LEGO Minecraft Fortnite Mashup

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Yes Yeah Yeah Yeah Yo what’s up up everybody today we’re playing Lego fortnite let’s freaking go uh yeah I’ve been wanting to play this ever since I saw that it came out I’ve been wanting to play it on stream I was debating between lethal company Lego fortnite and the finals uh but yeah I went with Lego

Fortnite for today yeah but I I still think I want to play the lethal company and the finals on another stream so let me know if you guys are interested in that but yeah I have not played Lego fortnite yet so I not really sure what to expect I saw

One person play it um and I was surprised that it was like I I thought it was going to be like a battle royale but it looked like it was um like a survival type of thing which is interesting I’m not sure how that’s going to work Because yeah I’m not sure this is like you select your server and then you keep playing on that same server so that you can keep progressing every time you play or is it like a new thing every time you play sort thing I don’t know then I was

Also surprised I thought we would have our own like skins for the Lego skins but it seems like the only little Lego characters I got or the ones that um they like they’re the matching Lego characters for the real characters that I have like this Culture Club is like

One of the real skins I have this retro Zoe and this uh susuki and then I just unlocked these just now in the store I didn’t I mean I like got them as a free gift for like the daily free gift thing U but yeah so if you see if I go

To like you see that’s what the real character looks like the Suki and then this is like the Lego version so it’s really interesting they’re like they match all the um Lego characters match their like actual so you so you automatically get like the skins in Lego form that you

Already had in the real in the normal fortnite if that makes sense I’m so bad at explaining things but you know what I mean yeah so I just want wuki cuz I feel like she looks best out of my Lego the Lego ones that I have normally I go with a Culture Club

Skin okay so I can create create my own world every world will receive future content updates that’s cool or I can have a share world you have not currently been made a keyholders to any world share worlds are worlds where the owner has made you a keyholder to their

World which access when they are online that’s really cool so it’s like your own server it’s like your own world but you don’t have to pay for it cuz it it’s like reals okay cuz think about Minecraft realms right Minecraft realms is like a way you can share your world with your friends

So that they can play it even when you’re not online cuz anybody can play Minecraft with you online for free without have you know as long as they own the game and you own the game like if I get on Minecraft right now and make

A world I can invite my friend and they can play with me on that same world and you don’t have to pay any money for that but they can only access the world when I’m playing it cuz the world only exists like on my save file

On my computer so like the only time they can play it is if I’m playing it but if you make if you pay for Minecraft realms it’s like a monthly fee you basically get like your own server so even when you’re not playing it your friends can still like get on and play

It which is really cool but you have to pay money but this is like if it’s if this shared worlds thing is like Minecraft reals but without like paying the monthly fee which is really freaking sick that is awesome okay anyway I’m just going to create a new world

Uh New World slot yeah select game mode survival sandbox let’s see survival build gather craft and face off against Min FS while exploring World sandbox spawn the items you need in build without okay we’re go in survival I think it’s really cool that it’s like survival I totally thought it was going

To be like um another battle royale I thought it was is going to be another battle royale mode but with Legos which I kind of hope they also Implement cuz I think that would be cool too but yeah I like the survival I’m not sure which cover image I like I guess I

Like one of these these tropical looking ones pretty nice I’ll go with this one can I change the name of the world it’s just craesus world one seed number dude there’s seeds dude this is this is literally Minecraft at home I was like Mom I want Minecraft uh

No we we already have Minecraft at home and then this is what she’s talking about that’s what I feel like this is Minecraft at home Lego forttnite is Minecraft at home we turn all this on I don’t have a seed number I guess I can’t rename the world that’s kind of

Lame but all right please note that once the world is created World settings cannot be changed offici content blah blah blah okay yeah whatever yeah let’s go we’re doing it guys we’re becoming Pro fortnite Gamers we’re becoming Lego fortnite gamers this is actually really cool like low key I I’m actually excited

To play This like go fortnite let’s go we could be Pro fortnite Gamers take me to Bo but not loot Lake I really want to chug jug with you we could be Pro fortnite Gamers ooh pretty look at the graphics oh it’s a pink bear cuddle team leader yo these Graphics are actually

Like really nice look how shiny my Lego pieces are you see the sheen of the sun okay let’s talk to cuddle team leader oh where am I who are you who am I wait I know the last one my name’s cuddle team leader nice to meet you and your craigus

Why does that sound familiar I’ve never fallen into a brand new place like this before but I’m glad we fell together it could be dangerous out there we should prepare ourselves just in case okay bye I could have asked them more like prepare what way but I was like n start

Chopping trees collect the wood build a shed before it turns to night time and the zombies come actually don’t know how that works I don’t know if enemies spawn at night that would be wild okay so I can’t do any damage to the Big Trees by punching

It yo it’s like Lego pieces when it breaks yo well not really well yeah it kind of is yeah it is like Lego pieces yo that’s sick collect a raspberry yeah collect a pumpkin yo let’s go colleck Vines this is actually so exciting I don’t know why but this is so

Cool oh my God it’s a little spider it’s a sper kill the sper kill it it with fire look I got little web Legos little silk give me corn oh my gosh it’s corn man I got to learn how to do the corn noises properly to Granite don’t take it for

Granite okay what can I can I eat can I eat corn let’s eat corn yeah oh I have three hearts now are you following me around cuddle team leader whoa I have like a Dodge I thought it would make me Crouch but it makes me Dodge who what are you

Doing there cuddle team leader yeah Back That Ass Up back that ass up oh my God that’s so cursed hi are you from the island too k I feel like those resources are going to come in handy the Sun is going to go down soon yeah can’t fire will keep us warm and

Safe I’m on it how do I make a campfire let’s go to my build tab oh my God it’s right here all I need is three wood and I have 10 okay where have I put the campfire should be like where I’m going to build

My base right should maybe I like go up here on the hill or something or I could start on this path I could make the base like right here right on this path wa I don’t know there’s so many options there’s animals there’s chickens and cows and they’re

Lego yo this is actually so sick like not even like not even joking not even being silly this is actually like really really cool yo I’m going to have to like invite people to this like world and like make we need to make like a actual like freaking lego fortnite server

Like and like actually like populate it and like build stuff that would be so sick and make it like a regular series I kind of want to build up here I want to build like a fort like a like yeah I’m going to build up here I mean it is fortnite after

All Fort is in the Name die spiders give me your silks yeah silk collect raspberry yeah give me the raspberries yeah yeah yeah yeah give me all the raspberries now what the hell do we do I built a campfire I think it’s it’s looking like it’s getting late the sun’s getting lower in the sky

Y it’s like Minecraft but the sun is round my gosh you guys it’s just like Minecraft Minecraft at home um where did the cuddle team leader go he gone or she he or she this so good camouflage dude if this was Battle Royale and you just hid here

In the in this bush that’ be so cheese okay um cuddle team leader where have you gone my energy is getting hello cuddle team leader yooo where are you I built a campfire you wanted let me just tab let’s see what we got okay not a lot

Map oh we can only see a small part of it okay okay okay inventory players just me yo I got to invite some people yo we could have collabs with like Lego fortnite collabs dude that would be sick that’ll be so sick oh you only have seven

Keys share a key with a friend in your party if you want them to play in this world on their own all party members without a key will be removed when you leave oh so you can have more than seven people but only seven people can access

It like at any time at any point even if you’re not online but you can have more people whenever you are online I see I see well I don’t have seven friends friends anyway so I will never use all seven of those keys yo this is so sick dude this is

Crazy is this I I think fortnite is crossplay too isn’t it so like if somebody if somebody has Lego fortnite on like PlayStation or something they could totally like crossplay with you I think yo this is sick it’s like the new Minecraft I hope it stays I hope this

Stays like forever okay what am I supposed to do crafting bench can I build it no I need whatever that other thing is wait wait wait how do I exit how do I exit can I see what the other material was Granite okay I need

Granite is this Granite oh my God it is okay that was so easy um oh what’s happening I’m pressing all the buttons pressing all the buttons at once um oh Q that’s what it was what’s this builds starter Shack oh I have to build a starter shck too okay

First let’s build a crafting station yeah it’s like a crafting table in Minecraft it’s literally Minecraft at home oh I have new recipes now what’s the starter check oh there’s other stations Grill it’s like a stove lumber mill I don’t know what that does yo simple

Shack oh can I not put my crafting bench in the shack there’s no walls oh I have to build the pieces one at a time I see I need wood okay maybe I should build a torch first cuz it’s like I can’t use the I can’t use the crafting bench in the rain

Dude that’s crazy it actually they actually thought about that they’re actually like no your will get wet it won’t work but yet the fire is still going though the fire still I can’t use the crafting VCH but the fire is okay okay that makes sense um I really need like more wood so

I can build the shack so I can put my crafting VCH in there so I can actually craft something oh I’m starving oh that’s not good eat the pumpkin eat eat the pumpkin okay um I also need a torch I can’t make a torch until my crafing

V this is so cool I I already love this I’ve been playing this for two seconds and I already freaking love this one thing I would I I don’t know if this is a thing or not but it would be so cool if you could earn like individual Lego pieces like do

You remember how in the Lego games you you could like you unlocked other characters like for instance it was like Lego Indi Jones right or Lego Star Wars or whatever you would unlock the characters like Boba Fett or Darth Vader and blah blah blah but you would also unlock like individual pieces to

Customize like your own character and I so far in this all I’ve seen is like full skins like full Lego character skins but if you could unlock just like Parts like new hairstyles and new like out like just the legs or just the Torso or just the hands and then you could put

Together like customize your own character like your own pieces that would be sick we can make I can make like a Lego character that looks like my my avatar that would be sick okay um how do I build the next part I built the floor what do I do now uh oh I

See I build a wall and then build the pillars yeah build build the pillar here and here is that complete there’s no roof okay yeah roof build that oh and I have to build the second piece of the roof for some reason kind of weird that’s it right I kind of wish

I had more walls though and like a door Shack Ridge what is that wait wait wait no no no no I don’t want to build another starter Shack wait I want to build that okay uh nice it’s complete can I not add walls in a door

Though and put that in there so I can use it so we unlocked a bed recipe I wonder if that’ll skip the night just like Minecraft oh my gosh you guys it’s just like m Minecraft it’s Minecraft at home yo you just have straight blocks oh

So you could like dude this is so freaking sick dude you could just build anything it’s just like Minecraft it’s Minecraft at home okay wait I can’t I can’t add a wall I don’t think I can add a wall that’s so sad I can just build a wall out in the

Open like it’s just in a random ass spot like here but I can’t add a wall to my to my thing I can build it right here but it’s not even attached if I build it like that yo that’s that’s weird that’s weird I don’t know about that bed I need

More wood and I’m starving let me eat these berries okay uh I should probably collect these pumpkins oh I’m cold oh that’s not good I have a fire stand by the fire I need more wood cuz I need to build a bed and it’s pretty cool I got to say yeah

It’s it’s pretty cool I really like it so far I need a bed and I need um a torch so I need to put this crafting bench inside here but I don’t know how to Move I don’t know if I can move stuff that I’ve already built or how I do that I don’t think I can wait can I can I just like break it oh I can I can just break it and then rebuild it I see

Nice now I can use it now I can make a torch let’s go wait did I make it okay now I’m making it time three wait they run out no it’s not like unlimited usage it like runs out oh I can’t I need like a pickaxe to break those

Trees or like a axe they’re too strong I better collect these berries I don’t starve collect raspberry can I break oh the rain stopped that’s good can I break this tree no okay I’m going to have to go down here and gather wood I wonder if

Enemies are going to spawn oh what is that is that an enemy I have to go check that out what happens if you die you just respawn and like the same like the like your original spawn point is it just like Minecraft Minecraft at home okay let’s see I think this is an

Enemy over here it might kick my ass but I just want to see it wait wasn’t it over here yeah it was like right over here is it gone oh no this is it no that’s just the that’s just the cuddle team oh but there’s bones here so there was

Something and he killed it yo I wanted to see the the enemy cuddle team leader I kind of wish we could be cuddle team leader I like the I like the design if you don’t like where you built something you can always destroy it and rebuild it thanks now you tell me I

Already figured that out what else should we prepare do you think we’re the only people who rifted here maybe we’d be able to build something like a Village Square to track nearby friends is there going to be NPCs dude that’s so cool if there’s going to be NPCs it’s actually so

Awesome okay I got to build a bed and I need to build like an axe oh there’s like a wolf over there hold on we got to we got to we got to go see the wolf me get this wood no not the spider I don’t want care

About you get out of here I want to see the wolf what’s that oh that’s the wolf hello hello doggy can I fet the doggy oh oh I I don’t think I can pet the doggy I don’t think the doggy wants me to pet him bye doggy bye oh cuddle team leader oh

Is he calling for backup you got this cuddle team leader I’m ass assuming cuddle team leader can’t die yo what if cuddle team leader could die that would be crazy if I accidentally killed cuddle team leader yo so I could just if he can’t die I could just lure like any enemy

That is too strong for me and just bring him over here and then he’ll kill him and then I can get the resources that’s so cheese okay let’s go back up here and see what I can craft I have meat now but I think I need

To cook it think it’s raw it’s a sheep wait do I need to kill the Sheep to make a bed do I need the wool oh my God you guys it’s just like Minecraft I don’t I don’t actually know if I need it though I I don’t think I do

I think I just need wood pickaxe okay craft me a pickaxe okay nice now I’m starving oh eat the berries okay and let’s see if I can build a bed I can I only needed wood let’s just put my bed in my shack oh man this is such a tiny sh

Shack and there’s no protection at all okay I’ll put it right here assign to bed your bed okay so you can’t share beds I see this is now my bed set respawn Lo set respawn location and rest okay it resets your spawn point oh my God it’s just like Minecraft uh okay

Um now what I need a bigger house dude this house sucks ass so I guess there’s probably like prefab houses but then you could just build your own house with these pieces which would be cool I just realized these are brown pieces because you use wood to build them you collect wood to

Build like the brown pieces that’s so cool it’s kind of funny because they’re all just plastic so like they’re not really like wood and like Stone and stuff it’s all plastic bricks but the color depends on what resource you gathered that’s pretty cool um a chest I need planks to make a chest

How do I make planks um interesting oh Village Square I need to build that too yo am I going to have a whole freaking Village up here dude we could build a whole ass Castle there’s so much land up here if I collect Stone yo we

Can make like a medieval castle up here like big walls and towers and have like a whole like Village and stuff that would be sick there’s like different biomes too there’s like snow biome over there like icy Glacier oh my oh my God it’s just like Minecraft freaking love this Um okay um oh no spider I don’t know what to do now I totally lost my purpose there for a second uh Village Square do I need to do that next oh I need to build a grill too so I can cook this meat and I need to oh planks that’s what

I wanted to figure out how I could build planks there’s like no oh do I have to upgrade the bench oh I have to upgrade the B wait no I need planks to upgrade the bench so that’s not it so how do I make planks maybe from these bigger trees

Maybe I can use this pickaxe now and chop these no okay apparently that’s not it shoot yo the pickaxe has a health it has a health bar it breaks eventually you know what that reminds me of it reminds me of Minecraft okay what did I need for the square

Let’s just start with the square I can’t figure out planks I need wood and granite I need five more wood and five more Granite oh yo there’s like a roll jump that’s sick parkour that’s so that’s so fun look how cute this cow is you can pet the cow oh my God

It gives you milk that is the cutest freaking thing in the world I I I’m about to cry I’m I’m going to cry right now pet the chicken what do I get I got an egg oh my gosh that’s so freaking adorable what the hell this is amazing Game of the Year

Game of the year I’m calling it calling it right now the game award’s already over though okay game of the year for next year Lego fortnite Game of the Year this is amazing kill the spider die spider why are you so strong I need make a diamond

Sword okay I think I have plenty of wood now I think I just need granite oh no actually the it I have plenty of granite I just need wood okay can I chop this nope too strong I know I can chop this yeah okay let’s go up here and build my

Square oh I have happens if I pet the Sheep do I get wool pet the Sheep what did I get did I get wool I did I got wool that’s so cool all right let’s go up here I’m so I’m so glad they made Lego fortnite like a survival game instead of

Like a battle royale and I still hope they put like a battle royale mode too for the Lego but like this is so cool this Lego fortnite is so much cooler than I I had imagined okay Village Square we should put that somewhere near the center shouldn’t we where is the center like

Right here almost yeah I’m just going to put like right here choose icon oh the castle for sure and red yeah obviously red I don’t know actually let’s try these other colors this one’s pretty cool the black one I think I’m going to stick with red though CU it be more

Noticeable team leader yeah that’s about centered I’m going to have to move all this stuff later this is going to look so junky team leader I see you’re really going places good for you a born Adventurer is there something I help you with we’ve got our basics of food

Shelter and warmth what do you think we should do next improve base improve tools refine food okay I’m not worried about food cuz I have plenty of like berries and stuff around here and tools would be nice I would like some weapons but I also want to improve the

Base let’s go with improve base we should ask a visitor to live at our village their strength and numbers yo there’s going to be NPCs this is so cool plus anyone who moves in might be willing to help us gather resources the NPCs gather resources for you that’s

Actually like um Fallout 4 with the NPCs who live in your base like Gathering resources is for you it’s just like Fallout 4 oh my God we have our first visitor Raptor dude are they going to have like okay hear me out because fortnite already has like characters from other

IPS like obviously like they put Star Wars characters in fortnite before they put Dragon Ball characters what if your NPCs can be Lego versions of those characters like Lego Darth Vader and like Lego Goku and they could be living in your village like that would be so sick dude like a

Freaking Lego like Lego Frieza and Lego Luke Skywalker living in your village nice to meet you this is Raptor reporting in over this place is a little new to me so it’s nice to meet a friendly face nice Village you got here I think I’ll stay for the night yo can

You sign them jobs like could you build like a shack that like sells goods and assign them to be like the shop owner or something or like assign them to cook well well if it isn’t Craig always good to see you if your villagers ever taking new residence I’m interested now

Then what’s a good word live in my Village a spot just for me that could be nice but your village doesn’t meet my needs your village sounds great but without a bed I can’t stay here okay I have to have an extra bed yo it’s just like the villagers in Minecraft they

Have to have their own bed yo okay um do I have enough for a V map marker marks the location on the map I’m going to assume my that’s really cool cuz if you find something cool and you want to go back there later you’re like

Far away from home you can build a map marker I’m going to assume the Village Square is already marked in the map though so I don’t need one for here log Lookout a okay if there’s Lookouts then that implies there’s going to be like raids just like Minecraft where the pillagers like raid

Village dude there’s going to be things coming here to like raid my my Village I just know it double Shack building Parts oh I got new building Parts new roofs new supports the roofs kind of remind me of like skateboard ramps kind of reminds me of like Custom Skate Park and like Tony

Hawk like the slopes that you could build like this is just a slope yo what if they made Lego Tony Hawk Lego Tony Hawk Pro Skater that would be awesome I’ll totally buy that um okay bed bed bed bed that’s what I need I need more wood okay wait how do I open

The map again I want to see oh am I want to see if my my Village is marked it is you can hardly see it cuz my icon is like over it but it’s totally marking my Village okay guy I need to get some wood what’s this there’s like a chest

Here yo arrows we take that oh I want to take all okay wolf claw and wheat grain oh we can Farm in this too I didn’t even think about that what is that okay why did that okay what is this where are you going no wait for

Me yo how far is this going to take me what is this I need to make a bed I’m starving and I’m cold collect the snow barer collect the wood collect the wood eat the pumpkin that noise does not sound good oh my God run run run run run run away there’s

Wolves and there’s spiders I’m starving and I’m cold yo where are you taking me you’re like taking me where I’m going to die yo I got to leave I’m freezing I’m freezing I wanted to follow that thing to see where it was going to lead me oh

My God now I’m going to die I’m actually going to going to die I died that sucks return to your backpack to retrieve your host items okay I’ll have to do that when it’s daytime so what do you do to prevent freezing cuz the torch wasn’t enough fire apparently to keep me

From oh this doesn’t pass the day does it or pass the night oh no it’s not like Minecraft okay I’m going to have to wait till daytime time to go get my stuff I wonder what do you do to prevent the freezing do you like is there like a

Food you can eat that’s like spicy or something like hot soup didn’t they do that in like breath of the wild you could eat like hot food or spicy food to keep them freezing or is there going to be like clothes I can put on like a like a heavy

Winter coat or something I don’t know obviously the torch like did not help okay why is this sparkling view Village upgrades ooh friendly visitors friendly explorers will visit the village cozy charm villagers equip a health charm growing Village add addition villager can this Village foragers for higher so they collect

Resources for you Parts Galore unlock five new parts gifts villagers give you gifts more villagers um more parts oh that’s so cool I love that you can upgrade the village and like unlock stuff okay uh can I build a bed right now yes I have just

Enough okay I’m just going to put your bed like randomly over here what happens if you want to relocate it though if you break it will they leave will the Villager leave if you like break the bed afterwards cuz like I don’t even have a

House to put his bed in and later I’m going to want to build like a little hob or something like will they leave if I don’t do I have to move it archaeologist always dig in square plots helps us keep track of anything interesting we might

Find so what’s on the agenda live in my Village yes I have a stff for you to sleep and didn’t you see to live Raptor’s bed so what if I want to move his bed now I’m like scared to break it like what will Happen Okay um how do I upgrade the village hhm okay is there like a list of objectives somewhere I feel like there were I don’t know how to get to it though h upgrade available oh how do I do that how do I upgrade it says upgrade available do I

Have to pick one of these is that what it is oh you only get one which one do I pick what does villagers equip a health charm mean does that mean I get an an extra health for each villager oh it’s not like a pick one

Situation okay what the hell how do I it says upgrade available oh increase your village rating by adding to your village okay I just need wood and granite 15 Wood and 15 granite it’s upgrade and now it’s getting day let’s go collect my stuff and then I can get I

Have some wood and granite in my backpack so I can get that back hopefully I can just get it and get out before I die that thing led me so far into like a dangerous territory I should never followed that okay let’s go that’s so cool you can see the smoke

From the campfire and because I built it on the hill you could probably see that from like a really far away way like easy to find your way back home wait how much wood and granite do I have okay I need more I definitely need more collect

Granates dude I want to get weapons and like go fight some like big like boss enemies and stuff that would be fun and I’ve almost used up my pickaxe up oh hello Caleb welcome to to the stream how are you today thank you for coming just playing some Lego

Fortnite it’s actually really cool way cooler than I thought it would be it’s kind of weird how relaxing it is compared to like regular fortnite right now we’re trying to upgrade the village is there something in this cave enter yo there’s going to be like

Enemies in here I have to see what’s in this cave is this like a dungeon like in like an MMO type situation that loading screen though that is so cool looking I feel like I’m not equipped to be in here there’s definitely going to be like enemies and things oh

Chest wooden rod corn snowberry oh wait do the snowberries hold on the snowberries had an effect on it heat for 2 minutes oh it is like breath of the wild good how are you I’m doing good I’m doing good thank you for asking yeah I was wondering about when

You go into the snow biome how you keep from being too cold apparently it’s just it’s with food is the snowberry says like fire for 2 minutes so it’s just kind of like uh breath of the wild if you ever played that dude can I get these mushrooms I can give me the

Mushrooms I’m kind of scared that um slurp mushroom slurp mushroom does that give you like Shield that would be sick oh my pickax is broken no okay I’m kind of worried about like there being strong enemies in here oh there’s a skeleton there’s a skeleton die skeleton oh I threw my

Torch torch I didn’t think I would throw it I thought I would like hit with it okay get out it get out get out get out give me my torch back no Dodge Dodge and roll Dodge and roll dude I need swords I need to make a

Sword before I come in here this is so cool though that there’s like a cave you can explore like enemies and stuff oh that did a lot of damage oh nice and he dropped his pickaxe but it’s almost broken that’s sucks I thought it’d be like full

Health another chest oh what if we here marble I’ll take that Silk oh a shield okay cool cool cool raspberry seed so I can grow raspberries how do I equip my shield oh I just hold oh it’s like in my off hand yo that is so cool I love that I haven’t messed

Around with the weapons at all yet so I don’t really know how they work so I didn’t know you could have Shields and like have an off hand so that’s pretty sick yeah I’m really loving Lego fortnite so far let’s fight this dude here little skeleton boy here

Skeleton it would be funny if they gave the skeletons bow just like Minecraft that be too obvious I probably didn’t want to make it too similar to Minecraft this is really cool though I could see this being like I could see this getting like pretty big and like having a lot of

Players and like being popular for a long time another pickaxe let’s go yeah I can see this being really really successful so I feel like the replayability is really high oh no he doesn’t have a pickaxe oh my God but he does oh I’m going to die I just realized

I just realized I’m going to die oh no oh no let’s get out of here yeah I need to come back when I have a sword I need to get like a sword and yeah come back that’s really cool it’s like right below my base too okay I need to upgrade my

Village there’s so much resources around here okay upgrade Village let’s do it oh we unlock a log shed and more foundations and a roomy Shack and a p Shack nice yay okay um that looks like ooh that looks cool oh but the log cabin looks really

Nice and the shack looks a little bit beat up I mean it’s big and I like that I like that there’s way more space but the walls are all like beat up looking the log shed looks way nicer okay yo I kind of want this for myself I

Was about to make this for the my villager but I’m like wait a minute I kind of want this for me let me break this this is ugly get this out of here oh can I make another pickaxe real quick I can oh there’s Shields now I can make

Shield oh how do I upgrade the bench I need planks I still don’t know how to make planks okay yeah nice it has like damage mechanics I was wondering if the roof would just float or if it would fall but it totally Falls that’s so cool so it does have gravity unlike Minecraft

There is gravity in this yo there’s like a animal villager person coming up here meow hi I’m meow skull you’ve probably heard of me so I won’t Flex on you too much nice to meet you I’m glad to this place brought us together I’ve been wait exploring for

Hours I think I’ll sleep in your V tonight dude I starved to death and I just deleted my bed I just broke my bed I didn’t notice I was starving please tell me I’m okay so if you don’t have your bed it just responds you in the

Default spawn so it’s a good thing I built right next to spawn right next to World spawn that’s why it pays to build your base at World spawn oh okay let’s talk to meow let’s get my back first Oh wrong button okay whatever it is I saw it first your

Village has some nice cies toap in I’ll stay here tonight can I invite you to live in my Village it’s you and I me and here we are all squatted up I keep having this dream of a nice village where I can hang my hat now then what’s

The good word I’m going to have to make him a bed first sometimes when I’m exploring I hear the shimmering sound when I follow the sound it leads me to treasure who doesn’t like treasure but sometimes also lead me to a bunch of Bandits not cool so that thing I

Followed earlier is that what he’s talking about like sometimes it’ll lead you to treasure and sometimes it’ll lead you to Danger cuz it definitely led me to Danger all right we’re going to build this nice shed now I noticed the ground’s different here where I built

The shed it’s like all brown what if you want it to to return to Grass would it just do that over time naturally or is there something you have to do to do that I don’t know okay let’s build this nice um okay how do I build these oh I see one oh

Two three and four this looks so much nicer than the starter track the starter track was ugly as hell this looks like a legit cabin I want to build out of stone though I hope we unlock like Stone stuff cuz I want to make like a castle looking

Thing lock door oh this one actually has a door on it will actually be safe from like enemies attacking unless they break through the door I wonder how easy it would be for enemies to like break through kind of worried about that cuz if we get raided they just like break

And destroy all my stuff that would suck rustic floor okay now what roof rustic I didn’t even read what the said rustic gabble rustic roof what’s the difference between a gabble and a roof rustic gabble right rustic roof I add did the same thing on this side rusted gabble roof four rusted gabble

Left Ro gab right it’s kind of weird they have a a left and a right couldn’t you just rotate it couldn’t there just be one rtic gabble and you could just rotate it in whatever Direction Why is there two separate parts for like left and right Rustic

Ridge oh I don’t have enough resources no okay I need to get wood I don’t think I can chop these down with this pickaxe I need like an actual axe good thing there’s like plenty of wood down here I got to be keeping up with my um

Like hunger too I need to pay more attention to that so I don’t die randomly again there was like a little beeping sound like a warning sound but I totally didn’t notice it it was like not very noticeable in my opinion we can for night

Gamers take me to moisty me but not l Lake okay Rustic Ridge times two oh the stars are so pretty I didn’t notice that last time build complete okay let me build my bed again oh damn that door just like that’s weird how the door opens it’s like not fluid it’s like less

Frame frames it’s like it’s like a 16 frame per second looking animation it’s really weird like a claymation deal like those Lego like those Lego animations that you see on YouTube that’s what it looks like like stop motion Lego animation it’s actually kind of cool I’m glad the whole game

Isn’t like that though like the regular movement is like fluid that’s good okay um bed I need a bed building Parts bed I don’t have enough wood I don’t have enough wood I don’t know why I’m saying it like that like it’s a good thing I don’t have enough wood jokes on me

Haha get wrecked me wait was that wood that was wood there’s branches all over the ground that’s hard to see at night time I think I have these torches oh I can just hold left click this whole time I’ve been spamming left click I can just hold it down

Do obviously it would be like regular fortnite controls or you can just hold it down I don’t know why I didn’t think about that okay oh let’s go look at the moon it’s all round is there enemies up here I thought I saw spider guess not okay I need a bed

I have to build a bed for um the other guy too assign to bed my bed yay okay and I I need a crafting bench oh what kind of foundation is oh Granite oh nice we can make stone stuff yeah I definitely want to build like castle walls and

Stuff oh we have seating and things now that’s cool lighting we have candles that’s a big ass candle damn okay um yes crafting bench that takes up so much space in here dude that takes up so much room and it blocks the window I should have rotated it I’m so dumb

Okay there goes my pickaxe nice okay that’s better cuz it Doesn’t block the window still takes up a lot of room but it is what it is okay um I should build a build I should build a build I should build a bed for this cat guy meow

Um I think I need more wood though yay okay build a bed for me I don’t have enough wood let’s go back down here cut down all the trees in the forest there will be no more trees if trees respawn or like regrow or if you can grow them yourself you like

Tree saplings or like how is that how’s that work cuz once I’ve like gotten all the wood around this area that would suck if I had to like keep traveling farther and farther to get wood surely there’s like a way maybe they respawn or something I don’t know I have to look that

Up I hope that’s a thing though all right that should be in a for right yes okay me SCH don’t leave okay I wonder how long they stay around your village until they leave if you don’t like invite them to live there meow skulls I made you

Bed watch out for brutes they’re big mean and hungry live in my Village it’s too crowded at the moment improving the village level could help make space for me yo what I build a bed for nothing I have to upgrade the village for I have more space I have to make

Planks for that I don’t know how to make planks mouse mouse gos why why are you like this there’s so much space up here dude look around look all the space there’s tons of space they’re absolutely insane M meal absolutely insane okay um what should I

Do I could go ahead and try to upgrade the village to get meow SCS but I need to know how to make planks I have no idea how to make planks yo how do I make planks I don’t know oh oh wait a minute there was a utility bench that was like

Um this the lumber mill okay that’s how we make planks okay where am I going to put the lumber mill I guess I’ll just put it right over here I don’t know why not sure use Lumber M plank okay let’s make the planks quick deposit interesting

So you could just drop off a whole like stack of wood and then like leave and come back and get your planks like later when it was done that’s kind of cool okay now I have three planks how many planks did I need I need like a lot of

Planks I need 10 okay so I need like way more wood was it like one wood for one plank or was it like three pieces of wood for one plank how many how many wood do I need for one plank oh I unlock more recipes oh I jumped over a piece of

Wood spinning wheel what can we do with that can we make clothes can I make like a sweater out of wool keep me warm in the winters keep my feet warm in the winters socks are for your feet s okay Um okay that should be a lot of planks right maybe I can plant these Vines to make more trees I don’t know so many planks we can get oh yeah so it is like one plank for one one PL or one wood for one plank so it’s it is as I suspected

Suspected okay so after this is done I can upgrade the village and then I can ask meow skulls to live here wait did he leave No meow skulls is gone oh my God I took too long oh well it’ll be upgraded for the next next time some when it comes oh well and I also need to Planks to upgrade this bench oh we have Forest axe now that’s cool and a shovel and a sword yo let’s go

Oh can make a sword that’s sick bench upgrade we need eight planks and three shells where do you even get shells crafting ingredient left behind by rollers what’s a roller I don’t even know I need to make wooden rods I need to make four one two three four so I can make a

Sword and while that’s going we upgrade the village res evil Village uh Granite oh I need 20 Granite how do I have like only one Granite what happened I must have used a lot of granite on something I thought I had way more Granite oh can I

Pickaxe the stone over here to get granite I Wonder it’s worth a try yeah we can let’s go yo how much do we we get for that seven it’s a good amount I like the effect of like how what it like how it cracks and there’s like blue light coming through it I like that effect okay we should have plenty of

Granite now we have 27 I forgot how many we needed I want to say we only needed like 10 right can’t remember upgrade new villager slot villagers will bring me ws and I’ll get uh Log Cabin kitchen Furniture and this spiky wooden fence yeah let’s go level

Three use lumber mill take my wooden rod and now we can make a sword let’s go yeah let’s do it hopefully it doesn’t break really easy oh we can go back to the cave now look at all these recipes spinning wheel spin objects like thread and rope

For use and crafting yo I wonder what kind of stuff we can make with the spinning rail I also really need to make the grill at some point so I can cook this food B builds yo this is a cool like gate fence thing I like this building

Parts walls okay we’ve seen that already I think yeah um Fort door oh that’s so cool yeah I want to make like a fort I mean a wooden fort would be cool like with his big Gates and everything and the spiky like walls but I also really want to make like a castle

Looking like base too we definitely need to make some kind of protection cuz right now we have zero protection so if we get raided like we’re going to die um lock having kitchen stuff okay that’s cool I guess there’s counters ooh this lighting is cool I like these you need copper bar

And bright core well I don’t know how to get either those things glass wear that’s pretty cool oil oil and pan rough Amber iron bar marble for this stuff I have marble but I don’t want to use it on that um okay I need to equip my sword how do I do

That I need to put my shield in my off hand equip my sword okay should probably go ahead and make another pickaxe since this one’s getting ready to break and then I want to go back in the cave and see what we can find in there um yeah okay

Cool I should probably make like a chest to put like some of this stuff in that way if I die I’m not like losing everything can I make a chest right now I need six planks can I do I have enough wood for six planks I do okay one two 3 four five

Six I’m going to make a chest and like store some of my things in it yo who is this bright bomber great to meet another adventure I’m bright bomber things are looking even brighter with you around making new friends is Adventure all by itself you

Can call me a camper all you want but I just need a place to saay for the night I think I’ll stop by your village no you should live here as much as I love to see the world it be nice to have some place to say live in my Village a spot

Just for me that could be nice do you have a spot for me to sleep yes yeah I’ve been dreaming of a new bed and now I can dream about other stuff thanks yeah we got another villager now yeah let’s go let’s freaking go nice I would love that there’s NPC in

This dude it’s so cool okay are my things done yet yes and let’s make a storage chest I don’t think I can fit this in here I mean maybe I could but there’s like not enough space uh I don’t know it kind of takes up the

Door yeah I don’t know about putting it right here I think I might just put it outside so I put it here it’s like so much in the doorway like I could still get in I could still get in but it’s like it looks really weird I don’t know

It doesn’t look too bad I guess okay I’ll put it in here I’ll put it right here okay put the snowberry in here and the mar The wolf claw the meat um the arrow put that in there for now cuz I don’t have a bow anyway I think that’s probably fine I think everything else I want to keep on me okay that doesn’t look too bad sitting there I’m hungry again oh no I better

Gather some pumpkins before I go in this cave if I get enough Granite I can make a stove and cook that meat but I don’t really feel like doing that right now um I I’ll just collect these berries I don’t see any pumpkins up here will the pumpkins respawn I know

The berries do cuz these bushes stay here even after you collect the berries but it feels like after you collect the pumpkins there’s nothing left on the ground for like more pumpkins to grow I don’t know I could be wrong that’s what it seems like this cabin looks really nice I really like

That oh here’s some more pumpkins yeah see there’s like nothing left once you collect the pumpkins yeah I really like this the sword and shield combo looks really nice oh right I’m just admiring my handiwork thinking about what I want to do for the next thumbnail I might uh before the stream

Is over try and get like a good thumbnail image for the next time I stream this let’s go I love being able to like explore and we’ve barely left like this general area so there’s like so much more to explore which is really exciting okay there shouldn’t be

Anything new in here okay yeah this is this the same that’s what I figured I kind of wish I could climb up like if I could grab onto the ledge and pull myself up that’d be cool but that’s all right I can’t see a damn thing how much damage does this Shield like

Negate it’s like slow to put the shield up kind of have to press the shield button pretty a pretty good ways before they start attacking you that makes sense like it’s kind of slow to raise the shield kind of have to have to press it pretty early oh is this

Marble why is my pickaxe almost like dead already and for some reason it it’s not strong enough to um it’s not strong enough to mine the Marvel that sucks I probably need a better pickaxe dude there’s so many of you guys dude my sword is dying so fast yay pickaxe chest Nice marble slabs let’s go marble bone and another torch there’s so much marble in here if I get a better pickaxe I can totally come in here and mine all this oh unlock a new recipe medium chest I wonder how big this cave is like how far deep it goes

H what if there’s like a boss at the end I swear it feels like a dungeon like an MMO dungeon marble wolf claw what is this bread okay let’s go I bet I can break these chests and get the resources from it like the wood I didn’t even think about

That but I don’t want to do that right now because my pickaxes are like I do have a new pickaxe okay I could do that I have a pickaxe I haven’t used yet die a see I was too slow to put on my chi that’s to be faster oh no oh my

God Dodge I don’t even need The Shield at this point I’m just going to dodge because there’s too many do somebody throw a spear at me or a rock or something my sword Broke ah dude they do so much damage The Shield is like not very useful cuz I cannot press it like before that they hit me oh oh my God I’m going to die in here bro I’m going to die how do I gain more Hearts do I have to fill my meter my

My like hunger meter um let me eat some raspberries oh I just eat to gain more Hearts okay that should have been obvious there’s so many skeletons bro what the hell why are there so many and this pickaxe is slow it is not a good weapon and it

Broke oh my God this is so bad I need a sword I definitely need to dodge their attacks and not try and put up my shield this is just too slow and I end up getting hit anyway oh I didn’t Dodge the combat is actually pretty fun though I mean it’s simple but I like it oh my God I’m going to die I’m going to die what is that what is that what is that what is that no no no no no no no I

Don’t want to die I don’t I want to die please please don’t die okay I think I can get this chest now what is that oh I’m throwing my torches I didn’t mean to do that whatever that is looks poisonous is it a snake or like a scorpion or what is

That oh my God it killed me in one hit are you serious now I’m going to have to run in there and get my backpack I hope the skeletons don’t respawn soz I’m going to have to run in there really fast to I get my stuff open the door yo that’s

Crazy I’m going to have to like be in and out so oh okay I’m definitely going to need a stronger sword if I’m going to fully explore this cave I’m going to need a stronger sword and I’m going to need to make just more than one the sword broke really fast and

I don’t have a torch I just realized so I can’t see a damn thing please tell me the skeletons didn’t respawn I wonder if they ever respawn or if they do respawn but it’s like on a like a time interval like if they respawn after like 30 minutes or

Something in real time time or if they just never respawn no no no why am I building I don’t want to build I want my stuff okay let’s get this real quick I don’t know if I want to keep exploring this cave right now wait what is that blast

Powder oh sick we can make like explosives I probably should go back cuz look at all this I have I don’t have any more room to uh like do anything of course most of these pickaxes are going to break break in a couple of hits so maybe I can go a little bit

Farther I feel like I’m definitely going to have to come back in here later with like better stuff I just want to see like how far we can go whatever that thing was killed me in one hit so if I see another one I’m just running I’m not even about to mess with

It can I not go up there oh I can there’s a slope here there’s like a surprising amount of nothing in this part of the cave it’s like no chest or no enemies kind of weird yo I’m going to get lost in here the good thing about when you get

Lost in Minecraft in a cave you can just dig up but not in here not in this game die skeleton oh my Dodge almost didn’t work I like Dodge into a wall like rolled right into the wall so I was still in the line of fire getting the hit oh

No my pickaxe broke ah and I don’t have another one on hand I have to open up my inventory and there’s this poisoning things up there I’m probably just going to go back ah I think I’m just going to go back let me kill him first

Get the pickaxe and get the hell out of here who those things see me what do I do to protect against those poison green scorpion things like how do I keep from dying in one hit do I have to level up or I get armor or something what’s this there’s

Sunlight what the heck I’m totally I’m totally lost in here I don’t know where I’m going how to get back to where I came maybe up here oh no that’s just I’m just going in circles okay that’s cool yo where did I come from what the hell I’m just walking around in

Circles um this way yeah this seems right I think this is right oh there’s those poison things oh my God I have to run I have to run don’t want to die in here again I definitely have to make some like armor and like better weapons and

Come back if you can even make armor I don’t even know if that’s thing you can do in this oh those things are everywhere okay here’s where I came from okay I recognized this I think we’re safe now unless those skeletons respawn yeah there’s the entrance okay

Thank god let’s get the hell out of here we’re definitely going to have to come back with better stuff all right oh there’s like a cabin oh wait we were already over there that’s where I died earlier I kind of want to explore but I feel like I need better stuff like I

Kind of just want to go out and fight enemies and find things and and stuff but at the same time I feel like I need better stuff before I do that yo is there vehicles in this can you like ride horses or like make a car or something that would be so freaking

Cool toys what the hell activation switch activate to a build and toggle on and off your Dynamic objects yo what it’s like Redstone stuff they put like Redstone stuff in here dude a I bet you can make some awesome people are going to make some really cool stuff in

This large thr attach large thrusters onto an existing structure and dynamic objects yo we can build like rockets and stuff oh my God this is going to be sick dude juicer make various drinks used for healing Yo I can already tell this game is going to have so much potential what the heck this is so exciting okay I’ve already upgraded my Village like three I feel like we’ve been I feel like we’ve upgraded pretty quickly um for like the amount of time we’ve been

Playing ow what should I do now I mean I could keep upgrading and building stuff collecting resources upgrading the village like building walls and things I could go out and explore oh let me talk to the cuddle team leader approve tools collecting wood is so tiresome an axe we can chop trees

Quickly yeah I know about that if you want to attract someone like me SCH will need lots of furniture for him to sit on that cat loves to Lounge okay so he needs a lot of furniture interesting um I could just gather resources and build onto the village but

I don’t want to build too much wood and stuff because later I’m just going to want to replace it with stone but maybe I will I don’t know we can survive on scavage food all day we should set up some place we can cook you know what that’s what we should do next

Cuz I have this raw meat that I’ve been holding on to for a while we should get some granite and in the process of getting Granite we can get rid of some of these pickaxes that I have cuz I have like a million pickaxes right

Now and then we can uh build a stove to cook so we need to do that anyway all right nice that’s one pickaxe gotten rid of next nice okay oh I wonder if we can like make a farm too we need we should do that should make a farm for

Vegetables I wonder if there’s like different recipes like if you can make like certain dishes if you have the right combination of like vegetables that would be cool what was that sound that didn’t sound good oh it’s a wolf I outran the wolf pretty easily last

Time so I’m not too worried about the wolf I wonder if we can have pets in this if you have like your own dog that like follows you around or something that would be really cool oh the wolf is attacking the Sheep you think we can take the wolf I I don’t

Think we can oh my God okay we definitely can’t oh I’m I’m going to die I’m about to die holy what is that oh what the hell is that dude that is so creepy what is that what’s up with that noise it makes it looks like a sheep but it’s like not a

Sheep it’s like a impostor sheep that is scary as hell oh my God okay let’s scared me that creepy as hell was like good think we were near the base I wanted to check out that Shack over there I wonder if we can even make it there without

Dying this thing’s just going to lean me back into the snowy area that it did last time so I’m not even worried about that yo this is like a full ass house that’s cool I wonder how big the structures are that you can explore like I bet you if

We travel really far there’ll be like big mansions and stuff take that and take that I could probably break this stuff down too to get like resources oh you can open the dresser that’s really cool oh this is really cool what the hell no no no wait can I not

Oh okay I’m like why isn’t it building on the other stack feather and feather oh I need to put my shield in my off hand okay yo this is really cool I hope there’s like bigger structures to explore later all right let’s get back if I break this stuff do I unlock the

Recipe oh my God freaking spiders dude I just want to attack it with my hand I I have my hands are full of stuff so I like can’t attack oh my God is it going to follow me up here okay it’s not okay uh I need a

Pickaxe oh is it following me it’s zon oh that’s so scary like if I break any of this stuff will I unlock the rest this what I I want to know oh my God they’re everywhere what the hell somebody break something damn it there’s too many of

Them damn it I just wanted to see if I can unlock the recipe by breaking the the stuff why is there everywhere so dangerous everywhere I go there’s so much danger I don’t think we would make it very far if I try to explore like if I

Try to walk down this path and see what was down it I don’t think I would get very far without dying all right let’s just build the stove cook some meat yo who is this howdy partner I’m Hasty just holler if y’all need something well butter me

Up and call call me a biscuit it’s a new friend you can call me a camper all you want but I just need a place safeer the night I think I’ll stop your village yo can he farm for me but I don’t have another bed I can make another bed real

Quick oh but I don’t have enough room for another villager actually I have to upgrade my Village before I can do that damn I kind of want to have him as like a character so he can Farm what if I got rid of raptor can I do that can’t be like

Leave if I can make it better I’d love to take on a job oh you can you can assign them jobs it’s just like Fallout uh okay oh can you have them come with you like companions yo and like help you fight and stuff that would be sick yeah I’m not

Sure if I can get rid of one of these guys for the farmer cuz I’d love to have him to just farm for me that would be cool I don’t think I can get rid of him though I don’t know if I can I would get

Rid of this Raptor guy in in place for the farmer so he could like yeah do crops and things what should I do I wonder if I can even do that what happens if I break his bed while he’s sleeping on it that scared me that Sound oh my God this was so

Wrong he’s got no bed what happens if I build a bed will it just automatically assign to him it did it automatically signed him so how do I get him to leave I’m here to chat no is there no way to make him leave I’m I’m freezing

To death let’s talk jobs let’s explore help the village actually never mind damn I don’t think you can that sucks I really want this farmer I would totally get rid of raptor for the farmer I don’t think I can upgrade either oh plus even if if I upgrade it

Again the next upgrade doesn’t get me a new villager spot a villagers can be asked to cook extract seeds or 10 dirt plots so I could totally make a farm and have the farmer like oh what does that sound what the hell we’re being attacked what the actual hell bro what’s happening I’m

Stuck no what what the hell yo we got T by skeletons that’s crazy okay man I really want this farmer I’m so sad I would have to upgrade the village twice to get a new spot a new villager spot and I don’t have any of the stuff

All the stuff I need not rout I don’t even know where to get that damn that sucks that makes me sad okay um what should we do what should we do oh I need to build a stove I should build walls too I should start building

Walls okay man it takes 30 Granite to build a grill that’s crazy so much I guess I can put it here and it doesn’t really matter use Grill oh corn on the cob grilled Meats fried egg nice dude my corn on the CP that sounds so good now I want corn on the

Cob attack no where are you going for it the village leader okay for the team leader or whatever you call it take take my my oh my inventory is full okay I wonder if the skeletons can kill your villagers D that would be crazy we got our Basics

Finish I thought we have a gr we should grow some food so we have a sustainable food source probably need a shovel to start the farm okay so I need to build a shovel and start the farm okay um oh for first for now let me see about building a gate

What side should I build a gate on like this side not really sure where I want to build the gate damn it there’s things attacking me I’m trying to figure this out that’s so annoying can we not pass the night if I sleep I don’t think it’s passing time at all damn

Okay I just need to put this where it’ll be like flush it’s like right here it’s a good spot right maybe a little bit farther back so I can connect the walls better yeah like here that’s good um oh wait back back back and what else okay next and the fort

Door not enough resources what do I need just regular wood yeah I just need regular L wood okay um nice now what okay I might need more wood all right let’s get some wood I’m really impressed with this game this this is really good like for survival game really nice I

Think like even if you don’t care about Lego or if you don’t care about fortnite like just as a survival game on its own it’s pretty good I think okay I need more trees oh I’m getting I’m getting hungry in real life too like how does it know eat this

Bread oh man I recovered a lot of like hunger Hunger points all right I think I got a good amount of wood 19 yeah let’s see let’s see if that’s enough to finish this gate nice oh there’s more damn keep thinking we’re done and then there’s like more more pieces

Is that it okay that’s it yay let’s go it looks really cool I like the door eventually I’m going to have to take all this down and replace it with stone though yeah I need like walls like regular walls um what am I doing build I need build

Okay like I need this but without the gate like just the wall wall I guess I can build walls like these and then put the spikes on top of them myself yeah cuz aren’t there Spike Thingies oh there’s fences but I don’t really want a fence I want a wall where the spike thingy oh here we go I see yeah I can totally put these on top all right so let’s just build some walls I’ll probably put a gate on the other

Side too on the other side of the fort but for now let’s just like get some walls going in here I should probably do like one more here and then yeah okay that’s kind of hanging off a little bit I guess it’s not not too bad it’s

Hanging off the ground a little bit it’s not like crazy I’m going to need a lot of wood to make this like a lot of wood that’s good for now at least we get the a start a start of Defense those skeletons were just attacking all through the night

Right we need something we probably need like Lighting in here so that they don’t spawn cuz they’ll probably spawn even on the inside of the gates I feel like I don’t have to delete these raspberry bushes in order to build this I might have to I don’t

Know um okay okay okay okay what do I want to do now trying to think what’s the plan here yo what is the oh that’s from the skeletons that died I like how we’re all just hanging around the fire I think this will be a good thumbnail for the next

Stream maybe something like this that could be good um okay what do I want to do I’m trying to think trying to figure out what I want to do next I could just keep Gathering wood I should build an axe if I’m going to do that you know what let’s do that

Let’s build an axe or a couple of axes and then let’s just start chopping down trees and finish our any more wood and then we can finish the gate or the fence I mean let me get rid of these pickaxes these little tiny ones I think I’ve kind of like cleared

Everything in this area I have so many Vines not really sure what to do with it some wood nice get rid of that pickaxe way too many in my um what’s this was that here before did I come down to this side I don’t think I

Did I’m I must have cuz there’s nothing in here oh I did I remember this I remember moving Sparrow if I break this will I get its recipe cuz that would be cool if that’s how it works I’m not sure though no I just get the resources from it damn that sucks oh

Well all right let’s go make some axes like some real axes and then we can chop down these big trees I can get like a ton of wood and and build this fence and I think that’s probably the last thing I’ll do today well actually I’m not sure I might

Keep going we’ll see how I’m feeling after I finish the fence and like what time it is who’s this hey Robin I knew I SP a new friend back home I’m known as bird watcher but you can call me Robin around here good to meet you if you’re

Like me you’ll find all kinds of inspiration out here I like sleeping around trees but sometimes I’m afraid of one we follow me I think I’ll St your village tonight it’s cool that we get like a new villager every night but then it sucks when there’s like one that you

Want and you don’t have room for a new one like I really wanted that farmer to help me Farm I don’t really care about Raptor either I I wish I could like have a way of getting rid of raptor and I could have had the farmer instead oh

Well Forest axe let’s craft like a couple of these okay and then I can just chop down these big ass trees now should I chop the ones up here or do I want to leave those for like the aesthetic cuz I don’t think they’ll grow back I’m not sure I could

Be wrong they might grow back but I feel like they won’t I kind of want to leave them in case they don’t grow back cuz I want to have some trees up there around my Bas give me all your wood yes more wood there’s going to be nothing down here after I’m done

Chopping all this wood it’s just going to be nothing but grass yeah after we build the fence around the base like what should we do like I kind of want to keep upgrading the The Village so that I can get more villagers and I need a farm like I need to start a

Farm and I need to assign one villager to like take care of the farm and farm the food that way I don’t have to worry about running out of food and I also want to be able to like go off and explore so I need like a watchtower and assign someone to the

Watchtower and I think I can have the villagers follow me I think I can have like a companion so I need to see about that too too these blue flowers are like really pretty um and then I need the better weapons I need to find out if there’s

Any kind of armor and if there’s some kind of armor I need to make that and then I need like better weapons so I can like go explore and like fight bigger enemies I want to find like some big enemies and fight them and just like find like things to expl

But as it is right now if I travel too far I’m just going to die in the chance like even the Wolves will be like killing me really easily nice we have a lot of wood but I don’t think it’s enough I don’t think it’s quite enough yet I’ll

Probably I’ll probably keep getting wood until my until this axe is broken and then see if that’s enough to build the rest of the fence around the for I want to put a gate on the opposite side too so there’s a gate on both sides that way if I’m coming from the other

Side I don’t have to walk all the way around it’d be kind of nice to a gate on all four sides I don’t know I don’t know if I want to do that I might I might do that I probably won’t though I don’t know that seems excessive a gate on all four

Sides seems like too many gates I think it might be just better if I one on each side I need to eat something I’m getting hungry getting dark I’m getting scared I need to equip some food to my quick bar just put these raspberries down here oh what does that

Sound I’m all nervous I don’t want to die at least I’m right by the base give me that wood okay just going to eat some berries get my health or get my Hunger meter back up okay I wonder if you can get like a shield cuz one of those mushrooms said something

Something it said something weird like juice slurp mushrooms cooking green conly found in caves like candy from the cave made me wonder if like it would give me like Shield oh there’s skeletons okay freaking run dude just run just get out of here back to the

Village I forgot I had corn on the cob oh the skeleton followed me get out of this oh my god get away from here skeleton thisit okay thank you thank you cuddle team leader hey okay let me eat my corn cob and let’s make some fried eggs while we’re

Here oh I need two I need two eggs to do that okay I have a grilled meat or a meat I can Grill it take that out of storage should I put something in storage yeah let me put this marble in here deposit that no I want to deposit

The whole stack yeah yeah yeah and the slab blast powder I’ll put in here feather arrows um what’s that Granite I need that okay I guess I could put the wool in there for now yeah okay okay that’s good I have so many bones all right let’s make grilled meat oh

dud I tried to start building the fence right now but it’s kind of hard to build when they’re around when the skeletons are attacking oh well I’ll just go and do it Fort wall also can’t see very well let me put my torch in my off hand instead of my shield the

Um the shield doesn’t really do much I think I’m in favor of just dodging oh I need to I need to break this I wonder if I can plant the berry bushes I hope I don’t have to destroy him okay don’t okay good I love the building it’s so satisfying Lego

Bricks okay where do I want to start going the other way maybe like right there or do I want to go one more cuz I need to be able to make it you know what I think I’ll probably go one more yeah like right here and then I can start turning

It that yeah there we go and I don’t know where I want to start the next gate somewhere like near the middle right around Here how long is the gate hold on let me see let me see okay the gates about that long so I probably want it probably want it somewhere around here right so I think I need to go like a couple more the walls oh God the the the menu is

Confusing me okay what do you think like two more and then the gate yeah that’s probably good and then we can build the gate I’m going to need to build a lookout tower too it’s hard to see if I’m lined up cuz I can’t really see over

There yeah what’s going on with this I like can’t connect it what the hell I’m like not being able to connect this up okay hold on let me try doing it from the front it’s hard to see I can’t see the edge cuz it’s like so

Long is it the bush okay hold on let me let me get rid of this bush I think this bush might have been in the way no it wasn’t the Bush okay what the hell it won’t let me connect this up but we’re connected up down there on the other

End you know what let me just put a gate in here like instead of doing it this way let me just get the gate door like that yeah yeah it’ll let me connect that up so I can just do it like that and then I can just put my own spikes on the

Top so that’ll work that’s pretty much lined up the other one I could totally put a gate door on this side if I wanted to like remove one of these and put the gate door but I kind of just want two I feel like having it on more than two sides

Will be too much yeah I’m not sure it’s kind of a hard hard decision okay back to the walls you think like one more yeah and going start turning for sure I’m definitely going to run out of wood I think before I finish this wall I’m I probably could have went one

More yeah I could have I think I want to redo that I think I want to redo this wall because I could have totally went one more over ah that sucks okay let’s just let’s just freaking let just yeah seemed like I was going to be over

Too far if I went one more but now that I’m looking at it Justin PR hey how’s it going hey it’s going really good man how about you thank you for coming to the stream thank you thank you playing some Lego fortnite today so far I’ve really really been liking

It trying to get this wall around my around my base every night the skeletons come and attack and it’s super annoying okay so we’ll go one more over yeah and now we’ll start going the other way that’s better I might have to delete some of these bushes like definitely this

One while I’m at it I’ll just go ahead and do this one cuz I know I’ll have to anyway all Right build a wall build a wall build a wall um okay I want to make sure this is lined up so I probably better build a couple on here first it’s weird how it lets me line up the wall with the gate but it wouldn’t let me line up the gate with the

Wall oh anime King Hi how are you thank you for coming to the stream thank you thank you how are you doing today we’re playing Lego fortnite I’m trying to build a wall around my base because every night the skeletons come they come and they attack and it’s

So annoying but I’m not even sure if this will keep them out because they might just break the walls which would really suck I don’t know how easy they can break walls and then also like they might spawn inside the walls yay we had enough wood to finish

The wall okay but now we got to build the spikes on the top so I’m definitely not going to have enough wood for that um okay here we go yeah like this yeah I think I’m definitely going to run out of wood I am from India oh cool that’s very nice I like

India i’ never been unfortunately I need to go one day I will travel there hopefully I’m so jealous of people that just like have enough money and time to just travel wherever they want and see the world that’ be so nice must be nice at least we can do that in video games

Love the spikes yeah the spikes are cool I do be liking the spikes oh I’m hungry already again like we just ate all those Berries I’m definitely going to run out of wood it’s hard to line it up ah okay so I kind of want to do something for New Year’s like I don’t think I will be streaming on New Year’s cuz I kind of want to watch the countdown but maybe something on New Year’s

Day like New Year’s related that’d be kind of cool oh I forgot I grilled that meat I need to eat that meat the fruit probably doesn’t last as long as the protein yeah probably not um and I think the cooked Foods probably last longer forgot I had this corn on

The cob and grilled meat yeah they gave me quite a bit what about the milk how much does the milk give me not very much okay for some reason I thought the milk would give me a lot more I was definitely wrong uh okay we’ve almost finished the

Wall am I out of wood oh yeah I’m totally out of wood okay uh okay I need to make another axe cuz this axe is about to die and I don’t even have enough wood for that I I just looked at and saw that I was out of wood and I’m already like

Forgetting okay let’s just gather as much wood as we can with these two axes probably just gather wood until both of these axes are broken that should give me enough wood to finish the wall and to make a couple more axes I hope I think I’m going to keep my torch

My of 10 from now on cuz when I was in the cave and I was fighting those skeletons and I switched for my torch on my sword it was so dark I couldn’t see anything and the shield didn’t really wasn’t very useful anyway so instead of keeping my shield

In my outand I’m probably just going to keep my torch so I can just dodge their attacks I don’t have to like have the shield and then like uh be able to see while I’m hiding be nice all right excuse me sheep that should be enough to

Finish I wonder if I should keep these closed oh did that tree just spawn in front of my face I think it did okay well that’s good to know because now we know that they respawn let me watch back in the in the the stream I’m pretty sure that just spawned in front

Of my face though yeah it did I just watched it back it totally spawned in front of my face that’s good to know I wasn’t sure if they respawned or not all right let’s finish this wall what did I need to upgrade the bench I wonder if I upgrade the crafting bench

If I’ll be able to make better weapons cuz the wooden sword really sucks I really want like a better sword but I don’t know nice we finished it let’s take a look yeah that looks pretty good that looks pretty cool the door on this side is totally

Centered it’s like centered up with the middle and everything which looks really nice so you open the gate and the the Town Square thingy is like right there but the door on this side is totally off center and I didn’t even realize it when I built it I’m only just

Now seeing how off center it is uh that’s terrible I’m I have to fix that later cuz that’s going to drive me crazy do we have enough to upgrade is that why this is sparkling I didn’t think we had enough to upgrade we don’t why is it sparkling I thought it only sparkled

When you had enough to upgrade the village but it’s totally sparkling right now talk to spark plug the name spark plug if you like to build things get crafty yo does that mean there’s cars in this cuz this guy totally looks like a mechanic I mean we know there’s we know

There’s jets for like rockets so there could totally be like Vehicles like cars and like he could build it I built my bed on a dynamic Foundation a long story short I need a new place to sleep I’ll stay at your village tonight yo I really wish I had another spot so I

Could keep him or her I can’t really tell uh uh why is it glowing like I can upgrade but I totally can’t I don’t have any of this stuff I need not rout which I don’t even know where to find that planks and granite I don’t know why it’s glowing it’s glowing and

Sparkling ah this door over here is going to drive me crazy should I just go ahead and fix it right now uh I think I’ll leave it for now it’s bothering me but I think I’ll leave it I think I need to make some lighting um I just throw my

Torch yeah I wonder what kind of lighting I can make also need to see about upgrading my bench so far there’s no skeletons attacking so that’s good bench upgrade oh yeah that’s right I needed his shells and I have no idea says left behind by rollers

Oh that was that thing that killed me earlier that made that creepy ass noise that was like that’s a roller I think so if I kill those I can get shells and then I can upgrade my so far nothing attacking the village which is is great um okay I need to see about

Lighting wait wait wait wait wait build that’s what I need okay um Furniture lighting oh I can make these out of vines that’s so sick I really want to make these these um lanterns and these things but I don’t have any of the ingredients but this I only need Vines

For so that’s sick how much light does it produce okay not a lot not a lot but it’s something I think I’ll just place a couple by the door here I’ll just Place some every so often it’s like placing torches all over the ground just like Minecraft it’s just like Minecraft I

Definitely would rather have lanterns or something I could make more campfires the campfire produces a lot of light as a matter of fact why don’t I do that I can put one over here um let me go campfire where should I put it I could put it like over here

Somewhere I definitely need another candle behind my cabin let’s put it like over here yeah that’s nice I can just get this candle I don’t really need candles over here now cuz this campfire is so bright guess I can leave that one it looks pretty good I don’t really

Like having the candles all over the place but at least it’s lit up better maybe I’ll just make more campfires I don’t know the campfires look better I don’t know I need better lighting I need to to make those L those Lantern things but I need copper and stuff for

That oh well this is fine for now I do have my torch so it’s not like it’s not like I really need to light the whole place up I don’t know I think I’m going to break some of these it’s bothering me I don’t like how it looks it’s too messy

Looking once I get like find out how to get copper I’ll just get copper I might leave that one actually you know what I’ll I’ll delete it cuz I want to place it a little bit farther back in line with these other ones um let’s just get rid of these ones that

Are kind of like in the middle I need to put another one back here sure behind my cabin yeah that’s good one more right here okay that looks fine for now until I can upgrade him with like better lighting one thing that was nice about having one campfire though was that all

The characters gathered around the one fire which looked really cool now that I have two they’re split up but when I get more villagers of will be better I need to build houses for them they don’t have any houses oh I’m starving oh okay uh let’s eat some

Pumpkins I just realized I have five Hearts instead of three I guess I get the I guess I got two more for having two more villagers soz I think one of the things one of the upgrades was like yeah like an extra villagers equip a health charm so

I guess they get an extra Health charm per extra villager or something and I have two villagers so that would make sense I’m not sure if that’s accurate okay um let’s build them a house because right now their beds are just out in the open they’re getting rained on and it looks stupid

So I think I’ll build them a prefab house I could build in the same Log Cabin as mine but I could build in one of these other ones me see the total wood cost on these the simple Shack but the simple Shack is ugly I definitely don’t want to build

Them that the total cost for this one’s 41 which is really high he total cost was 51 of that one 50 29 okay I could build him this double Shack the total cost is only 29 and then um I could they could both live in the double

Shack but I don’t know it looks kind of ugly looks like a barn for Animals you know I don’t really want to make them I’d rather make them the the nice log cabin I think it’s worth getting the extra wood cuz it’ll look nicer which

Speaking of wood do I have any on me right now I do I need to use that to make axes um you know what I should make too instead of keeping my crafting bench in here I only put it in here because you can’t use it in the rain it’s taking up

So much room in my house I should make a barn like a like that double Shack I should make that double Shack to put this stuff in I could make the roomy Shack what does that look like n that’s a little much um porch Shack I think that might be a little

Unnecessary like a little too much like I don’t the simple track it’s not enough I think the double Shack is like just right I think I’ll make the double Shack like over here and I can put this stuff inside of it yeah like right here yeah that’ll look

Nice and then I’ll put the stuff I’ll put the like crafting benches in here Nice where do these go here and here okay I’m out of w okay wait did I make axes already I I didn’t did I I forgot I forgot to make axes and now I don’t have any wood why did I do that oh my God I’m so dumb I freaking forgot good thing

There’s a tree here that I don’t have to walk all the way down to the ground and get some but can they not leave are they like stuck be free they were stuck in here cuz I had the door closed that’s funny ow the doors like glitched got me

Stuck oh that wasn’t enough wood oh okay good thing there’s another tree that would suck if I had to go all the way to the ground beat up a tree and then come all the way back to make some axes well this will at least be enough for one yay I have one

Axe now we can go and get some wood I guess I can go ah and chop these bushes too I didn’t think about that get some wood from these and they’re kind of ugly anyway taking up all the space what’s up with this chicken what the hell were you freaking out dude

Chicken was freaking the hell out a some of these trees are starting to respawn that’s cool time to cut them down he I just blanked on what I was doing what was I Gathering wood for oh oh yeah yeah okay okay I want to build the shed and build the houses for

The other guys so I actually need a lot of wood I should have went ahead and made two axes while I was up there I’m just going to have to make another one and come back down he I’m going to have to eat lunch soon okay you know what I think what

I’ll do I’ll I’ll go ahead and finish these I’ll go ahead and finish the shack for the workbenches and then I’ll finish the the um cabins for the villagers I’ll probably call the stream there for today we made a lot of progress look at what all we did

That was a lot in one day I feel this game is so fun I can’t I already like can’t wait to play this again yo I’m like stuck in an animation no I’m stuck in the crafting animation what the hell that was so weird oh was that the farmer no that’s a new

Guy sunflower hey there I’m sunflower you can find me out in the fields delighted to make your acquaintance I’ve done so much traveling the village seems like a good place to stop for a spell yo can you please stay and farm for me please please I need you to farm for me

If I could just get rid of raptor go away Raptor you suck if I delete his bed and then talk to him wait why is this taking so much to ble what the hell that’s got to be a glitch it didn’t take it didn’t take so much damage okay

Weird now if I talk to him I like hey get the hell out I’m glad you’re here I wanted you to know that I’m thinking of leaving oh that’s how you do it there’s no bed for me to lay on and a place to sleep is an important part of the

Village man get the hell out of here Raptor in 5 days don’t leave in 5 days leave now so I can invite the farmer person to stay if I put place a bed now it’ll just go right back to being Raptor’s bed but I can’t wait for 5 days the farmer

Person will go away for one thing it B doesn’t exist slash that’s an issue you for me I feel like the text is bugged here ah yes fork knife hello Abdul hello hello how are you today thank you for coming to the stream thank you thank

You yeah so far it’s really fun I really like this uh Lego fortnite so far I’m trying to get this stupid Raptor guy to leave cuz I need a farmer and there’s a farmer here oh yes hello hello Abdul yeah this sun this farmer sunflower I want her to

Stay so she can farm for me but I don’t have room for another villager so I need one to leave so I’m trying to get Raptor to leave but he won’t leave until 5 days and the farmer will only be here for one night so that sucks that sucks so

Bad see if I ask her to stay she’ll say like I need a bed and if I if I put if I build a bed it’ll automatically assign to the other guy yeah see it automatically assigns it to Raptor that sucks that’s terrible I’m good I haven’t stubbed my toe on something

Yet yeah me neither thankfully I hate it when that happens or when you step on a Lego yeah that’s the worst haven’t stepped on a Lego yet okay I definitely want Raptor to get the hell out of here see I could build two beds but then it would be

Like because there’s only two spots so it wouldn’t work I I need to upgrade my Village more but I don’t have the stuff I need ah this is terrible I should never have invited Raptor to stay here that’s all right I’ll just let him leave in 5 days and then another farmer will

Come surely surely another farmer will visit oh I want to see if breit bomber will like follow me around let’s talk jobs let’s explore yeah yeah we have companions that’s so awesome dude I’m so glad there’s like a companion function let’s go breit bomber why does

She look like she was like in the Lego movie or something she seems familiar okay um yeah let’s let’s go ahead and finish this up real quick I think I should have enough wood for it I’m hungry again already damn I need to shut this gate before the night time

Comes um me exit build mode close this door I want to put all the workbenches in here if I can I think they’ll fit I hope I hope they’ll fit okay what else the ridge The Ridge Racer there should be one more piece one more piece all right

Nice so now I can put these work venes in here hopefully they’ll fit I don’t know what I’ll do with this okay wait did I start breaking my wall it looks like I started to break my wall can I like repair that I didn’t mean to do that I started to break

My own my own house on accident will it just heal automatically or do I have to like repair that oh no my my house I don’t think there’s a way for me to repair that oh that sucks also I want to move my chest now but I don’t think I

Can do that without spilling the contents like everywhere oh I’m starving ah I keep forgetting about food okay uh um let’s build these benches the crafting bench I’m not sure how I want to put it actually let’s start with the log the lumber mill cuz I want to put that on the

Side over here and then the grill we can probably put like over here wait how many utilities are there okay I might want to make I want to try and leave room to fit more so I should probably I was going to put this like centered but I should

Probably like put it flush with the wall so that when I go to make other stuff later off of room and then the crafting bench I’ll probably just put uh how do I want to put this up against the loog the log M no can’t do that I

Can I don’t really like how that looks I’m just going to put it in the center for now you know what I’m going to Center this and I’m going to go ahead and Center this because I can always just move it later whenever I go to build new stuff it just looks better

Centered yeah there we go looks really nice it’s a lot better than how we had it and then if I delete this now all my stuff just spill everywhere cuz I think it probably will I can just move it what is that sound is that someone snoring sounds so creepy is that

You tree Fields Wide Open Spaces doesn’t get much better than this oh you can give them stuff oh you can give them weapons oh that’s sick wish I had something spicy to warm me up I don’t have anything spicy for you I’m sorry oh try not to get

Overwhelmed by a pack of wolves they too many of them can prove to be too much to handle yeah I bet okay let’s break this why is there like a search thing on the ground that was weird Okay um I swear there’s like Brakes in my walls that weren’t there before because

I accidentally hit them and and I don’t think I can fix it which is really frustrating maybe those maybe those were always there and I just didn’t realize it okay build my chest again I don’t think I can build a medium chest no cuz I need not route or

Whatever oh let’s put that stuff back in here uh what all did I have in here put that snow Berry in there I know put that in there that that probably put that wool in there okay that’ll work I really hope my like companions can’t die cuz that would that would be

Bad gosh it’s starting to look so nice in here all right let’s go gather wood so I can build these I want to build two log cabins even though I’m trying to get wait why did raptor assign to this bed why did raptor assign to this bed that was breite bombers

Bed what the hell are you serious I want you to leave bro why and then what about right bomber does she not have a bed cuz now there’s no beds is it just because she’s my follower and followers don’t need beds apparently what so if I if I ask her to

Stop following me she’ll be like I don’t have a bed yo that is really weird that does not make sense why would he automatically take her bed that does not not make any sense that’s like a bad design because when I ask her to stop following me she’s going to need a

Bed so if he took the bed and I didn’t realize it and I asked her to stop following me she would have left instead of him now I would have been super mad if I hadn’t have realized that oh you wait can she help me chop down trees if I give her a Thing wait will she help me chop chop wood what’s up with this Boulder that’s like perfectly round oh you can roll it wa that’s cool I wonder what we can use that for I wonder if we can make like a trap where it’ll like like make a trip wire and

Like it’ll roll down the hill and like run into the skeletons that would be cool okay let’s see if she’ll help me chop these trees now that I gave her an axe sh the top yeah she does sick nice I wonder know if I’ll be able to

Get the XX back from her like after we’re done though cuz I’m totally going to need the I’m going to need that back ah this game is really good I’m really impressed with this game I’m starving again damn oh no I don’t think I have any food

Oh oh here’s some berries thank God no no no no no no no no uh yes I have to I really need a farmer it’s a shame I couldn’t have asked that farmer to stay that’s got to be the next thing we do on the next time I stream this is make a

Farm what the hell is that sound there’s a wolf over here run Bri bomber run there’s a house over here I kind of want to check out oh there’s wood there yeah need berries was that the house I was at earlier it’s getting hard to tell where I’ve been already where I have

It this is totally where I was already wasn’t it maybe not okay it’s not it’s so hard to tell oh we have corn now thank God I need food let’s follow the sparkly thing see where it takes us hopefully it doesn’t take us too far so I’m not really trying to go that

Far mostly just trying to get wood oh there’s a wolf over there you think we can take that wolf oh God he’s calling for backup this treasure better be worth it oh damn she’s strong as yo hold up right bomber strong what the hell have to worry about those

Wolves let’s get this wood while we’re here dude can we chop down those really big trees prob not let me see oh we can yo yo that’s a lot of wood this treasure better be good as far away is this making me go it better be some good

Treasure oh there’s some stuff over there let’s just chop down this tree I’m out okay that’s fine let’s go up here see what this is about oh nice let’s see some seeds totally use that what is this oh no no no no no I don’t want to talk to

You is this where the thing was taking us surely not okay it wasn’t see that’s not much of a treasure what is that it’s a llama yo this was totally worth it it it’s a freaking pinata llama thing and I can pet him and he blew up oh my God pepper seed

Blast powder spicy pepper oh dude that’s cool that was worth it I wonder what we can make with these I bet we can make some like good stuff that was totally worth it okay I think I should have enough wood now oh it’s one of those I kind of

Need to kill that spicy bomber or spicy bomber what the is your name Sprite bomber kill this thing we need its shells but don’t die okay thank you inventory full okay can I drop something I need to eat anyway um oh nice give that sh I need the shell to upgrade the workbench

Do I have room for more pumpkins I do nice okay where’s the base I I went too far away I can’t tell what direction I came from it’s not good oh there it is okay nice dude we totally missed this house over here how do we miss this house look

Like a big ass house right here oh no we didn’t miss this one we went in this one well what was that other house back here we went in this house but we missed this house cuz I we only went in one house and there’s two

Houses over here I don’t know how we missed one maybe it was this house wait or is this the house we did we didn’t miss I don’t freaking know I can’t tell they all look the same okay we missed this one oh okay can I have room for These merging items what the did that just do it won’t let me take it for some reason I have to like manually drag it and drop it like trying to hit the button just to take it should just automatically put it in my inventory with the other items that are the same

Items but it doesn’t do anything so I’m hitting e and it doesn’t do anything but if I drag it and drop it over it works hey trainer Floy how are you thank you for coming to the stream thank you thank you how are you today let’s take this

Milk and okay now let’s go back to the base which I believe was this way I hope I need to cook some of this food food too and I got to get this stuff out of my inventory it’s cool that you can see the walls of the base from back

Here we’re definitely going to need a vehicle to get around cuz I feel like it’s going to take so long just to walk everywhere it would be really cool if you could make like a teleporter for like your base and like teleport back to the base that would be sick

Why do the walls look like they’re broken no way dude did the walls get damag okay no it just hadn’t loaded in okay we need to kill this thing where’s bright where’s breite bomber oh there she is come on let’s kill this thing I don’t have any

Weapons oh my God kill it kill it right mom kill it please dude having companions is uh so like op so I would not be able to kill that thing on my own like The Kill Rock and Roll reference oh thank you thank you yeah yeah we we are friends

Now if you understand the reference then we are automatically friends congratulations all right let’s whoa I just glitched through the door and I can’t open it okay this is bugged I’m just glitching through the door and I I it actually won’t let me open it to let breit bomber

In okay there we go come on bri bomber come in here where are you going what the hell there’s a door right here this is so Bugg whoa okay she just she just freaking spawn in who is this Aura hi there I’m Aura if you’re looking for adventure you came to the right

Place it’s always spelled to me a new face all my travels have made me pretty tired I think I’ll step at your village for the night welcome to the Village AA I wish you would get out of here Raptor that’s a win yeah that’s a win let’s

Go you know what I noticed there’s no emotes or if there is I don’t know how to do them I really want to do like the default dance what is this is this like crouching mode okay that is it’s crouching that is so weird looking my companion’s crouching

Too it looks like my pepper is like a knife like a weapon or something but it’s totally not this is so funny looking God I want to get I want to get like a snapshot of this for a thumbnail it’s too funny we’re just crouching around everyone else is walking like

Normal oh there is emotes okay sick and they all emote with me they came they came running Raptor came running over to just to like join In that is so funny Wow I hope I can get orange Justice I want orange Justice for the Legos okay all right enough of that let’s cook some of this meat that I have and let’s see about building do I have any more room in the storage I think I do yeah I can move this this over

Um I can move these over this I can move pepper seed I love how the seeds look like little Lego bricks um okay that’s good for now I really need to start a farm I really need a farmer let’s see about building these log cabins what’s their total total cost is

41 okay that’s not as not as much as I thought I’ll build one here for now I might build one more I’m not sure I probably will go ahead and build one more but I can’t build the beds yet until what’s his face is gone until Raptor leaves okay let’s build some posts

Oh nice nice nice I really enjoy the way the building Works in this so far I’ve only been messing around with the prefabs but like I really want to mess around with just like the bricks and like the free building so I feel like I feel like we

Could build some really cool stuff okay the the brakes and the wall were already there okay so I just didn’t notice it Before uh yeah I bet people are in here building like the Statue of Liberty and like crazy stuff okay I’m kind of like trapped in here well let me open the door if I exit build okay I had to exit build to open the door start build get this roof built

So I’m at least going to build two cabins for now because I’ll need one for the bright bomber and then I’ll need one for a farmer once another like another farmer villager comes I’m going to want to invite them to stay so I can build a farm and eventually once I unlock like

Stone Parts I’m going to have to to break all this stuff and build like Stone I could leave it and build stone on the inside and just have two walls but that might look weird I don’t know I’ll think about it nice there’s one log shed I can’t

Build the door I can’t build the bed yet so I build the bed raptor is going to like re automatically assign himself to it and then he’ll never leave It’s Kind it’s almost like animal crossing a little bit the way the Villager system is it’s so cool it’s got

Like systems of Animal Crossing systems of like Fallout 4 and like Minecraft and Lego and fortnite it’s like fortnite mixed with Legos mixed with Minecraft mixed with Fallout 4 mixed with um what I just say what was the other one oh I forgot the other

One yeah game I said it was like oh Animal Crossing yeah yeah yeah it’s really cool okay let’s build oh there’s lightning I wonder if you can get struck it’s kind of scary let’s build the other one over here somewhere there’s so many berry bushes and I don’t really want to get

Rid of them cuz I need the berries but they’re also super like in the way I mean I could build the other house just directly next to this one but I don’t really want to do that I think that looks lame let me see like where I could fit it

In yeah I think I’m going to have to get rid of that berry bush cuz I kind of want to put it like right here oh what the hell was that that was a huge sound was that the lightning sound like it’s struck an enemy or something God that looks so

Creepy when you can’t see the bottom oh my God okay that was the lightning let’s get indoors let’s get indoors that is so scary can I grill anything else corn on the cob I can let’s do that okay eat this meat cu oh my God is it going to damage my

Buildings oh I hope it doesn’t damage my stuff if you’ve ever played Jurassic world evolution is it is it Jurassic world Evolution I think that’s what it’s called sometimes there’ll be oh my God where did that strike it struck right outside and I totally didn’t see it cuz

I was in the menu oh my God can you dig them up and move them uh I don’t think so I think I have to plant new ones if I if I break them yeah Jurassic world Evolution a tornado will just destroy all your stuff like it’ll just rip

Through all your buildings and you’ll have to rebuild them all it’s terrible okay um I kind of want to wait for the storm inside I just left my companion just outside in the rain come in we safe the cabin come on I think they’re stuck on the door

Come on in in in in in get in here oh my God they go will they not come all the way in maybe they won’t maybe they’re just not designed to I don’t know okay I guess they’re fine I have a feeling the companions just don’t die okay let me eat this

Corn um here we go I just wasted one okay that’s fine um okay which berry bush was it I already broke it nice just casually building a log cin out in the lightning storm no big deal totally safe if I get hit by a lightning track it’s probably going to insta kill

Me eat all the grass that you want accidents happen that want accidents Happen what’s cool is when you unlock a new prefab you unlock all the parts individually also oh my God I just got hit wow but it didn’t really hurt me it just kind of knocked me backwards yeah you unlock all the parts individually so you can like mix and

Match them if you want build like your own thing I kind of want to mess around with that it would be cool to go on like a creative mode and just like see what kind of cool stuff you can build with the Lego pieces this is what I wanted Lego worlds

To be like like remember Lego worlds when that came out I was excited for it I thought it’d be cool and then it just sucked it was not good I thought it’d be more like this this is like what I want this is everything I wanted Lego worlds to be and

More I thought about getting Lego City recently but like why buy Lego City when this is free I mean Lego city is a little bit different it’s almost like a Lego GTA or something but still so this is free I’d rather play this anyway I was in the mood for a survival

Game too I was actually on the steam store recently looking at Survival Games cuz I was in the mood to play one so this is like perfect timing okay that looks really nice I’m really happy with that yeah that’s pretty good next time we definitely need oh you know

What I should go ahead and upgrade this uh workbench next time we definitely need to start a farm I need eight planks I need three shells I only have two shells okay well I guess I can’t do that not yet anyway wonder if you can make paths cuz

I’d like to make a path from the door to like the center don’t really need it but it would be cool okay yeah next time definitely want to make a farm and hopefully we can get rid of this stupid uh this guy Raptor and get a farmer character to like tend the

Plot but for now um I’m afraid if I dismiss her that she’ll also leave because there’s no bed for her now because Raptor took her bed for some reason which I feel like wasn’t supposed to happen but it did not really sure but if I don’t dismiss her if I log

Out when I log back in will she still be my follower or will it automatically like dismiss her not sure anyway I think I want to be done for today um I feel like we made a lot of progress I’m definitely going to play this again I really really like this

Game this is really good this is way better than I imagined it would be like like loads better server lifetime the server will restart in an hour why why is that wait what when it means restart does it just mean this server will temporarily go offline for like

Maintenance or something or is it going to reset everything no way no way it resets no way the server resets no way that would be crazy hold on hold on hold on I remember there were server settings and I didn’t really look at them I just turned

Everything on I left everything on I hope there wasn’t like a a server wipe option that I left on by mistake that would be really bad I don’t think there’s any way to look at what my my settings were yo that would be crazy hold on let’s let’s let’s go ahead

And log out real quick and see oh I don’t want to exit oh I returned to Lobby okay you’ll lose all your stuff unless you put them in a chest oh damn thank you for telling me that I was just about to log out too okay I need to make another chest

Y That’s crazy why do they make it like that they should just let me keep on my sheet okay um I need to make another chest wish I could make a big chest but I can’t cuz I don’t have any not rout oh wait you need planks for a chest

Okay I did not realize that let me just go Ahad and make two chests um so I’m going to need like 12 planks two chested rest yeah man that’s kind of weird like what’s the point in the server reset I definitely should have looked at the settings before I created the world

I just I just kind of like left everything turned on and didn’t even like read to see what they were that was a mistake well I we’re waiting for those to make that’s so Funny oh they’re all like over it now it’s just me like yeah one one time was enough Oh this takes so long yeah so I think next time after we get rid of him we’ll wait for a farmer villager to come and then we’ll start a farm and then we’ll assign them the job like so that they’ll tend to the farm or

Whatever I don’t know if I want to keep her as my companion I might assign her to like gather resources or something I know it’s really nice to have a companion to like whenever you’re fighting like Monsters and stuff cuz I could totally take her into that cave that we were in

Earlier and like progress farther into that cave um okay I’m just going to put the chest in the other law cabins even though they’re not my cabins they’re going to be for the villagers they probably won’t use the chest anyway uh okay so I’m just going to start depositing everything can these

Not stack oh they can those don’t so 50 is Max on the vines apparently maybe 50 is just Max in general do I have anything that can stack I don’t think I can okay oh wait did I just put all my wood in there without making another

Chest did I just do that I did oh no but I have the planks I put my wood in there but I didn’t put the planks so that’s okay what is this slurp juice it’s like a shield potion say f plus plus five Hearts yo what no no no plus heart for 5

Minutes like 5 minutes of like your health will regenerate automatically maybe okay I should definitely like keep that I don’t care if I lose like two Granite I’m not really worried about that I’m not worried about the shield cuz I’m not going to use it anyway and it’s almost

Broken the berries and milk are easy to get wait didn’t I have another stack of feathers hold on a second I think I did I think I can stack those in another thing let me put the milk in there see about stacking these feathers oh what the

Hell yeah I had feathers in here I thought I did and these can stack I can put this in there And what are those bones how many bones oh there are 50 okay so that was full stack of Bones yeah I don’t think I have anything else that can be stacked which is fine I don’t care about this shield and this Granite I really worried about those

Okay let me go to the lobby and just see if I can see what my settings are before I end the stream I know it said it could you couldn’t change the world settings after you created the world I just want to see what they are if I

Can um it totally doesn’t tell me anything about my setting settings interesting I wonder how many worlds will let me have at a time let me just go to like create a world and see like create new world and see what the settings are enemies hunger temperature stamina

Elimination when the setting is on the player can character can be eliminated when the setting is off oh so you can have it where you can’t die okay drop inventory friendly creatures villagers okay so there’s no settings for like about the server reset or whatever there’s just like sandbox mode which

Sandbox mode sounds like it’d be fun if you just really wanted to build stuff um but I’m more interested in survival well anyway that just about wraps it up for today um thank you so much everyone who came to the stream and watched and commented and if you’re watching this

Later in as a recording then thank you so much and as always oh you can have seven worlds oh thank you okay cool that’s actually quite generous seven is quite a good amount I think especially considering you can give player keys and like your friends can access it like

Whenever that’s like really nice and it’s totally free which is amazing that like amazes me this is completely free anyway yeah um if you haven’t already subscribed please consider doing so really would mean a lot to me and yeah I’ll definitely be playing this again on stream

Later um and besides this I’m planning on playing the finals on stream and I also want to play lethal company on stream and of course all the other games that we’ve already been playing previously I’m going to continue to play those like Guilty Gear and um oh what else can’t remember like probably

Dualingo I’ll probably do another dualingo stream here soon like another Japanese only stream I don’t know about Scarlet Nexus I don’t know I may or may not keep playing that I’m not sure um but yeah I I’m I’m thinking about it and yeah that’s pretty much it so

Yeah um I don’t really have any plans for videos upcoming videos I have some ideas but nothing like concrete yeah that’s it that’s all the channel updates so thank you so much thank you everybody uh yeah we’ll see you in the next stream byebye bye Byebye Yes Yeah Yeah

This video, titled ‘【Lego Fortnite】we have minecraft fortnite at home’, was uploaded by CraigNess on 2023-12-30 08:38:02. It has garnered 159 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 03:21:45 or 12105 seconds.

Please consider subscribing to my channel!

*Stream Rules* Be nice Eat all the grass that you want Accidents happen in the dark If you understand this reference then we are friends now

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    Mind Mines: Dangerously Click Here 🤯Video Information hey why did you touch that video I said no anyways you are cute This video, titled ‘Don’t Touch The Video 🤪’, was uploaded by Mind Mines on 2024-02-28 14:05:26. It has garnered 34 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Don’t Touch The video Wait For End 🥰 #minecraft #youtubeshorts #shortvideo #viral #minecraftshorts #noobvsprovshackervsgod #scary #funny #creeper #tower Description 2.5KLikes 80,728Views 27 Feb2024 minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey… Read More

  • Fluffy Hololive-EN Thief Behind Bars – Fuwawa POV

    Fluffy Hololive-EN Thief Behind Bars - Fuwawa POVVideo Information [音楽] [音楽] L [音楽] [音楽] OG あN [音楽] [音楽] H [音楽] [音楽] あ お [音楽] [音楽] [音楽] T [音楽] DET [音楽] [音楽] OG [音楽] OGDET [音楽] N [音楽] [音楽] に 入りました入って [音楽] おこんばんはでござる こんばんは ロド です大変お忙しい中ちょっとたくさんの方 がなんかやりたいって言って集まってくれ てありがとうございます集まんなかったら 小ない予定だったんで本にありがとう ございますありがとうござい ありがとう面白かったからさややり た 日はえはさんに泥棒だけやってもらったん ですけど今日はみ警察もやって もらっますのしお [音楽] 願いいらっみで本当に自由な感じなんでは ありますがじゃああの本番に参加せず今日 は来てくれるっていう感じになった ありがとうございました本当にすいません お忙しいいや行きたかったロ驚けほ行き たかったんですが今日高野菜があると 聞きつけてえやってまいりました月やき ですよろしくお願いします おずやりたいって言ってくれてたやり たかったいやごめん本当にごめんね スケジュールごめんねえとんでもないすい ませんちょっと本番参加してないです小加 き [音楽] [音楽] ますでいいみたい感じなんだ [笑い] [音楽] ねっアキルタルですアローナアロナ アアロナナナじゃよろしくお願いします願 し楽しみ楽しみやったそしてえなんか すごいなんかすごいなんか隠れてる隠れて ますかいそんなことないですそんなこと ない自己紹介しときますかあブンブンブン ゴスの 番長始めですよろしくお願いしますよしお パチ こちお願いしますね今日はきっと逃げ切り そして警察もやってくれるのかなと思い つつ期待してますポリやりたいやりたい 頑張ってください捕まえられないけどな ポリいや無理 リそ挟んでる挟んでるふわもこさん サンドずるいずるいずるいずるい [音楽] どうもワもこのこの グやめ てああ喧嘩はダメだ よえじゃあいつものやってもらっていい ですかふわもこさんたちあじゃあもこ ちゃんやりますかあふわはこっちですね こっちちはさないよふわわだ よよだよ2人合わせてふわもこです パ今日よろしくお願いし ます 可愛いい可愛いな今日はきっと2人で一緒 に警察やってくれるんだろうなええそれ あい警察ってこと大丈夫ですか ねないです大丈夫ですよ一緒にぜひやって もらいたらと思いますよろしくお願いし ますはいよろしくお願いします頑張りて りり… Read More


    🔥 DOMINATING FENIX FACTIONS SERVER! 🔥 [Carioca]Video Information como ao vivo cal aí calma [Música] Rapaziada Só Bora calão se inscrev já entv Alô test só Bora cal se inscr tá ligado Eita bot Alô T alô só Bora raz at assimo que tá piorando com você likezão se inscrev no tá tá ligado Eita bot Bora calma aí rapaziada vai rapaziada aqui bora bora bora bora bora bora bora ai [ __ ] não sei nem o que tá aco entrar naqu calma aí rapaz voltei rapaziada tô tão T vivo T vivo voltei pão só Bora mano tá acontecendo o que só só voltei… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Parkour & Pixel Art in Minecraft

    Mind-Blowing Parkour & Pixel Art in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,630’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-13 11:50:13. It has garnered 400 views and 55 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,630 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes a long time but I… Read More

  • Compass Craft

    Compass CraftCompassCraft; a server with a heavy focus on player driven world-building, our vision is to create a truly dynamic and ever evolving RPG experience on Minecraft. As a result, we’ve built a server where players have control over every facet of both themselves and the world at large. Whether it be through your race, class and skills, or the alliances you make and gear you’re equipped with; you, the player, have the ability to guide the progression of your character and influence the world at large, in any way you see fit. History is waiting to be scribed, how will… Read More

  • Spuds SMP – GriefPrevention, McMMO – Germany – 1.20.4

    Edit: It’s version 1.20.6! Hello there adventurer! Are you a big fan of potatoes and McMMO? Look no further! Spuds is the perfect server for you. At Spuds we have McMMO, land claims and markets. We also allow bugs and duping, so there’s nothing stopping you from making that big farm! The server is hosted in Germany on a dedicated server to ensure a lag-free experience. I hope to see you there, Fred with staff IP: Read More

  • KravatBOX

    KravatBOXTRTieBOX, the ultimate Player vs. It is a Minecraft server designed for Player (PVP) experience. With custom maps, the best add-ons and a friendly community, every battle is unique and exciting. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a new player, TieBOX is the perfect place to sharpen your skills and dominate the competition.Features:Special Arenas: Fight in carefully designed arenas that cater to every play style, from intense melee combat to strategic large-scale battles.Balanced Gameplay: Enjoy fair combat with balanced kits and classes that make sure no one has an unfair advantage.Regular Events: Participate in exciting events and tournaments with special… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Villagers vs Pillagers: The Beef Battle!

    Minecraft Memes - Villagers vs Pillagers: The Beef Battle!I guess you could say the villagers are really “steaking” their claim against the pillagers! Read More

  • Build the Burj: Minecraft Magic, 1:1 Scale

    Build the Burj: Minecraft Magic, 1:1 Scale In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, We’re rebuilding the Burj Khalifa, no time for complaints. With WorldEdit in hand, we’ll build it 1:1, Every block in place, under the virtual sun. Follow us on Instagram, for more Minecraft fun, The.minetects, where the building’s never done. With music from NCS, our soundtrack to create, As we craft and build, our imaginations take the bait. So join us in the world of blocks and pixels, Where creativity flows, like digital crystals. Rebuilding the Burj Khalifa, a monumental task, But with teamwork and rhymes, we’ll complete the task. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hot Shorts! 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: Hot Shorts! 🔥 Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecrafttherapy #creeperproblems Read More

  • Unlock Endless Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server

    Unlock Endless Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you looking for a new and exciting Minecraft server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With a vibrant community and endless possibilities, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your creativity and connect with fellow players. Imagine exploring a vast world filled with unique challenges and opportunities. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, Minewind offers something for everyone. From building epic structures to engaging in thrilling PvP battles, the possibilities are endless. Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and embark on an unforgettable Minecraft adventure. Don’t miss out on the fun -… Read More

  • Sneaky Animal Farm Build in Minecraft!

    Sneaky Animal Farm Build in Minecraft! The Ultimate Minecraft Animal Farm Build Welcome to the world of Minecraft Survival, where creativity and efficiency collide! In this episode, get ready to witness the most epic animal farm build ever seen in the game. 🐄🐔 Efficiency at Its Best Step into a realm where every block placed serves a purpose. This animal farm is not just for show—it’s a powerhouse of productivity. Learn how to optimize your farm for maximum efficiency and output. Key Features: Step-by-step guide for building the ultimate animal farm Tips and tricks to boost efficiency and productivity Detailed walkthrough of the farm’s layout… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hardcore Day 6 – GPU Dying?! 🔥

    Insane Minecraft Hardcore Day 6 - GPU Dying?! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hardcore Returns (Day 6) | GPU !goal (its dying) !tip | Wolv21 | 2024.06.10’, was uploaded by Wolv21 on 2024-06-10 17:40:56. It has garnered 90 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 04:57:20 or 17840 seconds. ▲ Remember to leave a LIKE/SUBSCRIBE if you enjoy the Video m/ Helps the Pack Grow! ● Best Support on Patreon – ● TIP: YOUTUBE ● MAIN: ● CLIPS: ● STREAM: SOCIAL ● KICK: ● TWITTER: ● INSTAGRAM: ● SNAPCHAT – ● FACEBOOK: ● STEAM:… Read More

  • Sharkmuse Minecraft Livestream

    Sharkmuse Minecraft LivestreamVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Stream | SHARKMUSE Livestream’, was uploaded by Sakura Meg. Cheryll Ch. ♡ [SHARKMUSE] on 2024-03-18 07:15:07. It has garnered 39 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:34:05 or 9245 seconds. ꒰Livestream Rules And Infos!꒱ Disclaimer: My content is not for kids, Vtubing is actually not even for kids to begin with, even if you see me streaming random shit in kid games, my content is aimed for slightly more mature audience or people who can stomach my things, though I am mostly a Seiso Vtuber, that doesn’t mean that Vtubing… Read More

  • Insane Shizo Meltdown: Jalisco Destroys SLD Clan

    Insane Shizo Meltdown: Jalisco Destroys SLD ClanVideo Information This video, titled ‘sld clan get owned by Jalisco’, was uploaded by Egesfxd on 2024-06-17 22:12:47. It has garnered 101 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:54 or 234 seconds. tags; minecraft, minecraft bedrock, 2b2tpe, 2b2tmcpe, hack, hacking, crystal pvp, crystal pvp montage, crystal, pvp, pvp crystal, 9b9t crystal pvp, crystal pvp, illegal items, 9b9t incursion, 2b2t escaping spawn, 2b2t backdoor, 2b2t,minecraft crystal pvp, minecraft end crystal pvp, 2b2t pvp, 2b2t spawn, 2b2t pvp montage, 2b2t crystalpvp, 9b9t crystal, 9b9t – spawn pvp, 9b9t, 9b9t 00 pvp, pvp montage, crystalpvp, 0b0t pvp,,anarchy pvp,9b9t… Read More


    INSANE MODERN MINECRAFT HOUSE BUILD - WATCH NOW!! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘BUILDING MY DREAM MODERN HOUSE IN MINECRAFT: CAN YOU BUILD LIKE THIS 🔥🔥’, was uploaded by RonJon OP on 2024-03-06 11:00:46. It has garnered 123 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:35 or 695 seconds. BUILDING MY DREAM MODERN HOUSE IN MINECRAFT: CAN YOU BUILD LIKE THIS 🔥🔥 🏠 Welcome to My Dream Modern House Build in Minecraft! 🏠 In today’s adventure, I take you through the step-by-step process of creating my dream modern house in Minecraft. From the initial blueprint to the final touches, watch as I transform a simple… Read More

  • elefse’s Epic Escape: Minecraft’s Scariest Challenge

    elefse's Epic Escape: Minecraft's Scariest ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘How I Survived Minecraft’s Most Scuffed Event’, was uploaded by elefse on 2024-03-08 18:30:23. It has garnered 122 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:48 or 588 seconds. Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP members. This SMP is like LifeStealSMP and OneTrySMP, this is the hardest Minecraft Sever ever! and it is also a lore-based server in the MCYT community. I hope you enjoy this video. Not only that, this server has the elements… Read More

  • Aphmau’s Creepy Titan Attack on Jaizen Girls

    Aphmau's Creepy Titan Attack on Jaizen GirlsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Why Creepy Aphmau TITAN ATTACK JJ and MIKEY Girls at NIGHT ? – in Minecraft Maizen’, was uploaded by Jaizen Girls on 2024-06-04 23:00:05. It has garnered 1790 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:07 or 1207 seconds. Why Creepy Aphmau TITAN BOSS ATTACK JJ and MIKEY Girls at NIGHT ? – in Minecraft Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Keyboard Sounds & Lofi Songs!

    Insane Minecraft Keyboard Sounds & Lofi Songs!Video Information This video, titled ‘adding up #056 (Uncut Minecraft with keyboard sounds and Lofi songs)’, was uploaded by zypher on 2024-01-05 20:00:12. It has garnered 48 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:02 or 842 seconds. Welcome to our enchanting world! 🌍✨ If you’re a fan of uncut Minecraft gameplay paired with the soothing sounds of a keyboard, you’ve found your haven. 🏰🌳 🛠️ Equipment Links: 🎙️ Microphone: ⌨️ Keyboard: 🖱️ Mouse: 🎧 Headphones: 🎛️ Audio Mixer: 💻 Laptop : 🖥️ Monitor : 🎮 About the Channel: Dive… Read More