Luke TheNotable’s 4000 Days Hardcore Minecraft!

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Welcome back to my notable land if you’re a creeper please disband no I mean it get out first thing on my agenda for this new adventure I’m going to try to go inside myself unfortunately it’s not what you think a while ago I failed making a secret entrance to my statue

And I’m going to try again here I wanted the Redstone to blend in you barely even noticed that wood button there of course that does mean it’s notably complicated this kind of switch is called a t flip-flop I don’t know why nerds call it

That I don’t talk to them all I know is this piston is pushing without redstone it’s either magic or I’m bad local villager Redstone repairman and search I think this would all be easier if there weren’t a bunch of Lights in my floor why do I have to be so complicated doors

Working but lights are broken and now it’s raining I’m not trying to get shocked I’m going to go to the next one ah the first real morning of 4,000 days it’s exciting at this point I’m still bright and cheery my spirit hasn’t been destroyed by The Grind a huge amount of

Diverting and digging later and I think it’s all at least wired correctly yep check out my secret little tunnel lined with emeralds in my floor it’s notable yeah it does work but I’m not entirely proud of the execution I think I can do better than this I just have a lot of

Wasted space down here now and this is very valuable real estate the floor is literally emeralds well at least I’m now inside myself that makes me feel good now I want to be able to look out my own eyes see my land it is beautiful tinted glass was a really nice choice depending

On where you look it almost looks like I’ve got a little twinkle in my eye last thing I’ve just got to put the floor back imagine not having an emerald lawn oh imagine check it out here by the St statue floor looks seamless you go over to the ancient tree click the

Button and now there’s a secret entrance and then it’s a short trip into the statue from there you can live inside my head rentree like all the people who make fun of me on the internet recently they make fun of me for my iron sign which I’ll change tomorrow I guess it

Kind of looks like I own but I live in a blocky world what do you want from me I’m sorry the r was just the hardest one to do but I think that should satisfy the people the old sign was also concrete powder that uh well that’s just

Inexcusable somehow that broke it now Golems are spawning on on the outside ah see my water wrecked all this carpet that shouldn’t even be there if my farm was built correctly well says iron now I hope you’re happy you’ll never guess what I’m building today I assure you you

Won’t and it’s going to be up in the top of the tower I’m very embarrassed by this but there are several rooms in my tower that have dirt floors it’s it’s kind of gross I put them in last year meant to do something and never did part

Of my issue was I have everything I need on my compound I want for nothing that is until I got the idea for a money shower I think I’m good enough at red Stone to do this it’s all in a tight Tower which is making it tough I’m just

Going to do everything to code and hopefully it works I’m not going to make a tutorial you’re all too poor you just can’t afford this level of luxury being wealthy is incredible nothing bad ever happens I’m okay I can afford insurance that had me wondering how many totems

I’ve used in my entire career take a guess in the comments below and that totem that I just popped was number 69 nice guts of the showers now working emeralds will cycle forever showering on top of me now I just got a decom the whole thing and try to make it look nice

For me make it look nice means put emeralds on everything it’s worked for me so far I’m trying to get a shower handle working and in this tight space that’s proving difficult but after a whole day of Plumbing now I can turn my shower on and off oh I know I know I

Know I’m talented it all works now it’s time to just make it look good this is the fun part I was trying to make a glass door work I wasn’t sure if it was going to look good I kind of like it I think half my issue is I’m a true gamer

And never shower so I really don’t know what a proper one looks like also probably don’t want Windows into the Redstone Room I did not get a permit and if the city finds out they’ll shut me down that’s a joke for all the dads out there that think they’re handy so I’m

Just playing around with some different design choices having some fun with it I’m not a huge fan of this tinted glass white almost looks like foggy glass I might go with that one the only issue is now I can’t cover the floor and I don’t really want my floor to be Hoppers hey

Check this out it’s a little place to put your shampoo I don’t know what shampoo is but apparently it’s important I once said Hardcore Minecraft was not about about vanity and I think that was the biggest lie I’ve ever told going out to get some shampoo day 31 and now I bet

You’re wondering what I even mean I’m trying to find a warm ocean there’s some stuff there that kind of looks like shampoo bottles if you use your imagination just flying around minding my own business and somehow got the adventuring time achievement wow I got a bunch more to do cuz Minecraft keeps

Changing everything but hey at least that’s one less I found some raw emerald on my adventure that’s one of my favorite blocks I collect them I also collect likes please give me one right now this adventure made me want to list of all the biomes I’ve been in this

World for 3,000 days I should know where to find a warm ocean I actually stumbled upon an old double ocean Monument from what seems like like forever ago man thousand days I don’t even know other than that pretty much nothing today but there’s 9889 88 my math is not good here there’s

A lot more days in this video so nothing is going to happen yes found it day 33 that’s my warm ocean and apparently by this portal I’ve been here before I went through just to see what was was on the other side and I don’t remember this but

I’ve been alive maybe just too long oh well I wrote down the coordinates of this place so I can always come back yeah uh sure yeah that looks like shampoo yeah say what you will about the shampoo that towel rack looks perfect this is the kind of stuff you do when

You’ve been playing Minecraft for a thousand hours yeah I uh I did the math it’s been that long last thing I got to do is a better entrance to the guts of this thing and all of this Redstone is obviously making that a little difficult

And after a full day of wiring I finally got a door that doesn’t open open and clothes repeatedly money shower that’s more essential than food speaking of food I’m going to eat really good today and I need all this gold for it cooked all that gold up and made 64 golden

Apples one day I’ll eat these exclusively at least that’s my dream I also heard a zombie in my walls today I don’t know about you but I cannot let that stand sorry Chad or Romania I’m not sure zombie spawned in my sugar cane I’m not sure how but I dealt with him I

Guess there’s a couple of them in there what’s going on N put some torches in that should fix it day 37 I’m going to try to do some work on the ion Farm farm and the bamboo Farm I’m going to see if I can connect them so down here under

The iron farm I’ve got a little item sorder it’s one of the first ones I ever built right now it takes all the poppy flowers from the slain golems and just burns them and that’s kind of a waste so I’m going to try to connect the poppies

From the iron farm to the bamboo farm that could be awesome poppies could make bone meal which could make me more bamboo but it’s going to be complicated I made an emerald shower already I think I can do this my first plan did not work

So I’m not even going to show it not giving up though and plan number two should work just fine I really just need one of the bamboo to get hit by bone meal so that’s what I’m doing if I’ve learned anything about Redstone it’s that if you use enough Hoppers your

Thing should work and if after that your thing continues not to work you should probably see a doctor bamboo sides done I just got to get all those flowers converted to bone meal and sent to this exact spot should be simple he then learned that it was not simple all right

I’m filtering poppies now that’s a good sign and now I’m successfully injecting that white stuff nice just need a nice hole for this white stuff to go into now dad why doesn’t he just say bone meal you’ll understand when you’re older son after another day of work the two Farms

Are now connected bone meal now gets spit into the bamboo farm at least it should yeah that part worked fine but now the bamboo detectors need a calibration I’ve got new wire and Old Wire and that’s never a good idea redid everything and now it works perfectly

I’m going to make so much bamboo but just to be sure I got to do an inspection I got two Farms intertwined now a lot could go wrong Bamboo’s nice but if something ever happened to my iron I’d be losing out on a lot of money

It worked all day and nothing broke so I closed it all up another great addition still staying busy I was flying over by the library a lot and this building’s got to get a touchup back when I leveled off the compound I just made this thing taller and figured I’d deal with it

Later now is later yeah these Librarians are packed in pretty tight that’s kind of sad as you can see I’ve got massive plans for this new library it’s going to be huge and the villagers will be able to actually walk around isn’t that something look at this even beds I never

Give them beds I mean I don’t speak villager but those SS sound happy some of them are just just kind of standing there I think they’re paralyzed with the thought of their New Freedom I’m such a good supreme leader most of them are still just standing there which is

Making me worried I put a lot of money into these guys so I’m going to try treating them even nicer I know it’s it’s weird for me kind of feels good actually yeah this Golem tells me they’re definitely living in fear there’s also a man outside their house

Killing their Golem I’m risking my life in the nether for these villagers mostly for vanity between you and me also I’m not really risking my life I lived out here with nothing for 100 days I’ll be fine I’m here for the Redwood it’s not really red it’s more like a bad pink but

Whatever they say men can’t see color so maybe it is red I don’t know figured while I’m out here I might as well get some blue wood too I like to use this anytime I need electrical slabs and with all the weirdo stuff I’ve been building

I’ll need quite a few of these the old library had a bit of a Red Roof done poorly but red and in my position it’s no competition I’ve always been a man of tradition I’m also just better at Roofing these days I get a lot of practice fixing my old poor Roofing jobs

H yeah look at this top roof even though it’s historic I’m not keeping in it yeah it’s a weird bibliotek but like a lot of public libraries it’s been renovated about 7,000 times and like a lot of public libraries there’s homeless people living in the walls thought it was just

One or two but it was a whole gang of them that could have been awful with those creepers last few touches today one of the things I did was make the roof pointy the old one had a flat design and this looks much better to

Keep the mobs out I’m going to rip up this whole ceiling that’s nice it made this whole area look so much bigger yep I think that’s done until next year when I probably renovate again so I was talking earlier about this Red Roof right how it’s not really red I’m fine

With it here but my barn I mean come on you can’t have a pink Barn good thing these days there is actual Redwood Mangrove designs staying the same I’m just changing from pink to red and all I got to say is construction with horses is challenging and there’s no Beacon

Powers out here G I’m just so used to it it makes everything so slow this project had me looking at this whole Barn there’s some interesting choices out here but at least now it’s all red I like that so much better this gold fence is for my most precious horses and I’m

Not saying they don’t deserve it but this thing definitely doesn’t look good I tried to make it work and it just didn’t somehow a regular mango fence looks better now I got to move these bees they look a little weird just sitting there this here is more how bees

Would put nests especially in a barn just kind of finalizing little things today like switching out torches for lanterns and I put a little window in I’m not sure how many barns have that but it felt like it belonged then I looked up where the bees are and thought

That would be a perfect spot for some cobwebs sadly I’ve only got six cobwebs so now I’m in the stronghold to go get cobwebs they should be here in the library but there’s none thought about it for a second and I think I know where

I can get more the bad lands should be plenty here oh yeah I’ll never have to worry about cobwebs again I hit the motherload that’s a more helpful item than you might think and you can’t craft them so I grabbed so many then flew back home into the sunset ooh yeah a few

Cobwebs up in these Rafters that Barn’s looking nice and I packed a bunch of redstone in a Shuler box for what I’m doing tomorrow this idea I’m real proud of and it’s going to start with some carving like all good ideas but carving all day without a beacon does get old

Good thing I’ve got explosives this was all done for fun despite being fun TNT kind of sucks so I’m just going to fight the Wither get a beacon he said like it’s just a normal Thursday Beacon’s up back to digging yeah that was it today sorry little bit more on 3040 but I

Think I’m done now I’m really just clearing out for a horse track so this should be good however this is not a simple horse track no this will be much more notable I’m going to try to build a horse grading system yes I know you can

Download mods that do all that for you but I don’t do that I already have these Hedges that test a horse’s jump height and that’s fine but I also want to be able to test speed and that’s what this contraption will hopefully do just kind of got it wired today calibrating is

Going to be the tough part so I’m sure you all remember blue my best horse by far I’ve read what feels like 100 horses with blue even and none have come close and this track here is going to try to measure his speed as blue goes down this

Path a redstone signal will race him and I’m going to try to get them to match up perfectly I’m still a little off here I’ve never had a horse come close to Blue speeds so I doubt anyone will ever beat him but if they do he’ll become my

Best horse the one in the gold armor I consider my second best horse and if you look at the light on the right he’s definitely slower than blue and here’s you know like a normal horse you might find in the world and blue just absolutely dusts him have fun in the

Glue factory now I got to clean it all up can’t have my high-end horse Sanctuary looking janky lawn’s done it’ll grow I’m happy with it the track’s 100 blocks long so I put lights every 10 this will give you a percentage of how fast your horse is compared to Blue

Example let’s look at this skeleton horse I know slow Blue’s light went off when I made it to the seventh so I’m about 70% as fast that’s right I hope I’m trying to sound smart here this idea came from the heart it’s been my favorite build in a while I’m going to

Make a Farm by the barn so I need water but I’m Way Beyond buckets I’m too powerful so I silk touched ice that makes sense to make the crops I also power farmed them nothing I do is normal I guess I still sleep for now day 3047 was filled with much

Hoing do I uh do I have to say it I will never eat any of this it’s all for show looks good though Barn feels complete with a farm organic and fertilized with horse bones wasn’t recording but I grew it all beautiful now that everything’s set up might as well breed some more

Horses all right buddy let’s see if you get to live today M can’t jump four blocks that’s a bad sign how’s your speed oh slow listen buddy by most standards you’re a good horse but I’m basically a God so I just can’t let you live a you look just like your paw let’s

See how you stack up he was slow this is what would want being by the barn so much had me looking at this old Spruce Road kind of thinking about something to do with it I just never use it I fly now for now I’m getting rid of this section

That connected to the barn it’s just ugly I’ll think about the rest for now that’s good all this Roofing has got me wanting to do more Roofing and this house has one of the worst ones I mean what do you expect I never talk about this house let alone go here fixed the

Roof and left quietly no one needs to know what’s inside and on the underside of this Cloud I put end rods do do you want to know why they’re there I thought monsters would spawn on cuz it got so dark this is just evidence of me being a

Noob and today I destroyed it picking up all the Fallen stuff and I heard a skeleton in the floor that or I didn’t take my meds I’m not crazy you’re crazy sweet sweet silence then I did nothing next day over on the other side of my property on day 3052 digging out of

Space for a new mural or should I say 11 new murals this area used to be a hill and it’s since been carved so I’m going to put something really pretty here but today I just measured and now I’m grabbing gravel a gravel grabble Grabber Grabber grabble each of these 11 murals will

Represent one of my 100 days Adventures I learned a lot from each of them and today I commemorate them well not exactly today but you get the point super flat was first and it’s still one of my favorites I did creative today too though it doesn’t look that creative I

Might have to come back to this one and I really like nether it’s got the armor I was wearing by the end I was kind of poor in that one then I got end and 69 days done they’re both pretty simple pocket was tough I had to make it look

Like I was in a phone but I think I did a decent job I think I had the most fun with the caves mural this one turned out nice cheats is good too I’m shooting lightning bolts that’s cute thought of a way to spruce up creative I put an Alex

Head like in the video see I am creative all this art has me low on diamonds and I can’t think of the last time I mind them so first step was going incredibly far away because my world is ancient then I dug straight down I know you’re

Not supposed to do this but that advice is for normal people oh no I fell directly into lava whatever sound I mock your pathetic mortality night vision potions make this so much easier you just fly around the cave and pick the diamonds kind of nice flying around too

Just don’t break your neck all right I should have enough diamonds now I hate Mining and I know this game is called Minecraft got the last two murals done RTX and Badlands at the time this was all the 100 days that I had made and they really really have a special place

In my heart I know there’s a bunch more now maybe someday I’ll put them on the other side of this wall maybe someday I’ll treat the villagers nice maybe someday I’ll stop using emeralds sorry I don’t know what I’m on about I’m alone a lot sometimes I ramble today I was live

Streaming some guy asked me how much it was to name a cat and as a joke I said $20 well I just made $20 little did I know this was only the beginning I was showing the live stream all my murals I was proud grabbing two sheep day 3061

For a new build they won’t be treated well that took literally all day I forget how big my compound is until I have to do it on foot I think you must know by now what I’m going to do with these sheep I’m going to farm them I’ve

Already got a massive sheep farm that I use for money these sheep will be used for building particularly for Redstone and water it’s nice to have colored blocks for that stuff I just put it on the side of the library like a tumor I thought that was fitting yeah same off

Pink roof design I’m consistent it’ll be a while before this produces any meaningful amount of wool but now I’ve never got to worry about it anymore oh and I’m already naming more animals I guess 20 bucks was a good deal rode the rail all of day 3064 it’s one of my

Favorite activities there’s just so much beautiful land to Marvel at how notable and now you’re witnessing my fans go crazy over $20 animals I get it this series is Iconic and now you can put a mark on on it for 20 bucks guess it’s a good thing I got a bunch of orphaned

Dogs and cats over here and apparently I forgot a few countries on the flag wall sorry Somalia didn’t mean to leave you out I was told to name a sheep dinner bone and this is what happened I’m honestly not even mad my only concern is I didn’t want my farm to break but

Apparently they can eat upside down now it’s almost day 3069 so it’s time to make a monument this torch right here that’s 69 69 69 that’s edited I I just can’t say it that clear that fast it comes out bad let me try it right now 6969 69 there that wasn’t that wasn’t

Terrible 69 69 69 I don’t know it’s just maybe it’s me you try because my whole compound was built right near spawn I can go to these coordinates so I’m going to make them nice like everything else I built this will be mostly made of emerald blocks yeah cute little entrance

That’s coming together oh yes the magical day is here so I put up two signs one that said six and one that said nine and stepped back and thought wow yeah that is not enough ah that there Abol a little more like it go through the arch and down the steps and

Marked with a diamond block is the best spot in the game then I lit a dog on fire that’s all more monuments more determined devoted disciplined dug dirt deep this is you yes you all of you each and every one of you watching this right

Now it’s supposed to be a bunch of my heads in the end it kind of just looked like a cemetery regardless I do want to thank you all for watching and not like a normal YouTuber where I say all right bye-bye see you next time hit the like

Button G would you look at this pillagers ruining our moment I didn’t even touch them I just let them shoot me until my Thorn’s armor took them down I guess I’ll do a raid I got time fans got a monument the haters are mad I think my

Favorite part is when you ride the rail check this out ooh yeah that right there that’s pretty notable started day 3074 by putting the rarest block I own right there ooh that makes caves look even nicer and you know what time it is it’s time for more monuments you might

Consider this an art project versus a monument either way it’s vanity this is a scale replica of my compound it’s going to be awesome it’s a 1 to 13ish scale I did my best it’s very fun I walk around it and feel like a giant naturally some depictions are abstract

Despite that as long as I keep to the scale everything should look good the scale compound has its own Redstone lights I’m proud of that bit for now it’s everything in the first Emerald perimeter which is not everything on my land I didn’t know if I’d like it in the

End but I definitely do I like how I did the Statue of me it’s like life siize as I was cleaning up for my construction of that very creative memorable and downright notable build my live stream chat taunted me that I do not own an aelott I took that personally now I will

Go get one first step was I had to find Lush caves and luckily there was a big opening right here and then in theory they should just spawn in any water here so I just got to hang out I found some water and made sure there was plenty of

Room for axelon to spawn I got three did you doubt me back home for breeding just kidding that was all 40 thousand blocks away cuz my world is a boomer the axelos will live with the squid and by live with the squid I mean eat them forever

That had me looking at this pond on my land got to fix this there’s weird spots most of the day I tried to get this strange achievement where you’re supposed to help an axel kill something I’m just too strong even if I touch the squid they die so I rode the rail trying

To inspire myself on what glorious thing to build next all right another day let’s get it wait who hold on what my gaming computer at the time was having issues so I had to back up the world and a hard reset and apparently this part of the world just didn’t want to load

Reloaded everything now I’m okay but that that was terrible oh that could have been awful today I flew around checking everything I’d hate to play for 50 days and then realized W Hog’s gone that was stressful but I will say I have been having some sound issues and

They’re totally gone now so if you heard anything weird in the last 84 days just know I tried to fix it but it’s hard I was looking for a nice place to do more art when I found something something notable broud Panda so if you don’t know

This is this is by far the rarest Panda variant and I’ve wanted one for thousands of days so now all of my focus is on getting this guy back home I’m going to use the nether and I’m glad I’ve done this before you really got to

Take care with nether pandas you got to dig a three- wide tunnel for their fat furry bodies sorry sorry if I aroused any of you all righty he’s in the Nether and not suffocating Splendid got him in the cage and immediately started breeding him unfortunately that’s not

Really how it works and that’s why Brown pandas are so rare but maybe in another couple thousand days I’ll get a second or I’ll die you forget that some days that it could all end any day oh well this spot should do I’m going to build

Map art I’ve only ever done this in creative and I want to give it a shot I want to do my Minecraft face which is mostly gray so I’m going to cheat a bit and use an area with a lot of gravel it’s still going to be a lot of digging

And a lot of back and forth but I think in the end it’ll be worth it whether it’s stone or gravel as long as it’s all one level it’ll look like solid gray and after one day of digging I realized I’m not doing this without a beacon I know

Where one is I’m very powerful I’ve got beacons just laying around there’s one left in this ancient city where I took out the warden a bunch of times that’ll do I’m also in the wilderness you know kind of dangerous out here but not with a full Beacon going to let you know I’m

Going to be doing a lot of digging in this video it’s Minecraft mining is part of it and if you want to build something great you’ve got to delete the natural world first thanks to my intelligence just got to get rid of one more little Hill and then I’m done at least with

Digging diggings done now I just got to make it all gray I’ll use the Stone from the mountains man I’m so smart there’s a lot of Darkness under this big slab of stone this is basically becoming a monster Farm just never go under it if

You like living I’m real lucky that on a map gravel and stone are the same or that would have made this whole process way worse done look at that map oh just beautiful beautiful gray it’s crispy from the sky just deleted this whole area so that was probably the biggest

Piece of Labor with this now I just got to put my face in shouldn’t be too bad got a pretty simple face did math all day little bit of carving want to make sure it’s perfect glad I checked my work because my eyebrows would have been oneoff I also almost made myself crossy

Here no lights is making working through the night tough glad I have this Beacon finally wool is going down this is the last step one problem is I didn’t think about what shade to make my eyebrows and mouth they’re gray but not Stone gray so I went home and compared a bunch of

Colors on the map and found out that mud might be my best option just take a second here just just take this in the sunrise of the first 100 days of this video I think it’s been notable it was mostly spent on a rail yeah my world is

That I have to go 40,000 blocks away for mud so now I’m flying around the entire world looking for simple mud it’s a strange feeling worst part is next time the game updates I’ll have to fly even farther kind of looks like a still image here but I’m flying probably then after

3 days of struggling to find mud I decided to go with a different strategy I looked up some coordinates for the last time I found mud should have started with that oh well now I’m in the mangrove I guess I could have just made a mud Farm or something but I would only

Use it for this one situation so I didn’t really want to do that you know what if if there comes a time in the future where I need a mud Farm I will eat my words and build one guarantee you though good oldfashioned manual labor is just faster slept in a nearby Village

The locals have heard stories they were terrified no they weren’t that’s just a joke their computers don’t feel bad about treating them terribly I probably have enough mud but I got more cuz I don’t want to come back and do this again just build a mud Farm

Then no throwing down a bunch of mud 3106 got to say that sound’s about to make me act up I’m going to be at this for a few days my forehead is quite large ooh but that color just perfect just a few more touches my eye needs

Work and it looks like I have a nose ring I am now totally done my notable face is complete for my first map art ever I think I did a great job oh love it from the sky that’s a monument best part is I can clone this map art forever

Put my face anywhere oh and I’m going to I duplicated like a thousand Maps the next day then I duplicated frogs my babies get get in the bucket sorry I don’t mean to be so aggressive I really just don’t like frog love this little Shack is almost historical how long it’s

Been here and now it’s going to be a spot where I breed frogs at least warm frogs they’re so particular all right warm frog is done time to drag him back home I’m not exaggerating when I say drag a real frog would have been severely injured after all that I went

To go get a cold frog so more waiting nice getting this one back should be easier thanks to boats really couldn’t tell you how many times my old Canal has come in handy ah frog can live in there for now it should only be a few more

Days I haven’t even said what I’m doing and you know at this point it’s better not to ask any questions I was waiting for an orange frog to grow up today so I went around the compound naming animals and this big fat ugly disgusting slime is now named your mother yeah she almost

Killed me one time bouncing on top of me I’m lucky to be alive all the frogs have now grown up I’m going to show you what I’m doing with them another beautiful room in my Emerald Tower one for all the frogs you might wonder why I’m even

Doing this I mean it’s not like I really like frogs you know they’re just not the easiest thing to get so having a room with all three of them feels like an achievement I dragged this one up with a rope for about 30 seconds I’m glad this

Is a video game looking good cute little frog Sanctuary high up in the tower now I need some leather and the glue factory is not going to produce any for me these horses are too young so yeah it might not be safe but nether pigs are a nice

Way to get leather too I don’t like doing this despite how powerful I am I’m still mortal down here in the nether everything was going fine until I opened a shulker box and apparently that angers all the piglins luckily it was just three and I been on edge all day so they

Were no problem for that I take your child nothing happened there but something did happen that I didn’t expect and that that never feels notable time for another room in the tower you’re going to see what all that leather was for yep my face all of it

It’s going to be the best room yet I’m out of leather so I’ve got to hang out by my glue factory so I decided to grab warthog Don’t Panic he’s not going in who do you think I am I wanted to test the old boy out and I got to say

Regardless of how he does I’ll still love him he only jumped up three blocks not four and as far as speed goes he’s probably about 80% of blue I was just curious he’s still my best horse none of the other ones have their own houses ah totally forgot I don’t need horse

Leather at all I can buy item frames from my well- treated cartographers all right time to plaster my face everywhere that’s fairly good but I got to get this spot done too check out this engineering I put down item frames with the maps on a blank wall then I snuck Vines behind

Each one so it’s kind like a ladder oh it’s like you’re in a void of Luke the notable who wouldn’t want to be in this room for sure this is now the best room in the house there is now a noticeable dark spot on the tower that I guarantee

None of you would notice if I didn’t just tell you about it so today because I’m mentally sane I’m going to fix problems that do not exist I just installed some more windows even in rooms that I never go in then I had a kind of wild idea I’m going to rip out

My House’s ladder and replace it all with vines the tower’s green Vines are green it can look good I’m very happy with how it looks but I can tell it’s starting to propagate oh wasn’t recording but I removed all the vines it only took one day to realize it was a

Bad idea yeah within a day it started growing all over my windows and the inside of the house wrecking things they just had to go whatever this wouldn’t be the first time I wasted a day on a bad idea now that you mention bad ideas I’ve

Got another for my house here is my TNT room it’s a blast it’s right under the Frog so just know if you want to pull that lever they will die all of these beautiful changes were done because last time I forgot some dirt in my tower and

This here is the last of the dirt floors but you know what I think I’m going to keep it this is my historical dirt sacred Brown notable all right time for bed would you like to hear some of my hopes and dreams since the day I built

This TNT block I’ve wanted to fill it with TNT completely it might not look that big but it’s going to take 3,136 TNT to fill it to the brim I’m not even going to do the math on how much gunpowder that is I’m just going to get straight to upgrading my creeper Farm

The whole thing’s underground and originally I just thought about building another one right next to it however I think the underground feature has sort of hurt the farm in some way I’ve always thought this Farm should be faster I’m sure underground caves are causing it issues I’ve got no idea where I’m going

To put this Farm but I’m going to need cats regardless so I got to breeding I built a very happy home for him on the industrial side and realized right next to the iron farm might not be a bad spot I couldn’t remember how it was built so

I had to excavate the old one that was a little embarrassing I’m not here to teach you how to build a rocket farm so don’t ask I really took my time with that first layer cuz if you mess that up the whole thing will be wrong but once I

Got that first layer done all I’ve got to do now is stack more on top I would have got a lot more done today but I wanted a way to turn off the farm can’t tell you how many times I’ve built monster farms and wish they would just

Stop for a day it’s a simple idea I just made sure that every floor has lights in it but I wasted way too much time trying to get every single light to work on the same button or lever every light will have its own switch that will take

Longer to turn on and off but you know at least it’s simple went up to four levels today the Old Farm was eight so I’m halfway there but before I do that I need a collection system cuz the Old Farms sucked it was just very simple and

I’ve come a long way with redstone I think I can make it better not going to bore you but this one’s real good why it’s got buttons you know it’s better so now that it’s certified works I’ve just got to put in those layers I’m a layer

Slayer conveyor in the air say your prayers after some hard work day 3137 it should Now function I hope so far nothing but I might just be standing too close so I sat in my bedroom all day 3138 this should be far enough away for any creepers to spawn it’s working just

Horribly 12 gunpowder upon inspection it’s Pitch Black in here there really should be creepers spawning just to be sure I got rid of as many lights as I could that’s almost always the issue the next day I came to the conclusion I’m just going to make this Farm bigger if

It’s bad but big it’s good America it’s also on the industrial side I don’t got to look pretty the only other thing that could be going on is I haven’t checked for caves underneath this building oh yeah that was definitely the issue found a spider spawner this one’s so close to

Home it could actually be useful i surf from my ancient mine that brought me back again testing my industry but instead of just standing around I decided to fish then I put in some glass so I should be able to see any creepers spawning in the farm oh yeah and I found

The absolute sweet spot if I stand on top of my iron building creepers they just flow naturally I stood up there for an entire day let’s see how good this Farm is ow I can’t even count that high oh that’s so much gun powder now that it

Works it’s time to make it look nice it’s a large building of deep slate I did my best I normally regret messing with my working monster Farms but this time I think I have a good idea which is what I say every time I’m about to break something yep that’s exactly what

Happened got this big hole done and now nothing will spawn why do I do this to myself every time if you can believe me I’m trying to make the farm better I’m just not I’m struggling here to make an alternate path for these creepers so I can kill them with my sword and

Hopefully get more gunpowder and I’m trying to make the kill area on top of the iron farm so I don’t really blame myself for it not all working my thought is I stand up here and creepers spawn like crazy and if I kill him with my

Looting three sword I’m going to get so much gunpowder and now finally oh it’s working so all this really has to do is get more than like 600 and then it’s a success but I can immediately tell with how slow this was going that it just wasn’t working right I found several

Problems those I fixed and now it’s working better it’s getting slightly more than 600 a day but not by much I’m done tinkering now good news is I can make tons of gunpowder I’ll be stashing it outside the TNT block so I cleaned up can’t have huge holes on my land of

Course since I touched the iron farm slightly it is now broken 10 days ago I really should have just said awesome Farm’s work and I’m done let’s get on with my life I must have somehow got water in here I have no idea so this day

Is actually two days I meant to go away for a little bit and went away for a lot of bit oh well yeah whatever more gunpowder I guess something is bugging me about this building the entrance right now is just a hole now when I’m done it’ll still be a hole but it’ll

Have stairs just the stairs looked off so I put a roof in uh you know it’s fine it’s a monster Farm it’s on the industrial side I’m not going to worry too much to make this a full rocket Farm I need sugar cane so I installed a tiny

Little Auto sugarcane farm in the building it’s very tiny but should be enough the other one I built is way too big and the last thing I want is some sort of logo on the side of this thing to break up all the Deep slate yeah

Maybe not one of my more creative ideas but I just went with some rocket pixel art yeah at least you know what the building’s for now with that done I now make gunpowder every every single day forever no matter what I’m doing so I also spent the day making a bunch of

Money and the next day too money is happiness all this money is for my dingy old storage look at this built with stone the function is supreme I’m not going to change that I’m just going to deck it out in emeralds but first I’ll have to rip out the walls ceiling floor

Everything one of the big changes was a new ceiling height when I originally built this most of it was underwater yeah you can kind of see how this used to be a rivered higher ceilings of course means more storage but also looks more more premium by 3165 everything was

Gutted I can see the sun color scheme will be quartz and emeralds because it looks fancy and uh saves me emeralds maybe one day it’ll all be emeralds I’m rich enough I just really don’t want to make you watch me Farm emeralds for like 30 days I’m a nice guy getting rid of

These Glass Walls covering the chests today I kind of understand what I might have been thinking they just don’t look good in my opinion open like that looks better it’s all nowhere near done but I can sort of start seeing it take shape got real dirty day 30 169 but nothing’s

Dirty about that entrance that entrance is clean the biggest reason I made the Storage bigger was I needed more room for bulk I got a couple of areas down there where I throw excess Stone and dirt but now I’ve got a dedicated Zone and it’ll be kind of up and put away so

It won’t look too bad but I’m at the point where I’m doing a lot of the trimmy quartz and this stuff takes some time there’s lots of edges and corners and they’ve all got to look perfect I’m nearly there you can already tell it’s so much brighter just don’t think less

Of me if in the future I keep this all quartz walls are now done I’ll be the first to admit that the mine entrance looks a little weird now I don’t really mine at all but for now it stays I put in two staircases so I can walk up to

The upper level without flying going to be honest though I’m probably going to fly every single time deep slate on the floor I know I know you’re like what are you doing deep slate that’s for poor people I just can’t tell you how many times I’ve broken my own floor trying to

Mine up a shulker box or something else so at least with deep slate that won’t happen anymore it all adds another color too I like how it looks new storage means new chests and that means deforestation there’s only a few original trees left out here and I just

Cut them down and what I couldn’t cut I burned on the top I’m going to do bulk storage but only on one side on the other side I’m setting up a potion brewing area I don’t make potions all that often but when I do it gets messy

So now I’ve got a nice spot where I have everything and organized well not everything I don’t have a Nether wart Farm I wanted a kind of Nefarious feeling on this one you know it’s from the nether a little spicy see oh yeah that looks good like something the cops

Don’t need to find out about I also don’t quite have every single potion ingredient I need Turtle scoots and turtle scoots are annoying had to wait for those turtle eggs to hatch so I just made profits all day ah there they are now I just have to resist the voices

Telling me to step on them same thing the next day those Turtles take forever just go step on them no voices no yeah still nothing I should industrialize this I know I just put up these walls but I’m ripping them down now I didn’t want to sit around all day waiting for

Turtles so I figured I’d build something so this right here is in theory lava forever I don’t believe it sounds too good to be true wow what a beautiful Act of nature time to step all over it with a deep slate fist yeah I’m doing it I’m

Building a turtle farm it’s going to be horrible I don’t really know if these exist already I’m building this from my own mind and you can already tell by these mangled rails no one’s going to have a good time a turtle farm tries to get turtle scoots whatever that means so

I’m hoping to breed them grow them up and then dis ose of them all in the same building and hey I’m not looking for efficiency if this produces one Turtle scoot I’ll be happy they will all think this is their home Beach that’s just sad and somehow now I’m waiting for turtles

To hatch again well I guess this wall could use a machine I built a little Auto seaweed Farm it’s what the turtles will eat before they die Farm’s done and sealed just have to wait for the turtles no idea if it’ll work which me luck in the mean time I’m going to build

Something that I’m very proud of around this time I had a ‘s come out it’s a collectible figurine and I’m building a replica it’s going to be large and that’s just the base of my face I’m basically crafting a large bust of my head in three dimensions in Minecraft

This is Way Beyond pixel art I’ve never done anything like this ever and I was very worried the entire time it would look bad so at first I just focused on getting the scale and shape right a lot of placing blocks stepping back tilting my head and looking at it then placing

More blocks despite my worries I was having fun and I was so deep in the art I forgot about my turtles a sweet there’s like a million of them a few escaped but they hurdles I shoved them back in all right I think if I did this

Right I should have scoots in a few days but I did build this thing myself and it kind of looks terrible anyway back to sculpting 3194 got some eyes on that gave me a boost in confidence the proportions are at least looking right smile too once I got that up I knew this

Was going somewhere filling in the actual head part was tough I’m playing a block game and I need to make this look curved no shortcuts though this is my face I care and yeah now it’s looking like a face that’s a person I am not a

Person I am an AI I think my biggest struggle of this whole structure was my iconic butt chin I mean if you’ve ever seen it it’s fairly cavernous and hair I have no idea how I’m going to do that I might as well just shave my head Turtle

Update Turtle update the farm worked baby turtles were born up here and then pushed into the Kill Chamber they grow up they drop their Scoot and then well this happens oh I’m so talented to celebrate I made myself a potion of the turtle master I can’t recall ever having

One and I’m slow but bulky like a turtle I think I’m going to pass on this one little bit more on the skull than I can do the hair that’s what I’m really worried about I tried throwing in some andite that was a horrible mistake look

At that another 100 days I gazed upon this Sunrise while standing on my own head I did my best with the hair I think I’m lucky that for years now my hair has always been messed up I got to be honest I did not think it was going to look

That good I like it it’s dark so monster spawn inside of me but that I can fix working on the last few details how do I make an ear look good I’m glad there’s no nose I could have never made that happen the secret for the hair seemed to

Be placing blocks randomly eventually it got to a point where it kind of looked like a head of hair I’m really loving it I am and definitely not just because it’s a bust of me final step is lights got to make sure this whole structure looks lit up creepers spawning on my

Head would be embarrassing then I just looked at it all day I’m telling you I’m proud I don’t think you understand how much I underestimated myself yep here you are another solid day of admiring then another solid day of naming things I got to say the golems all got good

Good ones this is embarrassing I almost forgot an entrance to this Monument I spent a lot of time almost too much time trying to make a piston door I couldn’t make it work so I settled on iron doors they blend in then I looked at myself

Some more passed out from beauty woke up the next day and it’s time to touch the turtles I’ve had these floating eggs up for a few days and they don’t seem to want to hatch I don’t think they’re going to and I think there may be too

Many turtles up in here I can fix that problem part of me thinks if I bred Turtles the natural way I’d have just as much scoot looking at the farm what’s hurting me is burning them in lava if I didn’t do that this whole thing would

Work better but I know you love it so it’s really your fault I’m all over the place right now day 3208 I’m going down to my Warden trapped this thing a while ago cuz it’s easily the worst boss wasn’t even hard but I got to say having

It under my compound has made some issues so right now I’m just trying to get a better safe zone for the warden so I have a good area where I know I’m not going to get hit last thing I want to do is be mining or something and get sniped

Thing is I should have done this before I got the warden in doing it right now is very tough so for now I’m just going to leave them here hazards and all I guess if I hear a heartbeat I’ll just have to be careful 3209 I’m away from

Keyboard for a lot of days and I’ll tell you why I broke a glass plate and a nearly microscopic piece of it was lodged in my thumb and obviously that was going to make recording difficult but I still wanted to get some days done so I decided to farm gunpowder good

Thing I can edit this all down to just a few seconds or so want to point out the glasses is still in my finger but feels a little better now and thanks to that glass I have enough gunpowder to fill the block more importantly I checked my

Turtles the next day and got fth scoots in the chest that is a success I celebrated by breeding then burning not going to lie that Turtle hat pretty cute though I did want to see how a potion of the turtle Master would Faire against the warden so here I am it definitely

Did less damage but I was so slow if I ever had to fight the warden with a turtle Master potion I think I’d still die yeah I’m definitely contemplating killing that thing I Enchanted my turtle helmet not sure if that’ll help but I had 160 levels might as well I wanted to

Put the helmet in my Ender purse but the thing was just cluttered so I did a whole day of organization sometimes you’ve just got to you know restocked things it wasn’t a bad day you ever start doing one thing and that makes you do another thing and then that makes you

Do another thing well now I’m in the end so that’s pretty much what’s happening to me I need obsidian and when you need obsidian you just take a day you grab as much as you can like life some days in Minecraft are just like that finally

Time to start working on the TNT block and the first thing I’m going to do is dig out this land the further away you get from my tower the more neglected my Landscaping is and this is pretty bad if I’m going to have a nuke I want the

Thing to look nice so I dug and dug some more guess what still digging and I’m going to be at it for a while just imagine doing this with no Beacon while you’re at it imagine playing Minecraft for 3,234 days and still thinking of stuff

To do oo all leveled and dirted I’m done just just kidding it will never be done ever cuz now I’ve got a floating Horse Road and you know I can’t have that I don’t know why I’m renovating The Horse Road I never use it I fly now it will

Now be a horse tunnel oh got to put lights down it’s a monster Farm over here I’m approaching 10 years of Minecraft and still use Cobblestone kind of lucked out on the other side got this natural waterfall feature it looks good everything is now reconnected it’s

Historic I had to I thought I was going to make a TNT block why am I doing Emerald arches well you know I got to have a connected rail that’s a essential after shooting some mobs in the daytime of 3240 I got an idea lights glowstone

Ones as far as the eye can see if you don’t like how this looks please comment down below and I’ll be sure to ignore it uh-oh I’m building a box on the industrial side this isn’t going to be good for someone you guessed it villagers I want lots of glow stone but

Don’t want to work hard for it and that’s what villagers are for so now I’m infecting the people it’s not a conspiracy one cure and I get glow stone for one Emerald each that is a deal so I’m going to put like 10 of them in a

Box they can’t stop me welcome to notable Industries here we treat our employees like family family that you don’t like day 3244 I flew around my land and took a nice hard look at it and on this day I was inspired to build something notable a wall the wall today

Was the day when I saw it first in my imagination it would be massive beautiful notable I’ll get to it just know on this day I got the idea then I thought about actually building a giant wall and realize that’s going to take a long time so I thought I’d bang out some

Other things first check it out my Arena simple concept this will be a place where I fight things when I’m feeling violent maybe one day I will fight the warden here no promises though in the meantime I’m going to keep it dark so monsters spawn here and I can fight

Anytime I want wasn’t recording now it’s trimmed in emeralds because I’m super creative the more I look at it the more I don’t really like it sometimes I’m not the best architect but it works I can at least make a dark room try a little black stone 3249 quickly decided I

Didn’t like that then I struggled with a piston door my track record with these things has not been good despite wiring everything to code and taking my time it just never looked right I do this for money I should be better so I buried the piston door now it’s working fine that’s

Always a good Strat I debated even putting a away out it’s an arena you shouldn’t be able to escape and I don’t know who I’m kidding most of the time I’m just going to jump in and then fly out a little bat spawned shall I fight

Him to the death 3252 I’m putting in some floor lights this I’ve done before now I can turn the arena off cuz otherwise it’ll mess with all my monster Farms I’m not a huge fan of the switch on the floor but I’ve cut many corners

On this thing one more me who cares all right I just built what is very likely the place where I die uh guys why why are you still zombies somebody touch someone whatever I don’t have time for that I’ve got to go tend lovingly to my turtles after a day in some experimental

Medicine now the clerics are done and now I should be able to buy about 200 glowstone lights per day how many could I mind if I just worked hard in the nether I don’t care I don’t do that remember no unions I think one day I’ll

Free them I’ll free them all but not today and not for a very long time and you know what maybe not at all building’s done simple like the Stone Cutters and they’re happy I guess back to the desert day 3256 I used to basically live out here I shoveled so

Much sand and here I am again and I’m about to do some serious shoveling how serious well I shoveled for 1 2 3 4 five 6 days wasn’t recording for the last day of shoveling you didn’t miss much I’m home now I have everything I need to do

The TNT block but I’m going to get distracted yeah instead I spent the day making this brand new villager baby and train tracks babies love train tracks and a glass box babies love glass boxes if you haven’t already noticed now I’m achievement hunting cuz I didn’t take my

Pills was most of the way on this one and even had the last piece of food in my storage don’t know why I didn’t already have that I’m supposed to be making a nuke but instead I’m going 40,000 blocks away to breed goats I have mountains right by my home goats just

Don’t spawn on them for some reason hey Billy it’s your lucky day yeah Aiden mommies and daddies they kiss and then a baby comes out that’s exactly how it happens I also have to walk on snow with leather boots but forgot leather boots no problem not sure why this is an

Achievement but hey I got it went back home to get distracted more wasn’t recording again now I have a new guy working for me in the Nether wart Farm meet walta then I fished a little bit and watched the sunet that was nice then got nothing done day 3268 mostly just

Stood around not kidding here’s some very good standing footage here’s some more notice how I waste this whole day I was scouting out a spot for a Strider achievement I’ve got to make a Strider walk on a bunch of lava in the Overworld one of those achievements that sounds

Very easy but once you start doing it it’s actually quite difficult the only time I had done this achievement before was when I played 100 days with cheats on and it was very easy then of course but by hand quite tough it’s a weird achievement but it’s hard like an

Achievement should be I like this one very high chance of death here if you’re not me and are totally prepared got a Strider from the nether into the Overworld and into my lava track hopefully I built it long enough wow look at me I can count I thought about

Putting them in with the rest of the Striders But ultimately came to the conclusion that a 360 no scope would be more fun remember Striders I don’t like you all right now I’m just making stuff up I had an old horse by the name of raw

Dolphin and now that you mention it I haven’t seen him in like 2,000 days he was so fast maybe even faster than blue and I wanted to find out but couldn’t find him I really hope he’s okay I thought maybe I left him over by the original Mansion portal this whole thing

Got gutted but no no one here just spots where you would tie up a horse I really looked everywhere oh well I guess he’s just gone for a brief moment I thought I found him but n just some nobody then I was reminded why I don’t come out here

All that often TNT block yeah really no I’m not going to get distracted we’re going to actually do this thing now cool Step One is get the whole thing not floating the original was made with wool and the new one will be made with concrete I figured if I want this thing

To not go off randomly I should probably build it strong and with my sometimes chaotic nature you might think I want this thing to go off randomly but I don’t got to break a lot of wool today so first I’m going to make the best

Shears in the game uh okay which one of you has Unbreaking oh there you are oh no that was easily one of my best villagers and just for the record I did not mean to do that oh well at least I have good scissors now I’m going to try

To replace that Unbreaking villager besides mending he was easily the greatest so I broke Le turns and then Place Le turns all day long because this is how you get strong in Minecraft I tried all day and didn’t get one wow what I really didn’t expect was to go

The whole next day without one too I’ll get you for this villagers I will finally got one in and sent him to the orphanage seller you know what happened next one day later he’s going back in the library like nothing ever happened yeah I didn’t build this thing to accept

New villagers had to rip out the roof didn’t think any would get smoked but I guess here we are back to business finally love these shears by the way didn’t even know they could be enchanted as far as pixel art goes this part is not that difficult but you do have to

Get it right the top on the other hand yeah that’s not going to be easy good thing the top will be the last step for now I’m building a bunker I just put it in a nearby mountain in what I thought might be a safe distance I mean probably

I I don’t know but all construction stopped when it started thunderstorming I’ve got to get myself an achievement well now I have a witch on my land I don’t like it so I blended the bunker into the mountain quite nicely and then worked on the inside it’s nothing much

Made of Stone but it’s got to be strong there’s a nuke nearby I did put down a few Redstone lights just to give it that premium feel maybe I’m just a simple man but to me Redstone lights are fancy okay fuse time this is what’ll make it go

Bang of course everything was built to code new nukes probably should be but really the redstone’s very simple just one long wire after a little bit of struggling it’s now connected I should be able to launch the nuke but it’s not going to be that simple no no I’m going

To put in some safety features just a few simple fail safes that’ll stop the Redstone button from launching a nuke if you want it don’t look too long it’s going to hurt your brain it’s very very complicated last little bit of safety is I’m going to make the floor of this

Thing deep slate that is very high blast resistance I also checked the area around the TNT block and there’s no caves and if there were I lit them up effectively I’m the only thing that’s going to make this thing blow up all right today’s the day time to place

3,000 TNT I’m really not sure how I thought this would be a quick process but it was not it was also incredibly nerve-wracking standing next to all of this TNT and touching it Midway through a lightning strike went off and I pretty much pooped my pants I did not have a

Lightning rod before that moment safety is my number six concern I guess that little piece of copper outside did not make me feel much better about this whole process I just wanted to get it done as fast as possible so I could not be inside of a nuke really trying

Everything out here to place blocks more efficiently okay it’s now done I can take a breath that is menacing problem is top still off like your mom I kept the old top and just copied it that made this part a little easier and who am I kidding you’re really going to check

This is a Pixel Perfect Recreation of the top of a Minecraft TNT block no you’re not got it done and layered in carpet just to make sure nothing can spawn up here thousands of days of dreaming has now come to reality there’s now a giant bomb on my land and now I

Press the button confident in my safety features I pressed the button and nothing happened notable got to clean up now got way more sand and gunpowder than I needed Not a Bad Thing hey at least I’m finally using that area for bulk storage then I fished that’s it time for

Something productive on day 3294 roughly a th days ago I built this Wither Skeleton farm and it could use an upgrade the storage is one chest that is literally it when I built the farm I tried to make a sorder but as you can

See it didn’t go well but I’ve come to a point in my Minecraft career where I really need a lot of beacons so I need this Farm to work very very well so I’m going to give this another go like I said it’s been about 1 th days I’ve

Probably got some new knowledge for now I’ve just got a big sand pit but that’s a start and now I’ve got a bigger sand pit wither skeletons drop four things so an item sorder shouldn’t have to be too complicated I don’t even really care about the items being sorted I just want

To make sure this whole thing doesn’t get clogged up by Stone swords obviously use a lot of Hoppers to make this happen but it does work now that the machine is functional just got to build a room my vision is nether uh-oh something’s not working fixed the issues that I caused

And then continued making everything look pretty just don’t go through that Crimson door it’s pretty gross back there piglin started spawning which means I have to spawn proof the whole thing but then I should be done yeah some of the walls in the machine room

Are still sand but I’m not going to fix them they’ll work Farm upgraded there we go and so now on day 3,300 construction of the wall begins it’s going to be simple a wall an absolutely massive wall I’m going to bring out my beacon perimeter one more

And then wall the entirety of that area sounds simple but there’s going to be so much to do and step one is I need new beacons 96 of them and that makes 288 Wither Skeleton skulls wow so I’m going to get those I have a farm so that’s it

At least for right now just farming up Withers this part is not hard and shouldn’t take too long made this Farm well and honestly I think out of everything this will definitely go down as the easiest part yep still at it I got to be thing is now I’m farming so

Many wither skeletons I’m getting clogged on coal too there’s no way I will ever need this much coal or bones I really don’t even use them I guess I could just bring them all home every few days but where’s the efficiency so while farming I was brainstorming and that’s

Never good for the monsters in this game here I am actively testing a new design while inside of the monster Farm farming monsters I’m efficient got a new system working now where if I want I can just burn the coal and bones and I’m going to

Be doing that then I named animals all day I’m going to have to find a place to put all these guys more farming all efficiently but that had me thinking what if I could be more efficiently when all you do is stand around and farm a

Farm you think about ways to farm that farm faster Farm faster Farm faster Farm faster did you know wither skeletons are now my most killed monster in all of Minecraft by far yep I’m going as fast as I can but every day is special even the days where you’re farming with the

Skeleton so don’t skip any me Jesse day 3316 but he wouldn’t get out of this dirt box and then couldn’t handle the blue I’m sorry Walter I know you cared for him you don’t have to smile through the pain I need some dogs for tomorrow these ones won’t be named cuz they will

Likely die dogs scare wither skeletons so in theory I can use these to make the farm faster I’m not certain this will work but it was a fairly easy addition lost a lot of them this whole Farm is built above lava and some well you know

I put some on just the very bottom layer and it made the farm faster for sure day 3321 I got 43 Wither Skeleton skulls in a single day new record yeah I’m done now no more farming I get to go fight the Wither like a ton of times Pro tip

When you got to fight 96 Withers in a row don’t fight them legit just cheese it under the end portal that’s the best way I spent two solid days doing nothing but killing Withers and no I was not fighting him I was killing him and now I

Need obsidian uh like 300 or something it’s crazy number I was already in the end it’s basically free out here check this out though one click 64 beacons 100 in a single day I’m living still that’s only the first phase of step one I’ve got to place all the beacons now and

This here this is dangerous work I could actually die what makes me nearly Immortal are my beacons and when I’m digging a new Beacon hole I obviously don’t have Beacon powers and digging straight down that’s always dangerous I just got to be careful of lava Heights

All that stuff so yeah that’s what I’m going to be doing for a while you saw 100 beacons in my inventory did you think that would take a day to put in I’m going to warn you wall right now over the next couple hundred days

There’s going to be a lot of stuff like this I didn’t realize it at the time but the wall is the largest project I’ve ever built my most mega mega build and right now I’m in Phase 1 AC of a 37 phase plan anyway I was pretty lucky

While I dug beacons the worst thing that ever happened to me was caves and those are never that dangerous especially during the daytime sometimes the caves would be quite large but again you just do this in the daytime then there way less monsters and you might think lava

Was a problem for me but I chugged fire potions the entire time I did take a break on day three 3 3 three cuz there’s really only one of these in the entire video I wanted to build a monument to three i’ just been digging for so long

It felt like a good idea yeah it’s just a three but there wasn’t much out here anyway I’ll take it and maybe in 1,111 more days there’ll be a four three enough fun back to digging four beacons done doing them safely takes 2 days you do the math who am I kidding

You can’t do math half of you can’t even read a clock it’s true Boomers we’ve lost them they watch too many stupid Minecraft videos on on YouTube like this one what why you don’t like social commentary let me just say that I dug again cuz I dug again chop today though

That’s different nice yeah this big old forest was in the way of my greatness good amount of lava in this hole that’s why I chug those fire potions casually on fire while mining no big deal after this Beacon I’m officially now halfway done with the new array and I don’t

Really want to keep going I mean I’ll have to eventually but not now but if you thought I was going to do something not involving mining you’re horribly mistaken I’m going to mine out the perimeter of what my new land will look like I’ve just got to see it and

Sometimes that’s the best way I was also straight up sick of digging straight down little did I know soon I’ll be sick of digging straight across good news is I don’t think I’ll ever run out of wood ever again in my entire Minecraft career

And if I do I guess I could just cut down another Forest burning obviously works too here you can kind of see the land a little more cleared out it’s very open when there’s nothing in it I can already tell that this everywhere is going to look awesome but it’s going to

Be millions of blocks and when I say Millions I’m I mean Millions so yeah this is uh is going to take a while since there’s going to be a lot of mining I’m wondering how many different ways I can say mining excavate extract unearth delve burrow prospecting warry

Exume fracking kind of uh ditching blasting scooping mountaineering uprooting eradication hitting veining stripping drenching mind laying drilling boring tapping I’m sure there’s more words to describe what I’m doing here but I think you get the point did little tour from Mater today he was over and I

Was showing him my progress and showing him how much more there is to do I’m nervous well that was fun back to work yeah it’s a grind but no one’s going to do it but me you want something from life you got to get it and anything

Worth having is never easy to get and I know it can seem hard when you’ve got to move a mountain but if you do just a little bit every single day you’ll get there trust me I’ve been there just never give up stay notable it’ll happen

Not going to lie though even after that speech I’d very much like to give up oh just love to go take a nap and not have to dig off all this Dart forget what I said earlier it’s not worth it just stop trying abandon your hopes and dreams

Sorry sorry I’m just kind of losing it a little which is not great considering there’s so much left to do oh man I have really I have really really been at this now I know it’s been fairly quick for you but I can edit this footage for me

It’s been an absolute grind one that will be worth it in the end but still a grind I mean look at these Mountains they’re all going to have to get flattened and I know I’m not digging it by hand I’ve done so much of that

Already but I did want to feel it I wanted to feel what it was like to actually physically dig this all by hand I’ll tell you what it does not feel good it’s hard labor I can’t complain too much though I worked in fast food for a

While that’s way worse than this if I do very much more digging some villagers are going to die so today’s going to be the last day at least for a little bit yep it’s adventure time at least it will be tomorrow got to ride this rail 8,000

Blocks just to get to new land so what am I looking for out here other than sweet cinematic shots mostly out here looking for cherry blossoms at the time they had just come out and no luck today looked all over well saying no luck

Would not be true I did find a god Apple those are rare and always nice to find they really let you cheat death I was also out here for a little bit of archaeology that was a new update with this and I got to say I I didn’t really

Like it maybe I’m just too strong to be digging for diamonds in the dirt whatever they’ll never do the update I want Emerald buttons found a cherry blossom by the night time a 3406 good thing there was a village right nearby wow what a beautiful Forest that I’m

Totally going to ravage I like cherry blossoms they’re a good tree to add to the game you know it’s fun I’m down on the aesthetic they’ll look good next to my Emerald Tower I really just wanted saplings I’ll grow my own what a great day to not be a tree wasn’t recording

For a day of chopping now here’s a day of burning I then went out and did more archaeology I’d like to give it a fair shot before telling the world I don’t like it and world I don’t like it it’s just not very good even if I had

Absolutely nothing you would not catch me doing archaeology I’m digging around in the sand in the middle of the ocean RIS risking my life for what a piece of coal I bet you with a stone pick running around I could get 30 coal in a day you

Can find diamonds and emeralds and stuff like that but I can’t believe I’m about to say this I’d rather mine yeah you can get pot pieces that’s super cool just want you all to know this will probably be the last time you ever see me do archaeology in this world unless of

Course I need it for something like right now I needed the pots it’s almost day 3420 apparently another thing with Archaeology is there should be secret rooms in the desert temples now a found one but mind all the artifacts getting there oh here’s one I bet you it’s super

Good a stack of diamonds netherite oh a a single gunpowder this is what I mean it’s just not worth anyone’s time I’m done I’m done I’m done talking about it not trying to let all that get me down I’m still exploring 3415 and while flying something caught

My eye that’s a brown panda now how am I going to get you back home these things are insanely rare I’m not leaving it out here I’ll get it home eventually enjoy your hole I’m pretty sure he won’t despawn but I named him just in case flying back now I feel recharged at

Least enough to go back to manual labor it’s going to be another day here I was notably far almost been flying too long all right one more Rail and then I’ll be home home and on day three 420 what a good one of course the first thing I did

Was go up high though the come down was pretty rough then I looked through all my pots and for the first and probably last time I constructed a custom pot then I went over to this magical house looked at it and thought about how absolutely terrible it looks oh well

Threw down some pot and enjoyed day 3420 really though what is this house this needs to be changed what did you think I was going to put that off no it needs to change immediately I am going to give myself a break this was constructed

3,000 days ago and calling it a house is not really correct so first step is going to be unearthing it I’ve been digging so much it wasn’t a big deal when it’s all excavated you can really see how many different blocks that I used on this thing it’s as if my storage

Vomited and a house was created started day 3423 with a behind the back creeper hug t that tickled I haven’t feared creepers in a long time I’m just too strong digging this out is a lot more work than I thought good thing I’m getting paid by the day and then even

Once you dig you got to make the whole thing dirt otherwise it looks bad this here is all just a taste of what I’m doing on my main compound I’m still at it nearly there I’m dirting now you have to have a lawn last day I promise

Tomorrow I get to do construction you get off my job shot first thing I did was a bit of an inspection I wanted to see what was here and what I was going to keep I know these rooms are kind of weird but I want to keep them weird was

Sort of the point however this whole house was buried so it’s going to need a new frame that’s what I did today in emeralds naturally I’m also going to move the portal I’m going to put it inside the house not just jutting off the side of ltown looking at the build

Keeping most original should be fine as long as the outside looks decent I think the biggest thing I want to stay true to is the quartz entryway obviously my execution 3,000 days ago was not great but that was 3,000 days ago I’ve grown a ton as a player not sure why Golems are

Burning in my house now but I can figure that out later it’s all kind of starting to come together and and I am doing weird stuff like this quartz and dark oak tile that just doesn’t make sense this house never had a view but now I

Notice that view is kind of bad on the original day 420 I burned trees and many of them are still half burned it was a very hilarious joke that I’m sure you all are still laughing about anyway I fixed the trees that I see from my house

When I started this I kind of thought I was going to rip out a lot more of this house but almost all of it is original one thing I did notice though is it has no bedroom and that’s got to change hot tub bed yeah that’s pretty dope made

Everything that was Stone emerald and now I’m done well not done my home doesn’t have a roof I’m using quartz because emeralds are too expensive and I’ve done way too much embezzlement it’s going to be a tough roof because the house is very funky but I’m going to do

My best it came out slightly Barney but you know most of my roofs do I’ve always been more about safety anyway I’m slabbing this top no creepers getting in uh yeah whatever it’s better than a hobbit hole I think the final Archway turned out nice much improved all right

Ma’am I’m here to do the final inspection yeah everything looks good some stuff isn’t up to code like no door on the elevator and I totally for forgot to do this piece of ceiling and I can be happy to say that sometimes I crash there estate bolstered I flew back home

For more manual labor my land’s looking pretty cleaned out but those mountains they still scare me before I get to the mountains I need to get through the last bit of Hill and before I do that I need beacons so I’m back to this oh yay more digging listen the great notable wall

Was not built in a day I have no idea how many days it’s going to take I hope it gets done in this video guess you’re just going to have to watch and find out you may wonder why I’m hand digging on of this there are machines in Minecraft

That automate the digging process so why don’t I make one first I need the Cobblestone by my calculations the wall will be nearly a 100,000 of it and I guess sure I could sit around and use a cobblestone Farm but I figured this was killing two villagers with one stone

Check this out I’m going to be saving some of the original trees and make them absolutely massive just to remind myself that this area used to all be Hill another reason I’m digging is I just wanted to feel it I wanted to feel what

It would be like to dig this all out by hand it doesn’t feel great but what manual labor does hurts my back I am getting very efficient with my beacon placements though I don’t waste a second every little bit of iron fits perfectly alternating Beacon digging than regular

Digging really helped with my mental you have to know while I was doing this I was looking up ways to mine faster there’s just got to be a better way there really isn’t mining is mining yeah pretty much the only thing you can do to make it faster is beacons and I’ve been

Doing that the entire time again I need to I need all of this dirt and the Cobblestone doesn’t mean I’m not getting a little sick of it but I’m not going to skip these days I want you to appreciate all of the labor that went into the wall

But nothing stopping me from going through them quickly yeah this is way better I can just cut fast now I’m in Creative yes this is going to count as a day and nerds will know I’m building a TNT duping machine it did not work on the first attempt I didn’t think it

Would I’m just not going to dig out an entire mountain range no I’m going to blow it up so here I am in survival trying to build infinite explosives for the first time I live streamed this sometimes there’s nerds in the chat that can help me and if I died hey he would

Be live I have no idea how this machine works I have no idea how they figured it out but someone did somehow Redstone and dead coral duplicates TNT I was able to get the machine working just fine but not moving like it’s supposed to but even just this whole digging would take

Several days back to creative I can do this after about an hour I figured it out I can now make a TNT duping flying machine obviously doing this in survival is always more difficult I’m also tragically low on slime I never really needed the stuff until today but on day

3472 I got it going it might not look like much but this could potentially save me hundreds of days of digging and my back now that I’m confident I can get rid of this whole mountain range I do sadly have to get rid of the volcano I

Don’t like it either but it’s in the way of my wall it’s got to go and the whole time I did that I was blowing up area this is working out well until it wasn’t cuz sometimes it didn’t that’s all right I knew there was going to be a bit of a

Learning curve here uh yeah a mountain of a learning curve I tinkered all day and got nowhere this was way easier and creative I get the duping I’m good at that it’s getting the whole thing to move feeling defeated I did some digging for motivation wanted to remind myself

What’s in store for me if I can’t make these TNT machines work digging the hills was one thing but these mountains are so much taller every chunk is going to take so much longer so I can either break my back digging for the next thousand days or I can do something

About it and I’m going to do something about it and one of the main issues I was running into was slime so I’m going to try to build a slime farm this is a very old mine right underneath my compound and I know from experience that

Slimes spawn down here I’ve got to find the exact chunk where the Slime spawn then I can make an automatic slime farm should be pretty simple got it bad news for you slime that’s really the hardest part once you figure out where the Slime

Spawn you just got to dig a big hole I made a TNT duper to help I wasn’t entirely sure how deep to go down so I’m just going to go down the whole way I’m no stranger to digging this was nothing then I hit deep slate and started

Regretting My Life Choices this is Rock Bottom it’s rocks on the bottom I’d rather Play fortnite No build than this and that’s saying something am I getting close to the bottom I don’t know I’m starting to forget my own name bo bum bum bu worst part is I don’t even have to

Dig this far down oh look diamonds not like I need them uh uh uh running out of things to say uh uh pudding peing a big old pbrb yeah I was live streaming at the Time Imagine watching this not edited oh sweet Bedrock yes all right

Now I got a big hole the rest should be fairly simple first step is build a platform where I should have stopped digging like 10 days ago and uh yeah that’s uh that’s pretty much it there’s not much else to the thing tested today and it works look at that I can spawn

Slimes I was happy so I’ll just build a bunch of platforms Easy Money halfway done with the video here I hope you’re enjoying it if you are hit that like button and a subscribe that’d be really notable back to subjugation really just putting in the platforms here nothing

Too complicated I think I’m just about ready for making where they’ll die slimes are kind of dumb so taking them out in Mass shouldn’t be too difficult oh man this thing spawns pretty dang good look at them give me your balls magma will kill them all a simple trap

The slimes see the Golem and jump in it’s easy except that I had to redo it all but initial testing looks great the slimes are jumping right in yeah working so well they’re all clogging me up as I’m trying to work it’s a good sign though soon I’ll never have to worry

About slimes again 2 weeks ago I never worried about slimes The Collection is very simple I’m sure one day I’ll upgrade it but for now two double chests of slime balls would be awesome last step is make sure I don’t have a massive gaping hole on my land that’s important

Why do I always say last step and then it’s not the last step I just forget what happened sometimes I play way too much Minecraft it’s not healthy I’ve got to do the entrance and originally I went with this industrial carpet look which I regretted immediately so now I’ve got

Slime I’m grabbing more quartz and I should have everything I need for more Bombs all right Mountain you’re going down I spent most of the day measuring I want to make sure I get this right I did not get this right see that’s looking better now I need the whole thing to go

Back and forth over this whole mountain range destroying the entire time now it’s moving but not destroying I’m pretty sure I just made the whole thing go too far I don’t think I can take out the entire mountain range in one go but half the mountain range that’s definitely doable things are finally

Going for me I got two machines working at the same time and they ran all day no issues that’s success the hole they cut is clean enough not perfect but I can work with it can’t even imagine how long it would take to dig this by hand I’m

Very on edge though I feel at any moment this is all going to break but luckily so far it hasn’t so now I just got to copy everything easier said than done every single one I made did make me better I got the hang of it I learned

Look at me and that mountain range is just getting smaller and smaller five of them working for me now I’m proud good up boys give it up beautiful beautiful destruction yeah man I mean look at that oh lot of floaties though I’m going to have to clean those up uh yeah like a

Lot of them maybe I should figure this out not much figuring out to do I think the obvious solution is just put these things closer oh well I really figured this first section would be a little messy but now putting them closer seems to have fixed the issue you can kind of

See the difference there chilling in the pit getting a better look day 3528 I was checking the cut and the floaties and they’re much better now there were still a few floaties like you see here but I probably shouldn’t get those when TNT is around me okay I will take that as a

Sign to be more careful yeah it could have all ended right there that was actually pretty close thoughts of my mortality ended the next day so I got back to work riding the TNT machines that almost killed me yeah despite that one close call it’s been going very well

Except when it snows oh I hate the snow it clogs The Observers stops the machines it’s such an issue I think it only snows on mountains too don’t quote me on that quote me on this Luke the notable is the greatest Minecraft player of all time you don’t have to agree with

Me but I agree with me all right done at least with this relatively small section there’s still much more mountain to do and a lot of cleanup now but I’m guaranteeing you this is way faster than mining like 10 100 times faster I think I can handle these specs without mining

I’m just going to rerun machines closer on this end yeah it’s a slight waste of time but if I did this all properly I wouldn’t be here in the first first place oh well it’s cleaning nice and this all had me learning more too at this point I could build the machines

Without having to copy new skill acquired uh uh for for the most part the scale’s lost on you unless you’re down in that pit it’s absolutely huge and it’s only going to get Huger I was surprised at how close to the edge these machines can cut that’s a nice line very

Very minimal waste every now and then there is a junk but I can mine that but now it’s done at least this small section of an entire mountain range still I can’t help but look at this hole and be proud right back to work got blow

Up more land first step is a beacon done first beacon was slightly off so I’ve got to do another one day on that one nice then I set up a new Hub and test it looks good so far everything ran smoother this time and from the

Beginning I was doing it right so these big piles of rocks shouldn’t be here much longer there’s something really nice about it all you know watching it and if you do it right a lot of this is watching it man I love not mining going to start calling this game craft craft

Is fun sometimes I feel a little bit bad about using these TNT dupers but then I remember how much mining I’m not doing oh no I’m mining this has been fun but I’m going to try up the style I’m going to try to build a giant line of dupers

And see if I can make them all go off at the same time got it working here with four but I think I can do better I think I can do 10 at least I’m going to try these few days of prep will equal millions of blocks not mind it was all

Going well till the Phantom showed up more math and measuring and worrying about blowing up my nuke but now finally I’m getting the machines lined up all right tomorrow’s the day I spent a long time inspecting just to make sure I didn’t see anything weird whatever let’s

Do it all 10 notable totally worked not a single issue it is an absolute curtain of Devastation in one day this cut nearly a/4 million blocks I think math be hard and it was just cool to look at I marveled in it all day that entire

Strip in one day just got cleaned but I got to say I’m a little tired of TNT duping I’ve been doing it about 100 days and I’ve been talking about this wall for nearly 300 days let’s see it not the whole thing just a bit I want want to

See what it looks like and feel how long it’s going to take I put Cobble down all day and only got this section I can already tell though it’s going to be beautiful another solid day of placing day 3569 oh yeah you know what though if I keep just placing Cobblestone like this

I’m never going to get it done I tried lava and water but somehow that was slower going sideways felt faster I’m not sure if it is sideways three at a time maybe really don’t know if it’s faster but it’s easier on my fingers for sure but then this happened

Oh yeah that’s fast I was live streaming this at the time in the lovely chat showed me how to place down Cobblestone super super fast most of the time they try to get me killed so this was a change shout out to the chat I love you

All oh look at it I couldn’t have dreamed of a better wall you might be wondering why it’s made out of cobblestone the answer lies in history this is a tribute to my first Cobblestone wall this one obviously is much improved however it’s not done and

There’s a lot more to do so I better get back to it two notable sides completely done oh it’s so big those two sides I did were very clean because I hand dug them but the other two sides are a bit of a mess I don’t regret not hand digging it is

What it is it just means I got to do some shaving unlike you beardless child let’s not worry about what happened on day 3585 we can call it a bad dream yeah see everything’s normal very normal stop asking questions you know I thought I had enough beacons but I guess not well

That’s why I built a beacon farm farm beacons then I killed the Wither like a million times times the first time I killed the Wither it took me 100 days of prep now I do it 20 times in a day that’s growth more beacons getting them mostly done then cleaned up some bits

Going to work on more duping obviously spend a lot of time on the first machine you got to get that first one right I’m going to attempt a massive combo again I’m confident I can make it work just six for now I’ve got some artifacts I don’t want to smash mostly Panda

Mountain and the 69 Monument but of course while those were going I set up more I’m pretty sure if I just put obsidian around this stuff it should be fine and if it’s not I could can always rebuild it either way not risking emeralds here we go ten it once again

Let’s hope it all works uh now that I look at it I’m not sure that’s enough obsidian oo love watching it like this that’s so cool it snowed some broke G big chunk done yeah but everything from here will be very delicate there’s a lot

Of mountain left and I’m going to try to do as much blasting as I can but there’s a lot of stuff I really care about like on this corner I’ve got my mural the country wall and that big old statue to myself nothing a little hand digging

Can’t fix the last thing I want to do is lose history but 3 days in I’ve been reminded why I made TNT dupers all right that’s enough digging let’s set up the biggest line yet I’m going to do 15 of them I put them all together assembly line style this is a

Huge tip for anyone out there doing stuff like me so that’s a tip for no one because only I do stuff like me here we go 15 of them new record mhm absolutely perfect and came nowhere near my statue they were also about 10 blocks away from

The nuke that’s prec decision one day later about a half a million blocks are gone yeah a little hand cleaning had to happen sure but you can’t argue with half a million blocks you can’t argue with me either way I’ll kill you I have Beacon Powers time to clean it up and do

It again I’m going to try to mitigate the damage on Panda Mountain but I would like to keep this a mountain I think I know how I can do it but I’m not sure if this will work first thing I’m going to do is dig out a huge portion around the

Panda head that’s the thing I care about most the rest is just a mountain digging is now done it should be easier to miss the panda head so I’m going to set up some more dupers maybe for the last time uh no yeah probably not I’m sure again

You’ll see this at some point I’m going to build something even bigger and Dumber and I’m going to have to do this again here’s my plan to save Panda Mountain water buckets yeah I know every other time I’ve run into water while blowing stuff up it seems to protect

Pretty well so hopefully that works if not the monument just gets even more tragic a couple of the dupers failed and it wasn’t even snowing what did I do wrong that water’s working though Panda Mountain looks pretty good some TNT got through for sure but in the end I think

It’s going to look look like a mountain uh it’s a bit scuffed yeah but I can rebuild that looks better than the 69 Monument hardly any of that survived pooing then some more assembly line work there’s a couple tiny sections left to clear but now the mountains well they’re

Certified gone some bits are continuing to mock me but I can’t believe I did it lots of cleanup still needed my land looks like it got blown up cuz it did but I’m putting the wall up yeah today it’s time I’m so excited to see it I’ve

Been dreaming about this for 300 days and really this project has been 3,000 days in the making one of the first things I built in this world was my wall and this one will be notable I didn’t know it was going to take this long and

There’s still more to do but I think in the end that’s what makes it worth it uh not sure what else to say I didn’t know I’d be placing Cobblestone this long I didn’t have enough speech planned but here it is on day 3645 it’s time to finish the wall it’s

Magnificent something you really have to experience with your own eye can’t even see the sunrise but like I said still more to do I got to get to it but first things first first you may have noticed it’s almost day 3,650 that will Mark 10 years of Hardcore Minecraft at least in Hardcore

Minecraft days I can’t believe it sometimes you know but here I am to celebrate on the magical day I have a little thing planned going to expand my 5-year Garden a bit it’s now the 10-year Garden marked with a diamond 10 x means 10 dummy and here’s to 10 more stay

Notable how’d I do in 10 years of Minecraft I think pretty well well it’s been a good life just kidding time for lawn work going to rip up this Stone and put in grb there’s also a few other spots I got to level so yeah the Wall’s

Up but it’s still going to be a while before I can call it truly done let’s cut to the chase this is all I do well this is awkward normally I do one of those cuts and the thing I’m doing is over but it’s not n still a lot more

Land to clear most of it not even Beacon cuz I’m lazy he says after building a 100t wall so I guess I’m doing this again putting nowhere near done this is going to take a while a lot of this work if not almost all of it could have been

Avoided if I set up my TNT dupers just a little bit better I was off by two blocks and now I’m doing this for like a month that might help you imagine how long this would take if I had to dig it all by hand and if I ever do another

Wall that thing’s going to take an entire Thousand Days oh you know one day in Creative stop it voices honestly land so big doubt you could even do it in a day in Creative I’m not going to try I’ll let someone else get the views for

That one nearly done now with this then I got to put grass in all this stuff I just mowed yeah I’m mowing Stone That’s How Strong I am that’s how many and I’m not even done when I have carpel tunnel in a few years this is why but now for

Real Z’s I am done and it’s time to get dirting yeah let me do some math on how much dirt I’m going to have to place all right land is 600 blocks by 600 blocks wow that is big I am rich okay three 360,000 that’s not right cuz there’s the

Area in the middle that’s Emerald I don’t know how that that’s a 100 by 100 or something oh that’s only oh what it’s a lot of dirt and I don’t think I’m going to have enough enough when I was mining by hand I saved all the Cobblestone but saved hardly any dirt

That was a mistake too late now guess I’ll be building an automatic dirt farm does that exist I hope it does strategically I did leave a few areas untouched call them my dirt reserves and I need them because I’m out of dirt uh this is how much I’ve done

Hardly any but you can already see how smooth it’s going to look in the end my vision is coming to life I just hope I have the dirt to make it come true for now I do dirt reserves are holding how long they’ll hold I don’t know I also

Don’t know how many zombies are going to spawn underneath this lawn after placing dirt all day every day for what seems like forever admittedly I’ve gotten a little lazy about lighting up the UND sections I will likely not even use most of this land for a very long time so it

Won’t be an issue until then then it’ll be an issue whatever problems for another day I’ve said that about this world more times than I can count and it’s never come back to bite me I’m just kind of sick of dirting though I’ll say it is not worse than SL slabbing

Slabbing slabbing was terrible progress update yeah not even close a lot more dirt left and this land needs to be cleared anyway should be okay wow what beautiful shoveling footage and more dirt placing footage this is Cinema it’s coming along I’ve already been working on the wall for over 400 Days what’s

Another 100 what’s nice is dirting is the last large scale thing I have to do so I’m almost done at least that’s what I’ve been telling myself this entire time I just had to keep at it keep placing that dirt and remember that I

Get paid to do this AFK on top of my nuke day 3717 I thought I’d be right back I was not right back luckily I built this thing sound yeah that there definitely could have ended in tragedy I need to make an auto dirt placing machine does that exist can it

Exist Minecraft must not be a very fun game most of the time I find myself building stuff to avoid playing more Minecraft uhoh I’m placing too much dirt getting existential do not think just be the dirt I will say some of these days were not mindless dirting there were a

Few water features I had to expertly craft and make look more natural I mean this whole place used to be a swamp until I blew it up I’m running very low on compound dirt I’ve got to go to the nearby mountains they will be shaved

Anyway what you see is about all I got left what used to be the mountains do definitely require the most dirt by far I just didn’t think it’d be this much look at that contrast though o some of you might be wondering why I’m even doing this why flatten the whole world

Maybe I’m just a bit old school and like how this looks a flat Minecraft compound taken to the absolute extreme that’s what I want you don’t have to understand me I made an emerald Tower I can also make you smile right now you you’re notable Millions will watch this I’ll

Get at least one of you I bet you can tell I’m running out of things to say and the worst part is there’s so much more of this I never said building this wall would be easy but it will be worth it I’m destroying The Grotto today I

Kind of hoped I wouldn’t have to one villager lives here it’s not the end of the world plus it’s my land anyway there’s no laws for tenants here if there was I would have been shut down years ago swamp section’s almost done by the way then I got a to do the panda

Mountain side which is almost as big I guess if you think about it I don’t really have to do anything but if I didn’t make these videos what would you watch while eating cereal at 2:00 in the morning I’m sorry if that was a little

Too accurate for you it’s okay I do that too no shame here man I’ve known for years a good percentage of my audience is sleeping right now wake up hello I’m hoping you had a good night’s rest that I just kind of ruined either way you’re notable please keep me on it’s good

Money I’m really starting to struggle finding dirt on the compound this could be an issue all the emeralds in the world and I don’t have enough dirt now I’m not even dirting I’m rocking I’m digging out that old statue of myself I had to take a break even if it’s still

Digging it’s not dirting and that’s enough to keep me sane but even with that day 3754 I lost the will to keep going N I need a creative task so I’m going to build another statue of myself this one made out of solid Emerald obviously this whole time I’ve been

Digging dirt I’ve fixed my tools and when I do that I get emeralds and this this is how many emeralds I’ve gotten I’m going to put it right next to the other statue of myself I just love me I also love how easy it is to make sculptures of myself with my Minecraft

Skin I only have to ever worry about the face diamonds should look good right yeah diamonds and gold cuz I deserve it oh yeah nice Blank Spot there and that fits right in I love it why didn’t you make the eyes neite cuz I’m lazy back to Jing all right it’s

Official I looked everywhere there’s no more dirt I have scraped every last piece of dirt off the compound and put it in my lawn there’s no more well good thing the world is very large like your mom found a nice spot to dig dirt far away far away because this

Is going to be a big hole and I don’t want any massive holes near my land it’s so pretty just look at it I know you’re so jealous yeah it’s a little inconvenient having to fly a few thousand blocks away for dirt but I knew

I’d never truly run out so it looks like unfortunately I get to keep doing this if you’ve ever built something truly massive mive in Minecraft I think you know my pain my only motivation was seeing a little bit more done every day and the thought that maybe one day I’ll

Die and I’ll miss this oh Panda Mountain’s close I can feel it yeah once I get past Panda Mountain it should be downhill from there but I’m still going uphill a lot of my daily productivity was admittedly wasted on looking at my land I can’t help it even unfinished

It’s so beautiful even the dirt pit kind of Pretty in its own way from the sky from the ground it’s terrible I sleep here now sometimes by the way this is what I see in my dreams just kidding they nightmares finally touching the panda now I’m taking touch grass to a

Whole new level please laugh making progress though wow so day 3776 I continued placing dirt then I dug dirt and dug dirt again 3 days of digging is the average then back to placing dirt touching the panda this time wouldn’t you know more of that hey something

Different I filmed a YouTube short today then I fought monsters on the land I normally go to bed before these spawn back to digging yay come on you can do this let’s go Mountain’s done hit the barn nearly there all right mountain side is now dirted there’s still more to do but it

Should be a little easier now the other side was Hills and plains so there was a lot of dirt already down I am the Auto Dirt Farm I run on attention from the internet the other side was funky but easier because of all the dirt that was

Already on the ground grass should grow here faster too don’t know what’s going to happen on the other side I do know one thing that’s going to happen you’re going to hit that subscribe button right now yeah you talking to you hit it hit

This dirt too oh why did I have to build the wall what a dumb question keep digging every time I fly back home and see it I know why I built it didn’t think I’d be dirting this long but I am I just hope to be done by the end of

This video well it ain’t going to get done if I don’t do it would anyone like to do this for me I pay in bread no not bread as in money I’ll just throw bread on the ground villagers have never complained I am getting close this is

Some of the last bits of stone I’m saving all of it you never know I might have to make the wall bigger or another wall I like them it’s because of my disease or and I have no idea what I’m going to do with all your heads I guess

I’ll figure that out later all right one last little Hill then it’s flat I’m going to use a machine I’m tired of digging setting up wasn’t too bad I’ve done this a few times now I messed them all up there we go now we’re good little more hand digging sometimes it is faster

Am I really going to build a machine for all this little stuff nah oh it’s so close I can f all right there’s still some dirting but it’s flat everything is flat and there’s going to be a lot of little stuff too like the destroying floating mushrooms went outside day 3820

And it started thundering so I just went back to bed that was the day the wall is not done I’m not going to say it there’s a lot more to do like make it bigger yeah the original height was 100 now it’s 120 well not yet that takes a while

It’s huge oh that farm cut in half looks weird Mr notable why make the wall higher horrible question stupid child primarily I just don’t want to see any mountains and it felt a little cheap shaving any mountains down so I’ll just make the wall higher a Simple Solution

One that takes nearly 50,000 Cobblestone and like 10 days but now it’s done those ball enlargement pills worked great I mean wall slab in the top so nothing can spawn but even after this the wall ain’t done oh there’s dirting left to do dirt dirt

Dir dir dirt dirt dir dir how many times is he going to say dirt as long as I have to it’s easy money dirt and yes that will be the last one there’s a few patches you’ll notice him here but I just want to get on to the next step

Lights at night this land is an absolute monster farm and I can’t have that so I’m going to light up the entire thing with Glowstone it should look amazing yeah this work was tedious but I’m just glad to be done dirting I dirted for 173 days yeah and thankfully I don’t think

Lights will take nearly as long I’m missing 4 days I don’t know what happened to them I can guarantee you it was all just footage of me doing this it looks good though at night oh just beautiful and that had me driven to keep going oh also this grass ain’t going to

Grow unless I’m here I’ll put in some patches that might help it’s just nice to nearly be done you know it’s been so long started this on day 3300 it’s all been such a process the largest thing I’ve ever built in Minecraft ever about 140 hours went into this my math maybe

Not the greatest but you get the point I had an idea to build a massive wall and I did look at it it’s right there and you know it’s kind of got me ready to burst into song buil The Wall yeah buil the wall wall I built my wall like a 100

Blocks tall built it up and I built it strong I built my wall yeah all day long trusters yeah I’ll kill them all don’t try me I’m real dang strong yeah I built my wall thank you thank you yes I know I’m very good it’s done I’m going to say it

Right now into the microphone the wall is finally complete 600x 600 and 120 blocks tall it makes a new horizon it’s amazing no notable sometimes I can’t believe I’m looking at it I’m just so proud well good night wall I love you that is not the end of work there’s many

Things in the wall that got scuffed so now I got to fix all that but it was all worth it every little piece I’ve got 100 days left that should be enough time Panda Mountains getting lit up today if I don’t do this the whole thing will be

A monster spawner several times during the day I regretted not leveling the whole thing lighting everything up was just a little Annoying with all the fat folds of this Panda once I lit this up the whole thing looked very rough so like the ground beneath I put in some

New grass then I trimmed that out with quartz now we’re getting somewhere got to make the panda cry if you remember this whole Monument is for panda death I may come back later and do all of that stone in quartz but I’m not quite sure about it yet it is Panda Mountain after

All either way I’m happy with it on top of the head has always been one of my favorite places to look at my land it does feel good to have Panda Mountain fixed with how flat my land is it really stands out and now I’m going to work on

The other Statue the statue of me originally it was built to look like it was sort of coming out of a mountain that’s why you see so much Stone here and it’s not all quartz I like that look I really do I’m just not too fond of the

Dirt so everywhere I saw dirt I put Stone simple fix beautiful just like me when I was a girl all that work had me looking at the back side of my mural and this used to be a mountain obviously so like everything else on my land I’m

Going to coat it completely in emeralds the government spending your taxes be like oh you just got to love a full day at doing nothing but putting down money you know what I mean oh you don’t cuz you’re poor yes that looks so good man I

I love it just don’t look on the other side I’ll fix that today but first we must salute the old sugarcane farm yeah that was still connected to a totally still functional creeper Farm that’s just buried under my land I’ll come back to that later can’t waste all that good

Gunpowder for now I got to blow this Public Funding wo I ran out of money so I made some money off the backs of the week I know this is Minecraft but I haven’t mined in years oh boy time to mine obsidian no less really wish I could have saved the

Original 69 Monument you know I loved that thing was awesome I guess my Obsidian Shield just wasn’t enough that’s just what I thought about all day cuz I had to mine obsidian all day yeah and I’m not even done early the next morning I finished with my mistake so

Now it’s time to make a new 69 Monument this whole place used to be buried in the earth I kind of prefer it that way in this case before I built down now I’m building up yeah this one’s a little more subtle it’s kind of just a pyramid

Out in the open a pyramid of fancy blocks but still a pyramid I guess it kind of beckons you up there and if you don’t know why maybe you check your coordinates it’s a little weird just sitting there but I’m not getting rid of

It 3908 is a bit of a sad day for me it sees the deletion of one of my favorite things I always loved riding this rail it’s just kind of broken these days I do have a plan for another rail but it’s a big one and I can’t do it in this video

Eventually I’ll put one on the wall just uh can’t do that yet I’ll need like a 100,000 more Cobblestone one day though one day this one I have not been looking forward to we got to fix the stand Monument I love you all but I have no

Idea what I’m going to do with this thing for now I’m just trying to get it more Square the whole thing was built back when this was all Hills and it’s very uneven but as far as new design goes I’m not really sure what to do I

Think the obvious First Choice was just to extend these heads into pillars well now they’re not really heads anymore are they this is also a lot of con way more than you think and I have no way to make that stuff efficiently I realized that

After a day of this when I ran out so I’m going to settle a bit but I think in the end this might look decent stand heads on the ground stand pee pees around them that’s what I got I hope you like it time for the barn this should be

Simple it’s simply one level too high so I’ve got to bring the whole thing down and if these horses don’t move they’ll be brought down too I’m really not looking forward to fixing all the horse grading stuff every time I think I’m done with dirt dirt always comes back I

Should have killed like six horses today luckily they have the blood of blue they are strong this dude just tanked a netherite axe with a sharpness five I’m going to keep the farm elevated definitely for artistic design not because I’m lazy or anything I did not really like how the farm touched the

Wall that just felt weird I will still never eat from this Farm ever it’s all for show and I almost forgot half of this Farm is on the other side of the wall just chilling there well I got to get rid of this can’t let the zombies

Eat got to say really felt a supreme sense of worry being on the outside of my wall I guess gu it’s time it’s time to address the glue factory I’m sorry horses for the past the present and your non-existent future what a wonderful sound that’ll Play In My

Dreams telling you right now I’m going to rebuild the glue factory one day and it’s going to be way worse so just prepare yourself for that day 39:16 I just had to clean up I’ve been building for like 20 days straight my shulkers are wrecked not done with the farm

Though got to fix the horse grading stuff that would have been fairly simple if it wasn’t for this giant ravine ah more like a Chasm bit of a gully definitely a cavity not really near an abyss so this time around I’ve got to completely rebuild the end part where

You actually get the hes speed rating last time it was built into a hill which always makes Redstone easier you can hide so much but now I won’t have that luxury got the system wired it touches the wall I think I’m okay with it but I’m really just coping final step was

Calibration and within three tries I got it if you slow down you can tell not perfectly C silence it’s real ugly but it works works just like Dad I made them both look like little Barnes I kind of like them and then I thought the track

Could use a little bit of an upgrade too nothing crazy just some lines Tamp down dirt make it look like it’s meant to be there now that that is a track fit for blue after some farming the only thing I could think to work on was nuclear weapons this thing’s been disconnected

For a long time now and I’ve tried not to think about it but really what’s the point of having a nuke if you can’t set it off in reality I’m never going to touch this thing I really want you to set it off yes you watching on Mom’s

Tablet wasn’t recording for most of the next day but now with one button pressed the whole thing goes Kaboom there safety features don’t worry I just hope you can read English download My World blow it up I’d love to see it World download with a link drops in like a week or two

Oh what me removing emeralds yes this is the second Emerald perimeter so it’s not too historical and I’m just going to get rid of it it’s really mostly for this section over the water half of this already got blown up over by the mountains anyway for my excavation good

News is they find a home immediately I’ve been saving up emeralds to finish the other side of this mountain it’s way more than you think but look at that every single block spent was worth it beautiful Simply Beautiful then I got rid of this old Spruce Road by the barn

It kind of just rammed into the wall I will be saving the wood for something don’t worry it won’t go to waste first I got to fix these trees I can’t look at them any longer wait wait wait what’s this dirt box for all right Grotto guy

He’s been in in there a month I’m so sorry he got put in here during the musical number live your life to the fullest within the walls of the notable night night I’m going to make it up to you Grotto guy I swear it first thing I

Did was get him a girlfriend she ran away immediately but just a little bread later and it was love oh she ran away again time for some marriage counseling and by that I mean shoving they both have jobs now that should help some of these bedrooms are

Made of dirt and gravel but honestly that shouldn’t even bother the village I’d like to have a little town out here again and with these safety features they won’t be eaten again and while I’m out here I’m noticing more of my previous terrible builds this is the

Entrance to the bow range it used to be buried in rock and now it’s not so I’ve got to fix it we’ll just add that one to the list of weird buildings within the wall a tax right off day 3928 I’m going to start renovating this ancient sheep

Farm I built this a very long time ago to farm up every color of wool automatically at least most of the colors and right now I’m walking around thinking do I even really need this thing I already have access to all of the electrical and water wool that I use

For those kind of builds I don’t really need every color so and you might be surprised by this I’m setting them free there’s plenty of land out here it might be fun to have multicolored sheep running around uh what do you what are you doing in there they’re not a sheep

Whoopsie I wasn’t recording all of day 3929 but now every sheep is free if it ever comes back to bite me I can always just kill them all lots of cleanup day 3930 and had to get rid of the original old sheep city which wasn’t really a

City more just a big sheep pen got to be honest I had plans to make this a whole city with sheep as the inhabitant and then realized that’s a dumb idea that doesn’t give me any profit I guess sheep now live here in a big open field filled

With grass sounds like a sheep City to me I’m really not sure why but there were hardly any green sheep so I made more I’m positive I’m the reason I’ve just committed so many atrocities I can’t remember them all ah wasn’t recording again but now the sheep have

Lights I like this it’s nice a field of free rainbow sheep but remember sheep I can always replace you speaking of rainbow I’ve been putting off this for a long time I’ve got to make all of my beacon lights rainbow also now I don’t have 16 pits to bedrock all around my

Land not that falling to bedrock would even harm me in the slightest I tried to get a nice picture of them all rendered but my land is just too big I would go to one side to turn them on and the other side would turn off day 3934 is a

Big one I’m finally going to give all of these animals a home and I think right by the farm could be the perfect spot what’s a farm without a farmhouse and you might notice I’m using reclaimed Spruce Wood from that Old Road it’s going to be pretty large there’s a lot

Of animals while I was building this I couldn’t help but think it’s been a long time since I’ve built a home in Minecraft like an actual house in this world I just want to let you all know I’m going to have a lot of fun with this

SE zombies in the floor getting the framing done here I want it to look like a normal house and you got to start with the framing will it be too much Spruce yeah yeah probably despite that it’s taking shape and should have a very nice view just don’t look out the back

Windows coming along good a happy home yes for sure it’s definitely too much Spruce because I just ran out of spruce I’ll reclaim more tomorrow I want a whole second floor and the floor easily takes up the most wood of all Oak will just look better two colors you know and

I’ve got lots of Oak from all those trees I assassinated 3939 I started framing out the next layer of the house I think after today it should look like a house oh yeah it’s looking good I mean it’s no giant Emerald Tower with an emerald lawn but it’ll do for some

Animals framing the upstairs now I’ve got to be careful I’m nearly out of spruce again and I’m trying to do some individual bedrooms which of course means more framing but I’m out of spruce luckily I know where to get some more I planned on getting rid of this portion

Of Spruce Road at some point but it’s not like you could even see it over the 120 block wall I will say sometimes I can see this pillar of lava this pillar is here from an incredibly long time ago I used it to not get lost could have

Just used coordinates but I was a noob it looks terrible and I’ve flown into it a couple of times it’s a hazard and it needs to go if only the guy that put that pillar up could see my wall now with all that new Spruce I should be

Finished with at least the Walls by today it’s not quite a mansion but it does have four bedrooms and with the top all sealed up now it just needs a roof since deep slates come on the scene I’ve always liked it for roofing yeah it just kind of looks like asphalt shingles yeah

So far it looks okay I did not plan on an attic for this house but with the size of this roof I now have an attic I don’t think I’m going to put any animals up in there that just sounds sad after 3 days of roofing it’s done I’m kind of

Scared to look at it yeah it do be kind of forehead though you know when you’re up close you can’t tell massive atct though look at that thing structures done I’m going to work on the interior lights mostly I just hate them on the floor yeah the lights make the house

Look nice but Landscaping Landscaping might make it look beautiful now I don’t even think the roof’s an issue I think the house was just alone in a void of grass finally it has a door all right dogs and cats it’s time to upgrade your life no running no biting no pushing no

Peeing no pooping no licking no man one big happy family no no really they’re all Bs and sisters they’re very inbred I just put them around randomly if they went into rooms that’s where they stayed like balls oh man I almost forgot Mia yeah S I left you out there in the rain

That was a good build one of my favorites all right what to do next hey Banks from the sky that farm looks great I think the Landscaping really did me a solid I wonder how the Sheep are do oh my crassness those sheep are eating breakfast lunch and dinner midnight

Snack feeling full yeah whatever grass grows back I didn’t prison them all for like 3,000 days but there were a few other areas not by the sheep that needed a little help with growing grass can’t help it I’m a dad we’re crazy about our Lawns woke up and chose violence 3950 I

Don’t think I’ve done a raid since I’ve built this wall well now it’s time wave one glitched G sorry Nick Pang bur got to kill your witch I guess you get a shout out in return turn this raid was easy all the pillagers were in a big

Open field I’m also you know incredibly powerful hate when they spawn in my inner wall it’s easy to shoot them I just don’t like it I did bring this all upon myself I can’t really complain went to bed poisoned day 3951 I’ve got to go fishing so I made a special fishing

Sword I shouldn’t have to leave my walls to fish there’s several rivers on my estate but no fish were spawning hm went to the ocean and no fish were spawning found one of my La though way out here I’m glad he’s fre for whatever reason I got back home and fish started spawning

Near the farm is the best fishing by far they spawn well and I’ve got a conduit why all the fish well I’ve got about a billion animals to name today I had to set up a naming station in the kitchen most were just regular names like Joe

But I got to say tis talk Jad on a Strider is probably my favorite naming continued into the next day there was a lot but it all stopped when I heard a zombie moan come on out zombie I just want to talk he had a weapon officer and

These ones well they were just ugly everything’s named except for Brian whom wanted a bunny Brian if I ever get a bunny I’ll name it but for now you get this cute little kitty today’s kind of sad I’m going to get rid of this Blackstone Bridge back when a lot of

This world was natural this crossed over a nice River now it just crosses over grass and doesn’t really need to exist anymore a little history is gone today but every great leader deletes a little History Nice that bridge has been an eyesore for me now it’s time for something quite special last thousand

Days I made a monument to everyone who’s ever made 100 days and if you made 100 days in one you can get your name in this Forest I made the post today and was waiting for people to respond well TM Cyclops all of day 3955 you were the

Only one enjoy your shout out after a few more minutes names started to roll in you had to get on my post to put your name in here if you missed your chance and you’re sad don’t worry when 5,000 days comes around you’ll be able to get

In then just make a 100 days video on YouTube any game I don’t care it makes me proud to see everyone’s take on this series and my hope of this Forest is to show my appreciation thank you for creating I appreciate you all I’m not

Not sure when 5,000 days will be out but you’ve probably got at least a year to make 100 days which is very doable believe in yourself I just hope I don’t die so I can put more of you in here time to work on the wall I forgot one

Very important thing there’s quite a few spots where it doesn’t go all the way down monsters don’t really swim but I still want it sealed doesn’t feel right to have 120 block tall wall and have big old holes in it I’m not sure how many

Times I’ve said the wall is done and it wasn’t done but we can add this to the list all right it is done to day then I did one last day of names just wanted to make sure everyone that wanted in got in go make 100 days do it right now these

Days may seem a bit random and that’s because they kind of are I’m going to go camping soon I deserve a break but I want to get all this business handled I haven’t checked my slime farm in forever and it’s busting so I’m going to make the storage a little bigger I only

Recently found out how important slime can be now if I ever have to erase more of the natural world I should have plenty then I did some measurements for my original creeper Farm I just want some better access to it I know it’s old but it still makes good gunpowder

Originally I thought about doing a giant underground pipeline I’ve done them before but after looking at everything in this situation I think a tunnel will do yeah sure it’s not as impressive but I’ll tell you the truth I just want to go camping also there’s big open caves

Down here a pipeline would have been tricky tunnel to the creepers is now done all right for real this time last thing I’m going to map out my land it’s massive you know and very blank should look cool on a big map I did the area of

Just my wall and I’m nearly the size of the Vatican maybe bigger I don’t know math is hard made me go look at my old map in the basement so many things on there ah sheep City a lot of the area I’m looking at right now is just totally

Flat and one day it’ll all be Emerald I’ve been looking forward to this for a couple hundred days now it’s time to go camping I will not go naked I made myself some camping gear just dyed leather blue jeans green shirt and some Tims I look ready now the big question

Where am I going camping well I’ve got so much land I could probably designate this corner as a campground and if you turn down the render distance you can’t really tell except for the giant wall out here there’s a single tree this is what I’ll live off of with that tree

I’ll make more trees I could stay here forever I put up a little wood Hut and then got an idea I’m going to grow my house yeah you heard me grow it should only take a few days and right here a house will grow see look at that some of

The walls already started to come up I’m eating good out here organic salmon spawn plentifully cooked him on a campfire that night this was an absolute Vibe made a little sitting area I’m living my house still has to grow a bit which is a weird sentence at this point

Survival’s not an issue I’ve got plenty of food and shelter and in Minecraft that’s when you start making things look nice who knows maybe one day I’ll come back to this Campground or destroy it for industry day 3969 was wet and I went on an adventure yeah an adventure in my

Own walls because my land is massive hey yo estalo just wanted to check on the sheep you know see how they’re doing check the grass get rid of the white ones I don’t know I just felt like eating mutton a little sheep steak in celebration for my house finally being

Grown immediately I started chopping out some windows half the footage of all these days is me just looking at my house cuz I just love it I’m also working on growing trees around the house they don’t have to be magnificent but I’m not a fan of the bush-like ones

At this point I’m mostly waiting for my organic swamp bread I hear it’s very fresh with mud-like undertones looks like a day got deleted from history we’re going right to 3972 yesterday when I wasn’t recording I heard cows and sheep in this underground pit I rescued

Them it was very heroic then today I heard villagers under my lawn that won’t do not really sure how he got down there but he’s out now I explored the cave and found out how he got under big hole in the wall down here I know I’m camping

But I’ve still got to fix this normally I’d kill you on sight but I do appreciate the wall consultation finally got my swamp bread but didn’t record much of the day I left everything from my camping trip in this house it was a good one I think it just makes me

Appreciate my land a little bit more all the things I’ve built and power I’ve acquired but I got to say it always feels good to put back on that netherite armor I always like a little knickknack from my camping trips and this time it’s the bread made with wo I’ll also always

Be able to look at the campground it’s right there but now it’s back to work really got to make sure there’s no holes in this wall the east side is one big giant hole my excavation over here was not the cleanest filling it in sounds

Like an absolute chore so I just lit up the hole I’m not entirely happy with this but it is on the outside of the wall I’ll likely forget you know what I haven’t been able to forget though is the fact that I’ve spent like a thousand

Days in this video with no armor trim I know exactly which one I want the eye trim and for that I’ve got to find a new stronghold from what I can tell it should be under this ice but it’s never that simple yep dug for a while and

Nothing then more digging the next day and more nothing this is very likely to happen when I’m trying to find a stronghold the difference here is I’ve already beaten the game I’m strong so I went home grabbed some supplies what supplies you might ask oh you’ll find

Out tomorrow if tnt does not help me find the stronghold I don’t know what will my only worry is I don’t blow up the trim I’m looking for I don’t know about you but but I don’t really want to die in a whole far away from home so I’m

Going to take my time with the fuse okay looks like it’s working I’ve never used this method for finding the stronghold before at least it did find me a single Diamond even with all that blasting I still had to dig oh well I’m here time to find that trim the hard part was

Finding the stronghold the trim should be here though my first chest was not lucky I found the library then found the trim notable but I’m not going home just yet I’d like to find a few more should only take a little exploring these strongholds are pretty big for the most

Part ah baby stomie down oh oh my life oh it flashed before my eyes right there I got three Total Eye Trims on my trip to the stronghold that’s a success and getting home was simple I just opened up the portal when I got home I trimmed up my netherite

Armor in emeralds I like it especially the chest plate I wanted a full set of ey before I started mixing and matching I go back and forth on the helmet makes me look like I have Emerald eyebrows and there’s probably better boot trims these look a little uninspired either way you

Can’t trim armor and I’m not going to grind netherite again so I’ll always look something like this most of the time you’re not going to see it cuz I hardly ever go into third person anyway what am I up to today on the compound I’m putting down some sniffer eggs they

Came out recently and I totally forgot about them and I guess all I have to do is sit here for a day and they should hatch we’ll see there he is isn’t he ugly hey I didn’t vote for him that had me thinking about something else that

Came out recently camels so I’ll be searching some deserts looking for camels I don’t even need them and Adventures almost always good you find stuff like this close cherry blossom that would have been nice one camel spawns in every new desert village but because my world is ancient I’ve been to

A lot of these Villages before that just means I’ve got to go super far away it’s something I’m used to not much today I’m used to that too beautiful land out here though just imagine the emerald tower on that thing the Minecraft by my base is

So much flatter than this new stuff I’ll never move I spent 600 days building a wall I’m dying on that Land O wasn’t recording but I found the camel very very very very very very far away luckily there was another Village right nearby and this one had a camel too so

Yeah I’ve got to bring these guys home 30,000 blocks but I’ll have two of them I can breed them but for now I’m just going to take the coordinates and go back home I’m not entirely sure I could get it done by day 4,000 yeah just going

To have to put that on a growing list of things to do in 5,000 days it’s the Eternal cycle ah coming home oh coming home looks so good that’s never going to get old anyway that was a big adventure got to take a day here and clean up my

Inventory I also took the time and did the math on how long it would take to get those camels and yeah it’s not going to happen in this video but you know what is going to happen today something I can’t take back before you witness

This I want you all to know that I’ve been thinking about this for a long time and I want to do it it was not a rash decision the warden well he’s going to die I kind of have an area underneath my base that I just can’t go to anymore and

That makes me upset so today the warden sentence is complete it was always a life sentence I can’t let this guy go it’s no longer a prison down here it’s a memorial testing some things out for your mom the next morning and after that I did some Landscaping this whole world

Used to be forest and this is one of the only surviving trees and as you can tell it’s been struck by lightning several times I’ve always meant to fix the thing up and today I’m doing it I just kind of filled in leaves a bit more nothing

Fancy yeah looks much better now way less scraggly the next day I noticed my totems were low just by a few but low can’t have that time for a r I love doing raids on this flat ground it’s easy I can always find these pillagers shooting bow shots is easy this wall

Ain’t just pretty I may have spoke too soon cuz there’s one left and I can’t find him then while looking for him villagers got out and in their Panic State they wouldn’t go back in their safe melon whatever it’s late I’ll find him tomorrow ooh wasn’t recording raid

Is done and every single Melon Man is dead a few orphans lived but that’s really it I guess some Vex got into this whole area and with how I treat the villagers generally you might not think it but I do feel bad the melon men especially a lot of my early money was

Them so of course I’m going to pay my respects with a melon for each one of the 10 melon men that are no longer with us please observe this moment of silence to make myself feel better I’d like to Save a Life Today Aiden jansy he’s been

Up here for I don’t know how long and I’ve kind of just ignored him but today he comes down he came down a little faster than I expected but he lived he’ll live in The Grotto with the other freeish villagers it’s a hard world out there I’d rather live in the wall

Spruced up The Grotto too while I was here the villagers definitely appreciated it only got a few days left so I’m going to do some projects that should only take about a day and I definitely thought this would only take a day but I was wrong it’s a green

Screen room for YouTube shorts in the tower of course making it in the tower was ambitious I couldn’t get the light super even and it’s kind of small and my beacon powers make these little effects that I can’t get rid of I’m going to

Build a way better one but I do have to clean up my mess first yeah ghost Town’s a good spot not like I haven’t experimented here before it’s also close to home so if I ever want to film something I can come on over I’m just going to convert a villager house that

Way the whole build Blends in but even here with more space I just can’t get that lighting right huh now it looks fine my guess is it’s all the sunlight so I’m just going to design the roof to let that in oh why’ I have to pick a

Tough one so I can only really film here in the daytime but it should work perfectly little test here in the morning let’s see how this works yeah not bad and I did that quick that’s a good green screen can’t wear my armor but whatever 997 I was flying around

Trying to get a good perspective for the thumbnail photography is not difficult I simply have a nice camera it rained and snowed in the same frame here that was strange oh you know I wrote this down so long ago I can’t believe I forgot it oh

This is embarrassing I have to make a monument for Tim 2 my glorious pickaxe the melon men dying made me remember I know it died like 300 days ago but I always meant to do one and here it is I uh I maybe spelled memorium wrong hey

You can’t make fun of me if you didn’t notice I really got to stop killing pickaxes or soon my entire compound will be Graves all right enough morning I got a good idea this morning I had a thought can I walk around my wall in a day is

That possible listen man I only got 2 days left that’s not enough time to build anything good so this is what I’m doing ooh got some crispy shots of the compound from up here I really got to make a rail and you can really see the contrast between civilization and the

Wilderness that’s one of my favorite aspects about this wall so to answer my own question question yes you can walk around my wall in a single day after that I went up to the top floor and watched the sunset of day 39.99 day 4,000 I’m here I’m really really here

It’s always a great feeling to finish a video but it’s also a great feeling knowing that there’s more to do think I might have to relocate these sheep and build a golf course a giant chunk of this video was me building the wall and

Now I get a chance to fill it it’ll take a while it’s a thousand days and you know I could always die but I hope that you’ll see that one day I want to thank each and every one of you for being here with me on the journey and of course all

Of my notable members that you see on screen thank you all for watching please stay notable I’ll see you in the next video

This video, titled ‘4000 Days – [Hardcore Minecraft]’, was uploaded by Luke TheNotable on 2023-12-16 18:00:07. It has garnered 1330594 views and 100095 likes. The duration of the video is 02:00:01 or 7201 seconds.

This video is intended for audiences 13+ years old for the following reasons Fantasy Violence Violent References Suggestive Themes Crude Humor

Minecraft Hardcore Mode is the HARDEST version of Minecraft without a doubt. Creepers spawn more often. Skeleton arrows do more damage. And Zombies can call upon the horde. Most notably of all though, if you die in Hardcore Minecraft, you die forever. Your world is deleted. *Minecraft theme plays at MAX VOLUME*

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Thumbnail Art – Maeder

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#minecraft #100days

  • Fireball Wipes Out 3 Ranked Players!

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  • Uncovering the Lost Diamond Temple

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  • Insane Minecraft Bingo Night!

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  • Meeting Olaf in Minecraft: Frozen DLC

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  • Insane Prank on MCSeksin Server! Watch Now!

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  • “Insane Parrot House Build in Minecraft😱” #tutorial #derpyjhomes

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  • Insane Minecraft PVP Montage by Akshat – MUST SEE!

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  • Duplexia

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  • Amaterasu SMP Semi-Vanilla Cross-platform 1.21 Nations PVP

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  • Healthy Craft: Minecraft 1.21 Health vs. Damage Dance

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  • Always dying in Minecraft 😂

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  • Ultimate Farming in Minecraft ATM9

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  • Painful Mole People Encounter in The End on Minecraft

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  • Exploring All Secret Bases in Minecraft

    Exploring All Secret Bases in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Testing Every Secret Base in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Skiddzie on 2024-08-30 00:03:49. It has garnered 567453 views and 9941 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:28 or 2308 seconds. Testing Every Secret Base in Minecraft My Editor 🎥 Offstagevitor 👨‍💻 Friends in video 💪 Doni 💛 Creccent 💜 Kiply 💗 if ur reading this i hope you have an awesome day! thanks for watching 😀 Transcript Read More

  • Insane Lava Bucket Carry in Minecraft Skywars 1.20+

    Insane Lava Bucket Carry in Minecraft Skywars 1.20+Video Information This video, titled ‘Lava bucket carries! Minecraft Skywars 1.20+ (cubecraft)’, was uploaded by ThatGenosMain on 2024-06-12 11:32:51. It has garnered 4 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:38 or 158 seconds. Hi guys, My first vid pls dont judge 🙂 . . minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, skydoesminecraft, minecraft songs, captainsparklez, minecraft yogscast, yogscast minecraft, yogscast, minecraft skydoesminecraft, sky does minecraft, gangnam style, tobuscus minecraft, minecraft trolling, pewdiepie, smosh, tobygames minecraft, minecraft roller coaster, lets play minecraft, tobuscus, tnt… Read More

  • 10 Insane Tricks to Make Minecraft Wii U Run Like a Dream!

    10 Insane Tricks to Make Minecraft Wii U Run Like a Dream!Video Information This video, titled ‘Forgotten Minecraft Wii U Edition Runs Extremely Smoothly’, was uploaded by CombatCompany on 2024-09-20 13:12:08. It has garnered 457 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. In this episode, the host appreciates the clean and smooth interface of a game on the Wii U. They explore a cave, attempt PvP combat against a spider, and discuss the drawbacks of the console’s button design. 00:00 First Impressions and Interface 00:08 Exploring the Cave 00:16 Combat and Controls Read More

  • INSANE NEW Shader in Minecraft PE!! 😱🔥

    INSANE NEW Shader in Minecraft PE!! 😱🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Poggy’s Luminous Dreams Shader | Deferred Pack | Minecraft PE | #2’, was uploaded by CoveredMC on 2024-08-30 12:14:10. It has garnered 6393 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:20 or 80 seconds. Poggy’s Luminous Dreams v0.6.0.1 | Deferred Pack Link of This Shader Embark on an otherworldly odyssey with “Luminous Dreams”: a visionary Deferred Renderer Pack (or Shader) meticulously crafted for the luminous realm of Minecraft Bedrock Edition’s 1.20.80 (Beta/Preview), powered by the revolutionary Render Dragon Engine. This shader transcends the limits of ordinary visuals, weaving an intricate tapestry that… Read More

  • “INSANE MINECRAFT TRICK: Spot a Mob in 10 Seconds!” #minecraft

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  • Epic Cat vs Human Minecraft Battle OHIO Challenge! 🤯

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  • SHOCKING: YOUR Hive Bedwars Defense Ideas by ZpinZ

    SHOCKING: YOUR Hive Bedwars Defense Ideas by ZpinZVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Built YOUR Hive Bedwars Defense Ideas’, was uploaded by ZpinZ on 2024-05-06 21:30:04. It has garnered 7188 views and 610 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:54 or 474 seconds. Today, I play a new mini game called Bedwars on the Minecraft Bedrock Server: Hive, to see if I can win a game with all my viewers bed defense ideas! Watch until the end to see some funny moments and insane fights. Make sure to like and subscribe for more content just like this. Timestamps: 0:00 – Intro 0:16 – Defense 1 2:05… Read More

  • Summoning Sigma’s Untamed Power! 🗿 #minecraft

    Summoning Sigma's Untamed Power! 🗿 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Sigma Never Afraid 🗿 #shorts #minecraft #minecraftvideos’, was uploaded by Sumit Gamer05 on 2024-05-05 06:05:00. It has garnered 17132 views and 905 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More

  • VeneziaMC

    VeneziaMCVeneziamc veut vous offrir un gameplay moddé RPG [construit ton empire, claim le et devient la nation la plus puissante] et RP [petite survie remplie d’évent et d’architecture] (avec du create et plein de mods bien sympa), ainsi qu’un gameplay vanilla avec des jeux Inédits configuré par notre développeur (le Vinci inspiré du splatoon et le Titan inspiré du loup garou de thiercelieux) Read More

  • Something SMP Modded SMP Roleplay Whitelist 1.20.1 Lore

    Welcome to Something SMP Minecraft Server! If you are looking for an active Minecraft server with lore/roleplay and various mods like origins, image to map, and enderite, then you’re in the right place! Join the Discord server: You can join the Discord server here and submit an application in #applications. Additional Information: This is a Java server with no bedrock inclusion currently. End and Nether reset every few months for new players. Server owner and staff are on GMT+8 time zone. Lore opportunities for next season. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft’s Future: A Tantalizing 100 Years

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft's Future: A Tantalizing 100 YearsIn 100 years, Minecraft will probably have merged with reality and we’ll all be running around punching trees in our backyard for resources. Read More

  • Block Battle: JAVA vs LEGO in Minecraft

    Block Battle: JAVA vs LEGO in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, I bring you the news in rhythm and vibes. From JAVA to LEGO, the battle is real, In the virtual world, where players can feel. Subscribe to my channel, hit like and comment, For more Minecraft updates, I’m always content. With scenes from creators like Axol and more, I craft unique content, never a bore. Fair Use guidelines, I follow with care, Creating new videos, a process I share. It takes time and effort, about six hours, To bring you content, with creative powers. So join me in Minecraft, where memes… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy!

    Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Crafty Mods: Fabric Modding Minecraft 1.21.1

    Crafty Mods: Fabric Modding Minecraft 1.21.1 Exploring Modular Mods in Minecraft 1.21.1 with Fabric MC The Concept of Modular Modding In the vast world of Minecraft modding, developers often employ a modular approach to creating their mods. This involves breaking down a large, complex mod into smaller, more manageable components, each handling specific tasks within the game. But is this method truly beneficial? Should modders opt for modular designs, or stick to developing all-in-one mods? Potential Benefits of Modular Modding One of the key advantages of modular modding is the ability to streamline development and maintenance processes. By dividing a mod into smaller parts, developers… Read More