Making Post Malone’s Wow. in Minecraft Note Blocks

Video Information

Hey everyone a cat is here this is the finished build of my post Malone Wow cover and today I’m going to show you how I used all of the techniques in my tutorial series to build this just before we get started there are three main things you’re going to need number

One patience these take an awful long time to build and can be frustrating at times but you must persevere also you’re going to listen to a song dozens of times during this process so make sure it’s one you like or can at least tolerate number two perfect pitch or at

Least close to it now I’ll be honest I can’t sing but I do have a good sense of when a note is out of tune and that’s pretty important for your results and finally number three a basic knowledge of music terminology I will explain some of these things over the course of the

Video but for anything I don’t cover a Google search will tell you everything else you need to know okay so let’s get started the first thing I should mention is that I’m using minecraft at one point 13.2 the reason for doing this is because as a manual builder it offers

Some extra tools that we can use to help speed up our builds and to help make sure that we’ve tuned our notes correctly and I’ll show that off a bit later first thing we’re going to do is create a new world for our new song so going to single-player you can see all

Of the songs I’ve done already I’ll show you this import world later that’s for getting the pixel art into the game as you can see that’s a one-point 12.2 version of minecraft so we’ll get into that a bit later so we’re going to create a new world we’re going

To named our new world for our song we’re going to be doing post below wow it’s going to be a creative world we don’t want structures we do want cheats because we’re going to use the clone command I don’t think that actually counts as a cheap buttons to leave that

There anyway and we’re going to turn that to super flat so that’s all we need create a new world okay so here we are in our new world the first thing we need to do is change a few settings because this is not a nice place at the moment these

Cows are looking at me a bit Shaylee so one thing I want to do first is just make sure that I’m pointing south as you could see on the left hand side is facing south that’s just because I keep all my builds consistent you don’t have

To face up you do this any way you like but it will explain why I use some of the tools I do later on so first we’re going to do is change a few settings so we’re going to gangrel do mobs form no they cannot

They won’t do the top loop no but very saves us a second or two game rule is there a daylight cycle no game raw is there a weather cycle no and this is just to make sure that when I do my recording I’m not going to end up with

The world that sounds horrible or has bad lighting has rain coming down which I think probably happened to one of the earlier videos and I have to re-record it so doing one of these things will save a bit of time and the last thing is to stop tiles from dropping as well and

That just saves a bit of time cleaning up if we ever have to break some of our build and start again so now I am just going to get rid of any background noise we can do that by typing kill all entities who are not that’s the

Exclamation mark is are not player and I’m sorry wildlife we just need to do that a few times because the slimes are springing off offshoots and now we should be a pretty nice empty world let’s just make sure we’re facing south again that’s this way here bryggen right

So now that we’ve tried it up the last thing we to do is just set the time to noon you might notice that I’m typing these pretty quickly and that’s because in minecraft 1.13 there is an autocomplete feature which you don’t get one point well

When it’s one of the reasons I like to use one point with 13 so time he just press s and then pressed tab but it also completes the rest of the world for you it also gives you all of the suggestions or all of the options that are available

Particularly handy when Auto completing fill or clone commands and some of those techniques I’ll demonstrate a bit later and I’ll shown off my tutorial series as well okay so now that we’ve got the world set up a final thing to do this is a global setting so if you’ve changed

This for a while make sure you turn it back then go into options then go into music and sounds will you turn the music off so that we don’t have the background music on the game we’re going to turn block noise off as well and that’s to

Stop any piston noise for when we do our recording okay so we’ve set up our world but before we can get started on the build we’re going to need to do a bit of research on the song what tempo is it what key is it in and what time

Signature does it have now don’t be worried if you have no idea where any of this stuff means it just helps us get set up before our build you can usually find this information with a quick Google search here is what I found for WoW as you can

See there has a tempo of 100 beats per minute the key is in B minor and the time signature is 4/4 so let’s start with the tempo what does that mean well 100 bpm means we have to space our notes with 6 redstone ticks between them I’m

Going to leave a gap every 3 ticks so we could play some of the faster notes so let’s get the blocks we’re going to need to get started we’re actually going to start building the drums and I tend to use stone for that and get on no blocks

And we’re going to need our pistons and blocks of redstone in a bit later and I’ll go into that a little more as we need them we’re going to need redstone engineer redstone repeaters gonna need a button to start the whole thing and we’re going to need soul sand and

Between the stone and the soul Sun we’re going to make up our entire array of percussion so let’s start by laying things out so as we said we’re going to leave 3 redstone ticks between every block just like that so as we said before it’s 6 ticks between every beep

And 100 beats per minute we’re laying out with 3 ticks between each so that we can play some notes on the intervals in between and there are ways to play notes faster than this as part of our build which will show later as we need to we

Do actually need to do this pretty quickly in this build so that’s what the piston and the red stones for I’ll explain that more so that’s the tempo the time signature then is useful in helping you lay out your music I won’t get into great detail here

But before for is quite possibly the most common time signature you will see this literally means there are four that’s the top number quarter notes quarter being the bottom number in a bar I tend to build the circuit to match the bars as it helps when it comes to repeat

Sections later on so if you remember we said every second note here is the hundred beats per minute that means we need to do four of these second note intervals along the way so we’re going to do eight blocks in our whole circuit so that’s one two three four five six

Seven eight and just fill the Redstone in between we’ll come back to the key a bit later on as we need to use it we don’t tend to need to use it when building the percussion right so let’s get started with the drums this is honestly my favorite part build as it

Really makes the song I have a standard way of tuning the drums in my songs which I’ll show you here so to do a bass drum I will tune a note block on top of stone five beats now one thing you’re going to see a lot during my build is

The f3 window if you take a look on the right hand side where it says targeted block minecraft note block instrument bass drum note 5 this tells me exactly how this note was tuned and what type of block it’s on top of so if I were to put

A note on grass you can see this instrument harp note 0 and every time we tune that the note goes up this is really powerful really helpful when it comes to changing some parts of your song or if you notice that a block is slightly out of tune you can see exactly

How it is tuned and going correct that something you can’t do in earlier versions of Minecraft so it’s another reason why I make sure I use minecraft 1.30 so the next thing we’re going to do is make a snare drum or a clap sound I usually have this tuned to five again

We then use high hats this is also so sad that tuned very high well that’s 24 which is the highest it can go and also a cymbal sound if we’re ever going to need one again I will use a snare block and tune it up to 18 this f3 window is

Probably going to stay open for most of this build out right so these are the building blocks that we’re going to use to make our percussion so remember those study them see how they sound perhaps look at my drum tutorial and see if you can build your own circuits and kind of

Have a bit of a play with it okay so I have already done a bit of prep on WoW so I can’t play the song in this video because I don’t have copyright to be able to do that I’m able to post covers up onto YouTube legally because those

Are marked on revenue shared with the copyright owner so no need to worry there but I can’t stream the actual song itself so let’s do a lot of preparation off-camera but I will show you exactly how we’re going to build the drums so the first thing we’re going to start

With is a bass drum that’s tuned to five I’m going to need another bass drum on the fifth block one two three four five And there’s also a slightly different bass drum noise used in the beat if you listen to the song yourself miss to the beat you’ll notice there’s a higher pitched bass and it tends to play here on the fourth and I’ve done a bit of practice and set up to 16 and there’s

One here as well now you can hold down the right mouse button to tune these or it’s actually quicker to click it I’ll try to avoid clicking the mouse very quickly because it’s probably going to pick up on the microphone quite a lot and it’s gonna sound really annoying so

I’ll do my best but if I if you do hear lots of clicking very fast you know why that is alright so the next thing we need to do is add our snare drum to the intro the snare drum plays here in fact that’s actually wrong the snare drum actually

Plays yeah and we actually have an extra bass no play here as well at least on the first bar we do right now we can put down a button and see how that sound if you’ve heard the WoW intro hopefully you’ll agree that the sun’s pretty close

To it so what we’re going to do now is build the next bar so since we have eight blocks and there are three intervals each apart that’s a total of 24 ticks we need to make sure that the next bar is 24 ticks away so 6 times 4

Is also 24 so we’re going to put 6 of repeaters this is the perfect interval for me I prefer to make sure that each row runs seven blocks apart so if we have a gap of 6 repeaters and then we have the extra redstone in between

That’s exactly 7 from that line to this light and now we’re just going to build the next block now the second bar sounds very very similar to the first one if you listen to the song again but it’s actually not quite there’s a small few 12 slight changes the snare drum at the

Beginning plays alone and doesn’t play over bass note that’s this one here one thing actually missed on the first one is this first note it’s a little bit more pronounced I’m going to play both the low and the high bass drum together Now feel free to follow along with this or perhaps just skip through slightly to the next bit this won’t take long Right and looks so the last thing in this bar is there are three notes that play very quickly if you pop back over to the track and have a listen you’ll find that it plays quicker to not probably but it’s quicker than these two notes do together so if I just play them

As they are one thing we’ll notice along a lot of my builds is I’ll place buttons almost everywhere so I can hear how things sound okay so in the actual song there are three notes that player the same interval that these two do and this is where the piston trick comes into

Play I’ve done a full tutorial on that so I’m not going to explain it in great depth here but just note that the piston takes precisely 1.5 ticks to extend which is perfect when we have a three tick interval between blocks as it means we get one extra note playing on a

Perfect interval between now this is something I don’t believe that any of the note block editing software can do I haven’t actually looked but again I prefer to build these manually I feel you can get a lot more out of it so let’s just hear all that sounds then you

Can hear that it’s exactly in between if you try to play this note after one tick or two tape you would notice a very clear difference in the timing so that’s the first two I’m just going to go on and build the next couple now I’ve done

A bit of prep on this myself so I’m just going to go ahead and do this bit off-camera and we’ll come back once I’ve done okay so now I’ve built the first eight bars of the drums which is the intro of the song let’s take a look and see how that sounds Notice the snare drums being taken out of this section as I couldn’t hear it in the track so take it out now I use a pair of on head headphones just so that we can hear the sound better they’ve got quite a nice Basie sound to it so I can

Pick up notes a bit better then hearing out of TV speakers for example so we’re picking up a decent pair if you want to analyze the song as a bit better so that’s the first eight bars now the song breaks into a bit more of a beat so I’m

Just going to build out the next bit and show you how that’s done again spacing six and we’re going to need three in between every block okay so the next bit starts with a base and then we have a snare drum here and then bass drum now these are all tuned at the

Bottom level so all at five have another bass and another place and a snare at the same time as this second place here let’s just test that but that’s not quite how the song sounds because one thing that’s missing is the hi-hat that place reroute it so I’m going to do is

Replace this middle block with the sole sound I’m gonna play that high one so if a block in the middle here is powered it will also power the two blocks either side of it so it allows you to play three blocks all at once one thing I try

To do is keep my builds as flat as possible to try and keep them on one layer apart from the layer that the redstone and the blocks sit on the reason for that is when the builds get quite big and we end up with sort of five six layers it starts to become

Difficult to hear some of the bottom notes due to the distance so no blocks can be heard up to 48 blocks away where they do start to get quiet I think that after about 16 or 20 blocks they start to get a bit quieter so it’s it’s it’s

Best if you can keep your builds as compact as possible so we’re going to tune this all the way up to 24 and that needs doing on each of these but a bit lazy so I don’t want to tune every single one of those notes what I’m going

To do is clone this first node I’m going to take advantage of the autocomplete here so when we start the clone command here when 1.13 it lets us autocomplete so if we’re looking directly at the block we want to clone we can just press tab tab tab and that chooses the first

Position and then press space and then we’re going to press tab tab tab again and that sets the start and in position because we’re only copying the one block so we don’t need a position any bigger than that now for now I’m going to just ctrl a and ctrl C to copy that

And then we’re going to point over what we wanted to go the first time and now we can take advantage of the tilde key this might be in a different place on your keyboard and to look out for it the tilde key essentially says my current

Position so it’s my current in this case we’re current x-coordinate we want to set the y-coordinate to be 4 so it’s always at 4 that’s the height from the ground and then the Z coordinate we’re going to set to another till to the current position and I press ENTER that

Copies that block and if you look on the right hand side you can see that it’s also copied its tuning so it’s already tuned to 24 for me and I don’t need to worry about doing that again now it might seem like it took a bit longer

Than just going through and doing each one but now we can take a car some more of the features of Minecraft we press T to open trap again and press up it uses our last command and because we’ve set the tilde key to our current

Position what we have to do is move over each one of these blocks press T up enter TR enter just like that it’s copied all of those blocks so now let’s see how that sounds this is the actual beat of the song that sounds much better no we’ve added those snare drums in

Which we’re using as a hi-hat I did originally use to use glass blocks as this but I did get a lot of comments complaining that the ticking noise was a bit all fall and I feel like the snare tuned up to 24 is a little more subtle

So it’s a bit more bearable to listen to throughout an entire track the next thing we need to do is copy this for the next two bars because it’s exactly the same thing that goes we could just do that completely manually but that would start to take quite a long time by the

Time we get to the end of the track so what we’re going to do instead is make good use of the clone tool so I built a spreadsheet that helps me do this and what the spreadsheet does is I put in the coordinates from each bar of the

Song so we’re going to look on the left hand side and find the x coordinate and you see block – 1 5 1 – 1 4 4 – 1 is the x-coordinate we’re going to check the next one it should be 7 apart so you

Have minus 8 this will be minus 15 – 20 – et cetera we need to find the largest and lowest Zed values as well so we have minus 1 41 here and this end we have minus 1 2 3 so Devon one space over the

Right side just to make sure we cover a little bit of extra room in case we need to use the space at the end it just makes life a bit easier later on so here is the template for Wow I’ve created a copy from my base

Template that I have which is what you can see right here I will put a link in the description to the finished Wow spreadsheet so you can take a look at everything they’ve done it in there and I will also put a link in the description for these templates

Or publicly share that and you can use it to make your own builds I’m going to go into a bit more detail about what all of this does in just a moment the first thing we need to do however is put our Zeidman Zed max Y and our x coordinates

In from our build so if you remember the Zed min is negative 1 for 1 the Zed max is negative 1 2 3 since these are negative numbers the one that actually it’s a higher value is lower because it’s further away from 0 the y coordinate is 3 because that’s our

Ground level the x coordinates of the first and second bars are negative 1 and negative 8 now that we’ve got this in place we can simply highlight this area here and drag this down and that sets the coordinates the x coordinates for as many bars as we need we can continue

Dragging this make sure you select at least two rows at a time if you just select the bottom one it will just duplicate that it select two rows and copy and it will keep extending this on as much as we need to the next thing we

Need to do is use this spreadsheet to clone from one of our previous bars so the last one we built was bar number nine and we said we needed to copy that two more times so that means that bar 10 and bar 11 are going to copy from 9 so

Just populate that in there for now this is pretty much the only field you need to enter here the rest is a script which you can just copy down as many times as you need so first of all this looks up the x coordinate for bar 9 and this looks up

The size and this looks up the position for bar 9 that 7 and 5 repeats all the way throughout because I’ve since standardized my builds but you can use these values and change them if you need to to make things different but as long as you’re keeping your build 7 bars

Apart you won’t have any part this then is a very long script which puts together this text what that enables me to do is simply click here ctrl C and copy and then I’m going to tab to minecraft and now that we’re in the game at the press T ctrl V and paste

And press ENTER and as you can see it’s copied our drums to the next part so then to copy the next one is just as simple I’ve tabbed back to the spreadsheet click on the clone script copy it tap back to minecraft go into chat paste and

There we go now we’re very quickly duplicated what we’ve already built so some people might question whether this is cheating but I don’t feel so we’ve spent the effort to build this once ourselves and why go to the effort to build every bar identically over and over and over again especially when you

Have a drumbeat that repeats throughout the entire song the next bar then is a repeat of the first one except it has a few notes missing but we can still use the clone tool to get there so back to the spreadsheet it’s still going to copy

From number 9 I’m going to copy all of these rows here these columns rather paste that in there copy the clone tab back to minecraft open the chat paste it in and then we just need to delete the last few notes from here so if you listen to the song

Itself you’ll notice that it only plays up to this fifth note and then just to keep things tidy like to put things back as they were so if we ever need to copy from this one because we’ve got another copy of where the notes are playing only

Up until the fifth note then we just simply copy from the 12th bar and our spreadsheet now the drums are firmly repetitive throughout the rest of the song so I’m going to go ahead and I’m going to populate my spreadsheet and put the rest of this together and I’ll see

You when we get started on the Claire okay so here we go I have now finished the entire drum section I’ve updated the spreadsheet which I’ll show you again in a second one thing to note though is that the spreadsheet doesn’t have exactly accurate bars on it I’ll

Explain why in a second so going through the song you find that there’s a lot of similar section so we’ll be playing one part of the drums and it won’t sound the same on the next bar but say building the whole bit again you copy the one

Before and they just make a slight tweak now I don’t update the spreadsheet after I’ve done that so if you were to just take the spreadsheet as is and copy this entire drum section if you’d probably find that it doesn’t quite sound the same as mine and that’s because you

Would’ve copied some sections that then haven’t been updated afterwards so your best bet is to always go back to the original music listen to it very closely see how it sounds YouTube has a fantastic feature we can slow down the tempo of a song by clicking the COG and

Changing its speed so you can go down to a quarter speed of the original track as well that will help you analyze some of the notes a lot better okay so let’s take a look at the spreadsheet then so here we go here is the finished spreadsheet just for the drums tab you

Can see it’s quite long the entire song is exactly 60 bars long it’s quite common to find that a song is a multiple of four bars so if you do get to the end of a song and you found that you’ve got to 61 62 63 etc you probably need to go

Back into the song because you might have missed something whilst going through so as I say some of these commands will have been copied they don’t necessarily match the entire song you can see here are later I’ve copied from twelve to twelve must be a modification I actually deleted the

Command out of that one but there will be quite a few that if you copy this won’t that won’t be exactly right now we’ve done our drums I’m just going to set up the spreadsheet for the next section I think we’re doing the guitar next it might be the bass we can rename

This if we need to later and the only thing we need to do here is change the y-coordinate two-six rather than three just keep adding three for every every layer and by duplicating the previous tab it means we’ve got all of the expositions in the right place and we’ve got exactly how

Many bars we need and upon all tend to do is just clean up this script and just leave one in here so we can copy as we need to so one thing you might have noticed with the clone tool is that it clones everything that is one block to

The left of the middle here and five blocks to the right so I tend not to place any blocks in this last column here just so that we don’t risk accidentally playing the one we’re not supposed to for example if there was a piston that was playing a note and the

Note was here and when the redstone runs past this section as a chance that it might actually be triggered off this note as well so I tend to leave this row blank just to make sure it is there in desperate measures if we have to do something very complicated with a

Redstone which does come up quite often so to start building our next layered end we’re going to need some building blocks if you’ve watched any of my other videos you will notice I’m quite a fan of the purple blocks and purple theme here the guitar for Wow starts on the

Fifth bar so it can roll everything from one two three four I’m gonna start here I’m gonna place the first bar on top of the redstone if I risk to right-click on the repeater here then it would reset the repeater back to the beginning we’d

Have to set it again and we’re going to match the area that we would clone with our clone tool so one to the left one two three four five to the right and by doing that that means that when we start to use the clone tool on the spreadsheet

We don’t have to worry about making sure that we’ve laid out all the Redstone and all the blocks we need so now what it would tend to do is put the concrete blocks here all the way to the end and then fill the rest in with glass and once that’s done

All we have to do is add our redstone those should all be tuned to three place that down and we’re going to connect the two together and if we want to test both bits together I tend to put a button on the end there so since we are doing guitar we need

Wall box I tend to just stick with white one there’s enough purple in my field as it is I’m just going to place those down see the key if we remember back was B minor and that means that on a scan of all the notes from A to G the C and the

F are played as sharps so we would play B C sharp D e F sharp G and a on the scale and that helps when doing the next part of this okay so this is audacity which is a brilliant piece of free software for doing anything you need

Grow sound so you can add effects you can record you can cut out background noise and that kind of thing is brilliant and what I’ve done is I’ve hummed into my microphone I find that humming gives me a better audio wave which we’ll see in a second and that

Allows me to analyze the tune even better so what I tend to do is have the song playing in my headphones and hum along to it as it goes and then capture a small section once you’ve done that you can highlight a portion of my hum click on analyze and plot spectrum and

It will tell you you tend to look for the highest peak here which is often near the beginning and will tell me what note this is and this says this is tuned to see where says peak g3 so on our scale of d e f sharp g the F sharp and

The G are pretty close there so it could be both tends to be quite difficult to hum sharps and flats ounds so I’m going to side with the F sharp in this case this next note here let’s have a look that says that’s an a sharp well a sharp

Isn’t in the spectrum for this so we’re gonna go with an a instead we go on the lighter side because we’ve gone on the light side of the previous one analyze the next one so I tend to find this sometimes with some of my humming in that I get sort of two peaks

At the beginning now if you look they’re both quite similar so that’s a d3 and that’s a D sharp four so we’ll go this and call that a D and finally this should be very similar to the first one you can see it kind of has a similar

Shape to it too so that again is coming up with another g3 so that’s F sharp a d and f sharp again so now back in the game we can place those notes that we’ve just figured out I’ve already figured out the interval where they should go by listening to the

Song so that’s pretty much all you have to do the first one was an F sharp which is 12 there is a great article on the Minecraft Wiki which shows you how to tune notes all the way from 0 which is the first F sharp to 12 the second F

Sharp and then 24 which is the third F sharps there’s two full octaves the second out plays here which is a then we have a D and then finally back to our shop let’s just see how that sounds what I would tend to do it on the way is

Break one of the Redstone in the circuit so that we can hear both of these sounds at the same time and not have to worry about the circuit playing on Okay so I’ve done a bit more off-camera and I wanted to show you how the notes tune the guitar section is actually very repetitive throughout the song so I’m just going to show you the notes this is the bit we put together already so that’s twelve fifteen eight and twelve

The second section is exactly the same except it doesn’t have the first note so it’s just fifteen eight and twelve the third section is slightly different so it goes in the opposite direction sort of going down and then up because up and then down to about eight fifteen and

Then seven so it drops a little bit lower then there’s a gap there’s nothing actually plays on this bar and so I’ve started another layer again over here and just needed to connect the redstone back up to the bottom so this is the same these these next three are

Identical to those three so I won’t show those again and then the only difference is this fourth one here which just has one slightly different note this is an e which is tuned to ten so let’s just play that quickly to see how it sounds and that’s going to continue on playing all

The way into the distance now because I didn’t break my redstone circuit but that’s pretty much the guitar section for the entirety of the song now sometimes it comes in sometimes it steps out you will need to now listen to the song and see which bars you need to copy

And when of course the spreadsheet will be fully updated all this information since this is exactly the same all the way throughout I’m now going to go and copy everything and I’ll see you just before I get started on the next layer okay so there we have it this is the

Entire guitar layer as I said before it’s pretty much exactly the same thing repeated all the way throughout in fact there’s no changes from the seven bars that I showed you there’s just a few gaps in place where it’s not playing and then it sort

Of comes back in so now we’re gonna get started on the base leg the base doesn’t start till the ninth bar which is just here so we can do the same thing extend upwards set out our blocks fill in the glass and then place our redstone and

For the base we’re going to need wood blocks so I’m gonna place those down and to save a bit of time in the recording I’ve already done the work in audacity to figure out which notes we need to play so first of all we need to play an

F here it’s actually very very similar to the guitar with a few slight changes we play an F there we also play a note on the four which is just a repeat so that’s another F and then we play the same again as here it’s a fifteen and

Then eight we don’t pay the last note I’m just going to connect this back up now I can place a button back and see how that sounds now you could tell I’ve made a bit of a mistake here in the tuning and it’s just because I had one redstone repeater not

The set to the right tempo let’s try that again and that’s the first pass so I’m just going to go and copy that a couple of times and then we’ll tune the second and third which are actually slightly different so I’ve set up a new base tab on our spreadsheet set the y-coordinate

To nine which is correct for this one and I’ve set bars 10 11 and 12 to all copy from nine let’s just take this clone command then and paste it into the game now these bars aren’t actually identical so we’re just going to need to retune slightly for this bar it’s only

The last note that changes and this goes all the way up to a C sharp on the second octave that is because there’s a lower C sharp which is only seven notes and now we’re going to copy the 11th bar paste that into minecraft and we need to

Change the last two notes in this case this one changes to a e which is 10 and this one stays the same at a d actually finally we need to copy the twelfth bar drop that back into the game and this one’s actually very different it’s only

Got a first note here which is a C Charlotte’s the lower c-sharp this time so just tune to seven and I’m just going to tidy up some of these extra notes they get copied over and that’s our baseline let’s have a look and see how that sounds just need

To place this circuit back here and we’ll break this so it doesn’t run on forever and that is pretty much the baseline throughout the song now similar to the guitar it cuts in and it cuts out that places in the song so I’m gonna go ahead and build up the rest of the

Spreadsheet and then finish off the baseline so I’ve got them head and finished the rest of the bass now it was pretty much identical to the first four bars we’ve built however there was one change in the sixteenth bar where it gets tuned to e which is ten three times

At the end there and it just sort of carries it on the bass cuts in and out throughout the song so you’ll see these large gaps throughout so here’s another copy of the sixteen and sometimes you count one two three four so this is just a copy of the twelve this spreadsheet

Does have all this information on and clones it pretty well there will be one a few tweaks that you will need to make to actually match the song so again best thing you can do is go back and listen to the track in a head set my head say

Actually has a great bass boosting feature so when I’m doing the bass I can turn that setting on and it cuts out a bit more of the higher noises it cuts out the melody and the singing a little bit and really draws out the bass from

The song so it really helps when trying to pick out the bass notes so now that we’ve got a backing track ready for our song it’s time to put the final layer on which is obviously the lyrics you could play this as is and you’ve essentially got a karaoke version right now but

We’re gonna write the lyrics as a tend to do for every track anyway the lyrics into I’ll start from the very first bar if you include all the ad-libbing and I tend to because it really draws out the accuracy of the song so I’m just going

To build up to the correct layer so we need to go higher than the guitar and higher than the bass so this would be the guitar layer that’s the base layer and then this is the voice layer it should be block number 12 so we can see we’re currently

At block 13 so that looks right and then I just need to build this up so now that we’ve got our layer ready we need to get some blocks that play a piano sound there are a number of different blocks that do this you can take a look at my

Instrument tutorial for more details I’m going to go forward diamond blocks simply because they look nice now you can use different instruments for the vocals I will tend to stick to piano if there isn’t a piano actually playing in the track otherwise I might tend to go for

Gold blocks which play a bell sound or sometimes even pack size which plays a try and sound now for the ad-libbing I’m actually going to use packed ice anyway so let me just grab that I asked with previous layers I’ve already done the work in audacity to figure out which

Notes need to play it so I’m just going to play slows down now the challenge with this first fit of ad-libbing is it doesn’t play at a regular beat if you listen to it against the track so we have to adjust our redstone signal slightly to accommodate let me just

Place the first node down and then buy this block here which is the last note of a four note sequence we’re going to need to pay two other notes but they actually play it a slightly different interval and what I’m going to do is change this one to a two

Change this one to a four we can play the second over here after two intervals and then we’re going to add another note which plays at another interval of two after this note here so then we have four equally spaced notes so you can see the Redstone is going to start from here

Play this note after two it’s going to play this one and that’s going to shoot off to separate repeaters one which is going to activate this note after two ticks and then one which is going to carry on with the sequence after four you have to be careful when adjusting

Redstone like this so that you still keep the same intervals towards the end of the bar so what I’ve done here is I’ve taken one tick away from this repeater I’ve added one tick back to this repeater and therefore by the time we get to this note the rest of the

Sequence is playing in the correct type so let’s just play this and see if it’s tuned correctly there is more still to add to this bar and I’m going to need to add an extra bar to finish it off but just for now I want to see if these

Notes are tuned correctly that sounds about right and once again in our spreadsheet we need to build up another tab so duplicate the previous tab will you name it change the Y coordinates and then tidy everything up and I need to immediately clone the first bar just so we can build up the

Circuit a bit quicker it’s not a copy off the previous bar whatsoever but it will save a bit of time in the build and then we put that back into minecraft as before and then we’ve got the next one I never need to clean this up because this is not right at all

So I’ve tidied this up now and updated the first two bars so that they match the ad libbing in the track let us just play that and see how it sounds so let’s just take a look at what we’ve done here we’ve already gone through this first

Part here this second one is an exact copy it’s just out of different position so it starts from here and again we’ve got to tick into balls from here to here and here to here then the correct interval because this is already setup occurs before this last note of that

Sequence plays so even though this is a three tick interval from here to here it matches what we’ve got at the start of every bar so it’s always going to be correct and then we have another copy of it here and it starts a little bit

Sooner so we’ve got block tune to 1917 15 and 12 and again you’re going to see that same interval setting between the notes so I’m going to go ahead and finish all of the make vocals and I’ll be back as soon as that’s ready and here

We are at last we’ve finished the song the vocals are now complete I had to use the Piston trick almost every bar along the way to make sure that we can keep the rhythm going correctly let’s go down a little bit and see how that sounds

I’ve set up a block here in the middle so that we can sort of start the song wherever we need to you’ll see that I do that in some place is sometimes that’s just to actually connect the circuit together because we need to move up to

This layer sometimes it’s just so that I can start playing the song a bit further down and see how it sounds Obviously I’m not gonna play the entire song now because that would defeat the object or you can head over to the actual recorded video and see how that sounds the last thing we’re going to do here is just tidy up the circuit a little bit just so it looks a bit nicer

I tend to knock off any red stones that we’re not actually using such as here and then at the end of the sequences like here as well and there we go we’ve now tidied up all of the endings and all of the starts here so we’ve got no redstone or

Anything sticking out that doesn’t actually need to be there that will just help reduce any lag in the game a little bit when we actually come to do the recording as you can imagine the Redstone circuit going off with all of these redstone repeaters and all of

These Pistons fire and very quickly it’s going to cost a little bit of lag one thing you’ll notice about all of my other videos is I tend to put the same style of starting button at the start of the song I just need to grab some glazed terracotta and that’s generally what

I’ll run the button on so the way I tend to do this is to stick the glazed terracotta here so you just connected to one of the pieces of redstone and the button is going to be attached to the other side of that so when you press

This button it’s going to power right through just hit this starting structure that we’ve already built and then I just wrapped some purple blocks around just like that so when we go to press the button later it’s going to be ready the other thing you might notice from all of my songs is

I tend to put a nice piece of pixel art over in the distance here so you’ve got something to look at just for the opening of the song this is totally optional but I am going to show you how I build those as well this is sprite

Craft is a brilliant piece of free software I’m actually using the paid version there’s a few such differences the paid version actually lets you set your max width and max height settings lets you customize the blocks I don’t actually customize anyway and tend to use the default values it’s very simple

Software to use all you have to do is click browse choose the picture that you want it to convert into blocks and then click the Create minecraft blueprint button and it does it for you and it’s that simple then we’re going to click the Save schematic button and save it to the base

That we want and then head over to mcedit and if you remember that import world we showed right at the start of the video this is one world where I tend to import all of the pixel art it’s a 1.12 world so it’s it works with mcedit

In for example if I try to go to one of my other worlds with mcedit that’s 1.13 click Edit you get all sorts of errors so we’re going to have to load our 1.12 world so if we look down the bottom here we’re looking north and that’s to make

Sure that we are matching the perspective that we’re going to load into our 1.13 world if you remember right from the start which started building our circuit by facing to the south so the pixel art is going to be facing north opposite that so to import

Our schematic into the world we need to click the import export button and go to import go to the correct folder select the schematic file we’re going to import and then it drops into the game we just need to move this into a better position

So that we can copy it so the ground level is always 4 and notice that the image is now flipped I’m not sure exactly why that is but mcedit seems to do this when you were import so I make sure that I flip the image from left to

Right first so that when it comes back into mcedit it flips back the correct way just going to change the Z coordinates a little bit so it’s not over the top of arianna there and then we click confirm when we’re done now you can rotate these in

Mcedit however I’ve never had any luck doing that let me just demonstrate if I change the rotate wide to 180 degrees it rotates and that looks great right until I click the confirm button and the whole thing disappears and then I can’t import it so there’s no good hence why I do the

Flipping first before I do the import and then I don’t have to worry about playing around with mcedit and it’s clearly broken feature there so if I just undo that we will keep everything exactly as it is and then click confirm and it actually appears in the game this

Time so it’s exactly what we need and before we close this we just need to hit save and now I’ve loaded back up in minecraft 1.12 we can open the import world and start creating the structure blocks the next thing we need to do is grab the structure blocks you find that

You won’t be able to find these in this section here anywhere so if we go to search type structure of rocks they’re not there so the way to do it is to say /give you’ll play a name structure underscore block and it will appear in

Your hand so now we’re going to use the structure blocks to copy this picture so what we want to do is go to the bottom left corner and place the first block go into them right-click on it switch to the save mode we’ll call our structure something useful I’m going to

Go with Wow because that’s what we’re building and then a – B 1 B stands for bottom because we on the bottom layer and the 1 is because we’re in the first position on the bottom layer if we need to do more that means that when we go to

Import it on the other side it’s gonna be very easy to bring these structure blocks back in without having to figure out what we named everything the relative position needs to be changed to 0 0 – 1 that’s assuming that we’re facing in the same direction the first

Two zeros are the X&Y coordinates because we’re in the same x and y position where this side of the structure block lines up to the side of the structures of a building and the bottom for the Y is aligned with the bottom the Z coordinate is 1 bar over

And we need to remember that it’s just easy to keep this consistent for every time we do a build the structure size then is going to be 32 32 + 1 and that’s again it’s 32 on the x axis that’s the left to right 32 on the y axis that’s up

And down and then one deep because it’s only one z block D then we get safe now that we’ve done that we just need to do that and again to cover this entire structure so we’ll do one more here well be to the same structure size etc and then save

Now that we have all of those structures we just need to move them over to our 1.13 world before we can import them now you need to go into your Minecraft saves folder this might be different for you if you’ve installed minecraft in a different location or if you’re using a

Mod loader or that kind of thing so make sure you do a bit of a google search and find where the location is for you if you can’t find it on your computer so we’re going to go into the import world folder into structures and here all the

Structures that we’ve created I’m just going to copy all of the wild ones that we’ve made and then we’re going to go back to our while world and we need to create a different folder because the folder location of structure blocks in Minecraft 1.13 is not the same as in

Previous versions there’s a great article on the wiki if you search for structure blocks on the Minecraft Wiki you will find these locations where the default locations of them are so when the creates a folder called to generate it and then inside there another one called Minecraft and then inside there

Final one called structures and then we’re going to paste our structures into here and that’s all we need to do to get them into the Minecraft 1.13 world or we just need to load up that version of Minecraft and import we’re back in our world now are we going to place our

Structure block down so just going to try and find the best location usually I’ll get this wrong but what I try and do located so that it’s in the distance facing away from the button and at a good distance now we can get the whole

Thing in if we sort of float up into the sky a little bit so let’s go forward a little while I think battle due for a good first start we just need to grab our structure blocks so throw that away / give catters structure block and it’s a lot easier to

Do in Minecraft 1.13 because you don’t have to know what it is you get a type you can just sort of use the autocomplete feature to do it for you now we have our structure block I’m just going to go down here a little way and

Place the first one and we’re going to actually use this as the second one not the first in the bottom row because one the bottom row to be a bit longer it’s going to extend a bit more off to the left we’re going to use this as our

First marker so we’re go to load and type while b2 I’m going to set the relative position exactly as it was in the import world to zero zero and minus one if we click below the first time it doesn’t actually load the blocks in but it sets out an outline of exactly what

It’s going to do so you can verify what you’re going to do before you accidentally import something and overwrite something you might have already built in your world so then you just have to go in and click load again and it pops in now we need to go 32

Blocks to the left and do the next one we’re on minus 14 here so 32 blocks away is negative 46 going along just trying to trace to make sure that I’m on the same level so this is in line I’m going to do the same we’re going to load

Obstruction a while b1 load and if I’ve done it right that shouldn’t overlap it looks good to me you would be able to see a white line sort of here overlapping the next section or you’d see the gap here where you haven’t quite got it right so if you do need to just

Break block adjust it and try again load there we go so there is b1 b2 and all I need to do now is carry on filling these in and till I’ve done them all and there we have it so we’ve imported the entire thing in the world now it’s time

To clear up these structure blocks and then let’s go and take a look at how it looks from our starting button I like to position myself right on the center block there turn around and let’s have a look if you press f1 at any time you can hide

The interface as well just get a good look it’s not quite central so what I’d like to do is move it over slightly this is where it can get a bit tricky and you find yourself using the clone command quite a bit to move things around there’s a little trick the clone command

Which I’ll show you now so let’s get to the top of the structure first because we need to find the coordinates that we want to climb so just press f3 slash clone -46 which will stay the same we need to put the y-coordinate down two forks we need to actually clone from the

Bottom layer and then – 1 9 7 4 there’s a coordinate now let’s go over to the other end and what I did was highlight and copy the clone command without actually entering it in because it’s not complete yet then I can paste it back

Into the chat – carry on come in to clone up until 80 and 99 so that covers the whole bottom of the structure level 4 all the way up to the top at level 99 and then negative 1 97 and stays the same now we need to choose the

Coordinates that we want to go to and so let’s copy that again so I think this is probably slightly too close so I’m going to move it slightly further back I also want to move it to the left a while so that the face is centralised on this

Camera position so we’re going to just have a guess and say move it about 10 blocks to the left so that would be 2 – 56 this coordinate that we’re setting here is always the lowest coordinate of the X the Y and there’s their values so

The Y is going to stay the same for the x-coordinate we’ve put minus 56 which is the lowest of all of the values and then there’s Ed coordinate we’re going to put slightly back a bit so it’s currently on – 197 so to go further back

We need to change that to about might let’s say minus 200 and to move about five blocks you don’t actually need to move the z coordinate very much for it to make a big difference so before we execute that command we just need to

Make a bit of an addition to it I say I’m going to have masked move now by adding mask to move on the end it doesn’t do a clone sort of copy where you’d end up with two versions of it it will do a complete move so you’ll only

End up with the final version so that’s moved the entire thing I think that looks way more central than it did before and it looks like it’s in a good distance as well from the camera and to clean it up a bit we’re going to extend

The sides slightly so that we don’t see the sky in the ground behind so we’re going to use our last clone command to start get the correct starting coordinates by getting rid of these remember we moved it to minus 56 4 minus 202 and instead of clone we’re going to

Use a full command that will be the starting coordinate so we’re just going to drop that down to slightly less 57 because minus 56 is actually part of our structure already I’m going to go a bit lower on that and say 2 minus 65 this is

Just a guess at this point and position 99 we know it’s 99 blocks tall sorry it’s not mine to my block so it’s 96 box tall but at level 99 is the height and then minus total again because we only wanted that one depth and we’re going to

Fill with black wall that didn’t do nearly as much as I wanted so we’re just going to extend that out a bit more and say 2 minus 90 and that’s cleared off that side of the screen we go back to our clone command again remember the original position ended

Coordinate eighty and we moved in ten over so that means it now finishes at x-coordinate seventy so we’re going to carry on parkland command and fill from 71 to 85 with more black wall and that’s finished off the other side and now if we press f1 we’ve got a perfect image on

The screen so now we have our pixel art we have our song the only thing left to do is record it I’m not going to add to that into this video because obviously there is the recorded version available for you to watch but I will show you how

I do the last bit of editing so you can see how I get to the finished video I’m here now in Lightworks which is the editing software that I use there are dozens of different types of software that can do one of this kind of thing so

I’m not promoting this one or saying it’s the best one it simply is the first one that I actually came across that had a free edition since switched to the professional version and got a license for myself because I actually did find myself quite liking it this is not an

Endorsement it’s just the one that I use I’m not going to go through this software in great detail but I’m just going to explain a few of the steps that I do to get a new song edited and recorded relatively uploaded for YouTube first I need to create a new bin and I’m

Gonna call this and be for no block because I didn’t know what else to call it this is totally up to you and totally random and this is post Malone well inside our Ben I’m going to create a new empty sequence this is going to be our container for everything that we’re

Going to export an upload now I’m going to import the recording of this song by dragging and dropping that doesn’t put it into the sequence it just puts it in this bin so I’ve got a collection of all the things we’re going to work with for this first I’m going to uncouple the

Audio because I have separate tracks I’m going to switch them so that they are both not left and right audio tracks anymore but they are both Center tracks but they need to import our intro by dragging that in and this just saves a bit of time and all it does is add that

On to the video then we go back into our bin and I’m going to drag my recording into the video too and if i zoom out a little way you’ll see where the track starts and this is the audio that I recorded now I did actually have to defeat a few tanks

Because I don’t get things right every time since this making a video is very largely unscripted you’ll probably notice a lot of edits and cuts across the course the video and little jumps and things in places that’s just because I try to cut out some of my stuttering

Or bad speech and things like that so I’m not actually as perfect as it might sound if you listen to the video all the way throughout there’s probably about three or four times as much ability to actually take it out because I think choking on my own words so I’m gonna cut

Out those bad parts of the recording now we just zoom in that one was a failure that one was a failure you can see I usually leave a few seconds before I start recording again just so I can spot them more easily so that’s totally cut

Out the recording on the bottom is the songs that’s or the game audio and everything on this a one track is that everything that was recording the microphone I mute my microphone whilst I’m recording these songs because this there’s nothing I actually can add over the top of it so there’s no point

Keeping that in at all so you’ll see that I’ll be completely flat until the end and also the game Sounders is playing all the way throughout until the end where it’s completely flat and that’s not because the game sound is there muted it’s actually just because

There is no sound coming from the game I’m just going to add one of the last elements onto the video now which is the cover picture which you’ll see in the fade-out and we’re going to cut that track down to see what it is I usually

Do then change that last bit so it’s about three seconds so it’s not dragging on for ages and ages so if we look at the current time in the video is two minutes 56.5 for that point five four is the number of frames at 60 frames per

Second so 54 is it’s very nearly a second I’m just going to drag the end of track a little bit so they’ll be about three seconds there are they’re about to don’t tend to do it precisely somewhere around there I was totally fine and then

Close it up again and that will be the length of our final video one thing I like to do in the intros is have a little snippet of the song playing at the beginning a slightly quieter tone and sort of fading in fading out again so let’s go and find a suitable portion

Of the song that we can do for that I’m going to switch to the log tab and then we’ve loaded our recording up and all I need to do is play it and find a good section that probably sounds good enough place always do is put the snippet about

They’re gonna let that play for a few seconds and I’m using the eye and Okies to just place a little snippet there and then I’m gonna press the U key which is a custom key binding for myself which takes a snippet what you can actually do

Is right click and go make sub clip and that does the same thing then I need to drag this sub clip into our bin switch back to edit mode and I need to create a new video and audio track otherwise we’ll accidentally overwrite what we’ve already done and then drag our recording

In once it’s in I can actually delete two of the tracks cuz we don’t need those anymore now I’m gonna head to the audio tab and play with the volume because we want this to sort of fade in and fade out a bit so around here today would be nice

For it to be at full volume just going to click on the audio levels and drag down and sort of fade in and it would probably be nice for it to fade out by about this point as well but we do also want it to play at 100% which is to

Reduce ur boards sometimes I think it fades out a bit too fast so I’ll tend to extend these out slightly add a bit more of a curve to the fade out but also I’m just going to adjust the audio level here because it’s slightly too

Hi and we can do that by setting again on the entire track to minus ten and that’s the audio for the intro completed we’re just going to make sure we’ve got the right sound level in the rest of the track so I’m going to enter somewhere where the levels are about the highest

They are so around here and then we’re looking up here to see how high things go and we’ve got a little bit of room so we’re going to increase the game by about three And listen to that again you can see we’re getting much closer up to this level we go to high it will distort the audio and we want to avoid that if we can finally we need to add the wipes and the transitions in the recording because

I had to cut out the fell of recordings of the song I’m going to just add the small transition here so we’re going to add something which is centralized on that position and a dissolve and we’re going to add another dissolve at the end of the track but it’s going to go to

That final position that just dissolves into the outro and towards the start of the track we’re going to do our wipe into the middle so that’s from that position add I’ll wipe I’m going to change that to a circle reverse direction and that’s it that is the

Editing done the final thing for me to do is to output this so that it’s in a format I can upload to YouTube so I’m going to select the entire thing right click export and there is a YouTube option but actually I’ve tuned the settings a bit better in the h.264

Version here that will take a little while but when it’s done we’ll have a quick look at the final output and just make sure that it’s correct and there we have it the finished recording of the song ready for uploading to youtube I hope you found this making your video

Useful if you have any questions or you feel there’s anything I could go into a bit more detail about feel free to drop them in the comment section below thanks for watching and take care you

This video, titled ‘Making Post Malone’s Wow. in Minecraft Note Blocks’, was uploaded by acatterz on 2019-02-16 14:28:47. It has garnered 3127 views and 108 likes. The duration of the video is 01:14:23 or 4463 seconds.

This is my first Making Of video where I show you all of the techniques I used to create Post Malone’s Wow in Minecraft Note Blocks.

This is not a tutorial, but goes into greater depth into how these songs are made. You can download the finished world using the link below if you want to see how every block is tuned. Showing the entire build in one video would be at least 10 hours!

Subscribe now for more Note Block Music:

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Tutorial Series:

I used a piston trick in order to keep the correct tempo and play notes at a 0.5 tick interval. Watch my tutorial to find out how:

World Download:

Template Spreadsheet: Finished Wow Spreadsheet:

#Minecraft #PostMalone #NoteBlock #Wow

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    Minecraft Java vs Bedrock: Spot the Differences Minecraft Java vs. Bedrock Edition: Exploring the Key Differences When it comes to Minecraft, players often find themselves debating between the Java Edition and the Bedrock Edition. Both versions offer unique features and gameplay experiences that cater to different preferences. Let’s delve into the key differences between Minecraft Java and Bedrock Edition to help you decide which one suits your gaming style best. Graphics and Performance Minecraft Java Edition: Known for its flexibility and mod support, Minecraft Java Edition allows players to customize their gameplay experience with a wide range of mods and shaders. However, Java Edition may require… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Epic Base Building Adventures!

    Join Minewind Server for Epic Base Building Adventures! Are you a fan of building massive structures in Minecraft? Do you enjoy the creative process of gathering resources and bringing your vision to life block by block? If so, you need to join the Minewind Minecraft Server today! With a vibrant gaming community and endless possibilities for creative builds, Minewind is the perfect place to showcase your building skills and connect with like-minded players. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, there’s something for everyone on Minewind. So why wait? Join us at Minewind today and start your own mega base building journey. Who knows, you… Read More

  • Double life smp

    Double life smpA small, one-world server that has the unique feature of the life counter. Each player on the server has a soul mate (which is randomly assigned) Read More

  • Diversity SMP: 10YearOldMap, TimedRanks, ItemEconomy, No Map Resets, DynMap, 1.20.X

    Welcome to DiversityMC! The local time is 2:15 AM as of writing. We have been around for 10 years on the original map without any resets. Experience our rich history and lore. Server Details: Currently, we offer SMP and SMPNG (New Generation) for a fresh start in an untouched world. Connect to SMPNG using /server smpng and return to the original map with /server smp. Chat is synced across all servers, including our creative server. Join Us: IP: Discord: Join our Discord Website: Visit our website Read More

  • Blockhead Odyssey Minecraft Survival

    Blockhead Odyssey Minecraft SurvivalWelcome to “Blockhead Odyssey,” a captivating Minecraft server that fuels your imagination and brings players of all ages together in a realm of limitless creativity and exploration. Our enchanting world is enriched by a selection of unique plugins, transforming your gameplay into an extraordinary adventure.Unveil the magic of Slimefun, a captivating plugin that infuses crafting and resource gathering with enchantment. Discover hidden recipes, craft remarkable items, and embark on a journey where science meets magic. From imaginative machines to charming contraptions, Slimefun adds depth to your building endeavors.Experience the excitement of PyroMining, a plugin that turns mining into an explosive… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – 40 minutes of Minecraft wisdom

    Minecraft Memes - 40 minutes of Minecraft wisdomWho would have thought watching a 40-minute video essay about Minecraft memes could be so enlightening? I mean, I’ve learned more about pixelated blocks than I ever thought possible! #MemeScore540insights Read More

  • Crafty Grading: Teacher’s Exam Paper Raid in Minecraft

    Crafty Grading: Teacher's Exam Paper Raid in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Our favorite news reporter, crafting rhymes like a dream. From teachers marking exams to trees being chopped, Every update delivered, never a flop. With humor and wit, in every line, Cube Xuan’s channel, a treasure to find. From funny animations to songs that adapt, Each video a joy, never a trap. So leap into the verse, with beats that ignite, Crafting Minecraft news, shining bright. With rhymes that spin and stories that sing, Cube Xuan’s channel, the true gaming king. Read More

  • Don’t stress, just craft #minecraft

    Don't stress, just craft #minecraft When you’re trying to play Brawl Stars but end up getting distracted by Minecraft memes instead. Priorities, am I right? #gamerproblems Read More

  • Take Control of Your Luck in Minecraft – Join Minewind Server Now!

    Take Control of Your Luck in Minecraft - Join Minewind Server Now! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest news from the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about a fantastic Minecraft server that you absolutely need to check out – Minewind. Have you ever watched a Minecraft AMA video like the one titled “Minecraft AMA, Şansımı Siz Kontrol Ediyorsunuz🍀” and felt inspired to jump into the game yourself? Well, Minewind is the perfect place for you to unleash your creativity and test your luck! With a wide range of game modes and challenges like Minecraft Manhunt and Minecraft Hardcore, Minewind offers an… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Transformation Challenge!

    Ultimate Minecraft Transformation Challenge! The Ever-Changing World of Minecraft: Aha Moments Await! Embark on a journey through the dynamic world of Minecraft where subtle changes unfold before your eyes. In this engaging quiz experience, players are challenged to spot the one altered element amidst a sea of familiarity. It’s a brain teaser and a visual delight rolled into one! Test Your Observation Skills As you immerse yourself in the pixelated landscapes of Minecraft, keep a keen eye out for the shifting details that set each scene apart. The challenge lies in detecting the single modification that sets the stage for your “Aha!” moment…. Read More

  • Insane! Fire Mario Survives 1000 Days in Hardcore Minecraft!

    Insane! Fire Mario Survives 1000 Days in Hardcore Minecraft!Video Information on day one I spawned into the glowing Ancient Forest as fire Mario wooo I must have eaten the fireflow to get all this fire power also explains why I have really bad heartburn I’ve only got 10 hearts and they’re all burning but I was distracted from my heartburn by a loud buzzing noise I looked up and saw a giant mosquito hovering above me hey you got 10 Hearts do you bet there’s a lot of blood in those hearts and sucking blood just happens to be my specialty the name’s Mazy Mazy mbor pleased to… Read More

  • Unleash Your True Power

    Unleash Your True PowerVideo Information अगर आप नेदर राइट का आर्मरर लावा में जंप कर जाओगे तो आपको थोड़ा टाइम लग सकता है मरने में और अगर तुम लकी रहे तो तुम जिंदा भी बच सकते हो लेकिन क्या इससे प्रूफ हो जाता है कि माट का सबसे स्ट्रांगेस्ट मटेरियल नेदर राइट ही है तो आओ ना टेस्ट ही कर लेते हैं तो चलो सबसे पहले इसे लावा में फेंकते हैं यहां पर तो ये बच जाता है लेकिन यहां लेकिन अब इसे हम फायर में फेंकें यानी कि आग में खैर ये तो यहां भी बच गया शायद ये टी एनटी में… Read More

  • EPIC 3-Star ManTreKs Conquers Desert Village in Guardian Tales 4-2

    EPIC 3-Star ManTreKs Conquers Desert Village in Guardian Tales 4-2Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] who are these is that all you’ve got [Music] does that pay to be nice or [Applause] [Music] something [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] s [Music] [Music] that you can raise your head depend our skill please report the battle by tomorrow [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] sh sh sh [Music] sh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we don’t have time to all Futures can be changed [Music] [Applause] [Music] depends on our [Music] skill [Music] [Music] [Music] walk [Music] w [Music]… Read More


    INSANE NAMALSK ONLINE STREAM! MUST WATCH!Video Information This video, titled ‘НОВОГОДНИЙ СТРИМ NAMALSK ONLINE | QUEST’, was uploaded by Saprano Production on 2024-01-02 22:52:47. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Happy New Year! Donat – #minecraft #minecraft #trolling trap #challenge … Read More

  • 48 Hour Kitathon Stream: Insane FinaleE!

    48 Hour Kitathon Stream: Insane FinaleE!Video Information okay watch storm remember we don’t want to just die of um Whatchamacallit cuz last time the only reason I pretty much died was because of Zone and panic there’s another Med kit here if anyone wants to take it but I’ve got three so we got one each right now I’ve got six uh Shields I need some who’s got good amount of AR ammo just asking I don’t know I should be streaming are are we all good for ammo oh yeah okay after we do that we go all the way up here after we… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Challenge in Pure Hindi 🔥🔥 | VIRAL

    INSANE Minecraft Challenge in Pure Hindi 🔥🔥 | VIRALVideo Information माफ्ट पर आज मुझे सिर्फ शुद्ध हिंदी का प्रयोग करना है आज का हमारा लक्ष्य होने वाला है हीरे प्राप्त करना मुझे यहां पे स् नहीं नहीं पैदा कर दिया गया है और सामने एक गांव है कुछ लड़कियां नहीं लकड़ियां तोड़कर अपनी कारीगरी मेस तैयार कर लेते हैं ये मेरी जुबान आज इतना क्यों फिसल रही है ये गई मेरी कुल्हाड़ी और ये बन गई मेरी कुदाल मेरे भोजन का बंदोबस्त भी हो गया है इस लोहे के राक्षस को मारकर लोहे की कुदाल बना लेता हूं डाम हीरे तो अंडे के काम आएगी निकल तेरी भैंस… Read More

  • Unbelievable: Bee Shark Sighting! Watch Him Walk

    Unbelievable: Bee Shark Sighting! Watch Him WalkVideo Information This video, titled ‘he just walk’, was uploaded by beelåhaj🐝🦈 on 2024-05-09 14:25:21. It has garnered 100 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:45 or 45 seconds. #mrbeast #minecraft #pubgmobile #art #anime #asmr #music #memes #sigma #edit #education #roblox #respect #trending #trendingshorts #tiktok #youtubeshorts #youtube #youtuber #ytshorts #upsc #usa #india #instagram #islam #omletarcade #onepiece #online #pubg #pakistan #podcast #attitude #animals #army #amazing #animation #artist #subscribe #shorts #short #shortvideo #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #song #status #shortsviral #shots #dance #drawing #dog #diy #funny #freefire #fyp #foryou #food #funnyvideo #fypシ #fortnite #fun #football #gaming #gameplay #games #game #garenafreefire #gamingvideos… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft LIVE with VIEWERS – Join NOW!

    EPIC Minecraft LIVE with VIEWERS - Join NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft with VIEWERS JOIN !!!!!!’, was uploaded by DeepCrafted on 2024-03-26 13:31:34. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. SUBSCRIBE IGN: DeepCrafted #Minecraft #minecraftjava #hypixel #minemen #viral #live #DeepCrafted TAGS: lunar client, … Read More


    Insane: RANKED BEDWARS player DESTROYED!Video Information I challenged this toxic ranked bedwar player to a fireball fight you’ll never guess what happened were you alive when Marth Luther King was I don’t think so you’re not winning this by the [Music] way no no no no no no way all right bro I’m locking in what I’m going to do is I’m going to okay bro thanks for watching subscribe for more Minecraft videos This video, titled ‘I DESTROYED this RANKED BEDWARS player!’, was uploaded by mxrlw on 2024-01-14 20:36:59. It has garnered 6205 views and 140 likes. The duration of the video is… Read More

  • Bloom SMP Semi-vanilla SMP Survival English Java Bedrock Crossplay

    Welcome to Bloom SMP! The perfect place to play Minecraft Survival, have fun, and make new friendships. IP: Joinable on versions 1.9 – 1.20.6 Features: Anti-griefing Cross play A welcoming community An active Discord A friendly staff team Regular events Bloom SMP is not modded but includes gameplay enhancing plugins. Please keep things friendly to ensure a good playing experience for everyone, our mod team will keep an eye out. Website: Discord: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Spice up Minecraft for fun!”

    Forget diamonds, my favorite thing to mine in Minecraft is memes! Read More

  • Speedcraft Showdown: Formula 1 vs. Roblox Sports Car Madness

    Speedcraft Showdown: Formula 1 vs. Roblox Sports Car Madness Join the fun, hit subscribe and like, On Flash_Playz, where gaming takes flight. Minecraft, Roblox, and sports cars too, Adventures await, for me and you. Craft and build in blocks of Minecraft, Roblox worlds, where fun is unmatched. Racing fast in Asphalt’s delight, High-speed thrills, day and night. Subscribe now, join the gaming crew, Flash_Playz awaits, with fun anew. Rhyming news and updates galore, In the gaming world, we’ll explore. Read More

  • “Crafting a spicy meme, just like my diamonds” 🔥 #minecraftmemes

    "Crafting a spicy meme, just like my diamonds" 🔥 #minecraftmemes When you finally find diamonds in Minecraft but then realize you’ve been playing on peaceful mode the whole time. #rookieerror #minecraftfail 😂🤦‍♂️🔷 Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures! Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Epic Adventure! Are you ready for an exhilarating experience like no other? Join the Minewind Minecraft Server today and embark on a journey full of excitement, challenges, and endless possibilities! With a vibrant community of players from around the world, Minewind offers a unique gameplay experience that will keep you coming back for more. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft veteran or a newcomer to the game, there’s something for everyone on Minewind. Explore vast landscapes, build incredible structures, and engage in thrilling PvP battles with other players. The possibilities are endless on Minewind,… Read More

  • Building a Massive Stone Bridge in Minecraft! – Chill Survival – Ep. 15

    Building a Massive Stone Bridge in Minecraft! - Chill Survival - Ep. 15 Minecraft Adventures: Searching for Drowned in the Vast River Biome! Exploring the Sea and Unveiling Mysteries In the world of Minecraft, Meikyan embarks on a thrilling adventure in search of the elusive Drowned. As she navigates the serene waters of the sea, a sense of wonder fills the air. The underwater ruins beckon, hinting at hidden treasures waiting to be discovered. With each dive, a new mystery unfolds, leading Meikyan deeper into the heart of the ocean. Encountering the Drowned and Unraveling Their Secrets As Meikyan delves into the river biome, the Drowned emerge from the depths, their haunting… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Finding Magic Pot in (MINECRAFT) #shorts #trending

    UNBELIEVABLE! Finding Magic Pot in (MINECRAFT) #shorts #trendingVideo Information minha culpa se eu pegar seu namorado Foi ele que falou que era descompromissado e todo mundo sabe que eu gosto de dotado doado dotado This video, titled ‘MAGIC POT IN ( MINECRAFT ) #shorts #trending #viral #minecraft #minecraftshorts #tiktok #gaming’, was uploaded by AB BOSS 777 YT on 2024-01-15 12:44:25. It has garnered 2726 views and 74 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. MAGIC POT IN ( MINECRAFT ) #shorts #trending #viral #minecraft #minecraftshorts #tiktok #gaming Read More

  • The Ultimate Phasmophobia Speedrun!

    The Ultimate Phasmophobia Speedrun!Video Information welcome back to phasmophobia if you could like comment or subscribe I would appreciate it anything you can do for the channel helps me put more back in the channel for you that being said it’s Monday I think you guys know why we’re here today we’re going to be working on our new weekly challenge on six Tanglewood Drive along with that we’re going to try to work on our other weekly tasks such as earn perfect investigation bonus on nightmare harder that’ll be a challenge we’ll do later this week earn money from contracts that’s always… Read More

  • Farming GOD in Hardcore Minecraft?! Watch me wield the CowAxe!

    Farming GOD in Hardcore Minecraft?! Watch me wield the CowAxe!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Made the Largest Farm in Hardcore Minecraft’, was uploaded by CowAxe on 2024-03-26 13:08:53. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft Hardcore/Minecraft hardcore survival/Minecraft Hardcore series/Minecraft Hardcore world Hey Every body in this video I … Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hacks and Tricks Exposed! 🔥 #MinecraftMadness

    Insane Minecraft Hacks and Tricks Exposed! 🔥 #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Applause] n [Music] n [Music] [Music] n [Music] a [Laughter] [Music] I’m cold hearted but I’m just getting start on the taret you’re the better who want your king [Music] of best to give me your loyalty cuz I’m taking the world you’ll see they’ll be calling me calling me they’ll be calling me royalty best to give me a loyalty cuz I’m taking the world you see me go me go me they’ll be calling me [Music] Royal call roal [Music] [Music] [Music] see the [Music] cages take it… Read More

  • GamerFleet’s EPIC Transformation! 🚀🔥 #Minecraft

    GamerFleet's EPIC Transformation! 🚀🔥 #MinecraftVideo Information call my Call my [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] This video, titled ‘@GamerFleet Attitude status 🥶 || Gamer fleet transformation 🔥 || #trending #ytshorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by RDX_JAZIB_ on 2024-05-17 02:30:44. It has garnered 1034 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. ‎@GamerFleet Attitude status 🥶 || Gamer fleet transformation 🔥 || #trending #ytshorts #minecraft WELCOME TO MY CHANNEL 😊😊 GAMER FLEET IN MINCRAFT LILYWILL GAMERFLEET SMP VS HIMLAND SMP GAMER FLEET ATTITUDE STUTUS 😡🥶 GAMER FLEET FLEET SMP SESSION 3 GAMERFLEET GOD MLG || LILYVILLE || FLEET SMP ||… Read More

  • Villager goes INSANE in epic game of TAG! #shorts

    Villager goes INSANE in epic game of TAG! #shortsVideo Information at Le what was that girly popop again bro why do you spawn in my doors you gave the the most hearty Screech what can I say I mean wow I was really confused on what that was come on oh I can’t oh I didn’t know which way you were going was spinning we spin oh don’t go the ladder oh he changed directions you can’t get me you can’t get me oh oh you got me oh take take your it nope he not going get me he know get me he’s going up hey man… Read More

Making Post Malone’s Wow. in Minecraft Note Blocks