LEGO Fortnite vs. Minecraft – EPIC Showdown!

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And Lego fortnite is something which just dropped which sounds insane but it’s supposedly Lego’s answer to the Minecraft Universe it is something which has many similarities with it with crafting and with an open world which is based on seeds and so today we’re going

To just jump into that to see if it is indeed any good I do not intend to be playing with any strangers I will be playing a nice bit of Solo Survival Mode uh Lego fortnite and it’s going to be fun because by the end of this stream we

Should hopefully be able to say is this game any good is it worth playing and more importantly is it really anything uh you is it really within the realm of Minecraft or is that just people saying it’s a popular game that’s open world is it minecrafty uh today I’m going to go

On this with an open mind I really like fortnite when it first came out you can probably tell from how old a lot of my stuff is that I played a long time ago uh but yeah we’re going to jump right back in as uh the blue Squire or we

Could be John Wick but instead we’ll be uh we’ll be the blue Squire over here and uh we’re going going to just play we can also put equip loads of things if we want to but I don’t care about any of that instead I just care about loading

Up a fortnite Lego world and it’s going to be a lot of fun I I really have no idea what to expect besides there is crafting and I hear you got to mine stuff too yeah let’s pick this is our cover image oh it’s just a cover image

It’s not a pre-selected world we can override the wal seed but I’m going to let it be random actually not actually I feel like for this to be fair we have to do the only thing we can which is uh type in the classic world seed oh we

Can’t type in everything cuz it okay it has to be numbers that’s boring so type in everyone’s favorite set of digits which is to say I don’t know 0 0 0 one and uh we’ll have the well seed number one the best world seed that’s out there

I imagine uh everything will just turn on I don’t believe I want any of this but this is what gets me interested it says there’s friendly creatures there’s elimination there’s stamina temperature hunger villagers this all sounds so good too good to be teven and so we’re just

Going to jump into it and find out what’s actually going on I um I am incredibly incredibly curious about what led to this being made at some point since I last started playing fortnite it stopped being a battle royale and started being like a a Roblox style

Platform for other games and uh so I’m very curious to see what they have changed within this is this just a made a thing made by Lego is this a fully fledged game you know is it halfway in between I don’t know I I really don’t but I I’m apparently playing fortnite

Again so I mean you know that’s that’s the most interesting part of this also ibx fake cat what happened to ibx real cat on uh fortnite I I don’t know why I can’t be ibx toy cat but I can’t be uh maybe someone else has the account maybe

I just didn’t try maybe my epic games account was used for something else uh but yeah on on fortnite I am ibx fakes cat hopefully that’s a obscure enough username that only people who know and want to actively search me will find it whereas one of the weird things that

Happens when you’re a YouTuber is people just like kind of like randomly I I get friend requests on GTA all the time which isn’t weird by itself but it’s weird because I’ve never played GTA and I don’t think I have an account so I get

The I I I get the emails for an account that I don’t have it’s very confusing but yeah anyway this is Lego fortnite welcome to the world so no recipes known this is immediately looking at it very very very curious world right I mean I I

I know I meant to speak to the person but I want to collect some raspberries first you know you never know when you’re going to need those Lego raspberries so again let’s uh if we look at it you can see they are in fact Lego shaped but we’re going to go speak to

This person and see if they have anything to tell me hello bright bomber ah where am I who are you who am I uh my name is breit bomber nice to meet you and you’re toy cat why does that sound familiar H you must be watching my live

Stream right now I’m I’m seeing if this game’s any good you see cuz I want to know you know is this just overhype or is this something big um we should prepare ourselves just in case sure there’s a lot of wood and granite we could make some fun things of them so I

Should have to go punch some Granite with my fist or presumably I punch wood and I make a wooden pickaxe and then I’m going to make some Granite right that’s my guess we’ll pick up some pumpkins oh you don’t even have to break wood you just find it on the ground apparently

That’s easy so we’ll collect wood from the ground but I still want to punch a tree anym oh you can okay you know I’m on board of this any game with you can punch a tree to death is a good game as far as I concerned um but yeah I uh can

You get first person view I don’t think so actually that’s a good question uh this is as close as you can get you can Crouch but this is a third person game it seems um I think fortnite itself is uh if I’m remembering it correctly at

Least but yeah let’s grab all the wood we can around her and maybe punch the other easy trees cuz it looks as though we’re going to need something to punch trees so um I am very excited for the the open world nature of this game I

Love any game that says here’s an open world go discover stuff but there needs to be a reason for me to go out there and I’m hoping I get some of that so hello Bri bomber yeah it isn’t toy cat good to see you um yeah I I I should

Make a campfire and I you know I’m on it it’s good so let’s uh build a campfire I can build it anywhere in the world I want even all the way over there okay over over theirs as far as I can get so I’m going to build it right on

Bright and now I can unlock new recipes so when you build something it unlocks other things a crafting Branch takes Granite is this Granite yes it is so we just find enough Granite we’ll make a crafting bench and then we’ll be able to be warm and we’ll be able to craft I see

You got those Minecraft strats the the only strats that you need um if someone told me this video is typing Creator one year ago I’d be confused I’m confused about it right now so I mean uh I don’t want to don’t want to one up you on that one or anything

But I I am looking around this game and what I’m seeing is genuinely interesting to me in a way that I I I I heard this was coming out on Tuesday and I was like oh that’s interesting and I thought oh yeah it’ll be out like months from now

But it’s like no it’s coming out two days from now it got it definitely hit me in a way I wasn’t expecting a lot of lot of curiosity so my campfire will keep us warm uh my stomach’s growling so we need to eat something anything how about berries or pumpkins so I’ll eat

The pumpkins cuz I’ve got fewer of them oh yeah look at me it’s it’s Minecraft still eating very much so and if I eat another one of these I’ll be back to full in fact I eat automatically by default so watch out for that now we make a crafting table or crafting bench

It’s actually called that in this game it only goes on angles which is weird but it is very legoy so we’ll just put it there I guess oh no there and now Bri bumer will be happy with me the crafting bench gives me new ideas inventions um I’m worried about the rain

Maybe we need shelter do I really need shelter okay I’ll go get some more wood so if we want to do it we’re going to need to get ourselves what is this uh oh where is it actually oh we’re going to craft it at the crafting table I bet no

There’s a pickaxe here and a forest axe so we can now make tools which is oh and also we can upgrade the bench if we get shells we’ve got to kill rollers first so already we’re going down the crafting Tech Tree and one of the most important steps on that

Is obviously to punch a sheep to death yeah you can’t tell me what to do sheep yeah you think you own this world yeah you don’t that’s my oh actually it ran down the hill that’s my mutton now is it cool it’s just called meat okay you know

Very generic but fine um so now we obviously have to just chop trees one mass and once we got enough of those we can do fun things uh we probably aren’t going to run out of food anytime soon although I do want to cook the meat I I

I just want to know what it’s like you know oh no that’s eating uh so yeah I can’t actually cook things on there I can just hurt myself well that’s a waste isn’t it um so now we’re going to just find another batch of trees I guess up

There go some real distance pick some raspberries up on the way oh there’s wood right here so wood appears near bushes useful to know and also these little things here oh that was that that was Vines I got right there so we’re just going to gather as much wood as we

Humanly can um which actually it seems as though uh I need quite a bit of it although maybe I should just get an axe first I’ve got the granite I need now so let’s just yeah let’s go get an Axe and then we’ll be golden it is starting to

Get late I can see the sun is it’s fun that the sun looks real everything else is very legoy but the sun is very much legit we’ll make a forest axe now Andra that and now that is a oh actually it takes up inventory space it’s not just automatically on there and

Now I can probably hurt things things more but especially trees let’s really whack this one down like maybe do a charge attack okay there’s no charge attack it’s just destroying trees very fortnite I have to say got you know like uh people say minecrafty but you know

This is giving me fortnite Vibes am I going to build a a tower of the sky now is that what’s going to happen um but yeah we got plenty of wood now 24 bits of wood in the back which should be enough to make myself a

Shelter so in the we don’t make it in the crafting bench we make it here it’s in the oh starter Shack so it’s only six wood I massively overestimated that so we’ll just make it right here go me so there isn’t any build your own house

Element of this it’s just oh so we need three separate ingredients I’ll build this there and then I’ll build okay this is actually very confusing why am I doing it this way I guess it is mildly fortnite esque I guess we could say then spot parts to the shack pillars

One goes here one goes here and then that’s a that’s a sha complete oh no that’s just stage one of three now we need to spot parts for the half wall and then for the this this feels a little obtuse like what you built the campfire

By yourself do you need me to build this but I’m going to go of it if if I can later customize it I’m I’m on board of this um but remaining part Shack Ridge just this little bit up here there we go I am now protected from the rain but why

Do I need to be am I that scared of getting wet I’m British well the f is and T care Oh always good to see the shelter will be perfect from weather and enemies that might be around is the shelter going to protect me from enemies

I don’t think so do you think we’re the only people who rifted here let’s go check the Village Square to attract nearby friends this house needs wheels and a rocket I know I know I after playing breath of the wild I’m spoiled by the idea of a house uh that can’t do

Those things why why would I not have a house that can take me to the sky but yeah we’re going to go to the Village Square which I think it told me to go to but didn’t show me where it is could you tell me where that is again please sorry

Could you help me out so Knight is just around the corner we should go find the Village Square okay we just got to go look for it what was the point of me building this then okay it’s fine it’s there’s no issue I’ll chop down a few

More trees and I’ll chop down a few just for curiosity I’ll chop down another sheep okay so using my using my fist is almost as good as using an axe so for self-defense reasons probably better to just stick to the fist oh no the meat rolls downhills a bit too much for my

Liking also I don’t think it’s nice to kill sheep I think we can pet them instead so let’s try that just to be sure don’t run away trust me I’m friendly I’m friendly okay this is this is why you guys get beaten to death I’m just saying you you can’t you can’t be

Mad about that while also not letting me pet you we get two an two uses from animals its meat or its companionship and you’ve got to decide Alo cannot Sprint low energy oh that’s bad let’s eat some meat to or some pumpkins to bring that up oh look there’s a there’s

A thing over there is that a village do you think is that is are those other people who rifted here it very much does v okay so we’re going to punch this animal oh that’s a bad idea that’s not going to work for me um yeah I think we could maybe do it

With my axe okay let’s go yeah no this this is not working at all I’m going to eat the meat oh but you have to stand still to eat meat okay he’s he’s giv up on me though we’re fine I’m going to I’m going to kill whatever this wolf is with

My axe it’s going to be the best murder you’ve ever seen I know I’m definitely not meant to but that just makes me want to punch him even more oh okay going to going to go for a go for a rby real quick okay going to get out of here

First hide inside this house and then eat from the corner when no one expects it oh yep we’re good eat again I cold oh I only there was some way I could shelter there we go that’s a dead animal wolf Claws and meat are mine so if we

Get inside I’ll warm up and I can find oh there’s oh that’s my inventory there’s nothing in the storage again it’s got It’s got fortnite Vibes right I guess deliberately so I might imagine and in here we can find a torch which will warm me up hopefully maybe I pray

Uh as well as some Wheats I’m not sure if I need that but we’ll take it and some feathers you know for now we can’t be picky but we can throw a torch if we want to so let’s do that uh it says throw LT but it’s not doing anything

That’s fine so I’m cold while I’m outside I’m warm while I’m inside and I just have to sit here and deal with it or do I just accept being cold I think I just accept being c i uh you need to build the Village Square oh it’s not you don’t look for

The Village Square you build a Village Square that makes that makes a lot of sense though ow okay that makes a lot of sense so we’re going to go find some Granite which I might actually do on the way back home if I am so lucky going to

Eat a Rasberry first actually cuz you know you never know what’s going to come get you um just have another one of these and then whatever Granite we can get our hands on this gra also I think I see skeletons over there am I right about that it’s It’s a Spooky white man

You know it’s it’s rude of me to assume that he has to be a skeleton just because he’s white and brittle he might just be a runner or something grab the granite please run away from the yeah look at that that’s that’s just a that’s just a jack man that is just someone

Who’s been doing their workouts they don’t deserve me making fun of their body um aggression orb looks like the snowiest snow overlay yeah it does I guess I guess it’s the same idea at some point I just want to get out here oh I can’t check my map cuz I will get eaten

By a skeleton I think I might have trapped myself in a cycle of Doom here inet but I can save myself I’ve just got to find where home is that looks like home to me looks warm it looks lit up and I won’t I won’t be rained on all day

Again it’s it’s rainy in real life right now it’s going having terrible are there full Survival game elements um I guess it depends what you think the limit of Survival game elements will but I also look are they going to they going to ignore me now that I’m home or how does

That work yeah you can’t come here friends yeah good luck trying you think you can but I’m in shelter right now that’s it’s not working at all is there experience or do we just kill things for the bones because if so I’m going to move on to my next task

Which is getting some gra so a lumber mill sounds great a grill sounds fun and I bet of crafting table will give me some I can’t use it in the rain why not what would do to christas of that oh okay it’s fine so we’re going to go look

For some granite in the dark and the cold but it’s fine it could be worse it could always be worse just remember that next time you ever think about complaining about something you better not complain cuz what if things get worse while you’re complaining so we’ll

Grab that piece of meat from earlier I did leave it there that was irresponsible and then we’re just going to look for these tiny piles of granite each of them is worth one to three Granite so that was free or maybe that’s one I got my thir Granite we need 10 of

Those to make a villager square and I don’t really mind taking damage cuz I’ve got the rber and there’s enough R three’s around so we’re good also if any pumpkins attack or any uh skeletons attack uh on the way back home they’ll get they they’ll face my good friend

Here what’s her name explosion explosion bright bomber the uh the big believer the all solutions uh that every problem can be solved with Terror and let’s see if we can destroy this no we can’t we have to pick up just these tiny rocks that’s my fourth Granite that’s my fifth

Granite I I do like the vibe of this game so far it’s very simple but it’s got that Charming St you know having a little tutorial so far is good and also knowing that there are random structures that that incentive to explore a world is something I just love I I love a

World that feels like you could keep walking and you will find unique things continuously that’s that’s that’s what I’m going for in a game you know so eat the pumpkin just to keep myself alive the rain has stopped thankfully but yeah I uh I I think I think I’m just really

Mono focused on this one thing I I think the most also uh does it control well enough yeah I like the controls quite a bit the it feels exactly how you would want it to and how you would expect it to which is great it it’s uh it’s

Probably based on the fortnite engine in some way maybe that’s why I’m used to it but it works wonderfully as far as like but yeah now we go to the this and we can make a pickaxe should I just do it it’s very effective against structures I

Should have just done that honestly but since we haven’t done it we now make a Village Square and then that’s going to attract people over here sure why not this is my icon a or maybe B you know actually let’s make it my little tent and let’s go of everyone’s favorite

Color toy cat green I um is my Super Chat not going to register I wonder why it’s not um I bet you know actually it’s probably given it so new I bet it will show up soon also um the game feels like Minecraft and Terraria with a fortnite Twist I see it

Right I see that what you’re saying so if we get an additional as we level up the village we can get new things which I I like as a direct reward like just tell you what you’re going to get it’s going to be wonderful um let’s see what

We can do so if we have beds we’ll get villagers that that feels like maybe they found that idea something what but that is here wood time 10 so we just got to chop down a tree quite a few trees maybe and then we’ll get some

Villages I um but yeah since it’s not Rister string I will uh go through it real quick um very very weird that it didn’t Shar for the record but um Pat says believe it or not my first Lego set had peg people in instead of people arms

Uh about the first time Nintendo Des just came out yeah it is interesting because almost everyone has the same experience of G isn’t meant to be a thing that tells you exactly what to do it’s meant to be a bunch of GPS and you beside yourself it’s wild how much Lego has

Changed over that time to lead people to basically think it’s not the same as it is uh it’s funny that you didn’t like back when you were into it they didn’t even have people cuz I remember there were people out there but I always thought like well that’s not the point

I’m not building Lego to build you know like real situations for humans I built Lego to like basically be like an architecture person which is funny even that how much I don’t like building in uh Minecraft but speaking of building I’m going to put my little bed right in

Here in the shelter my first villager is now going to enjoy uh sleep in right here if we can find one good to see you that bed’s extra cozy let’s sleep in it let’s ask a visitor so do we have to go find a visitor or will one just walk

Over they’ll see our bed and think you know I could live there or do we just sleep in there are you not let’s not think about it too hard let’s instead upgrade our village how do we do that so select I I don’t it said it said our

Village had leveled up but I don’t I don’t know what that actually means so Village upgrade we need wood and granite and then we can do it oh right so we’ve got the ability to upgrade we don’t have the resources to upgrade so I will while I’ve got the wood anyway make that

Pickaxe I’m very curious what a mining feels like in this game and we’re just going to mine all of the big rocks around here like these must have a ridiculous out of Gran right must be but um also merry fifth day of streamless on the fifth day of stream to me I think

It’s actually the fourth day wait one so every other day in Christmas we’re streaming streames this year I’ve uh I definitely broke myself doing it every day a few years previously so it’s like you know this is this is much more relaxed every stream feels fun I can prepare a couple

Of um but yeah I uh I I I’m liking streamers this year and I think that if it’s every other day and it’s the 7eventh that makes it the fourth but you know what it works great a new one spawns daily basically okay every day we

Find a new villager I can live with that no that’s not a villager that’s a spider I can’t live with that so I’m just going to chop down one more tree cuz I do need some of that just so the axe goes away I don’t think I need the Axe by any means

But I’d rather have the axe gone so I have an inventory or maybe I wouldn’t maybe it’s a good thing that I I’m not going to think about it too hard but I would will destroy this chop boundry now oh with my hands no I won’t it’s gone

There goes my attempts instead we’ll mine this big old rock it’s such a big rock to destroy the pickaxe but I’m just I’m going to enjoy the process I’m very excited to see where this leads cuz already you can see like we’re building something here right but already yeah if

You look at this world you can tell it’s huge it just goes on is it endless in every direction or not it’s it’s very very big for sure and I want to see the whole thing just like when Minecraft Legends came out just where just like

When I first got my Minecraft world once you’ve explored everything that’s when you say you’ve got some accomplishments done so I’m now going to build something else a starter oh a log Lookout that’s fun a simple Shack we can build more beds or a chest or we could build some

Random pieces or we could build a lumber mill if we just get some more wood built objects like planks and rods for use in crafting I bet we’re going to want that so yeah let’s get ready for it let’s just punch the tree to death with my f

And then use it to make a fun thing uh yeah it’s okay we we all we all make mistakes if I if every mistake was wrong then I would be very but yeah I I I I like my little my little base of operations I I I’ve yet to see the

Context behind what it all means you know actually I’m going to upgrade the Village it’s telling me about it in the top right too much I think if I just had a better Village I’d attract more villagers all they got so far is cows and chickens and

You know I feel like I can do better than I just I feel that way and we’ll see if I’m right and if I’m not then we’ll feel very silly so there’s lots of wood around without having to use my um axe which is the good news there’s also

Lot of chickens can I pet them hey chicken hey chicken you want to be friends with me it’s a very ridiculous looking Lego chicken I do have to admit okay no I want to pet you I want to pet you I I really don’t want to punch you

Again it’s it’s it’s companionship or it’s meat chicken you can make your decision I can’t I can’t make it for you but if you choose it this way then I have to oh yeah meat I have to follow that decision it sucks it sucks that he

Has to be that way but uh you know this is this is this is the decision everyone gets to make I’m late again so that’s why they did the Lego concept so interesting it is incredibly interesting so now we can UPG The Village oh and now

We can get a roomy Shack that’s fun also breit bomber is probably happy of me but I might even attract new friends where am I going to find a visitor I do I go out looking maybe could I find one in a nearby Shack or do I just keep upgrading

My own tet Tre like get that lumber mill built and then get a grill built Etc yeah we we’ll see what it we’ll see what happens um they’re even using the fortnite sounds I do I do wonder how much of the development was done by someone from

Lego versus just like son at fortnite’s like look we want to make a minecrafty Style game Lego is a perfect excuse cuz other otherwise anything else people accuse you of couple Minecraft but really in a way if you think about it you know like Minecraft copy Lego so all

You got to do is use them as your classic flame upgrade Village to get more Villages I’ve heard that somewhere but yeah it’s it’s a very Charming little Survival game I I I like the animals the ones that want to be my friends at least like you see this

Chicken here sitting in the sun he’s going to let me pet him you’re going to let me pet you it’s just how it’s going to go okay he’s friendly let’s go for it let’s go for it okay no he’s made his decision but I’m not

Going to punish him for it yet I’m going to give him opportunities to repent to decide that he has uh F about it and he’s he’s not going to do that but we’ll see if he takes it so there is in fact level oh I didn’t mean to un load up

Social there but there there was a level that we just saw probably unrelated to the game very curious any way we going to break this big rock oh yes the whole thing oh never mind we’re not going to break the big rock but if we did break

The big rock I bet we’d get a lot more um and so yeah build a another building and a villager will come to you yeah that might be the secret maybe if we just if we just build some more stuff you know if you build it they will come

Is a thing that people say all the time so let’s let’s see if that’s true let’s build a big old shack or a log cabin yeah have to like a log cabin would be nice that could convince someone to live here the shelter’s basic but a log cabin

Now that’s that’s something be on that so you can’t harassing wild animals again I think like half my life is harassing wild animals but if I don’t do it someone else will and so really if you think about it it’s me doing those animals a favor is what I will tell

Myself so more Granite more Granite I probably should just make some better tools I think it will save me time in the long run yeah walking around like this isn’t as useful as just chopping down the nearest tree also I I I’ve said this before but I like games with a

Sense of like permanence where by chopping down trees you now don’t have trees you have a bigger clearing but you’re missing out on resources I kind of like that Minecraft element oh a village okay friend friend friend monkey wait meow me of course I uh you’ve

Probably heard of me so I won’t Flex on you too much uh would you like to come live with my Village yes you can okay fine meow whatever whatever what a ridiculous concept meow we’ve all heard of her but she would like to live my Village and so let’s let her do

It I I think that’s very silly but welcome and now we’ll assign her to the bed oh no no no no I want to how do I how do I set the spawn point you know it’s fine I I’ll give you another bed just for you um these beds are very simp

Simple to make thankfully and I’ll put it right next to my bed um you know you put your bed next to my bed and then it’ll be great also why why aren’t you why aren’t you assignable I wish I could settle down a nice Village somewhere

Live in my Village yep I do have a spot for you to sleep make yourself a home yeah and now we’re going to use my Village upgrade which is in level two to tell them to forage for nearby resources so by the way while you’re living here

Could you he was going to do the Zoomies if I didn’t say uh let’s give you a job uh help the village resource job yeah go go go go collect some nearby resources yep wonderful I do have a crafting bench for you and it will take you one day of

Exploration I you don’t you just you not fine you can go do that I I it shouldn’t take you a day to get some wood but I will trust that you know what you’re doing meow you know this is cute I’m on board of this I don’t know what’s going on

With her but I like it so is this game more Animal Crossing than Minecraft than fortnite than Lego or fortnite I see I I would be see I would see what you would be saying if you were to say that I do feel it quite

A bit like uh it is a very very very unique game trying to distill any decent game down to being like another game though is always going to be reductive is if this game is great I think a comparison should be hard to find whereas if you can say yeah it’s just

Minecraft but inside the fortnite universe that wouldn’t it’s it’s not a good sign for a game if you can easily explain it as being yeah it’s just another game but different or better or worse in my opinion me mous kills is a dude wow I can’t believe you just

Assumed that about them wow very rude can’t can’t believe you guys would do that this is you know we we are on the internet right now we’re in a very tolerant place you can’t just be going around assuming that meow’s you know clearly a cat girl is a guy that’s you

Know I’m glad she can’t hear you right now I’m very glad anyway so we just need two more pieces of wood I see one over there and then we can make an axe and then I can give up on this game of running around to find stuff cuz it I I

I wanted to believe that the axe was silly but it just it it’s not that the ax is silly it’s that not having the axe is more silly so one more piece of wood if we can find it Al so let’s just go to sleep actually Alo measles she brought me

Something oh no that’s a backpack so let’s go to sleep see you in the morning fellas or maybe I won’t oh yeah but you have to wait do is that is that not going to sleep or anything so we’re just going to get one

More pile of wood if we can find it or we could just go further away I I I want to go for an explore but I know that I’ll be better off just doing a little bit more here first or maybe not maybe I’d find a big cache of wood if I went

Exploring cuz I want to how do you get up here do I need to make the staircase do you think let’s test so there was a staircase here right rustic stairs let’s build the stairs up onto this so I’m going to rotate this yeah’s let’s go for

It right here this is the one I’m going to build it over here and now I’ve got a permanent way up there isn’t that fun I mean it’s only raspberries that I can yeah and some and some Granite but still that’s that’s real fun it’s it

Would be more fun if I could build all the blocks myself some would say but I’ll accept that as a fun outcome cuz I there was levelwise no other way I was getting up there Al that took some of the wood that I needed that I was going

Up there to get so that was a little bit counterproductive too if you like the last Quick dive video another is dropping today says Harrison yeah the um I I think uh for anyone uh watching in if you uh I I I think it’s a it’s a fun New format to

Like play with and I hope that you enjoy it Al yeah this thing is isn’t it yep no not going to not going to fight it not going to fight it this is a scary place and I should just get my wood and get right back out of here again it is see

Look how fun it is there’s so much to this world already just from what I can see around my spawn Hall I do want to go explore though I I I need I I I need to explore the even I’d say uh if if the game gives me like an off

Ramp I’m going to take that as soon as I can but if it doesn’t I’m I’m happy to wa there or I’m I’m starving I’ll eat my corn go corn go oh corn is nice also earn five account levels what does that mean but yeah we’re going to pick up all

The pieces of wood around that’s wood four that’s wood five there we go we can finally make an axe and start chopping stuff down the oldfashioned way because this way kind of sucks so also yeah the the hunger system is a bit interesting in this game I believe it’s that top at

The top right there or top left there sorry I’ve got like this big green bar and so You’ got to eat just to keep that full or you start starving which is bad I imagine and it’s bad in the real world it must be bad Lego fortnite too also

Yeah I cannot sleep do I have to wait for meowsicles meow oh meow schools it’s me like like muscles meow schools come on meow skull you can do it you can there we go so now now we’re both sleeping together we’re not quite spooning can we can we talk while we’re

In bed oh no I can’t I woke us up I’m sorry didn’t mean to do that so uh how’s your job okay I I’ll check back later rud to me to to wait but yeah he’s just come on I don’t want to do this in the dark um very fun very very very

Wholesome I think I want to be meow skll why am I not I kind of like this even though I’m confused as Ryan I feel it I feel it um I yeah I I’m enjoying our our relationship here but I just don’t understand it I I feel like that’s many

Things in life but especially this right here so we’re going to craft ourselves an Axe and just spend T night chopping down trees I guess cuz sleeping does not work how I expected it to all the villagers can go to sleep or somebody the big spoon or the little spoon I mean

Today in honor of meow skulls I can be the if meow SKS needs to be big then you know I’m I’ve got to be a good post and I’ve got to accept that also yeah it says L to throw but I really don’t know

What it means by that do we can I place it on my hot bar by going okay so inventory I have torches in here somewhere in my off hand so we’ll put that on the quick bar uh two quick bar and then we’ll place it

Down oh and then it just stays there so now we can see a little better I guess I probably got that my offer though actually you know what I’m I’m going to going to pick that back up okay pick that back up and then re oh okay so while we’re holding it it’s

Useful and so all I have to do is put that in my off hand and it’s like I’m holding it but it’s good so pick it up put it there pick that up put it there and oh so yeah it’s been in my off hand the whole time I just haven’t been paying

It’s a law that you must stick with your C it basically is I um yeah I think um you a Sky High sugarcane farm the moment I find sugarcane you better believe we’re farming it as high as we can that is the point of these games I do believe

If you’re not if you’re not building a silly silly sugarcane farm what’s even the point in being alive we are aware there’s another person right there’s another person okay there’s not unless you mean meows unless you mean my my like guide do you think she needs a

Bed too it’d be pretty needy if she wanted a bed as well but just in case you’re right uh I’m going to make a third bed here cuz I’ll need one eventually anyway so we’ll put we’ll put a third bed but like out here she can

Sleep she can sleep where she wants to sleep by the campfire and we’ll we’ll see if we can assign her a bed yeah we don’t need to okay my bed let’s go so now come on you can do it you can you can get in bed me and me and masal are doing

Great here we’re not spooning anymore instead he’s he’s become a something over there okay there’s you can’t skip through the night if you can I don’t understand how to do it instead I have to pick this back up and uh reaugh it in the off hand oh it’s LT to throw

Normally right okay I finally get it that’s what it means by LT to throw so let’s throw this back in the off hand let’s view my Village upgrades I am doing well um but I’m going to need planks if I’m going to move to the next level so if

You don’t like what you like so how else should we prepare we’ve got food shelter and warmth we can improve base improve tools so go to the crafting bench we can make better tools a stronger tool will last longer and break more things so if

I want to upgrade my tools I just have to where is it how do I how do I make a better axe it says how to make a forest axe but not a improved oh I guess I use this and then it will make a better axe

So I need shells I need planks if I want to get planks I need to craft one of these a lumber mill right planks and rods so let’s make one looks pretty cool right uh there we go looks fun put some wood in there or some rods I think I

Want planks so let’s sign let’s let’s make some recipes right now I don’t know what’s happening but in we go quick deposit quick deposit all the way through and then we’re going to go get some shells where would we find shells at this time of night not sure you know

Chat where do you think I should go to Shell I saw some C earlier pretty good wonder why Lego didn’t make a whole different game of survival mode instead of making it be a fortnite game mode again that’s what makes me think there must have been like some agreement of

Just like look how about we just sort this out you give us the IP we’ll make it fun the rest going to work itself out it’s it’s an interesting idea um I wasn’t expecting to see toy cat play fortnite so says King dark I wasn’t expecting to playing fortnite

Today but I am pleasantly surprised by what we’ve got also is that a second cat coming no it’s not it’s my first cat going off on a journey not a very good journey but a journey nonetheless and now we’re going to see what we need for the crafting bench

Again so a short sword a night shield and a torch or the bench upgrade we just need one more plank so I I did pretty well with that lumber mill just throw one more in and then the shells so I’m going to make a short sword cuz I’m

Probably have to kill a crab or something to get it let’s just emotionally prepare for that I need five wooden rods first actually so lumber mill take that and now change recipe 1 2 3 4 five and once I have five rods I can

Make a sword and then I can go kill a Shell Monster try killing those Stone rolly things for shells I think one of those wrecked me pretty hard earlier but yeah we got to do what we got to do if I get some good food maybe or oh a spinning

Wheel oh so we’re we’re really starting to unlock new crafting recipes it looks like but yeah I think I want to get the granite so let’s go and do that let’s make ourselves a pickaxe it’s basic but it’ll it’ll be fine and then use the

Pickaxe uh to get a ton of granite too much granite and then we use the granite to make this again it’s a I feel like any basic Survival game should make you do that like I need this to get that to get that but I need

To do this this as well um I think it’s a surprising amount of time so we’re going to stick with um try kill yeah I I think the the rolly thing I saw earlier was over here somewhere like honestly where are you going to find seashells she sells

Seashells by the seash famously and so surely she will F SE by the c um and so yeah I think that’s my basic plan if I don’t find it here then I’ll go for a big walk and because the game basically implied like okay we’ we’ve taught you everything we feel like

Teaching you you can you can figure the rest out yourself which is what I want to I I want to hear everything is fine I have no more concern person and so it sounds like that’s where we’re at I’ve got daylight I’ve Got Friends what more

Do you need in life I mean a lot more but we we we’ll ignore that for now so let’s build our first sword not a shovel but a sword I don’t know if this is actually going to save me much but with a lot of food maybe we’ll be fine yeah pumpkin or

Two too yeah look look at all the hunger we get from one of these so oh and also we we I said I’d craft a uh a grill uh you know sometimes you just want to grill sometimes that’s all you need in this world and let’s place one

Of those over here use the grill to make grilled meat yeah sure so quick deposit and it just automatically turns into what we want we can also make corn on the cop which is fun uh oh that’s really good corn on the cob is what you want

Eat to heal and reduce hunger yeah so this gives me plus eight food this gives me plus five food but then whatever that effect is like speed maybe so yeah pretty pretty pleased with that so now we got some grilled meat it is consumable let’s put it in my hot bar oh

Yeah look at that it’s going to be some some good good good emergency food I imagine let’s go for a journey and kill a shell monster or go look for some shells on the seashore I uh by the way uh Scoopy cat I I think the most fun thing uh by the way

Good to see you Scoopy cat hope you’re doing wonderfully it’s it’s good to see a lot of people here by the way a lot of regulars we got Pat we got L almost travel we got scoopski uh we got Hannah Joys uh we got a lot of people I’m

Recognizing all the time it’s it’s very fun uh glad to see you all joining me for some some Lego fortnite activity this is definitely the first game in a while that I’ve gone into oh what is that I want to kill it I mean catch it I’m I’m

Catch I said catch don’t worry about me I said catch everything’s fine oh there we go it’s one of the guys this is definitely going to drop shouts right I I have to not die oh okay not die is a is a challenge um so we have to eat we have

To eat we have to eat I’m going to use this H to my advantage here oh he’s judging me oh perfect perfect jump perfect jump so he seems to roll and in between rolls is going again oh okay real bad so yeah we can jump

Over oh yes we need to jump over so eat the grilled meat now see what that does for us oh we got an extra heart oh or half heart Le so stabby stabby stabby ouch not stabby stabby stabby very well yes and that is is that a shell a

Shell yeah so we just got to find three of those I lost whatever that cool thing was It’s s miss last stream I slept in you slept in to 8:00 p.m. I am concerned no I’m sure you’re in a different time zone I don’t know what

Time zone I guess maybe if you’re on the West Coast or in Australia maybe um oh okay I love caves oh it’s actually oh okay Gamers got me on board with this I don’t know what I’m going to find in here but I’m excited wood sounds good

Mushrooms I’m going to try and use my fist maybe yeah I mushrooms sound fun yeah this is exciting I I I I thought this game was basic but it’s given me a whole new dimension to care about and indeed oh what’s in the storage we got some snow berries I’ll

Take that stack some pumpkin seeds I can grow things Ah that’s nice so I’m also going to break this chest while I’m here I think I want a chest okay I’m going to die if I I’m going to die I’m not emotionally prepared to be in a cave right now they’re alone physically

See I think I should come back here when I’ve got more confidence more armor maybe yeah that was it’s a good idea I like it is that but maybe maybe just maybe give that a little bit of time come back later yeah that’s that’s a

Good idea I reckon cuz I I I don’t think I’m going to find the rly shell Boys in there anywhere I think I think they’re all out here by the Sea again that’s where that that’s where the seashells are famously Su so we’ll mine a rock in

The area and just hope the one comes up to me it’s like dating when you’re a Shai teenager you you you know it won’t work but you just hope it’s not will come up to you and it’ll solve all your issues um you just oh okay there we go actually

Never mind not at all like that cuz it doesn’t actually work okay so I mean because it actually works though but okay so the important thing is that you the Sheep just they’re cute I want to pet one let me pet you I I really again we

We we need to be friends here sheep it’s weird that I could pet them when I was punching them to death but I can’t pet them now that I’m not so a lessen in that somewhere but um yeah it’s good to see everyone uh Max Jax how are you doing uh elephant Lego

Studios um Alex Glazer oh it’s one of the rly boys but he’s going to kill me we have to eat quickly quickly quickly I’ve jumped just in time and then another one maybe Okay no Okay so that ruined my whole strategy eat another one of these eat

Another one of these and then du out there okay so I don’t understand this person’s attack pattern okay but I reckon a good few side swipes will do it for go yeah you want to go for this oh yeah a little par attack oh yeah that’s all of me so

That’s my second shell gotten just one more to go I see the house from earlier I think it might not be the same house it might be a different house um yeah I I I like this there’s a there’s a real progression element and knowing I I don’t know where I find

These people but just they’re out in the wild and I got to go get them it’s feeling good to me feels like breath of the wild fortnite Lego in Minecraft yeah it’s got that tiny Animal Crossing Vibe with the with the way you uh speak to your villagers too very very Charming so

Arrows sound good corn kernels I don’t know why the corn kernels wouldn’t stack yeah there’s no automatic stacking though so terrible game zero out of 10 would not recommend let’s punch this chest death back me do you think we can take the entire thing um I’m not sure but we got wood

From that I was hoping we’d get a chest but that’s not how that works and I’m just going to take this barrel with me all the way home I don’t know if I want the barrel or if I should want the barrel rather but I know that I’ve got

The barrel anyway in fact I bet it’s explosive so I bet I can kill this guy with it right yeah you want to go wolf how about you pick on saw on your own size saw on your own size is a barrel of explosives that oh okay well that did

Not okay it’s filled with spiders too that is the worst thing I’ve ever done no no no do not like get get me out of there but that was a good idea until it wasn’t it was that was a some point a good idea and now we’re just going to

Get out there I think we’re safe I think that’s a rolly boy too yeah look over there even that’s a a pack of flowers and I’m an idiot or there we go let’s do it yeah try and get me bet you can’t okay OU always got to remember

That’s how you die I will die if I am not careful oh let me out this let me out this oh no okay very bad is so please leave me alone just a second or two let me eat some raspberries and then we’ll fight okay now now it’s

Good o yeah just one more one more hit oh okay third seed or third shell means that we are now good to go that’s my base just up ahead which means that is the same house from earlier oh no it’s not I didn’t go this way oh look over

There whoa I want to go check that out the the world is enticing me the world is genuinely enticing me I I by the way this reminds me of Lego world says Lexi yeah I remember the reason I was skeptical of this the reason I didn’t

Jump aboard and say this is going to be the best thing ever it’s solely because Lego has tried this before and they did not succeed uh you know it’s not to say that you won’t always you know you if you I think the second attempt is more

Likely a success than the first but also a lot of people around me were like Yep this is the future this is what it’s going to be from now and you got to be like ah you know I I I’ll wait for that to happen you you can you can believe in

That if you want to but I’m not going to there’s a there’s a lot of that in the creative game also look we got a new friend hello Aura uh are you looking for an adventure I guess I could I’ll stay at your village tonight it was pretty

Rude that he just assigned himself here but that’s fine you can you can stay in my Village that’s fine you can live in my Village yeah very oh wait uh it’s too crowded right now improving the village level can make space okay let’s see if we can do that for you

We just need two planks which I can actually do quite quickly so two planks we’ll be on it right now and then you you’ll be good to go in the meantime bench upgrade oh I need to use the planks for this yeah let’s go for this first I really want a better crafting

Bench I don’t know what it’s going to look like oh that’s fun but now I need to spend a lot more wood which is fine I’m I’m willing to do that to make some friend upgrade time since elephant Lego studios it’s exciting yeah look at all my stuff

It’s slowly going up in the it’s slowly getting better better we’re going to take our corn cop and then Grill some more meat everyone loves to grill meat and then we take our lumber and we upgrade the village cuz we’ve got everything we need otherwise yeah we got

Granite we got planks and then we get a new villager slot and also we get a for me uh a reward what is it villagers will occasionally gift items so the game seems to be mostly about upgrade your village to the max although also wait there’s do you see how there’s uh it’s

Called Village one we can have multiple Villages doing the same like no man’s sky or like Starfield Des um that moment when I realized play mostly avoids abandoned M shaft you know cave spiders cave spiders are the worst thing in Minecraft in and in real life I

Imagine not glad I don’t have to no um I realize that she has both a hat and a cat she has both a hat and a cat is that a cat there’s no way that’s a cat oh that’s a that’s a weird oh look at that hair that does not look like

Hair that looks like something much worse than okay you know I don’t agree with it I don’t I don’t agree with your lifestyle decisions but this is a tolerant Village and so you’re welcome to live here anyway Aura um ultimately if I if I had okay you can see here

You’re great make yourself at home I think I should make like a covering for the rest of this Village so we have no need to do this but if we could just build some like roof or some walls or if we just build something here fence it

Might it might go a long way if we just build like a support there it’ll make the rest of this look like it’s indoors right like it’s the uh it’s the illusion of space if you’ve got some pillars you’re basically your already inside and then we’ll we’ll cut left to a floor and

Try and build it up there maybe foundations oh God I’m having a terrible time with this so we could build walls in our walls or stairs or railings or pillars or foundations yeah let’s build some foundations just put one of those right there no that’s not going to make

Any sense yeah this looks great we look like we’re inside from the pillars alone that was a good idea and now let’s all go to sleep friends we feeling good we we want to skip the night or no okay that’s fine that’s that’s that’s great

That’s I I didn’t need it anyway so yeah now we have the ability to make a better axe this is common this is uncommon it requires bones and rods I have bones uh but I can probably get more if I want to and we can get rods by putting wood in

Here so we’ll do that and while that deposits we’ll get some more wood punch this tree that has appeared out of nowhere yeah the trees are growing very fast in this but I guess it’s for convenience reasons so I won’t be mad of it or anything then we’ll make some more rods

Quick deposit quick deposit and then we can make a better axe which we can use to chop more trees to get more stuff do more things and then eventually once we get oh God we need so much for the next tier sand claws sand shells what’s the

Sand Shell is that just a a roller but from somewhere else you may not rest now there Adventures nearby yeah it’s totally true I um I W was make a farm oh yeah yeah you’re right I have the uh I have the seeds let’s see if we can so I’m going to oh

God I don’t know how the controls work yet I’ll welcome out and we we got corn kernels right do we just put them in the ground wait that didn’t work I wonder why that didn’t work so I’m going to Quick oh you can’t you can’t just place them in your hot

Bar they have to specific yeah they can’t go in the quick bar so instead we have to do something first yeah presumably there’s a way to make a farming tool later that we don’t have yet is it in here somewhere builds no stations Stone breaker yeah I’m assuming at some point

We’ll get that or maybe in here glass we oil and pan white cut there’s a lot of weird things we can make but for now we can not make our seeds into anything hello toy cat hello toy chat what hor Horrors have I stumbled across we’re playing um Minecraft had a new

Update and uh it’s looking pretty different but you know bold of them to try something so new so we’re we’re all giv it a try it’s done great so ouch sorry didn’t mean to hurt you meowy pills you don’t deserve that and I don’t mean to imply that

You so um 1.21 nice yeah yeah people were saying they wanted to change and so uh so so good news David is they committed to making one um also kidnapping kidnapping is okay in Minecraft fun fun new uh fun new chat command there shant okay so let’s

Now go into the crafting bench and make a better Forest ax oh yeah this will be good I hope I mean it better be but for all the extra resources it costs so the axe has more durabil it doesn’t really destroy trees fast it might get more resources though I’m not

Sure but we’ll use it a few times get all the wood we need all the planks we need and uh cuz I I I think we should just have like a ready order of like rods and on the go maybe or maybe we should just have a bunch of stone wood

Ready to do it cuz we don’t need those things right now what we need right now specifically is a stone breaker which requires not root and marble okay maybe I don’t need one of those um I could make a new Village somewhere else in the world or I could make more

Beds or I could make some Cutlery if I just get the right ingredients so yeah there’s a lot going on right now but I want an upgrade to my crafting table and so oh actually let’s grab my meat I’m going to specifically eat my pumpkin first just to get it out of my

Inventory and now the next time I’m in a scary combat situation I’ve got good food ready to go for me so put that on my quick bar and let’s do this also Snow berries we we’re slowly starting to pick some stuff up so I am just going to go

Do some harvesting of some resources and if I find a sand roller we’re in for a good time I’m specifically looking for the things of the loot uh there’s a lot of fit that I need so I think I could probably just go explore naturally and

See where that in fact actually I’ve got a new friend uh as Z or Bora why don’t I just invite her for a journey see where that takes us you know I um no way this is fortnite yeah I think fortnite’s trying to like fill itself as like more of an

Engine than a game like uh it makes sense when you think about it every big company you have a big success and you realize yeah you can make money from your thing but wouldn’t you rather make money by other people doing a thing and you just taking it’s uh it’s the classic

Business model every every big company goes for off for certain point um I’m guessing it’s I’m guessing you can make your own game modes in fortnite but maybe there’s a little bit of a cuton bol if you do so also unreal uh started as a game yeah epic owns unreal right the

Engine behind it all um so I’m I’m maybe maybe you just play unreal but from a more Basics also what should we do next improv tools skeletons are spooky but we’ll get a tool that will help us defend ourselves what about uh building more improved base if we get some if we

Want to attract someone like meal we need Furniture the cat loves to sit okay that’s fine I can build Furniture basic stool round sto let’s make one okay right there let’s let’s go for it actually let’s let’s first build I think it’s finally time for me to build

Another one of these big prefab buildings so finding it so hard to look around here um let’s just build a giant Shack first of all this is a logical thing for me to have just kind of you know frame the base together bring it all bring it all in build it right over

Here yeah that’s that seems logical right there and now oh there I forgot there’s so many steps involved so we build there uh yes we do there and there and then we build a shack door over here this is very very normal very easy build some Shack

Pillars how do you feel about these like pre-made lines that tell me what to do chat do you think this is like handy cuz I’m going to make something nice or do you feel like it’s taking away some creativity although actually to be fair is it going to stop me from building it

In the wrong place if it’s not going to I don’t hate it so let’s build one over here now just to see what it does if I want to build one there it will stop me okay so yeah you it’s just place the things in the places so

You feel like you’re involved although actually know I built that slightly off it looks like here maybe although no we just have to put some corners on so one of those goes there one goes here next phase sha Corner oh we’re doing the same thing again so we’ll put the corners in

First this time yeah you can’t put it anywhere else it has to be perfect okay I got it and then here goes the W here goes goes the other W next phase let’s build a Gable oo I mean I guess it makes me feel a bit more

Involved also why does it have to be a g very very rud it to assume that is the type of ball I want maybe I want a straight ball maybe I don’t want any type of door so I don’t know where these are going to go so we’ll build the roof

First I guess roof and then roof and then roof and then roof yep we’re good complete except minus these where where are these going on the sides okay over here we need one oh we’re finally finishing that roof okay so not enough resources I this this whole process was

So intensive I ran out of wood so lesson learned you can build your own walls while not on the preab thing yeah I I guess that’s what it is is like you you can make your own designs or you can builds I guess I’ll I’ll try making my

Own building this one like from scratch maybe see how it goes and this is maybe to teach me how like even these complicated looking things actually just some basic maybe that’s a good thing if I say it that way yeah I think uh I’m willing to admit that maybe that has some

Benefit there to teach me everyone needs to learn oh not me not not in this particular case um yeah I um it’s like building a Lego set L this is uh he lump 16 yeah it really is right it’s like look here are the pieces now you’re going we’re going

To teach you how to build it so that one day you come in here and you you’ll build it the way you’re meant to and you’ll know why you’re building it the way you’re meant to okay there we go finish off The Gables stage six of eight

Two more stages to go Shack Ridge I don’t know where we’re going to put these somewhere up there it looks like I need a staircase just to get up this thing so let’s quickly get away from this and then build a stair case just so we can have a lookout right a log

Lookout that seems logical to me we’ll build one up there oh you have to build this thing from scratch too okay so that’s fine that’s I can do from some scratch stage one of fre complete rustic stairs stage two fre complete plank railings sure did I run out of wood

Again oh this is just made from planks that’s why okay I don’t need to finish this I can finish this instead so no we can’t we we ran out of wood because I was building a staircase so I can finish my build big regrets many regrets um do you think long comments

Are more efficient in caveman type speak Booga Booga me think that make long comment be more efficient with time um no I’m not sure what you mean by that comment uh Hannah Joy um okay so next we’re going to build a shack Bridge seems easy here and here

And we build a tiny little Shack Ridge Corner doesn’t seem necessary but we’ll go for it and then there’s just one more stage the remaining Shack Bridge oh okay that’s fine we can do that we did it we have a porch Shack so yeah we built that using a

Design but we don’t actually have to is how it sounds which is fun enough oh yeah and these we can also build without having to do that so yeah this is just a space that is now partially inside and once we get some more wood we can build like a

Place for our cat to sit etc etc which is nice in the meantime we’re going to chop down some trees and maybe find some sand dudes oh swimming is a thing a little bit dangerous but it’s a thing and then I think we’ll go on an

Adventure I’ve got a sword I should make a better sword but I’ve got a sword of some form you know a sword of some nature and so let’s go out into the world it reminds me of those 5 minute recipes that take 4 hours so many times

You’re just like okay how do I make this thing and they’re like well you see first you must understand that my grandma used to make this recipe for me all the time the second thing you’ve got to understand is the first step in this recipe is to marinate your ingredients

Overnight last night have you not done that ah recipe screwed then it’s like ah I just I was just trying to make the thing I wasn’t trying to feel bad that I didn’t start doing this you know fre week to go um but yeah I hope that’s the way to throw

Treesy you know if you think about it that uh the the real way to grow trees is to destroy trees near where you going also yeah that’s a big Cove over there I think that’s where I I’m going to want to be I’ll chop down some trees on the

Way Alo is that oh God okay spiders I don’t think I want the silk but I don’t not want the silk so we’ll go for it I think it said something about wanting something from a so I’m going to kill him while he’s busy on oh while he’s busy killing a chicken anyway

I’ll mess him up teach him teach him a valuable lesson about and then get some wolf claws I think I needed specific wolf claws but oh look there’s a there’s a floating orb oh that’s fun can I climb it oh it’s a bull okay let’s make it let’s make it

Destroy that thing over there come on come on Boulder I’m ruing For You Boulder you’ve got to do it well that was that was very anticlimactic oh it actually does destroy the house oh and it makes spiders come out so maybe maybe regretting having that that that thought

Process yeah I think I want to go explore the world for a bit now I am going to work on the village as we go through each time but it’s it’s definitely worth me coming through and just being like yep I I I will find better things out in the wild so let’s

Just take them let’s just just let’s just get the things that the wild is offering me oh and there’s a chest hidden up there very forite ask how do I get up there to see it I guess I’m going to have to do one of these like wool

Climbs there we go in we get and chest is mine so I feel like I work for this chest it better have good things is are pumpkin seeds good I mean pumpkins aren’t good the pumpkin seeds maybe so yeah we um Al what is that little inet

Thing at the top do I need inet for this game it seems to think I don’t have any um what’s on the mode so far yeah I’m enjoying my time have we oh we’ve been playing for an hour yeah this has been a good time I am I am enjoying what I am

Doing uh have to say the rest of the rest is uh also mac and cheese I assume you’ve made your own homemade pasta and made your own cheese don’t we all assume that all the time um fortnite Lego looks better than Minecraft Lego mods now I’ve never seen a Minecraft Lego mod that

Sounds terrible I can tell you without having played one but that’s bad also yeah this was uh this guy was dangerous when I did have right Stu now that I don’t it might be a lot worse we’ll eat raspberry eat some raw meat raw meat is

Good for you it’s a widely known fact and then maybe punch this guy do you think we can crush him with this actually ouch no no we cannot so eat some raspberries I guess I could punch him with the axe is that going work for me uh not really okay go for some

Punching yeah this is a guy that needs some sword sword action to kill let’s let’s come back once we’ve got one of those do you think we can crush him with the the boulder actually yeah let’s let’s let’s see if s come towards me friend yeah you can’t so

There is there is some oh no he can destroy the bould of though which is Handy thank you appreciate that so he’s stronger than a boulder which is a scary truth and also I am weak without a sword I thought I could just about live but I

Cannot I am worthless with no swords so let’s go back home let’s admit our weakness and let’s try it um I uh I’m I’m glad glad you’re enjoying this thank you you’re going to starve you know thank you for uh having out for my help

That is a true true true bit if you aren’t careful you can starve real world and Lego fortnite if you’ll believe it so we got a new friend here by the way casy um would you like to come adventuring with me you can stop at my

Village or you like but it’s Aura who I’m going to invite out with me so hello Aura um let’s talk jobs let’s explore so now he’s she’s going to follow me around huh and uh how else should we prepare what about food so we got a grill we can

Oh we can make okay we make a farm using a shovel exciting so while it’s night time anyway let’s do that we’ve got a shovel we don’t have a shovel we need to you need to go make a shovel I guess so quick deposit I’m just going to make too

Many plants get that done over with and then while we make that we’re going to get some furniture because the cat said she wanted Furniture right so meowsicles how are things going uh how’s your job I okay you said it would take one day it’s been several days meow um help the

Village uh resource jobs yeah go refine some Stone no go something else resource jobs okay refine some Stone cut some Stones sure just make sure I have a stone breaker okay you don’t have a stone breaker you’re going to be worthless to me you know actually go go

Refine some wood then no okay um let’s talk jobs stop working help the village resource jobs collect nearby resources that that seems is more valuable for me so just make sure they have crafting bench and she’ll be good go for it have fun in the meantime I’ve got some lumber

Six of it and I’m going to quickly switch out to the new recipe get my one wooden rod made and we’ll just go back making planks we’re going to want a lot of planks so we might as well have a ton of them s so switch to Plank and then

Just we’ll go crazy on the plank making honestly um there’s there’s no good we’re going to need planks at some point so let’s just have 30 sitting in the in there going getting getting made then we’ll make a shovel we need fre wooden rods damn it I I missed I worked it out

Wrong so let’s switch back make two more of them and then we’ll be good in the meantime actually let’s see what we need for a better sword oh there’s no better sword um there’s just a short sword I can make a shield though that’s fun um they’re all expensive besides this I

Don’t know how I’d get a cord anywhere so we’ll just make another short sword so let’s commit to the we’ll get five more of those sorry sorry to keep on messing you around s meal and in the meantime we’ll go do some shoveling every day I am it is true

So the shovel is going to be exciting because I’ll be able to make good food to go and my grill so how does a shovel work you dig the ground and then now I’ve got soil what do I do with soil got lots of questions not a lot of

Answers so more actions drop plant in a garden to grow pumpkins so I definitely did that wrong maybe I’ve got to make a garden now okay clutter don’t want clutter foundations no one foundations all roofs build Garden a garden plot so we need soil and fertilizer so we can just dig

The soil what about fertilizer how would we make fertilizer usually it’s like a composter or something I don’t assume we’re going to find one of those so instead um there’s my let’s finally put all the lumber in there that I was waiting for for forever 25 of it all the

Planks we’ll need for a while now we make the better pickaxe if we want one I just need not not root rods but I don’t have those so let’s make the short sword that that was a god s and now let’s find fertilizer I okay so yeah guessing on

The fertilizer front um it’s so dark can we go to sleep for friends as all just get some sleep in get some rest feel a little better in the morning maybe okay no no no one wants to do that so ferti oh there’s a there’s a there’s a skeleton over there let’s

Bring him towards the village shall we oh he’s got a pickaxe too exactly what I want and now that’s my pickaxe oh that’s exciting so yeah I actually got to pick that up from him which is good very good even also look free meat so um yeah I think I

Need to play probably Place some more torches around the place cuz there are mobs spawning everywhere which isn’t good I could ask about that but it’s probably fine you know may maybe it’s a good thing we’ve got all these skeletons it’s like a source of bone me so now we’ll keep on

Shoveling just go digging Maybe you’ll find fertilizer if you dig for soil in certain places like if I dig right here I find fertilizer below the raspberry cuz it’s been no that’s not how that works um I am picking up a lot of pickaxes though in fact too many

Pickaxes inventory full wow that’s a good sign and a bad sign at the same time so we’ll merge this stack oh merging items what what do we just wait what how do we merge so many things together oh merging merges everything in your inventory so now we got the space

For the second pickaxe which means I can go mining all I like however um you may need animal droppings for fertilizer oh that’s fun should we go find some animals kill them till we get their droppings that’s what that’s what droppings means right like the things they

Drop um yeah I could go I could go use these pickaxes now but I think I’m ready just going on an adventure I’ve got my friend AA be mindful of yeah let’s have a chat well may be huge but we’re going to make a difference anyway let’s go

Find just some stuff honestly I don’t know what what stuff means at this point but there was a cave earlier let’s see and you see up there there’s like a glow let’s see what it is I’m curious um this is the most fun I’ve had with fortnite in like three years says

PP yeah same here I’m I’m loving this so far I’m having a real good time it’s actually making me ask these questions of like okay what do I do next then what am I doing after that and what up you know like uh it’s it’s making me ask

It’s it’s making me have a good time which is good in my opinion I’m going to mine this while I’m here just cuz I can’t pickaxes any right oh maybe I should save the pickaxe oh okay kill the so we’re going to go into the cave from before just cuz I think we’re

Nearby it and maybe we come out of the cave a stronger better person or maybe we just pickaxe actually do you think they’re going to finish up for me no they’re not they they don’t want to finish they’ll help if I’m Midway through it but they won’t finish if I start very

Disappointing um so oh what is that oh it’s a it’s a wolf so there are lots of enemies and our friend doesn’t have a health bar so we should let her handle the majority of the we can get involved when we need to speed things up a bit

Bubble wise yeah we’re good we’re picking up bones picking up wolf claws all the goodies it’s very dark though I think I think honestly it’s going to be lighter inside a cave cuz it was at least in the cave we didn’t need oh continual torch okay I’m going to need

My I’m going to get my friend over here to go deal with that um okay come this is this is your job Aura this is your job please please doal with them you can destroy trees oh no okay I’m just going to go in get that wood looks pretty

Useful yeah there we go okay she has got this covered and in the meantime okay I think she might be dead did she die um well she’s not around anymore right chat did I kill my friend I thought she was invincible I was barely sure that’s what was happening

But I might have misread the situation uh maybe she’s just in the villain maybe she just went home um The Hope is that I survive that though oh no I’m dead oh okay oh yeah that was scary I don’t so again my friend is here that’s good if

She’s not I think I just killed a person but the good news there’s space for you to live in my village now yeah but your vill doesn’t meet my needs it’s too crowded okay so who’s currently taking your B oh here she is okay hey so yeah

You’re going to keep following me please let’s pretend that didn’t happen let’s go get my stuff it’ll be on the map I assume uh yeah there it is and so that then we’ll go to the cave as well that was terrifying oh my stuff even has a

Beacon for it yeah that’s that’s a nice feature I like that cannot Sprint low energy so is that a sand goo let’s let’s let’s see if we can get him kill find out that way so I’ll punch him once or something there we go yeah you can

Finish off now or see if we get those sand seeds was that a sand no that was just a shell I think it’s specifically a Sand Shell that I want she will respawn I think it would be more a little bit more metal if the game was just like no she

Is dead that is on your conscience cuz now now there’s no consequences I she should always be my me meat Shield she has life oh by the way um to make today more f it is streamless after all I I i’ I decided I’ve got these bubles for my Christmas

Tree uh you familiar with these these these I I I heard recently that bubles might be a British thing I’m not sure if I understood that correctly but you hang them on your Christmas tree but I got these ones right that are they’re filled with like a liquid and I was curious oh

I’m going to die again there is a monster spawn camping myself we have them in the US is it just the spelling that I’m misunderstanding then someone said that it was uh there’s something about them that someone said was British recently bubbles are called ornaments generally oh so it’s the it’s

The term you have them but you don’t have a word for them that’s fun anyway the okay we just got to get up there I hopefully grab all my stuff pretend that death did not happen remember it did not we did not see it there was and all my stuff is in here

Um do I break it how do I what what do what do I do hands uh inventory maybe nope um oh there it is open your backpack so you have to just do it from a certain distance yeah but now it’s also horrifically unarranged so we put that in my off hand

I going to do a quick combining of the stacks oh no this is just okay I’ve got so much stuff that I cannot combine the saacks so now we put the sword down to the quick bar and we’ll just we’ll eat some food and that should be enough I

Think but yeah good good stuff all things considered we do they’re just ornaments so yeah what I’m going to do is I’ve got this this lovely oh I’ve got this lovely B I’m going to hang out these I’m just going to hang out somewhere safe for a second maybe maybe climb this

Rock uh Christmas BS no joke that’s what they’re called here you call them Christmas balls that’s funny you know who wants to I’m I’m going to try my Christmas balls for the first time who wants to imagine what my Christmas BS um I certainly do so what I’m going

To do here one sec I’m going to just open a I got a can of Coke here right and my plan is to just in case they are they are strong uh magic balls filled of liquid I’m going to open this up oh I can’t maybe you can’t get the Liquid out

It looked like it was a yeah never mind I don’t think I can oh there we go there we go okay so this magic oh I’m going to pour my magic sefre liquid into my Coke glass and have a magic green drink oh look it’s literally

Green screen you can see through my face and into the game that’s fun oh interesting tasty very tasty um so yeah I think um Bubble just learn a new word today neat it’s a very specific word that will only help you sometimes of year but you better believe that if a word isn’t

Specific uh a niche it’s not even worth learning so that monster is hanging around outside the cave you know actually I’m just going to go a different direction I want to find some new stuff in my world and I’m going to go on an adventure till I find it I think

Getting a better sword is going to take me a while if I go the crafting route so let’s just hope that we find something magical around the world it’s not that oh okay speaking of the world we found some adventurers oh they’re not friendly though okay let’s go in there from the

Back oh they are strong but they’re going to die I feel a little bad I think these are people that I’m currently fighting oh did my did my companion die just quickly eat the corn on the cop one no’s looking there we go I’ve now got 1 minute 58

Something looks like a Zelda style effect and I’m going to get you crossbow over there friend yeah my crossbow now so I can’t pick it up yet and I also can’t pick that up but I’m excited in fact let’s um oh no what am I doing I

Keep pressing the start button which is apparently fortnite related um I’m now going to move some pumpkin seed I yeah I don’t want any pumpkin seeds let’s just move those into here and then let’s actually pick up things we want corn kernels sounds good oh we’re going to die something is

Attacking me oh no it’s my friend we’re fine little little freaked out over nothing there then we can just oh look at that okay I’m I’m going I’m going to get it where is it taking me I want to know so bad but I I have to pick this up

I don’t know what it is but I know I I know I want it so I’ll drop the I’ll drop some stuff on the ground maybe I’ll put some stuff in the chest so for now wheat grains do I need no actually I’ll take the so we’ll take that oh I can’t

Take it I have to merge and once we’ve merged the items but I wanton I want this in there yeah it’s a it’s I think this is a bad system that you have to do it manually that way but it’s fine I won’t judge it too hard

Just now I’m judging it a little hard and then the shell the wheat grain and the planks yeah we we kind of need this all honestly I will eat more items just as I need them like let’s get rid of this corn on the cob I guess

Let’s next eat up some snow berries increase heat resistance okay I don’t want that now yeah we just want to really make no I I don’t want to okay what did I just pick blast powder as well as a short sword time two that sounds good do you think I can combine

Short swords you must be able to combine short swords together right no you cannot that you cannot do that at all did I pick up the crossbow or is the crossbow just gone forever then I want the crossbow yeah recurve crossbow so I just have to make one more inventory

Space very easy to do this is this is a nightmare inventory management the game but it’s even more important now we can pick up the recurve crossbow and now we’ve got the recurve crossbow I just have to uh oh yeah so I now I now I can shoot

Stuff I don’t know from how far but I think that for example would be perfect okay let’s well it’s looking just shoot an arrow come on I can do this okay so it’s not meant to be shot it’s meant to be chased endlessly which

I guess I can do I I wish it was honest about that with me also um he’s I’m not convinced he was meant to drink that um you can drink anything that you want to if you just believe in yourself you can do it if you don’t believe in

Yourself you can’t drink anything also look we’ve had a friend do you want to come to my Village I’m a crafty one nice to meet you would you like to okay no but she’s just she’s just in the world always tinkering uh my Village is looking join

My Village uh yep join the closest Village okay it’s a little crowded okay fine instead let’s just have a chat watch out for the spiders so this is fun your world is randomly generated but also there are presumably set biomes if they’re referencing you know this one or that

One which is nice so yeah we’re going on an adventure and my adventure right now is follow the clo butterfly uh oh and it’s taking me to a loot okay this better be good loot what do we found all all of nothing honestly soil and I can’t even take it because

The like I have to manually move the stacks together cu the game doesn’t want to automatically combine stuff logically so we put the wheat grain in there that is the most anticlimactic chest I’ve ever seen do you know how long I followed you for I I I all across the

World and that’s what I get there’s a I bet this random chest in this random building has more it does look at that it has a a drinks machine milk raspberry arrows um the arrows actually are pretty good the arrows are very good I’ll say that’s enough me to start experimenting

With shooting uh wolves let’s go for it okay yeah very easy finish sword get My Little Wolf bones now let’s do this so I’m going to go climb this mountain now not because I think there’s anything at the top but just because I need to know

If there is anything at the top if there was something at the top of that and I didn’t find it I’d be disappointed so cat you have two game audio capture devices says JY let me see if you’re right about that oh I think you are right about that I

Think one of them is uh presumably wait actually see if that’s right yeah is is how how did you spot that is it like is one of them like very slightly delayed over the other um or are you just hearing it through my microphone as well as through the

Thing yeah I wonder what the also so it’s like a buzz B’s Hanah Joys you know that’s a good way to put it probably it’s like a Christmas buzzb um little bit little bit less trashy just to clarify I love Buzz BS but they are you know that’s that I love

Them for a reason game audio is slightly I bet it is my microphone though right uh I don’t know how to prove that but it could be that the two audios are playing next to each other also this is a fort oh if I find this place at night

Then I’ll officially found the title of the game right and then we can call it quits and round it all up so yeah I think I want this cord I needed a cord for some reason earlier so I just have to decide what is worth less the pickaxe

Yeah for sure throw that in there and yeah so we we just had to climb a whole Mountain but I found a CT and if I can just make it down there without dying I can make it back to base yeah I really want to go to those sand Junes I want to

Know what’s over there it’s got to be something good the view from up here is great I can see a lot uh is there anything that looks so compelling or is it just random ruins yeah it’s very very fortnite Vibe is that my base over there oh it is so

Let’s walk down oh maybe that’s not my base actually let’s slide down rather and see what we get combine the free stone with the large stacking inventory to get more space let’s see if that’s right so free Stone oh I don’t think you can I think

30 is the max stack oh that’s annoying if so so yeah it’s an encouragement not to just hoard resources maybe very interesting so this is the village I went to earlier and I got attacked by a by a spindly dude from and this is a random container what

Happens if I try and mine it nothing wonder what’s inside must be good and keeping it a secret so yeah we’re picking up all the good ingredients that I’m sure we’ll need later but right now they’re just they’re just ingredients this is the most fortnite I’ve have ever seen says

We clan torret what do you think about it uh we clan like I I really am enjoying what I’m seeing here but I’m also curious like what why when how basically got lots of questions about it I scheduled my colonoscopy today what fun I’m curious what you you

Know I there’s a lot of those like adult tasks where you’re like yep you just got to do it everyone’s embarrassed but you got to do it I’m like you know is there a reason everyone’s embarrassed is it terrible or is it a fun day out is it go

Into a place where someone gives you time and attention they just specifically have some uh have some things they need from you I don’t know also I think yeah it’s the shield I can now craft a shield if I want to exciting although it will go on the ground I

Think yeah I I didn’t actually The Shield has gone somewhere I don’t know so now we’re going to make a chest CU I have too much stuff and I don’t want to throw it on the ground so surfaces chairs yeah actually let’s let’s let’s build some furniture indoors I’ve got a

Lot of spare stuff um let’s let’s let’s use it for something so this is a traditional a wide counter yeah let’s let’s build a wide counter in this corner here rotate it around so it’s kind of got like a a nice corner to hang out in

And then we’ll build some chairs too a single chair yeah just a a little modern chair to sit at this from um oh God I I have such a hard time working out the controls on this okay so it’s right trigger we’ll make a bench actually benches I’ve been

Watching modern design YouTube channels like homes it’s always a bench the solution to any small space is just build a bench so now we can sit or we can stand on it at least and then we’re going to build a chest a chest is found in chests and we need planks for that

Good news is I’ve got plenty of planks I just have to take them and then I have to place the chest in the corner here perfect and now in the chest can go all this stuff that I want later like deposit that stack and the mushrooms and the

Wheat you know these things sound real useful future me will love that they exist but current me is questioning why they need to Wolf Claws and feathers and oh it stores 10 items this is a bad bad chest so now we’re also going to make the lumber mill not the lumber mill the

Stone breaker so I need 20 not rout and 35 marbl Lord if I know where I’m going to get that so presumably I can find marble if I just do some stuff somewhere so that is what I will do I’m going on an adventure and I’m going to find some

Marble it’s going to be fun I uh hi to come viewers oh we got a uh it’s uh it’s good to see you it’s rates are a rare thing on YouTube gaming but I hope that you’re all having a wonderful time you know you’re going to have a terrible time though compared

To to where you’ve been the the very nature of Internet streaming is kind of like personal it’s hard to be like yeah just just go to that stream there and just just go watch it it’s basically like me I feel like you add a language barrier in there we’re on a whole

Another level but you know I’m going to believe in my best I’ll put on my best Brazilian face um I like KFC and also the Amazon rainforest there we go those are the two you know famously KFC from Brazil very widely known fact um yep nailed it na nailed Charming my

New stream viewers doing a wonderful job and all I have to do now is get to the sand dunes which we can probably slide down there right yep everything is wonderful oh look he’s got they’re Pirates oh that’s fun okay so I’ve got a lot of enemies

Following me I’ve got to wait till my my girl gets down here she can probably help maybe using a better weapon than the pickaxe but need to do it that way I guess gu you can do it that way oh don’t kill me okay I need to eat this grilled

Meat I need to eat it now go okay so that’s good going to get another grilled meat cuz I think it gives me more heal and I’m going just get a recur bone from the top yeah and then we have to go into the inventory grab my second recurve crossbow that I just

Got and then we can shoot him some more or more realistically get I think we could probably get the enemies to fight each other if we play off call that’s not my main plan right now my main plan is just to get out there call it a day and probably find one of

Those sand oh slap berries that sounds fun I just want to find a sand roller that’s one of my tasks I need to go to the sandunes you’re making my life very challenging to me right now oh just just eat one of these and we’re good oh my

Friend she’s back so yeah this is a Shore biome according to the game it tells you on the top right every time you went to somewhere oh and that is my life almost gone so yeah the enemies you find here are scary I don’t know if they’re scaled

Per biome or if they’re just scaled by how far from home you are but it feels scary going to just eat some grilled meat while I’m here it’s a good time to be eating oh there’s a pirate a pirate skeleton I’m not sure how those things stack together there’s

Some uh snowberries which I would love to eat and so I shall as well as some pepper berries I think I see or pepper seeds so I’ll leave the slack berries I just kind of want to know what the slap Berry is so we’ll we’ll grab those we’ll

Grab the snowberries too and we’ll see how these go for me the slap Berry does something for me and the cobwebs or the silk is also going to be handy at some point I assume maybe if I can just organize my inventory merge it all

Together we we are all good I’ve been to Brazil once actually in 2012 what could possibly lead you to Brazil also all of Brazil is Charmed are the Pirates Undead are the Pirates Undead or are the undead Pirates you know it’s impossible to know which one comes first like you

Can’t really assume like if someone’s a uh if someone’s a a gay bowling plumber are they a bowler who plums and you know has a preference for same seex attraction are they someone who is same attracted and that leads them into bowling and then Plumbing you know it’s

The same thing with pirates you just you just don’t know and it’s rude to assume I um oh what we got here we got a big geyser oh it’s a dry Valley but not me oh am I going to die from the full damage no you okay so there’s no fall

Damage there’s just fun flies if we want to do it which is cool it’s really cool so we can be safe up here if we want to but I want to explore this biome today I want to see what we find and I want to find it

Good so I’m going to shoot that thing on the wall oh no that’s that’s gold right oh that is gold how do I get to it I’m going to need some stairs so I’ll chop down this tree need the wood anyway maybe you could help maybe you

Could burn a lesson or two here or up just saying you know use your social awareness if I’m shopping down a tree and you’ve got an axe maybe you should be standing making Jolly maybe maybe you could could uh contribute a little bit um but yeah I um my uh father wants

To travel some interesting and had the money to do it yeah Brazil is definitely very far away from the Runa of interesting I feel like there are lots of places that are interesting between Russia and Brazil but I I won’t discredit the idea so yeah what are we

Going to find in there okay you let’s shoot this guy from a distance just to see what he does right I I think he would kill me if I got too close if I just shoot from over here I can do five damage reload the crossbow and oh okay

Okay yeah I forgot they can kill you from a distance that is one of the things they are quite good at doing so instead we’re going to climb up this water pool or this mountain and we’re going to see what we find in this F I want sand rollers

Mostly I’m not that fuss about big guys who may or may not end my life also there is full damage just not not from a geyser apparently very interesting so yeah the good news is I think I got away from him there’s some scary noises but I think they’re

Unrelated and so now I can find more chests oh wow that chest is angry oh but it has a shield in there so the shield is a good offhand item I bet uh take the sand claws yeah sure take the blast powder oh okay okay I don’t

Know what’s happening here friends I I don’t know what what you think I’ve done to you but I like it to be known that I am not involved with this oh yeah you whatever you have going on you’re going to have to deal with that by yourself oh

There’s some cool things in there though okay No sad so yeah this is a a very intriguing game I have lots and lots of questions and also here’s the Okay so um here’s the fun thing right look at how far I’ve explored I went all the way down to there to Die the map goes so far past it

You can zoom in but there’s so much world to explore I kind of want to know what happens if we just like start swimming that way but first we’ve got an important Journey which is I’m going to get my cat to come along with me that’s

Right meow you are coming with me here friend let’s talk jobs you’re going to stop working and and let’s talk jobs help the V okay you’re just going to help the village help the village connect nearby resources that’s fine do your best so yeah I want to find another

Explorer but apparently you only get one also she has a broken crossbow I’m here to chat I found a house full of trash cans it was like a piece of Modern Art okay that’s not very useful yeah I’ve got to get back to my dead stuff and then I want to keep on

The map is infinite says Walter White is the map really infinite oh intriguing if so absolutely fascinated if so so the problem with Theory being as far in as it looks like it is I’m guessing it has like an end point and my question is what is there

To keep you playing once you get to the highest level stuff I assume there’s like you know there’s some really really good stuff that you’re going to want to get like maybe there you got to kill the rarest boss in the game to get the very toppest level but there is eventually a

Point where the progression stops right so what do you do at that point is one of my big questions yeah this is a big world look how far it goes in every direction there’s so much of it um I’m going to go for a swim through the ocean

To get my stuff back oh no I don’t have to do that I have to go down this area I’ve learned my my lesson about going to the beach it’s scary there it’s very scary by the beach can you trust the words for meth cook though yeah you know actually that’s a

Good point can you trust the word of any meth cook the answer should be no do you think you can make a boat I’d be surprised if there wasn’t a boat somewhere in the game CLS or in the crafting tree cuz there is a lot of water but maybe it’s

Like you find a boat it could also be true right where did I die and why was it all the way over there I remember entering the biome to the right there so it’s odd that I ended up all the way there but we’ll work with it I think I

Would trust a meth cut I mean you can trust them on the on the questions of like am I cooking my meth correctly um perfectly valid but when it comes to more serious questions maybe maybe not the best place to start bet you still need wind shovel to craft a boat

Here you’re making the Bold statement that Lego fortnite is more Bedrock than Java huh that is a very bold statement indeed yeah I my experience so far is definitely a Wonder I am I am finding so much more in this than I ever thought I would uh and that is saying something

Also I think I’m hoping the guys will be gone from my stuff cuz if not I’m very screwed I’m hoping they’re nighttime people and now that it is daytime they will not be coming back it’s a bold hope but it’s all we can do at this point

Also let’s take that Shield my night Shield let’s put it in the off hand so now I can block I am hot thank you you too you too G appreciate appreciate the nice message so now I’m going to get my snowberries out um oh okay not again not again not

So quickly going to eat some meat maybe uh do I have anything better than meat no stop it stop it I’m busy please fight my assistant instead so I’m going to climb up this where I can’t be hurt presumably I’m going to go into the inventory get my raspberries out and

Then we’ll just eat these when we need them alongside a snowberry here and there so yeah surviving in this biome at all is going to require food but I have food so I’m just willing to go on a bit of a journey and see if we find anything

That’s actually worthwhile so far I’m just finding abstract ingredients for the exploration part of this game to work I need to find things ooh spicy pepper that’s fun um I like that every biome seems to have unique stuff it doesn’t seem to be a lot of it but it’s enough to make me

Excited and I also like that there seems to be this like gold ore that we might actually be able to take advantage oh can we get up there no we can’t but I want to I want to see if I can mine some of that with my terrible

Pickaxe um I think they’re going to keep updating it it’s one of the main things keeping people playing Minecraft as well I think the Minecraft people don’t think that that is true that’s the interesting thing about Minecraft right is they I think they think about every update as being oh here’s this weird

Bonus I guess even though a lot of people buy the game after each update it’s uh it’s a weird attitude to have but I I kind of realized that it might have oh oh sand rollers we need these guys okay come on you can you can do this for me

Friend okay so my my my MPC helper is going to have to do this for me I can’t do very much oh she’s dead okay that’s bad that is a bad sign when she dies that quickly so these are the guys I have to kill but they are not

Easy to kill and I do not have a decent weapon to find one going for Sky check oh I do have a short sword quickly equip it out and now see what we can do of our short sword maybe once our friend recovers in fact there’s two of them I

Could barely kill one of the other ones and these ones have more health so just keep moving fast let’s see what’s in the biome past the hot biome seems like a good idea to me we’ve got the heat resistance I’ve got the drive and soon I’ll have my friend back

There she is let’s go for this there is a big old wolf just going to going to choose to ignore him you know they’re more scared of you than you are of them I’ve heard that often about Prairie wolves that actually might be correct advice you mean a Bedrock teams actually don’t

Micu I mean uh you know clearly someone who is in charge of making things like just decided that like yeah there is more risk in more updates than less also M non toy cat is content um I think you only need about two more Sand roller CL for the bench

Upgrade since you got four from a chest oh were those are no the Sand roller thing is a shell right unless I got did I get did I get shells I think I Got Claws from a chest and I need the shells but I’m going to be going very far away

From Spawn right now look at this look how far I’ve gone but I just need to know what’s on the other side are the biomes going to continuously get harder or is it just that this is a hard biome and it happens to be where it is I don’t

Know and I intend to find out let’s go on a journey oh it’s such a big biome I still don’t see the end of it but I’m sure I’m sure it runs out eventually and I’m also hoping if it is this much harder to survive then I’m going to find some good

Loot in the chests but yeah I’ve got to watch out I’ve got to be out of here in 30 seconds or I’ll have some issues um so yeah my overall thought so far open the door really open the chest grab one more snowberry please and some blast powder I can’t grab the blast

Powder i’ I’ve bought myself another two minutes to get out of there uh that’s the good news the bad news is it might take me longer than that this is a huge place and in world supposedly but even with an infite world I can’t resist just

Going okay what happens if we keep going there must be an end there logically is one but I’m going to go find it a journey to the Lego near lands you should build a house on top one of those pillars 10% practical is there any practicality to having a house

Anywhere like besides building your crafting tables and all that noise do you need to have a house also here here’s finally the question I can answer can we mine these weird Stone things that’s what I want to know that’s what I’m going to find out I’ve got a

Pickaxe uh we’ll replace the torch I guess okay so I can’t I’m going to have to jump onto it from above I guess oh there we go okay okay so I’m doing zero damage I need a stronger pickaxe that’s sad it makes perfect sense though it makes oh perfect sense

So now now you can see oh is this is this biome endless look how far we’ve gone we’ve we’ve gone past so much but I’m committing and once you commit to something like this if I turn back now it’ll be a long journey for nothing if I

Find what’s on the other side and it’s beautiful it’ll all be worthwhile I’m just expecting enough fire but it would be nice it something oh flower and wheat grains and snowberry seeds snowberry seeds actually sound like they’d be really useful yeah actually I think way more useful like a wheat seed or

Something so let’s put the spicy pepper um let’s put the sand slap Berry away and take out the snowberry seeds if I can plant those at home then I’ll be able to spend a lot of time in this plan can you take that chest yeah I

Wanted to take the chest earlier but you just break it down into wood I I have Minecraft rain where I’m just like yeah if I see that there is a chest I can break it and then I should have a chest right it’s not how the game works not how the game works

Though but yeah there’s um the house is here a little bit more a little bit more rund down okay you guys didn’t hear anything oh they did hear something apparently you didn’t hear it from me I’m fine okay you okay Finish get some corn on the cup don’t want some corn on the

Cup yeah there doesn’t seem much benefit to the combat besides get the enemy dead it’d be nice if we got some Great Loop but you are meant to do most of the progression through crafting it seems that is what I can tell also the sun is

Getting low and the biome is not getting finished yeah like like like someone said maybe the map is infinite I don’t know that it is the the the world view isn’t spicy pepper might make you run faster like in fortnite there’s a spicy pepper in fortnite that makes you run

Faster that’s fun but um yeah I think whenever there’s a new entrance into a like a thing like this you do have to ask the question of like okay what makes it unique what makes this something I should do in addition to what I have and

It is kind of like a shame in a way like we the best way to judge anything should be by its like intrinsic qualities by what it is inherently but one of the things you realize sadly early on in life is that a lot of what makes something matter is

What it means to other people as well as just you you know and the the intrinsic value of money is nothing it’s just pieces of paper but there are lots of those pieces of paper and lots of people who will accept those pieces of paper and so they magically have a value that

Is very much not intrinsic the same thing is true for like a lot of very popular games and movies even if you don’t like them they have value you know watching the most popular movie of all time it might be Avatar right I guess the most sold would be Avatar

Um if you watch the most popular piece of media even if you don’t enjoy it you have got a piece of cultural experience inside of you it’s one of the reasons I when when someone like every now and then I speak to someone and they’re like oh yeah never really gone to that

Minecraft thing looks kind of silly it’s like this is a this is a piece of you know like you this is a p piece of our cultural heritage or something like that it’s something I think to just ignore because you don’t like the look of it it’s it’s almost weird like watch a

Video see something about it understand what it is you criticize even um you know there there are things that I know are dumb off the bat like the idea of like keeping up with the Kardashian but also you can’t not be fascinated by the idea of like what makes this so popular

That people are you know fascinated by all over the planet despite it being very fake also look we have found ourselves somewhere else now what why we in I don’t know what I do know though is I’m going to get my torch back out it’s uh it’s probably going to be just as

Valuable as a shield anyway right and there we go I’m warm again and we’re going to find the first thing that we do here oh no we’re not we we’re still in the sand it looked like it was a new place it’s weird in the in the dark it looks different

But yeah we’re just going to go hang out here there’s a big blowing green chest and I intend to go open it no I don’t there’s too many things there but this looks like it’s the edge of the world I I could be wrong internet I’m entering

Water that is the biome I’m in now yeah I’m I could swim in this forever I’m sure look at that you can do some real weird stuff but yeah going for an Explorer in this game only makes sense as far as advancing your base is

Concerned as best I can tell so far wait what is that that does it have like an icon for it what is that actually is that is that a cave back that way should we go back and find out oh you can drag oh that’s interesting so you you do need

A boat that’s oh no watch out oh um you can drown something useful to know and pick this up and throw it that way hope that there’s some explosions there is not okay oh this this is the explosive Barrel though right no that’s a water barrel that’s not going to help me at

All so um yeah I watch I like watching my favorite show keeping up with a toy cat if you want to know what happened in the toy cat world today um I had a really fun day uh at doing like uh today was one of those like frustrating but

Rewarding days I died a lot doing what I was doing in Minecraft uh when I got it done it was very satisfying I recorded a video that I you know I’m excited people to see and uh yeah it’s exciting also SN bar gets infinite Stam for a while it

Works like slap juice in fortnite oh they have a lot of fortnite references in here oh no okay we’re going to die we are we are almost certainly over this has been a lot of fun um I could see myself playing this some more I could see this

Becoming something very fun but for now I’m going to say yeah great great little start we’ll love to we’ll see how this develops but I think this is a fun fortnite side mode for now I think it’s going to be a real big potential um

And I’d love to try it again uh soon but for now I am very far from home I would like to get back I regret coming this far out but that’s something I’m going to have to do but for now I’ll spare it from you thank you for watching the last uh couple

Hours or so of me trying out something new I always enjoy uh checking out stuff like this it’s almost as fun as the uh tears of the Kingdom streams when that was uh fresh and new and yeah the fact that this is free means if you’ve enjoyed what you’ve seen and want to

Check it out you should do St if it’s free the only thing you’ve got to lose is your time if you want to spend your time on this you should spend your time on this crazy idea crazy opinion I know but it is very much my one anyway yeah

Thank you very much for watching hope you all enjoy and I’ll see you in the next one Goodbye Oh you’re over there I I got to I got bye oh also brand new video out right now uh the newest quick dive check it out if you want it’s shortly compact but it’s it’s a fun well put together video I think

This video, titled ‘Lego Fortnite Playthrough – A New Minecraft Competitor?’, was uploaded by ibxtoycat on 2023-12-07 22:55:37. It has garnered 16254 views and 698 likes. The duration of the video is 01:56:49 or 7009 seconds.

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    Allizzles' Adorable Kitchen Upgrade! ✨ Minecraft Fairycore Part 7Video Information This video, titled ‘the CUTEST kitchen expansion! ♡ Minecraft Fairycore Let’s Play | Part 7 #fairycore’, was uploaded by allizzles on 2024-03-10 02:15:40. It has garnered 1268 views and 64 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:14 or 2534 seconds. the CUTEST kitchen expansion! ♡ Minecraft Fairycore Let’s Play | Part 7 In today’s filler episode, I show off some house expansions that include a cozy kitchen and pantry. I also do some decorating, loot bag opening, go back to the dragon lair, and expand the spawner room a little more. 🧺 ⊹ Welcome to my fairycore… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Relaxation Challenge

    Ultimate Minecraft Relaxation ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘relaxing #minecraft #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod #gaming’, was uploaded by Minecraft Hyper on 2024-02-29 00:30:22. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Kindly support us by subscribing and giving us a thumbs up. ——————————— which armor is the strongest? minecraft mob … Read More

  • Unleashing Chaos in Kid’s Base on 2b2tpe

    Unleashing Chaos in Kid's Base on 2b2tpeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Trashing a kid’s base – 2b2tpe’, was uploaded by Void 2b2t on 2024-06-18 17:31:12. It has garnered 32 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:02 or 122 seconds. dsc: voidfx2 #2b2tpe #minecraft #anarchy Read More

  • “🔥 Master Your AR Game Builds – SHOCKING Tips! 🤯” #youtubeshorts #viral

    "🔥 Master Your AR Game Builds - SHOCKING Tips! 🤯" #youtubeshorts #viralVideo Information हा टू इंप्रूव योर बिल्ड सो उसके लिए तो भाई आपको ये सब ब्लॉक्स लगने वाले हैं और साथ ही साथ ये कुछ इस तरीके से स्ट्रक्चर बनाने के बाद यहां से अपने को थ्री ब्लॉक्स ऊपर के साइड में बिल्ड करने के बाद टोटल फोर ब्लॉक की हाइट और यहां पे अभी अपने को छत बनाने के बाद डोर लगाना है और देन स्टेयर्स व लगाने के बाद कुछ इस तरीके से फ्लोर चेंज करने के बाद अपना रूम दिख जाएगा गाइस और देन यहां पे अपने को थोड़ा बहुत डेकोरेशन के लिए रिया लगाना है और… Read More

  • Insane Castle Build in Universal SMP! 😱 Minecraft Live!

    Insane Castle Build in Universal SMP! 😱 Minecraft Live!Video Information [संगीत] आ डू इट ऑन माय ओन सो आई ग गेट थ्रू इट एंड द ओनली थिंग आई नो इ ट लव वट आईम डूइंग नेवर गिव अप नेवर स्लोट आई फाली प्रू इ नेवर लिन टू द नोज आई जस्ट वा कीप मूविंग कीप मा हेड अपन आई एक्ट हेड अप अ फैक्ट नेवर लुकिंग बैक आ कीप माफ न ट्रक की मा हेड अपंग स्ट्र मूविंग फील आई डों बल मा ट मू अलो पुश माफ ट बी द बेस्ट विथ नो े विथ एव बे सी माय मेसेज स् स्प्रेड एंड आईड सो मेनी ड्रम्स… Read More

  • Mind Mines: Dangerously Click Here 🤯

    Mind Mines: Dangerously Click Here 🤯Video Information hey why did you touch that video I said no anyways you are cute This video, titled ‘Don’t Touch The Video 🤪’, was uploaded by Mind Mines on 2024-02-28 14:05:26. It has garnered 34 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Don’t Touch The video Wait For End 🥰 #minecraft #youtubeshorts #shortvideo #viral #minecraftshorts #noobvsprovshackervsgod #scary #funny #creeper #tower Description 2.5KLikes 80,728Views 27 Feb2024 minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey… Read More

  • Fluffy Hololive-EN Thief Behind Bars – Fuwawa POV

    Fluffy Hololive-EN Thief Behind Bars - Fuwawa POVVideo Information [音楽] [音楽] L [音楽] [音楽] OG あN [音楽] [音楽] H [音楽] [音楽] あ お [音楽] [音楽] [音楽] T [音楽] DET [音楽] [音楽] OG [音楽] OGDET [音楽] N [音楽] [音楽] に 入りました入って [音楽] おこんばんはでござる こんばんは ロド です大変お忙しい中ちょっとたくさんの方 がなんかやりたいって言って集まってくれ てありがとうございます集まんなかったら 小ない予定だったんで本にありがとう ございますありがとうござい ありがとう面白かったからさややり た 日はえはさんに泥棒だけやってもらったん ですけど今日はみ警察もやって もらっますのしお [音楽] 願いいらっみで本当に自由な感じなんでは ありますがじゃああの本番に参加せず今日 は来てくれるっていう感じになった ありがとうございました本当にすいません お忙しいいや行きたかったロ驚けほ行き たかったんですが今日高野菜があると 聞きつけてえやってまいりました月やき ですよろしくお願いします おずやりたいって言ってくれてたやり たかったいやごめん本当にごめんね スケジュールごめんねえとんでもないすい ませんちょっと本番参加してないです小加 き [音楽] [音楽] ますでいいみたい感じなんだ [笑い] [音楽] ねっアキルタルですアローナアロナ アアロナナナじゃよろしくお願いします願 し楽しみ楽しみやったそしてえなんか すごいなんかすごいなんか隠れてる隠れて ますかいそんなことないですそんなこと ない自己紹介しときますかあブンブンブン ゴスの 番長始めですよろしくお願いしますよしお パチ こちお願いしますね今日はきっと逃げ切り そして警察もやってくれるのかなと思い つつ期待してますポリやりたいやりたい 頑張ってください捕まえられないけどな ポリいや無理 リそ挟んでる挟んでるふわもこさん サンドずるいずるいずるいずるい [音楽] どうもワもこのこの グやめ てああ喧嘩はダメだ よえじゃあいつものやってもらっていい ですかふわもこさんたちあじゃあもこ ちゃんやりますかあふわはこっちですね こっちちはさないよふわわだ よよだよ2人合わせてふわもこです パ今日よろしくお願いし ます 可愛いい可愛いな今日はきっと2人で一緒 に警察やってくれるんだろうなええそれ あい警察ってこと大丈夫ですか ねないです大丈夫ですよ一緒にぜひやって もらいたらと思いますよろしくお願いし ますはいよろしくお願いします頑張りて りり… Read More


    🔥 DOMINATING FENIX FACTIONS SERVER! 🔥 [Carioca]Video Information como ao vivo cal aí calma [Música] Rapaziada Só Bora calão se inscrev já entv Alô test só Bora cal se inscr tá ligado Eita bot Alô T alô só Bora raz at assimo que tá piorando com você likezão se inscrev no tá tá ligado Eita bot Bora calma aí rapaziada vai rapaziada aqui bora bora bora bora bora bora bora ai [ __ ] não sei nem o que tá aco entrar naqu calma aí rapaz voltei rapaziada tô tão T vivo T vivo voltei pão só Bora mano tá acontecendo o que só só voltei… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Parkour & Pixel Art in Minecraft

    Mind-Blowing Parkour & Pixel Art in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,630’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-13 11:50:13. It has garnered 400 views and 55 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,630 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes a long time but I… Read More

  • Compass Craft

    Compass CraftCompassCraft; a server with a heavy focus on player driven world-building, our vision is to create a truly dynamic and ever evolving RPG experience on Minecraft. As a result, we’ve built a server where players have control over every facet of both themselves and the world at large. Whether it be through your race, class and skills, or the alliances you make and gear you’re equipped with; you, the player, have the ability to guide the progression of your character and influence the world at large, in any way you see fit. History is waiting to be scribed, how will… Read More

  • Spuds SMP – GriefPrevention, McMMO – Germany – 1.20.4

    Edit: It’s version 1.20.6! Hello there adventurer! Are you a big fan of potatoes and McMMO? Look no further! Spuds is the perfect server for you. At Spuds we have McMMO, land claims and markets. We also allow bugs and duping, so there’s nothing stopping you from making that big farm! The server is hosted in Germany on a dedicated server to ensure a lag-free experience. I hope to see you there, Fred with staff IP: Read More