Lil Stick Survives 100 Days: Hardcore Minecraft Zombie Apocalypse!

Video Information

Welcome back in today’s video i have to survive an ongoing war while i’m stuck in the middle of a zombie infestation believe it or not i have to also scavenge the wrecks of the iss space station somehow find other survivors and also cure the zombies and stop the

Warheads make allies build a massive camp and plenty more but if you want to see me survive 100 days then tune in and let’s just see what happens what is up guys so i just spawned in i think i’m in some military tent camp of some sort

There are some chests and we do see some goodly at least starter lead we got a golden sword already we have a few more chests we have a gun which is okay we have three guns three pistols seeds an acog scope and a little bit of food

I will take the bed because i will sleep the night somewhere at least i have to oh and we got our first real gun it’s an m16a1 i think this will do wonderfully that’s a military camp for you i think i will also take this lead and not chainmail because chainmail actually

Makes sound yeah it does it makes a very loud sound if i put the chainmail armor on oh yeah that’s way too much let’s place the kind of crafting bench of the weapons i believe yes and then let’s craft some ammunition for our m16a1 it takes a 556. let’s get a little bit

Yeah yeah there we go there we go who can forget about wood just get myself a crafting bench very quickly get myself an axe and also a pickaxe and now we are practically ready to go this was a very good camp but by the way very important

I did pick up an acog scope so i can probably put it onto my m4 it seems they can’t no it doesn’t go onto the m4 which is pretty unfortunate but oh did i i meant m16 but an m16 is still a very good gun even without the acog scope

Hopefully i can fit it onto you like maybe a next gun that i’ll find i saw someone moving i think i did okay so they probably know that i’m here now oh okay yeah i just see oh there we go that’s one that was uh that’s here we scary

Oh okay oh yeah there are quite a bit of them it seems the the spawn camp was safe but i’m now in the woods and that is one of the most dangerous places you can be it seems i do see a big guy but

Luckily i do have my gun with me so i’m 16 come on show me what you got there we go that’s good okay so we are getting flanked quite a bit there’s quite a bit of zombies what does this say sunshine state safe zone sunshine state

Safe zone okay so let me in guys i’m safe i swear i’m safe i’m not infected okay so i think we we arrived at a safe spot location that’s going to be good for our first night actually yeah this is wonderful they can plow the seeds of course there are no season

Fortunately but yeah i will sleep my first night here i guess so let me just place the bed check the chest farming four days okay so this guy was farming and he was also reading quite a bit of books so guys day one is coming to your

Close and hopefully they too will be a little bit more adventurous and bountiful by loot because i don’t want to be stuck wearing leather and gold gear this village is actually with people look at that special special traitor do you have any chests i did pick up a bucket and also a

Yeah just the bucket it seems we have an enchanter’s house is that a mine guys i think this is a mine okay yeah don’t call don’t go near there we do have a backpack i was missing a backpack so that’s good then chatter and think behind oh that’s another mine okay you know

What so this place is riddled with mines by these villagers perhaps away from the zombies but it is a safe place this is like a safe haven so that’s unfortunate that they have to come to these kind of measures but yeah we are just trying to

Survive 100 days here we have quite a bit of jerry cans one of them does have fuel 100 the other ones are empty i will take the seeds so i can actually start farming you could say maybe not here maybe on my own farm at some later point

But yes sometime in the near future speaking of oh yeah look at that look at that i did just pick up some fuel from these cans oh yeah fuelium there we go you can actually check their uh contents it seems they’re they are not full so uh yeah i i

Am filling up my jerry can if you look closely at my hot bar the cherry can is filling up from this what is this that’s a cow i thought that was a zombie already coming up to me we have cows can you believe that we have literally cows

What is this is this like a church hello pastor what do you have for me do you have a quest no you’re a traitor oh but you do have some good loot you have army clothing yes i will take it i’d like some army clothing there’s one really

Really important thing i do want to say guys thank you so much for all the support on my channel i feel so blessed that i’m actually like receiving viewers on my videos and that there’s so many of you guys we just recently hit 2000 subscribers so like thank thank you very

Much and i am recording a new video for you guys right now let’s try on the backpack yep looks good to me looks like i’m ready to survive there are a bit of villagers over there are they protecting something uh is there a zombie what’s uh

What’s happening here we do have quite a bit of chests and they’re all empty all of that what do you want villager you want a bucket of cod we did get some good guns already and also a grabbing hook this place does look relatively safe but i will actually

Place the security camera i did pick up a security camera just in case so i could be sure that everything is fine and daddy so there we go place it please so that’s security camera and then the monitor right click for a camera okay does it work yes it

Does oh wow and it’s so smooth okay here i am i can’t move i can’t move but night time is setting so i will sleep my last final night here and then i will move on into uh maybe an annexed village i don’t think there is a back accident oh no

Oh no okay so i think the zombies or the on that kind of followed me can you get up no no you oh no no they can’t okay so i think oh there’s also a witch kill the witch before she kills me okay i can’t get out but i think i’m just

Gonna maybe jig them it seems these walls are protecting the villagers mighty fine so where’s the horde that’s the horde right there oh okay yeah you know what time to you make a run forward into the forest okay so there’s the road are they still there uh yeah but they

Did disperse quite a bit anyway i’m sure the village is safe and they will not encounter any problems the little guys you don’t have to kill them necessarily because they’re gonna like shadow attack you and you can just maybe run away from it did a slime just die

Look at that slimes are dying i think my mouth pack is a little bit messed up hopefully no no ender dragon will spawn here and one shot me because i’m definitely not ready for it okay yeah the little guy was too close you can’t let you can’t let them get too

Close to you oh the m16 is ms-16 is actually a wonderful weapon hopefully i can get an upgrade soon plus seeing as i have enough materials i might even craft myself when you’re gone soon hey stop right there who are you offensive life hello wait wait

Can i can i i promise to follow you for the survive or the prosperity of the kingdom i swear my loyalty that’s what he basically says from a friend and we have we have some torches i guess i’ll take the torches because you can never have enough

And i don’t have a flashlight yet do i no i don’t okay so i think i think that guy just spawned in we found him okay so i think this mod yeah i i do know what’s going on a first wheel quickly let’s get over to the ferris wheel there’s so many

Slimes leave me alone and there’s a boar also we got a car we got a car guys do you see this okay so i think this is a great start we did find a car and don’t forget that we also have jerry cans where are

The jerry cans 100 here if we need to fuel this bad boy up no fuel that’s right we need fuel but you know what i will come back to you in a little second because i am actually here to to kind of look at this amusement park so what do we have here

Speaking of a flashlight perfect gold nuggets and also a cookie mask cookie monster that’s that’s oh let’s go let’s go okay i’m gonna sort my backpack out let’s get all of these seals okay i think we are pretty good on heels and i am poisoned i don’t know when that will

Kind of leave but i am poisoned for the meantime okay so is there okay yeah there is a witch okay the witch’s kind of charge you and then they do yeah they scream and they do a lot of damage okay there we go monster hunter oh i think i killed as a

Literal zombie no not the infected type okay so i did see we got a suppressor a tan backpack and also gold uh ingots so you know what let’s wait out the rain in one of these houses maybe down there i might be able to actually craft myself some

12-gauge shotgun shells here they are okay so i just need a little bit of nuggets thankfully there is a lot and i mean a lot of uh gunpowder and iron spawning in in this world and that’s because it is the world has been modified kind of for

Me to survive in it so all the mods could kind of cohesively work together so we don’t have creepers but we do get uh spawns of gunpowder you could say so let’s check out the shotgun oh i did have a few shots in it okay piggy you’re my first target let’s go

No safety is on okay yeah that’s a good shotgun all right by the way i did switch out my mouse because my mouse was bugging and that is that’s you don’t want your mouse to bug i can’t actually put the suppressor on the m16 so let’s check out did anything change

Oh yeah it’s a silenced m16 now let’s go don’t forget to take the bench with me okay so what do we actually have here we have a shooting range with a chest okay do we oh yeah we do get a gun and also a crossbow i’ll take the gun i

Think i’m gonna stick with the gun to be honest or the is this type of gun we can actually shoot oh okay so let’s take off the safety and yep we hit it we hit it by the way can this gun actually take the acog scope

Yeah it can’t take a scope the acog yes it can there we go so we found we found an acl gun okay so we can see the bullet mark i did hit it that’s pretty good what happens if i shoot the one with the chest here we go hit it bullseye bullseye

Pretty much nothing okay i’ll i’ll actually check it out check it out myself then if there’s anything good here there’s a cross necklace okay i do know that you can actually wear them on this item slot right here okay so we are getting quite a bit of loose so military

Louis backpack also uh good armor sets now a magic item set of some sort that’s that’s going wonderfully oh enchanting book enchanting station yes i will take it with me yes okay so that’s like have the game completed ender dragon some gunpowder iron and a mixed color dragon scale

So this also protects me from immunity to poison and withering and it goes into this slot here okay that’s good and i have a sniper rifle now okay so we are making pretty good progress thankfully thankfully we did actually found a ferris wheel and that will let

Me observe kind of the terrain of this slant a little bit more precisely so i could just make out where i am at least oh they even have the boat kind of thing where you where you get lost like a mace for boats that is so interesting i’ve

Never seen that before actually on any minecraft map how could i have forgotten tan tactical vest let’s put it on there we go so we have a title vest now okay so we are looking pretty darn good look at my i go right into the scope these are some high quality mods not

Gonna lie and my friends who made the smartpak for me so it would work all together i will have a link for download in my discord server which will be in the description so join have fun talk to the community get to know people i will be there answering your every every

Single question so let’s actually try and get up top you got to climb one by one because my dropping hook can’t can’t hit that far okay so we are kind of at the top i guess is this what is this place so we have a carnival there there

Do you seem quite a quite a bit of quite a bit of attractions okay is my car still there maybe it’s not just drawn in in here maybe it is still there come on i know you got you gotta be there so my my truck or van or car should be parked

Right along there last time i seen it i’m pretty sure it’s just not not popping in because of the draw distance look at that look at that that’s a is what is that i think that’s like a space debris or something okay i did increase my draw distance significantly

It’s actually not that far away i have to check it out maybe there’s like something cool there okay i will use my grabbing hook to scale down very safely and we are pretty lucky that we are not getting any infected type over here spawning in i guess it’s just at the

Time of day it really depends when they spawn in this place is a lot spooky oh oh no oh what is this this is a crow okay no he not halloween yet no it definitely isn’t okay so the bad mobs are spawning in because it is night time i think i’m on like

Uh what is this so we do have quite a bit of sheep here the visibility is not the best i will sleep in this house okay yeah yeah let’s go let’s go let’s go oh no leave me alone pig okay oh do this quickly come on there we go okay

So i will place my actual backpack here and sleep yet again so can i do that there we go open up i’ll give you a little bit more space okay so hopefully i’ll uh check out that kind of space crash site that i just saw earlier this

Day and we’ll we’ll see if there’s any good loot there go go go quickly quickly no stop hitting me please please don’t please don’t and the slimes are here and the crows are here why did that slime have eyes uh there are some questions that i don’t

Want the answers to but yeah never nevertheless this is like a war apocalypse but filled with zombies to the brim and every okay you know what let’s go let’s go i can do this go go go the crowmaster is like spawning in quite a bit now stats oh no that’s that’s

Worrying there are zombie heads with blood everywhere here i will use a healing kit just to get my health back up and eat a single piece of fish the food will be scarce but if if it’s very scarce i can just farm for like maybe a few days or even fish a little

Bit so yeah fishing fishing won’t be a problem the space station should be kind of maybe over there the space kind of fall here it is i can see it whoa it’s so much bigger than i thought wait is this the iss yeah it is it is the iss oh die die

Die die okay okay there we go dudes i think this is the iss the the international space station okay i’m gonna heal up real quick it is it is definitely the iss oh wow this is amazing okay i gotta go in i gotta go in zombies are on the roof

With me but i do i am just getting my heels ready okay so that’s the iss i think base but either way i gotta check it out so i’m just trying to climb on my way out see see if i can go like sneaky peeky like but i

Think i think this is like the entrance so that’s that’s the door then i can probably kick through here there we go oh oh oh we go oh offensive offensive 50 oh okay so hopefully they won’t attack me please don’t attack me i’m friendly no

No no no no no no i don’t want to kill these guys but uh what’s going on but there’s like a crow man there okay so it seems this place is pretty haunted there are survivors kind of i guess a fans of defense whatever they are we have a spawn hex survivor

Spawn egg you know what guys i don’t know why there are spawn eggs in this chest but hello hello survivor spawn egg really do you even trade you don’t trade no you don’t trade why why are they there that’s so useless it really is okay i’m

Gonna inject myself with a little bit of syringe and then i’m gonna actually try and maybe crawl my way out out of here there is this like is it just you guys here oh there we go i mean i already have an enchanting book so that doesn’t really

Matter to me okay you know what let’s actually try and kill this crow man oh let’s go got him two shots is all it takes there are bats here there are bats so this must be like pitch dark it is it is very very dark okay so oh

Yeah this place is even darker oh oh okay so i was already thinking of who are these guys you see guys they are armed with bows crossbows and swords that’s because they are oh who are you shooting at who’s there do you see someone i don’t i can see

Your arrows there dude i think he’s like maybe shooting a witch that he sees but it doesn’t work that way these chests are all empty and these are ones oh no no not all of them are empty but the the other ones are kind of empty i’m not gonna bug these survivors too

Much there should be a way of me like breaking the code there we go one two three four every single time it works we got a code breaker really okay i don’t even know what that is and a diamond clawed gauntlet a damn claude gauntlet i can actually use that

Uh that’s actually what i need is this the same it is oh oh a magitek armor okay so i think we got a robot okay so please this one should be the same then as well there’s probably maybe a clue hidden somewhere around here oh you use code one two three four but

Who cares right guys who cares if i broke it i broke it okay so i think i will test out no don’t shoot me in the back though i think i will go outside maybe check out what’s happening the diamond gauntlet is this menu again right here we are

Getting pretty geared up in this menu we are getting geared up uh with like uh protection gear and also the army clothing with the tan tactical vest is going as well pretty good okay so let’s go outside okay yeah there’s a crow there are slimes there are zombies wow i don’t

Know why there are so many slimes but i gotta kill that zombie he was in my way okay so i think i think we are doing pretty good not gonna lie i don’t see any witches so i’m not sure who who they were shooting at through the

Walls at least trying to they are infantrymen by the way and i can actually craft them myself i’m pretty sure free through the mod that’s installed on this smartpak and that way i can actually get myself like an army going okay i do you see witches well i

Saw witches at least they did disappear no but this is definitely the iss it’s an international space station so it’s the biggest space station that’s around our orbit uh of earth i’m not from mars of earth guys and it’s crazy it supposedly fell night time is setting in oh it was a

Witch behind me night time is setting in but i think i will have to keep on going to the next objective this one was a pretty cool one iss fell like you serious that’s one of the coolest things i’ve ever saw in minecraft the international space station it is

Raining but i will just continue kind of running find maybe a road and then just follow the road because uh this map is absolutely huge there is a hill in front of me and i’m not sure i’m not sure why it’s here because all the terrain is pretty empty

So that means something must be close by or maybe it’s like an ore spawn for me to get iron i don’t know but i do know one thing and that is i did leave a car behind and oh we got a city i will get

Back to the car okay so i know i’m gonna note down kind of the coordinates here i’m pretty sure there’s a road leading over to this place so let me just check out my sniper scope is there anything good seems like this is maybe a prison because we can see

Basketball hooks and then also block b so block b must mean that this is uh the prison block b yep and that’s the guard tower right there and we can see also the iron fencing with kind of spider web so you indicate that it’s barbar why not just use barbed wire

I don’t know yeah okay so yeah this is wait this is not a prison this is a military base that’s a supposed to be attack at least don’t don’t blame me guys it’s like so ugly like there are literal tanks in the game but i guess it’s difficult to make

Them load up with the mod okay yeah there is a witch right there she doesn’t see me right no no she doesn’t she’s haunting someone else maybe rabbits not me definitely so i will actually go back and then come here back with my car that’s my baby right

Here okay so i came back for you i do have a gas canister or a fuel a jerry can that’s what it’s called and okay so it is fueling up it’s eating i’m eating oh come on come on no no eat up a little a little bit more come on fill up the

Jerry can there we go okay so i will quickly grab a little bit more fuel because we did see fuelium shoot him i see not taking damage that i miss at least can i kill the wait i can’t even kill the witch think my i think this gun is bugged

Because this one definitely works okay so where was that place i think this is it here uh i’m gonna pick up a little bit of fuelium oh okay so there’s one more here come on little guy here you are come after me yep there’s a witch also

I’m not i’m not gonna kill the witch yet okay yeah okay so the jerry can is did its job fantastically i forgot oh let’s go that’s beautiful i forgot that the fuelium station is actually in another village that i was previously at so i’m not gonna go back all the way there only

Going forward and the rain started so uh perfect perfect time to drive actually okay so i will drive this way and see how far that new place i explored is it shouldn’t be too far but maybe it will take me like a night maximum maybe two

To get there it’s been some time but uh it’s not the first time that i see kind of a fiery trailer of some sort just be being on fire sticking around okay so i’m not gonna turn right i will continue going forwards because i remember it being kind of west

So i don’t know i don’t really know where where it might be oh is this it i think this is it right here okay i think this is it okay if i’ll take a little left there should be a big hill that i was on previously so where’s the hill

Should be spawning in like i’m certain because uh i know the map i have like on my uh i can always look at the map and see where i’m going but this this place it’s still difficult to navigate but i don’t see it anyway i don’t see it but i think

This is the right place definitely so this looks like that city uh we’re gonna probably get to that military station that we did see the tank at at some point but let’s just loot up these buildings for now there should be something good either way here

So let me just check it out so let’s let’s let’s just park up here okay so this is the first stop what do we have here first of all we’re gonna get rid of the zombie yara airfield yara airfield okay so we have a very very unique looking airfield and we also

Have a witch no i missed no no die there we go there we go heal up he low before anyone kills me okay yeah uh it’s hardcore i don’t want to die uh this is actually my first time recording after the previous video so i didn’t die yet

I’m getting pretty good at this i know but again guys about the previous video thank you so much for the support i feel blessed being able to record for you guys and you guys are are actually enjoying my videos it’s like it just feels so amazing

Anything in this barn here i do see that there’s quite a bit of things here but no no nothing good okay so there’s a pig get the pig get the zombie pig there we go get the zombie there we go and i call them zombies but there’s at least their model is called

On burried but that’s that just kind of means a zombie but that’s uh that’s rotten to the point where they’re not even normal looking but they have like skinny arms and stuff okay and my m16 is silenced and i do have quite a bit of

Ammo for it still because i did craft it myself okay so uh this place does look pretty desolate i don’t think it’s fortified like the first place with beena so i don’t think there’s gonna be any villagers here uh uh okay so there is an entrance a very scary looking entrance

Okay uh do you have a chest anything chest we have a tear gas okay tear gas it is go oh no no i don’t want to drink it i want to throw it okay so uh yeah that kind of did its job i guess it did its job i guess

Another chest we have a clock and a brewing stand i will take the bruin stand because uh i might not go into the nether because it’s it’d be like maybe breaking kind of the immersion and also i don’t really need the nether if the supplies do spawn in in the chest here

Because this world is not like your regular minecraft it is actually very very heavily modified there is an entrance here to the crane so can i actually get my grapping hook and then shoot it i just kind of get like an overview into the city and see where

Everything is okay so one more block let’s go up all the way up there we’re going all the way all the way all the way come on shoot the witch before she kills me okay okay i’m good one more try one more try we’re going at

The very very tip top to top of this thing maybe not maybe not i’m pretty lone health before anything kills me i don’t want to take two i do not want to start over this adventure again no no no because that happened last time when i was recording

The previous video i had to restart everything okay heavy rain is starting i did see a zombie here so i will be ready to kind of maybe kill him oh never mind you can just open it okay so i will actually sleep my first well

Why why am i saying first i will sleep here okay i will sleep here wait out the rain because this looks like a pretty good boat a good little boat it looks pretty safe here okay so yeah i guess we’re on water now okay so for a suppressor i do need four white

Walls but i do not do not have it so i did craft myself a little bit more ammunition and everything else but yeah let’s just pack things up and let’s head to town by the way i don’t even know why i still have my tools equipped because

Uh there we go i haven’t i have a time and gauntlet this stuff is supposed to be faster literally than everything but yeah there was a chest that i did want to show you guys it does have some really cool loot it has a projector which i never used before and also some

Mines and some arrows and chainmail but i don’t need that stuff i only i only need the cool stuff so let’s just actually oh no no let’s head out no zombie zombie no i just got out and by the way i never showed you guys but okay i will

Show you now i did actually pick up a space suit in there but i didn’t try it on how do i look i think i think maybe i can take off the helmet oh yeah look at me how do i look am i cool am i like a actual space dude or uh

Or do i look dumb because i’m not in space but either way i’m just gonna put my military gear back on and i will place this in my backpack just for safekeeping let’s actually check out the town i can see that this is a hospital okay so before that guy follows us let’s

Just go inside okay yes can he can he come in yes yes he can okay get the shotgun get the shotgun come on i can do this oh he was gonna swing at me what was that i think i i think i saw something either way there are a few chests here

We do have keys keys maybe to the ambulance trucks don’t know why i would need so many keys but i will just take one because i think they can fit and see my let’s see anyone here they will fit into my actual uh my vehicle which is the other thing i have

Parked down there okay so these are the patient wards anything here a splash potion of healing yes i will take it the patient wards do you seem pretty empty it seems almost like they’ve been given up on uh with with such a such a wild infection running rampant

Across the city across everything it’s only natural and look at this get my industrial grade fuel jerrycan and let’s just get some let’s get some helium because i need it for my car when it does run out of fuel is that it we have one more here look at

That look at that i think i think this is a fire truck anyway you know what this is enough this is enough i’m gonna leave some for the rest anything in the fire truck only water anything inside the fire truck nothing at all okay so we do have quite a bit of

Zombies i’m gonna just maybe check out this building i think this is a fire station building oh we got some worms some parasites there we go i think i got him was that only one yeah i think that was only one and yeah also

The smoker is on me we do have a chest oh yeah a fireman’s axe and also a smoke grenade i thought that was a smoke bomb fire grenade also do you firemen cause fire or do they fix it because i don’t know why they have fire grenades but either way everything

Works for me okay so this seems like it was their planetary the firemen were very prone to gardening maybe they were they were trying to get materials before they just run out trying to get materials to actually get a base going oh okay so rain has started okay you

Know what let’s actually uh get back to the truck and get get our car over here as i am eating i did decide to check out maybe a little bit more of the city i think this scarecrows only attack you when it’s night time or it’s raining so they just

Spawn in during the night time it seems so they just kind of sit here during the daytime either way they’re not very they’re not very zombie-like okay speaking of zombies i think those are some real zombies now i do you see that there’s a pool here and i will actually

Check out the pool chest kind of thing what do we have going on here okay so let’s just kill everything before it kills us yeah the shotgun is great the shotgun does amazing damage scarecrow you’re not moving right i don’t want you to move kill me and stuff like that water bucket

Tropical fish puffer fish uh as expected okay i’m gonna use the fireman’s axe as well by the way because uh that’s that’s gonna be pretty good we do you see some military cars and obviously they have a trunk of some sort oh oh a green ballistic helmet and a gas mask

I don’t know if i need like a gas mask is this is this the only thing they have i don’t think i need like a gas mask but the rest of the a little zombie no i’m three little zombie plus you you were hell frag grenades you were a healthy one frag

Grenades and a tactical ghillie clothing okay i’m gonna throw out the army for a second how does the ghillie look oh crap no no there we go which get one one-shotted there are a lot of zombie slimes thanks spawning in this world is absolutely doomed to the apocalypse okay the ghillie suit looks

Good but maybe i’m gonna actually keep keep my thing too what do you want slimes to get out from here i don’t want you guys i will actually maybe go into and see this kind of church here this church right here oh look at that gas stations and there are no jerry cans

Inside okay so i will actually go into this tower right here okay so finally we are in the safe zone okay i will try and actually put on the new ballistic helmet how do i look i look like tzanka from that rainbow six siege game or whatever

Either way i look very well protected i never used uh oh anyone here oh yeah we do see a witch an infected witch okay come here infected witch i’m gonna one shot you because you are pretty darn dangerous okay there we go that was not a one shot by the way

That was not a one shot at all we do have a boat we do have some chests but uh it seemed oh there we go one more no nothing good at all okay i’m gonna close the doors i will maybe spend the night here because it seems let me just break

The window real quick yeah it is night time as you guys can see and what is that building over there yeah this place has a lot more for me to check out but let’s actually test out the projector so it should be like projecting something so there we go i’m

Gonna place a few torches just to see what is up okay so i can right click it i can place an object here so would with four by four range about three okay so did anything happen oh yeah oh look at that the projector is literally making objects and they’re like

They’re pretty much walkable free so that is just a fake projection of the blocks you know what this is actually very very useful i’m gonna get this thing and i’m gonna keep it because uh if i need to hide my base behind like some wall that’s like one way to do it

Can’t break this thing i really can’t either way let’s just sleep the night i’m gonna place the backpack here open up come on open up the sack got a lot of night time to sleep free okay so guys the my projection for the 100 days i usually

Make one uh it’s pretty good i guess i’m getting pretty good gear i am well well established in this world i do have quite a bit of guns i am eating new spots with gear every day uh every time i get new loot and i get even more food

More guns more supplies and i think i might actually survive this i have fire grenade smoke grenades if i need to send out a signal i have an intelligent munition system that means like a c4 like a mine like it’s a munition system it’s going to blow up if you walk

On it that’s what that’s what that means but either way everything right everything is going pretty good so i’ll see you boys and the next day is this a store i think it is we have a we have a compass a flint and steel you know what maybe a store ain’t

So bad a piece of chicken no no we don’t need a chicken i think this is a store at least anything in the chest a survivor spawn egg okay so i think maybe the mod kind of broke or something because uh i should not be getting

Spawned eggs why am i getting spawn eggs in chests you serious like yeah hello villager get eaten by the zombies no don’t go don’t go after me you can’t go after me i think this is like an uh oh oh we we gotta we got a plane okay so yeah just

Let me see what’s going on here okay i’m gonna have to kill the pig i’m gonna have to kill everything around me okay reload reload the gun reload the gun okay so i think that’s an airplane well i’m i don’t think i’m pretty sure that

Is an airplane and i know what to do with it and i also know what to do with these things that’s how you kill the slimes the slimes don’t come on slimes there you go there you go slimes burning alive that’s what you are you two little guy you chill the guy

Yep okay so we probably need to fill this bad boy up with like uh maybe fuel or give it an engine let me see does it have anything good in it okay yeah there’s a witch after us shoot the witch one two there we go got the witch got the

Witch it is pretty dark i am well aware so i will get a flashlight going down what is that sound that’s like a sound of oh well that’s that was definitely thunder so uh i know what that is okay so i will actually block off the

Exit you know what there’s no way i can do that let me just fill up my thing here does it have a fueling hole kind of thing going on oh yeah it does okay let’s go zero fuel okay so let me just fuel it up it’s going it’s going that’s good that’s good

Okay so uh it just ate it just ate my oh no that’s oh we got two big guys they really like this plane okay you know what i will i will kind of protect it okay so let’s go if i kill the big guy he’s gonna kill these small guys okay that’s good

Kill this guy also okay come on come on plane do i have any more fuel uh 19 ah it’s better than nothing i guess let me just put in 19 more just just be safe because i really don’t want to uh run out of juice in the middle of the

Air as you know as you’re well aware that’s not something that’s going to be very good okay so are we moving yes we are let’s go let’s go yay okay through the fire in flames here we go can i actually like exit this place or did it just spawn in

And it’s like doomed for failure can i yes i can yes i can oh okay let’s let’s get to the wrong way let’s get to the runway okay we are on the runway are we ready for flight are we uh what’s the fuel fuel is looking good

Okay it’s looking good i will actually maybe recap in this tower just be safe i’m going to heal up real quick and reload my guns and then i’m going to wait out the rain also because you can’t be flying in the rain this this place might be dangerous so

Let me just get my flashlight on my stick my fire man’s axe is what i mean not a stick okay i think this is safe enough i will quickly get myself prepared no heels no i do have a splash potion of healing okay well that’s better than nothing i guess

I need pants and i also need uh a ch uh a chest piece yes a chest piece okay there we go a chest piece you know what also some boots will be nice as well yeah we are getting pretty kitted out with iron because i do understand that i’m getting so much damage

Because because i’m not like super well protected but i am now i will use a small grenade when i get a walk outside let me just reload my gun real quick okay my shotgun as well okay are we ready i think i am okay one two three let’s go we even have

Zombies okay small grenade let’s go let’s go i can do this i can do this let’s go move move there’s a witch okay okay let’s go let’s go now we now we go up now we go up there we go we’re up up and away that’s it let’s go

Let’s go okay so hopefully i’m not gonna get shot down by like any any kind of malicious malicious like uh enemy enemy troops you could say i can actually land this bad boy anywhere i want by the way so that’s that’s actually pretty darn good not gonna lie

Okay so i can actually maybe land it near a gas station and then get some gas is there a gas station nearby that’s a hospital that’s a fire station port that’s a hotel uh is this a yeah this is a gas station okay yeah i remember it here okay so i

Will land this baby you know what take two i’m gonna fly around and i’m gonna land it another way okay let’s go i hope this is uh good enough there we go damn this was way easier than i thought we got a witch oh okay okay so yeah that’s one witch down okay

That’s good that’s good damn these witches be really really dangerous open up open up please please please break this break this okay am i safe i think i am oh and it started raining again we do see some fuel and these uh in the in these

Canisters uh what am i saying i’m not sure if they have any fuel do they fuel him just a little just a little bit maybe enough for a can okay so the night has hit upon us and it is getting a little bit more difficult to survive especially with a crow uh the

Crow man walking around they’re not supposed to be okay i’m gonna be completely honest with you guys they’re not supposed to be spawning okay it’s supposed to be only on buried witches blah blah blah all that stuff the gravediggers the cr the crow the the actual crow crow scary people

They they should not be spawning i don’t know why they keep spawning is that like a new feature or maybe my like my friends trolled me when they were making the smartpak well they definitely did troll me successfully because uh it’s a little bit more difficult with these crow

People walking around at night time but either way they’re easy to kill i have plenty of ammunition plenty of guns i will just resupply real quick again and get a little bit more fuel for my uh car and also my plane but guys uh i do want to say that

It’s been actually very very intriguing to complete the 100 days serious or like record it either way i’ve been very very grateful these past few days ever since my channel has been blown up guys it’s the support is just amazing it’s out of this world i don’t know what to say i

Don’t know what to say just thank you thank you is that good enough just thank you because the support i’m getting in the comments and the subscriptions 556. there we go we got plenty of those okay time to break this yes i did break it with my hand and that is because

Again i do have a special glove compartment by the way while we’re here let’s actually switch out the ghillie to an army clothing attack the ghillie suit now we have army clothing let’s actually try on the cookie monster mask how do we look okay i’m gonna sleep now see you guys in

The next day being see the hospital got a little bit of fluid and there is a witch again looking at me i missed okay one more one more yeah she i think she lagged so uh that’s why it could have killed her uh there is the crowmaster again sitting

There what is what’s making that sound is it you guys are you guys making that sound okay either way let’s actually try and get out of here i think this was ammunition system that i left just uh just a while ago so before i left i did

Leave a munition system and i think it kind of killed everything in the vicinity so it seems there were people trying to kill me and stuff there there you go that’s a weird looking munition system i don’t know why it’s floating but not me oh there we go i’m good why is

Everything so weird i think i’m gonna have to relog the game i think i think that was the bugged airplane i think my airplane bug swaps you leave it hopefully i’m gonna find like a new one soon okay there we go yeah i gotta kill all of them before

They get me the little guy okay let’s re let’s actually get the truck filled up again let’s go okay so we are making good progress so far okay apart from this this time where is he there he is should have shown your face because now

I know how you look like and i can kill you easily okay just give us a little bit more fuelium into my car okay it starts to rain okay i think it’s full i think it’s pretty much full okay so let’s actually get in and keep keep

Going because there’s one thing that i know for certain and that is we need to get out from here we need to get a little bit more loot a little bit more cool you could say because so far every place that we go to we found we

Find really really good loot like this time we even found an airplane although i could not save it i think the munitions system targeted the airplane model and it bugged and that’s why everything around us is always like bugged and stuff either way i have to

Leave it because oh no because the world is like laggy when i’m inside the airplane as you guys saw come on get in get in get in go go go go go the crows can’t touch me while i’m in the truck so i think i think we are doing pretty good

We are backtracking a little bit i’m going to take a different u-turn now oh i think i think this is oh so there’s like a train lined also i never knew we had a train line so that’s train station right there i’m not gonna check out the train station

Because i don’t think i i’m gonna like get a train going anytime soon but i will keep making my way downtown looking for stuff to explore something interesting and this map is very very expansive it’s like super huge as you guys can see it’s like very very made for car mods sort of

Stuff i keep keep exiting that’s that’s my fault why do i keep doing that just get in drive you know what maybe that was a sign maybe that was a sign what do we have here yara water purification plant okay so i think maybe we drove around like to a water purification plant

So does that mean there is like gonna be some clean water maybe good materials we do have a chest here i will check out the chest nothing good here chicken honey carrot on a stick nope let’s actually check out the waters as they say the waters

Look pretty pure not gonna lie i’m not gonna go swimming in them because what if they’re not pure what if the plan hasn’t been active in a very long time then that’s gonna be a problem for me that i i’m gonna have to deal with okay so you

Know what i will break free just to see what is up inside and hopefully there’s gonna be like some good stuff okay it seems we broke through and this place seems pretty empty there is a lot of bookshelves maybe a hidden chest somewhere maybe not here anvils is this like a

Yeah i think this is pretty much uh forgotten forgotten place i don’t think it’s livable i don’t think there’s anyone here no one in this room either but we do have a chest and we have a little bit of gold i mean it’s it’s better than

Nothing and nether quartz i can use them maybe for like a potion or something so i will keep them and i will keep the gold also but yeah oh yeah there is already pests walking outside there there is a boar behind that tree uh no no no i don’t want to shoot you

I’m trying to conserve ammunition so uh okay i think i think we can actually sleep the night by the way this place is actually pretty chill there is no witches or anything of that sword trying to get me okay so let’s just sleep the night here and then let’s see

Where the next day takes us i did almost forgot to say that i did pick up a key don’t know how that really works vehicle successfully locked with this key okay so and can i just put it in oh now i need a key

Now i need a key to drive it okay so no one can steal my car now that’s actually pretty that’s pretty good design i like that i like that oh there we go okay so let’s uh check out this car there’s a bridge get the witch before she kills us anyone else

Anyone else looking for a piece of me a piece of me by the way is this is this wool concrete white powder no this this is not wool oh there we go uh the double hit the the shoddy and then finish it off with a sniper okay

There we go let’s actually quickly just test this out uh there are some clean water so this is this is the train track this is a water pond you could say maybe it goes out to sea i don’t know myself but i will check it out we also have like a huge

Huge thing over there i’m gonna heal up before another witch spawns and like obliterates me is there anything good here yeah we have a m4 no m107 that’s a that’s a sniper rifle all right okay so we do have a sniper rifle i’m not sure if it’s any

Good and these are obviously its magazines the scope and whatever else we need okay so can i shoot it reloading okay oh okay that’s looking good let’s actually try and put on a scope can we put on suppressor as well no this press suppressor does not go onto the

Sniper rifle okay so by the way if you didn’t notice this uh weapon mode is different from the usual weapon mods so that’s why it’s looking a little bit different let’s actually try and shoot that zombie okay yeah i like the scope by the way let’s actually try and kill it oh

Okay there we go did i kill it i did by the way i’m pretty sure it’s a one shot headshot with this mod i missed there we go i did i did kill him oh yeah i like this i like this gun i’m gonna keep it actually for safe

Keeping just like with me okay so there we go let’s continue driving onwards then raining again i know every time it rains there’s another road going a different direction but we’re just going to continue going on our road here there is a witch following me leave me

Alone witch i don’t want to be a part of you but anyway back to the topic of discussion the 100 days is gonna be very very easy to survive for someone like me because uh this is not the first time plus i did die before no during the

Not of course this video this isn’t a remake this is the first take hopefully i will survive we do have some logs oh we do have some logs on fire here we go kill this switch is there another witch somewhere no but let me heal up damn it’s like i’m

Getting increased damage because the witches do like so much damage okay so let me just put it out of fire okay i’m gonna actually try and scale it with my car because this mod is actually very like minecraft it’s designed for minecraft you could say these vehicles it’s very

High quality so i can probably go over it yes i can that wasn’t that wasn’t even a problem why was i like messing about thinking if i was gonna go over it well now we know i did and it wasn’t difficult oh something is loading in a fueling station in the middle of

Nowhere really plus an open terrain we have an open field let’s just drive on in anyone here at the gas station hello any zombies oh okay you know what i’m gonna keep a low profile i’m gonna actually uh get get something done here i’m gonna come on reload reload reload i’m gonna

Keep a low low profile so i’m gonna use the silencer only weapon can i put a silencer on the shotgun no i can’t crap okay i just made sound the cover has been blown name tag enchantment book i take the enchantment book for lapis lapizui yes i will take it and

Also flint because i will be enchanting my gear at some point we got a vehicle it’s a speedboat it’s a speedboat okay we did drive past like a lake i’m gonna go back to that and check out check out this good stuff but either way right now i’m just gonna sleep over the

Night and a safe spot so right here there we go am i safe enough get get the flashlight working please there we go okay so i think i am safe enough here okay so the moon is fully risen and i will sleep yet again this night and there are zombies already lurking all

Around me okay i’m oh i’m there that there goes the crow guy walking around again okay so let me just get my backpack out what is this what is this thing this thing looks awfully weird and huge wait this is a submarine that landed on a beach

Oh i want to so go in there and check out old looted house this is a beach right here it is damn that is crazy by the way you know what it’s time to stop playing games i will put back on my ballistic shield because the kooky mask

It ain’t working out for me it’s not really protect me that good okay oh no slime just don’t slime get out from here come on come on come on the slime the slime is resilient to guns i guess that’s that’s weird but whatever works right okay so let’s just go up the

Submarine is there like a clear entrance that we can get in free no it doesn’t seem like like it oh yeah the entrance should be like at the very top if i’m not mistaken with every sub and it should be also like at the hill at the hull of it

Is there an entrance that looks like a helicopter oh no that’s a ballistic missile launch suit okay at the very top should be an entrance down oh there we go there it is there is an entrance at the very top okay so yeah we found a literal maybe even

Nuclear submarine who knows but this submarine like all of them are supposed to be at least uh hatches for missiles and one of them is open okay you know what i will i will actually maybe go in here but i will have to check out the missile

Hatch as well okay so what do we have here it’s the ladder going down i’m gonna get my shotty out just in case anyone in here is anyone in here hello okay you know what maybe i should be just a little bit more quiet let me just

Get my flashlight out i’m gonna use my sniper rifle because it’s uh it’s uh probably most likely one shot if i put a headshot we have a bunker key okay i’m gonna take the bunker key just to be safe okay i’m gonna take it with me again

We do have a bunker key i don’t know how useful it is but let’s hope it is officers quarters okay okay yeah i do hear a zombie already the crew has been zombified that’s that’s for sure okay let’s just try and open it up wait i can’t go in there’s like a block

Here invisible block okay you know what let’s then go to the canteen anything in the canteen i i can actually use some food if these are like no these aren’t uh storage facilities because if there’s like a stack of food please give me it i really want some food

It seems this place was looted i mean of course it is a literal submarine landed on a beach of course it’s gonna be looted as i’m certain by the way the military doesn’t leave uh okay so it doesn’t look like there’s pretty much anything in these rooms engine hatch

And anyone here engine you can even go lower okay yeah oh yeah there is definitely someone up here don’t don’t come up here please i’m just trying to survive how did he even see me how did he even see me okay anything in the furnaces anything good

Nope okay it seems i’m gonna have to go down can i actually like shoot him from here yes i can okay oh there we go he’s dead we can safely go down this looks like a reactor it says so at least and this one is powered with a redstone torch did anything happen

I don’t think anything did happen now this one is like lit up okay so is that anything happening here nope nope no definitely don’t want no lava coming at me wait oh crap i think a witch got into you submarine i think i left a hatch open

Because i can hear her okay there we go this is this is what it was made for the lever and it’s also raining outside there we go we’re inside somewhere at least i don’t know uh missile launching you think you can stop me you can’t those three missiles carry 10 warheads each

That’s more than enough to get to get started oh no who said that zach zachary personal arms depot okay we have a little guy here anyone else don’t see anyone else i can use my sniper scope to like look even further okay personal arms depot can we even leave that place

Yes we can okay is there any anything can’t even loot anything okay let’s just keep on going keep on exploring battery compartment okay battery compartment okay yeah that’s that’s not the place either can’t go in i literally cannot go in personal arms teapot again okay come on

Come on dude i know there should be something here nearby this place can’t can’t be empty missile launching no no no oh no no please it’s not launching at me right so i think i’m safe i think i’m pretty safe uh the missiles launching oh no we got

Another one i can just break them okay yeah we do have a a little bit of zombies they make such cute sounds when you headshot them there we go let’s break this let’s break the spawner let’s break another spawner yeah this place is actually like a maze

It’s like a jungle i didn’t know that there would be like such a huge thing torpedo room missile room frontal hatch okay okay let’s uh let’s just try and go in missile launching what is that thing okay oh gonna get my shotgun out torpedo room missile launching dude i know that the

Missiles are launching splash potion of regeneration yes please yes please okay let’s break this by the way we we are actually getting xp for the first time ever why why are we getting xp now but not before what is this va11 jacques shackvall torpedoes what is this place is this like a

Missile launch site why is this hatch open can i like go in or something yeah i can should i though doesn’t feel safe this looks like a big oh this is the missile compartment well at least supposed to be okay i’m gonna go in here maybe there’s like a secret chest i’m

Gonna sneak in to make my way here is there a secret chest here wait can i even leave i’m gonna have to do this oh there we go i’m out okay let’s just check out this place oh i can even climb down let’s just check out this place one one

Last time and then let’s uh maybe head out because uh wait there was a hatch open i remember maybe this is the hatch maybe i can like go up somehow another day another adventure okay so i did get the boat but where are my jerry

Cans i do have a little bit of fuel left okay 8.7 let’s hope this is enough is this enough for like even just a little a little travel time it is it is i got 1200 uh 1200 fuel let’s just drive about i guess this little boat explore the

The vast ocean floor as we can see that the ocean is not deep so that means this is a river because you see it’s not deep at all it’s like one block deep so maybe there’s something else hidden around the shoreline somewhere maybe there’s like a secret or military base

But yeah this is the submarine that i was exploring just a few days ago it was pretty darn big it was actually very crazy but we did manage to explore it successfully and we did find quite a bit of cool stuff i did sleep a few nights

And they were all so what is this okay so we did find maybe like a port okay i’m gonna i’m gonna actually leave my boat right here so this place seems new i at least i think so okay so there are quite a bit of things here okay you know what that

Looks like a stadium okay let’s just go ahead and explore this place i guess because that’s that’s the best thing that we can do there’s so many slimes against the slimes i only got one thing i got one thing for y’all there you there there we go

Stop the slime stop the slimes stop the slimes don’t go after me they’re all gonna die in a bit of fire are they dying yes they are by the way also get a munition system going run run i don’t wanna don’t wanna go after me okay so is the munition system working

Yeah it is oh kill the witch look at that the munition system it’s going out and away oh crap anyone else anyone else okay i gotta heal up real quick potion of frustration no i missed potion of another another healer heal me up heal me up kill me i’ll kill

Me up fill me up any witches any witches by the way that munitions system is it still going no don’t think it is damn the munitions system is like a super powerful weapon if there is like a super big zombie apocalypse going on just just get one of these bad boys

Intelligent munitions system stone hoe name tag okay this is like a soccer field i guess oh we have a secret chest now my health is actually getting pretty low this oh yeah okay i have to get okay yeah keep keeping it safe i’m gonna actually make a wrong forward

Back to you the ocean this is how you usually die it’s at the moment when you least expect it and when you don’t have heels in your health slowly but gradually goes down and you’re like not really paying attention to you that’s when you die down the munition system did a

Lot of damage look at that place it’s absolutely rotten like it’s burnt down to the ground like that’s a war zone or something going on okay go by go by go back i need to get some heals i’m gonna have to get some heals but not from here because this place this place

Is way too dangerous i can i can get one shot at okay i need to get a hospital or something or maybe like a potion real quick yeah this place it’s raining okay you know what when rain starts the best place you want to be at is a safe house

Come on i can do this i can do this go go go go go go go go go go go go go i can do this i can do this [Applause] go go come on come on come on come on come on go here we go

Here we go close this bad boy up close everything up hey the munitions system yeah it lagged it lagged again the vicinity is lagged i’m gonna have to leave this place did it lag the but yeah it did you saw the boat with the boat the boat got destroyed okay that’s the

Boat down there is a tri there’s a trail of like dirt but oh oh okay yeah i get it i get it so that’s uh that’s an airplane crash that is oh no no no no please please please don’t attack me that is an airplane crash i will check

Out the airplane crash maybe there’s like some good loot and as you guys can see i i am without kind of my car i didn’t have to leave my car behind and that is because the car is pretty buggy it’s slow it requires fuel it’s it’s

Actually a very good car but i’m just maybe looking for an upgrade i don’t want to be traveling in that car all the time because then i’m gonna have to take the roads and i cannot take like fields and trees and forests and just search and explore stuff which i want to do

Really much so you get like the best and the best thanks but yeah let’s just check out this we have a a little bit of blood trails it seems and a flint and steel my flinded steel did run out so i think i will gladly take it and we’ll keep it just in

Case i will need it again to fight off like a slime horde or something like that pumpkin pie is it like placeable no no you just eat it i’m not i’m not really well aware on how uh how you eat different pies but i do know that the pumpkin pie is not

It’s not a it’s not like the rest of the pies anyway if the airplane landed from here that means i’m gonna go left so hopefully at the left side i’m gonna encounter maybe another town or something because i do have like the memory the map memorized and i know

Where everything is pretty much and the locations office so if i just continue going am i going right so if this is the tree there we go then i’m going like this there we go okay i’m gonna keep heading this way and hopefully we’re gonna meet or see something reasonably good we can

Already see a hill so uh that’s a good sign i was wondering why there was a hill but i did find this kind of secret entrance what does say government laboratory you serious yeah just just like a hill in the middle of nowhere definitely not

Suspicious at all nope no not even a guy like me would even dare look and see why this is here but yeah it seems oh okay there are it is pretty dark do i have a flashlight yes what is that sound what is that sound why is there so many bats here

There’s uh there’s a spawner storage room okay i’m gonna kill these zombies kill these guys kill these zombies is there anything here sleeping quarters and we also have a research facility okay i’m gonna delete this spawner i’m gonna destroy it there we go because the spawner is actually uh not something

That i wanna i wanna let let live in case uh some bad things spawn in okay let’s just open up so uh by just flew out is there anything else here no this seems like a storage facility blaze powder yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes i can craft

I can literally craft now okay okay that’s great i can literally where did you come from no where did that guy come from did he just spawn in no the doors are closed maybe he spawned in because it’s like so dark here it seems this place can actually benefit benefit me greatly

And kind of uh getting getting more potions out what is that wait is is that a life what is that thing that looks like a head on top of something potion of regeneration you know yeah i will take let me just place my blocks that i don’t need over here blaze

Powder and also a glistering melon slice most definitely potion of regeneration potion of strength even okay okay and i do wanna no is there like secret loot here yeah there is there is uh i have a texture pack that makes armor invisible because i really wanna wear this armor

Because it looks super cool and gives me like extra protection like the ballistic helmet doesn’t give anything headshot protection in case someone shoots at me and then the army clothing gives me even a little bit more armor then you can also get gas masks which i do have in my

Backpack by the way gas mask immunity flashes and gas let’s actually check out what this thing is break it oh this is a zombie head oh okay yeah the ice are like they shine in the dark oh that gave me the creeps just now i was actually pretty frightened i am i am

I i do get scared in the game quite quite a bit guys by the way okay uh there is the rain and night time is setting in bit by bit so i think maybe i’ll sleep the night here okay where is this guy there he is i will sleep then

Let’s shoot the witch go inside go inside go inside okay okay okay is the witch following me is she following me or did i kill her i think i did kill her okay okay i’m safe i will sleep the night here just because out of convenience i don’t want to travel

During the night time it’s getting pretty dangerous when it when it’s night time okay so as usual i sleep with my backpack that’s why i sleep usually and there you go close the door just in case anyone does come in get the flashlight going okay so guys i

Will see you in the next day hopefully uh i’m gonna be safe and no one will attack me while i sleep and yeah let’s see where the next day takes us i did find an atv okay i’m gonna have to kill these guys unfortunately hopefully they’re not gonna hear me too much

I can actually uh kill them pretty quickly if i give them headshots only okay mc magazine throwed out so let me just fuel up this bad boy can i do it yes i can okay there we go oh it’s heating up quite a bit you know what i’m

I’m i’m gonna leave a little bit for for another time okay so we’ve got the eight tv i believe it’s called or like a quad bike we’ve got the quad bike sitting there and just before we leave i do want to check this place out maybe a little bit more

Because this place looks pretty cool maybe there’s like something cool here we have a bridge going oh this is a train station i believe the wardens wait is this is this like a military base or something okay okay you know what uh there’s no there’s no questioning we

Can only go in okay there we go i’m in and i am pretty much safe away from these guys oh okay let’s actually go inside the building maybe there’s gonna be like something good let me just reload my gun real quick by the way i really can’t place no

Silencer on these guns can i no only a scope and the shotgun does not take a silencer like how’s that even possible no it does not have a silencer okay okay you know what let’s just press the button and see what’s up okay there was uh something here

A trader we have a trader okay i’m gonna i’m gonna sneaky peeky like i’m gonna use my m4 m16 i keep calling it calling it an m4 trust me guys i know the difference between an m4 and an m16 and i love the m16 way more than the nfl

And then the m4 but the m4 if you if you like put an ak m4 or m16 i’m gonna choose the m16 m4 and then the ak i like the ak by the way i’m not trying to this it i do like it but it’s just not my first choice

Neither is the second choice and yeah i do love my sniper rifles okay you know what i think i’m gonna have to open up a window and uh is this safe there are no witches outside no the atv i can’t see my atv from here but it’s supposed to be still

Down there this seems like sleeping quarters of some sort like we have books bats and it’s oh this is like a paster i’m like a pacer here trying to summon wait let’s say the wardens this is supposed to be like a prison but it’s not a prison

What is this can you talk to me like book bootcamp of enchantment give me like a storyline book or something to see this place maybe there’s something up this floor no nothing it is raining but we can go outside and still check it out okay you know what kill this guy

What is this is this this is like a back garden backyard you could say it’s made for growing things we do see a witch here kill the witch real quick i might have to wait out the rain again oh no use the sniper there we go got her i might have to

Actually wait out the rain again i think we are locked in by like a very very tall mountain i do you see a base camp of some sort is that a vehicle no no it’s not okay it’s time to eat my pumpkin pie there we go and i will leave ammunition

System right here okay there skeleton king where is he where did he spawn in okay yep that thing is going keep going okay so the skeleton king where is he where is the skeleton king if he shows up somewhere close i might have to get him loose maybe he’s in this yeah

There he is i can see him there he is can you guys see him look i can i can even prone there the skeleton king he doesn’t see us yet maybe i can get like a trap of some okay don’t look at me witch i don’t

Wanna i don’t wanna i don’t wanna kill you does he see me oh yeah he does he does munitions trot one yeah you’re gonna be a dad you’re gonna be dead soon skeleton king because uh the mudition system is does not fail me it does not uh hello anyone here

Okay i’m gonna have to go inside of this building perhaps maybe see what’s up there come on come on come on come on where’s the skeleton king there he is there he is okay i’m gonna throw frag grenade there we go frag grenade out here we go okay now i’m gonna shoot him

There we go some good shots good shots oh he re he’s really trying to oh he’s really trying to attack me okay fire grenade oh do you do run run run run run run another fire grenade is there like even fire occurring or is that like yeah it does little damage to

Him it does do damage that’s good that’s good that’s good that’s good but i can just keep jigging him around the ammunition system did went off so that is good maybe i can set one off here as well come on skeleton king come here little buddy come on little buddy yep

There he goes there he goes there he goes it’s going it’s going that’s good yep i can see the munitions system going off on him oh and the crap he’s attacking me still oh wolf is the munition system going oh what is that that’s the first time i see this attack

What are those heads okay i do you see some tents down in the distance that might be my safe spot okay there we go landed one shot he just keeps on shooting me okay one more munition system let’s go you won’t catch me there we go it’s going it’s going it’s

Going here we go i killed him i killed him long live the king yes yes yes yes yes yes oh no the munitious system is gonna attack me run run run run run it’s gonna attack me if i can come too close can’t get the loot can’t get the loot yet hopefully the

Lead won’t be spawned i’m pretty sure it spawns in a chest that’s one witch that’s another witch gun is the munition system going off or do i need to maybe get get some zombies to trigger it okay i think i think i’m gonna have to get a little bit of zombies okay i’m

Gonna go check out this building then i’m gonna collect some zombies during the daytime again and then i’m gonna check this place out because there is still ammunition system that’s going and it’s gonna it’s gonna it’s gonna attack me if i come near it it’s an automated

System and it does not see enemy or foe i mean it doesn’t see faux or friendly just sees an entity and attacks it even attacks my boats cars planes destroys the hell out of them nothing in this chest nothing in this chest nothing here either this looks like a

Cafeteria and we also have a bat sleeping during the day time really i mean that makes kind of sense that does make sense it does yeah we have a bigger chest door open this chest right here we have a military tunic and a bat banner pattern flower charge don’t know what a flower

Charge is you know what i can check it out i can check it out i don’t know what it is but i can check it out definitely okay so let’s see yeah doesn’t do anything okay i’m gonna sleep the night just about here i’m gonna keep my keep myself well protected

And uh it’s not it’s not nighttime yet but i’m just gonna wait over the rain and maybe maybe the next day as well because uh i don’t wanna walk outside in the rain because the visibility is low there are a lot of monsters spawning in and it’s

Just not a place you want to be in a beautiful morning indeed it is come on can i get down yes i can okay so the fire is still it’s still going which is weird okay zombies follow me you want a little piece of me

Hey you how about you you want a piece of me come get some come get some is there is the munitions system yeah it is still there okay i’m gonna have to can i even maybe shoot it from a distance come on zombies i know you can do this

Okay i’m gonna try and run around it oh no not me oh oh no that wasn’t me okay okay who are you shooting at okay yeah it’s shooting it’s still active and it is not looking good maybe that was the last charge i can check was that no that’s the witch

That’s the witch come on come on there we go got the witch is that was that last of the munitions system no we still have a few more charges so i can see it okay zombie come on i know you wanna piece me come here come here come here come here zombie

Come on come on what if i shoot her will she follow me from all the way from there oh the big guy it’s going to get the big guy it’s going to get the big guy yeah there it goes there he goes there he goes another big guy yes we are

Getting lucky with these spawns come on get the big guy we have two witches oh no oh crap crap crap shoot shoot okay we are open in the field i think that was the last that was the last of it was it i just want to live like all of you guys

There we go there we go okay i might try shooting it maybe it’s going to go off then did it i don’t think it did no it didn’t didn’t didn’t okay yeah there’s like okay that’s enough of things following me let’s go there’s no way it’s gonna attack me come

On i’m gonna i’m gonna hit you even in front of me come on dude come on dude i know i know you want to piece me oh yeah oh this is a very dangerous game playing okay let’s go last final munition system go go go go

Oh maybe that’s it maybe i’m good maybe let’s go oh crap oh crap there’s so many there’s so many okay fire grenade out uh i don’t have anything else i do you have a grenade i do have a grenade okay okay smoke grenade out and also a fire grenade out

Okay there we go i think we good i think we good we got a witch she’s sliding pretty low okay we also have a boar come on come on come on come on there we go there we go we also have that guy got him got him as well okay you know

What it’s do or die time i’m gonna try my best i’m gonna get my heels ready just in case i do you need them okay let’s go do your die let’s go let’s go oh that’s all you had three please don’t tell me that’s all you had to do where’s

The chest where is the darn chest it’s supposed to be somewhere here where’s the chest i know what the hell is that thing where’s the chest with the loot don’t tell me it exploded don’t tell me the skeleton king didn’t drop anything to me i think the skeleton king didn’t drop

Anything okay so we’re not gonna waste any more time on that we’re gonna just continue going onwards we’re gonna check out these tents maybe there’s like something good in one of these tents what is that that looks like a fire maybe that’s like another car valencia refugee camp

Uh it’s a refugee camp guys and there’s like blood all over shoot the pig there we go there we go okay yeah i’m getting pretty run over here but is there anything good here golden chest play maybe a refugee camp won’t be as good as

A military camp where i got my m16 from remember guys at the very start on day one but it seems no it seems this place is uh it’s a lot more uh normal a lot more civil there’s no yeah yeah there’s no there’s no military greatly here

It’s a refugee camp after all refugees guys are just people who are trying to or outrun uh an ongoing war and it seems they just made a camp here away from the war and the zombie apocalypse and you know what we’re not gonna sleep in that camp because uh you

Never know what might happen in there because there’s a lot of crime always a lot of bad stuff happening but i will just keep on going maybe down into the forest and maybe sleep the night there okay yeah the rain started and the crows did start spawning in my friends they

They baited me they said this mod pack was a lot easier than the previous one and i wouldn’t die i mean i didn’t die yet but it’s definitely not easier it’s way harder and yeah guys if you do want to get this smartpak as well it’s going to be

Available for a download of the curse it’s not i didn’t make these mods no no no i just uh my friends and i made the mod pack and it’s gonna be on my discord server which is gonna be in the description i did find something oh no i dropped down

Okay please let me leave let’s go let’s go let’s go i can do this i can do this i did find something here uh okay yeah i think it’s time for a torch torch time okay there we go why my fps is pretty darn low i think i

Think something is not right something is not right this might be a boss room valencia airport okay going no no no no no this was a trap this was a trap okay is there any any safe spot where i can sleep at please please please survivor chainmail armor no no no zombie

Run run run run run okay so i’m gonna sleep the night here uh maybe i’m gonna sleep on the rooftop but i will check this one last chest rabbit food nothing good oh nothing good okay grabbing hook out let’s go we’re going all the way up baby

This is where we’re gonna be sleeping okay oh this is an airport it seems there’s no planes here no planes no no planes no helicopters oh crap crap okay you know what i’m just gonna get on over with it i’m gonna sleep tonight real quick before i get killed because uh

This is uh this is like the end game you could say i don’t want to get killed during the end game okay so i’m just gonna place it like this like that there we go okay guys uh we’ll see we’ll see how it goes can i scale down here oh

Oh there we go got her i’m gonna get that which also because uh she will attack me at some point i will also get this guy come on come on i know i can kill you reloading the gun okay i just don’t want to get killed by uh by one of these guys

When i’m not looking okay there’s another witch there we go got her as well i will check out that barn let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go okay there we go throughout this magazine okay so the scarecrows the zombies don’t touch me yeah this is a plane we have a plane here

Oh crap why is there oh no no that is not good no that is not good that’s not good there’s too many of them what do i do there’s way too many of them okay i’m gonna set fire to see everything and i’m gonna get a smoke grenade also okay smoke grenade out

Smoke grenade out hopefully any survivors might see me if they are somewhere around here okay you know what let’s go i’m gonna torch it up i’m gonna torch it up is there any anything here yeah there is wrist oh no run run run run run run run run heal heal heal heal heal

Run run run run run that’s that’s that’s what i mean the end game is is the most difficult part please ron please get out from here oh the end game why is it so difficult why is the end game okay i’m gonna burn you up guys i’m

Gonna burn you up try and get me try and get me try and get me you can’t you can’t get me okay okay okay there we go there we go okay so do i have a jerry can yes i do i remember i left some yes that’s good

That’s good okay am i ready i’m gonna heal up and then i’m gonna no the rain is not working in my favor at all okay so am i ready i think i am i can do this i believe i can where’s the hole where’s the hole does

This sit here no no other end other rand wait where is it i can’t see it can’t see it there it is let’s go feeling it up come on eat it eat it eat it eat it i can’t i can do this i can do

This there we go here we go let’s go we’re starting we’re starting the plane we’re leaving this place yes oh no no no careful careful okay there we go we made it we made it okay so i do have my airplane with me now again

Finally oh by the way i can land i can do anything this is like a very easy airplane to fly with but i’m super happy that i have it now okay so my next plan is to congratulate you guys that this is gonna be the last night and i have an

Airplane i can just continue flying or i can land somewhere but i think we’re gonna get a more cinematic route and i will establish like a base of operations because i don’t want to be always walking around and searching for stuff it’s very important that i do like

Get a home base for myself okay so this is the cam that we were in previously so this means this is the previous part as well yeah that’s the base the fire is still going even though there was so much rain the past few days it seems that the fire will never stop

That’s a weird mod but as long as it kills people or i mean zombies i’m good and i can fly even low i can fly low oh no go up go up okay i’m gonna fly to the nearest city and that we’re gonna see where that leads us oh we have a house

We have a house i repeat we have a house so that means somewhere close okay i’m gonna go up here it is that’s the city okay i’m gonna land at the parking spot hopefully uh the visibility is pretty bad i can’t see anything but hopefully i can land here

There we go i landed let’s go let’s go get the flashlight go go go go go go go go go go break this go go go go go go go go go go okay i think i’m good i’m good i’m gonna i’m gonna keep i have

To lock this place up i have a lot of dirt i have dirt i have dirt okay i will go up and i will sleep the night and one of these in one of these buildings yep this seems like a classroom again okay so we do have a little guy here

Okay let’s let’s get the backpack let’s get the backpack finally finally finally yes i can do this i can do this okay so final night it is and i’m so happy hopefully i will not die while i sleep day 100 guys we have made it to day 100

And i am still getting attacked but either way we did survive and we are kind of in a city i believe and we did park our plane maybe on this parking spot here where is it that’s the plane right there can you guys see it but i

Will keep on exploring this city and if you guys want to see a part two so a 200 days episode let me know down in the comments i read all of them so far guys i am so amazed and i feel so blessed by all the support that i’m getting on my

Videos it’s absolutely amazing but if you enjoy them please smash that like button subscribe to the channel it’s been me little stick and i will actually go inside this building and wait over the rain as usual yeah this city seems like it needs a hero and a hero

Is here okay so yeah guys really 200 days i’m pretty much excited for it and i hope you are as well it’s been me little stick surviving the zombie apocalypse in a war setting and i’ll see you guys in the next video you

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days in a Zombie War in Hardcore Minecraft’, was uploaded by Lil Stick on 2022-08-27 00:15:44. It has garnered 370584 views and 5234 likes. The duration of the video is 01:35:26 or 5726 seconds.

I Survived 100 Days in a War filled with Zombies. Subscribe to support Lil Stick’s career as a Minecraft YouTuber♥

In this “In a Zombie War” video I wake up as a Wasteland zombie apocalypse war survivor in the middle of a war zombie apocalypse overrun war city by wasteland apocalypse undead war zombie hordes. There is a wasteland zombie war apocalypse going on with humanity on its zombie last wasteland war apocalypse legs battling the zombie undead war zombie hordes and I have to find the secret apocalypse war weapon to win this Zombie Apocalypse War and free the zombie war wasteland city.

➤Video Inspired By: Forge Labs Luke TheNotable Sword4000 Mud Flaps

➤Business Email ➜ [email protected] ➤Instagram ➜ lilstickproductions ➤Twitter ➜ lilstickproductions ➤Discord ➜ lilstickproductions

You may know me from another channel with 110k subs. I’m recording here because I feel I was creatively limited on that channel and want to try out what’s really interesting for me on here.

#100Days #Minecraft #Hardcore

0:00 Intro 0:29 Start 2:39 100 Days on a Pacific Island in a Zombie Apocalypse

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    Lost in Minecraft: Where's the End Update?Video Information This video, titled ‘Mojang, Where is the End Update?’, was uploaded by Minecraft Detective on 2024-04-03 18:27:25. It has garnered 34714 views and 1200 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:05 or 545 seconds. This video shows how Minecraft hasn’t released an update for the end in over 9 years, and if the end update could come after the recent 1.21 update #minecraft #minecraftend #minecrafthardcoremode Music Used : Infraction: Storyteller – Life Goes On - Story – “Cold Cinema” by Cold Cinema “Wings Of Inspiration” by Cold Cinema Read More

  • Bearman3600 Exposes Insane Minecraft Strategies

    Bearman3600 Exposes Insane Minecraft StrategiesVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Worst Ways To Play Minecraft | Bearman3600’, was uploaded by Bearman3600 on 2024-02-23 18:00:06. It has garnered 540288 views and 30787 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:41 or 2081 seconds. Today I take a look at some of the best reasons to fucking end it all featuring a variety of different computers, consoles, and other devices. Thank you for your patience with my uploads if you actually watch them. I often have little time to record or edit videos, so I try to spend as much time as I can working on… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: Surviving on SCULK ONE BLOCK with Maizen

    Insane Challenge: Surviving on SCULK ONE BLOCK with MaizenVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ And Mikey Survive On SCULK ONE BLOCK In Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Maizem on 2024-05-31 13:00:03. It has garnered 3574 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:09 or 2469 seconds. JJ And Mikey Survive On SCULK ONE BLOCK In Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you… Read More

  • EPIC Mother’s Day Minecraft Surprise!!

    EPIC Mother's Day Minecraft Surprise!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mothers’ Day Minecraft Showcase!!!’, was uploaded by ChaChaYourVmom on 2024-05-13 09:59:46. It has garnered 681 views and 99 likes. The duration of the video is 01:57:45 or 7065 seconds. Explore your own unique worlds, survive the night, and create anything you can imagine! Minecraft is a 2011 sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios and originally released in 2009. The game was created by Markus “Notch” Persson in the Java programming language. Come home to my Discord! You, too, can be an elite for only $0.99/month! Join my channel: If you’re struck by the… Read More

  • Alinea SMP | Whitelisted | Proximity Voice Chat | 1.21 | Vanilla Compatible | Extra Enchantments | Launched Today | New World

    Alinea Minecraft Server Alinea Come join Alinea, a 1.21 SMP Minecraft server offering a Vanilla-like experience with added features. Whitelisted for protection, custom enchantments, food skewers, proximity voice chat, and more. Join our Discord server to apply and start playing today! VANILLA+ SMP – Join with a Vanilla client and enjoy all features except proximity voice chat. To join, apply for our whitelist in the #whitelist-application channel on our Discord server. Application includes an interview and rule review. Feature Spotlight Proximity Voice Chat – Use Plasmo Voice to talk in-game. Food Skewers – Try new foods like veggie skewers. Extra… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Community Overload!

    Well, I guess the meme is scoring pretty high despite its humble beginnings as just a joke title. Minecraft memes are definitely a force to be reckoned with! Read More

  • Block Xuan: Crafting Calculations, Minecraft Style!

    Block Xuan: Crafting Calculations, Minecraft Style! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Fangkuaixuan brings joy with every dive. Animations that are funny and bright, Bringing happiness, day and night. No pirated content, only originals here, With humor and fun, there’s nothing to fear. So follow along, subscribe with glee, For Minecraft adventures, come join me! From classroom series to song adaptation too, Fangkuaixuan’s channel has something for you. So dive into the world of blocks and fun, With MC Funny, the journey’s just begun. So let’s do some calculations today, In Minecraft world, where we laugh and play. Join Fangkuaixuan, the master of… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava pit! #memes #minecraft

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava pit! #memes #minecraft “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftmemes #relationshipdrama Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Welcome to, your go-to source for all things Minecraft related! Today, we have an exciting recommendation for all you Minecraft enthusiasts out there. Have you ever come across a leaked version of Minecraft that promises an ultra deluxe experience? Well, we have just the server for you to explore that and more – Minewind. While watching a video about a leaked version of Minecraft, you may have come across the quote “The cake. It was indeed real, you see. Sometimes, just sometimes, it’s worth believing everything you come across. After all, ignorance, as they say, is bliss.” This… Read More

  • Crafting a Creeper Farm in Minecraft

    Crafting a Creeper Farm in Minecraft The Easiest Mob XP Farm in Minecraft Bedrock 1.20 Introduction In the vast world of Minecraft, players are constantly seeking ways to improve their gameplay and gather valuable resources. One essential aspect of the game is creating efficient mob farms to collect experience points (XP) and rare drops. In a recent video, a Minecraft player known as BlackPlayzOP showcased the easiest mob XP farm in Minecraft Bedrock 1.20, suitable for all Bedrock Edition platforms. Features of the Mob XP Farm The highlighted mob XP farm is designed to provide players with a simple yet effective method of farming XP…. Read More


    MASTER MINECRAFT BUILDING TIPS! 👷🏗️Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Unleash Your Inner Architect! Building Guide for BEGINNERS to PROS 🏗️’, was uploaded by GAMING GURU on 2024-06-21 07:33:27. It has garnered 431 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Ready to transform your Minecraft world into a masterpiece? 🎨 Whether you’re a newbie just starting out or a seasoned builder looking for fresh inspiration, this comprehensive guide will take your Minecraft architecture skills to the next level! What You’ll Discover: Foundation Fundamentals: Learn the essential building blocks, tips for terrain manipulation, and how to choose the… Read More

  • JJ RABBIT turns Mikey into ZOMBIE in Minecraft!

    JJ RABBIT turns Mikey into ZOMBIE in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘How Mikey Became ZOMBIE and RUN From JJ IRON GOLEM in Minecraft ? – (Maizen)’, was uploaded by JJ RABBIT & Mikey on 2024-02-09 20:00:00. It has garnered 5823 views and 50 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:03 or 3723 seconds. How Mikey Became ZOMBIE and RUN From JJ IRON GOLEM in Minecraft ? – (Maizen) This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Moments with NatPlaying! #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Moments with NatPlaying! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘playing mc lol #minecraft #memes #shorts’, was uploaded by NatPlaying on 2024-04-20 07:13:03. It has garnered 10264 views and 168 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Read More

  • Minecraft Pro Nails Block House Build Challenge!

    Minecraft Pro Nails Block House Build Challenge!Video Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO: BLOCK HOUSE Build Challenge in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Mongo on 2024-04-11 17:00:19. It has garnered 293884 views and 4156 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:14 or 2114 seconds. Mongo and Wudo have to build secure block houses! Who builds the safest block house? Mongo or Wudo? Watch to find out! This video was inspired by Maizen, Mikey and JJ, Milo and Chip! #Mongo #Minecraft #MinecraftMod Read More

  • Surviving with Friends in Classic Minecraft! Episode 1

    Surviving with Friends in Classic Minecraft! Episode 1Video Information This video, titled ‘Old Minecraft with friends | Episode 1’, was uploaded by Dragonfrvit on 2024-03-09 01:09:10. It has garnered 13 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:03 or 1983 seconds. Playing Minecraft smp with friends! Just some chill times with people screaming Read More

  • Minecraft World Glitch: I Found a Mysterious Hole!

    Minecraft World Glitch: I Found a Mysterious Hole!Video Information This video, titled ‘There’s a hole in my Minecraft world’, was uploaded by lowresbones on 2024-02-05 11:00:02. It has garnered 51280 views and 4604 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:46 or 646 seconds. Welcome back to the Minecraft Trailer Series! Today we dig down into the depths to collect a bounty of resources that will fuel the construction of my mega base! This is a Minecraft 1.20 Survival let’s play but using the Minecraft Trailer Recreation mod pack I showcased a little while ago! You all asked for it so here it is. I cannot express… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT CHALLENGE: Trapped Underground FOREVER?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft but I can’t go above ground’, was uploaded by Call Me Kevin on 2024-06-01 18:00:07. It has garnered 499111 views and 33958 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:34 or 1114 seconds. Subscribe or else! (For legal reasons this is not a threat) 🎮 Second Channel: 🎵 Music Channel: 📹 Twitch Channel: 📷 Instagram: 💩 Twitter: Minecraft is a sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios. In Minecraft, players explore a blocky, procedurally generated 3D world with virtually infinite terrain and may discover and extract raw materials, craft tools… Read More

  • 🔥 66th Leviathan Heart Hunt LIVE! Join Now! 🎮

    🔥 66th Leviathan Heart Hunt LIVE! Join Now! 🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘BloxFruit Leviathan Hunt Finally getting 66th Leviathan Heart Late stream |?BloxFruit to join’, was uploaded by Lewis 0978 on 2024-05-17 19:33:57. It has garnered 1057 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 04:00:01 or 14401 seconds. Minecraft Server: To join the minecraft server make your minecraft 1.18 ane enter this IP: | For bedrock click add server, enter the ip and the port is 26284 Lewis Discord: Zainny Discord: check out: Roblox group :!/about TikTok : twitch : Discord: Mods: Itrealzainny: LJ :… Read More