Kory – Pranking My Friends Until They RAGE QUIT in Minecraft!

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I’m breaking my friend 100 times in 24 hours until he literally rage quits the game from hitting him with the poof gun to shrinking down his house is he gonna catch me and ban me forever so for the first break I’d be disguising as an evil creature called Entity 303 if you scared

Darp and make him poop his pants and he should be outside of his house and oh yeah there he is right now so let’s go ahead and let’s disguise ourselves and boom we are now disguised as Anthony 303 I look so scary so now I’m gonna put up

My invisibility cloak and let’s let the breaking begin grass is scratch before my lady friend comes over oh I’m so excited actually I’m too lazy I think that should be fine hello derp sign here isn’t my girlfriend well soon to be girlfriend no she’s not even here

Yet who put this sign here okay we got his attention heartless please so the other side right behind him that says I am watching you okay there you go this is definitely gonna scare him maybe she just got here a little bit early what is this I am watching you okay this

Is really not funny now I don’t know who did this but I’m scared prank is over you got me wait a minute was it that chicken over there Mr Chicken was it you all right we’re gonna Place another side behind him and we’re just gonna write

303. hopefully he gets it come on little terpy turn around turn around little Derpy maybe I’m just seeing things or right places here on accident I need some water what the hell okay so 303 why does that sound really familiar this is officially super creepy yeah there’s something

About Entity 303 he’s like the ghost of the Minecraft world okay this is actually getting a lot scarier than I thought I’m going inside oh that’s just the beginning of the prank little derp let’s get him a bit more shall we let’s make a Time said midnight real quick and

Oh everything has got a whole lot spookier why is it nighttime now it’s like 11 A.M what is that guys I’m going upstairs this is so scary what if it’s Entity 303 what if it’s a crazy fan girl what if it’s getting toilets what is that we’re just gonna be opening all these

Doors and closing them to make him scared and let’s start breaking his windows too wait my windows show yourself everything in here in the weapons no bomb bro you know why because I had to read me oh my gosh what is going on I gotta go oh not so fast

Little dirt you’re not escaping that easily Loud Let’s just Place cobwebs oh yes he’s crying looking at Mega little baby and you know what we’re gonna start placing torches around here too because that is a side of entity 303. oh he’s heading to the village now is he

Okay well why don’t we go ahead and let’s change some things up at the Village too first things first let me go ahead and grab some wither dynamite and this is gonna wither up this entire area oh my goodness look at the village now it is completely withered up let’s see

How Dirt thinks of this oh wait a minute what happened here a place made out of Soul Sand what is that smell someone’s under what’s going on around here please oh I see a house here I’m gonna go grab some shelter oh yeah not so fast what that

Well we gotta go we gotta go I can’t believe you survived that ow what are you doing let’s go why are you just standing there hello there what’s wrong with you oh there’s a house oh and you know would be so funny hold up let’s shape-shift into a villager right now

And act like we’re trying to kill derp so he thinks the villagers are possessed all right let’s take it for cloak of invisibility and we’re gonna grab a diamond sword there is literally something crazy going on outside I need you to wake up right now oh it’s just a villager come on come

Inside get inside oh you guys won’t believe this I know you guys can’t really talk but there’s like someone putting sides but wait how do you have torches oh Darby’s getting a little scared I think well how do you have a diamond sword hey no no hey what are you doing

Why would you kill him you have the same stuff that was being placed at my house earlier that is perfect hold up let’s trapping big cobwebs real quick again why are you so fast and we’re gonna write aside on here that says 303 is coming and wait oh my goodness dirt I

Can’t even see it okay here we’ll replace that side right in front of this house we’ll place it right here and then here let’s go back and put on a cloak of invisibility again oh wait okay you’re not the one sorry sorry no sorry why are

You leaving me and why are you asleep with the whole village is on fire I’m getting out of here what is this another sign 303 is coming but again this has to do with Entity 303 this is why the villages all burnt okay I think it’s time we start showing derp our special

303 Powers let’s take off our cloak of invisibility real quick and let’s just stand outside this window right over here I don’t know what to do am I overthinking it’s still three even real who’s Entity 303 hey can I just do that oh my goodness oh he is not running away that quickly

I’m following him through the earth now let’s hop off okay where is he where is little dirt oh there he is I see him oh my goodness God are you buddy where are you oh I see it right over there okay I think we have to

Be safe now next to some pumpkins I don’t even see him we must have lost them let’s go oh gosh poor derp I just went to my cloak of invisibility again and you know what why don’t we put down another sign for him yeah we’ll write

Turn around oh there we go and here’s where your life comes to an end Mr derp turn around what do you mean turn around oh my goodness oh my what is going on oh my gosh she got absolutely decimated and I know he’s so scared already this

First prank was insane but I think we have to step it up with these next few so let’s go for sex prank we are going to be remodeling derp’s house you know for his convenience but knowing dark he’s not gonna let me near anywhere near his house because he thinks I’m gonna

Prank him so you know we gotta dress up a little bit and boom now I look like a construction guy sort of guys this is all I had please please just trust me so let’s go ahead and go knock on darp’s door hello sir Knock knock hello hello okay

Huh who’s at my door right now uh hello hello sir I’m here to check out your house you know we’ve heard some complaints and you know the government is making us refurbish our house the government didn’t even this house I did yes sir but you know it’s under the the

Federal law so you know I’m gonna be giving your house a few upgrades is everything good don’t worry who even are in ours Cory whoa whoa what even is it Korea yeah I don’t know what you’re talking about Sir my name is Kobe Kobe that’s my name oh okay Kobe do you have

Any papers or anything that shows me that you’re allowed to to do this to my house that I built by myself I mean sir look at my sunglasses would I really be lying to you with these sunglasses actually yes it will be free it will all be free and

It’ll all be upgraded just go just go upstairs it’ll be done for you in a second okay well what can you tell me what you’re gonna do at least yeah yeah yeah we’ll just be adding some carpeting okay okay sir okay oh my goodness it’s actually worked let’s start with

The refurbishing first things first let’s go ahead and just clear his entire floorboards and what we’re gonna do is we’re actually gonna grab a bucket of puffer fish and we are just gonna place a bunch of these guys down right here okay come on Mr puffer fish and now what

We’re gonna do is we are gonna go ahead and grab some carpet and let’s use light blue carpets is that is derp’s favorite color we’re gonna cover up this entire water with carpet and now whenever derp steps onto this carpet he should be getting poisoned by all the puffer fish

Actually let’s check what derp is doing right now and oh he’s sleeping okay perfect perfect let me take a keep messing with them and you know what why don’t we be nice and let’s actually build derp a bathtub and a bathroom in here too you know let’s just break all

Of this stuff what even is isn’t it and you enchanting table that’s all useless so let’s go ahead and let’s actually build derp a hot tub right here and here we’ll build it with some quartz blocks in them to make it all nice and shiny

For him oh this is gonna be awesome and now we’re gonna go ahead and put some water in there but instead of normal water let’s go ahead and put some fake water and what this does is what jumps in it it’s gonna start Harding him and

He’s gonna take damage and die you know what finally after that I think we’re gonna need to grab some drip Stone and place it all over his roof so whenever he accidentally breaks one part of his roof it’s gonna fall down and splash right on top of his head which should

Kill him instantly and I think that should be done with it awesome let’s go wake him up Sir Sir Mr derp oh my God Mr dark get away from me grandma did you say grandma no no uh what can I help you with sir I’m not your grandma oh yeah

You’re the government house contractor guy who apparently needs every model my house okay what do you want well uh we redid your house and it should be done just uh follow me down here sir what is dripping for my ceiling stop taking down this right here this is

The new one government proclaimed um nuke sensor so whenever a nuke is coming these should all just like beep beep beep it’s like a smoke alarm before like you know News why does it feel like acid on my skin uh I don’t think you’re taking damage from that Sarah but uh

Come check out this new corporate it’s awesome okay yeah yeah let me just uh break this one sorry do not do not do not touch that I need a place to stand no you do not just just come here check out this new car but I installed for you sir

Oh my goodness okay fine fine here I’ll get rid of these here uh can you just stand right here okay let me let me just slowly get rid of that oh oh my goodness sir why did you just die what do you mean okay okay okay fine I will break all of

Them will that make you happy this carpet is pretty cool ow what I what is happening okay Serge can you guys check out the carpet it is made just for you what do you mean it’s for me it’s hurting me it really that sensitive sorry that carpet is gonna be hurting you no

Actually my skin is really tough and there’s something wrong with this carpet there is nothing wrong with this carpet sir okay let’s try this again then what is here what’s on what’s out of this carpet so biting me just leave the carpet alone please that

Took me very very long to stop no sir what is this how did those get theirs I’m so sorry about that sir let me get rid of that for you hundreds of puffer fish uh sir I have no idea how that happened I’ll take care of them right away what

Do you mean you don’t know this was not here before my tile is gone my flooring that I just just relax real quick let me uh let me just get rid of them for you why’d you killed him sir you know what let’s just let’s just

Ignore all of this here here well I’ll bring it back there you go what is this colored oh my goodness why do you always complain about everything bro literally every time I mean um sorry sir I’ll fix that up later I didn’t voice could all hide pitch like

That I sounded really familiar no no nothing nothing you gotta come check out this hot tub oh the hot tub in the corner of my house this was my book corner where did my enchantment table go uh we had to get rid of those books for

Uh this hot tub which is way cooler my fancy sorry about that sir but if you go inside and you’ll make up for it just hop in hop in the hot tub what is that ow oh uh that might have been the wrong thing uh but okay you

Know what here let’s just get rid of this for now I did not have dirt in this corner why do you always yell at me your voice to change again it did not oh wait a minute your name’s not Kobe I Gotta Go sir oh gosh we got caught on that prank but

He seems pretty mad but not enough to arrange quit just yet so let’s keep going for the next spring derp is gonna go ahead and take a pretty waterfall and all of this is going to be made possible through the use of this that drip Leaf

Yeah you may be asking how can a simple plan like this cause derp to rage quit well this planet is very very special because if you step in it for a few seconds then it eventually just kicks you off it it doesn’t like you so if I

Go up to a super tall height and I stand on it it’s eventually going to make me fall down to the ground and take a lot of fall damage so here’s how we’re gonna do this let’s go over to a part of the world and where it should be good like

Around here is good and what we’re gonna do now is we are going to start digging a two by two hold and we are gonna dig this super super deep it’s got to be deep enough where derp can take fall damage and die around here should be

Good and now let’s go all the way back up and using our magic magic wand we are gonna cut this there we go Mr sheep can you test this out make sure you know it’s enough fall damage and that’s definitely enough fall damage and now what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna go

All the way down and let’s start placing some drip Leaf all the way up and we’re gonna keep building this all the way up until we’re around like one-fourth of the height this should be good after we’ve done that we’re gonna start digging a hole on one side of the wall

And make a little room for us so now once Dorp chases us into the hole we’re gonna fall down land on this and go into the hole while he falls down all the way to the ground and dies which means I’m gonna get all his stuff and it is gonna

Be absolutely amazing all we have to do is get derp to chase us now let’s do it hello hello darp Mr darp it’s your favorite best friend open the door dark who’s at the door is that Corey what do you want Corey hi darp I just rotino

Come hang out with my best friend what’s up buddy uh hey I guess you don’t need an invitation in uh what are you up to today what brings you to my house oh nothing I was just bored um I don’t know what do you want to do you want to hang

Out today thanks for the invitation Corey but I’m a little bit tired today it’s been a hard day derp you’re literally never tired bro come on here you’re here I know something that’ll cheer you up take this it’s a honey bottle cheers let’s drink up and have a

Sugar rush day again Cory I’m not really in the mood for a sugar rush I worked all day today trying to you know refurbish my house because it keeps getting destroyed oh your house get destroyed yeah I I have no idea what that’s about that’s crazy come on darb

Let’s hang out here you want to play a game of tag tag you’re right no see you later Corey gosh yo I’m going to bed Cory leave me alone no no no no no no your bed is off limits today it’s a time for a fun day it’s gonna take

Forever to break what is wrong with you you’ve never turned down a game of time oh I know what it is oh okay I see I see you want to play hide and seek okay let’s do it one two three four five foreign okay I guess I mean sure all right count

To uh 40. okay one two three Four’s not even hiding what is he what is it what is it yeah sorry oh my goodness derp what are you doing bro come on why don’t you want to hang out with me today Corey I don’t

Know how to tell you this but uh I know I’m kind of crazy a lot of the time but you’re just too much for me right now your energy is way too high when I’m just trying to have a normal day and take a nap okay okay fine I see how it

Is I see how it is all right well if trying to get him to hang out with this isn’t gonna work I gotta get him mad at us to chase me all right fine derp then uh how about you take this ever they’ve already been broken enough

Okay okay you know what fine fine what if I What if I brisk oh goodness craft one of those again you know like I usually do are you serious okay you know what fine fine derp how about we take a tour of your house I just uh just take me on a tour

Go away bro bro hey bro hey hey hey hey take me out of tour okay you want to tour the house okay here we go so you walk outside ready Corey this is the front house but you’ve seen uh about ten thousand times because you live not too

Far from me you go over here okay cool awesome wait wait these are your pigs yeah those are my pigs come on wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait these pigs do you care a lot for them there is a Sasquatch and Bailey and butterscotch and everybody

Does that make you mad there it just makes me sad I’ll collect what they have left and I guess I’ll cook it up later but they were my best friend Sasquatch you’re delicious bro what’s wrong with you now I’m definitely not going anywhere with you oh I’ll show you wait

Wait wait no don’t you want to like try to hit me don’t you want to try don’t you want to try to hit me now no you know why because guess what I am tired okay fine fine fine okay fine I’ll leave you alone after like two more minutes

Bro but just give me the rest of the house so I’m actually interested there’s nothing left at the house core that you have not seen I’ve known you for 10 years but what about this is this a new Garden you got going on here oh fine

Okay so this is a garden we’re growing watermelon and that’s about it oh okay okay okay that’s cool that’s cool wait these are the watermelon seeds or or what like which ones these ones that I’m stepping on oh oh yeah that one that I just pooped on is that is that all foreign

Thanks for helping me get rid of this Garden it really wasn’t gonna work out anyways because it’s about to be winter and all of them we’re probably gonna die anyway oh my goodness are you serious okay okay fine oh what is this are these your dogs these are wolves that I caught

That I want to turn into dogs um so I’m trying to get enough bones to you know make them into my pets oh okay okay how long did it take you to collect all these guys like 17 hours dang derp okay fine so would you be mad if somebody else came

Along and made them all into their pets Corey what are you doing oh yes come here guys come here come here oh yeah you’re all mine now you’re all mine oh does that make you die bad dirt doesn’t make you bad come on come on come at me

Bro come at me come at me I’m like 100 000 wolves in this whole world so they do look really good at Dukes congratulations on the new pets I’m going to sleep are you serious bro are you actually serious yeah I’m gonna go to bed Corey uh whatever derp I give up

Just go to sleep with your with your stinky weird sweater what did you just say I said go to sleep with your like weird hoodie thingy my weird hoodie that I admitted from scratch my sweater is awesome yeah it smells like poop cheeks take it back right now that’s how funny Corey

Blue is a terrible color come on come on get to the parkour oh yes yes I see it okay okay let’s drop down and then we go over here and come on please fall please oh wow wait three stacks of diamonds bro no wonder he wasn’t trying to hang out

With me he was afraid I was gonna steal it put that prank worked beautifully it went even better than I imagined I don’t know why he’s so sensitive about a sweatshirt though but on to the next prank you may be asking who I am now for this

X-ray guy I’m not gonna be Cody anymore instead I Am the Artist Bob Bob is my name but pretty much I’m gonna go up to derp and tell him that you know I’m a freelance painter that’s coming around and then I’m gonna convince him to buy

One of my drawings of him but it is gonna be really bad and it’s gonna cost like a billion dollars oh don’t Corey took all my freak who are you hello sir my name is Bob I am the painter and I am here to assist you with your painting I’m painting I

Don’t need any help with paintings thank you though you could leave no sir please please calm down I’ve traveled very far one thousand billion miles don’t come to my house at these doors I I like these doors I come inside yeah oh very very cool house very cool home you have right

Here yeah hey oh hello sir I I am you look like my friend Corey Corey who is this quarter you speak about Cody does not have this amazing amazing beautiful hat and these amazing glasses I could have sworn the refurbishing guy said the same exact thing refurbishing re

Refurbish um do you mean I’m painting you like the painting huh you see I just want to make money for my family right now I I we got kicked out of our home by my children or they’re just sleeping in a cardboard box on the street with me um

Last time for food I had to eat a piece of poo poo you gotta eat a piece of poo ah yes sir please please buy my painting I draw very good watch watch I I I will draw very good of you yeah oh Bob I have

To be really honest with you um this is kind of a bad time because my friend Corey just took all of my diamonds so I don’t have much left that is a lie it’s not a liar I I mean it took me to this

Hole and I fell down and I died and he took all my diamonds bruh that was all the diamonds you had in your entire inventory did you just say bro I mean sorry I’m sure you have some savings you could say I mean a little bit uh ah it’s not really interested anymore

Please I I I will I will poop in the corner if you don’t out of okay the least you could do is show me your work and then I’ll think about it okay work number one with that work number two man very handsome man look like me work number three I don’t

Know what this is it looks like something that came out of my butt it’s very nice huh um yo what the heck is this I I mean white thing yeah very cool um I mean they’re not this one actually is pretty good oh okay you like you like

Okay I drop painting of your backup backups take a seat fine take a seat here you go there you go sit on that it’s right here good yep that’s what I got okay I make okay let’s see let me get your facial features okay okay very

Nice be quick because I really want to take a nap okay okay okay very ugly guy yeah go like this let’s go ahead and we’ll fill in the face just like this oh my goodness so ugly to see I do not want to look Royal oil continue please okay okay I’m almost

Done I’m almost done very quick worker there’s the head there’s the body we’ll have some extra designs um okay there we go and this could be called uh darp okay perfect okay I am done come here you go check it out there you go right there

Very good okay first of all Bob why am I drooling why am I so skinny and why is okay look look face very ugly match oh correct okay always drooling yes why is your mouth always open close it not very good always drooling not good three your

Piece of poop I just thought it was so funny okay actually you know what first of all get this out of my house second of all I’m not paying for that so you have to pay I don’t have to pay you know why because I didn’t ask for any of this so

You have to pay or what you have to pay sir hold on again okay okay what do you want that much do I owe you I love it okay very cheap price for you okay okay um 32 diamonds 42 diamonds that’s literally all I have left okay okay how about 64 diamonds

Yep you have 64 diamonds I’m rich okay okay pull out those diamonds give me the diamonds okay here’s 64 diamonds of full stack okay very very nice so now because you disrespect me and my family you gave me another 64. I don’t have another 64. okay you drive a hard market now you

Drive a hard bar again okay I see how it is okay there you go what do you mean there you go yes there you go what is this days you were not supposed to click on it that was another painting I did so that’s another 64 diamonds 28 diamonds I will come

Out you say no okay let’s see what else I have then for you I have present there you go your entire house now okay because you disrespect me I come back for 128 times later goodbye oh my goodness that was so well he’s so bad right now that is perfect for the

Sex prank let’s send derp on a little bit of a treasure hunt so we can get some more diamonds for himself or you know what some more diamonds for me obviously what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna actually use the painting stuff that we had from earlier when we were

Bob and we are gonna build him a treasure map and this treasure map is not gonna lead him to Treasures but a big fat surprise for him so let’s start building this off first things first we’re gonna want to have the actual house of course so let’s go ahead and

Build that real quick let’s lead him over to a landmark and what should this Landmark be actually okay what about we put a statue of ourselves because that is awesome and everybody loves statue of ourselves and next what we’re gonna do is let’s bring it down to a giant bottle

But in the bottle We’re not gonna put water we’re gonna put and after that let’s have him go over to a piece of poop obviously because you know that has to be done we’ll even give the poop some eyes like that and a nice big smile and then we’re gonna have him

Go over to Xbox Spot and this X is not for Treasure but for that so let’s name this treasure map awesome just like that and let’s hang it on his house you know we’ll please stand right over here okay awesome awesome okay and now that we

Hung the treasure map on it we gotta actually build the landmarks so first things first let’s go ahead and let’s grab some orange wool and we’re gonna build a quick statue of ourselves we’re gonna make myself super cute and awesome we’ll just give him some arms perfect

This is incredible and awesome you know what we should add let’s go ahead and let’s add some yellow wool and give ourselves a crown because you know I’m the king of This Server all right there we go and now next thing we have is we

Have the bottle of P oh my goodness that is hilarious so let’s lead it all the way right here should be good and we’re gonna put a chest down here just just like this and then we’re gonna grab a bottle of pee as you can see we have the

Bottom of the p right here but instead of naming a p let’s actually name it into like uh let’s let’s call it soda so he thinks it’s soda and he might drink it and the next thing we have is a piece of poop but this time I actually got a

Real poop block oh my goodness this smells so bad oh that’s disgusting so let’s go ahead and build the poop with actual poop all right awesome and finally we can build x marks a spot let’s build it right over here this should be good and now what we’re gonna

Do is we’re gonna dig down and then let’s go ahead and make a giant room over here we’re gonna use our magic wand a boom that should be perfect and oh my goodness so much gravel just came down okay let’s do it one more time there we

Go and after we’ve done that we’re gonna come over here and we’re gonna grab a bunch of beautiful Diamond shiny blocks and we are just gonna build this all over here oh yeah okay this is awesome there we go but what Dorp doesn’t know

Is I set up a trap here so if he falls out and he starts heading to the Diamonds the entire floor he’s gonna turn into a lava and he’s gonna fall in it and burn let’s go back put on our cloak of invisibility and wait for darp

To notice the treasure map on the side of his house oh look at this I cannot believe that he turned my whole entire house in the wool after all my hard work oh I hope the outside of the house looks a little bit different and

Oh it’s all wool except I mean for the very tippy top well that doesn’t matter most of the houses whoa even though whoa whoa wait a minute did Bob leave a painting here let’s go upstairs real quick and let’s check this painting out oh come on come

On maybe this is worth a billion dollars that’s all these poopy paintings here I don’t want those okay and look at this it’s a it’s a new painting and this kind of looks like a map there’s an X that marks the spot is this a treasure map oh

My goodness how about I take the painting okay perfect and it is it doesn’t oh yes darp is looking at the map and it looks like he’s falling for it oh this is a map first place is my house obviously that’s ugly Brown and made out

Of wool and the second spot is to my right right what is this what even is this and why is it so ugly this is absolutely hideous ew who would have built this right next to my freaking house bro what is darp saying orange is the best and this is a

Very beautiful statue that kind of hurt my feelings look at my crowd darp look at my crap okay he can’t hear me but but why is he not looking at my crown ah there’s not even any eyes or anything cool about this but whatever okay so the

Next spot is lemonade where is that at so I’m supposed to go towards the lemonade which it should be this way okay look for the lemonade wait a minute there’s a random chest here there’s never random chest over here oh okay I’ll open it let’s see what’s inside

Wait it’s supposed to be soda I am kind of thirsty from all this building and running I’m having to do oh I might as well take a sip of the soda oh don’t worry no ways you’re actually drinking the pee what is that taste it tastes

Sour and like look warm you know what I was really thirsty now I kind of liked it it was a taste I’ve never tasted before what the yo darp likes to be oh my God this kid is so weird darp is actually so weird I need more of that

Hopefully there’s a whole bucket of that thing at the end of this okay but I have to stay on course so what’s next scary mud man and if I’m not mistaken it’s two the left of me over here wait it’s really close it’s right here this is a giant chocolate I love chocolate

Oh my goodness oh that is disgusting no way he’s actually eating a poop this doesn’t taste like chocolate oh this must be a different type of chocolate but I’m really hungry oh my goodness oh my goodness this is disgusting but you know what let’s opportunity is too good

To pass up let’s pull a mini prank on it while he’s eating the chocolate or poop I mean let’s go ahead and transform into this weird demon bat looking thingy oh my goodness that is disgusting but we’re also gonna go ahead and grab a fart blaster this is literally gonna make me

Poop on derp it is gonna be hilarious okay let’s go let’s go Who Dares eat my poop what is it what are you doing I’m eating chocolate what are you doing and why are you here and why are you so scary oh the treasure map the treasure

Map yeah yeah yeah I I heard of that before but uh this isn’t chocolate sir what do you mean it’s hot chocolate let me explain here actually let me just show you here come here ready okay don’t tell me I was eating poop this whole entire time

Yeah sorry I I kind of got explosive diarrhea but uh I just thought it was kind of weird during eating my poop but uh good luck on your treasure all right bye-bye how about I think about it don’t smell like poop I think I’m gonna be

Sick on I’m holding a bunch of farts oh my goodness I’m gonna be sick oh gosh look at him I can’t believe he ate it oh I don’t feel too good now oh gosh get me out here get me out of here get me out of here

What was that I have to be hallucinating there’s no way I guess the only thing to do left is finish the treasure map even though I just ate poop oh God that wasn’t real that wasn’t real let’s find the X where’s it at wait the x is right

Below me yes oh I’m guessing all I have to do is dig down should I even trust it after what I just saw I mean my house is made out of wool and I just ate poop so the only thing that I could look forward to is that soda oh I guess there’s

Nothing to raise that oh yes he’s here and the Diamonds are right over there Mr derp oh my goodness yes a house I could wash out the inside of my bike my body and there he goes wow oh my goodness silly Derby Falls for it every time that prank was hilarious

Let’s make the next one even better oh that was so mean nothing can go right for me what is this keep happening you know what snap out of it what would DK 30 do Never Back Down ever what ever back down number one that’s what I want to do now I want to

Go into a cave I’m gonna get six million diamonds I’m gonna come back and be richer than ever I’m gonna rebuild my house get mega security and you know what no whatever is gonna mess with me again can you find a good place to mine

You know so I can become rich you know what right about here should be good I’ve never explored this cave hey yes this is a huge Ravine chicken get out of here get out of here acting friends today wow looks like derp’s going mining and he seems to be

Taking it super seriously why don’t we run a few pranks on him while he mines actually this is gonna be hilarious oh I’ve been walking forever but I’m never gonna back down Never Gonna Give Up okay let’s go ahead and break these real quick and then let’s just replace these

With coal just like that we can build us some more damage I hear hurry hurry hurry yes yes yes come on come on we all why why what is happening am I in a matrix this is not really happening right now is it what is going on there’s two more

Diamonds over here oh wait no there’s a few more back there as well I think this just might be a glitch wow he really thinks it’s a glitch okay then let’s just replace that real quick oh my goodness that is going perfectly look at him already crying wait is he

Gonna give up is he gonna give up well I’m never gonna back down never gonna give up my name is derp and I’m gonna take over this whole entire summer okay okay wow he’s actually taking a lot better than I thought all right then why

Don’t we give him a little bit of a jump scare I’m gonna grab a sponik something called a weeping woman and this is known to give miners a bit of a jump scare when they go mining so uh here let’s just place this down here my life just flashed before my eyes what

Was that grandma with my dream that wasn’t where was it that wasn’t where was it I have to be dreaming let’s just do it one more time what is that no no I’m not drinking I have to get out of here now I have to get out of here Mommy [Applause]

Trying to ride Road this is hilarious I actually feel kind of bad so let’s actually grab a bunch of diamonds just for derp and let’s just drop him on the ground there the diamond guards are back yeah so I think it’s enough diamonds for me

Though I have to get out of here unless there’s more Diamond Gods I’ve had a rough day I would love to more diamonds okay okay you know what I feel bad let’s give her some more diamonds I mean not permanently of course because we’re gonna be stealing these right back come

On little Derpy take all the diamonds so listening to me yes I’m Gonna Be Rich I think it’s because I defeated that little scary demon girl you can’t scare me anymore demon girl I have the power of the diamond Gods oh my goodness look

How happy he is uh I can’t wait to see his face when he sees what I got in store for him turn these into diamond blocks before I lose them again yes Diamond I made 20 diamond blocks we are rich now it’s time to really celebrate

I’m gonna put these all down and I’m gonna have a dance party on them I’m gonna sleep on them I’m gonna eat on them look how excited it is okay time to take that all the way from him let’s go ahead and you know what let’s shape-shift into

This gold Axolotl just like that and what we’re gonna do is turn all of his diamonds into butter hello this is the rarest Axolotl I’ve ever seen you could talk to me hello not just normal Axel at all because I am the god this must be my lucky day were you the

One that was blessing me with all those diamonds no that wasn’t me but I actually do come here to tell you about that all of these diamonds are looking very nice would you like to trade them for some butter no thank you don’t ever ask me that again what did you just say

I was just saying uh these diamond blocks are really important to me because as you can see my house over there is made out of complete wool and these diamond blocks are gonna save me they’re gonna make me Rich again butter butter butter is awesome look look

There’s some butter right there you can have all Diamond Bronx just give them to give him to give him no actually just move away here take an egg just get away go go back bad Axolotl I’m not giving you any of these you can have anything

That’s in my house you can have anything that you could mine but you’re not taking these then why would I even want butter butter sucks what did you just say oh I said butter is not the best you dare in salt a butter I wasn’t trying to insult butter Mr flying Axolotl wait

What I’m not even scared of you you’re like way smaller than me you’re just a baby that may the course of the butter forever be upon you oh so scary oh super scared of this fake TNT blocks goodbye now what is going on why is everything made

Out of butter and why is everything I’m touching made out of butter what the heck s at least have my diamond armor oh no why is it turning gold my diamond boots now everything is gold can be away from this butter he’s gonna try getting these and they’re

All gonna turn into butter Batman block odds I see you guys all I have to do is find these diamond blocks no okay be really careful please I feel quick I have to go quick I have to cook right now oh my gosh four derp this is hilarious

Oh my goodness for guy but those pranks were hilarious so if you want to watch more click any of them on the screen right now and also make sure to subscribe bye guys guys

This video, titled ‘Pranking My Friends Until They RAGE QUIT in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Kory on 2023-09-21 14:00:19. It has garnered 393777 views and 3557 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:19 or 2299 seconds.

Pranking My Friends Until They RAGE QUIT in Minecraft!

#minecraft #kory #minecraftmod

Pranking My Friends Until They RAGE QUIT in Minecraft!

Inspired by Cash, Nico, Omz, Aphmau, Maizen!

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  • “Bimasakti’s Insane Trick Will Blow Your Mind! 😱💥” #freefire #gaming

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  • Fatality SMP – Vanilla, Whitelist, 18+

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  • Darkness Realms (ATM9)

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  • Minecraft Memes – @elonmusk please ban me from stupid bird app

    Minecraft Memes - @elonmusk please ban me from stupid bird appElon Musk might have the power to send rockets to Mars, but banning someone from Twitter might be just out of his reach! Read More

  • Battle of the Brains: -7282 IQ vs 6969 IQ (Hilarious PvP)

    Battle of the Brains: -7282 IQ vs 6969 IQ (Hilarious PvP) When you have -7282 IQ, you’re probably the type of player who tries to mine diamonds with a wooden pickaxe and wonders why it takes so long. But with a 6969 IQ, you’re the kind of player who builds a redstone contraption to automatically mine diamonds while you sit back and sip on a potion of invisibility. Talk about an epic gamer moment! #minecraftgenius Read More

Kory – Pranking My Friends Until They RAGE QUIT in Minecraft!