LOST in Minecraft with Gawr Gura?!

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Huh hello hello minecraft and then i’m putting minecraft minecraft music on i gotta queue up the minecraft playlist uh okay okay hello everybody hi Um yes i must turn up your volume oh my goodness what are you wearing yes you’re so glowy ah you like it i do it was fashion looking good watson looking good thank you i was watching audio all right watching can you give me a

Give me a send oh sorry i thought you wanted to make that noise i mean that works okay good nice nice how did you go why do i have this i’m down here where’s down here i’m here hiya what kind of soy is that is that iron uh

Yeah i enchanted it oh what you got what’s the enchantment um it’s just sharpness i have another one that has like sharpness too and something else it’s like a bunch of combined stuff ah you have a cool sword too oh yeah baby it’s gold it sucks

Now it does its job for a while i killed a short while wait uh i wanna i’m gonna do something really quick okay i just wanna i wanna i wanna i would like to go into the nether for a moment okay sure are you going to check to see if he’s there

Yes i told you i’m pretty sure they despawn no we put a name tag are you coming where are you oh i want to go hold on i’m collecting we okay wait we have acrobat striders no oh yeah there there were uh two striders or three striders one was like a baby on

Top of a big one i can hear that i could actually catch it and we could put like a stone gate there i mean i can put a stone gate there now i mean yeah whoa it grew last time i was here it was a baby now it’s big big strider

It’s stuck in the same spot as before it’s been like stuck in the same spot i kind of feel bad for it it’s dumb oh no no no no okay it’s good punch [ __ ] i said no i helped it i i hugged it i gave it a swift kick

All right they look happier now wow yeah you’re going to be picking i’ll be back stuttering oh yeah my my uh i think it’s my internet it should should fix itself at some point can’t really do anything about it i mean yep i’m seeing a lot of i’m a boy boy

Wow wow oh yeah yeah that was from oh yeah yesterday i forgot to put my jacket back on no that’s that’s fine that’s quite all right oh phil you still there he’s here i need to put my head on he’s gonna be mad he’s gonna be mad he’s gonna be better oh okay

Pretty cool phil now you owned him you got a pet i have pet phil isn’t it great i don’t understand this door how does this push the bun i get how it works but like it looks really messed up it’s like a big gap you didn’t even give him it should like

Decorate oh what was that was this your sword no no that was spectral arrows i believe he joked oh yeah phil kick me oh the obsidian he’s like that i don’t feel hey can you uh can you push the button oh i caught i kind of tried don’t leave me

In here with the crack okay nice it’s pretty cool that’s a boy thank you callie huh yeah it’s the gotcha box we we we got ya that’s a boy we got your phil wait do you want to give him gold i have gold if you want to give him something

Uh i’m all right oh i okay okay what are we doing what are we doing today watson ah yes so uh you wanna take you wanna get in the cart and i’ll get in the back cart okay wow uh today we are going on a journey ooh a very long and far

Journey adventure and well i asked for people’s opinions about it about the chlorobiome oh i have the coordinates get it doesn’t know where it is i have them and it’s really really really really really far it’s very far you know what that means i think i think it’s fine i don’t think we

Ever would have found it on our own like it it really would have taken us a super super long time not found it on our own um and good i was okay with it right good uh yep i’m okay yeah that’s fine wait okay now we’re just gonna prepare

To go on a journey i don’t know we should probably have like beds and stuff so that if we die we don’t spawn really far away i like it i like it i’ll pack the lunchbox yes yeah we’ll have to pack a bunch of essentials probably just a bunch of tools some weapons

Make sure our armor’s good and then yeah bring beds and some rocks we can build like little houses on the way because it’s probably gonna yeah we’ll probably need some shelter at some point uh knowing us yes are you okay yes do you want to sleep no okay

The ground pounder away the what my ground pounder what’s the ground powder my pickaxe oh my special pickaxe oh clever what else do you grandpa huh your mom where are you are you in your house no i’m planting some wheat oh me too wait do you know any good road trip songs we

Can sing I do but i don’t know if we’re allowed to sing them life is a highway that’s all we can do all right thanks for coming oh if you do one and then i do one i think that’s even right i think that’s fair even the south yeah

Come get us youtube come get us no please don’t jump i feel like we wouldn’t really get in trouble for singing it acapella right change the lyrics around becomes parody free use untouchable yeah yeah yeah we’re just saying it really stupid sounding and then it’s a parody so it’s okay

Got this in the bag i always sound stupid so it’s fine so do i hello uh-oh It’s on the way i think we might be able to find some like pirate ships and stuff maybe so i’ll bring i’ll bring a boat i think we should be good with a boat so yeah you have stuff to make a bed i’ve never made a bed before

I don’t i don’t know what you need uh wood and wool do you have one oh yes oh hold on i’m stuck i’m stuck in my uh um i got wood oh okay nice excuse me you’re getting with your big butt again this is how i die hey okay ow Fine i’m on my way i’m going okay hey did i take any time we gotta we gotta prep let’s do the other prep what did you need you needed wood we’re gonna build beds yeah yeah yeah i was gonna steal some cotton from somebody unless you have cotton cotton be a cut

From sheep or wool i mean whoa what yeah yes same thing but different it’s soft the wool is itchy right uh yeah i think so yeah more it’s here uh i got bread i got steak i got pork chop merino wool isn’t that itchy yeah but it’s expensive that’s boujee wool

At one second a silk touch silk touch pickaxe well funny you mentioned that i happen to have one right here whoa would you like it watson what for uh i don’t know silk touch uh well don’t you use that for like glass and ice

Yeah i don’t know if i need it right now oh i have a present for you though cool just remembered should i bring i have treasure maps should i bring them or nah oh yeah bring the well actually i don’t think i i don’t think the direction we’re going

Is in that direction where those treasure maps are i might always save those for another time uh okay sounds good oh is this treasure oh booty oh possible booty looting oh hey burn nice wait use the present i’m coming present yes i’m just cooking stuff okay i need to eat goura eat ah

You want arrows i have feathers because you have like a bow right um your weapon of choice i believe the past tense i believe head i don’t think i have it oh uh oh i only have fishing rods oh here i have a present for you

All right i have a nice come back now oh i have a bow but i have a bow too okay i have a bunch of arrows nice how do you make arrows a string oh they need pointy rock you’re wrong huh now you don’t need string firm

To make an arrow yeah oh that’s a bow don’t listen to me okay huh this is for you yeah this special boots oh now i want you to hover over those and see what it what it what uh you can do and then test it out wait first come on

Frost walker frost walker ah there we go whoa you can walk on yeah oh my goodness whoa i can like see through the map with those and it’s indefinite you just if you’re gonna take damage take them off because you don’t want them to get hurt when ice melts behind you yeah yeah

Oh baby i found this in a treasure chest uh i i hadn’t noticed that it had like a really cool effect until somebody in chat pointed out that you have i was looking for boots to wear yeah we could build a land bridge well uh momentarily yeah thanks what sun

I’m there you’re welcome it’ll be really useful for building atlantis i think Oh sure oh oh it didn’t let me take it what game there we go oh thank you oh yeah clear your inventory guru okay okay i’m working on it oh yeah yeah i have an anvil here do you know what you can do with an anvil sorry bubba is really jealous right now

That i’m talking to you enough that’s right bubba oh what you gonna do bubba what what’s being so weird oh i have an envelope yeah i have an envo oh okay okay wait what do i need to do yeah you can upgrade upgrade all your stuff and you can fix it yeah

Wait when you’re repaired you have to repair with iron or can you do can you do it wait can you only do it with you if you do like plus plus sword uh i’ll be honest i have no idea what you’re talking about what i’m so clueless you need them i thought

You used level right yeah oh yeah yeah yeah but you gotta have like uh oh both okay you can just fix it with iron i didn’t know that because i’ve been doing plus plus sword you know what i mean no plus plus okay don’t worry about it oh wait like you put one

Like you put in another bow to fix your bow yeah yeah i know i plus plus me eat guru all right all right all right all right look eating did i disappear what do you mean oh yes you did i will join promptly my internet is just being weird today and bubba oh

Um anyone hi hi peppa i’ve heard like a minute because he’s he wants attention bubba needs some love papa needs some some attention i’m sorry for hugging watson i’m sorry what the heck what am i doing i’m so distracted what’s going on it’s broken oh no wait wait sword sword

Ah that was useless why did i do this okay i guess we’ll just we’ll just be by ourselves all right if you wanna if you wanna try again a little let me know maybe in a little bit i’ll try again because uh for now it’s

It seems there seems to be an issue yeah okay just let me know okay um uh how come i can’t add these cats chat oh it’s it’s made out of stone huh can you build a oh it was backwards it was backwards wait that’s not one i’m trying to try and do a

Bow plus bow like you said oh wait i’m out of ah i’m out of enchantment it only works with iron you’re doing iron huh does that only work with iron i don’t know i fixed my spray sure because it’s an anvil it works with all oh

It just has to be the same material um what do we need okay we have five stone i have boat i have torches i have um stone pickaxe i got meat i got bread i got i don’t need that i got doors okay doors yes useful yes

What else do we need anything a lantern uh oh yeah we’re gonna go underwater at some point that’ll be useful well i’m gonna enchant a bunch of stuff just because just cause she can yeah i’ll try this too uh silk touch for coral but i don’t want to take

The coral or do i oh no this isn’t worth it okay I haven’t really played much minecraft since the last time we played ah actually i haven’t been playing that much either okay hey let me out i beg it i looked away all right i’m almost ready i’m just combining these two thingies yeah thank you time What is in these bugs it’s chris angel everyone say hi here’s a mind break i am almost done i’m just organizing A little i like the sounds that llamas make yeah they they uh they do sound like they’re spitting yeah have you been hit by this bit yet uh they actually spit it hurts it does damage i don’t think it does damage i think it just like you get the damage sound and you

Like get knocked down but it doesn’t do anything yeah no i’ve never never been spin on before i think you gotta punch them because then they’ll spit on you whenever you come by ah like this here i’ll show you i don’t want to hurt them do it yeah do it

All right i think i’m ready all right well he did it once would you hear that he’s charging up a big one oh he’s gonna hit me square in the forehead next time uh do you guys think there’s anything that i’m missing before we go on our journey

Yes what do we need yes minecraft experts oh beds oh nice yeah i’ll check the check anna’s chest because i know kiara’s cara is saving up on her wool so maybe ina has like some extra cuz she also has a lot of sheep do you have some wood in bed

When do their bed i i have i have one i have one i have i i do not uh whoa i just checked the kiara’s uh we made an automatic egg collector for her chicken farm and it works with like a railway and there’s a ton

Of eggs there’s like a lot a lot i know what we’re having for breakfast um oh wait what what am i doing ina’s chest right what yeah i’m already here i’m chicken okay she has to have i’m sure she has some maybe we could get shears and just shear

Some of her seat sheep and then it’ll it’ll be back by the time by the time she logs on it but it’ll be back more than likely in her tears she’s a bunch of her naked sheep no i don’t grow back it’ll go back how do i do this oh

Right click i mean i don’t know don’t don’t trust what i say it’ll grow back right guys it’ll go it goes bad one of them already grew back i don’t feel bad now about taking it it doesn’t it goes back okay okay okay okay all right ina sorry we’re fine all right

One of them grew back instantly wow wow Um okay let’s sleep and then we can i think we can go uh we can collect wood on the way sounds good i have uh i have food which i can bring and we can split amongst ourselves okay i have a ton too oh nice maybe we can uh

You have any iron i do have some iron oh you do have some iron can i have some iron man mm-hmm yes d you light full i’ll bring back the shears i’ll make new shears for her oh um yeah it’s fine you guys cheers is like two iron

You know has like 100 plus iron a pretty shirt all right here we go oh you’re perfect uh yes thank you thank you thank you yeah bubba today i don’t know just really wants me to pay attention to it we played a lot earlier we were playing fetch and he’s like

I want to keep playing uh let me check let me check to make sure he has everything one sec oh yeah oh yeah bubba is baby baba cute are you lost no why would we be lost give us like uh give us like 30 minutes then we’ll be last toy

How do you make it baby wow okay i gave him a bone oh do you want your iron back i have one more i didn’t use it oh you can keep it thank you Uh yes sleep um okay repair bow oh i can use it for that you’re so smart you lied to me the coordinates in the nether really quick because uh actually maybe we should bring some obsidian with us you have you have upsetting don’t you not the crying one the regular obsidian

Are you gonna use it for something right uh i do how much i won wait what is blackstone uh i don’t know blackstone do you have any um you have any armor lying around uh if not don’t worry about it uh i think i have some you i’m not iron

It’s not iron armor though i can make some uh so it’s all good okay what do we have on me these boots were made for walking this is just what i’ll do one of these days these boots wait how do you do this i gotta walk on you

Um what am i doing here oh yeah never mind okay i’m out wait you ended up sitting somewhere here oh the leather boots look like cowboy boots hey well i mean yeah just crying obsidian no regular obsidian okay maybe we’ll find a city in somewhere in

The way i don’t want to take my diamond pickaxe i feel like i’ll die and i’ll lose it uh wait chat your dreams my stream is super laggy today so sorry guys oh oh internet i think my yeah internet’s just having a bad day today that’s okay we’re all allowed to have

Bad days yeah on the internet all right can you rename it i need to rename it did you rename it how do you do it did you say enter oh it costs more wait i can do this yeah all right let me kill some fish um uh did you build beds or uh

I have a little bed right now oh we should bring our crafting table with us i don’t have any wood i was going to build it on the way i have one line around we’ll find wood on the way okay i can bring one i have one we can use okay

Yeah yeah i brought one of like every tool that we would need gura use capital letters guru no okay i’ll bring your next but you have an axe uh yes okay shovel yes i’m two damn you’re good at this oh we don’t know okay okay i think we’re good

Oh me yes you need the obsidian you mentioned i was taking some from cali oh uh i’ll bring it i’ll bring it back though i brought it up to make one portal when we get there i’ll replenish it i can get more easily i just i just don’t want to do it right

Now we can find we can find we always like i’m sure we’ll find a random half half eaten portal lying around you know yeah yeah i’ll i’ll bring my pickaxe anyways my diamond pickaxe okay wait what is this i think i’m i think i think we’re good are we missing anything you guys

Inventory check the flint yes i have flint the flying definitely own stuff true good point bad yeah i’m gonna get wood on the way and we’ll make a bed oh but i need a crafting table i guess i could take my crafting table i mean they’re really easy to make you

Want me to take mine oh okay oh i have one that is good all right and i’ll bring bring one furnace just in case Oh cool oh you need a yellow fish i have a bunch of my in one of the chests on the right or on the left i mean there you go you’re here up i don’t think i can enchant anything i’m just curious what this bow might have

You might be able to it doesn’t take that much to do level one Okay yeah take a picture of the home coordinates good idea guys i see what you did there how do you take one one You pick it up and then you right click with it on this spot and you put down one uh-huh why does the book not open for me it’s already enchanted oh you can enchant another one if you make another one and then combine them again what is the bane of anthropods

Does that mean like you are danger to anthropons uh anthropod isn’t that like a snail no that’s a it’s a type of bug um more damage to spiders oh spiders better run spiderman i think mollusk mollusk is snail ma yeah are you ready i’m ready okay adventure

All right let me just make sure i’m going the right way i think i think it’s let me see um We have a boat i brought a boat i only have one boat we can tandem boat oh yeah yeah i have a boat yeah you sit in my lap or i sit in yours whichever yeah either either works all right i think we have to go we have to go

This way towards my big tower that i haven’t finished yet i need to go in that general direction i think i’ve asked everybody except you what what what the tower is what is this it’s uh knuckle oh that’s right that’s right it’s a from uh it’s from from something i don’t understand

Yeah it’s from an anime yeah it’s just there well i don’t want to spoil it and because it’s kind of like a spoiler to say what they are exactly uh following me right yep okay okay this direction the whole time until we get to i don’t want to tell you

Ah i know the way person will tell you you have your ice walker boots because when you cross the water it’ll be way faster i do oh can we trade oh how damn give me nothing i can give you a crafting table or library books which is useful but not really

Yeah it’s kind of lame useless uh wait hold on i almost lost my direction okay this way no wait yeah this way okay Hey uh amelia this is uh this is the emergency exit it’s the hollow rail yeah we should build a pathway to this yeah i didn’t realize it’s pretty close it feels really far in the tunnel but actually over over lane it’s not that far away it’s really not but

I think on the tunnel why why does it feel so long in the in the tunnel looks like maybe because it’s all stone and that’s all you see yeah that’s true there’s no uh yeah there’s no greenery uh maybe we could have taken the maybe we could have taken that’s fine

It’s too late now this is nice Wow um how was it getting dark already we just started what oh we we started pretty late yeah uh i guess we’ll build a temporary house a little tiny house just with two beds and then sleep but then our respawn point will be well i guess it’s not that far away

Respond is like pretty close to where we are right now that sounds good okay we only have like 4 000 more blocks to go we’re halfway there or something ah we’re like one fifth of the way there feeling cows no i was giving him an encouraging uh love tap ah

Uh when shall we build should we build little before it gets dark before they spawn so we can uh sleep before we’re trapped okay okay okay okay i’ll build here all right can i help with anything are you stolen uh Yeah you wanna do the other walls okay i’ll take this off yep shaders on your game i do which ones uh say yes oh i didn’t get any wood to build the bed hold on before we trap ourselves in here i just i don’t know how i don’t think we

Need that much wood Yeah something like that oh did you put this though in here it was just always here let us know boarded up baby so we don’t have any more uh creepers dropping in to say hello we have pink beds kawaii oh are you for me Should we take should we take down our uh should we take in our it’s really one bed and then save the same bed just in case or should we take both oh we’re not that far from spawn okay okay both for now well you took the bets but that’s right

Should we take back our stone i’m gonna take back some what i just like how you’re asking answer asking and answering your own questions should i do this yes i’ll do this okay should i do this yes okay i’ll do this because i was thinking about the logic the logic you know

Yes i get you yeah you would have agreed with me too right of course of course i didn’t spend like 30 seconds thinking about it so i had to answer i know i would have been i don’t know yeah what do you want to do this is more efficient this way i’m sorry

Efficiency speed uh yes we’re going the right way we have all done almost uh oh no we still have like almost 5 000 blocks only 400 like 400 and something blocks i’m pretty sure this is the closest one too has everybody seen the coral reef before

I haven’t seen it oh yeah yeah yeah is it pretty i believe do it yes i think i want to see it yeah we’re in this area everything we’re just surrounded by uh war uh no cold water cold ocean except there was one area that i did pass while i was

Looking for a coral reef biome and it was warm water but there was only a swamp biome and a mushroom biome i saw mushroom cheese from far away i didn’t explore because i was voting for the whole of uh lord of the rings oh wait for it wait for wait for the

Swamp jokes wait here they come here they come up yep there it is get out of me get out of the swamp i learned how to do a scottish accent recently i’m sorry what [Laughter] could you say that again last oh it’s pretty good ah good as a pro

This is hard to this is hard to it’s hard to see with the coordinates on the screen parkour let’s get over there parkour charcoal oh i’m part mounting oh then i’m i’m i’m on my way hold on hold on i’m really slow okay hi hi okay now we go back down wait

Where am i wait we were traveling in this direction right um wait which direction can you say it in a scottish accent we were traveling in this direction direction do they really roll their arms like that oh yeah yeah i watch the i practice my accents with

With a video and that’s what they said to like you tap your art it’s not rolling you tap them lightly like uh get it edit like gouda you just wear it grass grass oh cave no no caves what’s that how do i catch a doggie

I had one i had one at home yeah what we went our way yeah this is right away okay that’s a scottish word i only know a gemmy dolce what’s that oh ocean it’s a sandwich can you say sandwich in scottish is that a ship

Uh okay you can use your boats and i can you can use your boots and i’ll use the boat perfect or you can get on my boat i don’t mind thank you oh oh okay are you gonna get my bum these boots were made for walking

No i want to stop my present my gift my gift from one i think i did something wrong i don’t think you put them on i did oh there we go i had to push the on button i think i’m faster i know actually i think we might

Be faster on a boat nonsense okay now hey maybe you should use a boat nah we didn’t i’m waiting out there let’s see if there’s any pirate ships but if you see any pirate ships um yeah we can stop for for like a minute not too long with pirate ship

Actually we should we should say we should put our beds down somewhere and make like a little okay next on the next uh not the ice biome actually let’s go around this ice biome because it looks annoying to get through in the next installment we put down beds

All right it’s much faster on boat where are you behind you okay also going to vote understandable mm-hmm Savannah no it’s nothing but a pile of rocks and a sea guy that might have tried it i’m outta here bye so do they drop tridents the trident people watson what oh i don’t know i thought you’re asking chat uh i don’t know where are you oh what

This is a pirate chip oh uh i’m turn around you’ll be able to see me you’re in the water i’ll go to you there’s no way they do they do drop it it’s a small chance huh you can’t craft it they you can only pick up when they drop it

That’s kind of annoying you okay there’s a ship ah i wonder how to look oh a pirate’s life for me a buyer’s life for me i can build some though you have a lantern would you like a lantern my lady uh it’s just for you while

You’re doing this this is so hard with shaders it’s way easier without shaders oh a pirate’s life for me it’s clear can’t you see uh leather hat fire protection and the leather hat unbreaking what that’s it oh you get potatoes bottle oh enchanting i got some emerald some lavishly and some iron

And taters nice we’ll probably have to make another temporary house then the chest yeah the booty uh okay let’s see yep this is the right direction excellent it’s like still we’re less than 4 000 blocks away on the x-axis actually yeah yeah yes yeah is that a person no well

I think we i think at some point we’re gonna have to Walk when the ocean ends might happen soon music music music Can you believe october is almost over i know it went by so fast it really did it like it just started and now i feel like like after our debut it felt like time was going really slow but then all of a sudden it felt really fast and now everything’s just going

Really fast yes i agree where are you um i’ll be right there okay i found a whoa come on wow the big structure Big structure where are you here oh look over there oh see what it is is it a village is the house next to it hello yeah it looks like a village is anybody home chat says it’s dangerous chad also makes swamp jokes so uh good point what is this it’s also dark though

What do we do uh okay we’ll build a we’ll build the house here this one will be more more uh what you would call it did you share the sheep yes it’s got the banners on it i think i understand that yeah i think yeah i think it’s a pillager okay i’m ready

This one will be more permanent for now i think mhm and i should have brought glass make it look fancy but it’s only temporary no no no this one’s more permanent well that’s true you just said that sorry listening skills not so good uh this is tall enough right yeah

I’ll do it like this hey you’re watson could we do like a movie watch along together sometime is that possible yeah yeah yeah that sounds cool i think it sounds fun you were just standing here in the dark yeah dangerous what do you mean will they spawn in front of you

I don’t know actually i’ll put it let me just put a door in and oh i have a door okay you want a door i have a door too hi that’s fine okay Yes okay oh no my soda went flat all right let’s let’s leave one bed here and then we’ll save our spawn point here okay nice okay i put one put torches on top a little bit i’m out of i’m out of oh yeah oh yeah i see him okay

Okay i got an idea ah we can we can dig a tunnel underneath we can infiltrate from underneath their floorboards they won’t see it coming it’s not that long of a distance and we can yeah we can uh yeah yeah we can do that should we start in our house then

Because yeah we can start here because uh they clearly don’t see us okay operation wait where are you starting from yeah you don’t have to do it now but you want to do it now no we don’t have to do it now you want

It now oh okay we’re not gonna do it now i thought that was what you meant at some point i don’t know because i don’t wanna i know i’m i’m good at getting sidetracked i don’t wanna mess anything up Oh yeah hold on i’m gonna do something hold on i’m gonna do something drastic whoa look out now that was so much fun with muna the other day yeah it was a lot of it was really cool i like seeing it’s really different to see everything up close

Rather than like in somebody else’s stream right actually getting to like walk walk where they’ve walked uh yeah i was meeting for a little bit because uh it’s high energy today i like high energy i’m rebuilding i’m building a square there we go wow look at that whoa so i can put the

Beauty aha i’ll make some glass windows while we’re waiting glass windows yeah make it look nice oh you’re already done yeah hold on let me take a second oh yeah uh do you have any coal yeah i have a hole in the furnace you can take some nice wait what was i doing

I’m just gonna collect some dirt because i feel like we’ll our next house will probably have to be made out of dirt oh yes a mud hut i quite enjoy oh sticks Oh yeah easy infiltration dude okay so okay we infiltrate from underneath right we’re gonna we’re gonna we’re gonna uh we’re gonna bore our way underground come up in the center underneath we’ll listen to the floorboards for their for their feet squeak or whatever sound they make i’m not

Really quite sure and then we bore a tunnel up and we build around ourselves as we go up as to uh never fully expose ourselves because something tells me that they can’t also dig yeah we can we can do it now if you want i don’t think it should take that long

I would deepen the water here no no this is easy did you want to do it i’m kind of i think i think i feel like you want to do it okay we can do it okay let’s that should be good i think i see i guess i’ll make ladders then because i

Think we’ll need ladder lanai okay so the direction we want to go in is what direction is this i think it’s fine i think we’ll be able to figure it out we want to go west i’m going to write w on my hand because i have no other means of

Yep okay we’re going east to west okay i’m i’m just putting uh i put letters down for you i think we need to go that deep but my calculations no i have no idea what can i build to help what do we need we need a stone pickaxe scissors right uh yeah

Probably better like that so i don’t use my ground pounder too much i take care i take care okay fine nice yes okay here i’ll put them in here so that they’re easier to grab and then okay i’ll put some torches down i think i might need some torches

Not for now but all the important stuff away oh yes i should go a little bit deeper actually underneath the sand so we don’t uh yeah yeah i need to make more ladders whatever i used all the wood in my bed i have lots of sticks though yeah i did the same thing

I was gonna build a trap door but i realized i used all my wood to make sticks it’s so easy the shift click it’s so easy dangerous yeah put down beds for now we did put down a bed it’s pink it’s got it okay now i think we should turn let’s go west

Yeah and then we’ll make we’ll make uh we’ll make a turn at some point let me let me double double triple check double triple check i i got it in my mind i got the the map in my mind excellent let’s go with that wait should we make more letters how are

We gonna go up we’re gonna make stairs up we’re gonna do that we can dirt block it so we can easily break it um you know and i’m mentally calculating the the root i think i i think i the route i think i got it i think i’m going the right way

The map in my head do any wish i could shoot like a beam through the floor so that you could check if i’m going the right way oh how about you go up top and then i’ll tell you my coordinates and then you’ll stand over me and then you’ll tell me if

It’s the right or like you know close enough okay it’s kind of dangerous maybe i should do it no no no that’s fine that’s fine but you want to just because there’s only one person digging this is a one-person job or i’ll go get dirt so we can build our build our

Do you know what i mean though when we’re going to go up we’re going to build a tunnel around ourselves so to protect us right yeah yeah i understand the concept i’m just a little worried about the execution don’t worry about it okay i found iron iron orange i’m gonna get some

Some dirt really wait a stone you’re gonna have a lot of stone maybe i can also help with stone okay okay i’m gonna start digging up and see where it takes us all righty hey iron nice i’ll take some iron what should we call this operation operation operation floorboards

I’m going we’re going in the right direction wait where’s the hole can you you see the hole that i made that there should be water coming in yep you want me to close it swim oh just like uh don’t lose track of the hole because i don’t know where i came out of

Um there’s a squid i think um i see the hole i see the hole where are you punching the heck out of this wow uh oh okay going back to the house uh okay i’ll just we have to go a little bit further i think we went like halfway

This should fail no no no no it’s a minor minor setback yeah yeah it’s not failed yet completely we’re going we’re going in the right direction though sort of keep going straight yeah yeah yeah excellent okay i’ll go well we have to use our ears yeah yeah yeah

I yeah i think i’m gonna go back up i’m gonna go back up trapping you in here temporarily i hear water still i’m underwater still okay you need to turn you need to turn left at some point right and left uh yeah this should be good i think

If you go if you go yeah and then make a right do we go two more blocks to the left and then make make a or go straight two more blocks and then make a right that’s your bus yeah i think this is good i still hear water so i think

I’ll dig up to see uh i’ll do it up in a little bit to see where we are because i think i hear water still so oh well i’m not encountering any dirt so it might be pretty close i think this is right it says west i’ll check i’ll check

Wait what can we even get from them though wait where am i in a cave huh oh nothing i’m coming to the surface too i gotta see i gotta see i hear water this could be bad well Where i do you know where are you well here okay here coming through this cave come into this cave there’s a cave here that i made the exit i see your name should i go towards you should i dig towards you are you uh there’s a there’s a little cave go back

Go back in the tunnel okay there’s a water it should be water okay there should be water i think you passed it i’m coming there’s water it’s pushing me around hello i oh it’s here it’s it’s going down it’s going down okay so you got to be careful but

If you go up this waterfall okay go up really quick and then you’ll see exactly where we are just be careful because there’s a guy up there but you can you can fall back down you should be fine oh youtube oh wait oh baby okay so we’ve just gotta yeah yeah

You know you know which way which direction you’re going yeah i look one more time to check this way if you could go this way i don’t get back back down there oh wait that’s not right yep that’s okay okay yeah we go straight from from where the waterfall is this way

What is there one down here oh sorry we’re good okay i’m gonna close it for now all right yeah where that little pocket you’re in uh-huh okay yes this exciting should i go back and make a ladder i’ll go back to makeup letters all right i should have a crafting table right here

For my calculation and estimate estimations we should be this should be right go oh yeah you’re gonna go up from there i use it wait oh yeah oh yeah baby this has got to be okay just careful with the gravel who’s talking here okay oh they are mighty close

Um hold on let me just oh sorry now we got some hot keys nice oh wait what i can’t jump is it because i’m here because i’m here with you probably i’m just trying to put this ladder oh that’s because the torch is there i can’t put it huh whoa

I’m sorry all right there hold on taking a shot every time she says ah funny are you okay yep we hit floorboards we hit floorboards operation floorboards okay be careful um oh i found a cheap spot okay i’m still killing it i don’t want to hit you i’m

Trying i’m stuck hear you i’m stuck i’m stuck okay okay wait how many guys are in here i’m down i’m dead i’m down we’re good okay maybe they’ll come down here we can kill them one at a time wait put them put a block here put a ball here edit it

Wait put it put it put it it’s fine i can kill him if you put a block in front of them though then you can hit him in the toes when they come down okay oh they’re stuck stupid can’t even use a ladder ah wake them down

Oh my god there’s a lot there’s a lot of guys in here okay i’m going back down yeah there’s somebody down here okay you can put it back now i think we can kill all of them though easy just heal up there’s like five more guys up there

I’m coming down i’ll do it i can i can help i can do something i can uh why can’t i not go up all the way nice view from down here huh all right it’s only like two more i think or three more so much for stealth mission

This was it was pretty stealthy oh can i help you um i have food all right let me a tag team i’m going uh yeah you can go one point he’s coming down nice i think there’s like one more all right now i’m just stuck here i

Think i think i need to get rid of this wood oh there’s one more guy all right okay this is so this is so broken boing boing boing boing boing i am finally it’s about time why can’t we go up i’m in tactical tactical blocked in

Watch out we can board up the hole how did i get hit by that what the heck cheating shooting cheating you want to get him we’ll just we’ll just block up the windows hello oh nice hello do you get oh wow potatoes and weeds that’s really cool good

No we got we got tripwires they look like cheese cheese things we have they look like magnifying glasses wow wasn’t that fun it was fun yeah yeah yeah yeah that’s good i’ll just drop all my extra stuff that i don’t need here Okay should we take this tripwire stuff i mean what is that uh we can make tripwires okay i don’t know oh there’s a lot of guys down there i guess we should go back the way we came i’m gonna jump oh [ __ ] okay this is a bad idea this is a bad idea

That’s a bad idea it’s better swimmer okay okay okay now we have a secret base we’ve taken over unless they respond um i think they’ll respond dang it we should build a trapdoor though with that wood we got so that they can’t come into our house somehow

I just board up the tunnel with some dirt it’s some doi i can’t get past me yeah yeah okay well that was fun sorry i thought the loot was gonna be better ah no no it’s good it’s a good learning experience i liked it operation floorboard baby this is a thing

I think it just turned daytime so i think we can just go whenever we’re ready actually i’m going to cook some of these potatoes that we got are you got the potatoes you cook them cookies and we’ll leave our bed but we’ll take the furnace uh i should take the

Crashing table i think uh i got iron you want to smelt the iron uh yeah yeah how do you build a blast oven uh i don’t know i don’t have one you know this one was she’s so advanced i’m still caveman grinding i still want to build a campfire oh

Yeah yeah grug build campfire fire okay and potatoes want some potatoes i’ll leave them here so you can take them so that they oh nope okay i took them there’s five in there for you thank you yes i’ll take the important stuff like iron so we might need that

In the rest of our for the rest of our trip my name is what can you do with this enchantment bottle i use it might as well use it chad try it all right brainiacs what do you do with the bottle oh enchanting you throw it oh drink it

Give xp when you throw it nicely done no i did it i did it wrong oh i got three bars three bars kind of lame yep so wait the bottle of enchanting then does it do the same thing that’s yeah that’s the one i used to think okay All right as soon as this well i guess we’ll sleep i don’t know what time it is or like how long until night time now i guess we’ll wait until night time and then sleep and then we can go wait can we see the sun no it’s raining

Dummy dum dum okay oh torch wow can i even dunk i make some doors for i think i used to mine you can sleep while it’s sleeping you can wait you can sleep and sleep when it’s raining ah but it’s thundering though it’s not thundering it’s only raining

Yeah i think you can only do it in a thunderstorm but maybe maybe it is maybe it does count as a thunderstorm i like how you built a sunroof what it was ah thank you put the banner in the shield with crafting put the banner with the shield okay

All right genius let’s see what that does i’m curious banner with the shield where’s the banner does it build up huh what’s that you see that what what’s a white shield what does the white shield do if you put shield with banner shields shield design oh okay i’ll trust you with that please

Don’t make me regret that decision do you like it what where put you out nice that’s cool yeah is that is that like more durable now i have no idea let me let me check nope yeah the strip the stream is lagging you guys i know it’s just the

Internet it can’t do anything you just shoot nice and smooth though smooth silky for now what should we do should we give me it a little stone now uh i guess i’ll go look for some more sheep to share while we wait until it’s night time and then we’ll sleep and then

We’ll go ah sounds like a planet you uh maybe you can collect fish i don’t know yes i thought i cut the sheep’s head off oh my god its head disappeared as soon as i used the shears it’s murder oh it’s fine that’s fine i feel bad i’m

Taking away their nice comfy coat in the rain they don’t need that where they’re going i’m not killing them i will man when i gonna put sharks in this game can you imagine like sharks and alligators in this month they should add way more they should add

More recipes too for like food and stuff because you wouldn’t do moyer you can make pumpkin pie whoa and cake yeah i guess that’s pretty cool wow this really bothers me our house is uneven does this frustrate you i know it’s just one block okay this is our house is a cute little

Cake ah cute that’s like the i want to build one like the one i have in the jp server it actually looks so the mushroom yes and also the cake one pink one imagine a strawberry village yeah yeah yeah if we come across mushroom stuff we should we should collect a bunch

Although i don’t know how we’re gonna get back i mean you’re gonna i guess when we get there you’ll build a house there and then and then you’ll live there forever yes no castellan youtube my plan is to build a uh another portal wherever you decide to

Set up and then from there somehow at some point we will make a path from our nether portal to that nether portal all right make a rail in there okay and then it’ll be way faster that’s my next project this is it night time it’s getting darker

You can try what are you doing looking for the sun yes it is night time oh bed here you take that one and take this one uh i have a bit oh you have okay remember to save this one too because we’ll take down that one okay build a mob farm that sounds

Complicated i’m already building one huh you safe yes all right let’s make sure we take all the things with us uh your fish we’re not cooking so i’m just gonna take it i’ll take some of these pickaxes you made too alrighty maybe you want to take your sticks or i have some space

I can take uh i’ll take a screenshot of the coordinates here some of this some of this with them and i don’t want to lose them sorry what the the the boots you gave me oh no it’ll be fine we’ll get him back somehow we’re not doing anything i’m not doing anything dangerous

Okay let me make sure go in the right direction wait this way yeah we can get in the boat all right oh yeah this is the right direction okay nice uh we still have um we still have like 3 500 blocks on the x-axis but on the z-axis we’re almost there actually

We’ll just have to turn at some point and just keep going straight that’s why they call it adventure yeah that’s fine getting the uh finding the dude i mean getting the stuff sorry the the loot was kind of lame it was the journey to the loot and the

Friends we made along the way the bonding experience exactly yeah more digging more digging more bonding exactly that’s how the yes village do you want to go pillage the village village the village ah oh sure yeah i think uh that’s fine if you don’t want to tell me

Just say no guru we have something to do no no it’s fine we have time we have time okay raid turn around turn around turn around spin spin spin spin raid raid do you see that barb of you do i only remind you i don’t know this is red it’s bad

Are they do they need help what the hell was that did you hear that ricola oh they’re coming you see them so oh there’s the oh we can help them no we’ll die maybe we should just let’s just go it’s not our problem get your boots on this water

Walk across it faster yep i think if i walk next to you’ll be fine nice take a wide turn around these fellas here let them do their stuff it’s a baby what’s a word for baby sheep what’s baby sheep called people sheepling no a calf cat i think

So for just cows i know baby goat is a kid right what yes bunch of kids yes ah i did not know that finally wow yeah actually i was talking about this yesterday uh you wrote briefly in my dream and the dream also involved moose i didn’t know the plural for

Moose i thought musa huh yeah so miese all right we’re almost at the right uh z direction oh okay now which way do we go where the z is not moving One moose one mouse no no no no miss is the plural for mouse all right so we’re going we’re going this way huh okay where are you what’s this this way oh there’s like a oh waterfall let’s go no let’s go up this waterfall is this a cave

Smells of adventure i get up huh take my hand okay this would be a pretty place to build a house can you imagine yeah this would be really cool look really nice like one tree i’m gonna take a picture of the acquiredness we need to build here i don’t know

Uh we actually have to go up i think yeah just use your dirt and we’ll make a column going up okay i’ll make mine here and you can make yours there sounds good i don’t think i have enough but um see the thing with the bush this really

Bothers me in this game like you should be able to walk oh are you seeing what i’m seeing fire where are you staying where are you right here oh oh yeah there’s a chest down there yeah you wanted it no uh yeah we can go down there it doesn’t

Matter i think it’ll be easier because this mountain’s kind of annoying I thought that placement found would be really nice to build like doors to mines in there right isn’t it pretty wow I don’t think there’s a chest there’s a gold block here whoa we’re fine Oh yeah oh yeah let’s let’s get out of here before we die they say the chest probably burned oh baby bunny bunny what’s baby bunny he’s stuck here look you see it oh okay let’s get in our boats okay hey i didn’t touch it it fell to fall damage

I turn around for one second i hear i just died hold on they’re saying chess i gotta go look okay i’ll wait better not be a bunch of fibers i smell fibery i did not stop i did not i did not hit it i did not

Oh there’s a chest right here oh what’d you get oh golden chest plate pointy rock and flint and steel um so not that much oh also lame oh you’re here already okay hi hello all right this this way wait no smells like treasure treasure treasure chest island

Is that a pirate ship hold on that’s a pirate ship yeah this way you want to get a pirate ship wait this may be using a pirate ship hold on i’m so sorry i keep getting distracted i just want to see if this is a ship

I’m so sorry that’s fine i’m trying to figure out which way to go without moving the z-axis it’s not even a ship okay don’t use the chest plate it’s got the binding of sticking to you it’s got sticky binding it’s chest plate with the power of nipple stick what huh yes

Where are you i uh i’m on the right course i don’t want to move as you always use you okay okay wow my friend my stream has dropped 21 000 frames that’s a lot of frames yeah i think uh i was gonna say it i guess

Oh no this is still ocean okay cause we might have to stop if there’s gonna be land since it’s getting dark soon actually maybe we should are you behind me yes ma’am yes okay what is this this is weird what is what it’s like uh random trees

Okay i think we should do you think we should stop here should we just keep going in the ocean i mean i don’t think the trident boys despawn right they’re always around yeah they’re always around yeah okay we’ll keep going thank you yes for now yeah wait where’d

You go we’ll just wait in the water if we if we have to you know ghost stories do you know any ghost stories um ah i don’t have any ghost stories no you have any ghost stories i do not i had um uh auntie watson grew up in a really old building

And apparently the building was built on top of like a cemetery oh geez that is recipe yeah she said when she was younger that uh she saw a girl at the end of the hall and the girl was like trying to get her to play and the girl

Brought her into the closet and when they when my aunt went into the closet uh she the girl disappeared and then she found out later from like the one of the other people that was in the building that like there was a girl who died in a fire in in

That area and she she like died in the closet or something oh my god that is what the what oh anyways shivery ah oh we’re approaching land do you believe in ghosts Let’s see if we can go around maybe no i can’t see any chips with this shader down is it a treasure hunting again i’ll have to play without the shaders well there’s uh uh no i don’t need for this this is a oh okay oh i can’t see anything wait

There’s masks masts are sticking up if you can see them ah to bite reflections oh yeah yeah yeah i see i see too many reflections wow I parked the boat so far away where’d you park the boat is this the mask yeah they’re pretty easy to see yeah yeah yeah see with the uh oh oh shoot this is the end i’m stuck oh okay we’re good oh my god it’s why is it so dark craters

Now i know how you guys felt oh this is bad this is really bad this is bad this is bad is it bad my bad bad wow but the water’s so pretty with the shaders uh got a lot of pull some carrots uh stew paper i’m gonna leave the paper

A leather tunic tunic you need that leather tunic it has fire protection leather armor bamboo uh nope oh i got a diamond oh you got the better chest i can grow the bamboo from ah okay i’ll keep the bamboo then my goodness it’s dark down here

It’s a big bolt um oh don’t do this to me oh oh don’t panic good and don’t panic no panic you know wait here until it’s daytime okay that sounds good we can do that where’s my okay eat the stew no it’ll make me sick it’ll make you a pirate oh

Yeah i’ll plant this bamboo and then i can plant more bamboo from the bamboo right yes i do one bamboo yield multiple logically right depends on how high uh is there more than one chest here any more than two i don’t think so now

I i feel like two is the maximum but i don’t know maybe if it’s like a really big did i feel like we found a really big boat that had three three is max they say oh maybe there is then hidden in a because this is a pretty big boat

Yeah it’s pretty big yeah it might be you’re on the same level as me right i’m pretty sure through this door oh yes oh you didn’t get the treasure map there’s a treasure map oh i guess you didn’t go to this chest huh i guess wait where were you um

On one of the ends are we in a different boat we’re in the same boat we’re in the same boat where are you uh i mean there’s trap doors on the top deck there’s trap doors that lead down into oh hey an area and there were two there were two chests here ah

You ready for the six hour stream everybody i thought i thought you were over here and then there’s just a bunch of paper we don’t do we need the paper um you can build a map with it if you want like the ones that the jp server had

The big maps you know ah we need a map table right i think you have one cartography table yeah eh i think we have a lot of paper at home i’m gonna go back up to the surface all right i’m here with Did you break wood yes Oh yeah i’ll give you the treasure no no what do you mean i’m just scared that the treasure map will put us really far away okay fair enough okay we’ll we’ll go towards it it’s okay we can always make our way back that’s fine you’re following me right oh yep yep

I feel like i’m going away from it let’s try going this way and treasure wraps are kind of hard to read yeah unless yeah yeah yeah okay i can’t tell if we’re going the right way is that a portal ah okay if this is that way then at some point we need to

Make a right i think wherever there’s like an area to make a right yeah okay okay okay i i get it now i get it she’s got it homemade yeah we’re gonna swing we’re gonna swing a right around this landmass i think maybe not we’re going to write a bunk

Sorry bumper boats okay yeah well i think we should be able to turn right here okay yeah yeah yeah this looks good nope okay oh we’ll see not a pirate ship the stars disappeared there’s something over here i want to see what it is i won’t stray too far don’t worry

Okay i’ll wait for you then because if not you’re gonna get lost Yeah the sunrise is pretty it’s a whole crocodile nothing coming anywhere you see me oh yeah oh okay all right no pirate ship no no buyers good buddy pirate adventure this will get off track two off track you get this one treasure chest okay just one hey maybe we find more

What else what is that oh they’re flowers okay um it should be we’re almost there i think it’s this way oh lucky okay so the look we see there’s another pirate ship over here so the treasure chest where are you on under the sea down where it’s weather oh what’s that We’ve been here before wait have we gotten the chest here before yeah this is this is a we found this ship before with the mask above land with this village and we got the terracotta blocks here okay so i’ll build a house i’ll give you the map where are you under the sea

Hey we’ll come get the map because i dropped it and it might be spawn hurry up watson oh no it’s gonna despawn don’t worry i found a different one oh you found one i found the map i got a map oh you have the same map as me um

Mayhaps perhaps maybe i need space though i want to get this thing i need space what do i toss what i not need i got terra cotta i think cali would like this or ina oh purple i have some terracotta at home too so we can

Give all of it to her if she wants to actually i don’t know it’s really her color palette but it’s really pretty what color is it um is it the blue color yeah it’s like yeah it’s like white blue and yellow oh this one is purple black

Whoa i didn’t know it came in different colors oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah all right where’d you go oh i see anyway hi hello hello this is the same treasure map you have uh we shall see oh boy oh check out this tarakana wow whoa that’s really nice

Isn’t it it looks like evil oh bright yeah i think you might like this oh yeah yeah yeah yeah oh no you make that i used to know i used to know you need terra cotta and you need um probably ink ah wait how do you make is that with clay

Uh yes clay and then you gotta like cook it i was gonna check the the map oh no it’s the same map but we’re very close is that the one don’t worry guys i see what you’re saying i see what you’re saying oh what’s this what is this this i think you need

Oh i think watson do you have um oh i forgot to take the furnace you’ve got like you’ve got stuff um oh what’s this they’re saying there’s a diamond block you got a diamond pickaxe watson uh yes i do i do can you come meet me in this cave what is this

Where are you uh i saw your name down i can there’s a way here yeah you have a door okay you have a door oh this this block here you see it yeah uh i think where it was a slab is this a treasure chest yes ah this

Is this they said it was diamond we’ll see in a second oh god i’m gonna die i got it my goodness it’s dark um i don’t know [ __ ] it’s me not diamond okay marine is the first marine block it’s pretty strange yeah diamond is more blue

It’s to say it didn’t really look like um didn’t really look look the part but i’m sorry to drag you away from what you were doing in my opponent uh that’s okay i was just collecting sand oh okay blame the shaders no good that doesn’t have shaders right i mean yes yes

Oh no i don’t i have no shaders i’m just dumb i don’t know cuz uh if you did uh we could have blamed the shadows and why you thought it was that i mean yes i do have shaders why yes of Course sure i don’t like this door being like this okay hold on a second go leave that bed and i have more wool to make more beds but we need more wood hey watson uh-huh guess where the treasure is oh so that was a different treasure chest we found

Yeah the other one’s right here nice nice more loot booty i might get chest up here do you have the shovel though so this is probably oh no have you seen the blair witch movie i have seen it a really long time ago is it good ah yeah i mean it’s good for

What it is i guess it’s like that’s not too bad the fountain tapes style oh yeah that’s not too bad everything about watching it well i was watching commentary of it right click commentary and they were reacting to things and i didn’t understand i was like what are they what i don’t know

Everybody you should see at least once i think um cause i only saw these darkness and people screaming and i couldn’t understand but maybe that’s because it was clips of the commentary and stuff what what that that’s pretty much that’s pretty much what it is ah darkness and screaming

Have you seen the paranormal movies like paranormal activity i have never seen them before they’re spooky i have no idea oh you never watched anything uh we can watch yeah Um and you want to do this do what ah you can do it i’m building she’s building okay you uh i’ll be the uh i’ll be the home caretaker and you’ll you’ll go out and get the bread yes ma’am where’s my door this is ben i don’t want it where’s the door no

No there it is okay nice distribution drowning you know it Would it be under sandstone i don’t remember the rules treasure rules uh well as long as you’re in the middle of the x it should be there maybe we already got it because we’ve been here before it’s possible have we been here yeah yeah yeah come over here

You’ll recognize it when you come back up yes i know the stream is lagging i know i don’t know somebody somebody just downloaded something i don’t know oh come here oh okay coming are you yeah oh you see the mask did you see the village oh oh no no i wanted pirate booty

I might have already got it i don’t remember i keep digging for a while understand only oh no uh i guess we already got it yeah bummer you’d know if you found it i guess i’ll keep digging while on my builds just just a little bit

Just a little bit how do we know if we found it because we found multiple treasure chests before where like it kept telling us that it was a treasure chest that we already got like we kept finding maps for ones we already got maybe like the carnage we would have left behind hmm

Maybe was that it that was not it was it there would have been an empty treasure chest okay so it’s hiding it’s hiding i’ll find it bad bad walk off the water what no i’m digging here check the map guru okay where’s the map yeah it should be here oh what’s this

Have we been here before i ah well i made a little farm because i thought i needed to plant the bamboo like in a farm farm but apparently not i need seeds do you have seeds now i made a bunch of farm things but i have nothing to plant i have carrots nevermind

Can you plant diamond carrots oh good idea i have to wait until the when i eat bars i don’t wait until the dirt like turns uh it gets wet no i think you can plant it it just won’t grow unless it gets wet ah well it finds out my carrots all right um

Where is this thing ask can you shall receive treasure nice i think we found it already yeah i think so too deeper but the sandstone are you good uh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay are you good huh i think okay i don’t i don’t understand um my each is uneven

Your what what nothing i’ll fix it This is a tricky one i That’s not what i want i don’t i don’t know what to do i am unless it’s here i think i think watson’s right i think we have found it i think we got it we probably took the chest too oh nothing uh i don’t know why we would have taken the chest

You’re in the right spot yeah i mean nothing around here until daylight i guess oh all right oh boy the enderman’s farting everywhere what’s it smell like smells like dirt blocks he was uh zooming i heard him making weird noises is he mad uh no he’s not mad

Not at me maybe a life understandable behind the lamp why would it be there but okay are you sure you’re right in the middle of the x i am 99.95 positive ah okay i trust you hey you oh geez oh geez nice nice nice and easy now i’m gonna don’t panic

Okay where’s the lamp um that’s i don’t i don’t think you saved your life could it oh right if we had found this it would have still looked like this right now like it would look crazy that’s true yeah check the map guru see x marks the spot

But it’s not underneath the stuff let me know if you want to go if you want to go do because i don’t wanna waste any more time i’ve done that enough [Applause] right he was about to give up oh you should see this loot hey you got uh empty pockets

Um do you build a chest no okay yeah i have a chest up here i have a chest up here let me uh unload my loot hey where’s the diamond net guru guru oh is there a diamond in um let me go see now wow we’re good um i just need hi

Um i need to think okay we’re good bye mission accomplished look what i got yay it only took two days oh uh Nice very cool it only took two days i’m sorry okay from now on i’m not gonna touch anything i’m not gonna detract from anything we’re just gonna i’m gonna follow you that’s fine all right whenever you are ready where are our boats okay our boats are over here

And we’ll save our spawn point uh we’ll save it on the pink bed and we’ll take the white bed or should we take the thing a bit okay choice uh we’ll take the pink bed are you saving the white bit okay all right side quest complete oh yeah let me just plant this

One more thanks for putting up with me once i had fun building so it’s fine okay oh big each all right and i done okay all right let’s go oh yeah let me take a screenshot of these coordinates too Today’s stream is brought to you by the letter h okay i’m ready the diamond is secure in the chest do not fear yeah we’ll come back for it at some point probably maybe okay uh Back this way Yeah we kind of went in the opposite direction for the treasure map but it’s okay we’re not that we’re not that far away i’m so sorry i mean we’re not that far away from being on course we’re still pretty far away from we are still 2 000 blocks away actually it’s not too

Far from yeah it’s not that far on at least on boat it’s not that far um i think we’ll have to get out and walk at some point looking forward to soon getting distracted is just a ploy so i get to spend more time with you all right okay my my my mind I have been playing minecraft together too on adventures and adventure from here i think we just walk maybe i don’t know well unless we come across ocean we’ll see warm ocean yeah where a lot of fish peed in it that’s why it’s warm okay i’m not going up this mountain Um yes hi ah it i gotta make uh in the next update i hope they had tether tether player tetherable player player tethers ah they should have a function like in runescape um where you could just uh right click on somebody and like follow them and then it’ll it’ll automatically

Follow them you know what i mean yes more ocean ocean okay so this oh that’s interesting this ocean is separated from the other ocean i guess yeah uh-huh okay ready what is that that’s just a weird island with one block suspicious uh it is uh oh this is perfect okay well

We’re a little off on the z um I guess this isn’t really ocean maybe we can go around this way yeah i think we gotta get out and walk all right okay let’s get out and walk where are you right behind you we’re going on an adventure oh my god okay yep this is the right way okay we’re still

Ah yep around actually a little less than i don’t know around two that yeah around two thousand blocks halfway uh yeah we’re more than halfway there probably yes yeah yeah program nice pretty uh i haven’t found we haven’t found any mushroom biome i thought i’d find mushroom buy them on the way

Because the last time i found warm water it was mushroom it’s gotta be close to the coral have you seen the mooshrooms yet the moosh a creature yes i haven’t seen it no ah it is so cute oh yeah and then another gold block that hold on i like i will learn

My lesson before when you found a gold block i mined it and then it just fell immediately into the lab that sucks there’s water right here this water this water look water water water okay okay i got a bucket okay oh meatballs meatballs old stuff look at this it’s a sunflower field

Oh but they haven’t bloomed do they always oh i see i see i see oh cute we should take some of these cute is it just some good stuff oh that’s cute um oh i took all of it it had a gold sword with looting three the golden leggings curse

Of vanishing a golden apple uh two meatball fire charges and a light weighted pressure plate ooh nice so nice yeah this is this also what is this is this different type of bamboo because what the hell and this is sunflower no no no oh oh that’s sugarcane oh yeah

How how come that stuff like blew up nah nothing it’s fun when you hit it i didn’t hit it just blew up on its own all right i’m ready guess what use looting store looting use looting sword to get uh better drops so like if you kill the trident guy

Or if you see somebody ah can you do the last hit with the here you want this you want the looting sword where are you i’m buy the boats no you can keep it i think you’re better with swords than i am honestly yeah oh okay uh i think we might need to Uh maybe we might need to make a house okay let’s try to okay yeah what do you wanna what do you wanna do this way oh i am you’re both in your boat uh let’s just say let’s try to go along this river but i think it ends here

I guess it ends here okay we’ll make a temporary house by these horsies okay ah funny guys the looting sword Whoa look out comedian’s home it is a village oh maybe we can just sleep in there yeah yeah stick our boats though just in case ewing are we voting there oh you want me where is it dead ahead this way oh i see i see convenient indeed incredibly

No we’re not going to burn the village to the ground why would we do that they’re just nice people yeah why are we doing that i want to make a uh a careful creeper i want to make a villager a villager uh iron iron what is it called iron generator thing

Automatic iron generator but i need three i need to capture three villagers yar i’m here to pillage your goods oh that’s the thing you need with all the like the siphon things what are they called iphone no nice shot loser i’m in bed yeah we have to when you put three

Villagers apparently the golem spawns and when he dies he drops iron so you you make like a little area where the villagers are sleeping with beds and then the iron guy spawns on top and then you put water that pushes the iron guy into the lava

And then you have a hopper that catches the iron and that is how babies are made oh hopper that’s what it’s called not a funnel very nice very very very nice i want this bone oh terracotta why are they always sighing maybe maybe they’re not satisfied with their way of life here something

Okay watch out for your chrome dome how did that do damage to me listen he stood in the way of my bullet okay he stood in the way he deserved that he deserved that baby villager baby oh yes i feel powerful yes yes yes yes did you literally are you ready

I’m ready yeah i think we look through everything okay let us recalculate coordinates uh do you see me do you know where i am yep do you see me okay um yeah this is the right way there’s a big hole here be careful you build a bridge big ol hole

Oh is it a ravine yeah look at all the iron do you see that oh yeah wait what is that thing down there there’s like weird colored blocks oh is that just maybe just path it looks like pants right it’s like path okay that’s good to know

Oh floaty floating oh that’s cool you see that what they’re drinking water hydration what vines the shape of the the shape of this thing over there behind you the shape of the uh we can build a castle you don’t see it what i’m out there the mountain it’s right there i see the

Mountain but my i put my oh my loading distance like really low oh that explains it you see that i see it i see it i see it imagine building a castle up there it’s just like a castle in the world what is it like a castle in the sky it’s

Not a summer’s thing yes i’m thinking oh look look look hold on is this hold on hold on lily pads lily pads yeah i should have brought some of the bamboo with me so i could build something cool like a bamboo sword oh is this the swamp yeah i think there’s a swamp

If i see a single shrek joke i am going to yep there it is yep there it is yep shark more like shrek what the where’s my drum kit how come i can’t collect do i need yours to collect the vines oh what are you doing cheers cheers love oh

Now i got it okay um can i drop i’m gonna drop one of these okay really um we’re almost there we’re about we’re about 700 blocks away what are these blue flowers looks pretty i can’t pick it up i bet you can make a cyan cyan dye

Here huh do you have your boots it’ll be easier to walk across yes so useful this is great this is this would be really useful to walk across the ocean and you could definitely see if there’s like stuff underneath right a pirate ship instead of just swimming down we could

Just you just put on the boots and see through the water i don’t know if you can see through the water on yours but when i don’t know i can see not really not not very well sort of i think it’s just my i think it’s just my shaders

The shaders make the water look beautiful yeah it does look nice but it’s not ideal for treasure hunting that is up to you yeah might as well it’s on the way actually yeah oh there’s like a little castle thing oh i think it’s just the church there’s two babies it’s a sheep sheepling

What you got boys i have i have too much stuff oh ah you’ve emeralds this guy but or you can trade for emeralds we’re pillaging we’re not as bad as pillage what is this i can be a pillager what is what repair and disenchant ooh interesting oh bread apples iron boots

Where’s the good loot huh didn’t want to pet you on it show me the villagers even have good loot take the brewing stand take this show me the loot i don’t have a lot of space i don’t think i can carry it i guess i can drop my hoe i can just

Make another one he says there’s glute in here Grindstone a brewing stand in the church oh okay okay okay i’ll take that instead hey you can just make this at home what’s the brain brainstorm what does that do really ah i guess you could make potions and stuff oh yeah growing stamps nice bunch of sticks these guys don’t got nothing

Okay well Do you think it’ll be dark soon i think we can should be fine right here we go now uh yeah where are you uh i’m by the church by the i see you hello okay the right way this way mmm guy cartography table i already got one of those dory

Yeah but you’re never i mean i don’t know we’re gonna be stuck at this atlantis location for a while because i want to try to get back in the nether i guess we can make we’re gonna make like a new base there right where your atlantis is gonna be yes uh so

Yeah yeah i’ll like set up a new place a new site then i will work on another transportation from atlantis to headquarters the watson railway yes railway number four oh i see mushroom oh we should build a strawberry village at like near atlantis yes this is definitely definitely the right direction because i

Think the bio these biomes are like pretty close to each other swamp mushroom This is so cute can we find the moo moo cow mushroom moo moo moo i’m gonna build our hold on i’m gonna mine this mushroom stuff because going to build our next uh our next temporary house out of this whoa it goes really easy Oh it looks like cake inside wait how you have to make like mushroom blocks it’s just giving me mushrooms okay you have to make oh that’s understandable oh yeah no you know what you do silk touch oh no you just because you can go underneath you see

Yeah yeah but where we’re going oh we can’t make our house i guess we can make our house here for now and you just put like i got wood i make like little wood all right there you go oh am i yes i can help it’s so cute

I’m out of wood um i’ll be fine they could get in one by one block start my stomach hello stomach uh i’ll just do this kinoko house it’s a mush room you get it i get it i get it nice one okay excuse me fix these okay oh buttons okay spacious

High ceilings make another bed oh i forgot my crafting table i think i have enough oh no i don’t have enough i don’t know if i do have enough okay i got it i got it up too late okay we get two now bed we’ll just take one with us

I used all my wood to make the craftsmanship wait wait i got sticks do you need sticks no no no i need it i need the wood for the first okay i got an i want to see what this looks like on the inside

Oh yeah i got a door i can put it we can put a door in a door uh right here actually hold on i thought i had a door put a door here uh hold on looks like sponge cake he had cute up uh okay yeah turn this corner buddy prepare to

Get a mouthful of arrows you stupid sheep stood in the way of my bullet ah i don’t i don’t want the door to be here go excuse me hi okay sorry sir ow did you hit me me no i don’t think so maybe i did actually maybe i did accuracy oh funny zero

Okay i think i can i guess not okay so use some money okay let me get it let me have another bed we left we left the white one in the respawn point is set here that’s good i’ll go out and kill him sorry accuracy low accuracy i’m sorry i respect

Okay i can’t it doesn’t let me what the [ __ ] oh okay okay okay okay friendly fire do we take beds leave bed leave then uh let’s let’s take one and we’ll we’ll take the uh we’ll take the white and save on the pink one i think you slept in that one Make sure you save this save this bed just in case because i would if you die and it’s not saved we’re safe okay i spawn all the way back uh okay let’s go okay should we go now what is this oh this is mushroom do you have sources all right let me see You following me yep i am right behind you careful the creep part we gotta get wood on our way get some wood yeah it’s it’s uh i’ve dropped like 43 000 frames whoa my goodness the internet’s not having a good day today internet sleepy today yeah sometimes that happens like the internet’s just

Bad for like a day but then it’s better or somebody’s downloading a really big movie yeah uh or red dead redemption too We’re pretty close we’re like really close let’s uh go around the short way oh look at this isn’t this warm watch no i can’t tell actually i don’t know ah i can smell the salt water smells salty we’re so we’re still uh 300 blocks off well that’s nothing how many blocks we’ve turned

Terrain to walked uh well we started at um x 359 and now we’re at x 5000 yeah i think i see it i see it i don’t see it yet coral reef Wow it’s beautiful wow this one i don’t see it i can see it you should see the view from up here isn’t that beautiful do you think i can make this jump uh probably not what is this okay cheese tropical fishies should i try the jungle all right uh

Well what if you die am i going the wrong way that’s a good point uh swing a swinger right okay oh there’s mushroom there’s mushroom houses here okay you went further than i can see all right i shouldn’t mark this it’s like twitch okay it’s hard to see with uh the

Shaders on it it looks it looks really different i think uh what does it look like with shaders i can only imagine no no no it doesn’t look that different because the water the water isn’t different like before when i was in warm water the water was like actually different color

But right now the water is just a regular watercolor for me really interesting yeah yeah i was hoping i’d be like extra pretty i don’t know how to fix it where are you coming it looks better at night oh night look that interesting huh she left the boat hmm

There’s a boat here there’s a boat all right i found a little island oh yeah oh oh they got a lot of pickles look at these colors blue that’s purple blocks red blocks yellow these are like legos they are the little delicious uh i suppose That’s pretty cool oh and yeah the pickles light up oh they’re like little candles wow uh temporarily i guess we can build a house here there’s dogs i was wondering why i couldn’t is your ice boots me he almost traps me underwater oh sorry it’s okay

Uh okay i’ll start to build just a temporary house on this little plot of land alrighty that sounds good i’ll come help i just wanna it’s huge how far does it go i can’t tell what’s in my shoes watson it’s ginormous easily oh my goodness oh there’s a big pirate ship what’s that

Nice this is easily a town yes this is easily like a couple hundred blocks if not more all right i will begin my construction it’s huge it just keeps going huh should i i’ll save the pirate ship or should i do the pirate ship what do i do uh

Um you can you can explode if you want i don’t mind i’m just i’m just building anyways so i don’t mind no are you sure i can’t wait wait my pockets are nothing maybe it’s got something good we got the guns what is this like diamond i got a treasure map

What did this hey another another adventure it’s a good area i think um we’ll probably find a lot of stuff look at how far the ocean goes because the last time the last ocean we were in i like went around it and it took me it took me two hours

Two hours yeah oh my gosh how many blocks is that why do you need four pickaxes um because i want them just in case back up yes back up exactly i’m excited to build it lentes hey thank you for helping me find it are you welcome what’d you say

Uh you’re still gonna go with the dome design like uh remember yeah don’t worry about the dome design oh whoa i see what you mean i don’t know this is a big ship it could be a lot i just um yeah i’ll take a while i’m dedicated let’s do this

Then we’ll build another portal too see i’m curious how how far my boat what here’s how far we are from our nether portal i didn’t have a boat had boots on oh they don’t work look at this clown fish but they taste funny on i am i am wow call me d

Good do you like clownfish no they taste a little funny yes it’s a funny joke is that the chest i made it first yes you did it was a variation that’s how i’ve heard the joke i feel like such and such you know the teeth for me

Wait no maybe i think i heard that in a movie that version i don’t remember where’s all my flint or uh cole do you have any coal oh pretty uh coal ready yeah i don’t think so wait yes i do i have a compass do you want a compass

Ah no they’re kind of useless as we’ve discovered i think oh we can build maps with it though i think i think you can build a map with it ah i might be wrong i’m starting to second guess what i just saw the pickle candles are so pretty and

They make funny squishy noise when you plant them hello Oh massive to build the roof doof yeah i think i’ll build out of glass because i don’t have that much stone and stuff left oh that’s why i need a hole oh i have coal here this is pretty how long do you think it’ll take to build atlantis ah honestly honestly

Give me like a you talking months we talking it depends it depends on what you’re trying to accomplish true how come some of the pickles don’t light up huh not all of them light up do they only light up when there’s a lot of them when there’s like four of them put together

Oh no they’re they’re lit up you just have to be under the water i think they’re too close to the surface for you to tell i think ah oh it lights up when it’s four i it see up with one no not for me oh it only does one it’s four

Oh okay all right uh oh you already started making glass thank you oh yes i guess i can i think i might be able to build a roof did you put the ice here ice ice baby did you put this here uh no that’s from your boots how is that melted yet

Uh it doesn’t melt that night okay interesting interesting i think i find chests in here maybe there’s uh maybe there’s like a um oh it’s like the drop-off not the drop-off well like an underwater what’d you call it ravine makes it sound like spaghetti yeah a ravine

Yeah yeah it’s so bearing out here let’s drop off need more torches hey torches i got lots of torches here let me let me give you some ah no i have it nice huh did you drop them thank you I think i picked them up i thought i picked them up huh oh torch here here torches they’re in the house this is treasure where let’s go uh do you did you do you uh have Um you have enough wood for a chest uh we can go get wood i don’t think we’re that far from trees maybe okay that’s fine i just wanna i’m gonna ah i wanna see come on oh it’s so chunky why is it so chunky i’m burning the rest of my wood

Not a treasure maps here i mean oh wait use the compass no come this is here oh what the heck though it’s the ice it’s me hi just call me frozone oh this is cool i can see like everything underneath the water because of the shaders i can see it all through

The eye so it looks like a bunch of caves to me underneath ooh like looking down at a big cave an endless cave of coral yeah looks really cool so many pickles wait this is a bad idea i can’t go alone all right i’m coming back

Oh i i’m kind of going with you i’m following your ice trail where is my super suit hi bye do you know how to read this right okay i’ll go back oh the twist map yeah i got a lot of thinking to do with this uh atlantis project

A lot of planning yeah a little bit a lot of blueprints i like the dome idea the dome idea is possible but it would take a while we need a lot a lot a lot a little a lot a lot of livestock to flush it out the dome or like how how

Like the fall off like the niagara yeah that’s what i mean it’s like an upside down it’s like a bowl yes it’s the top is the same level as the water so it’ll still flow down it’s like one level below so the water will still flow

Down but then we’ll have like a little island within the water that’s coming from the ocean you know what i’m saying exactly yeah yeah we know yeah yes i’m gonna have the uh the like the pieces the chunks of land hanging off the side right yeah yeah yeah

Well we’d have to i mean it would have to be really big to be able to because i i know what you’re talking about like having the chunks but to make it look like a good scale you have to be pretty big like we’re talking like made in abyss hole big

Minimum i don’t think you know what that means but one thousand that’s anime yeah yeah yeah yeah i mean there’s definitely the room for it but i might have to uh ask for some assistance ready i’ll help i mean i’m stuck here now so but i am going to build a portal

My plan all along i’ll put the uh another portal on top of the house it’s gonna be cool yes you don’t want it there no no yes it’ll be cool okay it looks like a face Maybe we can replace the stone with like wool or something like a pretty color like pink or blue ah pretty yeah You wanna find this trigger uh hold on let me let me get the rest of my oh [ __ ] okay can i help you with something nah i’m just waiting for glass to cook but uh i don’t have anything to cook it with now i used all my cooking stuff yummy we’ll get some

Well we have to go anyways yeah we can we can go i’ll grab my boat my boat’s out here okay thank you now let me close this coral reef baby All right i’m looking for trees treasure and tramps what what trampolines trampoline did you know they made oh this is cool what is this little there’s like a it’s like this cave thing here it’s like a overhang oh the cliff what were you saying i don’t remember what were we talking about

You said do you remember or something i don’t remember i don’t remember either you’re asking a question i interrupted you i have no idea oh well the map is north gura okay thank you i’m getting this for wha what what’s han I think by now people know um yeah if not they can check the description you guys know how to use youtube right you know that or they’ll be very lost who are these who what is this yeah don’t worry i’m sure a lot of people do i’m sure a lot of people come

Across and they’re like i was watching room tour videos and now i’m here what you doing i’m getting the stuff for you cole ah oh okay thank you thank you of course how do i make a silk touch because i act because uh i’d like to work on a strawberry that

Strawberry village you’re talking about i really want to make that well we need a silk touch thing we can make blueberry too huh yeah yeah we can make oh we can make a whole fruit village next to our atlantis blueberry and orange with all the the different color wool we have we can

Make a cherry we can make double room cherry house with red one oh yeah made two circles the vine oh i like the way what are these giant trees is this like a jungle biome i found like really thick trees oh thick i’ll check the map

Oh yeah we’re way off but we’re looking for other stuff we’re looking at we’re exploring yeah this is cool a cute little river yeah a lot of mushrooms too but no biome where’s the mushroom biome yeah i thought i thought if there were mushrooms that it was mushroom biome but

I think i should explore like that you know like uh that direction i’m looking maybe not right now uh what should we do we should go back i just want to put the glass to cook and like finish the house and then we can do treasure hunt or we can like uh wander

Around for a little bit yeah sounds good and i like these rock these random rock formations they’re very cool makes your brain makes your brain go a little bit silly what you can build into it yeah no my boots come on thank you dark forest biome oh is that is that the

One we were just at the thick wood biome ah the tick tree the streams like i know oh i know now we should build what color what color we can replace the stone with like some of the coral what color should we replace with blue oh we can build like a

Make it look like um it’s like a castle with different colors and stuff like different colored tones yeah like a like a sand castle yes uh well for now for now i’ll just leave it like this please i haven’t touched i left my silk touch pickaxe uh it’s it’s somewhere along the way

It might be uh we’ll figure it out how do you how do you make that is it like an enchantment yes is it a cat bat ah thank you i passed my yawn to you did anybody else yawn did anybody else catch the yawn

Yes it is it is it’s by the uh the pillager where we started our adventure oh you left it oh yes oh sorry that’s okay oh oh i see i see i remember ah okay i have the coordinates for that so it’s fine all right uh let’s put

Beds down i have enough to make beds that was a good one it was painful oh oh glass um okay it’s been a long day here huh oh yeah uh i’m just uh finishing up this house and then we can explore what was it amelia builderson

She puts the mind in minecraft amelia my well yeah hell yeah i’m gonna move that you’re standing on okay my bed are you building grass no but amaze i i’m building enough for the both of us okay i’m being i’m just putting What’s this do what is the what is the compass point towards second spawn point i think ah yeah that would be correct if it’s yep yep that’s right world’s fun world’s fun yeah world’s fun i see not world stars okay oh i got some sand for ya

Okay our beds aren’t gonna be put together because it it’s uneven it bothers me sorry uh understandable okay no it’s not that i don’t wanna sleep next year or anything it’s just uh you know you save your spawn point right yes okay this is uneven two what about my helmet

Sorry i understand i understand um wow she pickles what was that um ice oh i thought you broke my glass hey can i help in any way uh um you want to pick up that stuff at inventory school okay i have the chest oh yes Thank you guys smells um rude she clearly stated that she she wanted it’s for aesthetic purposes not because i’m stinky oh no i’m pretty sure you did call me stinky uh i did call you think at one point this looks nice though with the beds and the ocean and the view

Yeah okay uh it’s not perfect but it’s fine for now looks like i’ll put multiple chests here so it looks better uh okay we can oh i guess it’s getting dark so we should sleep and then oh let me dump i have a ton of stuff

Is this like your chest my chest or everything uh no no no i don’t mind i’m just i just put in this one first it can be uh whoever’s whatever okay i’ll put in the fans well i’ll organize it at some point i’m sure my chests are a mess they’re always so disorganized

We saw the treasure map hello treasure where are we oh yeah where are them all right we’ll sleep let’s sleep there’s no monster spawn here oh yeah because we’re well i guess they could spawn we should put some more torches around our little island all right or do they see pickles count

As light sources oh that’s a good question that’s a good question i’m sure chat would know chat oh chad oh minecraft experts please grace us with your presence yes they’re here what do they say yes they do count yes it counts it does count wow so we’re like super safe here

Perfect for it at atlanta certainly alien taste awareness yeah all right ready where’s my book okay all right i’ll follow you hey people keep saying something about my head what about my hat it’s yeah gold what about it i don’t understand type full sentences please oh wait hold on

Do you want the map do you read the map better ah nice oops not that one what this is respiration three head what does that mean no just don’t take damage now she has all the gear to build atlanta as long as you don’t lose it i can’t make any promises

Might happen might happen okay uh you want the map yes no yes uh no you can do it i believe in you oh okay are you another boat hanging around somewhere uh no but i have stuff to make a boat i think i have enough yeah i have enough to make a boat

I got the boots one uh yes please please okay here you go You’re welcome oh my goodness oh uh i’ll make some it’s okay all right ready ready all right i’ll follow you oh yes oh yes i think i’ll build a big h on top of the house with a blue coral maybe oh wait do you see that we can see it from far away

Uh yes yes yes that sounds great hey you might have to mine it for me since you have respiration now respiration but no silk touch oh we need that for the coral ah maybe we’ll find one in a chest in our treasure chest ask and you shall receive yes baby

Dies without water oh wait wait wait coral dies without water that’s unfortunate yeah look at this look at this oh shut up on the map good yeah convenient okay i’m gonna go back and get i’m gonna go back and get the uh i’ll be right back i’ll get the rest of

The obsidian so i can build it because why not it’s already here actually nah i’ll just keep building it on top of the house i don’t care it’s more convenient that way have it like right by our base just like just like the home one oh yeah go black wait a minute what

Hey watson you got a shovel uh yes but it’s really low ow oh the treasure chest is here oh yeah right here ah easy i don’t know where you went uh i took this oh let me you see me oh i’m behind you what oh i see i see okay Why is it so confusing what’s confusing about it it’s like it doesn’t it doesn’t doesn’t have me pointing north i just drilled oh god okay i just what huh does that make sense like i don’t the act right smack dab in the middle yes you can do it

Does that make sense what i’m saying though no i don’t know what you think oh now it’s right now it’s right okay it was it was um i’m just going to shut up and dig it wasn’t pointing me north that’s important on the map i think so

I don’t know i don’t know i don’t know i’m hey what oh oh baby You can stack this nice find minecraft moments even the dum-dum gets the nut eventually or the squirrel whatever all right nice go back hey i’m gonna build another portal on top of our house ooh can i help with that wait where i put that yes

I think i think our house is this way yeah yeah to the right out to the right i don’t know i’m lost not to fear guru is here follow the follow yeah go into the coral turn the i i right here oh yeah you can’t yes yet low block load

Yeah yeah i’ll turn it up Oh we have a lot of heart of the seas yeah we do i don’t know what are we supposed to do them i built too many [ __ ] do you think i know what to do is combine build a combine with the nautilus shells no conduit that’s a combine conduit

Conduit wait what is that what was i saying yeah conduit all right do it kind of i gotta adjust my seat oh we’re shuffling wow we shuffle interview okay what can i help you bring the obsidian yes i think it’s in the chest obsidian and actually never i got stoned here

How’d you get there i put a letter what is it one two three four oh i’m blind bothers me does this frustration ah it’s gonna be uneven no it’s gonna be uneven we can’t build it here build it behind what is it again three wide oh you can make it three wide

Three by five i don’t believe you guys uh it can be bigger oh but we don’t have that much obsidian we only have 10. we only brought 10. all right good enough i haven’t yes there’s only 10. yeah that’s fine we’ll build it uh we’ll do here uh one second

It’s quiet isn’t it his minecraft said no more music not allowed one two three four obsidian please oh obsidian blaze give me the water right yeah it could be in the water right i mean the other ones are in the water yeah is this the coral reef yes it’s quiet too quiet

It takes so long why does it take so long huh did i pick it up i don’t know where it is i don’t know if i picked it up you did i saw you pick it up okay i don’t have what is it again one two three what how tall is it

Three by Maybe one more three by three three tall three by eight or three i got it it’s a lot of math okay and you want to do the honors the flint and steel are in the uh the thingy yeah do you wanna do it you built it i just kind of

Watched no no no I just stood by and went wow how do you do it i don’t know oh put some torches so will this send us somewhere um how do we get back once we’re inside there uh it’ll send us to a portal it’s already working just like the just like when we did it uh

At the other at the base what i think don’t go in uh hold on i wanna try something oh boy he’s always good I wanted to see if i could make it like a cool waterfall thing yeah i mean it worked on this side no i just do it on the other side amelia architect watson and play that looks killer maybe i’ll put lanterns underneath like a in the waterfall

I can test that out with this one doing it here or pickles what do you want here pick a lantern oh we only have one no you should keep it you should keep it for treasure hunting it’s really useful okay i’ll just uh pickles or something okay what for now i after you

I’m gonna put my diamond actually just in case make sure your respawn point is saved up saved okay let’s go Oh i took the helmet maybe not a good idea i hope my vision i’m gonna put the helmet back i’ll be right back okay wait for me and the boots and the boots because i am disaster on wheels okay um can you bring back one of the pickaxes the stone pickaxes yes yes

No i’ll keep the bow we’ll keep the ball we’ll keep the ball this is kind of a [ __ ] spawn imagine if it’s like right next to our original whoa i don’t think it works like that what what do you mean it’s totally by chance yes i’ll take on your this thing

It’s so satisfying how fast is another wreck i wonder actually maybe maybe we should have started we don’t really have that many options which direction to dig it’s let’s just see where where are we coming out you don’t need torches in here oh you don’t know

For my shaders when i hold the torch it emits light so i if i’m holding a torch in one hand i don’t need um i don’t need to put a torch down oh i saw that when i was watching your stream i saw that you only needed to

Because you can just hold it and it lights your way yeah it’s pretty useful but it’s probably like a bad habit should we make a bet for whoever falls in the lava first uh i’m not feeling too good today too confident i feel like i feel like i might die soon

You went so fast i’m zooming go up you want to go up i guess we have to i feel like i don’t really have a choice you have another pickaxe you go back nope i have if you iron mind i have one iron one but

Like i don’t want to use it because it’s a ground pounder and i want to break it i guess the ground pounder there’s lava above oh is somebody being cheeky well we’ll pick up we’ll dig up like stairs that would suck if we were under a lava pit

How do you how do you tell do you hear going like usually you can hear it and usually like when you’re digging up towards lava that i’ve seen in the nether um it makes like a oh you can see the different rocks like a there’s like a that dark rock hmm

Do you have enough for one for me maybe uh yeah i’ll make you an iron pickaxe oh okay i have an iron pickaxe though don’t worry about it i have one oh okay you can make yours don’t take eggs i’ll take a stone pig lava was leaking I didn’t see any leaking lava i didn’t either i thought it was pretty obvious unless we are blind i am this looks so pretty i’m ready to go back oh wait i’ll put my gold back okay okay i’m gonna leave my gabo because i don’t wanna uh

Die with my bow and i wanna try something i can get it i need my i put blocks here and then i mine or not mine i think if i put the water down oh Water in this game is dumb why do you say that uh because the physics the way it works it’s really stupid all right i understand i already [ __ ] it up i feel like what stop it what is going on i see it hold on hold on it’s fine i’ll fix it

You’ll see i know what i’m doing i’ve worked with water before oh then oh then okay oh my i hate it i hate the water it’s so doesn’t make sense all that okay water water everywhere i’m gonna i’m gonna restart all this i don’t want to mess up what you’re doing

Use buckets watson watson have you heard any interesting uh nicknames people call you that’s not quite your name like i’ve got garu and guar has anybody called you anything interesting ah i don’t like rebecca so i don’t think it was hard like rebecca or something really just like there

I know nothing nothing yet no Guava for gooda that’s pretty good uh i kind of made a mess here can you help um uh hold on i think i figured it out i think i got it all right all right let me see i need bucket you know what i’m trying to do i don’t

Think i actually i don’t think the way i’m doing homework you’re trying to make it you’re trying to like have it pour up like a water like you have to go through the water in order to get to the amelia salts and oh yeah yeah yeah

That’s a good one i like that scottson yeah meinsen mine said i like amelia mindset all right i think i figured it out try on this side first oh never mind okay never mind amelia water physics watson oh my chat just died okay i think i figured it out okay i’m

Gonna fix uh fix the chat while we wait for watson um bye chat it’s nice knowing you where did you go there we go we’re back i mean this looks this looks good you wanted to come down to the front though right nah i just wanted to go up top but i

Guess it doesn’t work like that because it’ll just spill over the side like i wish it could stay connected up top you know what i mean when i tried to do it it just spills over i think it’s fine i mean i think this looks really good

Okay all right let’s go back to work wait i should probably stop at some point but let’s let’s get out somewhere in the nether right oh ark i just saw the word ark go by amelia your thoughts on ark because i know it’s pretty popular with the other

Girls i don’t really like the style of it of the game um but i said that about minecraft too so it doesn’t it doesn’t really doesn’t really uh hold a lot of weight oh i see it dripping now i see the dripping now it’s right about it’s right above us

You see that you see this should we do no i don’t see it in dripping it’s right here behind you oh oh okay okay okay hey maybe we should try it oh i see it okay let let’s close this back up then let’s try uh let’s make a

Should we make a right or left all right what’s the other game there’s ark and then there’s craft topia i of it kind of reminds me of fortnite like the style yeah that’s right too yeah yeah yeah where are you going i don’t know where are we going i’ll follow you uh

Let’s turn hold on let me listen i hear love on the left side so let’s go right she’s got headphones gamer’s got headphones i’m gonna try to make it up oh okay craftopia is uh craftopia Is buggy oh it’s i think it’s still in early access no maybe i saw this game that i wanted to try called like uh pumpkin jack it looks really cute yeah it’s a halloween game is it cherry no it’s like it’s like first person hacking slash monster get halloween themed

Ah halloween is so exciting yes can’t wait for my neighbors to take down that awful fake head keeps looking at me we’re going up and it’s good to have a run into the lava dig from a distance check for drips uh i’m just gonna go with a look okay i like it

Worst case scenario you’ll see myself right of course i will do my best for you well that’s a good sign quartz i found quartz further down below never mind then i don’t think it’s like coming up on sand have you bought the ender dragon before none how uh i haven’t really played minecraft

That’s like that’s true i was playing night uh right now or recently have you played it have you killed him no i’ve never even i’ve never seen the interjections like i have no idea me neither oh i didn’t even know there was like a nice game sort of

Thing going i thought the oh the minecraft final boss i thought that was a joke that sounds exciting though i hope i can do that at some point with like all of us um that would be oh my goodness what are we doing this music putting any torches down is

It not dark for you no i can see i just put some yeah some people speed run minecraft that’s incredible is it a speedrun for minecraft like really short two like seven eight nine minutes i think wow why is that music so loud oh my god We’re building stairs guru it’s not that hard i keep having to fix your mistakes i know i’m sorry i’m sorry look okay wait okay why are we really in a mountain maybe we should just dig forward at some point okay we’ll dig forward here i will follow your lead okay

You can think straight there’s a fire wait what oh is that from you i mean i just saw like embers oh what’s this it’s tree what look whoa what is it wait what is i don’t know what that is what is this minecraft experts another right

Okay what what do you use what do you use to my nether right i love i have an iron pickaxe but i have a diamond pickaxe so best for diamond i mean good oh we need diamond it’s back home if you want to go get it you can go get

It and i’ll keep digging wait oh you can dig around there yeah oh you don’t have to dig that part i thought it was a tree let me go get your uh yeah you can you can get it wait it’s in the uh yeah well it’s in the only other chest we have

Is that like really rare or something it seems like everybody’s really excited in chat they said rarer than diamond whoa well we do have uh amelia luck watson with us so true amelia luxem you can make uh have you seen the armor made with netherride

Uh i haven’t seen it before now oh it’s so cool wow we’re far it’s it’s lava proof another yeah we’re going the right way on the the axe wow that’s wait what do you mean lava proof like if you’re wearing uh netherright shoes you can walk across lava

I think so but don’t jump in lava pain pickle flashback oh should i mine this i’m scared to touch it what yeah mine it okay oh new recipes how many did you get you only got two uh two hmm dude how do you okay i guess that’s

Not enough to really make anything huh nope but i’ll be right back i’m gonna go put it in the chest okay wow netherride i’ve never seen it before ancient debris we’re 600 blocks away from our is that far no that’s not that far that’s not far at all

Well i don’t think it’s far i don’t know maybe the nether it’s far listen isn’t another all weird but they’re they’re like one block is actually two blocks yeah but but uh i have the coordinates for our other nether portal oh oh i made it out i’m on my way back okay

Um chad’s talking about math well we don’t have to calculate anything we just have to it’s uh i already have the coordinates of of our other nether portal so we are not wearing gold i’m not wearing gold i think he’s aggro on me now oh oh i have gold hat

I’ll take it i got i have nothing i can shoot him but i don’t have anything wait i don’t have i only have one one gold hat do let me go get you gold ah i’ll go back hey sure see how far back it is anyways yeah do you mean dig forward um

If you want Oh wow i’m excited to see what else we can build with another another right though another that’s what it’s called right uh yeah yeah the people say you upgrade your stuff so you you upgrade already existing diamond stuff or like you make it new or you have to make it with diamond

With another ring oh Ah okay i have to come back are you okay they have iron i’m an iron pig eyes i’d be crazy if that red forest there is like the same red forest where we have the uh i guess it couldn’t be because where we have another portal there

It it took us out into the desert but that would be really cool if it was like somehow still part of the same big biome need gold just put these gold pants on make sure it’s not the vanishing one why not yeah i was gonna say the binding one but

Can you bring stone pickaxes okay yeah i’ll make some more ancient debris looks cool okay i make some pickaxes this might be bad oh no oh no my wrangler is gone i’m on the loose lookout hello stop it oh okay i should put a torch there so i can see it

Are you excited for what’s it called cyberpunk oh yeah yeah you know what it’s gonna be about like i don’t really know like neither actually uh i just like the style of it um but um as you build stairs down yeah right here windy nice

All right uh what should we do should we should we try to walk back to ours or like what should we just stop here and then oh we can what what else do you want to do we can we can still keep going i don’t know do you wanna you wanna

I don’t know do you wanna keep you wanna see where we are okay okay yeah yeah i’ll continue the stairs then i’ll find more netherright nice days how do we is there was that just absolute dumb luck that we found another right i think so well probably we were digging like the right

Uh length or whatever what is it called a lamb i know what you mean the right coordinates for it find it whoa we’re getting it so lost in here oh mushroom mushroom oh it’s big uh why 15 coordinate is optimal we are 13. let me take a screenshot of where

Just so we don’t get too lost Screenshots he’s coming at me like a birthday pumbaa stop it okay we’re fine pumbaa stupid they’re they’re really i grow they really is he he’s um i don’t know i think he got bored ah okay what is this oh i think he died i picked up

Meat and how he died excellent uh so if we keep going this direction that i’m walking in oh i guess we can get on top of this mountain well let’s let’s try to get some height so we can see where we are going to get the high ground

Oh wonder it must be this must be like an overhang or something that we’re in what is that oh another piggy maybe we can find uh they have um oh i just got really loud sorry we can find they have like underground what are they called temples no ruins maybe oh yeah yeah

Perhaps 84 what do you mean yeah 84. wait what do you mean 15. we were we were we weren’t on 15. maybe chunk maybe chunk 15. why according we’re already in the 80s 90 hundreds yeah i think you mean chunk what’s up we had the coordinates for

Where you made that pig because i feel like i feel like this connects to this biome is huge i feel like it does connect to where we finished our rail like where we built that other nether portal look like it connects i want to keep going this way

That’s okay oh yes i remember the way back where we just where we just died all right i’ll follow you chief explorer okay upstairs for you my queen thank you my watson okay and let me put torch so we don’t we can find it easier okay nice pumbaa yeah so nice

Why do you want me hey buddy don’t push and there’s lava here i’m going to die watson watson trying to help cool thank you you have food oh yeah oh yeah i had half a heart left ah there’s a lot of them here maybe we should just go back

Oh my god oh my god i’m gonna die no i’m gonna die i’m dead no okay i didn’t have that much important stuff i can make all the stuff that i had look i’ll come back he’s spinning i’m gonna i’m gonna go back i’m gonna get your stuff watson

Uh okay yes trusted me trust me watson I put stairs here it’s so slow wow i do like auto did you explode uh i think when you die sometimes you explode i don’t know why i’ve seen that before where i die i’ve died somewhere and then i go back and there’s like a giant whole crater yeah cause your stuff is

Absolutely everywhere maybe they push around stuff like dolphins no not the shovels i okay i don’t know which way you are uh i’ll come to you don’t worry i got your stuff okay okay i just have to uh not panic gonna die watson watson what i don’t know where you are

I don’t remember if i went i don’t remember where i went from here okay don’t worry i’m gonna get i’m gonna get back to you don’t worry what’s that okay um nice pumbaa Are you where are you oh god oh god i’m good he’s following me wait didn’t you take he took coordinates right uh i took coordinates of where i left the stairs not which direction i went damn it well you i can tell you my coordinates okay this pig really wants to eat me

It all looks the same i have i can tell you my coordinates how about i can tell you the coordinates of where the stairs were yeah that sounds good i like that all right uh x f u x x five nine one five nine one okay i’m not that far off

Z one five nine okay you should see a torch on a tree and stairs okay i think it’s this one nice piggy yes oink oink yes yeah i think it’s this way so just jump down gorilla fight fight the pig gorilla no i have precious cargo on board watson cargo

Uh what what are your coordinates um okay my coordinates i am five five one one one one um five five five one one one five five five five one one one one five five one one one one yes yeah you’re not that far but i can’t

I can’t go to you because i don’t have any i didn’t bring any gold with me okay no worries um i’ll find a way to you you gotta adapt adapt improvise overcome oh yeah you’re real close i’ll just walk i’ll be brave uh there’s a lot of pinkies here okay

I’ll be brave for a short amount of time oh i think i see you don’t you even think about it no oh this is bad this is so bad okay okay okay do you see me oh hi what’s up do you see the pig can you keep your eye on the pig

Uh no i don’t see any pig okay he’s like right there and if he touches me if he bumps me off this thing you’re gonna believe me yep oh that is smart kind of build a bridge here too oh pig pee pee pee amelia what’s up haha funny ah there’s so many pigs

Big city ah it’s gonna be pretty tough to make like a well i’ll do it anyways i’ll find a way why they sound so mean because they’re aggressive v aggressive all right i should be at you yes and i made a little bridge out of up here stairs right here very nice

Nice i have all your stuff wait where are the stairs oh what oh you’re still oh oh you’re big okay okay let’s let’s go back that’s a good idea give me some you want your stuff now or oh you get back to me when we get there

I know the stream is liking i have 66 000 dropped frames is the internet sure can’t do anything about it okay yay portal back to happy ocean land nice this stuff wait okay okay yeah you can do that uh this is for you and this and this and this and

Thank you thank you thank you wait i think this is all yours and this thank you thank you this and i don’t know if that’s yours this is probably yours and all this and this thank you thank you and maybe this i don’t know does that look right okay yeah looks right nice

I don’t think i think this iron sword is probably yours i dropped that i have a couple so you can oh no i have one i’m yeah okay so i think we should call it here all right oh pretty ancient debris we can watch the sunset together yeah

You can build a heart out of those rocks do you see those rocks uh yeah i see them that’s where the sun sets we can build up now the pickles are a lit how romantic light the pickles okay all right that’s good we got to your atlanta spot and now

Anytime you want to stream minecraft you can now work towards your goal goal of atlantis thank you ahmed walk up okay okay i also will probably build some stuff here so that i can uh make a temporary life here and then i will work towards making a rail big project making a rail

From the nether to the other nether portal all the way back yeah i probably die a lot but i think it’ll be fine i’m here to help if you need help unless you like okay solo build okay thank you for playing thank you everybody for watching yes very productive stream

I would say so yeah minus me getting sidetracked about four or five times no it was worth it except for the uh pillager one it sounded good in my head but no it was good it’s a good experience now we know that they have garbage loot yes a learning experience yes ah

Oh yeah i have a follow your ice cream in an hour so i’m gonna go rest and uh you guys i saw i saw somebody oh yeah good if you want to play four guys you play fallback paul guys with me but uh it’s kind of late

No because they released a new season so i wanted to see what uh like what uh stuff they have i’ll be sure to i’ll tune in definitely okay all right guys for watching thank you everyone we’ll see you real soon yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah for you guys

I thought chad somebody in chat was like uh amelia missed my red super chat i will read all the super chats and the fall guys too okay during the fall question okay thank you yeah all right bye everybody thank you for watching i hope you guys had fun i’ll see you soon

And uh yeah bye bye bye you

This video, titled ‘[MINECRAFT] We’re not lost…..right?’, was uploaded by Gawr Gura Ch. hololive-EN on 2020-10-27 03:38:15. It has garnered 1602754 views and 53606 likes. The duration of the video is 03:56:40 or 14200 seconds.

where we goin’ watson? #gawrgura #gawrt #chumbuds

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    Surviving as Tiny Toji in Minecraft Jujutsu KaisenVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Survived as TINY TOJI in Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen!’, was uploaded by SeeKaaaahh on 2024-05-11 15:15:00. It has garnered 3446 views and 98 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:31 or 691 seconds. I Survived as TOJI in Jujutsu Kaisen Minecraft! ▼ SOCIAL MEDIA ▼ ► SUBSCRIBE AND ENABLE NOTIFICATIONS ➜ https://bit.ly/2W9nxmz ► Twitter ➜ https://twitter.com/SeeKaaaahh ► Instagram ➜ https://www.instagram.com/seekaaaahh/ ► Twitch ➜ https://twitch.tv/SeeKaaaahh ►Join my official discord to hang out with me, play with other people in our community, and get updates! – https://discord.gg/HDSnR8P ▼ MY OTHER CHANNELS ▼ ► Roblox: @SeekBlox ►… Read More


    INSANE PVP MONTAGE: MAINCRAFTIK DESTROYER 😱🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘maincraftik | 1.20.1 pvp montage’, was uploaded by destroyer on 2024-05-28 19:13:28. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. mineblaze #minecraft #montage #anarchy tags | #Slivrp #Drain #Rpdlyapvp #DrainResourcePakov #Drainresourcepacksforpvp … Read More

  • Unbelievable MINEMAN BD Minecraft in Ohio gameplay

    Unbelievable MINEMAN BD Minecraft in Ohio gameplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft in Ohio compilation’, was uploaded by MINEMAN BD on 2024-03-15 04:00:33. It has garnered 15 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:57 or 357 seconds. How did you get Here? Original clip by NotSafe Song: Smoke by Cowbellcult Like and Subscribe This is not my video but i have licence to use it under creative common #ohio #minecraft #minecraftohio What Do Ohioans Do with Minecraft? You Won’t Believe It! Unbelievable Minecraft Discoveries in Ohio: You Won’t Believe What Happened Next! Unbelievable Minecraft Discoveries in Ohio! Unbelievable Minecraft Masterpieces Found in… Read More

  • Insane Glider in UWU City – DaveFromPH’s Minecraft PE Surprise

    Insane Glider in UWU City - DaveFromPH's Minecraft PE SurpriseVideo Information This video, titled ‘New Realistic FLYING GLIDER sa UWU CITY sa Minecraft PE’, was uploaded by DaveFromPH on 2024-06-14 10:20:05. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. New Realistic FLYING GLIDER sa UWU CITY Minecraft 100 days Minecraft hardcore Minecraft SMP Minecraft Filipino Minecraft … Read More

  • Foxyrow9614 – Insane Monster Party Spawn!

    Foxyrow9614 - Insane Monster Party Spawn!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: when you spawn in the monster party’, was uploaded by Foxyrow9614 on 2024-03-01 13:02:45. It has garnered 474 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. This is not real and just for entertainment. Read More

  • Shocking Encounter: JJ and Mikey Attacked by POMNI in Minecraft!

    Shocking Encounter: JJ and Mikey Attacked by POMNI in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey Became Creepy POMNI and ATTACK MIKEY and JJ ! – in Minecraft Maizen’, was uploaded by Jaizen on 2024-03-04 18:00:10. It has garnered 24459 views and 171 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:43 or 1843 seconds. JJ and Mikey Became Creepy POMNI and ATTACK MIKEY and JJ ! – in Minecraft Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting… Read More

  • Unleashing Ultimate Power LIVE! Join me now

    Unleashing Ultimate Power LIVE! Join me nowVideo Information This video, titled ‘I AM LIVE|| BECOMING OVERPOWERED’, was uploaded by CatchyGamersXD on 2024-03-14 21:52:28. It has garnered 32 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:57:12 or 3432 seconds. DISCORD-https://discord.gg/dVqCpxjS In this exciting Minecraft video, join me as I embark on a quest to become fully equipped with netherite in the Blades SMP! Follow along as I gather resources, brave treacherous caves, and face off against dangerous mobs in my mission for ultimate power! Watch as I craft and upgrade my gear to reach the pinnacle of Minecraft weaponry. Get ready for a thrilling… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Trick: Invisible Door Tutorial!” #minecrafttutorial #minecraftbuild

    "Insane Minecraft Trick: Invisible Door Tutorial!" #minecrafttutorial #minecraftbuildVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to make an invisible door in Minecraft #minecraft #minecraftart #minecraftbuild’, was uploaded by Bang Shubh on 2024-03-14 15:23:50. It has garnered 465 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftonly #minecraftpc #minecrafter #minecraftmeme #minecrafters #minecraftbuilds #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftxbox #minecraftserver #minecraftbuild #minecraftart #minecraftps3 #minecraftuniverse #minecrafts #minecraftdaily #minecraftforever #minecraftskin #minecraftedit #photoseedminecraft #minecraftfx #minecraftdiaries #minecraftskins #skydoesminecraft #minecrafthouse #minecraftcake #minecraftersonly #minecraftparty #minecraftindonesia #minecraftgirl #pewdiepieminecraft #minecraft_pe #minecraftdrawing #minecraftxbox360 #minecraftsurvival #minecraftisawesome #minecrafthouses #minecraftedits #minecraft #memes #meme #dankmemes #minecraftmemes #fortnite #funny #gaming #gamer #funnymemes #memesdaily #minecraftbuilds #lol #dank #youtube #edgymemes #anime #offensivememes… Read More

  • PlayGarden

    PlayGardenThis a server where you can play Hide and Seek and other minigames. Such as Spleef, BlockParty, TNTRun! You should join our discord to be notified for any future updates! We currently have 10+ Hide and Seek maps and more on the way! Our server is a beginning server so please be nice! Dont be afraid to check out our website either! node14.consulhosting.net:24025 Read More

  • Simplex SMP 1.20.4 Semi-Vanilla No Whitelist No Resets

    💎Summer Events Happening Now!💎 Server IP – simplexmc.com Discord Link – https://discord.gg/jd68FYNs4C Features Usually 5-10 players on, more on weekends! There are no map resets but the end resets with major updates Player-run shopping district + auctions Land claiming, homes, tpa, and anti-cheat are the only notable add-ons for the server Events like weekly spleef, monthly arena matches, build comps, and seasonal event areas! Active community for eight years, many longtime players and great builds throughout the server! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Check out my lit copper crib in Minecraft 🔥”

    Looks like this builder is really “copper-ing” some style points with this new house design! Read More

  • Kira Kira Itu Apa? Hot Minecraft Meme!

    Kira Kira Itu Apa? Hot Minecraft Meme! “Kira Kira Itu Apa yaa? Itu adalah ketika kamu bermain Minecraft dan tiba-tiba karakternya berkilauan seperti bintang! Wkwkwk #sparklyminecraft” Read More

  • The Irish Gamer’s Wood Challenge Day 38

    The Irish Gamer's Wood Challenge Day 38 Minecraft Exploration: Uncovering the World Seed -2034128519473573144 Discovering a Unique Landscape Exploring the Minecraft world seed -2034128519473573144 has led our intrepid gamer to a fascinating discovery. A vast prairie dotted with sparse trees, each one standing alone in the vast expanse. This unique landscape presents both challenges and opportunities for our player as they navigate through the terrain. Survival Challenges Ahead With so few trees scattered across the prairie, our gamer anticipates the need to pay closer attention to their food supplies in the coming days. Survival in this environment will require strategic planning and resource management to ensure… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Parkour Master

    Minecraft's Parkour Master The Exciting World of Minecraft Parkour Championships Get ready to dive into the heart-pounding world of Minecraft Parkour Championships! With events like HIMLANDS – Parkour Warrior Championship and Minecraft Parkour Races, the competition is fierce and the adrenaline is high. Let’s explore the thrilling adventures of these Parkour Gods as they navigate through challenging courses and test their skills to the limit. HIMLANDS – Parkour Warrior Championship In the realm of HIMLANDS, the Parkour Warrior Championship is the ultimate test of agility and precision. Players must leap, sprint, and climb their way through intricate parkour courses, showcasing their mastery… Read More

  • Allizzles’ Adorable Kitchen Upgrade! ✨ Minecraft Fairycore Part 7

    Allizzles' Adorable Kitchen Upgrade! ✨ Minecraft Fairycore Part 7Video Information This video, titled ‘the CUTEST kitchen expansion! ♡ Minecraft Fairycore Let’s Play | Part 7 #fairycore’, was uploaded by allizzles on 2024-03-10 02:15:40. It has garnered 1268 views and 64 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:14 or 2534 seconds. the CUTEST kitchen expansion! ♡ Minecraft Fairycore Let’s Play | Part 7 In today’s filler episode, I show off some house expansions that include a cozy kitchen and pantry. I also do some decorating, loot bag opening, go back to the dragon lair, and expand the spawner room a little more. 🧺 ⊹ Welcome to my fairycore… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Relaxation Challenge

    Ultimate Minecraft Relaxation ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘relaxing #minecraft #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod #gaming’, was uploaded by Minecraft Hyper on 2024-02-29 00:30:22. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Kindly support us by subscribing and giving us a thumbs up. ——————————— which armor is the strongest? minecraft mob … Read More

  • Unleashing Chaos in Kid’s Base on 2b2tpe

    Unleashing Chaos in Kid's Base on 2b2tpeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Trashing a kid’s base – 2b2tpe’, was uploaded by Void 2b2t on 2024-06-18 17:31:12. It has garnered 32 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:02 or 122 seconds. dsc: voidfx2 #2b2tpe #minecraft #anarchy Read More

  • “🔥 Master Your AR Game Builds – SHOCKING Tips! 🤯” #youtubeshorts #viral

    "🔥 Master Your AR Game Builds - SHOCKING Tips! 🤯" #youtubeshorts #viralVideo Information हा टू इंप्रूव योर बिल्ड सो उसके लिए तो भाई आपको ये सब ब्लॉक्स लगने वाले हैं और साथ ही साथ ये कुछ इस तरीके से स्ट्रक्चर बनाने के बाद यहां से अपने को थ्री ब्लॉक्स ऊपर के साइड में बिल्ड करने के बाद टोटल फोर ब्लॉक की हाइट और यहां पे अभी अपने को छत बनाने के बाद डोर लगाना है और देन स्टेयर्स व लगाने के बाद कुछ इस तरीके से फ्लोर चेंज करने के बाद अपना रूम दिख जाएगा गाइस और देन यहां पे अपने को थोड़ा बहुत डेकोरेशन के लिए रिया लगाना है और… Read More

  • Insane Castle Build in Universal SMP! 😱 Minecraft Live!

    Insane Castle Build in Universal SMP! 😱 Minecraft Live!Video Information [संगीत] आ डू इट ऑन माय ओन सो आई ग गेट थ्रू इट एंड द ओनली थिंग आई नो इ ट लव वट आईम डूइंग नेवर गिव अप नेवर स्लोट आई फाली प्रू इ नेवर लिन टू द नोज आई जस्ट वा कीप मूविंग कीप मा हेड अपन आई एक्ट हेड अप अ फैक्ट नेवर लुकिंग बैक आ कीप माफ न ट्रक की मा हेड अपंग स्ट्र मूविंग फील आई डों बल मा ट मू अलो पुश माफ ट बी द बेस्ट विथ नो े विथ एव बे सी माय मेसेज स् स्प्रेड एंड आईड सो मेनी ड्रम्स… Read More

  • Mind Mines: Dangerously Click Here 🤯

    Mind Mines: Dangerously Click Here 🤯Video Information hey why did you touch that video I said no anyways you are cute This video, titled ‘Don’t Touch The Video 🤪’, was uploaded by Mind Mines on 2024-02-28 14:05:26. It has garnered 34 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Don’t Touch The video Wait For End 🥰 #minecraft #youtubeshorts #shortvideo #viral #minecraftshorts #noobvsprovshackervsgod #scary #funny #creeper #tower Description 2.5KLikes 80,728Views 27 Feb2024 minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey… Read More

  • Fluffy Hololive-EN Thief Behind Bars – Fuwawa POV

    Fluffy Hololive-EN Thief Behind Bars - Fuwawa POVVideo Information [音楽] [音楽] L [音楽] [音楽] OG あN [音楽] [音楽] H [音楽] [音楽] あ お [音楽] [音楽] [音楽] T [音楽] DET [音楽] [音楽] OG [音楽] OGDET [音楽] N [音楽] [音楽] に 入りました入って [音楽] おこんばんはでござる こんばんは ロド です大変お忙しい中ちょっとたくさんの方 がなんかやりたいって言って集まってくれ てありがとうございます集まんなかったら 小ない予定だったんで本にありがとう ございますありがとうござい ありがとう面白かったからさややり た 日はえはさんに泥棒だけやってもらったん ですけど今日はみ警察もやって もらっますのしお [音楽] 願いいらっみで本当に自由な感じなんでは ありますがじゃああの本番に参加せず今日 は来てくれるっていう感じになった ありがとうございました本当にすいません お忙しいいや行きたかったロ驚けほ行き たかったんですが今日高野菜があると 聞きつけてえやってまいりました月やき ですよろしくお願いします おずやりたいって言ってくれてたやり たかったいやごめん本当にごめんね スケジュールごめんねえとんでもないすい ませんちょっと本番参加してないです小加 き [音楽] [音楽] ますでいいみたい感じなんだ [笑い] [音楽] ねっアキルタルですアローナアロナ アアロナナナじゃよろしくお願いします願 し楽しみ楽しみやったそしてえなんか すごいなんかすごいなんか隠れてる隠れて ますかいそんなことないですそんなこと ない自己紹介しときますかあブンブンブン ゴスの 番長始めですよろしくお願いしますよしお パチ こちお願いしますね今日はきっと逃げ切り そして警察もやってくれるのかなと思い つつ期待してますポリやりたいやりたい 頑張ってください捕まえられないけどな ポリいや無理 リそ挟んでる挟んでるふわもこさん サンドずるいずるいずるいずるい [音楽] どうもワもこのこの グやめ てああ喧嘩はダメだ よえじゃあいつものやってもらっていい ですかふわもこさんたちあじゃあもこ ちゃんやりますかあふわはこっちですね こっちちはさないよふわわだ よよだよ2人合わせてふわもこです パ今日よろしくお願いし ます 可愛いい可愛いな今日はきっと2人で一緒 に警察やってくれるんだろうなええそれ あい警察ってこと大丈夫ですか ねないです大丈夫ですよ一緒にぜひやって もらいたらと思いますよろしくお願いし ますはいよろしくお願いします頑張りて りり… Read More


    🔥 DOMINATING FENIX FACTIONS SERVER! 🔥 [Carioca]Video Information como ao vivo cal aí calma [Música] Rapaziada Só Bora calão se inscrev já entv Alô test só Bora cal se inscr tá ligado Eita bot Alô T alô só Bora raz at assimo que tá piorando com você likezão se inscrev no tá tá ligado Eita bot Bora calma aí rapaziada vai rapaziada aqui bora bora bora bora bora bora bora ai [ __ ] não sei nem o que tá aco entrar naqu calma aí rapaz voltei rapaziada tô tão T vivo T vivo voltei pão só Bora mano tá acontecendo o que só só voltei… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Parkour & Pixel Art in Minecraft

    Mind-Blowing Parkour & Pixel Art in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,630’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-13 11:50:13. It has garnered 400 views and 55 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,630 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes a long time but I… Read More

  • Compass Craft

    Compass CraftCompassCraft; a server with a heavy focus on player driven world-building, our vision is to create a truly dynamic and ever evolving RPG experience on Minecraft. As a result, we’ve built a server where players have control over every facet of both themselves and the world at large. Whether it be through your race, class and skills, or the alliances you make and gear you’re equipped with; you, the player, have the ability to guide the progression of your character and influence the world at large, in any way you see fit. History is waiting to be scribed, how will… Read More

  • Spuds SMP – GriefPrevention, McMMO – Germany – 1.20.4

    Edit: It’s version 1.20.6! Hello there adventurer! Are you a big fan of potatoes and McMMO? Look no further! Spuds is the perfect server for you. At Spuds we have McMMO, land claims and markets. We also allow bugs and duping, so there’s nothing stopping you from making that big farm! The server is hosted in Germany on a dedicated server to ensure a lag-free experience. I hope to see you there, Fred with staff IP: spuds.cloud Read More

  • KravatBOX

    KravatBOXTRTieBOX, the ultimate Player vs. It is a Minecraft server designed for Player (PVP) experience. With custom maps, the best add-ons and a friendly community, every battle is unique and exciting. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a new player, TieBOX is the perfect place to sharpen your skills and dominate the competition.Features:Special Arenas: Fight in carefully designed arenas that cater to every play style, from intense melee combat to strategic large-scale battles.Balanced Gameplay: Enjoy fair combat with balanced kits and classes that make sure no one has an unfair advantage.Regular Events: Participate in exciting events and tournaments with special… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Villagers vs Pillagers: The Beef Battle!

    Minecraft Memes - Villagers vs Pillagers: The Beef Battle!I guess you could say the villagers are really “steaking” their claim against the pillagers! Read More

  • Build the Burj: Minecraft Magic, 1:1 Scale

    Build the Burj: Minecraft Magic, 1:1 Scale In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, We’re rebuilding the Burj Khalifa, no time for complaints. With WorldEdit in hand, we’ll build it 1:1, Every block in place, under the virtual sun. Follow us on Instagram, for more Minecraft fun, The.minetects, where the building’s never done. With music from NCS, our soundtrack to create, As we craft and build, our imaginations take the bait. So join us in the world of blocks and pixels, Where creativity flows, like digital crystals. Rebuilding the Burj Khalifa, a monumental task, But with teamwork and rhymes, we’ll complete the task. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hot Shorts! 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: Hot Shorts! 🔥 Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecrafttherapy #creeperproblems Read More