Luminous ‘Nova’ Dreemurr – Meteor Hunting Madness!

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There I’m streaming need to hurry up I’m streaming now God I was supposed to stream like three hours ago but it all decided to just die oh oh God how dare you I was supposed to stream 3 hours I mean in reality thank you I what in in reality

Right I don’t necessarily have to exactly worry about losing data from the server considering that on an nvme and those are really hard to actually break it’s just that we can’t run the server unless I put into another computer it is not hard to break an

NM it it kind of is like if I’ve snapped one and half before yeah but you have to intentionally be doing that uh are you sure about that what did you snap an envm me in half by just putting it in no exactly it’s really hard to destroy Thing by putting it in

Oo my go oh my God o with a hammer here oh my god did I might cut that out no oh good my high pitch o o You’re immune to fire oh I mean I can onot you with this well no I can’t I I can’t light hold

On no don’t kill but I can I can attack really fast and I can also spam like a thousand Spells at once how do you use spells oh well for me I don’t I don’t I um one of the things I have is that when I attack I

Just use a random spell that I don’t have control over don’t even know how to use the spells in order to use spells before you get a class ability you have to find or make spell books yeah can you find them oh wait yes you just said you can find them I’m

Stupid I do need help with um first off getting more cus quartz so I need to find a shitload more the meteorites uh and also uh I need help getting ver I can make the bridge not dangerous for people who can’t fly y uh yeah I I need to start streaming

Cuz I was going to stream this too oh no more streams Azel yeah how do you build this stupid rocket I don’t know what I need cuz it won’t tell me Google guarantee you Google won’t even help me with this I’ve tried this before someone has to have played the mod pack there is a guide book in ad asra called the astru I’ve read that book it does not say say anything at all about the design

Stuff of the Rockets itself I mean if you look up um the rockets in the roughly enough items thing it tells you in the NASA workbench what you need I looked at the NASA workbench like okay so tier one rocket and N the workbench requires a rocket

Nose cone I found it six blocks God that’s a lot of Steel I found it says Hammer look at this thing it’s great hey that’s a lightning rod 15 huh what the [ __ ] what the shitel I mean what I’m sorry sharpness F oh no it’s four never mind I I Latin

Roman yeah Ro Roman crap I used to know how to count to Roman numerals in up to like 10,000 but I forgot and it has Smite isn’t 10,000 like cxcc something I forgot I have to go back and read the things CX ccccc I forgot I don’t know why c means

A thousand I thought c means 100 it I think I I think it hold on wait I no I’m thinking of French where Millie is is a is a 100 or a thousand even though that’s Millie is million in English English anyways proximity chat so yeah the reason why that took 3

Hours for me to start streaming is because we were trying to upgrade the server CPU you so it wasn’t as like I guess buggy in a way considering that you know lag but the issue is um am4 specifically the am4 stock cooler is kind of stupid because what happened is is

Um I tried to put in the CPU that was supposedly faster and due to how the freaking mounting system for the cooler works it just bent the [ __ ] out of all the pins because you have to put like an entire elephant’s worth of force onto

One of the screws in order to get it into the thing hello oh hi you joined I am actually really pissed yeah I I don’t like being around you when you’re mad that’s why I came downstairs like freaking I cut myself like three times six whatever many times

I also afraid you going to blame me for this I’m not I just forgot how [ __ ] stupid that cooler is yeah I did try to warn you about that well you see uh I didn’t think it would be this bad it seems like every time we took it

Off it just got more and more degraded and everything yeah that that makes sense I guess that also Al means that that cooler had a insertion limit why you do realize that cheap prep like that does have like a manufacturer limit to how many times it can be reapplied

Right but wouldn’t it be cheaper to not build in [ __ ] like that have you not heard of American capitalism touche it’s like oh [ __ ] if it’s cheaper it takes a lot if it’s cheaper they spend more money just to make the experience worse that’s what it seems like to

Me how many times have I died on the server now uh so I don’t know you can check the server PLS uh so I’d have to be sitting there for 3,000 years looking at all of your deaths good thing I didn’t die too far I was just going stupid bridge like we did

Have a mod called record days survived and also recorded how many times you died but it was causing a bunch of issues so we removed it I have no more stick godam do you have a stick I have like a stack of them I have a stick sure

See there’s a reason why I need more ver I can make that bridge actually safe yeah cuz that’s how I died where are you um very far what the [ __ ] why are you so far away I need thus but I can actually do [ __ ] which way did you go north I used a

Teleporting Stone oh God damn it Dam it just wait for me to get back how far how long not very long I just need to get more cess qut so that I can actually make more Machinery what the else is joining the group chat nobody’s joining in the group

Chat okay and I was talking to autum or maybe not I don’t think he can hear me actually he’s most likely deafened because that’s how he start the streams he was literally just talking to himself exactly he forgot to mute he forgot mute himself but he most likely still

Deed wait I think it t oh no he didn’t hey Autumn can you hear me oh yeah he can’t as well because you’re in a group you didn’t join the group no okay if you’re in a group no one else out literally just I was literally just talking to Autumn he

Heard me I know but you but we’re talking to Autumn before you join the group after because how it works is that I forgot how you do it but by default when you create a group anyone that’s not in the group can’t hear you well autum just

Replied to me like I talked to him he was like yeah dude most likely just said yeah on on on as a coincidence because he most likely can’t hear you because again he’s not in the group I just asked him can you hear me and he said

Yes well then you may have changed the setting then I did not change the setting cuz whenever uh whenever anyone else makes a group either me derp or whatever uh no one outside of the group can hear us so autumn you can actually hear

Me uh wait why are you aut can you hear me yeah it’s because he’s not in the group hello was a coincidence said that maybe they don’t want to join guess they don’t want to join it maybe well it’s most likely that they’re also in their own group chat no I

Checked the chat things it’s just us can’t believe you actually managed to break those pins off I thrown a CPU before never broke the pen that just goes to show how freaking stupid that stock cooler is yeah oh you’re back I need that stupid stick well hold on I need

Coal I need sticks and P what the hell what are you staring at the ceiling I am not I’m looking in my chest cuz I need to I need to well also hold on the back of your head looks like a face how it looks like you have two

White eyes on the back of your head here yay now I can tell my bird to sit down oh sh so on a scale 1 to 10 how pissed off are you yes I don’t know what that means just yes mad enough to punch a hole in the wall not that mad

Okay oh by the way speaking of punching hole in a wall did you see that video I sent you yeah wasn’t it hilarious yes Peak 2009 put my head through the wall I should stop playing this game probably just post this on the server now I’m gonna do it I’m GNA do it

Buto I need to make the coal what the hell it’s going to take two billion hours to what the hell it’s not full all of these devices are online what yo you here yeah what’s going on what’s up I need to make coal but it’s not working for some

Reason wait you can make coal uh so I can just take coal lower and then make like 9,000 times more coal than I should be able to make normally sweet well if you make two trillion gigatons of coal you can send me over some well I need to figure out

Why it’s not sending out the request for coal first I don’t know why like it it is in the crafting CPU but it’s not doing anything with th here pattern providers diamonds Diamond Diamonds oh I feel like I should get into this this seems

Wacky I mean you need to find a bunch of thir disc I mean if you want I can give you the the um blueprints no I’m already getting into something whack I have a mysterious Cube which gives you all of them okay you just have to place it down and break

It cuz I mined it from a meteorite using silk touch so here just take it back I’ll considered a cube if I feel insane enough oh okay right now I don’t feel insane I st I have stuffer I made I got to eat It so you need a better Bridge here yeah I need I need verite a lot of birite uh we can use the maa’s bridges we have a bridge mod oh then I kind of want to see what that’s about hold on I got a bunch of crap on my keyboard a car

It’s just it’s basically just bridges that require support that seems awesome but like that is we need to math produce things first do we Oak rail Bridge bamboo Bridge support mangrove Bridge stair mango bridge I said Mangrove I heard mango you’re a freaking mango that’s it what did that even

Mean I don’t know but prepare yourself oh that’s how it’s spelled Okay so these are all the bridges warped Bridge Cherry Bridge actually looks really good Rope Bridge yo that’s what we need something very sketchy rope Acacia rope jungle rope Spruce I think I have some Spruce I’ll go ask around and see if I can get some and see how this mod works okay okay that’ll be my task I’m G to go build a brid

Suspicious vow him out he’s impostor there’s not enough power is there yeah there isn’t enough power yet everything’s full on Steam I think at this point is literally just the turbine Yeah I can’t get anything out of It maybe it let the steam build Up but there we go you’re now technically over producing Steam over what no you Didn’t So hopefully this works and then there you Go What For that’s for okay I really need to so am I still outpacing the production or the consumption no I’m not I’m breaking even well technically I’m at a deficit it’s because of the freaking boss furnace over here there’s still like a stack of yeah there’s still a stack of uncooked steel Here yeah okay okay butd oh okay bud hello you left a group I know why do you why do you have your weapon out so it requires two EU per tick which means that this is using up two EU per tick I could just cuz it’s full of

Steam I could just temporarily cut that off CU like there’s still steam in there there also steam in the pipe well there’s no steam in the pipe but there’s still steam actually in there and since that’s just another yeah since that’s literally just another uh fluid okay yeah so I really actually need to do this

So ah not enough power still really I need a freaking like nuclear reactor or something how do I make a nuclear reactor nuclear nuclear nuclear reactor oh oh no I can’t just keep slapping in a bunch of Steel boilers or can I I I don’t think I should

Well I am producing more steam okay yeah so I am producing more power than I am using theoretically I think what it is that since because I am I’m using so much power 68 or tick with a passive I’m using okay that’s 18 18 a tick that I’m that is extra

So let’s in the meantime cancel that so I need blank patterns again oh [ __ ] whoops did that make the blank patterns no no it did not why it is literally because I don’t have any freaking energy it’s like throwing it off because it I don’t have power okay so good thought I made it so I now need heat proof machine casing and then I also need

Bronze pipe casing I will also need a another freaking pattern provider good so now I can make a formation core and make another damn it so before I actually set up the Quarry I might need just a a larger boiler like an actual large boiler where should I put it

That’s a question I probably should have asked before taking up this endeavor but where should I put that big boiler if I look at the Mi guide book large steam boiler I still need to make the stuff for my analog circuits damn well I think I have enough

Power no I don’t no I don’t have enough power for anything it’s just it’s turning off and on intermittently and I think it got thrown off again because it turned off God yeah that’s the thing I think it gets thrown off off because it gets turned off while it’s doing

Stuff but it doesn’t matter anyways so analog circuit board and then I need an actual analog circuit what do I not have oh [ __ ] I need to make gold plates yeah I think it it failed because it ran out of power Midway through it okay so I I’m appear to be outpacing it

Now that’s a good sign so I can now I should now be able to make capacitors yes I have now math produced the production of capacitors so with that I should now be able to make analog circuit bam so now in order to make a large boiler I need a bronze

Boiler I don’t have a crafting recipe for bronze tanks do I H don’t need it cuz I can just request more so I also need whoops eight of these in general so that I can make a brown stat I have Cobblestone somewhere though I don’t know where so I’m just going to

Yoink this furnace so what about the high pressure boiler or the advanced boiler so you need to start with bronze then what the hell is the point of these then 16 256 1024 oh my God so let’s do this so bronze boiler oh oh I didn’t craft those wait what hey hello

Do you have string uh yes M system yes we need many many string where’s Emy system the thing I’m looking in right now okay all right I craft I don’t I don’t know what I’m looking at oh search yeah search for string it’s somewhere in there we have 83 strings

Sure I’ll take all of it this is for the bridge I don’t want it to be made out of verite Cu it looks like Jade I’m sorry you didn’t no verite this is your bridge now we worked about five minutes on this bridge using a specific Bridge mod okay oh

Yeah it’s not done yet okay well well at least it has at least it has railings it does it has railings it’s great w i just drop a piece I wish the proximity chat went further but you just did with you didn’t drop anything I don’t think okay that’s

Good you [ __ ] up my bridge no no not at all here here’s some material God more brid why not cuz they don’t have a use thank you I did not get them I I think I think missing has their uh magnetic ring off a potato right

So should now yep I have the fire clay bricks so I’ve made a bronze boiler so now large boiler large okay I guess you want to extend it out this way straight there and then curve it yeah how fancy do you want this bridge to be not not very also phanton

Doesn’t even or Kinesis s doesn’t even live there anymore what where do they live uh like over in that Village in a crater somewhere why do they live in a crater okay never mind well derp is still over there so we can build a bridge to this place yes not entirely damn

It why does it take so much energy why what is it even currently doing oh it’s making one more bronze ingots why I think it’s just enough power to allow the system to somewhat do its thing but it’s not enough power for it to keep track of it properly

Which is weird because I have two steel boilers that should be 32 times the the power 32 times the power 16 times the detail of Fallout 4 so around 50 a per tick is when it’s fine but it’s F freaking like a mofo like it’s powered enough to know

That it needs to be making bronze yeah it’s powered enough to know what it needs to be making that is so weird it is making the fire clay that means it’s making heat proof machine blocks yeah that’s weird it knows what it needs to do but when it doesn’t have enough power

Okay so that’s the first part of it done it’s so weird cuz like okay it knows it needs to be making copper plates and those copper plates it somehow knows still even though it has no power that it needs to go to the steel wire Mill so that it can make

Copper wires to make stuff for the analog Circuit So yeah schedule 12 crafting 20 it’s actually crafting these in steel wire Mill did I forget to item extraction got to turn it on so it’s now crafting the gold so it’s can be easily crafted the inductor because that’s just a crafting recipe easily crafting that because

That’s just putting it Through the Wire again that is so weird oop Boop and then it just goes that is weird it doesn’t have enough power but it does have enough power I mean at least this one should be easy or not it okay so it

Knows that it needs I think it already mixed everything up it’s just making oh did I already make those yeah I already made those so now large steam boiler so I’m going to Need a fluid input Hatch I just need two of those oh my good yep like it it can still craft it that’s the thing that’s confusing me it can still craft It so I think now he’s trying to put stuff into the molecular assemblers but they’re offline Oh when it gets to the molecular assemblers it kind of slurps all the Power but I see why it’s doing only one at a time oh I get it it’s ad hog technically right it’s no ad hoc because it’s the main controller is going on and offline for it’s made one yeah that o cuz when I don’t use it for a while cuz

In order to conserve electricity um the interfaces or the Import and Export buses go into like I guess a standby mode to save power so it should now be able to Craft one of these it was like a verite skybridge well not not 100% verite but still nice I’m going to need a metric gigaton of uh of glass again AR I hello hello I’m going to need a metric gigaton of glass again so the bridge is complete okay no it’s

Not the bridge to Phantom’s place is well I actually disconnected his part cuz I don’t think he lives there anymore so I’m taking the rest of your string to make more bridges oh okay hopefully I won’t need that string for you know making more smart cables sorry I’m I’m liberating your string

This is for a bridge that you may not even want oh okay okay then yeah sorry I’ll find you more string if you need some hold on I need to go to England too I didn’t go to England too I just wanted to see how he would react which he didn’t just use

All of this shovel durability well or until my inventory fills up whichever one comes first oh hey hey what special perfect combination special taste he finally made Heavenly tea and cookies uh inventory’s inventory with Giga oh actually not really two more Slots make get two more stacks of sand few more stacks of

Sand I will get as much sand as I possibly need I really wish Dax were higher in Minecraft it’s like cue the meme of oh we don’t want to change the experience because if the stack rate is not or the stack limit is not 64 it’s not classic Minecraft Barr

Tra so we increased the stack range to 5 billion have fun fun what are you complaining about in here about how for the longest time the maximum stack size in Minecraft is only 64 oh and it’s like it’s because Microsoft doesn’t want to change the gam playay Loop because they’re afraid that

If they make the stack size bigger people won’t like the game anymore um but then you but then you have Barrel trauma that’s like so we increased the stack size to 9 trillion have fun oh yeah cuz the inventory was hell there yeah inventory still kind of Hell B

Minecraft it’s not that bad just build boxes base Minecraft is so easy to store stuff but modded you need more you need more Bridge no I was just going to complain that the stairs for this wall [ __ ] suck well I didn’t have enough verite to make actual stairs

So wait yeah how the H are we going to build stairs with this Alo I need more stairs okay yeah well look I’ve stolen enough [Laughter] string I know this isn’t the bridge you want but it’s the bridge you’re going to get it’s not the bridge you is what it’s

Not the bridge you want but it’s the bridge you deserve or something something edgy like that very edgy okay uh I have more stuff oh where’d he go how many staircases do you think you’ll need one two three can stairs even go at this angle no no do we have to improvise

Probably uh we can make them go straight up from here that’ll be kind of awkward though so I now need to make two of these hold on I don’t have any glass we have to do or might be the thing we have stair I got 12 maybe that’ll be enough

Here they even drop any the verite H I guess missing gravity ring is really that cool you good yeah you fall off well remember I don’t take fall damage Still Still strange to watch you just drop like a brick to so Bron so input output and I can Actually upgrade whoops wait where’s my steel upgrade I have another steel upgrade that’s flint and steel why are there steel stuff in here Man of Steel oh there is a steel upgrade does that work on the no so I’m going to steel water pump right so hm So okay so that’s only on the bottom Uh L steam bers is comprised of one layer of heat proof machine casings and three layers of bronze-plated bricks the controller goes on the second layer IE the first layer of bronze pleated bricks the two middle blocks are bronze pipe machine caging Okay so one layer one layer of heat proof machine

Casing three layers of bronze plated bricks so that’s the four block tall oh it’s the same size as the as the um the blast furnace okay so I need nine he he he heat proof machine casings I need nine of these oh hell no what the hell happened over there

So because I don’t have enough storage in the crafting thing I can only make currently five had uh um let’s a ke with cookies oh my God that’s really good wow I get the power stuff sorted out I’ll then be able to make a quarry and then I can fully flush out the

Factory so it is making it uh oh out of power what it still nose 32 times oh I’m running out of coal I should probably read back sulfur right well no because it’s not a guarantee you taking the time to remove the bottom part of this bridge should I not uh no we

Should uh okay there’s a better way to do it hey can you float forever no okay I just can’t take fall damage at it I theoretically could make a jetpack but I don’t exactly said to me the doing that right now I wonder is there steel cutting machine yes there is

Oh my God it’s like basically trying to build a factory while you’re in an area that has constant brown outs cuz it is a brown out like it it’s not losing all the power it’s just losing enough power to where the interfaces don’t work or well they do work just not well reliably

So it’s technically an ad hoc system now cuz it’s effectively there’s enough power going to it where it can do stuff but there’s not enough power to maintain connectivity with the main controller yeah so I guess what it is that the reason why it doesn’t keep track of it

All too accurately is because it just keeps losing Tower because it’s goes okay I’m going to request this amount of stuff so that I can make this it requests it but then immediately loses power and once it does that it now goes oh wait hold on what and then so after

It regains power a lot of that stuff is already back into the system and it didn’t know that it created it so it goes oh I’m going to request some more more I need nine of these well okay I I I don’t necessarily need nine but it’s easier to just have

All of the blocks needed so that just in case I guess while this is doing that I should probably take a bit of a break because I haven’t had anything to eat but I will be right back although sorry for the no starting soon screen um yeah panical difficulties and whatnot anyways f

Hey your bridge is done hello I’m back your bridge is complete oh my God I broke the game you broke the game yeah I was sprinting and then I suddenly crouched and now my screen is like dking back and Forth Oh weird noise this is the bridge is the fanciest we could come up with if you jump and you hit the corner you get flung off I mean you you jump higher than a normal person I can’t get flung off what do you mean normal person

You’re like the you’re like 11 19 to five yeah but I could still jump the same height as a normal person I have legs I don’t even jump that much higher you jump high enough to get over the fence the fence is one block tall no it’s not I can’t get over

This legit is not oh oh I guess I guess because I have like have like I think it’s like0 five% extra jump height it might be enough to get over fences oh there’s a there’s a chicken pen not that far away yeah f oh oh no not normal fences huh

Interesting but here’s your bridge I don’t know if it’s the bridge you wanted but it’s the bridge you got community made would you like all your blocks mhm yeah yeah here you go Merry Christmas I don’t have inventory space well that’s unfortunate hold on hold on hey when did I get Wing

Light Pi it up well I can’t really use it you just hold on to it it’s a gift for me to you oh okay I have so much Wing light now you can’t use I can’t use it It’s upsetting why not not because when I up my HP it made it think I’m

Already o so I could have three extra Hearts but you can’t I can’t unless I re but honestly I’m already overpowered and I like the the chance to die at some point you would already died a thousand times War for Wing light you’re right right

I also have three HP and I can’t wear armor my scaling really Falls significantly don’t mind me just not having any power power I can’t tell if you have power that’s fine you can just say this thing powered and would know RPG is still going what do you mean it’s

Obviously powered yeah your RGB is okay the fan or whatever that is oh jeez it takes a lot of power to do anything I can build a gamer axe gamer axe gamer that actually is an item by the way oh my God I’m looking at it right now this is

Awful okay okay it’s not even as good as a base axe but it’s gamer yeah it means it’s better I mean that is how they advertise gamer IRL that’s true they just put like RGB on it and then just make it worth in your actual non gamer

Product yeah that gamer axe is literally weaker than an iron axe that’s that’s funny they know it’s like um I saw a fridge fridge that is supposed to be for gamers and it’s a creeper fridge fridge it’s only big enough to fit like three cans of soda

And that’s it that is awful why because gamer because gamer it glows obviously it’s expensive you know I remember when gamer stuff was actually good until they went oh Gamers now we make it worse you can basically scam them as long as have RGB that’s why we got a fridge that

Looks like it came from Fallout 4 yeah and it actually is really big well smaller than an average fridge in modern day but actually period for the 40th those looked awesome yeah why we got that well at least for the basement anyway we already have a fridge modern

Day a lot of modern day stuff just sucks oh I built an amazing enchanting table back at my place why are you telling everyone hey it’s it’s great enchanting stuff okay Michael need to share the amazing Micha why you’re making you’re making my wery enchantments useless Michael what be they’re good

Good it’s just that we don’t need them them we have power if we didn’t have a mod that ruined how enchant work then we’ll be using B I rather do it the but it’s not a St that’s true yeah you can just do it the way you can just ignore the mod

The problem is it adds curses to the items the curses are really bad I got butter fingers on this hammer and every time I got hit it fell out my hand first of butter fingers is awful I mean in order to not not have any curses you just put candles near an enchanting

Table Yeah but for the bech it does it differently so you can’t really put candles around it I I guess you maybe you could like as long as their candles it will work all right uh I’m also having an Autumn an Autumn Meal special extremely burnt R and extremely burnt

Breath yes I just inhaled my tea you’re not supposed to inhale it I didn’t mean [Laughter] to look at name going to be coughing for 10 minutes just let it all out clear out your lungs okay what else did you need help with getting a bun of thir of

Quart oh okay I might not be able to help you with that uh but can’t you aren’t you crafting it here yeah but I need way more than this wait wait hold on come here oh my lungs you good you okay I inhaled te a bunch of junk that toss out of my

Inventory too where they go uh Raven oh they’re over there okay we got lost oh huh I didn’t know those were still in the game more you know yeah okay that do that’s a growth accelerator all all all it’s really doing is that it’s making the I assume that is

A damaged thus quartz or Bing thus quartz block it does make it grow faster and then it uses the either formation plane or Annihilation plane I forget which one that is to automatically mine it I don’t know man there’s a 1,000 Quartz in here but the thing is Annihilation plane

That’s what it is it’s offline well yeah cuz I don’t think R has powered to stuff yet I saw it going before well where are the power that’s the Quarry but yeah that’s there so maybe you could do something similar I mean I I need to you know uh kind of have power

First well get get going boy that’s what I’m doing where even is his steel oh here it is I [ __ ] man I just flew in once and I was like that’s a weird thing over there and I looked at it there’s a lot of weird

Things going on in his house well I mean it is the house too much this guy knows he knows his stuff hey maybe at one at some point we could like join together our me systems probably it’s just that it would have to be a lot of coordination cuz you can

Only have one me controller per Network oh I don’t know man I just flew in through this giant oh yeah this big gap large steam boiler he has no fuel but he has steam in this I think yeah Steam and water Steam well now I know exactly what the large steam boiler looks like yeah he has a lot going on he’s making everything I wouldn’t be surprised if he just actively turns everything off like before he leaves cuz I’m pretty sure I saw at least the the crystal growing thing like active

Before I mean very possible if it does take a very very a large amount of power to do anything I cast block of inconvenience it makes it more convenient it’s not handicap accessible I can add it here Into the Depths can I fly in here this is my crevice now I’m in your

Wall yeah my flower stuff won’t have this many pipes actually it won’t have any pipes at all actually have to get the flower stuff set up I need food to feed my flowers and we have no farmers I mean technically we do there’s that Community plot for for

Farming true you can just steal that [ __ ] and make sure you plant it back I might just try to automate farming potatoes carrots I mean your name was already a I guess yeah I think if you use I think formation plane is placing stuff down hold on let me check

That like I have a flower that places stuff in a large radius I don’t know if it plants seeds though formation PL place play stuff maybe maybe you can automate melons melons the melon farm F why specifically melons he’s obsess I like melons who you made a melon house once

200 trillion melons thanks to an automated melon F which I think that was on stream once maybe yes I think so that was on the vanilla command block origin server yeah that server still exists any playing okay so many command blocks too many command blocks you would only have 433 Steel

Judging his steel production let’s leave his house we kind of entered Uninvited yeah to be fair yeah who cares it’s not like we’re taking anything just took a skull I didn’t take a skull that was my skull why is there a block of gold here why isn’t there a block of gold there

It’s a great block of gold there’s actually two blocks of gold is that cat that’s cat that’s a dog wait we have music disc 1 let’s listen to some other this is the Spooky there we go this is what I want to listen to there it is It I mean if you want I could get the music disc that that is just a sound of limbo the sounds of limbo yes that is the wrong thing Entirely actually wait no it’s over at the lab we got a lot of music discs so issue what what I don’t know where sound of limbo one is but I do have this I have that one too oh that one’s new I wonder what did this sound

Like whoops I think I ripped it out no hold on oh I know this one this one pops this one’s Great oh No Yeah I’m going to go see can find my limbo One limbo Limbo [ __ ] h I swear I had a limo one when I have Lobo Loco I don’t know my limo one is I swear I have one for limbo but I don’t remember where it is but I have this oh ghost down yeah oh wow I didn’t even have this

Cool careful we don’t know if that one’s copyrighted that is true oh wait hold on there there it goes we don’t know if the other ones work on the CR either yeah to be fair you can get copyrighted by Microsoft for C418 stuff Yeah I mean there was an issue with pig step for a while and that was cleared up yeah but I’m not sure if the others are cuz like they’re kind of random when you get copyright clean without yeah I got copyright Claim by the normal Bas Minecraft music like it’s kind of random

There’s so many distractions in this mod pack I’ve been trying to do Bania stuff forever and I just keep getting distracted with other things what the hell blockus have the original texture for Cobblestone yeah yeah we are aware I like it oh Gams is they crafting it though is it really no it’s

Not well so let’s see here so we need nine for the base but 9 – 2 is 7 and we can only place the important outp put on the base so I actually only need one more of These oh crap Basket oh yeah as you all just saw there Coke dust and cold Coke are Better actually let’s not use Coke dust cuz Coke dust is used for other things so let’s just export Coke into that and also some Lignite boom so then we need two layers no three layers of that so 9 * three 27 I mean we could theoretically do 26 as that does count the actual controller so let’s do that bronze plated bricks that needs to be 26 I need more clay

Good now it’s just that I don’t have enough space on my in my thing 10 batch at a time that’s oh crap baskets wait where are they Going I have Coco dust and cocon there h so we made the bricks and now going to make the brick dust after this one is finished or not wait what hold that’s yeah so it’s going to be seven Coke wa iquest C Coke Coca-Cola oh wait no copper no they

Desperately desperately need this and after I get the the boiler up and running I can then start putting up the Quarry so the Quarry is actually quite small right like with most things in this mod it appears to just be a 3X3 so I think what I can do like okay so I need to find a place to hook into the network here should be as a good place as any a

So I need a crap load of the pipes oh but you see I’m trying to still make the freaking boiler and that’s not doing too well for my Power don’t making a bricks hold on wait how do you make diesel diesel heavy Fuel and light fuel how do you make heavy fuel hydrogen and fic heavy F okay I can make biodiesel by raw biodiesel and more biodiesel is as a as an sodium hydroxide sodium oh I need a

Chemical reactor I can’t make diesel Yet what the hell so I guess it is crafting it the dust should be in these M rators over here why is it not doing anything mean all the math rators are pointing up upwards I guess it’s because it’s may be making that that should be in the mixture jeez this is

Really really taxing the system yeah one crafting thread is always constantly being used three one M those should be fast cuz that’s just crafting it together yep so it’s going to deadlock at the Copper because the copper isn’t doing anything for some reason I guess it literally is the thing of it can’t really keep track of how or or maybe it’s because it’s overwhelmed

Like it it’s at the limit of what it can store so it’s going to take 9 Minutes yeah it seems to be doing one craft at a time CU it can so scheduled 50 so I ordered nine and it’s already made three or 20 sorry or 10 only made three so I think it literally is the space thing I don’t have enough crafting

Storage do I have a recipe for crafting unit oh I don’t have any freaking power that’s also another good reason why I need this to hurry up but it’s going to take like an hour always take so long let’s read the guide in the meantime crafting store require crafting

Tes are available in all St they store the ingredients and intermediate ingredients involved in the craft so larger or more storages are required for the CPU to handle crafting jobs with more ingredients so I think what I’ll do what what I’ll do is I’ll do this I’ll have a CPU for

Particular things so this original CPU seems to be fine for you know small stuff like the crafting recipes up there and whatnot I’m going to need another CPU for the big recipes or I can just bite the bullet and say that I just put more although I think multiple CPUs would be better

I mean yeah it is making it or not what the [ __ ] I guess it it can’t anymore cuz it’s stuck it thinks that it is crafting when it’s not so okay so let’s try so let’s make it equal so there wait what no that’s nine no that’s 10 never mind so 10

It takes so much time I really wish I de with this earlier for so in the meantime let’s let’s get what it did make I can’t it’s not enough power h for so it’s available 13 I I should start crafting it now right just going right cuz it’s it has enough

So I only got nine great well I do need two of these as long as a power stays I think so the power did go off thought that for a second there so I think as long as the power stays you know powered it should be

Fine but the issue is I don’t have power but now it’s making the stuff for the Gear awaken awaken a blazing Ultra spast king or Blaze King or one of them that reminds me I have that weird gu slumbering Lich blade if I take three runic tablets Soul Sand and a skull the three runic tablets I should have more Soul Sand should probably put that in

There or I guess I can’t until it’s not being dumb Soul Sand do I have any more Soul Sand I have soul soil but I guess it doesn’t count I swear I had more Soul Sand H but how do I make a skull oh you just have to get it

H so they red defeated the Blaze King Soul soil do I have a skulls though no is there skulls and one of the things that oh yeah there is Soul Sand waking L blade oof so if I am reading this correctly I don’t know if I am but if I

Am first off I need to also queue up some more some more so need these I need to queue up some more bronze plated bricks so I don’t nine and I need to 26 let’s just queue up one so that it just goes through and evens

Out so we agreed that it’s going to be here right so the base doesn’t need to be nine it needs to be [ __ ] so so the input hatch is going to be here could that’s where the water is going to be the output hatch is going to

Be actually wait no okay then so that means that we need to move that down one so the input hatch is here the output hatch is here so that it goes Up then the rest it’s like that so it say so the large steam boiler has to be placed here that can only be placed on the bottom I believe it’s like that Lar stream one layer of heat press three layer the bronze plated bricks the controller go in the second layer I the first layer the bronze plated bricks the two middle blocks are the bronze pipe machine Cas things so I’m assuming that is correct and now I just need to schedule the last of

These so it’s three layers of these now that’s one layer yeah I need a lot God damn I guess while this is still turning away I will be right back okay back it’s still turning away at this I see he you you’re finally awake don’t way fash m I like I just confused him ow excuse me you were trying to cross the border I see I didn’t cross no border let going oh actually since I’m here uh can you make an ungodly amount of TNT uh so I need to create a recipe for that and I’m currently busy trying to

Make sure my me system doesn’t just keep running out of power okay but I can make a gigaton like if you just put a crap try to gunpowder and sand in the thing and I make the recipe you can just request as much as you put

In there and it would to make it is there like a in efficient way to make TNT or um let me see because I have a flower that requires big ass explosions uh I can make industrial TNT which is four sand and three Flint oh never mind it requires an electric

Mixer not that at that stage yet uh so actually there is a more efficient way if you put four sand and five gunpowder into a mixer it creates two TNT and not one that is amazing I have a mixer I can just add that in there when I get the

Thing up and running and not dying in in a fire all right yeah cuz I I’m I’m just trying to figure out a way to automate exploding [Laughter] TNT and not blowing up my house at the same time it’s going to blow up your [Laughter]

House so it’s it’s going to be quite a fun adventure with this stupid TNT but I’ll figure it out yes I can make a giga ton of TNT if you want H yeah yeah I just thought I I need to get things sorted out first cuz when there’s no power nothing works

So yeah you know you’ll have plenty of time to to figure that out because I don’t think I’ll automate this today or I might or I might just kill myself multiple times I don’t know you you’ll see autumn has blown up by TNT over and over again death Nell will actually um

Randomize each death message but it’ll make it funny it’s like Autumn celery or like bloing slug has died to unfortunate consequences involving explosions yeah okay well I will go figure this out I’m I’m sure I can do it easy hopefully hopefully I’ll I’ll be back

Okay oh my God so it’s still making the bronze oh my God so wait did one of these run out no they’re there’s so little steam because the tur the actual me system requires so much energy like I was thinking earlier that there may have been some kind of weird like over

Pressure mechanic nope there there I’m not even building pressure anymore I just wish it didn’t require so many of this also my calculations were a bit wrong I estimated a little bit too much because I was assuming that cuz those calculations were assuming that the three layers were 100% solid but no there there’s a hollow it’s Hollow in the middle

So so three layers that’s 27 subtract two subtract 1 * 27 – 3 which is 24 that’s still quite a Bit I think in the meantime I’m going to prep the area for the water because what I want is admittedly something similar to what Riv has that’s the upper hatch yeah the upper hatch I want a pool of 3×3 I think that’s how you get the maximum amount of water so pool of

3×3 uh with a one block Gap just in case I need to extract the water and use it someplace else So I needed to be closer on the same level 3 by three so the steel water pump cuz I’m pretty sure you can that’s unpacker yeah there’s an electric water pump which is substantially better but also it is substantially harder to make so h is there a stone that is that is there

Anything a floor no I guess I’m going to have to do this the oldfashioned way of just using water there so now it can be getting Steam and then I will want to fill this up with water let’s also make sure this is still chugging along it is not another seven of

Those I think I’ll need an item input hatch here actually perfect actually that’s very close to where it originally was and that’s directly above that’s actually perfect [ __ ] about one more layer one two three four five six seven oh I just need seven this only ends up making about seven anyways for yeah

Wait you can make a water pump with just add what the heck is a dash plate what is dash oh it’s the moon Copper Actually how about let’s just call an audible and cancel all of that and let’s make exactly seven I’m assuming majority of what you’re making is just steam right you take Steam and you put it through various turbines So schedule 37 I mean it should still be able to make the others right well no cuz I I don’t guess I doesn’t have any more fire bricks so that’s interesting there’s no power going to it right now yet it’s still able to keep track of what it’s

Crafting well sort of it is blinking a lot I guess that’s actually a big reason why it can’t make some of the Dust because it goes to make the dust uses up all the power and then it goes oh wait where’s the dust oh wait oh I makeing me dust so

Let’s wait for more for yeah so it is just slow not because it’s actually slow but because it’s like blinking Out I’m sorry sorry if I’m if I’m just kind of here it’s kind of interesting to watch the crafting CPU do its thing I wonder how it’s even done in the code I mean I could look that up later considering that well at least any any reputable or I guess good Minecraft

Mod first off Dark theme so you should focus the copy favorite entry there but um every Minecraft mod that at least has some kind of like reputation to it like if it’s a Minecraft mod that is closed Source something is wrong either that mod is not good it’s spaghetti code it doesn’t work

Properly or it could potentially be malware I know that’s an offer generalization of mods that don’t have have a source code or at least is open source but I have seen that argument there that that’s how like that’s uh when there is when it’s a mod that is either heavily obfuscated or doesn’t

Have any ability to be open source that that is caused for suspicion a Minecraft mod is that it’s a modification of Minecraft no one’s going to exactly steal your mod because it would be too easy to prove that said mod is actually someone else’s especially if they have specific

Names for variables and what it’s kind of that’s kind of the whole thing of behind open source in general where like the license permits editing and tampering as much as you want but as long as you provide something to the original creator that also having mods be open

Source is also a preservation thing if mods weren’t open source and it became a really big mod and then for whatever reason the mod developer stops wanting to support the mod and so that mod is stuck on like the most ancient of the ancient versions of Minecraft Then what’s going to end up happening is that now that lost a Time best people can do is do a recreation of that mod in modern Minecraft but obviously dependent on the skill of the developer it either is going to be nowhere near the actual quality or the F functionality of the

Original Mod they’re trying to recreate or it or then they can use a mod as a malware vehicle of course if their mod is Clos Source that’s a possibility which is again not saying a close source is bad I’m just saying that there’s so many disadvantages for closed Source

Minecraft mods like for paid for software I can understand okay you want your code to be proprietary so that people get it from you so you can make open source and also have it be uh and also have it be paid for as well I don’t like what Red Hat Linux is where

Yes oh hello hello hell so I have mastered explosions exposion I’m surprised I didn’t see you die well it it didn’t go wrong I was very careful but now I have a little contraption that blows up every couple seconds and it’s kind of funny actually I want to see

This I don’t have any more TNT oh well I’m still trying to make the boiler okay like I have the uh boiler itself set up the most part I need to connect it up to the main system awesome awesome I also needed an it an input hatch because I I forgot to do

That also awesome also I figured out you can actually make gunpowder paper well do we have a a paper Farm our ability to make one like that uh I can automate a paper farm with Bania I’m pretty sure actually I think I can automate a sugarcane farm at the very

Least actually I can also make gunpowder by combining Coke dust and sulfur oh it’s sulfur not sulfur crystals well I can make sulfur dust by grinding up sulfur crystals if I make that machine it it needs sulfur not sulfur crystals not sulfur dust just sulfur really that’s what it says in the

Mixer it says sulfur dust cuz the one that’s there is from better end apparently it could be another with thing that appears to be a recipe actually provided by better end which makes sense cuz it wasn’t edited by almost unified so yeah look at that coke dust sulur dust equals gunpowder never

Mind I’m a fool you can also make gunpowder out of Flint Michael wait you can help yeah you just put Flint into and it just works that uses a crap of man I don’t have enough man generation to make a gig ton of anything so I can

Just murator my main generator has no food I have to set up a farm the hell I can make sulfur dust copper nuggets chromium nuggets and aluminum nuggets by putting a lava into a centrifuge I guess that makes sense because lava is just a combination of like everything in the world but all

Molten down I F off on fire I don’t think Fireballs even go that far don’t know how my house is not made of of wood oh I guess there is trees never mind but I don’t think Fireballs can go that far well we’ll find out when our house is on

Fire I mean I didn’t even hit your house to be honest I think I missed cuz it’s really hard to see where it’s going to land from here oh [ __ ] I see oh frick oh oh no oh no oh so H apparently fireballs can go that far oh no yeah sorry about

That I didn’t think it would go that far apparently it does go that far oh come on right here I’m lagging here’s the little explosion device I made all it does is this thing flips it triggers the thing and then it dispenses that’s it and then it also destroys your

Face I mean there’s two plants that absorb TNT so surely if they goes too fast one of them will stop it bomb had been planted but doesn’t seem that efficient compared to the food plant cuz this is 8 TNT worth of man po like 12

20 I mean I’m pretty sure I can more or less automate sending you a [ __ ] ton of TNT yeah that would be great if I can fill this whole dispenser with TNT and ruin my entire career and in one day like you accidentally flip it so that it goes too

Fast and then it just destroy the universe the server crashes and then I can be on the wall I’m surprised you aren’t hey in testing I should be on wallame but I have been pretty tame with my stuff so far testing doesn’t necessarily count because that was what

We do to catch what would be immediate yeah actually I should probably hyper optimize this I have over oh yeah I have one of those too let me let me give you mind okay okay if I can actually find it did here so there we go

Hello I have an overgrown feed here oh yeah those are great are great it helps me generate more Mana by putting a flower on it it’s really good just it turns into Enchanted soil gu the issue with it is now I need silk touch to get

Back I mean didn’t we get you didn’t we U make you a drill no oh I should probably do that hold on I get the drill I should probably also do this oh that pushes you oh copper drill head I should probably also do that to same with the actual like drill drills

Here right but I’ll do that later so let me cancel That furnaces there’s 10 furnaces okay the surface quartz stuff no not that Should I should really do stuff with iron half milk iron I that I should do this So one iron ingot equals one iron plate IR rod now can I actually use the one from addra no no I cannot oh because the iron rod from here is not Okay ke go here that go there now say give you That three four five hey Ezreal here nice so I just filled this with water water water and coal okay and now you can use silk touch Al you shift and then you break the block you only break one block hold on I’m lagging like hecking crazy crazy that was crazy

Once touch mode enabled disa so that’s right click if you shift left click and break a block while shifting you only break one block but you need Co czy crazy okay how do I put it in you right you hover over and then right click ah while it’s in your hand it’s

Basically the same cord as the bundles I’m reading Rex’s comment hold on I can’t read it because I can’t see if you’re down could you react to it and tell me what you think also bedrock YouTube what does that mean bedrock YouTube all if he asking for you to play Minecraft

Bedrock uh react to it what am I reacting Toc I think Bedrock is not Java I mean it has also been dubbed bug Rock Bug Rock that’s great cuz like you think that the there’s the bugs we have here here in this mod Packer bad I think they’re saying that they’re a Bedrock

YouTuber oh well hello hello I am clueless and I don’t know what the hell I’m doing with my career Max into a woman yeah yeah hold I gotta get I got hash oof I wish I could have Autumn stream open uh but I don’t have enough screens for

That I don’t have enough screens for my own stream yes well there you go to now you can watch my stream live on YouTube bloopin twitch. youtube. bloopin twitch. oh okay now I can see yeah okay so now I get more context okay what the heck is the little gorilla

Thing I don’t know they came in with these wild questions I did know did not know oh I’m lagging I think I’m about to die you’re about to turn into one pixel ahuh there now I’m generating Mana forever read what other messages yeah I don’t see any other messages it’s just a

Story could read the other messes I wrote since you can’t see them can I can’t see them really I don’t see any moderation activ that deleted them does it have the word folder in it if yeah if you wrote the word folder it probably got deleted why did the word

Folder get deleted look it’s a long story someone used to come to my chat room every day and told me to take care of this creature called folder and then they started role playing as folder yeah then they role played as folder and they got upset when I didn’t pay attention for 10

Seconds Oh I thought it was something that made sense like Hey where’s your homework folder no that that just Ro play live on stre that was just weird why why do people do that that’s probably because you’re thing set the top messages I am actually set the live chat

I made that mistake CU I used to have Bots that came in here and posted things I couldn’t see but I can refresh my chat it might not be up to date can anyone that’s not or actually even especially on uh mobile it’s always live switch to all it’s still only the four

Now I guess whatever they said maybe it was YouTube that removed it not not your filter why would they do that uh died they YouTube does very often erroneously delete Live messages tell was deleted deleted oh yeah if there was a link link it it gets automatically deleted deleted unless you’re approved

User like I think uh azreel can send uh can I hold on let me test something I’m pretty sure you can send links but I don’t know why YouTube doesn’t let me see what was deleted which is extremely weird let me see something here I’m going to send a link see if it

Will actually work yeah so if you post the link Rex and I wouldn’t be able to see it but I’ll check check you out a bit later after stream so I assume this is your channel there yeah I can post links yeah what is this link to oh my God

You now I have to go investigate what is it you said you wanted a link tou God damn it the ad saved me it was the Rick Roll [Laughter] oh Bamboozled I’ve been fooled I absolutely destroyed I mean I I did test your link stuff right yeah

Uh that’s even funnier that if you type in steam. zip into your taskbar it also redirects you to rck to Rickroll that is hilarious and it’s because it’s it was a domain specifically bought so that no one can use steam. zip as a malare domain that’s kind of awesome that’s

Great cuz every since Google uh implemented the zip and the mov top level domains everyone’s like bro Google what these are already file formats it’s just going to make people like easier to scam classic Google and then like the uh International Committee of I I forget what I can stands for but they’re

Supposed to handle with the approval of all of that stuff their excuse is well this thing and was the name of the command file from Windows 95 and it’s like okay no one cares zip is a very common format that we use now and so isov that is used for malware

Actively awesome fantastic so yeah it was multiple fuckups on multiple levels not just on Google but also in like the international Committee of this stuff oh fantastic I’m not even joking Google’s justification for it as well is zip makes you think the website is go faster well look in your Discord server

On video sharing could you react to this and tell me your honest opinion on a video well I’m no expert but let’s give it our best shot that’s 17 minutes long I created the deadliest bomb let’s see is there a bomb that just deletes the world is a lot

Here we’ll do a quick zip over let me do some crazy shenanigan well while he do that I’m going to actually so that you can hear his uh you can hear his thing’s lagging you your friends can react it I’ll give my best shot so that you can hear his stream

While I’m also sitting what’s up guys the beginning sorry if the quality is low it is a phone my dude okay uh let me pop so I have to adjust my whole OBS situation okay hold on I clicked it for a second let’s display it think I can

Display your video on stream Ste your content quickly looks like you put a lot of effort into this oh this looks great looks great I host what is that weird text for a minut I’ll actually react to this later this later yours wild a video I know Parts you guys are putting your

Opinions on and stuff this is a full reaction reaction I have a surprise on our little Minecraft adventure so now I can make oh can you play Minecraft with me no no no I don’t I don’t want to play Minecraft with you no are you GNA react or not just in

Case not actually sure I can leave comments later right now I am I am dying actually crafting to do here some ban dying I got my you watching my stream you watching what is this that that eing like crazy what what’s happening here that was that was int I wanted to see

Honestly how far it would like Loop but it started to freak out yeah it started to scream these Phantoms are awful go make Morey flowers you and I have both left it’s his doing is this a skug or is this a cat yes oh I have to restart Minecraft yeah

You should probably do that before it turns into single Pixel and make make you cry yeah I’m goodbye never I just I I look okay I already Rick Rolled him but I want to Rick Roll him again get double ricked get Pickle ricked really uh

There but now I can make a item input hatch I’m not sure if the bronze ones are okay can I actually no I have to build an unpacker [ __ ] so did I make this correctly so comprised of heat proof one layer of heat proof machine casings and

Three layers of Bron pled bricks the controller goes on the second layer I the first layer of bronze plated bricks the two middle blocks are bronze pipe machine casings hatches must be placed so two mle blocks and there’s three oh okay so that is formed uh it is hold on how do

I let me read back on Multi blocks cuz I kind of just SK past it Hold a wrench so what so that is a 3X3 so what does the steel item input hatch do like what’s the difference I’m assuming that the difference so okay considering that it hold on so considering that oh no it just knows the blocks but in theory if I were to remove

This what this tell me how does the wrench tell me so hold a wrench to see missing blocks and the errors you can also hold a hatch yeah but the thing is so comprised of one one layer of heat proof machine casings and three layers of bronze plated bricks the controller

Goes on the second layer the first layer the two middle blocks are bronze pipe machine casing so these are heat proof machine casings these are prawns place the bricks so in theory this should be correct 1 three so I have the fluid input hatch

And I have that I just need a lot of well as a bit of a test first of I need to make more Coke but as have a test considering that I have cold dust Coke dust in here do is it does it actually work yes it doesn’t if I look at where I can place this I can place them all around the bottom unless let that’s correct there fluid and then there’s that there’s heat

Poof unless it means that it’s a full layer it might mean a full Layer Two okay let me see how re beard has him R looks oh I guess it needs steel unless it doesn’t matter cuz that’s just what it looks like right so ah so turns out I with

Wrong you need to have full absolutely full V device missing channel do we have any me cables we I have the [ __ ] cancel that oh my God the ended his stream for there so now I can get that me cable out of there I need to charge these for

Oh so now I have enough to just fully destroy that so that’s that’s very close oh my God cuz I actually know why it’s doing it’s like not properly um doing stuff and it’s because it’s like no power but what can I use the other boilers

For I guess wall is doing that oh God damn it while I doing that oh that’s already made God it’s a whole ordeal to make that whatever so bam and when it’s done I might I might temporarily dis disable them right because I don’t need them

Oh my God so yeah it just keeps failing cuz it didn’t know what was what wallet was wet lost power cu this should just work where did the there it is let’s just slap some coke into that and then also so connect up this it has steam right there we go

I may need to make another LV turbine oh I need to make the God damn it CU I don’t have battery alloy we need to make a battery alloy need to do this so need a bunch of pattern dividers or P patterns so it should now be a lot more

Accurate with what it’s crafting because it’s not losing power every two seconds I think they just singlehandedly made these obsolete like I’ll obviously make them finish go through so that they can they can actually power the thing for oh yeah now I think when we’re just running into a storage limitation cuz I

Think it now knows what it doing and exactly how it’s doing it but now we don’t have much in the way of storage yeah cuz see it it just asked for yeah it just asked the system for more raw iron it should be working I think what is okay so it’s

Decided on using the raw iron recipe so that’s not a big issue what is an issue is why it’s not working is it unsure which one has the recipe yeah cuz it’s using the one word it’s using raw iron to iron dust I’m confused anyways so now we need stuff for Le

It’s better for us to get it from lead or so let’s do this Le ore go that now that’s the Industrial Revolution lead we now need the modern industrialization one and we also need its deep slate variant and at the end of it all sled the dust can be made

By there’s no need to make it a secondary because I look at how it’s made it’s a 50% chance so there’s no need for that so that we also need to see that LE dust can be used for making Le ingot I do that though Le dust lead dust can be used for

Making letting it and that it’s also possible to go backwards that a lead Ingot can be crushed to make lead dust pattern fider what now we need needs to give it the other stuff as well so while it’s doing that let me make more I don’t have enough anything So we now need to give it l stuff oh interesting so we should just do the antimon one then CU it can be made the Deep plate one can also make antimony oh my God so these all processed to make antimony I need another PN Provider for didn’t even charge It I don’t know why it does That oh missing Channel there if that one missing a channel yes it is and now we can see that’s antimony dust that’s antimony dust I also need antimon Ingot I need the dust to turn it to Ingot cuz that’s the most way dust an Ingot which is in the furnace no I no

No there and to make battery alloy dust you put those two in a Mixer now I can make what oh wait did I not make it export Coke yeah Coke I need make an me requester I’m the gig a ton of stuff I’m not going to be using nether warlock what can you use Nether warlock to do oh you can burn carpets

Now quickly let me go and request a bunch of [ __ ] to be made me why isn’t Coke missing Channel what what channel you missing oh my God because it was missing a channel for some [ __ ] reason I don’t know how now it’s missing a channel it just died I’m burning all my carpets I don’t care what you’re saying want do oak slab I I don’t have use for Oak

Slabs how are you missing it you’re the only one on this cable are you missing a channel now how how are you missing a channel failure I is it missing a channel it’s a goddamn failure how is it still missing a channel it’s the only one on this cable

It’s the only thing on this cable how is it a failure I’m Googling this this seems really stupid well it can only carry eight channels right it’s using zero out of 32 what the crap because this the main bus thing here is causing the issue well of course the B offline because it

Didn’t [ __ ] get any channels uhy hey I ran out of memory so I couldn’t play any did you not allocate more to it I have like 32 gigs allocated to this thing used it all oh also I’m I’m having an issue where one of my freaking me export things says

There’s no channel for it to connect to even though it’s the only thing on that cable and there is clearly a channel for it to connect to sounds like my dispenser thing actually I should allocate 20 22 gig or 24 gigs of r yeah I I could just I finished stream

Because I knew it was probably going to crash because I was getting the stuttering it feels like this game just eats your RAM and continues to eat it until you run out yeah it’s kind of how Java works E’s L not dry human sloid humanoids humans and humanoids

Yeah but there in their reference thing where they show the recent images they they drew like four different humanoids why do you be what I’m lost which one was this one soon what I I don’t know it’s this one okay so what do you think is a humanoid well literally their most recent

One this creature has arms and legs that is a humanoid it’s an anthro an an still a humanoid isn’t it no they look like a human so it must be a humanoid an is just humanoid there is a difference between anthro and humanoid I thought there are two

Different descriptions of the same thing no what I’m looking what up animal what it was too deep why is this so compx I think I’ve opened too many Chrome tabs uh oh no I got close up oh my God that is what did you do Michael that’s probably why you

Crashed no I started open Chrome tabs after I was done oh no me I’m done looking at this what are you even looking at uh lots of Mega Google that Now does not matter for the homework folder no I’m looking at trying to get Giga slug in or curse

Slug get a solid design for this character wait I will probably head to bed get some sleep and not explode you do that I will do that but explosions are cool yeah make me TNT I need a mass amount of TNT to blow stuff up and generate Mana from it control nuclear

Bombs in fact yeah make me a nuclear bomb can I even hold on yes I don’t think you can no yeah you can you can’t actually craft you can only spawn it because it’s not implemented yet Implement a nucular bomb for safety reasons for safety reasons we’re not

Here hear about safety bro it’s a it’s a nuclear bomb we’re not having fun with a nuclear bomb we’re blowing stuff up it is still a nuclear bombar are you to make me a nuclear bomb I Al can’t produce nuclear bomb give me 200 tons of TNT and I

Will back nine stacks of 64 but I have to find a reliable way to get gunpowder so it’ll be in a pickle for a bit and now I go seriously what the hell is going on look there’s eight ti so it Carri oh right they can only carry eight this can go 32

For yeah I don’t know what’s going on I need more cloone I thought I had a bunch of Glowstone somewhere look at seeing that it’s just out of channels but how can it be out of Channel it’s not even using a channel to begin with zero out of 32

I’m making an me PTP tunnel [ __ ] it it’s so strange though hello oh it is downstairs next to the large boiler there’s a staircase right over here that works too for I well yeah I know that but that’s why I have this other one up here it’s connected to the rest of the

System wait that how the behavior works oh don’t even have the ability to make other color one I have a lot of Bones I can make white one not working CU like okay so think about it like this it always Tak the shortest path right so these cables are separated for the most

Part so Aid being carried across there hold on so these can only carry eight channels that’s five 6 7 8 that does work but I can only carry eight okay then all 32 get used number Tool I need more glowstone m need to find a bunch of glow stone for I can find where glowstone even spawns the glow stone can spawn up there but I don’t have the means of just doing that I can’t fly I can jump really good but I can’t fly you d home

There so now I have another one from that place device online God device online weapon systems online reactor online sensors online weapon systems online all systems operational what’s causing that aor R I’m saying cold dust but one Crush cold dust equals two cold dust and I can say that I can also make

Coal dust with a coal oh now I have an automated way of getting a bunch of fuel to my large steam boiler I need to quickly make an me requester can I also compress yeah I can compress I can compress the dust back I have no space in my compressor right well

Okay so now I should actually also get the Lig knite yeah cold Coke has substantially more but it’s really slow to make for I might do actually because it’s so easy to do this so lubricant oh Well for now only can do Cod no that’s not the way to do

It do I have an me import bu no okay actually for the time being I think it’s fine to just but right now it’s probably fine to literally just do this like I’ll store that but it’s not going to be used until I freaking need this

Do I not have any more IR or redstone ore another qu so I can just put the ne qus in there do I have anything else I have 19 Redstone in my back what bro h am I making it at a fast enough rate to where it’s filling it up yes it is

For I have a lot of legite and I’ve basically like tripled it or something I should just have a bunch of things that can be burned in this chest just so that in case that I need to start it back up for I’m going to do this and then I’ll end

The stream there cuz hopefully that means that now I should be able to just leave the thing running and it will stay powered so anyway that’ll be it for this stream sorry that it took a while to get it started again technical issues anyways I’ll will see you all in the next

This video, titled ‘Gigaton Modded Minecraft with friends – #7 – Meteor hunters’, was uploaded by Luminous ‘Nova’ Dreemurr Plays on 2023-12-19 08:30:46. It has garnered 12 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 05:37:57 or 20277 seconds.

this time I was invited to play some good ol’ minecraft with some friends


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  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Welcome to, your go-to source for all things Minecraft related! Today, we have an exciting recommendation for all you Minecraft enthusiasts out there. Have you ever come across a leaked version of Minecraft that promises an ultra deluxe experience? Well, we have just the server for you to explore that and more – Minewind. While watching a video about a leaked version of Minecraft, you may have come across the quote “The cake. It was indeed real, you see. Sometimes, just sometimes, it’s worth believing everything you come across. After all, ignorance, as they say, is bliss.” This… Read More

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  • CURSED & DANGEROUS: Minecraft 1.21 Update

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  • Chicken Big’s Final Farewell: 2024’s Epic Tale

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  • Wojtrix Snipes Pedro

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  • Insane Minecraft World Tour on MTR Server!!

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  • Insane DC2 Skibidi Pobre 9! Crazy Wind Landscapes

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  • ChabCraft-Civilizations

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  • Fabulous Miners SMP Whitelisted Java Bedrock 1.20.X

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  • Dragonia Gaming

    Immerse yourself in a unique and personalized survival experience at Dragonia Gaming! Our server offers a perfect combination of classic Minecraft elements with advanced and custom features to provide an unmatched gaming experience.🔨 Custom CraftsDiscover a world full of new possibilities with our personalized crafts. From powerful weapons to useful tools, there will always be something new to create.🛠️ Advanced and Complex SystemsAt Dragonia Gaming, we have implemented advanced systems that will challenge even the most experienced players. Are you ready to master all our systems?👾 Custom EnemiesFace unique and challenging enemies you won’t find anywhere else. Each battle is… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – My game is straight-up busted

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  • Ultimate Guide: Free 24/7 Minecraft Server Creation 2024!

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  • Ultimate Mod Elevator Build Challenge

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  • Mikey and JJ discover secret chocolate factory in Minecraft!

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  • Minecraft 1.12.0/1.20.4: See All Crafts with JEI

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    SECRET MINECRAFT COLLAB: YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENS! #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Майнкрфат Сейчас покажу #viral #майнкрафт #minecraft #gaming #memes #videogames #video #gamer’, was uploaded by ILYA x ISMA on 2024-03-06 13:15:00. It has garnered 6805 views and 175 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ Subpishis ➜ Our social network social network ➜ SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO… Read More

  • BaconBoy’s Insane Minecraft PS4 Gameplay 🔥

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  • Insane RLcraft Gameplay! First time players? #minecraft

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  • Lost in Minecraft: Where’s the End Update?

    Lost in Minecraft: Where's the End Update?Video Information This video, titled ‘Mojang, Where is the End Update?’, was uploaded by Minecraft Detective on 2024-04-03 18:27:25. It has garnered 34714 views and 1200 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:05 or 545 seconds. This video shows how Minecraft hasn’t released an update for the end in over 9 years, and if the end update could come after the recent 1.21 update #minecraft #minecraftend #minecrafthardcoremode Music Used : Infraction: Storyteller – Life Goes On - Story – “Cold Cinema” by Cold Cinema “Wings Of Inspiration” by Cold Cinema Read More

  • Bearman3600 Exposes Insane Minecraft Strategies

    Bearman3600 Exposes Insane Minecraft StrategiesVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Worst Ways To Play Minecraft | Bearman3600’, was uploaded by Bearman3600 on 2024-02-23 18:00:06. It has garnered 540288 views and 30787 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:41 or 2081 seconds. Today I take a look at some of the best reasons to fucking end it all featuring a variety of different computers, consoles, and other devices. Thank you for your patience with my uploads if you actually watch them. I often have little time to record or edit videos, so I try to spend as much time as I can working on… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: Surviving on SCULK ONE BLOCK with Maizen

    Insane Challenge: Surviving on SCULK ONE BLOCK with MaizenVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ And Mikey Survive On SCULK ONE BLOCK In Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Maizem on 2024-05-31 13:00:03. It has garnered 3574 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:09 or 2469 seconds. JJ And Mikey Survive On SCULK ONE BLOCK In Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you… Read More

  • EPIC Mother’s Day Minecraft Surprise!!

    EPIC Mother's Day Minecraft Surprise!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mothers’ Day Minecraft Showcase!!!’, was uploaded by ChaChaYourVmom on 2024-05-13 09:59:46. It has garnered 681 views and 99 likes. The duration of the video is 01:57:45 or 7065 seconds. Explore your own unique worlds, survive the night, and create anything you can imagine! Minecraft is a 2011 sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios and originally released in 2009. The game was created by Markus “Notch” Persson in the Java programming language. Come home to my Discord! You, too, can be an elite for only $0.99/month! Join my channel: If you’re struck by the… Read More

  • Alinea SMP | Whitelisted | Proximity Voice Chat | 1.21 | Vanilla Compatible | Extra Enchantments | Launched Today | New World

    Alinea Minecraft Server Alinea Come join Alinea, a 1.21 SMP Minecraft server offering a Vanilla-like experience with added features. Whitelisted for protection, custom enchantments, food skewers, proximity voice chat, and more. Join our Discord server to apply and start playing today! VANILLA+ SMP – Join with a Vanilla client and enjoy all features except proximity voice chat. To join, apply for our whitelist in the #whitelist-application channel on our Discord server. Application includes an interview and rule review. Feature Spotlight Proximity Voice Chat – Use Plasmo Voice to talk in-game. Food Skewers – Try new foods like veggie skewers. Extra… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Community Overload!

    Well, I guess the meme is scoring pretty high despite its humble beginnings as just a joke title. Minecraft memes are definitely a force to be reckoned with! Read More

  • Block Xuan: Crafting Calculations, Minecraft Style!

    Block Xuan: Crafting Calculations, Minecraft Style! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Fangkuaixuan brings joy with every dive. Animations that are funny and bright, Bringing happiness, day and night. No pirated content, only originals here, With humor and fun, there’s nothing to fear. So follow along, subscribe with glee, For Minecraft adventures, come join me! From classroom series to song adaptation too, Fangkuaixuan’s channel has something for you. So dive into the world of blocks and fun, With MC Funny, the journey’s just begun. So let’s do some calculations today, In Minecraft world, where we laugh and play. Join Fangkuaixuan, the master of… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava pit! #memes #minecraft

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava pit! #memes #minecraft “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftmemes #relationshipdrama Read More

  • Crafting a Creeper Farm in Minecraft

    Crafting a Creeper Farm in Minecraft The Easiest Mob XP Farm in Minecraft Bedrock 1.20 Introduction In the vast world of Minecraft, players are constantly seeking ways to improve their gameplay and gather valuable resources. One essential aspect of the game is creating efficient mob farms to collect experience points (XP) and rare drops. In a recent video, a Minecraft player known as BlackPlayzOP showcased the easiest mob XP farm in Minecraft Bedrock 1.20, suitable for all Bedrock Edition platforms. Features of the Mob XP Farm The highlighted mob XP farm is designed to provide players with a simple yet effective method of farming XP…. Read More


    MASTER MINECRAFT BUILDING TIPS! 👷🏗️Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Unleash Your Inner Architect! Building Guide for BEGINNERS to PROS 🏗️’, was uploaded by GAMING GURU on 2024-06-21 07:33:27. It has garnered 431 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Ready to transform your Minecraft world into a masterpiece? 🎨 Whether you’re a newbie just starting out or a seasoned builder looking for fresh inspiration, this comprehensive guide will take your Minecraft architecture skills to the next level! What You’ll Discover: Foundation Fundamentals: Learn the essential building blocks, tips for terrain manipulation, and how to choose the… Read More

  • JJ RABBIT turns Mikey into ZOMBIE in Minecraft!

    JJ RABBIT turns Mikey into ZOMBIE in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘How Mikey Became ZOMBIE and RUN From JJ IRON GOLEM in Minecraft ? – (Maizen)’, was uploaded by JJ RABBIT & Mikey on 2024-02-09 20:00:00. It has garnered 5823 views and 50 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:03 or 3723 seconds. How Mikey Became ZOMBIE and RUN From JJ IRON GOLEM in Minecraft ? – (Maizen) This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Moments with NatPlaying! #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Moments with NatPlaying! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘playing mc lol #minecraft #memes #shorts’, was uploaded by NatPlaying on 2024-04-20 07:13:03. It has garnered 10264 views and 168 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Read More