LIVE – INSANE Lance Necro Build! Diablo 4 Season 1

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He n n all all he he He N la he you he he he He Man oh man why is it so hard just to get on the stream how’s everybody doing today my daughter is like the queen of like stalling to get into bed so that was like the main that was the main uh issue there um and I do have to break

Away in maybe about 15 minutes to tell my son to go to bed um he’s usually a little bit easier for bed hey death how’s it going TMO how’s it going have you tried the duct tape yet she would she would break out of it I would end up being tied into it

It just it wouldn’t be worth it um hold on somebody said oh was taban said something where was it oh about me staying up like he said tomorrow’s Friday one day you’ll be okay that’s not how it works bro I still got to wake up early pretty much every day

For something my son’s got soccer on Saturday so I’ll be up early Saturday for that um it never ends and if I’m like tired like when I go into like try to like make content tomorrow which tomorrow is supposed to be a uh like all

Recording day like I I won’t be I won’t be able to like stay or be productive like whatsoever uh here I’m going to get Diablo opened up here send her food to make them sleep what the heck hey nixter how’s it going Angel is giving us the goose how’s

It going angel I feel like you haven’t been um Angel hasn’t been very like super talkative lately you haven’t been Lively hopefully everything’s going good for you um okay let’s get these headphones on come up with like a a battle plan um is this good yes I feel like this is

Good um where is the goal Thing wait why is goals not there cuz I turned it off here isn’t it goals goals goals all right we’ll see how that does take the kids to school back home take a two-hour nap and good to go nah cuz I I use that time I use as much time

As I can while they’re not here so that way when they are here I can spend more time with them what’s this oh newsfeed I didn’t know that was a thing all right let’s log in the game um you guys will remember last night we were testing my limits and we

Kind of found them I was able to do like plus 30 or so was what we said my my top was uh plus 35 music go hard yeah D I like this I like this music that’s why I like to play a little bit louder

Um but plus 35 was too much plus 35 was just too much um so we’re trying to do like a couple of things I guess really um I would like to get like we need oh wait didn’t I get the necklace I did where is it I did get the

Necklace oh yeah that’s so awesome I forgot about that so like we’re running like all of the stuff oh how does wait how do I not have my last level on that um we don’t now we don’t have best and Slot gear for everything we pretty good

Gear but definitely not best in slot and we still need a few more upgrades to like 800 plus um item power I know why I’m watching why I’m watching The Stream then again on boarded okay it’s kind of weird um upgrade jewelry uh what does that give me some

More crit strike chance crit strike damage damage Co lucky a chance sure uh I I can see now already I am going to have to do some more salvaging because like once I start going through and replacing this stuff I’m going to run out of materials real

Quick um and I don’t know why but like YouTube has on this channel has been forced me to do low latency instead of ultra low latency so like like YouTube is delayed by I don’t know how many seconds like uh like 5 to 10 seconds um I did

Kick live on um Kick and twitch kick live I have live on Kick and twitch as well so if you guys want to try to viewing experience on either one of those feel free I did not mean to do that so like what am I running now so I

Have this walking near corpse automatically activates so that’s like that’s a definite this is a definite this one right here does a lot of damage but like everybody talks about how like it’s it’s like almost too op so I may Target get another brutal H heart oh

Wait here let’s see do we have um like World boss or anything coming up soon I don’t see any events laid out anywhere you’re welcome for the goose so I think what I might do a couple times here is I would like to do a couple of these Dungeons and get

Wrathful Hearts CU I want to get this there’s a wrathful heart that basically should make it to where I have infinite like uh infinite Essence and if I have infinite Essence then I should be able to switch a couple of other little things around to like get even more like damage

Out of my build I think I cannot do that here I don’t have the duck it’s not a duck it’s a goose how dare you insult my goose so uh we’ll blast this like real quick I guess I need more time a lack of acquired Essence I’m not ready

Yet happy slaying all right Teo see you later dude I need your essence Arro what’s up dude 14 months let’s go aggro yeah like cuz I’m I am feeling the fact that yes wait what oh poor Mrs prow she was trying to go so she’s going to go um babysit her

Um oh why did these guys spawn in she she was going to she’s going to go babysit our little um nieces and whenever she does that late at night she loves to go stop by Duncan on the way to get coffee so she did that

They it says they close at 9:00 but she got there and they’re already closed at like 8:45 she’s so upset she’s devastated guys she might she could be crying in the car right now okay where do these guys keep coming from Ryan said kick is so much faster

Yeah I’ve heard like kick is Kick’s interface is really good Ryan I don’t really watch a lot of people there I don’t really watch a lot of streams uh what else did Ryan say lury here as well five month subone kick let’s go so much faster all right we’ll see if the Varon

Guy is here to fight too now that I’ve like I’ve gotten some decent power he’s not that hard she don’t need coffee at 9 pm anyways I mean coffee doesn’t really like affect her that way any per P leg there a follower let’s go Papa um she just likes the taste and she

Gets like the sugary sweet coffees I hate when that happens especially when it’s like 24hour McDonald’s that is closed at 3:30 a.m. after work yeah oh wait I just notice you guys don’t have uh chat up on screen hold on okay I need that on there so that way

People can see from across chats uh she text me again oh wait do we have the fork oh yeah we I think we can fight yes Von gu is there so we’re going to get the wrathful heart here we’ll fight veran up there probably thought I heard you say

You have ADHD is that true that I hear stuff no dude I’m I’m definitely ADHD I I was diagnosed as a kid and I’ve definitely experienced it my whole life I’m out of okay now let’s go fight the veran guy word I’ll be looking all three platforms awesome Ryan

Thanks so I’m curious like in terms of the vibe right like in these Diablo streams where I have the music like pumping like how does that feel like does it feel like it goes with the game good because I feel like sometimes Diablo could be a little bit more like

Talk less act more kind of game although I’m I’m pretty good at just carrying like conversation with myself almost um and with you guys but um like it can definitely like go with like some moments of silence and I think like a good like beat like

Really helps out a lot oh wow um that actually hurts a lot more than I thought it would all right we’ll have to be a little more careful with him I’m out of essence oh I can’t see oh all right got him he’s a little bit harder than I

Thought but he’s he’s not that bad so let’s see brutal heart I got it’s this so core and basic skills have a 20% chance to fully restore your primary resource I wanted to try this but I need to that’s a um devious what is this this is I don’t remember I don’t remember

What slot is which brutal is that color so that means I would need a uh like the pinkish color um I need to get a backup of the heart I already have unless maybe I might already have one just in case I just had like no like this this like

Hurts my power way too much I got to switch back so don’t have to know still don’t know how to be normal to get friends I mean best thing you do is just not worry about being normal just be yourself devious yeah right that’s um cuz look I want the the devious

One cuz I want to make it so I have a 20% chance to full full refill my power bar um I don’t have another wrathful in here so that means we’re going to have to we we’re going to have to go at it again the best friends are not normal yeah I

Mean you know like autism and ADHD or or quite different things but um I can just say that I I don’t really I don’t really worry too much or think too much about how I come across to people I just kind of just I just kind of just do me I do I

I do prow does prow and everything else Falls in line okay here let’s do another one of those uh this thing’s a pain in a butt to run out of we we won’t do that one uh this one’s not that bad to get

To um so I can say this to you guys cuz it’s a small crowd um did anybody see my controversy today I want to see if anybody knows my controversy is I haven’t addressed it cuz usually addressing this kind of stuff and like giving it legs is just it’s like not a

Good thing to do you just kind of like let it let it dissipate on its own I missed it I want to see if anybody knows react video on toy cat is all honestly um I need to man I need to upload those tonight and see if I can

Get a moonstone to do them for me little controversy although they’re they’re going to I don’t have to do them that quick I guess they’re going to come out next week okay nobody knows nobody knows um oh here first did anybody see my uh my

The picture of my mob farm I posted um from the bottom where you can like see the ice like I think it looks really cool right oh wow what was that big flash that dude did who saw that I posted it on Twitter and I posted it

Like as a as a community post on u YouTube nier saw it okay cool anybody else yeah that’s cool pick I did so that’s cool really okay cool cool cool so a lot of people saw it so the controversy had to do with that people people were saying and I I

Can kind of get where they where they’re coming it with from it with but like you’re you’re really looking for it honestly at that point point is a a lot of people just happen to point out that the bottom of it looked like a swastika and like I said I didn’t

Address it because I don’t really feel the need to like obviously I don’t sympathize with like Nazis or anything like that at all a lot of you that have seen me uh hint at my like my political ideology and in the way that I do it tell people were trying to say swasa

Yeah um so that’s why it doesn’t really bother me too much because nobody could really say anything that would really be able to stick to me it’s not even close I mean it’s it’s such a small like few sets of set of blocks I don’t think it’s close

Either it’s a freaking X but the the middle of it so so go back and look at it okay I’m not going to pull it up here go back and look at it and look at those middle like eight blocks that’s where they’re that’s where they’re getting it from yeah people

People are always looking for stuff now to be fair to the people that said stuff nobody was like oh my OMG like you’re this you’re or that nobody was accusatory but they were they were like kind of fishing for drama a little bit like proud that looks like a that looks

Like a that looks like a bad symbol you might want to change that so and maybe in their own mind they were kind of trying to like look out you know what I mean so again another reason why I didn’t feel a need to say anything but go back and look at the

Comments on my YouTube post you don’t need to say anything because again like I don’t think there’s any like ill will between people that were there otherwise I would have said something about it but it’s just but it’s just interesting to see now will I change it I don’t know I

Might because it was just one of those things where I put the blocks there while I was doing I was like yeah looks kind of cool but I don’t I don’t know how I’m going to actually have the underside of that thing look anyways so we’ll see we’ll see see how it

Goes I need more time really when I looked at it I was like oh it looks like kind of like a looks like something spinning you know what I mean that’s that’s the kind of effect I was going for so you know that the worst thing that people do in these situations and

Content creators can find themselves like in this situation quite a lot because you know you’re just putting stuff out there for people to see and say stuff about the way to like not handle that is to like take a picture of the comments and like attack the people on Twitter and in the

Comment section and just like go ham on them because then you cuz then you give it like you give it um Credence so that’s why I just kind of left it alone bye I figur I could tell you guys about it cuzz we got a small group

Here FR rocker if anybody needs to know my my thoughts on it hold on my daughter’s calling and actually um I got to tell my son to go to bed so I’m going to I’m going to sit here hopefully I don’t die um I’ll be right back

Okay I have an admission I feel really bad the cat was behind me and I rolled my chair back and I ran her over she doesn’t seem very hurt but I felt bad she she meowed like kind of loud poor little thing someone legit said bro you’re

Going to get cancelled yeah but I didn’t take that as malicious I took that as like like yo like you should take this off before you get cancelled and cuz a lot of people do handle that kind of stuff really bad meow meow meow in case you’re wondering my view

Yes I 100% believe the history books and that the Nazis and Hitler are one of the worst things to like happen in modern human history so there you go there’s my there’s my hot take there is my controversial take I know I’m um I’m leaving my headset off

For for now cuz my son’s supposed to be getting ready and I’m just kind of like listening I’m not ready yet sorry guys I’m not a yay fan U I thought I picked up something I didn’t need to pick up sacred poor little stormy yeah I felt bad but she seems

Fine all right got another wrathful here who believes history yeah I know well I mean I fell asleep in history a lot history I hated history class history class was the worst it’s one of those things like I guess like if you’re like me and you have ADHD like good luck paying

Attention um each minion drains 1.5 Essence per second but deals 94% increased damage like if you’re going all Minion build like that’s pretty baller but I’m not an all Minion build um do wait let me go here okay yeah I still have more of these uh

Invokers who what is up with the lag oh it’s cuz there’s a hell tide here for some reason that’s like a thing I don’t know why it’s a thing but it is a thing all right let’s maybe hit this one what is up with okay no that was just

Diablo wanting to crash and deciding to crash all right that’s that’s cool trying to teleporting to a wayo Papa snu on Twitch I don’t think do we even have any kick viewers oh there’s there’s more people watching on kicked it on Twitch that’s cool that’s really cool history only helps with remembering

Stuff I mean I think history is important but I’m just saying like I it’s and I even enjoy like watching historical stuff now but like I’m talking about like as a student coming up through school I hated history it was so boring now like I love like I think it’s

Just the thing that kind of happens to us guys when we get older is um like I like watching historical stuff sometimes I love watching like stuff about space and that kind of thing like that’s really fun to me and I like picking up those like

Random facts and that sort I don’t know why that’s like a thing but it definitely is I hated history I was good at as double Ed like math was my thing I liked being like I like being challenged in that way like uh instead of like like memorizing

Was not my thing I hated memorizing I was not really that great at it committing things to memory I’m a Problem Solver so so math was great for me cuz math was problem solving more than it was memorization science was like a a little bit of a mix

Of both right that’s why I kind of liked and kind of didn’t like science I didn’t really care for English at all math was math was my jam I need more Essence love physics yeah physics is fun my dog’s barking for some reason um trying to blast this dungeon really

Quick and I got to check and see if my son’s gotten in the bed or not lack of required essence oh that’s the dead end here’s some baddies lots of gold so yeah I might like I might if I can if this if this change to my build Works

Basically what it does is makes it to where I don’t need to worry about anything else that I have for getting Essence there’s an aspect I can take off so I’ll get to replace that with something else I don’t know what something that maybe helps deal more damage or or keep me

Alive um and there’s a few skill points I could technically resend I got to see how it plays out though um my my skill points that get me um Essence for killing uh or for uh exploding corpses consuming corpses I can maybe get rid of that best game you ever played that’s not

Minecraft um that’s a hard one but like I would just go back man there’s so many good games from like back in the like old Nintendo 64 like Nintendo era they’re just so great um but if I’m like I’m keeping it a little bit fresher than

That one of the games there’s a couple games that I like I played so much growing up that like I would have to put them on the list just because of how much time I spent on them um one of those is counter- Strike which is still actually like wildly popular today

But I played Counter Strike way back in like the open Beta um times like way like like actually like I played at the end of alpha so like I was legitimately one of the first people ever to get to play Counter Strike Back in the day I

Wish I could like cash that in for cool points nowadays to like be relevant but I can’t um and then there is this uh MMO RPG that I played a long time ago this actually came out a little while before uh World War Craft um and it’s called um Dark Age of

Camelot and I put a lot of years in that and I was pretty good at that game and between that and Counter Strike like who knows how could good I could have really been if I actually had like highp speed internet back then but I I didn’t I was

On I was on dial up I didn’t get I didn’t get highspeed internet until I was in my like early 20s is that stupid freaking heart again God dang it we’re going to have to do another one and then we’re going to have to Target Farm um amulets

Counter Strike yeah dude I was a demon to Counter Strike um I went to some land events um I actually got to um 101 one of the like number one players in the world at a land event in DC um his name was digital X I think was

His name this was so long ago and um I had this like crappy garbage PC it was like it was a sellon processor he had this like brand new like Pentium 2 PC like a a crazy good graphics card like all sorts of stuff man he just had like

All of these things going for him that I didn’t have um and he was used to playing with like very low ping whereas I I was not like I was I always played with um a 56k uh connection and uh we won on one and

He only beat me by one at the very end it was a good match it was a very good match what did he drop all right um let me go uh check my son for getting in a bed I’ll be right back let me also make sure I don’t run

Over the cat this time he on left this fi I feel like I lost my we back from the you rest mess you dream to Be the you mess with your head you dream to De down your neck I want to feel alive for one last And all right I’m back I’m going to leave the headset off though because the dog’s outside so I have to listen I have to listen for the dog to bark so I can uh let her let her in hold on um oh there’s my drink chiz are is fine right

Now what are you meowing about all right so uh we have to do another another tunnel thing cuz I still haven’t gotten the heart that I need where’s the closest portal to this guess it’s probably this one um and uh then we’re going to have to try to find an

Amulet you hit her again no stop hi hey fuzzy how’s it going death 100 you saw nothing proud what do you mean oh death is that you from YouTube or do I have two deaths should stream some CSG go for us prow um I I

Did hop on and play it some the other day or not the other day like weeks months ago um I did okay but like obviously like I haven’t played that game in I haven’t played Counter Strike in any like serious capacity in probably about 20 years about 15 years probably about 15

Years since like a little bit before my son was born few years before my son was born no crap how long have I been with Mrs prow yeah about probably about 16 16 17 years I haven’t played I haven’t played that seriously so I I’m I’m not going to be very

Good I mean I’m sure I’d still have fun a lot of people play it’s very popular for streaming too but like I don’t know how popular to be with like people that watch me play um and it what else um oh I was talking about Dark Age of Camelot awesome

Freaking game right um and what I like most about Dark Age of Camelot is something that I still don’t think any other MMO has ever really done right but here I’m going to give you the basic the very basic premise of the dark this Dark

Age Camelot MMO RPG and if you any of you guys that have ever kept up with MMOs if another one has done this let me know I’m curious so the first cool thing about Dark Age of Camelot was it was a um um a multiaction game so instead of like

I don’t know like Warcraft right where you have two factions you have like the human like Alliance faction whatever and then you have the um what are they The Horde like whatever they are like the the or the Orcs and those guys right um You had two factions Waring factions

Against each other Dark Age camot had three which was like so cool um you had the uh humans which was albon you had the like Nordic side which was a midgard and you had the like Elfie like dudes which was Hibernia okay um and they were at war with each other in a

Literal sense actually because the way that it worked was you kind of had like your like safe Zone inside of your realm where you go through and level up and do quests and all of that no enemies could get in there like no enemies from the

Other realm could get in there to mess with you it was your safe area to do what you want then you could go other side of the um of this keep and then you go into the like the PVP Zone the um I can’t remember the name they had for it was a

PVP zone now each faction each of the three factions had their own PVP zone right each person’s PVP Zone had seven points of interest there were two Relic keeps which had like NPC guards they were pretty large structures and they would House A Relic in it which was a

Like a gym basically a thing that gives your entire realm a bonus like uh 10% attack or 10% experience or whatever right I can’t remember what they were now but it was something like that there was like an offensive one and a defensive one I think and then you have five

Keeps that like spread out throughout this this huge Battlefield eventually stretching out to the two enemy Gates where the other the other um Realms um the mid like say you’re hurnia there was a gate for albon and there was a gate for midgard they could teleport

In to your area they come out of their safe Zone in your area and then they can go through and they raid your PVP Zone they can walk like you can just run around and like have these skirmishes you could go around and like take the other person’s keeps which was kind of

The point what you wanted to do is you want to take the other the other Realms you wanted to defend your keeps in your realm and you wanted to take the keeps from the other realm right so if I’m if I’m if I’m hiberia and I’m defending my

Keeps for every of the five keeps that I have control of I have extra guards at my Relic my Relic um uh keeps my Relic uh castles so it’s like it’s important for me it’s smart for me as a realm and there’s like hundreds of people on at a

Time right um thousands maybe like usually the servers have like anywhere from like 2 to 3,000 people per server um if somebody’s attacking my keeps I want to defend them because if they’re attacking my keeps if they take enough of them they might decide to try to take

My Relic because those Relic guards are strong they’re really strong so they’re very important to maintain and like like keep hold of um on the flip side of course if they start taking your keeps then you might have them come after your relics on and also on the other side

Let’s say instead of like attacking or defending I want to attack well I would go to a special like teleporting thing it would teleport me to a safe Zone inside of the enemy faction’s um Battlegrounds and then I would try to take their keeps and try to take their

Relic right so sounds kind of cool already right at least I thought it did and and to take the keep you had to break down the door you had to like go and like hold the keep like the main keep area for like a certain amount of

Time and the timer would count down and then it would be your keep and then the door would go back up and you’d get your own guards for that keep so that’s kind of like how you take and hold keeps okay um so what made this so interesting cuz

It sounds kind of cool already hopefully you guys what made it so interesting is the fact that there was three factions so a lot of times what would happen is on these servers you would have like one dominant faction that would have like a little bit more people or be a little

Bit more active or a little bit more skilled in PvP or they would have like a guild that was like well more organized whatever right so you would have like let’s say albon like they would they would just go in and they would crush midgard and they would crush hiberia so

Since it’s three factions what would often happen is if you had a dominant faction the two lesser dominant factions would kind of work together now you didn’t have any way to talk to these other factions you couldn’t like verbally communicate with them in any way you couldn’t T type to them so

Everything was just done from this like General understanding um but like you would have say like albon would raid midgard and try to steal their relics you as the hiberia side you you wouldn’t want to see them do that because if they take all of albon stuff and they have

Like all of this extra like all this extra power from having all the relics they’re going to be really I keep getting the same freaking one over and over again like is this real um they’re just going to get stronger and it’s going to be harder to defeat

Them um and then on the flip side if you see like midgard attacking albon then you may say oh they’re attacking the strong guy you may make one or two decisions you may say I’m going to help them but I’m going to try to get the Relic instead of albon

Getting the Relic or you may say hey like they have 100 people out raing midgard right now like let’s go hit their stuff while they’re not like paying attention you would have people out scouting the battlefields all the time looking for this information to like put it back to people and like just

The three-way Warfare was like one of the coolest things and the most fun things I ever experienced in a game it was really unique and it was really cool and I very much appreciate it it was so fun how does how does scin not have one of these things it’s really

Strange so I liked that game a lot it was extremely extremely fun and I was really good at it too um my my best and favorite character was a shadowmancer um he was like a spellcaster and I can’t remember everything that this class did because

It’s been so long now but I remember he had this really strong pbaoe it was a point blank area of effect and he had a really good uh crowd control that would freeze enemies in place for a short period of time right like stun them or whatever so I don’t know more impressive

You knowing all that or the game and you like new name I don’t I don’t quite know everything that you mean there death but okay um so I need more time the point blank so basically what you would do is like you I think groups could be as

Large as eight so you would like run into a group of eight and you would try to find a huge group of enemies like you would try if you’re really lucky like what you would do in this like group as a shadowmancer is like we would we would

Hunt down or get information as a like we were usually a guild together we would get information from um like people that are like paying attention to what’s happening on a server and like we would find a group of like I don’t know uh albon guys or whatever that are like

Raiding a keep and they would let us know 50 50 um albs on keep X right they would just kind of like give us the information so what we would do is we would run in there as a group of eight to go fight these 50 maybe even 100

People and what you would try to do is you would have um like a Bard that would have like a speed spell that would take you in there really fast and you would try to sneak in as quick as you can while they’re trying to bash the door

Down um you would pop like all these special abilities I don’t remember all of them you would crowd control everybody you would sleep like put people to sleep like all this kind of stuff and it would give you a few seconds just a few seconds to

Um to like get in there like up close and personal like right up beside them and use this point Blake area of effect and you could instantly wipe a crowd of 100 with a group of eight as long as you got the drop on them even if you didn’t

Got to get to drop on them and you’re really good like you could do some serious damage and get away without like getting killed and it was so fun man very impressive how you have remembered all this I I remember it because of how fun the game was

And I was on I was on um I was on dialup at the time too so like my reaction speed was usually a little bit slower which kind of sucked cuz I remember specifically I was like the second best shadowmancer on the server that I played

On um the dude that was better than me he was really good but he had this advantage of like not having a um like having a better connection so he would like never get disconnected I would get disconnected sometimes so it may me like slightly unreliable and he would have

That slightly better connection speed so especially if they went into a um like a big group like he wouldn’t lag at all whereas I would any MMO games like those I always avoided PVP aspects of them I just never like PVP oh dude I

Lived for it God I love PVP was so fun like everything I did was around like wanting to be as good as I could be at the PVP I didn’t like I didn’t care too much for the PVE aspects like they had this one area area called Darkness Falls um

It was like a um like think of it like a huge dungeon instance right you would teleport to it but instead of like all the other PVE areas that were like safe zones cuz they were inside of your like border area your realm um instead it was

A like shared instance so like usually like one one faction would have like control of this Darkness Falls area and it was where like some of the best drops were so a lot of people went in there for the PVE which there were good drops

There so I would go there but I like going in there for the PVP so you wanted to be the best and beat the best I’m I’m very competitive I don’t I mean I still show it quite a bit but I guess uh cuz I don’t like you know

Minecraft’s my main game now right which is not a competitive game by by like most measures I guess it can be to an extent if you get into that side of it which I don’t really like care too much for that side of Minecraft but like like

I don’t know if I was ever to like be able to just like grow this type of following to where I could just play whatever game I wanted and I would no matter what game I played I had like a decent like viewership of it then I would probably play more competitive

Games okay for Sean’s there um I’d probably play more like I play probably play more competitive games you’d see me on fortnite more maybe I’d play some csgo um and a few other things but um unfortunately may be fortunately for you guys I don’t know unfortunately for for what my current

Desires are I have to I have to spend at least like 9/10 of my time minimum 3/4 of my time in in Minecraft I think I just heard the dog bark here this is this is a safe spot for me um let me go check to see if I can get the

Dog in I’ll be right back so like I think if I was able to like spend in that kind of time now are you going to play uh Boulders gate no for some reason like I just don’t have an interest in that game and and the more I hear about it

Honestly the less interest I have in it and I’m not saying that because I think it’s a it’s probably a bad game obviously it’s not like a lot of people love it and they say it’s so good but like I’ve hear about like a lot of like

Forced romance stuff and I don’t know man it just seems so like I don’t know it’s just I I get some kind of vibe from it that I just like I don’t like for some reason I was going to put my headphones on but I got to I got to take care of

Business here I’m not ready he’s trying to kill me oh [ __ ] I’m not ready yet he’s like rolling hard right now um so yeah just like something about balers gate doesn’t doesn’t rub me the right way so I’m not interested in it um anyways I was going to say like I

Think that if like I actually had the the time and the ability just via like the way my content creation career maybe evolves one day um I would I feel like I definitely wouldn’t be a competitive level player like I’m not that good even at my best

I’m not that good and maybe I don’t know people say like you slow down with age when it comes to gaming critical strikes and all subsequent damage within 3.2 seconds this is not as good of a roll store damage is increased by 14% store damage increased by 15%

Um but like I feel like I could probably be like some of the like the streamers that stream those types of games that like are like people watch like okay like this dude’s pretty good like I would be somewhere in like the mid to lower end of that category of

Gamer um okay so anyways this is the this is the correct one um this one here I got a few of these right let me pick out which one’s the best um oh no this one’s minions drain Essence I don’t need that one uh

20% oh is that all of them 19% 20% okay those got a little bit more armor so this is like the better one uh I guess I’ll keep those just in case I probably don’t want or need any of these I’m going to look at them

Though I don’t know if I’m going to play it either I’m tied up with other games hey death 100 Frist how’s it going dude thanks for joining stream um so I don’t know like I really have doubts that I’ll ever be like that level of a

Streamer um and I don’t know if it’s after um and I don’t know I don’t know why I think it’s just like a relatability thing as part of it like people are able to relate to these like younger guys streaming so much more than they are to some like me even though

Like I feel like I’m pretty like down to earth and and fun in my own way um I think it’s just like it’s just becomes a little bit easier to like directly relate to um somebody that’s like more the age of these like average Gamers and there’s not enough people in my

Like age group that are into watching streaming I think there’s a okay amount that are into watching YouTube still not a like a ton not anything like the younger crowd but there’s a decent amount um dealing 23% reduced damage oh this is almost a Max roll this is actually better than what I

Have I’m going to pop that in there and what is this 80% okay that’s that is a Max so yeah I don’t know I don’t need to become rich doing this obviously that would be nice but like it would be nice to be able to have like a comfortable

Income walk in your corpse automatic okay this is oh this one’s a mineral heyis how’s it going oh overall in the YouTube’s rating that’s awesome thank you did it wait Did was this like a like a actual like raid why is like everything so laggy um

Because I didn’t I didn’t get to see the message how’s it going IIs everybody make sure you give IIs a subscribe she plays Minecraft and I think a few other games too I always like seeing her little shorts and stuff that she does they’re so Awesome um all right let’s see what kind of salvaging we need to do actual redirect yeah the message is super small and hard to see yeah I know it pops up on the top of the screen it’s only there for half second so like when I’m on like one of my famous prow

Rants um I’m not going to see it and I like look over and I’m like oh hey how was your stream Andis what were you doing um this music is this music a little extra loud to you guys just a nudge it down just a touch uh let’s see

No crit strike chance lucky hit will power fortified generation wait what do I have now damage reduction while fortified and fortified generation that’s all stats this is willpower the lucky hit’s probably not worth it no stream is fun today just obsessed with Boulders Gate 3 right now were you

In here we were just talking about it um I was just saying like for some reason and I can’t really justify it there’s just something about the game that rubs me wrong and I don’t I don’t know what it is but like when I like see it and

Hear about it like nothing anybody says or nothing I see makes me feel like I have I have to play that game so I don’t know I don’t fight it like anybody does like it like definitely like have fun like I’m a person that’s like I’m always

Going to say like if you’re having fun with the game like I don’t care what it is like have fun playing it but for me it just doesn’t seem to strike it for me what I am excited about is Stargate coming out in a few

Days um I’m G to play the crap out of Stargate oh man that game’s going to be so fun I cannot wait to try it out now who knows it how long it’ll hold my interest I think the funny thing is with me I think the more people watch

Something the more interest like it generates more interest from me into the game Star yes Starfield sorry Stargate is one of my viewers and I see their name and I think Starfield so now I’m mixing it two but yes Starfield um Love A Stargate game um but but yeah like the more

People watch a game that I play I think it just makes me more interested in in it like it’s just like drug like effect almost Stanfield okay now you guys are just being mean okay stop being mean to me so like if I was streaming Starfield

And we had like and we’re going to try streaming on a Minecraft Channel by the way which scares me a little bit but we’re going to do that and like if we end up getting like 50 70 100 viewers and like everybody’s like like feeling it like

That would make me want to play it more let me excited I’d bail on di for in a heartbeat I mean it might be fun to hop away from Diablo for a little bit right I mean we’ll see again we’ll see if I’m having fun with it and viewers are

Having fun with it then I’ll I’ll switch I guess Diablo like goes against that right cuz look I play Diablo here with you guys I never have like we barely ever touch over 20 viewers but if I I pop on fortnite with like minnow in the

Gang then like we pull in like a lot of viewership like we’ll get 30 to 50 um okay so now I have the aspects that I need how much time is left in this um I feel like this has been here the whole time that we’ve that we’ve

Been on so there’s no way this hell tide is lasting that much longer 17 minutes oh I can do a lot in 17 minutes hold on cured Peaks I I’m I’m pulling up the little thing that tells me where everything is uh let me zoom in okay I I’m familiar with that

One I can I can probably get the one that’s like right down here and then maybe oh crap why did it do that and it maybe an amulet one if I if I stop like randomly teleporting I say right here like you guys can see my other screen

I don’t know what to do with cubes spend them on sound effect redeems and go eat dinner but I’ll be luring all right Onis don’t feel like you have to stick around for me I’m usually a type to like I’ll raid and bail because like when I’m

Done streaming like I’m just kind of done in general so I don’t blame you all right here’s an event these events are pretty good too also I like getting obals from this because that’s good for like Target farming gear too need more cuz then I can go and I can just

Buy like all amulets and then like at least have like some kind of chance to get something I’m not ready oh I want to go yeah I want to bounce back and forth between these two events there somewhere I can see all the sound effects um is there is there like

A mod or somebody in here that can like link um death to the site that has all that information um type in exclamation point commands and that’ll like take you to all the different commands that I have or I’ll show you all the different commands that I have and then you should

Be able to figure it out from there oh we got a lot going on here let’s go I need more time oh that was a nice group that felt good I need time to do that oh no the event there’s the event’s not here so somebody must have recently did

It thanks Angel for the help appreciate it yeah I’m just going to try to like bounce back and forth between these and see if we can’t um should be able to pretty easily get everything I need oh I almost I almost ate it there I was sitting in the middle of all the

Spoy dudes oh look this one’s back up I’m not sacred sacred sacred basically all trash I’ll try to like kill these guys on the way just like pick up some extra senders this is if anybody’s playing Diablo and you want to know how to like maximize hell Tides it’s just knowing

Where the event locations are by like using the map and then just like bouncing as quick as you can in between them and um whenever you like see a big like a good size pack of mobs jump off and kill them I don’t know like I killed that one

So fast this one’s probably not going to be up no it’s not oh here we got some some mobs up here we can at least take one um what is this protection jewelry oh look it’s back it’s up it’s up okay all right we have an event we have

An event oh it’s this one okay easy enough stand on the thing I’m not ready yet I’m not ready yet stand on the thing 38 look good for 38 I’m 39 actually now I need more time I could pass for a much younger man if I just got the gray out of the

Beard you know I have good complexion I’m not ready this is a good event you decent amount of uh kills out of this I’m not ready uh all sacred all right let’s get all of the senders all right now we’ll head back over say I look 25 but little do they know I’m

36 you got that young skin too I need time to do that oh it’s a ring dang it I don’t need rings I’m not I’m not going to pull it is there any other jewelry ones what’s this weaponry Weaponry protection protection nope um well there’s nobody else there

To fight right now we just did the other one so I might just do a quick exploration Mission up here oh the um the chest is down here we go we can go say hi to it I need more time say hello to the chest there all right and it’s up

Good oh God I hate this one do you requ so dark and cold please stay grandfather was supposed to walk me home see you later big boy I need more time are you still there yeah I’m afraid um season two of Diablo probably isn’t going to hit very

Good I don’t know how many of you guys have been paying attention to like the the Diablo news but like the fact that like alls are doing really is just fixing some bugs and adding in some stuff that’s very similar to the mechanics that we have right now does

Not sound very promising now maybe they have more to announce I mean they are going to have some like some like bigger like bosses I guess so that’s going to be kind of cool but like I don’t know if um if star field is like really compelling and

Fun then it’ll be it’ll be hard to like justify spending time on Diablo for season 2 maybe it’ll be one of those things where like you skip a season you come back I need more Time season 3 will be better I think so because I think and maybe this is

Just the Goodwill nature of me I think that they are um man there’s so much coming in holy crap um I think that right now they’re like actively learning their lesson on like how much they kind of screwed up and they saw the The Path of Exile

Launch and they’re like oh man like Path of Exile is looking really good right now so I I do think they’re in like a good panic over there to like put out good content but the thing is is like season one and season two were already planned and ready pretty much so like

There is no way to like adjust course that fast season three will be their big adjust course season I’m doing Starfield yeah so season season 3 will be their first like hey like we kind of screwed up we need to we need to to do better thing I’m not ready and they definitely

Like I know like one of the things that they had said was like Hey like we want to um you know try out new things into the seasons and some of the stuff we keep if it’s really good and people like it you may see it come back again later like I

Know that’s like one of their things um it it needs to be a little bit more definitive they need to go in purposefully doing things that they they more or less know they’re going to keep all right we have the pretty much have the 250 um and then like every season just

Needs to be an evolution of the game like to add in like a couple of like puzzle pieces to make the game more fun for longtime players and then they need to just make sure they’re smart enough to do it in a way to where they add

Depth for their like any new players that decide to come in you know what I mean oh I’m I’m going to nope I’m not even going to risk it they could have got me there I could do this event but I really don’t need

To I may come back to it if that dude’s still fighting it just because I can get some more obals I need more time hey Bru what’s up dude [Applause] wow that was a lot moldy um also for all of you guys wondering about Starfield it is free in

Game Pass so I 100% recommend that you try it out when it comes out ow if you’ve never had Game Pass sign up for like the $1 like one month free trial and try it out look I’m getting really laggy again I don’t want it to crash

Um so I’m going to be like I have I have Xbox live right so or um Game Pass so I’m going to get that but I did buy the like early um the early access pass Max minion life nope that’s no good this it’s a shield it doesn’t have AIX

On it so don’t need it this damage is not great on it two-handed two-handed without great stuff on it for me um this is a dagger nothing great gloves that don’t have good stuff um bus don’t have good stuff pants that aren’t great boots I hear you Kikis uh that’s a orange ring

Nope nicely why hello there all right well oh oh oh oh we get to attach our next Paragon board oh man what is it I don’t remember uh builds Lance mancer uh Paragon uh this our third board and this is the flesh eater board flesh eater which way do we need to turn

The flesh eater board um we want the legendary note up towards the top let’s do a little rotation there like this attach board bam we are in we’re in like Flynn and um we got to get to a node there I don’t know what node goes there

But it’s fine um all right I think we’re going to blast some uh nightmare dungeons now I wonder where minnow is tonight maybe tonight’s dungeon and Dragon Knights for him I haven’t heard from him which is odd um so I think what we’re going to do it’s like I’m going to blast Dungeons

And like the mid-30s I think is where we’re going to Target because I should be able to do them quick so we could be XP efficient and still get like good drops and good um he was here was he he’s not on is he no he’s not

On um here I you know what I want to do this real quick I want to do um just drop off some of my aspects here um some of my duplicates so let’s see while at full life blood orbs Grant 11 Essence that’s one of the ones I’m

Using right now which we may end up swapping out I’m going to put that down here skeletal Mages increas by two skeletal mes increase by two I don’t need two of those skeletal Warriors increase by two skel to Warriors skel to Warriors uhum corpse 24% chance to spawn a blood

Orb uh 4% armor 4% armor 26 blood orb 4 4.45% armor it’s even better oh this is one that I took off that I may end up taking back if we get a chance to shift some things around it’ll get me more overpower damage oh no

This is the attack speed one which I have on this I need a 50% attack speed one 35% attack speed this one’s 44% attack speed blood Lance 46% normal damage corpse tal I just heard something uh 18% 36% blood Lance 26% BL skills overpower that one can go um 46%

Can I like reshuffle these launch an additional blood lands okay for 46% launch an additional blood Lance for 46% okay that one can go oh look here’s the max one okay that’s got to stay in here gain 19% increased Critical Strike chance for okay that one’s good okay

That’s kind of like sorted me out a little bit better at some point I’ll have to go through here and like get rid of like extra ones I don’t need eating proud hey Palmer how’s it going dude thanks for joining the stream thanks for hopping in um okay I

Think we’re good to like do some runs uh so consumables I don’t take the increased damage ones for like specific things reduces resource cost by 10% sure and then we’ll run like lightning storm that should be fine hey Joann’s here Smokey’s here oh Smokey’s been here yeah I’m I’m really I I can’t

Stress how much I’m uh counting on you guys for um for your like support on the Starfield launch uh stream it’s Thursday I thought it was Friday cuz it said September 1st but that’s September 1st globally time zone wise it’s uh August 31st um 8:00 p.m. Eastern I’ll probably

Start stream at least 1 hour early if not two hours early I will be oh that’s a Thursday actually so that’s actually good for me um and uh I’ll definitely need you guys in there to um just like provide that like extra extra bit of support oh this is this one this one’s

Not fun I’m not ready cuz I really like I really want it to do well on the Minecraft channel it’s one of the first times not the very first time but one of the first times I’ve like ever like streamed a non-minecraft game on the channel and um if if it goes

Well then I I may do that more often with more games time but it’s something that I I’ll probably be very like uh careful of Minecraft Channel yeah I’m going to do it on the Minecraft Channel like I guess I’m I’m hedging my bets on the fact that like I have almost

100,000 subscribers on the Minecraft channel so like there’s got to be at least some even if it’s a small amount of people that um that that may like come across me playing on the Minecraft channel that would want to watch that would just never never find me if I was

On this channel you know what I mean 24-hour live stream you hit 100K I can’t I can’t do that it’s it doesn’t it doesn’t work with the the way the Family Life Works and the fact that like the wife needs to be in here sleeping I’m in my

Bedroom maybe if I had an office and even then it’d be hard to pull off um but I do feel like I need to do something for 100k I don’t know what it is we could do like a 12 hour stream or something like that maybe I’m not ready yet

I I need you to go search the ruins for a book called compendium obviously I’m am excited to hit the 100K whenever it finally happens Oops I did not mean to hit this for as long as you yeah 12 hour stream I can pull off because I can I can start early and

Then end late you know what I mean I can start at like 9: and run till like 9: I can do 9 to 9: got some kind of Boss guy in here I’m not ready and he got melted yeah I think we’ll get there sometime in the next couple

Months you know it’d be nice to be one of those YouTube channels that like just suddenly like takes off and then like after hitting 100,000 like oh wow like it’s only a few months later now PR’s at 200,000 oh man it’s only been like another 6 months and he’s at

500,000 ow I couldn’t make it in there hopefully hopefully I can figure out the exponential growth curve I’m not ready yet hold I’m going to I’m going to pop this just to like pull them all in I’m not ready yet I’m low on Essence I need more time

We got some um serious guys here right now yeah like anywhere in this range like plus 15ish feels pretty solid I could maybe push a little bit higher especially if I’m fighting like the right as uh affixes I’m not ready whoa what was that where is he at here’s

One this is the the freaking electric thing God I hate that yeah sorry bro you going down heck yeah death it’s awesome dude is this going to be a curs one I kind of like the curs one channeling nope it’s not all right let’s take advantage of like infinite Essence

Oh of course I can’t take advantage can I I need more time I need more time of course here’s the other box I haven’t found the place to put them yet that’s kind of annoying oh here they go all right I guess that’s not too

Bad make sure I did not get hit by that thing oh thought I had it like that world that was a good world I had a lot of good stuff built up there oh God this not going to be good hold on let’s do a little bit of this oh

I got him I got him this been a pretty solid run can’t make it back God dang I hate those things I hate those things I hate those things so freaking much oh man he’s got some powerful attacks that’s okay you going down either way buddy bro I’m out

Of look almost got this one up to 15 now that was a pretty good run for loot too Papa Snuffy over in twitch chat don’t worry Papa snuff you’re not alone sir I see your chat I see your chatter I know what I really need i’ God

Like how do people get so much gold like in the like like hundreds of thousands look I guess just doing a bunch of crazy runs right uh nothing good nothing good nothing good nothing good nothing good but a good addition to my Wares massified Essence like how much more do I get for

Selling this 39,000 versus the man I might have have to start selling these um sell sell unless it’s got like something I need to pull off that’s a 14% I don’t need that um s strength NOP attack speed no no oh wait devious Max Essence vul nope it doesn’t

Have good enough stuff oh and I needed I needed on a necklace anyways right oh wait no no no I need it on a ring I’m I’m supposed to be targeting Rings oh [ __ ] yeah another thing I’m worried about with doing um like other games on

The on the main channel is like is is it a negative thing to me in some kind of way if I have non like Minecraft level familyfriendly content on the channel like what’s the uh like what kind of negative impact might that have because I do worry that it might have

Some kind of negative impact like obviously Minecraft content will always be familyfriendly but like are people smart enough to see like oh PR’s live He’s not playing Minecraft like maybe this isn’t like familyfriendly prow like this playlist yeah I love this playlist dude it’s so good um all right

What am I at now F five 5.5 okay we’re we’re building up all right um 39 drifting shade I hate drifting shade 40 and powered Elite shock Lance I could try this one is this cor Valour I’ve always heard cor Valour is a good one I think like just for like

XP oh no I’m thinking of the um stronghold not the dungeon man I really want to play Starfield I’m really curious to see what it’s like like I’ve only seen like the only thing I’ve seen about the game was the the um directors um uh that like uh what was it

That like 45 minute like recent like gameplay thing that they did and like from seeing that I’m like okay this game looks like it’s going to be really fun I’ve stayed away from anything else about it and I don’t know if that’s a good thing or bad thing but

I really don’t know like a whole lot about the game outside of like that and then like like some like key stats that you you saw like it’s got a, worlds and 10% of them are um like have life on them and like basically stuff like

That and I’m I don’t know if I should like try to learn more about the game that way like maybe I’m like more knowledgeable about stuff I’m not ready whenever I like play or should I not and like have that level of like newness these guys are uh what plus 20 to me

Almost oh hold on I need to hit this I’m I’m getting a little like big for my bridges here so to speak I feel like from like a content creator perspective maybe it’s more beneficial to know as much as possible about the game going in cuz then maybe

I’m able to like do stuff that seems like it’ll be more interesting to people earlier on I don’t know all right I just had a thought in my head and I’m going to say it because just thinking it screwed me over anyways but I have not seen the butcher in quite a

While and and and I know and thank you and saying it he’s going to appear for night tonight with Maple ah okay how’s it going minnow need more it’s the last night of the of the current season new season tomorrow my friend oh here we’re just going to hit this like right

Away I need more time oh ow oh wait there’s somebody still alive can you die please why does he keep doing where is he he keeps stop it freaking teleporting away free the prisoners you’re be careful that the game developer they have flop their last game this game will be good like all

Indications are the Starfield is going to be a great game it would really take a lot for them to to like screw it up based on what’s already known oh wait I don’t know which way to go injured enemies injured enemies Critical Strike damage okay well that

Kind of answers it doesn’t it you go this way minnow is busy and can’t come play with you I didn’t ask him to why are you guys getting so defensive I’m not ready they’re always scared I’m going to take minnow away oh here we go here we go got some action

Here had some action here uh protection Shrine Invincible Goblin I’m out of essence oh some ancestral boots create oh that’s for sever they’re pretty they’re not bad boots I don’t I don’t need them of course though am I going the right way oh what’s down here okay good decision good decision oh

Hello need more bring it on guys wouldn’t have made it without you guess I should beat the main story line do it I don’t know man I’m so torn learn as much as possible about Starfield or go in like semi blind I think I’m I think I’m going to

Probably take the rout of learning a lot like I don’t really care a whole lot either way like going in blind does sound kind of fun but then I’m like lost and trying to figure stuff out and then chat just like tells me things anyways you know what I mean I’m not

Ready so like it probably looks better on me to like know a decent amount about the game and what I’m getting into and like what my plan is why is Twitch faster than YouTube for some reason like YouTube’s got me stuck on this mode for this channel that makes me like have

Like a little bit longer delay usually like YouTube’s a little bit further behind twitch but not a lot but it’s like even more behind because of like this weird setting hold on oh let’s Pop That Let’s kind of back out here a little bit and let’s roast

Everything yeah like this is good like plus what is this again plus 25 like this is this feels solid like I’m getting a lot of ancestral stuff predominantly ancestral stuff so like the drops are good like I’m getting a lot of uh XP for my glyphs I’m getting a

Lot of XP I’m able to like process through fairly quickly what’s better platform I think YouTube’s actually the better platform video quality is usually decent amount better um but it’s like got this that weird bug with this channel for some reason it might even fix itself if I didn’t copy

Like an old stream and like just created a brand new stream from scratch I think that would f it but I didn’t think about that before I like scheduled this so unfortunately it wasn’t a possibility I’m not ready I’m not ready yet who’s up in here anybody the night dude he

Sucks I’m not ready oh I’m oh man almost ate it almost ate it right there I didn’t have my get out of jail free card up man all this ancestral loot this is nuts oh this is not going to be good he’s a mortar guy oh I stunned him

We might get him we might get him quick okay that wasn’t bad I’m guessing I probably just go this way the goose is loose um I I want to kind of peek in here all right let’s uh let’s go ahead and defeat it I’m not ready yet I need more time

All right now he’s dead pH anything drop over here no all right let’s go do another cell I don’t use twitch since they Force the ads yeah the ads on Twitch suck man that’s the a good thing about YouTube is even if I did run ads which I don’t but

If I did well I don’t I don’t run any like inside of the stream but if I did like it pauses the stream for you like you could easily rewind like if you miss something if you feel like you missed something you could easily just go back

And watch it and then like catch back up pretty quickly and easily that’s why ads suck so much on Twitch that’s the main reason ads are so terrible on Twitch cuz you can’t if you miss something it’s gone you know what I mean all right um intelligence all stats Max

Life uh but I need total armor probably too and twitch is honestly it’s sad to say they’re too dumb to figure it out anything else bone storm nope ancestral rare sword decent crit strike damage but no nothing else is good gloves okay blood Lance good Critical Strike chance

Good oh but it’s got two bad rolls on it it’s missing overpower and intelligence 5% chance to restore 11 .5% no man this is almost good if I could if it had one more good thing on it it would be it would be worth like giving it a

Shot what is this overpower damage Critical Strike is injured enemies no well struck um this is missing a lot this missing a lot this I don’t need and it’ll get me 100,000 gold sure okay hold on so this has wait plus three to corpse centrals which is good it has Intelligence which is

Solid hold on what are my other things I need uh on boots boots are fortifi generation intelligence corpse tendrils Essence cost reduction those are like those are the perfect boots these have intelligence and corpse tendrils which is two of the more important things damage reduction while injured that’s not bad Dodge

Chance that’s not as important what’s on this one this one’s got garbage stats okay we’re we might try these to see if we can do something good with them um this guy would replace this and it’s it’s got nothing good on it critical strikes with core skills increase your attack speed by 25%

Core skills like that’s like honestly that’s not bad cuz look oh this this is oh man okay this build is going to get stupid hold on we’re going to I guess let me go back over here we’re going to this is what I’m thinking cuz

Look I’m going to get this I’m going to eventually get to replace this and put the uh brutal heart in here that gets uh me basically free infinite Essence right at that point I’m getting Essence from that I don’t need Essence from what is it

Uh which is it what is it where is it I thought it was on a ring yeah I won’t need I won’t need Essence from this anymore which means I can replace this with this this will get me 25% attack speed every time I crit and I’m

Getting 41% attack speed every time I overpower that attack speed is going to be like I’m insta casting dude like I am just wrecking at that point oh that’ll be so good that’s cool uh look at this ring that looks really neat but it’s all garbage um amulet blood skill

Damage nothing great okay oh man I’m excited about this I just need I just need to find a ring um also here we’re not let’s let me make sure we’re not missing a world boss I wish there was like a like a on screen alert you would get instead of

Having to like think to look no I’m not seeing anything like this build is about to get really stupid really fast okay uh extract yes and then enchant and want to try to replace the Dodge chance fortify generation so wait what was I trying to find on boots again this might not be

Bad boots fortifi generation intelligence so I have three out of four fortifi generation intelligence corpse syndal and the other thing is damage reduction while injured that’s not bad damage reduction is decent pop a enough and then wait uh skeletal Warriors which is easy enough to have okay let me

See so the fortifi generation will be good it’s going to suck losing all stats a little bit man is it worth losing the all stats cuz see all stats is nice because it gives me this extra willpower decks and decks which I do kind of need

And look the reason I need that I might not do it the reason I need that is like some of these nodes like this needs 360 willpower this needs 360 decks and that’s going to literally take me below and that means I’m going to be yeah my

Nodes aren’t going to be working as good it would be it would be a net loss it would be a net loss I’m glad I noticed that precious St the light come and see I need more willpower in decks instead of intelligence all my stuff my intelligence uh stat is already

So high it’s not really doing enough for me anymore um here let’s put these gems Away consumables Max resource by 50 attack speed by 7% that might be worth it overpower damage by 20% all right we’ll take this and we’ll take stuff that’s like right there in 40 the 40 range lightning storm lightning gathers by the player get into the protection Dome

That’s so annoying 41 volcanic I could do that pap um infested tunnel so I guess we’ll be fighting spiders lots of spiders not ready she dead oh I hit that just to be safe I need whoa that hit hard how much is that going to poison

Me good God holy crap I had to eat through like six potions to wipe that poison out I’m not ready okay that was um that was interesting I have to make sure I’m on top of my corpse tendrils and not getting too close to these guys I’m not ready yet

Oh okay I think I’m safe I back up to full potions I need more time H do It I need more time oh God this might not be good I’m not ready all right hold on I’m trying to like keep Pace okay there we go I was able to heal enough I need more time um the reason I’m backtracking is cuz I feel like I might have left a lot

Of stuff back here I guess don’t want to backtrack too much cuz just wasting time oh okay this is where you fight like the boss I’m not ready yet I’m not ready ancestral and rubies oh this dude hello he dead these events right here never wor

Never worth it they take too long to do I forgot I got those obals earlier we need to use I’m not ready yet yeah we’ll just we’ll just kill all that from a distance that’s fine uh-huh uh-huh need more time all right we we had a rocky start on

This map but we’re doing okay now I’m not ready these dudes are um 25 levels above me right 26 something like that 95 yeah 20 oh no 20 levels 20 levels above me oh I just saw a 3 million hit there 2.8 2.8 million that’s the biggest hit I’ve actually spotted before

For my character funny I could probably put on a lot bigger hits if I took a two-handed weapon but then I wouldn’t get the speed I actually enjoy the attack speed more than I enjoy the big hits I’m not ready yet oh we’re actually so we’re we’re

Done with um the objectives now I just have to go to the center and fight the boss oh hold on we got a ice dude here and they suck I’m not ready yet ice dudes always suck hey fly life what’s up flly life in the

House oh no it says I have one more to do God dang it was probably like right down here so maybe we’re fine I’d come through here anyways right this well it’s probably not going to be here but I’m going to uncover it just to be sure I’m not ready another Paragon point

I’m not ready I’m not ready o I almost ate it there we’re good now though travel to the Queen’s Den there she be okay poison not good just like a I need more word of caution everybody I don’t know where she is right now oh she’s all the way down here she dead

Now can I get the little thing to appear there we go there we hey thanks for the amazing stream I needed some sleep all right Dad see you later dude a little sort action there uh okay so not seeing any events popping up uh I think we’re keep selling just to

Like stockpile gold uh let’s see I’m losing a bunch of things a bunch of things this has Max life on it no everything else kind kind of sucks blood skill damage is like the big one I need on this Blood skill damage and Max life for like the make two I guess bargain

Nope um oh this is a Max roll for that I got to take that uh but everything else one it kind of sucks this not that great sell that okay we’ll do a little extract real real quick here may your road be filled with wonders oh wait wait wait can’t I

Um oh no it’s 80s the next one I’m always kind of curious to pokem my head no like the PVP area but it anytime I go like my character like this this build is not like that great with PVP so anytime I go there I just die but we could like maybe

Try to like poke around here for a minute just to like kill some stuff boss isn’t until 1:00 a.m. next Legion is 20 minutes yeah the legions aren’t worth it I’ve always found anyways oh wait is there an was there an event down here oh we do that I’m not ready yet I need one sacred sacred oh there’s boss up here let’s take him on oh hold on there is a I’m not ready yet there’s a player oh oh man I couldn’t um I couldn’t pull him in fast enough that little [ __ ] I don’t know what level what level

Was he did anybody catch that not while I’m in town I’m not good at PVP in this game but I would like to be see he’s got a lot of the my he’s got all those seeds now I hear him you hear him where is he I heard him

He was like right up here oh I want to find that little [ __ ] you could be over here doing this event no time to do that it tells I think like it notifies you when people are turning in I’m not ready yet I had a lot of those seed things

Too he was 100 was he I’m not ready who knows like if I had got my Roo off on him I maybe could have like just output enough damage to kill him I don’t know how much I don’t know how hard it is to kill a player that’s

That much higher level than you though like maybe I just didn’t stay a chance do the event I’m not ready I’m not ready that’s a that’s a friendly player they’re they’re not marked for battle for combat ready I’m watching on the map though I’m not ready yet

All sacred stuff oh he’s playing as a necro too all right my necro Brethren oh what is this oh that was like that because this dude’s turning In he ran off and place traps I’m going to go fight the boss thing again ready uh these dudes are also friendlies oh they’re like a whole group too I should probably like peel out right maybe I got a lot of these like seeds now maybe I could like turn them

In I need more time I haven’t done much of the PVP side of the game maybe it’ be fun to just kind of like mess around with it a little bit so like if I do this this will alert people that I’m turning in my seeds so they have until that timer runs

Out to come in and kill me I’m whenever you start turning in I think you’re marked at that point point or no no it’s not that you’re marked it just notifies people on the in the map like hey like somebody’s turning in seeds here it’s like if I if I have somebody

Come in for me probably first thing I going to do is mist and then and then hope that I can corpse tendril them before they kill me not ready and if I can tendrils them I might be able to kill them if I’m lucky so look my seeds are almost turned

In so I’m I should be I should be good to go now yep okay so now I can’t lose my my seeds oh look it’s the boss dude again he gives a lot he’s fun to fight let’s go kill him again he’s also I feel like a big Target too I need more

Time all right this dude is um oh it’s two of them I keep an eye on those guys I don’t trust them I don’t even like this event oh okay they’re cashing out and it’s two of them I’m not going to even try to mess with them like this would be fun to

Do with a group you know what I mean like it’d be fun to be in here with like uh like like mnow nixer or something it’s a little risky solo because because groups can kill you it doesn’t like it doesn’t care like when it instances you instances you it

Doesn’t care like if your group or level yard doesn’t care about any of that it’s just all random I need more time I need more time where my name hey nixer I was just talking about how like it’d be fun to go through with like a a full group and just like

Like Farm in here and like kill like maybe even like run around marked and just like kill other players Rachel you going to have your friend back now prow no I don’t want him I don’t want him no no no oh this a lot of dudes why not I’m not ready

Oh this dude’s level 98 he could easily take my stuff I don’t trust oh man I don’t trust these guys at all I don’t like look they’re going to do it they’re probably talking right now like hey do we like try to get this dude like he’s only

Level 75 like we could take him easy oh maybe I’m maybe I’m safe a player start a ritual where all right I’m going to be crazy I’m going to go and take a look at this dude just to see if he if he’s already marked if he’s already marked I’m going

To try to kill him I have nothing to lose I didn’t know this place is that big was this big I need time to do that nope he’s not marked we’ll leave him be look like their play nice have you spent a lot of time in the PVP area

Minnow somebody’s cashing it up top it’s too far away for me to get there all right here we’re going to you know what we’re going to do this I want I want to come in marked so I can fight anybody let’s do it so like I think you go to a mo wheel

Mark for blood so now marked so now anybody I see I can attack oh man I’m getting some like glitchiness right now oh man there’s that boss like if I I could just like I could try to like gank somebody that’s like going to fight him

Just like sneak in and get a kill you know play kind of cheap I kind of just want to kill him I can’t really resist I’m not ready yet oh I shouldn’t use this I killed the player I’m not ready yet oh he got me he was he was level 100 that was

Fun marked players are visible on the map wait are they no like there’s like that dude that just killed me he’s not visible not while I’m in town no Mark I don’t think that’s true I’m not ready yet may I be marked for blood oh cuz I was marked that makes sense

Oh yeah I need get away from that dude he’s a level 100 necro guys get the drop please thank you I need to find some msill so I can get my minions back up oh I don’t I don’t want to fight him again not right now

Why can I not find here we go like I can’t find any mobs there we go so that one down bottom is is being um is being grabbed but that’s too far away I can’t get there was there a no check the event location nope K okay Trail bodies don’t see who did

Them I hear you meowing Kitty look like this has to have been done pretty recently right which way did he go did he go to this event no it doesn’t look like it nope look here’s more nope still nobody turning in here’s the boss dude again oh somebody’s fighting him I’m not ready

Yet ah he got me his minions killed me they’re pretty strong oh there two of them that’s why and they’re both like 100 one’s like 93 or something I’m assuming I lose durability for this oh no you don’t lose durability for PVP oh that’s even more

Fun so basically like you just you more or less have free reign to just like come in here and just like like take your chances and like try to like wreck people they’re turning him I don’t have uh I don’t have any minions it’s the same two guys

Yeah I’m going to I’m going to I’m going to peace out from them I can’t take two level 100 guys I don’t care how good I am and I’m not that good okay oh there’s a boss dude it doesn’t the way he moving doesn’t look like anybody’s trying

Trying to like is some like nobody’s like attacking him right now he’s definitely like oh does he see me he’s definitely the big prize like you get so many of those seeds oh look I’m not ready yet oh I’m dead ready yet he got me good it looks like if you’re like

Fighting another maner like whoever misss first blood Mist first is going to lose because the other person can just they can get out of the blood Mist so like you don’t want to just pop your your CC breake right away which is what I’ve been kind of leading in

With oh those are the the strong dudes time to do that I need more time nope I couldn’t even like he’s not like I couldn’t even damage him most CC breaks wins yeah he was so he was so much higher than me I couldn’t do anything to him it’s it really feels

Like pvps not like super worth it I have Grim favors to turn in it feels like it’s not super worth it unless you um unless you’re like close to max level that’s the way it feels to me uh looks like we have did that like go into a c okay it

Did go into a tab unless you like go in like a a group again like going in a big group could be fun it might be a little unfair but that’s kind of the point right it is done great collection Helms amulet and gauntlets guess I’ll take the Helms different this one

And again I don’t think my build’s like super good for PVP it’s probably just like okay but like I’m sure you could like make a specific PVP build that just probably does like way better all right let’s see obviously I don’t need that um decrepify none of that looks good at all nope

Max life damage reduction physical damage and then damage that’s interesting I’m I’m losing the damage after picking up a blood orb which I always oh and blood skill damage no that’s not worth it Critical Strike chance it’s a low roll already not worth it um this thing right here that doesn’t look good

Blood orb healing damage after picking up blood orb life on kill was missing crit chance and such so no crit strike damage with bone skills nothing great there crappy scythes Dage next core skill no very good thank you Army the dead can’t imagine trying to rework my

Paragons just for PVP that just won’t happen yeah I mean if they need a way to like switch profiles and like you pay you pay like some kind of cost a small cost you can like swap back and forth between them or maybe even no

Cost and then like you just have like a like maybe two probably just only two would be good maybe three but like definitely if they had two like where you have two preset profiles to switch between that would be fun but you’d have to like have backup

Gear and everything for it it would be kind of hard to like fully spec out a character for two totally different builds another time then all right guys um I think after all of that I think we’re going to call it a stream um again I do even though the

Wife’s not home I do have to wake up early um so I’m going to go ahead and start winding down for bed put the cat to bed put the dog to bed put myself to bed and then I got to get on with getting on

Tomorrow morning we got a lot of work to do to uh get that 100 days video out I’m really far away from doing it so I want to try to like actually like crank out like a lot of it tomorrow hopefully so thanks for hanging out everybody I

Appreciate you for being here and I’ll see you next time bye

This video, titled ‘LIVE – INSANE Lance Necro Build! Diablo 4 Season 1’, was uploaded by Prowl on 2023-08-25 03:38:41. It has garnered 265 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 02:49:02 or 10142 seconds.

Season 1 Of Diablo 4 Is Live And I Am Leveling My LanceMancer! This Build Will Be NUTS! #diablo #diablo4 #diabloiv #minecraft #live #livestream

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  • Mine for Laughs: Golden Shovel Shorts Go Viral!

    Mine for Laughs: Golden Shovel Shorts Go Viral! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Updates and news, in every rhyme arrives. With a golden shovel, we dig deep and explore, In the gaming world, we always want more. Our gear is top-notch, our setup is prime, With HyperX headsets, we’re always in time. Recording with NVIDIA, our gameplay shines, In the realm of gaming, we draw the lines. So subscribe and share, join us in the fun, In the world of Minecraft, we’re second to none. With rhymes and updates, we’ll keep you in the loop, In this gaming world, we’re part of the group. Read More

  • Hot Golem Alert! 🔥😂

    Hot Golem Alert! 🔥😂 Why did the Iron Golem go to therapy? Because he had too much iron in his diet! #irondeficiency #minecraftmeme #irony Read More

  • Trapped in a Minecraft Animation

    Trapped in a Minecraft Animation Minecraft Animation: Entity Verse Episode 2 Exploring the World of Minecraft In the latest episode of Entity Verse, our characters find themselves in a sticky situation. After a thrilling adventure in the previous episode, they continue their journey, only to stumble upon Harry Potter’s house. Trapped in a Green Poisonous Substance As they approach the house, they are suddenly ensnared by a mysterious green poisonous substance. With quick thinking, they draw their weapons, ready to face whatever danger lies ahead. Burner, one of the characters, recalls Harry’s last words, pondering their significance in this perilous situation. Unveiling the Truth… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Endless Survival Adventures!

    Join Minewind Server for Endless Survival Adventures! Welcome to the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. If you’re looking to enhance your Minecraft experience and join a vibrant community of players, look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server. With a focus on survival gameplay and a plethora of unique features, Minewind offers an immersive and exciting environment for players of all skill levels. Whether you’re a seasoned builder or just starting out, there’s something for everyone on Minewind. Join us at Minewind today and embark on a journey like no other. Connect with players from around the world,… Read More

  • Mastering Minecraft: Building a Norman Castle Keep

    Mastering Minecraft: Building a Norman Castle Keep Building a Norman Castle Keep in Minecraft Are you ready to dive into the world of medieval architecture in Minecraft? Today, we’re going to explore how to build a Norman castle keep in your Minecraft world. This design is inspired by the historical Norman castles, bringing a touch of history and grandeur to your virtual realm. Level One: Storage The first level of your Norman castle keep will serve as storage space. Utilize stone bricks and wooden beams to create a sturdy foundation for your castle. Add chests, barrels, and other storage containers to keep your supplies organized and… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: 100 Days in a Chest World! 😮 #Minecraft

    Insane Challenge: 100 Days in a Chest World! 😮 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘100 Days in a Chest Only World | in Hindi | 1.20 Update #minecraft #minecraftsurvival’, was uploaded by Roytech Gamerz on 2024-05-23 03:47:19. It has garnered 1357 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:51 or 1311 seconds. 100 Days in a Chest-only World | in Hindi |1.20 Update #minecraft #gamerfleet #minecraftsurvival #minecraft #technogamerz #mugambo #gamerfleet friends if you liked this video then please like, comment, and subscribe and don’t forget to share it with your friends.. Start Minecraft journey with – Follow on Instagram – Follow on Facebook -… Read More

  • I regretted this in Minecraft

    I regretted this in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘At the end, I realized my mistake😭 #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by funcraftshorts on 2024-03-24 09:47:09. It has garnered 454 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. #Minecraft #Squidward #FNAF #MinecraftHistory #Gaming #Spongebob #ScaryGames #VideoGames #MinecraftBuilds #Horror #GamingCommunity #Memes #GamerLife #SurvivalGames #GamingCulture #MinecraftArt #FreddyFazbear #Creepypasta #IndieGames #SquidwardTentacles #FNAFlore #MinecraftPlayers #Spooky #FanArt #FoxythePirate #BlockyWorld #KidsGames #GamingNews #ItBurns #GameDev #SpongebobSquarepants #FNAFCommunity #MinecraftSurvival #Haunted #GamingMemes #MinecraftMods #ChicaTheChicken #Nostalgia #VirtualWorlds #AnimeGames #BuildingGames #MinecraftRedstone #Jumpscare #OfficialFNAF #LegendaryGames #MinecraftDesigns #MinecraftUpdates #HauntedHouses #GamingLegends #MinecraftCosplay #FNAFloreCommunity #GamerCommunity #PixelArt #HauntedPlaces #OnlineGames #MinecraftVersions #ScaryTales #FNAFloreTheories #InsideTheGame #GamingLife #MinecraftLove… Read More

  • Insane Experiment: 100 Zombies in 100 Year War Simulation!

    Insane Experiment: 100 Zombies in 100 Year War Simulation!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Made 100 Zombies Simulate 100 Years Of War’, was uploaded by Lolo on 2024-05-18 09:29:00. It has garnered 2 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:13 or 373 seconds. In this video, you’ll witness an incredibly fascinating experiment in Minecraft! I placed 100 zombies in the game to see how they evolve from basic equipment to advanced technology over 100 years of war. From zombies with wooden swords in year one to zombies equipped with high-tech weapons and battle tanks in year 100, you’ll witness an astonishing transformation. Can zombies… Read More

  • Minecraft’s CRAZIEST Modern Pool Build!! #MinecraftMadness

    Minecraft's CRAZIEST Modern Pool Build!! #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Ultimate ModernPool |#powr_live #ماين_كرافت #ماينكرافت #minecraft’, was uploaded by Zaid Entertainment | زيد الممتع on 2024-01-13 12:00:14. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft, Minecraft movie, Minecraft mobile, Minecraft movies, Minecraft movie, Minecraft 100 days, 50 days in Minecraft, 100 days in… Read More

  • 💥 EPIC Minecraft Public SMP Server! Join Junaid Kadu NOW! 💥

    💥 EPIC Minecraft Public SMP Server! Join Junaid Kadu NOW! 💥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live 🔴 Public SMP | CRACKED | 24/7 server | #minecraftlive 24/7 | Survival’, was uploaded by Junaid kadu 11 on 2024-01-18 19:56:48. It has garnered 56 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:00 or 2040 seconds. Minecraft Live 🔴 Public SMP | CRACKED | 24/7 server | #minecraftlive 24/7 | Survival INSTAGRAM #publicsmpserverminecraftpe #bestpublicsmpforminecraftpe #howtojoinsmpinminecraftpe minecraft live with subscribers minecraft mobile minecraft pe servers to join minecraft pe smp minecraft pocket edition live minecraft pocket edition smp minecraft server minecraft smp free to join minecraft survival public minecraft… Read More

  • Bambe’s Insane Loss: RAREST GOD Set Stolen!

    Bambe's Insane Loss: RAREST GOD Set Stolen!Video Information This video, titled ‘How I lost the RAREST GOD Set on the Server…’, was uploaded by bambe on 2024-05-31 05:12:31. It has garnered 1674 views and 46 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:11 or 671 seconds. How I lost the RAREST GOD Set on the Server… 55 likes Hi, my name is bambe. I upload entertaining Minecraft videos from different gamemodes such as Hardcore Factions (HCF), Prisons, Factions, and Skyblock. If you enjoy this type of content, then consider subscribing, and turning on notifications as I upload and stream frequently and you don’t wanna miss them!… Read More

  • Ultimate Seiso Self care tips with Hololive Fauna!

    Ultimate Seiso Self care tips with Hololive Fauna!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to Seiso Self care [Hololive / Ceres Fauna]’, was uploaded by Hololive_Curiosity on 2024-05-28 05:31:42. It has garnered 19900 views and 2936 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. 【MINECRAFT】 The one where Fauna memorizes 100 digits of pi Channel : #ceresfauna #fauna #caliopemori #mori #caliope #kronii #ourokronii #nerissa #hololive #hololiveenglish #hololiveen #vtuber Read More

  • EPIC BLOOD DRAW BATTLE in Titanium Warehouse!

    EPIC BLOOD DRAW BATTLE in Titanium Warehouse!Video Information This video, titled ‘KAN KESME CEKME ZAR DEPO SAVASI -sonoyuncu titanyum’, was uploaded by umuTcan on 2024-04-01 22:13:12. It has garnered 621 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:37 or 1777 seconds. Dcsi verse: Youtube ve klan Dcsi: hope , minecraft endoyuncu does not open, yasintnc texture pack, minecraft endoyuncu arena pvp, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase, minecraft endoyuncu ip address, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase texture pack, minecraft endoyuncu launcher does not open, minecraft endgame macro opening, minecraft endoyuncu bedwars tactics, minecraft endoyuncu build battle , minecraft sonoyuncu free skin, minecraft house sonoyuncu… Read More

  • “Ultra Epic Minecraft Revenge – Blueskyler takes down enemies!” #minecraft #gaming

    "Ultra Epic Minecraft Revenge - Blueskyler takes down enemies!" #minecraft #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘cool revenge #minecraft #minecraftgameplay #gaming #minecraftgaming minecraft animation’, was uploaded by Blueskyler on 2024-02-13 16:04:32. It has garnered 3554 views and 131 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Read More

  • Universal Tranquility Semi-Vanilla SMP Whitelisted 1.20+

    Greetings Wanderer! (NEW SEASON STARTS TODAY!) I’m thrilled to announce an invitation to join Universal Tranquility! Have you been looking for a new and relaxing SMP community to join? Whether you like to work with others or alone, you are welcome in this community. How to join Universal Tranquility: Join the DISCORD server! [SERVER WIKI] Server Details: Minecraft server version: 1.20 – 1.20.X Server map size: 3000 x 3000 (6K Diameter) Whitelisted Server: Join the DISCORD server! Server specifications: Ryzen 9 5950X CPU, 8GB RAM, 2 Dedicated Logical Cores, Java – Paper What makes us stand out: Semi-Vanilla Experience: Experience… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Waking up in Minecraft be like”

    Minecraft Memes - "Waking up in Minecraft be like"Looks like this meme finally got out of bed and decided to start racking up some points! Read More

  • Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing: Minecraft’s Muslim Mutt

    Wolf in Sheep's Clothing: Minecraft's Muslim Mutt In the world of Minecraft, a wolf is seen, But did you know, it’s a Muslim, serene? With a cübbeli Ahmet Hodja vibe, In the game, it’s a unique tribe. Rich vs poor, in the virtual land, Minecraft videos, Turkish brand. The Muslim wolf, with a howl so strong, In the game, where it belongs. So let’s embrace diversity in this digital space, Where every creature finds its place. Minecraft is for all, no matter the creed, In this pixelated world, let’s all succeed. Read More

LIVE – INSANE Lance Necro Build! Diablo 4 Season 1