yeah I forgot about that so I need to yeah yeah yeah I went like the normal

Way through the cave and like I feel a little bit dumb feel a little bit goofy wow okay you didn’t have to you didn’t have to say that I mean you know could yeah wow you feel a little right now I feel a little I feel like a little bit

Uh gorch right now now like for real like go for real for real for real for real that’s I can’t believe you’d say something about my my my Huck yuck yuck gor sparkling water doesn’t have a taste well water does have a taste in general like it does it

Does like based on brand like you can tell like if you have different like water brands yeah there’s definitely a different taste I don’t know about sparkling water though but I’m sure like it probably has a very similar principle but it’s probably masked a lot by um like the carbonation you

Know also sparkling water come in like flavors yeah noral water tast good water can come in flavors water can come in flavors like raspberry blueberry cranberry ice berry berry berry berry dirt Berry many um mud Berry yeah uh what was I doing shoot God I’m losing yeah why would why would Brands

Flavor their water because some people don’t like the taste of water yeah like my I’ve known a lot of people that are like I hate the taste of water I’m like what are you talking about and they’re like I just hate the taste and I’m like

It it it has I mean like I understand it has a taste of some variety but like it’s not one that I feel like you should be bothered by right like no it B people they have to like Flavor it um with like you know like the little powder packets

And stuff like that so yeah some people some people just you know they’s not a fan I guess it depends like uh my bestie doesn’t like certain like water brands because they can like she has to get like um a very specific brand of water because she doesn’t like added

Like minerals and stuff cuz there’s a lot of like purified water and they’ll add like minerals and stuff to it and you can can taste it like a lot and she doesn’t like it she wants like nice natural water or like you know you can taste the difference in like the

Minerals and like well water and stuff like you know the easiest way to like um like tell with like water and stuff like that is the pH level like if you take um like I don’t know like a standard store bought water like I don’t know like

Zephyr Hills or something like that and drink it and then compare it with like Dan or Aquafina you will tell there is a severe difference um and that’s because of the pH level because uh um danani and Aquafina are both owned by the Coca-Cola Company they’re more acidic than other

Waters so yeah it’s a little fun fact oh it’s acidic just like their Coke products you know are you a Coca-Cola or a Pepsi person are you are you a Coca-Cola or a Pepsi person I’m a neither I’m a I’m more of a Dr peeper fan that is lit literally

Pepsi what do you mean Dr Pepper is a Pepsi product I yeah it is a Pepsi product but I think it tastes better yeah but like you’re that’s still you’re still Pepsi person you like Pepsi products or Coca-Cola products that’s fine by me that’s fine by me as long as

The point is clear that I prefer the one over the other okay we got it we got it but yeah water does have a taste it might be like very unnoticeable but like yeah ites it does have a taste of some sort you know like the shape of water

This is called The Taste of water and you’re on the menu I’m love with the shape of water no like there’s a movie called shape of water get out of [Laughter] here I need to eat this big potato before I go math I don’t know why my brain is just

Like love no cuz I was gonna say that I was going to say that because it’s like I love but it’s like I’m in love with the taste of you but not the shape of you oh wow I feel like that would be a very different oh wait no it is shape it

Is shape never mind yeah yeah it’s shape it’s shape okay okay my brain I can’t think Dr Pepper is owned by curig in the US and by Coca-Cola in Europe that’s a random fact thank you who that’s fun gig it’s bed by Pepsi or Coke depending

On region I just know that it’s Pepsi because like jobs that I’ve worked at like if we have like Pepsi or Coke products like different jobs if it’s Pepsi products we always have Dr Pepper if it’s Coke we don’t M oh I got Jack at

You do do do do water tastes like the shape of the container it’s [Laughter] in Ash what what takes it says takes what water takes the shape not tastes taste the shap shut up I can tell that this water was in a spherical glass please I glanced okay thought my

Reading was bad Shut Up jeez I I I’m dealing with uh what are they called a stigmatism but man I could read that shut [Laughter] up I like Dr salt okay you know what fair I like Sprite really good one kelp yeah Dr K specifically diet Dr kelp

That’s the best one how how else would you eat a pizza from the Crusty CR you know crusty cray [Laughter] pizza oh so good oh my God I need to where are you you’re in the mines aren’t you yeah I’m in the mines is it night time yeah but it’s

It’s okay I’m just working on the are you sure yeah I’m just working on the thing outside of the M yes you promise yes I promise you my friend my best friend my best friend best of friendo my best friendo have you have you um have you met the character in

Jiu-Jitsu kaen that says that yeah I said I would okay yeah I know him I didn’t remember I I forget things easily and I I like to double check just to make sure ah because you know it’s like oh who’s that and I’m like oh um don’t worry about it don’t worry about it gorch you’re so cringe I am that you know I feel like we discussed this a lot

And yeah I feel like it’s very apparent look when I say that it’s more of me just saying it and not me just making an observation you know are you sure yes you’re not on observation Duty right now no I’m not on observation Duty oh my

Gosh if you were that would be pretty cool no it would not why not because I don’t know I need dirt I left all of my dirt over as you said as you said I don’t know I just like I I dug you know to get

Some iron out of like a little little hole and I I dug out and you just said I don’t know and I just made eye contact with the zombie for a couple of seconds and he’s [Laughter] like please I don’t know what that’s my zombie impression like God that was so good cromie

Cromie abber cromie and Finch oh my favorite brand of clothing I am a brand of clothing what kind of stuff do they sell at abomi and fish I’ve never been shirts just normal clothing I think it’s just normal clothing but with the brand on it you know how Supreme has stuff on

It and it’s just say like it just says Supreme it’s like that but yeah it’s it’s typically for like cool kids to go to who cool kids I thought they all went to uh Denny’s I don’t know the LA I don’t know I love how I also said like the wrong place

Too I I said Denny’s I meant to say JC [Laughter] Pennies I I was like what is that place called the last time I’ve been to a JC Penny was like I feel like back in like 2010s holy crap early 2010s oh my God I always pass through JC Penney in

My Mall cuz it’s like the way to get into the mall like one of the ways so we just like park there and then go in through it so I always pass by and I’m like wow what a place I had a I had a

Mall um where I used to live like around the area and I remember like the best entrance would be like through the Barnes & Noble so you’d be like a heck yeah let’s go let’s look at some books baby and you’re like oh man I got that

That one I got that one ooh those are cool oh man they got have a hard cover version nice and then you would just not buy anything God cuz you’re like ah dang I don’t have money but that’s fine no money also true no money like okay so like I had like um

Not with JC Penney but someone in chat was just like I hated hearing J C peny cuz my parent from my parents cuz that meant spending 3 hours bored in a store and that was me with Kohl’s my mom would be like I’m picking up and we would spend forever in Kohl’s for

No reason no no no Co Kohl’s is like Kohl’s gets you because they’re like oh well you got you got $100 worth of Cole’s cash and you’re like free money and that’s how they get you that’s how they snag you into their web literally the Cole’s cash baby Cole’s

Cash free money you know I I I always wish that I knew one of those people that were like in extreme Co her for that reason you know my mom is cuz like if I’m going to spend like hours and hours in the store anyway I might as

Well like make money off of it you know hold on can I read something that someone said in chat right now please please do skib rler with extra G in Hao there go wow that that was really yeah a string of words that was a string of words thank you it’s

Undeniable Shakespeare who shut up Shakespeare who Shakespeare who shakespear who you know I’m not I’m not you know I’m not trying to diss anybody but I’m just saying uh you know how many times skibidi was used in Shakespearean poetry zero times yeah I mean how good could he have really been just

TBH how did skidy come to come to fruition I want to know I don’t know people made like weird videos with the uh the TF2 characters or whatever and it just kind of it just kind of took off I guess I don’t I don’t really know I I don’t

Understand it you know like I feel like such a boomer recently cuz like I just don’t understand like the current humor of like the Young Generation stop Z stop zombie no stop kill it kill it kill it it’s dead but it hurt my feelings um I’m building a like little kind of

Entryway get the whole oh hi whoa down here we have our Nether and like a mind I do heck yeah Golden Apple hot dog hot dog hot dog hot dog hot dog hot dog hot dog hot diggity dog we need to be we need to stop being

On the same wavelength it it worries me sometimes oh my gosh you need to eat jelly fil Donuts gosh a skibidi by any other I don’t know wait wait I’m so confused what line are you talking about a skibidi By Any Other Name meow I don’t know what that means I don’t know

Skibidi I don’t understand theity you got me I got him I can’t believe it from Shakespeare oh yes oh I’m not too knowledgeable on Shakespeare either I’ve read a couple of Shakespeare stuff but like I not a lot to be honest Shake It Off shake it off that’s not

Shakespeare can I just can I just say that Romeo and Juliet kind of overrated to be honest what about nomeo and Juliet though nomeo and Juliet is actually a masterpiece Beyond Epic Proportion I’m so glad that’s a movie you saw I mean can we talk about the amazing sequel of

Sherlock gnomes Sherlock gnome I haven’t seen Sherlock gnomes I haven’t either I saw one clip though of um the the main actor for you know Mr gnome himself um like promoting the movie and he looks so sad like he looks like he so doesn’t want to be there I

Feel so bad for him cuz he definitely got locked in like a contract of some variety and he had to do it and he just looks so depressed he’s like go see go go see Sherlock gnomes in theaters this Friday that poor guy I’m so sorry for

Him I am too it’s so funny to be or not to be that is the question to be or not to be to be from near that is the question to be yes from near the best Toby Toby I’ve never played my girl right there but I

Know I know ma’am and her like stuff yeah no she’s so good I love near it’s one of my favorite games what about far what about wherever you are I will be there go on jeez why do we have to be picky about the distance why don’t all distances

Matter I’m going to cry I’m going to cry don’t cry it’s too early for you to cry near I can’t even see [Laughter] cloth I mean you know before was was was was was is before is was is is was were was is wow wow wasby wow wow wubsy wzy

Wzy W Lov lives in a tree he likes to play play play he’s got a bendy tail and he likes it that way wow wow wubsy wopsy wsy w w w wsy wsy wsy w wow W is his friend he’s really smart he knows about science and books and art wow wow wubsy

Wubsy wsy wow wow yeah there I could sing the whole song but I stopped for copyright wow wow wubsy wubsy wubsy wow wow well there’s nothing copyrighted about it but like I just want St I don’t know I wouldn’t doubt it I wouldn’t doubt it I I feel like

Wowos be like maybe they have some really good lawyers you know oh shoot the Warriors are going to come after me not the wow wow wubsy Brigade The Warriors not the lawyers I can’t believe it but man I myself what a show I don’t remember really watching

Much of anything of that I watch I remember it existed okay I watched a lot of it I like like the general premise it’s a kids show so like one of those you know Nickelodeon kid shows where you’re just like he just goes and he plays with his friends and they have you

Know fun Antics sometimes ah so the one piece oh my God I think you mean the wub piece the wub piece Loves Me Oh My God Is The Wubs piece real the wub piece is real oh I need to eat this baked potato again it’s been a while I’m going through it

Oie you know what I want something specific I’m going to go into The Nether whoa you’re going to the nether shut up you’re like oh my God a rare Ash event this is a Canon event I can’t interfere shut up you know what never mind I’m not going to go in

There wait this is cute I’m gonna is that the only children that had a crush on Henry Danger yes I sorry I was reading chat I was reading chat who even is Henry Danger well he’s he’s after our time Nickelodeon after our time oh got you I

Was going to say I have no clue who Henry Danger is I think I was leaving like Nick around the time that he was around cuz it was that weird you know when nickon started doing lots of like live action stuff like a lot of it cuz they were

Trying to get this yeah they tried to follow up Disney XD and stuff right I think they tried to follow up like their success with like Drake and Josh I Carly universe so they tried making more Universe Drake and Josh Carly Cinematic Universe yeah exactly oh my

God I’m not going to lie though like in in all honesty Gibby solos Goku Gibby solos Goku what the he he he so he solos the Dragon Ball Universe TBH I thought you about to say the Dragon Warrior the dragon I’m not going to lie American Dragon Jake Long

Solos I’m not going to lie I me he do be he do be pretty crazy oie I’m going to cry what is this conversation don’t ask I have no idea I don’t know what to tell you Ash I got nothing I got nothing but no I don’t

Know Henry Danger idea someone in chat said he looks like a fortnite kid but they tried to make him look hot but he looks like a fortnite kid and never grew out of it I mean that sounds like all fortnite kids fortnite I like fortnite I like fortnite I like fortnite we like

Fortnite I’m going to cry again why are you crying I’m always crying when I’m with you man dang sag sagge can I have like a true and real not going to lie true and real true and real but no I don’t know who Henry Danger let

Me look it up real quick I sent you a gift in the in chat oh did you here’s how he looks which one is he one on the right yeah the one on the right yeah the left he’s like a he starts out younger but like he’s like I mean I don’t

Understand being down bad for either of them but the right one’s slightly more acceptable that’s cuz he isn’t he like the I don’t know I don’t know I think about Henry ginger I don’t know but both of them look like they’re like I don’t know I don’t know both of them give me

Like weird Vibes I just I don’t know I don’t know what to say about it there’s another that that one’s even wor they’re doing the was up meme the one from like 20 years ago yeah exactly I think that’s how old the show is it’s crazy man that’s that’s cringe it’s weird seeing

Him grown up I remember seeing him as a child whoever whoever is down bad for them I’m sorry I heavily judge you wait hold on uh hold on let me Al tab again yeah no I I don’t get it I don’t see it he just looks like a guy he looks

Like the standing man emoji yeah he does he does look like an emoji he does look like he would definitely feature in the Emoji Movie like he wouldn’t even be animated it would be liveaction person in the Emoji Movie that would be him oh he’s like hey

Guys what’s up it’s me the Emoji do you like this awful thing that I made yeah I see I see you made a thing I just want to like I just wanted to like make the hole more prominent yeah so that we can see it but I’m going to get stuff

Bye oh I’ll follow no don’t it’s a surprise oh okay watch me die immediately oh okay it’s it’s fine I guess it’s not like a big deal it’s not like a big deal or anything our brain our brains are surprisingly like in sync most of the time I don’t know how or why

But it’s just the way it is you know it’s just the way it I think actually I think this little mine thing definitely could work I’m I’m just going to dig like around it and make it like a bit more symmetrical but yeah this could definitely work he’s like I’m Hing

Reinger and I’m here to save the world with my useless Powers cuz I’m sometimes quirkless what the freak shut up oh my gosh wait is it is it like the the Nickelodeon my hero Academia oh my God that would make so much sense that would make so much sense yeah

That would literally make so much sense oh no wonder I don’t like it oh yeah okay so he’s like deu got you yes kind of is what they said I hate it Here it’s always so lit up in the nether deu but he never becomes good I mean I don’t as someone who has not watched uh most of the anime or I’ve watched half of the anime and who has never read the Manga I I doubt deu ever gets good but

That’s besides the point doesn’t he become a villain I think he becomes like a vigilante for a bit but I don’t know I don’t know if he I think is he still one I don’t know anything about but it’s like a I think I think I feel like it’s

Just like a phase like from what I’ve like from what I can tell I don’t like all in one power so I’m just going to become villain I definitely feel like like someone dies or someone like almost dies probably like again I I have no evidence for this this is my random

Guess at what happens um don’t confirm or deny whether or not I’m right or wrong but uh I feel like someone like gets hurt or whatever and he’s like well um it people will die um I have to do this alone and then he goes and then all

The people are likeu no you idiot why are you going alone and he’s like I gotta um or else you’ll get hurt oh jeez and then like that’s it yep that that’s the whole thing that’s that’s how I feel like that whole thing goes yeah that’s my that’s my that’s my

Uh analysis on that on that whole entire situation so yeah thank you for uh coming to my TED Talk Mickey Mouse honestly Mickey Mouse uh solos my hero Academia Mickey Mouse solo my hero I mean honestly Mickey Mouse would probably solo a majority of anime universes you know I’m just saying hello

Guys just going to be honest have you ever wondered about the door to Darkness yeah oh you’re talking about in terms of like power being good then fair but I mean like in terms of being like a good character I don’t thinku gets there at any point I just don’t like I just

Don’t likeu just I just hateu as a character I like his name he very much annoys me yeah because it means loser which is very fitting I just thought it look was cute and I think of like Zelda so you know like deu scrub and you’re just like it’s cuz he’s

A loser well that’s literally what deu means that’s why he has the name it’s cuz bakugo called him that it’s like it’s like useless or like yeah useless loser or something like that me too about that for real for real I really I’ll just say youru sounds like Morty a

Jeez all might I don’t know about this never say that again in my don’t worry about it don’t worry about it just quick 20-minute Adventure um a quick 20 minutes yeah 20-minute Adventure in and out easy peasy easy peasy lemon squeezy yeah basically like the name deu

Means like useless so that’s like the thing and people will like name like animals after it like oh my goshu my favorite anime character and it’s like wow you’re calling your animal like useless and a loser dang that that’s that’s messed up how could you you know

What that time my my friends uh what was it my friend’s my friend’s sister there we go named one of their cats deu afteru well now you can tell them that and then they can have like they can have the regret of being like Oh god what have I done you

Know and you could be like yeah look at what you did how could you how could you bet you feel real bet you feel real silly about that one now I always feel silly I me I always feel silly silly willy that’s my character trait I always feel

Silly it’s my secret yeah I what is happening what is sorry there’s a lot my chat they’re just like he’s at 13 He seed for a part-time job Henry Danger H Henry was drafted at 13 like what is happening oh does he have like a like an expanded lore to

Him oh my God this sounds like fanfiction it do expanded the Henry yeah yeah can I learn about the Henry Danger lore no I don’t want no no no okay okay okay okay let’s not do the Henry Danger can I learn about the Lab Rats lore Oh yes any

Anything for Lab Rats the the principal um whatever her name is the voice actress for Naruto I found that out and it really it really blew my mind I thought that was hilarious H man good old Naruto does she talk about nendos and ninja ways oh my God please only I hope so

Please I’m begging you what are you begging me for stop nendos Nando nandos I’m Naruto Uzumaki and that’s my ninja way nin I never kill people I just rather destroy their dreams what the freak actually that that’s Luffy actually Luffy apparently that’s a thing I don’t actually know how true that is but

Apparently someone asked in an interview with uh Oda they’re like why does Luffy not kill people and he’s like well Luffy feels like it’s more potent to kill their dreams like dang that’s insane I’m like oh my God I don’t like I it I mean to be fair from what I’ve

Heard Oda is extremely unhinged when it comes to his like interview SPS like specials so it I I think that’s fair Luffy where did my thing go Luffy yeah there’s a lot of there’s a lot of unhinged moments from that which honestly I would do too if I got asked

Like stupid questions all the time by like people and I would I would just mess with them a a lot thought you messing with them that’s what I would do I mean like you have to have fun you know you have to have fun doing what you do okay fair fair

Fair like why not you know just you know just do it you know just tell them like oh I don’t know uh um Back In 1902 um Luffy actually fought in the Civil War and they’re like really yes of course Luffy of course did my God Luffy kills people just

Unnamed ones I don’t know if like I I don’t know how like definitive it is that he has I definitely see that he could there are definitely instances where I’m like how are those people not dead but it’s hard to tell cuz sometimes the anime has them just like knock

Cannon fod enemies into lava and you’re like were those in the banga I don’t is that like Canon I don’t it’s fine you know and you you kind of just brush past it here you’re like and it’s probably Fine yeah just just just little little guys little guys doing their thing and they die you know just typical anime thing just typical animu things no biggie don’t worry about it I think I want some cherry blossom stairs I think I want those I think I want some cherry blossom

Stairs I think I would really appreciate o slabs slabs would work great oh that oh jolly good jolly good day thought you must say Jolly Be oh Jolly Be who remembers Timmy Turner Timmy Turner oh my gosh Timmy Turner why did you just say who remembers Timmy Turner though who doesn’t know Timmy Turner I mean apparently uh Nickelodeon allars brawl don’t remember him what isn’t he in there he’s not no he’s not not not a

Single Fairly Odd Parent character is in that game nor nor are they’re going to be in the new one either I don’t think which I find very interesting I don’t I don’t know if they have like a specific reason as to why though you know wano

Was happening when I was in high school we’ve been in wano for a hot minute it’s been a hot hot Minute oh I need a chest a little chest you need a little chest I need to put stuff away cuz my inventory little one the inventory is so full that’s fair I’m just going to make like a little little thing little little little little tiny thing in here and it’ll be amazing amazing

All right back into the nether I’m currently caught up on like all my anime though so I’m like oh gosh what do I do watch another one I know I know I need I needed debate which one I want to start though you know that’s the thing I’ve been thinking about a couple

Which ones uh one I’ve been wanting to is spy family oh a lot of people really like that one mhm um and I mean I don’t know how I don’t know like how much I’m going to like it but you know I imagine it’ll probably be pretty decent you know yeah

Yeah it’ll probably be pretty all right I suppose I don’t know what the I’ve just been I’ve been thinking been thinking oh what the freak hey what the hecky heck trying to think about what I want for this okay let’s put some this stuff little bit of little the of these

Bad boys you said spyx family and then um what other stuff am I thinking of well I’ve been watching some doctor Stone too so that’s been really good good um da da da da um uh I don’t remember I don’t remember I don’t remember I don’t remember I don’t remember I can’t help

You with that brother yeah I don’t remember what I was going to say say um but yeah I’ve been thinking about some other anime to watch and you know I’ll just have to figure that out huh I also have to I’ll have to figure out some stuff to watch Oh I

Thought about watching bungo stray dogs too is it because of yashi oh no that’s just been on my list for a long time okay okay and I’ve been seeing it trend on Twitter every so often I’m like oh yeah that’s a show that a lot people like

Yeah I don’t know anything about it so like I don’t really I’m not too sure um like how it’s going to be but I mean you know I’ve heard I’ve heard stuff I’ve heard the things you have heard the things there we go then we just like cover that o

Yeah oh I like that that’s fun oh I’ve heard of mash magic and muscles yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I feel like I’ve heard of that I don’t remember like what the context of hearing about it though I don’t remember why I heard about it but

I do remember I heard about it one time Once Upon a Time the silence was so evident cracks me up every time it cracks me up every time it’s Harry Potter means one punch man let’s go that’s what we like to see that that’s what I thought that

Harry Potter needed like you know like sometimes I would watch Harry Potter and I’d be like man what if Harry just like obliterated Draco Malfoy by like punching him in the face and then he explodes like that would be insane what if Voldemort did that you know no ah shoot ah

Shoot oh I’m trying not to get stuck in what I’m doing here don’t get stuck don’t do it I’m trying not to don’t do it don’t or else you’ll die and dying is bad dying is bad dying is so bad you don’t want to do it I

Swear um I’m trying to think about like like what more I don’t think there’s really much more to do with this cave I think I think that’s I think that’s good o maybe I can put some slabs you know yeah could be cool I could put a that

Could be a neat idea oh wait that doesn’t that doesn’t really work the way I think it would uh it’s fine you know I was just like you know it you know it I realized it needed more space to work than we had available

But that’s okay and we got a ton of iron let’s go oh my gosh we have so much iron we can do whatever we want I know I remember when we nothing yeah we have like over 150 iron what the freck go yeah I I got a lot in my last like

Little mining spree it was great h all Right wow what a wonderful day oh oops not me accidentally throwing that okay not me not me doing that for real not me for real for real oh my God I forgot I forgot I forgot I forgot I’ll go back over oh maybe I can use this I’m going

To go over to the cabin Oh this just like so much land area that could be filled up should make a Bridge oh There’s not enough crops I need a more I need more crops more Garden more Garden more Gard more Land Development more land you use me for Land Development Yes all right I need to find out I don’t know why okay I added like shroom lights into like the cave lights cave I put like shroom lights in the cave oh yeah you did you did yeah I just like you did do that yeah I did now

That I did that also cuz I’m lazy and I don’t want to explore much of the nether because I’m like there’s so many War Hogs everywhere I don’t want to I don’t want to engage not going to lie uh but now I’ve have to think of a new project to

Do a new little project yeah I built a c a new little project I mean I could furnish the cabin but why we’ll do that another day we can worry about that another day that was not the Day The tired is creeping in the tires I I keep seeing these squids just randomly jump on to Shore and then just die and I don’t know what to I don’t know how to feel about it like but why why would you do it Mr Squidward it’s what they always wanted

To be on land they I want to go home now okay Squidward calm down you’re still on the clock I want to go home now Squidward you’re still punched in you’re still punched in Squidward you have to work maybe I can maybe I can sell

Paper if I make a lecturn do I have a spare I don’t have a spare book I need to make a book I must make a book right now book how do I Le turn Le turn yeah uh that’s not how you spell Le turn

There we go I need a book you need a whole bookshelf that’s crazy what in this e a whole bookshelf you know how much a bookshelf costs $5 yeah with without the Amazon Prime shipping like what the heck how much is that’s absurd a bookshelf in this

Economy I don’t know I haven’t bought a bookshelf before well actually I I bought one bookshelf before I’ve never bought a bookshelf I don’t know Bom Bom Welcome back oh I’m always here well you know I’m always watching you know I’m always watching I’m like the Riddler except my riddles are yeah are so anyway how’s everyone doing today nice okay got it I’m always watching fun Mike wki Mike that’s what I say yeah Mike Wiki why do you say it like that because it’s funny to me Mike W chaty Mike W chaty yeah I’m always watching Mike with chatki always watching I hate it here I just like I’ve never been underneath like where you know how there’s like the Marana trench by our place yeah I’ve never looked inside it’s big like what like a picture of the Mariana Trench or no I mean what’s underneath our like what I’m calling oh my God what only come over here

Okay well you just the Marana trench I’m like I don’t I’m calling you’re talking about I’m calling the trench by our place the Marana trench okay I’m I’m in our where is our place what do you mean where is our place like like where are

You in our area uh by my by my cabin oh okay got You the Mariana Trench oh I mean this is like you know this is like a come over here it’s like a mild dibit you know no no if anything oh come on come down here I don’t think that’s like it’s like a it’s a mild you know it’s like a

That’s like a tiny that’s like a tiny little thing it’s not like a big deal you know it’s not that you’re not concerned with this being underneath it’s not that deep kid it’s not that deep yeah what’s going on though let me let me check it out real quick what’s down

Here oh my God rock music started playing as you went down and I just realized it’s so funny I can’t it felt like I don’t know well how how deep big cave I know this is a big cave I mean it’s okay I mean I’ve seen you know I’ve seen

Better caves you know it’s not not crazy not too ow it’s not too crazy it’s not too ow it’s not too ow that’s you oh Skillet get over here get over here get over here get wrecked Get Wrecked idiot oh my God that way you say idiot throwing

Their bones into the lava brother in Christ there’ll be nothing left of them creeper oh man I heard the that was worth that was worth it oh boy all I he is Bam dude there’s deep slate as I go down have you ever seen those like cave

Videos where people will go like into the super super T oh Diamonds oh oh my God have you ever seen those videos where people go like deep diving into like super super like small tight crevices and stuff like that do you know what I’m talking about no say that

Again so basically like like there will be these like cave like Spelunky dudes like you know like these adrenaline attics or whatever and they’ll go into these really really tight like caverns and stuff like where you basically have to like suck in all the air in your body just to fit through

Like the the you know like the paths and stuff oh yeah I don’t know it’s like really strange and I I don’t understand how they could do that cuz I’m like what what do you do if there’s like I don’t know just like a snake chilling you know

Uh like what do do you just die like what do you do about that uh you just die you’re just putting yourself in a compromising position you know very compromising yeah like I I just don’t I just don’t get what the goal is there it’s for the thrill the

Adventure The Thrill of the hunt yeah you like the I like the lava you found yeah I found I found a diamond too I found three actually it’s pretty cool three what the freak I found three yeah all I’m doing is lighting away down because I’m going to get lost for sure

Apparently we’ve been at the other side of this dude why did we pick such a weird area to have our cherry blossom thing because this was the only place that had cherry blossoms we were looking for like an hour we were looking for an hour it

Took so long that hour felt like more than an hour my dude the Hamilton I’ve never listened to that why did that not work I was holding Crouch um I never listened to the Hamilton I I looked away then glad back and you were on the

Ground I I was crouching the whole time and I just moved off of it maybe you accidentally pinky pushed it I’m not a big musical person in general though I am not throwing away my shot I am not thrown away my shot hey yo I’m just like

My country I’m young Scrappy and hungry and I’m not thrown away my shot I’mma get a scholarship to King’s College I probably shouldn’t Bragg and stag and made astonish that’s that’s one of the songs in the uh musical they have rap and Hamilton so Hamilton is basically like all

Rap wait really yes I thought it’d be like classical you do you remember Encanto how it sounded like groovy and stuff it’s made by the guy who made Hamilton oh got you so it’s not by the you know it’s not by the composers of the hit movie wish yeah no no no by

Disney you know so wait if I watch Hamilton they’re not going to say I let you stay for free and don’t even charge you rent they’re not going to say that no are you telling me that the main villain of Hamilton isn’t going to say that he got his jeans from outer

Space cuz if not then like why would anyone watch Hamilton come on [Laughter] now oh oh my gosh oh it’s like a slam poetry kind of thing oh interesting it’s very interesting that that’s something for sure yeah I’ve never really watched it but I do know if the song okay to be

Fair I I have heard one song from Hamilton well okay wait I maybe I shouldn’t clarify it’s from Hamilton cuz I actually don’t know 100% if it’s from Hamilton but I think it is due to the style of like the characters but um the the you’ll be back song uh I don’t know

You’ll be back uh I’ll wi I’ll fight the fight and win the war something something oh maybe prob that sounds like it that sounds like something like that I don’t know I’m not a theater kid shut up again I’m not yeah I’m not much of like a big musical person I like

Musicals but like I haven’t seen I like the idea of musical okay yeah I was right okay cool yeah you were right I was wrong you’ll be back is from him wait hold on yeah like I’m not super into it I was less right it’s just not my thing

Okay you’re good I like musicals cuz I’m musically inclined I did listen to the death note musical did you know they had a Death Note musical yes it’s it’s actually really good the way well I didn’t know it doesn’t surprise me cuz Japan does lots of like stage plays and

Musicals for their anime it’s crazy oh do they now yeah like um there’s a lot like there was um a stage play for this this Niche anime that I watch osas son there’s a stage play for it and like you know they just do stuff like that all the time and I’m like

Okay you could say like an obscure anime they probably done it oh yeah I guess I have been here recently I think I think I went in here when I first was exploring the caves I think I found a lot of the uh did they just die oh no not the Clow

Squids oh man M you know what I’ll carry their legacy you know I’ll carry them out you’re with me buddies don’t worry I’ll P off the hord above wait I just realized I can make like a special like neon Dy out of this which I can use to Glow the signs of the

Paa of the the Peta sign CL the signs yeah I don’t know why I said it like that that ow get away yeah stop I don’t like when there’s two at ones two two of what oh zombies I’m I went back to our our village fa they’re

Kind of I’m working my way back up but uh yeah there’s a lot of there’s enemies and stuff so oh man the AL can tank an explosion like nobody’s business I don’t think the AL dies it should have died many times I don’t yeah I don’t think it

Dies either I don’t I want to know why the Zombies come out of the woods like that because it’s like it’s like The Walking Dead you know I need to except like I need to start this is like a good game if I torch up the woods would they not

Spawn ow I don’t know well yeah they wouldn’t be able to spawn like nearby I don’t think I just don’t want them so close to the freaking establishment yeah I know exactly what you’re saying the the anti- disestablishmentarianism yeah yeah I know what you Mean sure if you hit a zombie it alerts nearby zombies oh really oh that’s interesting huh weird that’s cuz it’s so freaking loud decent you really [Laughter] Went yeah exactly yeah that’s the the standard zombie sound I know they recently released a Walking Dead game and it was pretty horrible Walking Dead more like w my wallet’s de more like what are we doing uh the writers don’t know we’re kind ofing at this point I’m finally back up

On the surface wo welcome back to the surface yooo big Su blowout YooHoo big Su blowout yooo yooo yooo more like franchise is dead am I right true true true I don’t know anything about The Walking Dead I just feel like it’s really I I’m just surprised it was as

Popular as it was like I just I don’t know it just doesn’t have like an appeal to me I guess it’s not appeal I guess it’s just one of those things Banas yeah exactly it’s not like bananas now watching a show about bananas that would be interesting what if there was like an

Orange in there as well that was like irritating or something die you know sorry was that the me no no no no no no no I don’t want to die I’m on fire freak oh sorry I I was trying to make a a wonderful reference to The Annoying

Orange I don’t know if you picked up on it no I didn’t because I was fighting for my life it was very subtle and very clever on my part it was very clever probably I was just yeah it was so good I was being was like I was like what if

There was an orange and they were and then I I I thought of a synonym of annoying it was really cool bananas and pajamas what the heck is that I don’t think I don’t know what that is I don’t think I’ve heard of it bananas and

Pajamas I like how you say pajama pajama pajama pajama pajama it’s pajama not pajama like how you just gloss over what I just said oh what did you say I I said I said pajama pajama these nuts to your mama what the freak I don’t know it just

Popped in my brain and I’m like hey you know uh you know that’s kind of it’s kind of [Laughter] silly it may be Canadian but it’s an old kid show oh no I’ve never heard of it before Canadians is not us yeah I’m not I’m not the Canadian though I have heard

Um it’s pretty neat over there you know it’s pretty nice it’s pretty nice it’s pretty cool temperature anyway just I don’t know I didn’t have much else to say about that yeah I could tell I know a couple people from Canada though they tell me very interesting facts about it like what

Like apparently if someone uh breaks into your home and you like hurt them like in self-defense you get like more in trouble than they did for breaking in oh so that’s cool or no no I’m trying to remember what it was uh it might depend

On the province as well but um I was told a story where like this burglar or something like broke into this home and um they hurt them on the glass that they broke breaking in and because they hurt themselves on the glass they sued the homeowners so they had to pay a

Money what and I’m like how does that make sense like what are you talking about so stupid I’m like I’m like that is the most busted Strat ever you just break through the window and make sure make sure you cut your hand on it and be like what the

Heck your home hurt me and then you just sue them easy you don’t even have to commit a crime you just have to break a window accidentally you know and just pretend like oh man I was just walking by and I fell into it oopsie you know

And boom instant money like they Canada literally made an infinite money glitch stop Canada made an infinite money glitch what the frak what is this infinite money glitch in real life what’s up guys Alia here and today we have infinite money glitch in fortnite and how you have to present it

You know that’s how that’s all all the content creators do you know yeah yeah I heard a story about that and that was very interesting car insurance fraud dudes in Russia oh ones who jump on front of car oh oh yeah yeah yeah I know what you’re

Talking about yeah man it’s crazy the stuff that people will do money though for yeah that is true that is true you know sometimes you you’re like man do I risk it for the biscuit yes maybe yes absolutely definitely without a doubt hey I need one villager just to

Like be in their home real quick hey buddy how you doing so hey friend uh not you ew um I need a villager that can learn a job so I can make I can make them buy my paper where are you finding villagers Where Are You The Village near our home

Oh okay yeah I didn’t know you went that way I just assumed you were down underneath oh no no no I went up I I did like some farming stuff and I got some more stuff yeah I’m making the I’m making a flat land nearby I just want to

Dig dirt and make it flat you want to dig some dirt yeah come here got some stuff come on yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah come on come on come on come on everything will be die don’t worry about no where’d you go my guy

Oh we’re going to have a problem okay we’re going to have a problem you better hope that I find another villager cuz you were wait who are you oh I don’t I don’t like the job that you have can you get a different job are you so picky with their

Villagers it’s not even your people I know but like you know get a better education idiot take this lect turn come on nerd okay okay oie whatever you say you have a question what’s your question let’s go baby paper oh now we got it now we got it baby oh yeah oh

Yeah let’s go oh so many emeralds let’s I can go all right sity emal I got what I need I got what I need baby let’s I can go yay yeah I need I need the I need the paper the paper I probably could I probably could have farmed for a tone

Actually what what was the other thing he sold I don’t know I just wanted him to sell paper I can work on the other stuff later I just wanted to farm money off of him oh his voice isn’t cracking my voice yeah your voice whoa dude I don’t know about that see that’s

Cracking that’s Force cracking that’s for cracking my Voice like like zo sco I don’t know about this one only has a very nice voice no I don’t what are you talking about shut up Y no you have a very nice voice no you nerd no youo nerd shut up no you nerd Emoji actually am I right

Guys oh God you’re so great I’m trying to emulate my inner Seth Rogan I wish I could do that laugh it’s such such a it’s such a good laugh it’s such a fantastic laugh in like all the wrong ways it’s just all the wrong ways what up

Frak you can if you’d like go Ahead I joined in that’s my favorite thing I feel brain dead bro yo same here why are you brain dead I’m always brain dead when it comes to collabing with you freaking yeah I kind of slowly uh absorb other people’s brain cells yeah it’s

Kind of it’s kind of my thing it’s why I started digging dirt in this freaking game yeah exactly I remember that was I remember uh back when I first played Minecraft on stream I I didn’t know what I was doing you still don’t know what you’re doing come on now yeah

But I remember I I spent a long time just digging like a big dirt staircase like to like plan out something and I just remember I’m like why do you guys watch me I’m just digging dirt for like 3 hours I’m like why you know maybe I should consider like reconsider what I

Do for Content you know you reconsider your content dig dirt yeah and like now it’s marginally better because um i cho trees which is different you know um hold on just I’m stretching again I oh I need to make my sign glow we both of us are artist I got to

Let my power show something something shine Tangled both of us are artists what the song let the power grow let your power shine gleam and glow let your power shine make the clock reverse bring back what once was mine what once was mine and you’re welcome

Chat I hate you guys this is this is another episode of getting Ash to sing uh thank you for joining [Laughter] today so uh I don’t have advice for drawing hands you I would suggest like looking up references of hands and going about that way cuz hands are admittedly a

Really hard thing to draw for no reason uh just look up references you got this and even if it doesn’t come out as you would want it you still tried and that’s all you can Do it’s turning I made the sign better you made the sign better I made the sign better it glows now it glows it glows nice just like Rapunzel’s hair why are you talking about from Joe Rapunzel I don’t know it it just came to mind all of a sudden why it’s a good

Movie is a good movie it’s it’s my favorite good movie really your favorite well she’s my favorite princess oh that’s fair she’s she’s a really good one I don’t know who my favorite is would Mulan doesn’t count right yeah technically she does she’s in like the oh then mulan’s my favorite

Probably yeah she’s not really a princess but she’s like advertised in like the princess line of Disney oh got you so yeah yeah I like Jasmine too Jasmine’s cool Jasmine is cool I just like Aladdin in general Aladdin’s fun Aladdin’s a really I I think it’s like

That and Mulan are like two of my favorite like uh classic Disney movies you know like from the I don’t know what what would you call them like the Renaissance period or whatever I think I think it is called Ren the Disney Renaissance the Disney Renaissance period I think it was quite spectac

Spacular myself I mean I’m no expert but I kind of am you know I won’t H all right it’s that time only what’s the time it’s the dog time oh the dog what the dog doing the dog be scre streaming that’s okay you do your thing um and I’ll be here I’ll be

Figuring out what I need to do as well honestly I’m just going to go into the tower that I made I don’t think anything can spawn up there not going to lie that’s a good idea you know I’ll probably just go mining in that case yeah you’ll be that way it won’t matter

If it’s nighttime still going to be fighting dudes fighting dudes dudes and guys guys and dudes dudes and guys guys and dudes all right dudes and guys guys and dudes you know what I’m saying but you go ahead you walk your dog and that’s going to be real

Chill you know you’re so gross bye [Laughter] bye for E For E e for hi I thought you know you know Ash’s chat I thought I heard Ash say before they left that they were going to put their stream on a screen of some variety so I’m like oh okay so I’ll just I’ll just mute myself so that I don’t talk

Over whatever it is you know thought it going to be a brv scre screen or something like that but hi how you doing so yeah that’s why you didn’t hear anything from me cuz I was like oh dang okay Ash has got a solution but no

No I was just confused and dumb of course said only take care of I didn’t hear that obviously I don’t know I don’t know what you’re talking I don’t know okay I made I made a lapse in judgment um I Am The Lorax I speak for the trees um I am not

Discord I don’t speak for VCS so you know you know that’s that’s my that’s my thing I don’t know what to tell you oh God why did why did that happen no oh why did that happen oh God it’s fine I got this i got this i

Got this i got this I’m a pro I’m a pro Minecraft gamer heck yeah baby now I’m back up here let’s go let’s go diamond diamond diamond diamond diamond diamond diamond diamond I want more Diamond I I haven’t used like really any of the diamonds except for the one I

Made the pickaxe with but um or the three I made the pickaxe with and the two I made the enchanting table with but still I still want them regardless I’d rather have have the diamonds and not use them than to not have the diamonds and need to use them you know oh no

There there’s definitely no diamonds around there oh gosh I hate just how many enemies there are there’s so many enemies in these areas there’s so many of them and it’s like oh you could just like torch the area but but but but but but no doesn’t

Work don’t like it not pro m Minecraft gamer status I can’t believe it yeah I don’t like the baby zombies they’re so annoying they’re so hecking annoying why did they why did they ever introduce baby zombies into the game tell me that Mojang huh why’ you introduce baby zombies why do you

Introduce only one mob per mob vote like what’s the deal with that huh huh a lot of people have been giving them beef about that recently I think it’s valid though that’s a valid criticism like come on you should have way more updates to a game as colossal as

Minecraft you know like why wouldn’t you want more updates that would only be better hi cubic stons how you doing hello how are you Uh I could just die dying would definitely make it way easier to get out of the cave but I’m a stubborn guy I also hate that the shield sometimes doesn’t work whenever you just hold it up in front of a zombie oh do you guys get horror movie ads on

Twitch I’ve never gotten one of those before usually for mine it’s just like food or like you know like like like like it’ll be like a pizza place or like a Taco Bell or something like that like those are the ads I get usually that’s a bit strange interesting for h

Guys did you know that if you click on this not at all suspicious link you can get free twitch Nitro free Discord Nitro free everything free Twitter Nitro that would be crazy m on I got a question I might have an answer for you it depends though it

Depends what is what is your question I might be able to hear you out here just dig upwards well I don’t feel like doing that like I I value my time and I value chat’s time to not do that because that would be a waste that would

Be such a waste of effort and time and I’d rather just like I’d rather just not do that you know yeah and then like yeah and if I die trying to do that if I dig into lava or something I just lose all my inventory

Like that’s just not fun you know like I know that people just prefer it that way I just don’t it’s a matter of preference I’m not saying anyone’s wrong for playing it the other way I’m just saying like I’m just trying to defend my point

On the matter where I’m just like I just don’t want to worry about that I don’t want the hassle you know I don’t want the David hasselhof with that it’s just a lot to deal with was chat on bear I don’t know what bear behavior is I’m not sure what that is eating

Ketchup uh I don’t think chat was Well Chad are you eating ketchup I don’t I’m not a I’m not a ketchup fan to be honest with you I don’t like ketchup if I’m being honest but I mean you know maybe you guys do I’m not sure people people

Who can drink ketchup like up like just take like a hind bottle and and just like pour it into their mouth I don’t know I don’t know if you guys are like people you know I feel like you guys might be like lizard creatures or even

Worse um what would be a worst an uh camels because I’m seeing some camels right now oh actually no those aren’t camels those are llamas the wandering Traer decided to invade Ash’s home which is great ketchup is gross I call it red sugar yeah I’m not I’m not a fan of

Ketchup raw ketchup yeah that’s what I’m talking about I remember I saw someone I had a very surreal experience um I was uh I was traveling for like a period of time I don’t remember where I was going I think I was I don’t know I was traveling somewhere and I remember

Um you know like you take like a little rest stop you know off the highway like at a McDonald’s or like a Wendy’s or something but I’m pretty sure it was at a McDonald’s and I remember I saw this guy just like take like one of the sauce

Like cups like the plastic sauce cups they went to the ketchup machine they they poured some ketchup into the sauce cup and I just saw them like just shot like take it like a shot glass just like and I was like I’m sorry I’m sorry what I was like there’s no way there’s

No way I just saw that but some people are just just build different I don’t know some people are just bu different I could never I could never I’d say like you know like a lot of the standard condiments like ketchup and mustard I’m just not a huge fan you

Know like I don’t think they’re like bad inherently you know but um I don’t know it’s interesting I suppose if you can’t drink olive oil you can’t cook with it that’s a that’s a bad that’s a bad well actually you know to be fair I have seen people that like um

Basically like a like if you take like a shot glass of olive oil like apparently it’s like good for a bunch of calories so some people just don’t eat and they just take shots of olive oil because it’s like enough calories to sustain them I don’t that that seems like a very unhealthy

Practice I just don’t you know I’m not here to judge people and their methods of doing things but I don’t know about that you know ooh sweet chili is really good ooh yeah sweet chili or like a teraki sauce M delicious again I don’t think I could

Drink a sauce just straight up you know like that just nah it has to be on something you Know but I guess it just depends I mean I guess I’m a bit of a picky eater as opposed to most people you know but still that’s just my thing you are a picky eater I’m a little bit hi Ash welcome back yo yo I agree on the sauce

Thing I just I you know yeah yeah did you hear my story about the olive oil I didn’t hear the olive oil I heard the ketchup guy taking shots of ketchup yeah I heard that yeah yeah well I’ve heard that some people have like a diet or I don’t even know if you

Could call it a diet di they have like this thing yeah exactly there’s like a diet where they don’t even eat food they just take shots of olive oil cuz if you take like I don’t know like three shots of olive oil it gives you like 2,000 calories or

Something that’s stupid or I I don’t know the measurements but it’s something like you know like that like a certain amount of shots of olive oil like makes a certain amount of food so some people just won’t eat and they’ll just take shots of olive oil for their daily

Sustenance and then that’s it and I’m like what what kind of psychos don’t sh lots of olive oil what the freak it’s really strange I don’t understand it how was your time in the mines it went okay I got some more um I got some more iron and like gold and

Stuff so it worked out not too bad that’s good that’s good it’s good it was painful there were so many skellies it started it’s snow it’s starting to slightly snow where I am it’s oh it’s snowing yeah man I want to see no so bad just

Come up here easy you know what you make a great point we got to go to Toronto Canada got to go to Toronto baby let’s go Toronto Toronto only place in Canada the only place in Canada let’s go yeah the only place that that’s basically the thing it’s like whenever

People talk about Canada I feel like everyone who’s not from Canada is like oh yeah I know Toronto uh or actually it’s pronounced Toronto tto Toronto without the te instead of Toronto Toronto if you’re British would you pronounce it Toronto Toronto no they they would be

Like oi mate do you know that they call uh you know they call snowy snowy snowy BR they you know they call it Toronto what did you just say what did you snow snowy snowy snowy have you have you seen that have you seen that like it’s like

The meme where it’s like hey have you heard that Americans call a willy willy flicky flick switch a light switch that’s crazy stop you’re right though that I mean that is how they name stuff I don’t I to break it to you that do that do be how they

Be now we can sleep me me me me me torontosaurus torontosaurus that’s my favorite sort of dinosaur I love dinosaurs I know you do yeah I wonder how much it cost to go to Toronto um I’m going to keep probably not like a crazy amount I’d say

Toronto I guess it depends on like you know what flight you do opinion on Sushi I Love Sushi Sushi one of my favorite foods Sushi’s one of my favorite food just just shoot anyway over anyway look look look without the interruption Sushi’s one of my favorite foods I don’t

Think it’s a CB to have B milk and bags no yeah I mean it’s a bit odd like I don’t I don’t see the benefit of having milks and bags but like you know eh I’m sure they have a reason I don’t know I just feel like I feel like it

Would break very easily Toronto is nearby Niagara it’s like close oh yeah that’s why it’s like so popular cuz like a lot of people have been there just for the you know just to go to the better side of Niagara Falls you know oh that’s like the whole entire

Thing I hardly ever eat it cuz I’m allergic to Soy oh you’re allergic to Soy I love soy sauce soy sauce is good M I love soy sauce see you’re like I don’t like much sauces soy sauce though is my favorite I love it so much I’m sorry I

Can’t I can’t take I can’t take your I can’t take anything you say seriously cuz someone literally just followed me called femboy breeder and I just I I just don’t know what to do to that how I have your chat open I see it you’re about to be

Bre what do you mean you call yourself an you call yourself a f booy i don’t know what you’re talking about that’s not true there’s no evidence to claim for that don’t don’t don’t look at my tag don’t do it please I’m done I can’t do this

Anymore you’re on your own you’re on your own what do you mean you’re on your own you mean I’m on my own I’m not please Ash do you have to help me I can’t help you that’s all you baby you know you owe me one back in

1973 you owe me one it’s all I don’t owe you any have done if I wasn’t there I don’t know you time of need I don’t know also can I just can I just say that um because because of uh F booy breeder can I just say because of that person uh the

Current follow count ends in 69 now and I think that’s pretty nice that’s so good thank can I just say that the Stars really aligned on that one can I just say you know sometimes sometimes things like this happen I’m like man fate really do be real though oh life is like a

Hurricane I wonder if I have any books and I’m going to ride it all night long did you know that did you know that Mater comes from a rich lineage and he has a sister Lage yeah like they sold a lot of lean and they got rich off of it

No he comes from like Rich family he comes from a rich Posh family they did w his cup yeah what what what do you mean he comes from a rich Posh family though so in the like freaking Mater Tall tal shorts they go like he and McQueen go on like an

Adventure right they’re going across the world or whatever they come back on one of the final episodes and he’s just like they’re there for his sister ‘s wedding and it’s at this fancy like Palace place and he’s just like yeah this is where I was from and then yeah that’s where I’m from

Yeah and then like he doesn’t like he and then like you meet his sister he hates his he doesn’t like his sister because she’s always trying to one up him and she’s like she looks like a she looks like a fancy car though he looks

Like a tow trk and she’s like this fancy like pristine like nice like vintage vehicle wait you mean to tell me that Tow Mater looks like a tow truck I know right right what the heck but yeah I can’t believe that Ash you’re breaking you’re breaking my

Immersion I’m not breaking your me what do you mean that Tow Mater looks like a tow truck I oh what do you mean my immersion what am I going to do get immersed get immersed okay let me get immersed again okay he did w in his cup

Shoot it’s not working it’s not the the same it’s not the same now that I know he’s a tow truck I’m so sorry I had to break it to you the the anatomy of cars cars you know I got to say cars what how did how did cars happen you think so I

Already know the origin but you could give me your guess well I feel like um I don’t know actually I I don’t even have like I don’t even have like a like a witty guess at this honestly I think well I do actually have a theory on cars

2o okay and how that was made okay I want to know I know the answer but go on crack and meth okay at the same time that is that is my only guess for Cars 2 the the hit sequel Cars 2 Cars 2 what did you just send me

Uh the a little snippet from Mater oh yeah I’m curious what is the origin can I get the lore can I get the game theory can I get the film Theory it’s not anything expansive not going to lie so John Lasser he’s one of the founders

Of Pixar and John Lasser one of his many quirks was um he was a toy collector he’s an avid toy collector her okay but he an avid toy collector and he loves things and he likes collecting toys so he just wanted to make a Cars movie because he likes you

Know cars car wow he L likes toy cars ous yep and also like you know you can sink into the industry by making lots of toy car things Hot Wheels is a thing you know and it is it still goes course and then for Cars 2 his reasoning for making

It a agent spy thing is cuz he likes agent spy things okay so yeah okay about you because I wanted to CU it’s cool cool he said I like it so we make it and I’m the owner of this company and that’s how that came to

Be honestly I think that’s like the most based uh like way of developing things it’s just like it’s like why’ you want to do that cuz cool I like it but man this wandering villager really likes your home him and the llamas are just stuck in here yeah I

Saw I’m right here they’re very confused confused about the whole entire thing I’m I’m behind you look at this I’m behind you just the slowest reaction yes we did Watch Planes oh planes oh man I what a movie I I’m sure no one will mind if I spoil

Planes a little do you guys mind if we spoil planes just a little bit cuz my God it has one of the funniest funniest like funny not funny scenes in all cinematic history where like the whole concept is like he’s like a crop duster that’s like being trained by like a old

Military plane and then they have like a flag back where his like the the military plan’s entire Squad dies in a war and like it’s like actually like a like a war film where like all these plays are like crashing and exploding and I just can’t I it’s such a a stark

Contrast I just it was so good sorry it’s so funny it’s so funny for came out of nowhere and then like the kid was still mad at him he was just like you lied anyway so I don’t care if you have trauma yeah yeah they were like yeah I

Don’t know he found out that he only did one Mission he wasn’t like as seasoned of like a veteran or whatever he only did the one mission where he led his team and then all of them died and he became depressed so he never he never flew again but it’s just so funny

Because they’re just like they’re having a silly little goofy talk and then all of a sudden it shows like World War II footage like basically it it was like way higher detail as well like it felt like a completely different movie just like everything was exploding I’m like oh my

God it felt so like visceral and it it was so funny to me oh my gosh uh planes too planes not PLS 2 we haven’t seen that one yet oh yeah there’s PLS fire rescue I forgot about yeah I don’t think it could beat the POR

Scene though yeah I don’t know if it could does it still have does it still have Mr Mr Dusty crop duster dust what was his name that they thought he was I have no idea I don’t remember I think his name was just Dusty though so you

Know yeah it was Dusty why are you in my house I just wanted to look around there’s nothing I decide to do nothing I’m lazy it has everything you I know you’re whispering to me and I stopped moving but I climbed down automatically so Elo Elo dang I can’t believe you ruined my

Dramatic moment sorry what the heck oh we were talking about planes the the the sequels to cars the Pixar movie oh they got out congrats oh nice cool they were trapped in there I had like party music going and they were like dancing and spinning around in there

Yeah like ples was such a weird movie but that was so funny it’s like it’s like trolls we like overall not great movies either of them yeah but they have the one part that just cracked me up like no other it was so great hearing you troll well okay so at the beginning

Of trolls they show they showed um the the the emo depressed one at a funeral and I’m like oh dang all the other people kind of look like him I wonder if a family died like a family member died and he that’s like the reason he doesn’t

Sing and he’s like a music killed by family and then later in the movie they get into this big fight and he’s just like can you say can you say the girls line why not why won’t you sing singing killed my grandma okay I just couldn’t believe it I couldn’t

Believe it for one second it was so funny I just I couldn’t I could Onie died and it was so great to hear I was cry I was crying the funniest thing I’ve ever heard in my life oh these all have these all want silk touch I want silk touch

Efficiency one yeah how do you have books what how do you have books I made them you made books you read in this Society I mean you don’t have to read books to you know make them yes you do who no you don’t who would make books without reading them that’s crazy trolls

Is trolls was wild yeah it was I only saw the first one but man it was it was a horrible experience but man that one line made it all worth it we’re going to see really soon really do we have to yes I haven’t seen it so like we’ll both

Like you know we’ll both suffer yeah and then we could watch trolls 3 gosh dang it oh trolls 2 I don’t know if I’m ready for another trolls movie the first one was so so painful I’m so sorry oh it also had James Cen the most hated

Man in acting I feel James cordin for good reason so annoying I hate him does he play a prominent role in the second movie or no I don’t know I never watched it I know nothing about it yeah you’re right I don’t know why I asked you

That does someone in chat know if James Cordon plays a prominent role in trolls too I don’t think he was even prominent in the first one he was just in the group he wasn’t but he had like five lines which is five more than he should have

Had James Cod and the Emoji Movie which also features James C I think I think James Cordon just makes movies like 10 times worse he’s the he’s the hand dude he’s the hand e yeah he’s the hand prominent character in Emoji Movie yeah exactly he’s a main character ew how

Does he keep getting rolls I don’t well this was well trolls was made in 2016 which is around the Emoji Movie oh hey oh god oh these guys I forgot about these guys oh God yeah so yeah you know I’m just going to I’m just going to I’m

Just going to jack myself out of here this was a mistake he is in trolls too no James Gordon is just like a really annoying individual and he’s also like really rude to people the little worm dude yeah well no he’s like the big guy the big one that

Has like who’s friends with the worm dude he doesn’t deserve to be friends with yeah I told you we need more glitter he doesn’t deserve to be friends with that guy mm-m yeah he he’s the he’s the guy that like is always carrying him you know he is’s that guy I’m James

Cording oh hello mate I’m James cing I I abuse minimum wage staff workers because I’m a celebrity and Everyone likes my car poo karoke shut up no one cares James you don’t like bug guy who yeah well I don’t like big guy because his voice actor is like a

Prick there’s just no way around it he’s just a horrible person so yeah it’s the same thing with like Chris Pratt I don’t like Chris Pratt so like a lot of his roles I just don’t like you know just for that reason he didn’t do awful in the Mario movie he

Did below mediocre you know and he’s also just a horrible person you know he he’s in the third one as well no not James C no he’s not is he not I don’t know I wait hold on let me see I watched the movie I believe okay

So yeah maybe not I’m not sure they is he like in the back said they said they think they think oh no he’s not he’s not in the third one okay that that’s good then that’s good good job good job trolls 3 you know what that’s the reason

Why trolls 3 is good that’s the reason why James Cordon isn’t it oh my God if that’s the reason I’m going to scream that’s the reason that’s what you know I was wondering how could trolls 3 be good it doesn’t make any sense the first two I heard were

Horrible that’s why it’s cuz James Cordon isn’t in it oh my God I love it oh my gosh but yeah but James Gordon he’s just like a really rude individual and he has been known to like often like whenever he goes to a restaurant like yell at the employees

And the waiters and stuff like that and just be like a real not cool person so yeah I don’t like him uh he he’s also just like not funny you know no all of his jokes are about him being fat or eating too much it’s like all right come

On man you need more material my dude yeah you need some more material that that’s funny like in children’s cartoons yeah or some some standup comedians can do it like uh what’s the guy’s name uh eaus yeah he’s funny that guy could do it you know he’s pretty funny he’s got

More material that’s the thing you know it’s not that’s not like his whole stick I like his voices which is good so good yeah standup comedy I feel like has got to be like by far one of the most like stressful careers yes imagine if no one because

Like yeah like I would I would cry went up on stage and no one laughed at my jokes I was straight I just be like and then they would laugh and I’d be likeed I think we’re not standup but we are comedians in our own sense slightly oh

My life is a comedy shut up I thought my life was a tragedy but then I realized you watched The Joker right a comedy yeah I did what didn’t he try being stand-up comedian that’s what that was his dream oh my God that’s the whole thing yeah well I think

It was like very influenced by like um a different like movie or something based on like a similar concept uh where like you know they want to be a big standup comedian and they like go to this guy’s like like show and blah blah blah like on live television

It was something along those lines I don’t remember what it was but yeah there was something along those lines but yeah that’s that’s basically what happens they they wanted to be a standup comedian and well the thing was is that he did a really awful job at the

Performance but um people still took an interest because someone took like a like embarrassing like video and they’re like ah so the the like the news dude or it was more like a late night talk show I think if I remember correctly but yeah they invited them on to make fun of him

Um but he thought it was like oh it was going to be his big break yeah and they started making fun of him and you know he became the Joker I love that scene yeah the mon deserves so good yeah he’s so good I want to watch it

Again yeah I my like my um like analysis of the Joker movie was just I felt extremely uncomfortable the entire time and I think that’s the point so I think they did a great job woo every single scene like was so so unnerving because I’m just like oh God what is this man

Going to do like what’s going to happen like I just felt uncomfortable the whole time but I’m like dang you know it was good it was good it was a good movie was good movie good movie I remember when people were like worried about the Joker

Movie cuz they’re like oh my God the kids they’re going to they’re going to Riot they’re going to go crazy they’re going to they’re going to do exactly the same stuff in the in the movie I’m like dang you must really not have a lot of confidence in your parental skills if

You think your kids are going to see one movie and snap I always think that’s the funniest thing ever when parent like bad parents are like oh my gosh my kids it’s the video games and the movies I’m like dang you must have done a really horrible job

Of teaching them the difference between fantasy and reality if you think that’s the reason like that’s that’s great I always love that argument it’s like it’s not my fault it’s definitely Grand Theft UT that I bought for my 9-year-old son like what the heck it’s like yeah wow that’s crazy man if only

There was like a if only there was like a sign on the back of the box that told you like how old they should be man that would be cool anyway anyway anyway I’m sure that’s not important oh my God it looks like a turtle turtle

Pini I heard about a musical sequel a musical sequel to The Joker like are they going to have one what I heard something about there being a musical sequel in relation to the Joker movie is that like actual or is it like is it like a spin-off thing I haven’t heard

I’m so confused I I don’t know I don’t know I heard something about that but I didn’t get like details and I couldn’t find anything about it so maybe someone was like pulling explain yeah maybe I don’t know Actually this an actual sequel yeah that’s so weird where though that’s what I want to find out you know they’re doing a Suicide Squad anime ew I mean wow it it actually looks really cool I’m not even joking I don’t know I did not like a lot and a lot of

The oh no don’t get me wrong I don’t I never watched the movie all I know is Kitana she’s got my back trust she does one sword swing Mo and Lawn that’s all I know from the movie I don’t know how but you matched the you matched with like

The background music I had and it was weird what can I say I’m just pretty good but yeah it’s a Suicide Squad isekai and a lot of the voice actors are like from other anime which I think are really cool um like uh oh gosh I’m

Trying to think uh what are some ones um man I’m trying to think of the voices uh prepare to be disappointed I don’t know I’m off the top of my head oh El I know the Joker um they is a is a JoJo voice which is really cool um but

I’m trying to think there were some other ones Uh crap what I’m trying to think um oh uh one of the car characters is voice acted by the same voice actor as sua from Jutsu kaisen so you should know a little bit of their voice I don’t know what Su looks

Like oh wait you mean sakuna like the finger guy sakuna is that how you pronounced it yeah sure sakuna s that’s funny it’s it’sa suuna is it Su is there no a I thought there was an a is s u k u n a i don’t remember much I just remember his finger

No it’s okay but yeah yeah the finger guy fing yeah yeah the thingies guy yeah that’s the one Salad Fingers sakuna mat Saka mat sakuna mat it’s a problem free finger [Laughter] s tuna mat Mata mat I need to do something I’m digging dirt I need to stop just running around

You’re digging dirt look at me where are you digging dirt specifically behind the c for what purpose I don’t know I just wanted to dig dirt that’s fair also makes more it also makes more like Flatlands if I wanted to make more buildings so like that’s also nice

But I don’t have like the mental capacity to freaking like that’s understandable you the Joker voice actor isn’t in JoJo oh they are in Japanese they are where are you okay you see this pixel right here you see this pixel yeah this is the line of where the

Dirt was and that’s how much I’ve done Whoa man you really did lot holy crap this is a lot of free real estate real here I know real here yep that’s that’s the word it’s it’s been a long day it’s been a long day you know so we

Can come up with other projects that I can’t come up with on stream but I know like off stream I could probably come up with something to do and Vibe out to but I can’t play this on my own LMO it’s your world yeah that was pretty cool learning about

That kind of stuff yeah I just I like listening to voice actors and being like I know them you know it’s a good time I can always spot like for English V I can always spot like a few certain few like very easily and I’ll be like I’m my God he’s

In here oh my God it’s toorn that’s like crazy the voice of Alan Walker and greyman and the voice of Alan Walker more like Alan Waker Alan Wake too coming out this Friday I don’t know what Allan Wake is I I I don’t know I know

The first one came out a long time ago and it was like an occult classic I thought it was a game it is a game what but you said it coming out in theaters I don’t know I just I the words I say don’t necessarily match up with uh this thing we call

Reality why would you why would you do that to me it wasn’t on purpose I feel betrayed Onie I was just randomly saying stuff why do you put any why do you put any any value into what I say know I what you say come on now what do you mean

Yeah what do you mean Ash I always value what you say D King I found out today that on is my Senpai oh yeah yeah I did start youtubing before him yeah I’m your Senpai ew you said it first it’s true though how dare the first time I heard Alan the

Wake yeah it was like it was like um gosh it like the first one came out like 10 years ago and everyone loved it it was like every like it was a super critically acclaimed game no one talked about it like it it just disappeared I guess they were working on the second

One for a long time and I didn’t even hear about it and then I found out it was in The Game Awards this year I was like what they made a second one what I haven’t heard of that game in ages Tinder what’s tinder it matches um the the Redeemer with someone in

Chat oh that’s what nothing I was going to say that’s crazy that’s crazy just like Peter your horse is here maybe I should expand the farm that might not be a bad idea you can expand the farm if you want I should expand the farm that’s a good idea thanks me no problem

Me oh my God I been match with a lonely girl perfect oh my gosh a lonely girl in a lonely world I’m just a lonely girl I’m in a lonely world I don’t know what to do except for love you thank you that was uh that was so

Good that was so good o I didn’t have any general plan in mind there what do you mean pass what the freak smash or pass vtuber Edition apparently like uh cryia is well they match with you earlier remember yeah I know they’re like I’ll keep the chy I’m like dang I don’t know

If that’s how it works I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know if you can go on Tinder and then just be like nah don’t feel like it you know I feel I feel like you have to commit to that decision to some degree right nah don’t feel like

It yeah don’t feel like it wait I need to do what do Cobblestone do Locos Tacos oh Dorito L tacos I can’t smash What oh smash smash a ghost butt smash I mean that do be true you can’t smash a ghost butt you know when you’re right you’re right you do be speaking the facts I’ve never tried to smash a ghost butt before but I imagine it would be not the easiest tou sh get it

Touche touche indeed I’ve created flat land should I create more probably not but may u you know it just depends what are you planning on doing with the flat land you have an idea nope it’s just free real estate okay that’s awesome um I would

Like to uh you know um hold on let me quickly um are you going to put a sign just like a Onie um how uh chat how do I how do I how do I craft a gun I mean uh uh uh uh ah shoot [ __ ] gun ah dang it ah I

Wasn’t I wasn’t muted ah dang it I I I I was too busy pulling out my uh my British manual my bad not the British manual not the British manual not the British manual just like just like make a not fence or like I don’t know like map out like

Where how big you would want the place would be and then put your put a sign and be like Oni land or whatever and you can you know like a construction site oh my gosh we should we should make like an amusement park I know that’s like not

What you said but that would be cool like could you imagine we should do that we should do this you didn’t say this or mention this at all but it was just a it was just an idea I’m like I know that is completely not what you said but like doesn’t it sound

Cool I don’t want to I’ve seen I’ve seen amusement park builds and stuff stuff that is a lot more work than I am willing to do so yeah so yeah so I’m I’m hearing a quitter I am a quitter I’m not going to do that dang you can do that if you want

But you’re going to be all in your own me in my moment of need I’ll make an amusement park if there were other people in this freaking world but there are not how could just you and me what do you want to just be what are we going to

What are we going to ride roller coaster with the skeleton the May maybe maybe I will you know ever think about that huh huh what what if what what if what if my dreams and aspirations are are beyond what you could possibly imagine keep those think about to yourself okay I’m going to I’m going to expand my farm yeah see like I a roller

Coaster would beol expansion domain expansion Hell’s [Laughter] Kitchen yeah I’m just I’m just saying you know I just think it would be a cool idea domain expansion Hell’s Kitchen that is that is where sua traps you into his domain and then he he makes he makes you say that you’re an idiot sandwich it’s pretty it’s pretty cool So we need like I need a bit more space here so I’ll probably expand this a bit more I’ll probably put this like I don’t know I want it to be like a big farm like maybe I’m good I was opening a bag so I muted what what what were you

Opening a little trail mix a little trail mix tra mix yeah oh it’s been a long time since I’ve had trail mix yeah my like I don’t know someone in my house got some the other day and I had some and I was just like man I haven’t

Had tra mix in a while so today I went out and bought like a few bags oh you know I don’t think I’ve ever bought trail mix before I think I’ve if it’s always just like kind of spawned you know around me you know it just appears out of

Nowhere and you’re like oh cool it’s like it’s like those like strawberry candies you know that like old ladies always have in their bags and you’re like dude there’s one in my dining room there’s one on my dining room like table right now like one of those little

Strawberry candies I’m like where did this Spawn from yeah it’s like it’s like I don’t think I’ve ever seen like any like store that’s ever had those before like where do the where do they get them don’t is it is it like is it like a secret like like cult thing where like

If you are worthy like you’ll get sent like a pamphlet about it like are you worthy what’s the deal I guess not I I’ve never received a pamphlet I guess I’m not qualified to be an old lady I’m so sorry what I haven’t reached Grandma status yet one day you’ll be able to

Ascend to the gods of the grandmotherhood TR wait do you guys not know what trail mix is what you don’t know what trail mix is trail mix is like a little bag where it’s like assorted like little snack stuff so it’ll be like nuts and dried fruit and stuff yeah

Sometimes they’ll have like a couple of M&M’s in there too but yeah MH yeah but that but that’s basically what trail mix is yeah yeah yeah mine has has like uh dark chocolate and like coconut like dried coconut in it coconut M Coconut also I think like the the heat of my PC melted a little of a little bit of the chocolate no not the chocolate chocolate choc chocolate chocolate I’m going to fill in this block I don’t really know if I you know maybe I won’t like it later but I’ll figure that out

When I figure it out I’ll figure it out when I figure it out says you’re doing Crunchies shut up you can’t hear anything Crunchies leave me alone choc it choc my drink my diet Dr kelp how am I supposed to eat my pizza without my

Drink do you want to do a mukbang one day I’m sorry what did you say sorry I was I know that had nothing to do with what you were talking about but I was thinking about how they could probably hear me crunching and I was just like oo

ASMR crunching ASMR mukb more so it was more so how you pronounced it that I was like I was confused about mukbang yeah isn’t it mukbang um it’s no it’s mukbang cuz it’s Korean cuz it’s Korean yeah mukbang I have never heard that before mukbang is the American way

Of saying it I know I’ve just never heard it pronounced that way so I was just like I was just like whoa I thought it might have been a sakaa thing no no no I’m saying it the correct way this time wow there a first for everything what the freck I’m

Sorry I think I’ve hit you in the Stream way more times than I ever have I don’t think I yeah I don’t think like you’ve intentionally hit me before in Minecraft but that all changed once I started getting a little bit silly Yep this stream specifically out of all the

Streps we’ve ever had and just like opening a soda can opening a soda can sound ASMR I have to work on ASMR you mukbang with me I don’t want to work on that ASMR I don’t I don’t like I don’t like those the mukbangs where we just

Eat in chat I just don’t like eating sounds people do though yeah I want to like chat and eat and like say that it’s a stream but I’m just like eating instead of actually doing anything and we [Laughter] chat I just want to like not do anything

So if that’s cool with you guys you’re so mean why would you do anything Onie you never do what I want you’re so mean and rude and stuff it’s not my fault that two of the main things that you really want I do are just things that I

Just vehemently do not like doing talking and eating not the same time sounds I don’t like eating sounds that’s the whole point of mukbang no the whole point of mukbang is to eat with somebody that’s ASMR food they’re thinking of the that’s what no no no like the whole I’ve

Never seen them talk while doing it so like okay cuz I’ve seen mukbangs since the origins but originally mukbangs were just the origins the originally mukbangs are just like you sit down you’re sitting down with someone like you know the video is just like they’re eating and

You get to eat with them like you’re having a meal together and like chatting that’s what a mukbang is I don’t know may maybe maybe maybe that’s the difference between mukbang and uh mukbang oh you don’t want to do a mukbang but you’ll do a mukbang got

It you know who knows but yeah it’s not ASMR it’s it’s just like us chatting and eating I mean I guess that’s fine but like how how does that how is that any different from anything I I thought I thought a big point of it though

Was the hearing of it you know the ASMR Community got to it yeah but they got to it they couldn’t survive the ASMR Community but those are just ASMR food eating videos like it just say ASMR food eating mukbang is like its own genre isn’t that called a date yeah a date

With the viewer we’re parasocial up in here M uh wow the Moon looks beautiful the Moon looks beautiful tonight doesn’t it LMO LMO ha T wouldn’t that be silly if we were to eat some wouldn’t it be wouldn’t it be teeh haha if we were to mukbang under the Moonlight that’s so

Pretty God do you want to sip from my drink that I already drank oh my God indirect indirect smoochi oh boy smooching time shut [Laughter] Up oh boy smooching time oh boy smooching time got to go fast got to go faster f f faster faster faster roll it around the speed of sound Hedgehog have you ever looked up at the CLS and thought how blocky what you might need a shut up

Counter for azi do I say that a lot you do say that a lot specifically right after I talk you about to say it [Laughter] again I heard the beginning of that you’re going to say it you what I just going to say it right there

A you got so mad about being called out about it you you you fell right into the Trap oh Ash you fell for the rat trap anyway anyway te I need Stone I need don’t remember what you were just saying I don’t remember either there’s a lot of

Cobblestone I know I got to go grab it oh to go across the way no time for relaxation hesitation did you know that you want some do you want some stickers te’s or hoodies check out the Oni merch at https mer. stream elements.com onzuka wow that’s crazy imagine yeah imagine these nuts w

Woo let’s go baby maybe I’ll make this whole entire M I don’t know what to do I don’t deep slate brick wall deep slate brick wall brick W brick wall I propose a challenge what kind of challenge okay I’m done with that voice already that just last what kind of challenge

Sensei what kind of C challenge challeng are you proposing challenge yeah challenge what kind of challenge do you have for us I must say it better be challenging or else it’ll be too iy sorry don’t be sorry this I’m glad that someone laughs at the the whatever I’m

Doing right now you know you know I always laugh bro you always laugh and it’s beautiful thank you thank you 16 52 Cobblestone Cobblestone used to be smelted rat emoji name any facet of modern technology and now related to math done by the great Leonard uler more like Leon easy [Laughter] uler

So any facet of Technology okay the wheel technically technology Tey wheels are pretty modern they’re they’re used in a lot of things I’m just saying you know wheel wheels are I could have swor I could have cars sorry what bloody error bloody error control delete mate lovely jly uh pip pip

Cheerio um hind duping Schmid ah what is a what I’m so confused all I know is that there’s like I don’t know I’m always groudon’s a Pokemon what groudon’s a legendary Pokemon you’re a nerd I love Pokemon Sumi well looks like it’s time to sue dang BR I’ll

Sue I I I look away for a second I turn back you’re in like a full Phoenix Right cosplay objection objection I want to I want a cosplay from Phoenix Right Phoenix right I don’t know anything about Phoenix wght other than the characters are silly goofy almost Christmas means it wasn’t

Christmas people also went crazy over that one clown girl not pommy but like the Phoenix right one also pommy though also pomy um Also pomy let’s see Fenix right I like it’s really the trials are really goofy but it’s very interesting and then it gets more and more interesting cuz at first

You’re just like okay yeah and then like the story just like starts hitting you hard for no reason you’re like oh shoot it just hits you out of nowhere yeah it’s really good just Yakuza I will say Yakuza is such a good game uh Yakuza zero that’s the main one I

Played it is such an oddly good game and I don’t know how to describe why it’s good it just is I don’t know how to describe it other than just like insane the razor blade salmon looking guy well he’s like a big he’s like a big like Godzilla like dinosaur kind of guy

That’s like you know made from like molten like lava and like Earth and stuff he’s he’s the continent Pokemon so like yeah he’s kind of he’s kind of a big deal even though he’s like only 11 foot tall technically not going to lie I keep reading it as Gordon so in my brain

I’m like Gordon Ramsey Gordon Ramsey you know I could see that I could see that you know he’s fight he’s him and Kyogre the other legendary fighting and like kyogre’s like you know like flooding the Earth and Gordon’s over there like what you wanker what you doing you bloody

Hell what you’re an idiot sandwich you know that wait this is I’d like to see that fight what kind of burger egg did you get I’m sorry not you Galaxy oh you got a burger ad yeah what kind of burger that’s a good question well I guess they’re I there oh I was

Going to say I don’t know if they can hear us because they had an ad I guess they could Burger King E I mean I mean Whopper Whopper junor Whopper double whoer I love those AI memes they did of it where it was like Whopper Whopper Whopper

Whopper I miss my kids so much do double junior bacon Whopper BK have it your way I couldn’t have my kids custody [Laughter] BK then it went over to McDonald’s McDonald’s a little bit better than BK yeah just a little it’s still I publicly hate Burger King me

Too Burger King and me enemies enemy absolute enemies no question you guys heard of 23 in me get ready for Burger King in me Burger King and me the classic the classic the classic tale of betrayal angst and so much more coming to you this fall oh my God

Man I I probably told you about the uh the Robert Downey uh like story with Burger King I’m sure I have at some point what no say it refresh so you know how like Robert down junor just kind of like recently became like a big like actor and stuff but

Before he was kind of like addicted to drugs and like in really like bad place in life no but go on yeah so he he he was he was in a bad place in life and did a lot of drugs and stuff and was addicted um

So basically he was in like a really rough spot had nothing to live for blah blah blah and apparently he went to a Burger King and he had a meal so awful that he completely changed his life he did a full 180 quit everything he was

Addicted to and and became what he is today because Burger King was so awful and that’s the reason why in the first Iron Man movie immediately when he comes back from um you know being in like the the like the terrorist camp or whatever he immediately gets a Burger King Burger

Cuz like and then he completely changes everything so it’s not like weapons like Stark industry is like not weapons oriented because that it like represents the pivotal change in his life when he did a full 180 and did the right thing because Burger King is awful I can’t

Tell if you’re like creating an elaborate thing where no no he he’s gone out and publicly said this in like interviews like that is the moment he changed his life around was because he had a Burger King meal so atrocious that like it completely changed his perspective on

Life and he it just changed him as a person and I relate to this every time I eat Burger King I want to change my life for the better too and never have it again man maybe that maybe that’s why he became like a super popular actor is

Because that way he wouldn’t have to like afford that awful food you know he wouldn’t have to like uh he could like splurge on actually good stuff you know awful food for cheap yeah awful food yeah the thing is though it’s like oh you’d be like oh

Just go to McDonald’s but McDonald’s has been raising their prices so like they’re not even that cheap of an option anymore you know well they still are they still have the dollar menu and stuff bro I guess but like so many of the items have been raised in price so

Like a lot of like the the good quality items that you would like normally want like aren’t even there dang I still buy McDonald’s ele I still buy it over Burger King but you know I’m I wouldn’t be happy about paying a bit more for it but you know oh

Well you got to do what you got to do right yeah you got to do what you got to do you got to do what you got to do in this crazy world in this crazy world please not do not die on the shore Mr Squid go go have a have a fulfilling

Life bye have a holy jelly cream me they keep they keep spawning and they keep like crashing thems on the shore and they just like suffocate and it’s like what are you doing stop just like go with your F I don’t know just do something don’t be here go to

The ocean be free be free be free it’s like free Willie but instead it’s like a like a squid you know free squilly yeah they’re making the prices and uh the bigger meat thinner yeah that’s the thing they they like Yeah The Burger the burger meat thinner yeah I

Get what you mean but like that’s like the problem they don’t know their place people don’t get McDonald’s cuz it’s good like some other items are like pretty decent but like people get it because it’s cheap you know that’s like the whole point yeah no that was a legitimate

Story by the way by Robert Downey Jr so if anyone was interested in why I feel so Vindicated in my belief that Burger King is the worst like fast food place ever that’s why it’s part of why but you know it’s part of my reasoning yeah it’s just it’s just so

Bad I don’t know I don’t know why you would choose to go to Burger King over like literally anything Else I think I liked Burger King back in the day not a lot I think they’re okay back in the day it’s just like now it’s like it sucks you know yeah now it’s awful they kind of they kind of had like a KFC effect not the KFC

Effect I didn’t realize that Colonel Sanders like sold like KFC and that’s why it’s so bad oh really yeah apparently the I don’t know I heard something where they like um asked how um Colonel Sanders feels about KFC’s state right now or not right now but

Like you know years ago or whatever when it started like having a decline and he was like super disappointed with how they handled it and like he thinks it’s like awful what they’ve done with this company and stuff so it’s kind of like it’s kind of like the studio J thing

Right cuz like the the guy put his son in charge and they made like a horrible movie and he’s like ah I I had to go out and take a smoke break during the movie it was so bad poor M isaki uh poor Miyazaki yeah I heard that the newest movie is

Mid oh the Heron one yeah that like it’s like it’s just like a a normal movie it’s not anything fantastic and I’m like he has to stop saying that he’s not making any more movies and then coming back and making a mid movie he keeps doing that these last few

Years sir you’re out of juice yeah that’s true that’s unfortunate though H what other burger places do you have um Steak and Shake is really good though I know that’s kind of like limited to certain areas but that one’s pretty good um Wendy’s is pretty good I mean Wendy’s not in your yeah

Yeah Wendy’s is good it it’s kind of like imagine it just like being like a tier or two above Burger King and McDonald’s that’s basically what it is you know not for that much more expensive either mhm you can get a you can get a good old

Four for four or no no they they have the biggie bag now biggie bag um actually it’s a biggie bag shut up ah dang it there’s another shut up for the counter okay I’m trying to think about where I want this I want this like I keep

Forgetting I’m in Europe and we don’t have many burger places yeah we’re in America Landing the burger yeah there you go free car I love that so much um I’m trying to think about how I how do I want this to be set up

Oh gosh I how do I how do I how do I calculate with a calculator I don’t have one of those don’t you know that you won’t be carrying a calculator r at all times you know just see a cell phone no impossible whoa oh my God imagine having a cell

Phone that’s crazy Imagine Dragons these nuts yippe woohoo so it’ be like right here so this would be or from the okay So H I’m thinking I made like a nice like walkway to nothing to like the area that has like well I made like a nice like it’s not even anything it’s just like uh use deep slate bricks and then Cobblestone bricks and put them in a

Pattern and I’m like that’s it and I like the way it sounds that’s pretty nice though I like the way it sounds when you walk on it but I’m like it leads to like the Flatland I just made and I’m like I don’t know what to do

Now I get you yeah I’m trying to figure out how I want the farm to look and it’s it’s um it’s not the easiest thing of course I’m trying to figure out like if I want to make like a bridge somewhere like across here or just like I don’t

Know you could make a bridge that could be fun make a bridge over the Marana trench you could do that could you could do that if you wanted to get out of here James Cordon you’re not allowed James I’m James Cordon join me for Caro are we okay it’s so fun everyone loves

Me James Cordon just my perfect rendition of James Cordon is just he randomly says his name at times just for no reason and just’s cing CaRu karaoke cing K karaoke what you want about it it’s quite it’s quite brillant in it my acting career here I’m such a good actor I’m James [Laughter]

C and there there are a few things I love in life more so than just hating that man what what do you what do you love oh hating them oh ELO yeah yeah yeah it’s a good time you know it’s a good time to hate exactly I’m just a hater you

Know you get me for real for real I’m just a hater you get me for real for real I’m just kind of like a hater LMO yep yep what a concept I could use a little hate myself we got to stop using that man’s song in

Vain hey hey I’m not using it in vain I I love I love that song what concept he doesn’t like that song what a concept well that’s okay I could use a to feel myself we could all use a little change oh the ears start coming and they

Don’t stop coming back to the rules and I hit the ground running this is the sense not to live for fun you guys okay so now he says he won’t do a karaoke stream that’s crazy if I do a little thing one two three four would

You ever do like a karaoke stream but like it’s all just like stupid songs like that uh I don’t know not too sure I’m not too sure mate you know what I’m saying but become more sure I want you to sing yep what a concept thanks what a

Concept I could use little karaoke myself my God I went to the wrong furnace I’m going to go to back oh man that’s that’s rough buddy I’m so sorry one of the Peta CS escaped Peter the cow escaped P the cow escaped P have you ever watched Family Guy

Really I want to recently last year yes a little cuz like um let’s see oh he’s muted I’ll wait Yep what a concept I use a little death to myself um oh shoot was going to say here all along well it looked like you were muted you were moving your mouth just like Sombra from the hit game OverWatch he been here all along God but I went to let’s see I went

To my con and you know there’s like a TV in the hotel room right so we just like put whatever to play and like my hotel mates decided there was like a channel that was just marathoning family gu for all of that weekend so I was forced

To watch it a a fate truly worse than death it was during the time of the series where like that one song is what is it um oh shoot I forgot how it went it was a meme like it was a meme oh now I can’t remember I’m going

To look it up because it’s going to make me mad if I can’t remember that’s fair I don’t yeah I just don’t like Family Guy to be honest like I just just don’t find it funny in any way shape or form true it just it just is not for

Me and I think I just have to be okay with that wait this isn’t why the calculations aren’t calculating hold on 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Oh weird did I move this over properly one two three four oh yeah weird hm hey you actually now I think about it

You have spare dirt right yeah I do a lot okay yeah oh yeah there’s this I’m just going to need some to the river I found some though I found it it was the furniture ad in the show it’s just like dancing walking rearranging Furniture he’s like a little stupid song oh oh

It’s yeah yeah yeah yeah I know what you’re talking about actually it’s a reference um it’s like a recreation of like a old music video right I don’t know but like yeah it it’s it’s oh I’m trying to think of what it’s called it’s like oh it’s something yeah like where

They like kind of slide towards the camera like it and then like everything kind of moves around them and yeah I forget what it was called though but yeah that’s like a popular music video cuz it was like whoa how did they do that you know kind of stuff

Yeah I know what you’re talking about I don’t I don’t remember all of it though but I know I know what you mean I know what you mean see ah Family Guy all I know is Brian dies Brian but then he doesn’t Brian oh Brian oh I love Brian he’s my favorite

Character from The hitu Family Guy Brian so then I think we’re good I saw this like funny Tik Tok where like it was this group of friends they were doing a podcast and one of the girls uh did like a voice of something and it sounded really good and everyone was

Like oh my God you know so good and the guy one of the are just like that’s really good here’s mine and then he just says Brian and everyone erupts into laughter just say Brian in the boys dang they really showed him up for being Stewie Stewie from Family Guy

Stewie it’s just so easy everyone just could say Briant that’s all that’s all he says right I’m pretty sure right that’s all that’s all Stewie says I’m sure he says more stuff but like yeah pretty much pretty much just that that’s pretty much all he does you know all he

Does is say Brian that’s pretty much it yeah exactly that’s pretty it that’s pretty much it like literally I you know literally literally mate I don’t know what you’re on about mate what you talking about I know that at least in the beginning of the show he’s like constantly trying to kill his

Mom that’s like his like thing I guess I don’t know yeah I know too much about it yeah again I haven’t watched it so I don’t have I don’t have like a lot of context for this stuff but like yeah I kind of just I’ve heard here and there here there over there

Underwear underwear [Laughter] just that one kid from back of the Barnyard going to cry time to look up a stone bridge build don’t cry don’t cry it’s too late for that they can never be brought back I’m always crying on the inside only never C the inside only the outside don’t you

Know I’m emo oh my gosh are you the one guy from trolls three one and two you’re the one slur yeah why why is the one slur why would the onler be uh emo have you seen him he’s wear he’s wearing monster colors Monster Energy Drink colors he green and

Black oh so they’re Ed oh cuz they’re a gamer and the gamers are oppressed yeah don’t you know the scene kids it’s like that oh dang that’s crazy you know what you make a good point honestly isn’t isn’t that like a thing from a Teen Titans like I’ll absorb the power

Then everyone will know who the most oppressed group of all his [Laughter] Gamers I don’t know where I think it’s from Teen Titans I could be wrong though but it’s so funny the most oppressed group of all Gam G like they say it like that too it’s so good they say like a

Reded mod oh it’s so amazing I need to put lots of things to burn burn baby burn I’m Mo it’s moou mo mo mo yo what’s up everybody that’s it that’s all I got yo what’s up everybody I’m going to snap you like a s

My name is m what that that that’s Mo moog’s new canonical voice okay snap you like a slim JY brother got I kid I kid unless unless n why do you want this dried kelp dried kelp if you could put that in the chest above uh the furnace if it

Fits got it if it doesn’t I can come by and uh pick it up because we can craft that into more fuel more fuel for the other furnace for the furnaces yeah let’s go Fern Fern Fern Fern felicious felicious definition makes the I don’t know anymore burn delicious ambitious I’m really cool

Cool that’s how the song goes right yeah yeah yeah you’re playing the block game let’s go the block game yes I love block game block yeah we’re building stuff I’m expanding the farm Ash is uh digging up lots of dirt no not anymore we got lots

Of free real estate had lots of free real estate you know now who knows it’s a mystery actually you know what I’ll plant some more trees just call me Mr Beast what the freak you know he he did the the tree thing you know just call me Mr Beast so

Call me Mr Beast Lorax well you can call me Mr Bean call me Mr Bean I can beat Superman uh Loi Loi Lo diff easy GG no worries didn’t you need dirt from me oh I picked some up from uh from one of the chests I assumed you put it in there

Oh which chest the one by the um furnaces it had like a couple stacks of 64 so I just I figured but maybe it was from something else oh no that’s good I thought you were going to take the one by the cabin where I was digging all

That dirt cuz there that there’s like a chest just full of dirt there yeah I I figured that like you know you would probably have some over there I just saw it in that chest I’m like oh maybe maybe that’s some of the some of Ash’s Supply

Maybe they put some in here and you know I just didn’t really think about it but you know it all worked out that’s the important thing no thoughts head empty taking care of the boy for good boy for us I’m not taking care of him he

What wait why does he need why does he need taken care of wait pause what do you mean I don’t need to be taken care of I can take care of myself yeah yeah I don’t I don’t feel like you’re helping my case that much Ash we’re literally the same AG

Yeah Ash is only a little bit older than I am yeah like a few months yeah don’t worry about it Ash okay whatever you say Chad whatever you say Chad yeah whatever you say Chad I don’t know if I trust it I’m just saying seems a little bit

Sus you know I just got to be honest with you Jad my eyes is itchy and itch your eyes forehead yeah I’m working on it it’s a work in progress It’s a work in progress I’m working on it it’s a work in progress the on is still a puppy no he’s

Like 7 foot something yeah see see see okay finally finally Ash is helping me out here yeah see chat look at this look at that see that’s the character development we we need wait is this too far wait one or too far okay near oh my God that freaking near reference I made

Earlier oh yeah I just remembered it when you’re like what about near what about far what about whatever you are wow oh I love that so much that that was a ah top tier I don’t see how that changes anything you can’t be 7 foot and be considered a baby that’s unless

You’re a giant which Oni is not he’s an Oni yeah I’m an Oni I’m an Oni see exactly yes let’s go let’s go Ash is defending me against Chad let’s go never happened before yeah it’s a rare occasion don’t get too a very rare it’s not going to last for too

Long you know what I’ll just enjoy it while it last I’ll just enjoy it while I got [Laughter] it can’t become too complacent you know Boop no maidens no maidens I can’t believe this how long is this I can’t believe it 14 minutes okay finally this is this is what it feels

Like to not to not have a war on two fronts in my own stream finally I can I can I can finally feel the freedom oh sometimes I feel the good freed freedom I feel the freedom like I never I need iron you need iron yeah I need iron we

Got plenty of it in that chest I need iron I need some iron real quick I tell you what you know I’m just telling you right now I’m telling you I’m telling you why and I’m telling you how I’m telling you a a what with that extra H you’re so

Uh give me give me you’re you I am me eating sunflower seeds yum Thou Art I thou has thou has established a new Bond what Arana are you if you were uh a car like a confidant in Persona oh if I yeah if I was a Persona Confidant yeah ooh

That’s a good question I don’t know I’m trying to think cuz like it kind of I mainly just know the Persona 5 ones to be honest with you they’re all the like the game I’m most experienced in they’re all the same it’s just PE I know but

Like I only know those Char cuz I know like you know like you know like the different characters will like you know like ryuji has the Chariot but I think CH has it in four so so like I don’t know it how comparable I would feel like their personalities are so

Like it’s not really personality but more like they’re very strong characters very strength okay yeah so like it’s still kind of the same so basic like like because I don’t know a lot about the tarot cards I’m just going to be relating it to the character that like

Corresponds to okay so like that’s why cuz I’m like I might say one and you’re like oh that doesn’t feel like you at all and I’m like oh well I I kind of vibe with this person you know you can do it to Persona I don’t know the I

Don’t know the Arcana that will yeah I don’t know him Either who do you Vibe with I don’t know I’m trying to think I’ll say a character I VIP with in Persona 5 feel like I don’t feel like I’m super like a chariot so I don’t think I’m like very ruji well I mean I can be sometimes but like it

Kind of depends maybe a little you’re too much of a cancer I’m joking I’m joking you’re trying to bring my Zodiac into it what the I’m joking I’m joking as is back to bullying me continue on continue on um what about maybe a little bit of um maybe a bit of hierophant like

Sojiro yeah that’s good yeah I feel like I feel like maybe I could be a little bit like sojiro a little bit like I don’t know if i’ would say I’d be like a mentor but like I feel like I feel like I kind of like want to take care of people a

Little you know or at least I try but then again I might be a little bit Silly I don’t feel like I’m like you gay or Morana or an looking cool Joker looking cool Joker looking cool Joker looking cool Joker looking cool joker I’m an aquarius I am the crab boy I am a crab yeah you have crabs I’m a little no I

Don’t I’m a little that is just that is just incorrect I’m a little crab guy I go I go crab crab c crab crab crab crab I’m a capri son a capri son yeah that’s amazing thank you how does one how does one be a Capri Sun you just get cool enough got

To be around that era of 2004 when it was really popping the the era of 2004 that was my prime time baby that was when business was booming oh you’re a scorpion slay ooh scorpion oh my gosh I love I love I I love that character from

Spider-Man I think the Scorpion I think from Persona 5 a character I relate to A Lot H is either Makoto or Futaba oh Makoto’s a oh wait no I’m Futaba who am I kidding I’m I’m definitely the hermit I’m definitely the hermit terot actually you’re hermit you’re hermit you’re

Hermit you’re hermit I’m I’m definitely hermit I’m definitely just like sitting in my little cave like yes I would like to stream today yes play video game play video game oh yeah I’m I’m definitely Futaba I kind of forgot Futaba was in the game which is really surprising since she’s

My favorite character but in Persona 3 The Hermit Arcana is this girl named Maya who you is like an online friend of yours that you meet through a MMO RPG who oh oh my gosh I didn’t know wow was in Persona that’s crazy the MMO RPG

Is a reference to Persona 2 and the name Maya is named after the protagonist of persona 2 that’s cool yeah ref ref ref reference I’m I’m excited because Persona 3 reload comes out next month oh my God I am excited for that too I’ll start my Persona Journey again

Probably which I’m excited for and I’ll get to play Four as well pre sun the sun shines brighter when they’re outside good thing I don’t go outside a lot woo H the sun disgusting imagine imagine the sun yeah I don’t what I don’t know much about like um zodiac sign like

Compatibility cuz I know some people are like I knew they weren’t meant to be I mean they were a Taurus after all it’s like what what does that even mean over like there’s traits in it that like just like would make like the other person like like like you wouldn’t Vibe

Together like let’s say somebody likes more like quiet and stuff but like the other person’s more like loud and is like outgoing or like you know it’s stuff like that like oh tourist they’re like hard-headed and they’re stubborn and like I can’t deal with stubborn people so you know it’s not their fault

That they were born with an abnormally thick skull I know thought you’re going to say something else boy what abnormally thick what what what what else would be abnormally thick thighs you know that’s [Laughter] fair I was like go on go on go ahead what are you going say

Uh I need more wheat whe oh I guess I could use my bone meal I could use the bone meal to make it grow faster faster stronger but I I don’t know like I feel like if you go into like a friendship or a relationship or something being like

Oh they’re this sign I’m not too hopeful about it like I feel like you’re just that’s just like a self-fulfilling prophecy you know it is cuz like if you’re going into it with like a negative mindset based on a zodiac of all things like that’s just going to be

A problem you know I tend not to think about it and then like you know if I get curious I’ll look it up and I’ll be like oh that’s interesting cuz like uh me and my best friend aren’t supposed to be compatible we’re supposed to hate each

Other but like we’re besties and I get along really fine with like Capri uh with Aries People even though I’m not supposed to with Capri Suns sorry I’m a Capri Sun uh surprisingly well with the Capri Sun Clan I’ve it’s rare for me to meet a CI Sun cuz we’re it’s rare for

Someone to be born in January it’s the least born month the least born yeah so I don’t meet many but evidently I did meet somebody who was born on the same day as me who uh last year I think no 2022 well that’s pretty neat o burrito yeah we became friends and we’re

Just like oh wait your birthday’s on the same day as me that’s crazy we’re like a few years apart what is moog sing what huh I wouldn’t worry about it if I were you what does Tauros look like Tauros is like a bull that could work FES exist

What what do you mean that could work that could work for exist Ash you’re scaring me what do you mean Haven you your very open mindset to this to this dilemma is very concerning to me right now I don’t know if you’ve noticed but I’m a very open-minded

Person you are I I’ve seen inside and there’s no brain in there what the freak I will come to your house and I will like go into your walls and Whisper stuff in a demonic voice and you’ll never see it coming you’ll be like am I hearing voices you’ll never see it

Coming find out this year I have same birthday as Gordon ramsy Gordon oh oh my goodness Aquarius it’s crazy oh wait uh how do you feel about sour candy I love sour candy that’s my f I’m a huge sour candy fan 100% I’m a big sour candy fan too I like

It oh wait oh I’m so silly oh I made the fences too oh okay I made the fences too big so I got to cut them down to size I got to cut them down the size I tell you what I can’t let them I can’t let them

Stand over me I would watch like a TLC program of like a very like much thick country accent person like renovating homes like that yeah with his bare hands wait I’m so confused wait how did I how did I do the oh oh there’s just

Like one extra F oh okay I didn’t cut this off at some point okay well that makes sense why I got very confused then why did you get confused cuz I I wanted to change some stuff with the fences but I didn’t destroy one of my previous fences so

When I adjusted it it it it was off a little bit but it’s fine I got it I’m not an idiot sandwich you are an idiot sandwich I’m not an idiot sandwich please Gordon Chef you would never be a sandwich you don’t seem like sandwich material I mean I don’t really like

Sandwiches that much so that’s fine see exactly you just didn’t feel like the type to eat sandwiches yeah I don’t know why but he just didn’t seem like the sandwich eating type I’m not the sandwich eating type I’m the sandwich being type [Laughter] whoa whoa that’s crazy f for real my

God I hate Gathering materials I’m so lazy I don’t want to do this that’s understandable what material are you Gathering right now I’m just I’m just Gathering lots of different materials for this build like what though Stone yeah but I have that cooking already like gravel let them cook let them cook okay

I’m going to be honest it’s very simple stuff cuz it’s just like Oak and like 30 Oak and then 12 Oak and then like Oak planks and like Oak stairs and then like Stone oh are you like following like the little little guide like material like

Showcase thing and you’re like ah yes ah I get what you mean I get what you mean and then I’m going to watch their tutorial and they’re going to be like anyway we don’t really need this ELO I went back and changed some things yeah it’s like it’s like well you can change

It to this other material if you think that looks better and then like it looks way better with the other material that they didn’t list and you’re like [Laughter] why Farm’s doing not too bad though no it’s a work in progress what Subway sandwich don’t worry about the Subway

Sandwich you don’t need to know I kind of trust me you don’t you know you don’t you don’t need to know just just just trust me as a friend on this one you don’t need to know I want to know as like I don’t know I think you

Do I don’t think you want to know as like one of your best friends I just want to I just want want to know as one of my besto friendos I I implore you to reconsider your decision here I kind of the 12 in I kind of want to know I’m

Curious now I don’t I don’t know if you do well I’m curious now my Curious my curiosity needs to be satiated okay okay fine fine fine fine fine okay just so you don’t go scouring yay so the I’m just going to say that the object in question question wasn’t originally a

Sandwich in its conception okay that that’s all you need to know and and hopefully you can put together some dots besides Subway Subway Foot Longs they’re not even a foot long I just want to I just want to say that Subway sandwiches so even I don’t

Like subway okay I I hate Subway I’m putting my fist down I’m tired of pretending that Subway isn’t awful are you okay I’m tired of everyone pretending it’s not are you okay I’m like the Joker I always thought that my sandwich eating experience was a tragedy but now I realize it’s a

Comedy when you every single time I eat a sandwich I just hear a laugh track play and I’m like why why why have I been cursed to such a fate I don’t think I deserve it no one deserves it no one deserves the atrocity that Subway

Provides are you okay am I right but Subway cookie Subway doesn’t even make their own cookies it doesn’t matter it’s the only place party I don’t care it’s the only place that has those so I will have to be a to go they’re changing them so they’re worse no so it doesn’t even

Matter I think they already did it it dang from what I’ve heard I’m mad yeah they changed it yeah I can’t even because you know why because Subway Subway doesn’t have anything good they ruin everything they touch they’re like a they’re like a plague a disease a blight on the world all right

Oh yeah I remember that profile picture was that like did you have to do that with the profile pick yes like was it like a subathon goal or something yes yes it was I’m so sorry for your L yeah I know well hold hold on do you still have

The picture I need to test something out yes I do is it in like your fan art folder like well oh well the not safe for work yeah that’s that’s in there how many stuff do you have in your not safe for work I don’t think you I don’t think you

Want me to send that to you though yeah don’t send it to me I have an idea of what it looks like from what I remember but like have you seen it before yeah you had it as your profile picture oh well I mean yeah but

Okay of course I’d see it if I saw you like post something I’d be like ah there’s Onie ah interesting profile picture continue on you look like you’re handling Stuff wait how much do I have not enough anymore yeah my my sound alert stuff was like glitched um someone redeemed like one sound alert and it just came out as a Vine boom and I’m like wait a minute doesn’t I did that vom I was the one

That did a Vine boom you did a Vine boom how I have a soundboard wait did you did you just a minute ago yes [Laughter] you threw me off so hard because I have one that’s a Vine boom and I’m like why did it come out as a bom that’s so weird

So I thought something was wrong with it everyone was so confused I’ve been spending the last like minute I I like I like refreshed the The Source player I wow that was something I’m so sorry what have you what have you done I didn’t know oh it’s

You were you were silent for a bit so I decided to play it oh no no no if I went silent then uh no no no you you weren’t talking I I I watched your mouth move that’s how I know you’re muted wait the cow this cow’s a witch I saw them phas

Through the fence don’t you think there’s too many cows in that fence magic okay hey it’s it’s Peta approved it’s Peta I I don’t know what to tell you it’s pea approved there’s Pea in this block world what does block world paa look like I’m going to make a building called Pea in

That like area make make a person and put a name tag on him just called Peta God the horse is here I put a villager in there I don’t know how to take villagers from their homes but how do people steal villagers I think the one guy buys books I’m going

To sell him books books books books I’m going to sell them knowledge yooo big some a blowout YooHoo big some blowout books big some a blow out yooo why is there a single sheep some sheep did end up infiltrating the cow Farm we kind of just let them be because

You know why not I suppose but yeah I don’t know yeah it did um it did play the right sound effect after I reset some stuff but yeah I don’t know why L it was causing some problems but yeah I I got very confused by that I’m like why

Did it I I’ve never had it play the wrong sound effect before so I was really I was really thrown off I was like how did that happen sorry oie no it’s okay this this is you see it’s part of your charm you know my charm yeah you’re you’re a wild card

Thanks thank you you’re a wild rat oh yeah okay you’re a wild rat you’re crazy I’m crazy you’re crazy you’re insane do you know that insane okay you’re silly yeah I am a little bit I’m just I’m just at that like autopilot phase where like I’m just sleepy you know and

I’m just like yeah I’m just vibing yeah you vibing all right I’m just vibing you know I’m just vibing I’m just vibing you know what I’m saying am I right or am I right chat tell him he’s wrong tell them he’s wrong no I’m right is not insane they’re in your

Stream oh true you make good point you make a good point I never said I was Saye wait what why’ you have like why is there space in in insane like inane are they in the sane or are they trying to say in that’s that’s the joke they’re

Making they’re not insane they’re in the Stream that’s what they’re trying to say oh my God it’s a joke Ash why did it take me 5 years I don’t know Frick I was like I don’t know how to explain this without just dismantling the joke at the seams but you know it’s

Too late for that it’s too late the joke the joke is no longer it went over my head so bad it did but that’s okay you know we still we still love you you know thanks yeah you’re just a little you’re a little silly you’re little bit of a

Goofy Goober right now you know no I’m not I’m normal I’m a goofy goober rock [ __ ] goers put your toys to S okay can we just say like what what were the animators thinking when they gave Patrick those like leggings like what what’s the deal with that they

Wanted to for so long and you could tell yeah like they definitely like a plan he has the legs the thick legs for it you know that’s true I don’t know how to feel about it Pat is a Latina Queen a Latina Queen yeah wait what okay

Wait hold on I’m trying to think so the ratio okay so four books requires 12 P okay so gotcha sorry I I just did some math in my brain real quick things I put up with on a day-to-day basis I can’t believe this how dare how

Dare you insult me for trying to make us money what what are you doing what are you doing I’m making us money I’m trying to make a fair wage in this economy you look this guy sells glass now cool yeah I’m on my way back home go

Back home going back home from the village from the village from the vage Resident Evil Village ow spider please stop stop stop stop hey yo true true true wait what read what were they thinking when they made Patrick train his booty grip St you know that’s that’s a fair point that

Is a good point Patrick has been a very interesting what about wasn’t there like one episode where he uh where he was like cross chesting too I don’t remember and like pretended to be like someone’s girlfriend or whatever oh weird I don’t know there was some there was an episode kind of like

That I think I don’t really remember but yeah Patrick has been the source of a little bit of um a little bit of sus content you know secretly the animators love Patrick a little too much I mean I love I love Patrick too just you know

Limit yeah you know I I I laugh at him and I’m like that’s pretty funny but you know that’s not the same kind of love I feel like the animators feel you know yeah the like oh dang oh dang you know I I look at Patrick and

I’m just like where’s the leak ma’am you know get back into bed get back into bed right now I’m I’m working on it I’m going I’m coming home no you’re not I’m waiting I’m home I’m at the bridge no you’re not Ash I I I called in saying

That I’d be a bit late from work okay I called okay I know you’re taking care of our pet clam Jr but it’s not my fault I have to work for a very hard wage [Laughter] uh I need to go back and slave away with my axe okay bye okay

By it’s like it’s like that one episode where SpongeBob and Patrick find the the little little baby clam you know Patrick would never be a good father well that was the the whole point of the episode he was a horrible father yeah and he kept he he said he

Was going to work but he just he just watched TV in his Rock home dead beat dad Patrick are you dead beat dead beat Pat dead beat dead beat matad Pat no no I’m kidding mat Matt Pat’s probably a really good dad I kind of forget he has

A child it’s kind of weird to think about right yeah I can’t imagine him having RZ d he’s literally married it’s like n no is how did he pull exactly what did he do like let me calculate the distance between our relationship let me calculate the distance between me and you tonight zero

Meters but that’s just a theory a relationship Theory thanks for dating hello I’m not a hug person but my God it’s 32° outside oh dang I wish I wish it was cold outside 32 is nice how cool like I feel like it would be to like have like a nice comfy

Blanket on while streaming like that sounds so nice no it’s not as nice as you think that sounds really nice as someone who needs like three fans on me while I stream because the air conditioning in my room doesn’t work that sounds fantastic to me oh you should fix your

AC personally I’ve tried there there’s nothing really wrong with it I’ve had people check it out it just doesn’t the air just doesn’t get sent far enough for it to work really I don’t get comfy with a blanket when I like have it on when if

It’s too cold here I just get like irritated oh I get what you mean I guess it depends like sometimes on material and stuff like that like and I have to keep moving it around I’m like Mo my bad guess that’s fair negative 32 wait wait oh wait you’re you’re

You’re European you’re European wait right you’re European that’s worse then yeah yeah I was going to say if it’s a European if it’s Celsius it’s worse um what would that be uh that would be um that’d be like I think it would be rough no it wouldn’t be the same would it oh

I’m going to look it up cuz I know 40 is 100 would it be it would it be 30 it would be like NE I think it would still be like negative like 35 Fahrenheit I don’t think it’ be like that big of a difference no I think there will

Be I’m trying to think cuz I remember like the rough like way to calculate it but I I don’t know seems weird I know I learned it in school did not remember at All I don’t know how to spell Fahrenheit oh my God just say just say um it’s 25 oh wow okay so I wasn’t I wasn’t far off actually it’s 2 Celsius over here yeah once it gets into the negatives it gets like a little bit like it doesn’t

Seem like it’s correct whenever you do the calculation you’re like a doesn’t make sense cuz Fahrenheit is such a big difference but cayola please are you like do you have like stuff for that you have warmth I mean apparently blankets but I don’t know how much is not enough

For – 25 I should know I’m sure I’m sure it’s not but as a person who gets into the negative temperatures a lot up here it’s rough I imagine I imagine it’s rough that’s rough buddy that’s rough buddy I need more big potatoes bu hello Zuko here hello on Zuko here you’re so

Chor you’re so chuny it’s cute I’m no shush I’m not cute shush says the person with like the Sakura blossom in their hair right now you that is just an aesthetic feature thank you very much uh-huh uhhuh pretty aesthetic I say don’t uhhuh me uh-huh uh-huh SpongeBob I’m just trying to plant stuff

I want to plant things Annie Annie what in my chat was just like literally tagged as both cute and F boy that sh thanks an everyone just shud okay don’t worry about it I don’t like this music that’s playing I’m skipping it are you skipping it because you don’t

Like it or you skipping it because you’re so flustered you can’t think ni it’s because I don’t like it because you don’t like it you sure it’s yes yes I am I’m sure okay whatever you say it it’s well I’m listening to Animal Crossing music and the one I was playing was

Like and I’m like man this is really not it it just it just wasn’t my cup of tea but no it wasn’t cuz I was flustered you shush your F don’t aha me like that please did you say you’re fake was that what you’re about to say you’re

Fake I don’t know if that was going to say I forgot you you fake you fake yeah I’m a do fake you’re a phony I’m AI yeah Chad actually I I haven’t collabed with Ash in years uh they’re just an AI I’ve never collabed with Ash before

Um I just I just got an AI of their voice I’m the new NEOS I I I asked them one time and they said no so I had to make an AI of them e that’s so gross it’s so messed up oh my God that would be crazy my

Favorite H vtuber or something doesn’t want to be collab with me so I’m going to just get AI of them I can’t believe gu gura doesn’t want to collab with I’m going to have to make an AI of them I can’t believe G gura said no to a

Coab God that’s too bad hi [Laughter] soar yeah have to let it go he died years ago that’s just an AI oh my gosh that’s like literally the plot of Astro Boy oh my God are we going to actually are we actually going to get like the AST boy

Society oh probably that’s a good point actually Hay’s AI to play with him cuz do you have to include the part where it says I have no friends can we can we just leave that part out please I can have can I not have friends in this

Imaginary timeline where I I have ai people collabing with me ai ai one McDonald have Farm we had some cows and the cows went the cows are sad and they want to get out but they’re trapped to be honest because Peta said yes uh Peta approved of this very farm e e

IO you cannot to McDonald e p approved of his farm [Laughter] E God my brain is dying no no no no no I serious voices you what do you mean like me when I get serious go back to the Fanboy voice what do you mean the Fanboy voice your Voice can you not what you you were you were you were you were so in my court before I said I said Don’t expect to last I said Don’t expect it to last bro I’m aware but could I mean could could you not have given me like an extended

Free trial please you get the extended get a sday free trial you get it off stream oh how convenient for you yeah exactly and everyone watching isn’t that convenient chat huh isn’t that convenient I’m in an episode of The Office he’s looking at the the riging camera right

Know yeah you know I I should I should do that just like like random office stairs say something cringe your mom there we go that’s how you do it nice now we now we just need like a laugh track to be played at some point I

Don’t have a laugh track what is this tell me you know oh God that’s like a that’s like a bicycle like ring oh okay I know what that is got it all well it’s more like a shop like you enter a shop or something that was me doing a bit on my debut

Thing back in April I used it only once for a bit doing a bit sfx I did like a little role play of people coming into like the coming into like a thing that I’m working at oh I think I know what you’re talking about they would enter and then you’d be

Like yoooo big some blowout yeah exactly oh my God Pi some a blowout yo oh my gosh wow you’re my favorite character from Frozen the hit movie Frozen from from Frozen real you know my favorite character Frozen the cold never bothered her anyway whoa it’s pretty cool even though like

The whole entire movie is caused because she was very bothered by her cold Powers I accidentally found the emote wheel the emote wheel what’s an emote what if you hold R you’ll get wheel one and you press edit and then you click on it and you can get em I received some money

Whoa anime run no oh heck what oh my gosh wait wait why can’t I do oh I want to afford an anime run so bad that was an accident I the floss the worm they have the FL floss wait hold on oh my God wait hold

On what’s the anime dance I don’t even know what that is wait let me see oh my gosh they have uh yeah they have the floss they have the worm around the world oh my gosh what the heck is the what is this what is this squats boxing te pose evil laugh wait

Oh dab is for free dab is for free let’s go dabs for free oh I’m going to get no and wave I’m getting the free ones I don’t want to I don’t know how to get more coins but however that happens oh no I don’t want

This one uh I want dab for sure I want I’ll have wave no yeah of course yes I get yes and no um I’ll put woo right there that seems fun oh what I can only buy one though with this how do you get more I’m not clicking on

It oh running I’ll take running three I want anime run though I know that’s what I want don’t wor day why can’t I have it because you have to pay money in this world I Think outfits skins Cosmetics whoa that seems yeah seems a bit out of my price oh I can get like demon wings so that’s cool oh whoa that’s a lot of stuff okay I prefer just a just the emote I could do I could do a forward roll I could do a

Front flip front flip would be cooler back flip I don’t know or or just the floss I don’t know what should I get do you know what you’re going to get Ash M I don’t know what should I get hey hi organ oh organic okay I probably should have read organic or that sounds way less menacing than organ but yeah um we’re playing with the essential mod because um it allows us to play multiplayer because we can figure

Out a lot of other ways and we just found out that there are emotes which is phenomenal did Ash did you pick one yeah I did but I didn’t buy one I just did like the basic ones now okay I kind of want to well I don’t know maybe I’ll

Figure it out all right let’s see watch oh wait I can’t see that’s so stupid I love that it makes you go third person oh gosh I did not mean to do that my bad chat you’re running oh man wait you oh you can run in like oh that’s actually

Kind of neat you can run like towards the camera basically it’s like really weird o w to control but like you know it could be really cinematic if you do it right like in a world where one Oni was running against his destiny D Doo will he be able to outrun his own

Fear just fall down a pit I how do I stop I don’t know oh there you go [Laughter] Nice Ash okay did I sneeze I have wrong wait did I sne I didn’t sneeze what did I what did I do did you sneeze Snee I didn’t sneeze I know what my sneeze

Sounds I yeah I didn’t I didn’t think that you sneezed either did I do what happened the blob of twitching cows horrifying I know you can thank Mr onuk for that what do you mean p just thank me for being silly I hate when you try when I try what when you

Try P the horse is here I heard a squeak oh it’s not me you should turn around where are you not you uh Crayola turn around oh you know you know what I do when I see all these cows on them I can’t even see myself

Doing that dab dab on the cows dab on the cows so stupid why are you so mean to the C I’m not it’s Peta I I didn’t do anything we can do something we can be the change in the world by freeing them from their captive no you can’t you can’t be the

Change you want to see in the world of course not okay whatever you say whatever you say mister you can only be the change you want to see in the whirlpool ride at Disney World whirpool ride yeah Whirlpool ride I don’t actually know if they have a

Whirlpool ride but I just figured pool ride it’s a ride where you just where you just go into a cart and you just spin around a lot you know that’s what I imagine it would be you mean like their teacups sure you know we’ll go with that I feel like whirlpools are more

Like water oriented by default but like yeah sure we’ll say teacups you know tea is kind of like water but like you know warpool is more of a uh water park thing yeah have you ever tried making a Whirlpool by like going into a circle like over and over and

Over again and then like you try to go against the current that you made no you’ve never done that no oh it’s like my favorite thing I love doing that where like just in a pool yeah just like in a pool like a circular pool you just constantly go in

A circle over and over and over again and you’ll create your own own current in the pool see I’ve never done that so yeah it’s really cool it’s awesome wow potato one little monkey jumping on the bed one fell off and bust his head ah

Are you going to okay okay no are you going to do the thing that I think you did this already you did this already I did this already but it’s but we must relive it one little monkey jumping on the bed one fell off and didn’t bump his head Slay

Slay gaming pH glad I didn’t fall off that bed pH here oh we’re so cringe we are cringe oh we’re so cringe we are the most cringy people to ever walk the face of this Earth I didn’t get any extra wheat seeds from that are you kidding me in

This economy in this economy from my plant your H plant my Hita plant wa planta I need more wa planta we need more wheat plants or else we’ll never get enough money to send Susie to college Su isge Susie will become a vtuber like the rest of us you know what

That’s a better career path for sure yep she could have been a neurosurgeon but nerd Emoji am I right very nerd Emoji very nerd Emoji see this is why this is why we make the big bucks cuz we we have the we have the intellig Ence we know the correct path

In life and that’s vtubers yep it’s totally not a mistake totally not a mistake totally it’s fine it’s not a big deal it’s sleepy time what so like so like um I could be like a brain surgeon and like cure people of like deadly disease nah that’s boring do something that’ll actually

Make the world a better place like what uh you know talk about uh skibbidy while playing Minecraft okay there you go see that that’s how you make some that’s the change you need to be in the world you okay did I did I break you Ash

Is is this the moment talk about some skib gach talk about some ski gach no we playing some Minecraft oh this is the point this is the breaking point this is this is Ash’s fall no I’m fine I’m cool cool you’re fine cool I’m cool man it’s fine it’s not a

Big deal I need lots of barrels I think that should be enough all right barels barrels are a little bit like more effort to make than I feel like they should be yeah they really are I have one spare fence after are you kidding me what the heck I hate when I don’t get things in

Even numbers because just stop being odd forehead it’s too late for that I already made the skibby toilet joke there’s no going back from that it’s too late Ash there’s no going back from to Once We Were I wish we can go back I wish we could go back too there’s

No going back Ash there’s no going back from where we are why does the math not math up here so confused I don’t get it I don’t get a lot of things Onie I don’t get a lot of things and the jokes are no different my jokes are just too

Complicated for the world to understand that’s okay that’s okay you know I think I think honestly today’s generation I I think you know they’ve given up on life and I feel like that’s fair because honestly after witnessing anything skd toilet related or Gat related I think uh honestly yeah

I probably would have given up as [Laughter] well brother oh a brother this this [Laughter] guy two three okay three barrels okay we got so I got 20 and 12 barrels separated ooh nice nice all right now I need I don’t like the fact that with

Barrels you have to make like the slabs first and then like why can’t it just be like an amount of like you know normal standard wood like why can’t it just be the basic stuff because we’re not basic here Onie oh okay I’m sorry I didn’t realize yeah

Exactly fancy panties around here okay never say fancy pancy again thank you fancy panty PES fancy panties what’s wrong with saying fancy panties it’s just what we are whatever you say whatever helps you sleep at night to be H oh trust me nothing can help me sleep at night that

It’s too late for that yeah I know that’s why you’re tired now no sleeping will cure what I have the Sleepy goofy Haas lepacy leprosy that’s an extreme difference from silly goofy haha I don’t know what leprosy is um I’m sorry Mr oie it seems like we’ve diagnosed you with silly goofy

Haha no Say It Ain’t So doctor oh my bad yeah you’re right it’s actually leprosy oh few thank goodness for that man whatever happened to leprosy do you want it back cuz apparently it SK is what I just found out no I did I don’t want it back I’m

Just saying like did did we like what happened to it like I feel like we don’t really hear anything about that anymore the orinal thing oh well okay you should have just said so yeah okay what are those are those tra I thought I thought that’s what skid was too like

The and then like something explodes I thought that was the like what that was but no just somebody I learned that it’s something new now and I don’t like it not one bit it’s not new now it’s an old Meme and I don’t know why I thought like

Well no like the the one with the toilet involved yeah it’s always had a toilet wait really yeah for how long okay not that long I guess the beginning of 2023 that’s like ages ago yeah that’s how old you are I can’t believe that oh

My God I’m so old you are old I’m so I’m an old man I’m such an old man I’m I’m an old decrepit f t yeah you’re decrepit all right I’m decrepit can’t help it I am who I am I am who I am I forgot I was going to

Say something but it probably wasn’t important oh I’m sorry no it’s okay not your fault I lose my train of thought very easy sometimes okay I don’t Know I never got her email address and do you know what movie that’s from no Spy Kids 3 baby the best line in the whole movie what the freak I never never got her email address man could you imagine having to like slide in the DMS through like AOL

You know E I mean wow like could you imagine or like Myspace DMS well Myspace is cool is it well I like the customization of it Chad tell me is is mypace cool or or is Ash just coping I’m not coping you’re coping I’m not coping I don’t know how to cope it’s

Actually a very serious problem just like it gets like serious out of nowhere it’s like I don’t even know how to cope I’ve talked a lot with my therapist about it just never let them guess your next Move I don’t even know the definition of coping god um woohoo B some blowout some blowout big Sumer blowout why’d you give an accent because I am a weeb and that is what we do why did you give give random accents the things that don’t need accents

Because that is the art of the art the art of the weeb art of the weeb yeah the art of the weeb you know okay you know because like why would you go woohoo big I’m BL when you can go or just sir just it just doesn’t fit at

All you know why wouldn’t you just do that and then everyone just looks at you like wow that’s cringe bro and you’re like you just wouldn’t understand hi toothy I’m in that phase of life oh my God man my brain cannot handle this conversation the full met Full Metal Alchemist Full Metal

Alchemist what did I walk into uh I don’t know don’t worry about it a lot A lot’s happening right now there’s so much happening a lot none of it good oh I’m trying to trying to uh rearrange my CH this chest so that like everything’s

In order from when I need to take it in this video oh I get you I get you so I’m like what are you trying to build oh wait you it’s a surprise right no uh it’s just a bridge oh it’s not a bridge yeah build Bridges I want to connect

You’re going to name them after a place in London right London Brides for ping down ping down I was going to say they have a notorious bad rep of uh you know collapsing out of nowhere oh my God due to the black plague Lon Bridges yeah you know yeah make sure not the full your don’t fill your pockets full of flowers or else oh no they’re going to make a song about You Pockets hor no actually I feel like it’d be kind of cool to have a song made about me you

Know do you want a song made about you I mean maybe I don’t know depends on the song okay like who who oh who would who would perform the song that’s the question James Gordon you know not James Gord not James Cordon ah not James Cordon please James

Cordon I could never I no no not not not James Gordon I was I was going to like jokingly be like you know the Wiggles or like you know Lincoln bark or something uh Shi voice actor you know I don’t know about that I I mean nothing nothing against people

Who uh voice act in those but I don’t know if that’s exactly what I’m looking for you know I don’t know if that’s exactly what I’m looking for but don’t worry about it you should take off that timer timer the twitch special deal that’s a good suggestion I should do

That I didn’t realize I still had it up I thought I turned it off but I guess I didn’t isn’t that just silly hey chat oh that’s okay I I totally wasn’t I totally definitely didn’t stream the entirety of yesterday with that on that would be crazy anyway it’s going to be harder

That would be that would be silly chat no I’m a professional streamer of course of course it’s going to be harder for me to chat with chat when I’m chatting with would you want to perform your own personal song you’re all good own personal song honestly it would be very fun to have

Like non musicians do it like who would you just want to force to perform your song God ew ew if I had like a choice an actual musician sorry not like a non-m musician my bad yeah I would like a theme song made up by uh Lou zong who no one’s going to

Know oh my gosh I know them from um you know there he does a lot of he does a lot of music that I really like but he was a storyboard animator for Cartoon Network and did and worked on WE bear bears and stuff but he does um but he does music

And I really like his songs and I was just like I would like a song written by like made by him or Rebecca sugar M I see I see I don’t know I don’t know enough about like music people or anything but I just feel like getting a funny person would

Be a little bit silly you know Kermit oh Kermit would be fun Kermit would be a fun one I would like Kermit he would just sing a little diddy about me I don’t know what he would sing about but he would sing about something and it would be it would be

Cute he would sing about your car’s extended words to he so would he would and it would be really confusing cuz I’d be like I don’t have a car and then you know you don’t have a car no why’d you say it like I should have known

Dang I because I’ve I’ve told you this before yeah I should have [Laughter] known it’s a conversation I specifically remember having with you when though I don’t I not super long ago like I don’t know couple weeks ago maybe I don’t remember bro I don’t know bro who are you what’s your

Name who are you people who are you people how did I make a stone cutter if I don’t have a stone oh wait there it is oh oh look Stone I should get a furnace too actually no I can just take Stone just take the stone Cotton Tail VA

Does everyone know Cotton Tail VA I I I don’t know who they are oh really no all I know is that uh she followed me way early on in my like vtuber thing so I have her on my feed but she is artine so I just know of her oh she’s

Like I’m like oh there’s that Mutual that I have that I’m like why do I have this Mutual randomly no I’m not maybe I maybe I don’t know maybe they follow me and I follow them too I don’t know I could go take a look but like

What they’re just like a voice actress voice actor no they’re a YouTuber okay you know I can’t say I’m familiar just like this bunny vtuber that does like voice act voiceover stuff uh like in Works in voice over yeah no I can’t stand I’m familiar

I’ll have to check him out in just a second let me just keep planting keep planting my stuff I’m going to fill out this Farm I could have definitely like been multitasking this with other things but it’s really easy for me to pretend like I’m like maximizing my focus on this

Meanwhile I’m just kind of like going autopilot he let me look him up I’m curious I’m curious I don’t know if I’ve I don’t know if I’ve ever heard of this before do you look it up while you’re um multitasking yeah exactly no I I don’t follow them they

Don’t follow me oh got it so yeah I don’t know but it makes sense it makes sense for uh who said it yeah Moog to know them yeah you know I’ve never interacted with them a single time before so I don’t know woo stone cutter required man the the Oni not knowing

Someone that’s crazy that’s never happened before [Laughter] right me being out of the loop wow so irregular for [Laughter] me whatever you say what up here helps you sleep at night dude we’ve already been over this nothing will help me sleep at night we’ve already been over this I say

Phrases we’ve already been over this I appreciate your phrases we’ve already been over this I appreciate you we’ve already been over this I appreciate you why’ you come over here just just cuz I felt like it this is where I’m going to put the mar Bri

The bridge just going go over the Marana trench yeah yeah I also want to put like a portion of the bridge like a way to like go down and go into that like maybe like a maybe like a railroad or something ooh oh that’s really cool you know what that would be What

Epic I forgot that we had [Laughter] emot that opens up such like a whole new world of opportunity hey look pill so much just opened up I now I want to dab on the ender dragon as he as he perishes from this Mortal plane I’m going to go

Kill pillagers you want to come pillagers where where are you I know you’re around here I’m back at the farm oh come back over to me they’re by me okay I’m on the way I’m on the way I’m on the way I haven’t seen pillagers in a

While I remember there were like a frequent problem over there oh is it because I’m building over here dang I’m here where are they where are they let me add them let me add him this way Onie Onie Onie over this way oh I got this i got this i got

This oh there’s three behind it I like how you jump and kill them yeah you do like more damage with an axe if you do that but I don’t like using the axe well I’m just I’m just I’m just doing it my way my way or the

Highway my way hey no Highway option my way or the highway I’m going to get you I’m going to get you get you get you on the [Laughter] highway it’s just a video of someone chasing someone else on the highway traffic is just flying by

God I want what do you want I just want to be happy so do I the I want to be happy does you know that you can only be happy if you eat a troll if I eat a troll yeah oh my gosh you’re so right if I eat a troll maybe

I’ll truly be happy then that’s such a good point you’re making no I’m smart oh my gosh wow man I wonder which troll I should eat James Cordon eat James Gordon I’ll consume James Cordon I will I will make his puny life Essence into my energy his his his his

Absolutely his puny Life Energy will be mine it’s because theod is a snack and he’s a special snack and he’s very special to us a special snack I’m going to bed and change would be a lot of protein no he wouldn’t he’s full of not protein

He he’s he’s just got you know he’s just got thick bones that’s all yeah it’s just James C I don’t think he would taste good I don’t think he would either I mean I don’t think any of the trolls would taste that good if I’m being honest poppy looks sweet you likees sweet

Stuff what do you think what do you think emo kid tastes like um well when he was emo and gray probably rotten just like his emotions but when he turned blue again when he turned blue again he’s probably like what’s a like what’s like a blue flavor that isn’t like sour blue

Gatorade you tastes like blue Gatorade yeah yeah just just blue Gatorade nothing no specific flavor No Blueberry or raspberry or anything just blue Gatorade that’s the official flavor of of the emo kid from trolls thank you for coming to my TED Talk thanks Ted hi my name is Ted you know Ted was

The the main character from The Lorax Ted oh yeah man I forgot about the lorax what a what an odd movie let it die let it die let it shrivel up and die and die honestly like what if they did what if one person in the town was

Fine with like the O’Hare like air stuff and they just smooshed the plant you know dang they should have done that it would have like finished it like that would have been crazy and then the oners in his Tower like I probably should have planted that without telling

Anybody it’s like why could why couldn’t you have planted that outside he wasn’t thinking he’s the one SL why did it have to be in the middle of the Town also how is he breathing without the oare he he was so bad he didn’t need [Laughter] air you know

That he doesn’t need oxygen anymore exactly he replaced his he replaced his lungs with need so he didn’t need to breathe anymore they were just made of his like little sweater stuff oh my God help what is this conversation sometimes we have conversations and I’m like why did this happen

Whoa whoa dude that’s like like dude that’s pretty crazy I can’t believe you say that’s a hot take hot mom hot mom hot mom hot mom man I’m feeling the tired energy catch up with me I’m so tired do you want to end in like

10 sure we can do that if you want to yeah might not be a bad idea you’re tired I’m tired the question is it might a bad idea but how bad can I be you know have you ever wondered that have you ever wondered how bad can

I be you’re not bad that’s the thing so no what what what do you what you mean what do you mean you said have you ever wondered how bad I could be and I’m like you’re not even bad I’m I’m Bad to the Bone you’re not bad to the bone you’re literally onuka

Nate I’m bad okay trust me on this how bad can I be is the real question though you know how bad how bad this bad you time it right I don’t know [Laughter] how I just jump into the hey is there a skeleton there’s a skeleton where he

Caught on fire he’s over to the left yeah but he’s going to go under so get off fire no it’s fine he’ll die now is the Flames went out uh I’m oh he’ll die now got it good job thank you yeah I mean what can I say I just just

Feel his time was up you know his time was n ience bill bill bill bill bill the Science Guy bill bill bill bill bill bill n the Science Guy It seems you’ve escaped your home cow where do you go where will you go roaming these lands pain and suffering is never an option pain and suffering is never an option yep it’s always mandatory it’s not a matter of choice or free will it’s mandatory it’s obligatory

It’s all those things wrapped into one UNH wholesome package Yes you heard it here folks that’s right ladies and gentlemen you heard it here the one the only has confirmed the one the only what will we do with this information tune in next time tune in next time for more Onie ballsy on

Balls same on time same rat Channel stop what the freak actually that work better with your thing cuz rat and bat rhyme yeah same rat Time same rat channel do not involve me in this mockery it’s too late okay it’s too late Batman’s already tracking us down for the copyrighted

Issues a not Batman not the Batman yeah it’s the Batman don’t you want to meet Batman maybe Batman just seems pretty cool you know I don’t know like maybe maybe he’s chill you know maybe he’s a cool guy okay here uh put this here I got to think with the one single

Brain cell I got to the one single brain cell that I have left I got a single brain cell too wow your sleep is really setting in yeah what can I say I’m just a I’m just just a little guy you know okay I’m just a silly little goofy guy don’t worry about

Me I’m just doing what comes naturally why are there so many cows that escaped I’m must them down to the ends of the Earth M how dare you escape the whom I lovingly I mean Peta lovingly made for you I had nothing to do with this of course but Peter put so much

Time and love into it how could you cows we do have a lot of steak we can cook yeah I wonder why you know Peta giveth and Peta taketh away why is PETA giveth and Peta taketh that is the Law of Equivalent Exchange uh how does that song go I was

Trying to do an opening of FMA by foror oh the the first one I think the again one um yeah I forgot how it go I just remembered the song name for um uh it’s like Oh not ask of why but I know I’m to blame so I apologize but it’s a winding road where we’re stumbling we away among the crowd don’t get me wrong when never go back in time and say God but is there a way I can hold that that endless time I can’t

See it in your eyes don’t give me that look cuz you see you’re that last person I need to pity me cry W forgiveness every sin we CL is Everlasting I don’t know who am I waiting for now notebook virtue is your reality we live for

Something as soon as we find it I I’ve forgotten please remind me stay turn Darkness expire your chances we got to make it through again we there’s no else to it’s through your kindness I always be grateful time I’ll drown the feeling out I’m on the

Way we car onward get a friend for on the way yeah yeah let’s go I was just shaking my mouse at just like your mouse sh little imp dance yeah I was just doing a little little headbob thing the way that I I’ve the way I’ve only seen one season of it

And not even of Brotherhood but I really like that song and that cover I still can’t believe you haven’t watched it like it’s can’t believe sorry I just it’s just like you know I don’t know it’s just like the like the most popular anime really it is

But yeah yeah I just never did I was too busy watching swimming anime boys I don’t know what to tell you I was too busy watching free yes I guess you didn’t have any free time for it oh my god wow you’re so wow wow I’m sure no one made that J

Before W you looks like you’re in a Big Time Rush oh it got to live don’t hesitate when when you go big time Yeah let’s go oh God oh God indeed oh God indeed should I leave the server it’s too late what do you mean I’ve already left what the [Laughter] freak it’s too late Ash it’s always been too late there’s nothing you can do do now it’s it’s all ogre now it’s all ogre

Now it’s all ogre donkey donkey donkey what are you doing in my swamp donkey what are you doing donkey what you doing donkey actually donkey wasn’t the problem in his swamp it was everyone else really so if you think about it Shrek actually didn’t mind donkey the

Whole time it was the rest of the world because he secretly loved donkey this is the start of my Shrek fanfiction oh my God welcome to Shrek wait hello welcome to Shrek fanfiction.com here we this is a website and a community that has many layers like an onion o or

An orar or an orar or an orar I think you should definitely check us out and check out more Fanfictions about ogres and donkeys and sometimes s uh poo said boots so how was that sales pitch you interested who said forklift certified I mean I do I mean you know I could

Be not actually but like I could be you know theoretically theor all I have to do is pass the certification exam right yeah yeah yeah I could be forklift certified if I believe in myself yeah but do you believe in yourself on it’s possible I can get for Cliff certified

Yeah yeah it’s always possible you know maybe maybe mayhaps maybe perhaps you know maybe just just maybe oh I’m tired I’m sleepy ass I’m sleepy I’m eepy I’m an eepy little guy what am I supposed to do uh I got nothing I I can’t think you know what that’s

Fair that’s a fair that’s a fair point to make ass that was a Fair Point to make let me just you know that’s the thing that’s the thing about you and me we’re always on the same wavelength you know yeah we’re always first each others woohoo big some of BL woohoo big

Some of block I know that’s exactly what you wanted me to say after that yep exactly that totally not sandwiches big blowout see that’s what it’s all about at the end of the day yeah okay I’m going to it’s probably as good of a point as any to wrapid it up I suppose

Okay okay bye oie see you next year see you next year even though New Year’s was just Recently it was just recently rck it was just recently where where you thinking it was going to be like tomorrow oh yeah it’s h this is it’s New Year’s tomorrow it’s still 2023 it’s actually it’s still 2014 yeah it’s still 2023 don’t worry about it it’s 2014 yeah yeah just don’t worry

About it it’s fine it’s fine it’s da Vu don’t worry about it but yeah I’ll talk to you soon Ash I’ll see you soon okay bye bye know bye-bye Ash see you soon all right he’s still on my screen though I want to try to send you guys

Over to a video that I did the art for that came out I want to send you guys over there as a redirect I don’t know how to redirect into like a non- live stream thing that’s different Weaponize narratives I’m going to see if I can do it if not where we going I don’t think I can I don’t think I can rate into like a video that’s not my own so Instead I’m going to paste like the link in the chat but go to if you want to watch a cool video essay if you like video essays um I have this person that I do that I usually do the thumbnail art for and he came out with like a new video recently about

About what what called actually cuz it’s called weaponized narratives and it’s about companies and stuff so if you’re interested in that sort of thing you should totally check it out I did the thumbnail for it it’s one of my clients T but if not please

Have a good day I don’t really have a redirect to anyone at the moment so yeah I’ll see you guys later um what am I doing tomorrow oh tomor I’m playing Final Fantasy 14 um I haven’t I got the subscription again so I’m going to I haven’t played it once on this channel

But I played it a couple of times over on my other over on Twitch so you guys get to see like where I left off that the online FF it is the online Final Fantasy 14 so like if you have that maybe you can meet up with me in the

Game and be a little silly I can’t tell what the numbers Final Fantasy 14 online yeah like if you can find me in the game but I guess find me but I’m just going to be like trying to remember how to play because I do not remember or we can

Just hang around in the game I don’t know we’ll see it’s going to be a chill stream tomorrow I used to play Final Fantasy 14 a lot I don’t have it oh that’s okay that’s all right oh those who don’t know it’s it is a free MMO like you can

Have like the free it’s free until like the expansion if you don’t want to buy the full game it’s kind of kind of pong anyway I’m off um I’ll see you guys later it’s bit uh later for me I’m ending a little bit earlier than usual but I am kind of more

Tired on the tired side today so yeah bye-bye Everyone Is

This video, titled ‘[Minecraft] Working on that CABIN kawaii – 5 -‘, was uploaded by Ashezi【 TSUKI LIVE 】 on 2024-01-03 23:23:11. It has garnered 65 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 04:54:21 or 17661 seconds.

#vtuber #indievtuber

Meet my coolio friend oniiiiii

Catch him LIVE with his POV over at: https://www.twitch.tv/onizukanate

Follow him at: https://twitter.com/Onizuka_Nate

——————- Donations: https://streamlabs.com/ashezi99/tip Chat Soundalerts: https://blerp.com/x/ashezi-tsuki-live

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Socials: Twitter: https://twitter.com/ashezirat Twitch: https://twitch.tv/ashezi

TAGS Live: AsheziLive Fanart: Artshezi

———————– Did you know I’m part of a vtuber group? We are Tsuki Live! Primarly my senpai and gen stream on twitch! If you want to learn more about us, check out our official twitter and youtube channel!

Twitter: https://twitter.com/TsukiLiveVT

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@TsukiLive


Royal Rat Rules:

– No homphobia, racisim, evil demanor, inappropiate behavoir | I’m seiso ! – LGBTQ friendly! – No backseating unless I ask specifically for help – No talking about or comparing other vtubers| only if I bring them up – I am a rat, not a mouse – No trauma dumping in chat- I’m here to entertain, not become a therapist- please seek help – I go by they/them! – Please address my collab partners with the same respect, theyre my friends ! ———————


Mama: https://twitter.com/maocchi77 Live2D Rigger: https://twitter.com/idoo99 Overlays [ Previous ] : https://twitter.com/Sakisui_ BGM: Dova Syndrome Overlay: Nikki GZ

  • Minecraft’s Annoying Pop-up Tips

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  • Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server!

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  • DoyPingu’s Insane Minecraft Speedrun Trick

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  • Sly Edit: Killer Beat

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  • 👻 HAUNTED HOUSE in Minecraft! Subscribe Now! ⚡

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  • Insane gamer marries chicken in Minecraft?!

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  • Lugad builds insane robot in mini Minecraft!

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  • “Shocking News: Isimbi Model Dies in Tragic Life Twist!” #shocker #heartbreak #reality

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  • Feather64 Semi-Anarchy Raiding No Claims 256k Border 1.20.2

    Feather64 Semi-Anarchy Raiding No Claims 256k Border 1.20.2About feather64 feather64 has been operating since 2011. F64 is a Raiding-Survival server with very little moderation. Raiding and griefing are allowed. On feather64 you cannot protect/claim land. Lapis is used as a currency. Players can sethome and tpa. Play your way on feather64. Grief & raid, hide & collect, travel & explore, automate & farm, enchant & pvp, design & construct, it’s up to you. Rules Do not use hacks, macros, or mods beyond the Permitted Modifications Guide. Do not use duplication exploits except TNT, rail, carpet, string, and tripwire hooks. Follow the directions of administrators and moderators. Rule… Read More

  • ————-(UNTLD)————-Website www.untld.club

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.4 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.4 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Curve of death: no torches here!

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  • Minecraft Villager goes full KAREN

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  • Ultimate Farmer’s Delight Mod Addons

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  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Server Experience

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  • Ultimate Tree Farm for Minecraft! 13,000+ per hour!

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  • Minecraft with Henya: God Gets in on the Action!

    Minecraft with Henya: God Gets in on the Action!Video Information This video, titled ‘HeavenlyFather Finally Gets to Play Minecraft with his Kami-Oshi..’, was uploaded by Daily Dose Of Henya The Genius on 2024-04-09 14:53:19. It has garnered 139937 views and 7678 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:53 or 1853 seconds. Twitch : https://www.twitch.tv/henyathegenius Twitter : https://twitter.com/henyathegenius YT: @henyathegenius @Zentreya https://twitter.com/zentreya https://www.twitch.tv/zentreya HeavenlyFather https://www.twitch.tv/heavenlyfather @ArielleVTuber https://www.twitch.tv/Arielle @IronMouseParty https://www.twitch.tv/ironmouse @obkatiekat https://www.twitch.tv/obkatiekat #henyathegenius #vshojo #cutout Read More

  • URUKA DOMINATES Capture the Crown – DAY 3

    URUKA DOMINATES Capture the Crown - DAY 3Video Information This video, titled ‘【PHASE WARS II】URUKA POV! DAY 3 – Minecraft – Capture the Crown【Team Blaze】’, was uploaded by Uruka Ch. 藤倉ウルカ 【Phase Connect】 on 2024-04-28 22:13:32. It has garnered 2805 views and 401 likes. The duration of the video is 02:05:02 or 7502 seconds. Fall in line. Get Smoked~ GO TEAM BLAZE Get your Bear Birthday Merch here: https://shop.phase-connect.com/collections/fujikura-uruka-2024-birthday-collection 🐻🐻🐻🐻🐻🐻🐻🐻🐻 ʕ•͡ω•ʔ 【Donation Page】 (Only if you want to and are financially stable enough please!!! No obligations!!) https://streamelements.com/fujikurauruka-9950/tip ʕ•͡ω•ʔ 【Phase Connect Website】 https://phase-connect.com/ https://shop.phase-connect.com/ ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ【Socials】 YT: https://www.youtube.com/c/FujikuraUruka Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fujikurauruka Twitter: https://twitter.com/fujikurauruka TikTok💀: https://www.tiktok.com/@fujikura_uruka Marshmallow: https://marshmallow-qa.com/fujikurauruka?utm_medium=url_text&utm_source=promotion Discord: https://discord.gg/phaseconnect… Read More

  • Unbelievable ManTreKs dominates Guardian Tales 4-4 Desert Madness

    Unbelievable ManTreKs dominates Guardian Tales 4-4 Desert MadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘Guardian Tales (4-4) (Full 3-star) world 4 Desert Madness | Entrance to paradise’, was uploaded by ManTreKs on 2024-02-15 20:38:13. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:03 or 843 seconds. Guardian Tales ( 4-1 ) world 4 Desert of madness | Entrance to the desert Minecraft Pe,Minecraft,Minecraft Indonesia,Minecraft Survival,Minecraft Noda,Minecraft Hardcore,Minecraft Series,Minecraft Animation,Texture Pack,Resource Pack,Shader Pack,Mod Pack,Skin Pack,Erpan1140,minecraft mods,minecraft song,minecraft style,minecraft xbox 360,minecraft herobrine,guardian tales,guardian tales indonesia,guardian tales speedrun,guardian tales season 1,guardian tales season 1 story,guardian tales season 1 speedrun,GT,GT indonesia Guardian Tales Arena,Guardian Tales PVP,Guardian Tales… Read More

  • BREAKING: NEW record-breaking TNT cannon in Minecraft!

    BREAKING: NEW record-breaking TNT cannon in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: The fastest automatic TNT cannon.’, was uploaded by сreeper952 on 2024-03-26 13:33:31. It has garnered 56 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. Thanks for watching!!! #minecraft #memes #gaming #mod #warden #minecraftmemes #experiment #tnt #cannon Tags:minecraft, tnt cannon, tnt, redstone, tutorial, cannon, tnt cannon minecraft, how to make a tnt cannon in minecraft, minecraft cannon, minecraft tnt cannon, minecraft tnt, creative, how to, redstone builds, survival, build, easy, rapid fire, minecraft pe, minecraft bedrock, minecraft tnt cannon tutorial, how to make, how, minecraft (video game), map, funny,… Read More

  • Minecraft Pro Reveals Secret to Chest Shop Success!

    Minecraft Pro Reveals Secret to Chest Shop Success!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to create a Chest Shop in Minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Sir BigHead on 2024-05-12 12:48:50. It has garnered 420 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:54 or 54 seconds. Welcome to my tutorial on how to create a chest shop #shorts #short #minecraft #tutorial Read More

  • Unbelievable! Discover the Hidden Secrets of the End City in Minecraft Hexxit II

    Unbelievable! Discover the Hidden Secrets of the End City in Minecraft Hexxit IIVideo Information This video, titled ‘What Is The End City? ◆ Minecraft: Hexxit II’, was uploaded by Avernon on 2024-04-04 11:20:43. It has garnered 42 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 03:29:09 or 12549 seconds. We Do Gaming, Podcasting, Streams, and More! So Why Not Subscribe!!! All My Links Are Right Here: ◆ Discord: https://discord.gg/DAZbt5VqjP ◆ LinkTree: https://linktr.ee/avernon ◆ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/avernon ◆ Late Time Talks Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3KpIfWR ◆ Zach’s Basement Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3AfAVbB ◆ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/avernon_prod ◆ Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@av3rnon Read More

  • “DRAVEN LIVE: Epic Pennywise Face Sand Art!” #shorts #minecraft

    "DRAVEN LIVE: Epic Pennywise Face Sand Art!" #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Falling Sand Art Minecraft – Pennywise face #shorts #minecraft #pennywise’, was uploaded by DRAVEN IS LIVE on 2024-01-05 06:45:01. It has garnered 5749 views and 310 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. This is a satisfying video Hope you like this Minecraft Sand Art Video and share it with your friends! #minecraft #shorts #minecraftshorts #shortfeed #youtubeshorts #trendingshorts #youtubeshortsviral #trendingshorts Read More


    MINECRAFT CHURCH BUILD TUTORIAL!!! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘HOW TO BUILD CHURCH IN MINECRAFT || #shorts #viral #minecraft #trending #youtubeshorts !’, was uploaded by Skypat_Gamerz on 2024-01-07 05:48:36. It has garnered 3981 views and 84 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Hello’ I’m Akash Patel welcoming you to my youtube channel. Read More

  • Gamer Freakout! Which Will Win? #minecraft #shorts

    Gamer Freakout! Which Will Win? #minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Which will be Best …. #minecraft #shorts #viral #shortvideo #trending’, was uploaded by Triggered Gamer on 2024-04-17 10:30:36. It has garnered 6 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:52 or 52 seconds. Which Is Best . #shorts #viral #trending #shortvideo #minecraft #minecraft #shorts #short #shortsvideo #shorts #viral #trending #shortvideo #minecraft #shorts #viral #trending #shortvideo #minecraft #minecraft #shorts #short #shortsvideo #indianfestival #festival #diwali #festivalseason #festivevibes #festivals #musicfestival #rave #festivalfashion #festivalvibes #tomorrowland #techno #edm #festivallife #housemusic #festivaloutfit #festivalofcolors #holi #trance #festivalsofindia #durgapuja #navratri #edmlifestyle #dj #electronicmusic #festivalofcolours #holifestivalofcolours #holifestival #holihai #technomusic #ytool #deckthehalls… Read More

  • Billionaire City Economy Re-Imagined – PvE PvP 1.19.X-1.20.X, Economy, Competitive, Friendly Community, Jobs, Apartments, Community Goals, Houses, Businesses, Daily Quests

    NEW GAMEMODE: MOODYSMP (Earth-like SMP with Nations, Towns & War) New Player Rewards now available with /np -> 2x Sell Boost for all Items & Fish! How to Join! There are no requirements to play on Billionaire City! Simply add the Server with the following IP: IP: billionaire.city Discord: Join our Discord About Billionaire City Billionaire City is a revolutionary Economy & City Experience in Minecraft. Explore features like Buyable Ships, Proficiency & Collection System, unique Jobs-System, Community Goals, and more! Play however you like, with a welcoming and competitive Community. Our stable Economy sets us apart from other servers,… Read More

  • Minecraft survival server 1.20.x

    Minecraft survival server 1.20.x Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Scute-Generating God at My Base

    “Just make sure the friend isn’t a creeper, we don’t need any explosions in the house!” Read More

  • Block House Fly: Minecraft’s Sky High Pie

    Block House Fly: Minecraft's Sky High Pie In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Cube Xuan brings laughter with each of his dives. With animations that are funny and bright, He crafts a world that brings pure delight. No need for propellers, we can still fly, In this blocky world, where dreams reach the sky. So join Cube Xuan on this magical ride, And let your imagination run wild, side by side. Subscribe to his channel, for joy every day, With MC animations that will sweep you away. So come on, let’s dive into this Minecraft land, With Cube Xuan leading the way, hand in… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Respect the Block!

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Respect the Block! Why did the Minecraft player bring a shovel to the cartoon convention? To dig up some animated dirt on their favorite characters! #respectvide #respectshor #respect998 Read More