KYRSP33DY – The Punting Test! – Pixelmon Kingdoms Episode 11 – Minecraft Pokemon Mod

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Yeah if you guys can read a pokemon what would you choose or eat a byproduct from a pokemon like if if you wanted to eat an egg that a magikarp crapped out of its ass which would be weird but uh yeah would what would you choose serena’s [ __ ] okay oh my god

That looks that was so predetermined shadow it was like it was in the script i wouldn’t eat slope i would eat love when it’s [ __ ] No shadow spinning with the apricots or something i’m uh i’m seeing that bro he putting some work in dude he’s like watching and he it’s like he’s slowly putting in work because you know he’s watching baseball but ugh aren’t the mets getting absolutely frustrated today i think so aren’t they

Like down eight nothing uh i mean i think one of the players got robbed of a home run earlier yeah but at some point you got to turn that [ __ ] off and go full in on the redstone at some point you got to give up on mike piazza in the mets

Piazza’s probably like 55 at this point too he needs to give up speedy what’s up guy i just apologize to nixie for killing her raccoons he was super cool with it bro that was four months ago i know but i was like hey you know while

I’m here and this mean i just want to say sorry for killing your wreck bring up that thing i’ve been harboring for so long you’re gonna go to the funeral soon i know i told her i’m like the worst part is i need to go there i was like i don’t

Know what i was doing but i don’t think i knew that it was going otherwise it would have showed up you know like [ __ ] the vigil did i say that did i i don’t know if he did by not going essentially yeah yeah essentially of course of course [ __ ]

[ __ ] a ride in the [ __ ] what a great guy dude i was so sad to hear that that wasn’t real yeah when i found out the [ __ ] right in the [ __ ] guy is just a hologram i was pissed [Laughter] it’s like he’s a real person dude

No that moment isn’t real like it might be a moment let me give you a hypothetical scenario here right sure yeah i love these these are my favorites with a dead person at the bottom of it and the [ __ ] right in the [ __ ] guy says hey jump in there

Would you do it son uh yeah i think i would too why why wouldn’t i he like what’s the what’s the deal breaker you know exactly uh let me ask you this where is the uh no where’s the body is it like so for example am i on one end and the body’s

On the other end and is it in the middle like equidistant between like between both of us okay so i’d be honest you just want to flex the fact that you knew the word equidistant on us today didn’t you yeah i ain’t stupid i might have been born in 92 but i ain’t

Dumb bro no way oh my god that makes sense all right 92 babies are all gemini’s [Laughter] i’m going to build a platform down the shadows area here did you say that again but take the [ __ ] sock out of your mouth the guy with him oh [ __ ]

What are you doing bro i put him in a different call g he’s correct i said platform like i was like i do i wrapped up that whole sentence but yeah it did sound like there was a goddamn sock in my mouth bruh yo hey you wanna you wanna say that again

Without the great friendship in your mouth i have nothing bad i can say about you pretty cool all right sorry i couldn’t play today guy i really felt badly when you guys think oh no worry side did you make that up or you just not want to golf

Completely made up i’m just kidding i couldn’t i told him he actually he’s doing that he made i spawned in some creatures so i can take care of them jesus oh yeah i got xpl from my daily award no you didn’t i did my friend you want to speak [Laughter]

It’s okay you can give it to him you know it was the xp share if any of you get it it’s just an xp share yeah okay i’ve made one myself hey by trade chat on discord said if anyone’s selling an um master ball or no there’s an xp all

They’re selling that for um three stacks of ultra balls that’s kind of a steal right what the [ __ ] yeah honestly i might do that i have [ __ ] you just need black yellow and black tumble stone yeah but like some of the some of the stuff we have is kind of

Communal right so it’s like if one of us does it are we gonna have to like do a 3-2-2 program you know well i know i think it’d be the most fair you know like you can take i think that’s no one’s gonna get [ __ ] about that but

Oh am i really lagging oh no it’s just like one optimist oh i don’t know okay i’m not too worried about leveling my minds up dude yeah you know i think i might do that i’m gonna i’ll help you with a message on this side i want to make sure your team’s good

Side oh i dude i don’t know if i’m gonna be doing much [ __ ] today you know [ __ ] much side am i gonna shuffle don’t [ __ ] up with chuckle bro okay he said it’s still available it’s still available i’ll help you get the balls together some of them are

Already in there you can have my 40 ultras too if you want so no way no i think i have 27 no those take great double stones we don’t really have those great doubles wait great you guys can go to mikey you like [ __ ] i kind of loki have been just [ __ ]

Hoarding everything bro are you guys goddamn you guys are cool with me taking your [ __ ] together your happiness makes us happy dude all right [ __ ] man i just you know i don’t want you guys so [ __ ] selfish [Laughter] where’s your ultra balls okay oh you actually want some yeah yeah

Here’s 40 ultra balls guy um did you take the ones though because there should be more in there no i didn’t bro yeah there’s 32 in there and you can also scoop up the extras just leave like one so that people have a placeholder yeah yeah

Yeah okay nice job guys you wanna call it already halfway down the game hope you’re happy they’re very cool of you guys i’m not holding it over either side this will be held over you for the rest of the season so i just hope you’re aware of that said

I know that’s kind of like i don’t want to take it i’m not stoked on this bro okay so you’re saying let’s see uh tumble stones dude honestly we have quite a few tumble stones so they can just make it you think suicide no no i can’t mean i can’t make all of

Them but i’m [ __ ] yoinking some of that i’m your kitty pete davidson is no longer [ __ ] a kardashian i saw i said i’m out hold up yeah twitter’s got to be a blaze about this let me take a look did they break up is this big news kim kardashian and

Pete davidson split up after nine months dude he should change his name to david peterson and try to woo her again she’ll have no [Laughter] can you clue to spawn with me so you can uh you can see me trade all of our [ __ ] for personal gain hey i’ll be there first

Yo who is he gonna date that’s famous next bro um like how do you go from ariel area on what’s her name ariola grande yeah someone wrote that my chat i almost said it firearm so you trade him with a dude dressed up like you it’s not a rap guy guys that’s

A nipple good evening yo what’s up man i shall take uh stacks for uh this okay i will hold this i’ll be the i’ll be the middle man okay there you go so there’s one sec three stick thanks man where’d you find this like i just killed it i was just killing bosses

Okay very cool yeah all right solders here is your xp all and here is your three stacks of ultra balls uh make sure you turn it on okay like right click and just turn on yeah you always want to turn on my wife is very important for it

She hates my guts we’re getting a divorce that just trying to show that i’m sure make sure she doesn’t take the kids if she does decide you can get a picture of you with your new wife and put on the alimony checks and send it to her yeah

Oh yeah you can do custom checks with a picture yeah so get like a hot new girlfriend and put a picture of you and her together on the alimony chest oh [ __ ] it could be so sick isn’t that like in texas like the alamo do you i think sorry in san antonio the

Alamo yeah yeah yeah that’d be awesome um thanks man appreciate you bro thank you so much for uh do you have one for yourself yeah of course that’s talking about any chance you got a third tonight uh if i kill more bosses tonight maybe okay all right yeah let me know let me

Know maybe we can ask another trade yeah if i if i find another one i’ll i’ll i should let you know okay and you’re gonna help me with that trade side right because i you know help you screw this i’m out i don’t i don’t know

Did this take all your guys resources or was this a lot uh it wasn’t that bad no we could we can get it okay yeah it wasn’t bad well i took from our like communal resources you know what i mean obviously yeah steal from everyone else to give it for personal good exactly

Yeah we crowdfunded a little bit oh god oh god oh oh oh oh dude is that a shiny dragonite bro well that’s success crossed that’s sick dude no i haven’t i have a alpha garchomp though oh my god dragonite stop [ __ ] he’s sucking its knee the flu and also megas is that scotch

Yo enough scotch this is my friend bro oh he was a little larger before yeah oh wow okay he looks good man what a guy very cool dude that’s so sick i’m jealous of the should have put some food in the bowl i guess you know shit’s gonna go down when

Your guard chomp shows up with knee pads and a hair tie it’s pretty [ __ ] cool chat still sweetie i’m gonna be working to uh replace all the [ __ ] that i took and also your own balls okay don’t feel like you have to though side yeah okay i won’t then yeah like

Seriously i don’t i’m just kidding i just thought that was kind of like obviously he doesn’t need that but i feel like that’s kind of a ripoff deal in the long run because that’s a really good item maybe i’m wrong but it’s a lot of money when you think about it but um

Oh but i mean it’s uh for him it doesn’t matter like yeah kind of thing like he he already has one so yeah um either you [ __ ] want a shiny volaby not me yeah uh i mean i’m on a streak speech that’s all you should just catch it g

Man break my opinion he’s on a streak yeah oh yo uh just rsw yeah i bet shiny shiny trade fodder learn about it you on the street oh gee [ __ ] i can trade it to you then if you don’t if you do want it though yeah

I’m gonna get you an impish guy and then trade it to you so that way um you’re gonna break your streak there right are you not on [ __ ] you’re right [ __ ] bro your [ __ ] streak’s never gonna go because you’re gonna keep killing her [ __ ] yeah so

Who are you guys chaining for chinese g who are you getting rickadee’s nets inside who are you getting uh i’m gonna i’m trying to get uh i don’t know who it is okay cool yeah [Laughter] dude that’s me side i don’t know like obviously you knew the answer but you

Couldn’t come to it right but like if i go to chipotle even though i know what i want i know the protein choice i want but yet when they ask me i’m like uh and then i say it i’ll never [ __ ] say it right away dude they’ll say cash or

Credit i’m like ah i don’t know the answer it’s like it’s like when you go to the driver they’re like i know exactly what i want but i’m like uh let me get a [ __ ] dumbass brain bro fine of course i’m not saying your brain stomach

That’s okay that’s i mean i have a not so crazy one as well you know it’s an ultra rare thing as squares oh no sound effect though dude i need to hear the sound effect [ __ ] hell you half-assed that side ring what the [ __ ] dude what put some effort in

I don’t know how to do it in the [ __ ] i’ll go ride in the [ __ ] he would know what to do hologram so i thought he was a hologram dude i couldn’t believe that Little stupid ass [ __ ] all right have a nice feel now guys time to level up crocodile do you want those other xp [ __ ] chairs but you have an xp all right yeah i have one yeah i got one from like a the little the chrysler packages in this guy yeah

First off what’s up d20 and then wait so you have another xp all right actually you look he’s not here wait another extra share because i don’t know hey yo dude it’s peach getting kidnapped what the [ __ ] this [ __ ] what the [ __ ] did he say i didn’t listen

To anything he said bro i’ll be honest no he’s freaking out he’s saying something just lost i don’t know rv yeah yeah yeah if you want to back let me know because i do already have one but i i think you just put on two people right and it

Works yeah you can just yeah you can i just want to make sure it’s all funneling the plug right now this was in my uh kingdom hiding oh my god i mean i had more but i used it yeah yeah is there anything good in the structure is that like a gas responder

What is this thing maybe gastly nice dressing dude i meant to say frosting i want to die is that a snake thanks for the shiny g you’re welcome i i have a crammer ant on me sweetie i don’t know if you like this pokemon or not but i know there are some creme

Marine stains i am not one of them that’s for sure second it’s talking to me in discord again i don’t know why it’s easy if you’re interested i could not agree more side you want a cramer and i know you said i’m just not going to use it

Uh no i don’t need a camera right now i’ll get one eventually okay i’m in the ominous woods if you guys want it thank you scotch mike king sorry i decided you were talking to me oh i just uh figured i’d come and hang out for a

Bit and see if i can catch some stuff to fill out my pokedex you know got the quick balls in my hands you got you want to take a little break from the building god that spoink does look kickable which brings up a question what is the most puntable food

Chat what do you guys think the most puntable food is chet is that kevin durant oh no it’s just a snake why does snake look like he’s going to join a 73-9 team because he can’t win the thunder why couldn’t he bring a goddamn victory to middle america rotisserie chicken really

Baked watermelon okay when you think about punt this is important to me chose this topic i’ve been thinking about recently it’s like is a food good if it’s not puntable is the question i’ve come up recently because like we’ve all agreed that the mick fish from mcdonald’s is not mcpuntable so you got

To ask yourself is this a puntable food now you might think a cauliflower is a good food to punt but i truly think cauliflower might hurt your foot if you go to punt it same with the watermelon whereas i think one of the most plentable fruits albeit somewhat small i

Think one of the most puntable foods would most likely be the pear due to the fact that pears are not very firm usually pears are somewhat soft even though they still have like a decent hardness to them right so you could punt it pretty goddamn far and a lot of

People aren’t bringing this up cabbage would be a potentially good option as well but the problem with the pear is that it’s not very big a peach could be punctable if somewhat uh oh dude imagine like a very ripe peach punching it and it just [ __ ] evaporating i don’t even

Know if that’s the right word but just blowing the [ __ ] up knock me chat eggplant i feel like is too oblong and un asymmetrical to the fact that you probably wouldn’t be able to punt it in a very good direction um but then maybe let’s go [ __ ] full screen here this

Is pretty [ __ ] important boys can i ask you a question because this is something that’s not recently we’ll see why you should call me spidey shiny and speedy you got a new shiny i already have one it’s not ultra rare though it doesn’t have a square shiniers are popping up on

You dude i don’t know bro how many have you had pop up today this is nutty there’s two goddamn my spidey tens my spidey sets sorry my sound effect which one johnny oh i’m gonna hold on i’m gonna go [ __ ] record this [ __ ] right now yeah

You might as well dude it’s good for trolling too yo boys most puntable food cabbage okay cabbage was an answer brought up here too yeah i think i think a peach a pear cabbage can of soup you can’t break your phalanges on your feet bruh uh shadow i started building a path down

To your area but i got a little distracted distracted too uh a source told me that you’re looking for me to catch you as shiny alolan sandslash or i just said no autobots roll out it was a lie there’s no way bro this guy doesn’t lie to me yes he does thanks donkey

I ain’t looking again no just looking at your shiny dragonite oh yeah yeah apparently it was a cavs i could lose my [ __ ] cat streak shadow [ __ ] i caught it for nothing i got him did you catch me yeah [ __ ] holy [ __ ] uh hey trusted source told me that shadow

Was looking for me to catch a shiny or an alolan sand slash uh you know and i was like oh cool i’ll do this for shadow of course you know why would i not as a good friend of shadows i will help him out

And uh i caught it and i ended like my 20th street just to catch it for shadow’s friendship for nothing around just getting by the chapter side yeah i’m just kidding i feel about you guys he didn’t tell me to catch it for that reason but i didn’t do it um yeah

Wow selfish yep what if i wanted you to catch it for me i’m glad i didn’t i guess you know what can you do i want a 30 streak right now if you want me to catch it it’s right in front of me you want to come to my house [Laughter]

How bad do you want it [Laughter] what do you think the most puntable food is uh onions onions very very interesting i think that’s very hard that’s very hard though i don’t think onions hard enough to like cause a little bit of damage to your foot though

You know because that’s my main concern jesus is getting brought up a lot what do you get from uh from panda sweetie um enjoyment from watching them eat the bamboo what do you get from panda’s side i haven’t been there in forever but i i’m probably going to go soon so i just

Was curious 2017 though i’m gonna get some general t-shows i probably wore chicken orange chicken yeah i feel like i misunderstood the question uh yeah a fan of harangelo chicken really oh really yeah doesn’t make you joshie’s gym no damn son a [ __ ] yam a yam probably kicking a yam pretty far

A turkey thanksgiving turkey at the dinner table [ __ ] dead you wouldn’t make a noise like that don’t tell anybody [Laughter] i guess i guess food can be alive you know yeah that’s still a lot stunned but still a live wallaby would probably kick pretty far uh i think slack wants you speeding yeah

Getting [ __ ] lying slack pretty hot commodity over here i’m putting hairs pretty [ __ ] far dude wait it’s like oh yeah yeah let me uh [ __ ] up this muck and uh um ah wait did you [ __ ] me yeah soundboard [Laughter] i’m sensitive that’s pretty [ __ ] funny sorry again that’s okay i like it happens

I thought it was g thanks for being top bitty ship daily okay where alexander brah ha ha [ __ ] he’s shiny behind you not looking he doesn’t know all that [ __ ] imagine if they’re like imagine like you did that as one spawn he was saying i forget yeah he’s like yeah he’s like

It’s gonna be so desensitized and now he’s not gonna care you ain’t wrong being pav lovely and conditioned bro what the [ __ ] have love oh the [ __ ] city and daisy [Laughter] it’s just you have oh my god dude that’s gonna be my mullet when i go gray you mind if i kill it so i can make it evolving dude yes dude the answer was always yes bro it was always you and me man there’s always this amperos

I have a purple and black turtle thing that’s an alligator well good luck thanks slack i like your skin today bro you got some good skin game oh it’s dead i just got my friendship bread plush and it’s absolutely oh i’m gonna thunder wave it’s that it’s a little [ __ ] it’s it’s electrical

Was that fake i think that was fake bro i think it was did you guys do it in the thing yes you guys like so good he’s like oh that was not my friends i think that’s real it probably spawned on us if you want to look around for it

I’m stuck in battle though but you heard it too i think i definitely spawned on uh me then since i heard the noise actually you heard it too right so i guess i thought it would only make the noise for the person who heard it

Yeah i think i’m [ __ ] here bro i’m out yeah someone did it it was me all the longest no one has no idea with yo slack i couldn’t kill the stupid uh ampharos now i’m sad so thanks for bringing me over here dude yo no problem is it still there you can

Try again maybe yeah yeah yeah let me let me go grab uh all my ground types yep okay and then i’ll bring him over here and uh [ __ ] him up yep okay yeah i’ll go grab all of my fairy types yep i don’t think you’re coming back but i appreciate you i appreciate

Your effort you know it’s it has to be said thanks like out of you yeah appreciate you guys appreciate you too let me know if you want anything g alrighty you ain’t gonna push you dude are you kidding holy [ __ ] yeah holy [ __ ] dude i would have got that for you

You want a shirt or anything i needed something to [ __ ] you know yeah okay all right she’s everybody uh no taco pock the uh plushies have been sold out i got mine no matter how small my dick is it’s always gonna be smiling what i’m gonna i’m gonna pre-record i’m gonna

Go on fiverr and get someone to record voice lines for it it’s going to be great holy [ __ ] the mess of incredible holy [ __ ] incredible my fleshy came with a hole in its mouth i guess they tested it for me [Laughter] that’s okay what’s up all right have fun

Can you come here and catch this illuminized it’s shiny holy [ __ ] you guys are just feeding me shinies today dude have you heard about the swiss cheese paradox twist cheese has holes in it right so the more swiss cheese you have the more holes you have

So the more swiss cheese you have the less cheese you have basically i got my dick stuck in the cheese yeah [ __ ] you buddy i hate this pokemon ice fighting type such potential shame about its speed stat it’s not even the potential it’s just [ __ ] as ugly as [ __ ] i

Don’t know that someone’s kid must have designed that one it uh it’s horrible you are not wrong side one oh dude now sorry come over here we were talking earlier about most puntable foods most punchable pokemon i was thinking splunk the other day because if you hit

It directly on the tail it would go [ __ ] flying what’s up d20 he’s not here it made you look oh good look but spiel is definitely going to be getting some serious distance he even rolls and he walks around i mean oddish otters for me still i just i

Don’t like that really i feel like an audition way much though so when you go to kick it i think that’s that’s even better you know for me i think so because i feel like for something to fl i might be wrong i don’t really know how kicking

And punting [ __ ] works right but i do know that like if something weighs too much of wonky too far and if it weighs too light it won’t go too far right so like okay area where it’s just gonna go [ __ ] flying dude um now if you were to

Shot put a pokemon or actually what’s the spinny boy one is that the discus uh baltoy what um no in real life it’s it’s a sporting event side you spin around a few times and throw some dumbass thing that’s like oblong right that’s yeah yeah shaw puts the the hurley one um

Oh an oval stone what pokemon do you think you could uh wait would you say the most plentiful uh probably uh spoink depending on where you connect with but i think if you connect you’re saying on the tail it uh it’ll like compress and then you can [ __ ] it

Like that you like it’ll racing but yeah i believe so like if you hit it at the right spot yeah it would just go [ __ ] flying i really think it would work at night i think so i i don’t know i mean i mean honestly it’s kind of already ball shaped

Someone called me after trying to catch a pokeball but it’s totally true i went up to a pokeball on the ground i threw my pokeball at it nest ball i think otto should be better phil okay i’m not saying you’re wrong i don’t know how much notice ways i was

Just giving the devil’s advocacy how far my dick can go down your throat it wasn’t a bad one though i think that’s i mean he already kind of [ __ ] rolls to move and shut what was it again shot put in javelin or what’s the what’s this the throwy one the other one

Not falling for the javelin toss dude the [ __ ] pygmy of zurill how cute is that you hopefully jenna while playing said it the first time and i thought yeah yeah there’s a lot going on i couldn’t hit you with it but yeah as soon as i said i’m like [ __ ] [ __ ]

[ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] you spared me yeah yeah i wasn’t gonna make that mistake twice i actually don’t give a [ __ ] about punting pokemon i was just trying to get you guys to say discus all night long where’d it go wait hold on i’ll catch this and i’ll help you find it

I’m sure i can use my ocular devices to detect it myself [Laughter] what am i missing here that was just kidding there’s no chinese [Laughter] so you are a monster what should i get to say spiel okay why wouldn’t you say discus earlier bro i guess i know what the [ __ ] that was

Wait i already have lazy on i don’t wait maybe i just got it um what the [ __ ] is this i think it’s a made-up sporting it’s like like a herniated discus discuss how good this you know what i mean you could really go well we’ll get someone with

That one that’s something we can work with you know imagine hey let me put a hypothetical sweetie yeah yeah and then you’ll be saved wait did you cut out on purpose then he was lagging what’s up i’ll be saying it was and you’ll be saved that’s it

Oh it did it it didn’t come through no not in the slightest bottom oh evolution evolution so running me running me a guy running me running me oh it’s [ __ ] me are you lagged again sorry i don’t know if that worked i’m in the middle of it

Okay i’m coming then asap ricky crocker i can’t think of any time so i just pretend like i was lucky to give me more time to think and i couldn’t think of anything still what she sees god damn evolution oh holy [ __ ] wait this buddy this buddy spawn right here

No no i have eluded it which isn’t look it up the difference between 5 11 and 6 dude it’s seriously uh yeah so if you’re on a dating app you’d probably get a lot more matches if you uh if you put six foot inside

But if you do go on a dating app side make sure uh your girlfriend doesn’t find out [Laughter] you’re gonna have a worse time honestly funny you say that because uh i i read this first on uh of this guy on reddit and he was really upset that uh

His girlfriend was upset that he was still using tinder and i was like really like david [Laughter] i noticed that you liked one of your friends pictures so i thought you liked women as well [Laughter] yo i got 205 pokemons caught god damn i are you gonna eat your panda tomorrow with chopsticks

I don’t think i’ll get it tomorrow i know i’ll [ __ ] die i’m so stupid using it what a mute yeah if you guys can eat a pokemon what would you choose or eat a byproduct from a pokemon like if if you wanted to eat an egg that a magikarp

Crapped out of its ass which would be weird but uh yeah would what would you choose serena’s [ __ ] okay oh my that looks that was so predetermined shadow it was like it was in the script you’re saying what can i which should it what could i eat

I have a long year and finally had enough well yeah what pokemon would you eat or what byproduct sorry i hit the definite button instead of skipping it but um rock and roll because like i would imagine some of the fish pokemon would probably taste pretty

Good you know fillet out here’s a boring ass answer would you slurp down the wonderful joy of a vanilla but would your tongue stick to the vanilla ice cream as you tried to eat it i don’t know gyarados sashimi think about it like there’s so many options out there would you carve over

Up a wagyu tank and just [ __ ] have at it i wouldn’t eat i would eat love when it’s [ __ ] Illusion ability isn’t very useful in this mod when he’s all up in my girl’s ear like that yeah that’s that’s risky business watching this version of the cruise stream with your with your headphones not in that’s also with your wife yeah rock and roll think of this guy so i gotta hit this

Thing this guy he’s still nearby yeah here i’m coming hmm i’m coming the [ __ ] do i oh i did it i finally did good job gargonite gorgonzola i got a magnetizer and i got odd incense you’ll toss that [ __ ] in the trash okay call it a day dude you never

Know when you might need a mac mortar no no no no i mean magnum riser fighter you can keep that you know yeah oh speedy boss uh or alpha gudra thing like not gujarati i’m dragon the small one yeah wait yeah yeah come here guy where’s here rock and roll uh

Just cp to me i guess hold the [ __ ] up oh that’s dragonite i thought a shiny spot it was my own dragonite i hate myself um is this tpd okay all right hey hey hey we’re on the clock oh [ __ ] yeah bud oh [ __ ] yeah bud dragon roll up

All right so will this guy turn into um come dragon he comes in exactly yeah but he’s not hasue but there’s no sui version of gumi right so there’s only hassun suian sluggu or sligoo and then uh you know i’d never noticed that there was no hussian

One i don’t think there’s an asuya and gumi i might be wrong though i’m speaking out of my ass which is funny because it doesn’t sound like i think i mean that sounds right let me know when you catch that i want to show you a model okay come here guy

[ __ ] me guys there’s so much to do with you [ __ ] you but it’s exhausting side babe i can’t go again sorry guys it’ll be worth it trust me would you clink clinker hey me too she used to do a really good one i would try it once at least what is it

That rock and roller frog [Laughter] what would you say is your best pokemon noise everyone what the [ __ ] just spawned on me bro oh my god um i don’t think 69 hp i don’t [ __ ] know that nice all right guys i hold it right here yeah that’s kind of cute computing mate that

Was good you get me [Laughter] get you with what you guys know that muck spelled backwards his snake between we were talking about punting pokemon earlier yeah what pokemon you think he’d punt the farthest guy oh i don’t know but i i feel like the one that would enjoy being punted the

Most would be guzzlord that’s a good answer i like that i think he would just like it for you to just come up and just kick the [ __ ] out of him jesus christ while he’s on fire dude that’s one of the best pixelmon clips of all time by the way it needs to

Be the fact that he was just so happy to be dying is so [ __ ] funny he only didn’t cry when he’s on fire dude exactly this feels what does draganola turn into is that what turns into bulldozer yeah yeah wow wow is that the final evolution dragon roll up for your [ __ ] sleeves

And suck this dick all right oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [ __ ] that’s the wrong thing god damn side that was brilliantly executed except for the part where you fumble ruski’s at the end there so you really [ __ ] that up holy [ __ ] oh my god yeah the whole [ __ ] sound

Effect changes all over the place i don’t want to delete because then i have to get the shiny sound effect again you’re doing so good oh god oh god i got i got i got um crazy stuff all right yeah you’re just needing something well but hate being an easy

Target i thought you were doing so good yeah i grammared that shut the [ __ ] up what’s that other track event the one with the uh not the shot put or the javelin the other one discus no i’m trying to get d20 with it it’s okay i’m gonna hit martial discus love discus

Bocce all right you can’t say bocce ball track in the field of that dude such a confident answer bro watch out for watch out for speedy 20’s been quite on edge i could tell yeah sorry it’s a new program it’s the new three a day program

Just to let you know i got him back earlier for you you’re super excited he was talking to speed he’s like oh and then i like our friendship the evolution into just making noises you said that yesterday and i don’t know why you have to use the evolve as a descriptor to our

Friendship you think that our friendship evolving evolved so what where do you what’s our trajectory what do you see us out in about a year bro what are we gonna like all right hold on in a year from now i walk in what happens here let’s role play this slack the giant horse

Weighs over 11 pounds that’s probably what it’s gonna be still honestly let me tell you i’m not necessarily going for a shiny vulpix i just want one that has the hidden ability so i’m not upset like if i get a uh not shiny one i just want it’s hidden

Ability you know what i mean okay yeah yeah yeah um also beartic has a [ __ ] like he needs to get some manscaped on that this [ __ ] he’s atp to me bro okay sorry i found a bunch of leaves that looked like a floppy [ __ ] what’d y’all get in your daily daily

Four max potions never mind sweetie he disappeared i got an xp oh i got next i traded an xp all day tony i have an idea boys what is it we’ve formed my basketball team okay and and then we challenge whoever the best of the nba players are

Whatever the best i think you would get absolutely [ __ ] on side i’m not joking yeah but you might not so that we make them play with so you just one ball so you just you just want me to play against them side while you sit there and suck

And what joy do you get out of this then inside we can make jokes afterwards it’ll be hilarious it’s the closer i’ll ever beat a team of like i try to purposely get filed to get you more free throws oh thanks so you’re such an altruist is that thing so like

Can someone get fouled and be like no i don’t want this guy to take the the free throw or whoever gets filed because the free uh [Laughter] usually it’s whoever gets around there are exceptions but for the most part yes whoever gets fouled okay what’s so freaking funny oh just the

Fact that you just died midway through that sentence one of the most tragic things i’ve seen in a while death by long sentences honestly if we’re not careful while we’re flying speedy might get scattered and recruited by the wnba [Laughter] holy [ __ ] why not sure who is zombie we’re gonna do a

Quick three minute reboot real quick do you like my path flat arm i do this is great so it’s like a it’s kind of like a staircase of sorts down to shadows area that’s so cool guy you’re so good at it watch how fast i can run up here [Laughter] so you’re natural at role play and it’s same you started turning into a dog every five minutes [Laughter] feelings oh my god is he gonna dunk on us dude he might yeah shadow i think we should put a board around this [ __ ] i’m going to carve it out one more

Here you go here we knees guys do i go for another catch combo because i just i i don’t know if i should or shouldn’t put a like there uh it depends how long you’re going to be on guy me on his dick for a minute oh god

Before you ever do any track and field oh yes i i did actually sweetie i i used to run the 100 the 200 and the 800 it’s a weird combo i know but did you do any field events d4 oh i did the long jump every once a

While when there’s a bunch of uh nerds around i’m more so interested in whether or not you did any throwing events d4 like the javelin or the discus or the [ __ ] shot put yeah did you hear any of those no i did not i was not big enough oh

Okay that’s a shame you didn’t really need to be a big boy to do the javelin by the way though then that wasn’t it offered traveling a bunch of skinny [ __ ] doing it in my in my area i don’t know yeah that was not offered oh okay that was not you

They didn’t trust you guys with like sharp pointy objects no living in south not hillary oh okay yeah i can see that actually that makes sense if we were gonna do that we got we need like a knife and um you know killing deer or something yeah yeah let’s get a deer competition

That could be pretty cool i’d watch let me guys see this i’m exploring right now do you think it’s land that i’m exploring or should i come help you oh no i think it’s fine that you’re exploring inside i’ll just do all the work there’s every pack already

Yeah there’s other map yeah you can selfishly explore with your xp all that you took all the walls first time [Laughter] what are you guys giggling about why why is amber on this bed did you put an amber on top of a bed what’s up i’m seven hours and 13 minutes

In i didn’t i need an amber herd joke today bro okay [Laughter] unhinged yeah that’s hilarious before left again he just came in and asked about clouds and left he only came because he wanted to like spiro on me and i gave it to him That’s so embarrassing you’ll get us all banned should we ask him if he thinks dog bark was actually funny or if he’s too stubborn to admit it wasn’t wait a minute he’s like almost another yeah i think you would hate it yeah yeah once again thanks for helping me break

All these blocks i really appreciate that man [Laughter] the least he could do what only [ __ ] is that shadow town of salem legends what’s wrong bud what’s going on there squirt [Laughter] i’ll never know what’s in there who’s your celebrity crush what’s that one girl’s name uh kyr speedy [Laughter]

Come on come on what is it angelina jolie yeah that doesn’t count because he got the [ __ ] nice job bud i can’t see you but thank you for everywhere mystery pc oh my god mogus [Laughter] paper cutters there’s a package no oh my [ __ ] god this is the second

Yellow apricot i’ve ever gotten from one package really there’s a yellow paper going in there yeah Thanks for catching that guy oh that one i might actually ask for back if that’s cool yeah i know it’s pretty cool i put a [ __ ] if one of you guys wants to [ __ ] mine here all right so we can get more stones for you to make balls with to trade with

Someone else for personal gains that’s [Laughter] it was good any of you uh [ __ ] stains also uh trying to fill out that pokedex a little bit i did uh for a couple nights but i kind of uh gave up in favor of uh streaking okay um

Did anyone see you and you took your pants off and just ran around the park uh yes but everyone assumed that yes i had my pants on i was fine with it why’d they think you had your pants on son well there’s nothing to see so it would

Help if i had it what about that oh yeah i guess i don’t know if it was really dark i suppose you think manscape would drop you if they knew you had a giant bush so hmm yeah i’m gonna get an email tomorrow like hey we had a multiple reports of you

Having an unshaved yeah i’ll do a live stream of me shaving my bush with escape brother i don’t see what the big deal is people have like haircuts on their streams and stuff but yeah shadow’s gonna be my barber [ __ ] incest okay is there a reason why your brain told your mouth to say that an associated shadow beats with incest oh my god what do you mean what that’s like one of the worst things you can say about someone oh my god just hey guys once you know uh

I think of incest when i look at you i got the [ __ ] side what come on guys yo what’s up d4 oh i [ __ ] looked he’s in another city right now bro [Laughter] what’s more embarrassing [ __ ] your pants or playing on a roleplay server that’s jesus christ [Laughter] we’ve all done bills

What have you played on an rp server on on a bed [Laughter] there’s a perfectly good toilet misheard this heart this is heard of that where with something a chinese one speedy oh it’s like cavalier holy [ __ ] dude [Laughter] no no i one spawned where is it i

Actually saw the movement at first i saw it myself so i saw it first yeah this is so mine dude get [ __ ] holy [ __ ] it’s actually kind of sick it’s not first this up first [Laughter] what do you want i’ll trade it to you so that confirms it i don’t hear the

Noise if it spawns on you yeah no definitely not yeah so that’s kind of interesting oh jesus christ dude it was pretty [ __ ] shiny the pink got my attention pretty quickly pinky pride no if it’s a sick one i’ll ask you like for crawdadon or whatever but you can

Have x cavalry okay i can trade you that core fish whenever you want then guy yeah thanks guy summary plus defense bug steel type yikes i’ve never never come here today or shiny before this is pretty cool to see he doesn’t evolve into anything else right he’s just yeah he’s looking for him

[ __ ] yikes yeah you can keep him for sure it’s like a [ __ ] larva with armor on i don’t know how [ __ ] they don’t like it i don’t understand how we’re just red dog when you come to the uh when you come to the wall or whatever

Like the the rim job yeah jump on this um jump on these [ __ ] diorite blocks in that way oh that [ __ ] can go away you know all right sidearms you just got out of the shower okay yes because i’m like swimming so far i’m enjoying this um okay yeah yeah okay there’s not

Drying my hair window in your shower where you shower but oh no yeah you go you go to the window all right you get out of the shower and you look to the window and there’s a pokemon looking in the window what would be the most the most frightening pokemon frightening pokemon yeah

And you’re naked look so once again you’re coming out of the shower and you just came out of the shower so probably still hard okay so you’re hard are you smelly are you You just step out of the shower you look at the window and there’s a pokemon looking in the window which okay pokemon would be the most disturbing and side’s hard side’s obviously hard okay i always know you’re getting out of the shower with side but yes uh toxic croak

Okay ah what about you g i like this e20 um What does it look like i can’t say shadow beats um look i forgot the name of it by the way just to clarify tony where i shower is upstairs [Laughter] just dancing back and forth [Laughter] my the the show that you guys use while you’re here are only used to pissing

Because it’s too small for anything perfect i’m glad i was able to use that all right now if you’re on the second floor of a house and you look out the window alolan executor is the only tall enough [ __ ] to get his head up there right

No you made it back i’ll be like oh you didn’t tell me you’re visiting jill a joke about you beats what would be the most startling you would see looking out your window is he even here didn’t talk tonight pikachu oh my god you actually are in the shower they weren’t kidding

They were not kidding pikachu yes you are oh my god no pikachu don’t don’t give away the nuclear launch codes to the russians also i’m in the [ __ ] warship um i think we i think we uh we did it yeah we sure did where you want to put

All the [ __ ] blocks hey thanks for the help squirt um he squirted on my face oh what’s up okay um okay wow where should i put a guy quickly um i don’t [ __ ] know just put them in uh these chests for now if i could do like

Indeed what would you say did we ask you what yours was oh no uh the one that that sparked this question was when i saw watchhog yeah what’s up what is the pokemon that kind of sounds like it’s saying clam hole yeah huh i don’t think it’s time for although

I don’t think so either wormpole that’s it yeah yeah obviously yeah because i wouldn’t enter right here oh my god are you kidding me dude she literally asked that question here and then she didn’t get the answer i i read it i was like yeah i’m not

Going to read that you know i’ve been going easier on the lpl plus the friends of the beasley jokes but no longer it will no longer be silence now that you’re sloppy seconds god damn worm pull speedy’s dick out of your ass holy [ __ ] damn

What the [ __ ] my name was warm i thought i was so delayed though am i am i supposed to feel like i got caught with that no well she just by the time she already untyped it and everything wait she was trying to get me with a dick chuck that whole time

I guess she knew the answer was she knew wow yeah this one’s like buffer okay okay we done talking about amber what’s up hey everyone yeah yeah okay okay okay Big fan big fan big no obviously let’s go i’m gonna do a reveal party what nature my pokemon is anybody need a lavender field nature cilantro cilantro is not real lab i’m not convinced the laffy is a lab fish doesn’t exist maybe the digital printer thrown in the ocean people fish that [ __ ]

You need an ink bruh steph has a friend but i could never remember her name i just always called her cilantro that’s the most racist [ __ ] i’ve heard today her name is [Laughter] you [ __ ] [ __ ] when i was little i used to think the ballsack was a guy’s second brain i remember specifically

Sorry about the vibe everyone from that speedy’s giving it might wait am i actually giving off i don’t want to be the dude giving up oh god all right you’re not giving up any vibe besides one that’s immaculate you heard that right gee this guy said tell me why i feel like

Some arms uses the restrooms like butters bands all the way i don’t know if you like you know that but you do dude he still did that when he was older than that yeah he did i was so [ __ ] smart of it like that’s just such a brilliant like addition he had

Such a touch you know like all right you know how in movies people always talk to their dicks and stuff no one has ever talked to their dick actually right there’s no way movies are you watch inside where are people talking to their dick bruh i mean it has a brain under it

Are you talking regular movies you talking pornographic films by regular movies what are you doing in their dick bro name they like name their dick oh like the jackhammer or whatever you know like oh i’m gonna show you the little dave or whatever like that kind of stuff what movie i don’t know

[Laughter] yeah what was the name of the dick in american pie little dave i do have no idea a rapper a little dicky oh that’s a little dicky yeah wait did little dicky have a show named little dave i don’t know what’s that thing the little dave do you ever warn people

So you’re about to ask around the helicopter dick aren’t you it’s tough i can tell you everyone people you ever tell people to um put on the sunglasses were you full screen or do you just do it and hope that they gotta put the welding helmet on

I put them in a different call i should put you in a different way [Laughter] like headphones warnings but eyeball warnings whenever ninja finally accept uh follows me back on twitter and i start playing with ninja instead of you guys it’s gonna be a whole foot whole [ __ ] thing bro

You guys are done you guys are so [ __ ] in the timelord All right i’ll finish this [ __ ] tomorrow and build a tm library tomorrow i’m [ __ ] outside your joke pushed me over the goddamn edge i’m so sad that you’re leaving that i’m gonna leave as well god damn

This video, titled ‘The Punting Test! – Pixelmon Kingdoms Episode 11 – Minecraft Pokemon Mod’, was uploaded by KYRSP33DY on 2022-08-08 00:00:07. It has garnered 86910 views and 2998 likes. The duration of the video is 01:00:49 or 3649 seconds.

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  • Mind Control: TF2 YouTubers forced to join my Minecraft server

    Mind Control: TF2 YouTubers forced to join my Minecraft serverVideo Information This video, titled ‘I forced TF2 YouTubers to join my Minecraft server’, was uploaded by LucidLIVE on 2024-08-24 18:00:07. It has garnered 4943 views and 335 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:39 or 639 seconds. This was a mistake… FULL STREAM: People in the video: @ZestyJesus @orrenlane @PurpleColonel @RichterOvertime @SnowmanSixtyFour @bradleyg_ @furnset @Technicals @Lonqudor @PartyPugTV @daws__ Music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio thelucidletters, lucid letters, lucid, tf2, team fortress, teamart, music, fixtf2, savetf2, lucid dreaming, lucid letters, lucid, tf2, team fortress, team fortress 2, team fortress two, team fotrees 2, tem fortress two,… Read More

  • Krishna Raja vs Zombie in MINECRAFT 🧟‍♂️👊🏼 #shorts #viral

    Krishna Raja vs Zombie in MINECRAFT 🧟‍♂️👊🏼 #shorts #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Fight With A Zombie In MINECRAFT 😅 #shorts #minecraft #explore #viral’, was uploaded by Krishna Raja on 2024-06-07 23:49:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft minecraft,minecraft shorts,minecraft but,minecraft mod,minecraft challenge,minecraft funny,minecraft memes,shorts … Read More

  • SoulPvP

    SoulPvPVote for Us and Win Exciting Rewards! SoulPvP is a Network Consisting 2 gamemodes Lifesteal and FFA! Read More

  • Nothing SMP Modded Whitelist 1.20.1 13+

    Welcome to Our Modded Minecraft Server! Version 1.20.1, Online 24/7 Modded with Over 70 mods including Origins, Ice and Fire, Create, OTBWG, Stellarity, etc. Simple Voice Chat coming soon. Targeted Age Group: 13-25 Whitelisted Server Currently 15 active players Server has been running for 7 months, reset 3 days ago Located in Germany with players from Asia, Australia, and America No Griefing/Lifesteal, focuses on Building, Grinding, Hanging out Responsive and Friendly Staff No Land Claims Interested in Joining? Add zariaah on Discord to get whitelisted! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Sip on that Minecraft tea

    Minecraft Memes - Sip on that Minecraft teaWell, I guess S’beve really knows how to mine for those upvotes! Read More

  • Frosty Facts: Minecraft’s Hidden Show, Unearthed Secrets That Even Pros Don’t Know

    Frosty Facts: Minecraft's Hidden Show, Unearthed Secrets That Even Pros Don't Know In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Cube Xuan brings laughter, like a joyful dream. With funny animations and songs to sing, Each video a gem, like a shining ring. From classroom antics to songs so sweet, Cube Xuan’s channel is a joyful treat. With updates and facts that fans adore, Minecraft knowledge like never before. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so fine, Cube Xuan’s channel, a true gold mine. For gaming fun and laughter galore, Subscribe today, and come back for more! Read More

  • Oh no why | Minecraft troll face meme | #hotmeme

    Oh no why | Minecraft troll face meme | #hotmeme When you accidentally mine straight down and fall into a pit of lava, but your character’s face is just like “Oh no why” in the most nonchalant way possible. Classic Minecraft troll face moment! Read More

  • Sneak Peek: Minecraft 2024 Update!

    Sneak Peek: Minecraft 2024 Update! Minecraft LIVE 2024 Leaked | New Biome & Mob! Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds! In this latest update, players are in for a treat with the leaked information about the upcoming Minecraft LIVE 2024 event, featuring a new biome and mob. Let’s dive into the details and explore what’s in store for all the Minecraft enthusiasts out there! New Biome Unveiled: The Enchanted Grove One of the most anticipated additions to Minecraft is the Enchanted Grove biome. This mystical and magical biome is filled with vibrant colors, sparkling flora, and unique creatures…. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Cobblemon with JoobiestNerd

    Insane Minecraft Cobblemon with JoobiestNerdVideo Information This video, titled ‘mmmmmm funny creechers |Minecraft Cobblemon| August 1, 2024 Stream’, was uploaded by JoobiestNerd on 2024-08-02 14:29:37. It has garnered 26 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:01:36 or 10896 seconds. Stream rules: – Be nice! – Respect people’s orientations and pronouns – Have fun! Discord link: Read More

  • Building Underground Bunker with Giant Worms in Minecraft

    Building Underground Bunker with Giant Worms in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘How Mikey and JJ BUILD BUNKER from GIANT WORMS ? Underground Kingdom! – Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by JJ MAIZEN & Mikey on 2024-04-06 17:30:01. It has garnered 24117 views and 195 likes. The duration of the video is 01:03:08 or 3788 seconds. How Mikey and JJ BUILD BUNKER from GIANT WORMS ? Underground Kingdom! – Minecraft (Maizen) This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and… Read More


    DAY 1 HARDCORE MINECRAFT MADNESSVideo Information This video, titled ‘Some highlights of day 1 Hardcore #minecraft’, was uploaded by stan616 on 2024-09-25 15:56:27. It has garnered 63791 views and 7071 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Tsunami House Build Challenge – Minecraft NOOB vs PRO!

    EPIC Tsunami House Build Challenge - Minecraft NOOB vs PRO!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft NOOB vs PRO: TSUNAMI HOUSE BUILD CHALLENGE’, was uploaded by Wetz on 2024-04-11 08:00:32. It has garnered 104556 views and 2165 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:59 or 1379 seconds. Check out n’yo mga kaibigan ko: Raizu: @RaizuMinecraft Lyn: @KLlyn. Inspired by Eider, Maizen, Aphmau, Nico, Cash, Omzcool Minecraft Video, Challenges, Pranks and Building! Read More

  • Chill Tushar Fan Club – Haunted School Trip 😱 || Part 1 || Minecraft Horror Story

    Chill Tushar Fan Club - Haunted School Trip 😱 || Part 1 || Minecraft Horror StoryVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT HAUNTED SCHOOL TRIP 😨 || PART-1 || MINECRAFT HORROR STORY IN HINDI || VIDEO BY @tusharrr1’, was uploaded by CHILL TUSHAR Fan Club on 2024-07-13 16:50:59. It has garnered 2 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:58 or 538 seconds. its a horror minecraft roleplay in hindi video uploaded by CHILL TUSHAR Fan Club its a horror minecraft roleplay in hindi video created by Chill Tushar #minecraft #roleplay #gaming . . . minecraft roleplay, minecraft, gaming, minecraft horror, minecraft scary, minecraft haunted, minecraft story, conjuring, minecraft dark, minecraft secret, minecraft smp,… Read More


    WARNING: SUBSCRIBES TO THIS CHANNEL = DEATH!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 SUB = DEATH – Minecraft Hexxit Mod’, was uploaded by Java on 2024-08-27 22:35:42. It has garnered 8597 views and 260 likes. The duration of the video is 01:07:01 or 4021 seconds. #minecraft #hypixel #Bedwars #shorts Read More

  • Unleash Dan’s Wild Power – Charity Streamer!

    Unleash Dan's Wild Power - Charity Streamer!Video Information This video, titled ‘I need more powah!! | FamilyFriendly | !extralife Charity Streamer’, was uploaded by WildWestDan on 2024-06-22 02:14:51. It has garnered 6 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 03:08:56 or 11336 seconds. ————————————————– About Me: Howdy! I am a community-first family friendly charity creator who loves Minecraft, Disney, Dungeons & Dragons, and Nintendo! My current super long-term project for my YouTube Let’s Play and Twitch streams is creating the entirety of Walt Disney World’s Magic Kingdom, as accurately as possible, in vanilla Survival Minecraft. I have been raising money for Boston Children’s… Read More

  • INSANE! Opening 50 BlockBande Boxes on Craftmir

    INSANE! Opening 50 BlockBande Boxes on CraftmirVideo Information This video, titled ‘ich ÖFFNE 50 KISTEN auf BlockBande Minecraft’, was uploaded by Craftmir on 2024-05-10 13:00:43. It has garnered 11136 views and 559 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:33 or 1413 seconds. we play on LIKE & SUBSCRIBE if you want to see more! If you want to play along: ►Main channel: @Amir1107 ►Become a channel member: ►Twitch: ►Discord: ►Instagram: ►Twitter: Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: Read More

  • Becoming Herobrine Prank on Friend | Minecraft #shorts

    Becoming Herobrine Prank on Friend | Minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Trolled My Friend And He Become Herobrine #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by I Am Alpha on 2024-06-14 12:41:00. It has garnered 12226 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Hello Guyz I AM Gaming Content Creator Please Hit Subscribe Tags Ignore minecraft shorts,minecraft,minecraft animation,shorts,shorts minecraft,minecraft but,minecraft memes,minecraft funny,minecraft tiktok,minecraft short,minecraft sad story,funny minecraft shorts,minecraft meme shorts,minecraft types shorts,minecraft challenges,funny minecraft,help shorts,minecraft parody,youtube shorts,minecraft pe,help herobrine shorts,minecraft meme,alan becker shorts,minecraft life story,old minecraft shorts Read More

KYRSP33DY – The Punting Test! – Pixelmon Kingdoms Episode 11 – Minecraft Pokemon Mod