LEGO FORTNITE: Minecraft’s Rival? 😱

Video Information

Hello everyone hope you’re well so yes Lego fortnite is this game like Minecraft is it like a new fun game is it actually good is it bad is it worth playing we’re going to check it out and see what is up so Lego fortnite is like Lego inside fortnite but it’s its own

Game within the game so you can create a world just like in Apex you can uh sorry for uh Minecraft you can share worlds okay survival sandbox yes we’re going survival and you can choose a cover image okay override world seed and you can choose a seed just like

Minecraft so let’s just type in I don’t know that’ll be fun uh enemies hunger temperature stamina elimination drop inventory upon elimination friendly creatures villagers this this is kind of interesting afternoon everybody okay let’s jump in and see what this is like I don’t know if it’s good I don’t know

If it’s bad but I’m very curious uh offensive content has no place in fortnite okay make sure you create responsibly afternoon friends here we go created my first Lego world I feel like Lego is a actually like such a good idea for for an open world like surv Sandbox game so I hope

This is good we don’t know it could be terrible heard people are having issues getting in not surprising it’s probably I mean there’s only 90,000 people playing that can’t be right oh cuz the servers were down right waiting for matchmaking to um start but you get you

Don’t get back bling right I’ve only got three skins uh it’s quite interesting we got different styles no okay you don’t get styles for Lego skins all right save character um yeah we’re waiting um let’s have a little look at what this is about let’s see uh maybe

Just watch another stream I’m really curious uh let’s see I’m trying I don’t know if anyone’s getting in but we’re trying we’re trying to get in hello everybody hope you’re doing well I know this is a little different but I thought let’s just try it the Lego

Mode is out it is indeed out we are yeah we’re just waiting for it to start really you got quests no that’s just normal fortnite I don’t know what it’s going to be like really curious item shop we got Adventure peely it’s quite interesting isn’t it you have all the Lego versions of

Everything like the fact that they’ve made a Lego variant for every skin or they’re working on it makes me think that they’re really going hard with this and they think it’s going to be a big mode um I guess we’ll have to see kind of cool does that mean you get pet of

Griffin Lego wait let me see this let me see this I just want to see it I don’t want to join fortnite crew why is there Lego it’s a it’s just a brand new thing fortnite Lego um interesting seem to be taking a while uh maybe we came a little bit

Early item shop I want to see battle pass yeah here we go a it ain’t Lego I don’t know if you get Lego Peter Griffin I guess some IP wouldn’t a free skin shop Nothing free for me and the emotes as well all right we’re having trouble getting in no surprise no surprise

Okay a we’ll keep trying we’ll keep trying above that save the world bundle item shop um I don’t really see Hello Vault how’s it going by song new on apex poison Legend uh not really we had the update I’m kind of hoping they just surprise drop winter Express

We’ll see kind of weird the game mode is not running too much I’m not going to leave the game because if I leave the game kind of weird the game mode uh I’m going to lose out on my chance you know what I mean uh yeah B basically December

This year for me is a year of trying a few different things um we are going to be doing a bit of fortnite I’ll be checking out the finals when it goes live um I will be trying the day before uh mostly on another channel so if you want to check that out

Uh there’s a pinned comment with a link for the gaml later cuz yes we’re getting the day before I don’t know if it’s going to be a good game or a terrible game nobody knows it’s a mystery but I guess we’ll find out we will find out

Won’t we um and besides that of course we’ll do some Apex stuff as well at the finals is probably dropping this week well whenever it drops I’ll be there final should be announced today or tomorrow yes but whatever happens like I say I’ll be posting content about it

Immediately as soon as the finals is released or announced or whatever I’ll be there boys I’ll be there guarantee it uh have I played Spider-Man 2 I haven’t actually played the believe it or not even of the Spider-Man games I just haven’t had time haven’t had time is it live can’t

Get into the game um it seems like we’re having matchmaking problems from what I’m seeing seems if I type fortnite Lego I think uh nobody’s really getting in let’s have a little look let’s have a little look shall we fortnite Lego let’s see

Um let’s have a look is he in is he in oh he’s in he’s in look at oh wait is that a trailer that’s a trailer that’s a trailer okay never mind um and that’s that’s me Typical Gamer is he in wait I think he’s in yes so he you can get in

This is kind of interesting uh watch we wait I just want to watch this hang on uh un mute that we got to take him out take a little while go weing we got a pickaxe from him is it like crafting how does it work let’s heal up we actually almost died there

See the crafting bench new inventions there is a crafting bench okay okay let’s go ahead and put the pickaxe on our here this is so weird it’s like a completely different game now that we have four saacks you a Cole down a tree maybe there we go so

Interesting I don’t know like what the game is going to be like let cool gameplay Loop you can play with friends you can share your world of friends as well how many people can you get in a single World anyone know oh my gosh yeah like Survival game right it

Looks like a survival Sandbox game for sure you can craft the crafting is super straightforward okay wait we’re getting in h what does a torch do though try again matchmaking error boys creates light and a small amount of warmth helpful interesting I wonder how complex it is

It might be like pretty surface level I don’t know if they’re going to update it much here’s the thing though okay let’s talk about this real quick right um fortnite is so good at releasing content right it may not have mods like Minecraft but if they update it a lot it

Could actually be kind of fun it could be quite kind of fun you you make a village what is all this about dude yeah it looks interesting for sure be as resources refood ref Stone goes all the way to 10 you can get basically build a village and you get NPCs vill h

Huh o oh this morning T devil I’m good I mean I’m just starting my Village on top of this hill apparently what is this what is that go for looks fun hey ggm you going to stream the game awards I will be asleep get over here I will be

Asleep unfortunately it starts at like my 12 a.m. so I won’t unfortunately I thought about it but yeah it’s just too late how does it get it is it leading me somewhere oh boy got to keep trying it’s me a llama o a loot llama llama at the

Llama what what the heck you shouldn’t be able to do that you pet a llama and it explodes snowberry seed slurp mushroom nice I can take out a wolf I’m going for it oh God a horrible idea I wonder what the combat’s like pretty basic yes this obviously definitely a game that’s um

Meant to be very easily accessible so you know for an old man like me I guess that’s good and bad we have to see his pickaxe is broke punching a wolf oh I can win this that’s at 2 a.m. yeah that’s so late that’s crazy go we took down the

Wolf okay you the wolf just got eliminated absolutely insane oh go spiders spiders okay there’s a bunch of MP like enemy AI so I guess the core gameplay is you build your village up can you just like build stuff like I thought it was going to have like you can just build walls

And build houses Dynamite bro so different what I’m expecting Granite corn these little spiders are that’s kind of interesting you just use axes is that your weapon there’s caves oh there’s a cave here ooh what the heck matchmaking Arrow yeah matchmaking is down so we just keep trying I just keep

Watching this and learning about the game so we have a bit of information and we go cave kind of deal or is this enter oh is it like a dungeon wait I got to gear up before we enter the cave right what is it ooh okay let’s what if it’s randomly the

Whole thing is randomly generated right you have seeds that’s kind of interesting how big is the world as well is this any different from normal fortnite very different it’s like a a Sandbox Survival Game I don’t know the scope of it I don’t know like how like

You know how Minecraft you can put hundreds of hours into I don’t know what this is like I don’t know if there’s like a quest system I don’t know like what we’re learning together I have a cave nearby get trans like cars or movement animals planes I don’t know let’s go ahead and

Use crafting Med let’s make a pickaxe how do you learn more stuff to craft as well kind of interesting okay yeah teach you for devil the matchmaking is down at the moment stations the location on the map that’s actually super helpful okay okay so like beside this let’s do it

Right beside the little house let’s do home base there you go orange huh okay El build lumber mill we can do we can do a log Lookout wood foundations oh okay pieces floors interesting make your own house like oh no oh no oh no all right that back

In I’m guessing he’s not going to get in guessing he’s not going to get in oh boy get me back in I was having fun dynamite in the cave we should do that it’s like Minecraft you can have other people if you want um yeah I mean that’s really

Interesting I I just I’m cu curious like what is what is the process playing the game and stuff finding a match that’s better oh we might be able to get in boys okay we might be able to get in I hope so Ione know like the max Play account

Or like can can I open up like a fortnite Lego world for viewers like can we do that I saw that like you had something like 15 players in a single Lobby is this not a br no it’s not a br it’s a survival Sandbox game I think we’re actually matchmaking

Now for real which is good I like that that you even get like Lego pickaxe Styles right that’s kind of cool surely this must have taken so much time to to create I just can’t imagine that this is like a simple ah it can’t just be a simple game

Mode that’s why I feel like there must be a bit of depth to it they actually believe in this and they think it’s going to go far how much effort they’ve gone into making all these Lego Styles like that’s got to take a long time there’s so many fortnite skins I think

There’s like over a thousand already created no let’s see if Typical Gamer got back in then let’s see if he got in let’s see nah he can’t get in matchmaking come on get in you’re going to play epics today um I’m not entirely sure simply

Because it’s a bit of a weird day it’s a bit of a weird day we’ve got this and then later we got the day before um if I can I’ll fit it in but I also need to do some editing a little bit later for the video um so we’re

Looking at quite a crazy day oh I think we’re getting in I think we’re getting in boys I think we are here we go all right fortnite Lego who would have thought I’m so curious I I think it could be quite fun to have a fortnite Lego world with you

Guys I don’t know if there’s a limit on how many people can join should we do that here we are we’re in we’re invisible oh no we’re not wow look at that hold up a minute let me just do one thing I feel like this is such a good

Screenshot for a thumbnail because it’s just we’re in the game you know what I mean we’re in the game all right maybe like that that’s good that’s good right not going to make a video but just for my live stream stream people want to like know that we’re actually

Playing the game instead of just a silly yeah like here we go boys I’m actually quite interested in this oh file is bigger than 2 megabyte you kidding me with me friends we will be jumping in checking this out I’m just really curious like is this a game people are going to

Play is it going to be boring after like 2 minutes um yeah we’ll figure it out but once the servers are like probably running and we get a hang of it maybe we can get you guys in and we’ll do like a community thing it’ be pretty cool all right okay

A that sounds very much like a Minecraft villager okay lot of wood and granite around here wood and granite all right I got to try something all right right I tried map yo okay raspberry yeah punching trees it’s like Minecraft fortnite Lego is like Minecraft you can build campfire okay

You can pet chickens and they give you eggs this is the best game in the world you can pet chickens he’s not ready to give me another egg I get it I get it campfire I’m on it all right um I’m just going to build here let’s just

Let’s just do this nice and quick all right smoke signal okay eat something anything berries I got I got a berry raspberry I got one and a half Health can I eat a raar egg oh God you can that’s a little weird good day okay shelter I want it okay simple Shack got

It we need six wood I need one more wood come here little chicken can we can we like build a fence around this chicken so we have infinite eggs there’s dungeons like caves yeah this I don’t think I can cut that tree it’s just looking a little too big there

We go collect wood all right let’s build a simple Shack can you rotate it nudge oh no oh I didn’t want to do that dude oh well it’s fine start build remaining parts Shack pillar okay okay snap mode wait what I need wood oh I need more wood all right pumpkins what was

That Vines okay can you beat up cows just curious yeah this might be a very chill game I don’t know man we’re just trying it we’re trying it out this seems relaxing a spiders come at me bro all right we messed up get silk from spiders all right it’s

Minecraft okay how do we build this again ja pillar ah okay all right interesting and then we need Shack wide floor so can you just make this stuff on your own this is just like an outline need more wood it’s actually like Minecraft well we’re just trying it like it’s it’s

Similar I just don’t know if it’s as good probably not to begin with but who knows like have to see how far this game goes it’ll be good to get you guys in here as well I think that’s where the fun is this kind of social aspect maybe

Complete all right we need a shack roof now you’re making me work for this aren’t you Shack half wall need more wood that’s some okay you pet a cow and it gives you steak I’m going have to try uh I think every game is super fun

When you try and learn for the first time yeah I mean that’s the fun to be honest in survival games that is always the fun it’s the first few hours the first day what next sha Ridge okay I was hoping for a bit more customization in building like I want to

Make my own stuff you know what I mean all right what next crafting bench build recipe crafting bench Three Wood I need three wood and two more Granite okay am I hungry I have no idea let’s pet the cow give me some steak you give me milk right yes milk

Okay yo I got the best time in the game boys poop I got poop those some big raspberries holy moly I’s give you milk got it okay yo what up chicken I don’t know this kind of cute and fun where’s my egg all right can you drink milk probably I think we got

Enough to build the craft here yeah we do put it inside no you know what we’ll put the crafting bench outside okay Forest axe and pickaxe we need more wood and more Stone who would have thought is that the only two crafting I want to go do a

Dungeon right let’s try and get that as quick as possible cannot Sprint low energy all right should we drink some milk will that help me out ah so there’s like a bar of okay there’s a a green bar there’s sheep can you make clothes I don’t really think so

I don’t know what happens if you punch a chicken you get banned the game will ban you for inciting violence on an innocent I don’t know should we find out I punch some spiders how about that right if I click here uh how much stone do I have

Inventory two wood three Granite I need more oh there’s a whole field full of it all right so when night time comes out do we get a bunch of scary mobs or what’s the deal it’s Raiden get dark there’s a there’s a wolf I don’t like that dude

The wol yo look at those chickens having a bit of a part should I say I’m going to put the raspberries I got 12 raspberries we eating good tonight boys yo what is that oh my God there’s a rolling spider thing need to get back to base I don’t

Know how easy it is to die it’s probably like a pretty easy mob to fight but all right y look how cozy this is this is real nice and chill man it’s it’s nice it’s nice let me eat some raspberries let me fill up my bar of

Green I find it weird that the icon in the top is uh still non- Lego can’t use you can’t use a crafting bench in Rain are you kidding me I going have to build another one inside all right can I destroy this one or what I hope I get my stuff back you

Do okay that’s that’s yeah you can’t craft in the rain who would have thought boys you know what’s wrong with me creating a just a nice and peaceful uh wet pickaxe the unreal goodness yeah the the game like Unreal Engine is just so good um epic games have definitely made a

Very beautiful thing all right look at that look at the lighting it’s just a Lego model but it’s looking looking cool what what do you have to say all right A Village Square to back attract nearby people need a pickaxe first she says we need to build a Village

Square uh Grill Village Square all right I get it anyone want to join in all right so someone wants to know what happens if we attack a chicken I don’t really want to have to do this you know what I mean do we have to that’s not a

Chicken so you can just go up to a sheep and collect their poop all right we got enough wood actually we need Stone now okay wait what am i c I’m cold I’m freezing dude I got something in my tab inventory uh corn a new item okay yeah

I’m I’m actually freezing to death hold up let me get warm players invite players you have seven keys invite players to have them join this world share a key with a friend in your party party if you want them to play in this world on their own all party members

Without a key will be removed okay if you guys want want to play uh send me an invite my name is uh 10xp like I I’m down for you to join and like collect resources and just have a good time I don’t know could be cool um it’s

So dark why is it so cold do I need to build a bed bed bed bed bed bed bed builds building Parts Furniture bed let me guess you can’t sleep in the rain all right I’ll just put it there my bed yes all right we’re snoozing

Snoozing okay uh let’s get yeah I’ll let you guys in just um set respawn location and rest oh that’s just a respawn location we have to wait okay retro R what up dude let me get you in here too I saw you retro red what yeah there we go except all right

Uh I’m cold I just need to hit this rock wait what why am I getting zero out of this oh I hate you need to use the pickaxe of course I’m getting cold there fortnite sounds all right that’s enough Granite I need a Village Square there’s some kind of inventory equipment slot I’m

Frozen okay uh Village Square I need I need more wood and granite now okay so while this night time do we invite some people players invite players um yeah I mean we’ll we’ll wait you can send more friend requests I think everyone’s still downloading the game it is the rain right did an

Umbrella or something yeah my name in Game uh I’ll put it in chat for you this is my name oh you can just send me an invite and we can jump into this together all right got another one cuz I think this game is better when you you have a

Team and you’re running around together yeah hey oh you can just join my game okay what up hello is that voice chat I guess not I don’t know yeah just join up boys join up I think you can just join all right hey I can you like build and stuff

I don’t know um right let’s get a Village Square I still don’t have enough I need eight two more Stone okay 16 players that’s cool 16 players oh it’s a skeleton oh my god let’s take him out y y y give me a pickaxe and some bones hello oh that’s that’s AI

Okay need stones there’s one let me get these friend requests so accept all yes there we go just make yourself a home build stuff Have Fun Boys we’re just uh let’s let’s get this Village built up I think that yeah like there should be a lot of players that can join let’s have

A look players right now we’ve got uh just a few I’m dying I might I need to eat some oh my God you’re right dude thanks I almost die let’s build up this Village together I don’t know we’re all learning together so we’ll figure it out but if

You press Q you can build stuff feel free to build whatever you want if you can I might need to give you like building I don’t know what that means xp’s Village can I do I need to give you build privileges no don’t think so all right New View Village upgrades growing

Village an additional Village can what up guys all right uh what do I need to do good day y look at us wait I don’t know what voice is Yo someone’s going at that chicken yo what is this oh what is this ooh what the chasing something the best clab I’ve ever seen

It’s pretty cool there’s a wolf boys oh this oh oh my God I might die bro let’s go out of this wolf let’s get him ow take him out oh just died oh no all right nice let’s pay that steak go need to go over

Here what is that dude it’s just I run it off after this thing can I play with you yeah just uh send me a friend request and join I’ll accept all friend requests um how do I do it there we go I keep accept accepting chasing this thing can

You eat meat in this game oh a chest wait what is it oh that’s it I ate raw meat we fine can’t really break it oh we can hi we kind of just need to get as much wooden Granite as possible what is this I’m just running around exploring right

Now okay Arrow oh can you get a bow and arrow the warf there he’s eating the Sheep stop him great a piffin you must be able to get like swords and stuff yo what is that thing is that an A B you just threw a chest at

Him oh my God two wolves I’m out I’m out I’m out boys I’m out there’s a lot of stuff yeah this is looking rough let me eat some food real quick I guess we just mine just get as much resources as possible all right let’s go back to base

Camp if we can just build up the village together have to craft weapons okay oh is it only eight people per world really the wolf’s chasing me for sure all right let’s go why’d you let me die oh I’m sorry dude I didn’t know I honestly did had I

Had no idea what was going on I’m just wanding around you know having fun okay let’s see what this is doing I don’t really get that but new new Village upgrades okay all right crafting bench watch Village Square campfire map marker lumber mill most of the stuff seems a little bit like

Thanks yo let me how do you turn off copyright dude let’s see hang on a minute turn off copyright fortnite is that a thing audio settings license audio oh I already on it okay all right I think we just don’t really know what we’re meant to be doing

Now let’s see always a pleasure have you tried sleeping in it we should ask a visitor to live at our village ah okay I slept in the bed now what ask a villager to join friendly explorers will visit this Village okay my guess is we just need a ton of wood

And granite so we need to go collect guys is anyone uh in the game right now can you build can you build on my Village oh WR thing pickax is about to blow up night oh okay head it will the three strikes event uh come in

The future yeah I’m sure it’ll come back it’s very popular okay upgrade available ooh how do I do that level one uh I oh upgrade Village increase your village rating by adding to your Village um forages for higher use Village points materials to upgrade your village upgrading Village can increase Village

Capacity ah and unlock new recipes all right this game’s pretty straightforward we just need granite and looks like I simply need 15 but I have two 11 Granite is that right yeah we need to just go and collect stuff dude oh yeah look there we go you can build look at that okay

Nice love it oh think battle pass experience I honestly have no idea just go collect let’s build up this Village boys we can do it is the store Lego theme yeah if you play Lego mode all the Skins turn into Lego characters grab all that wood get as much wood as

Possible all right we’re doing all right granite once we’re at it nice what if there’s voice chat what’s the voice command wait I found something new bone uh C I’ve I’ve learned something new oh no okay you can build a chest aha that’s useful just rolling away that’s

Crazy all right so we’re going to build up our base a little bit and then we’ll probably go back and uh look for dungeons okay only eight player cap oh you didn’t get in a that’s a shame some people might leave eventually or maybe you can

Create your own world uh it’s yeah I thought it was 16 press the glowing to it breaks so fast can we get like higher quality I think we need to level up our village that will give us access to high quality tools that’s what I’m going to go do now

Let’s see I want to be able to craft weapons oh look at this look at our village coming along boys I love it look at that we got a nice little house there another house coming along here okay nice y that guy’s pushing along a boulder what the upgrade okay here we

Go oo 10 build recipes um tables chairs lighting building Parts Granite foundations oh okay what about in here oh you going to upgrade the bench a crafting ingredient left behind by rollers used for crafting build building materials carv from wood Y how can we make a

Plank that’s a foundation yo look at all this stuff it goes really in depth actually how do you make a plank in Lego it says to upgrade the B bench used for crafting building materials and weapons carved from wood huh ah we need a lumber mill yes lumber mill all right first I

Need to make another pickaxe and a forest axe okay this like a fully different game it’s it’s a completely different game all right well back to crafting then collecting resource a lot of this game is just getting as much resources should we make a chest guys so we can

Put resources in there I to be honest I’ll let you guys just go and do what you want I think if we all have our own objectives and build our own little houses and stuff it would be pretty cool I’m down for that Health charm what’s a charm we

Unlocked the health charm okay interesting there’s certainly a lot of dep to this game um we have to see man we haven’t even explored the world yet we literally just collecting resources to start this off that’s all we’re doing that is all we are doing right now chicken

Chicken let me let me grab that egg there like a back move I did there I don’t know how I did that oh wrong tool all right you got the item for the health CH nice all right we just keep collecting give us a little while and then we’ll uh upgrade

The weapon the crafting bench we’ll get ourselves better gear hit that too you can nice cuz these these basic tools break real quick you know what I mean like like real quick I ain’t a fan of that okay well um yeah we’re going to just keep going then keep going Granite Granite

Okay something’s glowing over there someone leave some wood uh what is that oh that’s what is that wait what is that oh someone oh no oh some dude died just that guy dropped some wood and stuff I think just wood oh look at this little town coming

Along let’s go boys okay right I need to make a lumber meal now so we can make planks I know it’s a bit of a mess here boys I get it I’m sorry right how many planks do we need to upgrade this we need eight planks all right uh assign recipe quick

Deposit oh one two three all right got to wait a minute how is one able to join if allowed just send me a friend request in game I’ll accept and then we can do it and my name is 10 EXP does this game have a non- Lego mode you mean fortnite all

Right can you attack other players I don’t think so just a PVE game oh all right just waiting for this to be done and we got got so far we got seven all right this will do it need one more okay so now we need to get shells rollers I

Think I saw one of those I saw one of those over here somewhere let me uh accept these friend requests um uh we got another Village upgrade available hello we might be filled up with players at the moment I’m hungry uh-oh okay I need to find a roller I need to kill three

Rollers boys building over there as well need my raspberries getting real hungry out here oh my God I found a swarm of skeletons no rollers right now look at them all dude I don’t want to fight these guys though I’m looking for can you craft no you can’t really grilled meat oh someone

Learned grilled meat nice look at them all oh dude this is scary ah run it ain’t worth it just going at it all right nice wait how do you do that combo move there’s a wolf though wolf messes you up I need to find rollers maybe

They’ll be in like a rocky biome or something how is it merch uh Jackson what’s up dude I mean it’s it’s always fun to try a new game like this I don’t know what like the the longterm thing is but right now it’s kind of pretty

Cool oh there’s one I need that the roller yeah we need to take that out I need the shells get him get him yeah let’s do it all right I need that sh we need three of those boys we need uh two more shells oh dude I thought that was a bad

Guy maybe rollers like to live on Hills that would make sense let me snack you just dodged how’ you oh okay troll got it of getting a torch I don’t think it’s cold but there’s a lot of skeletons I feel like skeletons aren’t a problem kind just run

Away from them uh can’t go up there never mind I’m I’m coming down I may have been wrong about the roller thing oh look we got a little like abandoned Village there’s so many SK skons we need a sword or something proba we got to upgrade our what is this oh there’s a

Chest ow get him all right can I take all ow y yo I’m getting oh my God boys I’m actually getting I’m going to die bro let me let me e that corn yeah y y y y y y y y that was

Close ow if you run I just got to run a minute there’s a okay we’re in we’re in danger I’ll put it like that we’re we’re in danger so far chests haven’t really been that rewarding not going to lie I find those rollers is it full damage ah all

Right they’ll keep updating this as long as it hold the license okay that’s interesting so Lego might pull out if it’s not going well for them what’s that dude bones oh a sh silk ah I need to find rollers man so rare where the roller is at and I don’t mean controller

Players let me grab some corn much have a lot of food that’s just not in my inventory there we go I don’t think you can eat poop so I won’t even try I’m cold oh rip it’s raining get back to base they can’t promise to keep it oh I get it yeah makes

Sense must be hard having a game like this like so many the right problems that they got to deal with potentially yo look what’s going on here oh dude it’s coming together everyone’s got their own little house hey nice all right oh no dude it’s getting hard to level up I

Still want to do this I need two more shells I mean we can work on this in the meantime Granite we need four more granite and two more planks so that’s that’s easy can’t use in the right I need to put a shelter or something I just don’t have enough

Resources that’s the trouble I got to go get more whilst also keeping an eye out for a roller seems like a rare creature to be honest I know more than a be now sure is sure is fer I don’t want to waste my pickaxe on these things cuz they break so

Quick oh well continue is that PVP nah I don’t think so okay let’s chop this bad boy down we’ll get there I’m going to focus on getting more planks um for the village upgrade y this is a giant tree look at this and then we also need to fight two

Rollers what is that dude there’s a big monster coming kind of a bit scared but I also want to have a look yeah we should get a chest so we can put resources in but I think everyone’s building that a that a scary monster not fighting that not

Yet yeah I’m letting everyone do their own thing everyone’s kind of building their own little home and stuff which I think is kind of fun um it could be more efficient but you know what we’re just having a chill time yeah I’m not I’m not fighting that right now no

Sir you have a roller piece oh dude okay I’ll come I’ll come back can you drop it for me we need three to upgrade the uh thing what do you do with vines it’s probably a crafting item for something zone out what’s your in-game name I think I see a

Roller yes two rollers okay we’re sorted we’re sorted we’re sorted wait what no that’s not a roller that’s a how do you make this yo a assist op bro oh hey hey hey what up thanks dude thank you thank you okay we need one more nice uh it’s still raining which is a

Problem I need to get the stuff inside uh let’s look at the Village upgrades what else did we need we needed that’s a bench upgrade Village upgrade plank oh we got the granite I just need two planks which is a problem let me build a shack like I just

Literally need the simplest of dude um can I rotate let’s put it like this object there we go got build yeah that one go bro okay uh-huh I have to build a shack just to keep it out of the rain which is kind of ridiculous but it is what it

Is got a decent amount of wood so should be possible all right what next oh sorry I picked up your egg all right this feels a little clunky to me not going to lie are we done takes two out of three oh that’s the last stage right there we

Go all right let me bust this thing up and put it inside so we can actually use it oh that’s rough all right oh no yeah I just destroyed my Village thing that’s awkward uh lumber mill yeah rotate that put it here we go and I need to I need to build another

Village um Village Square oops am I still level two we are okay right two planks there we go ah how wait for Speed runs yeah okay there it is there it is right let’s upgrade our village uh I think we get a gift for doing this level

Three balls and spoons we we going out going add it look at all these look there’s so much yeah they’re done a good job of giving you variety that’s for sure okay I don’t know that’s just decoration upgrade available again Ah that’s hard can I build a chest let’s have a

Lookity maybe builds building Parts Furniture storage six planks okay I’m going to build a chest if you guys want to like put resources in there if you want to like um just help process things like you can put extra wood and granite in there that’ll be

Helpful and then I still need one more roller y yo yo yo yo yo yo all right so I want to build a chest this thing needs to move out the W I don’t know why there’s just giant Boulders hey much this cool I got the last roller nice awesome hopefully we can craft better stuff I’ll wait for you back here that’s awesome dude it’s had to be in the works for a long time right all right let me get a chest down right we got a chest now boys if

You want to store your wood in there you can merge oh no what do I do I don’t know looking for aim assist op bro where is he on the map he must have gone in that cave yeah um I need to build I could build a shovel now wait okay digging up

Soil I’ve run out of granite yo look at this all right I’m going to go collect some more rocks bunch of sheep probably hungry eat up eat up we’re eating good eating raspberries all day long like it’s nothing maybe a bit of corn cor takes forever to apparently all right Granite let’s get

Some Granite ah I keep running for you I’m sorry dude I’m coming I’m coming yo thanks so much dude well done well done appreciate the help nice we got three shs let’s upgrade the crafting bench and then maybe you can get better tools just JC with the gifted members

Thank you dude appreciate that so much thanks bro that’s really kind thank you oh I use my planks I am such a plank oh we got 10 planks in here I’m going to take this for the the greater good okay it’s for the greater good all right here

We go upgrading the crafting bench let’s see what happens what oh uncommon okay oh we got a short sword a shield nice oh dear all right this is going to be hard to get the next level but for now we we’re looking good we can get uncommon we need bones and wooden rods

And not wood rods okay not wood rods carved from not wood I’m guessing that’s in the lumber mill no wooden rod okay right let’s figure this out we need a forest axe we need bones and wooden R okay we got to kill a bunch of skeletons now yo yo yo yo join join Me yes we got a villager all right bones egg someone made a fried egg I love it uh Forest ax wooden rod so I need three wooden rods let’s focus on that first uh one two three we go might make a few extra and then we

Need to do something to make bone not wood not wood rods which I’m guessing is probably using a another processing item I got 12 Bones for you zone out thanks so much dude so we got a chest here you can just drop the extra stuff in there thank you dude all right uh

Right so I can now make myself a better axe craft okay now I also want a pickaxe I need not W not root Rod let’s have a look at this not root Rod my guess is we probably got some other thing lumber mill crafting bench Grill Stone breaker bread and

Rope oh not rout is a type of wood oh I get it okay not r a sturdy wood found in caves all right we got to go in a cave boys but I want a sword first if I’m going going in a cave wooden rod okay we need five wooden

Rods uh live in my Village doesn’t meet my needs there’s no bed oh she wants a bed she’s so picky all right let me get you a bed then I’ll make a bed for this villager hold up uh bed yeah I got your bed where’s this villager y yo come here come

Here on mowles let’s talk jobs help the village I being a full uh okay the shinest mine I think she he’s already taken a bed all right uh live in my Village yes all right giving her a bed cool um all right back to making not wood uh wooden rods real quick

We’re going to make a sword and then we’re going to go into a cave going to go into a cave is it like Minecraft it’s quite similar I mean it’s a Sandbox Survival game all right we’re we’re we’re leveling up in the world my friends we’re leveling

Up let’s make a sword craft what about Shield Plank and and cord ah we’re good right I got a sword here I got my pickaxe um should we make another basic pickaxe for now just need three wood all right our V look at our village oh look we got lights along the road

Guys that’s awesome I love everyone’s just doing their own thing and it’s coming together what is this someone building something all right get more food before we go into a cave that will do not going to bother with the shield for now might be useful but we’ll see what is that spiderweb

What wait am might I need wood for the shield right that’s what I’m doing I would like to be able to just quickly check crafting recipes but I show you the way to the cave I found okay I’m just collecting a couple pieces of wood

And then I’ll be there I mean I’m going to just CR Shield real quick yeah this one last a lot longer which is nice right that should be enough we got 12 wood all right activation switch wait there’s like code like you can do that kind of stuff boom Barrel

Okay small Thruster yeah there’s a lot of stuff oh let’s talk jobs um help the village resource jobs so the NPCs can collect resources refine wood nice that’s handy that is Handy all right so I need to make let me just check this Shield I don’t think I can do

It Plank and cord now so we’re going to uh make another pickaxe just an extra one all right all right got myself some food okay anyone want to come to the cave who wants to talk about something help the village okay refined Stone there we go Stone

Breaker okay we need a stone breaker for this dude hold up Stone breaker Ah that’s hard all right let’s go uh if you want to come to the cave we’re going I’m going to follow uh aim assist op bro let’s go let’s go let’s go I ate the Friday there a Lobby maxed

Out uh I think so yeah at the moment go bunch of skeletons I’m coming I’m coming oh this sword is good we need bones all right cool all right let’s go let’s go oh I I got something in my oh I got something in my left hand slot look at

Me I’m du wielding sword and raspberry nice W all right ow ow ow we need help on this wolf I think you could like Dodge the attack to be right oh we’re fine we got it nice oh my SW almost broke already dude he’s screw yeah you definitely want to have

Friends it makes it a lot easier not going to lie all right let’s go any Jo weapons maybe maybe would make sense ah here we are the cave all right let’s go I guess you need a torch huh right one spot just open if anyone wants to join

Yo so is this not wood no yo he’s putting torches down pick up wood that’s just nor wood wow look at this Ah that’s not wood got it all right cool ah nice okay so you come into caves to mine different resources and this has got a cave map

Unavailable look at this is that not wood then there we go all right nice one nice one p yeah I I don’t don’t have a torch stupidly I didn’t really prepare can I reach that yeah cool skeletons in here as well okay let me grab all the not wood yo

These guys have been doing work though oh they crawl out of the ground ow all right yeah we need bones oh my God what’s going on up here okay nice gives me like actual Lego Vibes like the old Lego games when you’re fighting there’s mushrooms up there

Dude oh we got to go around okay what can’t jump very high go around this way there’s mushrooms all right interesting FL mushroom what does that do a cooking ingredient okay we might need that later now is this a different type of granite in here I wonder let’s

See oh oh can’t get that I need a stronger pickaxe I think no I’m lost boys yeah you need can you get this one oh what is that I’m just going to get as much uh not wood as possible honestly pretty uh interesting game there’s a roller roller Bower roller dude in

There all right this is a really cool like game that I would say if you can get eight friends together even just a few it’s a that’s a lot of mushrooms it’s really uh rewarding experience I would say if you’re doing it alone it’s going to take

A lot of time like you can do it absolutely yo ow oh my sword broke bro we’re just punching these skeletons they’re a lot tougher oh my God yeah Sor right I’m coming I’m coming thought my a a was just bro just popping off nice one all right good job good

Job spinning how’ you do that how’ you do that that more not what is that a different different type of wood looks like a different type of wood no wood okay how much not wood do I have I have 25 we are in the money

Boys um I I think we can leave maybe I try and get a bit more how do you reach that bro this cave is Huge uh nice all right getting a bit more of this wood once we still can I don’t want to go back like too often let’s make the most of it whilst we got this axe yo what are these flies it’s huge dude it’s so big

Uh I don’t care about a spider right now I’m coming me eat that let me eat that yeah he’s got a chest you’re getting attacked by a spider what is that marble oh that’s what it is it’s Marble ow ow yo yo yo

Yo get this guy out so we got to get a better uh pickaxe to get the marble I shouldn’t really be using this using this one be honest ventry full all right uh I got to go back see another exit for the cave I think this is crazy though this

Crazy all right let’s go out outside enter wait enter uh-oh we’re going deeper okay never mind that’s fine cool um back home then boys back home and home is where we like a different biome now why is home I want to Ping on the map I don’t even

Know we’re facing that way okay it’s this way got it all let’s get back let’s get back back home what is that that’s a pickaxe let’s just run Let’s Run for Our Lives oh yo ow ow ow ow ow owow yeah I think we just run from the wvs right

They’re a bit of a pain there’s our look at our little village look at our little village I love it that’s real nice coming along awesome right I don’t even remember what I needed not wood for oh yeah to make not wood uh thingy migs to make better tools basically okay

What up everyone how’s it going so to upgrade this villagers will occasionally gift items we need planks oh look at this I only need that many planks and I can upgrade again what about this thing uh yeah sand wolves we’re not going to be upgrading that for a while

Let me look at um a forest Axe and a pickaxe we need not wood rods and wooden rods right I can get to that okay let’s get not wood rods let’s do six of those okay I’m making a plank I don’t want to make a plank what am I doing dude uh change

Recipe yes there we go can make a long sword o all experience will go towards the battle pass oh really huh nice I don’t have much inventory space but so I’m going to craft a new axe I’m going to craft a new pickaxe uh and another sword and then we need to go

Collect marble from the cave again I guess inventory full uh-oh going drop that let me just eat the stuff that I don’t really need like I can eat this right what even is that raspberry seed oh there’s so much stuff I’m going to drop drop that all

Right so I got my not wood rods now uh which means I can make this can make two of these okay got two of those pickax is I’m going to make one more normal axe so for that I need two more wooden rods recipe one two get that created oh

Okay uh inventory full again any space in that let’s put these arrows in there let’s put oh eat that pumpkin let me just take my stuff eat that takes a while pumpkin okay cool right make another Forest ax and we got a long sword and a recurve crossbow that

Sounds good how do you get a draw string we need five more not wood rods to make that okay let’s get a long sword then five we need five not wood rods we should have enough yes we do all right there we go so we got two of

These and I’m going to put this now here and I’m going to put the sword in my off hand I think that should work is likeo fornite better than Apex I mean it’s new it’s something different you know it is something different all I say need some arrows I won’t make a

Crossbow yet cuz I’m uh I need like string or something all right here we go like that uh-huh uh-huh and then I’m going to make a long sword I don’t have space I think oh we do there we go all right and then I can maybe I’ll

Put the long sword cuz I’m going to switch all of my tools a lot this makes more sense oh you can’t put a sword in in off oh okay that’s a shame you can only put like a shield and food items I guess all right that’s fine oh someone’s got a little garden

Growing hey look at that that’s awesome how’s your job all right cool uh in that case uh let’s have a look at what I need to do to upgrade this Village we Need uh 12 planks I think I can do that right now or almost all right no no no no no no I made a mistake change recipe yes that was lucky do I have any planks I me I have three oh that’s perfect nice I’m going to just start stacking stuff that I

Don’t need right now silk I don’t know what that’s for silk is probably for making uh cotton though let’s have a look Spinning Wheel ah all right we need wooden Rock so we can make a crossbow that’s cool all right let me let me uh focus and upgrading this first special Garden

Nice love it yeah we we’ll upgrade this rapor so you can want to make a bunch of empty beds I Think oh yo when did I get this many planks dude all right I don’t know how that happened thank you guys let’s upgrade there we go we got a Charming bed we got Villages sign of wood cutting will produce more wood types oh wow so what I’m going to do is make a

Giant house and a bunch of beds down so we can get more villagers uh that’s actually going to be my current goal and we can start automating this stuff so what I’m going to do is let’s make a big house roomy Shack I like that 23 wood I just made a bunch of

Plags like an idiot um let’s do that I need shelter at the end of the day let’s just go cut down some wood it won’t be that hard we only need 23 all right let’s do it 23 wood massive Forest over there if I get

10 beds down we can get a bunch of villagers right and they will automate collecting of resources which is huge uh-huh uh-huh will this be made into a video to be honest I’m just going to make this uh stream go public uh because I think the experience is yeah there’s a giant

Monster will that attack our village I hope not probably of course it will yeah the experience of exploring the game is the fun part right ah oh Lord uh-oh yeah is he the dude that froze Boulders how much wood do we have we have 25 I’m getting back home I’m I’m

Running after I eat a raspberry I love it though look at this town all right I’m going to make a house to put a bunch of beds in all right um let’s get a roomy Shack oh there a okay I see uh-huh uh-huh not build okay so can you just make it

Yourself oh you totally can I need more wood I do need more wood okay let me check if you guys got any woods laying around let’s see no okay problem no problem what is running around with a barrel hey what are you planning dude all right I am damn not subscribing you

Because I watch all the time a no worries dude if you do subscribe now though I appreciate that a lot I got to go far I dude I have to go to that weird monster for the I’m going this way safer much safer eating some good stuff got more raspberries real

Quick I wonder if it’s easier to make the house yourself with foundations or just like do the blueprint house I don’t really know I don’t know how to make a roof though I think the blueprint houses are just there to kind of teach you how to make

Houses any idea why epic’s going all out on fortnite all a said I don’t know maybe they got bored they’re like we need something new oh I wonder that wood one hit the spiders a one hit even with an a to get not wood you got to go in the

Caves you got to go in a cave all right get as much wood as I can real quick this is only a uncommon axe it’s already doing work on this tree I guess you can get like legendary axes as well that that’s quite a lot of wood I’m

Going to get another stack of 30 and we we’ll be good then yeah I just want to bring in as many NPCs as we can cuz then they should collect our stuff and just make our life a lot easier which is kind of cool how to actually join this if you want to

Join me you can send me an invite let’s che check out this uh send me a friend request can join a two hit with a long sword all right I don’t know if there’s hard to be honest I saw like the sand woles and stuff so I think the game does get

Harder oh someone Jo built it nice thanks dude I hope he’s not yeah I appreciate that all right stage five out of seven yeah there’s a lot to do though isn’t there it’s just like this is definitely a blueprint like it’s showing you how to

Make the house so that you can do it yourself you can definitely make this on your own all right one more stage what’s the last stage that it nice right I’m filling this thing with beds um maybe we’ll get a campfire in here a little dangerous but outside beds beds

Beds uh so what’s the difference between a Charming bed sign you to new friends order to recruit them used to reset your spawn point okay this is just like the sleeping quarters look at this dude it’s hilarious I hope these villagers don’t get a little no like annoyed it’s a little

Cramped and we’ll do some charming bed thanks cuz we got excuse me is that an actual player or all we got the sleeping quarters still don’t know how you do that excuse me sir all right there we go we got 1 2 3 4 uh five six okay how was your

Job I don’t have a workstation I can reach right we need all the workstations now need a stone breaker oh I need not wood and marble need to go in a cave crafting B uh one second guys let go AFK real quick so this is we need to make these

Six things all right one sec for for okay um so let’s have a look definitely need like in my opinion another maybe double Shack I need a bunch more wood yeah this got double Shack oh wait let’s follow this thing CH my mind there’s too many monsters um

I’m going to just go get wood don’t take me to a chest anyway want to build another double Shack fill it with the um these things so need go into a cave honest I think just a stone breaker is good I think we just go to a

Cave all right we need wood and stuff but there’s wondering I’m just going to eat real quick so I’m going to turn off my camera but we’ll still be getting resources don’t you worry for let Granite we need marble need marble and that’s marble that looks like marble to me for

Yeah sorry friend still eating at the moment but we’ll just be in this cave we’ll be back soon seems like some of this stuff is really hard to reach we’ll come back when the marble magically grows back I Think for anyone have three Knotwood we need three Knotwood which is kind of awkward anyone have any lying around want to try and build this Stone mail for these guys three Notw all right uh to go back to the cave for three three not wood you believe it what else do we need yeah we’re not going to be doing that for a while we need to go to a sand biome to do that uh upgrade Village we

Need planks we can actually do that need a bunch more not wood basically okay bunch more not wood right I’m going to go to this you know I’m going to explore somewhere else that’s my plan let’s go this way we found a huge statue really wow right back to eating friends

I’ll be done soon I can focus a bit more M that almost done friends one sec what are the best wolf seeds I don’t know but my seed has a bunch of wolves can I craft here I need three wood I need a torch dude kind of need a torch not going to lie yo look at that someone put down a

Campfire I like it all right you can oh that’s so handy nice all right I should be had to put that in my off hand nice just eat this real quick got any more food corn all right boys we’re going in I need uh I need notot wood I need notot

Wood but we’ll get marble while we’re here as well this is a new cave so best world seeds oh we don’t really know we have no clue it’s all new to us get some Granite get some n wood and then we’ll be good we must have to explore a lot to be

Able to find like a desert biome probably what we’ll do next uh-oh y where’s my lung SW where is it let me go outside real quick not prepared for that uh sorry I need to put this here but actually now I need to eat that let’s go

Like that real quick oh sorry what up James Noah James games all right uh I’m injured slightly can I eat the mushroom you can’t it’s only a cooking material oh God uh I need some food I need some food pumpkin yes pumpkins are good all right oh whoa whoa whoa whoa what is

That oh my God Bandits yo I’m coming I’m coming we got attacked by Bandits what did he two short swords I’m going to drop that yo all right let’s take this guy out is this the boss wow wow I like that crossbow crossbow dude can I take the crossbow oh never

Mind wow oh a big chest oh what’s inside ow what the arrows okay a bunch of pumpkins here I’m going to need to collect pumpkins and raspberries pumpkins I need to drop some stuff I’m going to drop some junk por on the cob oh there’s more NPCs yeah I’m ready for this

Yo what the oh my God yo what is that oh fine ha we need to clear out these NPCs dude they’re messing us up what are they shooting they shooting spiders I would love that crossbow was oh all right I need to drop that really a man I really want a

Crossbow D got a spare crossbow well I need to go collect pumpkins now how do you get a green pickaxe you got to upgrade your crafting uh bench and then you can craft it um right anyway back to collecting stuff before I go in the cave need pumpkin so there wasn’t really much

In that chest to be honest unless it was already looted I don’t know okay uh we got one pumpkin a couple we should be all right full health as well all right let’s go to the cave then I still need uh not wood right I need quite a

Lot I need to clear some inventory okay after oh I didn’t want to do that right I need to I’m going to uh going to keep the food I’m going to keep that I’m going to drop that I’m going to drop that going to drop that kind of need that Silk is really

Common I’m going to drop that okay cool all right let’s go go i’ got some milk as well is a single player no it’s uh you can have any up to eight players in your game right do collecting not wood is what we need okay a lot of creatures in here so watch

Out now here oh no yo he just got wrecked okay okay I need to drink some milk raspberries are good for quick Health that’s what I’ve learned Lord I don’t want to die I’m out I’m out I’m out I’m out I’m out I’m out I’m out I’m out I’m

Out got wait for my health to come back milk is clutch that’s all I’m saying oh my God this is crazy I’ll wait for it to do a sting you know all right uh anyway back to mining can’t do that right now come on let me get my marble I’m here for notw

Remember I will get this too it’s limited time mode I think it’s permanent and I think they’re going to keep updating it unless Lego says they’re not happy in Ro it in the bin all right what are you the spiders in here a tougher need not wood need not wood

I’m going to drink some milk real quick and get away ow ow ow yo you can’t you can’t dive unless you’re sprinting I have more food are we screwed kind of worried I think I got one pumpkin ah okay okay not looking good boys I need more food I’m going I’m going back

Outside I’m out never mind oh James is still dead here I bet he has a bunch of food on him let’s just kite the skeletons away okay there it is there it is there it is there it is there it is uh-huh uh-huh need two seconds to pop a pumpkin

Hopefully they don’t drop down all right that’s only one Health but yeah I need to get outside can I find the way am I lost I see light that’s not good I’m lost in the cave there’s a lot of them bro whoa there’s a chest up there how do you

Even get up there though grappling hook or something I’m going go to James’s stuff and just see if he’s got any food on him oh okay I just lost my good thing all I need to do is get outside but I just can’t find the way

You got to be careful of how much you sprint got to be this way right we died near the entrance what confusing Me Maybe This Way a this looks right that looks right no yo this is not right I’m going further into the cave dude oh God just

Got to hope there’s an alterate exit oh this is not looking good for us there’s so many chests in here but like I have two heart health hard this is nuts how’s the way out bro how they make this I’m literally the worst at dealing with mazes in

Games look at the swarm of zombies how did you farm not rout you got to go in into caves uh with level two pickaxe uh which you can uh sorry level two axe which you can get from um leveling up your crafting bench yo this is not fun I am so lost out

Here where yo look at the swarm of enemies bro maybe you have to follow the fireflies that would be a nice gameplay feature wouldn’t it cuz then I know how to get out of here oh boy ah what is this short sword oh no not that thing that thing

Will wreck us that thing will kill us dude oh man how do we get out of here bro is so big I think I can just go deeper and deeper into this thing oh my God yes oh my oh my God okay all right I’m going to need to get a bunch of

Food and then we can come back there’s a pumpkin patch nice I got two stakes in my inventory but I didn’t have enough time to deal with it um yeah let’s sort out my inventory real quick all right I’m going to drop the poop sorry I don’t need all these lower tier

Stuff and I got this as well which is food I’m going to okay feather that could be useful not rude I’m going to put all my resources on the top that I know I need to keep I don’t think I’m going to need 20 bones I got so many not

Going to need silk right now and what we’ll do is like that and then food at the bottom so I don’t get confused let me eat the steak should do yeah steak is good oh wait what I just got one extra Health steak gives you temporary extra Health hey

Wait I don’t know if that’s temporary or not but hey can I join you yeah hello uh freaks how’s it going if you want to join just simply um add me in game first send a friend request and then you can join but I think let’s see we have there’s only one

Spot open at the moment get some more raspberries raspberries are really good in the middle of fights because they only take 1 second right that’s really useful we can get 30 raspberries right that’s big I don’t know why I’ve got four Health points now but I’m

Happy before I go in I’m just going to eat these eggs I have one more inventory space okay um I’m going to drop that I don’t know why I picked those back up don’t need that right now there it is let’s go back to the cave 10 XP yeah one Z exp

Exp okay let’s go this is a new crafting bench I can’t use craft the high stuff here that’s fine that’s fine okay here we go right let’s not get too lost now all right oh that’s how you get that chest not R oh a shield ooh nice

But to equip the shield I have to go into the dark so I can’t really use it in here but that’s pretty handy uh there’s some not rout can I reach that there’s no way you can reach that dude no way right crossbow what why do I just pick all this stuff

Up I want the crossbow but nothing else we got some arrows one’s almost broken all right here we go not wood I’m getting distracted okay all right get a Rasberry yeah on that back I don’t know you’re supposed to cut that notw down oh no I’m losing my health ah it’s only

Temporary hey what up dude all right let’s go down we go you still have the poop really all right let me drop the poop why do I keep accidentally dropping stuff up I feel like there needs to be settings in Lego settings Lego fortnite uh I I don’t

Honestly I just want to be able to do it I want to be able to not Auto pick stuff I don’t know why that happened scorpions dude they’re not spiders I dropped a steak Yeah we need to cook the stakes that gives us really good benefits benefits all right here we Go I keep dropping that how’d you get that chest then there must be some kind of movement go up there all right you attack once Dodge the attack then you can do the next attack pretty useful all right that’s a lot of notw I love it let’s

Go is my party full uh it might be at the moment there’s one spot left one spot all I I got attack it’s fine though eat some raspberries raspberries I got to deal with this annoying thing now there’s a lot of them down here okay get those shs how fun funny

Thing makes uh makes a funny noise I see what’s up dude I got sent you accepted what is that Granite wait for attack Dodge oh if it hits a wall then to be honest this one’s really easy to kill you just got to dodge it then you’re

Fine inventory full okay uh let me eat this again go just autop piix things which is a bit annoying I don’t know if you can turn that off I don’t need that drop drop I’m going to drop the raw meat to be honest did someone die here what is this ooh

Snowberry blast powder slurp juice what does that do put that in there so we can actually have some room I’m drinking that whatever it does we’re going to find out eat to heal reduce hunger and temporally increase heat resistance oh I don’t really need that drink to heal over time

Ah okay yeah I got five Health right now my stuff still was broken What just busted then we leave yeah all right about time to go then um I got a lot of marble I can I can grab a little bit more marble I can find some sword’s almost broken as well all right we’re getting some juices some juicy potions

Potions tell no I think I’m going to go back now let’s not get lost again cuz we almost perished how to get Hunger when I eating and not getting Hunger so you see the little green dots above your name um that’s how much hunger you’ve got so there’s two missing Green Dots

Right now if I eat something it’ll fill up and that’s it just a green circle around your name I remember this poor of water I do we’re near the entrance now there it is all right how to go back home I wonder how the village is doing how’s everyone

Getting on we doing all right yo James I got your crossbow dude there you go I’m heading back now heading back this way quite a while back but we’ll make it is that apples raspberries we get more raspberries back at home let’s just get back home and start uh

Upgrading going to go fight the big guy okay there’s something shining over there that just lighting May there water I got five health bars right now so I can come and help oh it’s water the wolves attack the skeletons okay let’s go around the lake is this early access to the mode

It’s available in game already it’s available in game random chest in there coming back feel like a kid again is currently downloading that’s awesome it is pretty fun be fun here we go oh we got like a little Watchtower thing Y what is that is that a player oh it is

Okay I’m coming back boys how’s the village looking it’s looking nice need to make I wish you could repair your stuff and not have to make them up like keep making them level four yo look at this someone’s been busy nice wait all my NPCs start okay yo let’s just

See how’s your job going back nearby resources there we go crafting bench yeah I want them to all collect um collect resources how’s this guy doing yeah right we’re going to craft this guy his thing uh there we go Stone breaker finally and now meil should have a job whever he’s

Gone okay cool um now besides that I’m going to see what we need to do to upgrade we need not route we need planks I need 20 planks do I have do I have any planks around let’s have a look no all right going to have to

Create some PL what is that soil okay okay start crafting I need uh a bit more wood but we’ll do it this is like an RPG yeah it’s like a Sandbox Survival game like Minecraft we need a chest house okay yeah we can work on

That I wonder if we can like we it would be nice to be able to create bigger chests now let me have a look can we do that yet oh yo we can nice modest closet yeah we need a house to get storing okay cool cool cool

We need to get a bunch of basic wood now com along nicely uh yeah I’m going to have to go and just cut down some wood I don’t know I mean I should probably make some new tools uh Forest axxe need wooden rods don’t really need this right now

Let me put that in there just create a new I need wait what do I need some wooden rods so I’m going to just take three of these I do that I just need three when I eat I don’t gain any hunger oh maybe you got like a bath one or Something M penguin what’s up dude all right here we go Forest T and then I’m going to go collect a bunch of wood like a bunch um oh hang on Village upgrade so we got two villagers right now that’s it we got a bunch of beds going I need 11 wood for

This so let me deal with that first just get 11 wood real quick oh you guys have been mining like crazy though found find an armored skeleton why you find those okay oh you guys are Mo like just just’s no trees left deforestation uh where’s my thing

Dude oh that’s good look at that probably have saved that pump cans yeah pumpkins are big for like pumpkins are like the one you want to take out when you’re just getting wood and stuff and then raspberries for when you want to fight you got Dark Souls Dodge y

Yep watch the combat is actually pretty cool wow to be honest if you have a bunch of people all you have to do is just run up to them and just make their day like you just swarm them there’s nothing they can do but if it’s one V one it’s

Pretty how much skeletons in the caves oh okay all right uh that’s quite a lot of wood I think we should be good we be a to use Lego characters skins in noral be I know just Lego mode all right that’s got to be enough

Wood let’s go back we’ll do one more one more for the sake of it B on the mot so far a lot of fun very chill very relaxing look at this little village we got going man so cool yeah it’s good it’s actually just a

Fun time um I don’t think we need to compare it to Minecraft really you know it’s cool all it needs to be someone’s busy crafting in there let me check once again I need 11 more those all right planks change recipe so it’s quite like people who are using this

Machine won’t be able to like someone has to use it only one person last powder oh cool so we’re upgrading Our Town once more and then I’m going to make a uh chest room real quick this mode bring in any XP yes it gives you better pass XP

Does how many PLS have I got now 1 uh Titan what’s so special about a armored skeleton it started on a chest room okay cool nice one dude got 15 I need five more yeah get better P XP from this mode pretty sure I need three more dude they have really good loot really

Okay some people say it doesn’t bring XP oh to be honest I only got this um from my viewers who said that you can M penguin yes we are in with viewers right now there we go let’s upgrade this thing let’s go nice we got one more villager

Slot uh villes gain bonus health and defense rarer explorers will visit this Village okay okay it was just um’s find where’s the uh chest room this is the chest room okay cool uh we need more planks I need to make more

Planks but this has 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 wait what’s the difference it’s the same why would you want to craft that then Al more info what that doesn’t really make sense to me surely huh like a chest takes up the same

Amount of room as a dresser but it’s the same storage unless maybe you can get more in there there nope you can’t Aesthetics yeah must be must be because uh you don’t need six planks for a chest five planks for off the snap dresser I got to try that one that one

Is super small put more wood in here I got to try a dresser wait I got eight planks already I can go and put one in this room let me see this real quick that cure osity this is real small ah this only has six huh that’s

Weird so the chest just seems like the best for now my like yeah chest is the best the chest is the best most efficient item okay I think that there must be better chests later on to be honest I used to make a bunch of chests

In the chest room so that we have some space organize our stuff oh run out run out already all right I think someone else is crafting planks I’m very sorry I think we need two Lumber Mills to be honest take 10 wood and put it in here there we

Go much you know efficiency boys efficiency oh we got a new no yeah this is a new PL person sprocket mechanic I’m interested live in my Village yes all right nice new villag yet yo what are you doing if he throws that at the thing one more

Time he just comes here throws a a poor house all right that is what it is um I can’t see the thing okay okay need more panks I think we could fit two of these in this corner which is where this one comes in handy hold up oh who wants to talk to

There come on get this thing destroyed so long I didn’t even get my resources back oh no oh well right yeah if you put one in this corner then this is the most efficient use of space pretty sure there it is yeah that’s what we want to do all right

Cool well that’s good for now I’m going to just start putting my junk in here I’m going to keep holding my high level stuff um but yeah I mean like that I’m going to keep hold of but yeah oh we’re filled up in that one already jeez we’re can organize it a bit

But I’ll do for now um Co all right let me go see what’s going on with these Foods all right up the village resource nearby resources okay there we go right upgrading what’s what’s uh we need granite slabs okay well that’s something I can do definitely how about upgrading

This yeah we still need to explore expl like okay Lumber we need the stone thing oh we need granite oh yo have we got Granite must have a lot of granite lying around right surely let’s like the common resource oh we got a pickaxe box nice I’m hoping it’s one Granite for one

Granite slab let’s have a look recipe all right I will come back go get a bit more Stone that’s easy this whole place is just empty this used to be trees and now it’s nothing the other streamers chats complain so much really I don’t know I feel like people’s like expectations are

Just way too high I mean what do they expect this is an entire game within a game of course it’s not going to be like the best but it’s pretty good probably you know I’m having fun got to plant the tree back yeah maybe we should all right let’s get this out

That’s got to be a lot of granite only eight okay this is a giant tree random wood in the woods Mak sense I’m hungry need to eat some pumpkins pumpkins are the best look at this whoop here we go um I’ll get a few more granates I

Hope nobody’s uh yeah I need the granates at base guys if you could just not take that that would be appreciated yeah I mean maybe maybe people are hoping for something better because they’re used to playing a PVP game but I mean come on I think this is awesome I genuinely

Think this is a good old time random chest in the wood that’s got to be looted wheat okay this is a lot of fun and there is some depth to it as well I mean it’s kind of like the core gamep play is quite repetitive in a way but it’s relaxing it’s

Cool that should be enough Granite we should be good to go let’s go upgrade our crafting bench let see what we get look at the Moon dude that’s so funny the code for the server uh there’s no code uh right now we are we have no spots left server is filled up with

Players unfortunately let me check the stone m real quick hello that’s still working nice there we go all right that’ll be it cool and then once this is done we can um oh rip didn’t mean to do that oh no what just happened bro uhoh no I just got 15 battle pass stars

For that waiting for eight more players to ready up no not now I’m going to leave this squad uh you guys can join again but yeah that’s rough not enough World slots what do you mean not enough World slots oh no you guys still in the game what

How hang on I need to I need to just go like this a minute um guys please don’t join my party for a second you can get back in in a minute uh I think it’s glitched it thinks we’re still in the game which is

Rough we’re going to do is just create a new world really quick uh are you going to stream the day before yes yes let’s go boys we ready up my Lobby is open uh ready up boys I’m just going to start a new world and then quit and then hope we can get

In the other one cuz the game still think we in the world that’s in trouble all right I’ll just quit immediately The game I think I feel like the game just needs to know that we’re not in that world anymore we’re not in that world anymore we’re not in that world all right uh leave yes look at us all it’s a cozy mode it is it is a cozy mode yeah

All right guys can you uh leave my world is that possible I don’t believe it but I’m going to quit the game oh maybe I shouldn’t oh wait I think I can join no I don’t know uh it’s a bit busted surely you should be able to kick people out of your own

World like that doesn’t make sense doesn’t make sense how do you find I can’t find not rout to get not route you need to level up your crafting Bench Craft a a higher level Axe and then you need to go into a cave maybe it crashed Maybe

H if I quit the game is there going to be like 1.5 million people are playing Lego fortnite right now dude that’s crazy that is crazy all one second Friends I can’t believe there’s 1.5 million players I kind of like I don’t know man I don’t know how long this game is going to go on for like if people are going to play it that much want to get back to my world I feel like if we quit there will

Be a queue which is a problem I think we just go back to this one then let’s see what we can do if you create a new world do sandbox build without resource requirements huh out of curiosity we just wait a minute can anyone confirm if they’re in

My other world in chat are you in the world or not how many people are playing Lego fortnite it’s Crazy there’s a whole entire game man it’s a hard thing right now there’s so many games out it’s hard to know where to put your focus I don’t know if this game will really be big after like the first hour or two I don’t know maybe possibly we’re all

Stuck yes we’re flying boys woo look at all the stuff we can build oven metal smelter Essence table enchant weapons and tool with uniquely powerful uh that’s interesting crafting bench let’s see what happens if we go to the crafting bench oh we have to upgrade it infinite out of upgrade we’re just

Click pressing upgrade upgrade okay upgrade again I want to see what happens at the higher levels ah we get blue tier now okay and then we’ll upgrade again Forest axe looks a bit different full headed charm okay it’s just like keeps going doesn’t it really oh that’s fully upgraded huh

Okay uh gem cutter boy this large balloon uh you can just Place stuff down so easily okay uh Shogun Palace okay that’s pretty cool building Parts you can have fun with that furniture Storage Grand chest let’s have a look at this ooh that’s very big there even bigger one maybe

Palacial chest simple chest ancient chest 20 items 24 so that’s the biggest chest okay what about like swords and stuff I need to put down uh Village Square confirm let’s just keep upgrading this oh we can’t upgrade yet why not your village rating by adding okay huh

Interesting finds metal for the use in crafting wow there’s a creature right there dude my God ice creature oh my okay that’s nuts brain maill LOM oven Garden PL map marker so there’s no like Vehicles thought I saw someone like flying around in something Ruster says attach this to an existing

Wait you got a grapple how’d you get that I get a grapple craftable uh-oh CRA ah I think I’m dead whoa the chickens are freaking out detached garage oh my God why are there so many wait can you spawn things how there so many how you doing that dude what

The can you spawn them guys got access to oh all items oh okay equipment Grappler it’s more Boulder spawner glider okay totem of the immortal regeneration charm Frost Pine rough so far so that’s pretty interesting and then these are the creatures skeleton Knight mine skeleton St raer wow look at that sand

Brw these are the strongest creatures can add multiple yo oh my God you just go like this that’s crazy and you handle the cold uh you got to wait for it to stop raining or get sit by a campfire oh they killed me there okay well that’s like the end game I

Guess oh my god dude we’re screwed I I’m sorry I’m sorry whoa all right back to looking at all items ow y ow yo want to try the glider how do that work I don’t know that’s pretty much it to be honest I mean you know we got like that high

Level axes and stuff that just gives you soil which you can then what put on the ground okay let’s see if the world’s working now then Lego fortnite theme okay leave the party yeah World loading complete let’s go yes let’s get in there quick play play play all right we’re

Back we’re back we are back back at it nice nice it’s good to see all right let’s go boys let’s go get ready up if we can By the way guys if you do ever spend anything in the store if you do have a chance to use my Creator code gaming mat and that’ be really appreciated guys trying to uh Branch out into fortnite a little bit nightmares intensifies that took so long I know really did

But we’re in back where we belong now what is going on with our world where am I where are we oh we’re collecting Granite still we went back a bit okay we got enough though all right let’s go back to town I was in the middle of

Granite collecting and we want to go back and uh upgrade our village all right let’s get going can we just walk over to that snow biome I guess we can probably actually in the game right all right yeah we went back in time a little bit I got 18 granite slabs

I need two more cool awesome to see upgrading we’re upgrading we’re building our village it’s looking C cute you know someone’s taken a chunk out of that house but that’s quite all right just one more going to take a quick peek and come back to my friends all right

I don’t play fortnite I have to download fortnite in order to play Lego fortnite yeah it’s just within fortnite itself itself the main menu here we go wait we need 30 oh my bad my bad we need 10 more there we go leave that running for a minute hi BR from the

Island uh how’s your job but extra stuff for you ooh thanks what the she’s just got everything I she had much but pretty cool so we are level five right now what’s level six refined production ooh okay and gift unique new recipes all right it’s taking a

While and then to get the crafting bench up a level we need to go to a sand biome now uh I need to get busy making some better weapons and stuff I think uh recurve crossbow I need not wood and draw string I’m going to just make a

Long sword I kind of like that more good wait what do we need we need to kill wolves right we need sand claw okay that’s fine we just need to go to a sand biome so I’m going to craft myself another long sword so we need some not wood not root wood Rod

Sorry uh change recipe yes that on there go over here see how this is doing all right we have 25 we need five more I’ve already got an axe I kind of got a pickaxe to be honest let’s see uh do we have a oven we need a grill

Turn raar ingredients into food used for healing and reducing hunger oh we need three more Granite for that uh we need 27 yeah I need to find three more Granite so I can make Grill uh let’s see if we got any around granite slab yo yo there’s a

Granite slap go over here quick cancel one of those all right we going to have 29 this is the last one we can upgrade the village where can I get not root and marble to get not root and marble you have to go into a cave uh you have to go into a Cave um okay I can upgrade this now go let me get these things here okay make an axe we need a long sword that okay already got an axe we got the long sword okay we’re looking good uh I got some raspberries okay not rout rod and Marble Slab we can

Upgrade pretty easily but I want to upgrade the crafting next um let’s going to make an oven I need two Granite I don’t got two Granite Theo playing games uh what’s up dude thanks for the twitch Prime appreciate that there we go I’m going to build an oven uh or a

Grill I’m just going to pop it down wherever I can I guess over here if there’s room there we go grilled meat cuz this is really good corn on the cob gives you three extra Health Plus five corn oh we’ll just do this one then

Let me guess it takes a while oh really it doesn’t all right well we’ll do that for now I’m just going to get one grilled meat so I can up my health a long sword and then we need to go to a sand biome anyone seen a sand biome yet

Uh oh my whoa what have you been building dude this is awesome yo building a sky base that’s snow huh I think we’re going to need to run for a while now that’s fine okay um I’m waiting for my grilled meat what I’m going to do is just drop

Off a bunch of stuff I got my gr meat okay see if there’s some chests open here so I’m going to drop off stuff we don’t need right now uh I know it’s a bit of a mess my friend but yeah sorry apologies uh-huh uh-huh uhhuh wolf

Claw no Mar shorts or not keep that stuff okay so with that being said we need to go and find a sand biome not route where can I find caves you just got look around you’ll find it on the map when you find one you just got to

Explore so my feeling is with the ice biome being over there maybe this way we’re going to go look this way uh on the way I’m going to just get some raspberries can I still join the world right now we are yeah we have one slot open

The only thing that would make this game better in my opinion is if there was like leveling system for your character that’ be pretty cool oh it’s going to get cold might have to build a campfire uh-oh there just a giant Lake here a giant Lake for a sand biome yo get some

Milk go why you running thank you give me more milk no need this pumpkin okay onwards until we find a sandby we’re going to just keep running keep running oh we got a chest there that’s like a glowing chest two wolves are protecting it I’m just going to come in

Here there’s nothing in there dude run run run run run that’s three wolves oh God that a good that good that good good yeah all right and roller as well got all the beasts after us now H I’m not too worri there’s a new cave

Here but I think we need to go further though we need to just keep walking found a full regen food oh nice let’s get more raspberries while we’re here super useful oh dear they make such funny noises they’re like you’re throwing rocks at me all right onwards

Go this might look like sand to me this just off the edge dude that looks like the edge of the world or something oh we got a chest over here I’m got to wait till daytime so I can actually see our NPCs uhoh uhoh uhoh not much of a fret meat yeah glass

Powder what’s in here then milk not much all right I just got to wait till the daytime I’m going to eat some grown meat cuz we got a bunch now let me just snack on that mhm y I died my first death oh no pumpkin there skeletons are going after that cow stop

Him all right I think we just wait here I feel like if you fall down there it’s game over I think enough food now we wait boys now we wait I might yeah I mean we filled that chilling really go stand by this is there a campire

Here you need to leave that cow alone campfire is out okay just so dark I can’t tell what’s what uh oh that does look like sand oh here we go over here I see it I see it yep we’re coming to a sand biome for sure all right nice heat

Resistance why do I feel like I’m going to need that okay do the sand biome I see something glowing in the distance like so far away that’s kind of crazy I want to know what that is we’re like on a mountain right now it’s a bit

Scary hard would just fall off the edge now that doesn’t look like we’re die wait it really spawned you 2K meters away that’s really weird dude that’s unfortunate the shore okay a biome for real huh is that it brass lands oh what’s this slap Berry where’s the slap bar I don’t see it

Flber eat to heal and reduce hunger always fresh okay interesting yo what’s this pepper seed I’m not I’m not letting my raspberries down oh so basically you don’t want to eat extra meat it’s not worth it it’s not worth it just one time is good can’t swim

Though need to go up and around somehow yeah this ain’t good dude need to go H back up this way maybe I’m not healing any more health I need a pumpkin or something ah cuz it’s temp he once it’s gone it’s gone I get it just eating for

The sake of it at this point okay so there’s a sand biome over here this is Daisy now how do you get underwater I don’t know if you can I don’t know why is that the eyes of a wolf okay we need snow wolves are these snow uh

Sand wolves are these sand wolves not yet I don’t think let’s do these I just have like a forward attack oh it’s finally daytime that’s just normal wolf claws was just running away come back all right fine fine here we go the sand what we’ve been looking for that’s different there a

Different it has different attack patterns oh it’s tougher let me have with this walk oh my God you just destroyed that thing nice there it is Sand Shell okay awesome that might be a sand wolf I don’t think it is though let me check this chest nothing chest are just not worth

It are they all right we’re in Shore absolutely a see if we’re going to go through the water is a survival type game mode yeah oh you can swim it’s very slowly oh what’s that oh okay look at those little things I need to fight another one of

These that could be a sand wolf I don’t know ow yeah what no way those things are nasty oh my God okay so I’m hot all right wait oh no how do I know where I died bro over there okay so I’m coming back dude that’s crazy EAS uh yeah that way

Okay the right way yep wow we just got wrecked by those little things I didn’t think they would hurt us that much little swarm of those things are not to be messed with that’s a big boulder what the oh no I ain’t got time for you right now oh

Dear take the Sheep that’s it what more or less in the right direction there’s no bugs of scary yeah they mess me up good uh I’m almost there just same keep going keep going got to go this far out just to get the sand uh sand mobs I think I see

Maybe where I died there’s a giant beam in this guy is this this the day is the day before actually I take that love milk fill my inventory with junk to make me feel more useful almost there Nicholas uh right now we have one spot left so if you send me a friend

Request you can join my name is one exp I’ll sorry the last guy just took the spot unfortunately are any of you guys going to play this game more if so I can give you a key to the world and then you can play when I go

Offline uh just write in chat if you if you’re online right now and you’re in this world with me and you want to keep playing let me know what your name is and I’ll give you uh access cuz I can give you like a key and then you can keep playing maybe I

Just give it to all seven of you here I have seven I’m almost here dude this guy’s been waiting for me I need a key a assist okay cool cool I’ll get you one let me uh players um Jack a assist op I know you’ve been doing a lot so

Definitely give one one to you did I die right here thanks for waiting oh my God what the Pirates oh my ow whoa oh my God I’m almost dead dude oh my God y this place is tough ah yo this game does not mess around oh my

Jeez he’s got it’s not going to attack me up closely yeah he has like no close range attacks jeez that’s crazy I’ll wait here uh I need to eat my corn on the cob with that extra Health it doesn’t give you you extra heal got to eat meat oh man

Well go and get the raspberries there just take the Sand Shell all right uh yeah guys who wants a key for the server oh no no no no these things are nasty what y I’m not messing with these things actually crazy the drop meat I’m going to cook

That I’m going to build a campfire on the beach of course you need a a grill I’m crazy 30 Granite just for TR armor in this game not really tell and Grilling that’s the goal what up dude oh thank you you need that uh I’m just looking for sand wolves to be honest

Oh that’s just a normal one this biome isn’t big enough that’s a trouble all right he’s back uh I guess we keep going this way along the coast now we’re in the grass biome again what you can do is get your friend to uh make a bed and assign it to you I

Think and then you can just respawn no my sword oh that ain’t good you assist over here oh here we go here we go all right think sand claw still what is in here oh I see a chest upstairs pumpkin oh yeah oh okay this is like a real sand biome now

Oh okay if you run out of stamina you go back okay I just teleported over here uhoh what nice wasn’t so hard uh no dude I need um sand wolf claws a chicken a sand chicken that looks like a crazy place to be all right back to the mainland

Then pump can watching conclusions is it like Minecraft there are similarities but it is its own Survival game in its own right I would say no way we’re crossing this so far away it’s weird you run out of stamina and then it’ll just teleport you to the

Nearest Island how to get not not rout rod um not root you can get in caves and then you have to craft not root Rod oh no oh okay it’s one of these I see a sand wolf y yo yo yo yo yo yo upstairs I can’t climb right I get this

Crossbow no oh I’m going to die those things are nasty bro run Oh here’s help oh my God I don’t want to die it’s not a sand wolf claw oh no uh that’s all good they’re not in the sand biome anymore rip oh oh my dude this monsters are crazy throws rocks at you and everything just get it mess it

Up nice there we go brilliant all right uh these are the actually the worst creatures in the game dude they will immediately kill you will not mess around I need to get some Granite so I can build a uh a thing if we can build build a grill out

Here would be be it’ll be good I can’t H the granite man how much we got we got 19 so far nice right let’s get a grill down cook some grilled meat we go got some extra Health out there you know with my torch nice let me eat that okay

Yeah don’t mess with me bro can you build two Villages oh no a pirate skeleton get him oh we’re going to die we’re going to die yeah we we are screwed just keep keep running keep running around bro get upstairs that’s it oh no is actually what no

Way he eliminated me so fast dude that’s nuts a hot why we got so many campfires all right I’m going to give you guys Keys um anyone want a key anyone else want a key I just give you all keys just in case you want to keep playing got one left

Go you messed me up dude all right I’m going to do a guide on how to get not fruits right God y chill out man so a lot of people are asking how to get not rout right so firstly what you need to do is upgrade your crafting

Bench at least one time so that you can create a forest axe okay and then uh if you can craft one real quick we need one more bone got bones over here could be some bones around I don’t see no bones bones there we go

So to to get not rout rout is it called not rout yes it’s called not rout right the first thing you want to do right is upgrade this bench one time and then you can create a green forest Axe and you’re going to need bone which you get from skeletons and wooden

Rods which you can get from a lumber meal you just create a wooden rod from a piece of wood right now you’ve got that what you need to do now is you’re going to want to craft a porch real quick need some Vines we just go find some plants

Like the pumpkins trees they all have Vines but we should have some lying about make this easier uh yeah there we go they let all just hit any bushes with what the with an axe and you’ll get it anyway need to get a torch okay craft a

Torch put that in your offhand slot here and now we just got to run wander around until we see this little icon here which actually a cave icon because caves are where you find not rout so we’ll just wander towards this cave along the way we should probably

Try and get some food raspberries are the best food you can get like if you don’t have raspberries kind of screwed um we don’t have any right now I’m just going to show you but yeah if you find any raspberries on the way pick them up cuz they’re going to help you

Quickly heal mid combat a bunch of wolves chasing us it ain’t no big deal there’s some raspberries never want to like run out of stamina all right let’s just grab one raspberry just for the sake of explanation uh make sure we don’t run out of stamina and then we’re just going

To run into this cave because we got the torch we can see very clearly what we’re doing okay and then luckily we’ve got this whole cave lit up already with torches but this is it actually this is normal wood so you might get confused right going to smash this and think well

That’s not right I’ll keep going you’re looking for something else this by the way is just normal Stones keep going deeper into the cave now we mined it all so it might take a little while you just really want to dodge these guys cuz they’re going to just be

Annoying can create a sword as well in the crafting if you level it up enough which is going to be helpful uh here that’s normal wood never mind keep going deeper and deeper nor more stones you’ll be able to see it when you see it you’ll know

There’s some looks like a big knot right uh got to find the right route around like I said the skeletons are going to stuck up honestly it’s better to do this with friends cuz they will mess you up you’re not ready you can dodge him anyway we go over

Here that’s some that there is not Roots right and if you want to know where marble is as well it’s the same thing you’re going to need a high level pickaxe for this just like you need a high level axe otherwise it won’t break but this here is uh marble that’s pretty much

It all right uh that’s just a fun little video I’m going to just post cuz uh why not people keep asking me I literally just came there for that all right guys um I’m going to be uh going pretty soon I just want to give

You a heads up that later on I will be playing the day before this is a new Survival game coming out uh that’s very like huge number of wish lists on Steam could be good could be absolutely terrible but if you could go click here and then click notify me so you don’t

Miss the stream later I will be covering it and I’m going to give my honest opinions on whether it’s a good game or not if it’s terrible I’ll let you know if it’s amazing I’ll let you know be playing it live if you could click that stream and just click notify me that

Would be very very good with that in mind I’m actually going to end the stream there really appreciate all the support guys uh the stream will take you to that link so yeah once again if you could notify me if you’re interested in the day before it’s going to be

Releasing actually just Co hours believe it or not that is crazy so yeah guys thanks so much for the support I see you all very very

This video, titled ‘🔴 LEGO FORTNITE GAMEPLAY – Is It Like Minecraft?’, was uploaded by The Gaming Merchant on 2023-12-07 16:07:59. It has garnered 24097 views and 397 likes. The duration of the video is 03:20:49 or 12049 seconds.

🔴 LEGO FORTNITE GAMEPLAY – Is It Like Minecraft? Is Lego Fortnite like Minecraft? And what is Lego Fortnite like? In this Lego Fortnite gameplay video, The Gaming Merchant tries out LEGO Fortnite to see what the game is like and to find out if Lego Fortnite is worth playing. Creator code: gamingmerchant

  • Triple Ender Dragon Takedown in Minecraft!

    Triple Ender Dragon Takedown in Minecraft! Minecraft Adventures in Truly Bedrock In the world of Minecraft Truly Bedrock, the adventures never stop! PlodPlod, a dedicated player, recently embarked on some exciting new projects and challenges with the TB crew. Let’s dive into the action-packed episode! Automatic Sorting System PlodPlod showcased their engineering skills by creating an automatic sorting system for storage. This system not only streamlines the organization of items but also adds a touch of efficiency to the gameplay. With this setup, managing resources becomes a breeze, allowing for more time to focus on other exciting tasks. Triple Ender Dragon Battle One of the… Read More

  • Ultimate Mining Madness in Minecraft

    Ultimate Mining Madness in Minecraft Minecraft – All The Mods 9 – Episode 19 | Digital Miner Exploring the Depths of All The Mods 9 Lensmanoz embarks on a new adventure in the vast world of Minecraft with the All The Mods 9 pack as the foundation. With over 400 mods, countless quests, and a built-in endgame, the possibilities are endless. The quest for the elusive ATM Star and the challenge of facing the Gregstar loom large in this exciting journey. Unveiling New Mods and Features In All The Mods 9, Lensmanoz delves into the world of tech mods while simultaneously building a Minecolonies… Read More

  • TNT Cave House Build

    TNT Cave House Build Creating an Easy Cave House with TNT in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, players are constantly exploring new ways to build and create unique structures. One popular method involves using TNT to carve out a cave and transform it into a cozy home. Let’s delve into the process of building an easy cave house with TNT in Minecraft. Building the Foundation To start, players can use TNT to blast a hole in the ground, creating a cave-like structure. Once the cave is formed, it’s time to start building the house. Players can fill the cave with materials like… Read More

  • Insane Auction?! Minecraft Zelda Adventure

    Insane Auction?! Minecraft Zelda Adventure Minecraft Zelda Adventure: Exploring a Unique Map Embark on a thrilling adventure in Minecraft with the Zelda Adventure map, a unique experience that takes players on a journey through a different kind of world. This map, exclusively available through the AdventureCraft Launcher, offers a fresh perspective on the classic Minecraft gameplay. Discovering the AdventureCraft Launcher For those eager to dive into this exciting adventure, the AdventureCraft Launcher is the gateway to a whole new Minecraft experience. By downloading the launcher from, players can access the Zelda Adventure map and explore its mysteries. Join the Community Immerse yourself in… Read More

  • Tiny Dripstone Delight: Minecraft Farm Fun!

    Tiny Dripstone Delight: Minecraft Farm Fun! In Minecraft’s world, a mini farm takes flight, Automatic dripstone, shining bright. Compact and easy, with redstone in sight, Collecting resources, day and night. Just a chest, a hopper, and some glass, An observer, a piston, for the task. Dripstone block, pointed dripstone too, Water flowing, the farm will brew. Lava in cauldrons, a fuel source grand, Dripstone blocks, traps at hand. With a grin and a spin, the farm is complete, For Minecraft players, a useful feat. So craft away, in this blocky land, With rhymes and fun, let’s all lend a hand. For gaming joy, and creativity’s… Read More

  • Mezzy’s Surprising Gaming Adventure

    Mezzy's Surprising Gaming Adventure The Terrifying World of Minecraft Mods: Exploring the “Dread” Modpack Embarking on a Solo Adventure Join the journey as our fearless explorer delves into the eerie world of Minecraft mods in the “Dread” modpack. What horrors await in this solo adventure? Encountering the Unknown Follow along as our protagonist encounters mysterious entities and unsettling environments. Will they survive the chilling encounters? A Creepy Companion Meet a peculiar entity that seems to be watching our explorer’s every move. Is this companion a friend or foe? Unraveling the Mystery As the adventure unfolds, secrets are revealed, and the true nature of… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Update News & Film Making | Full Video Link Above

    Ultimate Minecraft Update News & Film Making | Full Video Link Above The Latest Minecraft News: Updates and Film Production For all Minecraft enthusiasts out there, staying updated on the latest news, updates, and film production in the Minecraft universe is essential. Let’s dive into the exciting world of Minecraft and explore the recent developments. Updates and Features One of the most exciting aspects of Minecraft is the constant updates and new features that keep the game fresh and engaging. From new biomes and mobs to gameplay enhancements, Minecraft players always have something to look forward to. Recent Updates: The latest updates have introduced new blocks, items, and mechanics that add… Read More

  • Surviving Minecraft: Day 3 – Danger Lurks!

    Surviving Minecraft: Day 3 - Danger Lurks! Minecraft – Daily Survival Let’s Play: A Relaxing Journey Through the World of Blocks Embark on a serene adventure with Solomon Leatherland, also known as PCG, in his Minecraft Daily Survival Let’s Play series. This vanilla survival experience offers a tranquil escape from the chaos of everyday life, inviting viewers to unwind and explore the vast possibilities of the blocky world. Immersive Gameplay Experience Join Solomon as he delves into the intricacies of Minecraft, from building and exploring to caving and collecting trophies. With natural regeneration turned off, the stakes are higher, requiring strategic use of golden apples and… Read More

  • GamerFleet’s Overpowered Weapons Exposed!

    GamerFleet's Overpowered Weapons Exposed! GamerFleet’s Super OP Weapons Unveiled in Minecraft World Exploring the vast world of Minecraft can lead to unexpected discoveries, and one such revelation was made by a curious player who ventured into GamerFleet’s survival kingdom. In a thrilling video, the player uncovered GamerFleet’s secret base within a majestic castle, where an array of powerful PvP weapons awaited. The Quest for OP Weapons As the player delved deeper into GamerFleet’s world, they embarked on a quest to locate the legendary OP weapons rumored to be hidden within the kingdom. The anticipation grew as they navigated through the intricate pathways and… Read More

  • Crafting a Portal for Finley the Sea Serpent in Minecraft

    Crafting a Portal for Finley the Sea Serpent in Minecraft Minecraft: Creating the Finley The Sea Serpent Portal Embark on a thrilling Minecraft adventure with UzeMing as he delves into the creation of the Finley The Sea Serpent portal from the Indigo Park game. This mythical creature, known for its dragon-like appearance, is a beloved character in the game. Materials Needed To construct this portal, UzeMing gathers obsidian, flint, steel, yellow wall, and green wall. These materials will form the basis of the portal’s structure, creating a mystical gateway to the world of Finley. Building the Portal With meticulous precision, UzeMing assembles the materials to craft a 4×5 portal…. Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker vs God

    Hot Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker vs God “When you accidentally build a dirt house in Minecraft and your friends start calling you a ‘noob’ but little do they know it’s actually a high-tech underground bunker in disguise.” #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Sneaking into ‘Mr. Thief’s’ Village in Minecraft #3

    Sneaking into 'Mr. Thief's' Village in Minecraft #3 Minecraft Adventures with “MR TRỘM CẮP” Exploring the Village In this exciting Minecraft episode, our protagonist, "MR TRỘM CẮP," embarks on a journey to explore a vibrant village. As they navigate through the winding streets and bustling marketplaces, they encounter a myriad of interesting characters and unique structures. From quaint cottages to towering cathedrals, the village is a treasure trove of architectural wonders waiting to be discovered. Building and Crafting One of the core elements of Minecraft is the ability to build and craft. "MR TRỘM CẮP" showcases their creativity as they construct elaborate structures and craft powerful tools… Read More

  • Unlock Hidden Worlds with These Top 10 MCPE Seeds – Must See!

    Unlock Hidden Worlds with These Top 10 MCPE Seeds - Must See!Video Information starting your Minecraft pocket edition adventure with the right seeds is crucial to unlocking amazing worlds and experiences these seeds hold the key to uncovering Hidden Treasures stunning Landscapes and challenging terrains that will test your survival skills embark on your Minecraft journey and witness the wonders of these top 10 seeds that promise to redefine your gaming experience from mystical Islands to haunted forests each seed will transport you to a different realm filled with Mysteries waiting to be unraveled prepare to be amazed as you dive into these extraordinary worlds and embark on thrilling Adventures that… Read More

  • Summer Weather Chaos in Minecraft Hive!

    Summer Weather Chaos in Minecraft Hive!Video Information there you go up and it closed my music thing right as I hit live that’s lovely gotta get the music going hello hope you’re all doing well uh Minecraft is still won’t let me use my uh actual skin that like a for the games that’s nice there you go oh and I forgot to mute Discord welcome to the stream everyone Hi ke du Reaper Jackie uh Kurt uh I I don’t know if Logan has a stream open but he is following [Music] me how’s everyone’s uh day so far are you do oh noise… Read More


    HACKERS DESTROYED MY BASE! - KelpTalks on Donut SMPVideo Information uh hello BR I just went on a whole like monologue for like five minutes and like none of that was recorded anyways uh yeah I expanded the pumpkin farm we got a little bit bigger now you know I doubled the length and or I over double the length and I’m working on some more layers did a little bit of off camera work I got uh I’m I’m setting up some you know thing to make this look nice look look at this big arch I think it looks good yo what’s up WQ what’s up… Read More

  • New gaming hack! Combining items in Minecraft!

    New gaming hack! Combining items in Minecraft!Video Information [Music] hey there my name is Inc today I’m back in Minecraft but I can combine items our goal today is to beat the Ender Dragon and if you enjoy I’d really appreciate if you subscribed let’s get into it okay this is a cool Spawn oh hello there all right now to start with this pack what we need to get is a smithing table so we’re going to have to go mining and get some iron but before we go down I’m going to grab some food all right let’s grab some Stone and start smelting… Read More

  • INSANE 3D Murder Mystery on The Hive! 🕵️‍♂️| Minecraft

    INSANE 3D Murder Mystery on The Hive! 🕵️‍♂️| MinecraftVideo Information fale pessoas beleza Hoje estou aqui para trazer um vídeo diferenciado que eu vou trazer aqui PR vocês rapaziada estamos aqui para trazer jogando aqui no derive né literalmente est jogando aqui no derive jogando aqui murder Mystery aqui no derive eu já joguei esse esse minigame há um bom tempo atrás tipo faz tempo mesmo galera tipo eu já gravava né fazer um desafio da mand né a época que o meu canal tava nascendo aí eu tava pensando aqui né nostalgia né jogando aqui myy e bom rapaziada deixa o like aí no canal ativa o… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft TikTok Hacks 🔥💥🤯

    Unbelievable Minecraft TikTok Hacks 🔥💥🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘VIRAL MINECRAFT TIKTOK HACKS 🔥☺️😊!! |’, was uploaded by Quanny on 2024-05-07 10:52:06. It has garnered 7171 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. how to make end portel in Minecraft share #shorts #viral #tiktok hacks #minecraft #hacks #viraltiktok hacks #ytshorts #ytshortsindia #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #13 #24 #25 #26 #27 #28 #29 #30 31 #32 #33 #newyear2023 #2023 #horrorgaming #2022 @techsgamerz minecraft tiktok hacks minecraft minecraft hacks techno gamerz minecraft… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker! 🔥

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Noob vs Pro vs Hacker in saving villager….#shorts #minecraft#viral#trending#gamer#gaming’, was uploaded by I_AM_DEVIL on 2024-01-15 03:59:26. It has garnered 2878 views and 120 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. Read More

  • Explore Lunarie – Freebuild Heaven on Minecraft!

    Explore Lunarie - Freebuild Heaven on Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Community Server + Freebuild Tour!’, was uploaded by Lunarie on 2024-04-13 15:11:49. It has garnered 199 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 04:16:59 or 15419 seconds. I’m very happy that everyone can play on the server from now on 🙂 Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Dance Duet with Kuga Guga!

    Insane Minecraft Dance Duet with Kuga Guga!Video Information This video, titled ‘brawa #music #minecraft #musica #funny #dance #memes #roblox #duet #love #edit’, was uploaded by Kuga Guga on 2024-06-08 18:33:12. It has garnered 8 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More

  • Death Maul

    Death MaulThis server features a custom gamemode where one main player that must survive in a world with mobs and monsters possessed by other players. Their goal is to kill the main player to take their place. Six starting classes to choose from with custom items and perks. – (Ghosts) control monsters and mobs to kill the human – Abilities for each monster. Creepers blow up, spiders shoot webs, etc. – The (Human) must survive and reach level 100 to win. – Main character can choose one of six classes. – If the human dies, another will take their place! -… Read More

  • Janitor’s Closet SMP Semi-Vanilla Roleplay Worldbuilding Whitelist LGBTQ+ Friendly

    Welcome to the Janitor’s Closet! We are a worldbuilding/roleplay based SMP, creating a fun atmosphere where you can build your own culture, nation, story, and impact without restrictions on era or genre. Join our unique community where you can create religions and cultures, or join existing ones! Experience lore-related and in-game events, or even host your own! Discord Info: Join our Discord here to get started. Fill out a quick app after reading the rules to join our community. Our plugins include Dynmap, SimpleVC, SetHome, Deadchest, CombatLog, Brewery, and more! Read More

  • Nexaris | Worldbuilding

    Nexaris | Worldbuilding================= Nexaris=================Nexaris is a diverse server under the Geopolitical, Nations, Towny, Roleplay, and Worldbuilding categories. Forge your Nation, make alliances, and conquer the world! Create your religion and worship your god(s). In Nexaris, politics, and territory control are crucial. Players compete to control regions, make deals with others, and join in big events that shake things up. Every decision YOU make can greatly impact the server’s history, shaping its future.We, the staff of Nexaris, try to provide the best experience for players. The server itself has not been launched yet. But it will be very soon! Join our Discord! We’ll… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Y’all really hate Keep Inventory?”

    “Why do y’all hate keep inventory? Because losing all your stuff builds character…and rage-induced tears.” Read More

  • Chamber Danger: Surviving the New Trial Tango

    Chamber Danger: Surviving the New Trial Tango Welcome, gamers, to a brand new day, Where Minecraft adventures come out to play. In this episode, we dive into the unknown, Exploring the Trials, with skills to be honed. First up, enchanting, a magical art, Adding power to weapons, straight from the heart. My village is thriving, with buildings so grand, And an enchanting library, where knowledge will stand. But the real fun begins, in the Trial Chambers, Where challenges await, testing our gamers. With my trusty dog army by my side, We’ll conquer each trial, with nothing to hide. So join me on this journey, filled with… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Crafting Laughs!

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Crafting Laughs! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftmeme #relationshipproblems #boom Read More

  • Unbeatable Minecraft Duplication Glitch 1.21

    Unbeatable Minecraft Duplication Glitch 1.21 Minecraft Bedrock 1.21 Duplication Glitch Introduction The Minecraft Bedrock 1.21 Duplication Glitch has been making waves across all platforms, including PlayStation, Xbox, Switch, MCPE, and PC. This glitch allows players to duplicate items in the game, providing them with an advantage in their gameplay. How It Works The Duplication Glitch is a fascinating exploit that players can use to their advantage. By following a specific set of steps, players can duplicate items in their inventory, giving them an edge in crafting and building within the game. Step-by-Step Tutorial The Hook: Players are drawn in by the allure of duplicating… Read More

  • Rare Halloween Moon Crab Spawns in Minecraft! Day 1 Hunt!

    Rare Halloween Moon Crab Spawns in Minecraft! Day 1 Hunt!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Pokemon x Minecraft?! Mythical Cobblemon Day 1!🟢’, was uploaded by HalloweenMoonCrab on 2024-05-25 04:45:45. It has garnered 230 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 05:27:15 or 19635 seconds. Pokemon meets Minecraft?! This is wild! Welcome to Day 1 of the Mythical Cobblemon! Season 2 kicking off with a ton of fun. want to play? 📲 Discord – 🎮 Modpack - 🖥️ Installation Guide – Coming Soon it’d mean a lot to me if you’d like the video and comment if you liked the stream below! 😀 Twitter: Peep the… Read More

  • EPIC PRANK: Mikey Maizen vs. JJ in Minecraft Mod!

    EPIC PRANK: Mikey Maizen vs. JJ in Minecraft Mod!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ use DRAWING MOD to Prank Mikey in Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by Mikey Maizen – Minecraft on 2024-06-23 17:00:20. It has garnered 5280 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:12 or 972 seconds. JJ use DRAWING MOD to Prank Mikey in Minecraft (Maizen) This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen – @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, I hope you will enjoy my videos! Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Logic in Minecraft! Click Now! 🔥

    Mind-Blowing Logic in Minecraft! Click Now! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Логика Майнкрафта! #майнкрафт #minecraft #funtime #сервер #holyworld #anarchy #shorts’, was uploaded by ArianCraft on 2024-06-04 11:07:25. It has garnered 817 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Read More

  • Secrets Revealed: The Truth Behind KYRSP33DY’s Mythical Cobblemon Adventure!

    Secrets Revealed: The Truth Behind KYRSP33DY's Mythical Cobblemon Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Inside! – Mythical Cobblemon S2 Day 15 (Minecraft Pokemon Mod)’, was uploaded by KYRSP33DY on 2024-06-11 02:11:07. It has garnered 36025 views and 1448 likes. The duration of the video is 01:45:35 or 6335 seconds. MERCH at Become a member of the channel: My Twitter – My Twitch – MERCH at Check out FocusFuel: Use Code “Speedy” for 10% Off! I am a co-founder of FocusFuel. Discord – Modpack - Installation Guide – Coming Soon #mythicalpartner Read More

  • “Unbelievable Win Using Luckyblocks in Bedwars!!!” #minecraft #hypixel

    "Unbelievable Win Using Luckyblocks in Bedwars!!!" #minecraft #hypixelVideo Information This video, titled ‘free win (luckyblocks bedwars) #minecraft #bedwars #hypixel’, was uploaded by Dimensional Breachers on 2024-03-15 05:26:32. It has garnered 464 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Welcome to another Video on our group channel: Discord Server: Links to Breachers: Char: YouTube: Twitter: Cryptic: YouTube: Pug: YouTube: Twitch: Twitter: Muzz: YouTube: Twitch: Twitter: Ignore: #shorts #Minecraft #DimensionalBreachers #Halo #Phas #Deadbydaylight #gaming Tags: lunar client, badlion client, forge, 1.7.10 forge, 1.8.9 forge, hack download,, vape download, vape v4, vapev4,… Read More

  • Daz Man Goes INSANE Over Skibidi Pack in Minecraft Bedrock!

    Daz Man Goes INSANE Over Skibidi Pack in Minecraft Bedrock!Video Information This video, titled ‘Daz Man Reviews Skibidi Modern Textures Texture Pack In Minecraft Bedrock! Texture Pack Review’, was uploaded by Daz Man on 2024-04-11 17:00:19. It has garnered 616 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:34 or 2134 seconds. Throwback Thursday has officially hit MEME status with the Skibidi Modern Textures Texture Pack available in Minecraft Markplace, created by Heropixel Games! ⭐Join this channel as a MEMBER to get access to perks⭐: OTHER CHANNEL LINKS @DazManReacts – Bringing the Skibidi Toilet meme into you Minecraft World with polished textures and custom Skibidi… Read More

  • 🔥EPIC Clan Base Build in Minecraft SMP Java + BE🔥

    🔥EPIC Clan Base Build in Minecraft SMP Java + BE🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Making Clan Base In Minecraft SMP Java + BE #minecraftpesmpgameplayinhindi #publicsmpminecraft’, was uploaded by SFC Gaming World on 2024-01-14 08:20:00. It has garnered 89 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:47:14 or 2834 seconds. 🔴ABOUT THIS VIDEO SO Guys I M Playing In Golden Elytra Server And Making Our Clan Base If U Like And Enjoy This Stream Make Sure U Hit The Like Share And Subscribe Button And If U Wanna Play With Me The Ip Is Here Golden Elytra Server IP- Zigbeast Bro Server Ip- Zigbeast Bro… Read More

  • INSANE POKEMON NUZLOCKE LIVE! Choose names and join the fun 🚀

    INSANE POKEMON NUZLOCKE LIVE! Choose names and join the fun 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴PLAYING POKEMON NUZLOCKE LIVE!! (you can name pokemon, also im on a bad back up mic lol)’, was uploaded by Prof Mush on 2024-05-13 17:16:27. It has garnered 153 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 02:11:46 or 7906 seconds. hive is live chatgpt is taking over now… hive, hive cs, hive with viewers, hive party, minecraft, minecraft bedrock, minecraft the hive, hive bedrock, hive skywars, the hive, hive treasure wars, mcpe, the hive bedrock, treasure wars, hive arcade, Hive, Hive Minigames, Minecraft, PvP, Minecraft PvP, 1v1, Hive Custom Servers, Hive Quests,… Read More

  • savdude – Insane New Music Disc – OMG Reason 7 #minecraft

    savdude - Insane New Music Disc - OMG Reason 7 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘New Minecraft Music Disc – For a Reason 7? #minecraft#shorts#cricket’, was uploaded by savdude on 2024-05-05 14:54:48. It has garnered 390 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. Minecraft Holi Edition Mod FOLLOW ME : Instagram ► Discord ► #Minecraft #But#savdude#op #holi #happy holi #holi festival #holi holiday Read More

  • Aurous

    AurousWelcome to Aurous! We listen to community suggestions and always have a twist or special thing going on. Read More

  • TheCrib SMP Java + Bedrock 1.20 Survival Community Events

    TheCrib Server TheCrib is a Survival, SMP, Factions, and Anarchy based server that focuses on quality of life features and values the player experience. The server supports both Java & Bedrock versions. Server IP: Bedrock Port: 19132 Discord Server: Wiki: Read More