Loony – Hardcore Day 4330 – This Tavern ROCKS!! (let’s finish it)

Video Information

Hey guys what welcome everyone a uh good morning good afternoon good evening good night and um welcome to an interesting day what an interesting day I just uh I just watch everybody knows what time it is okay okay I’ll go do this I just watched Minecraft live that thank you

For the two by the way I’m I’m on my way I just watched Minecraft live and a I think a bunch of you there too so I see a lot of thoughts in chat I see people feel in a lot of ways um and I I have a

Pretty clear perspective on it but I’m really really really curious where your heads at um I I see a lot of people being very vocal and I see a lot of people say saying nothing so I’m kind of curious where you guys uh think this mot

Or this uh Minecraft life ranked uh what you liked about it what you didn’t and we’re going to go over most of the features I think I I probably haven’t remembered I this is the slowest graph % speedrun ever let me do first things first okay oh give me my

Grass want it um I’ll put dead shield in the book and a bonus name names that are already in the book guys are comment from yesterday’s Stream So if you miss out on the book today and you want to get in there best way to do it comment on the stream after it

Finishes so first things first um penguin came in last we have no idea on what the percentages were like who voted how many people vot it what but the penguin came in last and the armadillo snatched a win which I honestly thought I kind of thought the armadillo

Was at but generally I’m I’m not I’m not that great at calling where the M’s going to go so the fact that that is U mistaken is is not that weird um what what do you guys think about the uh chamber of Trials while while we while we go over

Some answers um I’m going to show you what we’re going to be building today we we’ve been working on the junction for the last few days and it is just about completed um I need a little bit more filler uh because right here we have some some plain grass and nothing on it

We’re going to get to that I’m also a little bit on the lookout guys for a uh for a diamond armor mod because we’re on our way to 5,000 days and I still haven’t gotten it poor as b poor as B indeed ASV Took The Real L today he could have been in

The game man that’s that’s so close the Villas we’re getting there we’re getting there okay guys um so the we we built the um the barn over the last few days uh if you haven’t seen it this place is cool and I’ve been decorating the uh the tavern that we’re working on today

Useless new blocks tough and copper useful resus crap okay that’s a strong opinion I I actually missed the tough blocks I didn’t I didn’t see those because I was half looking listening on my earbuds and um preparing for the stream could you farm the spawner for d

Diamonds well I don’t think you should I don’t Diamond farming I mean that’s going to be a theme okay guys let’s walk through the T while we go over this I think I think the the Chamber of Trials is is really cool I’m curious how hard it is because no

Offense but from from the way that Agnes talks when she plays I don’t think she’s great at the game um she seems to have survived it so like is it is it that hard just so everybody’s trkking yesterday was slower 6 minutes plus dadal dude yesterday was so slow I that

That was that was terrible that was no redeeming feature there uh Marco ponio is tough confirmed yeah that was that was literally a thing kooy yo dude thank you for the five EUR as well I’m I’m missing a o there I saw it General update is extremely cool however I feel

Like armadillo is kind of useless compared to Extended reach from crab still really hype nonetheless I think there’s one thing about it um they said that frogs were not picked in the mob VA but eventually still made it into the game so the penguin might not be doomed for all

Eternity um the Penguin’s bonus feature not that impressive not that interesting so we’re not really going to miss that the crab may be very useful but if we never have it I wonder if we’re really going to miss it all that much I’ve been talking about this teron I don’t know

What I even when to do but we’re we’re going to look inside because this place is cool um and the um the armadilla I don’t think it would have ended up in the game if we hadn’t picked it now and we’ve like Community as a whole there have been a lot of

People that wanted wolf armor for the longest time and it never never happened and I don’t think it would have happened if we hadn’t as a as a whole picked it today so I’m kind of stoked that it’s going to be in the game maybe if more creatures

Could be will be allowed armored Looney wouldn’t have killed them so easily may maybe they need it maybe they need it crab P probably won’t get edit best feature wasted I I get where you’re coming from I get where you’re coming from um guys let’s talk about something

Else Andrew dude I I’m not even getting around to show you guys what I’ve been building um but Andrew thank you for the 280 you’re already in the book from yesterday missed early birds keno and I watching now hello to both of you hope you’re doing good um I’m going to put

Cheese Toasties in book and taana as well guys there’s one thing I’m super super duper extremely Mega stoked on Crafters they’re adding Crafters you can automate crafting using Redstone that in itself is a massive feature I’m I’m so stoked on finding out how that’s going to work what it does

What what we can use it for they talked about craing hanging signs out of it and that to me was an interesting example because let’s go and take a look what the uh oh my God guys what are you doing with the Doos hang on can I put Owen in

A book for sure Andrew absolutely Owen I I think it’s really cool that you’re watching the stream thank you for for being here future update Looney survival armor for creatures I mean the door is open now we got wolf armor um Let me let me put Owen

In the book and then I’ll put JoJo boy in as a bonus name and uh Danielle husa as well Danielle apologies for not typing your name completely correctly but I I have no idea where find out my keyboard that symbol Donna hello first time catching your stream yo

Thank you for being here in my opinion this one’s better than 119 and 120 on I I think it’s I think I just think it’s awesome um guys we’re going to need to build some planters because let me talk about two things that we’re we’re going

To do to the tavern and then uh then we’ll continue talking update autocrafting I won’t use normal crafting is easier yeah um you’re not let’s talk about that again after you’ve had to craft like 600 dispensers I hate that so much so I like the orange guys but I

Don’t like that it’s a straight line here so we’re going to have to build some detailing things whatever to cover that up um and I think this uh this area here with the stone looks really cool but we need some trees around the bottom and I think it’s really really weird

That this Stone feature sticks out further than the balcony which seems like it’s the main feature for this entire thing um so I was thinking maybe we can like hang plants over the edge or something let let’s try that d d thank you for the two Minecraft we need armor for snowman

Um well at least Snowman in my world definitely need it maybe there’s a data P that we can put in there and then fun and Son thank you for the two dos as well only didn’t want the crab me and my boyfriend oh news me and my boyfriend

Want to many want to marry this that’s exciting news that’s very very cool are you guys officially engaged now if so massive congratulations your way um funon and good hav are going to go in the book um okay so let’s guys let’s start with those Planters I think I have a

Feeling that Oak signs might be the way to go but I don’t know if we have still have any Oak left um so hanging signs recipe that that’s what I was talking about because they used that as an example Annes said we’re I’m going to make it craft hanging signs so we can

All decorate the entire Village hanging signs have a recipe that is two chains and six stri logs that’s super specific I think if you can automate this you can automate everything and they they had Hopper they mentioned this like in a second but they talked about Hopper slop

Priority or item slop priority where you can somehow figure out where your Hopper send an item like you could maybe have it go top line of the chest or um certain slot in the uh in the crafter could you autograft Crafters that’s the real question that that’s the Sher box

Problem that sh do it with another five don’t hate me but where do we have to snowman torture chamber you’re talk you’re talking about this thing but it’s not it’s just not thoughts on out of crafting massive feature massive Rafal the Shader is called complimentary Shader but I think this is what you’re

Talking about I don’t know otherwise I deny all charges um but the uh night vision uh helps a lot the night vision make it makes it look like saturated or something I don’t know you disable slots om AR I’m I’m I’m stoked to find that out what about do I think about the

Breeze mob it manipulates blocks there’s so many cool unnecessary yet super wonky and cool redstone applications to that nice we have oak logs I’m I was so I was worried we we’re going to have to cut it um what was I saying I needed Oak trap doors I’m going to test these

Before I commit to crafting all of them because that might not work as I expected show it in the streams so I believe they’ll add it I think um the disabling slots I think they Mak sense I so for me guys I was uh I had my uh

Minecraft live on the TV behind me I was I wasn’t sure how long it was going to go on BR dude thank you for another $10 Dono long time now see great job with the world can you put my daughter’s name in Book and say hi her name is violet

Definitely hi Violet I hope you’re you’re enjoying the stream it’s good to see the both of you you Violet’s going to go first VI it and then Brad is going to go in the book as well I’ll give you the the double Bill and then uh let’s

Put uh i’lli Kar in the book I said Bon his name okay um guys I need what do I need Spruce TP doors easy for which M did I vote user I I voted for the Penguin and I resisted so I I took the biggest now like I I

Definitely lost it all the way and I was I was almost convinced by my girlfriend to vote for the armadillo because she she thought it was cute and she really wanted Dog armor and then Midway through this conversation I’m like but you you don’t you don’t play this game though like

What and I I offered her to vote on my my second copy but we we actually didn’t do that yet she still won though so I I I have a feeling I’m going to hear that um Dexter welcome to the stream Zach thank you okay I need Spruce trip doors

I’m just going to take two stacks you know three stacks I’ve been using so many of these it’s crazy have some cool place looking fantastic it’s um it’s getting better and better there there are more moments now guys yo it is very busy here there’s 200 50 people that’s crazy guys if if

You could do me a solid do me a small favor hit hit that like button right now if you like it here um and if you don’t like it here you know just just just be nice for a moment and still like could help this out getting it recommended to

More people would appreciate it walk down the path Jaylen we we don’t have time for that kind of thing right now we we going to build the thing everyone’s coming here for Minecraft live I guess I guess everybody’s uh on YouTube with that inecraft mindset right already hit the

Button already did it you guys are awesome okay let me get um some dirt and then we got to figure out where these Planters are going to go I I’m sure I have dirt how do you guys like the creep in I’m I’m so stoked on his

St um L luk and Val uh welcome welcome by the way thank you for being here I appreciate it I didn’t get a chance to say hi to you guys yet Um oh I heard that sound that that’s what triggered me my pet wolf doesn’t need armor armor dealers are cool though and sometimes sometimes if it makes somebody else happy it’s still a win Naomi welcome to the stream we’re name and Lisa if you cut your hair around by being stupid

You’re not stupid at all you’re you’re well I I actually don’t know but um no no no I did cut my hair and I’m I’m actually uh I’m vibing with it I like it a little short now um okay I think if we do this we can

Fill up a little bit of that emptiness so we Ed that and then oh this might looks very very cool actually I don’t know if it feels supportive maybe we need fences underneath but it’s a little complicated because then the dirt is Flo loading we’ll figure something

Out even with armor I wouldn’t let the dogs out of the basement I guess it depends on how how well the armor works okay guys this is option one I like the design seems cool but um maybe maybe we got to build these things down here uh that might actually look

Better LX has a plan oo I was I was definitely thinking too high flys but I hadn’t made up my mind Lil sounds like a good idea I like that all right let me Tower up here Lea can I do some sort of secret room world is literally filling up with

Secret rooms there’s so many of them I don’t know if we uh we KN one in the tavern though okay this is kind of I think I prefer this one and then maybe we can find a way to support it around the back parkour name them all what

Um name all what can I please do a create series Jay Le I I think create looks awesome I’ve checked a couple episodes of people doing it and uh it looks really really dope but I don’t think I I have any time to commit to anything else but this series right now

Because uh we’re on that grind we’re on that grind maybe maybe I’ll end up doing it eventually secret rooms make build Special so true yo this is definitely the way to do this I I really like this uh hanging down opposed to the one okay that was

Stupid flying I knew that wasn’t going to work U opposed to this one here so that we’re going to take this out and then lilacs I really like that let’s see if we can find one no end update no but what I really like about the direction

Of the update guys is just because keep in mind right this is not all that we’re going to get what about a pumpkin in the planter I think that looks super funy um so this is an all their their Studio update Luna definitely needs

Armor I I want her to go outside I’m I’m too afraid to S out now um so hang on was even oh yeah there’s more to the update I completely lost my trade of thought there there’s more to the update but Adele crafter I know it’s insane here’s the thing guys I really

Like the direction they took I really like it that they went hey we we’ve actually spent a lot of time thinking about players who like exploring and about uh play people who are in that full survival experience let’s focus a little bit more on those of you who who

Actually are a little bit more into combat um because I’ve seen a lot of um uh comments and videos recently where people kind of talk about the idea that the game is getting too easy and um what’s what’s the update about user um they said that it’s it’s about trials

And it’s it’s more combat oriented they talked about a uh trials chamber like a a specific structure where you can uh well test your skills and you can do that together or you can do that by yourselves and if you do it together there’s going to be harder or more mob

Spawning there there’s specific spawner there that kind of triggers that challenge and um it turns off after time so I assume that it’s in waves or something we got the warden the warden wasn’t to make the game more difficult the warden make the game more tricky and scary okay these Planters don’t work

Because I this slot is full I just spamed all these behind here that doesn’t work maybe I I just extend it like this I don’t know I think maybe make it a little bit longer and then we split it um let me take these out and then

Maybe split it right around here take a three block break I just literally took the entire thing that I like that the corpra light I wasn’t super stoked on the copr light I think it’s cool feature but it’s also no big Deal I I like the idea of it it had a good function in the dungeon that that kind of made sense so basically they’re adding a um a more designed and developed dungeon to the game for survival worlds where you can I really like the aspect of

Being able to do it together and having it be harder that that was a cool feature Nina thank you for 11 months as a looney Knight wolf armor and Crafters also I’m finally watch the new movie what’s that it’s really good we prove seina in the book deal you got you got

Yourself a deal um where where is fence was That hang on 79 book uh unite in his a bonus name and then uh guys let me let me take a very quick sip of my coffee confused G connect it with a fence could work but it would look like the dirt could fall out archery table still no

Function I love that com that like true but also it’s a workstation and there’s a million workstations that have no function so it sounds a little bit like you’re looking for something to complain about not not uh not meant as an offense need Kofi myself Jordan go get

It what can we do with the com Brer the com Brer is fantastic have you guys seen how many cookies I put through that thing that’s crazy Auto crafting dispensers will be live saber Tyler I literally almost jumped out of my chair at the thought of not having to do that

Anymore I so hate dispensers they’re they’re like I I love them I just don’t want to craft them ever again it’s it’s it’s torture it’s it’s actually it should be punishable some way or another okay did that align right it did not oh my God okay jight when am I planning on

Fighting the warden I I actually I don’t even know if I will guys I know that I’m definitely not doing it before I finish the base and there’s a good chunk of work left cruy with the seven months as a member as well I thing will be really

Fitting with the combat theme is more difficult options and customizability so that everyone gets the ideal challenge I would like it if whatever combat feature they put in is like uh achievable for everyone but still there there could be like that final room that’s really hard something like

That parkour spiral Lisa no we we we got to build that Tavern it’s got to happen you’re Loney you’re not going to have that crafting I know I know autoc crafting is fantastic that’s why I’m so stoked is Looney doing new armor every thousand days so in the previous world I

Retired my armor set on day 5,000 and who knows maybe we’re doing that again Omar what do I think about copper lights um not not the most exciting feature in the update I have no strong feeling about it I don’t think it’s bad um but I’m also not like whoa that’s game changing

Can you detect specific light levels like light level on the next block with an observer I don’t think you can right because that would have some cool implications okay all right can someone please tell me what the sugar cane thing in Minecraft life was I didn’t get it what sugar cane

Thing I did not see a sugarcane thing how how did you guys like the did did anybody see the uh Creator pre-show difficulty options like easy heart Etc wouldn’t it just scale with your game mode it it could be cool that range was more broad than just the game

Mode I I do like that that’s a good thought um for kozi don’t know guys I’m I’m going to put user uh 584 in the book and Pug as well was that what does that mean retire my armor max I I had a um well I had a whole in an ocean

Monument season one and when we got to 5,000 days I put my armor set on there on a uh armor stand and I just kept it there as a little Keepsake for that armor set carried me through 5,000 days and I was like I’m just going to retire

It and then uh make a new one wear that for 5,000 days slight mishap we only wore it for uh 1560 days because then I I actually lost my world because it’s dumb and so that happened but after uh I I still like the idea of

Doing that and it it was a cool thing it was a cool feeling retiring it so we might do that again what do I think about the breeze sounds awesome it doesn’t sound like a super challenging fight but that’s not necessarily bad someone yeah it was me I I I fully

Messed up I take four responsibility this out okay uh Lil aliums okay don’t like that Arrangement at all maybe that guys that makes it feel so much more alive I love that um do we have night vision though better gaming what did I vote for

I took a fat L because I voted for the Penguin and I I was repping for that penguin too I thought I thought like I like that I wanted to run into penguins in my world maybe one day guys if you just C here quick show we’re working on

The tavern so we we have the entrance here I like the way this looks it’s called The Creep in which is an amazing amazing name and I think if we open up the book I think we have Oliver G to uh thank for the suggestion we have a

Creeper face here in the window that you can see from the outside although it doesn’t line up with light sources so I might have to uh try and redesign that a little bit I love the the hayal roof but we’re still going to build something in

There maybe stained glass I I don’t know I don’t know we have options and in here we have the outside Terrace um and I put all these flower pots on the on trapdoor tables I think they like they look like glasses or they could be glasses and

Then here we have a hallway to run through with lots of paintings and then the L or this this is like the this this is the the rough part of the T this is where people get really hammered this is this is both a good and a bad place it

Depends where where your head’s at and then these things the armor stands can you put a cve pumpkin on an armor stand I would I would imagine you can Dark Knight you like the sweater thank you sweater is ridiculous it’s a little hot now actually maybe because I’m uh

I’m full of excitement because I’m streaming I don’t know but I I was just chilling playing Minecraft wearing this weather I was like you know I I’m just wearing this thing I bought it for a party because it it looks stupid it looks so stupid but I kind of like it

Temp is looking really nice thank you thank you I’m I’m pretty excited about it um okay guys we got to we got to check that uh carve pumpkin thing I think there’s a pumpkin right here there is nice why are these here this such a funky

Spot well they’re gone now Omar says yes you can do thatwe looks cool it’s an accidental hit that but I appreciate it where the shears at carf pumpkin will work but Jackal lanterns don’t well uh they don’t oh they did work before that would have been cool is

That a fried egg on your shoulder yeah the sweater is literally bacon and eggs so you’re you’re 100% accurate that is what it is me do you have any tips on not getting bored in your Minecraft world when you’ve been playing there for a little while um literally do things like

This oh my God that’s awesome that’s such a cool feature why did I know that was a thing now these guys need some sort of uh some sort of armor on but I think I’m going to angle this one here so we got them looking both

Ways maybe the other way around I’m way too picky on these oh sorry sorry sorry please give me the armor St back I think you can burn them if you uh if you mess up so that one goes over there still pcot love the new apartment

It’s it’s really really nice I love air I’m I’m super stucked on it I moved uh moved it my girlfriends guys if you if you didn’t know yet and uh oh my God this is the most resistant armor stand I’ve ever seen there we go and that’s real cool and we’re we’re

Having a great time here but it’s also like we we find a really nice place I can see he’s living here for uh for a while okay I like that one a lot this one I don’t know I think I just got to go did he say girlfriends with an S he

Did not no and then um oh my God wait what where did that guys I swear this is all spawn proof because there’s plenty of light sources and then I think this is all spawn proof as well because there’s plenty of light sources so I think

That where did that skeleton come from I did say girlfriends okay that’s it’s going to be an interesting conversation I threw my roommate out well I didn’t really have a roommate but um me me and my editor when we make the movies we were together uh in in my old

Apartment um and we actually like this is a cool place so we have a room that we can use for that um I think we’re going to have to go Spruce on this that’s going to look way better maybe from the roof you’re right you’re right Lisa that’s exactly it he

Definitely came in from from the roof I think this needs to be a rose bush um just color-wise for the room the ping doesn’t really work I don’t care about no light sources Skelly was bigger than that he was not having it with the restrictions intact who my God no that’s my entire

Entrance oh I hate that I hate that I hate that so much much we’re going to have to check for structural damage that was bad I didn’t have my elytra aler it was no Escape too oh my God he blew out the entire front of the

Building sorry dude I like I know you didn’t do it but I that was out of spite sir get out of here okay um yeah this honestly guys could have been worse could have been worse he he kind of broke the uh broke the easy blocks Looney went a new short um I

Think I think it’s going to be a little while it’s not going to be super long but we’re going to prioritize a uh full video next week first and then after that I’ll I’ll get back on the shorts nearly 200 likes after 30 minutes that’s

Epic guys if if you haven’t liked it yet but you are enjoying it please hit that like button helps us out a lot um he really just destroyed all my deep slate didn’t he he kind of did we have him here okay I need I need to get that

Enjoy building the front again better gaming well we’ll have to I thought it was going to be worse guys I literally thought it was going to be worse give me one second I got to start my raw recording that was not on the raw recording I hate that that was such a good

Moment I think he meant girlfriend’s apartment no we’re talking about my house so I I don’t know I I I I said I said something it will come back to HT me for sure not not because she will bring it back up but you guys probably won’t let it go

Um what did I oh yeah deep Slade deep Slade bricks there we go finally have time to watch welcome to the stream thoughts on the live thought it was underwhelming especially after a year of nothing vestos I think you got to remember that um they they went with

The same strategy as uh or the same approach as last year before last year they talked about the caves and cliffs and everything they were going to do and then that update was a difficult one to get out because the caves and cliffs if not done right could have been a update

That would have broken uh the game because that much terrain generation changes if everything after that looked like a stronghold that would have uh been a big hit to Minecraft’s future um so they had to be really careful with that one and they kind of over promised

And then had to take extra time uh which is a difficult spot to be in so I think this update was mostly about not being idiots and doing that or well last update and that strategy actually worked really well like everybody was was kind of happy with the chills TRS I know I

Know I was at least um and they didn’t have that that huge backlash because Minecraft has a really critical audience guys it’s kind of crazy but I don’t know if if if you guys weren’t there on the Minecraft life you you won’t have seen this but everybody everybody in chat was just

Spamming sto the mob fod and it was this these were just people having it to copy ped for the entire hour and a half that the event that lasted um that’s like how are you going to have a convers a if that’s the tendency so I think that’s um uh I I

Think like they didn’t give us the whole update clearly and I think the parts and the direction that they showed I think is really cool stuff um don’t understand why that became a thing because people just want more they want what they can’t have so you give them 10 things they they want

20 you give three things they’ll want all three of them and they they don’t want to have not have a thing so it’s always going to happen like that armad one guys for those of you just getting in so um did yes we had zero structural damage on the

Outside how did that happen the creeper was here did he walk in before he blew up such an idiot okay um uh-oh guys moms’s on the case uhoh uhoh okay wait I we were doing something before all of this happened I needed a Roose Bush and then thing went crazy I

Feel like this year was just one structure in autocrafting autocrafting is massive and we don’t know the depth of the structure but mostly do you guys remember does anybody know um what was the announcement for the uh the taals and trails like because then we had the

Same issue we had the mob vote and then um uh people didn’t like the mobs or wherever it was going to go and then everybody complained about how it was not enough and then the update came out and we had Cherry Groves and all that happened after um so that’s still could

Happen so I don’t know I think I think the direction of the update is a great choice I think that more combat oriented content is great I think autocrafting is nuts that’s that’s a game changer I feel like we lost the light source here but that that Lantern must have it covered that’s

Fine savan puppy one yes sir okay I like this but it needs to be in floor bookshelf bamboo wood camel okay there you go there you go everybody heard that I was like yep that is that’s a terrible update it didn’t end up being a terrible update so uh guys let’s wait

For it I think I think this is a great starting point now the oak trap doors are way better but do we even need though we definitely do I don’t like it on this side with the stairs guys is there something else that we could have here other than the rose

Bush will that flower plants on Moss it might it might JoJo Bo I do still same town um I do like that it’s just one armor stand torch flower N I don’t think that’s it picture plant maybe chap door a different material I like I like the material for the trapo I

Think the um the issue is on this side possible to put it in a PK it’s not but I think that is actually the solution we just um we have to take care that that stairs there work around it um so I think this one was actually here

No it wasn’t it just it just was not aelia tree I don’t know if I like the the pink in the room I’m just looking around what do we get there a berry bush that’s that’s a goofy suggestion but I kind of like it remove the trap doors place a grasp

Block at the bottom now that feels a little out of place too the BBC Minecraft world looked so cool the one they talked about in the uh in the intro part of the show was crazy I love that Rose in front of the armor stat beside the second

Chair Candles now we have candles on the table tables here I kind of like that maybe we just keep it open guys place a w in there barter smile okay okay okay did I hide something under the staircase I don’t know did I no not really of course Jared that bush on a

P maybe we have a cool flower in a pot here that we can uh can take Ken happy welcome to the stream it’s weird to have a rose bush in a PB this is true that rose bush would die like every night they they’ have to

Replace it on the daily that’s never a good idea yeah I think I think we just forfeit on it small drip Leaf doesn’t work Cherry sing O Cherry saing could be it very push trust I don’t think I even have those starting a hardcore World yesterday

First mob I killed was Tri and drown dropped a Tron and a copper inot if that is a real story that’s absolutely sick I’m so mad about armadillo winning I can’t even enjoy my world JoJo boy why why does it get to you so much though you can just not interact with it

There’s other people who really like it so that’s something to be oh it’s we need this guys um we need one of these things and then a flower PT which I probably don’t have here but I have it somewhere else and then maybe the Cherry sapling was actually

Right can’t open that there’s sugar B on top of it what about a cactus cactus is kind of funny actually looks looks super dumb put items in it we’re going to be able to do that soon Minecraft live suck Dexter so guys I think this this was actually my favorite Minecraft

Live I I actually I really I really enjoyed it I thought at first that was a little cheesy because some of these people doing the role playing things for Minecraft life they they’re the worst play actors I’ve ever seen like what this this is crazy

This is not not to hate but it’s very obvious that it’s not their thing which makes it kind of cool that they go for it um so I have I have respect for that but it’s it just feels very weird well jab Jeb’s natural sve is is is otherworldly I’m clearly not talking

About jab um Cherry saplings where the heck have I put those I think I think I’m just going to have to go and gather some what about bamboo the Cherry saplings look look way cooler than any other thing no end update little sad about that would have

Been epic would have cheered for it harder than this but no end update but we get autocrafting that’s that’s a fair trade I’ll take that any day like no complaint oh they had Cherry TR Cherry saplings I’m so scared of sugar books in that Forest now guys I I just I’m

Waiting for them to explode my cup is Tiny coffee cup it it is it is in fact tiny but I got a normalized glass if you had sworded storage you would not have that problem Nina’s right Nina’s absolutely right that that is that’s a fair accusation awesome placement there Looney great Minecraft

What on that one I literally clicked through the ball that that must have been impossible yo I like that that look that looks cool k slabs those work okay guys I think the lower part of the PB is done the middle room of the pub was already done and

Then the top part the roof Terrace well we’re still working on the flowers these look awesome we’re going to stick with that um so we need dirt we need oak treap doors we need Spruce trap doors and um fences we got all of those nice don’t to be honest the community

Kind of acts like seven-year olds I am so guys I’m intrigued I’m intrigued I’m not really necessarily the first person in line to roast somebody else it’s just it’s just not me but today I I’ll make an exception I’ll I’ll get right in line you know what I’m skipping the line I’m

I’m actually I’m going way past it I so want to know the average age of everybody in the Minecraft live chat that said stop mob vote and I feel like for for the sake of science we could exclude anybody who said it less than three times and and maybe maybe also have that

One guy that said it 800 times because he’s just a psychopath like his age doesn’t really matter but it it was crazy it was so crazy the amount of stop mob V spam and there were 400,000 people watching that so it it was a cool moment

I I like watching it it was it was fun to see and a bunch of people were just having a really bad time because they were spamming stop the m and it’s not they were spamming this because they had a bad time they had a bad time because

They were spamming this they really had no time to enjoy that my 19-year-old brother-in-law was part of the petition to add all three moms signing the petition is not the same thing as going in the live vote chat and spamming so M that’s th those are those are very different moves

I I can understand the first I I have an issue with the second okay these are going to go over oh I hate that placement seven seems accurate I don’t know I don’t know at what age do people learn to copy paste now that that’s like a skill you

Pick up at three and a half right yeah that okay that makes it it could be seven it could could be seven one’s okay but the chatting was just annoying the petition was fine because I get where you’re coming from with the petition and having your opinion heard totally valid go for it

That that’s a good move um but spamming so nobody gets to say anything interesting that’s just I don’t know PBX how old are you ly so I’m I’m like a um I’m I’m an elderly citizen so to speak because I turned uh 33 on uh on Monday quick reminder guys since since

We’re talking about age uh if you don’t have a public job like being a YouTube streamer or uh Minecraft creator or whatever um be careful share your age online cuz that can be dangerous if not for yourself then for others who are a little younger and don’t really get the

Dangerous because internet is a weird place half a sec plus one yeah I got to fix that I got to fix a night Buckle man oh my God there’s so many mobs there again I need I really need to put lights along the pathways NAA welcome to the stream we’ve been

Talking about Minecraft live for the last 45 minutes did watch it I I think it I think it’s awesome uh epic buddy welcome to the stream okay hang on let me get in there could you repeat it Luke I’m going to turn your uh your mic up a little

Bit I’m going to be talking about it for next three weeks yeah probably probably gr love the videos thanks dude thanks you said that earlier in the week so appreciate it ver say what did you miss we’re slowly decorating this this whole Pub thing I was like what am I getting but I

I just need n Vision um because I want to see if these Planters look right this exactly what happened I got night vision walked out and then the creeper blews up okay these these balconies they do a lot or the these Planters they do a lot um but I still feel a little

Weird about these shapes and I think we got we can fix it by just adding some more detail around the outside just to sometimes guys here’s this thing let let me pause the game and we’ll talk about this because it’s an interesting design feature um I really like this this

Tavern as a whole but then right here there’s one thing I don’t like and it is because a this Orange Line sticks out way too strongly so we got to do something about that and then this one feels as though it’s too steep the balcony um this right here they’re

They’re not really balconies I think the steepness also comes from this Orange Line being straight um but I think the main issue here is that right here on this Edge we have two shapes that feel very different so it feels like this thing is just copy pasted on top of this

And because of that it doesn’t really work now usually there’s two ways to fix this if you um you have what like call it a mistake um if you have a mistake in your build like this two ways to fix it one is take it out rebuild it in some

Way change the lines and the other one is usually much simpler um you can also try and draw attention away from it so build things around it so that it doesn’t feel like uh like this is an issue anymore and I think we’re going to go for the um for the second option

Because a it lets us build more stuff and B it’s usually a lot quicker to go uh go that rout is this my new apartment it is it is can I can I please let me rep place no Momsy heading out Momsy thanks for checking in see you later GM 409

Legend asks if it is my new apartment it actually it is it is I would call it a house it’s it’s got two floors it’s crazy a whole whole another level to this love it fences in the corners maybe but I don’t think we need it because um uh we have these Planters

So so there’s something going on in terms of dep there already do we still have enough of these I think so do we build it all the way into the corner I oh my god dude oh I can’t I can’t fight the Phantom because I’ll fight the glowberries

Got him do I remember you from first season um sci-fi your name looks familiar but honestly I’m not entirely sure that thr it literally looks like it’s floating like the balcony is floating or like the uh like the Planters are floating because this one is right now by all means 100% floating there’s

Nothing holding it up fight the Glo I will not fight the glowberries glowberries are there to stay you to build something with Phantoms representing the No Sleep gameplay it’s actually not a bad idea I like that um I’m so nitpicky on where these go I think this is the design that’s the wrong

Place and then I think we should uh Spruce on the bottom but also here around the back maybe not again oh my God oh my God that’s that’s way too deep a hole that’s crazy did he get our planter no not really just it’s just terrain why did I keep doing that oh

Yeah there’s a wait you are a egg Farm you’re chicken farm you by yourself because you’re going to be alive in this cave Forever I wish you a great life please make the most of it you’re going to be here for a While great chat buddy see you later I I I had a little moment guys it happens it happens name him we don’t need to name him because he’s going to be there forever regardless of a name tag that’s just how chickens are okay I I need to replay some of

Those as well disguised feline you made a stream I’m glad you did welcome thanks for being here okay and These awesome new decorative blocks the next update I I really like the idea of tough and Cobra blocks goes because those were both they were block types with a lot of potential that was untapped um so getting something to work with there kind of dope wait oh no for a second I thought

He killed one flower he didn’t know creeper failed by my definition a creeper failed end of the world you’re going to fly around and see buddy under ground that chicken he’s going to be there he’ll be waiting for us okay I I think maybe vines or something guys Vines leaves

Something like that um but let’s start with uh planting a coule more oak trees that’s not the best flying I’ve ever done where did I leave the saplings though sugar monster it’s got to be the Sher Monster not that nice that could have taking me way

Longer and then bone meal and more of these things epic save the chicken nice try I did I was I’m about I was about to react to your save the chicken request by saying I made him an awesome house but that’s not even close to true he’s not going to be forgotten like

Cover all in the village path you guys apparently know where that is I have no idea guys there’s almost 300 people here that’s epic thank you for uh for coming out and watching this stream I appreciate it um okay hang on my brain is not braining what what

Are we doing why do I have grass blocks oh yeah oak trees these are going to be tricky to place actually but we need a little height so let’s see if we can uh build up a little bit along the Wall what brain fair question fair question I can see where you’re coming from with that take the egg I don’t know I don’t know is it really mine to take I should throw it right may maybe we’ll make for another chicken sad sad R have I moved again

Yeah and I I don’t think I’ll be moving for a while because I I really like it here this is nice maximum effort do I use data packs and or tweaks and if so which ones good question uh there’s really only one thing that has been data pack changed and that is eventually

Eventually I gave in and I put a uh a data pack in that prevents Enderman grief because with the skill of the project and how much time it takes to both build this stuff but also spawn proof everything While You’re Building um it was getting really annoying that

The Ender moon were taking all their blocks out so uh we we lost the Enderman grief apart from that it’s uh it’s a vanilla series no nothing else has been changed I will protest till you Nam the chicken clucky um you can try it out did you see how little effect that

Had with the mob vote I don’t think I’m uh I’m going to take the L quicker in the in the end I think that chicken’s just there you got to get used to it Looney what do you call a chicken in a hole an egg sword AR escape artist really

Really the how we’re playing this PX gamer can I show us the end build so there is no end build in this world my end is pretty much pristine if there is a season 3 will I try it without totems I I think I would the only reason

I didn’t um I decided against a totemist world with this one I need to uh fix my elytra in a minute guys um the only reason I decided against the totemist world here is that whole end Adventure that we had because once that happened and that might also mean that

There there is no season 3 because once that end Adventure happened we got stuck in the end guys if you’re here for uh um for the first time or you haven’t been here a lot I had an I had a thing where I tried to respawn the Ender Dragon to

Fight it for like the third time and then I um Mid respawn animation I realized that I would love to have replay mode footage of that fight so I went out of the game I reloaded it I started a replay mode and then the end animation the respawn

Animation was broken so we were effectively stuck in the end and that has been a defining moment because that was the moment where I was like okay this this is never going to happen to me again um this is now my my Minecraft world this this is the only Minecraft

World that is really really going to matter to me this this is the one that has to be it this has to be the good run so then I I fought a raate I got the totems I didn’t fight a raate for a while by the way that was like uh

Probably 300 game days later or something but I was like yeah this this this this is the one there’s there’s no way um so I’m not losing this and by now we’re we’re so far in I have po totems by the way um two of them early on by uh being a terrible

Flyer I I fell out of the sky I did this once while I was reading chat and that didn’t work out and I also did this ones while I was reading chat and then I landed on a lily pad those were those were the two totems that I’ve uh I’ve ever popped

I think that can solve our problem guys that little design thing let’s see what actually made because I kind of did it intuitively fishy welcome to the stream and sappire welcome as well hey Looney congrats on 4,000 plus days Miss be bitter sweet though because I saw your

Other videos OG World looked insane survive 280 days would you make this look like a walk in the park if you can do 280 you can do the long run like you’re uh you’re on that or 218 you you can do the long run you’re that grind

Now um but actually I really really like this world a lot better than the old one you know what guys there’s a lot people here let me uh let me take a moment and actually show you guys around I I’ll make it quick but this world is just

It’s it’s so much different than the old one because I know the game much better so I have way more design control I have way more game knowledge and the crazy thing about this world is that everything all the Farms everything I need is right here so we have the

Starter house and this is a fre first place I built so I got got an elytra day five I think we beat the Ender Dragon I spent a couple game days in the end we’ve never slept so I’ve had a lot of time to build so this is where we initially had

Our storage and everything we we got our revenge now killed the piglin um this us to be my enchanting setup and everything here is like super super condensed down because I didn’t have a lot of room and the starter house has a cool feature that it

It’s it kind of was here um because this is a weird floating Rock and it was just there as a floating Rock so I decided to hollow it out and uh build inside of that let let me take a sip water and then uh we’ll go to the main

Base this here to our right these are a lot of first we first enchanted golden apple um the rare music discs the complete collection of music discs the dragon egg and then this piston which is the only only reason the world exists if you’ve not seen the I died in hardcore

So I made a better world movie check that one out because that story is like no Minecraft story You’ ever ever seen or heard it was wild and then these villagers found them all at zombie villagers and um got them up through a bubble elevator that’s kind of hidden

Here because that bubble elevator kind of looks like it falls out of the house rather than goes up into it and I have a cool idea with that guys that bubble elevator could be potentially be the trigger for a ender pearl stasis chamber so we can make a teleporter into this

House from somewhere else and well when I’m talking about a teleporter I’ll show you why I talk about teleporters we got a really cool one um this pathway here we made that ourselves it’s called The Mangrove Trail and it leads all the way to the starter base because I’ve been

Designing the world in a way where we can walk through it if we want um or use a horse or or something and then here we have a little village and the main base up there um but the majority of the main base is actually underground and that’s where all the Farms

Are how would you transport signal into the starter base to come by using that bubble elevator um because there’s a really cool thing with bubble elevators I actually got a pretty good big Redstone system in the base here let let me take a shortcut into this is like the the inside walls

Of the base this this is a bit of a crazy place we usually don’t go here but here’s a bubble elevator and that bubble elevator transports a redstone signal all the way up there because if you activate this dispenser it takes out the water which changes the bubble elevator

To normal water and then that um that that change get read out by an observer at the top so we use that for a redstone signal and I actually to show you what that signal uh signal does because if we want to get into the base we we can do

This and walk down there’s a long long walkway all the way down there but there there’s a quick way to get there uh let me fly back up because usually we just take the leap of faith and then this is the uh the underground part of the base if you want

To see how how it got made check out old movies and I think this underground part this to me equates to season 1 uh the only thing with season 1 is that we had way more builds and the reason we had way more builds is that none of it had

Interior like this and we’re still working on it but it’s starting to come together so th this whole place has been bombed out and it’s actually built around uh two really important Farms identical Farms because right here we have a witch farm and there’s another

One I just emptied it out so there’s not that many resources um but then on the other side there’s one like it and then everything else around here there’s a lot more Farms like this thing is full of farms um under here you can see a bamboo farm that goes into the Super

Smelter super smel has its input right here so these are like useful builds because they actually do something and then there’s a lot of useless builds things that don’t really do anything but they’re just here to look cool and I think that’s that’s as much an important

Feature of a world as the useful builds so this right here is the smelter output room but it also has the Slime farms and it has the dripstone Farms lots of resource being connected there there’s more here by the way there’s uh glowberries which I recently used all of

Them here kelp I think that one is almost overflowing this world will have the same buildings in season one but we every detail imaginable Kaa I don’t think after this build I’m going to have any builds that have this level of detail because we we’re going to be

Working the day that I say that this build is finished we’ll have like two two years of work in it and that’s that’s not really sustainable if you’re doing this uh to to make a living off of the content so I I got to go a little

Bit smaller or less detail may maybe we go to some empty shells and then uh or I just bring in assistance to to get it done that could happen back now haven’t been able to join a bit just now my mind has not changed even a bit about you and your world

Captain cool that’s awesome dude thank you so here’s the villagers we trade with these guys for um emeralds but also for bone meal oddly enough because cookies are an exceptional B meal or so they go in there will there be copper walls guys can can somebody help pick

Brute with that no corpor walls oh that’s a missed opportunity I want him so bad no shells just go a bit smaller maybe that maybe that could also work I want to fill up the world for right now um and then I was talking about that t berter guys we we’ll get there

But I also want to show you one of the more useless build this one is way over the top this is uh we call it the forge and the forge is mostly here to look cool and then when I had it almost completed I figured

We could actually make it into a farm so this this ended up being a lava bucket farm and that lava bucket Farm is way here in the bottom but this is uh this is just cool Al you made your hobby into your job do you have a new hobby or do

You still play Minecraft as a hobby I definitely still play Minecraft as a hobby I I always when I explain it to people like I make a lot of work hours in a week um and sometimes that means that I there’s a lot of occasions where I have to say no

To doing something with other people like and I love being social and going out that’s like my favorite thing in the world next to making things and when I when I can’t make it for a little while I’ve been too busy and sometimes somebody asked me the question like is

It is it worth it does the balance make sense and then um that the answer to that question is a pretty easy one yes it’s worth it and the balance makes sense because my hobby and my job have a full overlap and that hasn’t hasn’t changed since I started this so right

Here guys this is the castle throne room and then under here I’ll take a shortcut because there are lots of rooms here that are in the process of being detailed like here we’ll have a another Tavern and a mass hle uh these are being built up but I actually want to show you

The dungeon and then we’re going to get back to work so the dungeon here is is way under the castle and the castle is is fully connected with stairwell and such we we just went through the shortcut in the middle I got to fix that elytra Simon welcome dude how are you

Today just finished my shift at the pop Rona dude awesome I’ve been to a lot of uh pop roners pop Rona is um it’s a Dutch thing guys it’s a it’s concert tour through all cities in the Netherlands and um it’s where people get to hone their craft so to see speak

Because it’s for upcoming Talent little secret door here to the left F house just like the stream thank you dude guys we got more people watching right now then we have likes on the Stream So if you guys are having a good time please click that like button helps

Us out a lot um I’m going to fly out of here and get back to work because that was enough talking I missed a floor we still need to go one Higher Sig vids welcome great to be back on the stream what are you working at on

As of right now well we had a little bit oh hang on guys I forgot the um I forgot to fix the light how we we doing that we’re working on the tavern which is uh that thing over there we’ll be back there in like I think a minute 40

Seconds something like that because uh this base is full of shortcuts and secret things such as this way to get down into the lower parts because otherwise everything takes too long goodbye storage room and there we are been Tex for the PO hard since it began

There s years ago y dude that’s awesome did you went smoothly that’s uh that’s a challenge like that that’s a good day would have went like that okay I need your emeralds and your emeralds and then I think the elytra is fine elra are so easy to repair it’s

Crazy villager trades as your standard XP Source guys it works fantastic I have not used an XP farm in forever to be fair I always hang around level 69 and I bring it back down so if I need to get a level back up it’s it’s easy because we’re not that high

Levelwise CO want PC specs um I 9 10900 CPU and a 380 RTX uh GPU okay guys back to work fill still op they’re so op it’s it’s crazy Jonas welcome by the way thank you for being here I appreciate it but you know that yeah okay guys let me check we’re

Working on a Tavern um oh my God man man’s got a sword we don’t play that yeah and now we’re under siege how much night vision do I have a minute I’m going to extend that and then I’m going to do the brave thing and head into the forest where we potentially get

Blown up um as I said night vision and then yeah we got to head into the forest I I need blocks from there when people ask about PC specs which PC am I talking about the one that runs the game not the streaming PC the streaming PC can be pretty much a trash

PC like the streaming PC that I use is the PC that I had when I started um recording the First episodes for the series and back then I would run like 30 FPS I started my channel making videos on 20 to 30 FPS Minecraft it’s really like if you guys

Ever think it’s your um it’s your setup holding you back at most that’s partially true you could stream on a school PC you could literally if it’s your streaming PC in a dual PC setup you you could but then again having a 2pc setup is a bit much

The man what are we doing I’m right now I filled a creeper hole but that was not the main attraction uh we’re we’re actually making sure that this Junction area as we call it is done but I need some blocks for it um let me grab this

And some andesite will do and I could use crack stone bricks but I don’t know if I have those still guys did you um did did anybody notice that I put a creeper phase in here it’s a little wonk but it works oh my God that was sick

Flying yo I did that without taking damage I pressed shift right while we’re in there nice um okay these go there yeah we got to build those uh pillar thingies around the outside how do you even connect the two PCS with a device called a capture card which is a thing it it Exists okay I I really got to get correct Stone breaks I feel like I I had them if I have them they’re maybe in here okay no let’s let’s get it from the castle have I ever played GTA 5 I have I think it’s an epic game I’m definitely

Going to play GTA 6 when it comes out I don’t know if I’ll play it on this channelar what do I think about the automated crafting it’s so sick that that’s so sick that’s the gamechanging features this year in Minecraft live was weird no dungeons no Legends I think

They both made a little bit of an appearance in the intro and and this is a thing that got me really excited about the Minecraft live too guys um I think we all know that is there a new JTA no it’s in development but it’s late stage development like it’s it’s

Starting to come close um the thing that I really liked about the Mob phot We know that Minecraft is way way way more popular than Minecraft dungeons and Minecraft Legends like combined there there’s there’s a landslide thing to be fair Minecraft is incredibly popular um so even across genres but they’re doing

This really cool thing where there’s really a Minecraft Universe being built up and I don’t mean that because because of the games I mean that because of the aesthetic and the audio of Minecraft life the audio design for the event was super super cool and one of the things

That it did is it just gave everything that Minecraft feeling it got me excited just watching about all the opportunity like seeing the opportunities that still in this Minecraft world not my Minecraft world Minecraft in general just the space and that I think that’s really cool automatic crafting yes hter school

It that is such a big deal honestly guys I think the game needed that I think automated crafting was a bit of a must if not now at some point and I’m I’m really stoked that we’re getting it now those support pillars they really fix the issue of this to balcony part

Being disconnected the rest of it will do with plants and stuff what’s autocrafting sick fits so um this globber is out of control that that needs that needs to get fixed so they announced an item called the crafter which was said is much like the crafting table except that

You can automate crafting with it and automating crafting that is that’s really really really big I’m stoked on that no more what happened there he you oh my God you can right click something out of a pot I had no idea that’s new I just found that out

Emy squit welcome to the stream they haven’t even revealed the whole update as well I know I’m I’m I’m really stoked I’m really stoked um oh yeah I need one of these it helps if I say these things out loud because I just get totally lost in what I’m doing

Now just a full create mod in the base game isn’t it just cool that things exist outside of that space I think create mod is awesome because the fact that it’s a mod means that it’s going to be able to uh push way further into that landscape than

When it when you put it in a vanilla game and I also think that it isn’t necessarily for everybody not not everybody’s looking for this experience but I think create mod is awesome I’ve not played it by the way I’ve just seen it in August and September over over 160 million people played

Minecraft wow that’s a sick stat that’s a really sick stat that’s an insane amount of people I’m I’m literally just blown away thinking about that number that’s crazy armadillo won the vote it did it did dog armor for everyone um okay let me leave the flowers here for a

Second that just opens up some space and then I think that is everything I need to build L have a Japanese Temple but I need some interior decoration inside any ideas um Gus there’s a lot of items I I actually have the perfect answer for you

So we’re going to walk through here and then you’ll see some stuff like barrels flower pts these PTS trap doors can make for a good decoration um they get they get you quite far but there’s way more options like you can use lanterns you can use ceilings or S paintings banners uh

Candles flower PS with aelia or sorry not aelia Cherry saplings are going to do really well in a Japanese build use workstations use um the brewing stand use uh furnaces or smokers there’s a little but I want that’s just what I use for this um this teon but

There’s a better answer I think what you need to do if you’re going to get into interior design and decorating because that is difficult it’s it’s a hard thing to come up with um go ahead and make a couple sugar boxes that just have the items in in it that you can

Use stenia lunar was a guy who leaked the crafter and he has emoji of a hole might be hinting for the hole to go for end maybe end up still on the table I think that um that’s Roger baderman reference right there Roger baderman was the the the god

Of leagues basically and a ho looks like like a badger to me that seems like the same thing so here’s here’s a bunch of stuff you can go back and screenshot this if you want to think about items that you can use for design but there’s there’s lots of

Options all the work stations are a good start I I did see that the night vision wor off and I’m actually going to get it back from the Dispenser vro still on the on the case I respect it I respect the tenacity the outer crafter spits the item that is crafted that Omar where are you getting all this information from did did you see it do that in the Minecraft life video I only partially

Paid attention so I’m I’m really I’m here for it I want to know everything keep it off keep it off the night vision it’s too late any idea how the AutoCraft is going to work I think guys go back to the to the Vault for Minecraft live when it

Releases um that that’s your best sort of in info right now they showed that oh nice I missed that Um I was going to I was checking out how this support works here but I think it’s just this there’s in between those beams where we got it and then let’s put uh these here that on the bottom do we need something like that here theoretically we could but it it

Would be a little weird I’ll just reference it no that that would block that part I don’t think I like that could do this it just feels a little out of place Let’s uh leave that one that’s fine S I got us in the book you did Big W’s for Saina

Um okay this is interesting what I could do guys is these Planters are are a bit goofy this one’s five long this one’s six long they’re aligned on these fences but maybe I should break one block here and align it on the balconies and then put a

Support here in the middle I think that that’s a better option bro they have the resources to do it they’re owned by a multi- trillion dollar company resources to develop the game more I think it’s really important to not put too much in the updates because the game is going to get overwhelming

It’s going to be really hard for new players to get into if there’s a gazillion functions I think I think the upgrades are awesome I think it’s uh it’s also a way of looking at it of course you could do more but isn’t it cool that there’s

This whole other space of modded content where the game works differently and there’s no limits to what it could do I don’t think we should have all the things that we could potentially have in the vanilla game Lou armadillo one corpse I I I respect it that you’re committed to the Louie that’s

Good Leisa parkour spiral I’m actually really vibing with the progress right now so let’s just keep the builds coming for a little bit okay there’s stairs there so that’s fine um I could put these here yeah then it’s more balanced and then we still got to do that bottom

Part watch just Sunset I think I’m too late yeah it’s gone we we got the moon coming up already every game has moded which is which is great that’s great I think it’s important that access um here we went for that double support and I kind of like that actually let’s

Do it for the other one as well I’m stuck where defense I’m go well there that one’s not going to be able to catch us L what if the new spawner could spawn the illusioner the one that didn’t make it into the game earlier that that’d be

Kind of sick I would like that okay Um I just want to revisit this and see yeah I’m going to go double support here I like that what was the illusioner supposed to do again do you guys remember Penguins would break ice bat so it’s good but maybe you would have had them uh maybe it would have been important to

Get them to travel with the boat I don’t know that could have worked I I don’t really think anybody who wanted the penguin cared about the ice boat feature or the boat feature in general I think they were they were like me and they just went Yo cool Mom I

Would love running into that okay we got four Phantoms on our TA maybe five no four this probably not going to be a hit let’s wait for it to turn Nice Shot maybe here I like that I think that fixes our issue Archer I’ve had a little bit of practice

Some sometimes I have the AIM and sometimes it’s it’s a little scuffed that happens too okay this is all good now I think we need a couple more trees around here oh my we’re under siege guys we have options here and I think I got to go and make a choice um

Right here from this side there’s a pretty good way to run a pathway up here so either we’re going to make that pathway or we’re going to give up on it and get a little bit more tree cover which I think would make the design look

A little better if we had some trees here but then if we don’t have trees over that way then we’re going to have to fully rely on this pathway going here which I think is good this is a nice reference for a path I like that and then here we’re going to

Have some uh some crop fields and stuff and then I think once we’ve have those built up I think it’s it’s fair game at that point to uh cover the rest of it like all the way over here in snow because eventually I want want to expend

On that a little bit but it’s not probably won’t happen before 6,000 days let’s be real um did I see there’s a new techno upload I did not I did not did his dad make a video yeah get a netherite shuel look I made it 4,300 and 31 days without a

Netherite shovel I think we’re fine I think we’re going to plant trees here guys and not have that pathway go uh go up there maybe both because I really do like the thought of having a pathway going here let’s check where the other one comes out n they’re close enough

Together I can get rid of it where defens is at understand that balancing updates for a game that speaks to so many different people must be hard still fun find myself wishing for a bit more tiny additions to the game more often it’s it’s definitely hard um I would

Rather have like an update than lots of small updates all the time and still if you want that experience if you want to have updates all the time you can just play snapshots because if you actively play the snapshot you you have that um for for me I normally I never play the

Snapshots because although I really like getting ahead of it and having the features and it could potentially be great for Content because a lot of people do really well because they just make videos on the hype things but I couldn’t put them in this world like I

Don’t really want to risk any corruption because snapshots can potentially be a little unstable um okay I need more saplings and this wood stuff I’m going to put it away here the stone stuff we’re going to put it away here give me some uh room to

Work with and I think oh there were the Deep slave blocks that I missed earlier let me actually take that crass oh guys I actually got to get a uh quick refill in the water I’m barely going to be gone at all I’ll be back in

Like a literal minute but I uh I need a refill here’s a break video so you can enjoy how this world got started I’ll be back in just a minute Get come On yo guys welcome back thank you for uh for sticking around I appreciate that um I need saplings and then we’re going to cover this hill up a little bit oh no Phantoms yeah they they get a bit much sometimes but there they

Are okay I know I know where I got to be right here yo I’m cracked at the shots today I’m getting all of them there’s only one small issue with this tavern guys I really like it um but sometimes I actually mistake the creeper banners and a creeper head on the front

For actual creepers and it scares me way too much Nina thank you for being here see you later and terer welcome to the Stream you guys had alternating shifts I respect that fre chicken don’t be like that um that tree might be too high up I

Think I’m going to cut it down start planting a little lower to have a better uh line of sight to the tan ban keep you sharp well apparently not sharp enough because I’ve been blown up by creepers twice this stream where the Phantoms at I see you I

Just saw sust say I would love to see a small version of the mountain castle or the castle mountain as a prob in one of the houses I think that would be amazing like there’s this um chisel and bits mod which let you customize really really small blocks I think using chisel and

Bits I could make that and I think it’ be so so so cool get the netherite hole for fun I I have one lookas I just I don’t know where it is and I have a diamond one on purpose because um The Diamond one has

Fortune on it which I need here and then uh the netherite want a silk touch which I end up using more except I like it’s been misplaced it’s currently missing we’ll get it back one day Calin welcome to the stream when you go to creative summon

Illusion wait Omar is that a real thing is it illusioner in the game that’s that’s no real is it JY how do you have shaders for 122 I’m on 120 um I didn’t update 2.2 but I think this I’ve had these shaders these this specific version of

The Shader as well for a couple versions now so um I think it’s uh you don’t need you can get version is what I’m trying to say oh my God words oh creeper I saw the little Toes get ready to get sniped oh that was so close I wanted to hit that shot bad I’m back the chat calmed down about Minecraft live um so somewhat Rick you’re actually yeah a little bit little bit I think you got the timing right on that Omar the illusioner is literally in

A game okay hang on I want to I want to check that illusioner is a thing in Creative oh my God no no no no no no this guy we did a little test yesterday this guy has hit me twice I wanted to know if a power four

Bow did a lot of damage on um if you had no armor on it’s uh it does a little damage uh Slash summon illusioner what dude this that guy’s awesome okay wait SL effect I had no idea that was that was a thing what does he

Do this has been there the entire time when did it add this so he gives Darkness or blindness oh my God I don’t know where’s he at now I don’t have night vision come on dude wait wait wait this doesn’t work night vision infinite huh he shoots arrows and creates Clon of

Himself okay wait let give me a netherite sword and golden apples oh my God he definitely does shoot arrows who he’s good at dodging what he’s keeping the space that’s crazy this guy has way better AI than anything else what okay hang on hang on hang on I I

Want to get arm on because with no armor there’s no way I’m going to be uh able to get close why don’t we know about this clones are crazy for sure whoa okay he’s a little scuffed okay that’s a clone you’re not real wait which one’s real are they all

Clones how does that even work you can only hit the real one yeah I figured but I tried all four of them right what is this thing it’s an illusioner okay you’re a clone you guys are it’s invis oh wait what you got to trace the

Arrows oh my God this is a crazy Fight he sits in the center by definition oh it looks like It okay we killed him what why is this how do you guys know this why is this not out there this is so confusing okay guys this apparently I didn’t know this I’m I’m going to summon it again we won’t fight it again but you can do this you can go

In a creative world something that has cheats on and just summon an illusioner who sits in the middle of a back of clones so he’s right in between these guys this is crazy we’re out here that’s wild that’s wild so that’s in the game it’s fully coded it’s

There I’m so mind blown right now I did not know this was a thing Omar dude you you have so much information about this game I love it never heard that before I don’t know why why we haven’t seen a million videos about this they should Ed it in a new

Dungeon I mean if it’s coded then there’s I think there’s a good chance that it is the man why did I do that just now the fight because Omar in chat just said it he’s like fight the illusioner you can summon it I’m like what is this real because it was talked

About in a previous Minecraft live it it was it was in a m v right but I didn’t know that it actually got in the game perfect opportunity to put it in the game I agree I agree that the Chamber of Trials could very well have illusioners in it what a cool mob

Too has been around since Woodland Mansions no way that’s that’s crazy to me oh the ier that that’s true I didn’t know about the illusioner okay guys um so much for distraction we’re back to building yo editing 112 that that is baffling which Mo would I get rid of

Bats bats do absolutely nothing useful I don’t think anybody really enjoys seeing them well that’s probably not true they’re there’s got to be someone but I’ve not talked to that person nice 360 attempt kind of sad that he didn’t have the AIM BS are completely useless while they

Do have a function they signal complete darkness which is interesting but yeah i’ remove Phantoms 100% RB I don’t hate Phantoms I would just I would would like to change their sound can I do that I’d love it if they didn’t scream as loud how’s the chicken doing we’re not

We’re not talking about that chicken anymore guys screw that guy okay this works um I think the next thing we’re going to do guys is um make supports right here because this currently is hanging in the air that dark oak I don’t want to use dark oak

Here so fun fighting him the illusioner it is it is I I did enjoy that fight I think it’s a cool like it’s it’s a hard mob it’s not as powerful as an evoker I’d say well not nearly as powerful as an evoker but it’s challenging and it’s

It’s not like the warden as in it’s definitely there to be fought I think I think it’s crazy that he’s in the game I I had no idea should be a boss well it was strong but it wasn’t necessarily ball strong like it didn’t do it do a ton of

Damage as long as you have the armor on should give bats the function of the glare the glare was going to tell you when it was dark right random stuff what are we building um we’re finishing up the blending of the tavern and the tavern is part of an area that we call

Junction and the junction is basically this this little Plaza here that connects up the marketplace area and the village and the junction is uh it’s a thank you to my moderators specifically it’s a thank you to disc girl Jay who is carried for a long long time and kind of was our

Junction but there’s also a room underneath uh where I’m I’m going to leave some thank you thank you notes basically glare show where mobs can spawn I would like to have that functionality so if bats could do that that’d be cool okay guys I really like the the way

This looks um I like that it’s a little bit more open here I think we need like four or five six trees spread out over this area and then we’re done and spread out I mean a little further away from the rest so that we uh

We get some open space there and it looks like the first thin stor yet Jay’s the balls Looney listens to what Jay says largely true okay one tree here one tree here I think well M uh we’re here for a long time but left being there too yeah they will okay I think

Uh I kind of hate filling in the open space here but I also think it will look better that still works I think one around here and then uh from there the pathway and everything random stuff yo good to see you last been here on the

3200 day stream we have done so so so much since then they should add the illusioner to a floor in a dungeon I like that I like that thought it did feel like he’s not fully cated he he was a little wonky who still watching your stream

After a long time but still having fun keep going of enough thank you dude good to see you snowy place behind the mountain looks kind of empty will there be something or not uh Leonard I think over time we’ll we’ll slowly fill in the area

Around it um so most of the parts that that feel empty will uh we’ll get to it eventually you’re meaning this part right I think will just make a bigger area that’s snowy but also I think snowy and sort of empty maybe like the occasional tree there to

Make it work a little bit because I I do agree that this part is real empty because it has no height difference so shaders or the shade doesn’t fix it for us okay guys let’s check over here because right now I think we’re getting to the point this is

That room for the mods that I was talking about we’ll get to that un CLE dude welcome to the stream was here watching you drain out the ocean uh for your base in the previous world so cool to see how far you’ve come thank you I appreciate

That okay guys I think the first thing I want to do now um there’s going to be a pathway that goes over here we’re not quite getting to that just yet but this part over right up until this uh fence balls or these wooden balls I want to do it right now

Because that gives us more reference for this part here this goes into the tavern um but I want to build supports here so let’s uh get those sorted um we need some more blocks for that you can make like a TAA with little bushes yeah something like that I don’t

Want to make it a full tiger because I also like that it’s really empty because it draws your focus to the things that are actually cool add Stone to the mountain Lucas I think if I start adding Stone I would I have to add a lot of stone um and I

Don’t think I necessarily want to do it because as I said we don’t really need the the focus there um okay let me just grab a bunch of this random stuff this could help and then I need some stone walls there there and maybe I bars who knows okay let’s get it

Done onus soup welcome to the Stream this is a new area looks nice snowflake we’re we’re just um I wasn’t actually planning to build this guys not before like uh we got to day 5000 but I kind I kind of had to um since this girl J has been moderating for so so

Long had a lot going on in life so she couldn’t mod anymore and she’s done so much that I felt like this was the time to uh make something as a small thank you um I think if we strip these and then not the bottom ones that could work and then these need

A little bit of a support I don’t have normal Stone stairs there I I kind of want to get those you know I’ve always enjoyed Looney’s Tunes they’re good but I think I need a a revision on the playlist we we need some new stuff to bang out to uh um and

Then let me leave some grass right now Stone stairs there they are 668 more days yes sir and I think we’re going to do that in less than a month which means that we should average 150 days a week that may sound like a l but that actually sounds very manageable 15 oh no wait you said 680 so that’s 170 days a week okay that sounds like a grind Aqua boy yesterday I watch your 4,000 Aid I really enjoyed it thanks dude love to hear it I appreciate you saying that oh wait um we need uh that

Okay I like the way that looks if we walk past it I really want to have a campfire here somewhere air strike timing was terrible on that they said in the life that if you scrap the copper light blocks to light up the dungeon instead of bringing torches I

Wasn’t a huge fan of the corporate Alles om AR but I really like that mechanic because that forces you to use the block in a way that you usually wouldn’t I like using that instead of torches a lot that that sounded like a great feature okay guys I have an issue um we

Need we need like mud brick stairs or something and I’ve seen those somewhere recently but where I think I know I think it was in start out Looney are you wearing eggs and bacon says T Wally and that is very um astute because that is indeed what I’m wearing well spited GG’s

Dude po bulbs they’re cold yeah yeah yeah I saw that okay and then um there we go my P PP is like 20 times better than yours I don’t know if that’s true actually my PVP is not that great isn’t that like 8 to 9 hours grind a day um

Leo that’s exactly what it is I think it’s about eight my PVP is not that great but I’ve been playing this game a lot in survival or hardcore specifically um so I a I’ve developed a really good understanding of where mobs are going to go so then you

You have a lot of time to aim because you basically know where they’re going to walk and that gives you a way more calm approach to it really good PVP players have the same principle but then with player behavior and that that’s a whole different game because players are way less

Predictable than mobs are OB enough can I give a tour of the inside of the castle um we’ve done it a little bit earlier in the Stream so right now I kind of want to go for the progress oh did you guys see that zomie is coming up to us

We need like coarse dirt or something to make this work I was like why couldn’t I place that so usually I use Cobblestone for this type of feature but we don’t have that right here watching since you created yourself in the end Turtle time D I really love

Your name thank you for still being here I appreciate that that was a wild build it’s a shame we never got to make interior for that one okay that campfire is awesome um I need something else though in blocks I don’t really know whoa I have not heard somebody

Asked the question dream or technoblade in forever I think I think nowadays right this moment in time I think pretty much everybody would say techno yo this way better and it’s really sad that he isn’t here anymore It is crazy I I didn’t really know ton of techno about or didn’t know about techno um until like the year before he he died and in that time I I heard him talk about stuff and I think and this is this is a crazy statement because of how iconic Tech

Turn out to to be um but I think he had way more to give us than than people knew um I heard him talk about how he wanted to write a book and uh like one of his biggest goals first he wanted to be the best PVP

Player in Minecraft and then after that he um he had a dream of of writing a novel and I think with the mindset that techno had which is an extraordinary mindset I think there’s a really big chance he would have gone on to actually do that and do

A good job at it I think he he had much more to give us than uh his Minecraft contet just his Minecraft contet and it’s not to take anything away from the Minecraft content because that’s really special but I’m I think it’s a sad idea that there’s so much we

Didn’t get to see um it’s crazy to thing to think about really crazy okay I like this a lot but it needs some levels to it because otherwise it’s a little weird and wonky oh my God that Phantom FW so slowly silk that shovel yeah it’s excellent with definitely recommend getting

That I might want to build this one look forward man I haven’t been able to watch his streams because of work but I’ve watched all of the YouTube videos you posted everything looks amazing very impressed with the custom biomes in the mountain yo Thank you Lisa I’m I’m

Really excited to get all of them done because right now they’re in my perspective they’re a little isolated and um and I think that’s a shame because the the whole idea is that that they’re all going to blend very well but you never really get to the blending

Until you finish them we’re going to get to that right uh though but right now it’s um it’s time for the castle interior to be done and that’s actually what this thousand day Arc is about so right now we’re we’re heavily sidetracked we’re not doing what we’re supposed to do but

I discovered something while I was editing the 4,000 Day movie guys and the thing I found out is that these movies are going to be a lot better if I stick to a project and finish it before going to the next what about Fortune for 100%

Flint how much Flint do you need over the course of a long-term world I think so little that you can get it in like 10 seconds of using that fortune shovel the silk touch I use a lot Elton welcome to the stream can I say any Swedish words exactly zero I know no

Swedish words whatsoever which is uh a little disappointing honestly I would expect more from myself not even 30 Flint I know I know like you you’re not going to there’s just not a lot of things that you need Flint for I agree with that estimate I think not even 30 Flint is uh

Checks out uh there which enchantment would you get rid of there’s only one that nobody really uses and you know which one it is tough got to use guys what what are you going to be able to use uh to to craft out a THU because I saw that we could use

It but I wasn’t I was only paying half attention at some points because I was getting ready for stream so what can we craft out of St only need Flint for arrows Fletching table flint and steel an arrows you can buy or get from skeletons decorational blocks are we

Getting like stairs slabs all that oh the cool brick blocks oh I saw them that’s that’s awesome okay um this is going to be the pathway that continues around it Greek looking geometric block I mean that’s a cool feature let’s see if we can get those uh logs on there as

Well tough bricks s sick they they look kind of crazy crazy I I like the look of it I don’t like this one did you see that new holle Mobs the breeze I like I like the the um oh my God Mr Beast hit 200 million that’s that’s

Crazy when he right when he hit 100 Mil I said he’s going to get to 200 but I would have never estimated that it happened so fast I would have not like I I don’t think if anybody called that they’re crazy okay I like that guys I like this place as

Well I think this hill right here just needs flowers of some sort do we have those lilacs still a year and a half did it take him a year and a half to go from 100 to 200 mil crazy Turtle time hope the challenge um the trials are challenging for late game

Not just early game I really do think that they’re not going to be extremely challenging I think you’re going to be challenging for sure but I think they’re also going to be accessible for everybody to complete he hit that in August of last year that’s barely more than a year that’s so

Crazy have you ever tried putting a bunch of wither skeletons with a charge creeper if you uh use a charge creeper to get um mob hats it will at most give you one mom hat so even if you put like 20 wither skeletons there it will give you one M

Head t- series is done for t- series is such a different channel that Mr Beast is I don’t I don’t think they’re in the same they’re barely on the same platform because of how different a type of content they make but that’s going to be the PewDiePie thing all over again like everybody’s

Going to be rooting for Mr Beast to to do that TV Ser is done for it’s been a long time is TV series actually the most subscribed Channel right now it’s been a long time since we’re anybody was able to say that badro every kill gets a m hat yo that’s crazy

Yeah that’s different Mr Beast is obese says Aron dude have you seen his transformation man is getting shredded he’s on the road he’s in better shape than I am right now that’s that’s the first time that’s ever happened that’s a shame on me too but T Series is at

251 yo he’s yeah he’s closing that Gap that’s crazy wish SB would have won the mother that’s exactly how I wish it would have gone down he had such an opportunity I got to I got to send this via message anyway I’ll I’ll uh semi condolences back to those workouts I’m

I’m on it I’m on it I skipped a lot of work as this year I was very uh very Minecraft minded and so many other things happen as well life it it was just one of those years where life did is thing poor guy as

Me yo I’m going to I’m going to give him so much trash talk for this almost 0000 1% of the world population sub that’s an amazing Perspective okay couple leaves there for bushes and then maybe one tree here to sort of uh close that visual Gap sh I still went more than you did get on it Down by 30 people every two seconds I mean that that’s a lot of subscribers 30 people for 2 seconds that’s a ton that’s crazy wait I I could swear I took these bones oh I didn’t have inventory space okay wait let me leave this here these saplings are gone

I feel like you’re going to fall asleep any second I don’t know why i’ I’ve definitely slowed down a bit but I’m I’m chilling not sleeping it’s a different energy I’m probably going to put in some work guys but tomorrow yo I haven’t actually talked about this yet today but

Tomorrow we’re going to do something cool um guys if you if you can go to my uh Channel page or just go go on YouTube search real quick I have a second Channel that’s called Looney life and that channel has a uh that name is foreshadowing um because

We’re actually going to be moving these uh streams over to Looney life and initially that’s going to be a bit of a um slow transition I think probably streams will be a little Le less busy but listen up I think longterm having two separate channels makes so much

Sense if you put as much energy into editing the videos as I do but then also stream 6 days a week there’s a reason nobody else is doing this no on one channel at least um because honestly it doesn’t work that well like we’re working against ourselves and that

That’s a bit of a waste a bit of a shame so we’re going to go ahead and fix that and Looney life is the solution which means that if there’s going to be streams you’re going to be expecting him there if there’s going to be um live

Streams they it just spend uh oh it just replied to lunor that link doesn’t work guys that nightball link you just got to look up Looney life but the reason I’m bring it up right now is not that we’re doing some sort of a transition and I I

Want to promote that it’s that actually tomorrow we’re going to be live on that channel for a while because tomorrow I’m going to record my Halloween video for it here and I’m well going to I’m going to do that live so there’s going to be a

5H hour lowly stream over on loone a uh Looney life and the thing that Loi streams are is it’s just me playing in the hardcore world doing the grindy thing doing what we’re doing here um usually I take really chill tasks for those and I’m just building something up

And there’s a lot of progress there it’s great content to put in the background if you’re studying or doing some homework or um doing work uh and to tomorrow I will do a Loi stream but during that lfi stream I will also record my footage and I will record my

Voice which is also why there where is’s no Cam and no recording because I’m not going to be able to talk to you guys since I’m going to be recording the video um so I need that video audience or audio and I need to tell the story

And I need to have a freeb to not react to your chat messages because I can’t do that otherwise the video is ruined that it’s not that quite that intense but you you get what I’m saying so that’s going to be uh going live 10:00 a.m. uh GMT

Today for reference we start at 6:00 p.m. GMT so it’s going to be 8 hours earlier which means uh late morning for me and that recording is probably going to take us about 5 and 1 half to 6 hours uh depending on how how much uh downtime

And breaks we have in between because I’m going to take 15 games game days exactly 15 game days so I’m going to time it out that we start the stream when the day the game day is right about to pop over uh I’m going to get everything ready tonight after stream

And I’ll show you what we’ll be doing because um we got to all figured out veritus you’ll be in school definitely definitely focus on that but if you got to study after you can easily put this on because it’s not going to be that distracting it’s just me and low F

You so right here we have a beacon guys and um I’m going to be building a mountain Fortress here in 5 hours and no more which is going to be really challenging and that mountain Fortress is going to be a um Halloween build so it’s going to be built out of

Pumpkins which may seem a little weird and wacky but uh you got to do something if you have like 60 plus thousand pumpkins laying around so we’re going to put we’re going to put them to good use test week Fair Tas I wish you best of luck with all the tests dude definitely

Focus on that Master of multitasking can’t watching play let alone record audio and play some sometimes for for some videos it just makes sense but I don’t I don’t think I can record audio for a good video play and then also talk to you guys in reat at

The same time that’s because usually on streams things move pretty slow right got to go but thanks for the content Turtle time thank you for being here today good to uh to have you back to see here I appreciate it Monkey D Luffy welcome to the stream um what what’s the next

Step let me get night vision oh my night vision’s out hang on guys we we got to get some new night vision little side quest here pick up the night vision we can have that uh let me put the nature blocks in here wood goes in here except I don’t have room for

It just drop these somewhere okay that should work and then uh that was our night fishion box how do you play a world on MacBook when you bought it on Bedrock it’s still on the same account oo I’m not quite sure I think you you got

To is badrock on Mac guys I don’t think so because it’s Windows 10 Edition for PC Smoky muscle I don’t know if I have the answer for that if somebody knows uh how to do that guys play a world that you bought on the Minecraft Marketplace on Bedrock Edition on a

MacBook please uh tag Smokey and help him out okay I was going to go and get night fishing almost forgot what what happened to Looney they bro have a glow up yeah I I have a good day right now I’m I’m Shining we’re defin we’re definitely going to do

That glow up for sure no doubt okay guys I need um to refill this because I think it’s that’s not nearly running as low as I thought quick uh moment of potion brewing leap of faith I still love that entrance to the base so much can buy the world on MacBook Java

Edition that is true I I’m sorry that I don’t have a uh quick answer for you uh Smokey okay these go here did I just put those in there I think I did okay and then that is running that didn’t go as well as bled let me get some n fishes right

Here and I think one of these days guys we’re going to decorate this entrance cave because I hate going through here come on man let just okay why are you looking up that that’s where you guys Are I could also put them off to the side if that makes more sense for stream but only thing I don’t remind that much slaming my face yeah that that was rude I did that to myself crazy I quickly want to check if I still have materials in the uh in the

Brewery I always forget that these Jer books are here guys this is this is a crazy amount of stuff wait this is like oh my God there’s so much here that I want but feel like I don’t have okay that’s dumb all the best things about the new structure is that they

Are procedurally generated yeah that that is cool that I don’t know how much they’re going to wait really okay let me guys let me fix that there’s a zombie up there that’s dumb if they’re difficult enough that’s going to make for great replayability if they’re not difficult enough then it

Doesn’t rework I want to believe that they’re difficult enough okay this is going to get sketch but we can do it hit him in De feed that actually could have gone way worse okay then we go in here real quick sugar monster yeah it’s bad so guys this

Is my Auto Brewer and I I just want to know if there are still resources okay we got like half a full badge that’s solid and then is there still blaze powder there nice because those Brew those night fishing potions that we use so much does goofy men remember me busy

what are you even talking about dude okay these are going to be here that’s fine those are more night fish and po ingredients nice welcome to the stream rise yo I love that I I want to put this uh deep play away real

Quick did I move out I did I did move into a new apartment I uh left my old apartment for a awesome reason um because I went and moved in with my girlfriend and uh we found a place together because neither her apartment or mine was big enough to uh accommodate

The both of us to be honest she she been like living at my place for for a while not really because she had her own house but we spent most of her most of of our time there but it was nice to have a little more

Room oh no the background looks so good we’ll we’ll develop this one over time it it’s just a start we’ll get something cooking chali welcome to the stream how you doing back after a month it’s good to see you hope you’ve been well I’m uh I’m doing awesome thank you for checking

Um okay we got the night vision I was like what did we go out on this trip for but night finish it was guys I think this uh Tavern is really close being done let’s decorate around decorate around this side a little bit okay that’s a lot of skellies in the

Forest dude if oh my God where are you guys coming from what actual Siege let me eat my Carrot someone has a birthday who how tempted am I to press F3 not very tempted I honestly don’t even think about F3 anymore it’s going to be interesting when I uh go on a server and play some event with people I’m just going to eat this as

Well okay um I want to have this area look a little nicer I think we need lampost along the pathway so we can get rid of torches let’s do that first They the forest America okay okay let’s not go there there we go lanterns oh I need more guys I got to do some quick shopping hang on an Neil is having his birthday congratulations dude thanks for hanging out to Welcome to the stream love your profile picture that looks so

Cursed um okay then we we need to buy lanterns but I probably have a bunch of them yeah we don’t need to go shopping we can wait water water’s best okay and then let’s make stone walls maybe multi cobal walls as well try reaching 1,000 XP no I I’ve

Been on 69 forever and we’re we’re going to hang out there it’s a good place to be MCO hey chat who’s good at basketball now I’m curious wait guys I I made a mistake there’s a design flow these hay bills are being lowered down with a pulley or they’re being pulled up

But there’s a tree here so there’s no room for hay bills to be transported we need we need to come up with a solution for that because I think the pulie looks really cool it’s a good feature but right now it doesn’t do anything parents I’ll see later good

Luck with your exams this week 69 is the best place to be there is one big um big reason to stay I I like having a goofy level whichever level it may be and there’s a good reason to be at 69 because if you go higher and you get

Attached to a certain XP level it’s a lot of work to get a level back if you ever need it for something quaite any uh are we done with the cave no not quite but I want to build the castle interior first and right actually

In a uh a little bit of side quest to that uh reason being that one of my longest ever sitting moderators this girl Jay is unfortunately leaving us behind because uh she’s real busy um level 70 yuck yeah it’s terrible it is terrible so since this girl day is

Heading out I want to make your think thank you build so we’re building a whole District around the junction and the junction is there to the left we’ll see in a minute it’s that thing it’s shaped like a j and it’s a little little park and a junction right in the middle

And it’s there to uh sort of tie everything together which is basically what Jay did and under there there’s a thank you room for all the moderators that have ever helped along the way because a lot of people have done a lot to help me out will I release this world

On Minecraft Marketplace I Jaden eventually yes but not anytime soon Jase for Jonas that that’s that’s what Jonas thinks guys please don’t burst his bubble he kind of likes that idea so I I don’t want to make him feel sad so J’s for Jonas okay we don’t talk about

It let me um I want to build walls alongside this thing although I don’t know if this is it J for Jonas guys repeat after me J for Jonas wait does that connect with fences or iron bars I think iron bars work but it also ruins the shape of the

Wall what else could work for Jonas yep there’s another thing we could try busy sh once’s the next time you can get M um I we might be doing mod applications next week I think there’s a small Chance okay not that I wanted to give it a shot that’s super messy see I think maybe guys it needs like a block feature could grite work I think it might I’m starting to like how this is going great chat you guys are doing well Jon is very happy right

Now I would love to have tough walls make a half broken transport Bridge with some hay bals laying around that’s actually a cool build but I kind of like the idea that the uh Village is just operational is my hair naturally pink yes very much so I I was born like this okay

Um that should be grite there we go why does the song sound like a villager sound compilation it could be I think you could remake it with villager sounds strip jungle logs upwards should look would look good I I want walls I want something that’s less white than a full

Block lookas what just happened you mean this whole uh transition through there let let me let me go one more time and uh you you’ll understand how this base works so we jump down here if we want to then there’s a little uh sneaky Redstone door here under the

Coral and then there’s another Redstone door under here that opens up and then we’re in the main base Brandon Johnson dude thank you for that three months three months is a member that woo was warranted I like that uh Brandon Johnson goes in the book you know guys let me

Type some bonus names because I appreciate that you are all here we’re going to put veritus 22 trip in there we’re going to put speed violent in there uh burial Phantom memory isn’t the best mine or yours bizy Chef goes in the book uh Lucas goes in the

Book Mohammad so goes in the book good to see you as well talking about that design flaw you just talk about I’m so lost now quaite weem goes in uh see W7 o27 sorry uh Leonard and Captain cool and that fills up the page your memory is not the best you’re

Getting old don’t worry about it dude you’re going to keep it busy I think I I feel like that’s a trick this guy feline are you finally going in one of those I I miss your name you know what let’s just do another five disgu feline will make it in

Um lepsky will make it in I’ll take names that I haven’t put in there at least for a while Mike ala is going to go in and then uh la la boom bang and one more air punaa there you go guys to all of you thank you very much for being here

Whether you make it in made it in the book just now or not terer still place what is the book for I’ll show you the books are one of my favorite things about this world and the books are also why I was Mega stoked on the 120 update

Because the 120 update gave us something that this world has always needed and it’s kind of like it was tailor made um let me see if I can I think I can do this yes I had a little I had some platforms around here standing like these with chests on top

Of them and in those chest I had um books and those books were books like this one so it has the date on top 1510 October 15th 2023 and this this is getting so cool this is our stream Library this this is a lot of

Books with a lot of your names and for example these are all from between August 3rd and November 1st 2022 so we grab this one out of there October 18 let me check yeah that was the right slot I left some slots open not because the books are missing because it looks

Better for the for the bookshelves but these are all like there’s a couple where put a normal bookshelf in there just to have some variation but most of these are streams that I share with you and th this one is full like today’s book fills that one up

So we’re going to have to build the next part here and it’s crazy to see this filling up it is really crazy to see this filling up Lucas what will I do once there’s too many books I’ll I’ll expand the the bookshelves and I don’t think they’re

Going to cause any issues once they’re in the book sh you got in a book by saying beans well that usually does the trick that’s that’s a secret word if I see beans you’re definitely going in it’s not true don’t try to use it you can say whatever

Unless you say something really trashy then I might might skip it but I don’t think this ever happened re today is your first stream here thank you for being here dude I appreciate it okay guys we we just got the um Granite so let’s uh find a stone cutter where do I have

One is there one in here why do we have zombies inside I hate that is there a stone cutter here no hang on let me grab one from the castle Looney why do you name your channel Looney I I like the way it sounds that’s that’s a short story but I

I made a hardcore world called The Looney Adventure because I already I was an artist before I did Minecraft I made art installations out of balloons and I already had a series in mind it it was supposed to be a book series but I had the idea for something called The Looney

Adventures of lunar and Mooney and because I already had the Looney Adventure as a name something really trashy very bad that crack me up so that’s that’s still going to get you in the book that somehow worked it’s a reverse meta also put Jonas in

There Fury Pat broke the system um did I have burial Phenom in there I did out play fact uh I’ll put Rees in there as well Rees OC being some books still worked re when is 4,000 days coming out dude it’s out it’s out the video is is out there

Go to my channnel check it and uh we’re now grinding to 5K days I just hear a witch that’s not good okay I need some stairs I need some walls I need the occasional Granite polish stair polish blocks polish blocks I don’t even know if this going

To work so I might be stuck with a uh trash heap of granite blocks but we we’ll see okay so these are very stairs and then this one goes here and then yeah I think this has to be my hold bar if I need food I got to get

It oh my God I was reading chat that was almost the third time that happened this stream this is so bad I just heard the sound leki see you later thank you for being here need to make some kind of building Monument or pressing the big

Lins to prove they have now power over you anymore dude check this out Rees do I get live daily every day except for Monday or when I’m editing a video take that big lens you guys suck Jay dude that’s such a compliment thank you Joseph see you later thanks for being

Here this time the current thousand days seem to be flying I’ve never grinded as uh as hard at this I’m literally counting the hours every day and and we’re aiming for8 hours a day which is not like that’s not something you should do long term that’s that’s not healthy

It’s not good but um because it’s eight hours that my game is not on pause which is a little more than you might expect um but yeah I I want to get that 5,000 Day Out movie out in uh December ain’t that look at his air

Wiggle n no no he’s dead I’m just still allowing him no rest okay this works great I like this although maybe these have to be a little bit higher wait dude are you selling useful things no no oh my God whoa there were two Creepers too

I missed that last sh those were all pretty correct okay I I didn’t really get any chance to see what this guy was selling packed ice dripstone that one could be really cool early game but now he sucked wondering Trader set me up he definitely did I got big time baited

There fix the levels oh you’re right oh guys we’re already two and a half hours into stream okay hang on uh change of plans we need to do something else I need to get some stuff ready um this is going to wait till tomorrow night fishing potions I’m going

To need those random torches go here stone blocks wood blocks this is Cobblestone a Sher of it I want to put that here um top of the Rockets there’s a big ass SPID drove my door that’s not good I’m I’m going out the other way no no relief whatsoever um guys we

Need to set up a uh little wooden platform somewhere Looney do you pretend to create all the lur base on Magic because if so I think it would look really cool if you spread around some magical crystals in specific locations I like that thought I like that

Thought I think the I think the lore doesn’t have a a strict framework to what it is but there’s def definitely some Magical elements to it um two and a half hours of stream is sick time flies today went by Crazy Fast okay guys I think I want more

Campfires and then campfire Spruce logs maybe Spruce stairs and Spruce trap doors and then we got to go build something remember the block stream what are you talking about Jay your new year thank you for joining us dude re’s favorite Minecraft farm I really like Guardian Farms but I

Actually don’t have one in this world monkey man want is a totem name I just missed my door hang on uh the totem is named 100% never using this and it’s been that for a long time so we’re we’re staying true to our Words okay let’s uh fix the Levels you guys are going to lose it if I don’t do that let me fix the elytra and then fix the levels Al I’m I’m going to I’m going to make some profit what me do to look the notable thing mission is to build a guardian Farm in this

Thousand days I actually re I already have drained the ocean Monument so it would be real easy to do it we just haven’t gotten around to it yet we’re fixing levels the long way around hope hardcore mode comes to bad Rog I hope they do that too I don’t know

Why it’s not in there yet Hunter ghoul first world 10 minutes it’s part of the journey you got to get wrecked before you get super op and and just crash or Crush the game okay let me put all of these uh emeralds in here then we lose the levels and then

I’m going to tell you guys what we’re going to be doing tomorrow if you don’t know yet because tomorrow I’m going to be live for at least 5 hours 5 hours if I take zero breaks and I’m going to have to take a break because tomorrow is

Going to be a speedrun of sorts um and to get ready for that speedrun there’s a couple things we got to set up today piercing 2 is a terrible book so we’re disenchanting that there’s a level two enchant as well um pris Marine was a good block back

Then I feel like they naral blocks now though true I I don’t know pris Marine is a cool block I I just think for optimal results you want to all blocks available so guys I have a um a pumpkin and a melon farm right here it’s the one with these

No that’s a sheep farm um here pumpkin and melon farm awesome stuff works really well gets us a lot of uh pumpkins and a lot of melon slices and I’ve been using these to trade they are literal literally where all my Emerald wealth comes from but there’s

There’s a little something about him um and that’s they’re not massive they’re pretty modest Farms actually but I’ve been building in this base for a long long long long long long time and that means if I go here I get to storage room where all these farms uh put their

Stuff first time I’ve seen you entering the trader Hall not closing the door trolling I’m so sorry I didn’t mean for it to go down like this um so this right here is where all the Farms come out so lots of Honey bottles and Cactus chests

Are filling up again and we’ve got a lot of cactus and we’ve got a lot of Honeycombs and wool but we have so many pumpkins it’s crazy this is uh this is N9 so 18 36 38 Shar boxers full pumpkins and it’s almost Halloween so I figured let’s take all of these and

Actually go build a thing um So the plan for tomorrow is build a yeah that’s like the plan for every day but um we’re going to make a special thing and we’re going to make it in 15 game days exactly so what I want to do today is

Get our building platform ready so that tomorrow if we start that speedrun we get to start that speedrun and we get to like make the most out of the 15 days which is 5 hours that I have give myself for the challenge um so let’s go over to

Location and uh make sure that we’re ready tomorrow to start that because I need a little bit of prep for it they actually make really cool night guys inside mountains such just a nightmare to farm in survival night sky in we could make one

Here but I I think I want to have it feel like a cave I think it’s cool that it’s a cave rather than the artificial Sky restore no shears Ed shear is going to put in work I actually don’t know if we use a loot of uh carve pumpkin

Tomorrow it might be just normal pumpkin wait can we use carve pumpkin to texture that’d be kind of crazy so this gu is in the mountain where we’re going to be building let me figure out where the building platform goes may maybe here maybe in this uh this little indent this little

Cave s organize your stuff so well thanks for not triggering my OCD oh dude I’m I’m not as good a person as you think I am um but I’ll just not go to the places that you really don’t want to see right now okay read when will I press F3 I play

This world without F3 so that doesn’t really happen Okay let’s uh go there make it come a little bit out of the water like a potential chatter hat to me this mountain it could it could definitely be ChatOn ched ChatOn is a uh Snow Golem guys we’ve uh We’ve shared a

Lot of interesting moments okay this is going to get cursed where we’re just going to do it Looney are you doing a low fight today or not no no no I got to start relatively early tomorrow so I’m uh I’m not going to make it too late today we’re already like streaming till

11: my time turn notification to on so I don’t miss any of the journey good progress brother and and if if you want to want to see that uh stream tomorrow where we built that pumpkin Fortress make sure to also turn on notifications over on Looney life second Channel because tomorrow’s

Stream is going to be a big one and it’s going to be on that channel I’ll make a uh post announcement I I’ll actually list the stream after this one finishes and then I’ll make an announcement on the main Channel Looney just sneezed louder than ever you look get

Muted guys there there’s been a moment before where uh Val actually sneezed accidentally and it was crazy it was like our Discord call exploded I’ve never heard anything like it so that that sounds interesting par I’ll see you later thanks for being Here campfires are such cool building blocks guys they’re they’re kind of kind of crazy okay let me actually kill that one um how do I want to line these up I think wait hang on I think I like this there’s no way to get that right there’s

Not oh my God this is so curs they they have these iron bands and I want to orient the wrong the right way but they don’t really care wait how does that work I place it on the side and that did it I got it it’s literally the placement

Orientation so these will just naturally work and then here we got to cut out the first one okay um I do these ones as well this is literally just for Sher Box Storage tomorrow guys it’s not really important but I care about it too much same with these ones okay then we

Need these ones all the way apparently trap doors are interesting in that you don’t really have to face any particular way it’s literally how you place them against the block we learn every day I’m sinking I don’t know if I’m building the corner pieces maybe

Not it kind of wants the corners to be built also I don’t like this bye guys go to sleep but I’ll watch the rest of the stream tomorrow Rafael dude thank you for being here much appreciate it sounds like you enjoyed it and I’m to hear that have a good

Night armadillo at 42% of the votes and a crab 32 whoa that leaves uh 26 for the penguin that’s a bit of a landslide guys that’s that that’s a big difference who here voted for the armadillo okay I don’t think I’ve ever taken this long to build a platform but

What a work of art it is it it’s it’s amazing I’ve never seen anything like it so let’s put that one on the corner and then I think tomorrow guys we start the stream with a few seconds to go before it pops to the next day on that

Platform we race to the base and we get all the pumpkins we can carry and we just start building armadillo was so cute you almost did almost magic did Tyler did Dylan did where do you votee Joey it’s it’s over it’s over the armadillo won the Penguin came last and

The the crab got left in the middle unless they update wolf AI the armor is still going to make them a de mechanic look at horses horse horse armor gives zero defense though I I’m curious how they’re going to implement it I bet there’s going to be something cool in there and

I really like wolf armor just if only oh my God what is wrong with that poor llama oh that does lot look good is he going to keep doing that forever is he literally going to keep doing that forever that’s insane okay um guys I want to thank you

Very much for being here today we’re wrapping up for today I’m going to get the last uh thing set up for tomorrow and then tomorrow we’re going to be live on Looney live second channel for five to six hours to uh build a crazy Fortress if you guys are not there

Tomorrow you’ll see it on Tuesday or soon for right now I want to thank you a bunch for being here and uh before we wrap it up let me put SE sest in the book I’ll put Turtle Dragon 56 Ed foxy Ferman um Omar dude you’ve been a

Absolute tree today you had some great contributions I I appreciate it some Moon dude inspired my base thanks I do havec with Chris oh dude that sounds awesome I wish you good luck with the build Nitro goes in the book uh Weber goes in I am Olivier hi elephant

101 I did not type that correctly 101 three more team free0 H L course and then the last one for today CA mbrus signing off for October 15th 2023 guys I had a really awesome stream today I hope you did too and I’m just going to sit here

Chuckling away because that lava that Lama is never going to stop spinning I know for sure for right now guys thank you for being here this was awesome see you tomorrow or soon until then I really appreciate you guys being here and uh we’ll meet again Looney that Lama man that’s crazy Looney


This video, titled ‘Hardcore Day 4330 – This Tavern ROCKS!! (let’s finish it)’, was uploaded by Loony on 2023-10-15 22:12:28. It has garnered 6702 views and 516 likes. The duration of the video is 02:48:42 or 10122 seconds.

I Survived 1000 Days in Harcore Minecraft… 4 times… without sleeping! And today our journey continues on day 4330.

Download my season 1 world on the official Minecraft Marketplace! https://www.5framestudios.com/loony.html

Loonyville fan discord: https://discord.gg/loonyville

Streaming playlists: https://www.epidemicsound.com/playlist/3labi8bpzarpxlf0jtim6p65lim9ftd3

Join My Community Survival Server play.bumblecraft.net

Video shaders: Complementary shaders: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/customization/complementary-shaders

Current parkour training maps: https://www.minecraftmaps.com/parkour-maps/parkour-spiral https://www.minecraftmaps.com/parkour-maps/parkour-spiral-2 https://hielkemaps.com/maps/dimension-parkour https://hielkemaps.com/maps/parkour-spiral-3

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    Ultimate Shrek Gym Battle - Rich vs Poor in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Maizen’s RICH GYM vs Mikey’s POOR GYM Battle in Minecraft! – Parody Story(JJ TV)’, was uploaded by Shrek Craft on 2024-01-25 11:00:40. It has garnered 12230 views and 103 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:21 or 1341 seconds. in Minecraft Video compilation you will see: Maizen’s RICH GYM vs Mikey’s POOR GYM Battle in Minecraft! – Parody Story(JJ TV) 🔥 Press like to this video and subscribe to my channel, bro ! Write in the comments who you like Maizen or Mikey? 😅 This channel contains the best compilations of minecraft videos by… Read More

  • Just Bucket! SMP, McMMO, Economy, Jobs, Tournaments, SkyBlock

    Welcome to Just Bucket Minecraft Server! Join our active and friendly community today! We offer SMP, Skyblock, Economy, Jobs, Fishing Tournaments, Ranks, Discord, and experienced staff. Play on Java Edition at JustBucket.Minecraft.Best or on Bedrock Edition at JustBucket.Minecraft.Best Port 25566. Our semi-vanilla server is designed to enhance your gameplay without intruding on the vanilla experience. Enjoy quality of life plugins like Vein-Miner, MCMMO, Custom Crafting, Dynmap, GriefPrevention, Timber, and more. We also have a thriving community on Discord – join us at discord.gg/uMkz8wdqSP Read More

  • SteamPunk [LPS] v22HF – Survival – PvE

    SteamPunk [LPS] v22HF - Survival - PvEGet the base modpack here: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/steam-punkAdded HT’s Tree Chop 1.19.2-Forge 0.18.6 which can be found here: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/treechopThe specific version you are looking for is NOT the most up to date version! You need version FORGE – 0.18.6!^^^^^ IF YOU DO NOT ADD THIS MOD, YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO CONNECT^^^^^This is a memory-heavy modpack, the game recommends more than 4GB of RAM. Please allocate as much as your system can handle to a max of 12GB.30 Person Server.PvP damage disabled.3 Month Wipe Cycle.This is designed to be a low-risk, easy to play game for people to have fun and… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Did I speedrun to the End and get netherite gear in hardcore mode? Spicy!

    I guess you could say you really “mined” your own business in that hardcore speedrun! Read More

  • Dragon Egg Delight: Minecraft’s S5João Flight

    Dragon Egg Delight: Minecraft's S5João Flight In the world of Minecraft, where dragons roam free, I hatched an egg, a sight to see. With skills and wit, I faced the challenge, And now my dragon soars, a true balance. Exploring caves, oceans, and lands afar, In search of treasures, under the star. Facing zombies, skeletons, and creepers with might, Protecting my base, day and night. With friends or solo, the game is a delight, Building castles, homes, a true sight. So dive into Minecraft, let your creativity flow, Subscribe, like, and share, let the world know. In this sandbox world, the possibilities are vast, Adventure… Read More

  • “Short Warden vs. God-Level Warden” 🔥😂 #minecraftmeme

    "Short Warden vs. God-Level Warden" 🔥😂 #minecraftmeme POV: When you challenge a level 6972 warden in Minecraft as a short rank 1 warden, it’s like bringing a toothpick to a sword fight. Good luck, buddy! #DavidvsGoliath #MinecraftProblems Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk about the exciting and vibrant community of Minewind Minecraft Server. While watching the entertaining video “JOGOS no MUNDO do MINECRAFT” by GabHOFF1, you may have noticed the creativity and fun that can be had within the Minecraft universe. From re-creating popular games like Roblox, PK XD, Free Fire, and Call of Duty, to exploring new adventures and challenges, Minecraft offers endless possibilities for players of all ages. If you’re looking for a dynamic and engaging Minecraft server… Read More

  • Building a Village Capital in Minecraft

    Building a Village Capital in Minecraft The Rise of a Village Capital in Minecraft Hardcore Transforming a Village into a Capital In the vast world of Minecraft Hardcore, one player embarked on a journey to turn a humble village into a thriving capital. With a goal to make their gameplay as overpowered as possible, they set out to conquer challenges and build an empire like no other. Building a Strong Foundation The player meticulously planned and constructed various structures within the village, from houses to farms, to create a bustling community. They strategically placed defenses to protect their citizens from hostile mobs and ensure the… Read More

  • Ultimate Turtle Paradise Build in Minecraft!

    Ultimate Turtle Paradise Build in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘worlds cutest turtle enclosure build in minecraft’, was uploaded by MeganCrossing81 on 2024-03-08 00:24:21. It has garnered 2281 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 04:01:40 or 14500 seconds. epic cozy gamer plays cozy game minecraftit is very fun and playing with viewers and also speedrun it is EPIC Read More

  • Surviving in a Creature-Filled World! | Modded Minecraft

    Surviving in a Creature-Filled World! | Modded MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I try surviving in a creature filled world! – Modded Minecraft’, was uploaded by HTNT Gaming on 2024-04-07 06:31:08. It has garnered 380 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:48 or 1428 seconds. Getting scared out of my mind minecraft modded! * Warning may scare some young viewers * Are you ready to watch me be hunted by mysterious creatures Subscribe if you want to see more Minecraft Games from me, HTNT. My minecraft mods that i use in the video: All of these mods need the version to be 1.19.2… Read More

  • Dronio’s EPIC Minecraft Adventure! #viralblocks

    Dronio's EPIC Minecraft Adventure! #viralblocksVideo Information This video, titled ‘Играя в Minecraft, страсть к блокам – любовь. #viral #minecraft #minecraftsurvival’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-03-09 12:45:01. It has garnered 7654 views and 778 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. Podpishis https://clck.ru/38a5gQ https://clck.ru/38Rffc #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ https://clck.ru/37hFR8 Buy a Collection of AI ART Images 100,000 AI-Generated Images ➜ https://ai.beauty Digital Art Monetization https://displate.com/acr/wine-empire?art=5b9d0b5248011 DOWNLOAD THIS… Read More

  • EPIC! Building Breath of the Wild in Minecraft – Part 3

    EPIC! Building Breath of the Wild in Minecraft - Part 3Video Information This video, titled ‘Building Breath of the Wild in Minecraft – Part 3: Great Plateau’, was uploaded by ZainnCraft on 2024-04-08 16:00:06. It has garnered 1161 views and 80 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:05 or 1385 seconds. Second region down, 13 more to go! In today’s video, we will be tackling the Great Plateau, the first region Link explores in Breath of the Wild! We will start with the walls before sweeping across the entire isolated plateau and building every detail! Check out Part 2 where we built Central Hyrule if you haven’t seen it… Read More

  • Free Minecraft Server Hosting 2024 | Unlock 10GB RAM + 20GB Disk

    Free Minecraft Server Hosting 2024 | Unlock 10GB RAM + 20GB DiskVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to make a FREE Minecraft Server in 2024 with Axent Host! 10 GB RAM + 20 GB Disk’, was uploaded by CraftedCroix on 2024-04-20 14:00:05. It has garnered 2680 views and 92 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:58 or 718 seconds. WHAT IS UP CRAFTERS?! Today I showed you how to create a free minecraft server on Axent Host. I also discussed some of the newest features and my overall thoughts on the host. There were quite a few people driving by that were wondering what the heck I was doing at… Read More

  • INSANE! Building Real-Life Gaming PC in Minecraft

    INSANE! Building Real-Life Gaming PC in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Best Real Life Gaming PC in Minecraft pocket edition #video #minecraft #viralvideo’, was uploaded by KrishCraft on 2024-04-23 00:00:14. It has garnered 49 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:32 or 212 seconds. minecraft shorts hero team minecraft fish cartoon smoke biscuit minecraft skibdi toilet shorts cash and nico roblox 2 + 2 bad boy songs minecraft shorts minecraft animation Steve and alex 12345678910 minecraft minecraft wave mod cameraman bebek kwek kwek how to make a bird perch in minecraft how to make a parrot perch in micraft how to make… Read More

  • “Unbelievable: Player gets stuck in face in Minecraft! 😂” #shorts

    "Unbelievable: Player gets stuck in face in Minecraft! 😂" #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘kodok kok nemplok di muka 🤣 #shorts #shortvideos #minecraft’, was uploaded by juniko on 2024-02-18 12:07:39. It has garnered 86624 views and 898 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:06 or 6 seconds. Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Rain Stream Live!

    Mind-Blowing Rain Stream Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘ta lloviendo / Spreen Stream 08/03/24’, was uploaded by Spreen Streams on 2024-03-20 07:01:29. It has garnered 3148 views and 67 likes. The duration of the video is 03:23:41 or 12221 seconds. #minecraft #spreen #twitch #2024 Read More

  • Insane Laughs & WTF Moments: Funniest Game Ever! #shorts

    Insane Laughs & WTF Moments: Funniest Game Ever! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Funniest Game Ever Comedy Funny & Wtf Moments #shorts #sehwaggaming’, was uploaded by OmniContent on 2024-01-13 05:15:02. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Funniest Game Ever Comedy Funny & Wtf Moments #shorts #sehwaggaming I Hired a Tutor for Daisy in Minecraft! #shorts #viral … Read More

  • Terrible Friends

    Terrible FriendsTerrible Friends is a Minecraft server that was created to try to be what most servers do not or cannot offer: an extremely close to vanilla experience, and a close community where the admins aren’t headless non-existent creatures from the black lagoon. No items are blacklisted, no plugin added currency, shops or auction house (which always trashes server economies), bedrock breaking isn’t disabled, redstone and mob spawning isn’t completely broken for performance “enhancements”. Overall, there is very little modification to core vanilla gameplay except patching some item duplication patches and anti-grief protections. You will need to apply for the whitelist… Read More

  • BadWolfMC Network 18+ Greylist Crossplay 1.20.4 SMP SkyBlock Magic Minigames Prison Creative Vaults

    BadWolfMC: An Adult Minecraft Server Join one of the best online communities where adults come together to share their Minecraft passion! Highlights: Experience 4 servers with 8 different game modes. Challenge custom mobs and fight dragons. Apply for membership to gain build permissions. Chat seamlessly via integrated Discord server. Enjoy Java-Bedrock Crossplay. Participate in recurring events and tournaments. Explore dungeons, quests, and vaults. Engage in a balanced economy with custom potions. View live maps and protect builds. Access public farms and resource worlds. Find answers on our helpful wiki. Enhance your experience with little extras. Our Mission: Provide an oasis… Read More

  • LuponMC

    LuponMC-=[​LuponMC]=-Is a Singapore Based server, the server provides you the aspect of 1.8 combat and the old classic factions in which you raid bases with massive cannons and protect your bases with a lots of walls against the raiders. * Semi-OP Factions* Custom Enchants* PVP* Crates* 1.8 PVP* Friendly Community Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – From noob to pro: The evolution of a minecrafter!

    Minecraft Memes - From noob to pro: The evolution of a minecrafter!He’s like a Minecraft character on a growth hormone! Read More

  • Crafty Picks: Minecraft Alternatives for Android 1.20+ 🎮🔥

    Crafty Picks: Minecraft Alternatives for Android 1.20+ 🎮🔥 In the world of gaming, where creativity thrives, Minecraft reigns supreme, crafting our lives. But if you seek more games, similar in style, Check out these picks that will make you smile. Stumble Guys, a fun and frantic race, With obstacles to overcome, at a fast pace. Or maybe try Treinamento Profissional, a new find, Where skills are tested, and victory is defined. Gamerfleet and Fgteev, channels to explore, For gaming content that will leave you wanting more. And don’t forget Hill Climb Racing, a classic in its own right, Where coins and gems are yours to fight. So… Read More

  • Hot Ore Golems vs Warden Smackdown!

    Hot Ore Golems vs Warden Smackdown! When all ore block golems and the warden battle in Minecraft, it’s like a rock concert gone wrong! The warden is just trying to keep the peace, but those golems are really taking a beating…literally! It’s a battle of the blocks, and things are getting rocky! Read More

  • Ultimate Hoglin Farm: 220k/HR!

    Ultimate Hoglin Farm: 220k/HR! Minecraft Ultimate Hoglin Farm 1.20+ – A Game-Changing Creation! The Ultimate Hoglin Farm: A Game-Changer HardShipYT has unveiled a groundbreaking creation in the Minecraft universe – the Ultimate Hoglin Farm! This farm boasts an impressive performance of over 220,000 items per hour, making it a must-have for any serious Minecraft player. Features and Specifications The Ultimate Hoglin Farm operates in a fully automatic mode, ensuring efficiency and convenience for players. Compatible with versions 1.16 to 1.20.2, this farm is a versatile addition to any Minecraft world. While it is available for Java Edition, Bedrock Edition users will have to… Read More

  • Unleash the Ultimate Challenge on Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Unleash the Ultimate Challenge on Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest news from the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “How to Summon HEROBRINE in Minecraft (Bedrock/PE/Java) 101% WORKING!” While the video itself may not be directly related to Minewind server, it got us thinking – what if you could experience the thrill of summoning Herobrine in a dynamic and engaging Minecraft server environment? That’s where Minewind comes in. With its unique gameplay features, intense PvP battles, and thriving community of players, Minewind offers an unparalleled Minecraft experience that will keep you on the… Read More

  • SpongeBob Crushes Monsters in Minecraft

    SpongeBob Crushes Monsters in Minecraft SpongeBob Explores the World of Minecraft Join SpongeBob SquarePants on an epic adventure as he navigates the vast and blocky world of Minecraft. Fueled by his boundless curiosity, SpongeBob finds himself in a realm filled with mystery and danger. Follow along as he encounters strange creatures, builds incredible structures, and battles monsters in this captivating crossover event. Unraveling the Mysteries of Minecraft As SpongeBob delves deeper into the world of Minecraft, he discovers a plethora of fascinating elements. From mining valuable resources to crafting powerful tools, SpongeBob must use all his wits to survive in this unfamiliar environment. With… Read More

  • Unlock Hidden Wolves & Pets in Minecraft Bedrock

    Unlock Hidden Wolves & Pets in Minecraft BedrockVideo Information This video, titled ‘Secret Test Stream – Minecraft Bedrock with Addons – Looking for New Wolves and Pets!’, was uploaded by Erose on 2024-05-10 03:15:38. It has garnered 371 views and 33 likes. The duration of the video is 04:19:13 or 15553 seconds. Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3Pndvf1oJzU-PUJLEO-gzQ/join Hey… I have a ton of pixel animals and I need to build homes for them. What animals will we find today? Minecraft Animal Adventures with Erose! 🐾 Minecraft Animal Adventures playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWXmk6IQxL24FwluXGoa4VZ1CTybNtPu6&si=B_NtFT1w-q16GFjG Minecraft Version: 1.20 Addons (Mods) I’m using: 🌹 Another Furniture Add-on 🌹 Farming… Read More

  • Uncovering Scary Minecraft Theories

    Uncovering Scary Minecraft TheoriesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Testing EVERY SCARY Minecraft Theory’, was uploaded by BriannaPlayz on 2024-05-09 12:00:36. It has garnered 73985 views and 1995 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:42 or 1602 seconds. Get the Cute Cat Skin Pack now on Minecraft Marketplace!! ▶️ https://gg.firegames.gg/cutecats ❇️ SUBSCRIBE – http://brianna.gg/subscribeplayz 👕 FIRE MERCH – http://www.brimerch.com/ 🔥 DOWNLOAD APP – http://firemerch.app/download 👀 FOLLOW ME HERE! ☛ TikTok – https://www.tiktok.com/@brianna ☛ Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/brianna_/ ☛ Twitter – https://twitter.com/BriArsement 🎮 MY FAN DISCORD! ☛ https://fire.vip/discord —————————— Additional music provided by Epidemic Sound Click here for a free trial! http://share.epidemicsound.com/TBNR If you believe… Read More