Lashmak – Minecraft Enigmatica 6 – Ep06 – Villager Trading, Enchantments and Eidolon

Video Information

Hello everyone and welcome to another episode of enigmatico6 how are you guys doing today how’s life we do not have any special plans for today today is the day that we do random garbage improvements meaning that we are going to have a few small projects to improve our quality of

Life and the first one is going to be a mob farm this is something that we always do in every single playthrough and the goal is we’re going to have a mob form where we can farm the mobs manually and also get experience that is kind of important because we

Have apotheosis in this mod and we need a lot of experience i am using a mob duplicator and not a spawner from apotheosis itself because sometimes i want to spawn different types of mobs and i cannot switch a spawner from apotuses every single time that i want to switch a mob

This is far easier although it is far easier if you have plenty of essence which thankfully we do our wireless redstone was a quest okay because we need to do this one a little bit different i don’t want it to spawn mobs constantly i want to be able to control it using a

Lever so we’re going to have a redstone receiver over there and we just link you to the transmitter channel four i can’t get out okay also the mob duplicator is going to be underground and in order to access it we need some sort of a tunnel so that we

Can switch the mob imprisonment tool yes this is fine by me we can have the redstone transmitter over here and if i flick the lever that should be active i think output 15. great so we can technically activate and deactivate the spawner using this lever everything that i just mentioned was the

Basics of our mob farm and it just needed a facade which i went up ahead and made it well i did check and apparently archwood is immune to fire so we can even spawn blazes inside not very sure about the leaves the leaves are going to burn but essentially we flick the liver

And we wait for the mobs you might notice that we are doing an insane amount of damage each zombie takes like 500 hits but essentially that is the whole point because this can also be our experience form also down here we do have accumulator which is going to take all the loot

And we can throw them away obviously this is not going to be a manual work we just need to set filters and the logistical sorter is going to deal with the rest that was our first project of the day now we need to focus on the second one

You might notice that my astro sorcery area and our snowboo are going to be up there i’m down here and even though i have beautiful eyes i cannot fly yet so we are going to install an elevator from rf tools because i don’t really like doing this i do admit it’s very convenient

This is going to be the center of the elevator it’s 1365 by 940 so it’s almost here we go down oh i hate dirt yes this is our hole i would have loved to use an elevator from rf tools because it looks really cool and it functions perfectly the

Problem is the elevator block is not implemented in 1.16 so yes you have the button which got me confused but not the block itself in this mod pack there are 50 ways of getting up here without using flight we have to choose one of them and

I think i’m going to go with arsenal because it should be fun there is a spell called blink and it should teleport you and for testing purposes we are going to have touch and blink save so we touch and get teleported it is not very effective like this but

We can use it in conjunction with the spell turret and warp scrolls i do have two scrolls which i think i found it in a dungeon and i think we can bind it to a location like this one we can put a chest next to the spell turret put the warp scroll inside

And this time we have to put a projectile and blink because the mana turret is going to shoot the projectile and there’s not going to be any touching so you my dear friend here is your new spell and if you fire i should get teleported no you cannot read the inventory

Yes you can okay because you know i had a blank one inside and i think it was confused and it’s not a one time use we can use this indefinitely nice so basically what we can do is that we can bind the scroll to here and then jump down that’s gonna hurt

Give you the spell the coordinates goes inside the barrel and you need mana i put a volcanic accumulator over there a mana jar and we should be good to go if i flick the lever i should get teleported yes of course we’re not going to do that

With a lever maybe a pressure plate or maybe an infrared entity detector that sounds cool just to let you know instead of using an elevator we’re basically teleporting but in a very fancy way so i have set it up completely and if we walk in we’re hit with a beam and we teleport

You guys already know how the spell turret itself works we do have a barrel back here which does have our coordinates that we should be teleported to and i do have an entity detector over here which will detect me when i walk inside the entity detector is going to power

This block the redstone transmitter is going to take that signal and it’s going to send it over here we have a repeater and we do have the barrel and somehow the redstone signal goes through the barrel i was surprised anyways long story short i go in i get teleported

But there are a few points first off we don’t need the stupid shaft i have to cover it and secondly we need the exact same thing over here so that i can teleport downstairs our elevator system is finally ready and it’s fully functional i’m very happy with this we can even go

In and go down we have so many means of transportation in this modpack that i think for each and every part of our base we can use a different one for example this was arsene wu for here we can use a gantry carriage although this is a very long distance

And there’s lava maybe we should put out the lava first not that we’re going to have a gendry carriage today but you know this one takes time also i have never been up here how does it look nice we have a crazy amount of space for expansion

That’s actually really good um how do we get back i missed no these guys that you see over here they have to leave they need a permanent location at the other side of the forest of valhalla there is a jungle and yes just in case you didn’t know the official color of

Valhalla is purple so that is the forest of valhalla this is the jungle and that is the point of interest a jungle temple i was thinking maybe we can convert it into a village or trading hall i’m not sure we kind of need tortures jungle temples are not very big where do

We fit them there is a redstone line which goes here okay that was for the tripwire my bad so i’m not exactly sure but we can work something out but on the matter of transportation you might notice that we are here and our base is right over here and

Thankfully in this modpack there is a mod called transport very convenient yeah i don’t think that’s going to work nope it’s a shame i like locomotives aha this one can work five blocks per tick that is 100 blocks per second and our entire distance is going to be 260 blocks so 2.6 seconds You might think that this is modded minecraft and it takes like five minutes to make a tunnel but no this tunnel actually took me two hours and you might notice that halfway through i had to change the block palette because these are expensive spruce is not but i

Kind of like the block palette the problem is that you don’t get to see it that much because it takes like 2 seconds that’s it you see we start we’re there and it’s not a very short tunnel we’re here our base is over here it’s just that the railroad itself

Is ridiculous so maybe we switch everything with bricks yeah i would say that would be a teeny tiny bit better it needs a lot of details but for the moment i just want my villager trading hall so we make it functional first i can’t break it okay the two essential ingredients of a

Villager trading hall is obviously the villager itself which i have made some housing for them of course we want the pistons to be extended so i have made some buttons channel 7 and we’re going to put it inside the screen and we want you to act as a lever

So we put toggle on and yes the piston is extended perfect for the moment i don’t really know what to put behind them so we’re going to have dirt here is your working station and here is the villager itself and of course each and every villager is going to require a name

So thomas hello thomas is our fortune guy he sells a fortune 6 book that is very useful for me because i am planning to change my pick very soon but that is essentially one ingredient of a villager trading hall what is the second one of course fear because we don’t want the

Trait to be beneficial to the villager we want it to be beneficial to us therefore as the agent of fear we’re going to have a zombie and he shall be known as no do not target me target the villager so basically if thomas does not lower his price

I will press the button we’re gonna push him down and snow is going to negotiate with him and by the way we should not forget to put the difficulty on heart because otherwise the villager is going to die we don’t want you dead thomas we just want to torment you

Snow you’re not doing a good job where are you nope you’re not doing a good job maybe just in case we should have a few zombies so that they can pat find easier yes that is much better so the villager trading hall itself is almost complete and we have a lot of librarians

Let me show you some of the trades we have fortune 6 obviously mending looting 5 capturing 4 protection 6 vitality 7 which also seems to be the maximum sweeping h5 unbreaking 5 knowledge of ages 7 efficiency 6 and sharpness 6. there is one guy missing over here and he is going to

Sell us warpol one day in addition to all the librarians we also have two beekeepers just in case we need honeycomb or b-wax and i also use some of your names for the villagers this villager trading hall might look a little bit redundant to you guys because we have apotheosis in this modpack

But that is actually the main reason that i made it because in this mod pack we have so many tools and armor and i really want to try all of them i want to have a consistent supply of enchantments however you might notice that we have a

Very small problem all of these guys are selling us books no one is giving us emeralds because the paper trait is garbage there are millions of ways of getting emeralds in this modpack we’re going to go with the most entertaining one at least in my opinion for those of you

Who don’t know there has always been a method of getting infinite emeralds from tinker’s construct using a smeltery and a villager inside of course in the recent versions of minecraft it makes much more sense to use a pillager but i really want to see the villagers burn a bit

Oh you jerk i have to do this i hate you i am telling you in 1.16 mods are not getting any better they just get annoying so here’s how we’re going to do this we do have an infinite source of lava so here is an ender tank with lava

For symmetry purposes i have two tanks one is enough they are now full of lava that is good in order to smell the villagers we also need a hot fluid inside the smeltery i’m going to use lava i also have a mob duplicator where going to give you power

And i have another render tank with essence so if i’m not wrong if we manage to turn you on you should spawn villagers inside this military yes he died it’s actually a shame that we cannot see it so let us make some glass anyways you might notice that we are

Getting emeralds so in the previous version of tinkers there was a little bit of a problem because we cannot extract the lava otherwise the villagers are not going to burn but we need to extract the emerald in this version of tinkers we have a seared duct

Which we can filter and that is good it’s just that in order to set a filter we need one bucket of emerald we just put you inside and we should be good to go so the question is do we want the vlogs or do we want the gems

We are going to go with the gems because i like the idea of having flowing emerald everywhere around here anyways now that we have a decent supply of emeralds we need to make a few traits not with the villagers with this guy he’s selling us wither skeleton skulls

Only five bucket of nautilus what is a bucket of nautilus oh yes tactical fishing and while we are here we might as well buy a few books instigating deals additional damage if the target is at full health nice i have done some enchantments i have

Repaired my tools and i wanted to go and visit the autumn dimensions if you didn’t know in this mod pack we have two dimensions the undergarden and autumn i kind of like the autumn dimension because there are a lot of pyramids there are a lot of pharaohs and mummies

But then i started thinking now that we’re doing some enchantments why don’t we also do a little bit of eidolon cause to be honest with you the most painful part of eidolon is getting the soul shards and i already have three of them in episode 1 when i was mining i found a

Dungeon and i looted those from a chest so we should be able to use it in order to make the sights we only need two of them in order to make the sight and the sight is going to give us infinite amount of soul shards that sounds like a plan

I like it because here is the point we do get decent enchantments but if we manage to get the soul enchanter from eidolon that’s also going to be incredibly useful and besides i’m tired of having spruce everywhere we want some polished wood so ladies and gentlemen as usual

We’re going to make six wooden altars the name of the book has changed and i cannot pronounce it so the book we are going to have a straw effigy can i make a candle oh cool nice and just in case we start making some pewter alloy as well

Because you know everything in eidolon requires pewter ingots so why not and it’s so cheap we are going to have a magical area later on but for the moment i think we can just put our altar over here the effigy goes on top we also need two candles and i have a

Voice crack i think the voice crack is gone but anyways here is a flower pot here is my fungus and here is the skull that’s it right i think so but we need to find a witch i have three doors and i always get lost okay i think i have found the correct

Village because there used to be a witch hut nearby yes it’s over there oh actually this place is useful we have silves not very useful for today just give me my spell are you done thank you just in case you don’t remember everything in eidolon starts with the

Witch because he’s going to give you your first chant which is the wicked sign we come to the altar and we want to perform the dark prayer so that is three times the wicked sign darkness hear me did you i think the darkness is a jerk today maybe we can try it in

The morning still a jerk no yes it is the next day is darkness going to be a jerk we shall find out soon enough i hate you you know i say getting so short is going to be a pain but it takes like 2 minutes because it does

Not have a crazy recipe and we do have a mob farm all we need is two stone hands with redstone bonemeal in the center and a few zombies hello we just wait for them to build up that should be enough we set you on fire and we should be good to go

Let us do this one more time and we should have plenty because i also need to make arcane gold that’s a lot holy so while we are waiting for the next day and we are waiting for darkness to grace us with his presence let us do some alchemy we need to make

Something called arcane gold which is used in making the goblet as well as other stuff in eidolon but we are first interested in goblet because we need to do some sacrifices so water goes in are you boiling yes you are boiling good so it’s two redstone one salt short to gold

And there is no steering required okay so two redstone one soul shard we have a chemical reaction so two gold thank you that’s not a quest oh you need 16 and a bunch of other stuff ok I don’t know if the goblet actually adds to the power of the altar or not but here is a goblet which goes over there so please please don’t be a jerk why am i doing this wrong no the fungus is okay you know we can’t really wait 10 minutes

In order to do a chance so maybe we should manipulate the time so if i’m not wrong this ritual should accelerate daytime and make it into night i hope i’m not doing anything wrong we shall know soon enough although the animations are amazing i hope he completes the mod

That’s it that was like one hour or maybe we have to do this at i don’t know 10 o’clock no do you work yes you did thank you now we have the blood sign nice and in order to progress further we need to sacrifice an animal

I brought a sheep that should be fine do we have blood yes so we just accelerate the time one more time and see what happens i have sacrificed my animal here is the chant and you’re a jerk oh we have the comfort mode i can make a hammock

That is 10 times more easier so you go over there you go over there the hammock goes in the middle and we can sleep oh it doesn’t make it into night time it’s like late evening it’s fine it’s better than waiting for 10 minutes so ladies and gentlemen it has been a

Few minecraft days later and finally the darkness has heard my prayers and we have unlocked the soul sign it has actually been a few minecraft days because in the meantime i did manage to make a neptunium sword and i did enchant it with knowledge of ages 7.

And if you want to see the result here is my experience bar it’s amazing although i also have looting 7 on it and i think that helps a lot if i had scavenger it would have been amazing but i didn’t have it but just in case you want to see this in action

Here is the result it’s amazing we are at 201 anyways enough of fooling around the entire reason that we did either on was to try and get the site so let us get the site we need to make a magic workbench then i’m going to need some pewter inlays

And i think we can just drop all of them right we will know soon enough here is the chant let us see if it works no does it have to be one by one okay one by one it is but that is essentially how you get the unholy symbol

Which is something that we need in order to make the site itself there you go so instead of performing this ritual in order to get soul shards we can just use the sight i have no soul shards on me and if we kill the zombie

One day we get the shard i am going to enchant it later on but for the moment let us get our soul enchanter this is the best i got this question a lot in nemo pack that how the hell did i manage to get a lot of enchantment on my

Sword and for demonstration purposes since i do not care about soul shards or experience we’re going to try and enchant an iron sword so you put the sword in you put soul shards and you can choose what kind of enchantment you want and it only costs you one level and if

You want to upgrade it that will cost you two levels i don’t really need the sword itself so we’re going to spam it as much as we can and there you go that is a maxed out sword but if you get lucky it’s actually very useful in order to upgrade the

Enchantments that you currently have for example i have capturing four and i can get five i can also get soul bound so why not lychee isn’t that bad oh scavenger nice but enchantments aside there is another reason that we need a lot of experience so let me gather some and i’m going to

Explain 200 should be more than enough so we have this mod called lost trinkets and if you press r you can see the gui these are basically passive abilities and i have unlocked quite a few of them the problem is i cannot use them because i do not have that many slots available

And if you want to unlock new slots well you need experience 40 levels 45 50 55 oh i don’t have it but it’s okay you guys get the gist also i have no idea how i managed to unlock them sometimes i got them by mining sometimes by trading sometimes by

Killing mobs but we are going to use some of them chance to call a totem of undying why not you poison enemies i like that i’m venom no okay then we are then falling into the void will send you to your spawn i love that i hate the void creepers

Targeting you will not spawn an explosion okay baby monsters are scared from you but we go with eating food the rest of them for the moment are not very useful but we will unlock them as we go along anyway guys i think it’s also a good

Time to wrap up the episode me and kabi would like to thank you for watching and we hope you enjoyed it till the next one bye bye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Enigmatica 6 – Ep06 – Villager Trading, Enchantments and Eidolon’, was uploaded by Lashmak on 2021-07-18 15:00:21. It has garnered 21884 views and 1154 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:29 or 1229 seconds.

Dr. Rage:

Person B: Lash, what happened to Person “A”?

Lash: Sadly there was an accident….I tried to wake him up using a bucket, didnt notice that the liquid inside is purple….But on a very positive note, he is remembered by these 2 crystals 🙂

Person B: Shame, I miss person “A”, he suggested GTNH to you didnt he? such an amazing suggestion. I fully supported him.

Lash: Close your eyes for a second…

Person B: Why?

Lash: me got you a gift

Person B: oh nice. i like gifts…. (person B closes his eyes)

Bucket of Liquid Death: in the name of darkness….SPLASSSSHHH

Person C: Lash what happened to person “B”?

Lash: here we go again…..can you close your eyes for a second, me has a gift…..

#minecraft #enigmatica #modded

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    INSANE MINECRAFT SUMMONING: 5 STAR TITAN VS SKIBIDI TOILETVideo Information This video, titled ‘JAYGRAY TRIỆU HỒI THÀNH CÔNG NHỮNG LOẠI TITAN SIÊU CẤP TRONG MINECRAFT*SKIBIDI TOILET VS TITAN 5 SAO’, was uploaded by JayGrayTV on 2024-04-15 12:46:17. It has garnered 124930 views and 2672 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:51 or 951 seconds. JAYGRAY SUCCESSFULLY SUMMONED SUPER TITAN IN MINECRAFT*SKIBIDI TOILET VS 5 STAR TITAN ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🎁 If you find this video interesting, please do to Please give me 1 LIKE and 1 SUBCRIBE (1 like and 1 subscription) to the channel ¯_(ツ)_/¯ 😄 SUBSCRIBE TO JAYGRAY CHANNEL ➡️​ 🔥 “GOAL” TO REACH 1 MILLION… Read More


    POLLANDQue tal camarada! Te presento POLLAND Un server donde puedes crear, destruir y transformar tu experiencia a tu gusto nwn, un survival-custom con factions listo para ser jugado! Contamos con: Jobs Misiones (Mas de 1220) Historia/lore Factions Custom Weapons-Enchants-Armors Koths/Zona pvp Razas Y muchas muchas cosas mas!!! es un server raro pero unico, a que esperas para unirte a nuestra comunidad!!! Read More

  • Veiled Haven SMP Whitelisted Java 1.20.6 Squaremap Semi-Vanilla

    Hello Everyone! Welcome to Veiled Haven SMP – A vanilla+ Minecraft experience (Java 1.20.6). Join our community for a balanced and consistent gameplay. We maintain a mature and respectful atmosphere with an age restriction of 16+ and whitelist. Connect with us on Discord for seamless communication and coordination. Apply on our website for quick approval and access to our whitelist. Let’s build, explore, create, and connect together! We can’t wait to see you in-game! 👋🌠 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Memes Fixed

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Memes FixedLooks like this meme only scored a 3 out of 10 in the Minecraft meme world, maybe it needs a redstone upgrade! Read More

  • Aqua Adventures: Efe, Ali, and Kamil Make a Splash!

    Aqua Adventures: Efe, Ali, and Kamil Make a Splash! In the world of Minecraft, Ali, Efekan, and Kamil, Decided to hit the aquapark, for a thrill. Sliding down waterslides, with laughter and glee, Their adventures in Minecraft, for all to see. With Kare Kafa as their guide, in Turkish delight, Their videos bring joy, day and night. Subscribe for more fun, and turn on notifications, For Minecraft adventures, and rich-poor relations. So join in the fun, let the game begin, With Minecraft news, in rhymes that win. Ali, Efekan, and Kamil, in the aquapark’s glow, Their laughter and joy, for all to know. Read More

  • Minecraft Erika meme #hotterthanhell

    Minecraft Erika meme #hotterthanhell When you accidentally build a swastika in Minecraft and Erika starts playing in the background #oops #bannedfromserver Read More

  • Real Life Minecraft Pranks

    Real Life Minecraft Pranks Minecraft in Real Life: Exploring the Trend Many content creators have been exploring the concept of bringing Minecraft into the real world, blurring the lines between the virtual and physical realms. Let’s delve into some of the most popular videos and trends that have emerged from this unique fusion. Real-Life Minecraft Adventures Creators like Musa Belir, Enes Batur, Burak Kuloğlu, and Oğuz Aslan have been at the forefront of this trend, showcasing their adventures in real-life Minecraft scenarios. From crafting tools to building structures, these videos offer a fresh perspective on the beloved game. Testing Minecraft Legends in Real… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Sugar Cane Farm

    Ultimate Minecraft Sugar Cane Farm Exploring the World of Minecraft: Building an Automatic Sugar Cane Farm Minecraft, a game loved by millions worldwide, offers endless possibilities for creativity and exploration. One of the key elements in the game is farming, which allows players to grow various crops to sustain themselves in the virtual world. In this article, we will delve into the process of building an automatic sugar cane farm in Minecraft, a valuable resource for crafting paper, books, and more. Setting Up Your Farm To start your automatic sugar cane farm, you will need to gather the necessary materials, including redstone, pistons, observers,… Read More


    INSANE 12 HOUR HAT STREAM!Video Information This video, titled ‘THE 12 HOUR STREAM’, was uploaded by the top of the hat on 2024-05-12 16:18:32. It has garnered 222 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 11:55:01 or 42901 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftnether #netherite #minecraftnetherite #creativity#mcc #mccisland Top Hat goes live for 12 hours. I am extremely sad. anyways we’re going to play a ton of games, like MCC ISLAND or my NEW MINECRAFT SERVER so come join have some fun or eat popcorn. we also might join the community discord stage, you’re welcome to join. Link to join discord MUSIC IN… Read More

  • Minecraft Economy Simulation with 300 Players

    Minecraft Economy Simulation with 300 PlayersVideo Information This video, titled ‘300 Players Simulate WORLD ECONOMY in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Skipolo on 2024-06-01 22:45:06. It has garnered 352895 views and 10916 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:23 or 2543 seconds. I put 300 Minecraft players in a single world and gave them a standardized currency to simulate economic civilization. Every player had the freedom to do whatever they wanted, but if they died they would be dead forever. This experiment was run to test how money would influence Minecraft civilization – would they use it to build world trade, or would they fight… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Вольт’s EPIC Gaming Adventures ⚡️

    Unbelievable! Вольт's EPIC Gaming Adventures ⚡️Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 ИГРОВОЙ и не только СТРИМ 🔴Code & Minecraft & Valorant & GTA’, was uploaded by Вольт on 2024-06-25 06:35:21. It has garnered 14 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:39 or 2439 seconds. [💰] DONUT: [❤️] IP: PLAY.ASTRIXMC.NET [🌎] MY CART: [👾] TG Server: ✔️ Mynecraft is good))) #Anarchy #Family #Minecraft #evil 🔴 Stremi Necft survival, funtime server, minecraft funtime, minecraft, pioneer, pioneer funtime, mystical chest, minecraft survival, funtime server, minecraft funtime, griefer show, vulture, funtime anarchy, holyworld anarchy, raid, mob farm, mystic, funtime minecraft, fan time,… Read More

  • Insane Noobbridge Build – MUST SEE!! #NOOBSCOPLIVE

    Insane Noobbridge Build - MUST SEE!! #NOOBSCOPLIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘Building a huge bridge in minecraft bedrock #NOOBSCOPLIVE #minecraft #minecraftdispensor’, was uploaded by Noobscop Live on 2024-01-05 16:50:32. It has garnered 16 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:50 or 230 seconds. (ROAD TO 3K SUBSCRIBER) 🔰DON’T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE 🔰LIKE – COMMENT – SHARE 🔰PRESS THE BELL ICON 🔔 🔰FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM 🔰FOLLOW ME ON TIKTOK ──── Follow On Social Media ──── Instagram:- Facebook:- tiktok :- discord:- ──────────────────────── OVERVIEW OF MINECRAFT: Welcome to [NOOBSCOP LIVE]where we bring you exciting live streams of Minecraft! Join us… Read More

  • Insane PVP Battle: Blqzee Destroys @sharpnessyt #shorts #minecraft

    Insane PVP Battle: Blqzee Destroys @sharpnessyt #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I beat @sharpnessyt HT3 vs LT2 #shorts #minecraft #pvp #sharpness #tierlist’, was uploaded by Blqzee on 2024-03-02 17:30:40. It has garnered 3714 views and 115 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. #sharpness #skibiditoilet #skibidi #dafugboom he best pvper, minecraft pvp, minecraft shorts, Spreen, SpreenDMC, SMP, Hardcore SMP, Lifesteal SMP, Minecraft Evento, minecraft server, Texture Pack, Los mejores Texture Packs 1.9, Texture Pack Folder 1.9, ArcherSquid Bqnnyy Ceeew Coldi CuartetoDeNos Drrew ExtrobIT Flowtives Frxnkey GodHimself Hybroz Innaplicable ItzRealMe Juan_Clean Katerzs LoCr Lurrn Monkss Nextie Novi Ozaura SeaHqwk SmiGuy Stumpie SuchSkills_Mx TikiGamesTV… Read More

  • Miko vs Tiko: Ultimate Dragon Battle in Minecraft!

    Miko vs Tiko: Ultimate Dragon Battle in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mikey Poor vs JJ Rich SKY Dragon HEAD BASE BATTLE in Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by Miko and Tiko on 2024-04-12 15:39:46. It has garnered 154024 views and 942 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:28 or 508 seconds. Read More


    🔥EPIC MINECRAFT WAR CIVILIZATION w/ VIEWERS!🔥JOIN NOW! 🚀🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft war civilization with viewers on a realmrealm on the road to 2k subs’, was uploaded by timer Team on 2024-02-26 02:24:18. It has garnered 68 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:14:52 or 11692 seconds. Hi welcome to my Channel my name is timer team you can sub to me if you want I go live everyday I play Minecraft for fun I am trying to get up to 5k subs 100 ✅️ 500✅️ 800✅️ 1k✅️ 1.15k✅️ 2k🚫 5k 🚫 10k🚫 100k🚫 1m🚫 You’re my Channel all your guys support… Read More

  • Deadly Mutant Enderman vs OP Cave Bosses!!

    Deadly Mutant Enderman vs OP Cave Bosses!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Oberon.vs.3 Alex Cave Bosses (#minecraft #battle #minecraftpe)’, was uploaded by Unigue Mutant Enderman on 2024-04-20 20:02:04. It has garnered 107 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:10 or 430 seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable Karate Dance – Must Watch Now! #viral

    Unbelievable Karate Dance - Must Watch Now! #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Bhartiye Sanskriyik Dance performance #youtube #shorts #trending #minecraft #viral #karate #virul’, was uploaded by Karate and Fun on 2024-04-16 08:31:31. It has garnered 194 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Bhartiye Sanskriyik Dance performance #youtube #shorts #trending #minecraft #viral #karate #virul #fitness #yt #karatekid #fighting #videos #kickboxing #mma #wushu #boxing #taekwondo #wrestling #muaythai #judokarate #motivation #school #bharat #culture #jujitsu #dance #judo #tranding #viralshorts #ytshorts #trendingshorts #youtuber #ytstudio Read More

  • Astraley Network

    Astraley NetworkUna pequeña comunidad de minecraft, que solo quiere mejorar y mejorar cada día, para que así ¡Ustedes se diviertan! Read More

  • TechNut Semi-Vanilla Technical Builders needed whitelist long-term 1.20.4

    What Is Technut? Technut is a Minecraft server for players experienced in building and technical aspects of the game. We have high standards for projects and accomplishments. Our server is very community-based with huge projects and events where everyone plays a significant role. We are a Whitelist-only server, fostering a positive and creative, close-knit community. We focus on Vanilla gameplay but introduce 1.21 Experimental items and carpet mod for quality of life. When did the server start/reset? Technut opened on 20th March 2024! What type of players are we looking for? We seek players with high motivation and dedication for… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Canman18: The King of Minecraft

    Minecraft Memes - Canman18: The King of MinecraftWell, looks like Canman18 is keeping score in the Minecraft meme game! Watch out, he’s serious about his meme ratings. Read More

  • Unleashing Wind Charge in Minecraft 1.21!

    Unleashing Wind Charge in Minecraft 1.21!Video Information This video, titled ‘New item Wind Charge in Minecraft 1.21! 🍃’, was uploaded by DoubleSquare Gaming on 2024-06-21 16:37:48. It has garnered 447 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Wind charge in Minecraft 1.21! Read More

  • eu com 10 anos achando que era o Herobrine #cruzlol

    eu com 10 anos achando que era o Herobrine #cruzlol “Eu com 10 anos achando uma cruz no Minecraft: ‘Será que o Herobrine tá tentando me converter?’” 😂 #minecraft #memes Read More

  • Crafty Minecraft 1.21.x Modding Update

    Crafty Minecraft 1.21.x Modding Update Welcome to Minecraft 1.21 Update! Minecraft enthusiasts, rejoice! The highly anticipated Minecraft 1.21 update is finally here, and with it comes a host of exciting new features and changes. One of the most significant updates is the overhaul of how Identifiers are defined, bringing a fresh perspective to the game’s mechanics. Additionally, enchanting has undergone substantial modifications, adding a new layer of depth to gameplay. Understanding Minecraft Update With the release of Minecraft 1.21, players are eager to delve into the world of Fabric modding. The Fabric mod loader has been updated to accommodate the latest version, offering developers… Read More

  • Ultimate Showdown: Jack vs Bob

    Ultimate Showdown: Jack vs Bob Minecraft: Jack vs Bob Fight Official Trailer The Minecraft community is abuzz with excitement as the official trailer for the Jack vs Bob Fight has been released by OcToGamerz. This epic showdown between Jack and Bob promises to be a thrilling battle that fans won’t want to miss. Let’s dive into the details of this highly anticipated event! Jack vs Bob Fight The trailer showcases the intense rivalry between Jack and Bob, two formidable players in the Minecraft universe. As they gear up for an epic showdown, fans are eagerly awaiting to see who will emerge victorious in this… Read More


    ✨ EPIC MINECRAFT CROSSPLAY SERVER! JOIN NOW! 🔥🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Crossplay Server with Viewers!! (Road to 700!) Live’, was uploaded by JMO_GAMING on 2024-05-25 12:46:08. It has garnered 331 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 06:38:58 or 23938 seconds. How to Join: Bedrock Edition – Server Address – Server Port – 22497 Java Edition – Server Address – Console Edition – Download App on phone called “BedrockTogether” Open app and add server IP Address – Port – 22497 Watch ad to start server Open Minecraft on console (Keep app open on phone) Go to “Friends” Tab… Read More

Lashmak – Minecraft Enigmatica 6 – Ep06 – Villager Trading, Enchantments and Eidolon