Liam Nii-san’s Iron Dilemma in Minecraft! 🔥

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[Music] [Music] [Music] TR [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] where the [ __ ] the game wh why isn’t the game up on my SC okay there it is all right hey what’s up guys Liam Nissan here and today we’re playing Minecraft welcome back to Minecraft let’s play um 747 yeah we’ve done we’ve done 747 of these now guys anyways um so here’s some updates to the world the execution chamber got [ __ ] annihilated so we have a new one and it’s super effective now because like all I have to do is push you into the lava and you can’t get out yeah we’re going to do some more construction to our kingdom this Castle is coming together very nicely today Castle’s coming together really really nicely we have a house over the water also um don’t mind Gibson he’s um he’s not he’s no longer with us imagine he came back like right when he said that yeah he’s no longer with us guys you just have his dead body on this Play Just Because yeah just because you know it makes a good conversation starter for Pizzazz you know okay so basically this is also more of what I’ve done with the storage room the storage room’s pretty much almost done I just have to make a lot more chests I have to make so much chest and I have to add doors you know very hard stuff got to get more glass and I got to get more Sandstone however before we do all that today we’re going to go do some mining because mining is fun do you guys prefer it okay chat do you guys prefer it when I build or prefer it when I mine all right I’m back you should mine and then die to a creeper and lose all your stuff no that’s just me personally no chat also I realized I don’t even have a fan name it’s been a I’ve been doing this for a year and I don’t even have a fan name like most vtubers do so my fan name right now is just Chad what is up naners okay no that’s cringe I’m gonna have to kill you now yeah I know I’m in the world by the way man um I’m about to be there in a bit yep Gibson’s going to join us today he’s going to be a good boy can you shut up just never talk again never talk again please okay but that would make for such a mundane stream now wouldn’t it so wait I just realized there’s diamonds in this chest wait o I’m going to go steal I’m going to go steal from someone let’s see what that Village over there has also there’s a bunch of piggies they go no [ __ ] at least that’s what I think they like I think they make that eventually we’re eventually the Kingdom’s going to have like a gigantic Farm but yeah the priority right now is I need to get a new either a diamond or an iron pickaxe or and I need some Sandstone to well sand sandstone and glass and chests you know to finish off the storage room the rest of the storage room should be self-explanatory on how to complete okay I’m going to go steal from here request forward that’s a signs okay yay I have the diamond achievement I don’t know wait she has an iron pickaxe already I’m I’m taking this one it’s mine she won’t notice nobody tell her dming her right now no I have a direct uh line of communication with her Liam might just open your stream you are literally on half a bar of hunger yeah is he yes oh my God you you better get to eating bro man [ __ ] food hey wait wait wait I G to make a jum this was me the entire off Kai weekend oh dude it’s my Squidward skin yeah food was last priority at off Kai for me oh you know what I’m gonna play a Squidward today in what you play a Squidward oh hell yeah we’re playing the Squidward today in what game Minecraft oh wait oh all we’re playing we’re about to play we’re about to join the game as Squidward have you guys ever gone to the Squidward Community College yeah I graduated from there really all right time to find your house I don’t know where your house you should know where it is you know what it looks like but okay now that we got my iron pickaxe back we need shovels Matthew can can you at least give me the coordinates to what the the house the base I just realized I even Minecraft hasn’t even started yet I just realized I even have to steal from someone there’s five iron right here for me I uh Willam can you give your coordinates um write them down but [ __ ] 129. 181 type in the chat you [ __ ] [ __ ] okay [ __ ] [ __ ] I’m eating food right now so that sounded oh no wait never mind I found it I found it I found it I found it I found it I found it you found it you found it you found it you found it you found it yes the [ __ ] happened here [ __ ] happened where here where is here the lava thing oh yeah you see um the execution chamber blew up because um you see Mark was a [ __ ] [ __ ] and tricked me he placed a lever you sure you weren’t going to say another word there I wasn’t I don’t listen to Hip Hop anyways that was that sound that was pretty racially motivated I’m not going to lie yeah that didn’t sound very good I don’t listen to Hip Hop yeah no I wasn’t for real anyways Mark is a [ __ ] [ __ ] he put a lever like right here and put TNT under the execution chamber and then it blew up so now this is the execution chamber okay uh I need to like actually I need to be outside still because I need wood why you have a house right here a nice beautiful house I need tools you need what I need tools and I need to go actually no I don’t need to go mining right now like maybe when I want to go to the nether I’ll start looking for diamonds and [ __ ] but let me just go ahead and place this back I could get a diamond sword right now if I really wanted to though okay okay let me make three shovels because that’s necessary all right shut the [ __ ] up curse Forge wolf whatever the [ __ ] that is over wolf do you also get a notification for something some stupid [ __ ] that I don’t care about [ __ ] all right okay you’re I’m I’m looking in the leaderboard right now I can just see the top I can just see your face I can tell that’s hang on let me why not farming the carrot I don’t know um but hello the yellow 390 welcome to the chat let me see this oh my Lord oh hold on my [ __ ] my inventory is full I need to give to rid of [ __ ] yeah like as you can see we need a bunch of chests okay so I’m going to task the both of you with [ __ ] to do um okay let me just see the Squidward skin first okay that’s Sid what image is that supposed to be Squidward Squidward okay I meant like from an eph it doesn’t matter it’s Squidward that’s all that matters the back is also Squidward Sim is the Crusty Crab I’m Squidward he’s Squidward you’re Squidward dear Squidward is there any more Squidwards I should know about oh my God keep picking up your [ __ ] by Wait no that’s mine [ __ ] yeah this is going to be a mine this right here is going to be like a mine it’s going to be a secret bunker uh oh okay now why do you have chests here that you can’t even open aesthetic purposes hey no at least just put barrels there or something yeah um hey this is a this is a storage room this is a nice storage room isn’t it man just put bar just put barrels there have the chest there no point of the chest there he can’t even use them aesthetic purposes you can you’re a [ __ ] idiot how about that okay Gibson’s going to the execution chamber no I’m good you’re good huh you’re good you’re good bro yeah I don’t think I need to be executed oh yes you [ __ ] do yes the [ __ ] you do I’m putting my I’m good I’m putting my shovel my iron sword is almost completely depleted what the [ __ ] hey does anybody does anybody have any oh wait I can make a diamond sword that’s right I’m stupid how okay I cuz I have diamonds oh okay actually I actually don’t see any animals out here think I’m just going to like magically spawn one out of thin air okay Gib get in all right I’m going to save these for later oh [ __ ] I need some bread no I’m good no thanks Gib do not make me follow you to Kingdom Come Just cooperate all right and then we’re going to make bread oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh God uh we’re rich oh wait know let me just take this I hope you had a good night’s rest give me boy there we go I’m out woohoo come over here and I and I still need to be we go I need food I am actually I might die I’m at I’m at a heart and a half and I’m at three bars of hunger here let me help you you I don’t trust you not be question why that’s fair why what’s that I need I need an adult wait question why what’s what’s there oh you know that tree oh the tree oh yeah this is going to be a tree farm right out in the front but if you’re wondering about the big lava that’s the the new execution chamber the new and improved it’s much more effective I need coal I’m like almost out of that okay I’m going to go mine the tree [Music] okay someone’s a damn it someone’s already been here oh and there’s an end down there like an end you know what I think I’ll just stay inside for the night all right Gibson your room is all right so Gibson your room is now um you could pick the execution chamber or the storage room [Music] uh yes I’m definitely going to pick the execution room I’m picking up I’m picking in the storage room that’s your that that’s your room I don’t have much of another Choice oh okay there’s a zombie in here you forgot to block off like half of the [ __ ] storage room it seems that’s your punishment I’ll just I we’ll just do this then I’ll just I’ll just do this you just I’ll be on and I’ll be on Twitter my on my phone all right all right so we’re safe inside the castle also we have an anvil here which will get moved to the Anvil room when we do that why do we need an anvil room we need an anvil room why well actually know it’s more like going to be a furnace in a crafting room well you better not be talking about the shits in my room wait how is this your room is it the one with the black bed yes and yeah that’s that’s where I’m staying at for now yeah you’re not touch you’re not touching any of my stuff I mean I’m the king you have no armor I’m Still The King Matthew could easily no Matthew Matthew could easy easily decapitate you bro stop stop okay [ __ ] you then you know what you know what bam how’s that for armor oh I took offense to that you know I would start hit I would hit you because of how much you’re an idiot but I want to risk dying so just leave me alone for now all right wa wait eating my sandwich okay wait let me see is there any oak wood in in the chest yes there is okay wait Gibson do you have any last words I have any raw food oh wa I don’t need gold Gibson do you have any hey you can’t do that you’re blocking my view Matthew kill him he’s blocking my view that wouldn’t be very nice yeah it’s not very nice is it that is that is true that would not be very nice you’re right thank you I think it would hurt and he’d be like ow he’ be like ow I’ll be like ow that hurt okay you want play some games I’ll be like that really hurt that really okay I need to make a chest but uh I’m not going to considering that uh the person who owns the server seems to like going through uh people’s [ __ ] and taking it for no I think I’m fine just carrying everything on did you think I was gonna do that no not exactly but yeah I’m smarter than I look ar am I per okay well I died anyway like an idiot okay he’s he he’s executed well by complete accident yes I have 45 pumpkins okay so Gibson rep I spawned on top of a [ __ ] tree well I need to make some pumpkin pie already DWI are there any eggs or chickens Gibson has now repented for I just found a chicken actually let me see if I can I found one egg Gibson is now cured guys what do you mean cured he has repented for his sins also what do you mean the owner of this server likes to go through other people’s chest I’m still gonna be gay huh better go to bed okay I’m going to bed all right Gibson go sleep in the storage room okay if I can find the [ __ ] house or base literally just okay wait let me use this here it’s oh my God sorry it’s almost going to beuse the wood I got here right now to make some [Music] chests [ __ ] uh [ __ ] okay I’m I’m uh I’m uh I uh I’m lost again but yeah eventually I’m going to make bedrooms for everybody on this server and I’m going to design the bedrooms they going to be really nice all right I have two eggs I just need to oh there’s the house all the way over here all right so let’s go fill in some gaps bro my shit’s almost broken your [ __ ] yeah you said you needed some eggs you broke your [ __ ] it’s almost broken how do you break sh my stuff is still here using it here’s like three eggs oh boy I can make pumpkin pie make that [ __ ] hooray okay there we go I’ve added more chests we need doors I [Music] think all right we’re putting that away for now there the storage I mean there’s already a door right here I think that’s good enough can’t we just block you know this I’m going to add more rooms I’m G to add a I’m add a room there and a room here I’m going to build the room that goes to here next there’s a trail here oh no that was just to help me get back oh so let’s see where it leads to I think it just leads to that Village over there is everybody in that Village dead no oh okay so wait that’s a good idea we should raid it no I I should have got my mouth shut I think yeah we should all right Matthew I order you to take their territory what’s in here okay fine Gibson I order you to take their territory no I’d rather not I think I think it’s fine that they live in a happy home I don’t I really should build my own house but why this house is nice yeah but it looks kind of kind of ass you are you are not an architect what do you mean I’m not an architect look at this house yeah and look at that building over there that tall uh thing a bob yeah the storage room will help us all keep track of our stuff uhhuh wait Matthew don’t defect to a new home 32 sticks for an I don’t know why I’m talking in royalty terms but I like this I’m the Royal Family this [ __ ] wants this [ __ ] wants 32 sticks so I can get an emerald no no I almost I almost forgot that you I almost forgot that you could do slavery in Minecraft I am not doing all that okay who tried building a another portal here and didn’t finish it barely even started actually didn’t seem like they did anything got some pretty cool builds here though this one’s cool I mean I can I can help them out here I can build the portal if I remembered how to do it if you mess up I I guess it would be on me but uh whatever they shouldn’t they should not have left this giant lava pool out here for no re reason all right let me look up how to how to build a nether portal from a lava pool Oh Ship lav pool all right with lava pool Matthew where’d You Escape to okay tutorial for that nether portal technique speedr Runners are always doing oh I don’t know why you guys want to build your own house when I got like a really nice one right there okay that keeps expanding and expanding okay just gonna okay I’m not g to stand like so close to that also no you need obsidian for another portal not Cobble [ __ ] no this is no you can build you can make one without obsidian or without like having to get obsidian for it yeah I think you could just use lava and water yeah you can I have two water buckets actually like for this in case I mess up all right and then mine that no oh you’re joking did you [ __ ] up there’s no like at the bottom of this God damn okay I got okay you know what that’s fine I can do it on the other side there’s no what you got cut off there was no obsidian like at the bottom of the place that I up it’s whatever uh where’s where’s the dirt I can try this again it’s not that big a deal oh yeah okay we’re gonna put this right [Music] here uh I hope I don’t lose my way back home because I’m going to be carrying to fall in am I just stupid maybe okay no never mind whoever designed this uh is this just like a one block High lava pool or something it is okay so I’m just is being baited then bait used to be believable guys oh wait no never mind I have two I have two buckets for a reason I can just I can just put lava down there okay wait hold on I might be cooking oh [ __ ] I might be cooking hold on real Matthew can cook maybe he probably can cook a better meal than me actually no scratch that he can uh don’t [ __ ] myself please okay I [ __ ] it up I’m trying to get water what the all right this game is being stupid I don’t know who put this here but uh they suck they suck yes you have nothing nice to say about them how could you Matthew it’s the truth man they suck they put a [ __ ] one block High one block deep nether portal or lava pool kidding me no they didn’t that it’s one it’s one block deep that is so that is so Sigma okay wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute let me see this might be cooking again we might be back might be I don’t know that though and then okay oh we’re getting somewhere oh [ __ ] okay and then I just got to build the rest of it I forget how to though let me let me watch the rest of the tutorial okay so we got to get rid of this got to build it the other way and then right there no what happened tabbed out of it by accident okay wait oh okay hold on where do I put the water I’m going have to use my hand to mine the sand now all right so I’m going to stand right here yeah there’s a lot of here Johnny Test oh and then I think put that there and then this right here you uh that’s it I think I my FL Flint steel two three Flint steel like that [ __ ] goodbye let’s go are you two in the nether bye Liam wait what bye and there’s a where’s the gas um I spawn and there’s like I immediately hear a gas and there’s gold oh wait I need to find a fortress and there’s the okay there’s the zombie pigmen these are the chill ones so they don’t hit you unless you hit them first what’s up man okay I need to save [ __ ] okay I thought I lost the base for a second where the [ __ ] is the nether portal I’m also going to make one probably in the underground bunker I’m working on all right I not ready to go to the nether though I don’t even have diamonds I I only have like wooden tools so that’s that’s I have like iron tools that are on the verge of breaking but I have diamond tools to replace them anyway so it’s like not a big of a deal at all L this guy’s bad to [ __ ] himself what the [ __ ] was that may or I may or may not need to sacrifice a few pigs just to get some food let me know y’all let me know if any of you have Whatchamacallit your mama sand you guys have sand let me know is there no I guess there is no sand here where am I oh [ __ ] oh these are oh these these ones hate me boy um oh no it’s a baby piglin baby penguin get here piglin oh I thought you said [ __ ] skeleton I was so confused I thought you said penguin yeah yes a penguin in the nether oh wait I can get netherite yeah the so wait isn’t the nether basically just hell me pretty much I could oh wait no hold on I need TNT if I want to effectively get netherite I got to dig like way deep underground I’m going to have to count and see how much more glass I need that [ __ ] ow oh [ __ ] okay I’m [Music] fleeing wow I I got four more gold ingots I am out I am out of here I’m out of here okay I have so much sand now where is okay I need to find the nether fortress I wish I could do SL loate and just cheat well that wouldn’t be very now would it no BC I don’t feel like working for that I want to know where I want to know so I can uh okay there’s a bunch of creep and you’re the one who got onto my case about not working for Peter Griffin in fortnite yes see he even shamelessly admits it he by the way have any of you seen um Despicable Me I wouldn’t say I wouldn’t say shamelessly I more say pridefully have any of you seen despicable me4 yet no no I did what did you think of it it was okay just okay the comedy was fine surprisingly it was actually pretty funny but the story was very scattershot there was like eight plots going on at once uhhuh oh there’s bones here will FAL was where am I right now what biome is this Soul Sand Valley and how far away from the portal am I not that far actually oh God all right get me out of here oh yeah that’s right fire is blue here oh God I didn’t realize how low on Hearts I was okay I have more than enough sand though I don’t think this will be enough to cover all everything I need for the Sandstone I don’t think this will be enough to compensate oh [ __ ] this one’s in gold pants I’ll probably need to do maybe one or two more runs of sand after this did I piss all of them off hey I messed up hey we should get a gas I almost bro I almost hit a zombie I almost hit a baby zombie pigin and I almost made like all the other piglins here mad at me guys I have an idea we should get a gas and bring it into this world I need to find my way back now great oh wait [ __ ] there’s a creeper right there there’s a creeper in bro there’s so many zombie pigman here what there’s a creeper inside the house everybody everybody go to the safe bunker all right and my [ __ ] Mouse died I’m not going to attempt to jump down there man I’m going to end up dying go to sleep it’s bedtime also wait who wait who left the game no one says zero of two players sleeping though yeah cuz I’m in the nether oh oh oh okay that’s right [ __ ] creeper buddy go away hey hey man what’s up all right going to oh wait I should get Glowstone powder so I can make glowstone all right we’re going to have to lure the creeper like out of the area that [ __ ] wa you said there’s a creeper in the house in the storage room yes no hey you’re right there is go kill it don’t Let It Blow anything up uh I can’t exactly keep my promise there okay then don’t kill it just leave it there I can’t afford any more Sandstone to be blown up can I just do ow this maybe what the [ __ ] how did I lose so much health there I’m gonna try and lure it out let’s lure it out I’m think cooking no no I’m burning oh wait okay I see no if I die if I swear to God if I die you died didn’t you yeah no [ __ ] there we go all done okay that takes care of that so now let’s count count how much that took a lot count how much glass we need around the parameter let’s check one two three four five six 7 8 9 10 holy 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 yes3 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3 33 34 okay when you just need 34 all right I’m just gonna go ahead and just wait we might just need to check okay I think we might just need 32 actually okay wait let me just borrow this wait let me go to the let me go to the furnace downstairs oh oh there’s 20 glass right here already for us so you’re a poopy head what okay let me make 12 more pieces of glass so now all right so we still need chests to cover the floor you got be [ __ ] kidding me man so I need another round I need to get a bunch of wood still bro all my [ __ ] burned all your [ __ ] burned it all burned burnt to a crisp into the Flames lava my saplings are gone but whatever there’s still a [ __ ] creeper out here here we go it’s dead I’m making so much [ __ ] Ohio server [ __ ] [ __ ] God damn it God damn it no so I [ __ ] this up [ __ ] go ahead and get more glass so I’ll probably just need two extra pieces of glass and then I’m good on glass is there any sand in here that I can use no there not dude [ __ ] Wireless mouses bro I swear to God what do you mean [ __ ] Wireless mouses you can’t [ __ ] a wireless mous I get it I get the joke see see mat gets it I’m funny I should be a Jester oh God okay okay yeah I just need to [ __ ] plug in my mouse to charge it cuz like you know okay why is this actually hard to build over here what what I’m getting all this foood okay I need own okay does anybody else have glass no all I I did all of that just for nine [ __ ] logs of aadia okay nothing in those chests here let me just let me just mine some glass I need some sand right here and get some glass wow the storage room is actually almost done I think we’re going to build it awesome aren’t you guys excited about what about the thing can you specify the storage room I mean the storage room yeah it’s going to be done we get to move our chests over there there which I might start doing soon actually what do you mean our chests like the chests in the rooms yeah the chests in the other rooms we we can move them over oh and the you are not you are not moving the chest you are not moving others chests in that [ __ ] storage room why not it it we all share here literally the most [ __ ] inconvenient place to put them because like there be a bunch of [ __ ] there’s gonna be a bunch of [ __ ] chests and nobody’s gonna know which which like which chest they put exactly like look at this really think it would be good you really think it would be a good idea to not have like no chests in the other rooms and I’ll have have all them in here there’s more than enough space Gibson yeah but like it it’s a lot more convenient when you have a chest in your own room what is all this yeah storage room is nice but like dude like actually come on I’m gonna move my chest into here yeah okay fine move your chest but you’re not moving other people’s chest you’re not moving I don’t think Matthew has any chests actually I think they just two chests yeah you know what yeah they don’t they don’t have any chests it’s going to be convenient for me actually let’s get rid of this chest my head itches help me move it right there what help course we’re going to need a lot more wood I think help me help me okay so I’m going to put my Sandstone back I remember I was playing uh I I was playing [ __ ] jackbot with I was playing Jack I was playing jackbox with moldy and some other dudes and uh apparently want to know something you want to know something uh [ __ ] like saying any stupid [ __ ] like like anything about Max design Pro is such a cheat code cuz like the the the things that were that that were submitted that just mentioned like some dumb [ __ ] about like Ohio or something like that got more votes than anything else which was actually unfair because like again it’s just such a cheat code everyone kept voting for The Other what the [ __ ] happened there what my game at okay I’m trying to quickly move all this [ __ ] into here oh [ __ ] well I’m not about to make 17 swords you should make 17 swords no thanks okay then make an axe there we go okay now let me go get my other sh I even need a sword cu the ax do so much [ __ ] damage okay I need to kill some pigs I need food like right now okay we’re going to how do I use pigs again okay there we go how do I breed the pigs again now that the chests are safe I use whe all right so almost all the chests have been installed like on the walls we need to install a bunch in the floor carrots potatoes beetroots or carrots on a stick are there carrots in here dirt nope stand Stone okay so I’m going to assume that there were carrots in there but Liam took them yeah there yeah what do you mean uh did you take the carrots out of the chest uh that was near the pig farm no but there is carrots in another chest there are a lot of pigs here but I don’t see a way to breed the pigs yeah there’s there’s carrots over here like come come to the storage room it’s in one of the chests oh my God trying to get into a habit of using the Matthew for a second I thought you had like a [ __ ] zombie skin on I I was going to be like who the [ __ ] is that I no it’s Squidward yeah it was far he was they were far away from me all right Liam which one of these [ __ ] chests is it in it’s on the wall it’s in Ohio it’s on the wall there’s the carrots okay I’m going to take like I’m going to take quite a few of these and I’m going to I’m just going to I’m going to take a lot of these I’m just going to put it in the chest near the near where the pigs are because you need those to breed the pigs nope here we are all right I’m not going going to kill every single Pig in here a pig genocide no not a genocide I’m going to leave a oh okay then that’s good that’s good kind of have to leave a few if I still if I want this to still be operational understandable damn they’re dropping a lot okay so I probably need a few more runs of sand for this to be Perfection all right how many I’ll leave like three in here three why why just three I mean you only need two you only need to leave like at least two in the P magic happen yeah you need two so you can like breed them I’m and I’m leaving a third one here just because oh up I killed the third one so it’s just two now all right I am now do you like this new system guys no comment like I’m not even trying to be malicious with it it’s good it’s a good system in my opinion that way everybody shares and everybody’s happy what I’m just looking at something on Twitter what else do I need potatoes beetroot probably get those oh [ __ ] I need to oh no zombie hey South [Music] GH what um there’s no other chest here so okay took that guys I think we need to go start a campfire it’s [ __ ] raining come on okay um Gibson there’s a bed in the CH in one of the chests up there so I mean just go sleep in the storage unit is there okay there’s like two of them I think I’m going to label the chests eventually I’m just gonna do this real quick there we go why why I don’t want a zombie or no goddamn creeper in here while I’m sleeping how long does take for a pig bro one full Minecraft day or 20 minutes you getting wet well it takes 20 minutes you got to be kidding me o you goober you goober what hey Gibson look out a [ __ ] okay we really need some chest here [ __ ] forgot spiders are like like a like a block tall [Music] [ __ ] yeah you’re safe right Gibson this is safe sort of I really want [ __ ] monsters nearby are you kidding me wait is there I tried going to bed and they said there were monsters nearby let me try going to bed where the [ __ ] where’s the monster it’s under the house are you serious it’s under the house and it won’t die now it’s dead okay we good we go to bed hopefully all right good work gentlemen I don’t wait is I need to find a bed dude there’s a bed in one of the chest you said you said it was in one of the chests yeah there’s like two of them in a chest oh my God bro I [ __ ] look everywhere okay they’re not on the floor oh was in this one oh okay hang on wait can you uh the Sandstone back what are you doing I I threw it down all right thank you all right yeah you sleep here all right all right good night boys I did not get enough sleep last night I I only slept for like one minute okay okay yeah I just Gibson doesn’t really have a bedroom so right now he just sleeps in the storage unit yeah until F notice so like we actually build bedrooms in this Kingdom okay can this little [ __ ] grow up please okay I need to go find potatoes all right so how much sand St sand one two three four five six what’s in here8 9 10 11 12 Diamond why is there just a bunch of diamond hoes 1 why is there a bunch of hes in 22 23 24 in this house 26 27 28 what’s 28 * 2 really yeah was 28 time 2 actually okay to be completely honest I’m not that fast to calate that 56 okay we need 56 Sandstone to complete the walls better get Sandstone then and I’ll probably need to do like a few more runs speed right here okay I’ll probably oh there’s a whole bunch of stuff right whole bunch of seeds right here okay wait are these potatoes okay they’re potatoes all right can you two help me get sanded I oh my I got a [ __ ] poisonous potato are you kidding me cuz I know you’re poison you’re deep in your poison stop saying I got wait where the [ __ ] did my shovel go how do I get the seeds who took my goddamn shovel I don’t know make a new one oh wait oh that’s right it broke okay I got potatoes but I didn’t get potato seeds from the potatoes also um if you do not obey the king your right to a bed will be taken away new rule new law wow I am repaying my community I’m doing a true service how I’m putting back the seeds that from the plants I destroyed I need to find like pigs or cows bro I am at three bars of [ __ ] hunger I’m going to die oh there’s a chicken too I guess that that that work as well [ __ ] oh [ __ ] apparently I’m going to be playing lethal company with Marcilla tomorrow with who not really the best thing I’m going to be experiencing but it’s certainly going to be an experience I’ve only played Lethal company like one time I know it’s very popular with vtubers or at least was for a while it’s been a long while since I’ve played Lethal company I tried asking uh Augustine if you wanted to do a lethal company video for this fan group Channel like I don’t know how long ago it was I think it was like a month ago uh he said he would do it said he was going to do it that night he never did and I feel very sad I mean but I mean to be fair he probably he’s probably he was probably just busy cuz he’s been busy a lot lately that’s fair would can’t you guys just do a video without him I mean yeah but like not a lot of people in the stre Havey I have it I have it too that makes two of them that makes three of us I have it yeah I don’t know if Sergio has it though I’m not very good at lethal company though I only played it once but I don’t mind playing it again I mean there isn’t really an ending to uh lethal company the real ending is just when you can’t is like when you just can’t meet the quota like I don’t think there was like it’s kind of just an endless game really okay so I got eight Sandstone I think that that is not enough that that is not enough knowing that half of my friend don’t like don’t like Marcelo uh and knowing that Marcelo is quite per quite a person who can I make them M again I can I can make them have as many children as I want yo whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa Matthew Matthew Matthew I’m saying the truth wait can I feed these to the little ones to make them grow wait [ __ ] I’m so used to my chest being down there okay no they just really really like it for some reason they’re like fascinated by I hope I don’t regret this new system okay I should probably actually go out mining no we we need to focus on what’s important where’s the where was that one mine that I was at oh here it is you know what okay I’m gonna you know what guys for once I’m going to make a smart decision in My Kingdom we are going be a stupid one we are going to invent doors good job think about we just said for a second what wait Gibson go to the dungeon damn there’s a lot of lot of coal down here what do you mean go to the dungeon just can you think about what you said for like go to the dungeon think dungeon now nada R to rapit to repeat you’re you’re going to have to repeat what you just said and look in the H and look inside the base oh [ __ ] Gibson come to the dungeon I don’t know where that is so no wait F okay wait I’ll take you there no I’m good no I don’t think you’re going to the torture Labyrinth buddy the torture Labyrinth I don’t know how to make those in Minecraft how do you do that I’m going use your Blast Furnace real quick to to cook this singular raw okay I can’t actually never mind what about the smoker I can use the smoker Gibson buddy it’s gonna be okay the smoker is for food and the blast furnace is Gibson I sentence you to to two Minecraft days in jail follow me two Minecraft days in the dungeon let’s go I sent you to 5 minutes in the Nexus of Agony right now yeah let’s go come on come on a damn it this is under underwater cave I can’t I don’t I don’t want to go I don’t want to go down there goodbye wait hey oh wa I could make like a I could make a door yeah I need to make I need to make some doors too okay I’m going to seal your idea and I just made some do right now I’m go mining I come on Liam my buddy my friend Liam remember when you were talking about inventing doors yeah yeah I stole your idea how does that feel buddy dungeon yeah I can’t tell what to do dungeon now you know what no hey actually no I’m I’m I’m I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die goodbye get your ass back here you won’t die if you don’t go in the D if you go I mean if you go in the dungeon you won’t die see you buddy would you prefer the ex I could find lapis and Redstone before I could find iron I’ll be done for seven Minecraft days no you’re not allowed to leave this kingdom ever that’s illegal no it’s not I’m the king I make the laws I like this King stick it’s fun bro okay I am back at the same spot that I was just at Matthew you dare like you dare take doors away from [Music] me I did not I did not take doors away from you then what did you do I capitalize on an invention you were to the game no sorry buddy okay I’m getting more wood since M I just need a few wood like since Gibson is so concerned about there not being more doors in the storage room you said invent doors and huh well damn dungeon put down the door there we go wait did you put down the doors on the storage room yeah good luck trying to find me mother no I swear to God wait where the [ __ ] did you put the doors at well uh they’re now lost in some cave cuz I just died so what were you making doors for then I found an underwater cave and I was going to make doors so that I can make pockets of air to refill my oxygen when it got low oh okay well Skelly all right that skeleton that just hit me [Music] dungeon you think it’s going to listen when I tell it to go to the dungeon idiot I don’t know test that theory swear to God oh can’t see me okay he could see me I’m getting out of here all right well I think it should be safe time to go kill animals for food okay and that also I guess that also means I just pigs for literally nothing oopsie I’m scared guys [ __ ] get the [ __ ] back here there we go Gibson you get the [ __ ] back here where are you um I’m at the base not there there are three skeletons outside come on I’m going to take you somewhere I’m going to take you somewhere nice uh do you believe me I have one log not really I’m going to take you somewhere nice and sweet [ __ ] okay this is perfect this is good nice okay now I can make more chests what man why there have to be a drown right there you’re right dungeon yeah we’re going to build a prison like eventually I don’t know when but eventually we’ll probably build like a fullon prison get me oh come on man how did it get out me put my IR back on I can see how long it takes me to beat him to death with my hand oh God there we go finally okay so the walls are prettyy much done I think hi ni we’re playing Minecraft if you want to join us hello uh I think I could join yeah I think you’re on the realm I think I added your name yeah [ __ ] sorry time to restart again oh wait one of the pigs grew up V we have I am King I think you know this I’m King Willam theii I don’t know you know that keep making [ __ ] all right is now in the game damn it I got to eat raw flesh raw flesh is amazing yum yum going to stand still oh I think I hear a zombie trying to kill me that’s not a good sign okay wait are you at the base or no I don’t know um it’s loading [ __ ] you mean Firefox crashed I literally closed it a I have a task for you to do if you’re not by the base collect as much sand as possible while getting to the base and then get give it to me I’m going to be building I need sandstone a lot of it uh hang on by the way are you going to watch Despicable Me 4 in a few days or whenever it comes out in your country I I don’t know I’m probably just GNA wait until it comes out bro my bro my just the hell there you go he did yall end up watching The Lego Movie to in the VC or no uh we we moved it to another day Monday next because everyone’s u i mean not everyone but like we waiting for a few people but I don’t think they’ll be joining oh okay [ __ ] why okay why why did they have to [ __ ] I can’t even say [ __ ] in Minecraft anymore that’s great that’s amazing thank you guys so much yeah you’re great dungeon no not you I’m talking to mojing or Microsoft I don’t know who or Matthew do you want to take Gibson’s rightful place in the dungeon I don’t know Justice will be served okay let me know when you’re done doing your thingy there but why why would why would Matthew want to take my place though he didn’t even do any they didn’t even do anything yeah he didn’t do nothing but you seem to not want to go in the dungeon for some reason yes and I’ve never was given a reason why um cuz you were being mean Oh wait [ __ ] there’s fish down here you were actually wait no wait Matthew you do have a reason to go in the dungeon you invented doors before me dungeon and I senten him to um one minute in the dungeon one minute yeah come on one minute in the dungeon come on Matthew D don’t be shy man I’m just getting fish come on right here just one minute I’m not quite sure what I’m going to do in this realm because there’s another realm I’m in that’s why I have a bunch of [ __ ] done but not here yeah this realm is just we building and [ __ ] around as you can see what this is a giant Kingdom we’re building a storage room well more like I’m building a storage room oh okay screaming in public restrooms prank okay wait I know what to do come on this should be easy this shouldn’t be tedious at all if cooperated thank I remember there was a I remember there was a time when uh whenever my tools break it would jump scare me because the loud noise that would like play uhhuh it was like oh yeah also if you don’t know we also have an execution chamber why um to execute people if they do something egregious in this Kingdom dang yeah like Mark I’m be i’mna be I’m going to be the first one to do something agrees watch I Mark actually blew up the original execution chamber so I one can these D grow up already okay you know what that’s it hey it’s good time you know what since nobody be wanting to take Gibson’s rightful in the dungeon I’m taking one of the pigs and taking them to the dungeon you’re taking one of yeah one of the pigs is now going to the dungeon all right well I guess that’s fine because they’re very much clueless and like you know how do I make a lead you don’t make you don’t make them I don’t think what yeah I think you have to find them in like Dungeons or or something okay go and mine and find one right now okay well one of the I’m talking about the natural generated dungeons not stinky degenerate why is one of the okay one of the villagers is turned into a zombie someone’s probably get on that oh yeah someone give him like the enchanted golden apple or we have another Simple Solution we throw him in the dungeon that’s not going to help I mean maybe it’ll help him keep safe in some way but can I give him a apple okay I know how to oh we can just make a regular Golden Apple we let’s go [ __ ] okay well we need an apple though [ __ ] um get one from a tree yeah but I don’t know which trees exactly drop them I don’t know if it’s just oak trees or if it’s all of them okay here piggy piggy piggy piggy piggy all right what what is in here A bunch of dogs and a singular pair why is there a boat okay there we go okay I’m Dam there’s a lot of pets here I just stole three pigs all right come on they don’t know what’s coming to them do not save them repeat do not save the pigs if you did you take all the adults no what is in here if if you save the pigs it is an immediate execution why why because they need to be locked in the dungeon just let them be okay no I no you and the pigs will be executed if you try and save them but they’re pigs just let them be they life’s already hard um well Gibson wanted them in the dungeon so come on I got one adult and two babies I would not take all the adults I’m not that stupid oh would you look at that that guy has a lead you know what we’re going to put his llamas in the dungeon too [ __ ] I cannot make them cuz you decided to take the pigs [ __ ] wait you can mate those two I can’t I right clicked on them they didn’t do nothing let me in I mean the pigs aren’t completely gone yet we’re I’m almost to the dungeon though come on pigs oh wait oh [ __ ] Matthew’s coming back is he going to try and save him ah [ __ ] no wonder why this tree is not breaking it even mind it all come on up it’s not hard there we go okay Pig get get get in the dungeon get there we go the tree has been completely mined come on it go into the dungeon hold on okay I hear a traitor somewhere why is he underwater now what are you doing here get in there Pig you’re making man hell no why is this so hard for you you Piggy I don’t think it wants to go in the dungeon guys because they’re animals they don’t care outrageous oh I got saplings let’s go give me an Apple One pigs get in oh come on just drop an apple there we go I locked one in I got one in let’s get the other two in all right all right Pig I’m sorry sorry Gibson wanted me to lock you guys up so yeah because it’s not me how how the hell do I make a tree farm oh my god I’m an idiot I was holding my I just locked myself in the dungeon ain’t no way actually you know what n I’d believe that well I didn’t lock myself I could get out just fine but okay so you okay so you’re a liar then that would have been a well guys now that um now that the king is in the dungeon that means we can do whatever we want that does not mean [ __ ] can I be can I be the king please no sure sure no I’m fine now let’s go okay now we have Gibson let’s go drop a [ __ ] Apple I swear to God we get to take I get to take your your place no you don’t not okay you know what I’m going to take these leads right here all right I’m going to kill this trespasser how about how about a how about a presidential uh debate have a 25% chance of dropping an apple are you kidding me wait [ __ ] what are the leads go boy I swear to God there’s a the leads okay so only Oak saplings and stop hitting me [ __ ] llama okay I need to put both these llamas out of their misery oh sh I almost died all right a damn Apple all right so I killed a trespasser and those llamas are throwing a hissy fit about it someone do something no thanks I think the other pig is gone but yeah like both the baby pigs are locked up in the dungeon now no [ __ ] the llama’s almost pushed me in to the dungeon can we have can we have a can we have a debate can we have a debate on who should be the king no because should be this is my world there’s only one proper way and fair way to settle this yeah have doing this debate no not exactly that dang what thank you very much oh my oh my God there’s no way oh my goodness hey my stuff is still here there is no [ __ ] way let’s go all right so so I’m the king that settles that apparently you want to fight which is not exactly something I had in mind I was thinking of having a debate but since you want to fight there no debates in in in Minecraft yes yeah I mean they can be you can have a debate in Minecraft wait where the [ __ ] did the carrots go uh I don’t know I didn’t pick up anyone’s stuff come on how am I going to get this pig in the [ __ ] dungeon then who who who’s with me who say who who who else thinks that a debate would be a proper way to get into a new C yeah that is true Matthew you you are ordered to say no actually should happen okay that all right I’m gonna lock these llamas in the dungeon they could join the pigs whose house is this okay this is actually a pretty this is actually a pretty cozy house not GNA lie who house probably DM’s I have no idea whose house that is but it looks very nice is it that that big Village is uh it’s yeah it’s like one of the houses here yeah that’s I know there’s multiple houses here everything God how many saplings are there here I think I found an I think I found an apple everybody in chat Apple yes if you want let me see that I’m G hold on to it so I can make golden one all right all right Chad if you want if you want as the king send a blue Emoji send a blue circle in chat if you want me to be the new uh stand uh no no no no no no no chat you were ordered to vote me I am King Liam is there gold in like literally any of the chest here you can you can make a new town if you really want to okay there we go I’m locking both of the llamas in there the llamas deserve to be locked up there go [ __ ] do I take the gold out of DM’s chest though I mean we share everything here so yes I don’t know man she I mean one of the zombies one of the villagers here is turned into a zombie and I need I need that I need the gold in order to make a golden apple how did I fall down here what put what pushed me into this [ __ ] ohom actually let me go look at the other house let me see how much see how much gold is in that one chest hey bud hey bud hi bud if you want if you just want to do some stupid fight instead of like having bait I’ll make my I’ll make my own uh little town or something you’re not allowed to do that I’m sure everybody else would would love to live there too no my town going be better it’s bigger and better yeah it’ll be yeah mine will be small but that’s just the beginning it’ll be bigger yeah look at mine I’m already expanding is there any gold in here nope all right all right llamas prepare to be locked away okay go the llamas I closed door up there oh [ __ ] whoops the llamas are now locked up all right so gon for for treason you’re also getting you’re either getting executed or locked up which one do you want executor locked up yeah I think you should choose execution because it’s just going to be brought back to life anyways n bro that’s a zombie in full just so just so I don’t lose all my stuff maybe a lock up would be fine all right we’re going to lock you up for um I think we need to punish you harsher five Minecraft days five Minecraft days yeah sure all right get over here get over I mean could be a lot worse okay I I will uh oh D that happened hey before I follow before I follow you to before I before I let you bring me to the uh the prison or whatever I’ll I’m gonna have you do this real quick what do you need me to do is that a doggy do I hear a little doggy all right I’m going to bed everyone sleep right now I don’t have a bed there’s another bed in the chest yeah yeah um you’re going to have to sleep in the storage room oh wait no there’s room in my room now need find a house what I moved the chest so there’s room in my room now no it’s okay I def bro what the [ __ ] is this me this this monster nearby F cool okay Gibson where where are you oh there we go bro what is is this all right Gibson what do you need your king to do before I lock you up uh what I want you to do uh can you do this math problem what math problem what what is 5 * 12 * 4 minus 5 okay wait say that again don’t you don’t Google it don’t use no [ __ ] calculator I won’t okay say the math problem again I’m going to write it down what is five what is 5 * 12 * 4 – 5 5 * 12 * 4 – 5 you said yeah okay let me what’s the answer think figur that out don’t use no don’t use no calculator okay can I go ahead and write it down on a sheet of paper can I solve it that way yes you can do your you can do the math as long as you’re not using any calculator or anything that’s fine you know I’m just going to steal from DM’s temp chest hopefully it’s just eight in she’s not going to miss it eight ingots of what gold yeah so I can make a golden apple oh okay then all right so five times craft that and then give it the zombie villager 5 * 12 is 60 times another four oh no no don’t tell me need to be enchanted Zer and then 240 60 * 4 and then 240 minus 5 let me do take out the zero put a 10 There is five I gotta no I got to give it weakness and then the answer is 235 damn potion of weakness are you [ __ ] real quick let me uh get some let me just cook some food up all right because I’m low because I’m low on Hunger okay all right since you actually all right since you actually managed to do the math without like cheating or anything uh all right you ready let me know when you’re ready to go to the dungeon ready Ser how do I how do I make this all right and fermented spider man you guys are not allowed to break him out of jail man oh my God okay you ready buddy is my bed gonna stay there you know what I’ll let you bring a bed okay know I’m gonna move into where I might just move into like where all the DM stuff is it wasn’t too sure why why are people moving away from my kingdom that because your kingdom is corrupt it is not corrupt I am King Liam III named after King George III there was there was never a Liam the first stupid [ __ ] all right let’s go wait who left I’m take all this who left the dungeon door open is it the prison over is that the prison over there yep it’s right here all right any last words Gibson before you go in um your account okay ow all right have fun all right Gibson’s in the dungeon guys we finally locked him up we put away a criminal we canel him we canel him we canell him all [Music] right yeah okay so if you want food I guess you’d have to kill these animals here okay that’s okay the Portal’s right there I don’t think the llamas will I don’t think the llamas will do much the we officially have arrested Gibson hey one of the pigs just screw up right in front of me most of the walls are done in the storage room like all pretty much like it’s safe to stay inside we just need to build more walls and we need to build a roof cuz that’s important a [ __ ] I hear skeleton all right you know what I’m claiming DM’s land you know what I’m claiming all of this all of it is mine now and I’m going to go you know what I’m going to put her dogs in the dungeon what why cuz I intended to do that before cuz they were bad but DM keeps rescuing them she’s going to keep rescuing them fine you want me to take one of her cats then who what did they now you’re just taking the P yeah I’m just taking anybody all right wait wait can I lead can I put the lead on humans okay that sounds wrong okay you know what Mr Chicken you’re [Music] trespassing all right come on Mr Chicken is obvious that Liam is crups with power here no I’m not I’m just I’m putting criminals in the dungeon that’s what they say you know what no I sentenced the chicken to the nether portal damn literally sending that man to hell or not man that chicken I sentenced the chicken to the nether portal literally told him to go to hell all right y’all don’t stop I’m pushing him through oh no Liam don’t don’t send the chick into The Nether I just did wait he took my lead okay I have it back now get the [ __ ] out of here ow all right I hope the chicken survives you know what I’m going to take a donkey too yeah the nether was just close by so um if you’re close by to the nether that’s that’s your punishment getting sent to the nether hey uh Liam yeah can you uh bring like a cow or something to the dungeon why you know a lot of cows some cows out there are you know bad news from what I’ve hear from what I’ve heard oh they bad news yes what did they do they actually are they killed my grandparents I don’t know oh okay I’m I’m actually ter to my grandfather was killed in the war by a Minecraft cow yeah oh let’s go I got a bunch of I got a bunch of apples wait what are you doing are you trying to escape no I’m just building what the [ __ ] up what what the [ __ ] are you trying to build in a dungeon uh like old staircase because I noticed that there’s like a there aren’t any stairs here that’s the [ __ ] point so you don’t escape well do you make the stairs no like the stairs are just right wait [ __ ] okay wait oh wait that was a trick I just realiz I just realized I’m an idiot what I could just no see you guys no give me back my iron door you you coward okay where do I where do I put where should I build my house F give me my iron door back you coward already your inventory I don’t have it oh wait oh okay he actually like destroys it get back here you coward okay I’m going to build it right here cuz I don’t know why build a house when they’re I was actually kidding uh I I tried I tried avoiding using the pickax but that was actually so embarrassing that I had to just break it myself with the pickaxe why did you escape why did you hey look I should really just make a shovel at this point why did you escape prisoner H it was getting kind of stinky in there you’re not supposed to escape the dungeon unless I say you can escape okay we’re going to make a shovel and then that doesn’t make any sense you mean like let you mean like let them go yes yeah and those pigs have a life sentence for what right for fun for fun [Music] okay I am a menace to this Kingdom you know there could be a bit less of a menace if there was a new king no horrible idea that’s a bunch of you gota you got to have there there’s got to be at least one debate debate and then how about this one debate and if you win there won’t be any more debates there’s a bunch of malarkey I protect this Kingdom no I’m being serious there just one only one debate in that’s a bunch of why would I lie why you say why why did you say like that it’s a bunch of trust me bro is absolutely tweaking oh yeah tweak tweak just going to turn into tweak from South only only one date then there won’t be another one Family Guy funny moments compilation with Subway Surfers Gameplay at the bottom so you agree to the debate no come on I I’ll give you I’ll give you uh one steak okay I’m just going to okay Matthew um do you want to debate or no say no no I I thought you said that I thought you said that you weren’t all right let’s debate then no I said no he said no what I said I don’t care okay so that means no what wait no I forgot the word no is outlawed in this world except me [ __ ] well yeah that’s a fair rule I don’t I don’t think Matthew is a very great choice for being a king literally cuz he doesn’t they don’t care that that much like they said earlier yeah them now or I don’t know I think I think mat Matthew don’t you go all over all by like any pronouns sorry I don’t want to be awkward [ __ ] I I I’ll just halum you’re going to die probably never mind you’re [ __ ] [ __ ] have Full Hearts I’m good there we go Gibson you goober back to the dungeon for treason Liam Liam Liam shut up I will we I’ll give you one steak four so I don’t need no steak I only eat french fries and macaroni and cheese um you’re proclaiming that like it’s something to be proud of okay when you get when he gets OB obese I got I got to finish digging oh and cheeseburgers cheeseburgers are good too actually okay now you can get diet you guys act like I only eat those things and only those things you literally just said I mean I eat piz those I mean that’s not oh yeah how could we forget that okay you know what is good but I will order you a cheeseburger so we can do this debate uh no I’m not giving you my address uh I hope that she doesn’t mind I take this off all right Gibson you’re going to the hole I mean I’ll I I’ll give you actually not I’ll give you money for that oh my god oh okay well I ain’t take anything oh wait oh you are oh you’re dumb as hell now you oh how you you are actually I forgot your bed was in the dungeon it’s actually cooked hey guess what hey guess what hey guess what hey guess what oh my God you got to be kidding me give me my iron door back buddy hey buddy yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh can’t hit me give me my iron door back dude okay I need to I need to like quickly grab all my stuff Finding Nemo is an S tier movie I mean sure why not I I don’t know what what in your What What In Your Head made you say that I don’t know just out of nowhere cuz I was in the water okay wait you you can use sa as um for the door back thank you let me just grab my bed real quick let me just lock you back up real quick yeah well you know it’s pretty uh it’s like uh it’s like you know it’s it’s like a get me the [ __ ] out of here there we go and we’re off how are you escaping there’s skeletons outside the castle all right I hate to do this I really [ __ ] hate to do this but I think we need to build a draw bridge and a wall wall around the castle then again the Castle’s always expanding so and I think a wall would be a waste yeah back into the uh Secret Base secret base I mean yeah why would I just be running why would I just be running out in the wilderness like forever I wouldn’t I wouldn’t just like okay that’s not it over there where was it there like I might have lost it maybe oh I just found I just found one of the buildings where V where the pillagers spawn God I think we’re going to run out of sandstone soon I mean sand just sand unless like we go to a desert but I don’t think I want to travel that far oh found it let’s go ow [ __ ] [ __ ] okay well I’m [ __ ] actually how does this look okay well I’m going to I’m going to bead to go to bed okay wait damn the walls are actually almost done in this room we just need to do the ceiling I think I need wood so that I I just don’t know how much blocks are going to cover the ceiling so we need a ceiling we need a ceiling and we need more chests [Music] sorry about that also Gibson why can’t you just obey the rules of this Kingdom buddy you’re locking me up for like No Good Reason treason you tried disobeying the kingdom Reon tza why is there a c spinning okay number on wait Matthew where where did you take your [ __ ] the thing thing is though Leon I was see I was telling you that you’re an idiot okay and you’re locking me up for that that I don’t think that seems very fair I’m GNA be honest that’s not freedom of speech okay there’s a boat here I just noticed okay wait wait wait wait wait all right does anyone have any wood no God come on man trying to get W I’m already about to [ __ ] die I’m going to Ambush creeper is chasing me I’m ambushing people why you need why do you need a home when you have my home because it’s not something you built but how many skeletons are in these Woods okay so all this territory all of its mine all right knock knock knock I’m not here knock knock knock I’m not here uh yeah you are I heard you okay okay what you need to pay your rent okay I got this so let just all right I’m going to need that iron right there okay you see um Alo this is the only iron I have okay you know what you get a pass since this building is new I now claim it what I I claim all of this land now bro I’m going to I’m they going to move now I can’t let this happen to my bu to my building this is my own establishment I think I you no I claim all of Earth all of it is mine okay I’m okay I’m don’t want to lift on the SP anymore all right then let me take you to the execution chamber uh why you don’t want to live on this I can I can just build I can just build a spaceship it’s fine I can just do that real quick just build a spaceship all right Matthew where’s your Residence at okay here’s one it’s going to look like it’s going to have a bit of dirt like that wait can you even go I remember I saw like a Minecraft video where someone went to space or something and I thought like you can actually go space in Minecraft now I’m pretty sure this just a mod or something pretty sure I put my le my lead or lead what’s it called lead oh it’s a lead okay you know what I’m stealing some of these villagers I’m taking them from their homes that [ __ ] like actually I think I’m gonna you GNA hop off yeah I’m getting tired fair enough I mean what time is it for you right now 3:00 in the morning Jesus Christ you stay up just for us yeah because I I was waiting at like 1:00 a.m. um see people like want to watch um movie be honest I didn’t find enough people sometimes I forget you live in the UK huh sometimes I forget you live in the UK I don’t know why why I don’t know how like I think it’s cuz you stay up super super late right late for you I mean not late for me yeah that was funny though I don’t want to live on this planet anymore Matthew where’s your Residence at buddy do you live in the nether yeah yeah I haven’t claimed the nether yet I’m going to go check yeah I got my bed there and everything I don’t see your bed oh God you haven’t looked haven’t looked hard enough wait is it by the portal where is it I I accidentally made two I’m trapped in the nether oh rats hey I get be new no you don’t you don’t get to be new king is this Karma this is the thanks I get we’re going to all right guys I’m going to be your new king now no you’re not no yay no Y no the word no is unbanned no you can’t do this I am not jumping into the lava well sucks and stck then oh my God okay going back there right now I have a strategy okay well oh I’m back oh oh someone else left no left all right I’m gonna go get my [ __ ] back all right going back to my uh I think all your I think all your stuff is like gone now no I only had three things on me and I could just go remake it okay where was my base at but I’m pretty sure my stuff isn’t gone yeah the chicken is still in the nether the chicken has still survived the nether somehow of these really don’t want to leave your little little kingdom I didn’t even lose anything trip all the wood wait no no no no no no no no no no no no that was [ __ ] close the gas almost destroyed the portal the minute I got out okay I I may be stupid what the skiy I must be dreaming there’s no way I just heard you say that say what no I did not mean to strip that oh I can feel your Sigma Aura I need to mine some of these I need my I need my wood back all right so back in my secret base so I don’t get like all actually [ __ ] up I don’t even know how much Sandstone I truly need left okay but I think I need a lot I don’t even know if we’re going to finish the storage room today but if we don’t it’s fine we made a lot of progress I could start taking a break from the Sandstone when the walls go up you think I should make the walls out of out of like you think Birch would fit that room nicely I don’t know CH know I think I’m going to keep it to Sandstone I want to I want to make the aesthetic match dang I am running low on health are you okay I need wheat or are you just saying [Music] that okay I have six of these now one two gota be kidding me man so I need so I need one two three four five six 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 okay so I need how much Sandstone is that carry the two 26 there we go so basically I need to learn how to count and then once the walls go [Music] up I guess that’ll do for now but it’s impossible for mobs to enter now oh yeah I need to get a new I need to replace the floor make Spruce where all the spruce trees at where all my sprues at I did actually see some though when I was walking along like mining sand make oh all right the prophecy States I need to make three shovels these spruce trees no I don’t need pickaxes right now I’ll take my sword though but okay so I need to do what’s four time 26 104 okay I need two stacks of of sand where are the spruce trees oh wait now I have Spruce saplings I can just plant them wait where even is your house though not far okay I’m just going to put them here and there’s a [ __ ] skeleton right there bro he’s literally running like he’s literally running that’s not fair I got 25 of these man um there’s two of them okay now this just isn’t fair what isn’t there oh there’s two skeletons all chasing me bro coughs like an iPad kid all right all right all right bro there’s literally two skeletons outside of my house and I cannot they won’t leave and I need them to leave Liam has a kingdom like an iPad kid de all right all right all right so I just got 64 stacks of sand let’s go pop some Sandstone into all right I got some Sandstone into this [Music] thing okay Skelly the skeleton is outside the house and Skelly the skeleton shot me rest in peace by the way this is not mean the end of an era King William iiii will rise again we’ll see about that hey no oh come on why is he right there we’re not doing an overthrowing arc I’m about to die we are not going to do an overthrowing arc oh [ __ ] B that that almost killed me the day I become powerful I will be king you will not just all right so Gibson is now the villain of this world I guess so now I can’t sleep I could sleep before but now I can’t this some [ __ ] I can’t believe the walls are almost done at this place I worked really hard to build it where are you buddy [Music] where are you all right you know what oh wait Matthew wait is that you with the with your [ __ ] Cobblestone head ass well that was rude can I go to bed now now I can go to bed all right when I go to bed I’m raiding your house Matthew’s house yeah that’s not very nice I’m raiding his house and he’s coming back here what the [ __ ] why is my arm like out the hell also Gibson where where’s your house I’m raiding it too good luck trying to find it what do you mean good luck yeah is that you with your Cobblestone head ass [Music] meth I don’t know why I like playing the role of King this rolls fun I like that I get to be king in this world and I’m not a corrupt King either I’m very fair wait a minute is that a new building right here oh no why why can’t I heal this stupid B King Liam the thir open up I cannot heal up this is stupid all right I’m taking you from your home no no what nah no I know what to do wait this isn’t going to work the way I thought it was will it what are you trying to do put you wonder under my own house yeah man just get out just get out of here man just get out of here [Music] what you going to do what you going to do you got no weapons and I have a sword I do have a weapon actually hey hey hey hey hey heyo hey heyo now come get your stuff and leave but I’m the king you don’t want to get your stuff I’m going to get my stuff all right Gibson you’re not allowed to have a house I’m not in your kingdom so you can’t really make that rule def o you goober get get back here you won’t know where I am you goober have the trees grown yet let me take a look no how do I get out of here how do I get out out of the boat are you serious what do I press I think I’m gonna have to kill you if it’s I mean it’s shift okay that’s right all right so I’m getting my stuff idiot that did it did it not say that when you hopped in the boat it just no it didn’t oh why not oh boy it’s another skeleton and he’s literally running at me and Matthew you’re not going to like what I’m about to do to you I’m going to take your precious dime where are the [ __ ] where the I just um do you not have a pickaxe no dude uh it’s not like Anders sight’s important anyway [Music] yeah let’s see deal with [Music] that let’s see you deal with that oh be K one day now give me give me my privacy wait should I Outlaw privacy that’d be funny this is why I wanted to be king Okay no Okay Outlaw privacy that’s too far yeah you think yeah that’s too far but outlawing the word no is not too far okay so Matthew you can have your privacy for now I don’t know why you’re I need these damn I need these damn trees to grow like right now I don’t know why you’re building a building like wait is this supposed to be a castle what is this no it’s just a house oh it looks like a castle from the outside you are not the qust gamer 774 shut your ass up did you fall for it God damn it I am not very clever what makes you think that I wasn’t able to trap you wait what are these I’m not very clever am I wait what if I know a very I know a funny idea for a prank but I’m not going to do it CU I’m not mean um what if I put um [ __ ] dispensers right here pressure plates right here and then lava comes down we see that would burn my house down yeah yeah and what the [ __ ] is this feel like it would burn down uh feel like the forest over here would catch fire as well and it would set fire to like literally everything else here including all of DM’s houses you know what you’re right that wouldn’t be very beneficial to my kingdom but I claim this L I claim this no you can’t say no I’m the king I claim I can claim whatever I want well I say no all right then I Declare War that’s not very nice okay I’m going back to my kingdom and I’m going to declare some war against you I just wonder who’s going to make the first move me or you oh my [ __ ] god [Music] dude all right I’m declar all right so I do not feel okay I do not feel safe when there are cave sounds I actually forgot about the cave sounds okay Matthew do do you do you sign the Declaration can these damn trees grow all right what should I do to m Matthew’s house there we go okay well one of them grew D it Matthew doesn’t know what’s gonna hit him [Music] I’m gonna imprison this man somehow either imprison him I’m either gonna what who Matthew since I’ve declared war on him and now I’m gon to protect my kingdom to make sure he doesn’t come raid all right Gibson attack him have forgot have you forgotten something what look around the base what what do you mean look around the base just uh just just do that real quick wait you’re not here are you all right get get your ass back here God I love playing a tyrant hey Matthew say good night okay I’m going to take my smuggling route over here [ __ ] okay hello Caleb hello Caleb I don’t know how much longer I’m going to stream since I’ve been streaming for a while I plan to take Li’s place as king no you’re not please yes I am that’s usurpation or whatever that crime is called what okay found a way to infiltrate Matthew’s Kingdom or Matthew’s base you’ll never see it [Music] coming okay you’ll never see it coming I don’t think he sees me yet yeah hey hey hey Matthew did you see that coming or no Matthew I just realized my mic was muted oh no wait your mic was muted yeah I just realized it was muted oopsy daisies anyways as I was saying uh I heard that coming you did yeah I could hear you God damn it I need to be more sneaky I will not lose this war you will surrender to me [Music] no I’m taking over all this land no dang I have 19 oak sapling I have another idea no you don’t wow that sounds very evil it is all right dude my saplings need to grow already this is getting absolutely insane okay I don’t have a pickaxe on me still why couldn’t you have built your land in a place where there’s like no stone okay all right the best way to sneak up on a Matthew oh my God [ __ ] Cave the Cave noise I’m going to take Matthew on he’s not going to see this one coming oh my God okay he for sure won’t see this one there’s no [Music] [Music] way okay Matthew when I come back here I I will be boned and ready there is a goddamn zombie in your butt oh there’s Creepers out here too oh [ __ ] don’t tell me my stuff is gone is it [ __ ] okay oh my God all right Matthew I Declare War bed I need to get my [ __ ] dead also guys question what does okay wait chat what does s action mean I want to make sure I’m using that word right there’s only one person watching what does that mean chat okay three what does s action [Music] mean are you looking did my sapling okay your stuff is still here God damn did my sapling blow up all right he for sure won’t see this one coming come man bro this is some [ __ ] okay you know let me put that right there [Music] why are you hiding hey [Music] buddy o o why do you keep making this hard for me did I pick up something a shovel I don’t need that La Liam’s world I’m going to be sick Liam’s world Liam loves his gold his crayon too that oh I’m actually hold on okay I’m taking my [ __ ] back okay a nose is all stuffy Liam what’ you do your nose is all stuffy cursed you I’m bored now [Music] let’s see can I successfully do it why I ya all right let’s see why find the uh place real quick wait Matthew how much health do you have left seven Hearts what how all right all right do you leave the game Hey look it’s Le been you’re bored playing for like two hours very bored that’s fair curse you Matthew the Platypus actually does that fit or no I don’t know did you guys know that doofen Schurz um he only knows it’s Perry when he has the Hat on wow really yeah remember that in the one movie did you ever watch the second movie by the way the one on that went to Disney plus no yeah uh hey no no all right my job’s done wooo all right so I’m gonna go get my stuff and then we will end today’s stream Gibson’s a meanie [Music] beanie okay Gibson is now the main villain of this world I think Liam is a bad King yeah all right Gibson is now the villain guys he’s the antagonist the antagonist yeah you’re the antagonist of this world sure Bud yeah I’ve been a nice and fair ruler I don’t know about that Matthew what do you think no we can’t change your name to em F mother mother you good good buddy good GNA make myself some food all right that’ll be all for today’s stream everybody don’t forget to leave a like comment and subscribe thank you all so much for watching and I’ll see you all on the next stream stream bye everyone have a great day [Music] n [Music]

This video, titled ‘[MINECRAFT] I need more iron again…’, was uploaded by Liam Nii-san on 2024-07-09 14:56:53. It has garnered 17 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 02:41:00 or 9660 seconds.

#vtuber #minecraft #vtuberen #vtubersuprising #minecraftsmp

Can we finish the storage room pls?

We’re gonna have a chaotic time together.

The previous goblin who got reincarnated as an ordinary human.

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  • Minecraft Memes – digging for diamonds, reflecting on existence

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  • Crafty Clash: Rich vs Poor in Minecraft!

    Crafty Clash: Rich vs Poor in Minecraft! In a Minecraft world, where riches clash, A rich family and a poor family clash. Their fight was fierce, their battle loud, In the virtual world, they stood proud. The rich had diamonds, the poor had dirt, But in the end, it was skill that hurt. They fought with swords, they fought with might, In the pixelated day and night. But in the end, it was a draw, Both families stood, in awe. For in Minecraft, it’s not about wealth, But about teamwork, strategy, and stealth. So remember, in this virtual land, It’s not about what you have in… Read More

  • Fiery Moss Villager Oi Oi Oi! 🔥🔥

    Fiery Moss Villager Oi Oi Oi! 🔥🔥 Why does the Minecraft villager have better dance moves than me? I guess I need to start practicing my Oi Oi Oi routine in front of the mirror. Read More

  • Auto-Crafting Madness on CasualCraft SMP

    Auto-Crafting Madness on CasualCraft SMP Welcome to CasualCraft SMP: Minecraft 1.21 Update! Exploring the Latest Features The CasualCraft SMP server has just welcomed the Minecraft 1.21 update, bringing exciting new content to the game. Players are eager to dive into the fresh features and enhancements that this update has to offer. Optimizing Performance with Fabric Mod Loader To ensure smooth gameplay experiences for players accessing the server from around the world, CasualCraft utilizes the Fabric mod loader. This tool allows for performance optimization and the incorporation of quality-of-life mods and data packs, enhancing the overall gaming experience. Meet the CasualCraft Community Join Jumbosale and… Read More

  • 50+ Dwellers in One Block!

    50+ Dwellers in One Block! Minecraft One Block: A Terrifying Adventure with 50+ Dwellers Embark on a spine-chilling journey in Minecraft One Block with over 50 dwellers in this thrilling video game experience. Subscribe now for more dwellers and dive into the world of terror! Unique Gameplay Experience Experience a unique twist on the traditional Minecraft gameplay with the One Block mod, where you will encounter more than 50 dwellers lurking in the shadows. Explore the eerie landscapes and uncover the mysteries that await you at every turn. Engaging Content Delve into the world of Minecraft like never before as you navigate through the… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Hobbit House Build LIVE! 🏡

    Mind-Blowing Hobbit House Build LIVE! 🏡Video Information This video, titled ‘Building a Hobbit House | Minecraft Creative [LIVE STREAM]’, was uploaded by SweetMarble on 2024-06-07 12:27:22. It has garnered 295 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 02:12:31 or 7951 seconds. Watch as we build an epic Hobbit House in Minecraft, featuring the beautiful Mizunos 16 Craft texture pack. Join us for this live stream creative building to see the magic come to life! If you enjoyed, leave a like and subscribe to support this channel. Feel free to give feedbacks and suggestions ♡ ————♡————SOCIAL MEDIA————♡———— • TikTok: @SweetMarble • Discord:… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Mod Live Stream

    Ultimate Minecraft Mod Live StreamVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴 Live Stream: Playing My Custom Minecraft Mod!’, was uploaded by Flintmaster on 2024-07-18 07:27:08. It has garnered 100 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 05:17:46 or 19066 seconds. Hey everyone! Welcome to the stream! Today, I’ll be diving into my custom Minecraft mod where I’ve rebuilt everything from scratch. Join me as we explore new biomes, battle unique monsters, and discover epic loot! Read More

  • Shocking Encounter: Evil Admin on Minecraft Server

    Shocking Encounter: Evil Admin on Minecraft ServerVideo Information This video, titled ‘СЕГОДНЯ Я ГУЛЯЛ НА СЕРВЕРАХ МАЙНКРАФТ И ВСТРЕТИЛ ЗЛОГО АДМИНА!’, was uploaded by Lazzy | Лейзи on 2024-05-17 16:25:02. It has garnered 56 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:23 or 383 seconds. TODAY I WALKED ON MINECRAFT SERVERS AND MET AN EVIL ADMIN! minecraft, minecraft, minecraft server, minecraft server, domer, minecraft servers, in minecraft, best minecraft servers, reallyworld, domer grief, mine, domer, server, in minecraft, rily world, minecraft no, trolling, domer grief, survival, pirate minecraft servers, minecraft servers, top minecraft servers, grief, servers, private minecraft server, anarchy, secret minecraft servers,… Read More

  • INSANE: Pants vanished from Minecraft?!

    INSANE: Pants vanished from Minecraft?!Video Information This video, titled ‘What Happened to Minecraft Adventure Maps?’, was uploaded by Pants on 2024-05-28 16:00:45. It has garnered 182 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:34 or 1114 seconds. she minecraft on my adventure til i map??? 0:00 Intro 1:11 – Diversity 6:15 – Herobrine’s Mansion 9:23 – The Dropper 10:23 – The Anomaly 13:04 – Drehmal 15:10 – 15 Year Journey 17:24 – Conclusion Maps: Diversity – Herobrine’s Mansion – The Dropper – The Anomaly – Turning point – 15 Year Journey – @RTGame –… Read More

  • “INSANE Bro Rage Quit in Minecraft! 💀” #clickbait #gaming

    "INSANE Bro Rage Quit in Minecraft! 💀" #clickbait #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Bro rage quit💀@Cr1t1calMC #minecraft #shorts #gaming #hypixel’, was uploaded by Just void on 2024-04-19 16:41:02. It has garnered 6819 views and 115 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. Read More

  • Fiery Seductress Takes Over Minecraft – Ep 8 Modpack Adventure

    Fiery Seductress Takes Over Minecraft - Ep 8 Modpack AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘Lunis Cozy Adventure Modpack w/ @GeekTechMedia ~ Ep 8 Minecraft is back ~ Minecraft 1.20.1 Pack’, was uploaded by Lava Temptress on 2024-06-13 16:05:33. It has garnered 37 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 03:40:56 or 13256 seconds. Starting a new modpack playthrough with Geek (my Hubby) that will be for our daily weekday playthrough. Lunis Cozy Adventure is a 1.20.1 Minecraft modpack that Geek said seemed really good and so here we are playing it together. Find it here on CurseForge: As always if you love my videos please… Read More

  • Revive Your Dead Minecraft Builds in SMP!

    Revive Your Dead Minecraft Builds in SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘Bring Your Builds Back to Life: How to Rebuild a Minecraft Public SMP||’, was uploaded by UNIQX GAMING on 2024-07-03 02:35:29. It has garnered 452 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 01:34:35 or 5675 seconds. Is your favorite Minecraft public SMP feeling a little run down? Maybe griefers have taken their toll, or players have simply moved on. But don’t despair! Rebuilding a public SMP can be a fun and rewarding experience that brings the community together. This guide will walk you through the steps of reviving your SMP, from gathering… Read More

  • Minecraft INSANE PvP Skywars Parati Short

    Minecraft INSANE PvP Skywars Parati ShortVideo Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #parati #minecraftshorts #viral #youtubeshorts #shorts #fyp #insane #short #pvp #skywars’, was uploaded by CaliuMc on 2024-07-05 22:29:29. It has garnered 926 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. #minecraft #parati #minecraftshorts #viral #youtubeshorts #shorts #fyp #insane #short #pvp #skywars #minecraft #parati #minecraftshorts #viral #youtubeshorts #shorts #fyp #insane #short #pvp #skywars ♡ ♡Discord Oficial ♡ ♡ minecraftcrave shorts,minecraft,bedwars,Hypixel,hypixel bedwars,universocraft bedwars,hcf,free fire,mike crack,mikecrak,mike,minecraft pero,chunk,chunks,pico op,picar chunk,chunk entero,pvp toxico,uhc,uhc españa,crave,minecraft funny,minecraft challenge,crave shorts,mumbo jumbo shorts,minecraft memes,pov: you meet the redstone expert in minecraft,minecraft but,como mejorar en skywars,cubo games,funny shorts,minecraft… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Fox Animation Test in Blender! #Shorts

    Insane Minecraft Fox Animation Test in Blender! #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Fox animation test #shorts #blender’, was uploaded by aBonusDuck on 2024-06-15 15:53:20. It has garnered 71 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Read More

  • GlowSMP

    GlowSMPThis Server is made by the GlowSMP Team! Our YouTube Channel: Read More

  • Harvest SMP Semi-Vanilla 18+ LGBTQ+ Friendly Java 1.21 Hermitcraft-like Long-term World

    Welcome to Harvest SMP! We are a small, growing community of mature Minecraft players welcoming all build styles, technical know-how, and experience levels. Join us in Harvest Season 3! Fundamentals of Harvest SMP Our main focus is community. All members are encouraged to participate in events and contribute to builds. Your voice matters here. Our goal is to provide a relaxed and inclusive SMP experience. Features Experience a Hermitcraft-like environment with datapacks, optional mods, and resourcepacks. Anti-cheat mods ensure fair play. Mods like Elytra Trims, Simple Voice Chat, and more enhance gameplay. Custom models and a diamond-based economy add to… Read More



  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Creepy Caverns

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Creepy CavernsI guess you could say this meme is 1 creeper out of 10 on the hilarity scale! Read More

  • Modded Minecraft Mayhem: Episode #1

    Modded Minecraft Mayhem: Episode #1 In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Our narrator spins tales, with rhymes that entertain. Exploring the spawn, with a keen eye, Finding the first tree, reaching for the sky. Building a house, with blocks and beams, Crafting a world, from your wildest dreams. Background audio, a minor blight, But the content shines, in the spotlight. Stick around for more, as the story unfolds, In the world of Minecraft, where adventure molds. Drop a comment below, with your ideas in tow, For our narrator to craft, with a rhyming flow. Read More