Welcome back legendary potato here and today I want to talk to guys about skins or specifically custom skins on my craft console edition now this is a thing that people have been asking for years and years since my craft console edition came out starting on xbox 360 and Eventually evolving to nowadays the most recent one being on the switch so a lot of people want custom skins and I’m going to be talking to you guys a lot about custom skins today as we have a lot of cool stuff that we could talk about them as they’re actually Technically possible in my console edition so I’ll get into that later in the video make sure you guys do stick around for that anyways let’s get right into the video here so custom skins pretty much what they are they allow you to import your own skin file into the game and Allow you to be whatever skin you’d like instead of having to choose from pre-selected ones so this is kind of a cool thing that exists on minecraft PC or Mac of Java and as well as minecraft bedrock edition but for my craft console edition unfortunately we don’t have this Option and the biggest reason that we get for this is because of copyright limitations and stuff like this it just it doesn’t allow you because of that and as well 4j Studios who pretty much make discs in packs to DLC and all that sort of stuff they like making in skin packs That make cool skin packs for us and they release some pretty frequently so you get a lot of cool skins that you can of course purchase through the Minecraft store but for a lot of people this doesn’t satisfy them a lot of people want minecraft skins that they can use custom Whatever they want they want to be some sort of different character maybe from a different video game on a different console which just could cause a lot of problems as some consoles don’t want other players being different characters on their console where you know vice versa you know that kind of sort of Thing they don’t want somebody being like a sonic skin on an Xbox or being a Mario skin on a you know a Playstation or yeah any that’s sort of weird stuff they don’t want to have to you know run into weird copyright issues where players are playing this weird skins That probably shouldn’t be on that console so it kind of runs into the issue there that’s always been the the one main argument they have is the copyright thing but of course that’s just kind of what the reasoning is for it so you of course do you have the Super Mario mashup pack on the Nintendo consoles but you don’t have it on other ones so it’s actually kind of an exclusive and so these skins you can only get on those but so if you wanted to play those skins you have to you know have those consoles or something you Know you know like that of course but custom skins if you wanted custom skins at all they were not really optional or not really an option at all to be able to have in console edition at least not without doing some weird things which of Course I’m going to get into in just a moment here but basically custom skins not possible to 99% of people who play minecraft and the reasoning for that is just because the way custom skins work it just wouldn’t work out but technically they are possible which i think is really interesting of course But basically it’s very unlimited it’s very restrictive and there’s a lot of weird things that go on behind it so technically custom skins are possible and so let’s get into exactly how that all works so custom skins pretty much what we can do is we can modify the game Files in the game to actually change the texture of current existing skins so this has actually gone really in-depth in a friend of mine Nobel Dez’s video he actually goes really in-depth about the skin structure so I’ll be sure to leave a card to that at some point during the Video I think it’s a really cool video I do recommend you check it out so he goes in depth about how all the skin stuff all works and stuff like that but it’s very confusing very complicated if you don’t understand the game too much but basically what you’re able to do is You’re able to make your own custom skins on my craft consoles being minecraft ps3 minecraft Wii U and I believe minecraft switches well and maybe PS Vita and so these consoles are a little bit special because we’re able to modify those consoles and you know change the Skins and the data in them the reason you can’t do this on Xbox 360 is because the fact that you need a I think in JTAG Xbox in order to do that just because the way that Xbox structure is set up it’s just something that we’re not able To do unless you have a modded console which most people don’t have those in there they’re pretty hard to get or maker you know obviously you’re probably not willing to go through that to get custom skins so unfortunately if you’re an Xbox 360 player you’re a little bit Out of luck on this one but if you play a Wii U ps3 PSP switch all those sort of things that this is actually something for you this is something that’s actually possible to do in my craft Collins audition it’s not possible at least I don’t believe it’s Possible on Xbox one to ps4 just because those are kind of current gen and all this weird complicated stuff that goes on with those as well but for the other consoles the ones had mentioned previously it’s all possible you can do that and so it’s requires a bunch of Weird PC modding and stuff which most people obviously don’t really know how to do or don’t really want to be able to do that or you know don’t want to go through that they just want to have custom skins all set up and so unfortunately it’s not that easy if you Want custom skins it’s very limited and you know you really not going to get too far with it unless you know a lot about the game of course which most people obviously they don’t want to do that so the people that do know this modding stuff they have tons of cool videos on It about how it all works how you can do it yourself if you’re actually interested in doing the modding yourself then you can get custom skins and in some cases as well you can even have those skins so that your friends can see those skins as well so you can have your Friends be like whoa how did you do that how’d you get that skin which is just kind of neat as well but of course it comes with weird bugs and weird complications that come up but I’m not gonna go too in depth into those but What I will say is is that it is possible it is reachable it is an actual thing that is on my craft console edition just not in the way that we did expect us know like GUI there’s nothing that’s in the game that allows you to do It it’s all through the modding and the coding which just makes it a lot more confusing for a lot of people but there’s been custom skin packs that have been released in the past to those versions but to Xbox 360 unfortunately there’s not much we can do or Xbox one Ps4 unfortunately we won’t be able to do much there either but on console edition it’s probably not going to change they’re probably not going to actually do custom skins where it’s accessible to everyone unfortunately with just the fact that the copyright and like the store and the Whole situation they have going on there they just probably aren’t going to change they haven’t changed it in almost 6 years since the games come out of course it came back out and or it came out in 2012 – minecraft sparks 360 and then later years released To the other platforms and no word about custom skins at all whatsoever just because of the fact that they told us to copyright stuff which honestly kind of seems like a weird reason but I can also see the fact that it’s just kind of a lot of the money incentive as well which Would probably help them with that so of course they probably want to make a couple extra bucks by order more than that obviously but they want to obviously sell the skins and do all that so they can actually make more money back from the game and so they can Continue updating the game and you get the idea of course so I mean they do release a lot of skins that give you a lot of options of what kind of skins you want and Risley recently they’ve been doing skins based off of different movies games and stuff you know similar To that so it’s kind of cool they’ve done like an adventure time one if they’ve done like Star Wars in the past they did Doctor Who I think it did a couple doctor who did Simpsons they’ve included so many different skin packs that include these different characters from these different shows and games Which i think is quite interesting so they give you some flexibility if you’re a big fan of any of those things then you’ll probably like one of the skins on there but if you wanted to have a fully customizable skin from like a Nintendo game on your xbox you’re probably a Little bit out of luck on that unfortunately unless you have a JTAG to xbox or you have a ps3 and you want to go through the modding effort it’s just kind of a really complicated thing so I can understand you guys probably a little bit upset or disappointed at this But micro bedrock condition does include it so if you do have an xbox one then you could technically play on bedrock and you can get your custom skins there of course which is a bunch of ways to do that I believe so you can play on a Minecraft bedrock edition so I mean Honestly the only downside is if you only have an Xbox 360 console then there’s pretty much absolutely zero things you can do about it but if you have an Xbox one then you’re good if you have a ps4 I’m not really too sure about That if you have a Wii U you’re good you got a ps3 you get you got you know any of those things I previously mentioned then you’ll be fine custom skins are technically possible but in some ways more difficult than others so of course just kind of depends on the level of Difficulty depending on your console there’s tons of tutorials I’d recommend you check them out if you’re really curious how you want to get in – the sort of stuff and then that they’ll be plenty you can try and look them up so at the end of the day custom Skins are technically possible but not really accessible to anyone unless you’re like really advanced in the whole modding scene so I didn’t want to disappoint you guys with this but that’s unfortunately the truth about custom skins is just that they’re limited and there’s just a lot of reasons why they Won’t come to the actual end game but they do exist on my craft console edition I’m not lying to you guys you can go ahead and see those videos of course I do recommend you check them out I think they’re really cool to see like What you could do with this game which i think is quite interesting of course hopefully you guys did enjoy the video of course you can leave a like on it does help out the channel a lot and let me know what you guys think of this video down in the comments section below I think it is kind of informative and for a lot of people actually are confused or don’t think custom skins exist at all which isn’t true they actually do exist and you can get them in some ways and you know just using those extra steps or whatever you have To do and so they technically do exist I’ll see you guys the next video let me know down in the comments section what you guys think and yeah feel free to check out more videos on the channel and I’ll see you guys next time have a good one Video Information
This video, titled ‘CUSTOM SKINS ON MINECRAFT CONSOLE EDITION??’, was uploaded by LegendaryP0tat0 on 2018-02-05 21:00:04. It has garnered 359699 views and 2460 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:22 or 622 seconds.
CUSTOM SKINS ON MINECRAFT CONSOLE EDITION?? =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
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