LIVE – Tree Choppin’ and Resource Gatherin’ TONIGHT! | Minecraft Bedrock Guide 1.20

Video Information

Foreign Foreign foreign Well well well I hope you all are ready for some tree chopping and Branch mining party at the nest no this isn’t the nest I’m playing on the Bedrock guide I hope you guys are having fun on the nest though it’s been uh it’s been past my weekly

Quota at this point I need to get back on good grief Craig good grief uh I do need to say a few quick thank yous before we get started including Craig Craig has already gifted 10 memberships tonight so huge huge shout out to Craig Durbin thank you so much buddy I

Appreciate it Little Red Hen thank you so much for the 20 Super Chat you are amazing no you’re amazing thank you and let’s see puggy member for 16 months dude didn’t you just like rejoin like last week when I streamed are you are you hacking the system are

You hacking is that 16 weeks or 16 months let’s see who else Stargate just became a member for 13 months are you gonna show off your mending bow no I don’t have one of those garbage trash absolute trash All right so before we Dive In let me say hello to who whoever is here at the start of stream we have about 50 people hanging out so far if you haven’t liked the stream yet go ahead and do so please helps people discover the channel and my goodness

I gotta say this really quick as well my video that I put out on Thursday was I think it was the fastest growing video I’ve ever had in the first 24 hours it’s since like tapered off and some other videos have kind of overtaken it but I was just I was blown

Away I was watching the numbers throughout the day and I was like now how are this many people watching this video about double chests and barrels there’s not even a sorting system but there’s so many people watching so I was just so thankful so excited so thank you

Guys for the huge support on the storage video we got a bunch more content planned including a video tomorrow that’s already done so I don’t even have to stay up late to finish it after the stream we just get to stream tonight and have fun uh so hello to aim

Not Angel Angela Angela it’s kind of the same thing Angel right angel of Faith Craig Durbin Dominic Lane Donnie Stacy iron DD John Miller Judith Richardson Little Red Hen Mary stack Papa Snuffy poke the paganling Private Ryan pro cell 2 puggy 33 pure Fallen Angel Rachel almond storm

Sounds like a like a superhero or a super villain I don’t know which almond storm their superpower is nut allergies [Laughter] moving on Randy Carter thanks for joining tonight Royal squishy Hello s Fisher Sky NS streamlabs is here Terry Meek is here Timmy is here Tinker

G WP Timberwolf is here and your kids not my kids they’re in bed he said better be I put him to pet a while ago they better be asleep today was their uh well my son went to his first day of first grade on Friday and the rest of my kids went to

Their first day of kindergarten and preschool today my goodness it was a quiet house working in the house today no joke it was absolutely insane it was so quiet here the silence was deafening but I got a lot done uh but yeah all my kids started school today which is kind

Of crazy it’s it’s that time of year again and just like they’re growing up man it’s crazy let’s see what does everybody have to say tonight hi blue jay hi Dominic how are you I’m doing my own tree chopping on my own world nice nice tree chopping you can

Never go wrong with that you always need trees for things it’s one of the most important resources in Minecraft we just kind of Overlook it a lot of times uh mending for the furnace fuel oh yeah mending bows go right in the furnace fuel slot exactly howdy from Mexico hey how you doing

Donnie Stacy fan calls hello blue hey dude did you watch the the Colts preseason game on Saturday I watched it I was actually really happy with uh with our quarterback situation this year hopefully Anthony Richardson works out I really hope he works out uh let’s see

Who else it’s always fun to watch it we well sometimes I wonder if you’re gonna misstep and somehow die in a funny way it very well could happen tonight it very well could happen tonight head over to the nest and see all the buzz uh not tonight but I’ll I’ll head

Over there soon promise oh my gosh Craig Craig five more that’s 15 dude 15 15 15 do I hear a 20 do I hear Twenty not you Craig somebody else oh my gosh dude we’re not we haven’t even done anything yet I’m just standing here well sitting here sitting here

Talking like a a doofus we’re not even playing Minecraft yet but Craig thank you so much 15 more people yeah 15 more people will have access to the nest and infinitry for the next month and probably longer because I’m really bad at taking people off of the allow list I’m terrible at it

Let’s see I have to ask can you explain your legit reasons for being anti-mending it’s it’s honestly just because prowl is so pro-mending it started with with a little rivalry between me and him I still prefer the infinity bow like I like the idea of carrying one Arrow

And that bow lasting for a long time without having to repair it because Unbreaking three and taking fewer shots I don’t know man like I just I I prefer it I have nothing against mending bows in particular I just don’t choose to use them maybe I’ll try it out

For a guide episode like legit maybe I will give it a fair Shake we’ll do it we’ll do an episode on weapons like bows crossbows tridents the ultimate long-range weapon guide we’ll do something like that it’ll be fun well good thing there are good people on there then blue jay there are great

People on here for sure uh I was all Infinity until I started playing with villagers what about villagers change your mind with infinity Inventory management at its finest I know why would I carry around uh multiple inventory slots worth of arrows when I could carry one arrow and

I know you could put it all in a shocker box but I’m not there yet we don’t have shulker boxes and even when we do get there I don’t want to waste one of my shulker box inventory slots in my inner chest on arrows I’d rather carry

Building supplies or food or Rockets or something else that’s more important when I can carry one arrow on me at all times that’s it I use Infinity so I wouldn’t run out of arrows when I fight the dragon oh yeah oh yeah shooting Rockets from a crossbow is so

Underrated I really need to try it can I can I say like can I confess something I’ve never used a crossbow before I might have picked one up and shot at once but I’ve never legitimately like gone got a crossbow Enchanted it used it I’ve never done it we’re gonna do it in

The guide at some point oh my gosh Craig that’s 20 gifted mem ships for I’m not even gonna play Minecraft I’m just gonna keep sitting here until this madness stops it’s what’s gonna happen you’re gonna sit here and look at my ugly mug all night that’s what’s gonna happen crossbows are super slow

I I would I want to be I want to give it a fair shake so so I’m gonna do a guide episode where we talk about the Trident and the various combinations of enchantments you get on that obviously the bow because there’s the infinity versus mending debate right and

Everything else is a given you’re gonna you’re gonna have punch you’re gonna have flame you’re gonna have um um oh gosh what’s the other enchantment called it’s not knockback that’s punch power you’re gonna have power you’re gonna have flame you’re gonna have punch you’re gonna have one breaking you’re

Gonna have all those things it’s the it’s the debate between infinity and mending and then I want to I want to give a fair shake to crossbows and crossbows with arrows crossbows with rockets like that would be a really interesting guide episode right I don’t know that I’ve ever seen anybody do that

You have a crossbow in real life nice that’s awesome Tammy Squires thank you so much for the five dollar Super Chat blue jay you are an amazing person you’re kind caring funny and a good friend I hope you stay that way love your content in the community thank you

So much I appreciate it I try to be kind to as many people as I can I’m not always nice it can be mean sometimes I don’t I don’t even try to be like it’s just it just happens but I try to be kind when I can right let’s see

Did you see my fish name I saw a few fish names today there are a few that made me laugh they gave me a good chuckle I’m not going to decide yet until I see the comments from people tomorrow so if you’re wondering what stargate’s talking about the video

For tomorrow I’ve already released for YouTube members to watch so if you become a YouTube member tonight or if you’re one of the 20 people that were gifted a membership you can go ahead and watch my uh my next episode early of the Bedrock guide the ultimate fishing guide

And new AFK fishing Farm uh is coming out tomorrow but if you’re a new member you can watch it tonight after the stream don’t watch it now hang out with me for a while uh but it was Randy Carter the gifted that last oh shoot I’m so sorry a credit to somebody else Randy I feel terrible I feel terrible thank you Randy thank you for correcting me that was I don’t know how I overlooked that ah let’s see Like when you said you were unkind instead of same earlier was not your guy I was I was Pro Sam Ellinger last year I was I was very much Pro bench Matt Ryan and get Ellinger Off the Bench and give him a fair shake and he did he did what

I think he could do with the team that he had and the situation that he had and it was not good so I don’t know if he’s ever gonna be the guy but Anthony Richardson is looking pretty darn good man okay so there’s Craig Durbin with another five

Right am I am I can I read correctly Craig thank you so much For messing up Randy’s donation Blue Jay has to use a mending Bowl bow for a whole week that’s awesome that’s awesome all right enough of this you guys stop it stop it I’m gonna go ahead and play we’re playing Minecraft jumping into Bedrock guide here we go I hit the wrong button

Here we go I wish they would fix the YouTube video settings what’s wrong with them No spoilers don’t look there’s a creeper right there kill it come here don’t don’t blow up my stuff uh oh that’s not good run oh boy run somebody said that it’s possible I could die in a funny way tonight it’s it’s early it’s early all right we’re safe oh my goodness

Let me sleep so that doesn’t happen again oh boy yeah where they at get the membranes oh they’re gonna they’re gonna fall on my roof don’t drop don’t drop your your guts on my roof please did they drop anything did anybody drop anything I don’t think they did what a waste

Just shoot the Phantoms I don’t have a bow yet I’m just realizing I don’t have a bow yet we’ll get one we’ll get one okay so I am gonna spoil the build just because we’re gonna be over in this area a lot so I may as well just show you the outside

But I’m not going to show you the fishing Farm you have to watch the video for that okay so here’s the here’s the build Isn’t that cool it’s a little uh like little fishing storage shack get out of my boats get off my my pain

Oh look bees I know there’s a lot of them uh so yeah it’s just like a little uh a little fishing shack got some boats like we could just drag them down the hill down to the dock and go go for a nice boat ride uh I got a bunch of

Barrels over here in storage I got a little access thing up here so I can check to make sure oh yep the little fishy is still alive up there um so yeah that’s the build for tomorrow Looks like a boat rental guided fishing tour please I know that’s kind of the vibe I was going for all right 25 memberships Haven is one of those still whitelisted I watched that video earlier today nice nice so again if you were gifted a membership today gosh oh did I chop it down

I’m gonna die are they still chasing me they’re still chasing me can they go in the water they can’t go in the water right laughs oh this might have been a horrible idea okay good okay good they’re not mad anymore happened I don’t even have it did I hit a b

Somebody watched that footage back did I hit a b my goodness he hit the hive behind the tree they get mad if you just hit it I thought you had to chop it oh moment of silence for the bee that just poofed out of existence sorry B when somebody hits your shirt right uh yeah yeah sure oh I’m so sad when do you get back on the nest oh I’m gonna have a good old time on there yeah

They die after you sting you like real life I know that but like only one of them stung me right one or two of them what happened to the rest of the bees like good grief man those beads those bees need some anger management All right so tonight’s plan did I ever end the poll is the poll still going The poll’s still going okay I’m gonna go ahead and end it give me a second last time I checked it was it was tree chopping was winning yeah all right So the plan for tonight we are going to be tree chopping for the first little bit of stream here

Or at least until my pickaxe or not pickaxe my ax breaks uh because we have a lot a lot of wood needed for I don’t know about the next project but the project directly after which I’m really excited about it’s a build I’ve wanted to work on for a long time

And I finally found a use for it hmm and uh I actually just decided this a few days ago I shuffled some plans around like oh yes yes this build so we are uh we’re tree chopping to get a bunch of wood for said to build which is not the very next episode

It’s uh well technically it’s not even the the next episode after the next episode because the next episode comes out tomorrow and that’s that guy over there the fishing episode right so we’re doing fishing and then we’re doing experience and then we’re doing enchantments finally getting to enchantments puggy you know it

I showed a couple people I didn’t show very many you’re welcome for that what for what uh making everybody else feel bad that I showed you and not them way to rub it in puggy I’m gonna talk about Fight Club we don’t talk about what club Maybe I’ll name my build Bruno and then we just don’t talk about it I didn’t show you mention it maybe I will you know what you forgot what did I forget I’m always forgetting things I wouldn’t be surprised I’m not gonna ask proud that become yourself

Only only bad things will come from that question I have no desire to hear the answer yeah heck I’ll get to the sub while I wasn’t paying attention thanks to whoever it was it was either Randy or Craig what was your best catch from your AFK fishing so far hmm

Well let’s put it this way I haven’t gotten any mending books yet and I’m really not happy about it I AFK for a long time today I just set it up and let it run for hours uh but I got I got max level fishing rod now I got some pretty decent enchantments

That we can throw on some tools which I I’m on the fence about whether or not Whether or not whether or not I want to go ahead and like drop some fortune on a pickaxe tonight even though we’re not technically into enchantments on the guide yet because I I it just kills me to go back into the mines and find another diamond ore

Knowing I have access to Fortune now and just like get one Diamond you know what I mean Hook em with five gifted subs thank you so much my friend congrats to the five folks that now have Early Access to tomorrow’s video and again just a reminder don’t watch it

Right now watch it after the stream because we’re hanging out and talking that’s what 30 gifted Subs already it’s insane dude we’re tree chopping that’s all we’re doing absolutely nuts but I’m very thankful hear the magic numbers like 250 members 250 members for what to go full time doing this

Do you like fishing in real life um I’ve only been a handful of times in the times that I have been I’ve really enjoyed my father-in-law is a very very big fisherman uh has fished for like his entire life and uh when we lived in Ohio

We uh we lived pretty pretty close to to Lake Erie and he had a boat and we would go out every once in a while to go fishing for walleye and uh that was a good time so yeah I it’s not something I necessarily go do on my own but

I’ve gone with like my father-in-law and with my wife and go fishing at some point this fall probably are delicious oh my gosh dude it’s absolutely insane we we used to have a freezer when we lived in Ohio that was packed full of walleye because he would go fishing all the time

It’s not something I would go like on a weekly basis or anything like that but he would go all the time and just the freezer was full full of fish all the time run blue what am I running from late and uh High blue sorry I’m late

Blue and chat was watching a show with my brother you were watching a show you were watching a show over the blue jay stream that’s on I probably would have done the same thing what show are you watching doesn’t uh doesn’t Ahsoka come out sometime soon you’re watching The Flash I never

Finished uh I never finished that series I liked it what I saw of it and I’ve never finished it eating Taco Bell oh nice all right let’s replant walleye is yummy but doesn’t hold water next to Salmon Salmon’s pretty good oh yeah dude let’s go all the dark oak

We need a lot of it all right I’m gonna go ahead and pre-plant those three in hopes that I get another sapling please please don’t despawn oh wait wait wait hey there’s some more over here there’s some over here I don’t care if you just spawn that’s fine go away

Oh I’m I’m with you Sarah like I was I was disappointed to hear that he was not cast as the flash for the films because the couple of Seasons that I did watch I’m like yeah dude this this dude’s totally The Flash I Saw The Flash movie and it was

Entertaining it was fine but again it’s like the the DC Universe is just so disjointed and like firing half the people that have been in it for a long time like Superman’s not coming back Batman’s not coming back I don’t think well I guess I don’t know I don’t know if

Aquaman’s coming back I’m not sure that uh what’s his face Shazam is coming back but they just announced unofficially that Wonder Woman is coming back so it’s like who they keeping and who are they not keeping and why are they keeping old cast members if they’re trying to revamp

The entire like it’s just I don’t have a lot of Hope for it like I like James Gunn I like what he did at Marvel but I don’t know that he can save what’s going on at DC we’ll see oh I I’m so happy so happy I

Have a place to throw this stuff now happy happy happy hey look we have a whole other tree right there um what am I looking for yeah that right there and then there’s a place for everything food goes upstairs in the fridge obviously why would you put food in the basement

That’s why we have a refrigerator I need to get some more food my steak is running low that is so neat and clean I know I’m so happy with it I’m new to your channel Joe welcome thanks for joining how did you uh how did you how did you discover my channel what brought you here

Sure is a big open feel to nothing oh there’s gonna be plenty of things going in here don’t worry my next build’s going like over here somewhere have you ever had crawdads I haven’t recommended okay nice that’s awesome well thanks for clicking in hope you’re enjoying I hope you stick around um

I don’t know why I’m back in here other than the fact that I was thinking about storage and now I’m in here diamonds I’m running low I found a channel because most Minecraft videos at the time were of Jabba uh yeah I mean like that’s that ship is

Slowly turning but I still feel like a lot of content creators lean Java just because of content creator tools that are not available for us Bedrock folks but like I’m not super interested in doing modded content and the only like modifications that I would want for my videos is like replay

Mod that’s honestly the only thing that would be nice if we had replay mod on here I would use it for cinematics narration things like that like ways to fake it on here but it’s not the same and it takes a whole lot of extra work and so far for this series I

Haven’t found need of it maybe once the camera features are introduced like the camera command I might try to set some things up to to do that but it’s still like it’s not the same like Minecraft Java they can just play and in the background their camera account

The the replay mod is recording everything they’re doing and they can go in after the fact and place their shots here on Bedrock we gotta we gotta place the shots before we do stuff so it just it makes everything take twice as long I found you through prowl who I found

Through my recommends in YouTube nice redeem hydrate good because I’m thirsty I need some water dude I’m so excited about the shaders the render Dragon shaders because like for the last couple of years I’ve been using RTX and my Preferred Pack has been defined PBR which is made by madlad and

Dude has done a fantastic job with the tools he’s had and he even went to the point of like modding it for like better better RTX um but the fact that they’re I don’t know that they’re doing away with RTX but they haven’t updated it or maintained it in years really

The fact that they just announced shaders and they’re going away from like gatekeeping most of the graphics features to a very small subset of players I’m very excited about that it gives opportunity for more people to experience Minecraft in more ways which keeps the game interesting and keeps the game going and alive I found you when you’re making TV content using uh making a farm using zoglands oh yes that was the iron farm right we were trying to get the uh the zoglands to kill the iron golems and it never worked we had to abandon that that uh Venture it didn’t work It was funny though oh yeah it was of course it was dude we had a hoot we had a great time doing that found you a week before you took your first break was bummed by the time I went back and watched all your stuff then you announced you were coming back

Hey dude that’s awesome yeah like I I’ve had some interesting seasons in the lifetime of my channel uh I’ve I’ve done things like quit YouTube and go twitch exclusive so like I wasn’t making video content because of that season of Life video content just seemed too stressful to

Maintain and I’m like it’s easy to just hop on for a couple hours at night and stream so that’s what I did for like six eight months and my YouTube channel plummeted it Tanked and then I came back and it did okay and then after that I announced I was

Making Bedrock guide content and when the Bedrock guide started the channel started doing really well it’s the best it’s ever done uh starting with season one of the guide and then uh I went through part of season two of the guide wanted to go a different direction for a while

The channel did okay and then I got like I moved twice in six months from Ohio to Indiana in a rental house to Indiana in my permanent house I got a new job I got a job that was not for me I liked the people that I worked with but the job

Itself was not something I enjoyed um and so I was stressed about that and then I got a new job in a similar career that I had already done and so uh I was semi comfortable but it was still like brand new technology I mean I’m a network systems administrator

Uh and I had no prior experience in that I was a help desk Tech before so like that was stressful and I’m like I just I I can’t keep going with Minecraft content and so I quit I didn’t have any intention of coming back

I just said you know what if I come back it will be when I’m ready and if I feel excited about the idea of it so I quit and I was gone for seven months didn’t stream didn’t didn’t record videos it didn’t even open Minecraft but like three or four times

I just like I quit I super quit and then I was like you know what I’m getting the itch to play and be creative and make content again and so I did and then I had that whole issue with my arm where I had to have surgery and have my

Rib removed and like my goodness I had another like forced break of three or four months from that and then we’re finally back and I’m healthy again and I’m motivated I’m excited about the kind of content that I’m making and the Channel’s doing really well so

Yeah it’s been it’s been a wild ride man I wish I didn’t have to have so many like unscheduled breaks like I’ve had that were for a longer term period of time but you know what they they’ve kind of brought me to where I’m at now helped me

Navigate through what I actually want to do and what kind of content I enjoy making and uh thinking through plans and all of that stuff so it’s all worked out it’s all worked out for good blue jay doesn’t have a bird cage rib cage anymore it’s just one rib not even

The whole rib it’s like half it’s like half I used to do a lot of business with Hoosier equipment Brokers blue I’m not sure what that is what do they do dark oak dark oak Express does YouTube give you grief if you aren’t active for a while honestly no

Like they largely just like stop recommending your videos I was like I was still shocked like I wasn’t gaining very many new subscribers I was I was getting maybe like 20 a month which to a lot of channels is a lot so not to like knock that or

Anything but when when I was doing the guide consistently I was seeing like two 300 new subscribers a month so it like just bottomed out at like 20 a month and it was like I’d gained five one day and lose three the next and then like my videos we’re still

Getting a decent amount of views but they bottomed out as well um so when I wasn’t doing it is basically like you’re not producing content so we’re gonna stop recommending you and you’ll just you know kind of Fade Into Obscurity essentially that’s nice do you like the view from up

There on the balcony oh my gosh I love it it’s so beautiful but now that I’ve like consistently been making content again for a month and uh doing a variety of content I’ve pushed out six videos the seventh one’s coming tomorrow I’ve put out two shorts

Um and I’ve done three live streams all in the span of a month’s time it’s a lot of content so YouTube’s very happy with me right now so I’m getting recommended I’m seeing some positive results on like discoverability and all of that which is good that’s why we’re doing this so we

Can grow the channel and grow our fun little Community here into something even bigger and better so for those of you that have been around for a while what has been some of your favorite content that’s come out of my channel whether it’s like a season of the

Bedrock guide or a s p that I was on truly Bedrock or Unity s p way back in the day or a favorite build that you have of mine what have you enjoyed the most about being here are you gonna do anything with the tower on your house yes I am

I actually that was uh I’ll I’ll say this that was going to be my enchanting room and then I I changed up the plans it is no longer going to be my enchanting room it is going to be something else because I have I have a better idea for my enchanting room

Probably a bit of a guy in this current season of it nice love the creeper Farm you did I still use that build awesome oh all of it pirate ship was awesome dude I love that pirate ship you know why I love that pirate ship so much

Because I was unsure when I started it that I would be able to do it because I’d never built anything like that before in fact I had attempted a ship kind of shape on a previous SMP uh way back in the early days of my channel

And I was doing it on mobile and it just it looked bad it looked bad and so that that’s what I had in my mind when I was doing the pirate ship like I was very very unsure of myself and I’m like you know what the Bedrock guide is all about pushing

Myself trying new things and uh dude it worked out like I was so happy with how that pirate ship turned out I wish I could have done a little bit more with it at one point I wanted to to do something under the deck uh but you know plans changed things

Happened uh new releases of Minecraft came out and because it was a multiplayer series we both decided to reset the server and uh so you know the pirate base was no more but yeah I love that pirate ship ender pearl volcano too I’d never done anything to that scale and completed it

The update short is hilarious I’ve got a couple more in mind um I gotta find time to record them how many of you guys have ever seen uh or heard of Ryan George he’s a comedian on Youtube he used to work for Screen Rant I’m not sure if he does anymore but he

Has a series called pitch meetings and it’s all about like it’s like a a script writer and a CEO of a movie movie company and he goes in and pitches movies like real movies like The Avengers and Jurassic Park and Harry Potter like all that stuff right it’s it’s like a spoof

And I’m like dude I enjoy watching that content how much more fun would it be to make that kind of content for Minecraft and it’s like it’s all it’s all a good fun like I have nothing against any of the developers or you know the I don’t envy the position

They’re in making some of the decisions they make because sometimes they just like come from top down um but like it’s fun to poke fun and I hope if anybody if any of the developers of Minecraft ever see that I hope they know that it’s all in good fun I’m not

Really like trying to dog on anybody You love hitch meetings dude it’s one of my favorite series to watch on YouTube it’s not Minecraft anytime he puts something out I’m like yes please add to watch later what’s up David how you doing creeper Farms are hard to make they are very time consuming I wouldn’t say they’re

Hard the concept is pretty easy but it oh my gosh it takes so many resources and me being the doofus that I am decided that I would use uh nether trees for my source of wood for the trap doors and buttons and you know didn’t think about the fact

Ahead of time that the leaves don’t despawn on their own never again will I build a massive Farm like that in the early game out of nether trees not happening rewinding to catch it all two times gotta respect the stream that doesn’t start with 15 minutes of starting soon

Yeah dude I try to keep it to a minimum like you guys are here to watch the content not a not a starting Zoom screen like I’ll put a little countdown on just to generate a little bit of hype get people in the room before we you know actually go live

But you know three to five minutes is an appropriate amount of time 15 minutes is too long it’s too long creeper Farm should be easy if you use the hanging signs it leaves just enough room for creepers to spawn really I’m gonna have to investigate that

If you have a like a design that you’ve already come up with I’d love to see it some people like to be active before the stream not that I would know I again I have no problem with people like joining pre-stream and stuff that’s fine but I don’t like I also don’t want

To waste people’s time if they get a notification and they’re like oh sweet I want to watch this Minecraft content and then they sit there and wait for 20 minutes like I’m gonna you gonna start yet is there a bug none of my mob Farms are working

Um yeah so here’s the bug ready settings difficulty not peaceful i i in all seriousness I don’t I don’t know I would have to see the particular Farm maybe there’s if it’s like on the ground level or something maybe there’s mobs spawning in the caves or maybe it has to do with

Your sim distance honestly there’s a number of things it could be my plan was to use the hanging signs instead of trap doors so still alternating hanging signs and buttons laughs is that cheaper though as well because you gotta have iron for that trap doors still seem like the cheaper option to me

I found prowl first but after the first time or two of you two were together have been with you ever since can’t handle propels whining you know what I can’t sometimes either I’m just kidding prowl I love you man [Laughter] oh my gosh wow I can’t remember if you build a house

Shaped into a log I did I did on my channel when I got invited to the unity SMP I love that house the log house is like I’m not good enough to build a tree house yet so I’m gonna build a log can I tell you a joke is it appropriate joke

If it’s not then keep it to yourself if it’s appropriate go right ahead I love jokes All right uh what am I doing okay you know what let’s uh hmm okay Dude that birdhouse cow I love that birdhouse just the layout of it and look of it You know you know what that house actually was one of the same kinds of things that I was thinking with the pirate ship based on something I did previously I was like dude I’m so scared right now to attempt something because my previous build was absolute trash wow that is scrolling so fast It just has to catch up to where we are currently there we go at birdhouse uh it was the same kind of thought process as my pirate ship pirate ship was like I built one of these before it looks terrible I don’t know how this is gonna come out but I’m kind

Of scared but I’m gonna do it anyway because I’m excited that birdhouse was my starter house on truly Bedrock season what was it two technically at that point my my Burton birdhouse my starter house on my first season of truly Bedrock was horrible it did not look good

It did not look good and so I’m like you know what I need a better starter house and so it motivated me it got me into you know really thinking about what I wanted to do so uh here’s here’s a question for you guys Skyler welcome to the iron member tier

Make sure you’ve joined up with Discord that you’re hello creeper and baby zombie in full gold armor wow uh make sure that you’ve joined Discord and are linked up and you can get access to a number of things couple of servers World download for the Bedrock guide on a periodic basis and uh

Early Access to videos All right um yes I I think we may take a break for a minute from the tree chopping here’s what I’m trying to decide Here’s what I’m trying to decide should I enchant a pickaxe but then only use it tonight while we’re Mining and then not use it for videos until we get to enchantments the enchantments are only two episodes away right I’ve got to work on uh I gotta work on a mob farm

A spawner Farm is what it’s going to be and then I’ve got to work on an enchanting setup and then we’re good to use it anytime we want but for tonight like I just I don’t want to waste diamonds you think that sounds okay this is a series yeah I’ve got a series

On my YouTube channel called the Bedrock guide it is a uh survival tour survival tutorial let’s play for the Bedrock Edition version of Minecraft so we’re just doing some basic resource gathering in between episodes tonight well hello there creepy it looks like everybody’s in favor of me uh enchanting

Okay I’ll watch it thank you I appreciate that all right so you guys get to see some of the loot that I got from afking for a long time today again this uh this fish farm video I’m not gonna show you what’s inside here the farm is inside of there and you will

Get to see it tomorrow at 10 A.M Eastern Standard Time or tonight if you become a YouTube member Early Access uh but here’s my enchanted books nope those are Saddles enchanted books are right over here ‘s my enchant of books I got all of those and all of those not a single not

A single one of those is mending he’s already at 50. I know that’s what’s sitting at AFK fishing farms for hours does for you all right uh looting Unbreaking Fortune three now is there anything on here that I would want luck of the sea nope don’t care knockback two don’t care

About nope don’t care efficiency four we’re gonna oh that’s got depth Strider do I have another death Strider yep I do didn’t I have another efficiency three somewhere oh I do efficiency three efficiency three I could combine those and get an efficiency five pickaxe Okay so Unbreaking three fortune 3 efficiency five no mending you can see it over here yeah no mending no minting creeper blow up in the background made me scared oh did somebody set off a creeper sound I’m I’m so focused right now oh my gosh when you redid the Discord server it

Must have broken your invite link oh yeah yeah yeah yeah it did uh if you want to get the if you want to get the invite link it is on my Twitter I’ll correct it in the in the scroll through thing the auto command or whatever it’s called I’ll correct that later

On my Twitter or X whatever they’re calling it these days I think Middleton Mendelson needs to reappear All right so Unbreaking three Fortune three holy moly is it cheaper this way yes it is thank you this whole system is really dumb efficiency 3 efficiency three one efficiency four efficiency four yes and 18 how much is it this way 28 no thank you watch it be too expensive I’m one

I’m one level short does this have one level worth of XP in it oh it sure does oh it sure does now where did my furnace go there it is yeah too expensive is a terrible game mechanic I don’t like it all right our first Enchanted pickaxe of

The world don’t you tell anybody now we won’t have our first Enchanted chance of the world until don’t tell anybody all right we’re gonna head down let me drop off all the rest of this junk and then we’re gonna head down and we’ll uh we’ll go mining for a little bit maybe

Do some more tree chopping here in a little while here hold my fishing rod please thank you can you not shove it through the door I guess that works Um rename it stream only pick all right we got to come up with a more clever name that like gives off that same sentiment surely there’s a pun to be found can anybody find the pun gunpowder goes here ah twitch ax nice we’re on YouTube though don’t tell stream

How much would you need a lot I’m building something rather large that is almost entirely made out of uh logs on the exterior so we need a lot the YouTube ax prequel pickaxe Surely there’s a pun let’s see [Laughter] too expensive I’m very tempted to call it too expensive oh my gosh all right stop we can’t name it it’s too expensive to name which makes them makes them appropriate we gotta name it too expensive all right let’s head down into the mines

Now oh I need one more time into the house one more time to the house actually two more times into the house it’s not Enchanted it is Enchanted right here Fortune three I’m breaking three efficiency five right there um let’s get some salmon it just needs mending I know

Oh look at those homeless bees there’s two more there’s two more beehives they’re fine all right um let’s cook that let’s sleep you have a zombie in your cows I know um name it not Enchanted the video is very glitchy what do you mean the video is glitchy

Looks fine to you okay cool is there any more stake in here Stark why is the fishing here fish should be on the bottom three pieces surely that’ll be enough for our mining trip right okay Joe Joe Joe Joe Joe I like your I like your idea foreshadowing what if we named it

What if we named it foreshadow three because of the fortune right for foreshadow foreshadow three the pickaxe before the enchantment episode I like that one you guys like that one okay don’t let me forget when we get enough points to do it we’ll name it uh this this is the diamond mine right

If it’s not we’re coming right back up no we need to come back up okay one more time to the house torches I need more than one stack one stack won’t get us very far maybe I just don’t get it because I’m new what do you mean what do you what do

You not get help me help you you need some light in this no you don’t nothing’s gonna spawn there nobody can spawn on ladders the name so so I’m literally just looking for the most ridiculous punting punny name for this pickaxe the reason we got this tonight is because

I don’t want to break another diamond ore with an unenchanted pickaxe now that I actually have access to enchantments but I’m going through a guide series on my channel right and I haven’t gotten to enchantments on my guide yet so technically I’m not supposed to have this so it’s foreshadowing

What’s to come torches are downstairs not upstairs you dummy so it’s it’s super punny and requires explanation so I won’t ever explain it to anybody when when people get the World download they’ll see it and they’ll be like what’s this pickaxe it’s called foreshadow three peaches peaches peaches peaches peaches

This is not the pick you’re looking for exactly stop stop what fix that tree that one I don’t see anything wrong with it I can’t reach it I’ll fix it later we’ll get it we’ll get it before the end of stream until then I’m gonna make you hold it in like a sneeze

A sneeze that you just can’t get out you’re gonna hate it for the next hour knowing while we’re down in this mine the tree is just floating there oh my gosh um let’s go this way because I want to run I don’t want to run into the ancient city down there

You’re laughing so much well good that means I’m doing my job right chunk border mind blue we could but you know what I’ve already started this branch mine and we’re here so can I sing a song yeah anytime go ahead I got a fist fight

All right next time we see a mob I’ll punch it with my fist thanks for letting me know puggy this doesn’t look like tree chopping listen I forgot water dagnabbit we’ll grab some along the way whenever we see a stream we’ll grab some water it’ll be fine it’ll be all right laughs listen

Hen I got enough Redstone already okay I don’t have diamonds I’m just gonna use this pick until it’s dead or until I run into diamonds and then I’ll use Fortune all the way not doing the prowl method let’s not call it the prowl method all right

No I’m not I don’t have I don’t have sneaky pants yet how would I do that forgot about the sneaky pants yeah you gotta have the sneaky pants in order to do the uh super sneak super fast mine yeah I mean like prowl is what several months into his world even

Longer he didn’t reset at the the new update right he’s like eight months into his world I’m like a month prowl doesn’t mind with torches anymore what is he mine with he not he Minds with gamma he puts a gamma filter on and that’s what he mines with Order mine when you got diamonds right here in front of your face come on oh yes oh yes How many we got nine thank you anymore anymore anymore anymore nope gotta love fortune three oh dude I I can’t express how ready I am to have enchantments on everything mm-hmm I’m just I am done with not having efficiency you know I’ve paced the series at the rate that it’s going on purpose

And as of tomorrow we’re seven months or seven months seven episodes into the series episode eight we’re getting a steady source of XP And uh well hopefully a steady source I haven’t built a spawner Farm in a while maybe they’re not good anymore I mean they were never great to begin with but we’ll see um Yeah so steady source of XP and then enchantment episode it’s gonna be great can’t wait I’m shocked they aren’t taking that away from us as well what taking one away paste out to maximize our entertainment needs exactly so how many uh be honest be honest if the answer is no I’m completely fine

With that but so far out of the content that I’ve released for this season the Bedrock guide how many of you watching that are seasoned players have watched one of my episodes and thought I already know all of this but then we’re pleasantly surprised to learn like maybe even the smallest nugget of

Knowledge something new that you didn’t know before or something that you forgot and were reminded of has anybody anybody had that so far if not that’s okay as long as you’re entertained not me I watch for entertainment perfect me but I don’t remember what it was that

Nice that’s all right you just go back and re-watch all of them again and then you’ll remember is there any water around here I just need some water just need someone Hey look there you go lrh are you happy never tried an AFK fish farm so that was

Cool but yeah you bring an element of Comedy that is unparalleled well I’m glad you think so I learned how to make a crafting table have you ever played Minecraft before if you’ve if you’ve played Minecraft before and you’ve gotten by this long without a crafting table I am highly impressed

I’m just here for the splat this pickaxe is gonna break anytime now five five or three two break it didn’t break five four three two one break still didn’t break five four seven six five four three two one break when is this pickaxe gonna break the chosen ones It’s Gonna Last Forever

Save it blue I don’t need to save it on BET on the Bedrock guide season one I had a chest full of 99 used pickaxes that I never used once I got enchantments they just sat there So it’s gone break it get it out of here All right you’re moving up to slot number one oh look how fast that is efficiency five my friend I’ve missed you we’re cooking now I learned how to dig grass watching you that’s awesome why break it because I don’t need it I got nine diamonds to make three more

Pickaxes for the one I just broke And as soon as we get mending it’s game over like every diamond we get is now like Surplus probably going to armor trims for being honest man I hope I’m not getting sick it’s a good thing I have my episode for tomorrow done already several people in my house are sick already

And I think I might be getting it [Laughter] did you read the whole title said tree chopping and resource Gathering resource gathering this is the resource Gathering part oh my gosh it’s insta mine dude I can’t tell you how long it has been since I’ve had a efficiency five pickaxe

I’m not even sure that I had efficiency 5 on my Survival series that I started earlier in the year I think I had efficiency four I don’t think I had efficiency five I could be wrong but if that’s the case I haven’t had efficiency 5 on a pickaxe in over a year

That’s streaming I don’t know yet what time is it now it’s 10 18. been streaming for about an hour and 20 minutes we’ll go until at least 11. maybe longer we’ll see how I’m feeling if my throat starts giving out I might have to I might have to stop

Could not live without efficiency five I know it’s so nice it just cuts through everything so fast man man I didn’t bring a crafting table with me I can’t compress my items nope I do have to work tomorrow unfortunately cannot just do a 24-hour stream don’t forget the fist fight is active

Please remind me when I leave the mine uh because I will forget to tell you to grab some wood I know I’m sorry you guys know this by now I ignore I ignore every good piece of advice that comes through the chat it’s like my eyes are blind to it

Do you have a log no I put them all away before I left more diamonds yes all right let’s dig around see what we got nothing over there please be over here yes new new is it just three nope four okay that’s fine four doesn’t hurt so bad when you have

Fortune like oh my gosh 20 diamonds already yeah it seems staticky I don’t know why it does this it’s always like about an hour into the Stream it starts freaking out give me a second let me try to fix it music why you gotta do this to me how’s that is that better

Did that fix it Another silent stream with blue jay foreign no more fuzzy music all right cool yeah thanks for letting me know I just I don’t know what happens I truly don’t know what happens why after like it just stopped why did it just stop That was odd we are still live are we not okay I just want to make sure I didn’t lose like uh internet connection or something nope sorry I can’t see you probably can’t hear me either can you I got a Super Chat wait wait wait wait where I missed it membership Awards on this world that is a great question um my plan is to get it into the world as soon as possible what I actually what I need to do ASAP is uh start writing down names

And just putting them in the world I think what I’m gonna do until I have a specific place to put armor stands excuse me is I think I’m gonna put uh uh uh what’s it called book and quill I’m gonna put a book and quill together with the list of names of

Members and patreon subscribers and what tier they’re at so that I can go ahead and start planning that out Because we have them and right now I don’t have the kind of resources to like give out netherrite armor stands to people or diamond armor stands to people or villagers to people because I don’t have any of those things so as soon as we get them then we’ll have opportunity

To do that but I just I just need to write down names and get them in so that’s a great question thank you for asking get no great to do it for you can I get a dog named Zoe could probably work that out you probably work that out

Mining is so much more fun with the efficiency five oh no this is where it gets unfun ah Tough stuff go away all right you know what actually let’s uh let’s make a quick trip let’s make a quick trip back up to the surface we’ll dump some stuff off and we’ll keep going because we’ve barely scratched the surface we’ll keep going deposit that stuff in the Box behind you

That’s a great idea then we don’t even have to go to the surface Your dad came up with a puppy nice this is the part where Jake Falls in holes more likely that I’ll fall in lava right your internet is blipping no tell it to stop grab some wood and make a pickaxe why do I need to make a pickaxe I gotta pickaxe It’s over here right there it is oh there’s not a whole lot of room in there Foreign well it’ll it’ll at least keep us going a little while longer right you need one log man just one I know make blocks of redstone I can’t I don’t have a crafting table see can’t do it I don’t have a crafting table I neglected to be responsible and bring one with me

Get off my back about it are you need a Minecraft booth I am actually I just started playing a month ago blue is unprepared as normal Minecraft is not a good game if you’re claustrophobic no it’s not buggy you win the best comments of the night only if you chopped that tree

Oh my gosh he’s right he’s right should have done treat shopping first I did I just put it all away but I left a a UFO tree hanging out on the surface and made a big deal about it to puggy and told him it was gonna be like a

Sneeze that he couldn’t let out for an hour and now I’m the one paying for it water zombie a skeleton die you die too bye just need one water source that’s not by that Enderman oh that witch okay this isn’t worth it I’m out I’m out I don’t care about that

I don’t care about that nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope foreign I would much rather uh risk falling into lava than deal with that witch oh it’s 100 not worth it do I have to I have to creeper no does that count I tried to punch it

I don’t want to fight the witch I’m scared yeah I hear you stop laughing oh there it is come here come here you missed me you missed me oh she got me this is a terrible idea this is the worst idea I’ve ever had

I’m out I’m out I’m out I’m out I’m out come down here and fight me bro come down come down [Laughter] let’s go come fight me bro you know how this is gonna end right that Witch Is Gonna keep drinking that health potion it’s a terrible idea We’re going to tell you it doesn’t count because you use a torch oh no uh-uh uh foreign fist fight do you really have to win I don’t think so is she stuck over there now okay can I do this can I do this I’m not worried about the iron in the

Ground leave me alone try not to die come on surely we got this come on come on come on come on before before I die of poison you must die oh my gosh did I get her nope sure didn’t okay so that counts that counts all right that’s the fight and now

I’m glad I didn’t waste 50 enchantment points on that thank you very much now we gotta go recover my only Enchanted pickaxe and all those diamonds we just got grab a log that’s a good idea let’s grab a log gy here you go here’s your log oh my gosh

This is the best stream ever all right no floating tree oh no I can’t do that I can’t I can’t bounce up and down because I’m gonna blow through my Hunger if I do that just take a nice easy stroll wrong tone no it’s not is it

I hate you so much if my stuff despawns because I wasted 30 seconds I don’t know what I’m gonna do Sim distance only 12 chunks I’m sure you get there in time yeah we win a pretty good long wave wow Don’t forget to eat I don’t have any food I didn’t bring any I was dumb this is bad I’m gonna I’m gonna run out of steam before I even get there is that water I think I see it or is that just the end of the render distance it’s getting bigger that’s definitely

Water I’m pretty sure that’s where we were a witch is still there though right which is definitely still there because we punched it I see experience points laying on the ground there’s my stuff let me gather my brother my professional Minecraft Did she wander off I’m not getting poisoned draw oh my gosh where’s my shovel where’s my steak this is bad there’s my steak over there and my shovel okay we’re good I got everything back listen to ya there’s some iron on the floor I don’t care [Laughter] oh my gosh all right let’s uh let’s get organized

Again stream I still don’t have the water bucket you’re kidding me get lost buckaroo all right dare I go up there to get water should I do it is it worth it let me get my bucket first that witch’s toast if I see her up here go away zombies I’m afraid of you

Find me go away go away sit down take a nap easy easy give me my bucket of water worth it is that diamonds in the water no it’s iron hahaha I just have one question for you are you not entertained up top okay listen if you make me go up there

And look and there’s no diamonds up there I’m ending stream right now if I go up here and look and there’s no diamonds up here I’m done out of here oh look there’s no diamond see nothing where’s that other water source at over here hey look diamonds I told you guys

There were diamonds up here [Laughter] oh garbage oh look there’s more but wait there’s more called it thank you thank you not that not under the water foreign does something look different to you that you think it’s a texture pack just curious dig five blocks left and right why might find more diamonds

We’ll we’ll we’ll get there eventually when we open up a new Branch it’s the point of Branch mining what’s your puppy doing my puppy she’s over a year old now he’s doing great she’s huge blue doesn’t do poke holes no I don’t just go straight ahead eyes on the prize

Puppy Cam uh she’s in the other room probably in there with my wife who is probably sleeping right now and I don’t want to wake her up because she’s been sick the last day or so sad face next time I stream I’ll I’ll try to

Remember and I’ll see if uh if I can bring her in here the puppy dog she’s she’s getting huge though eyes on the prizing silly dot at least until he dies listen the only reason why I died is because of you guys it’s all your fault it’s not my fault

I would never do anything that ridiculous hey thanks Freakshow I appreciate it someone told me a name for the puppy oh yeah uh so my puppy’s name is Ray like Rey from Star Wars he’s a bernadoodle and she’s a year old I don’t remember how much he weighs but

She’s she’s pretty big she’s a big dog oh no hmm right this is where we head up 25 Diamonds though dude that’s not bad did the kids bring home school germs already blue probably my uh all three of my kids and my wife and my mother-in-law are all at the same school

My wife and my mother-in-law are both uh working in the library at the school and all three of our kids go there you have crafting table can make blocks oh my gosh can I learn how to play Minecraft please I just I just wanted to come back to

This little cubby hole to do it that’s all I wanted hey look magically we have like six more inventory spaces is it more beneficial to keep the yeah that’s more beneficial to keep that separate I don’t need that I don’t need that I don’t need that

But I’m gonna have to forget it to get my pickaxe or my uh my crafting table and you are the one doing the guide listen I make all of these same mistakes while I’m recording the guide and then I go back and I’m like no that that’s not right that’s it

I did make a mistake though um an actual mistake in the video for tomorrow uh because you know I can’t read I don’t know how to read I never learned uh the Minecraft Wiki was showing the spawn locations for different types of fish and I was going through that and I failed to

Realize the difference between Java and Bedrock on one of the fish spawns and gave out some incorrect information but I noted it in the comments I wouldn’t call a mistake it’s a parody difference it the the information that I gave was true of java which is unfortunate

Because this is not a Java guide It’s a Bedrock guide but you know what it happens We’re Not Gonna Be Perfect but we’re gonna have a lot of fun and hopefully learn some correct things What’s one times four doing school work saving please hahaha it’s a 42. all right how many of you think we’re gonna find more diamonds 42 is the meaning of life okay the universe and everything too right I believe in you 26 more diamonds I don’t know about that Have I mentioned the benefits of taking milk Maybe once or twice oh is this for my previous Branch mindset oh look look look this is the room we stopped our one hour mining session on right here look at that let’s dig a little further in shall we Man that that fit I am beside myself at how well that video is doing my episode one and my how to find Diamonds videos are both like trending upwards in a significant way and I’m very very very excited that more people are finding the guide and hopefully we’ll stick around for future content

It’s awesome you playing on a server I know some block lag yeah it’s a it’s a single player server but I play on a server so that I can um like play on my phone and stuff if I want to when I’m away from my computer

So and I haven’t mentioned this for a while so if you if you don’t know I am an official partner of nodecraft they are a Minecraft and other games uh server hosting provider And they have graciously provided This Server as well as the servers that my community plays on it’s a huge huge huge huge huge thank you to nodecraft and uh there’s more information in the description if you’re looking to start a server of your own or if you want to

Play with me you can join up with my patreon or YouTube members and when I say play with me I’m more mean like play with my community because I’m not on not I’m not on very often I’m trying to be more on more often than

I have been in the past but it’s still a little bit of a rarity do you like dogs I do like dogs Uh will I be using the ticking area in the end for some Farms I haven’t decided if I’m going to use ticking area or not in the past most of the time I’ve just done like a second account to AFK at yeah that is another benefit of playing

On a server or a realm is that you get like automatic frequent backups so if like my computer ever dies or crashes more diamonds yes or Diamond uh if my computer ever crashes and I lose any data my world is safe all right I probably am going to head

Back now because I think we’ve Consolidated as much as we can at this point man I just now that I got a fortune I want I want soccer boxes I would love shulker boxes what about cats do you like I’m not really I’m pretty allergic to cats

Do you like birds birds are fine I like birds I like blue jays invite me to your world okay here you go the uh the server IP is uh zero dot zero dot zero dot zero and the uh the port number is zero zero zero zero zero

It should just work just put that in your Minecraft you can join the world shulker boxes are like 10 plus episodes from now they are they’re a while from now unfortunately the password is password yes it is waiting for a DOT 42 in there imagine if that actually worked though

That’s not even a real IP address for anything I built your piglet trading Farm months ago in my Realm my brother and I are playing on is so op oh heck yeah dude let’s go I’m glad to hear it still works because it’s been years since I built that thing and I

Haven’t really looked at it since You guys here it does here is a default route okay fine you’re gonna get technical not like an IP address to a server that you’re gonna get access to milk if I’m eating Oreos or something yeah sure dude I oh man I wish we had Oreos in the house right now

Blue Jay’s favorite form of transportation the Bluetooth train oh yeah I can’t wait to build that that’s like episode 30 though we’re we’re a ways away from the Bluetooth train I might have to take a look at it and see if I can come up with a new design

Improve on it if not we’ll just build it again but it’s a great Redstone Contraption I love it I’m sure you can prioritize that higher I don’t know man I there might be a way I can Shuffle it around but there’s other things that need to take

Priority first one of them being the dragon in in cities enchantments villagers iron farm like all that stuff I feel like needs to come before uh we need a source of gunpowder for one like There is no Bluetooth train without gunpowder Bluetooth train was the first flying machine I ever saw it was epic dude that’s awesome I’m honored Fix the trees all right guys thank you so much for coming to the stream tonight it was awesome man oh man did we have such a good time let’s go ahead and end it here buggies gonna have a conniption fit he’s gonna be so mad give me a minute to get three diamonds

To get an ax together and we’ll go fix your tree Same here for the first flying machine that’s awesome all right uh deep sleep I mean I I think I’ve got enough deep slate for this project certainly hope so Gravel Tiff tough and stuff tough drip oh yeah oh yeah look at that look at it dude we barely use the durability on that surely if I AFK for another like eight hours I’ll get mending and I can add it to that pickaxe and then it will never leave all right redstone

And Lapis and gold and iron and Flint oh it’s good to be organized would you just look at it just look at it all right shall we switch to some salmon no that doesn’t go in the freezer it goes in the fridge blue jay all right buggy I’m just gonna I’m gonna

Sit here and wait on this food I don’t think I have anything else pressing that I need to do right [Laughter] puggy’s gonna quit being a mod because of this stream that’s my goal in life is to make my mods so upset that they just quit just kidding don’t quit please all right full stack of salmon get off my doorstep this is you being nice who said who said at the beginning of

Stream that I was nice I think it was Tammy let me take care of this one first puggy so that I can reach the other one I got you bro I got you can we have a food cam that sounds weird Thank you I could sleep well tonight you were you were really trying to go to bed like an hour ago right and I just kept you on stream just because of that [Laughter] thanks for the salt there little red hen thank you puggy’s gonna wake up at like three

O’clock in the morning with like cold sweats and be like dreaming of UFOs and he’s not gonna know why and then he’s gonna think where did I where did I get like this abduction Dream from Aliens and UFO trees and it’s gonna be my fault it’s gonna be great it’s gonna wake up

Three o’clock in the morning I’ll see you there puggy don’t message me I’ll be on uh do not disturb all right let’s plant some more sprucies I have more trees over there to chop down I do I do I do I do hey how’s it going thanks for joining More saplings please are you on PC I am all right how we feeling feel okay we’re two hours into the stream now what about the tree by the Mind missing the one crafting table log I already took that one down I put that one out of its misery first

Future intros will have random UFOs in the background with no explanation yeah yeah I switched from PlayStation to PC and the difference is amazing not to mention the resource pack flexibility oh my gosh dude I can’t even tell you when I started my YouTube Channel I

Didn’t have a PC that really could play Minecraft um so when I started my YouTube channel I recorded videos off of my phone um so I did a screen capture of my phone and then I did voiceovers for my dialogue and then I synced it all up using a

Movie editor on my phone and it was just like painstaking process to get video content recorded not to mention I couldn’t ever stream um but I got pretty good with touch controls but then I I switched over to PC when I was able to finally afford to buy one and

It’s night and day difference like it took me a it took me a day or two to get used to mouse and keyboard but then after that I didn’t touch my Minecraft on my phone for months it was a long time I actually played Minecraft on my phone pretty frequently

Now uh because I play Minecraft with my kids and we’ve got a got a realm that we play on uh for me and my boys and uh split screen Minecraft it’s like maybe it’s just because I’m old but I like oh gosh I can’t see it

Is that a pickaxe or is that a hoe so I’m like boys you can play on the TV and it’ll just be a two-player split screen and then I’ll I’ll play on my phone so I’ve been playing Minecraft on my phone with them while they’re on while they’re on the Nintendo

There’s a zombie with your sheep I know it’s a garden it’s with it’s with the chickens it’s with the chickens he’s holding an egg oh there’s two of them you guys doing your job right put those in there put those in there right there put them in don’t hit me or you’re fired

Put them in the chest it’s hard to find good health never spin diamonds on hoes well I can’t believe I read that out loud Teemo you’re fired [Laughter] oh my gosh that is not the worst thing that I’ve ever said out loud on the Stream when I was really early on in my

Streaming career I had people with inappropriate names coming to my stream and they were not outright inappropriate they were disguised as regular names but then when you said them they were incredibly inappropriate uh one guy got me one time I’m like I can’t believe I just said that ugh

No nobody clip it stop it I’m not gonna say that Craig because I know you’re just trying to bait me now uh yeah Amanda like like definitely like that kind of thing Randy’s calling you to the nest Craig where you at foreign no you cannot Join This Server this is a

Single player only uh part of my YouTube series but I do have patreon and YouTube members servers if you join up with that then you’re welcome to play with the community there waiting on polluted to those ocean audience oh dude we need to do this soon all right so I’m ahead of schedule

I will I will plan for sometime this week I will jump on the nest before like I have a recording thing to do so I’ll maybe I’ll do uh maybe I’ll set aside a night that I can jump on the nest for a little while to do the ocean

Monument stuff with you and then I’ll jump off to do another like a couple of shorts because shorts are easy to record in one night texmatic thank you for the 10 super chat what’s red and bad for your teeth a brick I love that joke Is the nest the hot one now no there it’s the new one so a lot of people are playing there right now we’re gonna open up some new districts I think sometime in the relatively near future on infinitry so uh I imagine that will draw some players back over there as well but

Yeah both are still up and running server name is called find another stream someone you think is on the nest is unreal I know like you guys don’t mess around I was blown away when I came back to the infinitry for the first time after I launched it because like half the the

Freaking um medieval District was already built I’m like you guys did this in like three weeks how Community nights are coming to the tree soon yay I can’t wait you know I actually need to replant these what am I doing uh we can take all of them let’s go

We should have been part of the fireworks show dude that was that was such a special night it was so fun it was like oh there’s I still got logs I can drop off that was like my return to making content after I’d quit for what I thought was going to be forever

And uh dude that was just such a special night it was so fun I felt very loved foreign let’s go plant some more of these oh man more saplings let’s go we’re never gonna run out ever firework show is a blast I know it was so cool a blast it was very cool

It’s very very cool I feel like Darko gives a lot more saplings now it does it used to be that you would chop down a dark oak tree and you get like two maybe three saplings and then you’re like how am I gonna grow more of these and it was it was basically like

You get very lucky to get another tree until you had fortune on your ax or something but now like I think they’ve adjusted it to where most of the time it will allow you to replenish at least that tree sometimes give you extra all right cherry blossom trees are out of control

Saplings yeah I chopped down that one tree over there remember there was only one tree and we’ve got enough saplings to grow more trees over here and more trees over here out of that one tree it’s crazy hey I think it’s uh it’s a Mario

It’s also going to be a band Hammer too bye he said okay go ahead and they did they just disappeared as I was clicking on the three dots they’ll be back don’t worry you’ll have your chance they always come back I don’t understand that I do it’s a it’s

An 11 year old kid just looking for a place to get attention it is what it is it happens one day that 11 year old kid will grow up and be like you know what I did some really stupid things when I was younger and hopefully that’s the worst of the

Stupid things that they do is troll a stream hopefully that kid doesn’t get into any more trouble than that the oh is there is there a log up there I feel like there’s a log up there maybe not we’ll let that we’ll let that despawn for a little bit and see

A good human does and doesn’t cost a thing you’re right how much do You Really Gonna sell that blue wrench for uh in my day that 11 year old will be doing ding dong ditch yes 100 million you got that right the kid didn’t get into art school oh Those are crickets doorbells didn’t have cameras back then that is true you cannot ding dong ditch somebody today because you will get caught the first time dude I’m scared to think of the kind of trouble my kids are gonna get into hopefully none they’ll be perfect they won’t do anything wrong

That already isn’t true we all make mistakes we all do things wrong you’ve had a doorbell camera for five years man you know what I didn’t have plans for a b episode anytime soon but like with them just hanging around here I am considering it

Hi uh new to stream am I late uh you’re a little late we’re uh two hours and 15 minutes in I don’t know how much longer we’re gonna be going we went tree chopping for the first little bit and then we went mining for the next little bit and then stream got

Me killed for the next little bit and we went mining some more and now we’re back street chopping plant them a few flowers blue be nice okay hang on what more could they ask for there’s like flowers right over there on my my front lawn A short flight away

I’m of the I’m not going to install a wiretap into my house branch of the technical world all right here I probably have some flowers down here the flowers pink flowers got some whatever color these are flowers white and yellow kinda the pink trees are pretty much all

Flowered that is true do they do they pollinate off of those trees oh shush you be quiet over there work harder there now they have some flowers to enjoy a horsey hi lose your house is incredible I feel like my house builds are so basic thank you I worked very hard on it

Spent some time in a creative test world here’s my little uh My Boat Shack this is the build featured in tomorrow’s episode be sure to check it out 10 A.M Eastern Standard Time I don’t think that’s fully chopped down poggy should I leave that there pluggy’s Gonna Hate Me

Thanks for the spoilers geez I didn’t I didn’t actually go over that build in the episode it was just a jump cut what’s inside it is the most more important part of the episode so I didn’t I didn’t spoil any actual content from the episode buggy 5am will be here with a Vengeance so long and thanks for all the fish great night good night y’all Timmy thanks for hanging out enjoy your sleep I probably should go do the same thing here soon I’ve been up since 6 15 this morning and I gotta get up at 6 15 again

Tomorrow because getting kids ready for school foreign I gotcha ow is there any more up there it’s all disintegrating now we’re good do you guys ever see that movie nope from last summer that was not what I expected at all that was one of those movies where the trailers

Misdirected you in such a good way that when you saw the movie you’re like okay all right I’m all right with this my kid just made us watch nope recently what’d you think did you like it I really enjoyed it I only I only saw it

The once I saw it in the theater I really want to watch it again see I much prefer that kind of marketing where they like they steer you in a direction that when you get to the theater and watch the movie you’re like I don’t actually already know the entire

Plot of this thing I feel like some trailers are just like we’ll get butts and seats just because of the name just telling the story in the trailer and we’ll get people excited that way I’d much rather than like hype it up in a way that it’s keeping some mystery alive

I almost missed watching nope because of the trailer why did you think it was too scary from the trailer I hate when trailers show too much I know so you would not have enjoyed the bear movie that came out this year oh no dude I I saw the trailer for that thing and

I’m like nope this is not a movie for me foreign it was well done more suspense than horror I expected yeah yeah they did a great job with the suspense aspect of it oh no how do I keep Leaf loading dude I’ve seen get out and us got to see nope then

I had honestly I haven’t seen either of those movies I really want to now because I enjoyed nope so much it’s a Jordan pure movie yes yeah it is all right I went to see Oppenheimer a couple of weeks ago and while it wasn’t my favorite movie Christopher Nolan has

Ever made I did enjoy it it was just like it was heavy and like given the subject matter of the the movie it’s gonna be heavy but it was just it was just very heavy the whole time I thought anyway obviously there were some like small comedic elements to it here and there

But it was a movie you walked out of the theater like contemplating rather than entertained it is definitely not a movie that you’re going to for entertainment it’s more for contemplation I think I’m become death the story of Worlds yeah wait prowl’s here where I don’t see his name

How am I missing it oh Craig when is the deep dark uh deep underground battle part two I don’t know I need to talk to Pearl about that actually see if we can get it on the schedule oh I banned him got him I gotta I gotta think up a new strategy

Next time I know a lot of times they say like if it’s not broke don’t fix it right which may honestly be what I come up with my strategy but I had been thinking all week long since we had scheduled it my goal is to get in

First and Trigger the warden as quickly as possible I was there sapling here I didn’t chop any of these trees down uh my goal was to get in as quickly as possible summon the warden first so that uh it would catch prowl and not me and it it worked

He died like three or four times before I did once so my strategy was to get in some of the warden and trap prowl with it so I could get moving on to a loot chest or two and then once I got Swift sneak my strategy shifted from let’s stop

Trolling prowl and let’s get let’s get quick let’s get the Swift sneak so we can loot as many of these chests as possible he also lost his gear he did so I definitely had an advantage from that standpoint so Maddie’s thought you just didn’t know what you were doing no like it’s it’s

One of those it’s so crazy it just might work moments like 100 planned I knew what I was doing you were so mean in the ancient city I know it was it was fun though blue is just enjoying every moment of it oh it was great it was great

Would do again can recommend I am gonna do an ancient city episode on the guide at some point as well we’ll actually like show techniques and stuff on how to get through it hey look a lead salesman he’ll probably be more useful here in uh a month or two

I am curious what they’re gonna announce at Minecraft live this year like it it seems out of left field for them to make villager changes at this time of year it just seems completely out of left field so I wonder if it’s like a like a preamble or something to an update coming

Like hey let us get you used to this villager trading change here’s a complete enchantment overhaul That’s My Hope it’s not like a huge celebration Year to my knowledge so I don’t think it’s going to be like cheer which last year I was all about it’s gonna be the end update

And I was wrong so maybe I’m wrong this year maybe they will like surprise everybody and come out with the end update or something but I I think it’s more likely like revamping some features that already exist I think I think an enchantment update could be a worthwhile Venture for Mojang

Trading Halls are dead just throw the villagers in your box for iron Farms now I mean honestly until they patch out that stuff AFK fishing farms I mean if you got if you got time to sit wow that just popped up right in front of my face if you got an account that

You can just let sit for hours at a time with a mending fishing rod you’re gonna get all the enchantments you could ever need at some point like I left it I left the AFK for probably four or five hours today and I don’t have a mending book yet but

It’s coming it’s gonna happen More Villages swamp fishing forests to maybe give Fletching table purpose here’s here’s the problem I have with the like the swamp Village the secret Village there’s no in-game way of knowing that that even exists so like how many of you actually go in to settings how to play and read through this stuff

Versus just finding a YouTube video that will explain how to play a certain aspect of the game I never go into this oh gosh I never go into this thing ever so like how are people gonna know about secret Villages unless they read the patch notes or watch a content creator

That told them about it there’s no obvious way in the game to get mending from villagers anymore they will probably think it’s been patched out entirely I don’t know I’ve I I I gotta believe they’ve got something else in mind if they don’t that’s a pretty bad decision in my opinion

16 and a half stacks of logs still just doesn’t feel like enough setting a trading Hall on every biome gives me a reason to buy a hunt aside from Gathering materials yeah but like here’s the here’s it’s going to it’s going to I think it’s going to have an unintended backfire

The unintended backfire is that if people decide to set up biome specific trading Halls foreign they will go to those trading Halls and get stockpiles of gear and never go back again because now like if you’ve got an iron farm trading hall right you got an iron farm trading Hall

Let’s say you die fighting the Wither this has happened to me before and they obliterate all of your gear you go to your iron farm trading Hall and you trade with villagers to restock on your gear and you get your enchantments and you get all of that

Stuff is it overpowered yes should it have had a Nerf yes but the unintended side effect that they’re going to see now is that villagers are going to become irrelevant people will not use them anymore they will trade with them a couple of times to get enough gear to last the

Lifetime of the world and they will never go back to the villager trading Hall again or to the to the Village to trade with the villagers again I don’t know man like I I don’t know what they were thinking with with some of the decisions like biome specific trades I think is an

Interesting idea hiding a behind secret Villages I think is a not a great idea secret Villages seems like a good idea in theory but in practice people that are not actively like pursuing hatch notes and watching this kind of content aren’t they’re not going to know about it I don’t know it’s weird

I hope Mojang doesn’t just Nerf and change subject honestly that’s kind of my fear is that it’ll be one of those things where they’ve made the decision they’re not changing their mind on it and then it’s basically one of those this is the way it is now just get used to it

And that’s it that’ll be done I hope that’s not it I hope there’s more in store I hope it’s like behind the scenes they’re working on either a villager update or an enchantment update dude I would love to see like magic or something come into the game like we got

Enchantments for gear but what if we had like spells or something like we could cast Fireballs or lightning or like we’ve already got like lightning rods and tridents with lightning rod capability right what if we had magic in the game wouldn’t that be cool I would love that

Yes Skye I 100 agree Master Level villagers take a lot of effort to get so with that effort of leveling up and trading constantly should come a Max Level reward the last trade should always be a Max Level reward because you’ve already made people go through the the Hoops of going to

Specific places to get these villagers for that trade and now you’re you’re nerfing it to the point where it’s not even worth doing I mean I got efficiency five fortune 3 and Unbreaking three from sitting in an AFK fishing Farm for a few hours why would I ever go

Seek out a villager in another biome if I’m not gonna get efficiency 5. it makes no sense it’s too much work when I could easily get another get it another way until they Nerf that way you have to name the pick still I don’t know if that’s gonna happen

Tonight I don’t have a source of XP to do that so let me uh let me write it down were you really sitting there coughs and auto Clicker I mean I was I was at my desk I was working I let it I let it sit there Auto

Clicking while I was working today like not touching Minecraft I literally loaded it up hit Auto Clicker navigated away from the window and did my work I let it sit there for like four or five hours when you get a build a mob farm or spawner Farm the uh next episode after

Tomorrow is a spawner Farm episode I just have to tape down my button on my switch to have an auto Clicker now if they could make an auto clicker for my work yes I play on a phone so no autoclicker what phone do you play on they have Android auto Clickers the um

The auto clicker I used was actually on BlueStacks I have one for my PC but I use BlueStacks for like a secondary account actually just logged in with my main account onto an Android emulator with BlueStacks and use an Android auto Clicker so that if I needed to do something else

On this computer I could it wasn’t tying up my mouse I was watching some videos to try to figure out how to to do uh Auto clicker on iPhone the other night and I just couldn’t find anything reliable the things that I tried didn’t work there’s like accessibility settings that

You’re supposed to be able to do but it like it literally locks up your phone if you do it too many times it locks up your phone and potentially for a very long time until it runs the automation and it’s like that’s not a viable solution

If I need to like make a phone call or something I can’t have like buttons automatically being pressed on my phone Uh I’m not sure the individual spawner Farms are worth it a lot of effort for not many or slow rewards yeah but it’s still we’re still technically early game and I’m not going to build a gigantic General mob farm yet I do want to walk people through like

How to build a simple spawner Farm um even if like even if I never use it again and our source of XP comes from the fishing Farm wherever that is it’s over there I think um I mean like from sitting it at the computer letting it auto click for four

Or five hours I got 50 levels and we were able to enchant a pickaxe like if I went and did that again like obviously I’m at level 12 now it would go up to level 30 pretty quick we could enchant again and we’re getting enchantments on books

Without having to waste lapis or points Oh okay don’t work for touchscreen I enjoy fishing though I mean like with console you could literally take a rubber band and and put it around your your left trigger that would 100 work ah dang it music is acting up again give me a second let me get inside ah creeper

Last time I messed around with the creeper it blew up my cherry tree and almost me and part of my cow Farm one second we’ll fix the music I don’t I don’t know why it’s doing this it’s so weird a rubber band does that work I’m pretty

Sure you just like hold down on the left trigger right all right hopefully that’s better now I love this view it’s so nice I don’t see you traveling down Birch ah you know what that’s that’s honestly a good point I may need a little bit of birch for the

The build I’m thinking of here in a couple episodes Maybe we should go plant some things required to repeatedly click instead of just hold down that is basically Impossible on controller gotcha I found something what did you find should probably get a little bit more Spruce too it’s been we’ve been spending a lot of time over here getting dark oak which is

The primary log I’m going to be using the ghast scream what about it you know I’m wondering if maybe the sound effects aren’t working tonight I honestly don’t remember hearing anything alert box all right I just I just turned it off and back on again I

Don’t know if it’s gonna work or not I redeemed two you didn’t react to I’m sorry guys yeah I don’t think it’s working are you guys hearing it when it comes through whoa blue jay stream yay yeah you get here a little bit later you’re probably not going to be

Streaming too much longer but hey I’m glad you could uh catch a little bit guys I’m sorry I’m not sure why this stuff just is not reliable it should just be a setup forget it kind of situation but I don’t I don’t know why man like the added plugins and stuff

Get with free software right it’s it’s gonna have issues blue jay can hear them he’s just immune to them now you’re still not hearing it Windows updates mess everything up what’s happening we’re just chopping down some trees getting some extra resources to get ready for the next couple of episodes My brain hurts seeing you take out leaves with the ax what do you expect me to do switch to a fish or something It’s efficiency yes is it a waste of durability yeah 100 it’s fine it’s fine I use a stick here look there you go hey but then I’m gonna be using the durability of the stick that’s how that works right it’s efficiency I didn’t even mean to make a joke

Those are the funniest ones your stick might break be careful oh man now sticks are forever Foreign I know I know but I don’t have oh I guess I do have kind of some use for leaves in this build maybe we should start sharing some leaves hold on let me go get some iron it’s actually a really good idea apparently it’s a joystick it made blue jay laugh

When’s the next episode tomorrow morning Just so you know you don’t need to jump to shoot Hold On Let’s test this Theory out Come on Um it’s not working oh hey look I had to jump to Shear the leaves [Laughter] I’m the worst I know it I know it birch trees are growing gotta hit the right button blue I know slap the leaves punch him pause you brush trees what are what are brush trees

Oh perch dude I don’t know what the hate is about birch trees man I love birch trees I’m not really a fan of the bark I don’t think the bark looks very nice but the tone of the planks and the strip logs it looks really nice what’s wrong with a light wood

I like ow I like using Birch for floors a lot they need walnut trees I am never opposed to adding uh more trees to the game more wood types more opportunities for building oh you guys hate Birch so much I like Birch and diorite see you know what’s up

I haven’t quite gotten to the the level yet where I’m like good at building with diorite but I’ve used it here and there both hated by everyone I know they’re just hard blocks to build with because they uh like the Birch log itself and diorite are very like high contrast harsh colors

So they’re just hard to build with and that’s that’s why I think a lot of people don’t like them is because they don’t put the effort into trying I make jokes about it looking like bird poop because obviously like bird jokes that’s gonna fly here why

Yeah I said B-Dubs B-Dubs is a freaking genius man laughs if I could just get like the building Talent from B-Dubs Pinky we’d be doing really well here on this channel B-Dubs is my fave dude he’s so good I I like his sense of humor I like his

Like build Styles just overall his content in general it’s just fun to watch dude I I love his ads when he gets sponsorships in his videos they’re so funny so stinking funny like most of the time when I watch videos that have paid corporate sponsorships things like that

I’ll skip ahead I never skip his because they’re so funny see a Coke dark oak leaves maybe we’ll put those down here uh do you have a server for people to play on like a uh or like a realm I do it’s not open to the community in

General it is open for uh YouTube members and patreon subscribers so if you join either of those I have two servers available to play on but I don’t have any just like General open to the community servers at this point ah broke it if there’s only a way to show viewers

The Surfers they can join shears do not last long at all I need to get some Unbreaking three on these needs updated to include the nest I know I know I know ever since I started back up on YouTube here I’ve neglected to update some of these Auto

Scrolling commands and things like that dude I’m getting to the point now where I’m tired and I’m starting to like come inside to throw things in the chest when my inventory is not even full I probably should go to bed soon I’ve been up since six o’clock this morning

All right let’s go out for one more round uh of shopping and then we’ll call it a night sound good This is what happens when it’s too long I know sounds like a legit reason to call tonight I’m sleepy stay well rested maybe you can dodge the ick bullet we’ll see my throat was feeling a little bit like oh no am I getting sick earlier uh but

I think I’m okay maybe we’ll see uh yes it is it is time when you start getting so sleepy he’s not thinking straight anymore you’re not allowed to get sick until your wife feels better parenting rules I’m sick for another year let’s be real about this I spent an entire month in bed

I mean it wasn’t a whole month but like a good part of a month I was in bed this year I’m gonna have no days off from work from today until the first blue against up all the parenting sick time vitamin C get some sun oh no I was

In bed for a month because I had surgery back in June that was not something vitamin C would fix nope that’s a that’s probably a witch sound somebody redeemed that I can’t hear tonight unfortunately my uh stream Labs audio prompts are not working tonight Blue Jay’s Wing was broken quite

Literally I mean it wasn’t broken but it was it wasn’t quite a wing it was more of a floaty it was inflated what are we collecting the leaves for uh it’ll be part of the build I like to use leaves as decoration on some builds gives him more of a interesting look

You didn’t hear which no interesting I didn’t hear one either so tree fort with leaves nope your favorite YouTuber oh gosh I mean that’s a hard question because it depends on the content for like Minecraft content honestly I really like B-Dubs a lot for his builds and his humor

And just overall content style why am I trying to sleep I’m thinking so much about sleeping right now I’m trying to sleep and it’s not even nighttime I need to go to bed um I I really like Waddles a lot I like watching his stuff um for like other kinds of content I

Watch like movie reviews I like heavy spoilers and new rock stars and that kind of stuff I like comedy like Ryan George pitch meeting that kind of stuff I watch like I play a couple mobile games on my phone I watch some like Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes content creators it’s just a

Like I’ve got a variety of mishmash stuff that I watch in stream and go to bed okay Punky said I had to but before I do before I do there’s only one thing left know exactly what’s coming good night everybody I had to I had to do it all right guys hey

Just fun I I love these kind of streams because we get to talk more I’m not worried about working on a project I’m not worried about focusing on a build or Redstone or anything like that it’s just good old-fashioned getting resources so we can build cool

Stuff and hanging out with you guys so thanks for being a part of it thanks for hanging out tonight thank you for everybody that is new here that has subscribed and joined the community thank you to the uh amazing amazing generosity of some folks that gifted memberships holy smokes what do we get

Like 30 or 40 gifted memberships tonight thank you guys so much that was awesome uh thank you for the stream donations all the things all of that stuff guys we will catch you again in the next video which is tomorrow morning be sure to check it out it’s a ultimate fishing

Guide and new AFK fish farm so hope you enjoy it and we’ll see you again back here very soon have a good night goodbye

This video, titled ‘LIVE – Tree Choppin’ and Resource Gatherin’ TONIGHT! | Minecraft Bedrock Guide 1.20′, was uploaded by BluJay on 2023-08-15 04:19:30. It has garnered 1368 views and 140 likes. The duration of the video is 02:59:38 or 10778 seconds.

TONIGHT on the Minecraft Bedrock Guide LIVE, I need to chop some trees, and mine some…mines. TONS of prep work to do for the next several episodes, so I hope you’ll join me and hang out for some relaxing Minecraft time! —————————-


#minecraft #MinecraftBedrockGuide #bedrockguide #minecraftsurvival

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    Random Disaster Minecraft Surviving Random Disasters in Minecraft Are you ready to take your Minecraft skills to the next level? Look no further than the latest challenge sweeping the Minecraft community: Random Disasters in Minecraft! In this thrilling twist on the classic game, players will face unpredictable events that will test their survival skills like never before. What to Expect From meteor showers to floods, players will need to stay on their toes as they navigate through a world filled with chaos and uncertainty. Each disaster presents a unique challenge, requiring quick thinking and strategic planning to overcome. Key Features: Unpredictable Events:… Read More

  • The Sneaky Logic of Minecraft

    The Sneaky Logic of Minecraft The Secret Minecraft Logic Welcome to The Secret Minecraft Logic, a channel dedicated to exploring the hidden mechanisms and logic behind the popular game Minecraft. Join us as we delve into the intricate details of redstone circuits, command blocks, and game mechanics to uncover the secrets that make Minecraft such a unique and engaging experience. Exploring Minecraft’s Inner Workings On this channel, you will find tutorials, guides, and in-depth explanations of how various aspects of Minecraft work, from simple redstone contraptions to complex automated systems. Whether you are a beginner looking to learn the basics of redstone or a… Read More

  • Minecraft Makeover: Fixing Offense with History

    Minecraft Makeover: Fixing Offense with History Minecraft: Exploring Historical Objectivity in a Virtual World Embark on a journey through the pixelated landscapes of Minecraft as we delve into the concept of historical objectivity within this virtual realm. Join us as we uncover the fascinating intersections between history, creativity, and gameplay in this iconic sandbox game. Unveiling the Past Through Minecraft Within the vast expanse of Minecraft, players have the unique opportunity to recreate historical settings, monuments, and events with remarkable detail and precision. From ancient civilizations to modern landmarks, the game serves as a canvas for historical exploration and interpretation. Historical Accuracy vs. Creative Freedom… Read More

  • Roofing Woes in Minecraft

    Roofing Woes in Minecraft Tetőfedő Problémák (Solo Minecraft Ep.3): Exploring the World of Minecraft Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft with the latest episode of Tetőfedő Problémák. Join the protagonist as they navigate through challenges, build magnificent structures, and explore the vast landscapes of this popular sandbox game. Unleashing Creativity In Minecraft, players have the freedom to unleash their creativity and build anything their imagination desires. From towering castles to intricate redstone contraptions, the possibilities are endless. The protagonist of Tetőfedő Problémák showcases their building skills and takes on exciting construction projects that will leave you in awe. Surviving… Read More

  • Minecraft Live Stream with Subscribers – GodArmy SMP Live!

    Minecraft Live Stream with Subscribers - GodArmy SMP Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft live playing with subscribers | minecraft live | godarmy smp is live | #minecraftlive’, was uploaded by GoDBrothers YT on 2024-05-22 05:41:32. It has garnered 3362 views and 120 likes. The duration of the video is 05:28:43 or 19723 seconds. minecraft live playing with subscribers | minecraft live | godarmy smp is live | #minecraftlive discord link – discord id – godbrothersyt SERVER IP 🌐 Welcome to Our Minecraft SMP Adventure! 🏰🌳 Embark on an incredible journey with us in our Minecraft Survival Multiplayer (SMP) world! Join the community as we navigate… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: Mc Gamer’s INSANE Minecraft Parody

    UNBELIEVABLE: Mc Gamer's INSANE Minecraft ParodyVideo Information This video, titled ‘BLP Kosher – Virgin Ears (Official Minecraft Parody)’, was uploaded by Mc Gamer on 2024-03-07 04:47:53. It has garnered 1555 views and 47 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:13 or 193 seconds. BLP Kosher – Virgin Ears (Official Minecraft Parody) Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft POOF Moment! 😱🤯 #shorts #twitch

    INSANE Minecraft POOF Moment! 😱🤯 #shorts #twitchVideo Information This video, titled ‘I WENT POOF! #minecraft #twitch #shorts #memes #minecraftmemes’, was uploaded by Toopy on 2023-12-31 12:27:57. It has garnered 2176 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. I DIED IN MY HARDCORE WORLD! Read More

  • “Ultimate Armor Upgrade – EPIC Wither Battle!” 🛡️💥 #MinecraftBattle

    "Ultimate Armor Upgrade - EPIC Wither Battle!" 🛡️💥 #MinecraftBattleVideo Information This video, titled ‘Upgrading Armor and Fighting Withers! ⚔️💥 #MinecraftBattle #EpicUpgrades’, was uploaded by Error Gaming Nepal on 2024-05-27 04:39:16. It has garnered 35 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:32:43 or 5563 seconds. 🏗️ Welcome to our Minecraft live stream! Join us as we dive into the world of Minecraft with exciting builds, epic adventures, and creative designs. Our streams feature a variety of themes, from constructing innovative structures to exploring the vast Minecraft universe. 🐑 Live Highlights: Building Projects: Watch us create everything from efficient farms to stunning architectural masterpieces. Redstone Contraptions:… Read More

  • Shocking Finale on DeceasedCraft with CaptainSparklez 2!

    Shocking Finale on DeceasedCraft with CaptainSparklez 2!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Finale | DeceasedCraft Ep. 24’, was uploaded by CaptainSparklez 2 on 2024-05-06 17:00:16. It has garnered 34936 views and 2099 likes. The duration of the video is 01:17:57 or 4677 seconds. DeceasedCraft is a Minecraft mod pack in which we must survive a zombie apocalypse while searching for a cure. Thanks to Apex Hosting for sponsoring! Use code “CaptainSparklez” to get 25% off your own server’s first month: Deceasedcraft Playlist: My Links: ● My gear (code CaptainSparklez): ● My clothing line: ● Twitch: ● Tiktok: ● Twitter:… Read More

  • F3 Vanilla

    F3 VanillaThe most common Vanilla+ server without donation, located on the territory of the Russian Federation in the city of Moscow, the developers themselves from the same place, but support communication with any international players. If you have any questions about logging into the server, you can write in Discord. Read More

  • Kleos Modded SMP 1.20.1 Whitelist

    Welcome to our modded server! If you’re looking for a fun and enjoyable modpack experience, look no further. We prioritize adding mods that the community wants, ensuring that everyone has a great time without feeling overwhelmed. You can request mods through direct message or on our Discord server. Join us if you enjoy grinding for hours and exploring new content. Our current mods include Alex’s Caves, Iron Spells and Spell Books, Twilight Forest, and many more. Feel free to reach out to be added, and remember that everyone is welcome to join, regardless of age! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “KEEP YA HANDS OFF MY CRAFT!”

    Looks like Billy really scored big with this meme, unlike his skills in Minecraft! 🤣 Read More

  • Minecraft Mayhem: Too Loud to Handle

    Minecraft Mayhem: Too Loud to Handle In Minecraft, the updates are on the rise, Trial chambers coming, a big surprise. Behind the scenes, Mojang gives a peek, Creating a buzz, for all the geeks. I built a house with my Twitch chat crew, Not your average tutorial, but it’ll do. Loud sounds they mentioned, a funny jest, Maybe it was rain, for a peaceful rest. Join me on Twitch, for more fun and play, In the world of Minecraft, we’ll make our way. Funny moments and highlights to see, Gaming with friends, just you and me. Read More

  • Villager server hotter than my ping 4646! #minecraftmemes

    Villager server hotter than my ping 4646! #minecraftmemes Looks like the villagers are on strike until they get better wifi! #minecraftproblems Read More

  • Secrets of CarboNight Unleashed!

    Secrets of CarboNight Unleashed!Video Information This video, titled ‘continuing the summer minecraft grind’, was uploaded by CarboNight on 2024-05-10 03:39:27. It has garnered 106 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 03:22:50 or 12170 seconds. welcome to the stream yes i am bad at video games and yes you can pay me for it too you can do so here: like and sub for moar “content” Read More

  • Karanisho Minecraft Movie: Warden Army vs. Vow Army with Shocking Ending

    Karanisho Minecraft Movie: Warden Army vs. Vow Army with Shocking EndingVideo Information This video, titled ‘فلم ماين كرافت جيش الواردن الشرير ضد جيش النذر و والوذر بوس ونهاية صادمة😱| Minecraft Animation Movie’, was uploaded by Karanisho on 2024-03-02 12:00:40. It has garnered 16195 views and 477 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:04 or 1024 seconds. Credit Cubus Maximus special thanks Support Cubus Maximus on Patreon! I watched the Minecraft movie Rich and Poor/Comedy, the strongest monster in Minecraft Minecraft # END I watched all the clips of the clock head, i.e. the clips of Skibidi Toilet Multiverse, or skibidi toilet multiverse, and… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Desert Glitch Revealed!

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Desert Glitch Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘how to make a desert permanent in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Grantplays on 2024-06-03 17:28:31. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:43 or 163 seconds. Unspeakable merch Read More

  • INSANE tiny house build in Minecraft! #epic #tutorial

    INSANE tiny house build in Minecraft! #epic #tutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘Small house 🏡#build #game #minecraft #tutorial #house #small’, was uploaded by Kliver44 on 2024-02-15 21:26:28. It has garnered 2443 views and 67 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. Read More

  • “INSANE! Surviving Minecraft Backroom in EXACT Seconds!” #shorts

    "INSANE! Surviving Minecraft Backroom in EXACT Seconds!" #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘¿Cuantos segundos sobrevivo en este backroom de Minecraft? #minecraft#shorts #humor #videojuego’, was uploaded by Gabigamer4771 on 2024-04-06 16:17:21. It has garnered 118 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. I don’t really record more because it doesn’t fit in the shorts. Read More

  • Wither Storm VS Lộc Zutaki ALMOST DEFEATED *VOLUME 10

    Wither Storm VS Lộc Zutaki ALMOST DEFEATED *VOLUME 10Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT THỢ SĂN WITHER STORM *TẬP 10 | LỘC SUÝT NỮA THÌ HẠ GỤC WITHER STORM???HỒI KẾT SẮP ĐẾN’, was uploaded by Lộc Zutaki on 2024-03-19 03:00:05. It has garnered 293950 views and 6472 likes. The duration of the video is 00:37:31 or 2251 seconds. ✔️MINECRAFT HUNTER WITHER STORM *EPISODE 10 | LOC ALMOST DEFEATED WITHER STORM???THE END IS COMING 📺Hello everyone, I’m Loc and I’m just a new Youtuber so I hope you can guide me and help enthusiastically. 💒If you like the video, don’t hesitate to click the like button and subscribe so… Read More

  • Time Traveling Chaos on FableSMP EP 88

    Time Traveling Chaos on FableSMP EP 88Video Information This video, titled ‘Steeped In The Past { FableSMP S3 EP 88 }’, was uploaded by Artfulrenegade on 2024-02-23 22:41:34. It has garnered 643 views and 64 likes. The duration of the video is 00:46:21 or 2781 seconds. Hi Hi! This is Episode 88 Season 3 of Wolf’s journey on the Fable SMP, a lore based multiplayer Minecraft server. Today the Wolf and Ulysses have a long awaited talk and after Wolf finally reads the note from Centross.. Watch the lore LIVE over on my twitch Check out these playlist to catch up on past lore! Season… Read More

  • 5 Mind-Blowing Minecraft Redstone Hacks! 🤯

    5 Mind-Blowing Minecraft Redstone Hacks! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Redstone Viral hacks….’, was uploaded by FALCO GAMER on 2024-03-15 06:59:14. It has garnered 6327 views and 146 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. #macaddon #steelwing #falcogamer #lucon #technogamerz #minecrafthacks #minecraftredstone Minecraft challenge #shorts #minecraftshorts #minecraftredstone #redstone #redstonebuilds #redstoneviralhacks Thanks for being part of our Minecraft community! Your support means everything. Let us know in the comments your favorite Minecraft moments, and don’t forget to share the love by subscribing and exploring more of our shorts! #MinecraftShorts #Shorts #MinecraftGaming #technogamerz #gamerfleet #macaddon #falcogamer #lucon #dream #steelwing #senpaispider #nizgamer #lapatasmp… Read More

  • Godzilla vs. Zombie Father in Monster School! SEASON 2 ALL EPISODES

    Godzilla vs. Zombie Father in Monster School! SEASON 2 ALL EPISODESVideo Information This video, titled ‘Monster School : Zombie Boy And Bad Zombie Father SEASON 2 ALL EPISODE – Minecraft Animation’, was uploaded by Godzilla Minecraft on 2024-02-25 10:24:51. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Monster School : Zombie Boy And Bad Zombie Father SEASON 2 ALL EPISODE – Minecraft Animation … Read More

  • AKSH is a 1.20.1 – 1.20.2 True Anarchy Server that provides a interesting experience with a small yet loyal community. aksh is the perfect server for people who are overwhelmed with 2b2t and want a less intense anarchy experience. Join now while spawn is easy to escape! Read More

  • PaduaMCC | Smp & Realms

    PaduaMCC Bedrock Faction Server Choose from 6 different kingdoms with unique build styles, goals, and opportunities. Explore great add-ons that enhance the Vanilla style in unimaginable ways! Join the Discord server today to become a part of this exciting community. Message for the Discord link. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Epic Minecraft Achievement Unlocked: No More Problems

    “Looks like this meme has achieved a high score in both comedy and problem-solving!” Read More

  • Roblox Deathball: Cursed Spirit Boss Strikes Back!

    Roblox Deathball: Cursed Spirit Boss Strikes Back! In the world of Roblox, a cursed spirit boss, Ian and Ethan face him, no matter the cost. Their skills put to the test, in a battle so grand, With teamwork and strategy, they make their stand. Dodging his attacks, with precision and speed, Their determination, a powerful seed. To defeat this boss, and claim victory, In the world of gaming, they make history. So join them on their journey, subscribe and see, The adventures they have, in Roblox and BTD6. With laughter and fun, they’ll entertain, And bring you content, that will never wane. Read More

  • Masha and the Bear vs Banana Cat: Battle Royale!

    Masha and the Bear vs Banana Cat: Battle Royale! When Masha and the Bear team up against Banana Cat Spawn, you know things are about to get wilder than a jungle gym on a sugar rush! #minecraftmadness 🍌🐱🐻 Read More

  • Surviving Minecraft: Day 3 – Danger Lurks!

    Surviving Minecraft: Day 3 - Danger Lurks! Minecraft – Daily Survival Let’s Play: A Relaxing Journey Through the World of Blocks Embark on a serene adventure with Solomon Leatherland, also known as PCG, in his Minecraft Daily Survival Let’s Play series. This vanilla survival experience offers a tranquil escape from the chaos of everyday life, inviting viewers to unwind and explore the vast possibilities of the blocky world. Immersive Gameplay Experience Join Solomon as he delves into the intricacies of Minecraft, from building and exploring to caving and collecting trophies. With natural regeneration turned off, the stakes are higher, requiring strategic use of golden apples and… Read More

  • GamerFleet’s Overpowered Weapons Exposed!

    GamerFleet's Overpowered Weapons Exposed! GamerFleet’s Super OP Weapons Unveiled in Minecraft World Exploring the vast world of Minecraft can lead to unexpected discoveries, and one such revelation was made by a curious player who ventured into GamerFleet’s survival kingdom. In a thrilling video, the player uncovered GamerFleet’s secret base within a majestic castle, where an array of powerful PvP weapons awaited. The Quest for OP Weapons As the player delved deeper into GamerFleet’s world, they embarked on a quest to locate the legendary OP weapons rumored to be hidden within the kingdom. The anticipation grew as they navigated through the intricate pathways and… Read More

  • Unleash Your Inner Wolf – Minecraft

    Unleash Your Inner Wolf - MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft’, was uploaded by Wolf Heart on 2024-04-13 07:28:59. It has garnered 31 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 02:22:19 or 8539 seconds. JOIN THE DISCORD #minecraft #mine #craft #steve #creeper #letsplay Read More

  • Psycho Family Chaos in Minecraft

    Psycho Family Chaos in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Having a PSYCHO FAMILY in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Aphmau on 2024-03-17 20:47:03. It has garnered 2028008 views and 36147 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:17 or 1097 seconds. Warning! This video gets CRAZY! 💜 Come take a look at my merch! 💜 ► Instagram: ====. * ・ 。゚☆ [Friends!] ☆。゚・* .==== ★ Aaron: Jason Bravura ★ Zane: Kestin Howard ★ Ein: Chris Escalante ★ KC: MegaMoeka NOT an official Minecraft Product. Not approved by or associated with Mojang or Microsoft. #Minecraft #Aphmau Read More

LIVE – Tree Choppin’ and Resource Gatherin’ TONIGHT! | Minecraft Bedrock Guide 1.20