KKWxTTV – Highlight: Minecraft building a townhall(Vtuber/She/Her)

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Okay it’s about time for us to get started so let’s get started you’re not experiencing technical difficulties we are taking over your screen and demand all your cookies yes okay so let’s go into our normal chat mode and uh welcome into the stream i know this is a different time for you

So i did put up a current poll and hoping that people would let me know if wednesday and friday is at 1 pm is good for you we’re doing it this way because tenable wanted to start doing survival wednesday on 1pm in about well after the daylight savings time

This weekend so it’ll be next wednesday friday we are planning on doing a testing stream for for the space engineers to see if we can even get mine to match up with his mine’s on steam his is on xbox and we’re gonna see if we can do that you’re causing

I’m causing trouble again i hear yeah you’re causing trouble again terrible so this is the time that is one o’clock for me but we haven’t finished our daylight savings times change so that happens sunday we’ll be back another hour which would have been an hour ago i think fall back

Spring forward yeah it’ll be an hour ago um and that is about the time that we we said we were going to be doing was 1pm yeah so on friday we are going to be doing a testing stream if you want to join in uh or at least join in to watch it

See how we set it up you can it’s just we’re just going to be working on trying to test the stream um and then my s community sunday is staying at 10 a.m because i currently 6 p.m for you i hate time zones all right

Isn’t that when we said we were going to start 6 p.m yes i hate time zones too yeah you did say that so this would be 6 p.m on friday you join me and we test the stream we try to get it to work um sunday community sunday uh we will

Either be doing new world or whatever anybody else wants to do because it’s community sunday and that’s when we want to have you guys decide what we’re going to be doing on monday again we’ll be we are keeping this time schedule which was 7 p.m central time for our

Not minecraft but for new world which will be 7 p.m so that is the schedule right now hi delbican welcome in domikin this is about the time that we’re looking at doing space engineers the only reason why i’m not doing space engineers right now is because our time zones are matching wrongly

Because for me right now it’s one o’clock pretendable right now it’s 6 pm and my time zone changes sunday so meh but we’re gonna see if you guys like this time zone if you do we’re going to keep it and uh our time time curl it out of action with the flu oh

No that sucks that really sucks i’m so sorry tenable so sorry i hope we can i hope you can get to feeling better but maybe i’ll make your life a little bit happier just by watching me i don’t know but i know what it’s like to have a freaking flu

Thankfully it’s the flu and not the covet though um all right so guess what followers we have 51 more followers to go before the next big deal um you don’t know okay so i don’t know where is what it’s saying right now for the poll i’ll ask again on friday

Yeah you’ve been tested well that’s good that’s good that you’ve been tested but i’m that’s bad that you have the flu but uh for followers uh we are 51 away from getting to the 200 which we are going to do what’s called starfinder instead of pathfinder we’re going to do

Starfighter which is another set of tabletop and the setting is set in sci-fi in the future currently i’m going to be working on trying to build up the town we’re going to start with uh trying to set up a um what is it it’s a coop that’s chicken coop

And trying to get some making it look more like a town and less less like just arrangement of houses no i did not where where did you send that did you send that to me uh via you might have looks like i’ve been getting the snipples this is not good getable

No i don’t see it privately did you send it in where did you send it but starfighter is the what my friends have a general yeah it’s not showing up there so we’ll have to just deal with that um because i’m looking straight at you at your private messaging and

No it’s not there anyway maybe i can get my brain to work today we are going to be working on trying to build up that the towel but my major project that i want to start working on is going to be in space engineers they’ve said a little how speak

I would like to make a sci-fi mat for the star finder i was on my discord community oh well that that’s a different story of another flavor i’ll find it we actually been using that lately as our place of we’re we’re we’re in a private channel but we’re still in that channel now

More what is this texture pack you are doing i don’t know what what patch texture pack are we going to be doing tenable do you know or is i he’s going to be working with me on wednesday on space engineers and my idea tenable now that i have now that people want to

Play starfighter is still doing a map but the map for star finder instead for the one shot that’s coming up after i get 51 more followers i think we have plenty of time though unless there’s a lot of people who show up all of a sudden cue pack cube pack okay um

Where is this minecraft highlights tenable not really at flip oh no that’s not it where did you send this i’m confused fan art no oh did what did you think of the path fighter that we did because i know what my people thought of it and i wanted to know what you guys

Thought of it since you were here there ah there it is okay for the demi plane oh pre-order that might be a possibility thank you it doesn’t have texture pots i think dove is asking about mc i’m using the basic the basics uh actually why do we get in that since i’m already

Set up for it Because i’d like to have a clip that talks about who i am and uh this is just the basic the basic one um at least until i can get my own server it’s it’s really just town s mps basics and i’d love to use a different chop thing but

I got a cat this morning i haven’t named it i need to get a name tag for it um you’re gonna eat dinner i thought you were gonna be dinner before she normally eat it at ten o’clock oh all right i’ll see you later um but this is this is our town

I currently have the ability to do farming well i have all the abilities but i make money for farming and yes you are welcome to join domican uh in this it’s free it’s called playtownship county smp.com and if you do join please let me know so i can uh

Add you to the town and you can help me if you’d like you get a job and yeah the server name is playtownysmp.com if you want to know let’s see here let’s shop and sell what we got so i just made 60k [Laughter] double let’s see what we got here

All right so i’ve made a bunch of stone for people to start making houses i’ve made some food for us it’ll be some some glass so we could make windows and so my plan today whether the plan happens or not is to try to start working on like setting up farm spots

You have steam but no computer yet you’ll be getting it this month well you can still join us this month we’ll have you join us and uh we’ll give you like a a plotted area and then you can help out with other projects like we’ll put you right here build a kid

You could come right here and call this home and you’ll get this spot and then if if you get big enough you could probably move to the back i mean the maximum we want people to have is four i typically say two maximum plot areas and then he build

From there that’s why i’ve made a house that’s why they’re making houses and the like There is all kinds of things that happen here let me show you what i’m talking about let me go to spawn all right so here’s spawn well this is where you will spawn and then you join my town um and then you’ll teleport to my town and then you’ll get a place to

Be there’s the general commands you get ranks you get jobs my jobs are currently um i am a farmer and a fisherman a woodcutter and i’m looking to have another job soon ranks what am i right now i’m a knight my next step is to get 300 000 to become

A lord and you can go all the way up to 250 million to end up being a legendary this is tony smp see if i got a key yet here uh so the way this is set up is somebody else actually runs it and then you vote for them if you vote

You get like uh keys that will give you things here and they’ll give you all kinds of things all of it including diamonds including gold more spawners actual spawners um the legendary equipment it is a basic it is not a mod tony smp they just have a bunch of

Plug-ins that they put in to add to it but you only need to have just the basic they have a world an area that’s a resource here go here and get resources and it will trap it will teleport you all over um gather materials in this 1.1 it’s 1.17 now

Uh vanilla train generation they do update uh 10k by 10k enabled disabled county claims you can’t claim anything in resource you can get to the resource by entering the portal through this world and that will take you straight into the nether it also resets every month so the the

Items that were in that world will be completely reset first teachers and how to build in java oh yes i can teach you how to build a job it’s really easy um so it’s it’s really it’s easy so this is all the things that you’ll you’ll want to know and i often forget

So i come back here and i check it constantly then there’s the tony i don’t know what he is where did he take me he’ll take you anywhere in the world and you can look around and see if somebody has it seems like a gigantic spotting area for farming let’s see

Yeah they’re farming uh they’re farming stuff they’re farming stuff so that’s somebody’s that’s somebody’s farm and it will take you all over the place really randomly or i could do what i do as if you become part of the town it’s easy enough to do i just spawned back at my town so

That’s the case so this is basic java basic everything um use e to open it up stone and glass and stuff and i i don’t want to i will say that wednesday we are going to be going to space engineers as soon as he gets rid of his cold or his uh flu

And as soon as we can finally get everything set up and then i will be definitely building space engineers on wednesdays on sundays we’ll probably go back to doing minecraft again on friday possibly two um friday is gonna be potluck it’s gonna be whatever the heck i wanna put in it

Whatever the heck i want to play at the time because there are times when people just are just not wanting to play the normal stuff all right we’ll do this i almost had all of this cleaned up today that i forgot i put this up here um

So this is this is actually pretty cleaned up today yep all right that’s extra stuff where did i put the glass i thought i moved everything did i not move everything yet that’s wood that’s food there’s the glass okay so yeah you can get spawners i’ve actually got two slime

Spotters i need to find a spot for and i also have a mish mushroom crap cow that i can put out as well can i send you a link to andrea um You can’t do it in this chat but you could send it on discord that’s the only thing and then i can see it from there okay so we’re going to be starting this right here this is our little spot where we’re going to be taking these little monsters up here

And we’re going to add them up here and we’re gonna make it so that where this is brown here i’m gonna be putting um uh what are they called clampers and then i’ll put carpet on it and then they will be staying here in this and i’ll just constantly be getting eggs

And it’ll be it’ll be cool it’ll be fun so let’s do this first did you let me know when you put it in discord and i’ll watch it and if i like it all i’ll link it all right where did i put you all it up here i had a lot more

Iron than this there it is okay thank you let me look uh do you know which chat part you put it i’m gonna have to oh i bet you put it in minecraft nope or did you send it to me privately i’m getting your neighbor technical building okay

What is my steam id i’ll let you know that right now um should i add you my steam id i will send to you privately okay friends and friends okay copy it is still the kid i’m not gonna put that in here but i will definitely be watching it in the near future

Yeah so i mean you could have put that in the regular discord and that’s fine it’s just i don’t want it in here here [Laughter] um because then we can get back to it later all right where i already have a bunch so i don’t want to make more

I just gotta remember to do see i got a ton of those all right i’ll move through today fumbled through nothing there there there they are all right so we’re gonna make a bunch of hoppers actually let me do it this way i think i already have a few hoppers so

I’m not going to make all if i’m not going to make 10. i’m going to make 10 but i’m not going to make uh 12 like i was thinking i’m doing here i think i already have poppers somewhere there’s more iron back There they are okay so this is actually a pretty cool idea to do um let me take this oh i could tell i needed oh no i would have needed to roll And we’re gonna use the hoppers okay i will take care of that in a second until i can i don’t want to do that give me my thing back yep you just need to wait that’s all you need to wait all right i will go ahead and take your stain request and then

Okay i got it done all right so what i want to do is i think i’m going to put the chest down first that way the food that way it’ll be quicker Um go ahead and use one of the barrels that way this will work this will work properly all right that needs to slow down all right here we go that there then what we’re gonna do is we’re going to work with it like this take this put that there Have anything to uh myself up move geez okay and see what they’re doing is they’re kind of filling in like that so they’ll all jump into that uh that chest right there we can test our theory by going and putting this in there It worked um now i want to get some stairs i think this is junger jungle that i used to put some stairs there we’re going to pull these guys out and put them up here and then they will have their own little place when we finally get to that point but

First the stairs and i’m gonna put stairs all the way around so i need only one two three four four stairs of jungle i brought all the stuff that i had at the others house or from the thing that we were doing oak spruce it’s a strip vlog that might work um

There we go jungle planks now i really really enjoyed modded minecraft over this but at this point in time you know things are just not working out like this you want there we go we just really want one so let me buy that Take this with me welcome back how was supper dinner supper whatever so take that which game are you going to be uh developing i don’t want to do that are you developing for uh space engineers hmm you’re oh what are you gonna make what’s it gonna be like Actually i think what we need to do is bake this so we have a little bit more room out don’t work no now what we’re going to do is we’re going to put carpet here it’s going to be a dark fanta suicide now you mean what do you mean by making a game

Do you mean uh that you’re actually going to be creating a a computer game that sounds pretty cool All right oh wow i’ll be excited to test it out for you definitely be excited to test it out for you i like the fact you’re lively in this this chat i appreciate it it it makes things easier trust me i think we’re going to use a different type of wood for

That area right there and i need to get the carpet so carpet and Yes it always does help i understand this terrible it really does help it makes things go faster but you don’t always have the ability of that so because sometimes people are lurking and they can’t really they really can’t you really can’t and i fully understand that

But i do like it when people go to talk i’m not gonna lie it will have 10 more aces to choose from uh is it going to be made out of unity and please dover ken if you do make this game can your women look like women because i swear

That’s the one thing i hate about some of these survival games they look like men or the other way around they not only look like women but they look like they’re off of the streets if you know what i mean please i appreciate if you did that make sure they look like women

Because if you do that i’ll tell you right now women will look at your game that is the one thing we don’t like about some of our some of the games out there is that the women do not look like women or they look like complete trash

They look like they could have been off the streets i guess i’m gonna have to do it another way because i don’t think i have enough actual wool so die only white and then we’ll make it look like green But it is the number one co-write i have about new world it’s the number one gripe i have about uh behind and about empyrean and kinda about uh space engineers i just find that all the women seriously either look like men or they look like they are complete trash okay there we go

Now i just have to get them in here and i have to close the door and i have to get the this this down this has to go like this all right so i need the door i need hmm that looks kind of blocky i don’t like that But yeah it is the number one grape and i’ll tell you a lot of my friends female friends feel the same way there is just the men just don’t know what a female really should look like so if you’re gonna have women in it please make them look good please beg of you

Um okay is that not gonna work right No no no okay so we want this i actually still have the log all right a lock that way i’m going to put this here so that will close that out no i don’t want to do that that’s not gonna work It looks like Okay i know why i know why i know why that’s okay that looks worse than before whatever we will get this right eventually i think i want a stair here It didn’t look great what is wrong with you see what i wanted guys was i wanted a place for the them to go and then they dropped their eggs here they’re going to need a place to get in the first place which would be right here all the characters will be voiced as

Well by you oh are they gonna be all male may i also suggest one other thing you might want a team making a game is hard trust me on this when i worked in when i did mine in sl it was hard that’s better well the inside looks better

And the outside look better hey hmm We almost could have two places but um i don’t think we will we’ll just put that there we’ll move this in just so we can use it here okay now we need to make a door jungle door and i think we’re gonna use a darker wood at the uh door

That’s just not looking right i swear i i thought i had an idea and the idea just didn’t match all right look at better their house is almost complete except we need a roof i think we’re going to go with a darker wood for the roof

Will the the uh characters that you are um running will they be all male or will they uh be of no actual what would they look like that’s what i’m trying to get at oh one thing i haven’t done is we just had two follows uh i guess yesterday button bash

Gaming and kit yeah from my experience as well is when i was working in sl and made a carcedia out from a web car sadie has been around for 30 years and i do mean 30 years i started in college and i was married at that time and i’ve been since remarried but

Um we created this world called carcedia and i actually made a map and everything that was involved with it and then i moved it after i had gotten a divorce we had pretty much you know he just gave it to me and because it was my baby and i

Spent most time on it and um then we went ahead and started giving it a a a life besides a map we also built an entire uh rpg tabletop system for it it was actually a d10 system and um i will tell you now if you don’t have a team

You don’t have a way of bouncing off ideas and slowly i had to learn that through taking it from that type of from tabletop to irc back to tabletop to second life and now to this for the universe that if you don’t have a team you will lose

The focus you need you will not be able to figure out what you need to do you won’t have a way of bouncing off ideas you need that team you really do um so i hope that you do get a team or at least you get some people to bounce off ideas I am really looking forward to ken if you actually do this i will be very happy to play it and give you ideas if you are willing to take ideas but and i’ll test it out i will tell you exactly how i feel about it

But you need ideas uh you need people to generate ideas and yes tenable is correct it helps you flesh out your world a lot better if you have somebody to bounce stuff off um looking for Okay you didn’t hear what i said Ah dark stairs there we go looking for dark scares stairs scares stairs because i want to take all this to build a roof did you hear what were you able to hear what we said or did did you uh disappear or to worry you you might have been in ads it’s possible okay

Hmm you stepped away for a few minutes oh we were talking about how it is good to have a team if you decide to make a game it’s really a good idea to have a team uh because teams will allow you to bounce things off on especially if you’re making your own

Game it also makes it easier in you and you’re not overextending yourself does that make sense okay oh my goodness slime games welcome in thank you for uh adding to the it’s not going to be a pathfinder one this time it’s going to be a star finder next you ever played star finder

Yes we are planning on starfinder we still haven’t gotten into the point that we are happy to use it outside of our group of friends yeah it’s it’s really hard it is really really difficult to do something like that i mean mine has been so many years and it’s still not done yet

It’s not the way i i have changed different systems because i was going to use like the d10 system then i ended up making a t20 system and i liked it for the d20 system it was okay but um yeah it’s just one of those things all right Yeah you had four systems too you it’s hard to even make the right spells for it because you wanna you you’ve got to figure out a way to balance it and i i give hats to a pathfinder for knowing how to balance a lot of their stuff however they’re still needing work on

Their balancing especially on the new stuff yours had four systems yep but it’s been i it’s been a hot minute since i started that and i still don’t i don’t feel comfortable yet making it you know publishing it you know i mean i i don’t mind bringing up some of the story here

And maybe eventually i’ll play part of it for you guys on stream but i don’t feel like publishing it just yet what is that was that a thunderstorm in the middle oh you guys played the thunder thank you okay i’m just a little bit off today just a little bit off whoops

The chickens get a house and then i there we can But yeah it takes a it takes a while to make a game and some of these games take years to make some never get finished because nobody because people are not you know happy with what they find including if you look at all the games that we play the creep

The early release games they’re that way for sure for sure oops what’s the name what’s the name of it by the way um i don’t i thought about this i i want to talk to you more about it later until we can but i i’ve been meeting uh probably somebody to mod

Because now i have to i i want to play for slime games and for you it’s called that’s a good name i like that i think okay cool i did double for a second there i had uh two mics on and i didn’t need to um there we go chicken coop

Actually it doesn’t look half bad loud and clear all right look at that not too bad you can even make it look even more smashy if you want and put this in now they have their own little proper house lovely house lovely looking house for our our uh

Creatures i’m gonna go get some uh seeds and get some seeds i get paid for doing that oh wow got 16 seeds that’s pretty good okay let’s get them in their house let’s get them in their house this is going to be a little bit tricky but we’re going to do it One because once it breaks it breaks even though say it’s unbreaking it’s not i’m breaking i’m sorry it’s just not all right hello turk hello chickens um come on let’s get one more spot Now we can do this all right let’s go let’s go guys we can get up here come on you can get up here let’s go all three of you yup come on all three You can do it let’s go in come on come on come on yep there we go now you can make your babies advancements been made [Laughter] so now i’m going to tv out of here done guys it’s done let’s see if it worked we’ll find out if you when they start dropping eggs

Now here’s the whole until i can get some carrots i’m gonna make some more of this Wow impressive okay see we have over here in the food section we have anything we oh we have bamboo we could possibly use make a spot for see here Let me know when you want to collab sure are you being from minecraft or what do you mean for because if you mean for space engineers uh that’s up to tenable i’m going to be in his server if you mean for this all you need to do is get in for streams

Oh sure sure thing um yeah so this looks pretty good uh we have a playstyle for the the eggs to go in they’ll fall from our people i’m gonna clean this out we’re gonna fix this make this work okay any more Ground it’s dark i guarantee you we’ll be having issues soon here’s some issues where’d the dirt go it’s disappeared i want the dirt it’s going for the dirt for a reason i come here yup see when they get on to the town they just disappear like that

49 dirt should be more than enough But yeah as far as uh for space engineers that’s all it’s all up to uh tenable to tell me what he wants to do i don’t know enough about space engineers so i am going to be this pupil and talk as a pupil instead of a teaching and he’ll be teaching us all

Right terrible you’ll be teaching us all all right let’s do a uh shop and sell what we got so no pressure yeah no pressure at all no pressure at all we’ll be talking together and and uh i think I yes i have it on steam i don’t have it on xbox because i don’t have an xbox i’ve been doing some of my homework what uh what all the homework do i need to do i’m good i i will try to do more homework if i need

To just let me know what i need to do right um so so that’s that’s our lovely pin for them now just thinking of just making a barn for these guys but we don’t need one they just stand there just controls don’t use keyboard and mouse so i can’t help you

Oh the controls yes i’ve been actually practicing on the controls trying to figure it all out um the problem with the controls they are so they are different from your controls so yeah i’ve actually been looking into them i know f practically sets up everything

F is like the big number one and then there’s some others um i have to look at it but i can pretty much delete it the biggest thing is i don’t know how to use your survival because it won’t work in the tutorial oh there’s another cat there’s two cats

And that one looks like oh i gotta get that one all right i gotta get some fish One because that one up there’s fish the one looks just like my butterscotch hi butterscotch come on no come here butterscotch come here brush scotch no you don’t like my cod i thought you would like cod i’m trying to sneak it’s it is fast Just like my butterscotch come on yay we have a butterscotch at butterscotch hi butterscotch come here oh you look so cute too come here come here come here all right you can sit down because i don’t want to go with you we got a butterscotch and we got a snowball

No that’s not snowball are you a mork you’re a mork you look like a mork almost no butterscotch is the name of my kitty my real kitty who’s sleeping very quietly right now g is for the build menu and i’m talking about the build planner where you automatically cue items to build blocks

And extract parts you need okay okay should i turn it on so you guys can see what i see would that be helpful we’ll do that on friday i will show it on friday yes i will do my homework i will make sure i do my homework oh my gosh another one

All right little one i’m just gonna let you walk around Oh yeah it is fine kitty was it six It’s it’s quirky all right we’re not gonna do any more cats cats tend to die or they tend to go after stuff but i like the cats because they keep the creepers away they keep the creepers away but yes i will do my homework i promise i’ll work on it

Had a busy week all right let’s get some of this done what i’ll do like um you just want me to learn the build parts or is there something else that i can learn do i just need to look at the control list i’m going to be a smart student

All right i i’m just making money right now while i’m listening to youtube because that makes me money right there the more you learn the less i have to teach well i’ll do what i can i’m very smart cookie but my memory sucks [Laughter] uh [Laughter] okay

At least we understand ours each other i’ll do what i can okay so now what do you guys want us what what do you guys want to have me make next should we make a barn for each of the animals or just let them out like this i can make it hard

We had a fence around them and uh he took the fence off because he didn’t think it looked all that great but i could make a bard for them but i’d have to bake three three barbs and have to make one there and there one there or what we could do is actually

Something that we haven’t done in forever and that is work on the town hall which is right here probably should work on the town hall probably should i see barn to ban the animals together the thing is they’re spawners actually you see these spawners here and you can only have like

So many spawners in a chunk we’ve already maxed out our our animal spawners so we could definitely work on the townhouse though or the town town building that could be the next thing to do um I can use dolomites which kind of looks like poop according to some people or i could try to see about getting marble or we could try to make it a dark part for the the this is the town area the town’s town building we were going to make it circular we

Never finished it i think we need to do that we need to finish it definitely need to finish it all right so for That is that stained glass i think it’s not i need this this we’re going to put the wood back i will talk to him about whether or not we’re gonna make it just one barn or if we’re gonna make it all over the place but let’s let’s definitely do this

Is this stained glass i don’t know i have stained glass okay i’m gonna make stainless um Because what the town hall is going to be is where you get people you you can buy stuff uh you can trade stuff uh you’ll be able to um that hurts um you’ll be able to do things there and like work on brewery and stuff like that so

Not everybody has to have their own worry stand they could just go there that’s the plan one more glass point sounds good okay how did ugh make it i swear i made it stained glass but oh there it is i have to find some white flowers it looks like

Or actually can use bone meal romeo will do it too i think it works as a white guy All right so let’s see if this works yeah that’s okay So many things to do so little toy that’s going too often What i want to do is make another another row and then build up from there the other part why are you not working one more time okay yeah tennable i i think you have subscription um i have made it so that people with subscription have more of a chance to play sounds than

Others because there’s a lot more sounds prescription based only So beside i need to get on top here and i don’t want to do it we’ll do it with the wall get up here who’s here it’s already 2 230 wow yeah so yeah you have the you have the ability to uh play sounds that others don’t

I don’t know if you looked at that but that’s part of the subscription plus you don’t have to worry about ads plus oh my gosh um what else did i make so that she didn’t no no no there’s free sounds if you look at the list of sounds

There’s a lot of free sounds for just for just playing if you are a subscriber and you’re a subscriber you know like when a bb plays uh i am fire i am death all the time yeah i got a bunch of sounds now for people who are subscribers there are

A lot of free sounds there are some bitty sounds but there are a lot of free cells [Applause] you found it you found it and i figured that would work best i wanted to give something more to the subscribers because i just i felt like it would be worth it

If they were able to have more things to do dang it i don’t have marine mobile so stuff like that it can be glitchy oh i understand but yeah you have that ability and you have a few other abilities that non-subscribers don’t have so i just i just wanted to

Give people an opportunity to have more things than just you know saying hey i’m a subscriber i just don’t play ads but you know if i turn off the ads i would i’ve tried i have tried hello darkness And then i have a few that uh people who are not subscribers can play a like um one that says basically they’re leaving so it’s goodbye um yeah but most of most of the ones are for subscribers so yeah and what did you think of me doing all

Those channel points the way i did did you like that were you able to interact because i know you interacted quite a bit She’s only 15 minutes down from the road from you really well i’ve been working on that i’ve been definitely working on that so maybe it’s just because i’ve been trying to get it so that it is lower because i’ve had a lot of people in the past say

Man you’ve got to wait 20 seconds before you get a minute before you even your message comes through and i’m like really oh wow i know you are i are irl friends yeah um actually the people who i played with on sunday uh they are my real life friends they’re

People that i play with all the freaking time they’re the ones i play with on tuesdays and thursdays and you met my husband he’s the one who uh was playing as the dwarf Dominic bad guy that was him this is something we’ve done all our lives though the ones we play with uh we consider them kind of our kids because the methamphetamine college their college and um i’ll explain this we help them through getting sometimes getting through their college through doing sciency stuff

And playing games giving them something to relax upon but also if they had any homework they needed to do we helped them through that and we just got to become good friends and now that they’re out of college we still are friends with them best way to tt rpg and stream

Interaction stuff was fine but i felt bad interrupting the flow of the session uh i had it both ways i mean it worked and they they did they would have liked it better if the sounds were able to be heard by them some of them were not able to hear them

Because they of course turn the uh stream down so they couldn’t hear them but they kind of actually liked it they liked the interaction they thought it was a interesting way of bringing in wild chaos to the game i met orion and artemis through tt rpg a

Mutual friend asked me to run dark heresy for them so they first met me as a dm what was that what was that i don’t know that was a weird sound that i heard in the game really weird sound yeah um so that’s how we met how the the guys

As long as the players are happy they were they were actually happy with it they liked it that’s the one thing they actually did like i mean i could tell you a lot of things that they they liked and disliked i need to probably make more descriptions

Um i had a last minute npc failed to show and that would have caused the interaction to be a little bit different but It i think they went well they that’s that was one of the things they really did like they liked the interaction of the group so feeling less guilty you should because they liked it um let’s see here we’ve got this up to three now i think we should do white

Maybe we should do uh around so it’s three fill the three three okay yeah we got it all up to three and then i think this should actually be probably less off three three Whoops i’ll have to go kill some skills so i can get some more bones you don’t trust your dm means enough to stream it well did but you did like it that’s the that was what i was hoping that you would tell me if you liked it

Or not because if you didn’t like my dna i’m not going to do it again but if you did it said i know they liked it they had fun um mine was fine okay cool uh yeah they liked it uh there are some things of course i’d like to

To change for the next one but they really liked it so i was surprised where’s my doll mine or should i use brick i’ve got plenty of brick and here’s the dolomite you loved it as well cool thought you did i wanted to make sure that people did like it because

I was a little nervous i’m not gonna lie i wanted to make sure people were happy with it it was the first time we streamed it but that yeah those were my real friends and they uh this is the stuff that they like to do so okay get up here

I think you would have been terrified yeah i was i was scared i have to admit it i was scared i think i i think i could do better with starfinder or with the vampire the masquerade oh i think that artemis would love if i played the vampire the masquerade for her

I think she would love it that’s an idea i could eventually do a vampire the masquerade campaign i don’t know how many people would like to play it but i think it would be fun you ever seen vampire the masquerade have you ever played it i i know that

You’ve played like pat like d and d but and and you also played warhammer but have you ever played masquerade Okay you struggled getting into vampire tried it once you can get on with it um i can understand that i definitely could understand that vampire the masquerade is uh for some people it’s got a lot of rules and they’ve changed again recently uh vampire a new vampire i’m not thrilled with um

At all actually Too much of a sci-fi gamer than fantasy well you know what starfinder is it is it is pathfinder based in sci-fi basically that’s what star finder is the guys will have guns they will be using a lot of interesting things all right breaking it like that i guess okay

All right so this has got to go I need more glass that’s what i need that’s not missing is the glass Oh you know but you’ve never played it or pathfinder yeah uh so you’ll you’ll be able to at least play with it as a audience member although those who are interested that have probably had some experience it is we will have up to six spots no more than that

Oh thank you for the follow dark housing thank you um sure um well what what are you besides the dark dusty uh explain a little bit about what your premise is that you want to use beyond being sci-fi like uh do you you wanted to have a apocalyptic type universe

Is that what you want what are we gonna do but of course i’ll help you out but like i said before you really do need to have a team if you’re going to do a game um doing it just by yourself is is rough is very rough

Take it from somebody who has experience magicka has finally arrived yay oh and we have a new spell spill light coop spell eye coop Welcome uw zul zui is it zooey uw’s zooey thank you for uh chatting yeah we’re playing minecraft today and next week we will be starting ours our space engineers with tenable it will be fun we’re excited we’re both excited a little bit nervous but excited

Terrible i didn’t get to ask you but how did your your big event go how did the haunted uh or i’m not haunted well again is kind of haunted isn’t it your abandoned area that you made how did that go i was there but i i wasn’t sure

Juvenile joke in chat what was that the rogue space clip station yeah claimed many clones oh no oh it took so many clones i believe in uh in space engineers we are technically clones correct is that the way it goes it was meant to yeah of course it was meant to

But she made it so that it was infinite so it wasn’t that big of a a danger it just was a lot of fun for them which was good person asking to smell like you who’s a juvenile joke older than uh it’s a joke spell i-c-u-p lovely lovely oh okay

All right you got me time for dad jokes i want a dad joke yeah it’s a slow clap [Laughter] yes let’s go for the dad joke want to hear a chimney joke that got stacks of them first ones on the house oh that’s bad i cut my finger chopping cheese but i think

That i may have greater problems wow we have a double whammy yeah i didn’t know nightbot was awesome well i knew nightbot was doing but i didn’t expect to see stream elements has that now too all right what are we doing we need glass we need to probably go and get glass

So i’m probably going to go to the resource area if i don’t have any blasts here sandstone sandstone smooth stone sandstone but not oh two pieces of sand that’s not enough we gotta go get see it all right i set it in 2 2 000 in a time of mass population where

On every world and space station oh 2 000 to 2200 mass population on every world and that means we literally blow up in our our population as if it’s not a problem now and every world literally that populated in less than 200 less than 100 years 20 no 200 years um

Back to sc street you you day fun i spent the whole stream stripping down one npc base for parts and it’s fine you’re not finished i always think of clones would solve a lot of our problems we neglect to remember the big one you gotta feed and house everyone hey i

Have an idea for you domikin on your world what if the robots were against us i have not seen many games where they’re robots instead there’s a lot of zombies but robots soylent green Well it’s an idea so if you wanted to try it out that could be a possibility okay solves the overpopulation problem real quick yep every building is a skyscraper so if every building was a skyscraper and we were using robots all the time and suddenly the robots had a virus in them

That’d be interesting that would go real interesting real quick so that green is people i think a few people have gone for that yeah yep i have not seen the the movie i should see that baby i’m going to write down a little list of things to do

My husband and i are a bit big big into all the marvel movies all of sci-fi and things like that um that would be one i’ll have to see i can i’ll write it down as one of the possibilities Speaking of of uh movies have any of you seen the dune movie that just came out it’s a dystopia yeah then i would definitely like that because the doom movie was awesome i loved it it was it was great you must you must if you are a sci-fi fan

You must see the dune the doom there will be an asset what’s the massive threat that you’re going for this basement the spice must flow yep yep this was a remake of the dune and it was so good it has a different look i’m not gonna i’m not gonna spoil it to you

I’m just gonna say the look of it the graphics of it is so much better than the original the story is still very similar to the original but it’s so much better than the original and they only got to a part one in it yeah it’s just a part one

Oh it was so good yes the visuals are amazing amazing so my suggestion is y’all need to go see it if you’re a sci-fi fan like i am and you know i’m a fan you know i’m a sci-fi fan you know that’s like my thing

If you’re a sci-fi fan y’all need to go see it if it ever comes out and i can actually stream it in discord i won’t stream it here but in discord i would all right so i need glass so i definitely need to go to the other world

That’s what i’m gonna do i’m gonna spawn to the other world but yes go see it go see it go see it go see it he will not be disappointed but i definitely i’m not gonna spoil it for you i’m not gonna spoil but yep there’s my sand that’s what i needed

Oh he seems to take me to sand actually it took me too less and this time nope it didn’t it took me to say it need a lot of sand i’m getting gold gold stuff glowstone just by getting sand oh really it is on there on the 21st i don’t have hbo hbo

Is one of those things you have to pay for and i have if you if you don’t know me already i’m trying to get a house for my husband and i before i uh end up in a wheelchair um to do that uh i i gotta make it make it

Make things you know make decisions but um if it was free i would Well this the threat being uh robots would be definitely a threat if the threats were if the robots went crazy that would be definitely a threat okay that’s plenty i think yeah that’s more enough the age of uh yes the age of ultron definitely the age of ultron back to spawn

Are you joining me magica we still have an hour okay hopefully yours behaves yes i’m trying to decide what to do about the ceiling on the town hall i know what i’m going to do here i’m trying to figure out what to do with the ceiling need that back give me it back

We’re definitely going to use a lot of glowstone i keep getting glowstone all the time should we make it like a a circular dome on top maybe like it’s almost a donut or should we just make it flat the ceiling is what i’m talking about for the trade center

Um i have played mass effect and i do like it i do like it i should close this out too yeah i think we should close these out too A glass roof we could do a glass roof that’s easy enough to do we got plenty of sand right now we’re just trying to get i’m going to get the tin to tend to say and up and then yeah we could do a glass roof you can never get into mass effect

I like third person action games i don’t like first person action games minecraft loading up great hi magica it appears to be playing nice can you guys hear magicka i don’t know if it’s playing properly for you if they can hear you or not you can good i mean something’s working right

Once today i can hear me however i cannot hear you in discord uh that’s because i am which is weird you know yeah that’s a little bit better as long as i’m not doubling on you because i have then i have two microphones up i am looking for them

Oh dear god i don’t like creepers though i hate creepers but you know what i need to get it i mean i know what i’m personally what a bow and arrow keepers are what the bow and arrow is useful for that’s what i need to get a bow and

Arrow heaven in the house and now i just stand here until it’s doubling we got kitties three i got three kitties okay so i wanted bone i need bone um well you got to kill a skeleton which means getting hit with hair i’ve got arrows and i’m looking for the other okay also

Why not game pass wait until we have a sort of slime out on friday yeah i i’m okay now but i will tell you um a few years ago i stopped playing wow for the very reason that i could not play first person it just i had i had um vertigo

After a surgery and it just wouldn’t go away i’m doing better now so i could play first person a whole lot better and of course i play you first person now um but i prefer third person i can really only play games in first person the only there are very few exceptions

To this for me i just find third person very very jarring what is that i don’t know i don’t know i just find in jargon for some strange reason okay where are you guys i’m presently in the town still getting input lag which is amusing oh yeah i should probably finish this

Sign chain there’s a reason that i put other signs on my house like one thing the side of the house in the back first i have to stop being stuck in a moving chain because of my input lag to actually finish it okay i don’t like

How those work they don’t work very well i’m gonna go after them directly that’s where i eat i’m gonna eat eat yeah oh my gosh looky there food is important cursa remember that i know come on let’s have fun let’s die here we go bye Where’s that spider i didn’t see that spider go away hmm okay i’m not gonna go on fire oh it just disappears no phones drop them every time no they didn’t drop it at all i know they don’t always have they don’t always drop what they’re supposed to

I don’t need to drop anything because it was out in the wilderness and i guess they have set it up so that it doesn’t drop so i’d have to go to like a resource world and get it then because they were up here i’ve never killed any i’ve never killed any

Creatures in the uh county world if they don’t it really doesn’t work in time it takes me to grind down this npc base three more have spawned around my pigs oh man that’s why you need more than one person third person for vehicles and driving yes and first person for shooters i agree

It will be both and you can switch between them good i’m glad how many bones you need i got four um i need to make it in i i need a lot actually if we could find a spawner that allows for us to kill a bunch of bony men Well we can pray then i could make a bunch of uh did you see it did you see this did you see my little house that i made for the chickens you don’t have to i haven’t been on this i haven’t been on the since the last time we were here well

Come over here come to me oh okay ooh a hopper yes i actually it has 11 hoppers to it and there’s carpet don’t go in they’ll come out if you see that there is carpet being used the eggs will fall down and end up in the sparrow right here neat yep

Now you know how plenty of eggs for cake yes we have cake we’re gonna have cake we’re going to have cake all right so you say we should go with a glass base a glass top is that what you said double again for this right here glass top

I have no idea what you were talking about i shall head to the resource world thank you Try to get some bones if you can well this will be easier said than done it’s daytime of course well at least at least i’m in the desert so maybe i’ll find a desert temple all right don’t get yourself killed and make sure you don’t have anything on

That you don’t want to use yep i i i kind of agree with you i think the glass will work the best um or do you want to color glass or regular glass well that’s why we’re getting go oh you want white and stained glass unless you want to change the stained

Glass to something else well there are plenty of other colors that are easy to get i don’t think there’s any other way to get white gaia than bones though this is weird it’s not working right now okay All right so let’s try oh that’s why because i didn’t make it and die yet there we go now to die and it you make stained glass by surrounding the piece of dye with the glass that’s what i’m doing you need more glu glass and you do die yeah i need more sand

Okay well i was thinking of actually doing the the stained glass for the sides like i’ve already done so far but maybe just clear glass for the top i don’t know i found a desert temple but it looks like somebody’s already looted it because there’s another portal here no

But you know another portal would do it there yeah but the nether’s way more dangerous true oh they took all the chests too so there’s no chance that they left any bones behind done hello so magicka i didn’t get your uh thoughts on sunday

I thought it was fun you had you had a blast yep what did you had a headache from laughing what did you think of the interaction of the people oh i thought it was helpful it stopped me from dying at least once yeah that’s one reason i know you guys liked it

And on the upside i now have a character that i can use in the big hunt for when my character inevitably dies because i’m stupid hopefully you don’t know every everybody else seems to have like half a dozen backup characters already i know are they that confident that you guys

Are going to try to destroy them um that is the job of dm to try to at least make a challenge if not kill you fair enough [Laughter] however we have not tried to kill you that much because well you know we literally have a battle everybody says

It’s a long campaign you have no idea i have died You’ve kind of explained it a few times yeah this is why i’m glad i’ve got the magic magic character god damn it i’m not pronouncing it the way that my sister likes to follow rules are confusing people all right that’s cooking all right so we’re gonna make

I don’t want this to be like that there we go well the sun’s going down so sooner they should be able to hunt some skeletons just don’t just make sure you shouldn’t make i should make myself a box that i can do that from probably should yeah that seems like a good idea

Yep yeah it was either this or skyrim firearms fun but it’s only really useful if you’re into the modding community as a dm i never had a tpk in 20 years and that player death should always have meaning i will agree with that tenable and they always do have meaning um

Most of the time as a dm i believe we’ve had kills basically because they either did something really really stupid who died recently i don’t think any of your characters have died hey in the big hunt in the big hunt um no usually when a character ends up

Getting out of the game it’s because right somebody slept and now it’s day time again oh no i was in the middle of building my box too rats and they slept in the resource world yep oh geez i once found an entire base in the resource world you know

Um i have physical therapy just about two times a week right now uh for my lymphedema i don’t know if you guys know what lymphedema is i it’s going to become a charity event uh in on march 6 anyway but lymphedema is what i have and it’s basically pulling in the legs

And in parts of the body that you don’t want to have the pulling is from the cell waste that you have to normally get out of your system your body you your body usually cycles it out with lymphedema it literally just sticks around and pools in places you really

Don’t want it and can really become a problem yes i know a few people i know well i have one family member that has it yeah if that is extremely correct and it is painful painful and uh so what they try to do is they

Try to make it so that it’s not as painful by taking and decon compressing the area with uh compression but then there’s also something called lymphatic drainage where somebody will massage areas that need it that need the uh lymph to be removed and it helps and i’ve been going to a physical

Therapist for about six months now and unfortunately my therapist has canceled for this week hooray it is extremely painful extremely painful um i don’t i don’t recommend or i i don’t wish it on anyone that’s how painful it is um because if you if any of you have ever

Had swelling in your legs you would understand more of what’s going on never had swelling but i did use to be a dancer you probably did have swelling if you were a dancer well if i did i never noticed yeah because even that that would also swallow your feet up

And it’s that stuff that’s that makes the swelling that causes it and um yeah so with her canceling it’s gonna mean i’ll probably be in a little bit more pain next week hooray yeah pain is so much fun yeah they’re trying to get me a pump

You were euros in uh you were in football in mma and now is that soccer or is that football you have physical tyranny on friday this week as well yeah so yeah i didn’t i didn’t do football i was a tap dancer i actually found my tap

Shoes while i was cleaning the house the other day oh well cool uh i’m still thinking you probably would have gotten some i do need more glass um should we stay should we stain the glass or should we keep it uh clear for the top doverkin which would you prefer yeah so

It is very much an annoyance i can only imagine so very painful i’ve got three stacks of sand good we need to make this class but do we want to stain the glass for the top or do we not that’s the question but yeah we’re not the same the pain is

Yeah it’s it’s unfortunate that it happens and as a sly tackle went across my right knee and clear did you ask as i asked was it football or was it soccer because soccer is different from football but it’s called football in the in europe so soccer is called football everywhere but america yeah

I’m not even kidding no i know you’re right okay hopefully whoever’s in the uh research world doesn’t decide to sleep again because i think the sun is almost like that okay so it is soccer okay got it It’s a little hard for people to yeah yeah he’s from the uk i just immediately assume if he’s talking football he means sucker he’s a fellow brit i am assuming that he meant actual football not what you yags call football okay touche tenable touche so don’t double kid should we go with

Clear glass or stained glass for the top which would you like to see i thought he was actually possibly from the states but i was wrong i apologize what joking clear glass okay got it we’re doing clear we’re doing clear glass we don’t need to have the uh bone stuff then

We are talking about joking right i’m not actually pulling it we are we are talking about delvikin dubikin was asking was uh giving a suggestion and i’m asking him if he wanted clear glass no i was talking about the football thing oh yeah we were talking about double kid

And he is a brit i also automatically assumed that just considering he met him at tenable stream true but i go to terrible stream and i’m not brit i’m not a brit i’m descended i’m descended from like seven types of bridge okay irish scottish and uh proper british that’s not brit that’s [Laughter]

Uk yeah well some people will say there’s no distinction others will agree that their others will fight you and say that it is oh my i have unfortunately unfortunately come from a family where they say both all right okay the sun is setting that’s closer to

Rugby except you don’t use body armor to play yeah really doesn’t require uh does it rumpy is basically football without the armor and somebody slept in the freaking research earlier again i am annoyed well it is that time i mean it’s one o’clock it’s it’s later in the day we have 30 minutes

Left and then my husband will probably be home and i’ll have to stop so guys uh let me give you an idea if you haven’t been here before you know if you haven’t heard what we did in the at the beginning we are changing our times

From one to four on wednesday and friday and that is because one tenable is going to be showing me how to play space engineers and two on friday my husband would like to have more time with me and he doesn’t get home until four o’clock so

I’d like to have more time with you that isn’t dnd or pathfinder related exactly again her husband said her husband says he’s retired we say we believe him right because he isn’t doing detergent he isn’t dming for profit at this point so ms cosey is retired from a certain point of view

If you want to play everything like i said we say we believe him from a certain point of view alec guinness i am not yeah my husband’s a much better dm when it comes to giving a description however i tend to be the what would you say i would be in

Comparison to my husband would you like me to come up with a word for it yeah but i need to get a dictionary am i not bad though you’re breaking up actually occasionally you that could just be because of where i am oh oh welcome back hold up creeper

You got blown up by a creeper so you lost everything almost no i can’t i slash t-spawn before i could get blown up oh okay [Laughter] you do you do a lot more of the voices than cervantes does which i think makes you better on comparison really he does do decent voice acting

Somewhat he does a lot of descriptions but yeah he’s uh if cervantes is d i mean expect the wall of text okay so trying to be a world no trying to be in world notation unused to direct me in university hence i have been i have a lasting show yeah okay

And you guys don’t use any armor for when you play rugby damn that’s how rugby is have you met did you never play rugby at school never never i i’ve i have never played rugby no tried to teach us how to play when i was in middle school we’re also supposed to

Learn how to play cricket now i’ve actually learned how to use a bow in school what kind of school did you go to i went to a high school prep school college prep school they would never have allowed archery in our curriculum yeah they had archery we had cricket in our curriculum

We did not have cricket either we had it in our curriculum but we didn’t have enough supplies to actually learn it let’s just say that mma i have not lost whoa you have not lost a fight wow i’m impressed okay i am very yeah you should knock on wood now so you

Don’t jinx it because if you’re that good have you thought about going professional yes i was hunting skeletons i found a creeper instead cricket is a terrible sport we we did learn archery rifle shooting and survival skills yeah we learned survival skills but that was like that was what 90 that

Was in the 90s the early 90s and um read it i am giving my age away and but then for me has the distinction of being the only sport that i have played where i haven’t mentioned somehow severely injured but then sometime in the middle to late 90s they stop allowing

Stuff like that because i was so afraid people were gonna get hurt yeah which is ironic because the 90s was literally the age of extreme I’m not wrong no you’re not wrong it was the age of extreme like everything was extreme something or other it was also the age when parents became more and more strict about what they allowed in their well let’s just call it what it was the rise of the parents

The fries and the carrots i didn’t expect to hear that one yeah i just pulled that one out then i think you pulled out of your hat what if you’re too old for mma okay like i said cricket has a distinction of being the only sport i’ve

Ever gotten or gotten near or even played or i haven’t managed to get injured properly in the process I’ve gotten her in one form or another severely or otherwise while playing literally every other sport i have taken a football to the face i’ve taken a soccer ball to the face i have luckily i didn’t fall to the face yes i’m also taking a volleyball to the face but that’s

That’s called dodgeball i have thankfully not taken a baseball to the face oh now that would hurt i’m taking a bait off the shin several times i’ve been hitting the face of the frisbee maybe i’m just really bad at catching maybe are you clumsy are you a clumsy man

Not typically unless i’m at sp unless i’m with sports and even then again i have never managed to get hurt while playing or even walking my hobbies are airsoft medieval react reenactment injuries are just something i’ve gotten used to because i am a first aider in both you know

I used to be in medieval reactment i used to be an sca um the only reason why i stopped doing it was because i could no longer walk long enough or to stand long enough to my cousin and his friends as far as i’m aware still do it

I would do it again if i could find someplace around here to do it i also i moved and when i moved i kind of lost connection to my uh barony well you can only you can always do shakespeare don’t tempt me because i would although i’m not very good at

Sometimes doing that kind of stuff best line from an avengers movie god’s mother know you wear their drapes junior as tony stark and just dr strange in general are the best adapted marvel characters why are we talking about marvel characters when we were talking about something else

I don’t know why they just segway things really really well uh that that that just confused me a big time he just he took me out of my met thoughts um one of the maddest things i’ve done in reenactment was take a command of a third line

In the battle of hastings a few years ago really now i have a question did they ever use um trebuchets or or any of this each and you actually were involved with that or was that you i know there was another group that works with you on your your reenactment um

Were you ever able to do that or did that group only do it was a long time ago ago and mma style is very old well i know that mma is still huge though at least in america it is i’m trying to go and thanks to covid

Tabletop rpgs are becoming more and more common again uh only through roll 20 unfortunately well there are other things like um there’s tails fire but unfortunately you gotta pay for that yeah it’s a one-time purchase though so payment is an issue i would say purchase those so totally

Worth it i had a device that i could actually use so we got this done hooray now we need to do the floor because grass is not the floor well you can always use the shuttle and turn them into pass i am oh because i suggested her because you had

Already planned to though i already planned to dammit i can’t take credit no i decided to walk oh just pick a direction and walk away from the town to see what i can find i found a lot of trees be safe get blown up got it i classed as a grand master wow

That’s amazing sieges a lot and we weren’t insured to use them so i got no official use on the okay yeah so you have to be insured in order to do it gotcha yeah because on the off chance that’s something either break so you break something or you hit somebody

That highly makes sense highly makes sense well siege weapon if you’ve ever been to a pumpkin chunkin you know where they put pumpkins in the treasure thing and just put them across of the open field yeah that’s what he’s talking about i know what he was talking about because

We talked about it the other day oh i’m assuming this is something i wasn’t present for though you weren’t because it wasn’t in stream because it was during the time we were talking about what we were going to do so he was talking about it and i was very interested in knowing

Unfortunately for me space and i do not own space engineers so i cannot join you in it but you can watch yep and i could definitely if you need a and if you need extra provided commentary i can at least provide it yes yes we can because i’m great at being the

Comic relief that you are i am not going to lie that is so true yeah so my sense of humor is also really really dry a little bit i got that from my parents they raised me on on things like british television well i’ve always been raised to tell the truth so

I’m telling you the truth i will tell people the truth i don’t care if they don’t like it i’m going to tell them i’m sure they don’t i mean i’m sure that happens a thousand year old yeah a thousand year old castle so they have

To not hit it they have to pretend that it’s gonna be hit right i mean seriously i do believe that would be the idea i hope otherwise they’d be hitting it with something harder than a waterfall oh i found some of the uh glass i forgot that i had

I imagine if their plans were to actually hit it they actually do something to it they hit it with something harder than a watermelon probably let’s get some of this so we can do the edges i i can change my voice to sound different um so can i

Uh i don’t use it because it’s a lot of work to to get working on stream so hats off i also do not have a uh i don’t have a stream deck they’re expensive i’m going with the basics sorry i’m kind of uh i kind of have to make my decisions on

What i can can and cannot do so when you change your voice you change it like uh from female or male is that right so if he’s talking about voice modulators or if he means voices he’s talking about voice modulators i thought about getting using a voice

Modulator on sunday but i did not didn’t actually know how to put it on stream what has been cool i i’m not going to lie i actually did consider getting one to you i mean some of them are free but not all of them i i don’t even know which one is free

These days i had one and then it it was a trial basis and then it stopped working yeah it’s better to say what’s really free and what’s just a 30-day free file it was a 30-day free trial like it’s genuinely hard to tell these

Days i don’t want to pay for it okay so i’m not going to [Laughter] um i use my real voice whether it cracks or not [Laughter] this is my real voice but it is not my natural i voice keeping my voice in the upper registers so long as i can maintain it

And you seem to talk same way every time i see you yep again it’s a lot of work yep but i do it anyway i like keeping my voice up in the higher registers because uh well if you ever called my phone you’d hear my natural voice

And i sound really really bored you know that was a vote that i had made before if people would want me to change my voice or keep it the same and i believe that the vote came out that they wanted me to keep my voice the same

Which was fine with me because it made it less painful because sometimes uh not not being able to talk properly is rough it’s just like you said for as long as you could do it it could cause you know a little bit stress on you what’d you think about that magic

Yes i have on several occasions yeah you’re kind of putting stress on your vocal cords not exactly hard keeping the upper registers that’s good were you a tenor in school wait yes you i believe so and that’s why i’d actually have to go and call my choir teacher

Well i mean we’re in the higher register for males or no relatively speaking yeah i can make my voice go particularly high but i can also keep it in the lower registers as well wow that was different yep this is my natural voice wow wow that is different

I can transfer between them like that wow okay okay i’m impressed it takes practice yeah it tastes it does you’ve never let me go serious voice before no of the whole couple of years i’ve known you i’ve never heard that voice before yeah and that’s my natural voice

I don’t like it so i don’t use it let’s not do that that is definitely not what i wanted the reason i’ve been so silent in most of the my chats recently is because the end of the year retail stuff has been getting to me damon just reminded me black friday’s coming

Black friday you know what thanksgiving is actually my christmas well here’s here’s the thing for me because i’m looking at a grocery the reason why thanksgiving is actually christmas for me is because that’s when everybody in my family can get together so we have christmas on thanksgiving

It’s the only way to do it i’m not sure what we’re doing for the holidays this year probably not much it’s just oh wow it’s almost uh four o’clock for you oh man all right so i’m gonna finish this and then we’re going to read out a distraction you did distract me

You didn’t even have to use a sound to distract me by the way as i was saying before to tenable those of you who want to subscribe i have made it so that you can play some sounds without paying for it I’ve added a few sounds the people who have subscribed can play so and i’m giving other things to people who subscribe because it makes it worth it i don’t think it’s worth it with just you know no ads although no ads is a good thing um

I just want to give something more to you guys all right so i’m gonna end right here it’s been fun it’s been a lot of fun talking to you guys oh i’m so happy you guys were chatting with me thank you tony i was happy to be around

When i can be thank you magica thank you donovan donovan kim all for you for helping oh yep thank you for that there’s a couple that are for non non-subscribers but most of them are for subscribers or our bits so yeah i’ve given you guys a few

Um but thank you all uh if you do want to join us in minecraft at some time you can uh you just have to go to play.countysmp.com and let me know that you’re playing so that i can add you to the town i don’t know that you’re playing and

Tell her your minecraft handle yes yes because that’s the only way i’m going to be able to get you into town you’re so welcome for the screen thank you and next time next wednesday we will be playing space engineers and i will be getting my butt together learning everything i can about the

Controls before then on friday this friday we’re doing a testing stream for space engineers you said that’s in the early afternoon it’s gonna be at one o’clock i would all be home to see it um i was wondering if one o’clock through four o’clock is working for all of you

Guys if you are interested uh let me know if that’s the good time for you guys because 10 o’clock is what i used to do um i’m no longer doing friday nights because i want to spend time with the family um so if i do if if it is a friday friday

That my husband is not home then maybe i will but otherwise no uh yes so the figures crossed that we friday works out for us and on sunday we have community sunday i’m not sure what we’re doing yet and then monday will be again new world

That is the schedule thank you all for being here let’s raid out i’m gonna close out this yes i’m gonna go get some food and he’s gonna go get some food thank you again magicka anytime anytime i’m around anyway yeah all right let’s see here who is available oh by the way tenable

If you haven’t noticed i’ve added you to my list of people that i uh i auto stream now so you have been added spin uh oh guys have you ever seen the true minecraft colony champ street team um i think we could try them they would be actually pretty cool yeah

I did that because i thought i spend so much time with you that i figured i i’ll just do that and put you on my auto

This video, titled ‘Highlight: Minecraft building a townhall(Vtuber/She/Her)’, was uploaded by KKWxTTV on 2021-11-21 14:24:08. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 02:57:57 or 10677 seconds.

Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/karsakkwx

  • Plug into Success: Top Minecraft Server Starters!

    Plug into Success: Top Minecraft Server Starters! In the world of Minecraft, plugins are key, To enhance your server, for all to see. From essentials to fun, they add a new spark, So here are the top 25, to make your mark. First up is EssentialsX, a must-have indeed, For all your basic needs, it’s what you need. Next is WorldEdit, for building with ease, Shape the world around you, as you please. Vault is essential, for economy and more, Manage your currency, keep your server in store. And don’t forget LuckPerms, for permissions galore, Control who can do what, keep your server secure. McMMO adds… Read More

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun!

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  • Minecraft Build Battle Cheating Prank!

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  • Trick to Install Minecraft Skin Error! Works for MCPE 1.20!

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  • Unbelievable Live Minecraft Grind – Episode 6!

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  • Mind-Blowing Math Tricks Revealed!

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  • Uncover CRAZY Minecraft SECRET Now! 🔍 #shorts

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  • EXCLUSIVE! NotCheeku finds Treasure Island in Minecraft!

    EXCLUSIVE! NotCheeku finds Treasure Island in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Treasure Island (Mini Story 4) #minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by NotCheeku on 2024-03-25 09:13:00. It has garnered 327 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:19 or 259 seconds. Subscribe For More 😎 Instagram 😀- https://www.instagram.com/not_cheeku05?igsh=OWpyZDhiYXYzOWRz ⚠️Note: These Background Sounds Don’t Belong To Me, Credits To Rightful Users keywords #firemc #psd1 #minecraft firemc loyalmc lapatasmp stormsmp firemcpsd1 psd1 notcheeku herobrinesmp story mini story Minecraft story poor to rich rich to poor noob to pro pro to noob money dollars Minecraft city huge city funny horror story haunted house ghost horror haunted creepy… Read More

  • Morven 2 SMP Vanilla Community Focused 1 Week Old Nations

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  • MavenMC

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  • Minecraft Memes – “oh sh*t!”

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  • Scute Loot: Armadillo Breeding in Minecraft

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  • Hot and spicy Minecraft memes 🔥

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  • The Magic Five: Boys Love Music Video

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Safe and Secure Gaming Experience

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  • Mastering Minecraft: Ultimate Honey Farming Guide

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  • Unbelievable! TheStoryPainter FLIES Batteries?! 🤯💥 (Ep. 8 – Minecraft Roleplay)

    Unbelievable! TheStoryPainter FLIES Batteries?! 🤯💥 (Ep. 8 - Minecraft Roleplay)Video Information This video, titled ‘FLYING BATTERY | Multiversal: Episode 8 (Minecraft Roleplay)’, was uploaded by TheStoryPainter on 2024-05-31 20:13:35. It has garnered 476 views and 57 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:01 or 781 seconds. FLYING BATTERY | Multiversal: Episode 8 (Minecraft Roleplay) Subscribe for 10 years of good luck! Jaxon and his friends team up with a new ally in Minecraft! What will happen? WATCH TO FIND OUT! ✰ FOLLOW MY SOCIALS: 📺 TWITCH ► https://www.twitch.tv/thestorypainter 🎥 SECOND CHANNEL ► https://www.youtube.com/c/JoshoChannel 📹 VODS ►https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHkJpz_cgLtj5I9lvsAtWKw 💬 DISCORD SERVER ► https://discord.gg/thestorypainter ⏰ TIKTOK ► https://www.tiktok.com/@thestorypainter?lang=en 🐦TWITTER ► https://twitter.com/TheStoryPainter… Read More

  • Stalked by FANGIRL in Minecraft!

    Stalked by FANGIRL in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Haunted by My SCARY FANGIRL in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Gam on 2024-03-22 13:59:55. It has garnered 2142 views and 61 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:20 or 1280 seconds. Gam and Flames explore a spooky haunted building when they run into a SCARY FAN GIRL who haunts them! Will they be able to break her curse and set her free? Watch and Subscribe to find out! Inspired by Aphmau Cash Nico Jeffy Maizen Mongo Omziscool Omz Kory Sunny and Melon #minecraft #minecraftmod #minecraftchallenge #gam Read More

  • Insane Iron Man Pixel Art Speed Build! 😱 #Minecraft

    Insane Iron Man Pixel Art Speed Build! 😱 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘iron man pixel art || part – 1 || #gaming #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by UP – FLOW GAMERZ on 2024-05-03 03:30:20. It has garnered 431 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. subscribe my channel. Milte he next videos me tab tan ke liye good bye i am UP – FLOW GAMERZ. Like karo share karo Subscribe karo @TechnoGamerzOfficial @CarryMinati @CarryisLive @MrBeast @mrindianhackershorts @MrBeastGaming @MRINDIANHACKER @MrBeast2 @BeastBoyShub @YesSmartyPie @YesSmartyPieShorts1 @imbixu @Mythpat @triggeredinsaan @FukraInsaan @UpinIpinFullMovie @upflowgamerz @TotalGaming093 @VanossGaming d@ASGamingsahil @GyanGaming @ASGamingsahil @sinotalgaming #pixel art #minecraft pixel art #minecraft… Read More

  • Minecraft: Build Modern Castle Tutorial 😱 #1

    Minecraft: Build Modern Castle Tutorial 😱 #1Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT SURVIVAL :- Building A Best Morden Castle 😱🤩 With Tutorial .#1 ||’, was uploaded by Khyat Caper on 2024-04-08 17:22:56. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hello My Lovely Brothers And Respected Sisters And All Of My Viewers . This Is FlashK here. I Created This Channel For … Read More

  • Join Matt’s EPIC new Minecraft world now!

    Join Matt's EPIC new Minecraft world now!Video Information This video, titled ‘My new minecraft server is LIVE’, was uploaded by FriendsWithMatt on 2024-02-28 00:13:10. It has garnered 212 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 06:27:00 or 23220 seconds. HOW TO JOIN read below… The official FriendsWithMatt Minecraft server is now up and live! Server Version: 1.20.4 ( latest version ) My new discord: https://discord.gg/FESxdGFA9r For Java players: Open up the latest version of Minecraft Click the Multiplayer tab Click Add new Server Put in the IP address: Save and join! For Bedrock / Windows / Pocket Edition players Open up the… Read More

  • INSANE Hide & Seek w/ Mini Devil Fruit!!! 🤯

    INSANE Hide & Seek w/ Mini Devil Fruit!!! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Hide and Seek with Mini Devil Fruit in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Senpirates on 2024-02-29 12:00:47. It has garnered 225274 views and 5447 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:59 or 1859 seconds. 💙 • Subscribe for more: ➡ https://www.youtube.com/@senpirates ⬅ 🤍 • Become a member: ➡ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBNvn2JfdylGusS9owkDM0Q/join ⬅ 🎮 • Mods: • https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/mine-mine-no-mi 🌍 • Map: https://www.planetminecraft.com/project/one-piece-world-project/ 🐦• Follow me: https://twitter.com/senpirates 📧 • Business: [email protected] #Minecraft #mod #onepiece Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Alien Exploration Journey!

    INSANE Minecraft Alien Exploration Journey!Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】異星探索: 路線規劃之亂’, was uploaded by 風珀 on 2024-05-31 15:29:00. It has garnered 48 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:05 or 785 seconds. Fortunately, I found a way to solve it smoothly later, otherwise it would really have to be overhauled ;-w- ) I mean, if it continues like this, it might not turn into a Hololive theme park wwww Texture Pack: Space Station Texture Pack 『Keyword』 Maikuachuang God of the World Minecraft Fengpo Toast Tea Interlaced World Module minecraft #风波#minecraft Read More

  • Minecraft Secrets REVEALED – Don’t Miss Out! 🤫

    Minecraft Secrets REVEALED - Don't Miss Out! 🤫Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #minecraftfacts #technogamerz #minecraftpe #funny #ytshorts #shortvideo #funnyshorts’, was uploaded by Kanha Agarwal Gaming on 2024-02-19 13:53:01. It has garnered 8304 views and 427 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Read More


    UNLOCKED: ONE HACKER LUCKY CHUNK in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘TvFamily Locked on ONE HACKER LUCKY CHUNK in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Pixel Pals on 2024-03-05 15:00:20. It has garnered 23449 views and 129 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:30 or 2190 seconds. Locked on ONE HACKER LUCKY CHUNK in Minecraft! Our channel draws inspiration from Cartoon Crab, Cash and Nico, Crazy Crafters, and Aphmau! It’s the most hilarious Minecraft video you’ll ever see! Disclaimer: “Pixel Pals” is a parody channel that creates gameplay videos and is in no way connected to DaFuq!?Boom! – owner of the original Skibidi Toilet Series. This parody… Read More

  • Harmony Reloaded – Vanilla

    Harmony Survival Reloaded IP: harmonyreloaded.minecraft.best Discord: Join our Discord If you’re looking for a true vanilla Minecraft experience without plugins and pay-to-win mechanics, Harmony Survival Reloaded is the server for you. Join us for a community-focused, pure gameplay experience. About Us Harmony Survival was originally a MCPE server started in July 2015. After years of success, it had to be shut down. Now, Harmony Reloaded aims to recapture the magic of pure Minecraft gameplay. Features True vanilla gameplay Active and growing community Clean chat and active moderation Crossplay on all platforms Difficulty: Hard World Border: +/- 40,000 Check out our… Read More

  • Noob Citybuild – New server [1.20.x] Citybuild server German/Austria!

    Noob Citybuild - New server [1.20.x] Citybuild server German/Austria!Welcome to our Minecraft Citybuild Server! Here you can you can let your creativity run wild and design your own city your ideas. Our server offers a variety of Ways to make your gaming experience varied and exciting without using real money.Main features:Completely free to play:There are no real money purchases on our server. All In-game items and benefits can be obtained through active gameplay andthe achievement of goals.Economic system:Build, sell and trade with other players. Our sophisticated Economic system allows you to trade resources anditems to gain wealth and develop your city.Building plots and land:Secure your own plots of… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Meme Madness #16

    Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! Read More

  • Salute our blocky veterans! #minecraft #meme

    Salute our blocky veterans! #minecraft #meme “Respect those who have fought for their country… and also those who have fought to survive a creeper explosion in Minecraft. Both require bravery and skill.” #minecraft #meme #fyp Read More

  • Building a Nether Tunnel with My Co-Workers in Minecraft

    Building a Nether Tunnel with My Co-Workers in Minecraft Exploring the Nether in Minecraft Join Na_Shandra on an exciting journey as they introduce their colleagues to the world of Minecraft. The ultimate goal? Defeating the Ender Dragon before 2025! 🐉 Building a Tunnel to the Nether One of the most thrilling aspects of Minecraft is the ability to travel to different dimensions. In this adventure, Na_Shandra and their colleagues are constructing a tunnel to the Nether. This dangerous realm is filled with unique resources, formidable enemies, and challenging terrain. Will they be able to navigate this treacherous landscape and emerge victorious? Join the Adventure Follow Na_Shandra on Twitch,… Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a newcomer to the world of Minecraft, just like the YouTuber in the video “Paying Minecraft for the first time”? If so, you’re in for an exciting journey into the vast and creative universe of Minecraft. While the YouTuber may be new to the game, they are eager to dive in and explore all that Minecraft has to offer. And what better way to do that than by joining a thriving Minecraft community like Minewind? Minewind offers a unique and exhilarating Minecraft experience that is perfect for players of all skill levels. Whether you’re… Read More

  • Outsmarting the Norm PT.5

    Outsmarting the Norm PT.5 The Hilarious Minecraft Challenge by aristrix Introduction Aristrix, a popular Minecraft content creator, takes on a new challenge in the Minecraft gaming world. This time, it’s not the usual Minecraft, But challenge like "Minecraft But You Can’t Touch Grass" or "Minecraft But You Can’t Touch The Color Blue." Instead, aristrix dives into a unique challenge that promises laughter and excitement. The Challenge In this latest Minecraft adventure, aristrix faces the challenge of rising water levels in the game. Unlike the typical challenges involving lava or specific colors, this challenge brings a new twist to the gameplay. As the water… Read More


    ULTIMATE MINECRAFT MAZE GUIDE!!Video Information This video, titled ‘CHOOSE THE RIGHT MAZES IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Noobik Craft on 2024-04-23 13:00:31. It has garnered 389 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:48:33 or 2913 seconds. CHOOSE THE RIGHT MAZES IN MINECRAFT Read More

KKWxTTV – Highlight: Minecraft building a townhall(Vtuber/She/Her)