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Mm-hmm hello um that was strange that was strange I will tell you what um I’ll tell you what that was a horrible 10 minutes I just had um because any full screen application would just crashed the graphics driver for some reason oh my goodness okay ah

That was that was horrible I had to restart my PC but it’s fixed I thought it was wrong with the game I downloaded the new the new um snapshot and it was just like ah what the heck but yes how’s it going people how how’s it going hey keyless gaming how are you

Doing today now there are many things in this new snapshot there’s also things in the new preview that you can go on if you have it installed for Bedrock Edition so now here’s the thing it is now 1.20 time which means these are not features that are hidden behind an

Experimental data pack then that means there’s no 1.19.5 this is the cycle that finishes up adds features finishes up to 1.20 so anything you see here I think we can just um being creating the world here right canoe world and you might see in the data packs there is no more 1.20

Experimental features thing so you don’t have to enable it anymore but now you can go in here hey Boba how’s it going hello I’m sick hey RGB glad you’re here while you’re sick if you’re sick just just take the day off okay uh don’t make uh don’t make it too

Destructive on your health by watching a stream I don’t think that would be worth it but yes here we go you’re in this world and hopefully the 1.20 features are still here yeah okay so here we go you see if you didn’t have a 1.20 feature oh let me let me do this

For a second if you didn’t have the 1.20 feature um features disabled um I think a lot of these would just disappear or something like that like if you didn’t have them um but yeah here we go so here’s one of the best things that has been added in the recent times

Um I’m not sure if it’s actually been added to hanging signs oh yes every used to every type of sign can be edited after it’s placed let’s go baby okay so here’s the thing here’s the here’s why it’s a big thing for me sometimes there’s a you get some

Like editing things you get some editing mess-ups right you go like yo and then you type yup you have to re-break it but no this time and can you do it with it yeah you could do it with anything in your hand okay so now you can do yo whoa

Look at that that’s cool right you do yo it’s a me Mario right here right so that’s that on that on that side but now you could edit the other side of the side yo it’s not Mario fool so now you have double-sided sides look

At this stuff okay now you can now wax them right um not wax honeycomb you can now wax them with Honeycombs right and you won’t be able to edit it further I think um I’m not sure if it applies to both sides of the signs but as you can see

Right now I can edit this side I can edit this side I wonder what happens if you click the side here Okay so is it it just depends on like the angle yeah it probably just depends on the angle um on where you click this thing but yeah

You can edit it now it is not editable I think yeah okay you can hear that sound too right oh my goodness it’s not editable anymore but now you can edit any signs you placed in the world before oh this had a lot of spaces hey guys

That’s cool oh my goodness this is such a game changer in my opinion and you can head ahead and gang signs as well yo and it’s always like this right you you place a sign here and you want it to be there but you don’t want to place

Another sign and like people people won’t know that you edited this side or something like that but now you can edit both sides and people people will know like what the sign says on both sides without having to ruin any of your builds with extra blocks that is so good

Hey Nicholas hey Reuben hey nazrin hey Alex fry how’s it going hello from Russia yes hello hello from the US I don’t know if you could tell um but yeah that is awesome I think that is pretty pretty cool and everyone else will be pretty cool like you can wax other things right

So now we can do that right now we can now we can wax the hanging signs here and now we can edit that but we can edit this one so that’s pretty that’s pretty nice can you strip it can you strip the wax off okay I should have unscripted no you

Cannot strip the wax off I don’t know what you could do to strip it off or maybe it’s just unscriptable after the fact but does this mean that you can’t dye it anymore after you yeah you can’t so you need to make your changes before you you

Wax it which makes sense right so that’s that’s pretty interesting yeah you can’t use any uh glow insects I think as well yeah so it’s just a sign that cannot be edited after you do the honeycomb stuff and I feel like a lot of people aren’t

Going to do the honeycomb stuff and this beats having to do this right oh you made a mistake oh I have to replace it again oh you didn’t put it on the right line I’ll have to replace it again right oh this is such a good feature in my

Opinion I’m not sure how you guys feel but this this is uh this is one of the quality of life stuff that I just enjoy probably break the sign in place again yeah ah great okay now we have vibration resonance a new thing in the game now

What we need to do is get ourselves a skulk sensor as you can see it’s already in here there’s a calibrated sculpt sensor it kind of looks weird in there um and then you get some amethyst shards right and then you can craft you can craft the calibrated sculpt sensor as

You can see in the top uh top right corner there where the frick did I put my crafting table it disappeared with the 1.20 update guys I swear let’s get a gravity table out then I messed up okay so here we go and I think you can just do this that

Oh no you put it on top and then on the sides okay so now you have an input and output or you have only an input so you can only you can only activate it from this side but if I like do something on this side right what

Or is it only taking it’s only inputting from that side does that mean that you get a piston here as well let’s see oh shoot okay there we go okay that still powers that yeah but it won’t it won’t power that side so you can you can get it input

From there but you can’t get an output from there what about on top you can still get an output on the top and I I don’t think we have to test the bottom you just can’t get an output here but now you had a calibrated skull sensor

Right and now you can change the frequency I think I don’t know how do you do this actually I thought it would be able to detect a certain frequency based on the Bedrock thing so this is power zero power 13. power eight okay skunk sensor phase inactive aha okay

That’s interesting reviews haven’t been released in Russia yet um what that means I just did that just to just to break the ice a little okay if a skunk sensor receives a vibration the block of amethyst will remit its frequency a separate vibration at its location so if you didn’t know

How to how to um chain skulk sensors before you would have to do something like this get some iron trap doors or something so you would chain it like this right and then if you have a certain distance away it will be collected by the scope

Sensor there right so you do this right the the frequency would go over to here I think I think we’re a little bit too far away let me let me try it again yeah okay so now that goes to there and then you can send a frequency like that

But I think now that you have amethyst blocks in here you can actually use the amethyst blocks in order to not have to send a signal again so I don’t know how that works but huh it says vibration resonators Crystal sound blocks yada yada how do I test that

How do I test what kind of vibration is does that mean I can just send a comparator um off of it oh shoot um F3 yes or does it have to be connected to this to the skulk block okay let me let me see this does it have to be connected or something

Or does that not have to be in the way Even here that right I think that I think that is hitting this one if I hear like three sounds then I’m I’m sure oh geez yeah you can hear that right yeah one two three interesting okay so I do four I can probably hear four here I don’t know how far they have to be though

Players it allows players to move vibration frequencies along distances without having to Recreation vibration naturally so maybe you place like a okay the input is on this side so maybe that will resonate it No I didn’t see it I didn’t see it move I don’t understand this I don’t understand how this is supposed to work they’re like equal this is a part how you’re supposed to send a how are you supposed to take this frequency somewhere else I’m unsure of that mechanic

But um yeah apparently you can send a frequency like across the distance with using only amethyst blocks so you could probably hide these anywhere it doesn’t have to be on the same level right you probably just hide these without having something like like a very very open

Um strip I think a lot of red Stoners will if they figure out how to use this we’ll appreciate this because it doesn’t it means that wireless transmission doesn’t have to look ugly you know but yeah okay let’s go to the calibrated sensors um once I can receive a redstone signal

As an input so does that mean that I can input something here as a redstone signal and have it be I don’t know I don’t understand how this one works the string of the signal is only the vibration frequency that the skulk sensor will listen to oh wait a second

So if you do something like this if you do a chest here right then you put like you put like a ton of stuff in here I should have used like a hopper or something it won’t listen Okay that’s how it that’s how it works so now it it won’t

Listen to my footsteps anymore it’s been calibrated to how much I have in here and if I have something that is of this frequency this is probably like eight or seven maybe like eating is eating one of them uh why would I type eating steak I forget what steak is

Yeah okay so finishing eating burping is a frequency that matches this but anything that I do around here that isn’t of that frequency will be um yeah so it’s just like a comparator lock oh my goodness this is so much nicer than the than the previous method ah this is pretty nice oh

Yeah so if you wanted to like I don’t know if you want to do 13 I don’t know what 13 is you probably have to fill this up to like this right and it would it would listen to whatever 13 is now it doesn’t listen to any any food

Any food burping or whatever right so yeah that’s pretty cool this is actually very very handy compared to the last method the last method was somewhat painful because it would be activated um you just have to stop an activation um and only trigger an activation before

So sometimes when you did that like it would um it would you would not be able to detect the next thing that you wanted to detect because you already triggered the skull sensor before the action that you wanted to that you wanted to take so

This is I think it’s better I think it’s better okay okay okay that’s good okay archeology suspicious gravel block let’s go so we’ve got gravel we’ve got blocks we’ve got suspicious gravel blocks interesting there is some glass breaking in the middle of it but it it sounds more like

Bones but I I guess it’s it’s supposed to emulate like Pottery shards breaking right so now we can locate I totally forgot about this Locate structure um frail ruins we have new um things to look at so we got some trail ruins hello hey yo okay so as you can see there’s something sticking out of the ground here um I’m not sure if we can uh look below but yeah okay so you see like these

Things around here pretty pretty interesting but if we dig around here I don’t should I film by on this place or not filled by them Phil and Delight it’s all this stuff I guess if you’re doing this oh my goodness it’s lagging as heck Dave man these jungles are destructive

On the frame right here you can find these ruins and if you find like gravel in them I think you just have to dig them up a little I’m not sure how much suspicious sand will be in here but there’s just tons of terracotta okay there’s a there’s a

Suspicious hand what can we get from this one um brush brush this guy that glass random glass pane this is totally what the civilization needed okay none of these are none of these are other sus blocks but you just keep mining away there’s some dirt in here

I’m not sure if there’s gonna be suspicious dirt in the future but that could be an interesting thing that would not be suspicious oh shoot I broke that what this one have suspicious gravel I mean it has it has both all right but as you keep on mining through it why did

I’m blind I’m blind I just mined it I just mind something that I could have gotten something out of oh my goodness I’m blind guys oh there we go I can redeem myself I started I started brushing from on top we kind of we gotta roll

Okay you keep going down I don’t know how much further this would go oh there’s mud breaks so we got glazed terracotta regular terracotta and lots of um lots of other uh terracotta there I don’t know if this is this might be part of the structure because there’s there’s

Still mud bricks down here so we’re in here let’s uh shut that off you know let’s get some light torch is there more down here that’s not suspicious okay there’s more how big are these places Okay oh there’s a suspicious gravel okay let’s let’s see what it’s got It’s got a bone ah was it a bun or a dime it was a dime there we go big are these things still goes down it still goes down pretty pretty far there we go another suspicious what is this

It’s a hole yo we dug up your uh just kidding I would never say that you misheard me okay yeah I don’t know how far this goes I think we’re down like the farthest although it is on this side as well oh I think we got a pottery Shard I

Think this is a Potter shark yes no it’s a trim it’s a trim razor armored trim look at that so there are four new trims I think um 16 more Pottery shards I wonder how far this goes because I don’t this is not like regular jungle like jungle stuff so we’re going farther

Into a different place oh there we go we got another suspicious sand what is this a blue dye light blue dye oh there we go what is this the lapis no this is a blue dye regular blue dye so you could just get regular dies from here well I guess it makes

Sense right you’re like covered in all this um covered in all this uh terracotta oh shoot I’m blind again realize I’m not actually having this up if you just follow like um if you just follow these suspicious uh dirty Pathways right you’ll be able to uncover a lot of stuff

Just be a lot more careful than I’m being right now because I’ve just destroyed like four ancient relics I’m not the best archaeologist as you can see hmm it’s too far I’m not sure okay it looks like this is the end of it because there’s just it’s just Stone down there

But if you keep digging around the Durban stuff I think you’ll be able to find some more because I don’t think this would spawn with a regular like jungle underground right I couldn’t see it I wasn’t blind that time guys I mean technically I was blind but you

Know it couldn’t be hell it couldn’t be helped that will never be recovered Foreign I’m sorry if this is infuriating I totally applied okay this structure is large and I’m blind again I’m sorry guys there’s a ladder in here I’m sorry I gotta I gotta pre-brush things you know I got I gotta pre-brush things before I before I never lived inevitably destroy them very interesting though

Oh there’s another one there okay yeah it’s quite strange isn’t it this structure there’s there’s a ladder here was this like a ladder to get out or something is there always like something like this or is this just part of the structure itself I mean it’s definitely part of the

Structure itself but it might be a thing where it actually works like that but there’s oh my goodness there’s there’s a there’s stairs here okay we gotta we got another gravel piece is this another hoe oh what the heck what did I just get I don’t know what I

Just got I think it was wheat yeah maybe it was sweet investigative journalism right there oh what the heck a candle okay that’s interesting oh there’s three there’s three oh we got a pottery Shard for reels this time so there’s 16 more Pottery shards added I think

So we’re able to find them you got a flowerpot our break Pottery Sharda nice I’m promoting hello there moesh how’s it going I’m promoting dang it did not expect a much egg employee to be able to um just review this three we are this is a private stream you know

No Emoji employees allowed but hello there how’s it going foreign oh my goodness we’re getting just dies we got it gold nugget that’s pretty cool we got a piston just kidding imagine they had that kind of Technology back in the day oh we got a seed dang

This is the best way to get seats guys let’s unless he reactors and snapshots oh thank you I mean I guess my reaction is pretty pretty infuriating right broken so many sus sus blocks oh but yeah this place is huge I’m not sure how many variants of this thing is of

This thing are I think I messed up the English twice there but it’s pretty nice is this another ruinous uh trim yes we got a wayfinder okay nice got some glass why do I not believe you but I miss new stuff yeah lots of new stuff we’ve been

We’ve been going about it this is a large Place yeah I’m really not sure how big these like um how big these average things are but this is much better than finding the desert pyramids in the wells in order to get your things but you still you still can get like

Um things specific to it I think like things specific to those places if you go there right but over here there is just a ton of stuff but I guess a lot of this stuff is also just dyes and seeds and stuff like that so your cha your your chances of finding

Um new stuff might be a little bit low and it’s gonna be changed without breaking yes we covered that immediately because I love that change that is a very very good change in my opinion okay yeah I don’t know how much farther this goes I don’t think we should be we

Should be spending our time here though this is there’s a lot of stuff that we’re that we look at here and it’s just like there’s so much and these things can probably be just so varied that it’s just it’s hard to complete these things it’s actually a fun mechanic you know

It’s a fun thing to find if you’re just exploring right you just find this thing and then you’re like oh I can spend I can spend a lot of time here now right oh we got a shapered armor trim nice I’m not sure how many armored trims we

Could find here I think one of the one of the other armor trims that uh we can’t find here is the new one from the ancient city so we’ll we can look at that as well I don’t know why I keep messing up like that they have distinct textures I’m just

Busy punching you know I’m just violent archaeologist here I mean I don’t believe moish is for Mojang well I know moesh is from Mojang because that’s a that’s a name I recognize from the dev Twitter and stuff like that or from Dev team so this is such a cool structure however

This would be a pain to like what is it called fully excavate because this is already like way down this ground here oh there’s another one this is another die yeah no it’s a candle it’s Candle we got a candle because this is all in the ground right

If you wanted to make this place like look um look like a dig site you’re gonna have to do a lot of Mining and the structure that you might find might not even like might not even look that good in the end right so oh we got a clay block what the heck

I think there was some Z fighting there I’m not sure if there’s there was Z fighting or there was like um it was just coming at an angle just to prevent Z fighting but yeah this is pretty pretty nice um I wonder if how how easily you can spot

These things because we’re in we’re definitely in new biomes here I’m not sure how how frequent you can find these things but looks like they spawn in jungles at least if you’re just searching from above you probably won’t find it um so this kind of incentivizes actually going on the ground and looking

Um so you you will you probably won’t be able to find these things for the elytra if you’re finding it through the jungle at least right yeah okay so we got the new armor trims and let’s check out the rest of the trims that we can find here so I don’t

Think we got the host yeah we didn’t get the host so now we can just um what is our game rule keep inventory like it’s such a true kill death is real and you should be afraid okay that is that is that now we can check out the new trims that we have

What the heck this is missing no this isn’t missing it’s just Enchanted okay we got the new trims we’re gonna test them out it looks like you use mud as the as a duplicate pattern for these things so let’s get some mud maybe some pack mud let’s try I think

Packed mud would make more sense let’s get some diamonds let’s try to duplicate these ones no it’s not packed mud is it is it like it’s a mud brick ha how do you duplicate these are these not duplicatable it says it can be found here I’m not

Sure if these are they’re just regular mud let me just try mud it looks like it would use mud which is why I’m trying it out by the way I have no idea is it like this again I I’m pretty sure okay it doesn’t use mud because he’s dirt not mud packed mud

Not mate the Vex one is better hmm what do I use oh my mud is gone mud there we go let’s try it oh no that was the wrong recipe not mud not mud bricks not dirt what do you use to duplicate these ones

Or do you have to find them in the trail ruins it doesn’t say does it yeah it doesn’t say is it just Cobblestone do we just have to use Cobblestone or something cobblestone like that or the duplication recipes not in the game yet huh I don’t know

Was it made blocking the ruins are you saying terracotta it’s terracotta oh there we go it is terracotta I’m dumb although you can only duplicate two of them okay can you really not duplicate the rest of them okay I can duplicate the host armor trim here paper

Um oh no I I tossed away the rest of them didn’t I okay terracotta let’s get the Terracotta back tossed away the rest of them um what were the what were the trims was it Razer and wayfinder I think yeah okay they all use terracotta good I think

Is that good I’m not sure but at least we know that this is how you craft them up I was thinking it was mud but I guess terracotta makes sense because I guess it makes sense so that’s good that’s nice now we can actually make our trims so what did we

Do here we did netherite is this still Dune Dune change right yeah it looks like that now I think um we can eat some netherite gear we need to toss away a lot of this stuff do at the right gear do this out here that’s pretty nice and we used copper trims

We’ll get that out of the way we’ll make four sets we also need another set for the silence but we’ll look at the silence later there we go then we do this I forgot you need the you need to put the shaper stuff in first there we go

Okay that’s all the shaper ones and we need terracotta and I’ll put it like on this side Maybe like that okay oh yeah we need we need armor stands I’m from vanilla quality in Stockholm hey aha okay so now we got these um which one was that again

Wayfinder trim wasn’t no it was all it was a host trim right yeah good thing I remember the name oh we got um item frame glow item frame right there there we go and we could put the host trim right there oh nice it’s a good thing we got a lot more

Armor armor things to check out here really nice okay now let’s do the rest don’t need these anymore they’re all on the statue the Statue is dripped out I need to get another wayfinder don’t forget the way finder there we go that’s the way finder it’s got a little m

I wonder if you could make a McDonald’s set just just make it a McDonald’s I mean where does that pattern even show up there show up on the back no it’s just that trim on like on every part of the armor it’s got that just wavy bit that’s uh it

Almost kind of looks like goggles little goggles up up top there that’s pretty nice um let’s see what else host armor trim let’s get another bit of host armor out here by the way I know they’re on the I know they’re on this row so uh we can toss these out

Got the host is that the host yes it’s the host the host the host there we go nice ha I’m not sure if that’s the um best because I think the most distinct part about it is like the is the um the cuffs on like the armor

Here on the on the shoulders pants you know hmm oh shoot I don’t know I don’t know how distinct these are I mean the Dune is definitely more to sing now I guess so now we get ourselves the razor armor where’s the green logos where’s the green spiral logo oh

Okay razor armor and that hmm how do you guys feel about these ones that’s what this one looks like you’re angry I think I want to switch my armor or trim to this one the helmet one here I want the razor one just so that it looks so that I have Angry Eyebrows

I think that would be funny it’s kind of it’s kind of like a um it’s kind of like a curved rib like the rib is like rib is darker but like it’s more straight like Wither Skeleton like but this one more is like curved like you’re it’s like you’re skinny instead of

Skeleton I don’t know how to explain it but I I like the I like the eyes here with the Redstone you’ll be angry yes well let’s actually do that let’s let’s do that let’s get ourselves uh another thing here oh wait can I just redo the trims again

Redstone Redstone I need a redstone there we go do this razor this redstone [Laughter] I’m so angry guys you you don’t you haven’t seen my True Form yet you haven’t seen my true power although I kind of don’t like the Dune armor now now that it looks like this

Because I think it went to the century or whatever the the old I don’t I’m not sure I think I’m mixing up the Bedrock change log I I think I’m mixing up the Bedrock change lock here I’m just so angry you wear this you wear this and everyone

That passes you just types in chat you mad bro like the dude is good for different reasons I I think um I’m not sure it’s just I don’t think it looks um good with what I have here but yeah okay so now we have the silence trim

Oh look at that that looks sick look at that texture right there does not does that not look good holy moly I don’t know why I went all out on that but like that looks sick in my opinion we got another right armor let’s do the trims let’s get it all done here

Actually how do you how do you re remake these ones is it another deep slate one no it doesn’t look like it’s deep slate is it skulk or something let me let me oh I don’t have I don’t have any diamonds no it is deep sleep it is deep sleep so

You can get a ton of uh silence armor by that so I’ll just put another one here I would expand that but I don’t have any room um actually I kind of do have room if I moved everything one over but I’m not gonna do that do that do that get the um

That going okay get the silence armor Trim in here holy crap look at that that is that is just so like it’s like so overgrown look at this stuff holy moly this looks awesome it doesn’t even look like you’re wearing it it just looks like skulk what is it

Called it just looks like kind of like corruption it’s like the corrupted armor oh look at that you got like the you kind of got like the warden chest thing here like you kind of got that like that heart kind of thing that beating a heart the beating soul look at that

Do you like the pants although I think the top of the helmet I don’t I don’t know if I like the top and bottom of the helmet it kind of looks like there’s a saddle draped on it or something like that but I think the chest the chest and the

Um chest and the uh leggings look pretty nice the boots are also more interesting than a lot of the other boots actually changing what it looks like other than a couple of Stripes I mean all of these are distinct like I don’t think you can really argue that a lot of

Them are distinct but a lot of them just don’t have that much room to make it distinct so sometimes boots just look the same rhyme and the helmets the helmet Trims on the side there’s not really much you can do right but other than that I think I think there’s

There’s some armor trims definitely that you can tell which trim that they put on their armor right you can tell from a glance but other times you’re just like which one which pattern is that again because these ones like you know these ones look like glasses you might not

Think it’s the wild trim or whatever and you just gotta you just got a headband here you got the Angry Angry Eyebrows there you got goggles here it it all looks pretty distinct in my opinion it’s just that there’s a lot of stuff there’s a lot of names that you’re gonna have to

Remember it might not be too easy to remember this blue or red in your blood I’m true true this is blood this is blood now this is blood guys ah I mean it doesn’t really look like blood in my opinion it kind of looks more like

You’re covered in nylium I mean from the top like it kind of looks like it kind of looks like you were splattering in blood at the top but like for me it looks more like you’re you’re just like Miley I’m just Crimson nylium just overgrows on you mm-hmm interesting interesting

This is the most like this is the most like what is it called encompassing armor trim it removes a lot of the original armor texture yeah it’s not a blood it does not look like a blood okay um but yeah that’s all the armor trims

I’m not sure how easy it is to find a silence armor trim in uh ancient city but we can go check or something we’ll go like 10 000 blocks negative 10 000 blocks Maybe and we’ll try to locate a locate ancient city structure ancient city go to that go down below

This I think this should be a new one I’m not sure let’s uh affect give me night vision infinite there we go oh I forgot to take out the potion effects whatever um let’s see we’ll go back in creative mode with some enchanted golden apples there

I’m not sure if this is a new place by the way we are still we’re still checking around here All right this one looks like this one looks like the most intact intact look of this structure I’ve seen it saved me the hassle the new trim has a one enchantment the one percent chance of generating oof oh we got the war trim so this definitely is a new place

I mean I I don’t think it would have generated the loot chest wouldn’t have generated if I wasn’t here before as well so I there um there I don’t know how many ancient cities you need to go to but it is not looking good we found a war trim first okay

You know what I was wondering why they used amethyst right like maybe they could have used echo echo shards as well for frequency uh resonance frequencies um but I guess since amethyst is like it’s like what is it called um renewable and also skunk sensors are

Renewable as well you’ll be able to get a ton of them um without having to rely on trying to find Echo shards somewhere right yeah I don’t think I don’t think we’re gonna find one I’m unsure of this luck right now foreign Is roaming around okay that’s just the golden apple uh unlock thing Also amethyst is already heavily associated with sounds applied Echo shots are somehow made from amethyst shards interesting that could be an interesting mechanic like imagine if you had to spread like skulk onto amethyst and it would convert them into like Echo Shard blocks or something like that I like

Block of ambitis would convert Decor shot blocks and the only way you can really get it is to Fortune those blocks right or Break It with your hands right I think that would be an interesting mechanic and then you would just get Echo shots from that it’d also make um

Make using skull uh uh what is it called it’s called Catalyst more appealing I don’t think we found one in this uh in this place so let’s just let’s just locate another um another Trail ruins yeah that’s definitely a different place than before ah look at that

It’s already ah this one has a this one has this one spawned or like right in between a spawner here that’s an interesting one um let’s see if we can find a different um different Native City from this direction no okay TP again let’s do another like 5000 blocks or something

There we go do we should not have been able to find this before so now let’s go also by the way I missed this in one of the last snapshot uh covers um but yeah infinite infinite is the thing that exists this is a very this is

A very open one look at this I’d like this ancient city this ancient city is open okay we’re gonna check only like two more cities we don’t find one here right here over here we would have gotten um Samuel auberg’s five I think we searched two ancient cities here Tower

Oh yeah we definitely would have gotten five hey how rare is this this one is the one that um you tell people like not to use immediately like this is the one where you want people to come in and be like we gotta we gotta duplicate that

Immediately if you find it like this is a quest I’m not sure if they can actually spawn in this one uh this one is like a different place where the frick There we go like a shard where you’d go where it’d be also tell me if I missed it because I might just I might just gloss over it um by checking it so fast around here thank you I still haven’t found another Ward armored trip it’s very bear

This one is just an altar oh we got another Ward oh my goodness oh we got another word okay but still no silence these things are rare the other side too these things are just rare as heck I think we already searched this one yeah we didn’t find one in this one I

Think I think we’ve we’ve looked through like every every bit around here yeah I’m not sure I I don’t want to search anymore to be honest I I it it says it’s gonna be here and it’s probably the rarest one that you could find so I am

I am not going to spend like another 30 minutes looking at stuff here but yeah let’s kill there we go nice we’re out of here aha okay so now we can search for other stuff TP like uh another five thousand here and we’ll search for underwater ruins because those ones will have

Um the ability to find a sniffer egg if we find underwater ruin and like a warm a cold ocean we’re able to find sniffer eggs let’s actually locate structure ruins ocean ruined cold let’s see okay so now we can find that can we find a sniffer egg here

We can definitely brush them up or is this like not a it could be suspicious sand of warm oceans this might have this might not have anything in this one um let’s try and let’s try a warm ocean here warm I’m not sure if we’ve already loaded this but um

By the way things are loading in I probably probably not there we go nice suspicious sand what was that uh gold nugget oh wow oh right there we go able to see a lot a lot more down here okay how many suspicious sand are there

You just have to dig around try to find more suspicious in where are these eggs that you’re hiding ruins I feel like I’m getting pushed by them yeah the sand doesn’t go that deep on the ocean floor bottom and I’m not sure how how much of this structure would

Actually have the sand spawn around so this one has some stuff is that is that a stone ax no it’s an iron ax another tool another wooden hoe yeah another wooden hoe I don’t know why it’s lagging so much keys yes oh there’s something up nothing in there

I wonder can you make like if you breed sniffers right do they just go underneath the water and then just make another suspicious sand right like you can get suspicious sand that way okay this is just like giving oh we got a we got a pottery shard

Nice it’s the one who found a sniffer egg though I wonder how rare those are snort Pottery shard I don’t think I want to do that it’s a joke good joke there we go I think this will be yeah this is definitely weed there we go I think that’s all of them

Here it’s very shallow this uh the sand I have to dig around here as the sand is just really not that deep around here you probably have to search a ton of these places in order to get any suspicious sand with sniffer eggs yeah okay but I think it’s easier just because

Like these things are like these things are like bundled together sometimes right like this one has a whole Archway here hey go over here my goodness another Pottery shard there we go wonder how many of these you have to visit for a chance of the sniffer egg they must be pretty rare

Okay this one is another structure another iron ax wonder why iron ax has fallen in these places you know these iron axes be like uh-huh these iron axes are just like hey I’m just gonna drop to the bottom of the ocean and never be found again

Okay is that an emerald yeah that’s an emerald hey are there any more any more sus Sands around here okay this one this one still hasn’t been ruined there’s tons of there’s actually tons of sand here um that you can uh this one has uh a little kelp growing on it

There’s tons of them around here right but the chances of getting something getting something interesting are few angler Pottery Shard interesting and I’m yeah and these ones are just it kind of sucks just because a lot of them were just not that deep into the into the ocean

And you probably you wouldn’t want it that deep only because um if you don’t have a water water breathing potion just brushing this stuff is not that uh is very intensive on your time underwater especially since you can’t uh put efficiency on the brush okay I think we have to find another

Another bit of uh ruins here can we spot one from over here is that a ruin no that is a sunken ship uh there’s a there’s a ocean Monument there okay maybe we should go like another couple thousand blocks I don’t find one around here if you find one tell me

Because I could be blind I could be blind to it there’s an another portal down there this is probably some pretty nice coastlines you know I think we’re reaching the end of the warm ocean here let’s just teleport there we go go down angler you say anglerfish did I stutter hey this is just one ruin that’s that’s not that great uh more Pottery shards that’s not what we want we want the sniffer

Oh why is it so laggy I gotta check my settings after I brush this leg it’s nothing that bad oh it’s vsync vsync’s off okay now there’s like no tearing also I’m not using my GPU that much to do vsync no but this is like the only

Yeah this is like the only ruin around here this would suck to find oh okay gotta find another ruin gotta find another ruin foreign overloaded wow um yeah this might be hard this might be hard to do in survival well already getting like that um that other thing you know

That uh the silence armor trim is pretty hard right but here it might this might be like almost the same level of difficulty of finding a sniffer because you need you need two right you need you find one sniffer you need two to keep breeding them oh no oh this is this is

This would be a pain but like if you’re on a server like you could probably get people to participate in like a finding a sniffer finding a sniffer challenge or whatever right like you need to find two of them and they’re so rare in order to

Get more sniffers I mean it makes sense right like they’re ancient moms like they’re not supposed to be like found easily but dang this is a lot of this is a lot more um space that you’re going to have to travel in order to just get some sniffers

Hey I mean how’s it going maybe you better look at a cold ocean room now it only says that you can find them in um in suspicious end of warm ocean ruins yeah unfortunately okay this looks like another one this looks like another one because I think I don’t think those eggs

Would really survive in the cold ocean to be honest oh but hello there Mayhem oh my goodness we must have been lucky with that first patch it had tons of ocean runes right next to each other now this is just getting a little bit sad I’m not finding more than like one per

One ruined for uh per place here ruins spawning like ocean uh in these places right and uh coral reefs right oh look there’s a song of ship inside that ocean Monument or on top of that ocean Monument they sunk right there Unfortunately they got destroyed by the Guardians

Okay there’s like two suspicious sand here is there well check your inventory yeah I don’t have any you’ll find them when you’re not looking but never when you’re looking true I’m just full of hoes how do they drop them in the water hmm it’d be an interesting mechanic

If just anything that you drop in the water if it falls right into the sand or something like that it it goes into this the sand to become suspicious and right like I think that would be funny you have to brush up your items every time

Um if you if you accidentally drop them in the water just like just imagine how many players just die in the water they have to brush up all their items [Laughter] that would be funny in my opinion hell no that’s a really good idea there’s a there’s a heck no and a really

Good idea right there I wonder how more people feel about this yeah it’s really hard to find these ruins too you’re gonna have to generate a lot of your world oh there’s there’s some more runes right there these ones are above ground ruins therefore there must be sniffer eggs here

And then I saw this guy holding something okay there’s a thing here it’s an iron ax oh he is holding something and he’s in a um suspicious water look at this thing suspicious water right there that is definitely not natural sadist look I think it’s funny if you just

Die and lose all your items and that’s just in the suspicious at least at least if you if you’re taking a lot of time right yo hey That’s what I get for being a sadist let’s go hahaha we got one We did it and how many runs was that like 10 ish tennis ruins I mean kind of the big stack maybe like I feel like we maximum 15 ruins oh my goodness let’s go we got the Egg of Legends and now we die dang say the supremacy

Ah let’s go we found one egg look at how large that thing is it’s not I thought that was it is elongated like in in a different way this one has two pixels on the side this one also has two pixels inside but on the sides here they

Only have one pixels one pixels yes uh now how long do these take to hatch when placed on Moss the egg will hatch in approximately 10 minutes on all other blocks it will hatch in approximately 20 minutes okay let’s try that out so we can do uh

We’re gonna do a sand versus Moss test here also does it change based on the way I place it no yeah it doesn’t it it has a specific orientation so now we have tons of uh sniffer eggs here that was a pain can these be broken by stepping on them

No these are not as soft um and malleable as turtle eggs yo this is actually a pretty interesting block yeah it’s almost like a decorated pot except for its elongated different way right so that’s interesting so this these things should hatch a snifflet after 10 to 20 minutes but before that

Um we are just going to go over the pottery stuff because there’s a ton of new stuff to check out so we already know the archery we already know arms up we don’t know the blade we don’t know Brewer no no burn danger Explorer and friend let’s do those first and

We’ll just get regular bricks as well brick items we didn’t really um I mean I guess we have kind of a showing a showcase here uh we’ll remove that for now let’s get ourselves a craving table put it over here and we’ll make like more more pillars I guess

So let’s make one with just this whatever that one was again was it friend oh shoot I didn’t place on the top okay let’s um let’s search on Pottery again yeah it was friend okay place at the top here so that I can actually orientate these

I know I have to do it like this way right yeah did that okay I’ll place at the bottom now so I don’t have to look at it the other way friend Explorer like that um Danger it’s just a creeper oh man then we got a fire nice

This is I’ll place it here so we have four high pillars the brewery one um blade like so yeah nice and of angler one the Fisher one okay now we’ll do the next row of things we don’t have art heartbreak howl Miner mourner plenty we already got prize Chief and

Shelter okay let’s do these heart heartbreak how and minor okay actually we’ll put Miner on top of that because that has like the tools kind of thing got the wolf there then we’ll do these ones here that is the mourner I wonder what the mourner looks like chief and shelter okay oh

That looks like that is a mourner right okay this one looks like an acacia tree I know I forgot what this one was was a Sheaf and this one looks like an open chest Warner so the warden has something to do with morning interesting oh pottery you know that was the shelter yeah

Shelter um yeah the mourner has something to do with that skull and snort don’t we already have skull yeah we have skull we just need the snort it up baby there we go ah so the snort is a sniffer okay so these are like the ancient runes you know

So let’s make these all more pillars right these are these are interesting so we got arms up we got Archer we got skull we got prize we got fire whatever that one was called Danger and this one looks like a map which one was this one I don’t remember something else here

Uh Miner um blade uh angler Brewer Warner Wolf our break heart uh Chief something shelter shelter and snort I don’t really remember the rest of these I’m sorry maybe I should but like um people like uh what is it called item frames right next to them you know

This is just to give me a little bit of a reference here there we come get some item frames out let’s actually delete all these is that the old Warden design I am not sure it might be pissed on underneath the map yeah probably that’s that’s probably something

So let’s get some item frames let’s put post them down okay now we’ll go over the pottery shards again and we’ll put them like so so this one is the angler one angular one goes here um Archer goes here arms up goes here blade goes here Brewer goes here burn goes

Which one is burn is this one this one’s burned oh yeah danger goes here Explorer yeah this one is explore friend close friend this one is friend what does that mean oh is it a face or something I think that’s a villager face because it has like the nose I don’t

Think it’s a piston it’s a friend it’s a friend because I don’t think a piston is going to be a friend you know you’re piston is my friend no a heartbreak got howl got minor gun Warner got plenty there’s plenty that plenty yeah that’s plenty okay so the chest one is plenty

You got prize here you got sheath I don’t know what Chief means um we got shelter and they got more Pottery here skull and snort okay interesting what does chief mean can anyone can anyone quickly Google search that what is this supposed to be it’s the one thing that I don’t understand

I am sus hello there Yannick hello there manken hello there uh lwg I know you were here for a while I’m sorry I didn’t not I did not uh say your name before Chief campfire friend is iron golem oh this is a campfire huh Brenda’s Iron Golem oh this is iron

Golem okay it’s not a villager it’s an iron golem yeah they have the noses as well interesting so Iron Golems existed creepers existed people existed wardens existed wolves existed in the before times you know so that’s nice that is pretty nice also this is just a Showcase of rotation

Um I don’t think we need to Showcase it anymore but yeah and that’s pretty pretty cool I think we’ve got tons of stuff now which ones do I want to build with I think we can make a like oh no I think we can make a fire that um uh let’s see

Let’s do a heartbreak and a blade so either we want um everyone fired sword of one thing heartbreak like that so we got a weird decorated pot here got a heartbreak this is the story we’re telling right um if we’re burning up the creeper and destroying it with our hearts destroying its hearts

Or the sign of Creeper divorce you know yet a little creeper with a fight and you break you break your heart and then the relationship’s on fire I don’t know I don’t know a story I want to tell there but that’s a thing ah quite an interesting story you know I

Think everybody will be happy about that story that story is something that people will be will be told at all all over the ages you know oh oh These Guys hatched okay they definitely do hatch way quicker on Moss okay so sniffer egg H1 H1 H1 H1

What is what is the regular one it’s h0 so I guess they go to like age two or three in the hatch Look at them look at them snifflets they’re all around here doing their stuff so let’s see if we get a sniffer spawn egg and let’s breed them with the torch flower seeds right let’s see where they actually plant their egg I say plant like they’re like some kind of thing here

Oh no they don’t plant an egg right they just they do right is there a snifflet what happened oh did I just get another egg it just dropped an egg I think um let’s see Let’s uh let’s do another one here then just drop an egg I have nothing else in my inventory

Yeah they do they just drop the egg you’re gonna have to be vigilant to find these eggs and then you’re gonna have to find some Moz to put them on that’s interesting you are a good Storyteller we need the suspension pot with them on this you should be able to store a laser

What’s what kind of big cruelty are you thank you what the heck are you are you trying to make like a fairy in a pot kind of myth there you’re just like hey a Lego in this pot you know what the heck like a genie they don’t grab wishes you know

These ladies don’t grab wishes you’re just trapping some poor burying a pot you can make it like Zelda right like hello link um link uses a fairy in a bottle in order to like get some more Health back or something yeah put the malaise in there but yeah that’s it’s it’s interesting

It’s interesting that they dropped the egg I mean I guess it’s better than them like clipping into a sniffer egg block that you have to move oh wait can I move these with like sub touch oh I heard that I heard that this one is stage two

Yeah they’re all hatching at like the same time okay um let’s do pickaxe actually let’s check if I can move these like without oh yeah you can okay so you don’t need silk touch you can just you could just mind them with your hands they are just they’re not as fragile as

Turtle eggs they are just not that fragile okay interesting interesting interesting okay now here we go this is one of the new things we can do with sniffers and it’s the pitcher plant now sniffers will occasionally be able to sniff up these plants now I’m not

Sure where they’ll be able to sniff them up from um let’s uh let’s TP let’s locate uh biome Forest here then we’ll go to that and then we’ll we’ll see how long it takes for them to sniff this thing up oh yeah this is the place where I

Had a bunch of sniffers with no like with no like flat ground so they weren’t going to sit down and sniff around uh-huh yeah this force is very mountainous um let’s go to Birch forest or something should be more uh flat what where’s the flatness here I mean I guess it’s flat here

Are you guys gonna sniffer me did you just sniff something out I’m looking for once that sit down okay this one is sitting down okay that’s a torch flower seed we’ll try to get the pitcher plant seed by uh waiting for these guys to sniff them out I’m not sure what kind of

Biomes they might need for it okay that’s another torch flower oh there we go we got a picture pod okay so we can find them in Birch Forest at least uh let’s buy and let us go get some farmland farmland here so apparently these things have five stages ooh that’s interesting

Use this command give player loot Minecraft chest ancient city ah yeah I’ll do that I’ll do that I’ll I’ll make sure I’ll check how many chests we need um let’s see um let’s bone meal them I think we can bone meal them at least oh shoot oh that went straight that went straight

Up once fully grown the pitcher plant can be harvested yielding a two block tall pitcher plant is that fully harvested that’s H4 okay it starts from h0 goes to H4 half lower half upper so we do that because we go survival mode and then we can get this now can we

Plant it anywhere so we can plant it like that okay that that already played it like that so this is a Too Tall flower can I just bone meal this as well um bone meal no you need the pitcher pods you need the picture pods and these things don’t

Have any seeds when you break them so you always need the sniffer stuff okay so this is stage this is stage three let me get a stage two or something around here stage one and two please okay I think this is yeah this is stage two it’s another stage two stage three

Stage four immediately I guess we’ll just wait for one to grow the stage two I don’t think we should um we should do that okay so I think we can probably plant these just on dirt maybe you can plant them on no not nyliam uh let’s get some dirt

Some regular dirts that you can plant it on probably I did not mean I missed clicked oh yeah these ones are all randomly oriented again yep based on their spot there I don’t think you can put them in pots because they’re too tall you know There we go yeah no no potty no potting right now he’s a famous last words let’s die hmm okay okay this is this stage one right there right yeah that’s stage one so that’s what it looks like it actually kind of goes pretty fast it kind of grows pretty fast here I’ll

Just find another bit of here because that that will match things up a little bit you know so yeah it’s a very interesting very interesting plant yeah this was this was one of the plants that was leaked by Roger badgerman or whatever his name was again the badgerman

And his account got like uh suspended for copyrighted information so uh yeah this was true this was this was a true leak the war between the creeper the human keeper used to go along but in this group of the human use some kind of chemical will cause them to explode the

Humans started the The Human start the creeper were crazy now the war started interesting the war started between the creeper of the humans oh this these actually have hit boxes interesting these ones don’t okay you can just go right through them okay so the full one has that full hitbox so

You get the full hitbox by H1 that’s interesting so if you want this kind of hitbox you just have to keep it planted here which is huh it is an interesting hitbox right there Okay so I will go over some more changes as you watch these sniffer plants in the stiff Lids hatch because this is this is pretty nice I like these snifflets I also like how the sniffers just pop pop out the big old eggs so vibration frequencies of mini actions

In the game happened tweet wither egg wither effect particle color has been adjusted to make a more distinguishable potion of slow fall in color has been adjusted to make it more distinguishable step sounds or can now combine for blocks walked through and stepped on okay so that means if you’re like walking

Through like maybe maybe some brush maybe some tall grass or something and you’re on some dirt it will play both sounds of you walking through the dirt and the tall grass I think I think that’s what it means so a lot of the vibration frequencies are Actually scared me for a second um okay yeah the armor trim thing like I said before the Dune armor trim has a new new brand new pattern um Sentry armor trim now has the Dune armor trim pattern in the Sentry’s old armor trim pattern is now the Shapers uh

Armor trim pattern so you got all that going on um Rockstar post processors cat Pros post processor has been added which can limit how many blocks the delegate or post processors are randomly transformed into a structure interesting I’m not sure if that was the reason for my uh

For my lag when I was doing all this oh there’s another one he immediately woke up and sniffed me oh they immediately just wake up and sniff me yo no he’s no don’t my no don’t that’s that’s not a place where you should sniff buddy It’s like dogs they just get too friendly so they just oh so the game events are more uh spread out there mixed bugs small Cuban honey slime blocks and is displayed in inventory 3D model potions are not rendered correctly and through your wide display you gotta got um there’s a lot of bug

Fixes here sniffers can sniff out and follow players in spectator mode dang that’s an interesting bug we can sniff you even if you’re in a different dimension that is funny okay Yeah I don’t know if there’s any sniffers there’s a lot of sniffer stuff um being uh being just uh remedied in the changelog yeah okay I think I think that’s it I think we’ve gone through a lot um your day which is nice we should sniff out drugs

Kind of drink do you have like sugar in your inventory and they’re like give me that give me that bro you have a torch flower in your inventory they could sniff that like you don’t need to lure them in like all they do is just like I’m not gonna smell that

On you right now maybe maybe have like baby sniffers maybe uh the the snifflets follow you with the thing but the adults don’t follow you they don’t really care Yeah I really do like this I I really do like the resonant I just I’m not I’m not the one that’s gonna test like how far these resonance um how far you can space these out and in what orientation it would be appropriate uh to space them out with

But like yeah that’s uh that’s the thing you might find on like ill mango ill Mango’s Channel there okay now let’s do a quick little recap since we did a lot of things here edit signs you can just right click them and then you can just wax them so that

You can’t edit them again right you can edit both the front and the back so yeah that’s pretty nice I love that that’s a very good feature in my opinion and now we got more structures and those structures can give us these these new um Trail ruins smithing trims and you

Can apply them you can make the you can make have a bandana you can have an angry angry face you can have goggles you can have whatever this one is and then there’s a new trim that you can find very rarely in ancient cities um called The Silence trim and it looks

Like this it’s very very corrupt corrupting so yeah and as you can see you need terracotta to duplicate them and you need deep slate to duplicate that one and also you can go over here right and you can see all the new pots all the new shards that you can find

Um in those Trail ruins and other places so you would have all these kinds of designs on the sides the faces now um especially like I feel like a lot of people might use the creeper one but yeah and then we got you can tell a story with with four pot shards there

Gotta got him and also you can the sniffer can now sniff up multiple things um it could sniff out the snort they could snort out the torch flower seeds and then the um what were these called the pitcher pods pitcher pods yes so you’ve got the pitcher plant it’s big

It’s two blocks tall um especially when it’s fully grown like this it’s actually two blocks tall but when you place it down it does not have that um bottom that you can actually have a hitbox with right so that’s interesting got new ancient flowers there and the sniffers also

Um what is it called you have a sniffer eggs and sniffer spawn eggs and they grow um they grow up better on Moss blocks and then these guys just come out right there right and you still need the torch flower seeds I don’t know if you can actually use the pitch pitcher pods

Towards flower seeds let’s let’s try to breed one one of them with the pitcher pods I’m not sure how long it’s been for them but no you can’t breed them but when you breed them with torch flower seeds they just pop out an egg instead of laying it

On the ground just like um where’s that egg there we go just like turtles they’re much stronger you could break them in survival without needing silk touch and it’s pretty it’s pretty good they have like a little they have a different kind of hitbox so that you can always

Align them here I think these actually if you get like a sniffer Farm going right you can actually get like you can place them on top of each other yo you can make sniffer egg pillars can they all they float I don’t think that’s I don’t think this is supposed to

Happen I think this is something that’s gonna change unless they can just spawn in midair like that that is that is funny your egg is floating dude you can play some on top of each other but yeah they hatch into the sniffer uh the snifflets and they grow up

And uh begin to sniff out more stuff so but these things are rare finding them in suspicious sand is really rare right so that’s a thing that you have to work out for and that’s pretty much like it um I’m not gonna show the runes again because the ruins are actually hard to

Find and hard to see um they made use of the older ocean ruins um but the ones that you find like um the trail ruins they’re pretty massive you get a lot of stuff from them pretty cool but I think one of the things that people wanted me to do was this so

Imagine being born and just fall down to your death that’s cool I will not use a sniffer egg for building for Speed bridging a okay okay I’ll I’ll get this loot I’ll get this loot command going Loot give me okay so I’ll do that again still didn’t get anything foreign by the way what what we’re going to do now is like we’re trying to find oh we got one we gotta silence armor trip we’re trying to find a silence armor okay um um yeah I’m sorry about that guys

Um there’s something called I have no idea what’s going on with my um computer at the moment but apparently going full screen um just destroys the graphics driver for some reason I don’t understand I am confused uh it just bugs everything out I shouldn’t go I shouldn’t exit full screen once I’m

In full screen ah please don’t crash now please please okay um can you can you hear this again um okay so I have no idea what’s going on I think it’s because I updated my BIOS um I um I don’t know why full screen keeps crashing um

And I think the worst part about it is that you can’t unfull screen it without going into the game itself right which means that every time I try to load it it will go into full screen immediately right it will go to full screen immediately without giving me the chance

Of unful screening it I have no idea how to fix it um um but yeah I um I don’t know I’ll actually show you here what kind of happens here uh let’s do this so here’s what happens right I’m in here I wish I could do something like um what is it called

Run not full screen at the start run as run as windowed mode because a lot of other games let you do that but um this one apparently not uh if it turns if the screen’s gonna turn black no it’s not wow I actually did not expect that okay

I don’t know why what the heck it’s something something’s wrong something’s wrong it’s like a it’s like a pick or choose lose or win situation I have no idea what the heck oh my goodness I like how when I try to show you what happens like it just it

Doesn’t happen but the screen goes black every one of my monitors just goes black I have no idea what happened what what happens here but like it’s something that’s that screwed up with my computer at the moment unfortunately but yeah here we go so what was I saying last time the

Sniffer eggs yeah stiffer snifflets they do the snifflet things they do their snippet things that you can build with these things apparently aha now there’s a lot of stuff that uh I don’t really want to check out again but yeah like I said editable signs huge in my

Opinion right got tons of science here we could edit these yo hahaha bringing it at the backs yo it’s so good I love them uh but yeah I actually can the sniffer kind of sniff let’s go in the boats are they not just like

By chance not unable to get in a boat no they they’re just not big they’re just not small enough for the boat they’re not like baby camels you know but yeah they lay in a pot you know we can we can tell a lot more stories

Um with how many shards there are here a dog Lover’s just gonna put dog dog dog I think the only thing that’s kind of like and like interesting about this is that these are not renewable right I think if these can be renewable somehow like somehow you can put them in a smithing

Table or something and you could trace over them Trace over them with like a brick or something so that you can make more pots like that would just make a Shard or something like that like so that you can duplicate them just like the trims um because these like you can just like

Like oh why’d I do that I thought it was in survival mode um let’s let’s grab another one let’s grab another one you can just like break it with a tool right like um and get everything back like it’s not like used up but like

There might be not that many um not that many chances to get a lot of this stuff again right so if I get like um like a pickaxe right and go like cheats survival mode break it right get all that back right like I feel like if you want people to

Share it right I think you should be able to duplicate them they won’t really get destroyed there we go the same thing that we had before you’ll have a lot of idea with The Shard but yeah it’s very very interesting I I really do think this update is much

Larger than people expect you know but yeah I love the trims where’s the Sentry trim again is this entry trim yeah this is under trim so this was the previous Dune trim right so I like the previous Dune trim the new Dune trim I have no idea what is it’s about

It looks kind of ominous it has like an eye right you have like a Target on the back I mean it’s not really a Target but like you’ve got the Hat on the back I don’t know if I like this Dune trim before because I really like the Sentry trim

But now on the Dune trim but now it’s a Sentry trim and Center trim can be quite difficult to find if you’re really unlucky like I was on the Snapchat survival world yeah that’s what I did I don’t know why I didn’t do it here but

Um let’s let’s remedy this a little bit here like that do fat there we go so now you can see that these are the ones that you can use deep slate with all good I probably should should have done the same for this one but anyway

These are all the patterns that you can get now it’s pretty nice pretty cool like how two different eyes have two different cults it’s you joined a server and you get a you get bombarded by server member members giving you like pamphlets to join their calls

And they tell you to get this one trim or you have to pay to buy one of the trims from them in order to join the cult that’ll be that that’s that’d be so funny the griefer and the normal player what would be a griefing armor trim

What would be a griefing armor trim I don’t know what would be an armor trim that’s fit for Griefers you know that’s that’s a question that needs to be asked imagine every time you’re on a server you get this you get you get a random armor trim and people know because you

Have that specific armor trim that you’re part of the griefer gang or whatever um you always first updates that’s great uh thank you I I I really I really enjoy the update cycles and stuff like that I really like looking at this new stuff and also I don’t like to be bombarded

With the new with everything that’s new because every single update now has just so many new features that it’s it’s you can get confused on what’s happening right with the game you deserve more subs oh thank you thank you uh on YouTube user that’s an interesting name there

Crew win an imposter I don’t know if they should make a sus Pawn like what would it even look like right are you doing the first snap to the caves and cliffs well thank you glad you glad you stayed for this long and that was like like three or four years ago

People were grinding so hard for trims and then removing the armor just to show off their skin or just talking to someone true yeah they they kind of have to right like if you want to see someone’s armor unless you have like the essentials mod or something where you could turn off

People’s armor I think um you you kind of have to take it off in order to see it right laughs and then you have to turn it off again in order to see the under layer right where’s the [Laughter] that is that is horrible imagine the feeling of bear um

Imagine the feeling of bare metal armor on your skin oh my goodness that would be absolutely horrible uh but if you have regular armor and stuff if you have regular clothes underneath you’re probably gonna be sweating more actually maybe not torso jump scare good demonetized right now There’s definitely some skins that will get you demonetized or like restricted just because the skids are just like are just so reference such disturbing or disgusting things but yeah sort of returning to a monarchy degree for a gang has become the griefer Warlords the wars have started to to

Resurrect the trims the trims started the wars and the trims will end the wars yeah it’s pretty nice I I like that snap John this is pretty good a reminder right this is there’s no 1.19.5 this is you didn’t have to do an experimental

Data pack for this so if you I think it might even show yeah it doesn’t show anymore so all I have is a bundle pack uh the bundle data pack um enabled and the vanilla one there’s no 1.20 um experimental pack anymore because now it’s just part of the regular World

Creation it is added so if you want to try it out you don’t have to go through the data pack stuff if you want to try the bundles then you still have to you still have to include that but otherwise it is all nice here now I wonder how servers will be updated

For this stuff right um maybe they’ll update the server properties to not include that or it will just skip that entirely because it’s not it that string is now a nonsense in the in the snapshot uh in the snapshot server properties file kind of thing so again

By the way if you guys have any more questions let me know because I feel like this is this is close to the end of the stream here we’ve we’ve checked out quite a bit we start on like was it 11. um 11 40. so it’s been like two hours

Geez there was a lot of content in the snapshot and plus we didn’t really we didn’t really search much in the ancient cities to find that um silence armor trim we just we just gave ourselves a loot table and got lucky the snipper eggs we did get lucky and found it in the

Overworld and also the trail ruins we didn’t find all the all the pottery shards and stuff like that um well we’re still able to check them out check out the trims as well it’s all nice where’s that vine thingy what do you mean by Vine thingy

Are you talking about the um the pitcher Bots are you talking about those if those look like Vines to you I don’t know what are you talking about I know the best ending stuff to do for the sniffer egg in the sky oh this one is hatching

They’re all hatching in a tower the bottom one already hatched away it’s gone let’s watch this thing it’s it might it might do something weight blue Vines oh yeah I forgot that that was also a a leak by uh the badger man um yeah those Vines might be coming

Um in the next after or something I hmm I think the sniffer will still be able to sniff them up I’m not sure if they’re going to be like vines that spread right because if you’re if you know like vines vines can spread like here here from that one block and down

Below maybe it’s just one block and then it grows the flowers on it right um but you have to have more of you have to have the sniffer uh take out more of the Vines um take out more Vine seeds or whatever right and then just um

And you have to place like all these mines individually otherwise I think that it’s it could be cool if those were the only ones that can grow down or something like that or maybe you I mean I think you should still be able to share them if they do

Get at it in the game and then you can move them right because it would suck then you place one down and you can’t move it anymore but yeah maybe they only grow downwards I don’t know that’d be an interesting thing I saw the trail ruins fully above ground and they

Actually are pretty good when they’re when you see the entire thing nice But yeah those flowering Vines might not be oh shoot they’re all like hatching at the same time there’s gonna be so many sniffers around here okay oh that one’s that one’s getting close that one’s getting close so it looks like that one will hatch last so we don’t need to destroy these first

Well let’s let’s look at it I uh still have if you guys have any more questions or thoughts just let me know we’ll watch the sniffer drop from the sky actually can I can I like uh control shift that one because MBT that all right no

Okay no it does not have MBT data there so I can’t I can’t um get that um get that form of it just by uh middle clicking it the torch power is glow now I’m set night oh that is a resounding no I’m saying Make a snipper spawner true we could make us never spawner I saw them above ground by another YouTuber I don’t know if they’ll spawn like that ah maybe we we could just probably like um summon the structure oh we could let’s see I kind of want to see it fall from the

Sky though how do you how do you do the structure again I feel like this is the wrong thing how do you I’m blanking out on the command name how do you place oh it’s place play structure rails ruins ah there we go okay interesting I don’t know how deep that goes actually

Oh no imagine I’d just die there oh it goes pretty deep he’s still got the ladders and stuff like that so yeah you can place it um what else what else egg is more important is an imposter is that what you mean imp M A LOL what does that mean imp m

Let’s actually get a spawner spawner I know where to place this guy yeah there we go sniffers I kind of wanted to place one in the sky just have them fall down ever every once in a while you know I mean you wouldn’t be able to fall down

Every once in a while because I’d have to be there I have to be up there um loading it in I wonder how a sniffer egg tastes okay I don’t think You know maybe maybe like this was this is probably going to be like the same kind of thing where when they do like the ostrich egg or something right like it’s probably going to be a smaller egg but maybe you can also um move it in survival really easily as well so yeah

That could be that could be interesting it does have a bottom it doesn’t have a bottom cracking texture so maybe you should be able to see it from the bottom maybe maybe maybe this is definitely a thing that you can do when it places right

And you could place it I mean I guess you can place it underneath glass and stuff like that and or on top of glass and you could still be able to see the bottom right so the bottom texture makes sense for the cracking bottom texture so

Yeah I don’t know I don’t know if placing them like this is gonna be gonna be how you can place these things before or for now everybody’s waiting for that one and only Sky egg to hatch aha hatch my son I got this just like just one baby sniffer the sniffling just right there sniffing sniffing towards me ah isn’t this beautiful It won’t even die you’ll harm the child forever if you spawn a lot of eggs up in the sky you can make a snifflet right true I could do that If there was a way to speed this up right like besides using moss I would like in the sky but I don’t think it’s based on random ticks just like half the sniffers rain down and just die right there I think they only have like six hearts 12 health I’m not sure

Maybe the maybe the babies have less oh there we go oh they’re all spawning at the same time let’s go yeah they’re all spawning facing a certain direction right uh the same direction Are you gonna break someone’s face with falling snifflets I mean I guess you can I don’t know if these are these kind of blocks will be um visible from really high up like uh how Shockers and beds like disappear from a distance but we could try that

There we go we’re going the tower is breaking Break third one break I mean fourth one break the one that the sniffler is on yeah let’s go it’s a pinata it’s a pinata of stifflets oh that one took damage oh thank goodness it’s over they’re all they’re all not dead um they’re all hatched that one will be

Scarred for life the only one that’s the only one that was dropped when it was a child let’s go yeah people born a holy sniffling a gift look at from the gods slip and fall from the sky that is our messenger that is our God imagine being born in the first thing

They have to see is falling from the sky whoa [Laughter] uh but yeah I think that’s gonna be in we’ve we’ve checked out most everything and I think next week we’ll have a snapshot as well so that’s good and also um I might move the the Stream

Uh to Friday the the stream that was it’s later for today to Friday and that’s mostly because I want to get these computer problems fixed out fixed up and also we’ve already done a pretty long stream today it’s I don’t feel like it’s gonna be healthy for me

To do more stuff uh today but yeah hopefully I’ll see you guys and on Friday and we’ll probably have we might have another stream on Sunday and Monday yada yada but yeah I think this was a good snapshot how do you guys feel eating this snapshot is is Coolio

Man the way the copper uh looks on this looks like it’s rusted right I mean I guess that’s a if that’s what you’re going for that’s great but yeah have a good rest of your days a good day good night good life and sniff away snort away until the next one bye bye

Full screen please do not destroy me again uh

This video, titled ‘Let’s Check Out 23w12a! TRAIL RUINS, MORE POTTERY, SUS GRAVEL, & MORE!’, was uploaded by lagging_daze on 2023-03-22 19:23:30. It has garnered 433 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 02:06:25 or 7585 seconds.

Snapshot Article – https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/minecraft-snapshot-23w12a

How updates will happen now: https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/try-first-minecraft-1-20-features

Thumbnail – I crop and use the Snapshot article’s thumbnail for these things!

Connect With EchoCraft and Myself! – EchoCraft Fan Discord: https://discord.gg/DEPEkyV My Discord: https://discord.gg/Ctrg4KG Twitter: https://twitter.com/lagging_daze Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/lagging_daze

#Minecraft #Snapshot #Testing

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  • Minecraft 2.0 Secrets Exposed!

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  • Unbelievable! NEW PLAYER & UPDATE in Solo Leveling Mod!

    Unbelievable! NEW PLAYER & UPDATE in Solo Leveling Mod!Video Information This video, titled ‘A NEW UPDATE & A NEW PLAYER! Minecraft Solo Leveling Mod Episode 13’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2024-04-23 20:00:10. It has garnered 4059 views and 254 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:47 or 2567 seconds. Solo Leveling Dungeons & Dragons (On Vod Channel) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rlyZ0Eihh8Q&list=PLgBu0fvAd3cvSxMfnY7Emj9CYgRTXkX9g&index=1&t=17516s STREAM – https://www.twitch.tv/thetruegingy DISCORD – https://discord.gg/4fW99jk BECOME A MEMBER HERE – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV-wFS-noHcYZM19K4XQaDA/join GingyVODs Channel – https://www.youtube.com/@TheTrueGingyVODs A NEW UPDATE & A NEW PLAYER! Minecraft Solo Leveling Mod Episode 13 #SoloLeveling #MinecraftSoloLeveling #SoloLevelingMod Also big thanks and shout out to our ANBU members of the channel… Read More

  • Unlocking Network Mysteries in Minecraft

    Unlocking Network Mysteries in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘El Poder de la Red: Misterios Descifrados #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by The Morotex on 2024-03-02 22:36:21. It has garnered 708 views and 29 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. Every day on stream at 8.10 pm Colombian time on our favorite platforms: Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/themorotex Twitter: https://twitter.com/morotex_t Kick: https://kick.com/themorotex Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCq6BeSSYm1eT3CWxC6t9dMQ minecraft, my girlfriend, minecraft girlfriend, my minecraft girlfriend, girlfriend, minecraft girlfriend, we play minecraft with my girlfriend, carloscastle minecraft, my minecraft girlfriend, in minecraft, minecraft but, minecraft with my girlfriend and my brother, minecraft, how to do in minecraft,… Read More

  • TURTLZ GONE WILD! Ultimate Minecraft Server Code!

    TURTLZ GONE WILD! Ultimate Minecraft Server Code!Video Information This video, titled ‘Yak anarchy! no hack minecraft server! join code’, was uploaded by Kool Turtlz on 2024-02-14 12:11:43. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. server join code: yak_anarchy.apexmc.co discord join code: https://discord.gg/Ft7fqKtE. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Survival Mode Challenges!

    Insane Minecraft Survival Mode Challenges!Video Information This video, titled ‘Surviving the Challenges of Minecraft’s Survival Mode’, was uploaded by Mr Pro on 2024-02-06 04:18:22. It has garnered 94001 views and 2403 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:02 or 782 seconds. Embark on an epic adventure with me as we brave the wilderness of Minecraft’s survival mode! In this thrilling video, join me as I navigate the unforgiving terrain, gather resources, and fend off dangerous foes to stay alive. Witness the excitement and tension as I face the ultimate test of skill, strategy, and perseverance in this immersive gaming experience. Whether you’re a… Read More

  • “Unlocking the Secrets of SNebulas in WillowsTale SMP S2 Ep4 Tomorrow!” #minecraft #modded #mystery

    "Unlocking the Secrets of SNebulas in WillowsTale SMP S2 Ep4 Tomorrow!" #minecraft #modded #mysteryVideo Information This video, titled ‘A Gift? WillowsTale SMP S2 Ep4 Coming Tomorrow! #minecraft #gaming #youtubeshorts #modded #youtube’, was uploaded by SNebulas on 2024-01-10 21:13:33. It has garnered 201 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Adventure: Walking for Chickens!

    Insane Adventure: Walking for Chickens!Video Information This video, titled ‘Walking to find Chickens’, was uploaded by Eqqo on 2024-03-24 03:40:21. It has garnered 3193 views and 264 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:49 or 1909 seconds. ➤ modrinth.com/modpack/eqqobuilds ➤ patreon.com/eqqo ➤ youtube.com/@eqqo/join #minecraft Read More

  • Join Dracula Broo’s Public SMP Now! 🧛‍♂️🔥 #shorts

    Join Dracula Broo's Public SMP Now! 🧛‍♂️🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Free Public Smp 😀 | Join Now!!! Anime Smp Season 5 #shorts’, was uploaded by Dracula Broo on 2024-03-23 17:52:08. It has garnered 34 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:46 or 46 seconds. Dracula Broo: Unleashing Creativity in Minecraft SMP Adventures ANIME SMP SEASON 5- IP:- ANIMESMP5.aternos.me PORT:- 27812 🙂 Enjoy and don’t forget to subscribe @rgs47ff Join Our Discord Server: https://discord.com/invite/fTnQUk7j Description: Welcome to Dracula Broo, your ultimate destination for thrilling Minecraft SMP gameplay and videos! Join us on our epic adventures as we explore vast landscapes, build… Read More

  • INSANE UPDATE! Is this NCS song in Phigros?! 🎶

    INSANE UPDATE! Is this NCS song in Phigros?! 🎶Video Information This video, titled ‘[Phigros New Update] is this song from ncs or smth (v3.5.1 / First Look + Phi Gameplay)’, was uploaded by 578uit on 2024-03-15 17:00:45. It has garnered 1300 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:32 or 392 seconds. The title is because this song reminds me of the types of music that YouTuber used for videos like Minecraft PvP montage or something (NCS-type beat) and it was a good time. I was having fun creating some of my first contents, even when it’s completely directionless lol Chill chart to compensate for… Read More

  • Unleash your creativity with this Minecraft roleplay server tutorial!

    Unleash your creativity with this Minecraft roleplay server tutorial!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to Create a Minecraft Roleplay Server’, was uploaded by TurboTrendTrove on 2024-03-29 20:03:12. It has garnered 1 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. Like = MORE Subscribe = MORE MORE! https://bit.ly/MakemoneyasFreeLancer Looking to make money as a freelancer? Join Fiverr today and start earning for free! Whether you’re a writer, designer, developer, or have any other skill, Fiverr offers a platform where you can showcase your talents to a global audience. With no upfront costs and the flexibility to work on your own terms. Don’t miss out… Read More

  • SolarionSMP – SMP | Whitelisted | Java 1.20.4 | Adult | Community-focused

    SolarionSMP - SMP | Whitelisted | Java 1.20.4 | Adult | Community-focusedWelcome to Solarion SMP About Us We are a distinguished and whitelisted Survival Multiplayer (SMP) server that mirrors the immersive spirit of the renowned Hermitcraft community. Our objective is to establish an inclusive environment where diversity thrives, making it an ideal home for a wide range of players. Notably, Solarion SMP operates on Java 1.20.4 and extends a warm welcome to potential members. Our Vision Here at Solarion, we have curated a compelling roster of plugins to enhance gameplay while preserving the quintessence of the Vanilla Minecraft experience. Some of our noteworthy plugins include: – Drop Heads – SinglePlayerSleep -… Read More

  • Black Club

    PMC794f2910ePMC794f2910ed4c7b011a7aac515fec9d06d4c7b01PMC794f2910ed4c7b011a7aac515fec9d061Play.blackclub.strangled.neta7aPMC794f2910ed4c7b011a7aac515fec9d06ac515fec9d06 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Bone Bros in MC

    Minecraft Memes - Bone Bros in MCLooks like even in the afterlife, the cave is still haunting you! Read More