learning minecraft with my dad 6.6.21 (jarvis johnson full twitch stream)

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So So Do So So So Foreign Do Do So So So Do What up what up everybody hello wait why isn’t my chat thingy working twitch hello okay well perhaps it’ll work in a sec maybe oh there it is there it is there it is hello hello everyone wow this uh this this one guy is like really giving me [ __ ] about how long it’s taken

For how long it’s like it’s been 10 minutes i think it’s we’re to be live for like some hours today so thank you for waiting the the 10 minutes for us to get ready um let me turn on some lights um and then we’ll bump up the uh

I need to uh if anybody wants to if anybody knows how to make a um like a little a little loading screen that’s in like a windows or old mac style um to start up the stream with like a jarvis is loading type thing

I will pay you and you can email me if you if that’s something that’s in your capabilities we need a fandom name it’s the unnamed fan base that’s the name oh okay so so just a quick a note we’ve got some new emotes today um we’ve got jarvis jpog

Um because i uh oh yeah you can email me at jarvis johnson biz uh ninok gk just subscribed thank you so much um so yeah we’ve got a couple of new a couple of new emotes we’ve got a pog that’s from the thumbnail of the new jarvis johnson pro video um

No worries joe biden um we’ve also got uh we’ve also got some lesbian pride emails in the chat uh there’s there’s a couple that um uh jivo i i believe is the name someone sent nick and i a couple of um emotes so we’ve got jarvis j hype and jarvis j diamonds um

Also thank you uh wait sorry my oh i don’t have my um thingy up my might might yay the gamer okay and then collate bear thank you um yeah so we got yeah we got uh what else do we have i think that’s it

Oh no i re i re i kind of reef i i did i edited the um the gamer mode one i i i tried to make it so the text showed up better when it was smaller um thank you neutral chaotix for the prime so feel free to subscribe i actually

Just realized i went down like a hundred subscribers because over the month or whatever i just realized so feel free to feel free to subscr subscribe simulatedjess thank you for the gift sub um uh what’s my sexuality i’m i’m straight i’m i’m i’m a like cishet man um just but you know

We support everybody here um oh and no worries if you can’t sub um that’s i no no no pressure these are all like tier one subs um so you know if you have a prime or anything like that um kira happy pride everybody uh we’re gonna be playing minecraft today

Uh omni j watched me for years didn’t know i had a twitch yeah it’s new i got to make a command for that too um the chill pixel 12 thank you for the prime um and uh yeah we’re gonna be playing minecraft we we’ve got the new the new youtube series

Um on jarvis johnson pro for for minecraft just dropped episode three of that and um definitely check it out um sorry i’m just reading the chat someone’s trying to get me with the old dn um dumpster cryptid uh tier one thank you i should do some shameless promo yeah i should do more

Uh shameless promo um first ever time watching me welcome welcome mdd61 um uh am i a long time minecraft player just getting into it i’m just learning and we’ll get into the uh we’ll get into the i’m gonna make a always be plugging a mode too um oh my god okay

So so i’m gonna time somebody out in the chat and and and you you should know you should know why you’re being timed out uh um so what am i saying where was i where was i i was talking about something i was talking about in the oh i haven’t

Played i i’m just playing minecraft for the first time um and and uh yes i can hear you person on on zoom yeah yeah yeah i can hear you but i haven’t turned you on for for the ch my chat yet yeah let’s do that let’s do that all right um

So uh yeah we’re gonna we we’re gonna have always be plugging a mode we’re also going to have some new merch coming out um kira thank you for the bits um yeah i’m talking to god right now uh i do have i do have mods but um actually

Let me let me mod somebody right now um if you want to be a mod uh you can apply um to this link i am i am bringing on a couple of new a couple of new mods why don’t i talk about twitch on youtube i do actually but i haven’t had twitch

For very long so i’ve only talked about it um in maybe the most most recent video biffy biff thank you very much um so um sorry my brain keeps losing track of what i was saying new to minecraft playing it for the first time we’re currently in a little nether base right

Now you’ll see um we want to beat the game for the first time neither of us have beat have beat the game jarvis am i okay um yeah omni j thank you for the tier one so what’s the goal in this stream we’ll get to it when we start the episode um

All right shall we shall we get started all right i’m gonna bring in my dad hey dad hello yeah i your voice is like a little bit different than it usually is he’s father in here um father really i need to do my ex my external audio oh yeah

Yeah audacity you have the audacity to record your external audio someone keeps asking if i enjoy pickles and it sounds like uh one of those things like one of the dn things you like pickles picking my picking your nose with my penis gross that was out of line um my dad is

Nick is not green exclamation point nick in the chat uh we’re gonna be doing some mining we’re gonna be doing some crafting cecily thank you for the prime um if you sleep in a bed in the nether it shows the fortress how in what world do you think i know

What a fortress is but don’t know that this is another like what what’s the thinking there yeah ready all right let me i know i know nick is my uh you know the funny thing the funny thing is um i don’t know my dad in real life so it

Could be nick so we don’t it really could it could technically be nick yeah we don’t know yeah no one uh i’ve seen them in the same room i’ve had two different people now ask me if i’d like pickles what was i don’t know what the person’s name oh

They got the bk to do crime flag oh this is for the freaking episode boom hey look we’re we’re in the minecraft now also we recently got long cat which is a long cat um let me let me frame up let me frame up or no actually i’ll frame it this way

Bring it up from it what’s it all fall out okay um yeah we’ve got a squad stream going on there’s also thank you joe biden for linking multi twitch for those who are just joining us we’ve also got some new some new um can we get some jarvis j pogs

In the in the chat i want to see this new uh this new evo yeah we can we get those jarvis jpogs also i think my i was trying to send a you know how you know jarvis how you can drag an emote thing onto your like

Imessage or whatever and i like drag those little those little twitch my little ben shapiro biceps on our message right right i was gonna do it with your emote i was like i can’t find it so i think my sub just ended so someone can give me a sub

Guys oh yeah my sub is about to end on yours i need to i need to reset um please give me a second i’m loving the i’m loving the pogs i’m loving the pogs shall we uh how how is your chat doing shall we shall we get into my chats yeah

My channel to our nick and jordy server yes oh yeah we don’t have to worry about it anymore it’s just we’re going to jump right in uh just jump right in wait that’s danny’s hoodie omg yes i’m wearing greg merch today guys oh i forgot i forgot sponsored um soul

Soul whatever it is the like sprinting on soul sand um oh yeah oh yeah don’t look at me we’ve got to do our our our reveal we’ve got to do our reveal look at the other way look at the other way okay all right we every we do a um

We do something at the end of this episode we do a fit chat sad boys okay okay with a particular phrase um so uh any of the mods can do exclamation point mod for the mod application um and um what else uh oh yeah every episode starts with a fit check

So um we’re gonna reveal our fits i’m excited all right um ready three two one reveal oh baby you know what’s weird about this is that like i think that my front is uh yeah your front is my friend is the back and then the yeah it’s very it’s very weird and your

Optimus prime i am yes it actually it actually looks really sick my issue is like i always for the joke like i want to pick a very uh low quality version and like all the optimus prime skins were like so sick so this was like the only one where it was like

Bad but good enough where you could like tell what he was you know yeah okay let me put my stuff back on gotta put that gold helmet back on or else the piglens are not going to be happy with or they’re not going to be happy with us

Oh soul speed 3 i love the tininess of the of the baby yoda yeah they always find the best skins that we do have it’s a you know it is an art it is an art we find it like it’s the last it’s the last minute it’s just a testament to our

Creativity you know um but if you want your skin to be featured yeah hit hit me up i do i do love a good skin you can make it be me you can make it be anything that’s a reference to the series or not um i don’t know um they’re gonna make you

Like a steve jobs skin or something yeah it’s just like what is that yeah so um where we last left our heroes we um you actually look quite good in an iron optimus the optimus dad so we discovered a oh god there’s a skeleton outdoors let’s let’s oh i gotta turn up my

Um game sound because i don’t hear anything um why don’t i hear game sound oh oh i know why i know why i know why one sec everybody one sec so we need to find the back the treasure or whatever right yes so okay so so we found a bastion uh there’s a

Skeleton up there so watch out yeah we found a bastion and it’s scary the bastion is scary and we someone told us that it’s a type of bastion that has a treasure room in it but we don’t know where the treasure room is so so we’re gonna try searching for the

Treasure room in this bastion but we also need to go searching for a fortress wow the music is like loud now what’s going on what the hell what what the hell what what what um we have four ancient debris sorry i’m an idiot music and sounds oh and we found four

Ancient debris last time it was pretty high pov equal skill high fov probably do you mean should i raise up people said 90 last time what’s your fov at uh oh this is too high people had me turn quake pro yeah i know i just think it

Doesn’t even look good like the super wide fov yeah i’m not a huge fan where where where where where how do i find it it’s a it’s just right on the settings it’s a slider oh 95 is where mine’s at all right oops sorry guys consider it open i’ll try it let’s

Let’s try playing on 95. yo when’s the next vid came out today or do you mean my main channel uh which is probably tomorrow dude double upload again we always have good we had good luck last time see i feel like i feel like this is so

Wide i don’t i don’t like it like this what did you do the full i did 95. i’m gonna go to 92. we’ll try out 92 just a little bit a little bit wider um so somebody said 95 fov looks like [ __ ] yeah um okay but all right all right all

Right all right so nick is my dad and he’s not green he is my dad um i’ve never played minecraft before nick is uh has never beaten the game before um he’s he’s he’s my dad he’s supposed to know everything but you know what he doesn’t know everything about the nether

And i’m starting to pick up i’m starting to pick up a few things myself you know so yeah so now so now it’s time to i guess yeah the game plan for today is look for the treasure room in this bastion and after we find or don’t find that we are gonna

Go look for a um fortress in the nether oh yeah no we’re not going to enter the fortress but we are going to need to look for one um i need to bring some meat we’re out of arrows which is kind of rough but we do have basalt That’s like almost as good i have food i should probably get some more food if we’ll get some more food oh wait no i had that much food already should we make a lower command for minecraft because i can’t keep up i mean how long is the command gonna be you could just

Like there’s also like not that much lore really it’s just like we’re father and son and we’re in the nether for the first time you know we have classic father-son experiences yeah we do we do oh people are mixing the uh the jarvis and nick um diamond uh diamond um

Emotes that that’s fun that’s very fun yeah we have some new emotes that match they do they’re matching emotes that’s very cute thank you jivo i also uh recently reached out to some artists that get some fancy emotes made so that’ll be exciting any yeah mods besides the map uh i have i

No the only one i use is the map one that works with vanilla and i’m playing on vanilla vanilla vanilla let’s go get that treasure map all right dad let’s go get that treasure map all right puppy oh yeah last time that oh oh yeah we have a little skelly up

Here let me go oh yeah let’s go uh the soul speed is like i’m just closing this so that um oh gosh ouchies it’s the new fov i’m not used to it i got all this misstep okay so so last time we went up like

Didn’t we find uh our way up like around around here whoa the hell i think that was like this oh i was on some there’s one there’s one block of uh soul sand here and i just like shooted forward if that’s even a word judge i shut it forward

So where we did we did find our way into some interesting we found some more ancient debris uh i just don’t remember how we got up there if you were saying shoot it in the chat yeah does anyone know what a out i fell ooh

I don’t like that well i found oh [ __ ] oh here’s a skeleton yeah we need to go does anyone have any tips for how to find the treasure i know asking people has never been the best uh the best thing for us oh lavis thank you

So much for the resub with prime your second month thank you appreciate it um i’m getting up sitting down going back to work all right son i need to find you oh i’m i’m i’m i haven’t gone deeper than the like the surface level i’m just like looking

For those stairs because we built out some we built out some stairs i remember it was like in this general direction because people were saying we need to go up so then um yo gevo’s in here yo jivo thank you thank you for the emotes the new emotes that

Jarvis and i are using trevo’s in the chat what difficulty are we playing on we’re playing on uh default difficulty nothing nothing fancy it’s my first time crazy nothing crazy i’m gonna throw the game up let’s see daisy oh oh there’s a pickle in here oh god oh god okay

Hm i don’t want to kill you oh my gosh i keep falling i keep missing my jump i see you now you said ao jarvie and nick i hope you all like them if you want more dm me okay i’m gonna put my fob back i got you fov more like front

I just don’t like the warping around the sides that happens at higher fovs yeah it gets a little it gets a little crazy um how okay so i feel like we need to go up but i don’t know i don’t know where we had a full like step situation going

Yeah we had some sort of what i’d like to call a step situation yeah it was a step situation yeah kind of like what happened with you and mom dad listen not in the nether man okay that that that [ __ ] might fly back on earth but not

On earth yeah whatever you can wait is this uh is this this is the stairs we found him hey yeah let’s uh i’m just trying to like i’m getting a lay for the land here okay yeah so we’ve been through that but let’s go let’s go up the steps sorry

Why does it want to okay just randomly stopped yeah should i hear i hear a piglet snort where is the treasure singing with me son treasures the treasure is just like the bruno mars song yeah all right where is the dmca you know dmz

Bruno mars is a very is he’s a big avid minecrafter in minecraft though in the minecraft world he’s an unsigned artist that wouldn’t copy oh [ __ ] we got a we got a brute we got a brute we got two brutes we got two brothers we should run

Oh no it’s not looking good for me son it’s not looking good for me i’m gonna die i died oh wow we didn’t make beds in the nether we could have done that to uh remember you can make them oh yeah you can’t you can’t make you you need a

Special thing to read i know but there is a there is a there’s a respawn anchor thing for the nether that’s what i’m thinking of you want my anchor damn damn well we could make an obsidian portal i say let’s just do a little jog on over back

And get our stuff before d spawns yeah but yeah damn i lost that diamond pickaxe that had curse of uh vanishing on it oh frick it’s a bummer oh wait remember to bring a golden thing i went back i’m in the nether but i’m just waiting in the little

And i’m waiting in the uh and then whatever you call them the waiting room okay but bring a little goldie gold but we only have five minutes yeah i think five minutes will be enough time i just need to get well outfitted dude get your freaking fit on oh yeah

That’s the four yeah i’m in the foyer i’m in the foyer i’m in the foliage uh did you bring a shield no i’m just gonna i’m gonna just dot dart over there because i okay i’m gonna i’m i’m not gonna lose i also wasn’t holding anything important i i i i i

I want to use i want to take a shield just because i don’t trust myself to like live oh yeah i haven’t made the thingies into thingies yet um treasure that is what we’re looking for we are looking for it treasure specifically specifically treasure all right sorry it took me so long to

Get ready but i’m heading over i need okay i need a pick actually i guess we have a pick in the possibly we have a pick in the um let me just grab some i’m sorry i’m sorry okay come on uh let me just take an iron pick

All right all right all right um gevo thank you for the uh joe biden thank you for the gift of uh the gift sub to gevo okay all right i’m coming you’re my golden sun that’s a father-son kind of song yeah okay yeah i know i like that

Okay i’m coming back i’ve got gold one we’ll see if we actually we’ll see if we get there in time come on yeah sorry it took so long it’s okay son once you grow up you’ll learn how to manage your time there’s nothing wrong with taking with

Taking your time so you don’t make a misstep you’re my molded star yo thank you for the gifted sub to gevo also sarah i appreciate you thank you thank you big claps in the chat for sarah yeah i’ve only had my soul sand uh shoes right now

Yeah i’m on the outskirts over here just to get up i’m gonna go up these stairs i think it’s quicker this way we’re gonna trudge through it’s like boot camp all over again back in the back in the big mine wars it reminds me the big mine wars is what it does

Oh all right skeleton i don’t have time for your for your games all right you’re just going straight back to the okay oh my god oh he’s about to kill me he’s about to kill me oh god it might not even be worth i’m about to die

Is he still going after me is he going after you okay i’m coming back hit him hit him hit him i’m gonna die i’m gonna die i die no i died too it’s too much did you have anything important on before because we’re going to lose that stuff but i don’t really

I didn’t really have anything important the stuff the main thing i lost was uh i mean i had some netherrack you know yeah i think we’re fine i say we just actually prepare this time and just go over there and re and start with whatever we have yeah

Yeah yeah people knew people said i would never go into a bastion we actually had great success before we just like now now we just like uh yeah we are prepared we are we are boss we we uh we should probably like bring arrows and stuff for yeah so i’m gonna do full

Iron oh i forgot about the gold i’ll just make a gold chest plate i guess because i accidentally made actually now i’m going to make gold boots i’ll throw away these iron boots iron boots there’s a yeah there’s a bow here i think i should also take a bow

Oh the skins today are baby groot and optimus prime baby baby yoda that’s actually you know no spoilers or anything yeah that’s a pretty good one if you get the just the feed it’s like the he’s like really tiny doesn’t even go above your waist uh jarvis do you know about shield

Disabling i don’t what’s that it’s when you assume you take your shield off it’s when you put it in your inventory i’m disabling i was like i guess the i was surprised that the dude was hitting me through through my shield yeah he must be a freaking he must be a

Freaking ninja i was like am i yeah how’d it be ninja am i right oh if enough damage is done to your shield it goes down and you can’t use it thank you that’s good to know uh do we have um he disabled that’s why they killed you

He disabled your shield ah thank you um Congrats on graduating high school what do i need what do we need i wish i’d put more of that i guess we have a bunch of stuff in the nether base but i’m gonna take this netherrack yeah i’m just remaking the basics and then i think uh the only thing i needed was

Like a lot more arrows which i can make right now oh yeah i i don’t have any arrows oh frick we might not be able to make them i don’t know yeah unless we have a we have one flint here we have 49 arrows in this chest

Oh good yeah let’s just split those yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i put it in there i put them in the i put them in the chest put them in to put them in put them in a chest okay and then i’m gonna make a new bow

Oh yeah i meant to do this mr burnham oh that’s a sh that’s a old i actually went back and i watched like a bunch of what and um and make happy last night as well yeah i want to watch him back through with isabel now that she liked

Inside he showed her a couple songs from make happy you know what’s kind of a bummer is like how much f slur is in all the old bowers yeah you’re trying to like you’re like humming them in your head yeah yeah yeah yeah oh no no it’s 2013. no no no not today

Um snake take a bucket of lava to kill the pigment boots because using a weapon would piss off the other piglets oh interesting emma i never thought about it like that i think we have a bucket of lava somewhere actually in here one of these yeah no yeah okay

I guess we don’t he’s problematic oh here they are i the part that kills me in that song is when he’s like i did not darken my skin and when he says he’s gonna he’s like he’s like yeah he’s like i don’t know he’s like wait is it burning it bad what

Should i do with it that’s so funny um i’m trying to look at everyone everyone’s messages what’s up nate what’s up what’s up what’s up yeah aladdin costumes in my mother’s attic we have a i made a gold helmet i’m one step ahead of you shireen um no just cash just kidding

I feel like every song from inside is my favorite probably the probably the comedy song though this like the second song yeah i was just gonna say the second song has got has become i think my second favorite funny feeling i just like it’s a song

But like in terms of oh yeah funny feeling the stuff he’s actually saying yeah yeah whatever i really like yeah yeah yeah alex bro maybe it’s a cliche at this point what i want you to know i’m very thankful for discovering your channel it’s not the best times for me but your

Connie keeps me smiling maybe it’s a silly thing but i’ll own up to it i’m assuming that sometimes you’re hard on yourself it’s a human thing to do and i know this won’t solve it but i really hope i can remind you of the impact you have in your community

And you’re way better than jarvis thank you oh thanks so much if that little like it was really heartwarming until that last part yeah he definitely typed that and added that in and that wasn’t me just saying adding that in by myself then yeah to make you feel bad about yourself yeah

Yeah yeah dude thank you so much nick plus jarvis not even wednesday well actually include this yeah we go live wednesdays and thursdays wednesday no wednesdays and sundays wednesdays and thursdays with this sorry we go live possibly that’s the last day you’d say before you had to accidentally mix up two days

Mondays and tuesdays we’re live we’re not we’re not live since are the other days i say so that no one gets it in their head that it’s the other days man lord of mercy we freaking messed it up but also the minecraft uh update comes out tuesday so i might i

Might freak around and check it out um i don’t know what that’s gonna what that’s gonna be for the future of this server um and doesn’t the gentian update come out today chat can chat tell me what that’s all about yo there’s a third guy in the zoo my instagram story

Someone like you somebody was saying um whoops threw my bow somebody was saying their favorite is the intern song and i was like i just remembered that i i sang it on my instagram story the other day who needs it who needs a coffee because i’m doing a run

Okay run down the waters now for everyone the cop is free just like me Okay let’s let’s let’s let’s let’s let’s let’s um go oh mine says uh i got a message that maybe it’s a cliche thing to point out but hey nick i’m very thankful you’re also way better than nick so they they added you’re also way better than nick at the end

But they also said hey nick so they didn’t change it to jarvis so they like oh they copy yeah i’m better than myself hey nick you’re awesome also you’re better than nick oh yeah thank you for the torches congrats sydney on your second backs i need just like me hey um

Do i have everything i need oh i don’t have a shield what am i doing what am i doing for us what am i doing Just like you’re very you’re singing hallelujah but you’re like don’t really know the words somehow yeah you’re like It’s like it’s just one word guys nick is it weird that i found curtis daniel drivers through you so that’s is it cool that’s actually awesome you’re actually carrying your weight guys finally they were they all kept messaging me and they were like dude no one’s telling us that they found

Us through you when are you gonna start picking up the pace and i was like i’m not seeing any of the windfall from your gigantic yeah it’s like why do you think we work with you yeah yeah what the hell what gives sorry son i have a tendency to slam the

Door in here we’re back we’re back guys we’re back all right let’s be careful this time jarvis has a lovely voice and nick has a voice oh shut the hell up hey and i’ll use my voice too to tell you to shut down whoa this guy oh wow look there’s like a

Gang at the end of this what the [ __ ] they’re here for us they’re waiting us out people are saying kurt raid we’re going to get the unofficial the unofficial kurt raid because he’s he’s playing uh jack jack today oh yeah that reminds me of an idea i had for a stream

Where’d you go where’d you go sorry son oh god this hog is on fire flaming hoglin flamingos flaming hog when flaming hog you are oh god he’s attacking there’s nothing i’d rather do on this sunday than beat the crap out of a flaming hog at least you got cooked you got cooked

Pork when you killed the flame of holland so that’s nice oh true seven cooked pork that’s pretty awesome oh we went the wrong way oh look a little baby boy well baby brew bum bum bum bum was planning on playing minecraft for the first time tonight but

Do you think i should wait for the new release on tuesday no uh i don’t think it will yeah it’s not gonna change much and it’ll just like if people are like telling you how to play there’s gonna add on if anything it just adds on

Yeah more yeah oh god wait how did you sorry son i saw reyes face out again yeah no no it’s just it’s just that uh i did the jump at the wrong the wrong time uh oh another boar oh we should have freaking brought obsidian so we could uh made another

Portal with betty’s oh yeah if if you’d have told me a year ago that i’d be locked inside of my home a year ago interesting now leave me alone sorry that i look like a mess i got i got the harmony but it got rescheduled robert’s been a little a little different

Now i’m better today i’m gonna try not on my end sitting down going back to work okay let’s drop some stuff off son and let’s get in there the music though someone’s playing an organ in the nether right now i don’t know why the music has gotten

Very loud but look at me do some content hey blake yeah we made you your favorite open wide wide okay i’m gonna drop off some of these torches i’m just gonna bring 32 and then um i’m gonna make another iron pickaxe just oh i freaking i forgot about shield

But we have stuff for that right um right right come again come again we’ve got we’ve got uh do you need to make a shield yeah i just made one you can make it with the crimson planks i’ve i’ve got i’ve got some good i’ve got the

Goods as well i wish you made colored shields yeah well you can make me for the uh wait can’t you make colored shields guys can you make it well no you can you can like yeah but i mean but what i meant is like when you make a wood

Like door with a purple yeah it becomes purple yeah i think yeah yeah yeah yeah hey flappy there’s like a way to freaking make the wool and the freaking pattern and then the thing but yeah yeah yeah no i’m not worried about that yeah i’m worth it

Okay okay okay so we’ve got to go back and we’ve got to face that um we need treasure yeah we’re going to kill the rest of the brutality find our treasure that is what we need oh thanks gotham mom for the dollar that is our creed your exclamation point uh gotcha i think

Is it oh wait what our stuff is still here oh wait maybe not for long maybe not for long it’s been like years oh because it died it like burned up the uh oh so or maybe i killed it and died i don’t know because there’s a golden sword here that definitely was

Not ours right he died somehow dude epic i wonder if our i don’t know here here he is oh [ __ ] take a hit oh yeah he’s already dead dude i i responded by accidentally throwing my bow away i’ll get them uh i can i helped and it’s like yeah i throw the bow

The rile deal the real deal thank you for your tier one sub all the way through july thank you um appreciate that also i don’t know if kira said anything about the how the what the gentian update is but let me know again oh god that [ __ ] scared the [ __ ] out of

Me there’s just a piglet here yeah i see him but now i’m behind you by the way oh you’re gonna make gentian videos ever uh i probably won’t it just seems very uh the youtube comments are going to be very well actually why because i just i’m never going to

Get good enough at it you know but i like to play it for fun i don’t honestly know i don’t know if i’ll ever make gaming videos i like this i like this situation that jarvis and i set up where i don’t have to do any work at all

But i can’t have a product with my face on it yeah yeah it’s it’s uh you know i don’t pay nick for this but it’s it’s it’s like change yeah it’s he’s paint guys he’s painting exposure he’s painting it yeah yeah but it but but in a legitimate uh it’s a

Mutual it’s like a symbiotic relationship yeah like where i would like i literally would be doing this anyway so it’s like it doesn’t make sense and also you just started this channel and i you’re not really technically i’m paying the editor i haven’t even turned on monetization

Yet though i did just apply for it um hell yeah hell yeah we’re getting monetized brother um oh i okay okay okay okay let’s go back to those stairs right where we found the the brutes yeah dude does anyone i keep asking this and i don’t know if people are answering

I’m just not seeing the message but symbiotic like venom yeah i’m venomous this is the guy jarvis is just the normal man i don’t know how it works am i gonna am i gonna make this am i gonna make this nope yes whoo okay dungeon impact 1.6 on wednesday oh

I thought it was today wait what is coming whoa i thought it was the 6th and the 8th but i guess i’m wrong something happens what happens today guys it says skins are being introduced story will progress new character will release two to three weeks in oh so nothing

Really for us honestly besides skins nicholas datticus how do you uh how do we get back to the stairs do we i i we still we stumbled upon them and i don’t remember how we did that yeah i don’t know um no it’s okay everything’s fine eating up is your brightness turned down

Are the shaders just dark um next shaders are just stars shaders are dark i i’ve like now reviewed the footage it’s like it’s me it’s like uh i have like unifor oh guest i have like you know the default lighting or whatever and next nick’s lighting is like very much like

If it kind of feels like there’s contrasted yeah yeah it’s it’s a bit dark but also i think i found them some people don’t like the shaders in the nether specifically but i don’t really i i haven’t had an issue seeing with them i mean yeah it’s like if everyone else

Does i will i don’t i don’t personally care but i found some stairs by the way i found on my phone stairs you follow me okay so like let’s let’s uh be mindful that we may need to like back up yeah yeah no and have like bricks i would

Have bricks like in your yeah i have in my hot garden build i need to grab actually yeah i’m like not even gonna try to attack because i’m not going to knock back anybody whoa i just accidentally ran into a bunch of this stuff what is this guys oh

What is it what did you run into oh it’s just glowstone it just looks oh just mustang it’s yeah you’re in a bunch of glowstone and then there’s is that the chest that we already found wait a minute oh wait there’s there’s a there’s a brute here oh we just commented we just

Got i think we found the treasure room maybe and i just broke a random thing in the wall so i’m kind of confused how that is let’s let’s block this off too just in case we get hit from the back no you i didn’t laugh sorry i’m focusing on blocking up the

Yeah there’s two brutes here and i’m just like part of me is like maybe i can just shoot them from here okay hell yeah my son’s first shot oh and there’s obsidian in here and a lot of golden carrots and a golden axe with smite three and a lot of arrows too

What do golden carrots do guys okay i’ve got the goods i can give you one of the one of the axe if you want to use it did you kill him yeah i killed him both okay let’s be careful they might there might be more

There might be more i just want to pick up the xp oh thank you miss huntley for the brief sub for your second month what’s up thank you so much can you believe it i was trying to mine with a brick i could even have the wrong item equipped what a dumb ass

I’m so dumb i’m such a dumb noob dumbass kid all right all right all right all right this is a big open area down here but it just kind of goes to nothing was that i don’t know if that was the treasure room it didn’t i don’t know

There um but but but but but golf but oh they restore your heart you can breed things with them and they help your hearts awesome that’s the breeding is oh are you talking about golden carrots yeah they’re the best they’re like the best item the most one of the best food items

In the world well i got a lot let me know if you ever need you also make them by like surrounding a carrot with a bunch of gold uh gold nuggets i think oh big opening in the side of the wall lots of lava lots of lava okay

So like we came down here but this was just this was so they said the treasure room has two double chests so we were still going up but we got sidetracked and started going down so i’m thinking we should go back to the original yeah yeah let me check what’s behind this

Guys i know i’m hitting granite with a shovel i know i know i don’t i don’t have a pic i don’t have a shovel so i’m just hitting the gravel with the pickaxe okay i’m just trying to check if there’s anything beyond okay we’re fine

Josh peck oh thank you for making a lore thank you for making a lure command real underscore josh peck is in the chat what’s up josh he said yes i am the real josh pack well it’s enough for me welcome okay so like i found you you were doing

Like you were doing this but then i was like going up the steps and now i like yeah yeah i lost my place i like where are the steps at that i was going up well there’s steps up this way but i don’t know how yeah

I think this is where i was oh yeah because like there’s this there’s all this this looks promising there’s another downs there’s a couple areas that open up over here yeah i’m gonna get a quick peep oh okay oh this has a this has some potential over here too in this little hole

Okay oh okay oh yeah both ways but this way it looks like it’s going out which way are you where’d you go you’re coming this hole wait i’m right here whoa whoa son yeah okay okay i’m not gonna have on this hole okay out here looks like it’s going out

Of the thing but down here i haven’t checked yet but it looks like it’s just a dead end okay oh whoa okay goes back up nope looks like it’s ending god i’m sorry okay i’m so lost right now i know it’s weird how they like purposefully freaking

But do fuss they boof us they beduffed us like the pokemon yeah oh sorry a little spanking for fun hey okay okay uh let’s go back to your track okay over here oh yeah so i was the the like glowstone whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa wait over here

Oh wait oh you’re going down that way oh no no i think i i think i got confused because like yes wasn’t that yeah yeah here’s where i was dude this is i think this is it wait where are you how do you keep disappearing i’m just going up the stairs

Oh okay okay are you about to steal my um my uh i want to take you i keep trying to get you to go wait no i went up the wrong stairs oh yeah you went far away here follow me wait i already missed my track is it

This way hold on i think it’s this way yeah yeah okay this looks this looks pretty promising unless we’ve already been here but look i hear fire crackles just this brick leading up oh okay there’s a chest right here okay and there’s another there’s another set of stairs up there

All right so let’s let’s say let’s safety this place let’s oh i was gonna say let’s look up before we collect anything from the chest okay you wanna you wanna just keep going up a little bit well because isn’t this chest isn’t this chest where i’ve already looted it yeah it’s already empty

Okay this is there’s a moisture area that we’ve gone we’ve been up here before we just haven’t completed going up this way i think we turned back around okay yeah i’m like all the way up these stairs to where i think we stopped i’m gonna wait up here my little my little son

Coming up the stairs okay looking promising this area is so strange oh but there’s more torches over there and this almost seems like the outside oh well there’s this little area over here here i’m coming back over i’m just grabbing some of this gold nugget and stuff spicy nuggets getting some windy spicy

Nuggets oh [ __ ] he’s an unbeaten turn uh so someone said be warned that by while bastions do have chests they don’t always have a treasure room the only reason we’re looking for one is because someone identified this as like a certain type of bastion that has a

Treasure room but you know i don’t know if there is one for sure yeah okay so i found this area over here which doesn’t oh oh yes yes this is it treasure treasure we found our trip okay secure the secure the perimeter secure the perimeter dude we found our treasure

We we did find it we found our treasure everybody we found our portrayal can we get some jarvis nick gloves in the chat we found our treasure secure the perimeter because we found our treasure chest we don’t want to get killed have you have you actually looked

At any of the things yet because i want to say i haven’t saved the reveal yeah yeah let’s save the big fat ass reveal the big juicy fat the juicy fat ass reveal the big okay with two c’s the big thick ass juicy ass thing i don’t know why you’re saying she’s

Another right here but it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine i i just took this away and realized i probably should i thinks oh i hear a little growl so like uh those are piglet brute steps so there’s a pigment brood around here so definitely secure yeah i’m running out of brick so i’m

Gonna uh i can oh wait i have another rack actually but not a lot let’s say we’ll secure it nice and tight like right here maybe just so we don’t have to build that far out yeah i’m just like trying to build down from the ceiling so that there’s no like

I probably didn’t oh yeah that’s that’s closed uh oh yeah yeah yeah yeah i’m coming wait uh dad sorry son the treasure is mine it’s like you finally make it and then yeah your partner turns on you turn on me uh dude this is exciting we really did find it yeah we did

And they i was literally just explaining that i was trying to i was trying to explain that hey i understand that like we haven’t found the so this is like narrow enough that a brute couldn’t get through here right like pretty sure uh if you can’t get through

It if you can’t then a brute can if you can’t get a boot camp that’s what you always say put that on your shirt shall we okay are you ready let’s right click on the big chest the same one ready two three three oh ancient debris and the music didn’t look this

Pink stuff dude pixel is like the best disc oh goodness that song is fire yo yo we got the goods oh i’ll get the crew you grab the disc grab the disc we gotta oh i’ll get the answer to bri you get the disc we’ve gotta split up

Our goods yeah i’m running out of someone said don’t play it it’s copyrighted is that true that sucks so bad if it’s true is well we can always i mean i think we’re fine all right all right and then and then the other one let’s go

Let’s uh oh also i we have 11 obsidian so if we want to do we oh we have flint oh we could literally we could make a portal and put beds on the other side if we needed to ready oh wait i didn’t i looked on it i didn’t really

See any of it okay we’re looking killed it a lot of good and another degree wait we might i think we have enough answer debris to make two nether netherright pickaxes yeah yeah which sounds so sick dude that’s gonna people are gonna be so jealous of us

I know dude wait hold on we gotta um people recommend doing another right weapons or armor first guys i feel like netherright pickaxe because we it’s like the best pickaxe in the game but maybe maybe not and is there a way to like put our pickaxe like

Enchantments on it yeah i think so i believe so like switch it like this and shannon and ryan i don’t know yeah yeah can’t you do it on the thing if you put them next to each other or whatever i got it we’ll have to look look it up

But like yeah i’m pretty sure there’s a way to i like to watch somebody do it and also do a sword with mending if we can get mendied on anything we can get many on anything especially on a sword because then you kill them and then you get the xp from the kill

Okay i’m gonna put some stuff that i don’t need back in here because i’m running out of space wait so should we should we um okay wait wait preglin okay wait wait i’m gonna i’m gonna use my captions there’s gas cries and piglet brute steps use your opposite opposite directions i’m almost like

What if we built a um what if we built a portal here yeah i’m down i’m i’m cool with that um oh yeah someone said what’s the mod i use i it’s called like uh it’s called starts with an x it’s like cyranosis mini map mod or something okay let’s

Freaking do this let’s build let’s just build this i’m like i’m like oh yeah yeah do we have enough clearance here yeah we just need to break these in the ceiling do we have flint and steel yeah let me give you the flint and you

Can make the we have one flint oh cool let’s do it oh frick wait can i use can i use uh crying obsidian for one of them right i don’t i don’t think so i have i don’t have any obsidian do we not have enough obsidian

Can we use cream i shouldn’t have used it on the corners oh we can just get rid of we can just oh we can’t mine it so we need diamond hold on rick are we sure we can’t use crying obsidian i don’t know we can ask the chat here go

Use get make the flynn and steal and try it i have it frozen here they said oh god no don’t use crying obsidian oh is he gonna like kill us or something yeah you can’t you can’t how do we not have what are we one away we shouldn’t in the corners

I know but 11 seemed like a lot okay looking back severe lapse in judgment it’s not functional for a portal yeah okay damn if only i hadn’t died with that diamond uh pickaxe i bet we have some in our little house though obsidian yeah but if we’re at the little

House then we can probably escape easier like because getting here is kind of tough another writer for the house they said netherright will work wait what and i don’t know what that’s supposed to mean um i do have like the marker for this so we can kind of just like go

Yeah i was like that’s a hater yeah it will not yeah i was like what are you talking about dumb ass no wait okay i can hear the mobs we gotta be careful yeah dude wait why are we leaving in a different path when we came

Just because i was gonna say if we go through the walls instead then we don’t have to go back through all the crap and run into them because i have the marker on and we’re only like 40 meters away so okay my one worry is that we like open into

Open into a uh yeah we’ll just like i’m just not gonna like you know i’m not i’m gonna like you know if i hit one and like it opens up we’ll we’ll be we’ll be more careful of course a nether right pickaxe will but we don’t have diamonds so we’re going to make

A prerequisite okay so here’s an opening to a very very steep drop but i’m going to go this way i’m not going to dig down before i uh it’s going to say if we go farther off the edge we can just build stairs down because i can see it i can see our

Little our little heidi out from here yeah i don’t want to interrupt your plan i i oh god it’s so steep don’t worry son journalist what phase of the game do you think we’re in not ender chest you should consider getting an item that you would love like i’d love to of

Course i want to end your chest yeah crazy peach you guys should grab some shulker boxes uh you guys should grab some ender dragon spine i don’t know what you get from the ender dragon okay now we’re closer to the ground ahead we’re close to drop down territory

Yeah i’m i’m i’m i’m holding shift right now yeah hold shift son hold your shift in okay here we go now we’ve got something to work with there we are our house is right nearby now yeah wait did you just drop down from here yeah it wasn’t too bad here wait let me

Build up a couple just so you don’t you don’t break your little you you don’t hurt your little thighs there you go come on down pops uh close to home they didn’t even have to deal with those nasty ravages we haven’t found the goal today is to

Find a fortress but we had to loot the um wait why is it feels so steep oh i guess it’s not we had to go we had to go to the thing and go give me the loot yeah yeah we’re saving our eye of enders we

Don’t even have enough for the end yet we’re safe boys have you got blaze rods we haven’t found a fortress yet like the goal today so someone just came in and said get netherrite it’s like hello hello like we excuse me yeah oh shoot sorry i didn’t think about it like that

Oh sydney i remembered i made you a little orchard thing what is that and your chest is literally just obsidian and an under eye yeah i know but we don’t have enough under eyes to beat the game yet i guess we could make one but i’m just like

But also it’s like then you have to make you kind of have to make two yeah you’re like you want to have one at your place yeah one point one place one of the other place it’s like i guess i just yeah um also i don’t think it’s worth it but the um

So we have you need an ender chest before you go to the end no you don’t yeah yeah i don’t okay okay let’s play gotta organize that [ __ ] all right all right everybody y’all we gotta stop backseating all right you can backseat and be nice but

Like if you don’t if you haven’t been watching yeah if you if you haven’t been watching then you can’t like just come in and like backseat because we literally just roll this is our this is our hidey house this is not our house yeah this is yeah um

Okay so do we want to a um dude why did we make that portal where we did uh do i know do we want to go back there or well no obsidian is not hard to get so it’s like we might as well just take our diamond pickaxes from back home if

We want to go back there are you saying oh i guess i’m like what i’m thinking is i see what you’re saying i’m like thinking about operation get the ancient debris back to the the base yeah and i think i think the way back is is pretty easy um or we could

Literally go yeah we could literally bring this obsidian back make the portal at the place before and then just run back to our house on earth so we don’t have to deal with another even though it’s kind of far away bring the obsidian back like take this obsidian to the

Half portal that we just made yeah yeah and then finish a portal then we can go back home and then we have like kind of a different short we have a safer shortcut yeah which is like a far it’s a far walk like it’s going to take it’s going

To take like probably five times as long to get back but it’s not going to be it’s going to be on grass and like if we die it’s not you know we can run from our house to get our stuff i guess yeah jarvis you need four ancient debris to make an ingot

We yeah we know like that we what i don’t know we’ve got six ancient debris right here um wha what’s the what was that what was the point of saying that um okay let’s get the would you rather do that i mean the trip back to our place isn’t that

Bad from here but also like do we really want to risk it you know yeah that’s what i i i think i prefer the um the thing i like about the path from the the part the the where we were your head is just going the thing about where we were is that

It’s like kind of safe yeah at least to get back to this area but um dude i don’t know and we could build a better way back there than like i mean honestly up there like if we get to that area we just go up there

We have a straight shot to our where we were you know so it’s not really not that bad yeah sorry what’s i i think i like disassociated for a minute there what what’s the plan let’s for a minute let’s make the portal okay okay like complete the portal that

We already said let’s complete that portal and then run back on earth okay so i’m gonna so should i take the our ancient debris with us or should i leave it in this chest here let’s bring it with us okay i’m gonna take i think we should split it i’ll take

Three you take three okay we’re bounded not enough to each make a another right but enough to exactly safe yeah yeah it’s called did you have did you give it to me uh i had left it in the chest oh it’s like i was like huh that was what i was like yeah

Okay fall on me they were like what was that female voice it’s on my soundboard i miss my soul speed boots is this the right way where did we oh yeah we dropped down from here oh god there’s one blue fire so there’s like yeah

I think if we just dig up this way we’ll run into where we were i should have made a shovel made a little chubby someone said this is your dad nick uh exclamation point nick or exclamation point dad do we have a see you later i’m saving my phone data see uh

If you want to save your data uh you can put us on audio mode yeah true kind of like a podcast kind of like a podcast we’re talking about oh here we go okay now let’s let’s safety mode this for a second yeah thank you for safety moding dad safe to emote okay

There we go okay okay back home kinda home is where the portal is all right let me break this crying obsidian yeah yeah can we do it together yeah yeah yeah it’ll double we’ll we’ll go twice as fast okay look at us go let’s go your dad has a

Heartthrob i’m gonna order food while we’re breaking this oh thanks elf jack all right guys that was good guys don’t cancel me in chat please um dude rip to this crying obsidian but yeah it’s like a useless block right yeah apparently someone said it was like a respawn anchor

For the nether but we have a lot of it oh yeah let’s break it that’s what i say oh reese that’s what i was talking about when i was like make i like didn’t literally mean make a bed oh we broke it good job uh did i breathe did you i already put

It there oh hell yeah oh so i just oh yeah i just need to ignite it you just gotta light it up light it up light it i’m on fire [Laughter] Oh yeah we’re going to be on the overworld yeah oh yeah uh my mini map i thought we had a uh a thing for it oh yeah i thought we had like a little a little marker for where house was but we don’t so i think what we’re gonna do is just

F3 and head back towards like zero zero zero or whatever is that where we built our that’s like near what like near spawn is is like zero zero oh interesting um i i believe you guys can check me and chat on that i like didn’t think that we spawned near zero zero

Holy frame rate is it like not do i have any i have zero drop frames right now so and i’m at 50 i’m at 50 fps i think so i think it should be i think we should be fine holy holy of your wi-fi yeah um so right so this is the white

This is the way to go down does anyone know i lost you i lost you i’m next to the portal still oh okay does anyone know if that’s correct if like we’re i don’t yeah i like because i when i spawn into our uh both you and the camera are lagging okay uh

I can check with um i can check ob i can check twitch give me a sec i mean there’s not really anything i can do about it if twitch just decides to like be laggy because i’m like not my bit rate is like double what the twitch maximum is right now

Uh yeah it could just be uh on my screen nothing’s going wrong it might be something with twitch because on my screen i don’t see anything wrong i just want to see what yeah it says my connection is excellent on um on twitch so it’s like i just don’t know

Like in situations like that you just gotta wait it out yeah i don’t really know if there’s anything i can do cauliflower thank you for the result for two months um okay so i think wait let me see if any yeah someone said i’m i don’t think you spawned it exactly

Zero zero but i think it’s like in that area like you will be able to know where we are when we get there someone else said i think spawns close to zero zero is let me look it up Yeah it said you’ll always spawn somewhere near the center of the map but the game will try to spawn you like on land and stuff so we should be in that area i think we should just head that way and i’m guessing we’ll find it i’m trying to figure out what area that

Is i’m not really good with if if it’s if it’s laggy it might just be my obs like encoder or something it’s not unfortunately not something i can fix uh because i don’t yeah i don’t know it’s like i don’t have any indicators that anything is wrong

Yeah if something’s wrong refresh or and then wait five minutes and like if it’s still going wrong and say something but also in my obs it’s like pretty responsive so like the recording will look good at least um so sorry everybody for the inconvenience

I just don’t know what to do so i think sorry i’m just like kind of waving it waiting around to like look at the uh to look at the coordinates to see which way is the right way technically i’m not good at figuring out which oh

Yeah let me yeah let me i’ll note the coordinates of this one real quick oh wait i know how to do this i can set up a new one that’s just zero zero and say home and then it should okay yeah okay i i i’ve got i’ve got a little

Waypoint set up for us son i think we’re going to head that way and see it’s 2000 meters away a little bit of a trek but not too bad what are my shaders they’re called cylinders vibrant shaders pretty epic i hate he’s like oh wait sorry i’m using i’m not using a

Shovel i don’t have a shovel on me sorry everybody let me just use a pork chop yeah usually there you go i already lost you where’d you go i’m just i’m waiting for the top i’m just looking down at you how did you get up without like breaking these blocks

Because like they’re all they’re all one over over one block tall i guess i’m just kind of a special kind of guy i don’t know i don’t think the frame rate has anything to do with um the game like it like it like it doesn’t make sense to i mean maybe maybe

Yeah i’m looking at i’m looking at like there’s no i don’t have any lag on my obs recording on my end of obs or in my game and then my obs says drop frame zero like not a single frame has dropped so yeah if it hasn’t if if it’s not an

Issue that’s lasting longer then like it hasn’t lasted long enough then okay i don’t know how else to do this to do we just want to build straight up how many blocks you have uh or should we just should we just build like stairs through this mountain

How does this always happen one sec i like how do i i like open my inventory and now suddenly i don’t have enough uh to have anything in my inventory or do i have i like have one i have to throw something away whatever okay yeah i’ve got i’ve got netherrack

So you just want to build up yeah build up build up okay i’m gonna do it over here we’re going home we’re going home we’re going home um we’re going home nick and his son are going home be safe down the mountain son yikes they’re like a couple of goats aren’t

They adding goats yeah dude we’re gonna be able to have this goat i should i just said a boat right now wait a second dude wait are we are we just trying to go all the way down yeah i’m gonna boat it i might make a boat

I’d love to see you boat it yeah let me try to vote it i might be down by the time you’re down there and i can watch you yeah yeah i just got a gamer shot i just think it’ll be fun for the for the for the video for the old

Highlight i’ll get a great i’ll get a great shot son let me get down to the bottom of the hill with my camcorder so i can get a great home video for my uh uh that is awkward dude i have so much [ __ ] in my inventory i don’t need these chains

Or actually i don’t need these iron nuggets i don’t need so much of this [ __ ] oh i can i’m just gonna put down this my son has already grown out of his chains phase i’m just gonna put this down um this nether quartz you can chill

Uh got the camcorder ready you got the camcorder ready all right i don’t know where you are uh i’ll find you before i do anything i have i had to make a crafting table um hey son you’re doing great hey that’s my son here he goes hey

Oh i should have i should have gotten over the edge i didn’t get to get i didn’t get the drop shot there he is there’s my boy there’s my boy yep there he is that’s me i’m your boy he’s my dad that worked out way better than expected

That was pretty chill actually that was pretty awesome i thought it would be fun i don’t you know yeah that was great that that was awesome hey look at the ditty i should have done i should have uh done f5 but i guess on nick stream you saw me fall

Yeah it was pretty awesome i did the whole cinematic cam too oh hell yeah man it is dark out here yeah we got to get we got to get get we got to get get got it i’m using the lava to kind of guide the way but on your screen it’s not really

Yeah there’s a scale watch out yeah we’re going to kill him in the gamer way oh [ __ ] oh sorry i was like what the [ __ ] i realized how close you were yeah i’m that fast i was gonna like go and pick it up we all make mistakes i always hurt my

Own son he almost burned me pops burned get burned yo mama oh i think oh uh hannah thank you for the tier one man they really decided to make us come back in the dark of night in a rainstorm yeah i know seriously they just know that they needed uh sorry

I’m gonna shoot this zombie real quick around the corner i thought it was gonna be oh there he is okay owned all right hit from the back by myself are we near our home here’s another zombie oh we’re we’re about like we’re a little over halfway through the

Through the journey but like half of that was going up the mountain so i think we’re pretty close oh there’s a lot of skeletons here i should probably eat um well mushroom action overall the rainstorm stop thank god i didn’t have my my freaking sword equipped uh okay creeper creeper

Oh [ __ ] run son run run run run dump the gap oh i just had a little glock glitch it like glitched right as i was about to jump the gap i was like awful timing they freaking screwed you over oh oh there’s another spider here i was like why do i have

And i need some porchy war cheese oh i just realized i i have torches but i don’t have a bamboo wait how far away are we from home uh not not far i mean we’re like 1600 meters but i think it started at 4 000 so

But this jungle biome is pretty cool it is also a creeper oh [ __ ] are you okay i’m fine oh [ __ ] okay and of course they’re making us go through a jungle man i know right i didn’t realize like we really it’s like eight i guess it’s like eight times as far away

Yeah in the overworld so should have thought about that yeah it still feels safer than the nether no yeah it is because like we know we’re not gonna die from like a few zombies yeah yeah yeah like literally in the nether random oh did i just

The guy just laggy lagged yeah i was like why is he just i zipped back i was like running with you and i zipped back yeah it’s still like more it’s like better than the other server because like i mean yeah it’s happened like twice the whole time yeah yeah okay zombie boy

I’m in the water so i can come in the water with you wrestle around like with an alligator are you going i’m just getting these leaves we’re hacking through the leaves like a couple of jungle folk oh wait hold on oh never mind you made a path

Man there really we’re really a couple of adventurers i know going through the forest i feel like i’m hacking through i i feel like i’m not being entertaining right now i’m a little low energy because i haven’t eaten i guess i need to eat some food but it’s on the way

Oh what did he get quesadillas normal oh [ __ ] sorry i i was backed against the wall and then i just like i didn’t want to fall down i don’t know what i was thinking listen it’s okay i put my shield up it’s fine please eat

Okay can we not do the please eat thing i’ve only got i’m like pretty health healthy hunger-wise i only have two do you only have two hunger things down only two hunger things down yeah let’s see what tell me i please tell me please when i have two hunger things left

Yeah yeah yeah thank you very much um i’m sick of these people oh i think they’re saying please eat because it was like i was talking about being hungry like not in the game and you were like what the hell are guess that makes more sense i didn’t i

Didn’t say that but yeah i know i know i know dude i actually don’t like this jungle biome at night it’s just like just like you never know what to freaking expect oh there you are yeah get him here we go yeah this is freaking this is a freaking journey

I’m just like lighting lighting it up simply for the cinematic quality it’s like making it look better although i couldn’t we technically like light the forest on fire by accident or something yeah i don’t know if you can do the torches i do have a lava bucket here oh don’t do it

You can pull off a little deforestation no no no let’s not do it forest fire i’m joking i’m joking guys i would never oh there’s a creeper behind us watch out watch out you yo good good instincts i’m waiting in the water still oh there’s probably a skeleton after me right now

Oh [ __ ] or 1300 away i swear we started at 4 000. i don’t know why this part has taken like probably because we can’t like move very quickly yeah every every like stuff we take every move we make you know we’re in a jungle a mighty jungle yeah now we’re now now

Um okay okay there’s creeper ah i’m just i’m moving now where are you where are you don’t don’t you got a creeper on me no don’t worry son i’m in between i’m in between a zombie and a creeper like in between a rock and a hard place but it’s two

Life-threatening beasts oh two creepers oh zombie in the cave this is not looking great i’m like just not sure where to where you are oh there’s a creeper right here come on i got you i see i see where you’re on my little mappy mappy gabby

Am i go am i going towards you or am i going away from you my favorite alternative milk guys i’m a big i was a big coconut guy i switched to oat milk though okay i’m right here oh wait let me step up so you can see right here

Right behind you are we going on the right way yeah follow me over here we got another creeper trying to let it blow up hey sharp shooter huh sharp shooter good mouthfeel on on oat milk yeah i agree i’m inclined to agree i’m also threatened to agree those old milk people

They’re crazy oh finally the sun comes up today it’s the day the sun comes out this morning we should write we should write a soundtrack you know how logic made an album to go along with his book god damn it i don’t uh come on now yeah

I’m coming i guess you can with a sword get the leaves easier come on come on this guy stinks this guy stinks man what a track we’re almost there not really do you say what a tracker what a trick because we were talking about music and i was like

What a track what a track yeah i was like what a [ __ ] bop dude like a dad oh wait that’s a broken look i just can’t you see that do you see do you see that it’s a it’s a ruined portal oh geronimo hey oh you should let me get out the cam

Corridor son oh yeah wait what am i doing can i put a button down here oh okay yeah oh let me let me should be able to uh let’s go let’s go green and jarvie yeah forever nine seasons nine seasons okay dad wait is there anything here is it just oh

There’s a shirt it’s a it’s a chest with a ruined portal you get a chest and you know we got a bunch of gold dad you had a chest let’s get out let’s get out uh a little bit of a thing wait don’t look at the chest without me

Dad i’m not gonna uh don’t worry don’t worry oh wait we also have we also have one oh we have one obsidian and these are crying in city and so we can’t fix it but i’ll get the gold get the gold all right three two one one go whoa

There’s some good stuff in here an unbreaking golden axe here let me drop some diorite and some gravel and some riddles in here yeah um because there’s some goodies in here this axe this gapple i’ve already got some guild of blackstone here i’ve already got some iron nuggets here

I’ve already got some flint oh wait no but there okay no we don’t need that what texture pack you have it is called silders vibrant shaders fire charge yeah jarvis runescape fan yama runescape fan um oh i think i got a uh do i prefer i i’m an osrs guy oh wait

My courier is arrived okay wait one second can you protect me or should i it’s the day i got you i got you i just realized my friend rented the josh uh what am i saying the floyd mayweather um logan paul fight today so i’m going to his house after this to

Watch it but hey i don’t have to pay for it i wouldn’t have given money to either of them but you know um what’s that what were you gonna say i was gonna say you uh josh paul i said my friend my i was telling chat my friend rented the uh

The big fight today oh yeah which i wasn’t gonna watch but he invited us over so after this i’m probably gonna go eat some pizza get a couple drinks watch a fight that’s gonna be very disappointing yeah i’m gonna there’s like i’m like in a similar boat except for

Instead of the fight there’s like a smash tournament going on that i want to watch and i might i might i you know i’ll see if i want to watch the fight um whenever i um because i kind of want to i kind of want to read twitter while it’s

Happening which is the main reason to that would be the entertainment value for me um do you know that eminem and dr dress on guilty conscience it’s like a very it’s a song that’s very problematic but uh i don’t think i know it if i okay

Unless i maybe if i heard it but i don’t think so yeah it’s it’s the it’s a song that’s like meet eddie he’s a blah blah blah and then it’s like all right stop now before you walk in the door this liquor store and try to

Get money out the drawer you got to think of the consequence well who are you i’m your [ __ ] conscience that’s nonsense go in after the yeah that’s like but anyway there’s a uh oh it’s a fox every time i say thank you i say it and there’s a thank you

There’s a part in that song where eminem it robs a store or something or his character does and he says thank you and every time somebody drops off food i’m like thank you and i feel like i say it the same way he says it in that song

Um that’s fine and so then i just want to i always get that song stuff on my head after i uh after i pick up food because i want to go thank you windows tented on my ride when i drive in it so when i rob the bank go out and

Just dive in it then i’ll be disguised in it and if anybody identifies a guy in it i hide for five minutes um oh my god i have another laggy waggy yeah that was a lack for me too um yeah one day you’re gonna say thank you and the delivery driver’s gonna go

Wait a minute wait an eminem reference you just lagged and then you disappeared to me yeah mine i like walked for a while and then i randomly zipped back to the spot i was like 20 seconds before oh strange what’s up henry and chat oh there you are

Nick on a skill of nick what nick would you rate yourself on nick wait wait nick where are we going how far are we from the right now we’re a thousand meters away we’re so far away still holy [ __ ] i swear we started at like

4 000 meters but maybe i was wrong wait let me check i can check how far away though i’m gonna oh no i was wrong okay the old portal is a thousand meters away so we’re at the halfway point okay okay okay which is a lot less a lot

Longer than i thought um yeah someone said for me to stream the fight no i if you want me to get my my twitch partnership take it away then i’ll shoot so somebody said uh i’m not sure how i feel about jarvis mining a dirt block with a pickaxe

Look we don’t have a shovel we don’t have a shovel one and yes i could have used any other thing but am i trying to like squeeze the durability out of this iron pickaxe no you know it’s like it doesn’t matter it like it just doesn’t matter okay it just subjectively doesn’t matter

I’m going to forget i’m going to put this iron pickaxe in the chest and never use it again you know um yeah and it’s like i agree okay it’s just like yeah i i forgot to switch over to my boat and then break the brick with that or my fists you know

It’s just like it just it just objectively doesn’t matter use your hit look what did i just say i could also use a boat and it doesn’t use durability because this is an adorability thing i know what i’m doing i know the minecrafts of it or the mechanics of the game

I know the i know the minecrafts i know the minecraft tell them i think your hair’s very floofy hey thanks i didn’t i i just liked it well i just was not like paying attention or whatever it’s fine everybody it’s fine it’s like unless it’s not like unless it takes

Away from the entertainment value of the the series i’m sorry someone’s watching the youtube video oh they see you do it i’m sure i think there’s already been comments about it but it’s like it it’s the same thing where people are like eat when you have

Like like you’re like right now i have three hungers down it’s like it just doesn’t matter i just don’t think about it and then i’m like like it doesn’t matter until you’re in a dangerous situation yeah yeah just because i don’t know that it’s mentioned i keep looking yeah yeah yeah

And it’s like yeah i’ll i’ll eat it and now that it happened it’s like it’s like when someone like cracks their knuckles and you’re like yeah yeah staring at them and you’re like i don’t want to awkwardly crack my knuckles right out okay now we’re in a spot where we’re really moving let’s

Let’s freaking let’s move let’s move father and son and we’re try i was a true oh i missed the job yeah i also missed it like fine hold on let me let me break the this this with the meat yeah you got your meat dirty it’s not gonna

You’re gonna get the durability on the the durability on the meat oh no ah my steak’s losing durability so i don’t even remember the pig i just don’t have any inventory spot so i’m like let’s yeah i’m trying to get rid of stuff that i don’t care about

Then i even like i see a cool block and i’m like wow this blocks kind of cool okay okay okay what’s up big rigberry 69. someone said uh the state estate farm ad played before my stream and that it’s a sign and i’m like actually that’s very pog that’s very jarvis jpog

Very jarvis jpog are we going are we going to send a straight line this way yeah we’re very we’re pretty close now now we’re moving and grooving we’re only 500 away we sorry oh i ran into the berry oh yeah i forgot about the yeah i didn’t

I was like what’s going on what’s up space dude whoa you just like jetted forward you chewed it you just jaded jude it’s like juked and jutted you juked and jetted right in front of my eyes yeah i felt bad for his face dude because remember space dude’s the one that

Helps us with all the mass effect but i was like oh do we have bones oh dude i think i just i’m surprised we have bones we have bones hang on oh hell yeah hey like uh this is annoying because i don’t have any spaces in my places

So let me get rid of this basalt let me get you this i know let me get rid of this chiseled paul well i like the chicken did you pick it up i did pick it back up again dude it’s like i’m moving away from it now um let me turn this bone

Into well actually let me just convert it completely into bone meal and oh [ __ ] i made it into bone meal and not a bone god damn it whatever honestly i’m surprised run into we’re going to turn back into a bone you push it back don’t don’t let it beat you up too much

Son it’ll uh honestly like i i i didn’t we’ll finally i didn’t think that the uh fossil bone stuff would turn straight into whoa oh would turn straight into bone meal i thought it would go to bones first yeah oh you did the bone block yeah because i

Left my bones at the uh the ruin oh oh god he’s [ __ ] oh so you didn’t even have a choice like you can’t even turn bone blocks into bones you can i’m pretty sure you can turn them into like nine bones right i think we just need like uh

Yeah bone meal is useful for the farm uh nick where are you at i i know where you are in my map so i’m just walking towards them behind you am i going in the right direction uh kind of we just go a little bit more left like

Like this way this this away uh can you see me yeah i can see man i knew it was this much of a trick i mean it’s fine it’s good people said check the swamp but it’s good it’s good bonding i just want to go home

Before what like uh like a little little slimy boys maybe or for like oh wait get the boat out son do you have the boat or do you get rid of the boat out of the boat i got the boat i got the boat can you get into it from here yeah yeah

All right am i going the right way you’re the pilot now yeah take over hang right here go through here so we can get into the open area yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah really good and then kind of hang left a little bit shoot for that like area

That’s like a little bit off to the left i see there’s like an opening if we can stay in water longer like a movie it might go in the right is this three yeah yeah yeah go straight from here now we’re moving baby we’re schmoving i actually hate hitting the lily pads

That really [ __ ] with my vibe yeah i know i love those little things oh yeah now we’re moving on the water me and my dad on the water okay lily pads got these lily pads stop it i’m so annoyed by the lily pads do they break automatically

They do break automatically it just like [ __ ] up our moment like it’s annoying yeah i feel like a bad driver um okay go left here into that open area there’s like more water that way we’re we’re still headed in the right direction we’re very close to being back we’re looking at

We’re in the 100 area so our house could be nearby anywhere there’s two creepy creeps bunk let’s try to see if i recognize there’s a lot of enemies hey hang in to the right here um dude how are there so many lily pads still in the water

Dude press f for all the lily pads we’ve been destroyed in this uh i have three pads oh that’s funny okay let’s get out here oh i see a slimy what’s the point of slimes besides for like pissed and stuff is there a point they’re very rare though yeah um

They the blocks are good for oh wait did we lose the should we lose the boat here yeah that’s fine yeah i was like i don’t feel like picking it up i’m gonna get the slimy over here let me find you real quick oh turn around turn around

Hey oh this is indian all right watch out because we’ve got so much um yeah actually let’s i’m gonna mark i’m gonna mark this place let’s not let’s not stay here okay check i also have food that i wanna eat but we gotta get to safety first safety first oh what double creeper

Double creeper dub creep dub creep i’m just skipping across the i’m getting back on the boat lots of mobs lots of mobs uh uh what do i want to do what do i want to do what do i want to get rid of uh sorry fire charge

Okay i’m as the zero zero now so i’m like also worst comes to worst what we could do is like if we really can’t find our place one of us we put all our stuff in a chest one of us dies and then we mark where we are and we just run back

Really quick because i know we’re in the area um where did you go let me let me come get you because i’m just like looking at all these creepers on land and i’m like no i’m good over here yeah i’m running back towards you skirt skirt oh you got a j you’re

Talking to fighting a jelly oh god they got me and they got me in the water oh my god i’m gonna tell you you’re fighting so many yeah get get to safety do you need to get in the boat the escape vehicle i’m coming i’m coming to the boat okay

Get in the boat get in the boat get in the [ __ ] come pick me up sorry oh god okay um wow that was intense okay yeah that was close like i i picked you up on the kid you were like yeah the getaway vehicle okay so i had left um into that area

Who knew i would be picking up a stack of lily pads today losing lily pads makes me literally sad i thought you were serious for a second uh okay okay okay okay okay okay like here-ish yeah just get to the land over here and we’ll we’ll do it we’ll trek back home

We’re we’re going the opposite way right now though hightail it we’re going to turn around oh turn around go the opposite way yeah yeah yeah oh i thought you said hit land here got it the land we’ll go to the land off to just go straight

We’ll we’re just going to get off right right not so many mods no like a little okay just like we’ll get off in an area where they’re not like attacking us and we’ll run back to home it’s like at this point we may as well just wait for the morning in the water

Yeah just kind of just kind of float around because i’m just like i don’t want to get the wait i got to get out of here there was a creeper that was yeah the creepers in the water yeah let me just you ever think about joining the

Rowing team once you get enrolled back at school son uh i think about it every day dad that’s why i went back and got my boat all right let’s scroll back here um you know what’s going down you know what i’m just going to eat i’m

Going to take you out of my food real quick i’ve been i’ve been looking forward to this good night fizzy lemon swirl night fizzy lemon squirrel how’s everyone doing let’s check let’s check in the chat check in with chat what are you guys uh

What are you guys up to last night i was editing a video and i uh i say i said the term quote-unquote oh wait look at this okay hold on let me uh i was like editing myself and i realized i said oh god the little boys here i’m gonna get in

The water and just slash because these guys are pretty easy to kill once you uh but i need to take stuff out of my stuff so i get these slime balls i said the turk the term quote on quote and then i was like

And as i was editing it i was like is it quote unquote or quote end quote and i was like i’ve been saying it i’ve been saying the thing i’ve been saying quote on quote and i didn’t realize that that was like just the like that didn’t make any sense

At all and i didn’t even like look no one told me i didn’t look it up i just like realized it within my own self while i was watching myself and i was like i was like this is so weird like i looked it up and i was just like

I guess i’m a certified dumbass well i mean at least you didn’t say it in like a presentation and then somebody like corrected you after yeah but it’s also pretty hard like you can say quote on quote and it just sounds like you’re saying quote unquote but then there’s a whole

Conversation of whether it’s quote unquote or quote end quote um i’m pretty sure quote unquote i looked at like so many like last night i was just looking at articles on articles about it and basically came to the consensus that there are like different circumstances in which different ones make sense and like

No one really there’s no yeah like an end quote is uh is like when you like are saying like you would say quote unquote uh the boat or something like that but then you would say end quote if you were ending a quote like something like literally

You were like yeah you were saying like i i had a dream end quote but no one obviously like i don’t know i don’t know i wonder if there are people who legitimately like used both of them and don’t just like sp i feel like you know you do use

I feel like no i think that they’re different like well i think i agree that they’re different but i feel like no one ever is like like in their head is like i’m gonna say quote unquote or quote end quote because they seem so different oh i mean

They seem so similar to actually say oh because i think that people say quote unquote no one says in my view i’ve never in my life heard someone say quote end quote but i’ve heard someone say and i quote so-and-so and so and so end quote end quote yeah yeah yeah

That’s what i’m say that’s what i think i think people use quote unquote also for them saying quote end quote because it’s so similar to say but i don’t know if there’s anyone who in their head like uses the same you know says that but like will

Change it to a quote end quote it’s cool and cool it’s not even easy to say quote unquote no i don’t i actually have never i i don’t believe and i’ve never seen it not uh an example of someone saying quote end quote back to back

Like in my view yeah yeah yeah there is you’d say quote unquote together and then they’re saying yeah quote and then you say the quote and then you end it with quote you see what i mean yeah do you think there’s ever been a twitch stream where

Someone said the word quote this many times in a conversation no we took the we took the record okay we win okay head straight straight from here here yeah quote unquote no still sounds weird like i could say you know yesterday jarvis told me quote

I need to put my ass ointment on my ass end quote yeah and i feel like end quote is just such an official like sounding yeah like uh he’s on fire where’s my boat at where’s my boat at give me my boat back oh i have it sarah said jervis didn’t

Even blink no one when i set up and think about the housewarming you didn’t even say anything about it you’re just like yeah and wait what i said what it’s like if i said quote jarvis it’s i said my example was jarvis said quote i gotta put my ass wayman on my ass

You were like and you just didn’t address the actual quote itself you’re just like yeah yeah and then but if you said yeah yeah i’m sorry i didn’t yeah my bad i’m like i’m mostly thinking about my food right now oh watermelon wait let’s get rid of uh what

Do i want to get rid of i guess i’ll get rid of the soul soil hey remember this you ever think it’s the most beautiful thing i’ve ever seen in my home a knife made out of water malone you guys remember that what it’s from it’s a vine A knife made out of water tell me in chat if you guys remember that i’m throwing away those iron nuggets because i don’t need that’s yo cyber june thank you for the raid party of f four four four is this a parrot whoa whoa wait how do you get the parrot

To be your pet guys what do parrots eat [ __ ] i almost knocked over my coke oh they said feed it seeds and we have water malone over here do you have the seeds from watermelon um i have just what melon slices i think you can turn them into seeds if

You just put them in your one of them i don’t have that kind of inventory space what do y’all want from me okay hold on i have grass seeds what let me get some grassy seeds i guess i can put away my netherwork block and then

Hold on i got the seeds all right i got some seeds let’s see if we can make this parrot hours eat eat eat hey sorry i think i uh i think i copped them all right well i’m gonna i’m gonna get rid of i’m gonna take back my nothing

Now this little boy’s going to follow us around for everything welcome to the raider i did say out of the way for the raid what’s up what did you guys do on your on your stream how’s it going cyber june what’s up kenny and great dane you can’t

Use the cocoa seeds but other seeds work oh sweet thank you okay so wait we passed i just keep falling i’ve fallen into a cave where the hell are we this guy said this guy’s deep in a cave um there you are okay so the zero zero

Is oops where’s the h oh it’s right over here but that’s all jungle according to my map so i think we’re somewhere over here but i could also just make a chest and die and run back and take a jog back over to find where we are do we have

Wood to do i mean what all around us simply put we have wood all around us this this cow and pig area maybe is where we but then i don’t remember the mushroom stuff this might be nearby our area it like kind of looks like the biome that we were

Oh this black sheep looks familiar too hmm you know i actually i actually know what the coordinates are of our of our base i think i just remembered that we could also literally just go to a video and see on my because my screen the coordinates are on the screen all the time

I have them written down actually um and the reason i knew it wasn’t near zero zero is because i um had to navigate to because we we spawn at zero zero but then we moved our bet like far away um or we spawned near zero zero but zero

Zero on this map i’m pretty sure i don’t know but it’s still like you can see like all of our you know yeah all of our destruction from zero like from us you know yeah um but i might just build yeah check check what it is because we

Can just check yeah okay yeah yeah let me just let me just check check i can oh wait [ __ ] i forgot i i can’t exit out of layout let me give your way i can also just pull up the latest video and let me just pull up the latest video oh

No i have it right here um negative 128. oh actually so this is our this is of our underground base i don’t know which is fine x y and z oh okay so it’s uh it’s negative 128 56 negative two to five okay cool okay yeah that’s not bad at all

Um okay so now we have the new home the horm which is about 300 this way okay so it’ll take about take a couple couple minutes falling in caves come on wait so come on this way this way yeah yeah thank you yeah let’s go let’s

Go the way that doesn’t go through the the forest yeah we can go around the outskirts hold on let me get my look in my chat what’s your parrot’s name i don’t know we’ll we’ll feel it out wait this is going down and we want to go up so the opposite direction

Right wait i said negative 122. you said negative 128 and then negative oh yeah wait what the hell sorry i haven’t i haven’t plugged into my map so i’ve always said i got you sorry i didn’t realize i’m just cheating i’ve got the gps it’s just my sixth sense

Your sixth sense is your your incredible hearing or your your visual auditory and mine is the the sense of wisdom i know my way around i like i really hate this biome now it’s just like not fun to like navigate through yeah it’s fun to look at i’m a special kind

Of white guy i self-reflected and i wanna be an agent of change yo let’s just play the let’s just put then let’s just put the special on stream no oh wait that’s our that’s that’s our place get in the box get in the boat

Hey get in the boat get in the boat hey get in the boat take us home son not without hitting a bunch of lily pads first through the pads i didn’t realize we were so connected to this type of biome i’m just gonna park on these under underdeveloped

How did those not i know how do they not grow already maybe it’s like if your character is not in like sorry i kicked you out of the i’m drowning sorry dad we’re home wow i’ve never felt you know that feeling when you go on a really long vacation and yeah

You finally get to just come home and lay in your bed man it’s so dark in here all of a sudden probably because we live in a cave yeah son yo son hi bryan’s board don’t die and we came home with a pet this parrot and we have some slimy whimeys i’m so

Happy to like unload yeah there’s so much [ __ ] on me i’m gonna unlock no mine and i think that’s been really fine it’s been a really hard week yeah okay let’s put the nether um yeah here i’m gonna put it right under the ancient debris chest i’m just taking i’m gonna take literally

Everything out of my inventory so we don’t have to uh yeah we can like kind of give ourselves a little bit of a breath no kidding guys can someone tell me if pigstep will get us get our vod someone said it was uh someone said it was copyrighted but then someone else said

That it’s not copyrighted anymore yeah especially on twitch i’m like i don’t think they would do that but i mean yeah because i want to play it because it’s an awesome epic song but wait don’t you just record your thing you don’t download your vod from twitch though right

I don’t oh so then we can refine because i still need your your side yeah true but if it if it doesn’t it just mutes the audio at that point it doesn’t like take down the vod or whatever but i also want to make i don’t want to take a whisk yeah i

Don’t want to take a whiz but it’s kind of worth a song because the song is pretty awesome i’m gonna i feel like i’m gonna put this black stone in the [ __ ] stone thing just because it’s like all yeah random um rayadowski what’s up someone gave me an answer about the pig stuff

People in my chat had said some stuff earlier yeah i can also just look it up farm stuff lily pad lily pad oh wait i’ve got this netherworkblock i can turn it into oh i thought i could turn it into netherwork but maybe not guess not

Wait so so can you not do you have to like if oh wait melon slice we can take the seeds out of it that’s what you said okay good good good good i’m just gonna convert all of our watermelons into watermelon seeds so that we can later if we want

Start at watermelon farm so that i don’t accidentally eat them or something i looked it up and it said pigstep was copyrighted interesting yeah i saw that but it was like a it’s like a reddit post from like oh from like a thousand years ago from

Like a year ago and then there’s another one that’s like music all of music and games like copyright safe but that’s also not how twitch works yeah um some people said it’s caused issues in the past i don’t i don’t really think it’s that

Big of an issue but also if we want to play a safe then whatever yeah who cares kira what’s up fart goddess what’s up all right i’m gonna take a few more bites of my food um you should probably take a couple minutes yeah how long have you been going for it

Two hours uh do we want to try looking for what’s the what’s the plan stan um i don’t know if it’s smart to like go out on another excursion oh we could try to see what we could do with the nether right stuff but if we need eight do we want to make

We could make like one like we could really only make one thing right yeah it would probably just be the the um pickaxe with looting yeah we can also even know that’s a good use i don’t even think that’s yeah some people some people like the sword because it

Does so much damage so like for fighting for the very end or whatever but also i just don’t lee brown thank you so much for coming to watching the videos like because at the end i imagine we don’t even like won’t even use a sword for the ender dragon

Yeah you’ll be using like freaking arrows but then you have to fight off like other stuff while you’re doing that like under boys and all that so i don’t know how that works um yeah does anyone have a a lot of people like doing armor because it’s like super protective over everything

And then you can like also get the stuff on it but i don’t know if anyone has recommendations on what if it we should use if we should turn my really nice pickaxe and do a and do nether or if we should turn on second thought i don’t think we should

Turn the pickaxe because like the looting pickaxe we’re not going to use that often yeah well i mean we we i mean since it’s unbreaking and we can repair it i guess we only will but we won’t we’re not going to do it in like scary situations where we could possibly

Use it you know um some people are saying sort uh i feel like armor might be the best if we can get a good but we only if we can get good stuff on it um people a lot of people are saying armored chess play why do i keep hearing

Like a little sizzle i keep getting scared it’s like the start of a creeper but then just goes away um maybe it’s my chewing sound your chewing sound is i don’t know i don’t know it doesn’t sound like it’s like it’s like i cook’s food when i chew it yeah yeah

You’re just chewing so fast it’s it’s going out it’s getting hot bye kenny either way i’m kind of like not sure if we have like enough for an episode here so we might yeah a lot of us trekking around yeah i mean we could always like

Do a happy and do a happy on wendy when wendy’s day is yeah um just like it’s not like you’re behind on you know we we’re never gonna catch up on things anyway if we’re doing two a week yeah and i feel like i’m not ready to do like

Another half of like stuff you know dive into another big excursion yeah um hold on what time is this fight guys are you vaccinated yeah i’m vaccinated not the not the flex or anything not to flex but we’re kind of vaccinated oh i sent you a little sketch for a

Pride event when you get the chance let me look at it right now yo you need to shrink your head to fit your body i like that a lot that’s crazy but yeah try to make it as big like fill it as much as you can i guess

You could shrink the head and bring like the hands up with the flag but yeah i’m i mean i’m cool with even just that that’s that’s like very perfect that’s pretty much perfect and also since it’s an emo don’t put too much like detail and like don’t feel like you got

To put like shading and stuff like that’s good and simple enough um when are you watching the last episode i want to marry harry we have to check with someone um we have to check with our with our special guestie um but if that special guestie can do it tomorrow

Then we’re gonna do it tomorrow left or right twix i’m not i’m not a big twixie wixie guy now that we’ve got i actually like twix pb shout out to our chickens twix wants to sponsor us guys uh we’ll eat one twix per episode uh twix pb so

What was i gonna say one thing i was thinking i could do is like i can one thing i might do on stream when i’m um streaming by myself i might make improvements to our like i might do things like organizing oh yeah that’d be nice

And that’s nice and chill and you have to like also like is something that we can you know sets us up for success in the series because yeah it’s like it’s not necessarily entertaining but i mean it’s not entertaining for a video but yeah but it could be the chance to talk

To each other yeah with doing stuff with chat okay another fancy chest needs to be made but if someone just said who’s chat am i in like i can’t tell by the vibe where i am um okay do you want to like should we do some sort of like outro you thing

Type thingy um i think since if we’re gonna pick up next episode then we then we should then we can do like a little to be continued yeah or i can do voice voice-over yeah you can do a funny little bit where you uh yeah i think it’s fine i mean it will

Make it obvious that this it’s gonna be like another day yeah all right uh so let me let me sit up let me sit up all right so we so the goal the goal today was to explore the nether more and find a fortress but all we found is this parrot

Yeah and that’s you know nothing nothing wrong with that but we still have more exploring to do so um tune in next i mean we’re just gonna cut now to the next day yeah you don’t actually have to wait you don’t have to wait it should be happening like right this second

Unless you’re on the twitch stream which isn’t really going to tv hey it’s not a great promotion shut the [ __ ] up no it is a great it is a great promotion but they’re here now because they’re here now and they get to talk to us and we

Are hanging out and i like them and i just like i talk to how much i talk to them and talk to them how much i i tell them that they’re good talk to them how much you like i talk to them how much i like them

Yeah all we do the whole time in the ch whenever we interact with chat we never give we never get upset with them about crap that they say to us we just are always praising them it’s true bow down it’s true it’s true it’s true it’s true anyway this is a long voiceover

Oh i i mean i don’t know that this will be the voiceover that i’m actually using the video it’s just uncut Um the twitch is great you should all join from youtube heck yeah um anyways should we just should we just freaking call it here yeah we should just call it because i got some i might guys i might jump on stream later tonight but i’m

Gonna i need to finish my video and i gotta i’m i just i’m gonna relax with some friends what’s what’s wrong with that and yeah enjoy that um is this like an indestructible chicken that was so strange there’s people watching from youtube in the future yeah

You go to jarvis johnson pro i need to add a command for that um let me hold on let me get the channel commands add i’m probably i was like i don’t think this chat wants to watch me watch a super smash brothers tournament so i’m probably just gonna like go off streaming

And chillax yeah i’m gonna get off as well um but i might be on later tonight play a little genshi play a little you know who knows who knows what i’m gonna do um well thanks everyone for joining us um sorry about sorry about the not being able to

Interact with chat too much during these but just the way it’s just the way it is kinda sometimes even um and check out and check out the new um the new epi episode on the youtube if um if if you so choose it’s a good it’s a good video

Yeah i was flooding is streaming my boy john is streaming though oh wait i’ll all uh let me follow flutten on twitch flood and streaming old school runescapes yeah yeah i’m gonna i’ll i’ll host flatten i might do i never really get to raid my boy john

You should rate your boy john so i feel bad because i really want to raid flooding because she’s never streaming when i’m doing it but but i’ll have to but she streams way more often than john so or then yeah yeah so we’re gonna do you

Have to are you like legally required to call him my boy john he’s like cuz every time you were about to say john you were like jump my boy john no it’s not like no guys come on yeah okay uh just to explain guys john was basically my first person who hired me

To edit well actually no he found me from from curtis but before i had a regular job with curtis he was my first regular editing job so he’s part of the reason i’m here he’s playing this game called for the king he’s in gangrene he’s a canadian boy

He’s the nicest guy ever so treat him with respect be nice on my end thank you to everybody who hosted thank you to everybody who subbed today who gave bits and who just like hung out in the chat um you’re all premium and wonderful and professional and um we are going to be

Rating uh flutten who is an old school runescape streamer what is she doing on stream right now let’s let’s find out there’s doing like a one life thing um i could say oh yeah so she’s playing a hardcore iron man which means that she can’t die she if

She dies she loses this little uh this little red helmet becomes a gray helmet so it’s uh it’s high stakes high risk high reward um for the clout mostly for the for the coolness and yeah just my rate’s about to go so bye guys bye all right bye bye

Thank you for joining all right everybody stay for the raid and and at the very least wit be be nice to flatten um so i’m going to do that now tell flutten we said we said we hope she has a good stream yeah yeah yeah

There we go there we go yeah all right bye everybody have a good have a good day bye have a wonderful time you

This video, titled ‘learning minecraft with my dad 6.6.21 (jarvis johnson full twitch stream)’, was uploaded by Twitch Streams ☆greg kurtistown☆ jarvy & nick on 2021-07-31 09:31:38. It has garnered 1354 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 02:20:36 or 8436 seconds.

archived for future viewing

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    Unbelievable NEW Monuments in Modded Minecraft!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Modded Minecraft JAVA [Fabric Edition] – New Monuments – Episode 2’, was uploaded by MoltenmapG on 2024-09-23 06:27:09. It has garnered 142 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 01:34:02 or 5642 seconds. JOIN OUR DISCORD SERVER: https://discord.gg/jvFK9dRZU5 Read More

  • Minecraft’s Next Level Textures: Dr. Bonks Edition

    Minecraft's Next Level Textures: Dr. Bonks EditionVideo Information This video, titled ’35 Textures That Would Make Minecraft Better!’, was uploaded by Dr. Bonks on 2024-08-16 20:00:07. It has garnered 212932 views and 3122 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:45 or 1365 seconds. Thank you for watching: 35 Textures That Would Make Minecraft Better! Make sure to like and subscribe! Resource Packs: https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/better-banner-pattern-items/ https://modrinth.com/resourcepack/animated-ore https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/powder-snow-warnings/ https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/player-utilities https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/watch-of-undying https://modrinth.com/resourcepack/low-shield-pack https://modrinth.com/resourcepack/enchantment-modifiers https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/blues-better-monsters https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/torrezx-sniffer-tools https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/porkier-piglins-x-fresh-animations https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/porkier-piglins https://modrinth.com/resourcepack/fairy-allays https://www.planetminecraft.com/mob-skin/mossy-warden-6348709/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/mob-skin/mossy-axolotl-6349698/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/mob-skin/mossy-villager/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/caladbolg-cit-1-19-moltenoni-weapon-texture-pack/ https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/shrimps-distinct-potions https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/splendous-sniffers https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/formidable-frogs/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/better-3d-craft-definitive-edition/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/better-animals-definitive-edition/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/shulker-gift-boxes-2/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/hexabiome-premium-1-16-1-21/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/notlives-s-customizable-statues-1-16/ https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/enhanced-boss-bars https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/arachnophobia https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/the-great-shrimpsby https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/erstwhile-cit/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/boo-phantom/ https://modrinth.com/resourcepack/bontiful-crops https://modrinth.com/resourcepack/animated-items https://modrinth.com/resourcepack/agamyst-re https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/platypus-optifine-h5-pre4/ https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/bees-reimagined https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/beebav-dragon/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/beebav-optifine/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/fake-portal-1-16-1-20-2/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/reverse-world-1-16-1-20-2/ https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/cat-creepers https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/pets-5644493/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/understandable-potions/ https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/ghosts https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/angry-dragons… Read More

  • Insane Gamer vs Smart Zombies: Epic Minecraft Telugu Survival

    Insane Gamer vs Smart Zombies: Epic Minecraft Telugu SurvivalVideo Information This video, titled ‘Over Smart Zombies: Survival Challenge in Minecraft Telugu | GMK GAMER’, was uploaded by GMK GAMER on 2024-05-11 03:30:07. It has garnered 18448 views and 1213 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:13 or 973 seconds. ✔ Follow Me On Insta : https://www.instagram.com/gmk_gamer_yt/ ✔Join My discord : https://discord.gg/CVTvac7 gmkgamer minecraft gmkgamer minecraft telugu Telugu Minecraft https://youtu.be/nbIjkzikVvM?si=J-mnwXha-Lm93M6P https://www.planetminecraft.com/data-pack/smart-zombie-ai/ _______________________________________________________ My PC Specs : Monitor – Asus 27 inch 144hz 2k Processor – AMD Ryzen 7 5800x Graphic card – NVIDIA RTX 3080Ti Motherboard – Gigabyte B550 Aorus Pro Ac RAM – 32GB (16+16) Corsair Vengeance… Read More

  • Unleash Chaos: Instant Sensor Nuke in Minecraft

    Unleash Chaos: Instant Sensor Nuke in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘How To Make Sensor Nuke in Minecraft (Easy)’, was uploaded by Quick Fix on 2024-03-15 13:00:33. It has garnered 12 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:06 or 66 seconds. How To Make Sensor Nuke in Minecraft (Easy) In this video I will show you how to make a working nuke in minecraft also how to make a nuke in minecraft pocket edition. Watch video till the end and learn how to make a nuke in minecraft no mods and how to make a nuke in minecraft. Create a Sensor Nuke… Read More

  • Insane Physics in Minecraft?! You won’t believe it! #minecraft

    Insane Physics in Minecraft?! You won't believe it! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, de van fizika #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftmoment #shorts #vicces #kovix’, was uploaded by kovix on 2024-07-22 11:43:07. It has garnered 106890 views and 4197 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Minecraft but with physics #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftmoment #shorts #funny #kovix inspiration: https://www.youtube.com/@notvixios The server was provided by Woodcraft 💙 this is a minecraft smp, which is an abbreviation of survival multiplayer, this is a server where there is no bedwars minecraft game in Hungarian, I am Hun Hungarian, so this is mc in Hungarian, mc Hun, Hungarian server woodcraft is… Read More

  • Uncover Ultimate Arceus Location! Goodbye Pokemon! 😮

    Uncover Ultimate Arceus Location! Goodbye Pokemon! 😮Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT PIXELMON SIÊU CẤP *TẬP CUỐI | LỘC CHINH PHỤC ARCEUS TỐI THƯỢNG VÀ CHIA TAY TẤT CẢ POKEMON❗’, was uploaded by Lộc Zutaki on 2024-08-19 02:00:13. It has garnered 447526 views and 10839 likes. The duration of the video is 00:53:50 or 3230 seconds. ✔️MINECRAFT PIXELMON SUPERIOR *FINAL EPISODE | LOC CONQUERS THE SUPREME ARCEUS AND SAY GOODBYE TO ALL POKEMON❗ 📺Hello everyone, I’m Loc and I’m just a new Youtuber so I hope you can guide me and help me enthusiastically. 💒If you like the video, don’t hesitate to click the like button… Read More

  • Josh goes CRAZY playing God of War LIVE!

    Josh goes CRAZY playing God of War LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘PLAYING GOD OF WAR FOR THE FIRST TIME!!! (and minecraft later) *LIVE*’, was uploaded by Josh Bad on 2024-05-23 08:15:58. It has garnered 95 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 05:08:34 or 18514 seconds. https://discord.gg/cm2ZkkPS kick.com/joshbad twitch.tv/JoshxBad Read More

  • Surviving 2.5 Days in Hardcore Minecraft – FULL MOVIE

    Surviving 2.5 Days in Hardcore Minecraft - FULL MOVIEVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 2.5 Days In Hardcore Minecraft [FULL MOVIE]’, was uploaded by Sunny on 2024-09-01 21:30:04. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Okay bro. It’s time to be serious na. Im back now- Like im really back i have said it before but i mean it now. Yall ready for this grind … Read More

  • Furious Fortune: Ultimate Ender Dragon Battle! Who will win? #minecraft

    Furious Fortune: Ultimate Ender Dragon Battle! Who will win? #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Ender Dragon vs Minecraft mobs(CRAZY BATTLE)[Find the stronger] #minecraft #shorts #furiousfortune’, was uploaded by Furious Fortune on 2024-05-31 13:37:53. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Ender Dragon vs Minecraft mobs(CRAZY BATTLE)[Find the stronger] #minecraft #furiousfortune #shorts #battle *Disclaimer:* The … Read More

  • OniMc

    OniMcWhat is OniMC? OniMC is more than just another Minecraft server, it’s the start of a dynamic gaming network. We’re launching with the BoxPvP game mode, but that’s only the beginning. Our vision is to create a diverse network of game modes, ensuring there’s something for everyone. Why Play on OniMC? Early Access: Be among the first to experience OniMC by applying for early access. Help shape the server and contribute to its development before the official release. Community-Led Content: Your voice matters! We actively listen to feedback from our community to enhance and refine the server. Network Expansion: OniMC… Read More

  • Flare SMP – Semi-Vanilla SMP – whitelist

    Join a Relaxed Long Term Community! About Us: The Flare Community and its Flare SMP were founded on April 14, 2023, by Antimony_Sb and a creative director. The server offers a relaxed semi-vanilla experience in a mature environment without a planned end. What Sets Us Apart from Vanilla? We offer unique features such as Dynmap, Bolt, mcMMO, GSit, FlareDeathMessages, Pets, Cosmetics, Decorations, and more. We are an international community with English as the primary language. We have a summer event starting soon and are developing a second server named “Flare Adventures” inspired by MMORPG games. Feel free to drop by… Read More

learning minecraft with my dad 6.6.21 (jarvis johnson full twitch stream)