Kurumi Ch. 【Project Kavvaii】 – 【MINECRAFT】 VGakuen Server Collab Tour with @starrydollych.7292! ⛏️ (Manglish)

Video Information

Mom check check check if you can hear me say Minecraft Excuse me ah astaga lot thank you minecraft minecraft sneezes minecraft again welcome to my stream we don’t have much time um today wait i’ll introduce myself later but today i’m doing a minecraft stream woo it’s not mine’s not everybody’s like mine’s my job um today we are going to be in the v

Gakuen server hello guests hello this is apax’s minecraft server it’s super op there’s their farms already everything almost yes today i will show you what they look like my collab partner her name is starry dolly she’s absolutely adorable she’s taiwanese she speaks mandarin and english go check her out links in the

Description she has a pov as well yeah so today’s stream will mainly be english with a little bit of mandarin here and there cut by flu oh no no no i have sinusitis i’m always sneezy and my nose is stuffy yes hello okay we should be saying her hello soon um

She just had dinner i just had dinner so we’re gonna take it easy i have motion sickness in case you’re new here so we’re gonna walk slowly today be the day we walk slowly let me see maybe if this scene if this gaming screen is too small for you guys to see

I i can just move to the bigger screen but yes don’t forget we have a fan art contest going on it’s ending soon on the 24th do go check it out make sure you upload your entries on pixiv yes and also members i will say this again

Before the end of the stream this month’s play along is mobile legends please go to the community page on my youtube channel scroll down and um drop your mobile legends username okay members okay members members members yeah so i can add you to the jet setter only in-game group for mobile legends yeah

Enjoying the mine there Let me just set up some things real quick i’m excited i love minecraft how to join membership how to become a member who’s the member you’re sassy bakas kurume’s number one sassy baca yeah yeah i feel motive prince been a while Apx is apex yes yeah he owns the server he’s the server owner he was here just now yeah and today we’ll bring dolly to a quick little tour i say quick but last time we took i don’t know uh maybe four hours to finish a whole server server tour

Um on another person’s channel today we’ll just do the basic ones we won’t go to every houses because even i don’t know every house like who belongs which house belongs to who uh probably the farms and i’ll teach um dolly how to use them you guys can

See the cool op my favorite is the leather farm yeah again let me see if she’s ready she’s so cute she’s a bandit cat she’s not a magician she’s a bandit cat is what she looks like absolutely adorable if you want to see her moving and her tail literally wagging and

You know being so soft and floof please go check it out on her channel her pov is in the description what’s your favorite food i have too many yeah one kurumi knows the server better than the owner i’m sorry i may or may not be addicted okay let’s see Professional streamer did not turn on streamer mode yes i’ll let her introduce herself so you guys can hear how cute she is she’s so wonky minecraft minecraft by the way i can’t run shaders my pc goldberger so we might switch resource packs occasionally it’s our server that is true tskr is tasukaru

It’s like a bless thank you for blessing me if somebody sneezes you say not to blast them but because you’re blessed that they sneeze and you’re like i have been blessed with a sneeze or somebody sings or burps maybe not burp i don’t know i don’t know

I don’t know what people are into these days but then you say task shrimp bro my father’s knees and i said gets us okay she’s nervous so be nice to her this is her first time in a minecraft server she usually plays minecraft by herself my mom sneezed downstairs and sneezed at

The same time clown am i your mom hello hello kawaii hello okay before we start let me ask my chat how is dolly’s volume is she too soft is she loud enough can you guys hear her was it soft okay i’m gonna ask my audience too yes Hey testing one two three check check check check four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen two hundred three hundred one million one uh guys i’ll be reading donations and everything at the end of the stream i think i’ll turn it off for now but thank you okay

Way way way way Check way one two three check check test test test you can’t speak japanese me not you suddenly i’m shy i spoke hokkien Okay should be okay yeah i think okay yo what’s up okay okay please yes she asked me if i could speak korean and i said yes and i told her that i would teach her when when we have time when we have the chance to yes including shy oh no

Okay dolly would you like to introduce yourself uh hello everyone i’m dolly from charlotte’s premier company and i am a kaido nico she’s so cute so cute thank you so nice to meet you guys today and i hate you guys are kuru mate yes

So cute you guys should go say hi to her in her chat okay go to her chat okay usually people say when they see a cat they type psps they will this is how you you yes you you attract cats with so yes go to her don’t spam it but you

Know tell her once okay don’t spam no spamming people’s chat yes humans are cute yes um Yum yum In my chat too yeah i have that psp psps i have a cat here today yes kitty kitty minecraft bon appetit okay uh guys she this is her first time joining a multiplayer server so she will be coming in at the spawn point okay um

How did you what’s that i would say what i usually mention i’m gonna wait for her inside the game and you guys in case you haven’t seen uh apex upgraded his server um apex is the server owner i won kawaii why is it what is it pizza I [Laughter] okay so today we’ll be doing the tour guys in english and um we’ll give dolly some time to translate in mandarin if she needs be nice everybody go to her chat and simp yes um you know when you respawn after dying in apex you respond you come back to life

Yeah that’s the same same spawn so every new player will end up here first until they hit a bed until they click one bed yes to set respawn point so okay this is So this is just built yesterday oh yeah so so where do they just like the new players usually here but uh this roof if you don’t have it’s a new mate yeah many things in the server are still in the making yes i see a hole there so yeah it makes sense

Yes you just needed yesterday a packs there’s a hole in the room hey pax sorry about that [Laughter] yes so yeah i didn’t see anything there’s no hole it’s like perfect it’s perfect yes if you if you stand like this you don’t see you don’t see okay that’s perfect yes

I like it so every time i think every day you come in to play the game there will be new things yeah everybody’s always building yes we are creating uh a more i guess interesting server feel free go ahead walk first okay why why you’re like one

Death on your head ah there’s a death count if you die before it will count you have zero death on your head oh yeah you mean in this server yes in this server okay what’s this oh i don’t have game sound on hang on yay welcome it’s cute yay

That is super cute this is um some people they come here and they say hello that they were here you can also uh put it here too later if you want okay okay please click this bed okay here’s your respawn point so if you

Die i hope you never die but if you die you can’t come back here you can yes yes so this is the portal cool oh my god Okay so this is another portal uh she’s never been to the nether yes we call this a portal portal yes she’s never been so men yes we will not go yet uh later when we give her weapons there’s like nothing cute um it’s it’s cool but not cute yeah yeah it’s scary

So this tree yeah that is running there’s something great that is running oh yes that is car or something yes i will show you that later that is something a very cool machine yes but this this tree belongs to duropucha charming uh you will get to meet her

She’s very sweet she is a koala a drop drop bear so yes this is her house that she’s building oh my god it’s a really big house yes it’s still going to grow um excited to see yes it’s a tree tree house i guess you can say it’s so cute

What’s her name again drop charming chiming yeah okay it’s cute yeah it is got flowers here oh yes so this is uh these are people’s houses you’ll get to know them in due time uh you will get to know them the more you play there are too many houses here yes Oh my god this is axolotls cool yes it’s a bit hard to find yeah yes if you guys know the chinese names for them feel free to type it in uh dolly john’s chat too now oh there’s like brown one yes there are many colors there are more

There are blue ones too i think yeah but uh they’re hard to find they’re very very rare yes they say you should Yeah but i like nicknames six six six let’s see six leggings no six horns yeah i don’t know yeah axolotl okay it’s nighttime we should sleep before we die yes it is safe in this channel um not really not really not yet because they’re still

Yes they are still um building it so we haven’t really made it safe yet um but don’t worry i have many torches [Laughter] okay so first let’s come here this is what happens if like we’re sleeping and others don’t um okay in this server uh they have this thing where only 40 of

The people need to sleep oh yes so it doesn’t not everybody has to sleep in order for the night to pass so um it will tell you in chat if you hit t it will tell you two players have gone to bed you know yes

So you know like how many people went to sleep and how many people you need more it will tell you one person went to sleep we need one more to skip the night yeah all right okay this is [Laughter] Foreign yes but it’s okay um so here is i make um some community chest you can take weapons from here these are all free take some food as well don’t be shy you can take torches too these are free things you can take how to open them uh right click sorry it’s okay

Take your time welcome to shimmer i don’t want you foreign please end the man no no no the enderman lives there we don’t want to attack him oh it’s his house he he has been here in that room for a very long time wow so people won’t attack him usually

They just leave him just try not to look at him in the eyes yeah that’s how they chase you yeah he just came in by himself yeah they teleport and i think he likes the room he never leaves oh my god what’s this this is a golden carrot

Yes if you catch on fire and you eat that it will stop it will stop burning yes they’re very good you can take yes okay so this building is the hq the headquarter this is the main building of this server so if you need if you did not have us say a house

You can stay here first there are beds you can you can use this bed as your yeah this is like a hostel maybe oh yeah and there are many runes um yeah so yeah go ahead oh the the sound his sound on the wall yeah i think these are other

People’s not not sure okay if they want this room they can write their name or something yes but usually people build their own houses so they just use the bed to set response yes like why there’s a like a black box this is an ender chest

Um if you put one here and you put one in another place everything you put here you can find it there too you don’t need to carry whoa yeah yes under chest cool i i don’t have so it’s like it’s like you can have one in your house

And then you bring another one with me with you and then when you’re like traveling you can take things from the right i believe that’s how it works yes yeah it’s pretty cool i don’t know these chests i don’t know what they are i don’t know who they’re for but you can

Use the all these furnace um okay this is the map of the the small map of the server this one oh wait wait wait let me see oh my god small this is the island a bard there are many things i can bring you there in a bit um okay yeah

I i don’t know how can you name that uh this one i think was done by apex maybe i am not sure yeah but you can see which where’s the farm i think it needs to be updated because we added many things oh it’s like writing thing not i mean the system won’t

Ah hate it yeah maybe i don’t know how they label it Need to ask apex but he has a bigger um right click a name banner while using that ah i see okay but i think he has a he has a bigger one in his near his house i can show you later it’s okay no i don’t want to destroy it’s okay

I’m really sorry he will come fix the apex apex construction apex i put it back i can’t i think you can try right click yay yay sorry eye packs you run away he ran away i’m sorry kawaii i don’t know where he went yes okay um maybe we can start from this side

Right click oh right click click i do the left click so that’s why that’s why it’s okay So this this is um a coarse flower uh farm you can only find coarse flowers in the and in the end it’s a place called the end this is what the flower looks like yeah but i have never used this machine before i think it’s uh i’ve never tried actually it is a

Machine yeah maybe next time you can try this out there’s here and then hey why are there animals inside but yeah this is supposed to be the farm course this is a coarse flower farm oh i haven’t saw this before yeah this was my first time being there

Yeah i’ve never been to the end it’s very scary i mean there’s many endermen there with what is oh oh why this sheep is shifting color ah come come here follow me follow me okay there’s another one can we go up here okay okay you just need to nickname jeb

Underscore give them a name and they will change color what we call it rgb sheep oh my god see jeb underscore what happens if you cut his wool uh i am not sure but we never need to because we have a wool colored wool farm oh yes our show is very pretty okay Hey yeah there are many you will see maybe three four of them in the server well yes okay so i like them a lot uh apex actually built you a house what but you can build your own too but he built you a house this is your house it looks like your hat Yes so this is this is a beacon this one makes you walk faster if you look at your top right corner of the screen do you see their boot speed there’s a heart yeah it makes you walk faster you don’t need to run yes yes so amazing i think your bed is upstairs

Should i sleep now oh yes you can you can sleep okay is this one slash three players sleeping right it says you need one more to sleep let me just at pax lab okay make him sleep tell him to sleep where is he i’m not sure where he is

He left the game okay you can leave the game if you cannot sleep or get to a bed you can’t just leave the game and then the day will reset yeah okay the percentage will change yes yes so now it’s day time yes this is your

House you can of course build a new one but this is what you like a little this one’s like like oh wow yes wow i haven’t have a fancy house before so it’s like your hat it’s cute it’s like oh yeah i’m gonna cry oh no apex you’re gonna make a girl cry

Building your future today apex constructions a fact you’re gonna make a girl cry can you go to sleep knowing that but yes these are all yours um so you can use it if you want yeah oh she gave you ender chest too so feel free don’t be shy everybody is very nice

In this server everybody’s no don’t cry oh no [Applause] it’s so sweet yes okay so this is somebody’s house um and then in front is this is um a villager i wouldn’t say farm um maybe a place you can harvest villages that sounds so bad but if you

Need villagers well yeah you can you can also come here but right now they’re trapped what’s that mean uh hashtag slavery i’m just kidding i will show you what they’re for um but yeah yes Foreign again okay next let me show you some more cool cool cool features okay so here we’re running so fast yes because of the beacon in your house oh my god yeah so this is we call it a super smelter so uh this is like um a lot of what do you

Call this furnace this is fur yes if you need to cook food it’s easy so put the item in the box above so you come here and you put it in you put your cook your raw fish in here if you want to cook it and then it will

The cards will run and you just need to wait here yeah where you just need to wait downstairs here and then you can take it from here yes you can take it from these two chests so basically you you save coal if you come here and cook your things you don’t

Need to cook it in your house it will be faster it’s faster it will cook many at once if you walk around here the side you will see that it’s all lined up with furnace yeah and the cart will drop it in every all of these yeah

Wow it’s very cool it’s very works like this yes so yes uh if you need to cook say um 20 fishes it should be done in in maybe less than a minute wow yeah maybe 30 seconds actually i don’t know really fast okay Is you see the cards they’re still loading the things oh yes shower yeah so you’re not cooking one by one you’re cooking many many at once Yeah so you save many a lot of time the the stones come up fast the number of people people they need um Yeah so this is if you need to cook something uh you don’t have to wait at home one by one just come here put it inside here and wait wow so oh one of my audiences asked how can they add real core uh oh okay a cold you don’t need to add

It actually because um yeah apex will do it but if you click here you can see it’s it’s down here yeah they have a lot yes i think there’s a back room i’m not sure how they add it in um in the furnace maybe from the back actually there’s a maintenance room at

The back so they go in and fix if something breaks yeah but we don’t need to go in there if we if we run out of anything we can um ask them usually i asked the apex yes and then he will come and add more [Laughter] uh yes but you can get honey from let’s see where did it go yeah inside here um you can get honey uh just you don’t need to go inside ever you don’t need to go inside here and be careful because the bees will attack maybe i don’t know

If you accidentally attack them they will attack you but yes you can get honey from here yes usually there’s more yeah but i think they’re building they’re building something so that’s why we don’t have as much but usually it’s full yeah so cute yes um yeah there’s honey blocks here too feel free

Any bottle for uh i think they turned into honeys i’ve actually never used honey yet maybe someday yeah what what can they do uh i think if you turn them into honey blocks you can walk slower or something i’m not sure so you don’t fall or something i

Think we need to ask the minecraft um minecraft bosses i’m still new okay and there’s something to say me from kuala lumpur so they’re happy yeah they’re happy they make sassy you can see them from here yeah it’s a cute building yes usually the farms will look like what um they

They’re farming so this one looks like a like a honey honey bee hive i guess yeah yeah but it’s okay this is so that’s it that’s the bee that’s the um honey farm let me show you the wool farm so okay this is the wool farm

And what is it where are you oh yes so here you can have all all the colors Oh my gosh yes so this is why are you sweetie don’t eat me yeah so there are many colors if you need any color feel free to take this you don’t need to go and sheer them they it will just automatically come here at the bottom yeah

Oh my god yes so if you if you need to design something these are very useful because they’re colored so you can like make your face very big very big monument off your face with these i guess Um see uh so oh the sheeps are upstairs yes they are yeah it’s nice oh no this one is this one has no fur has no wool oh This is nice if you need to build something yeah this is yeah pretty colors hello jab hello jeb excuse me jeb hello jeff hello can’t you know kenji low what is that uh i think skeleton horse yeah what where where did he like

Why he is a skeleton i am not sure but i have one uh somebody gave me a skeleton horse i don’t know where it came from it was made by kurimu haruka’s ah i see oh they say is ken shiloh the the one on chance sure is it a game it’s a manga

Man oh my Yeah i i don’t really watch new anime it’s a really old one oh really i maybe i need to catch up uh this building here is actually kfc if you come here and you look up this is kfc um no copyright not sponsored let’s just call it kurumi fried chicken okay Yeah if you look from here okay yeah if you look from here you can see the kfc kfc logo yeah oh yes um i think we’re still working on it oh oh oh the boss is selling chicken huh hi boss some fried chicken please you sell he sells

Do you guys have french fries french fries please she wants french fries sir sir this is oh kurumi fish wait what kurumi fish chain it’s not fried chicken huh cause he’s giving you fish okay yeah so it looks very cute like a little restaurant yes yes you got the what’s this picture

I’m not sure maybe just decorations oh oh oh look look look potato oh hey that’s raw one you can cook it at the super smelter okay oh here is a raw potato yeah you can cook it later it’s fast it’ll cook very fast yeah there is a second floor but i mean

This is just for decorations i feel okay um they are phantoms if you look at the glass they are attacking apex because he didn’t sleep for more than three nights i think if you don’t sleep these things will fly and attack you look at him look at him sleep apex sleep

You work too hard you work too hard you need to sleep you need to sleep each other yeah usually three two or three will will chase you whoa he’s getting four how do you get four phantoms yeah he’s giving more more potatoes he’s going to get chased again

A fans go to sleep effect sleep sleep sleep they’re chasing you what what can you do uh you can kill them you can attack them but usually just sleep if you go indoors they will not go indoors so the upstairs here there are toilets um but it used to be

Very scary because there was creepers and stuff but i put some torches so it should be okay join the kit uh you will meet many people here they’re very nice yes this is i don’t know if this is the female or male toilet and here there’s also outside it’s nice it’s very cute

Yeah that that one flying the phantom moon so uh even they’re appealing but because i’m not the one who didn’t sleep they won’t attack me is it right i think they might i’m not sure i think they only attack people who doesn’t sleep if i remember correctly yeah

I’m not sure but it’s okay apex needs to sleep so they won’t appear again you can go oh There’s an enderman upstairs ah but this is this is the slave i mean trading hall okay be careful not to kill them but let’s go in you need to press the button to come in okay press the button yes the door will close fast yeah so you need to walk fast

Again oh so so that that you can buy things here out yeah they won’t go actually they are happy here maybe i hope yes these are the slaves i mean the the the traders so you uh try not to kill don’t don’t left click but right click

On them you can see what they sell and you can buy things from them yeah but i think we can teach you this next time this is a bit a bit complicated and if you look up here don’t look at the enderman but if you look up here at the door the chest

You can take these are free things yeah the angerman was like so close i will probably come back and kill him later oh i’m not sure why he’s up there everyone’s happy there in my chances just slightly oh it’s so cool it’s like purple thing yeah it’s enchanted so they give you

Extra boost and protection yes but you have the best armor which is uh well not the best the second best which is diamond diamond armor yeah so i don’t need anything else right you can take um the pickaxe uh if it says curse of vanishing they’re in red

Or i’m not sure what it says in chinese it means it will disappear it will it will um i don’t know how but it won’t stay in your inventory maybe what so that’s not a good weapon yeah that’s why people leave it here and don’t take it even though it’s free

But what’s what’s the i don’t know in english it means if you if you wear it you can’t give it to someone else is it um no i think this one will will vanish will disappear maybe when you unequip something that i’m not sure how it works

Yeah it is the worst enchantment it’s not the best yeah if you see this guy here he’s a golem there are many of them here on the side yeah there are many don’t attack them because they’re very very strong oh i know yeah but they they will

Protect you from like monsters if you see phantoms just squat and hide behind this guy he will attack the phantoms for you yeah yes but unfortunately they don’t attack against creepers so you still need to be careful of creepers ah okay it’s always good to tell people

You’re streaming yeah so they they they have a headset but these they all sell different things so you can maybe next time i’ll teach you how to use them okay yes just try try not to kill them cry yes they’re still building is still under construction

So that’s why they have many things um it’s not done yet maybe next time when you come in it might be done okay who’s who are you guys why you are at the boat uh these are villagers they’re probably useful for farms to create maybe golems and stuff yeah

It’s okay we will leave them be because they they yeah they’re fragile okay let’s go enderman yes so here from the road here if you come down this is a i would say maybe like a greenery farm so you can get wheat you can get all these oh potatoes

Why is the carrot poison potato yeah i think he took all the healthy potatoes just now to give it to you [Laughter] but yes the farm is up there i’m not sure how this works maybe you um maybe we can ask but it looks like this

Yeah see these are made out of wool so if you want a colored building you can use wool just know that if you put them close to lava they will burn your house will burn oh oh yeah because they’re wool they’re easily flammable but torches are okay just not near lava i think Is curse of vanishing yeah so this is a cobblestone farm i don’t know what cobblestone is called but this is what they look like maybe maybe it will tell you the chinese name i ran ranchi this is a farm and what wait yeah it’s it’s i can teach you how to use it

But this one is a bit dangerous because uh okay uh stand stand here stand here a bit far away wait okay okay i will turn it on so you can see what it it looks like uh first yeah what happens there okay it will explode the lava

And then it will run through water it will go through water and turn into cobblestones so if you come here and click the chest it will grow the the cobblestone numbers it’s like a farm but you have to turn it on and you have to also turn it off

Don’t forget to turn it off um but if you go in you might get exploded so make sure you have full health yeah it’s okay i will go i will turn it off for now maybe when you have stronger um everything you can come and use it yourself okay um

Okay so this building here this big one you will hear raw zombie sound don’t be scared um this is a monster farm monster farms yes so you uh you kill the monster to take their stuff yes follow me i will show you what it looks like but you don’t have to go

Inside like never never so i think they fall down here and then they die and so all of their items will come down here yes what yes these are free stuff and then you can just take more actually from here yeah there’s rotten flash arrows what is

Killing killing them they will fall down here and then die in the fire here all right oh my god does I’m not sure but there are many okay if you come here uh there are many of these you can take from here as well it’s because the chest inside are full so that’s why they put they move it here yeah all right so i think bones are nice if you want white dye

You can dye things in colors and yeah usually bones are nice if you want pink you can use a red flower and uh bones turn them into dye and then uh combine and it’s pink wow dyes are nice wait what is um cool yes okay this is oh where are you oh okay

Hey okay so this is uh somebody’s house her name is haniro she’s a she’s a ghost that’s why she her house looks like a haunted house because she she is a ghost after all um but it looks like like treasure box i think treasure box hi for me yes

Yeah it looks a little bit like a treasure chest but yeah it is halloween season after all so cool yes yes okay so if you come down here maybe i’ll make a road here i built a fishing spot so if you want to fish it’s safe here as well for it for once

Yeah you can fish uh i i put many things here so you guys can use [Applause] okay so it says afk fishing spot please read um you can come here and uh right click yes so there’s a fish inside make sure you don’t kill him he is to help you fish

For better things and if you come here you can make fishing rods or you can use these These are free to use you can put them back when you’re done yeah these are normal fishing rods yeah so you can also set respawn point there’s a thing called afk fishing it’s a mod uh i think it’s a mod you need to put in your minecraft where you can

Fish here and then go go go outside or do what you need and leave your minecraft on your computer and it will keep fishing yeah so you will fish afk but i can teach you that later if you want um what’s the afk away from keyboard that means um

Yeah you’re not here you just leave your computer you go somewhere else to do stuff yeah but be careful not to push people down into the water because they might drown and die and lose their items you can sleep here and if you die at least you come back here yeah

So yeah i built this if you have certain kind of shaders it will make the glass disappear so it looks like you’re staring at the sky with lanterns yes fishing is yes okay they’re villagers not to see them as slaves slaves yes um you can come back and fish next time

This is safe that means monsters will not attack you when you’re fishing usually creepers will come up to you spawn and then you just die you know yeah yeah it’s annoying so at least this is a safe fishing spot with good good fishing drops because this is

This is big enough to be considered as open water all right yeah okay so here’s the fishing spot if you don’t if you get lost you don’t know where anything is i can teach you next time you can just walk through it’s okay yes um okay controlling is so bad it’s okay

It’s okay i was like that too yeah but it’s how to land a lot okay so i can bring you around the back here so that was an idea not to fall oh yes you can hit shift and then walk you won’t fall off yeah okay

Quiet or you can just hit run and then just be fast are you gonna make it are you gonna make it angry let’s go yay she didn’t fall yes this is this is somebody’s house yeah it’s a turtle there are many of them because we’re next to the beach can

I can i stand on this no no no no no no no zero no is it is it no he looks so angry he’s like why did you do it sorry i’m so sorry i’m just like you know you know the what’s that um The japanese story hey someone just ride a turtle and go into the sea palace and then when he go back he open the box and then he’s like becoming the old man hey why you don’t know this story no oh i hear some underwater zombies there are many underwater zombies here

Oh my god yeah oh you got a cool weapon yes this is a trident it i can teach you where you can get it later but okay let me kill them first before they okay so this used to be an iron farm this one used to be

But uh we’re moving it yeah we’re moving it so this one is not working anymore yes so the villager is still upstairs they’re still there i have to move them i haven’t had the time to move them out yes so actually if you want to build a house

This is a good place we need to fill up this hole careful don’t fall but um we we can flatten this place out and you can build your house here if you want someone someone some some some fans downstairs oh i think it’s it’s a spider ah right yeah but this this whole

Weekend we can uh fill it up and then this this wooden building is the wood farm yeah i can teach you how to do you never have to go and harvest wood you can just come here and get wood so when you first walk in um take take any saplings actually

Maybe we can try let’s try birch okay so let me give you half okay so you take this and then you it is it’s a bit loud just to let you know this is uh also a farm if you look up that is where the bomb drops the tnt

Why there’s like look at like a face yes they look like faces okay let me teach you how to use this it’s very cool it’s a bit loud okay um don’t mind the water it looks like this for a reason okay so first it says number one press this button okay you

Press the button okay and then pull the lever and press button again so do you mind coming up ah okay so do this and then do you see number three put saplings in the dirt so you right click and then the tree will grow

Yes so what yeah let me show you let me show you come come come come you can you can stand here okay and then watch uh i will do it for you okay you can you you understand it better okay see the tree is growing and then

The bomb will explode it so the the tree will fall down yeah and then you can just take it from here you don’t have to use your your axe to take anything anymore whoa yeah the chest is um it will automatically go to the chest so if i keep doing this

It is this is not i wouldn’t say this is a auto farm you have to stand here and keep clicking but it’s faster than going to look for wood yeah do you want to try yeah yeah it’s a bit loud though be careful i know it’s okay it’s okay you just need

To press it once okay come here oh uh huh you see it’s right here uh the brown the brown spot the soil the dirt like a tree okay yes yeah it grows fast right the tree grows fast and then here it will explode oh oopsie hang on press the button okay

And then it will explode oh there we go see and then it will fall down so if you come here you can get you can get it from here in the chest usually there will be more here usually on the first one see you you will get yeah

So you don’t really have to go and look for trees anymore but this only works on straight trees right cheese yes so when you use this you have to turn it off so when you’re done you have to um press this this lever you have to turn this off and

Then press the button yeah and then you you just wait it will take a while to stop but it will stop eventually eventually yeah semi-auto yeah see it stopped so if you have a lot of saplings you can put it back here yeah how cool oh foreign To some factory oh gosh oh a field trip ah i see i see it yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it is like okay now you can try do you want to try yeah do you want to trust please i think it’s good if you know how

Because i think when you first start a server you use a lot of wood to build things yeah so you can these are these are usually full so you can feel free these are all trees that grow straight yeah it only works on trees that grow up straight yes

So what trees did they go up straight um i think uh acacia the red red wood the red colored yeah the orange color would i think um Yeah i don’t know what it’s called in mandarin maybe my chat can help guys guys help Um i think i never saw this before it’s okay i think it’s a bit far away you would have to explore a bit to see acacia yeah akasia acacia many ways to pronounce it oh oh the one Yeah i don’t know yeah i can i can bring you there if you want to see um okay wait which the tiger or the cat lives there oh no that is jungle that’s a jungle uh yeah this is always we jungle woods are here but yes those are jungles um

But acacia is like orange maybe orange colored wood orange red reddish yellow let me check My crap minecraft oh it done likes like brown oh so it’s it’s not straight it’s like a yeah yeah like slanted a little bit slanted but these uh yeah it will not work here if you use that this machine will break and then we’ll be like apex

I would be like apex i’m sorry yes and then he will be like okay somebody tried to plant something that is not straight again yes so yeah what happens if you plant a flower here uh it will also break the machine i think i think it won’t work yes

Okay so we were here at the cobblestone farm we just walked one circle yes yeah it’s actually really nearby um this thing is a concrete concrete mixer yeah you can only convert one color at a time but this one i have not used it yet um maybe it’s easy

Concrete is nice to build your house because you can dye the color but this one you can only use in my world yeah you can you can use this for building actually yeah it looks so nice yes these are three things you can take uh okay yeah the person says that maybe

Newcomers can find this useful if it’s okay to take they will say it’s okay to take yeah oh but some of these chats belong to other people so we we don’t take things usually we maybe put one each in our inventory and then put it back just to get just unlock

Unlock the the ingredients i guess yes what is the the pro uh and the ender pearl is useful for for example if you want to make an ender chest i think you need an ender pearl if you want to find the end where you can find a lot of enderman and coarse

Flowers you can also use that but you need to combine it with other things yeah how many things i i haven’t started before yeah me too when i first joined it i was like why am i where am i what is this what is that yeah yes

So your crafting table you unlock more things there it’s how cool don’t you see it this land is taken actually somebody booked this land so they’re gonna build their house here uh so yeah that’s why they will put they will say land taken oh wait yeah like this yeah so you can’t build

Here if you want to build something here on this island i think you can ask apex if there’s a space to build he will help you find a space to to build um just now we were here with the farm this is also it belongs to someone but they haven’t built yet yes

So if you come here there’s a apex of sea’s house hiking this used to be a flower farm but it doesn’t work anymore why it’s broken yeah but you can apex yes he tried to fix it but it’s too tough yeah you can find some flowers here there are

Only a few flowers that we can plant on this island yeah oh oh my god how can they like like feel so many genius things yeah actually you can find a lot of these cool builds on youtube and just follow them it’s easy on this server because you don’t really need to

Oh panda you don’t need to really harvest too many things so yeah this is apex’s house upstairs this is his house but if you come here this is the map room yeah this is the the map of the whole server well they’re still growing but yeah basically we are where are we

Are we here no we are here this is the the the map we’re at right now yes Yeah and other like islands there are peoples there yes there are many many people in the server and they build on their they make their own islands and they build with their friends on the island whoa yeah they’re all youtubers and uh you get to meet them someday they’re always around

Yeah cool so is this like green point yeah this is what we call hq um headquarter this is the headquarter um island i guess you could say oh yeah so mostly all the farms are here there are some farms that are outside but most of the important things are actually on here So if you need to see any new buildings or or where anything is you can come here and check it out i won’t remember it’s okay it’s okay um so this is next to apex house his house has an enderman on the inside what yeah

He he is that his pet or something i think it’s his slave uh actually we can come in from here maybe yes So zombies will destroy the doors zombies will destroy the doors so oh no yeah where is he where’s the enderman oh maybe he’s dead i think maybe he died this is his this is his friend his friend don’t kill him little boy here at the moment beside the chicken

Yeah don’t don’t kill him okay apex likes having him around this is kind of cute yeah but what is this like red thing uh i think these are warts but these are from the nether only you can only find them in the nether which is i will bring you there it’s very very

Cool it’s scary for sure yeah it’s scary okay you can come out this is his main house i guess why is there a cow in here i don’t know i just heard a cat sound yeah it’s here whoa why there’s uh uh what’s this um cd oh yeah whoa what is this glowberry

Yeah i think the cd you need a machine to play it actually what there’s a cd in this game oh oh i don’t know they’re like lava you can have them in a block yes you can a lava you can hold it in um what is it called again a the the nose

Yeah yeah yeah what is this cow doing here apex oh the cat yeah the cat is cute and then this is apex’s own map i am not sure how this works but um yeah one of it is it’s not right but it’s okay he will fix it yeah so

So this is apex’s house um if you need to look for him he’s usually not here oh he’s usually not he’s usually not in his house okay copy that yes so you can come out through here just now we came up from maybe the side door this is actually his main door

It’s so hard to leave for the cat yeah you can have your own cat too yeah you can tame your own cat as well cuties two cats here you and this cap do you want some fish but not raw one my cat was meowing too yes

You cannot you cannot give a fish if it belongs to somebody so you can give it raw fish if it’s a stray cat and then it will follow you home if you tame it it’ll follow you everywhere Yes They have many many colors too many many types in many many colors it is cute yes If epix is not home she’ll be lonely it has a cow here for some reason okay like nanny cow nanny okay so shall we go okay so this is his front door this is his actual front door oh yes so so now we are back near the flower farm oh my god yeah

That’s magical magical i can show you my house is nearby actually please yeah here’s another axolotl aquarium very nice it’s beautiful oh there shall we oh yes okay let’s go to my house my house is here your house it’s warm there’s a food truck and then there’s my house

I have two beds so we can we can share share beds and woo yes oh your house looks modern yes Okay so this is my house i can i can show you from the outside a bit more actually so there’s a food truck i built a food truck because i don’t know why i did it actually i was born and i did this in one morning

Um but yeah this this is a i call it a santan truck but yeah santan santan is an air asia like a food food i would say chain maybe yeah so yes this is like a food truck people can sit here um and let’s see how do i click this maybe with it

Oh maybe not but yeah you can you can just relax here um and there’s a pool with axolotls inside i don’t know why i did that i was bored no you’re genius it’s it’s easy to build because all of these i didn’t have to harvest anything i just went to take

And i made yeah it’s so nice thank you so i have some stuff downstairs it’s it’s basically storage upstairs and downstairs i’m not usually here i’m here for the bed what is this doing here usually i’m just here for the bed that’s it actually what your mom will say yeah

Hey hey it is here for sleep for sleep are you taking your home as a hotel yeah you don’t you don’t pay you don’t do anything you just sleep yeah but yeah so these are all my stuff if you need something you can always ask

Me if i have extra i can give it to you but yeah um so Yes um actually i think these are all actual i can give you some but you have to build an aquarium otherwise they will jump out yeah they’re very playful playful vicious so hawaii what i’m holding right now is called the trident this weapon that you can throw um

You can get it here this is kind of like a manual trident farm yeah so i have one in here you can borrow it’s called a kurumi’s fork yeah you can borrow when you’re done you can put it back and then so usually when you come here

You can right click and oh you have to come up first yeah when you come up you can right click and then open all of these yes and then you can just i guess right click and then aim i’m gonna miss oh i did not miss yeah you can do this

Uh let me get get out first let me get out first okay here you go should i open and i’m getting you can also get in without opening this um yeah jump up up yeah okay you can right click the the silver the cart yay

And then you can fold down all of these trap trap doors yeah and then you can throw the trident or uh you can hit actually you can hit control i think to get out is it control maybe shift ah shift okay usually i don’t like sitting

There because i feel like it’s not far enough i usually like standing here in front uh you can hit shift while you walk around the corners uh the control right so you don’t fall off and then i this is how i got my trident this one that i got

Apex gave it to me but the one down there and in my other chest i actually got it just from standing here and attacking zombies what yeah and then you have to attack the zombies that are throwing these tridents at you oh yeah it’s easy many people got their tridents here

Yes apex built this actually yeah so it looks like a like a slide but it’s not a slide yeah it looks like slides so when you’re done see this is kulumi’s foreign wait uh if he dies in the water how can you get his weapon uh you can go into

The water to get it um you have to go into the water yes but don’t worry because um usually i put lights near the doors you can also kind of see where the doors are from where are you standing at the existence yeah so you can come and just swim

And go get it and then come back yeah so when you come back how can you open the door right click yeah right this this pressure plate you you have this so that when you step on it it will auto open and auto close some people they

Open and they forget to close and then the zombies will come in so when you open it yeah so you have to go through here and then it will just close yeah so then they were never gonna be open yes nice oh the dolphin yeah they have dolphins too we have a

Lot of dolphins if you want to use a lead like a leash you can bring them home but they will die unless you build your they will die yeah and they will die on land so unless you bring you you you build your aquarium near here maybe they won’t die

Oh yeah you have to take them at you in a very short minute right yes yes they will die on land This is do me you have to take them with junction is it uh i’m not sure what it’s called in chinese actually uh let me just move this real quick it will okay you have to re repair any everything it’s okay the zombies will sit here at night

They will sit in the boat i don’t know they’re stupid yeah they will try to attack you romantic it’s kind of romantic because there are two of them they can sit too they will they will try to attack you so if you stand here they will try to

Attack you but they cannot reach yeah so they will just sit here and then you just use your trident or whatever and you can just attack them like this oh yeah or you use your bow and then they will just die here They’re they’re dating at the swan boat okay this one’s one maybe maybe ship yeah yeah is there a swan ship also no no no these are the only boats they look different but they’re about the same they just look use different wood to make yeah so people in malaysia also write

Swamp votes i don’t think i don’t think so is it a taiwanese thing or maybe a japanese thing maybe i don’t know i think there’s a japanese like actually i heard that if japanese couples go there they will break up what yeah if they go on the boat together

They will break up i think yeah is that a curse yeah i think there’s a curse oh no oh no so if you follow this path um it’s hard to get lost when you follow the path so you know how to go back to the base okay so

Here oh this is what chorus flowers look like don’t attack it somebody built this but yeah it looks like this in the end hmm yeah okay let me show you the other farm called uh iron farm i am far yes oh this is that kaizaku a pirate ship

Yeah parachute i will i will bring you there uh in a bit okay yeah mama mommy this belongs to arc v um you get to meet them their um youtuber group and this is the iron farm yeah so you can get flowers and iron here it will auto it’s obvious yeah it’s auto

So you just you come and take and just go you don’t need to do anything um if you look up there are villagers and one zombie so the zombie will scare the villagers which causes the golems to respond to spawn and see it will fall and it will die like this

And then turn into iron it takes a while to die he’s very strong And then you can see the iron grow yes it’s a bit it’s a bit cruel yeah yeah it’s an iron golem this is uh so why there’s also flowers oh because the flowers grows on the the the giant right yeah the giant actually can give people flowers it’s called poppies the red flowers

These are the red flowers that you can turn into red dyes and mix it with white to turn to pink so why does zombie scary in the villager why he can’t just kill him because they put glass around it all right yeah they block they block the zombie from going near the villager

Yeah okay so he’s like panic yeah but they as long as it’s in the same i think open spot they will still freak out yeah see they’re running like ah no zombie and then the gun yeah the golem will come down and then the water will push it down oh here he goes

And oh yeah i’m here to save you i’m burning i’m burning i’m sorry i cannot help you take care i love you yeah at least it becomes useful to us because we used a lot of iron [Laughter] golem’s like why are we here just to suffer yeah

Yes so that is this is very useful i hope it’s not too hard to find for you it’s a bit far away from the middle but it’s near my house so if you can find my house you just need to follow the road and then it will bring you here

Yeah let me explain that in mandarin can cause She I’m sorry but thank you i’m sorry but thank you yes yeah i hope you can find it this is very useful um yes oh don’t attack them they will fight you but yes uh you cannot write them i don’t think oh yes you can oh okay right click it says no no

They are very they have an attitude they’re not they’re not nice nice pets to ride oh dyson nice look nice i got a what an advancement oh maybe this is like he’s like okay and you’re now my master yeah maybe she tamed a llama everybody

Thank you so much for accepting me as a partner let’s go okay let’s go go go go go go go go go go it looks it’s it’s nose looks so stupid from the He didn’t hear it you’re smart you’re beautiful yes yes oh no he’s so close that yeah he’s like yeah yeah he’s like tell a tony ko shrink oh yeah but yes so if you look if you look here this is apex’s house at the top oh what oh yeah oh ooh

Yeah so if you come here away behind you behind you okay okay yes i will bring you to the ship there are more cats there i think you would like it so this is the back back road if you keep following here you will go to the base

That’s the hr building oh there’s a spider there oh yeah do you see the tree yeah that is where we started yeah yeah so that’s very pesky because it’s so high yes and you just need to follow the road you won’t really be lost oh wow yes

So nice one it is and if you walk here this rv built this rv this is their building the one behind you that is their embassy i guess you can say they’re they’re they’re thirsty yeah it’s like a dormitory room they have many bedrooms inside oh okay and this is

This is their farms and villagers yeah mama and creeper ah what no oh no creeper No no you will die no no you you’re bad you’re so bad that creepy and you cat you cute yes so this is a pumpkin farm that means the pumpkin will always this is nice for halloween season because we need a lot of pumpkins yeah yeah so many pumpkins yes and then here

Is some slave slave i mean trader farm they’re hiding why another one this one i’m not sure why they’re in the door is it in the door yeah i don’t know why why why they why they put it like this why is he so short no yeah

But you can trade here but usually i think you can go to the other trading spot Okay i don’t know what this oh this is a watermelon farm watermelon yes amazon oh yeah oh okay okay so this is the trident zombie if you attack this is it it’s un in the water oh if you attack these they oh he died if you attack these they might give you um

The trident but no this one didn’t if it did you will see it ah be careful be careful i’ll be careful it’s okay they can’t they don’t really come up on land they do but they don’t it’s rare okay you can yeah you can hit nicely yes

Yeah they can sit in the boats too oh nice oh did i get anything yeah you killed you killed one monster hunter yeah yeah yeah you better watch out oh one is so many yeah there are very many so let’s go it’s okay we can’t ignore them

Yeah they’re like like children oh it just looked like a children around yeah it’s the water yeah no if this is a baby they have a child zombies yeah they’re faster they’re faster than normal zombies oh no yeah so they’re scarier to me because if you shoot them you might

Miss easier because they run fast all right yes This is the fake mcdonald’s um let’s call it let’s call it mcdonald’s let’s call it mcdonald’s um mcdonald’s okay so mcdonald’s you can come in and yeah you can maybe maybe i can serve you some french fries hello what would you like can i have ten french fries please okay okay

Ten do we have ten french fries no we’re sold out i’m very sorry look at the machine what is this machine for it looks like the ice cream machine in mcdonald’s but yes what is this doing here okay yes it’s cute right yeah it is from afar you can also see it

But um not this big m logo there’s another one uh at the top i think on this side on the left side you can see a floating m scorpion yeah should i go inside the water yeah you can the the zombies come out mostly at night or when it’s dark you see that

You see that from the from the main road in h and hq [Laughter] yeah mcdonald’s mcdonald’s mcdonald’s yes you can come here yeah it’s hard to get up from that side and okay oh oh oh zombies zombies zombies no zombies that one is just for decorating um this building is arcv’s

Headquarters this is their office we call it but it’s not done yet it looks very nice yeah the flag here is nice too it’s like an office like a modern office but it’s not done sometimes there are monsters here actually oh yeah so don’t don’t come here at Okay there are many axolotls here so if you step on the wooden like this okay you can go first like yeah because these are doors that you can make see yeah it’s like it’s not secret doors but i guess like downstairs yeah they have a lot too many yes

It’s not done yet i think they’re still gonna build it more but for now this is what it looks like downstairs okay it’s not good for their health i think not good for their house yeah so man there’s so many but yes so this is arcv’s hq i think

This is a very cool looking building yeah at night it looks very pretty because of the colorful glass oh yes so uh is there like light inside so at night you can see lights inside uh yes do you see these floating white things the the skinny um bar bars

Like yeah yeah they are kind of floating on the ear uh if you build it from the bottom up and then you break the bottom ones it will float yeah but uh try not to break them the middle part the white ones they’re called ender rods they glow in the dark

They’re like lights like led lights in minecraft yes it’s very cool these buildings uh these are somebody’s house i’m not sure what it is for alien alien canadian house yeah i’m not sure what this is for i it happened it appeared out of nowhere like an alien spaceship i’m not sure

What it is let me bring you to the ship the pirate ship yeah yeah and we’re building uh not disneyland but wonderland uh this is built by arc v2 her name i think by alice her name is alice and it will be yes she build it by herself whoa yeah

This is very cool why people are so creative I am just a cat there are many cats here and oh yeah i know yeah these are all tamed but you can you can look for your own and you can tame them as well yeah but these are these all belong to somebody um oh that’s so humorous yeah

There are many of them because there used to be many creepers here ah yeah i don’t understand cat language they are communicating okay oh thanks for sharing oh yeah i know i know okay ah don’t make me laugh kawaii they’re nodding at her what are they

Saying i want to know she’s the queen bow down to the queen let me introduce this cool sheep to you this is our kingdom you know our kingdom not that nice to be human oh this is ours yes she’s building she’s i was like yeah she’s building for making her building this

So we can have it yes the queen has we are we are nico yeah yes so who’s the captain um um you you maybe maybe you on the box yeah he nodded she’s not in her hand so yeah so cute yeah me right definitely i think we need to sleep

Because oh okay yeah otherwise the phantoms might attack us but before it gets dark let me show you the the the wonderland uh this is built by somebody called alice she built this by herself what it looks like disneyland yes it’s beautiful it’s a castle

Um but it’s not done yet it’s still in the making so if you come here one of it will bring you up we call this water elevator one of it will bring you up one of it will bring you down so if you come here no and you look up you yeah

Yeah how come you put a special kind of um i would say block at the bottom it’s called soul stone it will bring you up yes yes it will give you air actually and it gives you speed as well so you just knew when you come up we call this

An elevator because there’s no elevator in minecraft so you have to do this cool yes and this is supposed to look like that sorry you go go ahead Yes not disneyland but wonderland yeah this is a good d 20 then um this is supposed to be a ferris wheel i think yeah barry’s wheel yes so you come in and then you sit down and then yeah maybe maybe maybe it’s like oh ferris wheel and but

It won’t move unfortunately but it looks cool yeah yeah she built this by herself um oh my god yeah on survival mode not on creative yeah what yeah she built this on survival mode by herself alice yeah alice and i’m not sure what this is i actually don’t know what this is

Um maybe yeah maybe be careful don’t fall off but yeah um and if you want to go down i think you use something called magma block at the bottom so this to come up you use soul stand so sand to go down you use magma block it will it will drag you

Down so if you go it will bring you down you don’t need to press anything yes yes Yes oh don’t be scared if you reach the bottom yeah it’s okay your health will not go down yeah oh it’s why uh it’s just i don’t know it sizzles to scare you i guess but it doesn’t kill you yeah so one is soul stan and the

Other is magma block so you can do an elevator with this yeah what what’s the naming mandarin do you know oh i’m not sure soul sand has a face on it it has many faces oh yeah i’m not sure if you can see it maybe maybe nothing to the oh what’s this

This is slime block slime makes you walk slower and also i think it’s bouncy too if you jump you will bounce yeah yeah it’s fun so i think she’s still building this yep sorry go ahead And put on the funko Industry yeah maybe actually yes so uh let’s go sleep it’s almost nighttime okay do you want to try swimming inviting me to the bed yes i am to my bedroom if you do you want to swim we can swim from here shortcut okay let’s just swim uh straight just swim straight but i’m

Not good at swimming it’s okay uh hit shift and front oh look a creeper is in is in the boat yep yeah you can trap monsters in boats and he’s like automatically on it right yeah he will not come out but we can kill him yeah but it’s okay we can just ignore

Him okay let’s come up be careful of that we can’t leave you alive yeah because i am a cool cat we are cool cats yes we will give you mercy for now yeah mercy for now for now only so yeah here’s my house yeah and let’s sleep before the phantoms come

Out because i think if you don’t sleep for three nights the phantoms will haunt you usually if you want to sleep you type zzz in chat yeah okay you’re sleeping so you just wait and then the day will pass yes usually you can see it from the glass okay

Yeah i just hit it yeah my ceiling is short so every time you get up you will yeah but you don’t take damage okay let me bring you back to the hq i have another portal here but um i don’t think you’ll be using this one as much it’s all the same

Oh yeah let me bring you you can also like walk down there and then yes go back from the store right yes uh you will not come up from the same place but you will still go to the nether and still pretty safe yes can we see the horse kurumi oh okay

I have two horses they have funny names horrors yes i have one one horse that is bone that’s the bone so i call him sarsini boner oh somebody’s horse here is called a boner and then this is a future junior boner because he will he will turn into a skeleton someday oh yes

Uh if your horse is hit by the lightning it will become a yeah zombie one a zombie one skeleton one yes but it’s okay i think i don’t mind if he gets hit but um yeah it never happened has not happened but yeah the black ones could teach

Yeah there are many colors of horses you can tame your your own too some are white i think i saw some here before maybe some maybe somewhere here on the island there’s a white horse all white you have to like uh feed them or you just take this junction

Not yet you have to keep right clicking to sit on them and then they will kick you off and then you have to sit on them until they give you the heart shape that’s how you know you tame them that’s how you know they accept you as their their master

Yes oh so oh the same thing happens when the alpaca yes yes yes accept me yes that’s how you tame them Thank you teacher thank you senpai no problem yes so i’ll bring you to the headquarters um portal i think you will usually go from there um if you want to go to the nether i think uh maybe at first you will be scared to go alone

Yeah yeah so you can always ask me or apex to go with you yes okay it’s kind of scary to go alone at first and it’s not completed apex is fixing many things there yeah so sometimes you might see monsters yes okay i gotta like super weapons super weapons oh yeah let

Me let me borrow you my sword so you can attack if you need it’s stronger you can use that so this is the spawn point we’re back here yay yay yay so let’s try to go to the nether um don’t don’t panic you don’t have to attack everything you see okay come here

Let’s go to the purple purple portal and you have to stand there we can come together it’s okay it can fit two people yes and here we are yes you have to walk out before you go back yes okay so we’re in hell welcome wow wow

This guy i think i don’t know what he’s here for but i’m sure apex has a plan like mpc mpc so i i will put up directions on where to go um i don’t have the time yet but i will put up so you don’t have

To freak out um and don’t know where to go but just know that if you want to come to my house you see this guy okay my house is here and if you if you right click right click hold your right click yeah you you look

At this this cart and hold right click it’s it will bring you up yeah hold yeah don’t let go yeah keep holding yes and then uh control to get off yeah so this is the portal to my house yes yeah and if you want to go down you can you

Have to look and see if there’s a slime block there’s a green slime block so you can just uh jump it will bounce it won’t get hurt yeah you won’t get hurt but it will bounce so you have to wait for the bounce to finish and then yeah what is the yoli

Oh okay uh it’s you will see her she’s crying all the time oh she’s called a uh a guest she’s always like oh yeah she’s very strong she will explode the ground so be careful i’m not sure if we could see her here yeah i’m not sure i was trying to take care

Of her but uh yeah yeah i think she don’t need me yes okay so there are many ways to go around but i think the nether is still too dangerous to go where is she um she’s a big white float flying thing you will see her

Sometime but not maybe not now i don’t know where she is a squid on the one downstairs no i don’t know what they’re called but they’re kind of they’re harmless they won’t attack you unless you attack them first a lot of these pigs will not attack you unless you attack them first Oh this is what the she owns the house uh the tree house she just joined her her name is funny in in minecraft yeah but her name is chad daddy crocs in minecraft i didn’t connect together yeah it doesn’t but yeah it’s okay yeah call her dude

So you can come here but i think it’s a bit complicated let me bring you to a shortcut next time i’ll i’ll give you a better tour of the nether yeah because it’s kind of dangerous and it is yeah apex is fixing many things for now

Let me show you the super the best thing in in the nether it’s a super cool farm uh but you need to be careful okay i usually come here this one is very high up so don’t let go of your right click and keep aiming at the at the at the

Cards okay it’s best if you right click with an empty hand so you don’t accidentally attack anything okay okay and you just keep holding and holding and holding it Why am i coming back up okay you got this yay okay control and then jump yes okay so do you see this it says gold farm gold farm gold farm so it’s very very nice yes so this is a piglet but um you don’t attack them this one is

Very nice you can get unlimited i would say maybe maybe not limited and not unlimited but you can get many free things here yes so these are items that we kind of trade with the piglins and these are free you can take them they’re all free to take there are many

Venues you can also trade with the pickling yes but i will teach you uh next time it is upstairs uh let me see oh this one um fire charge you use it uh to make lints to to to make your nether portal work yeah oh but these are all three things

That you can take you don’t need to be shy um okay yeah these are all if you need strings you can just keep taking them they are like unlimited yeah it’s so so many so many strings whoa and it’s halloween so people take a lot of nether bricks i think we replenish them

Yeah because they are like red red bricks yes you can take anything you want what is the crying stone cry oh okay um crying obsidian is you usually use normal obsidian to make yeah uh the portal and then this crying obsidian is kind of like a decoration

Thing you can use it to put outside of your portal you know it it glows so it’s kind of like it gives a little bit of light i can show you yeah look at the kochi the hayashi how can you get that the crying one uh here

In the in this chest oh you mean like how do you usually get it yeah yeah yeah oh okay so you can oh my it takes forever okay so you can get it from trading with this this guy these guys okay let me teach you how to use it now but um it’s

It’s uh you have to you have to be careful with this this is not the hardest this is not the most careful thing you have to be with in the server but hang on these things are called scaffoldings the things that you’re climbing up on it

Only takes one hit to destroy the whole thing so try not to left click yeah so you walk in and then press space oh oh yes so you could you look up and then you yeah just hold space and then you will keep going up yeah ooh yeah

This is that’s a girl yes it’s called scaffolding if people use this to build things it’s like a letter okay so so how can you get down uh you can hit control i believe okay yes okay so take this okay so what you do is it says please turn

The machine off before leaving so beside here there’s a switch you turn it on and you hear this okay so there are monsters inside please don’t attack them uh or stand too close to them there’s a chest up here right click it and then put your gold

In there put your gold in there yeah in this box yes just put all of the gold only the gold what just happened yes okay so if you look here from here it will give it will give gold to the piglens and then the piglens will give you

Random things and then the random things will go down the ice and be sorted into the chests yeah wow yeah it’s very nice yeah see all the things are sliding down and being sorted yeah and when you’re done you have to turn this off so when you turn this on you have to

Stand here or around the chest area you cannot leave too far because it will break the machine i think oh yeah and it won’t work so you need to be around this area in order for it to work usually you just put all the gold here

And then you just go afk or go to sleep with your computer on and when you come back all the chests will be you know have a lot of new things yeah bruh piggling trading yes so yeah you have to turn it off when you’re done before you leave so you can

Walk here oh yeah by the way usually the gold are here you can take the gold here so how uh uh you take the gold here and then get gold okay i will teach you now that is the most dangerous and most careful thing you have to be with in this server it’s

Also the best farm it’s a exp farm and gold farm okay so when you look down like this hit control to come down just hold ctrl and then you will come down slowly yes okay hold control yes ah nice try to be in the center of it so

You don’t fall off it’s very easy yeah nice so just follow this road here and it will bring you to where you can leave what is space is like so empty uh i think i’m not i’m not sure what this is called bit bed bedrock or something but this is basically uh

I think nothing can nothing else you cannot break this so yeah something that i’m not sure you cannot break this it’s unbreakable blocks bad rocks yeah you can put a bet and sleep on it yeah eh you can you can sleep in another hand wow you can’t i i remember the first

Time i played minecraft and i slept in the nether i exploded so i don’t trust them i don’t trust them at all but i think this is called bedrock because it is like a bed of rocks but you can’t break them ever yeah don’t ever sleep in the nether my chest says

They’re they’re they’re they’re trolling hey hey fancy bonk hey no no sleeping in that you will explode and lose everything so you follow the lights okay i put i put i put lights so people would follow it so here this is very loud so i suggest

You turn off your game sound right now yeah you can just turn off the master volume here let me get 10 yeah yes it will still be loud but you can you can uh you can make it 10 it’s okay okay so when you come here try not to try not to click

Anything because this one is very very high up you don’t even see what is on top yeah if you fall if you break this you may never come back down yeah so what you do is you you go in and then you look up

Try to be in the middle of it and then hit space that’s it don’t move and then you just touch space don’t touch anything else yeah many people have fallen down here and died yes no i’m not in the center it’s okay if you’re a little bit off just try not to

Be near the side so you don’t fall off okay you keep climbing and climbing and climbing don’t move your arrows or buttons just hit space yeah oh i saw something yes it’s been a long journey it is a long journey uh you’re almost there very close oh something bright yes and some sound

Yes am i yeah uh you can yes you can jump it is kind of loud here yeah so usually people just turn off their game sound when it comes yeah just turn it like zero okay so this is a gold farm and exp farm yeah xp

Yes you need exp to give enchantments to your um armor and you can also use exp to give names to name tags yeah right so these chests right now let me lower the sound a little bit yes usually i it should turn mine off because it’s super duper loud okay let me

Turn it off yes oh not this one i will butter okay okay you have to be careful why but still the sound is skipping oh uh options music and turn off master volume oh the master okay yes sorry it’s okay Okay so usually the gold will fall in here by itself so if you need gold you can just take it right now it’s empty because we used it um for the piglen trading but okay i will teach you something really cool just be careful when you come up okay

Okay so this is where you can afk here that means you can just sit on top here at the on top of your head here yes you can sit here and just keep getting exps okay so you can try sitting there or standing there yeah just jump up here yes

You have to hit space okay so do you see all these signs it says do not shoot the pig at the corner they mean there’s a above the white white block do not shoot from there do not shoot at the monsters from there if you want to shoot at the monsters you

Have to do it through these these doors yeah so you can shoot you can shoot at these i can show you they’re gonna come running don’t don’t freak out don’t be scared uh actually let me jump up here first okay uh i will attack one and then they will all come running

And i missed okay so yes so just stand here and then they will come running and they will not attack you yeah they will fall and then you will get exp do you see the green things floating up all right yeah those are exp oh let me get down so you

Can have a look all right yeah do you see your exp yes yes yes yes oh my god yeah actually maybe i’m the one attacking them maybe i should be here okay um yeah they’re gonna come running if there’s somebody else in the nether the

Pig the pigs will be much lesser so if you’re here alone in the nether then this is very very good i usually leave my computer on and i sit here and i go to sleep yeah and then all the pigs that die they’re their sword their gold will go into the

Chest down there they usually give you gold so that’s why this is also a gold farm yeah right this is how i’m right now my minecraft is level 498 498 yes because i sit here a lot Of minecraft yes okay so make sure to never shoot through the the white i would say the glass yeah never shoot through the glass shoot through only these blue green trap doors yes so will you have to stop it um you don’t have to stop it no no no you can

Just leave and then they will stop attacking you so you can get a bow and arrow it works too i’m using a trident but you can use a bow and arrow as well um to attack them you just need to attack one and they will all come to attack you but if you

Don’t attack them they will not attack you that’s why another is not as scary as the out the oh the out over world the outside because outside you have creepers you have zombies that will attack you no matter what uh here unless you attack them they usually don’t attack you yeah so yeah

We can say it’s friendly here kind of kind of yes kind of kind of it’s just scary because they’re lavas yeah so if you’re here uh you okay let’s let’s go down okay usually um yeah oh it’s an ender tower what’s that for ender tower oh my like my audience just say oh

There’s the tower it’s the same thing uh yeah but you we that is in the end this is the nether the end is where you can find a chorus flower and enderman but i’ve never been there um oh i am scared because endermans are strong yeah it’s not the same i thought it’s

The same yeah yeah no it’s not it’s not that it’s very different um that said that he found someone she’s someone this is nether because Okay let me go down yes be careful not to stand too close to the gates um because the piglet might accidentally hit you but i don’t think they will kill you yeah okay so if you look at the chest you can see now they are gold uh here the big the long ones

Yeah and so if you yeah if you keep sitting there for i don’t know however long you want to afk here um yeah you will keep giving they will keep giving you gold yes it’s kind of nice to you yes so this is scary try not to attack it going down

Is the same look uh straight and then don’t touch anything but control yes so that is the best i guess the best farm in this whole server It is yeah it’s very hard to build um i don’t know how they did it it’s kind of crazy yeah yeah so uh it’s because you have to do on that high yes no i don’t know how they managed to build it so so high away yeah it’s kind of crazy yeah

Oh you’re almost there yeah you’re doing so well you didn’t yeah you didn’t fall many people fall on their first time even on to try even apex i’ve seen him die in front of my eyes here he has fallen in front of my eyes here oh

Yeah he just peeped and then died all his items are on the floor yes so these chats you can take the things here but you don’t really need them yeah they’re not very useful um you can find a lot of these things outside as well

So yeah but if you need to put something here you can put them as well and then here what is the ah nametag oh yes speed yes you can get a name tag oh they call it bait that means this name tag is already used usually if it’s

Not not used it would just say name tag right yeah cool yes it’s it’s scary because it’s another it’s dark but it’s pretty yeah it’s pretty cool okay going down you just need to uh walk in the hole and then don’t don’t press anything uh okay am i

Are you or maybe you need to move a little oh there you go so you can fall down from here just make sure you hit squat and then fall from here or you can go from the stairs the stairs is before we had this we use the stairs yeah the stairs are here

Yeah and it’s pretty cool somebody called tsukimi lun she made this tunnel with glass it used to be open but she made she she put the tunnel so nobody can get hurt but you can see everything it’s cool right it is yes whoa so uh if you’re lost i actually put many

Signs in in the nether some of them might be taken down but yeah see it will say exp gold farm pickling farm oh yes that’s sweet yes oh what’s that hmm is that a pickling oh yes that’s a piglet yes they usually look like that it’s kind of they look

They they will not hurt you the the pigs that will hurt you they they don’t have a mask they just look like pigs with swords oh their faces are like the color of pigs so this is an island called among this island maybe i can bring you here next time

But do you see this it says to hq island so you just need to follow this this sign hq island yes headquarters yes yeah and this is somebody’s spot here do not break the floor because there’s a lava downstairs yeah oh so you don’t have to break this uh

We we usually don’t come here because this is somebody’s private island ow yeah so we just keep going down then yes goodbye cat i used to put a sign here to tell the direction but because apex changed all the walls i will make again but just remember when you come down turn left

Okay yes and then you will see yay i’m totally get lost in it now yeah you will so i will try to put something inside um there’s a hole in the walls because we’re still under construction all right so they can still come in that’s why it’s a bit dangerous

Um just now we came from here we went up from here yeah if you remember it so if we came if we jump down from the from the cart we would also it’s a shortcut actually so we would be here too but instead we took the stairs right

Yes so yeah you have two ways you can come down from if you take if you take this this way is faster shortcut okay yes now we’re in the hq nether yay yay so this is another i’ll bring you to the other places next time but if you

Look at the sign it says hq island so you just come here or or do you want to go through my house i don’t know yeah let’s let’s go let me bring you through the one near my house okay so he’s asking me for her house yeah we’re going to her house

Yeah invitation yeah my third time third time i think that’s a sign we’re getting a sign okay uh control oh oh yes yes so you can come these goldens they usually attack piglens and anything sometimes creepers can can come in through here oh yeah so you can come in from this door

Uh usually i think they jump in from here and then right click run the door yes so usually i think they come in through they jump in from here and then they go to the nether um but those things protect me from zombies mainly yeah hey it came out

Hello yes so now we’re at my house back to your house yes i think um you can start building your house uh you can choose where you want it to be but i think i talked to apex the other day he said you can build your house um next to the wood

Factory which is in front of my house here you’re near me yeah so so you don’t have to go so far away or feel like it’s dangerous or anything yeah that’ll be that’ll be nice yeah but i haven’t had an idea for what to build you can google you can

Youtube it and check out the ingredients most of those resources you can just find from farms here you don’t need to look up you don’t need to go and you know like for example this cobblestone on the ground yeah if you make a cobblestone house

Or a stone house you don’t need to go harvest for anything not a hotel careful not to fall down here but i i think i will try to fix this i’ll fill this so this place is flat and you can even destroy this this used to be a beacon place but we

Moved it over here yeah so you can have more land or you can just use your usual house which can you see your house from here a little bit maybe the top yeah you see the light yeah yeah yeah so you can just follow this and all right just follow the light

Yeah you’re down the turtle all right all right you’re talking to the turtle yes i’m asking if i can get it right no you don’t know still okay oh he’s like your opinion i love their nose they look so cute I thought that’s eyes yeah they have big big big nostrils yeah so this is the back of the slave i mean trading area yes hello humans yes this is the back of the wool place if you want to go to the front you can just walk through here

Yes and then now we’re back on the main road yay yay yay Oh look dude is building her her tree house oh where is she she’s flying she’s on creative mode yeah because she falls so so much and it’s a big tree ah she’s so cute hello meet dolly okay her name is duda put on a door with new skin so nice super cute yeah

You’re so moist i might explode ah yeah very cute yes so she’s gonna death zero death yeah so she she look at her tree it’s huge huge trees oh this one grew yeah so if you need anything you can always come look for me or apex or honestly

Everybody if you ask them a question in the chat and they’re online not afk they can always answer you oh there’s one last thing i didn’t show you actually two so here there’s an enchantment room it looks like a book this is we call this a library i guess

Um yeah i thought it’s a library yeah so you can enchant things here with the book oh you can explore the tree in a bit okay full moon yeah so you can enchant things here or you can just go to the trading place and get the enchantment books this is a cute dating

Spot how do i sit i don’t know how to sit how does it i want to have a date yesterday i don’t know how to sit at it i don’t know i didn’t i don’t remember how to sit on the huh i think you can sit on the stairs

It’s not right click huh control no shift no control press shift no home for some reason okay oh well let me bring you to the last um disconnect it’s okay i’m in the library waiting for my date maybe i’m the librarian hi welcome i’m doing night shift on twitter

Let me let me check out the chat room Oh they’re talking about cats cats no uh exam examine because some of the students uh-huh oh exams yeah exams uh be careful not to share the server link to twitter yeah on stream because that means anybody can just join yep i just break again i think maybe the game is glitching

I wonder if everybody else is having the same issue you know what happened it’s okay take your time okay oh i’m gonna attack some monsters he doesn’t know where i am oh hello welcome back oh there’s so many of them and i missed everything okay yes

It’s okay just one more one more spot and then we can go yeah if you want we can always come back and play more yeah there’s arrows on your body yeah this this guy shot me let me hear you oh okay so this is if you see this this is a skeleton farm

What it’s a skeleton farm it’s made out of skeleton bones okay so if you fall you will see the one that’s empty you can just jump because at the bottom there’s water so you won’t die whoa yeah so if you see here there’s their skeletons they will come up see they’re walking

Okay so why are they so slow yeah they’re being pushed by water okay see they fall just enough to the point where they only have one hp and you just one hit one time they will die yeah so this was like the old skeleton farm i guess yeah you just hit this one

With gold ah okay so that one he has armor so it takes him a longer time to die but if you want you can just afk here uh where’s there used to be a golem here i don’t know where he went but yeah if you look at here it’s so

Dark that it would generate i guess the skeleton’s glossy yeah that’s why it’s so dark yeah and then it will come up it will bring them up to from here this thing and then it’s so high up that they will fall and then you just need to hit them one time

All right yeah and then they will die like this There’s so many so many bones here so many armor so many everything you don’t need it here because there’s another monster farm outside but if you ever need arrows you can always get it from here yeah oh my god there’s so many there’s someone wow so these things these belong to people

I’ve never farmed here before i’ve never mind here i think other people might this is other people’s minds um so yeah i usually just like come here visit some zombies and go home they’re just some zombies yeah oh no zombies skeletons and be like bye

Okay so when you go up this is also the same elevator method also soul stone so when you go in it’s like shoo yeah it’s a cat there is a cat okay uh oh the cat is alone yeah yeah her face is like oh wait are you

Leaving she relates to the cats because she’s the cat oh yeah she’s so sad no no no i have to leave you know you understand me right she has to go yeah i have to go i’m sorry to say that oh yeah you know i love you

Uh the same place yeah same place just the other door okay yeah oh are you lost is it yeah oh yes okay yes so dark yeah and now you’re out yeah yes wants us to visit her her treat but it’s not done yet i’m not sure how how do we go up

Actually yeah maybe we go up from here actually oh yes hang on how to oh no it’s okay okay oh wow whoa this is my first time up here actually um wow i didn’t really see ah it’s so nice don’t fall try not to fall wow

But i have seen her house on her stream she she works really hard on it yeah whoa you just keep going up oh ah this is so pretty hello It’s nice oh my god wow oh we can go up as well oh ah be careful not to fall whoa okay who is this on the picture i don’t know like a model yeah oh wow her op storage area wow there’s so many wow She oh oh yeah left click yes oh sorry i took it there you go it’s okay wow i like this fireplace wow looks very cool where is it it’s uh yeah see whoa looks very nice i’ll be scared to fall it’s smoky smoky it looks like it looks cozy for sure

That’s a rick roll wallpaper eh hey why she’s inside no no no oh no herself yeah she’s in creative mode all right oh yeah it’s very cute i can’t wait for her to finish this it’s beautiful she said it’s gonna keep growing bigger so yeah i’m sure you can see it from

Anywhere on this island i think it is This is the way up uh how do we go down maybe we just jump into the water ah oh okay this is tricky okay No okay take your time no matter what you do just don’t try to run off the tree and just follow yeah just take ticketing the lost kitty yes all right kawaii okay so hit shift as our hit control do you want a water down oh that would be nice it’s okay

Let’s try to land on the water so when you jump and you land in the water you will not die hey yeah so from here when you jump your heart’s gonna beat really fast uh but try to land in the water you can still move mid air yeah so

Oh look she she made water okay i’m gonna jump and then oop got it oh yeah you got this hey what’s up Oh she’s giving you water thank you yeah yeah do you make it down oh no oh yeah take your nose yeah you’re coming down slowly yeah it’s so cute you can hit control to come down am i floating yes if you’re drowning you can always poke out of the water a little bit

Yeah to get some air okay yay so that is her house uh unfinished but yeah i can’t wait to see her finished progress it is it’s beautiful because it’s the first thing you see when you come in yeah it’s landscape yeah so yes we can go to your house shall we end the

Stream there yeah yes your house is this way They’re saying it’s like an english test english oh no It’s her hat her cute little top hat yeah it’s a creative you can set respawn point here for your bed so next time um you can just if if you die and which i hope you never you won’t respond here yeah you can change anything you want to you

Can add more things add more colors add another floor yeah okay this is this brick you can go to the nether to get it remember the pigment yeah oh um Beautiful come here oh they’re sleeping uh i don’t know where the closest bed is okay you sleep in your bed let me go look for a bed to sleep oh no wait actually yeah the day is moving the day is moving okay okay morning everyone it is beautiful i like

It maybe if you want you can make the window bigger as well yeah it’s good it’s super cute yes if you need anything feel free to ask me thank you so much thank you thank you guys did you enjoy the tour dolly challenge is absolutely cute super cute please go subscribe to her

Go show her some support Hmm love it already sub to dolly yes subscribe subscribe it’s free and drop a like too it’s also free yeah yes yeah show her some support she’s super cute um if you go check out her stream you’ll see her live 2d her tail is so cute it wags like the flails

It’s super adorable she plays um apex as well so you guys can join you can go um watch her yeah but i have to warn you that i’m really bad at apex so if you have a disease of heart attack please take your medicine take your medicine watch at your own risk yes

Thank you for the collab it’s so fun i love hanging out with you yes let’s play more in the future more minecraft okay yeah do you have anything you want to say to my fans thank you for borrowing firing me she’s kurumi cute but she’s now my wife

Yes we are married officially today yes yes everybody’s like oh to dolly okay they say oh it’s a doll yes so go show her some support please and if you have a problem of communicating with the cats you can always find me yes i can help you she’s

The cat whisperer she will she will be a translator cat cat translator yeah yeah i will help you to talk with the kids yes she’s a cat herself you can trust her yeah she’s fluent in cat language yes kawaii thank you so much for the collab today

Thank you i hope we can hang out lots more in the future yes yes looking forward yes thank you and thank you for the fans for being so sweet and patient um i’m sorry we get carried away it’s really fun to to to play minecraft sometimes you

Know we might forget to speak mandarin a little bit More thank you thank you so much let’s talk more after the stream let’s chat for a bit yeah okay i’m gonna go to my uh my chatting stream my chatting scene now thank you i’ll catch up with you later Okay Let me let me disconnect from minecraft real quick actually oh well maybe not oh yeah how are you guys how was it wasn’t it such a it’s such a cool server can i just say like when i first got in here i was just like there’s farms of everything

My world is falling apart she is super cute she’s adorable when i first heard her talk for the first time i first heard of her from muse indonesia she had a collab um with moose indonesia she played phasmophobia with them i think if i remember correctly

Is this phasmophobia or devour i can’t i can’t remember that one maybe fazmo yeah is she so cute and i was just like oh precious apex is so extra hey in all the all the good ways good ways only the flamin hot guy hey welcome back yeah she’s so adorable uh

She does speak english and if you guys type english in her chat she will reply in english so don’t be intimidated Cat plus dino super cute what do you mean i’m young do people still believe that if you if you’re out there and you still believe it bless your soul between a cat and a dino oil even my oh man hey this is cyber bully guys this is i’ll have you know this is

Cyber bully this is cyber bullying hey hey hey hey i’m calling the cyber pulley where’s my we will we will hang on where’s my siren police siren valley spallis police police it’s getting closer and closer and it drove away the police drove away the police was like yeah no he said

Bye bye police no police come back no i have the fbi where is it open up oh yeah yeah get him get him even the police have the same mindset she can understand the enchantment table too she can speak many languages she spoke to turtles you know she’s the animal whisperer yes

So sorry police wrong house number hey how many soundboards does kurumi have you you’ll find out yes tutu language yes today she got a new waifu that is you yes she finally got her first waifu yesterday i think that was her first she finally yeah got her first waifu yesterday

Yeah it took her a while though i think for me for how long was it i think like on my third day on twitter i already like recruited waifus and husbandos she’s the one that marries a 17 year old police cat hey i’m not married to lilly’s immortal

Unless rogue move rogue mama broke step on me what the villager rights commission has contacted his company investigation oh no villager right everybody in the server is getting caught if it’s villagers all the villagers What mode will you be playing in ml uh for the play along i mean you guys can pick it’s it’s it’s our day yeah it’s our day we we can pick we can take a vote yeah i think memberships are more like lacks and just like oh whatever you want

So the wife was to shine my knee get what asked kurumi step on me too hey you’re not any better i’m i i feel a bit sad did i did i miss varion’s debut stream you guys should go check out the new monster z yeah they’re so cute i watched the debut

Um other than virion i feel bad bb boy yeah because i’m streaming but i hope you guys gave him lots of support i want luna to stamp yeah yeah s i think you missed luna no i was lurking the whole time yeah but i did say a few things here and there

Varian is crying oh oh is he still streaming is he still streaming yeah yeah yeah is he still streaming let me see uh let’s see oh yes he is yes he is astaga i go in and i see like a poorly drawn guitar poorly drawn guitar on paint

Yes i’m gonna read uh super chats and donations um and then if he’s still streaming we can go raid him if if he’s still streaming but yes let me turn my my sound alerts back on to the mate and i’m gonna read memberships in a bit as well as

Taga i will watch the vod he sounds chaotic [Laughter] okay one moment to the madden Okay okay the stream is lagging for me so i can’t watch it well oh my stream my stream oh no he’s ending his stream that’s it all too congrats on debut yeah show slime boy support yeah like that doctor of youtuber That doctor youtuber is on a whole nother level no amount of crack can turn you into that he just ended yeah it’s okay it’s okay well at least you guys know go check him out um go check him out yes let me read donations real quick i’ll run it again

Thank you chef sam for three dollars 30 cents he donated this at a very ungodly hour i think was it like 4 or 5 a.m i had my obs on and i was like looking i was like looking for resources for um tomorrow’s karaoke and suddenly chef sam can get astaga

Thank you for the donation this guy doesn’t sleep this is not the first time he has donated at an ungodly hour he has donated at like 3 4 a.m sometimes 5 a.m maybe like three times now and i’m just chilling you know vibing to music just you know karaoke on my own

Like practicing and stuff you know like doing schedules thumbnails and something i’m like my heart my heart this is cyber bully i’m not even live streaming and i get scared chef seven chops six a.m ish i know go to sleep chef sam slick oh no my tummy is grumbling chef sam

Being chef said i know thank you avigura for six ringgit super chat hi kurumi and ini malam yo yo i’m hungry already slap hannah so please leave crewmates and kurumi we’ll see we’ll we can talk about that thank you tophik for three ringgit to super chat

You don’t have a message for me don’t be shy you can give me a message thank you thank you flaminhot guy thank you for dropping by thank you thank you please take care tomorrow we’re doing a karaoke stream let’s see what’s the name kurumi’s cat my cat’s name is jackson j-e-t-s-o-n jetson oh

You guys i got a character sheet i need to post it but i haven’t posted it uh okay you guys are gonna have the first look okay i’ve never i’ve never posted this before so you guys are the first people to see it i finally got a character sheet jackson got it too

Okay okay there you go i will post this on social media maybe along with my new schedule i’ll post it on monday probably a po i probably post it on monday Beautiful tree cute skin super duper cute i love the socks yes so now you guys can can see the color picking and also jackson’s color schemes yeah so it should be easier on you guys who want to draw fan arts we still have time for the fan art contest

Let’s see it’s ending on the 24th yeah so you still have time ye but reference sheet yes it highlights some important things as well um so you guys can check it out um i love it you don’t really get to see my back so this really helps are you 158 with the shoes

Um no no i’m not and the shoes are i wouldn’t say they’re super tall but there is definitely a wedge there yeah 169 with the shoes wink wonk but yes you can see my eye color as well um so people can stop drawing me with blue eyes because i have grey eyes

Stop it stop stop i don’t have blue eyes okay stop yeah justin has colors too so you guys can if you want to draw him feel free to go ahead go ahead and draw him yes so there’s that and tomorrow we’re doing an an archive karaoke which means if you’re new if you

Don’t show up you don’t see it no more the there will be no vod let’s just say gray gray eyes christian grey who kuru gray yes kuru grey yes yeah um so tomorrow k-pop edition anarcha karaoke um you guys can request songs but please

Do it on um twitter i may or may not be able to learn them or get them downloaded in time for tomorrow but um at least tomorrow i think we’ll be singing a lot of um second gen songs maybe maybe yeah this is how she looks from behind yes bravo yes

K-pop yes i don’t have the list yet but i’m still looking i was up super late this morning i was about to say last night up till this morning actually i’m looking for songs and that are not because if you look for the instrumentals some of them are really

So it’s hard but i’m doing my best and i hope you guys can come and enjoy yourselves yeah just relax only know kda songs yeah we can do some kda yes yes so it’s gonna be at 8 pm gmt plus a or 9 pm korean or japanese time or 7 p.m in some

Parts of indonesia and thailand yes please tag hashtag kurutunes for requests um yeah screenshot this in case you forget the time don’t know many kpop it’s okay you can come and vibe vibe with us i’m gonna get so much feels my feels my good old k-pop days ye old k-pop fan girl days

Um thank you thank you shanzri thank you all to sleep well yeah share your k-pop fans friend zoo yeah share it with them yes i will have the waiting room up um probably later tonight or Maybe later tonight or tomorrow morning yeah we’ll see yes keep an eye out gangnam style oh no i can’t listen to that song no more i have mercy please lord have mercy yeah um again before i read memberships before i remember ships please don’t forget to subscribe in case you haven’t nabs

Thank you club for one dollar and one cent otsurumi for the minecraft collab stream also kurumi i want you more than a hagen dance on a hot summer day twitter but yes in case you haven’t subscribed please subscribe now subscribe it’s free subscribe it’s free subscribe it’s free

Don’t we all love free things oh no anger it’s okay it’s okay i saw edgar was being super cultured on um uh leah john’s lyasama stream it’s okay it’s okay edgar maybe people will clip it i’m not sure maybe we might clip it on our side maybe i might upload some um

He said nani nani oh yeah i saw obito obito was on uh mili-chan was it militant militant stream this morning at three his time i i love the the the new gens um the new gens streams the fasmo collab was so chaotic please clip it i want to hear it so bad yeah

Yeah the family is chaot indeed as always there too it’s super funny i love them you’re the best now you know you um i want you guys to spread the support with that being said check out dolly she has a facebook instagram no no instagram facebook twitter and her

Youtube channel so go follow subscribe she’s super wonky wang yeah she will steal your heart she’s abandoned here you’re breathtaking no you’re a breathtaking don’t pull a keanu reeve on me i pull a keanu reeve on you okay okay thank you guys for joining my memberships these are my jet setters

That are flying with me oh my gosh l has not changed that profile photo but thank you al thank you lucy thank you chef sam thank you lord grace thank you ami thank you thank you blooming blossom thank you mata thank you emilia windhart thank you arjun thank you fancy thank you jun

Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you second true heart thank you thank you where’s my mouse where’s my mouse where’s my mouse thank you field station portable thank you caramel choco mint thank you and thank you to anger thank you 5c thank you

Thank you ariel thank you peace 88 thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you kazuki thank you thank you spectre easy thank you teddy thank you adam panda thank you tada barney thank you sakuta excuse me thank you timothy thank you shrimp thank you

Zero thank you roxasa kirby thank you astro disaster thank you noodle thank you catholic cycle thank you purpley thank you sagittarian thank you For those and thank you alman harit hisham thank you thank you thank you still justin stop it why are you stealing justin why stealing jackson or two thank you guys so much for saying to the end we will not be taking attendance today we will probably take it tomorrow tomorrow um

I think if my vibe keeps going i might just like go one song and then the next song and the next on the next song we’ll see or i might take breaks and chat in the middle we’ll see yeah i do don’t forget to salute to your

Mods thank you for staying to the end yes you’ll be seeing a little bit more of this server um i’ll probably be streaming in this server for quite a bit yes yeah i want to build a greek house on an island somewhere so maybe we could do that

For a longer minecraft stream i want to build a greek inspired house yeah yeah Yes thank you thank you other guys it’s such a good day today i hope you had a wonderful time here colosseum i saw i s you know what don’t give me ideas don’t don’t give me ideas i need i i can’t i can’t hold myself back i

Already saw like a greek temple that i want to build so we’ll see we’ll see we’ll see yeah cloud chamber uh that one apex building yeah so we’ll see yeah get some sleep okay everybody go get some sleep i’ll probably eat something and then brush my teeth and

Then slap ye because i slept for maybe three hours today four hours don’t be like me i’m unhealthy do not be like me we will fix our sleeping schedules together after food after food dango i think i’m going to talk to dolly for a bit before i eat yeah just just to

Stank her and say goodbye one guy okay okay okay i’ll see you guys tomorrow um the waiting room will be up maybe later or tomorrow yeah i love you guys See you tomorrow You

This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】 VGakuen Server Collab Tour with @starrydollych.7292! ⛏️ (Manglish)’, was uploaded by Kurumi Ch. 【Project Kavvaii】 on 2021-10-16 16:13:19. It has garnered 1655 views and 234 likes. The duration of the video is 03:28:22 or 12502 seconds.

✨ CHECK OUT MY VILLAIN SONG COVER HERE: https://youtu.be/ofIg2j-ss0Y

🎨 More about my Pixiv Fanart Contest: https://www.pixiv.net/contest/kurumiaozora

💝 Donation link: https://streamlabs.com/aozorakurumich/tip ~ Donation and tips are not mandatory but they are very, very much appreciated and will always contribute towards the stream! (´。• ω •。`) ♡

🗺️ Also check out my friend on: 🎩 @starrydollych.7292 🍟 POV: https://youtu.be/0ThJUgVOc6g Twitter – https://twitter.com/Starry_Dolly Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/Pymiiya.Starry.Dolly #Minecraft #VGakuenMC #Vtuber


🏺 Henro everyone, I am Aozora Kurumi (青空くるみ / 아오조라 구름이) from Project Kavvaii! #ProjectKavvaii 𐐪₍^. ̫ .⑅^₎𐑂


🪐 Chat Rules (are subject to change without notice): – Please let me know if there are any stream technical difficulties. – Be respectful to one another. – No excessive spamming. – No backseat gaming. I will ask for advice if/when I need any. – No spoilers. Please give advice on puzzles without spoiling the story/plot. – No politics in my chat. – No fighting. Debate & discussions are fine. – Do not bring up unrelated topics to the stream or have personal conversations. – Do not talk about other streamers unless I mention them first and vice versa. – If you see any weird or negative comments please ignore, block or report them. – If you can’t follow these rules you will be bonked to oblivion! With that being said, have fun & thank you for dropping by~ Don’t forget to follow/sub if you like it here!


🌕 Here is the link to all of my socials: https://linktr.ee/AozoraKurumi (Twitter is my main~)


☄️ Hashtags: Fan Name: KURUMATES (crewmates) Fan Mark/Emoji: 🏺 Stream Tag: #KurumiOnAir Fan Tags: # KurumINK (art) / # KuruClips (clips) / # KuruMemes (memes) / # KuruTunes (music) / # KuruMeal (food)


🎧 Music credits: – Playlist name: lofi hip hop music – beats to relax/study to – Provided by Lofi Girl – Listen on Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3AyPIN7


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  • Simplex SMP 1.20.4 Semi-Vanilla No Whitelist No Resets

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    Unleashing Chaos in Kid's Base on 2b2tpeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Trashing a kid’s base – 2b2tpe’, was uploaded by Void 2b2t on 2024-06-18 17:31:12. It has garnered 32 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:02 or 122 seconds. dsc: voidfx2 #2b2tpe #minecraft #anarchy Read More

  • “🔥 Master Your AR Game Builds – SHOCKING Tips! 🤯” #youtubeshorts #viral

    "🔥 Master Your AR Game Builds - SHOCKING Tips! 🤯" #youtubeshorts #viralVideo Information हा टू इंप्रूव योर बिल्ड सो उसके लिए तो भाई आपको ये सब ब्लॉक्स लगने वाले हैं और साथ ही साथ ये कुछ इस तरीके से स्ट्रक्चर बनाने के बाद यहां से अपने को थ्री ब्लॉक्स ऊपर के साइड में बिल्ड करने के बाद टोटल फोर ब्लॉक की हाइट और यहां पे अभी अपने को छत बनाने के बाद डोर लगाना है और देन स्टेयर्स व लगाने के बाद कुछ इस तरीके से फ्लोर चेंज करने के बाद अपना रूम दिख जाएगा गाइस और देन यहां पे अपने को थोड़ा बहुत डेकोरेशन के लिए रिया लगाना है और… Read More

  • Insane Castle Build in Universal SMP! 😱 Minecraft Live!

    Insane Castle Build in Universal SMP! 😱 Minecraft Live!Video Information [संगीत] आ डू इट ऑन माय ओन सो आई ग गेट थ्रू इट एंड द ओनली थिंग आई नो इ ट लव वट आईम डूइंग नेवर गिव अप नेवर स्लोट आई फाली प्रू इ नेवर लिन टू द नोज आई जस्ट वा कीप मूविंग कीप मा हेड अपन आई एक्ट हेड अप अ फैक्ट नेवर लुकिंग बैक आ कीप माफ न ट्रक की मा हेड अपंग स्ट्र मूविंग फील आई डों बल मा ट मू अलो पुश माफ ट बी द बेस्ट विथ नो े विथ एव बे सी माय मेसेज स् स्प्रेड एंड आईड सो मेनी ड्रम्स… Read More

  • Mind Mines: Dangerously Click Here 🤯

    Mind Mines: Dangerously Click Here 🤯Video Information hey why did you touch that video I said no anyways you are cute This video, titled ‘Don’t Touch The Video 🤪’, was uploaded by Mind Mines on 2024-02-28 14:05:26. It has garnered 34 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Don’t Touch The video Wait For End 🥰 #minecraft #youtubeshorts #shortvideo #viral #minecraftshorts #noobvsprovshackervsgod #scary #funny #creeper #tower Description 2.5KLikes 80,728Views 27 Feb2024 minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey… Read More

  • Fluffy Hololive-EN Thief Behind Bars – Fuwawa POV

    Fluffy Hololive-EN Thief Behind Bars - Fuwawa POVVideo Information [音楽] [音楽] L [音楽] [音楽] OG あN [音楽] [音楽] H [音楽] [音楽] あ お [音楽] [音楽] [音楽] T [音楽] DET [音楽] [音楽] OG [音楽] OGDET [音楽] N [音楽] [音楽] に 入りました入って [音楽] おこんばんはでござる こんばんは ロド です大変お忙しい中ちょっとたくさんの方 がなんかやりたいって言って集まってくれ てありがとうございます集まんなかったら 小ない予定だったんで本にありがとう ございますありがとうござい ありがとう面白かったからさややり た 日はえはさんに泥棒だけやってもらったん ですけど今日はみ警察もやって もらっますのしお [音楽] 願いいらっみで本当に自由な感じなんでは ありますがじゃああの本番に参加せず今日 は来てくれるっていう感じになった ありがとうございました本当にすいません お忙しいいや行きたかったロ驚けほ行き たかったんですが今日高野菜があると 聞きつけてえやってまいりました月やき ですよろしくお願いします おずやりたいって言ってくれてたやり たかったいやごめん本当にごめんね スケジュールごめんねえとんでもないすい ませんちょっと本番参加してないです小加 き [音楽] [音楽] ますでいいみたい感じなんだ [笑い] [音楽] ねっアキルタルですアローナアロナ アアロナナナじゃよろしくお願いします願 し楽しみ楽しみやったそしてえなんか すごいなんかすごいなんか隠れてる隠れて ますかいそんなことないですそんなこと ない自己紹介しときますかあブンブンブン ゴスの 番長始めですよろしくお願いしますよしお パチ こちお願いしますね今日はきっと逃げ切り そして警察もやってくれるのかなと思い つつ期待してますポリやりたいやりたい 頑張ってください捕まえられないけどな ポリいや無理 リそ挟んでる挟んでるふわもこさん サンドずるいずるいずるいずるい [音楽] どうもワもこのこの グやめ てああ喧嘩はダメだ よえじゃあいつものやってもらっていい ですかふわもこさんたちあじゃあもこ ちゃんやりますかあふわはこっちですね こっちちはさないよふわわだ よよだよ2人合わせてふわもこです パ今日よろしくお願いし ます 可愛いい可愛いな今日はきっと2人で一緒 に警察やってくれるんだろうなええそれ あい警察ってこと大丈夫ですか ねないです大丈夫ですよ一緒にぜひやって もらいたらと思いますよろしくお願いし ますはいよろしくお願いします頑張りて りり… Read More


    🔥 DOMINATING FENIX FACTIONS SERVER! 🔥 [Carioca]Video Information como ao vivo cal aí calma [Música] Rapaziada Só Bora calão se inscrev já entv Alô test só Bora cal se inscr tá ligado Eita bot Alô T alô só Bora raz at assimo que tá piorando com você likezão se inscrev no tá tá ligado Eita bot Bora calma aí rapaziada vai rapaziada aqui bora bora bora bora bora bora bora ai [ __ ] não sei nem o que tá aco entrar naqu calma aí rapaz voltei rapaziada tô tão T vivo T vivo voltei pão só Bora mano tá acontecendo o que só só voltei… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Parkour & Pixel Art in Minecraft

    Mind-Blowing Parkour & Pixel Art in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,630’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-13 11:50:13. It has garnered 400 views and 55 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,630 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes a long time but I… Read More

  • Compass Craft

    Compass CraftCompassCraft; a server with a heavy focus on player driven world-building, our vision is to create a truly dynamic and ever evolving RPG experience on Minecraft. As a result, we’ve built a server where players have control over every facet of both themselves and the world at large. Whether it be through your race, class and skills, or the alliances you make and gear you’re equipped with; you, the player, have the ability to guide the progression of your character and influence the world at large, in any way you see fit. History is waiting to be scribed, how will… Read More