Live Minecraft build with Vtuber @SadieGamerMom

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Foreign doing some tweaking foreign yes tweaking is a good thing that’s working tweaking no no no there’s another definition for tweaking oh this song breaks my memories I know this song yo welcome back I’m streaming just to let you know is steady streaming but but but Sadie is Sadie streaming yes

Then watch your language no no I wasn’t asking if you were streaming I was asking is Sadie streaming yo Sadie’s streaming away okay yeah it was a joke [Laughter] I have not seen him in a long or heard him in a long time oh a model

Ironically I think the last time I seen him was on spinal crowd something I thought would never happen he’s giving a shot um I I imagine so here’s the thing about people hello little tiger hello little tiger this deals with a lot with psychology if you want someone to

Hang around you more hang around them more like be interested in them and they will be interested in you it it’s it’s a normal thing unless of course you’re streaming your name is like azer and you’re streaming the Minecraft in which case Sadie might come and stream Minecraft

Hi Sadie well I hope he shows up for the splatfest that we got scheduled for Saturday oh totally which I don’t know I gotta make a thumbnail for that same I usually make my thumbnails me too unless it’s like a special event I’ll work on it a little prior

Yeah they totally changed the time of when they’re going to start so it starts like later yeah it messes me up for Friday because I can’t do it yes there’s splatfest uh it starts it starts Friday and Sunday yeah but they started at like 8 p.m and

I needed I know I had an hour before that it’s not gonna work yeah yeah we’re good yeah I was hyped last time though I was like yeah I’m gonna do this all three days nope I think I did I did all three days that’s what’s up yeah

We had some good times me and my viewers and the group that I picked what ended up winning vanilla whoa wait a minute I didn’t pick vanilla or did I pick no I didn’t pick vanilla you guys picked vanilla I picked strawberry oh you you ended up picking strawberry

Anyway yeah and then that’s why because nobody remembered anything I remembered I just couldn’t do it everyone else that’s why I had the first priority to pick the uh what team we’re going to be on this time which I think is going to be the winning team it might be

I think Love Is Gonna sweep me too it might be a lot of mirror matches probably well you know that’s what we thought with the last one and I maybe like two mirror matches that hold that whole weekend at the most I am over here working on my build I

Moved to a whole new location because my concept my way another conception of reality I don’t know my idea it just wasn’t working there and this is why Sadie’s in the Hall of Fame because she’ll spend like 40 hours on something and just be like nope moving anyway nope

And I just realized something else that I need to do I’m going to church okay oh and then I had to reset all my slips that’s okay I figured out how to do it without causing that much a hoop hoopla so apparently um gaming luminary and Mason won’t be

Coming on spinal cracked anymore I’m not entirely certain they talked about it but that was their announcement in their server that they won’t let’s see their announcement whoa him or Mason said at everyone me and gaming luminary make the decision to move on from Minecraft Bedrock version and Minecraft realms we hope you

Guys understand us decision I asked me that applies to spinal Cactus well he said yes in the chat so he’s not streaming it on his channel and that’s like one of the games that brought people to his channel he’s in for a rude awakening if that is

The case I uh hold on hold on so remember how we do things people the support yeah yeah if he doesn’t want to stream it he has his Reasons I’m not even on that I’m not even on that tip it’s just you know causality every action has a reaction

You stop doing Minecraft if people were watching you for Minecraft and you’re suddenly not doing that you might retain you might retain some people but you’re not retaining everybody And I noticed from experience because I’ve had several different phases I have like a Batman Arkham phase maker phase Monster Hunter phase a lot of those people once I stopped doing the thing they did not come back he was um so gaming luminary is a variety string

He streams a lot of different things so how long he’s been doing it he streamed spinal crap Maybe once or twice a month I think he only plays Minecraft maybe four times a month well the other thing could be too that uh maybe people have lost interested in playing Minecraft as

Much as they used to I don’t know that is a thing or why go ahead oh my God sheep what the heck trying to have a conversation over here uh what could be the problem is that most of his viewers on bedrock and most of them have switches

So he was always probably having to explain how to like get on and this and that I don’t know I really don’t know but it could be an issue you know uh you know or maybe because there’s new games coming out like uh Mario Wonder or whatever that is Super Mario wonder I

Don’t know Mario on shrooms for real this time yeah and hello to the lovely four people just started watching me yay you know I smell a horrible smell and I know what that smell is I don’t like it but it’s making me hungry oh bacon no I love bacon

I love bacon uh no someone mowed the lawn I’m smelling grass clippings hello there Mason speak of the devil himself [Laughter] we understand that we understand and support your decisions no worries there’s only so many games you can play that’s why James only play uh Splatoon Smash Bros and Mario Kart Deluxe eight

And that’s it oh and Zelda now but that’s during the week and that’s it those are the like four games that he plays over those Super Smash Bro streams have been doing really well for him we convinced them to go back to it too smashing fights that crowd you can deal

With it oh no it’s been pretty it’s pretty been pretty much respectful I think uh I don’t know I I think since people like have moved on for it that the um that app yeah yeah they left onto something else good hello Mason also too Mason I’m streaming

And so is light gazer does it let you know I will start vacation before yep yep So how was the game Bros for you today like user oh it was nice yeah it was a bit more than what I expected I didn’t like the special power-ups they give although one of them was devastatingly overpowered Uh little tiger said it was brotastic so cheesy are you a pro probably no wait what what Mason changed you you changed it so now it reads make the decision or human gaming luminary made the decision move on from Minecraft Bedrock version and Minecraft realms you guys hope you understand the decision we’ll

See you on Minecraft Java on and on spinal crack so the two of you are staying on spinal crap okay okay get rid of me that that that’s why I’m quite that’s why I was actually really want to talk to you because I was like wait you said

You were but I see the message now I’m confused I’m like seeing two messages from Mason which which which which one so publicly publicly I am reading the message once more publicly at Mason said today just a few hours ago and everyone M and gaming luminary made the decision

To move on from Minecraft Bedrock version and Minecraft realms they hope you understand their decision and we hope to see you on Minecraft Java and on spine craft please please that makes sense [Laughter] well I’m just getting expensive for me yeah that’s that’s why I always thought why

You why you guys weren’t on spinal craft sooner but I did talk to women over today to make that decision we made it it’s official no more bad luck it’s a solvent it’s it’s such it’s such a hard thing it’s not that it’s uh all right

I don’t have a problem with that I would not have a problem with bedrock the better together um expansion is a wonderful thing that allows every device to actually connect with each other it’s one of the best things I’ve seen for a game multi-platform cross compatibility is

Great and it works and it’s an app it actually works really good but bye man bye Mason hi Mason I came in he qualified that by work thank you thank you we appreciate it bye Um now so the Bedrock to get better together is great even if it’s Bedrock it’s still great the problem is bedrock itself um does not allow mod support which means we don’t have and Microsoft Microsoft has it slanted for a cash cow everything they’re doing is to get money therefore

Therefore what you don’t see is like they’re pushing out more Realms they’re pushing out more of the marketplace they’re pushing out all these things to generate more Revenue but what they aren’t pushing is oh hey um all those Realms that you have for the better together and play with your

Friends yeah uh we’re just gonna give you this and this little roll server rollback from years and years and years ago that hey you can you can pull back a previous version of your realm and that’ll be good enough to stop your anti-griping no locks no

Anything no mod support no none of that so I guess you’re on your own for that yeah heading to the bed I gotcha um but that is why that’s why I have a problem with bedrock not because it’s Bedrock but because there’s no support well I think that’s I think that’s

Mostly like people who have a sound reasoning that’s usually the issue the fact that you can’t protect your stuff like literally to pull the planes off yes for me anyway that’s like as he streamed the other day she played bad Rock Realms I had to repeatedly

Spam chat to say hey she’s viewing your world back it up we can’t stop someone if you’re going to have other people that aren’t busy in your realm and this is a PSA if you’re going to have other people in your Realm back it up because uh

People be grief and and you won’t know who it is I know that that’s like when I did have Realms I wouldn’t like if somebody was uh viewing I wouldn’t let them in but then spinal craft came along and it was like I’m never going back to Realm no

What what the heck is real I don’t know anything don’t want to know anything what is a real I don’t know I mean for the five bucks I donate I get exactly what I want and need I’m not gonna lie a spinal craft donations better than having a room it

Is and it’s cheaper too it is and you have people like me who sit here and be like oh you have a problem what’s the problem what can I do to help you wait hold on uh you suck at Minecraft I can’t help with that

Um I can teach you a couple things but I can’t help you with if you suck at Minecraft hello Lance welcome uh wait hold you need help with making it nighttime or something yeah sure I can help you oh you need some help with blocks or you need some administrators I got you

Covered no problem you need someone to vacate your Sadie plot land I gotcha and the fact that’s another reason why I came here I’m like okay anti-griefing somebody always takes care of the problems I have to do absolutely nothing and it’s open 24 7. that’s great to me sounds good to me

Sign me up totally Shut Up And Take My Money and um and you don’t even have to pay if you don’t want to I used to you don’t know and you experienced the same thing except for the little perks and stuff oh and here’s the best part about not

Having to pay too you want to know the best part it’s not like fortnite or something where it’s like hey buy these in-game stuffs and make your lighting those aren’t there it’s just say hey if you like us the options there if you really like us but we’re not okay hey you

Hey you I see you man you can still use your own shaders and resource packs and all that stuff except for the ones who allow you to uh x-ray then we got it now then we gotta have a little discussion you know um that makes sense yeah that does make

A lot of sense it’s really it’s honestly not hard to find out if someone’s x-ray um well well the minute they start I think in the beginning the minute they started flying we’re all like um like me wishing would be in in the chat and we’d be live streaming like hey

Um that’s kind of fast to be flying then there’s let’s see x-rang is um it’s not spoiler so much as in or sharing secrets of admin whatever I mean if you want to know just watch any owners catching hackers or whatever and you’ll see um x-rays you can’t stop yourself

From going to the diamonds or going to the netherite you can’t stop your stuff now because you see them you naturally want to go to them the thing is um how do you make it not obvious you’re doing it especially when we can watch you watching it so it’s like you

Like if you’re on my stream okay and you’re walking and you’re walking and you suddenly do this and stare and there’s diamonds like right there and you’re staring there like then it’s like yo your X-ray you were caught red-handed right there I think it was like a few days ago I was

In a stream and I was just left and right finding like all the diamonds were in one cluster and I cut I kept having to say uh I’m not X writing it’s I don’t I don’t know what’s happening but I’m not an x-ray I know

We know you city for one you strain your progress and this uh for one you stream your progress two another thing is when you mine you’ll do most everyone will stream or mine most everyone will mind one of two ways either they’ll go caving or they’ll go strip many

But go strip mining their tunnels are going to look like this there’s some kind of variant of that something like this they’re always going to look that and they’re going to go really really really really really far branching up ever so slightly when they um go and hit like diamonds or something

And they’re gonna start collecting all those ores now for caving you won’t see those you’ll see much more like caves lit up caves explored and a lot less materials in there but and um with you won’t suddenly see like four block drops in the cave either that makes sense

So an x-ray I dig straight down I use moss and I just do it layer by layer all the way down to bedrock okay but good point you should be able to hear them now Tara oh no they couldn’t hear us no ah that happens it’s a thing it does

I’m used to it yeah yeah I I forgot to unmute the uh Discord app on my um my OBS you’re like oh my god what happened to the light gazer he’s talking to himself as if people were there with them foreign you don’t even use VC Tara

Hi Tara but it can kind of um you can kind of tell when like yeah yeah again the thing and that’s that happened the other day yeah have a good dinner who is like keep walking I know I do that sometimes or I have Discord too low and it’s like uh oh

You have been watching history for an entire moment because I have to yeah Tara’s been here a bad often um if it wasn’t for the fact that I’m pretty sure Tara likes being a normal chatter I would be darn close to giving her a moderator because of how how often

She’s here how helpful she is and it’s just like yo you want num one of them she’s like I have three viewers who top my list Tara is on them and it’s like for years Tara has way up there Tara and Acme studios are like right

Right there so yes shout out to acne Studios by the way because uh uh they have shown me a lot of support all right I’m done I’m done I’m done I got I got storage to build and heat to deal with uh today it’s staying within the 80s so I’m pretty cool

Over here are you considering from the AC I had the AC on earlier but I didn’t need it it’s not that hot today not yet you’ll get the heat I’m dealing with soon hello snowy snowy snowy what up from the Minecraft streaming crew I hear you chaos see I I’m I’m learning

Um I’ll give moderator for one of two reads either I um it’s an honorary title you do whatever you want I don’t care um I don’t actually expect them to moderate or yo I’m actually thinking you’d be a good moderator like in little tigers when he was here

Before I gave a moderator just as an honorary you earn this I’ve done the same thing with goobster now I want little tiger to have a slow stress as possible and I see snowy has become a member thank you welcome let’s get this party started oh I’m tired little tiger

You’re good I’m happy you’re here at all more is yay I’m I’m I’m just happy I’m just happy to see my friends here sounds like you took your joy today I have taken my joy Joy I need to play that game again thank you oh acne Studios yes oh my God uh Oh that’s those viewers whoa welcome Raiders whenever you do get in here well ESL is already here okay Welcome Sadie you got the show shows all you for your raid It may or may not be just him but he did a redirect which is yeah he’s here he well so to all those who decided to come over with eslo welcome I’m Sadie camera Mom I’m a YouTuber uh well wait oh I live stream on YouTube I do Minecraft Splatoon

Uh YouTube Shorts YouTube podcasts and I am a YouTuber and mostly every day we end up streaming something and I’m glad that you’re here [Laughter] that’s all I got that’s pretty much it is it liking sub already like and sub it’s all free and don’t worry it won’t shock you mm-hmm I am sometimes sometimes I’m saying sometimes now because sometimes we have discussions that go in the wrong direction just saying minutes

But they end up being really funny so it’s okay actually I think some of them I’ve started so much oh Sadie’s bad no no you’re fine I know hey bird trip hasn’t even been here for three days yet and look at what he’s intending for his house

Or is he intending for himself you see my stream He did this in less than two days the fact that he’s already like changing up textures it’s not one solid texture it is overly amazed like your boy has talent oh and uh Oracle of Seasons oh that sounds cool right you were playing Oracle I I saw

You there I saw you had four people there I thought I saw how or I thought I tried I tried to say hi um and then chat said no you’re not chatting right now let’s fix that oh and move that actually happened to me earlier in your church trying to say something in

YouTube what did I do oh great you tripped um Lucid says if you’re interested he’ll take a building Apprentice he is a builder himself too late well hold on hold on trip I’ll I’ll show you what I mean e spawn so if you want to know something that loose had built

Here you go this is what Lucid built by hand too at least I’d like to think it’s by hand especially since he doesn’t have um smoke here for the chimney because he didn’t want to get cobwebs lazy okay oh the chat was glitching on YouTube that’s what Ezra said yeah right so um

Um yeah he’ll take an apprentice if you’re interested because you already left an impression on them the fact that you have like a roof that’s sparked that’s arced like a triangle and curved uh the fact that you’re using multiple different blocks for the roof the fact that your build

Isn’t a your first build in spinal craft is not a box is about as far from a box as you could possibly get yeah I can’t do boxes anymore I’m sorry I I rather gather materials and be a Wanderer before I do a box house again never

Never like I I’m not arguing this house I like this house don’t get me wrong but I see this house and built this we built this is so snowy hello snowy oh my God like um this is r2’s r2’s been here for years great guy talented in a lot of different

Things all right like she does good work and I have zero problems with this but I see this and then I see this and I’m like oh oh I think you might have more skills than R2 oh my gosh I don’t think you might just be able to put R2 in his place

I’m building disgusting but I can’t get in sad oh snowy’s in the voice chat I love snowing we said hello I’m acquired one school Tara is asking oh you already asked you already answered that yeah I don’t know honestly because there’s not much anything I want a bigger computer that’s

What I want so I can place but his job will you go with y’all because I I want to get some deals in earlier take your time just don’t don’t when you get your computer make sure you know exactly what you’re getting and not just say I’m sold on this friend or I’m

Sold on this laptop honestly I do not know what computer is to look at this bit so my father and I like I said he’s not the best with computers as of what I’m saying because he was saying there’s no point of just saying just probably my only computer

I’m gonna be getting switches how much I am sad that’s just from his voice specifically because he even said that so that’s why I’m trying to come up with them and get myself a computer because there’s a lot of things I’m missing really because I want to play this game

But the only way I can probably get in is probably with my poor all right so a rule of thumb in building a PC figure out what you want to do and see what specs you need to do that like for the game you want to play for instance and start with that

There’s PC Builders online that I can’t like you can select the parts and just do research it looks a little intimidating once you get started and you realize oh it’s really nice what the heck am I doing here yeah I’ll take I’ll take whatever I can

Get because I I do my research before I buy things honestly good that’s what that’s what that’s the common sense of course of my look it up or if I need something and I just I just ask the people I just ask the people that but today and actually like that

It’s like I said I like I said I want to play with you guys and just put my little skills into workplace I have one one thing though expensive doesn’t always mean better yep oh yeah oh yeah I know that obviously some people I gotta get the bleeding ads

Check uh how are you doing yeah I wanna get this sufficient I want to get this I want to get that I’m not that type of person yeah good because you’ll be doing a disservice to yourself yeah finally I actually from people that knows what I need or something like that

I can’t really get myself that technically a PC or something like that or I have to move everything downstairs your ethernet situation because yeah yeah I talked to my mom because my father’s technically sick so that’s half of my um I think a little of my plans in the

Morning to go to the buffet for my birthday tomorrow happy birthday my birthday tomorrow thanks you’re welcome Happy Birthday Happy Birthday you did half of the little things and I’m going to be 21. still and I I cried in mental ways because I don’t want to

Be 21. up we all wish we were younger than we are I wish I was five I wish I was five I wish I was just five after realizing how the world works I miss not having to worry about things like paying bills but I understand whether you’re a kid or whether you’re

Not Bill’s got to get paid and I’d rather have the uh the faculties of an adult to be able to get the money rather than a child and not be able to go to school because you have to work and thus sincerely handicapping yourself like like having to work when you’re 12.

Socks oh yeah because this is this was basically the plan I was gonna do when I tried when I grew up more get some new streaming supplies like a new computer obviously then a new mic because I had to snowball for like maybe a year or two now

Um maybe boost it up to a Blue Yeti probably the next microphone you’re gonna get is the Elgato Wave 3 don’t argue with me that’s the mic you’re gonna get the snowball until you have enough for the Elgato Y3 because I have a snowball now but I

Wanna I wanna get get the next one I want to get well the snowball’s fine she’s using it when you have money get the way through yeah well it’s a USB microphone if you’re gonna get into like the whole XLR thing then do it then do what you’re gonna do but

Think about it I’ll think about it I still have a lot to have to learn about certain things obviously so I wanna I wanna I wanna be prepared and stuff because right now I just got this laptop and I can’t even play Java right now surprisingly in with this computer so I

Cry in Middle ways and I even thought it would put the thing says they love their trip says he loves his at 2020. you need to you need to get a preamp and power it but it does a great job I think that’s an XLR mic but I think it also it’s XLR

And USB I think I have that microphone but I couldn’t get it to work for me so I just stuck with my snowball I had to wait three came out I had a Blue Yeti microphone but I don’t use it I use because I since I have a uh

Sound board adjuster thing I had to get in you know what you should do with that on that blue yeti um Sadie what send it to me [Laughter] it’s been sitting in a box for like over I don’t know how many months since I bought this one

I mean does it I mean does it still work oh yeah it works I mean all I can really just do is just send you my address specifically no I like I said it’s really it’s really up to you because like I said if it’s your things really I don’t like to

Really you know I don’t know but it’s like it’s like sitting I’m not doing anything with it and there’s nobody around that I know around here that would want it I guess I guess I can I guess I guess I can take it yeah I mean it I I

Think someone there’s some of the pieces that are missing I can actually I can ask my parents I can ask my parents to to take me to get a fix yeah I I think it just it I still have the stand the mic with the little

Knobbings I because I took it off the stand and then put it on a mic stick so that’s how I was doing it uh yeah I can I can I can ask my parents to get it to get it fixed no worries yeah I could do that if you just DM me uh

PO box or a dress whatever you feel comfortable with um I’ll probably send you I’ll probably I’ll send you my address I don’t mind I mean we’ve known each other for like three three years right three years while me enlightened him then they’re feeling like cancer but geez

I still pop by here and there to say hi because I’m doing my own thing really of course I still come by of course I I bet most of the people actually miss me over there I know they’re always happy when you stop by yeah that’s all I can really do actually

Now this is a Minecraft question um how do you make green dye if you don’t have Cactus you don’t don’t dang it that doesn’t help me at all there’s no other way you need Cactus do you got cactus I think okay hold on take my foot to the mural

And on the side there there’s some Cactus that’ll grow okay cool I’ll be there there is only one way to get it that was so annoying I had to find a joke oh I’m in a jungle I have a whole bunch of that anyway so

I was going to do mine always find one and I’m not good at Minecraft but I when I’m not streaming I’ll like look for I the main piece I know where it’s at and I’ll try to look for all the other things and then uh box it up I

Hope it’s not too expensive to ship though because of the weight but it shouldn’t be that much what the heck oh my God if you’ll knock it off darn it I probably also put insurance on it just to make sure that it gets to you and then you’ll have a tracking number too

Yeah yeah I just need probably able to well actually it’s just something with James’s serve I can just DM you slip in the old spawn or the new one well triviality has a way to make brown dye by the way so you don’t need that’s

Why I told him to knock it off oh oh see pickles make green dye okay well that’s even that’s easier to do than the other thing wait what I literally have cactuses going to take my slip so okay okay okay okay so if sea pickles can make green die then the mangrove the

Public Mangrove Farm has a warm ocean or a war yeah warm ocean there you can get them there um but I could tell you if you find a warm ocean odds are you also found a desert too yeah yeah oh wait a minute who uh The Mangrove uh

Forest lazy thing is there a slip to that oh just frankincense oh there you go oh hello hello hello flip in town I have basically done everything actually on that PS4 guide um okay hold on it’s just it’s always just telling me it still is just due to Xbox thing and I’m

Brain hurts okay I think I know where your slip is now it’s in the original Aussie town right yep yep cool I can I can probably I can join as you think too as well if I wanted to it’s like like yeah because I’m happy to see people here

Um if I see enough people in various towns I might start doing a town contest between us but I can already tell you no town is like all towns are going to be minute that’s the main everything else is going to be a mini town right oh cool

There’s all the tops because all the things I’m actually just having problems on is just joining the world or the thing because PS4 saying I need to connect with Xbox even though I mean I’m actually connect to my Xbox that’s you’re not going to hold you wait you have a PS4

Yes I’m trying I’ve been trying to join the world I’ve been trying to join in this it should work but you need you need better together because it would be Bedrock if you’re playing I do like I actually did I like I said I like I told

Like gator I think yesterday or two days ago I think I did I followed everything it just kept on saying that um it loads up but it tells me I need to connect to um XBox but I did actually let me you need to connect to the PlayStation

Because you said you’re doing it on the PlayStation yeah I think I can like I said I can show I can show one one of y’all what I’ve been doing um yeah do you want me to because you want me because I have a PlayStation 4 and it I was able to

Log into you uh can you show me what I’m doing wrong though well you’re doing you’re doing it from the app right I’m doing I had I got bedroom I have the um thing together yeah I have it on my iPhone yeah so are you are you putting the right uh IP address

Yeah um yeah and then uh the right port and everything yeah I did that maybe you need to update Minecraft I can try it again because I actually wanna I actually want to play with y’all what I would do uninstall Minecraft from your um PlayStation 4 and then reinstall it

I’ll try one more time real quick and um and see how that goes because like I said it’s just it’s just telling me to log into PlayStation on the Xbox something even though I’m actually am because that’s how I’m able to educate my skin and on here if you know what I mean

Um when you’re doing steps to install something it’s best to do it from the beginning so like Sadie said do an uninstall stuff from Step One and work your way through it oh and then now you’re better together apps clear it all out or uh uninstall it and reinstall it

I guess I’ll do I’ll I’ll do both I’ll do both I’ll reinstall um so um that run together real quick and uninstall um because that that too might have had an update because I don’t know I’m just gives you some why I can’t enjoy this I followed the um video what

Like user put in yeah it should definitely work I don’t know why why do why it’s being a butthead we have plenty of people of all going to bedrock onto spinal craft through bedroom oh my God I just realized we went 10 like hype whoa you’re like let’s go

Okay got found my Minecraft if we if you can connect because PS4 is probably the only way only way now I can actually join in without my joining all my on this computer for now just be glad you don’t have Nintendo’s or maybe you need the older version of the launcher for Minecraft

I have that on my PS4 I will not want to PS4 on my own computer but that’s not even that active works say that I could not see him move at all on my end at least wait you can get in but like everything was just slowed down

Pretty much one bar for latency when she joins her connection on uh job her connection on her computer is a true well meanwhile on my PlayStation and or switch probably um well yeah what what she’s saying is so what I’m seeing is she’s dropping connections on her um on our PC and

She uh has a better connections on the PS4 and switch which means her Wi-Fi on the PC is trash and yet it can string there’s a lot of things that aren’t adding up in my head and I’m I’m sitting there struggling to try to wrap my head around them

You know what’s so funny I just found cactus there you go uh that why does that always happen oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah Sadie oh yeah Sadie Minecraft did update yeah it did so on Minecraft it’s now the same Minecraft PlayStation edition now usually that’s the first thing I would do

It’s like uninstall and reinstall because uh have you haven’t been on since the 1.20 uh update have you uh probably probably not that’s why you’re playing I have not played Minecraft in a go wild unless it was with a friend or I’m just bored but I

Know I have not touched Minecraft or if I switch um my um well switch in general and a goat chunk of wild if that makes any sense yeah for the place yeah I just I just put Java and Java Minecraft since like Asia um paid for like a couple of days ago oh

Yeah and that that that is that’s that that’s fun um it works but I it’s it’s it’s fine would like user basically says um about it but I just hello gamer sorry I will interrupt this somebody comes into my chat so I’m very sorry about it

Okay like you said there’s no reason to apologize I I’m at least I’m always you’re just uh just to chill to a friend and just make new friends and all like that you’re a friend or a friend like people always see him kinds of hives appreciated

Well as the community that we are oh my God there’s so much cactus it’s it’s not the 2g or 5G Tara she’s having difficulties connecting to her own router’s Wi-Fi qg or 5G is not going to change any of that she got no G he get oh or she she doesn’t even have

The old G oh my gosh my goodness well I don’t know about if whether she has 2g or 5G 0g should like all I all I know about and Jesus should like a couple Jews I am not on that special come on I’m really not all of them

We’re all special we are all right I am not that special hold on hold on hold on I’m not saying anyone should give you a thing like I’m all I personally am all forgiving someone a little something to help them out but I when it’s like small amounts when it starts getting large

Amounts I say um a live within means and B you’ll feel so much better if you earn that money yourself like like they’re like when you’re starting talking thousands and you earn those thousands yourself it feels real good to spend those thousands on a computer because you’re sitting here thinking

I earned this computer it wasn’t given to me this is my baby okay I can honestly agree I’m gonna I’m gonna take a screenshot and send you this to you um Sadie make sure I’m not doing it correct and I’ll probably take a picture off on my phone basically of what I’m basically

Doing because like I said I’m just following um guide from from like like he’s a total bedrock that’s really all I’m doing I think I have I think I have the the video to that I used to go out go to one of my old screams for a minute y’all bear with me

People in the live chat and there’s here’s a here’s the DM okay let’s see mcspi I want to see on my phone I kind of like another step off I’m back go to one of my really old Minecraft trains I think white was in the middle of dropping knowledge when I stepped off

Snow storage yeah not at all lucid’s asking me what am I working on I’m working on storage oh God stop amen how to destroy two Farms for this film what’s up Farms can be rebellions I know that there’s a hold on let me see yeah join joined that on Bedrock together um

And see no you’re you are doing it right did you undelete uh Better Together yeah yeah try connect did you try connecting to it and it still didn’t work I I I’m doing that right now actually I’m waiting for the ad to go I’m waiting

For the ad to go away it should work now because you got all the information correctly yeah wanna try again yeah it’s the same stop right now and I’m about to hit play friends and join connected to a multiplayer game generating world or locate these words welcome back stock For so long too and it loaded in but now it’s gonna say and you have your PlayStation 4 open and you’re on Minecraft it’s just going to say can please see a connection that’s me you’re in thank the [ __ ] I’m sorry I bet that’s all it was yeah because you

Hadn’t updated in so long yeah so like when ghostly’s on the PC on Java ghosts Snuffy um snowfy has one bar and DC’s just from Bad King oh yeah I see a good connection which means like her PC has a bad connection which like that that’s the only way like you

See what I mean like you see what I mean like gazer I have a better I have a better can I have a better connection on this PS4 and and Minecraft but um but on but on my computer I can’t really do do anything I am that’s that’s totally

Amazing I’m not arguing that at all I’m just like how are you able to streak oh my god I’ve had a lot of people are actually surprised I can actually stream how would a firewall okay so my question is how would a firewall result in a four

In a poor connection like a firewall would go from connection to no connection not a poor connection wouldn’t it although that would work no I’m just trying to figure out since I’m I have to get into the to the um chat again I had to put in um

Actually so since you’ve already I’ve already accepted this View and you’ve um there uh B no conduct admin Force um oh no I need flowers because I need I need a line lime green I don’t know this is gonna work for the record I am forcing ghostly nanam because I have

Already verbally read their rules on um a previous stream them and snow Snoopy are one in the same person they accepted it on um snowy so just to save them some grief I’m accepting it now wait yeah just to save some grape but next time snowy when this comes up again

In a month because it will come up again in a month if you have to read and accept them yourself understand now this can actually work with me and I don’t like how my site well it’s probably gonna be like this for a good bit because skin that was hard to get delicate

My my skin is now um coming on that’s why so I’m kind of sad all right there’s your welcome to spinal crap care package kits um um if you need help welcome I need to keep you a shout out Your city I know I’m in think mode trying to figure out what I want to do No Yep this thing open No Better Together it doesn’t have to be open okay I can close it like once you make the connection because that’s what Mason does okay wow oh now I I’m also going to say um when so for you since you are on Bedrock there is another problem for you

And the problem is when Bedrock updates to a new version you won’t be able to connect to spinal crowd for a while until we get the Handler situated for the um uh job at a Bedrock thing which is going to take a little bit okay so when that happens you’ll probably not be

Able to play spinal crap for a day or two I can I can I can I can deal with that your bills are still here this right now I’m trying to get some I’m trying to get some basically something but I can finally say that now sorry but your princess is in another

Circle yeah princess is another Castle oh oh yes out a bit but not break the game also Iman where are you TP light Beamon weights Iman Iman Thank you oh Inventory chest as boobies yo what booties four stop and hoodies in the chest oh is it good I was trying to treat him like a pirate what is that those boots help with these snow since there is quite a bit around us I have figured to include them rather than see people die

Okay oh good lordy I swear every time I do this it’s like It’s a love-hate relationship poor Iman but he has them now spider crabs a good or a really good place I’m glad my plan is actually working finally it’s just it took a long time but you got I’m okay we use on 1.7.10 we used to have like 20 people on

The server regularly I wasn’t an officer until later but or until later in one seven oh yeah also a slip house mailbox you’re welcome to build one there every one is I’m getting my own dragon no Iman the dwarf billion Pam kind of Marvel snap variant is this one you would wait it is quarter to seven shouldn’t you be considering eating and or sleeping so you can get some sleep so you can wake wake up at like midnight

I am eating right now actually okay I was doing a logo for around seven seven oh and I’m I’m far I’m far I’m far from my um from the home stuff right now I’m getting a lot of what I didn’t know like that oh my goodness ah oh what the heck

I’m not going to come did you get kicked I get kissed here everyone got kicked what is going on I’m glad everyone got kicks huh that was weird it was like so it wasn’t just me is it just me because you know what I noticed at first I couldn’t like uh

Check my furnace or anything I’m like wait a minute what is going on I was gonna log out and come back in and see if that would fix that the game said yo I got you oh I got a lot oh my goodness well to answer email’s question just get out of Spawn

Go at least two three hundred blocks away from sport should be good that was like a thousand a thousand is a really good number to start with um those may or may not already be cleaned if that makes sense oh yeah I may need to find someone

Where can I find where can I find a speed though I gave you a bad because I’m trying to find what place to this hunger is killing me good thing soccer Valley replenishes you oh no no no no no so far at all holy did you

This is not from Spawn at all totally totally well did you make a slip at spawn before you decided to go wherever you’re going oh I have I oh I still have the bug spawn I had to I haven’t moved from this this thought I probably moved a little bit to the right

Wait since when do we have that I thought that died map was that I thought so too but wait a minute it is yet that works Jen edited a different map yeah throw it wrong no I don’t know what yet yeah so just looking at that you

Basically want to go past the ocean like I see where Cheshire is I see an ocean oh wait no where is that oh I know where that is that is um uh uh what’s its name that’s Dublin’s face okay and that would be ballin’s so um you got a good perfect spot

No I need to go get some Sandstone oh there’s a lot of mesas around spawn holy smokes I just found the small one whatever I have a mace so I don’t buy a rainforest is oh my God well if you don’t like your spot later you can always move um oh mangrove Oh where are you at Sadie though I’m far and I like to be alone yeah stand alone You’re always trying to grief my Minecraft builds up you need to get out of the way I’m not afraid to call you anymore welcome back oh no my stream is turned into karaoke what it’s always here the sadness hello interrupted who’s doing that uh that would be iceberg he’s doing what

Yes that was a parody of Godsmack yes yes I know what you’re trying to be I just have to put I just have to put my thing here at least for at least for now moving after this I’m moving after this sorry your base You’re Gonna Want to be at

Least a thousand blocks away from the spawn just so that you have a room to grow the further the better um okay I think this will be a thousand oh all right I I’m not kidding um the further you go out from spawn the more room you’ll have to grow the more

Room you’ll have for any of your builds whereas the closer the more packed everything starts to become okay um also run the risk of General X being like you know that would be a good location for one of my projects you gotta move which has happened before

I mean I’m having that problem at my own base two Farms because my bills got over ambitious meanwhile there’s me trying to act just trying to find a spot to place so so what I did I will tell you what I did you don’t have to do this

I took a boat I took a little food and I who am I hearing myself from I don’t know Sadie I’m not even talking no no no no I have your stream oh um it’s saying now saying now leaving spawns safety spawn yep yeah you are now longer in spawn mobs

Can spawn all those kinds of things so I just walked took a boat and traveled thousands tens of thousands of blocks away from Spawn and eventually found a cliff where I started building and then I said Community project time and that’s what I did and you spent

Hundreds upon hundreds of hours no just hundreds not hundreds on hundreds it’s I think it was like 200 and 110. yeah yeah that that’s what I’m gonna go with 210. 00 says he could actually join when she gets home what up Darth you’re probably sleeping

Oh me no Mike uh poor Mike I know it’s got to go to work at midnight thanks I gotta go to work at nine PM I know how that feels that’ll work at all yet shares to work on that because when you work you’re gonna hate it

Would not know because I only had a part-time job as being in the um on a store of being called Marshalls um well we got the clothes we got the good clothes which how much how much you want to get for you walk out with the store for more

I stole their money too I’m mine you know are you out in your cell phone straight yeah we got our boys lock her up Did you get the recording yeah we got it it’s not a cave too as well be careful the caves I will be careful don’t worry I have played Minecraft before you’re extremely careful I would so um I would suggest setting up a base first before going

Caving that way you can explore the kids around your base don’t worry I noticed I know you know oh you know hold up hold up I know you played Minecraft before craft has a little thing you haven’t done before I have something called lips slips act like two-way teleportation

Systems but you have to place the signs yourself um wherever you place your slips you can teleport between them across millions of blocks and even into other dimensions just by right-clicking the slip but you will only get so few oh so this allows you to build a spawn

House and a base and be able to travel between the two so if you die and you say broke your bed uh you can get back Iman you can also slash spawn and then click Sakura Valley to get back to spawn I have a slip house

You are welcome to claim a room and put your slip in there rather than having to worry about a spawn house immediately and we’d love to see it Barrett would love to be able to come back here in three years and say or next year and be

Like yo Iman has a wonderful or Iman has a wonderful little room benza I guess Spencer really did get destroyed by Iman [Laughter] question pepperonis DMC says oh there’s a problem with this place Iman let me do a quick check I know this place you might have a different problem I can’t

We have too many new players Cheshire so um fun fact I Love karaoke um try to do a karaoke stream to part-time and it got um claimed to heffle I’m trying to not curse I get that I get that I get that my my my my f-bombs comes out of randomly don’t

Worry you’re not alone you have a city streaming right now like darn well if you need a good blink word for the f word use flip flip or frig Iceberg Mike’s singing it’s not something you were expecting to hear today no but yeah I did that stream Once Upon a Time

It got claimed to haiful the video was blocked worldwide that’s fine I have found one I found one Enderman out of this whole entire walk okay don’t look at his ass the second time I did a karaoke stream the stream was stopped Midstream by YouTube yeah that was your own fault

Oh I didn’t know about that you didn’t know that he you didn’t bear did not know that YouTube or at all streaming platforms will arbitrarily stop your stream it changes copyright they did they did not do that a couple years ago no they they’ve done that they’ve done that since like

Day not day one but um since I’ve been on YouTube they’ve been doing that so I’ll put it to you like this maybe the songs I did during the first stream weren’t triggering the auto shutdown I’ll tell you it didn’t happen I did that whole stream and then at the

End of it it was blocked worldwide so I was able to complete the stream I could have complete the second karaoke they shut the whole thing they shut it down and the channel got a warning I don’t have a strike but I gotta warn it but you know it’s fine I

Know I’m not doing that again if I do any if I do any wait you got an official warning yeah holy wow but um if I do any future karaoke things with discourages soap uh I apologize I didn’t see you um you’re you’re I see two little circles and they both

Look like blue and yours and terrorists when they’re zoomed out a lot looks similar I know they’re not at all similar but I see light blue and light blue and all I see really see are two circles hello soap I’m sorry I didn’t notice you circles circles for everyone aircraft

How is Sadie doing good figuring things out Oh wow holy bird do you remember that you remember that really really really really really really really sad um dark oak forest I found just outside azitown do you see my stream yeah there’s jungle there’s Birch there’s mountains there’s more mountain there’s more jungle all the way there here’s a dark oak forest

Wow that’s it that’s the dark oak the world’s terrain Generations like I will put one little small tree right here oh no no I’m sorry there’s a the dark oak comes in a small little patch right along here but there’s a panda right here okay and a pound of pounds I got pandas

That’s another thing you should get along your way journey to your base was saplings are good yes I’m liking this it’s turning out nice okay okay already almost out of coal how can I be okay oh no I have another chest never mind what am I were you making torches

Usually that’s where most of it goes no I was trading with a villager profile picture of PNG yes bro no because she’s saying that um mine isn’t supposed to have a white background but YouTube is being weird oh yeah YouTube YouTube is always weird yes that’s a fact then the background’s

Transparent and then you that’s why I’m asking if it’s a PNG that makes sense it’s probably oh I gotta sign the white back okay enough what happened to this end so that makes all of the sense in the world oh I really don’t want to go to work in

A couple hours ugh it don’t remind me bro I had to go sooner than you I just woke up [Laughter] I also get out of like six I would like to purchase some lava from people where can I purchase purchase love I have lava you can scoop it up that’s crazy

Oh where’s your if you don’t go caving I’d like to purchase some things oh I can’t go to the next okay right I have three buckets I need lava for my uh for my room um wait do I have glass I forgot the glass no crap why aren’t these cell phones growing

Up here why is Frank screaming that’s what Frank does freaking Frank um Frank trying to be like filthy Frank because you share the same name real maybe he is filthy Frank in disguise filthy Frank in disguise oh yeah everyone’s at dinner light gazer you’re here oh I need more Minecraft meeting in

Progress come back later what compound he’s a he’s a spot I am at spawn I’m building my new base things and stuff well there I think it’s Jay’s has been selling stuff this build I’m making is probably gonna be my new base given how long I’ve been

Spending on it’s Jay but it sells all the things Oh yeah I got to do my uh daily roll while I’m here we be rolling Okay see me rolling you can’t say here today I might shut the stream down you better be careful you have to ride in dirt trying to catch me right we’re not that good night stand low inside I hello uh cash prize that song wasn’t that good but it was

Catchy yeah yeah it was good oh I’m doing good so far all right let’s see what’s next I just needed the door I just needed the door 126 bucks no yay I’m locked out why am I locked out I can’t get through oh there we go why’d you sound like Louis Armstrong yeah

Ah I worry about you guys Bud Light answer these are wonderful world and you got to play bro forces that ain’t wonderful I don’t know bro Great I was pissed because this dude was Walling with that bro stuff early and I was at work I can’t even join it oh yeah bro bro it went from my whole service like yo what’s up bro little bro of fun hey yo it’s bro bro Marlboro I’m surprised he didn’t keep going

Yeah like seven eight days away this guy’s going in I bro you bro you me bro bro we Ella bro Bros I don’t think I’ve seen like either that happy in a long time he was ecstatic Ally no because he’s usually like chill don’t really laugh that much like he just

Here to the certain level he was having fun make process I bro you bro we all bro from bro If I Didn’t Know Better I’d say he like broke Force more than a colony okay that’s a tough statement he just might where the hell where the hell I feel dummy dumb

I still can’t find Jay’s Jay’s house just shop I I think all right go ahead like Acer north side of Spawn it’s the nice house this nice house our house hey Jay I need your help you know the stream take me to your house Jay oh boy thank you sir

He’s in the Stream and he he told me like I need your house I need to buy some things and he showed me I was like oh my God I feel so stupid nature I just dude moaning in my ear Oh I don’t even know where this is that okay never mind all right oh he doesn’t have the lava that I need underwater intelligent bring some buckets I got lava red over here yeah wait I needed some other stuff what else do I need I got like two pools of lava going

Oh wait I could just take some obsidian oh yeah I’m buying obsidian hell yeah that moment when you realize you put these in the wrong place and now you have to take it all down and redo it again yada yada I’m so confused stupid roof

Wait why am I why do I wait why is it making it so hard to buy stuff maybe because you don’t have the money for it two dollars that ain’t gonna buy you anything oh there we go okay no I figured it out okay you’re like all right

You’re not buying nothing cause you got nothing all right we’re doing good I haven’t even set up my shop yet I need to do that probably sometime this week there we go I figured it out okay like my shop is in the mail room area that’s fine I’m okay with that I know

I asked you yeah he said it was okay that’s what some people did in the 1.8 spawn so I’m just like pull for it all right like like that place screams hey set up your Marketplace here set up a Grand Marketplace Hub here that sounds like a good idea like if everybody did

It would be so cool because then it’d all be in one place it’d be like a shopping mall yeah but then you have people like it’s Jay who spent days weeks making their shop to suddenly move their shot and no I’m I’m perfectly happy with where Jay’s shop is with all

The work and detail they’ve done to it yeah I could say right there and lucky my shop this is your microphone just vibrated Sophie oh it does that it has a bad habit of that enough I’ll hold you ladies you confirmed that that stuff won’t burn and spawn right

Yeah all right cool oh where am I oh this is not where I want her to be you know how you can building oh I have very little flight time left in fact ah that’s right that’s why he’s asking about okay now it all makes logical sense all right

There’s nothing here time to explore whoa it is quarter after seven Bert you need sleep foreign oh it’s actually sooner than I thought that I have to all right I’m gonna stay on till like 750 and then I gotta change and get ready problem we take what we can get

Yeah I was on before yeah I added a new floor to my house that’s cool I was on earlier too Yeah when you left when I died you say I didn’t say anything say anything you’re like hey Sadie can you come and hang out with me no you didn’t say that’s all right I bounced yeah and took a nap I I just took a nap I just took like a three hour nap

Uh I think I took like him maybe an hour nap all right it’s hot I hardly had sleep yeah well I need to be in at nine yeah terrible yeah especially when you’re moving stuff this will be a good time for me to get more wood there’s the glass it’s lucid

And then I’m gonna Clear out my inventory oh and I have I believe I have enough for another portal my own I just gotta not mess up I’m gonna have to move my nether portal yeah let’s find out I’m gonna make my nether portal like in my little mine foreign There we go no why why’d you sound Russian I don’t know I really don’t know I think I messed up the portal why’d you mess up support I wouldn’t have diamond pick I don’t have a diamond pick go to the parkour you’ll get some diamonds

But let me see if I messed that up I don’t I might have I might not have three oh heck I’m out of here I’m out of here oh I need oh I don’t even have a thing to start a fire that’s fun We Didn’t Start the Fire did you guys

Hear about them you guys uh he had a new version of that song yeah yeah that’s pretty good gotta say you’re pretty good you’re pretty good you’re not pretty good You’re pretty good metal gear here we go but live stream hello cam dog oh yeah I’m just gonna I just need one Flint that’s all I need wait what came both getting a timer no no bill s I’m sorry I think that song is etched into my consciousness

I may or may not have made a raid screen um that you know that was great I didn’t think you could do better than that and you did I risk it was great okay welcome back to you welcome back welcome back is hilarious not arguing but I still have it I still

Use it I’ll be right back you gotta make more stairs Let’s find out oh wait a minute I just made more stairs than I had stairs good lordy I know I really wish you could like it’s like destroy stairs back into Planck’s Lake nope nope yeah I ungoofed you done goofed I done goofed you goofeduced assembly AFK please thank you

There were some people who wanted night well they need to let people know that that’s what they’re doing they did where uh past two nights no that’s why I’m not sleeping right now okay I finally fine fine [Applause] say you you should say long oh okay I’ll be back later

Thanks for coming through all right well if anyone can uh come here and mind the subsidian for me I would greatly appreciate it what did you do I made it one block too short I’ll show you TP you made a nether portal without without Diamond yes he bought it he yeah thank you

Well it was thank you it was Mew but what did he say ah oh no it wasn’t Mew it was uh Cheshire oh this Cheshire done then oh Cheshire is AFK oh there’s so much lava here this is beautiful what you wanted that for lava yeah why not make a lava Farm

I was going to but this is actually way easier and there’s a lot more a lava farm would be so much better and so much more convenient especially since you can semi-automate it too yeah like just go through the nether portal and and I know how lava Works Understand what I’m saying I know the nether I know there’s this concept called lava ocean and Lava River and you can spawn or your nether portal can literally be in a sea a block I know this I’m still saying hey love a farm sort of thing a touch more convenient when you can

Control all of it fair enough I only need a little bit back but but ah lordy why do I keep doing things wrong because you’re silly stop being so silly Sadie I can’t celebrate family huh it’s in my YouTube nature who else was getting his uh new capture card yay

All right so I got it oh yeah he did get a new capture card what is this not look right ah what the Huda Um no but that’s all right ah There will be kind of out now Adam beautiful no no no no go back get back I say get back get back foul Beast oh okay wait wait absolutely don’t worry I think he went yes oh no he just disappeared all right cool that We’re not gonna speak of that really what

No no we’re gonna have a full-blown discussion No big one totally and just pull up and just knock me out of another portal funny it wasn’t it wasn’t that bad it sounds hilarious like you can slaps you out of the Netherlands get out of here your money is no good here well that chest is gone bye chest see you later

Wait a minute you dropped your death chest and love no come on wait a minute grab my donation chest well at least it had nothing in it yeah that’s right yeah no never mind I was thinking dirty daddy daddy ah it’s my job [Laughter] I didn’t know it was your job

I have a I have a potty mouth but that’s about where it stops oh I can feel the warm air coming through hello hello I wonder why I say goodbye hello hello hello all right I’m blocking off my area where it’s open because I need more I need more lava people

I need more lava oh wait I did do it oh oh bad idea bad idea bad idea bad idea bad idea what’s going on um yeah scrapping that idea you can get back to your um your grave will be in a safe location when you come back okay um

Oh I had to do slash spawn my slip no longer works my flip is no longer safe you moved your slip no I did not move my slip it is what I did to the slip room that was unsafe [Laughter] yeah okay I gotta I gotta get rid of that from this

Monstrosity of the forest I mean oh wait that’s not the Pagoda where’s the Pagoda all right so ah flipper um you are a flipper you’re all the flapper you are the flipper you flip my Skipper I skip your Clapper party I have no idea what you’re talking about but it sounds offensive I don’t want my flippers skipped get your reverse UNO card [Laughter] trap card that was the best part about Yukio you’ve activated these my face down trap cards well thank you get your mind out of the gutter Kaiba no no there’s your mind out of the gutter before I mine crush it

All right yes I’m yes only please do not go in here where is my gears has been here really soon uh probably because you probably went to go get food oh that’s my yes you said it in a safe location yeah your compass will take you straight to it straight

Oh dude or mangrove go to your portal it should say the nether you died I didn’t die Hello Johnny Leggings or need help all right all right all right get rid of this this is a terrible idea get rid of this because what happened was this is my slip let’s see what happens and I went into my slip and instead of you know coming here

So I was at my spawn in my base I I slipped back here and I went in the lava and I just died yeah you got to be careful with lava yeah no he’s placing lava in the slip house and it was not a good idea so I’m scrapping this idea

Well I was gonna say I know from experience ever since they did an update to the fire and lava thing if you don’t have lava covered sufficiently it can places that you expected to catch fire it moves fast too well no it’s not that it caught fire it’s literally like my

Slip isn’t a really bad spot and I and I fell in and now my uh the whole thing’s gone so I just want to get rid of this but now I I can’t uh you could reset your slips but that means you need to do where uh

I’m not trying to shut people up I’m I’m trying to I’m I’m actually handling this trying to figure out where the grave is and teleport straight to it in game mode TP lights two eight six nine nine six one two five two seven eight four eight four

Oh chest chest chest over at my spawn all right cool TP thanks for the race thank you sir so I guess we’re staying at night a little longer No lava yep get rid of it um we learned our lesson if you encase it in glass maybe he’s he’s trying to he did it wrong and he sort of forgot how well he doesn’t know how slips work no Lava I don’t know tell you what you’re

Supposed to be nighttime but I’ll hang out here and just watch the the Moon no lava yeah tell you what tell you what when you can it’s not when you can it’s when you understand how slips work a little bit more then you can do lava your slip is now safe again but

Um um um oh I think I figured no Lava until you figure out how the slips work wait I all right if I prove to you that I now understand since that situation hold on let me get rid of my stuff okay no business get rid of all this

It is now 7 30 bird it is it’s actually 7 33. I just finished cutting down all the security right now so there’s my slip yo so I’m gonna make this cobblestone oh I hope we don’t have to say night forever be daytime so yeah I got work to do

All right I’m gonna do to do I mean uh I might do to do but corrupted really wants lava I really yeah uh but it’s a no it’s a no it’s enough to go here uh I I think if you’re gonna do night that you have to do it in a Discord and

That way so people don’t you know like streams I think I can agree with yeah I think we had that discussion last time on the Rollo roller who was it wait I was why who put this here the plank who you think I was kind of introverted with just

Causing her Mayhem I guess that’s I I understand that’s why if you if you didn’t if you’re needing it to be dark for a long period like more than like two nights and you’re really like need to live oh you did it yeah you did it huge

I don’t know how I did it but I did it who put this in room on me oh it’s because you’re holding an item in your hand when you’re clicking yourself what’s a Zone what is he needing to get I swear something’s trying to get at me thank you light sorry

Oh it’s a uh slime block just bumping into the mangroves first I thought it was the music I thought it was kind of weird No no no okay so what is chest to Chester just whatever what is this what is he trying it’s a zombie a zombie okay he wants a zombie but he’s in a mushroom Island they don’t spawn in mushroom land oh that’s a them problem no just kidding not like a person

But if I would have known that they’d be spending this much time then I would have done something different then I need to deal with this creeper that’s right outside my house just hit it he’s in a really bad spot with punishment slice them dice them

First I needed I wanted to get to my safe space so I could oh listen I have a what’s it called I have a back door so I could go through the back door get in my house put all my stuff on and then deal with him

This is when I died you see see what had happened to see when I died one minute hold on if he were to put like dirt blocks away from the Mushroom Island that he’s on wouldn’t they spawn Oh it’s gone yay by creeper well then have them do that the worst part is when I sneak up oh yeah it’s not dirt blocks away it’s when your Mushroom Island stops being a mushroom Island like right now I’m using M3 or uh m3p F3 and on my left side of the screen

I see biome mushroom fields which only checks x and z coordinates like right here deep ocean it can spawn here so you could make a little here a platform out there like right here is some still mushroom field they can’t spawn here but they could spawn here get two cats

Oh we can sleep down thank goodness God can sleep now I heard y’all complaining all right waiting for schedule it out that’s like 20 minutes of night right if nobody goes to sleep it’s like 20 minutes it’s still ten okay 10 day 10 night um still a bit too much for me dude

Hello hello hello Enchanted Archer please get away from me please die thank you thank you for dying what do you mean I thought you’d like my armor He just gave me a bow with Unbreaking no you weren’t supposed to come in here nobody’s supposed to be they’re not welcome yo I just got blessed by that skeleton now I feel bad hold on again he’s dead not using it on me so well that is true watching And no proxy oh it always feels like somebody’s watching me oh Magic oh whoa how do I build an engine hello TMC gaming how are you doing been a while she’s watching me it’s about to make you go boom boom boom yeah did you like the street freak matter of fact I

Love Bridget I was wondering when you were gonna pop in no name you’re doing all right cool you’re gonna be doing better than all right you better be doing the best you’re the best all right Remember and welcome to the crazy stream and this is what we do listen to my eyes it is it’s looking like the my build is looking awesome um not free copyright claims ah share it alone Corrupted it is quarter to eight um you said you’re in yeah you’re in New York City it’s quarter day I do I do must go I will see you guys uh I’m off tomorrow thank God so God so long if you would I fully expect you to stream something

What your stream’s up to you probably it’s probably gonna repeat Mario since I have the day off and I have no worries well I’ll see you guys tomorrow Oh crap uh discard here we go and then there were three somebody needs to sleep before they go to work I’m not afraid okay then hello it’s on YouTube Studio so many things to do [ __ ] I don’t know what the context is it was funny I don’t know when I’m streaming I can’t

Read the uh in-game chat it’s just I got too much going on And I’m not even streaming I’m not that white jesus chat you don’t have to worry about anything I mean I’m mostly the godliness mm-hmm I got a lot done without noticing something that I might have to change survey part this thing stops halfway stops and we’re kind of replicated but the other side

I didn’t realize that I wanted to build either tomorrow or Thursday although I want to enclose building like I got the roof up there’s still air I mean I gotta figure out what I’m gonna do for stairs ah this place is huge no um it really is like because I think foreign

Oops darn it ah sometimes I wish there was a way to lock things so you don’t end up breaking them like they are where they are and I don’t need to break them the Muslim helps to do that that happened to me a few times there we go

So I use a pickaxe to take out some blasts then it takes up the stone right under the glass I’m like come on I know I hate that Super Sonic welcome It everybody here’s his check oh no it’s just quiet yeah there’s a lot of those bands alternative singers that don’t exist no more sad I love hip-hop but a fan of rock too and a lot of these guys like I don’t think Rockets modern times now rarely right mwah did it again foreign I love my blueberries yo you my way in the night trying to get these membranes somebody go AFK how many people are on the server right now yes all Super Sonic left I was a Bedrock account too they tried joining from one of our streams

Uh 10 11 12 right now two of which are okay wow that’s a lot of people yep One of what you say okay one of which will be locking real soon hello bro what up bro welcome bro I don’t answer questions we don’t know what what are you referring to yeah this is you’re wondering what we’re playing we’re playing Minecraft a spinal Craft Server which is free to

Join all the information is down below do it wow I think Jen should make like a tutorial video about how to like log on and everything and then we could just provide the link if he’s listening oh I forgot you gotta say there you go Jen Jen Jen where are you

It’s almost like saying Genie Genie Genie be careful you can’t put that Genie back in the lamp no no but you can put it in your dream oh that was a bit much well no it’s actually from a show I know I saw that show too well welcome to you um

His name is Bros that would be a good Bros bros Bros been on a wave since this morning I wonder why bro same bro Mama bro I thought that was funny Um time to kill some Enderman Enderman Thank you whoa oh I didn’t know that was a thing oh now I can see who’s on that’s a lot of people it’s not that spicy meter two six five I won 265. woohoo Go [ __ ] off in here and next time I hop on yep we’ll see ya we’ll see you there vote URL not leaving just you um hmm Minecraft MP copies my name I like that better who knows let’s see um Mm-hmm now I’m out of here good night bird happy building I’ll see you in like four hours like I’ll be here I’m more like five because I’m not going nowhere I use I see I like to like when I arrive at my job too I tune in before it’s like underground Shenanigans and

Like I’ll I’ll be like 15 minutes behind because of the fruit hello hi divorce Hunter yeah yeah what’s up but um we’ll catch you a bird TMC says Viber that downloads do I connect them or do I leave them separate don’t know can’t see your stream no you’re fine

This is all personal preference I need to put some torches under here I have to redo my entire bottom floor because I did it wrong oh no this is why things take a billion and one more hours Oh we definitely put torches under here oh no it’s night time time to go to sleep yeah this game is a lot of fun very calm yeah so much to do hmm Can’t believe it’s already Tuesday yeah and Thursday my kid has gotta go pick up his stuff I know actually take his ID picture thing for school I mean probably not did we miss you if I’m being honest probably not or maybe maybe we did miss you we missed your jokes

No uh uh how did I do that again because you don’t pay attention no no if I go quiet please enjoy the lovely music being played yep oh somebody spun a Wither yeah I turned off mom’s sounds come on I can only takes too many wonder whether it’s I know but it’s kind of cool how like when you do spawn it everybody knows that you spawned it so I just need to Crimson trees Uh yeah bum All you got is peaks of jokes that sound cheesy and that was funny crazy Mangrove I mean black terracotta I need more crimson I need Harper oh this is gonna be fun what are you building a storage room Um moves are always fun and not fun at the same time I think I have the design I want and for the first time in a very long time I think I’m going with single chests hmm rather than double chest okay guys I come to the realization I

Trapped myself and no I didn’t I can get out Come on The outside of the inside maybe it was on the outside like whatever You can change it up if I wanted to so actually I think that looks better oh looks like I’m gonna be going to my out or going to the mangrove farm and stuff owl foreign corrupted he’s clicking his slip with um an item in his hand so he’s placing

Blocks as he does it oh no this this is another reason why I like the slip house you learn very quickly don’t hold items in your um pan otherwise you’re going to ruin your beautiful little slip pouch ah look your little X stop hitting things you’re not supposed to foreign Since we’ve had one and it turned out really nice too we don’t have the massive massive player base that we did but I might have to build a third floor I’ll be happy to do it possibly each floor has 24 slips or 24 rooms um and Iman just placed his on the

Second floor because he couldn’t find her um now there is one block like um there is one extra room but uh he didn’t find it so there are 24 of 48 rooms so it’s like I might have to do more which I’m okay with yeah that means there’s more people exactly

I just hope they don’t all stay bare if that makes sense I don’t mind if they’re bare if they’re empty but it’s like they’re cleaned something with them you know dress them up why not it gives you something to do yeah I am really liking how this is turning out

Time to go to bed again hmm But this is looking really good Now to do this all over No did that happen I don’t know foreign I did that wrong Finance now reached 85 Degrees woohoo ah I still have those my channel comments on me I haven’t had to call it in a long time me too it’s been a while milky ways too all right this is looking good seems fine ah wrong side all right oh hey hmm no I’m thinking this

Oh yeah I like that better how to redo everything Yeah it wouldn’t be this anyway if you I didn’t redo it three times and then move to do it four more times I know but it’s okay it’ll work out yep mm-hmm dude Oink oink A beef Foreign how are you doing what does that look weird there we go doing great cool I’m done yep okay I’d ate some sticks well when you get the sex I got some bones that’s all right I got some Stones let’s go break some bones I don’t need to break bones

But how else do you get moanil uh get it from mulching uh moth it’s so hard I’d rather break some bones I’ll go to the Nether and get some bones I got a dictionary and I’m prepared to use it um how would I end up with so much junk

Well I got Sadie now I’m prepared to use it who by the way streaming did it weird You’re gonna call it a night all right little tiger good night little tiger good night time to go to sleep again Oh for a sec there I was like one of four players need to sleep what well we’re just too and of course I wake up and there’s an Enderman foreign looking at things and things don’t look like they’re supposed to but oh I’m really glad I put my unchartered water soundtrack on this

Playlist I’m really really happy yeah how what Um what do we do oh Thank you now that arson stop I said I do wrong here what did you do right literally everything I don’t think I did none of this makes sense right now too um do it The Click was my imagination oh I think that is supposed to stay there hello Josephine I’m not sure something

So I completely forgot this was a thing I’m glad I remember it’s helpful if you hold shift or crouch on things like ladders um yeah you don’t go down oh Foreign Fix okay hold on take it all down Goodbye yes good night makes no sense welcome one what the way that was one of the cutest hiccups I’ve ever heard funny Oh Lordy what the fudge am I doing wrong you want to know the best part about what you just said all right said it’s

So naturally uh I’m very sure now fudge is part of your normal vocabulary possibly oh my day’s been good I’ve been really done very much foreign about what you you said you were changing your mind I I was just like laughing it’s one of the things I appreciate

About you whereas you could tear you could get halfway through your Castle tear it down and not get discouraged about it It happens ow that’s there there that’s the thing you don’t get discouraged with a lot of those things and I am I’m amazed because a lot of people they just died of lava and they’re like I’m done I’m quitting Minecraft you you’re like I guess I’m getting more stuck again

I try not to die next time I guess and if it happens like nine times lights General my back is sabotaged I tried foreign I don’t know what they’ve been watching foreign you know what would make the mangrove uh public Mangrove Farms so much better replanting yeah who doesn’t do that evil people bottom is huge oh you’re not having only mediocre gear is not the greatest thing in the world nope it is not

But I promise myself no abusing the Villager Hall this time I got mending and I got some mending books one through fishing but that’s painful as it is A substitute done holy smokes this entire time hmm I I thought dying map was completely gone forever not so much oh um type slash map and you’ll see it Um oh wait I wasn’t supposed to do that oh no sorry insane um yeah I’m healing them ah God these are always so hard to put on the fitting whether or not that should be bamboo hmm said what I’m talking out loud oh bamboo bamboo Bamboo yeah I can’t help

With that I can help with moving it I can help with no things to make your life better build your rules I already have a bamboo forest in front of me so no I’m just like thinking out loud oh this song brings back memories What what you just hummed was an absolute perfect key with the song I am listening to and I know for darn certain you’ve never heard this song before Oh I’m listening to another song on my channel I know I know that that’s what’s absolutely incredible it’s like oh

You were in perfect sink yet you never heard the song and you’re listening to your own music it’s like uh-huh that is funny by the way you guys in my chat how do you like when this Oh weird how do you like the new music like this song in particular

Yeah no should I keep it no one cares cause I’m cool with it you’re probably keeping it anyway [Laughter] ah no wrong direction huh yeah it’s all from a game that I used to play years ago called uncharted waters or uncharted waters online um the game

The game is really easy to un easy to grasp game but the problem is and there is a big problem is it’s a pay to win and it really is paid to win it’s and it combines pay to win with gotcha and higher prices so it it’s like you want something

You want a company that makes EA proud this game thankfully I was good at the game so I didn’t mean to pay to win I already won Like this song was actually the music for a city called Mercy the every Capital even though it wasn’t a capital for the city or for the country um like the capital of France is not Marseille at least I don’t think it is um but since this game deals with ports

Like you sailed at various cities and you deal with ports uh Marseille is where you’re going or must say for France is indeed where you are going PMC if you want to know my favorite I’ll put it on for you real quick Mm-hmm there’s this one that’s my second favorite oh my God I get more bamboo all righty to the forest we go I love how bamboo grows back really fast Right purple foreign Sticks Oh my build looks nice even from a distance okay we need some more of these all that in there looks a lot of bamboo pop and then we’re trying to do the instruments I’m going to be oops that was my second favorite called Amsterdam that was the um

That was the song for the port city of Amsterdam which was the Netherland Capital ports and this one is my favorite in the entire game as soon as I can find it is it s think it is as yeah this one is my face Now looking good in the neighborhood you know I have more bamboo I think I do ah I have two pieces oh it means I gotta get more maybe not I’m gone this was the music that you heard as you sailed to the very first non-safe Waters which was West and South Africa

Because every all of Europe was completely safe and this was the very first area and you go for something peaceful straight to this it was like This was this was my favorite part about seeing around Africa was hearing this banger yes I call him this a banger fight We need to do that side and that side and that’s hard I don’t even know what instrument they’re playing here right like user I’m gonna call it a stream and get out of Discord I’m getting tired all right Sadie see you later good progress tonight thank you okay that’s pretty much it for the stream I hope you enjoy I might work on

It tomorrow we’ll say but thank you for hanging out with me and I will see you guys next time bye-bye

This video, titled ‘Live Minecraft build with Vtuber @SadieGamerMom’, was uploaded by SadieGamerMom on 2023-08-09 01:21:59. It has garnered 83 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 03:26:38 or 12398 seconds.

#Minecraft #vtuber #sadiegamermom #live #Minecraft @SadieGamerMom #VTuber#Minecraft #sadiegamermom #Spinalcraft

We are back on the Spinalcraft server and we are starting over. That right I own nothing we are in a whole new area where no one has been. I will be exploring this new area and setting down root somewhere. If you enjoy live streams of video game content, consider subscribing! Also, don’t forget to click the notification bell next to it so you can be notified when new content is posted on the channel. Live streams are typically done on a weekly basis. Be sure to follow me, SadieGamerMom on the various Social Media platforms for more news and information.

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Music by Epidemic

_________________________________________________________________ Featuring Spinalcraft, supporting Minecraft 1.10 – 1.19.2 Java and Bedrock Editions! IP: Open 24/7, 365! This Java #Minecraft community has been around for nearly 9 years, and features 2 permanent survival worlds! Legacy is a map started 9 years ago, and Ascension (where we are hanging out) started in the beginning of 2022! Spinalcraft pride’s itself on being a safe, family friendly server for all to enjoy!

How to join on Java 1) Spinalcraft supports versions 1.10 thru 1.19.2. For best experience, use the latest version (1.18.2) 2) Click Play, and then multiplayer. 3) Click add server 4) Enter a name of your choice, “Spinalcraft” will do just fine! 5) Enter in the IP address: 6) Click Done. Spinalcraft is now saved to your server list! Simply select and click “Join Server!” _____________________________________________________ If you would like to help out serverSpinalcraft Server by voting for it here:(you can vote once per day) ◘ ◘ Spinalcraft’s Patreon here:

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    Surviving the Scariest Minecraft Map: Stay Alive ChallengeVideo Information เคคเฅ‹ เคนเฅ‡เคฒเฅ‹ เคซ เค†เคฐเฅเคฎเฅ€ เค•เฅˆเคธเฅ‡ เคนเฅ‹ เคธเคญเฅ€ เคฒเฅ‹เค— เคคเฅ‹ เค†เคœ เคฎเฅˆเค‚ เค–เฅ‡เคฒเคจเฅ‡ เคœเคพ เคฐเคนเคพ เคนเฅ‚เค‚ เคเค• m เคฎเฅ‡เค‚ เคเค• เคนเฅ‰เคฐเคฐ เคฎเฅˆเคช เคœเคฟเคธเค•เคพ เคจเคพเคฎ เคนเฅˆ เคธเฅเคŸเฅ‡เคฒเคพ เคคเฅ‹ เคฌเฅ‡เคธเคฟเค•เคฒเฅ€ เค‡เคธ เคฎเฅˆเคช เคฎเฅ‡เค‚ เค•เฅเคฏเคพ เคนเฅ‹เคคเคพ เคนเฅˆ เค•เคฟ เคนเคฎ เคฒเฅ‹เค— เคเค• เค…เคชเคฐเฅเคŸเคฎเฅ‡เค‚เคŸ เคฎเฅ‡เค‚ เคนเฅ‹เคคเฅ‡ เคนเฅˆเค‚ เค”เคฐ เคนเคฎเฅ‡เค‚ เค•เคพเคฎ เค•เฅ‡ เคฒเคฟเค เคฅเฅ‹เคกเคผเคพ เคฌเคพเคนเคฐ เคœเคพเคจเคพ เคชเคกเคผเคคเคพ เคนเฅˆ เคคเฅ‹ เคคเคญเฅ€ เคนเคฎเฅ‡เค‚ เคเค• เคฎเคฟเคธเฅเคŸเฅ€เคฐเคฟเคฏเคธ เคกเฅ‹เคฐ เคฎเคฟเคฒเคคเคพ เคนเฅˆ เค”เคฐ เค‰เคธ เคฎเคฟเคธเฅเคŸเฅ€เคฐเคฟเคฏเคธ เคกเคธ เคฎเฅ‡เค‚ เคนเคฎ เคฒเฅ‹เค— เคซเคธ เคœเคพเคคเฅ‡ เคนเฅˆเค‚ เค”เคฐ เค‰เคธ เคกเฅ‹เคฐ เคฎเฅ‡เค‚ เค•เฅเคฏเคพ เคนเฅ‹เคคเคพ เคนเฅˆ เคตเฅ‹ เคฆเฅ‡เค–เคจเฅ‡ เค•เฅ‡ เคฒเคฟเค เค†เคชเค•เฅ‹ เคฏเฅ‡ เคตเฅ€เคกเคฟเคฏเฅ‹ เคชเฅ‚เคฐเคพ เคฆเฅ‡เค–เคจเคพ เคชเคกเคผเฅ‡เค—เคพ เค”เคฐ เค†เคช เคฒเฅ‹เค— เคฎเฅ‡เคฐเฅ‡ เคšเฅˆเคจเคฒ เคฎเฅ‡เค‚ เคจเค เคนเฅˆเค‚ เคคเฅ‹ เคชเฅเคฒเฅ€เคœ เคธเคฌเฅเคธเค•เฅเคฐเคพเค‡เคฌ เค•เคฐ… Read More

  • Insane Gaming: Mind-Blowing MC RTX 4090 Reveal! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ”ฅ

    Insane Gaming: Mind-Blowing MC RTX 4090 Reveal! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ”ฅVideo Information he This video, titled ‘Realistic MC RTX 4090 ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿคค #shorts #minecraft | #31’, was uploaded by Nabi Gaming on 2024-04-20 06:37:06. It has garnered 50 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. MINECRAFT WITH ULTRA REALISTIC GRAPHICS Minecraft REAListic Graphics Minecraft REAL LIFE Extreme Graphics Minecraft in hardcore Incredible Minecraft Graphics Ultra REALISTIC MINECRAFT How to Build a Snowy Cottage How to Build a Starter House Minecraft Minecraft Blacksmith house Minecraft Snowy Cabin MINECRAFT WINTER CABIN MINECRAFT WINTER HOUSE Realistic MC RTX 4090 Minecraft best shaders Minecraft Shader Comparison Minecraft Ray… Read More

  • CRAZY Minecraft Secrets REVEALED in Alo’s Epic Adventure

    CRAZY Minecraft Secrets REVEALED in Alo's Epic AdventureVideo Information [Music] [Music] is [Music] for [Music] oh This video, titled ‘Unusual Minecraft’, was uploaded by Alo on 2024-02-25 04:16:33. It has garnered 1 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:35 or 275 seconds. Welcome to a journey through the most bizarre and extraordinary corners of Minecraft! In this video, we dive into the realm of Unusual Minecraft, where the landscapes defy expectation and the structures challenge imagination. Join us as we explore unique biomes, stumble upon mysterious structures, and marvel at mind-bending creations crafted by players from around the world. From floating islands suspended… Read More

  • INSANE SECRETS of Craftrise Mobile

    INSANE SECRETS of Craftrise MobileVideo Information Merhaba merhaba ses deneme 1 2 3 ses deneme 1 2 3 Ne yapฤฑyorsunuz la he Hiรง mi ola tฤฑklฤฑm yok ลŸu an o yรผzden but Fly Click yapacaฤŸฤฑm yapamayacaฤŸฤฑm dรผny al oyuncu Anladฤฑm hocam La oฤŸlum yatak mฤฑ kapatฤฑyorsun gel buraya Efsane bir hareket yapacaฤŸฤฑm sana ya A dรผลŸmedi lan Gel bakalฤฑm biraz daha gel รถnรผne Bloklarฤฑ dizdim abisi yataฤŸฤฑ kฤฑrma be ya Abi niye kฤฑrฤฑyorsun yataฤŸฤฑmฤฑ AฤŸlama lan Bekle oฤŸlum ben seni elemedim mi ลŸimdi o yataฤŸฤฑ kฤฑrmak รถyle kolay mฤฑ sanฤฑyorsun รถnce beni geรงmen gerekiyor yataฤŸฤฑmฤฑ kฤฑrmฤฑลŸ olabilirsin ama ik saฤŸ solumu yemiลŸ sayฤฑlฤฑrsฤฑn Bak… Read More

  • INSANE! Building Breaking Bad House in Minecraft LIVE

    INSANE! Building Breaking Bad House in Minecraft LIVEVideo Information volume up okay we haven’t played on this world apparently since like the middle of December and I like this mod pack it’s just I just haven’t played on this [ __ ] plain as simple plain as simple damn you saw that vertical hold up when was my vertical so nasty I got a gas mask on all I remember is that hey get out of here bro he break something he broke my boots all I remember in this world was we got to the point where I was like okay I want to build a… Read More

  • 4000 Cakes in Minecraft… CRAZY Vertical Stream!

    4000 Cakes in Minecraft... CRAZY Vertical Stream!Video Information hello everyone how’s it going welcome to the stream hello everyone hello it is currently Monday for me and I wonder how what time it is for you guys because ah it’s freezing it is currently I don’t 15 to 17ยฐ like Celsius here in my town in Australia and it’s freaking cold it is currently 6:40 a.m. yes I know I’m late I’m late by 10 minutes sorry about that and welcome to the stream snow as well as to a how are you guys doing how’s it being I hope you have guys are having a… Read More

  • BREEZE’s Incredible SECRET Story! Minecraft 1.21

    BREEZE's Incredible SECRET Story! Minecraft 1.21Video Information this is the breeze and it’s a brand new mob from Minecraft 1.21 but where did it come from how did it gain its powers and what is its story well let’s find out in the Forgotten tale of the breeze it all begins long ago during the Great iller War the villagers and the illers have been fighting for centuary and there were no signs that the end was anywhere near as these two opposing factions despised each other with our passion as they each prayed for the complete annihilation of the enemy well that’s how most… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build Hack by Gujju Bhai!

    Insane Minecraft Build Hack by Gujju Bhai!Video Information [Applause] could you find a way to let me down slowly a little sympathy I hope you can show me if you want to go then I’ll be so lonely if you leaving baby let me down slowly let me down down let me This video, titled ‘Minecraft Buld hack #14’, was uploaded by Gujju Bhai 24 on 2024-04-09 16:01:32. It has garnered 67 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. minecraft minecraft song minecraft civilization minecraft house tutorial minecraft house minecraft 100 days minecraft music minecraft 1.21 minecraft live minecraft… Read More

  • AvalocMC

    AvalocMCGood evening and welcome my friends to a land of mystery and magic, a land of monsters and mages a land where one turn at the road can land you in a vast metropolis filled with magic and wonder your eyes have never seen, another turn could land you in the midst of a savage orc horde. Welcome to Avaloc Read More

  • Harmony Falls SMP PVE Proximity Voice-Chat No Resets 1.20+ Java

    ๐ŸŒŸ Welcome to Harmony Falls – The Top Voice-Chat Proximity SMP Server! ๐ŸŒŸ Server Details: Version: Java 1.20.1 IP: Discord: About ๐ŸŒ  Harmony Falls ๐ŸŒ : ๐Ÿ˜„ Proximity Voice Chat: Talk to nearby players with Simple Voice Chat! ๐Ÿฐ Towny & Economy: Establish towns, trade, and engage in wars. ๐Ÿ‘ฅ PvE & PvP: Battle mobs or challenge other players. ๐Ÿ‘น Bosses/Dungeons: Encounter insane bosses! ๐Ÿ‰ Pets: Venture with companions like bears, griffins, and dragons. ๐ŸŒ„ RPG Elements: Level up skills, embark on quests with MCMMO. ๐ŸŒŸ Events: Participate in tournaments, competitions, and more! More Exciting Features Coming soon! ๐ŸŒŸ… Read More

  • HorizonMines – Season 3 – High quality Skymining!

    HorizonMines - Season 3 - High quality Skymining!HorizonMines is an small upcoming SKYMINING server that is looking to revolutionize the space with an actual skymining experience, elytra’s, a wonderfully build map and tons of eastereggs create an immersive and endless world of possiblities and to have fun. The goal of HorizonMines is to simply become the best skymining server out there, the best map, the best gameplay and the best experience. We are actively looking for staff, content creators and people whom can give feedback and suggestions so we can accomplish the goal of becoming the absolute best out there.HorizonMines GameplayDive into an immersive, one of a… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – My friend’s hotbar is a dumpster fire

    Looks like they need to ‘craft’ a better hotbar strategy! Read More

  • MineCrafted Dreams: Fyllaria’s Epic Rhyme

    MineCrafted Dreams: Fyllaria's Epic Rhyme In the world of Minecraft, Fyllaria roams, Building her dreams, crafting her own homes. But deep inside, she feels lost and alone, Her confidence shattered, her spirit not shown. She turns to an AI, seeking advice, Confiding her fears, her heart’s heavy price. The AI listens, with empathy and care, Encouraging Fyllaria to be aware. “Beauty is not just skin deep,” it says, “It’s in your heart, in your soul, in your ways. Embrace your uniqueness, your flaws and your strengths, For in them lies beauty, at any length.” Fyllaria listens, her heart starts to mend, Embracing herself, as… Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Axe Hacks!

    Spicy Minecraft Axe Hacks! To make a secret Minecraft axe, simply whisper “I am Groot” into your controller three times and sacrifice a diamond to the pixelated gods. Then, wait for a creeper to explode near a tree and voila! Your secret axe will appear out of thin air. Just kidding, that’s not how it works, but wouldn’t it be cool if it did? Read More

  • Honey Farm Build in Minecraft

    Honey Farm Build in Minecraft Building a Honey Farm in Minecraft Are you ready to dive into the world of Minecraft and learn how to build a honey farm? In this video, you’ll discover the step-by-step process of creating a small honey farm in Minecraft. Let’s explore the fascinating world of Minecraft builds! Exploring Minecraft Builds As you watch the video titled “Minecraft builds _ Build a Honey Farm in Minecraft,” you’ll be guided through the intricate process of constructing a honey farm within the game. From gathering resources to crafting the necessary tools, every detail is covered to ensure your success in building… Read More

  • Minecraft Mayhem with Joos – Sunday Night LIVE!

    Minecraft Mayhem with Joos - Sunday Night LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Sunday Night Stream : Joos plays Minecraft! 2!!! | ๐Ÿ”ด LIVE’, was uploaded by The Juicebox on 2024-05-13 01:07:19. It has garnered 135 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 03:11:38 or 11498 seconds. *Hey, you look nice today!* โœจ Goal for today is to just chill! (and play some Minecraft). Let’s talk! Subscribe โžค @_thejuicebox โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ” *Support Our Community* ๐Ÿ’• Discord โžค Patreon โžค โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ” *Check Out Our Channels* ๐ŸŽ‰ Let’s Plays โžค Game Guides โžค Retrospective Podcasts โžค โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ” #thejuicebox #juice #minecraft #minecraftlive Read More

  • Surviving Warden Only World with Whimsy Senpai

    Surviving Warden Only World with Whimsy SenpaiVideo Information This video, titled ‘We Survived In Warden Only World (Hindi) || WhimsySenpai’, was uploaded by Whimsy Senpai on 2024-03-24 08:30:13. It has garnered 1384 views and 41 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:44 or 1304 seconds. In this video we are going to survive 100 days in the the Minecraft warden only world exploring the dangers fighting the warden equipping op enacted loot like golden apple diamond enchanted sword and pickaxe killing ender dragon and in the end we will make a fight between wither and warden and finding who is the boss mob Minecraft 100… Read More

  • ๐Ÿ”ฅ1K BLOOD SHOWDOWN: Aswan Manananggal VS Minecraft’s BEST Security Build!

    ๐Ÿ”ฅ1K BLOOD SHOWDOWN: Aswan Manananggal VS Minecraft's BEST Security Build!Video Information This video, titled ‘๐Ÿ–ค1000 BLOOD Aswang Manananggal vs Most Security Best Build in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Jey Jey on 2024-05-01 09:45:00. It has garnered 461459 views and 6158 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:54 or 1074 seconds. WATCH THIS AMAZING ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜ŽIBLOOD Aswang Manananggal vs Most Security Best Build in Minecraft! | ENGLISH | OMOCRAFT ๐Ÿ–ค DO YOU WANT PURE JEYJEY? ๐Ÿ–คKIMMIE CHANNEL – ๐Ÿ–คFB PAGE : ๐Ÿ–คFB GROUP : WATCH IT GUYS !! @Clyde_Charge @Moira-YT @EsoniTV @ArArPlays @OLIPTV @JUNGKURT @tankdemic @potpot @VicccTv @shannelph @sheyyynplayz @PepeSanTV @micolee_9713 @Kimmie1129 @AstraeaaPH Aphmau, Maizen, Nico… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Challenge with Rika Roleplay!

    Insane Minecraft Challenge with Rika Roleplay!Video Information This video, titled ‘0009 Minecraft 1-Life Challenge! (Anne Cook Day 20+)’, was uploaded by Rika Roleplay on 2024-01-15 10:41:39. It has garnered 25 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 02:59:43 or 10783 seconds. Minecraft Character Spreadsheet: Join my Discord! (Small but ever present) Rika’s Videos Discord: Video Chapters: 0:00 Setting up Stream Read More

  • Insane Wither Storm Size | EYstreem Reveals

    Insane Wither Storm Size | EYstreem RevealsVideo Information This video, titled ‘How Big Can the Wither Storm Get?’, was uploaded by EYstreem on 2024-04-19 02:00:03. It has garnered 2479469 views and 32169 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:12 or 1032 seconds. Surviving The Worlds BIGGEST WITHER STORM in Minecraft! The MOST POWERFUL BOSS Battle Explosion! Play Minecraft with ME and be IN VIDEOS! ๐Ÿ˜ Just click the ‘JOIN’ button here โ–ถ ๐Ÿ‘• Buy EYmerch: ๐ŸŽฎ My Minecraft Server Address: You can join this server on Bedrock Edition (Phones, Consoles and Tablets) and Java Edition (PC and Mac) โค๏ธ Tik Tok:… Read More

  • Minecraft Insanity: 1000 Days of Absolute Madness

    Minecraft Insanity: 1000 Days of Absolute MadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘1000 Days of Hardcore Minecraft’, was uploaded by WaxFraud on 2024-05-12 05:00:25. It has garnered 233945 views and 3180 likes. The duration of the video is 03:39:55 or 13195 seconds. I stream almost everyday on Twitch at ๐Ÿ˜€ come chill with us anytime! Let’s Play Hardcore Minecraft 1.20.4 1000 days of hardcore Minecraft! I used Complementary Reimagined Unbound Shaders when recording this episode. I also use the resource pack called Fancy 2.0 GUI Overhaul. I hope that all of these videos can help people out there sleep, relax, and/or study. Thank you so much… Read More

  • “EPIC BATTLE: Gojo vs Sukuna in Minecraft!!! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ”ฅ” #jjk #jujutsukaisen#shorts

    "EPIC BATTLE: Gojo vs Sukuna in Minecraft!!! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ”ฅ" #jjk #jujutsukaisen#shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Gojo vs Sukuna in Minecraft | #jjk #jujutsukaisen #shorts’, was uploaded by xhsty on 2024-05-08 04:37:00. It has garnered 9596 views and 453 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Gojo vs Sukuna in Minecraft | #jjk #jujutsukaisen #shorts jjk,jjk edit,jjk season 2,jjks2,jjk 250,jjk 257,jjk Shibuya arc,jjk 257 leaks,jjk 257 spoilers,kyoto students jjk,exchange event jjk,kyoto vs kenjaku jjk,explained, jujutsu kaisen,manga,translation,translations,john,weary,werry,english,awful,official,viz,gege akutami,anime,manganimist,sukuna,examples,bad,part 2,mistranslation,mistranslations,fan,strongest characters in jujutsu kaisen ,jujutsu kaisen Manga Read More

  • Beware of the Boss Hunter! Minecraft Rexy’s Expansion All Bosses!

    Beware of the Boss Hunter! Minecraft Rexy's Expansion All Bosses!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Rexy’s Expansion All Bosses ( Bedrock Addon )’, was uploaded by Dread The Boss Hunter on 2024-04-23 01:34:29. It has garnered 1681 views and 43 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:25 or 1165 seconds. Link: Music: Makai Symphony Website: 1. Battle 2 2. Endless Storm 3. Duel 4. Battle 1 5. All Out Attack 00:00 illager Giant 02:31 Zombin 04:52 Wither Son 07:39 Snow Monster 09:56 Bob Witch 13:07 Skeleton King 15:06 Madllager 16:48 illager Mech Read More


    FREE MINECRAFT DOWNLOAD: 100% REAL! DISLIKE IF IT DOESN'T WORKVideo Information This video, titled ‘|HOW TO DOWNLOAD MINECRAFT FREE FROM GOOGLE |100% REAL NAHI HUA TO VIDEO DISLIKE JAR DENA’, was uploaded by GC TECH on 2024-02-21 12:01:35. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. trending#howto#trendingnow#diy#viral#tutorial#popular#review#hot#unboxing#breakingnews#haul#buzz#funny#top10# … Read More

Live Minecraft build with Vtuber @SadieGamerMom