Winstram a toll yeah I’m a little bones and what you are seeing upon to you now is the adventure map map which was created in fossil sniper on a clean room world meaning the world goes bedrock stone dirt and then Harville our water and aesthetic and part of the game were Burned water threesum why water level was 64 now this video here should be a tutorial on how you should do such a thing in order to build land up if you’ve already seen my voxel splice video that should be an annotation line just get the beginning bit which has Already been taught to you right I’ve made a decision based on the height of my map in the path of the detail down here but actually recognized so I’m using worldedit a little bit so grab a 12 the block behind me which is left click I’m gonna go down here and Select that another block to where I want the little peek to be now I’m going to go but fear the back as well something to land it’s going to be here Oh God straighten new land I service crappy I’ll Tommy Wright’s let here shall we yes northway seven now 47 thousands Probably a bit too much going to expand the hall and I go to back here and then expand this deity up let’s try that that’s why he walks but my service event handler I’m gonna set and we replace in water would do it laughs you know really Well then the place water would do on that and now with my server to process that who else dear fillets up is there so nuts data laser I’m going to contract leave the selection 29 up so now that they’re puts on two layers only I think yeah I reason contracted That much yep so now I will expand it up I theatre did you and do the same again place water do it should have placed about it less because most time will be air and I’ll grab my wand and think what I’ll do fierce as I’ll melt this Landscape in a bit so he’ll be easy melt and that does this oh god I let’s hope they’re so square because I think right now and I think its debts give me quite square until I branch out and curve it around what what basically does is it takes away blocks and puts Them in places that you would have thought it would have been intimate with more hilly Oh okay so i can be left i’m going to keep the brush size 10 can’t change the precise by typing /b and then a number so then if it’s a bit too much you can Always turn down a bit I’m am 10 ounce of 55 seems to be a bit that brush and if you just start right clicking and it’s reasonable nothing stop right clicking on objects in things should be able to lift up the landscape now i will get small underground caves I got lift Quite low down as a foundation should all well you live inside the block there so if I lift here there go and I what to do this all the way around to be honest about to make in curves and alcoves and all the way along the landscape so it Seems as if it’s not just one huge straight thing it’s actually proper cliffs so now I know where abouts are what may be the census hey Sevilla should be somewhere around this district over here so about 5,200 blocks away and once mountains all I’m here mats are on there A way i branded this now as i’m going to type in /yeah say a /b space V and this here means voxel and a voxel is a cuboid cube that’s how humanity more than a Huber either way and it’s set to 10 the moment you are going to want to change Them and then right click and you’ll see that’s now made an air voxel the cube down here or 5c the reason why I said five or not 10 cause that there is that’s a pretty big and force us you to undo any mistakes you’ve done I’m going To change the material using /b space and then we see Obama to do it I’m now going to voxel this area into a mountain and then continue talking after we get to it I knew another significant part now the idea that’s here as you are placing what you will be melting down so The idea here is to make it bigger than what you want it to be because it is going to end up being dramatic smaller so it may seem like and put on quite a bit for a mountain range but really it’s probably going to be a little bit too Little for a mountain range okay so you’re now I have completed what I believe to be a draft for well wanted mountains to be this being somewhere needs center because has the book extracts and my plan suggests they have a few houses that are nailed to the side Of mountains I don’t know whether they’ll be nailed to these ones if the other art make a bit bigger however there will be nailed one to nail to this thing in the center now when I start on this this is the hardest thing it’s always or people try to make and voxel Sniper because that one person that made like a huge archway and wove long talk with voxels and make it a way you did that three times obviously and I’d it in the center as well and leant on one side you now need to do is to MBE melt like so And melt away the side of it and under 100 one of these while talking and then the rest I’ll just put this cover melt away the actual voxels that you voxel then so that it seems a little bit more curved than before so I was in Atlanta Was cared as much as eroded away so I should have been here now don’t worry too much about how thinly make this now because now yeah I think about now I’ll need to do is a different command called beat you fail she’ll be on your screen Now and then fill in the luck there the voxels again so you break away from it and you fill it you break away from it then you fill it and break away from it and then that’s days to get that there is a chain of causality to make Something Luke more natural and more loaded as you break it away and add more to it break it to add more to it so then it still has quite a lot of width and height to it look it also looks more natural and less like I’ve actually put Down cubes to draft it out here melting again cuz I thought I was picking off but maybe I need a little bit more melting it makes you do the bottom as well with their that bond quiet like a voxel it’s quite square it’s not what you want to happen now there’s not too Bad but anyway don’t do this little bit here as well because as to conjoin bit and now what it alert you fell again a nurse gets repeated practically for every single one and to be honest it doesn’t require as much skill as it looks okay so now I’ve kind of showing a Little bit of mounting making a little bit of the archway making whether i believe on three mounting making such the start here shall we and that what exactly to do so first of all I generally do rather than melting so down the left because it gives you a little More high actually don’t put your boxes that high up and you give you a good base start melting front so your mouth from square I think it generally seems to take a lot longer to make it a defined shape that looks right if you start from voxels and then melts so You’re all doing here as I’m lifting but should be on your screen now and I’m clicking around parts which looks Square no real skill involved the stage because it’s just basically ensuring that every single bit of the voxel there along the loops like a voxel and to phrase wats Fox actually means to traverse means it’s the cuboid shape ok so now I’m going to be a melt and this but we’ll take it away now what you’re trying to do here is the same thing again we’re trying to make the seem slightly more natural now don’t worry if you end up Making this thinner than what you think it is could you can always refill pack in the same where the archway you now I’m gonna start smoothing off I don’t really show this moving off for a while in the ocean severe shaking so type in /b e smooth i’m going to show You here it’s down to daytime and surface so to the TA or the blocks all upset they are no longer there it smooths out the area so it’s no longer got odd blocks like that block there so i’m going to run this over a bunch of This landscape and get less FBS as my service crapping out but and then Bob’s your uncle we should have a nice smooth and landscape okie dokie so smooth out but there is one last thing to do because these mountains are overall here the land down here is all completely Flat which doesn’t quite make sense so I a to do is I need to press my inventory and I’m going to grab a wooden sword you grab a tool you want and this going to build area now always a little bit will dare it’s now hopefully on toxic Magna Correctly I want to put a brush on site at brush sphere and then I want the Sofia to be made out there and then I want it to be about that’s a three shall be let’s have a look what she looks like so I’m rather than with a sword think Three is reasonable to work with basically this here allow me now to dip in the land and hanuz lift or butches ve lift to lift up land so it doesn’t just dip dip off it gets down as well and somehow make sort of Rockies he’ll like scenery I’m sorry and then Mouth all down using be melts and make it seem as if it was all on purpose or generated by my back to monopolise faffing about within amazing plugin okay okay a failure who were the ocean seems you PO you add secret good deal of it so Now i’m going to start fixing the water now learn to come out of zombie fly mode because it goes up too quickly and too much create in fly mode will stand inside the water so about 63 I’ve seen the bottom round corner I want to type in forward slash fix water now this Depends on your server I want to try two hundred it depends on how good your server is but it’s a radius around you they’ll fix so that their dad’s train a 27,000 blocks have you give it a setting for my server to kick in or crash as the Case may be you here we go but a little like them but it seems to have fixed the water so either C will also fixed in flowing water distilled water and we’ll fix gaps I think I’ll stick to 200 because that did like for a bit so okay Okay so all the waters fixed so now you’ll see more profiles on your screen there’s a profile for beach and the profile for the ocean they’re similar but not the same obviously and now you should see the profiles for inland which don’t worry about the deserts or without A larper just doing normal mountainous areas so be over d i’m going to choose Ted let’s say so choosing the depth of 10 for stone another type of philosophy space stone grab up my wand and go over the entire you my brush size are still set to so precise with Roger yes tell I’m gonna go all over the area with the stone and then war of the area with grass arm to make all the perfect and then maybe in some of the bits stepping down I’ll a bit of water so I’ll get back to you when I get plastered I should see it looks by actual mountains and not too slow do it gets and there and they’ll head out from that to this part over here which would be the central air out the end will be in Syria and the noticeboard some around here now one thing that is missing from This entire landscape is trees now way to do trees is you tie it /b space t space tree and it comes up with little gray and latta grey interface and you can see the different ends of tree so this tree big tree page read wouldn’t old redwood the Redwood and tall redwood Are obviously the previous snowy by only trees now my syrupy sweet crapping out a little bit on this but I’ll see if it works right a goal log basically my server is dying at the moment or this or this this as you can see actually put a Tree down so I’m just going to do that all the way around and on the higher bits I’m going to put down from redwood I think trees and things in this area over here it’s meant to be all forest alike so put upon quite a few trees in This area you can use the generate for Eastern world edit or if you want complete control you can use the voxel sniper in some place you thank you for watching this video and I hope you learn something if you want to see more like this video if you want to See more from me subscribe additionally the music on this video is new to my libraries so if you have the time comments and your thoughts and the music are much appreciated and all links with plugins and everything else or in the description Video Information
This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Creating Terrain using VoxelSniper and WorldEdit’, was uploaded by Lord_Bones on 2012-03-21 18:23:34. It has garnered 4199 views and 48 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:21 or 1461 seconds.
If you are subscribed and wondering what I’ve been up to, I was creating my Adventure map from a Cleanroom world. This means that the world has some stone, dirt and then a hell of a lot of water. This allowed me to Voxel Snipe and World Edit my entire area. This is exactly how I did it, and how you could do the same!
There is no doubt in my mind that I want to use this method for my entire map however I’ll only tutorial it once I come to doing something new. This is slightly similar to the Voxel Splice video so I offered a skip. Additionally the Music on this video is new from Jewel Beat so please tell me what you think.
Texture-pack: Painterly
Plugins: Voxel Sniper:
World Edit:
Music: Main set: Cinematic Fantasy Adventures 1 by Jewel Beat
The Sad Truth by AKM Music
Graphics: My own
Video Game: Minecraft
Adventure Map Link: