[Klutz Crew] minecraft faction series highlight part 2

Video Information

There i got two pieces of obsidian that i added Just trying to push the zombies um stay tight oh god [ __ ] [ __ ] is the best still there yeah the bed’s still there but it’s still there Yeah like that like that like that Jackpot Oh This thing has the hitbox of an atom are you okay george yeah i’m going to go oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] creeper behind me [ __ ] oh damn it no oh no no no no no no no no no no no no holy crap we found a zombie apart club

Yeah double that when you weren’t here well they are doing they are due the actual purpose of this uh server we are fighting the zombie apocalypse holy crap okay i don’t know i fixed the portal though so i only need to activate it and uh let’s wait for it all there and then

Like dude like get three achievements at the same time then only then go in but i want to activate already though [ __ ] there’s a hole in our house and zombies are falling through it i think i might be going the right direction i don’t know actually i haven’t checked the board yet oh

For [ __ ] sake you can make a bet uh alex yeah i have a bed here so i respond immediately back home so look how many creepers are down there oh my god there are there is literally everything in this [ __ ] cave where’s that creeper i see mushroom by him

Is it like a big open field it’s a big open field yeah so i have a big open field here i just don’t see a house yet yeah it’s in a cave it’s in a cave oh okay hi george to you to your right i think i saw you i saw you

George to your right to your right to your eyes to my right now behind you behind you now here i see you yes yes i found you all right it’s cool cool okay i’m trying to go where’s the house i’m definitely just taking this oh gosh there’s a [ __ ] quick scoping legend

Let me quickly re-build this hole all right all right all right okay i’m gonna go deeper g-shard please take me out for dinner first here here here oh wow i think they’re just passing around the diamond just to make us feel like we’ve done nothing let me quick oh we have a time

There you go gotta flex something some more hey can i flex on them as well yeah yeah thanks bro all right all right let’s go to the network yeah i’ll put the challenge in the chest okay let’s go wait for me wait for me uh should we make more iron armor first

Uh no we’re just gonna get the achievements for now oh [ __ ] watch out behind you okay okay okay okay [ __ ] ocean platforming that’s what i’m good at but not really hold on watch outside okay also i’m quickly killing this cow because i want love all right guys just don’t kill him it is

The portal it was the thing why did he have the weird bit on the i can give me a second because that’s how it looks all right okay anyway i’m going in [ __ ] [ __ ] okay okay let’s go i may have removed oh wow they are really rushing their ass off

Are you just playing this um casual difficulty right now let’s go all right now let’s go back before we die okay with how fast we go they are literally beating their meat to get us very fast on us did you know my picnic’s broke if only i made another one

Then we might just listen or in the chest we should have two water buckets knife and either i don’t think i saw one in there but i might be missing okay how much leather do you still need like how many do you have and how many i have one leather

I’m just gonna like look around like make a bucket and then i can eighth letter what happened to building a nice base what i don’t know if he’s referring i don’t know if he’s referring to his team or our t we’re gonna do that but anyway it’s like watching the stream or

Something and just wait on jesus i do not wish to find jesus i feel like they’re gonna make a farm oh i want to make like an automatic smelter because i want to use smooth stuff or stone bricks for the yes all right i got

Milk i got a one milk bucket okay um i have some iron are you stream snapping no okay ah attempted murder you don’t try to kill me it was wrong why can’t you [ __ ] just kill me wait didn’t you just did you just play with another one

Oh yeah [ __ ] we need to wear something gold right i have golden hooties oh god yes oh [ __ ] oh my inventory is gone uh no inventory i lost my inventory i know that i do not oh god all right fair enough wait but they haven’t found diamonds yet

Yeah i think they did oh wait did they yeah i think you ever found one oh yeah you even find diamonds yeah you’re really [ __ ] done okay so we’re evenly fired give me the leather and milk milk you had anything important on you i know i had throw up the rule into another

Did you fall down somewhere or did you burn in lava oh there’s only where there down they’ve also found just like guys i fought more diamonds oh no you guys already have the achievements yeah true you just get it you get it did you get it and then that’s only one though but

Still we need to save it you dig around it just to be sure like you don’t know well you can get wait the blood was blown up what the petals blown up oh no the what i’m back at base oh [ __ ] we need to fix the roof we need

To fix the roof first Challenge one complete cake is made make this a bit prettier maybe yeah maybe right now i’m just uh where are the bones uh the bones yeah this should be they already made a cake it doesn’t surprise me that’s what i want to see that’s what i want to see

How do we make a door do we have a door yes we have six rules we have six words i already have nine yes nice i see another portal yes no no no i see hour i’m almost back home victory restored we win these okay i’m gonna find a wall walk into it

Of mine where’s my walmart because you always see funny [ __ ] at walmarts now time to put the cake on a pedestal hang on give me a second yeah congrats thanks sing sings i found out baseball hey guys feel well hello welcome back you’re just in time to see your pedestal oh

Yes there you go yes all right we got the cake baby if you want you can we have a stream george we have a stream i’m looking at it we have a stream that saves yeah exactly oh god blaze we found another fortress really nice go there go there go there

Get the excitement i found blazes oh yeah we have we have uh george watch out blaze is a lot longer than there holy [ __ ] go to the floor they’re just right next to one holy [ __ ] that’s a good spawn this is what we call it hey george i just want to get the

Achievement to scare them okay yeah go that’s what i want to say go to the fortress get the achievement let’s show them Hey time we just respawned anyway right yeah but holy [ __ ] leroy so many creepers zombies and everything right here we just came here to complete a challenge they claim to have one challenge complete so you guys have no idea what i just went through oh my god they already found another fortress jesus

Christ Guys i did it nice yes i got carrots i feel like this boat was piloted by george yeah yeah of course be careful not to activate the tnt dyno what kind of minecraft noob do you think i am a big one shut the [ __ ] up

Oh my god oh my god what is this my dog died i’m on half a heart please no i don’t want to craft i don’t want to crap i kept hitting the crap but like except hitting crafting table instead of like yeah i kept hitting look everything zombies hope you burn to

Death in daylight well that’s a threat if i ever heard one should i just collect the tnt as well [ __ ] oh yeah yeah just do it two golden apples that’s really great for uh villager zombie villager yeah if we could just get some potions going we can get the villager oh yes

Oh god guys if we find blazers real fast we might be able to if you’re lucky to do the again okay here by the way the crafting table you want three golden apples okay okay let’s go we are we just need to we need to go around the wizard

The the blade okay let’s go up there let’s go up this hill here there is a witch [ __ ] east we’ll have two cakes yeah all right um i think i’m gonna die here but i found like just underwater like those little temples of drowns

So i’m gonna see if i can loot it and i’m probably gonna die there and i’ll be back home next time like dan and i should show you our uh nether fortress yeah yeah then i’m gonna help you guys in the fortress okay yeah just uh i think we should also

Just went home [ __ ] places [ __ ] there are a bunch of it around there luckily none of them seem to have a trident yo if we could get a trident oh man oh i see i hear someone eating food it’s you hi hi i’ve beat up some withers but didn’t get a

There’s a there’s also rice yeah i’m just looking here holy [ __ ] those are oh there’s there’s a with the skeleton as well there’s so many mobs how do they spawn so quickly i mean it’s good for later on because we need like a lot of like with it

Like later on [ __ ] please go back oh god george help me help me please george help help block block the pathway no [ __ ] why did you leave for before i fought a nautilus show all right i’m gonna quickly go to the ship and see if i can fight whoa why [ __ ]

Driving guys riding guards should i try and kill this wait if you can get a fighter if you can get a trident out of it then it’s totally worth it it’s a low drop but it’s it’s worth it if you can oh i’ll get some close time as well actually here

[ __ ] that two here i don’t know if i can beat them oh what i found a blade spawner guys oh cool uh well should we should we keep it around yeah we need lasers right yeah we need blaze rods okay george i’ll wait for you here i’m gonna die

Hey alex are you coming with us oh no you’re exploring no you’re exploring i think i’m gonna die to try them guys okay just just do that and then uh oh i’ll wait till you’re at the portal all right i’ll just see i’ll all set up nice

Okay next time for village i’ll walk another way to find a village i hope one is close by oh there’s a blaze at the end there but there’s also for you with the skeleton there follow me alex i’ll show you the way i’ll follow you at least

Just scales and i love it yeah exactly it’s just all over the place i i think it’s this way it literally spawned like like two right in front of my arm how all right so there’s the fortress oh dad that’s really close yeah i know that’s just perfect anyway we’re going to go

Here that’s what i’ve been saying and this is our sneaky way in uh like this is basically our way to get around this all right let’s actually just do this and then this way oh no why did i open it why not open it yeah

It looks like a all right let’s go let’s go quickly quickly okay this way and then i think i think it’s this is not completely right but let’s go we’re in what’s up guys we’re in awesome all right let’s go let’s let’s let’s go go go go go

Let’s find some loot we go there’s big tall man okay he’s pissed he’s very pissed [ __ ] more wood you gotta wear skull maybe i find chicken fresh chicken oh wow what they already have a w you know how rare it is to get a winner’s council

Did you pick it up did you pick it up george you win i have it i have it oh spooky scary skeleton oh all right baby that’s good okay i’ll go exploring the map oh actually i could put the thing on the map yeah put the banner on the map blue base

All right no no we will need we release oh yeah baby all right now we need two more no this is this is gonna all right yes i always want to say i don’t want to play this anymore but i just left george it’s time for some expressive gameplay where we’re gonna

Stand afk next to chickens because we need an egg i got an egg oh my god i got an egg i’m gonna draw myself i’m not gonna have some moms have the satisfaction of killing me i’m surrounded by a huge zombie orgy and i can’t

And my ex broke so i don’t have any weapons imagine dying in minecraft the only chance of getting the cage oh my god there’s a drone here huh losers i found a way to get rid of the zombies in the house hey holy crap do you know what i mean

This is the apocalypse let’s just say we’ve done our antenna movements i think right uh sure like if you can say like in chat like yeah someone let them know like i thought i have to go in about 10 each minute so if you can just time it to end it around then

I think we do need to though because i don’t have the opportunity i don’t think i have time for the minute no okay i don’t know let me just say like i that i have to like there you go yeah like i have to go in 10 minutes

No i think we do need to oh my god we baked the cake let’s put here on the stove ow yeah i have to go now yeah one to one that’s fine oh [ __ ] stop your team talk what do you mean deep down wait hold on what what what they mean with tinto

Wait what what does that mean what do they mean at least we baked a cake true famous last words stop your team talk oh okay so we’re joining the um yeah we’re going to go back to that trip yeah okay oh wait just give me a minute

Okay okay so we’re going to go there right now that’s all right oh hi hello hey guys you guys are going great what the [ __ ] we are lucky we are here to entertain we can talk about it we can talk about what you have to be here we stop doing some stuff

While we’re ending i’m gonna finish up doing some stuff He actually went against my uh rules and found your trip mine yeah what oh you found our strip mine wait which one i mean we already left so i guess it’s fine one with a lot of tunnels and two doors oh yeah that was uh

Well no [ __ ] because it was on your side of the map yeah and also we don’t choose the first night our base thank you for watching this video by no surprise this was my first time trying to edit a video so i still hope you guys like it

These are some highlights from minecraft we did over on twitch if you want to check those out i’ll put the link in the description to mine in the heretics twitch channel if you have a lot of time on your hands that is because oh boy there’s a lot of footage i mean

There’s a [ __ ] ton of footage anyway i will see you guys in the next video lata

This video, titled ‘[Klutz Crew] minecraft faction series highlight part 2’, was uploaded by KlutzCrew on 2021-08-04 18:34:46. It has garnered 41 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:37 or 1597 seconds.

these are some highlights of a minecraft series we did over on twitch if you wanna check it out here is a link to our twitch: heretic43: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/954296730?collection=Xg_JTeIfdhbn8w mlrandom: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/966475282?collection=g9cD79qKcBZ9zg

yes i know i spelled intro wrong in the little intro i was just to lazy to fix it

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    Wild Pickle Power in Minecraft: Unbelievable Chaos!Video Information This video, titled ‘They Couldn’t Handle Us as Animals in Minecraft’, was uploaded by CheapPickle on 2024-03-01 19:12:50. It has garnered 768495 views and 28390 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:12 or 732 seconds. Me, Tucker, And Estabr0k a few Minecraft noobs played mob hunt. Go to https://1shotenergy.com/?ref=CheapPickle and use code CheapPickle for 10% off your order! Where one person would be the seeker and the others are the hiders. We could turn into any mob we wanted and we tried our best to hide from the seeker. MERCH: https://cheappickle.com/ Friends: @tinymacdude @estabr0kmc @Datboyashy @smirk01_ @l21saac… Read More

  • Ultimate Halloween EDM Mix + Funny Moments

    Ultimate Halloween EDM Mix + Funny MomentsVideo Information This video, titled ‘G tag #music #halloween #edm #scary #strangerthings #ilovedonuts #fnaf #funny #donuts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Goo202 on 2024-03-23 04:34:01. It has garnered 422 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Defense Tower Build ft. Draki Mine #short

    EPIC Minecraft Defense Tower Build ft. Draki Mine #shortVideo Information This video, titled ‘Build Defense Tower İn Minecraft 2 #short #minecraft’, was uploaded by Draki Mine on 2024-01-16 00:00:10. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. I’ve constructed a new defense tower in Minecraft! In my video, I guide you step by step through this magnificent structure. Read More

  • Shockingly EPIC updates on Frozen 3, Minecraft Movie & Sonic 3!

    Shockingly EPIC updates on Frozen 3, Minecraft Movie & Sonic 3!Video Information [Music] Frozen is a worldwide phenomenon the two movies are among Disney’s biggest hits and are loved by all age groups the first Frozen movie was released 10 years ago and dominated at the box office as well as with the song Let It Go the sequel Frozen 2 was just as successful in 2019 of course this raises one question in particular when will Frozen 3 be released production is already in full swing and there is currently a good chance that Frozen 3 will hit theaters in 2025 find out all the latest details about the… Read More

  • Naruto_Lord The GOD of Lifesteal SMP – EPIC Server Shenanigans LIVE #19

    Naruto_Lord The GOD of Lifesteal SMP - EPIC Server Shenanigans LIVE #19Video Information को भी मतलब इसको भी पूछ लो ये क्या नाम है इसका पीके को ए पीके पीके क्या भैया बोलना आगे उसको बोलो दे ना पीके जल्दी कर ब्रो प भा उसको बो पास गल है भाई अकेले के पास इन सबके पास गड एपल है हां भाई उनको गड एप्पल किधर से मिले क्या मालूम करलू पास है कोई तो सप्लायर है फ्रें ना इधर आ ग लाइव स्ट्रीम तो कर लाइव स्ट्रीम तो एक बहाना है हमसे तुमको हमको तुमसे मिलना है इसलिए क्या वो रहता है कौन सी शायरी है वो है होए शकर लोग… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Mob Edit!! 🤫 Watch for Despacito Twist!

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Mob Edit!! 🤫 Watch for Despacito Twist!Video Information This video, titled ‘mincraft mob edit x 🤫 despacito edit #minecraft #mcpe #gaming #viral’, was uploaded by ALsee Playz on 2024-02-28 09:47:48. It has garnered 518 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. mincraft mob edit x 🤫 despacito edit #minecraft #mcpe #gaming #viral Tags minecraft mob edit, minecraft mob editor, minecraft mob editing, minecraft mob editor app android, minecraft mob editor download, minecraft mob editor app, minecraft mob farm bedrock edition, minecraft mob farm bedrock edition 1.20, minecraft pocket edition mob farm, minecraft guess who mob edition part 2, minecraft… Read More

  • Joji & Mimi in TNT Trap – Secret TV Woman in Minecraft?!🤯

    Joji & Mimi in TNT Trap - Secret TV Woman in Minecraft?!🤯Video Information [Music] like the video if you like me subscribe if you like me [Music] more excellent day today we are together with tvom let’s go on a date we’ll go eat cake yes this is the coolest confectionary shop we have in the city and today they make a giant cake for us and here is your cake where’s your girlfriend friend she will come soon really where is she I hope she won’t be late it’s time for me to go out what who are you you will come with us we are taking you hostage JJ… Read More

  • $500 OP Factions Item?! UNBELIEVABLE LUCK!! | Minecraft Factions

    $500 OP Factions Item?! UNBELIEVABLE LUCK!! | Minecraft FactionsVideo Information yo guys what is going on it is Royal here today back for another episode of the faction series here on royal. mia.com of course if you guys want to come check out the faction server please consider using that custom IP because whenever you guys do it does directly support me and the channel so I greatly appreciate it and if you guys want to support me and support yourselves even further hop on and do/ redeem Royal I believe you can do this redeem code on literally any realm on Madia for sure Pixelmon as well… Read More

  • Nova goes CRAZY on hypixel! #insane #shorts

    Nova goes CRAZY on hypixel! #insane #shortsVideo Information hello it’s nice to meet you can you tell me where I am I don’t know how I got here but I I think I’m starting to understand I don’t belong among the angels and baby that’s just fine with me the things I did up there were high school but now I’m going for my degree hey sorry but you just got in my way I promise honey I can feel your pain and maybe I enjoy it just a little bit the same since I does that I to retire and now I have the power… Read More

  • Mad Minds: Battle Realm – Factions PvP Modded

    Mad Minds: Battle Realm Space war with factions {java} {modded} If you want to explore different planets or build a space station, this molded server is perfect for you. The main focus is on tech and war, with a touch of magic. Take over galaxies and engage in faction wars. Quests coming soon. Custom modpack and 24/7 lag-free server available. Server launch on Thursday or Friday. Join the discord for current updates. Read More

  • NightCraft Central Europe Edition

    NightCraft Central Europe EditionHello!How nice that you want to join the NightCraft Central Europe Edition. This server is based on a 38000 x 26000 block map of Central Europe. The server is a Geopol / Roleplay server with mods such as Create, Immersive Engineering, Mekanism, Farmers Delight, Nuclear Science etc.The server also includes Simple Voice Chat so that you don’t have to sit in Discord if you want to talk to the others on the server.Since the server is a Geopol / Roleplay server there will be things like regular elections, private companies, economy based on a coin mod and more.We are currently… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft: lmao, spicy edition

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft: lmao, spicy editionLooks like this meme is really making the grade in the world of Minecraft humor! Read More

  • Crafty Rhymes: Minecraft Table Trouble!

    Crafty Rhymes: Minecraft Table Trouble! In the world of Minecraft, we find our delight, With Cube Xuan leading the way, shining bright. Eggman’s world, a place of fun and play, Where creativity and joy have their say. With beats that make the table shake, And rhymes that keep us wide awake. In this world of blocks and mobs, Cube Xuan’s humor, a true heartthrob. So let’s dive in, without delay, And let the Minecraft news come our way. With rhymes that sparkle, and emojis that gleam, Cube Xuan’s channel, a gamer’s dream. Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Dream Memes 🔥

    Hot Minecraft Dream Memes 🔥 Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftmemes #boom Read More

[Klutz Crew] minecraft faction series highlight part 2