Magical Swamp Village – Minecraft Live Stream

Video Information

Hi Canarsie hi Janine how are you and welcome today we’ll continue the construction and whatever we work on next is a shepherd’s house because now we’ve got pigs and sheeps we got already a butcher so let’s go for a shepherd’s pie Rhett welcome I already prepared a

Couple of stems I think they are enough Hyogo i Spinney hi Rennick welcome this time I work mostly with driftwood because I do also love the way this looks it looks quite clean I maximum hi Zane hi ginger game and I did already some calculations here as well like let

Me quickly show you like I wanted to actually and this is something that I always advise players to do if you are building in the swamp you want to take advantage of the space that’s given to you so this flower pot right there equals two blocks from the building

This roof is like by one block so I I made the worldi exactly four blocks from the other building because I already know I will also put some flowers there hi I’m Matt hi Dylan hi Zack ha and hi SL Frank how you guys doing how is your

Day it’s good to see you guys again oh you want to help me with the construction golem it would be so cool if you could actually have like a golem follower or any type of more human look like follower in this game I mean yeah you can have wolves that I like following

You and they can fight to buy what you cool to have some some more mob States you can have like as some sort of follower or like a mercenary or some thing I just see that would be so fun hi gato how are you welcome yeah there

But no problem I try to do this now like almost daily that I will stream like I won’t be able to maybe stream every day but at least every second so yeah I think so too especially like today I feel like Saturday in general is not

Like the best day to stream because a lot of people are going out and they’re doing stuff so I’ve noticed that on other days there’s like more it’s more busy hi ah da are you a house Germany a bit hot recently in the issue here with like the German building series like

Most buildings in Germany like if you’re looking for an apartment or house they won’t come with air conditioned and you can install air conditioning in Germany but it’s like freakin expensive it’s like three or four times higher the price than in other countries like someone told me just to to install it

Can sometimes cost up to eight thousand or more and that’s just to install it thank you god oh I’m working with that magical in other words because I always wanted to work with it but I didn’t find a fitting biome until I had the idea hey

Why not try the swamp the Trump is so mystical anyway hi Manuela how I welcome I’m glad that our that I have so many roxtor need windows here but yeah always try to to measure everything thank you yeah like measurements are so important when I was like new to Minecraft I would

Place like a house just three blocks next to another house and I would forget all there’s a trapdoor there’s a roof and they would like kind of like be built into each other and looked so weird because the the roofs were like touching and stuff so yeah the planning

Is so important when it comes to making new buildings yeah me too Pro Sonic I’m addicted to Minecraft like I can play Minecraft everyday and I don’t get bored of it and I’m honest with that like seriously because there’s just so much stuff to do there hi Janine welcome back

It’s good to see you again I would try to remember all of your names but at some point I will forget some names because more and more people are coming recently like I’m happy that I’m growing quite fast recently like I nearly got three thousand subs again within the

Last 28 days so my channel has been growing a lot like that’s crazy oops wait oh no I didn’t make a mistake here probably I will go here for maybe blue another color I mean I could stick to the red team right late like we have here also with like the red carpet

Inside know a lot motors you’re not late I’m late today usually I would have started stream like a half hour ago but I had to do some preparations and stuff so yeah and I also wanted to collect some stem off stream so I don’t have to

Farm as much today and yeah this kitchen turned out pretty well for those of you that were not in that stream we came up with this sort of built it looks like some some furniture for some for some dishes like you would have like plates here some cleaning air with water and

Yes of some roses and stuff and because of a back with with the smoker I had to move this one upstairs so now it’s upstairs here and we added some bookshelves looks way better now motors I’m building our swamp village with the new netherworld Thank You gato or this

This one is trolling me like he keeps closing the door on me Oh today I will work with it this will mainly be the last building with the work put after this I will work on the red district that’s also wrong red district almost like red light district right but yeah I

Will work on some some red buildings there oh really as a Frank Wow yon old timer then haha hey thanks for sticking to me for so long I appreciate that I’m eating lollipop and watch oh okay sounds interesting I wish I had some candy right now because I feel like a

Bit low on sugar even though I talk a lot now I seem like lon sugar yeah maybe this will not be completely enough but I would try to do most with what I have now and then we just found some would again oh I could also use

This sort of like in the snowy Kingdom where I create some patterns like I can try it for this one but yeah ah Alexis again I’m too late for you right oops that’s high enough then and we have like it’s like four blocks now yeah okay

Dylan I will see you next time have a good night I like the other buildings here we’ll be fine with just four blocks because once I put up the stairs we get an additional block of space in there so if you want to go again for a bit like with the

Shroom light like we did in there it’s no problem it will be high enough but I’m not sure if six locks will be enough for the floor maybe and I still need to check in the chest how many stairs we have left always need to cut down like

Three or four more funghi and then we should be good with this building why do you have a bad game echo game or what happened I’m sorry to hear that but what’s wrong let’s place down the door as well oh wait I can place a door down yet because

Of the ground okay now I can oh yeah like it’s really good if you have notifications because then you also know when I stream because I don’t have like a completely fixed streaming type by is usually between 9:30 and 10:30 p.m. in German time it’s probably in the u.s.

Like 5:00 p.m. or something or then then again depends in which state you are in I think it’s in New York like 5 or 6 p.m. when I stream no problem shadow girl I just started anyway I’ve only been live for like how much like nine

Minutes it’s not too long I need some more stone house like the storm host a break so freaking fast because of all those like whopped netherworld blocks like they are so annoying every want them to patch them so they disappear when the stem is gone because it’s so a time consuming always

Oh you already stopped me at four point three cups oh wow that was early it was like last year then isn’t it last year I had this amount and yeah this is the new Bonnie farm right there okay I don’t need that we need some funky

Oh nice this time I have three it’s so random when you like sometimes you maybe will use like five or six bonwit’s on the ground to just get one mushroom and sometimes you just use one and you get like three at once it’s all so freaking

Random here I super reach up and welcome hi gg gg K starts welcome also mushroom light is useful as well this army of three what scent are saved to my friend did Costa what do you mean sent us safe to your friend what do you mean by that

Wait did he make a new video looking up to release a new video or what do you mean or you mean the world he uploaded like a long time ago because I think I checked out all of his videos hi chicken nugget and welcome I’m so in love with

This turquoise color of the wood oh wait does I know what this is like what’s what are those what’s made of actually I’m wondering because what doesn’t sound too healthy in my ears like it sounds like some skin infection or something like note what’s funny like imagine you’re having a phone call

With a friend and then on the phone you say to your friend something like your friends asking you hey what are you doing right now and then you are saying on the phone oh I’m taking care of some what blocks and then your favor back way what what blocks do you have some

Freaking skin infection or what what do you mean by what blocks you just sound so weird right what blocks doesn’t sound too healthy so if you do have those you better see a doctor right and wish oh if I saw aunt wish yet wishing I saw all of them yeah I hate

This to Jenny because like life has changed so much and like I know so many businesses that are now suffering and a restaurant nearby just closed I recently because they couldn’t pay their rent anymore and like all those companies that owned certain apartments they still want to rent right but you’re not having

That much income anymore if you like a restaurant owner but you still need to pay your employees then you need to pay your rent then some companies also you have like a contract with like a delivery contract or something where every month they give you a certain

Amount of like Fanta or Cola or something right so like those companies they are now stuck in a loophole because they need to pay and they can’t get out of it and even if they quit the contract like of those contracts you must quit them in a period of like three months or

Something so the next three months they still need to pay for that so let’s say they find a new supplier of something like bit like drink delivery like for some for some coke some beer or something then they need to be still in the contract for at least like maybe

Like three months or something like that so yeah that should be enough three more trees and don’t need to just borne it anymore ouch I monster gaming and welcome back it’s good to see you again how was your day I checked by the way I checked yesterday

For servers and like you can create a room for like ten people but if you want like to have like a bigger real like a bigger server you actually need to pay like it’s possible to buy servers and they’re like some people that have like high pixel domains and stuff but if you

Want that you need to pay so maybe in the future I will buy one and I will let like my community played there with me and we can work on some projects but not right now hi Maggie hi mr. lucky welcome so yeah for like big service it’s like what was

It like 30 a month or 40 it depends Thank You Maggie I appreciate you I’ve noticed today something really strange on my channel by the way like I went to my analytics and I checked out like all my videos and even my Let’s Plays and I had a look at like those

Videos that were like bigger and I noticed that some of the videos that were bigger had a lower average play time and maybe like even a longer total length of the video then those that were smaller and had a shorter video length by the higher average play time and this

Freaking confused me because like what makes actually a video grown now is it not like the average play time and how many views you get within the first minutes Oh like sometimes I really don’t get the YouTube algorithms like I videos that aren’t supposed to be big they have

Videos that are supposed to be bigger than a sort of small and sometimes it’s like frustrating because it’s really hard to guess it’s so random like how much a certain video was spread Thank You Adam Michael and welcome to my channel you too ggk starts thank you I appreciate that

We should all stay positive and do like what we love doing right now like we should let a pandemic or anything else or daily struggle put asunder like that I I will try to always stay positive no matter what but I know sometimes life can be stressful about a fox you mean

Like a pet Fox in Minecraft or Fox like in in general like in real life and wish Oh this was actually pretty fun in twitch I love this one okay this is probably the last one because then I will have enough of the roof and for the ground like

What’s your guys favorite biome in Minecraft like which one do you like the most from all dimes my favourite anymore is cat Meggie I love cats so much I really feel like cats are the most elegant animals of them all they are like so clean and the way they walk and

Behave it’s like the cats are our kings and queens and they’re so fascinating and second I would say probably doc and third maybe kangaroos because I really love kangaroos from when I was a child I would often watch documentaries about kangaroos and I just thought it was so

Cool also how they are like carrying around their children in the back that’s a skin back at their stomach so yeah my oldest Rob like first cat second doc and then kangaroos but I’ve never been to Australia but I want to visit Australia at some point like I had a friend at

School and he went to Australia because his uncle has a farm he’s a farmer there and he showed me some pictures about Australia and taught me a lot about his time there and I was so freaking fascinated by Australia that I really want to visit Australia so bad but so

Far from Germany like if you fly there’s like 18 hours or even more with a flight and you need to switch somewhere like it’s not a straight fight I don’t even think that’s even a straight flight from here at least not from the airport where I live oops

Where are you guys from by the way like I’m always curious to know where my audience comes from I’ve seen that like 20% of the people that are watching me at least like 20% is from the US I’m doing now YouTube full time because YouTube is so much commitment even some

Videos that you fight on my channel that are like 10 minutes long they often take 4 hours or more of editing unknown and some videos especially the bigger ones I sometimes sit only with like without the filming Isis it on some video 7 or 8 hours just purely editing a day so

Because it takes so much time like it’s so much commitment all you’ve never used another word you should really test it it’s really fun it’s all abstract and so artistic but it can be quite tricky to find like biomes or builds where it really fits in because colored wood

Offers you a bit less a bit freedom that’s the only downside of it but it can look really great if you have to the right idea for a build or the right biome I also always recommend the Mesa that the Badlands for the new wood because the Badlands already very

Colorful so if used like colored wood in the Badlands for example it also matches well I would say them the Mesa the Badlands and like the de mesa in the swamp are my favorite bands for the new world add the nether of course was another druid anyway oh yeah ground this

Down here probably I would put here 2 looms and then a bed here and one bed here and maybe some some table and seats here all your from Iran Zack Zack huh or I’d like our classmate from Iran he’s a really nice guy I miss him very much but

I’m no longer in school so yeah I have like not so much contact anymore to my previous like classmates and all I felt like after school we all read like separate ways I had so many friends when I was younger and now I have barely any friends and

That’s because a lot of friends like got married or moved away so I got ouch okay I didn’t want to do that so yeah a lot changes when you get older I guess except ice I wish I could turn back time and be young again I’m not

Saying I’m old or anything but like when you are like really young you don’t have so many worries like for example if you like 14 years or 15 like you don’t need to think about all the serious stuff about life but once you like mature and you like older you have so many

Responsibilities and stuff well yourself like two or three classmates like that are still my friends and talk to a distaste but it’s only like two people so yeah oh my gosh what’s wrong with me I just keep falling up I really hope this will be enough though stems

Right but maybe yeah yeah there should be enough because on the other side there will also just be like maybe six yeah well the thing is like they all like moved away also for inter-college job 12 my friends got married and they change the city no problem spinning I will see you next

Time I really like your profile picture by the way spinny I think I’ve seen this series before it’s a cartoon right so what are you guys doing I use like still students are you working okay that’s the middle oh you went to a mess today because you yeah because it’s Sunday oh nice Wait about via Fox I find him quite interesting I do find sometimes foxes here in Germany like very near to my home we have a bunch of foxes live here and they are pretty shy so it’s really difficult to approach them but once I had the Fox already like 6 or 7 meters

From me it was really interesting I didn’t like stared at me and then moved it was around evening time I got your life Channel yeah I mean if you if you love doing those like go always for what you love in life like the best advice I

Can give you guys is if you have like a certain passion for something and you want it either as a hobby or even as a career go for it because time is not always in our favor so if we have something we like now we better go for

It because if you wait for too long like you never know if you would be successful at it or not until you try right yeah unfortunately the locks are not enough we managed to finish like half the roof but we are about to get some monologues and yeah oh yeah well

You have beers Moltres what do you live like that’s freaking fascinating to find like beers in the forest oh the only animals we have in Germany are like yeah foxes we have like Reds we have Mouse’s we have hedgehogs what else do we have boss and yes some deers that’s all

Alright squirrels of course we have squirrels and I love squirrels I fight them so cute they are so fluffy and so quick and so smart I wish I had a pet squirrel subtypes I actually saw in a YouTube video that you can actually tame squirrels and have

Them as a pet I imagine you had a pet squirrel and then you feed it like nuts from and it’s sitting on your shoulder just like a parrot is sitting on a show that you have a screw sit on your shoulder and you feed it nuts that would

Be so funny right pigs are like pigs oh you want to be a police officer that’s actually really really great like my grandpa used to be a police officer and you learn also like a lot of wisdom about life as a police officer because you have to to deal with like people of

Multiple cultural backgrounds and you’re like always meeting a lot of new people is also sometimes quite adventurous as well I feel like being a police officer must be so much fun like I’ve heard nothing but good for my grandpa when he was still one that’s a pretty cool job Three years wait why do you have to wait three years because you’re like still studying no guess what I’m talking about sometimes you’re like not so lucky oh wow this is like ten bone minutes that’s crazy haha excuse me like I have this really annoying pollen allergy and I’m actually

Not sure which sort of Plenty’s is like which pollination it is like is it from a tree of a flower and around June July like my nose is acting up my I sometimes turn red and sometimes I even coffee if it’s like a really strong allergic reaction and I

Could get some therapy for that and I thought if you take like injection every like two or three months for over a year then you can be actually cleansed from this allergy like maybe in the future I will do this get rid of the pollen allergy with some therapy with

Injections but I don’t know I feel like putting so many chemicals into your body also from from the scenes some or from like injections maybe this will have some other harms in the future like I don’t know well it does help but maybe it has risks I don’t know

Maybe we have enough after this I hope so is everyone to finish the roof so I can decorate it how many do we have no we have 32 let’s go just in case for one more so we don’t have to walk back and save a lot of time that way I can still

Use it for other bills hi Lucia and welcome back it’s good to see you Yeah I’m not lucky again oh my gosh it’s like 12th this time and yeah some hungry zombies below me somewhere I don’t know there must be a cave on the distant idea more something I always see those zombie sounds here eventually I will dig down there oh it’s on 11 January Janine you

Mean fishing in real life there or in Minecraft cousin Germany it’s so difficult to go fishing you need like a special license here now I wanted to go fishing with my grandpa when he was still alive because he was really skilled at stuff like that but you need

Like a license and stuff and and he didn’t have a license and she was like nuts and a fishing in Germany but in Poland because my mom comes from Poland I’m half polish and half German and in Poland it wasn’t so strict and he could coefficient there but once my family

Moved to Germany he couldn’t go fishing there so yeah but I really wanted to go but yeah we would get in big trouble illegally lego ninjago no I haven’t watched this yet is it good the xanimation way deeper down I have to see I’m like very very careful when it

Comes to reaction videos like from time to time yeah I do react it’s part of my content like I do like at least one reaction a week but I like super careful because some are like copyright claims and it’s not the animators but it’s the song they use and some of those

Animators buy the license for certain song and they don’t get a copyright claim because they have the license but when I react to this reaction channels are not covered by the license as well even though it’s like values so I would lose like the monitor monetization for

This video and get copyright claims if I react to that so yeah I’m always like super careful when it comes to that that’s why mostly I actually talked to like those animators and I asked them hey are you cool with me reacting next week or tomorrow to this and that and if

They give me a permission I’ll just take a screenshot or safe to chant in case there’s a problem and yeah let’s make my evidence then I’ve got a near-death experience how are you but I also to have some animators reach out to me and they asked me to actually react to their

Videos and if that’s the case that’s like so different then I will react immediately over mostly at times okay I mean three late for some of you guys I thought of streaming earlier but I always worked till like 6:00 p.m. on on a daily video like for me like I’ll tell

You guys now about my daily life like how I start my day like I usually sleep sometimes 10:00 or 11:00 they I quickly jumped to the shower then I record something and I edit it to like 6 or 7 p.m. then I chill for like two hours and

Then I record something again I’m sort of like a night person so I work mostly during the whole afternoon and I write like 6 p.m. I’m finished with like a daily video sometimes 7 and that’s basically my day and then I come to stream like 2 or 3 hours later and I

Don’t mind working late even like when I was working in the IT before like I wouldn’t mind if my company would say are you can you come in today like 10 a.m. or 11 a.m. to like 6 or something I’m like ok no problem thanks for this is up Mickey welcome

Oh we are finally done all we need to do is to create this little farm here get some sheep and oh okay I’ll go also with some shroom light I’ll probably do the build with the fence like the one that hangs down what do you mean you’re ten now you’re ten ten years

Old or 10 p.m. I am think you need F experience I appreciate you may we serve some fancier no we don’t let’s to bet and let’s just crack them so what’s your guys favorite biome in Minecraft which one do you prefer you’re not good at English where you from

Wait I was screaming maybe I freaked out because this house looks great oh yeah I forgot something important I still need to put stairs against those here I always forget them it looks so much better if you put this test like this and it looks more massive okay so

Bedtime is soon hi Andrea yes I’m talking to you hi how are you how was your day Andrea bad Lance the bad guys look really nice never-ever colorful I wish they had like a villa just at spawn they’re like that would be so cool if they have some update for the

Mesa for the Badlands and they add like a own variation of the ledger for it I feel like that would look so beautiful so great alright time for the shroom light two blocks from here let’s go down by two yes you’re welcome Andrea so yeah those will be the lamps but I

Still need trapdoors I forgot about those oh you will play roblox on PC you like roblox is I’ve noticed something and I I do get why that is like I have people that like Minecraft seemed to like roblox it’s maybe because like roblox reminds you of Minecraft and

Minecraft somehow reminds you of roblox that’s my theory because it both games the characters are very block like right if you look at my character and like all minecraft characters of course we are like block people basically right so maybe in roblox it’s a bit similar so

That’s why people that like my craft like roblox and vice versa or something thank you I appreciate you and yeah we need to get some some trapdoors crafted like trap doors are so expensive like look you need like six wall planks for just two trapdoors by the chapters are so small

Mhm those ships so noisy hi girls how are you welcome back love you to lock motors have a good night I should go dreams Thank You Andrey I appreciate you my night my minecraft name is Masada crafter so if you ever see like a player with multiplayer is

Called mass Marcel the craft or like on hypixel and there that’s me so do you think about this new lefty side that I came up with like with the fence and like that with the trapdoor what do you think about that I want this to look a bit like an oil lamp or

Something like there are some oil lamps and we left it to look a little bit like that and yeah I mean I could have placed it a bit higher but I want the light level to reach the whole floor you prefer the plates by because you’re

Playing oh yeah that makes sense then I see why you would prefer that what the plains is really nice for like bigger bills your baby brother is called Sam oh that’s so that’s a nice name right there I like that name wait what did I put the

Freaking windows I think it’s in this chest let’s put some windows in I built better what do you mean by built meant like everyone’s like building something in the nest like some voting who has the best house who’s the winner what I really like on the homepage of

Minecraft but oh my gosh oh I did this again like I don’t like when the locks are like in this position and I just ruined a whole window like I can only get this back with like zip ties right don’t have us oh I have silk touch here

Okay I need to adjust this where did you search me I’m on minecraft a PC Java how do you actually find people on minecraft multiplayer like when I was like playing multiplayer before on a server off a friend like there was no option to add someone in minecraft like

I don’t know or you can only do some hypixel or something I think right only if in Oregon it’s 2 p.m. welcome Malakai sometimes I wished I would live in a different time zone like one that’s like two hours earlier than now that would be so perfect if now it’s like 9

P.m. or something she’ll go for for red carpet or should we try out purple you know what I will go for purple because I still have somewhere cornflower and I would die a sheep and just farm it for the world alright let’s bring this out by one ma

Block and I will put in here purple sheep so in the future I can use the dye from them so I feel like purple would also mention well with this turquoise that’s the middle right and time to read some pics they’re all that remains of our zombie pigman the Otsuka Pittman I’m actually

Watching what happens if they are struck by lightning no does anyone of you know what happens if they are struck by lightning before they will transform into zombie pigmen where they now transformed into zombified piglets or in tickling a bit but on the link I mean people can post their pictures of builds

And discard and maybe one time in a stream or on a video I will maybe show a certain bird that I really like or something I don’t know bye Michael have a good night yes I’ve watched Ghostbusters and I was still a kid I will watch the series

Quite often I used to love the cartoons use of ghostbusters but like the new movie I haven’t seen it all right I need more planes when how has these two planks and four sticks so I need the gate now for this farm no problem listen I’ll see you next time

Thanks for tuning in have a good night what’s like sort of my habit is when I create like those fans I always do this sort of entrance like that and I also love putting two torches on top that’s like really might have been habit I don’t know why like I

Always create such pumps because that looks like a freaking wrench gate or something like I could place down their shield and call it a no sky sky farm or the whatever fun hi Brandon welcome or the swamp farm I don’t know maybe I should name some buildings here Mike if

Certain names like the the Raven library or something or to the winking pig line or something I got be funny to the winking pickling or to the screaming which like something like that restaurant to the screaming which just a weird name let’s let’s move

Some of the sheep out but now I need to be freaking careful I will not just some walk out from here 85 to I will close this come out one two I need another one come on because if I use my foot now oh my gosh it’s going

Back in okay I would just take more oh no no yes I accomplished what I wanted to sheep yes follow me the good little sheep maybe if I if I have problem sleeping I should try to count them I will sleep better Katia sheep in Minecraft to sleep better

Hi animations inside a welcome come come come come I need to die you purple and reach you so I have like a couple of purple sheep oh no not this again you always need to push when they are stucked and hope one is a bit oh my gosh

You go further now what the heck okay no no no no no no no come finally oh this is the worst thing that can help audio breathing their love is India the hearts are just flying around well how did she lose your subscribers well dude can you leave I need to close this

Freaking okay I clearly get some white carpet so I can get out of here without them leaving let’s place it here see you later Janine have a good night when I put the cone floss in the other chest or what let’s sleep scrub oak on flow not yet Andrea

All you got Hecht but how did you get hacked you clicked on a link like guys be careful like recently I’ve heard from multiple youtubers that some companies they will send like emails to youtubers and say hey can you do a product placement and we want to work with you

Please share our product here are the information to our product and we are offering you money and then if you click on this they will have your account like like this happened to King opto for example oh yeah and how do you know our village is finally a village if you see

The cats born here’s our first kids born there I think so this is now working as a village me fixing only fix has really cool songs I like his songs I’m not sure probably for like one more hour I guess okay here we got some blue dye and we

Gotta oh we got enough corn flowers nice but I only need one blue dye because if I mix this with red dye I will get fob a to purple yeah two purple dyes right let’s let’s get rid of some stuff as inventories fully again I feel like my biggest weakness in Minecraft is

Inventory management like if I had to find the weakness something I really suck in at minecraft is that like building or fighting but it’s inventory management like I’m always having issues with my inventory it’s always fun it’s like my biggest weakness okay let’s let’s get some

Purple dye and then we color the sheep and breed them here we go Oh in your state it’s 4:10 p.m. which state are you from Andrea it’s so weird because if you used I on a sheep how it’s changing color and so unrealistic I just looking and now it’s purple and

This was one is purple and they just died so by their genetics they are not purple right so here science makes no sense like biology makes no sense and now if I breed them look at their child what color it will have this is so weird why is the child already died I

Mean in real life if you get a tattoo and your partner has a tattoo and maybe you have the same tattoo it doesn’t read that your child will have to tell you or if you color your hair blonde in that in your partner too that your child will

Have been together that is so weird in Minecraft like it’s so funny they always makes me laugh or make my eyes like really big like like what’s happening here I wish you could children too but just for like one week that’s okay let’s get some purple carpet just to see

How it looks I feel like it would probably match pretty well are you from Wisconsin I will add another door here spitting we have two doors so is the entrance for the farm and here’s the entrance for the people living there looks quite nice now yeah there are so weird plates and something

They’ve always freaks me out in Minecraft and if you die something The Offspring acid oh I wasn’t wrong this really matches I had a feeling this wouldn’t match but I wasn’t sure but now I’m sure oh I’m in love with that we most definitely will also get some

Purple bed okay Brendan I will see you next time find out how to speak Spanish only a little bit like como estas muchas gracias mi casa es su casa and buenos noches and wait what else do I know te amo oh it damaged the education yeah like

Imagine like what they learn in like Minecraft like they think is in real life the same so they think if they see someone or maybe they fight like apartment the future if their partner has like dyed hair and they dyed them held in their head and their children

Have the safe like I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re actually children that grow up thinking that a realistic update but maybe there’s a mod for something realistic like I don’t know now I’m thinking about something really hot like those street lanterns are made with a warped wood should I go with the

Same design for the crimson area and use the same design or should I go for different lamp street lamp design I mean I could always copy this build like here and just change the colour okay IG I hope I can make you feel more relaxed in sleep to be honest like

Sometimes when I can’t sleep I also watch like other youtubers I watch a lot I be extricated and his dreams you guys know this youtuber called ibx toy cat I watched him quite often and he sometimes dreams real late so I was sometimes watching before I sleep

Alright let’s get some beds oh wait this needs to be here and the wound needs to be on top my bed also like have some struggles and really like my life seems so peaceful and good but I wouldn’t say it’s like really good right now I’m struggling with a bunch of

Things and but I know I will get out of this soon and it would be better but okay EKKO gamer I will wait for your return now we somehow need to get along and eat some some string either we’re gonna look for some spiders now in caves to get

Some string or what I also could do is I could check one chest in the other swamp village because I’m sure they I have some string left because I remember when I created a loom day I said some spare string but here I also should have here

I’ve to string this is enough although forgot how many actually need was a two or three or two is enough okay it worked out perfectly we don’t need to go anywhere your full name no I mean if it’s your username then yeah if it’s not you username no

Dan I don’t know you guys love the new vines the Crimson vines how do you feel about them to be honest and on my new most favorite vines now we got a freaking car field cat even Garfield is in Minecraft and yet this cobblestone is the was the border where I just wanted

To place the crimson building so but maybe I’ll move the border by a little bit not sure yet because this error isn’t that huge either so let’s just see Thank You blades I will I’ll try my best okay since we have now a new bed and Lu

I’ll probably place it let’s just place it here and we can always place the second one for now I will just go for one but thanks for the sub Tameka did you change it no all nights power one is no more project a tree protection you only missed it I finished alone

And now this Shepard sauce has a loom that’s all I’m actually about to try something it’s good to look nice yeah screw that let’s just go for that I’ll try to create now some Penton like I did with us Noah Kingdom while you some dirt blocks to create something by something artistic

Oh yeah I can’t be doing that because of the tractor let’s see how it goes see you and I think they’re here oh no way let me extend that by one block no I haven’t tried the guns not yet is it good do you recommend it wait YouTube gamer I thought you were

Already stopped to choose up again just to get the notification Or I can’t do that when there’s a are you kidding me okay I have another solution need to do this from indoors let me pass please hi ll me how are you hi little gave power is a Minecraft creating a nether Swamp dentistry and working on something quite abstract oh

You need to wait why the heck I’ll close this okay now yes it worked hi William and yeah once I remove this dirt and you see what I did with the locks you will see that this actually turned out pretty well like it’s something that I’ve learnt from the

Snowy Tundra and this could also match those buildings oh yeah this looks freaking great guys like that was a great idea just look at that we got some freaking up now on this Airport sauce Thank You Andrea I appreciate you yes neatly careful I talk to you I try

To talk to all of you in hi William but sometimes if it’s business here I will maybe miss a few messages but yeah I’ll try my best let’s remove those dirt blocks I also do oh wait no let’s not remove it I will copy this the same sort of built on this

Side as well hey how was it just like this and then like this it’s also a little trick that I’m giving you guys now so if you really want to work on something quite artistic with locks and you or even like if they are unscrew it

Does matter if just short a strip and that looks so artistic right there it keeps your buildings more interesting if you do that if some of the locks are in different angles like that then you could always play some painting there’s something to take the most out of even

Like a smaller house like that yes do the same over here Then we just need to add some furniture and then this this building will be done oh yeah right because of the bed I forgot that I had to still move a block amazing glitch you mean amazing closed again I’m definitely not gonna press that you what’s actually wrong with this alt f4

Like I’ve seen this the other day as well like so many people asked me to do that on the way oh I see now this is why this is one higher okay now it’s correct that means it’s just this one that is wrong wait what grab our chapter and at the

Wall and put the tripped on the wall and we for like flowerpots or something I can put them down later and get some flower pots go away okay that was the right anchor now we are done with the outside decoration so yeah if you if you want to

Create the sort of out there you always need to work with some dirt blocks or something I would go with dirt blocks because they’re the easiest to take off and I once you place a block behind another block you can turn this block and and you can have the day you see the

Inside of this lock like the site where it’s cut right and that makes just those structures look so much more interesting because that art going on right there I wouldn’t even mind to place the locks like this over there as well wait should we do this what election look good now

Let’s just stick like like this for now I mean I could always also make like a line here or something but at this one computer it’s and it’s Java PC yes let’s get some seats and stuff but for that I will need I read a bunch of Crimson

This actually looks so good if you use a little bit of crimson worked also in addition to light the what would we test it out the other stream and in my opinion this also looks way better than if we used oak for the furniture for

Like the seats and for the table I think that’s enough yeah I really much enjoying my night and my day how is it for you ggk starts did you enjoy your day your night like be prepared if you also do those files be prepared to spend so much time getting

Rid of those netherworld blocks I mean you could always just keep them there but if you want like to have sometimes a bit of bigger trees like those bigger funguses you need to remove them because they will kept once there’s a block in between so you can go really higher than

That that’s why you have to remove them however if you want just like super quickly some wood then you could always just grow one under another but it will have at maximum the same height like the previous one if you want to have more height and like some really big ones

Always remove them and grow another a YouTube gamer I have no idea how I do this feel free to text me in this code and explain me how to and I will do this So I don’t know how I do this because I didn’t get anything I didn’t get any requests like I checked early and I couldn’t find anything I’m not even sure if you can directly at me like we need to be on like a server together or something

I guess what’s going on or because our doors also came down I just placed them here because I don’t need them no we was here oh that’s just a small one okay let’s work on the furniture now and oh that’s growing fast here look like I

Told you once we have those vines this will look way better step depth in house right they look so white it looks like like being swallowed by the swamp or something because of those vines is like it’s like the swamp is swallowing up this building oh we have some more

Villagers now I won’t be surprised if they breathe again he has a carrot farm and this is on purpose so they can automatically breathe like if you start your villages make sure you have either carrots or potatoes where the farms are because those farmers with potatoes or

With carrots they will make the others breathe very fast and share the food it’s super super quick And now we need a bit of fence and this time I would go for let’s go for purple carpet if the tablecloths will be purple now that’s how I usually make my seats and my tables I will look for something like for example here like let’s go for

Example for this window so I placed a seat here I place one here with stairs then I put up just a fence like that and then a carpet and I missed their breathing we have a newborn he will be the shepherd so yeah this is automatic breathing if you give them carrots to

Grow like with wheat it takes eternity for the for the farmer to share the food with the villager so so always go for either carrots or potatoes because it Andreea like that that was the idea like IRA wanted to create our nether like village in this one and eventually I

Will move maybe even this villages to the nether like I thought about like creating a nether portal nearby finding one of the new biomes but I’ll probably go for the crimson vine so I can make a hog lean farm right and yeah just look at that that looks so magical and nice

Right like I loved in the new wood also the crimson one with this I should have a place for another room here and what I also love doing I still have a trapdoor yes I still have I also love putting a dirt block into houses and then covering

Up with trapdoors and then using the to block flowers this time you go for peony okay Jessie we are working on a swamp village with a new Netherwood and I already finished some buildings and welcome to stream and finally we have a sunflower as well I collected one earlier from the other kingdom

So yeah let’s go for where’s the Pyrenees there’s the peony alright that’s let’s put it in and that’s how you get nicer flowers for the houses I mean you could always go with those pots but I feel like that looks way better because that looks so so comfortable right so relaxing like from

An RPG perspective those villagers could now sit there just relax chill have a drink or mere like a break from work and just enjoy the flower and the view – of nature Oh sometimes I wish I could live in the Minecraft world for one day and

Be a villager a selfie let’s get some moon and yeah they are ready to be bred again as well split some of the ships of the pics again this would be a huge pig farm I hope the but Chester wanting the seven pieces of pork chop my name is Marcel de

Kraft oh wait I will quickly write this in chat so you guys know but I have no idea how I can add people so you need to tell me how I do this but this is my name there but I’ve never added someone like I have to check a tutorial also how

To do this ok this this building seems pretty much done let’s quickly go to the desert Kingdom again into the savanna 1 and also here because I want some more bookshelves I love bookshelves for decoration maybe you can also go this direction I think it’s the same distance and for those of

You that are new to my channel be prepared for shock when you see the desert Kingdom because this is like probably more complicated than this village chief it’s like this really really big project that I worked on it looks really nice in my opinion let’s grab that wheat because I will

Eventually need this we do have some paper left here so that’s always a good thing alright let’s get to the other villages oh there’s the same is Siamese cat I really love this cat skin I think they look great like they read it our job with the Siamese cat

I loved the skin so much Oh you have never seen a live stream before Jason you then welcome I hope you enjoyed this one like I decided to live stream more often because you guys really seem to enjoy my live streams and I’m also so used to it now here’s actually where I first was

Experimenting with the wood this was like when the project only started like my first dreams and that’s how I figured out that this will match so well to this one Yeah or did it also have some purple but I was too lazy to run there to get it and I have a big issue going on here there are like so many iron golems spawning there’s a freaking army here yeah like I really need to freed them

Like this can’t stay like this please go out iron golems oh my gosh my favorite color is like black is not really a color but I would sleep black by if it was color purple where the chat is blocking my face really wait a second so you are saying

That the chat is blocking my face and top left okay I would do this really I didn’t know this was actually blocking my face but it’s okay okay I moved it why are you guys not going out oh my gosh this is so annoying I already opened this I don’t if you see

Where I am oh my gosh like what is happening here oh my gosh I freaking hit this is this iron golem because what the heck like they suck why are they even in this freaking fence like what the heck like at a freak out of this what are you

Doing there dude I still mad at me I will hit me again like I have to open up this whole freaking farm because of those stupid spawns like seriously like dude he still going after me what the is this and I need to sprint there I’d lose all

My stuff like seriously this is so backed out like what was this if I don’t hurry all my stuff is gone like what the like what was this like seriously why are there like 30-plus iron golems in this small file like seriously I don’t want to lose my freaking suck touch

Diamond pick eggs because then I have to restore my safe fight to a previous one I would lose like one or two buildings that I worked on you need to start those buildings again because not going to be able to find again dis mending and all other stuff like seriously

Welcome back Meggie I just died to an angry iron golem and I had to destroy my own farm because it was freaking bucked is he gonna come at me now again where’s my stuff I need all my stuff back where’s my insulted stuff 3 don’t care about sticks right now I need my

Enchanted stuff ah good where’s the rest oh my gosh this thing it destroyed me here do I have all back well okay the IRA Nuggets armor I mean I don’t care about the armor like they’re the most important thing is this this ball here and this year wait where’s my Soto still

Missing my sort oh my gosh Oh got the emeralds back at this don’t obey well where’s my sword I think my sword is gone or there’s the sort finally now you didn’t miss a lot you missed our back here where 20 iron golems spawned in

This in this farm and I want them to all get out like I need to completely destroy this farm now unfortunately I do this from a distance I’m so I’m so scared now if those golems I can’t even destroy the fence because otherwise they’re gonna come at me like I will see

I would see if maybe somewhere I have a lead maybe in this one chest over there and I can put them out somehow this is so bothering me let’s leave for now yeah I have no idea like they suddenly spawned and that’s not even a villager

And if I open the fence of course because it’s so crowded I accidentally hit the iron golem why did I do some lose some reputation there with the villagers no okay they’re not overpricing me good but the ships are everywhere now I need to somehow get

Them back and what the heck are they doing now here seriously let’s just forget about this fun one day they will be all out and then I’m good hashing how are you hi minecraft channel welcome yeah almost forgot I wanted to do I actually wanted to get some more

Leather and some sugarcane I’m not missing anything right or my yeah oh that’s what was missing I wasn’t wearing my shirt because I felt like something wasn’t right oh my gosh the order so okay maybe that’s nice are you getting our channel for your birthday okay time to breathe Mmm no Hoss you I don’t want to play with mutts yet I don’t want to add too many mods yes how how I’m healthy right now all you mean because I had headaches right why did I tell you that I told some of you that I’d like headaches the

Other day but I’m better now 11 leather and guess that’s okay let’s go to the other Kingdom and on the way I will grab a bit of sugar cane oh it’s not fully regrown yet I said like some paper so It’s myself back down what what do you mean F&F oh I told you that wait what did I tell you by the way if you want to make a base in the desert I don’t recommend that at first only when you already have some resources like the other day someone asked me

About like where the person should start us database if you like super neutral seat never go with desert first because it’s really horrible to grow food or get any food here I mean you could always hunt like those rabbits but yeah yeah yeah I told you about today no I’m a much better

I guess this day I didn’t drink much and was freaking hot outside and I and I walked around a bit outside so I was I was having like a little heat stroke that’s why I had headaches but this was like four days ago right yes I have a

Kid he’s outside and he’s meowing maybe he’s like I don’t know smelling or hearing another cat or something like he subtabs walks around the house and will meow and sometimes I’m not sure if he saw like maybe a ghost or something or another cat or maybe it’s the neighbor

And the neighbors a bit noisy I don’t know yeah we almost arrived not a desert kingdom the the gate should be visible in any second it took from eternity to build this gate because it’s so freakin high like that’s the beautiful gate of the desert Kingdom

This was one of the longest builds that I’ve ever worked on to fill this up I took eternity and why is the villager coming out okay that’s confusing now and yeah I also decided to put the sort of small water tunnel there with the fence there this took forever yes I live with

My parents And that’s the kingdom and maybe should have closed the gate cause sometimes I see villages walk outside I’m not sure if they fight back in at night maybe I should make it a habit to always close this I don’t know he’s back in right what is he offering is the good one that

Offers the boots and the chest our cases in September made what yet he had a gold chassis how do you mean yeah I need some more carrots let’s go quickly to the phone and beef farms are the best you can so easily found those emeralds oh I need some more emeralds

Anyway let’s quickly found for some potatoes let’s go for a couple of potatoes I got so many here I love to be songs like it sound so realistic right you have three accounts Wow how many accounts do you have dude we have a lot of accounts

I will also quickly check up on those turtle eggs that we put there they are well protected by a fence they correct even a bit by soccer I will see you next time all that’s left is some wheat I’m sometimes actually wondering what’s faster trading with the flat shine

Having a tree farm and selling a lot of sticks or doing like farms like that because I find both to be similar lovers to be honest like one time I will actually use some some timer and I will stop the time and see what’s faster to

Get like ten emeralds for example like I would just pick a random number like ten emeralds and I would see what’s actually faster because I’m curious right now because there have been some changes done to the Beast so thank you minecraft channel I really really she ate you

That’s it for now still no trading let’s get rid of those seeds as well stick farm is the best to use TNT wait oh yeah like you mean let the tree explode I mean if you have a lot of gunpowder but the issue about TNT is

Like yours need to find creepers and I don’t find it too easy to find a lot of creepers like I always find it hard to get like a full stack of TNT that’s really not easy where are the farmers I wanna do some trading also gathering time I believe

Right oh yeah they’re all gathering such a high population here oh yeah here’s those potatoes Oh perfect we even have no free inventory space let’s quickly breed some more cows so we can create more bookshelves in a hot tub with her friend she’s lucky yeah she can

Relax there get soaked in some hot water and stuff lets us comfortable I wish I could go to some hot springs like go somewhere up like climb up the mountain somewhere like go hiking or something and then there’s like hot springs on the mountain and then just soak in the hot

Water there that would be so fun while I was traveling to Taiwan in the past I nearly went to some hot springs in the mountains but I had to cancel it because there was not enough time only one letter are you kidding me like seriously oh my gosh we have four accounts with

How many accounts I use up to me as I say well I appreciate you Okay yeah also not fully regrown that’s because I was too far from there and those are my turtlenecks I hope they hatch soon so I want to breed turtles in this kingdom as well you got his own he got him broke how did you get him broke

Wait one Thank You omit hi csgo how are you welcome like you guys want to know what’s my most favorite village at night it’s clearly the desert one like this looks oh wow if you have like some light around those buildings like those sandstone buildings they look so pretty

At night especially if you look down from a higher ground like this is so beautiful I really love sandstone with lights at night like that like the difference in tone in color oh wow like they look so freakin bright at night this makes me think I’m flying

Over Egypt in a plane or something or maybe like in those enemy where at night they are like those enemy characters that are walking through the desert and then there’s like this this this desert city doing a zoom and you’re scared of my teacher while you’re scared of your

Teacher Maggie and lockira wait fifth account wait your fnaf you have five accounts why do you have so many YouTube accounts what’s the point why is this one so correct anyway let’s go to another confirm I still have one left hey against super rich are welcome back

So for each job do you still remember like this old school Savannah village that I worked on Thank You bs+ and I Mean what sort of minecraft server is this you mean like you want to play with me in private like the two of us or something like I will see if I like fine time I can play with some of you sometimes together and Thank You beers place I really appreciate you how well

Our dos turtle eggs developed no Gigi case starts I didn’t forget about you wait I felt a really strange sound here oh that’s the turtle there is the turtle I thought this one or there are two turtles here oh that’s beautiful got two turtles like bs+ do you have this code like you

Can message from your discord like I’ll see if I can play with you a little bit or something Jessie why you scared of your my craft world what’s wrong do you have too many monster spawn is there something like a lot of zombies or something I don’t know

Ah let me guess I was too far from this farm so they didn’t reset but I will grab some beef from here and just cook it I have so much beefy enough that’s also good to stock up on some food supplies because this is this Savannah

And the Sylvania is quite dry this steak right there will be a GT nyan stage like steak from Argentina sort of like then right because this environment looks a bit like Argentina or something right this is also warm there or finally it’s resetting nice when it’s 8th of September 8th of

September 28th of September so you mean how many days you can check the calendar but yeah just you shouldn’t be afraid of your Minecraft world you should master your Minecraft world you should be the one in control don’t let fear control you you’re supposed to control your

World no I’m quite dry look let’s try because of the light but I’m dry I’m not sweaty I’m dry I guess it’s a reflection or something nice my back hurting a bit are they offering unbreaking and just an X I thought I had there something I still need to get some horses

I need saddles a saddle I can only go from either a cave or by leveling up another a leather worker but wait you can also get sell saddles when you fish right I think from fishing like there’s a tiny chance I stitches from bedrock I’m not sure on Java you can also do

That I think but for me it’s probably because I worked out yesterday I didn’t work out for more than a week and I was a bit out of it and that’s probably why this is a special village there are so many memories here why are those not cracking like doesn’t

The desert kingdom they already cracked but here they didn’t your mark won’t let you set on the server because it’s new it what yes that bloke oh I need to get our better gaming chair it’s like a old school one like I want one way I can actually lean back and just relax

Sometimes but there again I don’t lean so much because I’ve heard like you always when you sit you need to be sort of like straight right with your back so if you actually lean it’s not so healthy now it feels super relaxing but it’s better to be like super straight unless

You maybe adjust your seat so it’s like in a 90 degrees angle almost and then that’s okay yes from Ravagers you can get them from the leather workers if you mix the mice Adam with trading and you can find them sometimes in chess in caves and I think

From fishing as well like someone taught me when you go fishing you something seriously I’m so freakin cursed like what’s wrong with my farms there’s no freaking villager and does again iron golems like why does this keep happening to me like all my farms get ruined by them

I’m actually like okay I love iron golems but I actually glad that they’re correct and I just hope there will be more skeletons spawning and just shooting them cuz they’re so annoying I’ll just collect the iron wait is he giving a puppy to a ship or no it’s because the villager

Let’s see if I can breed them again maybe that reset why do you feel bad for me Maggie what’s wrong with me I do feel bad oh yeah give me some leather keep breathing I need those bookshelves go ahead make some more love make love did I get all

Of them I got this wheat here yes they do I saw this inventory csgo they do I saw a skeleton spawn here the other day and shot at the Golem they will hundred-person I’m sure at least on Java like I don’t know about bedrock but on

Java they will shoot that’s how they get correct because here near the trees there’s no light and then the skeleton shoot down yo blaze my boy welcome back how are you house today it’s about your brother but ya guys skeletons definitely shoot at golems place you know it’s funny like some

People started calling you mr. beast number two because of the the last three isn’t so funny uh okay inventory Cisco maybe it’s different on better but on Java the skeletons were shoot at the IRA golems if they are within their range I love this population that’s a real city

Going on right there were so many freaking villagers and they’re not even all gathering you should know that like there’s still some and some idea castle they’ve two belts anyway it’s a village with two belts some gather here some gather here and I go to sleep and then returned from my bookshelves

Alright let’s get some here ask this again three of those right I’m 29 years old yes I’m good blazing and you’re good – that’s good what did you do today blaze she have a wonderful day when I was a kid I actually wanted to become a veterinarian

Like our to be a doctor for animals like seriously I get was my old school dream job to become a veterinarian but at the end I didn’t become one is it sleep sleep time no not yet okay you went to the store some shoppings you’re lucky that well you’ll

If you have stores opened on Sunday here Germany on Sunday everything is closed and so boring and a lot of people are off from work on Sunday but they can’t really do their shopping or go out so much because a lot is closed here and Sunday in Germany all right let’s get

Some books or 24 books that’s perfect Oh eight bookshelves yes that’s perfect just have some books left no well let’s go for one leg election as well I want a second librarian in the swamp village as well just make one that leaves us with a stir seven bookshelves okay Andrea have

A good night and I will see you next time thanks for tuning in st. are safe to my friend cook up balut ah we’re always together way what do you mean centaur safe oh you mean want me to send our greetings to your friend yeah greetings to KUKA boludo stay safe

Let me guess legit CSU go you got like 11 accounts maybe or something maybe more probably eleven just I guess but how do you remember all – all the passwords are you always using the same password like if you have so many accounts like I’m assuming you’re probably using multiple passwords as

Well right yes I remember the zombie pigmen and they are missed but they will forever be in my heart they would always be remembered hundred plus accounts dude how do you not lose count of them do you remember all the emails and stuff of those and the passwords and yeah Maggie

I wish you a good night and my craft Channel good night as well I’m sorry I keep some of you up for too late because of me you wake up tired the next day that’s all because I scream late sometimes right I’m sorry for that okay

So you have like one password for each account but what if one account gets for whatever reason hex then the person was all the other passwords but then again maybe they don’t know that those are all your accounts right hi dubs is gaming how are you how was your day

Welcome back we added another building by the way to the swamp village the nether swamp which we got now our Shepherd’s house and we got some purple sheep have a good night same I’ll see you next time thanks for tuning in have a good one okay so because they’re

All different nobody will associate that account with each other and a black okay also like multiple people yeah then you are sort of safe I would say why am I still scared to walk here is it because like this iron golem came it mean I still think they’re gonna attack me any second

Take hit so freaking hot even my my armor got cracked a bit from those hits oh that is perfect it’s only one iron golem left no you’re not no no no no no you’re not getting in here dude now I push this one out as well

Go out go out no you go out like I have no idea why this no go out dude I don’t want you here protect the village and not this farm this forum doesn’t need protection I’m the guardian you okay I believe my ship alone do it go out I

Wish I had a freaking lead like I swear go away go away finally okay all iron golems out hi Nick that means we will try to get the ships back but this would be really very difficult like earlier I’m not sure if you guys saw this in my previous episode

Was all full of iron comes there were like 20 iron golems in this farm and all the ships escaped all my poor little purple and black sheep not just one piece of it that would be enough too bad I don’t have any more here scrap one piece somewhere oh great there’s the one Oh my gosh this was a da I’ve landed on it Okay let’s get the ship back in this would be very very challenging yeah that was hilarious this was crazy I have no idea where they all went let’s first get the ships that are like nearby and then I’ll go for those that are further away okay please come back

Okay most most seem to be here I mean if we filled with some ship I can always breathe them again but or at least the majority to be back to be honest I will not put them in through the gate I will just break the defense again on one side

And get them in that way with a bigger entrance I need to make sure there’s no iron golem nearby okay oops wait where’s my freaking eggs I lost my freaking eggs I think are you serious are you serious how did you get in there how did this dude get

In there okay come come back in hi the foxy Wilfer are you okay at least we got some back on here small oh my gosh I can’t even open the gate now come in I won’t let you escape ever again please don’t tell me they can’t fit in cuz

They’re too many at a time just come one at a time please okay now it’s working one at a time nice be good little sheep one at a time I’m glad those iron combs can’t walk through that gate but if I open you know I would have another I’m gonna mean I

Already must accept that one is still inside okay it’s okay you just be the guardian of the sheep but don’t hit me please don’t hit me again thank you the foxy wolf I appreciate you I said one at a time you let them share quickly and spread a bit okay

Oh my just let’s just forget it I have enough I I can just always kill all the sheep and read them again even got most in this is taking too long it’s okay I’m good abscess and you how are you bye Jessie have a good night

I’ll see you next time am I freaking you do I hope the second diver will offer something cool like I really want efficiency for my pickaxe so I can enchant this with not just luck touch romantic but also put efficiency there because I really want efficiency on this

One as well as I feel like silk touch mending an efficiency has such a great mix I mean you could always go so for like something like fortune mending and efficiency and you don’t need silk touch but yeah Yannick go ahead you can ask me what question do you have them okay

Let’s put another lecture here say I wanted to put the bookshelf here so it’s not like oh that looks nice let’s put some book chefs also upstairs let’s go for let’s go for this corner and also for this corner was at the end of the day it’s a library right oh nice

Go ahead Dobson’s gaming wow so many what to ask me suddenly a question but yeah feel free to ask me all sorts of questions Yannick I want to also lash him tomorrow if possible and how am i enjoying rainy matches new video which one do you mean like the latest one that

I checked out or what did he make a new one no but instead he posted a new thank you the foxy wolf which which house is your favorite by the way like to be honest this library’s my most favorite one and that second is probably the Shepherd’s house because I love what’s

Going on there this reminds me of the snowy Tundra and the houses there it also looks quite comfortable inside even though it’s small I love those lights are they hanging down with the fence oh Yeah falling was really good but yeah guys that’s it for today’s stream but I will try to stream again tomorrow and we work on some more buildings it’s about time soon that we start also the other district with the Crimson wood so here I marked the

Location so maybe here or here will be the first crimson house I wanted to also put somewhere here a crimson farmer house because they also some crops I will let someone farm here and yeah this village just keeps growing and I’m actually glad that this go so well here

And the nether swamp village project the streaming project that we started is a big success as you guys can see we even have this really beautiful gathering place that reminds me of the taiga and just beautiful street lights and flowers now here on the path a nice road and but

Before I go I will still at another road that goes around here that’s the last thing I will do wait okay that’s nice then it leads behind this building and let’s make this one a bit bigger oh yeah I ran out of sticks that’s why you mean

The the short movie that he released what the oh it’s because of the vines I see now that’s why I didn’t work yes he took the job did you hear that oh but here’s black wool I don’t have black sheep I just have white sheep unfortunately I’m selling sheis that’s

Always good to all y’all from Austria I speak some German hi V gates because I’m from Germany yes I understand yes fair standing yes here by everyone so yeah we are done now there’s this road now and yeah I’ll see you guys next time I wish everyone a

Good night and Ty Frank Oh Lissie greetings back from Germany so you have a good night see you guys next time

This video, titled ‘Magical Swamp Village – Minecraft Live Stream’, was uploaded by Marcel Entertainment on 2020-07-12 22:55:19. It has garnered 707 views and 63 likes. The duration of the video is 01:57:06 or 7026 seconds.

There are now multiple buildings in our new nether wood swamp village but they are not enough yet. Let’s add some more. I love Minecraft 1.16.1.

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  • Crafty Clicks: Level Up Your Minecraft Thumbnail Game

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    pandemonium.gamesComputer gaming leveraged to create spiritual growth, video entertainment, online parties/calling/chatting for self and community entertainment, self governance, self sufficiency, rites re-establishment, the general saving the world. Mini Games – Spectre & Hide and Seek – more soon. Read More

  • yeCraft semi-vanilla whitelist 1.19.2 18+

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  • DexusLand

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Challenges and Rewards!

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  • SleeveIt Pixelmon

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  • All the Mods 9 – Modded SMP

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  • Minecraft Memes – “Minecraft: Editions vs. Versions Debate heats up!”

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  • Crafty Creations: Minecraft Skin Made Quick & Easy

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  • “Blow up your ex’s house with a TNT-powered vibrator in Minecraft” #hot #lol

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  • Join Minewind Server for Exclusive Capes and Gifts!

    Join Minewind Server for Exclusive Capes and Gifts! Welcome to! Today we have some exciting news for all Minecraft enthusiasts out there. As Minecraft celebrates its 15th anniversary, Mojang and Microsoft have prepared some amazing gifts for all players. If you’re a fan of the game, you definitely don’t want to miss out on what’s in store for you! From special capes to exclusive discounts, there’s a lot to look forward to during this 15-day celebration. One of the highlights of the anniversary event is the release of three new capes, each with its own unique design. These capes will be available for both Java and… Read More

  • 100 Days on Haunted Sky Island

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  • Uncover the Secrets of 4ChanChan: Non to lvl69 in Minecraft!

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  • Yeti VODS: Minecraft Zombies Remakes

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  • INSANE Minecraft Bedrock Hardcore Challenge! Part 35

    INSANE Minecraft Bedrock Hardcore Challenge! Part 35Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hardcore but Bedrock (no commentary, longplay) Part 35’, was uploaded by art1r3x Gaming on 2024-01-25 15:00:41. It has garnered 169 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:03 or 1203 seconds. #minecraft #hardcore #bedrock #nocommentary Welcome to my Minecraft Hardcore series! I play the Bedrock Edition & I know – it doesn’t have an official hardcore mode. So here are my rules: 0) The world is set on hard and I can’t change that. 1) I must not die 2) If I die, this world is over 3) No cheating 4)… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Challenge: World Changes Every 60 Secs!” #minecraft #viral

    "Insane Minecraft Challenge: World Changes Every 60 Secs!" #minecraft #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft But The World Changes Every 60 Seconds…#minecraft #shorts #viral #trending #challenge’, was uploaded by ANSHUL GMR on 2024-02-10 02:44:29. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft is a sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios and originally released in 2009. The game was created by Markus … Read More

Magical Swamp Village – Minecraft Live Stream