Making the Forest Territories in Minecraft | Episode 2 | Terrain Part 2

Video Information

Hello again unless you haven’t seen the first video so in that case let me explain i am making the forest territories in minecraft this block game currently i have done half of the terrain now i am about to finish it up I did a lot in the last video but as you can tell right now it’s looking a little bland especially since there is no high stone so i guess that means i’ll start with that i finally decided to download world edit because i figured that building a mountain range block by block

Would be a bit difficult for me so after i figured out how to use it i started building unfortunately i lost the third person footage because i forgot to record so you’ll just have to watch the screen recording and the first command i knew was making a sphere of sand

And it’s safe to say that didn’t get me very far i experimented with the types of things you could do in world edit which led me to create larger spheres create cylinders change blocks and biomes and other stuff too so far so good i made high stones super tall

Because why not it looked pretty cool anyways oh what’s this i wonder what it means right now high stones looks like a bunch of alligator teeth shooting out of the ground we need to fix that so i smoothed it out then i made the platform on the side of high stones

This is the one with the cave that leads to the moonstone some of you might be wondering why i’m building with sand when high stones isn’t made of sand this is because when i use world edit to create the mountains i am building spheres in midair

If i use a different block to build this it will just look like weirdly colored bubbles but because sand has gravity the blocks fall down to make the mountains look more natural then i changed the sand to more mountain like colors after that i added snowy peaks and

Changed up the blocks around it to make it look more realistic now it’s time for the moonstone or not i apparently forgot to record all of it i had absolutely zero footage of what i did so i’m just going to use after footage i dug out a tunnel weeding upwards then cleared out

A hole for the moonstone i used diamond blocks and light blue wool for the blue colors because i wanted it to glow and emit light in the dark i used a sea lantern and partly covered it up to act as if the moon stone was glowing then for mother mouth i liked

The idea of it being like an abandoned mine shaft so i added some oak planks and rails after that i started building more interesting terrain on shadow clan territory and i built hills on thunderclan and riverclan territory too do you remember our friend wall textures he’s here to tell you that

The grass here is boring and you should use better variety with your blocks such as moss blocks and coarse dirt which really upgraded the basic grass and i made a platform for the river clan camp i won’t be building it in this video but i wanted to make a plan for where to

Put it i made it like a mini island where the water is kind of surrounding some of it and i like how it turned out then i started planning out the important areas of the thunderclan territory like snake rocks the owl tree and the sandy hollow i’m going to be

Reading you a bit of the book into the wild where firepaw is exploring the territory because i feel like this has something to do with that greypal led firepaw quickly through the gorse entrance of the camp and up the side of the rockstroon valley as they

Climbed over the crest of the ravine a cool breeze ruffled their fur fat white clouds raced across the blue sky overhead firepaw felt fierce joy well up inside him as he followed grape on down a tree shaded slope and into a sandy hall tigerclaw and lionheart were indeed

Waiting sitting a few tail lengths apart on the sun-warmed sand in future i expect you both to be punctual growled tiger claw don’t be too severe tiger claw it was a busy night last night i expect they were tired now lionheart gently you have not yet been assigned a mentor

Firepaw he went on for now tigerclaw and i will share your training firepaw nodded enthusiastically his tail held high unable to disguise his delight at having two such great warriors as his mentors come now tigerclaw impatiently today we are going to show you the edges of our territory so that you know where

You will be hunting and what boundaries you need to protect for a paw it won’t do you any harm to remind yourself of the clan’s outer limits without another word tigerclaw leaped up and bounded out of the sandy hollow lionheart nodded to graypaw and they took off with equal speed

Firepaw scrambled after them his paws slipping on the soft sand the trees were thick in this part of the forest birch and ash trees overshadowed by mighty oaks the ground was carpeted with crisp dead leaves that rustled beneath their paws tigerclaw paws to spray his scent

On a thick clump of ferns the other cat stopped beside him there is a two-legged path here murmured lionheart use your nose firepaw can you smell anything firepaw sniffed there was the faint scent of a tulik and the stronger smell of a dog familiar to him from his

Old home but tulek has walked his dog along here but they’re gone now he moed good meowed lionheart do you think it is safe to cross firepaw sniffed again the odors were weak and seemed overlaid with fresher forest smells yes he replied tigerclaw nodded and the four cats stalked out from

Beneath the ferns and crossed the sharp stones of the narrow two-legged path the trees beyond were pine they grew tall and straight row after row it was easy to walk silently here the ground was thick with layers of dead needles which prickled against fire paws pads but felt spongy underneath there was no

Undergrowth here to hide in and firepaw sends tension in the other cats as they stocked unprotected between the tree trunks tool eggs put these trees here now tiger claw they cut them down with foul-smelling creatures which spew enough fumes to make a kit go blind then they take the fallen trees to the

Tree cut place that lies near here firepaw stopped and listened for the roar of the tree eater which he had heard before the treecut place will be silent for a few moons more until the time of greenleaf explain greypal noticing his paws the cats padded on through the pine

Forest two leg place lies in that direction now tiger claw flicking his thick tail to one side no doubt you can smell it fire paw today however we will head the other way eventually they reached another two leg path that marked the far edge of the pine forest they

Quickly crossed over into the safe bushes of the oak woods beyond but firepost still sensed anxiety in the other cats where approaching river clan territory whispered greypo the sunning rocks are over there he pointed with his soft muzzle to a treeless mound of boulders fireball felt his first stand

On end this was where redtail had been slain lionheart stopped by a flat grey rock this is the boundary between thunderclan and riverclan territory river clan rules the hunting grounds beside the great river he mowed breathed deeply firepaw the pungent smell of unfamiliar cats hit the roof of

Firepaw’s mouth he was surprised how different it smelled from the warm cat sense of the thunderclan camp and he was also surprised to realize just how familiar and comforting the thunderclan sense seemed to him already that is the smell of river clan tiger claw growled beside him remember it well it will be

Strongest at the boundary because their warriors will have sent mark the trees along here with these words the dark tabby lifted his tail and sprayed his own mark on the flat rock we’ll follow this boundary line as it leads straight to four trees lion heart me out he set off quickly

That was a mouthful to read but i hope you enjoyed it i now wanted to focus on the two leg stuff around the territory so i started with the two leg bridge near the waterfall i used oak slabs and fences for it once i got the shape right

The bridge was easy to build then i started building the tree cut place i placed some pine trees in a geometric way and added some stumps where they cut some down now i thought i should make a truck to carry logs so i started with regular blocks of wool as

Wheels and built a base and windows i struggled a lot with the truck because i couldn’t get the shape right without it looking too blocky and bulky i then remembered that there’s another two leg bridge right beside the tree cut place i thought to use the same type of wood

When building this bridge because i figured they used that bridge sometimes and the wood came from the tree cut place the bridge looked good and i added some texture to the ground then i made a fallen tree for thunderclan to cross the stream when they need to go to the

Gathering now i want to focus on two leg plates i start by making the first wall and then oh no wait scratch that i completely changed the block pallet i am building a small mcmansion a mick mcmansion you could say and it’s not the absolute worst house i’ve seen

But it’s certainly not the best for the next house i do the same thing but with different blocks in a little longer i finished up two leg plates by making the gardens and greenery and adding paths the two leg place looks good so i start on river clan territory i’m going to

Read an excerpt from the book crooked star’s promise ahead the stepping stones shone wet with rain and owl shrieked in the trees beyond sun and grox crooked kids sniffed the air searching for fresh thunder clan scent but smelled only his clanmates timberfur had passed this way recently leading the dust patrol home fallowdale

Must have been with him the tang of her paw steps was still fresh on the grass crooked kid paused very fresh was she still here ducking he scanned the shore and hoped his pale brown tabby pelt wouldn’t show in the dark but he could not hide his scent

Especially now that it was tinged with fear ears stretched he listened but heard nothing beyond the rivers murmuring and the soft patter of rain on leaves crooked took a deep breath and made a dash for the stubbing stones tensing he leaped and landed sure pawed on the first stone the river flowed

Dizzingly around him as he jumped to the next he was definitely bigger than the last time he’d tried to cross the river his paws gripped the stones more firmly and they didn’t seem so far apart he focused his gaze on the far shore and crossed the rest of the stones without

Hesitating landing on the other side with a sigh of relief sun and grox rose into the dark drizzly sky clouds hit the moon and crooked kid had to squint to see his paws on the sandy shore beneath him his hackles lifted as he smelled thunderclan sent drifting down from the

New borderline was hailstar ever going to fight for this land flexing his claws crooked kid headed upstream he followed the shore slinking into the bushes as he passed the river clan camp on the other side of the river the path began to climb steadily he was deep in thunderclan

Territory now scent marked every bush and he closed his mouth so the foul stench didn’t touch his tongue his ears twitched beyond the soft gurgling of the river he heard water thundering he must be nearing the falls where brambleberry collected colt’s foot crooked kid sniffed tasting the zest of it in the

Air and the stone tang of splashing water beyond this excerpt was much shorter than the thunder clan one but i was getting sick of reading aloud and i have a whole nother clan to do speaking of which shadow clan the mysterious the sneaky the flair that i use on reddit for the

Exert i will be reading some of yellowfang’s secret where she is an apprentice they came to the edge of the marsh and patted through another belt of pine trees the trees grew more sparsely here and reddish hard edged shapes loomed beyond the last of them as tall as the highest trunks

We’re coming to the edge of shadow clan territory dearly mood can you smell our scent markers yellowpaw sniffed and nodded she felt proud that the shadow clan scent was so strong that warns other clans not to mess with us over in that direction dear leap went on angling her ears toward the ominous

Shapes is two leg place we don’t go there it’s a place for dogs and kitty pets not warriors those are the dens where two legs lift yellow paw gazed at the unnaturally straight walls with square holes dotted across their sides some high up and some closer to the ground low wooden barriers surrounded

Each den rather like the thorns that surrounded shadow clan’s camp as yellowpaw watched a kittypet appeared balancing carefully on the top of the wooden wall before jumping down to the other side that cat was wearing something around its neck she observed dear leap nodded the collar most kitty

Pets have them it signifies that they belong to two legs and can never be free just be thankful you’ll never have to wear one yellow paw watched for a little longer but the kitty pat didn’t reappear she wondered what it would be like to live in the tulip place it looked cold

And hard and empty and she was glad when dearly moved on again through another belt of woodland where pines were mixed with other trees the bare branches creaked over yellowpaw’s head yellowpaw soon became aware of an accurate stench in the air and a dull roaring that grew

And died away again is that thunder she mood you’ll see what it is in a few heartbeats deerleap told her when yellowpock came to the edge of the tree she stumbled to a halt in front of her lay a narrow stretch of ground that led away in both directions as far as she

Could see the snow that lay upon it had been churned up in straight lines leaving dirty brown ridges underneath yellow ball could make out a hard black surface the acrid stench rose from it in waves smothering all the other scents of the forest what’s that yellowpaw gasped

She stretched out a pawn to touch the surface immediately dearly flicked her tail in front of yellowpaw keep back she warned at the same moment the weird roaring sound began again yellowpot tensed as a small creature appeared at the far end of the path it grew bigger as the roaring grew

Louder soon she could make it out more clearly it was an unnatural glittering scarlet and it had round black paws that seemed to eat up the ground heartbeats later it swept past spattering yellow paw with dirty half melted snow for a moment it’s bellowing and vile reek filled the air

Then it was gone dwindling into the distance as the sound died away so how about that one more territory to do now for winclean’s excerpt it’s going to be from tallstar’s revenge the best super edition don’t argue with me you know it’s true a light breeze whisked his ears as he

Emerged onto the smooth grass he scanned the moore for a sign of sangorse but his father had already disappeared donstripe’s golden tail flashed between two bushes tallbaugh could hear paw steps thrumming and raced after her he zigzagged along the weaving track narrowing his eyes against the twigs

That lashed his face would he ever know all the trails on the moor as well as don stripe seemed to she ran ahead sure pawed making each twist and turn as easily as a rabbit talbah fell awkward jerking around the corners tripping on roots and trying not to fall the trail

Lightened up ahead and the heather suddenly opened onto a clearing on the hillside dawn stripe skidded to a halt this is where you’ll do most of your training she nodded to the wide sweep of grass boulders clustered at the far end of the sheltered space hair flight and

Shrewpal burst from the heather behind them and stopped hair flight flicked his tail three laps he ordered true paw shrup tore away following the line of bushes around the edge of the clearing he sped over the grass fast as a skimming bird talbot blinked at dawnstripe me too just once

Around she told him talpa haired after shrupa as fast as he could he didn’t want to lag behind his denmate take it easy don stripe called after him you’re just warming up remember so shrupa talpa raised harder his lungs ached a cramp stabbed his ribs shrewpal was already

Halfway back at this rate the dark brown tongue would lap him by the time he reached dawnstride talbah forced himself to keep going the grass flashed beneath him as he fought for each breath shrewpos slithered past hair flight in dawnstripe talpa began to gain ground dragging in another breath he hurdled

The last few tail lengths and skidded to a halt beside dawnstride now i want to make barley’s farm i looked at the pictures used in the manga and i thought gee it really is strange how the barn doesn’t look like a barn it looks more like just a regular shed good

Thing i’m here to fix that little error and make it right so i started on making the border to the barn and added an attachment and silo next to it silo am i pronouncing that right anyways i built it up to have a curved roof i used the

Deep slate blocks with variety and added banners to act as the doors the barn looked good but the placement was bad so i moved it a little i’m going to finish the inside of the barn later when i get to winklin’s episode i realize i forgot some things like the carrying place and

The two lake house in river clans territory but i will build those when i make those episodes as well now this is the last thing i do in this video so please remember to like and subscribe if you want to see how this project turns out and share my videos with people who

Might like this idea good night

This video, titled ‘Making the Forest Territories in Minecraft | Episode 2 | Terrain Part 2’, was uploaded by Idk on 2022-05-21 15:03:55. It has garnered 2174 views and 191 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:49 or 949 seconds.

The terrain is done! Now all I have to do is add camps and stuff.

Subscribe if you want to see how this turns out!

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  • Mind Mines: Dangerously Click Here ๐Ÿคฏ

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    ๐Ÿ”ฅ DOMINATING FENIX FACTIONS SERVER! ๐Ÿ”ฅ [Carioca]Video Information como ao vivo cal aรญ calma [Mรบsica] Rapaziada Sรณ Bora calรฃo se inscrev jรก entv Alรด test sรณ Bora cal se inscr tรก ligado Eita bot Alรด T alรด sรณ Bora raz at assimo que tรก piorando com vocรช likezรฃo se inscrev no tรก tรก ligado Eita bot Bora calma aรญ rapaziada vai rapaziada aqui bora bora bora bora bora bora bora ai [ __ ] nรฃo sei nem o que tรก aco entrar naqu calma aรญ rapaz voltei rapaziada tรด tรฃo T vivo T vivo voltei pรฃo sรณ Bora mano tรก acontecendo o que sรณ sรณ voltei… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Parkour & Pixel Art in Minecraft

    Mind-Blowing Parkour & Pixel Art in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,630’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-13 11:50:13. It has garnered 400 views and 55 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,630 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes a long time but I… Read More

  • Compass Craft

    Compass CraftCompassCraft; a server with a heavy focus on player driven world-building, our vision is to create a truly dynamic and ever evolving RPG experience on Minecraft. As a result, we’ve built a server where players have control over every facet of both themselves and the world at large. Whether it be through your race, class and skills, or the alliances you make and gear you’re equipped with; you, the player, have the ability to guide the progression of your character and influence the world at large, in any way you see fit. History is waiting to be scribed, how will… Read More

  • Spuds SMP – GriefPrevention, McMMO – Germany – 1.20.4

    Edit: It’s version 1.20.6! Hello there adventurer! Are you a big fan of potatoes and McMMO? Look no further! Spuds is the perfect server for you. At Spuds we have McMMO, land claims and markets. We also allow bugs and duping, so there’s nothing stopping you from making that big farm! The server is hosted in Germany on a dedicated server to ensure a lag-free experience. I hope to see you there, Fred with staff IP: Read More

  • KravatBOX

    KravatBOXTRTieBOX, the ultimate Player vs. It is a Minecraft server designed for Player (PVP) experience. With custom maps, the best add-ons and a friendly community, every battle is unique and exciting. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a new player, TieBOX is the perfect place to sharpen your skills and dominate the competition.Features:Special Arenas: Fight in carefully designed arenas that cater to every play style, from intense melee combat to strategic large-scale battles.Balanced Gameplay: Enjoy fair combat with balanced kits and classes that make sure no one has an unfair advantage.Regular Events: Participate in exciting events and tournaments with special… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Villagers vs Pillagers: The Beef Battle!

    Minecraft Memes - Villagers vs Pillagers: The Beef Battle!I guess you could say the villagers are really “steaking” their claim against the pillagers! Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hot Shorts! ๐Ÿ”ฅ

    Minecraft Meme: Hot Shorts! ๐Ÿ”ฅ Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecrafttherapy #creeperproblems Read More

  • Unlock Endless Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server

    Unlock Endless Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you looking for a new and exciting Minecraft server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With a vibrant community and endless possibilities, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your creativity and connect with fellow players. Imagine exploring a vast world filled with unique challenges and opportunities. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, Minewind offers something for everyone. From building epic structures to engaging in thrilling PvP battles, the possibilities are endless. Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and embark on an unforgettable Minecraft adventure. Don’t miss out on the fun -… Read More

  • Sneaky Animal Farm Build in Minecraft!

    Sneaky Animal Farm Build in Minecraft! The Ultimate Minecraft Animal Farm Build Welcome to the world of Minecraft Survival, where creativity and efficiency collide! In this episode, get ready to witness the most epic animal farm build ever seen in the game. ๐Ÿ„๐Ÿ” Efficiency at Its Best Step into a realm where every block placed serves a purpose. This animal farm is not just for showโ€”it’s a powerhouse of productivity. Learn how to optimize your farm for maximum efficiency and output. Key Features: Step-by-step guide for building the ultimate animal farm Tips and tricks to boost efficiency and productivity Detailed walkthrough of the farm’s layout… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hardcore Day 6 – GPU Dying?! ๐Ÿ”ฅ

    Insane Minecraft Hardcore Day 6 - GPU Dying?! ๐Ÿ”ฅVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hardcore Returns (Day 6) | GPU !goal (its dying) !tip | Wolv21 | 2024.06.10’, was uploaded by Wolv21 on 2024-06-10 17:40:56. It has garnered 90 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 04:57:20 or 17840 seconds. โ–ฒ Remember to leave a LIKE/SUBSCRIBE if you enjoy the Video m/ Helps the Pack Grow! โ— Best Support on Patreon – โ— TIP: YOUTUBE โ— MAIN: โ— CLIPS: โ— STREAM: SOCIAL โ— KICK: โ— TWITTER: โ— INSTAGRAM: โ— SNAPCHAT – โ— FACEBOOK: โ— STEAM:… Read More

  • Sharkmuse Minecraft Livestream

    Sharkmuse Minecraft LivestreamVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Stream | SHARKMUSE Livestream’, was uploaded by Sakura Meg. Cheryll Ch. โ™ก [SHARKMUSE] on 2024-03-18 07:15:07. It has garnered 39 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:34:05 or 9245 seconds. ๊’ฐLivestream Rules And Infos!๊’ฑ Disclaimer: My content is not for kids, Vtubing is actually not even for kids to begin with, even if you see me streaming random shit in kid games, my content is aimed for slightly more mature audience or people who can stomach my things, though I am mostly a Seiso Vtuber, that doesn’t mean that Vtubing… Read More

  • Insane Shizo Meltdown: Jalisco Destroys SLD Clan

    Insane Shizo Meltdown: Jalisco Destroys SLD ClanVideo Information This video, titled ‘sld clan get owned by Jalisco’, was uploaded by Egesfxd on 2024-06-17 22:12:47. It has garnered 101 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:54 or 234 seconds. tags; minecraft, minecraft bedrock, 2b2tpe, 2b2tmcpe, hack, hacking, crystal pvp, crystal pvp montage, crystal, pvp, pvp crystal, 9b9t crystal pvp, crystal pvp, illegal items, 9b9t incursion, 2b2t escaping spawn, 2b2t backdoor, 2b2t,minecraft crystal pvp, minecraft end crystal pvp, 2b2t pvp, 2b2t spawn, 2b2t pvp montage, 2b2t crystalpvp, 9b9t crystal, 9b9t – spawn pvp, 9b9t, 9b9t 00 pvp, pvp montage, crystalpvp, 0b0t pvp,,anarchy pvp,9b9t… Read More


    INSANE MODERN MINECRAFT HOUSE BUILD - WATCH NOW!! ๐Ÿ”ฅVideo Information This video, titled ‘BUILDING MY DREAM MODERN HOUSE IN MINECRAFT: CAN YOU BUILD LIKE THIS ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ’, was uploaded by RonJon OP on 2024-03-06 11:00:46. It has garnered 123 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:35 or 695 seconds. BUILDING MY DREAM MODERN HOUSE IN MINECRAFT: CAN YOU BUILD LIKE THIS ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ ๐Ÿ  Welcome to My Dream Modern House Build in Minecraft! ๐Ÿ  In today’s adventure, I take you through the step-by-step process of creating my dream modern house in Minecraft. From the initial blueprint to the final touches, watch as I transform a simple… Read More

  • elefse’s Epic Escape: Minecraft’s Scariest Challenge

    elefse's Epic Escape: Minecraft's Scariest ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘How I Survived Minecraft’s Most Scuffed Event’, was uploaded by elefse on 2024-03-08 18:30:23. It has garnered 122 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:48 or 588 seconds. Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP members. This SMP is like LifeStealSMP and OneTrySMP, this is the hardest Minecraft Sever ever! and it is also a lore-based server in the MCYT community. I hope you enjoy this video. Not only that, this server has the elements… Read More

  • Aphmau’s Creepy Titan Attack on Jaizen Girls

    Aphmau's Creepy Titan Attack on Jaizen GirlsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Why Creepy Aphmau TITAN ATTACK JJ and MIKEY Girls at NIGHT ? – in Minecraft Maizen’, was uploaded by Jaizen Girls on 2024-06-04 23:00:05. It has garnered 1790 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:07 or 1207 seconds. Why Creepy Aphmau TITAN BOSS ATTACK JJ and MIKEY Girls at NIGHT ? – in Minecraft Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Keyboard Sounds & Lofi Songs!

    Insane Minecraft Keyboard Sounds & Lofi Songs!Video Information This video, titled ‘adding up #056 (Uncut Minecraft with keyboard sounds and Lofi songs)’, was uploaded by zypher on 2024-01-05 20:00:12. It has garnered 48 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:02 or 842 seconds. Welcome to our enchanting world! ๐ŸŒโœจ If you’re a fan of uncut Minecraft gameplay paired with the soothing sounds of a keyboard, you’ve found your haven. ๐Ÿฐ๐ŸŒณ ๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Equipment Links: ๐ŸŽ™๏ธ Microphone: โŒจ๏ธ Keyboard: ๐Ÿ–ฑ๏ธ Mouse: ๐ŸŽง Headphones: ๐ŸŽ›๏ธ Audio Mixer: ๐Ÿ’ป Laptop : ๐Ÿ–ฅ๏ธ Monitor : ๐ŸŽฎ About the Channel: Dive… Read More

  • Escape the Overworld – Exclusive Minecraft Bedrock Stream 2 ๐Ÿš€

    Escape the Overworld - Exclusive Minecraft Bedrock Stream 2 ๐Ÿš€Video Information This video, titled ‘*EXCLUSIVE * Minecraft Bedrock: Escape to the Overworld STREAM 2’, was uploaded by Mr Mof Gaming on 2024-06-09 11:17:10. It has garnered 31 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:31:50 or 5510 seconds. #minecraftbedrock #minecraft #exclusive #beta Today we play my new map. Escape to the Overworld Lets do this: Can we defeat the Ender Dragon after being dropped 10,000 thousand blocks out from the end fountain with basic items…. This map was created by Mr Mof Gaming (me) from scratch. Its my first time doing any kind of coding in… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Challenge: Vtuber Plays One-Block Donathon

    Insane Minecraft Challenge: Vtuber Plays One-Block DonathonVideo Information This video, titled ‘[Donathon] Minecraft Tapi Satu Blok?! – Vtuber Indonesia’, was uploaded by Dzeiya Channel on 2024-03-29 09:19:32. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Support Me : (2000) Saweria: (10,000) (Can Send Gif & Video) … Read More

Making the Forest Territories in Minecraft | Episode 2 | Terrain Part 2