Maizen LOCKED In CRAZY FAN GIRL’S Prison in Minecraft! – Parody Story(JJ and Mikey TV)

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The weather is really nice outside but first I’ll watch TV and then maybe I’ll go for a walk otherwise it’s too hot there how good it is that I have a TV it shows very interesting cartoons without it I would be very bored someone came to me

Probably Mikey came to call me for a walk hello my zen the weather is very good outside let’s leave the ball in the ring you bought yourself a new ball it will be fun of course let’s go Mikey I really like to throw the ball into the

Ring but it’s boring to play alone but it’s really fun with you I thought that today I will walk all day otherwise I’m already tired of watching TV all the time I am very glad that you called me for a walk hello my son I really like

You and I would like to meet and live with you I really love you hey I like my zen too and I want to be friends with him go find yourself another guy and maizen is mine what’s going on here what do you want from me leave my house I

Don’t like you Mikey went to the house it seems to mean that they won’t leave us behind and they won’t get us in the house they are really very strange I have never met such people before it seems to mean that it is better to stay

Away from them lies then they are still fighting for you let’s wait until they go a long way but now let’s better watch TV to have some fun all right Mikey come on I hope these crazy people don’t come to us anymore they scare me I don’t want

Them to follow me and pester me I hope that you will stay with me for a long time and we will have fun with you yeah boy Mikey the day went by so fast but it was a lot of fun I’m really glad that you came to me I always like to spend

Time with you my son I really like you well let’s get acquainted I really really want to be friends with you well please my zen Let’s Kiss get away from me already I don’t understand why you’re chasing me she’s really kind of crazy she’s chasing

Me all the time you need to be careful she hasn’t left yet I’ll go to sleep I think that she won’t stand here all night I hope that she doesn’t want to get to my house hey look it looks like there is a dead girl someone killed her now we need to

Investigate this case and I thought that I would have a day off don’t worry we will quickly find the one who did it and they will give you a day off you need to interview people maybe they will tell us something I slept well I hope that Mikey will come

To me today and we will again have fun all day yesterday we had a very cool time someone came I hope it’s not Mikey because I just woke up hello today in the clearing we found the corpse of a girl in a pink suit can you tell us who

Could have killed her I just woke up and I don’t know anything at all but if I find out something I will definitely tell you everything it’s really strange it seems to me that they are talking about the girl who wanted to meet me you

Need to tell Mikey and here is his house you need to tell him about it maybe he knows something he doesn’t go out he’s probably busy or he’s sleeping but then I’ll come to him another time or I’ll tell him when I meet him but now I’ll go

Home otherwise it’s very hot outside it seems to me that that girl in red could have killed her because she behaved very strange you will need to tell this to the police hmm what happened to me hey why am I behind bars it looks like that girl hit

Me and put me here I don’t understand where I am at all hey whoever help me hmm it looks like it was my zen who came to me probably he wanted something you need to ask him hey what are you doing at his house we’re dating and now he’s

My boyfriend that’s why I’m at his house now he’s not at home so come back later I don’t understand at all how my zen could start dating you you are really very strange hey somebody help and get me out of here hey why did you put me

Here I’ll get out of here call the police and they will send you to prison so it’s better to let me go hey stop screaming no one will hear you anyway now you are mine and I will torture you and have fun with you so laugh

Are you adequate what are you doing stop setting me on fire I really don’t understand what you want from me I’ll still find a way to escape from here and then I’ll catch you and take you to the police you will never run away from here

This Grill is very strong you need to pour water on you so what do you like to play with me hope so I don’t like it at all it hurts a lot better give me food I’m hungry you don’t want me to die otherwise you won’t have anyone to play

With thanks the police will find you and catch you and then they will put you in jail so don’t expect you to get away with it you shouldn’t have put me here I hope that someday you will let me out well where’s the my zen I haven’t seen

It for a long time it’s very strange I hope it will come out now hey you again where is Mason I told you that he is walking he hasn’t come yet that’s enough coming here you’re already pissing me off this is really very strange it seems

To me that she did something with the my zen you need to get the police here so that they check I’m already really tired of sitting here and here you are when we already have dinner I’m hungry again let me out of here already now there will be dinner I

Brought plates and now I will bring food I just need to kiss you because I really like you and I will never let you go you mean you won’t let go I don’t want to sit here all my life hey somebody help they keep me behind

Bars help me somebody they came for you so you better let me out I said shut your mouth otherwise they will hear you now you won’t be able to scream sit quietly and I’ll go and see who came there And here is this house I am sure that a person is being kept there that M will be a girl please arrest her she is very strange foreign and here she is search the whole house here I’m sure she hit it somewhere pour

My zen we must find it I feel that he is here I don’t understand at all who you are looking for I don’t have anyone at home I told him this but for some reason he called the police hey Mikey there is no one here maybe you have the wrong

House I checked and showed but found no one it seems to me that you were just nervous well where does he go then I have not seen him for several days and I am very worried hmm it’s good that I was able to get out I’m

Very lucky I hope the door is not closed cheers it’s not close hey Mikey I I’m here the police arrest her she put me in a cage and mock me grab her before she runs away nasen I’m really glad that you were able to grow up I already thought

That she was not to blame now they will grab her and take her to prison I am very glad that she will no longer come to me I said that you will be arrested and put in jail it would be better if you let me go right away I hope that I

Will never see you again nasen I’m glad you’re safe now I think I should visit her in jail and Bully her like she did you too that’s fair I hope they don’t let her out Mikey this is a good idea let’s go get the car then and here is my

Ki prison you need to tell the guard that we came to bring food hey hello guard let us into the prison we brought food to the prisoner okay send with me I will take you to her thanks for catching her she is really crazy she is not far

Now we will mock her for the fact that she mocked me she deserves it Mikey and here she is hello we came to bring you food so that you eat well at least this I hope that you were fed here but you also have this is because you

Mocked me and followed me huh it was very funny I hope that we will come here again thank you very much the guard for letting us in here we took revenge on her not forgetting that we will often come here just close all the doors otherwise she is cunning and will

Probably want to get out everything Mikey I now we can go home buy delicious food and eat it at my house you need to escape from here somehow hey guard come here it’s urgent I have a surprise for you you’ll like it very much look I have

A cookie for you try it it’s really very tasty wow thank you very much I didn’t think that any of the prisoners would give me cookies I love them very much my plan worked now I can escape from here I hope that along the way I will not meet

Any more guards now I will take revenge on my zen [Laughter] Mikey it’s good that we have money and we can buy this for ourselves it’s really very tasty I haven’t eaten this for a long time Mikey go and see who came there you just sit closer oh no

It’s you again I thought that at least you won’t get out of prison when will you leave me alone no my son I will never leave I said that I love you very much so I have to kill you so that you never leave me I will still catch up with you

The trash can here I think that you can hide in it then she definitely won’t find me there well where did he go I just saw him here cheers she didn’t notice me you need to get away from here before she turns around there are homeless people I think that

They will help me build a trap hello homeless people where a crazy girl walks here and she wants to kill me please help me build a trap from which she cannot get out well we will help you we are good at building traps I think that

After this she will not survive and you will be safe we will quickly build thank you very much I didn’t think that you could dig a hole so quickly I hope that she really dies and then I will be safe let’s hurry it seems to me that she will

Come here soon I hope she does not notice her even though I wouldn’t do anything oh no she’s already here run away from here and I’ll lure her haha my zen all the same I caught up with you now you definitely won’t run away anywhere and I can kill you now you will

Be mine oh no please don’t touch me haha you fell into my trap now you’re going to die finally she won’t run after me anymore I’m very happy exactly you need to go and check how Mikey is I hope he’s alive oh no he is still lying it looks

Like she killed him how will I live without him now hoorah Mikey you were alive I thought that she killed you she is no more she fell into my trap and died now no one will persecute us Maison I’m really glad that she’s dead we need to set up

Fireworks on this occasion now no one will be chasing us and that’s good Mikey didn’t think you had fireworks hmm I hear some strange screams on the street it’s very strange I think I need to go see what’s going on there Looks like it’s a noob screaming yes this one he screams Mikey and his girlfriend are mocking him poor Noob I feel very sorry for him I hope that they will no longer run after him Mikey does a bad job mocking a noob it seems to me that the lip needs help Again Mikey and his girlfriend are up to something they are looking at my car very strange hope they don’t touch it well no they steal it hey Mikey wait leave my car foreign oh no Mikey stole my car he is a very bad friend what am I going to do now

Without a car they are coming here again now they’re chasing the noob again hope they don’t run him over how did they put me on listen let’s go to the scientist and ask him to make an invisible Cube and we will close them in it hey scientist hello can you create an

Invisible Cube we want to trap our friends in it who bully us um good I’ll try to create it come to my house I have created such a cube before it is very easy to create this cube is very strong they will definitely not be able to get out of it while thanks otherwise Mikey and his girlfriend are very tired of us they stole my car and we want to teach them a

Lesson that they would not do this again your cube is ready let’s go I’ll install it and show you how to use it so that you don’t get confused and you manage to teach them a lesson this is Mikey’s house put this Cube somewhere here so they can see it for

Sure I hope that Mikey will be at home today and see this Cube wow it can become big and then small we will make it small they will come close to it and we will create its big I really like it Thank You Scientist you helped us a lot

Keep these potions and I went back to my laboratory I hope everything works out for you this is very cool Mason it remains to catch Mikey and hide and then he will fall into our trap wow Noob that’s brilliant throw diamonds here to fit this Cube it will be so

Funny when we close them there um Well look there are a lot of diamonds here who scattered them here we are very lucky to find so many diamonds now we will become rich you will not become rich these are not real diamonds now you are trapped and we will not let you out

Of here this is for you for bullying Anew and for stealing my car I hope that you will improve after that you will behave well hey wait please don’t go get us out of here we won’t drive ourselves like this anymore please hey Noob please let us out of here we really

Won’t act like this we promise please help us get out of here you will sit here for a very long time and everyone will mock you just as you mock them keep the zombies haha watch you so interested that you will learn your lesson hang you please get that stupid zombie

Out of here stop bullying us please we beg your pardon with mizen and we can return his car haha you probably haven’t swum for a long time I’ll go fetch water just swim I think you will like it very much ha ha hey Mikey I’m back I have a lot of water

I hope you can swim ha ha I’ll fill you with water as much as I don’t want to be in your place Hey new please stop go home and rest stop mocking us we will still find a way to get out of here you won’t stop us Hey cash here he is you can mock them as you want they deserve it you can take your time we won’t let them out of here soon while this potion really helps I’m ashamed that I talked with this girl please forgive me we already fixed your

House I’m sorry that we broke it while this potion really helps Hey Shady hello look that Mikey and his girlfriend are locked up they probably also interfered with you somehow zoy I also like to play in the sandbox it’s so much fun you can sculpt all sorts of figures and play with them zoy I also like to pay Shady stop shooting at us it

Hurts us please stop it we said we won’t do it anymore why don’t you let us out haha Mikey it’s so funny to watch you this is our revenge everyone you might now came here they didn’t like it either like you I think that they won’t forgive

You and neither will we and if you after that again behave like this then we will close you again from this Cube mizen you said everything right they deserve it I think that he really learned his lesson we now have so much money tomorrow I will go to the store haha okay Noob

Let’s go home and you Mikey then sit here haha it’s already evening Noob so many a wooden stare case and I’ll put cameras surveillance video to watch them at night I wonder what they will do at night I really want to see them are you seriously leaving us here for the night

How are we going to sleep here there was no bed here and it is very uncomfortable here so dishonest haha knew it will be interesting to watch them foreign Mikey look the police are coming here let’s ask them for help hey policemen please help us we were sung in this Cube and we can’t get out hmm what a strange Cube I don’t even know how to open it I haven’t seen such cubes before I can’t

Open it I don’t know how to help you we’re off you mean you can’t you are the police you have to help us we are in trouble stop please don’t leave haha even the police can’t help them they definitely won’t get out of there on their own it’s been a long time since

They are sitting there I think you need to feed them but I’ll do it tomorrow and now I’m going to sleep today I’m very tired oh well how did you say you sleep did you miss me I brought you some food here you are probably hungry

Because a lot of time has already passed can you play the guitar no matter how bored you are hey Maison what did you give us could you bring some normal food we are very hungry find us food hey Mason it’s been a long time since we

Locked them up here I think it’s time to let them out of here we agreed oh yes that’s right I completely forgot about it well that’s it Mikey now you are free you’re lucky that I’m kind I could not let you out of here well that’s it go to your home yeah

Hey Noob let’s go to my housewatch TV with me I found a very interesting Channel I think you will like it and I also think that Mikey I and his girlfriend will improve and will no longer interfere with people hmm haha I like this channel too and if Mikey

Behaves like this again we will take the potion from the scientist and lock them in a queue Oh no Mikey what did you do why did you hang us from the ceiling you understand that we will lock you in a cube again hey Mikey get your dogs away from me I don’t like them hey Mikey let us go please a few inches later hey son look under

The tree Santa Claus brought you gifts cheers now you will unpack them I’m very interested in what’s inside Son wake up it’s already morning Santa Claus left you gifts under the tree now you can go and see what’s inside I think you like it very much cheers now I’m going to unpack the gifts with Mikey I’m very interested in what’s inside I hope Mikey will come out for a

Walk I’m really looking forward to him cheers I see that Mikey is coming hey hello Mikey Santa Claus brought me gifts let’s go to the nursery now platform and we will unpack them cheers mizen I also really wanted to see what’s inside the gift I don’t even know

What Santa Claus gave me I really wanted to know yes Mikey there are some other guys playing on the playground now I want to unpack the gifts and then have fun here we will jump and run oh my God why did the children scream Oh no it looks like the Grinch came to us oh don’t touch us please I’m very scared I don’t understand what you are doing please help us hmm hello kids I I napped you but don’t worry I just got really bored I let you

Go if you hide and I don’t find you I think we’ll have fun okay Grinch we agree you just stand here and wait a few minutes hey Mikey let’s run to hide somewhere faster I don’t even understand where I am right now I really don’t understand where we should hide we are

Now in some kind of Village let’s hide somewhere in the house I hope there will be a very good place so that the Grinch would not even guess to look for us there mizon I think it’s a very good idea to just hide in the house the

Grinch will not find us there I wanted to find a secret room we will definitely win haha wow Mikey look behind the barrel there is some kind of Passage ha and I’ll hide in the closet the Grinch won’t find me there I think it’s a very

Good place I just really really want to go back home to my family hahaha [Laughter] the Grinch didn’t even check anything in this house now I’ll hide in another place I want to sit in a box I think he won’t even look into the boxes there are a lot of them oh my God I don’t understand where these children are hiding I really want to find them

Otherwise I will lose I really don’t like to lose haha hey Maison I wanted to hide in a box too I just think you will check the secret room later I don’t want him to find me at all hmm [Laughter] oh I already went around all the houses

Now I look at the secret room I think that they are not in this house at all it’s very strange oh hey kids I’ve been looking for you all day and can’t find you I lost I don’t want to look for you anymore I give up come out you won I’m set haha

Mikey I’m very happy this Grinch really couldn’t find us it’s really cool it looks like now we will look for him hey Grinch go hide we will look for you we will find you very easily holla yes Maison I think that it will be really

Easy to find him he doesn’t know how to hide haha we will go around the whole village we must find him yes Mikey we really need to search everything here I really want to find the Grinch so that we can return home again I’m already tired of walking around this Village I

Want to go back home to my mom and dad I want to see them again I’m very angry at Grinch he’s really very dumb it’s not our fault that he got bored mmm foreign yes Maison we really can’t find him and wow hello witch we really need your help

The Grinch is hiding somewhere and we can’t find him help hi boys okay I’ll help you now I have glasses if you put them on you can see where the Grinch hid I stole them from The Wizard yesterday cheers thank you very much witch hey Mickey now let’s put on glasses and try

To spot the Grinch I hope the witch didn’t deceive us and we really find the Grinch so far I don’t see anything I need to look at everything look Mikey I found the Grinch the glasses really work let’s go to the Grinch he will be very

Surprised when we find him huh Mison I really see him now the glasses are very cool but I don’t understand where he is it looks like he is underground ha ha yeah hey Grinch we found you get out of the hole ha you really hid very badly we

Found you very easily holla now we are going home oh I don’t understand how you found me okay now I’m letting you go home run away from here I’m sad now haha let’s run home now Mikey I’m very glad that we won in hide and seek it was really very cool cheers

Cheers we were really able to return home I’m very happy hey Mikey goodbye I went to my parents I really want to eat I’m very tired today um I don’t understand how these stupid kids found me I always one hide and seek I want to know now maybe they spied on

Me it’s very strange I have a laptop I’ll watch the video from the security camera I think they cheated they really shouldn’t have found me I’m very angry oh my God the stupid witch helped their children she gave them some points now I’m very angry now I’m going to take

Revenge on the witch I’ll throw her into the lava I didn’t expect such an act from her hello stupid witch I came to you take revenge you helped the children hide and seek in vain now I will destroy you I will just throw you into the lava

I am very angry with you haha now I will kidnap the parents of the green freak haha he will be very bored now I came to take revenge for the fact that they cheated haha it’s very funny to me the green freak was left without parents ah Mmm oh my God someone is screaming I don’t understand what’s going on oh no the Grinch kidnapped my parents what should I do now I don’t know I’m very scared hey Mikey my parents were kidnapped by the Grinch run faster after him well you need to save them

Oh my God bison it looks like this Grinch locked our parents in jail I don’t understand why he did it I’m very sad we need to get inside oh no Mikey we can’t get inside the prison it looks like the doors are locked here I’m very

Sad I don’t know what to do no one will even help us I’m going to cry now oh I’m really sad hello kids don’t be upset I came to your rescue I’m going to destroy this Grinch and save your parents you don’t need to cry wow hello Santa Claus

I can’t believe it he really came to help us I’m really happy oh I already thought that no one would save our parents I didn’t expect to see him cheers I hope Santa Claus will drive the Grinch away oh hello kids we were very scared this

Bad Grinch kidnapped us I did not expect that Santa Claus would help us cheers send us home now oh parents I’m very glad to see you thank you very much Santa Claus I’m extremely happy

This video, titled ‘Maizen LOCKED In CRAZY FAN GIRL’S Prison in Minecraft! – Parody Story(JJ and Mikey TV)’, was uploaded by Shrek Craft on 2023-07-09 11:39:24. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

in Minecraft Video compilation you will see: Maizen LOCKED In CRAZY FAN GIRL’S Prison in Minecraft! – Parody Story(JJ and …

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    Join Jack's 24/7 Minecraft SMP Server Now! IP & PORT Revealed 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘🌏Minecraft public smp ip port 😎 1.20 minecraft server | 24/7 online | public smp | {Java+pe}’, was uploaded by Jack chor on 2024-05-28 14:29:33. It has garnered 37 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:05 or 65 seconds. 1) Join my public smp server mcpe 2) 2) best smp servers for mcpe survival 3) 3) minecraft survival server 4) 4) best minecraft survival server 5) 5) Public smp server minecraft pe 1.18 6) 6) public smp server minecraft pe 1.18 24/7 7) 7) join my public smp server mcpe |… Read More

  • Choose the wrong gate and DIE?! Mikey & JJ’s Minecraft house – Maizen

    Choose the wrong gate and DIE?! Mikey & JJ's Minecraft house - MaizenVideo Information This video, titled ‘IF YOU CHOOSE THE WRONG GATE, YOU WILL DIE! (Minecraft – Maizen)’, was uploaded by Mikey and JJ house on 2024-04-09 12:30:15. It has garnered 1982 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:05 or 485 seconds. Hello everyone! In this video, Mikey and JJ will compete to see who can win the castle competition and take his treasures! Bosses and traps will be waiting for them! Whose castle did you like? The original rights to the minecraft game and all derivatives including the drawn characters belong to microsoft Maizen – @maizenofficial… Read More

  • Insane Beach Fun with Kotenryuu in Hololive ReGLOSS!

    Insane Beach Fun with Kotenryuu in Hololive ReGLOSS!Video Information This video, titled ‘[Hololive] ReGLOSS Beach Episode’, was uploaded by Kotenryuu | 古典龍 on 2024-05-19 07:55:21. It has garnered 2478 views and 131 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:37 or 757 seconds. Source streams and titles: Hiodoshi Ao POV 【Minecraft】I’m finally on the Holo server! ! 【Hiodoshi Ao #hololiveDEV_IS #ReGLOSS 】 Otonose Kanade POV[Minecraft]Let’s make a choberiba with ReGLOSS!! Boom![Otonose Kanade]#hololiveDEV_IS #ReGLOSS Juufuutei Raden POV[Minecraft]Raden’s point of view! This is the campsite[Juufuutei Raden #ReGLOSS] Todoroki Hajime POV[Minecraft]Let’s make a choberiba on the Holo server![Todoroki Hajime/ReGLOSS]#hololiveDEV_IS The illustration used is by paum:… Read More

  • Ultimate 10k Minecraft Q&A with BabyUnicorn184 🦄

    Ultimate 10k Minecraft Q&A with BabyUnicorn184 🦄Video Information This video, titled ’10k celebration, a Minecraft Q&A 💗 BabyUnicorn184′, was uploaded by babyunicorn184 on 2024-05-03 21:00:03. It has garnered 526 views and 73 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:38 or 1538 seconds. Join this channel to get access to perks: 💗 Like and Subscribe to my channel! 💗 Hi everyone, I love playing minecraft, building cute cottagecore builds, collecting resources and exploring my world. I try and keep my vids chill and relaxed, so they are perfect to watch at any time. I hope you enjoy today’s episode, please comment below to tell me… Read More

  • Unbelievable: Toilet Skibidi Map in Minecraft!

    Unbelievable: Toilet Skibidi Map in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Amazing Custom NPC Maps Skibidi Toilet In Minecraft #1’, was uploaded by ZeroKing on 2024-03-07 13:01:36. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. skibidi toilet, minecraft, minecraft skibidi toilet, minecraft memes, minecraft meme, minecraft funny, memes, minecraft parody, … Read More

  • SEQCRAFT Vanilla SMP Java 1.20.4 Whitelist 15+ Discord Hermitcraft-Like Season-4

    Seqcraft SMP Seqcraft SMP is a community of Minecraft players who enjoy playing as Vanilla as possible but are looking to meet new people from all over the world while playing together. We have a hermitcraft-minded community with a strong core and welcome new members to join us. Our current world, season #4, is not as active as it used to be, but world downloads are provided after resets. We enforce a policy of being fair and decent, with no stealing, griefing, cheating, bullying, or drama allowed. Playing together and building starter bases close to spawn is encouraged. We also… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – This Minecraft screenshot is meme gold!

    This meme is so powerful, it’s like finding a diamond in a sea of gravel. Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Meme: Пара-Пара-Пам – 😂Watch ’til the end😂

    Hot Minecraft Meme: Пара-Пара-Пам - 😂Watch 'til the end😂 When you accidentally hit your friend in Minecraft and they start singing “Пара-Пара-Пам” as their revenge anthem 😂 #minecraft #meme #анимация Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Castle Builds!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Castle Builds! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “I MADE ULTIMATE THRONE IN MY CASTLE | (Don’t Miss) |MINECRAFT GAMEPLAY #18.” While the video itself may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – what if you could showcase your creativity and build the ultimate throne not just in your castle, but in a whole new world? Imagine a place where you can unleash your imagination, collaborate with other players, and create something truly unique. That’s where Minewind Minecraft… Read More

  • Dave the Villager: Book 21

    Dave the Villager: Book 21 Minecraft Adventure: Dave the Villager 21 Embark on an exciting journey with Dave the Villager in the unofficial Minecraft adventure book, “Dave the Villager 21.” Join Dave as he faces challenges and opponents in the vast Minecraft world, using his wit and bravery to overcome obstacles and progress his journey within the expansive universe of the game. Unleashing Creativity in Minecraft With “Dave the Villager 21,” players can immerse themselves in the creativity and endless possibilities of Minecraft. From building intricate structures to exploring mysterious caves, the game offers a unique sandbox experience where imagination knows no bounds. Challenges… Read More

  • Dangerously HARD Job Change Quest! Minecraft Solo VOD #2

    Dangerously HARD Job Change Quest! Minecraft Solo VOD #2Video Information This video, titled ‘JOB CHANGE QUEST IS HARD! Minecraft Solo Leveling VOD #2’, was uploaded by GingyVODs on 2024-04-23 19:00:03. It has garnered 228 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 02:17:43 or 8263 seconds. Main Channel – Discord – Twitter – ————————————————————————— Channel Avatar and Banner are made by Charwiewie check out their stuff! Charwiewie – —————————————————————————- Read More

  • Minecraft CATNAP Hospital Exploration

    Minecraft CATNAP Hospital ExplorationVideo Information This video, titled ‘Je vais à l’hopital de CATNAP sur Minecraft !’, was uploaded by TheCheeseNaan on 2024-02-25 09:30:01. It has garnered 199686 views and 3857 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:47 or 1247 seconds. I’m going to the CATNAP hospital on Minecraft! 💲 Become a member of the channel: 👚 Clothing TheCheeseNaan: 👻 SNAPCHAT : thecheesenaan 📸 INSTAGRAM : thecheesenaan 🦄 Mon serveur discord : 💜Mon Twitch : ————————————————– —————— 🔴 My main channel: 🔴 My secondary channel: 🔴 My 3rd channel: ————————————————– —————— Professional contact: [email protected] Read More

  • Ultimate NinjaGhostGuy Strikes With Insane MWAHAHAHA

    Ultimate NinjaGhostGuy Strikes With Insane MWAHAHAHAVideo Information This video, titled ‘MWAHAHAHHA’, was uploaded by NinjaGhostGuy on 2024-04-01 12:43:44. It has garnered 32 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Discord: Tags : Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP members. This SMP is like LifeStealSMP and OneTrySMP, this is the hardest Minecraft Sever ever! and it is also a lore-based server in the MCYT community. I hope you enjoy this video. Not only that, this server has the elements of school… Read More

  • NatzPlayz: INSANE Minecraft Dog House Design!

    NatzPlayz: INSANE Minecraft Dog House Design!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Dog House Tutorial #shorts’, was uploaded by natzplayzminecraft on 2023-12-22 08:48:46. It has garnered 2428 views and 62 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. #Minecraft #MinecraftBuilds #MinecraftTutorial How To Build Minecraft Build Hacks, Minecraft Build Ideas, Simple Minecraft Builds, Easy Minecraft Builds. If you enjoy my Video’s/Short’s please make sure to like,comment,share and subscribe. Thanks! Read More

  • “Unbelievable Earth Adventure on Hypixel in Bedrock Edition” #Minecraft #Hypixel

    "Unbelievable Earth Adventure on Hypixel in Bedrock Edition" #Minecraft #HypixelVideo Information This video, titled ‘hypixel server In bedrock edition #minecraft #hypixel #technogamerz’, was uploaded by MAGICAL EARTH GAMING on 2024-01-05 04:59:46. It has garnered 82 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC TNT Mod Review – LANCOK GmG!

    EPIC TNT Mod Review - LANCOK GmG!Video Information This video, titled ‘review TNT mod minecraft’, was uploaded by LANCOK GmG on 2024-02-28 23:29:05. It has garnered 1533 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:51 or 471 seconds. @ #indonesia @TopTrending @minecraft @Gameplayrj #funny #fyp #viral @ #8ballpool @gaming #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #funnyvideo #minecraftpe Read More

  • Egg-san’s Insane Deaths in Hololive Minecraft!

    Egg-san's Insane Deaths in Hololive Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘All Deaths Compilation in Hololive Hardcore Minecraft’, was uploaded by Just Egg-san on 2024-05-20 05:16:52. It has garnered 104691 views and 6126 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:41 or 581 seconds. I compiled all of the clips to make this video. #HoloserverHardcoreMinecraftsource : Hololive Hardcore day 1 highlights Pekora POV Pekora React To Nene Dying First In Hardcore HoloServer Minecraft Pekora Stand Trial For Killing Subaru & Nene Iroha Perfectly Solves Ririka’s Death In Hardcore Minecraft Hololive Minecraft Hardcore – All Day 3 Deaths Compilation Close Call and… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft War – Part 3 🤣 #shorts

    Insane Minecraft War - Part 3 🤣 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Historical War 🤣 – Part 3 #shorts’, was uploaded by Manpixel on 2024-04-10 09:00:43. It has garnered 4562 views and 190 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. I make you Laugh! 😂😭 Minecraft Content, Memes, Funny, Animation, Building… 🤔🤨 #minecraft #minecraftanimation #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #minecraftfunny #funny #cute #mcpe #herobrine #skibidi #skibiditoilet #minecraftohio #minecraftskibiditoilet Read More

  • Unleashing Chaos in Minecraft: Krichney Jr’s Epic Adventure

    Unleashing Chaos in Minecraft: Krichney Jr's Epic AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ’01.Minecraft : Le commencement avec Krichney Junior !’, was uploaded by Krichney Gaming on 2024-04-15 16:29:07. It has garnered 181 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:46:15 or 6375 seconds. I’m introducing my son to Minecraft, Minecraft for beginners 🙂 Read More

  • SoulForge SMP – smp pvp

    SOULFORGE SMP Are you tired of searching for the perfect SMP and feeling unlucky? Welcome to the SoulForge SMP! Here you’ll find everything you could ever ask for: Features: 1 – Lifesteal plugin: Experience the lifesteal plugin in action! 2 – Friendly Players and Staff: Our community is always friendly and ready to assist you! 3 – PVP: Sword PVP is allowed, while Crystal, Anchor, Minecart, Bed PVP are not allowed. 4 – Crossplay and cracked: All platforms, including cracked, are accepted at SoulForge. Don’t wait any longer – join now and start your incredible journey with SoulForge SMP! Recommended… Read More

  • VitalCraft [Factions] [Survival] [Skyblock] [Java+ Bedrock]

    VitalCraft [Factions] [Survival] [Skyblock] [Java+ Bedrock]VitalCraft Minecraft ServerIP: play.vitalcraft.orgBedrock Port: 25581Factions | Skyblock | SurvivalA little about us: We are a brand new server looking to grow in all areas of Minecraft! Our team has worked very hard to deliver a truly special server for all types of players to enjoy. Our team is active, we listen to our community, and we are always looking at ways to improve not only for ourselves, but for our community. Join VitalCraft and find out what it is like to be a part of a loving Minecraft family.================================================================================================Factions Description:Our factions server has what everyone wants… Cannon Raiding |… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Technoblade always prevails!

    Technoblade never dies, he just takes a quick respawn break! Read More

  • Survival Twist: Minecraft’s Delightful Flight

    Survival Twist: Minecraft's Delightful Flight In this Minecraft world, survival is key, With a twist that will set you free. Watch till the end, our hard work you’ll see, Playing on mobile, editing with glee. Like and subscribe, show some love, Share with friends, rise above. Minecraft facts, in every rhyme, Survival with a twist, it’s our time. Read More

  • Cobblestone Castle: Building Bonanza!

    Cobblestone Castle: Building Bonanza! When you spend hours building the biggest cobblestone tower in Minecraft, only for your friend to come along and accidentally knock it down with one swift punch. RIP tower, you will be missed. #minecraftfails #friendshipgoals Read More

  • Late Night Phone Gaming in Minecraft

    Late Night Phone Gaming in Minecraft Welcome to the World of Minecraft with 方块轩 方块轩, a prominent creator in the Minecraft community, is dedicated to providing child-friendly content that prioritizes the well-being and safety of its young audience. With a focus on originality and humor, 方块轩’s channel offers a variety of entertaining videos that aim to spread joy and laughter among viewers. Exploring the Minecraft Universe In the vast and creative world of Minecraft, players have the freedom to build, explore, and survive in a blocky, pixelated environment. From crafting tools and weapons to constructing elaborate structures, the possibilities are endless. 方块轩’s channel showcases the… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for the Ultimate Minecraft Experience!

    Join Minewind Server for the Ultimate Minecraft Experience! Are you looking to take your Minecraft experience to the next level? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server! With a thriving community and endless possibilities, Minewind is the perfect place to showcase your creativity and skills. Imagine exploring a vast world filled with unique challenges and opportunities, all while connecting with like-minded players from around the globe. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, Minewind offers something for everyone. Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and embark on an unforgettable journey through the world of Minecraft. Who knows what adventures await you? The only way to find… Read More

  • Is Microsoft RUINING Minecraft?

    Is Microsoft RUINING Minecraft? The Controversy Surrounding Minecraft and Microsoft Recently, Minecraft players have been expressing their frustration over canceled features, delays, and disappointments in the game. These issues have sparked a series of controversies, with players feeling that Microsoft, the owner of Minecraft, is making unwanted changes and experiments that are not well-received. Player Criticisms Many players have accused the developers of being lazy and have criticized Microsoft for exacerbating the situation instead of addressing the concerns. The constant stream of failed experiments and changes has only added fuel to the fire, leaving players feeling disillusioned and unheard. Is Microsoft Really to… Read More

Maizen LOCKED In CRAZY FAN GIRL’S Prison in Minecraft! – Parody Story(JJ and Mikey TV)