Mastering Energy: Coke Ovens in Minecraft 1.12.2

Video Information

Hello everybody and welcome to another episode of ultimate alchemy welcome back so I have a few things that I want to get done today most notably I want to try and get a more efficient version of this water nor going I’ve seen a design or two that I

Think look really good but that’s one of the things I want to do today other thing I want to do today is kind of fix our parish you a little bit I want to change this cold generator out and the one I had in mind was the overclocked generator from extra utilities now

There’s a few reasons this so as you can see I’ve got some red coal and red coal you get from putting charcoal or coal in a resonator which is this bad boy and what this does is it uses a GP so it uses your GP which is the extra

Utilities grid power to give it an efficiency boost and at the moment you can see we’ve got a 22% boost but I want to upgrade this set up so that it’s super efficient and we get loads of GP to give it a real good boost and then we

Can put this stuff in the overclock generator and get loads of power so that’s my plan the first thing I need to do however is get ourselves some gold now gold I actually want to look at the molten gold recipe now we’re gonna need some glowstone slush and some tin in

Order to get gold so glowstone slush we get from the glowstone glowstone you can craft using torches and the bowl and pickaxe set up so if I go torches like so I’ve got a bowl here and I have a pickaxe somewhere I’ll use this one because it’s got more durability on it

We have some glowstone which is awesome so we’re going to use those also I set up an automatic you know gravel and sand crafting set up is super simple just because you know I figured it might be handy to have it on hand if we need it

So that’s that I also went ahead and set up another layer on the smeltery controller so that’s good and had like a little automated setup with a redstone clock nothing crazy but hey you never know so if we pop this glowstone dust in here give that a quick 1/2 we now have

Glowstone slush which is good we also can grab some tin which we have I don’t think it’s a one-to-one ratio it looks like it’s slightly more for tin so I think we did 15 glowstone so I probably want to do maybe 12 might do it

I’ll do a Levin for now just to see if that does the job so we’ve got one block of glowstone slush and then one block of molten gold which is actually fine so that’s that’s not too bad so we now have a block of molten gold which is awesome

So if I break this because it has some stone in it which we don’t need anymore also handy feature of having that in there so we’re gonna fill this up turn that off pop that bad boy I’ll wait you know on there we go pop that out and now we have our first

Bit of gold which is awesome so we have gold we have access to gold now which is great so now we’re gonna work on the overclocked generator first just because it’s the easier part so we’re gonna need a furnace generator which guys a furnace which requires some cobblestone so let’s

Grab that okay then we’re gonna need a machine block which is gonna require some marble now marble I wasn’t sure how we get this so I do need to have a look so we need diorite for that to get dire right we need court and cobblestone how do we get quartz I

Feel like there is a recipe for that somewhere because I’m sure I’ve seen it somewhere let’s have a look let’s have a look please no that’s not it I’m sure I saw a recipe for that somewhere where are we you know on Miss clicking everywhere I go right okay

Marble raw requires dire rate which you can get from white pigment okay that was it yeah it was the white pigment that I was looking at or bonemeal so he can get it via bone meal as well so we can actually do that here I knew there was a

Recipe somewhere that we can use to get it so we’ll convert a to an ink sac pot down there click it a lot of times I think it’s 10 times for this I’m not 100% sure so that’s gray that’s pink that’s cream yellow and then they should

Be I think after this one I know one more Oh two more there we go so we’ve got some bone meal we should have a second piece over here so we should be able to do something like that and we get one diary so this is gonna be

A costly upgrade for us at the moment but it’s something we should do so I’m gonna need one two three four so we need 16 into tall so that means I need 12 more convert those over twinks axe and we’re gonna spam the button on these a

Lot yeah I did go in good and this doesn’t use too much power so it’s not too bad there we go just kind of filter through all of these it’s funny watching them jump around they go one two I think it’s after this one there we go so we’ve got three more

Bonemeal so we need we’re gonna need even more than that actually we’re gonna need twice what we just made so that was so it’s four for charcoal per right because we get one black pigment clip whoops get one black pigment from so we get one ink sac two three

Whoops so that’s gonna give us another one array air so we need to do another sixteen so we need to convert seven more of this yeah that’s right Chuck those in there so I can’t speed that up by the looks of it which is a shame that’s okay

It’s not too difficult to do it’s just a little bit boring that’s okay almost done and then it should be this one there we go so we’ve got all the bonemeal we need I probably didn’t need that much air see now I think about it I

Didn’t but I’d say cakes it means it got more bonemeal you can tell it I can’t add up in my hair to Kanye so we’ll put that there convert that over to Marble and now we should be able to craft this bad boy which will give us some machine blocks which is awesome

So we’re going to need some iron which may have in here and have it handy there we go so we’ve got a furnace generator and now we have an overclocked generator which is going to be awesome so I can break this now and pop this

Here so now if I was to grab say some of this or if we look at the recipes you see it just instantly burns through it which is crazy now I didn’t give quite a lot of power but it does burn through it like it’s nobody’s business

And if we look at the recipe for that so if we look for over the generator you see it produces a thousand one thousand six hundred RF at 4,000 RF tick which is very odd doesn’t actually quite add up to what you’d expect if we chuck this in

Here look at all that power and it’s just gonna go through and filter that into what needs it so it’s kind of like a instant boost of power rather than a slow progressive release which is good that’sthat’s not a problem at all so next we should probably look at getting

Those water Mills sorted so the design I’m looking at needs four of them so we’re gonna need three more so we’re gonna need a lot of stuff so we’re gonna need six we’re gonna need 18 stone burn which is quite a lot so that’s half that half that there we go

18 stone burn pops that in there we’re gonna need a lot of those resonating shards we’re gonna need another three of those one two three there we go and we can put those back in there so we’ve got those we’re gonna also need lots of these redstone torch combos so we’re

Gonna need I think it’s only twelve that we need oh no it’s not it’s more than that it’s 24 that we need because we’re going to need two of them per so we get six of those which is going to give us the three we need so once this is done so I

Think I can yeah I can accelerate one this which is really really good there we go there’s our stone burn we should now be able to craft three of these which is good okay and what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna grab where are our buckets we’re

Gonna grab two buckets of water I’m gonna grab some I guess cobblestone works that’s fine so the design that I saw it’s kind of similar to what I’ve got already but it’s just slightly different so what I want to do I’m gonna break this I’m gonna pop that down okay

And I’m going to kind of filter this off into the corner a bit differently so we’ll kind of break this off for now like so and we’ll kind of do it like this so we’ll treat that as the corner so there’s going to be a water mill there

And we’re going to break this up as well because we’re going to need access to this stuff and I realize it’s kind of ruining that whole aesthetic I was going for but that’s fine so then we put that there water mill there that there water no there back there and then water mill

There and then we should be good on that part so that’s those done so that’s the general layout of where the water mills are gonna go and I’ll change this all out eventually once it’s all you know working and I know it’s all good and then I can just swap the materials out

So come around here like so like that so that’s the kind of design that I’m looking at okay and then I’m gonna need something like this so I need basically something like that we’re gonna kind of make a star shape so it’s gonna look a bit like this and it’s gonna kind of

Build its way in from the center and then again they’re like so so it all kind of looks something like that so you can probably work out the rough shape of what I’m designing there we go let’s just break this down a bit pick that one

And break that one okay and then on the interior we’re gonna have a line of blocks that goes like this so they’re gonna kind of go over the tops like that and it should form this kind of pattern here I need to get one more bit of

Cobblestone because I need that bit to be filled in so we’re basically gonna have is five water source blocks one there one there grab a few more one there one there and then one in the middle and that should be giving mils 16 GP each like so so you can see there

They’ve all got sixteen GP which is giving us 67 GP overall which is awesome because that means we don’t have to worry about this so now if we take a look at that coal we now have an 84% GP boost which is absolutely crazy and if

We look week is the same thing there but if we pop this stuff in here it’s producing a lot more power which is really really cool so yeah that’s that’s something cool so we now got like an upgraded water mill kind of feature over here that’s very odd it’s like a circle

Mixed with a square that’s cool but yeah so that now is like a fully modular system that will give us 16 GP each which is pretty cool so that’s not super awesome that’s gonna be really helpful so next thing that I want to look at is getting so we’ve got some gold that’s

Good I also wanted to look at copper see if you remember I was confused about how we get copper copper it turns out there was a particular one that was supposed to look at and trying to find it is difficult but there is a recipe here it

Is compressed sand is what we needed sorry four five six seven eight nine and we kind of pushed that all up in there we get some compressed sand you can pop that in I also want to maybe get an RF coil which is this thing which will

Allow me to basically use GP to power my furnace so you see that it uses the RF stored in wireless batteries to create heat so the battery we need to fill up with energy and then so that’s for example go over here and do this if we

Fill that up this coil will use the energy from that to power it basically so you see that we’ve got some energy stored up you see it’s using the coil to power this furnace which is really really cool so we’ve basically got RF powered furnaces now but just very

Slowly and obviously this any works while the thing has charge so that is gonna you know take one but what we can do is we can make another one of these so we’ve got one here we’ll grab ourselves another furnace like so okay and what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna

Hook in that furnace with one of these in there well do that what does that jump out I don’t know why that’s jumping out but okay we’re gonna need some more chests we’re gonna need a oak barrel like an infinite oak barrel and what we’re gonna do is where’s my item translators so

They are so I’m gonna put a barrel up here filtering wood into the top slot I’m gonna put one of these in there that’s I don’t know where that kicks it out that’s really odd I guess because maybe it doesn’t have enough GP that’s really good

But what we’re gonna do is I’m gonna have this out put coal and then I should have done this closer than I did there with me I need to move this one forward there we go so that needs to go there that needs to it not there that needs to

There barrel needs to go on top para needs to go like that putting wood into the thing yeah and then we’re gonna need another one that goes from here if you need to craft another item translocator which is a little annoying that’s no problem pistons we should have one no scrub a

Stack of that chuck go in there grab one of those item translocator there we go so we’ve got some more so I should be able to pop that in there I think okay I need to put some fuel in there first I think just to kind of kickstart it

So let’s grab some of that but we do have copper now which is awesome so if I kick start this now and I put that in there Oh oh right yeah of course it is doing that that’s what I thought right so we can’t

Do it that way we need to do it from underneath which is a little annoying but the way we can get around that is where using a chest so we should be able to do something like this like that in that way and then we can do break this

Block here like so and then we can do something like that in that way and then we should be able to put that in there doesn’t stay for whatever reason I’m really not sure why that’s not staying in there but hey who’s for me to decide

So I put that in there that in there now it’s staying in there okay but it didn’t burn quick enough which is he issue so I wonder if that’s going to be a case of it’s not going to output enough energy to do that actual no it’s not so we need

To find an alternate fuel source maybe I don’t know can this burn love I wonder if it can burn lava it can’t oh wait now maybe you can burning smelts 100 items no we need we need a better fuel maybe coal coke will work better that’s an interesting question

Yeah so coal and charcoal maybe not so where we could do more read call I guess that would work so let’s grab half a stack of that put that in there speed that bad boy up and see if we can get some red coal which might at least do a better job of

It and see see what that’s like as if so we we might just have to have like an automated radical conversion as well which will put a drain on but hey worth trying so just double checking out eighty-four percent efficiency boost so that will maybe kickstart the process a

Bit so that is processing but I don’t think it’s gonna keep up I want to see how fast the strains oh yeah yeah yeah there’s no way that’s gonna keep up okay so we might have to kill this this idea for now but in the future I’ll

Definitely get it sorted yeah at least we have the overclock generator now which we can use for power as well I think I think maybe the coils is going a bit too far I think that might be a bit much so we’ll hold off on those for now

But at least we’ve got them which is good let’s grab some more of this charcoal and pop that actually I want to put it in here for now speed that up and then we’ve got some copper and obviously with copper we can use that to make

Other stuff as well so like if we look at the smelting we can smell that down and then we can use that to alloy to get all the other things we need so you can make brass and bronze things like that which is going to come in very useful

Yeah so we’ve got kind of a base resources now we’ve got tin copper and gold which is good we’ve got iron which is good we’ve got this glowstone slush which is interesting I’ve not seen that yet I think that’s a new liquid added by the mod pack which is cool and we got

Ourselves some energy-efficient watermills which is awesome so let’s look at our grass area so over here we’re doing quite well with this we’ve got a little patch so I should have some bone meal left over so let’s see if I pop that there we’re gonna try and

Freeze all of this to try and get some form of seeds to drop that’s kind of what we’re after we’re after the hemp seeds mostly we just get just from that that’s unexpected but yeah so we want to try and get some string basically so we’re gonna break this all open and see

What we got so we got some coffee seeds not kind of helpful canola seeds which may be helpful later for power dandelions poppies flax seeds which we can use cactus and sugarcane so I’m gonna go and store those over there because those are actually come in

Handy really soon so I’ll kind of put those over here this is like our designated plug chest I want to grab the two bits of iron two sticks and make myself a home and we’ve got a bucket on us already so I’ll grab a bucket of

Water and I’m gonna grab some slabs just kind of put put some water in the middle there let’s see so now I should be able to do something like this and plant ourselves some flax seeds and speed this growth up like so and now we have string

We actually have string which is awesome so now we can plant these over here like so and we have string we actually have string so now what we can do is now that we’ve got string we can make that engineer’s hammer that we’ve been waiting so long to get and finally we

Can activate our coke oven oh yeah so let’s grab I think we need a pulverizer first if I remember correctly we need to get pulverized charcoal to get coal so if we look at pulverized charcoal into coke oven gets coal and some creosote so we need to get a pulverizer first which

Required the bronze the copper ears and it also required gold so I need to make myself an ingot cast as well so let’s grab a piece of iron because I don’t have any gold left over unfortunately and to get gold I needed it was tin wasn’t it tin and glowstone to get that

So we’ve got our mold there I might need to get some more glowstone which is fine glowstone I’m missing the pickaxe on my over here posting ghosting glowstone and torches oh I don’t have normal torches I just have stone ones here we go grab some of those awesome make

Ourselves some glowstone there we are and we’ll just see how much we get from this tin because I’m kind of curious it’s gonna give us it does give us three ingots of gold that’s good so I can pop this iron ingot down make sure the gold is on the bottom pull that

Out to get an ingot cast and then we use the one remaining piece of gold in the crafting like so there we are so we now have an ingot of gold so to get ourselves a pulverizer we are gonna need a piston we’re gonna need a machine

Frame which is gonna require more tin so more 10 means more compressed gravel so we can grab some of that like so one two three kind of split that down I know it’s not completely equal there we go so we’ve got some compressed gravel pop that in there to get ourselves some

Tin just so we’ve got some we’ve got some copper on us as well so let’s see tin gear like so we’re gonna need some glass as well so we’ll take that out I do have some sand here which is good so we are get that done

Nice so then we can make ourselves a machine frame our first tinker’s machine of the playthrough which is cool there we go so we’ve got two of those we need a coil which we’ve got and then all we need is the Flint which is gonna require two like so and the piston which

We should have some in here we do one of those please we now have a pond razor awesome so where do we put mr. polarizer I’m gonna put mr. pawl razor over here I’m gonna grab one of those RF transmitters I think it cost more the

Further away you go that’s like so check on our charcoal put our charcoal in the resonator speed that up so we can get some red call because that is worth it and the benefit is it’s as we expand our you know set up for the GP we’re basically gonna have more and more

Efficient fuel until we get to the coal coke stuff which is going to be super good because if we find cold coke and we look up that in an overclocked you can see here it’s much much more efficient twice as efficient in fact so that’s

Gonna be super good so we are so we’ll put that in there for now now I’ll get us some some power and that should be powering up this guy over here which it is which is awesome so now we that pulverizer what was it that we needed it for I’ve completely forgotten

Pulverizer what do we need you for we need you for something I can’t remember what it is there’s a lot of recipes to go through so I’m hoping it jogs my memory we need it for oh yes that’s right we needed it for the chocol so if

We grab some charcoal over here and then we pop that in there so that will give us pulverized charcoal which we should then be able to put in here and that should process into coal for us which we can then use for the recipes that required coal and some other things as

Well and it produces a little bit of Korea so very much so now we’ve got coal which is cool because we can use that for a few things I do vaguely remember that there was recipes that required pulverized coals specifically but I’m not entirely sure if that is still the

Case yeah we we have coal now which is awesome so this thing we can speed up believe it or not you can’t just do it by like shift right clicking here it doesn’t work but what we can do is get an ender porcupine I believe it is

Called and end a porcupine yeah so this is something that we might want to craft at some point but we’re gonna need to get some ender poles for that first which require resonant ender which we can get with a magma crucible or by smelting up those ender shots that we

Got from breaking down Pistons so that’s something that maybe we should just get going now while we can and then see what we can do with them so let’s grab a load of pistons we need a lot more planks in there and to speed those up a bit oh I’m out

Of cobblestone that would help there we go look at that 21 Pistons recipe for that like so put those all up in there and we got loads of these bad boys so now we can melt these all down like so and make sure our redstone clock is off

There we go so we’ve got 425 resin entender right to make a pearl we need sake ender pearl which requires a cast that requires three material now I don’t know I don’t know what that material like how much material so it looks like 250 mil a buckets per ender pearl so

We’ve got just shy of two so it’s a fairly expensive recipe believe it or not but that’s okay because we can we can definitely do that so what I’ll do is I will just kind of chuck some more planks in there and get those Pistons ready and I’ll start

Crafting up some some of that in Tyrion for next episode because for now we’ve reached the end of the episode so I hope you guys enjoyed that I hope you guys have enjoyed this series so far let me know if you have as always I will see

You guys in the next episode please do check out the patreon as well if you’d help to support the channel and yeah consider subscribing if you want to see more and give me a like or a dislike depending on whether you liked or disliked the video leave a comment if

You’ve got any tips or you want to talk about the episode that we just had and yeah I’ll see you guys the next one guys good bye

This video, titled ‘Energy Management and Coke Ovens – Ultimate Alchemy (Modded Minecraft 1.12.2) #5’, was uploaded by Ashen Plays on 2019-01-19 20:45:00. It has garnered 23 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:35 or 2015 seconds.

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Ultimate Alchemy is a modpack for Minecraft 1.12.2 – It is based on the popular ‘Skyblock’ style of modpack, but you begin with creative flight! You begin your story as a delinquent magical student, being given the ultimate test to complete; the quest to craft the legendary “clay”.

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    EPIC Mountain Side House Tour: MINECRAFT & ROBLOX Madness! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #aesthetic #mountain side #house #tour #shorts ~ #funny #edit #roblox #dance #l #gaming’, was uploaded by Foo Tzi Wei Gaming on 2023-12-23 13:28:38. It has garnered 4 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC MINECRAFT SERVER 24/7 PVP + SURVIVAL #minecraftlive

    EPIC MINECRAFT SERVER 24/7 PVP + SURVIVAL #minecraftliveVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT LIVE 🔴 PUBLIC SMP | java + pe | 24/7 server | #minecraftlive 24/7 | survival’, was uploaded by X GAMERZ on 2024-03-18 11:25:58. It has garnered 412 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 02:06:17 or 7577 seconds. MINECRAFT LIVE 🔴 PUBLIC SMP | java + pe | 24/7 server | #minecraftlive 24/7 | survival DISCORD LINK Minecraft Live 24/7 Minecraft Smp Java+Pe || Minecraft Live Hindi 🌐 [ Survival ]▫️ Season 2 ▫️[ End war ] __ ▶️ Java [ 1.14 – 1.20.4 ] ▶️ Bedrock/pocket Edition[… Read More

  • OMG! Watch Igneo220’s insane entity overload!

    OMG! Watch Igneo220's insane entity overload!Video Information This video, titled ‘Dev stream #20 entities, entities everywhere’, was uploaded by Igneo220 on 2024-05-28 11:13:52. It has garnered 35 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:21:16 or 4876 seconds. dev stream of a mod for my Minecraft server music by C418, Lena Raine, Christopher Larkin, and PvZ jazz covers by ImRuscellOfficial discord in there Read More


    SHOCKING! Airi Viridis RECYCLES THUMBNAIL?Video Information This video, titled ‘REUSING THUMBNAILS’, was uploaded by Airi Viridis Ch. 【V-Dere】 on 2024-05-28 23:15:53. It has garnered 781 views and 188 likes. The duration of the video is 01:46:46 or 6406 seconds. Playing Minecraft on the V-Dere Server tippy. Please note that all tippy are non-refundable! I lick them all! rules. ♥ Be kind! Don’t insult others and don’t use bad words, always respect your fellow Viridevils! ♥ No back seating! I may be new to some games, but I would like to figure things out myself unless I specifically say “viridevils can help me now”… Read More

  • Unbelievable Twist in Unknown303x Minecraft Hardcore Series! #day1

    Unbelievable Twist in Unknown303x Minecraft Hardcore Series! #day1Video Information This video, titled ‘The begining of my new Minecraft Hardcore series #day1’, was uploaded by Unknown303x on 2024-03-24 02:03:43. It has garnered 48 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:00 or 600 seconds. Minecraft Hardcore series Ep-1 || The begining *gone wrong _________________________ do the above using VidIQ (I use both)(Affiliate Link): How I build awesome 🔥”HOUSE”🏠 in my “Survival world” MINECRAFT💥 #minecraft #survivalseries _____________________________ Hastags : – #minecraft #minecraftfunnygameplay #minecraftsurvivalseries #minecraftsurvival #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #minecraftanimation #minecraftgameplay1 #minecrafthardcormode #survival #survivalseries #minecraftlive #minecraftbuilding #isurvived100daysminecrafthindipocketaddition #gaming #games #minecraftlongvideo __________________________________________ I request you 🥺 : – HIT… Read More

  • SHOCKING Transformation: Hindu to Muslim?! #CrazyMemes

    SHOCKING Transformation: Hindu to Muslim?! #CrazyMemesVideo Information This video, titled ‘هغه هندوه جینی مې مسلمان مې کړه #memes #minecraft #music #mobilelegends #mobilelegends #aforapple’, was uploaded by تــرنــم ټال on 2024-04-22 13:28:13. It has garnered 65 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Read More

  • The 🅱️inecraft 🅱️ealm – 1.20.4 – SMP – Hard – Whitelist

    Welcome to the Binecraft Bealm! CHECK US OUT ON DISCORD! We are a small group of players who love making immersive builds, crazy redstone, and playing with friends. This world is never resetting, so come add to the history. Looking for people to help us expand our server and grow into an active community! Build or adventure, the choice is yours! Currently have community builds, looking for help creating a spawn area, community areas, and a shopping district. All suggestions will be heard and discussed within our group. Our Server is a democracy and every suggestion is valid. No griefing… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Lukewarm mob voting experience

    Minecraft Memes - Lukewarm mob voting experienceLooks like this meme got voted off the island by the mobs! Read More

  • Debt to Duo: Dave’s SMP Woe!

    Debt to Duo: Dave's SMP Woe! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Dave made a mistake, it may sound like a dream. But in Duo SMP, where teamwork is key, One wrong move can lead to a catastrophe. The viewers all gasped, as Dave’s error was shown, But Kroberto kept calm, in a rhyming tone. He described the mishap with humor and wit, Turning a blunder into a viral hit. So if you’re a fan of Minecraft and fun, Check out Kroberto’s stream, where the rhymes never shun. Subscribe, like, and follow along with the crew, For more epic moments and rhymes… Read More

  • “Hot Minecraft Logic: Troll Face Edition” 😂🔥 #tiktokviral

    "Hot Minecraft Logic: Troll Face Edition" 😂🔥 #tiktokviral “Why do we spend hours building elaborate structures in Minecraft, only to panic and run away from a single creeper? Logic at its finest.” 😂🤷‍♂️ #minecraftlogic #trollface Read More

  • Experience Thrilling Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Experience Thrilling Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to! Are you a fan of the latest Minecraft updates and features? If so, you need to check out Minewind Minecraft Server. With its unique gameplay and community-driven environment, Minewind offers an exciting and immersive experience for players of all levels. One of the reasons why you should join Minewind is the constant innovation and updates that keep the gameplay fresh and exciting. Just like the new cave sounds in Minecraft that are both scary and thrilling, Minewind is always introducing new elements to keep players engaged and entertained. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft player or just… Read More

  • Minecraft Skinwalker Sound Effects

    Minecraft Skinwalker Sound Effects Minecraft: The Skinwalker – Unleashing Terrifying Sound Effects Within the vast and immersive world of Minecraft, a new mod has emerged to send shivers down players’ spines. The Skinwalker mod, created by the talented @masoniscool864, introduces a chilling atmosphere with its spine-tingling sound effects and eerie encounters. Exploring the Depths of Fear As players venture into the dark woods, they may encounter mysterious entities like the Man from the Fog, the Cavedweller, and the Goatman. Each of these creatures brings a unique sense of dread, amplified by the haunting sound effects that accompany their presence. The Man from the… Read More

  • 300 Days in Minecraft Mod – Journey to the Moon in Pure Insanity

    300 Days in Minecraft Mod - Journey to the Moon in Pure InsanityVideo Information This video, titled ‘I spent 300 Days to get to THE MOON In Minecraft Create Mod’, was uploaded by Dejojotheawsome on 2024-05-27 19:00:31. It has garnered 21381 views and 541 likes. The duration of the video is 03:24:55 or 12295 seconds. Discord: Modpack download: Strap in for 300 days of Create Mod engineering and utter shenanigans as Dejojotheawsome begins his journey to conquer space itself in Create Mod! In this pack you’ll witness factories rise from the ground, vast exploration, and eventually space travel on a beautiful rocket ship! Get ready for my first 300 days… Read More

  • Haunted Minecraft Lady Jumpscare!

    Haunted Minecraft Lady Jumpscare!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT DEMON LADY JUMPSCARE 😭#minecraft #fivenight #gaming #horrorgaming #scary #minecraftmeme’, was uploaded by Oldgamerj300 on 2024-05-01 05:35:49. It has garnered 11314 views and 253 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Read More

  • “Insane Gamer Block Craft – Ultra Realistic Minecraft!” #shorts

    "Insane Gamer Block Craft - Ultra Realistic Minecraft!" #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Realistic minecraft #shorts #blast #water’, was uploaded by Gamer Block Craft on 2024-05-06 16:35:36. It has garnered 2 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Read More

  • Adopt Mikey the Enderman MIND in Minecraft – SHOCKING!

    Adopt Mikey the Enderman MIND in Minecraft - SHOCKING!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ Control Enderman MIND to ADOPT Mikey in Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by Mikey Spikey on 2024-02-14 15:00:23. It has garnered 594232 views and 3231 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:47 or 947 seconds. JJ Control Enderman MIND to ADOPT Mikey in Minecraft (Maizen) This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen – @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, I hope you will enjoy my videos! Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Goal! Donate Rp. 40,000 = End Game!

    Ultimate Minecraft Goal! Donate Rp. 40,000 = End Game!Video Information This video, titled ‘Live: Setiap Donasi Rp40.000 = TAMATIN Minecraft 1 Kali… (hari 4)’, was uploaded by Clementdav on 2024-03-30 12:20:07. It has garnered 15017 views and 758 likes. The duration of the video is 03:27:12 or 12432 seconds. Livestream Minecraft Indonesia: Every donation = Speedrun TAMATIN Minecraft… Every donation of IDR 40,000 = I have to speedrun TAMATIN Minecraft random seeds (don’t use seeds) and can reset. 🙏 Donate: Minimum IDR 40,000 ONLY FOR THIS LIVE, Text to Speech, Can GIF & Media Share Note: 1. You can also donate in multiples of 40k, for example… Read More

  • Fenwo’s Final Console Stream – Unleash the Mystical Hive

    Fenwo's Final Console Stream - Unleash the Mystical HiveVideo Information This video, titled ‘A Mystical Hive Live (Last Console Stream)’, was uploaded by Fenwo on 2024-05-19 22:11:33. It has garnered 1133 views and 83 likes. The duration of the video is 02:26:06 or 8766 seconds. Minecraft hive or zeqa or cubecraft live stream NEW STICKERS Pack is my classic mash I have a video on it Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Collab: Fubuki Introduces Haato to Minecraft!

    Mind-Blowing Collab: Fubuki Introduces Haato to Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Haato’s First Exposure To Minecraft [Fubuki POV] (Part 1/3)’, was uploaded by StrawHaaton on 2024-03-19 04:00:34. It has garnered 53 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:16 or 1636 seconds. HAACHAMA Ch: Heart of Akai: Fubuki Ch. Shirakami Fubuki: Source: Haato & Fubuki_Let’s make diamond blocks together in Minecraft! [Privated] 11 July 2018 ID: 64H0-5Ag96M Haato’s (edited) POV is still public! Thank you for watching and sorry for not knowing Japanese. If you want to use this clip and upload it on your own channel with translations, PLEASE… Read More

  • “OMG! Herobine sighted in Minecraft!! 🤯” #viral #shorts #trending

    "OMG! Herobine sighted in Minecraft!! 🤯" #viral #shorts #trendingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobine spotted In Minecraft!😶🥶 #trending #viral #shorts #short #minecraft #comedy #funny #memes’, was uploaded by Azeem boyy on 2024-01-07 04:45:48. It has garnered 5021 views and 207 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. Herobrine Spotted!🥶😨😱 #shorts #short #viral #minecraft #herobrine #trending #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe @Bebu @minecraft Tags used 👇🏻 minecraft, techno gamerz camera man Minecraft video Minecraft herobrine 1. Crafting 2. Redstone 3. Mods 4. Biomes 5. Enchanting 6. Exploration 7. Villagers 8. Nether 9. Ender Dragon 10. Adventure Maps1. Survival 2. Creative 3. Redstone 4. PvP (Player vs Player)… Read More

  • DJ dk’s Malibu Love Song – Subscribe Now!

    DJ dk's Malibu Love Song - Subscribe Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘#bhojpuri #pleasesubscribe #malibu #shortvideo #bhojpuri_status #minecraft #dj #ginfizz #song #new’, was uploaded by Love you DJ dk on 2024-02-19 04:03:38. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • HowlSteal

    HowlStealThere are many lifesteal servers, but there is only one Lifesteal, and is where you will find it! We strive to be the best available public lifesteal server there is and we are constantly innovating and adding new features, hosting events and giveaways, and listening to our community. Read More

  • Broomstix SMP Creative Semi-Vanilla 1.20.4 Claims Classic Bedrock-Java FlyOnSundays DynMap CustomEnchants PetTeleport

    Server Information: Java & Bedrock IP: Default ports Discord server (w/ voice channels): Join our Discord server Online In-game map: Check out our online map Features: Backwards compatibility with latest Minecraft version Cross-play between Bedrock and Java (No Java account required) Hard difficulty Custom enchantments Teleport mobs with a lead Free fly in the overworld every Sunday Land claiming with ProtectionStones Bartering economy system No griefing Exclusive main PvP arena with keep inventory Random teleportation in the overworld and nether In-game private messaging and player teleportation options Minecraft-Discord integration for community interaction Responsive staff Voting ranks and rewards Server… Read More

  • tedsstr

    asdasdasdasdas das as asdas das das asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd a das asd das as asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd ad s asd ads ads asd asd asd asd asd da s das ads asd das da ads da ads ad a ds ads ad s ad ads Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Me after a cave bender!

    Minecraft Memes - Me after a cave bender!Me after leaving the cave: “I may have left the cave, but the cave never truly leaves me. It’s like a permanent echo chamber in my soul, reminding me of all the times I got lost and panicked in the darkness.” Read More

  • Cube Xuan: MC Players Unleash Fifth Personality!

    Cube Xuan: MC Players Unleash Fifth Personality! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Players explore, build, and survive. But when they venture into the realm of Identity V, The fifth personality adds a new level of glee. With fans urging me to give it a try, I jump in, ready to soar and fly. Choosing the cheerleader, a popular pick, I motivate him with passive skills, quick and slick. As the heartbeat pounds, I encourage him on, Stacking up his strength, until the fear is gone. But when he falls, I boost him up high, With 28 layers of health, he’s ready to defy…. Read More

  • Hot diggity dog, it’s a Minecraft meme!

    Hot diggity dog, it's a Minecraft meme! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she kept blowing up at him!” #minecraft #minecraftmeme Read More