Luckiest Nether Portals Ever! – Demon Plays Minecraft – Ep 5

Video Information

Did we just find two villages right next to each other on accident and a skeleton spawner in the middle i am so Lost [Applause] oh can we make it can we make it yup yeah how we made it all right welcome to this episode of the minecraft let’s play series my name is demon of course as always and welcome to episode i believe this is five now today i believe we might be

Taking our first trip into the nether something i thought we would wait to do but i’ll go ahead and show you what changes i’ve done i’ve done a little bit off camera so i installed us a little mine car system for us to fill up

And uh do our dispensers so let me take a look at this i need to make some more keystone so i’ll just demonstrate this real quick just throw the stone in there to the hopper minecart flip the switch that one goes across and it fills up all of our hoppers

With one supply and then i can flip it off to do the same now this chest in the back is for coal because you’ll see in the back there’s a mine car going back there and it just refuels the mine carts or i’m sorry refuels the furnaces with what we need them to

Burn which hopefully will eventually be called or uh kelp blocks but we don’t have an ocean nearby so i don’t know where to find those so let’s see is it empty i believe it might be empty it is empty so we can turn the system off and then when that runs

All of the items will be dropped into this chest because there’s a hopper line going under it right there just going all the way across this way i was gonna do this on video thank god i didn’t because it took me way too long man i am rusty with redstone and

Minecarts but i think that i did it with a regular minecart originally and i’d flip this switch and it would go to about here it wouldn’t even go all the way across so when i put a hopper in it i hit the switch it goes all the way across and it

Bounces off the wall back there which is a powered rail always being powered so i don’t know if hopper mine cars are lighter or if they just go further i’m not entirely sure nothing has changed over here and then the only thing that’s changed over here

Is that we have more cobblestone than we did because we’ve dug out a little bit of area not a lot i’m not sure if we had the layer done by the last episode but i did create this little stairway that goes into our layer number two wraps around this way it starts layer

Number two and then it also goes this way i’d like to expand off that direction and i believe this is where we’re going to be putting our nether portal for our another room and i would like to expand it a little more that way so that when

We have more supplies i would like to decorate this room to make it look more like another room so that it has the nether brick another rack maybe some lava some fences glass which we don’t have because we don’t have any sand we need to go find sand we don’t have glass anywhere

So i think what we’re going to do right now is we’re going to grab our city and we’re going to put that i think it’s in the here yep we need flint and steel do i have flint at all oh man where would that be if i had it

There it is all right we got flint i don’t need five i don’t know why i grabbed all five and we need a piece of iron all right let’s go ahead and make some flint and steel i’m very curious to see where this nether room

Will pull us out of i kind of want to center it in the room itself because it is on an odd block even though the bottom is two so we’re just gonna make it three three can we make it a wide one hmm will that work let’s try it

All right can we fit it right here that is the question and there it is it looks like a giant flat screen tv almost all right so i guess this is uh there’s no time like now to go ahead and check out the nether today we’re mostly just going to be gathering

Our quartz soul stone and magma blocks so that we can be creating water tunnels oh there we go oh wow oh that’s not good i don’t know exactly what’s gonna happen there yeah there it comes there’s some soul stand still sand all right so what we’re gonna do we’re

Gonna take a look around and maybe mine some cords we do have a fortune pick so that’ll make it really easy and let’s see what this looks like out here a nice open area looks pretty good not a lot going on yeah not bad at all okay so let’s have a look around

All right once that got us 30 that’s not bad so i originally wanted to wait to come to the nether until the nether update for 1.16 now i haven’t looked much into it i kind of want to experience it firsthand but because of youtube thumbnails i have seen a couple of mobs

I saw some sort of pigmen looking dude and there’s like black bricks or something now i i don’t know what those are and there’s a new kind of ore that’s more rare than diamonds i think it’s called netherright i think that’s right if that’s wrong it’s so sad but i haven’t

I haven’t seen much of it only because i want to experience it in the nether that’s why i was tempted to wait until the nether update came out before i even took a a step in the nether but oh pigmen but while they’re everywhere now i feel like they weren’t here when i

First came in were they here when i first came in i don’t think so i’m already lost look at us yeah there’s a ghast where is our nether portal all right let’s go take a look around real quick there we are that’s where we are okay i

Don’t know how i ended up here let’s mine down real quick took a screenshot of that just in case let’s go ahead and build us a little archway right here so we know where we are that’ll do that’ll do for now we know what it looks like all right

Let’s have some fun exploring so i need to grab some glowstone i need to grab quartz i need to grab soul sand and i need to grab some magma blocks wherever those are now if he’s gonna fall in lava if i uh mount them now i hope not

We’ll go down here actually all right let’s give this a shot go up here and give us some glowstone all right got us some glowstone we got a little bit of course a little bit of glowstone let’s find out some soul sand and magma blocks and i think what would be a cool

Idea is just to go somewhere random and put the portal down and see if we can uh that’s kind of sketchy i don’t want to go down there and see if we can find something interesting like a new biome or anything like that we can hook our portal

To because right now we don’t have any access to a desert that’s close by and i need sand so i’m hoping that we pop out on some sort of desert that would just be incredibly amazing so let’s go i guess just this direction and we’ll see where we end up

Well that’s a it’s not a great spot to come out oh man okay here’s some soul sand and a little bit of magma blocks i like this we’ll just go to the top over there let’s be sure not to attack these guys that would be rather unfortunate all right

That should be plenty of soul sand now let’s grab a couple magma blocks and i mean we might as well set up a portal here because this is where some soul sand and some magma blocks are even gravel so if we needed it we can

Come back here for it so i think i’m just going to pour it here and see where we end up i’m really hoping for a desert or a beach i can’t put those under there feels bad that’s all right we’ll do this i don’t have any space there we go

So many magma blocks oh my god all right this spot will be remembered forever but it is my time to move on if i can if the soul sand will allow it where should we go oh man i can’t believe i’m doing this this better work out okay huh

About another rack i put a torch down i don’t hear any gas so that’s a good thing let’s just hope we make it all the way across that was close oh land hey we’ve made it okay that was dumb probably shouldn’t do that again let’s just continue in this

Direction we’ll staircase up right here and there we go and we’re on our merry way this is like a fairly safe spot let’s grab this quartz and uh yeah we’ll throw it right here i still didn’t travel too far from home though hmm so it’s probably not going to be any better

Than it was over there oh i’ll try it anyways let’s just start right here let’s just go through see what happens okay we’re in like a dark oak forest can we get the one on top of these trees see what’s up here uh and a zombie okay

Yeah that’s what i like to see except not all these creatures all right let’s uh check out what they got all right so i guess we’ll just start on this side scope to the other side and we’ll see what we can find we’ll try to save as many villagers as possible

Well we’re not saving anybody if our aim sucks anybody home nope all right we’ll just make it nine time real quick oh i just made my spawn point here well we’ll need to go back home there’s a ding ding nobody has a job yet there’s a couple villagers in here though

That’s good that’s really good dude nobody’s got any chests i can borrow from quote unquote well you can have that torch keep it as a souvenir all right there anything in this one somebody’s calling me i’m about to silence that for now oh wait can i have this

Can i keep this sir oh no i can’t because i don’t have any blocks here i’ll change you the stack of netherrack very very valuable got a composter looks like one more house for me to check oh he’s got a job he’s a farmer come here farmer

That’s a good deal i have plenty of wheat i want you wow that was such a lucky another portal oh it’s an even iron goal in here to protect them okay so what i think i’m gonna do is i’m gonna wall all of these guys off

Light it all up and then i’m gonna try to build another portal in here somewhere so that i can link it back up to my nether portal that gets me back to the house so i’m gonna work on that i will be back with updates one eternity later

All right so after much more confusion than there needed to be i think i have the portals hooked up correctly so we have the one way back here to our home base which took me forever to hook it up it kept ending up in the wrong spot so

You see i have this room built right here that where the portal was but it kept putting me in the woods next to our quarry mine so i had to move it over here and it was originally up uh i think right here like basically directly above us but i

Brought it down to here it still didn’t work so i brought it over this way and i believe it works now 100 if i run through it it should take us back to the quarry mine please hey okay so this one brings us back to the quarry

Mine finally and then it’s on the same y level as the um portal to go to the village we just found which we did some work in the village as well but we weren’t recording it because of all the confusion with the portals and yada yada so

Let’s go ahead and go over there real quick i went ahead and built a bunch of cobblestone paths or a thick cobblestone path except for right here i need to finish this one i’ve been shooting down any gas that i see because i don’t want to die

With all of my stuff so this is the portal it’s not far from home but it should take us to the village which we actually walled off and put torches in so that all of the villagers stay alive so we can bring them back home to our base

So i think that’s what we’re actually going to work on trying to do and i don’t have ice to make an ice road but what we do have is rails and a good amount of iron what the freak okay portals are broken but i have a spawner a skelly spawner

Wait where am i that should have led to the village are we under it i need to get back to the surface i guess let’s try to how what’s bio yet we’re not too far underground i don’t know we’re right here where are we oh we’re in the forest that

We started at just under it like directly under it there’s a skeleton spawner this is the direction of the village no it’s not where’s the village is that it way over there no we are definitely not in the same spot i have no idea what happened

I thought we are like 700x i could be wrong this could be the same village but i don’t know for certain where is it at here it is that’s not the same village so we just found another village oh my god so we found another village on accident and a skeleton spawner on

Accident trying to get back to the village we already had marked off and walled off i am so confused what is this so if i build another portal right here in the middle where is that going to put us exactly don’t hurt me i’m confused as you are uh okay let’s just

Throw another portal in uh in this corner okay wish me luck let’s see where we end up screen’s frozen we’re back at this portal okay so is this going to link to that one in the village or is it going to link to the original one down in the skeleton spawner

Or the first village because that’s where it was supposed to go it’s back in the skelly room oh my god what is going on okay so how did we get to the other village that i had walled off in the first place let’s try to break this one and see what happens

Okay let’s go back to the village go back through that portal and see what happens where was that village there it is there’s the village wait what you can see the nether right walls that i have on it so where’s the other village that we just found is it in a different direction

Do we just find two villages right next to each other on accident and a skeleton spawner in the middle i’m so lost okay where was that where was that other oh it is right there so there’s one village and here’s the other village so this is my original one so we broke

The skelly spawner so this nether portal should go into that other i i don’t know what’s happening right now oh somebody help me i need professional help huh okay so this portal that we have in here should take us into see i walled it all off with netherrack

And put torches everywhere yeah this is the original village okay so let’s run over here and through the portal hopefully my dogs don’t die as they follow me that should take us to the one that doesn’t have a room around it okay yeah it’s back to this one which

Took us to the skelly spawner room which also hooked to the to the nether portal in that other village so this is going to three different portals in the main one but then you have the one way over here oh my dogs here no they’re not

We go all the way over here and this portal takes us back to the quarry but then that portal takes us to one of three other portals in the main world so am i missing something am i doing something incorrectly this one should take us to the quarry if

It doesn’t i am just like i’m 100 confused okay yeah this one’s hooked up correctly this one takes us back home now we’re going to run back through and we’re going to see where that other one takes us because it should take us to either one i didn’t i broke the one in

The skeleton farm i took a screenshot of where it was though so i can make a skelly farm out of it this one should take us to one of the two villages i honestly don’t care which one is it long as long as it takes us to one of those

Two please no scalia room please no skelly room please no skelly room and we’re above the skelly room or in the middle of the woods somewhere okay okay there’s the village okay so this is the original spot that we came out i am 100 confused this whole episode has

Been nothing but a ring of confusion turns out i have no idea what i’m doing with nether portals because these are hooking up to incorrect ones but then when you go back through them they’re hooked up correctly and then there’s like three portals hooked up to one in the nether

I guess they’re too close to each other but they’re like a good 100 to 150 blocks apart i genuinely don’t understand okay so let’s run over here sleep in a bed real quick before it becomes nighttime and uh see if we can figure out what to do

Next okay sorry to take your bed here’s the original netherworld yup they should come out and the one that doesn’t have a box around it correct correct okay oh that lag come on buddies you’re on fire you idiot can i give you steak there we go

All right let’s go so i guess what the best thing to do is leave the two villages as they are come back here make a room for the villagers living on the edge huh make a room for the villagers maybe we’ll do that on the second or third floor

I’m not sure exactly where we’ll do it on the second down there and make it like a village breeding section so we can get a bunch of villagers and then eventually make an iron farm so i guess what we need now is a bunch of

Rail carts and rails but we also need to make that area down there safe so what we’re going to do first put all of our netherrack away we’re going to need a bunch of cobblestones so that’s what we’re going to work on right now we’re going to grab

Cobblestone and we’re going to go back and try to build us a tunnel that we can use because it doesn’t really matter uh use for transporting the villagers from there to here now i don’t care which village i come out of as long as i come out of

One of the two portals that are there and even if i go through and i come out in near the skelly room or in the middle of the woods that’s fine as well so that’s what we’re going to work on i will grab some cobblestone and i’ll be back momentarily

Due to the length of this video i’m going to be splitting this into two different parts and it’ll be uploading as soon as possible so be sure to hit that bell in the sub just to make sure you know when it goes live alright thanks guys

This video, titled ‘Luckiest Nether Portals Ever! – Demon Plays Minecraft – Ep 5’, was uploaded by JB Weekly on 2020-04-18 14:32:02. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

Demon is back at it with another episode in the Minecraft Lets Play series this time taking his first steps into the nether, what will he …

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    Gingershadow vs. Sukuna: Epic Minecraft Battle!Video Information This video, titled ‘SUKUNA BEING A MENACE! Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen Mod Episode 3’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2024-03-21 23:00:22. It has garnered 2411 views and 173 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:05 or 2285 seconds. Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen Mod Review (v32) – STREAM – DISCORD – BECOME A MEMBER HERE – GingyGames Channel – SUKUNA BEING A MENACE! Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen Mod Episode 3 #JujutsuKaisen #Minecraft Also big thanks and shout out to our ANBU members of the channel MonsterQ Series Playlists RWBY Students Of Beacon (Minecraft RWBY… Read More

  • VAMPIRE MASON IS BACK! 😱 – Minecraft 🦇

    VAMPIRE MASON IS BACK! 😱 - Minecraft 🦇Video Information This video, titled ‘VAMPIRO PEDREIRO DE VOLTA – Minecraft 🦇’, was uploaded by NikimVTuber on 2024-04-12 05:04:33. It has garnered 62 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 01:59:41 or 7181 seconds. MESSAGE BY PIX ON LIVE: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: DISCORD : TICKETS: TWITCH: Participate in the lives and don’t forget to check out the videos!!! 🦇 Almost every day at 10:00 on Twitch and Youtube too! If you liked the content, give it a like to help support and promote it, I thank you with my cold vampire heart!… Read More

  • Ultimate Legacy

    Ultimate Legacy– Survival – MCMMO – Jobs – Custom Enchants – Vote Ranks – Grief Prevention (Land Claiming) – PVP – Player Shops Read More

  • SurviveMC RP – Roleplay, SMP, Modded

    SurviveMC RP – The Ultimate Zombie Apocalypse Experience Inspired by the hard-bitten realism of “The Last of Us” and the emotional drama of “The Walking Dead,” SurviveMC RP is a brand-new Modded Minecraft server. Our goal is to create a realistic and engaging survival experience that captures the essence of these iconic franchises, and we need your help to bring our vision to life! What We Offer: Immersive Roleplay: Enter a universe where choices are made carefully and actions have repercussions. We’re committed to creating an immersive roleplay experience that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Custom… Read More


    WELCOME TO TOAD SMP!SERVER INFOThis message will contain information about the server as well as basic info about how the server operates.This server is a back to basics hermitcraft like server, we strive to bring back older seasons of hermitcraft back and keep it as vanilla as possible with a few quality of life changes in. The only place where there is a set theme is the shopping district, every shop made must be there. We aim to have a welcoming and friendly community with no toxicity and frequent events getting as many players involved as possible. We also aim… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Well well well, look who dug themselves a grave.

    Minecraft Memes - Well well well, look who dug themselves a grave.Looks like they’re too busy mining diamonds to notice the meme’s score! Read More

  • Hardcore Minecraft Fails: The Epic Saga Begins

    Hardcore Minecraft Fails: The Epic Saga Begins In the world of Minecraft, The Bar did try, To survive hardcore, but many did die. With powerful mobs, they faced their fears, But in the end, laughter filled their tears. Attempt after attempt, they gave it their all, But the game was tough, they hit a wall. Yet through it all, they kept up the fight, With humor and fun, shining bright. Follow The Bar on Instagram and TikTok too, For more gaming adventures, just for you. Twitter is where they share their gaming delight, So join in the fun, day or night. In the land of Minecraft,… Read More

  • Tertolak🔥 ( Minecraft )

    Tertolak🔥 ( Minecraft ) When you accidentally push your friend into a pit of lava in Minecraft and they’re just standing there like 🗿 “Well, this is fine.” #Tertolak🗿 #minecraftmemes #friendshipgoals Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Mods Countdown | April 2024

    Ultimate Minecraft Mods Countdown | April 2024 Exploring the Top 20 Minecraft Mods of April 2024 April 2024 has been an exciting month for Minecraft enthusiasts, with a plethora of new mods and updates hitting the scene. Let’s dive into the top 20 mods that have caught the attention of players around the world. Calamity MC (1.20.4 Forge/Fabric) Calamity MC brings a new level of challenge to the game, offering players a unique experience with its gameplay mechanics and features. Explore the world of Calamity MC and test your skills in this thrilling mod. Shrek (1.20.1 Neo Forge / Fabric) Who doesn’t love Shrek? This mod… Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server!

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community. Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “2014 And 2024 Difference Minecraft” by Fanatic Gamerz. While the video may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking about the evolution of Minecraft over the years. As Minecraft continues to grow and evolve, so does the need for a vibrant and engaging community to share the experience with. That’s where Minewind Minecraft Server comes in. With its unique gameplay features, active player base, and exciting events, Minewind offers… Read More

  • Surviving Minecraft Skyblock Horror Mods

    Surviving Minecraft Skyblock Horror Mods The Terrifying World of Minecraft Skyblock with Horror Mods Embark on a spine-chilling adventure in the world of Minecraft Skyblock with horror mods. As our brave protagonist navigates through the treacherous landscape, they encounter the ominous presence of Herobrine lurking in the shadows, the ever-watchful Cave Dwellers, and the haunting gaze of the pale hound. Herobrine: The Shadowy Stalker Herobrine, the legendary figure rumored to haunt Minecraft worlds, adds an extra layer of fear to the gameplay. With his eerie presence felt at every turn, our protagonist must stay vigilant to avoid falling prey to his malevolent schemes. The… Read More

  • Ultimate Cozy Cubes Minecraft Experience | Peaceful Forest Library | Ep.1

    Ultimate Cozy Cubes Minecraft Experience | Peaceful Forest Library | Ep.1Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Relaxing Longplay (no commentary) | Peaceful Forest Library | 1.20.4 | part 1 of 3’, was uploaded by Cozy Cubes on 2024-04-27 18:48:03. It has garnered 20 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 09:47:03 or 35223 seconds. Hello friends! Welcome to my new channel and to this very first Relaxing Minecraft Longplay with no commentary. I’ll be exploring gorgeous biomes, mining for building materials, searching for a build site and ultimately building a peaceful Forest Library in a cozy redwood forest along a picturesque river. I’m playing on Minecraft: Java… Read More

  • Unleashing Minecraft’s Dark Entity glitch

    Unleashing Minecraft's Dark Entity glitchVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft Memory unlocked 😞😞 #minecraft #memes’, was uploaded by Entity Demon on 2024-01-14 04:04:07. It has garnered 17 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Read More

  • Minecraft Showdown: -69 IQ vs 9999 IQ! 😲🔥🎻

    Minecraft Showdown: -69 IQ vs 9999 IQ! 😲🔥🎻Video Information This video, titled ‘-69 IQ vs 9999 IQ Minecraft 😳 ( World’s Smallest Violin )’, was uploaded by NukeVsCity on 2024-01-07 11:58:11. It has garnered 20757 views and 517 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Once again some traps in Minecraft where we attempted to prove our high IQ. In this funny short you are going to see how easily is to get diamonds! Subscribe: NukeVsCity creates Shorts, TikToks, and Long Form Videos related to Minecraft, Minecraft Memes, Minecraft Music, Minecraft Pixel Art, Minecraft Amethyst, Minecraft Trends, Minecraft But, Minecraft Memes, Minecraft… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! SLUURP – Minecraft: The Movie (2024) | BEHIND THE SCENES

    UNBELIEVABLE! SLUURP - Minecraft: The Movie  (2024) | BEHIND THE SCENESVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: The Movie (2024) | BEHIND THE SCENES’, was uploaded by SLUURP on 2024-04-13 15:00:08. It has garnered 43337 views and 1992 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:39 or 699 seconds. Minecraft: The Movie (2025) | BEHIND THE SCENES #minecraft #minecraftmovie #movies Dive into the wild world of the Minecraft movie with our exclusive Behind the Scenes look! Join Connor from SLUURP as we unveil secrets from the set, from live-action block trees to breathtaking new landscapes. Catch a glimpse of the star-studded cast including Jason Momoa, Jack Black, and more as they… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Live 24/7 Minecraft SMP in Hindi!!! #shorts

    Unbelievable! Live 24/7 Minecraft SMP in Hindi!!! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live | 24/7 Minecraft Smp | Minecraft Live Hindi | #shorts #viral #minecraft’, was uploaded by axminer 1M on 2024-04-04 11:58:52. It has garnered 9228 views and 110 likes. The duration of the video is 05:12:40 or 18760 seconds. Minecraft Live || 24/7 Minecraft Smp || Minecraft Live Hindi || Making Peace full Smp #minecraft #shorts Hello, Namaste, I Am axminer1m to kese hai aap log 🫶 swagat hai mere is Chote Se YouTube channel me 🏆🙃 App Logo Ka Ax Community Me Swagat He Aur Abhi Tak Apne Mere Discord Channel Follow nhi… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build: Security House vs Zombies – JJ Rabbit & Mikey

    Insane Minecraft Build: Security House vs Zombies - JJ Rabbit & MikeyVideo Information This video, titled ‘How JJ and Mikey Build a HUGE Security House vs Zombies Mikey and JJ ? – Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by JJ RABBIT & Mikey on 2024-03-07 20:00:31. It has garnered 5501 views and 35 likes. The duration of the video is 01:00:04 or 3604 seconds. How JJ and Mikey Build a HUGE Security House vs Zombies Mikey and JJ ? – Minecraft (Maizen) This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want… Read More

Luckiest Nether Portals Ever! – Demon Plays Minecraft – Ep 5