LFHS – ZEQA – My Laptop Burst into Flames!

Video Information

Five sky test Jesus Christ my my laptop’s already dying I was promoting myself on Discord servers it took me 4 minutes to put my uh my stream link on five different servers anyway welcome to the Stream I have to use my phone welcome to the stream manom thank you so much for joining the stream aspect

Gaming random welcome all of you to the stream hopefully have you guys having a nice day or night if not hopefully this zika stream can make it a bit better zika wow I thought why not dabble in the lands of zika yes why not okay Hive America going zika au cuz I’m

Aussie it’s night for me it is also night for me it is 9:57 p.m. 9:57 p.m. hi welcome to the stream hi hi 65 65 FPS that’s not bad that’s not bad all right fingers crossed both of my fingers are crossed hopefully I get de FPS all right so what we’re basically

Going to be doing on zika is um you know One V ones potentially parties all that stuff you know party One V ones hopefully we get enough people to join the party oh my God 44 FPS I’m just going to go straight to whatever they have just build I wipe this with my

Shirt at least it’s not a th000 yeah well at least it’s not 1 th000 ping I’m getting pretty average ping hello why did I do that I’m not used to it to it um unlike me a th000 ping I am sorry ping just be Wilding I don’t know why L

Lhes he called me L I might turn off chat cuz Z can get can get pretty violent 7:30 where I live Z trap that’s a name I haven’t seen in a long time happy Holidays happy holidays hold on wow I can actually play like this 50

FPS it’s not too bad anyway uh I just kill people oh I cannot aim I can aim I cannot aim I can’t could see you in chat mate what do you want crits not going to lie uh you can’t see you in chat cuz of the hand cam oh

Yeah sorry about that I might turn it off regardless sorry about that crits welcome to the stream hopefully you’re having a nice day I can do that as well it’s a down stack all right zika got to love it especially Aussie server Z I’m getting 30 ping as

You see on the right side of my screen I I never get that all right I’m going to probably turn off chat for the time being cuz I’ve I’ve seen some stuff that’s all I can say I’ve seen some stuff all right let’s kill this guy all right they died

Nice it is 10 p.m. now wow um wait zika has yeah yeah I’m on it right now zika A1 there’s only one oh my it’s bit hard of the FPS oh aggro pel on him I’m getting destroyed by two people 2v Waring um you’ve been on my f

Page so long I don’t know why I haven’t clicked on your stream I am so sorry but thank you for clicking on that’s crazy haven’t seen you in 9 months about my hand cam yeah I’m so sorry I don’t know if you guys don’t know I’ve

Been well I did a like a 9mon Hiatus or whatever cuz of school had to focus um and my PC died so that’s why I’m getting like 60 FPS not the normal consistent and crispy 144 I’m getting okay hold up what is this what is this what is

This stay away what is this dude chill out chill out please please oh I hear them at the side it’s a 3E one it is a 3ev one chill out I cannot aim when draag oh it it it’s genuinely 3v one what is can I get this guy at least

All right that’s one guy um yeah know but today I thought I’d try out zika cuz you know I wouldn’t I wouldn’t mind making zika content but you know the laptop cannot edit at all I don’t know why I I think I might need a

CB is cool welcome to the stream as I was saying I think I might need to fix up my processors cuz I get a lot of background processors and it takes up my four core CPU which is a potato potato is bad but yeah guys feel free to join zika

Au I’m going to be doing some parties later on if not One V ones I’m kidding being chased imagine people with media rank Jesus Christ okay oh that’s that’s insane okay I’ve survived long but I haven’t got any kills he’s getting comboed what is everybody’s getting comboed today

What with 56 FPS you remember yesterday yeah yeah I remember yesterday that’s okay if you don’t want to go and a au but we are going to be doing parties doesn’t have to be PVP oh I wanted to clutch for the stream oh my God they’re genuinely 3v oneing

Me this a genuine 3ev one I cannot Escape them what is this please laptop don’t set on fire all right fine let I’ll hop on okay sounds good sounds good oh yes oh I’m going to die yeah I’m dead GG’s hold on oh that gu is down

There soon as herb hops on I’m going to start one our One V on herb and um I’ll probably put a pin message for other people to know I’m going to try a double bridge I’m getting 70 FPS oh that wasn’t too bad ah all right swap to my GL glorious model

Okay um all right no one’s here I mean who would have expected it’s 10 p.m. for Australia so no one’s on uh let’s see if people are doing other game modes let’s have a quick look no no it’s only just build okay it’s not too much people on

Damn all right I might as well put this in chat now uh feel free to drop your IGN in chat we doing parties and one V ones pin message yes all righty um um it it’s slate MC welcome to the stream hopefully you having a nice day

Or nice cuz it’s not I’m I’m destroying this guy what is going on chill me I need to chill out um hope your laptop doesn’t burn or BL me too I hope it doesn’t third party me please um I’m a normal clicker nice I am not a normal Clicker oh my

God ah 3 2v one again look at this they’re against me they hate me they hate my guts I’m not respected here um click eight to n sometimes 10 for normal clicking that is very good good job a come on okay whatever I died um tag game fire welcome to the stream

Tag game hop on we’re doing one V ones or parties we’re getting another person to hop on soon that goes for everybody we’re doing parties whatever party games I don’t know how it works in Z I’ll figure out jeez damn who are you ping to aspect gaming try playing on the iPad

Definitely not recommended yeah I can Down Below on that yes I am gamer h Hello damn don’t ever click 9 CPS um lfh is in is the LF I am the school all right I’d appreciate if you let me read my chat wow I’m just going 2v one now all right hold

On last message um yeah helps if you hit R okay that’s nice I’m going a butterfly click yeah it didn’t help at all need to put tape on my mouse hold up um you’re little flow High School yes and to Rando I am conspiracy theory he has a

Conspiracy he has a conspiracy theory against me he thinks I am a spider girl no idea where that came from the FPS are down but the PVP is up get out of here get out of here agrael on him yes get out of here oh you dra y

I’m trying to my hands are so sweaty sweating up in here it’s so hot cuz my laptop not good with drag clicking cuz combo yeah that’s a fair point I guess the reason why I learned how to drag click is cuz I been getting comboed all the

Time BR cuz they click so many CPS that’s true see watch this I’m going to oh GG what a fight tag game is here time to kill tag actually I’m going to go Hub okay I’m going to Forfeit out of that and I’m going to go hub and I’m going to

Request tag game into one V one that is quite wait herb herb anyone tag game herb request me to a One V one and I’ll do it I don’t care if I win I don’t care if I lose are you watching the stream no wait

Hold on I think I need to turn on chat um all right um ining invites from Asia you s no I’m Australian bed fight all right I’m garbage at this different region yeah oh guess that works 300 ping he ping his ping is terrible I hate his ping that is one

Thing I do not like about herb the fact that he lives very far away from Australia service I’m just going to wait here until I regen very nice Strat holy crap you’re a tank he doesn’t take any not 400 ping 400 ping what is this all right I should probably put my

Uh okay I going to say I probably put my shears on my third slot cuz my third slot I have hot keyed I’m sorry he hit me through blocks what is this okay let’s go for it he so I’m I get less Ping On

EU on Asia I’m closer to a yeah I don’t know Asia’s been weird lately especially on the hive okay I stuffed that up what is okay I’ll take that hello her oh my God okay hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold

On yes I’ve lost this but I won in the end game I have won I’m angry at myself because of this damn internet all I reckon I reckon I reckon it’s just like a human error I reckon I’ve got too many background apps and just soaking out my internet okay herb nice

One GG that’s the first one of the day all right anyone else anyone else anyone else herb coming in box I hate boxing make zero sense to get more ping yeah I know it’s interesting okay come on my phone fell down no all right come on let’s go mate

Come on this is going to be hard oh my God look at him look at him look at him oh my God this is hell this isn’t hell I like oh never mind what I’m sorry what what what explain your knockback please explain your knockback my timing

Sucks I’m terrible at that I’m I’m terrible at boxing to I’m not a boxing man as you can probably see by my AES see look at that oh here it goes the tables are turning how does he get the first hit who what what what is this what is this what is

This oh my fingers hurt already carpel tunnel incoming arthritis purple tunnel combo Jesus GG ouch all right I’m getting an invite from some guy um I don’t want to do boxing I suck at boxing I hate it I hate it so much but I’m going to have to do it yes Zer Ms gg gg question mark hello zero Ms going to be so laggy on

Australia oh okay all right let’s see how we go I’ll take it I’ll take it I’ll take it thank you thank you so much thank you so much thank you so much thank you so much thank you so much thank you so much thank you okay now it’s getting interesting oh my

No no no no no no no no no chill chill chill chill chill chill man chill oh my aiming yes no oh there you go GG’s guys I lost oh that was so lucky I cannot hit him oh my God I’m dying no no no no no please please God

Give me good internet give him bad internet and let me win no oh my God you’re doing good for that ping I’m not going to lie that first combo is probably luck yeah Jesus Christ I’m getting destroyed so my wrist G that was so close GG I love how

I actually got to come back that is true GG ow Ow she oh oh my God I’m dying of sickness now all right someone give me invite invite I know anything by boxing anything by boxing please I my wrist cannot that was painful was painful for both of us uh got to start training wrist I know I got to rist kill like 100

100 kilogram battle rush I’ll take that okay I cannot drag click at the moment okay GG I lost no scoring I’m sorry I don’t have time I don’t have time for no scoring I’m a busy man we all right I’ll try dra come GG clutch fine you’re scoring okay thank you

Ah what is this Co is in my room I Am Co my clicking is yeah okay you can take that I need a figure out my mice just an excuse yeah yes no come on he takes no knockback he does take oh thank you he was listening in on stream and he just

Felt bad and he so turned on his knockback all right GG that was lucky GG all right my M my mouse is oily this is why I cannot dly please thank you thank you thank you no last Point let’s go he he walked through the blocks he walked through the

Block blocks he walked through the blocks oh oh I could have done that I’m just bad I’m just bad all right he’s got that icy Bridge ah I remember the thank you 700 times went crazy I know my vocal cords went crazy after that come back no don’t come

Back no no please for a please yes abuse my ping abuse my ping abusing abusing my ping yes no I’m using my ping please please yes yes yes yes yes quickly oh I think we’ve won I think we’ve won we’ve won yes yo just want to check how are

You doing I’m doing great welcome to stream madonald did you change your name madonald I don’t know how to say that all right I’m sorry um Herve is cool Bridge all right sorry what what what was your original name if you changed it I don’t recall if not I’m I’m numb

Sorry this is my bridge Strat Dr click okay I I think I’ve lost not going to lie quickly yes Messi Ronaldo combined oh I see I see I see welcome to the stream hopefully you’re having a nice day if not hopefully I make that day a little better my laptop is

Dying I am dying in the game I think I won this one just just demon Strat that’s a name that’s another name I haven’t heard for a long time welcome to the stream demon Strat damn thank you so much for coming past how are you I am doing I I don’t think you’ve

Heard my uh desktop PC has died and I’m on my ASA NRA 5 and I’m playing on zika I think I’ve won this not going to lie yeah gg gg oh Jesus Christ all right comeb back he’s not going to get a comeback watch this that delayed knockback what is

This I block myself off what is this where is he coming oh right in front of me oh I missed a I’m so mad all right I I just got to end it quick quickly yes yes yeah let’s go let’s go all right that was close up

Not going to lie that wasn’t close for me come on mate oh he’s bypassing and I’m going to bypass your life with my sword GG this this is a score on my quickly I could have went under I just I don’t know I I just risked too much risk not enough

Gaming a I could have clutched that who am I what is happening to me here playing like absolute garbage herb you are rechecking all right no more get out of here and getting Gap pre Gap make sure everything’s all good I don’t like your knock pack that’s

Delayed that is not 300 Ms that is 400 Ms that is a minute Ms that’s not Ms that’s mm minute hello FES I bet I could at least combo you once on my region no I don’t doubt that you’re really skilled even with the ping you

Know I I understand how lag is cuzz I play Hive Asia Hive Asia at the moment is oh GG Hive Asia at the moment is uh like 300 ping or something like that and Asia is closer to Australia than America is and I’m getting better ping on

America so I I don’t know what to do other than get I’m playing really bad wow no all right he’s getting a comeback cursed space it’s me again welcome to the stream cursed space thank you so much for coming back hopefully having a nice day if not hopefully this stream

Can okay I’m I’m in pain I’m sorry hopefully the stream can what you fly hacking what no no he’s hacking report herb report herb report herb report him if I do I’ll probably be like kicked look at him he’s just flying what is this hit me off y hit me off go down

Here race you easy uh whatever is this Hive again no this is zika um z.net I believe is the server IP it’s a very it’s comparable to The Hive in terms of popularity I think don’t quote me on that but it is a very good PVP practice server where you can do

Parties that was a two block Jitter extension not bad will I make this no all right and go if you join the server go Australia cuz I’m on Australia we might be doing parties after this game actually after this game or the next game 400 Ms love to see

It love to see my failure love to see it intended Dodge what is this I’m playing so bad now lfh is villain I know right until I get a new computer my villain art is starting right now oh my god there it goes I started my Villar starting it thank you herb GG

That was actually a good game is this also Bedrock yes this is also a Bedrock um uh I’ll do one more how about that Archer sure why not I swapped my glorious model my fingers are they up to it I don’t know we’ll see how we

Go is this spal oh look at my aiming guys look at my aim okay I don’t like the Zoom oh oh all it’s embarrassing oh he jump dodged it what is that blocker went over his forehead gave him a headcut gave him a feed oh chill

Out I know why you chose Archer so you can just bully me with your ping but I’m also bullying you with your ping GG all right um see how we go that guy is going crazy that guy is mad look at that damn can’t do that if I tried all right um

Should we do I haven’t I haven’t played tag game I don’t think I’ve played T game let’s just going to do tear game Tuma I’m going to embarrass myself but got sniped in for fortnite now my Ark will start oh my God I I can sort of relate I used to get

Sniped by three hackers whoa this is close match oh my god oh I missed out on that combo opportunity I’m playing so bad I need to hit select properly okay if I hit select the problem is I go inside of him because of his ping yes yes yes yes you’re so goofy

Warden MC welcome to the stream hop on zika Au now hopefully having a nice day if not hopefully this Cur stream can make it a little bit better one thing I’d like to ask every viewer here is a quality DEC like the stream quality is a

Watchable um hold on I create a party invite only yes drop your IGN’s in chat uh making a party party settings invite member I’m going to invite everybody tag game herb herb is gone all right this just me and tag game wow uh move your PC my PC I don’t have a PC

But I’ll show you proof that I had a computer this is an i99900k packed away if you’re talking about my Nitro 5 it’s right there like laptop change my skin just realized uh yeah hold on let me uh check real quick oopsy daisies that’s a nice Nitro 5 okay that’s

Better yeah you see it in view now all right um should be good enough uh hold on um sub to you uh when you’re at 600s damn OG thank you so much all right who is in guess it’s just me and tag game what name was demon Str yeah I remember I

Remember uh I guess I guess we’re just going to have to do well let’s do viable fight why not me and tag game please join ZK damn what a strong start I’m going to make one of those uh like YouTube I’m going to make one of those YouTube shorts where I like say

This was the sweatiest game of my life okay chill okay chill buddy not a clutch all right I’m joining Warden yes Legend thank you so much for joining thank you so much this is the sweatiest game of my life be a butterfly clicking like a maniac I’m getting a treasure bed

Whatever I’m used to saying treasure first zika stream she no I made a zika stream years ago but welcome to the stream surf hopefully having a nice day if not hopefully make that day a little better if you want to join you can join the surf hopefully I don’t die

Okay I uh I don’t remember when I did the seet stream I think it was 2 years ago and the it was back when the logo was purple or something think oh we both missed damn look at that combo I’m dead GG um the classic I hope you made it

Day yes true all right um I’m just going to what if I do SkyWars yeah Au what the heck is au a Australia Australia Aussie server yeah at least I can be decent at this game mode because I’m a highve sweat it’s the only thing that I’m decent at um hope he’s not

Run I have full diamond all right I’m going to make this quick uh we got band it’s about time oh my God it is about time we have so many memories of that account though you you think that would fool me hold on do I have I have a bow with

Oh I have a bow damn I have the Tik Tok edit song too they took forever yeah I know 7.4 come on mate and I’m getting 73 FPS what is this bro this is crazy I nearly died come on oh my God will you VC with

Nexite on his stream it is a bit late I don’t know if you oh I don’t know if he’s streaming tonight if he is and it’s I don’t know rare moment yeah I know that’s true but um I don’t know if I can cuz look at the time you know I’m

Going to be streaming when I finish stream probably going to head to bed you know wish I could have good times but it is what it is guys join join zika au1 I will invite you to the party and we will kill each other build you HC Ivan

Attendo wait hold on um let me make an account okay um are you from the stream I don’t know tag game L okay rip all I guess we’re going to close the party um check no one’s playing anything wow rip hey I’m I’m on Au right now look at

My P okay I don’t know how to check my ping in the lobby hold on playing sumo person’s playing yeah snow boy playing Zumo okay my Ping’s 99 cuz I’m streaming and my laptop sucks but you got to take my word for it right oh I’m playing so bad already I’m

Playing so bad my aiming oh my God oh I’m crazy that was cringe oh I’m crazy okay I’m crazy in a in a bad way excuse me um join EU they’ll have more players do you think I want to join EU I have like 400 ping lfhs is the best that is a

Overstatement big overstatement come on people join the soon actually hold on I think people in other game modes build okay let’s see how we go oh it’s same guy I’m sorry oh my God T game is here I’m going to steal his kill steal his kill no oh Gap

Oh I’ll go for this guy oh I got a 10 kill streak I’m what is going on it’s not like my 200 kill streak that one day but that’s right what’s with this emotional songs I don’t like this going to have to little it play through cuz if I change Tabs are

Going to go down to like four FPS uh um someone’s down there cont tag game oh destroyed that was a Oh my phone fell down um I don’t know what that I don’t know how to answer that but I don’t know I don’t know that’s hilarious oh my okay hold

On sorry I’m focusing too much I’m gamer all right oh he’s beating me oh let’s go come on ouch what is this aiming thank you so much okay died thanks for waiting okay Jesus I’m running bye-bye after like a couple more rounds of this I probably

Just you know right now I might as well make a party FF make a party hop on people um someone’s in Ran all right um I’m making a party no that is not party create a party invite only um invite tag game tag game is the only

Player I recognize drop your IGN in chat if you’re in the thing my MC crashed crashing lately ww uh no problem that’s okay are you in the game I don’t know bed fight Archer build your HC yes I like this game mode come on is snow boy are you from are you from

My uh stream okay I guess not um strafe yourself is a hacker too okay I just destroyed him but it is what it is sorry tagging 400 ping no yeah you have to join mate you have to join it is your obligation to join I had to join all of nexite streams

Now oh my God all right I’m inviting surf invite that is nice name all right um I’m going to do Let’s do let’s do spliff thanks let’s do some spliff oh that’s 2v2 spliff sorry um sorry I was not used to this there you are it’s a 2v

One did I invite oh yeah I invited you all right I guess this just one of you one didn’t join that’s okay GG yeah I invited you I invited you uh yeah okay okay he got disconnected damn he’s game okay that’s right um I guess tag game and I will stick

Fight oh I’m getting destroyed no what a combo I’m a record a vid real quick all right no problem no problem oh okay going over here now wow he’s killing me like crazy destroyed I’m Recker we are re Checkers we are both rechecking we are both

Hackers um guys lfh uh get Q L the girls LOL okay um I don’t know what that was but I’ll take that win come on guys oh I I I boxed boxed myself in ah I’m losing oh my God all right come on mate yes that is so lucky that is so

Lucky uh try clutch with long I only have six five blocks I five blocks ah GG I can try long drag but at the moment my mouse is a bit greasy I know it’s just game of crap you know just my camera should be right um all right now we’ll probably do

Um pel fight um sump lfhs what okay you get like 40 to 60 around that yeah around 30 yeah 40 okay now my mouse isn’t damn accept Pooky oh my God I need a long trag for the viewers definitely real clutch oops you abusing the wall oh no wrong wrong

Keyb oh GG I’ll take that go on more pill LIF ah I lost that round all right hold pill the bid accident come on oh thank you tag game what the hell all right hold on put that in my other slot W combo oh everything’s messed up but no excuse

I’m just not very conscious with my uh my hot bar hold on I fixed it up I normally have it blocks there yeah there you I should win now definitely okay oh what if I just Camp here yeah GG abusing ah GG I think I lost yeah sounds good GG um now

Classic I don’t know after this I’ll probably um probably just close out the party cuz not a lot of people are joining at the moment w w TR a lot of people joining at the moment so I’ll probably just stick to one of ones or whatever oh I missed

GG can we run yeah no for sure no no no I’m joining soon that’s right I’m going to close the party not the stream sorry and I’m just going to have a look at what’s going on just uh you know fill in the gaps you

Know just one V On’s all stream it’s bit you know just with one guy it’s bit give me two minutes no problem Oopsy Daisy H did he s tap at the hit wait you’re Aussie I am Aussie yes sorry I’m reading in game chat oh my

God wow look at this can I clutch that no too low pill all right going to leave for um let me request a jewel to Surf let’s do cuz you like it so much let’s do some uh where’s boxing there you go boxing he clutched I did not

Clutch I’m going to this guy’s crazy at boxing I’m not that good at boxing he’s just going to toss me like crazy watch me have like an arthritic attack he’s crazy at boxing guys he’s crazy he’s crazy he’s crazy he’s crazy he’s crazy he’s crazy oh my God he’s

Dude look at this he’s getting he’s getting insane look at this combo oh my God oh my God can I get one hit if I get one hit I win I win full stop oh my God what the hell is this Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh good gaming chair

Yeah now this guy is a secret Labs gaming chair where’d he go oh my God what is this I close match close match all right turn them off mate turn off let’s have a legit one going crazy bro that guy is crazy bro I got the back room SK return yeah

Wait hold on not Archer boxing boxing boxing you’re on touch damn I don’t know how to eject I don’t know either GG I win I win his game crashed no all right um go and Su and have a look who’s there just wait for people when I tried ejecting it happens hold

On oh my God yeah baby look at that look at that for a whatever you call that a flick that ain’t a flick that a look let rejoin fight you legit all right tag game unranked Bridge all right I’ll do tag game first trifle 360 I’ll

Try that but my mouse is connected to my laptop and it’s getting the cable’s getting pulled on oh he is a God he is God what is this GG every hit 360 I’ve I’ve done a uh 360 hit 360 hit three I’ve done that before but not very good at those

I’m not very good at styling I don’t really style all right I don’t know how that guy I’ll go surf surf looks like he’s his first so I’ll do surf it’s ejected and I’ll do x Guns next all right oh there he is okay don’t have to for CPS me

Man intense match oh my God no no no no no yes yes abuse the low ground abuse the low ground abuse a oh oh no where are these hits Alex Oh comeback what is what was that that was would have mean sick what if I combo you in

Time I won that Fen GG you destroyed me man um it’s a little hard to jump reset every 360 yeah I’ll try that um LOL yeah GG’s ining invites I have no pending invites okay okay that guy might have left the come back no no no he went AFK he was

Just trolling he does a little bit of trolling um oh sorry no no no don’t don’t don’t accept that don’t accept that go Su I want to want to try I know all right tag game let’s go instantly destroyed instantly destroyed instantly getting destroyed instantly destroy oh I’ve lost I’ve lost I’ve lost

I’ve lost there is nothing I can do I have lost unless unless unless I do this trick the trick is getting combo so every time you die I know I know I know don’t have to tell me that I know very well anyone else no one wow it’s almost as if it’s

It’s 11:00 p.m. almost what the hell is that was that a notification all right hold on um refresh my channel page we it 1,115 subscribers thank you so much also how do you feel when your channel is 3 years old yeah I know it’s been a long time I must say

There’s been a gaps here and there might have stun my growth but I’m just happy with what I’ve done at the moment but I have good feelings for the future when I get my computer cuz you know I got a I got a whole list of ideas for videos streams all that all

Right let’s go Hub um someone’s playing no debuff I’m really bad at this game mode but I’ll give it a shot oh hold on load power power mode I can’t record why is that oh my God hit him hit him once all right let’s see I’m going to J Qui

Oh oh oh my aiming is dying badly there you go GG all right uh potato is too late oh relatable relatable wraith I like wraith this is my new favorite game mode why is everything actually never mind I’m going to third party get out of here yeah yeah luck on him I

Play on a cake relable there 209 Ms bro hack no he’s not hello everyone hello Alpha Welcome to the what is this um ly I I I welcome to the stream I need to escape him oh no bro what is this oh my God he’s crap I

Know oh my God bro no no no where’d he go yeah yeah get him oh hold on a minute hey hey know hey hey he what is this how are you guys we are doing good I think I’m in pain cuz this laptop and this this guy’s just too good I cannot

Hit him once GG’s easy I win oh my God that’s it FF I I I quit I quit there’s no way there is no way I can fight against that I’m going to suer then we’re going to accept One V on again hacked nah he’s cracked he’s cracked not hacked hacker n no

Ah oh my God oh my God he’s the best make me Ascend make me Ascend into the sky make me a actually oh oh oh I missed can I swear um you might be filtered out by chat so I don’t think you should do that holy

Crap he’s legit bro trust the source oh my God what a combo can I fight against this no know damn he’s the best can I get one premium account really want to play on that server I’m sorry I don’t have money myself so yeah I am so

Sorry think oh if you have Java Edition you can play Bedrock edition if you have a like a full Java Edition account just use your Microsoft account U Bros teleporting like yeah um yo hosts yeah yeah yeah but it’s legit yeah welcome to the stream Hannah welcome to

The stream hope you’re having a nice day if not hope like made a day a little better primire the legend what’s up welcome to the stream hopefully having hope a nice day if not hopefully made the day a little better I’m lagging in Game Holy moolly can I join yes I’m

Doing parties One V ones all that business all right someone challenge me to a One V one I’ll challenge you whatever um you know yay sure why not um build your HC I like that one holy moly Graco moly yes true eating pony hack all right got to request from surf

I don’t think I should request surf don’t think I should play against surf just just a slight hinch of mine but I’m going to do it anyway what cre one one on uh South Asia is that what that is oh my God this guy dude what is this what the hell he’s

The best Bridger no no shot yes shot actually what am I talking about am I the bur clutcher let’s try that yeah clutch oh my God better than oh yep no for real oh on he’s coming back hold on GG easy oh my God this is

Impossible yes I’m goated I am the best oh my God oh my God hey buddy chill out we say hi fix your anti-che zika put in an anti-che put in an anti-che I can going Escape I escaped what this I’m a butt compared to no yeah for real can I score

A would have been sick though get him quickly oh what a clutch though that was pretty decent five block extension not bad ah wz the best yeah oh oh my God he’s playing table tennis with my body I want to V you on the hive sorry I’m playing zika tonight oh

Oh but I will be doing Hive next stream I’m not going to be streaming every day like I used to just so you know I might do it every week I don’t know so sorry it’s it’s oh so sorry it’s slate MC what the heck is happening I’m versing the world’s best Minecraft

Player oh my God oh my God what the PVP bro bro is the best bro is bro is him this is him H oh oh hey clutched it clutched she getting bounced like a ball I know I said I’m getting like tossed around like a tail tennis

Ball oh styling styled on get styled on oh hey one block um uh W cheating got Nitro horion I don’t think he has hor he lagged out the server yeah GG I’ll take that um what are you playing Welcome to the stream fantasy I’m playing zika Australia on

Minecraft Bedrock I’m I am accepting One V ones actually did tag a request me why not this Bedrock Minecraft Bedrock correct anyone playing nope driver is better H I don’t blame you but you’re welcome to join if you want oh I got a invite for thing that’s your opinion

Though Java’s all right I just can’t play Java because it’s bad on my laptop n fact okay oh I suck oh my God look at this is one CPS in me too guys I quit Minecraft today GG it was a good run oh my God I’m getting destroyed oh my God I’m getting

Destroy damn damn I’m getting put in theage guys subscribe to lus on YouTube if I’m getting put on theage subscribe to me they probably won’t want to subscribe to me if I’m on the other end of the combo Tage oh noce I really am bad at styling so I shouldn’t even bother

Oh I reckon I can get a comeback okay that possibility is gone possibility is gone lus is legit right yeah he’s legit he’s legit he’s just too good GG tag game what a combat all right one a box I don’t know if that’s to me or someone else um no one oh

Wrath um Java there is no goofy combat mods no Marketplace free Texture Packs has high skill requirement and bridging so Java is better um you’re incorrect about the mods you’re incorrect about the uh free Texture Packs cuz you can get free texture packs on bedrock and

You can get free mods the thing that is misconceived about uh Bedrock is this I’ll show you right now just just to clear it out you know I don’t blame you cuz Bedrock has its Kinks and uh you know hold on the marketplace okay I can’t show you but you know stuff like

This and use mine coin why am I Steve all right but we have free packs too the MC packs and you click them and they get installed in the game this pack that I’m using now as my 200 sub pack recolor you can also get mods for free shaders get RTX shaders for

Free but I get you you know I I say I say it like this in it is a fact that Java is better for survival but in my opinion I prefer barock PVP cuz I’m just used to it okay you can’t blame that I like bridging has a nice skill G yeah

Yeah no no no I get you I get you I’m not I’m not complaining I have a sense of common sense I like Java to I just can’t play it at the moment because my PC died I’m on my gaming laptop which is really bad as you can see by the

FPS oh my God this guy’s crap with that damn okay I delayed knock back oh oh my God all right um bro if a game has emotes it’s for kids what do you mean they added the gritty they added the gritty I need to find the gritty you’re going to love you’re going

To you’re going to change your opinion they added the gritty they added the gritty it is they added the sturdy they added the gangdam style they added push-ups the floss they added zero gra I don’t know what that is where’s the where’s the gritty where’s the gritty where’s the gritty oh where’s the

Gritty that at the T oh that at the T pose L dance take the L yeah sniffs what I can’t find a gritty unfortunately I hate the gritty and dance it’s the best it is the best feature of bedrock toally holy crap that’s one problem though I will

Admit it’s so easy to hack and the anti-cheats on Bedrock servers are really bad on this particular server they they don’t even have an anti-che yeah no but I understand where you’re coming from java in its areas it’s just ultimately better but um and free anti-cheat for service yeah yeah

True Minecraft is Minecraft yeah you know I’m that’s cool yeah oh well I enjoy the game that’s all it comes down to if you enjoy the game you play it don’t worry what every what anyone says it’s game go crazy when someone WR I get crazy when why even go

Crazy it’s Minecraft if Minecraft gets deleted tomorrow yeah sure you know it’s all the memories but you know just move on with life um it’s an option that is true that is it’s true it’s not up to anyone it’s up to you hello tag Game Goodbye tag

Game but I like Java cuz you can uh cuz make bedrock in Java what oh my God my frames I’m going to lose cuz I’m one tap no never mind he that’s a problem that I used to do I used to go down for a

Clutch and I get comboed off in a void but you just got to no comment W mods yeah all right all right um he’s back all right I’m going to I don’t know let’s go build YC give this guy okay he didn’t accept it someone give me someone attack someone challenge

Me I’ll do tag game again fist not fun a um only thing hate about Bedrock is probably bugs yeah yeah officially called Bug rock yeah no I don’t I didn’t experience any glitches you know cuz I just play PVP not a survival guy that

Much when I do survival I got a Java I got a Java the best player is back tag game except except fist there you go feel Java movement yeah no for see for me I prefer bedrocks movement because I’m used to it Java’s movement is interesting but it’s in a sense it’s more

Realistic and if you’re looking at the game and you think why is the render distance so bad it’s cuz my laptop is bad sorry about that quality Captain Pro uh uh I get I get like 400 ping uh yeah um Bedrock PVP is so Cur cuz how do you

Have people in yeah it’s just so weird um it is what it is I I get you you know it’s what it comes down to is what you’re used to at the end of the day I’m used to this you’re used to that you prefer that I prefer

This um when you get used to Javas moveing hard for me to aim in Bedrock yeah yeah true true true hearts um makes you way good at Bedrock yeah yeah yeah uh when you come back ah in a yeah but Bedrock there’s little mechanics like jump jump reset and all

That wait what the hell don’t tell me going like jump resetting I forgot the other ones cuz I’m dumb yeah combo so they hack um ining invites fist don’t tell me you’re going to hack on me icy Bridge yeah bridging you got uh MJ bridging icy bridging double bridging damn

This is a close one GG tell me HP now um timing styling well styling is on Java too I reckon it’s more popular in Bedrock CU you know they’re up there java I think they’re more down here in the PVP I think don’t quote me on that haven’t played other for a

While we have lots of yeah uh with W tapping it’s not like it resets your uh knockback it’s more for like uh maintaining a distance in Combos I I’ll try doing jump resetting did you yeah see that how I move forward a little bit that was a jump reset that that wasn’t a jump reset um we don’t w we w we spam I don’t spam Dam all right um GG yeah

G no build I’m going to go attack people and build feel free to join um okay someone invited me I’m going to be making a party very soon we need one more person oh they’re not in the lobby do you have media rank I do not

Have media rank CU I have not posted I’ve only posted uh two things in terms of streams related to uh zika this is the second one I made one long ago before I had I think it was like 100 subs or Something oh close match GG you you just got that uh double hit twice there um only if the goofy knock back yeah keep on going invit start with the fist join the server I’m jeweling you till you Inn we’re going to be here for a while join the server we’re going to

Be doing party give me your IGN in chat so I know who you are oh no get destroyed oh oh no no oh ni I stuff that up on zika there’s a thing where you can uh like abuse your internet and you can like press s when

You hit them at the same time and you just move back it’s bit interesting um thing how about Java It’s Kind yeah cuz Java is more CPU intensive Bedrock is very optimized because you can play it on mobile you can play it on refrigerator probably but apparently can’t play it on

My laptop without crappy FPS well it’s playing pretty good now so I’m not complaining as much should see the thermals on my laptop though all right I think I won this if I trade wow the fact that I could have won that and the the chance of winning just boom

One heart again wow play Bedrock on Smart fruit same Oh G um someone us pvping drag click I don’t drag PVP never done that don’t like I I I’ve done it before I just don’t like it at all um all right just like to say this right now if you want to get early updates for my videos or whatever

Shorts do exclamation mark Discord and you will get um the invite to my Discord server I am fairly active there so you will get a lot of updates a lot of everything actually VCS I dying I’m dying um bck is more portable because you can play un

Literally any device nah I wouldn’t even bother 1.5 heart yeah would not even bother I uh if you unplug my laptop from the W it’s going to get like 5 FPS oh my God what is happening to me I’ve lost all of them I’ve lost all of the fight oh hold

On I joined the C incoming I have to win one guys game over true um yes wow that’s the first combo I’ve ever gotten and then I lose and I lose wow shaking my head 2.5 heart like the hand cam thank you so much been thinking about it if I should

Rearrange it or whatever do you like the little outline like you know the Border is it good or is it bad oh that ah GG last message um but I play jav cuz uh it’s fun um Sam gay different mechanics yes yes yes I’ll join but I’ll lag L that is

No problem at all that is no problem at all I’m lagging too so it is what it is come on what the hell does a steak give you more reach or something yes it does the steak is the answer the steak is the answer the steak is the

Answer drop uh sorry drop your Igan in chat we will do parties probably um make tutorial how to open a door combo goes well blanked hold on a minute hold on a minute blanked wait wait blanked oh my God I remember you blanked it is been a long time where have you

Been where have you been why was there a laughing from the music what the hell is this blank how are you Legend how are you oh my god everybody’s coming back oh my M while me getting destroyed with like six FPS GG all right that’s the last one I’m doing my fingers are

Hurting all right if you want to join drop your IGN in chat I’m going to go on build and I’m going to murder whoever I see first all right 10 Z gg gg Fair match Fair match close game no legit close games I had fun ping is 48 on the triler all right

I’ll do party I’ll invite tag actually I’ll do party now invite tag game um actually that’s not party um um damn you grew a lot since we last talk I’ve grown quite a bit you know uh I actually I actually sort of left I had a

Like a 9mon Hiatus I was focusing on school you know so that sort of Tanked my growth but I’m you know you’re right I’ve been lucky I’ve been blessed I don’t know how but bro I remember your streams so crazy good you need a comeback man The Hive needs you the hive needs

You there you are all right join it now um hold on I J yeah I invited you um a bit bro 1K Subs is a bit oh The Nostalgia oh yeah bro those streams are crazy uh sorry I’m reading chat in game um hold on um party settings um party promote member all

Right we got three members all right we can do 2 V2s uh Let’s do let’s do bridge 22s that is 4v4 whatever um let’s do SkyWars yeah sure um that was yeah it was nostalgic though even my uh Prime sorry about that my Prime when I used to

Stream The Hive was just different you know now now it’s just oh I can’t say the hive has died there content creator is blowing my teammate is frozen I am in front of you there’s content creator is blowing up left and right you know so hies not

Content creation seems not dying but it was just different back then I don’t know what to say um anyway anyone speak Bulgarian or I’m the only one probably surf as being a Lim wall okay oh hey tag game w w GG fair game fair game all right um let’s do uh battle Rush

I did it again that rush you need a chill out you need to chill out i s so bad anyways uh got to go back to work congrats on reaching King keep it up thank you so much blank I appreciate it if I don’t see you again

Best of luck with life you’re an amazing person and hopefully I’ll see you next time right see you man man thank you so much I appreciate it oh my God yes oh no oh no I need a bridge yes yes jumped yes yes easy oh I need to reload my thing give

Me a second all right oh my God I suck yeah screw it all right 390 damn but if I have problems with the PCS but mine is bigger I have no monitor just buy one you can buy a pretty decent very good gaming monitors for like

Uh I wanted to block truck all right you can buy really decent game oh you can buy really decent gaming monitors for like a uh like $200 you know $200 you can’t grow money off trees you know $200 is a lot of money but for what it is is very

Good I have a MSI Optics G3 whatever I don’t know 144 htz go for it tag game oh my God ah nah I’m 10 to 11 and I’ll and buy a monitor oh okay damn what a clutch oh yes I scored GG’s G freaking G’s g g g

G’s g g G’s can’t play 400 ping I am so sorry let’s do the bridge have to get at Chris yeah yeah yeah look for a monitor that has low uh Ms delay and has high refresh rate I I’d say my PC issue is quite significant cuz you know it’s a custom

Built desktop spent a lot of money on it and you know it just doesn’t work the motherboard died sad times but I’m pretty insane at PC yeah well I can’t wait to see you play game uh whenever you get that issue fixed be trying to stream oh my God come on ah

Ah no strafe I you record 40 to 60 40 are you sure I can probably beat that now eth Place High play in your country wow that’s embarrassing all right I can I can probably try beat it if I had internet um not internet if I had better

Fps all right sorry about that ignore what I said about the strafe uh the IC at the moment I’m just garbage I damn I’m just I’m just a laughing stock now oh no you canot buy box no no oh messed that up messed that up messed

It up messed it up messed it up messed it up no oh my God on phone icy bridging 406 damn okay I’ll take that thank you GG that’s a point from us record is like on PC is like 70 damn I don’t I don’t count my

Records but I don’t know I’ve I’ve done a stack before million per. this was all my other PC yes no strafe yeah I don’t strafe no strafe I is cheating I’ll take that yes yeah oh my God my ping is dead I am so sorry thanks boost me boost me burst me

Yes yes GG all right I hate that I can’t uh try and do exq bridge yeah I have like I like my 35 ping yeah what the hell all right um let’s do classic 2v2 all right let’s go bro is running out of the combo but that is

Okay you it’s it’s allowed in this I think some that I don’t know the PVP edit I’m not a PVP no way you okay it’s going to Saye no shot um Apollo can I join yes you can um y when I get my you want to do double

IC I don’t I’ll try that one day yeah um maybe on the hive when I’m doing like a custom server and uh yeah but um also how to though go z.net not on Google on Minecraft Bedrock join server z.net and go on the Australian one lobby and give me your

IGN and I will try to invite you to the party or we’ll do one rounds or something like that bro this is cringe don’t toggle do not toggle when it’s a serious One V one I’ll kill your team wait yeah get out of here um server is only Bedrock can I

Join Java no sorry it’s only Bedrock got to go tournament no problem thank you so much for joining good luck with the tournament uh okay no problem all right bro look at this hey get out of here very legit n for real he’s legit guys uh thanks no problem thank you so much

For watching the stream Hopey you had a nice day and I’ll see you next time I just did my outro for a Goodbye Oh my God he’s got Ultra Instinct uh BR has 1% Bob power n for real for real for real this is Bob’s just Unleashed 1

0.00001% power there’s no no point bye tag game thanks so much for joining all right since it’s only two people um is it yeah it’s only two people I will um get out of here and let’s try Sumo wow this is this server is pretty popping off honestly it’s not bad okay

Okay X Karma I’m going to be destroyed I told you what a guess whoa look at that I’m going to be here for 10 centuries cuz that’s how these games go oh my God am I lagging yeah I’m bit laggy Jesus Christ GG um all right I’ll go for this person and kill

Them lfhs hello come all you oh I I think I met this person oh my god look my no I’m so bad no I’m so bad I’m so bad I’m so bad I’m so bad I’m so bad I’m so bad I’m so bad I am so bad I am so

Bad wait should I message them or no nah I don’t want to be banned for uh spamming my channel on zika all right let’s go here kill people third party can I do that here no um you should touch stream on Java 1.8 I cannot this is a hive serve

Moment bye for now see you mate thank you so much for watching I appreciate it a ton oh my run run I play right now for 10 minutes okay big G is cool I think they’re slightly laggy but I don’t know I think they’re slightly laggy

Too big G the legend the man himself welcome to the stream thank you so much for coming um be here for 10 20 minutes so all right sounds good think he a bit laggy I think he’s lagging just a you know it’s lag this just bit lag all right

I have to try hard or else yes when he’s all right come on quickly oh my God oh my God oh my God all right I’m just going to fight this guy fight let’s fight let’s fight let’s fight oh my aiming oh I think I’m going to run out

I don’t have many hot keys I don’t have any hold on um oh my God I’m dead oh I acci ped right there wow relatable um oh my aiming oh risky risky combo get him yes I can retire her is cool it’s oh yes oh yes stop saying W say watch elious live

Stream right no I’m don’t do that all right I’m going to one you one herb actually Herb’s one you one okay um here okay nice bed fight again do not die I will be banned what have you done what have you done what is this

A never I don’t yeah don’t do that don’t watch My Stream guys unsubscribe unsubscribe oh my God he’s alive that’s embarrassing yeah that’s cringe oh my God uh don’t fold to Herb I’m not fold I never fold to Herb watch this I’m going to win I’m using my glorious mod that

Cannot drag click anymore see I didn’t I’m just too good for herb now all right ready the only thing that’s folding is Herb’s reputation the only thing that’s folding is me right now A all right swap mice real quick sorry I just don’t have the right mice I need a

Selection oh my God if I fold I’m folding I’m folding to Herb with 300 ping you a cringe herb is 6 years old what thank you uh what are the struggles of you being a YouTuber and YouTube streamer that is a good question aspect daming um I’d

Say that um no um for me personally I’d say my internet um at the moment my laptop um originality I oh hold on sorry all yeah originality coming out with an ideas it’s not necessarily a big struggle but it’s up there you know um editing on a crappy

Laptop um streaming every day like how I used to that was bit of a hassle uh I remember used to do daily streams oh my God I got burnt out real quick did I just fail in MJ Bridge what what has happened to me I’m folding to

Herb herb is breaking my treasure bed whatever you call it Big G I apologize for letting you down you may unsubscribe now no no the tror the it’s the tor’s fault it’s the tor’s [Applause] fault no we’re doing another match Big G is unsubscribed day ruined my

Uh um I need Redemption all right it’s okay Redemption can I Bo boost why you pregap holy crap what is he is hacking herb is hacking yeah run out of the combo no one is on right now hold on I will I will insane combo I blocked myself

Off I need to make big Jeep crowd I need to aim better oh my God it’s me I’m I’m to blame two in a way her is getting a combo on me what in what world GG Redemption I have got my reputation back easy easy okay I hate bed fight I hate bed

Fight happy Emoji yes oh yeah boost me backwards please yes wow no way I did that um oh I win of course the last single tick that that is needed to break the block it is gone I lose herb is a all right stop with your

Cringe stop being me I hit you no way you took no knock back no way all right GG all right do I get any blocks no all right I’m just going to Butterfly click cuz I cannot drag click right over the top of his head he got boxed like a fish insane hold

On all right this is going to be a close match going to wipe my mouse wipe the sweat off my mouse come on herb I can camp all day you know staying here lying back stay back easy herb more like durb herb more like n nerd easy I hate bed fight stop doing

Bed no no no no no I don’t like bed fight no no no don’t know um all right please okay you need to chill out um there only four people on invite me to a party all we just do party um create party invite only party

People where is my mod NEX site the legend next site how are you doing join Z Now join zon now I started streaming for two hours I might end stream soon actually but that doesn’t matter join now join now that is cool uh are you part of my stream are you in the

Stream nod your head like yes if you’re in the Stream are you in the Stream he sent he isn’t oh okay all right could be could ask same next site oh I’ll figure out my mods one day guys Big G deserves it nightbot is nightbot all right you know I’ll give

You guys mod sure why not next s sh add moderator yeah add moderator yeah okay inviting next site all right next site and surf talk in chat whilst I check my streamlabs two hours all right got a bit more to go try 2 and a half

Hours hey big if you’re still watching I know you’re very uh oh what I I swear I gave you admin um I know I know you’re quite uh great in the community do you know if anyone’s streaming right now cuz I’d like to you know raid them I’d like to

Raid hold on add his moderator standard moderator yeah next side is now a moderator all right I’ll check thank you thank you big and like cuz I’m going to end in like 30 minutes or so there you go all right Let’s do let’s do bridge he yes there you go oh nexite didn’t

Join that’s okay I’ll make it quick okay stop hacking why do you keep on saying why F next s invite next site join the party now join the party now join join the party the party join the party listen here next night listen here join the wait did you join the party that

Would be embarrassing he’s not in the party join it now join the party join it now join join the party now surf has left the party doesn’t seem like anyone’s live oh my God my game crashed yep um yeah that’s a problem nowaday not a lot of people streaming you know and

Uh Tori www welcome to the are you it’s just me and nexite wow are you are you Tori from hive zika Australia bro my game is having the the Sher yes kicked he got kicked from he got banned finally you got kicked what is happening what is happening join the party man

Please you’re my only choice now oh you’re in the no you’re not help just do the totem which like around here uh Hive Zer Australia what Tori are you are you the person from hi zika Australia that person hold on let me find your IG is this that’s yeah that should be

You all I’m so sorry for do not watch me um bro VC right now I my my laptop will set on fire and I will die it will explode the lithium iron battery will overheat it will bomb it it will go boom I am not ztq

This how do I point with the camera this oh my God he’s live look on Discord now okay I don’t think I can actually no cuz my laptop’s going to die I yes my laptop’s going to die oh yeah that’s me oh thank you for joining and I’m so sorry

For hold on need to walk across the room so sorry for the spam or the singular message saying to watch My Stream all right hold on all right thank you oh my god herb stop getting kicked hold on sorry I need to plug in my

Phone um yeah you got kicked um as I was saying thank you so much for joining the stream hopefully you’re having a nice well night at the moment Lo it’s fine I appreciate you joining my stream herb is hacking yeah herb is hacking um party settings invite next site join the

Listen here listen right here you you join the party he left the party my phone fell off I’m not having I don’t have patience anymore rival watch this then uh X Karma I have heard the name X Karma before I don’t know all right I’m going to one of

You on next sites in uh batt Rush yeah I’ve heard that name I I I highly doubt that this is better than them surf is back online oh no no no no off to a bad start now I’m just clicking 18 how are you getting kicked from 18 I

Remember I dragged for the 40 I got kicked then thank you next site I hate your next site what is this thank you so much nexite I can’t even damn MJ Bridge uh now man clicking 18 last message uh it’s a passion um bro for a second and you

Sound like techno a little bit I have gotten that a lot jeez I don’t know why I cannot clutch I am back going to play uh har Edition right now okay sounds good sounds good got to go hope you have a great stream thank you so

Much for coming past Big G you should stream too if you stream and I don’t join I’m so sorry time zones are weird but um if you stream I’ll join you you post amazing content by the way big Gog I don’t know thank you so much big what that is

Not big G my favorite YouTuber yeah Big G Big G’s just gone synonymous with the hype Community now like you know he’s blown up I cannot clutch GG take it take it hold on um my phone keeps on dropping all right uh Big G is amazing not cool I’m

Read it yeah I know um all right invite member herb is cool invite next site invite surf all right and and hopefully someone streaming right hold on all right everyone’s in the party all right let’s go okay herb herb herb I’m getting I’m getting really disappointed got kicked again N Surf is

The best this guy is crazy hold on we’re going to do we’re going to do uh we’re going to do yep I’ll join back now 3v3 hold on wait a minute there you go yeah look look at this guy this guy’s crazy big is the best legit yeah big is crazy poor

Nexite get out of here bullying NEX site bullying next site bullying next site what is that who this SE guy just turns heck calling the best player yeah no no no he’s the best he’s the best he doesn’t turn on Hacks he just articulates his hand in such directions

That he just plays good you know like I don’t Understand he you have hacks of course he can teleport I no no no no not with hacks he just Sprints he he just presses W too fast her is cool chunko surf next side has left all right um settings invites invite to right probably horion client no you mean the lag

True all right this is probably one of the last uh games I’m going to do cuz it’s it’s nearly 12 a.m. no Vector client do not promote hack clients on my stream all right anyway let’s go let’s go let’s go did Herb join herb has joined the party let’s

Go SkyWars this is the last game mode I I changed my mind why do I keep on doing 3 v3s SkyWars all right all right I’ll go to this chest this chest actually all right depending on how fast this goes it’s probably the last stream not last last stream yeah yeah it’s not

Legit um I don’t have pants I’ll just use an axe on him the hits do not register GG easy okay wow that was me when Hub all right uh you know what um yeah sure SkyWars again going to go live oh sounds good all right I might as well raid next side

It’s a 2v One oh yeah oh my God what the hell bro BR okay okay that is no comment he’s legit all right I’d like to I’d like to do this now in case you haven’t joined do this join the Discord and you’ll get really early updates to everything get an insight to things I

Might start doing like a viewer related content you know like hi but I reverse my viewers stop the spam it’s yeah slow it down a little bit I’d appreciate that thank you herb okay next site you didn’t have to chill you didn’t have to do that next site you didn’t have to do

That next okay just give him a warning like stop the spaming then anyway it is what it is um what the spam no no no no don’t worry don’t worry you did good anyways guys all right I’m ending stream I’m actually yeah yeah I’m ending

Stream actually no I’m not am I I don’t know I don’t know let me check let me just check something real quick um YouTube everybody stay here right now might do one more one more one V one I don’t know um we’re at 1,115 subscribers damn Hive live let’s try that

Okay okay there’s a guy there’s actually a guy give me a sec OBS is up no there’s a guy to raid okay anyway guys that is the end of the stream we are going to raid this fellow um are we holy crap load load the damn

Thing I lost my cursor my cursor isn’t okay there it is all right no no no we’re raing this guy we’re raiding this guy all right um how do I do this okay Jesus my phone keeps on dropping all right I’m going right now quickly stay here we’re raing

We’re raing go on his stream and say lfus raid or else uh you will get 10 years of bad luck stay right now give my my give my laptop a bit of time please give it a bit of time it takes so long it’s Chrome is not responding Chrome is not responding

Please wait wait for me please just give me a moment we’re raiding we are raiding please please please please yes that is my live stream open the stream fingers crossed please hurry up click on the video I don’t care what happens click on the chat quickly it’s it’s still loading stay here

Please the lag please please please please still loading believe it or not all right you know copy close that okay and then close Minecraft maybe that will do a difference yes I hear myself all right and then raid this guy okay GG hold on it’s loading it’s loading it’s

Loading finally raid him and say El just raid okay thank you so much I appreciate all of you raid him go raid him raid him now go say lfhs raid lfs raid okay GG’s guys thank you so much for an amazing stream I’ll see you next time for

This video, titled ‘ZEQA… but my LAPTOP IS ON FIRE!!!’, was uploaded by LFHS on 2023-12-18 13:22:26. It has garnered 158 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 02:19:24 or 8364 seconds.

“clicking sounds” Hello, i am LFHS, i play minecraft bedrock…. yeah…. idk why i dont paly java… anyway, i normally play survival games, skywars and treasure wars, i also drag click but im bad lol….. why is my glorious model o squeaking?…. Hello, im LFHS, im just some gamer who plays minecraft bedrock on the hive… i commonly play treasure wars, sky wars and survival games, i drag click and im bad ;p

yay the handcam is working, now you can see my ugly hand click

sorry if you hate the stream title

yay halloween in da minecraft hive bedrock :0 (im never going to change this, stop asking about it XD)

yay no updates for a while

I have returned

Still no hive updates

My model O no longer drag clicks

I am suffering

#minecraftbedrock #hiveminigames #hiveupdate

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and most exciting updates from the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “Minecraft: Return to the End Island” by 方块轩. While the video itself may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – why not join a server that offers endless possibilities and adventures? Imagine a world where you can explore vast landscapes, build magnificent structures, and engage in thrilling PvP battles. That’s exactly what you’ll find on Minewind Minecraft Server. With a dedicated community of players and unique… Read More

  • Top Moments in Animation vs. Minecraft

    Top Moments in Animation vs. Minecraft Minecraft Adventures with Animation vs. Minecraft Exploring New Episodes Join Animation vs. Minecraft for 60 minutes of thrilling adventures in their latest episodes. From facing off against dragons to navigating through challenging landscapes, there’s never a dull moment in the world of Minecraft. Exciting Moments Experience the adrenaline rush as the characters dive into action-packed scenarios. From intense battles to unexpected discoveries, each moment is filled with suspense and excitement. Voices by Dippidd Listen to the talented voice acting by Dippidd, bringing the characters to life with their unique personalities and emotions. Each voice adds depth and authenticity to… Read More

  • Trading Shenanigans in Tinker World SMP

    Trading Shenanigans in Tinker World SMP Welcome to Tinker World SMP! Decorating the Villager Trading Hall In the latest stream archive from Music Free Gaming on May 30, 2024, viewers were treated to an exciting session of decorating the villager trading hall in the Tinker World SMP Minecraft server. The focus was on enhancing the trading experience for players and creating a visually appealing space for interactions with villagers. Enhancing the Trading Experience The villager trading hall serves as a central hub for players to engage in trading with villagers, exchanging resources and items to progress in the game. By decorating the hall, Music Free… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Vivecraft Questcraft

    Crafting Chaos: Vivecraft Questcraft In Meta Quest 3, Minecraft we play, With Vivecraft and Questcraft, we find our way. Installing and setting up, step by step, Exploring new worlds, no need to fret. SteamVR and Meta Quest Link in place, Minecraft Launcher and Java, we embrace. Playing on glasses, settings just right, Sidequest for Questcraft, a true delight. In the end, our opinion shines through, Minecraft in Meta Quest 3, a dream come true. Like and subscribe, show some love, For gaming adventures, high above. Read More

  • Valentine’s Day Mine-Date | Minecraft Animation | Yo!

    Valentine's Day Mine-Date | Minecraft Animation | Yo! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks abound, Creatures and players, all moving around. Updates and changes, always on the rise, New features to explore, to everyone’s surprise. From the Nether to the End, and all in between, Every biome explored, every secret scene. Crafting and building, the possibilities endless, In this pixelated world, where creativity transcends. So grab your pickaxe, your sword, and your bow, Adventure awaits, with friends or solo. In this world of blocks, where imagination reigns, Minecraft forever, in our hearts it remains. Read More

  • Skibidi Toilet Mod Showcase

    Skibidi Toilet Mod Showcase Minecraft’s Skibidi Toilet Mod: A Fun Addition to the Game Minecraft, a game loved by millions worldwide, continues to surprise its players with unique mods and features. One such mod that has caught the attention of many gamers is the Skibidi Toilet Mod. Let’s dive into this quirky addition to the Minecraft universe! What is the Skibidi Toilet Mod? The Skibidi Toilet Mod is a fun and light-hearted modification to the game that adds a new element of humor and entertainment. With this mod, players can now place toilets in their Minecraft world, allowing their characters to use the… Read More

  • Silly Billy’s Rhyme Time: FNF Hit Single VS Yourself

    Silly Billy's Rhyme Time: FNF Hit Single VS Yourself In the world of Minecraft, where blocks are king, Jericho Plays brings the news with a zing. With mods and updates, he keeps us in the loop, Crafting rhymes that make us whoop. From Roblox to Nintendo Switch, he’s got it all, Jericho’s Funky Mod stands tall. So hit subscribe and join the fun, With Jericho Plays, the rhyming one. Read More

  • Surviving a High-Stakes Minecraft Challenge

    Surviving a High-Stakes Minecraft Challenge Minecraft: A High-End Adventure Welcome to the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. Join the fun as players dive into a virtual realm filled with endless possibilities and challenges. Let’s explore some of the exciting elements that make Minecraft a truly unique gaming experience. Unleash Your Creativity One of the key features of Minecraft is its sandbox-style gameplay, allowing players to build and create to their heart’s content. From crafting intricate structures to designing elaborate redstone contraptions, the only limit is your imagination. With a vast array of blocks and items… Read More

  • Sneaky Guide: Add Custom Seed to Aternos

    Sneaky Guide: Add Custom Seed to Aternos How To Put Custom Seed In Aternos – Full Guide Are you looking to enhance your Minecraft experience by using a custom seed on your Aternos server? Look no further! In this guide, we will walk you through the steps to input a custom seed and create a unique world for your gameplay. Step 1: Find Your Desired Seed Start by going to your browser and searching for “Minecraft custom seed.” Explore different websites to find a seed that interests you and suits your gameplay style. Once you have found the perfect seed, copy it for later use. Step… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about the exciting and action-packed Minewind Minecraft Server. If you’re a fan of intense gameplay, challenging adventures, and a thriving community, then Minewind is the place for you. While watching the YouTube video titled “🔴ВЕРНУЛСЯ НА КАНАЛ! ИГРАЕМ В MINECRAFT/+СМЕРТЕЛЬНЫЙ ЗАБЕГ🔴”, you may have noticed the IP address for a server called SmerteRun. But why settle for just one server when you can experience the excitement of Minewind? Join players from around the world on Minewind… Read More

  • Owlcean Ch. – Kaela’s Bank Card Stolen for Months?! 😱

    Owlcean Ch. - Kaela's Bank Card Stolen for Months?! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Kaela’s Bank Card Has Been Used By Other People For Months Without Her Knowing 😥【Hololive】’, was uploaded by Owlcean Ch. on 2024-05-09 16:31:09. It has garnered 9057 views and 518 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:52 or 532 seconds. scammer must die. 🎲Source🔨 【Minecraft】Ender Dragon, i have come back stronger【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 https://www.youtube.com/live/m8LYR7xjV_Y?si=MTutx5k4IbQsfUI_ 🎲Outro Source🔨 LeAmoeba (https://twitter.com/AmoebaLe) BGM – Busy City by TrackTribe 🎲Precious Vtuber🔨 @KaelaKovalskia ___________________________________________________________________________ #hololive #kaelakovalskia #kaela_kovalskia #hololiveindonesia #hololiveid #holoid #vtuber #vtuberindonesia #holoh3ro #vtuberid Read More

  • Ultimate Gamer Build Villager Hall – Mind-Blowing Minecraft Day 12!

    Ultimate Gamer Build Villager Hall - Mind-Blowing Minecraft Day 12!Video Information This video, titled ‘I build a villager trading and breading hall MINECRAFT DAY-12 part-1’, was uploaded by Bro Gaming Gamer on 2024-04-29 11:14:09. It has garnered 6 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:04 or 2524 seconds. Title: “Minecraft Day 12 Part 1: Building a Villager Trading and Breeding Hall!” Description: Welcome back to our Minecraft Day 12 adventure! In this exciting episode, we dive deep into the world of villager trading and breeding by constructing a state-of-the-art trading and breeding hall that will revolutionize our gameplay. 0:00 – Introduction: Join us as we… Read More

  • Ultimate Showdown: Herobrine vs Mutant Mobs!🔥 #Clickbait #Enderbrine

    Ultimate Showdown: Herobrine vs Mutant Mobs!🔥 #Clickbait #EnderbrineVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine Vs Minecraft Creepypasta And Mutant Mobs🔥 #shorts #herobrine #minecraft #youtubeshorts #mc’, was uploaded by ENDERBRINE GAMER YT on 2024-05-23 08:36:34. It has garnered 358 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Minecraft sword Vs Axe Vs Mace 🔥 #shorts #sword #minecraft Dream Vs All Blocks And Command Block 🔥 #shorts #block #minecraft Title: Herobrine vs. All Minecraft Entities: Epic Battle Unleashed! | Enderbrine Gamer YT Description: Welcome to the ultimate showdown in the world of Minecraft! In this thrilling video, Enderbrine Gamer YT presents an epic battle between… Read More

  • Dhar Aruz Roleplay Whitelist JAVA 1.20.2

    Dhar Aruz Roleplay Whitelist JAVA 1.20.2Welcome to Dhar Aruz – A Dwarven Nation! Hello! I’m an organizer from Khar Darak for Dhar Aruz, a Dwarven nation set in a complex world with a political landscape. We are currently running on 1.20.2 Java edition. If you’re interested in roleplaying as a Dwarf in our server, we are recruiting fighters, builders, miners, and diplomats. Join us in the ancient to steampunk era of Bastion! Contact our Dwarven High King on Discord at accrayer to get whitelisted. Our server focuses on roleplay, player skins, custom plugins, 60 magic spells, professions, player economy, and strategic wars. Explore dungeons, wastelands,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Update Tier List: Content > Hype

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Update Tier List: Content > HypeWell, at least this meme can take solace in the fact that it’s not at the bottom of the tier list, right? That’s gotta count for something! Read More

  • Castle Capers: Loot Larceny at Techno’s Minecraft Lair

    Castle Capers: Loot Larceny at Techno's Minecraft Lair In the world of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, Of a daring thief, with stories untold. He tried to steal from TechnoGamerz’s castle so grand, But alas, his plans did not go as planned. Exploring the castle, he found treasures rare, But soon realized, he was caught in a snare. The op loots he sought, slipped from his grasp, Leaving him with regret, in the castle’s grasp. But fear not, dear viewers, for the story’s not done, There’s more to this tale, under the sun. Stay tuned for more adventures, in the Minecraft world, Where twists and turns, are always… Read More

  • Hotter than a Nether portal: Minecraft meme

    Hotter than a Nether portal: Minecraft meme “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” 😂 #minecraftmeme #relationshipproblems #boom Read More

  • Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With an exciting and dynamic gameplay experience, Minewind offers a unique twist on the classic Minecraft experience. Imagine exploring a vast world filled with challenges, adventures, and opportunities to connect with other players. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft veteran or just starting out, Minewind has something for everyone. Join us at Minewind today and embark on an epic journey unlike any other. Who knows what adventures await you in this thrilling Minecraft server? The possibilities are endless! To join Minewind,… Read More

  • Touching Grass Ends Video?!

    Touching Grass Ends Video?! The World of Minecraft: A Thrilling Adventure Embark on a journey through the vast and exciting world of Minecraft, where every block holds endless possibilities. From building magnificent structures to surviving in the wilderness, players are immersed in a world where creativity knows no bounds. Unleash Your Creativity In Minecraft, players have the freedom to create anything they can imagine. Whether it’s constructing towering castles, intricate redstone contraptions, or peaceful gardens, the only limit is your creativity. With a wide range of blocks and tools at your disposal, the possibilities are endless. Survive and Thrive Survival mode in Minecraft… Read More

  • 🔥EPIC SHIZO ADVENTURE: Was Drehmal the BEST Adventure Map?🔥

    🔥EPIC SHIZO ADVENTURE: Was Drehmal the BEST Adventure Map?🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 Was Drehmal Minecraft’s Greatest Adventure Map? FINAL STREAM’, was uploaded by AvidMc on 2024-04-30 05:43:26. It has garnered 885 views and 50 likes. The duration of the video is 03:40:47 or 13247 seconds. Today where we are going to beat the HIGHLY anticipated Drehmal 2.2 Map. ►I’M ON TWITCH TOO https://www.twitch.tv/avidmc ► Get Drehmal https://www.drehmal.net/ ► JOIN THIS CHANNEL FOR PERKS https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvIdf6Xan1zf7xndKk8PsHw/join ►SUPPORT ME ON PATREON https://www.patreon.com/avidmc ►JOIN MY COMMUNITY DISCORD https://discord.gg/ARne4s2jkS ►FOLLOW ME Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/McEMau5 Twitter: https://twitter.com/Avid_Yt Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/avidmc_yt/ #minecraft #adventuremap #boss Read More

  • Exploring Haunted Minecraft Cave with Scary Sounds

    Exploring Haunted Minecraft Cave with Scary SoundsVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft cave sounds with scary images’, was uploaded by HomesickBoy on 2024-04-23 04:29:36. It has garnered 158 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:58 or 118 seconds. . Read More

  • Minecraft Pro Teaches Villagers How to Thrive

    Minecraft Pro Teaches Villagers How to ThriveVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraf helping villager !’, was uploaded by Broji Sensei on 2024-01-10 18:57:04. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. viral #shorts #minecraft #herobrine #help Subscribe for more guys ! LOVE you all. Read More

  • EPIC Mountain Side House Tour: MINECRAFT & ROBLOX Madness! 🔥

    EPIC Mountain Side House Tour: MINECRAFT & ROBLOX Madness! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #aesthetic #mountain side #house #tour #shorts ~ #funny #edit #roblox #dance #l #gaming’, was uploaded by Foo Tzi Wei Gaming on 2023-12-23 13:28:38. It has garnered 4 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC MINECRAFT SERVER 24/7 PVP + SURVIVAL #minecraftlive

    EPIC MINECRAFT SERVER 24/7 PVP + SURVIVAL #minecraftliveVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT LIVE 🔴 PUBLIC SMP | java + pe | 24/7 server | #minecraftlive 24/7 | survival’, was uploaded by X GAMERZ on 2024-03-18 11:25:58. It has garnered 412 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 02:06:17 or 7577 seconds. MINECRAFT LIVE 🔴 PUBLIC SMP | java + pe | 24/7 server | #minecraftlive 24/7 | survival DISCORD LINK https://discord.com/invite/FzPMCjQT Minecraft Live 24/7 Minecraft Smp Java+Pe || Minecraft Live Hindi https://discord.com/invite/dnzJuzMjq4 🌐 [ Survival ]▫️ Season 2 ▫️[ End war ] __ ▶️ Java [ 1.14 – 1.20.4 ] ▶️ Bedrock/pocket Edition[… Read More

  • OMG! Watch Igneo220’s insane entity overload!

    OMG! Watch Igneo220's insane entity overload!Video Information This video, titled ‘Dev stream #20 entities, entities everywhere’, was uploaded by Igneo220 on 2024-05-28 11:13:52. It has garnered 35 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:21:16 or 4876 seconds. dev stream of a mod for my Minecraft server music by C418, Lena Raine, Christopher Larkin, and PvZ jazz covers by ImRuscellOfficial https://discord.gg/9znQuP3ewn discord in there Read More


    SHOCKING! Airi Viridis RECYCLES THUMBNAIL?Video Information This video, titled ‘REUSING THUMBNAILS’, was uploaded by Airi Viridis Ch. 【V-Dere】 on 2024-05-28 23:15:53. It has garnered 781 views and 188 likes. The duration of the video is 01:46:46 or 6406 seconds. Playing Minecraft on the V-Dere Server tippy. https://streamelements.com/airiviridis/tip Please note that all tippy are non-refundable! I lick them all! rules. ♥ Be kind! Don’t insult others and don’t use bad words, always respect your fellow Viridevils! ♥ No back seating! I may be new to some games, but I would like to figure things out myself unless I specifically say “viridevils can help me now”… Read More

  • Unbelievable Twist in Unknown303x Minecraft Hardcore Series! #day1

    Unbelievable Twist in Unknown303x Minecraft Hardcore Series! #day1Video Information This video, titled ‘The begining of my new Minecraft Hardcore series #day1’, was uploaded by Unknown303x on 2024-03-24 02:03:43. It has garnered 48 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:00 or 600 seconds. Minecraft Hardcore series Ep-1 || The begining *gone wrong _________________________ do the above using VidIQ (I use both)(Affiliate Link): https://vidiq.com/?afmc=6b7 How I build awesome 🔥”HOUSE”🏠 in my “Survival world” MINECRAFT💥 #minecraft #survivalseries _____________________________ Hastags : – #minecraft #minecraftfunnygameplay #minecraftsurvivalseries #minecraftsurvival #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #minecraftanimation #minecraftgameplay1 #minecrafthardcormode #survival #survivalseries #minecraftlive #minecraftbuilding #isurvived100daysminecrafthindipocketaddition #gaming #games #minecraftlongvideo __________________________________________ I request you 🥺 : – HIT… Read More

  • SHOCKING Transformation: Hindu to Muslim?! #CrazyMemes

    SHOCKING Transformation: Hindu to Muslim?! #CrazyMemesVideo Information This video, titled ‘هغه هندوه جینی مې مسلمان مې کړه #memes #minecraft #music #mobilelegends #mobilelegends #aforapple’, was uploaded by تــرنــم ټال on 2024-04-22 13:28:13. It has garnered 65 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Read More

  • The 🅱️inecraft 🅱️ealm – 1.20.4 – SMP – Hard – Whitelist

    Welcome to the Binecraft Bealm! CHECK US OUT ON DISCORD! We are a small group of players who love making immersive builds, crazy redstone, and playing with friends. This world is never resetting, so come add to the history. Looking for people to help us expand our server and grow into an active community! Build or adventure, the choice is yours! Currently have community builds, looking for help creating a spawn area, community areas, and a shopping district. All suggestions will be heard and discussed within our group. Our Server is a democracy and every suggestion is valid. No griefing… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Lukewarm mob voting experience

    Minecraft Memes - Lukewarm mob voting experienceLooks like this meme got voted off the island by the mobs! Read More

  • Debt to Duo: Dave’s SMP Woe!

    Debt to Duo: Dave's SMP Woe! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Dave made a mistake, it may sound like a dream. But in Duo SMP, where teamwork is key, One wrong move can lead to a catastrophe. The viewers all gasped, as Dave’s error was shown, But Kroberto kept calm, in a rhyming tone. He described the mishap with humor and wit, Turning a blunder into a viral hit. So if you’re a fan of Minecraft and fun, Check out Kroberto’s stream, where the rhymes never shun. Subscribe, like, and follow along with the crew, For more epic moments and rhymes… Read More

  • “Hot Minecraft Logic: Troll Face Edition” 😂🔥 #tiktokviral

    "Hot Minecraft Logic: Troll Face Edition" 😂🔥 #tiktokviral “Why do we spend hours building elaborate structures in Minecraft, only to panic and run away from a single creeper? Logic at its finest.” 😂🤷‍♂️ #minecraftlogic #trollface Read More

  • Experience Thrilling Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Experience Thrilling Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of the latest Minecraft updates and features? If so, you need to check out Minewind Minecraft Server. With its unique gameplay and community-driven environment, Minewind offers an exciting and immersive experience for players of all levels. One of the reasons why you should join Minewind is the constant innovation and updates that keep the gameplay fresh and exciting. Just like the new cave sounds in Minecraft that are both scary and thrilling, Minewind is always introducing new elements to keep players engaged and entertained. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft player or just… Read More

  • Minecraft Skinwalker Sound Effects

    Minecraft Skinwalker Sound Effects Minecraft: The Skinwalker – Unleashing Terrifying Sound Effects Within the vast and immersive world of Minecraft, a new mod has emerged to send shivers down players’ spines. The Skinwalker mod, created by the talented @masoniscool864, introduces a chilling atmosphere with its spine-tingling sound effects and eerie encounters. Exploring the Depths of Fear As players venture into the dark woods, they may encounter mysterious entities like the Man from the Fog, the Cavedweller, and the Goatman. Each of these creatures brings a unique sense of dread, amplified by the haunting sound effects that accompany their presence. The Man from the… Read More

  • 300 Days in Minecraft Mod – Journey to the Moon in Pure Insanity

    300 Days in Minecraft Mod - Journey to the Moon in Pure InsanityVideo Information This video, titled ‘I spent 300 Days to get to THE MOON In Minecraft Create Mod’, was uploaded by Dejojotheawsome on 2024-05-27 19:00:31. It has garnered 21381 views and 541 likes. The duration of the video is 03:24:55 or 12295 seconds. Discord: https://discord.gg/dejojotheawsome Modpack download: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/create-mekanized Strap in for 300 days of Create Mod engineering and utter shenanigans as Dejojotheawsome begins his journey to conquer space itself in Create Mod! In this pack you’ll witness factories rise from the ground, vast exploration, and eventually space travel on a beautiful rocket ship! Get ready for my first 300 days… Read More

  • Haunted Minecraft Lady Jumpscare!

    Haunted Minecraft Lady Jumpscare!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT DEMON LADY JUMPSCARE 😭#minecraft #fivenight #gaming #horrorgaming #scary #minecraftmeme’, was uploaded by Oldgamerj300 on 2024-05-01 05:35:49. It has garnered 11314 views and 253 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Read More

  • “Insane Gamer Block Craft – Ultra Realistic Minecraft!” #shorts

    "Insane Gamer Block Craft - Ultra Realistic Minecraft!" #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Realistic minecraft #shorts #blast #water’, was uploaded by Gamer Block Craft on 2024-05-06 16:35:36. It has garnered 2 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Read More

  • Adopt Mikey the Enderman MIND in Minecraft – SHOCKING!

    Adopt Mikey the Enderman MIND in Minecraft - SHOCKING!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ Control Enderman MIND to ADOPT Mikey in Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by Mikey Spikey on 2024-02-14 15:00:23. It has garnered 594232 views and 3231 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:47 or 947 seconds. JJ Control Enderman MIND to ADOPT Mikey in Minecraft (Maizen) This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen – @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, I hope you will enjoy my videos! Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Goal! Donate Rp. 40,000 = End Game!

    Ultimate Minecraft Goal! Donate Rp. 40,000 = End Game!Video Information This video, titled ‘Live: Setiap Donasi Rp40.000 = TAMATIN Minecraft 1 Kali… (hari 4)’, was uploaded by Clementdav on 2024-03-30 12:20:07. It has garnered 15017 views and 758 likes. The duration of the video is 03:27:12 or 12432 seconds. Livestream Minecraft Indonesia: Every donation = Speedrun TAMATIN Minecraft… Every donation of IDR 40,000 = I have to speedrun TAMATIN Minecraft random seeds (don’t use seeds) and can reset. 🙏 Donate: https://sociabuzz.com/clementdav/donate Minimum IDR 40,000 ONLY FOR THIS LIVE, Text to Speech, Can GIF & Media Share Note: 1. You can also donate in multiples of 40k, for example… Read More

  • Fenwo’s Final Console Stream – Unleash the Mystical Hive

    Fenwo's Final Console Stream - Unleash the Mystical HiveVideo Information This video, titled ‘A Mystical Hive Live (Last Console Stream)’, was uploaded by Fenwo on 2024-05-19 22:11:33. It has garnered 1133 views and 83 likes. The duration of the video is 02:26:06 or 8766 seconds. Minecraft hive or zeqa or cubecraft live stream NEW STICKERS Pack is my classic mash I have a video on it Read More