Macedawg’s Shocking Rollercoaster Finale – MSMP

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um we’re back at playing some more ma dog smpp um yeah I mean there’s a there’s a lot going on or a lot to get over I guess for this um hopefully everybody’s got the notification um trying to see if I did YouTube’s funky like that if I use streamlabs sometimes it works perfectly fine other times I get absolutely no notification so hopefully for anybody that does want to be watching oh there we go just took an extra minute but hopefully everybody’s here um probably take a couple minutes for everybody to kind of pull in but uh yeah hope everybody’s doing well um if you haven’t noticed already I’m a little bit red on the face hopefully it doesn’t come up too much on the camera um I went to go see the eclipse and I got absolutely destroyed by the Sun so that’s a fun um I accidentally just closed out of my Minecraft awesome uh let’s send this over to so people can watch and can watch sorry about that send that over to the Discord and stream announcements sorry about that and send sweet okay now we got to reopen Minecraft cuz totally was not uh solar eclipse was mid were you able to watch the totality or did you only get to watch some of it because unless you were in that strip of totality it I heard it wasn’t as um wasn’t as intense let’s see let’s put that up cool um yeah cuz I when I went to go see it I absolutely loved it um I got to see the totality I went up to Vermont and uh apparently it’s very common for people to just get like massive sunburns you’re outside looking at the sun all day so uh absolutely destroyed across the face um so hopefully it doesn’t show up but if it does oh well uh but today we’re going to be playing some MOG smpp um actually I just had to move that um I have a little book little book right here you can’t even see it cuz it’s green um but no it’s it has all my little like YouTube ideas and what I want to make for actual videos and kind of a little breakdown of steps and stuff so kind of cool I got a picture of the Moon that I took it’s not great but I took that picture so I’m happy I like astral stuff I don’t like astrology I like I like space rocks you know I don’t like the like predicting the future or what type of person you are but stars and rocks sign me up uh okay first of all let’s get some uh actually you know what it’s probably just easier to just slap on some good old Minecraft music cuz I’ve been like been copyrighted for like the past like 10 times that I’ve actually like streamed this so we’re going to just like I don’t know we’ll put it there and hopefully it’s not going to be copyrighted but who knows cuz why not um the picture the picture has more high quality than the video of Nas of Mars um yeah no I I like to take my time in taking photos and stuff I’ll if you’d like um I can actually post a few photos of like what I have of like space so I’ll post those in like the Discord or something or cuz I I think YouTube if I go to post it directly on to YouTube it’ll get like completely compressed and then it’s not going to turn out well so oh first of all close enough second of all random portal third of all I think we talked about this last time like a [Music] random yeah I’m I’m not going to I got too much going on all right let’s check out spawn uh dirt castle for real true I don’t think that we have any um color oh we got a little cart over here I haven’t been on in I don’t know how long also there we go so if you do want to join and you are watching you’re more than welcome to join it’s just I’ve totally forgot to turn off the white list which has not been the first time that’s happened so brand new attraction is the attraction this or just a random little hobbit hole uh the Iron Golem’s gone oh no wait why am I climbing when I can just books sweet oh my God there’s so many okay uh gather the items make Gathering the items may take me a few days so be patient take a book from me and fill out the request for a reward leave a book with a request and a reward offer from me no Quest from me yet check back later make sure your name is in the book so I know who to reward you help me I will still know if you steal I will help you H interesting I do like the concept is this the lur there’s a lot of signs for the lurt but also how would you dye that red unless you can just like hit it with red dye I don’t know but sweet um trying to see everybody’s house roughly we have the little house here um I don’t remember whose house this was oh you got a book oh wait so you’re are you the one that’s doing the requests or just curious we got a full Beacon over here dragon’s Beacon placement for greed’s home would be better on top of Base you know what I I think it’s a great placement where it is no need to change it all right and sweet all right Dragon let’s see what you’re up to I like how I turned on the Minecraft music yet it’s been completely silent this whole time oh wait you finally completed the roof okay how’d you get a cow head that’s my question that one I understand I think the zombie head you can get but spider Ender and uh this I I don’t think uh darn it you’re streaming the smpp today I’m at work right now oh I’m sorry to hear that CS masier um the stream will probably go on for quite a bit longer usually we end at 11 o’clock so if you want to join you can then um but yeah we usually go on for quite a little while but if not that’s all right but it’s always nice to see you on here you got these nice little rooms your treasure Vault sweet oh this side’s for nether treasure and this one I’m assuming is for like end maybe Overworld okay oh and the middle for the and okay I didn’t know if you’d like go down and have like another like storage room or something not bad not bad all right let’s see I might as well just turn off the music and turn on the other stuff I I thought it would actually like play music while we’re playing but apparently not some random questionable albums on here all right this one should be good all right actually let me give you 5 seconds I will be right back I got to do something really quick and should be you right there all right I’m gone uh one second for for all right sweet let me put this back we should be good sorry about that uh and let’s throw this on to [Music] [Music] shuffle well I like how that was just one ding [Music] all right actually let me I just forget it’s not as loud for you as it is for me so it’s oh the book brand new attraction at the spawn built by Yours Truly Come and check it out and maybe leave an item to request P.S don’t forget to offer a reward I don’t work for free after all DF who this who are you how did you get to my house sweet how did he get to my house um let’s see I guess we should work on this roller coaster after all I always like do part of it and then I think I [Music] just how’s it going waffles yes um we streamed last week and the week before but it was just different stuff [Music] so that’s all good you’re more than welcome to come and join um I don’t know if there’s any lag with the stream but hopefully stuff gets fixed but yeah um if you want to come join you’re more than welcome to uh I know it’s been a little while since uh the last time been on stream but uh yeah you’re always welcome to come and join and oh I got the debug stick sweet like there’s a part of me that wants to like have this Loop one more time around or something but it just it’s taken me so long to just do this that like not to say that I’m done with it it just I kind of am slightly Smacker dcker do how’s it going yeah I mean there there’s definitely a lot like I could do for this it’s just it it’s been like I don’t know how many streams worth but I’ll do like an hour of this a stream and it just like it’s absolutely draining to do cuz at first it was like oh this is so much fun and then it’s like this is uh something else so it it’s definitely fun it just takes forever in a day so but uh hope everybody’s doing well I hope if you were able to go see the solar eclipse to me that was the best part of uh this week so if you were able to I hope you were able to um as I said earlier I I’ve gotten completely burnt I don’t know if the camera shows it too well but my face got completely annihilated by by the sun you missed the eclipse that’s not good I’m sorry to hear [Music] that oh should I [Music] uh it was really cloudy where it was oh no well I hope well depending on where you are you might be able to see the next one um I know in the US I think the next one’s 2044 which is definitely a long time but I think the next solar eclipse is actually in Spain in like a year or two so that’d be a really cool vacation just saying [Music] I think the one in Spain is in like two years or something like that a year or two so I’d love to go see it but I don’t know any Spanish so I’d have to try to keep up on [Music] that have to do uh what is it like duo lingo or something like that you know Spanish I almost called your Smacker you know Spanish dragon the word Trina oh you’re part Hispanic didn’t know that well hopefully you can uh go to Spain if you want you you know uh I I don’t know absolutely any Spanish I took Portuguese when I was in high school high school and college and I’m going to be completely honest none of that retained in the slightest I could speak it like fairly well for a while and then it’s just dropped off I know like some words but no it doesn’t Auto translate for me so [Music] [Music] oh sweet I I want to look it up but I I really I’m not going to I don’t have the patience to look up those words I’m sorry I appreciate anybody that does speak it I just I have absolutely like no brain power to translate for the longest time I was uh learning Welsh and that was actually fun it’s very interesting language it’s kind of a a dying language but all in all still a good language sure I I have no idea what you guys are writing but that’s okay sometimes ignorance is bliss no I I’ve heard that learning another language is like really good for your brain I just I can’t [Music] all right I know Miga is literally I like but I don’t know the rest there’s very little like is yes I think T is U now you see like Portuguese Portuguese and Spanish not the same what’s up [Music] Smacker no I know like K is like what you learn that in Portuguese but oh um the sky [Music] yeah isn’t like is it to watch I thought it was to [Music] do oh right as well okay [Music] I’m trying to remember in yeah like really digging up like I don’t know four or five years worth of like unused [Music] knowledge I remember one of the courses that I had to take while doing Portuguese CU I had to write like a children’s book for like college and I just remember it was like it was really popular it’s about this like dog that went on vacation or something I I wish I wish I had a copy of it cuz I remember the teachers like we’re giving it to the local schools and I was like oh my God no and he was like you did such a great job you should take pis too and I was like or that’s enough credits for my degree let’s not um but no puges was fun uh yeah I’m not I I think if I was in like another like sitdown session or whatever of Portuguese I think I would do okay but like I haven’t used it in so long that like it’s just gone I’m actually worried about the spiral o hot yeah I definitely think du lingo uh pretty [Music] good I think I might drop it down mace Spanish or vanish yeah I mean the only reason why I took Portuguese is because I have Portuguese like lineage or history or something like that so I took pis so in American schools um for anybody that’s not from America uh we have grades instead of having like year one year two you’re in grade one grade two um I remember taking Portuguese in grade 6th 7th what was it 6th 7th 8ighth grade and then ninth grade is freshman year so I took it freshman year sophomore year and then not junior senior and then in college I did it my first semester and to go from Portugal Portuguese to Brazilian Portuguese there is a difference there is a marginally big difference I mean it it’s still it’s the same language but like the pronunciation and everything is like very different from each other so um and I have a lot of friends that speak pkis that I don’t speak portuges to but in a pinch if I need them to they can uh you know what I I don’t feel like that’s a topic to discuss um I I feel bad for the situation um I hope it gets resolved soon because that’s not right but uh yeah I I don’t really want to discuss further of that cuz it is in my opinion it’s disgusting and I hope gets resolved soon help me [Music] yo sweet is it wait a minute do you mind if I see one more time is it the purple or the blue oh sweet I got like an eyelash in my eye oh and away we go wait a minute I like how just in like the corner of my eye sorry um there’s just like first of all where are we we’re just like in the middle of nowhere [Music] anyways [Music] um where was it that’s just like a [Music] random sweet uh you told me to leave a suggestion box at the new attraction I okay let me check out oh sweet yeah I don’t know who made the suggestion [Music] box or this so hopefully mine nether portal quests I like quests we have a communal mine I haven’t checked this out in a little while sweet so is this the brand new attraction the nether Hub creation project yeah can’t even talk um you know what I would love to do is one of my favorite mod packs uh I don’t know I think it’s the cathedral this was a little while ago uh the lurt made it yeah it’s been here for a little while um the lurt made it it should have been right before the uh the server opened oh I never read this okay let me let me let me get this going also there’s definitely an eyelash in my eye and it’s driving me nuts in the shadowed depth of the Minecraft realms lies a deity beyond the moral comprehension whispered of only in Hush Hush tones by those Brave or full hearted full-heartedly enough to seek Forbidden Knowledge this ancient being known as the a cluth embodies the primordial force of vision and perception its Essence manifests as an unblinking all allseeing eye that peers into the very fabric of reality legend of the a cluth exists before the dawn of creation itself born from the chaotic void in the that precedes all existence its form is said to be incomprehensible to the Mortal mind shifting and twisting between Dimensions Beyond mortal comprehension the eye of the uth however remains a constant and luminous Beacon of unfathomable power that pierces through the darkness of the unknown those who dare to seek the favor of the uth often find themselves un snared within their tendrils of the uh its eldrich influence their mind consumes by visions of cosmic truths and existential Revelations the followers of the uth known as the Watchers uh Watchers of the Unseen are said to dwell within the hidden corners of the world eternally Vigilant in their pursuit of forbidden knowledge but beware for ACU’s gaze is not one of benevolence it’s inredible uh motives transcend mortal understanding in those who dare to to invoke its power do so at their own Peril many who have glimpsed the truth n the true nature of the cluth have been driven to Madness or consumed by the void their mind Shattered by the weight of the Forbidden truths in the darkest depths of Minecraft realms e uh Whispers Echoes of Prophecy for telling the day when the accu’s ey shall wide open or open wide casting its baleful glaze baleful gaze upon the world and ushering in an eror of cosmic up heal some believe this to be a harboring of Salvation While others dread the inevitable cataclysmic uh cataclysm that as such an event May unleash and so the legend of the uth endures a testament to the boundless Mysteries that lie Beyond the Veil of mortal of the veil of mortal understanding to gaze into the allseeing eye is to court Madness but to ignore the existence to remain forever blind to the true nature of the universe whoa that I you know what I applaud uh that whoa what’s up dragon that was a lot to just take in it was good don’t get me wrong it was definitely good I just I don’t know where you were [Music] well there was okay wait a minute if I am looking this way there was a direction in which I [Music] saw oh okay yeah it’s close to here you found the cave [Music] I’m trying to like figure out where you could have gone oh did you get all your stuff back I’m assuming you did I have no idea where you died [Music] [Music] oh no I hope you feel better soon CO’s no fun I’ve had it I think like three or four times I do not wish it on anyone [Music] [Music] hm [Music] you got it Sunday well I hope at least you get better soon cuz I know it’s definitely not fun to deal [Music] with hey you’re a big fan of Zelda big fan of Link or Zelda that’s the question I can’t find it [Music] Dragon also what is this you know what’s crazy is I absolutely love [Music] um what is it it was Legend of Zelda what is it I think it was forward sword was really good I I know that that’s like one of the more like unpopular ones but I just like the thought that like he was split into four so that that at least like I think it was just cuz I got that as a kid four sword [Music] yes I got that as like a kid growing up and it just like that was like the game I grew up with um that and I think Ocarina of Time I Think aaren of time oh [Music] [Music] I always have to like oh uh hopefully this is to spawn [Music] go back what do you mean wait a minute everybody’s game is just going to lag out for a [Music] minute I so I loved forward sword just cuz like I I read the books I played the game I just really like the concept of it which is two I I think there’s more than just two yo someone took my house idea I hope they make it worthwhile I don’t know where I’m going with this but it doesn’t look like it’s naturally flowing water okay no no no I know where we are so I think this way maybe through the mountains yeah I I don’t know where I am I’m just like super sonic speed all right definitely going back this way cuz it’ll bring me to I think death spreads house area cuz we have the yin and yang and then if you proceed this way I love this area yeah we have death spreads area uh so I played uh let’s see for Legend of Zelda um trying to remember the name of it um I [Music] played uh what you call it I play is it tears of the Kingdom or no no no tears of the kingdom is the newest one [Music] um what what is the it was on the switch I have the game I I can’t remember for the life of me uh breath of the wild yes I know that that’s very popular amongst people I genuinely have to say and I know this breaks a lot of people’s hearts to hear it’s not a Legend of Zelda game it truly is not in my opinion it it’s a really cool open World Experience uh I think there’s a lot of Legend of Zelda esque parts to it but in a Legend of Zelda game okay in a Legend of Zelda game it is link completing several puzzles within the world to unlock certain items to unlock new areas that then become available and and then he saves the princess that’s like the ultimate thing you like you fight different guys and you progress with confused waffle noises with breath of the wild I think the idea of it it’s a great concept I really do I like the art style of it I think the big factor is link first doesn’t have his original outfit which kind of got me a little bent cuz like I really liked his original outfit um but that’s fine I think the other thing too is like in like the breath of the wild it’s very I think it’s too open if it makes sense like even in like the previous games it’s very like okay you do this you go to this area you go here like it there’s a lot of like Little Steps in between to get to the next place and it’s good but like I think the big part about it too is like in in link it’s you have one item and that item stays with you forever like I think even in um breath of the wild when you get the master sword in the game it eventually breaks and then you can’t use it which is defeats the purpose of the game because the master sword is like the strongest that’s like bound to the hero and it’s just like a few hits and it’s broken so it’s like it is it worth it it defeats the purpose of like the item [Music] the shica Slate is that the new thing wait a [Music] minute yeah it just it it’s very I’m not a fan of that I think it’s cool I think there’s a lot of cool stuff that went into that game it just it feels it’s too different of a game in my opinion it it’s a fun game don’t get me wrong I know that all the Zelda lovers are going to come after me for it but it’s a really fun game but it’s a really fun like Z Zelda knockoff in my [Music] opinion and I hate saying that cuz I know people are like going to come after me with like fire and [Music] torches yeah it’s just it doesn’t feel like it belongs as a Legend of Zelda [Music] game no no no like it just if you look at like the original Legend of Zelda games it is so vastly different from the original style like it it’s just so completely different from um no no no no no I know it’s an official Nintendo game and I I believe it you know whatever but what I’m saying is it’s it’s a good game but it’s it’s so different from the original that it kind of makes me wonder if like it would be considered like a different game you know what I mean that’s really hard to like explain but [Music] it’s it just is [Music] like it’s a good game don’t get me wrong I’m not I’m not discounting the quality of the game but also like in in my eyes I look at like a Legend of Zelda game and it’s [Music] like it’s more like puzzle oriented instead of like a an open world hack and slash like I know that there’s like I think I hit a nerve [Music] definitely think I hit a [Music] [Music] nerve like I’m not discrediting the game I think it’s a a revolutionary game I think it it’s done a lot for the franchise but it is so vastly different from the original that it’s it’s hard to in my eyes it’s hard to compare okay uh also Hyrule is an island yeah it just you know I I think the other thing too and definitely take my opinion with like a grain of salt because I didn’t start playing Legend of Zelda games until I was older when I was younger I just didn’t care for them in general um and then as I got older I’ve grown to enjoy them uh but growing up I was a DI hard Mario fan I think still to this day I love playing any Mario game and I think Nintendo really like hauls that of like if you’re going to buy a Nintendo game might as well get it with our Flagship character it’s like okay might as well yeah I the only Mario game that I’ve haven’t played and I actually I have the game I physically have the game for my Nintendo switch I’ll have to do um a stream on on it cuz I’ve never played it I when I was really younger I loved Mario 64 Mario Odyssey was really good um I liked Mario Odyssey not going to lie it it was a very different um very different game style than like a lot of other things um Super Mario I so I did a stream of Super Mario wonder I will 100% die on a hill saying that is not Mario game I will happily die on that Hill that it it’s a fun game but if there’s no consequence to uh passing out or dying or whatever it there’s it’s not a Mario game like oh you want to restart and it’s like yeah don’t get me wrong the graphics of the game were superb I I really enjoyed the like cartoony aspect of the game oh Dominic how’s it going um no it I liked the cartoon Graphics that the game had introduced but the game style itself it completely got rid of alltime based um alltime based game play it also got rid of um like if you were to die in the game like it it’s no longer means anything so like it’s fine but it’s not my preferred like it it was good you [Music] [Music] know I hope that doesn’t upset anybody for my opinion on that one two three four five plus one to give it the extra I’m okay this is a Hot Topic and I don’t talk about Super Smash BS a lot um I usually usually main as um either NES or um what’s his name Lucas I think it is Lucas is technically better but I am I am the epitome of that people hate playing against me I okay I’ve never played as Steve so I cannot say I don’t know I know Steve can be like super overpowered so all right and we drop sweet for real wow not even a please [Music] [Music] you um but yeah know I I’m very picky with my Mario games and stuff like that um I think Wonder had a lot of great Concepts to it I think it was really cool to introduce the flower Kingdom instead of the Mushroom Kingdom but in turn it kind of gives this unauthentic gaming experience where it doesn’t feel quite [Music] right maybe that’s just me like it’s definitely it it was definitely a fun game I’m I’m not discrediting that it’s just it was not the game I was expecting I still enjoyed it though I I will say that I still enjoyed the game thoroughly [Music] um no I there’s one game that I wish came out with like a new revamped version of but I don’t know if Nintendo would ever really make it and it’s Kirby’s Dream course I love that game so that game wait a minute sweet that should work that should basically be the end of the roller coaster and then I just need to put details and make that tunnel sorry I’m like slightly sidetracked but happy that it’s almost done okay so if I go here of course there’s not enough push um but no I I’m very I’m Critical with a lot of like Mario games I really oh it’s that oh um I definitely want to do like another Mario Kart stream just cuz like I haven’t done that in forever haven’t played Mario Kart in forever so it’d be a good game to pick up again it’s kind of an easy one to kind of like last minute throw together um but yeah no definitely Mario Kart’s really good I kind of wish um cuz what are they on now it’s on Mario Kart 8 but it’s like eight Deluxe I wish they did nine um but maybe that’s coming for the next console or something Mario Kart and uh Super Mario Maker are like the number ones for me I wish that they made um another Super Mario Maker because I do want to do videos on it or even just stream of Mario Maker just cuz I really enjoy that but I don’t think that they would do too hot especially where like Mario Maker really isn’t like the hot thing right now um but no I I definitely do enjoy that game and at least being able to see like what you guys make or like your suggestions I guess okay sweet oh was there not enough oomph for that what if I just that should be the same if I start here might just need to maybe I don’t know why that’s different should drop down slow down if you want to get off cool drop down here but yeah no I definitely I have my own opinions on Mario and like Through The Years um I really so I’ve never played um oh what is it Super Mario Sunshine I’ve never played and I’d love to play that game it looks really good um I know it’s really glitchy at some parts but I think it’d be really good to play I find it a little funny that it’s been more than 3 months and I still only have wooden tools uh my cousin just hacked the TV and C cut ma me oh um but yeah no I definitely first of all definitely think that um play some more Mario Kart soon that’d be fun um but maybe do like a uh Mario Sunshine cuz I have the game I just have never played it cool drop down around Get on Up go over wait does this work perfect oh I’m just going to let that go for a little [Music] bit what are you doing why is it so close you have one right here h [Music] [Music] please don’t make this ugly [Music] [Music] you know what you say trust the process I don’t know if I truly do only because oh Prometheus um it’s completely made out of dirt at the moment so you know [Music] it’s oh [Music] [Music] [Music] totally not my secret layer yeah in the sky that everybody we can view very secretive I think doesn’t go far back enough okay never mind sweet okay cool I was just checking out a few things on the stream but I hope everybody’s doing well um let’s actually check over on Twitch CU I always forget to check on them but hopefully they’re doing all right all right sweet they’re doing good all right cool um I will be honest I think I know that I’m playing like a lot of this right now um I think I’ll probably do couple of Mario games and stuff like that soon um it’s wax okay good um yeah I’ll probably play a couple Mario games soon I really want to play I have it right here um this new one the Mario versus Donkey Kong that came out I don’t know if it’s going to be any good but I know that it’s more like a puzzling game so hopefully it’s good why hello chat um yeah no I I I really enjoy these games the that and then I also have an oldie but it’s a goodie it’s the Mario RPG so that one’s really good um or I shouldn’t say it’s good good I I’m going to say it’s um I’ve been told it’s good I’ve never played it but I know that there’s like a huge fan base of that game um but yeah know that I’m really looking into and um I really wish I doubt they ever will is do the Kirby Dream course game just like revamp that oh I would love that like if they were to remake that game hopefully in a similar art style but not only art style but like add a couple more courses I would love it um I wonder if I could get trying to think of like who I could get to play that with on stream because I have the game but I also want to see I’ve downloaded the game grumps courses on so like I can also play those too um those those courses are crazy but I I hope that I’m able to like record that for something um what else after more than 3 months oh you have stone pick guys let’s let’s give him a round of applause we we finally we finally got past wood um all right let’s [Music] see go this way let’s see why does shifting and right clicking say you don’t have permission to use this command I forgot to mention the boat shift and clicking says says it oh all right sorry I like completely started reading different lines of chat and didn’t make sense whatsoever and I’m like what’s going on um but yeah no definitely going to make a few different things a few different videos would you prefer them as a video or a stream if I was to do those games with uh a couple of friends I guess that’s the bigger question do you want the raw video or would you actually like it cleaned up oh this is the lurs cool I didn’t know it was over here I always lose track of like where people are and what they’re doing so oh [Music] well you think living on a cliff is bad idea I mean it’s all into preference I guess um some would say it’s a good idea others might think it’s a nightmare but uh it’s to the eye of the beholder sweet it might just be easier if you have like a water elevator might be a good good [Music] idea cool oh random witch event [Music] oh [Music] still has a lot more Health than I was anticipating oh no cool waffles left [Music] [Music] [Music] how much health does this witch [Music] [Music] have oh [Music] sorry about [Music] that I don’t know what you had but I think that was it [Music] [Music] oh cool waffles back in the game I’m trying to see okay so people aren’t like super super duper far away I do want to check on the end portal [Music] though cuz I know you guys were doing some questionable things with [Music] it that is a fantastic question apparently that’s closed spawn to the nether that one’s broken [Music] too that one’s broken what’s going on here desert Village that one’s [Music] broken I don’t know someone get rid of [Music] everything e [Music] [Music] [Music] desert with Village end portal okay cool kind of weird should I leak the cords that’s the question so we have no dragon the only thing is that’s fine it’s just once we get the dragon if we get the dragon back or if we want to do that again um oh I forgot about this [Music] um but if we spawn the dragon and again there’s a really high chance that the dragon will break like this area just because it’s um it’s not made from like indestructible blocks oh you can do more damage if you’re shifting piece of cake also not to be that guy netherite sword has a lot of durability I know that’s like the latest item in the game but like uh the dragon won’t go that far unless the player is there oh I didn’t know that I’m just surprised at like how efficient this is sorry I wanted to get to 30 that’s all oh do they die by collision and then you can just like oh cool oh it was all just a dream um all right where okay so there’s a portal here I’ll figure it out so there’s a portal here which is Dragon’s portal Dragon’s portal I have no idea where Dragon’s portal goes see you Dominic all right is there I’m the only one left how ironic um yeah I don’t know oh there’s a stronghold thing here I I have no clue where the other portals are I don’t know uh sorry yeah yeah yeah um let me actually I’ll fix that spectator there we go your Minecraft should be better um only reason why is cuz whenever I’m like flying like that in the game it lags out so badly uh where are you off to this big open world oh it randomly kicks you out oh shouldn’t do that I’m trying to figure out who uh owns this house [Music] not a single clue uh all right yeah no I I have an idea of who it might be but I’m not entirely sure so we’ll see um but yeah that’s okay yeah you can use YouTube chat I almost I I don’t want to say it I almost prefer if you use YouTube chat um only because of a few different reasons one if you use YouTube chat um oh you’re not playing at all okay that that’s fine too um when you use YouTube chat it actually promotes the video more because there’s more like engagement with it whereas if I just like sit here and just like play the game um oh uh yeah if I just sit here and play the game and I’m getting chat through the game I’m not get getting like interaction I guess so that’s like a a thing that YouTube wants so it’s fine um but yeah either way I’m I’m not picky with it hello hello hello trying to find where this other portal is I have absolutely no leads to where this other portal is actually I know where it is I can just literally go there okay this one’s here here if I go [Music] to I think it’s greed’s house yeah to transfer Villages that’s fine if I go to greed’s house I [Music] think shouldn’t be too far I should be able to go through his portal and that should tell us where the end portal is so for everybody that’s curious can come and check it out greed [Music] portal [Music] oh yeah got lost for a [Music] minute the end okay and F3 so 900 7 I guess that one doesn’t matter uh 900 and negative 16 [Music] 1930 don’t ask me how they got here but [Music] uh you playing some tears of the Kingdom all right that’s fine I I’m debating should I continue playing the server or should I turn on a different game while we’re here cuz the server the server is weird it either does fantastic or it does terrible there’s no like in between so it’s like I either get like hundreds of people and it the stream does great or it’s like yeah we got like a handful of people that’s good enough um that’s like you in school what do you mean oh we were close okay yeah it great sometimes terrible sometimes yeah I don’t know why like I I’ll go on the server and it’s like we’ll have like 8 to 10 people on here and it’ll be great and then sometimes it’s just like like just me just doing my own thing that’s fine um I think it all depends too cuz like if we have stuff that’s going on then like sure but it always seems that if there’s um what you call it if there’s something going on that’s like big there’s no one but if there’s like absolutely nothing going on and I’m just about to like end the stream that’s when people hop on that is the tail tall tail t uh tall tail sign oh CS Maier how’s it going we were just talking about uh if we were staying on or [Music] not two yeah okay um yeah I know that’s kind of crazy um so CS masier good to hear you’re out of work I hope you’re doing well um I actually found out um if you do a stream it started there so it’s cleaner um if you do a stream I actually found out I am able to do excuse me I’m able to do raids now with my channel so once I’m finished with a stream I’m hoping that I can do streams during the day but if you ever do a stream during or after one of mine I can direct everybody to the stream to yours so that’s kind of a cool little feature I found out um I guess uh YouTube for a while had not banned um raids but I know raids are like a really big way to like spread subscribers between people um because I had from Garrett the carrot there was a huge raid on my channel when I first started and I’m very thankful for it because it it really gave me a lot of motivation for um streaming and doing all this other stuff but I think YouTube for a while had um I think they said something to him that like I have not seen your house but YouTube did something with the raids that now you have to like accept them or like you have to have someone like lined up for a uh a raid so just kind of interesting let me check out your house but yeah I definitely have um I wish I had a lot more friends that were streaming cuz like I know death spread does a lot of streaming but I know recently um his job actually uh needed him to come in for a lot more hours oh cool zombie head there we go should spring back up oh oh I like the uh the organization miscellaneous 2 nice oh you got quite a few levels nice Stone armor we got Moss definitely been busy uh do you mind if I get every player including yours I can try I I don’t know much but I can I can definitely try for for some of them can see if I can give you them um okay cool down further one I’m assuming okay so oh this is the cavern okay cuz I I’ve seen oh sorry I’ve seen some places where um there’s doors like out side [Music] torch oh and this is your mine I assume or or is it not oh oh this is your um your farm cool okay cuz I saw it was like over here where was it I just saw like a random door like a random Brown door somewhere I don’t know I I swear there was like a brown door over here somewhere maybe I’m just going crazy oh tunnel to the main area oh definitely been busy cool and oh oh okay Mountain tunnel oh sweet okay you’re not you’re not super fire then all right that makes it a bit easier oh that’s nice nice in the middle of a Chasm cool and then oh that brings you right to your front house or front door cool uh Sun I think that could tril but no I like the uh I like the design wait what I think it was the uh regular gold fish I don’t think it was the actual [Music] fish but no I like the uh I like the look of the [Music] house I should definitely do like a a parkour map of these [Music] sure you can show me going all the way down [Music] oh [Music] sweet so if there’s [Music] water where is it there might be there might not be water here um doesn’t look like there’s water but if there’s usually water here um this is where you’d find like Axel AEL so you get the little swimmy guys I think yeah usually they run deeper not to say you need to but oh yeah cool get some cool blocks um you got to be careful with this Moss though uh copper uh copper is used for a lot of weird things um it’s more for like decorative blocks um there’s the lightning rod there’s um the telescope uh yeah a lot of a lot of copper stuff is more decorative than it is um practical um but I will say do be careful with this Moss cuz if you have bone meal and you click it it should oh did it not it should spread oh sorry um but yeah if you have one moss and you bone meal it oh eventually it should spread to [Music] Stone I think it spreads to Stone it might not I thought it did no it does it does it definitely does maybe it has to be like ajacent yeah so it’s good and bad but cool got a lot of clay too so in case you want to make uh I guess a brick house don’t B meal the mini trees oh and you got glowberries too um so glowberries pretty cool um they grow I think you can put them on Stone too but you put them on Moss and they’ll grow vertically down and then once they grow Oh They’ll have little berries yeah so they’ll they’ll just keep regrowing berries if they’re on a vine and they’re just kind of cool so yeah I think Moss is what they need to grow on I’m not sure it might be be able to just grow on like anything yeah they might be fine on anything but I think they do better on Moss not [Music] sure and I don’t know what this one does Spore Blossom I don’t know maybe it’s just decorative you made a disposable garbage can how’d you do that yeah I don’t know what the Spore Blossom does other than like particles oh there’s some water here that’s a good sign oh there’s a yellow one little yellow ax lottle hm I don’t know where we went there a torch here can’t be too far away oh sorry let me also read chat uh if you were to fight uh a lenel ly know or a stone Talis what would you choose I honestly have no idea I so I am a stickler for um I’m assuming you’re doing Zelda games or Legend of Zelda um I played uh Whata call it breath of the wild I played for a while but I didn’t really play a lot of it like I’ve never finished the game cuz I didn’t um I never finished the game because I never I didn’t enjoy it fully so I’ve never bought tears of the Kingdom um so I’m a very I’m a stickler of that game um but yeah I’m I’m weird with the game I I it’s a good game I think it’s welld deserved all the like awards that it’s G like been given but it’s personally not one of my favorite games so so it I go back and forth on it let’s see what dragon’s up to have I played Ocarina of Time I’m pretty sure I give me one minute I swear it’s Ocarina of Time what’s the one okay okay so I I haven’t okay confession um I looked back I did not play Ocarina of Time I played um Legend of Zelda linked to the past so that’s it too I know Ocarina of Time was really good um yeah I I prefer a lot of the yo beat oh no whatever you say [Music] uh could you teleport to me man sure uh wrong person cool oh shoot aren’t you lucky um are you I don’t think you’re geared up enough for this [Music] so okay um this is oh I can like [Music] if you want also let me just like oh [Music] oh those torches really just w [Music] [Music] um so this is the deep dark um if you hear so there’s screechers and then there’s um these like signal thing so these signals don’t do anything they okay that’s a lie when you walk it triggers them so if you want to not make sound you have to shift and walk um if you find a screecher those will spawn um a warden and wardens have one of the highest HPS in the game and they’re extremely difficult defeat um and they so I’ll give the both of you night vision I probably should [Music] too so this place is huge um but like these two here are screechers so if you come close to them these like little things will trigger that wirelessly and when this screeches for the third time a warden will pop out and although they’re blind um they can hear you and they’ll attack you so you got to be careful the only way to like work around stuff is by um using wool so like for instance there’s like the screecher here but the only way to get to it is by placing wool around so you can open up this chest I’ll give you some wool too well here I’ll be nice I’ll give you 32 I’ll give you [Music] 32 and I’ll go into spectator so I’m not triggering anything cuz the last thing that I want is to trigger oh so that was two so all it takes is one more and the warden’s probably going to spawn but the other thing too is you can actually there’s a lot of amazing loot that’s in these oh I can’t check them cuz quote unquote a player hasn’t open them [Music] um but yeah there’s a lot of specul ation that like this Frame is to a new dimension that’s coming in like further updates um but yeah the the stuff that you can find in these chests are like the gear is some of the best in the whole game um oh that’s a warden uh so yeah that’s a warden uh he has more Health than you can imagine and he does have a Sonic Screech that does more damage than you can think I’ll just uh yeah he does he does a lot of damage like I don’t even think like I can get rid of him fully oh you teleported home yeah he like with the best sword in the game still it takes like so many hits I think it takes 20 hits with the netherite sword they’re like extremely ooh turn it peaceful I would love to but the other thing too is this is a server so I can’t just change it to Peaceful I can’t just change the difficulty I to change the difficulty of the server would to be to shut down the whole server in total change it and then reboot it so it saves as a different like difficulty and then I’d be able to have you guys play it [Music] but yeah this area is super hard to defeat but it has some of the best loot in the game so I don’t remember what the echo shards do but like Thorns is good for an enchantment um lots of candles if you want them I guess I think I can hear another Warden yeah I can see him he’s right there oh uh honestly I know that you want to get back to like check out the area I would highly recommend at least waiting till these guys despawn because it’s going to be a mess protection Unbreaking yeah like a lot of cool stuff but also just it it’s not fully worth it and they’re pretty quick too oh and there’s diamonds just on the floor right here but yeah um lot of really good gear here but also very dangerous oh you got disc fragment too Swift sneak how’s it going Turtles um so I me and the ler are able to go into creative mode um everybody else is in survival so that’s the only difference um but you’re more than welcome to come and join if you’d like turtles but yeah yeah no definitely this is one of the like rarer structures to be like generated in the game so I give you kudos to that cuz I I’ve never seen one of these in game before um fairly large oh t P to you in just one second’s that music disc cool yeah I mean there’s a lot of lot of cool [Music] stuff oh you found it the other day yeah it’s it’s probably one of the hardest areas to like go through because those wardens are extremely difficult to get by but you can get a cool music disc and everything Regeneration all right I will oh a couple of Enchanted apples in case you lost one somehow in an unforeseen accident all right let’s TP oh you got three fragments cool not bad not bad I don’t know how to use um the skull sensors in like uh oh I literally was in the other area you literally said TP to you I let’s see all right CS M CA and then it was like just straight down oh well that’s not going to work oh phone died okay yeah I mean there’s there’s diamond like one there there’s a few on the floor everywhere kind of a crazy [Music] area whoa all right um let’s go fix up the rest of the roller coaster cuz it’s like it it’s done it just doesn’t feel finished I guess [Music] like I feel like this needs to have that um like slab Underside also if you have any game rep uh recommendations I am fully up for any ideas um I have let’s see I have a video that is coming out [Music] soon are people just adding more carts to [Music] this there’s one there [Music] I played hat in time is that I think is that the game that you had got me the other day or a while ago I think yeah um I think that might be the game that you had got me I I haven’t played it yet I do have it downloaded on my screen or on my uh desktop I have a bad habit of that I have like Boulders gate three but I have Boulders Gate 3 but yet I have yet to even open the game so I it’s just that’s one thing that I have that like I do a lot um there’s a game that I was looking at that’s called um and I have it it’s downloaded I just want to play it it’s called Uh content warning and it’s kind of like lethal company where you go into like these dark scary areas and like there’s like jump scares and stuff like that but there’s like one person with like a camera trying to record it all and so you have to like record it and bring it back for like your quota or something like that and you can do more like fun stuff it’s kind of cool that and I think there’s another one um I want to do as a co-op I mean the other ones are Co-op too but um I think it’s called o dear actually let me let me take a second I think it’s called o dear yeah it’s $10 it’s I think Early Access right now yeah so it’s a game of hide and seek um it it’s kind of a crazy one um I really like the game or at least the the look of it but I I really want to try it it’s basically okay so there’s there’s two roles there’s a hunter and then there’s a deer and so basically what you want to do is the hunter it it’s basically like a a glorified game of hide and seek um the hunter has to find the deer and basically shoot an arrow at it or I don’t know if it’s an arrow or a rifle but you basically shoot the deer um but if you don’t get the deer by Nightfall the rolls reverse and the deer becomes like this like humanoid whatever and it’s pitch black out and now the human has to run back to the um the cabin and the deer can attack the hunter so it’s this really it it’s weird but it’s kind of cool game so it it’s on that it toes the line of like a scary game cuz like it’s not super scary but like I guess it’s just that like Adrenaline Rush of a game it just it it’s really cool uh we also have this under here I think that’s it I don’t that’s fine that’s fine you know what that might be fine like already getting tired um yeah it definitely looks like a really good game um oh CSM CA I’ll I’m going after the stream I’m going to send you a message on Discord so don’t let me forget um all right what can we do I really want to work on the roller coaster but I know for a fact I’m going to work on it and only do like half of it and just walk off the rest so also I really want to know what this is all about cuz this kind of bothers me let’s see what oh enchanted bow then drop it The Lonely Pig all right let’s see what CS is up to oh accidental screenshot oh you’re in the cave again oh wait there’s an aelott cool little Brown [Music] guy yeah I mean this place is kind of crazy actually do these I don’t know if they do oh you can cool I guess they also act as um Vines didn’t know that so like if I go like this you should be able to use it oh should be able to use them as Vines yeah so their food they like a Vine and they emit light so they’re pretty cool I think they have to be yeah they have to have the berries all right I think okay wait a minute if we’re here how wait a minute if we’re here you were like super deep before but what am I doing I have [Music] okay you are [Music] [Music] there I don’t even know where this the deep dark was there’s a screecher there I found something else weird oh this is just a m shaft so in the m shafts too um you can also find like chests and stuff oh there’s diamonds right [Music] here oh [Music] but yeah these are really good areas and usually maybe this one doesn’t have one yet usually they have a mine cart that has like pretty decent items in it you do have to be careful of uh spiders but majority of things it’s not too bad [Music] so over here I don’t know how many there are but there’s uh Diamonds oh OHP there you go oh you missed some one one more diamond right there [Music] sweet yeah I’m trying to figure out where that deep dark area was cuz I don’t think it would be any [Music] higher oh it’s all the way over here oh my question is how’d you get all the way over here [Music] yeah I think the the biggest thing is um if you’re close to like your health being super low and you don’t have anything the best thing you can do [Music] uh the best thing that you can do is just like warp home is at least if like you die at home like all your stuff is there whereas if you don’t you got to rush to go find it easier said than done right slash warp spawn cool all right uh [Music] day um yeah cool but yeah I think I’m trying to think of things that I can stream for like the future um I do have definitely a few Mario games that I am going to be streaming and um probably a few Indie Games as well not just the the smpp um just cuz I don’t know give it more variety cuz as of the moment I’ve been doing just a lot of the smpp there’s nothing wrong with that it’s just I don’t know the the content doesn’t grow as much I guess um one thing that I do want to add though I know that I’ve had it for a while I haven’t really done anything with it um and I’ve been charging it up actually is I have my hopefully little vloggers camera so hopefully I can kind of have a little camera set up so maybe do a little Vlog little Vlog action um that and like a little like handle tripod thing I’ve had that for a while um I’ve been pushing off doing Vlogs and stuff like that for a long time um but I actually kind of want to get into it again uh I know that I haven’t like ever really did like a full Vlog but hopefully I can do that um I was going to try to do it with my good camera um shouldn’t say good that’s a bad it’s a bad way to put it um I wanted to do like record Vlogs and stuff like that with my good camera good um it it’s better in different ways I should say um but like it’s my actual like Sony like chunky boy but like it doesn’t have like a flip out camera to like view to the front um so like there’s that um I am probably going to be doing a what’s in my bag video I was actually kind of hoping to do that soon um but I’d like to do like a what’s in my bag video for like what I do for like um photography and my equipment and stuff like that um I know that photography is not what I usually do on this but I want to do more like personalized stuff and what I’m interested in as well not just video games um but yeah I have my cameras that I love um I have my cameras I have my film cameras I’m probably going to do a couple videos on film cameras um I know that a lot of the stuff that I have I feel bad because a lot of it I’m straying away from like gaming um I do enjoy gaming but I also want to do there we go sorry um I want to do a lot more like personalized stuff as well to the channel and not just like gaming content um cuz although like that’s been like a really like big part of the channel I guess is like just making a lot of like gaming content and playing different games that come out and like laughing and having fun like that’s to me I I really enjoy that but I also want to try to like expand you know if you guys want to see like what I do you know not daytoday but like Vlog stuff and uh I guess I don’t know just change up the content a little bit um I wanted to just be more like personalized and even even though that this is um I think I want it to just be more and I hate saying it but more of like not to say like a diary but like something that I can look back at of like all these videos and just kind of like oh this is what I’ve done and all these different things like I know the discussion posts that I have been like putting up are okay they’re not fantastic I know that um I need to get better at it obviously but um like I I truly enjoy doing those sorts of things and I just want to get like more into it and I think by making that turn it’ll make this from being just like grinding out games to actually being able to like sit down write out like not to say to write out scripts because YouTube isn’t always about scripts um a lot of it is sadly um I shouldn’t say sadly I mean some of the best people like script all their stuff and honestly there’s nothing wrong with that um it’s just a big change I guess you want to call it to like the channel for everything so I hope that I can do something like that for the channel and like have it be like I hate saying it but be more me and like oh let’s try this and let’s do this um of course I’m going to still probably do like the gaming for like streams and stuff um cuz I enjoy it I enjoy doing all these sort of things but um yeah just a little insight of everything um I know like a lot of the content too that I’ve been doing has been like slower um and I can clearly tell with like YouTube analytics as well that like I can tell that like videos aren’t doing as popular as they used to or um you know streams aren’t as popular I guess um but I just want to like take a minute and not to say that it’s a chapter ending but um I think a turn in a better direction for videos and stuff cuz I I I actually want to like go out and do stuff and like record stuff that I go out and do um and not just be stuck to my desk um even though you know editing and stuff like that that does take a whole bunch of time and everything uh there’s nothing wrong with that it’s just I I would like to express I’d like to express my creative abilities in different ways so all right let’s see [Music] near water okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh those are fish [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it’s the only thing there’s quite a few different [Music] paths oh [Music] oh you think it was here [Music] [Music] oh sorry I I kind of threw you into that one okay I don’t think it was there there’s a torch spider another torch [Music] lava now I wish oh could it be in here um no I wish we could have kept oh wasn’t that far down okay [Laughter] cuz we we did have I kept my diamonds and Redstone at least all right that’s good um no we used to have have it was like gravestone keep or something like that and it was perfect and then uh so one of the features of it was when you died a gravestone would spawn and then you just go to the gravestone and use a key and then it unlocks it and you get all your stuff it was fantastic but luckily enough some people were misusing it and were purposely like spawning gravestones around people and when you spawn a gravestone um no one else can destroy it except you so that was a big issue cuz people were like spawn trapping people so that was that was fun [Music] um oh that’s logging go okay skeleton killed by okay oh was it here I hope not cuz that was just 5 minutes ago I didn’t even think about this uh let’s see look up one TP all right let’s see what did you have you had iron I know you had full iron outfit had an iron pick uh I can’t remember what else you had [Music] [Music] oh and an iron sword all right cool uh [Music] yeah it’s all good um yeah I don’t know why the uh the stream’s a bit slow it’s all right uh yeah it it should be fine now all right I think though for the stream I may end it there I know it’s a little shorter than usual um I just am I’m just tired um I should be having a video coming out soon within the next couple of days um [Music] it’s I don’t know it it’s well it’s more of what I like the style of uh videos that I’ve been doing like the past couple of days or the last few uploads [Music] um I’m not going to say it’s the last one of that style but I’m definitely going to be uploading it and I think I’ll promote it as well so you’ll probably see Like It Go like absolutely crazy um but I mean it’s good when I when I promote stuff on there um you know sometimes I get some uh new followers and stuff and there’s a lot of new subscribers that come but um yeah I think definitely having more regular people would be really good too um but yeah I’ll probably end the stream off here um I have a video that that is coming out sometime soon within the next week or so um maybe a week or two I should say um just cuz I got to record and everything I have it all ready for what I want but yeah so I got a video coming out soon um hopefully can start doing some Vlog stuff for the channel um help out with that sort of thing definitely want to do more videos instead of just streams um there’ll be update videos and stuff like that soon for the channel I’m going to be uploading more stuff on the YouTube uh posts and also on the Discord uh I’ll probably also uh post a few things on uh Instagram and on Tik Tok or not Tik Tok sorry uh Twitter so you can check me out there uh for my socials if you want to check out any of my stuff that I do have it’s down in the description below uh and if you haven’t already please consider subscribing to csmia uh he’s helped out a lot with today’s stream and also uh he’s been a part of the past few streams so I would definitely uh check him out and give them a subscribe and I think I think that’s all um yeah just going to have new video um check out CS MCA if you haven’t already um and Vlogs are coming out soon uh I’m going to be posting a lot more post stuff too so just images and uh chat and stuff like that uh try just trying to be more involved um I know I go through like spurts of being involved with the community and stuff um but hopefully I can kind of take more photos write more posts and stuff like that so you guys can check it out um and hopefully try to become a bigger and better YouTuber um this is is my own little journey so uh we go at our own pace uh but anyways yet again please if you haven’t already uh check out CS maier’s channel uh and make sure to subscribe to him and yeah if you haven’t subscribed to me consider I’ll see you guys real soon see you guys

This video, titled ‘Will we finish the rollarcoaster – MSMP’, was uploaded by Macedawg on 2024-04-13 03:01:17. It has garnered 52 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:13:12 or 11592 seconds.

Hey Dawggos, I hope you are all doing well, Today we are going to be playing some Minecraft! It has been a couple of weeks without playing on the MSMP, so I thought we should check it out! I hope you all enjoy!

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    Crafty Cribs: 3 Starter Homes for Survival in Minecraft! In this Minecraft world, we’re diving deep, To find the best starter houses to keep. From the first day house to the secret tree, Each design is crafted for you and me. The music sets the mood just right, As we explore these houses in the light. With shaders and textures, the game comes alive, Thanks to creators who help us thrive. So join me on this Minecraft quest, To find the perfect house, the very best. And don’t forget to like and subscribe, For more videos that will make you vibe. Read More

  • Discover a New World on Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Discover a New World on Minewind Minecraft Server! Are you ready to embark on a new adventure in the world of Minecraft? If you’re looking for a unique and exciting server to join, look no further than Minewind. With its thrilling gameplay and vibrant community, Minewind offers an experience like no other. Imagine being transported to a world where anything is possible, where you can build, explore, and conquer alongside fellow gamers from around the globe. The possibilities are endless on Minewind. So why wait? Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and start your journey towards endless fun and excitement. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to be… Read More

  • Crazy Minecraft Build Hacks

    Crazy Minecraft Build Hacks Unlock Your Creative Potential with Minecraft Crazy Build Hacks Are you ready to elevate your Minecraft building skills to new heights? Look no further than this comprehensive guide filled with innovative build hacks that will revolutionize the way you approach construction in the game. Whether you’re a seasoned architect or a beginner, these tips and tricks will inspire you to create jaw-dropping structures that will leave your friends in awe. Secret Tricks and Creative Strategies From hidden passages to stunning landscapes, this tutorial covers a wide range of creative techniques that will take your builds to the next level…. Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Minecraft Adventures Await!

    Join Minewind: Where Minecraft Adventures Await! Welcome to! Are you a fan of Minecraft animations and music videos? If so, you’ll love the creativity and storytelling on display in the latest video “Minecraft animation boys love|| my favorite demon part 3 || music video.” While this video may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it showcases the power of storytelling and community in the Minecraft universe. As you immerse yourself in the world of Minecraft animations, why not take your experience to the next level by joining a vibrant and exciting Minecraft server like Minewind? With a focus on community, creativity, and… Read More

  • Deadly Dwellers Arrive! Night Dweller Ep.10

    Deadly Dwellers Arrive! Night Dweller Ep.10 Minecraft Night Dweller: Facing the Most Dangerous Dwellers Yet The “Night Dweller” series has captivated many with its thrilling mods and terrifying gameplay in Minecraft. As the protagonist delves into the world of horror mods, the intensity and fear only grow, making for an engaging and heart-pounding experience. Exploring the Terrifying Mods The protagonist’s journey into the world of terror mods in Minecraft has brought forth a unique blend of fear and excitement. From encountering the Man From The Fog to facing the Cartoon Dweller, each mod adds a new layer of horror to the gameplay. A Night Like… Read More

  • KuX Logistics: Crafting Chaos in Minecraft

    KuX Logistics: Crafting Chaos in Minecraft In the KuX Logistics Center, Minecraft shines bright, Above and Beyond, in a world of delight. Industrial mode, with mods to explore, Survival gameplay, like never before. With quantum entanglement, we’ll reach new heights, In a singularity of creative delights. Adventures in Adventureland, the music plays, As we craft and build in endless ways. Thanks to Jake Moore, for the art and the fun, In Minecraft, our journey is never done. So leap into the verse, let your creativity sing, In the world of Minecraft, where dreams take wing. Read More

  • Modding Madness: Minecraft 1.20.6 Update

    Modding Madness: Minecraft 1.20.6 Update Exploring Minecraft 1.20.6 Update: Fabric Modding Adventure Embark on a thrilling journey into the world of Minecraft with the latest update to version 1.20.6. In this exciting video, players are guided through the process of updating mod fabric and dependencies to ensure compatibility with the new Minecraft version. Additionally, with Minecraft now utilizing Java 21, viewers are shown how to update their Java version to seamlessly integrate with the game. Setting Dependency Versions One of the key aspects of modding Minecraft is ensuring that dependencies are set up correctly. The video delves into the process of setting dependency versions,… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Epic Challenges and Surprises!

    Join Minewind Server for Epic Challenges and Surprises! Are you looking for a new and exciting Minecraft server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With a vibrant community and endless possibilities for exploration and adventure, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your creativity and connect with fellow gamers. Imagine a world where challenges are around every corner, where arrows rain down from the sky in a thrilling display of skill and strategy. This is just a taste of what awaits you on Minewind. Join us today and experience the excitement for yourself. To join the fun, simply enter the server IP: YT.MINEWIND.NET into your Minecraft… Read More

  • 100 Players Recreate Minecraft in Garry’s Mod DarkRP

    100 Players Recreate Minecraft in Garry's Mod DarkRP Minecraft Comes to Life in Garry’s Mod DarkRP Imagine the world of Minecraft brought to life within the realms of Garry’s Mod DarkRP. This unique gaming experience recently unfolded as 100 players embarked on a hardcore survival journey with only one life to spare. The fusion of these two popular games created a thrilling and challenging environment for all participants. Exploring the Minecraft Universe in Garry’s Mod Through the use of carefully curated addons from the Steam Workshop, players were able to recreate the iconic elements of Minecraft within the Garry’s Mod universe. From blocky landscapes to familiar mobs,… Read More

  • Unbelievable Gamer DESTROYS Horse?! #minecraft

    Unbelievable Gamer DESTROYS Horse?! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Not The Horse! #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Just A Decent Game Player on 2024-01-14 13:00:15. It has garnered 2588 views and 74 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. LuckyBlocks Duels #minecraft #gaming #pvp #pvpduels #skywars #bedrock #minecraftshorts #gameplay #1v1duel #luckyblock Read More

  • I Trolled My Sister in Minecraft Scary Caves

    I Trolled My Sister in Minecraft Scary CavesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mobile Legends Bang Bang Vs I Trolled My Sister with SCARY CAVES in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Sirai Abbas Gaming on 2024-03-08 15:54:18. It has garnered 6 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:39 or 639 seconds. I Trolled My Sister with SCARY CAVES in Minecraft Mobile Legends Bang Bang Android Mobile Gameplay 20 Kills + 4x MANIAC!! MVP 20.1 Points Natan Best Build Gold Lane – Build Top 1 Global Natan ~ MLBB Read More

  • RaahimClips – EPIC WIN on LIVE! 😱 #minecraft #hypixel

    RaahimClips - EPIC WIN on LIVE! 😱 #minecraft #hypixelVideo Information This video, titled ‘I DESTROYED him while he was LIVE 😂 #trending #minecraft #bedwars #hypixel #entertainment #gaming’, was uploaded by RaahimClips on 2024-05-09 12:50:59. It has garnered 188 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. lunar client, badlion client, forge, 1.7.10 forge, 1.8.9 forge, hack download,, vape download, vape v4, vapev4, vape v4 crack, vape cracked, vape free download, vape lite, vape lite cracked, free vape crack, minecraft, minecraft pvp, pvp, 1.7.10, fps boost, fps boost 2020, fps boost 2021, hypixel, cheating on hypixel, hypixel hack, minemen club, mmc, Misoka,… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Tiny Chunk Battle: Mikey vs JJ Family!

    EPIC Minecraft Tiny Chunk Battle: Mikey vs JJ Family!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mikey Family vs JJ Family TINY CHUNK Survival Battle in Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by Mikey Spikey on 2024-05-13 15:00:03. It has garnered 84847 views and 535 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:08 or 968 seconds. Mikey Family vs JJ Family TINY CHUNK Survival Battle in Minecraft (Maizen) This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen – @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, I hope you will enjoy my videos! Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Control Challenge! Can You Handle It? #shorts

    Ultimate Minecraft Control Challenge! Can You Handle It? #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, But You Control My Server… #shorts’, was uploaded by FastPots on 2024-03-20 16:00:18. It has garnered 4312 views and 211 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. You Control My Server! tiktok – twitter- discord – Business email: [email protected] #shorts #gaming #Minecraft #minecadia Read More

  • EPIC Castle Upgrade on WOOLSMP Server! | Pixel Hindustani Minecraft

    EPIC Castle Upgrade on WOOLSMP Server! | Pixel Hindustani MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 24/7 Online Server : #14 WOOLSMP | I Upgrade My Castle Into New Castle | #woolsmp’, was uploaded by Pixel Hindustani on 2024-02-27 19:03:27. It has garnered 158 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 02:56:27 or 10587 seconds. Hey folks! Watch me play Minecraft One block! Server: IP- Port- 17711 Thank you for watching my Minecraft stream. And for all the support you are showing! 🔥, If you liked my stream, please like and subscribe. It motivates me a lot. 🙂 And share my channel with your game friends…. Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Twitch Modded Adventure!

    Unbelievable Minecraft Twitch Modded Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #twitch #modded’, was uploaded by JNIN3R on 2024-01-16 05:31:55. It has garnered 140 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Read More

  • Bhalavi gamer DOMINATES Minecraft Bedwars! 🔥 #shorts

    Bhalavi gamer DOMINATES Minecraft Bedwars! 🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft God Playing ( BEDWAR ) full creadit:- @DaquavisMC #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Bhalavi gamer on 2024-02-28 06:30:34. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Video Ditels:- Editer :- ANGRY SONU(ME) Edit :- capcut voice over🎙️:- capcut thumbnail 🖼️ :- pixelLab scripter :- ANGRY … Read More

  • BD Gamerz YT – 🔴 CRAZY MINECRAFT ACTION LIVE 🔴🔥 | Java + Pocket Edition + Bedrock

    BD Gamerz YT - 🔴 CRAZY MINECRAFT ACTION LIVE 🔴🔥 | Java + Pocket Edition + BedrockVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴 MINECRAFT ON LIVE🔴😍Minecraft Smp Java+Pocket Edition+Bedrock |’, was uploaded by BD Gamerz YT on 2024-05-07 14:58:19. It has garnered 96 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:58 or 1558 seconds. 🔴 MINECRAFT ON LIVE🔴😍Minecraft Smp Java+Pocket Edition+Bedrock | Social link : DISCORD ——- #minecraft #minecrafthindi #minecraftlive #minecraft100days #minecraftgameplay #india #minecraftjavaedition #jitsubhaganing TAGS & KEYWORDS– ___________________________________________________________________________________ minecraft live minecraft live Bangla minecraft 100 days minecraft 24/7 smp minecraft mcpe live pe live minecraft java live stream minecraft java minecraft india how to make farms in minecraft how to make wheat… Read More

  • TFMC – Roleplay Whitelist 1.20.2

    Join the TFMC Realm! Join us on Discord: Watch the Season 3 trailer: Experience the ultimate Minecraft Roleplay in TFMC. Choose your path as a master Smith, Fletcher, Miner, Woodcutter, Agriculturist, or an Engineer. Solve mysteries, craft legendary weapons, and nurture the land. Explore mysticism as an Alchemist: Engage in thrilling roleplay, strategic wars, and shape history. Immerse yourself in a dynamic world with exclusive events, custom resources, magic spells, legendary items, and more. Join our global community on and start your adventure today! SEASON 3 JUST LAUNCHED Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Bob be mad flexin’

    Minecraft Memes - Bob be mad flexin'Be like Bob and aim for a meme score higher than your GPA. Read More

  • Trial Chamber Treasure Hunt: Minecraft 1.21 Tricks!

    Trial Chamber Treasure Hunt: Minecraft 1.21 Tricks! In Minecraft 1.21, Trial Chambers await, A new structure to explore, don’t hesitate. To find them easily, follow my lead, In this video, I’ll show you the deed. Search high and low, in every biome, The Trial Chambers hide, just give it some time. Subscribe to my channel, for more Minecraft fun, Join my Discord server, we’ll chat and we’ll pun. Seeds and updates, all in one place, On my Instagram, you’ll see my Minecraft grace. Music from YouTube, sets the mood right, In every video, I bring the delight. So come along, let’s dive in deep, Into Minecraft… Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit in Minecraft

    Hotter than a lava pit in Minecraft “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraft #funny #memes Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Scaffolding Guide

    Ultimate Minecraft Scaffolding Guide Minecraft Scaffolding Guide: Reach New Heights with Ease! Are you tired of struggling to build tall structures in Minecraft? Say goodbye to endless dirt block towers and welcome the convenience of scaffolding! This ultimate guide will walk you through everything you need to know about crafting and using scaffolding in Minecraft. Get ready to build high, fast, and easy! Crafting Scaffolding With just bamboo and string, you can craft scaffolding in Minecraft. This simple recipe will revolutionize the way you build in the game. Say goodbye to tedious block stacking and hello to efficient scaffolding construction! Stacking and Placement… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for a Unique and Thrilling Minecraft Experience!

    Join Minewind Server for a Unique and Thrilling Minecraft Experience! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and most exciting updates from the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “NGÁO PHÁT HIỆN NGƯỜI BẠN THÂN CÙNG PHÒNG TRỞ NÊN QUÁI DỊ LÚC 3H SÁNG TRONG MINECRAFT 😨👻.” Although the video itself may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it showcases the endless possibilities and adventures that await you in the Minecraft universe. Imagine the thrill of exploring a world where your closest friend can turn into something eerie and mysterious at 3 AM. The unpredictability and excitement of such… Read More

  • Speakerman Battles Spider Toilet in Minecraft

    Speakerman Battles Spider Toilet in Minecraft The Epic Showdown: Big Speakerman vs Spider Toilet in Minecraft Get ready for an adrenaline-pumping battle in the world of Minecraft as Big Speakerman faces off against Spider Toilet! This epic showdown is sure to keep you on the edge of your seat as these formidable opponents clash in a fierce competition. Who will emerge victorious? Let’s dive into the action-packed world of Minecraft to find out! The Addon: Skibidi Toilet One of the key elements in this thrilling Minecraft battle is the Skibidi Toilet addon. This unique addition to the game introduces a new level of excitement with… Read More

  • Minecraft’s TERRIFYING Anime Secrets!

    Minecraft's TERRIFYING Anime Secrets!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft’s SADDEST Anime’, was uploaded by BriannaPlayz on 2024-04-23 12:00:22. It has garnered 128629 views and 2323 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:18 or 1578 seconds. ❇️ SUBSCRIBE – 👕 FIRE MERCH – 🔥 DOWNLOAD APP – 👀 FOLLOW ME HERE! ☛ TikTok – ☛ Instagram – ☛ Twitter – 🎮 MY FAN DISCORD! ☛ —————————— Additional music provided by Epidemic Sound Click here for a free trial! If you believe your copyrighted work was unintentionally used in this video without permission, please contact us… Read More

  • Creepy Minecraft Gameplay Revealed!

    Creepy Minecraft Gameplay Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Is Spooky #minecraft’, was uploaded by PlagHD on 2024-03-04 18:00:06. It has garnered 4872 views and 175 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. ========================================== ♦️♦️Please Subscribe!!♦️♦️ ========================================== #hardcore #minecraft #minecraftshorts #friends #friendship #stressrelief #minecraftmemes #minecraftmeme #wholesome #multiplayer #smp #shorts #worst #mob #worstmobinminecraft #mcyt #100days #100dayschallenge #100 #difficult #multiplayer #SMP #Sweetberries #berries #sweet #scary #scp #cavedweller #horrorstories #ghost #spooky ========================================== 👻 Brace yourselves for a spine-chilling journey into the eerie depths of Minecraft! In this YouTube short, we peel back the blocks to reveal the hidden horrors lurking within the… Read More

  • EMOTIONAL FAREWELL: AlihanTV says goodbye to 2023 in Minecraft #shorts

    EMOTIONAL FAREWELL: AlihanTV says goodbye to 2023 in Minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Goodbye 2023 🖐️🥺 minecraft #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Alihan TV on 2024-01-13 05:13:58. It has garnered 5712 views and 148 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE DISASTER ADDON: Minecraft Marketplace Review!

    UNBELIEVABLE DISASTER ADDON: Minecraft Marketplace Review!Video Information This video, titled ‘INSANE DISASTERS ADDON: Minecraft Marketplace in-depth Review!’, was uploaded by ECKOSOLDIER on 2024-04-17 17:59:57. It has garnered 41624 views and 1114 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:30 or 990 seconds. Natural Disaster addon for Minecraft Bedrock Edition, is it worth the price tag? ✅Become Official Member: HELP ME REACH 2 MILLION SUBSCRIBERS: ► Follow me on Twitter: ► Twitch: ► Discord: ► TikTok: ► Instagram: ► Book Me! Download: Join us as we dive into the chaotic world of the Minecraft Marketplace Insane Disasters… Read More

  • Epic Fireball Fight on BLUBERIES Minecraft Server!

    Epic Fireball Fight on BLUBERIES Minecraft Server!Video Information This video, titled ‘Never Back Down, Never Give Up In Fireball Fight!!! #mcserver #minecraftserver #smp’, was uploaded by BLUBERIES on 2024-01-07 04:30:15. It has garnered 21322 views and 543 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. SUB4MORE INSANE MINECRAFT SHORTS! Never Back Down, Never Give Up In Fireball Fight!!! Kind of like ParrotX2 and his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP Series where he Started a War or Ended a War. Not Leowook, RoshamboGames, ClownPierce and his LifeSteal SMP Season 2 / his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP / Brothers SMP/ LifeSteal SMP… Read More

  • Unleash the ZOONOMALY MONSTER EAGLE in Minecraft PE!

    Unleash the ZOONOMALY MONSTER EAGLE in Minecraft PE!Video Information This video, titled ‘How To Make A Portal To The ZOONOMALY MONSTER EAGLE Dimension in Minecraft PE’, was uploaded by Sploodie on 2024-04-04 15:00:23. It has garnered 7919 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:23 or 203 seconds. How To Make A Portal To The ZOONOMALY MONSTER EAGLE Dimension in Minecraft PE minecraft,mcpe,minecraft pe,minecraft pocket edition,minecraft bedrock edition,minecraft be,mcbe,minecraft portal,minecraft dimension,portal,dimension,zoonomaly,zoonomaly minecraft,zoonomaly mcpe,zoonomaly minecraft pe,zoonomaly addon,zoonomaly mod,zoonomaly mcpe addon,zoonomaly minecraft mod,zoonomaly portal minecraft,minecraft zoonomaly,mcpe zoonomaly,mcpe zoonomaly addon,zoonomaly mcpe mod Read More

  • Minecraft CRAZY Physics Mods Destroy Gameplay

    Minecraft CRAZY Physics Mods Destroy GameplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Arruiné Minecraft con Mods de Físicas’, was uploaded by Hatsu on 2024-05-11 22:18:31. It has garnered 12932 views and 1542 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:54 or 474 seconds. 2 videos in a month? impressive……………………………. In this Minecraft video game with the physics mod, nothing special like a hardcore or 100 days. Just a playthrough that borders on sick •Tiktok – •Twitter – •Twitch – •Contacto – [email protected] Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Season 3: Nature Takes Control!

    EPIC Minecraft Season 3: Nature Takes Control!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Season 3 Episode 5: Nature Is Taking Over!’, was uploaded by 4oli on 2024-04-03 04:00:08. It has garnered 52 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:05:45 or 3945 seconds. In this episode I made more progress on my new house! The Next Episode: The Previous Episode: Rules Of This Series: This Series will contain seasons, each season will be 10 episodes and every episode will be around 1 hour long. At the beginning of each Season the world will update to the next major minecraft version, so for… Read More

  • “Mind-Blowing Minecraft Obsession Revealed!” #shizo #clickbait

    "Mind-Blowing Minecraft Obsession Revealed!" #shizo #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Why you play minecraft all day? #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Custom on 2024-03-29 10:30:30. It has garnered 120 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. 🌟 Keep Watching, Stay Smiley😊 —— Support us – Click on ♥️SUBSCRIBE —— Thanks For Watching 》If there is any copyright issue so contact me on:- 》[email protected] 》i will act soon as possible about copyright issue 》This content is just for fun and if you need any help for your content i am always ready for help #shorts #hate #greenscreenkids #greenscreenadult #greenscreen #roast… Read More

  • Avalon SMP 1.19 MMORPG Dungeons Classes Questing

    Server Information: Server Trailer: Watch Here TikTok: Check out our TikTok Server IP: Avalon is Under Attack! You are a Guardian. Join a kingdom or create your own and invite others to fight evil in Avalon. Discover secrets, conquer the Great Evil, and experience an mmoRPG like never before. Features: Become a Warrior, Mage, Rogue, Paladin, Summoner, Cleric, or Marksman NPC-based Questing Keep Inventory enabled 14 Daily Raid Bosses with epic rewards Dungeons Custom Skills and Magic Spells Custom Armor & Weapons Custom Crafting Co-operative Towny environment Silk Touch Spawners Crates, Voting, Banking Pets – Capture mobs/animals, and level… Read More

  • (1.19.4) (KitPVP with super powers) (1.19.4) (KitPVP with super powers)IP: (1.19.4)Discord: fun little KitPVP server I coded myself. Come test it out and leave comments please!There are 7 KITSeat with their own special ability:Airbender – gust of windBerserker – jump boost with axeScorch – shotgun shooterGoblin – arrow barrageIgor – explosive tridentsSumo – ground poundGrief – invisible vampire Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – The modded Minecraft addict

    Minecraft Memes - The modded Minecraft addictWhen your friend is always playing with mods in Minecraft, it’s like they’re on a whole different level – literally, because they’ve probably added a bunch of new dimensions! Read More