Kurtis Conner Twitch stream 2021.03.31 – danny teaches me how to play minecraft

Video Information

Hello hi hello hello hello um can you oh wait hold on channel microphone great one refresh okay sorry i [ __ ] up [ __ ] it up saved it i fixed it um holy [ __ ] holy cop come back batman where’s the freaking chat box at oh it’s danny let’s bring it up

She there we go all right guys sorry um you barely hear me i fixed it how [ __ ] how loud you want this thing huh how’s that is that better turn up your dame volume um no mustache i know it’s gone it’s gone all gone dude look at those zits still there

Like two months i was way too close um we’re playing holy [ __ ] 3 500 viewers already bro what the [ __ ] is going on man people love minecraft um oh wait hold on how did i do this last time um i’m trying to remember okay i gotta put my headphones into here

So i can hear danny jesus [ __ ] christ i’m knocking [ __ ] over dude all right uh okay cool this is gonna be another fun one i’m excited the mullet without the mustache is atrocious all right band get get him out of here get him out of here um all right i’m gonna hop

On to this friggin minecraft thing uh see if i can happy trans day of visibility yes let’s freaking go dude where’s the [ __ ] um okay i got the freaking alert box all [ __ ] up too dude someone just subscribed and i need to know who it is okay all right i’m gonna hold on

Yeah dude minecraft minecraft minecraft minecraft hold on can you hear me can you hear me can you hear me hold on okay you can alright that’s there guys why isn’t this working or maybe it is okay um danny can you hear me i can hear you

Can you hold on can you can you talk again i’m talking nice okay i could i think you’re coming up on the stream that’s that’s good news oh i’m coming up all right so you better get the party started did you kind of just think of that on the spot or what

Yeah actually yeah i wrote that song on the spot oh [ __ ] that’s that’s kind of awesome now that i think about it oh [ __ ] hold on i’m getting attacked okay i’m gonna oh hold on hold on i gotta i did i put a green screen on my i set

Up a green screen behind me for my stream oh really yeah damn i was thinking i should do that um some computers with nvidia graphics cards can like do that without there being a green screen behind you i guess what the [ __ ] but i uh i don’t i don’t stream off my computer

With the nvidia graphics card so i can’t find okay one sec i’m gonna set it up whoa that looks damn now i feel like i should be watching your stream that looks freaking epic instead of minecraft i just put your stream up on my stream that’s probably looks sick and i got my

Minecraft off uggo mode because you were giving me the [ __ ] business last time oh sheesh did you get the same shaders that i have uh the b at the b asl or whatever yeah yeah that’s what i got it’s that stands for baddie shaders lit okay uh

When i was in school we would call uh you know when you’re really like sweating a lot in school and your balls get stuck to your leg that’s always called bsl like balls stuck to leg yo i got bsl right now okay like tell your homies that

Well yeah i just you know you got to let them know hey dude you’re my best friend i just want to let you know my balls are stuck to my leg right now whenever i’m around you i got bsl i got bso uh can you guys hear oh there we go

We’re coming in in high school bsl for me stood for big stinky log oh god jesus because you’re always just you’re just always reeked of [ __ ] yeah yeah people would call me the bsl okay i’m joining oh he’s here i’m joining the server oh what wait hold up he’s got a skin now

Yeah you look at this oh is this is this a magician’s skin yeah i look familiar it does it’s giving me flashbacks to that fateful day i’m magic mike now in minecraft hold on how do you you blew my mind how do you err what the [ __ ]

How do you change like the camera again like five oh f5 Magic mic yeah it looks pretty good dude thanks i didn’t make it but i forget the name of the person who did so the hair is like really cool too it’s like it’s actually like kind of a messy wild yeah yeah when uh that was kind of my prerequisite i was

Like if i’m gonna have a skin i want it to be messy wild style yeah okay um all right i forgot how to do everything so this is gonna be it’s gonna take a while for me to get used to it but um yeah i don’t know what do you think

We want to do today just like beat the game or whatever i i mean i guess you could do that yeah it’s all right so what i mean i don’t even know what the game how do you beat the game is kind of the question i’m thinking okay so

Here’s what here’s what you’ll have you ever watched like a minecraft speed run mr speedrun i actually just did today before hopping on here and it’s oh [ __ ] okay it was crazy so you had so to what people consider beating the game is uh there’s this dragon called the ender dragon

And he lives in the end world i think it’s called so it’s like there’s there’s there’s this world that we live in and then there’s like other dimensions that you can go to there’s the nether and then the end so to beat the game you have to go to

The end and beat the dragon there um but then in order to even get to the end you have to do a bunch of [ __ ] like you have to go to the nether which is the other world and you have to get like some stuff from bad guys

So really it’s all about like you got to get a ton of [ __ ] people are saying she oh the ender dragon is a she okay that’s my bad yeah you have to kill her it’s a woman someone says all right that’s my bad don’t you dare misgender the dragon i didn’t know i

Never had a i never had a word with her i should have i probably should have checked That’s yeah i i think they’ll forgive you i know we go way back so i think they’re pretty ender dragon yeah they’re usually pretty lacks about that whole thing okay um oh one thing that might be helpful did you turn on dynamic lights um

No i don’t know how did i do um well it’s just helpful like when you’re holding a torch um it’ll like the way that the normal settings are it won’t be lit while you’re holding it oh it’ll be lit don’t you worry about that my friend yeah look at me holding

This torch dude this is lit uh okay so if you go to if you go to your settings and then options and video settings how do i do settings again the start thing escape escape oh options video settings um and then it should be dynamic lights you can turn it to either

Fast or fancy are we getting are what’s better fancy fancy or fast uh i usually like to say anything that’s fancy is good so yeah that is true that is that’s you always been saying that um cool well it looks so much better that’s insane wait people are saying that your mic is

Is sounds wrong oh you sound far away are you using the same mic for discord that you are for twitch yeah is that bad news no i just i think well it sounds like you might be using like your like max microphone on discord oh because i had to change it because

Okay okay okay you hold on i’m sorry i didn’t i i i wanted to be nice but people were saying that your mic was a go mode okay how’s this oh dude that’s so much better okay sorry danny and danny’s stream that must have been a [ __ ] night you’re

Trying to sabotage my stream aria yeah i um i figured if you’re if my audio was bad on your stream only i could upload the highlight video oh dude that’s smart um should we go find an epic cave or something yeah we probably want a mine

Uh do you have do you have any do you have anything i have a steer i have a i have a stone sword a stone pickaxe and a cocky a fence i have two leathers and 14 cobblestones so i think we’re pretty much set okay let me make some i’m gonna make

Some stone stuff real quick because all i have is wooden stuff right now oh [ __ ] my chat is saying they always say kill danny in my chat yo what the hell everyone is really nice to you in my chat that’s so insane someone just subscribed to me said happy eight months subscription

Now killed danny damn holy [ __ ] well thank you for the subscription but danny’s my boy i can’t do that to him i mean we’ll see what happens after as the stream goes along but as of right now i don’t want to kill how the [ __ ] do you get out of boats

Okay i’m making stone things it’s going really well don’t worry about me i’m stuck in the boat how do i get out i press shift shift Let me edit a boat okay i’m ready to go okay let’s get in the boat i spent all that time but now i’m the captain Um actually were we where we died last time seemed like a pretty epic uh cave situation yeah that’s yeah that’s what i was thinking i definitely [ __ ] the bet on that one i kind of got too excited i i thought i would i thought we’d survive but uh i was wrong all right

Wow when you get like uh donations and stuff and subs do you have like on the text-to-speech thing uh no no that’s okay i feel like that’s a terrible idea oh yeah definitely uh yeah it’s definitely a terrible idea i don’t have it on either

Anymore do you have it on right now i’m starting right now i don’t have it on yeah i feel like if anyone had that they’d kind of be a like a loser like virgin or something uh yeah definitely but i’m not a i’m not a virgin and i don’t have it on

Those are two things that aren’t true about me um how do you even how do you even get that on i wouldn’t know because i had sex i had sex and then i forgot i was too preoccupied with all the sex i was having yeah

I mean i i would love to learn sometime but it’s just kind of it’s kind of tricky to maneuver when you’re just like slaying when you’re uh in the in the uh sex department yeah when you’re kind of just drowning in all the poon or whatnot yeah exactly i’m mining some pretty

Crazy stuff over here wait what you’re not coming in the cave where’d you go i went in the the cross entrance cave oh okay i found it it’s like i i look away for one second oh and you’re gone sorry i landed right on my face i hurt myself too in my confusion

All right um so here okay yeah here we are okay so now now while you’re holding a torch like is it lit up in here for you because i’m holding a torch yes yeah see so that’s why that’s dynamic lights oh all right that’s pretty good there’s probably going to be bad guys

Down here spooky guys that’s because this yeah this is where they got us last time they [ __ ] uh they went to us sounds like they like tricked us they called us down here with promises of gold and we got a hoodwinked all they wanted oh [ __ ] there is a bad guy right

There oh my god let’s go let’s go yes dude all right we [ __ ] him up so far so good we’re popping off oh i gotta eat bat there’s a bat in here he’s back i say he’s kind of the rsa he’s kind of he’s kind of pog kind of cunning

Oh he’s hoodwinked me no yeah i don’t think that’s gonna hurt you but they can hoodwink me nonetheless oh they can hurt you like emotionally That hurt my feet you have a feelings meter on the bottom yeah uh okay i’m gonna try to make some more torches that way we can light up this area yeah i think that how do you make a torch a torch is uh like a a little coal on top of a

Little stick i don’t know how to get to the the menu thing um i can’t i don’t i can’t make anything oh you don’t have any sticks no i got zero sticks you got planks no i don’t got anything zombie alert let’s get it wow i feel like this is gonna actually

Be like a little bit easier than my uh minecraft world that i have by myself because i have someone to help me fight this is gonna true yeah this is like co-op co-op type beat okay i’m going to make some yeah i’d love torches i’d love some torches

Oh yeah i can give you some okay well i appreciate it because you i mean you really didn’t have to do that so that’s it’s really nice all right go get them i put them over there go pick them up there should be 20. there you go did i pick them up

Yeah you did i literally didn’t see anything happen they were kind of like behind you oh i was i thought my game glitched or something 20 torches hey hey all right let’s put that back down relax i didn’t it’s mine i know i didn’t mean to you can’t just steal stuff like that

Okay fine just keepers dude that’s a that’s the strict minecraft policy no it’s droppers eat choppers leave it alone uh okay so one thing if you’re gonna place torches which i i recommend that you do because mobs can’t spawn where it’s light oh so um but i would recommend only putting

Them on your left side as you’re walking away from where we came from that way if we get kind of like turned around we’ll know which way is like back to safety oh okay that’s smart yeah it’s something that somebody taught me on like twitter or something and it

It was a game changer big time yeah it seems like it would uh seems like it would change the game in some way it’s it’s like really easy to get lost in this game i know i already got lost like 30 times last time

And there was 80 mods oh go ahead oh i was saying i got lost even though even after you built the giant tower into the sky that would make sure i wouldn’t get lost my mods put like a um a command in the chat that people can

Um use to help me find my house again because it like shows the coordinates of where it was oh sheesh all right i’ll block that out don’t worry we could have died it’s it’s happened before you like drowned to death it’s still coming out oh shoot um

It that can happen but with lava and then before you know it you’re just like covered in fire okay um what direction are we sort of tunneling well i’m i’m just gonna walk around this whole like open area before we start tunneling just to see what all we can get

Oh there’s a skelly over here i’m gonna kill his ass just his ass leave the rest of him alive i got him dude all right do you have any food by the way um i think so i have a i have a bone maybe i can

I can sort of chew up i have a bone and rotten flesh so i mean like a goddamn king yo all right rotten flesh and a bone get the iron someone said get the iron where’s the iron okay people in my chat just gave me a good uh good point

So if you put if you put the torch a torch in your hand real quick and then press f yeah now you’ll always be holding a torch i’m dual wielding that’s awesome there we go man they that how do people know everything about this game dude you should see the [ __ ] that people

Know they that like in my last stream i they it taught me how to do this advanced ass thing where you build like this crazy water elevator that like it’s like you go in the water and it’s like a tube that like makes you shoot up so if

You’re like in a mine really deep yeah like a water elevator and it like just sends you shooting upwards what the hell it’s crazy it almost seems like a glitch in the game but i don’t know if like the devs meant for that to be there or what but it sounds like

That sounds like it’s like you cheated and i think you should be banned for it well hold on take it easy man i no i you know i didn’t really even know what i was doing until it was done well it doesn’t change the fact that it’s that you did it

So i think i think you’re done i think you have to stop playing this game now i’m sorry i think that about wraps it up for you actually i think uh i think that’s sort of the nail in the coffin and i think i’ll take your stream now this is my stream okay

So i’ll just rage you now or whatever you wanted to actually be on my account i mean you could probably just do both all right i don’t want to get too lost i’m sort of tunneling like a bozo right now and uh i’ve learned from my mistakes bozo check

Hey yo bozo check whatever it really means to live like and we’re both um i don’t know where you’re at um i’m actually i i sort of went like upwards if you went back to like the very beginning of this cave there’s like a way to go up but i’m gonna come back

Down because i all i found up there was coal really what we want right now is iron and then uh once we have enough iron we can make like all iron tools and also iron armor which will be really helpful in terms of not dying okay so iron looks like that okay

I have nine iron i have my nine iron okay and i will say this this this wall looks looked very inviting to uh to dig through which is why i did it oh you think there might be some iron or something better diamond the ender dragon or the diamond [Laughter] you’re just mining around looking for the engine dragon yeah i mean you have to go somewhere like special to find them although people were trying to convince me in one of my streams that there’s a cave dragon what are they were they capping it’s hard to say but people were saying

That he’s a dilf so like if at all possible i would like to find him yeah i mean i’m down for a cave deal any day i might my pickaxe broke okay i’m uh i’m actually leaving the cave right now because i want to go find food okay there’s also nighttime [ __ ]

Oh you don’t have a bed on you do you uh and by that i mean like two beds i have a total of zero beds so i know okay uh we might want to just go back home real quick and go to sleep and then get some food and then we can

I’ll save you nice just in time yeah our boat is over here all right and we can go back home and turn our iron ore into iron stuff iron or gnaw you mad iron oh wait iron or nah or iron dude you can make iron gnaw in this game

Are you iron mad or are you iron all right we should probably memorize the coordinates of our home oh wait i can see it i’ll crust it oh wait it’s already almost morning time my stream is being laggy oh no we were in that cave all night

People are telling me to eat okay let me have some i’ll have some rotten flesh real quick i guess if i can wait can i not do that while i’m rowing the boat apparently not am i lagging oh you’re not lagging for me buddy you sound just fine

Yeah someone said if you’re fresh and it’s better guys you guys know not you guys not know how freaking computers work learn how to use a computer come on yeah you gotta refresh it and then it’s refreshed well maybe i don’t know maybe i am actually something i’m doing or

Something wrong i probably am okay so uh i’m gonna put just put some iron in the furnace and then it’ll melt it all down into into that good good oh the iron right yeah oh and then you’ll be able to make all sorts of good [ __ ] okay iron

Nice oh and i can i can leave this right yeah yeah you can just leave that there and then let’s go let’s get back on the boat i say and go over to the land and try to kill some like sheep or something i don’t know let me try to vote

Oh no i didn’t okay now you tried it okay i guess i drive the boat now oh you know what we can start a farm too those those villagers have a wheat farm and you can turn wheat into bread which is a pretty good source of food

Why is this music being so [ __ ] loud uh you can turn that off if you go into the settings i absolutely want to turn that off yeah i turned that off a while ago it’s like i mean it’s pretty good music but i’d rather just hear my my game yeah

Exactly precisely okay where’s all the animals i need to start i don’t have a pickaxe that’s why i’m using my sword uh because your piggy broke yeah sorry yeah my picky broke i was probably remember seeing what i was saying yeah it’s like pick at

Pick axe or what did you is that what you said yeah it’s called picky so just say that yeah sorry i picky axe here we go we can also uh like as we get more advanced we can lure cows back to our like place and and then make them

Mate with each other and then we’ll have like unlimited source of beef unlimited beef oh wait i don’t know some that’s youtube.coms slogan okay i’m making some plankies i’m gonna make some stickies ah dude i’m so good at this game it’s actually like pretty [ __ ] up yeah are you popping off right now

Yeah i’ll just be crafted [ __ ] uh okay stone stone hoe yeah that’s for farming oh that’s what they call me when i smoke weed i’m a stone hoe stoned that’s what uh that’s also what pirates say when they are coming up on a stone [Laughter] stone after a month at sea a stone

They announced it to the entire ship oh all right okay i’ll cook the meat everyone chill out yeah i was someone wants me to cook them eat yeah cook it cook that meat i was watching this this the world record speed room for this they craft stuff so fast it was

It was it was i know the way that they do [ __ ] with the pros is ridiculous it’s have we ever told people about that song i feel like we did one uh i don’t remember where but i feel like we have i think maybe in a podcast or something

Yeah like either your episode with drew or your episode with me yeah one of one of those if the people don’t know what we’re talking about right now that’s their loss dude that song slaps that’s their problem good luck finding it just google what we’ve been singing even though

And then and then it should show up oh i’m gonna kill this i’m gonna kill this sob that’s kind of just walking around thinking like dude don’t call the animals sobs please actually you’ll make me sob He was walking around acting like he owned the joint and he does not that’s what my uh that’s what weed dealers do walking around like he owns the joints and he does um yeah have you seen like speed runners also will like if they’re falling from a high height

They like have a little bucket of water and they just like splash it at the very bottom of their fall and it totally breaks their fall what because you can land in water from any height and not take any damage so if you just carry around a bucket of water and just

Like splash it right under you at the last possible moment then you’re good no way dude i’m not even i wouldn’t i’m not [ __ ] with you do you think do you think that would work in like real life too and asking for a friend uh yeah do you want to try it

Yeah i could just jump off the you can shove off my roof [Laughter] neighbors gather round i give you this speed run trick and i [ __ ] die in front of everyone all right i’m going to take a bunch of this i’m taking i’m at the village and

I’m taking all their wheat and we’re going to have our own wheat farm okay someone’s telling me to eat can i eat raw food or do i got a world that’s never seen what do i have to eat i mean sorry do i have to eat do i have to mom

Do i have to cook the food to eat it like i feed a raw chicken will i get sick of motor now uh i think that it just doesn’t fill your hunger as much as uh cooked food but i did i don’t know where you are

Right now but i did build a furnace right there and it is cooking some food so if you want to put it in the cooker where are you it’s it’s over there somewhere like by kind of by where we parked the boat okay i’m up on uh well whoa whoa whoa

Whoa hold on what did i just find dude i think i just found some like like an underwater structure here hold on there’s like chat what is this what did i just stumble upon a pause would i stumble a pause it sounds like the chat was like your

Kid and you just found weed chat what is this chat what is this explain this please gotta go back up for air i just found like a chest and like some interesting blocks underwater let me go ahead and grab this yeah those definitely sound interesting okay whoa

Dude i just found a buried treasure map what i’m not even kidding yo treasure map guys dude i found one of these in my solo world uh and i went and got the treasure and it was pretty good did you find the furnace that i made no

No i did it i’m eating raw meat because i got impatient okay where are you dude i’m oh boy i i’m by our you know that big the big tower that you built to show to to guys oh you’re you’re out there i’m like walking towards there now

Okay yeah uh if you want to use the furnace it’s back down here but there’s probably a furnace up there somewhere if you want to cook the meat i’m like where the [ __ ] where’d we park the boat uh it’s you’re on top of a hill it’s on the bottom of the hill uh

If you go to like where do you know where that waterfall is that’s kind of by the tower um yeah sure uh of course i do okay so you’re by the tower i would say go go like look at the door of the building with the tower okay and then turn around like

Turn 180 degrees and then walk that way oh i see you yeah there you are sorry that was beautiful you came over the horizon and the sun is behind you like sun beams coming down so so majestic oh i see it okay so i can kind of just put my meat in here

Yo people are calling me pirate king on in my chat right now i think cause i found the buried treasure map ah whoa guys call me i’m the pirate gang call me pirate queen now chat they’re not gonna dude you haven’t earned it pirate queen

Nice i got it hold up hold up curtis chad he’s gotta earn it no what did he do to deserve that i asked politely like a queen would do queen behavior please call me pirate queen well he is polite he’s being polite about it i gotta cook chicken

Yo check it out you want some bread i just made some bread oh [ __ ] okay did i did you pick it up hey yeah how do i make sandwich uh dude actually i don’t know can you make a sandwich in this game you got bread i got bread and chicken

Yeah like i should be able to make like a steak sandwich like this no you can’t damn sandwich that’s kind of cringe as that they didn’t hey no no get off me dude what the hell relax dude i was like my screen was starting to like fade like

It was like i was going to sleep and like i just saw like a dim you over me oh what a nightmare i was like half asleep all right all right i’ll get in my bed i’ll start i’ll stop horsing around uh people are saying that your stream is down in my chat

What yeah going live again i had to turn it off okay yeah stream is disconnected suck my friggin stinky balls we’re back all right i got him i got to make a hoe so here you go can’t make a helm out of a hoe [Laughter]

You’re right i keep trying to put a hoe into the crafting table it’s not working so there you ho how can hello just gave up on the lyrics can’t make a hell out of ho ho featuring santa okay the stream is back the stream is back online i just made an advancement

Okay we’re back is everyone back is all is the pirate queen is back in her throne did you say is the pirate queen is back i couldn’t have said that i never would have said something like that all right do you need any help with this farm uh

You can i mean yeah sure honestly yeah if you want to just like help me put dirt down do you have any dirt in your hands in your pockets uh so um just make sure that you don’t run or jump on the crops that will ruin them

That’ll that will surely ruin them but i can walk on them all good i think so i don’t really know okay i have wheat seeds in my hand yeah okay so here’s what you do okay so you put down dirt like this and then and then you get your hoe like so

And you hove and then and then once you hoe you can plant the seeds by right clicking the seeds on the dirt okay i don’t have a hoe Uh ho ho someone said intestine check my chat is freaky yeah they want to see intestines i don’t have any dirt either so oh i can uh i think i’ve got some that i can give you i just want to put it all down

Uh well you can i i give you 28 dirt and i have 24 dirt so we can divide and conquer and get all this dirt laid down oh i’m lying i had dirt the whole time what um what [ __ ] pardon there i go so um as a rule the so the

The dirt has to be like by water in order to get wet you see how some of the dirt over there is like getting soaking up water it gets darker so it has to the blocks have to be like no more than four spaces away from the water source

So you can have like four rows of uh i guess like eight if there’s there’s water on both sides but just you know okay let me just uh so here i go yeah here he goes Nice oh wow wheat seed i have made the inv is made the advancement a seedy place that’s the secret the sequel to a quiet place a seedy place cd’s nuts whoa all right let’s take a look oh uh hold on uh i gotta get my i gotta change my

Minecraft skin to the naked guy that you made just for this occasion i was i knew you’d ask me all right so the wheat takes a while to grow but it will once it grows um it’s actually kind of tight because like it gives you wheat and then it will give you

More wheat seeds so you can like your farm can get exponentially bigger because it like i think like every wheat gives you like two or three seeds oh wow and so you can just keep on planting them and then make bread and you can also use the wheat to make

The cows [ __ ] when you get the cows oh okay now you’re speaking my language why didn’t you tell me this sooner big turn on type thing yeah that’s kind of a that’s kind of a horny moment if you ask me but epic horny moment okay i’m looking at this treasure map

Right now and like we’re not even like i’m not even on it i don’t even know how to find where this treasure is it’s just tell you there okay can you see it what i’m holding uh yeah i think i think i saw it yeah it looks like it’s like a

Red x on on it no no it just looks like a it’s like a green oh wait oh wait oh i we are on it okay yeah let’s go get this freaking treasure dude do you want to try it yeah might as well okay all right let’s

Let’s get in the boat get in the boat oh can’t make a hoe out of a boat all right all right treasure boys treasure boys okay i will direct you on where to go okay okay um okay just yeah just go straight right now and we’ll see what happens

Okay we’re going on a we’re going on a cool adventure and we don’t know what’s in it it’s hard to tell which direction we’re going on this oh okay okay okay sheesh okay go go a little bit to the left just like a little bit yeah okay so now we’re cruising okay now

To the to the right more yeah actually yeah okay oh wow oh yeah dude we’re gonna get this treasure so fast okay to the right a little more is there an island in front of us we’re gonna want to go to the right of this island oh to the right okay

Yeah dang this treasure is pretty close by this is kind of fun nice did that thing on gps or iron gnaw It do okay left go veer left we’re gonna make a hard left here and it should be right right up like straight ahead kind of is it under water yeah i think it might be okay let’s stop here because i think we’re close and let’s see

Now last time i found this treasure my chat had to help me a lot because i did not really understand how to figure out like exactly where it was but it looks like he seems to be maybe like right under here guys any any uh any clue on where this is gonna be

Yeah we gotta people seem to knew last time like exactly where it was gonna be oh i just said shovel would be better for this yeah i don’t probably want a chevy i don’t have a chevy i can’t keep track of all these names come on dude you don’t know the word for

Chevy i i mean like i guess i don’t okay i’m gonna make a crafting table up here and make a chevy so here i go okay i think i might be locked right on it chad is helping me okay oh yeah i i wish i could hold my breath longer oh

I think that might be it hold up yeah i know that that sucks is that it treasure oh that’s it all right come take a look there’s a chest down here with lots of stuff i’m gonna die how do you swim down faster oh hold shift that makes you sink

Whoa let’s let’s just grab all this [ __ ] and we’ll take it back to base look at all this junk i love it junk i don’t know about that look at all this useless crap oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] get back up go go go go go oh my god

We got too excited about the junk you know what that actually did happen to me last time i actually died i’m on my way back up the first time wow all right now back to our house back to our house oh [ __ ] oop okay i guess you drive the boat

Oh i drive the boat now do you know how to get back that’s the question i think so sort of along this um okay hold on my uh i’ll mod lexi i will tell you when i get back to my house what my coordinate is that way you can put it in there

That’ll be very helpful okay yeah you’re gonna gonna wanna go uh yeah left a little bit do you see our house can we see our house i can’t see it yet i can’t see yet oh i see it you what do you got your render distance set to by the way um

I have no idea um probably not as good because i can’t see the house from where we were to swear so uh yeah so if you turn it uh well once we get there you can go into your video settings and turn it up to like 20 chunks i’d say

Okay um i guess it depends like what your computer can handle but you just got a nice new computer yeah so it should be good and it’s just freaking minecraft do you ever do a gooch check hey yo gooch check what all right press press f5

And then like move your mouse like all the way up oh nice take that out that’s awesome yeah it’s just good every once in a while to just like check you know check it out Yeah the scratch and sniff all right let’s go to sleep well i guess put your stuff in there if you want oh i get this is getting full i’ll do that in the morning oops okay going to bed i said gucci flip flops

I lit i go to bed with a torch in my hand that is such a bad idea i know isn’t it kind of funny that you hold the thing that you’re you’re still holding it straight up straight over uh okay so what do we want to do now wait how do you build

Uh how do you build a friggin treasure chest i’m gonna build another one uh it’s like take wood planks and fill in every slot except the center one and then if you put the chest right next to the current chest it’ll make a big chest it’ll turn into one big chest okay

It’s saying i can’t even make it with the freaking things i have how many i got a bunch of planks how many planks do you have you need eight oh oh i have four that’s not a bunch that explains it to me it is it’s most having i’ve never had this

Many planks before uh okay so if i put it beside it yeah there you go see now look at how much space is in here wow i’m gonna put all this all these all these fine goods in here all right yeah i mean like in general

People always tell me to like not bring all my stuff whenever i go mining because if you die you’ll like lose it all so you probably want to keep like most things in chess and only bring what you need for specific tasks that’s understandable yeah not to me i don’t really understand

It but I’m glad you do yeah and somebody gets it i understand it perfectly okay uh so we should probably find let’s see how much iron do we have we’ve got 34 and how much does it require like how much we probably need more to make both of us

Full sets of iron yeah i think it may i think you need like 20 of something to make a full full armor set okay so we probably want what do you do hey what are you doing up there i’m the pirate king now no whoever on top of the pole whoever is

Walk the plank if i jump into the water will i die uh if you can make it into the water you’ll survive you think i can make it from here they gotta just epic jump really quick yeah i think you can make it nice take any damage

That was awesome can i get some pogs in the chat real quick for that because i was like yeah can curtis give some oh i need to give my uh mods the qwerties uh it’s negative 130 and then 67 and then negative 212. so negative 130 negative 212. thanks for all the pogs

Guys that was yeah people are pogging in my chat as well yes and they’re not even they’re not telling me to kill you i’m like somebody’s chat don’t blame it i didn’t tell them to do it you didn’t i know you didn’t tell them to tell you to kill me

That would be [ __ ] up you guys tell me to kill him i just need i just need a reason dude give me one reason to kill this [ __ ] and i gave the reason all right uh okay so yeah let’s just go Should we uh i wonder if i wonder if i if i’m just going to start i might just start digging down from where we are right now and we can have like a sick entrance into a mine so uh diamond which is probably what we really want

Is uh only can be found on like really low levels so right now if you were to look at your coordinates we’re on level 63 and it can only be found between i think like level 15 and level 5. so we gotta go like way down

So i might just dig a really big hole and then okay and then we can mine around down there what do you think i i could go for that okay i’m not saying i i am going for it but i’m saying i could you could be persuaded to go for that no

I’m okay with that that’s pretty cool we could have our own secret mind yeah but actually i do need to get some wood because i want to make ladders oh so i’m going to go get some all right i guess i’ll hold down the fort

Yeah you can make a boat if you want to but i you know i just got errands to run oh i didn’t even respond stranded the life of a pirate huh the life of a pirate queen guys i’m just going to get wood it’s just a

Short errand i don’t need to bring armor or food oh hey a pirate’s life for me fell out my boat can i keep oh yeah and i can make a bubble elevator to impress curtis good idea guys he’ll be so impressed with my minecraft knowledge that don’t impress

Me much oh wait but i don’t have any soul sand and i’m not going to the nether right now soul sand yeah that’s like what the ground is made out of in the nether i think it’s made out of dead people and their souls that’s pretty pog

Yo is sand made out of the dead that’s cog for sure epic because every time i go to a beach i’m like there ain’t one dead person in this [ __ ] i’m building this nice little border around our house i’m doing some uh some uh what would you call it landscaping

Oh a nice little border you say yeah like a wall type thing no just like a little a little pathway actually yeah it’s a border to keep danny’s out of here this is this is my hey i’m this is my house now i am the homeowner now

Guys stop telling me to kill danny i will just not now all right all right all right how many ladders do we think i can make with this much wood okay eat all right all right you guys remind me of my freaking grandma always telling me to yeah dude true it’s like yo

Grandma chad check grandma in the chat check someone just told me to kill you guys we have to be better than that no wow you can’t kill a pirate queen you can try i kind of want to start digging i’m getting impatient all right all right all right all right

All right i’m coming i mean you can start i mean you can start you can just dig straight down but like what i would do if you’re gonna dig straight down is like get rid of all your valuable stuff that way if you fall and die

Like into a bit of lava you won’t really lose anything that important okay i think i put all the important stuff in the the super valuable stuff in the chat and the chest so someone told me to turn into the joker which i think is awesome

Yeah did you know you can do that in that game right just click one button batman yeah it’s weird because batman like there’s no other batman references in this game but you can turn into like the joker from batman like okay not just like a joker like

Being you are the joker yeah yeah that’s pretty sick it’s kind of like a fun little thing that the devs added i guess they are big fans of the joker and nothing else about that man i’m going way down okay you know what i’m also gonna make a

Bucket that way i can if i get stuck or if i if i i’m falling i can make that i can do the epic yeah the bucket trick pro minecraft move and i can use my bucket to save my life my chat was getting really mad at me

About how i was digging i thought it was literally everyone’s saying bestie what are you doing i don’t know just dig straight down what what’s the problem yeah exactly they’re saying my hole is messy and i know that yo messy hole check you don’t need to tell me that

My doctor knows all about that all right hold on i’m just gonna do i’m gonna attempt to do this this water move can you move out of the way from where i’m gonna land oh yeah i’ll dig to the side i’m i’m gonna i’m gonna drop straight down and

Try to do this epic water move okay all right I’m so scared do it okay all right oh wait did you pick up my water what i have i thought i thought i did put that is there a bucket down there full of water i don’t know oh my god yeah yeah there it is i like pull the muscle

[ __ ] uh okay you have the water bucket yeah that looks so funny from my screen wait will you splash it right where i died holy [ __ ] i can’t believe that happened oh my god i was clicking so fast okay what tell me when to do it just just flash it now

It doesn’t matter because okay it’s all right it’s splashed flash all right i picked up some stuff okay well use the bucket you can you can pick back up the water yeah oh all right give papa his stuff back you had the ladders yeah i think i had an iron picky as well

Uh oh shoot we’re already on level 14 okay we just got to dig down like two more and then we’ll be like oh yeah i’ve been digging like crazy yeah you’ve been digging like crazy crazy okay so we’re i think we’re good right here this is level 12 so okay so that’s level

10 okay now we’re on level 10. yeah so that should be good see you later loser hey uh uh all right i what’s going on i’m inside i’m like inside of you right now oh that’s that’s inappropriate no as homies i’m inside of you as a homie dude

And nothing else why can’t i put a ladder here maybe it’s because you’re in the way i think i’m in the way are we are we mega stuck right now i think i’m stuck okay i went to the side okay okay hold on stay there real quick just stay

So that we don’t mess this up i was crying that was so funny all right should be good now oh i’m coming up i want the world to know there’s a little uh face right here yeah i sort of messed up the whole uh well you gotta move that so that i can

Put some blocks here and uh continue the ladder i gotta oh ah adios no this is it i’m dead all right so now we got now we got a ladder all the way down to level 10 or whatever that’s awesome and now we can just mine around on there

And we might even find some diamonds can someone in chat tell me how to do the water thing appropriately because i was just i was clicking clicking clicking like trying so hard to just land on the water you have to time it just right don’t spam only click once

Dude there’s no way i could ever time that right how could i how could i possibly do that it seems that seems impossible yeah it seems impossible i think i accidentally broke the ladder in the middle wait can you hold right click yeah you did you ladder ladder breaker you’re the one who

Locked me in at this freaking hole hold down right click okay hold on i’m gonna i’m gonna do a quick test to see if i can hold down right click hey yo whole check jeez you all right okay i’m holding down right click are you trying the thing now oh it worked

You can’t hold it down holy moly guys it worked okay i’m on my way down going further into the hole i’m not i’m not down there i jumped off the roof of our house oh i’m going into the hole are we digging just like to the right or like just like

Yeah just like just like digging in any in any old direction and you should eventually like will probably come acro across like a big cave or just like some iron and some good stuff so all right oh you know what i need to it doesn’t work at higher speeds oh no is that

And true i can’t do that why are people telling me no everything i do i don’t know everything i do in this game is wrong i heard a monster uh oh that probably means we’re close to a cave because they’ll be in a cave i heard a monster that’s in his cave

Oh he’s very close i heard oh i fell but it’s okay just makes perfect mine in straight lines was what people were saying did you do you have my do you have my bread oh wait no i’ve got bread it’s okay oh yeah yeah definitely yeah just mine in a straight line

That’s what i would recommend as well okay there’s this lava rock here should i stay away from that [ __ ] a lava rock like it’s a lava rock i know i didn’t explain it any better is it just lava no it’s like a looks like a rock

Like a lava rock type thing yeah how else can i explain this look it’s sort of like a lava rock this is kind of interesting oh water okay let’s see you’re floating the joint oh wait no is this okay this is interesting this is interesting a little little underwater lava

Cave type thing yo that was gold i just got gold what all right well uh yeah this i mean this way doesn’t really seem that great to dig in because it’s just going to be filled with water unless we can block wherever the water is coming from

Hey don’t don’t stand on the lava block it hurts clearly it keeps pulling me towards it it does let me go let me go just destroy the lava block can you there you go there you go this game right there i think i’d rather die at this point that was terrifying

Yeah it’s like a current or something yeah there is there there does there is current sometimes oh whoops it’s like a current event or something okay holy cripes i’m gonna go this way what’s that guys what is that what’s it look like it’s blue lapis lazul i beg your pardon

Is that what it is yeah lapis that’s okay i thought you were even like putting a spell on me or something yeah your whole family’s gonna have leprosy now oh no why would you do that oh i got red stuff too it’s like ruby or something

To get the chest was there a chest i didn’t see a chest it’s blood oh i need an iron pickaxe i don’t have one oh the redstone yeah yeah i don’t have an iron pickaxe do you have any iron with you right now uh i have oh i don’t have any ingates i

Have iron ore but that’s it do you have any what do you have a crafting table or any wood because you can make a furnace down here and then just smelt it while you’re down here oh i might [ __ ] around and do that then i got i’m gonna make some planks

Make this crafting table right quick oh is that a ruined portal is that what people think would it be down this deep i don’t know oh did i have to make a smelter or a crafting table uh well you have to make a crafting table in order to make the furnace

Jeez a freaking wheeze okay yeah oh there’s a bunch of freaking wheeze there’s a bunch of redstone over here too i don’t know if you saw that so redstone is like interesting but it’s not i don’t i’ve never personally used it so i don’t really know like what the big deal is

About it right guys i think that there’s obsidian just i think there’s just obsidian here because it’s lava plus water i don’t know if that there’s a portal around here but i’ll i’ll keep looking i’ll i’ll poke around and see what i see put some ore and then what do you need

On the bottom coal uh yeah i i i have coal oh i can put some in they go oh thank you have fun so do you feel like you know how to play minecraft yet i think so i think i’m pretty awesome at it so far yeah i think you’re really

Getting the hang of it slowly but surely i am oh i found some more iron you are better than dream thank you wow what a compliment what a baddie compliment my name’s nightmare i’m the scary version of dream i hear a monster like my name is wet dream

I’m a sexy version of dream i’m just like dream but i’m soaking wet all the time and don’t ask with what you do not want to know dude i don’t even know betty smp lore is lord just like uh the story of what happens in the smps

Yeah it’d be like yeah like skyrim lore would be like if you were to read like a book that was in skyrim like describing like stuff about the world i guess because like people are always talking about that like smp’s lore people make lore for for them for those shits

I think that’s just what like this because like the i think they have like scripted things in their streams like their streams are like scripted to some extent or something and so they call the like storyline the lore okay they call their scripture stuff the lorax even if it isn’t the lorax

No it’s all based off the lorax yeah that makes sense dude i can make so much stuff i’m gonna make me some boots do it i dare you nice now i got some fancy little boots my pickaxe broke oh no and i don’t have any sticks do you have any sticks

Uh yeah i got yeah i got a bunch hugo yeah let me just get us let me just get this just over there it’s just over there in front of me to the left uh can i get more than just one stick because i need two to make a pickaxe

Oh well that’s all i have man i’m sorry really yeah i just have the one stick i think i thought you said you got a bunch of sticks well i mean in to some people that may be a lot wait did i miss diamond okay well i i

Gotta go to get my pickaxe anyway i’ll make you some sticks where where’d you go i’m going upstairs to get a stick okay well i just made four but oh oh i’m all the way up here already right oh wrong thing whoops i was like why isn’t it okay i’m done

I hear little fellas you hear like little what like zombie type guys i think so okay i’m gonna try this falling thing again because i know that this is a pretty big drop oh dude it worked again i think i can hold it down dude this is going to be the most epic

Maneuver that i know how to use now that’s awesome now people are saying i didn’t miss diamond that’s kind of a bummer oh maybe they were calling you miss diamond miss diamond yeah maybe that’s your new nickname i don’t know i’m the pirate queen you’re miss diamond

Okay i think this was the way that i was mining and i don’t see any diamond guys why why would you lie to me like that my chat for real does love lying to me in this game they like to like haze me and tell me i

Can do things that i can’t and stuff and they try to get me to do things that will like kill me that’s [ __ ] up i’m you might think it’s [ __ ] up but that’s just you know that’s just me and my chat that’s just kind of how we are

Well maybe they were just calling me miss diamond i think that’s i think that’s a cool name miss diamond miss diamond yeah exactly it’s like charmed they haven’t seen you in a while since high school miss diamond not a misses yet huh oops all right let me know if you find any

Good [ __ ] i really want to find a big cave those are cool i know me too people are oh oh iron people are saying that they heard skeletons oh okay uh if you want you can turn on subtitles uh and it’s just like a little thing in the

Bottom right that tells you like what you’re hearing oh and it’s actually really helpful because it tells you like what direction it’s coming from too so if you want to like dig in that direction you can so the whole time it should say like damn what the [ __ ] no

What happened where’d you go i died where i don’t know where what direction you went and all my stuff is gone oh [ __ ] he went this way i went that way did you find the the lava i gotta put something over it that’s so embarrassing i should have

Known better dude i should have held shift oh my god i’m so sorry To everyone who believed in me so all your stuff is gone now i think so did you go over there yeah i covered up the lava okay yeah well if there was no if you didn’t pick up any stuff then all my stuff is surely gone yeah it’s it’s surely gone

Let me check on our wheat farm real quick i’m hearing these lads oh that’s so frustrating that’s a fool’s way to die that’s a real fool’s way don’t worry chad i plugged the hole just call me the whole plugger oh that’s what we call you i i take it

Back don’t ever hold it please please don’t call me that no call him man i he he plugs holes what can i say okay i think there’s a lot of somebody said curtis sounds sad jesus i’m fine yeah but you sound sad they’re not they’re not concerned for you they just

Want you to stop sounding like that i’m gonna light the way i feel like if i keep going this way um i’m gonna just find more lava but i hear fellas oh right that was terrifying they’re literally right here bruv literally they’re quite how can i hear them but it’s all freaking lava

Thank you guys for being uh so supportive oh they’re saying they’re above so we’re tunneling below them they got no freaking idea or even here it’s the perfect time for an ambush danny yeah i found a big i found a cave okay where are you i okay come find you

Wherever oh wait no i see you i hear them uh oh oh oh okay i see them i don’t have any weapons right now though i probably shouldn’t go over there um you know what we might have enough uh stuff to make like all iron armor do you

Want to go do that real quick sure Yeah [ __ ] i got a big i got i got an iron sword i could probably [ __ ] them up oh nice all right i’m gonna go yeah let’s go make some let’s go make some iron armor that will be i mean we’ll be really popping off then okay i could get down with that

Did you put did you put these torches on the wrong side that might have been me that sounds like something i would do oh yeah these this place is crawling with lads yeah this place is absolutely crawling with lads are you wearing leather boots right now did you make those

Really do you like them yeah i do yeah thank you so i already got a little bit of armor on so yeah that’s uh that’s the best type of armor in the whole game i’ll let just the leather boots yeah my feet are you actually don’t need anything else

I can use my naked minecraft skin and i only have leather boots on oh it’s raining okay let’s see wait do we wait what hap do you have iron on you yeah okay put it in the furnace i’m gonna i think did you get the stuff that was in the furnace

Uh where at the top oh no down down below i think there was some stuff in there i’m gonna go get it i thought i did no i think i did oh is that because i made some stuff i made an iron pickaxe how much iron do you have

Oh i did something stupid nevermind ah that’s why we read the chat uh hold on er okay hold on oh there goes my little fence um i picked it up that’s that’s for you that’s on the house thanks um i thought i had iron you know you don’t have any okay

I gotta be honest dog what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] did you do to our iron easy no i thought i i have a bunch of ingots chad does anyone know what curtis did with his iron yeah i have a bunch of ingots you can

Have you can use to use those oh yeah the chat is saying that you have 19 iron oh and there was more in the uh yeah in the furnace okay i’m coming back up now we can make some epic armor pants and then we’ll never die we’ll live forever

Oh you made the advancement suit up i got my leggings on hot damn i got my iron pants on tonight and some hella girls in my mind what dancing hella cool in my mind no mine am i any like minecraft i see it in my mind dancing hella cool in my mind

A terrible lyric i gotta store some of my junk in it yeah store your junk in it all right so i guess we both just got pants now so that’s all that’s all the iron we had no i can i can make one more thing i think

How many is this oh my god it costs a billion bajillion to make [ __ ] yeah i think the chest costs the most how much is a helmet one two three four one two three four five and four all right i’m gonna make a helmet yeah okay and i

Dude how lit do i look right now do you have an ingot i don’t have an ingot on me unfortunately oh we’re one short uh we’re just we’re one short i can’t make anything else do you need a pickaxe or anything or a sword uh i would like a sword yeah i’ll make

You an iron sword well that is just so sweet oh we’re a sweet guy thank you oh did you get it yeah okay all right well i’m i think i’m gonna head back down into the mine okay no i could make boots but we both have boots chat

Yeah i’ve got boots curtis has boots someone told us someone told me to break the string that’s in our house why no no we put that up for decoration that’s the string section you guys don’t like our string that’s a state that’s the center piece of the home

All right i’m going back to where you found that uh cave and i’m gonna [ __ ] it up i’m gonna kill everything in sight okay i’m i’m running i forget where it was um i found it so if that tells you anything that tells you what you need to know did

I take a wrong turn i said make a shield my liege yo your chat calls you liege that’s awesome that’s a big compliment i went the wrong way that was a total that was a total uh that was a total cringe moment on my part i’ll admit it was that an

Epic fail yeah that was an epic fail oh man at some point you should probably be able to see my name like through the stone if you’re getting close to me i think this place is a freaking maze to me okay it’s amazing to me oh this cave sucks dude honestly what

I’m i hate to break it to you but there’s like nothing in here you gotta be yanking my freaking balls i’m yank oh wait no i’m not huh i am i was about to be like i am i’m yanking him i’m talking on him real good

All right well i’m going back down and i’m just going to keep on digging you know what it’s foolish of you to be so naive and to think of this cave as to have nothing in it you just wait oh thanks for the subscription sorry if i’m missing these why did you

Find something no but just you wait my friend okay just i wait just i wait because i’m gonna be finding some epic stuff in about two shakes and you’re gonna be like oh uh the chat has erupted in quoting uh the hard rock nick video they’re all

Saying that i tugged down your balls one by one i wasn’t in that video so leave me out of it leave me out of the quest yeah you were in that video you were the bald guy the bald guy with the beard wasn’t that you oh yeah yeah you’re

Right i guess that was me yo what diamond moment no yes dude get i’m still get over here i don’t know where i am i’m still a diamond virgin i haven’t got let’s see how many i found let’s see how many papa found today two okay i was kind of hoping for more

Than that that’s actually pretty lame he’s so bad i’m gonna faint oh they’re literally on top of me well i mean not literally they do be making noises though guys that was kind of lame i’m sorry that i got so worked up because honestly it was not warranted maybe moaning up there bro

Yeah they’re they like to get freaky when nobody’s watching you know did i even eat the freaking bread oh i’m going deep into this friggin i’m so lost dude have you been placing torches uh help you find your way home i just placed my first one right now

Okay good yeah it’s good to start doing that when you’re already lost dude i’m not going to organize my hot bar all right but thank you for the prime sub whoever just subbed chad i’m going crazy are you going brazy over there i’m going what you got

What does he have it’s a huge cave yo really oh i gotta come see the chat’s saying epic moment there’s a waterfall dude oh man dude i want to see i’m coming ravine they’re saying it’s a ravine Moment i literally dodged the arrow from this [ __ ] skeleton i’m coming this way you missed an iron by the way you missed a lot actually yeah i was saving it for a rainy day all right let me see this ravine moment i think he fell into the lava what a freaking noob

Yeah that’s a noob move okay this is a nice little spot dude and you said it wasn’t hey oh whoa look at that ah kill them there’s two of them kill them are these pricks oh there he goes oh that was a close one thanks for having me back there damn

That was another one no way right over here oh you’re absolutely yanking my balls now how many of these [ __ ] are there gonna be where’d you go oh nice all right see that’s why we’re the baddie team taking down the skeletons yo we have to do we have to make up epic

Minecraft parody song now yeah i was just i was just thinking that oh sorry you nicked me sorry i hard rock nicked you i hardcock [ __ ] you dude that should have been his name why did he go with hard rock nick when he could have been hardcocked dick

Do you have any ironing gets on you i got two never mind i ain’t got two ingots in god’s name gringotts bank oh i thought there’d be more epic crap in this uh yeah i was kind of hoping for like a big ass diamond vein yeah going all the way up

Well maybe if we just follow this ravine adam ravine you can find something cool sugar Oh i hear someone well i hear someone too but he’s dying in the lava whatever he’s doing oh wait you’re standing right next to me okay okay i would hold shift probably just so you don’t fall that’s what i’m doing yeah i that’s a good idea oh my god

All right where did i end up here oh is this the end of the ravine man kind of blows i’m not gonna kill him guys that’s you guys gotta stop at that [ __ ] okay are they actually saying that i kind of feel like you’re just saying

That to me to like freak me out i wish i seemed like a good person because you’re like i’m not gonna kill him guys he’s my friend no i i’m being serious unfortunately people are saying that um blood hungry monsters in your chat i know they want they want to see blood

What kind of folks do you invite into your chat anyway well i tweeted this i tweeted this morning and i was like only violent people allowed so i mean that kind of makes sense only the most blood hungry monsters chat today please you know what i’m gonna find some

Diamonds okay go for it good luck to ye i’m gonna find them right now oh how cool that would have been huh that would have been that would have been sick actually i’ve tried that before it doesn’t work i’m gonna find them right now maybe if we both said at the same time

Okay he’s gonna find him right now dude no way so you found them no i don’t know what i ah how dare that happen to me what the [ __ ] what happened to you i what is that i i i can’t believe that what the what happened you asked i saw that

I saw you hit me and then down the hallway you got hurt or what you fell or you must have like stubbed your toe or something no dana i turned around and i saw a nutcracker run down this hallway yo that’s crazy there must be a new like

Nutcracker mob in this game that hits people and sprints away and runs away all right well i got iron so who’s laughing now how many iron do you have yeah wouldn’t you like to know i would because i’ve got 44 right now i’m sitting on 44 iron blocks or iron oars

Iron are you jealous or iron i’ve got 27 okay that’s not not bad connor it’s not my name but well i mean like so i was trying to do that thing like like if you were to me like not bad gonzales you know but like it just sounds like i

Think your first name is it is it is a first name [Laughter] generally forgot my name yeah we’ve been playing we’ve been friends for years in the middle stream i’m just like not bad brandon wait what what the [ __ ] did you just call me it’s not even close er

Kyle i mean kevin james nice job lillian wait lillian not even close yeah way to go vanessa let’s do this good job dad [Laughter] oh dude i’m hitting the iron jackpot right now oh i’m getting hit from all angles by some skellies and zombies people are saying i’m knocking on this

Door someone said i was too high to get diamonds [ __ ] oh yeah yeah yeah smoke too much there’s no way you’ll find it smoking on the job dude the game knows i’m back uh yeah so if you look at your coordinates do you remember how to do that

Yes i’m looking at him right now yeah so you want to be on level like 12 or 11. you’re probably on level 14 or 15 right now how do you see this i hope you’re not standing above lava right now just kidding it’s a prank oh my god

I placed a block under you before i did it buddy don’t worry that hey dude i saw dude you’re never gonna guess what i just saw i saw another one of those nutcracker mobs hey you did it to me you started i understand you’re upset but your anger is misplaced okay

It was i swear it was a nutcracker mob you’re a liar and a cheat and a thief and a murderer ah whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa look out hold on there’s a there’s a creeper okay nevermind it’s fine yeah i survived jesus where’d he come from where are you i’m behind you

Hello there’s an enderman over here don’t don’t look him in the eye please i wouldn’t dream of it oh unless you want to try to kill him together nah okay how’d he get in here they teleport it’s stupid but i mean let us do that yeah if you’re gonna let the enderman

Teleport yeah let the real men teleport let the slenderman teleport i i gotta get out of here because my pickaxe is about to break and i don’t have any more like wood or anything like that to make more pickaxes oh yo hey buddy i ran headfirst into him

And i got a little scared i’ll admit it yeah i gotta okay i think i might have i think i’m probably gonna hop off when we get back to the house oh sheesh i gotta eat dinner wait hold on okay hold on i gotta go uh

I’ll be right back and stream i’ll be right back i gotta go turn off my crock pot laura told me i had to at a specific time actually 17 minutes ago but i’ll be right back it will be lickety-split okay okay hold on i’m gonna build i’m gonna kind of build some barricades

Around me just so i can’t be got yeah that’s a good idea uh all right i’m back don’t worry okay nice I got the crock pot hey turned it off okay what did you barricade me in here what’s going on here i don’t know what happened back there man it got crazy i had to i had to get out where are you i’m back at the house

Oh nevermind i found my way out okay there’s a it’s just like randomly like a lot of dirt like all over oh um that’s really what it was it sounds like you kind of it sounds like you kind of got hoodwinked for a second no i don’t think i got hoodwinked oh

Okay i’d be careful when you get up here i am i don’t think we can go to bed because i hear people uh monsters outside go kill him please before i get up there he’s wearing armor oh my god dude yeah isn’t that so weird sometimes like the zombies and [ __ ] have

Armor on zombies can’t work they’ve got better stuff than we do get off our house he’s got a sword too ah i wish they made little like fencing swords in this game that you could have so you could do that like back i say yeah back get back

What’s this little guy uh that’s the fence that you handed me earlier oh yeah that stays right there yeah that’s where that goes all right are you ready to go night night yeah i’m gonna go night night did you just burp in my ears i don’t know

I think that was uh i think that was a zombie outside you think the zombie burp yeah he had a big he had a big lunch yeah yo lord just texted me and said remember to turn off the croc nice dude way ahead of you epic husband moment right there epic husband moment

Hold on let’s put i’m going to put this here oh we can make do you have any wood we could make a little trapdoor that would actually be kind of tight yeah that’d be sick if only well i don’t have any wood so i guess not [ __ ] okay next time holy

Stream labs is gonna be the death of me man um dude thanks for all the subs today dude i gotta go eat dinner um so i don’t think i have time to rate anybody but um i do have a i have a discord i have a discord now if you do the

Exclamation point discord in the chat it pops up you can click the link you can join it we’re gonna be doing some fun stuff on there some watch parties maybe i’ll be in there you know chatting it up we’re gonna do there’s like podcast stuff in there it’s gonna be sick so

Join that if you want um and yeah thanks for hanging out sorry if i miss subs and donations and stuff i apologize but uh yeah i don’t know the next time i’ll stream because i’m i won’t be around but i’ll let you guys know um but yeah thank you so much that was

Fun and um keep keep on rocking out and i’ll see you guys next time goodbye love ya love ya goodbye stay safe sorry my stream crashed so many times but it wouldn’t be a curt stream without that happening

This video, titled ‘Kurtis Conner Twitch stream 2021.03.31 – danny teaches me how to play minecraft’, was uploaded by L C on 2021-04-23 15:59:12. It has garnered 31043 views and 378 likes. The duration of the video is 01:47:13 or 6433 seconds.

https://www.twitch.tv/kurtisconner (I’ll only upload Kurtis’s streams when he plays with Danny, sorry!)

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  • Take on the Savage Viper Challenge – Join Us!

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  • Revealing shocking secrets live with FriendsWithMatt

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  • Insane Sugar Cane Farm Build in Minecraft EP11!

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  • Craft2

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  • Harmony Reloaded – Vanilla

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  • Insane Minecraft Survival: Sky Block Lucky Block!

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  • MinedHype SMP – Long-Term – GriefPrevention – Player Stats – Shopping District – Bedrock & Java – 1.20.6

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  • Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft meme

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  • Crafting a Portal to Lloyd the Lion in Minecraft

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Kurtis Conner Twitch stream 2021.03.31 – danny teaches me how to play minecraft