Master the Amethyst SMP and Find Netherite!

Video Information

M I’m pulling up right beside you po star when t rers stack on the bar Snapchat took my I all yeah we at the T don’t write that off to any yeah Oh no I got yeah when I my squ I cannot do no WR the city don’t get misinformed yeah

They going to pull up on you yeah we going to do some some things you can’t relate yeah cuz we from a place a place you cannot stay oh you can go I don’t know back the up off me bro where’s my chat where’s my chat dude it’s not here dude um

Okay uh okay let’s hop into chat right now oh my God okay um God damn bro what the hell uh welcome uh DDX welcome FS edits welcome uh Nikki uh OMG feed Sons no way is this DDX nuh I don’t believe it uh hello yo up bro

Welcome to the stream how’s it going Nikki um glad to see you here bro as always uh and Fs edits as well how’s it going dude um why is this okay there you go we’re good um okay let’s open the real boys we won’t be live for long so

That’s why I started earlier because we won’t be live for long boys I do apologize um it will be a bit of a shorter stream today um by shorter stream I mean like an hour and a half maybe um so yeah I do apologize but you know tomorrow we should have a longer

Stream um if I’m not mistaken so yeah uh what the monkey early yeah bro I’m early man I got it because I’m ending earlier as well so I apologize guys I have some sad news what’s the sad news bro what’s you can’t join today is that sad

News let me know um yeah welcome to the stream everybody hope you’re all having a great day let’s put this up a little bit let’s fix the webcam all right uh feed is Black Eyed I I have green eyes bro I have green eyes so yeah I don’t know what the hell

You’re talking about but I have green eyes bro let me fix Travis as well this is Travis here is not fixed right he will be fixed in just one second um yeah I don’t have black eyes bro I have um green eyes so yeah look at

My eyes tell me a tail do you see a road my soul okay um there we go it looks good green eyes cuz he’s Irish well I guess so bro Bo get on now no oh snap you just got told no dude you just got

Told no I’ll get on when I’m ready oh oh snap uh yo feed yo mraf how’s it going dude how’s it going bro uh I saw you in ibx toycat stream yesterday isn’t that insane um oh Bing’s on right now I can’t tell such a low pixel account yeah no

you dumb all right um yeah how’s it going M crafter okay so yeah I do want to continue work on the castle so why not do that right now why not just do that right now okay what is this um oh yeah Fe Clan base okay pretty sick pretty flipping Epic

Man um yeah okay let’s start work on the castle right freaking now okay so I do believe if we look up no um yeah boys please drop a like on the stream if you haven’t already L yeah um it would help out a lot as well okay so

Right here okay um um and then we’re going to download let’s download some images bro why not why the heck not man let’s just download some images I love that’s my favorite thing to do in life is just downloading images so like yeah that’s what I do in my

Spare time is I just download random images on the worldwide web um or from the worldwide web not on the world I mean I guess on the worldwide web as well so yeah um and before anybody says stop yapping bro it’s literally my job

To Yap okay so knock it off bro I’m not going to stop yapping because it is my job uh congrats on 1 wait 2.9k CZ flip thank you bro I appreciate it if you light it up wait what do you mean light it up light what up uh 3K by the end of

Year that’s why I’m trying to hit but I know if it will be possible we have what like 10 days until 11 days maybe until the end of the year if we can get like 100 soaps in 11 days and yeah which we’ll probably require like one or two

Uh duplication glitch videos but yeah sadly I’m I might have to upload some more duplication glitch videos and sadly get more views you know sadly bro sadly I’m going to have to get more views bro it’s unfortunate I know but yeah just the way YouTube is man yeah my chat

Keep’s on freezing bro I don’t know why I think I might have to stop using my phone like my new phone or my old phone I mean I’m not using my new phone for the shop because the love her uh is like it gets in the way yeah get on the grind

Then bro well I am you know streaming is prior to grind okay streaming every day is pretty Grand no joke all right so yeah you so bot SM I mean should I stoop that low I’m not sure if I should I’m not sure if it would be a good idea yo

Here’s my crafter is he dying no oh my God I saved his life you got the phone no I just got I got like an old phone it’s like from I think I got it in 2019 so it’s it’s it’s it’s not new but like

You know it’s old but it’s not old at the same time it’s like mid midlife bro midlife crisis is what it is it’s in a midlife crisis um if I if I do say so myself it was is music too loud too quiet I feel like it’s perfect I don’t

Know I could be wrong judging off of the sound bars on my OBS it is telling me that it is perfect so yeah that’s the impression I’m getting from it okay so what we’re going to do is we’re going to make some um Blackstone stairs okay um

Polish Blackstone stairs to be exact um polish stone brick stairs sorry um can’t believe I made that mistake oh what a rookie mistake oh my gosh um and then we’re going to place them uh down here I can’t even hear the music so it’s kind

Of quiet I think ah my fault my fault my fault you should be able to hear it now okay there we go no he left the room why did you leave the room what the beef dude that’s I’m pretty sure that’s illegal um to leave the real if I’m not

Mistaken uh correct me if I’m wrong but I do believe that is the case um so yeah I apologize dude it is quite like against the law I mean are like our crimes legal in some states I’m not sure feed what editing software are you

Planning to uh use once you get bigger I know bro I’ll probably use like a paid one but right now I can’t because I don’t have any money so um yeah I’m just going to have to stick with CCO for now I mean I don’t mind CCO it’s like it’s

Not great but like it’s not bad either it’s just it’s kind of hard to edit the 100 days video on that because you know copcut goes crazy if your video is over like 20 minutes um even so cuz obviously cop coat is mainly used by and made for

Tik Tok videos so yeah cop coat is too confusing how is it confusing I’m so confused bro there’s no way I can use it and you can’t bro if I can use it anybody can bro right we all know how stupid I am okay so if I can use anybody

Can let’s be honest all right don’t make excuses here C will you remember me when you gets famous of course bro of course I mean why would you want to be remembered by a leprechaun oh disgusting uh yo go welcome to the stream dude my boy goat in the Stream how’s it going

Dude welcome to the stream okay nice we are looking good we’re looking good welcome Diamond boy to the game I’m yeah that’s um that’s Nikki so yeah okay very good very nice top of the evening lab ah ah cuz I’m Irish huh is all it is why

Would you want to remember a British person that’s true yeah boing I’m not going to remember you bro why would I want to remember a British person oh so disgusting what a nightmare oh ew ew ew e e ewie get out of here with that BS remembering a British person yeah

Maybe in your dreams pal but not not now for sure boys I’m now on my Christmas holidays wow you know what that means that means streams every day yay yay yay oh my God oh my God uh I don’t know I don’t know what that was um yeah what the freak I don’t

Know bro I don’t know no nether what y boys screw nether oh boys you know what I’m going to do tomorrow by the way in the world I’m I’m going to be streaming the am SMP tomorrow of course um so I hope you guys are hyped for that but I’m

Also going to be I’m not going to be working on the castle tomorrow I’m going to be working in the nether because we love it in the ne we love it in the ne we love it in in the ne so yeah that’s for sure feed what uh

Gay was that I mean look bro I’m just hyped to um look bro I’m feeling very gay right now because I’m you know I can’t wait to start streaming every day so yeah it’s going to be so amazing so fun so good and I’ve been like look bro

You know buing points out I appreciate buzzing for you know noticing because y I just appreciate him for noticing but we have like had a uptaken viewers recently so that is like amazing to see absolutely phenomenal so yeah C gay confir I’m feeling gay like as in

Like happy you know cuz gay doesn’t only mean like homosexual but it also means like happy so yeah why are you acting like uh the younger that my school bro I’m just happy to not have school dude okay chill out man chill out uh Buzz Buzz yay yay at least you already know

Bro you already know yay okay sure uh # zi no I’m just I’m just happy dude I’m just happy to not have school dude all right I I dislike school very very much very very much so yeah yo what’s good yo what’s up uh Lucas how’s it

Going dude Jack it on before too many uh people yeah that’s true boys join up before the game fills up okay I mean the game’s not going to fill up anytime soon you know what I mean gay has been replaced by um homosexual in the official word books what so it doesn’t

Say happy anymore then boys I’m not feeling gay anymore okay I’m not feeling gay gosh darn it dude gosh darn it I’m not feeling gay anymore guys all right no more no more okay so what do I need I need um I need some what is this block right here polish Black Stone

Correct I do believe uh so let’s get some black okay we have some Blackstone already okay let’s make this into polish Blackstone yes wait no this yeah polish black okay what is this then polish deep SL ah I see greetings and nice H thank you dude I appreciate it a lot of people

Have actually been uh enjoying the uh book hat recently so yeah like um even people IRL have been enjoying the book hat because uh my grandparents came to visit me yesterday um and they they really enjoyed the book hat they said yo C nice nice book hat I was like thank

You uh so yeah people are enjoying it it seems more than the cop so I yes gay people stole the word gay you stole it from us bro it used to mean hoppy and now it means liking the same sex bro gosh darn it man freak’s sake

Man this is why this is this is why this is why um gay people always be steing first wait it was the word gay then rainbow what bro okay I was only joking but like okay I don’t think DDX is joking bro I don’t think DDX is joking I

Was only joking but you know okay all right I’m a lesbian because I like women no because you are not a woman unless you identify as woman right okay used me a hoby indeed indeed that’s true um okay wait I joking okay you’re a joke

Okay my bad you know I can never tell when DX is joking I just I can just never tell maybe I’m just like maybe I just I’m bad with jokes yeah I don’t know all right how does this work this works like oh wait okay wait hold on how does this work

Okay that’s weird there’s like a wall here okay like actual wall not like just blocks like an actual wall huh what the heck let’s get the wall then let’s get to word wall let’s get to wall let’s go to work wall I don’t know what I’m

Saying bro just ignore me all right uh Jack are you joining bro let me know let me know um yeah you know you know what I mean bro gay wait I wait I’m on GTA right now doing a setup doing a setup like FaceTime setup or what’s going on

So you yo Jack I forgot to join your stream bro I I I was literally meant to join your stream but then I forgot so I followers bro do you like m grve m Groves are like maybe it’s just me um surely it’s not just me but like man

Minees are like I don’t know they’re so dead man there’s like nothing happens there dude it’s so like it’s just a swamp 2.0 okay that’s what it is it’s a swamp 2.0 and I hate it it’s annoying it’s disgusting and I freaking hate it bro you can get like one log per tree

What kind of BS is that man uh feed have you played that song that I put in chat wait yes I have I played it in my headphones I played in my headphones um of course so yeah how could I not play that song you know what

I mean like how it’s actually impossible to not play that song um you know what I mean bro so yeah of course I played it dude um it’s just more than red yeah like come on man excuse the um the the the rhyme but like on it’s

True okay so I think I built this wrong one two yeah I think I built this wrong boys I don’t know is it buy right bro I don’t know what it is but you and Sonic songs you actually choose the right like I actually use one of your songs in the

Uh 100 days video so yeah I’m not trying to plug it by the way I’m just like I’m just saying um I mean I can plug it if I want but like I’m I’m I’m not trying to yeah so I’m put Redwood exactly bro like it’s so it’s it’s boring it’s basic it’s

Boring as bones I hate it yeah I just despise it man okay so this has Blackstone wall okay rainbows mean happiness uh sure sure sure why not dude why not man absolutely okay let’s yeah we don’t have any more Blackstone okay let’s go to Nether and get some Blackstone man I

Have some good plans for nether I don’t know like I don’t know if it’s like predictable or not but yeah I’m not going to say it until tomorrow because um I want to gate I want to gatekeep my um my design so yeah and my my idea I

Love gatekeeping so yeah yo Iron Knight welcome to the stream man I have 53 Blackstone what remember that wait what I told you three streams ago oh my god um Let me let me think bro let me think I think I think I think um

I’ve been told a lot of things in the past uh few streams so I don’t know I apologize bro I’ve been told a lot of different things in the uh in stream so yeah please remind me yeah yeah yeah yeah okay um yeah okay so you have okay if you could give me

Those blackone uh blocks I would be appreciated but right now I’m going to get my own just just for now you know so it’s easier why bro yapping because it’s my job to ypp bro what do you mean like I hate when people say stop yapping to a

Streamer it’s like bro it’s literally my job to Yap if I didn’t y like I tried to explain last stream when I think it was I’m pretty I’m pretty sure it was you at leis hero okay you told me to stop yapping I tried to explain why I shouldn’t stop yapping because it’s

Literally my job if I was just silent the whole stream like if you guys saw like a face cam you know if if there’s an obvious mic as well then and you guys like just heard no yapping then you guys will probably leave you know because why

Would you watch a stream that has face cam but the guy just chooses not to talk you know what I mean like my gosh man my gosh make it make sense dude seriously man make it make sense dude literally literally man also why is my face purple

On on the face cam I’m so confused I don’t know why my face is purple um see yeah that’s quite odd that’s quite odd it’s like bluish purple it’s kind of do Seas flip man heck off man heck off Skippy all right Skippy six G have you

Guys ever watched sk6 gaming I used watch him back uh every day I’m pretty sure he did a legacy content and then he switched like Bedrock update videos I just remember um beta banana beta banana guys welcome to another um beta Bedrock preview thing and I was like every

Single video it’s crazy what happened to that guy did he stop uploading or is he still uploading I don’t even know see that might happen to you as well that might happen to you guys you guys might just like think man I remember watching that Fe Suns guy what happened to him I

Just never know because he can’t be to look me up or like maybe I just gave up on YouTube at some point because views are down you know I don’t know that will happen to me at some point you guys will forget about me and then you guys will

Remember me for a second and then just to forget about me again so it’s crazy it’s crazy you’ll probably be like sitting down and thinking on remember that Fe sun guy like I was strange or maybe you’ll think man that guy was such an inspiration love that guy he he is

Like he’s so cool oh like hell yeah uh skiy skiy what do you mean can skiy wait can Skippy do a c flip uh Skippy I don’t know uh I’m not sure oh shoot and the lava again God dang it man uh can my friend join join of course your friend can join

Join bro of course man he subscribed yeah what’s his name bro what’s his name let me know also Elis are you joining bro where where the heck where the beep is liso huh where the beep is that guy literally dude literally I’m going mining good man good

Man man what the beep you know what I mean just like sometimes you got to say what to beep why bro died why why bro not in the game huh why bro not in the game can anybody answer that for me literally he died on

Purpose n i I think I died by accient um I’m pretty sure uh later later later I know but I went to Stockholm’s slimmest street today slimmest Street how hard was it to walk there was it actually like was it that slim like that was actually just her to walk or like

Was it just disappointing it’s like this is the slimmest Street in Stockholm and she’s like it’s not even that slim it’s like oh man what the heck I just got click baited dude seriously man you know what I mean so was it just like that or

Was it not like that let me know type one this wait I literally uh wait I literally in ch what okay so disc go yeah this goes back one okay like so easy peasy it’s actually pretty slim I can post a pck of it uh on Discord that yeah you should

Because I I I want to see how slim it is is like the PS3 super slim is it that slim or is it like just a little bit slim who even knows don’t spawn who’s spaming okay um oh what the beat bro I think I built

This wrong yeah it’s supposed to be a block wait I’m so confused bro I’m so confused I’m going look up the slimmest Street in Stockholm you should let’s dock um Elite Cal why not dude I’m kidding I’m kidding I’m kidding YouTube I’m kidding man it

Was a joke it was a joke man hello y off how’s it going dude welcome to the stream okay yeah and then there’s a block behind as well okay it’s a little bit Slimmer it’s a little bit Slimmer than PS3 Slim okay okay bro well if that’s the case

Then I’d say it needs to heck off yeah it needs yeah I said it bro I said it it needs to heck off dude literally okay um I send the video to sure bro sure sure whatever yeah go ahead it’s Whitty swim sorry dude my bad

Yo I got to read more signs yo feed Diamond boy trapped the villagers what the heck dude what the beep man I don’t live there I vised it uh muaha what my friend user is e S A 3214 that’s quite hard to remember dude e e s a boys can everybody remember the

Name wait it’s here right okay never mind e e s a uh 3 2 1 bro chill man I’m trying to read this good morning good morning hit good morning bro what time is it for you good morning bro bro just type it in chat man type it in chat cuz I cannot

Like what the be dude I’m so confused gosh darn it wait d doing good how about you I’m doing phenomenal sir I’m doing phenomenal I’m now on my holidays um no more school for like what 2 weeks now um so yeah doing pretty good bro doing pretty good man yeah two weeks of

No school awesome absolutely Epic Man are you on holidays too bro bro why you on already it was scheduled for because I I can’t stream for too long today I have like an hour more like I have I have more than like I I have a little bit more than an

Hour to stream so yeah it’s going to be a shorter stream but tomorrow shouldn’t be a short stream if I’m not mistaken but I could be mistaken uh it’s 5:40 p.m. so good morning did you just wake up if so then you have an awful sleep

Schedule which I respect you know me too I also have one so it’s okay bro it’s okay man you know all of us like people with like a really bad uh sleep schedule you know we we get looked down upon but in all reality it’s actually just like

It’s awesome it’s awesome to have a bad sleep schedule um in my opinion uh bro what do you mean short stream like I’m going to be ending in like an hour so yeah my holidays is literally on Friday oh that’s that’s literally like so bad dude literally literally

Dude um no you won’t I will actually yeah I will bro I tried to add your friend it said like it was wrong and you punched me as well you punch me dude for whatever reason e e s a 3 2 wait 3 1 okay wait wait hold

3124 okay uh I uh to do a three-hour stream heck off man heck off Buster all right you won’t do nothing man you won’t do nothing man no joke all right you will do nothing sir all right heck off how about that just heck off man my

Gosh my gosh man all right um okay there we go go if we just go boom boom there we go we’re good all right I just added your friend they got to add me back and then they should be able to join so yeah uh don’t make me get the whip whoa

Whoa what the heck what what I just what’s going on dude what’s going on what the I wonder what uh next Christmas world uh would be like I like the 2016 Christmas map in the wait classic Legacy Edition I man the music was Elite man the music was so good I

Can’t even lie it was incredible phenomenal phenomenal so yeah it was made by C418 as well it was uh supposed to be made for Alpha but then they uh they conso that plan so yeah and they made it into the Christmas map music so yeah very fun

Very good so yeah and next Christmas map yeah I actually don’t know what that means but we shall see we shall see what um what Ops Sean means can I just call you Sean bro let me know can I just call you sea how is it uh 40 for you when it’s 05

For me what for me it’s um 9:08 p.m. so yeah Sean is cool all right Sean no problem man I used to have a friend named Sean like it was SP like s e a for n so yeah we are no longer friends w w cry

Sad oh well um okay I sent it in pic and vids on Discord all right bet I’ll check it out check it out also I made a um I made a thumbnail for Mr Joshy I hope he uses it or maybe you know if he doesn’t have to use it if he

Doesn’t want to but yeah uh it was a pretty good thumbnail pretty good thumbnail man um if I do say something on myself maybe I’m just biased because I made the thumbnail but pretty good bro pretty flipping awesome man oh yeah yeah I used to have a I used to have a friend

Named Sean like I said not anymore man well done Sean look what you did you made me remember my my old friend and cry about it got a question how long have you been playing Minecraft before they got changed wait they changed things up in

2019 I played it the Day come out on PS3 and the day came out on PS4 as well so did you make the thumbnail that he yeah I remade it but like better like way better and he looked at it and he said rock on I was like we’ll do sir we’ll do

I will rock on so yeah he seemed pretty hobby with him I think I don’t know actually don’t know um I don’t think he replied yet but we shall see turn to easy please um no no no no no no yeah sure sure sure sure sure why

Not well if you hated it I mean if that’s the case then oopsy you know he doesn’t have to use a thumbnail he doesn’t want to but I think it was better like you know his I like his videos like I like Josh’s videos but like man his his thumbnails are like

They need work you know but I can’t really talk my old thumbnails were so bad man my old thumnails were awful I used to just put them in pick clash and then call it a day like put text on there and boom that’s are not the best

Yeah hey bro we all start somewhere you know we all start somewhere my thumbnails were awful at one point yeah maybe they s you never know maybe they slay I was going to change my profile picture to make it look like a profile of Jesse in the treehouse I mean you

Should bro Jesse is a handsome man you know from Minecraft story mode handsome handsome man not going to lie dude um I do be lurking right now good man I appreciate the uh lurking bro thank you man appreciate it dude um how’s it going Jack if you want to type in chat how’s

It going sir um yeah you know we all start somewhere when it comes to thumbnails and you know it seems like he’s just starting so he’s going through the kindon event right now of making pretty bad thumbnails it’s just a kind event man that’s that’s for sure that’s for sure

Hi JD visard are you going to be joining us tonight bro let me know man be welcome to the stream dude okay um yeah okay I think we’re good I think we’re good there we go I’m good you I’m doing um I’m doing right you know I’m doing

Right just start my Christmas holidays so boys five more days until Christmas bro that’s insane four more sleeps until Christmas five more days is not just insane bro is not just like crazy eating fast wait uh eating first all right no F no problem no no fast what the heck no

Problem man um all good dude so yeah okay wait wait hold on one two three one two oh wait hold on I built this wrong okay wait one oh freak one two three okay and then one two three okay there we go uh time flies by does bro it

Feels like it was only yesterday that like Halloween happened dude feels like Halloween was only yesterday for sure y what’s up uh David what does kindon mean I don’t know but like you don’t know what a kindon event is dude like a a kindon event and then this is one two three

Okay one two okay one two three 4 okay like in Spiderman the kind an event I don’t know and then it goes one two three hello hello Candi hello I thought that was David bro like you you and David have like very similar profile pictures so like I thought David was

Saying hello cuz I wasn’t reading his like chat or something I no I was like No David I am reading your chat but never mind it’s not David it’s freaking candy dude gosh Dar it man oh wait bro I’m building these oh my I’m so stupid I’m so stupid man no I

Don’t you don’t know like you’ve never watched Spider-Man like the the animated Spider-Man movies if you haven’t then that’s that’s awful Bro you’ve never watched you’ve never watched um mes Morales um no uh yeah what’s up Candi how’s it going dude hello Candi no I haven’t man you’re actually missing that

One there like they’re one of my favorite movies of all time uh 1 two 3 4 wait no wait 1 2 3 yeah okay so this is right and it need to go in by one Andross by four and then in by one and across by three like that

Okay uh hi DX I kind of wish that Minecraft on Console you can be able to use a custom skin man imagine if you could like actually use custom skins in Legacy I remember uh Toy C made a video about it um when like Legacy was still

Being updated so yeah um but yeah I don’t know why your friend can’t H into the chat it’s kind of weird but okay sure bro sure man God dang it protects me dude um three two um I’m sadly not allowed to say hi wait C because otherwise feed says I have

Question on no it’s just like the day bro you’re paying mad attention to her bro it’s crazy also last stream did so well I don’t know why or how okay I don’t know how or why because like it was just such a random event I feel like nobody was like actually that excited

For but the stream like did pretty well got like 300 and something views which is insane before just uh console limitations yeah I mean I wouldn’t even be surprised also same player your friend didn’t friend me back so yeah I kind invited them they didn’t friend me

Back bro so yeah everyone knows that she has a b exactly bro exactly so I don’t know I don’t get why people are like you know I don’t know why vti Bloom is like so like crazy you know about her kind of strange it’s only got 100 more views

Than usual not that crazy well look bro for the stream that I was okay for the stream that I was it was only like an hour long okay it usually takes me an hour to even get like 100 views on a stream okay um but you know whatever

Okay maybe it’s not that crazy I think 300 views on a stream is good for an hour okay and for switch a random event too but maybe you think differently but for my channel I think it’s pretty crazy um so yeah yeah DX buff sees everyone as

Competition I know because I I’m taking bro I’m taking I have a GF dude so stay back man stay back dude I’m sorry buzzing but yeah I do um I can easy get more stream right now at least stream right now and get more I dare

You so can you keep thep uh open after stream who said that man who the heck said that dude now whoever said that watch out man watch out you are regret saying that for life um for real no joke Fe I want gr kids yo not with me dude

Cuz you know a male and a male cannot reproduce sorry dude it’s not possible you got to you got to get a woman for that got adopt it would be interesting if Mojang and 4J brought back the console edition uh I mean to be honest there’s a a lot of people that would

Play Legacy Edition uh then the new Minecraft yeah like bro if Legacy Edition was available to buy on Playstation I think you would get a lot more sales and bedrock and that’s why wi are not reding Blom not funny imagine kind feeds aigf not funny bro not funny okay heck

Off man not funny man okay why did I come here oh yeah I came for for blue wood why V got wrecked Get Wrecked Noob Get Wrecked man absolute Noob Get Wrecked Get Wrecked man h um yo MC with the 8 months I I heard the

Uh the music I was like what did somebody become member but yeah thank you MC o Legend become thank you Charlie for the eight months crazy bro eight months bro eight months of support can we get some W’s boys can we get some W for that eight

Months bro that’s almost a year almost a year of support thank you so much bro I really do appreciate that one absolutely insane 8 months of support crazy how long ago was eight months bro that’s like that’s like um okay so it’s 12 so 12 –

8 uh 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 so that was on that was in April I do believe April yeah candy what do you have to offer but we wait can I have a mending book please oh I have someone on my team

I have I have an awesome person on my team named Nikki that gave me a mending for five diamonds it’s crazy I tipped them I tipped Nikki I gave him 10 diamonds instead yo n is in the game too yo MC’s in the game don’t you also get barck along with

Legacy if you buy yeah so if you get Legacy discs that like like I got um you get better and Legacy but you have to not install the newest update of Minecraft so you got you get the oldest version of Minecraft for a few seconds

Um or like until you update the game um and then you get Legacy on that as well which is insane so yeah what’s yo what’s up Char oh my God Charlie demilio oh no come on dude I no a free build by oh my God a free

Build you know bro vti vti Candi has built for the hive before okay so she’s built for a hive man just just saying dude just saying man she built something for the hive before so yeah you can you can heck off if you don’t like that offer man my

Gosh um f you broke huh she has yeah bro yeah is this not like public information or what’s going on I need to tell you my sement cords of course of course tell me your salon cords bro and uh yeah you should be good you should be good uh e EA okay

Let’s see if they friend me back z z D I take it but I know where I want to settle ah I see when I see you with uh play with yours on Minecraft it reminds me of how when I was little my old Minecraft friends would join and would

Build our homes but now it’s not the same I play alone for me man back in Legacy it was like so much easier to like actually just like I don’t know what it was but it was like so much simpler to actually just like trust people maybe because like they’re actual

Like IRL friends but I don’t know it so much easier to trust people back then um to actually join the game yeah boys 17 people in the Stream please drop a like it would mean a lot and I hope you’re all having a great day as well um no

Jokes yeah hope you’re all having a great day man we’re going to mix some of this in because it looks like it’s cool it might not be cool but it looks like it’s cool and would you rather be cool or look like you’re cool you probably rather to look like cool so

Yeah maybe I’m wrong I don’t know it mostly on uh console Network I haven’t chat with them since 2015 yeah man that that’s tragic though hate that got to hate that bro uh yeah DX but I see wait I still need to trade come my base then feeds

What’s the difficulty easy bro it’s uneasy man it will not be turned open from that okay because easy is just like normal and normal is just like hard so in all reality what you missing out on you know what I mean not missed out on much for sure does feed wait hope I’m

Have a good day excuse me was that rudess right there was that was that you being no I’m what do you mean bro what do you mean I’m so confused okay so there’s no stairs here just like it’s it’s walls instead okay but it’s not these walls it’s these

Walls right here it’s not the uh polished Blackstone walls it’s the Blackstone brick walls polished Blackstone brick walls sorry not just Blackstone brick walls it’s polished as well so yeah as every other block okay I can do that easy easy simple not too not too difficult I would

Say but I’m having difficulties building this so I don’t know how or why but I to chill um so yeah that’s for show that’s for show man um okay yo yo goat with the Boston New what wait what bro oh my God thank you bro oh my God that was

Insane goats LP has become a m thank you goats I appreciate so much bro oh my God boys can we get some WS for goats becoming Boston New York boys is gohost the new Z gamers are you new Z Gamers goats oh my gosh boys we might have new z z Gamers

Right here oh my gosh thank you so much bro that is insane thank you so much BR that that is crazy I think you’re the only boss in New York that I have which is crazy so yeah Welcome to the bosson New York I don’t know what perks you get

Away but you probably get some good perks I don’t know I actually don’t know what perks I put for there yeah boys uh the W’s are are greatly appreciated so yeah um why bro like why not why not yeah thank you so much that is insane

That was uh crazy I never expect anybody to actually get boss in New York yeah insane bro insane that’s crazy I I had a I had a better reaction to that than the 1K um but that was because like when when Z gamers only 1K um my dad was in

The room so I didn’t want to like overreact cuz then he tell me sh up I need kill the vibe so yeah uh that’s why yeah thank you so much um gohost that is insane absolutely crazy bro that would help out that is helping out so much for

The Christmas holidays you know um so yeah crazy thank you um wow booing I saw wait I saw a vote and a lot of people voted for Minecraft wait what do you mean um what do you mean wait did I miss one finally this God freaking damn thing

Worked I wait I lost 30 can I swear of course bro yeah you can swear bro you can swear yeah my that is crazy full NE R baby bro I need to get full NE R bro I just don’t have NE upgrades because I forgot to I forgot to upgrade them dude God

Dang it I tried it before and it wait but it declined but uh it took my money uh damn wait how did you take your money bro YouTube is scaming bro YouTube is scaming what the hell uh let’s get feed to 3K Before Christmas before Christmas I mean I don’t know but

I hope so you know hello feed up Joshy how’s it going dude I lost 30 and uh 2,000 Play points from the Google Play Store wait it took your money and you didn’t even get the thing what the hell am man wait what yo YouTube scaming Bro

YouTube scaming that’s what it is man freak YouTube dude I freaking you sue YouTube bro I I don’t blame you man what the hell it took your money but not even like what the hell man okay thank you for the black one by the way thank you

Sir howo your close uh feed is 2.9 Cas sub oh yeah but like that’s I need 100 more I need like 100 or like 90 something more um technically so yeah I want to ask how you got that uh font for what font let me know which font I was

Going to use Minecraft font but then my subscription for uh cona right now so yeah uh didn’t even send a purchase complete message it delet the money from my bank account what the hell am I like I’m sorry I’m sorry that happened bro I don’t know why that happened what surely

You can like get that money back surely cuz you can say you didn’t get the purchase um M what the hell YouTube scam I’m sorry to Happ but I do appreciate the uh support BR that was insane I don’t know why to Happ that is really weird like I don’t

Know like what the hell has anybody else heard heard up YouTube uh more like scam tube oh oh oh get wrecked YouTube Get Wrecked man um BRB all good dude YouTube wouldn’t even care about what people say uh you’ve seen what happened once ago yeah with like I’m guessing you’re

Talking about like Jack and um Sniper Wolf and I can’t believe that was like 3 months ago boys you know the Titanic um blew up like 6 months ago seven months ago maybe which is insane like absolutely insane bro seven months ago already pretty much um how did you get that font for

Adventure oh yeah um I use a um program called um oh what the hell boys what the heck I use a program called uh blockbench so yeah and you can make literally any like Minecraft title and you can like pose your like skins and stuff it’s really cool you I’m going

Toland tonight wait tonight how you in the game then what the beep you wait what time isie then yeah you’re going to irand man that is oh not a good time right now because it is heavy rain right now yes I remember the sub thing went

Boom bang and Bash yeah bro I was in I was inside it was crazy I was I was inside um so yeah I’m going to have to buy the stuff I got on Minecraft account since Microsoft said nope signs me out on my account I made and I lost my skins

And customiz Stu too literally the one of the worst things you can go through as like a person that lives nowadays is uh technical difficulties like man if you’re not good with tech then like I I’m not you know I’m terrible with tech um but like if you’re not good with tech

And you have problems man that’s just going to be hell it’s it’s like it’s actually just hell because you don’t know how to fix it dude I just want to fix it technically should never happen anyway but yeah um I’m also going to Ireland to do a surprise meet up R fe uh

I never I never um consented to this so yeah I feel very scared anyway I’m joining up now good man good man bro glad to see you dude and yeah it will be good to see you in the game for sure don’t worry I know what’s pack ah I see okay

Um you know Josh you I hope you like the uh thumbnail do do you like I mean you don’t you don’t have to use it um obviously it’s up to you I don’t really mind if you use it or not but yeah just I thought I’d help you out a little bit

And just like make a good thumbnail cuz why not help her brother out a little bit you know what I mean so I have a bad day as it is I wait I have not had a better grade than a d for the last six exams man I feel you bro I

Literally in like in the biggest exams of my year um last year or I say last year but was like it was this in June this year um I had huge exams um and I got knockr on pretty much everything Which is less than 25% in literally everything bro apart from um

English which I got um wait goes not graded and then um not graded partially achieved achieved Merit higher Merit distinction I got actually achieved so we’re I’m doing all F in school so that’s why it took like an extra year where I just like you don’t do any

Work because I need to focus on like YouTube and also studying the subjects I got really bad in you know instead of just going straight into next year uh I went to get some Pepsi man I You Love Pepsi bro I swear to God what’s something it look like uh I’ll show you

The thumbnail that I made right now um I do like the thumbnail a lot I’m glad to hear I’m glad to hear because uh it only took me a few seconds or a few seconds like um it took like not too long so yeah um where is it though trying to see

Uh aha here it is it’s very like you can tell it’s like my style thumbnail um right here so yeah this is the thumbnail I made Joshy right here pretty flipp and epic I do say so myself pepc imagine Co Man shows up boys imagine two onions heck imagine three dude why

Not ouch yeah I know I’m not doing well in school but I try it’s actually really cool I think so I appreciate it dude um yeah it’s pretty good it’s pretty good not too bad I would say ogres are like onions they got layers I can’t do them

Never mind my bad oh yeah if we go to here nope here yep uh yeah that’s the um thing yo ARA how’s it going dude ARA I got 34% on my master exam yeah like you know bro school is not easy man school is not easy dude and I used to laugh at

People that got bad results but I can’t really anymore because I I get bad results in school all the time that’s not because I don’t Focus or like I’m not paying attention it’s literally I do Focus I just don’t understand what you’re talking about even when I ask for

Help I just still don’t understand so maybe that’s just a me problem but yeah I just don’t understand bro I I don’t understand most of the things they say especially in Ms bro I don’t know Ms is so difficult for me bro um layers onions

Have layers yeah I I can’t do a SC ACC bro though wait is that a hotel no ho okay Bo does that look like hotel for a second though I don’t know you also B cherish uh fos how’s it going dude welcome to the stream how’s it

Going cherish hope you’re having a great day man boys I want to get yeah that’s what I’m going to do I want to get chains and hang these lanterns from right next to the windows that would be so cool man o cave noise some areas in

Math um great app but I’m ter bro I like I no this like a classic one but like algebra freck whoever made that one freak whoever came up with algebr seriously I hope they die in a hole and they starve to death I hope they I hope

They I hope they die of thirst okay because no one does deserves to have to go to algebra bro no joke when are you ever going to use it never dude okay very Niche jobs you’re going to need algebra so yeah okay I’ll leave now and study for tomorrow’s exam see you see

You there go and hey bro your support helps out so much bro see I do really appreciate that that was an insane uh gift and you know Christmas present I’d say so thank you bro I really do appreciate that so yeah bro why do you look like crispy Concords by new sub

Thank you bro I appreciate it dude and crispy Concords he’s a h some man so I’ll take it BR I’ll I’ll take it you know he’s a goodl looking man so I’ll take it bro thank you um f or 33 qz I don’t know if that’s how I say your name

Yeah I like the name isn’t that bad it is it’s it’s that bad bro it’s that bad I swear to God yeah crispy Concords he’s he’s a handsome looking man so I’ll take it dude no joke yeah okay what do oh yeah okay so we need um we need a lot of

Iron I hate people say iron bro it’s not iron it’s iron iron right wait who destroyed my snowballs machine I actually don’t know but it doesn’t exist anymore it’s actually just like it’s gone it’s it’s reduce the Adams bro it’s all gone um one thing that is very

Cool um that they have kept in Minecraft is the good old classic Minecraft cave sounds that scared the YouTubers who play M yeah man I mean it still it still scares me sometimes you know because like it’s just out of nowhere and it’s like it’s loud it’s scary I was like

I’ve done three exam I got an wait distinction in the first two and AER in third man how do you get distinctions bro it’s impossible for me to actually get distinctions bro like distinction is like what above 90 something per I swear to God it is like what the heck man they

Put a whole bunch of uh sh there yeah like that’s what I’m saying bro that’s what I’m saying can you turn off Cave sounds are they too scary boys are cave sounds too scary if so I get you bro I get you all age um without using everything I is

That a thing I think K I think actually like turning off Cave songs is a thing that you can do um yeah did I miss some chats some areas oh yeah um o DX I got three oh yeah okay so I think I C everything sorry to hear you’re not

Doing well in school but don’t worry about it I’m sure you will pass uh on some exams don’t worry bro I believe in you thank you bro you know it just takes Focus time and determination but I don’t have to it’s time to S I hate sing it’s

Not fun I won’t do it so yeah um some Redstone wait machine builds are aren’t able to build Minecraft kind of nerfed some of the Redstone building like if you try to make something that you like it’s a chance that it would work wait w I’m so confused I’m really

Starting to disy school I mean I I really started to despise school years ago bro years ago now I I I started disliking it literally this year and you know what’s funny it’s the year where I don’t do any work you think oh man that’s that’s a

Dream no work in school every day but mine is so boring dude it’s actually so boring M just doooo booty cheeks I I I swear to God it is um it was okay until high school started now yeah I agree Primary School fun times okay you’re like 12 oldest that’s like the oldest

Age you’ll be in primary school it’s 12 and then you go to uh high school or secondary school when you’re 13 until you’re 18 I was like man like I don’t know bro I really dislike school I tried to recreate Lucas uh rainbow Beacon but that floing machine

Is Minecraft story mode where you have to go to ivor’s home I kind of recreated his lab from it and condo but I don’t remember any of these machines I’m sorry D I haven’t played Minecraft story mode in so long so yeah I apologize bro I want to play on

Stream though but like it would be like the chat decides what I Choose You know that sounds fun I’ve always disliked school but I’ve just put my head down for yeah and like look bird everybody goes to school okay everybody goes school there’s no like not going okay

You have to go there’s no you don’t really have a choice most of the time so everybody’s going to school at least once okay and uh yeah you can’t you can’t really like argue with that because you got to go like if you if your parents just don’t

Send you to school then the government’s going to get involved and you know your parents are going to have a knock on the door from the police asking why you not selling your children to uh school and it’s like oh I didn’t want to and they get

Arrested so it’s not a fun time so you literally have to go to school whether you like it or not which is like what do you think about it you got to send your kids to some place that they hate every day and then you like if you don’t then you get

Arrested you get put in prison if you don’t send your children to a place that they don’t want to go like holy bro is that not messed up when you really think about it use boat on ice and you go yeah I just on I can’t be B to make a

Boat also I’m looking for a um Lush cave so I’m looking for a lush cave right now I don’t know if I’ll find one but I’m hoping to I need to find some iron so yeah L caves usually have a lot of iron do you have education system makes you feel

Like a dumb ass if you get a d or F yeah man I know you get in trouble for it as well you get like whipped if or like you know spanked if you not spanked that sounds weird like you know you get bet by your parents if you get like a low

Score I was like man it’s not even my fault bro most of the time it’s not my fault sometimes it’s not my fault okay literally dude also boys we’re we’re four likes away from 20 likes can we do it let me know drop a like if you

Haven’t already mean l yeah you ever have that one dramatic part where you’re running and jumping around and then you look down and you fall into yeah man like that happened to me literally like what was it on the PS3 anniversary stream I was running around and I was

Like reading chat and I jumped into a huge Ravine and then I died I lost my stuff for a few seconds like God damn it guys it was yeah man especially when you’re like you’re streaming and you’re reading shat it’s like man I I just want to reach out

While dying dude you know what I mean but no no just just got to die cuz I’m trash at the game bro where is a lush cave dude I trying to look for a l cave come on that can’t be that rare I Lally like I saw one on my way over here

Before I just don’t know where I just need to get literally just like a little bit of iron that’s all dude just a little bit of iron that’s all I ask for okay but no I just can’t of find any iron for whatever reason come on bro

Anybody like if you guys see a lush tree or like an aelia tree let me know because I really need help with that cuz I’m not seeing any right now maybe I’m blind but I don’t know I’m not really seeing any at all oh I need sugarcane so I’ll take the

Sugarcane boys if you ever need sugar cane take the sugar cane oh my God yo Jesus Jesus Christ I was supposed to get his gun powder and I looked the chat and I wasn’t focused and I focus again and he blew up you find the Lush biome in caves depending where

You yeah that’s the problem that’s the problem unless there’s like a Cave opening here but I don’t believe there will be yeah I’m just going to have to mine down and hope I find some cave because I’m autistic and disabled school has been Hur for me but it’s

Getting better at over time a I see okay yeah that makes sense um yeah I know how I didn’t see your message here my apologies is this she like right in front of me but I didn’t see him okay um ah here’s a Cave opening let’s hope

It’s a good cave with lots of iron it’s looking promising looking pretty promising I’m not going to lie Okay jump down yes sir oh my God there’s some caves in the game that go deeper than dark abyss and some of the caves have layers but also avoid

Spikes from yeah what are they called slag ties slag ties slag mites I don’t know um those are annoying like if you accidentally like fall on one of those you’re dead like there’s no coming back from that M you’re just dead like they do a lot of damage man um it’s all good

Fe yeah I I apologize bro I I don’t know how I didn’t see your message there see myad yeah okay any iron ironic iron here hiden yeah you’re you’re dead mhm yeah yeah you are you’re dead you too yeah you’re dead mhm did you bring torches I

Brought wood and I have coal no I don’t have coal ah typically why is there a baby here why would you bring your baby into a danger cave that’s very not safe dude what a terrible parent I think there’s some coal up here so let me get some

Coal cuz I know you guys can’t see ship so let me try and get some coal from up here oh shoot there’s two okay um let’s remove the Deep slate bricks and let’s get the coal instead fortune 3 as well so we should get enough for ling up this whole area

Go surface I have iron thank you bro I appreciate it um yeah I’ll go back up in just one second I wait I didn’t even need Enchanted armor to kill the Ender Dragon I just used iron armor sword I mean look bro if you’re good at

The game then yeah that would make sense but if you’re not good at the game that’s not going to really work but I’m guessing you’re good at the game because you did that right correct did you die cuz you didn’t say you didn’t die so I’m guessing perhaps you die because if

You didn’t die You’ say without dying correct who knows maybe I’m reading too much in like in between the lines also my I have a friend with autism right um and he got me to do a test uh like an online test for autism um and like he scored really high on it

So like obviously it it seems real enough you know the Autism test seems real enough so I did it you know um and I got I got 19 so I don’t have autism apparently I don’t know um which is interesting you know I just found it

Interesting see I got 19 like if you get like 80 then you’re then apparently you have autism I um see I don’t know I got 19 so I I don’t even know what 19 even means but I’m just going to guess that’s what it means I don’t know was it was

Quite an interesting test you know very interesting questions so yeah obviously it’s like not official but it seems official enough to me yeah very fun to do in class 100% bro uh okay I see yeah I don’t know like um like I think his name is um his name is

James like he has autism um but yeah he got me to do the uh to do the test it was interesting so yeah like he tell me a lot of facts about people autism so I was like wow it’s actually interesting um I’ve never done an online

Test which since I was diagnosed yeah I me like I obviously like real life diagnosis or like um whatever the word is if you get diagnosed in real life obviously that’s that’s obviously your answer right whereas online like I I wouldn’t trust online you know never trust online for your

Um Diagnostics I don’t know what it’s called I don’t know what the word is but you know what I was trying to say right Never Trust online bro cuz if you if you look up hey Google why do my fingers tingle it’s going to be like you have

Cancer and you’re going to die in about two days I was like what the hell man what the beef dudee what cuz I have tingly fingers so yeah never trust Google with the um information you get uh BRB all good dude no problem yeah always wait I agree always yeah always

Speak to an actual doctor you know Google is not your doctor never will be okay spiders were going to have their crawling animations but more change it to how to call now cuz the spiders were going to be on walls and ceilings like house spider yeah yeah watch if they

Actually had it make them so much like more creepy which I I like the sound of but whatever if they want to change it then whatever dude okay I see how it is MOJ don’t want us to have fun things this why this is why we kind have nice

Things this why we kind of have nice things Mo uh hey bro can I join of course icy welcome to the game or welcome to the stream not to the game my bad uh yeah you can join bro all you got to do if you want to join is subscribe and tell

Me your Microsoft names yeah it’s completely free you can always be S of having something if you uh all then yeah ask your professional literally go to your doctor bro or I call him up say yo um I’m I’m I have this problem and then they’ll be like okay let’s have an

Appointment at this day uh and then they’ll give you a day and then boom where is like yeah Google gives you instant results but like are they right most of the time no um what’s up vrp tube how’s it going dude you retracted your message right

Before I read it I was literally just about to read it God dang it dude God dang it man it’s funny how Mojang wait had some animations or stuff that they were wait that was going to make it more fun to play yeah M like wasn’t like Steve going

To have like a running animation like a really funny one why is my stomach rumbling concer or you got like oh man something with your stomach what do we say boys I say we scare him and say Diabetes Type three type four you know what I mean so yeah never never trust

Scho with your uh medical issues I think I did before I didn’t really end well I just like I think I had I had a panic attack or I don’t know it was bad o iron I need iron yes sir follow your word see with

New sight oh my God into good night o more iron more iron dude heck yeah man oh I hear a witch bro if they if they hit you with poison it is over for you bro cuz they put you down to half a heart man it’s crazy they are way too op

User hello I’m Vlad uh one all right no problem let me add you in just one second goog go up to your bully wait go go up to your bully and tell them you’re not scared anymore I’m not scared SC to you anymore yeah I mean I I think that’s the

Sure Fire way of getting bullied even more why does my thumb hurt goog you’re going to die in 5 and a half seconds no I mean that that’s not even a bad result because then in 5 and a half seconds if that pass and you don’t die then you

Know it’s fake whereas if it says 5 months and 6 days it’s like oh my God I got to wait 5 months and 6 days see if that if that’s true gosh dang you kind of Len on you B so bad man like who actually uses Bing bro if you use Bing

Unironically there’s got to be something wrong with you dud leave me alone leave me alone oh my gosh no bro what the heck Jesus Christ let me add you dude um one of those spikes you follow me and kill me man those they’re they’re um they’re very they’re very harmful they

Hurt I think Bing is full of blood blow wear that is the main issue wait really blow Weare is actually like an issue Jesus man I didn’t even know that anybody here use um does anybody here use oh on excuse me um oh on does anybody here use Opera GX let me know

I’m way too tired bro I’m sorry long day of school hello Vlad one I’ve seen Bing stuns uh before it’s so weird man how can you be being St what the hell my dad uses D go man I remember when that was a big thing and

Then they got called out for being fake or something I don’t know it was a weird situation um yeah D du go bro that that is a that a good one right there I don’t know if it’s good but like they cuz they got called out for being fake but you

Know um yo what’s up yo what’s up hoods welcome to the stream how’s it going dude how’s it going bro I use oper GX you use oper GX I mean what’s it even look like I don’t even know my my brother really wants me to get oper X Bo

Like man I don’t know like I like their tweets their tweets are funny they’re they’re a funny company based in Poland right um yeah Google Microsoft Edge or spare I mean Google is just like why would you not go for that you know Google is Chill I feel like

Right yo thank you man I appreciate it dude absolute Legend bro who is this this is Alex on YouTube thank you bro I appreciate it dude absolute Legend man word thank you dude in a way that the witch just waited for you to break the stairs

And yeah bro like she had a ready man she was waiting every second Jesus man she was on her aame her head was in the game dude that’s for sure I feel like Bing for is adverts OPP people it feels very blowed yeah I mean

I I’ve used Bing a couple times it’s not for me dude I I don’t know I’d rather use like Google 1999 version you know what I mean y feed is it full uh I don’t believe it’s full 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 oh it is full

Dam uh it’s pretty good it’s pretty good browser it runs faster than Chrome you can customize it inbuilt on wait a blocker Chrome extensions on lot stuff boys I have to get oper GX I’m not going to lie I have to get oper GX boys no

Joke I want to get sponsored by him that sounds cool um by way I thank you bro I appreciate it wait what’s your name on the Microsoft let me know I’ll add you back for sure unless I already added you which in that case there we go

Awesome I have the Sean added okay the one and only Ops Sean Sean do you have any Ops bro do you have any Ops I feel like you got to have a few right you got to have a few Ops bro come on well you got to have a few you know

Everybody has a few it’s an old name I haven’t changed it wait I haven’t changed it yet I see okay I’m my account what’s the name then let me know kill me dude what do want I use on mobile oh okay so you play on mobile

Right oh my God what the hell wait St lag might okay SL man interesting I’ve only ever used Bing for Microsoft rewards yeah man like if if you’re actually like ever using something for Microsoft then yeah use Bing sure okay for a few seconds but like M I don’t

Know I never use it full time never I think I use Bing a couple times for um downloading images CU it’s just like easier yeah you can also make it have custom sounds when you make a new tab and when you type and stuff my actually sounds

Cool though I can’t even lie actually sounds really cool I I might have to get oper Jacks no joke bro no joke man man I actually man that sounds fun that actually sounds fun I’m actually might be time for me to get rgx boys um okay the one I’m adding you uh

Is on my Mobile account you’ll see me with profile like mine a little different okay no problem I get you bro I get you no Problem so mobile too but it’s a little bit more restricted there ah it’s fine I’ll probably be using it only on my PC to be honest um okay uh I mean Bing works well if you need to do a simple search but apart from that it’s bloated and not one

To use I might think about getting upper J yeah I mean upper Jax sounds fun I’m not going to lie if at Le can get it then anybody can get it bro so yeah if at least can get it anybody can get it man that’s for

Sure um okay so I need I need coal it’s all bro it’s always something it’s always something I need God dang it dude I can never just like have the things I need that’s just coal in here which of course there’s not but stop making it peaceful why dude I love peaceful

It’s so fun what the beep is going on Santiago is that a compliment or an insult I’m not sure I haven’t decided yet I think Bing has got a slight bit better but still a mess I mean just never use Bing that’s for sure bro never use

Bing bro I’m just going to I don’t know I’ll just put wood I’ll put wood in the furnace smell some uh some you know Iron okay I don’t know what I’m saying Okay so let’s make some chains all that was for some chains bro some

Chains man God dang it my guy just uh light up your area if you’re scared those stra hey what hey hey watch the language but there’s there’s women here there’s women here dude watch your language all right my gosh why are chains so expensive what the hell hey bro you

Added me but not to real H you gotta add me back bro let me uh let me know if you add me back on Microsoft yeah Ro You Bing working mistake that’s not even a rookie mistake that’s just like that’s that’s more than a rookie mistake so feed is fine now bro

There’s women here so he need to chilly not use language like that one crazy very very disrespectful okay come on man where’s your miners where’s your miners boing we not taught any miners dude my gosh hello I’m that wait did you did you did you friend me back

Though I’m trying to make wait I’m trying to get a zombie villager but no card sorry dude okay my bad sorry dude my fault my fault my fault there we go just invite you dude uh Mr icy okay so my idea boys why can’t we just sleep then

Okay so we don’t have this argument why don’t we all just sleep dude okay we all have beds surely surely surely we all have bets surely bro surely okay come on man I will see the players who added you um yeah but like I have so many people added like I have

Over like 300 friends on Microsoft so like I have to go all the way down um let’s see how many pages there wait emo balls wait I have to block a guy named emo balls hello about a wait a fish anx zero is it how your name I’m sorry if I

Said that wrong I like the name though um how’s it going dude okay man I like I just have so many people friended man so it would be like if you ever ask me to look in the friend section I’m just not going to do it

Because it’s like 400 pages of just like friends man it’s crazy um thought that’s not a flex because I hate it I hate having that many people added i’ I’ve talk about like just un adding everybody and them again like see like you know cleared them up cuz there’s some people

That I’ve just never seen before or I’ve seen them once in the Stream when I friended him and then just never again see yeah do you think uh bing has anything good at all I I haven’t used it enough to actually know so I don’t know maybe but I doubt

It uh this isn’t looking as cool as I thought it would we haven’t used a bing enough to actually say if it has anything useful I doubt it does though because I I feel like bro like who do you like hear about using Bing like not many people at all I

I can’t remember last time I actually heard about Bing before you guys brought it up you know like seriously bro like when was the last time you heard about Bing probably not anytime recently so old all right let me send an invite but don’t accept just look at my

Name that’s me but don’t add my name I barely use my mobile I’ve been on my console more than my mobile no problem dude no no problem man all good dude oh my God just go away dude just go away man it’s usually just uh Boomers using yeah they don’t know

About like Chrome they don’t know about oper GX okay if only the if only Boomers knew about oper GX okay also what the hell man every like every time I stream my shoe like strangles my foot and there’s like no blood going to my foot and then like it gets really

Sore some people say being is faster than Chrome but I know if that’s true or not I doubt it’s true Bing feels way slower than Chrome it probably is man it probably is slower because why like Microsoft doesn’t they they don’t care about B okay let’s be honest Microsoft does not

Care about Bing because it doesn’t bring them big income whereas Minecraft they they they act like they care about Minecraft okay because it makes them big income you make some big money whereas b i I feel like doesn’t bring them nearly as much money at all because why would it because nobody use

It so yeah okay how does this look this looks okay looks okay so fair um just looks a bit flat but it won’t be like that for long for sure okay so that’s that’s Sean correct nice camera m I appreciate it dude I appreciate it uh

I got it from wish so never order C from wish bro uh I learned the hard way man I learned the hard way never never order cheap cameras from wish bro it literally said 4K 60 FPS camera it was only € so I was like

Oh my God €1 for 4k 60f camera no way so I bought it and uh yeah I regret it bro I regret it man I just haven’t been getting a newcomer since because why would I also cool skeleton with the Christ thank you dude his name is Travis um

Yeah his name is Travis dude it’s pretty cool got him on Amazon I for real bro never never never order anything from wish bro seriously man it’s uh it’s not a good it’s not a good business decision okay don’t waste your money dude cheap and cheerful exactly bro exactly got to

Get the Christmas chair going boys okay 100% 100% man got got to get the Christmas cheer up okay I feel like not many people are you know excited for Christmas anymore I’m definitely not because I don’t know I just don’t have to Christ Spirit but like you

Know it’s all good Al did you see my gamer I did yeah I did indeed I did indeed see your gamer tag correct mono okay so then it goes up two blocks okay so two blocks from the window I bet I could count the pixels in

The camera bro it’s nowhere near as bad as my my other one bro come on my other one was bad like awful bro like you couldn’t even see my face I feel like Bing just has too many in this fatures I I wouldn’t know I wouldn’t

Know I haven’t used it in years man it feels like see I don’t even know okay so this goes up okay do we not have any polished of course we don’t of course we don’t uh off te wait a teu man do you guys trust teu

I don’t know uh I’ve heard some stories from team but I don’t know I I might order for some stuff from from Team for like streams just some like funny t-shirts I’ve seen under there that sounds like the most like Boomer thing you ever here but like

Come on seriously dude i’ I’ve seen some funny t-shirts on there for cheap see yeah Man oh my what the heck dude heck off bro go away uh team is really sketchy M yeah I’ve heard some uh very concerning stories from there um so so you know I’m going to stay away okay I’ll keep my distance but you still catch my eye tell

Me baby do you recognize me well it’s been year it doesn’t surprise me when I join you I’ll be wearing a skin that would be recognizable okay we’ll see the shipping fee going to be more expensive than the product wait is that how Team Works it’s like okay wait

Wait is that how teamu makes his money it’s like it makes the products like really really cheap but then the shipping is like crazy so what you guys going to do for Christmas I usually go down to my grandparents house um and the like the whole family goes on to my grandparents

House I just have a good time like we go down there at like 8:00 a.m. and we leave at like 1 p.m. and then we just do our own stuff after that so yeah it’s good yeah like the uh product wait like the product can be zero and

The Shi be 5 quid I five qu is not bad AliExpress if you guys ever use AliExpress man their shipping is like so expensive I don’t know about like other countries but here in Ireland bro if you if you’re ordering from Ireland man it’s crazy uh see yeah if you look inside the

Cobblestone castle the cobblestone castle oh my god oh yeah AliExpress man that place is crazy or Alibaba I don’t know what to call it I me wasn’t it like wasn’t the old name Alibaba I’m pretty sure it was um oh Oh My Bro you’ve been taking all

My Blackstone what the beef dude he’s been using all my Blackstone dude I never chose an app under investigation by you guys Tik Tok Tik Tok dude do you not wait do you do you even have Tik Tok bro I feel like you don’t I feel like at least you’re only

Has like YouTube Discord and like I don’t even know WhatsApp maybe at least your is very minimalistic man I Tik Tok typical Elite man seriously dude amazing Castle uh you guys are making I mean it’s just me but yeah I mean like I don’t want to say it’s just

Me because I’ve had some very helpful people in the server give me the materials I need so I appreciate that so I guess it is just like it is us uh bro why don’t you use Java wait Java Edition because ja I don’t know how to make a

Server on Java Edition I have no idea if I knew then I’d be using Java Edition but I don’t know how to make a server on Java Edition I don’t want to I can’t be bothered bro I I already honestly just can’t be bothered so I just like avoid Java Edition for servers

Anyway um see I just I just use barrock instead but I have played Java before like I’ve streamed it m multiple times and they’re like literally my worst performing streams which is funny you know like it’s quite funny that my like my Java streams are literally the worst performing

Streams even though everybody prefers Java so I don’t know it’s quite it’s quite odd I don’t have anything else you just called me out uh wa called out all my socials so you you have you only have WhatsApp man that’s that’s actually crazy dude you only have WhatsApp uh t

Wait Discord and YouTube That’s crazy dude bro I got all bro I got all these right here I got all these right here I don’t know where I’m pointing but you know I got all these right here dude all these I got Twitter twitch Instagram kick Tik Tok um

YouTube you went to town wait townhous sure sure sure sure also boys when I end stream which will be very soon um please somebody please someone remind me to post on Tik Tok I need to uh remember so yeah I want to post a Tik Tok today I

Want to get back on the grind on Tik Tok trying to get some views because boys my second channel has been doing pretty well okay my second channel is been doing pretty well with Clips cuz I mean uh I’ve been scheduling every clip for like each day which pretty cool so yeah

Please keep open only create Twitter and kick accounts follow you hey I appreciate that you know that is that does mean a lot you know that does mean a lot like just create an account just to help me it it means lot yeah thank you at least

Absolute leure man um never played Java Edition in my life only console on mobile edition that was me for so long um but you know at some point You’ll Play jav edition okay uh I only created my Twitter and kick account oh yeah okay so yeah wa I

Have Twitter and twitch and kick too but I can’t even remember last time I used those oh on wait until you heard about wait until you hear about the new twitch rules they allow nudity man isn’t that awesome twitch allows nudity now awesome I’m using twitch a lot more

Now no I’m I’m kidding I’m kidding I’m kidding it was a joke okay it was a joke what’s so good about bar nothing man there’s nothing good about barck let’s be honest okay nothing bro nothing is good about barck let’s be honest okay um did music stop no it didn’t okay

Let’s get back to like the start okay um let’s also do this very good very nice boys three likes away away from 20 likes can we do it boys three likes away Legacy is better but whenever I make a world on Legacy you give out you

Like you get very angry D what’s what’s the uh what’s up with that when to explain only X switch what H to be honest I’m not sure about ver I like Legacy more yeah same here same here bro can anyone join the server anybody can anybody can yeah literally anybody can

Bro it’s completely free To Join This Server so yeah H not anymore I you don’t get mod anymore ah I see okay good man you’re a changed mind you’re a changed mind I like see it you know only good thing about Bedrock is the hive only good thing about Bedrock is my

C that’s that’s the only thing I mean it’s true though boys you know the only good thing about Bedrock is my content okay my channel is what is keeping Bedrock alive trust me dude nothing else oh my God no in the lava again Jesus the high better than high pixel I would say

So I would say so you I would have the G to say yes that is true um yeah anybody can join the server oh my God for freak’s sake man leave me alone oh my God yo there’s two you know I screw and Ne you know what screw and Ne you know I

Screw the nether Hypixel is over I would say yes yes yes I played it a few times not for me you know how Hypixel is best I don’t know bro I don’t know i’ I’ve played it a couple times it’s not too fun I’ve had

Fun on both editions ah I see I see I see anyway bro said that hey bro I don’t know I’ve I’ve played The Hive multiple times I just I don’t know it’s not for me it’s not my thing so yeah I don’t know maybe that’s just like maybe that’s maybe maybe

That’s offensive to you maybe it’s not I don’t know but that’s just my opinion and if my opinion doesn’t drive with you I apologize um K my previous you said overated uh like Hypixel I don’t know it’s fun but it’s not as fun as Hive

Okay The Hive is like not fun too much but like it’s more fun than Hypixel I um my w mcbs that’s coming wa I have a video for We I have a video idea for F you could try Bing for a day yeah let’s get let’s get some viruses boys you know

I’m going to I’m going to make a video of me getting blow wear okay iph on both editions uh at least has no enemies for real I’m just making the most unfunny jokes ever man just like boys I watch end stream bro this is this is getting

Out of hand I’m not I’m like I think of something in my head I’m like oh that’s funny I read I I say it out loud and I just like it’s not funny at all I was like man what is wrong with me dude what

Is wrong with me man gosh darn it dude heck for real hey you what’s better in your opinion Legacy console edition or bck Edition evening Dr Wasabi but I would say IID say Legacy Edition oh man I was like I like I I lick my lips whenever I

Think about Legacy Edition it’s just like on so much better boys uh stream could end at any moment by the way just saying um cuz I’m I’m currently just waiting for my mother to come in say I got to go to some place so yeah boys I’m Lally just waiting for it

To come in she said she’ll be in at 10 quarter past 10 so yeah boys um I’m just going to wait for that to happen so I I I really don’t want to end stream with 19 people in the Stream that sucks you know when there’s 19 people in the

Stream I got to end stream that like come on man but you know so man just wait making a protein Shake how about you how are you I’m doing phenomenal sir I’m on my holidays now I’m on my my Christmas holidays I was going to say

Summer holidays no not yet I’m I’m on my Christmas holidays so yeah uh very good very nice yeah please wait Fe please keep the ASB closed forever forever sounds like a plan bro sounds like a plan who said that at least you’re hell yeah please keep SMP open who said that

Man I don’t know I can’t really who said that I can’t really read your name guys um whoever said that I can’t read your name I’m sorry dude I’m shortsighted so yeah how here yes sir yeah I’ve just um I’ve been better than usual because um

I’ve taken a break from social media and you might think oh what do you mean you’ve been streaming every day what I mean by that is like Instagram I took a big break from Instagram um and that’s been good for my mental health because my I just I like

It sounds so cringe to say and you hear everybody saying this but like man like Instagram was so addictive man like I just couldn’t get off the app it was so addictive man it was crazy so I I was like okay today this will stop and I

Stopped it and I stopped i’ I haven’t used it since so yeah it just takes a lot of willpower okay I didn’t delete the the app but I just haven’t used it I saw you check also checked out the univers yeah I I checked out what’s crazy that that stream did way better

Than I thought it would like who’s actually excited for that server not me well I had a lot of fun it was fun dude it was fun dude no problem yo yo Burger welcome to the stream I’m short excited too what world I mean I’m not actually I

Was just you know if you are then that’s fine probably you know you probably you might you might need some glasses uh is the server open or closed it is open currently so yeah currently it is open what the beep how are they in the snow wait it’s only because th know how

Toing it maybe maybe I mean like who wouldn’t click on a thumbnail where shreking it you know what I mean like come on bro if you wouldn’t click on a thumbnail with shreking it you’re you’re you’re you’re disliking your life you hate life if you don’t click on thumbnails with shreking

It if I see Shrek in a thumbnail I would click on it instantly dude no questions ask dude no second thought just click and how do join the server all you got to do if you want to join is subscribe and tell me your Microsoft name yeah oh

My God yo Jesus Jesus Christ I’m going to die my my G got like 2K views for them golden Wars like bro those are so hard to find man that’s why like bro I haven’t found them all yet but M it’s just like they’re hidden like really well they’re giant but they’re

Hidden skeleton arrows are annoying cuz they push you back and spam yeah man like come on man like they’re so Anno especially Strays Strays are the most annoying mob in the game swear to God um yeah I have very bad Vision oh man it’s my worst fear boys here’s here’s a very morbid

Question okay would you rather be blind like fully blind like just only see Pitch Black or fully deaf which one if you watch the guy I’m going to have to bro I’ll watch the full video I’ll drop a like and a comment because that helps to get recommended in

The algorithm especially if you watch the full video boys you know if boys I’m just saying you know I have I have some Let’s Play videos I upload every every day you know for the whole month of December until Christmas day um and you know if you watch the full video I guess

I’m more recommended algorithm so if you want to help your boy out let me know let me know I would say death because you need your I yeah man like you can’t really stream if you have no like Vision correct like man but like man no music

Though freak dude what’s the uh what’s the context what do you mean I’m confused I’m confused oh my I’m about to turn to Peaceful boys I swear to God I’m going to turn to Peaceful dude when do you get Christmas holay scho I literally just started M

Today like I went to school today it’s my last day so yeah today was my last day so I just started very tired though very tired cuz um I on long day you know long day of school weird y this all quartz what the

Hell I just get new eyes uh is that wait can you wait is that actually a thing can you actually just get like new eyes and you can like see surely not bro surely like and if you could that would be really expensive shy Minecraft story mode season 2 had

Fire music but I’m mad because SWAT fire now I like the um I like season one music um like Ivor team um that is amazing music yes wait you can actually just get new eyes what the hell what I didn’t know about this bro you could just get new eyes just like that

How much does it cost let me know I know um I got my Friday wait until 11 I think but we’re not back till 8 or February wait January yeah that same for me same for me wither storm wither yeah that that’s a good that’s a good music um that’s a

Good music what the hell that that’s a good song BR I’m going to be a General Grievous uh Freer by the end of century man where you’re new eyes yeah sure bro like you you’re a POS British man so you can afford new eyes surely at least one

At least one year for new eyes bro I think it would be cost I think it would cost more than1 surey bro more than your more than one Ola Ola oo XO ola uh buenos DS no wait buenos notes buen no wait that’s good night so that would

Be like good buy buos dsos DS um see yeah also feed doctor of iore passed away man I saw bro I was like no way man no way dude I so sad cuz Iver like yeah he’s bad guy Bo he’s like such a like good actor man it’s

Crazy yeah boys I apologize dude um I do got to go I I apolog um I will be streaming tomorrow okay U for longer okay I’ve only yeah I only streamed for an hour and a half today so I apologize um but yeah at least leave

It open bro you’re the reason I’m not leaving it open okay you are the reason so boys if you you know if don’t get angry at me G at buzzing bro cuz he ruined your chances of me leaving open because last time I did buzzing destroyed the whole realm the whole

Thing was just destroyed it was in so yeah yeah overall I apologize but boys if you don’t want to miss stream like this one drop a subscribe turn notifications on I’ll be streaming at this time again tomorrow for longer and then the next day as well so Thursday Friday Saturday I’ll probably be

Streaming the realm Sunday probably not I’ll probably be going back to PS3 100 days for a day um so yeah exactly dxing hasn’t done anything onp season to yet yet bro yet okay yeah boys drop a like um subscribe if you haven’t already so you don’t miss so you don’t miss out on

Streams like this let’s get to 3K by the end of the year um we only need n 90 more subs so yeah we’re very close bro or can I be invited uh you right now so I can add you and then yeah sure bro go ahead um please what do you mean please

Um I’m confused wait I wait I’ve legit just catch myself making PR hey bro I don’t know yeah we see you guys there

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Amethyst SMP With Viewers! NEED NETHERITE?!’, was uploaded by FeeDStunz on 2023-12-21 10:54:12. It has garnered 168 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 01:38:49 or 5929 seconds.

Minecraft Realm SMP Survival With Viewers


1. Eyedragon | Gifted 10 Members | 2. Jack Adams | Gifted 5 Members | 3. David Fitzpatrick | Gifted 1 Member | 4. Maybe You?

💯THANK YOU TO THESE AMAZING PEOPLE💯 1. Zgamerz2: AED 8,981.18/€2,263.63 2. Stonehedgehog: $39.00 3. Sigma Man: €31.00 4. DDX: $25.00 5. Buzzing: £24.00 6. Jack Adams: £21.00 7. Sean Cassidy: €12.00 8. J00SHY2Z: $12.00 9. Twanner: $11.00 10. AndyPlayz: $11.00 11. Elitecereal: Kr85.00/€7.19 12. Adrien: $5.00 13. David Fitzpatrick: €5.00 14. SC Studios: £4.00 15. okPxin: $4.00 16. Pokegang: €4.00 17. Wildswayz: $4.00 18. Nicolas Fraley: $3.00 19. Hacksaw4859: $3.00 20. Nathan: $3.00 21. Rome Plays: $2.00 22. Bendyplayz23: $1.00 23. Cking: $0.99 24. Maybe You?!

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  • Uncover EPIC Secrets in Koffizinho’s Wizard Tower!

    Uncover EPIC Secrets in Koffizinho's Wizard Tower!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mysterious Wizard Tower! [Minecraft: Let’s Build Together Ep 02]’, was uploaded by Koffizinho on 2024-04-08 18:00:07. It has garnered 76 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:20 or 1100 seconds. SERIES SUMMARY Welcome to Let’s Build Together! A Minecraft series where your ideas get built in my survival world! With a fresh start we go into a survival world in 1.20.4 exploring for resources and building your wild ideas and themes inside Minecraft! How does it work? Glad you asked! A theme is chosen for the world and your job is… Read More

  • Uncover the Dark Secrets of Nanatsu no Taizai – Gilthunder’s Hidden Powers!

    Uncover the Dark Secrets of Nanatsu no Taizai - Gilthunder's Hidden Powers!Video Information This video, titled ‘NANATSU NO TAIZAI ADDON SPOILERS!!! Gilthunder’s abilities’, was uploaded by Ric4rdo G4m3r on 2024-06-16 23:41:33. It has garnered 364 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:01 or 181 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftadventure #minecraftbedrock #minecraftaddons #minecraftarcane #minecraftbuilders #addons #nanatsunotaizai #anime Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Elephant DOMINATES Golem Battle!!

    EPIC Minecraft Elephant DOMINATES Golem Battle!!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft elephant vs all golem fight||minecraft mob battle||’, was uploaded by George XT on 2024-02-29 16:50:25. It has garnered 2483 views and 29 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:16 or 496 seconds. minecraft elephant vs all golem fight||minecraft mob battle|| minecraft minecraft song pewdiepie minecraft minecraft parody minecraft music dantdm minecraft minecraft song minecraft gameplay minecraft survival minecraft mods minecraft house tutorial minecraft soundtrack ssundee minecraft prestonplayz minecraft revenge minecraft sideman minecraft minecraft 建築 minecraft suro minecraft monday minecraft haus bauen pupolarmmos minecraft minecraft memes jacksepticeye minecraft minecraft hunger games diggy diggy hole… Read More

  • DazzerPlays: Epic Dungeon Grind & Update! Hypixel Skyblock

    DazzerPlays: Epic Dungeon Grind & Update! Hypixel SkyblockVideo Information This video, titled ‘Grinding DUNGEONS (F7) & UPDATE GRINDING TODAY! | Hypixel Skyblock (Giveaways!?!)’, was uploaded by DazzerPlays on 2024-03-03 21:25:51. It has garnered 1543 views and 136 likes. The duration of the video is 01:48:45 or 6525 seconds. (LIVE) Twitch ➡️ #minecraft #minecraftskyblock #hypixelskyblock Second Channel! ➡️ Follow Me! Twitter ➡️ Discord ➡️ Check Out My Hypixel Skyblock Island Members! Goochi – Swurv – Check Out More Hypixel Skyblock Videos! Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Battle: Herobrine Vs All! 🔥🔥

    Insane Minecraft Battle: Herobrine Vs All! 🔥🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine Vs All entries 🔥 🔥 #minecraft #trending #shortsfeed #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Fardin Amjad Gamer 🇵🇰 MC on 2024-02-14 10:32:07. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Herobrine Vs All entries #minecraft #trending #shortsfeed #viral #shorts #minecraft #minecraftmods #minecraftpe … Read More

  • FriendsPlus

    FriendsPlusWelcome to Friends+! Here we strive to be a welcoming community of friends who don’t care about your background, all we care about is if you’re human! Read More

  • CoreMC Vanilla Whitelist 1.21

    Welcome to CoreMC! I started CoreMC about 2 years ago to create a simple Minecraft community for players of all skill levels. The server runs on stock vanilla .jar with minimal addons, allowing for a true vanilla experience. Our rules are based on respect for others and the server. Key Features: No PVP/Griefing/Stealing No item dupe glitches No excessive lag-causing builds No discrimination or harassment No hacking, but some mods are allowed Alt accounts allowed with permission Join Our Discord: If you’re interested in joining, please apply through our Discord. Server Info: Server Address: Specs: Ryzen 5 3550H, 32GB… Read More

  • Glorp Junior High School

    you need the modpack SteamPunk LPS on curseforge and 12gb of ram dedicatedage requirement is 18+⚙️ Create FULL STEAM AHEAD UPDATE w/ Addons⚙️ Amazing NEW World Generation and Biomes⚙️ Incredible detailed Structures and Dungeons to Explore⚙️ Completely NEW Stronghold and Fortress⚙️ Overhauled Villages, Structures & Dungeons⚙️ Never seen before NEW Bosses & Steam Mobs⚙️ Built-In Shaders. Including Complementary⚙️ Enigmatic Legacy, Immersive Engineering, Iron’s Spells ‘n Spellbooks & Much More⚙️ 5 NEW Dimensions & 5 NEW Planets to Explore!⚙️ Skills, Magic, Tetra & most importantly Steam like Tech⚙️ NEW Game Mechanics such as Thin Air & Cold Sweat⚙️ NEW Game Features… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Crafting OG Hoodie”

    Looks like even Minecraft mobs are trying to get a retail job to make some extra emeralds! Read More

  • Zonbili Village Part 2: Crafty Chaos Unleashed

    Zonbili Village Part 2: Crafty Chaos Unleashed In Zonbili Village, the adventure unfolds, With each new episode, the story is told. Exploring, crafting, building with glee, In the world of Minecraft, where creativity is free. Join us on this journey, filled with delight, As we explore the depths, day and night. Subscribe, like, and comment, show your support, As we continue to play, in this virtual resort. So come along, let’s dive right in, To Zonbili Village, where the fun begins. With each new video, a new tale to tell, In the world of Minecraft, where we all dwell. Read More

  • Tax Time in Minecraft, Let’s Get Lit! #minecrafttaxes

    Tax Time in Minecraft, Let's Get Lit! #minecrafttaxes “When you’re trying to enjoy building in Minecraft but then remember you have to pay taxes in the real world #adulting #minecraftwoes” Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft 1.21 Update Facts!

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft 1.21 Update Facts! Exploring Minecraft 1.21 Update: What You Need to Know! Are you ready to dive into the exciting world of Minecraft 1.21? This latest update is packed with new features and enhancements that will take your gaming experience to the next level. Let’s take a closer look at what’s in store for players in this thrilling update! What’s New in Minecraft 1.21? The Minecraft 1.21 update brings a host of exciting additions to the game. From new biomes and mobs to enhanced gameplay mechanics, there’s something for every player to enjoy. One of the standout features of this update is… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Gameplay!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Gameplay! Welcome to! Are you a fan of Minecraft gameplay videos like “I MADE A SUGARCANE FARM | MINECRAFT GAMEPLAY #21”? If so, you’ll love the Minewind Minecraft Server. Join a community of passionate gamers who enjoy Minecraft, Evil Nun, Gta San Andreas, Minecraft mods, horror games, and more! Experience the thrill of building your own sugarcane farm in a multiplayer environment. Connect with like-minded players, explore new worlds, and showcase your creativity. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft pro or just starting out, Minewind offers something for everyone. Ready to join the fun? Simply enter the Minewind server IP:… Read More

  • EPIC Cinematic Edit!

    EPIC Cinematic Edit! Exploring the World of Minecraft Cinematic Edits Step into the mesmerizing world of Minecraft cinematic edits, where creativity knows no bounds and imagination reigns supreme. From stunning visuals to intricate storytelling, these edits take the Minecraft experience to a whole new level. The Art of Cinematic Edits Creating a cinematic edit in Minecraft is no easy feat. It requires a keen eye for detail, a deep understanding of the game’s mechanics, and a whole lot of patience. But the end result is truly something special – a masterpiece that showcases the beauty and complexity of the Minecraft universe. Key… Read More


    INSANE MUTANT ADD-ON! MINECRAFT LIVE w/ THE BOYSVideo Information This video, titled ‘[LIVE] MINECRAFT w/ THE BOYS – MUTANT ADD-ON + MORE!!! (5/3/24)’, was uploaded by calebsmyth TV on 2024-05-04 05:35:38. It has garnered 22 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:04:38 or 7478 seconds. Yooo, these Add-Ons are insane! Read More

  • LIVE Minecraft Party with NekoDarius

    LIVE Minecraft Party with NekoDariusVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Party 2! LIVE’, was uploaded by NekoDarius on 2024-02-17 17:14:27. It has garnered 66 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:39:38 or 13178 seconds. Read More


    AnshStrive - ESCAPE THE BUTTON IN MINECRAFTVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT , BUT I HAVE TO FIND THE BUTTON TO ESCAPE’, was uploaded by AnshStrive on 2024-05-18 04:46:54. It has garnered 999 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:28 or 448 seconds. I have to find the button to escape this trap for which I have taken some hints and find the button if if you enjoy my video and find my video interesting subscribe to my channel Read More


    DEATH TRAP IN MINECRAFT?! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Worst Minecraft Saw Trap Ever?’, was uploaded by Harsh_ on 2024-07-04 01:06:46. It has garnered 3 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:37 or 157 seconds. Minecraft is a sandbox video game that allows players to explore, build, and survive in a blocky, procedurally generated world. Here are some key features: Creativity: Players can construct structures, mine resources, and craft tools, weapons, and armor. Survival: The game includes day-night cycles, hostile creatures, and hunger mechanics, challenging players to gather resources and protect themselves. Adventure: Minecraft offers various biomes, dungeons, and hidden… Read More

  • Unlocking Cosmic Power – Is he creating an animal jail? #Minecraft

    Unlocking Cosmic Power - Is he creating an animal jail? #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hes building an animal prison or something? Lets help #Minecraft’, was uploaded by CosmosMC – Power on 2024-01-11 00:09:43. It has garnered 3941 views and 82 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Hes building an animal prison or something? Lets help Read More

  • “UNBELIEVABLE! Minecraft Day 7 Shocking Gameplay” #minecraftsurvival

    "UNBELIEVABLE! Minecraft Day 7 Shocking Gameplay" #minecraftsurvivalVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Day7 (11k special live) #minecraft #minecraftsurvival #day7’, was uploaded by 𖤐Ɲ𝖊𝖼r̴o_𝑆ϯor̴m𝚆𝖎ŋ𝗀🪶 on 2024-05-17 16:43:55. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Dangerous Muslim Kid’s TV: Explosive Music Minecraft Madness! 🔥🔥

    Dangerous Muslim Kid's TV: Explosive Music Minecraft Madness! 🔥🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Muslim dhamaka short #mmuslim #music #minecraft #muslimkidstv ❤️👈’, was uploaded by Muslim dhamaka short on 2024-04-05 01:06:51. It has garnered 837 views and 166 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. #minecraft #music #muslimkidstv #mela #motivation #m #motivation #love#muslimkidstv ❤️#music❤️ #minecraft❤️ #mela 🌍#mMuslim dhamaka short subscribeMuslim dhamaka short subscribe YouTube channel video #music #minecraft #motivation YouTube#music #minecraft #mobilelegends channel video #comedyvid #music #minecraft , #muslimkidstv z #m #mela #mela #motivation #music #minecraft #memesMuslim dhamaka short subscribe YouTube channel video #comedyvideo #music #minecraft #muslimkidstv #m #mela #mela #motivation #music #minecraft #muslimkidstv #muslimkidstv… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Adventures! All Hail King Funkie!🔥

    Insane Minecraft Adventures! All Hail King Funkie!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft | Junkie SMP S4 | All Hail King Funkie! [Part 1]’, was uploaded by Xman 723 2 on 2024-06-17 19:00:06. It has garnered 4492 views and 205 likes. The duration of the video is 01:16:20 or 4580 seconds. *_Make Sure To Leave A Like And Subscribe!_* *_SMP Owner!_* @FNAFJunkie *_SMP Members!_* @Alextheunamazing @AsenEye @deadchannellmaooooo @CFMeibo/@CFMeiboVODS @ChevilFNAF @ClapzFolded @ConnerTheFozhead @DravenJV01 @EmmaTheTransFox @fnaf_and_the_gang @Foxy-Boy @FuntimeGmod @GJ_XD @inkmangmod0813/@inkmanlivestreamschannel662 @jakub_the @MimikTheRatRabbit @MrWarriorOffical @navilingyr @ofek105 @peggo_delego666 @Prowler18 @REDACTEDVODSANDCLIPS @SoraHeals @ThatOneFearMan *_My Other YouTube Channels!_* @Xman723 @Xman7233 @Xman7234 @Xman7235 @ToyFreddyPlaysGames @TheFazbearBand *_Become A Channel Member!_* #minecraft #survival #smp Read More

  • Chest Speedrun Madness in Minecraft

    Chest Speedrun Madness in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘SPEEDRUNNING Minecraft In A CHEST’, was uploaded by SwapFlip on 2024-03-05 17:41:28. It has garnered 62 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:10 or 130 seconds. NEW BEST Hosting – –~– DONT CLICK THIS – MINECRAFT SPEEDRUN IN CHEST SPEEDRUNNING MINECRAFT IN A CHEST #speedrun #minecraft About this short – MINECRAFT SPEEDRUN IN CHEST Hashtags:- #minecraftspeedrun #minecraftspeedrunning #speedrun #minecraftchest Keywords:- Chest speedrun,Chest speedrun Minecraft,Speedrun,chest speedrun,dream speedrun music,minecraft speedrun,minecraft speedrun in the chest,minecraft speedrun seed,minecraft speedrun world record,minecraft speedrunner,minecraft speedrunning,minecraft speerun,minecraft swapflip,speedrun,speedrun in chest,swapflip chest,swapflip minecraft latest,swapflip minecraft,swapflip latest minecraft,swapflip… Read More

  • XGaming

    XGamingJoin us at for an unparalleled gaming experience! Dynamic Gameplay – Endless Possibilities! NPC-Crafted Quests Tailored Rewards Multilingual Interaction Personalized Trading Magic Spells in Any Language! Refer code: /refer xgaming Website: Ready for a gaming revolution? Join and redefine your adventure! Read More