Lucky’s Den – Minecraft Caves & Cliffs Part II Update!! – Survival Hardcore 😀 – Minecraft 1.18 New Update – LIVE

Video Information

So Now my heart’s wide open Time this moment This moment Is This moment Good Do hello chap hi fudgy i have no clue what this music is i thought it sounded nice though so you know like uh beginning of the stream music hi mctiny welcome to the stream welcome to the stream um i’m gonna get one or two more things sorted out

I’m gonna join scott in a vc and then let’s let’s just go into the update i guess i’m pretty sure it’s already out they released a bit earlier so that’s that’s insane this is awesome all right okay everything seems to check let’s join scott yellow hello how’s it going

Um it is going good that’s nice because all right 1.18 yeah i was right it’s already released where’s the plan man yeah i know i thought he said he was gonna do a stream i know man’s lacking crazy crazy all right we’re gonna do we’re gonna do hardcore because you know

Yo we speedy welcome to the stream thanks for coming along i like how to like obliviously read everything all right let me delete all my worlds real quick because i’m cool and there we go it just it just gave me this menu well none of them are really important

To be fair it’s more like test sets and stuff all right uh swap to minecraft now mooncraft i was like wait tell me you know what hi dodge master welcome to the stream all right yeah that that little backdrop there can we just take a second to admire that my god

I i know i know it’s it’s just a backdrop but still that is insane this music is just not fitting for this occasion let me swap the music for your chat the music is just not if it was the first of december i’d be playing christmas music but it’s not

And i can’t oh yeah anyway uh this one lo-fi it’s chill happy happy lifestyle hi lucid welcome to the stream music is a little bit loud apparently that’s fine all right so i can’t wait i i actually can’t wait how’s everybody’s day been in chat before we begin you know

First a little bit of chit chat and then we’ll hop into the world 1.8 in it 1.18 is out right now kind of insane hi spoopy man welcome to the stream there’s quite a few of you here today that’s nice it has been good that’s great to hear man

You guys excited for the 1.18 update it’s already out all i got to do is press literally two free buttons and we can start checking it out your day’s been going great that’s awesome play please yeah i’ll play i’ll play i will play give me a second i want to admire this

Back screen because i wasn’t able to see it after it does a nearly 360 like i’ve seen a lot then i’ll um it’s nearly done and then i’ll play okay could have been better ah well maybe it’ll be better now you never know you never know okay what should we name the world

This will be the world we will play in every minecraft stream and then in the coming future this is a hardcore world we’re going to make a hardcore if i die it’s it’s gone no no more minecraft streams you guys get to name the world you want to name it steve

I’m going gonna let you guys vote together in chat whatever i see the most minecraft minecraft it make minecraft world you guys get today in the world game rules allow cheats i can’t enable that good generator structures good done game rules i’m not gonna play with that mooncraft okay maybe maybe

What if we what would we give it a name without crafting it so like i don’t know uh a mogus you want to name amalgas are we naming are we naming the world of mogus i mean we can do okay okay i’ll put i’ll put the first

Four names in in the vote like in a poll and you guys can vote we’ll leave it for like two three minutes looks like that we can actually play the game but yeah so option one steve option two we’ll say mooncraft and then we’ll say a mogus

And then we need one more option one more one more um option steve mooncraft and mogus i’m always or maybe i should choose name scott you have any ideas no i i don’t all right so we’re gonna name it steve oh wait that’s that’s the poll name what should we name the world

Question mark steve minecraft amalgas life it’s just life ask your community plan gaming once sucks okay um there’s the poll the i’m gonna leave the poll for two or three minutes literally two three minutes not that long and uh this will be the permanent world name kind of mad kind of mad

You guys get to choose the name of them should have done plan gaming one sucks right let me quickly end the poll there’s two people that say it that’s enough people for me that’s enough people for me i’ll come on paul’s update let me world name question mark steve uh a mogus life

Plan gaming one playing gaming one sucks ask your community there you go i’ll do a capital p if i didn’t put a capital p let me see okay no i did put a capital p nice all camps all right there you go that’s the actual vote that’s the actual poll that’ll last

Two three minutes and that’ll be the name of the world forever amazing until until you guys choose to delete it or i die in it because it’s hardcore watch me dying the first night listen to it do like a stream on the on the next holidays you know streaming

Until i die but like actually try not to die you’ve watched me stream for like 46 hours straight that’d be kind of mad not gonna lie you guys a whole voting plan gaming one sucks over a mogus oh my god i think this is the biggest trick i’ve ever had on one vote

It’s great clown’s gonna join vc later it’s gonna be like hi there’s gonna see the the world name hey it’s been two minutes it’s been two minutes playing gaming one sucks it is plan gaming one sucks there you go chat that’s the name hardcore look at the settings so i’m not shooting game

Hardcore data packs i don’t have any game rules more world options generate structures will type default import settings no this is in 1.18 let’s play it oh my god guys a rose generation that was never seen ever before well now we present you foxy welcome to the stream

Okay don’t die oh my god don’t die step one whoa yo that’s a weird spawn all right so first thing wood i need a house and i need a i need a life if i if i don’t die the stream should i do future streams lol more more minecraft let’s play ah

Cute i’m happy understand the caves that zombie just walked out oh my god this doesn’t look drastic it’s all like a spawn i don’t see a tree in this area not one i see them in here though so i’m fine right but like come on if i do i’ll probably get shaders as

Well this is like uh yo i can’t cheat that’s kind of mad lucky’s there playing fair oh my god i think you should continue minecraft streams i mean i personally really really enjoy them like i really really enjoy them i also really enjoy like my top three streams and i’ll rank them

From my favorite to my least favorite my number one favorite right now is blitz streams right if you guys like that or not it’s it is glitch streams but the training rooms i think is wicked like if you actually get people playing it then i think the second one is

No minecraft streams i think minecraft streams are awesome like i i love minecraft streams you know i’ve played at the game on mobile since i was young never never on pc and ever since the pc is great man among us is better i don’t know man is it is it

Let’s get a sword uh eleven eleven eleven eleven nine ten eleven i think that’s enough hopefully my maps is right i don’t actually count but you know stone pickaxe saves that for later boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom Okay now let’s uh let’s get some wood because night time is going to be difficult to get wood you know if you guys see anywhere i should build just like tell me you know that could be cool oh i got ping on this cool way this might be important

No no it’s just plan i just said plans not important never mind oops right i need i need seeds i need food basically well actually i don’t want seeds i want pumpkins pumpkins legit because i can mine at night i can’t mine well i can mine actually during the day

But i don’t want to because it’s always boom you know i was like going to play some roblox simulators until it comes out because when i googled when the release date was it said 8pm nighttime which would be in like two hours i’d have done like two hours of roblox you know

But it came out earlier so i was like yo gotta pop the stream open now start streaming in school hi very hello yeah you don’t wait for me oh no it’s already out what do you mean problem yeah to start you know whatever i said i would stream it nearly as like

As soon as possible so i i deliver so how’s your day been so far planned yeah i don’t really know get one shot fair enough see that video sound thing get it off my screen can you play among us after maybe not today i’m going to enjoy the minecraft

Stream it’s been a while he’s in he’s that isn’t even a minecraft before blitz chat now the videos are privated right the videos are private but my first ever uploads were actually roblox tutorials on games and they got more views than some of my streams and videos today which is kind

Of mad to think about maybe i should do that again just get a separate channel you know just for them like ginormous spreadsheets that are doing every game my plan is what i’m talking about it’s just a giant people yeah and you could take a base on each stage

Of the game yeah yeah yo i need to go in five f5 i need to go in f5 on the longest imagine oh i nearly walked off the cliff wait wait wait wait wait let’s not go on f5 i don’t understand the controls minecraft noob i was she done among us minecraft

That’s my only response maybe maybe but like for now i’m gonna stick maybe maybe if all of you guys in chat really want it maybe i’ll do it later not now i need someone on mangas and you minecraft days out i know you know how long are they wait for this right

All right i need oh sheep i need sheep that’s a smart decision wait one sheep come on i can sleep the night among us for every subscriber i don’t sleep tonight i’ve gotta let the mob spawn imagine i can do something i think that could actually be kind of cool

Hi wolf ira welcome to the stream i hope you all said your name right it’s a pretty cool name it looks really cool at least what wolf viral it’s like a it’s like a firewolf i might go straight into one of it oh wait no no man i can’t

This cow is bullying me all right let’s go get some coal because i don’t have food you do i do but i’m not gonna waste the raw food man uh save two pigs because pork chops or pea pork chop head the cow yeah let’s go get some cow yeah three

Four i think what could be really cool is to build like a big dam where the water is here maybe i think that could be really nice oh and as expected food all right i’m also going to eat i’m streaming um what is among oh what i don’t know

How far is this transit my brain i was like do i have a crafting table but i was in a crafting table kind of mad not gonna lie i’m cheating this night unless you subscribe right now please don’t play it don’t don’t don’t subscribe for that no no exactly exactly

Do that yeah exactly on my own stream imagine how you messed up that look i i don’t know google translate can be unreliable occasionally yeah it’s quite annoying why am i right clicking the bed what am i doing with life just getting so bad at minecraft no i’m terrible at it

That hardcore minecraft yes this is not cool is that a new menu page nighttime please please please please please please please please please please please please hi auntie how are you don’t don’t let’s check this guys so you’re so you’re in hard so i’ll do hardcore i am

In hardcore what do you mean i can’t do hardcore for some reason imagine not doing hardcore oh there we go oh great world no halo today yeah quite sad he’s too bad for hillary anyway i’ll get wrecked it’s going to take like five years to load my pc is that bad

No halo today sadly no i’m gonna sleep i’m gonna i’m gonna box myself because i do not wanna risk dying i don’t know how i would but not risking it where’s the torch in sleep i watch this i’m gonna go box myself i’ll be right back in literally less than a miniature

Bing bada boom entertain him for less than a minute okay for less than a minute i was littered and i already see uh okay this is live in my game nice you minecraft update buggy question mark that’s like it’s weird it’s not any shadow Huh nice response but it was like that too oh my day has been fun wow thanksgiving day after the only one that responded day the something something something something wow recently minecraft i’ve been waiting so long for it and it’s just like really bad

Boring day the day was born hello i am z back i told you guys with cree quick what that was not english you got me sometimes german and swash at the same time swish is a language yes oh it’s not installed we’ve got we’ve got different dialects

Like you guys got scottish we’ve got swiss german that doesn’t exist it what my god google and translate in this you know i don’t think you can translate swiss german we’ll see it’s a dialect it’s not a language that’s a thing what do you mean an accent

No no it’s like different words and stuff you must go by i see yeah thanks for quickly plugging in i really appreciate it just gave me jet i feel scammed my school bye bye i want to choose where i need to build my base i don’t know where i want to build my

Base like i actually have no clue since he um abandoned our secret server no because we can’t play that on 1.18 can we we can we can yep so if we join that right now it’s in 1.18 should it be chat give me a second i’m quickly joining the server

Saving quit the title fine i don’t want to join anymore oh my god plan let me quickly hide the the ip address no i don’t want you accidentally swear to god are you wasting my time you’re welcome oh my what does nothing doesn’t work Know right you and all right oh there’s a beach something i don’t know what it is let’s go let’s go let’s go So much tall grass man what actually a joke the [ __ ] you said oh [ __ ] yo wait look at this chat uh uh uh that’s nice i’m gonna go build my base over here yeah you did that no this is idiotic i can’t go anywhere i can’t do anything for killing my base there Um what if i build that on top of this hell you’re gonna die [ __ ] making myself my own thumb now yeah you do that nah she’s making his own thumbnails now why do i normally actually don’t answer that fair enough that’s a justified answer Shovels i want to build my base here chef so basically we’re just going to like dig this place out not entirely because that’s more one cares That’s my thing let’s make some chests put all my stuff in here nearly all my stuff in here cobble coal wool food seeds trees uh that i can keep on me i guess no sorry and then why should we build the man should we make it like a different place

Or should we just like um i was about to say dig straight down but i don’t think that needs to be done oh we’ve got like a mini house already wait to be fannydyne so let’s put some iron down boom and then let’s go down here

Make sure i can actually get back up i guess it was scupping skull today yeah other guy oh damn he’s got to get that minecraft no yes probably ah skipping school why disgraceful i am terrified man i missed our awesome assembly what kind of assembly is awesome it was terrible

What was it about oh just about how we need to be in school because our attendance and how there’s only so many days in a year i had a really funny idea i have no clue that’s even possible though idea is that because the holidays are

Different where i am it could be funny to like school for a week in scotland just for the walls like just be that random kid you know but i don’t even know how that would work how what would work like if you were to like come into the

School at lunch or something you know so like for example you guys have school and i would be on holiday basically that’s how it work right and instead of me doing school over there with something i can just literally pop in at lunch you know like i could just like

Pop in a lunch be like yo huh okay minute like break should just sit down every break you know i can’t i can’t do classes no point really counter classes so it’s not the point is that though no boom i’m done with my epic phone now nice

Actually you know i’ll add an extra image in add uh best image my thumbnail is gonna be so beautiful you’re just you’re just gonna be blowing away can’t wait it’s just so amazing just just that imagine it’s just my fault imagine just my thumbnail and then you just put playing gaming one over

I would never what do you mean i would never just steal one of your thumbnails Hey chad can you can you please tell him how i’ve never stolen this one though why have you actually no why can’t i recall the time because i haven’t i swear to god you have i don’t know never mind bad i love you please outdated server i’m still on one point

Sixty point five one live new microfiber g huh no not well no mate this was on 1.18 i don’t know what they’re talking about so what’s new in 1.18 chat anybody can’t fill me in uh so new caves yep and i believe there’s a new item and new mobster and

There’s a new mob what’s the new it’s the one with void on oh is that already out yeah there’s a lot but bug apaches uh a lot like current systems a lot but it’s like a law a law has it over a hundred thousand or something i’m ready

It’s a little way to say better than normally i put ultra low latency i’ll do that but sometimes i don’t be random just gonna eat i’m going to do my live stream i’m going to mute up because i don’t want to hear you he meant stefan by the way

Is he in there is he in the community server he should join the community seven by the way that’d be insane if it worked that would be insane hmm a bigger i knew okay all right i think that this little central piece here should be a ginormous mine straight down

Right into the abyss i personally believe that sounds awesome so let’s do that i’m gonna build a bit above here he means death and not not new bruh um i mean you’re gonna mute yourself you’re only muted like oh wait that’s legit okay all right good stuff all right hello how’s it going

Yeah i was listening to every word you say oh as a non-creepy man does yeah yeah that’s kind of creepy of you you know no i said a non-creepy man does that i don’t know what i’m talking about it’s non-creepy sorry listen what did he do i’m more during a bunch of cows

What did he not have a thing for sheep modern sheep now okay they’re horses they’re not sheep well nothing my mind is like hey you want to do an f4 what’s that oh no that sounds fun yeah i’m not doing a whole airport money or f4

I actually got a really good spawn in minecraft now not iron there’s a bunch of caves near me there’s ravine and there’s most of another portal oh yeah that’s that’s really good and there’s not enough pieces though oh and i got a villain your telegraphing army okay

They’re not supposed to actually be able to spawn things that i got to vote on the name for this wall yeah so i named it that uh what was his name oh you don’t don’t don’t worry about that what’s your name don’t worry about that oh there’s nothing good what’s yours totally nothing

Oh they voted on the on the names by the way not not me yeah but then you put it up wow wood log make wood i mean stick stick make a pickaxe i make multiple pickaxe yes uh yes multiple pickaxe and then i make i make torch no no touch i make torch

Ah it’s night time let’s go to bed No you probably are let me sleep i’m scared of the night right it’s only hardcore i know putting you get some food for fighting there we go all right i got lots of food all right tell you what you guys may like some building questions i don’t know why

It’s like dinner time that’s that’s all you need to say i’m gonna quickly smell this food up yes smell it um i feel this game got more ugly this game used to like run nice and smooth huh i swear like xbox 360 edition round smoother no i now have food all right lmg

Pumpkins over there i don’t know anything though i don’t like pumpkins for pumpkin farm they get some steak you know how it is yeah man every time he gets taken he’s gonna have to say something listed okay from destroyed to see this is the latest this is the slowest

Reaction i have ever had so catastrophe what do i do run i can oh my god i thought i was live on this you’re stupid um better idea veins would you even call them mossy veins well i’ll call for i realize that now that’s why the copper golem would be so useful

Something really useful called lightning rod that’s not useful you’re not following me let me go later on is it muddy minecraft i personally find it quite useful but how does it possibly be helpful swimming in this game is insanely fast all right i didn’t go for my dinner so

Why are you not defense back game i found that game’s my thing but it’s a new minecraft up there i’ve got cash in and then views and plus i’ve been waiting like ages for this you know hey pawn hello why are you guys coming over now when you go for my dinner

It’s always just chat coming in at the wrong times oh man that’s fine i clicked on a really big stream and i thought it was your channel like holy jesus six thousand people watching anyway what no no i just faced minecraft you know look at me i got a whole already in minecraft

Doing quite well for myself um it’s minecraft that’s not fun you said that robot man what do you mean man which it means i mean it used to be fun but the devs kind of ruined it this new dev team because they don’t really do anything you certainly wait for ages for an

Update and then when the game’s revenue goes down and they add a new update it’s not a dumb idea ah yeah you just think it’s not done my deal the community thinks that they might do or the ones that are actually smart um one two three hi spooky welcome to the stream

That’s the reason that people went forgot about the game how can you forget about minecraft how how everyone forgot about it for years you can’t even lie about it how can you forget about minecraft i mean i still played it but still i’m sorry i stepped in something that’s minecraft oh come on

When i use minecraft some reason i would if they were mushroom i’d be like blitz or minecraft the game is kind of bad what i think minecraft is not look like why don’t we pick on bullets that’s a real dead game that’s not dead all and don’t pick on blitz

It’s it’s not dead though there’s no it’s not i thought anytime all right i won’t say minecraft but well the dev team’s not good their communities can’t talk oh my voice just toxic um pickaxe i mean i’m gonna go for dinner but and you’re saying other games community hasn’t talked

Old minecraft was better because i actually cared about again fair enough but you i wish there was like a remaster i wanna stop for law games like one i’m not proud to say but i wish they had like a remaster for me i’m sorry the original fortnite was actually good hmm

I don’t know that one’s just terrible too much there’s so many games like that i think for my dinner but yeah that’s a lot of roblox games i wish they mastered them i remember a really old roblox game i used to play as a kid i think it was my first ever

Ever game actually like on pc i agree that was one of them i wasn’t because i was it was actually fun you could have fun with your friends on the game that was dead either i stamped or something i love dave i put my task bar on when i’m away

Do you guys know if i’m awake one lucky’s downstream how long while i’m away because he’ll be doing something because i know that yes yeah that brings like something yeah it was it was so good compared there’s nowadays it was so good i even have a video

Actually of like season one on my xbox zombie man what i should have picked up i feel like different there’s like one of my [ __ ] ones achievements live stream i’m gonna do different things now that you guys get to choose so you guys can really screw me over

If you guys feel like it which i hope you don’t but like just so you know you could but don’t please please please what where why who hardcore is scary prove me wrong let’s go in our bed and get some rest dude um um to and another pickaxe um you there you go

You pull do um torches oh yes i should have gone picked up the site and not the same sticks from upstairs that’s um moisture sticks did i oh that i made a specific amount of sticks didn’t know oh god make it look pretty to the oh so uh so so uh uh hmm

Uh you oh okay why hello there um i i assume they want to have me alright hi back i’m lucky as then my name is back what’s your name that’s scary what’s scary this your face please please i’m gonna throw eggs at them i’m sorry that i attacked you please

It’s not hunter it’s not worth it do it it’s very worth it no in my stream like this no the reward is off the chain no all right new caves i’m checking out the new games and my stream do when i’m not getting chased by these things we’re getting chased by colleges

Just an army of villages oh pillagers oh you’re dead by the way sometimes they catch me off guard see the one no you you’ve not even fought the ones of the axes they mess you up they’re called valkyries something right they mess you up by the way all right um

It’s how do you set up your sub goal no i’ve again a new way is it hard it shouldn’t be it should be shouldn’t be i need can i do it see if i put this in my off hand does it light up now no okay they’re not that advanced okay

Oh my god i’m looking at new caves i feel you get more subscribers because of that subcon i mean this one’s a custom custom thumbnail uh not thumbnail custom sub account there’s an automatic update yeah yeah is it through google kind of oh i’m not saying that i lost my base now great

Ah run run run that’s my voice what did you get chased by oh two skeletons oh but i don’t have anything well nobody’s fighting on my stream well nobody’s wearing mushrooms so i’m just gonna do the thing that i wanted to do in the world then

All right i made it to new layers oh wow all right first thing i want to do game mode spectator second thing i want to do no i want a different world second thing is that i want to go underneath the map and i want to look at the new stuff

I’m doing that into a hardcore mode but you can’t do that no because my cabins are filled with skeletons to brim same and i’m also not an insane minecraft gamer oh it’s going no i didn’t really think about this and i accidentally left a giant hole for them jumping through

Yeah the caves seem a bit more this past but they still seem really drastic which is really nice i think there’s too many caves now they’re just the kids are too big like i like the caves right yeah they’re just oh there’s just so much space for the mobs to spawn

It’s easier to get ore but the kids are kind of realistic yeah look how big they are now gonna enable something real quick where is it i don’t know this one doesn’t seem the best oh there’s something massive over there though i really like i could see all the times

And stuff as well see there’s some ghoul yeah why does it say 59 for me and no clue like i clearly have more than 59 subs and go oh okay go 300 check this out this is i really like this actually like all the cabinets how does it know when you’re sub squat

I have it in that’s always open ah that was pretty cool just a big loop nice and uh as well i say jacket peaks tp prolia 500 negative 124 60 400 a4 so just automatically just update myself well you should do if you always have it open

I spawned like nearly on top of emerald as good luck oh that’s cool that’s really cool the mountains quite dramatic as well yo wait look at my stream no no wait no look at this though there’s a village right and then there’s this look at that generation right

All right let’s get some full iron armor right once i have to fill my armor i’m gonna go even deeper in the caves that’s some funny generation uh yeah it’s in your screenshot so all right and then let’s say we go into game of creative again

And let’s see if we can like look for any new items there is some new items i do say i don’t know if any items are cool you know but candles i’m pretty sure that was in part one though i actually really like the candles if i’m honest handles yeah

That’s such a weird thing to like in this game make sure you get them from the dark depth actually yeah you’re getting from darker days or not yeah it’s not out yet though well the one is out yet no i’ve been lighter yeah let’s go it’s a new block seen these crystals yeah

Like how do you what do you do with them um nothing you can make telescopes how many you need let me see telescope crafting recipe spyglass it’s called whatever whatever uh you need one amethyst shot and two copper ingots i’ve got an amphis block not not an amethyst block and i’m for shard

Oh a sharp a shard you’re a cinnamon it’s a shark it’s a shard no it’s a shahad all right so you’re telling me then out the ward no why so what’s the point in the slideshow no they didn’t i thinks up the generation it seems all right nice yeah

It talks about the warning stuff live they said that would be next up thing after this one next yeah go away man what’s the point in telling us you’re gonna have a warning don’t either for how much money microsoft paid for this game you know you’d at least think to have a

Good dev team but no that seems terrible i can’t believe they didn’t add the word what crap is that oh crap i get born right 12 there’s a temple right there i had it right there i didn’t almost die oh wow it’s got finally came back and what are you doing now

Um watching youtube what about you yeah just trying to play this new minecraft update found out that warren hasn’t enough oh you know just like one of the biggest new bosses in the game the usual from here no one know this game got forgotten about dev team can’t even listen one day

Two temples near side by side jesus the old dev team was way better for this game sound on the water village it was kind of like on the water village that’s kind of nice um it’s a love orange i’m not seeing any more diamonds three temples in a row three what the [ __ ]

Ice bathroom when i found one that’s man fighting three what they must have to spawn or something probable be basically when the regular song is fine i don’t know well apart from sound temples are pretty good like i probably found more chickens another one baby zombies riding in the iceberg but i have

What i found another one underneath the ice bags i found full oh my god i struck my axe at the zombie yo wait what oh i don’t have a shield oh my god there’s so many of them actually there’s not many of them yeah but it’s like teasing it lucid hey

It’s not fair i like all the little squiggles and hands in them caves all right i have no clue what level diamonds ones don’t know because like what does it spawn now does it just spawn really well down now does it spawn really high now it’s fair oh the diamonds all right

Let’s go there’s only one right i think they’re a lot more dispatched now hi crap those day welcome to the stream hey crypto steve found my first diamond man out all i know here fell diamond oh i’m gonna get lost on you i found four sea temples in a row

Right away how i just don’t know how these caves going for so long i should really increase my brightness can you guys even see e because i’m not playing a bunch of torches because i can’t what well that could be bothered but it costs a lot let me see your stream nah

Yeah it’s quite dark actually what’s that like you can see stuff but it’s it’s it’s dark how far do these caves go it is disgraced man oh my diamond there is lava and i hear a skeleton and i’m in hardcore mode up or down let me find something to increase the brain

As you go get a drink i would i yeah something heavy to put my w key um lucky stan told me to increase my brains i would yeah oh my god how do i do that you go to your game settings not obvious um visual stand see i don’t increase the

Brightness normally that’s some philly right this is on max right this is all right let me let me figure out what right i can put on my w key let’s go no no because i i wanna watch this as well as i eat you know um

Why this is why you need stream key rocks that’s the thing next business next business item key rocks you could put your mom on the w key legend legend never said that legend crypt of steve plush respect matt moore i mean okay crypto steve i see

Oh my god look at this cave this violation it’s so ugly ah ah ah i’m a friendly comparison also plan guys this guy’s oh that was free i’m running for my life there is lots of diamonds actually all right oh my gosh look how many mobs are i see my diamonds

There are so many diamonds but there’s so many sweating out of the people actually there’s not many diamonds there’s more scattered about okay sometimes over here mesmer ah this is tough oh oh there we go oh wait now i can’t mute man i’m i’m smart let me quickly mute and get myself a

Drink chat uh go away skeleton take him creeper hey guys hey what’s up hey james hulk i’m sorry that’s bullying by hope oh the zombie’s gonna beat up over here all right all right i got nine diamonds i’m so rich right now crazy [ __ ] man about it right you know minecraft labels

Right yeah Oh my gosh oh damn i just realized what the hell happened to all my games why have they all been moved around oh did you just see what happened to me no i mean at least my obs is beside among us that saves me some time

A creeper blew up and then blew an only creeper towards me and then i got blown up i am did you die in a hardcore moment what did you die in a hardcore world yeah yo did you see what happened to me though no right imagine that i was running along

As i do right creeper exploded and our creeper flew into me imagine uh where was i even where did i even know I don’t even know hey yeah how it just blew up and it’s along on my creep in my direction uh all right i’ve been here before i’ve been champion plan yeah f for me that was so sick though like i died in a resting peace to me but

I died in such a cool way like who can say right they got blown up and then got hit by another creeper while dying do blitz i’m doing an um oh [ __ ] i could speak english wow basically i need to finally entirety of tomorrow afternoon is going to be just blitz

So if you want to see a blitz stream hey stay tuned for this that’s not my kind of game you know hey that’s not my kind of game you know i’m doing that all afternoon minecraft and roblox for life i’m gonna do something else and you play among

I don’t play much i despise you guys tell my plan and in such a segway though like who can say i died a terrible way okay and wow we’re not talking about that i’m like we’re just i’m just saying man oh yeah then i i was over here and then i went up

And he got blown up yeah i’m not fine in my dead body yeah i’m blowing up i don’t know where i got blown up i should just you know delete the world yep restart communities have a question A long time yeah yo check this out huh yeah oh but boom one point eighteen two because first one i don’t know second ones are always the best how’s that for we don’t need the plane in the chat all right guys i want to get

10 likes on this stream if we get 10 likes in the stream wow i’ll be sad yep imagine you don’t want to make me sad do you yeah bear can’t liken it but we don’t have to don’t have to don’t watch them get rated again i just spawn

Down mike oh my gosh that’s almost a nice ball ice bomb you know how rare this is i know now step up and do finding a sea temple underneath the ice bags boom but you can’t do that oh my god this is so rare i’ve only seen very little of these

Ever in existence like so broken oh you guys you guys better start hitting the lego you know likes are broken apparently i just vacuumed my leg just vacuumed my leg i clicked that it’s like you yay trick says i just score well let’s pull a bit i should love you

Are you sure about that it’s an ice pile do you know how rare these these are so rare what do you guys want to see on minecraft oh look at this you’re fresh look at that that’s like the dark ice look at that it’s huge as well look at this ice box huge

I could tell this first person to find a nice biome but yeah that’s the that’s the 1.18 update i think it looks really cool i might end stream here and start a new stream up like so this is the minecraft stream you know on added like new sound effects

Would you like that chat like that i can actually do something else no we guys better have it for you guys about 10 likes by the end of this live stream and i’m me play ones i might a mogus if i end the stream now and just start

Up a new one so i can keep it so it’s like a minecraft stream you know would you guys like that so i can do something else and it will start back in like 15 minutes and i’m going to stay in the vc with plans so we just hop onto this

Stream you’ll still be able to hear me and stuff would you like that chat i should probably look at you right now yes and okay surviving oh no this menu right surviving is sorry i’m not quickly definitely discord and in my outro okay chat thanks for coming along to the

Stream i’m going to start streaming again in like 10 15 minutes uh so if you want to hear me just hop on to plan stream for now uh we’re going to start off a new stream and we’re going to do some other different games so it’s not just minecraft for

The rest of the night uh but yeah 1.18 is really cool it’s really nice i’m quite a big fan of it actually and yeah it i quite like it if i’m honest uh i really love the terrain generation i think mojang did a great job on the terrain generation

And the the only unfortunate side is that i have played the snapshot so much so that it makes the game feel a bit boring in the sense that i already know new items and mobs and stuff unfortunately but it’s still really really cool that they managed to pull off an update like that

Can’t wait for the next one hopefully it’s even better and yeah so see you guys in 10 15 minutes i’m ending this stream and i’ll start up a new one see you guys goodbye go to planetstream if you haven’t so you can see me there with a 10-15 minute time period bye chat

And be right back

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Caves & Cliffs Part II Update!! – Survival Hardcore 😀 – Minecraft 1.18 New Update – LIVE’, was uploaded by Lucky’s Den on 2021-12-01 07:03:03. It has garnered 29 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:54:19 or 6859 seconds.

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  • Join Minewind Server for Endless Minecraft Adventures!

    Join Minewind Server for Endless Minecraft Adventures! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and tips for all things Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “INFINITE FUEL IN MINECRAFT | HOW TO MAKE INFINITE FUEL SOURCE IN MINECRAFT” by Viper_Playzz. While the video may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking about the endless possibilities and creativity that Minecraft has to offer. Imagine a world where you can explore, build, and survive in a community of like-minded players. That’s exactly what you’ll find on Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vast open world, unique gameplay… Read More

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  • Satisfying Parkour & Pixel Art – PPL Request 3,125

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  • “Exploring Florist’s Island – EPIC Minecraft Seed Reaction!” #minecraft #seeds

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  • “💩 PooKRi is Back! Minecraft Survival 2024 Day 3 LIVE 🔥” #clickbait

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  • Breakfast Club

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  • KazzyKraft Modded | Whitelist | 15+ | 1.19.2

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  • NitroGaming

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  • Minecraft Memes – “Spicy Minecraft trend alert 🌶”

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  • Food Fight Frenzy: Minecraft’s Hungry Hero

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  • Minecraft’s Ultimate Showdown: Super Dog vs. Ravager! 🔥

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  • Discover the Thrills of Minewind Minecraft Server

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Lucky’s Den – Minecraft Caves & Cliffs Part II Update!! – Survival Hardcore :D – Minecraft 1.18 New Update – LIVE