Lost in Space: Teaching Minecraft LIVE!

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I’m going to go to where are we supposed to go now I’m into obsidian [Music] Sanctuary me [Music] all right start [Music] let me start M that’s the way you want it she call me babies you’re not wasting time but how could [Music] goore I’m going time we can do whatever make the CL MO [Music] WECT broadcast want the game audio this one is okay turn that down okay there yo hello okay oh yeah no I’m not doing Roblox right now I doing highx subscri it B it on yeah yeah okay so now I can do [Music] SL okay this okay we live make sure it’s working we live yes we are okay uh vote Yes on that thanks watch yes sir on the I’m probably going to do one later though but yeah vote Yes on uh vote Yes on [Music] M hey J can you vote Yes as [Music] well uh on the on inviting my brother to the thing you’re like the last person who has to who has to accept it uh of course D’s down right now I do this automatically where’s the stream okay I pixel I’m trying to it’s literally like it’s right there in chat it’s like I know we need to patch this up I don’t know why Z did this but hey what I do I I didn’t nothing made all the holes what holes okay how do I teleport to uh spawn um you just click your another star and then click fast travel okay fast travel there Private Island okay I’m kind of new to the channel so what is this it’s called Hypixel Sky Block if you’ve ever played on the Minecraft server Hypixel they’ve got a custom Sky Block uh sort of UI not not U but it’s it’s a kind of like a custom Sky Block uh rendition I would say and it’s fire is it a grind heck yeah it is but you know what it’s [Music] fun okay I think it’s all batched up [Music] now that’s what I’m doing then you know what the TPS on this server is worse than the ones on my server so you didn’t get in head to well you should have got in is it worth to farm right now yes uh farming gets your Sky Block over High pretty [Music] quickly who broke the bridge who took the time to break the bridge why [Music] ask hold on let me turn your volume off you’re a little bit quiet um there we go also to be fair my music is a little loud you were fifth in you should I was asking in chat if you got in I’m inel Lobby can you add me uh sure what was your username again cuz I CH I could trust adding you but that’s going to be the last person ad though is going to be Alex cuz he’s my YouTube manager so so I I may as well yeah C I have a YouTube manager we don’t talk about it why he offered he was like I’ll be your YouTube manager and I was like cool for necessary stream laggy stream’s fine let me see okay yeah stream’s [Music] fine oh okay yeah that’s what’s find in clouds okay my ping is 714 I need to leave my ping is 35 I have [Music] 28 okay y’all’s is like nothing and then mine is just okay there we go there me to the real for real we can’t add anymore no Alex is going to be the last person that I’m at that I’m going to add [Music] okay yeah I’m you’re not playing Sky Block so you have to get on Sky BL we’ll do the actual like normal Roblox stream probably tomorrow so don’t worry for my Roblox fans with falling off game why do I have why do I have my almost tag shorts doing pretty well 2.9k views let’s go cooking what happened 4.1k it’s cooking are you’re on all right okay uh Slash yeah y’all can just watch if you want uh it’s going to be black for a little bit W expert expert on in no you trolled last time okay it’s all flatten we just have to extend this real quick yeah just uh accept that one that’ll be the last guy we burn boom B okay there we go it’s good now we flattened it it’s not even at all but hey hopefully my phone will give me the notification for the stream yeah I know notifications been weird lag hold up let me turn down my render distance I’m at like 32 change it to like 8 I so how do I have less ping here this doesn’t make any sense that’s better we went from 60 fps to 80 FPS I’m just going 150 cuz I don’t need anymore my screen’s 144 yeah okay where are you hold up hello oh are you not on my server you my merch reason do this okay there should be block for a little bit there go [Music] it’s let’s go baby all right uh what do I need to do I need to get so I can make when I’m on Roblox on my spare time it always says you’re online what are we going to have to do uh now who took their time to Jerry who just pped me oh this guy okay cool I’m not in a party oh wait I need to get your [Music] party invite me to the party oh yeah I’m just in this random party that this guy invited me to oh when SMP you’re back welcome back I got hurt we already have an SMP no we’re saying I make an oh that would be too chaotic oh I need a crafting table oh I’m dumb there’s a crafting table right here um there’s no trees though oh there is okay I’m gonna go get balloon hat real quick I’m wondering what to do oh I got a green that’s all right put in my accessory bag oh I don’t have accessories yo kill some for kill some for nothing because I’m broke question mark what’s that even mean [Music] clck we need okay this is this is okay [Music] anyway you know de I invited you to my party like you asked me to and then you just didn’t accept it [Music] yeah find it I don’t see where it is Lally just did it again it should be in your chat oh c here join there we go ah can we get the bill ah can we get the bill question mark just don’t mind me diamond minion let’s go Diamond minion is going to be good for monies to be fair always my inventory is full like wait how do how did we just get 7,000 coins I don’t know we’ve got like 50k in the bang hold up let me figure out [Music] how’s my wifi bro please don’t tell me it just deleted all my we cuz I I’m be crazy man if it did that okay good it didn’t do that you know I think I’m going to boot into bad Li because yeah I’m booting in a bad L invite you I’ll invite [Music] you okay uh guys what do I do with my new found money um no okay so we’re going to go to Sky Block with the actually decent okay we love the lag dog we love the lag yep feyn shaders let’s do complimentary reimagined wait wait where do you buy like the good hoe for wheat farming the rookie ho yeah where do you buy that buy it from the farming Merchant oh I don’t play Sky Block that much o it is laggy dang dang 10 coins for this thing dang I don’t think shaders are worth it with BLC I’m just going to turn it off what’s up Sebastian I’ll invite you I’ll invite you wa what book do I put on my isn’t it efficiency on your no you don’t use bugs use the you have not unlocked this item I need farming skill one huh do I reinfor it you don’t need to but you can what did you get an invite to the co-op this should give me a lot of Wheat and barely any seeds now all right can you all accept this go like accept uh accept this uh this uh invite for a brother I’m still getting way pumpkins are good to farm right yeah they’re pretty good to farm not not right away I would start with wheat um but yeah I’m actually not even going to grind farming right now I’m going to grind uh mining I’m going to get the Bas I’m yeah if you could do that that would be amazing I’m going to try and get like the glaci M muted that whole time my mic was muted that whole time of course it was you were muted that’s what I felt like when my mic was working you summon me again okay I already read that but I don’t know who did oh we going to Dobe can you accept the uh the invite I gave for my little brother uh I did I think I did another one just in case oh okay I don’t even know how to you literally just what should we do now okay I’m just doing like a lot of farming stuff right now all my inventory is full of farming what do I do I made 76 mil in my garden today dang do I sell all the wheat that I got oh you can yeah I would save enough to wheat to any NPC pretty much I think I have a wheat minion I can make enough for a couple wheat minions actually we just need one I’m just going to farm though for now man isn’t perfect cuz I want a lot of coins what’s up Sean there we go I just got 10,000 gold for that we um we had a little bit of a reschedule by the way Sean for the uh for the uh Roblox stream but we will still start with field goal simulator um for the first last to score when oh yeah I do what should we do what should I do nowday tomorrow it’s going to be tomorrow um or unless unless I have some extra time today I might get a little bit of one on going on but uh most likely [Music] tomorrow bro I’m like wheat level collection like [Music] 10 sell this quick yo what’s up top hat me travel to you there who you going to travel to me yeah uh I’m probably just going to sell sand after this well you you can unlock bizar then there you are and bizar oh uh it’s zely play zely plays hello miles hello santigo hello Mr Sprinter hello Jelly tomorrow will be gone for 2 days so I’ll text you when we’re leaving got you I’m going to start uploading and editing again currently editing a fnf vid in a Roblox video you right click yeah I saying bring no there’s a fake nightbot in the chat what the heck yeah you’re welcome sper oh can I join I’m pretty sure we’re full right now so sadly not you you go into uh Sky Block and visit the island yeah yeah you can go there hold up where’ you go I’m going to go to the island real quick and I’m going to make it so we have um visits on y now anybody can visit yeah y’all can visit our Island then what’s up I need hey guys do y all have any gold or oh hold on chat all let’s see if anyone’s in chat no no one’s in chat seem kind of dead side you good yeah I’m all right I’m just a little tired and dehydrated I need to grab some water actually hold I’m going grab some water real quick I will be right back I’m bored so I just went here nice [Music] or like seriously [Music] how did you get that so fast [Music] [Music] water all right I’m back oh expert friended me expert play Sky Block what [Music] um oh what how many stacks of lapis do you need in order to make a Lapis she we uh I think you need uh 16 or 32 on each OT okay what’ I miss what’ I miss nothing much I need one piece of gold where’ you go um I’m currently getting materials for minions okay can know what a minion is um hello miles ban me why do you want banned a minion is like basically just this little thing that mind for you and it not it could it basically just gathers materials for you uh we’ve got two on the island we’ve got one for Cobblestone and one for Diamonds oh then what should I get it for um well I’m just I’m going to grab the rest of them pretty much they’re pretty easy to grab we only have five minion slots anyway so we’re not going to be able to grab them anymore um but I’m going to go for let’s see lapis and then iron is going to be goodish m n probably not iron um let’s see you joined nice nice me look at my collections wait Redstone that’s what we need lapis and Redstone yeah yeah um what was oh right uh can you get me one piece of gold this there I go okay yeah should I donate uh your choice your choice Gord Ramsey I can’t do that uh just make a diamond pickaxe with the diamonds you have by the way if you right click your NE star there’s a crafting menu in there so you don’t have to like waste your time finding a crafting table oh my gosh GLA Shai is expensive it’s all right you head this it’s 140,000 coins for One Piece kind of exp we may as well just walk the dwarf in M do that okay I’ll ban you cuz it’s not that hard to drop okay there oh I’m going to need a who’s mayor right now is it Diana cuz if that’s the case then I want to get Griffin pet if not then I’ll just buy it from the I’ll buy like a lion pet actually I should probably buy a lion pet oh crap how did I get two extra Hearts just leveling up your farming uh I play Hypixel but I don’t play Sky Block too much oh okay me we have two more members join my server so I believe we have 7 or six W and what’s up Garrett welcome back sorry I I was locked in hello Ant Farm want to go to the private yeah when you level up your stats just kind of go up so you’ll get extra Hearts oh we got Diamond rer let’s see um I’m blinking on what I oh yeah I want to get this is until change my name yeah yeah oh yeah yeah hello you’re homie red larva we got all this di who is that who’s in our base it’s just searching lion is that someone from my chat I can’t tell I just realiz about to UNT tag stream tomorrow yeah I’ll probably do that boy boom I’m G to go this way let me get Jerry out of here hold up let me turn off the auction house thing got you Jerry move Jerry uh I need a SW what’s a good uh starter sword uh just Undead sword pretty [Music] much move Jerry I probably GNA have to grab some experience before I can there go right there [Music] yes what is this oh okay I don’t know how to join people on Sky BL sadly um you could just do you could literally just visit my Island if you’d like where is server IP I forgot to find a server IP how do you do that it’s just it’s play. hypixel.net oh yeah play. hypixel.net I was thinking of something else so 15 experience levels oh my God I’ll put it in chat should I drop 70k yeah I’m going to drop 70k on a Yan P wait someone took all the money from the bank we don’t talk about it let me we don’t talk about it we don’t talk about it we don’t talk about it how much take all the money we don’t talk about it it’s worth it trust it’s worth it there’s 0.8 money in there it’s worth it trust it’s worth it I want to get a better pickaxe do we all have separate Banks uh yes we have separate Banks but then we also have the co-op bank oh that is really good cuz I have so all of our pures are separate also should I gu I I just took I to be fair I took 70k out of the bank cuz I put 60k in it so like hello again Mr spr really I was only taking 10K from you guys sus I think he’s AER I got 40K um so should I do the should I do the grind to get uh [Music] to to get armor pieces or to get armor pieces or should I just not and buy it the IP on screen oh yeah you should probably put the IP on screen I’ll do that real quick because half your viewers I not mean out okay text server I did not mean to leave made me leave but I’m back let’s go why did it make you leave that’s goofy My Stream shouldn’t be doing [Music] that I want to get to 30 levels so I can get sharp or Smite sorry not sharp nice I un locked zombie minion got it okay let me go back to Sky Block there you go find nerver now when you will need a question mark what are you saying oh z z what if you were to actually create content in here if I’m I’m I’m not to if I’m not to be mistaken you could get YouTube break I I think you can get YouTube break on Hypixel I think grind now oh yeah grind now when you will need that money yeah you’ll never know when you need that money exactly but it’s pretty easy to get it I mean yeah just grind some weight to be honest me do oh that’s where it close it there oh what the heck somebody somebody thank you somebody oh no never mind I thought somebody XP bottled me but it was just glitched out I was going to say somebody like straight up like Titanic XP bottled me but no that didn’t happen I seriously have to go around and find the lazy Miner pick oh right he it takes two seconds just go right you literally just go right I know or go left I’m trying it’s just my you have to go the Same Direction the entire time and you’ll get it uh no you’re not Mr Sprinter oh uh let’s put Smite on the sword hey got my enchants up I want to get my enchants as high as possible so I can get the experimentation table well I did not mean to do it can I make you a skin sure go for it I’m going to have to change some of my thumbnails and like change and make a new uh make yeah I’m going to have to make a new a few new thumbnails but sure yeah go for it man if you can make it have some 3D what some little 3D things that’d be nice you know what I’m talking about some actual text instead of it being like completely flat yeah go for it man wait does this have Auto SM on it oh yes I want this you could just it’s five it’s literally five enchant follow where are you I keep trying to find you and I lose you immediately me yeah oh I’m in the obsidian lines oh let me come okay I’m here oh there you are I just died for a great YouTuber yes sir where is you’re welcome it is available okay that’s good you need 30k subs for a roll oh okay it’s 30k this isn’t Roblox now oh it’s okay nice clouds hold up hold up hello Stephanie hold upixel rank [Music] requirements yeah some said 30k I should not be doing yeah it’s 30k let me eat my sandwich darn man it’s yeah I know I didn’t mean to say it sorry I know somebody who name is Stephanie sorry Stefan bro I’m oh oh y’all didn’t see that right [Music] need to get fortune on this pickax but I don’t oh yeah you can join oh you can’t join the co-op but yeah you can join us you can probably send me friend request on here yes you can it’s very simple expert bro I can’t collect obsidian uh yo what’s up Shinobi welcome back is there gambling in this game I’m actually asking uh there is a few ways to gamble yes but they’re not unlocked until later on in the game can you mine obsidian with the iron pickaxe uh no you need a diamond pickaxe but it only cost three diamonds literally to make it like it’s so easy oh wait where do you make it then I I have 53 diamonds uh you just use your crafting menu oh oh okay oh do I need a crafting table oh my God let me go here no you don’t need a crafting table right click your nether star there’s a crafting menu in there didn’t know that I’m not a noob I swear yes you are that’s why my stream is literally named Here We Go Again teaching my friend how to play sky BL wait how do you make it it’s a pickaxe are you serious I don’t have wood I don’t have wood then just go buy stick from the lumber Merchant where’s the lumber Merchant literally go to the go to the go to the hub and then literally just take a left okay fash dble Hub and then take go left just go left yeah yo thank you for the dollar clouds using cat for clouds guys CH chat clouds yeah this is a Ser yeah it’s high pixel the swap machines are crazy unknown the SWOT machines are actually crazy yeah if you’re looking for more uh if you’re looking for U more things that you want to try like when it comes to Minecraft cuz I saw you do some Minecraft Hypixel Sky Block is one of those things that will give you it will give you something to work with in Minecraft for a long time oh okay it is a very long game Mustafa Al says could you or you could mine obsidian with an iron pickaxe but you don’t get the obsidian I know that’s why I was saying like you need the [Music] obsidian no REM rename it to teaching they did uh teaching my friend how to play H High pixel or whatever you spell you spell it because I did I named it that it’s it’s it’s here we go again teaching my friend how to play Hypixel Sky [Music] Block and I’m saying here we go again because I’m restarting my Hypixel journey I do have another profile obviously my Iron Man profile is going to still be continued English we’re not doing that right now bucko English or Spanish whoever moves first is good you got something in be right back okay I got a diamond pickaxe um I am getting close to lapis collection level [Music] three how do youall like the music by the way isn’t Hypixel the most popular server yes it is the most popular server on Minecraft no way yes I thought it was your server 100% bro hey we can make we can make my server the second most popular if yall join my server it’s in my Discord it’s in my Discord the server IP is in my Discord guys stop speaking freaking espanol bro you this is not as 10y old Channel Where’s the freaking mining taverns I’m dumb Bend MC I I did that to my friend we didn’t move for 40 minutes dang bro that’s crazy what bro did uh expert said that he did like the English or Spanish to one of his friends in school and they straight up didn’t move for 40 minutes what no I would though I would do that I would actually do that to my friend for real I’ve got some friends I would genuinely do that I would do to Z no you wouldn’t really me IRL then no bro exactly oh I seen that wish I could play it but I’m on Console uh there’s there’s ways to do it on mobile sort of you can get like Minecraft you can get Minecraft Java emulators if you have a Minecraft Java account oring Indonesian bro why am I so slow very up where is this dumb freaking Cavern so I don’t know where it’s at I’m lost ow I don’t know how to play this game I’m going to make a portal with the Deep Cavern soon anyway wait no I need to go to the M Merchant I’m going to follow you is it this way I’m just making a pickaxe oh wait we need to talk to the carpenter for about [Music] that lapis pickaxe and I still have enough to make a Lapis minion oh I want a circle how do how do you play on mobile I don’t know if you can’t play on mobile wow you uh there’s a way that you can but it’s stupid and it’s like finicky and you have to use like an emulator called like MC in a box it’s goofy where the heck did I go I’m at catacombs what are you fine with dark green textured pants I think it’s interesting I would have to see it I’d really have to I’d have to see how it looks on the character not that way it’s a loop there we go golden mine invite me you’re already invited to the you’re already invited onto the co-op like you’re on the co-op I think oh you’re not [Music] oh wait Aiden are you on the call [Music] B get back on I need you to do this now what happened I couldn’t get my brother on oh ball I need you to get on right now I’m basing it off your current Roblox character interesting oh where do I go I’m so dumb mror chimpanze 169 maybe this way now all of you guys approve it please Jeff I need you to approve it Z I need you to approve it okay one second it’s literally in your chat all you have to do is click it all right now Giff can you approve it Jeff you think Jeff ran away Jeff no please I clicked on it uh it didn’t you have to click you have to click his you have to click his player head like it shows the player head in the middle and you click that first and then you click the green block this way talk to this okay uh Aiden now just click accept now I finally mine obsidian hey when you have time to play on field goal simulator text me on Discord all right I got you are you in now yeah let’s go all right M brother’s in here we [Music] go y bro what [Music] happened oh YouTube is just dead for me hold up Sky Block Hub this way okay my internet is not cooking Hold Up chat that’s not good it’s fine I’m like I’m good like I’m in the game and everything’s working and all that but like P bear you’re back no way yo my look’s still going you have seven viewers yes sir I have [Music] 11 he’s back from the stream okay what was I going to do oh yeah I was going to go this way um I need need to bring a wapis pickaxe no not oh I was going to get John’s actually him for the luck is there anywhere near my Roblox Peak no am I still having fun absolutely yo what’s up Cy Q’s says dot dot dot uh are you guys watching the Euro 2024 thing uh I don’t even know what you’re talking about but alone watching oh my gosh bro I can relate that like that stuff just po up on my feet what are we playing we’re playing Minecraft Hypixel news uh what’s the bad news get better oh that’s cool the bank where’s the bank this wayk $0.8 in the bank bro give me lapis pant thank you how kind my hardcore world has gone 2 years you didn’t make a backup back that’s tough dog oh wait did I even pull my pet out hold up get away from me you know what fine then you’re going to die um that there we go that should make it so I do a little bit more damage yep England versus Serbia is going to be so unfair I don’t even know how good each of those teams are man yo what’s up Mo welcome to the stream oh let’s talk to the Redstone Miner dog I’m just getting tossed around at this point two years wasted because my stupid friend killed [Music] me okay we’re good red collection two to unlock the small accessory bag and you talk to me again I already did come on now yo what’s up EPS G hga $2 how does bro 12 and 20 at the same time cuz I’m autistic genuinely that is exactly why it’s a it’s a everybody I know who is just sped has this face it’s like the weird thing with your job is kind of like out a little bit your smile isn’t even it’s just don’t know why literally me and sketch same person I went from five friends to four pretty quick and how and now he’s just pranking my other friends in World [Music] interesting hello hello what is the Ping right now okay there we go yes how do all those people have one ping I haven’t even mined any Redstone [Music] yet okay I’m lit being tested everybody says I act autistic this kind of it’s kind of hard to explain acting there’s no real acting [Music] autistic wait what version are you in 1.8.9 you can play this on pretty much any version though anything from like 1.8 to uh 1.20 or 1.21 no they haven’t updated to 1.21 yet but 1.20 people call me special okay [Music] okay tell me when you can figure out how to tell me when you figure out how cure for cancer in seventh grade yet you still can’t figure out how to talk somebody talk to somebody and make friends that’s that’s when you know you have autism and you can determine whether or not I’m talking from experience [Music] yeah I don’t know if 1.21 works I would try it yeah oh I’m back what do what oh [Music] what Sigma what I miss now you didn’t miss anything actually oh I’m just collecting Redstone I’m trying to get some uh enough Redstone to get some accessory bag slots yeah because accessories give you magical power which give you better stats so I’m GNA go this way I can’t even knock on a door without having a breakdown my only friends are my very close friends from Prim from primary and my parents yo honestly same I make F like literally the last friends I made were in my physics my my AP Physics class knocking on door is not that bad but to be fair I’ve spent years like just basically jamming into my brain that talking people isn’t that bad but hey it worked crack now where it is okay no way I finally found a cave on this yet this way not going to help me that much hello toys fun hello toys fun how you doing I love science bro honestly I I like physics just because it’s more math forward and I’m a more of a math guy I mean I’ve taken the ACT twice and both times I had a 36 on the math section my composite is a 35 I need to get some [Music] gold oh you need gold I can help you with that basically I’m going to my to you is it bad I just started watching Hunter x Hunter I’ve heard it’s pretty good so I don’t know oh yeah I do I’ve started watching yeah I’m doing good y this this is real talk real talk with chat right now real talk not not like real real talk but real talk like hear me out in chat one of my one of my friends on Discord showed me this series called sword art on one watch it it is so good I like watching it and sub I like watching it subbed but uh y’all can watch it dubbed if you really want to but sub subbed is like uh they’ve got better voice actors for subbed I feel like for dubbed it’s kind of boring monotonous um but yes watch Sword Art on one it is I thought it was not going to be good and then I watched it and I was like this is so good literally just go for it yo if I install 1.20 I uh can we play together yeah oh no it’s I’m Minecraft isn’t free sadly but I’m not I I can’t invite you to the co-op because this is just like a like a we’ve already basically set up who’s going to be in here and we’ve already got a lot of people in here I’m not going to invite more but you can visit my Island I only use sub because I don’t feel like reading subtit I only use dub because I don’t feel like reading subtitles I read subtitles with like all the movies I watch so then yeah you’re probably not going to like sword online too much the story is still great it’s just the voice actors are not that great for the dub for the sub though they’re great I mean they’re really good and the dialogue’s actually great it’s just the voice actors that aren’t that good you know hey do I make a um I’m uploading a new vid right now w if I didn’t use dub do you think I would be on Episode 600 something on one piece yeah it’s not that hard just read like I hate reading and I still read subtitles every time I do like a movie even if it’s in English oh waa I’ve got T hello gaming Jetty you mean Jedi huh you mean Jedi it was gaming Jetty are you sure yeah that’s interesting why would you name yourself gaming Jetty I don’t know cuz I understand ging Jedi but like sorry you should watch scary survival maybe I hate bad voice actors to be honest I know bro by the way yes I’m I’m still boring my favorite anime is still Dragon Ball Z well actually it’s not Dragon Ball Z it’s it’s probably Dragon Ball GT yeah Dragon Ball GT probably but still yes it’s in the Dragon Ball series I need one more stack bro bro I still get one oh I need put my gold away I forg to do that I don’t want to put on shaders is it aot where’s the bank this way dead that’s all right I’m new sub DBZ best DBZ is not the best anime dvz is great but it’s not the best I would say dbgt probably is the best like when it comes to story it’s probably the best it feels like that’s got like the most effort put into it but DBZ is great still DBZ is amazing especially the are you get a the namic AR is amazing I love the namic AR oh yes I do 8 380 yes I do why did the author have to die I don’t know whoever watched Minecraft items in real life question mark forb So Many collectibles dang 36 minutes and the videos uploaded a few hours of editing for probably nothing you know what that’s how I felt about my first videos and then it started just building up you know oh I should probably recorded this shouldn’t I no nobody really wants to see that I don’t think anybody would want to see a video of like me teaching somebody who’s just clueless at Hypixel how to play Minecraft or how to play Hypixel I mean both kind of yeah both really I will come back I’m going can you add uh on my stream tomorrow if you come up I [Music] can oh I just great I lost my pickaxe we go this way uh you can join yeah yeah but you can’t join the co-op yeah you can join I think I just completely lost my pick oh it’s right there just send me a friend request Jo the H pixel y uh they can visit the island if they just do if they’re in Hypixel and they do SL visit then any one of our usernames that’s in the co-op they can visit the the island where is arm I forgot what the heck it’s a shiny what did you check the chest so got you got no no there’s a there’s a chest down on like the mini mine oh nice so yo what’s up needle card welcome to the stream yeah sucks what’s the island name by the way uh you can search up any so you would just do slash visit and then my username and then it would you’d be like right on the island exent where did my pickaxe go there it is fat GRE um I need 1,24 that’s 13 Stacks no that was way off 16 Stacks yeah 16 Stacks I think yeah I swear I can’t do math yes I can but I’m like 16 [Music] Stacks what see okay here there okay so it’s uploaded now I got to wait for the better video quality to finish you can just watch if you want to see how it looks you can just watch it in SD I think that just SED it to like 720p or something I remember one time I had a video that was so good that YouTube like did like all their like stuff on it it was on like an old YouTube channel that I had it had like 20 or 30,000 views um it was like a hacking video it was like a Roblox hacking video cuz I used to do that like hacking tutorials um and it got like 30,000 views and like YouTube did like their whole thing where they like changed they had like the upscaled resolutions and everything even though I only uploaded it in like 720p how do I get a it said I need to make a wheat minion this Quest I’m doing how do I do that it’s just a quick edit oh nice what’ you say uh it says I need to make a wheat minion for his quest I’m doing how do I do that um you get a wooden hoe and then uh in the menu you surround the wooden ho with like I think 16 wheat in each slot so it’s going to be like two stacks a whe no it’s not a stack it’s either 16 or 32 I’ll I’ll go I’ll go help you know what I’m going to go buy I’m going to go buy minor wait is minor armor soulbound I forgot cuz I think they may have made it soulbound just so b means you can’t sell it no you can sell it I saw it in the uh Bin okay yes you can you can I’m gonna buy some then it’s really cheap also I get the diamond bro everybody is buying it 4000 bro you going to come to me yeah got two pieces um let me go let me go get some wheat and then sell it real quick I’m doing good uh join your Discord cuz you yes sir bro you’re absolutely a w my guy any go to the island what so I can give you the wheat so you can make the wheat minion I already have wheat oh I’m gathering a ton of wheat myself I’m get wood for the wooden ho you know you can just buy a wooden Hoe from the lumber Merchant right you sell it all wooden tools so you can craft Min where the lumber Merchant at remember you go to the H like as soon as you teleport to the hub you just take a left let me okay Hub left yeah and it’s I found the Lumberjack yeah Lumberjack minion sorry or sorry Lumberjack mer yeah that’s what I meant I just abbreviated it that’s my bad Lumberjack yeah I going in the right spot hold up how long has this live stream been I have no clue hold up are you there yes you’re at The Lumberjack no it’s the lumber Merchant I was right you you got to the wrong P up I warped you to my server where you at z z zely yeah it’s the lumber zely okay this guy’s done 62 minutes now oh wow what’s up Steven mug when did you start playing Sky Block like 3 years ago but this is a new profile and also I deleted my main profile to use this one because Sky Block starts sucking once you get past like Sky Block like 150 where’s the lumber Merchant I found the lumber jack not the merchant literally here I literally like you just go to the left that’s the right that’s the left if when you spawn in when you spawn in you’re looking this way right I was looking this way and I went this way no no you Spa okay you know what I’m going to teleport out and then I want you to look at my stream okay I’m good I’m going to just talk to him uh which a you Lally point that uh let’s see uh you need to buy a hoe in order to make a wheat minion oh yeah guys don’t touch the just wood all the stuff inside of the chest guys don’t touch the chest okay sure okay if if Shenanigans under Roblox wheel tomorrow big Raga is coming for you yo what I’m in nice where the heck is this dumb Farm I don’t know this map at all oh my gosh it just R compor I’m going to put the compactor on the diamond minion oh why yeah friend request accept because actually actually smart cuz then you can keep it running overnight and then you can make a lot of money exactly my brain does not run Barn okay I got kicked out for no reason I’m going to go to the Minecraft SMP now what no I’ll I’m probably going to get over in a sec in a little bit though did you end stream already no well this is 64 32 you made it a high pixel Sky Block stream and then you’re going to leave what well probably around five that’s what I’m going to end oh I was going to say I was like hold up I’m literally just waiting for oh my gosh bro there we are is NE is netherite a netherite is not a thing in a Hypixel skyx no by the way the editing took so long cuz I recorded I had to record two different videos one with light mode and one without you can see that in the video oh oh well I just scrolled down and zie appeared no way wait are you doing shorts mode yeah yeah oh I mean 20 viewers oh dang my Peak right my Peak has only been like nine my Peaks was like 32 which it’s good for a non Roblox stream was usually my peak in Roblox streams are usually like 150 somewhere around there dang bro I’m lucky I get a second viewer that’s just how it works just started your stream I me you just started your streaming career makes sense short streaming really doesn’t work unless you post a lot of shorts cuz the shorts viewers go do you like pop up feed because I got a short with like 1.3 million views so a lot of people see me there feed interesting I might have to start making more shorts okay I got I get the most weirdest YouTube short mes but those streams are still better than Tik Tok streams oh yeah literally any YouTube short no matter how bad it is it’s better than like your average pies I have to show you thanks for the Roses bro ice cream ice cream yum no oh man I would never disable shorts hard see everything yeah but it gets more people is that a real lugie I can’t tell cuz I don’t know if I unmodded him I don’t know if that’s real L it’s probably fake oh I just killed a chicken I was never moded oh no way we got a mod in the chat H pixel yeah I’m good way when are you going to mod me in your chat uh when I’m when I’m what I’m going to oh wait oh wait never mind because the the the application’s closed today don’t they yeah never mind my bad I thought they had already closed they’re closing tonight you can get moded if you do application lugie or can you yeah you were unmodded you never even to application [Music] D I have too much wheat way too much when I be scrolling on Tik Tok I be seeing those streams when they put the sad filter and do those Minecraft bro we don’t talk about it bro we’re making a wheat Shrine we’re making a wheat seed Shrine that’s hilarious guys look at my camera this currently wheat Mining and wheat is it 64 yep wheat minion let’s go I literally need leggings and a chest plate and I’m done let me go back to the island by the way the format Alex the format’s good is like but where yet in Discord the it’s because the the reason I do this format is specifically because most people when watching Hypixel streams only really just kind of click on it and then do something else and have it just run in the background yeah like that’s just how it works with streams they’re just there [Music] foration I’m the find dude lives does that work for you buddy oh my God I’m going to find where you freaking live SAR to God if you say this location isn’t perfect I’m finding where you live literally you just have to set it around a bunch of dirt it’s not that hard I am oh my goosh I’ll help you but this dude oh actually I poor soul you poor soul this dude isn’t Smart Bro oh my God I’m killing you pure there we go right there does that work for you buddy fine I’ll remove the are you happy now buddy I’m going find where dude lives how do you get different types of minions uh you have to craft them once you unlock the crafting recipe you literally just go to here go to collections and then whatever collection it’s in so like if it’s a combat one and I want to make like a zombie minion go to here and then click on the collection where you unlock the zombie minion recipe click on the zombie minion recipe it’s very organized format there’s no you’re not happy my guy you’re all around dirt mining dirt with ack why don’t you mine dirt with a pickaxe are you even real um I didn’t do that I didn’t do that are you even real mhm are you sure I did mind dirt with a diamond pickaxe stream put NPC in the chat no yeah put just Spam NPC what’s wrong about Diamond dirt with my diamond pickaxe he’s not real Chad he mined he mined dirt with a diamond pickaxe he’s not real what’s wrong with that doesn’t even know what Minecraft was yeah I did BR first time playing Minecraft was two days ago no because I played I played on a PS3 way back in the day your first time playing Minecraft Java Edition was literally days ago we only have my chat s me to mindstone of shovel that’s what sounds efficient oh my gosh bro I forgot that you’ve got a bunch of Roblox players in your chat let Auto for me see my chat is actually sensible so oh glitch glitch is joking apparently actually makes sense yo dude you know no chat is better is more sensible than Z’s chat I’m going to go ahead and leave the stream by come for and you’re going to come for tomorrow’s Roblox stream what are you doing stop breaking the door I recommend staying here for the Vibes but you know use a diamond pickaxe that’s the best that’s this guy’s an NPC he’s telling me not to Ho the dirt next to the weat minion you don’t need to it does it itself yeah you dingus I guess I’m better than you why is there a creeper you’re stupid you just sat there and let it explode okay oh we don’t talk about that 13 Stacks I need how much money do you have I’ve got 6.6k oh there’s Lucky Box gameplay for real can you change the mining minions pickax no I have 62 what do I I’m what do I call you uh Galactic you just call me Galactic no you called him Galactic no jell so no no you don’t get it I raided this one guy I I I raided this one guy and he didn’t know how to pronounce my name and he called me gelatin I love gelatinous are you okay Frosty no no no it’s not it’s not it’s gelatin oh yeah gelatin it’s gelatin no way it’s gelatin no it’s jelly it’s jelly no Jelly’s already a YouTuber who’s way bigger than me Galactic we love Galactic you love Galactic I know you stream on Twitch too every once in a great while I do and most of the time it’s just chess because how I kill myself chess yeah no I don’t want to I don’t want to do that okay I’m the best streamer ever thank you so much Che out my thank you so much what was that we don’t Gap about that bro bro who is Billy Joe how how do you do that thank you so much shut up bro I’m not okay now I stream what should I stream I was thinking of fnf a Roblox Roblox is definitely just going to get more people no that’s the best qu to be here bro let’s go I’m actually about to die um I’ve never died stop killing the shiny pig bro you fell off the edge I saw it why won this dude die I saw you fell off the edge I did not fall off the edge now let me kill myself again if I would stream fnf I would just take suggestions and on Roblox as well fnf I don’t know how well it does but I know Roblox is great for starting how do you get upgrades for your minion um there’s there’s different upgrades you can get you can get diamond spreading you can get uh Auto smelter you can get impactors and you just have to unlock the crafting recipes for those or you have to buy them from the auction house this is all stuff I would I would look up on Google honestly oh there’s a creeper I’m going to go say hi yo what’s up what’s up M by the way uh needle card you’ll get the you’ll get subscriber rank as soon as I’m done with this stream on uh Discord if you were wondering why you’re not subscriber rank automatically it’s because I don’t have anything set up to automatically give you rank Discord new member I know that’s what I was saying I’m going to go make a diamond pick no axe storage is full my storage is full notice yeah some people do so that’s why I say it but like you know it’s mostly most people are chill with it oh wait what’s your channel again Z is it just at Z yo oh fire Channel 10 out of 10 would recommend oh somebody bought my merch in a Minecraft stream on Roblox oh yeah thank you so much Mickey Mouse South why did so many people actually buy this um Mickey Mouse has been friended on Roblox I typed a letter in my keyboard put that no way hello Jon hello Roblox yo bro has original Roblox in his chat it’s not I wish I wish oh my gosh guys Roblox is in my chat oh I forgot we have to upgrade this diamond minion cuz right now it’s you think I’m going to say Roblox 770 Dakota 0 I’m not saying that bro yo Galactic Galactic yeah come here come here I need to show you something yo come here Galactic yo yo Galactic just don’t jump just walk no I said just walk don’t jump can you stop is there any way that you would stop like uh if you gave me all your inventory I just have Redstone if you give me your diamond Helm and your diamond boots no I bought those I’m a very special level of boredom the make fan art for this one random guy I found on YouTube level oh no way you’re going to make fan art for me you fell we don’t y about that that’d be W you’d be the first person you fan art for me if you did well technically I guess technically that’d be zely because he made my character in blender so on on a small technicality it would be zely but you’d be the first I’d give you the first yes sir uh first person to make fan art for me bro oh my God on a small technicality it is you but I’m not going to give that to you easy oh I’m give me Alp why would you do that no no we put the minions back but they weren’t their location wasn’t good yes it was they said our location was not usable maybe when you put them there I make history yeah yes sir I’m not doing that you’re not Special Hold up okay there let me grab your keyboard what I’m Banning them I’m Banning Frosty ah how what was that yo what’s up my man yo don’t do that that’s not nice yeah don’t do that it’s not nice stay in there I’m Bing this guy 1085 7278 bad your IP what okay anyways let’s get back to the game bro leaking IPS on stream okay pot de on stream leaking IPS you’re get get away from me who I submit an application oh I already know it’s a fail okay we getting banned from Logie stream with this one huh I wish yo what’s up Garrett welcome back just the knowledge Garrett Jay Garrett just Garrett kill a pig honestly just the knowledge that I that I’m banned from woi streams would actually be so nice why do people keep pilling killing me pigs bro they’re asking to ban me they’re asking to ban me they don’t know that I though they don’t know that I’m in the co-op wait wait wait wait wait can you not kill this pig don’t bu don’t kill it saw someone trying to kill it you can’t kill it you can to like places but how do you hit it uh well first you have to get an orb oh heck no I’m good yeah it’s it’s a big process I’m going to the SMP oh already you’re not even done with okay change stream so funny Lally change a stream Midstream but getting my Minecraft adventure oh oh yeah like I don’t care if they ban me cuz I can just talk to you they here mods ban this kid do you plan on ever going back on Sky Block if not then I’m just going to delete this file okay good yes because Pro Gamers do what is it feather mc. yeah okay so server IP R gamers. mz. all right is B still in here he I don’t know that’s not my IP you Dingus oh nice I got the rest of I’m going to get banned okay join server wait ball is ball in here I don’t know uh yeah ball ball are you still at the base are you are you at the Village oh what the heck happened here first try on both of those hey who is that oh that’s you can I out can I have some loot blue blue can I have some loot oh you oh you kidnapped them what is this then crazy bro this guy says keep yapping in your band no man what are you talking about I don’t care who’s telling you that my mod oh bro you’re kidnapping them what did they do to you dang my art skills are getting rusty dude it don’t it’ll still be the first well fair I haven’t drawn in like a month no yeah fa what the heck is that sound oh Iron Golem you need to get some stairs I’ll do this there yo can you get me like an iron pi pickaxe I don’t even know where your base is homie not you I’m talking I think he’s GNA I’ll turn I’ll turn him on for a little bit and I G my game crashed oh I’ll revisit a I’m joking [Music] okay wait actually I’m not going to turn it on yet I need to do this one real quick hey full Min armor is w I need some wood I use this one two three yo that lion pet is being put to work [Music] bro one of the first things I’m going to do to it though is bring it the cat so it could be leveled up to a rare cuz right now it is just uncommon so is garbage can he die wait f is shaders nice this dude won’t die okay finally oh the shaders are so I don’t want the Roses bro thank you for the Roses but not thank you for the Roses did you just say thank you for the Roses oh yeah turning into a Tik Tok NPC oh yeah I the new Tik Tok streamer thank you for those Roses oh yeah fire emojis in the chat guys okay now I just need a chest plate what are you doing are you are you are you starting a villager cult can you join Java this is Java right yeah yeah this is Java this is Java what does bro mean can you join Java it’s so hilarious English or Spanish uh English English or Spanish first person to move is gay English oh I’m moving right now you something in [Music] your yo ball where when are you going to get my iron pickaxe I mean Iron whatam J but I’m getting yo to many Fisher what oh yeah you’re doing the infinite Emerald glitch [Music] right whoever moves first is gay you got something in your [Music] nose stop I’m just messing with you man bro I’m I’m literally messing with this guy’s chat cuz I’m in the Minecraft chat for the server my base now Buck I know to play Minecraft did you set your spawn you set your spawn right yeah yeah can I have the M’s back okay okay now my thing won’t I need 16 more diamonds literally need 16 more diamonds I am literally ah wait those then mine some of this hold up big bra big my what what big bur boom now it’s going to actually do things being gay isn’t wrong I know that’s why I I was just messing with you there we go there okay just messing with you my guy don’t get all on jeez man people get so offended so quickly bro yeah I don’t I literally don’t have it just joking around and you’re like defensive I’m going to guess this is the latest version of Minecraft I don’t is this the latest version of Minecraft no no no no second lest it’s all just it’s all just a matter second earli by the way earlier no he no wait what what I do Escape no he isn’t cappers say no I’m playing Sky Block right now it’s a Sky Block stream I’m not switching stream up oh yeah I stay dedicated streaming on YouTube myy the most I know it’s stupid I mean I ended stream a long stop about me maybe I should maybe I should stream on Kick what do you think needle oh there we go just messing around obviously I would never stream on Kick I would I I refuse to stream on the same I refuse to stream on the same platform as Aiden Ross yeah that’s true I’m make an a is beautiful Aiden Ross is a if I met him in real life he’d probably be like like tied up into a tie him into a bretzel and then i’ put them in a blender that’s a really cool cave I want to make my base very you hear me yeah I can hear you um need to talk to one more MPC I can I don’t think is can you hear me when Roblox live uh I don’t know man probably tomorrow silly found someone with full melon armor melon armor is kind of hard to find or kind of hard to get well no to buy it it’s it’s not that bad but to grind for it and like Iron Man for example like if he was on an Iron Man I’d respect that cuz like I’m doing that right now and it’s a pain I mean Minecraft oh you love MRA I love MRA too hello guys who loves MRA I wish people online could take jokes bro that’d be actually a w that’d be a w place to be are you playing Minecraft Minecraft fire oh literally I just didn’t get the middle one Galactic yeah I use name like to get infinite emeralds just wait what where yeah he’s freaking ding who’s duping no I don’t have any iron nobody’s duping they’re lying nobody’s duping no you’re the one lying you’re just trying let me go real quick sorry I have a I have a life would be a d I know bro life would be a dream life would be a dream sweetheart hello hello again is ball in BC I Minecraft oh he’s not duping emeralds he’s just trading where do you get wood uh The Lumberjack mine would get someone there let’s get a closeup let’s get a closeup of [Music] what no yeah what just happened hold up hold up hold up hold up hold up hold up qu [Music] happened sorry I just got wood it’s like a whole Forest one second chat what’s the server called it’s uh R gamers. fever. MC no R gamers. fever mc. you know what maybe I will change my stream you’re right you’re right Z yes [Applause] sir I’m just playing with ball right now we’re doing like a villager thing you make can make the oh yeah yeah yeah but IP is what matters yeah yeah IP is pendant on screen I’m not on Realms dang it what do you mean Realms we’re not doing Bedrock there we go got it doing job finish the song this looks like a job from so every oh yeah this looks like a job for me so everybody just follow me cuz we need a little controversy get something like that realm is also on job still but we’re not doing Realms yeah have I played bettered this look like a CH for me yeah got it figured it out [Music] bro anyway um let’s get feather client booted up feather Galactic where you from us huh what’s up welcome to the stream d d de maybe I don’t know anyway American another one what are you talking about they seem to be live at this time of day well yeah because it’s like literally like noon it’s not noon but it’s like in the middle of the day it’s like it’s 3:30 for me so like [Music] boom what’s up Jeff I know you’re in the VC but I’m going to say what’s up anyway hold up uh we’re good here good here zombie zombie yeah we’re fine we’re chilling boom and now we have beautiful shaders so that’s that’s another thing about this time zones been crazy I know it’s the middle of the night for you dang can you TP me I’m in the middle of a freaking let me go back you know sure I’ll TP you if you if you die then you die all right man I don’t care if I die I just want to be TP there’s a creeper right next you creeper I don’t care if I die it’s 333 for me yeah 334 333 yeah yeah TP me to you m hold up hold upo bro die there’s like a whole Army of skeletons diamonds got where they at where they at they’re in this m they’re in This Hold Up Hold I’m taking on an entire Army of skeletons there we go I’m taking on an army of skeletons also they why are there so many yes zombie go for that skeleton please thank you okay there he oh this is Jaa can you stop killing your cousin skeletons are not my cousin skeletons are your cousin you’re built like a sket why you bully me why you bullying me Z you’re built like a skeleton why you bully me where’s it where’s it at Alex okay what I’m running out I’m running out of hunger but it’s all right why is there another person here oh because I tpd him oh you have the diamonds there we go honey you have an extra pickaxe that would be amazing I I literally just I literally found an iron pickaxe inside of a chest so yes AEG okay literally found one of these don’t die oh while I get what you think I’m trying to do oh diamonds more diamonds bro this m shft is packed y this mha is a w another chest he put in the theu uh oh nice I found bread good so did I and some La so much W I found a lot of good stuff bro there’s two M shafts going through each other oh yeah yeah oh it’s Java sow you have the Wither storm mod I don’t even know if that is are you using base texture packs huh uh I think so yeah Z’s chat please bully him why who plays Minecraft with base texture packs I do that’s a hey just check out my stream check out my stream and see what my see what my texture packs look like they’re freaking beautiful I care well send me TT with with ball right now Galactic send me the texture packs and I’ll install them just look up uh faithful for uh uh for 1.2.6 just install it and then you just you buy the not you buy sorry you download the texture pack Ling I know how to do textures and then and then yeah you just put the resource pack in the resource holder all that I got got the 64x you can get whichever one you want I’m probably going to do 64x I know the 32x looks really good as well give me the link to his stream and I’ll bully him I’m an expert I got you I got you I’ll ban him I’ll ban him instantly create alt accounts bro create alt accounts create alt accounts oh yeah that’s how I ban you from my stream and don’t give you mod I mean don’t create alt accounts wait what is it called yeah I know you’re saying the apostrophe emojis right now imagine I didn’t di to a dirt block no what is it again it’s a nice stream you have right there I have like 34 alts dang bro that’s why you get instantly banned from my stream and don’t use your alts don’t use your alts bro I’ll get banned don’t use your alts wait what’s your texture pack Galactic getting IP Bann from my stream than okay string text P0 no uh faithful 206 oh Veil oh what do I do wait what do I bully him for again oh yeah for not using uh for oh for using base texture packs in Minecraft no that’s no you look like a jelly bean what that’s a lot of villagers he’s using base texture packs in Minecraft like come on now that’s are you looking at my stream that’s not real I’m taking a screenshot of that H English okay that’s how you get banned from my stream why English or Spanish what’s wrong no bro there’s no Spanish in our chat only English people whoever moves first is gay if you use a different language than English or banned what is the English racist that’s racist I’m sorry that we can’t Auto mod people who swear in different languages racist guys See’s racist adult we I should not have looked in that guys Z’s racist what huh huh huh huh I can I can barely hear you Jeff we know oh yeah we know he’s racist hello Joshua are you are you are you getting bullied by a man named by card uh no it’s Alex actually oh Alex W Alex you continue to Vol him he’s just spamming the same message and I don’t even care what is it the only thing he did is he just swore a lot so I’m just going to time him out for 24 hours I said to make fun of him not to [Music] okay name [Music] eight head for real No Cap 100% Z got eight head for real no bro no he probably a 16 head to be honest Z smhs with two hands huh I said Z smhs with two hands imagine no I was doing the Villager sound there’s so many villagers just just to cover his head it’s a lot of villagers I didn’t swear I I don’t know man de told me you swore a bunch you did though do I have to restart my game for the from you just you just click them over you go to your resource back section and then you click them over and I’m just going to restart my it’s it’s not working TP me to you galactic you probably have like TNT or something no I don’t you can look at my screen oh nice I found another hold up I found another uh uh you3 nice skill is you skill is wait a minute I remember yeah we were playing Roblox what is that BR how are you failing to get some SK uh blue blue blue um just just look down here oh the water’s gone um just just take this please give me bread oh got another [Music] saddle but how I friend you I’m not adding people right now I’m going to kill this villager real where’s the wait what I’m sending this to you where’s the what oh qu’s using a string duper he’s what what he’s using a what a what he’s using a what what’ you say string duper why are you so thin today I’m not thin I’m lean wait hold up I don’t know if you saw that I’m lean why is this video aspect ratio different because shorts just kind of does better I don’t [Music] know galactic yeah um so technically you only have uh five viewers cuz I’m just going to keep your stream open how do I friend you no no no almost di oh my gosh I’m at two hearts I’m going back up I’m just going back up wait is there food in here I’m at two hearts and I literally don’t have hunger okay imagine having a subscriber only chat huge L honestly bro no at least I get more subs yeah that’s kind of the thing when you have more subs you get more subs cuz the subscriber only chat I mean I unsubscribed for [Music] meing expert that’s [Music] interesting it’s going to take forever cuz I’m literally at yga -2 bro the faceful resource pack just isn’t opening that’s weird one second because I can’t anymore no access to chat yeah cuz I hid him out yeah you got hidden needle I guess I guess apparently you got hidden even though all you did was roas him that’s not it though he swore that’s Alex I’m talking about needle oh I didn’t do anything needle he didn’t even type in chat uh bro what am I at oh yeah he didn’t even say anything he said one thing in chat and it didn’t even affect me like I read it and didn’t even care I see now I don’t care bro what the oh even worse than okay that’s for real though bro I’m actually stuck I don’t know how to get out of this I’m just mining straight up I don’t want to run into gravel oh yeah I could definitely do that I’m at two hearts just realized that shoot and I have rotten I got bread no I actually don’t actually I think I have I got red stone don’t know how that would crazy respectfully of course oh my okay I’m out of the M shaft I found more diamonds should I get him I’m going to get him there’s lapis I really want that lapis to enchant you know what screw okay yeah I definitely want that lapis come more diamonds but I’m not going to get them cuz I’m only have four Hearts why level 23 the chances of me running into gravel are pretty gosh strong low so no SP f is crazy y’all are all crazy the entirety of my chat is crazy now that’s crazy oh yeah yeah how did you die from a tree shush yes I do he I found a way out whoa I’m like negative 1,000 blocks away from base sure what I need you find a horse I died d yo Galactic have you ever heard of moldan or Romanian music or moldovan or Romanian music I’ve heard I’ve heard some Romanian music but I haven’t heard any moldovan what I don’t think so respectfully that is just not funny yeah skeleton hitting [Music] me big El Galactic big EP how could you not never music I don’t know [Music] man the thing is about that is I know literally I can literally tell you almost every country in the world’s flag like you give me their flag I could probably name you the country but I don’t know anything about 99% of their [Music] cultures bro Alex what are you even talking about hold up I think we have a chance to find uh ow I said something what that is the LGBT plug that’s not a country my guy it’s just honestly not that funny like L I get so many people who do that and it’s just not funny [Music] anymore it’s just not funny what’s up what’s up dog oh sh okay I I’m sorry for using a duper here’s my apology BS bro BS great oh I mean the people oh how many people are in here it’s a good amount sorry I’m like right on you Aiden where where where’s where’s oh wa can you mine that block for me that block on that one too so I can get out cuz I’ve got no blocks right think um how far are we from uh from Spawn uh really close really close just go that go to your left okay cool cool cool um I just need to wait I need to go back and oh I can never see I had a sever continuous lapse in my judgment I don’t expect to be forgiven I’m simply here to apologize okay I mean if you want if you want back in you can it’s just that like just don’t do stupid stuff like that that’s all hold up I’ll unb you I trust him blue wouldn’t do that type of stuff he’s a good boy just don’t do it’s stupid he was duping string so he can get un limited gem and all that I United emeralds you were in support of it shut up nuh you were literally there watching him do it that’s cat you want me to pull up stream um no exactly that’s okay [Music] me just casually forgetting where my loot [Music] is all I know is that I was in a forest hello Cassandra it’s very much Cassandra but okay Z who taught you how to read names uh myself know it it’s very dang I couldn’t tell you’re so [Music] Guild I need to find my loot before it despawns a bro are you serious huh you know how they burned down your like brother’s Treehouse yeah they left a sign that says balls what I wonder whose signature move that is I wonder who they didn’t even spell balls correctly it’s actually bals it’s spelled b a l z least there’s campfires that I can take for actually how me you know what you’re getting the base sketch you know what you’re getting the base sketch of the fan art now because you’re lazy oh no now cuz lazy so I’m a finish is Ping all right you can ping you can definitely not oh what one time ping privileges hold up [Music] he’s flying I don’t know what you’re talking [Music] about streamer caught admin abusing on stream oh my gosh I people I hate when people make Roblox so greasy how do you make Roblox greasy question mark bro early it’s I stopped put on Discord I pinky promise it looks better when finished all right all right he pinky promises he Pinky promas oh that’s sick Bro a Pinky Winky promise so just for a progress photo that is crazy bro keep it up they call it Shader but it just makes everything wet and slippery oh yeah they it’s just because they’re not they’re not refined enough what have what was hello Violet hello average how do you yeah okay so this is good so I can do what was it 3500 70 3000 negative or was it negative like 2,000 I [Music] forget what if it was negative 3,500 I don’t know I just popped up in the middle of this area all of a sudden it just just weird must be a glitch in the game or something how I like TP it out of nowhere I think it’s a glitch oh no I’ve watched a total of one anime and now people in this one group gave me a whole role named anime kid no bro me out of here like uh hello Leo oh what is it I don’t know your mom I’m probably about end the stream I’ll probably do [Music] this can never s over suicidal men in peace apparently question mark okay yeah I think I’m G to end stream guys I’m still going to stay in here so if you want to join you can but I’m G to end stream guys I’ll probably be live tomorrow around Yeah question mark 12 I’ll probably be live around 12 actually I’ll stream some unow tag game you guys all enjoy the stream you you are anime kid and have a good day and peace out have a good day I’ll be live tomorrow on top game around 12 p.m. EST yeah 12:00 p.m. EST to your time zone if you’re not EST oh no there’s there’s two baby zombies did kind of decent there so much diamonds but I can’t M them not don’t you dare as shame on you for calling me that bro if you like watching it simply because you’re attracted to suicidal men what like what did bro say exactly [Music] exactly I may not be I may not be that old but I am definitely old enough enough to know that that is weird and also animating and also anime kid title worthy by the way listen toac great thanks pigy [Music] nice now I have two crafting tables all right [Music] um not anime kid roll worthy how dare you you know what I think I’m actually going to create a role in my server specifically called anime kid and it’s only going to have one person in there and you know who it’s going to be just saying though those may or may not be my plans for the server see your [Music] Ace hold up yeah why [Music] [Music] not you’re just a Ghost Inside My ha [Music] no no not change nicknames you’re not able to change your nickname because your nickname’s going to be created by me don’t you there it’s uh it’s it’s a little late for that cuz now all I need to do is make a color let’s make it like a hot pink hold up save changes to make it hello okay bro we just do not need that great I’m in a death situation nothing anyway you’re joking and everybody sleep I don’t even have a bed I have diamonds but I don’t have a bed we don’t talk about it [Music] BR just going to watch you y for a little bit bro there’s so much diamonds [Music] no okay um okay so what’s been going on while I’ve been gone nothing much I died and then then I got some of my stuff back and then um now I cheating okay I flew to My Dead Body whatever now I found a mountain and uh okay I would have found it anyway it’s just I was at like three I was at three hung bars wait I lost my dead Bush no my dead bush with knock back 256 no 256 yes start or 255 255 sorry excuse me are you sure what do you mean you can get us in vanilla Minecraft there’s nothing maximum yeah you have to do like trades to get to above 255 when I first joined one of your streams I remember you talking about like the Bible yeah big Christian guy what no no no 255 isn’t the limit because you can do more damage you have to use the traits though like basic traits of the sword and I’m not one of those you know I’m not one of those just like uh oh I was born and raised Christian so like I just finally follow it I’m actually quite I’ve got a quite good depth of knowledge when it comes to that when it comes to Theology and stuff like that I’m not like some random idiot you know it’s just like yeah I just do it because everybody else I know does it know yo what are your cords in game uh I would rather not say that cuz literally everybody who’s gotten my cord so far has absolutely destroyed every base I’ve made except for me oh yeah I have destroyed with Iver well to be fair I switched well yeah yeah you wouldn’t do that never mind you wouldn’t do that but also I’m just somewhere completely different now what about you didn’t weren’t you one of the ones taking part in the arson that was that was done on my building terrifying T yeah yeah I remember well you were there when it happened no that Z wasn’t really doing much I know that zely started the fire this is the wrong cave okay I’m going to dig myself a hole that’s I need a what an IDI okay I’m going to go to the restroom I’ll be right back yep okay don’t want me bro skeletons have Aimbot no cap [Music] thank you so now if I can get some wheat seeds there’s some wheat seeds how am I Tak damn okay I’m about to die I don’t think I can s crafting table [Music] there back why can’t I place my wi seeds [Music] in does it have to be like no what’s wrong with thatuh odd Alex what’s your thoughts on building a house high on a hill Alex not Alex sorry jff um you want to isn’t even in the Stream I don’t think um anyway uh okay I mean I’m just sitting in a cave cuz there’s loads of iron and diamonds here but I’m super low health and I need food is anyone even watching stream oh five people still I died immediately you can’t do anything here and then you’re stuck why is this I don’t even know what else you had uh I have some wood sure yeah that’s that’s yeah yeah that’s that’s it here I’ll make than you hold on get wood here you go okay oh zombie yeah I have like 53 diamonds from that cave so I I’m chilling there’s another cave with a bunch of diamonds at spawn any spe we don’t need water just uh dark oak probably since that’s what’s most abundant so I’m just I I keep getting attacked by zombies so I can’t really mine right now you can use your ax you know it does more damage than that sword I don’t want to waste it durability on fighting literally got like 1,500 based durability you’re fine back in the early days I just put Unbreaking on my tools I didn’t even know what it did I thought it was like something to pair with mending I mean kind of I mean yeah if you pair them pretty good that should be all the wood from this [Music] tree okay that’s almost that’s over half a stack of logs okay that’s a lot that’s a lot of wood I’m trying to get to a stack right now I’ve got 50 on F I have 47 uh let’s make it we should probably get we should go to the end soon so then we can get shers yeah mainly just for the shers but then we’re going to have to like oh who joined what are you talking about someone joined join the Discord yeah the Discord I heard oh aqua I was like if this Enderman takes my logs is that Enderman picking up my logs it really looks like he was I okay I have a stack and a half of logs now you’re just sitting in the Discord yes I have your stream open there go oh apples Ace not yeah Ace needle don’t check that Discord I’m going to make myself a diamond chest plate but that’s it I’m going to get two stacks of probably I mean I have a lot blocks here you I dropped a diamond chest plate thanks that Ender’s annoying hold up hold up okay get under get under I’m I’m going to stay under the tree where he at where’s he at where’s he at he just disappeared uh right when we need him he disappears you’re going to stare at him and then get behind that we could have gotten some free end I heard it I’m sticking under here well even if I use uh F5 to get a different perspective not seeing him anywhere I always use F5 to check around corners and stuff oh I found him where’s he at all I’m going to try and get close to him see then also stay away there he is there he is there’s a okay I got him I got him I got him he’s mad at me I’m getting hit I’m getting hit but how did he die got another one I’ll get this side you get the other side give me that how many how many one they only drop one or zero unless you have looting I’m just eating rotten flesh for now I don’t want to waste my steak too much what about treehouse I mean we have so much wood why would we because we can build a tree Mansion it’s going to look weird to have a mansion on top of a tree heck yeah be the first I’ll drop you all my logs we go okay we’re okay here’s all my logs you know you could just Crouch and hit q and then it cross the whole stack that’s a lot of logs jeez Lise I mean I had I had two and a half stacks let’s clear the leaves off of this top layer and this and the layer below this for the flooring and then let’s also make some stairs actually what we can do is we could just get we could just leave these and then we could probably beine oh wait I have a hole I just realized that’s overpowered to clear that off see let’s make stairs let’s get rid of this should we take another layer off so we can make a floor no I’ll just make a floor on top of it it’s not going to look pretty at first but later on trust it’ll look good okay uh can I have just some wait we need a crafting table up here I’ve got one thanks I’m going to need that let me make the Border real quick you go do that and I’ll work on the border is going to be face up uh dark oak clocks do I replace these with stairs no cuz then that would make the leaves [Music] fall so I’d have to do this what the what was maybe it’s Aqua bro what was that who El become an alien that is an alien sounding I don’t know what that I’m supposed to call that [Music] oh I can’t use stairs if I do that so guess I do have to take out some logs this confusing on how to do stairs what’s up weo welcome to the stream we’re just making a tree Mansion I guess tree Mansion we just got to keep one of what’ you say w a TR Yep [Music] exctly this should support and if not we can just go gather some these shears we’re going to have to create fences cuz that is way too sharp oh I I just keep falling off [Music] no [Music] please keep my eard drums but you know what I’m going to do oh that’s that’s actually pretty smart that is where does the gold on the spruce door come from or the dark oak door there gold like the handle gold where do that come from could not tell you why not cuz I have no clue I’m just using a lot of my logs should I use logs or planks for what I mean I’m probably going to take these down cuz I [Music] just I just get hit my ping is pretty high I just down the top just chop down the top half of the door the server is crashing oh yeah it’s kind of dying right now yeah saw some villagers teleport sometimes it does that it’s not crashing it’s just uh weird it’s quirky like that oh my God why why did you have to say it’s quirky like quirky like that why I’m already down to half a stack we can just collect more Kaz those really quick to collect all these starting to become nighttime let’s see should I put a door on I’m probably going to put a door to be honest I don’t have wool all right I’m going to put down some torches over here so they don’t spawn on this roof which they probably won’t anyway cuz they I don’t think they can spawn on Leaf blocks but just in case n I’m going to uh yeah your home security is nice or is it I don’t know how I was able to pick that out but I was able to pick that out oh it’s [Music] bauce it’s such low quality it makes it funny we love V sauce it’s such low quality it just makes it funny is it like B booster or something it’s just like what the there we are wait what it’s got to go cuz you can’t get in otherwise oh stair stair it was that top it was that top log that was above the door I know we can replace St and it should work oh yeah might work from grinding in high pixel Sky Block yes [Music] sir you’re it’s just like where is it I don’t think no I will need logs later so no the stair doesn’t work [Music] either we have two crafting tables [Music] now oh I can place another [Music] stair I cannot [Music] and I’m already almost out of planks got to craft some more got a few Stacks I got like these these doors are too low no it’s fine wait no they’re one block toow you’re right you’re right she does not door why are you placing them up there because you said they were too low but now they’re too high no oh look the floor is here and now it’s a block too high oh yeah I don’t think your brain is braining wait no that’s the wrong orientation I’m not taking my Pizza off of a hot uh wait wait what I’m not taking me pizza off I’m hot mayonnaise too what that that’s the definition of not oven when you OV in the cold the hot food when the cold food is in the hot have you seen that [Music] no of course the low [Music] quality like bro what microphone did you get I have it [Music] whoa did you hear that yeah all right uh okay I guess just two blocks for no I’m just starting with two blocks that’s all yeah [Music] same I’m going to go delete these two I’m going to go grab the torch from here actually then H mayonnaise 2 is not Mayo it’s mayonnaise he not you’re just not real my mayna my mayonnaise is not maying properly all right this glitch yeah I did that so I can get oh you’re making a towel we making it four blocks tall probably taller we want multiple fours probably we’re going to have to collect some more wood though bro that’s not going to be that bad I’m out I’m out [Music] a expert insane confirmed real yes why yes whose ping is the highest oh noop Rin is at 300 6 ping yeah I’ve noticed it probably also doesn’t help that I live on the other side of the glob oh yeah right I can’t speak today what’s with me we need to find a cave we should probably get beds so oh sometimes when I yo what we can hear it properly no no no no no wait what look what expert just put in chat what whoa my God I secretly write of Gman skip oh my gosh ski toilet why wait wait is the romance between me and zely or is it just you with me and zely no wurn I was trying to get information bro I’m literally going to I’m going to make an a AI of your voice and I’m going to make it say like the most absurd things for like a really like for for like sub goals oh bro yeah thing is dying I’m I’m getting in here uh byebye it’s Gman skiy toilet and Z I thought I thought when you said Gman you were talking about me cuz like Galactic you know I see how it is not going to oh je okay oh no he just said SK it’s not going to include me I see how it is might just not worth that much to you oh my gosh these zombies bro yes please creep take up I’m trying to mine wood I already have a lot of wood you’re the Assassin yo what what in the weird freaking role play is that door on top of the [Music] door this is like brain what goes on with the Assassin that that’s my question this is just brain Rod bro how I don’t know I mean so three so six so probably make it seven tall cuz so far if we have four one two three four I need to add three those are numbers you’re jealous of zel and Gman so you’re ass so you assassinate Gman you can be see Sigma R oh my okay uh 240 HZ 144 HZ or 60 HZ I’m actually on 165 I’m on [Music] 75 bro this is probably going to put like a dent into this bro I at three stacks of wood and it’s done basically nothing my final stack I feel like we should just make it seven blocks tall and keep it there yeah I might just need a and then we’re going to make an attic on top of it oh yeah we can do that in the roof like stairs yeah bro the view from here is actually crazy why do you think I decided that your houses are the best this isn’t oh my gosh come up here it looks so goofy hold up where are you guys uh thousands of blocks away from Spawn oh yeah yeah I love the how the rain adds like a little bit of like inverse Bloom so like it it gets it like your screen gets a little foggy and everything add a little bit of realis it’s 5 and a half thousand blocks away we’re 5 and a half thousand blocks away from Spawn let’s just put it there that it’s in any direction in any two combinations tell me how we’re chill just chilling and streaming we’re already at like the peak of stream right now we’re literally just chilling just getting wood and it’s Peak tell me cords I’ll get there in 10 minutes but but I don’t want you to abuse things like the rest of the people did when they first joined into the server yeah there was one hacker guy he could just join and if we leaked it then our base would be fire prob expert you would have to like solemnly swear you’d have to like swear with like a you would have to get like a blood signature on a contract I’m kidding no are you going to vandalize though that’s the thing like 100 bucks in Elite cords 100 bucks and I’ll me and B are making a cool base on ground I’ll take 40 I’ll take 40 but uh okay so so like you’re not going to vandalize right I mean pay me 40 and then we have a deal cuz in that case you know what here I’ll take a screenshot and I’ll send it to you cuz you don’t seem like going to vandalize if you do we could just kill you anyway and destroy your bed it’s not that big a deal I mean we can just slash kill him spash B wait where’s your Discord moderator tickle this guy’s are you in my are you in my Discord server or no tickle this guy can I see the no because all you do is vandalize what we need just a three more blocks all hold up we need three blocks one two three go now time to make the stairs and by stairs I mean the stairs for the roof not the stairs for that what you mean I’m building a base right now you L how far away uh I’m definitely thousands of blocks away from you the 5000 in the 5000s in each Direction what is that like buzzing microphone so goofy but I just love it where should be the next set of stairs hold up I need to get to the top huh uh what was that I just somebody just shouted my name you’re like galactic [Applause] I’m probably going to start the other staircase right here all right I’m making the pillars on each side or on each corner of the thing out of uh the logs CU it makes look prettier it makes look pretty exactly it makes it look pretty I just scrolled past your screen du man well scrolled pass hold up come on now my guy stream yeah you saw we swear all right can you can you join my Discord so I can add you real quick or not so I can ask you so I can DM you cords cuz I’m not going to do it in Minecraft who placed this block here I think you can do uh whisper people if you if that helps like in Minecraft see hold up oh there’s like a noise and I don’t like it slw person and you will to them bro our house looks so like un evident until you look up just like three pixels yeah no just join my yeah just join my just join my Discord so I can uh send you cords I have a screenshot Tinky dinky Dipsy La it’s not what it looks like I wasn’t watching YouTube shorts yo wait one second were you brain rotting unknown were you brain rotting I was I I haven’t consumed enough brain rot today to be honest I need to I need to get some more brain rotting in yeah uh expert just let me know when you’ve joined and dm’d me G La G La what I watch YouTube shorts 6 hours a day no shot I watch YouTube shorts for like three hours maximum I normally don’t even watch YouTube shorts I can only do like a 1 hour session then my brain gets so rotted that like I actually start getting disappointed in myself SK my YouTube short I get are on IRL stuff not going to lie yeah for real though I get like new I don’t want to say I actually get Sky toilet oh my God he’s making me consume brain right now I’m just G to make some chests I’m going to make a extremely large amount of stairs why because roof take these because roof I I now have two and a half stacks of stairs I hate how the stairs a stack of wood only gives you 40 stairs yeah even though it takes up l space than a wood yeah like how is a stair more dense than a solid block of wood planks that is bro did Steve watch toilet th time bro that is Goofy I really want to jump off for some reason so real oh wait no wait that’s wrong what do you mean that’s wrong this whole side is wrong is it supposed to be out one no it’s it’s just not not going to be a cone like an idiot it’s going to be a triangular prism um yo I can’t find lais query it’s it’s not that hard to find it’s what are you doing what is this no no don’t break them why no my [Music] doors Li be D Ohio for see bro that’s my brain rot that I seen you’re out brain rot and YouTube shorts alone and I’m Skivy one what me hungry dude I’m hungry as well bro he hungry yeah I hungry oh there’s a rich and then if I don’t like it later I’ll just switch it I’m going to make some sounds I’m meating right now yes sir Discord oh my gosh what is it now is it in admin’s chat no should weote yes melon dog yes if you’re watching or if you’re online yes anyway I’m not seeing anything oh Sigma skib Ohio Alpha leader baby gr louon sleigh Hut no one allowed especially Galactic oers what well I I I’m even confused and I’m gen Alpha I I I consume I’m not gen Alpha I’m gen Z I feel like gen Z invented brain rot to be honest though gen Z invented brain Ro by gen Alpha like consumes the most of it we made the most I don’t really watch a lot of brain R though I can’t I watch YouTube shorts I don’t want I actually watch like useful YouTube shorts say I watch Like barium and like fassum yeah he’s fire yeah he’s so yeah I know him I know fatum oh hey you want some uh is it by the lift operator no it’s it’s near one of the corners I don’t know to explain it there we go I’m just G to give you all the wood that I have right now how does it feel on 145 HZ well I’m on 65 HZ but it feels butter smooth um but my frame rate isn’t like all the way like peaked right now I’m only getting like 100 but yeah never mind it is butter is smooth at 165 you don’t understand are we going to like furnish this place once we’re done yeah I know a place where we could uh store valuables I’ll tell you what oh should I go to Red Lobster and order me a whole lobster man if that’s what you feel like doing that’s what you got the money for man feel free to Door Dash me sometime bro I’ll if we could just get on a friend basis you know I’ll send you I’ll send I’ll send the D and then you just uh you door Dash me he’s I would expose y we’re making a a tree Mansion right now hello you’re on a roof you’re on a roof you’re on a roof yep how did SE uh I don’t know must have been a glitch uh also I beat my first demon in gdw uh you gained a sub while I was gone yes sir it’s 5:47 a.m. for you that’s crazy my guy for me it’s like 5 or maybe probably 4 I’m the only I’m on the only one that thing sucks now oh wow 4:47 for me it’s it’s 4:47 p.m. not a.m. so that’s why I’m confused for you yeah oh no way me and me me and Bounty Hunter are in the same time zone that’s cool I’m not I’m way okay Z okay Z okay Z you’re lucky chat can’t see that your lucky chat can’t see that you are going toet that one I love broken Minecraft [Music] phone it it is broken my that’s way too low how do I pirate MC uh don’t I would recommend not doing that cuz then you also just can’t play on multiplayer servers which is kind of dumb so like I think it’s a waste of time but do whatever you want I did wrong the entire like playing playing on playing on crack servers is actually kind of [Music] stupid sace p sace m look here sauce where are you 548 nice [Music] all right I have MC all right I bought it but not for mobile good you don’t want to buy for mobile it’s for it’s a we’re on Java Edition right now I need so much [Music] no oh he brought us expert is yet to DM me he was like oh my gosh DM me cords and I was like okay DM me on Discord so I can give give you the cords and then he’s just like instantly despawns I need ps+ just to join a server oh you’re not on [Applause] Java never mind you know what you already going to get that one okay can can we not can we can we just keep that I know who it is like I know that it’s I know it’s Aqua can I can I have my eard drums for a day yes can can yeah e drums are often nice to have yeah don’t mind me just building I’m sleep now go for it man actually I think you should sleep it’s probably better for you you know 5:40 something a.m. but to be fair I mean when it’s that when it’s that early in the morning you may as well just not sleep but you know what do you mean you you use the sword to mine Stone right bro shut up shut up J shut up J don’t talk you don’t have the right to talk anymore 550 oh no he oh no he’s stealing my eard drums oh he’s going to keep doing it by my yeah I don’t know how to do that and I don’t want SP uhoh uh-oh uhoh I’m about to die I’m about to die I’m about to die I’m about to die I’m about to die I’m about to die I’m about to die I’m about to die I’m one heart I’m one heart I’m one heart and I’ve got I’m poisoned I’m poisoned I’m poisoned and I’m one heart you know I’m half heart I’m half heart and I’m poison half a heart okay what am I hearing you have yet to DM me and you want to know where I’m at yes I was talking about you oh my gosh it hit me again again what do you mean you got banned I didn’t ban you from the server I got [Music] killed did you take a bed whoa it’s so crazy how this game glitches all the time Galactic got caught no the game glitched so it’s okay that you teleport back they’re just flying you’re trying to get it working now bro just DM me it’s not that hard I mean my user is the same as well actually no it’s not the same as my YouTube It’s without the underscore otherwise it’s the same great where’s my diamond sword so I can absolutely just wrect this idiot no stop peing [Music] check Discord hold up hold up I’m staircase expert join the party yes sir is y right now oh my gosh no way I don’t see you anywhere oh yeah there you are rolls subscribers oh don’t show it on screen don’t show it on no if I send it if I send the screenshot nobody’s going to see it because of the format that I’m in that’s why they can’t see my cords right now even though I have them out h i i i always just when you get famous I’m going use all the stuff you told your fans to my advantage so remember what we’re just going to have a galactic Ro gamer caught lacking uh compilation yeah I guess so okay can’t exactly catch me lacking so only with sely I get I I I I be Ling I checked it I checked it why did you send me all that information by the way Bounty Hunter goof bro who has 11 iron ingots the stuff for your brother’s down here there’s another furnace so I guess I’ll place that down I head where I live I know but still like I don’t need to see all that information I’m just a stranger on the internet galactic right expert DM bro why’ you say BL look at the rest of the chat you did okay P sauce Michael here where are your yo pause P sauce Michael here these are your oh wait no I think it’s there you go why is this guy making an oak balc what are we dming you right now I get it okay I’m what do we thought you wi do we be sauce Michael here then the top left I’m going to go eat something still hungry all right Galactic where are you I’m getting wood I have stairs for you wait yes wait yes wait wyvern yes yes yes cuz he has he he has no clue I know uh your brother didn’t capitalize your name correctly so I have to do [Music] that Ro ammer what I couldn’t watch TV for wait wait what happened I just watched a remote to my TV and I just found out in my bed I couldn’t watch TV for a whole day dang uh is there really a Dion and a monogon yes technically I dropped some stairs for you technically speaking yes but also technically speaking no um see Visa Michael here where are your women you see the number zero indicate the number of women you get and you zero women good thing that I am not trying to pull currently I’m okay with probably never going to oh no I’m actually genuinely not looking for relationship right now it’s just a thing I happen to run into one cool but I’m just not looking for one what the signal my torches no no Wyn I thought that was funny you didn’t have to time him out [Music] okay robl stream coming tomorrow [Music] yep I want to go mining but I don’t have a good pickaxe there’s Stone here and some oh there’s 31 Diamond yep I’m on my way nice let’s go expert big man expert okay ping is dying how do we get yes sure hey can I make a diamond pickaxe uh yeah if you don’t have one actually I’ll be fine with a stone pickaxe thing is dying right now I got 400 ping how much ping do I have hopefully not too much 200 I have uh you have W you have 385 [Music] pleas uh my opinion it’s a eugi what worst MC of anime MC expert expert has 622 [Music] ping what is how much is how much is I think Mr chimpanzee has 900 ping I made aert from TNT explosions yes sir oh yeah feel free to hold up hold up hold up let me change Discord real quick not Discord sorry let me change stream real quick so you guys can actually join um what the sigma wait I just realized if we have these types of mushrooms if we have every type of mushroom here then we’ll be able to make infinite food like infinite good suspicious stew oh hold up what it’s not it’s not full hold up time out time out time out there you go y’all are set you’re welcome Galactic I’m going to firearm mushrooms for infinite suspicious toew oh go for it well not infinite but a lot of suspicious Stew cuz then if we just put a flower in it of every of any type then we can get um like regeneration or whatever it is oh nice so yeah it’s just a little fact that I learned W I don’t I don’t see flowers though I don’t see any flowers I think we have every mushroom which is the most difficult tasks got two stacks of logs don’t know why okay I think that’s enough no okay ball okay try to find a mushroom cow kind of impossible though yeah you have to find the melium uh biome and then see my mom let me have a freezy yes sir bro those things are fire I’ve never had a freezy what are they it’s just like a slushie pretty much you ever had a gas station if you’ve ever had a gas station slushy I’ve had an Ikea slushie exactly oh flowers okay uh wait how many uh mushrooms do you have Galactic like zero I saw you m down a mushroom thing oh yeah I put it in the chest so however many are in the chest is the amount that I had okay well there’s uh 12 flowers ni so we can make 12 wait can I craft them just like this I need a bowl also I’m making an alternate route to oh no I did I don’t remember where the house is I got to get to the lake then I’ll be able to find it I’ll set that up [Music] later all right where’s my freezer cuz we bought some a box of them yes sir YouTube emojis are just interesting you could say oh yeah absolutely I think that was it I think that was it [Music] oh where where did the house go [Music] no I get to the top of this hill why are there bir the Guardians here what where is the where there’s so many Guardians okay I’ve got two and a half stacks of stairs again I could I don’t know if this is the correct hill Oh know what this is I see stairs I’ve already got my diamond ax to like half their ability don’t ask how bro mine is already at half durability I barely used it I don’t know how it’s mushrooms mines blocks very quickly and durability is measured by how many blocks you break not like how how long you’ve been using it or something like that or like what blocks you break so yeah see I want server name cuz it says that oh you want to you want to name it uh I don’t know I just put the uh like Galactic SMP or something like that expert did you make this make his skin I just want to know [Music] how do you make a bowl yo I got somebody who’s making fan art of me look at this hold up for all of you guys who haven’t been here in chat yet there’s somebody making fan art of me with what yeah and it looks so good so far wao that’s that’s it right there so far it actually looks so good I don’t know here let’s see if I can bring it higher I can’t resize my freaking screen well hold up I’m going to click it there we are look at that bro that’s fire I need wood and he said that that’s just a sketch and he’s yet to even like [Music] try that’s crazy no no no no no n z you don’t get you don’t get him you don’t get him no no no you don’t get him go for it man I’m not I’m not like telling people to but like if you want to do it you know like he he was like I I’m just going to make fan of you because I want to I was like oh cool the only piece of art I’ve gotten made is only the artart of that I’ve made made I don’t know how to sentence wor none of us do you just sentenced though [Music] nuh uh yes [Music] H zaz I ask them no [Music] plus he’s doing it off of my real face so I mean you’d have to do a face reveal for that Z and I don’t know if you’re just willing to do [Music] that I got a bunch of suspicious stew now no Roblox profile picture oh my what do you have in USA you think I don’t in [Music] Canada Healthcare that you have to pay for hey come down here I need to give you food yeah I’ve got 19 sticks I want to give you more though cuz I I have suspicious St now not right now put it in the chest I’ll grab it okay I at $350 pending this June 20th [Music] 300 I’m okay with paying for it he’s doing for for free bro why do I eat the bow why do I eat the bow doing free fan art for me bro if he makes you pay i’ I’d actually laugh so hard I would actually just laugh so hard n insane gas prices for real that’s that’s why that’s why the prices are brought up don’t you know I obviously fan Art’s going to cost more if gas prices are more duh CU that’s just how wife looks wait so fan art is free does that mean gas prices should be free exactly I get free gas because I get free fan art holy I’m just going to boat meal a lot of the grass oh that’s that’s not how that works yes it is okay uh prove it then prove that I don’t get free gas prices if he just say prove prove that I don’t get free gas if he just says no else can you think of I don’t know I didn’t even think of the first one oh what I was can I think of the oh yeah yeah okay well first of all gas is a job for I was talking about yeah but so so was Art I was talking about I get free gas prove me wrong prove him wrong I I’m not giving any personal information by the way so it’s going to be impossible mean feet reveal went yeah I get free gas though I’m not saying that I’m not saying that everybody gets free gas I’m saying me specifically oh there’s a couple of Ender outside I’m not saying everybody gets free gas prices I’m saying I get free gas why are there hay bales me wrong exactly the gas guys are giving me gas for fun bro this thing this is just so empty this s is just so empty I don’t like it [Music] plus ratio with their boss and everything you just don’t know who I am he’s built different do you answer questions Galactic oh my bad what was the question you asked of what else can you think of uh I don’t [Music] know Canada is pretty much everything we have oh massive portion sizes [Music] for like food I know something that Canada has that we don’t decent maple syrup no us doesn’t have [Music] that H beg your pardon okay expert re Health Care exactly ptin uh us does have some pretty decent red editions make fun of freaking Canada I was I was making fun of the US saying us has crappy maple syrup compared to Canada and you’re saying I’m making fun of Canada what what [Music] h w gal [Music] exactly what the sigma no but I found two ocean temples and they have [Music] thought is Ohi OB people yo that’s actually kind of true though you have to pay for your life yeah sort of living in a cave is fun living in a cave is fun until you get ambushed queso is American right yeah so that’s something Americans have that Canadians don’t it’s queso and jinxy and sketch [Music] did I just hear brain rot no it’s not brain rot queso is not brain rot okay what people the content that people make out of queso is brain r k so himself is like a w [Music] guy yes he is bro he freaking said skib and Ohio so what you have you have as well are you brain rot are you admitting to being brain [Music] rot Isaac for says English or Spanish all of the above that you’ve never gotten that [Music] one oh [Music] think English or Spanish whoever moves first is gay you got something in your nose bro game let me move I can’t see [Music] oh no what the sigma okay what was that fro a pro at brain [Music] rot bro a math teacher B how math how I would too if I was a math teacher one Sigma plus two living no I’m not gay whoever moves first is gay literally chat Sil hard you got something in your no who whoever says Sigma gets detention so we started saying skiy slicers what bro creepers snow where did my torches go oh there I ate them queso queso confirmed [Music] bro that’s a big Ravine cave [Music] thingy Z moved no donate your loot to the community your loot homie no dog I worked for this excuse me I love being able to insta mine so funny and goofy wait wait exploiting villagers wait wait wait wait wait ball ball is that you oh my bad sorry that’s just expert it’s Sor right English or Spanish yo sh we don’t talk about that wait what you do not you do not continue that sentence all right Deo or jef English or Spanish we do not continue that sentence what sentence there’s there’s more to that phrase than that and I do not want to I do not want to hear what the rest of that phrase is [Music] great thank you Z thank you so much but is the thing time now or [Music] okay unknown’s [Music] gay confirmed confirmed confirmed I literally straight up stopped moving no you you have to you you have to you have to actually say it in you have to say it in English you have to say the whole thing Z I didn’t hear any English or Spanish coming out of you [Music] Z no no no no no no no no Z we’re not going to do this we’re not going to do this okay bud what is what is z doing this time it doesn’t count if it’s in French [Music] unknown it kind of defeats the [Music] point thank you okay no one touch that chest with all the soup in it je look at chat oh my gosh okay Bounty Hunter’s [Music] gay what do you mean looking chat I can’t nothing uh Z did the English or Spanish and then said next to move is gay and then and then Bounty Hunter said something in chat so he’s [Music] gay I’ll translated in a second hold [Music] up hey mister can I have some [Music] wood I just [Music] need that’s a lot um okay okay I just have a lot of wood I Minecraft chat did you say English or Spanish yes you did hey I was unaware okay and that’s just in Minecraft so we’re just going to we’re [Music] just you know what that one don’t even count that one don’t even count that one don’t even count I was unaware okay I was unaware that’s foul playy okay that that’s Foul Play yes I’m rushing you if you translate it if you’re officially not gay okay I’ll I’ll I’ll translate it jeez which one [Music] okay great let me just inspect [Music] element got it [Music] I definitely didn’t translate that I don’t know what you’re talking about MC chat I’m not in MC so it doesn’t count for [Music] me okay Cheeseman had to move Cheeseman had to move in order to in order to put that in the chat so I’m chilling or J sorry there [Music] go hopefully no one touched my soup chest okay no one just touched my soup chest look in Discord I’ll show your favorite [Music] game I know if I look in Discord I’m not going to see [Music] that I know if I look Discord I’m going to see English or [Music] [Music] Spanish checking anyway who cares [Music] okay hey nice YouTube [Music] history Discord please no no no no no no I’m minimizing it I’m minimizing it before you put it in again I’m Noe Noe Noe I’m minimizing it doesn’t count for me doesn’t count for me if I see the rest of it if I don’t see the rest of it if I don’t see the rest of it does not count not going to translate that I know what it is I I I I I 110% know what it says just due to context I can tell you what that says I sent you an image of my base no you didn’t you already sent me an image I already saw [Music] it no the inside I don’t care about the inside H [Music] actually yeah I don’t care about the inside of the base don’t [Music] [Music] care but I was right on your favorite game [Music] no foundy h translated it for [Music] you yeah I thought you loved it nah it’s all right no because if I check if I check Discord again you know what I’m going to see I’m going to see the continuation of English or Spanish [Music] no I’m not saying I’m going to see yours I’m going to see Z’s cuz I have the DM open [Music] [Music] currently no you can see it can’t you I’ll answer it because I can’t move anyway I’ll answer your question unknown I already got English or Spanish can you not see my screen look at the bottom left look at the bottom left look look at the bottom left [Music] unknown it’s hard to see look can just see half the screen anyway chat talks so it counts am I right nah cap [Music] [Music] I got hit with English or Spanish again I went to General [Music] chat say something please somebody put something in general something please please oh my gosh Arcane saved me actually GIF saved me gif’s Gay’s gay how many how much brain rock you mean brain rot do you think your fans have too much too much I need some more wood don’t worry I’ll make it I need [Music] BS no no no I got I got English and Spanish again [Music] I got English or Spanish again I’m out of I’m out of that mushroom I can’t do anything I literally can’t do anything I got English or [Music] Spanish okay thank God Jaren do you want to get timed out [Music] why am I getting poisoned why am I poisoned I’m happy what why was I getting poisoned I’m happy I’m happy that’s that that’s that that’s what I’m talking about that’s what I’m talking about it also means happy I honestly don’t want to drink it but I might have to and I might risk my life I’m happy hold up I why does be poison suspicious dude does that sometimes no I guess I made it wrong this entire batch is uh you need to have D Lions if you want saturation if that’s what you’re looking for no yeah no it’s two different flowers oh no unknown moved unknown moved unknown moved goodbye Galactic technically you’re going to sit at one at half a heart so actually no unless I just hit you once unless I hit you once why do this give me night [Music] vision oh no I’m never looking at Discord again mean I saved you hold up hold up first things first first things first first things first before I I didn’t scroll down so I didn’t see the new messages so even if you English or Spanish me it doesn’t count if you look in the chests you’re going to see something pretty outrageous [Music] oh no no no no no I’m going to die I’m going [Music] to I got to close the door on this guy’s face [Music] no thanks [Music] thanks Jeff I’m stuck again why is expert here Jeff I’m stuck again let’s go no no you didn’t say English or Spanish I’m getting out of here let’s go he didn’t say English or Spanish let’s go I need food where’s expert hey expert hello hi okay give me night [Music] Mission what’s up Roo security welcome to the stream thank you oh my gosh why do you have so much bread I some my steak what the sigma let’s go let’s go what okay I’m checking Discord I could see it whatever okay there we go we already got we already got people we got people talking what yo pause what the heck okay thank you so much okay good I I can exit I can exit no no no not you not my own cousin not my own cousin no please please please no no no no no no no no no not my own cousin no no what are you so mad about my own cousins about to English or Spanish man in chat Z got you zely got you [Music] [Music] let’s go we got Bounty Hunter coming in for the win yes sir [Music] w w Discord guy oh my gosh unknown got me let’s go let’s go bro you have 11 viewers I know it’s crazy whoever stops moving is gay I I can’t I I can’t move because because chat I have to move [Music] okay we’re good we’re good let’s go okay okay this is confusing them out bro they’re spamming this is funny you can’t get a break bro this is hilarious I’m just going to continue moving cuz technically he’s got my back right now but once he stops typing in yeah I’m happy or something then then yeah then then I’ll then I’ll stop moving but at for right now [Music] oh no okay we’re good we’re good we’re good let’s go we got wyver typing in chat as well yeah I’m happy yes [Music] sir I can move all I [Music] want all right uh I think I should go mine for diamonds can I make a full diamond set or do we not have enough we do okay let’s go there we have 15 diamonds left bro your chat is crazy I’m trying to get them to stop by yelling Sigma but does the suspicious dude kill me or no oh no it gives you poison okay some of it does so it’s it’s a gamble it’s a gamble nah I’ve got 21 bread and 17 steaks I’m chilling I have five bread uh I’m going to go make some leggings and I’ll come down with [Music] you oh wait for me Galactic okay Galactic where are you I keep on getting English or Spanish Galactic where are you I’m uh here where did you hello where did you go behind you [Music] I’m going for the cave I have a stone pickaxe I can do this hold up wait yeah okay it’s over we’re good it’s joob it’s j [Music] I can’t help Spanish English or English uh Spanish why you [Music] scared Galactic why are you scared come on oh my gosh let’s go I’m I’m down I got down I’m down let’s go okay I’m going to just grab a flint and I don’t have a shovel hey can you hose some of no shovel some of this until it wait what we’re chilling oh I see you yo [Music] what English or Spanish Galactic no no no no shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up I’m not going to choose one uh I choose Spanish first one mve is gay you moved you’re gay you moved bro you moved first what do you mean I’m just not going to look at chat anymore oh they are I’m not going kind of crazy I’m not going to chat just close your phone I don’t see chat where we’re just running into oh that’s I got you [Music] bro 5 minutes first one to move well first one to stop moving is gay oh my gosh he came back on his alt who deely the guy who who’s spamming yes just ban him I can IP B hold up oh there’s a cave it’s small but I bet it leads into something there’s something let me see sometimes the small ones are leading into the biggest caves oh I think it’s going to do that cuz there’s that aelia whatever it’s called I’m pretty sure oh yep there’s iron I want that so that I can make my iron pickaxe oh that’s a lot of iron that’s good that’s really goody my gang Galactic can you wait up I’m trying to get down but this lava path is like annoying the crap out of me gosh why is there so much iron I found an iron vein like as big as a coal vein yeah there’s nine iron and then there’s more iron down here all right there we I want these glowberries we’re in a decent spot now hey we found a cave I’m scared cuz I don’t want to fall in I just almost died found diamond help me I got to mine my way out of this great yo it’s what’s up poptart VR poptart VR mhm seriously don’t mind what’s going on I’m just getting English or Spanish spider get away I only have a wooden oh there’s a spider spawner uh I got to do something but I can’t do anything well there was like a good disc in there though there’s lapis bro get gold and Lapis there Diamond why not has Diamond bro you realize that we’re going to need that to enchant and then we can use gold to barter with piglins diamonds why I need he me out diamonds I need a furnace do you have a crafting table Yeah okay here there’s a spawner yay oh yeah uh let me Place some oh the spiders have caught up to me uh great I literally just don’t have a single torch on me because I’m dumb and there’s I saw the I broke the spawner we do okay I’m just going to go collect a bunch of iron cuz I want to finish off my set with some iron they made the caves look so much better my gosh diamonds where what do you mean found diamonds no this guy said I found diamonds and then I said Diamonds oh did you loot the spawner I oh diamonds where you just blatantly missed uh come over to me also mine these for some food glowberries nice oh yeah me casually missing diamonds that are right in front of me what do you mean you’re not even at my location yet I’m pretty sure oh no those your year okay I’m definitely going to need a furnace oh yo what’s up Cindy X desie BR why can’t why do I mine these oh diamonds thank you for subbing diamonds I’m currently on ANP if you have a PC then you can join the IP is in the blue text you oh hey can you give me the um can you give me the crafting table place it down thanks thanks thanks man if you want to join thep yes you do bro yes you do that yes you do yes you do some gold uh so a lot of gold you’re just not taking bro he just got diamonds y I’m taking the glowberries uh bro there’s so many torches you just you just don’t care about the Torches n you plus I have full bright so I don’t really need him I don’t have full bright I just have there I’ve got four torches in my offend that’s all I [Music] need I don’t need a torches what do I what can I use to smelt I need something I need to use something to smell yeah if you guys want to join the server it’s literally just uh you just put the IP in your multiplayer servers and you can join me found more diamonds you can join both of us I guess oh there’s something up here gu you’re just finding a lot of diamonds found more okay hopefully that’s enough to smell I’m praying that that’s enough to smell gosh can I move down a block fine another chest I’ll take uh bread torches and red you block me mods Banner old Z’s back H it is what it is I’m just going to ignore him all English English or Spanish is are off sir who is her that’s the Beast it’s my cousin oh diamonds that’s kind of funny hold on I found a dungeon they were nice seven diamonds nice hey Diamond horse armor let’s go W is that your uh wa we’re going to need that okay so I got some iron so I’m going to make iron pick and then I’m make iron pick and then I’m just going to keep this I need a I need a shovel so probably going to make an iron shovel and an iron sword [Music] use this for bone meal I guess don’t [Music] know yo W Bounty Hunter Lincoln in the [Music] Discord so I need boots and a helmet y 370 370 yes sir now here mining for dond I put the perfect amount of wood in here wow is that more diamonds could have swore I saw the glint of the diamond sometimes you see it and it’s not really there no it was just water diamonds water water Diamond [Music] Water yeah you already there should be another chest somewhere around here that has some more [Music] food I feel like a whole loaf of bread should do just a bit more hunger yeah like it’s a giant loaf oh diamonds nice I’m just mining some gold you’re just diamonds I’m just anything that’s useful yes get him to 500 Subs 500 Subs I forgot what that was but it’s it’s probably some goofy goal it’s probably like feet reveal it’s toes reveal now I remember it’s toes reveal like why tow reveal uh BEC I don’t know it was a stupid goal that somebody made for me and I was like sure why not CP it did Z clip it yes Z clipped all of them does have to why does have to CP I don’t know he just does anything stupid oh I’m going clip that is that a ravine inside oh my gosh okay found a ravine inside of this cave when I’m at y level no I only teleport in dire situations that’s a lot of redstone yeah this is a ravine inside of I’m at the RAV I don’t see you there’s like a big opening oh diamonds yeah I can make a diamond pick nice where Hypixel this isn’t Hypixel I changed the title this is now just teaching my friend to play Minecraft which he got off well no he’s still playing and I’m just basically here now whenever he asks questions about Minecraft so now I’m here I guess I’m probably going to stream a lot oh gosh skeleton but you know a great game you should play with your fans what on Roblox what I’m at- 43 how are you at seven I was at – 24 no now I’m at- 24 what’s the game that we should play I’ll I’ll probably play tomorrow in tomorrow’s variety I’m doing field goal simulator first though because Sean asked me like way before anybody else asked me for anything I guess I’m heading up this like like water stream why do Z play just say yo I don’t know Z’s like that sometimes that is such a cool view anyway I’m in like this claustrophobic space What are you claustrophobic uh yes you phobia why be scared just unscare yourself okay okay ball okay ball we’re not going to do that what is he saying English or Spanish 3008 oh yeah 3008 would be fire oh yeah 38 is really far though like you can cook why is there tropical fish down here there’s many I why wouldn’t there be topical fish down there because it’s in the middle of a mine I got a flinton steel now what the heck I can see all the way up to the surface from here that is so bro there’s a just there’s a literally an underground Lake bro that’s epic I don’t even know what you said xert y want to hear my Shamus selfpromo sure I think most of your friends are not Griefers yeah probably not I just you know the people the people that zely brought on the stream now those annoyed me the most remember that one time when we when we did a galactic raid on uh streamer yeah we’ve done a few yeah oh no oh no oh no don’t die don’t die don’t die don’t die no no no no no Galactic wish I could play with y’all but I’m on mobile so I can’t download Java Al I don’t have internet I’m using data right now dang ant dog is same with uh what are you talking about most of my viewers are chill the ratio of my viewers being chill compared to your viewers being chill my ratio is probably much higher than yours gu died I have so much stuff just a random lava pool uh expert I would prefer if you didn’t give coordinates to our base if he did I can just take all of his stuff cuz it’s right here no my gosh remember doing so good until I wasn’t yo what’s up King of brownies welcome to the stream need some more safe to log off bro honestly anywhere 30 Subs voice reveal that was my shame and probo okay I’ll probably do a face reveal of 100 Subs I just started with my face [Music] dude what are you talking about Bounty I look ugly not really I’m like a six in real life I’m a lot better but the camera doesn’t get me good what’s your opinion on oh my glorious King de yo pause see kept asking me for coordinates uh but he didn’t know how to spell so it was just tell me the definition of cod and cord I was just telling him the definition of cod and cord bro yes sir yes sir bro what the this cave is so freaking beautiful I could stay here like my entire life it’s such a look at this hold up let me turn up my render distance it’s at 8 look at that last GF I had was this year but she Mo school’s danging got a scattle all right see you expert [Music] such a nice looking cave bro wish I could be there it’s part of the cave we’re in well I died oh hold up I’m not going to because that’s a bad idea especially with how much stuff I got around me but I’ll TP you to yeah are you in the house right now are you mining Dar is expert still on no shoot nobody’s nobody’s like at base right now so I can’t exactly teach oh you’re at base oh then you’re fine yeah cuz my bed oh yeah so then yeah just get back in I’m try and find my stuff but I was really deep in and I don’t know know where I was so like and I had a lot of diamonds also don’t worry I’m compensating sort of by the way Galactic what the the is the world on uh I don’t know I think it’s on either medium or hard I think it’s on medium cuz zombies can’t break down doors oh yeah on hard thing about that what they can yep yeah huh I guess bro I do not know where the cave was my stuff is gone yo what’s up blury Alex welcome to the game are you doing a wheel tomorrow Roblox games like you did when I was on last time yes absolutely I’m probably going to start this why is this so let’s see uh anyway yes I will be like that I will put 30008 though on the like on my first spin for sure cuz it it’s it’s a w game I got 40 diamonds you don’t have to worry about your diamonds by the way huh cheese man discovered the floor was lava that’s a funny kill one that’s what I died to G I got no GF and that’s now on me bro I don’t need one I’m 17 and I don’t need one bro don’t worry about yourself trust don’t even worry about it where you focus on yourself stop focusing on all the girls [Music] this even worth it TR you’re not going to be to be honest to be honest like if you’re not in high school the relationship’s not going to last anyway I’ll be honest like major majority of the time majority of the time relationship’s not going to last even in high I have proof of that cuz in my elementary school there was a lot of weird I’m just going to be dead honest man it’s just how it is man I broke the bees nest and they just don’t care what if H one got we got a good amount of people on the server we got 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 n without de’s help [Music] umly developed uh but I would say just be mindful and PVP if yeah dels are for sure there we are but yo I’ve been with my friend since kindergarten we’re still chilling I know I’m talking about like I’m talking about like relationship relationships like like girlfriend boyfriend type stuff no is it just me or is life weird life’s just always weird bro life in general is just weird keep inventory on oh yeah okay W I was put no but I just can’t spell Al see the other guy’s my friend W is he sub to the channel for yes sir got some certified subscribers ooh Diamonds oh oh no oh no oh no oh no well I was trying to find the cave um I’m I’m in a predicament I’ve got a diamond addiction again oh no no no please please please nice I almost have a stack of diamonds oh my gosh I’ve got 53 diamonds I’m just going to stay muted and watch stream bugged out for a second it’s good though now this is such a nice looking area more diamonds [Music] I’ve been hearing too much brain rot and my brain rot meter went up so bro I have not been brain rotting I don’t know what brain rot you’re hearing unless you’re in the Discord then that makes sense but I have not been brain rotting oh no skib [Music] Sigma no Alpha Beta goon Sigma no oh no bro said skib Sigma Alpha Beta goon tell you what this skeleton’s a beta get out of here ugly oh give me this Moss yeah Moss blocks I’m just waiting for you to come back is for real fire I need lava I don’t know if I’m going to be coming back for a while I’m addicted to I got a funny joke look in the mirror oh no I’m fine what were you saying I got a funny joke all right what’s up what’s your funny joke that’s the joke what what’s the joke the silence you don’t have a funny crying world I don’t know man oh I’m getting glowberries I forgot you can get them from the vines bro how many times did Bounty Hunter spam that too many not enough tell your friend that I have a funny joke okay unknown as a funny joke what’s the funny joke unknown [Music] is he just going to [Music] leave zipper Dipper Dapper Dapper found another Diamond as long as I find diamonds my diamond addiction will be Fuel and I’ve got 58 diamonds so I almost have a stack am I going to stop at a stack who knows please stop at a stack I I want to see you unknown I must know the joke now I I I figured out the uh the joke is it the silence no what is it uh uh uh um exactly sand when it hits 3,000 degrees 10 3,00 fah Let Me Clear that’s that’s hey more diamonds you just want diamonds I’ll never stop I got a full diamond set who cares I want more diamonds you don’t need the diamonds you or a monkey man who I’ve stayed with for the longest probably me it’s probably me yeah you I’ve stayed with you the longest on the server oh he’s I think he’s talking about the YouTube channel like how long they’ve been staying for the YouTube channel like he’s been here since like I know sub 100 right before 100 Subs do you know what means I seen that video that told me yes Ians monkey got a fight till I left yeah I think he’s like pre 100 Subs I think Bounty Hunter was I don’t know I I think do you have OG rank in my [Music] server I probably don’t cuz I was like 270 no I was talking I was talking to bount I I know you you just got subscriber right I’m going to make levels of ogs though I’m going to make a first 500 as well um OG’s make first 250 OG’s first 500 calls a day let me dump some of my garbage in here yeah please do not mind my uh how I’ve died from a high place first 100 is a thing already I’m not going to make make first 150 though that’s two small increments I first first 100 first two first 500 first 250 first 250 is all right but I don’t know I want to do first 100 first 500 and then first 1,000 and then after that I don’t think I’m going to do anymore because like first 1 million [Music] [Music] Four Diamonds we got a stack now all right I’m not [Music] leaving I’ve settled on this decision no first 500 I have to be an OG yeah you’ll be like a level of [Music] OG what if you die Galactic I’m not because I’m your stuff is going to be gone I’m just you’re not going to be able to oh there’s a car there’s a there’s a creeper right there good thing I have a full set of diamond armor got to smell all this stuff oh found more diamonds the diamond addiction and D I will never stop do the five elements in Avatar no probably my favorite YouTube channel this year nice I like how like I like people who do like a variety of different concept you know and offer their viewers something different every time for me I’ve been trying to mix it up but mostly have been sticking with Roblox and uh Minecraft but the thing is those are two two forms that are so diverse that you don’t really need much else other other than that really dude the music is way too loud no it’s not I can hear it right now what’s you guys’ thought on the music is it too loud or not [Music] what do you think is more popular Minecraft or Roblox on your streams uh popular okay I’ll turn it down a little [Music] bit there we go um Roblox has gotten the most views should be a little little bit better come back nah dog I got that M I got that diamonds addiction going until there are no diamonds left in this cave the diamond addiction is not settling [Music] the diamond addiction isn’t settling so why should I bro what community what community what community near me can I give the diamonds to I’m not going to move thousands of blocks just to give Diamonds by the way I’m gathering a bunch so we can get full diamond sets for everybody at my base and then plus extra stuff like cools although I think I did reach the end of this [Music] cave nope got saved more cave yes my name went 20 Roo of [Music] thing trying to think of popular names and I’m also trying to think of what would work for you yeah where are you from where are you from Canada okay uh uh my first thought I’m not I’m not going to say this is my guess I’m just thinking out loud okay my first thought would be like Jared or John or you know a j name yes my name went 1,000 Robux [Music] Zach there is a j name I knew it [Music] h it’s my dad’s name but no a I was close no Zach Junior Jacob anyway Zach so it’s got to be close to Zach or Zachary I’m going to guess or it’s got to be completely different um it’s not a z name then I can tell you that oh we already been there yeah thought so George Z George why did I guess that I have no clue Z just has not responded I’m going to assume that it that I was right I said George he no I can see you being a little Georgie it’d be funny if we had the same name but I don’t I don’t think so so I’m not going to guess it that Ryan’s toys reveal Y what a review Z what did you put in chat do we actually have the same name that’d be fire that low ke be kind of f this is going to be a pain like breaking obsidian it’s worth it it’s not worth it it’s not worth it it’s not worth it it’s not worth it oh my gosh I almost died uh you should just if you’re going to break something underwater you should be on the ground while doing so Diamond addiction we don’t talk about [Music] no I’m good cuz almost only counts in hes shoes and Hand Grenades [Music] how did he find me [Music] oh let’s go you know what this boy M sh heck yeah oh gosh I gotta go I gotta go I’m actually gonna die I’m actually going to die I’m actually going to what happened nothing nothing nothing you God I’ve got 84 diamonds what doesn’t even know where I went what happened we’re just playing a game oh no no oh no no rip did you get wrecked yeah we’re playing a game what game I don’t know I don’t know he has a sword he has a sword he’s going my speed boosts bro I’m probably the most deaths on This Server I’m at half a heart oh no how am I how am I still alive wow I took half my HP and fall Dage how do you L twice in a row all we you guys just fighting now I don’t know they’re just goofing you lost half your heal because of a diamond addiction well I don’t know what talking about the diamonds are what saved me actually because of the diamond boots actually diamonds are the reason I didn’t die there [Music] bro why is this guy running Oh no I got P oh oh no no no no no wait I’ve useful where did this guy go this my middle name 100 bet uh Joseph oh that’s a good one Matthew Mitchell Michael Mitchell versus the machine bro your brother’s gone we were just playing a fighting game and now he’s gone I can take his why does he have that much I don’t need the 100 I just want to win it no I just want to take it from you no [Music] [Music] bo I’m probably going to die if I have have this many suspicious maybe it’s that oh no it’s just adding it’s just adding I think I choose chose all suspicious St that have poison no why are these all poison okay that’s night vision this has to be night vision then that was saturation for less than a second Andrew rotate stop mining diamonds you have an addiction what are you talking about wyver what are you talking about it’s only an addiction if it doesn’t pay off until then it’s just dedication hey but a smoking addiction pays off no it doesn’t just kills you early nuh this giv z a pan I speak for experience 100% starts with r uh Richard got it I bet you I got it I bet you I just got it Richard Richard is just such a middle name I said my middle name oh F sorry sorry I thought I said R I just didn’t read that right flitch f f f f f f f f um Felix he probably got it he probably got it he probably got it wyvern probably got it he said Felix Frank Francisco Francis doesn’t count if it’s not the full Francisco or or if it’s Frank Frankie I have a friend named Frankie well I used to have a friend I was going to say something but then I realized that that was is not nice it’s a rare one can you give me the language cuz I bet you nobody else is going to get it without knowing the language like or country of origin sorry country of origin country of origin no one’s going to guess my last name I’m already betting no one’s guessing my last name you can try but you’re not guessing it Smith oh Bo just try and guess my last name it’s it is Canadian so French I’m saying country of origin of the of the name like my middle name is my middle name is Hebrew like my just for example my middle name is Matthew which is Hebrew French a I thought so um it’s not F Squad because that’s too easy what is found SW it’s just French in French but it’s also a name anyway um yeah what’s the last letter of it try and guess my last name is it like a weird German last name mine yeah uh yes knew it it’s a weird uh Dutch Dutch well Dutch German yeah right on there ah I couldn’t tell you French French middle name with in it’s in it’s t croissant start with an F my last name is not poppy cant with an f starts with an F ends with t it’s French why that’s look at the hint that I just said in chat I was I was trying to think of this guy’s last name or not my last name uh middle name anyway van w oh that it could be a vau yeah it is a v v i don’t know uh no it’s it’s it’s super uncommon I think only my family has this last name my last name is German but many people have my name I’m just going to DM you my last name don’t don’t tell it though don’t don’t tell all right can’t figure out freaking uh I can’t figure out his middle name no incorrect let’s see van oh English that’s that’s yeah try guess try guessing that Z can’t figure it out man Bounty I cannot figure out your middle name I keep thinking of bounty like the cleaning product Oh I don’t think anyone noticed that I just said my last name where is zombies do they’re like below us it sounds like they’re below us seems Co see that picture of you on the wall what did you see that picture of you on the wall there’s a picture of me on the wall yeah do you ever come out of here [Music] [Music] [Music] anyway I’m back I think I’m going to end stream after I get back to the surface though because it has been a long stream how long have I been streaming yeah four and a half hours are you going to keep playing um I’m going be like on and off but yeah I’m going to bring a stack and a half the of diamonds to you oh my God I’m just going to make full diamond armor and diamond tools and then make an enchanting table if I can find a lava pit it’s just like impossible to get to the top what why are you at or what 39 right now but I’ve been going for a minute oh gosh I got this guy stuck into the corner um I’m not trying to do that I’m trying to like turn oh this came in clutch no that’s the wrong [Music] way this guy said bro two times [Music] [Music] I’m probably one of your most active viewers probably you and zelia are probably my most active viewers which is funny because zelia is the bigger YouTuber one he’s he’s got he’s he’s got his own like YouTube stuff and he’s still like is Super Active on my YouTube channel I’m probably one of your most trustable people probably oh I don’t remember where coordinates were and I think I’m like over 500 blocks out hold up let me check the screenshot I can tell you the cords no because that’s on stream you see yeah I’m like 700 blocks out 700 okay I’ll get prepared hold up let me get a double glance at that bro what is why is there so much lapis bro we could just flex and Mak a lot of diamond blocks if we wanted to yeah you can make like 10 and we already have eight diamonds at the base so oh then 11 at that point Who’s top 10 trusted on your streams I don’t know man I don’t keep track of that I know top 10 attending uh Sean has probably been just over the longevity he’s probably been in the most streams Sean [Music] zely [Music] uh unknown you showed up for a lot of them as well oh Z was slain by okay yeah that that looks really nice oh oh that’s [Music] my phone oh yeah I only showed up for two because uh I made early member uh and my phone doesn’t give me my notification sometimes honestly I’ve been noticing that like notifications have been kind of weird for my channel so I recommend when like if people actually like watching my stuff to turn on post notifications there’s so many zombies hey I can see our uh I see our little Mansion we need to give it some windows it just looks like a giant barn to be honest yeah we need to add Windows doesn’t even tell me when someone calls that’s goofy I want to be here for all your stream I got a soer sometimes hey do you have do not disturb turned on maybe no like maybe the other guy he’s talking right now what the heck stop skill issue no he doesn’t have do not disturb on I don’t know then man check your YouTube notifications it’s the only thing I can say turn turn on them post noties the post noties should I just make a corner of all of our riches you can if you want I think my phone cooked honestly maybe think I got you don’t look don’t mind the corner why did you take the d the DD ons hold up no don’t add to why are you adding to it because does it make sense we need full diamond armor first of [Music] all I’m GNA M can’t reach that stupid Redstone BL wait yeah that’s actually going to be good if I time out I’m looking for what the most aesthetically thing is and a gold on top of that nah gold back there I really want to use our only ender pearl y [Music] [Music] [Music] no we don’t need that Galactic take it all down no it looks good look how good it looks as soon as I get a pickaxe I’m mining all of that no I will break your bed then kill you w w check if I’m bluffing see if I’m bluffing go make yourself a pickaxe no you know I’ll even give you the diamonds go make yourself a pickaxe [Music] where’s your B again oh there it is at that point it just be a matter of time oh treasure no touchy please I didn’t touch it I didn’t touch it I just looked there’s a difference see hold up hold up hold up hold up hold up I missed uh subs and I’m leaking my IP address yo yeah y use Sher boxes if you can get the chance all right uh if you’re unsure who will win bet on a hakari imagine if Z comes and steals all Ste Z ain’t stealing none of [Music] this you don’t even know the the quartz I have extra nice I should probably get a second pickaxe though just in case I also had an extra three diamonds yeah by the way how how I ended up with a stack and a half look at stream look at stream no no no no at don’t mind that block I will I will ban you look at that W that’s lot I don’t think all the diamonds are showing even then there’s a diamond block right there as well yeah we got that and then plus we had like 50 extra diamonds so we just uh got him full diamond armor 21 extra 21 extra on top of all these so let’s probably find let’s go find actually iron I need iron we need just what is your friend stream I have to tell him something uh I don’t think jff is streaming right now uh I can start stream again if you want me to I’m about to end stream actually yeah I guess I’ll start streaming y’all go over to Giff stream if you want hold up raid raid I’ve got five people watching it’s not a raid it’s a I’m streaming so I’ll go to my channel yeah what was your uh uh atjf official 135 and then can’t find it atjf official 135 oh okay let me I’ll post it in the Discord I have to end stream I’m sorry bro I’m tired got figure this is going to be my first time actually having viewers oh it’s jcore there we go jef gaming go to his stream please I need viewers [Music] there click it click it before you end it give me the Discord wait what you’re not in the Discord it’s in the link in the description oh no are you serious oh wait you’re not in the the how have you not what it’s l the link in the description oh oh my gosh what here just close my stream you don’t need to watch it it’s [Music] fine wait can I get some diamond armor or it’s already in the chest yeah 21 diamonds in the chest I can give you I can give you a little bit more I got 19 I think I can make it can we please mine this though no you get rid of this one I need to like reformat It Anyway hold up hold up hold up said I need to reformat it not get rid of it there we go and guess what I made it so we can get rid of one more Diamond as well you’re welcome so now we’ve got another nine diamonds anyway yeah go so everyone’s in my stream basically nice nice nice me somehow still maintaining uh five viewers hold up I got I got three viewers that’s my Peak that’s the most I’ve had in Forever nice all right I’m going to end stream all right but yeah it’s literally in the Discord it’s literally in the link in the description unknown so but yeah byebye Roblox tomorrow promise nice all right

This video, titled ‘Here We Go Again … Teaching my Friend Minecraft!! LIVE!!!!’, was uploaded by Galactic_RoGamer on 2024-06-15 00:05:13. It has garnered 197 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 04:52:53 or 17573 seconds.

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    Uncover Top Secret STASHES on 2b2t with Wilbur DogVideo Information This video, titled ‘(Tutorial) How to find STASHES on 2b2t as a NEW PLAYER’, was uploaded by The Wilbur Dog on 2024-07-07 00:14:20. It has garnered 144 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:37 or 97 seconds. In this video i will go over my strategy i used to find my first stash on 2b2t.org, the oldest anarchy server in Minecraft. Song “Evolution” by Creo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95m45ozwwZw&t=0s Read More

  • EPIC Survival in Minecraft STONE CIRCLE – Maizen

    EPIC Survival in Minecraft STONE CIRCLE - MaizenVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ And Mikey Survive In STONE CIRCLE In Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Maizem on 2024-06-23 13:00:45. It has garnered 2546 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 01:00:14 or 3614 seconds. JJ And Mikey Survive In STONE CIRCLE In Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy our… Read More

  • 🔥Insane Medieval House Build in Minecraft🏠

    🔥Insane Medieval House Build in Minecraft🏠Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Medieval House🏠 #shorts’, was uploaded by hamza craft on 2024-05-27 13:08:00. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. #minecraft #gaming #shorts #minecrafttiktok keys: Minecraft,Dream SMP,Manhunt,Speedrun,Hardcore,Mods,HermitCraft,Update,Snapshot,Netherite,Caves & Cliffs,Axolotls,Warden,Build Battle,Skyblock,Hypixel,Bedwars,Parkour,Redstone Tutorial,Farming Guide,Enderman Farm,Raid Defense,Texture Packs,Shaders,RTX,Minecraft VR,Roleplay,Adventure Map,UHC,PvP,Skywars,Trolling,Noob vs Pro,Minecraft Animation,Minecraft Song,Minecraft Parody,Epic Builds,Minecraft Challenges,Minecraft But,Minecraft Logic,Minecraft Secrets. Read More

  • The Ultimate House of Nightmares $100k Minecraft VOD

    The Ultimate House of Nightmares $100k Minecraft VODVideo Information This video, titled ‘House of Nightmares $100,000 Minecraft Twitch Rivals Day 2 VOD’, was uploaded by wolfeei extras on 2024-06-06 03:38:16. It has garnered 391 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 04:02:01 or 14521 seconds. Broadcasted live on Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/wolfeei Read More


    KAERA_PLAYS LIVE🔥| MINING AND CRAFTING 🌸| GIRL GAMER ❤️Video Information This video, titled ‘KAERA_PLAYS 💮| MINECRAFT LIVE🔥| MINING AND CRAFTING 🌸| GIRL GAMER ❤️ #minecraft’, was uploaded by KAERA_PLAYS on 2024-07-03 20:43:10. It has garnered 45 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:11:34 or 4294 seconds. Welcome to Kaera_Playz’s Stream My Social Media links :- Subscribe :- https://youtube.com/@binitadey828?si=_WXF7ofDy-COnN-w AVOID TO DO THIS THINGS OTHERWISE YOU WILL GET TIMEOUT / BAN :- 1) If you use commands within 5 minutes you will get timeout from 10-15 minutes . 2) don’t spam … keep patience you will get reply 3) don’t force for anything 4) Be… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Challenge: Building Louie’s Statue!

    Insane Minecraft Challenge: Building Louie's Statue!Video Information This video, titled ‘YouTuber STATUE Build Challenge In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Louie’s World on 2024-06-06 11:00:39. It has garnered 53023 views and 595 likes. The duration of the video is 01:03:52 or 3832 seconds. YouTuber STATUE Build Challenge In Minecraft! Subscribe to become an OG FAN. Louie, Pip and Teddy are playing Minecraft. We make similar content to Milo and Chip, Cash and Nico, Paper, Mazien, JJ and Mikey. Leave a like and don’t forget to subscribe! #Minecraft Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Stone Gives OP Loot!

    Insane Minecraft Stone Gives OP Loot!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft But Stone Gives OP Loot…’, was uploaded by JUJU GAMING YT on 2024-01-11 04:20:07. It has garnered 250 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:28 or 508 seconds. Minecraft But Stone Gives OP Loot… SOCIAL ACCOUNT ❤‍🔥 DISCORD LINK — https://discord.gg/9wevhU93f2 INSTAGRAM – https://instagram.com/juju_gaming_yt?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= DEVICE – INFINIX x1 LAPTOP MIC – BOOYHA HP HEADPHONE – EURO GAMES ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ VIRAL- TRICKS🤣😂🤣🤣 minecraft, minecraft smp, minecraft public smp, minecraft 24/7, herobrine smp, minecraft herobrine smp, minecraft private smp, minecraft dream smp, minecraft God, minecraft god smp, minecraft official smp, denta hindustani gamer,… Read More

  • OldPast

    OldPastNova semana, nova OldPast! Retornamos com nossas atividades, com IPs de letra novos. Adicione já, e venha divertir-se com nosco! *Minecraft Java Edition 1.7-1.20* **OldPast – KitPvP raiz** IP principal: oldpast.cloudns.be IP reserva: oldpast.linkpc.net *(use se o IP principal estiver off-line)* https://www.discord.gg/MuFtdj25zx oldpast.cloudns.be Read More

  • NexusDark Lifesteal SMP – Semi-Vanilla

    Welcome to NexusDark Lifesteal SMP (NSD LF) Experience exciting gameplay on our server with custom weapons, armor, tools, and hats. Join our active community and engage in conversations through our Discord Integration. User Rules Do not grief within 100 blocks of spawn. Be respectful in chat and avoid drama or bullying. About Our Server We guarantee a lag-free experience with 24/7 operation. Our server is cracked for easy access. Occasional host maintenance may cause temporary downtime. We no longer support Bedrock due to Java texture limitations. Ready to join us on the adventure? Discord: Join our Discord Server Link: nexusdark.com… Read More

  • Gaia Craft

    Gaia CraftWelcome to Gaia Craft: An Epic Minecraft Odyssey! Ah, weary traveler, you’ve stumbled upon the sacred shores of Gaia Craft—a realm where the sun kisses the pixelated peaks, and the whispers of ancient Greece echo through every block. As a fellow devotee of both Minecraft and mythology, let me regale you with tales of this wondrous land.The Mythical LandscapesPicture it: sun-drenched valleys where olive trees sway in the breeze, and shadowed groves where nymphs play their eternal games. Here, you’ll build your city-states—each cobblestone a testament to your vision. As a long-time fan, I’ve crafted my own Acropolis, complete with… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Is he the true village hero?

    Minecraft Memes - Is he the true village hero?If he’s the hero of the village, then the villagers are in big trouble! Read More

  • Minecraft villager oioioi meme is lit #minecraft #memes #oioioi

    Minecraft villager oioioi meme is lit #minecraft #memes #oioioi Why did the Minecraft villager say “oioioi”? Because he couldn’t find his oink oink oink! #dadjokes #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Unleashing the Legendary End Bow

    Unleashing the Legendary End Bow The Legendary End Bow: Unleash the Power of Ender Magic! Step into the mystical world of Fakepixel Minecraft and discover the awe-inspiring End Bow, a legendary weapon infused with the potent magic of the End dimension. This powerful bow is not just a tool for combat but a symbol of prowess and skill in the game. Stats and Abilities The End Bow boasts impressive stats that make it a formidable weapon in any player’s arsenal: Damage: 140 Durability: 2500 Draw Speed: 1.5 seconds But what truly sets the End Bow apart are its special abilities: Ender Shot: With a… Read More

  • Minecraft PvP in 2024: BIG Mistakes!

    Minecraft PvP in 2024: BIG Mistakes! Minecraft PvP in 2024: A Look into the Future Exploring New PvP Trends In the ever-evolving world of Minecraft PvP, players are constantly adapting to new trends and strategies. With the year 2024 on the horizon, it’s essential to stay ahead of the game. From advanced combat techniques to innovative game modes, the future of Minecraft PvP promises excitement and challenges. Advanced Combat Techniques 2024 brings a wave of new combat techniques that players must master to dominate the PvP scene. From perfecting block-hitting to mastering critical hits, the skill ceiling continues to rise. Players who can adapt quickly… Read More

  • INSANE 22-Yr-Old Masters Elden Ring, GTA 5, Minecraft LIVE

    INSANE 22-Yr-Old Masters Elden Ring, GTA 5, Minecraft LIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘LIVE – 22 Year Old Starts Swag-Maxxing While Playing Elden Ring, GTA 5 Online, Minecraft, etc..’, was uploaded by ARMEN TSATOU on 2024-06-14 08:11:34. It has garnered 208 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 05:54:05 or 21245 seconds. BECOME A MEMBER: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCF2HUssYxGUInAg7tsSx0FA/join Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/guply Twitter: https://twitter.com/armentsatou Website: https://www.armentsatou.com/ Read More

  • EPIC MCPE Pixel Art Tutorial | Join Whatsapp Group Now!

    EPIC MCPE Pixel Art Tutorial | Join Whatsapp Group Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft pixel art #shorts JOIN ME ON WHATSAPP LINK IN DESCRIPTION 👀’, was uploaded by IC 1101 GAMING MCPE on 2024-01-13 00:30:09. It has garnered 6142 views and 208 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) #minecraftpe #minecraftshorts #ic1101gamingmcpe #chapatihindustanigamer #loggyhindustanigamer #loggy if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes a long time but I will do it for you Video SEO::: minecraft viral tiktok hacks worlds smallest… Read More

  • Unbelievable Secrets from SincerelyCypher’s Battle Days | PROJECT GEOMETRA [S1:E1]

    Unbelievable Secrets from SincerelyCypher's Battle Days | PROJECT GEOMETRA [S1:E1]Video Information This video, titled ‘The Early Days of Battle | PROJECT GEOMETRA [S1:E1]’, was uploaded by SincerelyCypher on 2024-07-07 23:00:06. It has garnered 8595 views and 404 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:14 or 1934 seconds. Project: Geometra is a modded Minecraft SMP featuring Cobblemon, Create, Farmer’s Delight, Fabric Seasons, and countless other mods. This server for content creators follow 3 heroes on a quest to explore the Geometra region, paving the way for viewers to join and go on their own Pokemon adventure! In this episode, Cypher catches up with Panda and Regent to discuss plans… Read More

  • The Ultimate Minecraft 1.20.2 Redstone Hunt with Olchaldir & Ganesha

    The Ultimate Minecraft 1.20.2 Redstone Hunt with Olchaldir & GaneshaVideo Information This video, titled ‘S2-084 la chasse aux progrès reprend et on rattrape Ganesha avec la redstone Minecraft 1.20.2’, was uploaded by Olchaldir on 2024-04-11 10:12:00. It has garnered 271 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:49 or 1849 seconds. In streaming we don’t forget the tips 😉 Join this channel to benefit from exclusive advantages: https://www.youtube.com/c/Olchaldir ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Datapacks used in this adventure: https://www.planetminecraft.com/data-pack/physical-falling-trees/ https://www.minecraft-france.fr/datapack-mod-better-trees/ https://www.minecraft-france.fr/datapack-hostile-mobs-improve-over-time/ https://www.minecraft-france.fr/datapack-mod-dungeons-taverns/ https://www.minecraft-france.fr/datapack-butterflies-dragonflies/ https://www.minecraft-france.fr/datapack-mod-mob-captains/ https://www.minecraft-france.fr/datapack-invisible-item-frames/ https://www.minecraft-france.fr/datapack-blazeandcaves-advancements-pack/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Don’t forget to subscribe and like (or not) my videos. Discord: https://discord.gg/8GbjkmunUX Twitter : https://twitter.com/IgnanDoha Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Olchaldir/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mods used: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/litematica https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/malilib… Read More

  • Thriving farm in Minecraft – EPIC queue skipping strategies!

    Thriving farm in Minecraft - EPIC queue skipping strategies!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Survival: Planting the Seeds of a Thriving Farm – Chill Let’s Play Ep. 4’, was uploaded by QueueSkipper on 2024-03-17 00:00:31. It has garnered 31 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:58 or 1618 seconds. Welcome back to another laid-back episode of my chill Minecraft Survival Let’s Play series! In today’s video, we shift our focus from exploration to establishing a strong foundation for our future by starting our very own farm. Join me as I roll up my sleeves and get my hands dirty in the world of Minecraft… Read More

  • 🌟 STEVE THUNDER STAR 🌟 Unlimited Food Farm Trick!

    🌟 STEVE THUNDER STAR 🌟 Unlimited Food Farm Trick!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Steve | Minecraft unlimited food farm in craft’, was uploaded by Steve thunder star on 2024-02-29 09:00:41. It has garnered 34 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:37 or 397 seconds. minecraft mein sign ine minecraft me sign in kaise kare how to sign in minecraft pocket edition how to sign in minecraft beta how to sign in minecraft pe how to sign in minecraft in android how to sign in minecraft without xbox 9. minecraft pe sign in kaise karte hain minecraft mein sign in kaise karte hain how… Read More

  • Mercedes Stanfield goes hardcore in Minecraft! 😱

    Mercedes Stanfield goes hardcore in Minecraft! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Trying to be “hard” about my first #minecreaft hardcore series 😬’, was uploaded by Mercedes Stanfield on 2024-06-04 15:30:22. It has garnered 1950 views and 29 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:08 or 8 seconds. @me trying to be brave my first time playing Minecraft Hardcore 😬… #scaredycat #fyp #foryou #minecraft #minecrafthardcore #streamer #wwefans Follow me on Twitch for my next hardcore series episode https://www.twitch.tv/mercedesbenz_23 Read More

  • Insane Demon Pork Farm! 1.20.61 in PE/Bedrock

    Insane Demon Pork Farm! 1.20.61 in PE/BedrockVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Automatic Pork Farm in Minecraft pocket edition / Bedrock edition. 1.20.61.’, was uploaded by DemonicJash on 2024-05-03 06:47:40. It has garnered 30 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:32 or 272 seconds. Minecraft Automatic Pork Farm in Minecraft pocket edition / Besrock edition. 1.20.61. —————————————————————- Hashtags. Please ignore it :- #minecraft #minecraft_redstone_build #minecraft_redstone #op_minecraft #tiktok_hacks #op_builds #minecraft_automatic_farms #minecraft_starter_farms #viral —————————————————————- I hope you all liked this video and channel and if you don’t forget to like share and subscribe to the channel and be my own army “DemonicArmy”. If you… Read More

  • Insane Transformers Cyberverse Bumblebee Toilet Skibidi Madness!

    Insane Transformers Cyberverse Bumblebee Toilet Skibidi Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘Transformers Cyberverse TvMAn x Skibidi Toilet With Bumblebee – Minecraft Animation 2D’, was uploaded by 만화 영화 익살스러운 on 2024-01-10 11:00:10. It has garnered 6473 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:36 or 876 seconds. Transformers Cyberverse TvMAn x Skibidi Toilet With Bumblebee – Minecraft Animation 2D 👉SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE!! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClS7Px3noEawr1vkLgKalRg Welcome to the entertaining 2D animation channel, the colorful universe of monsters.We’d like to bring transformer & godzilla funny animation cartoon movie and laughter time to the audience the most. We love Godzilla & Kong Animation developed with the aim… Read More

  • Netvaultpro

    NetvaultproWelcome to Netvaultpro – The Ultimate Survival Adventure! Are you ready to embark on an epic journey of survival and discovery in a world filled with endless possibilities? Look no further! Netvaultpro is here to provide you with a unique and engaging survival experience like no other. What Makes Us Stand Out Auctions: Embrace the thrill of the marketplace with our exciting Auction system. Trade, bid, and compete with other players to acquire unique and valuable items that will give you an edge in your survival journey. Leveled Mobs: Experience a dynamic and challenging world with mobs that scale with… Read More