Mastering Hardcore Skyblock: Villager Techniques

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You Y w They He hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello let’s uh put this on a live screen yes it’s working it’s good um this will be a professional stream as always um I’ve not streamed in a long time how is everyone I was chatting to you AJ in

The in the chat I hope you’re doing okay um yeah this is my hardore Minecraft world in Sky Block uh so I thought we’d do we’ do some streamy things today I want to get some villagers out of that although all I can see at the minute is creeper toes

Um and we’re going to do some decorating I think Playa some resource Gathering ready for the next episode which I should be releasing next week work permitting but yeah hope you’re all good David Scoggins hey how you doing you’re all right hope you’re having a great

Weekend but yeah um I was thinking about this earlier and I’m still I’m still very early game at the minute so like when it gets to nighttime I’m going to kind of like need to cow because cuz the Phantoms will kill me um and I was like

Well how am I going to make that interesting on a stream um so I think I’ll be doing a lot of work over at the spawner and I just need to I need to make myself a roof so I think that’ll be one of

The might spru G ah there we go I think that’ll be one of the first things I do make that area a little more um should we say user friendly cuz at the minute it’s uh it’s a bit precarious why is there am I getting entity cramming already I maybe someone had

Thns oh I think I’ll get my first bit of armor and a bit of iron okay that is uh that is a very good way to start this stream I am I now have a shield well I will have a shield that is huge right let’s

Uh H don’t want it to look like that I wanted it to be nice and neat there we go uh and then should we do one like this make it pretty here oh that was a creeper falling yeah so I think when we get to the night time and stuff like that I’ll

Probably just be around here I might just put a quick roof on it just so that I don’t get absolutely destroyed by the Phantoms but look at that gold chest plate I’ve got bling I’ve got bling that’s going to be that’s going to be really handy when I go to the nether

As well really handy I thought I was trying to kill them with a shovel then that would not be good yes oh yes this was this was worth the investment this was getting the spawner set up uh where’s all my spruce planks I’m going to have to get rid of

That water source as well cuz that’s just annoying at the minute uh there they are and we’ll get some of you replanted as well so yeah that’s my plan so that you’re not just like oh brilliant cous is just now cowering for the next 10 minutes while it’s night time um I will

Be doing stuff at the resource grinder and just generally generally chatting nonsense to you really if you if you’re happy with that speaking now forever hold your peace yeah this should uh this should stop me from getting absolutely hounded by the Phantoms I don’t know whether anyone saw

My episode out yesterday or the day before I very nearly got ended by a phantom up there which was uh not fun oh I’m not that far off being able to make a bed really not that far off now I don’t have to worry about Phantoms anymore did I put any string up

Here let me see let me see let me see I put any string in here no but I do I okay I may also do some Inventory management on this stream as well because uh I’m actually I’ve actually got stuff you know I’ve got I’ve got goodies so that might be

Something that I need to do um cuz yeah I’m I’m kind of running out of space but until I’m completely out of space let’s let’s go down here and we’ll we’ll get some goodies oh I’ve just realized I’ve not made these as high as the other

Ones but I’m happy with that height I’ll keep it that height says anyone up to much on this um on this a sad ni Sunday isn’t it Sunday morning wow I’m losing days losing days and my mind but mostly days then we’ll make a I think we’ll make a

Barrel what do I need for barrels again need a bit of e thing uh where’s my barrels I want a nice Barrel it’s amazing how i’ had given anything for some wheat Seas not long ago and now I’m just like yeah just throw them there it’s fine iy

Re oh did I just hear a villager I think I might have heard I definitely heard Fizzles I’m sure I heard a zombie villager in there but I can’t see it for all the mess let me make an axe quick something definitely fizzled why are they running around like

Lunatics is it that efficient that I’m getting entity crowning or in there like usually these things don’t make mobs this quick yes that is that is a zombie villager right I need to be cleever about this cuz I want to keep that villager alive uh H this is probably not

The right time of night to be doing this with Phantoms flying around so basically what I need to do is I need to block off the spawner um and get that zombie in a boat hey weirded and bearded how are you doing uh I hope you’re doing well so

There’s definitely a villager in there or zombie villager in this case I don’t know if I really want to mess around W there’s potentially Phantoms about especially up high oh let’s do it why not oh I found out stabs hang on uh there we go right SAS spawner shut off for the

Moment now let’s see if we can get that oh is that going to break through that might break through hang on I’m trying not to be stupid I’m just thinking if I mine that through and it goes all the way through like that that would have been

Bad um I’m glad you’re doing well saw quite a bit of your stream the other day you seem to do quite well for the fness um charity stream was good to see unfortunately I couldn’t join you cuz I was um looking after the kitties it was chaos in the couser house

Which reminds me actually this is the first time that I’ve tried streaming at this time of day so if you hear small children in the background then uh it’s just my it’s just my little minions but they are a little bit older now so I thought I’d risk it 13

Hours blim me I’ve never streamed that long in my life right that is going to be awkward maybe I can budge them about a bit split them up a bit wait is that a witch or is that I think that’s just a a witch isn’t it I think the zombie villager I head’s

Dead yes indeed well you can just die instead or at least you could if everything’s breaking on me oh No I need to make a sword there we go die I don’t want a witch right now thank you oh got a bit of redstone my goodness I’m getting all the goodies today there we go right I need to sort out that blockage that I’ve made now don’t

I it’s always something in sky Sky Block isn’t there I’ve got even more string now I think I can make a bed pretty sure I left the rest of the string did I put the string in here yes okay this is big this is big ladies and gentlemen no more worrying about

Phantoms oh yeah well in that case I may as well put it in my bedroom cuz I’m actually now going to have a bedroom and beautiful no more Phantoms right I’ve forgotten how to use ladders there we go oh beautiful so if we just do that sort of every couple of

Days don’t have to worry about the Phantoms they can go away I need to unblock this now oh that’s such a big moment all right but it’s not the big moment we is after today the big moment I wanted today was villagers and I did have a villager in

There but I think they probably suffocated which you know it’s unfortunate don’t let them see me it’s raining mops Hallelujah right let’s kill some of these off I can’t hear a zombie villager in there so we’ll just go for it we just clear them out on Mass so many

Goodies I think there might even be some tools in there as well loads of bows so I’ve got a decent bow for going to the nether which is going to be really handy thank you very much um what else have I got those are bones brilliant so food is not really

Going to be a problem anymore probably make some fish probably make a swim pool if you want make some fish fishy fishy fish fish put these together hopefully get a full fixed bow near enough oh no I’ve got one more one more there we are beautiful loads of arrows already let’s make that

Shield oh yeah look at me look look at me all geared up all geared up in Minecraft Sky Block oh yeah right I might let you lock build up a little bit more for a bit and go and finish finish oh hello spider ow spiders can almost sneak through

There which I had not anticipated don’t really need you right now so you can go in there um yes so let’s finish this bit off so that I’m not so scared when I’m working around it so I don’t really fancy falling into the void today on stream be a little bit

Awkward like a proper Warrior yeah good to go uh let’s go down to here yeah I’m basically basically op already in Sky Block little bit of gold armor oh put it all in the chest in there here we go loads of Bones loads and loads and loads of Bones

Uh yes there we go and I’m thinking I might today make a platform but I want to make a platform like down there so like a level down cuz like I was saying I kind of want to do like a bit of a chaotic kind of I don’t want to do neat

Circles everyone does neat circles I want it to be slap Dash and a bit like I said you know bit all over the place on my personality so uh yeah I think I’m going to make a a thing off on a diagonal down there and I’m going to put my nether portal on

That I think that’s how we’re going to do it cuz that be how I roll I’m just going to block this off for now I will probably be adding to it at some point I don’t know what but I will be adding something to

It um give me some ideas if you got some something that you’d like to see I’m thinking maybe just another growing area there we are yeah like a maybe a farm area for crops cuz then I can be doing a bit of crops and coming down here and doing a

Bit of looting at the same time is that a witch yeah it’s a witch die witches just don’t want to die there we go please don’t block up creepers oh of the arrows right sweet all of the bones excuse you yeah I might even make a swimming

Pool today do a little bit of fishing see what I get whoa the real mustache Man live yes I am indeed indeedly indeedly do I am work has calmed down a little bit should we say I wouldn’t say it’s you know it’s completely non-chaotic but it has calmed

Down um so I’m trying to get back in to a into a rhythm with streaming and uh I had the Epiphany the other day I didn’t realize how close I was to monetization on YouTube which is cool um but the thing that’s let me down

Is watch time so I was like well do you know what I’m going to stream on on the you the tube and see if that helps yes I am indeed live it is me the the genuine mustache man killing creepers in hardcore I’m sure say sizz then in Hardcore Minecraft Looking for zombie

Villagers oh my God that’s not good Hi friend no oh well well there goes my hardore Minecraft world live on stream well I was taking a sip of coffee brilliant you have inspired me to do a hardcore Sky Block but I had forgotten how to communicate had to commentate

Oh oh well let’s see see who it was that killed me I think it was this uh skeleton that was sudden wasn’t it I didn’t even hear the uh creeper hiss I didn’t even hear the creeper hiss and then I must have um taken a lot of damage from it why you do

This why you do these things right well I mean that leaves us with two options I can either restart a series lot the spiders in here can either restart a series um or just go off and do something completely different for a bit that is not how I expected the

Stream to go I’ll be honest with you 25 5 minutes in and lose my whole world I think it was you that killed me as well is it oh I’ve I’m actually a skeleton I’ve actually taken the skeleton’s Viewpoint point I didn’t know

You could do that how do I get out of it oh there we go well ideas from the floor what do you think we should do cuz uh I did not expect that ah I managed to make two episodes Ah this is why go ghost czer this is why I should not do hardcore series they just don’t last long enough they just don’t last long enough I di too quick again I’m the bad Omen sorry guys take full responsibility it happened right as I

Joined no it was um it was I was literally I was distracted taking a sip of coffee and I just did not hear the creeper hiss it just went straight off oh well at least uh at least I get a short out of it yeah the experience exactly

Yeah it was a fun 20 minute stream right I don’t know I’m tempted to start another series tempted to start another playthrough cuz that was just silly that was at least you died when Sunset happened it was a pretty death yes exactly yeah I think um let’s have a look at the

Replay I so excited I just got my bed I got a shield what I just got here yep things went very wrong coffee things went very wrong we’re about to investigate just how wrong they went here we go up okay so that’s when it’s gone wrong already make it times

Eight no I’m going to leave on 7.75 I’m going to leave on 7.5 just cuz it’s sending people sideways hello Tyler the snake how you doing right I hear hissing I think this is where it went wrong no way he fell and just blew up I’m not buying that he just fell and

Just went n I’m blowing up where is he here he is here’s the culprit ending my series see what how did that happen yeah that’s it Mo Jan’s getting sued bad creeper bad creeper aggro AI so one of them hisses but I killed it it was dead it was deaded and then he

Falls and just and just instantly blows up in my face and then obviously that must have hurt me more than what I even had time to comprehend and realizing he kills me in two hits [Laughter] an in real life stack of diamonds I’m not can you get stacks of

Diamonds right well I tell what I’m going to do I’m going to pause this stream and I’m going to load up a new Sky Block World I think and we’re going to start this again in hardcore and then I think what I might do for my episode 3 is speed run it to

Kind of like this point maybe I don’t think I’ll build this same house again I think I’ll do something different for the house but yeah let me um let me pop you on the pause screen I’m still going to be here just chatting away oh my goodness if they see you somehow they

Can start to aggro before falling yeah but I don’t get how he would have even seen me um I’ve got the gaps in the barriers I suppose episode three will be that we need to talk yeah I think that’s how I’ll start it it’ll be basically me going over that

Way quickly and then a montage of me speed running to like that kind of uh that kind of age stage of the game um have I got I think I’ve got a another downloaded version of it yes it’s that one isn’t it uh extract [Laughter] you ah Hardcore Minecraft day on the Stream

Who thought that was a good idea for someone like me oh my goodness I think my kids are watching downstairs as well so my kids are just going to be like oh my God right where’s my saves saves here we go put some music on for you as well while we’re

Uh while we’re doing this don’t know what kind of music this is start the episode with your death then make the screen go black and white say we need have talk it was at that moment K I realized he messed up oh I had such high hopes for today’s

Stream we can recover this people we have the technology we can do this [Laughter] I’m surprised IIs hasn’t chimed in with a think of the shorts at least he’ll make a good short oh dear I still don’t think that’s my worst um Hardcore Minecraft death though I don’t if anyone’s seen my um

First attempt to Hardcore Minecraft but I died to an iron golem I died no one’s going to be surprised that it’s going to be like yeah Kaza died again kazza went and died again right uh is that in I’m not sure if that’s in hardcore

Though I need to get a new chair I’ve got like a really tiny little office chair that’s just like rickety no right wrong one uh Is it still in downloads yes there we go oh no that’s the wrong one there it is oh for goodness sakes so I’m just hunting for the um Hardcore Minecraft download cuz I think I deleted it after I extracted it which is fine I’m just going to have to redownload it

I mean that was definitely one way to start a stream it wasn’t it on a Sunday here we go here it is right download the hardcore version check your episode one it’s where I got it from oh yeah of course yeah soz I put it in the um in the description didn’t

I what is this song There we go that dude right is it downloaded yes perfect right extract my friend died full damage in water in our s SMP how’s that even happen I got blown up by a phantom once but um true story that was Jo one

Of our um our our take on the um last life genre was called Soul Plus um and yeah got blown up blown up by a phantom unbelievable here we go got [Laughter] it uh I know I’m laughing but I am dying slightly on the [Laughter] inside Oh such a stupid death like I say I still think it’s not my worst death the death message was so weird I have a screenshot of it I’ll send it to on Twitter yeah yeah send it to me on Twitter yeah I think we’ve got each other on Twitter haven’t

We send all of the tweets I can’t believe they try re branding that from Twitter to X like it just yeah s it to me on X just doesn’t doesn’t flow off the tongue does it yeah that was um I can’t remember who it was that I killed with me was it

Kolk some someone got taken out with me and I felt very bad where’s it gone why is it not in there he’s going to send you a video on yeah it just just doesn’t make sense does it just doesn’t just doesn’t roll off the tongue doesn’t sound natural Uh oh what’s going on Here Minecraft why are you being weird yeah so you’re back in there you’re there so Minecraft just find the find the silly sa file oh I’ve been I’ve been sent sent an X I’ve been sent an X let’s have a look death dotf accident water what that’s so weird that doesn’t even

Make sense it’s not even good England doesn’t even make sense all right come on Minecraft find the save file I wonder if it’s I might have put it in there as a zip file by mistake we’ll see I’m surprised one of my kids hasn’t come up yet and be like Dad you just

Died like yeah I know my uh one of my sons really really loves uh Sky Block so he was quite happy when I said I was going to make a Sky Block um series why is it not picking it up this is silly let’s try straaten it again see if

That’s what the issue is sorry people I’m having uh an issue putting the save in the folder for some reason it’s just not wanting to register it as a save there we go there’s that so now I should just need to put that in my saves and it should be good to

Go so why you being silly maybe I had two in there the same name and it was getting confuzzled I get confuzzled happens happens a lot also as many deaths you might have at least you didn’t get killed by boat I killed my friend with

Boats also also Sky Block is so cool I got mostly into it because of Gemini T but now your series is Rite my love for yes so I’ve watched quite a few of um Gemini Tas as well cuz she’s done quite a few of the one blocks as well isn’t

She which they’re quite cool yeah that was my other idea funny enough once this series was finished to try and play some other variants of Sky Block but um that’s just ended far too Ser too early isn’t it far too early I only just got the spawner done there we go it’s finally

[Laughter] showing oh such a stupid death right we’re back business people so welcome welcome to My Island isn’t it lovely should we see if we get seeds this time oh don’t be like the last play through not one seed again not one seed again uh calm you down there when I tried

Hardcore Sky Block I had just gotten villagers and died by a Golem push me into the void I’ve died to IR Golems a couple of times in my in my series for my sins oh and it’s raining straight away again my goodness I don’t think Sky Block likes me

Uh don’t want to mess this up day one and and yes good we are in business ah well just putting it out there I don’t think we’re going to be getting villagers today I I I don’t think that’s going to happen this playthrough hates me this game mode hates

Me nah the tree won’t set on fire yet it’s fine it’ll be right let’s get uh let’s get our Basics shall we I’m going to make me a pick ah damn [Laughter] you I am cursed yeah no it won’t it it takes a while it’ll be re it’ll be re he says

I think we’ll do it that way then fine right come on I need at least one sapling out of you need at least one sapling out of you come on uh let’s put you there yeah so fire tick is obviously on because it’s hardcore but it won’t it shouldn’t spread that

Quick I’ve really got the worst luck alive if it spreads that quick oh did I get no just got a stick Al they saying that I have set whole base on fire before like the whole roof everything just gone I really need a sapling from that Tree I don’t think it’s going to give me one he started the stream like nothing go wrong five minutes later yeah everything has gone wrong I was off such a good start as well those first few mobs that I killed I got iron from them I got enough string

For a bed I was like this is going to be a brilliant stream I’m going to have all the groundwork done for my next episode I don’t think I’m going to get a single sapling oh my God please give me a sapling we have a sapling we are okay

People also I recommend instantly going to that Spruce Island for the sweet berries yes that’s what I’m going to do learned that mistake from the last playthrough oh my god oh wait I think um didn’t Minecraft just do a really big update where um random ticks is now based on the

Seed so as in you know whereas before you could set up you could start the exact same world again but because the luck was randomized you could get completely different results from like chests and things like that whereas now I think the the luck the probability is attached to

The seed so that’s probably why I Got No Seeds I only got that one um sapling I think that’s what it is right that give me some torches go go go go go oh well yeah no I wouldn’t say I religiously check the change logs but I definitely

Um I look over like you know the highlights of them I definitely saw something about that cuz people were like well um speed Runners would just basically log into a world and if they’ve not found something within the first I don’t know few seconds or whatever they’ll be

Like okay this is a bad luck world I’m not going to um waste my time on it and then we’ll just click out and go to the next one oh don’t want a shovel actually no will take a shovel and an ax cuz you know why not don’t need a hoe

Cuz once again I’ve been absolutely skied on the um on the old can’t get my words out seeds front thank you very much right and we can at least torch the place up so that uh it doesn’t look too dark on on stream for you Tada yes we definitely definitely need

To head to that uh spoce area yeah I think I think they changed all of the luck to be based off of the seed so whereas before it was basically like almost a random number generator it’s now now like all pre predetermined which I don’t know I don’t

Know if that’s better or not to be honest with you let’s uh let’s cover this up shall we imagine if I just destroyed my lava sample as well my lava source that would be a bad day that would be a bad day placees torch on top of lava yeah makes a super

Torch the bestest torches ever you know what I think this playr I’m just going to make an under under Underside base just a little Hut I’m still going to go my idea of just building random platforms for uh for growing stuff and farms and things I don’t think I’ve got the

Patience to deal with like measuring out um circles and things like that new Minecraft recipe yeah the super duper torch step one bucket of lava oh no I lost my mud oh well didn’t as a Doug away fruit oh well one block of mud is not going to kill me

However apparently my spawner will you know what’s really annoying I’d actually said in my episode that a big problem that I have with those spawners all the time is that um mobs can still see me through them and I always get that problem I always get the problem where a creeper goes

Off one thing I want to do is make a Sky Block World with someone yes I I think in the beginning it’ll be um very sketchy when you’ve got a tiny little island be funny though be funny when you knock each other [Laughter] off I think communication would be key for that

Oh dear oh how did all this go out here thank you very much I’m just going to um pop a little bit of music on in the background there we go hopefully not too loud there we go should be YouTube friendly as well well I still reckon we’ll be able

To get quite far um we’ll at least get to you know a tiny little starter house type thing um some food cuz also the last time I was playing this I was recording it um I was doing other bits and bobs at the same

Time so there was a lot of me just sort of standing around wasting the time where obviously I’m not doing that this time cuz I’m on a stream right let’s do some of the underside now shall we I think if I remember correctly it took me about four stacks of slabs last

Time didn’t it think that’s about what it was to’s get to the other Island but yeah so we should be all right we should be all righty then there we go yeah sometimes like sometimes the kids will be in the room as well while I’m doing recording and things and like

You know they’ll distract me a little bit and I’ll be do another bits and Bobs record Sky Block would be like hours and hours of just quietly grinding yes yes lots of it I think um I think my first episode which was off the top of my head about 15 minutes

Long I think that was like something like um maybe 5 hours of game play maybe even six I just cut down to 15 minutes it was um what was I so so by episode two part the way through that as on day8 with no sleeping through the night so

What’s a Minecraft day 20 minutes Minecraft date is about 20 minutes so yeah Yes actually probably yeah so probably not that much gameplay time really that I had to cut cut out as such right I’ve already got the basis of a basis of a base I have the basis of a base

There we go I tell what I’m going to do this time as well I’m going to bring my cobblestone generator down I was already sort of making a mental note of a lot of this kind of stuff on that playthrough I was like ah should should have would have could have

Should have done an Underside base cuz straight from the start I could have been you know safe throughout the night I could have been Gathering Cobble sayfe throughout the night about worrying about Phantoms it is definitely um in my opinion it is definitely the way forward

Right let’s uh thicken all this up but I do always thicken these undersides up cuz um basically when I have had playthroughs in the past where I’ve actually been doing all right should we say is that the lava no yeah when I’ve had playthroughs in the past where I have actually been

Doing all right um eventually you get decent tools and you don’t want to be wandering around just you know punch in the air and mine through your dirt block under your feet so I do always like to do a cobble base to my Islands [Applause] this a little extra resources but you

Know what’s a little bit more of a [Applause] grind oh Hi friend I don’t want to destroy my water source there we go oh that’s going to be right pain isn’t it I’m not having that not having that where’s my oh you grew blim me this must be my lucky

Playthrough well I’ll take some wood thank you very much I’m sure the last time the tree didn’t grow for absolutely like hours so I’m gonna take that as a win absolute take that as a win and then that should catch anything that drops beautiful Happy Days in the meantime Let’s uh grow some

More grass what else we got in the chat AL is it just me or like in a normal world you can ask me to get you a full chest of deep state with your stone pickaxe i’ say yeah ask me to grind Cobin Sky Block I think it’s cuz it’s like

Um it’s like the equivalent of running on a treadmill like you say to me go running oh what have I done there what have I done there you say to me go for a run I’ll happily go for a run but I hope I haven’t just destroy my

Water bucket there otherwise I’m in in trouble um yeah I’ll happily go for a run but if you then go I’ll go run the same distance on a treadmill I’m like no I don’t I don’t want to run on a treadmill oh thank goodness I really thought I’d messed up

My uh water source there I was trying to keep it cool be cool don’t want them to know that I’m panicking that I think I’ve just destroyed my world again stupid cazer right um so I think my lava is there isn’t it it’s this one cuz I don’t want to repeat what I

Did last time and set myself on fire cuz then that is literally a case of oh my God I do not learn so aw burn my dirt damn you um how’s it on stream by the way hopefully it’s not too dark hey Punky how you doing you’re

Right I um I would be a bit further along in my stream than I am getting villagers and things but uh I died yeah on stream so that was a little bit awkward little bit awkward um but yeah here we are doing what we can oh I suppose I should have planted that

Sugarcane as well shouldn’t I there we go sorry if what I say is late stream chat is really delayed for me oh yeah no it’s it’s yeah I don’t know if it’s a setting or the quality of my internet or what it is but yeah the the stream chat is always quite delayed

It might be a setting that I have I think I have it delayed um because it gives me time to one two three 4 One Two Three 4 5 yeah I think I have it delayed cuz it’s something to do with um if the signal drops out so I’ve then got time to

Um reconnect and stuff I think I set it up when I was having issues with my internet my internet was being a right pain it wasn’t being very good it was being very do very do all right let’s uh let’s plant some cheesies treeses for you treeses for me

I’m going more saplings come here there we go nice little growing area already on the go right we are going to we are going to smash some Cobblestone we we’re just going to be here for a while smashing Cobblestone but first I want to grow some grow berries gr my grow berries

Don’t die don’t fall don’t die grow me berries b b good grow berries all right let’s get the Cobble so I think it was off the top of my head I think it was four four stacks of slabs that I needed to get across last time remember that slabs can have water

On the yeah yeah yeah yes yeah no I I just I couldn’t I didn’t see exactly where I placed the slab I thought I’d placed it in the the space that the actual water was occupying so that’s why I was like oh my god I’ve just killed my water source

Um sometimes it’s literally just me that’s really delayed H I don’t know what that is don’t know why yeah sorry I hope I said your name right P pon pon pon chick frit I’m going to go with that Pon P Pon chick frit hope you’re having a good weekend nice chill

Sunday for the manness of going back to work for for the week tell where else I want to go out to as well I want to go out to the main grave cuz that will get me the water bucket yes yes do you know what I reckon I can get back

To where we were by the end of this stream I’m confident I’m confident I can get us back to uh having a spawner probably not as pretty a little starter house it’ll probably just be a little Hut under the the floor here yeah I reckon we can get there

Also I’m pretty sure if you press m r the same time you can hide the light ma stuff so hold a stick won’t be poopy anymore I did not know that I did not know that yeah I do um I do sometimes think to myself like there’s so many big

YouTubers out there that have done like thousands of days in hardcore and I’m like am I just that clumsy and bad at Minecraft that I can only do like like get into 100 days is hard for me getting to 100 days is hard for me and you got people getting into the

Thousands and I do just sometimes think how much of it is real how much of it is real let me try your little oh hi tree great job I’m having much better luck with the trees this uh this play through let’s try so oh let’s uh sticks that’s the word

Sticks let’s try your tip uh M and R where am I looking ah there we go thank you very much for the tip I need a new axe while here oh why did I do that that was stupid oh well oh Wells right I want you to give me lots

Of saplings yes yes please o thank you very much there’s one there already I might um oh fantastic there we go beautiful now we’re cooking with Gas uh will they grow like that yeah they should do yeah be right be right be right be right yeah I don’t know if they’re necessarily hackers I just I reckon they probably do backup saves and things like that and you know go back into it or

Whatever and then they probably do much more safer activities on stream on streams I mean to be fair I thought I was playing it pretty safe like just at my mob spawner but no no I managed to find a way of uh blowing myself up yeah no I know I

Know what you meant I I thought you meant as in like you know using um using mods and things to tweak the health and stuff like that but no I think it’s probably much more likely that they uh switched between game modes so you know they do a bit of off

Camera mining they’re like oh look all these resources I’ve got like okay or um or they just have loads of backup saves or you know maybe maybe the truth is I am just really bad at Minecraft I mean that is that is a that is a very high possibility probability

I just God awful of Minecraft and it makes me sad right I wonder if three stacks of Cobble will be enough what time is it don’t I even have the time to get across I reckon I will I reckon I will uh oh come on that’s going to get me

Across what are we saying are we getting across I think we can do it you know let’s go this may be a bad life choice but I don’t think we can get Phantoms tonight anyway I’m sure we can’t get Phantoms tonight I’m sure they only come up to day three right I’m scared

Scared I’m scared this could be a bad life choice this is probably also another reason why I die so much if you make it there while it’s night please look back before you’re close yes well I did make this out of top slabs so stuff won’t spawn on this but yeah you’re right

Something might spawn on the actual Island come on I think it’s too small to spawn anything to be honest we can make it we have the technology please let me make it there go go go go go little pinky don’t fil me

Now go go go go go go go go go go go go go ah we’re not feels like we’re not getting any closer come on it spawn something you did it you know what I’m not going to risk it cuz uh cuz it is going to be I’m going to be smart for

Once I say smart I may have made a spawner underneath my Island cuz I can’t remember what slabs I used and I’ve definitely not lit it up I say that though you only need to get a light level of one don’t you you really don’t need much light these

Days let’s make some more um let’s make some more torches again partly for more proof in also so that you lot aren’t just looking at a dark screen yeah I don’t think there we light this up just in case I definitely yes I used the right

Kind of thing so it won’t spawn down here so that’s fine but still it’s nice to be safe and sorry more cheesies yeah I reckon we’ll um I reckon we be able to get back to having a like spawner and all that good stuff I reckon we can do

It I don’t think it’ be too bad the only thing that become annoying is pretty soon we’re going to have the Phantoms in the night s Ain going to limit me I’m not going to be able to just like run around and do stuff yes yeah so I play with um BSL

Shaders cuz I feel as though they’re um I feel as though they’re pretty enough but still look Minecraft at the same time if that makes sense like there’s some shade of packs out there that are probably arguably better than BSL like in terms of performance and how they look look

But I think they change too much if that makes sense I still want my Minecraft to be blocky look like blocks yes blocky Minecraft uh we’ll add some shape to this why not just realiz using all the slabs up that I need for the uh for the highway over there but you know

What it’s okay cuz I got loads and this is going to be a nice big growing area for my Oak I think um I think I want these to be free apart don’t I rather than two I think that’s part of the reason why they’re not growing so

Well I thought I was putting them free apart but I I obviously wasn’t paying attention cuz I’m stupid I get what you mean my frames per second sadly just drop in Sky Block oh really yeah I forgot about it until recently actually that you can midle c click it helps a

Load I thought it was only um in Creative for some reason and then I accidentally did it in like regular and I was like how in Earth did I do that thought I’d hacked the game type thing I was like what this is going to be a massive area this might actually spawn

Stuff um probably want to start thinking about rounding this bit off cuz there’s only so much Oak that I need or do I even really need to round it off I could just keep it this kind of shape might just do that keep it this shape right one two three one two

Three did I really not get any extra saplings from that I just put them in here no I didn’t oh did get an Apple though that’s handy thank you very much I won’t be starving for the foreseeable right this is spawnable so I will be putting torches on

Here uh torches torches torches torches I want your torches give me your torches but yeah it’s so much easier to mob proof these days since they lowered the light limit to one so much easier how many Subs I got left right I probably need to Gra grind

Up this a little bit before it getss light and then tomorrow in the morning we are making waffles I mean we’re um we’re getting Spruce and berries am I powerful did I did I did I just hack the game did I just do a thing yeah cuz I only realize about the middle

Mouse Button as well when I started using light Matia so I just assumed it was always a feature of light MAA and then yeah to do it in normal survival I was like what what is going On digging at the Cobble I’m sorry about my um my singing but uh you know I’ve always thought if I wasn’t an engineer I’d have been a professional singer give Mariah Carri a run for her money plant the berries in the bottom home thing of the island yes I think ah

I broke my pickaxe I think that is what I’m going to do I think I’m going to make myself a lot more two for two going to make myself a lot more settled under the the island this time cuz um I mean although you can get

A bed quite quick I don’t want to in a hardcore series sleep all the time cuz that’s how like you know you end up being like I survived 100 days but you you’ve stepped through half of them um so I don’t I want to try and sleep as little as

Possible but when you then got everything like you know you got your house over there you’ve got you got your spawner over there you got your Farms over there the second you outside just get smashed by Phantoms which ain’t nobody got time for that that pickaxe thing is also short worthy in my

Opinion just cuz cuz of making all of the shorts here this stream’s a banger right is it nearly daytime is nearly daytime yes it’s slabbing time go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go you can use Phantoms as the reason you can

Sleep yeah true but yeah so when the Phantoms arrive I could then just sleep to reset the the counter cuz I think is it is it every three days yeah I think that yeah I think that’s probably what I’ll do it also becomes easier when you start

Using the nether because then you just time things so all you do is you do all your stuff during the daytime in the Overworld and the second it starts becoming night you just jump in your nether portal and go to the Nether and you know do your pigling bartering or

Uh at your gold Farm type stuff do that kind of stuff during the the Overworld nighttime at least that’s what I used to do yes on the night of the fourth yeah yeah yeah that’s what I thought that’s why I thought I was I was pretty confident I

Would be safe coming over here at night but I mean I’ve literally just lost one world today I don’t uh don’t think I need lose two in the same stream that would probably that would probably make me cry and then I would definitely know yeah I’m the problem I’m just bad at [Laughter]

Minecraft so I’ve had the idea as well obviously I’m going to take a lot of the dirt from here I’ve had the idea that I kind of want to preserve this as like a little Testament to the biome cuz I think if I look on here I think this is

Actually a t tajia Tiger Biome I can’t see where it says biome uh yeah there you go Biome Minecraft tiger so this is a Tiger Biome So in theory when I get to the point that I have spare resources I could get things like foxes spawn if I build a big enough

Area and I’m lucky which at the minute I’m not being very lucky please give me a spruce sapling Spruce is my favorite Wood please don’t be me please yes yes yes oh got two sorry I don’t know what that was hi there we go little test little

Testament to the uh to the biome and I’ve got one to take back with me and I forgot my water because I’m stupid fun fact did you know the Phantom who’s mad at you catch up to you if you run away long enough even if you’re

Flying full speed with an eltra oh okay so they just load in next to you basically and just like nope I’m with you Spruce is the best wood yeah do you know what I am actually I am quite a fan of Mangrove wood but it’s just it is such a pain to

Harvest and dark oak as well actually I I quite like dark oak the only wood type that I am a little bit eh about and I use quite sparingly with my builds is Acacia I think that’s how you pronounce it AAA AAA rolls off the tongue that why have you stopped growing why

Are you being like that why you being why you being so mean um I’m not really hanging out for dirt at the minute so I’m probably going to leave that for now yeah I’m I’m going to leave that for now oh you like Birch I mean I suppose someone’s got to

Um but yeah I don’t mind it um stripped and I don’t mind it in planks but I think the generic like birch tree texture like the zebra pattern almost I just think that’s awful so uh what we going for yeah let’s do something that I’m just setting up another growing

Area for um know this might just be for crops oh wait I forgot to plant my berries uh I see I was going to do that down here didn’t I was it going to do it down here yeah I was going to do it down here

There we go uh we’re going to need more torches down here for them to grow are they going to be all right they’re probably going to be all right that’ll probably be all right oh thank you very much more sugarcane for the win uh what am I

Looking at uh I despise unstripped Birch yeah it’s it’s not great it’s not a great texture I have seen it in a few builds um using diorite and calite as like a a very cleverly done texturing but I think you need to be you know like BDubs kind of level

Builder SL just artistic person to be able to use it well oh the birch logs are great your opinion doesn’t matter they’re the best thing ever it’s beautiful to me N I just cannot get on with it I just can I just cannot get on with it um what am I thinking

Yes this is probably going to be a growing area have I made it big enough one two three 4 then that would be the one that’s going to be in line with the water no nowhere near big enough yet soz it needs to be four N 9 by 9 9

By9 for one Farm plot one two 3 4 five six so that’ be seven seven eight that’ be nine and then I want some room around it there we go math math good oh block placing not so good could do with some work now I need to see if I’ve done it

Wide enough this way thank you so that should be one 2 three four five 6 seven eight nine nine nine nine beautiful two three four five six seven eight oh damn you biscuits biscuits you heard right I said biscuits we’ll go this Way I’ve still got that fear of my little pinky failing or the shift button failing I guess I’m the gradient you explained is the exact one I’ve used many times before I guess I’m BDubs now you want you you may as well be if you if you want me to call you BDubs

I’ll call you BDubs be I don’t think I’ve got enough Stone yet no definitely not no near enough Stone to go out there that was so offensive comparing you to P he’s a fantastic Builder he is I mean there they’re all all like the Hermits now they’re all talented in

Their own ways but he is he’s very good he’s very very good I’m not sure what night are we on what day are we on day two okay so we should be safe for one more night from the Phantoms should and if we’re not I’ll just dive down

There I’ll just take refuge dun in there no not that I mean the biscuits thing oh I was going to say I’d love to be compared to b o oh biscuits it’s getting dark and the night is long and full of Terrors S I should probably do some

Prettying up down here as well at some point oh bushes are growing that’s good that’s a good sign I’m not as close to starving this time as I was last time I think last time I just I don’t know I think last time I just completely stopped thinking about

Food I just didn’t even think about it and then all of a sudden I was like oh no I’m in a position where I’ve got no food resource and I’m starving you said it again I’m reporting you oh biscuits oh sweet cheese and crackers my kids are my kids are very

Big blue fans and that’s what they say all the time biscuits and then you got uh H what’s it called zootropolis where the rabbit says cheese and crackers oh sweet cheese and crackers do you know what I think we’re going to get further than we did in that world cuz

We’re already on day two going into day three I reckon I’ll have an infinite water source by the end of day three I’ll have a load of resources I’ll be good to go I know and I advertised myself as a PG streamer saying that I’m playing some Seven Days to Die

Later going to play some Seven Days to Die later with some friends I might Chuck that on Twitch I’m not sure cuz I do stream I do stream on both but I oh I’m trying to keep this channel purely Minecraft cuz I think I think YouTube is being a bit funny recommending my

Comment content at the moment as it is let alone adding different stuff to it I was looking at one of my videos the other day and it was like um it hadn’t performed very well and I was like looking at what it was recommending it was like Yeah someone

That had watched skibbidy toilet video or whatever was being recommended recommended my chill Minecraft hardcore Sky Block Wilders I don’t think they’re they’re going to be interested if they’re watching a scabi toilet video but who am I to argue with the almighty YouTube algorithm it is all knowing it is all

Knowing so yeah I think I’ve went and chut something not Minecraft on here I think YouTube would have a right hissy fit yeah it’s been bad for me too yes it’s just annoying isn’t it don’t get me wrong nothing against skidy toilet videos I’ve seen a couple of them and they’re quite comical

But I I just fail to see the correlation between if you’ve just gone from watching a skidi toilet video YouTube suddenly going hey do you uh want to see a British guy play Minecraft he he’s building a spawner oh really but then see that makes sense cuz at least like you know

It’s the same Niche like the same like genre what do you mean it’s the same thing going be toilet video Minecraft mob spawner tomato potato potato is it nearly day yet but it’s the sun it must nearly be day oh Apple oh I’m really not getting very good saplings from um from the

Oak that’s another one just one on its own H not good ah also are not good wrong place there we go come here you one two three all right there we go should hopefully have some berries growing yes but I’m not going to eat this one I’m

Going to plant this one there we go cuz I’m not actually that desperate for food that should grow in time how much Stone have I got yes cool oh so I will be getting a water source tomorrow morning you don’t start your video of your Minecraft head in a

Toilet why do I feel like that’s actually a thinging it probably already is is a thing there’s no originality anymore it’s probably been done come on daytime I want daytime not nighttime I want to go get things yes go go go go go go go go the other

Good thing as well about the berries once I get a good supply of them they’re also really good for bone meal I mean obviously before I get the before I get the spawner I’m really surprised I’ve not got more saplings oh well usually get like three or four from an oak

Tree I hope I’ve not been letting them despawn where that be slightly frustrating oh Forgot yes we’ll probably make a ladder as well cuz I’ll probably swap that out for a ladder cuz I’m going to want to move that downstairs after today cuz after today is when the Phantoms are going to be coming uh I want to keep at least some

Grass cuz I don’t want to be completely out of grass cuz that would make me sad no grass would make me sad I haven’t even got got enough dirt for a farm area keep one grass block yeah I know yeah otherwise i’ be absolutely wounded

Uh i’ have no grass in my world but this is where this is where I’m going to have my infinite water stor Chuck it in there for now while I’m um waiting for I can’t get my words out oh I’m waiting for seeds to plant us crops that’s what I’m thinking that’s

What I was trying to say come on daytime nearly there I’ve just realized I’ve Stitch myself up I’m going to have to make myself a wooden pick silly man oh well at least we got fuel source thank you right today we’re getting our infinite water source any second

Now when you when you want to be day yeah it was silly but you know me silly is what silly does yes it’s daytime let’s go let’s get my water source I’ve got my bucket check on the berries oh yeah that’s a good point probably should do that before I go

Oh thank you very much oh got an apple tweet as well I forgot about that I love busing streamers around it’s h it’s funny cuz I watch some um other people streaming and I’m like oh my God how did they miss that like why can they not see that or and then I

Sometimes watch my own videos back or my own recordings back and I’m like oh my God how did I not see that it’s funny how you go like a little bit blind to what you’re doing there you go right hi little tree let’s get my water

Sauce go go go go go don’t fail me now pinky cuz I don’t want to lose two Wilds in one day that would make me Cry I think I would quit Minecraft if that was the case I would definitely take up a new hobby that wasn’t Minecraft hardcore Sky Block just for serenade you there believe that was originally composed by Bach oh yeah I’m really bad for not seeing stuff like the the berries in my first

Episode like the amount of times I looked directly at the berries and I was like complaining that I was starving to death I didn’t notice oh yeah there’s there’s berries right there oh yeah definitely I was once doing a law bit with friend but instead of instantly talking to me they decided

To stalk me for a while so I just generally got jump scared that even a planned moment wasn’t planned yeah I’m just a very musical person which is like a bit unfortunate considering I’m completely tone deaf oh oh hello shiny pillagers pillagers pillagers for sale I don’t think I need

To complicate my life with pillagers just yet mean I couldn’t even handle a mob spawner which is slightly unfortunate but hey ho it is what it is did I die in a stupid way yes yes I did it’s okay we love being delusional Whatever Gets You Through the day

Buddy Whatever Gets You Through the day oh we’re there beautiful well we’re mostly there we are there um I’ll just real I made that spawnable that Wass right only come out here every now and then every now and then I fall apart thank you do I even bother taking a PO now

While I’m here I mean I can’t see myself growing one anytime soon but equally saves me coming over here why not go go go go go hi friends big day today infinite water source and we’re only on day three I’d say that’s good going I’m sprinting come on

Sprint can’t remember if I have Sprint toggle one or not also can I take a second to complain about why do Main Grove leaves not drop them yeah it’s a bit weird isn’t it it’s a very very unique um tree in Minecraft to be

Fair which I yeah I like it for that I like it for that very reason boom infinite water source Happy Days right oh my bad forgot about that but we’re okay um is there really there’s not really a lot I can do with pumpkins at the minute if I’m honest with you

But uh what I can do is start getting a stockpile for if and or when I do get um villagers and then I can Trade let’s put them here this should fill up should become tiled from that yeah put them there and they should all just grow there cool um right next thing I want to do is not die by falling down there so I think I’m going to set up hi hello

Food I’m going to set up a cobblestone generator down here that seems like a smart thing to do uh where should I put it should put right out here I think I don’t want to do I don’t want to set anything on fire fire tick

Is a bit of a pain it’s a bit fickle cuz I think it can leap something stupid like six squares I think six squares I could be wrong I usually am right what is it on need again um yeah all this yeah we’re going to do

It like that going to do it like that soor this is one of those moments where I just start muttering to myself so lava lava Pole needs one more doesn’t it no no doesn’t and then water goes down there oh bye and then water would go in there yes I’m not being stupid that’s right yes that is right I think I’m wrong I usually [Laughter] am but in that vague statement in itself I I am right

So what a crazy mixed up world we live in please don’t be wrong this is right isn’t it yes yes I’ve had such a setback today that I even that I wasn’t 100% sure on Okay cool so I think I think it can leap about six blocks

So this whole area here this is just basically going to be Cobblestone and then we might have a little window should we have a little window I think we’ll have a little window why not it’s not going to be a fancy window I don’t think correct me if I am wrong but I

Don’t think trap doors set on fire from the lava so we can make the windows out of trap doors what do we reckon I’m pretty sure that is some Minecraft knowledge that I have in my head that is is a thing let’s go for it what’s the worse

Could Happen eh I’ve only lost one Series [Laughter] today uh D um there we go I’m pretty sure they don’t set on fire I mean we’re about to find out beautiful looking homely already Boop thank you cuz that’s what I might do for um the roof cuz I don’t want to

Keep looking at Cobble so I might put put some Spruce trap doors on the roof yeah test it yeah go free go go go crazy let me know let me know um and then I’m thinking we pick this water up now well first we block that off Phantoms should in theory spawn tonight

Which is not good oh no day free no they won’t spawn tonight they’ll spawn tomorrow night won’t they get my days of the week mixed up I’m pretty sure they spawn tomorrow night like this is the third day of not sleeping say spawn tomorrow night I’m sure that’s how it

Works all right give me all the saplings please oh this is falling apart quick thank you let’s a little bit wide them when I didn’t see any saplings happening but we have a few I’ve even got some Oak beautiful you love to see it um yeah so what I’m thinking I’m pretty

Sure pretty sure they don’t set on fire so I mean they’ve not set on fire yet so I’m thinking to pretty this roof up I’m going to use um Spruce trap doors cuz always it’s going to be very Cobble heavy oh why’d you keep doing that stop me in a pain there you

Go all right ladder me up need more ladder more ladder needed there we are and we will put a trapo at the top of here somewhere probably there is that the best way doing it yeah yeah we’ll do that jobs of fish uh there we go now now we’ve hit

The point where we then just start getting loads of Oak saplings it’s good it’s good it’s good it’s good it’s good it’s good good good good good good good good good good they don’t they do not burn I did not think they did I thought that was a piece of Minecraft knowledge

That I had apparently it is I am happy with myself I am a happy couser right so let’s spend a little bit of time on our bunker shall we say I’m pretty sure it’s six blocks so there’s no reason why we can’t have something a little prettier around the back there we

Are no I’m going to light it all up down here as well so it doesn’t matter that I’m doing um full blocks down here now and while I’m down here at the moment nothing’s going to spawn anyway he says as a creeper spawns and blows them

Up cuz it’s been one of those days for Minecraft to day of me wait it’s 6 p.m. already I have uni homework what um what are you studying if you don’t me asking I should also probably be doing my uni studying but um I also don’t want to I’m going to stream

Instead I’m pretty sure from if we go 1 2 3 4 5 I think from point about here is probably safe we’ll soon find out when it sets on fire there we go and then yeah I’m going to um oh hello let’s see how this looks let’s make a load of spruce trap

Doors yeah that looks F that beautiful looks better than a cobble ceiling then eventually I’ll be able to get some carpet down here probably digital media your semester ends this Friday oh okay I I am studying um Building Services engineering very boring very boring but yeah I should be um I should

Be doing some maths but cuz I don’t want to math I I don’t want a math no one wants to math no one really understands math math is math is a math is an illusion there we go beautiful you love to see it composter boom they fill that up pretty

Quick oh nearly got a bone meal and then I might be able to get some seeds it’s everything to play for I need some more dirt I’ve got enough grass so we should be okay I will make a nice grassy pasture kind of area at some

Point cuz I think we might be able to get a sheep or sank spawn on it if I’m lucky the planet’s align I think that’s a thing that can happen if I remember my Minecraft physics correctly eing is boring ain’t that the truth my teacher sced me the other day

For using a different art style than the one taught us yeah thing is with something like that as well so subjective like at least with an engineering science it’s like it’s either right or it’s not if you know what I mean whereas with art it’s it’s like I don’t like that right okay

Well that’s literally your opinion not not a fact very difficult to have a definitive answer on yeah no that should be this this is how it should be it should look like this should it really uh boom there we go oh yeah you can still keep it as a grass block I

Forgot about that happy happy me happy CER I might fill that in before I fall through that and hate myself I think we might be able to get a um mob spawner soon but I think before I go for that I am going to hit pause for a second and

Go for a quick break grab a quick drink nip to the L skip to the L me darling um go to the L and yeah and then I think we might be able to at least tidy up down here and get a spawner and be back where

We were back where we were at the at the start of the stream if not maybe even a little bit further than where we were because this should hopefully give me some seeds oh come on oh was that that was not one seed not one seed unbelievable right on that note I’m

Going to pause the stream for a minute I’m just going to nip to the L grab a drink I’ll be about 5 minutes if that don’t go anywhere you like e N You Right I’m back I have coffee that’s kind of what caused me to die last time so cuz I was busy trying to drink coffee let’s try not to uh die again shall we uh let’s do some I feel like we should do some prettiness I know that’s really not like necessary right now

But it’s what I want let’s maybe do something like that with Maybe little bit of trim hey Kaza how you doing I hope you’re doing good I am I managed to lose my hardcore World in this stream and uh so I’ve had to start again yeah yeah that was bad one two three 4 five 6 7 8 yeah let’s go for that let’s do

That um see yes I’m trying to catch up to where I was before before I di before I died um so that I can carry on my season I guess 1 two three four five six seven yeah so 1 two three four there we go and I’m probably going to move that

Get up and down to there what we think of that it’s doesn’t look it’s just to add some interest to the wall cuz obviously I’ve not got the biggest variety of building blocks at the minute Oly you’re not going to stay there you’re going to come somewhere over here give me

Berries give me berries Sky Block season 2 but I don’t regen naturally oh that would be a horrible oh that’ be a challenge that would at least in this I get health regen I can’t even stay alive in this can’t stay alive in Sky Block W

Regen right so we got a few crops going I want to get another clump of bone meal and try for some seeds again uh not that it seems to be working for me but it would be nice to have some seeds yes lovely lovely you’ll love to see

It and then we’ll move our ladder to there and then it’s all nice and Central and it doesn’t make me want to gouge my eyeballs out beautiful feel like we’re getting somewhere you know in some ways this is probably more practical than my um starter base in my world before I lost my

World cuz you know it’s underground I can still do stuff in it when it’s nighttime I’m not sure that I prefer it to it but is definitely at least doing something no death death not allowed coughing a lot but doing better I’ve never played Sky Block I I love Sky

Block it’s it’s a little bit grindy I’ll be honest with you um cuz obviously you know there’s a lot of digging at cobble generator and stuff like that and to get the momentum going in the beginning takes a while um but I I love the fact that adds that little extra bit of

Challenge um if you want I’ll share the actually the world downloads in the description one of my videos but I can get you the give you the link to download the world if you want um no death not allowed yeah trying not to sorry cuz about to have a convo here no that’s

Cool happy dogger how you doing you’re right hope you’re having a good Sunday I’ve managed to nearly get my well back to where I was before not quite as pretty I spent a little less time on Aesthetics this time because you know doing it quick rather than over a long period of

Time for the view of the tube but we are getting there and that is all that matters right uh I think I must have done my maths right on how far fire tick can spread because my walls haven’t set on fire so that’s reassuring but I am now pretty

Much out of all my resources that I had for building which means I’m going to have to do some grindy grindy in a bit uh I still got any Oak left just I have so I should this will be the real test if this sets on fire

Then it sets on fire I guess I’ll just have to change my design slightly I think it should be okay it should the thing is from what I remember even covering lava doesn’t make a difference to how far it will spread it’s just it just recognizes it as a heat

Source which is slightly annoying and then in the corner here I have an idea what I want to do I just don’t know how to make it pretty I want to do like a pizza oven no to get the map you have to watch the full episode yes of course you

Do Sunday night’s going right uh my Sunday night was going great and then I I lost my hardcore world live on the Stream um which was a big rip uh but you know what we’re getting it back we seem to be doing okay I was a bit I was absolutely

Snapped but it’s going good we’re back in we should be back in there will be Phantoms in a second so I will basically just be cowering in my basement digging at Cobble but uh you know that’s that’s half the fun of Sky Block cuz we are now on day four yes end

Of day four so we’ll move this stuff downstairs as well cuz we don’t need the stuff up here anymore thank you very much uh may as well take you down with me as Well uh it’s a shame I haven’t gotten any seeds yet let’s see if I can make a quick bit of bone meal before the night time come on really you suck uh I don’t need free dandelions right if this doesn’t give me seeds I’m just I’m just

Cursed bearing in mind this will be the third time I’ve just gone to get ordinary wheat seeds yay oh I so was expecting to get nothing again and I was not going to be happy right uh I need to leave you as are so we’ll plant you there there we go

Perfect we finally have seeds everyone oh yeah I laugh through the pain yeah I I died a little bit inside died a lot inside but uh we had fun we were laughing mostly laughing at me but we were laughing I think I have some big holes

That the Phantoms may or may not come through it it it could be bad it could be fun who knows so I’m going to pop my I know what I want let’s make this bit Form and Function shall we boom and then we’re going to put you there boom and crafter I don’t

Think I can’t remember whe the crafting tables can set on fire or not basically I I think we should be all right let’s chule this in there Phantoms are going to spawn soon that’s going to be bad it’s going to make me sad it’s bad and sad campire There we

Go there’s my pizza oven that is that’s that’s clearly a pizza oven like look at it never before have I seen something look more like a pizza Roven than that I thought I heard a phantom I think we’re okay I think crafting tbls can burn yeah I think you might be

Right I think you might be right it is fun Kaza um until this day arrives and you’ve got no bed you can’t sleep and then the Phantoms turn up and they Peck your eyes out and you’re like no I just want to live and they’re I don’t care you’re going to

Suffer uh can I but you know what I feel I feel safe down here I think I’m safe down here it’s ring on my head that that can be closed I think we’re okay boop boop boop now I’m going to set up some nice Windows Maybe or I might just do some

More of this kind of stuff just to make the walls not look completely horrendous cuz I don’t exactly have the world’s building materials at the minute oh thank you I’ll sort that out in a bit is it worth putting more berries down probably probably I’d say they are pretty handy for the bone

Meal and everything yeah happy with that happy with that right let’s start getting some Cobble I don’t think we will get uh I don’t think we will get the spawner done I don’t know we’ll see we’ll see I would like to get back to exactly where

We were before I am now drinking coffee so if something spawns and kills me then I know that coffee is my curse what have we got here woo seeds yeah I’m happy I finally got seeds just smileing wave yeah that uh that was pretty much what was going through my

Head remember what I said about pizzas before what did you say about pizzas before oh I didn’t see that pizza is my favorite I absolutely love pizza I think if I had to live off of food for the rest of my life as in like eat it all day every day breakfast lunch

And dinner for the rest of my life it would be Pizza my stomach might not um agree with that but you know right nothing’s set on fire yet so I think I am right in my assumption about how far it can all spread I think we’re going to be

Okay I think we are going to be okay uh do I want to do a mix of trap doors and fences cuz the fences could look quite cool especially if I do these ones do they attached to stairs is what I want to know oh that was the Cobble that set on fire

I what why would that sit on fire I don’t know Minecraft today has been cursed for me it was on Twitter I’m pretty sure you made a post about favorite foods you replied to me and I said how I hate Pizza yes I do remember that and I’m

Pretty sure I called you a weirdo then I should have known then um Pizza what kind usually anything with a barbecue sauce I’ll be honest with you so like um a Domino’s meteor Domino’s meteor is is amazing did the campfire sit on fire the campfire was already on fire that’s like

That’s what campfires do campfires are fire um I I’m just being cursed in Minecraft today I think I had a pre agitated creeper come down the um come down the spawner and blow it up that was fun that’s F happened to me today no seeds

Again I got loads of times from an oak tree just one um I should have known to blocky freak I mean who doesn’t like pizza I’m pretty sure kazer if I remember correctly is one of the people that really likes ham and pineapple not that I want to be outing

You on uh on stream kazer as you know a ham and pineapple lover I mean I do actually quite like ham pineapple as well but it’s not one of those that I’d ever go out and ask for it’s just you know if it’s there at

A party and it’s on the side would I eat it yeah probably right so if they don’t connect toam then what I might do is has any Phantom spawned or am I wrong again Phantoms should be spawning tonight right day four no sleeping that is weird I’m sure there should be

Phantoms very well carry on as you were right let’s have a think about this you’ll have to let me know what you think H and then cuz I haven’t got enough to make them at the minute with that kind of oh with that as its

Roof they just want to give you an extra day to grind yeah maybe um I mean I’m a little bit worried that they’re being so understanding I mean Phantoms aren’t well known for their politeness what are we saying what about stripped Spruce or Spruce planks instead I can try that in

A bit when I get some spruce sparos that is Spruce planks yeah they might just be pity in me to be fair they might just be pity in me no I don’t like that I don’t like it I’m going to go with that for now sometimes you got to live with

Something I’ve said this quite a few times before my series some sometimes you got to live with something for a couple of minutes to be like ah yeah I know what’s missing or ah yeah I know what’s wrong with that I think this is going to be one of those

Ones is it daytime yet I think is it raining I think it’s raining right how much do I need okay I need quite a bit more resources hopefully when I go back up there a tree will have grown Kaza likes it I assume she’s talking about the wool not ham and pineapple

Pizza considering she just made vomiting faces come on so this stream must supposed to be me getting villagers today always live with a build before continuing it until I don’t AK I quit hot coffee cooked what did you cook past midnight oh blimy yeah you get some seat coffee thanks for popping by

It’s good to see you again have fun and maybe don’t die I I can’t I can’t promise you that coffee I mean I wish I could I really wish I could but I can’t all right uh let’s see if there’s some trees are grown oh yes sapling go go go go go

Chap you got to grow I cooked outdated meme oh oh I cooked I am I am not uh I am not down with the Mimis I don’t I don’t Mimi good I no good Mimi right give me two saplings now please oh my God we got a singer you are so beautiful to

Me come on I want saplings please I want to make a super Spruce oh I’ve got I’ve got the saplings how did I not see that there we go right this going to be a pain to Cho down is it it’s going be a right pain I haven’t seen that I don’t know

What you on about I uh I’m an old man I do not do the memes I am not all about the memes oh my God what happened there I I can’t even process what just happened to me did a tree just grow under me did did a tree just literally grow

Under me is Minecraft like just messing with me today I think a tree just just grew under my bum and then lifted me into the air it did what an age to be alive I literally just grew a super Spruce right next to a a giant Oak what is the

Odds I’ll have a look at it in a bit thank you for sending that oh my ax is going to break oh come on no no no no no no no no no fine fine what a mess as if that grew under me and plus though I’m getting quite a

Few resources so we should be able to smash through making this Spawner in a bit I reckon this Dave to Resource grind and then I might have enough I don’t know if it’s pitying me or if it’s just messing with me I’ve had some really like statistically unlucky things happened to

Me in the last 2 hours and 36 minutes which makes me feel as though it’s just messing with me I’ve had what I had happen I’ve had the uh obviously had the um Creeper explosion which that in itself I felt was dodgy um the No Seeds again the saplings just not

Dropping it’s definitely been have my eyes out right this is the giant Oak isn’t it so there should be no wood left in it no cool oh thank you don’t mind if I do these super sprues are so worth growing like they’re not like the um the

Giant Oaks are a pain if I’m honest with you but the super sprues are actually really good to to farm all right come on saplings I need four of you oh hello we’re making wood it’s a good Sign right that’s enough wood ing for now let’s get some Stone very very good and then I think probably at the end of this day we should be able to make the spawner what if you try to make a roof for the grinding area this time creepers can’t aggro while falling yeah

So so the only reason I did the alterating slabs thing was to save on resources um so I suppose I could do that and then I could just maybe do a a ring around where I’m going to be standing that’s something I could do but eventually I’d have ended up

Filling in the gaps anyway and then as soon as I get iron for Hoppers it will just be an automatic farm anyway they’ll just fall onto campfires cook them off get the drops I want I to kill 565 drowns to get a trident yeah that’s that sucks I’m not

Going to lie that’s that’s really bad luck that is really bad luck I feel for you there right see really quickly if any trees are grown before I stay down there got loads of Oak thank you very much but I want I want these things I want these saplings you’ve only given me

One that’s not very cool Minecraft that one just went straight into the void didn’t it brilliant is that oh that’s no one why you be like this Minecraft why you be like this today yeah not very nice fine oh that’s nice though hey plush how you doing you’re all right hope you’re doing

Well well that’s annoying I was hoping oh my goodness these oak trees are popping up like there’s no tomorrow now I was hoping to have been able to plant a super Spruce but uh Minecraft had other ideas and I best get downstairs now before I get eaten by a phantom

Run right this is all coming together nice enough down here but I do really want that spawner I want to be back to where I was before I dated my friend usually Flex getting a trident first [Laughter] kill do you know what I don’t think I can’t remember the last time I

Got a trident I don’t play a lot of um I usually either play on a server where you know it’s got like a player driven economy so you just buy stuff um or I’m playing like hardcore where I’m not really sort of chasing Trident and things out

That I did think for a while that I should just make like a a let’s play world like a long long world where I just do all these like silly little game mechanics and things like that I don’t have to worry about dying and but I don’t know I done din all I

Quite like the you know the fact that one silly mistake would just end your world Trident is so fun would recommend yeah I’ve seen people do all sorts of fun stuff with like the um I can’t even remember the name of the enchantment is it Rip Tide where you can just shoot out

The water and things like that and when it’s raining you can basically fly I think it’s rip tied cuz loyalty is how quickly it comes back to you I think rip TI is the one where you can shoot out the water I love servers with the economy

Thing but usually the servers I’m in die by the time we get shot that’s a shame is difficult to keep a um is difficult to keep a community going especially when people got lives as well like I had to um I had to stop playing Elsewhere for

About eight months of this year CU I went away for work and then when I came back I was busy and uh night El well elsewhere I’ve not played for over a year now unfortunately but uh un AA blocks I had to stop for about 8 months as well it’s just a shame

Really even L you flee really quick right how we looking for resources m we might be able to do it at least get a good chunk of it done I can be a to get a good chunk of it done oh look again look that’s the Cobble it’s set on [Laughter]

Fire what what is happening with my Minecraft this evening I didn’t know that was a thing check on Spruce and berries yeah I don’t get where these Phantoms are yeah again not that I’m massively complaining but I thought Phantoms would be trying to eat me by now we are on day

Five maybe they don’t always spawn maybe then just becomes roll of the dice they will start spawning from but not necessarily on I don’t know that’s my sugarcane sorted plenty of sugar cane not I really need it for much at the minute if you died to Phantom is not my

Fault I know right why won’t the Phantoms kill me that is quite a bit of Cobble to be getting on with uh quite a bit of Oak slabs yeah I think I think we might be to do this you know and then that’s not so many trap

Doors oh no it is sorry didn’t see that bit we might be go for making a spawner whatever I get it done in one Minecraft day is another question but I re Reon we should be able to go for it I hope I get another soup of spruce before I start

Building yeah those those Phantoms definitely should be around I’m wondering whe they just don’t bother spawning cuz I’m down here interesting Interesting there we go now I don’t have to worry about these setting on fire as well which is nice I think I should still have enough for the spawner I might just have to hope I get one more spruce tree to chop down uh I’m going to leave you like

That ow ow ow stupid berries then you like my chimney my pizza oven cuz it’s clearly a pizza oven uh that go beautiful it’s getting quite cozy in here isn’t it really I think it’s getting nice and cozy yeah they’re probably just pitying me right this guy this guy hasn’t got a

Clue he keeps dying let’s oh let’s give him let’s give him a break um how much Stone have I got right I want to make some prettiness let’s make some prettiness Boop a Boop and a Boop there that do Boop beautiful now do we think

Wood is just going to set on fire if I put wood here I think probably but I also want to give it a go we’ll soon find out we’ll soon find out you can use saplings in composters oh yeah for yeah Fair one it’s daytime game time game on game

On right let’s see if I broke the Minecraft curse shall we one piece of bone meal I mean it could have you never know it could have worked it didn’t work but it could have worked what if I do that maybe before I can’t start on slabs right let’s start this spawner shall

We we’ll go about here uh oh damn you and then I’m going to do it a 2 by two aren’t I so let’s go one more like that I think this going to work I think it should be even maybe possibly uh no of course it won’t cuz

I’m doing it as a one wide at the minute I need to make it too wide we are very close to being back to where we were before I died yeah noise see you when you come back I’ll just be building my spawner trying not to

Die uh yeah cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool and then I want to go what level am I on I’m on 64 okay cool let’s put that in there like that cuz I want to be at this sort of level I need my bucket nailed it

Go go go go go go go go go super Spruce super Spruce for the win um right so yeah I am at 65 so we got to 85 yes we got to 85 Uh take you out like that thank you and I’m still going to do the auta and slab idea just because I need need to be conscious with my resources oh uh why did you come like that oh yeah I know why yeah so I should go like that and then like that

Yes yes yes yes yes yes okay uh fine fine fine that’s something I can mess about within a bit I want to get a spawner I don’t have time for this shill [Laughter] right stop rushing calm down I know you want to get back to where you were before you died by a

Stupid creeper but rushing is not going to get you there slow is smooth smooth is fast um so I say I’m going up to 85 didn’t I so thank you 85 what level on now oh okay not that far off already going quick which is good

Not that it’s the end of the world when I double slab it cuz I could just build on top of it it’s just like I say it’s just being careful with the resources cuz it takes so many resources to build uh what we on 74 okay don’t fall

See it’s not the end of the world when I double stack it like that just you know it’s one less Oak slab that I’ve got now imagine if I get to the point where I’m like I’m exactly one Oak sta short I’m just I know exactly where that St is right I

Am going to do this all solid now actually you know what I don’t even need to do those our ones do I cuz so I can save myself some more resources by just doing these what level am I on 83 so that’s 84 so that’s 85 yes hello we is so High all right so that’s one damn you one two three four five six Chevy there we go beautiful beautiful you love to see it that is our first Gully nice I reckon we will be back to where we were for the end of the stream which you know is a little bit

Gutting the for all this game playay I’m only back to where I was but at the same time I don’t think that’s bad progress how many Subs I’ve got left oh got quite few okay all Right one two three four five six Chevy on Squishy cat hey how you doing you’re right hope you’re having a good weekend I have been having a very mixed stream should we say I’ve uh this is now technically my second Minecraft hardcore Sky Block world as I lost my first one in the

First 20 minutes of a stream which uh was painful but you know we we kept smiling we had fun this is where uh Phantoms would definitely spawn tonight surely surely oh no indeed yeah it’s uh it was a bit painful yeah blame the coffee not as in hot coffee but as in uh

Yeah literally my coffee that I was drinking at the time wasn’t really paying attention uh is it even worth trying to get up there you know what after the luck I’ve had today I’m not even going to go up there I’m just going to chop these trees

Down yeah it was um it was a bit of a funny one so I was I was reaching for my coffee um I just killed a load of mobs at the mob spawner and uh a creeper for some reason came down already AGG Ro and it just

Exploded on just exped coded on contact with the the ground um obviously took a lot of my health blew the whole spawner open and then skeleton followed him down pretty shortly after that and uh yeah killed me yeah no siling I’m not uh I’m not taking the risks that I was

I’m getting really creeped out by these Phantoms not uh I think they’re doing like psychological warfare I think they want me to start thinking that i’ they’ve forgotten about me so I start doing something that I shouldn’t be doing at time I should not be doing it

And then bam hey speak of the devil Hi friend bye friend this is this is where one of them comes through the window cuz uh let’s be honest I’ve not really secured that very well have I yes so oh hello goodbye I mean I did joke about it but

They are going to come through those holes in the wall they’re not that stupid they know that they’re there they will come through them uh let’s make a couple of them actually and then I think the rest can be used to make trap doors we’ll use Spruce trap doors cuz I

Seem to have more of them already remember no ceiling definitely wasn’t the bad own that caused it it never Case Case CED yeah know um it was just one of those things that happened wasn’t it at the end of the day it is what it is we got a disco

Phantom he’s never going to despawn from there that’ll just be him now he’s trapped cuz he won’t cook in the sunlight I now pet DJ Phantom techno techno techno techno techno techno tech oh come back I miss you you just stay there yeah okay Phantoms eh they’re dancing for you yeah I

Know they’re not they’re not that bad really are they Phantoms get a bad rep I was supposed to be in a meeting I completely forgot the what time it was but I want to finish my spawner I think you are I think I don’t think the band’s getting back together

No no you still there oh I think he’s very slowly in his very bad Minecraft AI I think it’s very slowly figuring out that I have this open so I think it might be a good idea to close this up yes yes yes please yeah I think he’s very slowly working his way

Along uh then let’s let’s do something different here shall we because why not there we go um yeah and then we’ll do oh I haven’t got enough I haven’t got enough Spruce and I can’t go outside cuz the Phantoms are there oh there’s still one up

There so there’s one up there and then is that the one that’s have I lost him has he gone off oh want to keep him as a pet right uh where is let’s turn some of this into slabs and then make no that’s wrong and then make them into trap

Doors why are trap doors so expensive in survival beautiful uh yeah I’m going to do the same here and same here I don’t want that that’s not beautiful then but I want the spruce but I can’t go get the spruce cuz there’s bad things outside that will kill

Me no F I didn’t mean [Laughter] it I promise I’ll be better I’m not sure if that one that was down here is gone if he’s still there I think he might be gone I think we lost him right I think we’re going to get this mob spawner at least three quarters finished

Today I mean how long’s a Minecraft day 10 minutes and I’ve got quickly make an infinite water source uh oh I don’t know do we reckon I’m quick enough to get it done in one Minecraft day from where we’re at I can I be able to give it a

Go it’ll be close but I Reon going be a give it a go I know damn Phantoms right uh slab no no no not those slabs those slabs yes not got as much Cobble left as I thought so uh yeah just over three hours I’ve been streaming yeah so yeah I’d like to

Get um I’d like to get this spawner built before I call it a day cuz at least I then feel like you know I am where I was I mean sure the island looks different but we’re basically there there or thereabouts it’s funny cuz on Twitter I did a poll saying shall I

Um shall I stream a Minecraft hardcore world and I put yes you’re going to die or no you’re going to die or something like that so it’s like I knew I knew I was going to die oh well I think um do you know what actually I

Lost my last Minecraft hardcore World on stream as well fighting fighting the dragon I think maybe I’m just cursed when it comes to streaming Minecraft hardcore live streaming live I mean streaming is being live right don’t think I need to specify it’s Live yeah literally I think yesterday me the day before I set the pole and yeah but I knew I was going to die oh my Phantom should be dead or dying why are they so angry why can’t we just be friends why are you not dead in the sunshine thank

You uh right let’s get this built have I got more water yes oh I just thought I this is spawnable up here and I didn’t light it up okay we’re good that could have been very bad that could have been very very bad there you go right there one uh uhoh

Uhoh oh have I done this to myself right got to remember to leave myself a way up one 2 three four 5 6 7 8 yes oh what am I doing what am I doing what am I doing what am I doing stop being silly there we go don’t need

That I’m trying to challenge myself to get one of these built in one well obviously I’ve not done it in one day but as in you know get it finished now in one day that would be good I’m not as careful during streams yeah no I’m I’m definitely not as careful

During streams as I should be two three four five six seven it’s because when I’m doing it um so when I’m recording I quite often take like breaks I pause it I think about what I’m doing um I’m just thinking about this I’m not you know then looking at chat and

Talking and trying to be funny and not boring whereas when you’re live streaming you’re like you know you’re trying to look at the chat you’re trying to be entertaining and generally you’re going in one go you’re not taking breaks and things yeah not that I’m trying to

Justify how terrible I am at Minecraft but uh cuz I am clearly just terrible at Minecraft but I need to try building one of these sometime yeah so there they’re really good uh there’s definitely much better spawners out there but they require red stone and other clever things whereas these

Are they just rely on the AI trying to pathfind around um and they do they do the job they do do the job really well oh that was pretty silly oh that made him one too short that’s okay I can fix that definitely made this one one too short that was silly

Wonder why I did that distracted there we go that’s my ways up right have I made this one too short as well then yes I have goodness sakes I thought I counted it one too short not is I I could have gotten away with it I could have um put signposts down and

Stuff but then it’s another thing that they can potentially get caught on it’s just not worth it might as well just sort it there we go especially I got a water source up here now as well right that one done I must have just miscounted bad

Kmth better at Minecraft than me oh I I don’t know I don’t know about that oh oh what have I done here ruined my own infinite water source there we go pull a gem make it a tree so I’m thinking I’m going to at least clad it

With Spruce and make it look pretty but that’s a that’s a future project like I can’t even sheare leaves at the minute to to do stuff like that so at the moment it is function function before form was that the right term oh for goodness sakes I’ve done it again and

I I’ve done them all one too short form for function I think that’s the term but yeah I just need to get it need to get it oh that’s me out now it’s not good is it that Cobble and all I got any wood on me for a yes I do

I was going to say I knew i’ been mining to get some more Cobble cuz I knew I was running low there we go I don’t think I’m going to get this finished in one Minecraft day cuz I’m running lower on resource than I thought I was right

One which is a shame it’s a damn shame but we shall get there I’m just assuming I’ve done this one one too short this way this is the only one I’ve done the right length and I’ve just messed it up but we shall see M me

I did make myself a lift didn’t I did I just do that did I just make myself a lift don’t think I did no I did not that could have been bad right let’s clear all this and then we are good we’re then just building spawn platforms it’s already getting dark

What’s going on where’s the time going how how is this happening where’s the Minecraft time go people is it me am I the problem am I just talking nonsense oh did I bring torches with me as well cuz otherwise this is going to be working when I don’t want it to be

Working there we go that should be right so two high and then a slab yes beautiful so that’s why um so I think if you do them free high you can get uh Enderman in them so you can make a it’d be pretty inefficient but you can make an Enderman Farm basically

But then you still got to deal with the fact that they’ll land in the bottom you’ll hit them and then they’ll Agro on you and they’ll teleport out of the chamber so I’m not really all about that life come on how much this can I get done come

On right time to jump down I don’t want to lose another another world today oh my goodness he fell off the side then what is wrong with me me when I’m back again right have I got plenty of sapin yes I’ve got some so that’s fine uh so the Phantoms should be here

Any minute should be oh didn’t want to do that that’s not how we chop these trees down is it once I up in the leaves the Phantoms can’t get me so although it’s not very much fun for you like just watching me in the dark chopping a tree

So I’ll probably jump down for the moment it’s one thing I um never used to really think about when I very first started streaming where um I’d be doing something like I’d be caving or I’d be doing something and like people would be like yeah that’s that’s cool ker but uh

We can’t see anything that you’re doing ah yeah okay yeah doing stuff in the dark is uh is not too fun for the viewer but like say that the shaders do help to an extent keep things sort of light seriously where are they excuse me hello you you should be trying

To kill me by now so inconsiderate they can’t keep a oh yeah brilliant as I got to do something yeah well played worst thing to be added to Minecraft since my mustache right uh least I’ve now got the stuff with me to do some prettifying in

Here so let’s make a load of that make uh don’t need quite that many but we’ll make that many we will make the trap doors I need for up on the thing you do hick the thing M Jabber also known as a spawner um I don’t really know what to do with

You do we still try and do a window yeah go on them and then oh for goodness sakes there we go bootyful it’s bootyful I would say that is the basic decoration in here done I’ve got my infinite fuel source there lovely day lovely jubly they always wait till you’re doing

Something they do they really do got to go yeah no wise have a great evening thanks for popping by the uh the stream and being active in the chat and chatting with me it’s been fun always always welcome in my streams oh one last thing don’t forget the

Twitter thing yes I will check the Twitter thing I will check the meme oh check the Mimi momy momy momy m yeah have fun with your friend have a good rest of your weekend I’m probably not going to be streaming for much longer I just want to get this mob spawner

Finished and then I’ve got a gaming date with some friends to shoot things in the face going to be playing some Seven Days to Die later I’m still not decided if I’m going to stream that as well but if I do I’ll stream on Twitch I’ll see what they’re all doing

See what they’re all up to if they’re not streaming it I probably won’t stream it either I don’t think that looks too bad down here I think it looks quite pretty just going to um do that get rid of you cuz I don’t need you you go in

There yeah it definitely has its own charm i’ still say that my old starter house is probably prettier but that’s lost to the EA now that’s last forever right I might need some more torches so best get that going get some charcoal for torches and then yeah I reckon we’ll be

Able to get this get this spawner finished hello can you please be daytime see if I can see where they are where are they oh yep there’s quite a few of them hi friends Hello Goodbye yeah not risking it not risking it they’ve killed me enough in series in the past

They can just cook off in the sunshine like good flying rodents I’m wondering if I’ve got enough trap doors as well I think between all of this and the resources I’ve got here I think I should have enough resources to finish it today I know that could be famous last words

I’ve been trying to finish it for the last two Minecraft days but we are only on day seven and I think we was already on day like 14 in my previous World by the time we got to here so we are getting back to where we

Were quicker than how we got to it before I think part of that is experience and part of that is um that I’m streaming rather than doing my usual recording Hello Goodbye yeah yeah free Phantoms I’m not I’m not messing around with that I haven’t even

Built any uh barriers up there yet to stop me falling into the void so big bag of nope yeah day seven oh stay T why are you not dead you should be dead you should be dead or dying on fire yes please die that’s one that’s two number three

Is gone cool Sweet let’s go go go go go oh wait before I go before I do I’ve got seiz plant Uh there we go that one wasn’t quite ready was it damn it silly me let’s hope nothing spawned up here that’s about to shoot me off the edge oh no there we go I need to rectify that uh that’s not what I had in mind that

Do right come on today’s the day let’s do it I’ve got a good feeling about this I think we can do it placing Slabs with shift press down so I don’t fall into the void racing slabs with shift press down so I don’t fall and lose another world more beautiful singing for you I know I should charge extra for that but you know truthfully it’s as much for me as it is for

You no no no no no no no no no no no I just want to be squishy back to where I was before I had my uh my little incident should we say was so frustrating but at the same time you know you’re streaming so you’re like oh

Well you know these things happen oh I’m dying inside that was getting into a right little rhythm that would it I don’t know how much wood I’ve got I may regret doing a lot of this out of Oak uh yeah we’ll see got a little bit more on me

Uh you need to be cleared out not much more to go it’s starting to look like a spawner right that’s all of them in place so now just walls oh hopefully I’ve got enough stuff on me if not I’ll just mix a match I’m not that fussed about it

Looking pretty at the minute cuz priting it up is what’s going to come later should charge 10 diamonds real life diamonds yeah it’s going quick it’s going quick yeah I am I am getting there but I’m still not where I was I mean I had a bit of gold armor I

Had a bit of bling I had a shield I had a bed I had a little cute little house I had Farms oh I forgot on this oh I’ve not got enough damn you damn Dam damn Dam damam Dam dam damn you it’s okay we can get there anass oh but I’ve got them forgot about them so all the other Oak that I quickly made

Up so we will have to jump down any way to quickly get some Spruce that’s all right got load Spruce down got a load Spruce down there so we will be all right I’ll be able to get some more Oak while I’m down there cuz that’s what I’m about to run out Of I just got to put roof on it and then we’ll be good good to go yeah always the trap doors they’re the most probably I’d say expensive part of this build as well especially when you’re like you know playing this game mode and it’s all those planks just for two trap

Doors which I still don’t quite get the recipe for that but hey ho that is literally me out of Oak uh but I do actually have quite a bit of Cobble on me still you spuy yeah always the D trap doors oh well we are so close though we are so

Close now I can give myself big old pat on the back ouch go go go go go I did leave a crafting table out there didn’t I yes yes I did I’m sure I did oh that felt sketchy chapters there we go let’s Go okay oh I’m using a ho as long as I get like this first little bit covered I should be safe when I come back up in the morning nothing should shoot me in the face nothing should blow up we should be good oh don’t mind

Me well I’d say we got very close to finishing it very very close but I don’t think we’re going to quite be there there’ll be there’ll be something May oh uhoh that could have been bad so could be bad if I get trapped in it there we go right I’ve got to get

Down oh I’m going to get smacked by Phantom and I’m going to cry all right well we’ve got a thing I’m um I’m going to call it a stream there I think cuz I’ve been going for nearly 4 hours and my family is probably wondering what I look like if Bo forgot

What I look like yeah thanks for coming by um hopefully if you watched from the beginning hopefully you had a good laugh when um when I died but yeah I’ll um I will be I will live stream this again um I just I need

To be more careful don’t I I need to be a bit more careful in what I’m doing um but yeah I I think speaking to you all in the chat I think I’m just going to carry the season on so I think my episode three would just be a funny sort of like

Um oh I’m my composter I think my episode 3 would just be a funny sort of like oh yeah we’re going to be doing this today except for that we would have been if this hadn’t happened and then I’ll show the clip of me dying um and then yeah and then I think

I will go from there yeah I hope you’ve enjoyed the stream I hope to see you again soon thank you for supporting me thank you for watching hopefully I’m will be able to stream a bit more now that life has calmed down a bit yeah speak you all soon CIA Bellow

This video, titled ‘Getting Villagers in Minecraft Hardcore Skyblock!’, was uploaded by Cuzza88 on 2023-12-04 06:34:07. It has garnered 75 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 03:43:32 or 13412 seconds.

Base building in Minecraft Hardcore Skyblock! We’re going to get some Villagers today and get ready to take on the Nether!

Check my links on Linktree:

British Minecraft Youtuber, producing no-swearing family friendly Minecraft content.

Minecraft Skyblock but its hardcore

#minecraft #minecraftskyblock #minecrafthardcormode #minecraftskyblockhardcore

  • Creepy Craft: 3AM Sleep Turns Strange

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  • Sneaky Modern Underground Minecraft House

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  • Strange Mods in Minecraft 1.21 Tricky Trials Update

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  • Ultimate Epic Battle: Defeating Dragon in Hardcore Minecraft

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  • Fabulous Miners SMP Whitelisted Java Bedrock 1.20.X

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  • Dragonia Gaming

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  • Minecraft 1.12.0/1.20.4: See All Crafts with JEI

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    SECRET MINECRAFT COLLAB: YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENS! #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Майнкрфат Сейчас покажу #viral #майнкрафт #minecraft #gaming #memes #videogames #video #gamer’, was uploaded by ILYA x ISMA on 2024-03-06 13:15:00. It has garnered 6805 views and 175 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ Subpishis ➜ Our social network social network ➜ SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO… Read More

  • BaconBoy’s Insane Minecraft PS4 Gameplay 🔥

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  • Insane RLcraft Gameplay! First time players? #minecraft

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  • Lost in Minecraft: Where’s the End Update?

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  • Bearman3600 Exposes Insane Minecraft Strategies

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  • Insane Challenge: Surviving on SCULK ONE BLOCK with Maizen

    Insane Challenge: Surviving on SCULK ONE BLOCK with MaizenVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ And Mikey Survive On SCULK ONE BLOCK In Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Maizem on 2024-05-31 13:00:03. It has garnered 3574 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:09 or 2469 seconds. JJ And Mikey Survive On SCULK ONE BLOCK In Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you… Read More

  • EPIC Mother’s Day Minecraft Surprise!!

    EPIC Mother's Day Minecraft Surprise!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mothers’ Day Minecraft Showcase!!!’, was uploaded by ChaChaYourVmom on 2024-05-13 09:59:46. It has garnered 681 views and 99 likes. The duration of the video is 01:57:45 or 7065 seconds. Explore your own unique worlds, survive the night, and create anything you can imagine! Minecraft is a 2011 sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios and originally released in 2009. The game was created by Markus “Notch” Persson in the Java programming language. Come home to my Discord! You, too, can be an elite for only $0.99/month! Join my channel: If you’re struck by the… Read More

  • Alinea SMP | Whitelisted | Proximity Voice Chat | 1.21 | Vanilla Compatible | Extra Enchantments | Launched Today | New World

    Alinea Minecraft Server Alinea Come join Alinea, a 1.21 SMP Minecraft server offering a Vanilla-like experience with added features. Whitelisted for protection, custom enchantments, food skewers, proximity voice chat, and more. Join our Discord server to apply and start playing today! VANILLA+ SMP – Join with a Vanilla client and enjoy all features except proximity voice chat. To join, apply for our whitelist in the #whitelist-application channel on our Discord server. Application includes an interview and rule review. Feature Spotlight Proximity Voice Chat – Use Plasmo Voice to talk in-game. Food Skewers – Try new foods like veggie skewers. Extra… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Community Overload!

    Well, I guess the meme is scoring pretty high despite its humble beginnings as just a joke title. Minecraft memes are definitely a force to be reckoned with! Read More

  • Block Xuan: Crafting Calculations, Minecraft Style!

    Block Xuan: Crafting Calculations, Minecraft Style! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Fangkuaixuan brings joy with every dive. Animations that are funny and bright, Bringing happiness, day and night. No pirated content, only originals here, With humor and fun, there’s nothing to fear. So follow along, subscribe with glee, For Minecraft adventures, come join me! From classroom series to song adaptation too, Fangkuaixuan’s channel has something for you. So dive into the world of blocks and fun, With MC Funny, the journey’s just begun. So let’s do some calculations today, In Minecraft world, where we laugh and play. Join Fangkuaixuan, the master of… Read More