Lorthorn’s Insane Halloween Minecraft Madness!

Video Information

Hello how’s it going that’s right we’re on the youtubes and it’s a go we’re go yoga we’re go all around go the spook of musics even though it’s the weekend of thanksgiving we have um decided to embrace spooky season instead of natural canadian tendencies that i may hold okay

Let’s see what what’s going on what’s happening how’s everyone anyone anyone at all just say that i am life where is it yeah it every one i am live okay there we go excellent hmm sound on the background’s not picking up good good i can hear stuff but you can’t that’s

Perfect as planned because that’s really loud my goodness some people some people out there right just have to be incredibly loud oh that’s my phone oops that’s not alive this is my own fault i’ll have to go fix that be right back here i’m getting upset with other people

When it is really me doing the upsetting how was this world come to okay hmm my mic seems a little loud turn down the gain ratio there we go oh no maybe not that low just intensity one two one two okay cool song’s too dark uh let’s go through a different song let’s

See uh spooky there we go all right we’re just gonna move over here now i think to scale down there we go all right excellent excellent and then let’s play some minecraft i guess yes minecraft it is minecraft it is okay right um let’s see here so we want to turn that on

And then we want to go full screen here with this yes excellent okay and i got a map that was recommended which is uh scp block tainment breach oh hello animal how’s it going i need to reset my head position it’s all tilting counted funny there we go okay

Now my hands on straight so to say and play world tell you sorry just let me okay here we go okay here we go here we go here we go here we go here we go all right i know what i’m doing playing adventure map that’s right map of adventure okay and

Let’s see if this works because apparently this map has some flaws such as this uh oh okay uh-oh well then oh my day is going well um my my days going just fine there we are wow maps properly spawned in okay mass volume on brilliant let’s see what we got here so

Letter on the ground document yes my day is going well just just starting it my morning was actually a little bit ich um my morning started with a very obese mouse that’s really trying to get out of my room and then when i opened my door go take a

Shower while the mousetraps got him which was quite nice but i woke up at like 5 a.m to obese mouse i don’t know doing something like chewing on something or skittering about it was very annoying and why i say he is obese is because i saw him after the fact i

Was like oh okay a little about a little out there so yes i had to early morning today so to say very early morning with that silly mouse ah did this door just open something hmm ah this door opened let’s see okay i got first aid right exciting is

Definitely a word that can be used um Once saved as my first choice of things to do in a day but it is definitely something happened right now i have very low tolerance with these maps so if i can’t get them working quickly i’ll move on to the next one uh and nothing really appears to be happening as of yet

Okay What are we supposed to be doing here meant to be an scp lap breach that really doesn’t seem to be doing anything at all Okay this is just might just move on to the next one uh might just move on to the next one as this is not working at all as expected let’s see oh it did oh it’s one of them maps breaks can’t even break it okay then right yeah

Given the map is just not working to start with go and move on to the next thing i’m not gonna wait around for this too bad too bad okay well that was a dead map that’s upsetting uh i have to install a new one i guess

All right let’s let’s work on getting a new map working then really just brilliant uh okay we’ve got uh left 2d k here as well has a map so we can do that one let’s try lefty decay as the map we’re going to do instead today where okay

So it has a resource pack oh great um note for spare version resource factory we probably don’t worry about that what version is left for decay it doesn’t matter um let’s launch minecraft again oh what a professional stream okay and i don’t know do do something with it

Oh full screen don’t want that right mod wrangling uh single-player uh edit let’s see open worlds folder go to the saves we’ll just drag left to decay on in there we go all right now let’s see go cancel we go cancel we go back and we look for it in the saves

Left to the k is for 1.17.1 all right 1.17.1 is what we need to watch now so quit minecraft again really launch minecraft alright here we go am i too quite i don’t know what my volume levels are like here they won’t be too loud right don’t be too loud at all so

Right minecraft launching minecraft and 1.17.1 play okay let’s go with this then and like that all right there we go launching the new world see if we can get this one to work hopefully okay and left to decay let’s see if it works if we need the resource pack or not

Okay well it’s launching got it read the book okay render distance 10 options controls video settings let’s see render distance 10 okay uh empty distance clouds off all particles on graphics facts you’ve all been off i’ll never turn view bobbing on you are a heinous individual for thinking that i should be on

Brightness movie um i am going to keep it right people want to see music ambience set to zero you must have the resource pack in order to play correctly okay so uh how do we get a resource pack going let’s see options resource packs ah left to decay resource pack is on good

Good good good good we got the resource pack we’re good on that factor excellent okay uh let’s see no map lagging um turn off vsync i was just saying if you have problems okay basic stuff after you read everything click here to place a button all right which may be tricky want me

On me to do things give me no controller choices okay left to be press sneak to start sneaks be pressed all right there’s some pretty impressive things you can do with adventure maps now i i have seen people can do some very impressive stuff so i’m very interested to see where this goes

I wonder if i’ve actually seen someone both play this before i might have actually i i might know this map i could be wrong though it could be very wrong but now that someone would have done it this is a 2021 map so i won’t have seen anyone do this before

All right got some music playing we can’t move wow this is really locking us in good job to ever did this map i have absolutely no control here yep there’s a villager with a weird looking face howdy villager how’s it going can i play the game hey can you hear me

Yes i can hear you i can hear just fine yes i can hear you tobias so why did you call me oh it’s over here it’s meant to be like a zoom call or something i found a new house that we could explore together all right

This game’s um this this map’s based on there’s these two people who like exploring uh abandoned houses together so that that’s what we’re going to go do um also i’ll send you currents to your email in a bit thanks tobias oh and also when should we meet

Um does midnight sound good yes because exploring at midnight is the best thing to do why not explore during midday i guess people could catch you during the midday you don’t want to be caught out exploring doing something legal because it’s actually illegal to explore old buildings

My stepsister actually had the habit of exploring old abilities and made my parents very upset um yeah right time 11 59 pm oh we’re getting very close to midnight here how exciting very very close to midnight what a joy okay here we go here we go here we go um

Here we are jennifer what do you think of the house is this just a movie i watch well this one looks interesting oh and also a small question for you tobias oh my name’s tobias okay sure what is it um are you 100 sure this house is

Abandoned oh yes i am definitely 100 sorry yeah i’m sure i’ve read articles online all of them say it was abandoned oh that’s why i want me to set my thingy with diggy okay all right all right just want to don’t want breaking somehow don’t worry about it

Okay then are we ready you could really do a full movie in um the old minecraft colleen um go inside the house and wait for me while i’m doing the call going to do a call oh no never going to see my friend again that’s the last we saw jennifer she’s

Been dead for 50 years now oh poor jamper rip rip jeffer let’s see what’s mama have to say could you lower the v2 avatar in the screen yes there we go much smaller person um what are we doing we’re playing another another adventure map uh yes another adventure map we’d be playing

Oh um i guess i finished the call of mum so yes venture map into abandoned house it’s called um decay wait what was it called something decay right Uh left to decay that’s it and so far i’ve had very little options to actually play the game all right here we are and tobias be my name in term jennifer i’m here where are you jennifer is my prediction right are you dead jeffer are you here oh no

Jeff would be dead maybe she found something interesting no she’s dead look there’s a moving saw in the place um tobias i wonder i heard a noise there’s like growing trees in here and what was that look let me have control over my pov jeff or is that you it sounds like a

Testificat skittish justifications kicked in oh hello hey how’s it going you’re interesting looking fella you’re going to suddenly move forward hey hello now he’s just going to stand there uh sir i’m very sorry if we broke into your house we’ll just be leaving now don’t mind

But have you seen girl with light brown hair also glasses um also what’s wrong with your face looks a little messed up sir hello sir my good sir find me see if um the hillager leave and never come back okay cool cool see i i would yep um

But of course no i have to go find a friend okay can can i play the game yet oh my goodness cutscenes are the worst i should not play whatever what’s it says play that game uh follow the hilter no um he told me to leave and never come

Back he was wielding an axe hey eggs i’m i’m getting out of here thank you very much hello oh i guess i don’t have any choice okay it looks like a head maybe on that table stone cutter table all right i don’t really want to follow him oh my gosh

That’s a derpy looking creeper over there hey what’s this some family faux turtle eggs got a lot of terrible eggs and did i already break the game getting stuck now okay good nothing here nothing here okay man is anyone here what a derpy i can’t interact i need to find jennifer

As fast as possible oh man this guy had a computer and everything nice um objective explore the house i wonder if i actually don’t have the resource pack installed um because there’s just a lot of random blocks here and making this make no sense so oh dear turn off the television let’s see

Oh oh yeah no i i think i actually don’t have the resource pack properly installed um let’s see resource packs left to dk it says i have it so it should be fine right it should be fine and it looks like there’s yes this looks fine um now there’s the remote excellent okay

Television off um very nice oh letter no that was the way i came oh oh okay that was spooky noise um it was yeah that’s fine hey is anyone here i can no longer go this way okay uh pretty sure that noise came from the garden room this whole place is a bloody

Mess um go to the restricted room all right let’s see let’s see restricted room restricted restricted room oh and i’ve lost control of the game again hello hello who’s who’s here what’s going on uh oh my goodness this person hey jesus christ why did you have to do that okay

See that’s just completely honest that’s cheap scare that was a cheap scare very very cheap scare i hope everyone else watching jumped as much as i did but that that’s just not a fair scare that’s just like lock you into a situation you can’t even control the game

That that’s not how you do things i am very disappointed with this map already i did i i can barely control my character um and there’s a really weird pair of eyes staring at me seem to follow me around the room yeah no yes i jumped too it’s still a cheap scare

It’s that sort of scare is just like meh why why do that that’s that’s not how you do things uh uh what was that no really what was that this is not not how you go it’s not very kosher we definitely didn’t like them definitely oh no there’s things happening

Um oh gosh wait am i supposed to be looking through here um what kind of mess did i get myself into okay um just need to get up here and find jennifer yes um enter escape from here then enter secure cell room and exit all right taking from here water not an option

Uh that button okay i can press it opens up the door weird interaction enter this room let’s see what happens now what is next this just seems to be a walking simulator of the game okay uh great the x is blocked yes um where should i go then uh i don’t know

Let’s see sell section a security room um let’s go to the security room okay if if i can actually play i’d love to go to security room i i don’t know if you couldn’t tell i get very frustrated when i can’t control my characters in a game also

All these room jumps this is so pointless yes i’m going to rip this game this venture map a new one um and even if i install the textures wrong some of them are here so it’s just kind of weird isn’t it let’s see if i can view on security camera

Well this will determine if i really have the texture pack now if i stop you can do that talking while i walk about you don’t have to have such little faith in me that you have to completely freeze the game up ah okay oh all right another uncontrolled cutscene brilliant

That is what everyone wants okay you gotta look into this room and it’s just a mess okay absolute mess oh god um now error has occurred okay unknown error occurred brilliant really really brilliant and oh there he’s back again okay is he going to walk up the screen at me

Okay he’s looking and secure the camera hello sun rush forward whack it that’s my bet oh nope it’s gone to black again okay uh right he’s here i need to hide oh look at him eyes okay um hide in the ventilation oh lovely that’s definitely what you need to do

Let’s hide in the ventilation right right i’m going to um oh okay um escape eventually i think something definitely went wrong in the texture installation here um as i don’t think the ventilation should look like dirt oh my why do i okay we’re just going to go to options

Resource packs open pack folder okay right let’s see now with the resource pack i believe you just drag the zip folder in i think that’s how they work um so let’s put that one over there and maybe maybe it’ll look better now oh yes looks no it looks the same

Um it looks exactly the same never mind this place it’s just not scary it’s just disappointing get the facts right okay oh and i can’t actually jump over here okay just have to walk around then oh bloody hell i am done with this map is not fun don’t like it not a fan

Okay um i don’t i’m not going to play i feel like i’m just watching it that’s that’s his problem i feel like i’m just watching it right and i want to play so let’s install another map all right um minecraft don’t lull at me don’t you dare look at me

It’s perfectly reasonable response they get annoyed and peeved with things perfectly reasonable and getting frustrated is also a very human response don’t you know it’s not even that spooky it’s just cheap like i’m getting i’m getting like heart race increasing but i’m not getting scared it’s like jump scares and being scared

Very different feelings you know and you want you want to actually like be something something good right so and and when something like that it’s just kind of oh okay whatever so going to go uh let’s see open maps nope nope uh where is it open world folder there we go yes

Okay we’re going to try the mines you have to sift through a lot a lot of stuff to find something good so we’re going to try the mines next um let’s hope this map actually has something going for it okay and it’s also for the latest version uh

Why do i have so many words um let’s just i did put it in there right the minds the minds the minds and the minds new world new world the minds there we go play this world excellent okay this time this time things are going to work it’s going to work as planned

All right starting in mine shaft i got bread got funny looking rocks got a chest full of coal all right see this map it just starts and you’re like oh i don’t know what’s going on but that’s that’s okay got a button oh okay and i think i just turned up the lights

Now here we are finally another chance uh finally another challenging day in the mines is behind me looking forward to going home yes ah so nice to go home i take the business home right very nice home oh love going home i went home took a nice nap see

Um oh and the map didn’t break excellent okay get in the car ah good old classic minecraft car oh they’re so derpy my movement speed is decreased that’s okay oh my gosh i left my keys in mind i have to go back and find them um volume 80

Render distance eight chunks music off breakfast movie cloud off options okay let’s see video settings clouds off can be important because that could be like worlds high up and you know all right guys scale three options let’s see video settings so he wants me to do gui scaling of three

The the simple fact of the matter though is if i set gui scaling to three um it it it becomes very small on my screen they don’t take that into account just how small dui scaling is on my screen um because i’ve got a very very weird monitor

So i set it to auto there we go that’s how you play minecraft oh my gosh i have slowness too no wonder i can’t move can we can we disable the slowness please um go to the mine to find the car keys find the car keys all right

Off we go to find the car keys then uh very very good let’s see no nothing to it are they in here oh a wooden sword a lot of coal why would i need a wooden sword in the mines i mean having a sword always makes me feel better go

Reach in oh okay that’s why i have one sword that that didn’t scare me at all okay we gone oh i’m so pro check it out i am the best player ever nothing can stop me just a little spider jump scare nothing to it nothing to it this

This is how you do a map this is much better much much better i’m really feeling this one yeah okay let’s let’s uh sorry why is the highest resolution available for 80. that that is because um well you see i don’t have very good internet where i’m from like my my internet sucks

And so i actually can’t do any bad ah okay well i’m falling i can’t do any better than that um that’s the best i can live upload and not have it completely terrible um and i have to get out of here oh no mine collapsed yes that is that’s the

Best internet i actually have so that’s that’s all i can do that that’s my max is 480p um saws are just less fortunate than others when it comes to old interwebs and we have limitations you know so try as i might i can’t do any better than that when it

Comes to old weber whoppers the weber whoppers don’t agree with me on all matters i think there’s a lot of bed down this glass mine shaft a lot of bread not bad okay let’s see options music everything else is on just music is off okay good yeah my internet is just downright

Dog water it’s terrible oh okay stop animation see that’s almost more honest than the other thing a little creepy stop animation go by i i can respect that i can respect that like sure it froze us in place i i’m not a fan of losing control over

My movement but it wasn’t too long oh again really i really need to stop falling down these mine shafts got such random streaming times well sorry consistency is difficulty right now oh that okay that was the mine okay okay oh good god okay okay well go attempt clap clap clap uh okay um

Yes my stream times are random um i i’ll try and make them more consistent just my life’s a little inconsistent right now um and trying to line things up you know can be difficult so trying to deal with that okay let’s see uh well that was a map yeah that was really short

Okay okay uh open world four it seriously was that was shorter than the herobrine mansion and that was a fairly short map um what’s the next one we got here okay so um oh hello uh um carl charlottenzonki hi welcome to being new here um something erratic

Uh we’re grabbing the next minecraft map okay uh we’re going to grab bloody revenge oh god read me um move folder horror maps minecraft save move the full resource pack to minecraft resource pack this is the resource pack you must be enabling settings resource pack okay so let me move bloody revenge over

Into the maps so that’s that’s the new map and then uh let’s see where do i set up resource packs um can’t still cancel okay options and video settings resource no resource packs okay we’re going to send that one open the resource back folder i’m going to get rid of that one uh

Okay it won’t delete right now we’ll we’ll do that later i guess and let’s remove let’s move this resource pack on in so now we got the new one we’ve got the resource pack named resource pack very resourceful pack all right a resource pack made for older version oh oh is this

World older let’s see uh bloody revenge is for version 1.16.5 okay so we have to close minecraft entirely now we have 1.16.5 brilliant brilliant let’s do that then 1.16.5 here we come so do i have that pre-loaded yes i do noice um let me try that name again uh char chakron zolakaya um

Maybe that’s what happened to me is what just happened had someone in my dreams call my name so loudly that i woke up thinking someone’s calling me irl wait what um have you heard of west of loathing no i’ve not heard of lust of loathing also

I don’t know what it was going on about did i miss something i feel like i missed something um or you’re just talking about my character life um even though alone in house oh yes being a lone house can be spooky uh okay bloody revenge oh right resource pack um resource pack okay

There we go okay what’s what’s that what’s west of loathing that sounds kind of uk um right let’s see how easy this map is to break uh okay rules read first turn sound to maximum or increase otherwise it will not be scary okay we’re relying on sound to scare

There are screamers on the map uh the math is intended for one person but can be with friends here you can break the circles by jumping on them okay i i just woke up maybe body was telling me his stream time oh it could be yes that that could be convenient um

Turn off collisions all right um pre-history there we go what’s the loading is cool i’ve never heard of western loading okay let’s see heavy board fell right on top of her cause ah the protagonist works as a carpenter in a mental hospital that’s always good um and one day he was given

Given the task of fisking a cabinet but he had to hurry home so he quickly fixed the cabinet causing the board to literally fall from the slice push but the protagonists need to go home faster the next day when the antagonist’s daughter was opening the closet

The heavy board fell right on top of her causing her death oh nose it was three as an accident the case was closed but the antigus had a hard time accepting that his daughter was dead so he spent a lot of money trying to figure out who killed his daughter um

I forgot about what’s halloween just until now well ah you guys are just talking about it it’s uh it’s a web comic punny okay right webcomic very good uh let’s see uh it’s stick figure video games it’s a stip figure video game set in a western i see

Uh eventually his discovery his daughter but not by accident but because the protagonists taste so the antics decide to take personal revenge upon him instead of complaining to the police ah so in a vengeance movie we are the guy who’s getting hunted down very good that that’s what’s going on

Okay and missing textures that’s nothing to worry about um what’s the welding is that actual video game right uh okay oh here we go uh if you’ve read the rules click here to start there we go um okay um hmm nothing more scary than mixing textures

Same people made it okay uh phone call um this is my phone to whom i speaking hi you don’t remember me um years since someone very close to me died it’s the hour of your reckoning there’s a bomb in the basement of the university it’ll explode everyone’s silent including you you should

It’s up to you whether or not you stop it um wait a few so i have to go to the basement okay oh my god yeah well tell teleports that door all right got gotta go to the basement uh current slowness slowness three inside what is with these people and their slowness

They have to give out um all right bathrooms very spooky oh wow look at that and that’s why i call true terror the scariest of things the toilets if you’ve ever been in a university you find that toilet’s very very very scary someone else’s room oh my gosh so my university

The art area had so many bathrooms in it was ridiculous so there’s like seven different floors on each floor they had a different bathroom and as you went up the floor so you’re like on one floor then you end up the newer and newer the bathrooms go so the higher you went in

The arts building the near the bathroom god is pretty funny this is the opposite of a basement isn’t it okay that’s not the way to the basement all right the elevator doesn’t work um who puss oh gross very very mature there cthulu very mature yes who’s just leaving random snickers in these bathrooms

My goodness so disappointed in them they should really clean up with themselves noah actually a good april fool’s prank is um so so what you do is you get like a oh henry bar right and um i discussed a lot of people here so you get a henry bar

Uh and you warm up with your hands and this is for someone else who’s living with you and so you warm up though henry bar with your hands you get all nice and warm you squeeze up and you put it on the toilet seat now you get a bunch of grape

Juice and you spill it all over the floor around the toilet sea as well and then you take toilet paper and you just fling it all about the place and you like smear some of the henry bar on this other thing you just leave the bathroom that state

And then when the person’s really disgusted they’ll ask you like oh yes another thing you have to do is you have to um clean up the bathroom make sure to clean the bathroom really thoroughly and then when the person comes to you they’re really disgusted with the soul situation like

What is this like what have you done or like what’s going on here why ain’t clean up your after yourself um oh you you grab the own heavy bar and like there’s nothing no problem with it and you pick it up and you eat it um and then you

Get grape juice to make it look like urine and it leaves a bit of peculiar smell but yeah you just you just take the oh henry bar and you just pick up and eat it’s like what do you mean there’s a problem here um yeah anyways i’ll just stop with that right

Now um so sorry this to random thoughts random thoughts couldn’t get to the basement through there the door was locked all right let’s try this way um that’s not getting me into the basement uh let’s see once there’s a kitted basement in the guards room ah

Ah to the guards room then see sometimes you just have to go back and read oh i hate this slowness luckily you can slightly break slowness with sprint jumping okay this is the guy’s room right i can’t go at the front uh great joe’s equals urine do you drink enough water um

I guess you have to go q i drink plenty of water um i don’t want to go up in the air i have to go to the basement yes i don’t know how to get to the gods room my friend this is the guy’s room right now

Look i’m trying as hard as you not to get blown up maybe this isn’t the guy’s room hmm the map would be handy let’s see um guard dream guy’s remark that schedules not there then where do you think it is that’s like the reception room the university garden on my campus was

Actually like really secluded and in like a concrete box it was kind of insane how reinforced that sucker was like you weren’t getting into that security room uh they had reinforced glass and everything it was crazy okay that okay at my game mode at all yes i can excellent

A lot of invisible walls here um do you mean apple juice i mean apple juice works as well apple juice works as well um go up i mean it i wasn’t allowed to go up it didn’t let me and i can’t go down here and it’s very peculiar

Uh very very very cute here i i don’t know where i should be going here because i i can’t get into the guards room maybe i can get into the guards room by doing this it’s very odd it’s an odd one that’s for certain uh hmm there’s a light on in that room

And there’s a leaf on the floor hello leaf yeah oh that that closed the door i i just can’t open a lot of these doors i’m not 100 certain where to go we got the old music room not just supply crates i suppose see it’s not super obvious

Where i needs to be going i can’t open that door the bathroom i can’t do nothing in i mean i can fool about and that sparked the whole uh rather degenerate low brow discussion i can’t go back into my room this is horrible timing to mention by him

Getting hungry uh just woke up well go to the bathroom and grab the snickers bar trust me he’ll be fine um there’s nothing wrong with it i i’m certain if you won’t have any problems with that snickers bar um no nothing bad will happen trust me okay why

I said go to the guards room and here i am i’m at the guard’s room but i can’t go anywhere it’s very annoying like this is where i’m supposed to go right No okay so apparently this is just set and we’re not meant to be here right that’s very lazy I was just going to check these barrels okay so it’s not here and on this barrel right very good and the basement elevator is broken it’s not even a real basement let me guess the upstairs is also a lie this isn’t real too oh wow they felt like layers

Okay yep that’s not real um did you know you could put bamboo in a flower pot um i guess yeah it’s not something really think about right no there’s nothing in my room okay nothing going on my room that’s the void right this is a bathroom that’s a void

Wow this is just like my campus that’s the void that’s the void what is that this place oh maybe this was the guard’s room i was supposed to figure out a way in somehow the door wasn’t opening though to be perfectly fair door was not opening oh there look the key

Oh i’m so good video games i found that without any problems or cheating the door wasn’t open you all saw it i i’m 100 certain and now we can go back to the game as normal see sometimes you just need a nudge in the right direction all right key time excellent

All right there’s probably not actually a bomb he’s probably just wanted to trap me down here so he can torture me and do some horrible stuff to me like maybe lick my feet you know uh the basement door closed huh someone’s involved okay there’s no turning back guy keep going yep

All right ready for the jump scares because i’m ready floor buttons okay that door doesn’t want to open right quick breaking maps look the maps are broken i’m fixing them yeah i’m i’m doing the right thing i can’t help if these people’s maps are so poorly designed i have to enter creative

Mode to then punch holes through walls just to make things work it’s not my fault um switch modes before you break something else i did switch modes i did you can’t control me um oh hello i think it’s here this is the place probably a bomb is here oh no the

Power went out um lighter oh that’s a very wow look at that that is so high quality look at that lighter holy cow that is so impressive that’s amazing um let’s see sorry what was he saying the power went out i should go down check what’s wrong all right um

Ready for the jump sticker nope not there not happening yet okay we’re going get ready for it it’s going to happen any moment now anymore now jump scare o’clock it’s gone to happen any moment nope nope nope okay this is not the way to go very good uh

Not getting creeped out yet no creepiness you know i actually don’t like scary games why am i doing scary halloween maps i sort of dislike the scariness ah deeper we go into the basement okay any spookums nothing here it’s gone very dark all sudden very very dark

Try having a zippo for a light yeah it’s not not the greatest light source you know what’s a good light is um what they called oh this is a torch wait okay if we’re in survival mode can we place it we can’t huh well that’s much better lit oh my goodness

I can actually see things all right oh there’s another key wow a key anything in here no oh this is this is so much better oh hello security camera oh you’re following me isn’t that cute well why do you say this yeah oh you’re you’re indestructible oh wow

There’s something very wrong with this basement what on earth is this basement um that i i’m going to complain to this the student union about this basement there’s something very wrong with it um maybe map is meant to be played with a shader uh no no it’s i don’t think it is

You know that would make sense um actually potentially yeah very well could be a shader map do i have any shaders enabled let’s see source packs no not resource packs uh video settings nope ah no oh dear i can’t see anything everything got so small do you i scale back to normal please

Uh look it’s all about having fun right and we’re not having fun and we’re having a very silly time indeed now where are the shaders found and also resource packs they’re video scenes right yes i don’t have optifine installed so there’s no shaders huh oh well nothing here here’s a box

Nothing going on here oh a door oops uh maybe i maybe i shouldn’t do that i bet these things are levers right yeah they’re probably levers oh right then uh it’s awfully dark in here oh no i wasn’t meant to do that was i this is a metal door yeah oops right

That’s fine it’s fine the key is meant to obviously go right here right there we go and we go deeper down okay and that gets all spooky with the chains and stuff okay yeah metal bars all that good stuff you know how she goes you know how she goes just the way

It’s know the way you do things it’s it’s it’s it’s how you how you play the video games right i’m playing the video games correctly right wow this this university a basement something eh i’m like man pretty insane hello a bunch of cauldrons can’t can’t actually get over them okay well

We’ll just walk around that uh ew how’s this here um some sort of old claps tunnel what’s that say um second exit do i i believe i’ll be leaving okay i should stop i should stop um all right let’s let’s not do that um i think it’s meant to be played with

Uh the instructions at the beginning didn’t say need to be played without define um so and i don’t have to find stalled uh so yeah oh hello ah wow i just teleported the thing to fix it here’s electricity should take care of the problems all right um

Never mind now i have to get back to the bomb yes all right and the lights are back on look at that excellent this place is so well eliminated now nothing to worry about uh right back to the door yes let’s get back up out and out of here everywhere no sorry indeed

Imagine going down to this basement um back to normal mood is imagine going into this place and just having to go like down these creepy corridors just to find the freaking electric box torch zippo is probably yeah cast light when holding i very much agree with you there

I can very much see that um so i probably should have optifine and shaders and all that stuff i’m mistaking the bob’s over here oh okay um i think i just got shanghai dude oh wow this fob is weird okay crawl through here yes i can well it’s very dark

Like really really dark this is impressive oh wow uh okay flickering light oh hello um yes back to i’m in survival mode the game was always in survival mode um oh hello come back have i told you the word and savior of our lord the the good word of our lord and savior

Jesus christ ooh a laptop oh it’s got windows 10 on it no that’s windows 8. when oh that that’s horrible computer got windows 8 on um okay uh can yes i’ll be taking this chair with me uh can i take the bloodstains no can i take the laptop what’s this r

Stand for do you reckon um that door doesn’t open i got a chair ready to hit him with the chair so dark boarded up door can you see that yeah you can see it good i your lighting is actually better than mine i might just look at my recording display

Instead of the game uh all right hello hello anyone in here oh this is just miserably dark all right uh let’s see we got a staircase here oh it’s just like the university again except there’s blood everywhere now i see it must have cost him a fortune to set this up hello

Or dave blow me up um stand arf breaking the okay can’t make that jump let’s see stands for our you breaking map look i just like being able to see um although my this darkness oh blindness okay that’s what’s going on here right oh another computer i want more chairs uh-oh um

Right we’ll just pretend that that never happened and we’ll just leave this room okay uh let’s see instead of me having to be all awkward and like in this mode what we could do right here we go and then go back to survival and just use all these suckers there

Oh that’s problem solved and i’m back in adventure mode or whatever i’m supposed to be in brilliant all right i got chair gotta zip a lighter got key that door’s bored up right up being this way um let’s see have it been this way oh hello wait didn’t i already come through here

Wait is this my room no oh hello oh my goodness that is dark holy cow take a chill pill mod maker didn’t need to go and do that like there’s some limits to things you know like you don’t have to go the full nine yards you can sometimes just go yeah sure whatever

You know you don’t have to take it to the next level huh rooms just pour it up yeah okay i don’t know where i meant to go with this key oh is it meant to go right here no all right wow that’s a real mess oh is this a what’s him called

Some sort of something white carpet redstone dust what’s the laptop made out of great terracotta huh okay not meant to go that way all right what about oh my post ah um this is the control room where i can call for help okay right here’s the key

We put the key in the lock right there we go um i’ll have to use contact merge sources i don’t feel good oh i got roofied again great um what’s happening i’m here again what’s going on um hey cooper all right let’s see uh nothing going on there oh my jumping puzzle time

Nope i said jump in puzzle time i refuse to be beaten by the visible walls i succeeded at that jump and i shall proceed through the map as is meant to be done there we go see i am pro gamer jumping puzzle completed wow this music this is actually

Like the spooky acnes here definitely oh wow well done with knocking this door over it’s like the places getting more and more decrepit the more times i go into it very cool uh you can’t tell me what to do you’re not my real dad uh let’s see oh my laptop’s gone

Oh no the laptop it bled to death oh laptop my only friend why did you have to die why did you have to go and die uh let’s see i could use this uh scraper oops um yeah yes uh huh yeah there we go nothing to worry about here

That didn’t break the game right we’re still good hopefully that’s not important all being a named item no not important at all okay all right it was just a pry bar that’s what it’s for it’s the pry bar for pry bar and things you know good old good old-fashioned pry bar uh yeah

Yes not nothing to it um no wait no harm no foul right no harm to fell shut up i i need your judgment i need your words keep your filthy words to yourself is that like a pile of books yeah a stack of books uh it’s

My game i’ll deal with it as i please i don’t need nothing nothing you hear me nothing okay we’re not meant to go that way um hmm what do you reckon i have to go aha yes of course throw the secret passage excellent um am i always not playing anything with that

All right see i’m so good video game little bathroom i wonder where the toilets are at oh it’s just a sink oh there’s a toilet okay they still have one toilet two Ah okay hello oh chains saws very worry very worried judged okay judy does that does someone needs a nickname um what’s not biff to be in great mode kafka my game most survival right now it’s perfectly fine don’t worry about it we’re playing the proper game mode hello hmm

I think i needed a lever all right let’s see there we go and there we go hmm gamer’s been updated to adventure whenever i turn to survival updates to adventure it’s pretty funny um Well i feel like i have to go through this door so here i go all right oh hello what’s this i don’t know what to do anymore yesterday i was reading that mr scary face i was reading that come on i remember everything where did i go

Again is so illusion i should get out of this building and very annoying i was trying to read that book and not very fast reader you can’t just jump scare me when i’m not even looking it’s like not how you do jump scares come on now Get right stone it can break glass and this thing can’t sure all right well good thing we have a stone for breaking glass and not a chair or anything else okay now i just need to find some glass to break with my stone ah all right let me out there we go

I’m about to jump to my no no okay it will look creepy place all right a little bit creepy i’m not gonna lie a little bit weird we’re fine i’m doing fine making some fun time oh yeah time is fun see even though i’ve broken the map i haven’t really broken it

So we’re all good well gucci just like clothing just like pants with gucci like pantsy with the gucci’s pants okay right this way a little bit around here ooh blood and books what’s all the random books or this tnt you think there’s a stack of books or tnt or something okay

Right just down the path ooh we’re home free maybe a little outpost there uh do i really want to go in there um forbidden zone yeah no i think that i’d much prefer to go up onto this observational platform here thank you very much and to destroy that chest okay right really um

So anyways where was we hopefully that chest wasn’t important ah darkness again okay right uh let’s see and we’re blind still my goodness absurd uh Absolutely absurd don’t mind me and let’s see one of these all right okay let’s get this glugged where is this at this hot bar’s kind of confusing use oh well this is just going to be the original purpose of the first thing however when all things are brought into consideration you know

This makes life so much simpler although i can take fall damage now as i clear up all status effects which may not be the best of ideas however that blindness was just getting downright annoying you know it’s like come on i want to see the game your atmosphere controls have no power

Over me all right all right so you know in the witcher when you drink cat that’s what just happened um stop i know the door i could have seen before exactly remember this door at least to a part of the forest i know how to get to the city ew i got keys

Um let’s see the door is meant to open right with the keys hello mr doll hmm huh door didn’t open did not open ah but we’re here uh what does it say f5 hmm ah oh very cute very very cute thoughts like when i reveal something scary but nope

Is this making fun of me all right hey hey you’re in a cell here in a cell stinking kidnapper all right kidnappers good to have all the fun oh hello guess we’re going down or are we no okay ow wow that’s very manly oof far more manly than me blood stains open doors

A computer lab hey look at that little webcams and i’m darkened again how rude okay uh didn’t take away my night vision though suckers ooh the key okay let’s get rid of this bucket and take the key right and i guess we have to go back up the stairs now with this key

All right cool uh wow big place like really big what’s with all these random bars oh this is the insane asylum isn’t it that’s what this is meant to be right because his daughter died insane asylum she had a cabinet fall on her right okay hello hmm what what we got here uh

Doors random blood stains pools of water yeah ooh hello i blocked off path all right and closed door closed door remember when venture maps weren’t just walking same like oh this gun’s like this is kind of just a walk to point a point b until you get spooked what is this zone

Then this sound thing gets spooked walk to this zone then this zone then gets spooked over here then over there then get spooked hello hey uh what’s happening to me am i going crazy oh nose uh through the vents oh wow i got like a smudge on my screen right there all right

Okay all right yeah there’s no way a single man could set this up like the amount of work it would take to set this all up like you’d have to be a real nutter ah i can no longer jump i see ow ow out if i i take i’m just like

Falling down the stairs that’s what that’s all about and i take it this door does not open no this door does not open don’t mind me oh so much better i can actually see oh oh it’s so much clearer that’s so much oh my my eyes are actually starting to hurt from that

Darkness but this oh this is so nice oh my goodness very very nice am i just going to be going down these staircases forever if i break the cycle and climb back up again oh that would show them i really missed the ability to jump

Okay how many more loops do you think is going to be i say five okay four and three two this is purgatory this is lately what purgatory is like one okay okay it’s wrong it’s not five more am i supposed to go up i can climb the stairs huh well

Stair descending simulator everyone ladies and gentlemen the descending upstairs ooh there’s blood there that’s new even there’s blood here i think the meaty sounds are meant to be i’m falling down the stairs maybe no okay like if i was saying i both add more and more blood to sorry go like oh you’re

Falling down stairs oof ouch each that button did nothing oh finally thank goodness stack of newspapers wait can i go through this stuff with the pic or is this just a new room ah new spot okay very good carry on uh oh my this place really needs a janitor oh bollocks

What am i doing here back in the basement oh no come on really you know security camera hi security camera friend okay dude you’re prank very funny but enough of the the drug trip uh we’ve all had quite enough it’s um we’re all getting very tired of your pranks you know

We have class in the morning and it’s just all um why is there all this blood what happened here the bomb exploded we’re all really sick and tired of these pranks so just clean up your mess take responsibility for what happened okay no one’s impressed with your prank it’s

Gone on far too long just stick to the snicker bars in the bathroom and we can all get on with our day you don’t have to go so extreme on the whole deal you know mail toilets i shouldn’t be in here like i want to see what’s further than the

Male toilets oh well uh okay okay the doors aren’t opening that’s always a good sign hello this hopper is locked this hopper is locked these things don’t work right uh i appear to be stuck in this place oh sapling yoink Hmm Don’t know what i’m supposed to be doing it’s all very confusing very very confusing hello i’m gonna explain just what’s going on i’m also just gonna close that keep them stuck down there all right i really miss the ability to jump like you would not believe

How much i would like to jump right now climb up there go up there you know just the simple power i’d be able to go up and then i could go up here i could go up into here that’d be cool but no i can’t hmm let’s see so we come in here

This door leads the void this door leads into here there’s nothing here we can take no interaction nothing in there all right um imagine in the end the game you are the killer the whole time nothing in that door there’s a men’s bathroom nothing in that door

This is a door to my bedroom there’s the door out all right so um finally made a room gotta get elve here um what who are you what are you doing in my room you remember me i’m the texture block of the man that’s father killed you injected poison so that i well

Um look mate um you’re just texture blocked so was your daughter um i think i broke it i think i broke it this is what i get this is what i get okay right um take that and that yeah you really uh my poor construction skills let’s see

What happened um i think deal with poisons that you’d be tossing around different memories it’s all falling into place alone finished business and that falls on him ah i click here there we go as much as i hate to do this i have to kill you spend the rest of my life

Trying to get back me wait why are you doing no we are the police surrender hands up there we go Um brilliant um map is past thanks for playing and all the heads oh yes uh him and him and him and the knife we used to kill him and ah good times good times let’s see i don’t know what to do anymore yes yes accident which actually killed a girl

With a board um it was an accident um and then this time i stabbed him with a knife yep that’s just how she goes sometimes don’t you know just how she goes sometimes my goodness look at all this look at all this that says what up there for some reason

Then there’s all these signs which are in random russian and we just punch this oh my gosh imagine how much damage we could do by breaking that oh look at this nice little backdrop here it’s very self-contained map very very self-contained well like apartment buildings all that stuff wow

What adventure what absolute adventure we went on here’s like the little front of the school and then this over here um yeah don’t don’t worry about we we just completed the adventure map that i may or may not have done totally legitimately oh it’s in here with computers and all that stuff

And then i passed here into this room yeah that was a good time it’s a good time no problems at all ooh russian keys and lighters my favorite and here’s the infinite staircase oh my gosh nothing went on forever that’s insane yeah no good times good times

All right let’s grab one more map one more time we’re going to party okay bloody revenge more like lame revenge am i right okay and it uh open world folder here we go and just get rid of bloody revenge okay back to the minecraft saves now now that

Uh now what is what you meant to say or are you saying now that because now what is regarding another map uh we’re gonna grab trapped inside oh spooky that’s been everyone’s life for the past almost two years oh my goodness that reality hits home hard don’t she wow

We’ve been at this for quite a while quite a while that’s insane all right trapped inside trapped inside trapped inside uh trapped inside ooh it’s 1.15.12 excellent wait did we just launch for the wrong version oh music and everything there’s the map prayers their texture is actually load right no

Thunder and lightning very very frightening board certificates uh settings rules and guidelines render distance 10 sound on particles all all right options video settings render distance 10 okay brightness to max tooltips off use the boss bar title and chat as a guide on what to do right click on items single player only

All right what what good lads those map makers are oh okay uh begin the story trapped inside Huh who am i where am i what does it mean my head hurts i’m blind and sick um no power figures maybe have to turn back on find a way to turn back on the power okay what’s this strange note by your name all right uh what’s this we got a flashlight uh

Oh uh all right resource packs uh before i go and put that one away because it’s meant to be a flashlight there we go uh this didn’t say play with optifine either oh christ someone broke the glass spooky uh i think stairs oh right i really don’t like playing with permanent blindness

Like could you i know you’re trying to make your map spooky atmospheric but but could you perhaps make your map playable without having to permanent blindness because it just makes it so i can’t see anything but it’s really inconvenient well i know it’s meant to be the purpose of everything the idea

Uh it’s like just really really annoying to always be blind okay right let’s see we’re in the attic see like it can be spooky without that oh i’m dying of hunger oh okay and saturation over here wait what is this bar is that meant to be like a spooko meter hmm

Very very odd uh let’s see over here power what does this note say i’ll spare fuse my bedroom closet i used to replace the one if this one goes bad it’s best conditions i do the job done junior hmm circum broke it’s finding me a fuse all right

Uh breaker just needs a new fuse okay that’s that’s no problem you can do that oh i can just place the torch wherever using the flashlight excellent some place it can’t be placed okay bedroom bedroom closet has a new fuse um i think i’m going to be in survival

Mode well that’s not just spooky getting random effects of light yeah i i i think that balloon fuse oh i see okay right right i think my game was meant to be an adventure so i’m just going to turn ah i see so if i adventure mode i go blind how miserable

Huh absolutely are we miserable why would you do that no i refuse to play in a state of blindness all right i want to appreciate and look at your map and actually be able to see what the heck i am doing all right where is this key at

Also actually the blindness like playing the dark i have i straightened my eyes to try and see what’s going on it gives me a headache now i don’t want a headache you know so no not going to do versus damn fuse where’s the staircase i used to get up here hmm

My lack of spatial memory is going to be the end of me isn’t it it was like over here was it ah yes there you go all right search is the house settling or something yes that’s how you you creep someone out in the house to make a break all right

Uh the drinking milk won’t happen because how they said is is constantly applying to me um so it’s applying over and over and over again basically to constantly affect you so even if you were to uh go into that they’ve done a really cheap way of giving you permanent blindness

So it won’t quite work am i this is quite closet there’s a spare fuse brilliant wow this is actually a really nicely done bedroom cables and everything but yeah not terrible all right nope not going up nope nope nope nope nope we all just stay down here for the rest of our lives

You know what we’re out here i won the game oh i don’t want to go up there hello everyone up here that should do the trick all right there we go we can see again excellent uh what the heck was that see anything maybe just glass of water will clear my head

Bring a glass of water from the kitchen this is quite the house my goodness this is like a really big house all right one of the spookiest things in the world is like something in your own home because your own homes be secure but then if you don’t know what’s going on

Your own home that’s when things get scary oh my goodness okay this is this is a normal house like this person this person’s got the money they got the mula oh okay staring at the floor this pair of fuse is pretty bad completion at least not completely blown up yeah

Anything spooky happens just stare at the floor here’s the is this the bathroom oh my goodness look at the size of this bathtub this bathtub is very shallow it’s like half a meter b which i guess isn’t too bad that’s like close that four meter long bathtub that’s insane

Bathtubs normally aren’t that large uh okay i suspect that the kitchen is probably oh the sprint meter that’s what this is okay can you stop ah is this the kick no this is a bedroom as well okay so that’s my sprinto meter i think i but i don’t like that mechanic

Oh wow this person did a really good job they didn’t have any passing textures they just made the map see that’s how you do it you just make the map next there is junior’s room stay out okay uh maybe maybe the kitchen’s downstairs okay let’s see oh the front doors are opened um

Well who went and done did that uh why are the lights going out if the doors are open okay that’s fine big paintings ah there’s the kitchen oh hello was that a floating torso or something oh haunted kitchens are the worst it came from the laundry it was throwing around sheets

I really need to get someone to clean up all these cobwebs need to get made in here oh hello hmm well that’s no bad bad polar geese ooh cow delicious uh get some sink okay we’re glasses glass of water where are the glasses located he’d blow up all the glasses

Oh that ruined bugger all right uh let’s see the finger foul the finger oh they’re very funny uh you can just drink from the sink oh is this a bog yes it is bog okay towels very nice oh my goodness let’s put uh glass of water a nice glass of water oh used

Turn back on please use all right now then where are the glasses there’s the oven are they over here hello i just want a nice glass of water why would you get water from the fridge freaking out americans there are water fridges oh my god i need to get this fridge checked up

Oh it’s coming from the garage i thought my fridge was malfunctioning hello this is the laundry room okay let’s see where’s the bridgette nope lights went out looking at the floor until the lights come back up Okay stop doing car repairs at night who’s up here doing the car repairs and just real no my stomach sounds like i’ve heard the sounds like snake they woke me up this morning they don’t make sounds like that uh they it’s sort of like uh well i don’t know um

It’s actually making like a click click click click click sound um let’s see so i have to get out here that’s what i’m saying right uh okay it’s definitely awesome else i got gail if you’re too bad it’s pouring out i’ll be on foot maybe i can find the keys no just run

You don’t have to find the keys uh you you just run via foot all right mate that’s what you do search upstairs in the master bedroom for all the keys see you explosion of tnt you just go right and you run i don’t think the master bad room was down this hallway oh

Really i thought it was um oh hello okay something’s up okay things are back to normal oh hello hi otherwise you are enemies oh i see um i did realize i’d have to fight and dodge ghosts excuse me very rude do you have to play ring around the rosie with you

Okay i’ll do it stupid ghosts okay very good can’t beat me i’m too pro master oh that was a very big bed oh come on now um let’s see honey i picked up the new prescription i left ah yes prescription um love rose okay right so drugs yes ghosts

Certainly not truckees but maybe this takes prescription will make those things go away it’s worth a try uh no just sleep by foot take prescriptions make teams go away where’s the prescription located uh let’s see um the i picked up the new prescription from our oldest doctor recommended

Corozolopean said should work i left the prescription downstairs bedroom the one across from the guest room near the back is where you need it okay let’s see wait who’s that i’ll just armor and it goes fly by i was like is that armored person can’t be

All right we turn here there’s one of the stupid ghosts that we kited with ring around the rosie front door is seriously open okay yeah good day i’m living i’m out of here oh dog works again boys okay pardon me just be taking the walk around here [Applause]

We kited him out very good All right now prescription drugs thank you very much stop it now bad bad ghost i’m just trying to find my drugs where are they at across from the guest bedroom i don’t even remember where that was now the lighting’s all funny these stupid ghosts are everywhere in here ah drugs there we go

Now then medicines work they’re gone for now brilliant okay oh so holy one’s not taking the pill on empty stock i’m starving let’s go to the kitchen to eat some chicken okay that didn’t sound right catch cook eat chicken in what okay that sounds like a bit of insanity um oh

Come on wow this is actually really well done oh this is so cool oh gravel revolution oh Oh my god this person is really talented whoever made this wow this is really good it was really good okay let’s see cooking chicken ah chicken and oven okay that does not look like cooked chicken but i’ll eat it a little crispy but still tastes like chicken sort of yep

Still don’t remember who you are yet strange voice okay um who’s that who’s that come on in the water is fine um shipping and receiving especially you have a purpose and you shouldn’t be taking those pills that’s exactly what she wants you to do what’s her name where are you

Oh my goodness i’m so alone and afraid out in this big old world she’s coming um mother don’t listen to her i hate it when the monster is called mother but look at that little glowing evil eyes beneath the staircase hello hello phantom spider beneath the staircase sweetus is that you um

Go upstairs i’m in my bedroom i want to see you dear calling up yeah no uh i don’t even know your name freud um freud would have a field day with this so let’s let let’s not go on without that sarah yes sarah baby downstairs in the

Guest bedroom we’ll talk more all right sarah mother um let’s see well that happened over there lots of books and mother’s upstairs sarah’s downstairs oh wow this room is very green sarah now i’m usually not into this sort of trist with someone but uh well paint me like one of your french girls

Um you need to get out of this house yeah tell me something i don’t know look there there’s like the doors open i know a way out yeah the the giant open door um waved tell me it may not be death uh the grand far clock time is the key

Turn the dial 180 degrees whoo is that riddle um are you serious she’s watching go okay grandfather clock got a good turn and now mumzy is going to be coming after us all right oh [ __ ] said fox hunting is bad in a puffer fish head oh crap uh prescription note all right

Tv is going where do you reckon the grandfather clock is located i mean ah here it is excellent uh oh 180 degree right one two three four oh book i want it give me a book there we go knowledge book no i ate it let’s see turn the clock there we go excellent

That should work that was 180 degrees wasn’t it so i can leave now right grand public clock turn the dial 180 degrees yeah that’s that’s what i did right that’s 180 hello oh this little spot beneath the staircase it’s actually quite nice don’t take me okay i kind of want to yeah

Final put back so don’t take me we won’t oh um though i walk through the valley um of shadows of death i shall fear no evil for thou art my lord open bible passage 23 4 shall we turn it more let’s see not up so turn it makes it do the thing

But then oh it lifts up and there’s a chest back there there’s the basement key all right i see out the front door there we go basement key haha figured out take that suckers i’m a pro they’ll recognize this place huh not a clue all right uh the cellar door

Is on the side of the house go inside and turn left all right sarah’s trying to get me to free her isn’t she That’s very well done There we go oh my your basement appears to have a case of the floodings uh all right this is your way out poor snow it’s next door over all right i can’t jump over that um little problem uh rain must have flooded see those valves on the walls try activating them

Maybe they’ll drain the water uh what valves i see no valves wow hopefully this music can’t copyright oh there’s a fish in this water Uh-huh okay Well that’s fun so now Oh no bad bad bad creatures Really don’t see your vows either uh is there more than one i don’t know so just let’s see oh those are the valves okay so jump puzzle my way up so game mode let’s venture all right [Applause] so i have to go over here get onto that and go up onto this

I have to let that bar recharge ah so it’s sort of like a bar that just goes down even when i’m generally moving okay okay so that’s one of the valves there’s a little bit of gameplay going on here i don’t like this fatigue mechanic i will say that it’s kind of annoying

And the lights going out constantly super fan of that hey sometimes that just happens ah okay right and nope bugger off all right so we’re up here we get onto this thing yield fatigue refresh away and then we go pull that lever and then we’re like oh so pro jump puzzle

Then when we’re in here all we do is we jump up on here and then we’re like cool we jump up onto here and we jump onto there i think we go here no we make it here oh yes we go right here and then we

Jump back up here we go running along here then we’re like jump up onto here something that seems like the jumping is not as much controls i’d like then we go over here and then we drain the water really um wow quite crazy little puzzle thing now we open the door um

How about no okay that was it those pipes follow the pipes they’ll guide you out um i think it’s this thing’s the pipe yeah let’s see oh my uh hello i told you i knew the way out that’s me up there oh great sarah really you had to descend to that chex ah

Sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah this is um i don’t think i can do that sarah um what why not mother’s fate will be much worse i can assure you that look sarah you can’t just go out like that i’m gonna go now sarah oh you you’re going to ghost me eh

Too bad for you i’m still going to run you really are just a [ __ ] like your mama well good thing i know how to avoid those i think not all right there we go brilliant bad sarah bad i’m very disappointed in you that would be very disappointed all right let’s go see mumsy

Mom mache hello um that’s it i don’t care if it’s raining or i don’t care if it’s flying like a tsunami i’m leaving this evil place where’s the front entrance it’s right here all right leave the property through the front entrance yes i guess i could go see mumsy but i i

Really don’t want that one dog dog dog dog dog yes we’ve had this before there’d be wolves up here uh that is quite the lock uh yep nope of course why wouldn’t it be locked oh there’s a tool [ __ ] over here though or some sort of thing

Somebody anyone can hear me trapped here someone please there’s no one around look look at where we are man look middle freaking nowhere oh oh that that sounds lovely investigating noise coming from the garden yes um okay well this took a different level hello ladies oh Well it’s not the first time being blocked out by a group of old ladies it won’t be the last what was that some sort of coven were they championing bluebella what the hell is brule i give a mean well as an expert in witchcraft and wizardry it means a bugler of course um

I can figure out what’s going on i can figure out how to stop this um read the book in the library yes yeah nice pork chops tasty i wanted to take the coconut fireplace um book in the library come on cook me hungry really good there we go and the music broke excellent

Well off we go then Hello mr spider creepy guys are watching i see you down there don’t worry hello miss witch all right library Tv still freaking out this was not the library okay which room is the library again there’s a finger battle what’s the library upstairs might be upstairs hmm laundry room kitchen garage fireplace or closet i guess yeah that’s the garage okay right this is sort of a library um find and read the book

In the library Uh that’s the piano maybe the library was upstairs all right let’s see we don’t want to go to the master bedroom which is over there hello madam is this the way to the library yeah i think so all right this is the bathroom what’s that is that a bedroom

That’s the master bedroom with mumsy we don’t want going to there ah here’s the library oh my big library lots of books okay that’s a door let’s see if it’s up here ah we got the book ew wow hey man yo well a story as old as time that one

A story as old as time okay now booga booga in there ah lil’s spiral staircase up very nice all right i’ll say books and books and books nothing nothing here though nothing here that we want a pagan guide to demons and deities volume six and inform of god identify

Their spirits and protect yourself from their harm love for god gave me praise among the souls of the weak they are mostly known for taking small children also taking adults as well as being the souls of its victims increasing its power and strength the booklet is a powerful empty

It can be controlled it’s nearby starting causing closeness to even harm to its cyclics those symptoms fall to the buddha however are killed directly by the entity itself rather by someone under his control after enough taurus bali will break them down the mental barriers of the victim

And will be able to take their mind once under the control of bluegill the victim becomes disoriented and aggressive kills their loved ones these creatures are known for their appearance on story nice prey upon those who sense they sense a week they often stalk victims for from blood quarters and damn dark patches

They mostly only attack in the dark but have also been powered to attack their victims in well-liked areas as well so google are clever creatures that are known to cause loose nations in their pictures or to lure them away from safe places government colleges provide rituals or the people

In exchange for the material goods such as wealth this practice is forgiven for all pagans all right so we got boogaloo that crash sounds like it came from the garage let’s go check it out all right let’s avoid mumsy and head to the garage what a nice chandelier my goodness okay

Flying like it’s so sweet i don’t know how you wrap to this beat i’m really cool i’m really slick i’ve got oh there’s a truck i guess someone found the piece um really um wherever there was they’re gone now and they took the keys with them gets

This is my trip to get out here all right that’s fine not to worry about Oh what the hell is that music sounds plain let’s check it out turn off the creepy too what what is this french volts i think Is Hello Labs Right Just in time um there’s no way going back at the house now wait was the dortmund slam shut off something i think it maybe was huh is that a crime baby no way not real this can’t be real I refuse to believe don’t remember seeing baby upstairs oh man you know um haunted house rescue the baby really that’s not the sound the baby makes just put that out there um where are you at baby where’s the baba I just got out there just climb the fence bait we’ve got so much lip balm get out there yes probably okay that’s what this is saying the guy was a big cloth of hair i’m All right i saw that I saw that Oh did get back in with that baby i got a book i beat you with a book get back here Where’d you go this time ah come here give me that bubba give me the bubba witch detail bop back up the stairs Oh there you are Uh huh secret passage into the basement this is where those things usually attack they attack in the dark corridors and it’s leading me down into one with a baby and then it’s going to get me while i’m trapped the girl’s face it’s coming in my dick why am i still

Um why don’t you get this baby it’s not even mine I have no maternal instincts whatsoever i guarantee you on that All right oh it’s using my tagi to climb the stairs i see this all right all right here we go Um sarah Oh you get Um right so we got an axe uh oh how do i kill the thing okay that’s clearly not working hmm i can’t use the axe i’d really like to use the axe oh there we go back off got a weapon got an axe I will use my superpowers to fight you um you’re dead the boogaloo says all right and bring it there bam got the demon uh they can be killed hey baby i guess it’s just a doll all right kill the other ghosts all right well i got we gotta get mumsy next i guess

If i could regen all right there’s a ghost in the master bedroom i never want to find hello you and your ghost no okay hmm i thought she was meant to be in here oh it’s really slow on the bed here we go bathtub and my audio’s all funny

A little disorienting there well it’s fine he’s fine okay look at the other ghosts and here nope no shower ghosts uh where do you reckon they’re at one the attic maybe let’s see out of ghosts and it ghosts ghosts in the attic yeah at a ghost

Hunt them with my axe to the face nope no i ghosts okay um they think they’re being out of ghosts don’t you all right well maybe they’re outside could be a ghost outside more downstairs there’s one that like the kitchen and the television let’s go check those out all right

Down the stairs we go down the stairs goes taking on ghosts downstairs hey ghost that side yeah all right hello ghost in the kitchen bring it on kitchen ghost hello kitchen ghost Ghost of cicada Okay hearing funny noises but still no kitchen ghosts right ghost in the green room green room ghost nope all right agreeing with ghost it was a bare skin rug didn’t notice that no ghost in here ah they’re watching the television one two three take that television goes now watching static for ye

Take a shower oh yes kill ghost and then go take a shower that’s what real chads do we kill ghosts and then we go take a shower machine okay well let us go upstairs and take ourselves a shower uh why because we’re feeling very good it’s our time take a warm shot

Making a warm sound warm sour okay there you go take your medicine in the bedroom uh okay all right medication i have to go get it let’s see it’s my bedroom Yeah No this is junior’s bedroom ours is this one right oh there’s my medicine excellent excellent ew feeling a little woozy okay look at what you’ve done i bet i just went and asked a bunch of people downstairs happy little family i just brought axe to them didn’t i yep

Yep with the shower yep blood everywhere on the floor yep yep yep that’s what i thought please come up with your hands in the air you’ll never take me alive coppers you’ll never take me Yeah they got me they got me let’s cut by the police oh no i’m insane silent thank you for playing yay um trapped inside the video game well that was a good one good little benjamin okay map bye apple something in eighth also yes right well that was a very long stream

Rather gruesome sound story up next five members in the family and six met their demise the survivor of the family the oldest son had a history of outbursts and delusions along with the murder of the family the culprit also killed cook and consumed part of the family cat that’s what i

Thought the chicken was police also found a shower window no fingerprints were identified the culprit claims that being tormented by evil spirits who tricked them into committing their trophy they have used excessive force and acts convincing the delusion of their victims the covers also claimed to have encountered which cult on the property

No trace of the suspected intruders were found with the plead of insanity they’ve since been admitted to a mental hospital where they remain today and that has been the news thank you very much thank you very much oh prison door open excellent i’m free i’ll get three go get fast gotta go

Faster faster faster oh hello yes very funny and that’s the game restarted and reset bill good fun thank you my good serves very good let me go to need all right and enough of the maps wow that haven’t had a very long time okay fairly really long time

We are on that for ages okay well thank you everyone who stuck around for so long i don’t know why you went and bothered to do that but well i think we’re done now we can believe the maps we did it we did good yeah gotta get a nice stretch god

Stretch up my neck i didn’t go for a walk ah let’s see is there a stretch here let’s do a little yeah oh my gosh my neck gotta go outside i think gotta relax for a bit you know take some of the stress off all that good stuff gotta just

Work out all those kinks you get you know i could actually just a little fiddle in here do this there we go and then now we can see the controls excellent oh man that that was something that was definitely a game definitely a game so uh thank you for sticking around and

I guess we’ll catch you all next time so until then yeah goodbye all right cool yes very very cool all right

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Halloween Adventure (Stream)’, was uploaded by Lorthorn on 2021-10-09 18:36:20. It has garnered 119 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 02:23:54 or 8634 seconds.

Hello every one welcome to my Minecraft Adventure: stream. I am doing the Minecraft Halloween Adventure. Hopping to get a spock and scare I hope you will enjoy it where going to do our best to make it fun. So sit back let’s get a little spooked and see what happens.

Disocrd: https://discord.gg/rWW4Hhf

Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/lorthorn1

Music by: Adrian Von Ziegler Vindsvept Kevin Macleod

Check them out. All music material is under a CC BY 4.0 License, more information about it can be found here: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/….

Map link: https://www.minecraftmaps.com/adventure-maps/herobrines-mansion

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  • AfterBeyond Networks


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  • Unbelievable! Bobby & Max DESTROY Minecraft Myths!

    Unbelievable! Bobby & Max DESTROY Minecraft Myths!Video Information im Jahr 2010 veröffentlichten die Entwickler die erste Version von Minecraft Hardcore seitdem haben die Spieler jede Regel von Hardcore gebrochen indem sie Totems verwendet automatisierte Farmen gebaut und sogar Glitches ausgenutzt haben es gibt nur eine Regel die von Anfang an gleich geblieben ist wenn du stirbst wirst du nie wiederbelebt aber was wäre wenn jemand dieses Gesetz brechen würde das ist der Mythos von Player 13 und an der Stelle erstmal vielen Dank an opera GX die das Video unterstützen denn wir benutzen jetzt den neuen Gaming Browser Opera GX der ist extra für uns richtige… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Vanilla+ Gameplay by Ursa UMi Ch.

    Unbelievable Minecraft Vanilla+ Gameplay by Ursa UMi Ch.Video Information [Music] w [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello hi guys I’m I’m not going to lie I like I held the mouse for like a few seconds and was wondering where my burst was says alive yeah he is he is how are you guys how is everything does the does the audio need to be bumped up a little bit I um what is it I had to like lower Minecraft on my end because like my ears are kind of being like Sonic blasted right now you you… Read More

  • SHOCKING: Hood Baby Goes Crazy on NYPD

    SHOCKING: Hood Baby Goes Crazy on NYPDVideo Information [Music] bag um the CV gave a description of a female black with long with white what classes did I steal from M CL Mommy I know who it was what classes did I steal thank you stop recording it now you should not be recording it without our permission my safety thank you my aunt don’t glasses and what her do she have a [ __ ] white t-shirt on no no no my leave my mother alone I don’t have this is crazy my dad father she don’t have nothing K somebody [Music] in the face… Read More

  • JustAxstler’s EPIC Bedwars RAGE QUIT?! 😱 #minecraft

    JustAxstler's EPIC Bedwars RAGE QUIT?! 😱 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Did He Rage Quit? #minecraft #bedwars #hypixel #pvp #minemen #minemenclub #bedfight #fireballfight’, was uploaded by JustAxstler on 2024-05-09 21:07:57. It has garnered 9649 views and 177 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Read More

  • Minecraft’s Secret Meme Revealed! Watch Now! #shorts

    Minecraft's Secret Meme Revealed! Watch Now! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Historical minecraft meme #shorts #shortsfeed #youtubeshorts #ytshorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Break Gamerzz on 2024-05-29 06:27:14. It has garnered 701 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:08 or 8 seconds. Historical minecraft myth #shorts #shortsfeed #youtubeshorts #ytshorts #minecraft @Reedop_Gaming Subscribed Minecraft Top 100+ ‘Ulta Super MORE TNTs’ 😱🤯 #minecraft leaked Concrete mega tnt in minecraft 1.21 !! 😱😍 #shorts #minecraft #minecraftmegatnt 1M Dislike 8,435 Share Description leaked Concrete mega tnt in minecraft 1.21 !! 😱😍 #shorts #minecraft #minecraftmegatnt Reedop Gaming 1M Likes 20,209,364 Views Feb 24 2024 Share with your friends🙏… Read More

  • Free Will

    Free WillClan SMP with a limited world border. Has a focus on pvp and is very competitive, with clans tryign to eliminate each other at every step. Free_Will_PVP.hosting.ethera.net Read More