LoverFella – Can I Trade From NOTHING To Minecraft Millionare? (Full Movie)

Video Information

I spent over 50 weeks seeing how much money I can make in Minecraft this Mega movie follows my journey from starting with nothing to seeing if I can become Minecraft’s richest player oh by the way if you find all 10 hidden blobfish in today’s video you win so guys this is it

We’re starting on a brand new fresh character and this is all my land here on my survival server and I haven’t done this in a long time so first things first I only got two thousand dollars and the guy in first place right now has 59 million dollars on This Server so

That’s a pretty big price tag my goal here is to officially become the richest person on the server no cheating no no using my name to get money I’m going to earn it but not only am I doing this to make money I’m also living next to Isaac

And Ben who are doing their own series and competing with me to see which one of us can make the most money all right well I’ve got some land claimed and since we’re starting out fresh we need to start a base a base that we will eventually be flipping and selling for

Profit I feel like this is the prime spot you got a view of the ocean do I own this land yes sir I own all this land right next to us so this is a juicy spot let’s get started the first tool guys one small step for me and one giant

Leap for making millions of dollars and that’s what we’re about to do today Save Amelia future millionaire sorry I’ve been thinking about a lot of money and I still don’t exactly have an idea yet but what I do have is a furnace in my wall now so that’s it oh almost that’s gonna be a big upgrade for us huh

Yeah let’s check out the shop here guys this is where we’re gonna make our early money I feel like okay so our Sanders were 17 at that 17 bucks they didn’t get to make us a millionaires guys look at that we got torches in our base we’re

About to get our first door we are becoming a real civilizer civilized society down here um and there it is fully functional base this is the beginning of a great journey my friends now I think we just need to get a little bit of an expansion in here

And then we can start oh we already got 11 bucks then we can start making some cash little accent wall right there pulls it together we’re becoming richer by the second okay so I’m looking at prices in the shop we’re gonna start off using the in-game shop to make money it seems like

Wheat right now is the best way to make money so I can buy a bunch of wheat seeds oh geez that’s expensive six thousand eight hundred that’s it guys I literally bought 18 seats that’s all I could do is buy 18 seats we’re down to 95 bucks right now

But we got our seeds and hopefully this is the beginning of the profit let’s go ahead and do it right here guys this is where it starts right here this is where all the beauty and Magic takes place we’re going to be flipping some houses real soon but first let’s get started on

Our own little our own little business here Well guys that’s a that’s a great first day right there we got some crops planted that’s going to be producing some big profits for your boy uh but it’s not going to be producing the big profits we need yet we need uh we need to sell some bases All right guys so that the base is coming together it’s looking beautiful this will be the Hub of all of our future transactions and processes when we begin to sell fully flash bases obviously we’re not to that point yet we’re still in the early stages of development for this business I’m going

To call it lover Industries so this is this is where people will be entering our store to buy stuff from us but I I really need to get like some basic tools like I need to freaking strip mine to start which is not what rich people do but unfortunately that’s where we’re at

Right now so I’m gonna get that mine started I don’t really like what this mine is by the way it’s such a bad location like future customers are gonna walk in my store try to make me money they’re gonna be like oh why is there a mine like poor

Like a poor player has a mind a rich one has people mind for him or just buys the stuff you know dang that feeling when I found my first bit of iron though it’s gonna be off the charts I don’t know what it’s worth either oh snap your boy

Just found smiling I said I said hey I want some iron there it is now what I need to do I’m thinking guys and bear with me all right I want you to walk through this with me a straight down mind like this is not that efficient you

Know if I just go straight down is there a risk I die yes all right sure that’s a risk but it might be a little more efficient like a little ladder set up a little a little straight down and you’re good to go I think that might be

The move ladies and gentlemen welcome to the Iron Age there is one thing I can do guys and that is use a daily key this is an item you get just for playing on the server all these players are doing it too you just get something random like

For playing here so let’s see if we get something to help us out two thousand five hundred dollars baby let’s go we’re gonna be using that as we can throughout this series but that’s pretty good all players have access to it once a day I end up ain’t about this

Hop-up life you know what I’m saying I’m trying to walk up we’re trying to live in luxury out here all right that’s pretty good that’s pretty good so guys I just tped to this player because he wants to do a casino so I’m gonna actually gamble all my

Money here and see if I can win some cash pay how much you want and that’s how much I’ll win back so if he puts the bone meal and I get three flowers I get a times four back so I just paid him two

Thousand dollars and uh if I win if I oh I got nothing I just lost all my money dang it all right well hey that’s uh one way to show you guys don’t gamble all right I just lost all my money foreign this mine is taking too long I

Ain’t got the patience for that type of thing so I’m gonna do something crazy all right I just want you to bear with me I need a lot of wood for that so let me go cut down every tree in this Forest 54 ladders I mean that’s not a that’s

Not a bad count right there folks I’m gonna make a secondary mine here this will be like our tent mine just because like I’ll finish this at some point but that’s gonna be a journey all right I ain’t about that so let’s just dig straight down this is what like you do

When you’re legit mining in real life like it’s just a little mine shaft am I gonna die Maybe look at that guys that’s why it pays off within five seconds I find more oh the biggest freaking iron spawn on the planet so we just unlocked super breaker

Which means I get a pickaxe bonus this is just from how long I mined it lets me break quick for a second so that’s what I needed baby there we go now we’re cooking with some peanut oh yo yo we just found an entire underwater water cave

This seems like a great spot for my future Farm yo we got to y equals 13 almost perfectly so like obviously we’d go a little bit lower but uh this is a good starting spot Okay so super breaker ability is a thing we have that’s special in our server that like gives you special bonuses as you play and level up so to its full extent when it’s here and just mind the crap out of this world and not even like hold back I mean just go

All right well that sucks that’s a waste okay good nothing oh boys we almost got our first crops let’s go let’s go let’s go guys we got an auction house on the server where you can buy and sell items with players all right it’s a pretty

Cool feature I want to just scrounge for a deal for a second just see any deals someone’s selling mushrooms do for 200 bucks I mean this is just ridiculous a hundred thousand dollar puffer fish it’s called why would 100 they named it the true puffer fish of Glory I mean this

Guy’s this guy’s a natural born marketer hey 12 for 11 wheat seeds that’s actually a legit deal I know how expensive those are I’m gonna take it yeah yo that’s freaking fire 11 more freaking seeds baby this is a big investment guys when this sells we’re talking four to five hundred

Bucks cash I’m talking Cold Hard Cash in my hands dang I feel like we balling out right now two furnaces one thousand dollars in the bank I’m about to go gamble it yo I probably shouldn’t do that again should I it’s probably not a good idea oh guys guys I just thought of

A funny joke ready that’s adorable because it’s a door subscribe to my channel you get jokes like that all day baby we got shaft that’s how I’m gonna call this the shot guys I just found something else interesting saplings are worth a good amount of money but for now we gotta

Freaking mind this bad boy I mean foreign I hear lava that’s a good sign that’s a very good sign it’s got to be below me I think it can’t spawn my ears are saying it might be this one okay now I don’t hear it no it’s definitely this way

That sounds like is this one oh it’s this way this way I mean it is a nice treat to get some Redstone now I’ll be honest with you oh guys I think we just found our very first gold I’m still trying to find this lava I just felt like I’ve

Seen it 100 times and I still can’t find it this is gonna break isn’t it right before I get my gold that’s it that’s just absolute crap isn’t it I need to set a mobile home to I don’t have anything dang out of wood guys I think

We just found a way to make some money all right I just this guy said if you pay me 500 bucks he’s gonna give you a bunch of food so I paid him 500 bucks now he’s leading me inside of his chamber this is a jail cell in here okay

So guys he has a shop he has a chess shop here you can literally set up stores to sell things so he’s selling full stacks for seven dollars for a full stack that seems like a deal doesn’t it dude this is a legit deal this guy’s freaking getting oh let’s go baby I

Don’t know man I’m gonna take as much as I can all right we are loaded on food now I am broke now but at least I’m welded on food was it the best investment I’ve ever made no oh yo a redstone dose was 241 bucks that’s not a

Bad deal I’ll take a 495 for lapis that’s our biggest profit yet okay okay okay so guys after about 45 minutes we’ve we’ve lost 1200 so far but we do have the beginnings of the multi-million dollar base so that’s what matters the beginning it’s all right we’re getting

There okay so we got three saplings these are worth 72 baby 72. this base is really not making us the money we need to be making yet at this point guys all right let’s go back down in uh the shaft and see what we can do inside the shaft

I feel like my goal today is make a hundred thousand dollars and I know what you’re thinking that ain’t possible but I feel like now that we got this mine started we got the workflow going we can get that base Foundation of money because we got gold now that’s probably

Worth some some dank money about to make some some dank ball oh I can use coal there it is there it is suck inside of my body let me suck you up let me suck up your energy suck up your nutrients I’m almost 100 sure the lava is over here I literally

Literally fested this diamond I literally said in my mind I am about to find diamond in the next block oh finally this is a big fat stack too oh my gosh they keep going it’s like the fattest stack you can get in diamonds like is that six six diamonds

What are they worth by the way I’m curious 700 I’ll sell the Redstone I really don’t need that yet okay now I need lava like really bad so I can get a freaking enchantment table so I can maybe get efficiency on this bad boy and then we’re gonna be really cooking with

Some peanut oil I was lava where would I be hey is that lava all right I’ve destroyed my mind trying to find this single piece of lava 45 minutes and I still don’t know where it is it will probably be at three to five

K by the time we make it back up that’s a good little start right there oh more gold baby look at this have we truly found the greatest mine of all time the gold mine guys we have finally found uh well I think possibly a giant laser beam that

Could be trying to kill us oh creeper is that is that a creeper yo okay well we found a massive cave finally with some lava but it does seem like it’s incredibly dangerous to me and I don’t know if anyone’s ever been here so we might have just found potentially the

Gold mine where we can actually start making some big profits I’ve been looking for one of these okay I mean it’s pretty freaking empty at the moment except that lava which is screaming my name Come to Papa let’s go okay a lot of nothing where’s my should there be like diamonds

In here or something kind of kind of looking for some big plays here I mean I Iron’s old irons like 20 minutes ago you know it’s good but there just comes a point where you want more you want diamond you want that big payday I did a

Mining video right I did the best mining hacks this is supposed to be the best way to find gear oh I see is iron oh hey foreign how much is this worth I wonder wow look at that profit 515 for the Redstone Dust not bad all right guys that was a long

Journey let’s see what type of profit we pulled out today I guess we gotta smelt all this first that’s not ooh iron ingots are not worth much money at all that’s not what I like to The First Taste Of Armor ladies and gentlemen we are officially kind of wealthy all right

Both these smelters are gone let’s put all our junk in here and I finally have lava and I’m gonna be honest with you literally the only reason I wanted lava was to finally make my own trash can and like seriously that’s it that’s the entire reason

That’s it will it catch the house on fire let’s find out oh our farm might even be ready to harvest for our first payday there and it’s not quite there but almost 200 bucks we’re finally above two thousand dollars we’re finally above 2K again I want to

Remind you the guy in first place has 69 million um that’s fair literally deforested an entire Forest just the hopes that I’ll get a couple saplings because they’re worth like 100 bucks each I just need a little bit more money to start the Investments rolling folks it’ll tell you what it’ll start

Making some Bank yeah nine of them look at that oh wait what why do I feel like that was worth so much more earlier now it’s worth nine so guys I just picked a plot in the absolute middle of nowhere and uh I’m gonna build someone a base but to try to

Make some money but first I need to find a good location because location sells guys location sells more than the base and I think we need a little Pond I mean look you got some pawns here to work with but like No One’s Gonna Pay fat

Stacks to live next to that I mean that’s a weak pot let’s keep looking yeah guys I think we finally found the new location of the uh first base it’s gonna be a very basic base I mean we’re gonna see what we can do we got two thousand dollars and all the resources

We’ve collected it’s gonna be tough to make money but we’re gonna try foreign guys this is a decent start to a decent looking base the only question I have is I’m not going to have enough wood to make this as big as I want um I’ve got

One torch so I’m gonna have to just make do with that One Singular torch right there uh I just put that right there on the wall we don’t have much else I think I’ll just call it a noob starter home what do you think 10 10 000 for this 10

000. the sad thing is I’m about to be selling a base better than mine but don’t worry guys we’re starting lover Industries and it’s going to become a full-on hub you just gotta you gotta start small on your business all right I really don’t think it needs to be that

Much bigger you know okay so I’m going for like this nice kind of clean like little double window Vibe you gotta enjoy that view I want people to walk in and be like dang this is the base for me and I feel like I feel like that kind of

Gets the message across like hey this is for you okay so I don’t know exactly what that is but it looks kind of cool so I’m just gonna keep it finally the place that worries me the most putting a roof on this thing um because I don’t know if I have enough

Wood for it I mean I really just need a little bit more to plug it up and I don’t know if I can make this a feature or not so I’m just gonna have to Cobblestone it for now and say that it’s art all right well I’m gonna be honest with you that’s

About as good as this one’s gonna get so um that’s the first base I think it’s probably worth between I I would do like 8K maybe let’s see we can do all right guys we got our first uh first person here taking a look at it George

Burns all right taking a look at the old base looking for 8K we’ll do 9k I’m gonna run up one 9k guys our first person has already said deal all right not that it’s surprising again because of who we are at the moment we probably will be going undercover throughout the

Series I’m assuming guys we got it we got it we sold it for nine thousand dollars now we just need to unclaim this bad boy okay that was absolutely insane Chad was popping off guys when there’s 600 people trying to buy your base it’s just crazy we’re up to eleven thousand

Dollars now on this series which is an insane amount of money to get some starting cash flow okay now I just spent about a thousand I know about a thousand dollars I need to upgrade the state of my base because as I said this will be the future location of lover Industries

And I’d like it to look a little bit more premium and if you’re gonna be premium I feel like you need a three wide staircase to get on downhills Look at these people in chat guys they are literally offering their lives to get a hand on that base oh my gosh now that’s a clean entrance folks that looks nice All right guys so there’s the final design of the preliminary entrance here to lover Industries obviously gotta get that door there and then we’re gonna like kind of deck it out in luxury but obviously it’s not there yet we went from zero to over ten thousand dollars a

Fully functional base and plans for Omega future we are running low on dirt here but one of the tactics we have to make money was a giant Wheat Farm seems like this is all grown since we joined so a profit here coming in folks let’s go I

Think at some point I’d love to like make this automated but I just feel like we’re not there yet it’s kind of weird we’re turning the ocean into this Garden but I mean hey it works okay so the garden has expanded massively I mean we started with a

Single seed look at this but if I go to the shop here dang my uh 25 wheat sells for 328 I mean to be honest with you I don’t even think it’s worth it at this point I might just save that for a future like Bakery we open up like that

Just don’t feel like the move so I’m gonna save it for now today the richest player has 100 million dollars we only have 10 000 but people said that to make it more fair they said exactly what you need to do is change your skin and your

Name so every episode I’m going to have a brand new character will transfer everything over and what that means is nobody will know who we are so for today flow bubs ladies and gentlemen a mysterious person who came on the server out of nowhere and we’re back here on

The base let’s get to work and start making some money instead of wasting time we’ve got to get in there and get some mining in one thing to keep it uh keep in mind here is we lose all of our levels every time we change accounts so

We are getting handicapped a little bit there but it’s fine all right you guys like a challenge and sort of why let’s go get some ores while we get some money let the day pass a little bit it’s an awfully slow system really takes a long time to get down

Here doesn’t it I mean wow here we go so guys we mind fulness are you kidding did my editor see that throughout anyone did anyone see that or is that just me not noticing yo I was just did I say that as I walked over it I’m just confused I feel like I

Said that Ashley walked over what the heck dude I’m sorry please don’t fall in lava oh baby what A Perfect session right there that was oh that’s what I’m talking about 55 cooked mutton see I bought this last episode because I knew food would be an issue for us so I guess

I don’t do it for me okay so one thing I need to do real quick is always make a backup diamond pick just in case and then I got enough for a diamond ax and a diamond shovel yo that’s freaking lit let’s go yeah I mean we only have an

Organized chest system yet but lover Industries is new now real quick let’s do a uh break up the daily key see what we win today from our free daily Daily chest play I mean it’s not good I’ll be honest with you it’s not good it’s not worth a lot of money but I’m

Just gonna wear it anyway so we have something so hey it’ll help us all right now one of the most popular things on this server is to make money with casinos and I don’t know if they’re legal to be honest with you I don’t know if they follow Casino rules but we’re

Gonna try to make our own casino today from scratch and then sell it once it’s done we’re gonna try to make a very simple yet beautiful Casino using basic blocks let’s go to shop here and see what we can pick up we’ll buy a couple glowstone I mean that’s 300 that was a

Little bit expensive to be honest with you 100 bucks for a sticky no I could I could I could do something with this all right this this damaged me a lot mentally because that actually cost me six thousand dollars and I only had ten uh but what we bought here guys was

Basically in our like all the stuff at the top are all this Redstone stuff and I’m gonna show you why in a second okay back home in the mine I want to grab as much material as I can that’s gonna be useful none of that I’m out of wood all

Right I gotta go oh hey yo I gotta go cut down a whole Forest I’ll be right back let’s say that due to his creep announced earlier is gone okay that’s good that’s good hey man you can’t complain too much I can’t wait till I get enchantment table that’s gonna be

Big also guys if we get 10 000 likes on this episode I will post these twice a week all right twice a week is what we’ll start out 10 000 likes is the goal so hey drop it let me know it’s twice a week enough tell me I really don’t like

That the sun’s setting though it’s kind of going to make it a little bit hard for me to build this and sell it we just did an RTP which lets us randomly teleport in the world and we have randomly teleported to oh what the heck why is there something here it was like

A sheep died recently a multiple sheep have done what is going on we got a sheet massacre here that means there are dogs or someone else someone’s been here all right what we’re gonna look for we’re gonna Scout for a good location to make a casino it’s not

Only used to get people to gamble but also to sell to someone at the end of this episode we’re trying to double dip on this one could be good for profit I don’t know oh wait no no no no no no oh crap someone already claimed it there’s

There’s a claim here I mean someone already owns this land that was where the casino was gonna be I guess we’ll just be his neighbor he’s gonna be living next to a brand new casino that’s popping off hey let’s go boys all right this will be the location I know it

Doesn’t look like much yet but you just wait this is I’m gonna try to sell it for fifty thousand dollars I’m gonna try to get maybe even 100 out of it I’m looking for an investor on the server you know someone trying to make a fat book but Aesthetics are everything guys

It’s Gotta look good Yeah I mean if there’s one thing I could buy right now they would help make my life a lot easier it’d be an efficiency pickaxe because the speed we’re clearing things out right now it ain’t it ain’t High I know it kind of makes you wonder what the neighbor’s gonna think when he

Comes back tomorrow when he gets on the server and he sees a literal Casino like the riverfront Casino open next door I mean that’s probably not good for you to be honest it’s not going to help you we’re here to make profit and I couldn’t care less okay

Okay front entrance all right it’s coming together as you can see I think I’d love to put like a lantern dangling there in the center that could look kind of sweet if we can get our hands on one of those and now let’s get the actual Casino itself started this will be our

First flower Casino which we’re just gonna place right here This will be your flower casino gambling Zone you can walk back here and we’ll have flower casino here this will be low stakes and then I think over here we’ll do a high stakes the big One’s Gonna Be risky because I’m not gonna be able to

Pay them back if they were to do it so I kind of just got to cross my fingers basically that they lose or else we’re pretty much done for I mean there’s really you know you know what I’m saying so there’s not a great uh not a great

Look for us on that one it says welcome to the riverfront Casino we don’t win unless you do it’s literally not true at all we win even if you lose but it doesn’t matter you know what I’m saying we’re just here to win the way it works

If you don’t know if you’re like yeah what is this you put bone meal down and it gives you flowers right so if it gives you three flowers you’re gonna get 3.5 times your money back if it gives you zero though which is the hope you

Get nothing back and also I type the zero wrong so I literally gotta rewrite this whole thing that sucks uh if I don’t make my money back on this uh flip I’m gonna actually lose my mind today or a high stakes guys has a 25 000 minimum bet again if someone wins

This like straight up I I don’t know what to do I lost all my money my my reputation’s out the window it’s a gamble it’s a big one donate below if you had fun and right below it is of course a hopper where the donations go

To a chest where only we can access it and we get all kinds of good prizes hopefully if they don’t you don’t know if they will or not also we need a door crap for short oh you know what we’ll make it functional roof furnaces okay

Guys so this is what it currently looks like the lover Casino um this is the final room we want to add which I wanted to be a VIP room uh but I’m actually out of material so I don’t really want to spend much more on this process because I’ve spent a month already

So make it an art piece sorry so we didn’t get to do all that we wanted but we got a casino now we need to get some customers in here and give this bad boy on the road all right so let’s test this out that’s the flower Casino so this

Person would have won back one times their money and then uh if we do it again over here they would have lost it all so uh it’s time for us to get gambling folks so here we go so I mean the best way we can do it is spamming in

General chat and hope that someone sends us a TPA request to try to come gamble at our Casino the fact that we called it something exciting is pretty cool and uh I don’t know why he’s flashing like that for some reason it’s kind of weird but

Hey welcome to Mom buddy come on in come on in pick a side pick a side eye Stakes this we’re not prepared for this I don’t know why you just gave me some seeds but I ain’t got no money yeah I mean seriously there’s like a high chance

That if he wins this I’m not gonna be able to pay him back and I’m gonna be a scammer on the server so he just doesn’t have that much I just said pick a number I don’t even care he’s I’ll take him to the low stakes he’s gonna send me four

Thousand dollars and we’re gonna see him again if he wins I am broke I’m really scared 400 all I did was 400 okay he lost we just got 400 bucks okay well you know we got 400 bucks that’s 400 bucks richer than we had before yeah I mean I

Only did four oh he just sent me 3 600 okay so if I lose this it’s all my money’s gone please if there is a God up there do not let this give me a flower he just lost and we’ve won he sent me four thousand dollars to gamble ladies

And gentlemen that’s a dub I don’t want to gamble all my money away I want to sell this thing I’ve seen better but let’s see if we can sell it I need to get some signs for negotiation um I’m definitely gonna give them a flower now I’m just telling Chad TPA for

A flower casino and they can teleport to me to investigate this place and see if they want to buy it this guy’s interested Russian cop is very interested he says yeah yeah take a look take a look he’s thinking all right we got this Sunset coming eight it’s a

Beautiful place man come on in here take a look take a look take a look all right so I’m just trying to sell them on the location because I don’t know if he’s impressed or not but I’m saying it’s a great spot I’m saying a low chance of a

Flower in this biome and I have no idea if that’s true or not I have no idea he’s a 10K I’m saying do 15K and it’s a deal he says 10 is the highest he can go oh now he’s saying no he wants me to give him permission to own this land

First this dude’s trying to scam me and I own the service he’s trying to stay on me in the series all right guys we’ve got another one after spanning for an hour I do have some flowers for him as well this guy ain’t even here to buy

He’s just here to gamble and he’s only trying to do 100 bucks so I mean this point I might well except it was probably a free honey Hey we just gained another 300 bucks I mean that’s not bad maybe we just keep it as a casino at this point you know what he wanted to go again and he lost again hey we are winning every single round of this place yo this guy’s

Already gambled 500 I mean 400 like he’s about to do more he said LOL I don’t have a lot of money so I’m done I’m giving him flowers on his way in trying to ease him up a little bit I’m gonna even get him a little bit of cooked

Mutton on the way I literally told the dude you never lose 90 of the time and now he’s trying to play oh he did 500 and he lost again man honestly guys we won every one of these so what is he doing he’s so sad he lost his money he’s

Putting his whole body in there hey this guy’s a regular on the server maybe he’ll be our secret guy that buys it all right I’ve been here for a while trying to get your sale right now but I’ll tell you what right now I’m about to get to

Say all right I told him it’s twelve and a half thousand dollars and if he makes it 15K he gets a mystery chest with the sale because hey we can bump it up to 15K which is what we wanted see I did 15. I’m confident 14 all right I don’t

Know if that was a good idea because he already agreed to 15 I just dropped it so I bought it my boy bought it finally now we gotta transfer it to him guys we made the sale and guys ladies and gentlemen that is a profit of fourteen

Thousand dollars plus the gambling so we spent 6K and now we’re up to 23 000 let’s go back to our baseball it does look like we need to upgrade our base a little bit and get our headquarters back on track so quick base upgrade montage Nasty little chest room here kind of pulled together and got one of these little circley boys on it looks kind of Juicy all right we got eight pieces of bread right now and that’s what I’m planning on doing is opening my own bakery shop one day on the server so I’m

Gonna actually open up a store somewhere and sell all this but for now it’s not really doing much it’s gonna sit there and be like an item that we do nothing with I mean really that’s what all it is I don’t even know what Ben’s base looks

Like I told you guys earlier me and Isaac and Ben are all playing this ourselves we’re all trying to see who can make the most money so bench base is somewhere around here and I have no idea where um which is kind of weird to me

Because I have no idea where it is but I’m gonna put like a little spare Crown table out here for us yo lots of future pet chicken hey you’re gonna be mine soon all right I’m gonna be farming you clearly someone found us by building a

Heart out in the ocean I mean it’s kind of nice though to live by the ocean I mean it sure does make this Farm a little easier guys look how big this bad boy is getting we started with literally a few seeds we found and again this

Wasn’t worth a ton of money I think it’s worth like a couple thousand per stack but like every time we log on we’ll be able to make like a little profit a couple thousand dollars I’ll just get bigger and bigger and bigger until eventually we make it into a massive

Auto form but we ain’t even close to that yet foreign that ain’t good that ain’t a good look right there this is also not good good enough to clean up the outside but the fact that I’ve used an entire diamond pickaxe from pretty much start to finish

Today it goes to show how much mining we did on this video holy crap All right so check out what we just did you know what it looked like before here’s what it looked like and then bang look what we got now uh right here okay so the back wall is not finished because it’s designed to be expandable so I can

Go much farther all right this is early stages we’re not going to put a wall There Yet now we got organized we got a redstone chest we got uh I call it block chest this is just random stuff because obviously I haven’t caught that many chests yet and then our tools chest so

It is it’s coming together okay I actually really like this it’s very nice it’s kind of weird to be honest with you the fact that the fact that you gotta walk downstairs to see I don’t know why I did this in the first place it’s really strange but hey there gets the

Job done you got your mine shaft got the crafting room a little bit dark now it’s really hard to read these because it’s in the shadows but new signs is a home of lover Industries a nice welcome home sign to welcome people all right guys I

Tried to buy some spawners I said I was new and the guy said no no deal to you so hey when you see this in the video MOX sorry you just I just tried to rip you off and I’m sorry all right I didn’t mean to okay guys we just bought a uh

Brewing stand and enchanting table that will come in handy yes sir so guys the last thing I want to try today is host my own desert dance party you might have heard of one in real life that’s very famous let’s see if we can host one in

Game and make some money here so guys I’m trying to start a desert dance party out here with the boys all right these are just random players I’m just saying come here to come to our dance party and that’s literally it that’s it we got two

People I’m trying to I’m trying to live off donations here right our boy just donate some pork chops all right let’s do cookies you see this this is a great idea maybe this wasn’t my best idea but let’s try a little bit more look at this guys we’ve got three people here vibing

In the desert I don’t know what I’ve gotten donations so far but hopefully it’s been good all right let’s see who’s putting some Blackstone down I mean that’s for free all right so uh that was it that was it let’s see what we got here in the Old Donation bucket all

Right so we got a couple eggs some pork chops some bread not exactly a high paying amount of items here to obtain a little bit of Blackstone maybe this isn’t even a donation but I’m gonna take it anyway but yours will be collected from the last hour of mining now it’s

Not bad all right it’s gonna it’s a good start we need to do more if we want to become the richest and it begins with this hey I’m going to tell you about that in a second we also upgraded the inside of the base in that past hour so

Uh you know it looks a little bit better a little more roomy I think for a future millionaire of lover Industries but what I said guys is the wheat something spectacular is gonna happen from this wheat to become the richest player in the world now let me show you something real quick

And again what I’m about to show you guys here is is probably one of the craziest things you’re ever going to see in Minecraft we got two almost three stacks of seed these are worth fat stacks of money guys this is worth a lot of money I’m gonna show you real quick

If I go to the shop here and this is where you can sell items to an NPC I can actually do 840 per stack and then 560 per stack for season that’s a lot of cash so each this is worth like four thousand dollars but I’ve got a better

Idea so I’m gonna do what I call the super form this is the beginning of a massive project that’s gonna last months and it all begins with a little bit of wheat what I’m gonna do today is start that super Farm today and it begins with clearing this out because it’s a little

Bit ugly and I don’t want that in front of my base foreign I still need to get a better shovel but this is actually really ugly I ruined the water in front of my face look at what he said he wasn’t doing that but it’s okay it’s a good start this is

Becoming our super Farm now my brothers are also competing Isaac and Ben will show you their bases here shortly they’re just located by that giant pillar I’m gonna see how we stand compared to the competition we could do super form here let’s measure this out guys measure once cut twice or something

Like that I really just need to get to about 100 Grand right now because oh you know what actually as you all know every six hours or something you get a daily key so I’m gonna see what we unlock here please give me like a something good

Come on baby daily shovel we got exactly what we wanted let’s go all right so this is a very fast shovel you get it for free just for playing on the server and obviously I’m gonna take advantage of that to get the Dub here um but it

Should be a little quicker it’s not gonna last long but look at that a little bit of a speed boost and you can see it’s already lost like half of its half of its durability but that’s okay now I gotta clear this way dang boys

That is fire I’ll tell you what it’s not gonna be much longer but that’s it all right wow that was nice foreign we’ve now cleared off our future Mega Farm I think we’re about ready now it is getting dark which kind of sucks but uh

We’re gonna see what we can do here so we’re going for a very beautiful Farm you’re about to see something crazy come up guys uh so let’s get some math figured out first guys I’m literally taking on the biggest project you’ve ever seen right now and it starts with

Just a simple line like this you wouldn’t think this is the start of something magnificent awesome cool but it’s gonna be crazy so that was okay now getting this whole entire thing watered is going to be the biggest paint so this is just going to be a long and slow grind

Guys doing this by hand is literally the most slow thing ever I’m used to building creative mode this is not what I am used to doing right now but it’s gonna be worth it because you can’t just make money from selling and flipping properties you can also make money from

Lover Industries what we’re building here today and this is the start of something beautiful Gamers they be Big Bear Farm if I made this crack which I believe I did it’s gonna start flowing all the crops down into here which have you all seen before makes a little bit easier for us because this is going to expand infinitely and what I’m gonna do

Here is turn this into the ultimate money making machine but this was just the beginning I also would like to print it up a little bit so let me do that now man a little bit peaceful here chilling about a fire in the new Basin guys I

Haven’t even shown you around before I upgrade the base outside let me show you the new inside so you walk down I open up that wall I kind of pushed it back a little bit I turned this into the brand new shaft that’s the old mine I covered

That up I don’t really know there’s just a mine under a base now somewhere around here is the old shop actually I’m pretty sure it’s right here yeah that was just a pit there to the bottom of the world it just goes down forever and this one’s

The new one the new shaft is shaft 2.0 it’s not quite usable yet but it’s coming together I got this brewing stand I don’t Brew I don’t have anything for brewing and then I also have this right here check it out it’s been about an hour on that it

Doesn’t work so I’m gonna tear that whole thing down here I thought I had a lot more bricks than that but I guess I can only do one wall and uh that’s what it looks like okay so that uh they didn’t really come out High I planned but that’s not a bad start

Here you don’t need a lot more of that and now let’s get this connected to our base all right that tunnel will come in handy later I’m sure I think I’d see a piece of it at this point this is so weird what how do I go underneath the freaking bit what

I was one block away this is literally that Meme where they say don’t stop mining I was one block away from my base and I just dug for an extra hour okay so ignore this temporary hole but obviously this connects to the super farm that will eventually become super but for now

It is not quite super it is just an upgraded farm from what we have there I do need some beehives though like to get some sea glass for it I don’t know man I like the stone it’s classy it shows that we got wealth because when you see

Someone building out a smelted Stone it means they wasted a coal to make that and if you can’t waste coal you’re not rich you gotta think Rich to be rich guys you see where this is going right this is going to be a super Wheat Farm but you’re like exactly what about all

The other crops just wait I don’t know how to work them in yet Foreign so we’ll stop here with the second tier and I’ll fill that in in a bit let’s get this thing wrapped around it kind of sucks that I was three stone short of making that a full wrap around all right that’s not a bad start for the million

Dollar design now we need to make some money because I need to make some investment I gotta get some tools I can’t handle this anymore if I go to the auction house this is where players all roll across the server can trade items they are selling really oh that just

Sold this stuff is 600 000 I mean how do I even afford it eight hundred thousand dollars for pants this is a fifteen thousand dollar helmet I mean it’s just crazy off the charts prices here so what I’m gonna do is get some mass and go

Build something to make us some money I got what I need but before I go open up my brand new business to see if we can get up to fifty thousand dollars today I’m gonna go visit my brother and see what his base looks like all right so I

Just made this beautiful path I think it leads to Isaac or Ben’s base I don’t know which one but I think they’ll appreciate this design all right it’s beautiful it challenges them and shows them that I have time to spare look what we have here folks a base right across

The street let’s get a bridge going so we can actually get there what do you guys think of my bridge pretty classy right so this is where Isaac lives and wow look what he’s been working on this whole time oh my goodness he’s got some sugarcane here I

Don’t mind if I do snag up a little bit of that I mean I don’t have any so hey all right we’ll leave the rest for him so let’s see what he’s been working on I’m curious my boy’s been competing with me also trying to make the most money

He’s got a uh looks like he’s got a farm here it’s like he’s got oh look at this little baby farm that ain’t gonna compete with what we’re making I honestly love the location let’s see what’s inside wow he’s been uh he’s been caving it looks like okay I got a little

Enchantment table and look at this my boy has created an entire grinder I don’t know how he managed to find a mob sword and another portal wow that’s an interesting design and I do have some sugarcane to plant now which is pretty nice what I’m gonna do here today is

Something you might have seen before it’s called Storage Wars we’re gonna try to sell some mystery chests to some players for a big profit so uh I gotta make it look good because it’s really all in the design uh unfortunately I’m kind of broke so uh it’s not gonna look

Better grind through the night for this one guys so here is how it’s gonna look this will be a mystery chest I want to have a bidding war or at least try to have a bidding war where players come around from all over the server and try

To bid on this to get what’s ever inside of us like Storage Wars like you see on TV uh except this time it’s in my Minecraft so I think I’ll just keep the design like that or you can’t technically open that this is the cheapest looking Storage Wars I have

Ever seen in my life I really like need to put some good stuff in here people aren’t going to buy it and it’s all about the presentation so like that’s a good look it needs a little more we’ll do a sugar cane row here

I need like I need like a good item to make it worth it otherwise I’m gonna ruin my reputation here so can I buy anything here guys we just snagged a deal this was being sold for a dollar I don’t know what that is but I’m gonna put it in

Here I just got a random thing so hey for a buck I’ll take it guys look we just got Unbreaking and efficiency on a pickaxe man for where we’re at at this point that’s a great upgrade to what we had so yeah I mean that’s our that’s our

First one it’s really not a bad uh not a bad little box right there to be honest with you it’s definitely on a rip-off and that’s what I’m trying to avoid so I’ll rename it and we’ll call it the craze box starts at 499. now let’s do our second box a hundred thousand

Dollars for a custom enchantment like are you kidding me a hundred thousand there we go guys okay got some items now so the item in this one will be the Soul Sand whatever these these that’s a rare one right soul speed one that’s cool I mean I don’t know why would anyone use

It but we got it we’ll surround it in some sugar cane it’s all about presentation I don’t know maybe like some Birch on the side that’s a pretty looking box right there okay so this last one’s a mystery box this one is the Soul suckers what I

Called it and this one is the craze box now I gotta get people to teleport to me guys we got our first contestants here they’re looking at it they are intrigued they are intrigued they’re like what is this so I’m saying starting soon friends these guys are getting ready see if we

Got anyone else so we’re gonna see what happens we just got one of them left we got a new one we got three people uh one of them just left this is a Fickle game all right this is a very fickle game right now okay so I’m trying I’m trying

To get this out of communicate with me come on boys come on boys make your bets make your bets come on boys come on boys give me what I need I said if interested let me know they’re all wins for you oh he bought it Ender bought it and her

Bought it this guy actually bought it this guy spent five grand for me to buy what’s inside this chest I’m telling him to stand on the chest now he’s gets to collect it in privacy and see what he just won and he says I’m done I’m good I’m coming out I got

Mostly oh no you didn’t get it all you didn’t get it all oh hey hold up hold up I’m gonna protect my I’m gonna protect my valuable customer right now from some aggressive zombies thank you buddy we’ll work together okay he’s literally sprinting away I feel like he feel like

He didn’t like that too much but he’s thinking about it I mean he is I said I throw in a bonus item and that got his attention he said hey I’m gonna come back for that okay so he said that’s way too expensive I said 6K it’s a great

Deal if this works this will be the easiest one you have made this far on this series 6K baby 6K baby and I’m gonna throw in these daily leggings as a bonus item I paid a thousand dollars he bought it let’s go baby let’s go he

Bought that I’m gonna also throw him 52 of those and uh 64 of those and that’s all his congratulations ladies and gentlemen we just made out like Bandits no one but no one’s gonna buy the mystery boxes now we just made a little bit of money let’s do a little bit of

Base upgrading now because we got a little bit of flair we can spend a little bit 30k I mean that’s not bad what I’m gonna do is tear out this disgusting wall that I made that actually doesn’t work at all and I put a lot of time into off camera and uh now

I’m gonna destroy it so that’s a little bit disheartening so I just typed in chat please pay Boogerman for a chance to win big I’m gonna see if anyone actually pays me but I don’t think that strat’s gonna work yeah that didn’t work at all I like that

Window it’s a good vibe let’s do a little bit of fresh clean up here a little bit a little bit of snacking up here guys you gotta get that bass looking clean we’re gonna be the richest you gotta feel like the riches and to feel like the richest Gotta Have you

Gotta have an enchanting table all right an absolute must it is so dark in this space man I’ll tell you what guys I’m regretting so much that I built underground I have to dig a hole every time I want to do anything and it is the

Slowest process ever um I mean it’s just crazy now I don’t think I want to make the enchantment table here I just gotta dig out a whole lot it’s just it’s just a ton to get that thing going so let’s get digging guys I’ll tell you what the one thing I

Need literally more than any item ever is wood my entire base is built of wood I just spit so much saliva out of my mouth I apologize I gotta go another wood Harvest run but I thought I stole about half a field of Isaac sugarcane somehow I only have

Two left in the old inventory somehow that’s all it made through so well that’s a little bit disappointing but we can still get it going we’re kind of we’re kind of committing to this little like door Arc kind of thing you know that little design throughout these are

The fine details of lover industries that makes us who we are look at that look at this base look what this has become guys boom look at that the arc I mean it’s just it’s something special I mean it is this is this is both classy

And professional all in one so I need bookshelves uh for this but to be honest with you I’m pretty sure they’re like super expensive so let’s see back at the old spawn where we’ve got hundreds of players right now what are you selling Mr Merchant 300 each this would cost me

Five thousand dollars to make a full entire bookshelf dude that’s way too much money I can’t afford that I can’t I can’t get there’s no way I can’t get bookshelves yeah that’s too much but I do need a couple new seeds so wow pumpkin seeds are expensive holy crap 80

Bucks for a seed we’ll buy five seeds now why does a melon seed only ten I feel like that ain’t right cocoa beans beetroot potato some carrots I thought I was gonna spend a little bit of money to buy a couple seeds gotta get this Farm

Going to get this thing up on the road that was really expensive I mean I was like good good Hefty price my money but this is a future investment all right I want to become self-sustaining to a point where I don’t even need the shop

Or anyone else in the server and this is how I’m gonna do it by buying it all myself now to make ourselves self-sustaining you saw how much these Concepts was like 80 bucks per seat that’s a lot of money which means there’s gonna be a lot of people that

Want to get these suits for a cheaper price than the store think about it if new players want to buy new seats or 80 bucks and I sell them for 70 I’m making 70 bucks a seed which means we need to get a lot of seeds this is a brilliant

Way to make money okay so I also bought one of every single sapling and my plan is to get my own little sapling Farm started with every single kind of tree at this point though Oak there put a spruce there a new Birch okay show them I need four

Oh it’s perfect it’s absolutely perfect it was meant to be placed here folks All right guys so we’ve got all actually this all started from a single a literal single wheat seed which is pretty good we’re gonna sell those soon you’re gonna see how much money that makes us but now we gotta start getting all the other crops because they’re all making money

And they’re all worth having we’ve got our pumpkin row we’ll do melons beetroot fat stack of carrots look at that dude oh no I looked at him I didn’t mean to look at him sorry I didn’t mean to you I didn’t mean to crap crap we don’t mess up back inside the

Base we got every single crop every single tree now planted which means we’re on the path to become self-sustaining we saw how overpriced those things were at the store I ain’t about to waste my money on buying 80 seeds and I can just get them myself I

Mean 80 bucks out of 25 Grand that’s a lot of money it’s dark it’s scary there’s monsters out I think there’s any man trying to kill me I need to get this base improved oh I’m why is he impossible your boy teleports in and just gets me like that huh

Okay look at this expansion guys we are we are making a move I don’t know what this is this is kind of nasty I want this Central room to be huge I want people to see it and know our wealth the second they walk in

So I hate that my roof is becoming the floor outside so maybe this will be like a second tier in the future I don’t know you guys tell me what do you think I should turn into but this little corner Skylight is kind of sweet it opens the

Place up a little bit it’s in a nice little flavor okay so you guys help me I don’t know what goes here but I like the look of this with a little Skylight oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait we’re missing a detail an important detail

Rich bakes has got Birch stair parks okay well there you have it I don’t know man what to do about this corner thing it’s really strange to me how it looks so bad but these pillars right here are fire you get that torch ring around it

That’s gonna be some kind of room that’s a room that’s a room that’s a room that’s room and then this is our still main entrance right here which looks pretty freaking awesome all right guys we almost got four Stacks which is almost what almost 250 logs mined in the

Last couple of minutes here there’s gonna be a ton of saplings that fall too for now I’ll just save them because I’m gonna need them for the massive Tree Farm we’re gonna build okay so all that all that’s cleared out over there that’s gonna be for a future project a very

Massive one how’s my wheat still not growing and I haven’t been on here in like a day we need to get our own seeds because I ain’t about to waste money on the shop buying my own so that’s why I bought one of each treatment probably shouldn’t have bought the Birch and I

Think I missed one as well do you guys see that this is a hundred dollar sapling right here for free if I get two of them that’ll be worth it to me because then I can start this Farm going and now people will come to me to buy my

Rare woods and what we’re gonna do today might be the riskiest but possibly the best Money Maker we’ve ever done it’s gonna cost a lot of investment it could cost us everything but if it works it will quadruple our money or more also by

The way I did upgrade my base I uh dug out this hole and this hole and I don’t know what they’re for and then I also started keeping track in here of how much money I make each episode so there you go that’s what I was at and that’s

What I’m still at here and then this obviously we didn’t afford the bookshelves I don’t know what these will be you tell me what I am doing as you can see is making all of these stone bricks because these will be essential in our next build and I don’t have to

Buy them these are kind of expensive so I kind of saved us some time and some money now we gotta go find a new location for the build that I’m about to make and I’m gonna tell you about it in a second but first Isaac’s online so I’m

Gonna go check out his base again and follow the new Trail we made see a progress he’s made there he is there he is guys we found Isaac what do you think of my skin my character uh Zach first of all why are you a villager you look like

You’d be a perfect Farmer for me Zach are you looking for some more I’m not looking for some work today believe it or not I’ve actually got my own series but Isaac show us around your base um I was actually in the process right now of upgrading it I’m gonna tell you this

Right now Isaac I don’t know how much money you have let’s take a look here balance um Isaac I got 11 Grand 1000 I’ve got a business opportunity for you if you’re interested in an investment this is an investment in a build I’ll be making today for my video for the price

Of ten thousand dollars I’ll give you five percent of all profits from today’s event Zach um this could be a very profitable event I want to make that clear listen to me poor boy why don’t you come ahead and follow me over here you see this uh in the sky right here

You don’t understand what I’m about to do is going to make so much money you could make millions I have a skeleton Spawner in here worth 200 Grand and you’re offering me five percent right now it looks like spiders to me uh it looks like both to me boy it looks like

Isaac’s a little preoccupied with his baby farms and his eleven thousand dollars you build a bridge in your last episode Jack I need that fixed look at that thing no can do it’s on your property all right boys let’s randomly teleport somewhere and let’s get building this is yeah this is gonna be

Perfect now guys I keep talking to you about this big money maker and here’s the idea I’m gonna build a massive Coliseum and by Massive I mean like not probably like this big it’s already kind of a little bit of a hole here it seems like I’m gonna take this Coliseum and

Charge people to enter it the winner gets half the half of everyone’s enterings I get the other half I don’t know if it’s gonna work I’ve never seen anyone even do this but if it does work I can like over a hundred thousand dollars and if it works I can repeat it

Very often so yeah let’s just turn this into a Coliseum Now again it’s all about Aesthetics so it doesn’t have to be a perfect circle like if you look at like a Coliseum are they perfect circles yeah probably but we’re on a budget here we’re still not rich so budget costume it is maybe I’ll sell it or maybe I’ll give it to the

Winner I’ll say if you win you get to keep it or buy it because it’s got to be really good if I do that I thought this was a small Coliseum not to be zoned out there and cleared out that layer but dang that’s a process that’s a journey um it’s probably good

To be honest like it doesn’t need to be any deeper I’m pretty sure you can actually punch each other out or something I just want to be safe so take it down one more and we’ll have to do one more then to change the floor so two

More layers of this let’s get that floor in here now thank you Roman people are looking down at me and they’re saying Jack well done my man they’re saying I’m proud of what you have created so far that’s actually pretty sweet guys look how cool that

Looks all right now we got to get the uh the walls made on the side I’m gonna use my wood for this so Dang the Thunder is out tonight guys it is it is a dark stormy night but it’s a grind guys we’re gonna become the richest I know it doesn’t seem like a 25 000 you’re like Zach you’ll never get there just wait we’re making Investments

And it will work out so that is kind of sick I do need a spawn point and I also need some bleachers for the audience so let’s go ahead and do that now it’s kind of good I’m using all the ugly blocks I normally don’t use I hate Cobblestone

I’m not gonna lie to you I think it’s ugly block but uh for bleachers it’s doing its job all right it’s doing its job and I’m not gonna complain it’s not it’s not exactly even you think anyone will notice that there’s a fence there and a block there probably not now we

Want to make the arena more fun and exciting for these players so let’s get some tasks in here or some Design Elements that’ll make this Arena more engaging for people to PVP in this looks pretty decent so guys they’re not going to be able to break anything in this claim so I

Blended this in so watch if a player hits it it’s not going to kill them or trap them but it’s gonna really slow them down when they’re battling this is what it’s come out to I know it’s raining and it’s got some mood here but you got little water puddles you got

That trap some pillars just to kind of hide behind we’re gonna have to get that up there I’m gonna have to clutch this torch please I get it this design is better for a 1v1 like you each start on one side so I got an idea we’ll put down a little starting thing

On each side it somehow came out to be even three on three I don’t know how that happened so we’ve got the cow pattern versus the wood pattern I think that’s pretty fair always gotta add the donation sign make it look extra classy by putting Redstone torches on it so

That people know that is the donation station I guess Redstone will signify that um and that’s how it looks right now from the top and in the bleachers you can see it pretty well so ten thousand to enter you’re gonna get 15 000 back if you win and I keep the other

Five thousand for hosting it and then there’s no help from the audience we’re gonna test it at a lower number and try to increase it over time actually maybe better to start a higher number of decreases let’s start a 50k entry fee winner gets 75k back all right that’s

Pretty clean you can actually open up a chest shop so take a look at this by putting a chest down shift clicking a sign on it and then doing this just typing the word shop it instantly opens up a new GUI which allows us to sell

Items to players so look at this I brought 52 pieces of bread I said I was going to start a bread store take a look and now I can set the buying and selling price for this bread so that anyone who’s watching can buy snacks I’m gonna

Do 420 each for one single bread so you can buy one bread there for 420 I’m gonna sell part of the original building is what I’m gonna call it this is a rare part of the building when it was first here we’ll sell it for 1 000 for two of

Them but I want to see if I can get Isaac to compete in this all right all right buddy uh I got an opportunity for you here today uh my new business just opened and you got a chance to actually win some money okay you know what I like

Winning money I’m heading over where’s it at just go ahead and uh send me a TP request all right Isaac you just hang tight right now bring your best gear here you’re gonna want that and uh hang tight I gotta find some other contestants for us here today folks and

The battle of the Coliseum where winner gets 75 percent earnings no I don’t even got I got an iron sword you better hang tight hang tight hang tight let’s go ahead and see if we can get some people to join us first uh so I put it out

There like that and super bold and I said you have a chance to double your money if you do this all right so far no one is actually using it so I just this is a hard part spamming it to get people to join the Dual Arena I need people to

Want to participate told we got one guy here after comes another they’re kind of ignoring the whole entry fee thing here got a third one coming in here I did a new price of a 10K entry fee winner gets 30 30k we’ll see if we can get four of

Them to participate okay he said his max is 5K we’re just gonna keep dropping until they do it we’ll find that number eventually all right KFC is in he’s donated five thousand dollars that man has officially entered wow goddess of wind just sent me ten thousand dollars she just wanted to enter

What the heck how many that guy’s got full nether rides actually hey hey hey hey hey hey no excuses Isaac that’ll be a five thousand dollar entry fee if you win you do get ten thousand dollars I’m telling you right now is that you are buying my mystery crate for this that is

Three players guys Isaac is in uh the other two players are in as well now I’m gonna brand it is Isaac’s in the game comp fight him and kill him for the win you know what I don’t even care guys he’s buying the mystery crate we’ll

Stick out we’ll die for him got another one here guys uh someone just joined he just paid me as well worth fifty thousand dollars winner gets 20K so I’m making out like a bandit today and the battle begins now I just said go the battle begins I’m sitting on the side I

Had to watch this show and here we go let’s see what happens for the first kill in the corner Isaac’s crying like a baby in the corner and he gets trapped in the Trap I made that guy goes down here we go here we go Isaac

Has to get in there and hit another guy now or he’s not gonna make it you got to get in there is here combat level of one twenty thousand dollars he could be making out here but he’s gotta get through the full netherright this is a

Great battle for you guys 20K on the line for everyone Isaac how’s your health looking he’s on fire he’s got to get the water there’s water on the stadium but he can’t find it puts himself out oh it doesn’t get in the water there you go good play right there

By Isaac and he goes down what’s gonna happen folks and the winner KFC KFC ladies and gentlemen just won ten thousand dollars and not only that I’m gonna message him guys do you want to buy this Arena now the KFC one I’m gonna use his endorphins from his previous

Victory to sell him the entire arena for a very low price but I also want to take all my bread out because that’s going to be valuable one day I will not lose this bread I said make an offer KFC be good for a king like you just gave me 50 K he

Just gave me 50 000 I don’t even negotiate bought it for 50 . now we take our ninety thousand dollars back home with us and get back to work on the base that was productive yo do you know what I just sold that base for to him Isaac no take a guess 50

Grand yes well Zach yes this dude not only did I sell for 50 Grand I walk away a champion now Isaac had a mystery chest guys let’s go take a look at that chest let’s enemy Zach I have spent in the entire episode crafting this mystery creek to everything that you like let’s

See this mystery crate also what a beautiful base he really is he really is just living that American Dream isn’t he which probably before the mystery crate come look at my new shed wow he really is he really is just making his dream house out there the crafting table on

The floor oh wow lovely mystery crate for Zach only 10K oh 10K is kind of a high price I just paid 5K to lose I want to make that clear I’ll do I’ll tell you what I’ll tell you what Isaac I’ll do 7K all right you make a 2K profit on it

Okay deal look at the cat’s name by the way you like him oh he named it scratch Junior a memorial for our Lost Boy moment of silence you sure you don’t want to pay 10K now uh no I still don’t actually but I really did a lot of work

To go get that cat I’ll pay you let’s do 6900. I actually did a lot of stuff in this crate for you all right seven thousand dollars I’m sending it now all right guys let’s see what we just bought for seven thousand dollars a second ago and inside this beautifully crafted wooden

Chest about which by the way I’ll be taking all this fence with me so one second at the beginning here it sounds like Isaac is setting he gave me a poop knife and investment everywhere and toilet paper and cut poop Zach gave us that for Christmas in real

Life now he gets it in Minecraft how’s it feels Zach ladies and gentlemen I’ll take it because Isaac got wrecked in PvP so I think a two thousand dollar loss for a fifty or seventy thousand dollar profits okay hey hey guess what I just littered some toilet paper on your yard

Oh enjoy the toilet paper Zach I gave you plenty I know you’re a wiper okay you just wait till I sell this toilet paper one day for a lot of money uh matter of fact I’m gonna sell it right now for five thousand dollars in the

Auction house you wait till I make this money back and I’m gonna sell the poop knife as well this one single water block here goes all the way down to both sides perfectly so all the crops will obviously flow there just as we like they’re still very slow Growers I’ll be

Honest with you it has been a full episode uh in multiple days since I recorded and they’re still not quite all the way there that’s very sad and I obviously don’t even have the dispensers hooked up yet for it so if we do some radishes it seems oh some beetroot

That’s what those are that’s great we spent so much money getting these and now we got a couple growing I don’t even know if these are placed right to grow frankly but um let’s get this I want to get this fixed so that the water system is ready

To go so um I’m gonna do that now we’re getting the infrastructure built so that later on when we’re ready we’re ready and I feel like I should probably have hit it already so I think I’m probably too low which kind of sucks oh snap hit it perfectly to make proper

Infrastructure guys you need to have easy access for future upgrades and that’s what I’m making right here all right I know I’ll be upgrading this over time so I’m trying to prepare for that without making it too hard wow more rain okay so there’s our trap door you can

Get down here it’s freaking dark now that it’s raining holy crap and that is the hole where it’s all gonna flow which means water will go right here so that means we need a walkway to walk behind it the entire way and then this one’s gonna flow right here which means

We can just extend this Is the hardest part of the build but I actually think it’s the most enjoyable getting this water system to line upright I mean my goodness this is fantastic it’s gonna have to go down one more dang guys maybe maybe I was an engineer in a different lifetime because

This feels good check this out we have a service Corridor now in our base you can now go down here which takes you underneath the base to the service Corridor the water flows to right here which means this will be a perfect location to put the Hoppers and the

Chest at the end of the line so I should probably cover that up we’ll make our fence super tall super secure this way we’re protecting the source block that way you can’t break that Source water block so the water is going to flow down we’re going to do a test

Now by throwing in something valuable and seeing where it goes we’ll throw in a diamond pickaxe who knows where that’s going and then over here on this one I’ll throw in a uh I don’t know throw it in ax so let’s go see if we can actually

Uh watch these guys go all the way to their location so far I see absolutely nothing if they’re not there I’m gonna be really concerned that it didn’t work I don’t think it moved that quick did it let’s just let’s just wait for a second let’s just see maybe put up a torch

Hopefully they didn’t get lost still doesn’t doesn’t look too good yup okay where you at boys guys I’m a little bit concerned that I just lost my items here where’d they go hello I put you in here right oh it did they went down this hole all right here we’ll do a shovel

Here we’ll do a diamond pickaxe and let’s get back down our service Corridor hole and see what we can see I swear I just saw it turn the corner already if it went that quick this is literally the best design I’ve ever made oh my gosh

Here they are we did it perfectly so now all we need to operate a chest at the end and this thing is ready for Showtime it’s infinitely expanded as long as I want it to go it’s gonna flow all the crops there immediately for us so you

Can see it barely last time 1-4 we were 25 now we’re 89 000. that’s pretty darn good progress right there folks we need to find a base for sale there we go so guys I already got one in like 30 seconds this dude says he’s selling a base for thirty thousand dollars I’m

Gonna try to see how it looks like I can improve it you wanna look for fixer-uppers oh wow this is a really ugly inside nothing on the inside guys the amount of houses for sale right now is off the charts there’s over a thousand players on in every second

There’s something new for sale now this guy is selling one right here uh let’s take a look he’s selling a casino and a parkour course for us to buy decent parkour course I’m gonna give it to it the casino though is a little bit tiny

Oh oh oh wait is this it the whole thing oh look at what we have here this might be a dominant in the rough this actually is not too shabby I mean this is a casino this is like a little fun center you could sell to someone not exactly a

Base but buying it pre-built and then flipping it for profit that’s the move I could upgrade this for sure 15K I do it for nine so guys we’re negotiating now he said 15 cases lowest price I said nine counted with eleven now we’re at thirteen thousand dollars for this I

Think that is a fairly a good deal I just sent him the Thirteen thousand dollars to buy the casino now he just needs unclaim it and transfer it to me so guys he just transferred it to me we now own this casino 100 this is ours for thirteen thousand dollars now if you

Remember from two episodes ago when I flipped my own casino this looks way better than mine and I sold that one for a lot also guys while we’re building this base you’re gonna see some new items in my inventory because guess what I did some off camera grinding here it

Is boom boom boom and I upgraded the whole or the tools just like that I’m also working on a mega hope you guys are going to learn more about that soon I would love to sell this for a fat stack of cash but first we need to make it

Look a little better this is your basic Casino all right you’re gonna walk in do your little gambling of casino here with the flower let’s see real quick inside let’s see let’s see I need to plan this out right I don’t actually even know what this is down here like this little

Zone down here is just really weird this is probably what’s holding back the property a little bit so let’s go ahead and take this wall out and expand it I feel like I’m on those property flipping shows dude it’s ridiculous we should make a pretty fat stack property uh

Profit off of this the whole entire design of this just doesn’t make any sense to me I don’t know what three times means I don’t know what the lanterns are for let’s upgrade this thing ASAP these are some expensive materials too what he’s using in here

Very very Exquisite the roof is going to need replaced too Cobblestone Decent Block to use I think it needs a little bit of depth though and this is not going to be high enough for us to work with oh good good I was worried that I couldn’t go any higher we have enough

Room to go one more High which is exactly what we need here so the ceiling is coming out this little thing right here I don’t want anything on this back wall got to take that out it’s all about doing the destruction first this isn’t even even if you look at this it’s not

Even an even back section which is one reason why it didn’t look so good to me I would love to see like an 80 to 100 000 sale here it needs like a skylight like there’s a lot of small stuff we can do to really clean this up temporary workstation here Okay that looks better it opens it up and I love the casino design but I feel like it’s too cramped in here you know like you don’t have enough space to work with so I’m actually gonna punch these walls all back a little bit and actually

Break this entire thing down also my ax about to break so I got 79 000 I feel like it might be worth investing in an ax It’s Gonna Last me a couple episodes like look at this thing let’s see if I can buy a new tool 30k for that now

That’s a good ax that’s what we get to look forward to eventually on this series very good okay cleared that out a little bit before I put down some construction torches here so I can see what I’m actually working with Actually doesn’t have to be a casino guys you know what I’m starting to think now this doesn’t actually have to be a casino like I can change it to something else and uh this could actually become someone’s house maybe we turn this into a legitimate base because it’s got a

Good foundation I think we’ll do that so let’s turn it into a legitimate base and try to sell it this will be a secret room oh yeah this is going to be much better might be even cooler to link them up underneath the staircase dang this mind

That I’m turned out better than my own base guys I’ll tell you what big ceilings get big money which is why I’m trying to put a lot of effort into making the ceiling look good people are going to subconsciously notice it and be like yo

This dude put a lot of effort into a clean looking ceiling that is where you secure the bag so I did bring some glowstone with you guys I found this in the nether when I was playing off camera so what if we did this look at how that

Lights the place off dude that looks so freaking good I mean that’s just oh that looks so good I want this to be my base dude like a bedroom oh this could be a beautiful two-way staircase oh my goodness what have we done this is absolutely beautiful all right guys so

We’re getting this thing cleaned up massively I love the theme of it it can it can there’s just so much potential here so the main room is absolutely gorgeous I love the detailing I’m gonna do this area now real quick I don’t know we’re just gonna kind of see what comes

Out I’ve got this little idea here let’s see what we can do man all these house slips are really paying off I’ll tell you that right now like I don’t know this this just has a great Vibe I don’t know if it’s just me I’m actually thinking a quarter million

That’s the number in my mind I won’t lie to you like as I build this I’m like yo could this be a 40 million dollar bill could guys don’t judge the roofs look at that dude that’s nice that just Blends in perfectly it’s got that iconic I don’t

Know just kind of iconic Flair to it I don’t know about the mossy for though that seems kind of like tacky to me like do you really want to walk in and you’re hit with moss like I don’t think the answer is yes to that either see I just

Pay for their time to clear this place out for me and then I just go from their inspiration it just really works out doesn’t it let’s do one of the bedrooms real quick all right I’m not gonna lie to you guys I actually watch a lot of

Like home planning shows I really do uh it gives me inspiration for this one of the things I saw is like they kind of split up rooms like this oh this is a fairly risky play but look here’s what I’m trying to do I’m trying to get that

Contrast between the stone and the wood see how that looks good boom looks good now if I put wood down here for like two layers Cobble on top of it I feel like that gives us like the good contrast I don’t know just for some reason looks

Good maybe we could indent it though dang it this thing doesn’t sell for a fat stack I’ll be so disappointed in myself because I feel like it really should that’s cool there we go guys look at that so that is our new sidewall just a little bit of

Depth in there nothing too spectacular but uh it does look pretty cool we could also give us some nice lighting interior torches those look pretty clean we’ll just do the same thing on the other side real quick all right and that is the sidewalls complete the roof complete the

Wall is clear and everything has been expanded now it feels a lot more open and more inviting and that’s what you want to see in this kind of house for the floor I don’t think that’s the right one it’s a good pattern but salt flooring actually looks really really good next

To the spruce it’s like an advanced Stone pattern this looks awesome now we’ve got to get this design actually added and started getting a little bit more usability so we’re gonna just make a bedroom real quick all right guys just made a shopping trip I spent uh I don’t

Know maybe about eight thousand dollars I got some Stones some more wood because I was out I got some glowstone I got an enchanting table brewing stand and then just some miscellaneous now we’re back to work let’s make this bedroom here we go three two one

Guys I literally cannot wait once I get a better pickaxe the efficiency out of these builds is going to be off the charts like I’ll be building so much quicker than what we’re doing right now that wall kind of sucks let me down make it a feature so guys we’re at a very

Difficult impasse here on this base I thought it would be a quick snap and it’d be ready this line this means there’s a neighbor someone owns that so I can’t actually break that so I think we’re gonna have to get a little bit creative with this one and I already

Have the solution I believe obviously we got to cover up those Sparkles we don’t want them knowing there’s a neighbor right next to us so we’ll cover it up like this and instead of a bedroom we gotta kind of shift here because this ain’t gonna work as a bedroom no more

But I did bring four furnaces with me and this seems like it would be a fantastic little smelting room here so let’s try that and finally maybe a risky play here you gotta like the color red I’m gonna actually try to add like what I call

Just a little bit of an accent wall on the back I don’t know I feel like it just adds a little bit of flavor to it maybe looks kind of cool in the center a little bit of a detail here little something like that just to add

Some flavor just a minor minor touch all right the roof also needs a little bit of work that’s too that’s kind of ugly all right so this is the new design of the that room that was literally nothing actually there wasn’t even a room here

When I bought this place so now you have your brewing stand your chest your crafting table and it’s just like an all-purpose room I do need to get a flower though for that I don’t have any flowers yet I like that I made a double door too it looks a little bit better

That way I think that’s a pretty clean look though all right so this will be our new chest room guys and it’s gonna be a great location for it right when you walk in it’s just a little taste of Glowstone right just like that yeah Pro tip guys

They’ll make your floors and walls the same I’ve learned that today it just really brings it up guys I actually just saw like this little Gap in the stairs I was like hey maybe I’ll dig it and see where it leads me perfectly underneath the staircase walks you right

To here so now you can do all your work underneath the stairs this is actually really something special oh my goodness guys this base is phenomenal the amount of time I put in over an hour into this already and I don’t know if it’s gonna

Be worth it when I sell this I hope it sure sells good but we’ll see hey lesson learned if I buy a base in the future realize that if I buy it underground it is a lot of extra work and maybe that’s going to raise the property maybe people like this more but

Uh it’s a lot of work all right it’s a lot of work to do on underground base All right this is the current state of the chest room you can walk behind the chest get all the way around just needs a back wall I don’t know should I make the whole back thing red maybe I will that’s a weird little weird little Quirk

Of the base let’s give a little red wall in the back I have to do something with the red concrete and it was expensive so red wallet is all right check this out yo this is where the money is made right here the details like this the fine craftsmanship

The consistency the cemetery right here that’s the money maker I think it could be broken up a little bit actually that looks kind of sweet I like that okay okay blend it in all right guys so check out what we have done now to the basement again this was a casino

Before so you have over here we’ve got this really unique looking chest room I don’t know I kind of like it it’s weird under the stairs and I like I don’t know like does that look bad now guys there were two lanterns hanging I just broke them because I think they’re gonna look

Better like in the side of this like you don’t always have to hang them to make them look good so that’s kind of clean walk downstairs get the lanterns not enough brightness here though ah there it goes we lost him got some eyeballing this but it’s 50 000

I think I’m gonna I I don’t know it seems like they’re all going for about 50k so man I’m gonna do it I’m gonna buy this for fifty thousand dollars boom we just bought a brand new tool 50k guys that was all our money but look at the

Enchantments on this thing this is gonna last us forever I can put mending on this bad boy it’s gonna literally be here forever let’s go oh all right guys we are over an hour into this build we just gotta do a little bit more detailing back here and I think we’re

Ready to get this sucker on the market which is exciting for us because this is gonna be I hope a fat payday I’ve already spent about sixty thousand dollars on it so we’re getting there thank you so look at this the grand reveal as you walk in you’ve got this beautiful

Staircase right here she’s a little bit more detail when we’re ready to go a seating Zone that kind of goes right here I don’t know man who’s gonna buy this like it’s getting a little to the point where I’m a little bit scared we’ll see what happens let’s go get some flowers real quick all right guys allow a little bit of emergency because if I die I can’t come

Back here I gotta be very careful I cannot die no no no no no no thank God I spent all that money on the ax because that thing’s about Invincible but yeah no I can’t die so I’ll have to be like exquisitely careful Okay guys so I just built them a mine shaft this is what it looks like I think it’s actually kind of cool this room looks awesome we’ve got a lot of stuff in here now okay so not the best bedroom but uh it is functional and it’s by the mine if

You die in the mind you’ll come right back upstairs I had to get that out of the way so this is all the marbles see if we can get our flowers now no no no have a heart left we survived I thought I was about to lose this base I

Literally thought I was about to lose the space okay that was risky flowers looking beautiful there’s all the stuff that I’m just going to let vanish because I don’t have room my inventory for it and that is how the base flip looks guys I keep thinking we’re done

And then I just add a little bit more here and a little bit more there just to squeeze out every dollar I can I’m just nervous we’re not gonna get the payday so guys this is the final product of the base what was once a casino is now a

Fully functional base I made a path I put some fences around it I didn’t touch that at all fine details all across we need to get this room sold but first I need to do a couple quick bass upgrades so guys this is our base I’ve been

Building for a long time you all know I’ve been also trying to create a base over here I want to show you some of the cool updates we made like this brand new trail that connects me in Isaac’s base I’ve been stocking it with new items like these emeralds which I found

Someone accidentally sold them for fourteen hundred dollars they’re worth 1400 each he sold the whole stack so I’m pretty sure I could sell this for a lot of money let’s say I sold these for 2 000 each they might be worth over 128 000 but I’m gonna wait to sell those

We’ve got something very special to do today ladies and gentlemen inside of our base I saved this so you could watch it if I go here to the Gear upgrader I can finally create the mega hoe that we’ve all been after look at that you don’t

Understand how long I grind it this is how much I grinded to get this alright we’re also going to go ahead and actually just turn all of our gear right now into netherrite gear I might even be able to sell these for a profit neither it’s kind of expensive on This Server

All right so I got this idea real quick guys behind my base I want to make the on off nether portal in my base and see how functional it actually is so I’m going to build that here so one of them was water one was a flint

Steel if I remember correctly these need to be directly behind the portal All right we’re getting there guys I feel like this is gonna look kind of ugly like I don’t know how usable this is but hey we about to find out ah that was the water guys we did it we did it we made it we’re working Redstone Portal inside of

Our base take a look at this I can light the portal now I just got to do that and then to turn it off I just gotta flick that one pretty quick I mean I gotta be careful it’s probably gonna flood my base but I can turn it

Off at any point now which is amazing now this is kind of ugly I’d like to condense this I don’t like how that looks maybe I’ll clean it up a little bit but let’s go sell that base now guys the time has come it is now time to sell

This base uh we’re going to get this thing on the market and see what kind of price we can get I think after putting an hour of my time in a lot of money oh man it’s not the biggest but I’d love to say 50 to 60k so I’m selling I’m selling

A luxury condo it starts at 150 000 two people now looking at it three people here I put out a Teleport request let’s have them enjoy this little experience here and see if we can do it so they’re all exploring we got a herd of people

Here now taking a look at our open house we do have an interesting buyer he only has 1500 that ain’t gonna do it yeah I mean he’s looking around but he just ain’t got enough gear to trade this guy has 165 000 he just tp’d here I’m gonna

Try to woo him over and get the sale dude I could I bet I could Finagle a little bit of cash out of him he’s looking around he really seems to like the vibe I I feel like he likes the vibe of this one this could be the sale that

We are looking for but he’s not answering me so I’m a little bit worried he said I’m just looking for inspiration already got two houses hold on he sent me 15 000. wow all right hey I didn’t expect that this dude came looked at the base came for inspiration you’re welcome

For the inspiration Apostle I wish you bought it though this guy only has 20K waiting for the sale waiting for the sale oh here we go here we go we gotta do with the rank we got two people with ranks we just we I don’t know what

Happened we flooded this place I just got four new contestants how much is Jolly my account one point I’m targeting this dude he has over 1.5 million dollars this is the man we need to sell it to I bet I could snack a deal calling him Mr Mike being respectful

Trying to get the move let’s see what we can do to sail again my biggest offer is 25k right now we’re gonna see if we can get anything else above that oh come on give me the sale give me the sale you got to be persistent I guess you didn’t like it

Oh come on doesn’t want it seven thousand why is everyone so poor oh guys this is alt account I’m using is actually a female skin so I might try to use that as a little bit of Leverage here to get the sale so I’m gonna try to

Get all Drexel to fall for it using a little smiley face huh I’m giving him lots of smiley faces guys I am using the smiley face tactic to get the man let’s go let’s go so this guy’s our most serious buyer yet tests and parkour out

You would love it here Drax come on come on be the salesman I’ve stooped down to flirting with people to get the sale that’s all I want please I’m gonna say price is 500k I’m gonna let him name his own price but I’m saying a super high

Number to Anchor him high that way he’s gonna counter with a much higher number this is a weird negotiating tactic I literally researched this to make deals if this doesn’t work I’m gonna lose my mind bro please be the be the one for me yes I thought he was gone he vanished

He’s still here so guys I negotiated a deal where he’s gonna give me 25 000 and some good gear so let’s see if he does it he’s getting me this chest plate and 10 diamonds that is good that chestplate is such an upgrade dude I need that 35

Grand yes yes and just like that ladies and gentlemen the base is now sold this guy owns it and I got a very very exclusive chess plate we got a 30 000 chest plate about thirty thousand dollars cash and actually if you include the bonus we got it’s like forty

Thousand dollars cash guys I’m gonna do something so insane and incredible today that it’s gonna produce money for the rest of this entire series if I walk over here it’s where Isaac and Ben lives and their bases are insane what I noticed was that Isaac was making a rail

Service that connected all of our bases together he’s trying to charge us 25 Grand to use it not a bad price but I got this idea this rail right here connects all three of our bases together and because they’re so rich I can build a mall right here so I’m going to

Reroute this into my mall and try to create a mega money making machine so uh first things first I would like to find the center of this okay so I think what I can do is I can kind of like break the fence here and give the rail like a

Little bit of a curve and literally give them the chance to drive right into my ball and the way I’m gonna play in this mall is insane so check out this idea I’ve been thinking for days on this guys this is gonna be just the beginning of

Something crazy and I’ve also got a surprise to show you guys but let’s get started on this before the surprise first I need to get this thing built so the rail is obviously going to be coming in can I just buy some like I’m investing a lot of money I don’t know if

It’s a wise move but 85 for a rail yo I really don’t like what I’m about to do here but I’m about to spend like a couple maybe about a thousand dollars on trails and I’m out of money let’s just get this looking right

Okay there it is so all we need to do now is eventually add I think a lever for like one of those activated rails that’ll switch and they can just take a quick pit stop at my place and go from there so um this will be the entrance to

The mall we need to get some stairs I mean I could how much is Blackstone that’s a great block 258 dollars a stack if I buy four Stacks that’s a thousand I’ve already spent like five thousand dollars man this don’t pull a profit I’m gonna be a little bit scared all right

We’re going with the nether theme because lover Industries is officially expanding guys this is the new lover Industries mall at the beginning right here and I think just a big fat staircase all the way along just to showcase our wealth oh it seems like I was explaining some trees here I don’t

Think of mine really really who knows my concern is this might end up looking more like a train station than a giant mall and I think we need a big big fat door like something that just says yo this is it I’m gonna try something here

This might be a little bit too exotic for what what we’re going for I really have no idea let’s see let’s just get a quick visual this is what it looks like from the road big okay guys so I just bought 500 string uh because I think I’ll just make

My own scaffolding I’m pretty sure bamboo is exquisitely expensive right over here somewhere in my base I’ve actually got like a massive bamboo farm that I’ve been working on it’s 85 bucks per bamboo thing to buy to sell it’s like worthless but there you can see

Some so let’s go ahead and harvest this bad boys now foreign this is talk about satisfying breaking bamboo is just a whole nother level of it so you guys we’re becoming self-sufficient in this series we will become the richest at any cost wow okay that gave me a lot more than I

Expected I’ll be honest nice guys look we’re using scaffolding we’re doing it we’re really doing it this is great call me Mumbo boys call me green wow and that’s the view let’s go ahead and cut down some trees back here so we obviously need some room to expand

Guys you may notice I’m getting glowstone dust while clearing this out and that is because my shoveling they call it excavation level is so high I don’t have a chance to get Glowstone instead of dirt which is kind of cool okay guys I just worked back to spawn

Real quick because while we’re building I thought I could unlock all my daily crates I’ve collected them over the fast days open them here to see if we get something that maybe helps us out so let’s open all seven of these right now okay that’s worthless two thousand five hundred dollars that’s

I’ll take it oh a sword okay popsicle sword that’s pretty legit we’re not getting anything that’s gonna help us at this point a sheep spawner we just got a sheep spawner guys that wasn’t me was it that was someone else someone else got a sheep God dang that was someone else

Five okay I made I made 7 500 so far five thousand dollars a kid I mean I paid a lot of money last one another bow dude I literally got nothing so I saved those up for days all right well unfortunately we got nothing that

Was good but uh I guess I got some I got some stuff to sell I mean I’m getting quite the collection here of these items so okay so now I looked up a lot of research on the best mall strategies to get sales and they say people always

Walk to the right when they first walk in so I think this will be the main entrance but all of our good sales will be to the right and I feel like we’ll just put a little bit of a marker here for now like that needs to be some sort

Of like art piece you know what I’m saying how does this look with it I feel like I feel like that’s kind of a clean look you know I like that and I’m not just saying that because there’s so many bird streets around us the only resource

That I currently have available I would never do that If you go to the in-game server shop you’ve seen this all the time on the series you can buy things right so I could buy a piece of dirt it’s usually 10 bucks right but what I can do is I can sell it 20 cheaper I’m gonna collect

It myself and then sell it here which means Isaac and Ben will always get a cheaper discount at my store instead of the server shop so there’ll be no reason to not use this which means I’ll be able to get them to buy everything they need

From my store at least that’s a theory I don’t know if it’s gonna work what do you see the first time you walk into a mall you see people trying to sell you cars by entering a raffle so I’m gonna set up a raffle for my

Brothers to possibly win a brand new car I’m gonna put it right in front of the window so that they know there is something they could win so this is the idea they’re gonna walk up and see this and realize that it costs one Diamond to enter they’ll put one Diamond inside the

Hopper and obviously it’s gonna give the hopper to me I’ll be able to collect this and get all the diamonds okay so this is what it looks like guys I’ll actually be covering this up with carpet but inside the dispenser they’ll be able to pay me a Diamond by dropping it in

Then pull the lever and the Wither get the you win or you lose try again hopefully it works on my favorites so let’s do a test here to just see pretend I pay pull the lever so I would lose lose so all it needs to do is work nine times

To pull a profit and uh so far I’m feeling pretty good oh I already lost dang okay wow okay maybe um maybe maybe it may I don’t know man I mean it just has to hit that middle one that’s why it’s kind of scary maybe it’s a good way

To get them integrated into the casino or into this mall not the casino all right this is where the magic comes in boom boom boom boom and then we can start setting up our chest shops so guys my server has a custom made program that allows you to set up the mall which

Makes it even cooler if I shift Click put a sign down and then do bracket shot bracket it actually sets up a chest shot so I can right click to set a selling price or a buying price I could actually buy their items as well they can sell

Them to me now that I’ve got this set up they’re all stock with items I need to set the prices so I have a look here and I see how much a diamond Oracle or a single Diamond costs it would you to buy it would be about 1275 so I could sell

It for 999 and it’s actually a lot cheaper so they ever need a diamond instead of using a shop they come here and they’re getting like a 40 discount and I get like nine times more instead of selling it to the shop so this is brilliant also we’re selling for 999

Because psychologically that feels better than a thousand guys so here is the shop so it’s now fully functional they can come up to this and actually buy items all right so I call it or and more okay I just spent a bunch of money to buy some glass panes I want glass

Panes because that way they’ll be able to still see what’s inside and tempt them while walking or driving by this whole thing I like I said is going to become a window but I want it to be like a stained glass piece of art and I have no idea how to do that

And then what I’m gonna do is also charge them to set up their own stores in the mall because by making this this is going to be the central hub for all sales so now I can be like yo 25k if you want to set up a mall boom that’s mine I

Could actually charge rent long term oh I’ll do that so I’ll make this one up for Rand I’ll be able to buy this one from me and I’ll have to rent it every single week to use it this was right across the freaking literally the front

One so it should be worth the most money I would think all right that is absolutely beautiful and you’ll be able to see all the chests in through the window right there right there as you drive by and you’ll be like yo what is going on in here so now we’ll just set

Up their stage over here and this is where they’re going to be able to start up their own chest shop again going for consistency here I want it to look good okay so there’s your three chests four chests versus four chests very nice we’ll have room in here to decorate this

How we want there we’re putting a pole in the center to show that this room is off limits and they’re gonna have to pay me in order to get in here and use it so guys I’m gonna write a book now which will be the rental agreement book

They’ll be able to see this and know what to do when they get on all the restrictions we’re gonna deck this thing out and it’s gonna be awesome so here we go I’m gonna charge 2 500 per week it’s a low price that way they’re guaranteed

To use it and hopefully make a profit in fact I might even do lower I might even do 1000 per week I’m gonna say failure to pay within five days means I get everything in your store so that’s the book Thank you lover fellow Industries

Okay so what I’m doing guys is I don’t like the diamond there I feel like that location it was at like really broke into like the whole fact that there’s two stores here and you can’t even read them it’s a nice pathway it looks good

For a mall I love the windows so I’m gonna move the diamond little Casino item back here for our people that visit the mall all right guys so now it’s back up and ready to go I actually increased the price I feel like one Diamond was not

Enough so I said two diamonds per pole that way I’m more likely to get a slight profit but I don’t even know if I will so that’s what it looks like now I think it looks a lot better than it did before I need to get some lights in here and

Make this thing look a little better I need to spend some time sprucing it up and make this actually look like a legitimate mall I don’t know how I want this wall to look to be honest with you so uh we’ll just try it like this oh okay scaffolding is amazing I’ve really

Not used the Jewish potential yet but now I understand the beauty behind this foreign That is very weird whatever’s going on over here I don’t like that at all but looking in the mall there that’s a beautiful design okay now I like the way the window looks right there that’s kind of clean what I don’t like is how it’s extending off to

The side and how to fix that okay well I thought that would fix it it seems like it really just didn’t fix it you know what I actually like that a lot I haven’t really touched that side yet but it’s coming together all right so I’m just adding a couple more shops here

I don’t know what else selling these others but like I think it’s going to look a little better from the street like that that way when you’re driving by on the uh rail car you’ll be like oh what was that I need get that rare item

In there if you’re driving by this way you’ll see it there oh dog thank goodness I had explosions turn off on this plane I feel like we’re under attack right now perhaps by a angry skeletoe all right come on buddy I can’t I literally can’t reach you oh geez

Guys I don’t know what’s happening but this just became a very dangerous build one two three four five six seven eight nine the zombies are off the charts right now my goodness all right guys now before I invite Isaac and Ben over to see if they’ll even try to rent this

Space see what they think of them all I need to go do some little bit of work back in my base so let’s go back home real quick by the way look how look how clean this is can I just say look at this base all right this is a beautiful

Chest room the nether portal here my crafting Zone here this is where my ideas go throughout the week as I think of them for this series it’s just amazing I’m gonna tell you right now we’re on track to not only become the richest on the server but also look at

The richest and although I can’t read a Ford Isaac’s 25 000 train trip what I am working on is actually turning this entire base into a massive pyramid so before I invite them let me go ahead clear out a little bit of this and see what that’s going to look like

I think the biggest issue is I’m kind of like entering territory of my farm so I’m gonna literally have to like demo my farm just to get my base built which is not exactly what you want to do so this is the basic idea right here you

Can see it’s starting to become this sick like nether fortress pyramid right problem is are you like push the bass back to make a real pyramid it all has to be even on all sides but you can see it’s coming together slowly and lover industry is becoming something fantastic

So guys let’s invite the brothers in and see what they think of the brand new build Isaac your base is looking absolutely beautiful today it does look good you like my ducks I do and boy do I have something you can ride the ducks that is a great oh my gosh guys it’s

Iconic what he’s done here now is it because Ben’s not here why don’t you follow me down this path nice campfire we’re actually gonna go off-roading a little bit today I got a little bit of a special offer for you and uh I think you

Might like it I do oh wait a minute is this my rail station did you break my rail station no it wasn’t broken because I don’t have permission to use it but let me show you what I did do I was like I expanded upon your rail station right

Here with the Brand New Lover Industries Mall take a look at this all right so you connected to the rail station but you’re not technically it’s not collect connected if you look at it all right now why don’t you follow me down this rail station the brand new mall all

Right this is the early stages of the mall it’s going to be massive take a look at what we’ve got here if you walk in this this is the orenmore store now open for business everything oh whoops all right Isaac so over here this is the orenmore shop where everything

Here is 100 guaranteed to be cheaper than slash shop and over here if you pull this lever this other front window unit is up for rent so see what you think you’ve got an opportunity to buy this now before Ben gets his hands on it

And this will be the Hub of all future trades well how much is it well read the book it’s a thousand dollars per week thousand dollars per week that’s not bad I wanted a nice fair price to get this bad boy up and running all right that’s

A fair price and this is a window unit you can see this on the rail car that connects our bases how much bigger is this mall going to get well if you read the fourth page you’ll see more information Mall owner must be contacted for any building oh a homeowners

Association basically right so we do have a homeowners association the lover Industries Mall needs to look professional that’s what part of your thousand dollars will cover per month the thing is I would have to sell more than a thousand dollars per week here to make this worth it oh it will this is

Where the new future will be Isaac you’re investing in the future of this group every day people will check to see what’s going on here oh I think there’s one more thing you forgot come on over every mall has a vehicle for sale in

Front of it so what we got instead is a little little bit of a game do you want to play it in your own time two diamonds you pull in the hopper and you get to pull the lever if you get the winner in the block that block is yours from you

Can I do a free pull nope please no free poles you’re gonna be a glowstone oh you lose every day people will check to see what’s going on here considering you are one of the two people that could come here to purchase and I will be here

Daily you know that for sure okay I will buy it then all right congratulations to our new you just that’s actually the front well you know what that’s right it’s now the front door because I own it now guys congratulations to the brand new owner of this side of the shop one

Thousand dollars per week again if you uh read the contract there failure to pay within five days or result in a one Diamond late payment there we go guys the first so sale has been made Isaac congratulations welcome to lover Industries oh would you like to see my

New store name now that is going to possibly infringe on the homeowners association design criteria let’s take a look that is a thousand dollars to advertise that you suck congratulations Isaac welcome to lover Industries we look forward to working with you guys what I’m going to do today is give my

Brothers both a gift But I’m giving both the boys a mailbox because this will be part of my future delivery service and I can’t have an Amazon on the server if we don’t have mailboxes now that’s just the beginning we can make even more money by utilizing this rail system that Isaac has created

As the rail carts come over this hill they’re faced with nothing to look at let’s go ahead and make a billboard It’s gotta start kinda tacky you can’t start with the best billboard ever I don’t know how to run one let’s get a sign out here there we go it’s going to start simple again this is the early stages of a future business Empire a lot of times Billboards have like big fat lights

Shining up on them to really make them stand out so now we got billboard and we got mailboxes we’re making this thing really kick off guys let’s open up our dailies and see if we get anything good mending book dude that’s worth like 15K

I can get mending on my ax and if you guys remember I think we spent like 50k on it I’m just gonna call it zaddy just for chill reasons we should probably check this has anyone really even used this yet I wonder if we made any collections down here just a single sign

In multiple days we have one single sign it’s not pulling a profit but I think there’s a reason guys we need an entire arcade inside of this mall so that’s what we’re gonna do today okay arcade games let me think okay we’ve got a couple of ideas here so I’ve still got

28 concrete from a previous house flipping some white roll maybe we’ll make the floor out of that wow why did that seem like so much more obviously we’re gonna need to get a little bit more red wool in the future but I think for arcade we want a more

Fun feel anyway so this already feels more exciting we can start with this we’ll make some changes from here that billboard looks so tacky it’ll be upgraded soon we just need to get the funds for it we’re really hurting on money if I get some shears that’d be great I

Literally have not used shears once yet this entire series wasn’t there a time not too long ago where I felt like I had like a ton of money like what happened to that most difficult part of any build dang it can’t be wasting them like that

Dang it so I’m gonna call it the glass arcade it’s got a white red theme obviously for Library fella and it’ll start kind of small but I have a feeling this one’s gonna be much larger in the future so for now let’s get our mini games built here we’re gonna make some

Fat stacks off of these bad boys we are going to need much more space for this that’s gonna connect stand here so this is the idea for the first mini game inside the arcade it’s a game I call clear shot all right I just made this up literally on the spot I’m going

To sell them special arrows they’ve got to buy the arrows here this is where I make the profit and then they get to take a shot and whatever they hit if they hit it determines what prize they’re going to get they’re going to be aiming out here so I think that tree

Right there right in front of it is where we want to put the shot boom they hit the button it’s gonna light up the entire thing and then they’ll get the prize there we go guys just scored a deal on the old auction house today bought some arrows for three thousand

Dollars if I charged a hundred dollars per shot which isn’t that much I’m gonna charge 500 per shot that seems kind of high but we’re gonna make it worth it this is an investment into the future once this stuff starts rolling in guys every day I’m AFK I’m still making money

I’m in bed I’m making money you know I do need to get them a bow can I buy boats I could probably overcharge a little bit for that they’re probably expensive okay so just in case they don’t have a bow they can buy a daily

Bow here so let me go ahead and give it a quick test here guys so here’s my first shot if I hit that it should Light It Up Miss so that is a miss that is a fail you lost your arrow it’s over GG you’re

Done it’s not as easy as it looks and they’d go back try again keep aiming see I really just need these things to start working though because at this point we have spent pretty much all of our money on building this mall all right now we’re gonna make a game

Across the street from that one oh you know what we’ll put it right here that way it’s not in the way so the thought behind this one is I’m going to sell them a shovel and they’re gonna dig all the way straight down and then everything they find on their dig

Straight down they get to keep I wonder if I could sell like a broken tool with them what would that do I don’t know okay so it’s gonna start right here there’s a creep right next to me oh hello sir no no no no need to explode on

Us now that’s enough so here’s the prices for these tools they’re not even finished tools which makes this game even riskier then they’ll be able to buy it dig straight down here with whatever they bought from there and whatever they find they can keep so now we’re gonna

Fill this up with some mystery surprises you know at any point too I can die right here it could just take me down right now oh that almost got me oh snap did we really just happen to dig upon hopefully there’s no uh lava okay there’s

Definitely no no no no no no no yes sir we got 12 diamonds dude that’s ridiculous we actually could make an entire diamond block and put it down here as the literal grand prize and that’s actually insane just went back to my base picked up some lapis blocks iron blocks

I can’t explain how much money this thing contains it’s absolutely insane so here’s the prices they’re allowed to buy anything from this shop to come in and then I’m gonna set a rule where you are not allowed to bring your own gear into this is a future project we’ll discuss

At a later time you did not just see what happened all right okay so we have two beautiful signs right here says leave all items outside before you enter you’ll be forced to obviously use what we have here we don’t want people bringing their own stuff those are some pretty decent prizes this

Uh actually is pretty insane I don’t know what the value of all of it is but there’s probably like I mean that is literally like pure or blocks if you were to buy this so that is the Zack arcade it’s not quite finished on the

Sides that could look kind of fire to be honest with you yeah I actually really like that way that looks that’s kind of cool I think maybe the corners that is kind of fire guys the glass arcade is actually looking freaking juicy right now it does need a roof tell

You guys what we’re playing with eleven thousand dollars right now but I’m pretty sure this is probably how people become rich they invest all their money into builds they will long term be profitable I love the theme glass arcade I don’t know man that just has a cool

Name to it I kind of ran out of glass and it left with this perfect square in the center so I’m like can we do something here can you imagine walking into this place in real life my goodness so guys I am going to deliver my first mail to the

Boys today and another way to try to make money I wrote Isaac a custom letter right here that talks about my new Redstone service where I’ll be offering a custom Redstone service to make brand new doors and if he keeps this he’ll be able to get a 15 discount so I’m gonna

Go hand deliver this to his mailbox right now also it’s worth noting how unbelievably Advanced Isaac’s base has become he is literally becoming a beekeeper out in this territory now guys I know we’re spending a lot of money but we cannot be the richest without looking the richest it’s all about the mentality

And so that’s why I’m gonna spend the next hour and a half upgrading my base into what I believe it should look like so here we go [Applause] foreign so first off I got a question for you guys I don’t know what goes up here I got an entire freaking pyramid right now all it is is a boinger but I also won a sheep spawner yesterday from our daily key when I opened it and so I put it

Back here but I feel like this needs overhauled a little bit inside the base we’ve done a good money making we do have one more surprise to show you guys and then I’ve got to get Isaac and Ben in here to see what they think of the

Arcade see if we can make some cold hard cash but yeah I mean I don’t know something about this doesn’t feel right to me so can I even break it that’s good I’m envisioning this like massive Cavern one of the biggest things you’ve ever seen in Minecraft like just this massive

Cave and like Bang there it is that’s the view we’re just gonna start clearing it a little bit by a little bit I mean this is going to take potentially weeks to make what I’m seeing oh look at that that’s exactly what we need all right

Now this is obviously a very rough start but here’s the idea you’re gonna walk in and just boom it’ll be this like just massive Canyon I’m talking like down to bedrock with hills and cliffs they’re gonna be entire buildings in this hole like that is where this is heading that

Is the direction we’re going this bad boy all right super breaker the more mining levels I get on this account the more I get this disability which just allows you to just shred through everything and the higher you get my 331 right now the longer it lasts and it

Also has a chance of getting double ore so we’re actually potentially getting double on each one of these it’s definitely getting there it’s kind of pushed back like multiple times but it’s a start now there’s one very important thing today that I told you earlier you weren’t supposed to see that I still

Need to do all right I’m building the brand new 2021 lover boring company guys inspired by Elon Musk we’re building our own boring company right here so let me show you guys what I’ve already done and this is our early early prototype here I’ll be making some long tunnels like

This and I might as well finish this one off right now but what these are gonna do is Connect using the fastest methods possible to travel to all of our bases this will be able to charge probably double the price Isaac charge which means I’ll make a pretty good fat stack

Off of this all right super breaker that’s exactly what you need now I’m just going to take this thing straight through now this is good sand foreign where am I did I miss my base what is this how could I have possibly dug that far out I literally lost the whole oh

Here it is so I actually overshot my base by like a mile how is that even possible dude all right so right about here oh wait wait that is literally my base right there that is my old ladder from like episode one I guess we’re already connected I don’t even notice

This all right just a little bit of a warning for the boys not to enter there because of the hyper time so I now have at least three businesses I’ve got actually I have four my Redstone service the glass arcade or and more and I’ve got an in progress boring company so Ben

Come on this way I’ll show you one of the projects I worked on today welcome to the glass arcade please leave all items outside before you enter keep whatever you find digging down so we’ve got some pretty expensive tools here today you’ll be able to dig Until It

Breaks and keep anything that you find in the straight down line so what’s Ben going to get you get your money I did what’d you buy diamond for 69k wow he does so Ben go ahead and dig right down and I’ll see what she gets okay lapis block redstone block iron films here’s

The thing this iron trades for emeralds this is really good for me oh Ben’s feeling good he might have made a good deal here keep going what else he’s gonna get down there a lot of bath salts more bath salts red concrete all right all right guys I’m gonna hop down with

Him hopefully this doesn’t kill me oh we’re probably down to three hearts here we go guys and this is why you make an arcade right here this boy is walking away happy and so am I redstone’s very good this is valuable stuff right here he made it all the way down but Ben

Break one more block there might be more oh my goodness wow that is big guys that is awesome so the arcade works we made some money back thank goodness I’m up to 80 000 now we can’t be the richest if we don’t look at the richest and so today

We’ve got a couple of massive massive Home Improvement projects beginning with what’s behind this secret door right here behind this door lies one of the most amazing things I’ve ever built but we can’t go to that yet we’ve got to do something else first and that involves

Finally doing what I should have done a long time ago a 25 000 investment into this rail station right here I’ve not been able to afford it I now can if you need a little bit of background my brother built this for us he built a rail station he’s charging

25k to get access so okay Isaac all right he’s not just accepting payments I’ll just pay him next time he’s on we’ll just go ahead and break it down welcome officially to the Isaac rail station oh my goodness guys there’s a turtle and a boat out there inside of

Our thing so now we’re leaving lover Industries heading into Isaac’s territory this is my first time on the rail is it gonna be worth 25 Grand I mean that’s a big question I mean it is nice it is aesthetic I mean it’s a little bit of a low roof in my opinion

For twenty five thousand dollars wow I mean you just pop into his territory oh oh we got another Minecart oh Collision he’s a little bit dangerous to be honest with you just got minecartes listed around everywhere oh wow his place is looking absolutely beautiful let’s check out his shops

While we’re here see if he’s got anything for sale for us uh he seems to have absolutely nothing for sale and these shops a little bit amateur here maybe we’ll go take a quick look at the lover Industries Mall though see if there’s anything new popping up

In there um haven’t sold the billboard yet Isaac’s store is uh a little bit dangerous my friend it looks like we did sell a couple of emeralds guys we had three of those get sold even sold a couple diamonds we’re making some profits guys I told you it’s a long-term

Store Oran Moore is doing well and let’s check out the old uh glass arcade real quick my old arcade looks like nobody’s got the grand prize because I’m using a stone button not a wooden button I’ve heard the stone buttons don’t properly work okay now it’s possible to win sorry

Boys if you played that let me know we’ll get you a refund now what I said was that there was something secret back in this room something massive for today’s episode that we need to do because to be the richest you got to have product people want and that’s what

We’re gonna do today I’ve been working on this a little bit off camera I call it the dark lab all right not because it’s dark just because it feels illegal to me I’m gonna be working on making the ultimate brewing station with more Brewing stands than anyone on the server

But first uh let’s get a little bit of Soul Sand and I guess we got some money to spend you know what I’m saying we’re kind of rich now it is a little bit expensive maybe we’ll just go to the Nether and grab it I haven’t even shown

You guys I don’t think what my nether looks like and it’s it’s beautiful I’m gonna tell you that right now it’s a beautiful looking nether I I’ll be honest with you I don’t really see any Soul Sand the Soul Sand even spawn in this type of a biome like I don’t even

Know the answer to that question it might not be something that spawns here is this not the most disgusting nether spawn you’ve ever seen I mean I don’t think I don’t think we’re gonna find we’re looking for here let’s check the shop again it’s eight thousand dollars

For a stack we had about 8K for a stack all right I’d be rich but I’m still cheap I believe that is possibly selling the distance right I mean just get on over there should be an easy trip if I go down right now I’m gonna lose my mind

I feel like it’s just gonna be more embarrassing than everything but we’re gonna get there guys and look at this someone’s guys I just died and everyone in chat is just putting F in the chat I really feel disrespectful right I mean I just didn’t it’s just a little bit dangerous all

Right that’s all what is this Soul soil yo I didn’t deserve to survive that Soul Sand now this is 8 000 a stack right so each one of these I break is is saving us an immense amount of money right now eight thousand dollars save now it

Doesn’t sell for 8K at least not to the shop but I wonder if I could sell it to other players for 8K I mean that’s a future business opportunity here okay so we got plenty of that to upgrade our base here and with this money we’re making another investment into the

Future of our our business here now the most efficient design like this I’m assuming is probably just to make it real thick I’ll expand the roof in a second but we’ll keep these here keep expanding them all the way down maybe and then right here we keep filling this

In with Soul Sand and uh another wart is isn’t going to be incredibly expensive I’m certain of that but I bet I could sell it for a lot too I mean there’s just so many ways I can make money from this like now that I got half a million

I can I can spend some I can go to the auction house right now 100K for another right helmet I don’t know about that a mushroom spawner dude I could actually afford that but like I don’t think mushroom’s that good I don’t see any Nether wart on the entire shop right now

Literally like none the entire shop which means right now you’re forced to buy it from the game and each stack is 6 000. they sell for ninety three dollars each that’s an insane price I will buy two I started those twelve thousand dollars right there but hey we’re rich now who

Cares Rich players up to 363 million but 491k is not a small amount of money now we’ve just got to get every single one of these bad boys Planet which means we’re gonna have to expand this room a little bit and I don’t like that we’re actually reaching the surface here we are

Breaching the service like a whale I don’t even know man where we are we’re even is our base yo the exact perfect amount of placement so this is somewhere around the range of like 140 netherworts this is coming together and then I made all these Brewing stands by hand but this thing

Needs to look better because we’re not going to be the richest by walking around with some Stone looking and a sight Granite type wall right so let’s give this whole entire room a fat juicy facelift I’m taking inspiration from those really fancy hotels you go to

Maybe you don’t even go to like I don’t go to fancy hotels but sometimes they got like these big juicy pillars like that they kind of connect to the table maybe it’s from a photo I don’t know if this is even a thing it just popped in

My mind and I said that seemed like a good idea so the table like connects to the pillar like it’s kind of oh it looked good with chains oh wow that’s what it costs to make a chain who knew we’re gonna change it so that these are

Held to the roof by chains it’d be kind of cooler if it was floating to be honest with you I don’t know how usable it’ll be if they are floating oh man if I break this are they gonna break they do stay floating okay I can come in

There with the Blackstone slash tab connect these to the oh oh oh oh oh folks we have done it I’m probably gonna have to change the floor though might be a little bit too much Blackstone Blackstone on Blackstone you know okay so this is the first design of one

Of these tables yeah that’s kind of cool that is very cool I like that a lot okay that’s a lot better than what we had okay tables are upgraded now into beautiful floating tables which is absolutely fire the thing is I don’t really know about the floor it

Definitely cannot be this black color because it’s going to clash too much with the tables all right I may not be a home designer but I know you probably don’t want the floor and table to be the exact same color I almost like the idea of lava being underneath these tables

But I don’t know if that’s too much I’m gonna buy one single gilded Black Stone I’ve never used one of these in a build I kind of Wonder like as a very nice floor piece what would this look like hmm it would be kind of a luxurious

Floor for a luxurious person so I’ll buy a stack of it for eight thousand dollars who cares oh man I don’t know that’s that’s a lot of gold though like I’m thinking lava in the middle I just I really hope it’s not too much I want it

To look good it’s a subtle hint of gold I think it’s okay all right guys so this is where we’re at right now I’m thinking wood looks kind of chill around here all right I like it a lot and then if you guys remember over

Here was a little bit of a crafting Zone let’s move it over to this side like as you can see this is becoming the ultimate crafting room where we’ll be able to do literally anything that we could ever want before we really can get into Brewing we gotta get our Nether

Warts to grow and it seems like some of the OG ones are actually getting some oh yeah we got oh we got a little profit out of that getting these babies cooking yes sir we are getting cooking in the lab folks that was just from one tiny

Harvest and we could almost do an entire station of this which should give us some alchemy levels and you’ll see why that’s important soon let’s get this wall fixed over here because this needs to look a lot better than it currently does actually The Cauldron I feel like needs

A better place man maybe I just put the cauldron right there like I don’t even know if you need it like how useful is I guess you’re filling up water bottles it’s kind of helpful like if each row maybe had like a central cauldron like you could fill up your bottles here that

Might be kind of useful I’m not sure what the most efficient uh massive Brewing station is because I don’t know that many people have ever done one like this before that really just does to go to show the wealth right here when you see all that laid out before you okay so

I just spent pretty much all my iron I don’t know why I made Seven cauldrons I feel like that might have been a little Overkill to be honest with you maybe something like that that’ll be an early test we’ll kind of see how that thing

Looks in the future and we can also kind of get pretty creative with this hanging Thing by hanging all of our stuff over here see that’s a cool look that really does pull the room together and then in the center we could even do like a lantern oh yes sir that is magnificent

Is gonna need a back wall though there cannot be many people that have invested this type of time into a freaking Brewery room that is such an uncommon thing to do I feel special right now back wall feel like it’s gonna be a warped look to me warped wood maybe um

I think that’s a good start we’ll have to add some detail okay that actually has a really nice clean look to it I like the way the pillars are there in the sides we could put some soul torches on the corners they’re not really that bright which kind of sucks but at least

They look cool roof needs redone still and then we still need to get lava and figure out what we’re doing with that whole sidewall now for the worst part I have to break this entire roof and uh no amount of money is going to make that go

Quicker unless I had a faster pickaxe which I don’t so here we go I guess the good news is that I’m here so long all these crops get to grow inside of our base and the best part is it’s in this little secret room you would never expect it could be this

Massive massive secret dark laboratory all right that uh pretty much clears the ceiling up now this already has a premature ceiling in here and that’s the height it would be at is that too low we’re gonna take it up one more that is

A that is a that is a doozy okay so guys here is where we are I finally have perspective on where this base is this is the secret lab that is actually the mall if you can see right there that’s the lantern I can recognize it from the

Last build I can make this a window which could be kind of cool for like a front entrance like yo welcome to my lab maybe it’s no longer secret it’s just intimidation so everyone sees it when they walk by they’re like what the heck dude guys I’m actually going to go

Through an entire Unbreaking three pickaxe this episode because I have literally cleared like a 16 million chunk radius I mean you guys understand how big this is we have really uh Gone pretty far today okay that really opened the space up and now you can see how the

Roof would fit in here very perfectly I think now is a good time to go open up that daily key and see when you get a little bit of good luck on this server alright so I have four of these bad boys and as you guys know these give you

Random items every single day here is what the contents contain pick spawner chicken spawner mending book who knows let’s see what we get number one going in come on baby give me a spawner a daily bow that’s kind of a weak all right we still got three more I’ve been

Saving them for days here we go number two let’s go baby for three here we go Now how do we want to make this roof that is a great question now guys this might be a little bit risky we haven’t used any Crimson in the base yet this might be the time to pull out that Crimson special roof and see how it

Looks I mean the red and blue definitely have a creepy vibe to it that’s for sure so I might need a couple more chains guys but I think this might look kind of sweet so we kind of hang them from their own little personal hangy boys I don’t

Know what to call that right there we definitely need some more shroom light though um where to put it I do not know maybe here kind of like that right in the middle yeah that’s good okay this is almost done with at least hanging those

Up I just really need to get a lot more iron and iron ingots because your boys gotta make a couple more chains guys it is a Christmas miracle we made the exact number of chains we needed without needing to spend any more money okay now that is what it’s looking like right now

As any of these grown no they’re all about halfway there though I mean once I get to harvest this thing we are ready to go plus we also have a couple items here ready for some more Brewing I really think I have a plethora of spider

Eyes right now so I think that’s what we’re just gonna keep brewing with at the moment we’ll just make some poison oh this doesn’t even work I don’t know if Hoppers work with these but that’d be kind of nice because the manual labor required for this is pretty freaking

Intense not gonna lie to you hey Alchemy increased to level three guys that is absolutely amazing again level 500 is what we need to get to make like literally special custom potions you can see at the top though each time we make a potion it goes up so imagine this

Whole thing running that’s what it’s going to look like we’re gonna need a lot more of these though that’s for sure I really have absolutely no idea what I want this wall to look like I am uh struggling most of my builds are guesses I’m like will this be will this be worth

It I don’t know and then I do it and I’m like maybe like that’s kind of a cool design and then I feel like Blackstone in the middle is just a really unique pattern maybe even just regular Blackstone like a little bit of texture up in there you know cap it off like

That’s kind of cool let’s get some lava it’s finally time okay just spend about two thousand dollars on some slime so that I can make a single slime block because I got an idea now here’s my thought process guys I’m gonna take it down right here clutch it up

As I was saying before I misclick I’m going to clutch it up right here oh we did it thank God finally first try by the way didn’t even die once fill them all up slash home chest room to work back home and then we just saved ourselves literally eight thousand

Dollars from that little trick okay that is so freaking sick that came out so much better than I thought it would okay and this is the final Alchemy design on this side that’s what it looks like just over here now and honestly I really couldn’t be happy with that you can’t

Even fall in to get hurt now like I said this path right here is going to be an entrance so I feel like I mean realistically I could even hook up to Isaac’s Railroad and deliver it right here I just don’t know if that’s something that I would like to do I mean

That’s a big play I don’t know what’s a big Play We want to make so I don’t know exactly how I want this entrance to look like I’m not 100 sure like I feel like the entrance goes right here in the Middle where I’m looking and

Then like maybe hear like some big fat glass windows which means eventually obviously I’d have to clear out an entire Mountainside but like seeing that in a mountain would look so clean the side here could also be the expensive Stone like you see how cool that would

Look I mean that is pretty sweet now let’s see what potions we have made okay coming in first three mundane potions worth nothing coming in second potion of poison actually we could Juice It Up I think right by putting in some glowstone yeah let’s let’s amp these bad boys up

Make them super potions why not and look how much that gives us look at the experience bar at the top each one of these is like a chunk of experience coming in as I level up I unlock exclusive potions exclusive to me as I get the levels and along with that I

Also Brew things a lot quicker so each time I level up it gets a little bit faster which means a little bit more profit after a little bit of Brewing this is what our Brew haul looks like today oh I made some strength ones some weakness Poison Poison Poison coming

Together with a big long fat hallway what I use it for I don’t really know but we can put a door here obviously this is our giant Pit of Doom we’ve been working on this for a while every single day I come down and dig a little bit

Because my goal is to make this the ultimate hole with every single mob spawner in the entire game down here but for now that’s off Lenny’s kind of scary I sure hope this investment into potions work because I did spend about fifty thousand dollars today on potions but we

Also made about 500 000 today guys today we have 484 000 we’ve been making some bank and today I’ve got an idea to make even more bang but what I’ve done is collected an entire chest full of well full of probably the most useless potion

In the game but we can get the chess shop started I’m thinking what we do today is we set up the farm I’m gonna call it the farm didn’t you just say you’re gonna make potions I did Farm ashore for pharmacy folks we’re making a pharmacy today it’s gonna be awesome

Let’s get some polished Blackstone frankly I’m rich so I just bought a bunch of it because I don’t care I spent three thousand dollars and guess what I don’t even care all right well that should probably be enough Blackstone for us to get to work here so uh let’s fill

In this floor and get rid of the street wow that was precise I didn’t miss a single placement through that entire thing okay so I’m gonna make a couple changes to them all obviously no one is even playing this game if no one’s won this diamond block yet so we’re just

Sitting here taking up space making my mom look kind of tacky plug it up and this of course is the future home to the lover underground Railways future high speed project here we’re gonna cover it up for now just because like I don’t know if I want it to be taking place in

The center of the mall I don’t know if you remember this or not but Isaac signed a contract to build on my Mall the contract stated that rent must be paid once a week for one thousand dollars and if he doesn’t for three days I get everything in his shop this will

Be mine I’m gonna put down a Stern warning right now that he needs to pay me okay so I gave him I gave him a little notice right there I might even send it to his mailbox but for now we’ll just put it in the store to let him know his

Rent is due now he doesn’t have any Lighting in here so I don’t need to charge for utilities just yet unlike mine we have made a couple sales there here and there three emeralds have gone out actually almost a full stack of these little nuggets so we are making

Some sales but we’re not selling enough so we’re gonna have to probably reduce the price here these are going for 9.99 all right all prices have been reduced okay we got to do a lot of work here guys this mall has been in progress for a long time and it’s not even complete

Yet real-life malls don’t really have gaps in between them like this you know what I’m saying like if it expanded this way I guess that makes sense I’m trying to decide do I want to close that off like it’s it could potentially bring these both in and make both of these

Shops bigger I don’t think it’s a bad idea but for now let’s just get this new chocolate I’m going a lot bigger on this one all right we need a big fat Pharmacy this is really the last one of them all if you can even call it that it’s too far out

Isn’t it also I’ll tell you what guys when I spent 50 000 on these tools like three episodes ago some people are like yo lover you’re an idiot look at this I just repair them with the Anvil and they’re good to go forever I told you so

Okay Pharmacy when I when I think Pharmacy I think just really clean really basic I’m gonna go back to our chest room in here I believe I’ve been collecting a massive amount of quartz yes I do have a lot of quartz here I hate to say it goes on the floor but

Like I really am thinking like it’s probably gonna be on the floor and that means everything I placed on I’ve got to take up you know like that’s a that’s a pharmacy looking floor right there maybe we could give it like a little design like this make it like a little I don’t

Even know what this is called just like a little thing a little design here with some quartz that way it’s still got that whole evil Mall theme but not too much quartz it almost looks like it’s about to take a screenshot or something on your phone now I think quartz pillars is

What will put the chest shops on top of to get their attention and I’m gonna need these item frames too so let’s see all right this actually looks kind of good the color looks really fire right here now we’ve got this window design here by Isaac problem is it’s obviously

Gonna clash with ours you know do you really most malls you can’t see into the neighbor’s Mall you know what I’m saying so I think we’re gonna have to just take our lover I mean I own this building right he hasn’t paid his rent yet give

Me a red so I’m gonna take this down all right you shouldn’t be able to see in your neighbor’s window it’s messed up all right I don’t want to see him you don’t want to see me keeps it premium okay chest shop set up I can the items

In there and I might as well do it now kind of wish I had a shulker box to transfer this a little easier because I’m not going to be able to All right guys shops are up and running and I only have two shops right now this one contains string potions and this one contains poison potion that’s kind of how it looks that’s the basic pharmaceutical design here but let’s Spruce this building up it’s kind of

Ugly so I think quartz slabs might look kind of cool in the center to kind of give it that like you know Pharmacy counterfeel because that’s what we’re going for we’re going for like you walk in about to get your medicine you know what I’m saying and uh there’s a desk so

Big fat desk looking like a gate trapdoor you know what that’s actually kind of interesting for a gate yeah it looks better so now you’ve got like a little gate to get through to get back to the Pharmaceuticals obviously can’t have these uh you know people

Coming in and stealing all of our drugs in here and then I want to think if I want to connect it all the way I got it okay now I think we need like glass actually we’re so rich why don’t we just buy some actually actually we can buy

Some glass off the ah for a good price also I’m noticing potion and visibility is kind of uh kind of pricey so that might be a good one for me to craft in the future okay just bought 900 or 64 of these for 964 dollars and does this

Connect I wonder oh it does connect all right Pharmacy actually looks kind of good the weird part of it is is that it’s like its own Building inside of walls like you see what I did here like it’s kind of it’s kind of weird so like

In a way it feels like these outside walls don’t even fit the design anymore I’m not sure exactly how I did that I really made the pharmacy really strange we’ll call it we’re calling it the farm so here is the farm you can walk in get your drugs when

You’re in here head on out I think that’s pretty cool the floor could do look a little bit of a change though I think when you’re inside the room I mean guys I really hate to do this but I feel like it’s just gonna make more

Sense to just pull it out you know what I’m saying pull it out all the way right here okay yeah the entrance is gonna be here now but obviously my chest is there but I feel like that makes a little bit more sense to have some more room so I just

Kind of pushed the door back I don’t know why I designed it like that originally but it’s coming together now let’s fix the floor up and I think this thing’s good super break it I think we need some scaffolding to make this building process either easier so

So what I want to do is kind of match that style a little bit on this one and then actually complete this mall so here we go foreign how did a creeper even get there how’s that even possible oh my gosh let’s take a look at what we got here

Added some plants on the outside which I like a lot actually that kind of pulls it together we’re out of lanterns though so maybe if I move this that looks a lot better now it’s time to get the rest of this mall up and running also these

Leaves are harvested locally so I do want to point that out that’s a beautiful addition there I love that put some over here as well guys this is just absolutely beautiful this really pulls it together it’s looking like a mall surely she’s coming together I think this one was placed wrong what’s

Interesting is you could even like put the door in between these and like have your door like that remember guys looks are everything in life and in Minecraft in a good looking base is what’s gonna get you the sale and so that is what we’re looking for here today the outside

Of this could also be improved some The Simpsons are walls I can’t really put torches on it but I could up here you see that guys you add a little bit of trim just a smidge of is that not even how’s that not even how’s that even

Possible what’s going on oh oh it must be because it’s the corner the corner of the fence post has like a thing in it so that’s actually kind of sweet yeah a little bit of trim and it just pulls it all together even Isaac’s just got to

Get some free trim coming in for me all right owner’s putting in some of his own pocketbook money today it’s coming together this thing I don’t know man this glass arcade really doesn’t match any of them really at all maybe one day we’ll we’ll destroy the glass arcade I

Mean it did make us a profit but now a big project we gotta get this thing roofed matter of fact what else we have to do too is I never actually fixed this Railroad and now that I have access to it you know what let’s just let’s just

Do that real quick and if Ben ever gets on maybe I’ll buy one of his villagers or bees across the shop but he says you can only buy it when he’s on and he’s not on right now so I can’t buy anything from him yet as badly as I’d like to

There’s like 30 of them he just keeps them trapped in the cage all day honestly we might need to have a committee to see if that’s even legal treatment of villagers because I don’t know if it is all right guys we also have levers added now finally so people

Can access our place properly through the minecart rail system eventually we’ll make it automatic so they have to come this way we’ll leave it here now let’s get this thing going guys it’s coming together it’s looking good but just hasn’t been enough progress lately for this to be the world’s most

Successful Mall a touch of luxury when stepping off your mine cart into lover Industries you’ll be greeted with a quartz flooring surrounding this Exquisite rare block and honestly it’s a pretty good combo right there I won’t lie to you that is a good look yeah guys I tried a bunch of floor

Experiments none of these really feel right so I’m just going back to how it looked before you want it to look good obviously but if you push it too far make it too Dynamic people aren’t going to come in just kidding I have no idea what I’m saying guys I’m just winging it

But hey let’s get up there and make that roof all right let’s step back yep yep got it know exactly what we’re doing boy do I love scaffolding okay so the roof comes up here this is like attic space which realistically could kind of be useful for like some backup storage

And stuff yeah you could definitely like get some use out of this so I’m gonna put a backup crafting table up here in my attic space I’d say each room comes with their own attic kind of good okay we gotta kind of bring this wall over and like I’m I’m thinking

Of what vibe I kind of want it’s just going to basically involve like a massive amount of staircases oh I just fell that gives us a good chance to see how the addition looks here from the front of the base oh I like that that’s a clean look that is a

Clean look right there people that looks beautiful there’s a lot of construction going on today hey It Ain’t Easy guys it ain’t easy trying to open your own mall but lover Industries will not fall we’re actually a lot closer than it looks and also if you guys do me a favor today I’m

Gonna tell you something important let me finish this though foreign here’s my question guys if there was another YouTuber that you could have join this series who would it be drop a comment down below because I might be I’m gonna be trying to bring some more

People onto the series dang I don’t like being up here without enough stairs where’s my emergency crafting table I’m off to make another up here if I could just have a crafting inventory slot that would be great we spent we spent like a lot of money today I’m just now

Realizing how much further over this side goes and the other side I didn’t realize or is it just the roof the roof it just extends over one you ever build something you’re actually like legitimately scared to like look at how even it like I’m not even gonna

Check not even something I’m gonna do what the crap how is it not even dang I better get I better increase the rent here soon I think with this extra facelift especially the included extra attic space man we need to put that rant Sky High guys this is my scaffold this is my

Scaffolding placement look I literally got it everywhere except where it needed to be oh I just fell this is becoming a little bit complex here guys what kind of roof you’re trying to build but I think it’s gonna look pretty good so let’s go ahead and get focused on build time

I think I have a little bit more scaffolding I can take somehow I’ve used an entire stack of 64. so you know it’s getting real now if I’m smart enough I can probably do this oh yeah No I’ve fallen so much my acrobatics is level 99. this is like our third Minecraft day in a row so we’ve been going at this for a very long time trying to get it built and uh once this is done the rest of it should come together very very quickly foreign

Guys are you ready for the grand reveal of the new front entrance of the lover Industries Mall bang it’s got a good church vibe to it that’s kind of what I was going for from the start I’m not I’m actually serious that’s what I wanted we

Need to guess like some glass in there and the windows I feel like but that looks pretty darn good now before I finish this guys there’s a couple other things that I need to do real quick around the base so one of those things is just a temporary path to take them

Back home to my base I think eventually once we get some more money we’ll actually build like a real Road system but for now that’s like my easy access to the lover Industries there’s a floating box you can literally kill me why is that there I’m never gonna break

That it’s gonna be there forever that’s where the mall is then I can just walk in here to the back entrance I’m just gonna clear this out real quick casually just breaking literally an entire Mountain no big deal now okay so here’s the thought originally I was thinking I’m gonna clear this whole

Thing out and make like a giant glass entrance here which looked kind of cool but also there’s like this natural water thing here so I’m like do I really want to get rid of this I mean I could almost integrate that into the base somehow so

I’m not sure exactly what to do about this I’m not sitting around that a little bit but that seep into my brain and try to decide what the best way to do it is I mean this is the entrance into the back side of a giant pyramid so

Also I have this as well I never showed you guys this I did some building off camera I’m not sure what it is but I have a bridge right this bridge connects my base back to over here where we got this giant hole this is the progress of

The hole the hole is coming together but yeah I don’t know this is like a two-story room uh I guess I should finish covering the floor in but like I don’t really have any idea what I’m gonna do with it I just started like digging one day literally what this

Turned into I have no idea what that part is rest of it looked pretty chill though especially this because my Vine’s getting all the way to the top oh look at this guys I didn’t even notice this at the beginning of the episode we have a letter from Isaac in our mailbox wow

What I actually have no idea what this says all right let’s take it out side go to our boat dock and give it a quick read honey shop now open take this 15 off your next purchase I love that you know what I’m gonna drop some mail off

Of his before I do the most important thing of the day all right guys we’re gonna go drop some mail off for Isaac and Ben I’ll tell you once I get to his place I gotta take this rail card all the way over there see you in a minute

Hey there’s our Turtle guys there’s our Turtle we’ll call him the chav goodbye chav okay guys we’re at Ben’s base right now and uh I’m gonna actually put it inside of a barrel because he’s using barrels as decoration but here’s what I wrote for Ben so he’s got the Villager

Store I said hello I’d like to buy one villager please and give me your oldest one I like him wrinkly we’re just gonna put it right in there eventually Ben’s gonna locate that or if he watches this video he’ll find it now we gotta go to

Isaac to drop off his this really is not the fastest way to get around I gotta get the loverfela super rail look at look at that just it just no no no no no no this is what it looks like when you drive by my mall I guess I haven’t gone

And looked at that yet wow that thing is menacing isn’t it I mean it really oh look at that some nice size to that thing we really we really did pretty well guys I’m happy man you got to love the effort Isaac put into making this

Mine card I mean it does make traveling a little bit easier I think it was worth that 25 Grand I had to pay him Texas right here into the train station I don’t know oh that’s going back to my base I guess that’s fine his base really

Is is quite tiny I mean his actual home is just minuscule compared to what it could be all right here’s his mailbox oh he has a note from Ben we’re all just giving each other coupons so this is what I wrote to Isaac I said now open

The farm updating weekly with new custom potions get it while it’s hot so I’ll put it right in the center of his mailbox and now we gotta get back to work because there’s one more idea that I have today that might be my best one

Yet okay so here’s the idea you know how there’s like subscription services that exist guys what I’m thinking we start a monthly subscription box service that they will pay me a very expensive price around 50 to 100 000 just like how you can buy like food

And I don’t know all the other stuff people buy monthly and this is what it’s going to be called and this is actually officially the new headquarters I’m gonna call it glowstone and ink sacks because glowstone and ink sacks are basically opposite I’m just kidding I

Don’t know I think it’s I just think it sounds like a fancy name so what we’re gonna do here is charge them again fifty thousand dollars it could be a week or a month we’re gonna use that money that they pay us and actually fill the Box up

With very high value items it’s gonna be a surprise every single month whatever they get and I think it’s gonna work pretty well so what I’m going to do here try to create a little bit of a representation of what they might get so I would have my low tier box all right

So this will be like an example of low tier 50k per month and then as you continue walking I mean honestly it might make more sense to keep going straight you would get to your high tier 150k per month and then you get to your extra high tier your nuclear interior

Ultra nuclear interior Mega Ultra nuclear tier and I’m thinking the best way to do this is to sign them in to a long-term multi-season contract they joined for six month minimum or a snow deal all right not sure what I’ll go in them yet and I’m still trying to play

With this idea in my mind but we’ll fill these out we’ll bring them in eventually when I get to this idea this is an early early stage idea all right and then we’ll go from there but I think that’s a pretty move pretty smart move all right

What we got here all right Ben welcome welcome to the shop first off take a step back what do you think of the brand new editions of the shop it’s taller yeah yeah it took them you wouldn’t believe how long that took to be honest with you now the new shop today is

Called the farm go ahead open that gate go on in go on in this is the Hub of all custom potions I’ll be brewing for you boys so take a look very difficult to obtain potion of strength I like that poison we can put that and Isaac’s stuff

Yeah you could poison him with it okay this is for future potion shot give you a good old Pharmacy Vibes what do you think of it I like that a lot I think it’s very cool 2000 yeah it’s a pretty good deal congratulations on being our

First sale ever go ahead and take that right there that’s your own free steak dang Ben has been working guys look at this I mean he’s a multi-millionaire now but come on down Ben’s got a new layer in his house what the flex shop oh my four million

Dollars worth a year look right here the top light combat gets their head in the wall my boy is creating an absolute Empire over here guys but we have lover Industries mall and as I say many times that is the Hub where future Financial gains will be made guys like I said

Today we’ve got a mega project on our hands today let’s go do that guys after we upgrade the lover Industries mall I got an hour on the clock let’s put an hour into that mall and see what we can do So what we’ve got here guys is this this is our project the mall’s coming together as you can see but we need to get this thing improved earlier on in my first episode I said I was gonna make the biggest farm and make fat stacks of

Cash and as you can see I moved my farm but I’m making fat stacks of cash in fact I ain’t making no cash because I don’t have any self-sustaining products there’s a lot of reasons I might need sugar cane I don’t even have sugar cane

Growing so I gotta buy it from the shop and it’s a ripoff it’s too expensive 466 000 right now currently richest player is now at half a billion dollars so guys I’ve got to clear out this entire mountain right here in front of this because we’re gonna do today like I said

It’s gonna blow your mind but first let’s get this thing cleared out okay so that’s that’s actually how much we just harvested right there take that in for a second we’re gonna try to get all of these crops rigged up to a working system today and at the end of

The video we’re gonna actually test it with one pole of a lever we should be able to have all of our crops automatically flow down into chess self-organize and prepare for use so what we need to do first is since I move the farm and I kind of expanded on it

When I both pyramid like a few weeks ago I haven’t really got to the point where I’ve even finished the water flow so I need to get this water flow linked up and it’s Gotta look good except we’re trying to be the richest it’s not just about money it’s about assets all right

We only need a couple buckets of water to get that thing filled up and also guys what do you think about this pyramid I need some more details like what goes on the inside I’m really not sure I’m thinking like a big fat Beacon up there like a display of my wealth

When we get it but that’s a future future concept I got a couple Big Ideas we’re dealing with a path inside it leads to this so I don’t even need to go back outside anymore so this is going to be kind of stupid we literally do not

Even really need these walls here I’ll be honest with you like it’s a complete waste all we really need to do is just raise the floor by one so there goes some Stone down there those walls were literally pointless from the start and I just not realized that so I put some

Stairs there there we go that already looks so much better can I go up one yeah Leaf because if I oh now what we have entered into the farm it seems we can take the ceiling up just one more problem is if I gotta take it up even

More layers if I expand this anymore we’re not gonna be able to walk really I mean it’s gonna be really ugly so well would you look at that our brand new okay that’s actually supposed to be the dirt up there I don’t know what happened to that little grass that’ll regrow

It’ll grow just fine I’ll just grab some Blackstone I mean we already got so much Blackstone it might as well be our floor here and uh this is where things get a little bit dicey folks actually we did this perfectly this reaches all the way down now we just got

To clean this bad boy up oh that sucks that sucks a lot why are these flowing down from do I even have downflows in here is this is all going to flow down here whoa dude that actually freaks me out like my heart just stopped okay

We’re good all right we’ll put a water here hopefully that flows like right in front of the ladder boom it does which means previous Zach had done a great job at planning this design I guess we’re doing a stone here when I flush all the

Stuff down at the end of this video it should go down there and then Boop right into there so that’s perfect and then this should also be flowing into the center over here which um is not exactly in the center to be honest with you

Oh baby look at that okay okay so the farm can be expanded now we’ve got the water set we’ve got the basics of the the bottom set I don’t really even need this entrance here but I’m Gonna Leave it anyway because uh why not have a secret entrance the entire flow system

Looks great guys this is the future of lover Industries we’re taking this to the next level we can’t have a mega Farm if it looks ugly there’s a lot to do on this thing I mean at this point let’s just let’s just freaking do it

You know I think the worst part of this is how close to the freaking ground I’m building it every time I go to break something I look up and it’s freaking the ground like oh I just broke the entire ground floor like what are you gonna do

What my thought is here is I’ll have some sort of like a little mini Farm out this window and I’m gonna be able to like see it from my base it’s gonna look kind of fire so like I’m imagining like this View and just like looking down at

This industrial line of crops and being like dang we’re rich boys look at that we’ve already got pyramid flooring above us I already have a roof here I didn’t even know it now we don’t really need the widest walkway down here because it’s not like we’re down here too often

It’s more of like just a maintenance hallway but I’ve got this pretty the interesting idea and I don’t know if it’s even possible we’ll see no I have to raise the roof guys to replace it with something but the roof is a freaking fry Arc I do what we gotta do [Applause]

All right now after I don’t know how long that’s gonna be 20 30 minutes this is the new design I’ve come to it’s not perfect all right there’s a couple of flaws here and there like that little piece but this is how the side looks all

Right I kind of just did this very simple design for now looks a lot better than it was before I got the road replaced down here and then a new special feature I added which I think is kind of a cool surprise you walk down you’re thinking like yo this is cool

Bang you got a window to view the rail to see if someone’s coming from the outside so I feel like this brought the room together a lot it’s not quite perfect but it’s a good basic start I do need to get a roof in though I’m about

To think that one through I’m gonna take a risk today guys I’m feeling a little bit risky I’m gonna take a risk what if I make like a naturally looking like a natural looking kind of like nether I don’t know really how this is going to

Look it might look really bad it could take a long time to get this right but I got this idea and now I just gotta do it the more I do this the more I don’t know if we’re making a massive mistake or the best play we’ve ever made on this base

So this is the roof and I wanted it to look like there’s like another infection spreading out of the pyramid so it’s slowly spreading into the world and taking over because guys this pyramid is going to be the host of our brand new secret call I’m not sure exactly what

It’ll be but obviously it’s got to do with another okay we are playing in a different league right now my friends so now it’s almost ready we got to get this thing Redstone wired I also need like a better way out I don’t exactly have one of those right now so maybe

Should probably clear the rest of this real quick I was gonna plug this hole up with dirt and I got halfway around it but I just started thinking that could be like a nice natural pond in front like a real Garden can’t believe we’ve obliterated a

Whole Mountain just so we have a better view of the garden I mean that’s literally all we did right now okay so guys we got all the stuff we need I believe all I need to do is go upstairs this ladder I have not used a whole lot

Of the Crimson all right so since I’m kind of Rich I’m just going to spend 1600 right now on two pieces it doesn’t matter because I’m rich but long term I think we kind of want to change the design here so it matches correctly so Crimson is going to match better than

The stone hello there yo these zombies are spawning with like Max gear oh no way I’m breaking one boots I mean that’s actually not that good but I got excited about it does that not look a lot better already you got the purple wheat contrast I think it’s a beautiful design

All right Gamers you probably saw this one in my Tick Tock hacks video we are finally pulling in some Tick Tock tricks into our content but first we gotta go to our chest room someone needs a little bit iron and by a little bit I mean a

Lot hopefully I have some oh I have 14 blocks of it I’ve been stockpiling it apparently also I could I could make a beacon I could almost make a diamond yo how many of these come back I’m about to make a diamond Beacon no that’s not what

We’re doing today instead we’ve got a more valuable reason to spend all of this iron and that my friends is on a little something I like to call 37 iron trap doors might have been a little bit expensive that might have been a mistake I’m not gonna lie to you I kind of

Regret doing that this back row though gotta go now guys when I start pulling out Redstone you know it’s about to get real all right I don’t have any repeaters I might need a couple of those some days you guys you make money some days you spend money to make more in the

Future today we’re just in one of those stages all right this is like my third time breaking this wall I put it down now I’m breaking it all my form’s a little bit uneven you know it’s unfortunate but uh it’s got to change to make this design work like I want

You know what somehow I might actually use almost every single one of these iron doors who I thought it was I thought it was a colossal waist I still do no this is actually believe it or not the first time I’ve ever harvested all these crops I planted these such a long

Time ago wow that’s a lot of stuff we’ve got kind of feel sad man I planted these guys here and they were really just doomed to fail from the start oh one piece of dirt is all I needed in there was floating now assuming I made

This correctly all I have to do is get a massive amount of water buckets pour them in here and it should be about ready to run so let’s go home and test it out by the way how triggering is it how my water is stored I literally have a

Doorway that has become a room to store all my extra potions and it’s just right every time I go through I hit it also look at that mall that Design’s gonna mean something to you later but I can’t explain what it is at the moment because

It is a secret time to find out what happens no no no we triggered it oh my goodness we’re in Mayday we are an absolute May Day right now hey at least the wires are fixed now it may have taken us a good old fat day

Here but the rich only get rich by failure oh geez I just did it again and it’s gonna go this is fine guys this is fine this is part of the prop this is part of wealth I need a bucket of water ASAP I need a bucket of water ASAP we’re

About to lose everything we work for right now flow has been sealed we’re gonna release the flow one more time see what happens all right where do the items even go where’s the stuff go oh it’s getting stuck on the fence it’s getting stuck on the fence guys it is

Just a disaster down here right now today folks we are absolutely going through the ringer right now trying to get this bad boy up on the road let’s try a repeater here we go it just launches it so guys before we test this out and see if our beautiful design

Works there’s one thing I need to do our goal in the series is be the richest there’s how many players are online around 1500 players on by the way if you want to join I noticed we had six blocks of gold and I got this idea for the

Richest person have a road made of dirt no no he probably wouldn’t he would probably have a road made of solid gold blocks so this Begins the Golden Road my friends now this is just a small beginning of what I believe will become a golden super highway this is one

Project we’re gonna start taking all the way to Isaac’s land if I follow this path over to where Isaac lives all right he’s competing with me as well and I think we’re beating him in profits right now although Ben is in first place this whole path solid gold that’s the

Property border all right solid gold to here you step on his boom ugly dirty stuff on mine boom pristine gold and guys today is the third and official day since Isaac has owed me rent and has not paid I’ve checked my mailbox there’s no rent there’s no no inside his base which

Means we are officially closing and taking over everything inside of this honey Block store it’s absolutely heartbreaking to see it go he hasn’t paid rent I gave him a three-day warning he hasn’t paid it which means this bad boy is going to be up for rent again so

Hey maybe we can find someone in here to come take this thing down thousand bucks a week uh maybe we’ll drop the price I mean really at this point we made more from the honey blocks that we just got from him alright guys it’s the moment

You’ve been waiting for let’s go see if this automatic farm Works do not try what you’re about to see at home unless you are a redstone expert like me all right I just basically became mumbo jumbo for a second there kind of got lost in train of thought I’m about to

Show you what I just did it’s crazy so I wired it up so that the Redstone signal starts here and I can pull this and you just heard all the trap doors open and close currently closes them you can see they’re all being powered by that lever perfectly designed and once I pulled

Again it floods the entire system and then they all flood down and this is the cool part guys all right take a look here it all flows down here right next to it so you can pull it all right and then take a walk downstairs and then

Over here and boom everything’s in the auto chest so okay new front front has been built so theoretically now a rocket launching device will not shoot it too far I really I can’t explain to you why there’s a gap here all right I miscalculated the distance that it would

Go it’s part of base now it is Iconic it is a piece of History boy this is strange but it should work now let’s give her a shot here we go dirt going in launch it into the wall straight down bang into the tunnel goes down the

Tunnel it’s gonna go ahead and hit right here we follow it you can see it right there in the distance I think it just wrapped around the corner should have gotten here got sucked up see what we got we do have 11 dirt it’s hard to say

Hard to say where any of that came from there’s a lot of possibilities so we’re gonna give this thing the ultimate test our netherride shovel I trust the system so much I expect that when I throw this in I should be able to return the shovel

In the hopper Bounce Off the Wall go down there it goes there she goes clean execution that’s money I literally see money dollar signs floating down and let’s see if she’s in here if not I’m dead she works she works folks we’ve done it we’ve done the impossible our Auto Farm

Is a working machine we have done it so much work trying to get this thing up and running finally we get to pull out the old Mega hoe folks you did not get to see this one in action too much so I know you’ve been waiting for it

You know if you don’t have carpet inside of your freaking Farm what are you even doing you know carpet pulls things together it’s professional more importantly it’s Rich that is an upgraded Farm now guys as you can see lover Industries is absolutely booming this is my underground subway station so

What I’m gonna do is try to create the world’s fastest transportation system between all three of our bases but do it for free I need to get blue ice so make it I’m at the store shop right now it costs 8 000 for a stack yo this is gonna cost me

Like literally almost all my money if I make this all right guys now our server has a feature which allows you to randomly teleport in the world but you can also select which biome you want so I just did a randomly teleport this is where it

Took us to a ocean biome which seems to have a lot of ice and I hope that’s packed ice because I’m not spending that much money I will harvest this entire freaking ocean if I need to oh God I need to still touched on it

Oh guys we could buy okay okay look silk touch is selling for 4500 I’m gonna buy it right now I just got it okay that was a journey yes thank god it works okay so now we can Harvest this stuff we’ve got the pickaxe for it this

Will just we’ll just call this one the ice Demolisher so let’s demolish an entire glacier dude I’m gonna need so much of this to make blue ice it is so much but blue ice is the fastest and I’m going all in to make the most fast most efficient thing possible for this

Well I’m kind of thinking now like I’m gonna break this maybe I could get like a uh if I just bought like a freaking regular pickaxe and then put a silk touch on it might be better than this thing I probably should have done this

The first time I feel like it was maybe a mistake I think I lost a little money right there so I’m just gonna save this pickaxe for the future like that’s gonna be a future one I just ended up buying a new one because it was actually cheaper

To buy a better pickaxe with the enchantments I wanted then give it what I need so now we have silk touch and we’ve got them breaking and you can see it’s like 10 times faster because this one also has efficiency three so it was expensive but it’s worth it now we got

What we need so one row of this if I bought it from the store would cost me 72 000 and I just mined it in what like 10 minutes okay uh that is a lot so I I mean we literally saved over probably almost 200

000 now what we got to do folks is create some packed ice which is expensive I never connected this because I know that this is where my old mind was if you remember this the shaft from back in the day uh the old shaft now leads directly to this bad boy right

Here so what I’m thinking we’re gonna do is make it against the wall right here so you have the speed zone on the wall and then on the side it’s gonna be wide open why because we can sell them items as they’re traveling I’ve actually never

Made one of these before but I believe the quickest way to do it is by placing it actually with a gap in between let’s just give her a shot and see if I put that down right there okay all right all right hey whoa whoa whoa yeah I mean

It’s really not something you can test out early I think we just gotta make this thing and then see there we go Gotta Love super breaker guys as you level up on this server you unlock experience which makes you get special abilities and so one of them super

Breakers the more you level up the longer it lasts faster it goes It’s amazing man yo I think I did it wrong why is this so slow oh there to break blocks on both sides which means we only have a one-way walk path on this side so I’m probably gonna have

To expand this in the future boy is this gonna be an absolute Money Maker guys so once we get this thing done let’s first off get it all the way to the end of the tunnel that glowstone is where the mall is which means I’ll be connected right

To the mall I’ll be able to travel there this is a project unlike anything I’ve done before but the profits yo the profits will be huge thank you okay this is the completed path so this is what it looks like when it’s done at least if it works right it is oh yes

That’s okay it’s hard to steer okay that’s got some speed we’ll have to work on the practice on the aim a little bit there but that is just round one there’s gonna be way more details coming in but I need to now build the connectors to

Our other bases and get us all linked up and I’m also unfortunately gonna need a lot more blue ice man Isaac’s face literally so decked out if this isn’t one of the most beautiful bases I’ve ever seen in my life it is just a absolute joy to be here except you know

That I need to do this without him coming back I don’t know when he’s getting online this is where his main base is and I want this to be where it connects to everything as easy as possible so we’re gonna do a little bit of construction inside of his base would

You look at that a beautiful bedroom an enchanting room in Anvil this seems like an opportune location you know if you’re gonna mess with someone’s base you gotta make it look good okay right here a door downstairs and then all we have to do is connect it to

Ours this should be absolutely legit could he have picked a more difficult location for this project I don’t think he could have hang on all right maybe we’ll connect it from our base and then go from there because that might be a little easier so

I believe I would just need to head this way dang you all see that Replay that attack three iron out of one single block of iron that was beautiful okay so because these work best in a straight line I’m thinking the best way to do this is to make this keep going straight

From my base and connection to the mall and then use that mall to connect there’s like I don’t think I want to make the other path to Isaac I think it makes more sense this way so guys I’ll be honest with you I got about 20

Minutes of mining ahead of me to get to Isaac’s base you know here’s a five second Montage of what that looks like really hate that I missed the entire roof of this every single time I do it so I gotta run all the way back to do

The roof this might be a good time actually so start utilizing some of the 50 000 potions of swiftness I got because I mean if I got them I might as well drink them you know it’ll make this go a little bit quicker at least the really sucky part about this though

Is I’m gonna have to buy another ride ingie because I don’t have time right now I got to get this thing done to go mine for another Ingot to make another nether I pickaxe to combine it with this to repair the terribility which is another twenty thousand dollars but

Don’t worry I’m keeping tabs of it all and I’ll make sure that it makes its profit we do not do anything in lover Industries unless it’s profitable it’s like the old and the new guys I mean the real car system will still be useful but

Not as useful as what this is going to become 15 000 for one another riding game oh look at that back to full health uh more sand no we’re actually almost there actually no we are there we are there we didn’t need to break through we’ve made it we’ve made it that was

Actually the uptick that takes them up we made it to Isaac’s thing which is fantastic so I can plug this up I only need to be here yo I’m so happy that’s so much shorter than I thought it was let’s go we made it all the way from the mall straight to

Isaac’s amazing so now all we have to do is make a spot to enter from the rail station and honestly I mean it might make sense to put it literally right in the middle okay so there it is now we just need to get some ladders on here

There we go so now guys this is sweet you’ll be able to take the rail and you can hop off right here to your transfer if you want to speed up but let’s give this thing a test and see how fast it really is can I even steer this bad boy

Oh that’s got some speed it’s got some real speed all right I need to just press straight it’s very hard to steer so this is what it’ll be like if he’s coming over to my place he’ll come in a straight line making a turn is going to

Be kind of awkward but it’s still so much faster and then I mean you got to be real careful about the driving of it that’s not bad at all okay let’s go back to his base real quick can you steer oh you don’t even gotta

Get out you can just turn it just wing it just floor it oh my this is how it’s gonna make money you’re about to learn right now with the actual plan of this system is and this is where the fun begins this is the part I’m really excited for we’re

Gonna make this a completely free to use rail system we’re gonna get them addicted to it we’re gonna make it fun obviously you can see that it works very well and for now it’s obviously just Isaac me in the mall I’m going to make a leveling system for the railway so that

Each Milestone we hit with payments to me they get extra features on the railway So currently the railway is at level one it’s basic it doesn’t look good it gets the job done so level two a hundred thousand dollars that’s what it takes whenever they pay me Isaac and Ben

Combined 100 000 for this I give them a facelift so all the walls the ceilings the floor everything the walkways that get improved so here is the final upgrades if you guys want to pause it you can read these right here one two three four and level five I think these

Are going to be very cool we’ll call it officially the lover tube so now Isaac and Ben will have access to the upgrades inside of the tube the tube gets better more efficient looks cooler and of course does a little bit more for us now before I add one more amazing feature to

The tube we need to go check on this farm and I still don’t know if there’s another right thing is good and see how it’s looking do we have any crops to grow have anything to collect any Harvest to make it’s not that good the one thing that I

Noticed is that a lot of people out there said Zach when you let this go while the carpet’s gonna break and I don’t think that’s true I’m pretty sure the carpet’s gonna stay oh it did stay there it is still there your boy is right let’s go okay this this side

Didn’t seem to go maybe I cut it off too soon before it went all the way down we got enough to replant the entire thing I think lover Industries should be coming something special guys it wouldn’t be possible without you thanks for the support of the series if you guys are

Enjoying it though don’t forget leave a like on this video 20 000 likes next episode I’m gonna buy someone’s business and flip it to see if we can turn a junk business to a millionaire making machine okay before everything D fertilizer let’s go down here inside of uh I don’t

Know what to call this thing we got the shaft we got the tube let’s call this the place where you walk to collect all your items that’d be a good name okay basically seeds in a small small amount of wheat right there okay I feel like I have this thing full of

Seeds and now it’s not so I’m not sure what I did to actually have lost seeds on that Harvest on this side but at least we did get the wheat we needed and let’s make a quick another wart Farm Harvest we’re doing to get these things still growing and that herbalism if you

Guys look at the top of that herbalism level that thing is popping off wow we got three stacks of 64 and a bonus one stack is worth 420 bucks that’s worth a thousand two hundred dollars I mean that’s pretty good okay guys so I just took a couple minutes and made just a

Couple potion of healings here put these in mild potion storage room that’s uh I guess gonna be right here now I need to make a purchase from Mr Isaac so Isaac you want to meet me at your base meet me at my new property Zach I will be

Waiting for you at the gates the gates of the new property all right let’s take a look I’m gonna come on over real quick I’m at my base right now so I’m gonna transport on over there guys okay I’m here just uh you know keep coming to the right come to my Island

And keep going wait Isaac has an island he just literally called me and summed me on his Island he’s about to be sitting in a recliner out here what the heck a tiki bar welcome to the new project this is my new Dockside Village you’re making an entire Village what yep

Bro what the heck how long did it take you uh two episodes so about six hours holy crap what are you gonna do with it I’m actually building this Village to spite you because you kicked me out of my B shot I did I didn’t and matter of

Fact I want to talk to you about beasts today I wanted to buy a couple beasts from you actually bees and Bee delivery on my farm all right guys now what I’m gonna show him his surprise after we take this purchase here so what’s your

Price B’s and B delivery I would say for two bees and two hives I will charge you fifty thousand dollars what Ben paid a hundred thousand I wanna make that clear I’ve given you half off here with the installation then throw in the installation I’ll do it for 40. 47 45 48

47. wait didn’t you say 47 47 deal but I’m pretty sure you just mind gave me 47k I’ll pay you right now give me one second I’m gonna meet my mic now guys I made that purchase because I knew it was a bad deal because I’m juicing them up

Juicing out for the big Play 50 000 is nothing compared to the almost million dollars in tube upgrades he’s about to pay for when I show him after we make this purchase so let’s get on his good side let’s make sure he works with us you know what I’m saying all right once

You’re ready come on over and I’ll show you where the installation is it’s hard to get him over there let me tell you what these bees don’t like to cooperate it’s gonna be a while it’s probably gonna be another five minutes before take your time he’s closing in folks uh just fill in

This last one here uh so if you if you walk into our lover Industries property you’re gonna see off to the left there two Farms wait wait did you just say walk sack you think I still walk he brings a horse wow this dude comes with a full-on zoo with him to deliver

These bees to us here all right let’s see what the master does here as he installs the new beehives guys and then we get to surprise him with something he has no idea is even there yet at this point this is all they need done these

Bad boys are gonna poop all over these plants right here and keep it going oh my gosh the best money I’ve ever spent now Isaac I need you to come with me because I’ve got a little something for you I’ve been working on a big project

The last couple days guys I know you ready for this all right I know it’s coming you know you’re ready you can just leave your pets here we’ll be back my red parrot just died in your fire how do you just have fire sitting out like this Zack it is the nether

Infection of the zachling cult I can’t explain it to you now come on in come on drop the horse off inside very safe but you better have something good in here for me Isaac I present to you the lover Industries too is this what my railroad

System out of business at this is the fastest Transportation method in Minecraft the only thing that can stop you from moving is a boat or a bad driving you have to get used to the steering it’s a little bit difficult at first so first of all you kill my parrot

Second of all you try to put my rail system out of business well I’m not trying now if you want to get to your base you just send it straight next to the rail go all the way and this has a direct drop off right into your base it’s that

Quick let me give you that’s that’s pretty handy I’ll give you that now he likes the design but Isaac that is not it you’ll notice that it’s kind of basic kind of amateur now if you come on back down with me this is the moment I want

To show you take a look at the two books inside wait I have to pay to upgrade this thing it is completely free to use however if you want to upgrade the level of the tube you and Ben can pay together to get level ups and bonus features for

The lover 2. I mean this is a pretty darn good Casino guys look how busy this one is but I need to find one for sale all right here we go so this is our first one we’ve seen so far we’re looking at this is for ten thousand he

Says ten thousand dollars he put in chat 10K it’s uh it’s kind of ugly I’ll be honest with you see guys this is not bad but it’s 25 000 I mean wow he’s got quite the interesting downstairs going on here it’s got another our portal he’s got an

Upstairs it’s a weird design guys I don’t know whether people are getting their prices 40 000 for a house it looks like this forty thousand it’s just empty this is worth like 10. that’s worth like 10. this guy’s dropped his price from 200 to 100K I still don’t think it’s worth it

He’s giving me a sign to negotiate the art of negotiation my friends a birch sign and a base that could use some improving see if we can get the price we want come on buddy the art of the deal 15K cash let me have it 15K

I just bought this this base for fifteen thousand dollars honestly it’s like it’s pretty good detail like there’s a lot of good stuff to like here there’s also a lot not to like I mean first off I don’t know if a glass countertop is my vibe

And I don’t really know what that blue thing is right there so we’ll get a little bit of a cleanup in here real quick um just to make it look better all right first thing I think we gotta do in here is light this place up it’s a

Little bit dark maybe we put some carpet down you know what I’m saying all right we’re gonna go to the shop then real quick buy some carpet from this dude and uh I think we’ll keep it classy I’m gonna go for a black carpet probably man

Every time I come back in here really does hit just how dark this room actually is I mean my goodness yeah if I put carpet down and then something underneath it it’ll still glow so that way you can light up the floor and just put carpet all over and it’ll look a lot

Better it’s a good start I think a lot more to be honest The black might even make it more dark it might be a bad move but we can always change it later for now though we got enough lights in here that we can at least see the walls and stuff see I really want this to look really classy

Because what we’re gonna do today is open up our very own golf course in Minecraft and try to sell and charge people to use the golf course so this needs to be our front check-in desk but the problem is the way the Sun is setting there’s no natural light that

Gets in so I think what we want to do is open up this wall right here and it’s going to look a lot better All right how much better does that look already by just opening up that window right there I mean now we’ve got light casting inside you can see it’s so much nicer if only this wasn’t smashed inside of a giant cave right here that side would be also a little bit lighter

People are going to come in they’re gonna buy their tickets right here at the front office this is where the desk will be so we also kind of want to get rid of the kitchen because it’s not really a house anymore I mean this is a

Business so let’s get rid of all this oh no way this was actually full of items oh my gosh dude that’s gotta be worth some money nine thousand each I bought the base for 20 000 which means which means I literally just got half the cost back

Already which is pretty insane guys we are stocked up on items right now and as a matter of fact before we go finish that base since I’m using an alternate account today I can safely sell some of my rare items and not worry about people

Buying it just because it’s me so I have a Skelly and a sheep spawner let’s see what those go for so skeleton is going for 450 000 I will do 475 and then we’ll do this one for 50. all right so maybe those will sell throughout this episode

We’ll see let’s at least get them on the market and see what happens because if they do sell that’ll literally double our money back to the desk we gotta get this thing looking nicer what I’m making right now is the VIP zone so I’m gonna charge people just to

Enter the VIP Zone we’ll give them like free food and stuff I think that’s kind of a good idea though so to brighten the room up a little bit let’s do a little bit of a design here something like that we do have an entire bedroom here which

Is kind of cool this guy just DM me said can I buy your Skelly spawner for 410k and people are asking me to buy it that means that I should just leave it on the market and it should sell because people really want that all right guys did a bunch of shopping

And a bunch of planning over the last couple minutes the inside of the base looks okay we want to get the actual Golf Course designed in such a way that you can only really play it if you pay to use it so first things first I think we’re gonna just light this up

All right I lit up the outside area you can see it a lot better now you can see what we’re working with here a little bit of a weird Cobblestone thing in the front of the house I don’t really like that let’s flip it real quick too a

Little bit of something that looks better all right swap the door so something that looked better because they kind of look like golf balls swapped out the floor out front because it looks a little better and now we begin the actual golf course and to make

This unentrable will be a very very big challenge so hold one is going to start right here with a nice little tee off all right obviously being hole one though it’s going to be super easy so it’s literally going to be a straight line just like this and then you can

Throw Whatever item you want it’ll slide along unless you throw it on top of the glowstone now that’s going to be the hole it’s going to be a little bit deceiving because you’re gonna have to stand here to shoot because obviously there’s glowstone in there which will

Stop your item and also we need some grass because all this stone is going to hurt us put down a sign that says like whole one so people know so this is gonna be a very easy starting point hole number one and then a little complimentary crafting table in case

They need to get something for their first hole and I think that looks great all right now I’m one to just say hey the land is telling us this is the way to go so this is the way we’re gonna go so the next PATH will just come out of

It right here through the stone and it will begin the next hole which will be just a little bit more challenging but nothing too crazy all right I’m not sure exactly I think you’re gonna start here it’ll be like a circle all right all right here’s number two I think it

Looks pretty cool and again I’ve never seen anyone flip one of these before so I don’t know if the profit’s gonna be super high or super low we’re about to find out though guys it looks like our shape spawner sold for 50 000 which is pretty nice to see now we just gotta

Sell the other one will be at a million for the first time ever back here with some brand new items and I’m going to make a little bit of uh End Rod design choice I think all right this is an experiment let’s just see how this looks

I think it looks real classy you don’t need a fancy light you just need a light that works and that’s exactly what we got here all right hold one done hold two done and guys finally the sun’s out finally after like an hour we get the

Sun let’s freaking go I think we’ll make make it go downhill that’ll be interesting and let’s get some green carpet down to put on top of our golf course we’ll make that the hole right there all right let’s give it a test shot real quick and see if you’re standing right here

All right all right I see it’s kind of hard you would think it would slide down you got to kind of just I mean you could launch it back there and you could you could get a hole in one that’s what I’d like to see I wanna

I want it to be easy now people can beat it the stone in my opinion does look a little bit tacky to have for the golf course so I think I’ll just do a quick little replace here of all the stone okay so I just kind of went through and

Replaced everything here for the most part with a bunch of uh dirt kind of looks a little bit better now we also have labels on every single course the beginning is very clear hole number one right here boom hole number two which I think is kind of creative hole number

Three’s got the dip hole number four is coming up next let’s build this course real quick let’s do our first curved chords now I’m not sure exactly how the profit’s gonna be on this one now we’ve already made nine thousand dollars which is great from what we sold earlier we’ve

Also got some other long-term projects going on like the stuff from last episode but I’m wondering if I’m gonna make a lot from charging people to use it or if someone’s gonna buy it for a lot so this one’s got the Ricochet Bank Shot you got to get into the hole right

Here moving on what was that number four I don’t know I got this idea on this one there’s like an extra super long course and then I’ll like put something in the middle to like slow it down it’ll be a little bit creative on this one we’re trying to get just a smidge harder I

Don’t know if that’s how golf is like I don’t know if they get harder over time but on ours make it harder over time all right this one actually came out pretty well so this is what hole five looks like you’ve got to hit it all the way

Down the zigzaggy course and get it back there in the corner yeah okay good you can squeeze it right through the line just barely which is nice or is it confusing that is a little confusing you’re right I’m talking to myself right now guys that’s what happens when you do these

Long builds like this I think the path looks a lot worse so I’m just gonna take that out all right hole five’s looking good hole six might as well go right into the mountain or at least approach the mountain I think it’s about time we do something cool

Dang it guys I only have four pieces of ice left we’re gonna have to buy some more ice which is gonna be kind of expensive I think that was 8 000 for the first stack another 8 000 for the second stack we spent 15 000 on the base the

Ice in this base is worth more than the actual base let that sink in for a second yo this course this one right here actually came out pretty fire I like this one a lot so you gotta hit it in straight go around this little pillar

Here and then the hole will be right there on the side I believe that is hole number six put some lights back there just to make sure you can see if you get stuck that looks pretty good and then we’ll take it right over here this way I

Think hole seven is gonna fit in nicely right in between all right guys we have seven holes built on this thing I’m not gonna do all 18 because there’s not enough room to do while 18 and I don’t have it I’m not gonna make enough money all right there’s the Vlog diminishing returns

That hits us eventually it needs like artwork and he’s like a decoration or a fountain it needs like something like every time you go to a putt-putt course it’s got something really cool and iconic guys I’m literally taking my own Anvil to go put it in that base like I

Literally just plucked my own one up because I’m out of iron and I think I sold it all or something so guys I’m gonna take the skeleton spawner off the market re-list it lower it to 400 49 000 on the ah because I really want to get that thing sold today

To hit that fat Millie and now we’ve got I think what we need to make this really interesting decorative item that we’ll put right in the center and if you watch one of my older videos you might remember a hack that kind of looked like this and I don’t know I really don’t

Know how it’s going to turn out because I’m trying to do this from memory really hard to place that there it is okay and then we got this should come out if I did this right looking like a giant robot I mean we want to give it two

Little wings make another staircase and then I got Japan flags because I thought that’d be kind of sweet to put on this thing we could also even use rods to light it up around the side see it looks like he’s holding the Japan flag like

That is so cool who said these Tick Tock hacks were worthless guys that’s not what I meant to do actually you know what you know what hold up that could be cool it looks like he has earmuffs on he’s holding a shield and then he’s also got like a Japanese flag

One in the center will it ruin it actually no it looks like he’s wearing like a waist thing like a belt that’s freaking awesome I wasn’t necessarily going for a Japanese warrior but here we are and I’m not gonna complain about it I’m not a big golfer but what I do know

Is they generally have fences surrounding the property in at least some way shape or form uh I’m Gonna Fill this whole thing in with dirt right here All right finally let’s add a little bit more detail in here to make this thing look good like what if we had like a little bit of a rail kind of coming out of a wall here I think it looked kind of cool for example something like that as

If it’s going back into the corner to wrap around we’ll put like a little glow thing right there to make sure people see it and then over here I want it to kind of look like an art piece where I have a bunch of these all spread out

Kind of randomly but in a way that it kind of just gives it like a nice little ambient feel as you’re playing and I don’t know if it’s gonna look good but I know that it sounds like it could be good foreign now there’s two ways that I could do

This guys what I want to do is open this up I think it’s a pretty darn good golf course for only spending I don’t know 20 or so thousand dollars on this thing I need to see if anyone’s gonna pay to play it because if they do then I could

Keep this long term and start making money if they don’t I’ll just sell the entire course and make some money that way the inside of the base I really didn’t touch a whole lot just kind of made it as a new desk right here one

Thing we’ll do though add like a sign I feel like people need to really know this is a check-in desk I got a VIP Zone 25k to enter it really offers no benefits except flexing on people all right how’s that look the VIP zone now is impossible to enter unless you

Actually pay us to get into the front gate so as far as I’m concerned we’re about ready to go so what I’m gonna do is create like a little bit of a starting cage right here and I say cage for a reason because I’m hoping I can

Get people to teleport and then make them pay to release them glass I feel like glass is a great idea to use in the front of it because with the glass they’ll be able to see the entire course and realize what they’re missing out on if they don’t pay

I don’t really know what we’re doing here with the design but uh it is it has got a little bit of a flavor to it and so this is what it looks like they can see the course there’s all the signs once they pay me I’ll let them outside

So I’m gonna do a little bit of chat work and see what happens well that one didn’t work this is where things get hard you’ve got to find a way to stand out among all the other players that are also spamming all their shops

How do you do it it’s not easy it’s not easy at all we got one guys we got one Honkers has come here we go guys here we go guys let’s see if they buy any let’s see if they buy any well this guy escaped all right I’m

Gonna make it 100 free all right I said teleports play mini golf 100 free I just want to get some people to play it at first because then if it’s a very busy place or people want to play if they want to pay me they can alright so here

People are coming here people are coming they’re getting started on the course we’ve got a small group here and that’s what I need because if I’m gonna flip this base if people are here and they’re active then it’s more likely that it’s gonna sell come on buddy oh it gave me

Some free meat that’s good he doesn’t want to enter the VIP zone I’ll tell you what guys even though we haven’t sold it quite yet it is very wholesome to see this going on right now with people out there jumping around trying to just trying to play and just

Enjoying it thank you for playing I hope you had fun now I just checked this dude’s balance he’s got over a million dollars so I’m gonna really suck up to him to be honest with you this guy is 3 million so I’m gonna play the noob card

I really want one of these guys to pay me with three million dollars dude if I could get just a small percentage of that just a small percentage of you could subscribe as well but if this dude would pay me some money that’d be sweet consider donating if you liked it oh my

Gosh you don’t need 100K we just got a hundred thousand dollars folks that’s how you do it make it free when you want to buy this is where the profit comes in guys so a hundred thousand in so far this guy’s been here for a while we’ve already established that he’s all he’s

Quite Rich 5 000 from one guy Galaxy toaster he just paid me to play it here we go here we go here we go got another batch one two three four five I’m just here seeing who’s rich he’s not rich he’s not rich dang we got some poor

People yeah dude has 166 dollars he’s gonna donate nothing he can’t even afford to buy a pork chop so if I could sell this thing for 70. that’d be a pretty good profit this guy offer me 10K that’s my first offer 10 000 that’s cheaper than I paid for the original so

I don’t think that’s a great deal it’s got another fifty dollars that’s not what we want guys we may have ourselves a deal I said I’d sell it to this dude for 65 000 all right all right guys he has sent us the full payment to think

Someone sold me this for 15K I sold it for 65k made about 200 maybe about a quarter million on it to be honest with you with all the donations if you remember last episode I got a skeleton spawner never sold it but it’s worth almost half a million dollars by itself

I think I’m gonna turn this into my skeleton Farm room and you’re gonna see how that makes us Millions because it’s not how you might think at first I’ve got to lower the floor which means I’m gonna break the entire floor to make this thing work

So yeah I like this wall design here guys because it kind of has like a prison vibe to it because we’re trapping them in here for all maternities so guys I’m trying to get here with what I’m trying to make and so it looks very different than anything

You’ve probably seen before which means there’s also a chance that doesn’t work at all now in a mob farm you want the water to flow all the mobs to one location So currently it’s not there if I put water here theoretically it will flow us all the way down to here

Which is good we need to keep that flow going though which is not quite where we want it to be yet we have made a lot of progress once we finish this grinder I’m going to show you what I worked on behind that secret door right there

Which is kind of awesome I think you’re gonna like it a lot but right now this is what the design looks like it’s very weird alright but now if I can get this to work this would allow us to have our own skeletons falling down and anytime I

Need experience I can come get it so we’re gonna take it up put it down right there and see do they even spawn here do they have enough space Oh we got one he’s going is he going in he’s not going in the hole get

In the hole he’s not going in the hole all right that’s not ideal this is very bad it’s been a long time making this and he didn’t go in the hole but it’s okay guys our unique design will pay off in the end then we need it all to flow One Direction

What is here guys there we go couple adjustments and now we’ve created a Whirlpool design there goes our skeleton in the hole and the hole he goes we might have done this guys our unique design hopefully he’ll come right here boom there he is so now it obviously

Does not look the best but that means inside of our base we’ve got our own way to go ahead and clean up and get mopped so this thing needs to look a lot better all right this doesn’t look good at all look at that we’ve already got three of

Them down there this is fire but we can’t be the richest when it looks bad so while that’s stacking up and collecting infinite amounts of skeletons we need to make this look better guys we also do have a daily key that I gotta open I’ll do that at the end of this

Video and we’ll see maybe we can get another because that’s where I got the skeleton spawner from the first time so I mean the waist design you kind of come in and like have this straight down sheer fall right here and uh it’s weird but I actually kind of like the design

You don’t see many people go for a bold design like this all right that’s what I’m here for guys we already have six of them this Wall’s got to get cleaned up I think Blackstone would actually look pretty clean right here on the walls literally just went to the store to buy

Regular wood so I can make a crafting table just so I could build ladders to get out of here when you got 700 000 I mean can you complain up to nine skeletons right now we’ve got a nice way to climb in and out but the great part

Of this design right now is that if I get more of these I can just put another half over here even combine them both up to 10 already and now that we’ve kind of got this set up my big idea is that you have this bridge to walk across which

Would look really cool to have like spawners all around you so maybe like a glass tube as you walk through I’ve never seen anything like it sounds like it could be either really really good like most of my ideas or really bad like the other half

49 pieces of glass your boy is rolling it in and where do they spawn like are they gonna spawn inside of my wall like that would ruin it so I think we’re just gonna keep it thin this was literally the idea from the start something that you could walk over

Just to have a little bit of a cool design to it have a view should I put a glass on the top make it three thick like yeah I mean why not see guys it’s all about using that money wisely now that we’ve got oops now that we’ve got

This coming together I can’t even imagine how much we’re gonna be saving in the future this isn’t worth half a million this is gonna be worth half a billion long term you know what else is probably pretty important guys uh the roof I don’t know if skeletons would

Spawn in the daylight and the whole roof can go I hate to do this guys but I ran out of blue wood and I’m not gonna spend anymore we’ll clean it up in the future oh they spawn on the ledge that’s exactly what we wanted to avoid oh boy which means uh

We’re gonna have to make this ledge a little bit thicker so it seems like it is working right now at least they’re all going down nothing’s coming up to the side we were up to six of them now I don’t know where the other went to be honest I think half

Of them just died but at the end we’re gonna do something up here all right we’re gonna do something up at the top of the space finally gonna give it a use to the top of the pyramid which is going to be perfect use for it okay this

Actually is coming together so well oh guys we got another hold up in our design back here still not perfect there seems to be very rare occasions where they happen to get stopped right in the center up there which is is not what you want to see I mean that’s really the

Worst case scenario and the odds of that seems just so incredibly low but once you come back downstairs you’ll notice it’s nicely lit you’ll notice we’ve got a new trapdoor which takes you down to the chest Hopper where all the items will go after you slaughter them so

We’ll do a quick mini Slaughter here to give her a little test shot theoretically they all got sucked up if I did it right now it seems like we got to tweak this design a little bit more because it’s still not there now in terms of other designs we’ve made the

Bridge goes up it’s now accessible from three ways so you can like get around the base way easier a little kind of excessive this becomes a new Doorway to some kind of a new secret room in the future what it becomes I’m yet to figure

Out let me know what you think it should be down here but there’s some potential I need a back door like there’s is no back door every time I gotta enter my base in the back I gotta run around the entire base and it’s like a really long

Process so I think maybe just putting a staircase back here for now with like a trap door over it probably the easiest solution this whole zone right here finally needs to get rufa fine all right and it’s a big it’s a big base expansion there all right we got the money to

Spend we’re gonna spend it today guys this is coming together so well I don’t really know about the floor here I thought it’d be cool if you could kind of see it from the top problem is like when you’re walking on the top it kind of looks weird oh guys that just freaks

Me out yo I was out here just like chilling like grinding away on the base then I just you’re like there’s like multiple spiders in my base right now where are these coming from now guys before we put this thing to the test and I show you how this really simple and

Kind of awesome not gonna lie build really helps the space I gotta take it down to the lover Speedway rail guys because we got to make a trip over to Ben’s base Isaac sent me a free Paris is that what this is like I don’t know if

He sent me this or what he’s already tamed this is Isaac’s bird in my base man that’s kind of disappointing but I had a free bird right there all right guys we’re gonna go meet Ben at the mall because we got some unfinished business to do boy that was a quick trip right

There then where are you at oh look over the horizon Zach here he comes on a diamond mountain horse every time these boys show up they got something new to flex on me Ben here’s the deal I need to buy a villager from you I want something

Nice I want something premium I want the best you got all right so here’s what I can do come on in what one do you want I like this one in the corner it seems a little bit shy so I’m gonna do him right

Here okay buddy how do I get him I got a boat guys we are absolutely upgrading the Base today what’s the cost on this bad boy oh those are gonna run you about 50k pop they go for 70. two for 90. yeah two for 90. two for 90. you bring the second

One over I’ll do it for 80. no no no no no no unlimited villagers it’s a great deal for you yeah good point two for 95 I’ll do shipping two four eighty two for uh 87 85 deal hey toggles off send it over all right guys 85 000 honestly

That’s less than the donation we got in our golf course so let’s bring these bad boys back home do these things go up a one block height what do I do oh yep that’s an issue so does that work yep stairs don’t work well that’s unfortunate we’re so close just break a

Path guys the Villager delivery is not an easy process it’s like bringing a TV into your house but you got to break your whole front door to get them inside well that’s not ideal when you keep driving let’s see what we can do around

Here I got an idea do you have a bet on you I don’t carry those around no I’ll make one I always have stuff to make it bad what do you want them at right in here actually we can just leave them in the boat for now guys they are about to

Be sentenced to a life of lover Industries work look at this guy like a trucker precisely parking this bad boy in there ready place that trading block one more punch oh guys we got him now is he good it gives us Infinity for a book I mean that’s probably worth some money you

Like potions don’t you oh yeah you have an extra brewing stand you can place one right in front of them yeah yeah go pop me one off out there no no hey Maurice Maurice are getting a little aggressive there my friend yeah it’s a nice little Pond there isn’t it

You’re gonna kill him he just sent it all right let’s see what this one gives us oh rotten flesh for an emerald or for Redstone to Ayah so now what do we have to give them beds or anything no they’ll just stay there and do their thing guys that is ridiculous I

Also have an opportunity for you if you want to come back into my base all right I want to show you something have you seen the tube I am familiar with the 2DS no I want to bring you downstairs real quick and show you something grab

Yourself a boat pop it on the tube and send it oh wow just hold down straight the fastest way to transport in Minecraft end wow she’s got some speed on her she’s got some speed you can make it from my base to your base in about

Five seconds there’s a lot I could use all right shops on the side Billboards advertisements this is a free to use system but for a price I will level it up for you guys the first level costs a hundred thousand dollars it becomes from YouTube and it will connect to your base

As well as increasing the design by replacing everything in here with lights custom wood are you interested 100 Grand 100 Grand per person no total yeah I’ll have to speak with Isaac about that and all right I’d definitely be interested in doing that now Ben I’ve got a little

Proposition for you all right a little option something you could use in the future all right let me ask you a question your tools often break and you need to spend money repairing them no do you need to go mind for things to get mending to repair your items sometimes

Do you want to save time yes yes he does want to save time so Ben walk with me this way I’m about to show you something take a look at the brand new state-of-the-art skeleton spawning farm that you can use to harvest experience orbs to instantly get your mending

Healed come here stand AFK for about three to four minutes Boom full heal on your pickaxe zero money spent wait we use our pickaxe to kill skeletons to get XP experience to fix it with mending yeah and totally free get a shot it works it works can I ask your

Questions no no that’s fine that’s fine you can get all profits it is a mutual benefit all right there’s also other benefit you can experience what you could spend on items so that’s pretty good Ben so anytime you want it’s right there for you there’s another good

Stand here all day all right just stay out of that basement room all right all right guys so I gave Ben permission to use this for free and he kind of noticed if he uses this I get all of the mob drops myself which means theoretically

We’ve got a lot of avenues to make profit we’ve got this mob grinder I’ll get Isaac in it soon we’ve got the shops we’ve got the mall we’ve got the freaking lover tube and the more and more they use the tube and the better we make it the more they’re going to want

To pay me there’s a lot of stuff there before I test this guys I need to do what I should have done a long time ago which is a very expensive product that you’re all gonna like we’re going to the mall we’re going back to my shop ores

And more it has been wiped clean what the heck yo someone bought everything in my store why is it empty we have been wiped clean every shop needs to restocked I was kind of wanted to sell things because we got a project to do wow I’m actually out of War now the man

Who owns orenmore is out of order oh guys I think thirty thousand dollars for another star I don’t know if that was a good idea but I did buy another star I hope this doesn’t cost me too much money actually this might be a good profit so

Hold on look at this beacons sell for about seventy thousand dollars but I just made my own Beacon for like thirty thousand so if I were to like buy a bunch of other stars or grind them and then flip them for beacons I could almost double my money with every vegan

Which sounds like a decent opportunity for money but yes guys it’s time I’m breaking this right here and this will be the location of the very first beacon of lover Industries so now we have speed when we stand around our base and uh if I combine it

With a speed potion I’m about to be moving the speed of light so let’s go just see real quick what does it look like on the outside was it a worthwhile investment yes sir yes sir it was let’s go test the skeleton spawner and let’s see how much this works so we’re gonna

Stand here a little bit AFK and uh just kind of chill here for like five minutes and see does it even work okay so I sat here for like two minutes or something and I got two skeletons so it’s not like a lot but I think if we

Have this set up which we do in a way that is close enough to like the Alchemy room which I think it is I should be able to like work in here and harvest things I’m gonna try it out and see if I work in here well these still spawn so I

Can feel that pace it’s very very subtle but it does work well but I also am making a second floor to this now just because these give such good experience like if I can level this up I won’t be getting like double triple quadruple props or anything I harvest One of my goals is also to get the highest Alchemy level on the server and uh it ain’t easy and that should help I could keep this going down really as long as I need to and uh it should be pretty easy to harvest and collect from

I kind of really want to level one of these up guys I just want to see what happens like what we get access to I guess I could level this guy up it’d be really expensive guys look at this so we leveled him up guess he’s given us a

Deal here it’s only two gold ingots for an emerald I can do that right now get another free Emerald like we’re just making plays right now all right so I guess we’ll level this dude up good news is we got some bookshelves which I actually kind of needed I’m not gonna

Lie to you can’t complain I definitely put one in the wrong spot but that’s pretty good to see well dang I might need to buy a couple more of these from Ben because the profits on those could be very high like some of them like have some very good potential all right so

The whole reason we did that guys was the test does the skeleton spawner actually give a sponge while we’re away in AFK and kind of over there and it seems like it’s not which kind of sucks because I was really hoping we were close enough for this thing to still

Launch him out so apparently we got to stand a little bit closer to make it to work so maybe we’ll try to set something up here so that like while I’m working something here they’re actually being spotted guys we might have a base right here they’re trying to sell for 10 10 I

Said seven it’d be a really good price she said 8 500 is a deal all right so I just bought it for eight thousand five hundred dollars that’s pretty decent because we’re gonna make a zoo and this to me has a really really good zoo feel

To it you can see that becoming a zoo very quickly this is literally the perfect random base to find this will be the entrance when people come through it’ll be totally free but I’m gonna actually blow out this entire back wall also is anything in this show dang it

First things first if you want a zoo I don’t know usually they have like a giant Arch so we’re gonna redo the entire front entrance of this I feel like I’m one of those like super scummy house slippers in real life because I’m like I’m leaving the wood

Under the carpet because No One’s Gonna notice I’m using slabs because they saved some money but you know what it’s just what everyone does at the end of the day I’m out of slaps dang 500 000. we are getting there all right guys this is what the brand

New entrance looks like right here so I think it looks a little bit better you’ve got like a nice little cobblestone pathway we could even add like gravel in like you know regular Stone to like kind of give it a little more fresh detail use this one trick to

Double the value of your property instantly just do like a little bit of like slightly different blocks here and there like this and literally boom property value just Double Glass in the front window still has to go and then we’ll pretty much be done with the main

Base overhaul all right let’s see it looks super cool or dumb thing I like that that’s a good looking Zoo right there is it really free if I encourage them to donate to me because like I don’t know at that point you’re getting into some weird territory we

Need to light this place up though a little bit too dark for my taste all right we’ll come back to what these are later on in the video but this is a very very different idea than what I had last time they should hopefully net us even

More profit but we’ll just leave them there for now I think it looks okay all right time to officially get started on the zoo build we’ll have some more details throughout like this could become like a little bit of a seating area there’s a lot of like random like

You know ideas like that we can do to make it look better this is where the zoo officially begins this is where our work really starts um let’s get this place lit up okay so what we’re gonna do is do path blocks so let’s get just a basic path line

So I just worked through the entire night to uh kind of line out what I want the zoo to look like and this is kind of what it looks like here so I’ve got the first cage you walk over a bridge right here you’ve got the second cage third

Cage and then a little mini game you’re gonna try to make some money on people that like come through I don’t know what yet and we got a couple more cages some campfires and then just kind of ways to get money so it’s like a nice little

Quaint Tiny Zoo and I think it’s gonna have a really good feel to it so what we need to do now is make uh probably a lot of fences a lot of fence posts and stuff like that so I want them to like Bang boom there it is the first cage right

Away when you walk in so we’ll make it like an organic shape and I kind of like there’s like this natural pit already there we can just use that as arcade shape okay bad news is we’re already out of uh we’re already out of cages so that

Was that was a lot all right well we’ve got a couple more let’s see what it does for us guys this feels like I’m playing Zoo Tycoon right now like I’m starting with nothing going through slowly getting this bad boy upgraded and it’s really coming together already I mean

Look at this this looks great I don’t know what this cage will be yet but it’s important to label it so people know I think we’ll start with a bang we’ll just say yo exhibit one is the freaking Mooshroom and uh maybe we could put like

Some fun facts here because if we give them like more info maybe they’ll be more likely to donate like uh they do need like like mycelium it’s not expensive I’m at the shop right now trying to find things a Mooshroom would have but I don’t even know if we have

Mushrooms for sale do we okay there’s a few hundred each they’re a little expensive I’m pretty sure uh first off let’s replace this with my celium so it looks a little better all right I’m pretty sure that if I plant these and then use bone meal on

Them they should grow into like a big well that’s a that’s a not exactly what we wanted but actually we could utilize this in a way that maybe makes them like a little bit of a home here it’s like a naturally occurring mushroom home that

He can walk into and live in I wish I had more mycillium but I ran out so there’s our first fact it says did you know mushrooms have more drops than any other mob I didn’t know that but apparently there’s more items they can drop than anything finally guys we gotta

Put a mushroom in our first cage it’s pretty much ready to go and honestly I think it came out pretty well so mushroom get in the cage live your life I got you for free from someone else that’s a 9 000 animal but this time we

Don’t have to spend any money he’s even going to the home get in there get in your home buddy please wow that is actually epic that turned out so well it will be even cooler if to like break the side right here can put like a little window brilliant guys what

The heck I’m gonna name a movie now let’s make our Bridge right here I have the idea I don’t know why it makes some kind of a walkway bridge and it just seemed like the right idea so that’s what we’re gonna do this actually would look cool if I put

Like some water on there and some fish and you like walk over it this is a fun build guys I’m not gonna lie to you like if this is great if it doesn’t make me money oh I might not even be upset because it’s so fun to make all right

Let’s get on cage number two right now this is the second cage we’ll do like a little bit of a simple one I guess I just figure out what I’m gonna actually put in it to make it engaging and interesting this is where I can buy

Animals to put in it so I want something kind of unique No Pigs oh Turtles 35 000 for a turtle yo a panda a panda is twenty thousand dollars but I’m gonna get one anyway because I feel like a panda cage would just be sick you know

What I mean so I guess it is gonna be another big one but I like the contrast Panda to Mooshroom just feels natural to me it’s the next step logically you know with all the potion brewing I’ve been doing in this series one thing I need to start making is some night

Vision potions because I’ll make these builds a heck of a lot easier when I can actually see what I’m doing you know that’d be a great bonus so I just restocked on this first I just restocked on my spruce wood coming back with a lot of money here that has been

Spent uh I don’t know how much we’re in the hole right now but like I said if it’s a good enough zoo I feel like the people will come I always knew this bamboo I’ve been collected would come in handy one day guys I always knew I’m

Thinking like just a little bit of a bamboo section right here oh good I can instant grow it make it look a little better quicker and then I also invested a little bit of money to try to make a super jungle tree see if that works all

Right well it’s not gonna grow so let’s try to make one jungle treat I’ll take it so I gave the panda cage like a little bit more grass a little bit more jungle now this treat right here is kind of in the way of the viewing so I don’t know maybe we’ll like

Cut out like a little part of the tree so you could see through and uh I don’t think it can get out so I mean it’s time to plop our big boy down in here and pray pray that he does not die did you know the panda is the slowest land mob

In Minecraft I didn’t know that either all right so we’ve got this looking good I want to actually make another Zone here at the beginning of our Base by the way just take a moment to appreciate how far we’ve come from a base to literal two Zoo exhibits right now in the back

That actually look kind of fire um I want to have like a welcome area right here I’m not sure the best way to do it but I’d like to give away something for free to these people give them a free crafting table grab a free craft while you’re here type

Thing now if you have been following this series by the way if you haven’t make sure you subscribe because the series is fire I have been brewing potions like a maniac and I now have an entire chest full of potion of swiftness so theoretically this is something

People would want so if I go back I feel like if I make it so that when they walk through there’s a potion a chest that’s just full of these potions for them to buy we could be in a situation we’re able to sell out of potions early on for

Players that want a little extra speed I don’t think it’s a bad idea or I’ll do about 2 000 each all right guys check it out so as you walk in now you’re faced with this and you can open up the shop and you can see all my potions they go

From two to twenty thousand dollars I just randomly kind of priced them to be honest with you because it took a long time matter of fact let’s drink one now and the third cage will be here we’re just gonna make a little bit of a tiny

Cage right here this will be a nice simple well just a basic basic animal cage nothing too crazy I don’t think foreign this is a very unique cage coming in here a very small top Zone but as you walk down it actually spirals down and then goes underground here so it’s a

Very very large cage I don’t know if I want to do an exotic animal here because if I go back to my base in my chest room by warping home and open up my food chest in the back corner I’m pretty sure but I’ve kind of got stockpiles and

Stockpiles of eggs here so what better use for eggs than to try to hatch a whole batch of them inside of this cage make a nice little exciting chicken farm right here I don’t know if it’s the most entertaining animal there’s one hopefully these things can’t

Fly out of the cage I’m thinking of that now oh really I got quadruplets on the one that didn’t go in are you kidding me of all the things that could have happened that is literally so unlucky I gotta get into a quadruplets on that are you kidding all right then for these

Guys this should be a pretty simple cage just load them up with as much grass as possible I guess those are just the ones that got away those are the ones will never get back moving in for cage number four for this one we’re going for a very interesting design here because I

Just want to put two snowmen in a cage and call today that and call it a day there I’m gonna get a couple more details added into the cage but that’s what it looks like and then back here I’ve added a donation station so players will be able to come and help support

Their local Zoo the idea here is to collect items and then we’re gonna hit him with another one right around here so that if they like what we did at the very end they’ll be able to donate even more see this is where you’re gonna win

Them guys this right here is the moment this is the moment where they become your true fans you put in words make a nice little fireplace Zone they fall in love it’s over we added a bunch of details outside we got torches everywhere a little campfire right there

Is it’s coming together I think there’s still more to be done but on the inside I was going to turn all of these into chess shops right put them on top of the counter sell some items in the chest shop but now that I’m thinking about it

This is where people are gonna spawn I feel like it’s more likely that I sell items while they’re actually out here enjoying stuff like for example here’s the panda exhibit so what if right next to the panda exhibit I set up like a little shop like for example we’re going

To sell bamboo right here that way people can directly buy the bamboo to feed the panda and it’s gonna be really expensive to make it even better so we’re gonna sell one bamboo for like I don’t know 250 or something for one all right it’s

Not too overpriced no one will do it but it’s enough that it’s actually going to make us a profit all right so look at this look at this I have created a little tiny walkway that you can walk along after you buy your Panda food and then you can feed your

Panda I think that’s epic okay that looks a lot better so I just added a little bit of a waterfall down here that way you actually kind of get the full experience when you’re walking over a magical Bridge shot number three goes up right here by the Snowman and for this

One I’m gonna try to sell all of this random armor I’ve been collecting the pickaxes I bought things that I got that just really I don’t really need anymore I’m gonna try to make it a little more expensive too than normal now here’s that silk touch pickaxe we got the other

Day I’ll put 8 000 in hopefully it’s a fair deal and then finally we’ve got this pickaxe which again is a pretty decent pickaxe I’m gonna I’m gonna make it 250 000. I definitely didn’t pay that much for it but hey maybe we get lucky and snag a deal finally we’ve got a

Chest shop here that sells potions of healing that says heal up before you head to the campfire where players can actually walk over type slash sit and legitimately sit on the campfire by the mushrooms and join the view but guys before I open up the zoo to the public

And start bringing people in I want to do a little bit of work with my villagers if you guys saw last episode you remember that I got two brand new villagers I leveled them up and they have new items what I need is to get a

Lot of gold ingots you know what I could do guys you know what I could do this is a risky play this was not on the agenda but I could go outside Harvest up the Golden Road and say hey we’re not ready for a gold road yet all right we need

The gold because those gold ingots can be sold to that I mean this is a ridiculous amount of gold I mean look at this it’s not a smart play but it’s almost two stacks of gold right there of 64. I don’t know what it’s worth but if

I traded to him for emeralds maybe he’ll level up again and we’ll get some more good stuff so there we go 12 emeralds right here that’s pretty juicy you leveled up and you have he’s up to a journeyman folks uh he’s selling us glowstone now I guess I could sell the

Emeralds back now he’s an expert we have the expert villager and he’s selling ender pearls feels good to finally have an expert in here I’m gonna go mine for 15 minutes in the mine it’s been a long time since I’ve done it and we’ll see what kind of items we can get

All right guys we are now up to 12 diamonds which means I think I can make one more diamond block I’m pretty sure which is Juicy I mean we might as well just bring this bad boy upstairs and prepare it for the eventual Beacon upgrade and I feel like for me I’m gonna

Go just pure diamonds it just feels like the right move so pop it down there start preparing we need we need a lot more of these to really get it expanded now guys let’s go get this Zoo sold I’m gonna go and chat and type teleport free

Zoo for fun adventures and games let’s see if we get any people that click on this and teleport here we go batch of random players coming in here we go here we go they’re reading the signs and now they’re able to go look hopefully they can’t kill the animals good they just go

Straight in and try to kill it look at them good thing I set it up correctly this guy’s literally just parkouring off in the distance I mean I don’t know he’s just gone he’s just he’s gone he just came and he left this guy’s trying to just kill everything he’s literally

Trying so hard to kill my animals it’s actually kind of sad I’m glad that it’s not working but oh oh oh oh oh oh here we go guys another batch of people I said free zoo here they all come look at this this guy has Isaac’s skin on he’s

An Isaac fan he doesn’t even know he’s not gonna love it right now because I’m using an ALT account as you guys know to make this series fair if you guys want to know the battle top the most rich player on the server right now is at 759

Million so I think they’ve actually lost no potions of speed have sold yet which is okay it’s all right that’s all right they’re just browsing they’re looking around they’re enjoying the view they might even buy some bamboo food they did someone just bought some bamboo for 250

He went up to feed it he’s on the rail he’s trying to give the bear oh and he did he fed it if you enjoy please donate all right put out another teleport for the Free Zoo look at this guy he’s just enjoying the Mooshroom in there isn’t

That adorable this guy could be rich oh he has one mill yo when you find the rich people and you see their balance at one nil you gotta suck up to them so hard because those are the people they’re gonna make the fat donation yo we sold some more bamboo that’s that’s a

Pretty fire let’s get in here and give him a little food there you go buddy there he goes eating it the joy we’re bringing these people is more important than the money I’m just kidding we’re gonna get rich this guy wants to become a partner he doesn’t even know who I am

He wants to become a partner charge 100 entry not too much then expand the cages in the zoo itself this guy’s trying to overhaul my Zoo he’s like giving me ideas become my partner in charge and entry fee to come in this dude’s crazy this guy could be it this guy could be

At 400k that dude hates my Zeus so much he’s killing himself just to get out of here 100 donation for the nice suit you guys saw it there okay we’re getting some donations now we sold a Daily chest plate for a thousand know guys the money

Is just solely sinking in over time one of the players who I tried to sell it to ask for commission he said if he helps me sell it can you get some money I said 10 so now I gotta do this guy trying to help me sell my base for as much as

Possible guys this one has three million dollars I’m trying to suck up to him to see if he’ll do what I want come on make a donation baby make a donation no no no make a donation come back make a donation donates a sword okay I’ll take

The sword oh blaze rods oh more blaze rods OMSI thank you I am so newbie six thousand dollar donation I’m going to manifest it into existence you will buy this can’t talk all right we got uh some glass glowstone shovel really a lot of stuff that we don’t need in the first

One so that’s expected now here we sold um probably like 15 worth bamboo and this Hopper we have collected 60 that’s actually pretty some spider eyes actually I can use some steak oh look at that two stacks of blaze rods uh daily sword I found what the biggest company

Was in the world Walmart we’re gonna redo them all and create our own Walmart in this server and it’s going to be insane now this shop did sell out if you look in these chest guys there’s nothing left inside of any of these so we’re gonna tear this entire thing down foreign

We have absolutely decimated all the businesses that were inside of here in fact I actually destroyed this entire Zone like there’s nothing left if you look up to the top of this building you might have noticed the design a long time ago an evil looking bunny because

This is the home of bunny Mart I’m gonna start turning this into a mall where every single thing that I sell is guaranteed to be the cheapest price on the server put down a little temporary construction crafting table right here and we’re gonna need a massive massive

Amount of Chess right now let’s take off this back wall too we’re gonna keep this thing a little bit segmented not too much we want to keep it open because the more people can move around in this the more they’re going to spend let’s get a couple construction

Chests down here so we can clear out that inventory one of many reasons why I need to get myself a shelter box but I can’t really afford any yet so we’re not quite to that point I’m gonna try to build most of it with like my own materials so I’m gonna literally just

Try to cut down a massive amount of this forest and then turn all these beautiful trees straight into locks foreign I’m telling you what I’m gonna show Isaac and Ben up today like when they see what’s done at the end of this it’s gonna have to change the entire way the

Server and game is played I mean it’s going to be absolutely brilliant all right that’s a good amount of trees for now I mean we cleared like 15 or 20 of them right there so now we can get back to work on this 38 chests later we are

Now prepared to get to work on the mall now we need to get some shell of action please don’t pay attention to all the money I’m gonna be spending on this I believe it will make its back I’m about to tell you guys how as we go on but I

Can’t tell you all at once I gotta do a slope I’m going to try to fit almost every single item you could literally get in the game into the store over time so what I’m thinking early on is this beginning section maybe the luxury goods I don’t know that’s not a bad idea

This could literally become how I store all my items like this could become my chest room while I’m storing my items here I’m also trying to sell and make a profit but we can’t just have one row we gotta have more rows you know Liz is teaching me as I’m

Loading this stuff up is that I need to spend a massive amount of time going on grinding for these resources if I want to keep this entire new store stocked now if you look through what we’ve got here is like all the ore mechanics in the back up front we’ve got like a

Little bit less like the Flint and stuff and I think I’ll do like a lot of the basic blocks up here all these chests are stocked with all the gear that I have now I can’t fill them up all the way because I’m kind of running low on

Supplies myself what I’m thinking now is that we can actually create a whole bunch of furnaces and I mean a whole bunch because now it gives them more reason to come here like if they come to my mall they get free smelting they don’t have to waste their own coal I

Think it’s a good idea and frankly they forget their stuff and that means it’s mine so you know there’s a win-win a little bit more money spent coming in here on a couple of these I can’t believe I ran a birch now you’ll be able to actually smelt

Your items here for free we got to get them into the store that’s the most important part I’ll tell you guys what Isaac and Ben are just not gonna know what hit them when they see this they’re literally going to lose their minds when they see what they’ll be able to get I’m

Gonna go check out all of their stores they’ve made and undercut them all make sure I guarantee that I’ll beat their prices I kind of don’t like that there’s no way to view what’s in the chest from here so I’m gonna add these on like all angles that way if you’re coming from

The side you’ll still be able to see exactly what’s in that chest gotta make the small details count guys and this is one of those small details see now when you’re coming back in you’re still faced with it you still know what it is also my exact links I remember last episode I

Forgot to open up the daily key well today we’ve got three daily keys to open so at the end of today’s video I will open all three of these we’ll see what we get inside of it nine thousand four hundred dollars just to buy these shroom lights to decorate with but I think

Underneath these stands we got to get a little bit of light in here to draw their attention people are like flies when you see a light you’re gonna jump to it I can’t believe how many different life forms this mall has had so far I mean it went from having Isaac over here

A few episodes ago now he’s been kicked out of the mall now we’ve got a like just something insane going on over here this is crazy oh I spent 9400 on these bad boys always we might as well get the most out of it a lot of construction

Going on right now folks but look how much better it looks so now that we’ve opened that whole wall up kind of connected it there and I’m going to put another Zone in here with a bunch of chests and I want to make it more of a

Utility area I might even make like a public free enchanting Zone want to get people in here to see how good our deals are and that’s what we need we just get them to walk through the door now I think I can actually leave a lot of the

Potions in here and like just make this a potion Zone but make it more efficient like plop a lot more in here together see how hidden these things are like back here in the corner behind the glass I feel like that was a rookie mistake mistake that’s why these never sold

Get rid of that wall and then connect both of these together I think that’s going to be the move kind of old meets the new here one is using black brick one’s using polish black and it’s just not exactly what I hoped would happen boom look how much better this looks

Already and the floor obviously over here I don’t know what’s going on though I don’t know what was I thinking like I’m looking back this is like two weeks ago man pass stack you don’t messed up buddy look how weird this floor pattern used to be what in the world it’s really

Getting on that point with brt foresting an entire Forest just to redo the floor and I almost feel kind of bad about it how about that a little bit of a staggered look for the potions over here that way it still stays exciting I don’t know we sold out potions too dang that’s

Where we made some money I came on I was like how to make 50k I knew I sold something I still got to put the prices on all these which is going to take a lot of time but that looks so much better and then I’m thinking over here

In this corner is gonna be our wood section because you want to get like the stone in the wood next to each other I’ll make this a window I think I mean it might as well make like a nice little view outside of the trees that I haven’t destroyed yet

I’m gonna put down the logs I’m not sure if this is gonna fit or not staying organized with all this wood is going to be the most confusing part I think actually okay so that’s gonna be dark oak in it I’m not even going to label them this time what I’m gonna do

Is just put them on top of the wood they represent to be honest with you looking back at it might make more sense to do that here too like put them on top of the block you’re selling instead of those item frames I think it’s gonna

Just be a little cleaner to like see it like then it is all angles already so look at this we’re learning things all the time guys I think that’s a better move okay that is what the wood Zone looks like so what do you guys think

What looks better like putting it on top of the item it represents or putting item frames next to it I don’t know I mean there’s an argument for both sides because like here it’s not selling blocks it’s selling the single item so I don’t know maybe we’ll just leave it

Like this for now and just kind of give it its own flare on each side don’t think I’m gonna put another there I think I’ll get another Zone section potions over here which will be exciting let’s get these bad boys really stock okay this took a really long time but I

Actually went through and even color coordinated all of the chest shop signs on all of the wood shops that they match exactly and I think it looks pretty good so on front and back it matches so now if you need any type of wood you can

Come here if you need basically any type of ore Stone you can come here now to really take things to the next level I’ve of course been brewing potions as always you guys know that I love my potions although I still haven’t figured out why also are these guys still in

Here hey buddy I love what I’m up to expert I don’t know if you knew this but I leveled him up to expert that’s what he sells not not great feels good to finally be unloading these bad boys I mean I I made a lot of splash potions of

Poison I’ll be honest with you I made a lot maybe it was a little bit excessive all right take a look at this these are all the potions I made so far we’ll continue to stock this as we make our potions but also it’s a really good way

To store them so like this is literally becoming the chest room and the chest shop now I don’t think it can be an official Mall until first off we actually Finish the build I mean there’s literally exposed walls there’s like giant holes everywhere it’s just this is

Not the kind of place you’re gonna come and Trust the shop actually now that I’m doing this like definitely gonna do more windows because uh more people look in more they’re gonna come buy stuff we gotta get these gloss rooms in there to make it look a little more appealing

So just a nice little detail to be like yo we got the wood you want wood we got maybe that won’t be our saying but we could say that another little roof extension renovation coming in here I can’t believe how uneven the original build was I I feel like there’s a whole

Potential here to make multiple floors but we just ain’t to that level yet this trim really bit me guys I didn’t like it when I first made it but I was really just gonna leave it anyway well now now I regret that I shouldn’t have ever left it it was a terrible idea

I mean I haven’t quite spent a hundred thousand today on upgrading this mall but I think I’m gonna get pretty darn close to about 100 Grand invested once you stay till the end you’re gonna understand how this is gonna make us literally I think what’s going to be

Infinite money long term and I keep saying that but I think this time it really will I mean it looks so good I think I might as well just make the whole entire wall glass you know what I mean why not get a view from all angles

Why not be able to see it from more places it’s all about those subtle messages you send people and windows are part of it it was interesting the glass panes actually connect to the wood they don’t connect to the planks and the slabs so that kind of looks a little bit worse

Over here than over here but hey it does look a lot better now that you got some natural light coming in here we somehow actually ran out of glass paints now I gotta invite even more gotta spend money to make money guys don’t forget it snipe me out here buddy let’s go all

Right now comes the exciting part if you guys didn’t know Isaac and Ben are both trying to start their own Mall as well this is actually perfect so if I take the old lysica train station over to Ben’s place because I haven’t quite finished the ice railroad to go there

You will see that I’ve got some competition with Ben boy I’m gonna make a fortune when I get this ice thing built I mean look at the slowness of this if I continue to enter into Deep Woods territory this is where we’re gonna do a little bit of undercover

Renaissance Ben’s got a secret Trail very often the distance of his own little shopping district and I see this as a threat so let’s take a look at what Ben’s got going on here 56 diamonds in his first one no price listed lots of iron again no price listed he’s not

Configuring the price but I can see what he’s selling and you can see how spread out he is so if I come here to shop I gotta walk an hour to get Sweet Berry bushes I mean it’s just a very big and sprawling area and I don’t want to go

Into a big and sprawling here I want to go to one area where it’s got everything eat and clean elsewhere it’s under construction it ain’t even ready yet this is our competition right now now this is what Isaac is building on the other hand okay what the heck oh he’s

Got like a little bit oh he must be building in here okay that’s what that is all right let’s get out so he’s working on building this insane by the way this is absolutely insane look at the size of this thing but he’s building

Some sort of a sales Zone here and it is absolutely beautiful look at this nothing for sale yet so I feel like the fact that the spooky bunny mall is so Compact and tight I mean compare what we just saw to this like you come here you’ll get everything you want in

Seconds but let’s get the other Zone set up we need someone in this back corner wasn’t gonna be also guys we’ve been working diligently on what’s behind this secret door but I am not gonna show you yet we’ve been working on it for a few episodes maybe next episode you’ll see

It but I think what we’ll do here is now add a little bit of luxury inside of this place this will be kind of like the rare items like for example netherwort is very expensive and kind of hard to come by if you don’t have a farm glistening melon a

Little bit of a more rare item again we’ll put that in there and then I think for here we’ll just save it for like other rare items I don’t know exactly what they’ll be yet so I replaced the bottom with the basic block I I really

Feel like that does look better we do need to destroy this ugly nasty billboard unfortunately I thought this might be a great business idea turns out nobody really wants to advertise on the rail station I don’t know why maybe because it was an ugly billboard now

This looks a lot more like a ball alright the Billboard’s been removed which looks a lot better A lot of the trees on the sides have been removed which looks better we do want to make a little bit of a nice little cute path Zone though right here real quick

Put down some of these as benches where you can now sit and enjoy the water next to the mall where you could hopefully be buying items so I don’t know maybe I convinced people to do it give a nice little outdoor crafting table again guys I like the free crafting tables it just

Incentivizes them to come visit maybe a couple hay bales just a little bit of hay just to give it like a nice clean Vibe and then I have a smithing table which I really feel like doesn’t belong out here but uh hey why not put a little

Smitty table here so maybe we’ll make the path go out and Lead right to your free uh swimming table maybe you want one maybe this is an incentive to come here I don’t know all right what do you think of that just a nice little outdoor park on the side

We can wrap this all the way around as a matter of fact we will do it right now I don’t know what I’ll put all the way around here in the future but might as well make it look good and now since we’re officially making them all look a

Lot better we want to make it connect to our base a little better and I’m actually I got like a pretty fat idea on what I’m gonna do to this but there’s a reason these two are about to connect so the path is now built that connects

Us it looks so much better than what I had before I mean look how much better this looks this is what a rich man needs right here right now there’s a path directly to the mall I just want to fill this in with a little bit of dirt so it

Looks kind of better guys look at that view look at that view the mall is absolutely stunning from this distance I can’t imagine how much money that’s going to be making us maybe one more quick Harvest oh you know what I think I’ve leveled up to the point where I’m automatically replanting these

It seems let’s go snap there’s a creeper in the basement there’s a creeper in my basement folks that is not really a sign you like to see um oh another we got the Dual basement creeper action here okay all right that’s fine so right now

Full Harvest if I were to do it all and then replant it we get about one two three four five stacks of these if I sell them gives us about two thousand dollars if I sell it to the shop which isn’t bad but I think for our sake we’ll

Just keep stockpiling them up in here and see how many we can get going because here they’d be going for 40 each instead of like 70. and since we’re here appreciate all the great comments guys a lot of you told me that I should breed these villagers instead of getting

Ripped off by buying more and so that’s exactly what we’re gonna try to do right now this uh dungeon style design should be perfect for these two lovebirds here I’ll put a door right in the center and then I’ll push back the wall and hopefully the way I made it they’ll be

Able to actually leave through the door right here come back here and make babies and then uh should be able to leave look at that hey welcome home buddy welcome home how do you like your new spot huh they got a little bit of Freedom now they can walk back into the

Dark torture dark torture chamber back here gonna put a secondary door down just for security reasons make sure they don’t actually Escape through the sidewall he’s a little shy doesn’t know how to work doors but now we’ve got two of them we’ll toss you guys a little bit

Of food out there you know just like oh boy a little bit close to each other all right you two lovebirds we’ll come back and check them and see what happens a ton of comments said Zack did you know mob spawners work better when it’s absolutely as black as possible pitch

Dark so unfortunately I gotta get rid of my really cool looking design here just to make it as dark as I can all right I know it looks ugly this is a test design I’m gonna run some tests later on to see if it actually is

Quicker but I did see a lot of comments give me advice saying Zach you need to do it like this let’s give it a quick hit that’s not a bad collection we got down here to be honest with you that’s like decent so the way this small makes a

Bunch of money is that we’re gonna price match every single shot that my brothers open up which means we’re gonna lose a lot of money early on but long term they won’t be able to afford not to shop here just like how Walmart does it to all the

Companies to put them out of business and then also be the first shop here that accepts items instead of just money as payment even more reason to shop here the goal is to have every single item in the entire game for sale in this shop making this the biggest chest shop that

Has ever been created if I go to the in-game shop where you can buy items sugarcane is five thousand dollars per stack now that’s a lot of money and so I’m gonna start building it by myself I’ve already invested my own five thousand dollars to create this little

Mini farm right here what we’re gonna do is literally start self-supplying ourselves with everything we need in game this is our Mega farm right here and from the beginning the plan was to start adding things to it throughout the season so this literally just starts collecting items for us we’re just gonna

Add sugarcane on each side I guess we want to learn from previous mistakes as well build this wall up so all of our items don’t launch forward at a million miles per hour so we’ll do something like this now all the sugar cane as I break it should fall into

These little paths here and then flow all the way down which is going to connect to our Mega Farm once we get that built and I don’t know if it’s necessary for these blocks but we’ll pop a couple shroomies back here just because it makes it look a little better maybe

We’ll put the shroomies in the back you know what I mean we have now marked off sugarcane from our to-do list which is pretty awesome we now have automated sugarcane we have automated crops we don’t have any animals yet so we’ve got to pay for all

Of that which is kind of expensive but next up is the exciting one I’m thinking what we’re gonna do today is revamp this entire room and upgrade this and bring it to the modern level to a point where these villagers are what’s going to bring us millions of dollars I let these

Guys roam around in here and I’m hoping they had a baby actually I think I do see a little guy in there oh look at the little baby he’s about as tall as me in real life so we’ve got a baby we need to get some more beds in here

Look better because my goal is to get every single villager here and then if you saw my last tick tock hack video which you definitely should there’s a way to abuse the mechanics to make these guys buy things for almost nothing let’s give them a nice space where they’re

Going to be expanding and living we’re gonna put that on hold real quick I gotta run back to the main entrance of our base I got a bunch of iron blocks because I was trying to finish this Beacon we’re getting pretty darn close to actually having like this Beacon B

Finish I could raid my Maul and then use the mall raid in order to create the final blocks and just finish the beacon and I think that’s what I’m gonna do real quick it’s gonna make our build a lot easier and I know for a fact my

Brothers don’t have any beacons so this is huge it’s not the prettiest Beacon do I want speed or jump boost I feel like I want speed that is what I like to see now we have speed in a much larger radius around the base I kind of would

Like to get haste or something but hey we can we’ll do with what we can do I mean not oh no no no no no no no no I forgot to close it yo we almost had a village leak out of here man hey get back in there boys no you’re not

Supposed to be free you just open the door and walked out you know what that’s fine we could expand it that way we could we could work with it I really want to talking love right in here right in front of us on camera I don’t even Place

Another bed does that mean you lost your baby it’s your baby dog just have another baby or the kid doesn’t get escaping this little rascal all right all right guys we gotta get back to it I don’t know what’s going on in here they’re just throwing babies around like

They’re worthless okay now what I meant to do with the very beginning was give them a nice view of life since they’re trapped in here for all of eternity and we’ll never get out we should at least give them a really big window no no no

No no no no no no no no no no no get back out of here get back out of here go go go go go although I guess if all you’re doing is breeding you probably don’t want a giant window in front of you that’s not our

Concern now I was gonna let them roam outside but I just thought if I did that a monster might kill it so we’ll just trap him in here probably then for all of eternity just to be safe oh look at them in there just taking a little nap together it’s just adorable

He’s just a happy little group right there if you’ve seen his base you’ll know that Ben does a lot of things to villagers that are just not appropriate so maybe we start the anti-village abuse maybe we go ahead and find people for it maybe that’s something we do you let me

Know and I’ll do it all right I’ll do it all right now they’re free to explore the cabin now that we’ve got that build up all the way and I’d like to do even I mean I think a quarter window would be kind of sick this is risky they’re all

Asleep I don’t think they’ll get out but could you imagine if like a creeper just fell into them right now somehow fell out of the sky and got in there I mean this is this is risky we could lose our boys tonight wow really I just did all

That and I was one shy of completing it that really does suck doesn’t it he looks so wholesome don’t they just sitting there snoozing away so we want to get the beds placed now and I mean I don’t know if I’d necessarily say the best places to put them right up against

The window no wait maybe right here is a great spot like line them up right here I think that’s pretty good yeah let’s do that these guys are going through Extreme Home Makeover and don’t even realize it’s happening while they’re in bed there’s creepy dude out here there’s 25

Years old playing Minecraft for a living there’s a baby right next to me and I’m on I’m in their base I don’t even realize I mean there’s just some some weak parenting in my opinion this is where their new bedroom’s gonna be I think it looks kind of cool I wanted to

Make it a little bit private they kind of treat the villagers right guys all right and it looks like an entire night’s past our little guys just woken up and did a little exploring in his new bedroom oh he likes it yes Mom and Dad

I’m sorry to come in here but we’ve got to relocate all three of these beds as well folks again a little bit of Home Renault coming in here to treat you guys right as we are not going to abuse people but we’re the richest My own details I think I want to make these kind of look like cool little lights on the side of the wall and this is what their new bedroom looks like which is super easy to expand I can just push the wall out and keep going this

Gives us eight beds though and I’m pretty sure these villagers are stocked up on food so now there’s a chance they’ll start pumping out babies for us all the time and then here is where the villagers will be taken care of they’ll have all their jobs they can switch all

Their jobs up and everything so we need to get the floor taken out first I probably should have used half slabs for all that and I just now realized it halfway through the build would have saved us some money but that’s okay we’re getting there already out of slaps

See that’s another thing we’ve got to get self-sustaining I’m always buying warped wood and and all this Crimson wood and stuff and it’s really expensive and it’s what we’re trying to do is save money today we’re trying to save it to make it in the future it’s 800 a stack

It’s not the worst but like we could do better so the idea is each one of these will be how the Villager enters to its new station where they’ll have all the workstations and they’ll be able to walk up and work at their station I’ll be

Able to come by and then access all of them pretty easily so I think that’s kind of a cool way to separate them and then in the middle uh we’re gonna want a door so just a little tiny door here kid you better be excited buddy you’re

Growing up for a life of fun and excitement I mean compared to where that was before it certainly will be I kind of like the idea of making this like a warped wood up here like a little bit of a different one don’t ask me why I didn’t Center this by

The way I I can’t answer that to you it just felt like the right move we’ll give them a taste of luxury with a golden block on the wall again we’re flexing the wealth where we can because it strikes intimidation into people you’re like yo you took time to do this you

Must be rich plus this will be so organized we’ll be making bank I do need to get you guys out of there though so I can start working on the rest of this come on buddy go back in there go on this is this is frankly his last time

Ever tasting uh not freedom I mean uh just outside of his cage his hell his home outside of his home that’s what I meant to say here he comes here he comes come on buddy now with any luck they’ll have some more babies tonight and actually looking through it it’s really

Quite a beautiful design I like that a lot as much as I know you guys probably like this thing here the water’s officially gone that’s been finally taken care of so now we’re going to start building this out with every single crafting thing that’s possible that gives them

All the special jobs so hopefully we can get one of each so there goes the cauldron right here should be the location of oh I don’t like doing this because they could Escape when I do it the smithing table will go here I don’t think I’ve made a blast furnace this

Entire series I literally don’t have one anywhere that’s kind of ridiculous learning to break the floor first then place it then open it up that way you’re not really in a situation where they can escape but now we’re getting a nice spread of items right here so Blast

Furnace taken care of I think a smoker is just a furnace and then three types of wood yes sir it is so here comes a smoker which gives us another job oh no the kid did grow up he’s trying to get a job walk over here get a new job come on

Yes we just did it we got a new one oh my gosh let’s go this one sells us dyed leather but that’s kind of cool because they’re going down the road the problem is we don’t have enough room in this build so we can do all of these but in

Terms of the other jobs I don’t know the best area for it I mean I could stack it I don’t know if that’s the best move so we got to kind of brainstorm real quick how to get all the rest fit so I must have severely underestimated how many of

These villager jobs there could be so what I think we’ll do after some thinking is we’ll wrap it around so that I have them on both sides and it should actually come out almost even foreign so now the other side is looking like this which is not too shabby all right

We’ve pretty much got it replicated now on both sides which means all I need to do soon is open it up and allow the villagers to walk and they should almost not quite be ready to go on both sides oh boy I did not expect uh to have that

As our backdrop can a villager walk through another portal does that work as a wall am I gonna lose people I don’t know all right I asked chat if it if they walk through and literally everybody said yes there’s 1500 people on so that is going to be a slight issue

And I really can’t change it any more than I have so Portal’s gonna have to be moved we’ll just do a temporary decision like that for now so we’ve got three adult villagers so if theoretically if two of them are female I mean we could really pump through the

Babies real quick now I’m pretty sure I read somewhere that a villager’s best way to reproduce is with bread so I got 42 loaves of bread in my inventory oh do you just see a creeper on my basement I did that oh oh look at that three of

Them fan a skeleton well we ain’t going over there maybe I do need to get some lights in here because this has got actually really dangerous soon we’ll get some emergency lights placed I’ll change these uh later but I think for now there is actually a legitimate risk of

Something spawning in here and killing them we’ll give each station its own shroom light to light them up while they’re working so they look even better now somehow I managed to get this far without a single villager dying yet for something falling in from the sky I don’t know how that’s possible

Guys we got a zombie almost making an entrance don’t worry though I’ll protect my boys we just take a moment to appreciate How Majestic the evil bunny balls looking from out here it could have made a lot of sales too I haven’t checked it yet got a creeper here too

Trying to get in this party no no no no no no oh in a zombie boys you stay away from my villagers all right what do I gotta do to teach you a lesson all right so it just turned the daytime I want to give them as much bread as I can and

I’ve got an idea to make them breed even more so first let’s see where they go as they explore their new Zone they’ve kind of got a weird path to take to get there so they’re all chilling right here so this seems like a great opportunity to

Throw down some bread and let them start picking it up here you need some bread too come on guys have a baby this looks good there’s a lot of nodding going around I need you to pick that bread up though oh they did it yes we got another

Villager to join the team boys we’ll throw some bread in there that’s gonna be awesome when he grows up I need to get a farmer villager because the farmer will replant crops and also collect crops by himself and that’s important because he’ll share food with the other people and actually help automatically

Breed them as far as I’m aware I mean at least I think I do that all right before we see what Junior turns into we’ve now marked off two of the automated things almost we’re gonna be able to trade with them from all of our other Auto farms and hopefully collect like unlimited

Mending books which are worth a ton of money now behind all of this is where we’re going to finally start working on some automatic tree farms this is extremely important because trees are expensive oh okay all right just a big hole what the heck is what is this under

My base now we’ve got to put to use all the fat stacks of dirt we have because we gotta even the land out back here to make this thing look right all right that’s a lot of dirt placed I feel like that’s good enough for now I

Think for this tree farm I think we just need a little bit of space for them to grow oh did not mean to do that did not mean to do that I just bought a full stack of jungle for about twenty thousand dollars that was a very expensive mistake I just

Clicked the wrong button right there well we better utilize that the best too bad jungle wood kind of sucks all right so this is just a rough layout we’re gonna change this over time I just kind of want to see them grow see how big they are and how much wood it gives

Us so I can figure out do I need to expand this do I need to do more let’s just put them here for now and kind of see what happens over time that’s a little bit of an experiment back there and eventually you know it’ll make back

For the freaking 20 000 I get to twenty thousand we all make mistakes guys that was a 20 000 mistake right there let that sink in wood is now officially knocked off the list or at least it’s in progress to be knocked off the list and

We need it too because we’re pretty much always low on wood now I just need to get one for the nether now while we’re here you guys drop a comment I don’t really use this that much the skeleton spawner is all right but it’s worth almost half a million dollars should I

Sell that next episode and double my money you let me know in the comments below if you think it’s worth it because that’s a million dollars we could do a lot with by the way this is what it looks like from the outside with the Villagers work this looks really classy

I’ll be honest with you and uh I could even charge people to come trade here or let them trade for free so they level them up for me that’s not bad either now when we move back to the corner of my base here I’ve always this giant hole

That I’ve been digging out for a long time I always had this Vision that eventually it would become some sort of a cage for all my animals down here so I think we’ll get started with our very first animal today and we’ll do it right here

No I get it I know what you’re thinking Zach are you are you serious about making all your cages underground but just wait until you see what we’re doing all right now we should be able to go to the shop go to spawners and animals and buy ourselves our very first sheep seven

Thousand dollars for one sheep seven for two now we’ve got two and we can begin to breed you so now we’ve got cave sheep and the beginning of where we’re going to have all the animals we need this is a very small start of course come on

Boys convoys have birth and six thousand dollars saved just like that okay these ones all white for now and we’ll slowly expand out and get all the colors so we can sell this stuff we can use it to start making our own crops and start leaving the shop out because we spent a

Lot of money today oh guys look at this I see some more Hearts flying that means another possible baby maybe joining the crew here today and I think that’s it so I added item frames above each of their stations and what I’m gonna use this for

Is to put the very first item up there that I traded them for so for example with this guy our newest if I traded for the leather tunic or an emerald whatever it is probably probably one that mattresses thing I’ll put it right up there and then every time I see him

You’ll be able to see from a distance exactly what they sell a little bit easier now this little guy’s still growing up they had another baby as well which means we’ll get the next two jobs on here this skeleton spawner is worth at least four hundred fifty thousand

Dollars so we’re gonna sell it for four hundred and forty thousand dollars now I’m gonna start playing some dirty plays I’m gonna go in the auction house where players list their items and I’m going to scounge it is that a word for 30 minutes see what deals we get

All right in 30 minutes later we have all of these really good deals and two that really popped out to me were these exclusive sorts the cheapest one on the market is for seventy thousand dollars I bought both of these for five thousand dollars the first one I’ll list for like

95 000 and then the second one for sixty thousand now whether or not they’ll sell I don’t know we’ll see what happens today oh it’s all the sword we sold the skeleton spotter ladies and gentlemen I’ll lower their price a little bit we made about 420 some thousand dollars on

That that’s awesome here’s another way to make money this guy is buying the daily keys for 15 000 each they might be worth around 20 but I’m gonna go ahead and sell anyway because that brings up 900 000 we are making some Bank he’s a happy customer there’s a little bit more

Money what I’m gonna do today is look for a super base to buy and invest in a base that might cost all of our money because the rich get richer by spending it so I am buying this base for 100 and what I say 120k and hopefully I get

Everything in the chest as well all right I got it I got the deal I just paid him a hundred and twenty thousand dollars to buy this place with the caveat that I get to keep everything in the chest and hopefully the grinder as well which means I should be able to

Just sell the parts in this base for more than I actually bought the base for now the fun part what is inside what did we just buy from this dude’s literal base does he have villagers in here yo we even got freaking villagers coming in first absolutely nothing um

Oh look at this ladies and gentlemen he’s selling the vanilla sword for 350 000 and we bought the paper 120. we freaking scored the deal of a lifetime in here oh okay okay it looks like he did snag a couple items that were in here right before he left and then I

Also I guess got a freaking spider spawner in here yeah there’s definitely two spider spawners in this bad boy as well seems like he just wanted to get rid of the old base as quick as possible and uh I don’t think we’re gonna make any money off of these by letting people

Grind here so we’ll get these bad boys in the market okay they’re going for about a hundred thousand each so I’ll sell two of them for like 190. vanilla sword right here we’re gonna sell for 340 000. we’ve already made a profit off this space we haven’t even started the

Construction to flip this into something bigger now we’re gonna make a little bit of upgrades here to this bad boy so there’s some future business entrepreneur I said that word so weird can come along and take this base over and hopefully make a little bit of a profit off of it

Look at that the room wasn’t even even from the start you hate to see it now what’s interesting is it seems like players are able to enter my shop I’m guessing they’ve set a home here like I literally don’t know who he is or how he

Got here honestly it’s not a bad idea to like put a couple shops down and like keep these things running for a little bit now all of the old stuff has been taken down except for this cage I’m taking all the iron bars down I feel like it just

Kind of decreases the value of this type of a property here we still have a lot of items trying to sell but none of it is sold just yet so now we need to upgrade this place by giving it a little bit more Flair now I don’t know if I

Need 20 chests but I might as well a couple signs for some new shops we just sold one of the swords that’s a 15K profit right there now we’re back at this base I want to make it really usable for someone so they can come by

And actually have like a purpose for it this hallway leads to literally nothing so what I’m thinking here sort of like a public smelting Zone like I don’t know exactly the vibe we want to go for here crafting table couple more smelters and then just like call it like the free you

Smelter and I want like a green highlight I feel like that’s kind of a weird cool thing those will turn into chess shops again where players can come and buy things if they want to or not now I haven’t made two too many changes to this base yet I cleaned it up I

Changed the walls I put down a couple details here and there I think I want to put just a few more down in the living room zone so it looks a little more professional just go on top these will be Future Shops for these guys and then

We’ll put a couple of frames down and that’s where people can like label what those items are I think that’s kind of a fresh look right there blue torches because they look clean put them in the doorways now I bought it for what 120k I’ve already made I actually haven’t

Sold the items yet so I haven’t made the money yet but when I do sell it I will be making Banks so I’m gonna try to sell this thing right now all right I’m putting out some TP requests right now to see people will come buy stuff from

This shop right now I’m not selling anything I’m just trying to sell this sky base now I don’t know if any one of these guys will bite or nibble but I’m putting out there anyway I mean while we’re trying to sell it I think that’s going to be the strategy of the future

You keep upgrading it while you’re trying to sell it that way it gets more and more desirable over time but if a buyer likes it while you’re building it then you got a better chance of selling it that’s a pretty clean look you got the chest shops there you got stuff over

Here this I think will put a backup furnace there look how good that looks man you got I don’t like these torches I’ll be honest they kind of take away from it and the different colored signs also kind of hurts me we got end rods

Man let’s use them out of the torch is in with the end rods make this thing look even better I mean we’re here to we’re here to make some Bank guys did you hear that Gamers that’s the sound of free gamer Subs if you guys click the

Link below there are 1 000 free samples just for the zacklings the first 1000 people get a free sample gamer Subs the new awesome energy drink you can use while playing games I wanted to share because it’s literally free you might as well just click the link in snatchers

Before it’s gone now I do want to ask you a question speaking of malls and I want a real conversation in the comments we have considered opening up our mall to the public a lot of players want to come with the Restriction that we can only sell like 50 000 a week or

Something so that like they don’t just overprice and ruin the series if you guys like that idea or have some idea related to that drop a comment and let us know should we be able to open the mall that we’ve made to the public well I’ll tell you what taking all the

Torches and putting in these end rods literally changed the game just doubled in price just like that we’ll put an iron ingot up there just to kind of flex our wealth a little bit so that when people come they’re like yo you’re kind of Rich here and I’m like yeah I know we

Are kind of Rich here all right all right too many people are coming here and playing parkour they’re not like really shopping we kind of gotta like block them off because it’s costing us kind of sales here oh hey whoa whoa we just sold the north to 958 thousand dollars we’ve made so

Much today we sold both of the spawners for a hundred and sixty thousand dollars if we sell anything else we’re gonna pass a million I need to sell this base though people are not biting yet now here’s a very interesting idea on This Server we have something that allows you

To level yourself up for example if I were to go shovel the ground I would level up my shoveling or if you were to maybe do something like this if you jump here and I land okay that’s very bad placement but if I land here hopefully it doesn’t kill us and you can

See it increases your acrobatics level and so what I’m thinking we’ll do here is create a station for players to actually train their acrobatics they’ll be able to jump down and then go back home and jump down and go back to home which over time reduces the fall damage

You take so we have the acrobatics trainer so set home jump off the edge and then you’ll literally just be able to go like this home Sky Fall Back Down Home sky fall back down and as you can see each time you fall down it’s going

To level you up but I’m kind of like thinking a little bit about this like long term if someone comes here and actually does it they’re gonna need some food right so you know what I’m saying you think of what I’m thinking because we about to put a little shop here we’ll

Go back to the old chest room here in our super base and we’ll grab some steaks some of this some beetroot uh that’s probably good for now so now we have a food shop so that people can train let’s try another teleport to see if anyone else comes and wants to bite

This guy’s worth 74 million dollars if we could snag a deal with this dude it might be the biggest deal in game history potential new buyers here I’m just going to ignore them as they’re here and just get back to building because we got things to do all right all right three

Librarians are here I’d like to put something above and it looks kind of artistic and I feel like this is the move like just a little green concrete just to just you know just to look good green highlights you know you don’t see enough green a little bit of a little

Circle light in there I think it looks pretty nice we’re gonna go ahead and Supply them with uh just a little bit of Cleanup Crew here I’m putting in some of these frames prematurely for these guys so that whoever buys it will already have it ready that way they can Envision

Their own shops here a little bit easier I don’t know about you but that is a much more appealing design I just redid most the signs just to kind of make them look better parkour business acrobatics training villager trades and I’m also going to go back to my base because I

Have an idea for some more stuff I can add to make it better hey we sold another sword that’s exciting I also got another ride hoe I don’t know what it’s worth we’ll try to sell it oh I think we just sold something else for up to 991k

What did we sell we sold our shovel for some profit dude that 30 minutes of work made me like 200 000 today now I want to give this a little bit more functionality because I wanted to have most things they would need to craft I’m gonna bust out both sides right here and

Just make this into like an ultimate crafting Zone but I’m also gonna put it over glass that way it just looks a little bit cooler we’ll put uh lapis blocks in the center it’s got a nice ocean vibe to it we only have seven so I gotta get created with the last one

Drafting table back in the center and we will plug in a furnace here as well and I think that looks kind of cool it’s like a nice little spawn Zone little decorations lead to big sales and that is why we’re putting this Rune on the wall which is probably worth some money

All right temporarily we’ll just put down items like this inside of this little corner crafting Zone I want to get all the crafting stuff here if we can’t sell it in time but for now I think it’s got kind of a Cool vibe too you know you come outside get some

Sunlight this kind of is open a little bit more than I’d like the base I don’t think has enough details so we’re coming back with some Spruce to Spruce it up Spruce and white looks really good together so we’ll add a couple of these little door arches here it’s gonna be

Just a little bit of finesse and hopefully is going to pull their eyes in I think what we’ll do right here is we’ve got four Brewing stands that I purchased maybe we put them on top of there we go there we go that’s what I needed to do Brewing stands that go in

Between the chest to pull together the crafting Zone and Channing table I think will give them an opportunity to use that I mean this is where all the crafting is I mean I kind of blocked this area off I wasn’t sure what to do with it maybe we’ll just put the

Enchanted table over here and just be like yo you want to enchant come on in for now just right there we don’t exactly have it fully furnished and we still have not sold our super good sword yet that we somehow managed to pick up nor we sold the netherite host let’s get

These two back on the market for a lower price all right we’re gonna add some more details in here this is again where the base gets sold every single time so someone comes and doesn’t buy we’re just upgrading it a little bit more until it’s at the point where people want to

Buy it I want to add a couple of flowers on pots up on the wall so maybe this is a good spot he just turned this up out of nothing all right I have red banners but those look good there I’m trying to get the decoration block stuff I feel like

That’s what we’re missing and then I also spent just a little bit extra because this Banner looked absolutely awesome and I wanted to put it up somewhere cool I guess that’s good a couple music no boxes in the corner we’ll get another teleport out to see if

Anyone’s interested in any of the new updates we’ve made Ben Welcome To The Sky Mall Hub take a look around and tell me what you think first of all I like it free acrobax training you set home here and you jump off and then you go back

And then you jump off and you go back back over and over and over again comes with some villagers on the inside couple of villagers some very nice custom banners very powerful villagers I might add finally we’ve got a parkour course over here as well and just write for an

Expansion really I would say it’s a good investment opportunity for an aspiring businessman are you are you willing to sell this to me I’m just gonna make an offer right now right I’m gonna say it right now I bought it for 120 I’m gonna give you a brother deal 100K it’s yours

You bought this for 120. I bought it for 120. I’ll sell it to you for 100. plus everything on the signs everything inside the frames what a deal I know for a fact that you bought this for Less now I bought it for 120 that’s the fact however

I like that oh listen to that that’s premium is that JBL is that a JBL I think I’ll take it it’s yours this is now yours now I’m gonna make another deal do you want to buy a vanilla sword 299k uh I’ll say this all right about

The vanilla sword if I go onto the market right now and look for vanilla swords the cheapest one going is for 375 000. 2.99 you buy it then you flip it for 375 it’s a great deal I think I might have to pass on there but I uh I

Will I will take this all right well everything in here is yours including whatever if I forgot something it’s yours it’s fair it’s now yours vanilla sword I’m putting to 275k right now in the auction house I cannot get a purchase if I sell this I’ve gone from

400 to 1.3 million in a decade this is the brand new courthouse Isaac Ben and I are going to be setting laws that we must follow throughout this series and the first one is that we are now allowed to open up stores that players can visit with a limit of only fifty thousand

Dollars per week of sales we don’t want to abuse it we’re not going to price anything unfairly this right here is the plot that I’ve claimed all right and it’s just beautiful just gorgeous just area set up and I’ve got a crazy idea I need shears I think I got a couple

Shears in here I do not I have one iron this can’t be real really really really we’re going to be expanding our Empire Today guys and you can see 1.85 million dollars on our journey to become the richest all right cleared out the Border here now you’re probably wondering Zach

What are you gonna build that’s the best store ever it is actually insane but I also need to break the graph so let me break it then I’ll tell you the boy’s about to break his 50 000 shovel I gotta be careful with this I’ll tell you that so what we’re gonna build

Right here is what I’m gonna call the end store the last stop you’ll ever need I thought about that for a long time to come up with that all right it took me a long time to do it it’s gonna be an incredible build and once we’re done

With this build at the end of the video I’ll show you the coordinates for it so let’s go to the shop and let’s buy the first block we need which actually is black concrete uh yeah four stacks of it that’s four thousand bucks down the drain right there but it will be worth

It we’re gonna try to create the illusion that there’s a floating island inside the void right here and I think it’s gonna come out really really cool my shovel is dangerously low right now I’m not gonna lie uh we have harvested uh almost six wow that’s a lot of dirt

Like I say guys you got to risk it for the biscuit and today as always we’re taking big fat risks in this series to make some money we will invest most of it into the shop all right corners of the illusion are coming together quite nicely I’m gonna

Have to break this little bit of dirt here and now I think you really can’t see the depth there right so if I were to put down uh oh man I am gonna have to go deeper though if I want to do this right my shovel is really not prepared

For this kind of a workload today to be honest with you I know guys it’s expensive fifteen thousand dollars but I’m doing it to save time all right this will it’s it’s worth the time saving all right when you have a little money you can make a risky investment to save some

Time take a look all right she’s all healed up ready to go for another round and we dig more all right and that is what a good old fat 20 minutes of digging looks like so now let’s get this wall placed all right one ball down three to go in an entire

Floor to go did I buy enough for this I don’t think I did well I really undershot how much black concrete I needed didn’t I thought that would be enough I thought it might be too much we’re not even close This is looking really good right now it’s exactly the vibe we were going for here this needs to come up a little higher for us I’m just gonna say too that is an absolutely beautiful shot right there coming in over the dark dooming abyss we’re making right here

That’s just such a pretty sunset oh my goodness only issue I have is it the way the Sun is setting right now it actually makes us you can kind of see there is a bottom to this I kind of want the illusion so that you can’t really tell this specific

Time of the day is not exactly the perfect time you want to be uh working in here so this is what we literally just spent 30 minutes building it is the beginning of our super big mega store that’s why I harvested this at the beginning of the series see it’s all

Coming together now guys it all makes sense so I’m going to build the island the first Island right here all right that is the beginning of our store right here now the one thing I don’t like is there’s still a little bit of like grass showing on the edges so

We’re gonna treat this a little bit of black concrete treatment here and then we can start actually designing our store here and getting this thing ready to bring players in okay okay I’m trying to think I’m like how are players gonna actually get to the island right like

I’m thinking we put like a little tiny baby Island like right boom like right here and they’re gonna be able to jump on the islands and do like a little mini Parkour game to actually get to the main island now to enter my store you actually legitimately have to play

Parkour but we’ll add another entrance let’s do one like right here so we got the one for the players who really can’t jump they’re really bad players we got to let them all in and then this one should players that know how to jump and get in a parkour right boom boom boom

When you’re in we want to get some perper in here and start working on the actual base itself so we’ll put some columns in the side that way you can boom power core right there very easy I’m thinking the door will go right here guys here’s something very interesting

This is our server store this is where I spend money A lot of times to buy blocks it doesn’t look like there’s actually even a location to buy the purple blocks which means we’re gonna have to go collect our own if we want to get more pillars that’s very fascinating as

Always gotta pop down a crafty right here Papa crafty in the center just so you can get your things done while you’re working and what can we make oh purple stairs that’s what we needed right there boom oh and we even stole three purple slabs from there so look at

That that is our entrance gate it kind of doesn’t look as good as I thought though actually highlight piece wow all right front entrance looks really good I like the way this whole design feels right now like it’s in space it really just has such a good

Character like it just feels alive but it’s kind of a small island so I’m gonna need to expand this just to make sure it supports everything I want to build got the end we’ve got the portal that comes through we’ll put down a chest shop right here right here and one over

On this side and then I’m not sure what’s going to go in the center maybe I’ll put a floor crafting table you gotta do the floor crafting table guys I mean there’s just not enough crafting tables around always place it never pick it up you might need it one day that

Looks like a really good setup right there all right it even captures mobs it’s a mob farm who knew man we should actually create a grinder here too make it a multi-use build but that looks a lot better in the front I think that hold it together how would this look no

I don’t like that that’s not the look that could work that’s weird but I like it now that is absolutely phenomenal how clean that looks right now in terms of what sign to use though I don’t know if I go back to my base I can check inside

Of our chest shop here and I can see that we have a lot of them but probably Birch like it’s probably gonna match the most now take a look at this this is again where players buy items they don’t sell any end blocks at all there’s no end Stone there’s no purpur blocks

There’s not even chorus fruit which means players have no way to get this stuff unless they go to the end which means this is a great opportunity to start selling some end items to players so that’s the items we’re going to be putting in the store pop a stack of 64.

I don’t know what that cost I honestly didn’t even look at the price and give ourselves a nice UFO style designer on the outside of this all right I want it to look like an island that we have now transformed into its own shop that looks

Kind of decent I think we can do a little better though it’s all about that curb appeal you know how does it look from the curb and right now it’s not the look we’re looking for now making a roof on a build shaped like this really is

Definitely not an easy it’s not an easy task I’ll be honest with you that’s just quite challenging so uh we’re gonna see how this turns out could be quite bad honestly it’s kind of it’s kind of sweet I kind of like it kind of looks like a strawberry cheesecake but like not

Strawberry not cheesecake grab a couple of end stone slabs wow do you guys see how the light shines through the door and literally just lights the chest up just calling you at a bar that is beautiful we do need a lot more details in here though this is not

Going to get the sales we want if I go to carpets I think what I want maybe a little bit of a purple seven perps gonna go ahead and take these just a nice little tiny detail right there we do need some decorations here this thing is

Coming together so well right now it looks good but it’s not even close to being finished because once we do it is going to make us literal millions of dollars so making an end light is not easy to light this place up Papa shroomy and Each corner cover it with carpet and

Then it kind of gives it like a little bit of light coming up in the corners which looks good I should do one in each corner I think yeah look at that now the corners have like a nice glow to it let’s go ahead and get our first shop

Set up which is this one here we’re gonna sell chorus fruit all right after doing some math and research these are worth around 150 each so what I’m gonna do to make sure it’s fair is set the selling price right here to around we’ll

Do 99 so it’s a deal 99 for one chorus fruit right there gotta make this as simple as possible take the coarse fruit go back to your base go into your animal zone and then rename it what it is with the price so we renamed it with the

Color purple now it says chorus fruit 99 take it back put it now now when people look at it it actually shows up by showing you on the front what’s for sale this looks absolutely awesome so what else we’re gonna sell in here we’ve got to figure out now there are thousands of

Players that play on the server energy that are trying to beat me all right which means the end has a lot of players that come here looking for items and so the odds of me actually finding one of these that hasn’t been touched I already

Know this one has is very low but I need to go see if I can find some lytra or anything that I could sell I’m really just crossing my fingers at this point there’s a part of this base someone missed when they explored it for the first time there we’re going to be building the greatest it is going to make us millions of dollars you just wait Oh my gosh I thought I was gonna die I can’t believe I survived well I gotta get back up there now but dang that freaks me out oh hey there’s some chests oh hey we got something Unbreaking three and Fire Protection five or four that’s pretty good I guess a free brewing stand

We’re making some profits oh look at this okay okay I’ll take it I mean it’s literally nothing but I’m just happy to have found anything I gotta imagine these Banners are worth something right I mean you would think all right got all the banners is there any chests up here any shulkers any

Anything just a roof all right 15 minutes later I really feel like I’m never gonna find a lighter in there but I did find a couple new items to sell at our shop and the banners which are going to really pull the shop together I think

Put a brewing stand in which looks good that looks a lot better right now we’ll do the same thing on the inside kind of give it that good vibe right there which looks good I think what I’ll do then is do purple blocks here again because they’re very rare you can’t really find

Them anywhere there’s not a single one of these on the entire market so I don’t even know what the price would be for these so I’m just gonna kind of pop them in and just guess what the price should be I’m just kind of guessing here I said

69 and 49 each so that’s what people can buy if they come to our store and then over here we’re gonna sell another item I’d really like to do shulkers can I buy those dang shulkers selling for three hundred thousand dollars right now on the open market that’s a little bit

Expensive I did manage to snag a deal though which is the Ender Chest I figured players will be able to pull items out of their ender chest while they’re here maybe we’ll just pop it down for looks and stuff I don’t even use under chess but uh I feel like with

An end themed base you gotta have one well pop a slab down put it up top just so it kind of looks like you know it’s like an eyeball kind of looking out at all the people we can’t even afford really any elytra so what we have now is

Just chorus fruit up here this will be the purple blocks and this will be of course the end zone blocks we’ve got three little mini shops here we need to make this thing more appealing from the curbside because this is kind of what it looks like right now and it’s like not a

Bad build all right but it needs to look a little bit more inviting to people so what I did is went ahead and a couple more islands in the background these ones are growing some chorus plants in the background that looks really sweet back there let me pop some ladders down

In case our customers actually get stuck here like if they fall into the pit they’re pretty much doomed so maybe I should give them an Escape Route out I mean hopefully they don’t fall in but it is pretty possible and now I want to make sure we one-up my brothers because

They’re gonna try to make something amazing right they’re gonna be selling their own stores here and mine has to win the attention of everyone so we’ve got to make it a little bit more flashy so I’m gonna try to work on that now a little bit of brainstorming hot idea

Coming in if I can make maybe a chess shop that’s actually outside they’ve got a parkour to it we’re gonna put one like back here in the back corner so that they manage to get back here they’ll be like a little bit of a kind of a secret

Shop they can access it’s going to be right here and on top of it we will be selling and rods I feel like those are really good items to be selling so let’s get a sign and put it on top of this thing turn this into a shop we’ll pop in

Our end rods this will look really cool back here I think selling one for 49 each and look how sweet that looks right there End Rod 49 each you can come up here buy it if you manage the parkour to the back of the place and then it seems

Kind of like weird to me that like some of these islands have nothing on them so so maybe we’ll just add like a side Banner here there we go now we’re creating an entire Vibe here I don’t like the roof though the roof of this place doesn’t look right now before I

Reveal where this Base is located where you can find it and even see if we can get some players in here I need to take care of some things in my main base first and foremost we’re going to come back here to our back corner secret

Dungeon Farm as you can see sheep are looking good we need to get a little bit of reading there could kill us could be it could be a massive risk but we’re gonna do it now if you all will just have some lovely babies for us here

That’d be fantastic come on you oh there it is we just got a little new new one popped out there we’re gonna expand this Farm though today we need to get a little bit more in here um so we got the Sheep there maybe right next to it we’ll

Add a two walkway and then right here we’ll build the next cage it’s looking like a good old fat location for some good old-fashioned cave chickens welcome to your new home young ones hopefully you can escape look at that two seconds only six thousand dollars grab a couple melon seeds to

Breed them go ahead have us a baby where is it hey there he is oh no no no no no no can you guys fly out of this I certainly hope not gotta be honest with you guys I have no idea where this is going it started as literally nothing and now

We’ve built the hole this deep we’ve actually got like kind of a good looking Farm here the chicken has escaped uh uh that’s a that’s a risk there buddy I’m gonna not have to allow that happening all right one more thing to take care of

Inside of our Base today is a trip to the old Netherwood Farm we’re going to expand this thing again one more time today these are actually worth like a lot of money like each stack is 400 bucks foreign Form has been doubled in capacity it looks a little bit better now this player store is open with a limit of 50 000 in sale per week all right guys I’ve been spamming that I’m buying a private island and one player who has a balance of 200 million dollars just DM being

Said do you want to buy my Island we might snag the deal of a Sentry right here down this path straight ahead is a build you guys have not seen yet now build later on in this episode when I show you will blow your mind we’re accepting the teleport request from this

Player let’s take a look at what it looks like it’s a very tiny base it’s right for improvement here let’s take a look at the inside very very tiny I’m going to try to work my magic here guys and try to get this guy to give us

Something free with him I love it so much I am struggling to get started so I messaged them I’m trying to play the new card but I do have a million dollars now so it’s probably not going to be as effective as it used to be in the past

Guys they offered me this build for ten thousand dollars it seems to be a pretty decent deal to me ten thousand dollars has been sent first thing I’m going to do is actually make it a private island which means I’ve got to get rid of the little connection point right there this

Is currently like a private peninsula And then right here it also connects we have to take this out we want to have a proper Private Island we need a massive amount of sand there’s a little bit right there and so to save money I think I’m just gonna go Harvest sand myself we’re gonna start slowly replacing all

Of this nasty dirt With Private Island sand it literally looks so much better already now it’s not exactly where I wanted to be the roof is a little bit small the entrance is kind of weird I think the staircase out front is actually taking away a little bit from

The sand view I’m trying to get here all right so let’s get rid of this that looks a little bit better and we can replace all this dirt with a little bit more sand the island is taken care of a little bit we gotta add way more details

To the island to get this thing to sell for a profit but on the inside I absolutely I’m sorry person who sold this to me despise a staircase that is that tight I’m gonna take out the entire roof in this area and I’m gonna turn this into one single room which is a

Slight risk I’ll admit because we’re really kind of cutting the square footage down a lot but I think it’s going to open the place up to the point where it feels a lot more homey and in terms of the staircase hate to do it like this but we’re just gonna get rid

Of it we’re gonna keep this as a walkway into the house but we’re just going to change the basics of it so that it just feels a little bit more welcoming that could just turn into a freaking entire row of Windows get that nice little beach view

As you’re inside and let’s replace all of this sand here it’s kind of funny because I put these staircases down and I’m literally just getting rid of them right away oh well now that I don’t know why but I like it so much more actually I’m gonna elevate

It even more that’s gonna look better there we go okay I’m gonna change this all to Stone I mean that doesn’t look like a better front entrance you get to walk up you get a view of the beach we’ll need a little bit of glass there which I could do by actually smelting

But I have no stone so let’s go pop a little bit of sand in here and get some of that smelting we gotta give this thing a little bit of functionality it’s kind of a tight small area here so it kind of hurts how much I’ll be able to

Sell it for I think but if I can give it maximum functionality and style it might end up being okay crafting table we’re gonna put right here never underestimate the power of slabs and staircases for your interior decorating needs so I just resupplied with a bunch of of items

We’re going to put down inside this base to try to pull it together and on the inside I’m going to use all of this Cobblestone actually to just build eight furnaces but I have an idea to get them like a fully functional furnace wallet that yes that’s perfect I was gonna say

That’s not outside oh that one is we’re gonna have to be careful with it but I think we might be able to pull it off by doing that that’s a unique design you really don’t see everywhere and for that reason I love it we’ll give them access to this top

Little rung we might as well make it so this is like a usable platform they could walk around on and if we were to use stairs around the rim up here it would actually look even better we could do something like that where you can actually walk up get on the

Stairs and you literally have like secret furnaces I could put even more right here and right here and it looks even better now in terms of ladder placing though I don’t love it but I think it’s going to get the job done for us let’s get some torches in here

Actually we’re rich Let’s get some glowstone in here that looks juicy maybe a little bit of outside glowstone in this path too just because I feel like that’s gonna pull it together I don’t know if this is necessary but I did bring over a lilac because I thought hey we kind of

Destroyed the water over here let’s just pop it down and see what it does for us we can slowly fill this in with water but it’s uh gonna be a journey I gotta pretty much empty the ocean to fill this thing up this wasn’t my intent but I think it

Would actually look really good if we had some glowstone around the outside of the base so you can actually see around at night now the house stands out it’s got a nice backdrop if we go back to our chest room now guys we’ll be able to see all of the

Glass we’ve been smelting and that’s it 12 really I feel like it’s kind of not that many for how long it’s been smelting I guess we’ll make do look at that giant wall to wall Windows I’m gonna get rid of these torches because we got the glowstone and the

Fine details and craftsmanship in a base like this are really where it gets pulled together and sold for the big bucks now I’m gonna sneak in a steak that’s actually signed by me you can sign items on my server so people won’t even realize it signed by me when it’s

In there and over here probably should have put the Lilac but instead I’m gonna just pop down just a bit I mean for now that’s what we’re gonna do we’ll change those as temporary placeholders okay usually bases don’t have enough Windows this one has a lot but actually we could

Take this down and put another window here so that you can still kind of look outside from inside which gives you access to that beach type view you like to see what we’ll do is leave it just like that and just put some panes in there we go see now that’s gonna open

The place up a lot make it look even bigger than it really is now we’ve got the ladder over here in the corner we obviously need to expand the base of smidgen and so seems to be there’s already this cave underneath so to me it’s a great Pace to expand We’re finally investing some money into this base more than the ten thousand dollars already one thing I need to do is kind of hide the fact that like over here is like kind of ugly I don’t want people to really necessarily know that so I got some bamboo plant that bamboo

Down right here kind of give them just a nice little bit of privacy along the edge of their base and then we’ll also make a little bit of sugar cane here just to make it even more hidden we got two pots to place inside obviously you

Need to put some flowers right here you can’t have a base like this without flower pots one’s gonna go up there that is actually looking absolutely adorable another more interesting item I got was Jungle logs and some leaves and with this I think it’s really going to pull

This thing together we’re gonna need some tropical treats so I’m gonna see if I’m able to even build correctly a couple of palm trees man the work it takes to build one single functioning palm tree is right here guys look at this process I don’t

Even know if this is going to look good I’m just literally guessing all right how does that look from the ground does that even look like a tree that’s not too bad I mean you can tell it’s a palm tree and I also guess it’s gonna make

More sense to me if I buy just a little bit I feel like these just kind of look like coconuts they’re not they’re obviously cocoa beans but they kind of give it a more tropical fire this is mostly a modern house and I think we could use

Maybe a little bit of a smaller one out here like just a little bit of a baby tree three talls plenty I think that one looks a little bit like it’s got too much of an arch back to be honest with you a little bit aggressive

On the build I think what we need as well is a campfire zone out front my idea is since we have the palm trees this might look like a really good campfire zone right outside the front door like I feel like this could turn out super good

Outside of the base has got a couple palm trees got a campfire what we need to do is make an outdoor crafting table what I wanted to do was make a couple stairs and make like legitimate little seating zones kind of just spaced around the outside it’s like you’re sitting

Outside on the beach you’ve got a couple recliners you’re just out here chilling and vibing Under the Umbrella seems a little big there we go and then you could even add a couple of tables back here if you wanted to get a little bit exotic with it create some pressure plates which

Would be like this and all these pressure plates can become the back of our tables and now they’re just sitting here chilling and we could even make a little bit of an umbrella right here I mean we’re really pulling together the outside of the space I mean compared to

What it was I don’t know what this is going to sell for but it should be pretty darn good when you look at where we came from we can make this an umbrella though real quick I have a storage of random colors of wool I’ve been collecting over time we have lime

Green and white gotta get creative with those two colors a little bit of a unique looking umbrella design there just ties in the jungle wood and makes it all look really cool I also want to give them what kind of looks like I’m thinking an outdoor

Barbecue kind of Zone I think right here would be kind of a cool spot and push some food down as if it’s cooking on the grill you know what I’m saying like they’ll Grill on the barbie out here the bamboo walls coming in the background which looks good

And this right here is another strategy to just hide that back wall interesting idea here I thought why not use Sandstone as like a path block so that there’s like more of like a path through the sand out here it might look kind of like people are like stepping on it and

Like squished it down you know but this basement is unfinished and so we at first gotta get this thing decorated hate to do it gotta invest a little bit more money into getting the right wood look how much better it looks of the floor there’s like a natural door here

Too I don’t know what we’ll do with that we’ll make a quick little emergency crafting table pop that down right here I’m gonna craft a set of doors and it’s gonna lead to nothing but it’s a future Expansion Project for the new owner what

I am gonna do is cover up all the sand that way people who buy it don’t realize that when they start digging into it it’s gonna be a pain actually I could do black concrete just like one wall like not too much glowstone has been the most

Clutch block I think this whole build like each time I add it I feel like it just takes it to a new level for the walls which are going to be a challenge because there’s so much sand there oh boy it’s all working with sand business

Is not easy all right look at this everything I break the world is crumbling foreign guys I still have honey from the shop that Isaac opened and forgot to pay rent on so I’m going to use the honey as what you fall on as an alternate way

Into this base which I think is kind of funny so there’s like a secondary entrance here we’ll clean that up in a second I gotta get the rest of this wall built though because now how the new basement looks although this glowstone in the corner I

Do not like at all that looks really weird so you’ve got the boinger if you want to enter into the boinger we can put a couple trap doors to make it a little bit more hidden so I think we’ll do it like this where you can open up

The trap doors come down hit the boinger in that case I took damage because I think I missed I think that looks good I said there was a temporary bed here uh I wasn’t lying it is temporary I promise We’re Not Gonna Keep it we’ll turn it

Into a lightsaber I want to bring the bed downstairs because they don’t really have an area to sleep yet so I guess that works for now if you’d like a little bit of the end table there a little bit of a something like that next to it there give them a slime ball

Because it matches you know there we go two different shades of green I don’t know that’s kind of like sweet looking I can’t explain why dang that is a back wall and a half right there we even have enough item frames to keep the Symmetry going pop one down right here if that

One has the green now we’ll just give them a slime ball in this one too but this one’s upside down it’s like two googly eyes watching over you while you sleep now before I sell the Private Island base I gotta meet with Isaac and Ben in our brand new courthouse because

Here we’re adding some laws to this lava slam bring your own chair event all right bring your own chair event love we’re starting off simple here today in the courthouse Ben wow that’s exciting thank you so outside me and my brothers are allowed to open up these shops and we’ve decided it

Would be unfair if we could sell unlimited items for the first law in the courthouse we’re going to make it limited to only fifty thousand dollars of items being allowed to sold per week all in favor throw in a steak a steak I don’t have a steak as the richest

Brother on the server is only right I throw in now all right are you throwing it all onto the whole of agreement it is a new law on the server and we’ll be adding more and more laws on this to make it more fair more fun more exciting so drop

A comment Down Below on what laws you guys want to see us add next but for now let’s get this law officially signed and dated law number one signed on three nine twenty twenty one no bro ciao so more than 50 Co no Bros I’ll show more

Than 50 code the new law is in order the mall is officially open you’re welcome to come to lover Plaza this is what it looks like after just about an hour and a half of building and the question now is will the players feel that way what

Will the price be let’s find out this is the person who sold it to me coming back to look we might resell it back to that person seems like there’s actually a lot of interest though 100K I said how about 169k to 69. it’s worth shooting your

Shot guys if so this will be a sixteen hundred percent return if I can get it with the memes just cause your name Twitter 69 this could be a lover Industries history in the making yes just nine thousand dollars Boom the house is so I walk past the evil bunny

Mall there’s this random path here that connects to Isaac’s railway station and so what I think I can do is start branching off of this Railway and create the brand new minigame we’re gonna Branch it off of here and if I put a lever down you know what I guess this

Works it’s fine it forces them to come down the New Path which is what we want anyway now check this design out right here so we’re gonna do a very simple roller coaster design but we’re going to charge people to enter into this theme park and then out in the distance

There’s actually going to be targets she’s gonna sit in a roller coaster drive through hit the target and that will ding the light on but not just that I’ve got a better idea which is where it gets a little bit more challenging I’m thinking if I can take a

Dropper I might be able to actually reward people by making it so this will drop out some items didn’t even drop it oh look at that it drops it right on the minecart trail we’re gonna actually load this one up with a bunch of dirt because

You can’t start off with the best items that doesn’t make any sense now you’re gonna have to really time yourself right which actually is even better because you have to time the shot to get the item drops let’s build like a rough draft of what it will look like first

Get a little bit twisty turning inside the trees you don’t know what’s about to hit you this is exciting that adds like a nice layer of Challenge and what I want to do now is insert our elevation and we’ll have them shoot while they’re winding and while they’re

Going up like the shots are going to get harder and harder as they play this challenge so we need to make it too so they can’t see what’s coming you’re on this path you’re driving through you know that you gotta hit the target coming up but where is it all right

There’s the next one problem is it’s obviously you know where it is all right you know exactly where it is it’s really not hitting at all so I’m trying to think if I can maybe put like a tree that kind of comes up on the side here

Okay that’s not bad that’s not bad here let’s see let’s see see there it is there it is now that’s not as obvious as the first one you can still see it I’m gonna put some leaves on and to hide it more and have to come up here and shoot

It on your way up which is very I mean it’s going to be very difficult to hit that on the curve and we’re gonna even add a speed rail here to make it even more difficult because hey we’re here for easiness all right we’re here for a challenging obstacle course

Added some stairs a nice gate to get up here on each side in case you were happening to fall off of the trail you can drive down hit the dirt dispenser keep driving around actually it’s a dropper this will launch you up and I haven’t quite tested it yet and then

Fall down to here where I’m hoping we can make it so they have to take a shot in mid-fault but we need to figure out what the reward will be for hitting this one they’re gonna have a chance to win either one iron ingot or another piece

Of dirt so so far it’s like some light price like you’re not gonna win anything crazy but I think that there’s enough of these throughout like you could walk through this course and make a ton of money so we got to make sure a they can

Only take a certain number of shots each round B we got to make sure that they don’t hit the targets more than twice so that’s why I’m kind of strategically placing them so that if you drive by it you don’t get the item you don’t get the

Item right so we’re gonna try a very unique build where they actually theoretically would fall straight down onto the ground one thing we’re gonna have to do is like really decorate this thing and make it look a lot better so we’ll take it all the way straight this

Will be just a really loose design right here I think it’d be cool to actually go over top of this right here this right here is why I need to get trees that are sustainable because every time I do this 800 800 800 I just keep

Spending it to get this thing to be bought it’s just really expensive I mean at the end of the day I’ll probably spend tens of thousands I just need to get a function tree farm and I’m working on it but it’s not quite ready here we

Go look at that nice little path right there now the rail goes over it and we can even put a sign that says the lover is wild and wacky spectacular and special roller shooter of Doom because it’s not a roller coaster it’s a roller shooter you gotta get the names right

Let’s get our third shot set up right now this one’s gonna be coming in with some even better prizes for these guys I think you want it to be literally right in front of you this third one what we’re gonna do is actually place in a daily key these are worth ten thousand

Dollars I think we’re gonna stack it with a little bit more dirt probably but not the entire thing with dirt so here’s my idea since we want this to obviously be a decent deal for people but still pull out a profit we’ll do dirt and crafting tables I feel like that’s a

Pretty good lineup right there we come over to this one it’s kind of hard because the leaves are in the way and so I think one thing we can do to make it even more difficult is put a little bit of ambiance around which is like some of

These and these are going to kind of prevent you from making that easy shot you’re gonna have like a small window to shoot here or like literally when you’re right next to it both of these will be hard I hope that works too I haven’t

Actually tested it so I need to go back to the top get a mine cart and actually see if this thing even runs so I literally guys I cannot find any leaves for sale there are extremely rare the shock doesn’t sell it the other players aren’t selling it we gotta get this

Thing open because I want Disney to come to me and say yeah this is pretty sick who did this why would someone do that literally doesn’t make seems like a good tree then to get our Leaf built we’ve got our leaves now we can kind of decorate this just a little

Bit better because honestly it’s just a real bad sore thumb at the moment actually now it looks really good you literally can’t even tell it’s there and then you’ve got the Target right there and it’s like gonna surprise you this is exciting man so I just bought a bunch of

Minecarts because you don’t you want to be prepared you can’t have people come here and not be prepared for your business all right we got to make some money we’ll invite some people in towards the end and see what they can do on it but let’s give this thing a shot

Here Comes our first ever test once you hit it I think that’s when it starts oh that’s hard that’s really hard then you come around the corner let’s see what we can get here gotta make a shot this is okay I made the shot actually oh oh geez

Good thing we tested it now that card is gone no no that’s why I bought so many of them who knows where that thing’s wait a minute yeah that thing’s gone nothing’s absolutely gone so here we go tap number two come on baby come baby there it is there it is

Okay so we do we delicately fall down what we need to do now is ensure that it falls onto a power source number three third time’s a charm here we go come on baby launch it hit the Redstone forward hit that and then drop straight down

Boom okay oh oh still go let’s go let’s go I forgot I forgot we did that I still got this actually working correctly and then you can make the shots fired here take us up over the bridge boom and now it’s gonna get extremely difficult because we’re gonna build what I think

Will be the coolest build yet today now this is where things get extremely expensive first we gotta buy a little bit of obsidian take a look guys at this crazy idea right here so what we’re gonna try to do is make them go through the beginning stage and

Think it’s super easy access is easy I’m gonna get all these free items throughout this course and then you get to the very end and it actually transforms into an entire nether themed world so I’ve been collecting other blocks over the past couple weeks on This Server I don’t think I have enough

But we’re going to try to create an entire nether environment inside of this portal which means there’s a lot of building to be coming just that took a little bit of time to make but here’s what we got here right we’re gonna try to like slowly encase it

In a little bit of this block here forgot the name Netherrack and the path is going to Slither on through this nether build but the fun thing is you can’t see what’s coming six thousand four hundred a stack for these rails I don’t know about this investment guys this one may be costing

Us a little bit of cash in the long run we’ll take it over this way though and this will be where the uh nether continues to expand all right this is actually coming together isn’t it like this actually looks really cool I need to get a little

Bit of this Soul soil and Soul Sand placed as well there we go look at that we’ll put a little bit here stack it up this is kind of fun it does look decent we got to get some fire maybe make it a little more natural as it expands out Guys my inventory really fills up fast and I’m making these spills that’s why I need shulkers but I still haven’t bought one yet I guess I have enough money to do it but to me it feels like a waste like do I really want to spend all that money on shulker

Dang I didn’t realize how creepy this stuff was when you placed it and how expensive it is this is actually a very expensive block so like they’re paying a premium to get into the premium base I’ll say all right it’s gonna be expensive the funny thing is people who

See this may think like oh wow look how strategic he was in those blocks in the river the truth is I’m literally just running out of what I intended to use and just kind of making it up as I go okay since we also don’t have stalactic

Heights I’m gonna like make my own stalactite so I I just it’s gonna make it harder to shoot really that’s the only reason so we’re gonna add a couple of these dangling from the ceiling I don’t know I think it looks kind of good

Now it gets fun we get to add the fire in here we get to add a little bit of magma in here which we didn’t have I feel like that was like a big Miss right there no magma just a little bit just a little patch of magma here this is a

Super nether it’s very condensed all right there’s a lot going on here it would be wild until I put ancient debris just to flex I should do that shouldn’t I I should Flex on them all right to tie this all together I don’t think you can

Make a rail or maybe you can like drop a rail through one of these but I’m just going to use purple glass so that it kind of looks like that and then you boom go into the nether quick reflexes get the shot and then it takes you out

And I think this came together kind of cool so we’ll pop the shroomy right here that way you got a little bit more light so I’m gonna turn night vision off it’s still pretty bright it’s got a lot of fire but that’s like an incredible build right there all right pretty valuable

And expensive items actually are shroom lights so I’m gonna put shroom lights and magma in here um that’s probably fine for now there’s a one in eight chance to get it and you also get a magma block again if you hit the shot and you time yourself right you got to

Time the shot right to get that item so it’s not an easy task to do once you come out of another you want to get right into the snow Zone which is going to be a very very very white almost blindingly white zone and we’re just

Gonna kind of fill in the gaps here organically I mean snow just kind of falls in the holes so we’re gonna make them come up here rail’s gonna go boom boom boom bring them right up top then we’re gonna wrap them around and bring them up this way

Very very short tiny snow Zone I think that’s fine because what we want to do is make it so the target is actually back here they’ve got to turn around and shoot while they’re driving away from it which will be really challenging to do just a little Igloo design maybe we’ll

Put like a little bit of a glacier here a little something like that a little something something actually this is literally not how igloos works so I’m not sure what I would call this but uh she’s coming together all right she’s coming together pretty well I like I

Like how this has like a totally different vibe than the other one like it feels really good doesn’t it we’re gonna super speed the entire snow zone so once they get in here literally just we’re putting it on max speed there we go there we go super speed them out of

This place just like that I mean I didn’t plan on making another Super Speed Zone but we just ended up doing it I think I need another speeder right here like we just don’t want to get to a position where they get stuck or it gets

Too easy so we kind of got to load it up where we can we’ll put one of these bad boys down here put down a rail this is looking absolutely fantastic boom zip on through boom zip on through boom you gotta make the really quick shot here that’s gonna be impossible to actually

Get the prize because if you shoot it in a dispenses on item you won’t get it so what we’ll do is we’ll actually place it right here Target block right above it and then right above that we’ll do our Lantern boom boom boom we’re gonna make

This one a little bit harder to hit so I think you can still hit it when it’s a half slab but I’m gonna put a half slab on the Target and let’s see what happens when you shoot it yeah so you can’t shoot it but it takes away your angle

Pretty drastically now we’re gonna put in like the grand prize inside of this one I think this is going to be one of the biggest ones yet so we need to figure out what that’s going to be guys I got it here’s what we’re gonna do this

Is gonna be a genius play I think we might walk away with like half a million dollars profit with what I just got so what we’re gonna do is take this vanilla sword this item that I randomly got and haven’t sold yet put it inside here and

Make this the grand prize hey if you play this game you might win yourself a vanilla sword but you have one chance to win it so it’s gonna be very difficult to do then we’re gonna put maybe ice it is an ice Zone maybe a little bit of

Snow around ah let’s just do all snow that’s more fun so you have a one in nine chance of now winning a 200 minimum thousand dollar item if this thing launches out and they miss it one of my Hoppers is gonna collect it and then I’ll be able to come back and regain

That item I’m gonna have Isaac and Ben I’m gonna try to convince them to compete by paying me one hundred thousand dollars to play each actually I could do even more I’m gonna give the winner a little bit more money whoever hits the most targets so they’ll have

One shot certain number of arrows it’s gonna be absolutely insane we’re actually going to be able to make sure they can only get six shots each okay so this is the prices right now the bow is ten thousand dollars the arrows are 33 000 each now that seems a little bit too

Expensive for the prizes we’re getting them so I’m going to make it even more fair by adding a little bit of a big item to each of them let’s go back to our base and grab some things we can throw in there spitball pickaxe could be worth some money taste bud chest plate

Could be worth some money this bow with an enchantment a custom enchantment all right so I just put a really good chest plate in there and this one will leave the iron and put in a pretty decent um thing like if they were to get all of

These items they would come out with a fat profit it’s just going to be very challenging to see if it works this one has a daily key so that one’s already really good this one has a bow with a special enchantment on it that’s kind of

Rare and now we gotta add the final item into this one which will contain a custom room which could be worth a decent amount of money and we’ll also put mending we’ll put both in this give it a double chance let’s give this a test then we’re gonna do something even

Crazier all I’m really doing now is just making sure the car actually goes through the path it’s supposed to take there’s been a lot of changes that have been made here we go so far so good get down here you have a second take the shot then it launches oh this seems

Pretty good guys this seems pretty good it’s a quick ride all right it’s a quick ride you got to make a double shot there quick and then it’s over so you’re literally done like very fast all right guys now we’re gonna start off with my brother Ben here’s what I’ve created

Today this is a ride based off of Disney parks where you’re gonna ride a roller coaster through try to hit the target blocks and time it right so that the dropper squirts down an item for you to win interesting so here’s how it works there’s six targets and you get six

Shots to take there are items in these chests one item worth two hundred thousand dollars others were 30 to 50 there’s probably around half a million if not more worth of prizes in this it’s 200 000 yeah 200 000 a stack now hold on before you freak out you’re gonna

Understand in a second this will be worth it all right so here’s the deal they were expensive because there’s items in here that are worth hundreds of thousands each in each of these dispensers so when you’re ready I’m gonna ask you to put down the mine cart

And I’m gonna follow directly behind you once you get this thing rolling so you do another you get one shot all right you get one Shopper Target there’s only six you have six arrows and that’s it all right you can take the shot and move when you’re ready

Oh the minecart came out yeah it’s my car that’s what you got you got the item you got the micro you just missed the second one it’s right behind you didn’t even I can’t see anything you can’t see it it’s dark he’s freaking out we’re getting through guys here we go I gotta

Get down there on the outside got some dirt on the next one that wasn’t a great find where is he where is he here he goes misses that was a 33 000 Arrow he’s moving into The Nether now can you take the shot steps right by and miss it

Again the big prizes in this one yeah missed it again oh wow my goodness Ben that was a great try but since it’s your first one I’m gonna give you a second opportunity to go through for free all right here we go get some dirt and he’s

Off to the Races folks here we go second shot’s gonna be a tricky one gotta get that right around the corner and he misses it oh oh nope got it very difficult that’s the daily key folks that’s ten thousand dollars all right that’s pretty good misses that very challenging now

And the last two are where the biggest prizes are can you hit either of them nope miss them all missed them out got the daily key though that’s not bad I mean that’s really not bad what do you think though you think there’s a good business opportunity here um I think

It’s a huge scam yeah you could have thought you could have gotten a better item so guys I was looking around for a place to build the mini game shop but we’re gonna start opening it up and bringing in tons of players but I found this really nice flat area and while

It’s not the most beautiful it seems like it’s gonna be pretty effective to do what we want to do so let’s just jump into this thing and get it rolling we got some money to make today we’re not buying a base today we’re just flipping the land so let’s get this cleared out

Just a little bit now that we’ve got land we’ve got to figure out what theme we want to give the mini game The theme park whatever we want to call this thing I could do stone so I’m gonna go ahead and grab this and try to get all of this smelting I’ve had

These for literally like 21 episodes and I’ve never once had every single one of these running at once so all this Stone becomes fancy Stone I don’t know what that would have crafted here’s the foundation what I want to do is just have like a nice little casual path that goes right down

The center we’re gonna give it like a medieval minigame Vibe I don’t know particularly why that’s the plan but it is oh would you look at that three dirt on the ground and three holes you really you can’t make it up there’s two more never mind these are supposed to look

Like those things that you fight each other with like you know you hold them and you do this but they actually just like giant ear cleaner things didn’t quite turn out as intended but we’ll just commit to it okay you know what this might look kind of cool if I could

Get some lanterns I think you need nuggets I’m just guessing here well that sucks not where I meant to spit them out anyway we got the lanterns I actually think that looks kind of good dang guys I really was planning on leaving it as

Dirt I put all this work in and now here we go changing it up because I got another great idea and uh great ideas don’t come often except if you’re mean they come often what I’m about to do is what many would call a big brain move I’m about to make

A very unique path that will definitely attract the eyes of our buyers here in the future you staircase one side you come back over your staircase another side and this is really uh the bread and Bones of this build right here see that’s just a classic looking path

Right there time to make our first mini game now the most classic Mini game I can think of in a festival like this would be a little mini dunk tank for the sake of looking better we’ll use our Birch and stone here and I’ve never seen

One of these made in Minecraft so it should come out pretty interesting if we can pull it off I think this will be the front of it maybe some glass on top of it like this and then the water will go down here this is where it gets a little bit dicey

Because I gotta wire this up with redstone somehow and and I don’t know how I would ever do something like that okay so we’re about to test it but before we test it let’s go open up our two daily keys to see if we get any good

Items and if you’re new here every single six hours you get one of these Keys it’s been a while since we’ve opened these up on camera so maybe today will be our lucky day we have literally got nothing from these this entire series still holds true here we go here we go

Come on this is it I’m feeling lucky still not we still have gotten absolutely nothing that’s really disappointing to me now let’s give this bad boy a shot a little ring-a-ding-ling as they say and uh see what happens uh it seems to have done nothing let’s try again

That goes up instead of down the best we can do for now I mean to be honest it actually looks kind of good now that don’t draw your attention I don’t know what does so that is a fully working dunk tank we’ve made now and we just

Gotta label it to make sure people understand how to play okay so when we open the store I need to use an ALT account so people don’t realize it’s me so they don’t buy everything and say oh so it’s kind of cheating we’re actually gonna wait to actually put this sign on

Obviously it’ll say loverfelt if I use the lover fellow account I’ll put in the arrows in the bow and we’ll price them something at like I don’t know something sheet maybe like 100 bucks per Arrow or something now we’re gonna make our second event here which is actually a

Sumo wrestling Arena one of the weirder things we’ve done so far I don’t know man I don’t really watch sumo so I’m gonna just kind of make this up as can go but that’s kind of what I do anyways all the time so first things first [ __ ]

Beautiful path that’s gonna lead you out so for a sumo wrestling what I think we need to do is go to our shop and buy uh red wool we’re just gonna buy a stack of 64. and white wool which I really probably don’t need right now but uh

We’re gonna buy it anyway could be some bad business choices so here here’s my thought let’s raise this up into the sky just a little bit I don’t I don’t really know if Sumo ever is done in the sky so now that we’re in the sky just a smidgen

We’re going to build the course so this will be the central you unit here okay actually looks like a Pepsi logo not a Sumo course I’m not really sure what went wrong here all right so here’s what our Sumo Arena looks like right your player would go up here

And then knock each other off the edge but anyway you can fight each other and knock each other into the Lavo and we’ll charge them whatever they want to pay so like if they will pay 100K the winner gets 150k I get 50k bring down the

Railing boom boom boom boom go ahead and take out a couple lanterns pop Atlanta here pop Atlanta here and then add a sign to signify what this is strategically guys I’m putting the signs like right against the Border here that way when people come they see it first

Now what I could try is to you guys can bend to face each other one of them will win one of them will lose I’ll make money either way so yeah I mean I guess sumo’s good we don’t really need any rails excuse me that looks good that is

Such a wholesome little Sumo Arena right there okay now we’re gonna go with the opposite side so here’s the idea behind this one we’ve done mini golf we’ve done games like that before well we’re gonna make one now where they’re playing cornhole they’ve got to throw their item

Into the hopper and of course the hopper is going to lead into one of our chests and we’ll get to keep their items so this one’s kind of just a shot here in the dark uh what type of items will be thrown in that’s it that’s literally no prize

All right so this is cornhole so toss your item into wind they don’t win anything we just get to keep their items I guess maybe we could put down a sign and say like easy hole and this will be the godhole no way maybe they try to

Make a longer shot or something that really pulled it together didn’t it a little weed addition right there okay now the next thing I’m gonna add is probably going to be the most profitable but before I do that I have an hour of work to go do all my base let’s see how

Much we can get accomplished okay one hour later we have completely finished the back wall redesigned the front entrance over here and even added a private Lake on the corner which uh actually needs a lantern on it so that’s convenient that I had one with me so

That looks very nice I think I pulled it together a lot more than it was there polar bear here I’ll know about that one also working on finally finishing the rail system underground to connect to Ben’s base now when I say minigame what’s the first thing you think of

Ducks right Ducks is probably the first thing on your mind if it’s not you’re probably a normal human being what we’re gonna do now is try to create a little mini fishing game here and in the bottom will be a bunch of chickens or ducks or

Whatever you want to call it and their job will be to try to hook them up with a fishing rod and see if they can bring it to the top now we’ll add little things in the wall so that your fishing rod will get caught when you’re trying

To catch the fish and uh maybe we’ll just put a chest here because why not finally if Saul manages to fall down here we do have a ladder just an emergency escape plan guys you can’t be caught without that OSHA will come after you they’re gonna take you down

Got some chickens in the hole so there’s all the chickens down there they’re trying to hide in that one block I think it’s gonna be really hard to actually fish one of them out to be honest so and again we’re gonna add a shop to this so

They can buy the fishing rods here okay so we’ve done we’ve done a lot of work here to make this thing look good but it doesn’t really look that good yet so what I’m gonna do now is jump in and try to really Spruce this thing up to the

Point where people will be willing and proud to come spend their money here so let’s do that now All right so I replaced most of the nasty dirt with grass obviously there’s still more to do but it does look a lot better and then on top of doing that we also have added a couple new features first off these all look a little bit

Cleaner as you can see added some better railings it’s still not there yet and then I also kind of figured this out made a pathway with a bench a little bit of a flower garden here but I’m adding on a new Zone at the end which is where

You’ll be able to buy stuff from our shop what I want to do now is create a little bit of like a uh medieval type roof here like a stall Market thing it’s it’s very thin I’ll be honest with you it does get the job done though I

Feel like it does have a carnival feel like it actually feels very good the red and white looks really carnivaly so I’m trying to think like yo where else could I put this that’s not bad I mean that’s kind of a unique like gate to walk into

It okay this is where we’re getting a little bit risky now can I use it aesthetically in the flooring and I think I can does that not look like a billion and a half times better having that pattern on the floor really just improve this to a level I didn’t think

We’d be seeing right now we literally could extend it all the way around the Border this would look so freaking good wow we are on something today folks it actually feels a little bit more like a carnival to trigger anyone that I’ve been doing this the whole time without

Shears because it’s triggering me and I’m just committing to it right now all right we ain’t playing around that’s a weird one it kind of looks like a uh uh weird haircut or something and we’re back with some lanterns ladies and gentlemen in the back I think that looks

Good and then this thing could also use some Lantern right there right there that’ll look really good lanterns are the key to a successful business do not forget that detail there’s just so much we can do guys to make this look good for the profit all right like for

Example how about we blue and white this bad boy up on the top see we’re we’re tying the color scheme in and we are getting somewhere all right so here we are on our alt account named aesthetic which is actually spelled incorrectly so first we’re gonna get our chest shot set

Up here where we’ll be selling a bow a single bow I guess we’ll sell it for like uh 25 000 and see if people buy it so really we want to install the arrows like I said 100 each Fishing For Ducks gets a shot let’s make it a meme let’s do

6969. guys you don’t know how good memes work sometimes they really do pay the bills all right finally we got the Sumo wrestle this one again does not actually need a shop finally open up a real shop over here where we’ll actually sell just some random items here to see if people

Want to buy anything you know what I could do I could try to sell these books I’ve had them forever as an investment maybe this would be a good flip for us and then if I remember correctly I did make a rail station on the last episode

If you missed it you’re gonna want to check it out but I think there’s still some really good items in here mending I’ll take that vanilla sword so basically the prices are kind of random from like zero to twenty five thousand dollars but hopefully someone will buy

One on accident and then we’ve got this vanilla sword which again uh we’re gonna put up for 300 150 000 for one I still would love to get that thing sold all right guys time to start spamming those requests so here we go guys it is time

To open up the lover fella but undercover aesthetic minigame Mall come on come on the mini game mall is open for y’all that is how we’re gonna get some TP requests I hope I did this all right oh look at this we got some people coming in here we got some people

Welcome guys welcome to the mini game ball appreciate you all coming in here here we go got another couple one two three four we’re five a lot of noobs here I can tell but uh overall pretty happy that we’ve got a couple in here this dude must have bought it he must

Have bought it or he bought his own one let me get up there so we can actually donk me come on buddy here we go come on guys give me a shot give me a shot I’m in the dunk tank that dude’s throwing stuff in I mean he realized he can’t get

His stuff back but I’ll see if he shoots me in the dunk tank that’d be pretty cool here we go he’s gonna shoot it I think he missed he’s going for another shot here we go he got it he got the tongue tape and all these people saw it work hopefully

They’re more likely to donate you can’t shoot that close they like the dunk tank this might be a hot but this won’t be a hot one folks there it is I told this dude he said he had no money I said that’s fine just donate it all to me anyway and he said

Okay I don’t know if he’s actually gonna donate but we got a couple more people here welcome welcome welcome I need to go get in position in the dunk tank I feel like that’s what I’m gonna encourage them to spend the money or donate if they dunk me they’re gonna

Like it the most let me get in there someone just bought an arrow for a hundred bucks that’s good to see this guy’s getting real close there you go buddy I’ll courage I’ll encourage them to make their own shots as well there goes some free web that’s okay that’s all right this guy’s

Shopping taking a look at what’s in the store he bought something he did he actually bought something in here I don’t know what it was I accidentally bought Thorns one can I refund please oh man I don’t know about that dude I told him I’ll give him the money back if he

Works it off by helping me get people to this location I think it’s pretty fair Shader comes another batch guys each one of these people comes they buy some arrows they play we are slowly but surely making money somehow this dude placed his beacon on my property that’s

Worth like thirty thousand dollars I’m not even sure if that’s I’m not sure what happened here that’s really interesting I’ll take a Free Beacon I mean I thought it’d be inside of uh inside of one of these bad boys matter of fact I’ll throw it in here now so we

Can get a surprise with this at the end to see what’s inside the old God hole I think we’re making more money for people’s mistakes than anything we got a guy who said he might be interested he’s gonna look at it on his own he says and

Evaluate the entire area make sure it’s safe and to his liking he’s looking around oh snap this guy might be paying me a lot of money to buy this place uh it seems like it’s possible he wants everything in the chest which means I’m going to come over here real quick and

Uh just clear this out see what’s in here so I told him it’s a hundred and eighty thousand dollars to buy this place that would be a really nice sale if we could do it there we go I told him he’ll pay me half now I’ll give him half

Of it and then he’ll do the other half once I give him the other half so very fair way to do it so come on ninety thousand dollars just got sent over let’s get half of this thing transferred now we wait for him to send it this is

About to be worth so much more money when people actually come and visit plus if you can improve on it be like this was in a video I mean this is legitimately a great deal for him so not only do we make almost two hundred thousand dollars by building that we

Also got a free Beacon and all of these items were inside of the uh little Shooters there so take a look at this guys I’ve been spending money all the time I buy wood I buy all kinds of stuff and I need to stop doing it and so what

We’ve been working on is creating the super farm right here is slowly but surely going to supply us with every single item in the game let’s get this thing expanded okay sugarcane Farm’s kind of tiny but the good thing about it is every time I

Walk by and I break it it just flows all the way down and we get to collect it later which we’re going to be upgrading massively I mean this is really where the bulk of the money is going to be coming from this series my brothers are

Competing with me too they’re trying to make as much money as I am or more than me and I don’t know really who’s winning it’s a pretty close race right now but I think after today’s episode we’re gonna have the lead secured because we’re gonna make is kind of something that’s

Been in progress for almost 20 episodes now like this is literally about to be the craziest thing but first let’s start really simple we got the sugar cane here let’s go ahead and move back a row and actually get our pumpkin started how am I gonna flow this so it doesn’t break

The sugar cane I’ll be honest with you I’m a little bit worried now I’m having this idea like I want the water to flow down so the pumpkins are up here water flows obviously underneath them oh that ain’t easy where is this gonna go it’s gonna go right down the hole right there

Folks we have done it so all I need to do is just leave a little bit of Gap in the middle like this and theoretically it’ll protect the sugar cane we should be okay dang this is getting exciting lover Industries is about to go through a Industrial Revolution today you guys

Know what that did made a lot of people a lot of money probably oh I don’t know this looks really good so we’ll extend the Redstone out we’ll keep this coming right here we’ll do a little bit of a baby pumpkin farm again we don’t need that many pumpkins we just need enough

So that we have our supply of anything we could ever need in our goal of creating the super Farm I don’t know the best way to make a pumpkin farm that’s not even gonna grow the pumpkin will literally have nowhere to go right here I just made an impossible pumpkin

Farm what am I doing with my life should work this will eventually hopefully turn just regular dirt and they can Farm there pumpkins will spawn on either side and then maybe here I understand this is not perfectly even but it gets the job done alright so we

Got some pumpkin spawning we got the sugar cane spawning over here is all wheat and beetroot which means we’ll have all of this wall of our neighbors means we’ve got a pretty good handle on all the crops we do need to get a Sweet Berry Farm made bamboo and cocoa beans

So we’ve got our super form performance right we’re gonna make enough walk down the path is like a little Corridor and access both of the super forms which means we got to get another one built right here before we can even make the next stop it’s gonna be a wild

Amount of building right now all right took me a long time but we’ve replicated now the other side so you can see what we’ve done is recreate the central wall right here with a beautiful walkway through the center and then I’ve already reconnected all of the new waterways to the downstairs Waterway

Which means what I can do is throw an object into any of these streams of water whether it’s on this side over here or into the water over there and it will all end up in the exact same chest now we can get working on the next items

Inside of our Mega Farm we’ve already got pumpkins knocked out the others are right here and you’re going to see them and be very confused possibly let’s get melons real quick that’ll be a quick easy one this is a pretty wild build right now I am pretty surprised by how good it’s

Turned out I’m also going to add a little bit of details in here we can’t have a super form it doesn’t look good so I’m just adding a little bit of something just to kind of show we’re all not just function got a little bit of

Style too all right that looks good we even have the lights in here and um I think yeah two more stream lights so we’ll place these um I don’t know right here there we go this place is looking beautiful the other side’s coming together let’s go get those planted

Once this is done I will literally never have to buy pumpkins melons wheat beetroot which is Gonna Save Me such an immense amount of money I can’t even begin to imagine it we just got a couple rolls of pumpkins we’ll upgrade this in the future as we go on but for now it’s

Enough it gives us a little bit of a start at least we got something pumping out the production chamber but now what we’re really here for guys is the big boy we got a massive build planned that my friends is the creeper I’m going to attempt to create a creeper Farm today

Up here going to connect every single system to this water stream and if I do the creeper correctly it’s gonna come down here and fill this up so you can see these are all the items that have fallen through and for some reason there’s no sugar cane in here I don’t

Know where that went is it go somewhere else there could be a leak somewhere all right it’s not it’s not a perfect system yet 650 000 for a creeper spawner let’s see if there’s a cheaper one that has player selling otherwise we got to go through with that and that’s a little bit

Expensive it ain’t looking good right now we’re about to spend almost every dollar we’ve ever made on this I’ll tell you what I’m a little nervous oh this is half my money guys but we gotta do it we’ve gotta do it here we go creeper spawner coming in oh that was expensive

But I promise even though it hurt it’s going to be worth it it’s going to make us so much money and I might even buy second one but let’s wait to see if we can get the first one to work first I’m trying to think of the most

If you’re near it right so if I put one down way over the back corner they’re not gonna spawn unless I’m there I think right here maybe it will be the entrance and we’ll connect it all to the water system Wow Let’s Get digging all right here’s my vision you walk in

You go to the base and then bang they’re falling like boom right here uh problem is I have absolutely no idea how I’m gonna do that or even make that possible so uh we’re gonna get really experimental here this is probably legitimately the biggest play we’ve made

Like that was an immense amount of money I’ve been planning this for so long my brothers will have no idea how to react once they see this thing if it works which is unlikely I have very limited in space here I don’t know how big I can make it but the

Potential these bad boys have is just too extreme not to do I mean it’s infinite money if I can do it right I think it’s pretty criminal that I still don’t have an infant water source inside my base I mean you know how many times I take this trip outside we are on

Day 22 and I just keep moving it and now I don’t even have one we’re gonna make one right now this is the real big play today finally getting an infinite water so I don’t have to deal with this anymore uh I don’t know this is as good

As a spot as any I’ll tell you what the lover Industries it ain’t nothing to laugh about you know it really isn’t uh this can’t be here either though because it’s got to be dark so that’s kind of unfortunate or you know what no it can we’ll just do this that’s a terrible

Idea to make a creeper Farm is not easy I I still don’t even know if these things are going to explode once I put them inside my base so there’s a lot of very uncomfortable things we’re gonna have to be figuring out here soon so it needs to

Be for sure right in front of this road so that’s the back wall there are a lot more efficient ways to do this I’ll tell you that right now you don’t want to study how I’m doing this all right it’s really just to get the basics started

Here but it should work nonetheless boy is this not what I thought it would look like I thought it looked really good when I came into this but now I’m a little bit worried it’s not even going to work maybe I should build this out of

Obsidian I mean if we’re doing a creeper Farm maybe it’s safer to do obsidian but the idea is I could come here and then on the back side where I have all my villagers I would have like a line of villagers a line of like all my creepers

And whatever I need to farm over here and they’re like all literally together it’s gonna be really easy to ring it up to a big water system let’s fix this though I don’t know if like aesthetically you necessarily want to build it looks like this all right but

Hey it’s early it’s the early stages all right early stage startup company here today to be honest with you we’re pretty much pretty much ready to put this thing down and see if it spawns I guess we do want to like black it out though I think darker means they’ll spawn more

Frequently that is disgusting I mean that is a hideous build right there but if it ain’t efficient I don’t know what is like we’ve got all these crafts that have been growing this whole time one flick of the switch now they’re prepared for the future we’re just gonna give

Them a little bit of space now like I don’t really know what a creeper needs poor things will be doomed to listen to villagers go huh for their entire life now that’s not something I’d want to do particularly this is punishment for all of you that have lost an item to a

Creeper in your lives I’m doing this for you guys okay I think we did it I think we finally did it it’s really ugly and I just want to apologize in advance to kind of see if our 600 000 Investments hey we got one two of them came out this

Is where things get a little dicey what is gonna happen oh they went down the hole thank God it didn’t blow up my base now I don’t know if they’re gonna attack us or anything but do you see the uh we don’t know how often these are gonna

Spawn and that was a 600 000 investment so they’re not spawning quick enough we’re gonna have to buy a second for another 600 000 which means everything we spend this entire series for 20 episodes would go into that build right above me right now so while that’s going

On I might as well at least make this room look a little bit nicer and see does it even work because there’s a real possibility maybe these things don’t spawn while I’m down here kind of like I envisioned and maybe none of this works at all oh there’s another one so the

First time we got two this time we only got one ten creepers so why there’s ten here so they don’t despawn that’s been like a lot of them and I haven’t done much this is where it comes into handy if you remember a few episodes ago when

I got this sword by buying a base it was a 300 000 sword and you’re like that maybe you could have sold that look at the stats and realize this thing has looting three so if I kill these ten creepers how much gunpowder will I get

Let’s try it right here and let’s see that got us 28 gunpowder just like that if that doesn’t excite you just wait a second oh maybe that’s not the best spot it’s literally my tour I can’t tell you how long I’ve spent trying to make the single ladder here guys just

Unbelievable finally now this is where things get very exciting you can see we have kind of a tiny chest room right here what we also have is a somewhat empty chest located right here which now has a gun powder on it imagine you guys might guess we’re going to try to Route

This over so the gunpowder will automatically be harvested inside that chest maybe I do the 100 it seems a little easier have legitimately destroyed my entire base trying to get this one thing to work right now but the profits man unbelievable theoretically oh guys we did it we did it it doesn’t

Look good yet though before I show you before I show you let me just go and make it look a little better because right now it’s kind of messy there we go so I’m gonna actually move this grab one more of these so now in the chest room we have a

Secret underground location right here and this automatically collects us we have 64 plus seven I go back there’s a couple creepers ready we got four of them as I kill them the items fall in I’m getting the experience like oh is there a zombie in here level enough and

Then it goes right into the chest so now anytime that I get online to do a bunch of like organizing and stuff we got the creeper form but this isn’t it it gets even and better from here now we get to use all the sugarcane we’ve been

Harvesting for episodes to make a bunch of paper if we grab our supply of this we can actually finally create firework rockets and this is where the money is made so these Rockets as you guys know shoot up into the sky and you’re like exactly that’s kind of lame they do more

Than just shoot up into the sky these items are only obtainable by crafting no one else in the server can get them unless you craft them and if I look at the auction house you’ll notice that a single stack of these goes for eight thousand dollars maybe even more well I

Just made three stacks which is about thirty thousand dollars we’ll be able to open up a rocket store and people buy these to fly around with their light truck we’re gonna be Mass producing profits we’re gonna get more gunpowder than we are sugarcane because our sugarcane farm isn’t quite up to speed

Yet so we’re gonna have to do the same thing here we gotta make that investment guys we gotta make that investment we’re spending a lot almost a million dollars have been spent today but look at why can’t I okay oh because it’s Farmland not dirt the sugarcane farm has now been doubled

In size there’s some issues on the bottom where I’ve got to reroute some of the wiring to get it to connect right we can work on that in a bit exactly what we need to get this rocket business taking off so I’m gonna go back see if

We’ve spawned any creepers and then make the decision should we spend all of the 700 000 that we have on this creeper Farm idea oh no guys bad news we have a villager escapee I don’t know how they got out but this is not good oh no

There’s a hole guys oh no we’re gonna lose one I did my best to make sure they couldn’t get out and yet they still did maybe we need to make a moat or something or maybe I don’t even know I was gonna get back in there okay now

Here’s like the legitimate fun part now that this is spawning I get to work on upgrading this make it look a little bit nicer you know freshen it up a little bit put on a new face of makeup while I’m doing it I should be making money the whole time so we’ll see

A little bit depressed about how low the roof has to be here because of how I built this thing it’s compact I’ll be honest it’s very compact let’s go ahead and get this nine stack here but see that looting three turns those nine creepers into like 30 gunpowder so it’s

Pretty effective look how nice this looks this is an old idea I guess I don’t need that anymore I’ll add some details to this because I want it to look like really professional because eventually we’ll probably invite some people over to use this farm so we’ve

Got like the access door back here so I’m thinking what we’ll do is we’ll place a door like that and kind of separate it that way you can like walk into the old access hallway back here and make sure that when we add more in

The future we can expand to the left and have like our creeper Farm here there you go it’s labeled I don’t know if that looks as good as it possibly could look but it does the job I was gonna put a sign there but I don’t know I kind of

Like the creeper head no we do kind of want to keep this a little more low-key like I don’t necessarily want people to know about this yet I mean obviously when the video comes out they will but it’ll give me a couple days of like a

Head start on the boys before they see it I’m doing this so we’re gonna just plug this in with dirt so that it’s literally just not impossible to notice there we go look how natural that looks you wouldn’t even realize creepers are being spawned right under your nose now

I gotta decide if it’s worth it to buy a second one I really just have no idea if it is or not it’d be nice to double production but I think what I’m gonna do is wait until I actually pull a profit 63 gunpowder I mean that’s a whole stack

Right now like it’s pretty amazing so I’ve been waiting for about 15 minutes to see how much money I’d make I haven’t even organized my chest yet just a little bit of things around the base just within range so they would keep spawning and so far we are at almost two

Stacks of 64 and more coming each second I don’t know how many Rockets that’s gonna make it’s gonna make a lot of rockets do the math that’s like 50 000 and I didn’t wait that long for it so this actually works you guys let me know

If I should buy the second one or if I should expand so there’s one more thing we want to do today and this is one of the most important things and it involves going to our sheep dungeon now the Sheep dungeon is looking good in fact it’s more of an animal dungeon at

This point but I’ve got a brilliant idea and it’s a little bit illegal to be honest oh okay I really can’t make that up he really just happened to be right there didn’t we’re gonna need a lot of shears okay because I’m pretty sure you can actually sheer sheep automatically

Hopefully they don’t escape no no no no no I said don’t we got him right where we want them this is very big I just need them to not move don’t move buddy don’t move I need to buy I need to buy some wood come on now no

No we lost him too okay we’ve lost all of them not how I saw this going I didn’t think we’d be releasing every single cave sheep I thought we’d be maybe it’s one last bit of Freedom before I put them into their Eternal Doom yeah yeah yeah yeah come on up here

Oh come on YouTube you two little lovebirds yes sir you get on up here oh you two are just adorable and you gotta entice them with the food just just one per per group is fine for me but we’ll put a double in here that’s

Fine now this is about to be the most illegal thing I’ve ever done in Minecraft I’m not gonna lie to you I mean this is highly illegal but take a look at this very simple Design This is just a concept it’s something I want to

Be doing here in the future if I pull this lever it automatically shares my sheep for me I can line all these sheep up on top of some kind of a system they’re all the different color and then I pull one lever and again it’s going to automatically Harvest all the Sheep

Literally that one lever will do everything like this is Peak capitalism right here you’ve got a red sheep we’re gonna red orange we’ll do the whole rainbow here I don’t know how many sheeps I can put in one section to still get this effect and I also don’t know

Can I breed you two if you’re like separated oh I can’t oh man a pink one I don’t even think about that okay that’s fine I don’t even think that the white and red would make pink but we got a pink sheep right there guys I see a

Buying opportunity here for the right price now number one tip in negotiating guys is never ever tell them your price first because if they say a price you can anchor them with a super low ball 500k was my price he’s already said I’ll think about it once I get a better offer

All right he’s gonna see if he can get a better offer guys after one hour I got one right here it’s gonna cost me 200 000 and it has officially been sent to this player and this should make us so much money it will be off the charts the

Ideas bro exploding out of my mind guys this is a good look this girl very talented Builder is now sold me this base for 200 000 I bought a fairly good looking base you’ve got an indoor Farm carrots you’ve got wheat you’ve got got storage you’ve even got a beautiful mind

You’ve got the bedroom complete with chests a beautiful setup bed right there I don’t know what you call that enchanting room even a little armor stand very just iconic so you might be thinking Zach how are you gonna improve a base it already looks this good you’ll

See a lot of times players sell bass and they over promise and under deliver that is the opposite of what you want to be doing and so today our plan is to under promise and over deliver by saying that we’re gonna be selling a base they’ll be located right here but what players

Won’t know is that there is an entire secret base Underground okay so I’m looking at the base trying to get like what type of blocks I should be using for this and it looks like Spruce and stone and a little bit of Oak and Cobble this is very very detailed

Down here I’m thinking turn this into some water elevators you know do a little construction here make this a little more automatic this is a little bit too newbie for us so I want to leave it like a pond I don’t think so I don’t really like the pond look to be honest

Hmm or do I we’re gonna try to keep it as a pond and the entrance is right here so theoretically we could make this a bubble elevator that goes up so I’ve got to drain the entire thing to then just fill it back up that’s kind of where

We’re at right now to get this thing to work correctly all right there we go a successful bubble elevator and I don’t have a way down yet but I’m not a fan of the elevators that take you down I’m actually a fan of just jumping into a

Hole because it’s a lot faster so let’s make a hole that is right here right here now right here yes right here this it seems like as good of a spot as I need to have a giant hole in the ground so oh my goodness I just guessed and I

Got a perfect Central drop right here you can’t make that up okay you really forget how expensive slime balls are on their server but it’s gonna be worth it we now got the easy way in and out I think that’s already a massive Improvement off of what we had so let’s

Go ahead and block clutch it oh we do and that’s how you get inside it doesn’t work on carpet and it does I’m trying not to get too crazy but this is what I’m gonna do all right I’m just gonna go with my gut and

It says make a glass floor on top of the water here that way you can look down and kind of see like a little bit of an aquarium’s work with nature here guys don’t fight against it there we go look at that so that is our floor pattern for

The top room by a little bit of spruce wood and by little I mean uh an immense number of it to be honest we need like fat stacks of it so maybe we’ll do like a little something like this a little bit of like a circle around it to say

Hey this is where you jump down this is where you get to the second I didn’t mean to do that say Hey this is where you get to the second floor where all the magic happens eventually I do want to change out the whole column make it

Look better and then around it is where we can now take all of our Spruce and start filling it in I’m trying to decide if I want to square this off I think I will because that’ll really pull it together look at that if that isn’t interesting I don’t know what

Is maybe take a couple of oak logs and kind of round off the corners here if I do a three on each side and then I can clear out the rest of this tree and I get a new wall you’re not two for one

Why not so I like that like a little bit of a wall that kind of curls up around the side it seems really cool to me your new trees would be oh and just another big tree too who knew these things would be the worst in the world I mean this is

Probably one of the worst inventions ever alright so that looks kind of cool now a lot of issues right now am I falling into things I shouldn’t be falling into now we got a couple lanterns these are going to fit on top of some slabs okay

So my vision here is you want to have an oh I fall into this every second a little bit of stone to cap it off that’s a pretty darn Grand window right there when you walk into the base you got the elevators here I don’t know if

It’s going to be annoying to people that is off center but like it is organic in a way I’m integrating the natural landscape uh except that floating tree right there maybe take care of that real quick that’s gonna it’s gonna trigger some of you guys and I know it will so

You’re welcome now I also think it might look cool oh I keep falling I think I’m gonna be cool to tapered in like that so it curls in you got two lanterns right there that’s kind of a clean look oh I can’t this is this is not a joke I’m

Done I’m done I gotta put the trap door down I can’t do this anymore this is not a joke I just can’t stop falling in now we no longer have to worry about falling into the great void oh my goodness look how nice that is we can put some pots up

There a little detail so what I’m thinking is I’m going to continue this pattern all along the wall down here on each side like bring it all the way back I mean for some reason it just looks like a boat that got stuck so this is

Gonna where it’s gonna lead down to like the second layer right here and we’ll expand it a little bit and this will kind of like appear like the main base I think that came out kind of good I like the pattern we made here I like the stripped look the stripped into the

That’s it the strip look the strip look the stripped look all right I know what I’m doing finally no it’s not bad I mean it’s weird with the stone I don’t love it I don’t dislike it how bad I do like it looks not bad

A lot of my builds are kind of just like boy I sure hope this doesn’t end up looking terrible at the end of it so that looks kind of cool you’ve got like Stone highlights coming in it’s just a very Grand looking front window thing we’ve bought scaffolding and I forgot

The entire time until right now but hey at least we got it all right it’s gonna make our job a little easier here I’m gonna try to give it a beautiful trim around the sides just like this all right now let’s get the roof in here and

I’m going to give it a beautiful design with a little bit of depth I’m about to die from building the space Oh I’m still alive lovely I thought I thought that was the end right there come on what the heck are they gonna make me do this now that is a pretty darn good looking main room right there what I don’t like

Though is that you can’t really see out of these windows usefulness wise that they don’t really have a lot of it so I was thinking like I could add like some staircases that leads you up but that sounds kind of tacky we made such a good buy with this base I mean downstairs

Really pulls it together I feel like the upstairs might even be costing us a little bit because it looks so much worse than what this original player’s design all right I think that looks kind of good to be honest with you you still can’t see out the windows but I think

Once it turns the daytime you got that Sunrise scented right there it’s gonna look really good in the house we’ve got to figure out what this back area is gonna be and like my first thought was we could make it an outdoor patio or something because it already kind of has

That Vibe the problem is is that this is a giant door and it wouldn’t make sense to do that let me sit down gotta switch it up every now and then oh there it is nope bring it down bring it down no no no no I’m not down please oh there it

Goes feels great to sit again look at that Sunrise that is the million dollar view that we’re after right there if that doesn’t look like it’s about to make a lot of cash I don’t know what will honestly take a minute make that your phone background because that is

Why it gotta be why I gotta be doing that right now all right that’s a little bit too much I’m I’m working here you can’t be thundering on me I’m getting inspiration so much from the original build I have not I cannot even tell you how many times I’ve gone down

To this hole to look at the designs that this player’s made and be like oh yeah that’s pretty good let me do that nobody trees getting in my way that’s a good meme guys see it on our slash lover fellow with all the other memes and

Cursed things our slash love repel is my subreddit be there or perish and Flames is this the middle if it’s not it will be oh oh this looks fantastic yes oh my days this is just something spectacular right now there we go all right that’s cool so

Yeah I closed off the ceiling right there the fences actually like look super good on this I’ll tell you what not a big fan of the old uh the old Treetop crafting tables but sometimes you’ve got to make a risky play risky play tree chop crafter coming in hot

I think that’s the move yup that’s the move right there that’s the new ceiling height there it is see I took I took the thing down this time no damage for me yet oh boy that sucks oh my we really be placing blocks everywhere except where I

Want them to go today if I if I fall here it’s over there we go Spruce it up down to a single heart I don’t know I don’t trust myself to not take damage and actually die from that so I’m gonna give these little slots like some sort of like alternative use

Oh got the idea already Zach you’re a genius thank you so I think that’ll look kind of cool and tired together and then to make this look better we need a better form of lighting look at that piece of Oak got him it’s a crafting table see that guy’s a little trickery

Right there played a joke on you got him a little joke action ah this looks pretty good so maybe we’ll do like some bars down here and just give this like a nice good old-fashioned like just kind of just a good feel to it you know something like that

What the heck is this was a random dude here some random dude just got into my base I’m not sure how it’s kind of confusing to me I’ll just point out I’m not sure who that is oh he’s dying look someone just came to

My base and he died I don’t know how he got down there tried to come out of the elevator and just perished it’s really sad to be honest but not our problem I guess at the end of the day okay now this is where things get a little bit

Tricky we’ve cleared out so many trees you can now see there’s clearly a neighbor right in front of us and a neighbor that has a pretty newbie base no less so we’ve got to design this like Barn type thing in a way that they really can’t see the neighbor or in a

Way that he’s more hidden than that we really don’t want that I’m gonna put this real close to his property line sorry dude I just I don’t want you here I’ll be honest with you all right it’s too close for comfort look how much difference the tree’s made we got it lit

Up back there oh I kind of like that you could split it like that fill in the end uh oh yes yes yes this is it all right not that absolutely came together way better than I thought it would and the best part of all of this

Is now on the Shelf here we can actually put a couple decorations down this is where the money is made do not forget this on your own builds first things first let’s clear this out we don’t need these next to each other because a beautiful flower goes in or a little

Ladder action here and then you’ve got your beautiful absolutely stunning bookshelf with a music thing right there a pot right in the center look at that that’s all I did and it pulled it together this side could use a little bit more the thing doesn’t make sense to

Me about the ladder okay now the inside looks great the outside looks like an Abomination has been created here another little bonus item I just happened to snag an Ender Chest for only five thousand dollars on the auction house I think they’re worth like 50 000

So that was a pretty good steal like I said though I want to do a park back here the problem is I’m really Limited in what items I have left and so the best way to do it maybe is just to kind of make it a nice pack and just kind of

Showcase like hey you’ve got your own mind over here kind of a big deal there we go nice little Walkman I think it’s a little bit too thin for me to be honest that’s uncomfortable I just wanted to give them just a little bit of something maybe to make it like

Their own little tiny crafting area or something down here okay that is awesome I love what we’ve done over here I love the path we’re creating maybe just give them like access to their neighbor as well maybe they’ll end up becoming friends we don’t know that they’ll hate

It oh there it is the bone meal is pulling it together and then a couple of flower pots along the way just so you have just a little bit more lighting let’s fix this wall though this thing’s kind of nasty wow I actually feel like I feel like this thing looks pretty fire

Right now this is really aesthetic like this thing should pull a big profit and I hope it does because we put a lot of money into it a lot of love a lot of heart a lot of passion so this thing better come out and pull us some money

Oh I did that and I put one stair incorrectly maybe the buyer won’t notice now we’ve got a beautiful door the front of it isn’t really perfect I like how it looks though a lot better than it was the side again also not perfect looks

Better than it was I believe you can die signs I’m not mistaken yes that’s not the right color though I don’t think that’s that in it okay it still isn’t as bright as I thought but maybe without shaders people can read it better I’m gonna put down like some fake facts

Inside of this to like just straight up lie to them and just say yo this base took three weeks and five people to make I’ll put another sign over here and be like this Farm was blessed by loverfela himself literally I’m a blessing right now I bless this Farm there you go it’s

Not a lie all right it’s not a lie price starts at one million I feel like we’re ready to get this bad boy on the market price starts in a mill I gotta I gotta oops I should probably fix that so people can actually go up that’s not

Good oh no all right and it’s perfect timing it is actually daytime right now so let’s get this bad boy on the market all right so far my major plan of having them start upstairs and come downstairs not working so now I’m gonna start them downstairs and then have them go

Upstairs so they’ll start down here and be like oh very cool very cool what’s upstairs thinking this maybe not anything they pop up and realize it’s a whole other base so maybe that’s going to be what we need to do see now they’re just looking at her work I got a very

Rich player here I really really hope this is the one for us seems like it’s a girl this base was designed by a girl it seems like we may have found the perfect connection but let’s let it play out all right I’m giving her a snack welcome to

The open house enjoy it take it come on Sarah come on Sarah because she thinks she noticed there’s a neighbor I don’t like that I don’t like that I need this to work please Sarah be the one that buys it please she seems interested she’s been here for like probably five

Minutes she said how much you ask and I said a million but open for a negotiation like I said guys you gotta anchor High she said was love her fella here I said he was so prove it in a week or so he did bless it this could be good

This could be good the blessing strategy works I just gotta bless my builds when I sell it price will triple I think I’m just like I don’t know man I’m just trying to get the sale out here she said 650 I hit her with 750 that would be

Almost a 4X profit that is actually a legit massive sale 700 whoa whoa whoa Sarah I said 750. I’ll just say thanks I’m happy with it okay thank you that’s a pretty solid deal there we have been using this Chester room right here since episode three and today we’re gonna undo

The entire thing and build probably one of the one of the best chest drones you’ve ever seen in Minecraft first thing I gotta do though is break all of this crap around here because we’re gonna need a lot of space to work with how we’re gonna fit this all in here but

We’re going to massively expand I feel like I’m always running out of room and I can’t do this the best way that I want to do it and so I’ve got to brainstorm heavily how we’re gonna fit this in here it’s gonna be insane we could also bust

This wall out I’m think I’m just thinking out loud here we bust this one out too it’s kind of scary changing this because it’s not been changed in so long this could ruin everything I sure hope this comes out well I mean there’s a lot of opportunities here that

We ruin the entire base with this episode right now but oh there’s one way it happens I’m getting a vision on what I want to do I’ve got to I gotta break this I gotta break old Bertha here this is the crafting Zone I used to call this

Zone Obama’s last name let’s just get in here and take her down you know it’s a sad thing to do but we got to do it don’t worry about that because uh we’ll be Auto sorting all of it later if I uh do this right which is there’s a low

Chance that’ll be happening does it feel good guys when you get out there and you work on something for 20 episodes you’re trying to become the richest player in the server sometimes you got to take me time you got to get out there and save yourself time because time is money

We’re gonna save a lot of it this episode this looks so weird now after having seen this costume so many times we got it all cleaned up um the floor I’m not super worried about right now it is pretty ugly the floor has been cleansed a little bit

Here you want it easily accessible keep this pathway clear on it we’re gonna keep this clear oh geez villager yo get back in your cage brother what are you doing out here mentally I’m trying to paint what I want to build right here so I think what we’re gonna do is take our

Chest room maybe put it all on one side so it’s all on this wall for now maybe I like the idea of that because I don’t have to walk back and forth it’s a little bit easier to access so let’s get our chest placed this is always such a pivotal moment in

Minecraft upgrading I mean that that’s I wish I had another chest for that corner that’s really annoying oh I do so you all told me making this many chests was useless but now look at me all right now I’m in here flexing gotta get these item

Frames in here to clean this thing up a little bit this is where the intense process starts to make it happen but we might as well go get a little bit of experience over here kill some creeps see that’s why I made that creeper Farm

Guys this is how much I’ve been kind of grinding just a little bit off camera every now and then I’ll pop in and do a couple kills that’s not bad I mean that’s like four Stacks to 64 plus some Rockets okay now I feel like it would be

Beneficial to be able to walk through this that way it’s not like a wall of chest that I can never enter I feel like long term that’s the move problem is I don’t know how expandable this is the way I’m designing it here but that looks good then you can walk through your

Walls of Chess and then you could theoretically go backwards maybe this is where things get real this is where the real upgrade comes in and honestly I really like how this room looks right now I feel like there’s a lot of potential here I need a lot of redstone

This is gonna be so expensive guys oh 64 stack of Hoppers is 32 000 good thing we sold a house last time for some profit but boy is this uncomfortable that was uh just an immense amount of money right there I’m hurting step one of our Mega

Build we’ve already cleared out the room we’ve got all this progress made I gotta connect Hoppers to the backs of these and that’s actually the next room over so I guess like it literally cannot expand any further that way might as well fix the floor while we’re back here

Too it’s just exciting guys who knows what’s gonna happen we could innovate something brand new today we could develop something crazy we’ve got to get all these connected that’s got to go as well maybe it becomes a window into the other room I mean that’s what it’s looking like these all need Hoppers

Connected to them I’m not 100 sure if this is gonna work I’m testing a brand new design here I really just want to flex to my brothers they’re trying to become the richest as well on their own channels and so they’re not going to know how to do this and they’re good

They even told me that I can’t they literally said that this is literally impossible which is kind of why I’m doing it I want to show them that I can do it there’s a little bit more construction needed here turns out than I had initially planned for a chest room

Upgrade but time is money as I said the more that we spend the more that we save that probably didn’t make sense but it is true this sad sad room here guys we made this episodes ago to try to create a mob grinder and now it’s becoming just

The backlog for all of our Redstone for this chess setup none like invest in more good old hard earned cash into buying Redstone components from the overpriced shop but it’s still worth it it’s so worth it all right now we got to put blocks in front of and Behind These

Repeaters of what it does I think it’s going to help travel the signal through it and it makes it look better to be honest with you now torches ice again I’m not sure 100 this is the most efficient way to do this uh but to me

This is the best way to do it because then we can make a gate for the items now we’re going to cover all of this beautiful work up with uh you know blocks what else circles now Redstone gets a little bit tricky we’re placing comparators on the backs of all these

Bad boys see the thing is we went from just the most basic thing to I just decided to go nuclear I’m sick of organizing my items every day off camera I’m sick of it the concern now is space I really don’t know how much room I have

Because like that’s the pyramid floor I can’t really go up really don’t want to be here but I got to buy more Hoppers I think I need like 10 so that was a little bit more money that went down the drain but it’ll be worth it it’s saving us time as I say

This is where things get super weird so we’ve got the basics built for the auto sorting machine we’re going to be able to put items in here it should sort it for us problem is I need an animal I don’t know if I have one do I have an animal back here

We’ve got this item that I call filler you nickname it Fiddler this is how the actual entire mechanism should work if I go in here and put 40 44 of these I’m gonna start with just one side so one side is lit up this is called the filler

Side all I have to do is now put in the item that’s going to be the actual filter so for example I’ll make this all my ores right here I have almost none of them netherite will go into its own Zone it’s a special Zone all right so now we

Can come back up here filter these items into the filter now I think all you do is put in a single filler item here and now it should only suck in the item that goes over the top of this system put it into the chest I think when you make these

Your brain starts churning and it starts going to a new level and you start thinking like does any of this even make sense do I even know what I’m doing like is this gonna double stack it I think it is like I think this entire thing is now

Just one item I’m concerned about it I’ll be honest I’m really concerned about it let’s just give it a shot I’m gonna need a little bit more Hopper action though unless I can use water which I’m not sure we’re gonna do a little bit of test run here

So the question is do items get sucked into Hoppers if they’re in a water stream s like kind of but too fast that’s a lot We’re not gonna do that what I’m facing is this gonna be such a massive thing like I don’t know how to

Expand this it’s just gonna be like It’s gotta be massive like this is literally each one of these one items like that’s all cold that’s all Iron like how many items are in this game I mean I guess it’s a start all right we can always

Upgrade it let’s get the top of it done and what that’s going to require is even more hoppers 14 of them that’s like literally six thousand dollars worth of Hoppers right there just want that sink in for a second also it’s raining inside but that’s okay this is so ridiculous why

Did I think this was a good idea to do I mean I had a perfectly fine chest system if that is not hideous I don’t know what it is like that is just absolutely absurd looking but that should work I need a way to get the items now to go up

To the top and I would love it if I could somehow have the water take the items there like I could walk in throw an item in to the center of the room which I guess is gonna now change I’ll tell you what zachlings we are putting

In the work today to make this thing pulled out my brother said I can’t do it I’m telling you that is the only motivation I have we’ve spent a lot of money on this project but what I think is going to happen you’re going to throw items down here in the center

Might as well take off the roof too so I can see where I’m going to be honest with you I think the dumbest thing is for me to go through and like decorate this before I even know if it works but like I ain’t trying to work on something that don’t

Look good so part of this is like how much compared to how many so I’ve actually made for us so far like I’m just still not sure the solution to that many items okay now we can go back to our chest room grab a bucket hopefully

With water already in it there we go water goes in this is where you’re gonna drop your items they’re gonna flow back this way and I I um then need it to turn all right so we just took it down a little deeper so I just need one bucket

Of water to go the whole distance I don’t think it’ll make a difference to be honest with you I think it just makes a little easier if you guys are following me along at home on this one I’m gonna question your uh sanity right now because we don’t even know if the

Actual sorting system works I’m not even sure why I’m down here yet but I will show my brothers wrong one way or another at the end of this episode your mind will be blown now what I’m gonna do is a birch fence and I think Soul Sand is what makes

People go up I’m pretty sure magma makes you go down so we’re gonna get a little bit of Soul Sand and then we’re gonna try to build what I believe should be like an elevator so I think items can still go through if I have a gate like

This so if I do this I think let’s see yeah so it goes right through so then if I come here and I put down some Soul Sand the beginnings of the water elevator I’m still starting to wonder how much time this is actually going to save us at this point but we’ve

Committed to it so while we’re here I might as well use the glass on the floor because one of my ideas was cover the flooring with glass so you can see the items as they’re sending to the sorter now we just gotta get the water placed and get this water elevator built so

Let’s do that real quick okay so theoretically this is built correctly we’re going to test it right now with a piece of glass if I throw it in here it should go all the way down should turn come here go through that launch up and it doesn’t hit the

Freaking launch is high oh boy that was a lot more than I thought I mean that thing had some power to it didn’t it I’d love it to launch up and get stuck into one of these is that possible like if can you get into it from underneath Yeah guys look at this this will launch items straight up into the Hoppers and then send it through the sorter so first let’s throw an item in here and see what happens here we go here we go oh the fence is wrong all right now let’s try it with a piece of glass

Oh it almost works but it’s not in the center so I wonder if I put a second Hopper that’ll catch the ones that are kind of a little bit off I could lose a lot of items like this if it doesn’t if it’s not perfectly set up we’re gonna

Put a piece of blue ice down here now and I’m gonna put it in the fence and the blue ice should make items a little bit more slippery so hopefully they actually manage to get through this little piece here all right so what it seems like is it

Only sends it into the hopper if the hopper points straight down so if I connect it to the other Hoppers it no longer works which is not exactly what we wanted here I want this to somehow get into The Hoppers change of plans still should be epic and cool I just

Can’t get the launcher like I wanted to work oh boy risky move of the day right there folks I really hope that did not destroy it in my Redstone because that was a lot of water that seeped out seems like it’s still seeping out too since I’m going up

And down so much I’m gonna just build myself a ladder here because I am still not quite able to get this thing to sync up as I want it so now I can do some test drops from up here and see if my new design works I think it worked yes

We did it finally oh it took us so long okay wow that was literally the longest journey I’ve ever taken to make this thing work not at all how I intended it to go but the thing is I didn’t really have a plan I was kind of just winging

It now we can clean this up a little bit I don’t think I need uh hopefully not to go back up there again for a while I wanted the entrance to be kind of like uh maybe stand out a little bit more than than what it currently does so uh

Maybe we’ll do like that and then I know we have this old trap door from what used to be our trash can so we’ll put that on there and now you can open up the item and throw it in and it should start sorting items we haven’t actually

Tested or filtered the rest of them yet so let’s give it a real test is it all is it all Linked UP where’s everything oh oh I bet it’s going into these chests yeah probably because these don’t have filters yet we have the filter set up

Now we need a way to do it so that the items the donut filters come out oh my gosh we just keep going with things I don’t want to take this wall down I also don’t see a much more option than that could open the place up a little bit all

Right we’re going to open the place up this Wall’s been here for so long honestly it just feels wrong why is it Villa how would he even get there that doesn’t make sense now that is where the items that don’t get sorted would theoretically go to so now let’s finally

Uh I don’t know let’s just throw a test run and make sure like I kind of committed pretty hard to this thing so let’s look in this one there is zero gold so if I throw this in theoretically it’ll go into that chest let’s follow it

Boy do I hope this thing works oh it’s not I think it’s gonna win the first chest because you don’t have filters here one of these Hoppers sucked it up just the question is where it’s going maybe it is going here maybe it is in here let’s see definitely not nope

Oh here it is it is so it is going through it’s just getting stuck in the very first one because there’s no filter yes all I got to do is decide what the first One’s Gonna Be and I guess if we have ores here maybe over here we can do

Another common-ish thing which would be um we’ll do redstone on this one my fear though is just that we finished this up and someone leaves a comment and I know you will and you’ll see exactly there’s such an easier way to do that we gotta get our filler blocks in here and again

This uses the comparator it’s going to be 44 so let’s get 44 ready to go that’s what it is all my Redstone torches broke when the water went through that’s why none of it’s working holy crap we figured it out this is the essential component you need the Torches

Okay now I should be able to do 44. there we go I hope every single one of these now is set up I just have to put in what the actual item is it’s gonna sort for it so we’ve already got gold taken care of over there so maybe what

We’ll do is pop Redstone down right here it already is and then maybe some comments so maybe we’ll do like right next to it we’ll do uh dirt we’ll do Cobblestone those are very common and let’s see what else do I want like these are like very basic items is what we’re

Going for right here maybe sand Sand’s good A little bit of sand okay I like Sam we’re gonna make this one seeds and then we will hook this up in the future to the auto harvesting machine when I pull this lever all of you know I’ll

Harvest all my crops then it will flow it all the way down as you guys know it flows it down to the chest that’s down here but I could actually change that to flow it all the way over to here so it then flows it into my sorting system

Which is exactly what we’ve been trying to do since the beginning of the Season we’re gonna put down a single Diamond that should end up in our Diamond chest if all goes well here we go Diamond going in the only one we own it’s it’s I don’t even see it I sure hope

That’s working because I don’t see where it is right now let’s see I do not see a diamond well I mean we can’t have lost it right it got sucked into the first one because we didn’t have the filter set up that’s why there’s a lot of stuff you got to do

This is like the 30th time I’ve tried to test things like this is gonna work this time and then it doesn’t so this one was one seed this one I believe was sand then Stone then actual dirt and then uh what was this one Redstone yes sir

Actual actual test with the diamond that we have finally returned it should end up in the hopper here we go in three two one go Diamond’s going through the tunnel Diamond’s getting launched up Diamond has been successfully obtained by The Hoppers now we wait and see how

Long it takes if I did it all right wait a minute should be in here oh okay okay okay okay okay so it didn’t pass through the diamond filter all right let’s do a redstone test here we go Redstone going in that’s a stack of 64. I mean that’s a

Hefty Hefty stack right here coming in already went down it seems like it actually works even if you put in more than like a single stack like every single bit of redstone is actually coming in here perfectly sorted now that this sort of works we can do a little

Bit of tweaking to it and make it look better like for example since the chest automatically take items to the bottom maybe it makes sense now to have the signs down below so that I know like hey this is where the auto sorting goes and

Then up top I can for now like manually put items in this would contain Redstone items like the Redstone Dust comes down here for all the Redstone items like all this this goes up top for now let’s really push this thing to its test let’s take multiple stacks of dirt and just

Throw all of them into this hole and gold and diamond and sand we’re literally just overloading this thing with every single item we have right now to push it to the test so now we can get a good look at how this works when you overload it with items and so it’s a

Little bit scary to have them float there I don’t know if they would ever despawn this is the speed they they move boom boom boom boom so like that’s the speed it’s doing it so right now it’s sorting all the dirt the thing is it’s not taking all the items at once so

There might be better ways to do it right now though it’s looking pretty sweet I’m playing around with it a little bit I think I found a way so that it can take multiple items but I’m not 100 sure if it’s gonna work like I try

To change the filter so this now accepts sand and Sandstone this one should only be accepting Stone but it clearly didn’t work fully a lot of stuff isn’t right in the right spot like for example all this dirt right here needs moved over to the dirt chest which is an immense amount of

Dirt so we’re gonna go ahead and relocate things and see what it looks like once we get it all in the right spots all right so we have literally an entire inventory of items some of these like Stone do not have filters some of them do like the Cobblestone the coal the

Block of coal does not actually I’m a little bit scared to throw blocks of cool through so we’re gonna put them in here temporarily now we’re gonna throw every single one through this system to see if it works and if it would actually save me time all right everything’s been thrown in

This is absolutely flowing up to the top right now and there should be a little stack of items on top of our Hopper waiting to be sucked up as it becomes their turn so now all of these are shooting items through we can go very back to the beginning to see what’s

Being sucked up right now looks like cobblestones coming through theoretically it should only be going into the Cobblestone chest so we come back here and look you can see cobblestone is slowly filling up the chest right now which is exactly what we wanted it to be doing let’s see is any

Is anything still popping through the old sorting chamber still a lot so it’s not like the fastest thing I’ve ever seen in my life and it is scary if these things would despawn like if I leave the Zone do I lose these items it is a

Really amazing design I just wish it was a little bit faster all the Hoppers they have like a limit on how much they can handle so I’ve got to kind of brainstorm I think there are a few things I can do to make it faster which we can mess with

It doesn’t look as good as it could like there’s some minor things we can do but I cleaned up the inside right here I added a little bit of things to hide the Redstone you can still walk through and get to this next room I don’t know

Exactly what we’ll do is there a lot of redstone back here I also don’t know how we’re gonna expand this forever but we now have access back here we can close these doors off just like this or we can walk through and access the chest which contains all the items which had nothing

To store in so there’s still a few left being sorted it seems you can actually make multi-filter so I could like put multiple items into one single thing which is really freaking exciting if we get 20 000 likes next episode I will buy a failing business and flip it to make

Over a million dollars at least I hope so we’re going to create a mystery box business you’ve seen them all over the Internet we’re going to try to take that concept and put it into Minecraft this is going to be the location for the brand new shop

And we’re going to try to spend all of our money to make it all back now our goal again is to become the richest in the server over like 50 000 people have joined and played here the current leader is at over 1.7 billion dollars and what we’re gonna do today is focus

On selling to the rich players of the server which means we need a very fancy looking base now to save money I was going to look for a spruce for us we already found one right here I need a lot of spruce wood because I think Spruce is the richest looking wood so

We’re gonna chop these trees down and try to use this for the build this I mean each one of these let’s just take a look here a single Spruce log is 50 which means a single tree is going to save us like 500 bucks foreign we’ve got enough Spruce to make at least

A nice little floor here I have no idea to be honest with you there’s going to be enough Spruce again we’re appealing to the wealthy so we got to do what we got to do all right so each stack we go through of these is about 800 bucks so I

Mean overall we saved like five thousand dollars it’s not a ton but it’s worth it this is it the back wall I want to just be a literal solid wall like I don’t want anyone to be looking at that desert temple back there so we’re gonna make a

Wall back here so that people can’t see what’s going on and the outside of this building doesn’t matter because nobody will be going outside so we can be a little bit ugly with the outside all we’re trying to do is get people in here and make them

Think this is luxurious this is wealthy all right template on the walls is set and now what we’re gonna do is start working on where the mystery chests go and I was gonna work crafting table set up here and let’s get Crafting some chests so I’m just laying out a rough

Foundation of what it might look like so something like this for now looks kind of cool like we just get a few of them up and I want to make sure they look super pristine like super clean like people see it and they’re like yo I’ve gotta buy this actually let’s check the

Auction house this is where players sell items so let’s see if they’re selling any like quality oh wow that’s a lot of emeralds should I buy a stack of 64 Emerald box did I make a profit off of that I don’t know I mean that’s a lot

But I’m gonna skip it for now I know what we’ll do we’ll go back to our chest room I have so much glowstone left over now I know a lot of you said exactly it’s ugly it is a little bit ugly it can look bad but if you cover it up with

Carpet it’s still going to give us that glow look and still look kind of fancy so if I take this back to our location this is just the proof of concept we do something like this and that’s going to kind of give them just a little bit more

Shimmer a little bit more glow and then we can decorate in between them so I’m thinking something like this give it a little bit of depth back there and then what I’d like in front honestly is like glass like I feel like glass looks good it feels like with the right advertising

We could get a lot of people to come here to play this game with us I’m trying to make it so the item is named at the starting bidding price we take this we put it it says starts at 100K so after coal we’re gonna do lapis

Which starts at 120 all right we’re gonna do iron which starts at 150 Emerald which is 275 Diamond which is 450. it’s kind of awkward because those pieces of wood make the words go into it and glitch into it like we got to think about the details people that are rich

Will not like this which means we gotta push this whole wall back it ain’t gonna work maybe we could use glass you know like separate it all with like a little glass in between that’s not too bad that looks good that looks modern looks fancy it looks like we know what we’re

Doing we’ll start at 25k here starting at 50k here and now all of this is set up we got to get the items into it we’ll just pop these in for one of the prizes all right we want to make them look really good I guess I can get the rest

Of my carpet in here too because I like the way this looks this looks really good all I need now is an item to put in the final one and we’ve got like the whole display set up at least for the basic part of it so the

Final item would be I think like a full block if I have any block of redstone sure finally this one a very pretty purple color starts at 1 million it looks classy it looks clean it’s a redstone block I don’t know why it’s just because I didn’t have any other

Blocks I want to clean up the back wall I think Stone would look pretty good here back wall I think that actually looks so much better right now and then we can even put trap doors like above these and even though you can still open it I

Think it looks a lot better just to have like a little bit of like full surrounding here and of course we do want a very nice spawn platform this is where we’ll teleport them to and right next to them this is going to be interesting I’m actually building a free

Food bar where people will be able to walk up and hopefully they can just press a dispenser and literally just get access to whatever free food they want so we’re gonna give them the Royal Treatment while they’re even if they don’t buy anything they’re gonna feel

Like a royalty and if you feel like a royalty maybe you’ll spend like royalty we already have some Spruce stairs which we’ll use to create the beginning of the food bar the problem is the carpet I can’t put a sign on the bottom I kind of

Want it crap maybe we’ll have to have the exposed glowstone so I want a sign that says line Starts Here free food like that literally calls your name and then just like a bold Arrow right in the center so people know the line Starts Here the best way to do it I’m thinking

Is like kind of just being like a dispenser we’re gonna put one here and we’re going to put one here and this will be full of chicken this one will be full of that now you’ve got a station and a way to get your food to spit out

Let’s get some more of this back wall completed if this actually works we’re looking at like potentially millions of profit I feel like we really could pull it off today all right what do you think of that for a little railing now if I can get some

Lanterns on the edge here oh my goodness we might even be able to sell this at the end it’s just crazy how much you can do in such a little tiny space like this I really like the idea of having like a glass roof or like at least some sort of

A skylight a little something like this okay so the idea is like this will be like a row of glass and then on top of it we’ll smother it in with of course Spruce slabs this way no one can leave they’ll all be forced to stay I mean

Getting this thing to be advertised is going to be really tough because again we’re going to use an ALT account so like people won’t know us foreign That is a completed roof what I think we’ll do on the side is put some like Airborne or some intermittent shops like if players are here I want to be able to sell them items nothing too crazy but like maybe one or two shops so if I can get a design like this

Now these are actually becoming shops I think rule number one is if you’re playing on my Minecraft server always make a chest shot because you don’t know if someone’s gonna come along and buy something like I don’t know what I’m gonna sell here yet but I will sell

Something and it will be amazing and people will probably buy from it that’s an interesting design so we have like a carpet ring on top of the glass on top and then all we need is like a single block to plug it up I could do like another trapdoor people couldn’t access

It I could I could open it up let them in oh I fell in oh no well that is what a rich player is going to see him be like dang this guy is not a new all right we’re gonna test the uh trapdoor that’s the idea I have see

That’s kind of clean players can’t get in there but I’ll still be able to open it up like I feel like that’s pretty smart to do maybe a little trapdoor action on top of these bad boys that pulls it together nicely okay so we want to get a lot of like really fresh

Details we have like all this space in the wall and so I’m gonna look for the decoration blocks we have in our auction house here you might think this is a waste of money but I just bought two things to add all right one of them was

The skull of my brother raining soap because I feel like that adds a little bit of like yo this is kind of legit to the base so what I can do is start adding these decorations like this will be like placed like right there and then

I also bought some N Rods not that I need them but I think it adds so like if I put N Rods right over these it just draws your eye to it a little bit more doesn’t it just makes you look over here and go oh what’s this about oh very cool

But it’s not going to do exactly what we need so I’m gonna need to get a couple flower pots couple bookshelves a couple note blocks okay and then around this whole ring like the entire idea is like this is literally just going to be like decoration a white flower could go there

As you can see just a nice little spread of decorations all the way around the corner like there’s no like Rhyme or Reason to it just like decoration here decoration there keeping like a consistent white flower theme to it you know now when you’re standing down here

It just feels a little bit more Homey the floor has something to be desired we need them to know that they have to walk this direction I think maybe make it like a little bit of a stripped look to it just like that just kind of gives him a

Little hint like hey you got to go that way now we’re gonna get the signs up we want to make it super clear as to what the rules are how to function how to bid the price starts with the number below the chest the Mystery Box is open after

The previous one sells and then you can bid by sending me a DM that’s the best way I can think of how to bid so we’re gonna have this listed as Chick-fil-A if they hover over it and then if they hover over this it says wagy I added a

Couple more signs as well this says shop here for the best crate gear this says shop gear for strong random gear I don’t know what we’re gonna put in them I’m just trying to make it like very enticing I just spent a lot more money about a second shocker box it was 380k

Yeah this one was 480k a lot of them go for 500k okay I think I am done spending as much money as possible because I just bought a baby Yoda and an Isaac head so we’re gonna put the Isaac head right here just so he’s looking all happy and

Then we’re gonna put a baby Yoda right here just adorable little baby Yoda that’s a nice little detail right there okay so the prices for these items are all set so now we’re gonna start filling them up with like actual gear to actually sell to players so the first

One starts at 25k we’re gonna do blaze rods one two and three stacks of 64. we’re going to give them a Daily chest plate which is a decent item a diamond and then two blocks of honey and then this is where it gets fancy we’re gonna use these green things as like blocks

Right to like block it out so now like the chest is like whoa bam there it is matches the color and everything people who buy it might be like wow this guy puts so much like that by another one this is crazy so first one is now set up

Second one is 50k and it’s blue look how beautiful that was so this is our 50 000 chest right here this is the 100K chest coming in this is the 120k pick right here got some decent items 150k and I think what I’ll do is I’ll set these up

And then come back and actually add a few more items 450k for this one we’re just gonna include the vanilla sword so this is what’s inside the 1 million right now and I’m gonna now go to the auction house and buy as much as I can I still have three hundred thousand

Dollars to be spending today so we’re gonna load these things up not too much all right just a little bit so we’re gonna see if we can find any deals buy that for 100 that’s a good deal take that for 300 oh a beacon cool Banner all

Right final items we have to stock up on the chest first one we’re gonna give one more better item so that people are more engaged to stay and this one will actually make us lose money that’s a beacon they will make a profit the second one though we’re going to spice

Up with a stack of maybe a little something like that you know pop into a little bit of extra third one looking here let’s give them a spider eye on this side let’s give them that on this side that looks pretty clean another blue we’re going to give them another

Stack of that like it just it gives me a way to like use these items that really are kind of good and still worth money but also hopefully how people want to stay for more this one will be our shulker box one all right that’s a

Pretty big win I feel like these are all extremely fair I feel like they’re all well made and I feel like it’s about time to change to my ALT account let’s start bringing some people in alright guys just like that we are now in an ALT

Account with the chest shop set up this account is called lemon yes and this account actually has the incorrect amount of money it says 1.252 million it’s not right it just doesn’t transfer over to the alt accounts don’t worry about it I got the real number written

Down which is actually 290 000 so we’ll keep this in mind as we begin to open this for people but chess shops are set up we’ve got items for sale and what I did was make them very expensive so for example I said 20 000 bucks per block of

Cool I feel like that’s a ripoff I really honestly am just banking on people making mistake the shop is ready to go what’s up everybody how’s his balance he’s got 89k so he literally can’t afford anything stuff so uh not ideal but uh you know maybe you could

Get a couple early things here well this guy clearly enjoys the free food but he’s not exactly rich and he’s just spamming it to try to steal it all so that’s not what we want we did get two new people here okay we’re making some progress that guy’s even got some

Netherite on of London how you looking 842k that’s what you do London welcome grab a snack all right that’s what we’d like to see how about you buddy Danny loves 149k guys you want to treat them individually message them all say welcome grab a snack hope you enjoy your

Time here not just put out a new teleport and I said free snacks I don’t know that’s a good idea uh we might get a lot of people that want some free snacks bidding begins on box number one now guys come on over here bidding begins in the first box right now here

We go the first bid has been opened I didn’t mean to actually break that I’m gonna put a piece of glass back it’s gonna look really weird off to a rough start trying to get anyone to actually make a bid on these items right now

We’re losing money I need a bit look at this dude he just won’t stop pushing the button I’m gonna take the button privileges away from you no more button maybe we have to switch our strategy a little bit and try to sell the whole building with everything in it so if I

Added up everything in here I would say two million dollars would it be a fair price for everything but will anyone actually pay that all right I got an interested buyer he has enough money to get it I’m just gonna try really hard to see if this guy will make the purchase I

Really really want this dude to buy it because I’ve had almost no luck so far all right so this guy has 900k he’s gonna talk to his friend maybe gonna get the money from his friend and I just lied to him basically said I got an

Offer for 1.99 mil you better hurry kind of put the pressure on that way this guy wants to sell it quicker it’s all about patience my friends deep breaths the art of Zen you will make the sale you will make money you must believe in the sale

All right guys and just like that we have sold this bait it took a long time about 50 to 60 people came someone bought it for 2 million dollars which means every single item inside goes to them we are going to upgrade our Base by spending basically the profit we just

Made I just lost a great deal on a new creeper spawner not that it’s a bad deal now we’re gonna buy this for 600 000 which is a little bit expensive but we can now go back to our chest room and add a second one but let’s go in here

Use our creeper access panel climb on up the ladder and we are slowly but surely increasing our creeper spawn rate she’ll be able to get in here and just pop it right next to it oh and there it goes now we literally just doubled the output of our creepers guys the slug noodle

Shop will be opening up right here today and it is going to be pretty fantastic now we’re gonna need to do a little work here to to kind of clear it out I don’t know if we should intrude on Isaac’s land with it but I feel like for a shop

Like this he’d be honored to have a bill on his property so he might actually get upset oh I know what we can do I was gonna put it here by the pond but then I’m starting to think here why do that when there’s a perfectly good mountain

Right here we could take out to give Isaac a better view of the capitalistic Society we build up over here so you know maybe it’s gonna make them want to buy stuff a little bit more you might be thinking Zach what it is what is the slug noodle shop and what where exactly

Did you get that name just be patient all right it’s gonna blow your mind as all good things it just takes a little bit of time to get there they say curiosity makes people watch your videos more so you know what I’m gonna do it I’ll make you watch more by

Making you curious I feel like Isaac is not gonna be too happy to see this but it is going to be kind of funny now that there’s no more mountain right here it makes it look like Isaac built this rail up a random Hill for absolutely no

Reason like that’s it it doesn’t even need to be there I gotta fix that real quick I can’t When I Was A Boy Scout they always said like need land untouched it should look better than when you were there I have kind of the same idea I want to make this so well

Replaced here that no one even realizes that I actually demolished the entire rail it’s just like our secret all right don’t tell them foreign Oh my goodness look at what we have done here we are innovating Isaac and Ben y’all gonna be thanking me for this later look at that look how much like literally look how much less rails oh wait I use the exact same number of rails I thought we were like saving the

Environment here I’ll tell you what there are satisfying videos out there what just happened right there that was a special moment we just shared together I mean you don’t see things that satisfying too often I’ll be honest this must be what it feels like to go to the Amazon rainforest and just destroy it this

Isaac’s like correspondent I think he like stores horses in here and I I really don’t know why does he sell them there’s a hole bro you can’t just have a danger you could kill a horse this is not OSHA certified the way he’s got this built out you really uh can’t see the

Mall there it is now you can see them all so what we’re gonna do first up I gotta get rid of these trees I’m trying to see like what the view is from this base like is it as enticing as I hope because the slug noodle is going to be

Like what he sees all day every time he’s playing Boom slug noodle the great part of this is is all these these poor innocent flowers Isaac meticulously planted the carpet all of it the amount of detail my boy put in here just to be taken down for for industrial reasons

Really is just uh kind of sad to be honest with you now before I tell you the shop I’m gonna do slash daily you get one of these every few hours so I’ve never won anything good from these all right but there is a chance that today’s

The day we get something good here are all the items we could get we could win literal spawners from this so I’m just gonna pray the lava Gods please these lava guns give me what I need please no single time I open it this is what I get every single

Would that be would that be a bad move if I literally just cleared this mountain just specifically to give Isaac a view so that he would be tempted to come to my shop and buy something because that’s what we’re gonna do I’m all about those views although I guess I

Can’t say that now that David dobrik’s been canceled got him not even gonna build there we’re just gonna open it up all right but if someone else comes here and tests out the business I would lose this Prime real estate we’re going to do what must

Be done and let’s build it as close to Isaac’s base as humanly possible the slug noodle shop will be selling demolition kits left us thinking slug noodle demolition I know guys it’s a good idea to make sense when you think about it okay it actually doesn’t make sense at

All I can’t tell you why I did it but it felt like really good brand branding so that’s kind of the idea and I know Isaac likes exploding things so probably bust out a pretty clean Creeper face and I feel like not referencing an image for

This build to make the actual shop is probably really important years oh I’m scared something is is it upside down I’m not gonna look but I’m gonna take a peek all right so they’ve got like a two eyeball like a dude who knew melting Creeper face was

One of the hardest things you could ever do in the entire world right now all right now it um I just fill the rest of this up with Lion ball I think we’re actually pretty much there then all I gotta do is put down two eyeballs two just just like

This two little beautiful boinkers and now if I pop down it should look like Creeper face boom it’s not bad to be honest it still has got that handlebar mustache kind of vibe to it something about it does not feel correct to me what else is it is is uh

Me needing uh scaffolding and I I made like a new chest room I don’t know if you guys saw this I made it offline I know I did but I tried to organize it with barrels up top thought it’d be kind of cool problem is which one of these

Means scaffolding like if I was scaffolding like where would I want to be what would I want to be how would I want to be there’s a lot of questions now that is what I like to see it seems exceptionally tall there’s something very off about this creeper oh wait no

What if we gave him eyeballs look at this all right hear me out eyeball holes and now it looks like he’s he’s well I thought it was gonna look like he’s intently gazing at you as he looks down really at the end of the day it uh it

Kind of does now the question is where do we go from here oh such a good idea freaking Brain Blast let’s get some Jimmy Neutron up here boys uh This is Wild so it’s called the slug noodle we can make it a slug Noodle and I know you’re confused just watch so

The whole concept guys is to get this very brand friendly recognizable name they’ll be like yo where do I get rockets and TNT to blow up my face slug noodles they’re just gonna we gotta make what a slug noodle is Okay so as you can see this is the basic shape of what the slug noodle shop will be and I I feel like it could make us a lot of money like I said Isaac loves explosive so if I can like really pull this off and be pretty big here it is

Here it is this is what it’s all about right here oh freaking clutches it two block clutch placement I mean I didn’t know we’d be I don’t know be showing off so much today guys you’re good you’re good dang we are just a little bit short on

Uh green colored things we’ll just do this it’s probably cheaper I think a bug just bit me in the head it kind of hurts to be honest with you a little bit itchy okay sometimes you gotta step back to appreciate what you’ve done so far let’s go over here

And just take a little Vantage Point look so you can see it’s beginning to get that slug-like shape we were going for that supposed to look like a curved tail I don’t know like really a lot about slugs where do I buy slime I have

To make my own I mean it’s gonna cost me a fortune bro 8 000 per stack oh my gosh what a waste of money but it’s it’s gonna it’s gonna make it back long term literally it just made Seven blocks of slime that’s just uh nothing but disappointment right there the Slugs as

You can see coming out of the ground there and then we got a little bit of slime and my thought is uh kind of make it oozing into the water as if it’s like a poison event here remember it is about the details too so we’re actually gonna

Go underwater here just to give it a little more depth that’s a Tatanka of a tail okay all right so overall shape and form I feel like we we did pretty good on the slug aspect of it pretty sure slugs do have like giant uh little

Dongles off their head kind of poke up into the sky so we’re gonna add a couple of those on here and see if we can buy it usually people are selling end rods on the old auction house here and any money I spend on this is gonna come back

Like tenfold so I’m not really worried about it 5 000 for a sack of end rods your boy has copped it I feel like there’s like a little bulbous piece at the top of slug heads if I had just a little bit more slime it might work but

Let’s do this okay now that looks a lot more slug-like but what we really need is is uh to see the view from Isaac’s base I’ll tell you what that’s pretty darn good I think it might look a little bit better if we add just a little bit more

Of a slug Trail yeah we’ll make it draw out just a little bit like that we’re gonna add just like little bits of like slug goop you know what I’m saying like a little bit of that okay so now from the back side we’ve really set it up in

A way that uh I think he’s quite curious about what that might be it’s so disgusting dang man what I want is for Isaac to be able to like get here really easily so what I could do maybe is build a couple baby slugs like just a couple

Small pecano boys over here and uh it’ll be like the little slug little slug Boys on the Side so let’s try like a little mini slug can I can I pull that off maybe and maybe they’re not gooping as much because I haven’t developed their goopenator and so their goop is just a

Lot less goopy if I got back to the old Mall here I’m pretty sure dang that’s looking good I’m pretty sure I got some glistening melons and I feel like a glistening melon would make a great mouth for an battle isn’t noodle slug there he is look at him he’s got these

Lifeless beady eyes that are quite terrifying to be honest with you maybe they should be white not black um maybe black is good like we really gotta sell this shop it’s kind of like when you go to Disney and they charge you like 500 bucks for like a cookie just

Because it looks like Mickey Mouse like we got to sell it and so like you know what’s the story what are these creatures really doing there needs to be a trail of Destruction behind them oh that’s the story they’re going to have returned outside of a cave They’re actually directly below Isaac’s little uh you know little bee farm up there he’s got like 50 billion bees and I couldn’t explain to you why he built so many this is where the Cave’s gonna be and so like is anyone selling slime for a cheap price like come on guys this

Is excessive what I gotta spend on it there is a serious lack of slime on the market right now I gotta buy it I gotta spend another eight thousand dollars on slime blocks guys I’m telling you it’s worth it but boy that’s a lot of money

It’s not what I want to do but it’s what I have to do there we go only 700 bucks yeah I feel like coarse dirt is what they would live on like if you think about a slug they’re kind of you know a little bit musty a little bit Grandma’s

House five coming in here grandma no offense it just stinks at your house you know you know it does and then I’m thinking what we do is give it a little bit of like slime droops coming down here The cave where are the old slime boys came from here I think we could give it a little bit more function but I’m just gonna leave it at that for now you guys think that the curly lick is appropriate I feel like it kind of like reels you in

It says come inside of my it says walk inside of my mouth maybe is a better way to phrase that one I’m thinking like a like an intestine type type feeling here what is a moist block one that feels as if you are squishing intestines I think

I have like a massive amount of redstone blocks yeah I have six I have a stack of 64. no I think it’s worth a lot of money but what I also think is it would give it a very good um intestine type feel on the inside just a little something like

This you know the inside of your body is obviously red we would I would assume but a little bit like that and then if we could create like a little bone structure in here ten thousand dollars for a stack of bone blocks we have done it just like that that’s going to kind

Of support its back and then uh maybe some vertebrae slugs actually don’t have vertebrae because it is a slug noodle obviously you’ve got a slightly different uh you know Beast to be dealing with here and that just goes back into the tail there we should bring

It down like this like an actual ribcage inside of this bad boy that’s disgusting let’s go ahead and get this thing loaded up with what we’re gonna sell good news is we got a little bit of gunpowder and the better news is we also got a little bit of sand and

That’s what we got something okay let’s get some TNT built dang I did not think we’d be making a snack at 64 TNT today that actually is amazing we’ll actually bring some fireworks too TNT in this one fireworks in this one and then give these the Royal Treatment as we learned

In previous episode where’s my handful we gotta name these items and put them on the item frame I’m gonna call that the sphincture rocket and that’s not a great name now we can set a price what are they worth normally 6 000 for a stack you’re not gonna make a lot out of

That one and what is a what is a stack of TNT worth man no TNT we get to set our own price dude there’s literally no TNT on the entire market so maybe I’ll sell for 50 000 for a stack of 64. now it needs to

Be a little bit more enticing I mean I feel like we need a little bit of Drew oh oh obviously a little bit of slime inside of the old slime boy there’s some highlights just some hits like not too much blood just enough but you’re like okay there’s obviously a living creature

Right here the slug noodle is not messing around the the stone needs change though I don’t like the stone it kind of looks tacky to me so uh we’ll grassify this real quick okay so now he looks good and I don’t want signs on the outside I kind of want them to like

Discover this for themselves so we’ll put it right here hello I am the slug Noodle and I love explosions I’m trying to think we’ve got this little cave system I feel like it leaves a lot to be desired in terms of slug noodle storyline let’s get a little bit of work

Going on back here maybe we could put a little baby slug in it so there’s what a super baby maybe perhaps a maggot version of the slug noodle would look like something like this you know it sees the cycle of Life preparing to grow before the maggot obviously we would

Want uh some some sort of cocoon or maybe a cocoon breeding chamber for these creatures this is where the Cocoon pods will be one of the slug noodle begins as a pod like this kind of dripping goo onto the floor as you can see this will be yeah like a like a deep

Breeding chamber oh yeah okay that is what the doctor has ordered just a nice assortment of them then what we’re gonna do is put down a warning sign so slug noodles are breeding do not disturb these bad boys until May 1st like I don’t know what’s gonna happen on May

1st but hey drop a comment down below this of all these creatures together I just got an idea so I’m gonna see if Isaac has any honey blocks I can buy so here we are on Isaac’s territory guys uh I support you where are you at we need

To make a deal I need to buy a lot of I need to buy a couple Honeys actually Money store oh my goodness your boy has put in some work into this okay let’s take a look inside see what we got in here you literally can’t even jump to

The front door dude yeah well the thing is we’re not we got a Sprint jump to get inside I need uh I need eight okay eight hundred five thousand dollars for eight take it or leave it no all right so no deal come with me Isaac then let’s go we

Got a little something special come with me come on come on come on we’ve done a little bit of construction today I think Isaac’s gonna be excited to see it you did not build on my property you have this like view of like a beautiful Mountaintop and long story

Short I wanted to clean it up a little bit make it a little different wait a minute did you did you break Ben’s whole area no actually what is this I added on well careful buddy careful careful this is not as you should not be in there this is a

Restricted Zone a slug noodle breeding ground Zach those are literally creeper slugs this is a slug noodle breeding ground and yes I demolish an entire Mountain to make sure you could see this from your base so follow me and be careful why did you put me be careful

Be careful Crouch when you enter you don’t want to disturb this Beast get in there I’m feeding him first it’s good calms them down get in there oh are you selling TNT in here take a look oh wait 781 each slug Noodle Tea and tizzle inside and Fire works right outside your

Base wait it costs 50 000 for 64 TNT yeah there’s none on the market it’s really expensive it’s so much money Zach yeah I don’t know if like I’ll buy one I don’t want one they don’t only let me buy 64 though I know but yeah what is a

Fair price for you for one 500 on one TNT 500 yeah is that fair I feel like that’s fair okay wait sell one for one dollar wait a minute I’m buying a ball I just do business I’ll put one on my head to show off let me restock real quick there

We go now try well the thing is why would I buy them right now look at it I mean I got nine of these for free okay you almost killed the slug noodle what were you thinking oh my gosh why would you put down the TNT inside you have

Angered the slug noodle come with me I gotta show you one more thing I need to be really careful here I need you to be very quiet about this one as well okay it’s a slug noodle breeding ground how did you make an episode out of this one

Just listen up all right this that is obviously the mama slug noodle with the shop inside of it you can see it’s sibling off to the side come back just get back here stop it guys now this is the maggot I’m walking through the life cycle of a slugter that’s the

Maggot of a slug noodle you see it right next to you wait maggots turning their flies that thing is no no this is SlugTerra life cycle this is the maggot you see it and stay crouched I need you to take your armor off take your armor off you didn’t even say that you’re

Gonna make him hatch dude now if you crouch and look back here may for something special is gonna happen back here so take a look and don’t disturb it until then you can see they’re dangling from the ceiling in their cocoons right now I just want to say this is the

Weirdest thing that’s ever happened on the server and I’m gonna leave today we’re gonna be creating an ice boat race track to develop Minecraft’s first real sports team excuse me Mr skeleton we got some work to do here today I want this to be like really good I want to get

Investors I want to invest in teams I want to get Billboards sponsors I want real companies in real life to sponsor this all right I’m not even joking that’s actually real okay we’re gonna have like Nike come in and sponsor an episode of this and they’ll be like wow

Dude like that was cool I’ve never sponsored a Minecraft Race my vision here is that we bring players in from around the world and have them pay to compete in this petition and the winner walks away with like seven figures we’re talking like millions of dollars I do

Need to know what do you guys think should I do this with an ALT account so they don’t know or should I just open it up and make it a part of the giant lover complex that we have over here we’re gonna start the uh course by digging a

Hole I think is five wide enough let’s see I mean we could have we could have teams race of like three to four people at a time I think this is wide enough for the course I think that’s what we’ll do One of those things where I feel like I should have uh like measured first instead of just jumping in here and doing it but I didn’t we do need to get a little bit of ice and uh we’re kind of low we need to get still touched so we

Can go collect some ice guys I’m stressed it’s as expensive this is a lot of money this one’s only 50. I’m just gonna do it for 50. I freaking hate that I did but I did oh my goodness we’re back in the saddle ladies and gentlemen this ice will be worth so much

That’s a lot that’s an immense amount of ice right here I mean we’re taking down the entire Glacier why not speed up global warming this is gonna plow through my pickaxe like nothing I’ve ever used in my life well 469 mining let’s go Gamers all right we got

Ourselves fat stacks oh no player store we got things to do people to see don’t know what that is what is that what the heck okay here’s the question I don’t know if I can use regular ice like I don’t know if it’s actually gonna melt

If it doesn’t melt there ain’t no way I’m using blue ice I know it’s a little quicker but you know how long it would take it takes like nine of these to make one blue ice like that’s an entire Roper one it’s just ain’t even worth it now I

Do want Isaac and Ben to also be investors on this business like I feel like I need their support in a project this big it’s got to happen what I want to do is just kind of get the basic layout kind of built here like just the

Basics like What’s it gonna look like and then kind of plan it further but like this is where the starting location would be ideally I love the vibe of it like the fact that you’re just carving through the woods right here like this is gonna be a legit race course I’m

Trying to think of a name here Daytona 500 fella 500. I like that it’s branded after me still in the future we’re gonna wire this up the Pistons but for now we’re just gonna use some gates we’re gonna have Pistons like extend and then drop the whole wall which is a lot

Cooler we’re just trying to get the feel for how this thing’s gonna look it’s going to make us a lot of money I hope I mean it feels like it ain’t gonna melt like I feel like if it would have melted it would have melted at this point right

Away with a big fat hole like start away right away big fat hole we’re talking like a death hole right here there’s actually a player here like a real online player currently right there hello buddy yeah we opened up our Mall guys I’m gonna be honest with you we

Opened up the mall and here’s what happened after a lot of behind the scenes work we just opened it up for business and uh well as you can see it’s pretty good opening weekend Ben what do you think in a matter of seconds we have

Sold out just about wow so Ben sold out then you come over to Isaacs and this is what’s crazy there’s actually no way in unless you parkour because you can’t jump on honey but Isaac has some shops in here problem is they’re set up wrong they’re all broken so Isaac’s actually

Not getting any money from the old Rush here but what are you gonna do about that huh players from around the world are now coming to the shop and if you remember no bro Xiao so more than 50 doe we can’t make right now more than fifty

Thousand dollars per week by using our names dang the end store is popping off right now look at this man and so now the mall’s open we can make fifty thousand dollars a week from the mall which is pretty awesome and maybe in the future if you guys like the idea drop a

Comment down below we can open up our race track to players but first we gotta build it what could be cool is the death hole would take you into a new Zone I did not plan to do this it was supposed to hurt you you fall into the death hole

Maybe you get a little bit of a boost we’ll come back and finish that soon that’d be a little cool feature look at them dude just the boys being boys you know just out here Reviving what’s up boys yeah throw me those arrows I don’t need them we’re gonna do

Three more rows of ice and then we’ll put a little bit of like a little pillar design oh that’s not that’s wrong that’s not what we want just a couple of posts on the side just to kind of make it a little bit more difficult and then of

Course get that wall going if they leave the course I mean it’s over we obviously don’t want that a track is like a circle right I mean I guess Mario Kart you got a little bit of wildness in there so maybe we’ll add a little wildness in

There let’s get that underground no no let’s finish this though hello is this the most dangerous like oh geez the boy’s trying to build and I gotta fight in freaking Vietnam this is ridiculous is this a joke is this real are they really spawning this aggressively this is not what I signed

Up for today oh my gosh all right is that enough did I Slaughter enough of you to understand make you understand like this so straight ahead is where the big dip is into the cave I’m trying to get to that cave so let’s just go straight into it

Ah we seem to have missed that’s okay Here’s our first actual turn of the day pretty exciting I know a little bit of a uh a right turn or left turn what is it what is the right turn am I turning to the right or the left what does this mean now since we’re gonna call this the

Fella Speedways I think is what we’re gonna call it let’s just call it the fs yo it’s CFS like you know people will know what that is the fella Speedways the signs look pretty clean the fellow Speedway is the fs we got that branding in there guys you got to get that

Branding aspect in by the way you might be wondering where my money went because I had so much more money last episode you’re like Zach where is it like what’s going on well uh this is actually what happened about two hours ago this is a

Good idea event I just came up with it and I was like yo this I need someone else to invest with me on this project it’s loading up once you’re on just meet me at uh Isaac’s uh let’s make his red sheep our new headquarters he doesn’t

Have to know that’s a good idea right like make his red sheep or we could have a secret base and he doesn’t know about it here might as well so put that above us first oh no wait no wait we got to put grass there he’s

Gonna notice so I’m trying to think how can we make a lot of money what can we do to make money blah blah blah I think I think I think and then I get an idea what if we buy the market out like what if we pick one item that everyone needs

On the ah buy all of it and store it inside of a secret vault together well what are you gonna buy well that’s what I need you for let’s look through it and see this could be really cool if we pull it off it’s just like what are we buying

We gotta find something yeah shulkers could work I mean there’s only a few on the market right now like those are very limited right yeah and and chests right those should be limited shouldn’t they under chests you think that’s the move well I just bought one of them I say

Every time we see a shulker under 800 we buy it that’ll be the price we target target the 800. so just buy as many as you can you’re in on this with me we’ll just remember whatever you pay we’ll split the cost we gotta have a secret

Location together to store them oh wait we have our own Island we literally have an island oh yeah we got an island we won a private island on Isaac’s YouTube channel so we can go to the Island right now and use that Island as the Vault this is fantastic dude we can’t leave

Any evidence here that it’s going on so we got to keep it secret under the tree I can store the under chest in there this now is like a pirate’s Vault dude we bought them for 450. we’re gonna try to sell them for 800 make a quick flip

Right here so are you ready on the market two on the market for 7.99k plus I’m gonna also list the Ender Chest I bought for 8K for 40K so we could make an immense amount of money here people are undercutting you big time on Ender Chest 15 15. crap doesn’t work if you

Don’t buy them all seventy thousand for two wow that sells that’s a good deal right yeah but I need it oh oh it sold thirty thousand dollars we just doubled it to 80k in seconds that’s what’s up Gamers now this point uh our plan hasn’t really worked we made 70k but the

Shulker box for 800 is still in the market I don’t know what’s going to happen we’ll see I like the idea of starting it straight like you build up some mad amounts of speed right here like you just zoom in we’re gonna force them then to squeeze in between these

Gaps like they got to shoot the gaps and if they don’t again slow them down drastically we should make it a little bit taller too just so like they can’t easily see what’s coming next just so it looks like that and they gotta guess like if you go right oh you’re done for

It that looks really clean but what do I do in this area like I feel like um I don’t know I feel like there’s like some creativity I could do by like just putting dirt down you know kind of being like yo hey the ice is drying up Gamers

Like you’re running out it’s actually kind of smart it slows them down like a speed bump that way they know the turn’s coming so once you fall down here I want to make it so it’s maybe one deeper and then tunnel out a hole that goes directly straight and I’m not sure

Really what we’re gonna do here but uh we are gonna do something you know I just want to be a race course without secret tunnels guys so I’m just gonna say it wouldn’t would you watch Nascar more if it had secret tunnels yes or no the answer is yes should be about there

Oh look at that we are there very good if you were to take this area you would go zoom zoom zoom super quick and I think my idea is you go quicker in the first half so you think you made the right choice then the second half you go

Like a lot slower oh I know what we’ll do this is evil you’re then gonna have to take it really slow around this super windy area over top of a ravine where the bottom will be solid this is what the kind of underground Arena looks like once you get down here

I mean it’s a little bit intense I’m not gonna lie to you but then we want to make a little bubble elevator right here okay that’s one hole completed I feel like of all the bills the water elevators are the most tedious things to make because I might be wrong but I’m

Fairly certain you have to place each block of water individually so it takes an immense amount of trips to do this hello there bro stop with the freaking mobs what the heck that’s part one part two takes you down below but I want to go check something else real quick

Before part three back in my shop Zone over here which is where players can come visit if you didn’t know this I put like a poll and I said should I be able to sell items to players because like I thought it’d be kind of fun everyone

Basically said yes like 99 you did so a couple episodes ago if you remember this build scene right here I made this the fact that we didn’t actually sell out of everything is kind of embarrassing considering everything but this is the super interesting shop the one that I

Really want to show you players now 24 7 can come here and I’m actually buying their daily keys I’m actually buying them I think today we’ll use them we’re gonna open it and see if we finally get something good coming in number one please 2500 bucks all right that’s pretty much

Worthless no I want that daily ball I don’t need that either it’s crap I don’t need this is bull mending let’s go baby mending I needed that that’s worth like ten thousand dollars you know I feel like we need some lanterns in here like we got this Lantern vibe from Ben and

Definitely need some more to stop the zombies so now if you’re up top you could theoretically fall down but I feel like you’re at such a disadvantage if you’re up top you know let’s give top a little bit of like a premium you know what I’m saying let’s let them skip half

Of it before they have to fall I would say halfway is about here might be a little over half but you know what if you’re on the top you have to deal with so many extra hazards I feel like it’s only fair okay we harvested ice for an

Entire day got uh I don’t know eight Stacks or something what is this worth dude this would actually be a sick shot I got an idea each one of these Stacks is already worth eight thousand dollars in the shop but when I turn it into blue

Ice now we have a shop that sells blue ice for 1 000 each which is actually the market value for these items it’s not overpriced in any way that’s like a legit upgrade I feel like from what we had like that was I was pretty smart the biggest challenge is getting an offenses

Like no matter what I do and how many trees I’m breaking we need more fences oh yeah that’s a full fat 64. we won’t be able to we won’t be able to fence this whole wall off right here that’s what we’d like to see the thing is I

Haven’t even tested it yet so look I really have no idea what it’s going to be like but this is meant to be super easy here you make it through the little bit challenging stuff the bottom half had an easier run so then you can pop

Down it’s not that bad I mean you do have to make that Landing it’s the easiest thing but it’s doable there’s a lot of trees in the way and I kind of like the idea of actually leading them as part of the field to me that’s like a lot more fun

The course gets a little bit tinier because I’m imagining not everyone’s going to have survived morbid in a way but I mean at the end of the day I feel like it’s also true it has been now 12 hours in real life since I played on

This Server I took a break to see how well one of my stores would do and we’re gonna go check right now and see if we’ve been able to buy any more daily Keys first things first the n Rod store sold out which is good again we’re not

Selling these for extreme prices they’re all very fair or below market value the ice is sold out which means we actually made like a lot of money on things to be honest with you like that might be our weekly quota already done we are buying

Daily keys for 5 000 coins if you guys remember that I’m a good 14. dang that well that’s actually kind of expensive I spent 65 70. I could sell them for 140 I could double my money here or we could go on a key opening montage and I open

Them all relentlessly to get lucky let’s do that junk Our sheep’s water look at your sheep’s water oh my gosh we already made our money back that’s like a one percent chance amending book oh Another mending oh my gosh about to have a mending store bro five thousand bucks yo we are literally on fire right now I can’t I can’t make this up last one oh baby all right so we just opened 13 of those and by the way I probably

Opened 200 I’ve never gotten like the best item so that just shows you this is bullcrap right now we got a chicken and a sheep spawner and two books of mending which is crazy that takes our mending total up to three right here each episode basically I come down here

I thought I had a ladder here I come down here and I do a little bit of grinding just just a little super break make this place just a little bit more wild and that’s what we’re gonna do today just a little touch up okay well

Now that we got ourselves a little sheep and a chicken spawner we even have a sheep in a chicken cage we’ll just pop that bad boy right in here in there if the chicken starts spawning you can see it just stacked them so we have like a

Stacker it’s like they can stack up to like 100 and then we can come over here and pop our sheep spawner down and if you guys remember I was spending eight thousand dollars per sheep now since I want to get Isaac and Ben as investors I

Think what I need to do real quick is grab a book and drop one off in Isaac’s mailbox I think he keeps his mailbox full at all oh he lost two turtles wow all right so I’m just gonna tell him to text me I’ll put it right front center

In the mailbox here and uh hopefully it comes in and gives me a text it might be there for a long time I don’t know Isaac and Ben are also going to help me build this right I said that earlier but they’re also going to be able to hire

Their own teams we’ll be able to like work like freaking Mark Cuban and like own our own businesses here we’ll do a little bit of a mini Stadium right here I want to give him plenty of space that’ll be like a little walkway I’m thinking like the staircase will be like

Off by one look look you can actually sit on the chair look at this look how awesome this is I mean it’s not bad like you got to kind of hop up into your seat but like you know why not get a little exercise I I think we’re gonna go for it

Now obviously we don’t want people to fall off the edges so let’s put a little bit of a little security measure here with a little fence on it a little something like a little something something like that just a little bit of security I think it looks like bleachers

To be honest with you look at these guys it’s just so many people watching right now I feel uncomfortable oh now they have my signature and we’ll give him some signed wood some signed wood ladies and gentlemen get that wood there you go what else we would want is like in the

Backdrop like a legitimate billboard like I want a way for players to be able to sell their businesses on this billboard or if I can bend to advertise theirs I threw a couple pieces of wood not many people came get out of control something like this and we could use

Like maybe map our I’m not sure exactly exactly what we’re gonna do to make it look good so I didn’t actually have to break any trees for the billboard so like now we’re like environmentally friendly or something like that and then we can add some details

And then we gotta fill it up and make sure it looks good so we need to get some signage take a look at the billboard now if I step away from it and uh there are probably about 100 players watching this go down right here very

Strange if I go away from it now it says your business here your business here I think it looks like a very classy billboard since we’re here for like a luxury course also I don’t think it’s I don’t look I’m just saying I don’t think

It’s a luxury course if you got a dirt wall I think this honestly looks so good now if I turn off night vision I keep it on so you guys can see the video easier I don’t want to be super dark for you guys but like this is how the tunnel looks

Now which I think it looks pretty good again this is the shortcut tunnel but once you get out of the tunnel things get a lot harder and then as far as the lower portion goes we really haven’t added the lava yet um it’s a lot of lava

To add so I might just do that off camera because I gotta literally just go back and forth for like an hour hey there big boy this will take you back to a little gazebo area back here all right we could have some shops set up here for

People or maybe that’s where you do the bedding on who’s gonna win I’m gonna lead it to Ben’s own I just I don’t know what what I don’t know why we’re just gonna do it just in case we think of an idea I don’t know maybe like

Our own little like style of like Lantern here I think I think from a build hack video I remember a few of them so yeah honestly I kind of like it I think we could put trap doors around and make it look better but like that’s

Kind of cool it’s like this can be like a little Lantern walkway where people can go we’re just trying to give them like the full vibing experience back here I kind of wonder if we’ve bought more keys so I’m gonna check that at the end of this video we might have some

More to open maybe we’ll get some more spawners oh you know what I should do now is get this freaking Bridge built over here that leads to the zones let people know it’s going on so I could honestly just keep Isaac’s theme here and extend this out like I feel like

That would probably look the best but I also feel like a wood design would also be kind of clean so maybe I try like a spruce thing I don’t know if I can do it there’s so many people here like it’s just popping off it’s gonna be a really simple one right

Now but it should make it a lot easier to access it and like just kind of like welcome you like yo this is it welcome okay so here’s how the bridge looks right now and I want to like carry Isaac’s style over but like definitely

Make it clear like yo this is not the same Zone honestly quite a detailed design Isaac made there I don’t know if we’re gonna keep this bridge or not I think it’s cool if it like continues but like inverses so for now it’s fun and functional and it brings you over here

We’re gonna build the most amazing Minecraft Bank the world has ever seen so I figured I would be building this Bank on the highest point in my Minecraft server which is right here on top of this mountain visible from all sides so I know my brothers are gonna

See it and as long as they have at least one million dollars invested into my bank they will receive the payment that this video makes so I just cleared this whole Mountain out I think it’s a good spot and I’m not gonna take it any lower

Because I want this building to be right off this side of this Railway that way everyone here drives on the railroad has an easy access point to the bank that could be a future Pond outside the bank I feel like that’s got some potential there and then in terms of Bank

Structure I think let’s fill this in and see what the widths give us here today this is about to cost us like a literal insane amount of money but we’re gonna do it anyway okay that is uh about a thousand dollars worth of wood right there oh it’s 3 200

To stack not a thousand holy crap that means I’ve spent ten thousand dollars on oak logs oh my gosh now the idea here is once I get their money I’ll be able to actually make a lot of Investments with it on the server buy some more expensive

Items make money and then if they ever want it out they should have the ability to get it out like I’m thinking like they’ll make a profit so I’ve got a plan I’m gonna put it on the wall once we get this built so let’s go ahead and build the height real quick

Oh yeah three thousand dollars well spent folks that really does not go a long way does it I mean that was an entire stack it didn’t get us up too far literally this entire thing right now is ten thousand dollars in wood that’s expensive boys that’s real expensive

This is the completed build of the chocolate Pop-Tart bank and this is where my brothers are gonna be able to come and invest their money obviously chocolate Pop-Tart in the back front entrance you come here underneath the crust of the Pop-Tart and this is kind

Of just what it looks like a very simple build on the inside which will decorate in a second because that’s where we’re really gonna pull the money we’re gonna extrapolate it with our very fancy design choices but first we need to make the outside look really clean and classy

All this Netherrack here was like from one of those things that spawns naturally and it’s so unbelievably ugly to have this behind my bank it’s not gonna do us any favors to have Landscaping like this like we really need to give them Something Beautiful back here and so I think the most basic

Idea is let’s just make like a little simple garden because like to get the sale they got to feel confident all right and if they see a bunch of other stuff they don’t feel like scared for their life like isn’t this what like real brands do like they Market you like

Crappy products that not that this is bad their marketing is so good you just buy stuff you feel so comfortable like that’s what we’re here to do we’re trying to be the apple of businesses in Minecraft today and it’s got to look like it to be good like that you know

It’s gonna lose the customer now that that’s clean I’m actually gonna go to the auction house if you guys don’t know this like where players can like just sell items like you can just sell whatever you want anyone can buy it I like looking for like rare items to buy

And so one of them is shulkers and I’ve been flipping them for profits although they’re up to 800k now so it seems like the price setting me my brother did kind of worked a little too well because now I can’t find any cheap ones I mean

Here’s two ender chests for 7K I think I could flip that I think I’ll do that I think those could maybe some profits that’s four ender chests and I bought them for like 17K so we’ll put them on the market for like 75 000 for four I mean that’d be a pretty

Good profit we’ll see if it flips and if it does we’ll be able to keep buying more throughout the series and episode today oh my gosh look at the sunset coming down on our base right now it’s just beautiful we’re gonna plant a couple trees back here to kind of

Replenish them we obviously harvested all the wood okay so I just kind of went overboard with flowers I bought like a big supply of flowers so we’re gonna randomly just scatter them around and I want them to be really close to this rail like right next to this walkway

Here like you look down and you’re like dang what a beautiful spot that is and the coolest thing is is the sense the walkway is already right here we can just easily connect this to our base honestly the best thing might be to make you walk in through the chocolate part

Logically it makes a lot lot of sense to do that and kind of connect the world better with a path so it wasn’t my plan initially but let’s give it like a little chocolate frosting walkway okay this is Prime real estate right here oh my goodness what a big play we just made

I I’m actually so happy with that that’s all gonna fall isn’t it well okay that sucks that is even why is that not like even I mean I guess it’s even finally we’ve got a couple Sweet Berry bushes which we’re just playing around here sporadically does that not look so

Much better than it did when we started I know the building looks weird guys but once it starts like getting into like what it can do it’s gonna blow your mind like this is going to become like a little Chill Zone right here like the simplest thing to do is like put a

Little bench down you know and let the people know like you could chill here you could sit here you could enjoy the freaking View and I think that’s fun so inside the bank it doesn’t look too overwhelming yet I know it’s quite tiny what I want is just have a very

Professional setup in here I think quartz actually is kind of the best move for that so you can actually sit like legitimately sit I don’t know why this is so cool to me but you can actually sit on blocks if you right click on it on my server so this is where they’ll

Sit I wanted to look like a pillow and then I will have a desk right here when they come in and we’ll do our negotiations that way my desk will obviously be quartz pillars to make it legit oh wait I also bought flower pot to put on my desk so it looks even

Better I need to get a flower from outside what’s a good what’s a good color I feel like blue is peaceful psychologically it’ll make them maybe more likely to join us put down a little seat back here for us so now I can sit here and we can negotiate prices

Together I just need to make sure they can’t really get back here this looks kind of good popping a shroomy down right here just so that it lights me up you walk in and you can see my desk glowing and you’re like dang boy this man knows what he’s doing we’ll even get

Some wool here kind of give it like a little just more of a premium luxury Vibe when you got that white wool walking in here yeah something like that gives you just oh yeah it gives you a very nice pillowy feeling to it of course it wouldn’t quite be there if I

Didn’t have like some exotic flowers on the back wall like is it just me or is this the cleanest simple bank ever I’m getting a flower pot up there yeah that ain’t gonna be easy I’m literally gonna need a Scaffolding in my own base just

To get a dang flower pot down but it’s gonna be worth it for this one I think we’ll do a tree just to signify one of the original trees that we broke dropped that sapling and there it is in the corner and then gotta get that ceiling

Top lighting coming this looks so classy right now you ever go to the dentist and on the wall it’s got like something inspiring and you’re like yo and the dentist don’t try to inspire me that’s what we’re gonna do so when you look at this it’s gonna say peace be with you

And when you look at this it’s just gonna say you are love I don’t know I wanted to give them like an ender chest that way they could like access their items so like maybe if I put an Ender Chest like kind of in the corner I

Wasn’t sure how I wanted it but maybe I could make it look like part of the Pop-Tart he’s got like the Ender Chest on it so like you could access that I don’t know I feel like it’s just a nice gesture like hey guys welcome to my

Place grab an Ender Chest get whatever you need it’s just it’s what I didn’t know that would happen now you know an inner chest turns into obsidian I guess we’re not giving them another chest anymore that’s uh shocking to me that’s supposed to be a mailbox uh it doesn’t

Look too good but it’s so bad what’s up little guy okay so here is how this is actually gonna make me a lot of money because as you can see I have 1.872 million on the side and I want my brothers to invest that money with me so

That I can spend it to make more money on the auction house I wrote the terms and conditions on the wall a lot of banks will like take like Rolexes and stuff and I think they store it for you I want to know because I’ve never

Touched a watch more than like 20 bucks but I saw it on YouTube once so I thought hey let’s do that too the idea is that you will be able to turn this iron ingot and this will allow you to access the secret underground Zone which

Is of course where all the valuables are going to be stored inside this Bank there needs to be a a piston and that needs to be placed in a location so that it can actually pull the item but the Piston should be able to move the shroom light whenever this is rotated which

Means we’re getting into some wild Redstone here I don’t even know if this is possible what I’m trying to design right now isn’t it sure that this should give off a redstone signal depending on how much I turn it theoretically if I did this right when I turned this it should

Okay well that’s not working I gotta remake this I think because it it’s just it ain’t wanting to work right now okay well I guess I fixed it I’m not really sure what I did so now check it out this will be able to move whenever you turn

This okay didn’t mean to fall in here now we’ve got the secret underground Zone down here now as far as what I want the wall to be like what actually is underneath a Pop-Tart I don’t know I mean to me it feels like obsidian is probably the right move to make it like

More of a vault feel and I guess I did get eight of it from the freaking chest that I bought hey there you go now I get a use for all the obsidian line hopefully it’s not expensive we’re going for a full obsidian exterior I mean that

Seems like a pricey block to be mine or another real question what is a stack up City 8 000 for 64 obsidian men we’re spending money left and right I sure hope this is enough I don’t want to spend another 8K man I don’t think it is it definitely looks good though we’re gonna take it down one more because like we got to get that obsidian roof as well like you gotta encase the entire thing in obsidian and unfortunately that’s a

Little bit of an expensive process maybe one more stack of obsidian and that’ll do it no I need more I can’t believe it this is too much we’re gonna make it back though in a second just trust me this will be worth it I hate everything about this

Okay now that is a secure room right there my friends we have opened up our store to some players and this one buys their daily keys and this is over the course of several days for five thousand dollars a piece and I get another right now because I haven’t done mine yet

Today so we have five of them and if I go to the auction house and check they’re selling for about 20 000 each so I’ll be able to theoretically sell this stack for 80 000. this one for twenty thousand and if all of that sells we’ll

Have made just about all of our money back already without even taking the investment but before I go back and finish up the Vault I’m about to spend a lot of money oh guys our keys sold we sold them we already made the 100K profit let’s go baby this is more of a

Luxury item I don’t know if I’m at the point where I should be buying this yet but I’m ready to buy my first elytra guys it’s time so let’s see what deals we got on the a four million for that one okay one million this actually seems

Like a good deal at only one million these are 1.2 I am going to spend a million in I just did it oh my gosh I can’t believe it this is exciting let’s try it oh my gosh look at Wow that really does change the game wow I am so proud of you having elytra and we still have almost a million left I’m so happy I mean I feel like this elytra is such a flex my brothers won’t know it hit him they’ll be like I can’t believe

It oh boy and I’ll be one shy aren’t I oh three shy even worse one two three boom let’s make creeper we’re gonna use Redstone torches as our light source down here obviously gotta keep it not that one that powers it we’ll put one right here that way if

You want to move it you can place it there to seal it up let’s get this thing filled up with some water while we’re here by the way it’s gonna take a lot of trips but we’ll do it I think the pond came together pretty well I like what we

Did with it the sand looks pretty good I tried to give it like a little Sandy outline I don’t know I think it’s a good vibe I think back on our chest room I have four pieces of kelp we can put a little bit of kelp down here I’ve been

Collecting this for ages finally I can use it we’ll spread it out and that should grow up nicely in there give a little bit of greenery it’s looking phenomenal there we go coming together nicely okay back downstairs in the secret vault we go so the idea is the

Vaults will all be stored in their own little zones down like this you got the obsidian you got the rails I mean there ain’t getting into this thing so we can put owners on the front like that and then honestly I guess like putting it fully encased is probably the best move

Here like we can encase it like this and then if they need in all they got to do is like break it to get into it if they were the ones that own it and I think even better is if we give them free access if they’re investing with our

Bank okay we’re one shy kind of embarrassing how in the world are we one shy what what are the odds of that happening like I feel like it can’t be too high back in this corner just as a thank you for working at our bank a free

Chicken nugget store guys you got to put those in everything give them the free nuggets and they will return it’s just about ready for someone to come we need to clean the path up though just a smidge see we’ve got these railings up here which really look good but I think

The biggest thing is we need to outline it in grass so even though I don’t want to do this and it’s kind of expensive we’re gonna do it anyway and on this side just on the dirt path because this is already kind of a brown color then

What we can do is add like a little secondary path that comes out winds you around the tree brings it downtown boom boom boom right to the staircase or whatever you want to call this we can sit and relax and now really the most important part is we need an easy way up

From the downstairs region like there’s nothing that connects my mall to this and that is not okay to me oh I forgot I could fly I forgot that was a thing let me just pull out the old fireworks stack we’ve got here and let’s go for a little

Look so the walkway is right here and it brings you right next to it on the left but there’s no walkway on the right side right here it seems like an optimal spot for it if you’re asking me I’m gonna just outline in dirt real quick and see

Oh that’s a straight up clear sure Cliff right there isn’t it oh and it leads you right to my Redstone not really what we meant to do okay I think that actually came out pretty well like it gives you a nice little clean pathway and then you can

Lock down the very sheer Cliff right here you know what else we should do to make this look even better oh you know what actually before I do that let’s check again is there anything else we can flip here on the Old Market we made some good profits actually today from it

But I’d love to get back to a million I mean the crazy thing is is I snagged this elytra for a deal it only cost me 1 million and if I look at the exact same one they’re going for like 1.2 1.4 so like if you think it’s possible that I

Could flip this for like a 400 000 profit I’m gonna try it Gotta Get Enough zeros one two three one two three all right 1.3 mil we’re gonna try to sell it for a profit if I sold this it’d be a 300 000 profit from flipping I’m gonna

See if it’s time to buy our third creeper spawner does someone buy them all I think someone bought every single creeper oh I got 16 of them that’s pretty good problem is guys pretty much all the creeper spawners are sold out so I gotta buy one from the game shop and

It’s a little bit overpriced in my opinion it’s 650 000 dollars oh I don’t want to do it but I’ve got to all right there it is I got it let’s go baby okay wow that’s pretty epic okay I haven’t sold this yet guys it’s it’s not

Selling in fact none of it is yet but I’m gonna just take this back new day new me let’s make some deals today folks Isaac welcome why don’t you follow me inside the chocolate Pop-Tart bank I like the sound of that yes he does come on

Hey close off buddy take them off put him in the thing first before you get in here oh okay okay I respect that a nude Bank yup nude Banks how we do it here welcome inside launch some fireworks for celebration take a seat man welcome so

This is how this Bank works this is a bank that pays you to store money with me Zach how do I get paid for storing money well I’m glad you asked Isaac you get paid one cent for every view this video gets as long as you have at least

One million dollars stored in my bank how long does it last you’re wondering I am as long as the million is invested could make you a lot of money and this video gets a lot of views can I just take the money out at any point like

Money money must stay for a minimum of one week terms and conditions apply you will of course be able to take the money out when you choose but you’ll stop getting the money from this video if the money is taken out your money is used for smaller Investments or your money

Will be used to loan out to other people oh so I’m like an angel investor essentially I’m ready to buy yes sir we got it folks this was my entire net worth I want to make that clear I’ve got a little bit more for you buddy as a

Customer of this Bank you have access to our secure storage facility underneath to turn that and you’ll be able to walk downstairs into the secure bunker only access to paying patrons and here you’ll be able to pick a chest grab free chicken nuggets at any time and of course store

Your valuable items where nobody can steal them now Zach my improvement though I would like this store to be changed to a wild berry Pop-Tart we may upgrade to Wildberry with our investment funds definitely a possible solution this is a necessity for me I do not like

Chocolate Pop Parts I like wild bears absolutely let’s get our strawberry elytra back on the market I want to sell it for 1.2 million guys the elytra sold already that’s 200 000 profit we’re up to 2.5 mil with Isaac’s initial investment today what I want to do is

Try to create something for the players for you guys really to come and enjoy and make me money we gotta go inside our base look at this I’ve been practicing my flying look at that Landing over here in the corner this is where my creeper

Farm is on the way the server works is you can buy creeper spawners and literally place them in your base the problem with this is you stand there for hours and the creepers just come so slowly and it’s like how am I supposed to compete with the players who have two

And a half billion dollars but I gotta stand there all day and it’s just not possible what I can do is let people Farm the items for me we’re gonna create a public mob grinder where like players can come from around the world and grind

Up 24 7 at the creeper Farm I just put up a little border here so no one can bother me while I build we’re limited with space obviously like we’ve got our stores here kind of laid out what my vision is is that like right here

There’s gonna be this like big well big grand staircase that’s gonna match the theme all right it’s gonna bring you downtown to where the new grinder is and you’re gonna see I’ll make some money in a second it’s kind of like an ingenious way this whole thing has to go one way

Or another like this cannot be here so might as well clear all the grass out which obviously was placed meticulously by my brothers sorry about that Isaac doesn’t that just look a lot better right there just a lot more a lot more better now I’m competing with like a lot

Of players like right now there’s 1200 almost 1300 players a lot of these players are also trying to become the richest they see the series they like it they have fun too so they all have their own malls and so it’s definitely not going to be an easy process to kind of

Beat them with this but we’ll see I like how even this is but like what do I do now from here like that’s the question I know what I want I just don’t know if I have the space I’m gonna have to take it down I didn’t want to do it

But I’m gonna have to guys if I bring them down one more level they come down to here I could replace that grass with like salt like like I could put some kind of design there to make it look a little bit better and maybe put

Like a nice little walkway here in the middle and basically what this is oh I guess slime blocks from clay I don’t even know that our shoveling level’s so high we get that now we’ll go through with like these stairs all the way along the edge right just like this

And we’re out I think I got a crafty in here emergency crafty in the center guys it’s a big walk but we got it I like how there’s just two dudes watching it you’re gonna watch that grow throughout this episode guys by the end of this video when you have this thing built

It’s gonna be crazy how many are hopefully here so my idea was like a road that kind of had like this little Street vibe to it and then something like this in the center I feel like these are just classy looking you know they look good dude this would actually look kind of

Sick if that wall right there at the end was not dirt like glass and like there was like a retaining wall of glass holding the water up we gotta do that now I mean you can’t just have an idea like that and not do it let’s go to our

Sand chest 64 glass let’s freaking go yeah well that looked a lot cooler in my mind it’s just like the fact there’s no water underneath it kind of breaks the immersion there we go look at that glass retaining wall at the edge I think that actually looks really sweet and even

Though the lighting on the other side over here actually looks really good too I need to buy on a light truck again I sold my elytra for 1.3 mil so if I buy this one which I just did it’s still a 200 000 profit it’s like it’s still not

A bad deal what’s up Gamers what’s up boys what’s up boys so the staircase comes in right here blooms are right downstairs I think it looks pretty fresh and clean you know I don’t like that you can see dirt from the bottom and I also don’t like like this back area I’m

Thinking maybe it’s a little bit flush with the staircase I look kind of good same thing over here I think the bad news is I’m gonna probably have to make another entire like hole in the ground like another layer I don’t know if my shovel’s gonna make it through today’s

Episode that’s a 60 000 shovel too have to get some experience on that thing the back wall looks good uh it’s not like even which actually doesn’t really matter he’s using glowstone up in there um every three so we could do like one two three the awkward thing is that kind

Of gives us like a double glowstone which I’m not I’m not a big fan of we gotta keep it even so double glowstone it is all right we’ll just see how it looks that’s not too bad it gives you the line they keep survive now I feel comfortable like if players walk down

Here it’s got like a very welcoming Vibe like a very open area but what I need to do is create a zone for the mob grinder to go like this is where the mobs are going to fall from the spawners that we broke earlier and then the players will

Come and break it what’s gonna happen is heat break those items the creepers drop will fall down into a hopper and I will collect all the items while they collect the experience it might not work I don’t know I’ve seen players do it it seems

Like a good idea but you kind of bring them down into like their own little private room here is kind of my my thought process it sounds weirder than it is but I feel like it’s got like a classiness to it when you’ve got that elevation change you know like yo yo

Yeah elevation change that’s pretty legit man maybe that’s how people think I’m not sure if that’s how people think or not so the idea is you’d be able to come into this little plot right here and then this will be where your creepers would spawn and fall I just

Don’t know that’s enough space within the ball we want them to essentially fall down like right here like we’re gonna say okay this is where they’re gonna fall onto so what if it came down like this there was like a railing or a step up ladder all around the edge here

Where players could like attack the mobs like something like this okay the thing is you don’t really even need stairs though to be honest with you I feel like that’s just redundant to that point because we could just put these deeper in the ground so this is what the

Creepers would fall onto you would break them off of this and the stairs oh I got it I got it I got it the stairs are gonna lead you down all right they’re gonna lead you down into it kind of a weird look to it to be honest

With you’ve got kind of like you go down the stairs then you go right back up the stairs it’s it’s strange but it should be effective for players and this is like just room one my goal eventually is to get every single mob in the entire

Game here for players to use I was thinking maybe we just continue with like this as like the outline here a little bit of a Chic look if you will all right comes on down like that you got like this nice Chic look they would be spawning in there so what we’d want

Is the corners okay this isn’t this isn’t too bad oh that’s bad that’s not good that we don’t like that I’m so nervous because I’m gonna put all this time in and then I’m gonna realize that like none of this actually works and I build it completely wrong like that’s a very real

Possibility here like this what is this staircase thing like I feel like I just needs to be brought out one more like this is not it but then I’m eating into this thing although maybe that’s okay maybe that’s a good look it’s okay don’t panic Don’t Panic we’re good so you’re

Gonna like walk down in the dip you get an opportunity here to stand around this on all four sides and on each side you’ll be able to kill them off and then this I could break and then fill that in with stone so it looks better on the back wall

Just a very cramped space like I feel like I feel like two on each side is ideal right two is ideal oh man I don’t know if this is gonna be big enough we could get like real crafty with it we just get rid of that staircase

Entirely and just make it a sheer Cliff you literally just walk down a cliff and that’s how you get it I mean that’s not that’s not a bad idea we could even get rid of this and then put the staircase back like that how about that how about

That that’s the new entrance I think that looks pretty good we also want to make sure players can’t like walk in there right we don’t want players to like walk in and stand there if we do something like this they would be able to stand here and kill them and you know

And like not worry about it like put a little put a little roof action on here I want it to be very aesthetic like that’s kind of my number one goal here is for it to look good because if it doesn’t look good I don’t know how we’ll

Do should be able to put a sign there and a sign there and then the exact same thing on the other side and this sign should stop the water from flowing down this is what a lot of creepers will fall through I think again there’s a lot of

Guessing going on right now I’ll be honest now we can supposedly build the part where the creepers are going to be sitting before they flow in okay boy I don’t know about this oh man this is this is this is uh this is something this is really testing me or

My skills I could go up if I broke the floor like like do I want to break the sidewalk I mean like I’m kind of at the point where I feel like it’s a necessity so how do I do this in a way that doesn’t look really bad I mean there’s

No way around it could I just like pop them down like right here literally okay well that obviously didn’t work and we got a creeper here I need it to be taller oh boy or I can take the whole thing down more okay so here was the massive

Idea I had here folks because of the height limit I basically lowered it down into the ground further so now if I get some more ladders I’ll be able to like kind of you know get all the way out which I should do real quick here we go all right let’s get the

Ladders placed this looks a lot better I think than what it was I’m gonna learn from my last mistake so I don’t have to break everything again let’s make sure these things actually spawn correctly so loose design here very loose there’s like a lot of optimal ways to make these

Guys like players have like some crazy designs and stuff like I just yeah I just I don’t I don’t I’m making my own way so if I put water down right here that’s um I guess my signs should not be down there anymore should we let’s try that

Again so there you go so the water is going to flow you to the center and then you’re gonna fall through and go down and so what we’d want is actually to seal it off like this why am I always out dude about how much of this do I need I’ve been creating

This stuff for weeks and I’m gonna go through it all in like a single day like geez I am using this stuff like crazy now we seal this in and then theoretically like a water bucket maybe here it just depends on how it flows well I guess we could try it

Like let’s pop one down and just like see what it does like I mean at this point what can it hurt let’s put them down and let’s make it darker I could use trap doors to cover up those lights that way I don’t have to break it from

The other side and then for maintenance purposes we could come down and just open it back up oh and I guess I kind of broke Isaac’s like entire Bridge system up here so this works out because now he’ll be able to have this but right underneath it

Literally right underneath it will be my creeper spawner which is just one of what hopefully will be many I don’t know where the rest of those went so I guess I’ll be buying a couple more of those from the shop the cost of doing business isn’t it weird that gives you three

Doors like that’s a lot of doors okay okay here’s our three creepers and they stop they’re actually running into their own cages which is part of it so that’s that you know that’s that’s a good understanding of an issue so I guess we’ll make them a little taller why does

It seem so freaking bright in here like why why is that room like so bright like the glowstone shouldn’t come through still should it it seems like it is though it’s definitely still coming through so we’re gonna put like just a full-on solid block there there we go

Now it’s darker I didn’t know glowstone would shine through though still I thought that would work I want to make sure that this works though because I’m not very confident before I like make it look really good let’s wait till another batch comes through okay that’s good

That’s good the the farming part of it seems to be working that’s exciting okay why does it seem like a missing one didn’t I have one more I literally can’t walk through that door that’s the worst door ever maybe a door placement could have been improved

We’ll try doors on the side that might make a little more sense then right over age giant could have Doom okay it took me a long time to do this but I wanted to put the signs in the right color so now they’re like Green Creeper Farm

Staff room and then this is where you enter how do you make this like look good like what’s the move here I feel like the grass adds a lot I’ll be honest with you so what if we put grass in like this so the grass comes in like that I think

It looks okay there um we could surround this take the sand out and put like the dark wood down on the ground here not sure what this is gonna be but it seems like a cool little hallway there and then uh what I do two on that side

So we’ll do two on this side too dang that’s pretty interesting to be honest with you I like how like compact it is like we fit it in here very well problem is though it just looks like such a boring building I feel like I can

Buy some of these like dark logs put them in the corners here or take the corner out that actually gives it a little more character take the corner out what about stairs going up it’s not good if I buy like 50 000 lanterns from one of my villagers and uh

I do still have them I don’t know where to put these lanterns like I don’t want to dangle it off the dirt I feel like that looks bad we need some sort of lighting out here you know what actually to be honest with you this is like a

Green roof like green roofs are literally like what I studied it’s cool my green infrastructure man let’s get that creeper head placed now I don’t have a great spot for it yet but kind of what I’m thinking is we could put one like in each corner or we could put one

Like above each door we could put one down here I mean that’s not a great location that’s for sure it’s not bad to have two in the middle I guess it looks okay like that 25 have fallen down so that means that at least

Is working and then I know I just saw in my chest room a second ago uh six chests when items fall we don’t want them to just sit inside of The Hoppers so something like this is already soaking up items yes sir something like this will give me like a little easy

Access panel that way I can come down here and collect items without having to worry about it there we go look at that so now boom boom boom I can open it up and get down into this little room down here so I could kill this right now and

Obviously players can collect items by the way players will collect like a lot of that they’ll suck it up but not all of it so like players also get rewarded by collecting items like it’s a win-win for everyone I get items for free players get to collect gear and you know

It works out well but I forgot we got 1.4 million dollars and I ain’t been doing any Investments so um let’s just see if we can snag any deals here because I might as well use this money from Isaac while I got it you know guys

I don’t think we’re gonna be buying any shulkers anytime soon at almost 650 to 750 000 each they have literally doubled in price I’m not finding any good deals in the moment uh we’re gonna look at that again in a second and see if anything new comes up but let’s clear

Out the wall here so like that’s the basic design of the wall and then we can do like a little bit of a highlight at the top with some more of this just to really clean it up like that oh yeah that looks clean this is like a little hidden room like you

Wouldn’t know it’s here but it’s here what do you guys think like a little bit of a wood border on the outside maybe I think we’ll just do wood for now like I think that looks fine So unfortunately guys this entire wall is bordering the ocean which means every single block I break results in a major leak one of the longest wall Replacements I’ve ever seen lighting wise honestly looks pretty clean drop wise looks pretty clean I just got to get in the maintenance shaft

Real quick and give uh give him a little check see and see what’s going on in here because I don’t know there are 40 of them too and they’re just not they’re just not going down if we can’t get this thing to flow perfectly it’s gonna cost

Us a lot of money I’m not sure if this is gonna work but like what if we just kind of please don’t blow up my idea is this like they would literally just kind of Spawn and then fall straight down into it it’s just like a matter of like will

They actually fall straight down into it this feels like it might not work kind of weird but now you got to open a door close it open another door close it brings you into here they seem to be coming down I’m just gonna do a couple

Test runs here guys real quick and we’re just gonna see and make sure they consistently fall here they go falling falling falling and that’s a successful fall so it does appear as though it’s working correctly so now theoretically players could come here and like farm at the paper fire I’ve got

28 in my inventory right now of gunpowder but if I come down here I have 64. and I have a little bit more over here so that’s like four stacks of 64 by me just practicing on using this imagine when I open this up and it’s

Running 24 7 for players all day all night and this is just one of many I’m gonna actually take my sheep spawner and bring that over there and do basically the same thing with the Sheep spawner like I’m going to allow them to harvest sheep to kill animals but I’m gonna try

To make it like his own little Oasis like maybe right next to it like boom little friendly shape Zone come here kill all your sheep do what you gotta do so with a sheep spawner there and we’ll put the chicken spawner there I hope

That oh it does good it does it does it does and then basically gonna put a couple of these around like little uh poppers and the hope is if the players were to kill these randomly little scraps of meat would pop in and I can come down throughout the day and I’ll

Just have like collectors of food there it is so that honestly looks so good if you think about it we had literally nothing here we do need to make some sort of a flip so I’m just gonna look until I find something to invest in that

Seems good you know what we could do actually we bought these for a deal right what if we put these back for like another 100K profit we bought these for like 1.2 if I sell them for 1.3 I mean we’re gonna be flipping this same elytra basically for like three to four hundred

K profit in one day what could go here like this obviously could be something real quick I don’t know it shouldn’t be dirt though we’re gonna open this the grand opening should not contain dirt for now this is fine just like a little vibe zone here I think it’s time for the

Grand opening guys so let’s allow players to access the zone so it’s been open now so players obviously are now able to walk in here and see what’s up so I’m gonna try to just hide can they kill these mobs will they kill these moms what are they gonna do oh wait hey

The electro sold snap we did make a good investment all right guys so the mall’s been open for a couple minutes and got a bunch of players to just down here they’re exploring of our shops downstairs if we load I’m waiting at the grinder there we go

And as you see they killed it the items fell down inside of this little area down here yeah it’s popping off now we’ll be making a lot of money guys so we’re here right now in the player region this is the player store that my

Brothers and I have set up to bring in money while we’re offline and one of the things we’re going to do today is build a millionaires club right here in this water so if you’re a millionaire what do you want you want a beautiful base and

The base is going to be built right here on this water so I’m gonna go to the in-game shop I’m gonna buy some items stack dang boy that’s expensive expensive this is all just ridiculously expensive I think I just spent like ten thousand dollars that’s okay we’re gonna

Make it back probably hopefully okay so I’m gonna build like a super modern looking house right here like I want it to like really scream class okay I’m trying to design this based off of a Netflix show that I saw there’s a Netflix show that made modern houses and

One of them was like this long slender looking house and it had a lot of glass and a lot of white concrete this is going to be very challenging to do so the basic design was like this weird curvy s pattern this needs to have like

A curl like a curved Edge I don’t know how you make a curve in Minecraft so we’re just gonna get a little bit experimental but guys last video we opened up a bear new creeper farm and at the end of this video today I’m going to

Show you exactly what we ended up making inside of that store and it’s pretty amazing so make sure you guys stick around to watch this is like the scary part like I just have absolutely no idea if it’s gonna work at all I don’t know if it’s even going to come close to

Working so my literally ruined everything that we’re doing at that point start bringing it back I don’t know that’s good enough or not oh no I do know is a little bit of scaffolding my chest room be looking kind of clean though you guys know it where’s my

Scaffolding you know you would think when I go around and reorganize an entire chest room that I would not have this issue always oh boy look what’s happening in chat right now guys oh my gosh we are losing all of our money look at it look at it what is happening what

The heck well guys we have an actual emergency right now we got we gotta go back we gotta go back to the store right now this guy is literally selling me thousands of daily keys and I’m automatically buying them is this good or bad that’s a chest shot by the way it

Buys things automatically he must have literally saved or bought these over months of work this is insane these keys are worth twenty thousand dollars each why did you stop keep going bro he is literally still who is this dude and why is he doing this my money is tanking and

I’m gonna actually let it happen because I could sell these all for like 4X probably almost four million dollars that I’m about to be making off this player right here oh my gosh we’re about to be so rich from this okay so frankly this curve on the side here is literally

One of the cleanest things I’ve ever seen in my life uh I’m gonna have to buy some more concrete I don’t know if blue glass is gonna be too bougie so I’m just gonna buy a stack and test it out that’s all wrong it needs to be one Higher my

Goodness I built the whole thing incorrectly fixing montage there we go look at these two dudes staring at me they’re trying to give me items guys I can’t accept your items I’m sorry I appreciate it but I can’t that dude literally just cost me like a million dollars I actually can’t sell

Those like I’m actually gonna be screwed so we’ll try it at the end of this video and see how much we can make okay so here’s our walls I know what you’re thinking you’re thinking Zach this literally kind of looks like a toenail Clipper I I it does actually don’t you

Worry about it let’s just get a little blue glass in here I think the blue is honestly kind of clean like it’s underrated I don’t know there’s a nice filter to the world that is clean and I’m doing this from memory so I feel like it’s coming together pretty well Okay so I guess for this wall we’re gonna continue on with the white concrete design like all the way across like this yeah I have no idea if this is gonna be good I think it will be my confidence is at an all-time high okay so that is how the ground floor looks

Right now and honestly it came together pretty well so that’ll be the door into the millionaires club and the way this is gonna work is that you can pay a one-time payment like a million dollars perhaps to enter into this millionaires club which I’m designing specifically

For rich people oh yeah I don’t really know uh to be honest with you how to make a door look good like I feel like glass on the top and then maybe if I framed it with wood I don’t particularly like that I mean it’s really got that

Among us five too it doesn’t it I mean this door is looking kind of suss am I right yeah really weird we’ll keep it for now look at the view the view is setting over Isaac’s Barn in the background we’ve got Isaac’s Private Island over here my race course to the

Right yeah just set that as your home screen let’s just take a minute and just be thankful oh you know what we’ll use this back walls like a beautiful little storage area so like a crafting table all right so I think that looks kind of cool it’s

Got a little bit of functionality to it for now let’s go let’s get the staircase going guys I mean if I put it on this wall it’s kind of blocking the view a little bit but the thing is that there’s not much of a view here like as long as

I’m not blocking like that view mostly it should be okay I just got kicked from my own service and then inside of it what we’ll do is make it like a little cozy chamber there we go look how good it looks my goodness we are on fire with this uh it’s weird

Actually it looks very weird you like how quick I can change I’m like it’s good no it sucks let’s try this that on the other hand that is a design I can get behind you’ve got like a little window there so while you’re chilling you can kind of still see out I

Like that definitely need more white concrete we need like that layer on the wall that we had down here so we’re gonna take an entire wall layer up okay this is where things get hard I got to do the exact same curvature on this side that I did over there to be honest

With you don’t really know what I did over there just came out looking kind of good so I think what I did was this all right well I know at least this is the right move goes up one two so this is my this is my double this is my double

Right here let me come back oh yeah Sunset inside let’s see how it looks real quick I think it should be quite beautiful oh my gosh we literally centered this thing perfectly a sunset over top of the water as it flows oh my gosh there’s a location it was beautiful

You got this we got double Sun action is that a glare is that a second son we on Tatooine or something now Gamers I think this could take us to like 10 million and it’s all for the future boat race if you guys haven’t seen that episode yet

Check it out after this we are building a mega boat race tournament we’re gonna make it a real sport invite players to compete this will be where the VIPs can view it like the super expensive people that get in here now guys we’re real quick back at our creeper Farm there’s

19 creepers down there so if I go kill these right now these items will all fall down take a look take a look these all fall down into the hopper and get collected so I don’t know what we’re gonna collect like I said we’ll check it

Later on with the video but as long as we can keep doing that getting players to do it for us we’re going to be making a lot of money later on today we are going to go through the entire Blue Glass Market before today ends hear me

Out my friends we will not stop but now before we finish the roof guys what I want to do is go back to our player store I know players have still been selling us keys so what are we up to four stacks of 64. if I did Gamble

And open you know 500 of these theoretically I’d probably be on my way to get something real good so hey what do you guys think should I sell them or gamble it Side Glass is done now we need a little bit of roof I like the idea of having like a little

Bit of a roof thing that’s open with glass because look at the Moon then the moon Center hop in some glass my friends right up top and this is gonna look so clean not the whole thing though just a little bit I want to see what it looks

Like from like a distance so if I walk over this way and take a look huh that’s uh not good is it the issue that I have with it is the double layer white concrete let me go fix that come back outside and see if that looks a little

Bit better oh guys there’s another problem the whole sidewall is a little bit off I’m gonna fix that real quick so bear with me but I think I made the side incorrectly there we go so now it’s got that nice little curb with the white

That gives it like a giant s or a z for Zach honestly I love it I think that looks so good the front entrance I kind of hate though I still don’t know what’s going on up here could just do that I want like a nice bougie Vibe like I want

People to see this and just kind of be like yeah that’s like real busy thinking like something like that that didn’t work at all there we go something like this at the front entrance just like a nice little candlelit entrance with these things it just says Hey welcome

Home welcome into the jaws of your new your new millionaires Club hats off inside of the lover fellow Courthouse guys every single week me and the boys meet pop down a new chair and add a new law to our society so boys pop your chair down for the week I was thinking a

Little bit something more exotic Oh Ben very exotic what about this oh oh look at that pretty wild share guys you bet oh wow benjam support tried to that didn’t work Ben is struggling over there oh he doesn’t know how to do it the viewers The Cauldron does not want water

All right boys welcome to court attention please in the court Isaac hop on your chair please I’m building my chair I need to be careful on the bouncing cow oh a scarecrow Zack a little scare fella by The Power Within Me In The Bouncing cow I hereby start

This court session gentlemen it’s time to add a new law to our society any suggestions Isaac you guys aren’t bringing enough color to this place Isaac builds with rainbows you two are just building like real ugliness more color Ben what do you think should be our new line 5.35 so nope nope that’s

The wrong thing you’re doing here Ben go ahead and try again yep what should be our new law no bro ciao I’ll pass this one on to you no bro more Rhymes bro I don’t know I killed the cow the commercial bro district is now money making builds only money making in some

Way or destroyed thoughts then affirmative Isaac I tried drop and give me 20. get on the ground ladies and gentlemen the new rule has been created after a very interesting conversation law number three states that every single build inside of this player zone right here must make money who doesn’t

Make money you tear it down and build something new so we’re gonna have a view of just the start of the ice racer rink here okay I have a really weird idea I hate them I’m doing this because I just took time to rebuild it and I feel like

This might not be a good look but I’m not 100 sure I scooted it back like three so that it ends there and then what I’ll do is put the white concrete here to kind of curl it around and I’m gonna make this like a little bit of a really sweet looking

Balcony we’re also gonna have a lot of things they can use like there’s gonna be more reason to come in here it’s gonna actually have a lot of really cool features so here’s your little tiny balcony and then we’re going to give the rooftop a little what I call a little

Curly q I’m not sure why but like I saw a modern house through this once and I thought yo this guy’s probably doing real well in life if he’s got something like that the grand reveal of what the outside looks like she’ll bang so it goes up it’s got this just beautiful

Curling pattern to it I think it came out really nice but now we want to start adding some functionality to it give it a little bit better use like you still can’t see a lot to be honest I don’t know why I thought opening this up would

Fix the issue that we had before it didn’t turns out it didn’t I think we can actually break some black Concrete in right here like to separate the room so like this is a little architectural secret here folks I have no idea if it actually is going to work but I saw a

Fancy show do this one so I’m confident it uh I don’t know if that’s good or not I kind of like it let’s pop a squat and see what the view is like yep same as it was when we were standing but worse okay perfect I’m gonna add a little bit of an

Outside layer because you can be able to walk around the outside of it that way you’ve got like a little water balcony here and I feel like at this point I need some food though oh guys what is this couple of signs right in the middle of

My base by the way our new water system is working flawlessly but right here in the center of our base it says we value you and your money so come and visit keep spending money on my claim and it will pay off enjoy your food your

Favorite brother Isaac and he gave us a beautifully organized chest oh my gosh let’s go make him a little delivery then real quick all right let’s go to the slug noodle shop real quick I find a light truck because it’s the weather pollute I don’t even understand

What’s going on there sacrifice to the slug noodle so he don’t eat me and let’s get on in there and get some fireworks because I own this chest two million 10 million ah I guess I gotta buy this for 1.25 million that’s almost all my money he’s selling the more keys dude I’m

Actually gonna be broken dude I need that money now I’m missing out on potential properties because I don’t owe me money I literally cannot afford it anymore okay hold on let’s go to Isaac’s real quick I need to drop off a package we gotta go sell those so I’m gonna give

Isaac a gift in his mailbox and I’m just gonna give him like a nice little spread here of quartz blocks and some Blue Glass it looks like a don’t know what that looks like but I think that’s pretty cool I’ll put it oh I should probably put

Into that I should probably respect his grave awkward okay so we got a bunch of keys I am going to try to get a single stack of these sold let’s see what they’re going for in the market right now 1.6 million is what I see on the

Active market so I’m gonna try to make a sale right now and see matching the market price 1.6 million I need these to sell gotta have money to make money guys and I have literally four thousand dollars okay the first thing we want to add on that’s actually usable is a

Fishing Zone and so what I think we’ll do is make the fishing Zone kind of pop off the side here fishing club we’ll just call it a club and we’re going to supply them with literally all that they need so what I can do here is put down a

Shop and then on the inside put a bunch of free items they can buy or maybe make them one dollar so they can buy fishing rods and whatever they need and uh they’ll just be able to come here and chill and fish and I think that’s kind

Of sweet oh guys someone bought it we just made our money back you can see we’re up to 1.6 million again so if he sells us more if you’re able to buy it which is pretty clush guys I’m gonna do something insane we just redid the

Entire Dock and this is what I did I extended it out gave it a nice little curlicue and oh wait I have a light track and I’ll show you from a distance try it again there we go so take a look now from a distance that is what it

Looks like which is really really cool very happy with how the outside looks now we got to start getting some of the really good details in I also managed to snag some armor stands so like I kind of like the idea of having like a little person here standing guard like here’s

One of our mods it just gives it a little bit more of a special look that just says Hey welcome you’re in the premium area like we don’t do this everywhere like I feel like that’s kind of good right I like it I might as well

Do one of me I like that a little double painting right there on the side it’s the same painting So if you got money might as well buy the same Mona Lisa twice you know what I’m saying all right now we need a food and drink area what

My plan is on this one is buy a quick Redstone dispenser we’ll buy two of them and I’m gonna kind of try to put them on like a nice little fancy table not blocking the view that allows these rich people to get free food and drink the

Best part is we’re already getting free food for people that kill our chickens and the thing that we saw earlier we could put down something in the center and then also put one down on top of it okay so we should have like literally like insane amounts of food probably in

Here so this is all the cooked mutton we just got from there so I mean that’s enough to probably sustain us for a while I don’t know we’ll put in this one though I want food entering but like what kind of Potions all right I got

Them all too and this mall is where I sell my potions I give some free potions maybe not poison night vision oh night vision so we’ll give them some free potions of night vision and next you know what they’re getting do you you have no idea of knowing because I

Haven’t told you yet okay so you don’t know before we build that next Zone they’re gonna get inside this base I do want to put some carpet down so we can put a little more carpet uh oh right here a little highlight carpet huh yes sir that’s right and then a little

Bit more upstairs I kind of like it it just gives it a little like it’s like kind of like an area rug right here like I don’t know that’s kind of clean I’m not sure what that is it just seems like a cool design to me so I’m gonna do it

Got more bougie seating areas uh I want them to be able to look outside so I feel like this yeah I like that that’s like a nice little seating area here we have six carpet left of each so I might as well use it down here for a little funky pattern

How about that you got the you got it on opposite sides whoa Santa can’t do something crazy yes I did and it looks good thank you Isaac welcome to just the start of the brand new millionaires Club but this is not the purpose while you’re here today come on inside oh this was

The start of my fishing race okay yeah you kind of yeah yeah yeah pretty good huh so Isaac the reason you’re here today take a seat take a seat I know I built my city to Oregon look outside of that Sunrise first off also yeah last episode I said every single view we

Get I’m paying you one cent in game and right now is your first paycheck coming in for your million dollar investment in my company and that is for three thousand three hundred and eighty dollars so if you guys haven’t seen my last episode click on it and watch it

Because you’re making Isaac money so Isaac here comes the payment for 380 nice and I will also take my interest on my million right while we’re at it so let me just back up and say I don’t particularly think you should take your money back yet you can but you’re gonna

Lose out on future earnings and this video will probably give you another like you know probably up to ten thousand dollars well it’s compounding interest okay okay yeah we’ll wait thank you all right he’s gonna hold it see I’m Gonna Keep investing making some big

Plays guys that’s what we do here now to pay a million dollars and just get a few items in here it’s not really worth it so one thing I want to do to make this really worth it is give them sets of free gear say they pay me a million to

Enter that’s for life and then they could come back here maybe once or twice a week I’ll just keep investing that money back into buying really good tools totally for free I’m gonna buy eggs and give it to them and even free spawners and put it in here the ultimate thing

That they’re gonna be getting is access to free keys so because I have so many keys that are coming in from my shop that are making give me so much money I’ll be able to give these players free cues back all right we do need a little

Bit of details though I thought making an end Crystal and then putting it in the center would look kind of cool I put some more crafting stuff on the wall some more details and then I put some barrels there and on the upstairs we just added a couple more like enchanting

Tables and stuff what we want to do now is go back to our player store folks and check our shop we need to sell these what I’m doing is selling these keys for 1.6 million I have 44 right here so what I’m gonna do now is go open all 44 of

These to see what I get and I might get something really good it could be a legendary amount of money today so while those are on the market let’s get opening oh wow so I paid 5 000 I Got 5 000 so each time I open these it’s like

Spending 5 000 bucks think about that so this is a risk okay so far two for two that’s not worth a lot oh chicken spotter that’s a big win that’s a loss I’m feeling lucky I’m gonna manifest a vanilla key that’s really good daily helmet come on this

Bull crap we actually lost money on that that is what we’ve opened so far I mean these are these are worth like not a lot to be honest so I guess I could put it down here and get some more chickens for people I’m gonna slaughter them to take

My anchor off okay anger’s been taken out we have just under like five million dollars on the market right now so if I log back in my money could potentially Eclipse almost six million dollars which is actually an insane amount but now let’s go see how much money we’ve really

Made from our creeper Farm over the entire weekend where players can come and start making us money this is where a lot of the investment funds are going to before I check it though we’ve kind of been slowly adding so like maybe I can just real quick buy since we made a

Lot of money today one more of these to make it just a little bit stronger 450k guys creeper spawner 400 150k on the market I’m buying that without even hesitating realistically I think I can buy two more like I think I can spend a million dollars today buying two of

These and now our production is at an insane number but let’s see what we have collected a bunch of random items that players have thrown we don’t really want any of this right now but in total when I take all of the gunpowder we’ve made this weekend and put it all inside my

Chest with the rest this is what we have made totally for free to turn into more fireworks to make even more money so pretty awesome guys this is a store themed around selling satisfying experiences my friends okay so to make this thing look the best that I can what

I want to do here is create like a giant grand staircase like you’re walking into like a big fancy Museum also guys I don’t know if you remember last episode we listed almost five million dollars worth of keys on our market and not a single one of them sold so I still have

No money so we’re gonna list it again hopefully we can make a little profit off these bad boys because I don’t know if we can all of them up again 1.6 million each oh but my goodness what the heck is this we just got attacked by a

Freaking Army of things right there okay let’s get some stairs please all right so this is our grand entrance into the museum and like you know guys museums are a little bit gaudy like they’re out here with like all the freaking marble in the world in courts and they just

Looking real fancy for absolutely no reason but I think this is a pretty clean thing we just need to like actually an immense amount of stairs I mean I’d say this has to go up like a lot more to be honest I would say one more layer and I’ll be satisfied

Oh it’s perfect it is literally perfect to do this little breakup idea I had I don’t know why but I feel like if we put like a little waterfall that goes like down the center here with some buckets it’s gonna look really good so we’ll

Kind of clean this up and make this all look like quartz and that’ll be fire I think something like that might look really cool and I actually have a bucket of water on me believe it or not so if I’m putting it here the thought is it’ll

Just flow down in the center and look kind of cool maybe we’ll make it flow a little differently let’s see there we go so it’s water coming out of like a little vent right here that I made out of a staircase it looks like it’s flowing down this is literally going to

Be like one of the most grand entrances you have seen in your entire life and we need just a smidge more water to pop in there look at this we have a literal just Army of people okay this is a dangerous Cliff right here I guess we’ll

Do temporary dirt staircase I mean I’m probably gonna need back down here for more water later anyway so we might as well just pop it in it’s really ugly but at least it gets the job done we can place the second one over here and boy is this gonna look incredible look at

That and tell me that does not belong here so we’ve got this path we want it to like really be luxurious we don’t want no basic dirt path out here that’s kind of weak I just buy things like I don’t even think about it anymore I just

Go hey let’s buy a little bit of spruce all right why not I know I could mine it myself and save myself some money we’re just gonna get ourselves this time today okay I think the spruce would look pretty good with it I don’t think it’s

The best look in terms of a path but like I feel like it gets the job done a little bit better than what we had before we could put water in this and like make like a water ring around it like kind of going for this water Vibe

So it is like a magical feel let’s try we’re gonna need a lot of Courts for this build today folks but it is coming together nicely we got the people watching us of course you guys can join and compete as well on this server to see if you can become the richest player We have a literal Army of people watching us the staircase is beautiful as you can see the new road comes along right in the middle and has water that wraps around the outside this is the epitome of luxury and that’s what we do here all I think we need now is just a

Couple of decoration how did I get all of this we got a lot let me clear out the inventory real quick I got some flowers that’s really what I wanted I wanted the flowers to be just like right front center kind of spread out pretty naturally there that way it

Has a better look to it and then we can take some of these Spruce planks and then what I want to do is make like really cool looking Spruce uh lanterns on the side and I feel like you got a little mix of the older than new you got

The lanterns you got the luxury marble whatever quartz base I mean this is coming together as a little classy experience here isn’t it now for the flooring and we are going to quartz it up like this dang boys this is coming together back to the shop for some more

Quartz it’s not that expensive it’s 1500 a stack I mean that’s better than mining it in the nether you know like that looks phenomenal now the actual base needs to build this is where the things get a little bit tougher but obviously using Spruce Wood here as like one of

Our main blocks it’s so expensive man I hate doing this but oh a keystone I didn’t even notice they sold we have 5.45 million right now guys Isaac has 238 000 Ben has 1.5 million guys I told you it would start to pay off you just

Had to believe me now guys this is what’s been making us all the money right now this shop right here buys people’s keys for five thousand dollars which means 24 7 all days of the week I’ll be able to buy people’s items to the end of today’s video we’re gonna

Check and see how many keys we have bought currently we are at zero so in the next two hours how high can we go flooring wise I feel like you want like a like an outline of like quartz on the side like I feel like that’s just gonna

Look a little bit more clean a little something like this bring it right up on the tree I mean this is going to look so good can’t believe we have five million dollars either I mean we are loaded right now you guys always said you’re still gonna be rich now I’m rich Gamers

So I think we’re going for that little two-tone theme right here a little bit of a outside with quartz a little bit of an inside with a little bit of spruce wood right here gives it just a very good feeling of death at least I hope it

Does because I’m kind of committing to it at this point so if it doesn’t look good well it’s too late now I’m gonna seal this whole thing in because I think honestly I could use this as like a freaking underground room or something okay I think this needs to come down I

Feel like that looks a little better to me and we have lanterns would it look weird to hang a lantern on the side dang guys look what we’ve done here the side lanterns are absolutely clean now we just need to make the first floor okay you walk in obviously what we want

To have is like some big fat pillars so I’m gonna make some quartz pillars because you need it well should be good I think we’ll just do six and six for now right behind the water maybe so you’ve got the two giant pillars right here and then I feel like you know

You’re gonna have like a big fat window here and then you’d also have like big fat juicy window here and then this will be big fat juicy door guys I need so much quartz for this build I am just spending the money like crazy today but

I guess at this point we have so much it don’t even matter 5.4 mil what do you think those is like big fat juicy windows in the background then the main door would be like just right here that is absolutely how is there a head

That’s floating in my base oh it’s a big head look at it it’s like a freaking blimp back there dude well anyway from the front I think it looks pretty good all right I’m pretty happy with that and then all you need is two staircases shebang shebang and that’s a pretty darn

Good grand entrance okay so let’s get the rest of the walls built in here okay so let’s go take a look real quick how many keys have we bought so far it’s eight we are now up to eight of these keys and a stack of them is worth about

1.6 million so it’s a long game I mean it’s been open for months let’s get our first satisfying thing built I think what I need to do here is make a honey wall and that is going to be somewhat of an expensive project I’m about to go to

The auction house folks and wish me luck cause we’re gonna see what the cost is of a single honey Isaac’s store let’s go to Isaac’s store real quick Isaac sells honey blocks in his store let’s see what he’s got all right he’s got 40 of them

For sale we’ll take uh 20 of them and he doesn’t really have a payment system set up here so I don’t know I mean we’ll just leave an IOU and say hey man you get a freebie from our chest I am designing a wall for players to jump

Onto and just have fun with like it’s supposed to be satisfying what we’re gonna do is build this up just a little bit higher and then give them a ladder to climb to the top so you climb up to the top and then you get to experience a

Little bit of satisfaction when you jump in and slowly slide down or throw your items into it if you throw your item into the honey that too slowly slides down what we’re gonna do is put an item frame to label it to make it really

Classy so I’m going to go back to my chest room because I think that’s where my Anvil is and then we can take a piece of honey we can rename it and do the honey slide so now if a player comes to my store they know exactly what this is

Honestly I think that’s pretty darn cool okay it could be even cooler and make even more if I put Hoppers below to collect items to like if player threw like a piece of wood down to get the satisfaction my payment is that item like that’s kind of smart right so maybe

I’ll do that right now this is smart guys this is what you want to be doing to make some money so there you go look at that so now I’m gonna throw an item it automatically gets slucked right up right into those bad boys it’d be nice

To get the roof kind of taken care of here which is kind of a difficult process all right I’m buying some scaffolding guys on the market I lost mine I don’t know where mine went so I gotta spend 5K on some scaffolding now let me see what I can pull off here real

Quick it might take me a second because I don’t know 100 what I’m doing so bear with me we’ll experiment all right are you ready to see what the front looks like because this is my first reveal of the front as well here we go oh wow that is really strange to be

Honest with you it’s okay though because it’s an early design it is obviously not connected which makes it even more strange but that’s kind of exactly what we’re going for I’m gonna die from the fall damage I take time to get this freaking roof to work

Later all right guys it has been about three end game days and I have gone through and redesigned a lot of the details of this base let’s take a look at what we’ve done so far we redid the entire outside and I added some faces up

Top because like a lot of these places look fancy and I just basically add a lot more depth right you got some windows some details on the Windows Venture on the outside some lanterns nothing a little crazy here and then a little bit on the sides as well because

The sides were boring by finishing up the roof adding in some glass windows on all sides and then detailing the bottom so overall it’s like not a ton of stuff but I think it pulls it together a lot better the inside looks phenomenal you’ve got all this stuff coming

Together the bamboo is going to be one of our satisfying attractions because we all know how satisfying it is to break bamboo right take a look do you see that like that is a satisfying experiment right there so what I want is for players to be able to come here break

The bamboo but not break the bamboo Roots the bottom of it because if they break the bottom then I pretty much lose it maybe I could surround it by like trap doors you know like something like this and then like if a player goes in he could of course destroy it but at

Least there’s a lower chance I mean it kind of looks good as well I feel like that looks better I can’t I’m I can’t really put a sign there easily so I’ll put it right behind it and we’ll put that up so now when you highlight it you

Know this is the bamboo breaker and when you come by and break the bamboo you get a really good feeling inside going to make a fidget wall on either side you get to come and you get to fidget with this stuff all right so we’re going back

To our chest room just some levers here these are all Basics Guys these are all very simple things okay we’ll get some levers we’ve got the buttons maybe some like different textured buttons would be good so let’s update the fidget wall here and then as always all we got to do

Is take out one of these in the center and give it a label pop the button and you’ve got the fidget wall next one’s gonna be a little bit of a rooftop experience so I’m going to need to extend our ladder all the way up to the

Top open her up make a quick trap door and Shaboom maybe facing the other way there we go now you can easily climb up and close it and then you can get to the roof so the rooftop is where the rooftop jump is gonna be and the idea is I need

To get some slime blocks a stack of 64 for thirty thousand dollars but it is the only one on the market and I really don’t know what it’s worth here is what we’re gonna do you’re gonna be able to jump up and right here there’ll be a

Little walkway where you can get through maybe like a gate or something to make it a little cleaner and we’ll put the frame here so you know what it is you’re gonna walk right off wing and boink all right I really definitely am going to need a ladder

Right here I can’t be having my customers come down on the way back oh no and they get killed by spiders this is unacceptable oh I guess that works for now okay here we go boing boing and boing will be right here and number three all right guys here’s the boinger all

You gotta do really is walk in a straight line and I’ve timed it all perfectly so that you just boing boing boing boing boing boing and stop so it’s perfectly timed up so that you can bounce all the way to the end we can put

A couple stairs up here too as well make it like a little bit of a seating zone so I like the lanterns it’s kind of a Vibe so if we do something like this we can make like just a really long bench for people to have fun at and just kind

Of hang out and enjoy the beautiful view that we have created for them and then I also want it to look classy like a rooftop bar type thing up here so we’re gonna put some picture frames and then inside of it I don’t know maybe just

Some bamboo I feel like bamboo is like such a classy item you know like make them all Point different directions like this is fire that is cool right just to say hey you’re in the VIP Zone you know what it is upstairs is cool even the crafting table up here is gonna look

Fancy all right now that is a crafting table folks it’s almost on a Podium right there I think the downstairs needs renovated oh whoa look at this dude full leather Enchanted helmet skeleton my boy has loaded another oh my gosh a gold one what the heck dude apparently we got

High luck on herself they all gonna die no clutch boys clutch okay downstairs honestly not a lot of room ah um dang it that was my dirt I get to sell some items folks let’s sell the inventory okay I know we’re gonna do we’re gonna keep the floor here about

This height like a very tight tight tight small little area right here for your head so we’ll let it like come down to like a very small area here and then I’ll just use a little staircase to bring it down later oh look at that whoa did my thing drop a

Music disc or did I just get it from my Excavating level I’m not sure but I think customer worth like a lot of money kind of a weird design choice but I think what we’re gonna do is make a quartz block wall on the ledge down here

Okay that honestly is kind of fire so that’s the new downstairs Zone um it came together pretty well so I need to buy a dispenser for this one actually three of them because what we’re gonna do is try to create a little dispenser creation here that is going to drop sand

Blocks I think the dispensers drop full blocks I don’t know I don’t think they don’t do that do they um okay it doesn’t have to drop full blocks it’s just going to be like this we’re going to put a dispenser there a dispenser there and another dispenser

Right here no one out there right here so all of these dispensers my idea is they’re going to drop different colored items into water that’s going to be powered by Soul Sand to make it bouncy water all right one Soul Sand one thing like that right when I put something in

It it’s it’s what it’s gonna bounce right it’s gonna bounce up and down so we’re going to have people throw some items in here to make this thing bounce so actually we could do a dispenser where they pay us to have something to throw or we can have them throw their

Own items I think just having them throw their own is a little bit more fun because maybe there’s a way I can take their items here we go so we’ve got the bouncy items location so very simple you can come in you can throw your items and just

Experiment with how they bounce and enjoy it now the problem here is that there’s no way for me to actually take their items when they throw it I guess that’s a scam though so maybe we’ll just make this one for the people out there all right we don’t understand them it’s

Not what we’re about here okay so I didn’t know what to put at the very end and then I got the idea you know what else is really satisfying killing a bunch of mobs so if you walk down this tunnel this is gonna walk you down this beautiful winding staircase and then at

The very bottom it literally walks you right into my mob grinder so this is now part of the satisfying base we’re just connecting it all underground with an underground tunnel system which also means if you’re going for the mob grinder you can walk right over here to

Get inside of my museum now I’m going to add some sort of a gate to charge people to enter uh oops that’s a mistake well that’s future problem we’ll fix that staircase in the future I don’t have any stairs on me so I want to put a gate

Here as like a back door entrance into the base where you can say oh the satisfying Museum I’ve made all right guys before we open up our satisfying new building to the public which I think honestly looks beautiful I mean that’s another that’s another phone background

For you guys right there let’s go check and see how many keys we finally ended up with today we got seven of them and let’s see what we get not ideal not ideal not ideal not ideal not ideal still not ideal we have one more all right well that’s a basically

Absolute bull crap the last thing I want to do is we have been making so much money from our shops we want to go invest just a smidge more back into it by making another big purchase and what I want to do is make our creeper Farm

Even stronger what I’m gonna do is try to buy two more a million dollars worth of Creeper spawners right now to bring this up to one two three four five we will be up to seven spawners right here guys I was just literally browsing the

Auction house I don’t know if I got it oh my gosh I did I was just browsing I was like maybe I can snag a deal on camera I believe I just bought these three spawners for 100k total these are worth 100K each if I sold these would

Make 3x my money back but I’ll be able to use these spawners to start expanding and maybe what this will be is like the entrance into the mega farm with every single Spawner in the entire game and the first thing I have to do is set it

As it is is pretty much break every single wall you see what we’re making downstairs today guys is the Brand New Lover fella Casino where players from around the world will be able to come and bet their money so I feel like it’s gonna make us a lot of Cash There’s

Players that do this type of thing they make a lot they have a lot of players scam people but people are gonna know ours isn’t a scam because guess what they’re gonna see what I put in it in the video we’re gonna invest almost all

Of our money into it at the end of this video if I have anything left I’ve done this wrong as you can see we’ve got some nice little players here watching us as we grind and they’re killing creepers for us so at the end of today’s video

I’m gonna check out the chest below to see like how much gunpowder we’ve made it’s been like four days so it should be a good amount of gunpowder down there all right now casinos do like a lot of tricks right to make you spend money so like they have like really weird

Lighting and they like recycle the oxygen so that it’s like super pure oxygen they don’t have like any easy way to find the exit there’s like no way to see Windows like they design it in a way that you lose track of time and gamble all your money away and so we’re hoping

We can kind of replicate that for our players today you know what I’m saying okay so this is gonna be the location of the brand new casino it took me a while to clear this thing out but what I’m thinking is they’re gonna have these little individual rooms so they can kind

Of gamble down the very first hallway which will be right here and I I don’t want it to be cluttered so let’s see let’s just let’s just do a little test one right here and see what comes out yo 65k spiders I forgot I gambled and I got

A bunch of cave spiders last week There’s 65 right there someone needs to go kill them his first theme let’s do the auction I’ll see kind of unique building blocks we have today so I’m going to browse and see if there’s any cool I could buy a stack of diamond

Blocks I should just build a mega Beacon here shouldn’t I just spend a lot of money build a mega Beacon make it easier for me and easier for players this is just doing a big investment right now let’s do it okay I don’t know if I’ll buy that that’s excessively expensive

But let’s see if there’s a cheaper version 80 000 for a stack of iron I think I’m pretty sure that’s enough for a full Beacon right but it’s not gonna be a little bit saddened all right Beacon for ten thousand dollars I bought that one with four minutes in the market

So we snack some pretty solid deals I think today so with all of this it’s ninety thousand dollars that’s gonna give us a fully stacked Beacon where I make it I do not exactly know but I kind of like to make sure that it’s kind of in a location where it’s flexing my

Power and wealth the fact that I invested in this for me and the boys oh my gosh it’s a beautiful guys there’s another screenshot for you making it for me dang it’s good it’s getting a little busy here man people are coming in this is exciting boat race has been expanded

On guys Isaac and Ben’s Channel they must have added on a lot to it that looks exciting why am I why am I swimming through the sky what in the world is this how how have I how have we done this escape this

Mode stop it yeah I mean to me if it’s a casino it makes sense to put this in the casino so let’s make a location for it let’s find the central zone right here all right I really just don’t know if this is going to come out looking good

But I gotta make it I’m taking too much time here just to debate how to make this thing look good so let’s make a big boy Beacon which is how many at the bottom because I I’m getting out of control here I’m actually gonna go back to the

Auction house I’m doing something crazy just bear with me for a second because this is gonna be a little bit ridiculous here what you’re about to witness yeah I just bought basically like stacks on stacks of we got a lot of iron and we’re actually going to use every single one

Of these iron pieces in our build right now this needs to be a nine by 11 build because we’re making a six Beacon build all six Beacon effects in one single Beacon I’ve never made one of these in my life so I don’t know how it’s gonna

Turn out but I don’t need to break the ceiling this is all to make the casino worth it man when people realize all the money we have invested probably 400 000 at least maybe 500 000 just to get this Beacon built to put in the casino that’s

My floor so I hope it doesn’t go that high but if it does yes it does what are you gonna do if that’s the center five and five five and four three not eight four and four four four okay one how does man get in here how’s how how how

They’re falling into a hole gentlemen stop it unbelievable you leave one hole and people just start falling in like they own the place all right two more beacons coming in now the real issue here is I gotta open up the roof to let these things like actually work and when

I do that pretty much everyone’s gonna try to fall down into this uh Zone here so I think what we’ll do is buy some glass and turn it into like a disrespect cage like if you fall in here you’re about to be in the district webcage so

Uh here’s I don’t know if this is gonna impact the workings of this but the thought is we make a little disrespect cage like so hey that worked and now people fall in we get to stare at them and disrespect them all right we don’t got to worry

About them coming down here just a little way to secure the base down here all right guys it’s gonna be a long time to figure this out I don’t use uh Mega beacons like this often but now oh my goodness we gotta boost some people out

Of this claim real quick hold on all right now we’re able to work in peace these people can’t really get here now they’re all trying to see what we’re building downstairs we’ve got the triple Beacon which looks incredible and that gives us massive status effect so now we

Have haste two I wanted that one really bad and then if I combine that with my super breaker ability uh we should be able to yeah just cut through this like butter so that was a long investment but tell you what that is absolutely worth it

So what we’ll do is we’ll use the floor from our building up there which is the end store that sells ice for some reason we’ll use that as the ceiling here so I just gotta mine all this to get the nice ceiling carved out which would look

Really good dude this haste is so worth it I mean yeah it was expensive come on tell me that’s not worth it now this entire arena is so much better with the haste with the speed people will be zooming around and killing things more efficiently I mean it’s just a win-win

For all and I can’t wait to see how much is in our creeper Farm after this because this place is popping off right now I’m telling you what I think what we’ll do is we’ll put the very first casinos in this wall and we can actually surround like go around the outside of

This with uh casinos so like we could put one right on this wall so let’s count one two three four five so we could have like a five oh wow it’s a lot of stuff mandatory I gotta sell so five on that side five on that side

Oh boy this back is definitely not five oh no so we’ll do five on each side that way the beacon is basically like perfectly Central and then every single one around it will have a little tiny individual Casino unit so we’re finally building our first one here after

Creating a giant shell to build this all in which will be very effective and self-sufficient I want it to look really cool let’s tie in the theme because we got this very nice Spruce Court scene that just screams this is a luxury build and you were in a luxury building right

Now so the entrance is literally that simple I don’t want anything complex and then the casino unit goes in here so we’ll clear a little tiny Zone we want it to be very private we want people to know that you’re in here spending all your money or items inside lover casino

Right so it should look just like that all right so let’s get experimental here folks because let’s we first we need a crafty all right we’re gonna pop a crappie down and uh this will be a public use crafty we’ll just put it down right uh right in the center of your

Pathway so you can’t miss it that’ll be used to craft a chest which we’ll be using in this little build I think we’ll put it there I want to give you plenty of room to walk you know you gotta have plenty of space be comfortable in here

We don’t want people to feel like it’s a stuffy room okay looks pretty good it just kind of pulls your eye to it it says come to me all right now we need to get a lot of redstone because the way this works is players will be able to automatically

Bet things individually using this chess shop while I’m actually gone and I’m gonna try to walk you through it I think we need a redstone comparator for this first build and we need a dropper above it I think so the dropper would come in like here and that’s going to kind of

Resupply this with items okay guys opening a store from scratch really is not a uh not an easy simple thing to do this is what we’re at right now so this is what the casino looks like at the moment and I still not 100 sure how it’s

Going to work or if it will work but we do have an audience still watching us from out there so we’re getting there we’re moving along slowly folks the fact that some players somewhere invented this as a way to make money on my server I just need to take a moment

To say how unbelievable this is a complicated concept here guys um but this is what it looks like right now and I believe if I were to put an item in here take it out I mean take it all out okay we’re still working progress mode folks we’re not quite there yet we’re

Still we’re still getting there now the idea is to have this thing automated so I need to create a backup system here to store the items that will refill it for me when I’m gone and not here and we should be able to bring this dust down

To right about here we’re gonna put down our chest shop here glad that’s set up and then we just need to put in an ingredient that people will be buying in order to participate so I believe the way it works is your prizes should go up

Here so let’s say it was set up like this and the grand prize was my shovel well every time someone buys one item from my chest shop I think I think that’s when you take an item out this dispenser launches an item as you can see so I can charge players to buy

The item inside my chest shop and each time they buy it they have a chance to win whatever inside this Hopper right here which means I just bought one two three four five and I didn’t get the awesome sword so that is generally how

It works but it has to be just one item so for example if I have 61 in here and I take half of them you can see it’s still power take another half it’s still power so this chest has to remain empty and only accept one item at a time for

Them to buy very interesting system that players on my server came up with this by themselves right it’s really unbelievable and can I use dirt or I have to use a stick maybe I’ll just use a stick because that’s what everyone seems to do and again I guess we only

Want One Singular stick in here so so when I remove this stick it depowers that which activates this Redstone inverter which would then power this to make this thing shoot out items that are inside of it so I just got a rock shake and then just shot out when

It activates it’s going to come over here and activate this dropper which has my stack of backup sticks which then dispenses one stick into the hopper which then refills this chest up and shout out to one of my subscribers redgamer MC I followed his tutorial on

How to make this and it is really really cool to see so let’s finally hack this thing in we will put a little sign on top that says service door do not enter that way I know that’s where I can go service that’s actually kind of cozy I

Mean you walk right in here and boom you’re just faced with it slam bam right in your face one thousand dollar casino now the issue is I don’t want multiple people to be able to play at once so I need to be able to like lock them in so

Like once you walk in there’s no more getting through that door it needs to be a one-time use there are so many variables today we are literally taking our brain extending it I’m so impressed that you guys figured this stuff out on your own this is crazy oh I got it I got

It we don’t need buttons we need levers I just didn’t mean I got so excited I just got a genius idea right here look at this look at this look at this look at this look look I’m sorry but this is genius look at this take a piston

Redstone sticky piston Bible one take it you’re gonna stick it right here and on top of that you’re gonna put a block this will be the window with which you reach in to turn the door on that needs to open the door these guys are all staring at me he’s making the

Pressure even higher I’m not good Under Pressure we’re good um I need it so that this door would turn off with this lever and it’s clearly not the case I thought you could do that I think wouldn’t that should be a redstone there should be a torch here

They’re dancing I feel like this whole entire group is just watching me fail over here at this and I’m honestly just embarrassed about it but I finally got it set up correctly so you’ll be able to pull that lever and that’s gonna open up the door and then you can walk through

And then it’s going to like lock it out like that and then you won’t be able to pull the lever anymore as you can see problem is though players could teleport out and then leave this door locked and it’s not going to be self-sustaining so

This idea won’t work which is why we got to do my really weird strange design then we finally got the solution that I’ve been looking for that’s definitely the wrong one so now players can walk in when they stand on this pressure plate that’ll close the door so that way not any other

Players can’t come in and they can’t steal your items to be able to gamble here in peace you know what I was gonna do corner lights but I think the best thing is to really make them like look where the light right here because you’d be like yo like that thing glows that

Thing calls your name wow guys all that work and we have finally created one well it’s actually it’s still it’s still not even done with one of them it’s like a two hour project just to build this one thing and clear this thing out build the beacon so in our first one what

We’ll do is we’ll just load it up like this with a bunch of dirt and then what we’ll do is put in like the grand prize item I could put two daily keys in here right daily keys are worth ten thousand actually there were twenty thousand so

Like kind of like a good deal all right with that guys we now have to build this about a bunch more time so let me go ahead and do that real quick it’s gonna take a while that is not perfectly symmetrical which I hate to admit but this is what we’re

Left with right now so we need to get some signs up so right here there’s a bunch of players this is where the weakest One’s Gonna Be but I haven’t made it yet because I just trapped players in the corner this is a five thousand dollar tier it goes up to 10

This is twenty five thousand fifty thousand and finally one hundred thousand dollars here so if someone were to come in and buy this stick will actually go one hundred thousand dollars for a singular stick pretty unbelievable but if someone buys it there’s going to be a prize in here that’s worth more

Than a hundred thousand dollars which means I could actually lose a lot of money so I need to actually buy something right now from the auction house worth like a lot of money to pop in here I just bought a 100 000 pickaxe uh to be honest with you it felt like a

Really good deal I just kind of impulse bought that okay so this is a 550 000 ax that would be the grand prize I just bought that I mean so take a look at this beauty it has three special custom enchants this is better than anything I can use right now we’re going

To pop this right in here and again if you look I’m gonna take a stick out if I come to this chest and I remove a stick it dispenses the price so I just lost obviously and I didn’t get the amazing price so this one is now locked and

Loaded for a hundred thousand dollars which means they would have to lose five times in a row for me to make a little bit of profit so I feel like it’s pretty fair I’m gonna load these other ones up real quick with some prizes so on this

One you’re gonna have a great chance to win because I’m putting a sheep Spawner in it I can put a hopper right here and this Hopper would lead down into it I could Supply that with more gear to then put into it so like for example a bunch

Of coal here that will automatically go in and a second spawner which means he was like you could win that spawner if it were to come through so it’s kind of like a double whammy we can keep updating that making it more powerful as we get to the funds all right second

One’s up fifty thousand dollars a chance to win two spawners let’s go to this one for twenty five thousand dollars four daily keys this one that’s a 100 000 a little bit high but hey that’s fine we’ll give them a good chance to win on that all right we want people to win

Here not get scammed five thousand dollars right here and for the level one I’ll give them a chance to win a special crossbow and then I’m gonna go kind of replenish some of these others by putting hoppers on top and those Hoppers will contain some more bonus items the

Most important thing now is just to make this thing look better so let’s replace this floor foreign let’s get a little bit of lighting in here that really exemplifies how just uneven It Is by just about one block which oh oh I know it’s awful all right

Well I feel like it’s time to get this thing open and see what happens we’ve spent about half of our money right now oh we got our first 50 000. the 25 000. people are actually playing now I don’t know what they’re winning but they are playing the casinos

Right now and you can see it working flawlessly this is phenomenal and you can see that guy won uh dirt he played twice and got dirt so he was a big loser that one’s still being played right now this is phenomenal let’s go in this one and see what’s happening uh no

Winners yet again couple dirt there question years I just gotta hope and pray that I made this thing correctly and these people aren’t getting scammed uh I’m just gonna go test one real quick just make sure like let me just go in here take a stick out and make sure it

Spits okay good good and that should be against other stuff okay good all right uh while these guys are all uh going to the casino right now and absolutely enjoying themselves let’s pop down and see what we have collected from our creeper farm and again we’re only

Keeping the Gunpowder the rest we will give away so this is from a couple days of work here oh my gosh I mean come on okay so after a couple days we now have one chest two chests two and a half chest all the way full of gunpowder a

Lot of improvements to be made but you can see oh why is that door oh because someone locked it by putting an item there that’s annoying but I guess the solution would be to put a hopper to soak it up oh they’re trying to lock them all out they’re trying to shut the

Casino down well well well look what we have here my friends okay well obviously there’s some issue shoes were like these are automatically locking people in looks like uh still knowing about that prize right there so if you guys want to know how we got to 11 million dollars

Stick around because I’m gonna walk you through what happened after we buy our base all right guys after 30 minutes of searching just to prove we don’t fake this here’s a five second Montage of how long it actually took to find this Yeah I mean I legit just Spam and chat until I get there we found a base that’s kind of ugly I’m going to pay 900 thousand dollars to buy this base and you’re gonna think Zach that is a horrible deal you don’t make money from an already good looking base you make

Money by buying a cheap nasty dilapidated base and then transforming it and I see a huge amount of potential here plus it’s got a couple secrets that I don’t think this dude realized now over the last five days guys my money has been coming from this casino which

Might be the best investment we’ve ever made players can come in again if you guys don’t remember they can buy these sticks for a hundred thousand dollars and because of the Redstone circuitry whatever they buy automatically spits out a random item from inside of here now originally each one of these stacks

Of dirt was at 64. we have sold about three million dollars for people winning we gotta restock this with some really big prizes that way people can come and win so let’s go buy some cool prizes which is going to be kind of expensive here we go 375

000 helmet Guys these are expensive items but we don’t want to scam people that’s the last thing we want to do I can load this Hopper up with a an item and as you know that item’s gonna go into here and all player has a chance to

Win a 100 or 800 000 item and then once they win that this 400 000 helmet falls through so now we’ve got a huge opportunity for about 30 Games worth of time before we need to restock it again I’m gonna go through and restock all of

These right now check it out on screen these are the items in every single zone and of course we gotta check our creeper Farms as you guys know players are able to visit my land and they can call me oh my gosh oh my gosh look at all this we are

Making some bank today my friends over the weekend we have come up with about a full inventory of more gunpowder which means let’s pop it in here we’re almost up to three entire chests of gunpowder and I’ve almost collected none of it so I think you guys see a

Benefit of moving the creeper farm from my base to its new location based right next to the Arctic land this beautiful five or seven story Mansion has a random assortment of blocks on the outside but what I bought it for was not because of this nor was this ugly Fountain it was

Actually this underneath the base I don’t think most people realize this there is like a massive pre-made secret underground room that honestly the amount of time this would have taken to just carve out is worth the price to me you go up these stairs this brings you

Up into the main foyer right here which is complete with a beautiful 25 story fountain or something I don’t really know what what’s that it’s about and then uh chest room which appears to have been sold to me with items still in it does he realize he sold me all his items

Like I don’t know he ain’t dming I think he just legit sold me everything okay well we gotta see what’s inside those chests in a second he’s a big shroom light guy I can see for our Sake One just pop some more of these down I mean

It doesn’t matter at this point there’s everywhere anyway Pro tip put the lights under the chest makes the chest glow keeps out of the way a little bit lessen your face type thing I think it looks a little better like that so now you can

See the chest a little bit more easy all right yeah so most of this stuff is empty and I gotta realize that I do need to sell this for a lot of money which means the amount of work it is actually going to require to do as high why is it

Seem like it’s been night for 25 days like it’s just never gonna turn to daytime first thing I want to do though is work on that front entrance and clean this thing up so with the work of editing all right I swapped back to the loverfela account for now because like

No one’s here and I might as well use my own account because it’s a little bit more accurate with the numbers and stuff let’s go ahead and redo this front entrance right here so actually I kind of like that path there but then everything in front of it is just

Hideous you got random pieces of shroom light I mean I don’t think this I don’t even think it knows what it’s doing bites I mean this bass doesn’t know what it’s trying to be all right so we’re breaking that up you can look over here and see there’s literally a actual lava

Waterfall inside the bay I mean it’s just like you’ve got to ask questions what the thought process was when designing it the secret entrance right here is pretty cool the way it like backs the stairs up I mean that’s it’s pretty well made I think it’s cool the

Only problem is you can kind of see the the stuff there so we’ll clean that up already looks so much better look at that now you actually have a path to get in here we’re gonna have to like extend it out a little bit more put some

Staircases uh make this thing even but at least it kind of like looks a little bit more realistic now I guess I actually feel like this might come out kind of clean like I’m not gonna lie to you given what we started with and where we’re at there’s like some real

Potential there you go so front entrance uh looking a lot cleaner we uh this little thing right here I don’t know what how did someone make it this uneven I mean when you look at this how is the even possible to have created this this

Is not even even with this which is not even with this what in the world what kind of purse I’m sorry I’m actually the last of words I kind of feel bad because one of the reasons I bought this place was because of the Redstone door and unfortunately now that it’s actually

Daytime I can see that that was the most uneven and really just it wasn’t me let’s go ahead and go to our shop guys we can press slash shop we can buy materials just like a contractor would cost a little bit of money but it’s kind

Of worth it for our case maybe two stacks of 64 of this make some stairs and then what we’re gonna do is extend this staircase all the way down no one has to know what’s under there I really feel like this kid scammed me I’m not

Gonna lie to you but this is what we’ve done so the whole front entrance if you remember looked like this before and now what we’ve done is redesigned the entire thing give it a nice highlight on the outside with quartz centered it uh you know it’s just it’s a much more flowy

Entrance and obviously these I will move but I really don’t want to film my inventory I’ll just deal with that later so those will be a real players we got to get some lighting on here got to make it a little more welcoming maybe we’ll just do something oops something as

Simple as that put a fence post right there and the pink and white just is such a clean color combo that is absolute fire we’ll put it just like this in the sides I mean it’s gonna just pull it together is is it not satisfying to go through and just make these little

Micro tweaks that really add value like say that what I did right here I mean that had to have added an immense amount of value already now right in the center what I’d like to do is give it just a nice little friendly just a very friendly welcoming entrance with a

Little bit of this okay so it might look a little bit different that’s because I just changed my shaders I felt like the other shaders made it too yellow so I think it looks a better like this with the white color this dude oh right he realizes it’s me

That’s right oh that’s awkward no no you don’t even give me your can people do that in real life if you see me just like throw me or watch like yo assistant let me throw me my wallet no dude you don’t need to do that my friend

But yes front entrance much better we do gotta tackle this though I don’t even know how to get started I mean honestly that that just the whole thing’s gotta go all right I cleared out that entire Fountain took me a little bit of time and my inventory is actually full of

Random items I picked up but I think it looks a lot better so take a look uh it’s not quite perfect you got this little thing and I didn’t even go on the ground again this is better all right it’s better than it was all I can say it

Looks a little bit better than it was now we’ve got the front entrance looking clean this is becoming a base that’s worth about half of what I paid for to this point definitely still not there that’s for sure given the amount of time it took just to redesign the entrance

I’m realizing how big of a project this is so I have enough money that I wonder if I can hire my brothers to come help me out like if I pay them some money we would invest a lot but I’ve never put that much money into a single build to

Flip Mr Ben I have a proposition for you today I bought this base for eight hundred thousand dollars which probably was like a lot more than it should have been yeah yeah look I thought I saw it as a fixer-upper came with the chest loaded too yeah it’s big it’s got a lot

Of potential and I want to see how much money I could actually flip a base like this for so I could pay you or give you percentage of the final sale if I’ll give you a percentage of the final sale you got to go in with me on the buy I

Paid 800k for it you paid 800k and I would like a percentage of the sale and to counter your offer what if I give you my custom raining soap Brewery for free a wild deal here today Ben why don’t you show me that real quick it’s a it’s a

Pretty decent build and the best part is I’m pretty sure it’s located next to slug noodles which did recently hatch by the way on May 1st you might see a couple around I’ll do it for uh 17 of the final sale see we’re gonna have to

Go at least 30. that is a lot we’re talking potentially 300K yeah no we definitely are and I was going to sell this to you for 500 so 30 20 and you got a deal 29 25 final offer 27 25. flick the lever at 26.

26 of this sounds like you need my help today Zach I would like a 25 stake in today’s sale for a you can basically connect this to your rich person area and advertise this what is it a jail it’s a giant swimming pool but it’s private you can’t let the

Poor people in are you trying to get me to pay 500k for that Isaac’s giving me this pool Ben’s giving me that and they both get 25 of the final sale no investment on them that is a deal you’re not getting the pulls back you’re getting a plot of land in the middle

Right here for a shop well I don’t want that it’s like six blocks Isaac this time this took four hours of actual digging so we won’t be doing it for anything less than 30 I mean it’s just such a bad deal I can’t even I can’t

Even play along with it I mean this is not it borderline the worst I’ve seen I’m gonna walk I can’t do it this looks like a jail cell with water all right guys after a terrible negotiation by my boy Isaac who has no money uh I did

Manage to get Ben to help for a good little steak here so we’re gonna work on this together and try to make this like the biggest sale that has happened in trade-up history so it’s gonna be a journey it’s gonna be a tough Journey look at that look at this window this

Like this man literally grieved his own base there’s actual holes in the wall that is someone designed this and thought it was good I’m just pointing that out it’s very odd Windows really up the property value I’ve learned the big entrance actually is something that I

Quite like quite a lot oh yeah oh my goodness all right so um open up the window here it looks pretty good um I really just don’t know what’s trying to happen up here I feel like it’s just it’s a confused base there’s a

Lot of good and a lot of confusion to it to it like this is so uneven I don’t see how we can keep this I’m gonna get rid of it I hate to say it but it’s Gotta Go oh wait a minute it takes you up there’s

Actually an entire wow I didn’t even not even realize this floor was up here oh of course it is uneven but there’s an entire like rooftop floor I don’t even know existed look at this he really just kind of did his own thing to be honest

It’s like it was made for a flip though you know don’t you see the potential here like you would just break a couple blocks put some windows in clean it up add some utility like it doesn’t take much I think to put this on the market again so basically the initial design

Here guys we’re just re building the structure a little bit fixing all the random issues getting rid of all the green wall added some nice windows in here this prepares it for the actual utility which is where we secure that multi-millionaire to come buy this okay

I really don’t want to break all that green wool but like I feel like I need to like I can’t walk away with it there so hey here comes the green wall breaking Montage folks let’s get to it it’s almost artistic in place as if this

Was done somehow how do I make a floating scaffolding yo guys look at that we broke it now to me that looks a lot better the the rods up there maybe could be cleaned up a little bit but honestly it looks a lot better I think there’s

Still a lot to do the windows are messed up the outside’s messed up but for now let’s go back downstairs because we need to fix uh this creation by getting rid of the entire thing man I wish Isaac like didn’t throw me a bad deal it’d be great to have his help

All right guys so this is what the main floor it looks like got rid of the fountain read of the entire entrance it looks honestly not too shabby that window needs to go the random green wool needs to go but let’s take a look at what our partner down here Ben is doing

Oh wow this is wild it’s honestly quite interesting so the idea is that villagers will go in each of these slots and whoever buys this place can do it and trade the villagers and for some reason players like to do these tables which I guess sell for a lot all right I

Think it looks pretty good you want to swap now I’ll work down here a little bit you go back up to the main floor just to keep it fresh yep oh yo there’s a secret chest down here which actually contains uh two runes one of them super

Jump and it’s got a couple luck of the sea books couple diamonds I mean this dude literally just sold me his base like ass is as if he committed a crime and how to get rid of the evidence that’s what I’m wondering like what did this guy do he was attacking or

Something because he said I’m out he has a secret cage room underneath a staircase like why does this something sus is going on with this dude’s base I really do like the color pattern down here to be honest with you I think the blue and white looks good like I feel

Like the basements you know it’s not bad it’s not good Wow I mean it’s actually kind of clean so I’m gonna redesign every one of these pillars I like the look and the vibe but I think the color pattern is just a little bit off like if I replace these with warp stems and then do that I think

It’s actually going to look a little bit better contrast with white corn that is not too bad I don’t love it yet there’s still more to do I think it’s the shroom lights actually which sucks because they’re forever to break I do like this though it’s very unique that was a good

Idea guys switching up what we’re working on is good because I got like re-inspired and I was like yo there’s like 50 billion things I can do now downstairs each thing that we do basically increases the value by a thousand dollars like boom thousand bucks made boom thousand bucks and it

Just keeps coming that is actually really cool I think all right I am happy with this so what I did is I put some highlight lights up and that was a weird word when I put some lights up here in the corner redid the entire design on the side which

Really pulls it together more we did the path in the center so now you’ve got honestly like just this beautiful I don’t know how else to say it but just super unique Runway design as you walk through it I mean I think it looks phenomenal oh wait did you put villagers

Down here where they’re already some there’s like four there are already some yeah yeah oh would you look at that comes pre-stocked with villagers okay I want to make this trip a little bit more uh bold a little bit more uh inviting so maybe if we extended a path in here it

Might be kind of a cool feature I’m not sure how but maybe a little something like this just to break it up a little bit don’t be afraid guys don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone pull out a little bit of warped all right

Don’t be afraid it doesn’t look bad all right it’s a good vibe people will get it they’ll be like yo goodbye so what we’re gonna do is give them a couple of like little neat chests down here something like this like put them up on like a little bit of a pedestal type

Thing I don’t know what’s gonna go in here but somehow his best items or something would like be in this little cage just to say hey this is where the big boys go and then we could give it a little bit of a I don’t know I kind of

Like it just like that we don’t need to do too much to it I think it just looks clean like I feel like if you have like a trading room you want like a good amount of storage to store your items you’re gonna trade with right it needs

To be like a good a good utility to it so what I’m gonna do now is there’s like this nice little area above the villagers and so if I put slabs on top to make a couple of them like actual blocks we can basically use every one of

These as some sort of like a utility you know we could put like furnaces up there and just like random stuff to be honest with you like maybe another crafting table down here gotta preset them up with some item frames can’t make them go look for their

Own that’d be a little bit too much work you know that’s not for rich people rich people ain’t gonna be doing that all right so that’s what we’ve done I put a whole bunch of crafting tables furnaces Smith just all kinds of stuff up there try to keep the color theme pretty

Consistent I actually really like that design we do have a bed as well which uh I mean I don’t know he’s gotten this like little dungeon back here might as well make this the bedroom seems like appropriate all right we’re gonna make it a very simple bedroom here what I’ll

Do is just put in some little seating some nice lights like a cool little light piece right in the corner there it’s obviously like a little bit of a Harry Potter style room but I mean at the end of the day it gets the job done

When you got a base this big you really need a big bedroom put a little maybe a little Fried Chicken above bed for beautiful dreams about chickens you know a little something like that is exciting come on down so I redesigned the entire walkway so if you look every one of the

Pillars is different the ceiling has a new pattern the lighting Situation’s different added some detail in here put some chests down you know just some stuff above there to use craft tables chess what goes here though what do you think I kind of like the armor like armor stands on these

See what you’ve been up to yeah come on up here the goal was to minimize is the space so we added oh that’s actually kind of nice I like that wow oh my gosh this is actually so artistic looking like this looks legit like you made like

A stage here massive water pillars like these are really cool I mean we are making this thing look good all right all right all right that’s pretty fire I was thinking two right here maybe like a window downstairs like if we took this or maybe even made this like a little

Exit outside you know what I mean a little bit of something like that we can replace this really quick with like some uh you know just some wood or something that looks good how about that so now you got a little window down here you can walk in and just enjoy the view

Outside it’s uh not a great view but you can enjoy it now what is this water elevator gets you up and down all right you’re working on that I’m gonna clean up the outside because this is where we basically need to hide a lot of the outside we can’t let people see out

There actually looks so I’m gonna like get a bunch of trees and just see if I can plant some stuff here to make it not look horrible we’ll do something like this literally Let’s Get Trees everywhere we can these things will grow up and give it like a much more private

Look and hopefully hide most to the front of the base so you can tell yo this is big the inside looks right but there ain’t no way we can clean this outside up it would take 16 years covering up This Disaster outside it’s like a hurricane that hit this place and

It’s It Ain’t Easy these are the details right here the potential buyers look for and see they say Hey you took that 10 minutes through the Landscaping you probably know what you’re doing I think it looks good might be a little too much but uh remember we are hiding

Uh one of the worst exteriors of a base ever and this is all part of the process get your rare purple flower in there all right and that just kind of looks okay now this is what it looks like from the front again the outside is just horrible

I don’t know how we will make that more marketable wouldn’t be a fancy base without a fancy carpet pattern so these black carpet patterns represent the stealth bombers and they will see this and realize they too are a stealth bomber so that’s that’s the inspiration here a little bit of a stealth bomber

Package really just designed to inspire uh what’s marketing tactic I don’t know but I think it looks kind of cool you know give them what we had to work with I am really happy with where we’re getting to flower pots all the way around the side looks great and shanding

Zone over here is coming together nicely this upstairs really came together in a big way that little piece of stone there is killing me but I’m just not it’s just gonna stay I think for now there’s one more window and then this again will be another so then we have like full

Windows on every single side and this view is actually phenomenal right here uh bamboo forest there got a lot of ice and Glaciers it does look a little bit juicy you can like see all the flowers we planted I mean that’s a really smart plate right there I like this so now

This whole back wall has been opened up and you can see like full 360 walls on every single side of glass the bubble elevator is just magnificent look how like just look that thing is an art piece right there I love the way it just

Fades up the walls on all side and the windows look good um it just has like a pretty nice revive to it at this point I think the last thing then is let’s clean out the outside a little bit more see what else we can do to just yeah get

That final little bit of detail to pull this thing together wow this is ugly out front isn’t it I know but what can we do nothing it’s impossible I mean it’s just like such a bad front entry I mean there’s literally so bad I just feel

Like that is gonna hold some people back from buying this Beast you have any ideas I think at this point we just gotta hope okay I think you’re right all right guys I’m gonna get this on the market with my ALT account let’s see if we can get this thing sold

All right guys I said selling Mansion two million dollars I think that’s a good price to start with see what happens uh definitely not feeling optimistic the outside might have been a little bit of a mistake all right guys I lied to him I told him

Three keys first 100 only and now I’m gonna show him the base come take a look gentlemen see if you want to buy it come on in come on in come on in come on they’re looking around they’re definitely browsing Alpha Wolf’s looking around to every single corner but just

Blatantly ignoring every word that I say right now to the point where I don’t even know their DMS are on I don’t know if you are investigating it uh let me send you another message interested in getting this you King you woo them love

The skin by the way looks so good on you but not as good as this base would with you in it he said I don’t fall for sweet talking but he answered he’s looking he’s really thinking the problem is he’s standing outside while thinking and I

Feel like that right there is the issue that he’s observing the outside I think it would be the smartest investment of your life there it is for 1.8 million that’s a price I can settle on my man has bought this base Ben your profit technically 468 thousand dollars after all is said

And done and expenses are paid we are up to 10.5 million dollars we have a lot of money to play with to upgrade our lover fella mall all right so the first thing we got to do is redesign this area and turn this very tiny Zone and flip it

Into a store there’s literally thousands of players watching me right now which makes us a little bit more stressful so in order to build this store to sell some degree in builds let’s go ahead and make it pretty simple but I want to get a little bit of lighting in there a

Little bit of glowstone in there I know a lot of you don’t like glowstone I find it pretty clean my brother’s head nah we don’t want that in there that’s pretty useless got a little bit of a roast right there folks well let’s get some

Lights down here I need to make it even though oh [ __ ] even look at that guys even Lighting on the ground you all need to chill all right I think this would look pretty sweet trapdoors in the center I also have like a little bit of a door

Here right this door connects you from this shop to my next shop I like the idea of keeping them all connected like a strip mall which really isn’t the most premium thing on the market I mean let’s go ahead and get out here and craft some

Trap doors and and frankly he’s gonna be real expensive that’s it 40 trap doors we cut down like 16 trees we got 40 of them it might be too much to be honest with you I’m not 100 sure but I feel like it’s going to come out pretty well guys

Good I just don’t know what to do about this section like we could just put a door down you know maybe all right guys so this is north of the arrowing I gotta push y’all back again peace now they’re finding me in every single corner you think you locked the players

Out and they come back and they stare at you build but yeah I think that looks cool it’s actually like more of a hidden door in there so kind of clean kind of fresh uh the light doesn’t line up that’s okay we don’t care okay now I

Like the stone look there so here’s the idea folks we are going to extend this out keep the Stone Road as the roof because that is what you do if you’re like a green Innovative company which we are here at lover Industries I don’t know I mean maybe I could like keep that

Wood and I was thinking like maybe you’d give it like that little curlicue Vibe like something like that but yeah it’s got like that little bit of a shell vibe to it I think this is coming together quite nicely there’s one of my mods up there just watching me from a tower

Gotta love to see it honestly I kind of like it because it almost looks like a wave crashing like which has absolutely no relevance to anything I’ve been building but it does look like a wave and for that reason we’re gonna keep it what do you think like a little like a

Little staircase here I actually think that’s kind of cool it’s like a staircase you could like drop off it just adds to the flow value here folks we’re going for that Peak Flow State doesn’t it feel like quartz would look kind of good in here we’re going to buy

Quartz a block of it that was a house 1500 bucks down the drain but it don’t matter we got 9.5 mil although to trade up to the richest they currently have 2.5 bills so we do definitely have to get Innovative here what we’re gonna do

Is make 60 oh well that’s a little bit more than to make and I got this idea to make them floating is this gonna be a little bit tricky but if I can do this and then break it we’ve got a floating quartz slab on top of that it almost

Looks like a magnet that looks like a floating map that’s incorrect what wait a minute why are these not Spruce dark oak thought we were using Spruce the whole time well I mean it still looks good okay so put that in and give it the old floaty treatment that’s what they

Call it we got 13 items that I want to sell today from Green that I said yo those are cool and I only have three of these so I’m gonna have to up the stakes a little bit one oh oh my Lantern when you do it and it stays even you can’t

Make it up folks all right it’s got It’s just it looks good doesn’t it this is literally like a future futuristic shop come on tell me you wouldn’t walk into a shop and they got floating tables and they couldn’t Mark things up just because it’s floating like of course they could

So we’ve only got nine here so maybe in this back corner we’ll do a uh maybe like a little quadruple whammy although I guess they’re on the wall so they’re not really floating but that’s okay well that’s 13. I just spit your boy calculated that mentally perfectly so

Tell me this does not look fancy it is a literal crashing wave store with a staircase with a sidewalk as a roof now we’re gonna pop down a beautiful dark oak sign and we’re going to say lovers green Emporium I have no idea how to spell Emporium Nora do I know what it

Means that’s a little bit of a uh underwhelming sign for such a glorious build so I just went to Gucci’s website look at this the first thing you see is the word Overture that’s a fancy word oh yeah all right so now we’ve got this build we’ve got the Gucci word right

There I’m still have no idea what that means I don’t even know if that’s English or I don’t even know if it’s a human word like it’s just random letters that look fancy let me show you guys what this is this is a brand new thing

On the server I got it for half a million it actually is worth about 15 million and this is what it does you can go down to your chests like this one and normally you’d have to go through and sell all these by hand but with this you

Double click and it shells everything in the chest for you that can be sold automatically so all the gunpowder if I’m like yo I don’t really want to convert this to Rockets double click it and make three thousand dollars this one double click it six thousand dollars it would have taken

Me like five minutes to that by hand now I made like fifteen thousand dollars like that okay so what I’d like to do is present what we’re selling by using item frames like this again we’re kind of modeling this off of Gucci in the ocean put those two together you get this it’s

Called set it with an Italian accent with me okay well that didn’t come out right you will not believe how long it took to go through everyone agreeance videos and pick out random builds to sell and then add prices to it these are all the builds we’re doing we’ve got sea bearing

Vessels these literal backyard that he lives in in real life bamboo dividers to feline castles to luxury steps now that we’ve got this set up we need to get my brothers in here to see if they’ll come along and buy these items now these are

The prices I set this is what I thought they were worth but really we’re gonna see what they think they’re worth I don’t know what a green bill’s worth so they’re gonna pay me for it and then at the end if they think it’s worth more or

Less they will then pay that price Isaac welcome to my brand new shop in lover Industries Why don’t you read that sign before you walk in this is the name of it I can hardly read that Overture it’s the first word in the Gucci website so I knew it was expensive welcome dude

These are green the YouTuber’s most popular builds and I’m offering you my build service to learn how they’re made use the build hack and put it wherever you’d like so here’s what you need to do my friend Zach this is really awkward I’m just gonna stop you take this wood

And go place it in the ones that you would like to purchase so go ahead and pick the few that you would like to buy hit me with a quick balance check real quick for me how do you have 773 well we invested in some dolphins and other

Things lately and we are really hurting for money you could pay me in other ways including items how much is bamboo worth to you you have to have more than bamboo give me a minute I gotta go look what I have to trade a few moments later I am

Coming in with your payment if you would accept it oh he’s bringing in the skeleton horse now we’re going for more of a barter system here than I had in mind oh and the music disc let me give her a little test run here oh yeah I’ll

Give you 250k credits all right go pick 250k worth of items in the store right now hold on I need to pick out what I want because I have three daily Keys also to offer if you’d want that you can throw those in for an extra uh 20K each

What are the luxury steps I’m really buying these things out I’m sure three steps I’ll put you down for one okay yeah so here’s what we’re gonna do we’re gonna Mark you down for luxury step why don’t you place that item in there that showcases the one I gave you that said bye

I can’t see it oh there it is there we go all right Isaac buys the luxury steps for 75k that sounds like it’d be annoying to build I’m gonna put one there hidden garden Babylon very interesting you got 25k left just enough to get bar chairs I’ll

Give you three dailies for the bamboo divider and the TV go ahead Mark it up all right guys so Isaac is throwing me three daily Keys as well a little bit of a bartering system here that I’m actually quite happy with I feel like that was a good trade he’s getting some

Good stuff too I’ll open him up let me see what I missed out on this could be the vanilla all right I’ll do it let’s see what Isaac just gave me he gave me three of these keys these how much are they actually gonna give me I’ve never

Gotten a vanilla Key by the way and now that he said that I’m actually so excited all right here goes number one okay that’s fine all right 2500 so I basically lost 18 000 not happy about that let’s try it again come on baby come on Mending let’s go but now that I purchased these am I telling you where to put these things well now that you’re purchased them you do have the ability to tell me where to put them here’s what I’m thinking Zach I bought the luxury steps correct yes those would have to go

From the bottom to the top so I would like those to go from the bottom to the top of the fun slide okay wow that’s a lot of steps but okay we’ll do it have you met bubbles the creeper by the way no I stole him from your creeper farm so

That’s bubbles but I would like a TV somewhere in the pool area you can decide where you would like the TV pool TV got it and then what else Hanging Gardens of Babylon yeah you did order that where does that go how big is that I know where I’ll put it I’ll surprise

You with the costume well there we go we’re gonna start with the bamboo divider you can stack bamboo on a potted plant now this looks really weird and I thought this could be worked as a room divider all right so that seems like the build right there folks it’s a pretty

Darn easy one which is why we’re starting with it before the Hanging Gardens of Babylon I’m about to go back to my bamboo forest at the very beginning of the season I planted like literally like day two because I thought I’d make money from it it’s actually not

Worth a lot but it costs a lot to buy I think maybe I could integrate it into his little flower garden here ten thousand dollars for a stack of pots so it’s actually a little bit more expensive than I thought to do this and now we want to clean it up by making

This wall so maybe what we could do is actually integrate it into Isaac’s little pool build here like I feel like if you have this bamboo flower field here it really makes a lot of sense to be able to walk through it so I hope he appreciates what we’re gonna do for him

Here he might hate it I have no idea like when you change someone’s build it’s risky business so I think something like that open this up a little bit just like this couple of staircases here would look pretty clean we’ll try it like this for now that particular location could be seen

As a Miss depending on how you look at it so I’m gonna give him a second one for free because I just feel like he might hate that okay that actually it’s still bad it really it kind of seems like these are not belonging outside or inside or

Anywhere if I had to Mark the price of that I’d probably put that down to about maybe 15K now let’s go ahead and make our next one up on the list we’re gonna do the uh oh let’s do the TV you can see candies there’s not many blocks like

This where you can see through it so we got a glass pane a photo and then a scaffolding you can see how it outlines here and behind I’ve got a bunch of scaffolding making it so it’s a square I think it’s gonna be so mad green you

Kind of let me down here buddy these are not build hacks that we are they were hoping to make with this okay not a lot of opportunity for where we would place it I guess maybe right here like in the wall I think this will work we’ve got

Like a little bit of a mountain here okay so I got the items we’re gonna use now mine’s gonna look a little different than greens because I just feel like it maybe it’ll be a little bit more fun to give it a little bit of spice that’s the window you look through

This is where the actual TV unit sets which means you want to have black all around it and since Star Wars day just passed I thought instead of a painting we’ll buy a baby Yoda head and put it in there then all we need to do is

Integrate it into the wall and so what I think we could do is continue that black look all the way around like this I am going to free of charge add some quartz on the top and a jukebox at the bottom and then a trap door here we’re sprucing

It up green how about that instead of bookshelves those are those movie holders back when we actually had movies instead of Netflix you put trap doors on it and then you can open up and grab a movie and put it in and then it plays this actually came out pretty fast is it

Worth 50k I certainly do not believe so total ripoff maybe a little more that is uh yeah that’s not bad now for the luxury stairs he called them armor stand stairs I call them luxury stairs so maybe it was a misnomer on my part stands as a very unique decoration tip

By using Pistons to push certain blocks in a certain God that’s gonna take so long dude this is gonna take like 20 years to make okay here we go staircase definitely gonna be a double wide this thing is so high I mean sure skeleton horse could sell for 5 million probably

The deal of the century but boy is this gonna be a tedious one so you’ve got a little area to walk on I’m gonna expand it a little bit I get then I’m just building him a staircase to make it clean and luxurious but I feel like it’s a little dangerous would

You be sad if you walked up here and fell off the edge because I sure would be now when you walk up you’ve got like a staircase this is not even part of the build now to actually build the old uh Grand machine there uh you need to smash

Down armor stands so how do you get armor stands how many people have never made an armor stand in their entire life and didn’t know that was a recipe I’m one of those people I swear I saw so many sticks in here earlier there it is

Now we can make like infinite numbers of these we need to get them pushed down into this at various levels so I think the best way to do it is to push them down into maybe a smooth Stone design perhaps that’s like how it’s gonna look I gotta

Actually play Smooth Stone up the entire side of this thing I believe We’re gonna try our first little fancy Rail and I want to do one between every single color if Red’s there then I think it should extend off here wow I oh my goodness okay so that should supposedly slam dunk the oh I definitely didn’t play sorry I was like I hope I

Didn’t do all this for it to just not work so that slam dunks it and then apparently putting a slab down will actually push the block as well this is very strange would you look at that it uh actually worked that’s actually kind of sweet so

Let’s go ahead and do this now on every single tier all right so we did it all the way up the bridge I also cleaned up down here a little bit to give a little bit more of a path so now it has kind of a design on

The side that extends like that it doesn’t look bad I think just the weirdest part is how this thing just like literally stands in the air it doesn’t really structurally make a lot of sense but our job was to build a staircase not structurally supported so

I think that came out pretty darn well now guys we are faced with the Hanging Gardens of Babylon you can make a hanging flower pot by using a grass block putting a flower on top and surrounding it in wooden trapdoors with a fence gate over the top that’s it

Grant I really tried to sell this like it was a million dollar idea and it’s just a floating piece of dirt with a flower you boys really got so much with the flower Vibe going on and this underneath here is so empty like I feel like to me this is like opportune

Location to do it maybe just like a little bit of a pond here so oh wow that’s deep and then maybe I’ll just fill that up with like a little bit of dirt and sand I guess I want to get our first Hanging Garden built

I think it’d be a little bit special if we took one of the flowers that’s already over here with that on top of the old flower pot here I’m using the chocolate design I feel like fell right down in there didn’t I I’m out of sand

Too so that’s gonna look weird now as far as that chain I don’t understand how that’s actually holding the flower I mean it really doesn’t make a lot of sense there but it doesn’t look too bad it might look kind of cool too if there

Was like one in the ground next to it like maybe like one like right here and we could do a little bit of something similar a little bit like this boom boom nope that how did that even happen and then again we’ll just snag a little flower from over here I don’t think

Isaac will notice put a little one right there and you can see it’s definitely got the grind flower vibe to it so I’m trying to make the crafting table even look like a flower pot so check this out I got this idea you put that around it

And then the crafting table looks a little bit better and then I hung a bunch of these all the way up I think the simplest thing we can do is make a couple benches I think it’ll look good put a couple of seats right around our little beautiful water place here I feel

Like it’s looking pretty good just a little fine details really bring this place together the idea here is now I’m going to put flowers down that kind of correspond to the color above it so like this as you can see will be a little bit of red and then it transitions right

Here to around the orange color it goes to Yellow at this juncture now I don’t really have green so I’m gonna skip it for now we’re gonna go down to the blue color which is right around here a little bit of pink and then a little bit

Of purple I think it came together pretty darn well so let’s get Isaac in here and see what he thinks of the updates I think we’ve marked them all off we’re going to start with the basic one I know you can already see it so close your eyes follow me how do I

Follow you while I’m closing my eyes oh no you walk straight I’ve added the bamboo wall here take a look at that it is a Japanese exotic divider I really actually like this a lot how’d you go through it you just walk right through it and the

Greatest thing about it is we can get through but mobs can’t like literally mops nothing not even zombies can walk through it’s impossible I would almost want to redo my whole wall on that I kind of like now right in the center is the brand new TV featuring The

Mandalorian right here in the center Isaac take a look at that oh does it have music but also storage for your DVDs that’s pretty nice tell me about this why are there flowers hanging from my thing there’s a Hanging Gardens of Babylon oh that’s it dude that how much

Was that costing yeah yeah that’s what it was so how much did I pay for that well it was a four flowers do you know how long it took me to climb up there and place those yeah it took a long time and the entire ground I also made this

For you I threw in bonus because I realized it was very underwhelming for what it was so I made you a whole underground Zone here to chill now look at this staircase you’ve never seen a staircase like this in your life I’ll be honest this kind of makes up for the

Hanging Garden because this would have taken forever now guys the purpose of today’s video was to see how much korean’s house hacks were worth so these are the prices that I put on here as you can see down here I want you to break

The sign or place a sign next to it with what price you actually would have paid if you knew what they look like so guys here are the final prices of what Green’s build hacks are worth the bamboo is worth 50 000 the TV worth 10 the

Steps he loved 250 I can agree with that I might even go higher 5K for the Hanging Gardens of Babylon we’re gonna take this abandoned base and transform it into an ultimate money making machine so this looks like an abandoned Golf Course somebody oh they put a mystery

Chest down back when I made my very first Golf Course video everybody was making them and it’s it’s not a great golf course I can see why he abandoned it but I saw this and I knew there was potential so the first thing we need to

Do is clean up as much as we can any offers he was trying to sell the base before he left this is so sad it’s like the ancient ruins of someone’s home the good news is we can’t lose money oh we can’t we could spend money on stuff

And lose money I was about to say since we didn’t buy this we just found it we’ll be good but you never know it seems like there’s some secret signs over here it seems like this might have had a first course go over the water what does this all say please don’t

Break the rule that didn’t work hey you slide on along to my mini golf Island only 200 per play oh look at that it’s adorable too bad it doesn’t need to be here anymore now that everything’s cleaned up the first thing we need to do

Is make it stand out and so I have this really crazy idea take a look we’re gonna go to our shop here buy some items put a little upfront investment in so I’m gonna buy four stacks of glass I mean that was honestly like a hefty

Amount of money but we we actually are making some cash right now we’re gonna surround this with a dome of glass We’re already about two stacks of glass in and I haven’t even made my first ring around this island but it should look like a dome when I’m finished here at least that’s the idea in my head oh man this is way bigger than I thought it was

We’ve got the uh original Dome here kind of planned out just around the edges it’s gonna be an organic shape but I want to set it up in a way so that people can see inside my thought is they’re gonna be more likely to want to

Be in when they see how crazy and exciting it is in here that’s it I’ve used all my glasses four Stacks okay it’s only it’s only a thousand bucks a Stacks so we’ll spend like ten thousand dollars on some more glasses Oh God it’s my wrist I actually need a break oh I’ve placed like probably 500 pieces of glass down so far this Dome is going to prevent people from walking inside and then what we’re gonna try to do is create a redstone activated door that actually can charge real money to

Get in I’m excited to see if it works if I get that far my wrist may not make it ah I guess that’s okay push through the pain Zachary push through the pain oh my gosh the actual pain in my hand right now is really high

I had to make a dome we did it okay that absolutely destroyed my wrist so now the entire base is covered in a glass Dome so it doesn’t look too bad actually it kind of came out kind of nice but because this is already built here and

I’m trying to keep some of the island originality I think we might just keep this make this the old entrance As I destroy the entire thing all right so we’re gonna replace all that dirt come on guys no one wants to come into a dirt entrance replace it with some really fancy looking wood just like that oh I didn’t mean to place that it’s not

The biggest zone so I feel like it could use like just a little bit more on the outside here so they have just a smidge more space to stand when they’re waiting as always Papa crafty on the inside so our paying customers can use it no one

Outside will get this and what we’ll do is we’ll create a couple of stairs and we’ll use these stairs I think on the edge here so that way it just kind of like seamlessly flows into the water a little better see that that’s clean that’s real clean right there so in

Order to charge people to come in we need to build a fairly complicated Redstone circuit in the beginning this is something that I don’t even know if it’s possible wish me luck on what we’re about to do today so first we want to get our piston door set up here so uh

We’re gonna place it right here we’ll go ahead and put these two blocks down to block off the entrance and then all the way up we’re gonna do glass so that way no one can fly in and get an easy access point then we’ll put down the two not

Like that not like that what the heck how did I play I can’t even tell there’s no glass here those will extend so these should automatically be powered now okay I got that I got that I’m trying to think I’m trying to think oh my gosh

This is so hard oh man yo I feel like mumbo jumbo right now folks call me Mumbo that’s our chest shop that’s gonna have a stick in it so behind this would be the inverter so I’m gonna make a quick simple Redstone inverter just so I

Can power this thing on how I’m gonna hide all of this is another question I couldn’t answer that insane amount of redstone that’s gonna be right out front of the gate here but uh you know maybe we’ll figure out a way to hide it better that’s good guys this might not be too

Bad I think okay okay so here’s the idea I think a redstone comparator gives a signal based on how much is in a chest so if I put this in that’s gonna power it right there a little bit more Powers it more so we want to get this signal

Extended to the point where it is literally one block away from powering these doors from opening so if I put in 64 this should open it or close maybe one more there it is this is how many items it takes to get the comparator signal all

The way to power this up so if I were to take this item and put it in now that opens up right you guys see where I’m going with this I don’t fully know yet either but we are making some measurable progress coming over my head you need to

Make the money Zach grind for it so now we would want Hoppers to lead right into this chest so this is what we’re at right now and what we’re doing is now rerouting our Redstone wire this should come up right into here and I’m hoping that’s going to give a signal off I

Might have to wrap it around the side though that’s good that’s good that’s good it’s the progress all right we made some progress so just one item should trigger this so now when you open up this chest and buy an item if I take this dirt out that launches a dirt which gets

Collected and fills back up so that’s your entrance key so we’re going to be able to charge them to buy this piece of dirt and the idea is once they buy the dirt that’ll also trigger these doors to open temporarily so you can run through and be inside that should be how it

Works so now that portion is working with a portion that’s not yet working is this right here which is how you actually are going to get inside we need a double Redstone inverter the test we’ve been waiting for three two one go oh it works it actually works we have

Done it folks I can’t believe we did it so the double Redstone inverter Redstone compared to Hopper loader that’s what I’m gonna call this thing to sound fancy now we just gotta take these and name them keyboard I feel like I need an anvil where’s where’s a man’s Anvil when

You need to Anvil you’d think I’d have an animal I gotta make Anvil you never have enough anvils guys that’s why I build five at a time put them down and then you’ll never have to worry about it again until you do That’s probably not the most aesthetic thing I’ve ever seen we’ll put another one in the corner but hey five animals is good now we can raise all of these and call them key also we made 500 000 since we’ve been online by the way that

Casino is making it rain so now what we can do is create a shop here and now we get to set the price to enter this Arena 25 000 now if later Clicks in the shop they buy the key this opens up the door and they’ll be able to walk through it’s

Not a perfect solution to hide all the Redstone but I mean at least when you look in now you only see like a little small smidgen right there so it’s not too bad now let’s make these a little bit fancier like come on if we’re here making some kind of exclusive Club you

Have to pay to get into it needs to have an exclusive door so what if I use like two emeralds or something I don’t know if this is a good deal or not but I just bought a lot of diamond blocks I don’t know if that was a good purchase to be

Honest I was like 200 000 or something but if these still move yes and rods kind of look like torches right so maybe if we put a giant sign that says buy entrance key to access you’re pointing to it they’ll know how to get here and that might help then we

Can put another one above it to just explain and say buy a key to open the piston door and walk through fast so it’s like worded well so that people understand how to get inside of it so we’ll say please no loitering welcome to lovertopia players will be able to park

Their boats here and then kind of just walk on through and be like oh let me just buy a key get into the club here’s like a fancy Cigar Lounge now that we’ve got this bubble made we’ve got the insane Redstone door which means now we’ll be able to profit while players

Well I’m offline um which is kind of the goal here because the more people that buy our stuff the more spread out we are the bigger lover industry is gross we gotta make this actually look good now we’ve got like you know to figure out why people would ever want to come in

Here oh a nice clean clean color palette to work with see this guy out here abandoned in his Island didn’t realize the potential it had did he we’ll be able to kind of expand on this and have this secondary location for people to go but there has

To be a reason for them to want to come here so I’m going to plan that right now okay land has been leveled everything on the island has now been cleared this looks a thousand times better than it did before I’m not gonna lie I feel like this looks pretty incredible at the

Moment all right so now here’s what we’re going to turn this into this is a never before seen Minecraft minigame at least I think it is I’ve never seen anything like this before the current area that I’m in has PVP enabled right that’s a toggle we can turn on wouldn’t

It be cool if this was set up like a Coliseum and when someone pays to come in through the door that also sets off a ragstone signal that will drop an item from the ceiling and then everyone that’s already in here will fight to the death over it meaning every time someone

Comes in there’s a new item that drops but only one person gets it I feel like players could definitely abuse this system oh it’s a little bit risky but if it costs 25 000 to get in every time you trigger this it’s 25 000 then theoretically as long as my prize is

Under 25 000 then I would always make some sort of a profit so so the dropper will go right here no no no no no no no no what I need you to face down young man what finally okay so that face is straight down then all we would have to

Do is go back to our base get a little bit of redstone circuitry and hook it up and we literally have single-handedly invented what I believe to be a really cool Coliseum minigame I just am worried about it being taken advantage of I don’t 100 know if it’ll work so now a

Simple Redstone wire all the way down to here dang this is kind of cool I hope it works so what we’ll do is we’ll pop in like some diamond blocks and then I’ll go open this and see if it works and to test it if a diamond block is there that

Means to spit out the items so let’s go ahead I don’t think it will but let’s see I did I did I stopped dropping oh my gosh I feel like we’re really doing something here and then I can fill this up with prizes and and straight up a

Diamond block is worth what like it’s nine diamonds fifteen hundred ooh so thirteen thousand that’s actually a great deal a diamond blocks 13 000. it costs 25 000 to get into the arena and if you were to win a couple fights like say you won like you know two fights you

Would actually make a profit I think boy I sure got my mouse right on this one I mean I don’t know if it is nobody can like put in some other items in order to like give them some chances to win some really big prizes even hook up Hoppers

To it put a double chest on top of it and then inside that double chest put a bunch of prizes link that up to the hopper and then inside the double chest will start floating in some items so like for example Redstone Dust will be

One of the prizes and go to the auction house and start buying items like a cave spider spawner that’d be a sick prize I am spending a lot of money right now guys um I got these to throw in there as well for some prizes so we’ll pop in our

Cave spider spawner lucky gems these are bridges for enchanting I’ll tell you what this is a darn good deal right here what we have loaded up um let’s just do something like really crap items let’s just go back to my chest room see what

We can clear out this is how you get rid of the junk folks right here this is how it’s done okay I feel like this should last for a really long time so I’m gonna put in light gray concrete as like a backup so as these disappear concrete

Floods in but right now I mean there’s there’s a lot of money in here now what I want to do is just add a little bit of like you know stuff on the inside for people so we’re gonna put some like structures around here to block it off

With some little designs here you know make it like a paintball course type thing give you a little sneaky window there okay so that’s like one corner we’ll do another thing over here that’s really similar to it I feel like a Call of Duty map designer right now

Okay so the only obviously there are a couple of concerns here one of them being um first off I could get scammed I don’t know if this idea is gonna work and then second off players might be able to Camp the door and just kill you the second

You come in I don’t really know the best way to prevent that from happening the only final thing I think we should do is maybe go to the shop and buy a little bit more wood so we can make like a little ring around the outside and with

That ring players who buy and maybe don’t want to play just yet could watch I mean we made it out of glass for a reason [Applause] Okay I’m almost done actually there’s one more thing I want to do and I just realized I actually didn’t put any lights on the inside so I feel like we should and I also thought of a brand new name for this we’re going to call this the battle dome all right the battle

Dome I feel like that’s a pretty good name you know what I’m saying welcome to the battle dome I mean the thing is with that door we could add like literal VIP viewing platforms and stuff it’s pretty wild so right here seems like a good location just like the uh the premium

Seats up here so I’m just making one for myself so I can watch it and see if it works there we go that’s it nice little private box I think we’re just gonna try to use our own name as it because because once people realize that it’s me

In the video they’re gonna end up coming here anyway so let’s go ahead and just tell people what the coordinates are and see if anyone comes all right so we got a couple players here um which is good problem is they’re just watching me in this glass box it’s it’s not exactly

Ideal they’re killing each other definitely not what we wanted so what I’m gonna do is see if I can get people to walk in by coming into the arena myself and then maybe they’ll be able to open up the door and buy it to get in and have that thing trigger and fall

We’re just trying to test it now to see like looks like they didn’t just pay to open it someone did just pay for the key Unfortunately they didn’t walk through yet there we go go there we go he’s got it open now the item Falls now I guess I

Didn’t explain that see we’re learning over time the item is fall now it’s falling again there’s a lot of items in the center hopefully they start realizing what’s happening your boys could be winning there we go that’s four four people that have paid to see the

Good thing is they don’t get to the door they gotta re-buy them they’re just chilling they’re not even fighting each other yet it’s good got a couple people in here what I’m gonna do is go back outside now that these people are in the battle arena and I’m gonna get another

Sign placed down because I think people don’t realize that every time that happens an item Falls so we need to put more information down welcome pay by using the chest inside PVP is on inside the Dome free items every time someone pays to enter all right guys so we’re moving into

Spectator mode now a couple players are now starting to show up so here is our dispenser um you can see it has not dropped any of the grand champion items yet there’s some boots right there that have fallen through that guy got some boots they’re tossing the items around I

Want to get a couple more people to start coming in I think the biggest problem right now is people are just killing each other on the outside we need to make that a little bit more secure so they can’t do that because even The Spectator Zone you could die in

All right so looking up here from our window guys it seems like this is now working fairly well people understand that when they buy things they’re going to trigger the alarm we’re gonna make some money and so we’re currently at 15.7 million dollars every time someone buys that we’re getting 25k problem is

You can PVP across this line which is right where our freaking chest thing to enter is so that’s kind of unfortunate I think with a little bit of refining this thing might be pretty amazing this thing could be popping in money 24 7. today we’re gonna try all of your methods to

See which one makes us the most money I got blood rage too so since I don’t need that I just go back to slash infuser and I do this and I incinerate it okay this one is really Advanced we’ve never even into this territory but basically what

This player is recommending is to get a special custom enchantment that allows you to get custom runes when you mine ore this could get very expensive guys 5.5 million dollars that’s an expensive okay well we’ve got one five and a half million not that we couldn’t buy it but

Dang son wow okay okay I’m gonna do it I feel very uncomfortable I just bought that from the player for five and a half million dollars wow do you see the speed holy crap this might be worth five and a half million look at this this is with

Super breaker you literally cannot eat I’m Sprint oh okay I am sprinting and I actually cannot keep up with how quick I’m breaking we got a diamond oh we found diamonds I don’t even notice 48 diamonds this thing gave me 48 diamonds this thing has efficiency freaking eight

Holy crap no oh I got one I got a custom enchantment this is kind of sweet I’ve never done this before okay okay so if I do slash infuser this takes us to the custom menu where all the custom things are that are in the runes I’m actually

Learning I’ve never done this before in my life this is wow I can convert this into experience which I just did and you can see right there that went up by a thousand I need to get a couple runes to convert into experience so I can identify them and then I can start

Selling them oh yeah there it is there it is give me some runes give me some Roots there it is that’s what you like that is an inventory right there I will never have to buy coal or anything again after today and if you didn’t know I’m

Actually racing my brothers as well to see who can make the most money at the end of the season so we’re all in a competition together with all the players and so I think watching these videos might give me such an edge there could literally have no idea how I even

Did this we got another Rune we’re gonna go to the infuser again this is the custom Rune page and I’m gonna see if I can identify it so here we go runes been identified so we got decapitation one and this is really interesting so every single Rune has a success rate a failure

Rate and a critical failure rate success means it’s going to apply so if I put this on a sword or an ax I would get this enchantment failure means it doesn’t work critical failure means it actually breaks your weapon all right we’re gonna need a couple more runes I

Feel like I finally know how to make money from this I took a little bit to get used to it you got to put a little bit of investment in and you need you need a lot of investment is this actually worth it I don’t know uh second

Inventory done folks this is what we’re at right now just unbelievable to be honest all of that for literally one more of these let’s get it revealed I don’t know if it’s gonna be good oh we got two we got two so we’ll review this one we’ll

Review this one and now we have gotten squishy which makes you take less damage I don’t know it just it’s not that good this one says has a chance of decreasing the food of players you attack by half a heart pretty good success rate this is

How you actually make money once you get all the Investments done you go to the auction house and you see where this stuff is selling for I haven’t gotten one of these yet but if I were to get a very rare this would sell for like 300

000 some for a hundred thousand if I got an extremely rare they’re in the hundred thousand range somewhere up to five million so I think this one’s worth it it seems like it is it’s just that I am not getting any great finds right now this is making money flipping so you go

To the auction house which I’ll show you guys right now this seems like a really viable strategy but again I don’t know how good it is compared to the others we’re gonna walk over to our little just adorable little area over here look at this look at that I made this and I’ve

Never used it let’s take a seat right here go to the auction house and you want to look for items you can buy that’s 20 million dollars I could not afford that items you can buy in them sell for a higher price so you kind of

Want to see things that are listed newly and like gobble them up immediately like someone bought those arrows that was a great deal 150 bucks for some arrows that was pretty decent 64 a month not a great 64 note no two lucky jumps 81k pretty bad you’re not worth enough to 64

For a million bad deal basically this whole page is now refreshed I haven’t seen a single good deal or at least not a good deal that’s like really worth our time to invest they’re like small profits you could definitely make some money so what we could do is then go

Into what I call the bundles okay people sell bundles for a lot less money and one of the best items to bundle if you filter it are mob spawners so we might be able to find a big stack where they reduce the price if you buy more of them

A lot of players will do that these both may be deals this these are being sold in bulk by a player five hundred thousand dollars for seven sheep spawners right well sheep spawners are going for about a hundred thousand each maybe 89 000 each which means these should sell for about seven hundred

Thousand dollars so if I buy all seven of these go to my page and collect it and I also bought a room here just because I thought why not now I should be able to sell these individually one at a time and make a profit just under the market price eighty seven thousand

Dollars so that’s two thousand cheaper than the next cheapest and then we’re gonna sell one for a hundred thousand because that makes it look like the rest are a good deal they’ll be like yo 87K I’ll buy it they see this 100K oh my gosh it’s such a good deal if that works

We would make about 200 000 profit on this one come back later and see if we made that money back now this next player says one of the best ways to make money is by collecting Soul Sand you don’t want to sell Soul soil it doesn’t

Sell for nearly as much as Soul Sand does I know it sells for a good amount of money but is it better than what we oh my shovel’s about to die now make sure we don’t die and I need to go find some soul Sands this is where things get

Intense and we’ll see if this is worth it is this Soul Sand or Soul soil is this Soul Sand if it is we just found the motherload Soul Sand okay well let’s Harvest it and see how much this makes us now this one is definitely not as fun I’ll tell you

That I mean I like the opportunity of maybe finding a special Enchanted roon but here it’s just like you’re in a dark and gloomy Nether and you just break things and to me it’s a little bit depressing this one is not feeling like it’s going to be a good profit maker I

Think I think at one point it was what you’ve got 50 or we got 10 million dollars like I do now it doesn’t seem like it’s that good we’ve been doing it for maybe like three minutes we’ll go a little bit longer and see now all you do

Is type slash sell and then you can attempt to sell these items to the shop each one is worth about 384 dollars a stack which overall I think we made like two thousand dollars for that now this is one I’ve never heard of before they call it food trading having access to a

Place like this is a huge benefit and you can really start to start making some money on the server so basically they’re using a bunch of food and then using those villagers to make money now I already believe I think that I have one butcher villager let’s go check my

Villager Zone over here butcher okay okay okay so this one is doing raw mutton and raw beef Robbie frobby do I have any cow spawners I have pig spawners cooked chicken I mean there’s a lot of food in here if I check it out and see like this is what players have

Collected over days and days I mean these chests are absolutely full by the way we’re only keeping the items that mobs drop anything else I’m giving away so I’m not going to keep these three items it’s just not fair for me to do for the series I don’t think this

Contains any of the food we need which really kind of sucks maybe we need another butcher I mean that’s what they did they had like multiple butchers so maybe we’ll get another butcher we will put a smoker right here I guess I I don’t know I really don’t know what the

Best way I mean I can put it on the outside right as long as they can’t escape through that window and as long as skeletons don’t shoot them that should be good now I guess what we’ll do is buy a spawn egg for one of these let’s put them down

Oh there we go hey what’s up friend what you got for us oh look at that raw chicken okay well unfortunately I put all the chicken away so get my chest room real quick we got what we need let’s get all the raw chicken out okay that is 35 emeralds from raw chicken

That’s pretty insane then I think what we could do is trade the emerald that’s probably not a good idea we’re trying to make money here we almost got a full stack of emeralds now we’re gonna see what that was worth real quick see if this is really a great concept and we

Can go to miscellaneous here on the shop and see what does this make us 15 000 ooh fifteen oh that’s actually I mean we did basically nothing to get it like that’s fifteen thousand dollars there and what have we done for it literally nothing we can find another guy that we

Have here that maybe gives us something decent for the emeralds not you I don’t know if that was a good purchase to buy a bell I think these are actually worth a lot of money we’re basically flipping items but I’m pretty sure villagers like a good Bell I think they

Like it I’m gonna ding it wake up losers just kidding go to bed it’s your bedtime so I just expanded The Village room a little bit just because it seems like a viable strategy it wasn’t the best overall rating though I think this is one of the better ones if

You can get some villagers and do that 100 daily keys and see what we get so basically every single eight hours on This Server you get a daily key and people sell these for twenty thousand dollars well this guy’s Strat was spending three million dollars to see if

He made the money back I’ve used a lot of these before and I actually buy buy them from players all the time in my shop that’s set up here it looks like no one’s actually sold us keys so we got to buy them for the market price which

Really sucks so this is going to end up being really expensive 1.6 million that’s what I’m gonna have to spend on this for a stack I feel sick doing that because I really don’t think we’re gonna ever make that back let’s go open up 64

Of these and see if we make any profit 2000 this up to six ladies and gentlemen this might have actually been worth it what are these worth wow so this is worth 800 to about 1.1 million dollars I’d say about 900k so half our money’s back so we’re

Actually not doing too bad now 60 more of these to open oh chicken spotter let’s go that’s like uh about 100K or something like that Pay a lot to get in but we can keep restocking it so I got all these items we’ll restock it while we’re at it spawner let’s go back to back he fire spawners ticket spawner again only two more left we’re gonna see what the final tally is

Guys it was about oh I think a 1.8 or 1.6 I think it was 1.8 I’m pretty sure if I’m wrong we’ll put it on screen so that is the final haul now we got a massive amount of gear and stuff I can take this a step further this now unlock

The vanilla crate because we got the vanilla key I could make more money or I could get something like this and lose money I’m a person that likes to take a risk so we’re gonna take a risk here and this really will determine right now how

Much money we lost we could go from like a huge profit to like a two million dollar loss here we go Oh my gosh we did it oh let me explain to you what just happened guys there’s a one percent chance in here that we get unlock the vanilla and there is a one percent chance in here that we unlock the strawberry it is like .0001 we now

Have a two million dollar key which we could sell for a guaranteed profit or I could open it up maybe unlock something even better I gotta open this guys and I can’t believe how lucky we are today I’ve never ever had luck like this we could make so much money here let’s do

It I poked my eyeball that’s not what I wanted though I really did poke my eye it could have been worse let’s see what the oh yeah everyone says F in chat because it’s not really the greatest I mean I would say it’s not bad this is an item that’s not

Bad it’s got a shock wave it’s got out it’s an upgrade to this it’s worth maybe 800 000 at the end of the day though had I sold it or got really lucky I could have literally made more money than you can even imagine to be honest that

Wasn’t bad we we heavily upgraded items right we’ve got this sick weapon now it looks pretty awesome obviously we got to rename this thing though gotta keep the gotta keep the vibe going right the news Addie the ocean pickaxe I mean I’m gonna have to give that a new name but that

Was part of the ocean Crate by the way we used 42 000 I just can’t believe how crazy it is you guys are incredible we obviously need to upgrade the shovel but two upgrades is not bad again we’ve got three spawners we’re gonna go put these down in our player store where players

Will still be able to kill these and make us a little bit of money the whole floor there’s so many spawners there’s like not even enough ground for these poor creatures now if you step back and look at this like the mo we set this up

So there’s less lag the mobs will spawn on top of each other and so that you’re just gonna watch these numbers increase slowly over time as everyone of the mobs spawn I can basically just come here and just have infinite free food I almost have everything we got cows chicken pigs

And sheep I’ll tell you what I’m pretty darn proud of how this one is coming out today these videos are decent guys these are actually well we’ve actually lost money in today um to be honest we’ve lost a lot of money now one of the best money makers

Is also making casinos this one’s where we make most of the money I want to restock it real quick which is what I do each episode this one still has the beacons which is great wow I’ve actually got to get you Snell on pickaxes look like now that we’ve upgraded to this

Thing it looks so weird that one’s restocked let’s go to our next one this is for ten thousand dollars it’s toss the grand price there’s no stick oh I won I actually won the grand prize ah there we go this one’s completely out so we’ll restock that with about three

Tiers that’s enough for about 150 little games right there cover that up all right all right we’re looking good here guys getting all these restocked a lot of them actually weren’t even out yet which is really cool the biggest problem is they were just out of sticks this one

Needs a new prize this is for fifty thousand dollars so we’re gonna buy some items players would like to win for fifty thousand dollars that’s not bad so I just bought a 200 000 chest plate that’s better than what I even used and that’ll be the grand prize here so

You’ve got a one in nine chance of winning a 200 000 chest plate and it only costs 50k so there’s actually like you buy it four times you could actually win this that’s not a bad deal finally our grand prize right here let’s get this thing Reloaded

All right let’s do this that might be actually too good of a prize but these are actually special ocean shears look at these These are shears that are actually crab claws so they’re like really good shears they have an Unbreaking efficiency you’ll never need shears again and they look sweet we’ll

Make those a grand prize and then I scattered in some mending books as well so like if you’re paying a hundred thousand dollars you’re really probably going to win something pretty good here this is a desert pyramid with 25 netherite blocks on the inside and today I’m gonna attempt to defend it from

Minecraft players you see this is actually a business that I’m building Minecraft players love stealing items and so today I’m gonna let them try for the price of 25 000 each not only will players need extreme skill but a high IQ is also really important to survive

Because I’ll be adding some of the trickiest traps I’ve ever built inside of this pyramid now this is the very center of the pyramid this is what we’re gonna put down the 25 another blocks will go in here which cost us about three million dollars so we better make

Some big fat stacks off of this so when a player comes they’ll be able to actually pick all of these up and walk away like you know three million dollars richer players will be able to pay me 25 000 to walk in through this door when

Inside as long as they can beat the crazy hard obstacle course they could win all the money and prize is on the inside so this has to be foolproof now as far as entrances go we can just make a simple chest shot like we did

Last week and use that to walk in so the entrance will actually be right here and that is going to be pulled by Pistons to allow them to walk into the area now the very first trap we’re gonna do is inspired by one of the well most Dead

Games ever I feel like if it’s a dead game then it’s a good trout to make sure you’re dead you see the connection there this trap is inspired by Fall Guys you know those little pushers and fall guys that go pulling you off of a wall we’re gonna make those

I think as players walk through they’ll be Boingers that come out of the wall and they’ll shove them into the center which is going to be pure lava I feel like that was maybe a little bit expensive for the amount of lava I just

Bought but it was about a lot it was a lot of money to be really honest with you we’re gonna go ahead and make this a little bit deeper the hope is people will sink into it and uh maybe not be able to escape as easy if they sink lower [Applause]

Now while I was building this trap I realized it would be too easy to just walk around and survive so to make this challenge even more difficult I’m going to enable PVP inside this claim so players can kill each other to act as another layer of Defense now this is

Where the first one is going to be located the first piston and what’s gonna happen is this piston will extend out on a little repeating pattern and it will basically push you in the lava and hopefully you’ll die unless you have a potion in which case we’re gonna need

Some better traps we really do want to make this quite difficult so for the first one we’re gonna do a double sticky piston we’re going to hook that up to a single repeater and then bring some Redstone to a inverter that’ll be located back here to fire these all up

So we’ll have one there and then we’ll do another double here at the end and then what we want to do is just simply connect these two to each other so they’re on the same signal so that these two will be together we can actually connect to right here on a lower frequency

Now as I was building this I realized that there was an issue this Server doesn’t it Redstone clocks which means these will not be able to run forever or would lag the game out and I actually placed these in the wrong position so while I’m rebuilding this I’m also going to redo

The idea a little bit so now these things work on a button as you can see they push out extend you and they’re going to knock you into lava the problem is players need a way to activate this themselves and activate it pretty consistently so we don’t have to rely on

The Redstone circuit which won’t work on our server so we’re going to rewire this by using well I don’t know actually we’re going to figure that out when players are coming up to this to enter the arena they can go to this chess shop and by buying a piece of sand that sends

Off the raggestone signal connected to these which means every time someone buys a piece of sand it’s actually going to trigger these and potentially knock you into the Lava Lake below this also is the entrance fee into the entire building so all we need to do is buy two

Sticky pistons place them right here and these stick actually no we’ll place them a little bit further back I did it I did it guys so this chest now connects to the door to give you access into the entire building you’re gonna walk in you’re gonna buy access to get

Inside this store opens you’ll be able to walk in and while that’s opening you’re pushing other players right into the Lava Lake which this is one of the craziest redstone things I’ve ever built now all we got to do is connect this right to the door which is not perfectly

Centered I feel like I missed it by one but that’s okay still gets the job done now you can’t tell me that is not a beautiful entrance to get inside it could look better granted it could look a little bit better I guess we could cover up this Redstone though so they

Can’t get back in here I’m also going to add an access panel door there for me just so I can get back there and label it so all we need to do now after all of that Redstone which by the way took an immense amount of time I want to add

Some bars on the inside uh well that was more than I meant to buy but I want to do this just so that like maybe players will not be as likely to fly if I do this like they could still fly here so I’ll have to get a solution but

Something like this serves two benefits not only is it gonna stop people from just flying this Direction with elytra over it I mean that’s definitely one way to help right go ahead and put the roof down they can’t fly over it there we could put a little bit more chain on

This side or more roof that’s gonna stop him from flying over the entire thing that’s kind of like the big concern here they’ve never done anything like this before I don’t know if it’s gonna work we’re gonna add a couple secret trap doors right these are special because

You can’t walk through them unless you crouch so players will walk they’ll get stuck here and it happens to be right next to a piston so the Piston will obviously push them in let’s put a couple holes down so not only do they have to parkour they’ve got to be able

To make these jumps nice layer of challenge here that I think we were due for see and you’re gonna get stuck that’s gonna kill you that’s gonna I’m gonna die there’s no reason I survived this there it is lovely all right trap number one’s completed now we build trap

Number two now trap number two is more of like the most painful thing on this planet all right it’s gonna be a one-way entrance just to make it a little bit more difficult you can’t go back once you get in so like once you’re here there’s no helping out

Your friends there’s no even seeing what’s going on behind you now round number two is going to be one of the most painful things ever I wish there was Sandstone buttons unfortunately there are not this room will be literally covered in buttons every single part of the wall will be

Covered in buttons and the players will have to figure out the three button combination in order to unlock the next room then again we’re also going to make it so they can die because we make money for their entry fee so we will add some way to kill them while they’re inside of

This button room I cannot believe the amount of this is like my 10th stack of items to make this so what’s gonna happen is only a couple of these will actually open up the access to the next room but many of them will actually activate things that will

Damage you and make it kill you so you have to re-enter Now isn’t that just about the worst thing you’ve ever seen in your entire life look at this there are so many buttons so I’ll give you guys an example you’re going to hit this button first that’s going to kill you

How uh watch foreign guys it has been a long time we’re back and this is what we’ve done back behind every single one of these buttons I added Redstone inverters to go up into a tower now these inverters reverse the signal and allow you to travel up pretty

Easily which means if anyone presses the button that activates this torch or any of the Torches it’s actually going to reverse the signal and as you can see on the very top what we’ve done up here is wired them up to every single dispenser

So if I were to go out and hit the dispenser right here the button every single dispenser shoots arrows down that absolutely decimates you they are loaded full I can’t even explain you how long it took to fill those up but now they’re trapped they can’t get out

And they have to find the right button to open up the door there’s a button to activate the door is going to be this one in the very top left corner so let’s go ahead and just wire that really quickly I ran into the issue where when

The door opens it’s gonna break the button so the door is attached to so it kind of made it obvious where the door was so in order to combat that what I did is I broke some buttons in random locations so now this thing is ready to

Go all I need to do is seal this thing up when you press the wrong button arrows Will Rain from the ceiling there is nine buttons that will kill you one that gets you through to the next room and that one happens to be the top

Corner which opens it up and then you can finally move on into the next room we’ll close that up as well which is where you’re gonna get faced with the third trap so what’s gonna happen is you’re gonna enter into this room here we’re gonna be in a very small tunnel

This tunnel you have to smash yourself navigate through and it’s going to be a very confusing mate so that’s all it’s going to be is a very confusing maze now this is dirty this is going to drop you off in a Zone where you’re gonna have to restart because you can’t get

Back in it’s a one wide hole so I like the idea of making them just drop off in an area like this what’s in here though I have no idea just a big cave good Perfect all right back inside the Biscuit Boys I don’t know what that

Means I took a little break because this was a lot of thinking that I had to do a lot of brain power involved so we’re back and we have the next trap coming in hot now this is a little something juicy I like to call lava parkour you take

Lava you make parkour over it’s pretty cool we’re gonna make it very simple but as you guys know from the recent world record video I did if you watched it which you better have all right you better have it’s not as easy as you would think to make consistent one block

Jumps forever and ever and ever and ever so we’re gonna make them just make these very simple one block jumps after a while though your brain starts to think too hard and you mess up like the pressure gets to you so we’re gonna make them kind of go around like a little bit

Of a ring very simple very easy easy jumps but one mistake is all it takes a little uh possibilities passes all it takes in the center is where the blocks are gonna go and I think we’ll make it like very even repetitive except randomly it’ll stop being repetitive so take a

Look they’ll walk to here and the parkour course starts it’ll just be like every single block one jump but then randomly we’re gonna do two like right here just randomly gonna happen to be two and then it’s gonna turn and go apparently this way because there’s

Already a hole here I don’t know about why but there is this will be a shorter form more advanced difficult course and on the sides we’re gonna make them hop on maybe end rods or something like that their jumps will be all on the iron

Let’s clean that up as well so it looks better so we’ll go to the iron and then again back to the other side on the iron and again it’s not meant to be super difficult it’s meant to be something that they will fail over and over and over again

You know it would be the worst thing ever is if I literally made an entire hallway of jumps like this and they were like always just a little bit more different than the last one like each there’s no pattern like what did you know I shoot a basketball and like

Eventually you kind of get in the Rhythm there’s gonna be no pattern here at all from here after they go down this iron ball hallway I think we’re gonna go into a difficult Zone that requires basically the ability to jump over multiple single block lava jumps like this like with a

Roof above you like you know how difficult this is to do look at this they’re gonna have to be able to go like over and over and over if you’re like just a pretty pretty long time finally we’re gonna add my favorite jump at the

Very end this is called Neo jump one of the most difficult things you can do in Minecraft I believe so you have to basically jump around this right and it’s kind of hard all right so here’s what it looks like right now so oh I’ve already fallen in apparently it’s not as

Easy as you would think but all right so this is what it looks like we can jump all the way across these and it’s really honestly kind of difficult I think the reason is because I have a lighter on and it’s kind of messing me up the

Ceiling really I mean this is this is not as easy as you would think gotta make the big jump here then across every one of these and I’m not great at parkour but I’m doing all okay here then they gotta make it through this then they gotta make it around this I mean

Obviously they could bring food there’s a lot of okay wow a lot of ways they can cheese us to get through they can eat they can heal themselves it’s not like we can limit their health this is an online server so there is a real chance

That we instantly lose all the money we would have to sell 120 entrances into this course to make this thing worth it I feel like it’s possible we could do that but I don’t know coming up next is the classic guys you’re gonna love it it’s called the cactus Maze and uh

There’s no cactuses for sale so that kind of is unfortunate how do I get cactuses hey there they are caucus maze is going to be a little bit of a weird one because I’m not 100 sure the best way to do it cactuses are gonna be annoying but it’s like how difficult

Is it really to get around Cactus you know what I mean like I can do that I can I can definitely give it like a good maze Vibe like make it kind of hard to walk through you know you also can’t cheat this one by flying so to be honest

With you this is not a bad design we’ll take this thing a little bit farther I think because this needs to be the area where we clean people up I mean I really again do not want people to be finishing this course and I don’t know what tricks

And powerful weapons are gonna have in survivals well they might be able to beat it you know what that’s fine the lava can actually the other room why not give a little bit of natural light in here kind of like that like that way you can’t get through it and you still got

To go this way I think we’re on to something here yeah this is good so this is what it looks like the cactus thing looks really good again imagine fighting while doing this we do have one more to add and that’s gonna be the trap chest

Room but frankly I think we have a better solution to do that let’s go ahead and connect this really quickly to the netherite which I have no idea where it is to be honest with you probably not here we are somehow the very edge

Now the fun thing is is I have no idea where I’m going either so I’m basically accidentally creating a maze here which is like another little bonus thing for the old players to face you know what I’m saying okay so that crazy maze I just built

Connects us to the chest that’s full of all the blocks of netherite red here again each one of these is worth a hundred and twenty five thousand dollars so while building this I realized there was an issue the issue was that players would not know where PVP started and

Where it ended so I went around the entire outside and put down a bunch of these claim borders on the side these borders have warnings they say PVP is past this wall so if anyone walks past it they know that they could be killed and possibly not make it inside now this

Is the entrance right here they’ll pay 25 000 of course to walk inside and compete 120 people have to play it for us to win I really feel like people are gonna cheat I don’t know now we gotta see if we can get some players here to

Come compete in this battle now stop giving me free items stop stop these guys just want to give me free things guys I can’t stop it so guys for this just to get the best living experience I’m gonna enter spectator mode to see what the players do to see if they even

Block inside to try it there is a line of people not one of them yet has bought the key there no one no one is buying that key right there I’ll tell you that right now all right couple players have now entered the inside of it and we’re

Gonna see how good they do through this course the bouncers that work pretty well they got a couple kills but not enough players are looking for the way out hoping they hit the lever here to see if these arrows come down uh we’re making some good money but we gotta sell

Hundreds so it doesn’t matter there we go there we go oh player just hit the poison arrows see that’s why I knew this would be so difficult to get through because if everyone spams poison arrows No One’s Gonna Make It Through look at this we’re still definitely in the hole

Though by a lot we haven’t made our money back that’s for sure come on someone buy it right now someone buy it right now there goes a kill the sad thing is they’re all standing in the corner where it is they just haven’t pushed it yet I really picked a good

Spot another new batch of players are in now we’re still not even up to nine mil we spent three mil just on the product we’ve got to get another million dollars here so it’s there’s a lot that we need to sell rook’s a 9.65 almost 9.1 mil

Basically right now no one really has made it through this first section here uh it’s obviously a very effective business players seem to love it uh it’s very challenging because everyone has a chance to win but is this working well it is look at that it knocked like 10 of

Them in the lava right there that’s actually amazing oh look they finally found the button a few of them got through they realized that they Place water I didn’t realize that they could place water that would break the Redstone circuitry which allows him to get through this guy has now made it

Into a new area he’s actually this guy is wearing the weight he’s poisoned though pretty heavily this guy’s actually broken away from the pack right here quite surprised to see it I got kicked again from my own server I feel like a little bit too many people here

Competing guys at this time players have been going for over 30 minutes I still have 900 000 to make and haven’t made my profit back but this design seems to work pretty well this is now available for anyone to come compete on my server and try to beat this this is at the

Following coordinates on screen as players are downstairs in my Minecraft Casino creepers are spawning into the side and those creepers can be killed which generate Revenue while they’re gambling we can also generate revenue for mobs so what if we allowed them to kill more mobs while gambling take a

Look by expanding this roof right here we’re gonna make our Casino look a lot better and with better looks means more wealthy people are gonna come here and it’s gonna have a lot more functionality because as you can see we’ve got this massive literally Max size Beacon you

Can make and in the front of it there’s this really boring white wall you might be thinking exactly what are you gonna do there we’ll take a look at what we’re gonna do the first room will be right here and this is going to be access to

My brand new mob Farms now if you guys remember from previous episode we actually managed to gather a couple of spider spawners which are right here so now that we’ve got the ingredients take a look at this my friends inside of this oh boy forgot how

Strong our pickaxe was oh no that’s the roof crap hold up my super sexy base idea might be might be a little bit less sexy than I thought it’d be okay it’s okay it’s still gonna look good it’s just gonna be less appealing as I thought we gotta break this whole wall

So the idea here is that players will be able to come into my base to gamble and while they’re here snack on a couple of mobs that are inside of these Grinders they’re all going to be lined up on the back wall there’s gonna be a set of

Stairs and these stairs will lead down to individual zones which contain a bunch of mobster players to harvest and grind so if I surround this and kind of outline the shell a player could come down here stand in this particular location and harvest spiders for example

Which is going to be our first one so now all we have to do is make the mob spawn above them and start falling down into this using some fancy water tricks we will put a little hidden door inside of this Nook and this will be the access

Panel door right here that way players won’t be able to get into it guys I feel like one of the problems with pickaxe this fast is it’s literally too fast control it’s actually crazy all right look at all this stuff on the ground we are just absolutely really busy in this

Inventory right now all right remaking the ladder real quick because it didn’t really make sense where it was and we’ll put it right here I’m gonna take it down one more layer and then I think we’ll be ready to test this out is that can I do that can I go

Down one more maybe not well let’s do it anyway we are really making this underground Casino like next level right now I mean the amount of stuff we’re doing to make this thing special is a lot so we want to get the spider spawners playing that’s okay so we’re gonna get these

Spider spawners floating in the sky and then have them flow right down into this area here so so this is where spiders will flow I really don’t like that it’s not centered like I don’t know if that’s gonna cause us any issues but I definitely feel like

It’s possible to be honest with you now I’m gonna put down one water and just see what happens okay I need to make an infinite water source over there I’ll keep coming back to my base just to get water when I can do it all there and what I’m gonna try

To do is place these and basically see where they flow to it’s it’s probably meaning I’m gonna have to move the actual hole a little bit but I don’t think that’s a problem like where does this actually take me where is this am I on multiple blocks

Find the center of two if I were to plug up this hole and throw a bucket where’s that bucket gonna go oh it’s on the center of four blocks all right so that tells us that we have not made this the right dimensions but that’s not right now we have two gaps

I’ll tell you what once I figure out these Dimensions I’m gonna be dangerous now would it flow it into that little Blank Spot oh guys we did it I think it’s all gonna flow right into this hole right here theoretically probably not sure we’ll use this as a real hole we

Don’t even need signs for it now everything falls right now we got the dimensions right let’s go so the mobs would then fall right down into this hole You know I sure hope this works after putting all this time into building this and not even knowing if the design is going to work if it does we’ll be able to replicate it pretty cool hopefully that light doesn’t cause any issues and then we’re gonna put a chest down here

Which will collect the items a hopper that points to it all right that was an immense amount of work a lot of restructuring and redoing things let’s go ahead and put our spawners in and see if this thing even works this is something else guys I’ll tell you what

Is it pretty no but no one’s ever going to be up here although Steve Jobs would never let this thing pass he always cared about what’s on the inside anyway let’s get these bad boys placed I think we can just do this right off the

Ceiling like if I just did one in like Each corner oh look at that well maybe we’ll just kind of spread them out and hope that it helps so best case scenario look we already have four best case scenario these bad boys start spawning for us now and start falling down that

Hole so you can see how this is gonna make us money players come here to gamble well guess what why are gamble you can also come over here and harvest some mobs uh well you can’t actually hit them because they’re so tiny okay um we can do that there they fall they

Fall right at your head level now and you just kill it boom boom and then it goes away and then inside of this room we’ll have another access panel to all of our chests down below this is fantastic then we can just oh that’s a big big Ravine right there we’re gonna

Be risking our life every day when we come to access our shop down here but okay I think you guys get the vibe like we have that one creeper grinder and it does well players love to come to it and in fact they harvest it all the time where are they

I’m also just been harvested wait how are there seven that are stuck up top what is this how oh no they spawn in the other room no way I mean I guess it’s not the end of the world but that’s really not how this thing is supposed to

Be working maybe to play it safer we’ll try to relocate them towards the center just for now and just hope that that never happens again I’m not sure all right Gamers I gotta shut you all off from the world it’s hideous in here I’m just using any block uh that I can find

This feels like what that cheap hotel does you check into like it’s just everything that I’m making right now is just dirty this is this is a dirty build nothing about this is clean seal that off never use that again as long as I live

And boom right in the center we have got another perfect setup folks this is beautiful would you look at that was gonna go make some more steps already had some wow 38 already I mean let’s go look at that I mean that’s infinite freeze tree we’ll make some money off of

That guys I’m excited to think all we had was a creeper Farm over there now this casino is just becoming a worldwide Wonder right now we’re gonna do the same design which is just like a little bit of a ring around the Posey here there we

Go so I don’t know what we’re gonna put in this one but that one is centered nicely I need to fix the staircase now so that you have a nice easy way down so let’s oh okay fell into the Pit of Doom right there wow all right functional

Staircase looks pretty juicy we also have some sea lanterns and I think with the sea lanterns I like the idea of putting it right in front just so you have a nice visual of where each of these are I’m gonna use white concrete because it’s cheaper than quartz but it

Also it looks very similar I don’t know players are gonna notice this but I think it’s okay sugar cost cutting a little bit but it’s the mob farm Zone this isn’t a fancy Casino it’s okay maybe someone’s gonna notice this will be upset I’ll tell you what this is very

Satisfying to me I really I really am Feeling Extreme satisfaction 32 of these the amount of speed things spawn is off the charts right now my gosh um we’ll go ahead and also close up this wall I use white concrete here too and this again is just the utility shaft which I always

Make in my builds because I find it so useful so now take a look we can go downstairs in the utility shaft we should be able to walk all the way along we’ve already got some items in here and then if we walk this way we have access

To the other chest which actually has no mob spawning in it yet we’re gonna go real big on this next one I’m going to go ahead and check the shop I’m gonna look for a mob spawner to buy to place in here the other one was just free cave

Spider spawners I’ve gotten Blaze Creeper zombie sheet spider cow I don’t know how much a Magma Cube spawner is but those are like the best in the game let’s just check let’s see what we see here I think skeletons will be good because I have 11 almost 12 million

Dollars I could buy so many skeleton spawners how much do they cost this might be actually the greatest Choice I’ve ever made load this thing up with them they’re eight hundred thousand so what can I buy them for in the auction house 900 that’s even more expensive doesn’t even make sense 700k

390 let’s go I’ll buy that one right away 350 buy that 350 buy that 350 buy that 350 buy that 350. oh dang we just hit the motherland I just got like 10. 10 okay all right we literally spent about two or three million dollars I think it was about two million dollars

Maybe three we got eight of them maybe like load them up on the back well why are they spawning what did I do wrong what okay while that’s working I gotta kill these there’s 94 of them that’s like just an infinite free food here oh

My God all right guys it took me a little bit to figure out why it wasn’t working but there was some naturally spawned skeletons way above it and so these spawners were actually linking to those wild skeletons and that’s why they weren’t flowing down so they should be

Here now there we go we got 18 of them 20. these are gonna stack up really fast 21. you can see how quick that’s going you can see these going a little bit slower because there’s only like three of them I’m being told in my staff team

That my build is not good uh apparently it’s too small I’m a small guy okay so I just expanded it a little bit so now that there’s like uh four chests below this instead of just one to collect all the loot that comes through and so this

Will contain all of the items of these mobs drop and I’ll be able to sell it and obviously you could expand that more in the future if I need to foreign all right so that was the first hit and that’s what players can do while I’m offline all right so from that one

Single kill we managed to get a full stack of Bones we got a bunch of arrows we also got a bow that dropped these don’t really belong in here but that’s honestly kind of amazing while those are replenishing I’m going to clean up this middle wall a little bit

I think it’s important to work with what’s Nature’s giving you you know and nature gave us today A beautiful view of the room what do you guys think so like a little bit of like a window there that looks down to the Ravine I like it and

It might look cooler actually if we did it straight down as well Everything on our break just spills water on me look how horrible this is yeah the white quartz mixture is honestly like one of the ugliest things I’ve ever seen in my life I won’t lie to you that was a that was a mistake that I should not have made that choice and yet

I did oh look we had a stack of 100 and it got so high they despawned oh no we took too long to kill him that’s actually so sad no I don’t know what we could do down here but I feel like it was such a big view there’s a future

Business opportunity to do something in this Ravine now to make sure players know what they’re up against we’ve also got a chubby skeleton head that we’re gonna put on the outside and it lets them know and then actually maybe we should put a little bit higher like

Maybe put it at the top it might look a little better Shelby’s skull goes there and then over here it’s just a regular cave spider skull but that kind of gives you more incentive or more info on what you’re doing so we’ve got like all the basics the problem is the creeper form

Doesn’t really fit over here now like it’s kind of all on its own but I guess that’s what pulls them down in the first place okay I really want to kind of Max these things out more we can probably buy more spawners like if I go to the

Market I only have a few cave spiders so I only have like three of them they’re not that expensive so let’s just see maybe I didn’t even look for these the first time they’re 200k each really oh five for a million that’s 200k each I

Mean I think I bought too many I think I to spent two million dollars buying these so I actually have 10 more cave spider spawners than I bought from Players let’s just load it up let’s get these things out here okay so I gotta get this last one placed that’s what all

Of them look like I don’t know how many we have right now but honestly that number should be climbing like crazy like it should be going up by like one a second with how much money we just spent it’s hard to say it’s worth it to be

Honest with you but let’s see we got 92 95 so it’s it’s literally about one per second right now that we’re getting on this and again when you kill it all that gets sucked up players are gonna get some of it you’re gonna get the other

Half of this with that one single kill though how much money does it actually net us that’s the real question okay so this is what we got from basically 100 of these spiders with the sword that we have which again contains a pretty powerful looting oh only looting one we

Got a weak sword so less than I could have gotten three stacks of spider eyes five stacks of string what is that worth in the basic player shop that’ll net you about one thousand dollars Profit just like that that’s about one thousand dollars imagine this being done all day

24 7 by players some of them get the money themselves they get to take it back with them and the rest of it comes to me all day this is happening it’s probably gonna come around maybe a couple hundred K per day and so while it

Won’t pay itself off right away I think if you give this thing maybe about a week you can make almost 700k back oh wow a stack of arrows is worth 315. the skeleton one might be worth so much more wow so now we’re gonna see how much the

Skeleton one makes a stack of Bones is 367 a stack of these is 315. so this is worth 3600 roughly for all of this wow that’s so good that I might buy more just to restock that thing even more I mean that’s actually ridiculous holy

Crap man I hate to be that guy but there’s a stack of four more cave spider spawners and I just I just plunged on and got it it was a good deal look how big the thing has gotten guys we are absolutely taking this thing to a Next

Level uh wow I mean honestly crazy I have 17 Cape spider spawners now wow we have spent six million dollars remaking this room today now it’s not ready yet it needs to look a little bit better for the public oh geez oh no I just bought three stacks

Of 64 sea lanterns they’re 50k each I just accidentally spent 150k on sea lanterns no that isn’t that is that is not good what a waste of money I gotta use these now because I bought them so I might as well light this place up like

Crazy because I feel like a maniac now oh look at this another hundred oh my oh my goodness that is Gonna Fill up way too fast and obviously this door is ugly the way it’s set up so what we’ll do is add a second door here and again just clean this room

Up a little bit more I I hate that it’s not perfectly centered there but that’s our staff room entrance it might look better if the entrance was like up here or something but it’s fine for now I added some details in the front likes just some nice little arches and like

Added some you know colorway in there I think I just want to get rid of the stone now because it’s just tacky she’s had a 138 skeleton stat kill that is ridiculous and another 100 spot oh my gosh these things restock so fast that’s crazy we’re gonna make like ten thousand

Dollars before this thing’s done being just cleaned up I think that looks a lot better than what it did look like a second ago I don’t realize I go there and try to flip it but to think that this was literally just like a nasty hallway now it’s like this really aesthetic looking like double spawner inside the casino I mean we’ve

Taken this thing a long way we need to get people to understand that like what’s back there like the problem is everything we’ve built is basically all underground like you’ve got to climb down this ladder then realize there’s a secret walkway right behind you that leads there and it’s not exactly the

Most noticeable thing so I think the the minimum thing we could do here is open this up a little bit just so that people can like walk in easier to understand how much back here I mean it definitely it definitely opens it up it makes it look better we’ll take

It off one taller we’re trying to give them an experience guys they won’t forget you gotta draw them in okay is that a lot easier to see yes you’re definitely going to realize there’s something going on back there um the roof’s a little bit low so I think we’ll

Just raise this ah no we won’t there’s a secret room out there you guys will see that later you can’t even know about that yet that’s a little bit of a secret Easter egg for something coming soon all right we’re gonna walk downstairs and see how much we have actually made just

From the last couple minutes of building and collecting items let me clear my inventory so here is our spider haul and this is again just for me not bad oh my goodness look at the skeleton hall right now now that folks is some darn good easy

Money so now we can actually open this up let some players come in here real quick and see how this actually is gonna work oh look we already got our skeletons let’s go he also killed some of these see that is nice players like it for the free item see look at this

It’s mutually beneficial I’m getting some of the items this guy’s getting some of the items I don’t have to do any work for it I just gotta pay for the setup fee and the speed with which these are falling really is going to drive more people to come here so this right

Here is my pride and joy this is my baby some people have literal children I just have this hole in the ground that’s depressing but down here is where all my business takes place people call them they grind creepers for me they come over here they grind other mobs for me

And then as they kill them the items fall down into automatic collection systems like this one where I can then go downstairs and uh basically collect these items so I was offline for a couple days and this is what I have to come back to so if I pull out the cell

Wand which automatically sells the chest I just made 5 200 bucks and it’s literally the easiest thing ever let’s do this oh all of this will automatically be sold take a look at the money four thousand five thousand one thousand this is what it takes to become

Rich Gamers right there I hope you guys learned something about business since this is where most players are coming and matter of fact I’m gonna block it off so they don’t come down here right now because we got to make this thing private we have spending a lot of time

Really upgrading this and one of my ideas was to take this area right here and this giant crevasse and make it so this is where the new Trading Store is going to be now first thing I’m going to do obviously is just build the shop so let’s get a dramatic stair Montage

Super dramatic let me buy some stairs first Here we go okay I already misplate okay that’s fine clear this out then we’ll be back to the Epic Mod just gotta just give me one second we’ll be back to the Epic Montage in a moment here just gotta clear this out you just keep you just keep waiting

It’ll be worth it all right here we go right I mean got the Copic vaccine the 5g’s running through my veins I can’t even think right now you know what you know this is good this is good we’re done we’re done that’s it that’s the whole montage I hope it was

Epic now if you guys know anything about me Zach Lings you would know that I love a good house lip I love to walk into someone’s base something they put so much work into and completely destroy and remake it so I think of this as a

House Slip of Minecraft’s caves so in a way I’m just basically flipping notches original Minecraft design base that made no sense all right I do like this big hole right here I you know I just I love a dangerous pit we’re gonna keep that there a little sacrifice pit not sure

What we’ll do with it oh I do know we’ll do it like I said this will be a store where players can throw their items into a machine and get like a new one back like a Trading Store I don’t know how that’s even possible but this could be

Where they come if they’re depressed and throw the wrong item in so they could throw the rest of them into here to balance out the sadness or something like that it could be like yo this is awful let me throw everything in here I don’t know what it’s going to be but

It do be looking good we need a light to sucker up though let’s get back to our home and pick up some lights by the way guys I have one on the server wanted to say hi to you so I told him to say hi so

There they are saying hi you could say hi back that would be appreciated delicate kind of like we’re like a early stage startup right now obviously this thing’s pretty ugly but we got the lighting we got the the basic setup of what it’s going to be let’s clear out a

Little bit more though on the roof all right now we’re bringing them into like basically a pawn shop more or less is what this is like it’s not going to be a fancy store so we should embrace the fact that it’s not going to be fancy think about your normal pawn shop chains

Up in the wall like big big nasty iron bar gate I mean we got to make this thing look like a pawn shop should look remember guys when it comes to business I know what I’m talking about I Once Sold 50 t-shirts to my 2 million fans

So now that we got this all cleaned up I feel like the floor needs to be like a very empty like just a nasty tile feel so honestly terracotta feels right to me let’s see oh there is none how do you make colored terracotta no one uses it

So nobody knows Minecraft colored terra cotta like like none of you know what it looks like I don’t know what it looks like glazed terracotta oh are you kidding me y’all meaning to tell me I gotta go smell up my own stuff to make it even worth it and even worse oh this

Is this is actually super trashy gilded Blackstone because like if you have too much gold that’s like a pawn shop this is like just enough that it’s almost trashy not too trashy this is great let’s make the floor Blackstone or at least a lot of it Blackstone maybe like

Outline oh my goodness I forgot how good this block looked actually come out looking really good wow the highlight of the gold is just bouncing off my pupils right now and it’s saying whoa honestly this looks so good I’m about to throw my best items down this pit right now just because of

It I’m like I feel like I feel like I owe something to this build and I made it like I know it’s gonna have a powerful impact on players so guys this is gonna be this is gonna be a little fun experiment all right a little fun

Something I’m gonna put this parrot down right here that’s our parrot he’s mine I love him he’s my favorite thing ever if you don’t subscribe right now I will feed him a cookie and murder him his life is in your hands decide right now all right I feel like I feel like maybe

We got enough but this parrot will uh how did this man get in here I’m I’m threatening a innocent parrot I need you to leave and I I just oh there’s right that’s how he got in the fact that no I still don’t know I got in here but

I’m gonna seal this thing off we don’t want no one down here I feel like a big uh dramatic Gateway is uh you know necessary for this pawn shop it’s got like a little Tacky by the way if you’re wondering we do have eight million dollars nine million dollars right now

Which is pretty good but the current richest player is around uh one billion there’s a real chance we could actually get there because there’s some big plans we got in the future so if you just make sure you guys are subscribed make sure you’re coming around we post these every

Three or four days uh uh that sounded bad now I like the gaudy entrance I like the gaudy floor I feel like we need a little bit more bling in the floor what’s like something a little more exotic here we can pop in oh some glowstone would look pretty fresh here

There we go there we go I don’t know why I’m saying it like this is such an Innovative design I put down three pieces of Glowstone but it felt nice wrap it around like a piece of bacon but like we’re gonna wrap some bacon around these suckers bear with me Gamers this

Is an ingenious Design coming up be prepared to have your minds blown now is that even it is even rare I don’t expect it I mean it’s not the dumbest per no it’s this that was the dumbest purchase I’ve ever made I’m sorry guys I can’t explain my

Thought process sometimes I just get ideas and I do it and this one felt like a good idea bought it from the store 129k what are you gonna do about it just it’s a pawn shop they like gold tell me they don’t like gold okay so here’s our

Floor I know it’s a little bit weird looking don’t you worry we’re going to clean it up more this is basically going to prevent people from going to the sides and it also adds the bonus effect of looking kind of like stars in in the night sky that could be stretch maybe

Maybe that’s not accurate in saying that hey look at this dude watching us just like you should be watching my second Channel rubber reacts or we do all kinds of crazy videos and stuff better check it out guys after this now you tell me I was about to say it looks better but

To be honest with you it just basically took away the entire view of the Ravine but that’s okay it’s okay because you still got the view down here we didn’t take it away down here it’s still available you can still see it man that is just not that’s not pretty it’s not

Pretty at all there’s a lot of improvement that’s needing to be done here now here is the best part we are now going to try to build the Redstone Contraption again this is our Pit of Doom uh I think what we’ll do really quickly is wrap up the Pit of Doom and

Put some lava down there you know what I’m saying so I like the idea of wow that is that is something deep right there I like the idea of just kind of putting it in right here just a little sprinkle just a little sprinkle so there’s your Pit of Doom anything you

Happen to throw down there could be destroyed we’ll label it make it all proper and then maybe right here in this corner is going to be the actual uh kind of trading type thing and I don’t know how it’s gonna work or even if it’s possible I’ve never really seen anything

Like this in Redstone but let’s clear it out a little bit more for us here’s what we gotta have we gotta have someone throw an item into probably a hopper and that Hopper will spit back a random item it sounds really simple doesn’t it like

It seems like that would be easy but I feel like it’s not I feel like it’s very different a call let me think all right I think I have the solution for this insane design that I’m trying to make this is the content I came up with

Players will be able to come up into our pawn shop I’m going to only accept diamonds as payment I hope I can set that up correctly they’re gonna be able to throw the diamond into a hopper like this right here and then the hopper is going to accept the item where it’s

Going to give off a redstone signal which then triggers this Redstone circuit to then give them a random item back I think so let me jump in the game I’ve got this as a reference I think we pulled it off we’re gonna is that an Enderman what’s going on what in the

World just happened I go AFK and there’s 50 000 people here all right let’s get this thing taken care of I think I finally have a plan we’re gonna do it right here in this location and we’re gonna need a little bit of redstone so we’re gonna warp back to our chest and

We can pick it up dispensers droppers I’ll take that just to place it because why not a couple note blocks because I’m sure people will play the music actual Redstone itself and this is where things get confused I don’t know if a trap chest will work but

The idea is I put a chest down right here that chest is connected to a hopper I don’t know if this is gonna work but the idea is I’m gonna put a chest there a hop no it’s got to be a hopper then a chest hold up we’re doing this backwards

Hopper there chess goes down here I want to make a gate so the hopper only accepts certain items which is kind of difficult to do I think um let me figure out how to do that real quick all right I’m not even gonna get into how long it

Took me to figure out how to make this but this is I think the simplest design for an item Hopper filter in Minecraft and the way this works if you’re not familiar is you can specify what items Hoppers take I think if I throw a hopper

Into this for example it’s not going to suck up thank God that didn’t work oh I’m so happy which also means if I throw the item in that it’s supposed to suck up which is diamonds it should and it looks like it is working correctly so

Now this is where players can pay in order to send the diamonds into the system guys I think we are actually figuring this thing out it’s actually so unbelievably confusing but not as bad as I thought I just gotta hope this gives office signal which it does appear to be

Doing then all we have to do now is uh Power this thing up to to do uh hold on let me just do it then I’ll explain because it’s a little bit confusing so when you put diamonds in the diamonds go activate this pulse extender in this repeater which sends the diamonds all

The way down pretty simple stuff when they go down though they’re going to activate this chest for a moment and this chest sends off a signal which will trigger the dispenser to drop them their price all right that’s what we’re trading items for down here is where I can collect only diamonds because

Nothing else will go through the filter we’ll block it off so that’s where they have to walk and throw the items in diamonds only then we need to do is take our dispenser and bring it up to the wall and then what I think we’ll do is

We’ll Place three dispensers on the wall like this and wire every single one up so they all three are launching out items so we’ll give them three items each time they play so what’s why guys this is actually insane I can’t even tell you how confused I was I was like

Thinking I might have to give up on this like I don’t know what I’m doing I think we got it I mean that’s what that’s what comes down to it girls you’re here with the zacklings all right this is what we do we don’t give up we make it happen so

Let me go ahead and throw a diamond in and see if this thing even works like I think it will so we got our diamonds let’s go ahead and put our diamonds in and see if these trigger yes they do yes they do that is actually fully functional now at this point but

It looks pretty bad so we’re just gonna clean that up there we go all right now just like that I’ve upgraded the entire room just to make it look a little bit nicer you can walk upstairs and of course it doesn’t accept anything I can

Throw down this I could throw it on this I could throw on this the only thing that it accepts are diamonds which means we have actually made a functional pawn shop and when you pay it it’s going to trigger these dispensers to spread out random items you’re gonna get three of

Them and I gotta load them up and I’m not sure how I’m gonna wait though because it needs to look better like there’s there’s not enough this place is not done we need to make this place look better so I’m gonna do that really quick now to be honest with you I didn’t

Realize how low the ceiling would be like now that I’m looking at it I can’t believe I thought this thing looked good like I needed to look better I cannot put my name on something that looks like this guys it’s got to be better but this is a great business because the fact

That it’s connected to the rest people could come down here and do a little bit of a diamond gamble see what they get I mean it’s exciting let’s put some oh we have three left for three of these look at that beautiful that literally looks 50 billion and a half times better not

50 billion we added the extra half because you know it did I’ll label it too so it’s more clear but this actually is that that really brought it together massively I’m gonna do the same thing back here this is good this is now flipping like you do the base then you

Come back and do the bass again and it just adds a lot look at that look at that we are we are absolutely on fire right now I can’t stop I can’t stop I’m a machine I need to get this uh to be placed correctly and it’s kind of hard hey how

About that huh two giant fancy pillars right here I don’t know about you but that looks fancy to me now the one thing I want to make sure we don’t do is like get rid of this view because I feel like what the heck I feel like that ravine’s

Kind of sweet so I’ll clear the back wall make this thing look good and then we got to figure out what we’re gonna do with the wall it overlooks a giant beautiful Dungeon of Doom right there because you all know we’re gonna like it look at that it’s bad it’s practically

Speaking to me I love you sir ceilings are essential in good business and this is a fantastic looking ceiling look at this thing look at that tell me that is not just beg you to come up and spend all your money right here and just gamble all your diamonds away

I just fell into the pit of doing myself right there almost sacrificed my own self to that hole forgot honestly forgot that was even a thing that is actually pretty frightening wow honestly this is looking pretty decent the roof is kind of an issue because I

Don’t really know how I want it to look right now but I think what we’ll do for a classy design let me go for a little bit of smooth Stone in the center I feel like Smooth stone is underrated this place is coming together though I’ll

Tell you that this place is almost ready for prime time I’m thinking it looks pretty fresh I’m thinking it looks pretty clean it calls you up this way you’ve got this giant hole some access panels so I can get to the Redstone easily and a lot of gold that no one’s

Ever gonna realize we wasted time and money on building behind the scenes where no one can see it we need to load these up with some items now which is pretty important and fix our floor here but I think like a lot of people aren’t

Gonna really know what this is so like I need to get some some proper labels here so people realize like what they’re walking into so I think a couple signs would do me good hopefully that makes sense it just says prize for Diamond I don’t know if that makes sense dude I

Mean I’m keeping it simple this is going to be such a nice addition to our base though like once this thing is completed the lover fella shopping mall is going to be like one of the most overpowered things in the entire industry I mean this is unreal the level of detail we’re

Putting in More details have been added including some trimmer on the roof some trim around the sides it gives it such a classy Vibe I just can’t get over how good it looks and we’ll do a final little bit of trim right here just on this side to kind of make it look like

It fades into the natural environment you know what I’m saying like give it a good clean fade like I just went to the barber except it’s a wall now I feel like we put a decent amount of time into this it’s a very light design but I think we could open this up

And see what happens after we load this up with some prizes so I’m gonna make it pretty simple they’re only giving us a diamond so we’ll put this thing full of stone and random items we’ll put a rune in some fireworks and we’ll give them an opportunity to win a few decent prizes

Maybe some dispensers I mean literally I’m just loading this up with my inventory items right now that I have literally used for the build and then we shall buy some items off the auction house so what would players want to win as a grand prize maybe a 50 000 helmet

Couple chicken spawners zombie spawner some new boots new ax a couple in there couple in there couple in there and then max out with some other random gear I mean the odds of them winning is honestly like not too bad the only thing to do now before we open this up and see

What players do is to go back down to our service Zone and add a lot more chests to make sure we can handle the amount of items that could potentially be coming through here I don’t know what will be coming in but if it’s a lot I

Like to collect it all I feel like if I fill up an entire single a double chest full of diamonds and we have succeeded so I feel like for now that’s probably enough let’s get this thing open and see what happens when the players come into

Our brand new pawn shop we’re gonna go to our claims we’re gonna take this claim we’re gonna change it to this profile all right so we’ve been open for a couple minutes now we get to see what the players do and they are trying to break things trying to figure out what

What’s going on can they throw anything in there they’re just randomly throwing items in but because of the sweet filter we made it is only accepting diamonds so let’s go check how many diamonds we have collected so far this is just from a small sample size remember this is going

To go 24 7. 21 diamonds not too bad I think the best way to make 50 000 is going to be to find an abandoned base and flip it into something for a lot of money so let’s get looking that could be one that could be one too

Is she abandoned this base right here that we just stumbled upon hasn’t been touched in over 100 days so the guy who owns it just lost ownership of it which means we could try to flip this I only have a thousand bucks to use but it’s

Not a bad start I think we’ll take it so now that we’ve got this base we need to make some massive improvements and again a thousand bucks in it a lot I feel like right now this is probably worth like maybe 200 like it’s really not worth a

Lot of money I think the biggest thing we can do for big improvements is more windows like we’ll start with the windows in the outside windows are gonna bring us big money oh man this is Tiny there’s not a lot in here now there were a couple items in the chest but these

Are honestly kind of worthless even those books they’re really bad enchantments they’re worth like nothing so wow I mean you got to get pretty darn creative if you’re gonna make fifty thousand dollars on this I don’t want to eat the sour candy I like the shape

Square it’s a nice square shape you can do that I might hope so I’ve taken the front entrance down I’m gonna take it off the floor too I feel like Cobblestone is just a little bit too tacky for us you know what I mean like

We got to get the details I just don’t know we only have a thousand dollars how are we gonna make this happen oh no the worst part of this is with only a thousand dollars we need Spruce Wood for this and probably have a little

Bit I really don’t like this I gotta go harvest my own wood I feel like a noob again but at least I have tools at least I saw my tools so I can Harvest some wood here pretty quickly oh look at this let’s let’s smell some

Of these that way we can get some better looking Stone I mean that’ll look a little better but we’re gonna get a lot of it I need a good design that’s cheap what would that be although I guess I could also flip this base and try to

Sell it and then do other smaller bases like it doesn’t have to be just this base okay so here’s here’s my plan so we got a couple items from this base which is gonna help us I’m gonna grab the quick chest here and I’m gonna throw

Them on the chest then maybe when I get to the alt account we could sell those for some extra money if we need it it might sell for a little bit they’re not that good but it still might work if you happen to have 52 Stone inside of his

Chest which means we can at least upgrade the floor yo I feel like it’s I feel like 50 000. that’s a that’s a hefty Target right there I think we can do more windows like we’ll put a window in here I mean a lot of Windows is what we need right

Bigger window floor to ceiling window that’s what rich people like now here’s the bad part if I were to go to the shop right now and try to buy glass what is that gonna cost us 960 if I bought a full stack of glass that would literally

Be all the money that I have just to buy glass that’s gonna be an issue I need to find some sand oh and we got a bunch of mobs out here too this is not ideal for us I don’t even think I have a sword right now this is bull crap there should

Not be sixty thousand baby zombie I am flying away from them oh we found it finally some sand okay okay so we got about a stack of 64 sand which is worth a thousand dollars okay so we’re gonna do a glass wall here a glass wall there the front entrance

Needs redone but it’s coming together I I might be able to get ten thousand dollars for for the improvements I’m making now maybe like on a good day so that’s kind of what we’re going for I think maybe this back wall could use a little bit of something you know what we

Could make these back doors onto like a back patio or something maybe I don’t know that might look kind of good I did it’s like a little bit of extra money in the sale like that’s what we’re going for so we’ll do two doors that might be

Expensive I don’t have the right kind of wood so I guess we’re making Birch doors it’s uh it’s not good it’s not a good look I don’t think we should do that anymore I take it back that’s a bad idea there we go there we go little Birch

Door indented right there takes you to the backyard We’ll add a backyard for them these guys are smelting so I’m gonna let them smell before I move them and make a little bit more Stone here again a thousand dollars I’m not trying to spend any of it until I absolutely

Need to buy an item right now I’m just gonna collect everything I can because again we need forty nine thousand dollars until I win this challenge now the outside actually has like some pretty good depth I’m not gonna lie like that’s actually kind of good looking okay so here’s what we’re working with

Now on the roof is she is we’re out of like the dark cord that we need um but we could get cobblestone I bet I could get cobblestone pretty quickly we can finish that off in a cobble finish just like this yeah this is pretty good we’re gonna

Make some money I don’t really know where this is gonna go from here like I I like the columns I like the pillars but what else can you do in the front like this is kind of wild I could get the glass place to move this I guess at

This point dang I only got 12 glass out of that okay I feel like I put a lot more in all right good right um one concern is the roof height it’s a little bit low other concern is I don’t know what’s going on down below like I don’t know what to do

With the basement like it’s a weird looking design I gotta do something with it I just don’t know what I I fixed the ceiling a little bit I mean I gave it like some new walls it’s better it’s better I know it’s not good but it’s at

Least better than it was we’re making some decent small progress step by step that’s what it takes it’s just hard to work with this with so little money like I can’t buy everything I normally get I mean some torches would be nice it’s not very well lit but the sun really I mean

That window helps a lot you can’t lie to me that helps a lot how much is a pot 150 bucks 150 bucks for a pie 150. I can’t waste my money on that that’s too much I mean we basically have what we could collect I mean I could go get some

Blue flowers it’s really just like about giving them that welcoming feel we’ll put a little bit of a path down I do need like a front entrance door which is uh something I don’t yet have which is kind of annoying so I’m kind of like this you got like a nice little pillar

There that kind of indents looks pretty good then we could do maybe a wall in between for a little more depth and then another one of these basically looks like fancy pillars and it keeps that pillar design my boys been doing all the way around we need fancy stairs that’s

What we need fancy stairs we’ll put them above the door the entrance is going to look absolutely fire now there we go okay so I wanted to add more depth to it to make it look a little bit more magical and I’m going to also claim an

Extra block here so don’t keep looking at that green particle in front of us because it’s kind of annoying all right let’s make the backyard real quick I guess we’ll go ahead and do that now since it’s so small we could Target those people that love a nice little

Cute Builder so we could build like this little cutesy building in the backyard we’ll just use the natural blocks it around so I don’t have to spend any money and then in the back we could do like a little bit of a shed maybe we’re gonna give them like the white picket

Fence design that everyone wants right that’s what our Target is they have to like a small cute face so this is going to be like a backyard barn or a little storage area and my hope is that someone’s gonna see this and be like Oh I’m such a cute so I

Moved to live here and then I think just a small addition here cleaning up the backyard adding a fence around the backyard might give it like a legitimate home feel you know what it’s not too bad I baked a couple flowers to put outside because I thought it might look a little

Bit better I don’t really know I think flowers just add a small flavor to it get rid of that grassland you know like that’s a little cleaner right and I think we’ll just continue with the square design keep it simple for now and I’m gonna sell some items we found like

Some Cobblestone dirts worth 25 bucks a pop get us a little bit closer to our goal today oh no we’re gonna hit it but I’m gonna do my best so what my idea was is to make this kind of like a little backyard storage shed like make it like

This little adorable storage room you can come back here access some of your items uh just give you like the essential you know what I mean there we go a smoker that’s what I wanted something a little bit more unique so we’ll put a floor back down here smoke

Or on top of it and now look how cute this is you got your own little uh backyard storage area whatever you want to call it I’m just placing random ladders for decoration now why not why not pop a Lottie down you know put Pilates there Papa Lottie there looks

Pretty all right let’s get this roof made you know what I need more coffee more Cobble we can do Cobble roof cat I guess I can sell some more items so we’ll sell the iron ore for 110 bucks okay we’re getting there we’ll sell the apples and I got 30 torches because I

Kind of wanted to light this place up a little better because it’s not very well lit and it’s getting dark and that kind of scares me so that looks sweet I think we have enough Cobblestone now to make the walls that I want or the roof which

Is going to be Cobblestone stairs so we’ll just make a fat stack of them 46. okay I’m happy with that it kind of looks like just a little tiny cute house I mean there’s it’s literally nothing special that’s all it is a tiny cute house I think if anything I could maybe

Add a little bit of a highlight column out here on the corner I just made that word up I don’t even know what that means now let’s go get some wood real quick I can make a ton of fences with this wood and I’m gonna like fence in

The backyard and make it look like super nice and cute okay this is looking nice we have a fat stack of fences now we can do the backyard idea we’ve had and we’ll just kind of run it I think like right here Foreign Looks pretty awesome all right I don’t want to spend a whole lot more time on this specific build because I need to get this thing up in the market so let’s wrap this bad boy up switch to our alternate account and see how much money we’re gonna make maybe it’ll be enough

Maybe it won’t be I don’t know okay I’m about to go switch put it on the market I’m just getting the final little details down now which are just a couple more flowers around the edges just enough to hopefully take their eyes off of the Badness now the front is not good

The front is very bad to be honest with you but hopefully we’ll win them over with the cuteness of the backyard so guys I finally switched on to my alternate account and let me just show you this is what it was supposed to look like I wanted a very cute skin I thought

I’d you know move some of the gamer boys over and get no what I got was this somehow this is what my skin looks like I feel like we are not gonna get the sale what in the world is that I’m realizing there’s definitely not enough

Torch action in here but we got one guy Bobby this dude has sixty thousand dollars the guy who’s currently here so maybe he’s in the market I feel like you know pretty much anything is a deal for this I don’t know what it’s worth brought his friend here now they’re both

Thinking about it come on guys it’s a little bit too dark though I definitely missed out on the porch aspect of it I’m making an offer I need some wood I gotta get some emergency wood man I didn’t expect it to be this dark when I was trying to sell

Those guys I don’t know what they’re doing here they’re just chilling I need to sell this I’ve spent so long we need to make money guys no one no one is answering us right now I’m actually like legitimately concerned okay this is good we got someone walking outside during

The sunrise which means it might look a little better unfortunately the romance approach won’t work because again my skin looks like this look at this dude but at least we have someone here looking around I’m telling him it’s a perfect getaway place for relaxing and the fact that he’s staring at me is

Either really good or bad either loves it or he’s afraid of my skin things are being so nice how much do you want name what you think is fair I’m new so I don’t know prices just don’t scam give him a little more free blocks guys you

Gotta dip into your savings a little bit gotta dip in I’m getting I’m getting really nervous right now 15K now guys we always negotiate 20K and it’s a deal always negotiate if I get to 20K that means you only have to make 30 more thousand dollars and I’ll be this

Challenge I think I can do it yes she says okay sure you’re very good at building he likes it now send me that money brother it’s all about the backyard guys there was no backyard here I don’t think this would have been worth nearly as much no there it is 21

000 so with that we are still on the alt account I do have this helmet that I found and I can also get a daily key so I can take that key every eight hours we get one I could probably sell this if someone on the server is buying them so

Let’s see this guy would theoretically be buying my keys from this shop left click to give one daily key for twelve thousand dollars and now we’re up to thirty three thousand dollars which means we only need a little bit to hit that 50k goal for today this is not a

Bad challenge our problem is I have 33 000 sticks some stone and a daily helmet did I make that skin give me this skin yes do you like the skit I’m just gonna lie and say I made it I mean there could be a business opportunity here maybe

I’ll make this dude his own skin and then don’t pay me for it it’s very creative I’ll make you one for 10K Oh I thought we could have I thought we could make him a skin I it’s not gonna work so what we’re at now is a mob grinder and

Mobs are gonna fall I can hopefully pick up a lot of items here so if I just stand here and these guys kill things hopefully I’m in a spot where I can collect items maybe wow buying 64 of them for 78 cents each I mean this guy

He is dropping some items but like it’s not worth a lot we could sell it for 111. it’s not going to take us there we need another idea grinders tell you what I love this guy’s base design but uh it ain’t making me any money I can’t afford any of his games or

Anything he’s got zombies which is great but without a sword it’s just gonna drop zombie items I do have this though this helmet maybe I could sell this for a thousand maybe I’m out here just weighing my options like one of the options screaming in my face is gamble

Problem is I have like a one percent chance of winning if I do gamble like this costs ten thousand dollars to gamble there’s a one in nine chance really of winning 15 000 I mean these are rigs dude none of these deals are good how am I supposed to make money

When you got such an odds of winning this guy says he’s selling mystery chests I mean I don’t know maybe we can make some cash off of that all right guys so we got a mystery chest here for fifteen thousand dollars I will buy it I

Guess and see what we get 15K and we’re down to eighteen thousand dollars so let’s see what we got inside of our mystery chest scaffolding bamboo I don’t think it’s bad I’m pretty sure we might make a profit sweet berries are kind of worthless this is worthless like all of

This stuff is worthless but this is a lucky gem which is for enchantments I think that has some value my heads might have some value you YouTube might course through I don’t know about but it’s not bad so I’m back at one of the houses I

Sold a long time ago I guess I still have this saved on my house list this thing came out beautiful but uh let’s get these things in the auction house YouTube button maybe we’ll do like four five thousand for three of them I don’t know we have two of them 1500 each that

Seems like a fair price my head’s going for ten thousand I’m gonna undercut it because I need to get the sell so we’ll do 8 000 uh we’ll sell it for 6 960. nice now I feel like we definitely made a profit like I’m pretty sure these

Lucky gems are worth like a lot of money 45 000 so if I sold this for like 44 000 we would blast past the 50k gold I’ll put it for 44 because on her card a little bit and see what happens oh I can’t I have to sell something first I sold a

Lover fill ahead for six thousand and I sold a YouTube logo which is sick guys if that sells if that gem sells we will instantly make the profit we need to make like that’s actually insane all we got to do now is just cross our fingers

Someone finds it like this could be huge while we’re waiting though let’s see what else we can do put it back up for 39 000 and I feel like having a three in front of it is gonna look good because this guy undercut me at 40. there’s like

A battle right now people trying to drop the price of this I really need to get this thing sold like that is the last piece we got a lucky deal it’s gotta go it’s old I think it just it did I think it did something all right we’re going

To drop it again I’m not selling 35 000 that is literally the cheapest one by far someone’s gonna snag it such a good deal you can’t miss it yes yes 62 584 and we literally started with just one thousand which means next episode we don’t have to eat the sourest candy in

The world brings us to 8.1 million dollars total this stick is the only thing I’m allowed to start with and see if I can make my way up to a base my one hour timer starts right now and if I can’t do this challenge I have to give

Two million dollars to my brother on our trade-up challenge so the first way we can make money is by typing slash daily every new player gets a daily key which allows you to open this crate which could give you some decent items or some junk and since we’re really just trading

Today I think we’re gonna go for it and see oh no I could maybe trade this for something come here let me trade you Jimmy Dodger come back to me I have to make some money trade me come on I’m sending these guys trade requests I’m

Gonna see if they’ll give me any deals I just feel unlike like it’s not my I’m just gonna put this up and see what he offers me all right this is the trading menu bro if you accept that I will lose my mind that’s worth a lot please no

Oh put it back dude please that was worth like 150 000 will you trade me the beacons please come on dude please trade me those Jammy I am counting on you dude I’ve invested a lot of time right here today he declined my invitation to a TR

He’s not answering me I just I feel like this is not gonna work I don’t know what to do come here dude trade me for a stick trade me for a stick come on see like this is not going okay okay okay I’ll take it that’s something come on

Dude trade me for a stick please please please please please please he said yes he gave me a wooden sword 52 spider eyes now that’s actually worth a decent amount of stuff here okay finally these are all the items we’ve gotten for free I’m gonna put the stick up there and see

What he offers us for the stick a single spider eye definitely a profit he gave more he honestly gave us more spider eyes for free that didn’t make sense but now we got to figure out what to do with these uh I’m gonna see maybe I can go to

Someone’s base selling a wooden mansion oh wait wait a mansion can we buy this now okay so I got the spider eyes now I’m just gonna try to trade him the spider eyes and see what those can get us fingers crossed I’m gonna put up like

Half of them see if I can keep the other half for myself maybe he just said no I said can you do items like hey yo chicken tender oh what the yo yo yo yo yo yo yo come here bro oh oh oh oh he just gave me an enchanted

Stone pickaxe we finally have a tool we can at least go Harvest if we need to I’m gonna give him the full stack of spider eyes and see what this guy will offer up to us oh oh is that a good deal I feel like that’s a lot of that’s a lot

Of food I mean I feel like I would accept that I get I guess well I guess I guess we’re gonna I I’m not sure if that was a good trade we could have we could have went backwards with that particular trade can’t even be sold so I actually

Don’t even know the value of this hey let’s see this dude nope he’s gone okay all right I’m going for a trade with alpaca it seems like right now most of the time trades aren’t working if I don’t like woo them first like I literally have to woo them be like hey I

Love your skin it looks so good watch this the dude’s ignoring me now watch this I love your skin bro it takes his arm off look at this wanna trade see you guys you guys come on I think he got some items and it looks like dirt and I don’t

Like that but that’s okay we’re gonna try anyway okay so I’m gonna put in a stack of chicken we’re gonna try to keep the other stack because that might be used for a future he’s playing with my emotions right now and I’m an emotional person this plays

With me if he backs out of this I will cry I will cry at Great large tears I’ll put him more bro two stacks of chicken that’s all I have maybe he’s just joking he accepted it all he has to do is Click confirm and it’s in come on

The tension right now was off the charts if this man accepts this trade if he goes through with it I will walk away from a stick yes thank you so much dude oh my gosh you’re a king okay well I don’t even know man what this stuff’s worth real quick and

What I can do here is do type slash sell and this shows me the value 500 and 800 so about fifteen hundred dollars which isn’t bad given the you know fact that we started with a stick I’m trying to think I’d like to do a trade here to

Have someone trade for my daily key all these guys look like noobs too this is just a Noob house noobs here all just noobs vibing what’s up Noob I’m a Noob hey Ant-Man you all noobs hey Noob I feel like we’re in some underground casino right here oh and that’s my face

That is literally just my head on the wall I just want to point out the fact that that’s there hey how’s you doing how’s you doing he wants me to go to his shop and buy his daily pickaxe that’s just it’s worth it it’s literally not even worth 100 you’re trying to charge

Me five thousand dollars you see the disc you see the disconnect here my friend look here we got some scammers on This Server we’re gonna make do with it come on okay you need to ignore me I would accept I would accept this deal you know I feel like that’s a fair deal

Four Diamonds daily Pick and in fact I feel like that’s probably a profit so I’ll take it sure this is probably worth about 500 that’s that’s more than the diamonds were I think collectively whoa he wants to sell me his base for seven thousand I only have items if I could

Trade him all my items that would probably be worth it that is all that I’ve gotten so far he said Neil let’s freaking go hey oh your inventory’s full there you go buddy you dropped those items I’m not gonna pick them up don’t you worry but I could I mean

All right we now own this entire base which is kind of good considering it’s only been 21 minutes there’s a ladder oh there’s a ladder where’s the ladder he doesn’t he doesn’t even know where the ladder is there’s a ladder somewhere under his base we don’t even know where

It is okay it’s literally naughty it’s just way over here all right you don’t even know where your own ladders oh there goes on the hole okay this is bad okay finally we got the ladder we’re good this is fine this is good this is

Okay we have a base oh let’s go he just said oh he’s gonna give me three blocks this dude is stay here oh oh it’s free course oh my oh my gosh I can’t believe this okay I’m freaking out a little bit too much but that’s incredible this man

Is literally the hero he just gave me stacks on Stacks bro absolute Legend do you know how building she’s got a couple staircases over here that’s gonna be a little bit of a seating Zone look out the window okay we’re gonna do maybe another smaller seating Zone here here and here

You’re not subscribed subscribe today because the Zach leaves are the best it was a little bit cheesy I know but it’s true all right so we’re gonna put out that teleport request we’re saying items are only allowed and so far one player with a Steve skin has accepted so that’s

Definitely not a uh particularly good look to be on to be honest with you he might be offering me a shovel that’s worth like a hundred thousand dollars I don’t know if he’s gonna do it come on dude come on dude give me the shovel if

This guy accepts the shovel come on come on come on come on come on please this is so exciting pong no come back dude pong has to accept this deal he has to accept this deal because I don’t think anyone else is gonna be dumb enough to

Buy this piece I’m sorry pong I love you but I think that’s a pretty bad deal guys I made the mistake by actually teleporting to my boy pong uh instead so I have actually lost the base so I need to somehow make it back to the base oh

Oh we’re back I’m not gonna lie to you we probably just lost five minutes for this catastrophe of a disaster here that we just went through this guy is upgrading the base which is awesome punk anyways come back come on Punk be my man do this for me let’s go baby okay that’s

Definitely looking real I’m gonna do blocks of quartz here I’m gonna throw on The Daily pickaxe I’m gonna throw in the pork chop some of these and I’m gonna do a stack of 64 of these and we’re gonna give that to him just for this shovel

Look at the stats of that shovel it is literally amazing I really hope that he accepts you I would say that right now and he took it out that’s not a good sign okay that’s not good at all I told him he gets the whole base and this dude to help him build

I don’t know if I can trade that dude’s life but I’m gonna do it come on pong he said no no Paul no they are going to kill me if you don’t trade I’m not sure what to do I don’t know who’s gonna kill me I’m just I’m just gonna say that it

Feels like what you would say if you really need something he shook his head no seems like this is a bad sign all right make it just need to make it happen need to get so magical need to pray I just need to pray Notch please

Notch if you’re real Notch if you’re a real person please let me do this so at this point I don’t care what he gives me I’m just accepting the trade I can’t get this thing off my hands I gotta take it it’s a liability right now so let’s just

Get it out of here we might even lose money but we gotta cut our losses at this point it’s been too long oh that’s not okay all right okay men okay men yeah okay with that I’ll take it mending’s 10K piercing power all these others are pretty worthless uh probably

Overall oh that sucks okay what now pong what now for the base you said Hannah with the bass first okay online let’s go okay I gave him the base okay we’re out of here let’s go I’m sick of this place I’m just gonna die so I get my health

Back you back to spawn quicker we need to make some massive plays extremely fast to get this base this is where you traded from a stick to now feather falling power two mending uh these are worth decent amounts of money this has some money to it the rest of this I

Don’t know about boy we need something big here 50k Mystery Box all right let’s see if we can trade this dude for it oh I got an idea what if I trade him a mystery box for the mystery box I’m gonna try to trade him mystery box for

His own Mystery Box which is my whole inventory for whatever’s inside this box oh it’s the deal to be honest I don’t know if this is a good deal but uh we just gotta send it so that’s what we’re gonna do he wants to see everything

Lizzy wants to give me a mystery box and see my mystery I just that just ain’t fair I’m gonna give him the best items and all that I’m hiding is a single freaking block at the end and I don’t even care dude I need to get the trade

All right that’s what I need please accept yes there’s more so this is what we traded for pretty good deal here today folks I’m not gonna lie to you I think and we got a couple more books um that are actually worse uh I I don’t

Know I don’t know if we actually pulled a profit to be honest with you guys I just I don’t know I just don’t know I don’t know how I feel about this buy a house offering 10K all right yo oh my gosh this is actually good I’ll buy this

Who drives tp2 Maximus I’ll trade you for this this house is actually quite beautiful please trade me Maximus I will trade you a decent amount of things for this home that are hopefully worth more than your ten thousand dollar asking price come on dude yes sir sharpness three 63 blaze powder will do

Respiration 3 and sharpness five that is I mean that’s that’s a deal I feel like honestly no idea what this is worth I know it’s probably less than what I’m about to get probably really I really don’t know um max what are you doing my friend I

Don’t think you know what you’re doing he said are you trying to buy the house I said yes with items they’re not great marketers I’m gonna be honest with you I don’t think they know what they’re doing themselves I don’t think this dude even owns the base why is he even trading me

No okay right well he’s gone all right okay Maximus please trade me Max please stop Max listen young man you listen to stop no get back here this kid’s jumping around everything okay Max Max look at me in the eye stop it okay um this is

Not this is going know we’re leaving 12 minutes to get a mansion 12 minutes it has to be possible Casino multiplayer money all right we’re going to go gamble let’s go I’m ready for the gamble I don’t have any money to gamble what can I gamble items this is too small all

Right let’s go what’s in here what is this a stick isn’t that ironic that stick is two thousand dollars that’s all I had to do make a casino whole time all right I’m getting desperate I just I don’t even know what this base is I told

Him I traded items for the base I don’t even care I’ll buy it I’m desperate give me the base I’ll just put it all in I don’t care I’m putting everything in that I have don’t even I don’t even know like this if the spider spawner is

Included great deals with 150k no thank you all work really hard on us I want to keep it no stop getting emotionally attached to your builds give me your build so that I can make money from them not the greatest business pitch I’ve ever heard who is this Matt’s mads mads

Come back here you own this I need to speak to you mabs you look rich oh I love this very fast movement mads mads mads mads mad stop running away please trade me I’ll just put four books in and see what they offer and they just close

The trade menu this is awful guys don’t you know making a video here I’m losing my mind nine minutes oh no please someone give me a that’s not gonna work all right this guy’s selling a base hey man I’m new wanna trade some items with me I think that is what I’ve been

Missing I stopped booing people and I’m going to woo you where are you so I can will you I love your skin bro where did you get that it looks so good OMG let’s trade some items LOL twins We’re not going anywhere let’s see if we can find anyone that looks rich dude dead rose OMG huge skin I love your skin yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah answer me answer me I said I love your skin answer me now you owe me you owe me

Answer thanks wanna trade I’m new I have some books that are rare all right this player is here for one thing and one thing only is those watermelons so I ain’t competing with that whose is this base we can get this we’re in I just

Told them I’ll buy this now for my full inventory I will literally do this right now come on Elijah please be the hero the world needs I’m going all caps I ain’t messing around I want this base Elijah look at this this actually looks great but you got your inventory oh yes

I am saying this worth 250k and that is very much a lie okay and that’s that’s just no right there all right Elijah see you around in your beautiful base that I would actually would love to have and we have two minutes left to do this wait a

Tiny you’ll buy what okay oh okay okay deal trade me items for it okay this guy said he wants to buy the base I don’t own the base he thinks I own the base I’m not going to scam him I’m just gonna see if I were to scam him what would I

Win I don’t have any good ones all I have is a strawberry ax deal now if I was a scamming player I could pretend to be the owner of this house but I won’t do that and get a 200 000 ax here I could have taken that dude for a ride I

Said would you want to co-own it with me I’m like I don’t have much but I got an honest heart and maybe maybe that’s enough this is it we have one minute and three seconds we have to buy this if it does I’m gonna count this

As a mansion and a success we have 58 seconds send TPA hurry hurry hurry I don’t know the guy who is who owns it where’s the owner Elijah where’d you go Elijah Elijah where are you Elijah we have 30 seconds no no no no no you can’t

Be gone you can’t be gone Elijah no no no no no no no no no they’re gone Elijah’s gone we only have 17 seconds this was it this was our moment we could have had the base Elijah why’d you log off no dude don’t give me your ax I

Don’t want your ax I’m sorry about that all on the base I told you I don’t know in the moment we needed the most he vanished we this we could have had this but we failed zacklings I’m sorry to say that today we must give my brother two million dollars for failing today’s

Challenge now I told you guys there was something very very Curse coming today something spectacularly cursed and inside my base oh what a landing behind this door is one of the craziest things you’re ever going to see in your life I’ve been working on this for literally

Three months now take a look at what we’ve done it’s a hole in the ground that’s it yeah it’s not a whole lot here guys but I’ve always wanted to create my own Animal Farm because it’s Gonna Save Us a ton of money and if I can save money I don’t

Want to buy things we’re gonna turn this into one of the most cursed animal cages ever and I feel like this is where it’s gonna start let’s go this way this seems I like putting it under my base dramatic clearing Montage that sucks holy crap why is there water up there you know

What we’re gonna take it this way because I hope that there’s not water this way dramatic Montage part two what the heck is that was a mine shaft here there’s just stuff everywhere it’s not even there dramatic Montage resume small tunnel here and before we create

The first room I gotta make the floor look a little bit more clean guys gotta give it a little spice you know what we do here guys uh excuse me do you have time to talk about your car’s extended warranty sir I’m gonna go to my Minecraft player store where players

From around the world actually can like visit me and like I don’t know buy stuff make me money like this dude what’s up Mr all right fine what’s up dude hey hey hey hey what’s up boys all right so yeah we’re in here real quick because I gotta

Collect my spawners all right I’m taking them out of the mall and taking them back to my base because this will be a key component in the cursed Farm we’re building guys I know what you’re thinking can you move thank you Zach are you making a gravel floor yes I am this

Is gonna be the walkway into the animals torture I mean homes their new homes I didn’t say I didn’t say that that’s totally not what I said is this true you can get cracked Bricks by furnace smelting them is this something people I just Googled it and it said that hold up

Take a look at this guys Google has told me smelting these gives you cracked blocks if this is true I didn’t know this after like six years of playing Minecraft I did I did it I’m not sure this is a thing no kidding that actually

Gives you crack bugs I had no all right so what we’re gonna do here is create one of the craziest Minecraft Caves we’ve ever seen for your animals like you’ve never seen this before and I don’t even know if animals need sunlight like obviously I don’t think they

Photosynthesize like plants so I should be okay to go but you never know so we’re gonna make this Center just gravel then on the side I’m gonna do a door right oh I don’t know maybe right here right here feels pretty clean and we’re just gonna give it a nice smooth and

Cracked Stone Vibe all the way down on the entire wall take a look at how incredible this looks guys you literally can’t tell me you don’t think this is appealing I mean this looks phenomenal look at this little guy he just he just likes to be the center of attention huh

You know where I’m going and you just keep standing there so now when you turn night vision off I like to keep it on so you guys can see look at this imagine walking down this a little bit a little bit too dark I think we could do a

Little bit to help out here so what we could maybe do is put like a lantern down way down in the wall here something like this and then we put an iron bar in front of it creep Vibe that’s got like a vibe to it like you walk down here and

You know you might not be coming out alive I made a pawn shop last week where players could come up and throw a diamond with an insane Redstone circuit and here’s the Redstone sir well I want to see how many diamonds who collected okay well how do they get items in

Either one diamonds that don’t even make sense I thought it only accepted diamonds we got a lot of diamonds I’ll tell you obviously this pawn shop idea has worked wonders for us wow what would this sell for like I could just sell them all like do I even I don’t even

Need that many diamonds I should just sell them all like why not let’s see how much money we get what do you guys think let’s find out 113 000 from this WOW hundred and thirteen thousand dollars just for doing nothing like that’s why you make these businesses all right after that little

Adventure we’ve come back with a hundred and seventy nine thousand dollars to add to our ability to invest into this Farm down here so let’s get back down there and get to work our first cave needs some access points it needs to be built let’s get in there and do this

So the Hope here is that this was going to look like a totally naturally man-made cave that didn’t make any sense at all to you guys but it’s got like a natural K5 you know you got those walls no ceiling no Skylight that’s what we

Want we want the animals to know we have shot them in here for all of their life I guess the only downside is we do have to make the floor grass which like you know I prefer not to I think we can just do a little bit of grass like not a ton

See I like this it looks like just a little bit of moss has spread into this area it’s not supposed to be here it just somehow got into this base and so then put a little bit here give it like a little natural Moss spread Vibe

Looking to it just like that a little bit over here you know nature doesn’t really do straight lines so we’re gonna give it some angles we’re gonna give them a little little bit of a light in the corner just like one Lantern there I could see maybe one up here in the

Corner and then a third and final Lantern like over it I don’t know this seems like a great area to me a little bit of a caged window and I think you know it’d look great to have another cage right here guys so we’re really making something special all right so

I’m gonna turn night vision off and this would be the views the animals would have well hey there buddy why don’t you go on in go on inside your new home so this is what it looks like for the animals it’s got just a very dark Vibe

You’d live like this for for all of time it’d be absolutely terrible we’re gonna do more don’t worry this is just the beginning stages but I don’t know I feel like for this one we’ll go and put some sheep spawners in we’ll just evenly space them I don’t know if they’re gonna

Spawn though could be that we don’t have enough grass oh you know what I think they’re spawning all the way over here I think that’s what’s happening I’m sorry boys I gotta kill you all I hate to do it I do I’m sorry guys

Uh go ahead get it get inside come on I know you get it I know you’re judging me he wants in obviously let’s maybe we gotta give him a bigger hole to get in here with come on now oh hey guys I didn’t want to do it that was

Like our friendly sheep the whole time I named him Harold I mean but hey sometimes you got to cut your losses and just get the kill I’ll put another sheep spawner here and now the Sheep will spawn right there which means we don’t even need to give them this light this

Is way too much for these little creatures let’s get some iron bars in here set the mood I think this whole back wall should be like pure iron bars you know now tell me that does not look like one of the worst things ever I mean that is

That is frankly horrifying we’re gonna put a single Lantern on a chain it’s gonna dangle I don’t know like that’s like a good dangle spot to me like dangle it right there and give a little dangle I don’t know really if this is a

Good idea or not but if I just kind of do this excuse me if you could just move there so thank you so now I can place all of my mob spawners like this okay I don’t know maybe I could put them in the ground that might look a little better

But for now I’ll do this and now these mobs will automatically spawn in here in the darkness forever and that’s literally all they see there’s no light there’s no anything but it’s like it’s not creepy enough to me let me make it a little bit creepier because there’s a

Few more things I could do to this so I’ve added a couple details inside this base and you’re gonna like them not only do we have giant bones sticking through the wall to make it a little bit spookier as you can see I also put a couple creepy curse villager heads down

I thought they look like they were like deteriorating or something it adds a nice Vibe for these in fact let me make it darker so it’s better right that’s pretty clean couple chests you know the idea here is that this guard is wearing a sheep’s head literally one of them and

Guarding the door like that is fighting and she has lightsabers behind her so the last touch I want to do to the base then is go to these and put the meat on the wall that way these animals are like really aware of like where they stand in

My base so this is now officially the lover fella slaughterhouse and I’m gonna be able to come down here and basically get unlimited food so take a look look at that I mean it just pours out of him pours out of that animal I mean it’s

Beautiful and then I can take this food walk over here and store it inside of this chest and now I literally have infinite food inside my base but this is only a small step of what we’re making down this hallway but we’re gonna close the door for now now even though our

Cave looks pretty sweet guys we need to clean this thing up I want people to be able to visit this I want people to be able to enjoy it and this is this is kind of ugly so we need to transform this entire room all right so this is gonna be the

Balcony right here which means all the floor has to be taken out and the floor has to be replaced with very nice balcony looking stuff here and so I don’t know I’m thinking we’re gonna keep kind of the same Vibe we had going on down there with the smooth and crack

Stuff I’d love to get some Mossy items but like I don’t really see a way to get Mossy items so we’re just gonna go with this and where the heck of them spiders actually do I have more crack stuff all right there we go now we got everything

We need so we’ll do that I don’t know where that spider’s coming from it’s killing me right now some kind of a weird pattern like this just kind of basically like randomly placing them wow these are our signs we place back in freaking January that was January 4th

How much money I had now we have 10 million that’s actually kind of cool I’m gonna leave those so the floor looks pretty cool I wanted a Vibe like this and then I want to use uh I think strip Spruce Wood to make like pillars down

So this is the railing on the inside it’s coming together slowly like it definitely has a nice vibe to it and then right here is where we’re gonna make the staircase I was thinking we’d make it out of cobblestone like this so I’m gonna see that might look kind of cool so you’re

Gonna be able to like walk around this balcony come down to the staircase this literally looked like nothing for so long I’m glad that it’s finally getting some kind of a shape to it maybe not the best shape but it’s not the worst thing either I don’t know that sucks

I can just get rid of this oh no guys it just freaking broke those two signs I literally said earlier I’m gonna save these sides and I broke them all right well that’s a big F but this look good as like Cobble I really I really do just

Be selling my whole inventory right before I need an item like I’m like oh I don’t need Cobblestone let me just sell it on then boom it’s all gone we’re actually almost out but I think a cobblestone wall will look here kind of like a little highlight piece I saw this

On like a Pullman renovation show once it’s nice it’s like not perfectly centered that actually triggers me so bad the sad thing is is I am literally trapping myself in this dark room when there’s a beautiful beautiful blue sky right now I mean look at this we’re

About to lose it all in a few seconds I love how I’m trying to make this look so good to lead down to it literally torture dungeon downstairs where animals will never see the LIE today it’s not exactly the most logical build I’ve ever made but it does look kind of good the

Back wall seems Bland to me there’s more I could do I think it just needs like the the same pillars they also make the staircase real quick because that needs to be knocked out because I’m gonna keep being afraid I’m gonna fall down foreign I mean that is that is a serious

Staircase right there into the Pit of Doom right downstairs I don’t hate it it’s not the worst thing I’ve ever seen in my entire life problem is I mean you’re basically walking downstairs and then you’re running straight into a wall like it ain’t the best build all right

The staircase is not perfect all right guys now for the fun part I gotta do this entire wall all the way down to the ground and make this all Spruce Wood then I’m gonna put some big pillars on it so it’s gonna take a minute let’s do

It now now I think it might look a little bit better after some of the changes I just made to the base so take a look at this it’s not perfectly centered still all right I don’t know how I’m gonna fix that it might be impossible based on the dimensions but

Now you’ve got a nice little way to walk inside to the base and it’s almost like walking into a new world like literally walking through that is almost like going through a portal this is crazy so you got this like dark and gloomy base and then bang just turns beautiful in

Here the staircase brings you on down and this is where we are left at now um I do need to make the floor a little bit different now so I guess that’s the next step here now because we’re down low I feel like we got to use more Cobblestone

So I’m gonna try to get rid of this floor give it more of a cobble Vibe like I feel like deep in the cellar or whatever you want to call this animal torture kid it’s just the vine okay these colors litter really go together so well like this is like walking into a

New world I can’t get over how different it looks than like the rest of my base there we go a little bit of a barrel scaffolding for some storage back here now the unevenness of the basement I feel like that’s something you guys are going to notice and call out and be like

I know but maybe there’s a reason for that and it’s because the architects who built this just didn’t realize that it wasn’t gonna be even maybe that is just the entire reason let’s expand this just a hair thinking maybe like a little bit of like a seating area down here you

Know come downstairs vibe in the corner gotta fix this wall naked all cobblestone because this just a mind there’s literally a mine shop everywhere it’s unbelievable I’m making the executive decision to leave it open I feel like it’s a nice little creeper hole like as you’re walking down you can

Peek it and be like you know what’s going on down here and it’s like oh that’s like a creepy area you don’t want to be in obviously you’ll put a little bit of meat on the wall just because we are we are entering the animal zone that’s just

To intimidate people that walk by up there now the slaughterhouse obviously needs to make us money one way it’s gonna do that is by supplying us with three items right I can come in here anytime and get all the food that I need which is exciting and that freaks me out

That I was a player I mean it’s cool it’s cool but there needs to be more ways to make some money in here I could actually turn these furnaces into smokers and that way people could then use the smokers to make money people might like to use these smokers to cook

Their food on so it might not be a bad move to do and I’m gonna place a flower pot just right up here so now in order to make money from all of these animals down here we have one of the craziest ideas ever we’re going to connect this

To our entire main base utilizing this insane water stream why is everything what magma sucks so take a look at how crazy this design is right here and I think this actually looks really clean honestly those those go together pretty well so let’s get in here show you guys

What we’ve done downstairs it obviously is coming together nicely but to make money we need to make this all automated oh excuse me sir no rubber fellow no so take a look inside we’ve got this location right here which goes right up into the rest of the base which means this water

Stream could connect to all of the others which makes this could go right into my chest room which means when I kill these it would Auto sort all the items inside my chest room for me got it surround it all with glass of course because glass makes it cooler and then

We will also need to be able to walk into it then this is crazy we can take our water that should bounce us and take it all the way up to the top and I feel like that looks clean enough I mean it doesn’t have to be perfect so now I’ll

Put that in there put that in got to make a lot of trips back to our chest room to get some water and this is what the path is going to connect to so I believe the hole comes in right here so now oh I have to go down I love the sound of rain in this game too and very relaxing what is going on with my water here I don’t like what I’m seeing it’s kind of cursed so now this should shoot it up and I just need it to flow over to this location so I put this here

Um definitely not right thanks to my handy dandy single piece of ice in here which I put in here earlier and somehow remembered and thanks to a handy dandy fence gate which we have a single one right here we can use these items in combination with each other to create

Exactly what we need we want to close that up we want to make this the ice put the gate on top of it open it up and then have the water flow assuming we did it correctly which I don’t know if we did this would flow right into it hit

The ice and then theoretically flow down let’s see what happens I mean I mean on the surface it looks okay on the surface it looks like it works so we’re gonna go find out now by going back into our animal cage and if we’re right this will connect all the

Way here to our Auto sorting system which means every time we kill one of these it’ll Auto sort it by taking it into the right chest to take this to the next level what we’re gonna do is try to connect all of the animals up to an automatic machine that will make sure

That they flood in here automatically without us having to so I broke all the spawners I have this crazy idea now where I want to see if there’s a way to get water to flow directly into this path right here and whenever I kill them

Their items are going to fall in and go straight into our chest without us helping to do anything we got to do a little cleanup back here clean this up and clean this up so now what I need is for the water to flow directly into this

All right we gotta have a flat Edge Let’s see what happens if I put a chicken spawner down and then I put water here see the problem is if I do this it’s gonna flow the actual animal down into the machine which is not what we really want particularly I got to be

Careful not to knock animals in but if I do it like that and I can hit them towards the thing like all their items are gonna flow in I feel like there’s a better way to set this up probably then you can walk over here throw all your

Items inside and then they instantly go back up inside to a little area so let’s see what else we can do to make this a little bit better and make sure that first off this stuff is all going to the right chest there it is so that’s the stuff we threw in that

Goes up to the tube comes into our Auto Sorter and then all the way at the end comes into this where it is which means all of the meat now and that’s the glass I threw that we killed downstairs in our dungeon instantly come up into this

Chest so guys I made what I believe is the most cursed strangest mob farm in the entire world it took me hours to come up with this concept so this is what it is transformed into so what I did is I linked it up to Redstone in a

Sticky piston and now every time I pull this lever that piston falls back the mob’s gonna fall he should fall sometimes to get stuck there I still haven’t worked out why that is he’s glitched in he’s just floating in midair so this is now designed so that when

Mobs spawn on the grass this single lever I know it’s kind of a mess right now it’s taking me a long time this single lever will push the mobs all the way over they come over to this location where I can slaughter them and uh they will actually die the items should flow

All the way down so this is now a machine designed around bringing the food right to you now if I go back to my chest room all right just to show you guys how much I’ve made just from sitting here and doing basically nothing how many made the smelter we got all

That all right we got like sacks and stacks of food they don’t a brand new mob farm which means we’re going to make even more money as that connects to our super feature which eventually I’d love to tie into this and then automatically have it go to a shop where players can

Buy my food can I become a Minecraft millionaire from a redstone ladder well Minecraft hasn’t added those into the game so I went ahead and added it to the game for them so first thing we got to do though before we can sell these ladders to players is actually build the

Store which is gonna look like a giant ladder so we got to really call their attention in here decently higher than the trees all right we want people to see a big fat ladder and be like who the heck took time to build that a little

Something like that now the hard part we have to manage to line this up perfectly straight I don’t know if we’re going to it’s going to be real tough now how do I make the other ladder rungs this is this is a challenge I’m not

How do we do this oh scaffolding I could do scaffolding right that’ll be good do I have scaffolding if I had it I’ll put it in here let’s get this scaffolding going just like a real construction worker here folks we don’t mess around with it almost killed me all right guys she’s

Beautiful isn’t she look at this took me all day to build it to be honest with you I remained it like 16 times because I couldn’t get the dimensions right but there it is it draws in ice from around the world I know I know it’s it’s a lot it’s a lot

To take in but I think we need to now create a path that connects it to this main Island right here where Isaac has built his so if I zoom in I can see he uses what appears to be a spruce dark log path with five fences I’m gonna try

To copy it with just that little Peak right there okay so I just made that a two by two by 78 bridge I don’t know what the dimensions are and then let’s compared to what Isaacs looks like my brother um his is four wide as predicted

Which means we can just do the same thing which means I gotta go back and place a billion more slabs on the side so then you might be thinking Zach you’re making a redstone ladder what the heck does that even do and I’m gonna explain it to you guys but we gotta get

The entrance done first you guys ever walk through a mall and you see a fancy looking entrance and you walk in because of how good it looks that’s what we’re trying to do here all right we’re literally pulling people across this claim border into ladder Island and we

Need to make it look fancy it needs to look bougie that needs to draw their attention and needs to have a path underneath this through the tunnel oh okay well maybe there it is it’s gonna come out right here on the ladder land that’s what we’re gonna call it like Disneyland

Got their own theme parks we got ladder Lane I’m assuming it’s around here where’s that hole I was digging a hole where’d it go ain’t no way it’s deeper than that right where’s the hole how do I connect this thing There it is oh wait that’s not even we got to make this wider dang okay so we’re gonna pull them in with our YouTube Cloud they’re gonna come to our Island they’re gonna say you know that that’s so cool oh my gosh what is this is this Disneyland no it’s not it’s

Ladderland but it might as well be Disneyland look is that a perfect entrance right here into ladderland we’re gonna walk up and see the famous ladder I can’t explain you that tree I’m not sure it’s just it’s definitely gonna take away the view I’m gonna have to

Break I’m gonna have to burn it I’ll have to break it all right guys check it out our server has a feature called mcmo allows you to right click oh maybe okay well no never mind there it is it insta breaks trees all right that’s pretty

Sweet because now I don’t give me your music because I don’t know what to do that all right now that we got our beautiful path worked out we need to get this cleaned up to give them a nice walkway don’t worry guys we’ll get to the magic freaking ladder I couldn’t

Think of the name very soon but we’ve got to make it look good all right so here’s the vibe here we’re gonna do one of these four fences which I I uh have none of in my inventory so why is there a random chest eyes a cleaner clean your

Junk up Isaac all right clean your junk up young man Yeah I knew that wasn’t a lot of fences but I really felt like it was going to go farther than just halfway across the entire Bridge 64 plus 47 that is it I’m not in three logs because I wasted them on Gates we’re really we can’t win today can

Wow that could have been a disaster I did that without the logs I was like if I didn’t Center these it’s over we’re going home if only Building Bridges was this easy in real life like think about how far society would be right now I mean I’m just saying we would not be

Where we’re at right now probably I have no idea let’s put this on too for fancies we’ll one up Isaac’s Bridge oh he has a lot of lanterns we don’t need lanterns we need trap doors perhaps people see this and think dang Zach you rich because you got N Rods what rich

People have you are one of them now if you know anything about rich people Gamers it’s that they like to randomly place things and call it abstract art so that’s what we’re going with here today on this bridge hopefully it looks good I haven’t yet turned around I think it

Looks nice I think I think it actually looks good I feel like Stone looks a lot better after wood like doesn’t that’s just right don’t you have that feeling when you see that how about that so you walk in and it guides you so blissfully Bang that right there my friends is a gorgeous tunnel I mean that is all right you can’t even speak about how gorgeous it is except the top the Top’s ugly Top’s real hook no it’s not ugly though you you’re beautiful because you’re watching my video so let’s let’s

Continue on being beautiful and watching my video because you are and if you click away you’re not beautiful anymore how’s that feel yeah I’ll do it in the back corner we could have like a little seating area right around here and this could be like where you come to like

Chill before you go upstairs like I don’t know why but it’s it’s cool like it’s got a vibe to it maybe an item frame with a music disc because we’re vibing down here maybe we’ll be able to put down an actual music thing to play

Music look at this if we shift click it goes invisible now we’re vibing it’s like an eyeball don’t know why we’d want that but we have it we’re almost ready to show you guys what the upgraded Redstone ladder does and yes you guys can actually use this on my server if

You play here it’s actually Redstone it’s legit so because we’re making ladder land which is inspired from Disneyland we need to go more all out Walt Disney would not approve of this build would he but what he would approve of my friends is if we had ladders on

The ladder if he was in his grave right now not Frozen inside of Disneyland he would probably be very happy with us let’s go ahead and clutch this oh I actually did I thought I was gonna die there now that’s nice you got the ladder on the ladder okay we’re getting

Somewhere now these are going to be the slow old-fashioned non-redstone ladders I want our I want our crowd to understand what they’re about to buy we need to sell this to them we need to say hey when you see this you see the climbing speed of this ladder you are

Going to be slow but when you see our Redstone ladder you’re going to literally have your mind blown 3x it’s gonna let you climb at least three times as fast and it’s gonna be insane so let’s get some signs on our wooden ladder in a way that’s very easy to see

I think let’s see what would Disney do wwdd Disney would have you walk up and be faced with a beautiful integrated advertisement in the shape of a miniature ladder which is exactly what we will do here mini ladder imagine Walt Disney made this you walk up and bang

Your face with a mini ladder with the big boy off to the side it’s like a Disney castle and then what’s Walt Disney gonna do to you he’s gonna hit you with one of these all right a sign that says don’t let your ladders be dreams don’t let those dreams stop you

From having the ultimate ladder experience which is right here a little bit of swanky Disney advertising is all we’re at right here we need to walk them up to the actual store so we’ll make a very simple path right here just like this you need to go crazy with it paths

Are kind of random anyway so that’ll do so you’re gonna get up here you’re gonna see the mega lighter you’re gonna be able to climb to the top because this is where the shop is gonna be boy this is brutal huh isn’t it really teaches them why you want a good Quick Ladder

Talk about a classy entrance now getting down is going to be difficult I don’t know really the best I mean you got to hop up here and clap it’s not going to be an easy process for sure but one two three four one two three oh my gosh it’s

Even I accidentally made it even which means right here in the center is where we’re gonna be able to place down the actual shot players will buy these brand new cursed ladders from that we’re adding so where’s my crafting table why is it gone did I break how’s it going

It’s just missing all right I don’t know about putting my head on the wall that feels like some weird Voodoo ritual but I’m not gonna I’m not gonna not do it the options here all right we’ll do a clean crafting table right there the item frame will go down in the center

That’s what we’re gonna actually put the items so that they can see it you know it’ll be weird if I’m in my crafting table a little bit cursed I don’t know I could put glowstone dust on it or rockets look at that it like it like

Makes it look like the crafting table is gonna blast off I don’t know why we want it but we got it that’s cool now as we know this is a redstone activated ladder we’re adding all right a redstone ladder we’re gonna be selling to players excuse

Me excuse me young man do you have time to talk about our Lord savior excuse me apparently not so guys it’s a brand new day and I did some building off camera because I’ll be honest at the covered vaccine and it’s honestly kind of brutal

I redid the cave and I said welcome to ladderland and as you walk through you’re obviously faced with a bunch of beautiful ladders on the side and some indented ones because that’s what I think good Builders do that so I copied them anyway walk upstairs I read this up

Area just a little bit added some flowers some benches you know made it look cool I don’t know why but I also added a beach and then over here to be honest with you this is this is pretty ugly I’m not gonna I just I couldn’t

Figure out how to make it look good but I was like maybe on top there’s like a VIP table area it’s like a fancy bar you could have a cookie and watch people come buy ladders but here’s the thing Disney would let you try it first and

Make sure that you actually want to buy it maybe what we do is we actually replace these that way when they come here to buy it they’re gonna see the brand new Redstone ladder and then use it and see how fast it is so these are some of the other businesses that we’ve

Created and one of them down here is a mob grinder where players can come and grind mobs oh yeah this is all of the items players have granted for us all right total that we just made is right here it seemed like about 100K or more

And that’s like 50 seconds of work so we could use it to buy things we can add to our building so this is the auction house where players can sell things ah here we go so this is a very expensive 200 000 purchase that I just made right

Here this might be dumb I’m not gonna lie this could be very stupid of me all right we gotta fly back I do I do love flying all right I do love flying there’s a slug noodle store aka the fireworks shop me and my boys are really growing this into an

Incredible Village here you guys can join it too that’s the Java IP this is a space cake well I I feel like it would be more dramatic that’s but it’s a custom cake it looks really cool so if I put this down in an item frame it actually

Displays as a space cake if I put this on my crafting table right here look at that okay it’s a very expensive decoration people know that I invested just to decorate this place they’re gonna spend more money look at this we’ve got this ladder here and maybe it

Makes sense to have everything connected in a nice clean way and if I look over here there is like an entire base that Isaac built that’s connected to nothing and since I just broke the trees for Coral we could do something here almost like this might be even the same level

Like this feel it just feels like an opportunity guys and went up When opportunity comes I take I lost my train of thought um but I feel like you know a bridge right here feels clean okay so this is the design I ended up going with so I added like an iron rail to the side and now this area connects

All the way over to Isaacson and that actually looks really nice now guys here is officially the moment we’ve all been waiting for it I literally spent like probably I don’t know 500 making this like this is real life money we’re talking but I’m doing it to make money

In Minecraft I literally hired a professional modeler and coder to create the upgraded Minecraft ladder so it’s the same recipe as a powered rail except this recipe instead of using like a stick uses a ladder which which I have none of so let me allow me to create ladders so what

You’re going to do is put a ladder down in the bottom surround this bad boy with as much gold as you can and then right above it Redstone which I actually forgot back in my face there we go take a look at this so this new crafting

Recipe allows you to create the cursed ladder and this is what I’ll be selling to players so take a look at how cool this is guys this is real like this is actually on the server players can craft it they just don’t realize it so I’m

Gonna be able to make some money until they know so on one side we’ve got the old-fashioned ladder and on this side we’re gonna place down the brand new cursed Redstone powered ladder literally one of the weirdest things ever and wait until you see how fast this thing is

Oh I died it’s a little bit tricky all right so take a look this is the old ladder the new bladder the latter that we all know but the latter that is too boring for 2021 so I took my entrepreneurial spirit and I said let’s upgrade that and make it special so here

Is the Redstone powered ladder and again this is what it does so as long as you just pre go to it and stay in the center it automatically brings you up at 3x speed it literally moves three times faster than a normal ladder and even

Shoots you up at the top like I don’t know if you guys saw that it is three times faster than a normal ladder so now is the moment where we get to see how much money we’re gonna be able to make from players so what we’re gonna do is

Try to sell them for a hundred thousand each is that too high probably but I’m gonna do it anyway this is honestly a little bit of a rip-off I know it is that’s what a good entrepreneur does all right no one said I can’t be a good

Entrepreneur I spent like 500 real life dollars on this okay I’m allowed let’s go craft as many as we can now because I think we’re gonna make our money back honestly I’m gonna go to the auction house again I feel like this was our best idea yet so again am I a scam

Artist or am I a genius the series is to become the richest guys and it’s obviously not happening so what I’m doing today is totally fine what isn’t there a quick way oh oh I thought I thought it showed the ladder oh we just show the ladder oh no people are

Gonna know about it crap that means I gotta move extra fast then if people know already oh there’s a fat stack of cursed ladders that could be an intense amount of money right there I literally feel like a dirty person what I’m doing I will do whatever it takes to become

Rich all right well we have an insane number of items now let’s pop them all in here all right let’s get as many as we can now if each of these sells for 100k theoretically each one of these Stacks would sell for 6.4 million dollars this is capitalism at its finest

Ladies and gentlemen I am proud to present after spending nearly a thousand real life dollars on this ladder land this cursed ladder works like a powered Redstone rail but it allows you to climb three times faster please buy them all thank you that’s how you do a little

Marketing picks there folks hey look at that money coming in that’s how you do it I spent so much money in real life preparing for this alone yes my friends brand new items have been added to the server can you imagine the speed fine three times quicker how incredible

How incredible all I had to do this whole time was hire a Dev team and invent items wow look at that for oh someone just bought them wait why are they gone 40 left 40 left before I make an even bigger announcement guys not only did a couple players just manage to

Get early access to our brand new ladders I now have 26 million dollars by the way you didn’t have to buy it it’s true you can actually go to your base and craft these right now uh no it wasn’t a scam it was more of a

Um first come first serve type thing so don’t no no this was not a scam stop saying to Bambi I’ve lost my server they’re calling my mods put it this week I spent like another 500 adding new ore to the game now we’re gonna go ahead and

Take care of some other things before we add our new ore oh they didn’t make a service door how am I supposed to get in there who designed this thing oh my gosh I can’t how do I even why is there even a door here how do I fix this why is

This messed up something is very wrong here what the heck he’s going on how long has this been broken I’ve been making no money all right well that seemed to have fixed it yeah so players pay me to open this door right like if theoretically if you

Were to take this block out this should open oh it did it did seems like it worked so you can buy that I make money and then players can shoot targets and if they hit the right target it shoots out mystery prize which is now empty this is

Making me no money let’s get some mystery prizes in here just buy some random stuff stack and then Roblox that’s pretty expensive apply that I don’t think I needed two of those you think I’ll get scammed if I just put like a stack of 64 of these in here and

Then surround it with like string there you go now you can win some emeralds so now this store is ready to go guys you can you can come play this right now make me some money all right so yeah that’s like our archery range right that’s the old store it’s now back in

Business don’t I have like a museum with a secret entrance two in here what is this donate your book to get in the new library literally I didn’t even put this here who bro there’s like no books in here at all it’s just random jungle why they’re floating arrows Oh but yeah no downstairs we got the secret entrance in our satisfying Museum if you guys haven’t seen this look at this players can throw items and they satisfyingly fall and then I get them this seems to be full as well so I’m going down see what we got we ain’t

Messing around no more guys I’m telling you we’re going to become rich one way or another guys I appreciate the donations I’m just gonna sell it all thank you for three thousand dollars this is horrible okay so we got the archery range set up the Museum’s looking pretty safe now what’s going on

Down here in our old uh Casino all right so this casino normally makes me a lot of money but it’s completely empty right now so I feel like we’ve probably got nothing in here and uh we do it’s it’s is it cannot buy it there must be a way

To break these casinos that I don’t know about because I spent so long trying to make sure they were perfect and they’ve probably been out of commission for like the longest time what is even going on back here guys here’s the question for you all right would you rather have

Billion dollars right now on my Minecraft server or a casino that makes you five thousand dollars a day casinos back online so I don’t know how much money I missed out on there all right let’s see what we got down here whoo there Comes the Money guys we just

Probably made like a hundred thousand dollars just by walking through that is called passive income I bought a bunch of random items I should buy a sword too I don’t have a sword yet let’s see if we can buy something really strong I’m kind of rich now so like it doesn’t matter so

If I buy a sword so I can play some oops this is a 16 million dollar sword right here that’s being sold six six million dollars for a single sword can someone tell me this is a good deal I’m about to waste a lot of money buying

A sword I feel like I’ve got to do this I did it I bought it I could have been a bad play oh guys I don’t know about that one that was a lot of money all right we’re back down to nine million dollars but look at the sword I bought

Look at that thing you’ll ever look up and see that level 500 Mining and think that’s wild it’s like cutting through butter if we’re gonna clean up we might as well clean up the right way and that means filling in the plugs here with some grass look at that

Hey what’s up let’s make this road gold they say the streets to Heaven are paved in Gold well now they say the streets to love her fellas Empire are paved to Gold but maybe they don’t say that I don’t know what my own sword just killed me all

Right so here’s the deal guys I just spent 300 000 literally just to make a road of gold and here’s the cool thing about it it starts right when you step into like my land so now when Isaac comes and wants to visit me he’s gonna

Realize that my road looks a lot better I’m gonna make a sign too just make sure he understands how rich I am we’ll go ahead and I think we’ll get rid of this tree and then in its place we’re going to put down a little bit of gold and

Then we’ll put some signs there all right guys what do you think of this a good old-fashioned uh roasting as he walks in bang right in the face welcome to loverland home of the Rich and then this says net worth of 30 million required to use now I’m not allowed to

Use it either but he doesn’t know my net worth so it doesn’t matter he thinks I can now I think long term it’d be kind of sick to like make all the trees like golden or something or Diamond like really Flex on them with our wealth but

We got some work to do guys today restocked everything let’s go let’s go put the time in all right let’s get some let’s get mixed okay let’s make some money guys there’s another store I forgot to check I can’t even open up my new horse shop to release my brand new

Limited edition Worth to do extremely super powerful cool things because I didn’t even go to my slug noodle shop bro no one is buying these I need my fireworks just and it’s raining now come on see how the old slug noodles are doing in here definitely looks like they

Hatched I don’t know guys I think we should probably go set up that new store today guys I spent like a couple probably I don’t know a thousand dollars in real life money making this video today for you so currently The Ridges has 1 billion I feel like we could

Probably make I don’t know 25 mil for this idea today I feel like the top of this mountain is probably the best location for it so let’s chop down all the trees here the animals the livestock up here tells me this is possibly very fertile Landing well again they’re all dying but I’m

Sure it was fertile dead bodies all right so what do you guys think this will be the new staircase that’ll take us out to our brand new upstairs store obviously though the stone Vibe because it will be like a giant Quarry see I like these things like these ores will do all these

Special powers and like give you bonuses and stuff but we are ready for it man we got to get the entrance right okay so the sides are now open for us to do really whatever we want I don’t know I mean you know what could be cool to use

Some of the natural wood here all I really wanted is some lighting all right some sea lanterns they’re at 48 000 I feel like this will look so clean though like honestly to have like a little sea lantern Vibe like right underneath the stairs as you walk up like that’s a

Clean look and then I also got some pot so we’ll put some on the sides and then what we’ll do this will be cool it’ll be like a little story because it’s actually going to use saplings from trees that I cut down to build this so yeah this will eventually become our

Path but again I don’t really like doing all cracked so we’ll do a little bit of cracked here put a little gravel in there so I guess right here seems like a great spot for recording so that’s what I made about five I was like 30 seconds

It didn’t take that long it’s not big enough to me I think it needs to go bigger if it’s gonna drop the attention from all you guys if you guys are gonna come join this in real life I need to make it look better I’m a truck that’s digging a hole all right

So you get to the top of this hill you’re my obviously lover ladder Industries and you look down and boom that’s the Quarry it’s got a nice depth to it but I think the edges need to kind of be a little bit bigger okay so this

Is now what it looks like let’s see you’re gonna walk up right here you’re gonna turn the left and bang you got dirt in the way oh my gosh we got the sunrise coming up you know it’s about to be a good day here so we got the path

Made we got new blocks that are being smelted I think I should be able to finish this path now now like pro builders do just randomly place them down and it looks kind of good foreign honestly guys I think this looks kind of good so take a look at that now when you

Come up You’ve Got a Brand New Path inside of ladderville which is beautiful and then you can walk this way down this beautiful custom wall on the side which I think looks really cool and then once you get to the edge you can either keep walking straight to Isaac’s base or take

The right to the giant new area where we’ll have the new custom ores I’ve seen like some really cool builds with quarries where they have like cranes that are like going into it and I feel like that is way above my skill level but I’m gonna try to build a crane anyway

It’s definitely not the best Crane I’ve ever seen in my life but it’s definitely getting somewhere alright guys so I spent a little bit of time doing some upgrades just like small details so let me show you what the new upstairs looks like so barrels on the outside and a

Little bit of ore just to kind of pull you into the Quarry feel and then I’ve finished up the crane I don’t know if it’s like the best thing I’ve ever seen but you can tell it’s a crane it gives the job that as functional kinda I mean

You can climb it so yeah you can get to the top of this thing and then get a really nice view on the inside and basically I just added a staircase that goes all the way down and that staircase makes it possible for players to enter and you’ve got this little thing which

Is holding nothing but it looks cool I mean this thing legitimately has like a really good Quarry feel to it what if we did like rock so yeah I feel like the stone looks better so now if you come here and we get the shop set up with all

These crazy rare ores you’re gonna be able to go in here and buy these or mine for them or whatever we decided to do so guys I just woke up to my mind and something very very unique has happened here guys I I dug here specifically because I knew this was a special

Mountain I just had a good feeling about it and when I looked inside look what I saw rainbow ore question mark or I don’t know what these are how they got here but we need to oh look at this one it’s like a red shimmering or what is this so

Guys there’s some new stuff in here I don’t know what it is so I don’t know about you but when a bunch of random ores appear inside you’ve got to figure out what they are and how you can make money with it so I don’t know let’s go

Mine uh this one it’s giving us random Buffs it like makes us get haste in mine quicker look at this we have jump boost haste and slow falling look at this this is sick I don’t know what that Blackness is oh wait okay well that’s weird why

Are there Shockers on my wall let’s try what our question mark is I have a guess I just don’t know what this thing does here we go so the question mark seems to be dropping totally random items which is kind of Sweet let’s see what this one

Does it looks like a Tire Claw or something I don’t know let’s go ahead and break it and see laser Crystal so laser ore drops a laser Crystal I don’t have any idea what this does we got some sick items here oh guys we just found the buried

Treasure with all of these oars in it oh my gosh look how lucky we are I can’t believe this so since we seem to have some kind of a secret mind we need to get back up top ASAP so guys we’ve got laser ore which seems to drop a laser

Crystal I’m gonna see if I can get a couple more of these laser crystals here there we go we got three of them guys the laser oars craft into a laser pickaxe this is literally the coolest thing ever do you know how much money I’m about to make off of this stuff the

Laser pickaxe should allow you to mine twice as far away which means you can now strip mine Mega tunnels using this thing I mean I guess the next step here guys is to get this thing open and get these things ready to sell I feel like

The magic ore is probably one of the cooler ones so if we’re gonna sell it we might as well sell it like right here just bang and then on top of it our chest shop which is going to sell all of these cool items all right guys take a

Look take a look let me put the item frame down we can put our laser pickaxe on the outside just to flex on them a little bit so they know something special is going on and then let’s get our shop set up here so what do you

Think these should sell for I don’t know what a fair price is because I want to rip people off I feel like a hundred thousand per or is a pretty fair price so we’ve got the shop set up now selling these for a hundred thousand each now we

Just got to get some customers here so I just told chat three new types of ore are now for sale and you’re welcome to come buy them I’m gonna get up top oh nope jump up here okay you can’t jump on the sign how do I get up there I want to get

Up there okay I can just walk up this way now we also gave ourselves invisibility so I can stay stealthy and see what happens now here comes our first customer and he missed it he didn’t he didn’t realize this was the shop here he comes he’s looking down and

He’s realizing like whoa there is something spectacular going on down here we’ve got two customers three customers now looking at the shop and this is just the beginning we are literally going to become the richest player on This Server no matter what it takes so after a

Couple minutes the shop is now fully open and you can see we’re making some decent money here in chat we haven’t sold out which is actually a good thing so more players can get a chance to get this stuff there’s one other special feature of one of these items and that

Is the mystery ore there is a one percent chance that they will drop a 15-minute meet and greet with me you’ll be able to meet me on a webcam and chill and just say hi and talk but you got to get lucky from one of these mystery

Blocks are you looking to sell the space I don’t know yet maybe so what do you think this is worth right now um maybe like 50 to 60 000 I’d say maybe 40 000 40 to 50 in that range so so you know a very dark interior got like uh some lock

Shafts right up front kind of makes you think like maybe we’re in an unsafe name neighborhood a dog house inside wow look at these poor animals I mean talk about animal abuse guys you got grass on the inside of your base look at that wow

Yeah I know an indoor Farm I mean that’s a unique feature right yeah yeah let’s take a look downstairs wow yeah I’m working on a zombie grinder wow we’re probably looking at about a quarter million dollar investment to really Spruce this place up now I think we

Could probably make the final sale about a million dollars what do you think pretty nice yeah that sounds good that’s what we’re gonna try to do here today is is invest into this base try to bring them to a million dollars profit all right gamer Doge so while I’m working on

The inside of your base I’m gonna start the teardown section I need you to start cleaning up all the grief on the outside and I gotta go back inside because we have a lot of cleanup to do we gotta tear it on the inside obviously the

First step is we gotta figure out all these torches in here I mean they’re just randomly spaced we got to really make it a little bit more even that’ll help us maybe getting rid of the doghouse and maybe moving that outside might be a little bit safer for these

Little doggos here what do you think yeah yeah I think that’d be pretty cool I think another big thing here is we could expand this window make it a big window and then the bigger the view is of that new improved landscape all right we’re gonna get to that Milly sell point

At the end yeah that’d be pretty nice that whole entire rooftop deck it’s a great idea I love it but I don’t know if people are gonna want to actually go to their deck to harvest things I think we could relocate that somewhere else another portal whole thing’s got to go

To be honest with you then again you got this you know you got this great Corner Room you have so much area that could be open to Windows but it’s just not Windows and you got this little I’m not even sure what that is but that looks

Like a great opportunity for just a big fat view here what do we have oh yeah look at that you got the forest this is where a great great great big window goes uh I’m gonna reuse that wall and kind of place it on the floor here just

Like that that’ll give us a nice little outline and uh we’re gonna fill it all in with glass and kind of keep this pattern going once we get to that point now you also got another issue here where the uh staircase in the front door

Are not really lined up at all I mean they’re completely uneven we’re gonna have to fix that uh in a big way now I’m not usually one for the three wide door but I feel like I feel like this is a rare exception it’s gonna work pretty

Well I think for now though let’s get some Investments here going on now we’re going to keep track of how much money we actually spend on this house see how close I am to my estimate I made at the beginning so first span 960 bucks for the glass

There I I actually kind of like that we’re giving it like a modern Vibe because that’s what sells these days guys in the Minecraft Market people want a modern base and that’s what we’re here to do that’s cool and in fact we could even wrap this around for an even cooler

Look now that’s cool because it kind of frames the window it says welcome to my house sure there’s no privacy but who needs privacy anymore uh we’re gonna do the same thing here by wrapping this window all the way around [Applause] more Renovations taking place upstairs cleaning up all the Torches getting

Those windows on there we’ll go back down in a second stuff all over the place so we we opened this up all right this is going to let that that beautiful view into this place I mean look at that view come on you get the greenery there’s really no griefing out there

It’s just it’s a gorgeous view this is gorgeous we got to go over one more do we I mean it just it frames it so it really brings the room together that’s an Exquisite little update right there wow and we’ve actually used all 64 pieces of glass already so that was 960

Worth of investment I feel like it’s paying off so well pretty pretty decently but I mean I mean it’s coming together now for some reason we’ve got this kind of like uh shifting color and wood now I’m not against different colored wood I think I think it’s fine

But I think it looked a little better if we were a little bit more consistent here or just to kind of tied it into the main room just a smidge you know all right well there’s another 300 invested so far it’s not too bad though uh what else that looked good another

400 let’s go ahead and fill this in I think a little oh yeah that’s so this originally was like the nether portal room and what is through this wall right here is this outside oh my gosh it is look at that okay I got it I got it so I got it so

We’re gonna add a highlight piece here now this is gonna really add to the marketability of this base right now so we’re gonna take um we’re taking some stone bricks we’re gonna pop these in right here along this column and then highlight the edge just like that that’s

Gonna be like a little support beam um could come down one yep oh shoot there we go okay that’s nice and this could lead you outside to like a brand new patio so moving the nether portal I feel like this is not a great spot for

It you know like it just doesn’t look good in the first place now my boy’s still cleaning up outside he’s still cleaning it up gamer Doge still got a full mountain right now I mean that’s don’t underrate that he literally broke an entire Mountain that’s pretty legit another 125 times three dollars right

There just got spent and now I actually need a flint and steel as well I should have one of those though is this enough to light I hope it is there we go okay I feel like that’s a much better location so now you got like the downstairs which

Makes sense because then if any of the monsters come out of it they’re gonna be locked down there but this staircase here is killing me I mean we can’t have a staircase like just in the corner of your room I don’t know what we’re gonna do but I think a ladder is probably

Gonna look a little better than this you know a little bit easier like Grandma ain’t gonna be walking down the stairs Grandma’s gonna go down a ladder all right Grandma will do that but no stairs might as well demolition the whole floor here too while we’re at it you know

Kind of gives it more of a dungeon Vibe you know I like that and then the way it’s designed is it’s going to be tougher for bad mobs to make it out of here so I think that looks a lot better the Steep drop off is kind of weird I

Don’t want to get too too crazy with it yet all right we’re gonna go with the ladder there we go look at that look at that that is that is immensely better than what we had when we started in this space it may not be perfect but that is

Freaking functional this inner ring right here is also going to get that same stone treatment but I think we’re going to use smooth Stone to make it pop more give a little bit more depth it’s cool I think I don’t know it’s it’s is this is weird but I like it okay the

Depths coming together pretty nicely here I like that I like that a lot okay so our front entrance is coming along these rooms obviously have a lot of work left on them but I need to go destroy this upper balcony uh and everything to do with it because this is not it all

Right balconies definitely are not for the animals wow so this is what we’re looking like when we take off that whole front balcony it’s it’s crazy I mean Oh that’s oh that is uneven that is very oh my gosh there’s a lot to do up there we’ll

Just cut through this anyway and see what that does how do I make this even when I can’t see down below where’s the door that’s probably even all right we’re gonna have a little bit more Stone so that’s another 300 invested right now All right so we’re going for more of like a very nice private balcony up here so I went with the car I want the stone wall to keep that little layer of Separation going on around here I have no idea to make that up but it feels

Good I’m gonna need more Stone it’s a lot of stone we’re buying today Stone industry is happy though so we’ll give them some outdoor chairs and by the way you can legitimately sit on these like look at this like you can actually sit so this is a great piece here now I’m

Feeling a little bit romantical right now so we’re gonna put a flower pot down and then put in a flower okay and I feel like this is the spot maybe like a beautiful red tulip all right that’s this is the this is the location all right this is where this is where it

Happens look at look at this this is Gordon I mean come on how about that huh how about that corner this is gorgeous can you can you believe that this is a real thing that exists right now now this balcony needs a lot of work as well this is about to be the

Epitome of luxury right here it’s gonna be a rooftop hot tub right in the corner and uh it’s gonna be pretty luxurious I think and then uh we’ll fill that up with water and that becomes a legitimate rooftop hot tub with like beautiful views a lantern right in the corner I

Can’t do that I can’t do that you can’t oh so little romantical rooftop hot tub look how much better this looks already the whole base is uneven this whole wall what the heck is this home pop now guys I don’t think homes in real life are even so right so we’ll just

Leave it like that for now oh the dog house sorry dogs I’m not I’m not gonna kill you but this ain’t this ain’t we ain’t keeping you here this is torture whoa what okay so this is like a little back entrance we’re gonna turn this into just

Like a really simple patio I think this all becomes Stone because patios are usually Stone I feel like probably because we ain’t got time for the grass to grow all right our client needs this base to be sold for a million plus dollars I’m gonna replace all this dirt

With grass right away and give these dogs a real place to play I mean we can’t have them trapped underneath the house it’s just it’s just not fair all right wow 600 for grass I mean the grass industry is scamming us right now that’s a little bit too much I think Twelve hundred dollars on those on total money just just lying grass okay this is gonna be expensive we’re gonna need to buy at least two stacks of regular Stone I think here that’s only six hundred dollars whoa creeper okay 41 stone walls we’re gonna actually turn this into like

A legit Backyard Barbecue area should be pretty sweet so we can actually make these like legit look like they’re grilling by putting invisible Chicken on the top which is kind of funny so that one’s actually being cooked and then on the side this is like the preparation

Plate and if I actually get like raw chicken which I somehow have none of yo you can’t buy raw chicken someone sell me raw chicken keep selling me thank you for one dollar guys it’s a lot easier to build this stuff when you can just ask

For it to be sold and it is and look at this now you’ve got the cooked chicken and the raw chicken next to each other and then in this corner I would say it’s probably best to do a little tiny campfire region because you gotta have a little campfire region so can somebody

Please sell me campfire guys there’s just certain items I don’t know how to make and it’s this is one of them okay someone sell me a campfire right now on the auction house I’m gonna buy it from you okay 100 campfire do it campfire it was ten thousand dollars I thought that

Was too high 100 bucks for a campfire let’s go did I get it no quit buying my campfires yes how’s that for you campfire Steelers now it’s mine there we go I don’t know about you guys but uh trees are classy so we will put a

Tree now in the backyard you’ve got like honestly like a really cool just clean looking yard right now so I’m trying to keep it to mostly like white flowers because I really would like the I don’t want the flowers to take away from the dogs you know the

Dogs are the stars here this is their playground they can go out and enjoy life and come inside whenever they want so I guess they also need a doggy door oh that’s actually great you can actually have a functional doggie door but they can walk through now the inside

I took down every single torch there’s no Lighting in here so I think just to keep it simple we’re just gonna put down some lanterns in the corners for now maybe we’ll move it but for now you know it does what we need all right I’m gonna

Go ahead and clean up the main entrance now okay now I love what I just did there but I also love the idea of an indoor Farm I think that’s a super clean idea gotta put more doors down I need more doors they look it gives me like a barn

Feel like I wasn’t even going for that I was going modern now we got a barn feeling bass and I love it now these are cool I feel like the labeling’s nice I love I love the vibe there’s not a lot I would change about this room I feel like

It’s very clean maybe just a little bit more segmentation in here you know like a little more of a clean walkway and then we could give it a little bit more usability by giving it like an infinite water source like you probably need water when you’re farming right and it

Seems like there is none anywhere now you can see where the back of the house looks like um it’s nice to have a walkway here and I feel like it’s probably going to make more sense to make this more of a greenhouse type Vibe so if we add some Skylight Windows here

How much better does this look like now the entire Greenhouse has natural light coming in so that’s just our spa for infinite water I think and we’ll just break these pumpkins down because they’re kind of in the way all right we’re gonna break this too I gotta fix

This back wall this back room has become a little bit more than I meant to do now I hate to inform you guys but this whole entire room was made uneven from the original designer there’s not a lot I could do about that besides remaking the

Whole base so we’re gonna have to do the best we can with the unevenness here um that window just happens to be a little bit larger I feel like you’ll get a little artistic with these and put this in the corner and then have like the jungle beans kind of growing like

That fun little fun little audition see not only is this actually like more effective at growing more of these it also looks better so now like you can have those like kind of act as pillars in your base okay so the idea is like each of these Corners now has its own

Type of crop I didn’t even mean to do that room that was totally an accident I was gonna leave it as is I think it looks way better it’s kind of cluttered but like in a cool way but I wanted to finish the living room because I don’t

Feel like I like it very much now I feel like carpet is probably what we need maybe just like a little bit of like a color we’ll do so that’s obviously the dog mat so when the dog goes in and out he’s got to wipe his paws on this mat so

That’s the purpose of that one and then we can do some cool designs with it by doing something kind of like this okay that’s kind of cool honestly it’s weird because it looks like Ohio State football helmets and um it’s not what I was going for but that’s definitely the

The color scheme that I’m getting here it’s kind of cool though so this is just so our dog feels a little bit more special I don’t know give him like a little a little fancy entrance point right there that is the most intense doggy door I’ve ever seen in my entire

Life okay I think that looks pretty sweet this living room looks so good now we got the barrels we got the hanging lanterns we got the depth I mean we got it all in this space I could have some trim too but I don’t feel like we need

It first four looks really good I’m happy with it second floor still needs a little bit of renovation and I think for this one we could just go for more uh like utility here wow look at that look at that view that’s a great view that

Looks so good so we’re gonna go more utility here which means we’re just gonna give it like more purpose like maybe an enchanting room like stuff people actually want so that becomes a little seating Arena underneath the staircase which is exotic and fancy I really I really committed to that uh

That ring idea for some reason I’m not really sure the purpose of it but I full-on sentence really dislike the staircase I feel like getting up to the roof is is um I don’t even think it’s necessary to be honest I don’t think you’ve got so many balconies like you

Really need 16 more like you do not need a rooftop a reading Nook in the corner read bookshelves okay well the reading Nook didn’t happen but we got cool bookshelves I guess okay so I’m not sure what carpet pattern to do here but uh I feel like you’re chilling here so maybe

Like a little bit of a little bit here while you’re working so you have a little bit of carpet okay well I got an enchantment table I think that’s pretty good probably better suited for the basement though okay so just really simple enchantment table down here at

The bottom of the basement or the dungeon whatever you want to call that thing um it’s just like the nasty room of the house like you you know basement oh I just closed it after a lot of hard work this is what the bass now looks like so

The inside living room is honestly beautiful downstairs has been now completely renovated with a nice dungeon feel you’ve got your own enchanting table and then of course your own custom chest room in this corner it’s not the biggest one in the world but it’s enough to store it pretty much all that you’ll

Need we also transformed this into a beautiful seating room which is honestly great compared to what it used to look like and I also did some small rates to the upstairs by adding like weird like seating by the window which I thought would be kind of fun if you were like

Eating here like this is where you want to eat we already got a sale and this house has officially been sold for one million dollars profit this thing is massive it looks like a giant abandoned warehouse I mean there’s it’s just humongous like how long did this take

You to make I spent maybe like five days on it but I didn’t really do much five days on this I’ll tell you what dude this looks like it’s exactly what I’m looking to buy how much is it whole thing I’ll buy it right now for you I’ll do 12 no 12 million

That’s a hefty price folks it’s a lot of money to be spending on something like this I’ll do it for 11. about 11.5 um 11.5 you got a deal there’s your money eleven and a half million dollars just got sent now I got to take over

This entire base so this is the plot of land that I just bought and I think up top will be our indoor water park section on the bottom we’ll have a giant fountain with a slide that leads right into it and on the left will be the

Gorgeous outdoor pool I think right here in the center we’ve got this nice long bridge which we’re going to turn into a shopping mart and then when it’s done we’re gonna try to sell this base for triple maybe even more than what I paid for it guys here’s the deal this is

Gonna take way too long if to do this all by myself I think as an intelligent business person if I want to truly become the richest here I need to start thinking like a real entrepreneur and that means I need to hire some people to start working for me Gerdes welcome

Welcome guys this will be our first interview of the day take a seat Curtis let’s see if you’re gonna be joining lover Industries today so uh that flower is a little bit in our way I just got a couple quick questions first one is are

You a good Builder yeah yeah I felt a pretty big mall you seem pretty confident how good are you building water parks pretty good before I joined the server I had a survival world where I made skyscrapers and everything oh yeah that’s the experience we’re looking for all right you’re hired what’s the

Pay you’re looking for um maybe two mil two mil two mil all right that’s the deal I actually am going to pay you after the work’s done okay so what do you want me to do uh turn this building into a finished building okay that’s exciting because now I can

Work on a little bit work over here and I know the rest of this building’s coming together too all right there we go Curtis is officially starting it this is like a feeling probably I would imagine that a construction worker has when I get their very first like excavator I would

Imagine it’s similar to this it’s Exquisite I think it’s I think it’s pretty clear we need to hire someone else I think we need to get someone else on this team right now uh here’s a great crazy kid crazy kid I bought this from you hello yeah I was seeing that you

Guys need help you know you’re looking to work on the base you just sold me oh for sure boy that is not normally how it works when you sell someone at home but hey you’re hired two million does that work nah nah for free man no no no I

Gotta I gotta pay my contractors I can’t two mil coming your way oh I sent you 20 mil send me 18 back that was a mistake could have just lost it all good thing he’s an honest person all right with three people that’s three times the efficiency the size of this base is

Extravagant but I think we’ll be able to pull it off in about an hour I’m gonna take a little look around give it a little fly oh that’s definitely not where I meant to go huh I need Rockets all right we got the nice Grand door entrance I feel like that’s

Really inviting what’s the first thing you want to see when you walk in giant Fountain giant expensive one you see it and you go wow giant expensive Fountain this is very nice oh my boy brought me some Rockets I have hired the greatest people I’ve ever seen in my life so

We’re gonna do um just little highlights of gold we don’t want it to be too gaudy all right we’re not Vegas but we are trying to make it look clean you know what else I need to sell this sword that I spent a lot of money on hey guys I’m selling my

Sword 16 million dollars for a single sword I did it I bought it look at that thing 15 million dollars on the market hey it’s sold already how about that all right so this is that front entrance design I’m going for I want them to walk

In and I want them to see this and literally say to themselves out loud boy they spent a lot no they wasted a lot of money on that interest they must be wealthy it’s a little gold here too oh yeah that’s good oh yeah that’s beautiful I think we need to hire

Someone else it’s getting to night time we’re almost a full Minecraft day in welcome to pooey are you trying to join us on this adventure yeah two mil coming your way how many zeros 2 million is it six or nine zero zero zero zero zero

Zero I think I did that right yeah I did hey welcome to the teams of Pui tapes you see this chicken this chicken wants you to like the video and if we hit 20 000 likes in the first two days I’m gonna be a Happy Chicken okay so to be

Honest with you I thought it would look cool like a giant Crown in the entrance and I still feel this way but less than I felt before hold on I have a knife all right so here’s the deal you can place down item frames on this server and then

If you shift click the frame disappears so I was thinking if we do this it actually might give it this look as if it’s a crown jeweled Crown Fountain all right so here’s the final product we got the jewelry on the jewels we got the crown looking kind of like a crown and

Uh we don’t even need a check-in desk I mean to be honest with you this is luxury and if you’re luxury you can even find this place you deserve to be and I need a drink all right so we’re getting some lighting strips in here now which is a huge play

Because we literally had no lighting before all right so I’m gonna try that same thing we’re gonna go for like this blue pattern down here just like this that looks yeah that’s nice that’s good that’s it oh my gosh look at this it’s gorgeous it’s gorgeous all right I still think we

Need to hire at least one more person Barton firm welcome to the team okay so so far we’ve made four hires for this team plus me that’s a team of five to flip this into a place that theoretically we could sell for over 100 million dollars right now I don’t think

It’s even worth what I paid for it originally but it will be oh my gosh the weather cleared how magic I didn’t definitely didn’t do that I didn’t use my commands to do that for sure Martin you want to make this thing a giant Fountain right here good luck

Because I gave up on it because it was kind of hard now I feel like one of the most important things to really clean out the inside is uh just like some a lounge area like some seats you know all right so now the lighting actually looks

Like a cool path so like you could follow the light and it kind of guide you on where to go it’s almost like those arrows you see in hospitals that say this way to like your surgery and you’re freaking out that’s what it reminds me of putting it like in a good

Way upstairs though is looking fire so they’re adding a second layer giving some death up here I just said death adding some depth and an in-water pool oh my gosh look at this look at these profile National Builders I’ve hired I’m so proud of you guys hey zappy hey for

Your hard work here take that food’s on me tonight boys I want chicken split this seems like a potential fall Hazard here by the way I just want to point out the danger of potentially having a gaping hole to the center of the universe but hey I don’t work in safety

Anymore that’s not my concern they die they die we need a name what if we called it Titanic 2. that’s probably a bad idea because then it would sink Titanic 2 it’s the name it just I don’t know I said it and then I loved it

Titanic 2 it is guys guys if you’re enjoying this video don’t forget to subscribe right now because I’m giving away 100 to a random person who subscribes to my channel we’re so close to three mil subscribe now so we can do it with that said let’s turn this little

Guy right here into our first outdoor pool of the day okay so the idea with this is uh world’s largest hot tub you want it here to be like this flowing in tomorrow that’s it that’s it right there right there flow into the shallow part love it

Because then you get the kids section I think Minecraft needs shorter characters to appeal to people more like me I love that now this I’m gonna call like I don’t know it could be a Whirlpool of death there’s a lot of things I could do here I’m going with the whirlpool of

Death I’ve got to it’s just too good not to Let’s time this right here on screen how long does it take me to create the whirlpool of death rather deadly as they say though death is how I don’t know I’m not sure what they say about it

Okay we gotta be I can’t we got we gotta get some more buckets did I need to buy 25 of them no might have been a little excessive but my team will be able to use these as well saves us time it’s all about efficiency here gotta get this

Thing on the market every second it’s on the market we’re losing money boy I haven’t even seen what this looks like so I’m not even sure if my investment here has actually been like smart yet because I feel like why am I dropping oh I just lost a bucket

All right so this is what I call the whirlpool of death so it’s literally just a giant hole but it’s fun because you get to jump in the hole right in the center of the ocean and then of course climb back up but it’s it you know it’s

Got a vibe to it you know I mean there can also be a part with daihoon boards to jump off oh that’s good let’s get another higher I might go as far as bringing in three more I might put six mil and two I’m gonna do it six mil

Welcome to the team we fired six people with a total cost of 12 million dollars and I think I paid 12 million for the base so I’m now invested 25 million dollars into this and it is so much to go but now that we’ve got a nice little

Team here it’s coming together people really like Grinders so do you think you would be willing to invest like 20 million Tad in your grinder 20 million dollars into a grinder if I buy you the materials can you make a grinder yeah but I will make 32 placements all right

We’ll do it we’re gonna do it I’m investing all 60 million dollars into this Base today and I’m not stopping until I do Martin I’m gonna put you on lighting Duty we need a lot of lights on the inside it needs some serious work dramatic Lantern montage

Look how nice this upstairs looks guys this looks so good I love that a slice of rainbow cake and a lover fell a chocolate box in the front entrance people are gonna love they’re gonna walk in and be like yo this place is just loaded with the good stuff oh that looks

Good too it’s like LED lights on the ceiling so this new seating Zone looks like water flowing out right it’s like water flowing you take a seat right here get a view outside this door get the nice outsour out of Ocean Breeze no I’ll tell you guys what these feel like this

Kind of couches you would see inside of a hotel they’re like not really that comfy but they’re good enough to sit while your parents check in for you that’s probably the coolest chair all right you’re sitting here looking down into the water below you like that’s literally just dark what could be down

There I just hired I think two maybe three new people I’m honestly not sure but they just got here two million dollars each we’ve now invested almost 35 million dollars into getting this thing built into shape downstairs looking good uh we need big water slides outside that’s a big important one big

Rainbow water slides roofs coming together I mean this is literally becoming a full-on base look at this we got roof man up here look at him look at him go crazy kid inside’s looking really clean I mean this is like Zoombezi Bay in Colombia no one literally no one

Knows what that is look it’s a place I went to growing up we got the death tunnel here I feel like on the left side on the opposite side of the death tunnel guys that is where we’ve got to get our slides all right that Gap actually filled up

Kind of nicely oh this is our new path outside I thought like let’s give a little blue and white Vibe just kind of like I don’t know a checker line finish line bolt Speedman not sure what it is but it looks good and it really starts

To bring some flavor on the exterior who wants to come outside and do the most fun exciting job ever what is up is that job we need to take this hole and we need to fill it all up oh yeah oh you fell you fell already 32

Blaze Spawners are needed guys this is gonna cost me so much money it’s unbelievable okay I don’t know if I went overboard or not with the carpet outside does the shop sell fences or I gotta make my own fences I gotta make my own fences all right all right let’s fensify this up

[Applause] empty areas here it looked like they could use some trees almost got a working entrance though okay so now all the trees are planted out front so these will grow up and give us a nice bit of green three oh snap I just got kicked too all right

Sunlight I’m here to help you let’s get this thing filled in it’s gonna be a doozy we’re gonna do it together me and you Let’s do all hands on deck outside we need to get giant colorful water slides massive we’ll sell this for one billion dollars yes it might be too much it might be too much maybe lower three days in real life have now passed and this is what the

Base now looks like we’ve got our little tiny pool down here all this grass surrounding on the edges another water slide another water slide literally a whole bunch more you got the beach area I mean honestly this place is insane and for our finished inside I think it looks

Pretty good I mean it’s not perfect like there’s a lot more you could do to it whoa look at this oh my gosh this is the blaze grinder that contains literally like 36 blazes like you can come here and just get infinite loot holy this might be one of the most beautiful

Things I’ve ever seen in my life so guys water park price will start at 250 million dollars we’re gonna have a bid war and see how high it gets jardis I’ll give you a discount because you built so much of it I’ll give you a discount for

This beautiful base I’ll do it for you for uh I do it for a hundred and 25 for you jordis what if I add my Maul what’s your maw look like guys this is a tough choice I’m gonna need your help today so drop a comment down below what should I

Do should I keep waiting to get the 250 million dollar bid to buy the giant water park should I trade it to get this mall and try to flip this for more money I don’t know I’m trying to think I mean this is a decent mall like if I flipped it and traded

You know could be could be a good investment I have decided that I will trade the water park for a house flip I’m gonna give away the park for this mall we’re gonna swap which means my investment doesn’t give me a cash reward but it gives me a new functional mod

That I can use just like that ladies and gentlemen the trade is official we’ve got people that have actually set up their own casinos in the mall I mean this thing is gorgeous the mall is there’s over 50 individual rooms and people renting it out so I got to get

This thing back to life because right now it is completely dead so I guess the first thing we got to do is like get our bearings down because I haven’t even looked through this small yet I don’t even know what we’re about to deal with all right so we’re gonna check when

These owners were last online and if they haven’t been on we’re gonna actually kick them out this guy was on 14 hours ago so he still owns this part of the mall ah here we go this guy’s been gone for over a month 35 days which

Means we get to actually kick him out of the mall and take this part back over tell you guys what you put new management in charge like me and I come through and I kick everyone out it’s gonna take so long to go through and evict all these people because there’s

Like 40 or 50 people that work here or have worked here inside this shop so I think the idea for this mall is we’re gonna actually keep this small and rent out spaces to other people we’re gonna have those other people be on all the time and have all these amazing stores

That only people from around the world can come to the server and I’ll be able to make money from all the stuff in the middle I’m gonna own all this stuff in the center to get all that traffic and make us money so now the difficult thing

Is I need to lease this out without everyone going crazy to get it so it’s gonna be kind of tough guys we’re gonna get our first plot sold right now to dog this plot right here would be yours Prime real estate location one million dollars uh sure all right one million

Dollars send it over keep the change oh oh an extra hundred thousand wow exciting so now we’re dog can take this plot turned into any kind of store he wants ice chunk here’s your two chunks right here side by side including the gold blocks those will be included as

Part of your purchase right there so guys for this one we’re accepting a burger ax instead of actually accepting like cash so go ahead and toss that down and this will be yours wow look at that the burger actually oh that’s exciting oh guys there we go two plots now sold

For a very nice ax okay so it’s cool to have those people working now I gotta go through the center and just start tearing stuff up like this is such a massive project I don’t know how I’m gonna get it completed looks like we’re going for like a serious quartz theme

Here so like I’m gonna have to leave those holes I think the main thing we’re gonna do is just do our construction do where any tear down we gotta do take care of that I do like the chairs we’ll leave those I can say and also I guess we own this

Casino so let’s take a look here wow Guys these are all stocked like we literally bought a stocked Casino like with pig spawners cow spawners and everything there’s like millions of dollars of gear in here guys problem is I don’t know how I’m supposed to make this work donation wall didn’t a million

Dollars to get on here I mean it’s pretty cool but I’m gonna take it off so sorry to these folks the thing is I really don’t understand how this works like they you can’t put chess shops into all of these so how is this functional ever it’s just a massive

Waste of space right now but if I can actually make that useful it’s going to be huge so what I’m thinking on this plan is we’ve got this like giant hole right here in the center and this is a huge waste of space because this is

Where I could be making money we could use this as an outdoor indoor area which they could use to farm animals we’re gonna take it down just two layers all right and just like that we cleared this entire thing out and basically turned on the grass I’m gonna go back in

Our casino because I’m pretty sure inside of this area there was a Zone with a bunch of spawners so inside of that we had four different spawners I take these spawners back I put the spawners down these now start spawning random animals and it’s kind of like

Those play areas you see in Mall except in this case this play area happens to be spawning animals oh my gosh look at the summer themed cows we got on This Server that’s pretty fire we’re gonna put these up all around the edges don’t forget type slash said

Home to come back anytime for free food then players can wart back and forth to get food especially if they’re new and if we get them in the mall they’re gonna go buy some other stuff guys it’s literally genius we’re even getting people already here just looking around

Like browsing the stores a lot of casinos though I don’t know how I feel about that like there’s just too many three of them side by side like one of these is gonna go out of business it’s a waste of space this can become a new

Shop that I could put here okay so I’m trying to make the outside area right in the center a lot nicer so we’re gonna put down a couple public crafting tables that you’ll be able to use whenever you’re around so like putting one right there and then I want to try like an

Experiment by making some public trash cans because obviously you might want to throw some stuff away I don’t want there to be any litter around here so take a look at this I don’t know about this design but it says please use trash can to keep our Mall clean it’s weird but

Now if I have stuff I want to throw away I can just pop it in and it should be perfect so I can put these all around and add public trash cans and this guy’s already cleaning up this room look so we sold it to him for a million dollars and

Now he’s setting up his new shop tennis balls oh he’s doing like a sports store with kibble and pets it’s a pet store I’ll buy another plot for my chocolate elytra all right go ahead send that over and you got this plot is it possible to

Get one and a half flots because this is like 1.6 million I don’t even think our plot system allows us to sell a half plot I’ll pay you 500k okay and then you get it without the half claw okay boom there you go so guys this is weird but

I’m actually paying him money to take over a plot so guys we just sold another plot here now ice chunk now owns all three of these so I don’t know if it’s risky to have one person own that much but if he’s a good partner he could have

A lot this is a casino that’s like under construction and it’s not even it’s like it’s not even functional I mean it looks like this has been out of business for a while let’s take a look at when the owner was last time we might have to

Kick him out here got like a 30-day notice so we’re gonna leave this here selling this place wow look at this what is it like a paintball Arena some kind of a shop he started and then just gave up on let’s see if he’s been online yeah

He has so I don’t know these two shops at the end are are pretty close we’ll keep that there September 5th deadline I think that’s fine because I want to sell this with every single Mall sold out and ready to go nice Courtyard here love this okay two more things two more

Things I’m getting so many ideas right now we want to keep people here right so one of the ways we could do it is by maybe oh did I just throw that I want to give them a free Anvil so we’ll go ahead and put a free Anvil like right here and

I think we’ll just do an enchanting table there just for like Vibes like you could use it if you want to but it’s just kind of there to look clean like a fancy reading book now to finish cleaning up these this one’s good this one I kind of got to redo the whole

Thing do I want to make this one red yeah I think I do like if I made it like red and red like alternated that would look really good so I need to get a bunch of red concrete so let’s clean this up real quick and we spending a lot of money to

Get this stuff ready the amount of marketability we have added to this place already in just a short amount of time is off the charts so that little strip right there is what we have spent some time on all of the rest of it is still either untouched or owned by

Someone that needs kicked out of this mall I literally haven’t even explored most of this what is this this is a restaurant I mean honestly it looks pretty clean it’s just like the rest of it is so empty like what is this wow I mean there’s some history on this wall

Like this one I don’t actually want to break like the view outside oh my gosh look at all this cleanup we have to do dude look at this this must be like the original Builder’s material is still all out here like you had a stone cutter and everything what is this someone dug

Under is like abandoned ruins is there like a door what is in this thing it’s literally just nothing wow so it’s like this giant like Sky Deck thing honestly I’m not sure what it is but one thing’s for sure this all needs to turn to Glass immediately this could be like a rooftop

Restaurant that I sell or something a rooftop store I don’t know I can sell this for a lot of money all right let’s get that glass on there it’s kind of nice honestly I was thinking I could sell this for a ton of money but how

Much better this looks now the snow on the roof is kind of an issue I don’t know and I don’t know about this but this seems like a prime spot for more glass like a nice view down below like it’s it’s a beautiful like shell of a

Build I just don’t know why they never finished it we got holes in the grass that need patch we got this thing which looks pretty exotic let’s take a look at this wait is this some sort of like secret battle arena outside how did this come with all right most of the central

Part is like pretty clean we definitely need way more grass in here look at this Marbles and Munchies massive amount of tables we have a full Courtyard what the heck this dude’s just here fishing this is literally mind-blowing to me he’s literally fishing whoa now I want to go

See what’s outside this wall so this leads outside and I don’t see any reason to not allow you to at least see outside from this area so we’re gonna open this wall you’ve got a nice way to get outside we’re gonna put some staircases down here and we’re going to actually

Give you something to watch outside so while you’re here fishing in our free fishing area you’ll be able to watch people outside this dude doesn’t even acknowledge me he’s just so focused on fishing look at him go he’s dropping Diamond I don’t know very interesting okay let’s get this down

I don’t really think we need a door there like that honestly looks kind of good like that so guys we just sold another plot in the back corner for two million dollars at the very edge of this Zone we also a couple more details all around the

Mall but right now what we’re working on is adding some detail to some of these little stands here so our first one is going to be aliens daily items and I’m not really sure the details but I’m going to put an alien in here this one’s gonna be something themed with

Astronauts because that’s an astronaut man oh is this dude bringing animals in this dude’s bringing a creeper in to it to a shop you never know what you’re going to see in the mall folks you just don’t I know half of you guys are going back to school soon so let’s do this

This will be a cafeteria where players can come to Vibe and do their homework like you could sit down at a table and now I need to give them some like noise to listen to to get them some ambient black noise this is actually so I was

Thinking we could do is put a jukebox here in the corner and turn this into like some kind of like music Zone in the back and then allow players to come online and listen to music or water in like all the other sensory experiences we’re gonna give to them and like use

This just to Vibe and enjoy life so I’m gonna see how it turns out let’s give it a shot So what I created is like this little uh like little waterfall area which I think looks really peaceful like that’s kind of the vibe we’re going for here I’m gonna put these down on the sides so this is where you’ll be able to put in

Music that I give you or music that you bring by yourself like that’s actually kind of a cool idea we can add more details to it later but that works and then on this side we’re gonna do something different by giving them sensory experience with fire

So you could literally sit down here and enjoy the listen of that while you’re in the server which I think is really cool over here you get the water sensory experience or the music and like we could keep adding these and expand onto it but I feel like that’s really cool

And then if you need a break from studying you can walk on over here in real life do a little bit of fishing or just enjoy the scenery that we’ve added here so this is the sign you’re gonna see now I don’t know about the placement

In the middle of the path maybe it would look better on a corner but it kind of welcomes you says yo welcome to the sensory mall with a golden apple on top gives you all the rules sit down and enjoy report rule Breakers to police which we’ll eventually get and like

There you go a guy already join it so the idea is we’ll put four of these dark oak saplings here and those will grow into a giant tree it’ll be like an inside Courtyard not sure what we’ll call this place but I like the idea of

The golden apple mall so this looks a lot better in here maybe just a couple chairs or a couple crafting tables like it’s just so empty let’s clean it up real quick oh he gave me some bone meal one of our freaking one of our people

That live here gave us some bone meal let’s grow this sucker up is that ever supposed to be possible what in the world how do we get the ugliest looking tree ever I mean we got to keep it but like it’s freaking weird looking I don’t

Know about that one it’s kind of strange okay so I thought maybe we could do a fences up here that might look pretty good and I think it will it’ll kind of look like a gate that can close which is kind of cool because if we wanted to

Theoretically like seal it shut we could add Redstone in the future so that is what you see now the Courtyard at Golden Apple mall like we need some labeling of people are here from all around the server and the world they need to know what they’re getting into tell me that

Does not look infinitely better than what we had here originally there’s so much more room for detail but that’s like it’s probably like a 10 000 out of 10 from where we were at Pet Shop looks great I think there’s room for some more detail very uh colorful you know it’s

Just there’s a lot going on in here so the subway is um is coming together it’s coming together they’re clearing out nice wall in the back I don’t know what he’s building but this looks phenomenal guys we’ve only done like 25 of the small and there’s a million more details

And rooms to loan out to people now since I last showed you guys this smaller if you’re just catching up this is a giant mall that I bought where players can come around from basically anywhere in shop so I don’t really own any of the side stores these are areas

That I’m selling to people and as you can see it’s working pretty well there’s one of our owners Wu dog there and some of the others have even come together as well like this one which is I think like a mob grinder so seeing as this is like

The main mall area where like people will be coming I want to give them like just a clean entrance point so maybe like right here in the corner we’ll start the roller coaster guys the problem with having a mall like this is you’re just I’m just too famous

Here look I can’t leave sheesh all right now I gotta do my best to make this without people coming over and like you know gawking at me is that the right word we’re just gonna start it I think right here through the window I’m trying to think too like we got this massive

Window here it’s a beautiful look outside I feel like this should be called my door frankly but it’s not too close to the door I don’t know what we’re gonna do with the door situation but I think I’m gonna take this and go directly straight and see what it looks like

See I’m investing in premium Guys these rails are extra expensive you know I want to get them around fast because the faster they move in my ball the faster I’ll be able to get them to other shops and of course I’ll make more money because then I can sell more plots it’s

All about the user experience all right so we got this whole entire side now lined up and I think one of the problems we’re gonna face today I don’t know how we’re gonna solve it either is I want it to be able to be like stopped at each of

These locations like I’d love each of these to be like a pit stop I’m gonna have to do some research because that needs to be solved right now I could make like little change up stations have them like an activator rail all right so now that

I think I have a solution we’re going to test this out and see if it works so the idea here is to create like a minecart that’ll stop at every single mall so here’s what we’re gonna do I’m going to take the center of the mall which is

Honestly right about here I don’t know and I believe with this design what we’re able to do is indent the cart and then we can actually add something that allows us to stop it we got to spend the money on the locks guys we’re a classy place we need to make sure people

Understand that all right guys so here’s the idea in this little Junction point I can put down the words getting out that I’m building this is getting to a point of no return guys it’s getting a little bit too busy here okay I had to kick them out it’s a

Little bit too busy in here here’s what we’re gonna do two pieces of wood in the back a little bit of redstone here a button and then a lever so I believe what this does is allows us to take our cart so say we’re zooming along and theoretically we’re gonna stop in this

Little divot right here and that gives us a boom easy access if we want to leave and come into this shop and then we can go back into our cart and keep continuing on by pushing the button which sends us back out to the next one so each of these now we’re

Going to create a little Junction point in and then label it so it looks even more professional now take a look at how sweet this looks so we have stop number one the casino and as we take it down in all of these shops it just increases the

Property value which means I can make even more money so if I get into it and move that’s a success oh no it’s taking us backwards what why is that happening oh you just have to I think you just have to rock back on the

Side you want to go on and then push it so you could go either way which is fine like if I do this okay still backwards hold up so I’ve been testing this for about 20 minutes now and I think I finally have it set up where I want it

To be these now all work perfectly and you’ve got a through Fair where you can like pull this lever and these are wrong hold on you can pull this lever and that’ll automatically power it so you can just go straight through if you don’t want to wait for anything so the

Only issue now is it has to go through the whole mall we have to theme it make it look good and do a lot more stuff so I’m gonna have it cut right through this area we’ll slow it down a little bit you know this is a this is a spot where

We’ve got people walking around if you’re sitting in this bench it makes it a little bit risky what’s the one that switches you sides how do you do that does it work with anything oh it does I guess that works right I mean I guess you could straight up just

Ride this thing all the way down the center and then pick the path you want to go so what we really want is a sign right here that tells them hey go this way for whatever shops are this way and go the other way to other shops problem

Is I don’t know what the shops are okay so now we’ve wrapped this rail all the way around the second wing of the entire mall I can’t even explain to you how painful and long that was now we’ve got this kind of going the whole way so I’m

Going to give it a quick test run here okay here we go let’s put the card in and give her a little test oh my gosh guys welcome to the lover fellow Mall speed wise not too bad definitely quicker than walking and you can kind of like Window Shop this way

Like you can see all the stores that players have set up I guess the other problem is too I mean it’s it’s not bad it’s just like if you want to go to a specific place it could be an incredibly long ride I just feel like putting in

All those stations is going to be an extreme pain but I’ve got to do it so wish me luck guys we’re about to put in about 45 new stations for this train all right now tell me this doesn’t seem absolutely incredible each one of these now has their own custom stop right in

The center so that whenever you set up a shop it’ll have like the perfect window shopping Avenue and if players want to go one by one they can go through and literally just stop at any shop they want but if they’re feeling a little bit spicy they can speed things up and turn

This lever on and then they can just zoom right through it super fast let’s put a pretty sign right here though so they know I don’t know what they’re gonna know but they’re gonna know something I just hate that because it kind of blocks off the freaking billboard it’s definitely like it could

Look a little bit cleaner but I feel like that’s a necessity I don’t know how useful this sign will be but we got it got y’all look pretty fresh maybe once I know it’s actually down there we can like you know kind of utilize that more

But for now that looks really good I mean it’s it’s a functional rail yeah why is there so many of these things I forgot we still have to wrap it around this side too I think before I do that though we gotta switch it up and do a

Little bit of exotic roller coaster action because not only do I want them to ride the super roller coaster and actually go shopping and buy stuff from the people like this dude’s making bank um I want them to actually come here specifically to ride the roller coaster

Because if you thought it was just a roller coaster to the mall you dead wrong this is gonna be the best roller coaster anyone’s ever seen before it’s not only gonna make us money it’s gonna entertain the masses and it’s gonna cost me a fortune so what we’re gonna do is

Take it outside I know I wasn’t sure what I was gonna do with it now I’m sure it’s going outside I know that we have a really tall building and it’d be such a pain to have to walk up that so if I took one for the team and made a giant

Roller coaster that went into it sell that for like 20 million dollars we’re gonna use wood I’ve never done anything like this before I just feel like this is really pushing my limits here what’s the quickest way to do it I guess build these I hate their point in different

Directions it’s going to be a different direction facing thing I guess we’ll have to fix that later you know what are you gonna do hey this isn’t so bad the roller coaster is looking absolutely beautiful about I don’t know 20 minutes later we’ve got this thing coming up to

The top and now it overlooks the entire wall we can ride this bad boy right to the center of downtown Uptown whatever I don’t know whatever this thing is and then on to a beautiful glass path where our Mall people will be able to jump off

Of the lytra and go into Mall roofs through their roof holes that I would require them to have so guys we’ve now made this roof rail where the elytra rail they’re gonna fly down from if they want to go across the entire link to the

Ball all the way back to here and if you remember this is where the corner of our rail is and I’m not really sure what what business is here but I guess this business is gonna have to have a rail through it so now in this corner they’ll

Be able to change direction to reconnect to the main infrastructure which means all we have to do is build this right through someone’s base and look it’s it’s it’s it’s necessary I’m sorry to ever shop this is but we’ve got to do it the show must go on and we also must buy

More rails and now somehow we have to connect it up to there two down to here and make it go up and back down again all right now take a look at this we’ve finally done it it is actually one of the biggest coasters I’ve ever seen so

Down here in the corner it takes you on the side of our mall and this coaster now connects to the rooftop and if I go all the way up and finally put a cart down see how this thing works my first actual test no not other way other way oh god well

That’s gone because we’re on Guild fashioned way oh there we go okay so at the top of this this goes directly across the center line of the entire Mall exactly in the middle and now you’re riding in your cart and I don’t have an extra because that one’s gone

Somewhere I don’t know that could be gone forever to be honest with you let’s go in the heat building you’ll probably wonder what that is this heat building will be required to have an entrance point so we’re gonna open it right here and we’re going to do I don’t know right

In the center maybe like something like this and you’ve got the elytra rooftop entrance so imagine riding that you find a store you like now you can advertise in this guy with Billboards and you fly in and this is the top of a glazed grinder so probably not the

I probably this is not that this one does not it’s not how it’s supposed to be so let’s say you’re flying and you see this thing you want to go into this purple shop guess what rooftop entrance right here coming in hot the owner will

Also be able to close it okay maybe well that didn’t work at all did it the owner would also be able to close it so if his Shop’s close he doesn’t want anyone inside or to see what he’s making he can come up close the rooftop entrance and

I’m gonna try to make every single shop have it like that’s cool like that makes our Mall special and unique that makes people want to come spend money here let’s go now this roller coaster is far from being finished I think the entrance points are like super ugly this right

Here we’ve got this glass what do I do about this you might want to like add a border of some sort maybe a little bit like that take out the glass all the way well like even just like bring these up but like don’t just have the glass just

Like be there that’s it right that’s the look right there it’s like a mine shop this is beautiful when was the last time you were in online chat guys after Consulting my team I’ve decided to go with this particular design for our entrances I don’t know it’s kind of cool

I hate how it’s uneven though so there’s there’s more to do we honestly just committed to the spruce I gotta buy more of it that’s not bad right so we’re gonna label all these with some signs so if you take it this way get to go to the

Atrium and again I’ve got to make this look good like if my team does not approve of what I’m creating here today I literally need to get out of the whole mall so we’ll put another sign here that says The Atrium so that’s where it takes

Through the atrium and then this would I don’t know what are we calling this the casino Zone I want to just call it the OG like this is where we started the mall this is where all the original shops are this will be the OG location

And then over here uh it’ll be called the the new nude all right for the new I don’t know you’re just gonna do a little bit of clearing up here we got a lot of signs you know old shops Just Junk that doesn’t need to belong here at this

Point what is that you know I don’t like that I don’t like the wood here what does this lead into it leaves in the what now so this is like a really weird new casino that connects all the way over here to a shop in the corner just doesn’t make sense

He’s got just a really confusing setup in here like what is this it’s not a great location like No One’s Gonna Be walking down here and then this leads outside so first let’s get rid of the text up here real quick I gotta do it I can’t just leave it here

Okay that looks a little bit better now we got this just big wall like a wall that literally leads to like hidden Casino stuff so we’ve just got this opening here we’ve only got one shop and it looks right at Just Junk drop a comment below what we should do here

This whole section needs some renovation it’s like a dead end of the mall what is through this oh it’s a beautiful view are you kidding me a beautiful view no no no this obviously must be a large window liquid 35 seconds can do to make a room

Really come together I mean tell me that does not look a thousand times more sellable right now guys you got to fix it up slowly when you see stuff like that there’s just opportunity same thing in here honestly this needs some windows and I hate it but I’ve got to do it look

How much better this looks Windows all the way down the side now you can add shutters and doors and all kinds of other details but instantly million times more like it feels like it’s alive in here now then this is where it gets really cool I took this room right here

And I gave it even more value by opening it up towards that room where the playroom is with all this other stuff this is now worth so much more money than it was I’ll put a window in here real quick okay so I I definitely added

A little bit more than a window but we got the window we got the trap doors we got some pots up there for decoration I don’t know it’s kind of like a giant Among Us character looking a little bit sus isn’t it Ash what are you thinking

Right now it’s interesting but why is it called the new G because this is the OG what does OG mean nobody knows I would say this area needs a bit more decoration more decoration okay normally there’s not just a tree like there’s something around the tree we need some

Detail in the center I’m told it it does look pretty bad it’s like I don’t know maybe it’s like part of it’s like the floor I don’t really know what to make the floor here let’s try white concrete Maybe so when you got an indoor tree you gotta

Protect that sucker okay I think that looks like a 100 billion times better I hate to do it guys but we do need another set of Windows here but the problem is if I break this I’m pretty sure it’s underground so this will become a beautiful highlight piece let’s

Do it three two one kind of a weird design but since we’re underground I really can’t put an actual window here uh so it’s kind of uh I don’t know hey Windows brick now one of the bigger issues we’re gonna have to deal with here is mine carts in the amount of them

That we’re gonna see so I was thinking we could do Minecart disposers which would be cactus I feel like Cactus just isn’t gonna be the move I just bought 64 cactuses for no reason so maybe something like this it’s not super intrusive it still looks

Kind of good and players will be able to Hop Off With Their mine cart and throw the extra ones here and maybe long term we could create like a crazy Hopper system that only accepts Minecarts and then reloads it for them to take Minecarts out like that’d be the

Ultimate design so guys someone drops a book says he’s interested in buying a spot his name’s worthy octopus we’ll give him this one guys I put down a sign I said two mil for this and there it is two million dollars coming I gotta fill

All of this in with water all these like little zones here need to have water let me show you what I mean like that it’s gonna take me about 20 hours wish me luck guys that’s not something I ever want to experience again the entire mall

I think is now fully filled with water and it literally it goes for Miles every single section though is now filled up and it even like outlined kind of the rail I wanted to just see if there’s anything else we could do in this corner I’m a little bit concerned about it like

What is this does someone own this I don’t know but what’s through here the ocean we literally have Ocean Front views and that’s what we’re putting there instead are you kidding me uh I mean this whole thing must become glorious window how about instead of a

Giant back glass wall we leave it open and this turns into the boat parking zone so now we’ve got all these boat parking spots so if you come in from a water Zone you can part of your favorite boat here walk right in and you’re faced

With whatever you want look at this a beautiful sunrise centered in the mall now before I ask my mods what they finally think of the rail for now we’ll be turning one of these stalls into a minecart selling station so here’s what we could do we have a stall right here

We could face it to the outside where it’s very convenient put a sign on it so that it’s a shop loaded up with Minecarts so now I’ve got our beautiful Minecart Shop with a lot of extra Minecarts because I’ve made too many of them and then destroyed it so we’re

Gonna go ahead and open up our claim right now very good so they’re all going to come over and start punching me okay okay so I put in about 20 hours of work into this guys if you would all look at the minecart instead of punching me that

Would be fantastic here we go here we go he’s writing he’s writing this is exactly what we want now we’re gonna have to see how this works for a couple days because there’s gonna be Minecart backups and that’s the biggest concern I just don’t know how to handle that I’m

Gonna have these people run through and just look at all the stores and now everyone who’s bought a plot for me is gonna get thousands of customers I think this is the best thing that we could do here in the mall and I also think that’s a successful challenge completed today

I’m going to be building a bunch of your ideas inside of my mall so guys this looks like a perfect spot for Jacob’s archery range all right I think that came out pretty well and this was like a great spot for Cameron’s paintball range no I’ve never made a paintball Arena

Before so I hope this comes out well but we’re making it the same size as over there oh look look at the reflection that looks good look at that the railroad now I’ve never made one of these before so I’m hoping it comes out pretty well but

Uh you know time will tell folks so that’s gonna be the border and then I guess we need some colors in here like team red team blue all right I think that looks pretty good we got two different teams right here I mean on the outside this actually

Looks kind of useful players will be able to play paintball gear and pay me to play it or maybe just come here and buy stuff for my other shops All right so this paintball Arena came out pretty well so the way this is gonna make us money is by getting players to come join and play for free have fun in our Arena you know shoot some stuff at each other you know what though we should Supply them with things they’ll

Be shooting in this archery range we’re actually selling bows and arrows as you can see on this beautifully set up stand so if you come up to our shop right here you can buy eight arrows for 25 bucks each or you can buy them all for two thousand dollars and then practice your

Shots here and it’s totally free but there’s a lot more comments we gotta add to make this the ultimate Comet hallway full of mini games to make us money now at this point I realize my paintball Arena needed to make some money so I set up a shop outside selling snowballs

Which players could buy and then used to throw at each other and hopefully that’s gonna make me some sales because uh it’s gonna make about like two thousand dollars per stack we’re gonna use super [ __ ] comment right here to add our next shop which is the blacksmith I think

It’ll go right here but before we do that I feel like the floor needs change because uh oh I need to make millions we gotta get a clean floor all right that looks a little bit better too got a little Courtyard there in the center so let’s go out and build this blacksmith

Room which hopefully makes us some money because these two are set up Prime looking clean we’ll add some details later I think we’ll kind of tie the blacksmith room right into the outside of this archery range like just make it one beautiful room so what is through

This back wall if I were to break this is there any like view oh that’s nice I don’t think I want to make it too much bigger like it needs to have like an oh look at someone’s building a skyscraper in our ball that’s pretty exciting if I

Do this we could do kind of a clean design with like wait you know what I got 90. we could put them all together and make little stations for everything this could actually be sick so we’ve got like all these items to make it like a

Super utility zone so we can have our furnaces like that which is cool I like the idea of an anvil down at the bottom like in front of it it gives it some depth which looks sweet and I think I have some maybe some lanterns for the

Center all right come on that’s kind of a decent start to a smithing Zone I guess it wouldn’t hurt to have a little crafting table right here in the corner accessible by the archery viewers and here look I love that I love the openness feels like an LA home I’m not

Really sure what these slabs are for but uh I don’t know this type of this type of stuff felt like it was like a block that belonged here so that’s why I got it I mean I’ve seen a lot of blacksmith zones this might be one of the best okay

So we need a separator again like a natural wall That’s not like too bad to kind of like tie it into another Zone it’s not done yet but I want to Envision what that’s going to look like we have some Stone Cutters too so I feel like some Stone

Maybe a stone cutter just one I don’t want to overdo it like these are you know these are exotic blocks you can’t do too many stone cutter there I have this weird idea to like stack it stone cutter something like that I I don’t know this might be really bad to be

Honest with you kind of like a stacked wall thing I mean I don’t know about that maybe the Chain’s not the right move here I’m not really sure to be honest what we’re gonna do with this Zone but uh we got something like that right there nah I

Gotta I can’t no It’s gotta be redone all right a blacksmith needs water because I feel like you got like hot stuff that you need to put out water so not really sure what to do it still trying to brainstorm the whole wall situation here but uh this seems like as

Good of a spot as any so in terms of like a blacksmith Zone I think it’s like super usable although like not perfectly even which like kind of kills me a little bit we’ll fix it we’ll fix it but it’s like kind of nice because now if you’re a new player on

The server and you want to make some money you can come right over here and use all these furnaces anvils like everything in here for free and again we gotta get him to come here first once this is the biggest small ever we do a

Jeff Bezos Jack the prices up we got him here already they can’t leave boom billionaire so we seem to have like found like someone else’s base which has like a rainbow colored room oh yeah this is definitely someone’s base something like that maybe I don’t know

Can I break that yes I can it’s like it’s like a backdrop wall you know what I mean like it’s it’s uh it’s a better place for a lantern I guess highlight piece look at that you got some secret Sawmills in the back corner on this little Lantern Zone I don’t think it

Looks great to be honest with you okay I feel like this actually looks a million times better like given the fact that it was nothing before this is pretty epic I think a couple villagers would like tie this together massively because then people could also come here and trade I

Feel like honestly like if I could slot the villagers into this that would be like the ultimate spot and that worked about flawlessly now now I think this is where we start to make a little bit of money because what if you come here with your oars but you forget coal we’re

Gonna sell them cold maybe uh I don’t know back here we can put it on top of that because they can still access the gear upgrader right there through the wall which is weird put a shot down right here so now we’ve got a cool shop

In the back corner so if you come over here you can buy one coal for a hundred dollars kind of a high price but again you’re kind of like creating our own Disneyland here so we can do that a little bit to get players to come I’m

Really happy with how it looks it just doesn’t quite tie together as well as I like yet but we’ll be able to get it no worries so guys at this point Alex wanted me to make a movie theater so I picked a back corner and thought it

First let’s make this go down a little bit which kind of looks a little bit cooler for a theater then I went through added a bunch of chairs carpet and some really cool intricate wall designs which is supposed to like dampen the sound put the screen on and we’re done by the way

These are little speakers all around and you’ve got a lot of them in the front it’s a 4D system this one is not really gonna make us money yet so I gotta figure out how to fix that plus it’s you know borderline dangerous to get down

There it ain’t easy to get down into this pit I mean that’s a Pit of Doom right there to be honest with you okay I got an idea watch this this shop is now the movie selector or the music selector you can come up here you can buy a music

Disc put it in here to play it and then you know listen to music and pretend you’re watching a movie I mean if I mean it’s a low-key weird way to make money but I feel like it’s not bad now before we add our next one let’s just give the

Whole room a quick makeover because if we really want to make a profit here it’s got to look better in these White Walls they’re not doing it for me I think this looks a lot more inviting than what we just had brand new flooring I think it looks I don’t know I think

It’s kind of a cool pattern to me I feel like strip woods underutilized so we’ll use that throughout the build but now it’s getting some Vibes to it back wall opened it up we kind of added some trim details walls giant window you know just the basics around the side here and this

Now opens up to what could be a giant Courtyard and what the heck is going on someone put a window to a nothing probably I was probably something I did feel like that’s a mean move skyscraper coming up there all right so this next one’s actually kind of sweet guys we’re

Gonna use um Dr stoner’s idea put in a freaking hotel in the corner because why not you know it seems sweet so in order to make a hotel I think we’re gonna go for kind of like a Japanese capsule pod Hotel theme we’re bringing in everything

In this build guys every tool in the book to make sure we make some profit I think we’ll do two entrances one at this side one at the other side so you’ll be able to walk through both of these then the entrances would theoretically lead you into this two wide hallway that is

Then uh the capsule pod this can be like a uh big little I don’t know big little it’s gonna be a hangout room for the hotel lobby guests maybe something like that and capsule pods begin now we are out we must buy more dark wood okay so here’s our capsule pods

Obviously to get in them we’re gonna need an insane number of trap doors which I don’t know that I have anymore because I used them as decorations so I have zero time to craft I feel like this looks kind of sweet so you’ll be able to

Pick a capsule pod walk up slam yourself in and crime climb into it now all we need to do is like design our first pod and then like replicate it 25 000 times because for some reason I made this super big God this is gonna be tight how

Am I how are you supposed to survive in this all right so here is the uh mostly finalized capsule pods I think this works well so you can walk in through here and then slam down to get your capsule pot and they all kind of share

With the neighbor so you can use your crafting table or the neighbor’s crafting table and then you get two furnaces which is weird because you could steal your neighbor’s stuff but at the end of the day it is a capsule hotel we just need to get a little more

Privacy in here and I think we’ll do some more walls but I realize you can’t really close the door can you I mean what are you gonna do you know at the end of the day probably nothing thinking like some kind of like a little window

Here so you can like peek out to like everyone that’s outside since it’s a capsule design I kind of like the idea of like a super weird entrance there we go look at that entrance so now we can we can clock to get through it’s a

It’s a door it looks kind of funky but like this is actually like kind of cool I’ve never seen one of these in Minecraft and for the capsule Hotel pot it’s gonna be completely free but we’re only going to accept donations on this to keep it up and running and uh I guess

We destroyed one of the rooms here maybe this isn’t a room I’m just gonna break it maybe the lobby make it a little bigger I mean it’s weird let me make it look better all right so we added some pretty sick details to this I feel like

It looks so cozy now oh fell into the movie theater plus it’s borderline dangerous to get down there so that would be dangerous it is so the front of it now has like a little little mini baby looking house style and then it’s got like water and stuff under it you

Walk in through this where their donations welcome sign is here a nice little Lobby to hang out and then all the rooms are set up with beautiful different color rooftops that also match our new little floor pattern in there so I think it came out really well and you

Could even watch a game of paintball while you’re sitting here so like the way this all connects is pretty incredible now what we need is to make the mega roof for all of this all right guys so I I went ahead and did a little something to the roof a little something

And it looks like this oh wow the sunset is bright holy it looks like this this I re redid the entire theme of the bottom up top and it looks so cool to see this all come together like this now there could be some more detail on the side

But I don’t know if I want to close it off or not that looks pretty freaking epic like that is so amazing looking it’s like almost just mesmerizing what a cool looking pattern so I’m going to quietly open this up to the public quietly allow them back in without

Making it clear that I’m here so they don’t come in and absolutely destroy everything and I’m gonna take a look at that front entrance is that inviting or is that inviting it’s a little bit dark though to be honest with you like that roof looks good but I feel like it might

Need a couple skylights let’s do that guys what do you think got some skylights in here the word high is there and that rail kind of takes away from it a little bit but to me that looks so much more appealing to the eye okay so anyway now we’ve got the grand opening

Entrance here okay so word is spreading I haven’t said a thing and people are starting to look at this look at this not a word has been spoken and people are coming this is exactly what we want Let’s go people start shopping make us some money put all this work in we’ll

See it let’s see it work well I don’t know what just happened there guys if you look at chat for a second there if I scroll up you could see a couple of arrows we’re selling for 200 bucks each so I’m gonna go back and see if someone’s using the archery range

They are look at this someone’s actually using it guys this is not how these pods are supposed to be used this is the incorrect usage now it looks like some of the people are literally just shooting the uh targets from a foot away which I guess is fine because as long as

They buy my arrows and bows I really do not care how they shoot them so maybe we’ll get a couple sales here so at the end of a 24 hours my Mall made us more than 10 million dollars it was more successful than I ever thought was

Possible and this is just the beginning I plan to make billions of dollars and I invite you guys to join my server to see if you can make as much as me we just updated our auction house we reduced slang we’ve got a ton of future updates planned so come

Join and see what you’ve been missing peace

This video, titled ‘Can I Trade From NOTHING To Minecraft Millionare? (Full Movie)’, was uploaded by LoverFella on 2022-12-24 20:00:12. It has garnered 1327738 views and 13050 likes. The duration of the video is 11:01:40 or 39700 seconds.

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    Insane Pixel Art in Minecraft | Viral Trending Profile Pic!Video Information This video, titled ‘Making my subscriber profile photo pixel art | #viral #shorts #minecraft #pixelart #trending’, was uploaded by Omkar on 2024-04-08 01:30:20. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Making my subscriber profile photo pixel art | #viral #shorts #minecraft #pixelart #trending Ненужные теги: xxxtentacion, empire, … Read More

  • SpiralGN

    SpiralGNWelcome to SpiralGN, the ultimate destination for players seeking the thrill of Minecraft’s Op Gens experience! In the vast and ever-evolving world of Minecraft, SpiralGN stands out as a server dedicated to taking resource generation to a whole new level. At SpiralGN, we’ve crafted a unique and engaging Minecraft experience that centers around the art of overpowered generators (Op Gens). Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft veteran or a newcomer to the blocky realm, our server offers something for everyone. Read More

  • Modern Anarchy – Anarchy 1.20.4 Java

    Welcome to Modern Anarchy – A Dedicated Community of Anarchy Enthusiasts! Server IP: Anarchy at Its Finest with a Dedicated Community: Hack like a pro, build empires, survive the chaos. No bans ever – only mutes for hate speech, hard slurs, or chat spam. Forge Your Path in a Pure Vanilla World: Experience the true essence of Minecraft with no vanilla altering plugins or meddling admins. Reach your potential in this survival wasteland with no resets ever. World Exploration Extravaganza: Discover a vast 3×3 million block world border. Respawn within 500 blocks of 0 0, allowing you to redefine… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Not Today, Block!

    That meme must be too busy racking up points to deal with your shenanigans! Read More

  • Unleashing Glid: Twitch Streamer’s Epic Minecraft Adventure

    Unleashing Glid: Twitch Streamer's Epic Minecraft AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘Подписывайтесь на твич #necoyume #Глид #Glidingtheo #minecraft #twitch #stream #майншилд #mineshield’, was uploaded by Глид DOP on 2024-06-21 19:56:08. It has garnered 314 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. @GlidingtheoW Read More

  • Phone to Bedrock: Top Minecraft Servers Unlocked!

    Phone to Bedrock: Top Minecraft Servers Unlocked! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks come alive, We dive into servers, where adventures thrive. From phone to bedrock, the best ones we seek, With Ali Mpe as our guide, we’re never meek. Join the channel, for gifts and for fun, With updates and news, we’re never done. From Java to Bedrock, the comparison is clear, With Bedwars and Hardcore, we have no fear. 100 days of Minecraft, a challenge so grand, But with Ali Mpe, we’ll make a stand. Minecraft but… the possibilities are vast, With tutorials and SMP, the fun will last. So come along, to… Read More

  • 🔥 Herobrank’s Hot Mess 😂 #minecraftmemes

    🔥 Herobrank's Hot Mess 😂 #minecraftmemes When you accidentally unleash Herobrank in your Minecraft world and suddenly your peaceful village turns into chaos… #oops #shouldhavereadthemanual Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days on a Deserted VOLCANO Island in Minecraft Hardcore

    Surviving 100 Days on a Deserted VOLCANO Island in Minecraft Hardcore Minecraft Hardcore: Surviving 100 Days on a Deserted VOLCANO Island Embark on an epic journey in Minecraft Hardcore as Orhan attempts to survive 100 days on a deserted VOLCANO island. Will he conquer the challenges that lie ahead? Let’s dive into the thrilling adventure! Exploring the Volcano Island Orhan finds himself stranded on a volcanic island, surrounded by molten lava and treacherous terrain. As he navigates the rugged landscape, he must gather resources, build shelter, and fend off hostile mobs to survive. Challenges and Obstacles Surviving on a volcano island presents unique challenges. Orhan must brave the scorching heat,… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Experience

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Experience Welcome, Minecraft enthusiasts! Have you heard about the exciting new show premiering on June 30th called Last Month in the Worlds of Minecraft? It’s a fantastic opportunity to dive into the diverse and creative Minecraft communities around the world. While you’re eagerly awaiting the premiere, why not join the vibrant and dynamic Minewind Minecraft Server? Immerse yourself in a world where creativity knows no bounds and the possibilities are endless. Join us at Minewind and connect with fellow Minecraft fans from all walks of life. Explore unique builds, engage in thrilling gameplay, and unleash your imagination like never before…. Read More

  • Villager Parkour Challenge

    Villager Parkour Challenge The Ultimate Minecraft Iron Farm: A Fully Automatic Marvel Farm Details Farm Performance: The Minecraft iron farm showcased in this video boasts an impressive output of +300 to +350 iron per hour, making it a highly efficient setup for players looking to stock up on this valuable resource. Farm Mode: Operating in a fully automatic mode, this iron farm eliminates the need for constant player intervention, allowing for a seamless and hassle-free iron production process. Versions: Compatible with Minecraft versions ranging from 1.16 to the latest 1.21 update, including all intermediate versions such as 1.19.1, 1.19.2, 1.19.3, and 1.19.4,… Read More

  • Unbelievable: This Book Turned Me Into a Wizard!

    Unbelievable: This Book Turned Me Into a Wizard!Video Information This video, titled ‘buku ini membuatku menjadi ahli sihir’, was uploaded by Nante on 2024-05-20 03:00:01. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. addon #indonesia #minecraft #minecraftindonesia #shorts. Read More

  • Insane Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Minecraft Pe Map

    Insane Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Minecraft Pe MapVideo Information This video, titled ‘Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Map For Minecraft Pe 1.20+…’, was uploaded by Gaming World on 2024-05-01 18:12:42. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Map For Minecraft Pe 1.20+… In This Video I Am Giving You A Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Playable Map … Read More

  • Insane LIVE Survival Gaming! SUB GOAL: 600 #minecraft

    Insane LIVE Survival Gaming! SUB GOAL: 600 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘survival LIVE !!!! SUB GOAL :600… #minecraft #live #bedwarsmalaalam’, was uploaded by SG GAMER 3.0 on 2024-04-15 15:26:06. It has garnered 100 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 02:06:34 or 7594 seconds. DISCORD: : k4f My s1 lets play world play list : My letsplay series season 2 play list : @MrBeastGaming @Sudhy @Firetekzteepori @MrKidPinky #minecraft #bedwars #live #stream #gaming #epic #clutchplays #intensebattles #strategy #community #fun #entertainment #anarchy #arjunmp #arjunmpanarchy #bedwars #bedwarsmoments #bedwarsmalaalam #minecraftlive #minecraftlivestream #malayalam #malayalamgaminglive #malayalamgamingcommunity #k4f #dribbles #pikaminecraft #k4f #K4FMINECRAFT Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Luxury Mini Home Tour!! 🤯

    INSANE Minecraft Luxury Mini Home Tour!! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘”Minecraft Luxury Mini Home Tour: Live Exploration!”‘, was uploaded by Flax army on 2023-12-19 07:20:56. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. “Embark on an extraordinary journey as we delve into the intricate details of a meticulously crafted Minecraft luxury house in this … Read More


    MINECRAFT SECRET HACKS! SNAP - 🤑👍 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘🤑👍#minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by SNAP on 2024-05-21 13:30:29. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Tags (ignorar): #minecraftpvp #texturepack #minecraftbedrock #minecraft #lol #mcpe #memes #pvp #bestplayer #combo … Read More

  • Insane Devil Herobrine Kills Wither in Minecraft! #SSK Gaming

    Insane Devil Herobrine Kills Wither in Minecraft! #SSK GamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘devil herobrine kill wither #ssk gaming #minecraft #youtube short #viral’, was uploaded by ssk gamer 1302 on 2024-06-22 04:44:36. It has garnered 1147 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Read More

  • “Steve seeks revenge in herobrine form – Prateek Gaming” #clickbait

    "Steve seeks revenge in herobrine form - Prateek Gaming" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘steve taking revenge for Alex death in the herobrine form #shorts #short #shortsvideo #shortvideo’, was uploaded by Prateek gaming on 2024-03-17 10:41:35. It has garnered 5498 views and 254 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. steve taking revenge for Alex death in the herobrine form #shorts #short #shortsvideo #shortvideo tags minecraft minecraft speedrun minecraft gaming channel minecraft pro players minecraft streamers minecraft Java edition minecraft pocket edition minecraft bedrock edition minecraft Java edition survival series minecraft pocket edition survival series minecraft bedrock edition survival series minecraft Java edition survival series… Read More


    NEW CRAFTRISE UPDATE - SECRET REVEALEDVideo Information This video, titled ‘CRAFTRİSE MÜJDELİ HABER’, was uploaded by darknesse69 on 2024-04-23 15:00:59. It has garnered 4952 views and 236 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:03 or 303 seconds. sonoyuncu, I’m darknesse69, we played bedwars on sonoyuncu server in minecraft, don’t be ridiculous, sonoyuncu was a nice video with fun, enjoy watching #sonoyuncu #bedwars #minecraft Server ip: Play.Ravenrise.Net Ravenrise Discord: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Discord Sunucum: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Lonca link:… TAGS: keyboard and mouse sounds, hypixel sonoyuncu bedwars, keyboard and mouse sounds bedwars, bedwars keyboard and mouse sounds, mouse and keyboard sounds, hypixel, bedwars, keyboard and mouse, keyboard… Read More

  • Uncover Secret Mini Village Biome in Minecraft Aesthetic Gaming

    Uncover Secret Mini Village Biome in Minecraft Aesthetic GamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘mini village biome #minecraft #gaming #youtube #shorts #minivillage #music #song #cover’, was uploaded by Bundle Gaming on 2024-04-25 10:12:28. It has garnered 409 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. Read More

LoverFella – Can I Trade From NOTHING To Minecraft Millionare? (Full Movie)