Lee & Floy’s Epic Minecraft Bedrock Adventure! Join the fun!

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Pull it up I’m hoping this will be a long series for sure this looks pretty dope hopefully yeah super sick hope it’s not too long of a uh I wonder I imagine there’s a story line right probably right no idea no are your expectations is high or

Low low really low low low in terms of functionality okay I’m expecting like a lot like really high right now I’m feel I’m thinking this is going to be like super super cool overall but we’ll see I guess if it is then boom cool game discovered or cool mod

Pack I guess not really a game mod pack addon we see we’ll see this look I don’t know if I want to use controller or not yeah I I don’t like I don’t feel L SpongBob you got one like on your stream who was that very good all

Right all right your now we just sit down I guess yep let’s go good to go okay so first things first let’s choose your class Basics already written up for a few of them so you only need to worry about picking one what do you want to be a holy warrior

With the ability to heal yourself and smite your foes with the power of your deity Paladin might be the way to go definitely not me Paladin that does sound interesting oh or maybe a wizard magic to blast bad guys Skyhigh with Fireballs while deflecting incoming attacks sounds pretty nice sounds pretty

Good but a rogue could be poisoning your enemies and watching them succumb to the Venom so satisfying okay and warri but it’s also lots fun to just be a barbarian with a big axe barbarians can get so angry that they just kind of forget that they’ve been

Hit and keep hacking away okay a lot of damage resists I’ve always had a hard time choosing when I’m a player so so take your time hold the menu item and use the item to open the menu item inventory okay oh yeah the the inventory menu okay oops uh oh okay that’s really

Interesting uh move use movement inputs to view the different classes it’s not working maybe I have to use keyboard and mouse for this no oh LTD uh left stick to navigate oh there we go okay so Paladin is damage range I think I’ll pick Paladin I just pick one

Oh no I didn’t okay you can do Paladin so then should I be wizard I have no IDE magic user with ability to create homing projectiles and deflect incoming attacks skillful assassin with swift multi-hit attack you’re not even sitting down very good battle C ra grants them superhuman

Strength and combat he went for Paladin so you got the healing very good you got healing I guess Barbarian would be good then could be be pretty good I’ll do Barbarian I’ll do that he’s gonna go he’s gonna go cray pre yeah so the class Barbarian close the

Menu by selecting another item slot okay next let’s allocate your stats want me to explain how stats and dice rolling work in this game yes uh stats determine what you’re good at each stat has a use in combat but they can also apply to role playing situations and other things you do while

Adventuring in the world whenever you roll the 20-sided die you’ll add whichever stat applies to the role so say you’ve got a plus three in wisdom and need to see if someone is telling the truth you would roll the D20 and add three to whatever you rolled oh that

Makes sense that Insight check would show how well you’re able to read that person’s int Rolling High means you can understand them and see through any lies they might be telling rolling low means that you believe whatever they’re saying okay oh okay Mak sense but then reason

Of course if you roll a 20 on that die then you’ll almost certainly succeed at whatever you’re trying to do or at least get useful info true let’s try an example you are speaking to a Tavern keeper asking after some local Bandits that you’ve been hired to hunt down yep he talks easily

Enough but he says that he has no information he says he where to find them roll the see theu Insight 12 okay okay you rolled a 10 so add three to that with a 13 you know tense and almost physically with withraw when you ask him about the bandits giving you the sense

He’s hiding something and knows more about the situation than he’s letting on that’s pretty much it rolling a 20 when you hit someone in a fight also counts as a critical hit and doubles how much damage damage rolling a one can be really bad news sometimes it just means

Failing whatever you’re doing sometimes it means failing so spectacular offs very good fall down a flight of stairs out of a window and into a pen of screaming goats oh that’s awful okay probably not that specifically but you get the idea you’ll also see that your class already has stats that will best

Support their abilities how you add your extra stat points is up to you do you want to make them better at what they already do or do you want to balance them out a bit I might want to make get more stat points to as we play you don’t

I think I would make them better same uh open the menu press up and down s the St okay so I have a lot of strength oh I don’t have a lot of intelligence or I have a lot of strength I have not I have negative two intelligence negative one Wiz let’s

See the damage de to enemies hold down the Ed item survive for longer down time spells have five points I have a Charisma of one yeah I should get higher Charisma my Charisma intelligence and whiz are both at negative bro yeah that means that I guess that means that you’ll minus one

Point of whatever your rule yeah I should put like um not netive yeah but you probably but you’re not going to use spells though that’s the thing like like look at what it does how do I take it out uh can I even take out the point hold use

Item to add one Point let me see decrease the cool down time for spells I wonder if I have spells though because like maybe like Melee spells or something oops this is a oh there you go I was in third person I’m adding one Constitution uh I I would want to stay

Alive a good amount of time but I also want a lot of Charisma so I’m think I’m going to get one more charisma maybe one more after that okay take this one more Constitution they one more strength I’m going just balance them all out to be honest so Charisma I’m going to put

That higher up um do you know how to take points out I don’t know I don’t think you can it says you have two points more you have negative one Charisma that’s not good yeah I was going to balance out I would at least try to get zero CMA that

Way so you don’t get any kind of penalty we’re trying to roll for Charisma spells I guess put this one zero too I want to kind of balance them out I don’t want to be yeah but you’re not going to be using spells is the thing well I

Could switch to them eventually if I wanted to maybe all right I think that’s good how do I and like that you’ve character congrats another this sky looks horrible now how about we Dive Right into things let me just set the scene for you sure the continent of fyon has seen

Hundreds of stories turn into Legends the dwn age when dwares through the tyrannical Giants and elves waged War war against evil dragons thereby carving out a place in the world for small folk the tyranny of the Rose Dragon when the great red worm y aisar nearly raised caman and established her cruel Empire

The time of troubles when celestials and fiends alike were cast from their own Realms Waring and laying waste to the Mortal plane in their efforts to reclaim their Divine iiz you name it f one inad of part one story has great steing The Narrative the rose Dragon Empire only

Fell because RAF Alan and his the evil Beast the times of troubles ended because those like the Mage midnight Rose to the occasion in their case taking the mantle of divinity from the slain Celestial go she could be resurrected now we come to the precipice of another such event abing Calamity that could

Warp reality Calamity Terraria though there is no prophesies chosen one no foreseen savior if you play your cards right you might just be able to avert what is to come or die immediately or perhaps your story will simply serve as a caution T exactly what I was going to

Say what I was saying this is cool it’s like an entire cinematic groceries for your parents we’re going in get ready boy ever Bloom games represents them have an entire entire thing in collaboration with Minecraft and Wizards of the Coast oh wow this is super cool Minecraft Dungeons and

Dragons very cool this really looks really cool dedication to the storytellers of the world are dedicated we open on Nash on the Northern slopes of the cloud Peaks the lake spring rains have abated true making the TR across town to deliver a commission for your father at

Least a bit less muddy that’s good as you make your way back along the main street though it is hard not to notice that your otherwise quiet home is riddled with strange whispered conversations what’s going on over here o hey oh hey oh the combat looks really cool attack oh

Cool so this let me take a look at the menu here opening menu Quest weapon look cool okay armor so you can directly just like upgrade right there got stats abilities oh so yeah I do have my own spells standing behind his produ stand is IR one of the farmers living on The

Village’s outskirts you have known him for most your life though he is still young and only just begun to crease the sides of his eyes let me go your father sad you’d be along to pick up his purchase I don’t envy him his back problems as if he

Didn’t have enough to deal with already as a headman anyhow here you go I’m sure he appreciates having you around to do all the heavy lifting for him old age stinks yeah old age doesn’t seem to agree with him yeah well it doesn’t with most of us if

You’re ever given the option of Growing Old don’t no you don’t have an option Whispers what’s everyone Whispering about I only caught a bit everyone’s worried about the people who’ve gone missing probably already heard about helsa not coming home we being condt or people dying that makes the

Fourth person in two weeks the trackers looking for her haven’t come back yet but if it’s anything like the other three disappearances they won’t find anything oh damn people are real frightened and I can’t blame them might be a good idea to not wander around on your own even now

We’re good we uh I’ll do should I do confident joking or sympathetic uh confident confident okay yeah I can take care of myself yeah see you around mhm we can take care of ourselves okay let me go back over there how do I all right what is this oh you

Have an axe that’s cool yeah we have groceries in our first lot oh home where’s where’s oh yeah we got groceries from this guy probably oh here there like a quest marker you see that yeah let’s go let’s go over there look at these guys the animations are are pretty cool

That walking animation yeah they don’t look like uh weird NPCs true true go you hear voices from inside your house Perhaps it is worth waiting and listening in oh listening in okay I just heard about it this morning do anyone what are they talking about I caught one

Of The Trackers before he could go out to look for he TR he said he’d check it out while the trail was still warm if there was one but I don’t know if he told anyone else first we’ll have to assume that he did people are already

Starting to panic and this will make it worse I heard people at the market this morning talking about unfamiliar monsters no one had seen the things themselves but the rumors are bad enough my controls demanding answers I’m surprised we haven’t seen one all we’ve got to get

Ahead of this so what are you going to do about give me a minute I’ve got an idea but I want to talk it over with Katra first you’re welcome to stay if you they should be back soon hi to controller ah there you are why hello

There your foot on the table and come talk to me there something we need to discuss hey guys your foot on the table okay listen you’ve heard about the people going missing I’m not going to sugarcoat this but the whole Kel I’m the voice AC ner Farm empty this morning

Without even a sign of struggle okay this is asking a lot and I’ve Got a Feeling your mother’s going to kill me after I say this H oh je then don’t say it oh you’re the one doing the dialog okay speak with endand drav and ask for his

Help you’re right I think I will throttle you are you insane people are going missing and you think sending Katra out into the woods by themselves is somehow a good idea yes so I guess we’re they’d make a tempting Target yeah I guess we’re one person yeah The

Trackers have been going on their own and no one’s bothered them besides after all the training I’ve put Katra through they should be fine on their own they yes but you could just someone else are they talking about somebody else I can’t I want the trackers to keep looking for our people

Other than them there’s no one else I’d trust in the woods more than Katra yeah we just met this guy L the times youve run off into the air as a kid you probably know the paths better than most of the villagers and V is important his

Ego probably won’t let him talk to just a random I’m pretty sure we’re n could go but when you speak it’ll show right there the name to be missing for a whole day if someone breaks their arm pretty sure that’s us and you’re not worried what Vier

Might do to them unless Katra does something really stupid which I would trust that would be me’ll be fine sarcasm happy to help no way uh sarcasm sarcasm yeah you know I’m standing right here and can answer for myself oh we are Cy hey watch the sarcasm we’ve talked about

This well they’re right manners aside they can speak for themselves and hopefully also point out how Reckless and stupid this is I want to help not happening still doing it I think I want to help right yeah Mom if I can help the village then

I’m happy to do it true besides I was just in the woods yesterday looking for berries and I was fine true I was hoping you’d say that this is cool this enviable you can click continue and choose your own dialogue that’s sick mhm now endand draer is a proud creature he

Has the wisdom of the ages and probably knows something that we don’t but there’s a good chance he won’t help us for free just on principle if he doesn’t I want you to offer him money this pouch has 100 gold coins in it oh 100 where did you get that kind of

Money gambling I took you from The Village’s emergency fund I say this counts rounded it out to 100 using money we were saving for a new roof damn he took it from the village emergency fun start with a low offer like work your way up unless you think you’re going to

Insult he’s helping us though and we’re the protagonist now whatever help or advice he can give will be welcome if we’re lucky he might already know where our missing people are or where to look bird’s eye view could show him what we need I still think that this is a bad

Idea if I’m being honest it probably is a bad idea but it’s the only one we’ve got that came out of his face anything else is there anything else I should know before going at this point you know what everything that we do I wish we

Could be of more help but V’s home is not far hopefully nothing will bother you on the way I’ll leave now right I guess I’ll head out now then oh before you go do you want to do a quick sparring match couldn’t hurt to brush up

On your Technique just in case yeah yeah good idea I’m prepared yeah good idea good idea yeah that sounds like a good idea test our our combat let’s see how that is we got some money in our hot bar all right let’s see how this is okay that feels pretty

Nice oh the deck is is how fast you can attack that’s cool great the higher your deck that the faster you’ll be able to attack every time you attack there’s a one and 20 chance they’ll de a crit crial hits will deal about twice the damage of regular hits the

Charisma will increase this damage further Charisma increases your critical damage I guess does it I have spells let’s your con abilities in your inv ability ability item I got rage o AOE I I attack faster too oh that’s fast yeah let me try out the storm

O he’s in damage yeah can we fight him no he’s helping us like he says he want to do a sparring M but then he just put dummies right here yeah yes very Spar all right I think U pretty familiar what’s in the chest oh there’s some stuff in here a strength

Potion and a speed potion can you can you also take those no okay I’ll drop you one of them I have a which one you want you want the strength or the speed speed I like speed if you can drop it I don’t know if you

Can there you go oh nice very good cool all right let’s get out of here wait can we break these oh there’s another chest over here oh no that’s a barrel break the barrels no okay let’s get out of here oh wait defeat a training D

Me we’ve already done that no one more thing oh yeah there we go I’m sure you can find your way and don’t want me fussing over you but in case something happens you should take your father’s old way finder oh that could be useful uh sarcasm gratitude or Assurance uh

Gratitude yeah thanks I’ll take good care of it just be careful and come back in One Piece One Piece One Piece the one piece is PR same thing we’ll do all right uh go to V’s cave hold the wayfinder to see where you go next okay okay sound good

Wayfinder interesting I wonder how that works okay let’s go to that Quest marker oh yeah that shows the the marker where we have to go the wayfinder um let’s let me see is there a side quest we could do the menu real quick oh might need to talk to like random NPCs for

That we had I think we got two quests from this though oh no we did we just got one okay let’s go I think I saw it over there no where over there yeah over there yeah a there it is yeah a little bit far from you candle

Keep bwood o does this guy sell horses oh no he’s a he’s a traitor okay so far this is pretty cool this really really cool yeah really really really cool got littleit there’s going to be an enemy in front of us watch has be an enemy oh yeah oh Goblin stay back ow

Okay wasn’t expecting that I wonder if they got something to do with what’s going on hold on I got to see if I can if I can somehow heal you you see yeah I got healed yeah I got healed yet oh I didn’t use the heal oh what I just got healed

Though oh maybe that was regeneration passive regeneration I could yeah we’re getting close to this thing I see a chest up there see it oh yeah get up there look like we do a little bit climbing here got to it he’s falling he can’t get up

Okay see what we got here there is a magic potion and a confidence potion confidence I’ll take I’ll take the confidence one I have a pretty high Charisma so I can convince one is useless don’t you have magic no oh I I think I well I have I have the healing

Spell healing spell mhm I don’t think the Magic one’s going to be useful for me at all probably not yeah you whatever good I can attack with I’ll just put these potions in my inventory because I don’t really on using them guess this is it unless this wave finder led me to

Some old Al bear Den okay then owl bear sounds kly who oh damn it’s the dragon from Elder ring that’s exactly what it sounded like right yeah what the heck is there nothing here maybe wait wait up no you’re going too far you found something I’m just looking around oh yeah there’s

Such different Pathways yeah is that the way back make sure look around maybe be like some chest or something some looty looty loot this music is pretty ominous oh somebody’s fighting dragon oh no oh why do you do this release me oh somebody’s trying to trap the dragon Maybe some c c oh

Damn oh they put some sort of virus on him maybe what’s that you drop the coin yink how they rolling that far though as you reach for the coin that seem to suck the life from andand ra ear you note a crack running down its face whatever

These people want with it you doubt they should have it the moment you touch the metallic surface though A jolt of energy Sears through your fingers and up your arm followed by pressure as if the ti rushing into your flesh do you call that recoiling the coin is AER to your F

Found there even as you feel that the force pouring from it stretches your skines youron threatening to R burst your entire body other than your body though it is the coin that bursts erupting into shards of metal as the same light flowed into it earli streams into you the physical pain abates though

Something continues to press on your mind cloring its way into your thoughts and filling your skull as the world around you distorts and turns insensible chaotic and then chaos take the world dark Darkness what what happened where is that was pretty weird bro who are you

What have you done to me oh the dragon’s conscious going to our mind I think so yeah please stop who are you it’s in our brain what are you doing to me who who am I will ask again who are you the dragon in our head what happened to

Those people in my cave cave your cave who or what are you do not play games child I am endand and you will answer my questions my name is Katra I didn’t see I can hear you uh do I didn’t see I didn’t see yeah I wasn’t with those

People and I only saw the last part when when that weird coin started doing something it looked like they were pulling something out of you and then some thing was put into your body I think I thought they killed you they might have what do you see you remember what do you

See what do you see did you see anything I was I think I wasn’t conscious for a while but but I must have walked to get back here right I only came back to conscious ious when you were calling for your Parents I can hear you any memories any memories what do you remember they I I remember they they must have trapped my soul in that coin I I have heard of artifacts that can do such I had never expected that it would be so painful though it it felt like I

Was being torn and pulled apart then crushed until I could not even tell what part of my body I was feeling damn I suppose though that I was not feeling my body at all after that I saw the thing seeping out of my body but I could not see if it

If I was breathing everything after is UN clear it hurts to remember I was still reeling when the next thing I clearly saw was your face a moment before I felt my felt that transfer again then we were here now we need to return me to my do you smell smoke yeah

Oh no I’m going home I need to see on fire isn’t it oh this is a waste of time we got to go you need to find the people who took my body immediately they got to go to the Village see if they went to my Village first they may have done

Something oh no go go go go go at the Village got to go fast go fast no no oh God you a smoke oh this fire there’s fire damn everything’s on Fire mom dadel anyone the house what happened to the house the St is is gone Mom Dad help someone help someone tell me oh my God so there is is someone left goblins I figured there would be a few of you bumpkins left scurrying about kill you

Die we can’t have you going and squealing to your neighbors about us no we want things to be quiet and peaceful so you will have to come with us how about no have you done to my home where is everyone take or kill them we’ll have no Witnesses today we’re killing all of

You lightning now this this was my home not anymore it would seem shut up no my life savings shut up or what happened uh what happened yeah we don’t want to be why they do this where is everyone do you actually expect an answer to that question or are you simp

No he’s rude rude sarcasm s yeah I was expecting you to actually be helpful and offer some insight but I guess that was too much to ask wasn’t it very good careful child careful child I may not have my own body but it seems that I

Can still harm yours no don’t do it stop it stop it already look a lot has happened all at once I had a dragon pop into my head and start tearing it apart and then a few minutes later I found up my home everyone I know are now gone

This is a bit overwhelming and I’d appreciate a bit of compassion you callous lizard damn Dam how dare you consider yourself fortunate that I am merciful and willing to overlook this slight in light of your obvious distress and lack of self-control what are you doing in my cave

Anyhow some of the villagers had gone missing I was going to ask you for your help finding them well it seems that a few missing persons is the least of your Village’s concerns now damn that’s cruel not helpful that’s cruel yeah that’s coel and not appreciated right now I

Understand that you’re upset but I am too so can you please lay off fine so what are we supposed to do now I don’t have a home and you don’t have a body and I’m not letting you take over mine I do not think that I could even if I tried

As much as it Galls me to admit it all I can do is hurt you I think that I could kill you if I truly wished but that would likely end my life too that’s good to know yes we shall hunt the people who took my body we will find

A way for you to put me back and I can force answers out of those treacherous eels perhaps you can use the coin again to set things right true but it exploded when I touched it oh yeah something forced into me before bled out that must have been when you another Dragon coin

Very good without the coin I doubt that you would have been able to restore me anyhow whatever theirs did to me in the time since it seemed to be fusing with my form it might have been feeding that was not the impression I felt so I’ve got the same question as

Before what now short of purging my soul from your body which I would not recommend you will me into another vessel vessel why’d you go on fire obviously that be bad you’re not taking Dam purified of whatever has come to infest it if your villagers were taken

By this group then finding where they have taken me will also lead you to the answers you seek sure but I don’t know anything about healing dragons or moving Souls from one body to another true how are we supposed to do all of that or even find these

People I think that the best course now would be to seek the advice of the scholars it is relatively close the greatest collection of knowledge in fyon that I am aware of anyhow if anyone would know of a cure or be able to devise one and be able to tell us more

About this group group of people that attacked me then we will almost certainly find them in kandle keep’s Great Library we’re going to Candle keep I think I saw it over here see if that manway to get there over here preserve your strength while you can I think

That’s actually the first good usable advice you’ve given me do not push your luck with such frequent sarcasm child find the cart and let us leave C I saw a fireball there you go unlock oh it out oh that’s not Lo cool Prett let’s hop on the cart a lift need a lift

Yes after nearly two weeks of walking leaving over a 100 miles of the Coast Road behind you candle keep’s soaring spes are finally close enough to reveal their details set a top a craggy Peninsula Rising above the sea sword The Fortress over overlooks the surrounding while keeping a healthy

Distance from the and Shadow cloak wood at last I had forgotten how long it can take to travel when one does not have wings with which to we’re going to get wings aren’t we certainly seems tedious remember candle keep is the home of the avowed the greatest Scholars on the

Continent be respectful follow their rules and try not to let anything too uncivilized come out of your mouth any tips okay so we got to be very about this place before we go any further last I was here they only allowed the local Scholars called the avow through the Emerald Door into the

Inner Ward where the libraries are they have since eased their restrictions somewhat I have heard but be prepared to do some favors or pay for entrance hey pay with what money you said the 100 gold my father gave me was a pitiful some outside of your minor H your

Words I am sure that you will figure something do some side quest for somebody then anything else anything else I should know while the Citadel itself is a safe and secure place be wary of the surrounding lands I have hunted here before and I have seen a number of foul

Albeit fairly weak creatures here expect more than those few encounters we had on the road we pardon we I was the one who had to do all the fighting true H if you call that flailing about fighting then yes you were okay let’s get going let’s get going let’s get

Going all right let’s go to this place let’s go let’s not swimming out water to score around oh be a path over here very good it’s pretty cool so far pretty dope pretty dope does it say kandle deep kandle keep physic huge new area these fields look almost untended

And I do not hear any Farm hands or livestock that’s not good all these places been abandoned for some reason somebody they got raided I don’t see any fire if these people fled their homes they must have had a good reason to do a take over over hey wait I’ve got

Something to tell you about those guards we’re starting to wonder if you’d actually stopped to talk what do you need to warn us about I can’t do any dialogue well the guards aren’t going to let you in I saw you coming up the road and it’s pretty clear

You Charis that’s why I want you in even to the cour of air why aren’t they letting strangers in people have been going missing in the area TR Travers and locals alike those Farms you pass by for example yeah the families that live there just vanished no sign of an attack

Or anything so the people in charge are getting right paranoid and only allowing residents to enter the city but we need in okay but we still need to get in true we who’s we all right he doesn’t hear the voice in our head should we say it uh I just slipped

Up spped up oh sorry slip of the tongue it’s been a long journey can’t people fa enough can’t have people knowing we’re crazy yeah true uh Court of the air who are you how do we get in court of the air what was that first what’s the court of air your

First time erir it’s a big Courtyard area kind like a a small town in itself people who aren’t the only thing I don’t like is that this has meant for one person or one player I guess only are allowed to stay in the inner War the fact that the protagonist is

Only one person and can’t be two people oh that’s not too big of an issue though who are you anyhow it ruins the immersion now people around here just call me scrats it’s not a very inspiring you’re just saying that you’re doing in case the authorities come sniffing

Around used to work in a city office as a scribe but didn’t work out we uh we got cloned uh Court of air what is that wait wait we already asked that right uh yeah right how do we how do we get in so how do we get

In if you’re going to enter candle keep you’re going to need a resident pass we just doing them they handed them out to all the locals in their jurisdiction but was pretty my special yeah that’s why I you through the maybe look count 25 gold and documents will be all yours all

Right insights B intimidation uh let’s not intimidate let’s do water water see if this works I don’t have much money to spare and you don’t look like you have many customers drop the price to 10 and I’ll pay you perfect okay let’s split the difference 15 gold

Sure we have plenty of gold okay fine we have a deal good now I can’t make this pass from nothing and I sold my last copy a week go so you’ll need to find one of your own that I can modify look at those farm houses oh the

Families there were either taken or left in a hurry there might have one or two lying around bring back a copy plus payment and I’ll get to work all right be careful though the people are gone but I’ve heard some rustling around there of strange sounds never seen gives

Me the creeps and I think I saw someone going to one of those houses May a stay the night but I never saw them come out just me miss him now good luck we have to have a horse how did you get horse I found one we I’m the one

Doing all the work you’re just along for the ride what the heck I will contribute as best I can my advice by itself could prove invaluable where’s my horse at no yeah if you ever give it Here what is this oh enemies some sort of construct it would seem I would presume that it is guarding this house unless someone left it with more malicious intentions thanks but that advice isn’t helping me to kill it just tear it apart if it cannot hold itself together it is

No threat to think you needed my help to figure even that out you’re finding enemies yeah there was enemies over here already go all right let’s see so this house over here no think there’s anything in here don’t think there’s anything in here oh it’s over here actually maybe in this place

Me oh oh no that didn’t work never mind I thought it broke it broke uh it says right here but I don’t know the way in oh I can break the crops that’s funny you can what I can break the crops by jumping on it very good free we get in this

Place I think it just I think it means by the entire area oh you look this this house anything in here oh what the very good anything in oopsie sleep very good real quick make a daytime nice look these barrels finally what were those things doing on a farm I don’t think seagull

Justify that level of protection do no perhaps they wandered here Rogue construct pretty far range d you might learn something if you look around then again what have scarecrows to do with our mission not much I guess Katra I’m going to try something do not be alarmed

Your things start to look different wait what whoa what the heck whoa oh damn okay what’s going his brain I said not to be alarmed I was UNC if I could do this while in your body but my intimate connection to the material plane allows me certain privileges of perception when

Plain speak please Village kid remember of course in essence I can see some elements of magic how enchantments work their origin or nature what they draw power from it depends on the situation but perhaps this will help on occasion though I must admit that it is somewhat

Taxing to use this ability with your body pleas be quick okay investigate it’s a mess of dirt there’s a hole where the St goes but you can’t get anything useful from this oh lower planes lower planes other realities connected to ours where evil things like devils and demons

Live I try to roll again for investigate entities Hades the abyss pandemonium none of them too Pleasant to visit the state that was holding the Scarecrow upright is uninteresting but the hole where it was seems to be disturbed relatively recently this was only put in a week ago if that very weird

Interesting what would that kind of magic I cannot say some people draw power from such as making contracts with fish creatures finding other ways to tap into those planes Powers sometimes creatures from there also Escape into the world either through a summoning gone wrong or random circumstance we have too little

Information to judge by still this is worrisome be careful lest a gistro Catch You by surprise and turn you into a snack no investigate it’s a mess of dirt there’s a hole where the state goes but you can’t get anything Ed let’s go no I just oh she said cuz she said that

Already oh but she did say there’s a hole next to the Scarecrow so maybe we need to go towards one of the scarecrows has a hole next to it apparently chest here oh what the heck a bunch of rotten onions very delicious folded and then stuffed haphazardly

Among a pile of now rotting onions you find a piece of marked with an official looking seal and a bit wordy and a bit more aromatic than you’d like but it should do the trick okay so we found something that now return to that individual scratch SC adequate to the task

Not you don’t have many other options to resort to how open this by the way why must you insist call did it’s what everyone in the village called you it’s easier than saying your full name be glad that I am a magnanimous and forgiving Dragon else I would be

Inclined to start tearing up your mind again don’t worry you’re already a big enough headache as it is huh cannot deny that is that a bit of legal documentation see there smell a crav okay well you w with what you’ve got right give me a bit to scrape off and refinish the important

Parts hand and your eyes are glazing over just just just give me the goods and wait a bit I don’t know speaking like a drug addict H WR some chicken scratch certification that you absolutely belong to the area and come and go as you like just don’t let any Wizards need it

Curious probably got spells or something that can sniff out of forgery otherwise so we got to stay away from Wizards the castle yeah maybe we just zoomed out what the hell he vanished can I get on your horse while you’re on there Noe I can’t no it was supposed to be one of

Our horses when you took it from me hello there guard papers please uh see why stop me give pass or papers give the paper we just got give pass yeah here’s my resident certificate the guard glances at the paper noting the seal and the signatures but does not peer too

Closely watching him scrunch up his nose the cursory inspection might have to do with not wanting to put his face too close to the smell of okay the ranted onion M was actually helpful true all right right everything looks fine head on in just keep an eye out for any strange activity strange

Activity yes oh damn passing through the city walls you are dumped into a large open Square that seems to d a place it is not exactly brimming with life but considering how you live nearly all of your life in a small village the number of people in one place is staggering and

The activity threatens to be overwhelming good that was tedious we made it now the next part could be problematic only the avowed and certain others are allowed into the inner W through the Emerald Door on theard talk to the keeper there and determine what is required to get in and

Speak with one of the experts in chest plate I want I want that gold looking one wait are these both different armor sets oh they are comfortable strength and Constitution what does this one give strength and Constitution strength and Constitution in the Constitution they just all just in Constitution I’m going

To get that one I’m going to buy this entire set I think they all they’re all the same thing I think okay you’ve already bought one oh wait wait you bought it so does it count for me too I bought a chest piece can’t it count for me too uh you have the

Helmet on I do mhm how do you look at how do you look at that inventory that that thing that you’re looking at right now the menu oh it’s the menu here okay oh wait oh I have the helmet okay wait can I buy the chest piece

Now or can I oh we can level up our stats okay I’m going to upgrade my careers more now it’s not letting me select this there we go six Charisma very good did you buy this entire set for the the the boots pants and chest

Piece no uh well it cost quite a bit of money we should it’s not letting me buy it for some reason wisdom and Charisma for those boots huh can’t I can’t press it oh so is it different for you because for me it says um strengthen Constitution for all the pieces does it

Maybe yeah so maybe for you different I can’t buy strengthen constitution for the copper Greaves huh for me all of it looks wisdom and Charisma for the helmet I got to level up real quick I’m going to put make can I not buy this now it’s like it’s like I jump instead of

Actually oh that’s not the Interac I’m stupid okay I’m going to buy a chest plate I’m going to buy some pants and I’m going to buy the boots all right I got the entire set nice I think I think it’s a direct upgrade oops oh you’re pointing

Where says you’re pointing over there or something oh yeah I was doing an emote ohci okay well that’s an armor set now this weapon I imagine also an upgrade I don’t have enough money I don’t have 35 gold all right let’s continue we got our armor upgrades yep let’s

Uh the abilities three more a Tavern looks like I’m GNA see I can talk to the shopkeeper can I oh yeah enter the inner Ward what is the inner Ward may be in here this guard that what business have you here child uh I need a scholar I

Wish to speak with one of the researchers you and everyone else do you have introduction I need it an 18 but I have a plus six so I should be able to do it yes I to speak with a loud T oh my God there is no if I were to Hazard a

Guess I would wager that we do not even keep this up and I will make sure that the guards remove you from the city so that none of the ever thank you for your time my pleasure Dam we must find someone to assist us and soon I can only imagine D I have

Plus six and I still failed that bad already I chafe at being confined to yours wow thanks well do you happen to know where we could find a rare or unique book no distasteful as this may be we might have to find another dubiously legal way around this problem

Actually I remember pass SE great earlier if there are sewers for this outer area then they surely have some for the inner Ward it’s probably protected though so you want me to break into a sewer sneak through agma knows what kind of Filth and then break into

The inner Ward to what kidnap or threaten a scholar into helping us presumably we would be able to find someone more reasonable or at least a men to our request however we cannot do that from out here the sewers are our only option right now all right go the

Sewers you only say this because you won’t have to smell what I do actually I will you think I only see through your eyes child I am bound to experience everything that you do believe me damn even i p function has been far from enjoyable oh yeah he said he actually

Does mention that sharing in your bodily functions Oh e okay point taken uh sewers it is then I guess yep all right sewers enter the sewers all right we have to find the sewer great oh I guess it’s over there on this is what living in a city means how can one place

Produce something you sounded as if you knew what you were getting into I thought I did didn’t think it’d be this plentiful the the byproduct of civilization tell me we need to go in there people are messy fire are you okay do not call me that it’s strange without a body with

The need to breathe I feel a tightness in my chest lightheadedness I I think that it would be best to spend as little time in here as possible something’s happening with him please hurry through this place please hurry through this place oh Sho uh what’s going on I

Guess wait you don’t sound so good what’s going on I just we need to move quickly you are wasting time something’s going on with him are you hurt uh something is definitely wrong are you hurt in danger no now move let’s let’s go can I help or should to all right no we’re

Going to make it mad if we keep stalling all right let’s make this quick all right let’s go that is the right direction and it seems to no longer be sewers Beyond this point these are probably the tunnels running beneath the inner Ward I have heard of catacombs

Vaults Labs much of the work and knowledge the AOW is down here it seems unfortunately there is a ward on the door you will need to find a key unless you wish to be fried uh no I don’t wait look at that on the ground the ground there’s nothing on the ground

Precisely what helpful the rest of this place is a riot of grime and Muk child yet this path is almost spotless I would be willing my entire horde that a gelous cube has come this way a what now an oozing monster that inhabits places like this oh probably eating it upell all

Guardians and genitors the things absorb and dissolve any animal or plant material they touch as a way of eating cannot dissolve Metals I would have never observed that though so but you should know you’re a slime creature whever they have eaten for some time who disgusting in people of course do not be

D we’re going to face against your mama follow this Trail might find something interesting floating in the Cub’s body just be careful though as they can be transparent and thus easyar oh okay got to keep an eye out there look the thing has a key inside of it it must have eaten

Maintenance work bow that might get us out of the sewers and into the cleaner part we saw earlier just don’t let the creature suck you up please wait we got to put that yes it looks as if an enchantment quite similar to the one on the locked doors embedded

In this key it should work to get us through and what if it sets off the Trap then you had best hoped that the Mage who put it there set it more as a deterrent rather than an defense okay okay just going to open the door open your magically trap door poti right

Okay and still alive right well that’s uh that’s good like yeah oh he going come back life be not so dramatic Skyrim refence I have heard tell that there are Guardians and occasional escaped experiments down here though that may just be rumor he’s thanks the possibility of even greater

Danger certainly sets my mind at ease thanks fire stop calling me that okay fire that chest what oh it’s a mimic good job creature was a mimic yeah I’ve heard of those IAC didn’t expect it to be so slimy though if I can heal you

Why did it have a key inside of it though did it eat someone like the probably not otherwise we would have seen must gruesome evidence of the meal no some people feed mimics various items that they need to hide or protect if you know how to handle one of these things

They can be rather convenient Guardians as long as you keep them fed that is yeah I can imagine the alternative okay open it oh it’s open come on oh nice see some creatures ahead I swear I alive oh they are oh there’s a big slime thing up

Ahead oh my God taking a lot of damage now oh what the heck I was trying to snipe that thing going chest chest I don’t know why I fell for that knew I should have been a little more cautious chest here bully him bully bully more points you drop a key no you

Didn’t nothing over there he’s like one oh shoot a rat ah it’s an imp nice left what oh damn I Ro a critical I one shot him see the he thing where shot again pry low yeah dams probably going to summon a boss or something over here what the heck is

That what the heck oh oh it’s a seen that creature before ow nice some slimes nice thinking the same thing oh almost oh my God he like grabed me yeah I saw godam it was eating you continue continue we’re going back this way this way wait is that CH wait is

This back oh wait oh this is definitely yeah a ladder enemies SM them all I think I might do bonus damage against Undead that makes sense palad very much elen ring referee very good chest knew I freaking knew it I freaking knew it ow stop hitting me fortunately it seems

That this en Sorel armor is tied isn’t it oh yeah powerful dispell smacking us you have neglected a menion you will have to defeat this thing to undo the Seal of the door look in the camera you’re I oh my God Armor with no obvious weaknesses even a person

Inside take let me guess I have to just beat it into a useless hunk of metal did the Scarecrow precisely I’m really starting to hate constructs huh all right mov oh what the heck oh nice this better be worth all the trouble with Dy how are we going to get someone to

Help us though we breaking in was super easy let us consider that later first we need to get out of these tunnels someone might have heard the battle or noticed that the Enchantment of the door broken we can determine our C weely hidden within the inner W open open yeah the stinky

Tunnels oh nice place oh thank you unfortunately for you chances are that you will only see it as you are taken away we need kill them all get us out of here we cannot be imprisoned not in a Cell fight run do something let’s fight are you joking there’s so many of them

We resist while we would normally have prevented you from coming this far sage thesari has taken an interest in you now you are to attend him personally whatever you do do not allow them to incarcerate us do not give them a reason why take me who are you or who’s

Thesari who’s tharai who’s that guy who is Sage thesari seriously you broke into here without even knowing who the people in charge are nope not a very wise Burg are you no okay I’ll go okay I’ll go he is waiting for you in exaltation the keep

Consider this an honor as few of those outside of the aound are allowed entry to our home you are to head directly to the Great Library do not attempt to deviate from the main open the barrier the head you can’t run there’s a lot of lizard folk here be

Walking walking in a winter wonderland and guard over there holding his spear up what do you think I’m going to do kill everyone true true I would have I would have definitely have done that we’re going to jail is all your fault no first place we should have just

Killed the guard to begin with that is far enough that’s far enough far then he got he got that nerd voice J I am I am oh I forgot we we we’re supposed to be nice what are your other two wishes I think we just impersonated him

Oh that’s funny wishes uh I don’t uh good one oh he liked that actually what’s your job what do you do here I’m the sage of magic in Candle keep that means that I leading scholar on Magic and head of magical studies work as a lawmaker with thees it’s not

Terribly glamorous if I’m being honest involves lots of committee work lots of committee work why am I here why am I here you caught my interest we have all sorts of detection spells in the sewers you pinged a half dozen of them when you sneaked in and a dozen more when you

Entered the catacombs damn joke J I am here what are your other two wishes very good wishes good one uh what’s your job why am I here what now what happens to me now do not attempt to resist the spell if you resist then we will have to

Detain you and try again until you cooperate lots of extra bother as a spell activates you feel something press against your mind and on some level you know that it is trying to pry away your ability to lie the intrusion is sudden and set your teeth on edge and your

First reaction is doing an anti life spell on us however considering where you are and the promise of a jail cell or worse if you not cooperate you relax and allow the spell to take hold good now let’s get the boring stuff over with do you intend to harm anyone in this

City be it specifically in terms of property or any other way that includes but is not limited to fft spying or harassment it’s an option maybe the keeper maybe the keeper no just just do know no I do not good next why did you sneak into the in award uh blunt

Honesty I found a group of scary people in the mountains talking to a dragon who was living there and then they sucked his soul into a coin to let mound of Flesh shove itself into the dragon’s body like it was a sock puppet and then the coin shove the dragon soul into my

Body so now we’re sharing my mind and it’s really uncomfortable and we both want someone to help us find body and get him it’s better to be out honest we don’t know what these crazy thoroughly creepy people would do with a dragon’s body uh well that uh certainly speeds

Things up plus he knows we’re not lying so how about while we’ve got this handy zone of TR thing you just tell me everything you can about how this Dragon came to inhabit you and we work from there well all right then you’re well hopefully they will be

Able to use what you told us to find out more about this group that you encoun counted and the Monsters accompanying them in the meanwhile we need to discuss whether your predicament true whether or how could they refuse us tell him that endand draer demands their aid it is

Only fitting that they should restore me to my rightful form true turning us away convince you he demands help he demands help yes Andra says that he demands your help that it’s only right that you put him back in his body does he now well I don’t see his position to be making

Demands much less determining wrong and right I am a golden dragon my very nature is to know right from wrong tell him not to question me I don’t know we should say that he says that he knows right and wrong better than you do does

He well I may not be an expert on dragons but I am a fan of them and have heard his name before I cannot say that it has been treated with much reverence or gratitude as endand draer has a reput that we can trust his moral judgment

Much less treat his decisions as lawful righteous commands that’s fair that’s fair I’d say uh turning us away yeah what do you mean are you turning us away why bother looking into the people that attacked vayer then V funny I figured you would be too proud to accept the

Nickname everyone calls him oh d everyone calls everyone but no I am not turning you away at least not yet he the man’s help convince you convince you I guess yeah is there a way we can convince you to help well yes I happen to have something

In mind you see there is a clock tower nearby where a colleague of mine named adro lives however no one has heard from him in some time clock tower okay since there have been reports of monsters going in and out as they please it is probably safe to assume that adro is now

Dead sad is that is the old CER had a valuable book in his collection I want you to clear out the Vermin and if wizard adro is imprisoned or injured freak out my face if he is missing or dead then do us you do this and we’ll

Call it even as far as your crimes go our crimes what book what if we run I’ll do it what if we run yeah what if I don’t come back maybe I just decide to run away then you’ll have to look elsewhere for a cure to your that’s a good response that’s fair

Understand I dare say you would have to travel all the way to luskan or never winter to find anyone who might even be capable of helping you quite the gamble for such a long and hazardous Journey which I can promise very good odds from working with us promising good odds

Doesn’t sound like much of a promise no but I can promise that they are the best you will find candle keep and its resources are your greatest hope besides if you do not count this little pest control issue you might as well be getting access to our services for free

Never mind that the pests might eat me nothing risked nothing gained right all right well I guess we’ll yeah all right excellent well in that case I am looking forward to hearing from you once you have concluded your investigation until then try not to die there you go all

Right before we go there I want to buy a weapon real quick because I think I have enough money to do so I supposed to look for something in here oh damn he turn off sticky keys I probably do that too but I’m use Mickey War doesn’t matter all

Right let’s go what the hell you freaking get you f all right I want to buy a weapon real quick do you have enough did you buy a weapon or no a new weapon uh yeah I did okay right let me do that real quick one moment I think it was this

Way it’s over hereit thanks for the horse very good very nice all right weapon all right new weapon let me equip that real quick see got T two weapon nice nice I a foot let’s go the where the hell am I no of course you got lost not surprising not

Surprising no like you say where the hell am I you Lally got yourself in that situation like like like bro think he’s good at parkour or something no thinks he’s good at doing emo jobs no get the freak over here I have been instructed no I’m stuck in in the

Water and from the inner W as you please but if you step outline again I will arrest you oh there goes him enjoy the signs not surprising Pleasant woman I don’t know I figure you two would get along handsomely I understand that was supposed to be a but even so I failed to

See the similarities yeah you would never mind I guess that’s the only option I don’t know why it has the exclamation mark on there how’ you horse huh you spawned it in out of nowhere did I I saw it just came out of nowhere what the heck in

Other what up before you go in there oh yeah the other one still here oh there we go now we got two nice wait up there you horsey which way was it I have no idea maybe it’s this cave here no it’s over here see a marker these things again oh again oh

No why were they here too if I were to hit they are guarding the path to the tower you think the person who ped them in the farmers Fields also left these ones here it is possible what the hell is that discover more of the tower we kill it yeah

Nice let’s go to that place to the place place looks nice qu enjoyable I definely live here for sure a nondescript but productive mine I am Throne has gained something of a reputation among the locals this place has a history of being taken over by monsters that then turn it into their

New home until the local militia or a band of adventurers removes them why goblins Orcs and other nasty things so prefer this cave over others in the area is anyone’s guess oh oh oh very good no my horse is in the water what the that is like flying dragons

Ah them all dragons help help help okay where you at I’m in the cave thought we were going in the cave do you know what patience means no I was literally not even next to you yeah all right let’s go whoa what the hell oh it’s an alar knock though an owl bear

Mixture all right this cave looks very safe what’s up here anything over there a chest up there chest GS be another M very good a mimic more gold I belong West Virginia take me hom oh of enemies work AOE King all right what is in Here a side area are you sure yes oh okay oh there’s something up here maybe no there not going be anything there oh is this wait we didn’t go this way what’s this way oh just back to the beginning I think we got to go back I think we

Already finish kill those guys finish the quest oh I think yeah we I guess we just have to clear this place out that’s that was our mission that’s where we found the ow wolf and is there anything up here what is that that nose can’t even push him whoa there a chest

Oh my God more enemies ah okay actual chest you can have that strength potion that’s in the chest where’d you go I’m trying to get my horse going to take my horse to the road I’m going to I just picked it up for you

I’ll give it to you when I see you you got glitched from the cut scene who go to the go to the left area I mean the right area me godamn taking my horse up this water well that horse is done forever where the right go to the right

Path you should see like a like a wooden bridge no that’s the left p no I literally went right from my screen I didn’t know where right was left right heading back right heading back so this way no that’s that’s heading forward heading forward like like if you’re heading back

To the Village or the castle thing but right I don’t where it is let me see just go straight from where you’re going right now straight yeah right there just see like a wooden dock Bridge thing very much Wooden Duck Bridge thing you see a fireball just cast no

Nope go back to the sign was like literally right next to the sign oh yeah it was the hole that’s what I L said if it was that or not no he’s freaking dead no I said go right and this is right no I said if this was the

Hole and you didn’t said it was the right way hole there’s no hole here oh this entire hole this is a big hole in the ground no this is a crevice not a hole it still looks like a hole are you freaking no there go very nice very good very

Much for is stuck now very nice right here we go right let’s see oh now there’s two of them there was one earlier very good oh my God grabb me they’re probably weak to fire ah nice coins and nothing else very very good bar Rich got that the millions of

Coins good which way to go got to go back all to the Bas stinky appreciate the free horse yes very good very good I’m Stinky no very much mine look my horse very much having a great time right there no away from me I don’t know it got it got stuck like that on the cut scen when the cut SC happen broke right after that oh well all right let’s go back yep damn oh my God

That’s oh my God we’re rich very good all K them all money money right let’s continue this way this way this path that must be it a bit grandos but still quite appealing there’s still a lot of them over there Dam there the monsters let’s get

This over with wait what did you hear that well I mean I know you because I yes let’s talk while these monsters are attacking these people very intelligent so it’s those those things again from my observe you only caught a glimpse of things no that was ter I thought youris perhaps they were

Arguing charge oh get NAA yeah what the heck must have drank a lot of beer or something yeah pass the door to Andrew’s place this way there’s a staircase here oh that’s not staircas that’s a wall right here right here wait remember the catacombs we must assume that this

Place is similarly trapped can you see anything with your magic site yes but cannot make out the details from here nor am I terribly versed in wizardly magic I see CH over there the door of the Catacombs was heavy-handed and obvious these enchantments are more subtle I can point out General paths and

Principles however break in 15 strength or investigate for to wisdom oh if only I was I was reading it do the strength maybe maybe it is come probably strength would be better you kick the door and it buckles with a satis even as a shot of lightning

Threatens to knock you down shaking off the pain and disorientation you HCK the door again and this time it swings open the enchantment holding sh overpowered and broken I must say those were rather puny defenses as far as wizard homes go I’m increasingly inclined to think that someone else has taken residence

Here stop we kill you govern should we Insight 12 intimidate 16 or persuade 13 uh we could also attack but I I wouldn’t want to do that attack the Goblins yeah but but I would run and get information do intimidate maybe intimidate it’s a pretty high role intimidate persuade should both be the

Same thing no intimidate 16 persuade is 13 oh they do persuade persuade yeah it’s a less risky move whatever it is that keeps you here whatever nice we got it your monster holds you I can promise that I will fight and defeat them if you

Leave me be and flee this Tower I will make sure that there is no one left here who can come after you true very convincing the goblin lowers his weapon of fraction you beat Tower Master yes he looks at the other goblins around him and in particular at the open door

Leading to the sunny outside I dances with that he runs past you towards the door after a moment’s hesitation and confusion about half of the other goblins follow their leader those remaining however seem too afraid to leave and instead charge you with panicked cries killing yourself we’re the chosen ones well you’re

Death what oh yeah there one guy was was rebellious where’s the other guys other they’re over there guys I guess there just two of them oh okay yeah these guys are fing okay cool uh that’s the way forward what over here a book oh my God no you just read the book

Not the note to the leader I ain’t reading all that like four pages with the text oh another book oh that’s just part of the design I think another book no this place book lying on the floor electr just a bunch of study stuff nerd stuff excellent work brothers and

Sisters this Wayward lamb will be a worthy offering Lord and Savior oh God break us out of here C now nice try kid but this trap was designed to keep creatures far more dangerous than you contained rashy the most dangerous creature alive no no no

No no you shall not be caged you filthy worms let us out let us out let us out what us turn into dragons should we say what now or investigate for 12 wisdom or should we ask where’s Alro or V your help we should I think we should always

Go for the ones that use the skills yeah I’d say so all right investigate for 12 you attempt to discern any defining features or other aspects of your capts that might provide useful information but you are not well versed enough in we don’t have very much wizard here people are all right uh

Help what now now where’s help Mar help V I need you to focus I need you to help us get out do you think you could see or find anything useful in this barrier fire may be a way to dispel it Fireball don’t no I’ll try

What oh there are there are channels in this barrier that the magic has to flow through if you I think that if you touch that glowing point on the wall you can you can redirect the magical Curr to wherever you I see if you pull the

Current to every part of the barrier I think I think it will disrupt the entire working and cause you got it okay o this one looks a lot more tricky um I’m sorry it’s quite difficult to to think oh yes maintain the sight for more than a

Moment at a time okay okay oh yeah you got it nice nice there big brain moves very take the L a fireball not even think about fleeing eradicate the scum destroy they’re already dead what the freak are you dinging hey are you feeling all right you got pretty worked up when we were

Trapped all right we don’t have we don’t have time to talk about feelings let’s go I am fine uh you’re you’re sure you sure talking talk to me you’re sulking okay okay then help best I can uh whatever you want to do uh I think we’ll just uh say okay then okay

Then okay like it’s your problems your problems not my issue true I think we just go higher go higher much Higher how you to this room find the door across from you the only way forward shrouded in a magical barrier in the center of the room sits a filled goblet on a pedestal high above the door shines a crystal that is jammed into a crack between the stones with VI’s help

You can see that the crystal goblet and barrier are linked so I need move them even from where you stand you can see that the crystal has a series of wards around it not to mention that even reaching the thing would prove a challenge written before the Goblet on

The pedestal is a note that says says an Act of Faith and proof of falty to our Lord drink and embrace the shadow of death to demonstrate your devotion so we need to drink it it would seem that the crystal Powers the barrier oh I have a

Lot of constitution will E I might be able to drink it for 12 Constitution uh we can investigate for 12 and I have I have an negative one in that probably not good I’d say let’s drink it right pretty high Constitution like four or five I think so that should be fine I

Think the drink is room temperature but it leaves a sensation like ice skin washes down your throat nausea and cramps soon follow they are manageable and your body fills otherwise functional okay are you sure you’re ready to face whoever is behind it’s right here this

Is the last room in the tower we already drink I think oh counted them yet it’s is probably where this Lord we have heard so much about is w oh there we go oh portal oh that portal looks cool you see the fireball cast it very oh boss fight boss yeah you should

Not have come here oh damn he became a Skyrim a mess of things nowy is upet never should have come here Batman Batman office you have caused enough damn that was pretty cool besides that’s a cool I am Bor are all well and good I enjoy brutalizing my victims far too much to

IGN what oh damn she’s evil she’s an evil Valkyrie kill him they a fireball you that’s like entire too this is an act boss fight oh my God she flung me across the room ow Horrible a healing the healing ah I got that spinning oh my God that so much damage this is actually difficult oh my God no distract that fire bully he threw a baller at you ah my face oh HP I’m on HP I’m on HP distract

Him oh I’m one HP can I heal I generate Health fire you’re bully oh I’m dead I can respawn I can respawn nice nice defeated there the pl Walker guide that is the book that Sage thar sent us to retrieve very good all right we just the book where’s the book

We take this Crystal what oh oh this book this book oh right here now what to do about this one Walker rather powerful but perhaps thesari and the other sages would prefer to keep them for questioning what Batman what have you done you’ve doomed us all do even know what is coming you’ve

Destroyed our only hope at a safe haven against against what like believe me novice there is nothing that can protect you from the forces of the universe oh damn fall they will learn give her some time to he literally just erased that guy what the

Hell never he just said he just said you don’t exist anymore very goodful powerful primitive and temporary but even these figments of our imaginations that you call people create the occasion or useful to have you the eyes for such a thing he’s vomiting on us get the freak away from

Me it seems to me that you might but no never mind no he’s familiar about you perhaps something that I met in you I can’t is done enjoy their coming sleep and in your Slumber be ready for the Awakening once the true Gods come to he’s going throw out the

Window a I’m drowning oh swim get us out of the water move now that was sick that was awesome man you all the way up there I did not think to see that thing I guess that was more than we bargained for when we took this job dialog damn um

Say true Gods maybe he know something about him yeah what was that about dreams and true Gods supposed to be old guy as much in the dark as you are they sounded at least half mad to me so he doesn’t know about it it must be something super old what did it say

What was it saying I couldn’t understand half of that true nor could I it did not seem like a language barrier their accent and pronunciation was clear however whatever that Abomination was spouting sounded like nonsense the blah true Gods what was that about what was it nor could I did not

Seem like a language we chase him ACC no chance we can go after that masked man can we you would even want to are you mad they toyed with you like a cat with an injured bird oh that’s true they did uh destroy us are unable they are at least they didn’t

Snap us like that one guy yeah Lally thenos not even Thanos snap just like should say you don’t exist anymore just goodbye you’re gone you don’t exist good uh Salvation the cultists kept saying things about that devil saving them and then the last one looked like they recognized the MK man when he

Appeared any ideas sh none except that they might be Rivals for the same goal whatever that may be still the masked men talked about coming gods and the cultists spoke of an approaching cataclysm it is not too much of a stretch to think they are linked chase him we’re leaving uh I

Guess we’re leaving yeah I think I’ve had enough of this Tower and everything in it you yes I think returning to Candle keep in its walls seems like a very reasonable and pleasant proposition all right let’s head back oh though I will admit that I want to know

What they have done with my body were in no sh pick my laundry Man or Monster or whatever manner of creatures behind that mask even if we should find a way to track them though perhaps there is nothing to be done for my body anyhow it could already be gone or simply pursuing

That masked figure will result in both of our deaths for now report to thar they will want to know what we have foundy it’s like a beastiary settings hard mode oh for okay that’s over with I’m back is anybody there my camera oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh

Yeah very hello yeah oh I say anything are you ready oh um what so as much as I am enjoying this oh damn’s got to go this isn’t uh what I was expecting um and I do and I do still want to do something a little different

We can still we can still keep this since I have another slot that I can put a server in you don’t like this one you like it it’s not that I don’t like it it’s just not what I was uh craving you want to like something just

Like survival yeah survival but with you know like more fantasy aspects you know I see is there is is there something like that uh there I mean I’m sure there is yeah we can I mean we can still we can still play you can still play with

This later since I have another slot that we can do the other thing with I mean I I definitely I still definitely want to continue this just not right now I think I’m a little not tired of it but like it’s not something oh you can charge it yeah just

Hold dud that’s awesome I know that fun I said we should definitely continue this one because it’s really fun oh yeah for sure like I kind of like how you don’t have to really worry about Gathering resources you just kind of like that’s very true yeah kind of just

Do quests and it’s a little more natural I like I like ding resources too though I like both so yeah whatever you like more we can do I’m down for what um I’ll look through the marketplace too you have some chips M I got chips sh what chip you got uh got some

Fritos uh chili cheese you like those Doritos they’re all right

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Bedrock DnD w/Floy | Fart 1’, was uploaded by Lee Buddy on 2023-12-10 01:22:59. It has garnered 13 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:55:43 or 6943 seconds.

Hey, Minecraft once more! Lezz go @floyisweird

  • Bandit Adventure Life – Episode 33

    Bandit Adventure Life - Episode 33 Bandit Adventure Life: Senior Hunters vs Chosen One In the latest episode of Bandit Adventure Life, titled “YOU ARE NOT READY! – Bandit Adventure Life (PRO LIFE) – Episode 33,” viewers are treated to an intense showdown between the Senior Hunters and the Chosen One. This Minecraft Animation marks the beginning of a new arc in the Pro Life Season 3 series. Round 2: Senior Hunters vs Chosen One The episode features a thrilling battle between the seasoned Senior Hunters and the formidable Chosen One. As the two sides clash, the stakes are high, and the action is non-stop…. Read More

  • Ultimate Cobblestone Generator Hack!

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  • Get Minecraft Free on PC 2024 – No Launcher Needed

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  • Minecraft’s Tricky Trials Update Released!

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  • Bamboo Well Build Tutorial in Minecraft

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  • Outsmarting Thieves in Minecraft!

    Outsmarting Thieves in Minecraft! Minecraft Community Server: Join the Adventure! Calling all Bedrock players! Today marks the launch of a new Community Server hosted by @goutshiblack. The server is running on version 1.20.81, and all players are invited to join in on the fun. How to Join: Join the Discord server: Discord Link Accept the rules of the server. Read and accept the server information. Enter your in-game name in the server registration. Once a green checkmark appears, you’re whitelisted and ready to start playing. Get ready for an exciting adventure filled with building, exploring, and collaborating with other players. Don’t miss out… Read More

  • Upgrade Galore: EP 3 – Java Joy Ride

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  • Hungry for Trouble – Minecraft Episode 60

    Hungry for Trouble - Minecraft Episode 60 Minecraft Adventure: Exploring a Vast World Embarking on a Journey In the vast world of Minecraft, the possibilities are endless. In a survival mode adventure, the journey begins in a beautiful world filled with challenges and surprises. The exploration leads to unexpected encounters and discoveries. Discovering Unique Elements As the adventure unfolds, the player encounters strange blocks and landscapes, each holding its own mystery. From mossy dungeons to hidden treasures, every corner of the world offers something new to explore. Surviving and Thriving Navigating through the world requires resourcefulness and strategy. Gathering essential items like food and tools becomes… Read More

  • 15 Epic Minecraft Seeds for 1.21!

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  • Unlocking the BUTTON COMBINATION LOCK! Minecraft Bedrock Tutorial

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  • Mine, Craft, Laugh: Top 3 Tips for Minecraft Masters

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  • Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy!

    Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNT-sion!” Read More

  • Sand Gives OP Items in Minecraft PE/BE!

    Sand Gives OP Items in Minecraft PE/BE! Minecraft PE/BE: Sand Gives OP Items! Are you ready to dive into a Minecraft adventure where sand gives you overpowered items? In this unique gameplay experience, players are in for a treat as they explore the world of Minecraft with a twist. Join the fun as sand becomes a source of powerful loot and surprises! Discovering OP Items in Sand Imagine walking through the Minecraft landscape and stumbling upon sand blocks that hold incredible treasures. With this addon, players can expect to find OP items hidden within the seemingly ordinary sand blocks. From powerful weapons to rare resources, the… Read More

  • Dangerous Block in Minecraft Skyblock Survival!

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  • Minecraft Mobs in Gacha Form?! Etherial Gacha Part 3

    Minecraft Mobs in Gacha Form?! Etherial Gacha Part 3Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft But We’re Mobs!!!! part 3’, was uploaded by Etherial Gacha on 2024-06-17 14:56:49. It has garnered 25 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:28:16 or 5296 seconds. (Information: Mod:https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/… Mod:https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/… (Minecraft Version: 1.19.3 Forge Version: 44.1.23) Server IP:Kraken56YTEiOI.exaroton.me:62725Hey, fellow gamers! 👋 Dive into the enchanting world of EtherialCraft SMP with your host, EtherialPlays! 🚀 Brace yourself for an epic Minecraft journey filled with creativity, collaboration, and countless memorable moments. 🎮 About EtherialPlays: Embark on this incredible adventure alongside EtherialPlays, your dedicated guide through the vast landscapes of EtherialCraft SMP. Whether… Read More

  • Yaezer’s 5K Subscriber Stream: Minecraft & Roblox Live

    Yaezer's 5K Subscriber Stream: Minecraft & Roblox LiveVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴Yaezer’s 5K Subscriber Celebration! 🎉 Live Minecraft & Roblox with Fans! 🚀’, was uploaded by Yaezer on 2024-05-19 13:34:10. It has garnered 7456 views and 185 likes. The duration of the video is 08:02:20 or 28940 seconds. Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCw4Rat3wWN21VpCdlVe1KNw/join Join us as we celebrate 5,000 amazing subscribers on Yaezer’s channel! 🎉 Thank you for all the support and love. Read More

  • Minecraft Pro Reveals Viral Tiktok Hack! 🔥🎮 #Gamer

    Minecraft Pro Reveals Viral Tiktok Hack! 🔥🎮 #GamerVideo Information This video, titled ‘Vairl Minecarft Tiktok hack💥💥🔥👿#minecraft #gamer #vairal’, was uploaded by Mine Gamer on 2024-05-31 09:11:02. It has garnered 10013 views and 295 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More

  • Dwarton’s Epic Minecraft Ice Lake Build!

    Dwarton's Epic Minecraft Ice Lake Build!Video Information This video, titled ‘No.70 Minecraft World Layer by Layer | a bit closer look on the ice lake glacier (seed by Jereaux)’, was uploaded by Dwarton on 2024-04-06 11:52:24. It has garnered 161 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. #shorts #minecraftshorts ⛏ Minecraft for Windows (Bedrock Edition 1.20.70) 🌱World gen seed: -4288537168068407406 (by Jereaux) presented by the channel “Minecraft & Chill” in the following video: https://youtu.be/NTbhO7fr4dg?si=8_oV4MNj2tzLPeEg 🧭Coordinates: /tp @p 62 64 -48 🗺 Biome: Snowy Slopes 🕸 Programs used: Mineways – https://www.realtimerendering.com/erich/minecraft/public/mineways/downloads.html The world was generated in Minecraft Bedrock Edition… Read More

  • Insane PVP TEXTURE PACKS for Max FPS Boost!

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  • Shocking Minecraft Betrayal: Maizen Saves TV Girl

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  • Xioonae reveals shocking news! Click now to find out!

    Xioonae reveals shocking news! Click now to find out!Video Information This video, titled ‘13.1.24 | xioonae | guess who just got affiliated! WOOHOOO!!!’, was uploaded by xioonae on 2024-01-18 12:44:05. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hey, Xioon’s here ^^ I’m your daily dose of mostly chilled out streams, consisting mainly of Euro Truck Simulator 2, Minecraft and … Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Pig Balloon Build Tutorial!

    Insane Minecraft Pig Balloon Build Tutorial!Video Information This video, titled ‘🎈🐷 Sky-High Fun: Ultimate Minecraft Piggy Balloon Build Tutorial! 🏗️✨’, was uploaded by VoxelVenturer Dennis on 2024-06-09 16:27:52. It has garnered 7 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:26 or 506 seconds. Join me on an adventure as we soar to new heights in Minecraft with this step-by-step guide to building the cutest piggy balloon ever! Perfect for Minecraft enthusiasts and creative builders looking to add a touch of whimsy to their world. 🌍✨ 🔨 What You’ll Learn: Crafting the perfect piggy shape with precision blocks Selecting the best materials for… Read More

  • INSANE 3D Creeper Build Hack! 🔥

    INSANE 3D Creeper Build Hack! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Creeper full 3D making video by hak3d’, was uploaded by hak3d on 2024-04-01 17:17:47. It has garnered 12 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:05:39 or 11139 seconds. Minecraft creeper full 3D making video by hak3d Made at Bambulab P1S Combo printer https://eu.store.bambulab.com/ You can find model here: https://makerworld.com/en/models/40153#profileId-39793 Filament type unbrand, luminous Intro music by Alex Grohl: Stomping Rock (Four Shouts) https://pixabay.com/music/rock-stomping-rock-four-shots-111444/ Read More

  • Xylo Network

    Xylo NetworkBedrock IP: Bedrock port: 25799 Java Ip: XyloSMP.wither.best Features: 1.8 combat Hacks allowed Semi-Anarchy Craftable god apples (1.8 crafting recipe) Custom enchants MC Versions 1.9.4+ xylosmp.wither.best:25751 Read More

  • HearthCraft SMP Java 1.20.2 No resets, griefing Economy Avg. 15 online

    HearthCraft SMP Java 1.20.2 No resets, griefing Economy Avg. 15 online<!DOCTYPE html> HearthCraft Server Information About HearthCraft Server: HearthCraft is a no-griefing economy SMP server that has been providing the best experiences since October of 2018. We bring people together in a fun and fair gaming environment. Check out our server store and have a sneak peek here! Key Features: Server never resets. World dates back to July 2019. No pay-to-win perks Regular resource world resets Live map available here Zero tolerance for hate speech Pet system Land Claiming and mcMMO Active economy with player shops, warps, auctions, etc. Marriage plugin and leaderboards /wild command for random teleport Technical Information:… Read More

  • Astral SMP

    Astral SMPServer Name: Astral SMPIP Address: astral-smp.comVersion: 1.16 – 1.20Game Mode: SurvivalDiscord: https://discord.gg/THQEuDwgkj— Why Join Astral SMP? Unique Features:Custom Plugins/Mods: Enjoy custom features that enhance your gameplay experience.Custom-built Areas: Explore beautifully crafted landscapes and structures.Events and Contests: Participate in regular events, challenges, and community contests with exciting rewards.Friendly Community:Active and Welcoming: Our community is friendly and welcoming to new players.Helpful Staff: Our moderators and admins are always ready to assist you.— In-Game Rewards Daily Login Rewards: Receive rewards just for logging in daily.Voting Rewards: Vote for our server and get rewarded with in-game items and perks.Referral Program: Invite friends and earn… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Why Do I Relate So Hard? 😂

    Minecraft Memes - Why Do I Relate So Hard? 😂I guess the meme is only worth a 14 out of 100, just like my mining skills in Minecraft! 😂 Read More

  • Pembe Renge Dokunursam, Minecraft Shorts Galore!

    Pembe Renge Dokunursam, Minecraft Shorts Galore! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, I bring you news in rhymes, keeping it alive. From pink color touches to daring escapes, Every story I tell, in rhymes it takes shape. Join me in the adventure, let’s explore together, In the world of Minecraft, where anything is possible, forever. So grab your pickaxe, your sword, and your might, And let’s journey through this pixelated delight. Read More

  • Hotter than a Nether portal: You are my lava meme

    Hotter than a Nether portal: You are my lava meme “When you’re playing Minecraft and your friend keeps stealing all your diamonds, but you still have to sing ‘You are my sunshine’ to them to keep the peace.” Read More

  • Uncover the Secret Luminous Stone Powder in Minecraft!

    Uncover the Secret Luminous Stone Powder in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minerales de Minecraft [Parte 2]: polvo de piedra luminosa’, was uploaded by Leant_23 on 2024-05-09 13:44:42. It has garnered 57 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. Good morning students, in this #guide channel we cover all types of games in an easy and simple way for all of you, mainly games like Minecraft, Terraria, Stardew valley, among many more that will come in the future, if you want to support the project, You can subscribe, like the videos or comment on something. #minecraftshorts #minebuildersa #leant #pandarojo #junimo… Read More

  • Nighturz Drops Insane Minecraft Builds in New Episode

    Nighturz Drops Insane Minecraft Builds in New EpisodeVideo Information This video, titled ‘MUST Place Down HQ ASAP | MINECRAFT | EPISODE: 46 | Nighturz’, was uploaded by ƝƖƓӇƬƲƦȤ on 2024-05-28 23:51:00. It has garnered 12 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 04:18:47 or 15527 seconds. Been looking for a while, but I must place down in my new location asap. Will be searching for a location with surface and underground structures and close to a Lush Cave. Read More

  • 🤯 Ultimate Minecraft Diamond Dream!

    🤯 Ultimate Minecraft Diamond Dream!Video Information This video, titled ‘Diamond Dream 🤣 #shorts #minecraft #viral #shortsviral #trending #youtubeshorts #ytshort’, was uploaded by KnL Shorts on 2024-05-04 13:30:30. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftonly #minecraftpc #minecrafter #minecraftmeme #minecrafters … Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft SMP – Join Now & Explore!

    EPIC Minecraft SMP - Join Now & Explore!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft | 24/7 SMP ANYONE CAN JOIN PE + JAVA’, was uploaded by TECHNICAL GAMES on 2024-01-17 16:14:19. It has garnered 83 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:05:43 or 7543 seconds. Discord = https://discord.gg/XXpsb45KPe #minecraftlive #minecraft ————————————————————————————— PC 💻🖱 IP = play.dgnetwork.fun RAM :- 8GB processor :- i3 10th GEN graphic card :- GTX 1650 4GB VALORANT ID = GANGSTER么 ISHAN 5375 DIML VOTE LINK = https://minecraft-mp.com/server/315738/vote/ DISCORD LINK = https://discord.gg/XXpsb45KPe Join me as I embark on an epic Minecraft adventure, exploring vast landscapes, battling dangerous creatures, and unraveling hidden… Read More

  • Demonic Minecraft Son – INSANE Realistic RTX Shaders 😱 #shorts

    Demonic Minecraft Son - INSANE Realistic RTX Shaders 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft realistic shaders 😱Minecraft rtx shaders #shorts’, was uploaded by Demon Son on 2024-03-15 04:57:23. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft realistic shaders Minecraft rtx shaders #shorts best minecraft rtx shaders for android, best non rtx shaders minecraft … Read More

  • Unbelievable! Arkace House Of Ashes Playthrough LIVE

    Unbelievable! Arkace House Of Ashes Playthrough LIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘House Of Ashes Playthrough LIVE’, was uploaded by Arkace on 2024-05-18 03:47:41. It has garnered 53 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 01:57:19 or 7039 seconds. Hello there and welcome! On my channel I play a variety of different games, from games such as Subnautica and Minecraft, to other games like Phasmophobia and Sons Of The Forest. I’m a big horror fan so expect a lot of highlights/streams on various horror games such as Resident Evil on the channel as well! #houseofashes #gaming #playstation #playthrough #entertainment Read More

  • OMG! Insane House Build in Minecraft by Ren Ivory

    OMG! Insane House Build in Minecraft by Ren IvoryVideo Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】Lanjut bikin rumah lagi || Ren Ivory’, was uploaded by Ren Ivory Ch. on 2024-05-10 14:42:28. It has garnered 60 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 02:00:28 or 7228 seconds. 【Support me】 Treat : https://trakteer.id/RenIvory Ko-Fi : https://ko-fi.com/renivoryid ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ 【 Rules 】 – Please remain polite to both streamers and fellow viewers as you would like to be treated – Please do not mention anything related to SARA, Politics, NSFW , etc. – Don’t spam the chat or comments column – Please don’t mention the names of other Vtubers/Streamers/Livers/Youtubers (except Ren… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft 2×2 House Build 😱 #shorts

    Insane Minecraft 2x2 House Build 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 2×2 House😱 #shorts’, was uploaded by Tender Gamer on 2024-03-06 11:39:37. It has garnered 8642 views and 235 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. Minecraft: Which cat did it better? 🤔 In this video, Tender Gamer shows the Chipi Chipi cat making music with Minecraft game noises, blocks, mobs, items and more. Who do you think won the competition? KEYWORDS AND RELATED INFORMATION: 🔥 Tender Gamer creates Shorts, TikToks, and Long Form Videos related to Minecraft, Minecraft Memes, Minecraft Music, Minecraft Pixel Art, Minecraft Amethyst, Minecraft Trends, Minecraft But,… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Adventure with Spiky Hair JJ

    Ultimate Minecraft Adventure with Spiky Hair JJVideo Information This video, titled ‘Episode 1 | Minecraft: The Woodland Mansion | Spiky Hair JJ’, was uploaded by Spiky Hair JJ on 2024-01-18 13:53:12. It has garnered 71 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:44 or 464 seconds. Episode 1 of the Movie Series Minecraft: The Woodland Mansion 4 Kids, Mal, Lenna, Chug and Lizzie discover a mysterious creature enter the town of Cornucopia. They break the town rules and adventure out to the outside overworld. While adventuring, they face many highs and lows. But then they discover tracks leading to their town? Can they… Read More

  • Ram War

    Ram WarWelcome to RAM WAR!!! Minecraft’s up-and-coming FPS!!!!! Ram War is an incredibly fast-paced team-shooter with several awesome weapon classes to choose from! Work together to claim the RAM and take it to your enemy’s base! Claim the colored tiles of the arena to gain speed, invisibility, and ammo! Pick from weapons including: Bow, Scythe, Bubble Bomb, Shotgun, Chain Blades, Railrifle, Gilseng, and Biped Bomb. There are over 20 playable maps with many more to come! Come be a part of the universe’s story and lore! Where everything is completely normal :))) mc.ramwar.net Read More