Kings of Copper! ▫ Empires SMP Season 2 ▫ Minecraft 1.19 Let’s Play [Ep.22]

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Foreign what the heck do I have some zombies down here gosh this is this is embarrassing I lit this place pretty well looks like it’s coming from behind this painting oh I had no idea this was here man the noise is getting louder there must be one heck of a zombie down here

Oh oh my oh my gosh it’s coming from the empty tomb what but what what’s in here oh oh are you a zombie hello hi Rey render hi what’s happening what’s happening what are you what are you doing in this grave I have no idea I don’t know I don’t know

What’s just happened wait what where am I I mean I honestly don’t know I had no idea this was here wait are you on the hermitcraft are we on the hermitcraft server right now no no dude this is the Empire’s server you’ve what a bunch of Hermits have

Ended up here this must be some kind of side effect of the rift I wonder why it put you in here this is kind of wild okay so that’s what that massive roof thing with the grumbot machine and everything did they put us onto the Empire server great yeah yeah also so

Everybody’s been showing up in different places the kings of old are supposed to be buried here and uh oh right you kind of you kind of fall into that category now my dude well I’m not King anymore then yeah away from me pixels they defeated me I think my own Vault they

Sure did but this is all the shame it kind of seems like you’ve been given a second chance right here though it does indeed yeah this is where sausage was buried yeah well I mean he’s still kind of alive but it’s a long story with sausage you’d probably have

To get that from him but okay there’s there’s some mysterious magic going on around this place so yeah the fact that you’re here can’t be a coincidence I I think there’s I think there’s some pretty hefty lore involved probably I mean I could just go back to

The hermitcrafts over there I think just go through the boardwalk well it’s just like opened up now about in the servers about that Ren um yeah there’s there’s some weird stuff that’s been going on and I’ve been investigating it along with a team of other capable individuals

But it seems like the rift has kind of gone dark on this side and nobody’s been able to get back through they people have tried but the hurts are kind of settling down here and trying to figure some stuff out in the meantime ah the fresh smell of another server it’s

Glorious pixels to be fair though I haven’t really smelt any other servers so yeah this server smells particularly good yeah I mean I mean have a look around get used to it smell the air and I expect it’s better than being buried down there under the the roots and dirt

And everything um yes indeed I had a root in my mouth which was not pleasant yeah not the greatest so now you’re here I guess um we better get you yeah set up with some stuff right like do you need some food first of all you must be hungry yes

This is like a breakfast this is literally the first time that I’ve played on another server since I joined hermitcraft like forever ago I’m thinking being a professional Minecraft pixel riffs you know an absolute professional yeah of course I want to do this legit first time on the server I’m

Gonna do this legit I want to go out there and do the do the Minecraft thing I don’t want anything maybe just like some chests so that I can store stuff in it oh yeah okay I’ve got plenty left over yeah I think I have a few left in

In here my little like storage hole in the wall here should have yeah some empties so I can I can grab you some of those yeah you know people out there they think that we’re not professional Minecrafters you know they think that we just like we don’t know how to play this

Game how dare those people right come on now point me in a direction can I go just go this way yeah um basically nobody has really explored the western side of the server like pretty much everybody went East from Spawn so this is basically the furthest point West

That anything has been built so if you head out that way there’s going to be a bunch of like fresh caves new trees like all of that stuff that you need to get yourself started well pixel rips my friend thank you for exhuming me uh you’re very pleased

Slightly Disturbed that we can’t get back though but maybe we’ll try to figure out if there’s a way to relight that portal there’s got to be right yeah I mean we turned on I mean if it’s turned on event if it was originally turned on that means it can be turned on

Again absolutely we’ve got the smartest brains in Minecraft currently working on it and some of the people from Empires as well so hopefully it’ll work out all right Frank so we’ll hopefully see you later and hopefully I won’t die best yeah Zuma welcome to the ancient capital good

To see you how you doing it’s good to see you too my friend I am well I’m doing squished you’re you’re a little bit shorter we need to line this up and that’s that’s so strange like I haven’t met any of the Hermits since the the

Machine has been in operation but it is it is just noticeable there’s something just not quite the same about you which is just really really funny to me yeah it’s it’s like really weird pressing F5 and then also opening up my inventory I always noticed like I’m just a little

Bit squished yeah when you’ve been doing what we do for this long I think it’s it’s kind of funny when something changes so slightly but you still you still notice it anyway yeah someone someone playing for the first time wouldn’t notice a thing would they yeah they really wouldn’t yeah that’s quite

Funny uh come on in so this is my storage system basically this is where I where I’ve been storing all of my stuff some of it is automated some of it is manual but down here is the thing that I think we wanna we wanna talk about today

I’ve been creating a secret tunnel down to this but I haven’t seen figured out the door mechanism yet and so everybody’s going to know about it before it’s a secret but I see if you come on down here this is my copper aging facility oh so I love the name of

It and I love the look in here as well there’s a aging facility its nickname is David because Copperfield um and my my original Copperfield in Empire season one was just like a literal field that I started placing copper manually and then I thought that’s kind of boring and yeah I wanted

To automate the process somehow so I I developed this machine is it sort of ready for us to give it a test it is yeah the problem is I I don’t have a huge amount of copper left so I can grab a little bit of it but I need to um I

Need to go and get some of the the regular copper and I only have a couple of stacks of cut copper that I made by accident basically I think at this point I’m looking for people who want to come and age their copper in my machine or maybe mass-produced copper in some way

That’s something I could help you with right you know hermitcraft well you are the voice of the recap you have seen the amount of copper I mean pixel I’ve been afking on on there a lot and uh I’ve got double chests upon double chests upon double chests of these blocks wow it is

Ludicrous all you need to do is hop up here and press the the button on top of the redstone lamp you can do the honors and it should all head off and the circuits will grab the copper blocks on each side and the characters will start counting oh I see it’s

Snagging blocks into the side though yeah yeah that’s the best part the best part is just watching it pick up the blocks as they go is it gonna is it gonna pull the blocks out automatically then these two droppers have shovels in that are doing the counting it counts

The first one when the copper block gets put in and then if I put three shovels in the bottom dropper that block gets ejected from the circuit the circuit gets switched off so that the copper block isn’t going to do anything when the Flying Machine comes

Back and when it’s done that for every block down the row the fly machine returns automatically grabs them all as it goes and then pushes them out this way that’s absolutely genius everyone says that I’m very happy that everyone’s like as enamored with this machine as I am have you thought about a

Sort of easier way to place everything like one one thing you could do next is maybe set up these rows of like walls so that there’s more a more efficient way than you just sort of like you know ambling along and placing it or maybe you have one of those

Um like piston tape feeds where you’re just standing over here pressing all of the copper blocks right into one spot and then a bunch of Pistons move them all into the correct Place yeah I thought of doing something like that yeah I’ve thought about that and I’ve thought about having something

To remove the copper blocks after they’re done aging so that it takes them away to like a blast chamber somewhere so that you don’t have to do the mining I do want to try some of that stuff in future iterations of the machine it’s just so much engineering and I’ve got so

Few Pistons left I can see one here is aged yeah yeah a couple of them that means there’s one down there that’s already like halfway to being oxidized like it’s already on the third stage so that one’s just got one uh one counter left and it’s good to go yeah yeah wow

That’s so cool I’m massively impressed this is this is a really awesome contraption David David yes David is awesome now you’re on first name terms um let’s talk about the the copper farming opportunities because we know you’ve got that design yes it’s an Ian x04 design

And his his work is just amazing right so this is going to be a farm where it won’t take us long to build it but every like everything else will be the adventure and then you’ll just have this amazing farm that just absolutely pours copper ingots into your inventory dude I

Can’t I can’t wait I’m using copper for roofs in my my ancient Capital around here because it feels it feels like an old block you know so I had to build with it again and it just kind of makes sense so I I would love to get tons of

Copper Let’s Do It Best place to build this would be in the void in the end because it does tax the server when you use it so you try and use it when no one else is online yeah but you want it in a place where nothing else is loaded so if

It’s cool with you we’re going to be luring zombies out into the void across a bridge it’ll be uh quite some fun oh that sounds great yeah I’m on board with that definitely uh we will have to like go out into the void right so we need a bunch of

Disposable blocks which I didn’t actually bring with me I’ve got all the other stuff do you have like a chest full of uh stone or something we can turn into slabs yeah I got some here yeah zero and zero are these two spots

So if you take a side I take a side and we both hold down shift we just want to go out until we can’t see the main end Island and this is always terrifying even though I’ve got Wings you’ve got uh I’ve got Swift sneak yeah sorry all

Right my friend take a look around we are in the void at the end Dimension we sure are gosh this is like mildly scary but uh we’ve got a plan right here oh we do we do what we’re gonna do is oh no actually okay

That’s just a just a bit just a bit to uh scare the people at home what we’ve got to do is like drop down because this thing needs to be lower how are you doing I’m doing that one over there yeah I’m doing this one over here I’m using

The double slabs because I have so many prismarine slabs I didn’t have enough full blocks for this so gotta remember to use that for sure uh why press Marine I just have so much of it uh from the love Tropics event where we we had a ton

Of uh prismarine going in for like paths around this ruined ocean Empire that we built I raided Joey’s prismarine store which he uh foolishly said at the beginning of the series that I could basically have infinite access to I did leave a couple of things in there as a

As a thank you so he should have a little bit of compensation for it alrighty then time for an update I guess the grand reveal we’ve yeah we’ve done all of that and it’s it’s looking tremendous it’s all very technical I don’t quite understand it yet but I like

The look of it yeah well first of all you’ve got this platform here which is actually where like nothing actually spawns on this bit it’s just a big box basically the glow icon Blends in so well with the prismarine that you barely know it’s there but that’s what’s

Keeping this whole thing lit up that’s a good point there’s a few bits of it so where the zombies will actually spawn will be in these spaces right here so it uses the zombie reinforcement mechanism to like keep bringing them into the middle so you then have a spot to like stand

And hit them which is actually done by hitting that armor stand with a sword right it reminds me sweeping Edge and stuff for that right yeah I’ve got a present for you well taking care of it I love getting presents two very fancy uh swords on you when you use this oh

Interesting there’s a farming mode one and a culling mode one nice that’s cool that’s right so farming does what it says but culling occasionally you get too many zombies and drowns in here so you sort of kill them off right I love a farm that gives me too many zombies

That’s yeah always a good sign but when you turn that on it does like really really important which is it Cycles these Minecarts here grew over and over again and what they’re gonna do is they’re gonna pick up all of those swords and armor that the mobs drop and also the copper

Which reminds me of something we forgot to do oh we need to program the item filters don’t we yes yes you need to put copper in there and then you’ll get chests upon chests to Copper down the bottom here which is pretty cool wow I can’t wait dude like we got so many

Chests here I can imagine this all filled with copper my machine is going to be very very busy after this the next thing we need to do is bring zombies over here right oh the name I reckon you want to bring about you want to bring

About 10 really to have like a good shot of getting this thing going so I did get some name tags to stop them despawning that is why we have uh this long walkway over here so that we can lure them across yeah well that’s gonna be an

Adventure in itself so uh let’s go do it hello Mr Azuma welcome back to the stronghold um as you can see I have been busy I have five zombies trapped in here but as I was looking around I I found a dark Corridor in here that gave us our first

Zombie right and then I went back to that same Corridor in the hopes that more stuff was going to spawn there and I heard some zombie noises through the wall do want to come with me for a second all right what’s going is there like a

Spawner like right here you are you are not gonna believe how convenient this is my dude around the end here I started hearing zombie growls and I thought oh they’re coming from above me so I dug up if there’s a zombie spawner around here that would be pretty incredible no

Oh my gosh played for and go not gonna believe this there is a zombie spawner right there um that’s amazing so what I’ve now done I decided what I would do is just dig a tunnel all the way back this way and it’s literally like 30 blocks that’s absolutely amazing drop the zombies

Straight into the end portal I set up a a trap door right here and you just open that up and they’ll drop straight through that’s just brilliant it was the most convenient thing that’s ever happened to me in Minecraft I think it’s pretty great yeah that’s some exceedingly good luck see I

Guess we’re playing a little game of like lure the zombie then yeah the rest of them I think we just need to uh lure a few more I’ll name tag them once they spawn and then maybe you can be in the end to receive them and we’ll go from

There I don’t think you actually need to worry about unless someone else is like going to the end Dimension you don’t need to worry about them despawning if you’ve given them an item or a name tag right yeah I was more thinking about just there not being 12 zombies on the

Platform when we go through to the end ourselves you only take a couple of hits at once you’ll have like a totem of undying and then you’ll run away immediately so pushing through a whole bunch at once and going through together isn’t so bad if you’re happy doing it

That way I’ll Trust you well here’s the thing like if this fails like this is so convenient that you got this here because yeah you can get zombies back very easily I’ll let you uh I’ll let you do the trap doors and then I think just

After that one more round the ones you got down there and we’re good yeah there we go look at those suckers straight through find like around the edges yeah that’s why they did the under the knee yeah one punch will be fine give them a tap and throw them in just

Just don’t use your sword yeah playing a playing a game of um I feel like there should be like carnival music happening or something you know this is the door man come on buddy nailed it nice worth chucking those in your hand having one in your hot bar

Probably not even going to use it but just yeah yeah so we’re going to jump through and you’re going to take damage the trick is really just not to panic and to you know head out of there we didn’t really like create much of a path yeah we have a one

Wide staircase up there that’s part of why I’m concerned about this okay I’m gonna try and all right let’s let’s jump in let’s do this all right okay I went quickly oh my God my health has gone down very quickly yep okay okay they’re following you they’re following you I’ve got one

On me I was way more than I expected way more Yep there goes my Shields oh I’ve got four of them up here just just head out of there I’m go I’m coming up I’m coming up oh they’ve turned around they’ve turned around X need any help uh

Well I’m dead so I need to head back yeah I didn’t oh my goodness me okay oh he’s got your wings um and he’s got your sword and your shovel yeah that’s interesting I figured that might happen yeah some of them might have my armor as well but if

You’ve got the invisible armor resource back on I’m gonna need to take that off to see which one’s which yes you will yeah okay it’ll probably be something like that anyway it’s not so bad to recover now is it yeah there’s all the rest of my stuff okay so this one’s got

Oh Jeff’s sweeping Edge when you sword uh I don’t on this one no yeah you want to use a critical hit yeah the one you need to kill I mostly want to make sure that the one behind doesn’t end up picking up more of my stuff so if you

Press F3 and B just make sure you hit them with a critical hit yeah and not the boat and then you only got attack one at a time oh and I see what you mean about the one behind it might pick up the items yeah well that one’s now sharing a boat with

An Enderman and I’ve got my Electro back so that’s the important part like oh I’m thinking if you separate them a little bit then you’ve got less chance of these ones over here picking up the ax there you go yeah I’ve got the ax perfect the Enderman don’t mind the water when

They’re in the boat no they’re fine with it going a little boating holiday all right well we’ve got I think that’s all of my stuff back I think I’m okay I think I’m back nice all right then so we’re gonna mostly be walking all the way across that platform and then when

We get to the farm we essentially just want to go next to where the glass was under the slabs and just go down into the killing chamber right are you you’re staying behind them uh yeah I think uh that might be what happened that might be how

This has happened I can always fly ahead and then uh catch up that’s true yeah since they’re all on me if I go into the AFK area they might turn their attention to you so I should probably be down there first then right yeah that sounds

About right I have uh set up the item filters as well so we’ve got copper ingots in the item filters now all right well we are more than halfway there I can see the farm Fading Into the interview in the distance so yeah I got I got the end Islands fading out so

You’re doing very very well keep it up thanks I mean I’ve trained for this this is the rocky Montage of you training like carefully definitely tapping shift Letting Go having having zombies follow you over mountain passes and bridges and stuff yes it’s amazingly easy to lure them somewhere with a little bit of

Preparation though right you’ve done very well yeah and they’ve they’ve obviously uh had a bit of training themselves like Minecraft mobs are just very primitive on some hands you know if this were a different type of game these zombies might be like hang on what’s Happening Here Yeah there’d all be Lurch

Different platform different patterns and yeah different movement Styles all right I’m gonna I’m gonna hop ahead of you because the farm is basically here and I’m I’m expecting a step up yeah I can see now we’ve got the three wired plaque there it is all right I’m gonna

I’m gonna head down to the storage system so I’m well out of the way they’re all on um one thing you could actually do that oh my God I gone the wrong way okay that’s fine we’re gonna lead them around yeah um they’ve sort of split oh this is bad

This is bad are they dividing anything take a little damage and that’s fine and you’re right all right yeah one thing I might need you to do is to fly off and uh destroy the platform they came in on right right yeah that makes sense but possibly not yet so I’m gonna

Use cheaty cam you might want to do the same they should they should be heading into this spot now shift and get yourself into where that armor stand is so now this which you put on the barrel or in front of it that’s pushed it all

The way in so you you go into that space and let it push you right up to the front and that’s when you want to use that clicker that I sent you that looks promising now I don’t know if you’ve set up your free cam so that you can fly

Around while using actions but um that would be a way to see what’s going on here it seems it seems to have stopped yeah it looks like I can’t do that okay yeah that makes sense you might want to bring a camera account on now I am guessing this is working

It sounds like the drowned are being attacked yeah I want to see some reinforcement spawn now I see so many they’re all in there I see so many Shadows yep you’ve got reinforcements you’ve got the one and another so it’s like and and a couple more this

Is going to pick up pace pretty quickly okay got like a stream developing so one thing you might want to do is just ask uh flip how many how much it makes the server like like yeah yeah I got this thing finely tuned which is what I built

For you here with the smaller platforms so that it doesn’t tick lag on hermitcraft when other people are on um might be a bit different over here in which case you can make the platforms a little bit smaller you know put some track balls down or something to block

Them spawning on a few of the spots but basically it picks up pace the more mobs you get in the middle right sure yeah because every time a zombie gets hit if it has a chance to spawn reinforcements it’s going to and you’re doing like minimal damage to it

Did you see a whole bunch of them just die yeah I did that was probably the original 10. so like here’s here’s where like can it sustain itself now’s the question and I think the longer you spend loading the area the local difficulty goes up which also adds to

The effect right yeah that makes sense so we haven’t spent much time out here but once it’s fully dialed in we’re going to be here it might be worth just like afking without running the farm overnight you know just so it can pick that up as it stands though I’m I’m not

Entirely convinced like this is this is a very like low spawn rate it’s it feels like it’ll take a long time to pick up I think you want to try it again after you’ve afk’d here overnight for that local difficulty yeah that makes sense I’ll bring some more maybe maybe bring

Like 12 or 15 with you that time I mean this happened to me I I had I had it you know it looked good and then all of a sudden it kind of stopped working for whatever reason all right well a partial success I think for now we’ve uh tested

It out and it seems to do the job we just need a few more zombies over here so that it can be yeah running perpetually with the Zuma gone back to homotopia I decided to try and big brain it gathering enough snowballs that I could comfortably throw them at our remaining

Drowned in the hope that dealing no damage but still hitting him would spawn a bunch of reinforcements I got one reinforcement out of that deal and unfortunately very few more materialized so I went back to plan A and transported a bunch more zombies name tagged or holding items from our zombie spawner

Near the end portal and this time I decided to put boats on the entry platform to the end and to my great Delight that actually turned out really well I didn’t end up taking too much damage barely needed to hold that totem in my offhand and we were away and from

That point after getting familiar once again with how to use the farm it got a little more productive foreign foreign foreign it’s been going very well as you can hear probably yeah I’ve got my mob sounds turned all the way down at this point because this thing is same here

Deafening when it gets going I had no idea but I ran it a little bit for a day or two just like in mornings and evenings and stuff and I took a bunch of copper back already so this is not absolutely everything we’ve been able to

Gather from this Farm but I just have all of that in my inventory so that first chest now has basically everything that I’ve just got from this session uh this thing is this thing is a beast I noticed that you’ve met you’ve made a circle up there like

There’s so many zombies in that one spot when you look at them they form a circle they form a perfect circle that’s so great like yeah it’s it’s pretty funny I I had this running I actually culled a couple of them recently uh so so this

Thing yeah has has produced a lot I did have to restart it once because I think I left too few of them in there to restart it again once I came back or maybe like they hadn’t picked up enough items and they despawned when I left or

Something but when you when you say restart do you mean like bring zombies again yeah yeah I had to bring them like a third time but uh as I told you off camera it works so much better if you put a bunch of boats down on that

Obsidian platform when you enter the end because then they’ll get tracked and like I haven’t even needed totems or anything I barely took damage the last time I did it so I’ve got it down to a fine art now nice that’s great but no this thing is spectacular and I’ve got

You to thank for that so obviously yeah I assume well I mean Ian Ian xo4 well yes yeah to be to be fair but but for building this 99 yeah for building this on the server though obviously like come by take some copper whatever you need

And um feel free to use the copper aging machine in fact if you want to go and check that out now we can probably give it like a a full load of copper and while I’m doing base work it’ll all start aging have you done have you done

Like an overnight session yet or is it just like a few hours here no I’ve honestly I’ve been afraid to be honest X I’ve been afraid to leave this thing alone I know it doesn’t have as much of an impact on the server but I don’t know

How our server is set up so I didn’t want to risk it you know it’s supposed to be self-regulating so it will run without like going crazy but it will drag the performance down while it if it gets like overheated let’s say and you recommended that I just make a tiny like

You know 240p Minecraft instance and just leave it running in the corner of a window so that’s what I’ve been doing for your own computer yes yes very helpful hey I think I’ve got wings and Rockets yes fancy seeing you here so uh yeah hop on down and we’ll we’ll load

This thing up thanks for the stone and dirt by the way it I might need to pinch a bit more Stone if that’s okay oh that’s totally fine and look the uh the stuff that we loaded up at the beginning of this episode has now come back so

This is all fully oxidized from just me hanging around here oh we only loaded up the one though right yeah because I only had that much like regular copper left and it’s all cut copper that I made by accident so that just needed to needed

To age but now uh I’ve got some blocks here that you gave me and if you wanna if you want to go around just load up nine blocks on each side from the yellow wool uh back to where the slime block is and uh just hit the button when you’ve

Loaded it up and then it’ll be sent down yes that’s right hit the button I was just thinking oh I don’t want to accidentally put in more than I should having an entire room of copper aging at once is so satisfying so uh yeah this Farm has been quite the experience and

Now we’ve got so much of this this is great you’re gonna be down here a lot I think so I think so but like that was the whole point of this machine to begin with and uh you know the Hermits are welcome to use this if they want to

Because I know it’s otherwise it’s just placing copper by hand all day and that’s always been a pain for me I haven’t done much of it myself I really haven’t done a crazy amount of building with copper yeah and I think that’s part of why as well like wanting to build

With it at its full age or at whatever age you want because really you can just use an x on it a couple of times and get it back to the you know weathered copper or like exposed copper or whatever it is you know see if any of this started

Agent I expect some of it will have like it’s actually quite quick once you get it split up like this I wonder if there’s room for like you detect because you’ve got a counting system if you could take your accounting system pull out some signals and use some Redstone to create like lamp

Indicators somewhere um so like somewhere else in your base you can just have lamps that tell you oh that segment of the machine is is done you can come get your copper I have considered it it doesn’t leave the copper where you placed it it leaves it

Like a little bit offset like over here because of the the fly machine basically reverses on the way back so maybe if I had like a redstone torch here and then yeah a couple of like I was just thinking about it yeah what what’s amazing about Redstone is like figuring

Out uh like event order and this is kind of like programming right because you could write some big complex code to detect oh all the blocks come back but actually we need to do is just detect it in that one position right yeah because it’s Unique to the uh end event

Yeah that I think that’s really cool um I you should totally do that like get get it so like you’ve got a control panel somewhere else in the base yeah yeah like the initial one of these in Empire season one had like what I was planning on doing was having like a

Single button that launched the entire room and like little bits and pieces like that where I could do everything from a central point and the only problem with that was that if I loaded all of the machines up there was a chance that one of the copper blocks

Might be like mischievous and age before I got it into the system and then that offset all the characters but having something that shows it’s returned like makes sense yeah like you said that can happen already right like um if it like ages twice ages twice by mistake or

Whatever you know it can does that does that stop stop the thing from coming back out yeah it does but then like if if you notice that one of them hasn’t returned then you can just go down the line and hit the little button on top of

The calcite and that’s really the fix for it see it’d be nicer if it broke in the other direction where like it would come out but there would be like one that wasn’t fully aged because then it’s less of a hassle it’s like well I’ll break all the others and leave

That one there or something you know yeah one of the other suggestions that I’ve had is to have some kind of like Master timer running behind the scenes so that like once you get to the point where there’s no way it shouldn’t have aged by a certain yeah at a certain

Point like yeah with a really slow like daylight sensor based clock or something like that but I think the problem with stuff like that is that you you’re then relying on the clock running and if you’re outside of random tick range but you’re still within Redstone tick range

The counter might be counting but the copper can’t age still so you might still end up with a lot of a lot of false positives there’s so much engineering that goes into stuff like this and this is really the first project where I’ve had to think about

All of this there’s an opportunity right there to create a clock that’s based on thick updates how you would make that consistent I don’t know because things are supposed to be random right yeah surely there’s some something in the game that I might do that I think the

Best way to do it might be with like sampling of some kind like having another like a random selection of these counters all linked up to another circuit which maybe says okay well if this one this one this one and this one are all fully aged then surely the rest

Of the room is too kind of thing but again yeah like I’ve already engineered it so there’s a counter next to every single block so it it’s it’s kind of a different sort of approach it’s the kind of thing that would I could do this for

The rest of my life X like I could genuinely iterate on this machine for a very very long time that’s you know that’s a beautiful thing though like about Redstone is that if you do that if you keep working on it you’ll learn skills and Concepts that

Can be applied to other farms and things is that yeah the whole thing yeah I’ve already I think learned more about Redstone troubleshooting from building this a couple of times than I would have from watching like a ton of tutorials online because I feel like the words go

In one ear and out the other when I’m trying to learn it without getting my hands dirty you know without doing all of this stuff practically myself the same yeah I’m the same you’ve got to do it to learn it yeah totally well this has been an experience and I’ve built a

New farm and you’ve got to know this machine a little better so uh I think this has worked out well for both of us yeah it has well it’s been an eventful few days on the Empire’s SMP and as you can see from my levels I spent a little bit more time

At that copper Farm absolutely thrilled to have this much copper to work with and maybe maybe we can start trading it to the other folks on the server here and there as well uh or maybe we can start supplying people if they plan on selling it either way amazing to have

Hung out with a Zuma and Rendog today yes Rendog has been in my crypt the entire time apparently and this isn’t the only stuff I’ve been up to this week I’ve got a whole second episode coming for you later this week in which igevin

And I get up to some more stuff in the end this has apparently been the week that all of the end Farms happen well hopefully folks enjoyed this episode thank you so much for watching my name has been pixarous don’t forget to leave a like on this video If you enjoyed it

Subscribe if you want to see more and I’ll see you folks soon take care bye for now foreign

This video, titled ‘Kings of Copper! ▫ Empires SMP Season 2 ▫ Minecraft 1.19 Let’s Play [Ep.22]’, was uploaded by Pixlriffs on 2022-11-14 13:00:15. It has garnered 119410 views and 9967 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:20 or 2120 seconds.

Empires SMP Season 2 continues! Empires SMP is a Minecraft 1.19 multiplayer server with a small group of incredible content creators… and a satellite branch of the Hermitcraft server! Investigating a zombie noise from my catacombs leads to an epic discovery: Rendog has been buried there this whole time! After digging him up and letting him loose on the world, I meet up with Xisuma to build Ianxofour’s next gen copper farm in the End. Along the way we discover the most convenient zombie spawner ever, X falls into the void for a laugh, and I create a perfect circle of Drowned!

Throughout this series I’ll be collaborating, trading, scheming and fighting with a bunch of awesome creators! You can find their channels below:

@cubfan @docm77 @FalseSymmetry @FalseSymmetry @fWhip @GeminiTayMC @GoodTimesWithScar @Grian @iJevin @impulseSV @JoeHillsTSD @JoeyGraceffaGames @KatherineElizabeth_ @Keralis @ldshadowlady @TheMythicalSausage @TheOrionSound @PearlescentMoon @Shubble @Dangthatsalongname @SmallishBeans @SolidarityGaming @TangoTekLP @xisumavoid @ZombieCleo

Cinematics recorded and rendered using the Replay Mod: Shaders used: Complementary Shaders

Background Music : Minecraft OST by C418, Lena Raine Ian Alex Mac – ‘The Working Day’ (via

Follow the Empires SMP Season 2 playlist here: —-

Watch my streams live every Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday around 3pm BST! Follow Pix on Twitter for video updates, screenshots, and other fun stuff!

GNU Paranor001

#Minecraft #Survival #Multiplayer #Empires #SMP

  • Join Minewind: Experience Circle Survival Base Builds in Minecraft

    Join Minewind: Experience Circle Survival Base Builds in Minecraft Welcome to! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video showcasing a Circle Survival Base Tutorial using Minecraft build. While the video itself was engaging and informative, it got us thinking about the importance of finding the right Minecraft server to truly unleash your creativity and build amazing structures. That’s where Minewind comes in. With its unique gameplay features and dedicated community, Minewind offers a one-of-a-kind Minecraft experience that you won’t find anywhere else. Whether you’re a seasoned builder looking for a new challenge or a beginner eager to learn and explore, Minewind has something for everyone. So… Read More

  • Crafting a Spooky Tree in Minecraft

    Crafting a Spooky Tree in Minecraft Building a Spooky Tree in Minecraft Are you ready to add a touch of spookiness to your Minecraft world? Follow along as MegRae_MC takes us through a tutorial on how to build a spooky tree that will give you chills! Getting Started The tutorial kicks off with MegRae_MC guiding viewers through the process of building the base of the spooky tree. Using various blocks and techniques, she demonstrates how to create a twisted and eerie trunk that sets the tone for the entire build. Adding Texture As the tutorial progresses, MegRae_MC shows viewers how to add texture to the… Read More

  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Survival Experience

    Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Survival Experience Are you a fan of Minecraft survival series videos like the one you just watched? Do you enjoy building your own starter house and exploring new worlds? If so, then you need to join the Minewind Minecraft Server today! At Minewind, you can take your Minecraft experience to the next level. With a dedicated community of players from around the world, you’ll never run out of new friends to meet and adventures to embark on. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, there’s something for everyone at Minewind. Join us at YT.MINEWIND.NET and start your own survival… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build Trick!

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  • Join Minewind: Where Friendliness is Guaranteed!

    Join Minewind: Where Friendliness is Guaranteed! Welcome to! Today, we’re diving into the magical world of Minecraft with a cozy Cottage Witch modpack adventure. Join us as we explore new lands, encounter friendly creatures, and face the perils of the unknown. From towering trees to mystical biomes, there’s always something exciting around the corner. But why stop there? If you’re looking for a vibrant and dynamic Minecraft server to join, look no further than Minewind. With endless possibilities, friendly communities, and exciting adventures waiting for you, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your creativity and explore new horizons. So grab your gear, set… Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server

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  • Scream Supreme: Minecraft Dream

    Scream Supreme: Minecraft Dream In the world of Minecraft, we take flight, Crafting news with rhymes that shine bright. Updates and skins, all in a spin, With beats and art, we always win. Our favorite reporter, always in rhyme, Spinning tales of Minecraft, every time. Engaging the crowd with playful delight, In the world of gaming, we take flight. So leap into the verse, no need for a start, Let the truth take wing, from your heart. With every line, let the story sing, In the world of Minecraft, let your rhymes bring. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Ice Farm Guide – 32k/HR!

    Ultimate Minecraft Ice Farm Guide - 32k/HR! Minecraft Ice Farm Tutorial: Produce 32,000 Ice Per Hour! Introduction In the vast world of Minecraft, efficiency is key, and what better way to showcase this than with an incredible ice farm that can churn out a whopping 32,000 ice blocks per hour! This tutorial will guide you through the process of creating the fastest and most efficient ice farm that is fully automatic, expandable, and server-friendly. Farm Details If you’re looking to stockpile ice at an unprecedented rate, this farm is your go-to solution. With the ability to produce over 32,000 ice blocks per hour, this fully automatic… Read More

  • 5 Mind-Blowing Minecraft Facts

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  • Join Minewind: Where AI Meets Minecraft

    Join Minewind: Where AI Meets Minecraft Welcome to, where we explore the latest and most intriguing developments in the world of Minecraft. Today, we’re diving into the fascinating realm of AI-generated Minecraft content. Have you ever wondered if AI can truly make Minecraft? The possibilities are endless, and the results are truly mind-blowing. In a recent YouTube video titled “Can AI make Minecraft?” the creator delves into the realm of AI-generated Minecraft videos and images. The video showcases the incredible advancements in AI technology that are pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the world of gaming and content creation. From AI-generated Minecraft… Read More

  • $500 OP Factions Item?! UNBELIEVABLE LUCK!! | Minecraft Factions

    $500 OP Factions Item?! UNBELIEVABLE LUCK!! | Minecraft FactionsVideo Information yo guys what is going on it is Royal here today back for another episode of the faction series here on royal. of course if you guys want to come check out the faction server please consider using that custom IP because whenever you guys do it does directly support me and the channel so I greatly appreciate it and if you guys want to support me and support yourselves even further hop on and do/ redeem Royal I believe you can do this redeem code on literally any realm on Madia for sure Pixelmon as well… Read More

  • Nova goes CRAZY on hypixel! #insane #shorts

    Nova goes CRAZY on hypixel! #insane #shortsVideo Information hello it’s nice to meet you can you tell me where I am I don’t know how I got here but I I think I’m starting to understand I don’t belong among the angels and baby that’s just fine with me the things I did up there were high school but now I’m going for my degree hey sorry but you just got in my way I promise honey I can feel your pain and maybe I enjoy it just a little bit the same since I does that I to retire and now I have the power… Read More

  • Mad Minds: Battle Realm – Factions PvP Modded

    Mad Minds: Battle Realm Space war with factions {java} {modded} If you want to explore different planets or build a space station, this molded server is perfect for you. The main focus is on tech and war, with a touch of magic. Take over galaxies and engage in faction wars. Quests coming soon. Custom modpack and 24/7 lag-free server available. Server launch on Thursday or Friday. Join the discord for current updates. Read More

  • NightCraft Central Europe Edition

    NightCraft Central Europe EditionHello!How nice that you want to join the NightCraft Central Europe Edition. This server is based on a 38000 x 26000 block map of Central Europe. The server is a Geopol / Roleplay server with mods such as Create, Immersive Engineering, Mekanism, Farmers Delight, Nuclear Science etc.The server also includes Simple Voice Chat so that you don’t have to sit in Discord if you want to talk to the others on the server.Since the server is a Geopol / Roleplay server there will be things like regular elections, private companies, economy based on a coin mod and more.We are currently… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft: lmao, spicy edition

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft: lmao, spicy editionLooks like this meme is really making the grade in the world of Minecraft humor! Read More

  • Crafty Rhymes: Minecraft Table Trouble!

    Crafty Rhymes: Minecraft Table Trouble! In the world of Minecraft, we find our delight, With Cube Xuan leading the way, shining bright. Eggman’s world, a place of fun and play, Where creativity and joy have their say. With beats that make the table shake, And rhymes that keep us wide awake. In this world of blocks and mobs, Cube Xuan’s humor, a true heartthrob. So let’s dive in, without delay, And let the Minecraft news come our way. With rhymes that sparkle, and emojis that gleam, Cube Xuan’s channel, a gamer’s dream. Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Dream Memes 🔥

    Hot Minecraft Dream Memes 🔥 Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftmemes #boom Read More

  • Defeating the First Boss in Twilight Forest!

    Defeating the First Boss in Twilight Forest! Minecraft: Defeating the First Boss of the Twilight Forest Welcome to a channel dedicated to the incredible world of Minecraft! In this video, we will explore all the exciting aspects of this sandbox game that has captured the hearts of millions of players worldwide. Introduction: If you are a fan of building, exploration, survival, and adventure, Minecraft is the perfect game for you. With charming pixelated graphics and endless gameplay, you can create your own virtual world and embark on epic journeys. Main Features: Build Your Dream Home: From a small cabin to a grand castle, unleash your creativity… Read More

  • NOTCH’s New Game: Minecraft 2.0?

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  • OMG! Lifeguard Falls for Me | Gracie’s Love Story

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  • Dying in Hardcore Minecraft Ends Stream?!

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  • 👑 Realistic Prince Tries Insane Tiktok Hacks! 🔥😱 #viral #minecraft #clickbait

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  • Insane Minecraft adventure in new 1.19.2 dimension!

    Insane Minecraft adventure in new 1.19.2 dimension!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft world survival 1.19.2 live episode 12 | kết thúc hành trình aether + new dimension |’, was uploaded by ApollisGDVN on 2024-01-13 17:15:14. It has garnered 88 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:07:33 or 4053 seconds. livestream on youtube by OBS studio, no micro sound quality 720p, 10~30 fps gameplay Mod forge i’m used: ( tổng cộng : 38 mod ) -Aether -Aquamirae -ava -awesomedungeonether -azurelib -bygonenether -cave+dweller+reimagined -celestisynth -citadel -deep+blood -deeperdarker -dragonmounts -geckolib -GOATMAN -illageandspillage -L_Enders_Cataclysm -libraryferret -mermod -mutantmonsters -mutantmore -obscure_api -piglinproliferation -player-animation-lib -PuzzlesLib -sculkhorde -SmartBrainLib -sons-of-sins -spore… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Starting a VR Minecraft SMP!

    UNBELIEVABLE! Starting a VR Minecraft SMP!Video Information सो अभी के टाइम पर youtube2 एडिशन के लिए कोई ऐसी परफेक्ट एसएमपी अभी तक नहीं बनी है बट अब से मैं शुरू करने जा रहा हूं एक पॉकेट एडिशन एसएमपी उस एसएमपी में आप में से कुछ बंदे भी जॉइन हो सकते हैं बट उसके लिए आपको लॉन्ग वीडियो देखनी होगी उसमें मैंने बताया कि आप कैसे जॉइन हो सकते हैं सो चैनल नेम के नीचे जो लिंक आ रहा है उसे दबा के लॉन्ग वीडियो देखो This video, titled ‘I STARTED🤩MINECRAFT PE SMP#shorts #smp #shortsfeed #minecraft #tecnogamerz #viral #vrminecraft’, was uploaded by Siz Gamerz on 2024-01-11… Read More

  • INSANE HACKS – Moving the Warden SAFELY!

    INSANE HACKS - Moving the Warden SAFELY!Video Information the warden is a big scary monster and we should be terrified of him right a he’s just so cute I captured one of these wardens in my Mob Zoo in Hardcore Minecraft and along the way I had to come up with a pretty good idea for how to move them safely since my world was created in 1.16 and I have updated over the last 3 years my nearest ancient city was thousands of blocks away so I had to come up with a foolproof design to safely move the Warden such a far distance now… Read More

  • Unreal Minecraft Power Stream – TheSlayer350

    Unreal Minecraft Power Stream - TheSlayer350Video Information think I press the right buttons everything [Music] set [ __ ] are you I’m live hey what’s up what’s going on sup rck sup Apple how’s it going sorry for the major inconvenience earlier alarm didn’t go off I wasr and I was snoozing sound and sleep had a really good dream too and then I woke up and like something is not right so I I check my phone I’m like my phone isn’t on so that mean my alarm didn’t go off crap it’s 9:20 so yeah I hope you’re doing all right all right Rick you… Read More

  • Epic Minecraft Mob Battle: Tonic Mutant Warden vs Null Warden! #memebattle

    Epic Minecraft Mob Battle: Tonic Mutant Warden vs Null Warden! #memebattleVideo Information This video, titled ‘Tonic Mutant Warden vs Null Warden #minecraft #mobbattle #shorts #short #meme #video #viral #memes’, was uploaded by Minecraft Bedrock Edition Battles on 2024-01-10 13:42:11. It has garnered 998 views and 48 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Like and Subscribe. If you like this Short 1v1 Mob Battle Want to see more more battles, check out my Channel right now. #Minecraft #minecraft #Short #Shorts #ShortVideo #short #shorts #minecraftshorts #meme #memes #Meme #Memes #viral #video Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Clutch with Realistic Graphics 😮⚔️#shorts

    Ultimate Minecraft Clutch with Realistic Graphics 😮⚔️#shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘(Dream On). Minecraft Clutch With Realistic Graphics.😮⚔️😮#shorts #shortfeed #viral #tending’, was uploaded by Prince Arena (137) on 2024-03-24 00:34:45. It has garnered 846 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. (Dream On). Minecraft Clutch With Realistic Graphics.😮⚔️😮#shorts #shortfeed #viral #tending if you guys enjoy the vedio pls leave a like and subscribe the channel domsto. Copyright Disclaimer : Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use… Read More

  • Stormcraft

    Stormcraft_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-__ Storm Craft __-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ Stormcraft is a community-driven survival minecraft Network, our motto is ‘for the players, by the players’ and we stand by that every minute of the day. Our Network currently has: Sanctuary (SMP) , Islands (Skyblocks) , Creative , Missilewars and Anarchy The community we have built on Stormcraft so far is amazing and we couldn’t be happier but we hope you’ll find a new home here on Storm Craft. Looking forward to having you join us Read More

  • Hardcore Anarchy – Anarchy

    Welcome to Hardcore Anarchy IP: New anarchy server with three months of uptime and over 450 deaths/bans. “Hardcore Anarchy” provides a platform for those who enjoy vanilla Minecraft with a twist. Are you up for the challenge? Check out our badass leaderboards website here to see who is the biggest degenerate on the server. This server is not pay2win, so prepare for the elements when you spawn because there are no protected areas. Think you have what it takes to survive? Join now and test your skills against the toughest Minecraft players. Can you outlast the competition and become… Read More

  • DuckyBlock

    DuckyBlockWelcome to DuckyBlock! 🐣We are an 18+ Minecraft server for adults, cross-platform for both Java and Bedrock! Join us on any platform you have Minecraft on.In order to join the server, you will need to join our Discord to have your age verified. You can join our Discord server here: features!👍 Always updated to latest version🗡️ Survival🏡 Land claims⭐ Slimefun🆙 McMMO⛏️ PyroMining🎣 PyroFishing🧑‍🌾 PyroFarming💖 Inclusive communityWhat are you waiting for? Join us! Hope to see you online soon. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – minecraft memez r lit 🔥

    Minecraft Memes - minecraft memez r lit 🔥Looks like this meme is definitely mining for laughs with a score of 9! Read More

  • 2024 Minecraft Temple: Notch’s Inside Scoop

    2024 Minecraft Temple: Notch's Inside Scoop In Notch’s temple, secrets unfold, In 2024, a story untold. Minecraft’s past, nostalgia in sight, Exploring the depths, with all our might. Crafting memories, block by block, In Notch’s temple, we unlock. Old Minecraft vibes, a journey through time, In 2024, the past will shine. So join us now, in this epic quest, In Notch’s temple, we’ll do our best. To uncover the truth, in every rhyme, Minecraft’s legacy, for all time. Read More

  • “Caught a sassy lizard 🦎” 🔥 #minecraft #meme

    "Caught a sassy lizard 🦎" 🔥 #minecraft #meme Looks like this sneaky lizard got caught trying to steal diamonds in Minecraft! Watch out for those crafty reptiles in the game! 🦎💎 #minecraftmischief #lizardthief Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Gamers Roast and Play Minecraft Together

    Join Minewind: Where Gamers Roast and Play Minecraft Together Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and trends from the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a hilarious YouTube video that had us in stitches. While it may not be directly related to Minecraft, it got us thinking about the ultimate power and fun that awaits on the Minewind server. Imagine a world where you can unleash your creativity, engage in epic battles, and form lasting friendships with fellow gamers. That’s the essence of Minewind – a vibrant Minecraft server that offers an unparalleled gaming experience. With a unique blend of PvP, survival, and role-playing… Read More

  • Building the Ultimate Secret House in Minecraft!

    Building the Ultimate Secret House in Minecraft! Minecraft Server Experience: Building a Beautiful Home Exploring the Angkortoch Server Embark on a journey to the Angkortoch server, a vibrant Minecraft community where creativity knows no bounds. Join fellow players in crafting, building, and exploring the vast virtual world. Features and Events Discover the plethora of features and events that await you on the Angkortoch server. From gold shovels to home villagers, cleaning tasks to house building challenges, there’s never a dull moment in this dynamic Minecraft realm. Gold Shovel Unleash your inner miner with the gold shovel, a tool that promises efficiency and style. Dig, mine, and… Read More

  • Unveiling the Scary Truth About Sqannky Duck

    Unveiling the Scary Truth About Sqannky DuckVideo Information we’ll check the tower for emeralds I’m not here for you creepers all right um oh [ __ ] uhoh uh-oh oh [ __ ] well cyber I it seems that I found him it seems I found him it seems that I have found him oh [ __ ] dude he is fast he is fast oh no oh no back back up yeah what you going to do oh [ __ ] he’s fast on the water too what This video, titled ‘Why is he so scary!!!! #shorts #minecraft #gaming #scary #minecraftmemes #herobrine #funny #mcyt’, was uploaded by Sqannky Duck on 2024-03-31 15:47:57. It… Read More

  • Villager FREAKS OUT in Minecraft?! 😱 #Leonardiño17

    Villager FREAKS OUT in Minecraft?! 😱 #Leonardiño17Video Information minicraft pero invasión zombie estoy un poco aquí cogiendo de Carbón y nos llevamos un poco de remolacha y patatas y Vamos a sembrar un poco de esto porque después nos hará falta es quea con lo que tienes ahí maliante de verdad estoy cansado Ya ustedes yo no saben robar miércoles juegan al Minecraft si solo van aar cuando V ala cabo de verdad como si sembrar fuera fácil te llevas todo sea ahora solo falta que te lleves todas las C A ver a ver me quies que te lo voy a perdonar sea por esta… Read More


    FABIIN CRAFT - Minecraft ORESPAWN #2 - EPIC TWILIGHT FOREST BOSSVideo Information E aí rapaziada suave segundo episódio da nossa série aqui de or spaw último episódio foi no canal do foi no canal do hoje a gente tá com a participação especial do God link dele vai tá aí na descrição e Rapaziada esse episódio aqui tá sendo gravado em live tá vai ser o primeiro link fixado aí nos comentários bom Rapaziada no último episódio a gente fez essa essa mansão aqui que eu posso chamar de lar aqui junto com meus amiguinhos e aquilo ali é uma cama vula aqui tá dormindo por enquanto um galo gigante… Read More

Kings of Copper! ▫ Empires SMP Season 2 ▫ Minecraft 1.19 Let’s Play [Ep.22]