Video Information

Welcome back ladies and gentlemen today I’m playing as Beck bro Avatar and we are going to be mastering all four elements so far if we check out our upgrade meter we have our Earth bending abilities all maxed out but we still need to get our final fire bending

Ability our final air bending ability and last but not least the final water bending ability so my goal by the end of today’s video is to master every single element and then to battle the avatars we still need to challenge Avatar Roku avatarang and last but not least Avatar

Korra you guys crush his Laport in the past couple of episodes so if you guys do want to see more of this make sure you guys keep that going and smash the like button with the giant rock there you go look at that you just Earth bend

A rock and then imagine this person is the like button just go boom smash them all right man I guess you could lightly tap it with your pinky finger too all right let’s go talk to you welcome to Ember Island it’s a great place to come and relax view Ember Island this is

Honestly one of my favorite parts of the Avatar map is that the team made Cinema addicts like there’s really no other Minecraft map that I can think of that has cinematics just like this all right we can see a couple of the characters it looks like there’s Ty Lee sitting down

There might be may I think I might see bowling or Zuko I just saw Toff Saka and Katara and it looks like something’s going on on that fire Navy ship way in the background there so in order to get the Mastery points that we need to get

The final abilities for our fire bending our water bending and our air bending we’re gonna need to complete some missions so we’re gonna go check out the island and see what the people have for me all right first things first let’s go up to the main gate and I’m pretty sure

I could just like fire sweep that sweet there we go and wait a second is this Fire Lord ozai oh my gosh it is hi I’m the Avatar of course you are what are you doing here I’m not allowed to leave well why is that I continued a 100 year

Long war and tried to conquer the four nations Avatar Aang took away my bending and now I am stuck here with you now oh his eyes crowned yeah I’m just gonna yank that from you thank you very much you have unlocked a fire lord Crown visit the air Temple Island to view the

Collection so we just got another one of the unlockable things that you can get from these Maps we’ve gotten quite a few but there’s still a couple that I haven’t unlocked see you later Lord cry baby from now up until Christmas Day if you buy a fire dragon plushie or an ice

Dragon plushie you’ll be automatically win a brand new PS5 make sure you guys search or you can check out the link at the top of the description to find out more information let’s get back to the video alright let’s check out the rest of Ember Island

So we’re looking for secrets and we’re also looking for people to give us quests is there anybody over here oh yo no way okay so anybody that has the swords clashing right above their head that means they want to battle and this is I think my favorite character in the

Entire series Uncle iro hello there Avatar vacations are just wonderful aren’t they in my old age I have learned to take life less seriously there is nothing wrong with a life of peace and prosperity but if you’d rather we fight that’s good too we gotta do it dude this

Is one of the grand Lotus members Uncle iro this is like one step down from fighting one of the avatars alright buddy all right you watch yourself oh my gosh dude he’s using flame Jets to come at me all right uh it looks like we’re gonna probably have to use a lot of

Water bending which should be super effective so let’s use our octopus for oh no yeah immediately counted that all right maybe we have to fight fire with fire eat fire stream oh it’s working I’m gonna burn your beard off old man oh my gosh dude that does so much damage this

Might be the hardest battle yet all right let’s try to use Earth wall uh come on there we go then we can smash him with the Earth wall all right we still haven’t really used our air bending ability air blades are super effective try to use air sphere and then

We can just shove them back by our stream come on there we go just a little bit more and oh oh yes we got him we used fire to beat him congratulations Avatar I always believed in you while it is always best to believe in oneself a

Little Help from others can always be a great blessing gain the reward dude Uncle iro is the best he always has just just what you need to hear he has the most wisdom out of any character in the series let’s go check out if there’s anything on this ship hello oh whoa whoa

Whoa whoa Fire Nation Army soldiers [Laughter] yo I actually got him with one Splash let’s try to use fire sweep on all three of these guys and I’m the freaking Avatar that they’re gonna die let’s end with a fire stream yes right burn boy what about this guy

Out that’s super cute look at you you’re shoving fire in my face I could have forgot about this so as soon as Avatar gets low on health he goes absolutely crazy and has like infinite health it’s great it’s like the most amazing thing ever oh wait a second I think I might

Know this guy so we got another one of our Mastery points which means that we only need two more to master another one of our bending techniques but right now I think we have to battle Zhao well huh you’re the Plucky new Avatar I’ve been hearing about you look even weaker than

I expected centuries from now people will study the great Admiral Zhao and you will read that he was stronger than Eva the Avatar you’re lucky kid you’re about to make history I don’t know about that one he’s only level two this guy stinks what’s up dork how you doing good luck

Oh dude we are about to wipe the floor in this guy I’m just gonna use fire bending I’m gonna show how much of a better fire better I am than him there you go that’s right oh oh we’re dancing on each other that’s cute uh I’m so

Happy that they made an avatar DLC check this out dude I just hit him off the map do I have to go down there I think I have to go down there oh no oh crap this is a little bit awkward uh don’t worry

Child I’ll be up in the shack I am on my way back oh well I gotta battle you again what’s up Admiral dummy fire stream yeah dude this is too easy Admiral joules thanks the problem with Admiral gel is he thinks he’s actually good I honestly think that my favorite move in

The entire game is octopus form it just looks the best like it doesn’t really do that much damage but dude just the animations just look incredibly cool oh we almost got him yeah yeah that’s right we got him impossible I am Admiral gel I’m destined for creators I would

Destroy you and then I would destroy the moon yeah whatever dude nice trap all right we have three Mastery points now and we also unlocked the model ship we have a brand new thing to add to our collection oh what the heck so I went back to plastic say and I was looking

Around to see if I could find somebody that can get me to the Northern Air Temple and I ran into these people it’s the lady secret agents okay all right that means that long Fang must be nearby is the main member of the dileen he’s in charge of the dilate excuse me Earth

Vending people I will fire sweep you out of existence thank you for going down easily let’s mix up a little bit let’s end with a little fire stream yeah I don’t think earthbenders really like fire that much oh my gosh all right back up also I just realized if we can

Beat the dilee that should give us our fourth Mastery point that means that we can Master fire bending what are you doing up there you think you can hide from me back bro Jack Avatar master and there he is the man himself what’s going on longfang what are you doing back here

Causing some trouble huh you better watch yourself ask about dilee I am the leader of the dileep yeah we know yeah they’re corrupt we understand Grand Secretariat long Fang yeah he does have a long beard right there all right let’s take him down he’s only level two we

Want people that make you look like a tiny little shrimp okay all right there we go fire sweep it’s a good fire safe is so overpowered especially against dorks like long Fang you made an enemy in the die Lee and the Glorious city of bossing say whatever I’ll take my reward

And a brand new area is opened up oh cool well hello how are you City guard I wonder what the dilee were doing here earlier I would ask long Fang but he scares me at least the path back to the apartments where I live is clear now all

Right sweet yeah we unlocked a brand new area bossing say we have five Mastery points that means we can go in here and we can unlock meteor Dash Propel forward with amazing speed and blow opponents away with extreme force causing an explosion on Landing charge meteor Dash to launch yourself further or Mastery

Points and we got it we got it oh yeah all right so I don’t really use aerosphere too much but I feel like I’m probably gonna use this meteor Dash that’s amazing let’s use our bison whistle so that we can go back to Oppo and that officially means that we can

Travel all the way to the Northern Air tempola whoa we are really high up is this Momo oh I think it is what’s up Momo and who’s this guy air acolyte all right let’s view the Northern Air Temple let’s check this out wow okay that’s really cool dudes the builds for this

Map are just next level they went all out with this oh I see tension tendons right there oh they have a bunch of really cool statues around too uh let’s see what’s inside oh oh yeah I see boomy what’s up boomy all right I think that’s

Right inside what’s up to my main man boomy or never mind Kaya good day Avatar our brother Tenzin is out in the courtyard we’re running a training exercise blah blah blah blah blah blah okay awesome let’s see okay all right so that was boomi and Kaya Avatar Aang’s

Kids and we’re looking for the third one which is Tenzin but before we do that it looks like opal wants to battle don’t worry opal oh we’ll make this easy look at that she’s only level one opal is new to air bending so we’ll make this nice and quick oh yeah yeah

Wait a second I think she has the last airbending move that I don’t have which is like a twister that’s actually sick all right Earth bending is gonna be super effective especially inside dude check that out oh there she goes she just gives summoning in whirlwinds that did nothing all right let’s gain

Our reward we should have got an extra Mastery point and look at that another pie show tile which is good and that means I think we only need yeah two more Mastery points before we can fully master air bending let’s go back out of here uh we already took down opal I

Think I gotta go this way a bunch of air acolytes around but we’re looking out for Tenzin hello oh well that was easy ends in greeting stranger my name is Tenzin leader of the air Nation did you travel all this way just for help mastering bending uh I mean like not

Really all right so he’s completing his training exercise oh I got a fight airdo mads are you kidding me all right well that shouldn’t be that difficult oh whoa um well all right I guess I just gotta go down here dude I was not expecting that and all right now I challenge you

To a duel all right Aaron Nomads don’t be dumb I’m gonna keep my distance this guy’s a freaking Mohawk okay all right that guy’s way over there I’m gonna just knock him down uh actually I don’t know if it reaches whoa whoa there’s a couple of them right here

All right this is dangerous calm down you crazy hair people okay all right all right I’m gonna say close to the center like it’s safer in this little area here about to Avatar State go Avatar State what the heck bro oh I died oh oh no I

Did it I did it I I turned into the Avatar State as you can see by all of the different bending elements around me and I think we actually beat it uh oh it’s iki what’s up how you doing over here we have the boy tension let’s duel

Tenzin and the kids level four yeah depends in by far has one of the coolest scenes and the entire Avatar series I think not even just in like Legend of Korra but in avatar Last Airbender too when he’s fighting who is it Zahir and his entire crew like that is the coolest

Thing ever all right we’re gonna take out I guess tens in first I feel kind of bad fighting the kids this is kind of awkward nobody’s attacking me no all right we almost got tensin and EQ just a little more come here you old

Fart yes oh gosh I wonder if I hit him off did they take more damage oh my God I got one okay it’s just your door left oh I feel really bad beating up a tiny little girl you know this nothing personal okay I gotta do this it’s like

The least damage I could do let’s try to use air blades all right one more hit yeah oh this gotta be it right yeah we did it nice excellent just excellent all right let’s gain our reward from that which is another Mastery point and I just realized we now have five let’s

Check it out all right so if I go into my air bending abilities we can now get a tornado conjure a devastating twister that seeks out opponents tornadoes will damage and knock back opponents who come into contact with it we can unlock it for four Mastery points there we go we

Now have our tornado ability okay I honestly don’t really use Earth wall a lot so we’re gonna go ahead and we’re gonna add tornado to my abilities in my Hotbar also while I’m at it we’re gonna test out our brand new ability on cabbage man [Laughter]

All right now that we have our air bending Mastery skills we can go over here and fight gazan and Ming Hua all right these guys are crazy let’s see Ming Hua actually doesn’t have arms she just uses water bending to generate like Octopus arms which is it’s just like the

Craziest thing ever Let’s test out our twister ability and dude that’s all down first especially if I use my fire stream oh no Miguel’s trying to protect Kazan come on yeah down to just one love two can play at the octopus form game boom boom boom boom boom and Waterway so

Waterbedding is the final bending that I need to master and I should get two points after this I think just a little bit more and yeah we did it oh my goodness dude that was actually one of the harder battles do not panic gazan we will defeat the Avatar yeah no you won’t

Nice drive oh we only got one master point for that over here it’s Zahir alright it’s Zahir and plea pretty sure they’re dating actually I gotta fight the the Wombo Combo or the Mario and Luigi I guess it’s more like Mario and Peach but yeah as I hear him fly I don’t

Know if I mentioned Napier he has the ability legit just to fly if he wants to all right this is a level four battle let’s go ahead and jump in a little tornado action oh oh uh there’s two tornadoes I think the tornadoes are battling each other oh no dude he’s

Using air sphere they’re gonna try to knock me off the map aren’t they is almost down oh I’m almost dead too all right come on let’s snipe them yeah there we go and come on yeah we got him all right now it’s just the crazy lady hello crazy lady oh we’re both dancing

Fire dance I am the better fight sir yeah it works he just said no I guess they got a little lazy with his response we also got the guru lahima Idol and we have the sisters we have suyin uh let’s see the Civil engine lamp blah blah they’re looking for somebody

Ends in I guess let’s begin the duel with Lynn and Soo Yin beifon tough daughters all right they’re only level three they’re like still extremely powerful so I gotta make sure to watch myself yeah all right uh baby Skye bison you guys might want to like get out of

Here I don’t know why you guys are so close I think earthbending does the most damage by far dude like they are destroying me right now all right we almost took out Lin and then we’ll just have to deal with suyian so we’re using the same ability at the same time time

Dude that’s how you know they’re related oh my gosh the walls are crazy and all right Lin’s down now it is just up to me to defeat soon oh I got you quartered wait we should probably sounded a tornado see okay we need it looks like I think five Avatar

Mana points in order to summon a tornado watch out baby bison oh yeah yeah tornado I see you can fend for yourself Avatar why yes I can that is our fourth Mastery Point all right now I just need to find one of those Avatar upgrady thingies ah well would you look at that

Here we go all right so this is it the last one our water bending ability frost breath exhale a bone chilling Mist that deals damage and freezes wet opponents in place this ability can be held to send a continuous stream of cold air yes dude let’s go and we’ve mastered water

Bending so we actually I think mastered every single element right yeah we did that means we could challenge every single one of the avatars let’s do this the avatars are the only level five bosses in the entire map dude all right all right I’m getting a little bit

Nervous I kind of wish that they weren’t ghosts when I was battling them all right first week first we need to test out our Frost ability let’s see oh yeah abilities that I died so we can summon a tornadoes we could summon in meteors you can do whatever the heck he

Wants we’re so close just a little bit more come on don’t die now Jack yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes come on come on come on yes we got him oh my goodness all right let’s gain our reward I don’t even know what

We get I don’t even think it matters dude oh no we got the fire bending trophy okay next up the water bending trophy which I can only get if I defeat Cora let’s do this dude Avatar Korra level five oh what did I just get myself into oh she’s already starting all right

Time for a tornado oh wait a second oh yeah I forgot Cora is mainly a water bender so yeah she’s gonna probably stick to her guns actually she used a tornado ability so I should probably just stop talking I just want to keep on so many tornadoes it’s my favorite

Ability that I have it looks like Cora also likes to use the tornado ability come on dude she’s so close just a little boy just a little bit more come on hang in there stop using your octopus ability this is gonna be it yeah laughs let’s go oh my God I can’t

Believe it there’s only one more challenge left that is Avatar egg dude I’m gonna feel so weird fighting Aang Aang is like a pacifist he doesn’t like to fight anybody if he doesn’t have to all right I’m gonna fight a 12 year old child here goes nothing all right so

Aang is primarily an airbender he struggled with Earth bending but it doesn’t seem like he struggled to make that wall and Mary a little bald kid oh just a little bit more we have to finish this off with my first ever bending an earthquake oh yeah we did it congratulations gain

Reward I think that’s it the final trophy the airbending trophy well guys I think that’s it we’ve completed the map if there’s anything that I missed make sure you guys leave a comment down below and I can check it out but yeah while you’re down there make sure you guys

Leave a like if you enjoyed subscribe if you’re new and check out the map the team does such a fantastic job that I feel like everybody should give this a go but uh yeah that’s everything I hope you guys enjoyed my name is and I will

See you guys next time peace out dudes

This video, titled ‘LIFE OF AVATAR IN MINECRAFT! (Bedrock DLC Mashup Pack!)’, was uploaded by BeckBroPlays on 2022-12-29 01:55:36. It has garnered 317752 views and 13587 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:17 or 1097 seconds.



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    Minecraft Memes - "iMinecraft - The Real Blocky Deal"Looks like this meme is mining for some serious laughs with that score of 44! Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Meme: O kurczę, on to jest niebezpieczny! 😱 #minecraft #meme

    Hot Minecraft Meme: O kurczę, on to jest niebezpieczny! 😱 #minecraft #meme When you see a creeper approaching in Minecraft but then remember you have a guest who you don’t need to worry about because they’ll just respawn anyway. #minecraft #meme 😂 Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Memorable Gaming Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Memorable Gaming Experience! Welcome to! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new and exciting server to join? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server! With an IP address of YT.MINEWIND.NET, Minewind offers a unique and thrilling gaming experience for players of all skill levels. After watching the engaging Minecraft Quiz Logic video, you may be feeling inspired to test your knowledge and logic skills in a new environment. Minewind Minecraft Server provides the perfect platform for you to showcase your expertise and challenge yourself in a fun and interactive way. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just… Read More

  • Blocknetto Commercial Parody | Minecraft Animation

    Blocknetto Commercial Parody | Minecraft Animation The Nostalgic Blocknetto (Cornetto) Commercial in Minecraft Animation Reliving Filipino Childhood Memories In a heartwarming Minecraft animation, the Blocknetto (Cornetto) commercial from the 2000s is brought back to life. Filipino viewers will instantly recognize this iconic advertisement that once graced their TV screens. Character Cameos The animation features familiar Minecraft personalities such as @pink_fox247 and @AdelCraftplayz, adding a playful twist to the nostalgic commercial recreation. Blocknetto vs. DVD The storyline unfolds with Sean, the protagonist, opting for a DVD with his 20 pesos. However, Pink Ender Boy interjects with a witty remark about the calendar, leading to a humorous… Read More

  • Minecraft Tower House Build – INSANE!! 😱🔥

    Minecraft Tower House Build - INSANE!! 😱🔥Video Information oh This video, titled ‘⛏️ Minecraft : : Tower House 🏠 #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #ytshorts #trending #gaming’, was uploaded by DiamonD GamerZ on 2024-02-14 13:00:28. It has garnered 5 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. How to build an tower house in Minecraft! #redstonebuilds #howtomake #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts Read More

  • Haunting Peppa Pig EXE invades Security House!

    Haunting Peppa Pig EXE invades Security House!Video Information [Music] H another beautiful day JJ H let’s go for a walk our village is so peaceful okay huh uh huh what’s that is that a crowd in our village huh what’s this about what’s with all the puppets should we run huh oh what’s this wait w huh oh no uh I couldn’t move at least hang on Mikey I know what they are these puppets huh what what are they JJ these puppets attack people when the Sun goes down really they’ll attack us yep what do we do during the day they seem safe but… Read More

  • EPIC! Craft Hunters Build Insane Patterned Carpet

    EPIC! Craft Hunters Build Insane Patterned CarpetVideo Information This video, titled ‘how to build Patterned Carpet in minecraft’, was uploaded by craft hunters on 2024-04-19 13:30:14. It has garnered 5009 views and 82 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Welcome to Craft – Hunters, your ultimate destination for Minecraft building mastery! 🏰✨ Dive into the world of creativity and design as we guide you through step-by-step tutorials on constructing awe-inspiring structures, ingenious redstone contraptions, and stunning landscapes in the vast Minecraft universe. 🔨 Unleash your inner architect with our in-depth building guides, where we break down the process of crafting everything… Read More

  • Top 10 Secrets to Unlock Ultimate Minecraft Fun!

    Top 10 Secrets to Unlock Ultimate Minecraft Fun!Video Information what makes Minecraft fun Minecraft allows you to freely express your creativity you can build anything you can imagine and this helps you de-stressed and just have an overall nice time Minecraft has no real end yes you can beat the game but there’s always more to do even if it’s something small like just killing a bunch of mobs or enjoying a nice sunset or sunrise and if you get bored of another Minecraft you can always add mods to make it feel like a new experience some mods even overall certain parts of the game completely… Read More

  • Ultimate Madness on Outlived SMP! 🤯

    Ultimate Madness on Outlived SMP! 🤯Video Information I’m going to start my stream just so you’re okay I mean like man was kind of salty not going to lie also I made an e chest it’s in our house so stashing a thing that you deem valuable in your in your chest okay currently I have five diamonds I’m trying to find some more Diamond I’m pretty sure they’re watching my Stream So me I just don’t go to our BAS I mean technically everyone our BAS yeah true they broke our portal but it was like so easily fixable didn’t even matter one block… Read More

  • The Ultimate Fire Devil Server – Non-stop Action!

    The Ultimate Fire Devil Server - Non-stop Action!Video Information This video, titled ‘Our new paid hosting server 24/7 active . BedWar,SkyWar, Skyblock,Oneblock,Survival,Headsteal etc .’, was uploaded by Fire Devil on 2024-02-04 16:15:19. It has garnered 316 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:20 or 620 seconds. ————————————————————————|————– Decord link : Your search history, Minecraft Bangla, Bangla Minecraft, Minecraft gameplay, Bangla gaming, Bangla Let’s Play, Minecraft tips and tricks, Minecraft tutorial Bangla, Bangla gamer, Minecraft building Bangla, Bangla commentary, Minecraft survival Bangla, Bangla gaming community, Minecraft adventure Bangla, Bangla commentary gameplay, Minecraft funny moments Bangla, Bangla gaming channel, Minecraft exploration Bangla, Bangla Let’s… Read More

  • Zels’ FIRST DEATH?! HARDCORE CHAOS @xpayr0 #minecraft

    Zels' FIRST DEATH?! HARDCORE CHAOS @xpayr0 #minecraftVideo Information me cago me cago en su madre corre corre si no me acabo de salvar de milagro estoy muerto eh No no no no corre corre corre su madre Cómo acabo de escribar eso no me cago en todo tío menudo buc que había ahí This video, titled ‘PRIMERA MUERTE CORRUPTED HARDCORE @xpayr0 #streamer #directo #minecraft #stream #twitch #videogames’, was uploaded by Zels on 2024-01-15 11:00:23. It has garnered 44 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. #fyp #streamer #directo #minecraft #stream #twitch #videogames #hardcore #CorruptedHardcore #drownedminecraft #fail Read More

  • Is JustALINA Psycho?! PvP Training Madness!!

    Is JustALINA Psycho?! PvP Training Madness!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Maybe Psycho | PvP Training #4 | !zxAlinaTRRx’, was uploaded by JustALINA on 2024-04-13 12:48:18. It has garnered 213 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 02:42:34 or 9754 seconds. Hey folks! Watch me play Minecraft! Thank you for watching my Minecraft stream. And for all the support you are showing! 🔥, If you liked my stream, please like and subscribe. It motivates me a lot. 🙂 And share my channel with your game friends. 🙂 See you on my next stream!!!, Become a star streamer – 🎮 Streaming via Turnip… Read More

  • Ajmal’s Insane Husk Revenge!

    Ajmal's Insane Husk Revenge!Video Information [Music] first there was fire then there was smoke then that Preacher Man was hanging by a rope and then they all fell to their knees and beged that drift and begged him pleas as he raised his fist before he spoke I am the rightous hand of God and I am the This video, titled ‘Husk Revenge Minecraft Animation’, was uploaded by Just Ajmal on 2024-04-10 04:30:18. It has garnered 9 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. minecraft animation, minecraft animation movie, minecraft animation steve and alex, minecraft animation… Read More

  • BareBonesMC (Hermitcraft like server)

    BareBonesMC (Hermitcraft like server)A non p2w survival server that is nearly 100 percent vanilla. Here at barebonesmc we feature a diamond based economy with player trading shops and land claiming. No gimmicks, just fun! Read More

  • MODMIX Network – Survival Towny Lifesteal Cobblemon 1.20.X

    Modmix Network IP: Discord: A World of Infinite Possibilities Dive into the Modmix network of servers, where each realm offers its own unique blend of adventure, creativity, and excitement. From the Survival instincts to the strategic depths of Towny, the relentless thrill of Lifesteal, to the innovative fusion of Cobblemon, there’s an experience for every type of player. Survival Server 🌳 Classic Minecraft gameplay Endless exploration Build, survive, thrive Lifesteal Server ❤️ PvP with a twist Steal hearts to survive High-stakes gameplay Towny Server 🏰 Create or join a town Build your economy Engage in politics and warfare… Read More

  • CreeperCraft SMP

    CreeperCraft SMPCreeperCraft Is one of the MOST Friendliest servers on PlanetMinecraft!We have custom plugins like:/shop /warp /claim /home /fly /sellSo don’t feel afraid to join!For every person that joins in the First WEEK of this being posted will get $5,000 in-game!CreeperCraft – Offical Trailer! (Click Here) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Pixelated masterpieces in MCJ”

    Minecraft Memes - "Pixelated masterpieces in MCJ"“Painting for mcj? More like painting for ’em’j’ because all I see is a masterpiece!” Read More

  • Steve’s Hot Mess Adventures

    Steve's Hot Mess Adventures When you accidentally dig straight down in Minecraft and end up in the middle of a lava pit, but you gotta act cool like you totally meant to do that. #minecraftpro #oops #hotstuff Read More

  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Survival Experience

    Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Survival Experience Are you a fan of Minecraft survival series videos like the one you just watched? Do you enjoy building your own starter house and exploring new worlds? If so, then you need to join the Minewind Minecraft Server today! At Minewind, you can take your Minecraft experience to the next level. With a dedicated community of players from around the world, you’ll never run out of new friends to meet and adventures to embark on. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, there’s something for everyone at Minewind. Join us at YT.MINEWIND.NET and start your own survival… Read More

  • Magical Machines: Sleep-Inducing Build

    Magical Machines: Sleep-Inducing Build Minecraft 1.20.1 Modded: A Journey Through Mods and Building Embark on a Minecraft adventure with version 1.20.1, where a selection of mods awaits to enhance your gameplay experience. From familiar favorites to brand-new additions, the world of Minecraft is yours to explore. Building Walls and More Watch as the walls rise in this Minecraft journey, filled with random conversations and plenty of excitement. Dive into the world of construction and creativity as you witness the transformation of landscapes and structures. Live Streams and Community Engagement Join the live streams to be a part of the action. Engage with the… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Clutch 😱 Watch Now! #pvp #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Clutch 😱 Watch Now! #pvp #shortsVideo Information ओ या मैं ब्रिज अप कर रहा हूं गाइस अरे यार ये तो ऊपर ही है फटाफट से आगे ब्रिज अप करके टी एनटी लगाते हैं एंड लीवर से इसको एक्टिवेट करके फिशिंग रोड से अरे भाई खींच लिया इसने तो अरे यार वाटर बकेट यस मैंने कर दिया ये फटाफट से टीएन लगाते और फोड़ देते ओ ओके जल्दी ू य नहीं फटाफट से वाटर से बच जाते ओ यस गाइस मैंने उसको मार दिया ओके गा This video, titled ‘Minecraft Clutch☠️|| Don’t Forget To Watch 😳 #minecraft #pvp #clutch #shorts’, was uploaded by UI HEROMC on… Read More